Whitsunday Brahmans 2015 grand final coverage

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The Times, Thursday, September 3, 2015 — 41

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SAtuRDAy PRE GRAND FINAL EVENtSupporters & players luncheon 11am - Reef Gateway Hotel

All supporters welcome - Free Entry.2pm- Final Captains Run training session at Les Stagg Oval - Proserpine.

SuNDAy - ItS GRAND FINAL DAy1pm Down Under Bar Whitsunday Brahmans

Reserve Grade v Moranbah Miners3pm Metropole/Airlie Action Scaffolding Whitsunday Brahmans

A Grade v Sarina Crocodiles

VENuE: StADIum mAcKAySupporter buses leaving from Reef Gateway & MetropoleHotels, contact directly to book a ticket. $30 A tIcKEt

RUGBY LEAGUE: Without theweek off, Brahmans’ coachJames Webb isn’t sure histeam would’ve been able tofront up for Sunday’s grand fi-nal.

Whitsunday earned theright to a week’s rest after de-feating Sarina in the major se-mi-final a fortnight ago.

That left the Crocs to playSouths in a preliminary finalon Sunday, with the winner toadvance to the decider.

The Brahmans used theweek off to rest sore bodiesand fine-tune their prepara-tion for what is arguably theclub’s most important game inits history.

“It (the week off) was mas-sive for us. Realistically therewere guys there who wouldn’thave been able to play,” Webbsaid.

“The week off is definitely abonus, especially the way weused it.

“It was great having the re-serve grade still in becauseyou’ve got another squad torun with.

“We did our last fitness teston Saturday followed byanother session with reservegrade.

“It was non-contact but we

had a fair hit-out.”Webb said the side’s gritty

18-16 win over the minor pre-miers in the major semi-finalhad given the team confidencegoing into the grand final, buthe knows they have to im-prove if they’re to claim theirfirst Mackay Rugby League A-

grade premiership.“We were very good but we

let ourselves down a few timeswith penalties.

“In grand finals you need afew 50-50 calls and the bounceof the ball to go your way,” hesaid.

“We have to raise the inten-

sity a bit but if we do whatwe’ve been doing well, wehave a good chance.

“It’s going to be a great dayfor the club with both teams inthe grand final.

“I haven’t seen it before andwe may not see it again.”

Webb also encouraged lo-

cals to make the trip south onSunday to support their teamsto what would be historic vic-tories.

“In a tight game you’ve gotto look for whatever can getyou home. If there’s a bigcrowd there it could lift ushome,” he said.

Michael NewmanFullback

Ivan PeteloFront row

Darcy WrightSecond row

Callum WilkinsonUtility

Jhy CockburnHooker

Grant CookeLock

Phil RamageHalfback

Dane VardanegaFive-eighth

David KayWing

Jack BriscoeCentre

Matt AntonyProp

Sam KeyFive-eighth

Week off helps cause

Rohan AhearnSecond row

Isaac RichardsonUtility

James WebbProp

Anthony BlackwoodWing

Alex ClareCentre

42 — The Times, Thursday, September 3, 2015

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Congratulations to the Brahmansfor a fantastic year - and good

luck in the Grand Final






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RUGBY LEAGUE: Fifteen yearsago the Brahmans lost theirone and only A-grade MackayRugby League grand final.

Now they’ve got a shot at re-demption against the sameclub that denied them in 2000.

The coach then was EddieMuller, a former CanterburyBulldogs’ player, and he re-members the game againstSarina vividly.

“I think they beat us byabout 12. We had a few inju-ries and no depth, but the bestthing about Prossie this yearis the depth,” he said.

“In the years I coached, itwas one or the other (strong Aor reserve teams). That’s whathappened to us, we didn’t havemuch in reserve grade and wegot a couple of injuries.”

A focus on depth this yearhas resulted in both A and re-serve grades qualifying forthe decider, which reinforcesMuller’s point.

Muller still keenly followsthe Brahmans and is confi-dent, on the back of the club’s

strong recruiting this year,that Whitsunday can get thejob done on Sunday.

In many ways the stars havealigned for the Brahmans thisyear, with Grant Cooke andDarcy Wright both electing to

return home while formerMackay Cutter Rohan Ahearnhas also opted for Les StaggOval’s pastures.

On top of smart recruitingin the off-season and theirabundance of homegrown ta-lent, it’s shaping as Whitsun-day’s best chance to win an A-grade premiership.

“They’ve picked up a fewgood guys with Cookie (GrantCooke) and Darcy Wright.They’re Q-Cup players so ithas all come together forthem, hopefully they can doit,” Muller said.

“I went down and watchedthe major semi-final and Ithink they just lacked in thelast plays.

“In those big games, espe-cially against Sarina, the boyshave to turn them around andget them on their own linemaking mistakes. We can dothat. Ramage has a good kick-ing game.”

