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Post on 26-Jan-2023

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I1Frying Rowle,

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NUMBER 9,208





— r—

Edward Lanterlnch and Daniel J. RiordaD-MeatjDDed by Union Pa­


W A S H IN G T O N ' Jwnm 2fl-—T » * (lfy liif b«-for* th* Senifw lobby (nvettlfitliiv com*tnlttot, which roqu«ited hU *ppoar4 nc4 followln* th^ publlcAllon of » n«wip*5wr lni«rvl*w * tten otit by him Jun* IT. Judf* Robrnri B. Lovett, chnlrm tn of the bo»H of dlreclorf of tho Union Peclflc Rullroad. iMit evenlpf named Edwaitl W. Lauter- b tch And a maFn who eild he waa Repre- •entaUva Daniel J. HlonlAn et Ihoe# ^ h o ie Im portunities had led to hie fiv inr out of Jhe tnlervlBw.

Mr. tA uderbaeh today denied having made advancaa of the character deichbed by Iff, liov^tt In hli teatiinony. Repre- **ntatj>e Rlordanj late laet nlfht. eaid th a t be had not been the pereon alteg^ed to have communicated with Mr l»v«u Today Mr. R|i>rdan aeked the Benale ootji’ mfttee to g ran t him a hearing a t the aarlleet poeaJble moment. In order that he m ight have an opportunity to refute the Lovftt teetimony. He w m told hy Thalr- man Overman that no more heartnga wo^ld be granted till the taHff bin ahould have been reported to the Senate.

In aubatani.-t', Mr. Lovetfa ataieinent to th a committee wen aa followe;

For two or three month* paet. repre- aafktatlone. dlrert and indirect, had been made^to Mr. Lovett th a t a "radical ele- ntaat'* In Congreaa wae preparing to attack the pending plan by which the Vtolon P ad fie has proposed to carry out the dlaeohjtlon decree of the United States Supreme Court.

Coupled with these repfesentatione were •Qggeatlona from the aame sourcee—eome- tlmes from Mr. LAUterbach, eomelltne* ever the telephone from the man who purported to be Mr Rlordan, •oroetlmee also over the telephone from a person who deoHned tc give hie name—th at the Union Pacific employ Mr Lauterbach as OQunael for the purpose of defeating the plan of the alleged "radical element" 1 o CougroM, and thua enable the Union Pgolflo to proceed without moleslailoti from th a t sou roe.

M r Lovett said th a t "eome of the New Tork news bureaus" had carried a story June 16 th a t a common banking control was ioughl for the Union Pacific, the Pennaylvanla, the Baltimore and Ohio and the Southern Pacific systems. Be declared It to be hla opinion th a t this alory was given circulation In fu rther­ance of the purpose of the men who were endeavoring to obtain employment as oouneel for the object outlined-

Otto H. K abn Reporte.Mr. Lovett added th a t he had received

personal communication only from the man who gave his name ae Rlordan, but th a t Otto H- Kahn, of the banking firm of Kuhn. Loab A Co., had been visited several times by Mr. J^u terbach , who represented, th a t be was In a position to be of service In the way o^ stopping the prospective Congressional action.

Paul D. Cravath, of the firm of Cravath A Henderson, New York lawyers and counsel for Kuhn, Loeb & Co., was an­other who, Mr. Lovatt said, had re­ported to him that a mysterious person, declining to give his name, wanted to take up by telephone the Question of em­ploying couneel that would be helpful a t W ashington. Mr. Cravath had declined to dlscuaa the m atter with a person not Identified, but had received a second communication of the seme character, and this time the em plom icnt of Mr. Lautar- bech was specifically suggtated.

As to the subjects regarding which Con­gressional Inquiry or legiBlatlon waa said to be llkaly, Mr. Lovett mentioned, be­sides the B&clflc dlsBolutlon, the "Money T rust" and the. Chicago and Alton finan­cial deal* of and 1902.

Mr. Lovett declared it to be his belief th a t the story ae lo common banking oon- trol, circulated June 16, jras Injurious to hla company and prejudicial to the carry­ing out of the pending dissolution plan, now under consideration by the Depart­ment of Justice. The reason for this, ha said, w as that any such common banking control would be a breach or evasion of the Sherman law. under which the Paclflo dissolution had been ordered.

Representative Robert L Henry, chair­man of the H ouse 'ru les committee, had been mentioned by Mr. Kahn, Mr. l^ v e tt ■aid, as one of the Congressmen from whom 'Tadlcal" action, as his Informant fold Mr. Kahn, was to be anticipated.

L an terhack sa d K lordae B tateneata . In addition to denying that he had

sought employment as counsel In the m anner told by Mr, Lovett, Mr. Lauler- baeh today declared th a t he was prepared to go to W ashington Immediately and re­quest & hoaxing'before the committee;

“I do not recall having ever said any­thing that could construed aa IntlmA- llng th a t 1 dealred to be of service to the Union Pacific," said Mr. Lauterbach. "I sever saw Judge Lovett but once In my life. That was wheir he asked me to represent the Harrim an interests In the Illinois Central litigation. As to Doplel J, Rlordan, I have not communicated with him directly or Indirectly for ten years.

"The only persons I have talked to re­garding the Union pacific are Otto H. Ktthn, of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., and Paul D.- Cravath, I mentioned th a t my con- tentlonf of ton years ago, when I repre­sented the government In the Union and Southern Pacific lltlgatlon.were how being borne out. I eald nothng about being willing to be of s€>rvlce to the Union P a­cific, however. Mr; Cravath told me some one had suggested over the telephone that I would be a good man to retain, but he did not know who was talking."

Repreeentatlvo Rlordan made th« frti- lowlng statements

"I have never epoheis to Jud»e Lovett over the telephone or otherwlee 1b my life. I have seen him a t batiqueta when he haa been the gueet of honor and I have been one of the dlneri. I have never eiioken to Mr. Lauterbach and have never Men him to know him. I know abeo- lutely nothin* about the nejotlatlone con- eem in f the Union Paclfle-Boufliern Pa- eltlo diaeolutlon. I cannot Imagine how my nam e baa been dragged Into thie affa ir . I am innocent of the entire m attea."




ATLANTIC CITY. June 16— ^Defeeta tn th e tn a im tac tu re of raila ra th er than th a tandency to increaae "wheel. Ipada" a re reaponatble fo r ra t ly b re a k a g ; ac- oordlag to (p eak era yeaterday before th a a n n u a l corivention of the Amarlean Society fo r T eatlng M aterlala a t l io te l T raym ora,

"■While >t le tru e th a t the loadt are heavy. It la alao tru e th a t falluraa i^a confined to w h at m ay be called dalee> tlv e ra i la " declared W. H. w ichhorat. an a u th o r ity , "A bout tft per c e n t of ra il fa llu rea ar'e due to a longitudinal

I Beam a t th e M ae th a t doet not ahow / In th a new raiV an d cannot be dlacov-

ared on Inapectlon. Thin aeeaie to be produced .n ro lling ." f

' KTH PULLS BOY TO DEATH'YOItlC) Ju n e St.^—JameB lied*

fliia. a boy of alaven y e a ra 'waa car- 'yfad to hie dea th yeaterday while f ly . Ing a k ite . H e aa on the roof of a a lx -a to ry ten em en t bnlldlng In th e Beat Side ^ h e n a gale from th e B ast R iver c a u g h t Mia .k ite and pulled ' him to the edge of th e roof. B e did no t th in k of muiBg go of h it k ite eM ng until toe la te to sav e h lu ia l t and ha fell alx a to rlca to th e ground, being Ing tiu tly k inad . ^__________ __

' i- A ged''W aMBti M ae A fte r V e ilT anny Johpaon. aoyeiit]r.tKrea yuan

old. wko ftdl from a.eaM»-lad(lar June I a t barr b a n e , f t h o d t attest, auatalolng g lfy a e tu n of the Hadit teg, died today

'■' e t ^ l t * C<ty Hnapltii].' O aim "w ae due '■i t o th e A o o k end h e r M age.

■ I itaada O n e r Baada A n Weedvgrae m Ompi laaoHy Opt^-*Ad>

Beliered that Conference Was Abont Gnbematorial Sitnation, but

Nothing l i Given Out.AS CAPITAL VIEWS JERSEY BATTLEFn^m Ms TYiilitsirfos Bsrtiau of IA«

n o SEnssWa BHINOTON. June ?6. ^ President

Wilson and former Mayor H. Otto W iu- penn, of Jersey Oily, talked for thirty* fiv’s minutes this sfternoon about the Gubernatorial situation lu New Jersey. Senator W'DIlam Hughes. 6 «r'r"etary Tum­ulty and Jam es K«rney. of Trunion, participated. Hughes and Kernsy are active In WjUpenn a campaign. None of them would give an inkling of what oc­curred save th a t tha talk wae satis­factory to Wittpenn. who c*ma here seeking the conference.

Undoubtedly the conference carrlee much Blgnlfieance and will have on In­fluence on ihe Gubernatorial conteat be­tween W’lttpenn end Acting Governor I Fielder. It Is believed tha t Wjttpann I showed th a t the Smith-Nugent combtna- i (Jou le far more agreeable to having | Fielder nominated, and for U\at resjKiin tt ' behooved the Wilson foroee to have the ; Frealdeot back of WUtpenn.

The Importance of the Ulk and the ' Interest that the Proaldent took In U muy ; be gaged from the fact tb st VVtttpenn , and the other conferee* went twenty ‘ minutes over the fifteen-minute limit el- ' loved for their engagement. '

U was the firs t time since he has been ' la the \V)|ile House th a t the Freildeat ' fell so far back of his schedule

"i can t say a word, ' said Wlttpenn, I when be came cu t of the President s | room ' It would not l>e etiquette for -me | to tell about the cc■n^ereatJuu. would It?" [

"W as the discussion saliafactury to ' you os a Oubcrnaiurial candidate? ' [

i t was very satiiifactory. That i* ail th a t I csxi say qow.'

Becretary Tumulty said Utal the VA'hite House would have nothing to oay about the pow-wow. The Preaident wau stil keeping his hands off, It was said. It la Surmised th a t the situation was pre- : eented Id this light. |

F'lelder Is too nice; there sre friends i bet ween him and Smith who could con- ! venletiily be used as connecting links - , and used In a m anner that would be more Insidious than he could resist If it came to a pinch. Smith might 1>6 able . lo prevail upon his friend, Edward I , Edwards, the State comptroller, to u«e | bis good offices with his friend. Gov- • ernor Fielder. I

Under such conditions ae these, add the I W iupenn men. the Smlth-Nugrnt combi- ; nation would much rather have Fielder In the Gubernotorlal chair than Win- penn. W ittpenn would be adam ant where Fielder would be open to persuasion.

The W iltpenn folk have marshaled cer­tain npiaodea and occurrencee since the Qubernatorlal contest has been on. Of themselves, the te episodes may not he of much value, but their cumulative effect is declared to be significant aa showing the trend of the Wilson foes toward Fielder and the la tte r 's acquiescence in their m anlfestatione of friendliness.

All of these things are at the fingers- ends of W^iupenn and hli friends, and It la difficult to conceive w'hat consumed the time of the eonfereea if It waa not the presentation hy W lltpenn of the case a ^ ln s t hlB rival. Fielder—th a t U. the case from the Wilson angle.

The form er Mayor's friends believe that ulUmatAly the fh-asident will he found fighiliiff with them. Tf Mr. W' lloon gets Id the flgbt a t all It will be for Wlttpenn, BO tl^ y reason. WlUpenn repeata to all whom he meeta th a t the ^ t c i l o n from the resu lt of the Jersey C ltre ttd tlons has set In, and. If anything, the result there aer\‘ed to put hla alllee on edge for a better fight.

After the conference WIttpenn. Hughee and Kerney w ent off to lunch with Sec- ffetary Tumulty.

Bye* on New Jeracy.The New Jersey aggregation a t the

capital m anifests a pronounced disposi­tion these dull, humid days to ^peculate and soliloquize over tbe Gubernatorial situation back home.

There ts a direct, lively Interest In the development of the conteat. The Con- gresalonal set. for inatajice, haa one eye cocked on the elections next November and another-squinting In the direction of the CongresBlonal balloting In November, 1914. The outcome next November has an influential bearing on the fate th a t Is to be theirs the following year.

There are any number of reaeoni why the S ta ts should be held In line for the Democrats. The queatlon whether or not it will stay put In the Democratic column la a t the present moment a m atter of dis- cusBion in national party counclla. The embarraealng compllcatlone that have been caused In the Wilson camp by the unexpected candidacy of Acling-Qov- ernor Fielder aVe not fully understood by ■many who are viewing the situation from the national viewpoint, and they reason ttm t the* situation Is easy of adjustment. They talk of compromlaei with a nonchalance th a t doesn't give any credit to the staying qualities of Messrs. Fielder, W Ittpenn and Katzenbach.

CoBiproBilae ProblematteeL A canvesB of the Jerseymen here shows

unmlatakably th a t there le no chance of getting a compromise candidate unless there Is a radical and an utterly unex­pected change of conditions. The question la asked; Who ta there who can epon^or a new candidate and get him, whoever he n-ay be, • Into the good graces of Lhe present W Ittpenn and Fielder and Katz- enbach factions T ^

Outside of President Wilson and Secre­tary Tumulty, there Isn't a man of In­fluence on the Wilson side who Isn't pledged to either Fielder or WIttpenn. There Isn't a free agent tn the *hole out­f i t with the exceptions noted, and both of them are estopped from such a course by the candidacies of Fielder and W Itt­penn, both of them having helped the Wilson program.

There Is talk heard here, as well ae In the State, of RepreBentalive Thomas J. Bcutly. Mr, flcully has the confidence of President Wilson, but Mr, Scully's •ense of humor, aside from his respect (or the pledge th a t he gave to Otto W ltt- P«hn, prevents him from taking the talk •o y v a y serlcujply.J £**’ " Congreasman to-

i \g***?* ^ **** first, last*» deserving

**** itood by the Wilson cause m cHtleol m om tnts during the last two or th re t years ta d hag shown by practi­cal 4 o e ^ th a t Is fitted to carry for- ^ e M * Governor Wilsonstood fqr. Don’t let any,doubt for a min­ute tlta t I am wavering In my support of W fttpena. Fm not built th a t way."

Ka BCowte R e t Regarded- The recep^ve cgoQidaey of Banking and

In luroaoe Commlistoner George M. La- Monte, If w c h It can be termed, ts also declared out of the question,If for no other reason, becaiue their is oo way of getting him into the race graciously gnd prevent­ing further, ructions within the ranks. Ju s t hoV acceptable Mr, laM onte might be to th a Bmtth-Nug«nt’‘%iti|ireets Js ^ Queitlm , H e Is a stanch Wiieon moiband voted against Jam es fimlth J r , lo M 1910 Senatortat con test tllnee then, however there h o i been U lk th a t Mr. Smith has been making overtures for tlje friendship of Mr. LaM ont^ but with auostlonable suecesa

Particu lar In tere it now centres In the efforts o f the WUtpenn forces to over­come the Fielder eontlntsO t The former M ayor's tuaporters bere have shown a mOre bopeKfl fram e of mind In the last ten d a y a Tftby are prone to dwell mi the fact th a t the p rim a m s ons three months' o ft and Fielder will know he Is running 0 | ^ will hovs to shew tong-dlitancs en- ditranee If he Is to keep op.

Rdpeesinitativs TutUe. the firs t of the C >hgrriilnhs1 delegation to c o m out (or H iM y r b ^ sv iR th a t there lsA*t a

Chance- for WIttpenn In Union CoqDty. and a sUnUir SsDtlmtat o i l s u in X erflg. . . . - ■ ■■


Strikcri Disclaim CompFicity and OHer Services to Police to Aid


A boss h trbrr, Mlrhs^l Me*lna, who k^v-pi t *hop St M Fourf#Tjth evenue, wn* shot In th« t#s U*t night at R<*dford »tr«et end Fourlsenth avenue, (ha wound being Blight, Th* hullei «a* nred from a doorway, and the man with tha gun ea- ceped, The Journeymen barber* who ar« on s Strike are Indlgnenl, ■* Mazina told Ihe police he believe* h* was *hot bscauae he would not aeitle « lth the union

The iMderb declare that no one soao- rlated with the union would be guilty of euch en act, and will offer tbe police whatever aid they can gri'e lo discover

I the aasallant or find the motive (or the 1 ehootlng, alleging that In th a t manner the

union barber* will be cleared of all com- I pllcity.I The ihootlng I* the laUet of i Berlea of

four or five that have taken place in ! th a t nelghburhtiod In the last few year* I and which hee al»o been the acene of


Rejected Feature to Be Restored t* Currency Measure, W biclilsto

Be Introduced Today.COUNTRY BANKS ALSO WIN POINTHp^Hnl Prn-hy nf f^e \ ’EWS

WASHINGTON. Juna M - President Wllaon'e advliier* in charge of the Owen* Olaea currency bill, tcxlay decided upon Importenr rhengr* m the measure. T in t, the clauat' providing for the retirem ent of the prea^nt teaue of for nation­al hank null**, which are aeoured by two per cent, bijuda, and giving th« new Fed­eral He4 »*rve Roard the right to refsetis the rrthiiii currency by a refunding tfhrnje nl three per cent hond*. will bS relnaerteit in the lull

Second, thf Mil will be amended »a as to remov'e fi-TJain reeirlrijoni on country hanks In the conserving of their flftesn per cent of their re*ers*e fund*. These hank*, within three > ears. wllj b* allowed to keep ftve per cent of thla reaervt In Iheir vaull*. ftve per rent with the PO- ginnal reserve bank*, and the remaining five per cent with their correapondetlt bank* Ih the federal reaerve cities. Ab- eence of the !a*t provision had boen rs-

three atiempled bomb outrages and one i aarded an a rronpeyiva hardahip by iueh up liitlon ih i t pertly wr»i:ki-,i ;

' he banking andH church.Mazlna cloned hla *hop sh o r t ly a f te r 10

o cloik and walked tow ard hla home a t Hedford atreet. When he neared the

tnn' liun of FosJrleenth av en u e end Bed- fnrd s t ree t tw o ahot* were flr«d, and the barber tell to the ground wllb a bullet In hi* r ight leg above the knee.

There wr-re man.s people In iKo vicin­ity when the ahooting occurred , but all those questioned by the police declare tha t they know nothing of the matter , nor iRd ihey *ee the pers4»n who did the ghoolitif Mar ina wks t a k e n to th e Lily KoHi'ltal. where It waa found th a t the bullet Inflicted onlv a fleah wound

A n er niKklhf the announcem ent (hatthfiy w'6'uld iild the puik« lo run down the Rhooier of the barber to d e a r the Jouiney- men. the leadera of the s t riker* declared (hat they had worn over abou t fifty mui« i>f the smalle r Phop* In the last tweoiy- four hour* and that they have now more than tifih Jnurne!i men enrolled in th" union.

Neither aide has made fu r th e r overture* for seti lfment. and for a lime, a t least, the lender* nf both the bonse*' o tganHa-

_J i j v t i r n * v r ^ a l l a a th a t ,l

currency cOmmlttss'i final dr.'^ft of the hill will bs thtroducs^ In the H'luse Inte this afiernoon by Rsp« resentflilve r a f te r (glass. No chaitgfS were piHde 111 the federal control systam- thie Hiiiendm^Tir, however, removed Ihs prnhUiMl'iri Hgalnat th« Fsdergl RoOarv# Rciftrd ippiiing irrti.ftiN'jtxio of emerganey rurrenrv Thip d a u ie was changed I® give (he hourit (he right to relSSUB new cun ell! V In the nmotint of the present hg- tlonal bunk mites reMted This, the com* mittr-e IhUih*. wIM Insure no deprcctalloA of the preppnt '■oiume of curreit-ty, and tv1ll still THBi-rv-e tn the hoard tha right to Issue t;iiiii>««i,nnr> nf emergency COah.


DECLINED TO TAKE INFERIOR POSTfipsrial Serrirti of the ycW S.

WASHINGTON. June 2 6 .-Juatl« W. 4 jsra rd . of tha New Tork State Supreme Bench, will probably ba the next Ameri­can Ambassador to Germany. U became known today that the Slats Department has Inquired of the German Government whether JuGgu Gerard would be "pepsona g r i la - ' ' '

The Jurist has been menlloned, hereto­fore, In connection with appointment aa mlnleter to Spain, but It 1b understood that, before he sallvd for Europe yester­day, he sent word that under no circum­stances could he leave his present position for any office below that of Ambassador.

The selection of a representative a t the Kaiser 8 court has troubled President Wilson, because of the fact th a t the Am- hasaador tliere Is under extraordlnarly heavy expense for entertaining. Justice Gerard le very wealthy and In addition la a man of unusual ability.

Confirmation wo* had ^ere today of the report th a t Frederick C. PenfleSd, of Pennsylvania, will he nominated, pos.'dbly late today, to be Ambassador to Auetria- Hungary.

ll Is also stated th a t Augustus Thomas tha playw right who hat heretofore been suggested for a slate in the diplomatic service, will be taken care of at home. No Information regarding the post for which be la being considered waa vallable here today, but frtands of hlB said he might Bucceod General Nelson H. Henry, as su r­veyor of the Port of New York.


State Department Inquires Whether He Will Be Persona Grata

at Berlin Court.


FiYim Rurenu af thtf.Vrj SEWR.

WASHINGTON. June « . - “Frnm thlg llm ^on If will he a h o n race.'' *std Sena­tor Ollic James, of Kentucky, th li morn­ing

The Senator from the Blue O rsis B ttts rrfl<1 e (his sage reflsctloTi because he hgit learnml that the Preeident and hla fob I'Mvcid were preparing tn remain InW gih- Inglon until the regular aeislon of Con­gress In December, rather than torego

i Maries Feldman, of Prince street, j the passage of the i-urrenry reform legli- * snd Max Fteln* of 76 Monmoulb street, j lallon es the Iniperstlvely required com- , two Journ»yni«n' who wei-e ar- | i.ti-mBnt of fh« tariff Ifdalitlon,' rrstr/l In th . ■■HUl " . ' l l . | --------------

Horn and th« lournrym sn m l l « th a t will be a battle of endumnee.

1 he city will be picke ted aga in on Pun- dsy by the Journeymen, and some leaders h in t tha t the re m ay be Bu<h uf bosae* as h e v s signed the union flKreement repudia te It and open Ihetr

Maries Feldman, of

French President Places Wreaths on Tombs of Queen Victoria and

King Edward VII.

Public Service Asks Board of Works that It Be Permitted to Elimi­

nate Some Now Made.

InCourt today, arui

warr^lng, by Judge

nf five connection



Wllshn today made the following nomlna- tiona as Mlniaters:

Albert Q. Schmedeman, of W'lBConsln, to Norway.

Benton McMIllin, of Tennessee, to Peru.CohBul a t Milan, Italy. Nathaniel B.

Stewart, of Georgia.Secretary of E m hassj, Rio Da Janeiro.

Brazil, J. Butler WrlghL of Wyoming.Becratary of Legation, BriiBsela, Fred

Morrla Dearing, of Missouri.Member of the lf?thm1an Canal Commla-

slon, Richard Lee Metralf, Lincoln, Neb.United States attorney for Now Mexico,

BummerB B urkhart, of New Mexico; to be coramlaatcmers of the District of Co­lombia, Oliver F. Newman, formerly of Des Moines, la-l F. L. Slddons, of th^ D istrict of (^olumbla.

Commissioner of Immigration a t San Juan, Porto Rico, Lawson E. Evans, of Mississippi.

Eaglster (5f the land office a t H arri­son, Ark.. Brice B, Hudgins.

Fpcrtol J5*rrire of tAeLONDON, June 26,-PrOirtdent Poin­

care of Franca today went "by spacial train lo WlTtdsor and deposited wteaths on the tombs o f Queen Victoria and King Edward VII. He then inspected Windsor t:astle and returned to London In time to attend a gala matinee at the International horse *hrw. at Olympia, with King tJeorg* and Queen Mary.

Tf.night will end the formalities of tne Preelhppt's vjell with a dinner given by Sir Edward Grey at the Foreign Office and a State ball by the King and QU’ ep at Buckingham Palace. President Poin­care w'ill depart for Paria at 10 A. M tomorrow.

United States Ambassador Page had a seat ni the table where King George find President Poincare sat at the dm- ner which the vlaltlng Executive gave inst night at the French Emh&a*y. Tbw via kIs, plate, wltiea and chefs were from Pane.


Sp«HsI f^rrvirr af tha ffEWS.WASHINGTON. Jun« 26: - Prealdent

Wilson this afternoon sen^ to the Senate the namea of hie appointees on the Com- inlsBlon OD Industrial Helationa, provided for during the T aft adm inistration, but rem aining unfliied when Mr. Wilson en­tered the W hite House, The selections are as follows:

F rank P. Walsh, of Missouri; John H. Commons, of Wisconsin; Mrs. J . Sordsn H srrlm an, of New York; Frederick De­lano. of Illinois: H arrii Weinatock. of California; B. Thurston Baltard, of Ken­tucky; John B. Lennon, of lUlnola; Jam es O'Conirtll,. of W ashington, D. C.; Austin B, Garrettaon, of Iow a.'

The comialsiion Is authoriied to study and report upon problems affecting the relations of employers and employes.


n e w June M.—The old Hotel 8 tDenis, a sufTiTO!" of days th a t were, waa thrown Into bankruptcy by creditor# to­day. The iiabim lei are estimated a t 6H,000. assets a t H6.M0.

