Zamorano English Club Magazine

Post on 10-Mar-2016

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made by students


Agriculture of Centuries By: José Miguel Holguín Guerrero

“The period when the

numbers of men surpass

their means of subsistence

has long since arrived”

Thomas Malthus (1766-1834)

We depend on our mother earth

ever since we have existed; her

soils provide us with the

biodiversity and wealth that has

kept us alive and constantly

evolving ever since. We learned

agriculture, the production of our

means of subsistence, around

10,000 years ago and we are still

learning new and improving our old

methods of production.

It is now at the beginning of the 21st

century that the human race and

the planet earth find themselves at

the edge of confrontation, it is now

at this era when our population has

surpassed 7 billion inhabitants and

our planet is starting to feel the

consequences of our

disproportionate existence that we

have begun taking our past actions

into account.

These are the days that we have

realized the enormous impact we

cause each and every day on the

global ecosystem that we depend on,

and how are they stand now,

thousands of years later of human

labor: transforming, consuming,

wasting, contaminating, exhausting,

depleting resources which are now

becoming scarce. The list keeps piling

on, due to our constant development

and our unstoppable agitated lives

from which we pump more than 25

million tons of greenhouse emission

to our atmosphere our climate is

starting an accelerated rise in

temperature endangering all life

existing in our planet, and causing

drastic changes in weather patterns

leading to unexpected and constant

“natural disasters”. Habitat

depletion, does not stay behind, our

hunger for resources and land for

agriculture and urban development

takes over 180,000 square kilometers

a year of virgin tropical forests alone,

having reduced the 20 million square

kilometers of original tropical forests

to less that 9 million in the past


We are at the brink of war with our

very own mother, for we have

forgotten who she is and what she

means to us all.

“This is the reason why the

international community is engaged

in a concerted effort to safeguard the

genetic wealth of the plant kingdom”.

For some time now and organized

effort to accomplish this goal has

been put to motion by several

countries and organizations

worldwide. Hundreds of thousands of

selected seeds and plant samples are

being carefully chosen and

conditioned to be kept safe under

controlled environments and

conditions to withstand time and

aversion so that in a future hopefully

far in the distance may we need to

search the databases of long lost life

to bring it back once more. Nothing

is more true than the fact that “any

plant, anywhere, may hold a

biological secret that will someday

aid humankind—a cure for a disease,

an enriched food, or other useful

compound.” This is all we have left

and what our children and future

generations may find hope in.

The Center for Global International

Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is one of

the international associations which

are currently undergoing the activity.

They are managing 11 gene banks

where around 700,000 samples are

being kept safe. The interesting part is

that they not only hold genetic samples

from crops, but from a worthy extent

of trees, plants and shrubs worldwide.

According to its web site “The

collections held by the CGIAR

genebanks are among the largest in the

world and arguably the most important

for the livelihoods of the poor and

global food security. Seed contributions

have helped lay the foundations of

recovery by jumpstarting agricultural

growth in countries emerging from



The Svalbard Global Seed Vault “built

by the Kingdom of Norway with

international cooperation and

maintained by the Global Crop

Diversity Trust, is the world´s final

insurance policy for protecting plant

diversity.” It is here where gene banks

from all around the world send spare

or duplicate samples of their stocks,

making Svalbard the seed vault of

existing seed banks, in case of

unprecedented events in other banks.

It is located 1300km from the North

Pole, in the Norwegian island of

Spitsbergen, constructed more than

100 meters inside a sandstone

mountain where extreme low

temperatures, humidity and existing

permafrost aid in the process of

safekeeping the germplasm.


It is imperative that now we all as one race,

one combined effort, one heart and mind

begin thinking about our future and our

planet´s which is infinitely and forever linked

to ours, for we are its children and should

never forget where we come from. Efforts like

the ones above may help future generations

that may be in vulnerability because of our

past and present actions, we should start

acting now to ensure the common being of our

planet and all its living beings.

By the numbers…

-An excerpt from ejournal USA-

And other sources… The following facts surprised the editing and writing staff of the newsletter, and we thought that

sharing them was an obligation. So here to the knowledge of us all, did you know that:

There are 1.02 billion people

worldwide who are hungry and

undernourished. Of these 642

million live in Asia and the Pacific,

and 265 million in Sub-Saharan

Africa. (FAO)

There 148 million children who are

being raised on inadequate diets.


