I" 'fer'" IbtA~ t:Nf',:J1) - VG Vaze College

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~It I" 'fer'" IbtA~CUP-11

t:Nf',:J1)Roll No. :Max. Marks : 40

No. of Printed Pages : 4Duration: 1-112 Hrs.




A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below : (11)

In more recent times Gandhiji, perhaps, is one who assiduously brushed aside

adulation to remain a free 'nobody'. At the Congress session when he, the star

of the session, stunned everybody by cleaning up the latrines, his act was

calculated to purge Congress workers of their false sense of status, and so to

return the movement to its down-to-earth roots. The point of guarding against

becoming a self-defeating somebody applies to the upbringing of children as

well. Doting parents often stunt the natural growth of their children through

excessive adulation. Commonplace acts and utterances of the child are praised

and quoted beyond reason. Talent that otherwise might have flowered under

proper training, is lauded to the extent of killing it.

John Stuart Mill's education and training began very early. At an age when

many kids can barely lisp a few words, he had learnt enough Greek and Latin to

read the classics in the original. Before he was five he had read more than what

many scholars normally read in their career. Did this make the child John feel

heady? No! Because, he tells us, his father (who was also his tutor) always made

him believe that there was nothing extraordinary about his achievement: that he

was doing only what anybody is capable of doing. Mill was made to believe that

other boys of his age had, in fact, grossly underestimated their capabilities and

were wasting their early years striving for too little.


1) Who was the star of the session ? (1)

2) How was John Stuart Mill different from other children in his early childhood ? (2)

3) What was John made to believe by his father ? (2)

4) Do you agree that doting parents kill the talent of their children? Explain. (2)

5) Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed : (3)"-'

i) Commonplace acts and utterances of the child are praised.

(Change the voice)

ii) Did this make the child John feel heady?

(Make a statement of it)

iii) John Stuart Mill's education and training beqan very early.

(Frame a Wh question to get the underlined part as an answer)

6) Give the words for the following from the passage : (1)

a) shocked

b) to free

CUP-11 Page 2

B) Grammar: (5)

Do as directed :

1) April is fourth month of year. (1)

(Fill in the blanks with articles if necessary)

2) I met a few my relatives my way to Pune. (1)

(Rewrite using the proper prepositions)

3) The wall was too high for the little girl to climb. (1)

(Rewrite removing 'too')i '

4) "Nobody will listen to me", said Sharda. "Even the judge will be on his side". (2) ~j '.

(Change it into indirect speech)

Q.2 A) Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions given below. (4) -

If you crave not for praise when you win

And look not for sympathy while you lose

If cheers let not your head toss or spin

And after. a 'set-back you offer no excuse.

You may be the person I am looking for.

If you accept counsel without getting sore

And re-assess yourself in the light thereof

. If you pledge not to be obstinate any more

And meet others without any frown or scoff.

You may be the person I am looking for.1-

1) How should you behave when you are the winner ? Explain.

2) 'Is being obstinate good or bad ?' Why do you say so ?

3) Identify and explain the figure of speech in following line.

And meet others without any frown or scoff.

4) What is the poet's purpose in emphasizing the 'dos' and 'dont's' about

the qualities of a good human being ?





B) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below :

And then they came to its massive trunk

Fifty men with axes chopped and chopped

The great tree revealed its rings of two hundred years

We watched in terror and fascination this slaughter

As a raw mythology revealed to us its age


CUP-11 Page3

Soon afterwards we left Baroda for BombayWhere there are no trees except the oneWhich grows and seethes in one's dreams, its aerial rootsLooking for ground to strike

1) How did the poet feel when he saw the cutting of the banyan tree ?2) Why do you think the poet calls the cutting of the tree a "slauqhter'' ?

Explain.3) Pick up an example of 'Repetition' from the extract and explain.4) Does the poem have a rhyme scheme? What is it known as ?

(1 )




0.3 A) Rewrite with the following extract from the point of view of the girl with an (4)apple. You may begin with 'The boy was looking around probably to ensure that

."no one had seen him .'

•l" ..•.

I glanced around -to make sure no one saw me. I called to her softly inGerman. "go yoU have something to eat?"

She didn't understand.

I inched closer to the fence and repeated the question In Polish. Shestepped forward. I was thin and gaunt, with rags wrapped around my feet, butthe girl looked unafraid. In her eyes, I saw life.

She pulled an apple from her woollen jacket and threw it over the fence.I grabbed the fruit and , as I started to run away, I heard her say faintly,

"I'll see you tomorrow."I returned to the same spot by the fence at the same time every day. She

was always there with something for me to eat - a hunk of bread or, better yet,

an apple.We didn't dare speak or linger. To be caught would mean death for us both.I didn't know anything about her, just a kind farm girl, except that she

understood Polish.What was her name? Why was she risking her life for me?Hope was in such short supply, and this girl on the other side of the fence

gave me some, as nourishing in its way as the bread and apples.

..; ':

B) Extend the above 'extract into a paragraph of your own in about 120 words. (4)

0.4 A) Prepare a short tourist leaflet on any place of historical importance with thehelp of the following points :

1) How to reach there2) Where to stay



CUP-11 Page 4

3) Best time (season) of the year to visit.4) Anything special about the place5) Add your own points.

