Write Your Way to a Fortune · •A Unique Story Behind the Product •“Special Hoodia from razil...

Post on 14-Jun-2020

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Write Your Way to a Fortune

Monica Main

• “Excellent” Copy is NOT As Important As You Think• It’s ALL in the Quality of the List

• Recent Buyer Lists Selling the Same Product Type Using the Same Means of Marketing at a “Like” Price Point

• Emulate Other Mailing Campaigns…To a Certain Degree• Follow the BASIC Copy Rules

• Powerful Attention-Getting Headline• Present the “Problem” in a Story Setting• Present the “Solution” in the Same Story Setting• Explain Who You Are and Why You Are Their “Savior”• Overcome the Objections• Justify Your Product, Price, and Explain Why Your Product Works So Well• Offer a Money-Back Guarantee, Eliminating “Risk”• Create a Sense of Urgency and Why They Need to Order TODAY• Give Them Multiple Ways to Order and Allow for Multiple Ways of

Payment (Credit Card, PayPal, Check, Money Order, Gold Bars…)• Always Include a Real-Looking Signature and a P.S.

Important Marketing Elements to Know About Copy

• Mediocre Sales Copy to a Hot Audience/Market Will ALWAYS Out Pull Super Awesome Copy to a Mediocre Audience/Market

• By Finding You’re SUPER HOT MARKET, You’ve Increased Your Odds for Success in a MAJOR WAY

• Now You Just Have to Tailor Your Message to Match Your Hot Market

• This is What a “USP” is For• Unique Selling Proposition

The “New” USP• A “Story”

• “Rags to Riches”• “I Used to Be a Fat Ass But I Lost 100 lbs in 3 Weeks Using ____;

Look at My Before/After Pics.”• A Unique Product Element

• An Ingredient to a Supplement, For Instance• A Specific Type of “System” or “Order”

• P90X Interval Training vs. Health Clubs• Step-by-Step System/Action Plan• Specific Ordered Training or Mentorship

• A Different Set of Elements• A Course, 3-Hour Audio Seminar, 24 Hours of Recorded Video

Seminar, Million-Dollar Resources• More Than They Would Ever Get in Any Other “Package”

• A Unique Story Behind the Product• “Special Hoodia from Brazil Farmed by Mountain Goat Herders

Derived from a Special Location in a Magic Forest”

Start RESEARCHING Your Type of Product

You’re Looking for UNIQUE and UNUSUAL Attributes of the Product(s)

The More RESEARCH You Do in Finding These Attributes (and HOW They Work, the Easier Your Sales Letter Will Be to Write


Your Reader/Prospect Can FEEL How Excited You Are About Your Product(s) By READING YOUR PASSION LEVEL Through

the Writing!

Elements of a GREAT Sales Piece• Pre-Headline

• Headline

• Post-Headline

• Present Problem (Agitation), Usually with a Story

• Solution

• Why THIS Solution is Different

• Compare to Other “Solutions” and Explain Why Others Don’t Work

• Explain the System and How/Why It Works

• Offer Powerful Guarantee of Your “Fail Proof” Product

• Offer Price They Can’t Refuse with BONUSES

• Create a Sense of Urgency, Usually by DATE or Limited Quantities

• Give Away Super Valuable Bonuses to Fast Responders

• Signature

• P.S.

Practice, Practice, Practice!

• What Most People Don’t Know is that Copywriting is Fairly EASY If You’re Enthusiastic About Your Product

• Get a Good Headline (Using a Template) Then Just GO WITH YOUR STORY As Excited As You Can Be

• Make Sure You ALWAYS Have an Offer and ALWAYS Have a Deadline

• Just Keep Writing and You’ll Just Get Good At It Over Time

Some Tested and Proven Successful Headlines

They Didn’t Think I Could _____________, But I Did!

Successful Uses and Variations:

They Didn’t Think I Could Speak Italian, But When I Did…Everyone’s Jaw Hit the Floor!

They Didn’t Think I Could Play the Piano But When I Did, It Blew Everyone’s Mind!

Successful Uses and Variations:

How a Simple Online Secret Made Me $14,924 in Only 5 Days!

How Discovering This One Single Business Strategy Made Me a Millionaire in Only 14 Months!

How ___________ Made Me ____________.

How to ______________.

Successful Uses and Variations:

How to Change Your Life in Only 9 Minutes!

How to Become a Millionaire in 17 Days!

Secrets of ___________.

Successful Uses and Variations:

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind!

Secrets of Massive Cash Flow!

Warning: ___________!

Successful Uses and Variations:

Warning: If You DON’T Start Trading Stocks Using the Cutting-Edge Swiffer Trading Formula, You Stand to

Lose Everything You Have!

Warning: If You Haven’t Started Socking Away for Your Retirement by Age 40, You’re Going to Be Working 40

to 50 Hours a Week Until the Day You Drop Dead!

Give Me ___________ and I’ll ___________.

Successful Uses and Variations:

Give Me 4 Minutes of Your Time and I Promise I’ll Change Your Life!

Give Me the Next 5 Days of Your Life and You’ll Know Exactly What It Takes, Step-by-Step, to Become a

Multi-Millionaire with No Cash and No Credit!

Nail the Headline and Sub Heads…

Your Headlines Are the Most Crucial Part of the Sales Letter. It is Where the Need for Your Product is Established.