There are 670,000 child deaths

annually traceable to Vitamin A

deficiency. (

The required food production

increase to feed the Earths

anticipated 2050 population of 9

billion is of a 100%. (FAO)

The amount the U.S. Government

will spend to fight world hunger

over the next two years is around

$5.5 billion. (Agriculture Secretary

Tom Vilsack)

More than 70% of the global fresh

water supply is used in agriculture.


2,000-5,000 liters are required to

produce the average daily diet.


Mexican wheat production had an

increase of 300% while Norman

Borlaug worked there. (Rand


There was a 25% increase in

calories consumed by average

person following the Green

Revolution. (Gordon Conway)

There was a 250% increase in the

production of wheat between the

years of 1950 and 1984.(Kindall

and Pimentel)

2009 World Food Prize Laureate

Gebisa Ejeta developed a weed

resistant and drought tolerant

sorghum hybrid plants that which

gave a 400% yield increase. (World

Food Prize)

Bangladesh fish production

experienced a 300% production

increase using aquaculture

techniques developed by Blue

Revolution founder, M. Vijaya

Gupta. (World Food Prize)

33,184ha. of maize are annually

harvested in the department of

Francisco Morazán, Honduras,

where our school is located. (FAO)

Honduras 2010 sugarcane reached

a 7818920MT production. (FAO)

By: Ricardo Wu

Steen Ulrik Johannessen/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images1

Global warming has become

perhaps the most complicated

issue facing world leaders.

Warnings from the scientific

community are becoming louder,

as an increasing body of science

points to rising dangers from the

ongoing buildup of human-

related greenhouse gases —

produced mainly by the burning

of fossil fuels and forests. (The

New York Times)

Global emissions of carbon

dioxide jumped by the largest

amount on record in 2010,

upending the notion that the

brief decline during the

recession might persist through

the recovery. Emissions rose 5.9

percent in 2010, according to the

Global Carbon Project, an

international collaboration of

scientists. The increase solidified

a trend of ever-rising emissions

that scientists fear will make it

difficult, if not impossible, to

forestall severe climate change

in coming decades.

However, the technological,

economic and political issues

that have to be resolved before a

concerted worldwide effort to

reduce emissions can begin have

gotten no simpler, particularly in

the face of a global economic


For almost two decades, the

United Nations has sponsored

annual global talks, the United

Nations Framework Convention

on Climate Change, an

international treaty signed by

194 countries to cooperatively

discuss global climate change

and its impact.

The conflicts and controversies

discussed are monotonously

familiar: the differing

obligations of industrialized and

developing nations, the question

of who will pay to help poor

nations adapt, the urgency of

protecting tropical forests and

the need to rapidly develop and

deploy clean energy technology.

But the meetings have often

ended in disillusionment, with

incremental political progress

but little real impact on the

climate. The negotiating process

itself has come under fire from

some quarters, including the

poorest nations who believe their

needs are being neglected in the

fight among the major economic

powers. Criticism has also come

from a small but vocal band of

climate-change skeptics, many

of them members of the United

States Congress, who doubt the

existence of human influence on

the climate and ridicule

international efforts to deal with


A New International Initiative

Led by the U.S.

In mid-February 2012, Secretary

of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

was expected to announce a new

international effort focused on

reducing emissions of common

pollutants that contribute to

rapid climate change and

widespread health problems.

Impatient with the slow pace of

international negotiations, the

United States and a small group

of countries; Bangladesh,

Canada, Ghana, Mexico and

Sweden as well as the United

Nations Environment Program;

are starting a program that will

address short-lived pollutants

like soot (also referred to as

black carbon), methane and

hydrofluorocarbons that have an

outsize influence on global

warming, accounting for 30 to

40 percent of global warming.

Soot from diesel exhausts and

the burning of wood, agricultural

waste and dung for heating and

cooking causes an estimated two

million premature deaths a year,

particularly in the poorest


Scientists say that concerted

action on these substances can

reduce global temperatures by

0.5 degrees Celsius by 2050 and

prevent millions of cases of lung

and heart disease by 2030.