B) Write an application in response to the advertisement using information given (4)in the CV provided.

Situation Vacant

S~art, Young Computer Operators I cum Data Entry Operatorshaving good knowledge of English and Marathi.

Write to,The Manager

Vision Infotect, D.N. Road,Dhantoli, Nagpur.


CV (Curriculum Vitae)

Name : Saurabh AkolkarAddress: 25, Parth Society, M.G. Road, Aurangabad-431 001.Age : 24 yearsNationality: IndianExperience : Working as a Computer Operator at Wonder Travel's, Mumbai.

.Academic Achievements :

_.Year ofSr.

Exams PassedUniversity

PercentageNo. Board Passing

1. B. Com. Mumbai March-2010 64%

2. MSCIT MKCL 2011 82%

3. Diploma in MKCL 2012 90%InformationTechnology

,~" -rr~m~N)

CUP-12Roll No. :Max. Marks : 40


No. of Printed Pages: 4Duration : 1..:1/2 H rs.

>1".9 I(SldlC1~cRl Cf)'IYI\~lgj ~ ~tSj~IClx tr=rR ~oo ~~ m'Cl fffin.

9) .~ \J1lqYiId)C1 ~

~) t:I'81lcxS ~ ~ m

~) =sn 31T%ill ~

'd) ~ $llcYl(Y~1 fcrw~ ~2Ff



>1. ~ 31) ~ Cf)1~~'U:lI~ xfEHsOI "CfRT.

qlCI'j)'<ctI qm ~

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iI'l=41g'<<'11~ ~ l1Tll"-l1f\31c;fi cprcxft

~ ~dl'U:ll ~x-r ~ <'1C661<'1lifl~.

~, lfuS'm, ~ ;:;r~, l1T~ <! rnm,

ll'Nlgxdl ~ CRR, \JKR cnw:rr cnmr.

lnd~ullxl ~ ~, -.:rem \3~61=cf):most.fIffi ~ ~, <:ffiKl ~c ;ffi m ~

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• . .


Page 2 i

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31) ffi C!{9I~~ICj');g 6ltlUT

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~) 4TcIcf '11oor <roT

31) q)c wruT

61") 'lfuft ~~ <roT

cp) ~q ~ cncuT

~) cITcrffi ~ tToT.........


CUP-12 Page 3 ,


en) 9) 1(91<:11<:'1qlCflllil ~2f(~ ~,

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en) \3;::gloolllC'l ~ tfiR~fT ~ "C'1T'Td";mft.

~) 1(91<.41<:'1qlCf~lil ~2ff 01im: ~.

CflCfll : 1\5l100<:1 lill l1TOO g ~ ~ ~ 31'l'cft ~~~il~ril met.31) 1\5l100<:11ill l1TOO g f3cmur ~ ~ t:nTffl ~ ~.

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\5) ~ q 1Cf~ 1Cl q;)urc:ft [4\(Pi ~...gCfIGXffi <tfic;r, ill ~ f.1%T.

9) cncm : ~ ql§)O~I~ ~ ~¢R '+RC11.

31) >T~;:@r;::g, \3q:III\(~r6

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-31) cp'('lOI\(xi 6f) ~lic=Rx1q')) ~ \5) ~~ W


Page ~4I

en) ~1&ft(l1 ~ ~1&e;iUlI ~ 31~ ~.

9) Keyboard -

31) Cf)Ci'len (l1Cf) 6f ) ~{l Fchcr(>ft q) ) q Id fch (l1Cf) ~ ) ~ Iq en (l1Cf)

~) X-ray

31) 4)(l1 Fch:;:OI

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9 ) ~1~~1=ti ~ cmum ?

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3) ffFft ~Iqllli;:ft cYl{9Cf)I'<1q)~nwnR 31CCf) ~ ?

6f) ~1c;ft(l1~<ffi Cfi~OI("lll61 ~ >r~~ \3"W ~ Co ~~ iBm.

9) ~ ~T(9" !i6!i~i41 ~ cruA ~ ~ ~ ?

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s) cncft ~2.f ll"~rcic=r -g 31fClUf 31T4"cYl- ~ ~ .~ ~ 3ffi em x:gOldld .?

'X" Cem ,I" 'r~,.,II•••,., tJ t:"t- "-'" •

CUP-13Roll No. :Max. Marks : 40

No. of Printed Pages: 2Duration: 1-1/2 Hrs.

>T.9 31) f.1yf81ftm >i~~ ~ ~ FcPm ~ >i~~ CflT ~ ~ 9 =<0 ~~ ~ ~. (~)

9) '<jCff3IT~' qm CflT ~~<:f ~. cBI~ ?

=<) ~ fcRfi 'l1If ~ ttRt ~ ~ 3ffi \R-ICPT ~ LR cmT ~ l161 ?

s) '<jCff SB® ~ ~~' ~ ~ ~ q;qfqxol Cf\2.TT~ >i\2.TT~ fPiBlI3IT CflT quf~ ~ I

311) f.1yf81R9(1 >i~~ ~ ~ fctR:IT ~ >i~~ CflT ~ ~ 900 ~~ ~ ~.