The hotel etandi a t Broadway and Bier- anth atreet. nearly opport^ Orac# Church, and ranked p e rb a ^ to tha AstorHouse, recently closed, tn hlatorta Ja- te r e s l -

TWjl BANKRUPTCY PEmiOHS■Staff Etarresfondaioe. *-

-THBNTON. June f* .-A voluntary pe- tltion in hankruptey was fUad In the Unl tad S tates Editrlct Court todgy by m und H. Putnam , a tailor, of ptainfieM The' aebadnlas abowa Habllltla« pf and asM ts of

A eoltm tary patlUon wag-'alao ttled to­day hy tha B ^ p w ie Scrap Iron an d -lfe ttl OMBpesg. of a W est Bavtnth s t rM t B a y . onnh. ;n i* company haa BahtlttiW of

an a a w a u nf n « . ,


Sefia and Belgrade Press Say Yes­terday's Battle Was Begin­

ning of Real. War.SERVIANS c l a im RRST. SUCCESS/Jprrirtl fi#fvfre the .VffTTS.

VIENNA, Juna 26.—Flgbllng batwoen Sfirvlans and Bulgariana continued today in Mncedonla. according to the dispatches received here from Belgrade. Report* Ipsued by the W ar Office there auBerted that the Bervlans were vlctorlouB in yea- ierday '6 battle.

ll -waa said th a t the Bulgarlana, in large numbera,, crouaefl the river a t Rat- kovaiz and attacked the Servlana without pro', oration. The la tter made no move until their adverearlea began firing at them. The fighting began about 1 A. M. and rontinued all day.

LONDGN, June 26.—The 91. Petergburg correspondent of The Time* learn* that. In the event o( war, Rumania will take the field In eupport of Balgarla.


A flve-pasaenger auCojyiobj^a wteovreck- ed early thle morning a t Ridgewood ave* nue and Lincoln etreet. Glen Ridge, and throe women and two men WfSfe shaken up conalderable when the cor h it a tree. The drlyer had run down Lintdln atreet, and apparently did not know th a t the thoroughfare ended a t Ridgewood ave­nue, He failed to make the turn. The nolee of the coltUion could be heard for a considerable diatance. and word waa aent to the police.

None of the party would give their name! to the two patrolm en eent to the acme, according to Police Chief Higgina. The raotoriata joked about the accident when thdy realized th a t they had eicaped Injury.

Two wheel* of the ear were imsahed. The car wo* left in Ridgewood avenue until noon, when It wo* towed away by an auto truck from the Nyberg garage, a t 67B Central avenue, thl* city. A t the garage It was iaild th a t whe car w ai a t.ew one. In which the owner woe taking one of hi* flrot epin*. The Identity of the party or the llcenee number of the car waa not divulged.

Appearing before the B'lard nf Work* thli afiernnon, John L. O'Toole, pub­licity manager of the PuMlt Service Cor­poration. requeated that the Public Ser­vice Railway Gompany. In the operation o f itfl new Newark-Trentim line, be per­mitted tn eliminate « number nf atop* now made by the other lino* o f cars In the fity

Aft the llnp In ia he r»ir an "a nhOrt Unis'. ■ taS Frvfhlug !s In !>« done w'lththe Idea of saving time, O'Toole^xplalnerl that the rnmnany would like authority tn estalillsh a Rr*hedul» of alnpa after ihe new line oarp rearh the Junrdon of Clinton avenue and Prnad street

The elnpa thoreafler. according to a echftdule placed before the board, would ba at Thomftp and Broad Btr*et8. Miller and Broad etreet*. Frellnghuyaen avenue and Miller pireet. and the Lehigh Vrilley Railroad cro&alng In Frellnghuy*en av e- nuf.

Between the Larka'wanna Depot, the starting point of the new line, the com ­pany IntOTide to make all the atopji ,|un( aa the other cars do at preaent, Owing to the flbsenre nf tw'o commlefiioncrB the meeting wa* brief, and no action w«p tak«n on the Public Service requeal. It may cotne up at an adjourned meeting to be held Tuesday afternoon

Ralph Hayl, vlcp-preuldenl of the Standard Bltullthlc Company, which has been the object of sharp attacks hy Com- ml*Bloner Gihen, said today that the com­pany Would demand an official investiga­tion of the charge,* made hy the latter. The chief of these waa that the pave­ments laid by the company In ftevsral parts nf the city were not up to apecifl- cations.

Mr. Glllert did not moke another expect­ed attack upon the bitiihihk company at the rncetlng of the hoard. Owing to the absence of CommlfiPi'‘nern CharleH, F. Kraemer and Arthur K Denman and Thief Engineer Morris R. Rherrerd, ■W’ho .'•re j attending the Nah'»n»l Water'W’avB Con- , ventlon at Mlnneapolla, he deferred jfurther criticism of the company, bnsed on 1 hla charge that an ♦‘ xamlnailon cf ^pverfll i Streets showed that the bltullthlc concern | wa* noi living up to spec1flcfltl<inB. until a meeiing of the hoard-with all member* present.

Mr. (J)llen cauaed three more street* paved with bltullthlc to be dug up In spot* yeaterday. These were Elizabeth avenue, runter avenue and New York avenue He said that the pavement waa found to be all right In these thorough- ferefl. ^

Mr. Hoyt aald today that his demand for an Inveetlgatlop would be made nt the first' full meeting o f the Board of Work*.

sect ion on Sunday hVrs-d 'wi'th lo lts rlng m rn n n » r t ln r wUh

ihs union pickeUnB. were a r ra igned Ihe Four th PreelnL-t ilUohsrgPd. with a Herr.

I'hli makes (our discharges men arrested on Sunday with the strike, the fifth being ftned IW. tth k h the union paid.

In the B u tte s S trik e .In the pearl button strike, the local

m anufacturers will visit New York this afternoon lo confer with the New York bosses who are affiliated with the aarne bcfina*' organization- In Naw York Ih* pearl button workers have w<an a partial victory, and about twenty factories have | acceded to tha union demands, or made ■ a modified agreement with them

The local men are standing firm. The leaders told than) a t a m atting In the nail of the Esses T rades founcll this morning that, while the atrlko made ll hard fur them and their families, the tosses had rush orders on their hands, and wmuld have to come to terms, or. a t least, agree to arbitrate.


NEW YOKK, Juna 26.—No explanation of the reported secret aalllnir tor Europe of ITlarence H. Mackay, president of the Poatal Telegraph-Cable Company, could be obtained from his ssaoclates today. He left here yesterday on the steamship Imperator and was aecompanled by hla three children. U Is Bald Mr. Maokay emliarked under the name of ■'R. More and family,"

Mrs, Ma-'liay Is itlll here Bhe laya she was not aware of the Intention of her husband to leave for Europe. Bhe vlalteil Mr, Mackay last Friday a t Spring Lake, N J.. where hl.s children occupied a cot­tage. Since laat February the children have been In the care of Mr. Mackay al- mnet cimatantly. It la said that a t Bpning I-ak* the children ware watched by armed detectives.

Tuesday night eeverat automobiles car­ried Mr. Mackay and his children to Ho­boken. where they secretly went aboard the Imperator amt occupied the Imperial ju lte It waa 'In 'n afte r the veseel wae well ■ . , <he 'I*-parture of Mr, Ma< kuy became puhllc,

, ne three Mackay children are Kather- II,-, aged fourteen. Eileen, aged len. and J. :,n William, aged ell. Mra. Mackay la making her home a t the Mackay estate at Roilyn. Long Island


Th* Pr<»8 Ment and hi* *uppqrt*T« do nor prnpnB* to pa** th* tariff bill and thfn admurn ('ongr#** nnd p trtn lt thO huRln^Ki i>f (h^ country In b« thrown Into « *(aifr nf chan*, through tha dlaitmpar of th^ p-nt^rt*d lnl«r*8l*.

Prrald^nl W llion virtually ha* aban* dnnfd hi* propon'-d trip to Panama to *p* rha canal hrforp tha wat«r I* tnrntd Into It. Ha ha* given up alt Irtaa of beinf able to apend any particular time with hi* family at the «urum*r White Houaa In New Hampahlre.

Reallzlnt that there I* a fight on. and that in all probability It Is the b ltfeat and most crucial he will be ca.H«l upon to fare during hi* term In the Pra*ld*ahy. he has determined to remain oft th* ground and aee th a t the fight goe* to a finish

Plane BH«f Vlalta to Fan llT iThe President laid today th a t pnailhly

the moit time he would be able to have with hla family In New EngUud would be during the d ra t week after they move up there. Hla plan ie to erand th a t week there, and then to truat to clrcuinatanteB for a chance to Blip away lo join th««J • onc« In a whl'e. The family la all ready to move Their automobile* and other heavy helonglne* have been forwarded and the White House *et in order for their long absence.

Apparently Pre*ldent Wllaon haa n® doubt that If thfl ta riff bill la poased and signed wllhoul the eui^tjort of currency re­form. aoms of the affected intereat* will try to throw the country into « panic and a conaequent period of hard lime*. In th li h« has the support of Secretary Bryan, who well remember* how the concen* traied conlrol of tredUa swung the corn- blned buslnes* of the country agalnat him like a well-drilled army In the l e ^ dayi of the FreBldentlal campaign of ia». ohd was able lo repeat the performance every timr he ran for President after th a t

FrlPQdfl of Colonel Roosevelt eay toe Prcsldsnt also haa tha moral ai^poi-t uf

l ^ r a c r c r ; ’; m a r r ‘a r ' l r t l ? l u t a "

to remain rm the ground until <-h« for currency reform la over. Is du* en­tirely to hla resllia tlon of the s l» fh® fight in which he has embarked. If he wine thIe he believes the rest nf his ad- mlnlatratlon will be aerenely BUCceaafuL if ha loeeiS, he will have nothing but fighting while in the Wlill* House, with avery poaalhllity of turning tne govern- ment over to Ih^ r#'actl-»narlea th the election of 1P16. losing this fightmean* the great probability of hard time* brought on by the mnehination* of what is rnmmonly de*rr!bed as the money pow er-and the psrty In power always lohcs In hard time*.

COST OF TALK, $2S PER WORDThe adage about the low coet of talk

was shattered In the Third precinct Court this nsornitig, when Arthur Vans, twenty-one years oM. o( 12T Delancey atreet. was assessed 13 for two words whkh he adniltied he said.

"Hello, kid." called out Vans to Htse trene TJnbarfer, eighteen years old,- of a* Oliver street, while in tbe Hast'Side F u k last night. Overhearing the saluta- Uon and noting the oonfuMon of the young woman. Park Folteeinan Uargnsr arrealwt tha young man.

There have heeh many eonidalnta here of yoiihg matt aMresring lemarKa to you iv women with whom they ars n « aeguatntsd," said ths court "^n txaingh must ho made."

The' youth want to }aR th dtfautt at the-


PprrirrJ RertU'e of theCHICAGO. 2fl.—A touring car

hearing a gay parly on a ride through TJncoln Park swerved allghtly from It* course In crossing a bridge over the park lagoun early today, crashed Into the rail­ing and hurled lie four occupants Into the water. H arvey A. Gregory, thirty- five, manager of the Magazine Publleh-

caetf* ' 11 to I

I.ONnoN. Ontario, Juna 26 -Tho com- mlttaa appointed hy the Canadian Agao- clatlnn for the Praventlon of Tuhcrculn- ala to Invaatlgata the ce^ea Inoouiatrd by D r Frederick F. Friedmann with tus anll-tuberculcpil" vacnlne at Montreal, Ottawa. Toronto and thla city Buhmm«d laat night Ita report on the 161 studied In the period from Marchdate. . ., , ,"As a result of our observation, the report aaya, '■the following roni'lueiona ' seem Juetlflahle: j

■■On»-Tho Inoeulallona have neither 1 onnatently nor rraauenlly been followed |

I by marked change In tha clinical course of the dlBpaae.

"Two—The cure or progreea toward I cure claimed hy Dr. Friedmann for the I treatm ent has neither conatantly nor | even freciuently taken place In the time i during which caeca have been under ob- j eervatlon.

" T h r e e - T h u e upon Inveatlgatlon the commit tee flnde th e t th e reeul ts have been dlaappolntlng ard t h a t the clalma made for hla remedy by Dr, Friedmann have not been proved, and th a t nothing


NKW YGRK. June -Edm und P, d<*puty comptroller of N>w York,

the flnanrlai export who recently ap­peared before ihfli TTouea rotnimlttee on

trontlniiM on 2d page, 4th column.)

ers' C1r(TulatIon Bureau, married and tha father of five children, craw-led from the h*a*boen foutid to Justify any confidencewater with one lung punctured by a bit , of tha broken railing. He died at a hea- prial JuBt before aunrioe.

The body of Mle* Minnie Bristol, tweff- ty-slx.% clerk Iti a departm ent store, was recovered aeveral hours later from tha lagoon. Bhe waa one of tbe automobile party. MIb* Myrtle Paterson, twenty- five, escaped with alight Injuries She fell near the bank and struggled to shore.

C hirlef Cummina. a friend of Gregory and the fourth member of the party, w m badly acratched by the timberp of the railing, bu t escaped eertous Injury.


HAVANA. Juna S6.—Tha ratlring Amarl- can Minister and Mra. Arthur M. Beaupre gave a recaption last night a t the American Ch'h. Hundreds of the members of the Ainertoan colony and many prominent Cube"* ettended the re­ception, which was In the nature of a fare well.

The House of Representatives unan­imously approved ' yesterday Abe budget for the fiscal year. tbos,»*H*Ving appre- henslnn th a t faOure to pasa the budget m ieht rekuU from the recent violent elesh iefw een the Cmtaervatlvea and the Lib- erels Manaontoua action, however, was breuglat about by negotlatioM between the leepectlve leaders.

l e f k l « a U a « F*o jo a buy a t w

Id the remedy."Professor J. G«nrge Adami head# the

signer* of the report.

SULTRY PERIOD REUEVEDrom lng aa a ratlef from th* 'iulfry

weather yeaterday whan the mercury climbed to W degree* at 4 o'clock, the tem perature *1 t'"on today reglatered 69 degrees. Cloudy and unaetlled tonigh', but fair and warmer tomorrow, le' the prediction for thla city. In which thu Central High School observera and the Waahington experts coincide.

The tomperature a t 3 o'clock this morn­ing wa* 62 degree*, at 7 o'clock 64. and a t noon 69. Tbe humidity at 7 o'clock was 60 per cent., and a t noon 59. A Bouth- west threo-tnllfi breeze blew a t noon.

Yesterday'* highest tem perature .waa W degrees, the lowest 6S, and the average 70.5. The maxiimiin humldjty waa 5S per cent., the minimum 62, and the average 5B. A southwest eight-mile wind pre­vailed.

One yekr ago tha highest tempef&t1J^e was SB degree** the lowest 68. and the average 79.5. The day waa porUy cloudy.

ly other ron cm Mo,, ft. ge»i4 i

p e l l P e in l ta F a tem en Mem.PATEBBON, Ju n e M.— W illiam A.

Qarrtson. a carpenter, of i f P aterson atreeL died a t tne O eneral H ospital la s t n ig h t from In ju ries an s ta ln sd tn a fa ll from th s th ird J lo o r of th e new v a n W inkle H ard w are Com pany's bwltdlnc la U sln t t r s s t , e a r lie r In tbe day. . .V ■ ■ ■ V


Measures to Delay Merger as City Desired Blocked by Attitude


In coniiBqiiencB nf th* attitude of Chair­man Oscar fmlcrwood. of the way* and meana cummittee. this city will cease to be a port of entry July 1 . Mr, Underwood, despite the effort* of the Jersey repre­sents tivee In Congress, remained firm In hlB aland against having th* Fletcher bill, which would temporarily stay an order abolishing the port, to be taken up In the Democratic caucua a t Waahingtoneyester, day.

Thla means that the local entry port will he merged with New Y’ork, much to the diaappolntment and chagrin of ship­pers and me-'chanta In general In this locality The opponents of the abolition order foresee much Inconvenience under the new order of things. It means that Alfred N. Dalrympie, collector of the port, will lose his Job and the duties of tb s of­fice win devolve upon a deputy.

The Board of Trad* has Waged a ftaM to save the port. Emphasis was laid upon certain features of th* ptxjpossd reorgsnliation. with a view to eonvertlng the way* and means committee to the local vlow of the matter. On* of the chief reasons raised against-the m * w r of the txvo port* Is th a t all appeal* from appraisals will have to be made to tbe office of the collector In New York.

W hethet any fu rther Instructtona-will be received by the offirial* tn charge tS^. the port* which come Under the r e a p ^ gsnliiatlon plan le doubtful. Conpleta ihiv’' .'j; formation wae conveyed to each coHecMr ■=' i June 1» tn T reasury n p e ith , whieb are official commuhloatlone. Regulatloa* ware thet, laid i ^ n under which the office* a,'* to M JSW ucted aftar JW r.l,



Caicas Ljkdy to Leife Wheat and Flew e i U im elnded Free


Essex County National Bank of NewarkWhether your buginesa h u geisoiu with idte money In bank— Or whether at times your buiiness requires liberal advance^ In either event this Bank can serve you; either p ^ n g In­

terest on checking accounts or extending generous credit when required, or both.

C apital, S urp lus and Profits, $2,650,000C H A t. L. r A H R K L l . F rc * IS * a t. OBCI. F . RK KA 'K, V lc* -F T «» ld»» t.F, B. ADAMS. VU »-er*»IS««. «■ ATBA, V tc»-P r« ld*»t.

A. r . 8 . MAnTIM, CMUdt.

id aedwfui iSMfdi i to nw t t t r whs## p o - • r s l dlAMtcSl inowlddS* hsd b*»n iStoddto tok ins IM» eoura*.

Hwi Th<Ih* h«lw«*n Mr Corson•nd Mr JotillibB *nd»d. wKl Mr 8 r«UMf movrd that tha fom ur'a rtcotnmtndA- lion ba adoptad. A 'Ota on tXU motion w ii pravantod by Mr Balfatto. who movad that tha raparl ba laid ovar tor A waak. Tha l»Itar motion oaa tlvan praf- aranec by tha fhalr. but (Allad MrBraunij withdraw hla motion and Mr■ t



WASHIN'OTON. Jana W.—Oppofltioii to 1 1m rtoommandallon ^ tha Banala rtnanca datomlttaa majority tor a eoantarralllnf duty on w htai and flour m i afoot today whan tha Domocratle caucua raaumad work on tba ta rttf bill.

Tha quaatlon « a t thourh* *o have baan datamilnad finally In tha akucua two dayt a(o, but lata yaatarday It wa* broo«hi up and thara now la a aantimant to abandon iba eountarvatlinf duty, laavtn* wheat and flour on tha unraatrtciad fr*«Hat with Uvaalook and meata

Oppontnta of tha countarr'alllnB duty caaund that* la no oaraaaKy for r t- tallatary tariff on any asrtoultural prod-uata, if thay ar* to ba (rea-llttad- It I* ___


House Committee Postpones Taking Action in Diggs-Camisetti Cate,

as Californian Urged.

Corson Recommends that East Side High Principal Be Transferred

to New Building.

tural product* ara to ha raatrleiad, attoutd ba. ^ .

•shadulaa rom ilnlnf today to ha p a « « upon, baaldaa atrieultura. * a ra tiiaa lldusr, pulp and papar, [ ,*Hat, It If baSlaved. bowavar. th a t all cao ba dlapoaad ol by tomorrow whan ina oStotolatratlve faatura* and incoma »

’ T h a * l“ ’‘u " u f . yaiurdayrraa raw wool and fraa autar. aa oonta nadSa tba tariff bill, by a final 'o ta of t l to e.

Sanator Thornton, of Loulilan*. pro poaad an amandniant to tha f nttttaa raport continuing indaflnlmly ralM aa prapotad for Iba flrat thraa yaaf* in tha tTnaarwood bill, and thia Am"™' b tta t w ai loit, IS nay* to t a y ta Thorn- tan and B anidtll. of Iflu liian t. alooa voting for tha amendment.

Than SanaWr Shafioth propoaad an amandmcnt providing the Engliab ratoa on ■uSif, gbout ona-half cant a pound, and

WASHINGTON. June M —Bacaut# o f.

tha VMa on Ihla w ii 3t tiayi and Itt ay^a, tbi *Hot* voting In tha nagailva being Cham- b ttla ls, 0 1 O rtton: Hitchcock, of Na- braakt; Thompadn, of Kanaaa; T*"*. Orison 1 Ndwlanda of Nevada: Hanadall, iot Loutilana: Shatro 'h, of Colorado;TThiniton. of Loulalant: Tillman, of South CtroUna, and W’glah, of Montana.

* b amandmant by Senator Thompaon SMpoatd rgtea tha aama aa thoa* offered Iff Sanator Bhalfroth. but reducing them dSeh year by twenty-flvo par cent, until a o fa r become* aetuallr fr*e. ThIa w ti baaten, to nay* and * ay**, the eight baing ClwOnherialn, H atcher, of Florida; Jfheheoek, Nawlanda, Bhafroth, Themp- ■dn, WalMi gad Tillman.

Ob tba final adoption of Iha commute, rataa, tha vot* w *i *0 avaa and e oaya. tb a la tte r M n g Hliehcoek. Nawiand*. Stanadall. Shafroth. Thornton and Walih.

Ota wool, Banator W'alab propoaed an ajnaAdipabt of fifteen par cant, on flrat- cUa* wool* carpal and clothing wool to bg on tha f re t tu t On ih li the vota waa ■ nay* and 7 aye*, tha la tte r being nSSIBhallalii Nawlanda, Kanadell. Sha- fiMb, Tkompaon. Thornton and W ilah.

Tba final vot* accaptlng til* ocnnmlttaa rgdomnandatlon* waa tt ayaa to d nay*. tlM tottar baing Chambarlatn. Hanadall, ^M Tilon. Nawlanda. Bhafroth and

aaudu* left wtth the meiBbara of tba tlnanca committao daclalon on the t te * frb tn fvta wool th«U b« put >

A rnoiitK* <ii ffAUA LavIoktaMn 4 #kid for by wool«n p«opt*.

Submlttlnf A U nfthy raport on th« niRti lack Of quorum the Houte Judiciary com- " ‘dotl®". Acting Superlntandentm itt* . (Oder po.tponed until tom ihorro . ' 8 ohool. David B. Coraon racommandad actton on tha Kahn raaolutlon requiring , “ “aubmlaalon to Ih , Houa* of all papar. I. , .a. . Thoniii* F. K«nno<ly, prlndp*l of th«b « rln g on Iho poitpon#m^nt of feder*! . .^ Eojt Bid* H lfb School. tf*M f«rro4 lo

Imwn icc tp tid th« motion to Uy th« duAAtion until tonlfht

C ltlnf flgurui thowlng tb« Mction* of tb« city ffoiri c*m* lh« *tud#ntbody of ih* ichooii, Mr. Cor**>n ■«ald thAt ultloiAiAly th« EM t Side H Itb School Ahould be A ttohm cil Achool only. And ih t l the Cenlrt! High tbculd be the lAine. JAAving tbe cIamIaaI etudlet to the BAiTlngef And the South Side 1n»tltutloM

T he opening of a new htfh echool. Mr Corton AAid. "will aeo#*lltite the dlttrlbutlon of puptJe to four different buildlngR. One of the preient high iehuoli ^Ea»1 Sidel will be reduced In numberf to a imell*!" enrolment thAh ii liAA ever liAd. with little proipect of en- lATgement Iti the neAf future. If oper- ated under the pree^nt policy for Any length pf time.

T he fi:iure of the c»y le eo promiemg In AH tnduAtrlAl way thet lo permit the oogily equipment m he uauAed for much Of the time li InexcuiAbU end without juitincAtlos

'T here l» no JuillflOAlion for mAklng the EAit fUde High School a vocAtJonel KhOoL Of even a d la lrid or a Junior high ichool It ehould continue aa li waa detlgned end built to be. A lAchnlcAi high ichool."


If in d o u b t w here to go this sum m er w e suggest you read th e resort advertise­m ents in th e E v en in g N ew s.


Ref. L. W. Alleo Pnises Sdsool’ s E ffK W icy 'a id Urfes



Common Council Has No Power to Crest Such Officer, i^ fises




Twenty-three ant] Twenty-fife Cents a Day for Food Palls on

Hungry Wires.


proiecullona a t Ban F rtncliro , which re- |


(hft new South Bide High School, which•ulteid in UiAtiict Attorney McNab i reuff* I . *w f n a *ka,*^ 1 will he opened Itte In the fAll, And thAtI Ell Pickwick J r . director of mAtiuAl

iralnlng. ba plAced In chArge of the Ca jill WAA regArded ccriAln lAht tomorrow Ih# committee would fivorAbly report the mgAAurA EepreieruAtWe K th n denounc- •d Altoraey-GecerAl McReynolde for hlA coufM In the mAltcr H* Ltulated thAt fiAcretgjy of Labor ^^'lleon'i eiplAnAtlon WAA not AAtiAfActory And commended IdgNib ’* Attitude.

Only Aix DemocrAtA And one RepubltCAn were prevent At ih e meeting. ChAlrmen CUyton BAld t h i i sperlAl effort would be

(Continued from F trit P^ge >

btde building.While It waa AppArent IhAt a mAjorlty

favored Mr C orion 'i recomrrtendAtlon. un«nlmUy w'aa lAcking The committee defAAted A moUon by Mr Belfgtlo to tAble the recommendAtlon uriUl July A. end. After imich debaU- voted to lay the mutter over for cotiAlderAtlon tonight.

