Welcome to The Best of Wyckoff 2010 Wyckoff · PDF fileWelcome to The Best of Wyckoff 2010...

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Welcome to The Best of Wyckoff 2010

Wyckoff Rediscovered Sponsored By

eSignal and PFG Best

Gavin Holmes was born in the United Kingdom in Southampton, and after leaving college served with both the Hampshire Constabulary and Metropolitan Police in law enforcement. Gavin’s drive and enthusiasm to help others better themselves led him to start his first business in 2000 and shortly afterwards he was to have

the meeting that changed his life. That meeting took place in London in May 2001 when Gavin first met former professional syndicate trader and author of

“The Undeclared Secrets That Drive The Stock Market” and “Master The Markets” Tom Williams, a fellow British gentlemen who had retired at 40 having worked for a major trading syndicate in Beverley Hills, California, in the 70’s and


Williams had developed a computer program called Wyckoff Volume Spread Analysis that was able to produce trading signals based on the principles taught by Richard D Wyckoff in the early 1900’s. These signals were uncannily accurate

and as Gavin did due diligence he discovered that Williams had discovered a major breakthrough in charting the financial markets to track professional money,

and so shortly afterwards formed TradeGuider Systems Ltd with his long time friend and business partner Richard Bednall to bring this valuable and timely

methodology to the trading community worldwide.

Taught to trade the system by Williams, Gavin now travels the world teaching traders and investors how to read a chart correctly by

understanding the interrelationship between the Volume, Price and Range/Spread of a price bar to determine the activity of “Smart Money”

and then trade in harmony with the professionals. Gavin is a regular speaker and educator at CME Group events both online and live on stage and is one of the few traders who trades their live account showing VSA set ups and trading them as they appear. Gavin’s mission is to educate

traders and investors to become experts at the lost art of chart reading, and to understand the importance of volume, the hidden secret of the

markets. TradeGuider and the VSA methodology is now taught in over 40

countries and Gavin’s mission to help the uneducated and allow an understanding of how the markets “Really” work and gained great

impetus when TradeGuider Systems recently launched it’s sister website www.marketmanipulation.com where the truth is revealed from many

sources and the solution to reading a chart is found at www.vsaclub.com.

Richard Demille Wyckoff (November 2, 1873 – March 19, 1934) was a stock

market authority, founder and onetime editor of the Magazine of Wall

Street (founding it in 1907), and editor of Stock Market Technique.

"...Thousands of those who operate in the markets now recognize the fact that the market momentarily indicates its own immediate future, and that these indications are accurately recorded in the market transactions second by second, and therefore those who can interpret what transactions take place second by second or moment by moment have a distinct advantage over the general trading public...." Richard D Wyckoff, 1914

Tom George Williams - Born February 4th 1929

“ If you can read a chart correctly, understand the markets do not move randomly but are moved by the “Smart Money” and you can see their intention at support and resistance levels by looking for the tale, tale footprints hidden in the volume and price, you have a chance to profit by following there footsteps. Volume is vital in your analysis, which is why the self regulated exchanges around the world will not release true volume figures until the day after trading took place!! Tom Williams, 2010

Richard Ney – Actor, Author, Investor and Educator (November 12, 1915 – July 18, 2004)

“In which it is shown that if you scrap traditional approaches to the market and attack the financial conspiracy with its own weapons, you can beat the stock exchange insiders at their own game”

Charles "Lucky" Luciano (born Salvatore Lucania; November 24,

1897 – January 26, 1962) was a Sicilian-born American mobster.

"The story is told that after he had been deported to Italy, Infamous New York City gangster Lucky Luciano granted an interview in which he described a visit to the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. When the operations of floor specialists had been explained to him, he said, 'A terrible thing happened. I realized I'd joined the wrong mob"

“You know a lot of times when I was short at my hedge

fund and I was position short, meaning I needed it

down, I would create a level of activity beforehand that

could drive the futures. It doesn’t take much money.”