9 ) ~ ~ qfcj(f c$T CflT 'l1fCfT2f ~ I

=<) .m-wl ~ ~ ~ ~ cA 'lilCRT ~ ~ I~) 9)4l'SlJl ygl~\J{ ~ 31¥fR qlf(1Fcl4l ~n'liT ~ g ?


>i. =< 31) f.1yf81R9(1 ClTcf<1T ~ ~ ~ m ~ x-eAT ~ ~ .qc:" qg:qH4lx ~ I (:<)9 ) <:r6 erg l1l'f ~ ~ l16R mfifcn ~ CflT f.iqfur fc(R:n ~ I

=<) m4lR q ~-~ LR mC? fuw ~~ ~ ~ g I

~) m4lR q f.1:~(Ycf) 3fu: ~ ~ fuw cA ~ en'< mt ~ 3lR ~ em ~(Yf ~ ~\JA1


311) f.1yf81R9(1 ClTcf<1T ~ ~ ~ m cnT cnT~ ~ ~ S~ ~ -$ 31j"ffR 4l1C'1qRq\1~ en'< (=<)

cncr<T ~ ~ ~ I

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=<) ;:jl m 51 ~ ~~ m-r ~ I (~ qcfYH4lIC'1)

s ) \JfR-~m ~ 3F& ~ ~ LR \:ilR cA cn:rm ~~ 6Tcfr ~ I (~ ~C14lIC'1)

s) 9) f.i!='""If81R9(1 ~~ ~ ~ fcRfi ~ CflT ~lqql:q4l ~i$1I'(lq ~ I (9)

9) t:f6RRT =<) ~:m

=<) f.i!='""1f81R9 (1 ~~ ~ ~ fcRfi ~ CflT fct~Tl:fOT01 ~ I ( 9)

9) 'lO°hs 4l HI=<) ~TcnT

~) f.iyf81R9(1 ~ ~ ~ ~ cl ~ 3T2f f8i<94lx \WPT CfTCf<TI~ wITrr ~ I (=<)9) ~ 6IfcnT ;:or ~ I

=<) 3OO"('1Tc1- tfu;ft C{)BT Is ) ~cft \3'TfC'lT ~ "Eft f.i 4l IC'1'""II

'11) ~ ~G'11I


,... ."

Page 2

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9) ~31T\ifT'4T ~ \fq) ~ ~ ~ 1

:( ) l1A1 ~ x=<rf q1f f.1fu f?rc;r ~ m 1

s) lft~qr;fi~~~~~~ 1


9) 3lIdCflCjI~ ~ m 1

:() ~~~Nm 1.'


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R'6 31") ~j:1~R9Ci ~~ 'Ul11li\q'"q) ~ \NT 'R 3Dmfu1 qfu ~~~ (lllR ~ I ~ \3m (~)

~ - ~ CJTC!'ll" -q m I

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~ 8c; CflC1f ~ .,-;r -q \3ffiI6 ~ ~ 31[q~;qcp,~ 1 ~ erg lBT'l1TcT g \JlT c;qfcffi em 31lR

C18-<:r ~ 3ffi: 31PT ~~ ~ qfu1 CB"XC1T~ I ~ ~ -q itti" 3-TR 3D~n cnr ~ ~

3ITC1T~ I ~ q Ro 119 fcNful ~ f1:nx '4T \3C'{-j16) c;qfcffl ~ ~ 31fWp Fc1:q~ Ci ~c:T1:

~ 6fR 3lLA cnr<f -q ~c \.i1lill ~ I \fq) ~ ~ R1" 3lCT~<:f~ XiLhC'1CiImB 6Tm ~ I


~CfCf ~~ cnr \fq) ~ (9 / ~) 3lLA ~T6ct -q fiR ~ 1

~) P1y~R9Ci ~ q1f ~ ~ ~ 1

:(9\.9, ~, ~Cl(Y1l11Ix, 6jl~Clc41 ~ ~/~~, ~'tII1I:qI<:f, CBlxYC'1~&fi,

fTR7nq em ~ ~'!5lCf)x ~ Cf)~ cRT~ w:)~T-~ ~ ~ ~/~ g: I

Rc: llC! ~ 'R Fc1$1IQ1~ ~ I

m\i1R -q m ~ \fq) 8CiY\J11 ~ >fCTR ~ ~ 8c; Fc1$1IQ1~ ~ I

lC. \\ Co ,.."

c.u P-14

Roll No: _Printed pages: 2

Time: Ihr 30mMarks: 40

I. Repondez aux questions generales par des phrases completes: [06)

I. Comment sert-on les plats dans un repas typique indien?2. Nommez trois produits laitiers.3. Pourquoi dit-on que la Cite Universitaire est un 'melting pot' des cultures?4. Donnez deux raisons pourquoi les gens sont stresses dans Ie temps modernes.5. Ou se trouve la cathedrale de Notre Dame?6. Dans un avion, qui sert les boissons aux passagers ?