Tr WAC Indicited th t t thoA# In favor 'if accepUng the reconiTnendAtlon are Com

hiade to hav* avary mamber on hand for | mla,^oneri »r*uBl*. MoCabe, Bmltn an iTavior. and thAl thoee oppoeed e reA Hireling tomorrow, which will be an

ex«cuU\« liiAion. Curunillteemen denied ihAt UemocrAlA purpoeely Abeenied them* Alvee from the mgeting today In order lo d#lAy Action, it being pointed out th tt if HepubiltAn memb«rA had been preieiit the ijuorum would have been complete,

Mr Kahn Loneeuted to AiuendmeiU of hie raaolutlon by in e m in g the worde "if not incompAtlble with public Intereei ' m the clAd»e "InAirucilng" the Attorney' G eneraluo trAnemti the pApcri Thia le The forinAl phrage in all auch reaoiutlone and w'AC Inadverenily omit ted by Mr

ChulrmAn Brown. Mr Belfatto And Me Johneon T hrte three had attempted m pr^\ent Hr Coraon from aubmlttlng hth rrpnrt by a mov« to change the mlnutee of tha laat meeting, ao th a t the queetlon wo'ild be put up to "the Buperlntendent’f offlrr." In ite ad of having the fupe rlnten dent, alone, make the report

Tn referring to the E att Side gichool, Mr Chreon said tt Is n ow a generel hlgo pirhool. with thp literary course domlnat- Ihg Ha rniitinf and prertlr.e, and a man of e.YrHient llti^rAry and clAA»ltal (ruining at lu head Th<» one fiAs+ential for the

j proper development of such a AchnnlKahn.Mr. Clayton pustamed the Caltforma j technical Instead of literary or flaseloal

report In refuaing "to requeat ‘ ineleAd | leadership, however worthy it may be of "In iiruct ’ the Altortiey-Oeneral to "There must be a techhlcal man a i deliver up the documenU Mr Kahn de- principal of the East Side School.' said


y'oted moel of hie eu tem en t in aupport ' of the reaojutlon to a review of the Cam- Jnettl-Digga case

‘United Stalea Atiorney McNtb," he AAid. "cSaime th a t on leveral occailona be called the Attention of the Attorney* General to .the fact that hie witneeaes In both the CAmlnelll-Dlgss hnd the West* erti Fuel Company cAsea were being tam- i:'«red with, and th a t efforts were being i.<ade to have the trial poatponad

"In hlA ‘elegram to the F’reaident. Me- Nab AAld It v/aa openly hoaeted LhAi po« lltlcal And other Inflnencea would be used to aubverl Juatlce One of the Attorneys

Mr. Corson In closing. if Its original purpose and function are to be reailaefl A lei’hnical man o f established reputation would draw boys tg the tchool '

Haw CnraoA Made CboICA,Mr Corson prefaced hie recommenda-

tlnri with the ataternent that he had gh'en very careful cooBlderatlon to all the can- didatej for the prlnclpaishtp of the new building and congratulated the city that It had such men on Its teaching staff HlB personal opinion* and friendships were suppresaed In making the selection because one of hi* dearest friend* wa-* among (he candidates In makingor CamlnoUl h a . been indictad fof aubor- | cor«m ,. ld

n.iinn nt hv th* ^arram ento . .... . . __ .


t * davalop e iti t ln c parka th* K.aex Ctototy Park CemmlaalMi will raeelva tMkMO from CouBtr Coltaetor Blehard w . B««th tomorrow. Thl* moaay le a por- UfQ of th* prooe*d* of th* recotit lal* of folto *nd one-h*If per c*nt. bond*.

Tb* 4*claJon to tranafir thl* amount waa raaohek h r tha frethold tr* ' flnanc* aopunlttM today, (ollowinc the reading of a Taquelt from the park official*. T h. raqulduoo Memad to .p^prl.* gome of tq* tr**holder». who aought from the pdnaetor an explaniUon a* to the method t i d i l y followed In traneferring money. tS-m w park body.

nation of perjury by the farram anto County Grand Jury Thl* Indleatea that an effort waa buing made to aubvert Ju«- tic*. ■

ft*pre.*ntat1ve MeCoy, of N e* Jersey, asked whether Mr McNab could not him- ■elf furnt.h the inform ation .ought In lUs roaolution. Mr. Kahn retorted that i h* had furniahed all he could

Although notified th a t the hearing on the Kahn raaolutlon -.,-ould be held today, no representatives of the Atlornay-Gen- ural or Secretary of Labor appeared to oppose Its paaeage.

LIfr. Boofi axplalnad Oiat neualTy the onav Waa tu rrandertd upon requtat.

T l ^ had not been don* in th* present gqg* beoau** It w a. nccssaary lo obtain M optnlOB a* to th* validity of the bond* bdfora m ^ ln g delivery. H* .aid that nlp*ty.*lfht bonds of SI.OOI) denomination war* d*llver*d ytstarday, and IW of like vtou* thl* morning.

The bend* r*lerr*d to are the IJ76.W1 togtt* of tour and ona-half per cent, ctrtlf- Ickta*. recently offered a t a competitive «*l*. A t th a t time oply one propoaal for l y jvio worth was received. Thia wes ac- espted a t tlW.H. tojlowlnf which the coj- laOtor waa tu thcrltad to sell tha remain- i v lb such lota as pciaalMe. but not below pap. U* racenlly reported the sale of the** to Jullu* 8 , Rlppel

Deputy Surrogat* Charte* F . Kocher asked permlaalon to appoint ap additional eopyl»t to that office A ftar a long dl.- cuBslon. to which th* deputy pointed out th a t to ten year* the work of the office

, had toereaaed 2» per cent., while the help had toereaaed but fifty per c e n t , the re- qviait wac granted The .a la ry was a t 150 per month.



Bacaum 6 f A iu tt In Chancery t>y one of thA helra of Simon Sc.h^uer. tlUs lo lh« Sdheuer building, At Broad and Commerce strAAta. has been affected, go the Mutual BAnafll U fe InauraJice Company, suc- CAMful bidder a t tha recent auction of. tb« projwfty, todey filed an appisl I with the Orphans’ Court, praying for re- 1 leAM from its bid i

Oq May 21 Iasi, In accordance ■with an | order of the Orphans' Couit, Issued last I Sepiamber, former Judge Thoma's A ' ■Davis. Crtuneel fnr the 'ejreculgre nf th<‘ Bchauar estate, conducted the sale In the courthouse The life Insurance company's bid was t541,60Ti

TTie sale of the property had heien held aubject to confirmAhon of the court, and OB June 3 the InRurance rompanv received potlice of the suit In rnancerv of Mrs Lana Apf^lbaum, a dauahter of the late BImon Scheuer Her action was brought to anjoin the sale of the Scheuer prop­erty. And contained other charges

^ f o r e Judge Osborne. June B. coun* gel fer lh« exevuiors moved that con­firm ation of the sale be withheld until an appeal lb have that portion of the ChAncery bill relating to the actual sai* ba airlckep out, ■w’oa heard by Vice- Chancellor Howell. The motion v-as granted.

When the motion was auhsequ^ntly heard fiefore the vtce-i^hanctoiior he de­nied It The appeal filed today atates th a t Inasmuch aa the affected title deteriorates the rnarkeiabie value of the property, and th a t the action in Chan­cery will take many months before Kb disposal. 'With a pouibiUty of Mrs. Apfel- baum obtaining her Injunction, tha bidder will have been subjected t*- great Inron- veolenca and possible Iosb.

th e re are mortgages t>n the building which aggregate the appeal Blatesfurther, which will have to be met by the netr owners unless ^hey are relieved of the bid,

At the time of the sale no knowledge of the Chancery action affecting the tUle of the property had been received by the Mutual company.

The action by Mrs. Apfelbaum. through ChAunoey 0. Parker, was brought March £7 gg iin st the executors and a number of creditors. Notice of the huK was filed at the time with the county register. pJaclng A cloud on tha title.

WARHTNGTON. June —Clayton Her­rington. ppacla] agent of the Department of Justice At 8 an FranclsvO. who sent Preeident Wilson a telegram Sunday night appealing for the removal from office of Altorney-okneral McReynolda. his official superior, bacause of the oircumstAnces of the resignation of United Slates Altor^iey MoKab, was suspended wiinout pay last night by A. Bruce Blelaskl, chief of the nureau of Inveetlgailon of the Department of JUSTlCS,

This actmti, tt IS .aid, was taken In ord«r to five Mr. Herrlngion an oppor- lunliy to aaplaln his Lelrgram If the explanation Is not SBtlstaciory, official* rieclare, the special agam prnhahly will bg .um m arlly dealt with.

Mr Herrington Is a former judge and la In charge of the Federal Government b bureau of Inveeilgatlon a t Ran Franolaco Hg helped D istrict Attorney '1-Nab pre­pare the Dlgg.-CamlnetU caer., the poei- ponement of Ihe tilal of which reaiilted In ,Mr. McNab's resignation and hla sen­sational cha.i'gee against the Attorney- General.

Mr. Herrington was notified of hla sue- penalon In the tollcwlng telegram from Bielaskl.

"Am ttdvlaed that telegram has been re­ceived by President of the United States from you severely reflecting upon the In­tegrity o f.the Attorney.General Vou are hereby auapeniied from duty without pay, pending receipt of any explanation you may care to make "

I have not asked Mr. Kennedy tf he wants to he transferred, and do not know If he desire* to be Mr Kennedy Is a etaaslcal man. trained In a claaalcai preparatory achool and a graduate frorn a claaalcai college, rseelvlng th* time- honored degrees of bachelor and m aster of arts—a superb preparation for classical Or literary work He Is a graduate of th* Stale Normal School of M assachusetts and or New Tork I'nlversity. the prn- fesslanel educational school of New York

I where he look a course In the pedagogl- 1 cal departm ent He has taught In cla*al-

cal high echoole and colleges and for years was head teacher In the Barringer High School.

For a tlm* .Mr Kennedy was In charge of Ihe Market Street Annex, and for two and one-half yeara has been principal of the East Bide High School He holds a high school teacher'* understand, a first-grade Stale csrtlflcats _ ,h« h lgh .st certlflca t. th a t c a i 'J '* tamed to the State This I consider a splendid equipment, which excelled. Having as a head ‘ ^ such training. I fael that the South Side High School will he ‘h

Mr, Corton paid a tribute to Mr. Pick „,|ck, declaring th a t he0 , the induelrial. movwm^en^ t o ^ l o - j

Modest, butof th* oily to th* other. ----- -- ,Mr PlqkwlcK I* splendidly[ffectlve.


W ASHINGTON. June 2fi.-V olclns con- dB'rnnauon o f tbe coutf? tak^'n by fltnt WllBon and Atiorn«y-<.jd:*n«ral Mc- JR*ynolfJa in tbB o f th* McNabchAfa«B. and d#clar1nf! that Commioalnrifr- G*iieral o f Immigration Antony Caml- n«ttl ffhbuid not b* glvi»n charge of ih* government's Inveetlgattons undar thB Mann act. amoQg all ^Ds. xMlnorlly Leader Mann this afternoon demiHtd^d that th* H our? prob* the w h ok raa*.

Mr Mann attacked Rrfatdsnt WtlBon and Attorney-Gtnpral .M'Hsynolds for Lhcir actlOJi in diarharging Dlatrl-l AKor- iify Mi Nab and for what the Represent.!- tlv€B ifermed 'sfeklng to dletorr McNab a niotlves- ' He compared ihe President and the Attorney-General to frightened rab­b its ' in their hasti* to direct the trial or Camtneill and Digga. which McNab had.demanded

Mr Mann said that the AUcrn«y-Gen- ers-l had admitted lie had received a let­ter from M cNab Btatlng that there might bp ItUerferenre with Justice in the Diggs- Camlnettl oaae.

‘ If he had stated the truth," said Mr Mann, "he vt ould have said that he had had several letters Men In office regard all public men except the Presidenl as a Joke. all nay high honor to thePresident because of the position he holds So It le well that be does not give out too many intervlewB to the press’"




k foHy-tbti girder tied up traffic to B prlsglldd avenue for about an hour thl* memlBg Wille u wa* being ahlfted frwii an alghteen-kor*® truck of John 8 G uitar A San* to th* aUe of the NaUoiuU Th«*tra, B*ar tb* Jonetlog of B prln ^e td and South Orange avanna*.

Bpriagftald avenu* and Plank road care v e ta aeritebed to South Orange avenue by Is* way of tbe Junction for the west­bound and by way of th* Jone* atreot Una for the eiattMund. A Springfield avenae car In Jonae a tre e t being wider titan th* ear* of th a t lln«, (craped tbe pain t o ff a Clifton avenue car going to fib* oppoalU direction and Jat-lod tbe-paa- aengaf* conatderabiy. No' one waa aerl- -ouady injured; altoongh one woman aald tb n t bar a a k lt waa-epratned.

BAPRAMENTO. June 3 f-D rew Cam- inattl. Bon Of I'qlted States Tiftmigratiou Commifstonar Aiuhouv Camlnettl. who Is under Indictment by a Federal Grand Jury, on a charge bated oa an alleged violation of the i u n n act, was arrested here today on charge of abandoning h|s minor chlidre".

HEALTH CRUSADE BY "MOVIES”A heallth cruaaa* by means at moi'lng

pictures, alidea and leclurea In public parka and playgrounds will be begun MOn- day night a t the Prince Street Play­ground by th* State Board of Health under the auaplcee of the Newark Antl-

Tk* g<Td«r agaa t a t a i from the Goeller I n n Work* la nallbgbuy*eo avanu*. andth* algbtaait bocM* that'-did. tbe haaiiog aett* g ta iM t e r a t l m to Broad ktnaot * 1 * 1 UWI' OB, Ifia oourthooM hlU.


TuberculosU AeeoclatlonThe lectures and pictures will be con­

tinued a t the playground Tueaday and vvedneaday rvlghti. and J. l,.eonard Maeon. aecretary to the Newark Playground Com. mltslon,' ‘e-Hi Miow slid** on field day ■porta.

Qn J'uly f and T the exhibition wllf be given a t the .Cnnat BtfOet Playground, and la ter the cpuaetit of the Bhade Tree C ^iB iealon |jnd tha Essex County Park Cbmmlaalcn win be sought to allow th* crusade to be carried on to Military Park and *0 0 * o tb v plaoca to tb* park lyt- tem.

MuTpped; Mr' Coraon sa;d. to toke hold rf the problem a t the E n t Side High

dealing w ith all the auggeatlona that have been mad* for a liie couree ( f itudy In the East Side Ittgl. School Mr Corson recomm-nded that thia achool and the other two high echoole retain their preaent couraes for U,e lime being He declared he wag not prepared to propose th a t the general , nir,« he taken out of any of the ichooli until th* city 's high school problem set- tlft* irtwn.

Willie poatpdnlng action th« ^ tnm iU ea iiuiti-jriKid th« organiAAtlon of the tcbool in H«rt®nihef. acc^ptlntf UiA »UfI«Ptlon rtiide by Mr. Coraon th a t for th^ time lifting ihft cloftsfta b« aasemhlA'd In th« vftCRtei n<^rmal ichpol In W aahlnfton airfc^t. until the building In CUntor HUl iH fompJeied in October, or latar.

q u l i for A dtins ftopertmtfAdfiite After Mr fy rson had tAAiJ 'hJfl raport

and mad® hia racoruniftridatlonA hft- wa* questioned by Mr Johnaon Tha la tte r aaked him If he had conaultod with hla

i aaBOcIales In making hie declpion. Mr Coraon »»ld the reaponalblllty was ful.y hlB Referring to Mr Coraon'* raport in general Mi Johnson aeked if Mr, Cor­don bod glvKji to the prlncipalthlp tr>« thought th a t ehould be given to the fill­ing of a pofllMon ftp the conductor of an Institution that represented an Invefti- iTi«nt of a half million dollATfl.

Replying In (he efflrm atlve, Mr. Coraon told how he had made a study ol the men who were named a t CAfidldatea. Mr. Johnaon asked if Mr Corson'i recom ­mendation would he (he aame If Mr. K en­nedy was not a principal- In reply Mr. Corson eaid-

' I think Mr Kennedy le ae good a i anyother man

"As good and not better." said Mr. Johnson "T hat la your answer."

Explaining that Mr. Kennedy w as a classliAl man and was better suited to act ill head of a rleestcal *chool than of an IndustrlAl school, Mr. Corson said the population In the \’lclnlty Of the £ a s t tid e High School Is not suu’h a* to tuaialn a* genera! or clapslcal courie.

"Is It vour opinion,' Mr. Johnson asked, "that Mr Kennedy’s adm inistration of the Fast Side High School has not been a Bucce^^ ■*'

■ w ithout knowing it," Mr. Cor*cn re- plleri. "Mr Kennedy baa allowed hi* teat* to dominate the couraea. Tb* lite ra ry couree le tbe dominating courla In th* achool "

When Mr. Johnson again asked the question whether, in viiw of the fact* atated. Mr. Kennedy had been euecesitul as principal of the East Side Scho*l, Mr. Corefin asked the commltilonar: "I* It your purpose to have me decry Mr. K en­nedy’"

Mr Johnson replied In the negative, but eald he w anted to get a t the facts. Theh Mr Corson added that he did not w ant to crilelie Mr Kennedy, but did w ant to make It cUar that tjie odds had beta aga!"’t him as principal of the E ast Bldo. The iuntlment of the neighbdrhood. eald Mr Corson, w-as against the general couree. and while he did not advocate thq removal of this course a t once, he be­lieved In about two yeara It should be taken out of the achool.

ftu e i.lo u s T erv to P lek n lc lt.Mr Johnson then ..attchlsed Mr. CorsOn

as to the flinees of Mr. Flckwlck to handl* the school, where a g a n e n l cQ'ur^ la to be taught. Tb* acting eupar- Iniandent's answer wa* th a t Mr. Flckwlclf had met every task put to him. erven though not a classical man. Hts general classical knowledge Is about equal to tha t of a graduate of the oourae to civil engineering at Princeton UnfvergUy. said Mr Coraon.

"That does not m ean ," aald Hr. John­son, " tha t he la capabt* of adm toistsH nt a classical achool "

"Do you believe that a man with lueh training has sufficient claaaieal know], edge to become a lawyer?’’ asked Mr; Corabh. and Mr. Johnson, w ho w a mam^ baf of the bar. said b* did not. Mr, Coc* a«» than «g*Uuoed th a t Im knew gone

t a

banking and ^urrancy wUh an outUna cf a raglonal r a » n . ‘a w ham a for a naw b a lk in g fy it em. does not ragard (ha propoaad bill for tha ra fo rm it lon of our banking and currency »y*teni *• •*■ pacl tlly op«n lo cri tic lim H« do«i think It might be Improvod.

Mr. F u L a r would much prefa r th a t pf*’- Mftlon had boen made for a t lea i t three hanker* of s tanding on the federal re- w rve beard, but think* th a t Mr WU*on being Pres ident !• * gua ran tee th a t *uch appointment* e* he m ay make would pre- otude th*. naming of man o ther than thooe <ialculited to work Intelllgenily for the public good Bui as the MU will be of a pa rm inen t charac te r , he »ould have preferred a provii ion f'^r a banking balance wheel in the governing body, •which li Uaelf to go Into the banking buitneas

A elngular part of the Interview with r>«puly i-Omptroller Flaher did not lie ao much In hi* iuggeailon a* lo w h a t he thought ought to be done in the m a i le r of provtejon for dIetrlbuUng the reoerve* of Inter ior hanl<B a« In irift f a d that, white he wa* telling It. the Fhwaident * advlter* a t Washington were deciding to racommend a change In the currency bill exac t ly in line with w hat sMr F isher i>ug- e«<»ted

Aaked about the BltviatJoq aa to the prn%lBlon of the btll ae It *tood.' requir ing the interior bank* to keep a portion of their r€Ber\eB tn ihelr ow'n vaults and the rftst tn the federal reBcrve banka of which they are membera. thus presenting them from carrying any of their rcf»er\e a trenpth u i th correspondent banks, a t reaer 'f t or central resarxe clues, he aald It would work a hardahlp. In tha t it V ould call for toe audden a rever*al of a flystem of t anking which the bankB and the bualneuft of th« country a re accuB- toraed lo.

These correspondent bank depoalia by interior Institutions he pointed out. in addition to reserves held at present in their own vauHs, are for two purpoBca prim ar ily , first; for accompiodallon, loans on lecurlty ccilateral, and. second, on mercantlia paper. Then there ara such depoBite for exchange purposes

If the bill wfn t through a i it stood, be ­fore today's changes, the Interior bank reserves would all h ive to b« retained In (heir own vaulta and The regional reserve hanks Thia would ru t Into the p rh llegeb Interior bauTkk now enjoy through corre- Bpohdent bank depofiUs for exchange pur* poses and for loans on securities Such a radical depar tu re might and probably would work much friction, pneslbly In­jury. it woB declared.

It might be suggeited. Mr F t iher added, tha l a pUri by which one-third of the reserve* of the Interior bank* be de- posited In their own vaults , one-tolrd In the federal reearve banka of which they are membere. end one-llilrd wUh correspondeni banks a i cfu tra l r teerve cltlea. would not cause anj' Inherent weakness In the admin is tra tion 's plan for banking and currency reform; would not crtppla or hamper present m e thod ’ of doing bualncBfc. and would grea t ly e n ­hance the potential borrowing power of Interior hanks and their efficiency as factors In the bu8lne*e worTd In general Within an hour, the anT^ouncoment came from TVaahlngtbn Thai an agreement tu Just eurh a change In the bill, had been reached

B^llivtftf tha Common Council to ba without legal authority «o to do, acting City a 'ounul 6 ofC» ho* odvlstd Mayor riauMllng and Prcildeni Donntlly. of the council, that no ordinance can b« passed by the d ty father* authorising th« sta le r of weights and measures to appoint sworn meftsurer* of leather There will ba no meeting Friday night as planned for this purpose therefore.

Local i^^fither manufacturer* had ooked that fturli «n ordlnanca be passed tn order that they might be able to ship their prod­uct Into Maasachuseita afte r Ju ly t On that (late a Bay State law bfcomes affoc- Uve, which provides that ail leather com ­ing Into the Btaia must Iva^e lia meosura certified to by a aworn measurer The m anufaciurers wanted the ordinance patfted tomorrow night io that such measurer* might be appointed

Mr Bogg* mid the city om ctali and Jtiliua F Kaufherr, representing the manufacturers, that he could find no a u ­thority for pOftilng such an ordinance and that if it were«d It would not be legal The suggestion was mode th a t the measure he adopted anyw'ay and that It then be teeted in the court*, but to ihle the ftLiing city counael objected on the ; ground that he did not beli'‘ve U right I that tn* city Executive *hould Mtach hts | signature tu a law known to be iHegal

Mr Kaufherr then took up with his Boston, connection* the propoBitlon of having the auihorUles there consent to have the Mayor of Newark appoint sworn rnfftsurt-rs. though actually w ithout au ­thority to do *0 , and have their figure* accepted bv the Breton and other Msssa- ehuaetts authorldea The understanding would then be that o t the next Besslon of the New Ji»reey L«gt«lalure a bill would be Introduced gR’lng to the Execu- live the necesaary authority lo appoint measurer*

The rnanufacturera here declare the Bay IrJidip law to be unnecesfftry and mere- Ij' tn hft\e the effect of placing hardahlp '>n leather men of other States The iys- tem uf measuring and checking now In force praciicaity prevema mistake*, they believe

'Thft new law i* in reality a revival of H law- of Massftchusetta In force since iRiS," said Mr Kaufherr today. "The old law' Wa* nevtr enforced, and tom e on* has dlsco\ered It and thought H wise to revive the practice No one has taken it very seriously, and the provisions h a \e I hen considered ridiculous.

All hide* are measured by machines, which do the work auiom*tlca.Uy. show­ing, In square feat. th« contenla of each skin The contents are then marked on them In black carbon AVhen tbe skins a r rh e a t the shoe faclonea, o r wherever else they are used, they are again put through the same kind of machine and our markings checked up

"!f thei^ Is found to be a difference b«-| tween our markingB end w hai th* ma- chlnea a t the recetving end show, the

Two women who declared thay found It impokalbtft to live on a dallv allowance of twenty-thrs* end twenty-f1v« cent*, re* apecdvelj sought relief tn the First Fre* etnet Tourt thia morning, to which they had their husband* summoned Another case heard was th a t of a husband who wished (o support his wlfa. and had the latter summoned to court oo that h* could force finajida) support upon hsr.

Mrs Jacob Sohnlker, of 97 Bomomt street, declared tha t for more than a yearh tr husband ho* been giving har twenty cents a day lo buy food for her family offive, and three eenti each morning lo purehaoe a pint of milk.

Bohnikei admitted lu* mlfe'* atateRieTit waa true and expseaasd the opinion that enough food could be purchoaed for tw en­ty-three cent* to provide for hi* family-Mrs Bohnlker, Acting Judge Rooney and

ffJohn P Manning, of the effy law depart- mant, thought otherwise Bohnlker was Ofdsred to pay hla wife U a week, through the oversser of the poor

Since her marriage to Joseph OelwlU, six weeks ago, Mrs. GelwUi. of 2T| Frtnc# afreet, aald she h i* had to bu^ food Eoir heraeJf and husband on twenty-five cent* a day. Bhe found It hard work to find a way to purchase enough for herself, let alone fob two She added that her hus­band has about $&(Jb fn the bank.

Gelwfti wo&h't a bit bashful In admli- tlng that he gave hi* wife but a quarter a day, and Acting Judge Rooney, aftor hearing ihe huiband say that he didn't wsm lo live with his wife any longer, o l­dened him to pay 14 a week toward her Buppon and furnish a bond of J500 to In- iure payment

Frank Setfel. of 112 Thirteenth avenue, told the Judge that he had been trying to give hts wife monftv for sexeral week*, but Bhe refused lo accept ft.