The United States intends to

contribute $12 million and

Canada $3 million over two

years to get the program off the

ground and to help recruit other

countries to participate. The

United Nations Environment

Program will run the project.



Scientists learned long ago that

the earth’s climate has powerfully

shaped the history of the human

species — biologically, culturally

and geographically. But only in

the last few decades has research

revealed that humans can be a

powerful influence on the

climate, as well.

A growing body of scientific

evidence indicates that since

1950, the world’s climate has

been warming, primarily as a

result of emissions from

unfettered burning of fossil fuels

and the razing of tropical forests.

Such activity adds to the

atmosphere’s invisible blanket of

carbon dioxide and other heat-

trapping “greenhouse” gases.

Recent research has shown that

methane, which flows from

landfills, livestock and oil and

gas facilities, is a close second to

carbon dioxide as an impact on

the atmosphere.

Some funny animals!!!

ITS COFFEE TIME “Always something happen around a coffee”

The objective of this social activity was to share

experiences, points of view and ideas about

different topics in our life, followed by a cup of


The activity started on time, at the beginning not

too much people assisted, but minutes later the

students started to arrive to the Expresso with

attitude of learn and share their experiences.

There were around 25 assistants.

There were students with different English skills,

I mean there were people from the low beginner

level of first year and people from the low

advanced level of second year, actually there was

some toefl students from fourth year too. So It

was a really good session because everybody

collaborated for practice and improve their

English speech and pronunciation.

The Thursday 22-03-12, the English

club realized the activity called its

coffee time , It was developed in the

Espresso Americano, with the help of

all the English club members, plus

some students of each year.

Its Time for a Cuppa

In Fact we proposed 4 topics for talk ,

this ones were spread in different areas

of the Expresso, the topics were :

introduce yourself, my family , hobbies,

and university life in this topic we talk

about the Zamorano careers and things

related with it, we also talked our future

plans and expectations.

The dynamic was rotate around the

different topic areas. We divided the

assistants in groups of 5 or 6 students for

each area and they had about 8 minutes

for talk about their selves.

ITS COFFEE TIME “Always something happen around a coffee”

Created by:

Raul Osorio M.

Second year student

In conclusion:

This activity was successfully, because all the participants reached the goal of

the activity “Its coffee time” (sharing personal experiences and points of view )

also improving our English speech.

It’s time for a cuppa!!

“Always something happen

around a coffee”

Funny Jokes

A kid was crying standing outside his house.

A passerby asked:

Why are you crying?

Kid: my parents are fighting inside the house.

Passer by: who is your father?

Kid: that is what the fight is about.

- Do you speak English?

- ¿Como se dice usted?

- Do you speak English?

- No lo entiendo!

– Le pregunto que si habla usted ingles.

- ¡Ah si, perfectamente!

-Mum, mum, in school everybody tells me that

I’m confused!

-Hey, kid, this is not your house… you live

opposite the street!

TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula

for wáter?


TEACHER: What are you talking about?

DONALD: Yesterday you said it’s H to O.

She: So, why do you call me Eve

when my real name is Maria?

He: Because you are the first woman

I ever had.

She: Well, then I’ll call you Peugeot.

He: Why´s that? Because I’m good-

looking, economical, small and fast?

She: No darling. Because you are

number 206!

She: No darling A drunk guy took a

cat home to his wife and said: “See…

here is the monkey of the jungle.

That´s a CAT…” He said back to his

wife, “I am talking to the cat!”


By: Daniela Villavicencio Valarezo.

The environment connected with the agriculture impact.

Scientific research has proved that climate change is not only a theory, actually it’s a fact. It’s real. Climate change is caused by carbon emissions among other things, and at the same time it is the main cause of a lot of natural disasters. The agricultural sector is a driving force in the gas emissions and land use effects thought to cause climate change. In addition to being a significant user of land and consumer of fossil fuel, agriculture contributes directly to greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, but also by altering the Earth's land cover (deforestation and desertification) researches said that the three main causes of the increase in greenhouse gases observed over the past 250 years have been fossil fuels, land use, and agriculture.

We live in a everyday

changing world

Global warming is affecting directly agriculture, including temperature, carbon dioxide, glacial run-off, the interaction of these elements. The overall effect of climate change on agriculture will depend on the balance of these effects.