Sunday’s grand final will beplayed at Mackay Stadiumfrom 3pm.

REVENGE: Eddie Muller was the Brahmans’ coach last time they made an A-grade grand final.Coincidentally, the team will play Sarina – the team they lost to in 2000.

Revenge on thecards in deciderBrahmans to atone for 2000 loss


■ Saturday11am – Players, sponsors& supporters’ lunch @Reef Gateway Hotel –steak house2pm – Final captain’s runfor A- and reserve grades@ Les Stagg Oval■ SundayBuses leaving from ReefGateway Hotel &Metropole. $30 returnticket. Book by contactinghotelsReserves v Moranbah @1pmA-grade v Sarina @ 3pm

The Times, Thursday, September 3, 2015 — 43

RUGBY LEAGUE: Regardless ofthe results this weekend, theWhitsunday Brahmans haveachieved their primary goalfor 2015.

At the start of the year theclub identified the road to suc-cess by trying to improvedepth across all three grades.

Players were recruited andhome-grown talent was nour-

ished, and the end result istwo teams playing off in grandfinals on Sunday in Mackay.

“That was the main aim atthe start of the year, to get aclub that had a fair bit ofdepth,” Brahmans’ reservescoach Adam Smith said.

“We’ve been missing thatfor the past few years but thisyear has been good. Even dur-

ing the middle of the yearwhen we had a few injuries inA-grade there were peoplewho stepped up... even the 18sstepped up.” While this year isone worth savouring, it hasn’talways been easy-going forthe Whitsunday Brahmans.Smith is a nine year veteran ofthe club and understandsfeats like having both reserve

and A-grade teams in the de-cider don’t come every day.

“There have been yearswhere both teams have beendown the bottom of the ladder,so it’s good to finally be upthere with the top teams in thecompetition,” he said.

“It was big enough in the lo-cal town when we won re-serves five years ago so it

would be great to win both A-grade and ressies.” While thecurrent day Brahmans haveseemingly emerged from thedark and appear well-placed,the future of the club has alsobeen showcased during theyear, with products of the un-der-18s stepping up to seniorfootball admirably. KadeBreen, Harry Wecker and Kei-

ran Anderson are just a fewnames that illustrate the ta-lent being produced by the re-gion. “In the reserves thereare a fair few who were play-ing 18s last year or the year be-fore. They’re still young buthopefully in the next fewyears we’ll be able to win an A-grade premiership with all thelocal kids,” Smith said.

Focus on depth bears fruit

Ansalem TabuaFullback

Byron TaylorWing

Benny CastleyCentre

Rhys LittleCentre

Cody GallopCentre

Timmy MillerFive-eighth

Louis LeoHalfback

Doug DavyFront row

James CouttsHooker

James FaustFront row

Kade BreenSecond row

Matt LadeSecond row

Kieran AndersonLock

Hugh MiddletonProp

Harry WeckerSecond row

Tyler BoydUtility

Ben BurgessUtility

Brett GlazebrookFront row

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The Times, Thursday, September 10, 2015 — 5

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MICK Malone has been withthe Brahmans for more than40 years but he can’t remem-ber a prouder moment in theclub’s history than Sunday’sdual premierships, when theBrahmans won both A and re-serve grade grand finals atMackay Stadium.

The triumph was the firsttime the club has won an A-grade Mackay and DistrictRugby League premiershipsince joining the competitionin 1994.

What made the day all themore sweet was the fact thereserves also won, defeatingMoranbah to create club his-tory.

“It certainly would be upthere in the history of us play-ing in the Mackay competi-tion,” the club president said.

“I hoped every year I’d seeit. I’m still alive and I’ve seenit, so right now I’m pretty hap-py.”

Whitsunday won the A-

grade decider at Mackay Sta-dium 21-12 over Sarina, whofinished the season as minorpremiers. The Brahmans led10-4 at half-time in what was abruising contest.

“It was a great game but wewanted to win more than Sari-na did,” Malone said. “Sarinahave won premierships herebefore, we haven’t.”

The Brahmans only pre-vious Mackay Rugby Leaguegrand final was in 2000, whenthe Eddie Muller-coachedside went down to the Crocs.

Despite seemingly extract-ing revenge 15 years later, Ma-lone said Sunday’s triumphwasn’t a case of redemption.

“I wouldn’t call it revenge.I’d just say, ‘to those who waitcome the spoils’,” he said.

The reserves won theirmatch against Moranbah 30-4following a brilliant first half.

The Miners’ team includedformer NRL player JaimanLowe, but that didn’t deter theBrahmans who led by 26 athalf-time.

A and reserve grade premierships highlight memorable day

Brahmans rewrite thehistory books with wins

By Keagan Ryan

WHAT A FEELING: A huge Proserpine crowd watched on as the Brahmans claimed A andreserve grade premierships on Sunday in Mackay.