■‘She put me out of the house and now don't want to take any support." he de­clared Judge, won't you make her take i r ’

U was the first time such a request had been made to the court, and Mr* Selgel was asked her side of the case.

d-nl^d putting her husband out and dftdared she never refuied money She said she wanted lo mo've from her prea- eni rea.clencft and her huebsnd gev'e her tlD to co’ ar aapenaee and promised to i pay her a week through the office of Ihe ov«r*eOr of the poor. Mr*. Selgel said *hc would not disdain lo take the

A muabcal program wo* gi\*n by Tm‘m- ber* of the graduating da** a t .Conttm CombMrclaJ oad Manual Training High

l i f t night Th* st4 |« wg* **t preoaot a io H * n party *c«nci a t whlcir the *txty-three graduate* ImperoOfiar^d the fu e iu . A fu r thd -muMcal numi»er* wtr* gtven. Rev. Dr toyman W hitney Allen pre*en(ed the dijilomaa to the griti- uate*. who wtr* pr«*eit%J by th« pnni;l* pgl, WiUUm Wlgnar.

The principal auiphasiiod the necouity of h «h«r Ideal* for real auccei* in life, and ooid that with the diploma* ohonJd go two impreoatoao-^promptiioa* aad thoroufh&ea*

Dr. Alien congratiilated Mr 'Wiener cm tb* aiicoeM of th* Mhool under hie dlrec- Uon. H« Hkoiiad the Mbeot itrue tu re to tbe poUoe of *ome greet potentgte^ oad oeid be felt be w m in tb t eahool of "King Democracy."

Tn addition to the choruee* rendered by Che cloj* and! number* by tbe oebool or- ohMtre, there were violin solo*. Bara- ■ete'g ‘ Zlgeunerwelften-" by w iutem Block; "R ublniteln 's "Kammenol Oe- tro w /' h4 ith Corleon. and LaerttJd'e "FanU eie UiUtoire, ' wiiUein Loeb. A double q u arte t compooed of Zelmg %[y, Anna Balling Anna Sauer, Leonie Doc­tor. Robert Buehby, Ira Scherf. Ben S. Llpeon end Alvin Ssartci, elao contrib­uted eeveroJ numbers

O reduatee not taking part In th e pro­gram were a* follow*; Generel couree. Herman W. Abremowiti, David Bern- belm, Blanche Q. Bloekweik WUIlam M Bram*. Hortenee Buokshaum, Bdltb 6 Carleon Celia Cohenr E ither ElMOg l i t - dor Bpeteln, Agnes M. Cachenftlder, Wll- Uam 8 - Foat. Nathaniel Olntburg. Leon­ard Oray, Dorl* E Heneop. Mabel E. Harpor. Sara A. 'Hayes, Edward L- Hont> Harry' Kaplan. Abram Laub, Simon bowli*. Herman B. Lermer. Max Levy. Samuel B Levy, Joeeph L- Lippoaen. Abraham Llpeon. Sadie Ups^h. John W. F. Margbrum, Anthony F Maltla, B|rdia Helacl. Ellxabeth Morriseoy. H erbert D- Ftpe. Anthony S. Precker, Carrte A- Renton, TllHe M Rlngel. Ruth M- RoWn- son. Jam es O Sherman, Max Singer, John T 6 Uhi. B llubeth Btarllng. Golden L. 'Wyman, commercial courst. Ruth T Borland, Harold Bierman. Ogrgrdo Caruso. 'William T. Dunworth. Eleanor M Hlldick. 'Leopold Meyerowitx, Sidney Founder, Moe M. Radln. Stanley W. Van Due'll*; technical course, John 8 . Coie William H Kiracb and Joseph Tojaln.

O ram A ar School Exerolefe.Commencemanta at two gram m ar

schools this morning, six yeeterday add three^F lfteenth Avenue. Hamburg Place and Hawthorne Avenue-Tueeday night, added 119 to the list of this year'* gradu­ate* with many to follow tonight and td* morrow.

J- Wiimer Kennedy presented diploma* to fifty grammar graduate* at MHUr Street, thie morning, making a brief a»f- drea* )n connection with the elaas «xer- clees.

At Nor(!i Seventh Street graduation r t - grciteg r« »lsa htia thl* unornlnR. t ic principal, Thomas T Collar;^, fh 'to g dl- p lom i* to forti'-fl''* pupils.

The fifty -four graJm tes o f Burnet Strtet School who m sJ ' a trip to E*S'* R or* yeargrday. receive.! their Jiploma* *t Informal exercise* this afternoon

A drarnltllStioB of Edward Elverett Hals'* "The Man Without a Country, was Blven a t Central Avenue School by th* graduatln* d a te last n l,h t Patrio tir


raoqey.Anuthcr bnde of *ix weeke be<3

husband in court. H r wa* John Sracker,of W ret Hoboken. Mrs Brecker elKyed , a.a-a nFav formed athat her husband look her to two fur- . aongs Introduced Innlihed rooms In rn lo n HUl. and that ' part of the program rendered by theaHor a realdenc* of on* day she found Amhros* Tomklna "'f"'*’"tot, much mwrference from relaUvs, of of Educatlor, prew nud diploma*her husband.

Thrt lalU r * story woe th a t the day of their marriage hi* wifa left horn* and returned, as he eald, ‘ oeslfled The following day she Itft the house alto­gether and this morning waa the flrat he had seen her since then. Brtcker being a resident of Hoboken. AcUngJudge Rooney told the wife lo make h tf complaint in that town. ____


akin* a re referred to a cer ti fied raea*-

r ; , ‘ TTe a - r ™ - p a y T -ti;;: spies-alper c o m pa n y put ravs'fV :? ‘prir"n* ! INTO control of re c o v e rhides Is then adjusted

"But. as a m atter of' fact, the shoe m anufacturer cares very little w hat the meaeurement of a skin may be. W hat I P • ha Is interested in is how many pairs of ; pahy. fvhbei he can cut from a hide tanner* will sell sides th a t cut four pair*Of ehoe*, on an average: sonae will cut three and a half, and other* will cut a little more than four, maybe. TVs the tanner who puts out hides th a t m aintain the hlffhe*t cutting av'erage the maker care* chiefly about

Prow As WitMwffttm Burtau of tAo FFJt'.V. lycr yEwa

WAS'HTNOTON. June W .-From th» viewpoint of the majority of the Jersev- men In (he House so far ns may be gaged froTn their stand on th* blU. the administration ctirrmcy bill i* a worthy measure, and will be passed before th* end of the sesaion. None of the Congrese- men who were in town yesterday was willing, 'however, upon (heir prespnt In- bpeetlon bf^the bill, to go into detail con­cerning their currency qpinlnns.

RepresentMjve Townseiid dissented from the expressed opinions of the others in declaring that the bill would pass this

"The measure will, perhaps, get through the House,'' said Mr. Townsend, "but "t win never reach this Senate before this pftsslnn’s closft. There Isn't time enough." A* to the bill Itself. Mr. Townsend de­clared that as yet he has not had sufft- dent time to study It thoroughiy.

R ^prrsentati'e McCoy, who explained that he had merely read the measure through once or twice, and had not a*

' yft( glv*n much time to Its study, aald there was one phase of the bill s working that hp does not a* yet understand.

"From what I know of the measur*," fftld hP- It appears that the eiasllclty It alms to give our currency i» ah on* way— the currency may be stretched to meet any emergency; but how tp It geing to be '■onTi’acted?" * Anolhar feature of th* bill, 'iali Mr McCoy th a t might develop on rhnrough Study to be an obnoxlou* pha^e to many Democrats, was Ua po*- alble Tendency toward "graenbackism." Both of these point*. Mr. McCoy added, may pn^-e to be but the effects of a study an far necftsaarlly Superficial-

RepresenlatlVe^ Bcullyi Walsh and Tut- tl* were unsniinou* In their approval of th* bill. So far as th*y know It now. And all of them w*r« agreed that, wUh Presidenr Wilson ao itremgly for paaeaf* a t thl* sesaion. th* bill will b* passed.

bllltles am ountingPhilip apte*. p resident of the con­

cern. denied today th a t th* firm le In-...... ..... solvent and said th a t th* inov#- made"Tanner* her* are a t a Ms* to see w'hst oi ih® credU ori w- as entirely

sdvantaire lo any on* will result in th* unw arranted He adm itted th a t the Ug- enforcemcnl of the Ma**achu*etta law. bliltles are about $i&,0Dh. aa alleged byThere Is no case that I know of wh*r* ' the petitioning creditor*, but aald thatany tanner attompted to ahort-meaaur* the company could meet Ita obligations any one up there, or anyw here else, for [ in fullth a t matter. The system of cross-check- j SamuSl Roeseler. "who was appointeding between th* tanner* and m anufac- receiver yesterday by United State*turers would prevent that, anyw ay.' D istrict Court Judg* CrOs*. under a

. _............. ..................— j llD.ODO bond, took po6s€*iion of th*two *tor*s. Mr. Spies wa* indignant

iwen(y-«?lght graduates- . ,Charles P. T iylor. president of

Board of Education, made an ad d r^* a cortiir.gnfgmgni gxgrrliwB at 0 1 lv*f S trs rt y*s(*rt»y aftfrnonn Th- ,,tlnclp»l. J A frgd Wltoon. ■»’?« rtlj.lom»F lo .thirty-six T h , rngnitiers at part to a pro»rani of reflUtioii* musical numbers .

The commencement * /w o MElglmentti Avm ut I v ^ n ^held last night, to tha Aton toSchool, with tha d * '* pr*6ld*nt. Fred erlck Minor- preMdlng. aentgfl to th , achool » bronio taW*t, l>**r tog Lincoln a Gottythurg addrrt*. -h* r r V i m included a dehaie on -'ontoJt • L ftrag g , and >gveral

Elmar K Saxton, eaoratary of the « an.mtng hoard of prcs«nt.d

i( K iri G. Smith, principal ■arly Avanue School, gave tito

fler * tmaer, repre**[imi» 1^***^ ...... i -- , There werecreditors, who allege th a t the company | rU » ' their EUenberf wa*hag about 115.000 aesete to meet 11a- ** , j ,n , o( (f,j daep; Hyman Hot'bllltlee am ounting to $15,000 ' her and Mto» Emma Kapton.

Involuntary proceedings In bank- putting the Sples-Alper Com-

of sor Broad stree t and IT* ' Springfield avenue Into ine hands oj a.Borne oprtngiieio ave,.u^ n . r i the aiplomae

receiver, were begun yesterday b) BH ,u--n.-,vaT der * Bllder, rep re ien tln g petitioning | of the


man. fticreury.



Charged with being drunk while at«*r- ing an futomdbll* and running <lown a b*y. Dr Frederick H. Pterion, of J59 Union avenue. Elliabeth. wa* arraigned tn the First Precinct Court today. He a*ked for a hearing and after he had furnished Jl.OOO ball h* was let go to appear again tomorrow.

George Ktnny, fourteen year* old, *nn o£-- Police Sergeant Kenny, of gputh Or­ange. wftj the victim. He wa* bowled over by the doctor'* car at Brood and Market atreet* 1a*t night. H* aald h« wa* not injured and rod* on a tro ll* / car to his ham*. 2W Irvington avenue. South Orange-

Patrolman Farrah*r arre*t*d th* doctor after the accident. Me attega* th a t the latter wae tnder th* Inftuenc* of liquor and incapable of properly running a motor car.

W,\SHTNGT0N. June M —Banking bill eentlment was etimulated and held out for reronaidaratjan a t two conference* on (he currency m eaiure held a t the "White I House yesterday. At the first were Presi- | dent WllBon. Secretary MrAdoa, Senator O'W'en and Repreeentatlv* Glaa* ?ind mem- bers of the currency rommleifon of the American Banker*' A*soolatlon. Creorge M Reynolds, of Chicago: Festua J Wade, of 8 t- Loul*' John Perrin, of Lo* An- gelca. end flol Wexler. of New Orleans.

The bankers suggested four changes in the measure relating to protection of the tw'o per cent, governnieni bonds, th® pro- poeed »5OO.(XO,00O laeue of reserve notes and reprceentailOD on the propoaed federal re- sor\‘* board, ’

Th* second conferenoa. h«ld last night, wa* between President Wilson and mvmb*r» of the Sena't* committee on banking and currency, namely. Sen-, atore Owen, o{jOklahoma: Shafroth, of Colorado, HolUe. of New Ham pshire; Hitchcock, of .Nebraska; Reed. Of Mls- boun; Pomerene. of Ohio, and O'Gornian, of New York, Demaciata. and Senator* Brielow, of Kanaafi, Neloon. of Minn*- sola, and '^■eek, of .Vlanaachuaeua, Re- piibllcau*.

Aa a result, it i* not unlikely th a t sec­tion* which provide for th* retirem ent of the natlonaY bank circulating notes In tw enty yeara. and in connection there­w ith for the refunding of the government two per cent, bonds into three per cent, bond* a t the rate of o n e - t^ n tie th Of tbe amount each year, may m reatored to the bill.

The financiers who conferred with Pro*' ident Wilson In the afternoon explained th a t .they came here os individual bank­ers, with thu idea of endeavoring to pre­sent to the adm inistration the situation as seen from the banker*' point of view.

Tne recoinincndation th a t the books

over the action He declared he had had n*- Intim ation r f the pending pe­tition and waft firs t apprised of the proceeding* when ne returned last eve­rting from a buelnee* tr ip to New Tork

At the door o his stofe Mr. Spies wa* met by a representative of the re­ceiver ana wa* re ,used admission. He declared he wee not even allowed to remove ^ ftw ,.*f h i t personal effect*. T hat some of the claim* reprelSnt good* returned because uneatlefactory. was Mr Splee'B assertion.

Samuel Spies of 46'S tir lin g street, la secre tary and treasu re r of the firm- The Broad a tree t ftstabUahment w-as clOBfed vp several days ago because of poor business.

The statement of Philip Kples concerr- ing the clrCumstancei of th« bank­ruptcy proceedings, waa flatly oontra- dieted by N athan Rilder, of counsel for the Interested creditors. He declared that Spies had full know-ledge of all that was taking place.

"SplOi has been m financial difficulties for a year or moi'o." eald Mr. BlldOf-' "I have had aeveral claim* ig a in st hiO con­cern and there have been numerous oasss brought against the conoern In the dis­trict courts which have not been *8 t1s- fled Only two days ago he asked tn® to hold off on the bankruptcy action, olt*g- ing that he was *ndea^‘oHhg to arrange for a eettlemofit on thd leave of the Broad atreet etor*.

"The fact is th a t he and hi* Attorneynd everybody connected w tth him

tf Patrolman Thomas J D Smilh.aOf the Third Precinct, fails to report for duty by 9 o'clock tonight, h* will cea*« to be a member of the police department. Smith ha* been absent from duty *li)ce Saturday night, Snd according to the rules of the department a member who absents himself for five day* without cauae disml**** htmeolf from the force,

Smith wae cited to appear In th t First Freclnet Court thl* morolng to answer a complaint of non-gupport made by hi* wife. At the loat roeatlng of the board the patrolman we* called upon to answer i charge of being laU for roll call-

Whan Smith failed to report tor duty last Sunday CapUln ChrliUe etarted an inve*tlg»tlon, but was unable to find the patrolman. In the mean time his wife appeared a t the Flr*t Precinct Court and asked for a summon* She alleged th a t he failed to support her.

Effort* to locate the patrolman have beeri futile- Beeldta being summoned to answer hi* wife’* complaint. Smith wa* c lM to appear before the next meeting of the police board to anewer anothercharge of ^boa been a member of the departm ent for six year*-

havft known all about the whole s i t uatlon. Any Biau?m«nt th a t the p e ti­tion wa* iprung w ithout fuU ao4 ample notlflcailoTi i* w ilfu lly and maliciously falae,"



Outdoor Mllelou* aato'lce* to the eentre of the oily »*r* tottlated hy the First PreibyterUn etiurch tort nliehf on th's

. . . . . u m u ,. , town »t fh* eouth aid* of the anclontehould hevo repreeentntlan on th* fedetal r Bro»d *tt**l odlfto*- , ^resarv* boerd did not r*c«lvo *ap«cto<ly i -r»* iarvleto under the euapiew «

WONAR, GAS VICTIM. D ip A R G E DMr* Beetle Splllor, who w«jf found un-

- onadoue In (he hllchen of hOr home a t H Barela*' atreet. ysaterdiy afternoon, while ga* eacaped from a nearby jet, wae dlKharged In th* Fourth Precinct Court todayf

The woman waa tak tn from Et. Bar- nabaa'i HoapIttI thta moral o f hy order of Cagtaln Vog«1, of the Fnurth Fr*- cinci. ih* told Jtidf* K *rr and Ca].toto ’Vogel tha$ th* ga* had h**n acoldcntlitiy 'turned on and t ^ t *1)* w ig O Ktcenie 1m- farv ' ah* ratO M i' lMr d*at*r. No far iM M » lw t hey- ^

favorable cona'deratlon.The change* sqggeated hy M e tars^ lle r-

lioMii. TVade. tVexIar and PtrrSn ar* a*follows:

F lrst~ T hat the size of the federal re-, aerve board be Increased from aeven, a* propoaed In the adm lnistratloa bill, to ele\en by adding four repreaantatlvo hanhera aa membera of tbe board, tbeae four to be chosen by the Fresldent from a Hat of twelve baskera to ba nominated by th* twelve regional reaerv* banka.

Becond-Tbat the two per cent goverii- menl bonda, now utilized aa aecnrlty for national bank not* circulation, be pro­tected either by refunding them into ihre* per cents., or by paying them oft a t the ra ta of t3$.C(A,dW anniiglly. tttoreby re- tlHng the national bank note circulation o f about tTlMKlO.MO in tfaenty y**r*.

Third—That th* fixed limit o f tMt,()0ll.- OB upon the extent to which th* propoaed treasury reserve note* may he toaoed be removed. I t Is augestsd th a t tht* ad- dttlonal currency lha ll not be to trea tu ry notes, but shall take the form e t bank­notes. to be properly protected by gold reserve* and ethkr ■ecnrIUea, dnd a tax- atlon of deficiency of reeerve, ra th e r than a .taxation of the note*, to faclUtat* and encourage tbalr ra tlra n a n t

F au rth -T h a t a part of th* racervne to the proposed new banking *7 *t«m «bau be left avaiMbl* to be used by the p naen t neaerve agant hW ki, 1n*t**d of h a v ts f the** th g a m t carried wholly by th a pne- po*ed togftmal raiery* banks and tb*lr tt«mb*T bUlki to tJW MW BTR**.

th* Automdil!* BvongcUstlc Commlltep, with 8 . Ito ■Ray Smith, service secr*taty of the J- M. C. A., in charge. Rev, Or. William J. Ilawion delivered the addreee to a gathering of about lOO. Beelde* the talk tber* WM a mualcal program.

Hluipjnition wgs provided by a cium* t i t to a ^ i. Ith electric bulbr Announcement wae made by 'Dr. tiawson th a t ihe acr* vice# will be continued every' Wediiezday night during the autnmef. veatheh per­mitting.

If tb* attendgne* warrant*, Dr. Daw- eon townd* to h iv e outdoor eervlcM.Bun- day night*. These will b* hold i>r*vldu» to tbe regular atrvlce* In ilda but It 1* possible that regular .serylce* still h* htld on Ih* lawn.

Exarclsez marking the graduaUon ot ( leven pupUa of the grammar dOliart- ment of th* Sacred H eart School, In the Vallaburgh aecoon, were haW to th* auditorium of th* achool building. South Orange-and Sanford avenues, last night- Nearly all the a» pupil* of Uie echool took part. .

The addne* to lb* graduates wa* de­livered by Rev. Henry O. Coyb*. raetpr of the pariah. H« *«ph**l**d th* tn p w value « f tha tra in in g . they bad received to tb* fundamentolg ot rellgton, In M - dltlon to the thoroughneza of their aecutor Btudi**- Barnembrano* of tb*tr du ty to Ctod he taM , would p » t» c t tliem to afU f life Irotn th* danger* of vice and iBimbtonty. j ,

faetar** of 'th e evening were two mOfOttao', "Ood'a Garden" and "A Trip to BUrftpo.'’ Mil* Genevieve Martin wa* aecampaniat-' The youngiter* wet* trained by the Blater* of Charity, who Uach in tho ichew. Th* evening wa* concluded M tk th* atoclng of "The Star BpangISd ■$*!!««'’ **'• uttUdren andtb* audience.


'’VicerChaneeltor *lgrt*d an or^*rtoday dlreetlrtg parti** in lnt*r*»t_j!5._ahow cauae July I why tit* CTbioii-Krug-



lar-lJranbeiTy Compaily, Jdwelry manSifaeturar* nt «$ Uarket itrM t, should not

- ,1 , .be adJudMd. tosoivaot and why a r*- ee'iv'nr ahouid not be Appdintad.

Ibie ai^Mcajilon fdr the rule wa* mAB« by J, F i*4 '^ * r r y , of Fltney, Hardin * SktoiiM',. geting for yohn Auetln G r*s- bery. tr«a»«r»i'i*f t i e oorporatlon- a j - cording t* • hill filed by Mr. W b«riy ih* cempkny •*•*$» ** hhout and Itobtlin** itg«if«g»tlng ajiprqxHnaMiy $32,(11)0. F r in k R Krugler la ^reiMaOt nf the company, and f r i n k P OUwon **or^tary. f;

- r :■

Tb* N 'atloul Tam periac* L ^ a n irtu meet tonight to tS* l» to* d t W l* CIm *■Whltmun. IS prlean* *tr**t.

Friends *t lY aak Idoeltncr, ot Ig Bev*n- tu n to avenue, p***ent«d him a tuk. bi»- n*r contaUalAg • • *!)('* bead * 1 14 the Ini­tial* ot th* a rg tn lta tlon yteterday after­noon. Ur. Hoeltner wa* lnltiat«d Into th* |Elk* Tuesday n ig h t

At tbe sdrTlc** of th* Oheb Bhkloai I ...............................Bynagogue tomorrow evtntog Rev. Jo»*j$h t by her %i»o#j*t*V _____Taubenhaua, of N'ew Totk, *111 olflc il* I took p liM a t th* nurse*’ ^oqi*. IIU * (* eantar. Sgticrdiy morhlrfi AImt- ' tp b * n « r'w i* 's tM n i <H*dw «*t* b ig . and«r S. KletoMd: of JFaterion, wUI offt- wUI l*«ir« -'0 *‘ BftuUff '-i»f 'O U tfeH ia c!*«. in .tb* itm *. oApaelty. . h ( twh*P» «b< wul Uvp. ' ' , ;

!!■*•* I* O fttp fuipeptinn.A Biriweil parte waa m|d«tia4 M*m

Morion Bpoonar, for. fo u r : year* a a.w»* t i ilM OEsHk County Iielattoa. UosBitik

Wit; nJBht, U i* tf*

.•■AIU. I MjaMsMis— n--/•tf "If V

little Ones ( feriof


I t may be last taw da. n a k ia g th*ir fund, but a Fvmal* Chai a living pictui to carry on 1 mltt*e ll *n|

'Wan-faced who** facea 1 *nd privatlor of tb* saclet; •njoy an out! ■ununer 1* 0 00m* to Ml doomed to lb tbe fleldi a They Mk th little while a to th* counti of ru ra l llfi health to the

On* e t th* I Dome to th* < i* th a t of a every day to small eblldrt. scan a ty *noii nothing ot h fouraybat-old UW* bn* 1* I pur* air to While th* ra will car* foi Farmingdal*

A aotb ir eat mother, who boy*. Both I In g n a t n«*d th* mother w two week*, a mamhari of partita to be urday.

Another fai Baturday toe though convi tog to work Mother and d hold th a t the There hM ba mIttM a you boepital and effect* of an need of good are not In * 1 committee wl two week! ti County.

Aotual wen li tb* predlc, cant*, and p lltUe chlldrai odds M bung

If the fell fertunate chi and try to 11 lu tbe dark, tog for noori a chance to th* freah air All would be own chlldrar one a chance

On* contrlb from membei ringer High , Those who i Btearne, Mor and George King and Ch, $ 1 each fror Croaae, WHllJ F. H. Beala, W. Btevena. U*wltt. Joat Bacon, Mary Florence Th Caaparl, W. dora Skldmoi Myrtell* M. Hill, B. C. Elizabeth L< urine Rudd, Bennett, Mat eon, C. Fi S M. O. NIchol Donald. Kri Hardin each

J. A. Oltfo uet Dennla t of Rio came helmer. and Mra. Aaron doliara came $3 from leal Marjory Col: years old, a wanta to hi a vacaUon li going lo ha'

Contrlhullo office of th Charitable B the treaeure Monmouth i aa follows: previously ■ Membera 0

B^ooi Fa J . A Gltfori Samuel E. Di Mra. Henry Mr*. Bertha Mra. Aaron Mta* C. G laabal, Jana Truman Buc

Total .......


Once agali the common In th* Demi greselve Ri County, !e 0 whloh bind State, He love and ha Demooratic platform of wanta it und hla vote for (hora*'' In word*.

