Master-Class-Monoline-Faux-Calligraphy-Practice-Sheets ...

Post on 23-Jan-2023

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from cursive to calligraphy and printing to lettering


Hey! Glad you could make it. Welcome to your new skill, hobby or script. I promise that aftercompleting this workbook once through, you will be well-versed in monoline calligraphy.

If that sounds like too much, don't worry, I'll walk you through it. As always work at a pace that works for you. The only thing I will stress is to keep at it and don't give up. Try your best to be

consistent in making time to practice. That will be the key to your success.


1. Welcome & Table of Contents 2. Monoline Calligraphy Explanation 3. Monoline Letters - Uppercase + Lowercase 10. Monoline - Words 13. Monoline - Flourishing 16. Faux Calligraphy Explanation 17. Faux Calligraphy - Uppercase + Lowercase 24. Faux Calligraphy - Words 27. Serif Print & Lettering Explanation 28. Serif Letters - Uppercase + Lowercase 34. Serif Letters - Words 37. Calligraphy Composition - Guidelines 39. Calligraphy Composition 40. Calligrascape Monoline & Serif Certificate 41. Appendix A: Monoline Calligraphy Alphabets 42. Appendix B: Serif Lettering Alphabets

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Monoline Calligraphy: Explanation

First, when a word is written in a monoline style, it means that every line, letter and connection are written with the sameconsistent thickness. Second, calligraphy is de�ned as decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering. So when you put

those two de�nitions together you get: “decorative handwriting or lettering completed using a singular thickness”.

Calligraphy is intriguing to look at due to it’s contrast in strokes, it’s symmetry and its consistency. Each script comes with it’s own unique challenges and tools.

But what if I told you there are decorative scripts you can learn easily without any purchase of new tools?

Look no further than Monoline Calligraphy.

Cursive is the best place to start. On the next few pages we will go through the cursive alphabet. If you already know how to cursive write, it may be still important to brush up on some of the letters and connections before moving

into faux calligraphy.

What is Monoline Calligraphy?

This means that


are technically

Blackletter CalligraphyCopperplate Calligraphy Modern Brush Calligraphy

This means you can make monoline calligraphy with any normal pen, pencil or marker. You just need to know how. In these practice sheets you will learn 2 monoline calligraphy scripts (cursive and serif ) and how to thicken them into

faux calligraphy and serif lettering.


1= +



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Cursive Alphabet: Aa, Bb, Cc, & Dd

11= =+

21= +

2 21

1= += +


1= =+







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Cursive Alphabet: Ee, Ff, Gg & Hh





1= +


+ +



= +=

= +=

= =

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Cursive Alphabet: Ii, Jj, Kk & Ll








= +=




1 =1




= =

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Cursive Alphabet: Mm, Nn, Oo & Pp

+ +





++ =





1 1 22

1 22



1 2 3

= =

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Cursive Alphabet: Qq, Rr, Ss & Tt







= +=




1 1






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Cursive Alphabet: Uu, Vv, Ww & Xx



+ +

+ +




= +=




1 21





1 2


2 3

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Cursive Alphabet: Yy, Zz & 0-9


= =




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Cursive Alphabet: Words Below is a list ‘words’ to practice that contain an upper and lowercase letter for each letter in the alphabet.

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Cursive Alphabet: Words

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Open PracticeWrite anything you want to practice the new script you learned. Try a word, a quote, some names, etc.

On the next page we will learn to �ourish your words.

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Monoline Calligraphy: Flourishing

Where do I flourish?

1. Beginning and end of a word or sentence

2. Ascenders and Descenders

Instead of looping into itself, or the next letter additional loops

are added.

Capitals are naturally decorative but you can change it up. This kind of “frames” the letters.

3. Get creative! Extend a section of a letter and �ourish o� that!*

*Careful with letter clarity. For example, you could extend

an “a” into a “d”

There are 4 main places where you would want to �ourish.

What are flourishes? A �ourish in calligraphy is an ornamental �owing stroke that adds to calligraphic

letters to beautify a composition. There are two main types: Letter �ourishes that extend from existing letters, and abstract �ourishes that are independent from the letters.They can be as simple as adding

ornamental ends to your upstrokes to multi-stroke abstract �ourishes.

Letter Flourish Abstract Flourish

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Monoline Calligraphy: Letter FlourishFor the ascenders and decenders try out some variants of letter �ourishes.

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Monoline Calligraphy: Abstract Flourishes

Below are some styles of abstract �ourishes that can be added to lettering compositions.In the box below, think of your own monoline �ourishes you could add to your calligraphy.

Simplistic Icons




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Faux Calligraphy: Explanation



3. Fill in your outline.

Sketch your outline.

Write your cursive

Faux calligraphy is a style of lettering that imitates calligraphy that is completed with a brush tool. In brushcalligraphy, there are upstrokes and downstrokes that have di�erent pressures. These pressures correspond with the di�erent thicknesses that we �nd so aesthetically pleasing. Faux calligraphy takes monoline calligraphy or cursive writing and thickens the letters in the right spots to simulate brush calligraphy.

What is Faux Calligraphy?

How do I make Faux Calligraphy?