Chemicals and pesticides used In agriculture, affects directly to the ozone and the destruction of the ozone cause directly effects to the production among and quality of the agriculture products. These conditions determine the carrying capacity of the biosphere to produce enough food for the human population and domesticated animals. By the way there are many

scientific people that claim that

climate change it’s not a thing

of these days, always has been

climate change, but in these days

this process it’s accelerating their

route, so it’s because we have to

worry about and started to

change our mind and concept of

Created by:

Raul Osorio M.

Second year student

As a person:

You have confidence in yourself and your abilities. You are happy with whom you are, but you are still learning and getting better.

You are something of an extrovert. You don’t have to be the life of the party, but you can’t be a wallflower. Management is a people skill - it’s not the job for someone who doesn’t enjoy people.

You are honest and straight forward. Your success depends heavily on the trust of others.

You are an includer not an excluder. You bring others into what you do. You don’t exclude other because they lack certain attributes.

You have a ‘presence’. Managers must lead. Effective leaders have a quality about them that makes people notice when they enter a room.

On the job:

You are consistent, but not rigid; dependable, but can change your mind. You make decisions, but easily accept input from others.

You are a little bit crazy. You think out-of-the box. You try new things and if they fail, you admit the mistake, but don’t apologize for having tried.

You are not afraid to “do the math”. You make plans and schedules and work toward them.

You are nimble and can change plans quickly, but you are not flighty.

You see information as a tool to be used, not as power to be hoarded.

Here in Zamorano you need to learn how to be a leader, so you can have better relationships in the future in your job, without matter with who you work. So: put into

practice these tips.

“The Sound of Music”


Julie Andrews stars as Maria von Trapp, the story’s heroine.

On Thursday February 23rd, the Zamorano English Club offered a very special screening of the award-winning, all-time cherished family musical “The Sound of Music”.

The movie had just celebrated its 47th anniversary, so the activity unfolded with great timing. Attendees were delighted by the astounding cinematography, talented acting and the sheer brilliance of the musical score.

More than 30 people showed up to the event, proving that youth in Zamorano still holds interest in highly-cultural experiences. After the 3-hour show ended, a loud ovation was held, and one student even shared his thoughts about the movie:

“… It was a really good experience; I really enjoyed everything about it. My mom had been telling me to watch this movie and I finally did, also it’s a better experience to watch a movie in a big projection rather than in the computer. It would be terrific if this “cinema” project becomes something more regular, maybe once or twice a month. I think that another movie would have attracted more viewers and a not-so-long movie would have been better because the audience, or at least me, were worried about other responsibilities in our to-do list. But I repeat: it was a really good experience, I really enjoyed everything about it and I’d love to see a movie like that again.”

Be sure to expect more incredible movie experiences from the Club on the near future!

Made by: Roderick Tedman

Life in Zamorano is different than other universities. Many things make this difference like: the process of learning by doing, Wednesday of cleaning, living with your classmates, etc. it has an exclusive learning method of learning by doing, what we learn in classes we practice at camp.

The relation between professor- students is very close because they both live in campus. These kind of things help us to be in constant learning even out of the class.

Here we find people of many parts of the world, we share and learn from them the language, costumes, etc. doing some activities like swimming, going to the gym, eating, going to the church inside the university creates an environment of constant learning and life formation.

The first days of the first year are terrible for the new students, specially the first trimester until the students get accustomed to the camp work, cleaning, being away from home and other things. It’s a big change. On the other hand, it has good things like new friends, meetings and more things that help us do the adaptation easier. With time we grow to love this place.

In my opinion for each student being in Zamorano has been a unique and incomparable experience in which we learn every day and form ourselves not only to become engineers but also to become disciplined people ready for the future.

April 2012

Students’ Life in Zamorano DIFFICULT but not IMPOSSIBLE.