A* an Indl Raynor wan he haa great of City Coe Democratic th a t remain offlca of al la Baynor’a Nugent'a act

Mr. Haync tim e and me in audltdrlu pahlmenta, only place tc in the itreet

A glance a candidate »h ceaaa to wot Bhorter, tro chiaea will cloied Bund moriilbg, ah *nd firemen IttllOB of dt will be wro ceaaful. A .f ing to ba a Induatrlat it

Mr. Raync th* i d t IbrI ha ran fof 1 in Harriaoh TKIi ta not 1 ahtoi elth«r,tb*. tight wh


lf«W JMMtb* K aecab pM*d, tb ttr

m I•ttajtnwEr * o ih ^ a tM .t by to "mode b**a ebotat the Suite. IfiM Neill*' #tU b* the : an addr**a

* Uttrary gtOoa and t craon Hlv* daiogatlon j alllttog h|v K lacA lio* J c h j f j i^ c ^ t t

TiTm om bti

m iM « XtM M A x




*y im‘m- l Centiiu Inc HW)i u 1/1 a t wttlL'ir aritoAart'1

numl>*r> W hitney

the cra-l- ho pnnel-

nectiultv 111 life,

k t ahoiild

^l«Ti*r oo h1i d !t« c -

tietur* tn itsta. a n d aekaol at

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1 V Horn. Itmoa liil* dax La%-y.

Uppman.. John B*. tia. Birdla [erbart D. Ckrtla A. M RdMa. IX Slnfcr, nt. Goldan ree. Buth . Qaiardo 1 . Eleanor ti, Sidney ■y W Van n B. Cox. Tamln.


:ht and to*

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luatlon eX- arnlng. the

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of Burnet p to Eagle r diploma* moonrrt Bveretf

Country. School by

Patrioiir. formed »

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IJttie Ones of Teoements TeO of Suf­fering ind Need of F red

fa and Food.FOND REACHES-TOTAL OF $2 ,257

I t may ba th a t tha gray ahlaa at tha la i t taw dayt IJava kept many from making thalr contylbuflon to the freeh air fund, but a vlalt to tha rooms of tha Famale Charltabla Soclaty would giva a living plctura of the great need of fundi 1 0 carry on the work In which the com- mlttae Is engaged.

Wan-faced boy, end g trli and woman whoaa face* boar the stamp of hard work and prlvitlon ar* flocking to the roomi of tba aoclety, begging to be allowed to anjoy an outbig in the country before the ■ununer Is over. Scoree of the mothere oome to a ih for their children who, doomed to live in iqualld room*, pine for the field* and tha air of the wooda Thfy aak that tha children be given a im ia while e t some homelike farmhouse in the country In the hope th a t a touch of ru ra l life will bring the glow of health to their cheeka

One of the most pitlabi* cases that have eoma to tha observation of tha committea Is th a t at a young widow, who works avary day to aupport herself end her two small chlldrtn. Tha money she eam a le scarooly enough to provide food, to ear nothing of buying extree for the little four-ybar-old girl, when she fell sick. The UtUa One Is In n*ed of nouiishm snt snd pur* air to bring har back le health. White the mother w o ii j the committee will care for the ohllT' a t a farm In Farditncdale tor a few weeka.

Another sad oas* Is that at a ssldowed m athsr, who works to support her two boye. Both children havalbeen elok snd In g n a t need of food. The factory where the mother work# will clue* this week tor two weeks, snd the little family will be iDSmbsrs of one of the first fresh air parties to be earn to Farmlngdale Sat­urday.

Anothar family th a t will b* aent away Saturday includaa a young woman who, though convtleaclng from lllneaa, la try­ing to work to lupport her asx l mother. Mother and dauirhter will be Betii to Free- hold th a t they may be rvatored to health. There hae been recommended to the com • mitta* a younf boy who haa been In a hoapltil and who Is recovering from the effecu of an accident. The )ad U In great need of good care and because the parents are not in a poaliton to give It to him ih« committee will endeavor to send him for two weeks to a country home In Suaeea County.

Actual w ant brought about by ■Ichneaf. i t tba prsdlcamsnt of most of the appH- oanta, and pitiable are Ihs cases where little children are fighting against such odds sa hunger and poor health.

If the fathers and mothera of more fortunate children would close their eyes and try to imagine their own little onee lu the dark, crowded tenements, suffer­ing for nouiiehlng food, and fighting tor a chance to live, no fu rther appeal for the fresh sir fund would have to bo made All would be eaetr, tor the sake of their own children, to give some other little one a chance.

One contribution to the fund today came from merabere of the faculty of the Bar­ringer High School, and amounted to PB. Those who contributed are W ayland E, Steams, Morris L. Baer, Miriam A. Smith and George W. Stone. Id each. W. W. King and Charlotte J."Pullln, 12 each; snd *1 each from Robert Merger, Franklin Croaee, Wllllem Mllwltslcy, C, S. Thacher, F. H. Beale, F. I- Losee. H. M. Dorn, J. W. Stevens, J A. Hulse. Margaret L. Hawllt, Josephine A, Field, Edna L. Bacon, Mary H. Price, Genevlsve Qroek, Florence Thomaa, Natalie Autj, OUllle Caaparl, W L. Noll, W. J. Dumm, Theo­dora Skidmore. Hllma Leere, J. A, Root, Myrtelle M. Hoppen. R. H. H art, Nellie Hill, B. C. Matthews, M argaret Coult. Elisabeth Leyden, Peter Nlcklaa, K ath­arine Rudd, Lurene Seymour, Eva L. Bennett, Mary H. Blchardi, W. A. John- eon, C. F. Staneslfer, Mary W. Nichole. 3d. O. NlchollB. Eliza Mori'le, Lillian Mc­Donald. Keglna McGrath and Ellzabelh Hardin each conlrtbuted fifty centi.

J. A, Gifford contributed IW, and Sam­uel Dennis sent a check for (2S. A gift of tlO came from Mrs, Henry Helns- haltnar, and Mrs. Bertha D. Crowell and Mrs. Aaron W ard each sent flO. Five dollars came from Miss C. G. Howe, and f3 from Isabel Colyer, Jane Colyer and Marjory Colyer. Truman Buckeleu, nine year* old, sent fifty cents, because he wants to help some little boy to have a vacation In the country such as he la going to have.

Contrihutlone will ba received at the office of the News, or by the Female Charitable Society, * 6 Halsey street, or the treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Douglas. IM Monmouth stree t The fund to date la a* follows:Prevloujly acknowledged.....................(2,080 18Members of Barringer High

^ 0 0 1 Faculty..................... . WWJ. A. Gifford ...................................Bamuel 6, Dennis............................. ® wMr*. Henry Helnshelmer.............. 10 Mlidr*. Bertha D. Crowell................. 10 00Mra. Aaron W ard........................... 10 00Mlsi C. O Howe........................... 6 00Isabel, Jane and Marjory Colyer.. 3 00 Truman Buckeleu, nine years old. 50

Total .............................................. K.»7 68


Once again Gilbert Raynor, friend of the common people and active for year* In the Democratic, Republican and Pro­gressiva Republican ranks i,ln Hudson County, is out to throw off the shackles whloh bind the working classes In the State. He has gone back to his first love and has come out as a full-fledged Uamooratic candidate tor Governor on a platform of hla own making. And he w ants it understood, before anybody casts hi* vote fo r him, th a t he Is not a "dark (horse" In the strictest sense of the words.

As an Indication ot his frankness, Mr. Raynor w ants-the people to know that he has g rta t faith In the legal attainm ents of City Counsel Jamea R, Nugeut, the Democratic leader ot Esaei, and that all th a t remains to land the la tter in the oltlca of attorney-general of the Slate I* Raynor's euccess a t the pofU And Nugent's acoeptance of the Job.

Ur. Raynor Is not going to waste his tim e and money in big political meetings In -auditoriums with brass b ind accom­paniments, for, In his own words, th* only place to meet the common peoplt, "J* in th e streets or In the n loons."

A tfance a t the platform issued by the candidate shows th a t working psopls will cease to worry, working hours will be c u t shorter, trolley, gas and electric fian- chlisB will ba -revoked, satoons vrlU be closed Butidsy until U o'clock In the morning, and only until then; policeman And firemen wlU escape <lne* for dere- Ifhtlon of duty, and many other changes

- will be wrought—If Mr. Raynor ia suc­cessful. A. feature of his campaign la go­ing to bs an attack on the methods of

V- industrial Insurance oompanles.Mr. Raynor figured as a Republican in

* th e laV Shrievalty fight In Hudson. Than h* ran fot alderman In the Second Ward In Harrison on the DemoeraUc tlckeL TIHb is not Ifi* first bid to r the Governor­ship, either, lo r be announced, himself In thg-flght when Governor F o r t was elected.


jersey membor* of the Ladles of wvi.tedr Mggeahse* at the World have com-

.. thslr plans for g rally in Arcade j-'M' Broad street, next Batur^gy

KB asd eventrir' 11'large claa* of___ atea,BUI be tnttlatad into-the orderSli-iJUpadal'Klve," Whpie, o f f l^ ra luiV*

fiwm the saventl hfvei Of Uf'lnalE*,^-The suprm ta Rnance k r tN n

r N ellirtl. V. ^ p p e r t . of Akrdn, O., M iha'.gupM o l honor and .RIU' n iU n

: W.rkdBnii* a t the 't te n in g seskfen. - '2 fittraryand musical program'win be

I a i^ ih e yoiing women' of t te Pat- give a d iw .. X la ia i d

a t in , R nait will b* awatde# W |ig;,)king. The ■ ^ ta te eoiirtaltd*ri

. ^ this city,, ia iin

t A X N O T IC ETea are kareoy


Frid a y Specials-N otelhe H g ValuesProniit Atlcntion to Mail A Phone Orders'

Bath Tab Seals

60cLarge Stock

Bath Sponges 10^ 25c., 35c., 50c.,


S h ow erBath

Sprayt r i l l ,

trm. (iKsi ostiC'

ssBlt; SnMa hm W C


W e G i v e a n d R e d e e m S u r e t y C o u p o n s

M arshall Ballt i i f ih ts t ^ y p t o f “R e a d y - o - W ta r

I. i.iJ07-SJ3 Eroad S h tti^

vaitM at roar ____th* ^ w ot Hay tB „ „ I«*at ,*a« BnlsICB at TaxS

M ore $ 1 .5 0 S h ir ts W ithBartel 1 Attachment

S p e c ia l at9 8 cHere is another oppor­

tunity for you men who failed to take advantage of our last great sale of Shirts.

These Shirts are sold regularly at $1,50 without the Bartell Attachment. We are selling them at 98c„ WITH THE BAR­TELL ATTACHMENT.

The “Bartell Attach­ment" eliminates suspen­ders and belts, keeps trou­

sers up and shirt down smoothly. Does not pull or drag on the shoulders.

Pongee cloth, in plain white and fancy silk stripes, with soft French turn back cuffs; also madras, in plain white and fancy stripes, with both plain and plaited bosoms and stiff cuffs; all sizes and sleeve lengths.

M en 's S h ir t S e n s a t io nO u r E n t i r e S t o c k o f M e n ' s S h i r t s a t

S h a r p l y R e d u c e d P r i c e sMen who want to save on their Summer supply of Shirts

should be here early tomorrow. M. & B. Shirts are so well known that full description is unnecessary. Our M. & B. Guar­antee goes with every one. If these shirts fade or fail to make good, blame us and not the laundry. If you are not satisfied, we are not; bring them back. These comprise all the desirable Summer materials, in light, medium and dark colorings; coat models, with laundered or soft French turn back cuffs.

T h e s e A re Soft a n d Stiff C u ffs

98cT h ese A re M ade of Silk

2 - 5 0 P , , , 5 - 5 0 p , , 4 - o o



Sale of Straw HatsJ u s t in T im e for th e F o u r th

Our entire stock of Straws re­duced. Every braid and shape.Splits, Sennits, Mackinaws, Milans {jand the light weight Yeddo Hat. Allsizes. i ^221Any $2.00 Hat in 1 >1 C ^

Stock .........................

Any $3.00 Hat in ^ / I CStock .........................

Any S4.00 Hat in ' T * 7 ClStock .............. ........dSim §

S a le o f $ 5 P a n a m a H ats at5.15

This sale includes the sample line of one of the largest im­porters of Panama Hat bodies in America. Genuine Ecuador Hats, all perfect. Telescope, Sunken Crown, Racquet and Op­timo shapes. Every hat in the lot would sell regularly for $5.00 or more.


over.Safe Deposit Boxes $5.00 a year and up-

DO N ’T make any large invest­ments until you get good ad­

vice. If you wish you may freely consult our officers. Their knowl­edge and experience In the financial world is at your service. We safe­guard your interests as well as your deposits.

Come in and talk it over.Two per cent. Interest on $500 balances or


Merchants’ National Bank770 Broad Street, Newark

Capital and Surplus - $1,250,000 Resources • - - $6,000(000

M. K Ikar, Prea- A rth u r L. Ph tllips, Cash.R ippel, V lo ^ P i m Mftn. t1. W a rn e r , Asaf. Cash. ° S

W m . C. M orton, S u p t. Safe D eposit D e p t ' |

3 B P " a 3 B i ^ B 8 a g e

X t i . ® O l l R o a r r t X l t « « o r t y V o r t l x K n o - w l n i ^ . C A t t a g e V a n d B u n g a l o w C o l o n y o f " l > l a t f n c C l o n .

O O E A N ,sB A Y A N D R IV E R■■ llTROBdC # lQ O ^PO a r o o . ■ .JSr'Vf.)

O o t t w ^ a a i e s i i L t . - ■splE toxA T ../ tricA iiN f R m f r o A ir

‘X ' t O t e e n i w ■ I W o w '’i t e o e k d l y . .

Q f « 4 t E a s t o r n B u i l d i n g C o r p o r a t i o n«71 B R P A R S T .i W i i s B aH dins. r h o n e 3 tO a W a rh e t. . <

P c a y n a e a s k t a i

# 2

15c to 19c Fancy BatiatMFRIDAY ONLY-Beautlful naw •hear white crotabar mttariala, choice aiylet, small naat to targe checks, plaids, ttripea and fancy af- facti, new goods, most popular of this lesson's production, ideal whita fabrics for women's, misses’ snd children's tub waists and dreiMa, 27 inches wide, full perfect pieces, spacisl, l l l v '^ C yard ................................

5Store cloaca Saturday at 0 P. M. Other Days 5:30 Splendid Opportunity for

Economy in

/ 7 This G re it Sale of

LINEN TOWELSA t Savinga of 1-4 to 1-3

R egular iOc to 1.98

“The Bee Hive” Newark Special 6c to 1*39

15c Colored Stripe CrepeFRIDAY ONLY—1.500 yards, 27 in, wide, colored stripes of pink, blue, gray, hello and nsvy on white

frounds; require no Ironing, per- ectly adapted for house Q J / j -

dresses, waists, rompers, ( > / * C etc., specisi, yard............

8'/|C Bleached CambricFRIDAY ONLY—1,000 yards, fine quality, medium weight, pure white, soft finlthed cambric, 36 in. wide, new goods, will hold starch and launder and wear excel- ^ lently; while it lasts, special, Q Q yard ........................................

15c to 19c Fancy MadrasFRIDAY ONLY—Assorted grades, mill lengths, and full pieces; 32 in. wide, white grounds with dainty colored stripes, dots and small fig­ures, in splendid varie- ty of colors, fine weave, | ^ / * C medium weight, sp’l, yd.

Reg. 22c UnhI. SheetingsFRIDAY ONLY—New lot, lU yds. wide, heavy fine weave, splendid wearing, 10 to 20 yards, half pieces, will bleach white after | Z _ few washings, special, per yard .....................................

Reg. 50c Surf Cloth SatineFRIDAY ONLY—Bright rich satin faced, permanent finish, heavy weight, one of the leading bathing suit materials; 32 in. w'Ide; black, brown, navy, tan, several shades of gray and white, will retain _ its beauty after continued use; special, yard---- -

25c Bl. Pillow Case MuslinFRIDAY ONLY-SO Inches wide tubular, mill lengths, fine tubings, close weave, soft finished, same grades from full pieces, would be sold for 25c. yard, secure | i your share of these splendid | 4 C mill lengths; special, yard

32c & 34c Blea. SheetingFRIDAY ONLY—2W and 2 ;s yards wide, mill lengths, Dwight Anchor brand, heavy weight, close threadweave bleached sheetings: lengths

ultable for sheets, bedding cases, etc.; while it lusts,suitable for sheets, bedding casei yard

1.75 English LongclothFRIDAY ONLY—12-yard pieces, 40 inches wide, superior finished, ex­cellent wearing and laundering,pure white, soft, without starch or dresa- Ing, dainty weave, spe- s rt r t clal, piece of 12 |yardi .................................

1.35 Crochet Bed SpreadsFRIDAY ONLY—For full size dou ble beds, from finest double ply cotton yarns, firm weave, heavy weight, very desirable spreads fnr summer use, in assort- | a A ment of pretty Marseilles | , H j designs, special.................

45c Mercer. Table DamaskFRIDAY ONLY—(M inches wide, extra good quality, satin luster, tight weave, heavy weight, free from dressing, snow white, in — choice of good desirable / C designs, vard......................

Reg. 29c Hems. Tray ClothFRIDAY ONLY-1BX26, of choice grade fine all pure linen Ausiriin damask, firm weave, heavy weight, soft, satin luster, very ' J J _ pretty designs, full spoke hemstitched edges, e sch ...

2.98 Hems. Lunch NapkinsFRIDAY ONLY—Beautiful quality fine Austrian pure linen damaak,

I made of choicest fiax, close weave, soft, satin luster; most desirable

' and attractive napkins, with figured and plain centres, all the newest

I designs with full spoke ^ r t / \ hemstitched edges; spe- cial, dozen......................... ..... ..........

Women’s 16-Button Milanese Silk Gloves

FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY — Double tipped fingers, Paris point embroideredbacks, the gloves that |iv e aalis- fection in fit and wearing quali­ties. in black and white; sites .''l-i to 7',-4; a rare of- ^ Q _ fering in such fine gloves | q C at this low price, pair

Two Neckwear SpecialsFRIDAY ONLY—Women's Regular 12Vic. to 20c. Neckwear. Embroid­ered Swiss Dutch collars, firm scal­lops, heavy blind work, combined ] with baby Irish, round eyelet snd filet effects, cool and com- P forlable to wear, easy tolaunder; a t ..............................FRIDAY ONLY—R egular 15c. to ,5(lc. U ce Jabots. Satin stock col­lars with lace jabots attached; Swiss embroidered deep Quaker collars, round embroidered collars, edged with lace; a variety of neck pieces, slightly soiled 7 //* ^ fft from display; at • 7 * ^

and Misses' Summer DressesFRIDAY ONLY—We permit you, in this sale, to select from sortment of desirable dresses, which we have marked so low that others are In the shade in comparison. Any summer fabric—pique, voile, linen, ramie, lawn, ratine, eponge and others.

Regular $4.50 misses’ and juniors’, at

Regular $5.00 misses' and juniors’, at

Reg. S5.SI8 to $6.98 misses’ and juniors', at

Friday Only Notion Specials

Hdff. DrMRlag 360pins . . . ,8 c

Reg. 12r Horn H air Plau* six andtw elve on c a rd ...............................

Res* 12c Drcuu ShIHdt, sizes 3. 3 end4 . . . ..................................................... ^

RcK* 13c SanltoTT Bcltft. emnll.medium nnd la rg e .......................1 0 c

Rra* 19c W hite Shoe Cleaner* W h lt‘tem ore 'i Big 4 ..............................

R fg . lac Doacn Collar §taye, W. W.Qotion covered................................

Reg. Be RUby Hoyal PollNb. spec.. Ac Reg* Sc Blaa BandinK* w hite only. S'

yard piece*.......................................Beg* 5 c IroalkB W««. perfum ed av^o Reg. 5e SewtaiK Machine OH, 2’OX.

bottle, ppeciaT.................................»«Heg, lAe Folding Cent H aufferi, ex­

tra. hookfl for holding e k l r t . . - He

W omen’s $4N'Itok Button ShoesFRIDAY ONLY—You know how fashionable if is to wear while shoes these days, and you know how comfortable and restful a white shoe is- ihe reg. price is $4.00. Al Friday's special price of $2.65 you buy them for less than usual wholesale cost; nearly all sizes in B, C and D widths from 21-4 to 7; at ................................................................................................. 2 . 6 5

Reg. 8c to 15c EmbroideriesFRIDAY ONLY—Cambric and Swiss Edges, Inseriions and Galloons; heavy, showy effects, white voile bands, worked with Copenhagen, p navy, sky, old rose, black and lavender; all good trimming em- broideries; yard .......................................................................................

Stamped Linen CentrepiecesFRIDAY ONLY—Best quality pure linen; an issorlmeitt of eyelet, braid­ing and lazy daisy designs.

18-inch, regular 25c., ^ 2 ,ljzC ' 39c.. spe-special

Regular 23c W riting PaperFRIDAY ONLY—Cabinet containing 50 sheets paper and 60 | A _ envelopes; white only; good linen stock; our India Linon; | V C special .....................................................................................................

For the BoysFRIDAY ONLY — Boya' IS.S0 Waih Norfolk Sullt, with On* and Two Fants. Fine gride crashes, linens, white duck, khaki, black and white crash, Norfolk model with yoke, belt and plaits; Q Q sizes 7 to 16 years; ^ , 0 0 special ..........................FRIDAY ONLY-Boya' 50c. Wiah Hats. Mnens, white duck, khaki and terry cloth. Tyro­lean, Teddy and Rah Rah shapes, cool and Q y C comfortable; 6^4 to 6 Ji

Sale of White Crochet Buttons

FRIDAY AND SATURDAY and while they last, washable crochet buttons, all new goods, this sea­son's latest patterns. Very big bM- gain at these prices:

Lot 1—Regular to ISc. per dozen, apecial..............

Lot 2—Regular to 75e. i Q _ per dozen, special..............4 f S C

That Sale of LacesBelow Import Pricea

Regular 60c. French and German Val. edges and' J Q Q insertions; dozen ..........

Regular 72c. French and A P ^German Val. edges andinsertions; dozen’ ...........

Regular 84c. French and German Val. edges and ^ f S Cinsertions; dozen ..........

Regular $1.20 French and German Val. edges and | q Cinsertions; dozen .........

Reg. 40c Window ShadesColonial Holland w ith ) O P ^ Crochet Ring Pull, at J

1,500 perfect colonial Hol­land window shades, dark green, ecru and white, 3x6 feet cut lengths, gusranteed wood spring roller, all com­plete with crochet ring pull, brass screw eye, nails and slat and all perfect, at 25c.

Exceeds Our Last Big Waist SaleRegular 1.50 and 2.00 Waiata—Lingerie and voile waists,

models to suit any figure in voile and lingerie, in low neck or high neck, short sleeves, open front or back, and so m any | f t A different models to select from; yes, all perfect flttirii models and well made; special at ..................................

Reg. 7.50 to 8.05 Waists. .5.69 '(L Reg. 2.00 to 3.00 W aists.. 1.39 j i Reg. 6.00 to 8.00 Waists. .1.75 Reg, S.OO Waists, special.-.3.69

Reg. 3.00 to 3.50 Waists. .1.85 Reg. 6.00 to 6.98 Waists. .4.19 Reg. 1.50 & 2.00 Waists. .1.19 Reg. 4,00 to 5.00 Waists. .2.79

The Muslin Underwear Sale Is Drawing Enthusiastic Crowds

Heir. 9 ^ Cootblaatloao— Mafia >hdcrepa, corset cover w ith a k lr t or draw ers, aom ehave rowB shadow lace Insertion ribbon run, lace ediye on neck and arm holee. ek lr t and draw er* trim m ed w ith wide Uce Inaertlon and edge, sp e c ia l...........................Wemen^a Vteff. f>8 e Gown* of na ln iook , low round neck, front a ttrac tiv e ly trlmnned; ih o r t sleeve, has lace m edallion to m atch fro n t; also o th er equate, round and eurpilce. trim m ed w ith em broidery and lacoi Insertions and edi^e. Bome of crepe, lace and r l ^ o n trim m ed, reg u la r 98c. epeclal a t .......................t t ^ a W hite Sk lrte—Made of eofi nalneook, trim m ed with flouncea of blind and openw ork em ­bro idery ; some made of heavy cam bric w ith heavy ecalloped edge on bottom, aome trim m ed w ith rows of Val. lace inaertlona, apecia l.........................................

Womca*s Brff. 1*S9 and l*bO Bklrto^'-Of so f t nainsook and crepe, some have flounce of efx row a wide Val. lace, w ith ribbon run lace Ineertlon a t top ; some are trim m ed w ith w ide em broidery ribbon ru n and Val. lace edge In Hat effect; eome w ith flat trim m in g of w ide embroidery* cluny laee Ineertlon and edge andribbon ro ie tte . epacla l...................Reg. 1.S9 ConblM tlPBip—C o rie t cover w ith e k lr t or draw er* of nalneook and crepe, about ten styles, coreet cover trim m ed w itb ribbon run em broidery

fanele and lace Ineertlom , som e have co rse t cover rimm ed w ith tw o rowe .n e t lace inBertlotia* ribbon and lace edge a ro u n d ^ e c k and down fro n t, apecial

W emett'e Reg. 1.90 G ow ae-^N aln^ok . cam bric and crepe, tom e trim m ed w ith p re tty A m b ro ld e ry panel betw een Val. laee In iertlona, necke and eleevee trim m ed w ith net ribbon ru n ; tom e low square front* trim m ed w ith w ide Val. lace ribbon run be­tw een. apecia l........................................................................

nouiK-e of four wme p re i ly iace ineerllonH unil jdg*;* Tvirh rlbbrtn ru n Ihcp hi tup o f i

h» \ ’e nfjuncc of 4>penwnrl< em b ro id e ry ftH'l | e m bro ide ry jjiBeriJor, uihet'B embroidery iiiid Itrimmed, epeeiaJ............................................... Ien’e Reg, l.ON GowyiK— Naindook. crope anil >

Value 98c

97cValues $1.39

to $1.50

W om en 'd Heg, t.BN S k l r t a —Of crepe na lneook , aciimt h a v e flouiK-e of four wide p re t ty idce InBerl ionn unil iHce- edg*;* Tvirh rlbbrtn ru n Ihcp hi tup o f fTouin BOme Vr’lde emb la ce trlriW om eo 'e Iteg, 1.9^ <*owna— NaindooK. crope cam bric . sonTc t r im m ed f r o n t w i th wide V'al. Im j - ln - serlloiiP', wide ribbon run ond r l U f t f r tucks-d. iwunw t r im m ed with good e m b ro id e ry In se r t ion , tw u rriwa r ibbon, em bro ide ry edge on neck and eleeveB, st*m«em p re front , speclH!.........................................,Reg. 1.9H FriDeeaR HMpa—Of na inbook. neck irluinU'’d w i th wide e m bro lde rv r ibbon r u n b e tw en L' rowa Val lace Itifiorlloii, Bkirt made w i th ijnibrl iiy , han flounce IrlrntTied w i th 3 ro w s Val Ja<'« In.'^ertluii an d la ce edge, a t ...................................................................................