Using your new cursive skills, write the “skeleton” of your faux calligraphy. Ensure to space your letters slightly further apart than you would if you were just cursive writing. Additionally, add a bit more space in letters with “loops” (a, d, p, q and some capitals). The loop (a) and the tail (b) must be spaced out a bit more than other letters so that when the letters are thickened, the loops is not too small (c).

Within the outline you created. Fill in your outlinewith the colour or texture of your choice.

And there you have it! On the next pages, you willpractice the construction of each faux calligraphy letter.

Using your “skeleton” as a guide, sketch an outline around your cursive to thicken the strokes in the appropriate locations. To learn the appropriate locations, knowing brush calligraphy helps a lot, but you can follow the following guidelines:

i) For strokes that you pull towards yourself, aka “downstrokes” (d), draw a line on either side of your cursive stroke equally distant from the cursive stroke.Try to keep the thickness consistent on straight lines. However, when thickening curved strokes, gradually increase thickness ofyour outline until halfway down the height of the letter and decrease the thickness until you reach the bottom. ii) For strokes you push away from yourself aka “upstrokes” (e),leave them the same thickness. Typically, upstrokes are the connecting strokes of letters.

(a) Loop

(b) Tail

(b) Tail

(c) Too small

(e) Upstrokes

(d) Downstrokes

(a) Loop

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Faux Calligraphy: Aa, Bb, Cc, & Dd

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Faux Calligraphy: Ee, Ff, Gg & Hh

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Faux Calligraphy: Ii, Jj, Kk & Ll

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Faux Calligraphy: Mm, Nn, Oo & Pp

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Faux Calligraphy: Qq, Rr, Ss & Tt

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Faux Calligraphy: Uu, Vv, Ww & Xx

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Faux Calligraphy: Yy, Zz & 0-9

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Faux Calligraphy: Words Below is a list ‘words’ to practice that contain an upper and lowercase letter for each letter in the alphabet.

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Faux Calligraphy: Words

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Faux Calligraphy: Open PracticeWrite anything you want to practice the new script you learned. Try a word, a quote, some names, etc.

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Serif Lettering: Explanation



3. Fill in your outline.

Thicken your letters.

Print your serif lettering.

The term “serif” refers to the little “feet” on the letters above. Unlike the sans-serif font that this sentence is written in, the additional strokes on the letters above help decorate and dignify the letters. Sans serif fonts are said to be easieron the eyes to read.

What is Serif Lettering?

How do I make Serif Lettering?

a) Print your capital letters as you normallywould, but add generous spaces betweeneach letter and each word. This space willbe �lled in by step 2.

b) Add your serifs. If you are unfamiliar withwhere the “feet” go on the letters, a good placeto start is at the unconnected ends of strokes (a)and at the top and bottom of the main vertical stroke of a letter (b). To see the full alphabet, please refer to Appendix B (pg 42) for all alphabets.

To thicken your letters, �nd the left-most vertical (or slanted) stroke of a letter and draw a horizontal line out from the centreof the stroke (c). Draw a parallel line to theleft-stroke from top to bottom. It is important to ensure that your letters have been thickened the same length, otherwise, the letters will look very lopsided. Remember to redraw the serifs if they are covered by parallel lines (d).

There are many ways to �ll in your letters,try di�erent textures, colours, designs insideyour rectangles.

You can also add slight curves to the serifsto smooth the transition between strokes.





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Serif Lettering: Aa, Bb, Cc, & Dd

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Serif Lettering: Ee, Ff, Gg & Hh

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Serif Lettering: Ii, Jj, Kk & Ll

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Serif Lettering: Mm, Nn, Oo & Pp

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Serif Lettering: Qq, Rr, Ss & Tt

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Serif Lettering: Uu, Vv, Ww & Xx

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Serif Lettering: Yy & Zz

Open Practice

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Serif Lettering: Words Below is a list of words to practice for each letter in the alphabet.

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Serif Lettering: Words

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Serif Lettering: Open PracticeWrite anything you want to practice the new script you learned. Try a word, a quote, some names, etc.

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Calligraphy Composition: GuidelinesNow that you’ve had some practice with all the scripts in these practice sheets, it’s time to also practicehow to arrange a calligraphy/lettering composition.

2. Layout: Draw some shapes to come up with a general layout of your composition. Your words canchange shape to �t the shape you drew. The 3 below are for 3 word quotes due to the three distinct spaces.

3. Scripts: Pick what scripts each word will be written in and try di�erent combinations

4. Flourishes: Add appropriate amounts of �ourishes to round out your composition.

5. Repeat: If you are not sold on the design start from scratch until you are happy with it.

On the next page you can sketch some ideas for your composition with the guidelines and scriptsyou have learned. On Page 40 you will make your good copy!

1. First, pick a short quote to start with (”Home sweet home”, “I Love You, “Learn new things”...etc). Longerquotes work but get harder and harder to arrange nicely. Start small and work up to it.

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Calligraphy Composition - Practice

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Calligraphy Composition

Certificate of ExcellenceThis hereby acknowledges that:

Sign Your Name Above

Write Date Above

has successfully completed the

on the day of:

Calligrascape University

Monoline Calligraphy

Faux Calligraphy

Appendix A: Monoline Alphabets

Serif Print AlphabetUppercase


Serif Lettering

Appendix B: Lettering Alphabets

Serif Lettering Variant