Zija Moringa

Post on 21-Feb-2016

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Zija Moringa: Detox - Alkalize - Lose Weight - Be Healthy


Literally dozens of studies have investigated the Moringa plant and its potential benefits for human health. These

studies are the focus of researchers from universities and institutions all over the world, and they have been published

in renowned international scientific journals.

- - 2005 Nobel Prize of Medicine based on Moringa research


- 2008 US Institutes of Health Plant of the Year

As of 6/21/2011 it was announced that Evander Holyfield became a distributor and he and his team are currently using

Zija as he trains to re-take the title

Evander Holyfield with Zija Elite Dream Team



Watch The Moringa Documentary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXDSksjGNCA&w=425&h=349

Nourishes the Body's Immune System. Moringa oleifera provides many dozens of nutrients that strengthen your

body's immune system.

Promotes Healthy Circulation. Research strongly suggests that Moringa oleifera can help support both health and

function of the circulatory, blood, and cardiovascular system.

Supports Normal Blood Glucose. Moringa oleifera provides a wide array of nutrients that help normalize blood

glucose levels.

Is Enzymatically Alive. Scientific research demonstrates that Moringa oleifera is rich in enzymes.

Is Supported by Modern Scientific Findings. Current research, consisting of many highly reputable medical,

science, and globally recognized health institutions, suggests that Moringa oleifera possesses numerous therapeutic


Provides Natural Anti-Aging Benefits. Moringa's wide array of antioxidant nutrients can protect the body's cells and

prevent many of the common conditions associated with aging.

Delivers Anti-Inflammatory Support. Several compounds in the Moringa plant are known to support normal anti-

inflammatory activity in the body.

Boosts Real Kinesiological Energy Safely. Moringa may improve mental and cognitive clarity via many amino acids

and B vitamins.

Improves your Metabolism. The nutrient benefits in Moringa provide a gentle nudge over time to improve the body's

metabolic processes because of critical nutrients.

Has a Long Ayurvedic History. Historical and medical texts indicate that eastern Ayurvedic healers have employed

the Moringa plant for thousands of years.

Supplies Nutrients Missing in the Modern Diet. The Moringa plant provides the nutrient benefits that so many diets

lack. In fact, we are receiving 75% less nutrient value for current calories consumed.

The Most Nutrient-Rich Plant Ever Discovered. Many experts feel that Moringa oleifera boasts the widest array of

vital nutrients of any botanical known on the planet.

Discovering Moringa

Can you envision a world where there is less poverty, less hunger, less suffering—a world with more opportunities for

the less fortunate? As difficult as it might be to imagine in today's real world, one man has such a vision.

Ken Brailsford's Story

The story of Zija began with that man, Ken Brailsford, whose interest was piqued one day as

he watched a documentary on the so-called “Miracle Tree.” This tree, commonly known as

Moringa, boasted remarkable nutritional and therapeutic qualities and research suggested that

it could sustain life in even small amounts.

Ken Brailsford discovered that Moringa contained dozens of vital nutrients, including several

different vitamins and minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, and omega fatty acids. He also discovered that because of

its impressive nutrient profile, the Moringa plant was being utilized by organizations across the globe as an answer to

the challenges of malnourishment, poverty and sustainable agriculture.

Inspired by what he had learned, Ken Brailsford assembled a team focused on researching and delivering this

remarkable botanical to the world. They found that although the plant was virtually unknown in modern Western

society, it was esteemed by various ancient cultures, including the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians, and within

Ayurvedic medicine for its health-giving properties. Ken Brailsford knew that given the opportunity, Moringa would

be able to enhance the lives of people today just as it did in times of old.

Nature's Perfect Food

Fueled by a desire to share the miraculous Moringa plant with others, Ken Brailsford and his

team set about to form Zija, a potent, nutrient-packed supplement beverage designed for full

bioavailability in the human body. Through trial and error, exhausting research and finely

honed product development, Zija's formulators were able to capture the very best of the

Moringa plant.

Zija's proprietary beverage, Smart Drink, contains the efficacious levels of more than ninety cell-ready nutrients that

support various body systems and revitalize mind and body. Zija’s formulators have also developed several other

Moringa-based products to meet the health and wellness needs of our modern society. Ongoing research virtually

guarantees that you receive all the goodness of Moringa through Zija’s remarkable products.