By: Daniela Villavicencio Valarezo.



food Man has been "genetically modifying" everything from food to amazing

products for many centuries; but in the past, the only tool has been

selective breeding. (

Letting you know about transgenic. Using selective breeding

techniques, people have created

everything from corn fields that

are drought resistant and also

resistant to some pests,

variegated roses and giant, that is

exclusive from Ecuador, to

strains of wheat with twice the

yield and very high disease


Farmers must keep their crops in good shape while factors such as

water, fertilizer, bad soil and

insects are keeping them from

What GMO’s try to do The GMOs was created for the purpose of eradicate

hungry all over the world, and we must accept that

this genetically modified organisms are our future.

their goal of reach good crop


Farmers have been forced to use

these new systems as a way to improve their crops to keep them

alive and increase yield, because

without these modifications in

their fields, crops would die and

people would not get their food,

since food demand today is very

high, because the population

keeps growing more and more.

GMOs research analysis!

The fields planted with this new

system are growing faster and

faster every day and the

regulation or the prohibitions for

this transgenic products are day after day have been

disappearing, but the most

important thing is that people

must throw out the ideas that the

GMOs will kill us or in some

way they are dangerous for our

health and the health of our children. Because this new

invention is in hands of the best universities, Doctors, Professors

and many other institutions in

the world that are in charge of

the learning and the raise of the

youth people in the world.

GMOs are the future,

because some day we

are going to need more

food in less time, and

actually this situation is

starting right now, that

is the reason why the

GMOs is going to help

the people to feed the

world. The youth

should be making campaigns about the

important that are the

MGOs for people



alimentation, will create

new ways in order to

incorporate more

quickly this organisms

to our cultures and societies, after that, they

will be responsible for

the stability and rise of

new inventions much

better than GMOs and

why not in a future we

can see food raining

from the skies.

Because the only limit is the sky!!


Lately, the Genetically

Modified Food has been

getting a bad reputation that

is the reason why the people

in other countries, like the

European continent are

paying more money for get

organic food that is breeding

with conventional systems of


The coffee market is a harsh mistress in many cases we will see producer trying to produce

more when in fact is not about how many beans are recollected it’s about how we produce

them which really can make the difference (written by Alberto Somerset Rosenthal)






¿What does organic mean anyways?

When you are talking about something that is organic well

the first thing that comes too your mind is something

natural meaning: no chemicals, no genetically

alterations, no preservatives, and no food colorings just

as is. If that’s what you thought of then you are right

all of the above that’s what people want and suppliers

are dying to obtain in their products

How to make you’re coffee organics is as easy as


As all coffee farmers might already be

thinking how will I control all the pests

and the weeds without using my pesticides

and herbicides? Well luckily for u there

are products in the market which you can

purchase which are also 100% organic

usually referred to in the business as

green label brands these are most likely to

be a little bit more expensive or about

the same price as the regular ones. With

that out of the way we can focus on our

most important part which is of course the

fertilization of our coffee shrubs how can



To have the technical

knowledge of what

customers are looking

for in the market now

days can give you a

good idea in changes

that can make you’re

product seem more

appealing to the

customer eyes keeping

and edge on your

competition as well as

fattening your income

quite a bit but most

importantly getting you’re

name into the market

and making it stay there.


we fertilize without using chemicals formulas etc. etc. . In

the world there’s about 10 to 20 different ways you can

fertilize your crops organically but the best part about

coffee is that it can be fertilized with its own pulp! which

has an excellent quantity of minerals and nutrients which are

required for the coffee plants so in a nut shell we would be

recycling the byproduct of the coffee by using its own pulp to

fertilize it with and you guessed it 100% organic fertilizer.

Now for the legal part this is probably the hardest part of it

all which in fact its relatively easy Certification are

pursued by all producers so they can sell their product for

more in the coffee business this is as well the case in fact a

coffee farmer with more certifications are likely to make 20

t0 30 % more when they sell their produce just in case you are

wondering yes there is a certification for having organic

coffee and yes you can make it happen. All you need is to

contact your environmental agency of your state send in a

sample of your coffee having in mind the steps mentioned

before and bingo your product will be certified as organic in

a matter of no time.