Women*B Heg. U.BH —Of rtne nHinn"uk. somet r im m ed with deep flounce of Val Licc ^nd lift u n ­derlay , som e flat effect w i th rowH of l^ce In ser­tion . ribbon ru n b e tw een an d Val. lacs* i iiITIf-, Bomn w i th deep flounce of 7 row s Val. lace iiiwcrfion and p la i ted la<.e edge, alno s k l r t e m ade entlrG of b rue-sela net . r ibbon t r im m ed , a l .................................................AVomen’e Hrg* *1.08 O ow ae— N ainsook an d crepe. Borne handsom e ly t r im m ed w i th em bro ide ry , e m p ire front , combined w i th c luny and Val. lace liTHenlons, w'Uh ribbon b e tw een : Bhoulder and s leeve p re t t i ly m ad e of lace in ser t ion an d r ibbon , some of crepe,t r im m ed w i th e m b ro id e ry or c luny laca. a t ..................Reg. 3 ,00 FHueene Hlipe Val lace inser l lnn . tw o ro w s r ibbon and Val. lace edge: nk ir t has flounce of seven ro w s Val. lace In se r t io n and edge and p r e t t y em b ro id e ry r ibbon run : aome have s k i r t t r im m ed w i th th re e wide Val. la ce luftert ione a n d double lace edge, spec ia l fo r J u n e Sa le a t .............................................

Value $1.98

There’s an old saying that "Seeing is believing," and it’s true, so far as the more skeptical are concerned. But it isn't hard to believe that the values offered you in this most important of underwear sales are real bona-fide bargains, for a glance at the following selections will more than convince you, skeptical though you may be, of the real worth presented in this sale.

Values $2.98 to $3.50

Yes, Indeed, This Is

Everybody’s Hosiery SaleAnd a great sale it U, at that. There are stockings here for the

smallest members of the family, and fine grade socks for the biggest member—and all at such remarkably low prices.

Women’s 25c. Gauze Liale Hose, special, 3 paira SOe.; pair..18c~ Women’a 15c. Cotton Hose, apecial, pa ir................................... 10c

VFomen’a to 50c. Hose, apecial, 4 paira tl.OO, pair..................27cWomen $1.00 All Silk Hose, special, pair............................... . 68cWomen’s reg, 50c, Hose, special, 3 paira $1.00, p a i r . . . .— 35cWomen’s v5c. and $1.00 Hoae, special, pair........................... 48cMisses’ and Boys’ ,25c. Cotton Hose, special, pair..................16cInfants’ 25c. and 29c. Fancy Socks, apecial, pair......................16eMen'a reg. 25c. Socks, special, pair ......................................... 16eMen’s .to SOc. Socks, apecial, 4 p a in $1.00, p a lr .. . .^ .............27e

. Haoe^ You 'jpurchased at That

Great K nit Underwear SaleHnndreda have participated and many of these are yeur neighbors.

Wise purchatara have laid in a good supply of family underwear needs, and have saved bandsomely at this tale.

Women's reg. 13c. Vests, ^ ^ i a l , e a c h . . . . . ........10cVomen'a-reg. 2Sc. Underwear, special, each ............ 20eWomen’s UfilOB Stiilt, value.35c. to 45c., special.............> .28e ,

L Women’s reg. $1.00 Union Suits, special. . . .............. ... ............ TieWomen’s 7 ^ Union Sultt, sp e c ia l../ ................ ..................;.55c’

u Miaaes’ reg. 25c. Vans, special ........................................ ; '. . , ',!0 e ,Meh5i SOm Underwear, special .....................................d O e ''’Men’s $ LOO Union Suits, special.,,..'...'......,,.............7Be‘ ............................................ - - - .Masiif Jig. Me.'Undsrwpsr, spe^i, for 75c; «acb..v......WoRlea’S-Mc. Uiidsrvsgri. . . . . , 4 .

Vacation Sale ofM r i l M O HABERDASHERY

There’s everything in this sale just as a man wants it, and at just the prices a man feels sure are right. We know, because we’ve been catering to men’s wants so long now that we are fully acquainted with their tastes and ideas in haberdashery.

Men’s Negligee Shirta, Value $1.00— 1,200 new summer negligee shirts; every man Is interested in a good supply of fine shirts for hi* summer needs, so here’s your opportunity st great saving; percale and madras; fancy colors; some plain white; all coat style; cuffs Z Q _ attached; cut full and large and well tailored; sizes 14 to 17K; D o G special, each ......................................................

Men’s Regular 50e. Silk Scarfs—The long four-in-hands, also bow bat ties; a more select line or better qualities at 50c. each cannot be bad; rep silks and summer silks, in plain and fancy colors assorted; endless range of patterns, college stripes, bias stripes, fancy figure twilled; a glance at them and we know fhey’ll.imake ^ C / a friends fast; special, 3 for $1.00, e a c h ................ ...................................Men'a Reg. $3.50 Silk Shirts, special. ...S.T5 Men’a Reg. $5.00 Silk Shirts, SDeciaI...3J5 Men'a Silk and Usie Socka, SOc. value;

4, for' $1.00; pair .......................... . .27cMen’a Reg. 50e. Suapendera, epee., pair. ,3Se Men’s Reg. SOc. Night Shirta, Bptoiat...42c Fine Silk Rntshed Pajamaa, val. to $2.501.18Men’s $1.00 Silk Scarfa, special .7 .......... 09cReg. SLSO Fancy Silk Scarfa, apecial— 8>e Reg 25c. Socka, epee. 3 pairs SOe.; eacb .lBe Men’s Reg. 25e. Neckwear, 3 for SOc.; ea.lSc Men’s PtJimat; ap«claU.>4'.


WShm A. Lord. Profruiire, An­swer* WiOiiD McTipie’i Asser

tioo tiut Law [nterrcDes.


• •p ly ln t to th* •t»t*re«nt IMUod T uu- day by Wtllit,in UcTtfU*. of th* County Board ot Etector*. >bot fiMton a t tti« prt- Marlaa !• ao t parmUaltila uhdar th« Goran ntaclion ta « , Wtlllam A Lord, a Prn- •ra a tlv a ta out wiUi a a e tb 'r daclanna th a t It can bo dona savartJbaleBa

Mr. l,ord‘a tboory la tb i t futino upon a alOfta caadidata sao bo accompUahod by Uia Profroaolvo and ItopuMIran partloa Wllltout actual fuilon of tho portico

Ho taJtoa Uia tround that BcctJon IT of tbo Ooraa act, quoted by Mr McTofua. dooa not limit potiuonera ot either party t* cliooainc a candidate troni their own ra a k a and n y a that Section H of the ■ame Jaw "clearly indlcatea" that one casdlSate can receive a nomination from more than one party.

Mr. UcTaaoe la "dearly wroni." eaya Mr. Lord, if he Imalloea that the fualon plaa la to print the name ot a u n d e oaodtdate upon the tlcketa of two partica b r fUlnt only a alnsle patltioe Mr. Lord poialp out th a t two petiUona will h a te ta bo filed, but that each petition can be tar the aame individual.

If tba aacretary of sta le ahould rotuao la accept petuiona from two different partlee nom ioatlnf the aatne man. Mr. Lord aaya th a t aa a laat reaort a paalar oam palfn could ha conducted In one of U e iHUtiaa.

In hla atatemant. H r. Lord aaya:H r, Lerd*a VIeeea,

"U patlUoni ihould be filed on behalf of the aamo man, one contalnlna tha a l t ' ■aturaa of a thouaand Proireealvaa, re> daostlns hla nomination In the Pragrea- atv* prlaiaiiee. and one containing the Mgagfurw of a thouaand flepublloana. re- duaaUog hla nomination In the Rapublloan Srlmaidei. and he ahould elgnlty hla ac- eaptaacf of nich namlnatlan In both prt> IBWiaf, aa provided (or In Section 41 of tbo flection law, aa amandad (F. L. (Ill,» M|>, there la abaolutely no raaaon why na ibould not run In both primarlea, and. If ba rtcalvad a Hurallty of the votea in oaeh, be nominated aa a candidate of both saniM .

"Tba only language lit th a taw which would Indicate to tha contrary are the eatrda In tho la tte r portion of Beet ion i? of tbo Oaran act, which Ur. UcTague dVMM. which raada that 'not leaa than L M votert of any political periy may nia arlch tha aacretary of State of New Jorany a poiltloil Indoraing any member • f t t a l r polltlcar party a i a candidate tor

'ttn o B ia tlan of lald party to the office of Oovdmor, and requeitlnt that the name Of the paraon ao Indoraed be printed upon tba official primary ballot of aald party.'

^ U t who la to determine whether the Man thdoraed in the petition it a member « t the Pregrtealve, the Republican or the Oam ecratic party? if a thouiand Republl. eana nominate a man and deiignata him la tbalr petition aa a 'member of their party ,' who would be allowed to Intervene add prove th a t h t wee not. ilmply be- aauM a tbouaand other votera belonging ta tha Prograaalvt party had aeen fit to dOglfBata him In thair petition aa a ^ m b a r of their party?'

■*! do not aoo how the eecMtary of State i« n ld rtfu ac to receive their petition In ■ • eaao o r refuae to print the nameISgoraod In aucb petuiona upon the bal-

- Iota of both partlea. The language 'a •aaahar of ihalr political party ' la not UMd Id tha other aactlona of the election law providing for the nomination of can- dWataa fo r other otflcca and about which Ibara can ha no quoitlon but that a mem^ bar o f one party can ha nominated by the vetora o t another party.

"Tbia haa bean done in the peat In the efty of Orange, whtre both Ccmocrata and Jtapubllcana have bean nominated for intm bara o t tha Board of Education on tb t Republican Uckat In the Democratic primarlea. ^

C an Have N oulaattoa .‘T artbarm ore , Baettqn Bt of the Oeran

a a t olaarly IndlaatM th a t a candidate can noipmtflbion of more than onen ealve thp n<

Mrty. for It aaya: ’Any candidate recelv. lag tb a a o n lu g i l^ 4>f mdra than one po- Utteal party ordhoup of patttlonara maysaw inatlena expirea • n td a l charged with tba ballota a notice

CT’# -

w ithU five daya after the time for m aking pirea file with the proper

with the duty of printing notice directing auch of-

' llelal in w hat order the eeverai nomlna- tlOM aball be added to hla name upon the official ballot, and aald direction! ahall be toUewtd by the aald officer.'

"Furtharm ore. even if Section 8T did ptavont the votera of one party from BOfnlnatlng a member of another party fb r Governor, aod there waa a way ty which It could be ihown th a t auch nom- laaa d id no t belong to the party in wh'iae pUmarlea he wan nominated, atlll thla would not prevent a Progreaalve from nm olhg In the Republican primarlea for Governor, or vice veraa. by having hla name w ritten in or paated upon the p ri­m ary ballota and without any petition, and It ho received a m ajority of the ve te i caat in auch primary he could then aeoept the nomination of each party in whoee primarlea he had received a plu­rality of the votea cast by filing a cor- ttftcaie of acceptance In accordance w-llh the aupplement to the election law (P. L., IMO. p. 5B).

" S o that, even If the aecretary of State, under Section 37, ahould refuae, to receive a petition and place on the ballot qf a party the name of a proposed nominee bacauee,. In the opinion of the eec:retary of State, auch nominee was not a mem­ber of the party to which th - . -»the petition belonged, elill euch proaiwc- live nominee could run In the primarlea of auch party by Blmply conducting a paater campaign ”

MUSIC STUDENTS’ RECITALSObb of the more Interentlttg of the

ttUelt etudente' recltale marking the commencernent eesBon here brought the ^ p U l of Mre Anna M. Joralemon to the g ttection of a large audience In Marke's hall last night. The pleasure reaulUng from the performancea was due not only to th e character of the cotiipoelUons and the proficiency Bho^vn In eetting forth the ir contenta, but to the lltuairallona by toeana of exercises of the technical maUiod employed in securing the excel* lant re iu lu .

The asalitlng pupils -vrere Margaret E. atid M ary Poland. Elizabeth Betharde, Mayballe Bueteed, I-aura Drown. Grare Berwyn Neal. Ruth l,.ee and Harold Ault. Particu la rly were the performances of Hoffm an's transcription, of Schubert's "H arkI H ark! the Lark. ’ end of Grieg a ■■paptllona" by Mlse Lee. of Merkel s ‘'BulterfHes” and H ellers "Avalanche" by Mis* Bethards, and of technical ax* erclaes by the Misses Busleed and Drown.

A varied program of compositions for the piano and the violin was presented a t the recital given by the pupils of Mrs. A. M. Kennedy lo her studio. No. 4 Humboldt street yesterday aftarnoon, with results th a t pleased the many guests of the teacher. The pupils, whose performances furthered enjoyment of the occasion, were Ada Dlngee. Bessie H elK h. Marlon Miller. Hazel McDevitt N ora B NlchoU, Anna Baumer. Philip K atz ficheuer. Rudlng Kalka and George Bay.


Alexander’s Shoe Sale

Begins To-morrowRadical Reductions in Summer Shoesfo r M en, W om en a n d C h ild re n5 lxth Avenue At Ninetecfth St„ N.Y,

5 4 8 F ifth Avenue AImto Forty'fiftii SL. N. V.

COAL U P NOWWhile Price* Are Down

You know the ups end downs in the prices of coil.

You know that while now the/re down they will soon be up.

You know just what you need for the winter and yet you delay.

R e ap ed your poeketbook. Get in

)O ur o rder quick t

Thorne Bros. Coal Coa a t C B O i f l T . NKWABKaX.J.

Oppo»|i« D , L. A W R R.M fwt from Broad s t

B e t w e e n W o m e n ’ e

H e a l t h o r S u f f e r i n g

The main reason why so many women suffer greatly at times is because of a run-down con­dition. Debility, poor circula­tion show in headaches, lan­guor, nervousness and worry.

B E E C H A M ’ SP I L L S

(Tba Uiiaal Sate al Aeg ISaMiia h IM Wart#

are the safest, surest, most convenient and most economi­cal remedy. They clear the

E m of poisons, purify the , relieve suffering and

ensure such good health and strength that all the bodily o rn n s work naturally and prop- erly. In actions, feelings and looks, thousands of women have proved that Beecham’s Pills

M a k e A ll

T h e D H I e r e n c eI BiPBriwWie la bexMi 10c., 2$o.

Do Your Own Shaving With a W ISS Razor

You CAU do it quickly, sitlafae- torily and save i great deal of time and bother. Our rtaora are high in quality and give genuine itaiing aervlte.

REGULAR STYLE RAZORSMade by J. Wiaa & Sons—ab­

aolutely guaranteed.

1.25 to 3.50

SAFETY RAZORSW iaa Special, G ilette, Auto

S trop , D urham -D uplM .

1 . 0 0 t o 5 . 0 0

1 .


665 & 667 BROAD ST.



Eteamarh J»av» r>«sbroii«i Bl.. S:46 A U ; W. 4Rd Et.. 9 A. M ; W. I29tb fit., »:3D A. M, , Tonkin. 9 4& A M , Ixfidlng *t Well Pcint. Ktwburrta, rDUghkeepilc,Klniiton Point. CxtakHh Hudtott And Al- hany. Daily aicvpt SuTidty. Direct railconnenlnnB Music. RestaurauL

Str. W ashington IrvingHakes up iHpa Tuesdays, Tburadsys,

iaturdayi.Str. H endrik Hudson

Uakas up trips Mondays, Wedneadayi,FrldayM.

Steamer Mary PowellA fternoon bagl fo r W est Point. New-

burgh, Poughkaapete, Kingston and way lanalngB, leaves DeabroaBei tit.. 1:45 P. M-: W. 42d Bt. 2 P. M,: W. lliDth St.. 2:20 P. M. Dally. axcapC Sunday. Ideal out* Ing to W est poin t, re tu rn in g by boat or ran .


Q . u a \ y < z car eHa HalKas. N. 8., most delightful crulis of l.fiOO mlisB. Magnificent Eceasry; Gut of Csnso, Kortbumbsrlind Strait. Gulf sftd River St. Lawrsnes and far-famed Saguenay Blver- 8. 8. 'T rln ld id" from Kaw York July &th, 19th, Aug. 2d, l«th. From Qusbee July lUb. l&ih, Aug. tth. 22d.

Vomaa will iod ^ dirfetleoB wltb a m r beimnrvawaMfc

Teitiperatnre cuoier tban at tbe MJdala AtUntle Coast Resorts,

Tonrs Inc. Hoteis* Bhora EsctirBlons. l.owett RatcB. Bv Twin Screw A A "BERSIV- DtAN‘* 10.518 tons displacement. Fastest, nowaat ana only Steamer landing passengers at tha dock In Bermuda without Ironiifer. haUlnga avary five daya Id connaottan wUb K. M. 3- F. Co. Tickets Interchangeable.^ For full Informatloti apply to A. E. ODT- KRRRIBGE A CO„ Agrtita Quaboc §. §. Co., Ltd.. 20 BrpadY^y. New York^ Joaepk

--------------— - -CrintOQ SI . or any Ticket Agaot.



-A T -


I Steamer IGood date

of BaleGood until

- Oct. 31 j T R A I N S


Erie RailroadTlckstt aad iofortoatlop. H B. K Potter,

MO Broad 8t,. Newarh. 'pbODS Markat 675. or North Newark Depot, pbooe Brandi Brook 601.


Dslightful ISOff mile cruises by the Que­bec S. S. Co-'s Steamihlp •TRIMDaD" from New York to

QUEBEC BY SEAHa Halifax, Gulf and Hirer 8t.

Lawraora and the Saguenaykiai Siiliai f 1°

JJj S jLater Sailings, July 12, Aug. 2. It.THOS. COOK & SON

Including diesis and

Berth$ 4 5 . 0 0

?4b Broadway. 2^4 Fifth Avenue 5FI Fifth Avenue,. 2081 Broadway. N, y,







EVERY WEDNESDAY July 2 to Sept. 10 incl.


RoundT rip

Ticket!9 0 c

Lost train coDoaetlng with Blesjnsr laaveg Broad St., New. ark. 8 30; Ferry gt . 5:83; E. Ferry Bt, 8 34 A. M Direct connection between Train and Steamer at- Pler I, adjoining Passenger Station, Jersey City.


SaiUiig from New York Every fisturdav

GLASGOW MovMla LOfiDONDERBYFor Books of Tours. Rates, etc., app^ to

Hendarson Brotbera, 17-10 Brividway. N T.. or J- ¥ . Byrne Oa.. T76 Brnad g t; J- R. Mayer. M Ctinup St-: w Mungla TB BalleHIle Ava i f t Genninui. 9T Uereer 0t.. 214'Ferry BL

Berm uda & W est IndiesFor Soilllia. AiiO Bal.s. tile.. Apply

Tha Rsfal Hall Steani Packet C«.SA.MJtlllKUN A: SOS, QfS. Alt*.. S3 8 lat( *1, N. V,. or ANT STEAMSHIP TICKET AQENT.


and troile^f I9.B8WorMetora IS.40

\'ia BoatProvldathca IHrecL II.W ; vTvnmmra*

Staterooms gt.OQ, fi.M ood M-WSteel Hieamshlpa Georgia and Tenneisee

Dally, Includh^ Sundayp 8i>0 P. U- From pier 19. Bast Rlverj_ New York-Phone 2700 Beekman. City Ticket Office. 2D0 Broadway. Urtow,n Ttckat Officer B’way and 2Sd folder.

Bt« Write for aummer



Any article in our store, whether adver­tised or not, can be used t o make up the amount dedred. S T U P E N D O U S Our regular (wicee

average lower for same quality goodfi than ^ any other store in Newark. V


B R O A D STaFriday and Saturday are the last big shopping days of the season. With typical Crescent

zeal we are determined to make these days the largest in our 23 years’ business career.

READ THE UNPARALLELED SPECIAL FREE OFFERSThey are designed to leave all competition behind. Make up your list of needs now.

Everything in our store is included. There are no restrictions. Don’t miss this harvest of bar­gains. You will then know why 18,000 thrifty, thoughtful people buy at the Crescent weekly.


No. 1.A pint size

Vacuum Bottle.or pair of

Auto Goggles FREE with any sale amounting to $5.00 or over.Don't miss this sale.


A full size 75c. bottle Pomeroy’s Toilet

WaterSeveral odors

FREE with any pur­chase amounting to $2.00 or over.Don’t miss this sale.



A full size 50c. box of finest

Face PowderFREE with any pur­chase amounting to $1.00 or over.Don’t miss this sale.


A full size box Crescent Antiseptic

Tooth PowderFREE, with any pur­chase amounting to 50c. or over.Don't miss this sale.

FREE OFFER No. 5. ./

A patented Fly Swatter and

Art FanFREE with any pur­chase amounting to 25c. or over.Don’t miss this sale.

Patent MedicinesBromo S eltzer.. . ,6c, 15e, 3Ze, BBc Vichy and Kiesingen Salt, flneai,

per lb bottle...........................Sal Hepatica, 2Sc. aize.................15cOmega O il.............................. c>Sloan’a Liniment.......................... V4cPeptonate of Iron and Mangan­

ese, fail pint, best.....................4®cGlycerin Tonic.............................. 63cSyrup Hypophosphites................ TieStraw Hat Cleaner, pkg.............. 5eHay's Hair Health.......................39cWyeth's Sage and Sulphur.31c, 63cShac .............................................Zymole Trokeys.............................i»cBeecham's Pills........................... T5eDoan's Kidney P ills.................... 35«Young's Kidney Pills.................. 25c25c. Sulphur and Cream Tartar

Lozenges .................................. 19eCharcoal Tablets............................ ScSoda Mint Tablets.......................... 8e0x0 Cubes.................................... 15cLithia Tbblets, 3 or 5 g r .............17cBorden’s Malted Milk................ 32cPeterman’s Liquid Lye...............15cRoach Salt, 25c............................ IScE. Z. K ill........................................ »cCllfTord's Hair Restorer.............65cRegulin ........................................ 85eAuto Lax.......................................... 6cRegulax .........................................25ePond's Digestana— ................... I9cSanitone W afers...........................75eStuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.........33cMake Man Tablote...................... 31eWe are Penslar agents for Newark

Special Tourist Case Com­plete; value $1.98, |

Each Cretonne case contains a good Comb, a good Brush, agood Tooth Brush, Soap, Wash Cloth, Nail File and OrangeStick and a 15c. box Tooth Pow. der or Tooth Paste. We reserve the right to limit quantities.

Toilet and Bath GoodsBATH CAPS—A complete as­

sortment of Bath Caps for diving, swimming and bathing, in pure gum rubber, rubberized cloth and

silk. Prices

23c to 1.98Positively the best show­

er. h a a o H d ing at each price.Bath Brushes........... 49c to 2JJ9■Bath Sprays.............49c to 1.69Peroxide Soap, cake.............. 5cFaricy Soap, 3 in box.......... 21cBath Salt, large sire..............21cMirrors, ebony back............ 59cMirrors, French ivory.........1.29Bel Bon Talcum.................... 10cNail Buffers, values to 89c. .39c Tourist Cases, Cretonne.

