What is ReSAKSS?_2009

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"What is ReSAKSS?", presentation by Babatunde Omilola, ReSAKSS-Africa Wide, in Exploring New Opportunities and Strategic Alternatives to Inform African Agricultural Development, Planning, and Policy ReSAKKS conference held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 23-24, 2009


Introduction to Conference and


Babatunde OmilolaReSAKSS Africa-wide Coordinator

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

ReSAKSS Africa-wide Conference: Exploring New Opportunities and Strategic Alternatives to Inform African Agricultural Development, Planning and Policy

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa HeadquartersAddis Ababa, EthiopiaNovember 23-24, 2009

Outline of Presentation

• Objectives of Conference

• Review of Conference Agenda

• What is ReSAKSS?

• Future of ReSAKSS

Objectives of Conference• To discuss strategies to boost agricultural development in Africa.

• To bring together policymakers, researchers, representatives fromfarmers’ organizations, donor and development agencies, and theprivate sector in order to explore new opportunities and strategicalternatives to inform African agricultural development, planning,and policy.

• To assess countries’ progress in implementing CAADP, discuss whatneeds to be done in the future, and share experiences and successstories.

• To brainstorm on the best methods for using agriculture to have on-the-ground impact, improve the lives of poor people, and spureconomic growth and development in African countries.

Review of Conference Agenda• Opening statements by representatives of AU, RECs, donors, and IFPRI

• Three themes:

a. Agricultural Performance, Public Spending, Growth and Poverty Reduction Trends

b. Strategies and Options for Improving Agricultural Performance

c. Mechanisms for Implementing Agricultural Development Strategies

• Keynote presentations and panel discussions by IFPRI directors, ReSAKSScoordinators, CAADP pillar institutions, RECs, country strategy programsand famers’ organizations on overview of agricultural performance inAfrica; CAADP pillar frameworks; experiences with ReSAKSS; and policyand knowledge systems to promote economic growth and povertyreduction.

• Panel discussions on the future role of ReSAKSS in informing Africanagricultural development, planning and policy.

What is ReSAKSS?

• ReSAKSS supports the African Union, the NEPAD Secretariat,Regional Economic Communities, and their member countries, aswell as their partners, to ensure that CAADP implementation isguided by cutting-edge agricultural and economic research—withthe ultimate goal of reducing poverty and hunger, and improving thelives of all Africans throughout the continent.

• ReSAKSS provides high quality and timely analysis, data, knowledge,information, tools and technical support to track progress in Africanagriculture and food security; promotes evidence-based policy anddecisionmaking; and fills gaps in knowledge.

What is ReSAKSS?

• ReSAKSS helps African policymakers to determine priorities, identifyappropriate levels and areas of investment, allocate resourcesefficiently, and create comprehensive development strategies.

• ReSAKSS encourages knowledge sharing and access among anetwork of partners in Africa (development institutions, regionalbodies, researchers, practitioners, policy makers, farmer groups).

• ReSAKSS regularly and continuously measures progress, and shares experiences across countries with respect to CAADP goals

– Are countries achieving the targeted growth rates? (6%)– Are countries investing at the targeted level? (10%)– Are these investments having their intended impacts on poverty and hunger?

• ReSAKSS informs the review processes established by the AU/NEPAD (mutual, peer and progress review)

ReSAKSS regional nodes

Africa-wide at IFPRI – coordinates across regional nodes-works with AU and


Eastern and Central Africa at ILRI in Nairobi - works with COMESA

Southern Africa at IWMI in Pretoria –works with SADC

West Africa at IITA in Ibadan – works with


Key Features of ReSAKSS Analytical Support

• Strategic analysis– Several working papers, issue briefs, and annual trends reports.

– M&E framework created and operationalization has started with data collectionon recommended indicators at the national, regional and continental levels.

• Knowledge management– Website and e-newsletter.

– Engaging in review, dialogue, and knowledge mechanisms to facilitate thetransition toward evidence-based and outcome-oriented strategy planning andimplementation, thereby ensuring better outcomes.

• Capacity strengthening– CAADP Roundtable Process launched in several countries.

– Helping in guiding the set up of country SAKSS nodes in many countries.

– In-country training sessions on modeling, GIS, etc.

How does ReSAKSS provide analysis, knowledge and

information support in tracking progress of African agriculture and

food security in the context of CAADP?






CAADP Framework endorsed by African leaders, (targets of 6% & 10%) and agreed upon by all African leaders.

In order to implement goals of CAADP framework, decisionmakers need evidence-based knowledge and analysis on investments, growth options, etc.

ReSAKSS, though its network of partners, takes stock and starts analysis of growth and investment options.

ReSAKSS facilitates country-specific knowledge, information and analysis by working with in-country policy and knowledge hubs.

ReSAKSS manages this knowledge so that decisionmakers and stakeholders can access and utilize it. Debate and dialogue take place in countries as they consider options for implementing CAADP framework (lead-up to CAADP Roundtables)

Country CAADP compacts are signed binding stakeholders to goals set forth at Roundtables.