II.a) Mettez les verbes aux temps ou aux modes convenables: [04]

1. Tu ne (se laver) pas si tard demain.2. Mes cousines (s'habiller) vite hier soir.3. cEtre) 11 I'heure pour les examens.4. Tu (rencontrer) cette fille dans une heure.

b) Mettez les verbes aux temps ou aux modes indiques : [04)

I. Les amis nous (attendre - futur) a la gare.2. Mes enfants (naitre - passe compose) a Mumbai.3. Nous (interroger - present) nos amis.4. (Boire - imperatif) ce que vous voulez.

c) Remplacez les mots soulign~s par les pronoms personnels [04]

1. Mes amis et moi, allons au cinema.2. On va parler au professeur.3. Ne faites pas de bruit.4. Je prends mon petit d~jeuner dans ce cafe.

d) Completez avec les pr~positions convenables : L02]

1. Arrivez bonne heure.2. Le train entre gare.

Ill. a) R~crivez les phrases suivantes au f~minin : [02]

I. Man ami favori est malheureux.2. Ce vieux Parisien est {res doux.

b) Mettez au pluriel:

1. 11y a un gros livre sur la table.2. L'Institutrice est allee chez son amie.

c) Donnez les contraires des mots soulignes:

1. Ce gar~on est fable.2. Ta chemise est sale.

d) Que diriez-vous dans les situationssuivantes?

1. Votre ami a rate son examen: _2. Les enfants des voisins font beaucoup de bruit: _

e) Compl«~tez avec les mots justes:

1. Attachezvotre de securite, s'il vous plaie2. L' Arche de 1aDefense est une construction .-------






IV Ecrivez un sujet sur la theme 'Un diner chez un ami/ une amie francais(e)' [06][environs 60 mots]

Ou,Ecrivez une lettre a votre ami en lui decrivant comment vous avez passe vosvacances d'ete [environs 60 mots]

. . v. Traduisez en Fran5ais

1. In order to understand the World, one must know more languages.2. Do not forget to take the umbrella when it rains.3. He taught French for several years, but now he teaches German.4. Don't sit for too long in front of the computer, you will get a back ache.

_______ BONNE CHANCE _


Time : 1.30 Hrs Marks: 40________________ ~C~·U~P_-~1_5 _

~ sr ) ~cqltdd'lq;u. Translate anyone (~)

~. ~ ~~ l:f~~Tftf{f1~et 14: ~: ~,~"04a I ~~,

tfrsITl }31'i ~ I Cf)fti1a.? ~lCf)f4 "ffi"~~ I JlChl f%: ~~: I ~ Iet~l\i1~~lti~1 ~~I,tiCf) Q:etl~4: ~~, W{~4f,etl~; l:f9JI,tiCh\ erTl d?f

~~iT ~a '1)1~ :- fi f~ ~\51\51(I ~\511O\S\itl Q;::\JJ1fi ~ : I .

~.'lm - ~~&lrf?r 1Itil(~' wf~anfi:rI ~q)\Sftt TtCfi (~qI4 {!\J1'13i:

~:13T~3F~~1~1~. ~!~,ql ¥~C1<1~T~1

~4ItiC11 -~, ~ I ~~ft~'iF-f~ ql(4rn I

) ~q'i I~flt Pt~Yrri 'iq l(lIrn I~ mm: ~a leta 1 Cf)I&I'icrcr ~ 'Cff{~gtil~ldl ~:I

an) ~ 'iltllid'l CfiU.Translate anyone

1. ~~ljJ1:(d ~.~

~,41'"l ~1(4a ~ ~~4a &l?reW~1

tTlC1ft4 \514d ~ Cf)~4d Cf)1;qo4tildrq d

4O;f=a&'~ ~-a&4d ~~~ 1itS0114~-4- r{11: II

2. ~ ~ ~ ~tS4d", trR~!~C1ti.lid'i ficr~1

iGT 4 ~ fd PI a- f18?1d r ~~ :q;:r: ~ fi ~ Cf)(!'q 4"1 <-ti"1.fff~1oq: fi I~4 'ifiSr ~ ~ ~m-FCl et1(I: I

~ Bcr40tld $1\511'1i ~ ll'i: ~letB~Cf)\"qtif111

"5f~31)~~~q;u. Write reference to context of' any one (~)


~)··~.~~I .~) ~: ~~: Cf1TR1lOk{Sfo;g~Cf)l"l1


3lT) ~~~. Write answer of anyone of the following (~)

~. ~ atrrc3): :qIOICf4I~ ~ ~ ~ tITrrr.How did ~'s ring come to "qIOICflt?

~. iS1CfCf)\(hJ'tlil ell fCtc1 Rl31 ~'BlIe:1. Draw a character sketch of kingoBukka.

'Sr. ~ ~~CfiU. Complete the story (~)

r~'·'~"~'~~' ,. " 1m " ~.i 3i;f(1C1I<Ji, 51!'1'{ " 31GiJ+ld .~ ... ,:)' ~


q;-~-:qa:r CH$\\(1"1: ChiC'4Rlll : cf;()t I\(Hl Ch: :q 3i I~ C"t...I ChC\1fit (i... ~~lIc1 ~~

Cflfct: 3i Id I,,4 'fa 'fll Chiai ~IC1fll <1 CH$1{ I"1 'fll ~ I q 'f("ki: ~:,:) ... ,:)

3 (-("I CH: Cflfa': I q \(0-(1 'QCfl: ~: ~ I C,f)&f~ I qUI ft CHil qc;:r: qc;:r: ~:',:) '2>.•- -........ o ,:)

CfI\((i ()t 4): ChuS '£Icri 'fCH"I CH$\\(1"1: C"JBf ChIe:ti ~ ~ :q <i1lc-qI~ '2>"- -••.••.