25c to 98c

Tourist Cases, silk.............. 1.98Hair Brushes, 89c. value... -59cNail Files. 25c. value.............14cRazor Blades for all razors.Vacuum Bottles ................... 97cMark Cross Razors.............. 25cGem, Ever Ready and

U. S. R. Razors.................1.00Durham-Duplex 35c, 2.50 & 5.00 Gillette and Auto S trop ...5.00

AD Soaps, Pace Powders & Tooth Preparations at Reduced Prices

Pure LiquorsFlasks and Bottles for the Going-away Bag

3-yeir-old Rye Whisky, quart 75c., flask........................... - ....................... 25c7-yesf-old Rye Whisky, quart, $1.10, flask................................ .................35e5-yeir-old Rye Whisky, quart 90c., flask..................................................... 30cOld Linton Rye Whisky, b o ttle ...^ ..................................................... . . . . .6 3 cSpecial Reserve Whisky, bottle........................................ 93cEagle Rock Whisky, bottle..................................................................>...$1.10Malt Whisky, pure, full quart....................................................................$1.00Bolo Dry Gin................................................................................................... 80cPort Wine or Sherry, fine, quart...................................................................50cPort Wine. XXX, quart....................................................................................75cPort Wine, imported, full quart..................................................................-OOcPort Wine, finest imporied, full quart...................... .............................$1-10

Pure DrugsBlaud's Iron Pills, 100.............. .iS eOil Citronella, finest, p in t.........OOcWater Glaas, for eggs, Ih...........15cWitch Hazel, best, p in t...............19eBay Rum, pint.............................. 44cDenatured Alcohol, pt. bot.........14cCrescent Cleaning Fluid, qt. bot.SSc Moth Exterminator Cedar, 2-lb.

box ............................................ I5c100 Aspirin Tablets, S-gr. each,

guaranteed genuine.................. 63clOO R. and S. Tablets, Roose­

velt formulae.............................ISc14 dozen Castor Oil Capiulca,

in box...........................................ge100 2-gr. Quinine Pills, fresh

made ..........................................18eCasior Oil, Glycerin, Camphor­

ated Oil, Camphor, Chloro­form Liniment, Rhubarb and Soda, Ginger, Vanilla; 13c.boetlei, ipecial........................ -..Sc

Seiler’s Tablets............................ ISe^Citrate Maanesia, effervescent. 19« Canthrox, Spurmix, Pamotis. .33eVenesoi ..................................... ,.53eMercollzed Wax........ ................... 48cAlum or Borax, lb .........................ScMarmolt Tablets...........................5ZcVanilla Ext., full pint................. 65cSoda, Mint and Pepsin Tablet*,

bottle ................................... ...-lOcLemon Extract..............................lOe4-oz. bottle Sunburn O il ,.......... 25e100 Rhinitis Tablets........ . . . . .1 1 c

Special Going-Away value $1.35; Bpecial


at LOOEtch box contains a bottle

etch of Peppermint, Citronella, Ginger, Carbolic Salve, Boric Acid, Cold Cream, Quinine Pills, Liniment, Nltrm Cbolers Mix­ture, Cascara Tableta, K etdtcbe Tablets, Cotton, Bandage, Perox­ide, Adhesive Plaster, Stomach Tablets.

We reserve the right to limit quantities.

KODAKSEvery Kodak made is

in stock from vest pocket size to the 3A Special Kodak at

6 5 . 0 0For best results have

us develop and print for you.

Eastman, Premo, Hawkwe and

Granex CamerasW e have a few shopworn

Cameras on which we are offer­ing liberal reductions.

D on’t miss this sale.

Brownie CamerasSimple, accunte. Tha

best amateur pictiirea are taken with thas# simple little cameras.Just snap the button. Brownies,

$ l i $ 2 ^

Abdominal Supportsof finest silk and thread at from 25 to 40 per cent, less than nearest c 0 m p e I i 10 r’l prices.

Trussesproperly fitted. Elastic, leather, metal or cellu> loid at from 26 to 40 per cent, less than else­where.

Elastic HosieryThe kind that don’t

scratch, stretch or break. No extra charge for extra sizes. Prices 25 per cent, to 40 per cent, less than elsewhere.


Fountain Syringes

12k. gold-filled ear chain or breast chain ABSOLUTELY FREE with any pair of Eyeglasses fitted Friday or Saturday.

On these two days we will examine your eyes without charge and guarantee absolute satisfaction. *

CANDYFriday and Saturday Specials

Toasted Marshmallows, Boston ' l A p

Chewing Kisses, Boston made,lb. b o * ...................................................

Jelly Gum Drops,, ‘ A /*lb. bo* ............................... .................

Perfection Chocolates, truly a 12A /*60c. grade chocolate, a lb..................

Direct agents for Park & Til ford's Candies, Mary Garden Chocolates, H o p e w e ll Dainties, Lovell $t Covelt Boston made Candies.

It requires more then pwre rubber to make good syringes—it requires skill and care. These syringes are absolutely guaranteed.Red Seamless, 2-quirt size, rapid flow tubit^, ex­tra quality, 3 tips, value $1 . . . . - 79c

Red Seamless, extra large tubing, extra weight, bears our own trade-mark; value $1.49

Crescent All-White Syringe, large 2- quart bag; finest ever sold at the 1.29price; value $1.79 ..................

Crescent Perfection, red cloth insert­ed, guaranteed ttvo yeirs; thpiiihe$t bag possible to produce; sold else- 1.98where at $3.00; for this sale..


Biur^ofFreelt j e s t * d « i

OverbnPUYEI|$. IN TG

'!«» jfe u : '' ilm/cfy wll pllal I t

"PtexThlm/cfy wilt eo

Hoepllal I t Uv wlifn teaoie rer: Cbeeeii PrvehodIu n coun tio « ltl pjtmehlp at tho t iboard le lonipop of the frcebulder

Craeneltrig frc. of balb (eemb er le r tM battle, i teirunnor, ar# In tk{t ported ol traj by thoee In chw plovent epl,;! In ptmente fc(m tfi)!. P ram bed aitearnable ti t><.i eqd w luh tari niuecloa.

Allhouab drtin' Uzii-upi n( the c be obtained It 1 e i foIluUB.

USi^X.Boym'r P. UUbor Erncat E Ryma) Au(. U ^ e RIch'd r 1 - t e t l . I

■k C. 1

Macomb MettU

H m m et/. Quinn Fred'k t Stock

W. ia rr iio n . U»r> Kvant

J |h n l ^ ’ft’a.tara\Impl#»~Count

O^UaalL of Hud lifuir # iCiaax.

JlrrMsemanta air ai^uat affal «4r« complatod t ^ n th« propoi

of moc2 fallo^'^rt of Uia n^ (y . thoo« of [ \y it the opInH wllj carry off i a rv t

to back thi ta$er.Idling th a t 1

C ^ t y will defe pomlnatee In h ti «&at of t

itlclana gath< a f the team fr

dly tiemocrai ^l| have no ch



certain are vlrtory will b«

,tlon that auhaidire

nh«re ot the Idea of bavins hog boon au$;geai

ThoBO who are thoae men dec] "deal" haa any he considen state with rartiL- politlcs has not their efforta dur dare IhemFflvr fray and reap god of ha&ehali their opinian tl portion of their

Oft the day of of Freeholdero addition to the freeholdera from

ARGUES TO S \ FROM L(Arguing that

tallied Bfalnat Peabody place. In BanHruptcy O F gwannick. o lleftbr, filed an In the Dnlted t the reetralning tto enjoin furthe uty Supreme C'ruptcy proceedir

Swannlek ogee were award fiftv wilful and pe^on of Oeon claree. therefon provable In ban alienation of hlf

A peculiar ultu niptcy cof>« of ara no other Federal Truai C doctor. No clai Swmnnlck holds forwar4j there the trustee to c chgjge of the admitted th a t ] to effect the die TTieftt.

A rule to. sht brought by Mr Jersey Supreme ment entered < should not he e Benjamin Stern lawyer, and Mi anf'wer submit Federal Judge

The answer er New York suit plaint made by Dick contends i Jury was Bustaj the ^roof of hli the Jurisdiction

Judge Rel|sta briefs from Mr before the end


CAUSE OUTV . SA Y S;Fe fke grfftor of

■gib—In your

ralvea Are 11

D lslntcarte.


4«-- I ..4*.

AlleilDS th a t raJn had ru ined hla ■tcpek. P a te r Turk, m anager of th e New Jeraey lAcandeacent Company, of 20? W aahtnaton a tre it, through Charlea E. XUo. (lied pepera yeaterday In the C ir­cu it C ourt aelting damages o t ttO.ODO.

The detendaptc ere Arthur C. H enaler, Adata L lcht. a bulTdlng contractors r re d 'W o H . a earpem er, and Bruce P. K itebalL an a rch itec t i t wae during an d aubaoqaent to repalre to the p rop­a r ty th a t the alleged damagea were ■uatatnod. T urk la a tenan t of Mr. H anaier.

Otataerte Cantata ia a g .Aa a faa tn ra of tha aarvtcea a tten d ­

ing tb a daU eatlon of tha K llburn Proabj^arian Church th la

can-X a ia o iif l P raahytarlan Church w aak, S ir Xebii StU nar'a aacred ta to . "T ha tia ttg h td f of Zalrut,"

Asbury Park and Ocean Grove

Room Sirvlc* a is UBfilCe Tbroufb

tlcketa and biggafe check­ed to all points. Staaraers Lvo. dally Pier 19 N'. F., f t

-■ -e , —H.W , Koueten sL, P. U,; ! ’” 1 .?■ _________

^Tha public Be Flagiad

COLONIAL LINEb o s t o n rn'd%?il $ 2 . 6 6

‘TEDDIE MEMORIAL"S a t u r d a y , J u n e 2 8 ,1 9 1 3

PROVIDENCE^*^’; ; S 1.76Week 4are_eud B undle e( b:BC P, M.

ft. w. Houiliis (L Berlin fraa

Tnlo laeree Broad BWaet Gtttloe. Central B. B. of N. Z. at 0 A. U. Betunlsi laarot

Aaburr Park at ? P. H.T1CBET8; AKULTB, 11.00; CHnj>EB,V DOe.

Boatdaya a

Pier I t N. R„ _________________All OatBlde Boonu—Floeat Berrlce,

Ttcketa d B. Uayer. ]Z Clinton it., Katt- ark, and Edw, E. McKeoa 10? Uarrlaon avo., Harrieoa

tlllty to Mr. for the ohjectlc atve candidate ReBubItcen tick lone why P rog, ahould object, frlradly to Mr. P r^ reas tves o< a t the head ol completely dei ahould vote foi ha be nomlnati

Tou Bok why would welcome uel RepubUcani aotl'dltled part} party Ii a to tal ataoda for c a r Indvaem ent la nattU r than a A Tammany m: f«f. a ratorih ca OOiidldate who, totoraafneht Ig

$k)ine o t the ;i alva heading t aa. toUowa: I t atepd by the ja IrfttrpreUd t a cOlIy, a courae abSiird and dai

^^j^algam atlo iWa ora credtti

jf^Bjuyy la , I • aha try

a iir ddhie Kl Ait kind. W

| » r t y ? T h d CepBblfeBn

■ wish flert aim

^a under f 't .

^ e a OBTOti

rm lghtiaiwas. J t

trluini and nnl

dll nevO] fTVe ^ which nti

' ot the I ' l a t h

hg^-theiV u it '


f lSi*,.

perfannod .ld that ehnreh loat under tk« dtreetton ot Areblhald Towara. A tm oim numberlhg oM ut f ifty volooB, w m Molated In the pope formonea by Mlaa H u e! Ludlow, ■«. prono; James PoUock, tenor, and Jornaa T evart, btafo. ea aololita, and bp Julltt* Zlngg. organtat, of Varono. VaaUaf tba .cantata the program tn- cIhSm I d ■mraliida ' for organ by Mi*. U a SK. OM^BOlea by John B. Ram ll-

and Fradariok A x t

RSIO____ H 6$«t o o n « t i

Iwiiy Sunday oad Habdoif . I Broad SI. 9BS; gt.

S A ) Boat Parry SL MB era .ATUNTK) 0»TV, St.SO


via Ntw J n s c r CcmtiulMbllBaBAU

_ FABSthf Hod-

ooa. All Oaldoar Sport* Stciaer Iro. Batltrr dotlT

S-Kh w . SM St. 10, W. m th Ste lO.Ue Ton- kor* ILK A. 11. itcAUtotor iltamlxtot Co.



U m



n d

s a l e .


. 0 0bottl*ne lU ,B oricPit!*,M ix-


lim it

utton .


insert* (t beg



ESSEX VS. HUDSON iN baseball C M

B iH s of Freeiioldert of Both CoaD* ties to tUsh on Diamond at

Overbrook Tiesday.P U T E i^ , IN TOP.FOkM, AWAIT GUN

'!«» JJiU ilijcry wl pital I t

Thli^cfy will X H indlt lh» E ttcx County Hoopllal at Overbifck iiaat TuoaUay, whan ttwma rwprcaaii t f t ilia Boanla of ClMoaii Vreahodlan of Eaaai anil Hud- a^n countlta wilt im-a to darlda th t cha.m- plonahlp of tho two ynmniunltlaa Aa each board la loinpoaad nine tnambcra. all of tha frcaholdara vUI partiL'Ipala.

Emanating trcm itlia traliUng quarte-a o( bolh laamii araa to iiaa of praparadnara far Ilia battle A f .of the men. according teirum or, are In fine fettle. Throughout txle period ol tre lllB f ra re haa beau laki-n h* thoar hi ch ^c* H’* *wlhlataa" to pfevant tpiua In ib t amploy of their op- pboanta from laalrg the team* In prac- t ^ . Trotn t t ib baodquartera there la dikearnable o /Uavy odor of wintargraen aqd witch faral, telling of eiralnednUaclea.

Althillthougb definie Informatlen ee to the Una-upi of the contending leam i cannot ba obtoinad It la eipaciad they will be ab tolluue.

ES#:X . HUDSONStym 'r P, Ollbert. I B.Benjamin J. Kellt E m cit E H ym an..I B s . P. Meeiian Aug. u>.aconibe 3 B — William KnodelBIcn'd f M attla. B 0 ---- John F BoylanS m m etl. Q uinn..L .F D H. Stnihtnann Fred'k C Bteek ..C F ...O eo W. Caparn K W. R a rr la o n ...R .r .. H. R UnierelnerW alterjl K v a m .- .P ........George F. W ittJv m Ig'W’atera ...C ... Thomaa J Prior

County Bupervlaore Jamee F. Olldealg. of Hudeoo. and Edward Bchlck- bgua, t Eaaax.

Arriggementa for the game, which la aa agitJal a ffa ir betW'een the offlciala, ware completed eome days ago. SInire thpn Ihe propoaed conteet hae been a adhjgit of much dlacuealon among the feHoCera of the IndlJvflijal plajreri. Nat- uMUjy. thoK of County a r t «trong>\y it th« opinion th a t tha local team frtlf carry off tha victory. So poallhift •TV th«y th a t th«y atand r«ady. it la

to back tholr sldo In a aubatantlal n)«r.pitng that tha toam from Hudaon pty will defagt thoir anclont anemioa

domlnatos In J«raoy c ity and oihor hta oaat of the Paaaaic River where

Itlclana gather. They contend th a t the team from th a t community la

. dly rfemocratlc the local aggregatlan vfl| have no chance to get away with <hf. honora.

w> certain are they th a t the banner of vlQtory will be awarded to the Hudaoti delegation (hat the poulbillty of their having aubaidlred the three Uentocrallc m ^ b e ra of the Eaeex team, with the Idea of havinis? them throw the Fame, hae been suggested.

Thoae who are closely acotjainled with theae men declare positively th a t no "deal" haa been suggested, nor woiild any he considered The men themselves stale with particular emphasis th a t party politics has not and will not enter Into their efforts during the contest. 'I'liey de­clare themselves ready to enter the fray and reap victory or defeai as the god of haseball decrees. iYivately, It is their oplnlun tha t victory will 1?e the portion of their side.

On the day of Ihe garne the local Board of Freeholdere will have as guests. In addition to the board from Hud.'^un, the freeholders from Bergen County.


S . & H . S t a m p « » - A s k f o r T h e m P P P R U i

Mowing tnd Witering are essentitls in the trett- ment of • l«wn if you want I fine rich growth of grass.

We supply the means for ^oing both comfort­ably and economically.

G R E A T AMERICAN BALL-BEARING LAWN MOWERS, "Pennsylvania Quality," are the best mowers built and the easiest to run. TheyVe self-sharpening, cut clean and smooth and stay in order. We are the agents and guarantee them.

RUBBER HOSE is here in the best grades. Any size, any length. Also Reels, Couplings and Nozzles.

You're sure of right prices here, as well as sat­isfying service.

Macknet ft^DoremuaCompany

Everything in Hardware

7 9 € - 7 9 8 B r o a d S t r e e t

u ii3p 0 0 0 0 0 y y i M M i l

y '

Looked l ik e Rash On Forehead. Caused Many S leepless Ni|hts. Gradually Spread. Cuticura and Ointment Cured,



tilii«d afalnut Samuel McCurdy, of 7S Petbody place, la not a provable clilin In Bankruptcy Court, former Judge Jarm-s F. gwannlck. of New York, a ti%000 Kflhor, filed an amended answer today In the United States District Court, to the reetralning order sought by McCurdy to enjoin further action in the New Jer- ■ey Supreme Court, pending the bank­ruptcy proceedings.

Mr. Swannlck eontenda that the dam- agis were awarded, not on contract, “bur far wilful and malicious Injury to the pe^on of George W. Tracey," anil de­clares, therefore, th a t his claim Is not provable In bankruptcy. Tracey alleged alienation of his wife's love.

A peculiar situation arises in the bank* m ptcy case of McCurdy, In that there a r t no other creditors except Tracey, the Federal T rust Company and an unknown doctor. No claims have been filed. Mr. Swtnnlck holds th a t If no creditors come forward there will be nothing left for tha trustee to do but apply for the dU- chv g e of the bankrupt. Mr. McCurdy idanltted th a t he went Into bankruptcy to affect the dSsvharge of the $:achvi Judg­ment.

A rule to. show cauee why an action brought by Mr. Bwiinnlck In the New Jersey Supreme Court, to have the Judg­ment entered of record In this biaiys, should not be enjoined, was obtained by Benjamin Stern, McCurdy's New York lawyer, and Mr. SW'annick's brief la In anewer submitted a t the request of Federal Judge Ketlstab.

The answer embodies the record of tlu* New York suit, and the original con;- pLialnt made by Tracey, which Mr. Swan- hick contends shows “that persoiiul in ­jury was sustained" by Tracey, and that th e^ ro o f of his contention Is not within the Jurisdiction of the Bankruptcy Court

Judge Rel|stab asked for additional briefs from Mr. Stern, to be submitted before the end of this week.

t ? Main Bt , millalo, N, Y.—"SeTeraJ yeers past rw as IdJuixmI about my forehead, which healed as I thought a t the time very

but kator there appeared a tmall red spot wUob gradually borame larger. It looked like a rash, I I conitaatly Itched and burned me dreadfully causljii me maoj sleepleee nights, and gradually spread half­way acrom my forebe^ aod nearly Into my eyes. U caused dlsdguremeat. I t w u burning and aching eipedaLly when perspir­ing. I t seem>vl to get much woree la sum- mer than other time#. When touched, eepecially a t time of washing. U would cauee great p^n lasilag for hours.

“ After having used several kclnds of poul­tices aad ointments without any rt Hef, I almost gave up hope until 1 received a free ■ample of Cutlciira Soap and Ointment which I began to use Immediately asdirected I could see an Improvament a t once, so I purchased more and used same faitlifuJly for about four months. Now I am com- plettiy cured, not bavlog a trace of a scar left. I cannot too highly recommend Cuti­cura doap and Ointment.'' (Signed) Chas. M. Cook. Apr. 14. 19J2.

No other emollients do so much for pim­ples, blackheads, red, rough and oily skins, itching, scaly scalps, dry, thin and falling hair, chapped bands and ibapelea nails as do Cuticura Soap and Ointment. They do even more for sldn-lortiired children.

Sold sverywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Bldn Book. Addrem post-card "Outicura. Dept. T. Boston.'

SV'Tfl&dw-faced mso should use Outicura Soap Sharing Stick, 3Sc, Sample free.


}V) the Biltar i f theIn your editorial, entitled "Pro-

p r« s lv « Are WUUns." It Is asBuraed th a t hMtlllty to Mr. Colby la the only reaeon tor the objection to having the Progres- ■Ive candidate tor Governor head tha ReliubUcan ticket. There are many rea- eotui why Progresslvee object to this, and ahould object. The writer la personalty frlradly to Mr. Colby, and considers that F r^ resa lves could have no better man a t the head o t the ticket. It would ha completely desirable th a t Republicans abould vote (or him Individually, ahould ha be notninatad.

You ask why Uien, alnco Prograsalvet would walcome tha aaslstanca of Individ­ual RapubUcans, should they b^lk a t tha aoD'dltlad party? Becausa thd sotldlflad ^ r j y la a to tally dltferant thing. A party atamdt (OP cartaln things, and a party Indoraamant Is a much more elgnltioant maittar than an individual indoraement. A lAmmaay man In New York may vote foil-a rslorib candidate for Mayor, bu t the oaadldata who .accepts a solid Tammany thtewBatnaht ly dlscradtted.

I l ^ a of tha 'raasons against a Progrsa- ■Ivii hew ing th e Republican ticket are aa. follows: I t la sure to be mlsunder- stapd by the ranlc and file of voters, and

i^illitkrprsted a s "getting together" polltl-■ oafly. a course which would be Illogical,

abiiard and dangerous to the ProgreBsIva

^A Sialgim atton Is annihilation; and If -Wa ara credited with amalgamaUon, a CTaaAlpJury la done. Again, the Rapub- Ilea’in are trying deeperately to bring about' aoma kind of fusion;''no m atter what kind. W hy? Does any one sup­pose <lt is for the good of the Progres- sfvaiparty? Think a while! Why does the ItepUblteBn party wish for Mr. Colby? DOfI, It wish fo r 'h im sinaaraty? Of do, Itl ISdiders simply hope to bring a Pro- gnuilVa under dbllgatlon to tha Rapub- fMaiiFMf tyT

T m cornea the aviation of defeating t b t ^ ^ o c r a t a . ' W a s th a t the purpose o t 'iM m ightlsat movement of our time? I f W. waa It worth while? There ara g r a to r trium phs -than victory a t the poUi) and until pollUbians bsllava th is wo ‘flluiU never have, real reform politi­c a l ^ . W e pragreselves stand tor soms- tbllK w hlch otte.rly dlfferenllatea ill from

" e t t lP f 'o t the old parties: If we do not, o u rS s rty te the e ^ r f lu o u s and unneees- aasgl^hlng—the m are "bolt''—that the He- hUMilline .believe It to he.

tW 'r man who hsada the Republican ttpaU^yeprieente th e Republican party.

■ Ws'fer' fdtget this, victory a t th a t oftM U .'.iterksr than defeat The bktagritr 1 o r - - t h e '- progressive party IS a t etakai: .':and integrity, whicb meane whoiehsM. sbotild’v be our watchword, ra th e r.tita n victory. W e are working .for the fntnea^ end f t instead, we gragp a t ' brotont guaease. we may rain the splendid atrttd ttira" o f ' p tind* pie th a t the tears ' ST"tosh gad women— sfay, atrim tit* bJbod of •w ' -ig iaer-bav* been abed to npbtdia.

A fMttoaal a imaU tbUg. The gnssHen Is one df bUtt eeaetmetiva polU: BT, pplltioaf a ^ ju o ra t > _ _

it#;A.^iTMii»HT t^SV tU TX I.

Resinol stops skin troublesJF you have eczem a, raah , pim ­

p les, o r o th e r ^ s tre ss in g , unsigh tiy skin erup tion , try

Resinol O in tm en t and Resinol Soap, and see how quickly the tro u b le d isappears , even in se­v e re and stu b b o rn cases. They a to p itch ing tnslon tly .

Resinol Ointment is so netrly flesh-colored that It can be used on exposed turfsccs wjthaut attracting undue attention.

PhysldsDi here prescribed Reelnel (or 18 for all tiorta of ikiD boabla*. dandruffs forcftp olcerip bu m , woimdB, and plloi. Every drusaUt tollt ftednoi Ointment and Seslno] Soap, but you cm try them free, by wHtliif to Dept. 34-Sp ftedlr.'>l, BtiltImoTc, Md., ftitnirlef.





D i a m o n d sW e show by fa r the largest

stock of D taitionds, both m ounted and unm ounted, of

:{. an y sto re in th e city.You can buy here with your

^ 8 sh u t and depend on get­tin g full value fo r every dol­l a r you spend.

I t Is our enviable repu ta­tion fo r high qualities and low price*, a* well as our ex­p e r t knowledge of gems that tn tk e s you sa fe in buying D iim oflds here;- ^ J . .

'ifM* elect Cww.‘

P e c o r a C U T IC tcE E N A M E L .

I^or wood or metal. F u n white, cracklen,* Hoitaty. Eaiily applied.

m m niRT.M.. tm . ,HHititnU, FA , rf

tto **k«BalBs kkfaw'V CbhmIi It

I .J .H id i^ io i Cl.te 829 Broa4 St

iW-lngwAiiit,». g. ■O ;'

Women's 89c Long Silk QlovesMade exclusively for W. V.

Snyder Co., guaran teed finger lips, a w ritten ilckei with e tc h pair, in all colors, Including gray, tan, pongee, navy, black and w hite, hll i l r e s from Q n C to f i t i , I t .................................. *'The Pioneer House ot Newark. **—Broad at Cedar Street

Become a Saver of S. & H. Green St umpsand find out w hat beau tifu l, as well as useful, prem ium s may be ex ­changed for them. W e give double stam ps in the mornings.


The Spies Co. Stock Provides Unmatchable Values in Serviceable, Stylish Apparel for Women & MissesTh e Spies Company carried high grade merchandise in their store at 867 Broad street—on retiring they

consisting of beautiful wash and cloth dresses, light price—the sale is now in progress—we have doubled tn

V 1 ! '■ 'i aJ

Lingerie DressesL ingerie and Voilr

D r e s s e a . S p i e s price $7.50, our g y A Cprice .......................ip O .A U

L ingerie D resaee, beau- tifu liy em bro idered ; Spiesprice, $13.50; our $6.75

Fine Voile tn d Lingerie D r e a s e a ; S p i e s price, $2 0 ; our $ 1 0

H andsom ely Em broid­ered W hite D rew ea; Spies

S"'.”".'” ' $13.50E xquia ite W hite Lin­

gerie D rM sea; Spies price, $30; our f f l Cprice ......................... d ) l u

Novelty W hite D reaaes; Splee price, $40; t f 'T f i our price . . • - —

their entire st»ck,_______ ^ . 3t just about half

selling space and selling force, sc aaiibled the selling space and selling forse, so aCloth

sold usht and medium weight suits, evening gowns, wraps, coats, etc

Silk Dresses and Evening GownsP re tty C harm euse and M esaaline A 7 C

D resses; Spies price $12.75; our price, I O C repe M eteor and C harm euse D ress- $ 1 '7 C A

es ; Spies price. $25; o u r p r ic e ................ v 1 i . w U

Black Lace and Mes- saline Waists

Spies p rice , $3,50; { 7our price ..................