It is the Foundation of Your Offer. If Your Headline is Weak, the Reader Will NOT Hesitate to Throw Your Letter to the Trash.

Your Headlines Should Be POWERFUL, Strong Enough to FREEZE the Moment and Compel the Reader to Read More.

There Are Many Ways to Write a Strong Headline. You Can Use a Question to Invoke Their Curiosity. You Can Also Choose the Most Powerful Benefit of the Product to Catch Their Attention.

Since the Headline is 100% of Your Copy, Why Not Take THREE Shots At It?

I Use Something Called the “Triple Headline” Where You Essentially Write Out THREE Powerful Headlines

The FIRST is in the SMALLEST Text and Is At the VERY TOP of the Page, Usually in COURIER NEW Font (BOLD)

The SECOND is the LARGEST Text of the Three Headlines and is In the Middle – I Like Using IMPACT Font (Not Bold)

The THIRD is in a MEDIUM Text and is the LONGEST HEADLINE, Sometimes 2 or 3 Sentences Long in an ARIAL or ARIAL NARROW Font (BOLD)

Use the Sub Heading Structure* One Heading is NOT Enough. Neither Are Just TWO.

A Good Sales Letter Does Not Put ALL the Benefits in Just the Headline!

There Should Be SEVERAL Sub-Headlines to Explain the Many Other Benefits of Your Product(s)

* Sales Letters Use Different Sub-Heads to Point Out the Important Benefits of Your Product(s).

* This is MAINLY for People Do Just SCAN DOWN the Sales Letter and Don’t Read the Paragraphs

The contents of your offer should have relevant information.

It should supplement the claims you presented in your headlines in the form of BULLET POINTS (ideally)

It is this element that important points should contain, including the proof of your claim such as facts, figures and testimonials (if possible).

A good sales piece presents the benefits in an organized way.

There should be smooth flow of your information that all ties itself together.

One effective way of creating a need out of your product is to create a problem. A problem is common. A serious problem makes a compelling sales letter.

Of course, the problem you should create is something that your readers can relate. It should be the issue shared by most people.

Your product should be the perfect solution to the problem posted earlier. Do not just inform your readers that your product is the answer.

You need to explain in full details the reasons for being the perfect solution. Capitalize on its benefits. Stick to facts and never exaggerate.

CTA or Call to Action…People MUST Be Told What to Do!

You Must ALWAYS Give Specific Instructions to People on HOW to Get the Bait!

• Your Headlines Are the Most Crucial Part of the Sales Letter. It is Where the Need for Your Product is Established.

It is the Foundation of Your Offer. If Your Headline is Weak, the Reader Will NOT Hesitate to Throw Your Letter to the Trash.

Your Headlines Should Be POWERFUL, Strong Enough to FREEZE the Moment and Compel the Reader to Read More.

• There Are Many Ways to Write a Strong Headline. You Can Use a Question to Invoke Their Curiosity. You Can Also Choose the Most Powerful Benefit of the Product to Catch Their Attention.

• Since the Headline is 100% of Your Copy, Why Not Take THREE Shots At It?

• I Use Something Called the “Triple Headline” Where You Essentially Write Out THREE Powerful Headlines

• The FIRST is in the SMALLEST Text and Is At the VERY TOP of the Page, Usually in COURIER NEW Font (BOLD)

• The SECOND is the LARGEST Text of the Three Headlines and is In the Middle – I Like Using IMPACT Font (Not Bold)

• The THIRD is in a MEDIUM Text and is the LONGEST HEADLINE, Sometimes 2 or 3 Sentences Long in an ARIAL or ARIAL NARROW Font (BOLD)

1) Create a Fact Sheet of Product Features (List)2) Create a Fact Sheet of Product Benefits (List)3) Reduce Entire Offer to Writing on a “Deal Sheet”4) Write a Headline Containing NEWS (About Product) and the PROMISE of 1 or

More Benefits5) If You Have More Than 2 Hot Benefits, Put in a Lead-In Headline6) Reveal Exactly WHO the Letter is FROM7) Begin with “Dear Friend”8) Write First Sentence Telling What’s In It for the Prospect When He/She Reads

the Letter9) Use the Next Few Paragraphs to Elaborate SPECIFICALLY on Your Promises10) Tell Him/Her WHY You Are Offering Such a Good Deal (or This Wiz-Bang

Product)11) Enumerate Details and Facts That Translate to BENEFITS (and Not Features)12) Write a TRUE and Believable REASON WHY Explanation of the Good Deal13) Ask Him/Her to Respond; Urge Her to HURRY (and Offer Bonuses for Early

Response Benefits)14) Sign Off with “Sincerely”15) Write a P.S. Giving Her a New Little Wrinkle on One of the Hot Reasons As to

WHY He/She Needs to Buy Now

Additional Important Sales Letter Writing Tips:

Have 3 Price Points: El Cheapo (Entry-Level), Deluxe, and Supreme

Consider Using a Sans-Serif Font Throughout Your Entire Piece with “Font Breaks” (Changing to, Say, Courier for a

Short Paragraph WITH Underline and BOLD) Once in Awhile

You MUST Have a POWERFUL and Believable Offer. Get Your Prospect’s Attention, Get Him/Her Interested, Get Him/Herto Desire (Salivate) Your Product…Compel Him/Her to Take

Action NOW!