WHITSUNDAY-based Justic-es of the Peace are beingurged to volunteer their timeat the local community sign-ing site hosted by the Whit-sunday Shopping Centre.

A small team is providingthe free legal document sign-ing service every Tuesdayfrom 11am-2pm and Thursdayfrom 2.30-5.30pm, but site co-ordinator Ivan Conway is keento expand.

“More JPs and Commis-sioners for Declarations(Cdecs) would give us greaterflexibility with our roster andmight enable us to add anoth-er day to the service,” he said.

JPs cater for people seekingto have documents witnessed,such as statutory declara-tions, affidavits, enduringpowers of attorney, land titledocuments and wills.

“It is very stimulating andsatisfying to be able to assistcommunity members in theway we do, and the team hereis most dedicated to the pro-gram,” said Mr Conway, whohas been a JP for more than 25years.

Local JPs or Cdecs interest-ed in joining the signing sitecan contact Mr Conway on0419 799 401.

Community members inter-ested in becoming a JP orCdec should see the “How tobecome a JP” section atwww.qld.gov.au/jps.

Communitysite seeksmore JPs

46 — The Times, Thursday, September 10, 2015


bles with our interchanges.”What was most impressive

about the Brahmans’ seasonwas how they peaked at thepointy-end of the year.

Despite finishing third, be-

COACH James Webb knewhow Sunday’s A-grade grandfinal would unfold.

He had no doubt his Brah-mans would get the job done ifthey persisted with the game-plan and held on to the ball.

Whitsunday achieved bothgoals at Mackay Stadium, re-sulting in a memorable 21-12win over Sarina – who finishedthe season as minor premiers.

“It played out exactly likewe expected it would, for bothsides,” Webb said.

“Both teams went out thereto bash each other for as longas they could and see who wasthere when the dust settled.When the dust settled, it wasus getting the better of them.

“It hasn’t set in yet. It feelslike it couldn’t have hap-pened.”

Whitsunday led 10-4 at half-time on the back of big gamesfrom Darcy Wright, Isaac Ri-chardson and Ivan Petelo.

“We had a few injuries inthe first half which limited ourability to change the big menso Ivan Petelo played out-standing minutes for a frontrower, especially in the heatand in such a fast-paced game... it was unheard of,” Webbsaid.

“If it wasn’t for him, wewouldn’t have been able to dothat, we would’ve had trou-

hind Souths and Sarina, Whit-sunday won the major semi-fi-nal and then the grand final tobe crowned A-grade cham-pions in the Mackay competi-tion for the first time in club

history. Webb said it was a fo-cus for the team to finish theseason in top flight.

“Last year we started welland got flat in the back endand we spoke about that,” he

said. “We tried to turn a nega-tive into a positive with thebad start.

“We said ‘well let’s startagain and get some momen-tum going’ and we did.”

Coach’s confidenceprevails in decider

HORNS UP: The Whitsunday Brahmans celebrate their A-grade premiership last Sunday after beating Sarina 21-12 at MackayStadium. Photos: Keagan Ryan

FAIRYTALE FINISH: JamesWebb finished a winner, hang-ing up the boots following theteam's break-through win.The forward has been at theclub for 10 years. He will conti-nue as coach next season.

“When the dustsettled, it wasus getting thebetter of them.”James Webb

nal performance: “I dropped acouple of balls but went al-right... I don’t have much left.”

The junior Brahmans pro-duct scored a try and had ahand in another. But it was the

DARCY Wright returned toProserpine hoping to win apremiership before he em-barked on an overseas trip. Hewalked off Mackay Stadiumafter the grand final as man ofthe match, having led his sideto a memorable victory overSarina.

The 24-year-old left behindSouths Logan Magpies at thestart of the year to return tohis parents’ farm and save mo-ney before his Canadian ad-venture.

Much to the delight of theBrahmans, he also returned tothe footy club.

The second rower was a po-werhouse on Sunday, domi-nating Sarina up the middle asWhitsunday ran out 21-12 win-ners to claim their maidenMackay Rugby League A-grade premiership.

“There’s nothing better. I al-ways wanted to win one withthe Brahmans ... they’re stillmy team,” he said after thegame.

Wright, who was sent to thesin bin following a melee withLain Wyper, said of his perso-

team’s ability to maintain pos-session that he credited forthe nine-point triumph.

“We’ve got a good forwardpack and we had everyoneavailable, too, but we just com-

pleted,” he said.“The other game we played

against them, we didn’t com-plete enough. When we com-pleted, we scored. We did letthem back in a bit though.”

Homecoming triumph in grandfinal for local Prossie product

GUN: Darcy Wright was named man of the match for his stirring effort in the second row.Photo: Keagan Ryan

“There’s nothing better. I al-ways wanted to win onewith the Brahmans ...they’re still my team.”

