Who Should Buy a Facebook App?

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Who would actually be interested in buying a Facebook app? You might be surprised to find that you identify with one of these 4 buyer personas!


The Open Auction for Facebook Apps

How Does Zuckerbid Work?

5 Days 12 Hours 35 Minutes

Zuckerbid is an open auction where developers can list their Facebook apps for sale.

Developer App Buyer

Who Would Want To Buy a Facebook App?

4 Buyer Personas

4 Types of Facebook App Buyers

Internet Marketer Dabbling Entrepreneur Business-MindedCoder

Big BrandEyeball Hunter

Internet Marketer

Meet James.

James makes a decent amount of money online each month with his collection of small fitness-related websites.

He also has an eBook that he sells for $49 called, “12 Secrets to Six Pack Abs”.

Internet Marketer

James really needs more traffic.

You see, the more web traffic he gets, the more sales he can make!

But traffic is hard to get. It can also be really expensive.

Internet Marketer

100k Users


James buys a fitness app on Zuckerbid that has 100k monthly active users.

He tastefully promotes his eBook within the app.

He also gets 1,000 new subscribers each month to his free email newsletter, “Daily Ab Shredding Workouts”.

A good number of those subscribers will eventually buy his eBook!

Internet Marketer

James is happy because he found a new source of profitable, targeted traffic!

No time spent on SEO or paying for clicks either!

The Dabbling Entrepreneur

Mike reads books like the “4 Hour Workweek”.

He’s looking for a business venture that can give him lifestyle freedom and isn’t too expensive to start.

Mike loves reading about startups and is pretty web saavy.

The Dabbling Entrepreneur

Mike has a great idea for a social app that targets the dating industry.

He doesn’t want to learn how to write code and doesn’t have any programmer friends.

Mike finds an app for sale on Zuckerbid that lets you match up your single friends.

Instead of getting upset that someone already built his idea, he decides to acquire the app for only $500!

The Dabbling Entrepreneur

Mike bought the app with 1,000 monthly active users.

Instead of learning how to code, he focuses on what he does best: getting people excited about an idea!

He grows the app’s user base by 500% in 30 days by making a funny viral YouTube video and a blog about matchmaking called, “Cupid’s Crossbow”.

The Dabbling Entrepreneur

Mike is pumped.

Now he has options. He can go back to Zuckerbid and flip his app for a handsome profit!

Or, maybe he takes a long-term approach of growing the app’s user base. In a few months he plans to introduce paid features that create a recurring monthly income!

Business-Minded Coder

Say hi to Vlad.

His friends call him “Voodylicious”.

Vlad is a one-man-show development company. He loves to code late into the night, but doesn’t care much about all that silly marketing stuff.

Business-Minded Coder

But Vlad knows he needs to market his app in order to grow the user base; he takes his business seriously.

Voodylicious has two loves: coding and cooking.

His flagship app is called “Tasty Treats”. It lets users discover and share their favorite recipes.

Business-Minded Coder

Vlad doesn’t want to shell out cash for ads that promote Tasty Treats.

So he finds 3 smaller cooking related apps on Zuckerbid and acquires them for their existing user base.

He cross promotes Tasty Treats within the 3 apps with a friendly message and watches as his numbers skyrocket!

Business-Minded Coder

All of this new growth lands Tasty Treats in the trending section of the Facebook App Center!

Happy with the result, Vlad posts the 3 cooking apps back for sale on Zuckerbid.

Even if he sells them back at a small loss, he has paid next to nothing for marketing Tasty Treats!

Big Brand Eyeball Hunter

Here’s Chuck.

Chuck is a marketing executive for a high-end brand of makeup called, Forever Young.

He controls a very large, multi-million dollar marketing budget.

You’ve probably seen Forever Young on billboards and T.V. commercials. Chuck was behind that.

Big Brand Eyeball HunterWhen Chuck meets with the CEO, he is evaluated on two key measures of success: reach and frequency.

How many eyeballs have seen the Forever Young brand, and how often?

Chuck won’t settle for just any eyeballs; he cares about getting in front of the right audience—the people who will buy or use Forever Young makeup.

FY’s ideal customer is a career-minded mom between the ages of 35-42.

Big Brand Eyeball HunterInstead of spending $100k for one month of banner ads, Chuck decides to buy an app on Zuckerbid for that same amount with 750,000 monthly active users.

The app is called KiddyCatWalk. It lets moms assemble and share designer outfits for their kids on Facebook.

Facebook Insights reports that 75% of the app’s users are females between the ages of 35-44

Big Brand Eyeball HunterChuck’s team tastefully and discreetly promotes Forever Young as the sponsor of KiddyCatWalk.

With only one month’s ad spend, he gets nearly 8 million views per month, forever. Since Facebook is a social platform, FY also gets exposure to the app users’ friends.

Even if the average user had only 50 Facebook friends, this is a HUGE multiplier:

50 Friends 750k App Users 37,500,000 Connections

Zuckerbid Feeds The Need

Zuckerbid creates an open and transparent marketplace for these transactions to take place. By using 3rd party secure escrow services, both buyers and seller are protected.

The Open Auction for Facebook Apps

Beta Release in Fall 2012