Knowledge over mass

Keeping in mind the article and its main purpose of course

every business is centered about making profits anyone who

tells you different are a liar and probably a thief jaja just

kidding. In regards of what customer based opinions and forums

it’s stated beyond a reasonable doubt that organics products


are the new wave for consumers. In the other hand producers

are starting to become environmentally aware and noticing that

producing organically is not only more profitable it is also

the right and conscious thing to do. Why not try to make a

difference in the world and while you are at it making a

little bit of money doing so never hurt anybody so I leave you

with this thought make wise decisions make correct decisions

but remember making them is all up to you and nobody else…


Story time

(ghost stories) Article written by: Alberto Rosenthal


The event took place in the eeriest place I could imagine at night fall. The tennis

courts at around 7:00 P.M isn’t the less scary place in zamorano perfect for scary

story telling. We sat all the new comers of the English club in the benches made our

introductory speech being so that it was our first event of the English club and we

began!!!! Having the right material is the most

important part of telling a good story. And for this I looked up in the internet and

found amazing stories which made me even feel a little chill run up my spine. The

dynamic of the event was me reading the stories to the crowd in English really slow

and with feeling in order to get them involved in it. After each story was read we

gave a look at the scary part of them and made recaps of the good parts and most of

the stories which are told always have a lecture in them so they can scare you

don’t do something you are not supposed to do. When we finished telling the

stories we made the new comers tell us about their different stories from there

countries which were really good every culture has different stories and e got a

chance to have a lot of cultures there so we shared a lot I though over all it was a

good activity and should be done again in the future.


By Roderick Tedman.

On the Holy Week holidays, I had the chance to travel to

Utila, the second most important of the Honduran Bay Islands. This

trip proved to be one of the best life-experiences I’ve ever had. The

island, blessed with crystalline waters, white-coral sand, friendly

people, fine cuisine and great parties kept me & my friends

entertained non-stop. The 2-star hotel we stayed in had all the

commodities you may need for a great price: just 10$ the night!.

The day we arrived, an exclusive beach party was being held

with a world-renowned DJ playing the set. Soon after arriving, we

were dancing to thumping electronica and making new friends

everywhere. The alcohol was superb; they had everything from

national beers to expertly-made shots and drinks. Though I don’t

really drink a lot, I really enjoyed a drink called “M&M Delight”, it

didn’t have any chocolate, but tasted of chocolate and for me

there’s nothing better on the whole world. Needless to say, we

were barely conscious the 4 days through, and more than once I

was thinking “Where’s my wallet?”, but thankfully nothing bad


The best part of the trip was snorkeling at the coral reefs.

The reefs were full of color and life, it’s was like being submerged

deep into another world. We had to be careful not to step on

anything, because you never know what kind of creature might

bite you down there. One time I thought I saw a shark, but

thankfully it was just a big fish. The food was great; I ate everything

from Italian pasta to fish burgers, at comfortable prices. Overall, I

only spent around 200-300 $ and had a great time. I’m looking

forward to travel to the other Bay Islands sometime in the future.

Me at the beach, great way to relax and forget Zamorano for a while.

By Rodrigo Retes

Agriculture usually plays a vital

role in the economy of every

nation that exists. Not only for the

reason that it tends to feed the

entire population of a country but

also in the respect that agriculture

correlates and interacts with all the

related industries of that country.

A country is usually considered to

be a social and politically stable

nation if it possesses a very stable

agricultural basis.

A stable agricultural industry

ensures a country of food security.

Food security is considered to be

one of the primary requirements of

any nation. No nation can

effectively grow with a stable

agricultural base while harboring a

nation of "hungry people", as these

hungry people can do nothing

what-so-ever towards helping

develop their country. Food

security prevents starvation which

has traditionally been considered

one of the largest problems being

experienced by the small

developing nations. Most countries

depend upon agricultural products

and related industries for their

major source of income. Even the

newly developing countries will

find that they depend upon and can

benefit greatly from their

agricultural industry.

Aside from the crops and animals

that are produced by the farmers

who make up a country

agricultural sector the agricultural

field represents the main source of

employment within most

countries. The larger farms

usually find it necessary to hire

additional hands in which to

successfully cultivate the lands

and to take care of the related

farm animals. Most of these large

farms have processing plants

located in nearby facilities for

finalizing their agricultural

products and developing the by-

products. It goes without saying

that these sub-industries employ

considerable man-power within

their operations. Most of the

modern farms and agriculture-

related industries make good use

of today's modern equipment as

well as the principles of science

and technology.

The use of technologies in farming

is determines by the competence of

the various farmers towards coping

with these advancements relating

to the technologies. The country's

farmers who can utilize the

modern technologies involved with

farming can assure a good

production of their products which

benefits their country as a whole.

