You Should Come to Canada! Friday February 1st. Innovations 1)Radio Communication 1901: Guglielmo...

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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You Should Come to Canada!

Friday February 1st


1) Radio Communication• 1901: Guglielmo (William) Marconi received first

transatlantic message


2) Flight• 1909: John McCurdy flew Canada’s first plane

(The Silver Dart) in Baddock, Nova Scotia


3) Telephones• Invented by Alexander Graham Bell in the late

19th century• Popularity increased during the early 1900s• From 1901-1921 the number of telephones

increased from 60, 000 to 900, 000• Most people shared community phones or had a

“party line”


4) Automobiles• First car company established in Oshawa, ON

• Ford

• Increased jobs (manufacturers, mechanics, and road workers)

• Made it easier to travel


5) Tractors and Mechanized Threshers• Enabled more work with fewer workers• Reduced the number of jobs in rural areas• Technology was very expensive

Your task: Create a “Come to the West” Poster. Direct it at a specific group; for example, women. 1) The free farm land

2) A relevant picture

3) A slogan about Canada

4) Additional information about the west

5) Colour your poster