What’s In Moringa?

Scientific studies have identified dozens of crucial nutrients and compounds

within the Moringa plant. These nutrients are what give the plant its distinct

health-promoting properties.

Vitamin A (alpha- and beta-carotene), B, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, Folate (Folic Acid), Biotin and many


Calcium, Chloride, Chromium, Copper, Fluorine, Iron, Manganese, Magnesiu, Molybdenum, Phosphorus, Potassium,

Sodium, Selenium, Sulfur, Zinc

Isoelucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine

Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic Acid, Cystine, Glutamine, Glycine, Histidine, Proline, Serine, Tyrosine

Chlorophyll, Carotenoids, Cytokinins, Flavonoids, Omega Fats (3, 6, 9), Plant Sterols, Polyphenols, Lutein, Xanthins,

Rutin, and more.

Moringa Contains Many More Times The Vitamins Found In Fruits And Vegetables

Who Is Studying Moringa?

Research institutions around the world have investigated the Moringa plant and its use for improving human health.

Below are just a few of the institutions that have sponsored this research, as well as some of the scientific journals that

have published the research:

Universities and Research Institutions That Have Studied Moringa

Yale University

University of Wisconsin

Johns Hopkins University

United Nations University

Heidelberg University, Germany

University of Zimbabwe, Africa

East Carolina University

Ferrara University, Italy

Wageningen University, Netherlands

University of Calcutta, India

Scientific Journals That Have Published Moringa Research

Human & Experimental Toxicology

International Journal of Food Sciences & Nutrition

Environmental Science & Technology

Indian Journal of Experimental Biology

Ecology of Food and Nutrition

European Journal of Pharmacology

British Journal of Nutrition

Journal of Applied Phycology


Journal of Medicinal Food

Journal of Ethnopharmacology

Is Moringa Safe?

The answer is an overwhelming “yes.” In underdeveloped countries, health organizations and clinics distribute

Moringa to infants, children, pregnant and lactating women. Since 1998, the World Health Organization and

humanitarians have promoted Moringa as an effective option to treat malnutrition.

Some Of The Top Moringa Supporters:

Several More

National Institutes Of Health On Moringa

* Can save millions of lives

* Is used as medicine to prevent or treat over 300 diseases

* High-quality oil can be used in cooking and its leaves can be consumed as a tea and as a nutritious substitute for

milk. They are an excellent source of protein and iron you won’t find that in many other plants.

Here’s how it compares with other foods: 7 times the vitamin C of oranges; 4 times the calcium of milk and twice the

protein of

yogurt. Many other vitamins and minerals are present literally from A to zinc, and all the essential amino acids.

* Can purify polluted water, working as both a coagulant (for removal of turbidity)

and as an anti-microbial. Extracts from its seeds can be used on a small or large

scale as a low-cost, locally available alternative for water treatment chemicals.


United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization On Moringa

* In India, tradition maintains that the Moringa tree can cure 300 diseases, and local herbalists make extensive use of

Moringa products to treat a host of ailments, including diabetes, ulcers, high blood pressure, pedal edema and kidney



*Moringa products are not formulated to cure or treat any diseases, disease symptoms, medical conditions or


Obesity: A Global Pandemic

Weight has no doubt become a growing problem. In fact, it has literally grown into one of the top health concerns

among North Americans.

Consider the facts:

- More than 200,000 Americans, or 70% of the US population, are overweight or obese.

- Almost 1 billion adults worldwide are overweight—that's 23% of the global population.

- The worldwide number is expected to double by 2030 to nearly half of all adults.

This is a brutal reality most of us have to deal with every day. And while weight-loss industry sales top $70 billion a

year, the industry is failing miserably. In fact, over 95% of all diets fail.

Zija International, a leader in the wellness industry, delivers the essential

nutrients you need to help build muscle, lose fat, and achieve your ideal

body composition. The Zija weight-loss system will help you look great,

feel terrific, and reach a level of vitality you haven't experienced in years.

The powerful product line is designed to allow the body to burn fat more

efficiently and keep that weight off, as well as restore balance and

encourage improved overall health.

Zija's weight-loss system is all about helping people change the way they

approach weight loss. It's not all about the number on the scale. It is, however, about how you feel and your improved

health and wellness.

