Welcome to Nord-Pas de Calais

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Welcome to Nord-Pas de Calais. Area : 12414 km² Population : 4 024 490 in habitants. le Nord . Capital City : Lille. Capital city : Arras. Lillers. Even if at times the weather is rainy or cold … …. …the weather may also b e fine …. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Welcome to Nord-Pas de Calais

Area: 12414 km²Population : 4 024 490 inhabitants

Capital city : Arras

le Nord.Capital City : Lille


Even if at times the weather is rainy or cold … …

…the weather may alsobe fine …

From the seaside to the ‘mountain’!

Coal tips under the snow

Artificial ski-run in the mining district

Of Noeux-les-Mines

Sand-yachting on the coast of


75 % of the inhabitants of the Region live in an urban environment and more than one inhabitant out of two live in a town of over 100 000 inhabitants.

Dense urban areas Moderately urbanised

Rural areas

A highly populated and urbanised Region : 4 million inhabitants.

An industrial Region

Nord - Pas-de-Calais is the 4th industrial Region in France . Since the mines were closed down, and with the decline of the textile industry, the 4 most important sectors in our regional industry have been : car manufactories, steel industry, glass and glassware manufactories, and transformation industries.


But it is also a great agricultural region

Agriculture takes up 70% of the Region’s area, mainly in Pas de Calais. It is specialised in the production of cereals, sugar beet, colza, potatoes, vegetables (among which chicory ) but also cattle breeding for the production of milk (numerous cheeses).

The Carnival at


A Region where people enjoy

having fun !

Lens Stadium

The Giants of the North

Its Maroille cheese tart

Mussels and chips

Le potjevleesch

…and also enjoy good food !

Its sugar tart

La bière

Have fun, and enjoy local food !!!