(fcJ1 - "3lT: Chfch~lI! ~ itC"tfa~lkttlUe:I: lIlqC"t fo:l\(cr(i{ ~... ':)'"

}l)!lqllkl ~ 31t q-xr~R:fcUCH1crt...34111crH,qul e\e\lfCA I 4\(crCj

CfllcllqlitcrHiCHll 31CfC1T ~<)' Che\lf'Ol ChUSllcri err ~I~


~fc\t:tlllq'(~~. Write an easy on any one- i) ~+t 1~4: ii) '~?A 1+t'Q.\q~

'Sr.~31) ~ SI:(~i:ijt~ qltf14ld-~fff~.Write the answers or any 4 in complete sentence (~)

~' 'lI\J"1ft' CF"$UI~ ~ (CJRr ~, ~, lI<i1fshlliCh~C"t1 \(:qJlJl ~ Jtr),:) ... ...

What is meant byYajus?(Melodious chants,' Richas, Prose chants composed for sacrificial purpose)

"" "2


~. fo"lt:luc: CF$UIJI CfiT<:r? (~R\Cf) ~1&C:\iill ~r, ~~ clkqn1'l, c~Ig:;,(UI)~ .~

What is Nighantu?

(The dictionary of Vedic words, Etymology of words, Grammar)


~. Ifli&~Cf)I~Cf)I' Ch~oft ffif%~~I? ($"~cHCf)l\OI, ~, qc1\J"1c>Tt)c.

Who wrote Sankhya-karika?

($"~CI'(tl\OI, ~, qc1\J"1~)

~. 3i1~4~11fil( ~~?What is the number of ~ according to Ayurveda?

(10,7, 100)

~.~. {.·~mf4C;:I~I~ ~cplOI\~1 ~~


Which of the following .has been critically studied by F. E. Pargitter?

.(~,~,~)~. ~$ClleJ ~f¢eCh)OI Ch~OIc-'41~~ CHiS(ilI? Which philosophy put forththe materialistic view?

(tii:g<a/~/ill CI~Cfl)

an) ~ al\as&l. Recognize the Meter~ \J1~qe:14~:a&1441 ~IIQ14F1:

~ ~~Zff~~m:1(I \it r4 1'1i ~~R~I d 4?i ~II oll q&rCIT~ I(I q IdftqfltCf Cfitot~Ir4~4q qrf!«l I~II

~. ~ ~cffiT~q;u. Draw a tree-diagram (~)

~ e:C(I~ ~m ~ I 3tP~ e:-4 '14e:-ft 114~ e:-3T~:p:f~e:I: -:cr m- ~:~ I ~ ?ff~~e:: 3lf?J: ~:I q:q14QI~dl~i~: ~~~~~ I~\I Cfi~: ~ IISCfi~: -:cr m- ~ ~ ~ri I 4 \it ~ ~TIPm~\3q41~Iq (I: totr?i I: 4 '14~

'~'ilrct I


.. " ..3


Solve any 3sub-questions,2 from each

aT) ~ alI05&1 -.Recognize the forms -tprr, ~:, ~ ,.~"1f:


3lT) 'E'I"II'E'I~. Dissolve compounds -~: , Chll(l~, ~ , 3"lICh08l{,

.•~) ~,:;i~SI"II~~q)U Do as directed

~. {jl"ll{~ctlf;lClI (Dissolve the sandhi) (~ CRT.)

~. 'HqCfC\bI ~ ~IJ)CH m'lCH<&~CH~I (Use ~--<1CJ and.:::J.:::J .:::J •• .:::J" •• .

rewrite the sentence.) (~---c=rcJ m crTtR Cfi~Ci1 ClICfll qo:=tJ ~).:::J

~.rn ~, (Use '~ instead of 'm') ( m'~ ~ c~mar.)'to ~ 'QCf ~T 'CfilCf (qf£lc-ClI ql~dI~cf; ';tlcofl<j I (C[ciChI~cH:qCh~.)

(Remove Gerund)

~) ~~CfiU. Complete the sentences

~.~~: I (~ an:n:rj~.U\lfOO ~ ~'#i=8tct'Ii(lctdTl (~&:/ ~~)~. ~ -.=n:r:l (~t$OI~ I ~t$O"4)

~. ~~~: I (~/ ~1l./~:)


Jr. c ~ ~lIfo=clqCl~cl cra:rfcT CI~crt ~ ~ ~How are the trees described in ~1Ifa>c1qa of ~


*****.~~ *****


,.1' -r~.,.'" £tc.o",

EC#Jn.~'~Roll No ----------------- Max Marks: 40

Duration: 1Yz Hours CUP-16 Printed Pages: 02·

Note: All Questions are compulsoryDraw Diagrams where necessary

Q.1. A) Fill in the blanks by using appropriate alternative from the bracket. 31. Macro economics.uses -------- equilibrium analysis. (Partial, General, Semi-

partial, Semi-general)2. A birthday gift i~ an example of ----------income. (earned, transfer, productive,

national)3. Surplus Budget is suggested during ----------(depression, inflation, monsoon, war)

C) Match the following:- 2

B) State whether the following statements are true or false. 31. Effective Demand is also known as Macro-economic Equilibrium.