It stands apart from other so-called diet programs and “quick” fixes. This system promotes a lean body through

appetite suppressant and weight control. It delivers a real, all-metabolic benefit with none of the harmful

neutrostimulants and is formulated to spark a natural energy release.

- Zija's Smart Drink is overflowing with cell-ready nutrients, antioxidants and vital proteins.

- XM3 Capsules are an appetite suppressant that combines the synergistic effects of Zija's proprietary blend of

Moringa, Vitamin B6, Minerals, Cocoa, natural Caffeine and Phenylethylamine.

- The Miracle Tea is a pleasant-tasting blend of traditional eastern and western herbs. This proprietary herbal

combination aids in digestive cleansing and acts as a natural laxative, fat metabolizer, diuretic and appetite suppressor.

Check out this website showing the benefits of this weight-management system.

Below are just a few reasons why you should try the Zija weight-management system.

1. Promotes Healthy Weight Loss. There are many products that use harsh stimulants, gimmicks, or unsafe

ingredients that don't help you lose weight. Adversely, the Zija weight-management system is loaded with nutrients

and delivers an all-natural metabolic benefit.

2. Helps you reach your fitness and weight-management goals. The proprietary blend of ingredients in XM3

Capsules includes the key combination of extracts and xanthones known to increase you body's natural calorie burn.

3. Backed by Science. The science and quality control that goes into making Zija makes it the premier natural

beverage in the wellness industry today. Zija provides you with a balanced, convenient, approach to your nutrition.

4. Safe to Use. Zija, an essential part of the weight-management system, is extremely safe and is actually used in

underdeveloped countries to treat malnutrition.

5. Promotes Wellness in Addition to Weight Loss. Zija weight-loss management also replenishes the body with

essential nutrients, helps remove toxins, supports cardiovascular health function, and promotes health in many other

areas as well.

As you can see there are many reasons to try Zija weight-management system. It truly is an amazing way to improve

your overall health and wellness.

Watch this video and see for yourself how Zija's products can be a part of a healthy lifestyle.

The Need to Achieve Balance

Consider the following:

- Our Diets are Extremely Poor. Studies show that nutrition deficiencies are a primary cause of many health

conditions today.

- Cardiovascular Disease is #1. The top cause of death in America is heart disease—mostly a lifestyle disease.

- We’re Stressed Out. Stress, depression and fatigue are some of the most common complaints heard by doctors


- We are Fat—and Getting Fatter. Two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese.

Moringa can be a powerful part of the solution in helping maintain a balance of the bodies' key systems and enhance

vitality and wellness. Zija International's unique family of products—designed around the remarkable Moringa plant—

has been designed to restore our vital systems and achieve sustained wellness.

This website explains more about Zija's liquid nutritionals.

The Zija Advantage

Those seeking for a solution to help bring balance to their health have found the advantage they've been looking for in

Zija. These finely designed liquid nutritional products deliver much needed nutrition and revitalize the body’s primary

organs and systems. Zija is packed with natural bioactive compounds and is overflowing with cell-ready nutrients.

A few of the key benefits of Zija, as reported by our customers, are:

- Improved digestion

- Heightened vision

- Mental clarity

- Overall well-being

- Reduction in symptoms of fatigue, blood sugar issues, inflammation

- Improved skin

- Positive mood

Check out this website that explains more about Zija's liquid nutritionals.

The Original

The unique benefits of Zija's impressive line of liquid nutritional products

all started with the inception of the category creating original: Zija Smart

Drink. Overflowing with cell-ready nutrients, antioxidants and vital

proteins, Zija is the first—and only—company to channel the Moringa

plant's dramatic properties into a refreshing, nourishing beverage for

everyday use. Restore your body's balance with the vitamin-rich benefits of

this Zija original.

The facts speak for themselves:

- Zija is the only health drink on the market to contain Moringa oleifera

- Typically, people notice a difference in as little as 7-10 days

- Zija is 100% free of gluten and MSG

- No chemicals, preservatives, or concentrates

- Zija uses only the most beneficial parts of the Moringa plant

Check out this incredible video on the health benefits of Moringa oleifera.

XM3 Drink

As you know, the world today is full of stressors that push our bodies and overall health

into a state of imbalance. With Zija, however, you can regain a revitalization of health,

energy and much more. Zija's XM3 delivers real, all-natural metabolic benefits with no

artificial ingredients, flavors, preservatives, stabilizers and sweeteners. This three-in-one

beverage gives you the benefits of optimal energy, appetite suppression and nutrition.

