What makes a society great? Are there examples of a truly “great” soceity? why or why not?

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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What makes a society great? Are there

examples of a truly “great” soceity? why

or why not?

During the Cold War Era, the easing of tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union resulted in1.the organization of the Warsaw Pact2.the invasion of Hungary and Czechoslovakia3.the Berlin Airlift4.a treaty banning nuclear tests

•Lyndon Baines Johnson

•LBJ is president after JFK

•Poorer background, from Texas

•Infamous for the way he treated politicians - great at making deals!

•Where did Kennedy focus his reforms/attention? What about Johnson? Which is better?

•Early Reforms:

•Tax reduction: What does this mean for business?

•Civil Rights Act of 1964 - discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality illegal

•Economic Opportunity Act - $1 billion to youth programs

•“Great Society” Created

•Reforms include Medicare (old people), Medicaid (for welfare), Immigration Act, environmental reform, and Consumer Safety Acts

Should someone who is arrested forfeit their rights? What rights do you have?

 “We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.”

—Brown v. Board of Education(1954)

Which constitutional idea was the basis for this Supreme Court decision?


•protection against double jeopardy•freedom of speech•right of assembly•equal protection of the law

•Warren Court (Earl Warren)

•Big changes to American society

•No sanctioned prayer, ensures free speech, segregation unconstitutional, etc.

•Warren also attacked issue of apportionment.

•Should rural and urban areas have the same representation in the government?

•Baker v. Carr - federal gov. can redraw state districts for Congressional elections

•Reynolds v. Sims - fed. can do the same for state elections

•Mapp v. Ohio - illegally gathered evidence can’t be used in court

•Gideon v. Wainwright - free legal council if you can’t afford it

•Escobedo v. Illinois - right to a lawyer during questioning

•What are your Miranda Rights?