2. A Bank cheque is a fiat money.3. Providing plastic money to customers is a primary function of commercial banks:

A B1. Repo Rate a. Maximum expected. sales revenue2. Aggregate Supply b.CRR

c. short term borrowingsd. Minimum expected sales price

0..2 A) Define / Explain the following concepts (any two)1. Macro Economics2. Escheats3. Financial Investment

4. Money


B) Explain the following statements (any two)1. Central Bank is a Bankers' bank.

2. Good money has certain qualities.3. GOPexcludes net income from abroad.4. Tax Is the main source of Revenue receipts of a Government.



J •

Q.3 A) Distinguish between (any two)1. MPC&APC2. Token coins & Standard coins3. Aggregate Demand & Aggregate Supply

4. Savings Account & Fixed Deposit Account


B) Write short notes (any two)

1. Saving Function2. Agency functions of commercial banks3. Scope & subject matter of Macro Economics4. Types of budgets



Q.4. State with reasons whether you agree or disagree with the following statements(any two)

1. Bank Rate is a qualitative tool of credit control.

2. Macro Economics uses lumping method.3. Giving loans is a secondary function of commercial banks.4. Autonomous consumption is independent of income.


Q. 5. Answer in detail (anyone) 61. What are the conceptual difficulties in the measurement of National Income?2. Explain functions of Central Bank.

Page 02/ CUP-16

, ••. -re.,.tt\ ~ft) ed &01 C.a· \c-..


Roll No.Duration: lX Hrs.

Marks: 40Printed Pages:2

Q.1 A) Write a word/ term/ phrase which can substitute each of the following (4)statements:1. A partner who contributes only capital to the business but does not

take any active part in day to day affairs.2. Profit and LossAccount appearing on the asset side of a balance

sheet.3. The person in whose favour the bill of exchange is transferred.4. Profit earned.by the business ccncem ..' over and above the normal

profit on capital employed.'.

B) State whether the following statements are true or false: (4)1. The new partner must pay his share of goodwill in cash only.2. Retirement of a bill means dishonour of a bill.

) 3. A new partner can't get share in the accumulated profits and losses.4. The interest on capital is an income of the firm.

Q.2 On iz" June, 2016 Mr. Anand draws a bill on Mr. Prasanna for ~ 25,000 (10)for two months for the amount due. Mr. Prasanna accepts the bill andreturns it to Mr. Anand. After one month, the bill is discounted with bank.at 12% p.a. On maturity, Mr. Prasanna requests for renewal of the bill. Hepays ~ 10,000 by cheque and accepts a new bill at one month for thebalance, plus interest at 15% p.a.Give journal entries in the books of Mr. Anand and draw Mr. Anand'saccount in the books of Mr. Prasanna.

Q.3 Following is the balance sheet of IPLTraders as on 31st March 2015. (10)Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2015

Liabilities ~ ~ Assets ~ ~Capital Goodwill 60,000Mr. Super King 1,00,000 Land and Building 1,10,000Mr. Daredevil 75,000 1,75,000 Furniture 20,000Current Ale Bills Receivable 8,000Mr. Super King 30,000 Debtors 22,000Mr. Daredevil 15,000 45,000 Cash at bank 6,000Creditors 12,000 Profit & Loss Ale 10,000Outstanding salary 4,000

2,36,000 . 2,36,000 .


..• • . "•I

, • I t


Mr. Indian joins as a new partner on 1st April 2015 on the following terms:1. For his 1/3rd share in future profits Mr. Indian brings ~ 1,00,000 as his

capital.2. It is decided to revalue goodwill at ~ 90,000 and to write it off fully.The other assets and liabilities were re-valued as follows:(i) Land and buildings ~ 1,30,000(ii) Outstanding salary ~ 7,000(iii) O(le bill receivable of ~ 5,000 was endorsed to one of the creditors(iv) Furniture of ~ 4,000 was discarded being obsolete(v) Provision was made for doubtful debts for ~ 1,000Prepare Revaluation A/c, Partners' Current Alc and new Balance Sheet.

Q.4 From the following information, prepare Income & Expenditure A/c for (12)the yearended 31st March 2016 and Balance Sheet as on that date for theYouth Club.