CAADP Implementation Status by Country based on ReSAKSS Analytical Support

Key indicators Monitored by ReSAKSS


• Formal communications, declarations

• Compact signings (country and regional)

• Review and dialogue

• Mutual accountability framework

Agricultural Investments

• Levels and Shares

• Sub-sector

• Spatial

Agricultural Growth

• Levels and growth rates

• Production and Productivity

Poverty Reduction

• Headcount index

• Absolute numbers

• MDG projections

Other factors: trade, hunger,

inputs, prices, etc.

ReSAKSS Website: www.resakss.org

Page 13

ReSAKSS website provides “one-stop

shop” for policymakers, researchers,

representatives from farmers’

organizations, donor and development

agencies, and the private sector

Users can customize the map

and charts based on the specific

information they are looking for, whether that be

regional information…

The ReSAKSS website allows users to easily track

progress against the CAADP and MDG

targets while also accessing a wealth of knowledge and

data on agricultural development in Africa

When a country is selected, the map, charts and bottom

narrative change to provide all available information on that


…or country-specific information.

By zooming out, users can select

another country…

…thereby enabling cross-country comparisons over time. Users can view each

country’s progress toward the 6% CAADP

target and compare this to other countries.

...or compare countries’ performance across years.

All indicators can be shown at once

for a country, with an easy-to-use slider to view

changes over time.

Downloadable Data

All data can be easily exported:

- An image file of a color-coded Africa Wide map for one indicator and one year at a time

- A bar chart of all indicators for one country in one year

- A line chart of all countries for one indicator

- An excel file (spreadsheet) of all data on the selected indicator OR all data for the selected country. Example of image export for population in 2000.

• A series of high-quality and analytical working papers, issue briefs and trendreports shared with policy-makers to provide credible evidence to basepolicy decisions

• Examples:• “Agricultural Development, Investment and Poverty in Africa: Trends and Performance. ReSAKSS Africa-wide

Annual Trends Report 2009 (Forthcoming).

• “Monitoring Agricultural Sector Performance, Growth and Poverty in Africa.” ReSAKSS Africa-wide AnnualTrends Report 2008.

• Status and Trends in Agriculture and Food Security Indicators in East and Central Africa”. ReSAKSS East andCentral Africa Trends Report 2008

• “Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System for the Comprehensive African Agriculture DevelopmentProgramme (CAADP).” ReSAKSS Working Paper No. 6, 2008.

• “Accelerating Africa’s Food Production in Response to Rising Food Prices – Impacts and Requisite Actions.”ReSAKSS Working Paper No. 3, 2008

• “Public Spending for Agriculture in Africa: Trends and Composition”. ReSAKSS Working Paper No. 28, 2009

• "Investing in African Agriculture to Halve Poverty by 2015." ReSAKSS Issue Brief No. 4, 2008.

Series of Knowledge and Information Products

• “Tracking Agricultural Spending for Agricultural Growth and Poverty Reduction in Africa.” ReSAKSS Issue Brief No. 5,2008.

• “Agricultural Growth and Investment Options for Poverty Reduction in Uganda.” ReSAKSS Working Paper No. 17, 2008.

• “Agricultural Growth and Investment Options for Poverty Reduction in Malawi.” ReSAKSS Working Paper No. 18, 2008.

• “Agricultural Growth and Poverty Reduction in Malawi: Past Performance and Recent Trends.” ReSAKSS Working PaperNo. 8, 2008.

• “Monitoring Trends in Public Expenditures in Agriculture: The Case of Malawi.” ReSAKSS Working Paper No. 9, 2008.

• “Promoting Fertilizer use in Africa: Current Issues and Empirical Evidence from Malawi, Zambia and Kenya.” ReSAKSSWorking Paper No. 13, 2008.

• “Agricultural Growth Options for Poverty Reduction in Mozambique.” ReSAKSS Working Paper No. 20, 2008.

• “Agriculture for Development in Ghana: New Opportunities and Challenges.” ReSAKSS Working Paper No. 16., 2008

• “Trends in Agricultural and Rural Development Indicators in Zambia.” ReSAKSS Working Paper No. 2, 2007

• “Growth and Poverty Reduction Impacts of Public Investments in Agriculture and Rural Areas: Assessment Techniques,Tools and Guide for Practitioners.” ReSAKSS Working Paper No. 7, 2008.

Knowledge Products (Contd.)

Future of ReSAKSS• Consolidation and repositioning of ReSAKSS as the leading knowledge

platform for review, learning, dialogue and benchmarking of agriculturalpolicy planning and implementation in Africa.

• Full operationalization at country level of the monitoring and evaluationsystem (M&E).

• Adequate technical assistance for the establishment and operation ofcountry SAKSS nodes.

• Monitoring of regional agricultural sector trends and emerging strategicissues such as food and financial crises, emerging trade and investmentissues, land and climate change issues.

• Close cross-cutting collaborations with AU/NEPAD, RECs, CAADP Pillarinstitutions, CGIAR centers, technical institutions in Africa, AGRA and otherdevelopment partners such as the World Bank and FAO.

Thank you!