– Darcy Wright

HOW THE GAME UNFOLDED10th minute – Phil Ramage slots a penalty to openscoring.17th minute – David Kay leaps across in the corner for thegame’s first try. The conversion attempt is waved away.30th minute – Retiring winger Anthony Blackwood addsanother try after Sarina cough up possession. Brahmanslead 10-0.36th minute – Sparks fly as Darcy Wright and Sarina’sLain Wyper trade blows. Both are sent to the sin bin.38th minute – Sarina finally score. The kick isunsuccessful so Whitsunday is up 10-4.HT – 10-4 lead for the Brahmans at the break. Crucial trylate for the Crocs.49th minute – The Crocs are in for their second.Conversion misses so Brahmans lead by 2.58th minute – Try time for Alex Clare thanks to Ivan Peteloand Isaac Richardson. Ramage adds the two. 16-8Brahmans.74th minute – Darcy Wright scores after MichaelNewman’s 80m burst. Brahmans up 20-8.77th minute – Ramage all but seals the deal with a fieldgoal. 13-point lead now.FT – Sarina adds a consolation try after the siren. The kickis no good so Whitsunday is premiers with a 21-12 win.

The Times, Thursday, September 10, 2015 — 47


RUGBY LEAGUE: A grand finalis the pinnacle of any sport. Tosucceed, you need to be atyour best but that’s easiersaid than done.

The big stage pressure,quality opposition and fear offailure are all hurdles stand-ing in the way of performing.

It’s these factors that makethe reserve grade Brahmans’near-perfect game all themore compelling.

Whitsunday was flawlessagainst Moranbah last Sun-day at Mackay Stadium, rac-ing to a 26-0 halftime lead. TheBrahmans eventually won thereserve grade decider 30-4,kick-starting a memorableday for the club. Coach AdamSmith was in awe of the side’sfirst half.

“It was one of the besthalves of footy I’ve seen in aressie’s side for a long time,”

he said. “All I said was chal-lenge yourself and play betterthan your opposite. I think weput a lot of pressure on them

which we benefited off.”Smith said he was sur-

prised Moranbah didn’t firemore shots last Sunday but

credited his side for not allow-ing the Miners into the con-test.

“The second half was very

physical. I thought the wholegame was going to be likethat,” Smith said. “Luckily westarted as well as we did.”

James Coutts, Rhys Littleand Kieran Anderson hadstrong games while TimmyMiller was man of the match.

Flawless reserves land title

CHAMPIONS: The Brahmans produced a dominant performance in the reserve grade grand final, making it two premierships for the club. Photo: Keagan Ryan

Whitsundaydominatesproceedingsfor crownIt was one ofthe best halvesof footy I’veseen...

SCOREBOARDReserves 30 def Miners 4Tries: T. Miller, R. Little, L. Leo, T.Boyd & A. Tabua.

HE HAS represented Walesand played for Crusaders inthe Super League, but retiringBrahman Anthony Black-wood said winning a premier-ship with Whitsunday tookthe cake.

The Brahmans’ wingerhung up the boots after hisside’s 21-12 win over Sarina onSunday, leaving the field forthe last time.

The former coach, whostepped down earlier this yearto be closer to his family, saidthe Brahmans’ grand final winwould be his most cherishedmemory.

“I’ve had a great career infootball and I’ve managed towin things, I’ve gone placesand I’ve made a lot of friendsbut this is probably the thingI’ll remember for the rest ofmy life,” he said.

“From everything I’ve done,even playing international(football) this is the highestprivilege thing I’ve ever done.We’ve got great people, greatplayers, but we did it for thetown. It wasn’t anything per-sonal it was a thing for thetown.

“When I started here I pro-mised them if they gave methree years I’d get them to a fi-nal. Now we’re lucky enoughto win.”

Blackwood credited an em-phasis on defence for theclub’s historic victory, as wellas a dominant performance bythe relentless forward pack.

“The forwards were out-standing, as they have been allyear,” he said.

“Our defence is what won itfor us. We just don’t want toconcede points and work hardfor each other. When you havethat your attack comes off onthe back of a good defence and

today it won the game for us.”Blackwood also acknow-

ledged the Proserpine com-munity as well as the club’ssupporters.

“Thanks for sticking by usand supporting us,” he said.

“This is what the two want-ed and we’re making history.”

Blackwood bows out a winner

DEPARTING CHAMP: Former Whitsunday Brahmans coach Anthony Blackwood bowed outof rugby league as a winner, after Sunday’s grand final win over Sarina. Photo: Contributed

FULL OF RUN: Callum Wilkinson charges at the line againstSarina. Photo: Keagan Ryan

WINGER: David Kay is wrapped up in the grand final on Sun-day. Photo: Keagan Ryan