Receipts & Payments A/c for the year ended 31st March 2016Receipts ~ ~ Payments ~ ~

To Balance b/d 8,500 By Sports EquipmentsTo Subscriptions (purchased on 1st 35,000

2014-15 4,000 October 2015)2015-16 60,0002016-17 6,000 70,000 By Salaries

To Entrance Fees 8,000 2014-15 5,000To Govt, Grant 10,000 2015-16 28,000 33,000To Interest on By Re':lt 9,500Investment 2,500 By Printing & Stationery 2,700

By Electricity Charges 3,000By Balance cld 15,800

99,000 99,000Additional information:1. Salaries of~ 2,000 were unpaid for the year 4015-16.2. Printing & Stationery includes ~ 500 paid for the year 2014-15.3. Subscriptions of~ 5,000 were outstanding for the year 2015-16.4. Balances on 1st April 2015 were

Furniture ~ 20,000Sports Equipments ~ 50,000Investments ~ 25,000

S. Provide 5% depreciation on Furniture and Sports Equipments.6. Government Grant was received for expansion of Gymkhana in the



, ~7e,..,...,~o".,· ~e'".0/,()'MCUP-18

Roll No:-__

Time:- 1.30 Hrs. Total Marks:- 40

Q.1 A) Select the proper options from the options given below and rewrite

the sentence. ( 5)

1) Tne minimum number of directors in a public company are _

a} Two. b) Three.2} Bonded warehouses are located at, _

.. a) Railway Station. b) Port.

3) Pay Net and Pay Pal are the advanced technology payment modes.

c) face to face

c) Market

a) unsecured. b) secured

4} To maintain industrial peace is the responsibility of _

a) Businessman b) Government c) shareholder

5) In case of urgency and to avoid delays _ is sent

a) Registered post b) Insured Post c) speed post

B) Match the correct pairs (5)

Group "A" Group "B"

1) Premium a) 1965

2j Hindu succession Act. b) LZhour » services

c) Overdraft facility

d) payment made by company

3) AT fvi.

4) Trade union.

5) Payment gateway. f) 1956

f) 24 hours services

g) Authorizes payment made online


CUP ...I8


h) Negotiation with management

I) Negotiation with employees

j) Payment made by policy holder

Q.2 Write short notes on the following. (Any Two) .

1) Steps involved in online transactions.

2) Functions of Warehousing


-3) Responsibility of business organizations towards shareholders

-'Q.3 Distinguish between-the following. (Any Two) (10)

1) Co- operative society and Partnership firm

2) Commercial Bank and Central Bank

3) Private company and Public company

Q.4 Define a Sole Trading concern. Explainits merits and demerits. . (10)


What is a Insurance? Explain the various principles of Insurance.


" ctJm I

Roll No. :Total pages: 2

C U P-19 Maximum marks: 40Duration: 1 Y2 Hourss·P.

Q1. (A) Select the correct.answer.and rewrite the statements. (5)

1) The difference between CurrentAsset and Current Liability is capital.a)Debt b) Fixed c) Working

2) The SEBIhas prescribed debt equity ratio norm of _a) 1:1 . b) 1:2 c) 2:1

3) The holder of the bond is ~ __ of the institution.a) owner b) creditor c) secretary

4) The secretary has tomake an application for listing shares on the stockexchange within days from the date of issue of prospectus.

a) 10 b) 15 c) 20

5) Every company is required to invest % of its total value of depositsrepayable in the next accounting year in the liquid assets.

a) 10 b) 15 c) 20

B) Match the pairs:Group A

1. Public deposit2. Private placement3. Wealth maximization4. Capital structure5. Financial management

(5)Group B

·a. Maxlmlse market value of equity sharesb. Maximum 5 yearsc. Ratio of buying & sellingd. Maximum 3 yearse Private company collecting capital privatelyf. Public company collecting capital privatelyg. Minimize market value of equity sharesh. Ratio of different securities in capitali. Management of business activitiesj. Management of business funds

'(10)Q.2 Distinguish between: (any two)1) Fixed capital and working capital2) Transfer-of shares and Transmission of shares3) Share certificate and share warrant .4) letter of allotment and Letter of regret

i~__ --------_I

• +

Q.3 Write noteson : (anytwo) (10)1) Draft a letter to depositor informing him about payment of interest.

. . 2) Features of equity shares'3) Role of financial management4) Renewalof deposits

Q.4 Answerbriefly: (any·one) (10)1. What is debenture. Explain in detail procedure for issuing debentures.2. Write a letter to a shareholder regarding issue of bonus shares


' ..

Roll No. :Max. Marks : 40

CUP-20M4HLt No. of Printed Pages : 3

Duration: 1-1/2 Hrs.

Note:i) All questions are compulsory.ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.iii) Use of graph paper is allowed.iv) Log tables will be provided on request.

Q.1 A) Attempt any three: (6)

i) If the function is continuous at x = 1, then find f(1)

where f(x) =X2 - 3x + 2

x - 1for x 1= 1

ii) Write the inverse and contrapositive of the following statement

If x E R then x2 is positive


[:1 3313~Jiii) If A = , then find A2 - 5A.

dyiv) Find if y = cos" (sin 5x)


. B) Attempt ant two : (6)

i) If tan ( x + Y) = k, then verify that dy _.!....-x - y dx x

ii) Determine whether the following statement pattern is a tautology, contradiction

or contingency.

[ (pv--q) v (-p 1\q ] M

iii) Divide 30 in two parts such that sum of their squares is minimum.

C) Attempt ant two : (8)

i) Solve the following equations by the method of inversion :

x-y+z=1, 2x-y=1, 3x+3y-4z=2.