Modern farming technologies

would be useless if the farmers are

not competent enough to use any

of the technology that they have

available to them.

Most of the older industrialized

cites have begun their growth

primarily through the development

of agriculture. These cities have

done well on an agriculture basis

before they

fully begun to embrace the

industrialization process. Most of

the principles currently in use

within our modern businesses have

their roots stemming from the

principles of agriculture. Bulk

manufacturing is one of the

practices that have been patterned

from the seasoned harvesting often

found in the area of agricultural

practices. This method has saved

many ancient cities from

destruction during times of plague

and drought. During the ancient

times the countries harvested crops

which were not merely used for

immediate consumption but were

often harvested and stored for

future use. The same thing is

practiced within the modern

business procedures to ensure its


fully begun to embrace the

industrialization process. Most

of the principles currently in use

within our modern businesses

have their roots stemming from

the principles of agriculture.

Bulk manufacturing is one of the

practices that have been

patterned from the seasoned

harvesting often found in the

area of agricultural practices.

This method has saved many

ancient cities from destruction

during times of plague and

drought. During the ancient

times the countries harvested

crops which were not merely

used for immediate consumption

but were often harvested and

stored for future use. The same

thing is practiced within the

modern business procedures to

ensure its stability.

A Brief Story about


In the late 1970 Bill Mollison and

David Holmgre, two scientists

from Australia were sharing their

thinking about a new way to live

and take advantage of the

Mother Nature, taking care of it

and becoming a part of it.

Maybe some people would

describe it as a technique that

tries to emulate the natural

environment, but as Mollison

explains in his book

"Permaculture One"

permaculture tries to build

sustainable human habitats,

mixing the concepts of food and

energy producing, landscape

design, and the building of

human societies that become

part of everything, in a few

words, to make everything work


The main bases of permaculture

are: to take care of the resources, to

take care of the people and to take

care of the earth.

The Permandala, an illustration that

resumes the ethical principles of the


Taking care of the resources

means to use them in a

conscious way, and to improve

them, so our next generations

can have a free way to develop

their activities, for example

caring of the soil fertility or the

purity of the water in a river.

To take care of the people,

would mean to share as much as

we can and live a simple life, just

trying to recover the way of life

that was practiced by the people

in the millennial cultures around

the world, such as the Chinese

culture, the Inca culture or the

Sioux culture.

And taking care of the earth is to

encourage the ecology in all this

aspects, by building ecological

houses and farms, the use of the

conservation methods and the

study and teaching of these

techniques so the young ones

can learn how to take advantage

of the richness of the earth and

keep it for long time.

But, how is permaculture in

real?, the word permaculture

comes from the words:

Permanent Agriculture or

Permanent Culture, which

means a permanent way of life

or a permanent way to do

everything, the main bases of

permaculture are: to take care

of the resources, to take care of

the people and to take care of

the earth.

Permaculture was thought as a

way to fix the great problems

that came with the "green

revolution" such as water

pollution and soil degeneration,

with "Permaculture One",

Mollison and Holmgre started

this movement in Australia, and

soon it spread to the whole


One of the most important facts

about the Permaculture is that it

is always open to new

technologies and it also cares

about the traditional knowledge

making them one strong force of

innovation, for example

Permaculture would take the

benefits of using solar panels to

heat water or produce energy

but it also would use traditional

medicine using plants that were

used by the Aztec culture.

Right now, permaculture is been

used by a lot of people in places

such as Zimbabwe where more

than 20 communities use it as

their only way to live

independently, it is also used

largely in Australia and America

having it most representative

example in Peru with the

Wiñaypaq Educative Project,

where the permaculture is the

central axis of study, teaching

the people of Cusco and the rest

of people of Peru to practice this

technique so that way they can

evolve to completely

independent communities.

Bibliography ¿Que es la Permacultura? (2009).

Retrieved Marzo 9, 2012,

from Rincones del




(2010, Marzo 8). Retrieved Marzo 9,

2012, from Permaculture

Peru Asociation:


With "Permaculture One",

Mollison and Holmgre started

this movement in Australia, and

soon it spread to the whole


A permaculture farm in the Canarias.


Roberto Hernan Medina

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