What XM3 does contain:

- Natural Caffeine Found in many plants, leaves, beans and fruits, is a safe central

nervous system stimulant, which provides alertness.

- Green Tea Enjoys a long list of proven health benefits such as weight loss, improved brain function and

circulatory benefits.

- Fruit Pectin Recently published studies have shown fruit pectin to be a natural defense against free radicals and

that it contributes to the reduction of harmful cholesterol.

- Ginseng has a long natural herbal history I weight control as well as beneficial metabolic energy without harmful

side effects.

Start enjoying the benefits today!

Moringa is Nature's Beautician

The many amazing health benefits of Moringa just

keep getting better. With Zija's skin care line of

products, your skin can now benefit from Moringa

at the cellular level. Zija's GenM skin care is based

on careful science and diligent research.

GenM products:

- Are free of chemical preservatives and sulfates

- Are infused with Moringa extracts

- Are free of artificial colors and fragrances

- Are cruelty free

Zija developed and built GenM to bridge the gap for the anti-aging needs of all generation’s needs.

Check out this video on the benefits of GenM skin care.


Eventually we all come to the realization that our internal aging clock never stops ticking. As we get older, our skin

suffers from numerous detractors that force us to look our age. In the past there were few possibilities to limiting the

effects of aging. Now with Zija's new line of skin care products, the ticking clock doesn't have to be our worst enemy.

The Zija GenM skin care system includes:

- Creamy Face Cleanser

- Rehydrating Mist

- Daily Moisturizers

- Anti-Aging Night Repair

- Eye Serum

- Zija Oil

- Spa Masque

Check out this website about Zija's GenM products.

6 Reasons to use Zija Skin Care

With Zija Skin Care products there's no need for a mid-life crisis. You will be able to retain your youthful look and

feel using Zija’s Skin Care line. Here are some more reasons to use Zija's GenM System:

1. Massages away dead skin cells and excess dirt and oil. Creamy Face Cleanser restores balance, elasticity, tone

and natural lipids by gently washing your face.

2. Rehydrates your skin. Rich in active plant ingredients, Rehydrating Mist provides on- the-spot nourishment and


3. Eye treatment. Zija's Eye Serum has been designed to reduce redness, puffiness and dark circles around the eyes.

4. Look younger. Anti-Aging Night Repair moisturizes and relaxes your skin using a unique ingredient, Snowflake,

for overnight protection.

5. Spa treatment. Spa Masque absorbs all the excess oil, clarifying and toning your skin and leaving it with a rich,

smooth feel.

6. Beautiful looking skin. Zija's Skin Care System helps capture that youthful look we all strive for.

Advanced Skin Care from Zija

Want clearer, younger looking skin? As numerous factors continually conspire to

accelerate our aging, we need an advanced anti-aging formula that helps preserve a

youthful look. With GenM Skin Care products from Zija, it's now possible to erase the

erosion time leaves behind. Simply follow the Zija Daily Skin Care Regimen and

recapture the skin you've been longing for.

Step 1: Cleanse skin with Creamy Face Cleanser

Step 2: Prepare skin with Rehydrating Mist

Step 3: Protect skin with Daily Moisturizer

Step 4: Renew skin with Ant-Aging Night Repair

Aging doesn't have to mean older looking skin, and now with Zija's line of Skin Care

products, that restoration is available to anyone desiring younger looking skin.

Check out this interesting article on the benefits of the GenM System.

How Do I Get Some?

Now that you know all the amazing natural benefits of Zija Moringa, what are you waiting for? It’s also extremely

affordable. It comes down to as low as $1.50 a day! That’s ridiculously inexpensive if you compare it to a $6.00 cup

of sugary coffee people get daily at Starbucks. You can go to this website and place a retail order at retail prices or you

can take advantage of wholesale prices by registering as a distributor. This simply means that you are sent a shipment

as often as you like (You can change shipment dates or cancel anytime) and can make some money with it if you refer

someone. A secondary supplemental income is always nice, but nowadays it's imperative. With the rising

unemployment rates and a crumbling economy, you can't afford to not have your own business that you can build on

the side at your leisure. More information about the opportunity can be found here.

Zija Moringa:

Detox - Alkalize - Lose Weight - Be Healthy