CUP-20 Page 2

ii) Examine the continuity of the function

(e3x _ 1)2f(x) = , x F 0

x . log (1 +3x)

= 9 , x = 0 , at x = 0

If it is discontinuous, then state whether the discontinuity is removable. If so,

redefine and make it continuous.

iii) If x = cos? e ; y = cot e ,

finddy 7t- -at e =dx 4 ~

Q.2 A) Attempt any three: (6)

.covariance is 36 and the variance of X is 16. Find the standard deviation of Y.

i) The coefficient of correlation between two variables X and Y is 0.48. The

ii) For the following probability distribution of X.

- Find the value of K.

iii) Solve the inequation and write the solution set, 5x + 7 > 4 - 2x

iv) For a bivariate data we have x = 53, Y = 28 and bxy = -0.2

. then estimate X for Y = 25.

B) Attempt any two : (6)

i) Ranking of 8 trainees at the begining (X) and at the end (Y) of a certain course

are given below.

Trainees A B C 0 E F G H

X 1 2 4 5 6 8 3 7

Y 2 4 3 7 8 1 5 6

Calculate Spearman's rank correlation coefficient.

CUP-20 Page 3

ii) Find the graphical solution for the following system of linear inequations.

x - y ~ 0, 2 x - Y ~ - 2.

iii) The time (in hours) required to perform the printing and binding operations

(in that order) for each book is given in the following table.

Book I II III IV VPrinting Machine

3 7 4 5 7M1

Printing Machine 6 2 7 3 4M2

Find the sequence that minimizes the total elapsed time (in hours) to complete

the work. Also find minimum elapsed time (T) and Ideal times for two machines.

)C) Attempt any two : (8)

i) The equation of two regression lines are x-4y=5 and 16y-x=64. Find the means

of X and Y. Also find correlation coefficient between X and Y. Obtain acute angle

between the regression lines.

ii) Maximize Z = 3x1 -x2

Subject to constraints., 2x1 + x2 ~ 2,

x1 + 3x2 ~ 2, x2 ~ 2,

and x1 ~ 0, x2 ~ O.

iii) A job production unit has four, jobs A, B, C, 0 which can be manufactured on

each of the four machines P, Q, Rand S. The processing cost of each job for

each machine is given below.


Jobs P Q R SProcessino Cost (~)

A 31 25 33 29

B 25 24 23 21

C 19 21 23 24

0 38 36 34 40

How should the jobs be assigned to machines so that the total processing cost

is minimum?


Roll No.:-.Duration: -a6:(v,.~


QIA. Choose correct option

Max. Mark.s:-25.Printed pages: 01

2 marks

1. Height of Badminton net is_·_ in the center.a) 1.42mtrs b) 1.52mt1's

2. Name the Indian chess player who has broken the world record by finishing the game in firsttwelve movies. ..

a) Vishwanathan Anand b) Pravin Thipsey3. How many players are there in Kabaddi team

a) 7 b) 114. __ is the word used in Tennis for winning four major tournaments.

a) Grand Slam : . b) Major Slam

B. Match the followingA

. Lima RamMaradona1st Asian game ..Hockey

R. New Delhi

National gameArcheryFootball

C. True or False .1. One game of Badminton is having 21 points.2. WHR is also known as Quetele index.3. There are 10 players in Kabaddi game.4. Virendra Sehwag scored triple century in test match.

Q2. Answer in one sentence1. Write the main skills used in Hand ball game.2. Who is the flying Sikh of India?3. Merry kom is associated with which game? .4. What are the weights of javelin for Men & Women categories?5.' List out Heptathlon events in Athletics. .

..Q3. Give DefinitionI. Yoga2. W.H.O

Q4. Answer in short1. Explain the meaning of'Pranayama.

. 2. Explain the Fertlek Training Method.

Q5. Short note1. PT Usha2. Cricket

Or .Draw the diagram of a ground with its measurement of anyone Team Game.







,"" ."'e..,..~~(-\uP-2.5" B

. Roll No.:-Duration: _ ~__ "•••••l...;.....•

· ...•- •...""Max. Marks:-25Printed pages: 01


QIA .: Choose correct option

1.. The width of the jumping pit is_· _,for Long & Triple jump.a) 2.75mtrs b) 2.55mtrs .

2. __ is the .only cricketer who is awarded with Bharat Ratna.a).: Kapil Dev b) Sachin Tendulkar .

3. the range ofTHR is_ intensity.a) 65%-85%. b) 55%-75%

· 4: __ is another name of football game.a) Rugby . b) Soccer '

'2 marks

B. Match the Following. '.1. Sania Mirza .

.. 2. Ajinkya Rahane ..3.. Virdhawal Khade4. Jwala Gutta




. Lawn TennisCricket

C. True or False1. 2014 world cup won by India2. Servicein Table Tennis touching the net is called LET serve.3.. Serena William is a Lawn Tennis player4. Total number of points in a set of volleyball game is 25.


Q2. Answer in one sentence .I. Name two types of table tennis grips.2 .. Usain Bolt is associated with which game?

. 3. Write the measurement ofkabbadi kabbadi court.4. Name any Five International Cricket player?5. What is the German & Latin name of Yoga?


Q3;. Give Definitionl. Yoga ..2. First Aid


Q4. Answer in short1. Explain the benefits of Asanas.2. Classify Athletic events.


QS. Short noteI. Usain Bolt2. Football


. Or

·Draw the diagram of a ground with its measurement of anyone Team Game