Jim Cramer Interview December 2006

James Cramer (born February 10, 1955)] is an American television personality, a former hedge fund manager, and a best-selling author. Cramer is the host of CNBC’s Mad Money and a co-founder and Chairman of TheStreet.com.

Friday April 16th 2010

Richard Wyckoff – Richard Ney – Tom Williams – Jim Cramer The Connection

Objective For This Weekend To Learn How YOU Can Profit By Understanding WHY Markets are

Manipulated, and how to identify the footprints on a chart

to Trade In Harmony with the Manipulators.

Recent Email Extract – A new TradeGuider Customer listening In Now. “Gavin – Can I really be a successful and consistently profitable trader? There is so much snake oil in the trading business. I have spent well over $50,000 on courses, books and joined several so called “Live” trading rooms where the actual educators NEVER trade a live account, just a simulator, and that is simply not real!! I have tried just about everything and this is a last resort because I have not made any profits for 5 years. I have been following your work and that also of Robert Hoffman who was in the VSA Club recently and you are trading real money, in real time on what is obviously not a simulator which your broker confirmed when I checked (I was skeptical initially) and you are obviously both very successful. Do you have some secret that you are not revealing or can anyone be trained to do what you guy’s do?”

Congratulations and Good Luck To Earl Erenler and Tim Rayment

Tim WON the World Cup Trading FOREX division championship in 2009, and Earl is making great

progress in 2010, Both Traders Use Volume Spread Analysis

Are the Markets Random or Can News Be Used to Drive The

Herd Here some examples

If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read

the newspaper you are misinformed. -- Mark Twain

The Market Works Because Human Beings Have Two Powerful Emotions They Have Difficulty Controlling


“The market has to be fed losers. It is devious and what you hear will often not be the truth. I have never heard the truth about the stock

market or any market on television. Just look at the news about the Oil market in May 2008. Greed at the top as many traders piled in because they were told oil had to go to $200 a barrel!! The chart never lies, and Gavin went on YouTube to show ‘The End of a Rising Market’. Then look

at the banking sector in 2008 during September. Fear set in and professional money began to BUY not SELL and that caused stocks like

Goldman Sachs to Rally 200%. It was all in the chart if you know how to analyze SUPPLY AND DEMAND”.

Tom Williams – Retired “Smart Money” Syndicate Trader. (Lets look at the news shall we!!)

Greed at the Top – Rushing in to Buy Example – Oil Contract June 2008 Dropped from $147.00 to $30.00

Fear at the Bottom Example – Goldman Sachs Stock Rallied and went from up 400%


May 2008 – OIL HAS TO GO TO $200 – THERE IS NO SUPPLY !!!

Many Analysts Said The Same Thing – I Went On You Tube To Warn Traders!!

Posted July 17th 2008 As Oil Began to Plummet!!

The Chart Never Lies

Friday April 30th 2010

Friday April 30th 2010

Lets take a look at the chart and see if we can spot Yao Ming anywhere!!!

If an alien landed and asked how tall you were and the alien had never

seen a human being then you would need to give that alien a comparison,

just like looking at volume on a chart!!

Houston’s Yao Ming would be ULTRA HIGH VOLUME on a chart!! He is currently the tallest player in the NBA, at 2.29 m (7 ft 6 in).

Crude Oil Daily Chart – Vertical line is on 6th February 2009 bar.

Crude Oil Daily Chart – Massive Accumulation

Crude Oil Daily Chart – 5th February 2010

It Looks Easy In Hindsight Gavin!! Can You Show Us A VSA Set Up TODAY AS WE WATCH YOU LIVE, In Foresight Not Hindsight, So That We Can Follow and Learn As The Chart Unfolds????

Oil 2008 – Dropped to $30.00 August 2009 – SUGAR ANYONE??

July 2006 – Eminent Business School Figures It Out!!

February 2006 – The Start of Distribution To The Herd!!!

Here Is The Best VSA Entry To Short


Andrew Maguire and Paul Coghlan