Spies price, $5.00; A Cour price ..............

Spies price. $7.50;our price .............

Spies price. $10.00; ^ 4 APour price ...........

Spies price, $11.50; (PP AC our price ........... J )0 .7 0

White I-tice and Mes- saline Waists

Spies price, $S.0fl; dJ- 1 Q Pour price ............

Spies price, $7.50; QRour price ............

Spies prices SlO.Ofl; J Q P our price . . . . . . .

Light Weight SuitsL ight W eight Serges and

N m elty M ixture S u ita ; Spies price. $ 1 0 ; our t f Cprice ................................ v O

French S erge and Bedford Cord S u lla ; S p ies f ’J C A price, $15; our price v * . y v

Bedford C ords and Fin* S erge S u ita ; Spies t f l A price, $2 0 ; our price, d * * ”

E ponge, B edford C ords. F rench Serge and Novelty M ixture S u its ; Spiee price,

7Sour price ............ d?* “ . * 3^Novelty Suita, Eponge, Ra­

tines. Silk B engalinea, Silk Moiree. also new W hite Serge S u its ; Spies price, $35; I C our price ..................... d J l O

Smart CoatsM ackinaw Coats, pretty

plaid elTecls; Spies (p S Q P p ricg ,S 7 .50 ;ou r price

Novelty M ixture snd Bed­ford Cord C oa ts: Spies price, $15: ^ 7 C Aour p r ic e .............. ■. d H .sJv f

Silk M oire and B engaline C oa ts ; Spies price. $22..50;

........ $10.75Wash Skirts

Pretty Model Linen S k irts ;Sp|ies price, $ 1 ; our 69c

Bedford Cord and Rep S k ir ts ; Spies price, $2; ^ jour price ......................... w I

Im ported Bedford Cord, natural linen and ramie linen skirts; Spies price. f fT$3.7.5; our p r ic e ........... v i

Im portea L inens, Rsm le IJn en and Bedford Cord S k irts ; Spies price, d>3 T A

our p r ic e ........... d J O .O lf


Wash DressesU n rn and (iinitham

Drenaea; Spiwi pH ff. $5;

. . .. $2.50Linen and ( iin g h tn i

D resaea: Spies price $3.50, ourprice .........

P re tty Dolly Varden F low ered D resses; lin ­gerie. colored vnlles. t is ­sues and lin en s; Spies price. $HJ; ourprice ...........................

L inens. S triped Tissue*. Voiles and L ingerie D ress­e s ; Spies price. C l Q C $7.50 o u r p rice . v t J . 7 i J

S triped R atine and l in e n D resses; Spies price, $*:

Z . .........$2.95ncBUllful Voile, T tesae,

R atine and Linen D resses; S p i e s price, ( P ^ 7 C $13.50; o u r price I O

DressesPretty French S erge D reasM ;

Spies price, $5; our ^ 7 Q P price ...................... .................. d l i l . j W

Ratine, Eponge and French D resses; Spies price, $20; our price ................................................

S erg e

$ 1 0

Girls’ Wear<;irls’ W ash D resses, in

g ingham s, percales and gata- teas, in a large varie ty ofsty les ; regu lar $ 2 value 89c

G irls ' L ight W eight Coats,regular $4.00 value, $1.95 Girts White Dresses

Slightly M ussed from ifan d lln g

R egular $5 value, a t ......... S2Regular $ 6 value, a t ......... S.TR egular $7 value, a t ......... $4Regular $10 value, at.-.-S.T Regular $12 value, a t . . . . $6 Regular SI3 50 value. .M.7.^Regular $1.$ value........*7.50Regular $17.50 value- -$8.75


C l e a r a n c e S a l e o fUndernuislinsN ightgow ns of

snpeVior ouallty n ilnaooh ; big va­riety of a ttrac tive sty les; tllpovera ; also high and V necks; tastefu lly trim m ed w ith lace and em broideries, many ribbon tr im ­med ; reg,08c value,

Nlghtgowna of good quality na in ­sook. in a big va­riety of pretty itv le s ; elaborately trim m ed with em ­broidery, inse r­tions and edges, also ribbons; 60c

r ’:.... 47c'C hem ise* of excellen t aueU tr

nainsook, ta s te fu lly trim m eo with em broidery and lace, algo C A ^ ribbon ru n ; a t ....................... O U L

C om blnatlona o f fine ittiitM ok ; several very good sty les to *e-' le d from ; corset cover and draw - ers, also co rse t cover and p e tti­coats ; trim m ings of l ic e amt em ­broidery, ribbon finish; 08c v a l u e ....................................... ..


A Ju n e C lea ran ce 5 p ec ia l in F ine

Art GoodsS t a m p e d shirt­

waists, ready made, finished with French seams, in all sizes, low and high necks.very fine material d e s i g n s ; regular $1, at .................



Embroidery and Laces

H^mnantti 4if Eml»r4>ld^rT.nil short lenfilhs, taken Irnin our rfaular ntork. <-d«ea. ! nsorl IruiB, flounr^pfind (tftllm>nn from 4 to 2>,ii yards in IpriRth. nl lhan half repular prlo^

B»mnnD(B o f I.bp ^r(ii from '2 to yard longths. In hlark. whllp. blu«» and brown, suitable for yok^a and boudoir rapa, | A —valuf li^o and ?9c, IUCeach - .

Clearance Sale of

UPHOLSTERY200 Palmer Woven Hammod«

worth $1.59 a n d $1.75. These ham- hocks are ex­tra iarge size and have the throw - b a c k

cushion and spreader; deep valance; | F nice variety of colors; each.............. a P la ltJ

800 Sample Curtain ComersReg. Value 39c. to 59c. Each, 27c.These are indeed a fine lot. Copies of fine Irish

point, renai-ssance, cluny and Arabian curtains. We have matched most of these samples into pairs for quick selling; choice of white, cream and Arabian color.

18c. Curtain Scrim, 10c.Full yard wide, in a variefy of pretty checks and

open work designs; choice of white, cream and I ecru color; yard ................................................. lU W

Bamboo TabourettesClean and sanitary; well made of good strong

bamboo, covered with a fine grade of Japanese 7 ^ malting; regular 38c.; each.................................

Truly Wonderful Values in

“ONYX” HOSIERYFor men. women and children, in this great sample sale—all 1

feet goods. Also hjg values in "(’restwood" Mills underwear women.Women’s $I to $2 "Onyx” Silk Stocking, 71k;

Excellent quality pure thread silk ingrain hose, medium or light weight, full regular made, double silk or iisle garter tops, soles, heels and toes, high spliced silk heels. In black, tan, white and all evening shades.

Women’s 50c “Onyx" Stockings, 29cFull regular made, sheer gauze and silk

lisle, also pure thread silk hose, boot and all the way up, and fine embroidered lisles, boot effect, in black, white, tan and fancies.

Children’B 25c and 3.5c Socks, 1.5c Fancy socks for the little ones, of fine lisle

cotton Of silk, fashioned or seamless foot, spliced heel and foes, plain white, tan, pink, sky and plaid tops. ________

Women’s 25c and 35c Extra Size & Reg. Size Vests, 19c

Swiss ribbed or spring needle knit, lisle nr cotton, plain or crochet tops, low neck, no sleeve, mercerized and cot­ton tape trim, also the "Can't Slip" shoulder straps, excellent quality. __________

Women’s 25c and 50c “Onyx” Stockings, 3 Pair ,50c. Pair 17c

Extra fine grade silk lisle, gauze, medium and light weight cotton, also lace hoot, and all over, high spliced heels, in black, white, tan and fancies; also bool silk hose, seamless lisle heel and toe; double lisle garter lops; sizes 8!- to 10.

Womens’ 5(k Vests, 29cPure lisle thread, mercerized of

plain lisle, excellent quality of Swiss, ribbed or fine ribbed, silk tape run around neck and arm­holes, low neck, no sleeve, plain or crochet top; sizes 34 to 40.

Men’s ,50c Silk Hose, 25cPute thread silk hose, lisle heel,

toe and top, full seamless, very fine grade of silk, not tha thin, flimsy kind, black and colors.

Women’s 50c to 65c “Crest- wood" Union Suits, 38cFine spring needle or Swiss

rihbed, low neck, no sleeves, mercerized or cotton tape run, plain or crocheF'lops, cuff knee or wide umbrella leg, also ankie length, sizes 34 In 40 bust.

Men’s 50c “Onyx” Hose,3 Pair 50c, Pair 17c

Fine silk lisle and medium weight cotton, full regular made and seamless. In black, tan and plain colors,- also fancies and black, with un­bleached spill foot; sizes to ll '/j .

Infants’ 25c “Onyx” Stockings, 12’/2C

Of very fine quality, light weight cotton or silk lisle, fashioned foot or seamless, black, white, tan, red and pink.

September MomCopies of this famous

painting by the French artist, Paul Chabas.

A limited number of this celebrated picture. Size 14x17 unframed, mounted on f a n c y ^ r - cards. It ........


R i b b o n sSki inch black

taffeta tn d 6 -inch moire rib b o n ; val.35c. yard , a t ............

Black S a tin Back Velvet R ibbon

tH >n-> 35c., yd.18c2 ' i in ., reg. 29e., yd..22c 2'A in., reg. 36c., yd..39c

Footwear SpecialsOxfords and Pumps

Patent colt, gunmetal calf, vici kid, Russia calf, gray suede, black suede, tan kid and white cartvas; Cuban and low heels; mostly Good­year welt soles ^—range in val,' up to $3. AJ! sizes in the lot, but not ineach style; special......................................... *pl


Up-to-Date Bathing ShoesRauh's standard indestructible sole canvas

bathing shoes for women; fast colors; black, whitV red and blue, with ribbon to tie around the ankle; all sizes at.................. T y L

Ankle H eight B athing Shoes, a better grade, iacing, the same as shoes, in black and blue, white, also satine low f k Q _ bathing shoes, in red, black and y O L white stripe; all sizes, a t ..............

High black satin bathing shoes, Roman A | J Q sandal effect, with the improved Rantex 3 ^ 1 , 4 7 sole, which doubles the wear, a t ..............

(Second Floor.)


Clothing ClearanceYoung Men’s and Small

^ e n ’s$10Suits ^ ^About 78 suits in a nice variety of gray

and tan all-wool mixed patterns, all nicely tailored and fit perfectly; sizes 31 to 40 chest measure.

M e n 's a n d Y o u n g M e n ’ s $ 2 .5 0 a n d $ 3 T r o u s e r s , $ 1 .9 8

M ade of m ercerized w orsted in nea t ligh t and dark stripe effects; also lig h t colored flannel trousers vlllh cuff bo ttom s; sizes 29 to 46 waist.

B o y s ’ $ 4 L i n e n C r a s h S u i t s , $ 2 .9 8Norfolk coat style, with full cut knicker

pants; made of pure tan and ^ray linen crash; sires from 6 to 15 years.

B o y s ’ $ 1 .5 0 B a s e b a l l S u i t s , 9 8 c .Made of gray flannel, with blue trim­

ming; shirts tut full and roomy, padded trousers, with cap and belt to match; sizes 6 to 16 years.

American Lady Corsets

A special Int of the well - known American L a d y Coraets, ni.-ide of excellent quality striped coutil, in one of the newest models, long hip and back, em­broidery trimmed, with draw string, abdominal h o o k and six stronghose supporters, reg. S2, special,


Jw J l-

Bathing Suit'sExceptionally big value, wom en’s

regular $2 .0 0 b a th ing C Asuit, at ................................... V 1

O f good quality surf cloth, made in a very pretty model. Dutch neck, tastefully trimmed with several rows of while braid, <>1 c n bloomer attached, a t . . ."*f. v •

The June Clearance of

Dress Fabrics and LinensSilk Remnants

About bOO lengths of all kinds nf this season's most desirable silks on sale at special bargain booth, silk aisle; included are 40- inch charmeuse, 40-inch crepe dc chines, 36-inch messalines, 36- inch poplins, 36-inch tussah silks, 24-lnch to 40-inch foulards. 50c

ss;.*;;"', 29c to $1.2564-Inch Mercerized Table

DamaskRegular 50c quality, choice of

over 500 lengths, ranging from 1 '/j to 3'A yatd patterns, copies from finest Imported linens, June 2 Q rclearance sale, yard.......... A»7kv

50-Inch Black SicilianRegular 59c quality, good lus­

trous kind, makes excellent skirts, suits or bathing suits, June ' I Q nclearance sale, yard...........Limit 5 yards; no mall or phone

orders.i50-!nch Cream Mohair Sicilian

About 400 yards purchased un­derprice, a most timely sale, in­stead' of 79c a yard, June 4 fix' clearance sale, yard...........

Bed SpreadsSome slight manufacturers' sec­

onds, full size (limit 2), no mail nr phone orders, good value 7 0 / - ' at ,51.3.'', special, e a ch . . . . / VL

“Money Back” Sheets Size 81x90, the best sheet for

wear, seamless; made of round thread aheeting, full bleached, bought by yard this sheet would cost 30c., our special leader, C A ^ each .................................... O y L45-Inch Fruit of the Loom

SheetingThis quality retails everywhere

at iOc., full bleached, if seamed in centre will make excellent bed sheets, June clearanceprice, yard ..................- . • " /“ w

Art Ticking Remnants Regular price 19c and 25c

yard, short lengths, June clearance, yard........

20c to 25c White GoodsChoice of 27-in. mercer-^ Choice

Ized figured madras 40-in. white India liron- 36-in. white pique rem­

nants ........................27-in. fine dotted swiss



Notion SaleJ, J. Clark’s 3-cord

spool cotton, all num­bers, black and w h it^ dozen. . a tu l r

L a^e size pad hose supporters, blue, pink, black and white, '■

regul ar price 25c., a t . . . . . * O v Extra heavy mohair tie shoe

itges, in ,brown and new g _shades of'tan, pair..............

Sew-on and pIn-on garters, good heavy webbing, reg- o -ular 10c.. a t............ ..

Fine silk mercerized corset la» s , 5 yaida long, regit^l*r‘ 10c., a t . ; ..................... . ^

Wanen’a collar aets In strlpiifcgular 10c., a t doz.^ vW

June Gfearance in the Basement

Im perial plete w ith

F ru i t Preaa, cup.

Oaa Iron. tu b lD t- ..

or Berry removable

15c$ 1 .7 5

New Decojrat«il C otU ge 8 «t, cDQiplett for 4 p«reoni» value 14.60, a t . . . e. r^. a. Qid D utch C t«ani«r,.4 f o r ^ . . ,


A t' Madel Oae Baaae.

X th e Ideal warm - weathaT range at

$7.98-S ■ Ovesw. fo r gas o r

ajX>' S to v e s , tq u a r e■ W s. wDktw o riislTS*. 59c

Bale of hiffb-grade Im ported puro ■white double coated "L lbcrtas” Seamtefle Enam el W are. Values to 39c a t 1 0 c,

D laplarcd OD spccllil tab les tn our popular basementr

Choice8 auc« Fota. 3 sUea Lii>ped Sauce Pan, 9

Bises ........................F r y in g Pan. 3 useful

slses .............................D rinking Cups, 3 siaes.MliLlng Bowls. 3 stare p in n er andj^Soup P lates Wash Basin. 3 s ite s . ■ - ■E fg P a n s ........................M u g s .............. • v i ; * "BasUng fipDOS. Ladles.SkimmersFunnels ........Soap DUh . . s s f . . a r » i •CneU rd an d "p ie ‘P la ted j

W^hlte M ountainF roew r. t -q u a r ( size. 8 pei-‘lal.

$2,98Table Ollelotb,

Itig .yard wide, dull Unish. choice of w h i te andfancy, at, j 'd . . ___

Dolls for th e li ttle ones, splen^ did assortm ent, | i down to * . , .

RefrlaeratorOi made of so lid oak« hold, up to-'" 36 pounds Of tee, sa n ita ry w ire shelves^ m arked down to

$4.90Apartmeat • Iw iur

atylc T*d«r«d to SS4Ht S -lu h Handled Cot

Gtaea Kapplee. 7 2 c aparkling dealgo

Rug Bargains

$16.85ISO KraiDl.a. Velvet aad Royal

AxmliiHter R ub«—Designa and colorings are su itab le for aln^o^ any room. reg. 1 1 2 6C ' "for th is sale, whilethey la s t ......................SMU.I. SlietS t.LD-FASHIOX

K A« RV«».Size 22^jx8S. w orth TSe. a t 4»e Size 27x61, w orth St.OO. a t . . ,? 5 * Size 30x60. w orth Sl.Zfk a t . . . .S o o Size 3«x72, w orth SZ.OO, a t. 81.49 no WlhoB Velvet R ubs, size S7xSt.w orth S1.T5, a t .......................... S1-3S

Best R n g ll.h and A nerlean Prin ted l , ln a le a a B em anate lit lengtha of 3 to 6 eauare yards, w orth SITc and 66g eq. yard, while t t taste .

100 Pleven of Tapentry Br»nn*l. and Velvet Anriwt, su itable for halls and sVatTB. a lio room pat-

76cVnd**l.l«l. 49c and 7 ^yard .100 C arpet H u io c k s . w orth

a t ) . . . ................


iQgeif a Chaise Ac4»mnt at P ; d l ' [ § p3] 55] [5] Id] 0 3 P J



r.;'t ■:



R em ark £ o e m n $ ^eiDB.f te llf. tuadAy. br

THE EVEjhwO NEWS P U B U 8 H IN C COMPANKU lL tn M u M Mm <. t<>w*rk, N. *■

KMMwI a t tk* W.wM*. X. J . >8 .1 bBc* h t«on4-cl»*» i*»iwr.

T«I«»>1«T IM* MtrkM—P r i n t * g r t M k ikelMMikeiMM* •MM eilac all 4 *aart««nta

x*«*rk K n a lK .■U BiCllim O X P—Th* X*w«rk ■Y.Bla*•th . Ifur M ali, ala moatka ,^d)d.’I r tu . iv» dnilar* Po*t*f* to for.lf* onoalrlM aoo'o-

X w Tiark Utlea m - l t l •njm w lck kuildJai. « » an n u aTaL I IM 'l lI l Hadiaon.

CblbM* 08lc«, IWI Trtbud* bulldIBf- Wm I)1i«1oh to i <;«londo bundl&<>liifipH Suftao. to* c^iornao »«»»'"*• ri.v^lnad ■<?♦•!.

i ; .V a = jr 'U '“ t r i r . » " f . c V a . , .ThIe. Ortnf* leo*. HarkEi ttW. eeiniE«Uhd dop*rtmtRtfc

Morrliuwa Br«n«b Off** n T*l t ii.Maalcklr Branck 0 *ta. «> .tori. BanaMIIIkura-lpriac«al<l Brancli o m n Cjmpb. I . «ruf

bulldlaf, Mrilkura an n u a T»l •« XUmura,Xamna Branek tx ic a IM ipria* T.l ta•aw n lt Branch OBca Room » P O. bulMina. T.l. lax .D cnr acaack 0««*. • I-aac ctra.i. T.l. n anaiUTON BORBAt-IT w**l i la l . ciraal. T.l •*> Tr.Bloa.

iBAMOBB O rriC li- t* « M.m . t r« t, nor»h...t M A S T 'S ;* !, a n a * . iO « r « W. P lu l.» .r '. rtal aatai. •a*a> app.**** p« t® * .a T*l >1. Aaburr Park.

ATUANTIO C r tr—Thi »orUn<l AdcfCUin* A».ccT. w aitar B. Kd«a ______________ _

W)CAL BkANCH o rriC U i:g jil5 "i* rru * »V i i r ” lV7v f .‘n

m t m L l l lk j douth 8 l i th tt.. !**•a S t " 7 « n u V ail w n u c . pi«*. *7.

H tve (he NEWARK EVENING m e iM to youwhile ix e y The eddree* m iy he ch inged es o fien m deiired . Your deeler will U ke your leeve It e l the B utinee* Office or et in y o f the N E w h Breach Offlceo. One m onih, fifty ceme. two d o lle n and flfty cento. One yeer, live e<e to fo re ijn countriee added An^

of road coaetrucU on. th e experience o f H eeeaohueetle tney be cited. T h e l S tate h a t (o u r dlvlelon a n fln ee re on 1 1 1 h lfb w a y w ork. Laet y e a r th ey w ere a ik e d th ea a m i quetU one re la tln e to different tare . oHi, a ip h a lt, etc., and for th e ir oplnlnna o f th e re te tlv e m erit# or dem erit! of ,each. The eniw ere w ere all different.

Thle d lveraen ce of vlewa * M la r fe ly due, un d o u b t­edly, to vary lna cond ltlo n i on th e alfferen i road i. W ill­iam D. Sohler, cha irm an of th e M aaaachueetu H ig h ­way Com m laelon. recen tly p repared a a ta tem an i ahow- Ing th e kind* of roe.l lu r te c in * he conaldered beet ad ap ted to vary ing of traflle. T he eia lem ent Included ae^■eh dllTerenl com blnallone. w ith iie t l i t lc e Ind lcellng how each hed w orn und er different tralTlo condlllone. At th e eam e tim e, Mr. Bohler adm itted th a t he 'fu lly ree llred th a t m ore experience will un- douhtedly cauee changes or m odlflca llon i In lOma of th e preaent optnion..'*

Bo when Mr. McGovern dem ende th a t G overnor F ie lder b ring about e ceeealion of "ihe experim ental m e th o d , now em ployed ," he le aeklng for eom ethlng unreaeonable. Road building 1. not an exact aclencc. E ip e rlm e n le a re neceeaery to obtain th e beat reeulte, b u t Mr. McOox'ern would be juetifled In Inelellng th a t w here ex p arlm en ta have proved concluelvely the fa ilu re of ce rta in m a te r ia l , o r m ethod ., theae m aterla le and m e th o d ! be no longer to lerated by th e S tate r o ^ d ep a rtm en t. He la right in calling a tte n tio n to th^W talliirea, no m e tie r w hat hla m otive. T hera are per- hape a num ber of Iranaactlona In road build ing In th le Btate th a t a re fa r from cred itab le on w hich Mr. Mc­G overn could th row considerable light. Any effort* he m ay m ak e In th a t direction ought to he w elcom ed by th e officlile w ho are coneclentlouely doing th e ir best to Im prove and p re .e rv e the old ro a d , en d build new once of the best ch a rac te r . They can afford to Ignore h it Ill-tem per.

IN T H E A IR— t • B y L . n . F a . .


Important Part Pliuh Lion Playod in ATi ican Expedition


" 0 1


^ " 0

y m a d e B l g t e i v m NEWARK EVEVilNG NEW S.

THURSDAY, JU N E !«. 19U .

THE RET.AUATORY T-ABIIT.Th# ■ eaate h a . decided to am en d th e U nderw ood

Bill iB a m an n er th a t l i p rac tica lly p dup lica te of the ■MSlmum an d m in im um taa tu ra* o f th e preaen t law. I t Butftorlfeg th a P reaiden t, a t hie d iaere tlen . to im pow rptB lIatery d u tlee on ce rta in a rtlc lae w hen Im ported tro m o o u n tr le i t h i t im poae d tie r lm in a lo ry duties m a tn e t UBltcd S ta tee produeta . A m ong these a rllc ie i MW wo#l gnd lu g a r. In eplte of th * fac t th a t both Ih e .e la O it b ill w ill he p laced upon th e free Hit.

I t IB « p e o te d th a t th l* ch a n g e w ill be fought when iBa b lit fo ee back to th # H ouM . an d It should be If t b t D em ocratic p a rty deelra* to p reaerve any repu ta tio n to r eongUStncy. T he D am o cra tlc p la tfo rm of 19IB eaye to o l "w* d ec la re It to b e a fu n d am en ta l p rinc ip le of t b a ' DeBiooretic p a r ty th a t th e F ed era l G overnm ent, WBtor tBo C enatttu tlon , b a e no r ig h t o r pow er to im poee or gollost ta r iff dnttea, o xcep t for th e purpoae of reve- an% a n d w * d e m an d tk a t the eoUectlon of lu ch taxee A a B b a weattwA to th * neoeBearlea of governm ent h on- ggtly a a d •bonom ically adm in istered . "

Dp*S title M B ftM ion of fa ith th e re 1* no excuee to r B to tB lto to rr ta riff . The la tte r can be ju ittfled only UP** tB* tlw P ry th a t i t le t p roper function of the aav*nuB *B t to AMlet p riva te com m arolal en te rp rltee . V to r* t*U atory tariff 1* a club p laced In th e hand# of (b* P raM dan t to coerce foreign natlone In fixing th e ir tarUk fagu la tlone . fo r th e benefit of A m erican exporter#. I t Baa n o t th e re m o te it conneotion w ith a ta r iff for IBvann*. On th * co n tra ry , it l» a pure ly p ro tec tive to a w u r* fo r the exclualve benefit of p a r tic u la r Intereete m e WBuld th ereb y en]oy cpeclal p rltd lege .

I t propoaea to dd th a t w h ich th e D em ocratic p la t­fo rm denounoea a* u n co iirtltu tlo n a l, an d beyond any nueftfbn Inoorporate* th e p ro tec tiv e p rincip le in a law arhioh, a* i t cam e toom th e H ouee, wM deilgned to tu l f l th e p a r ty p ledge. I f Congree* ha» no conetitu- tlo iia l t ig h t to Im poae ta r iff dutlea for any o th e r pur- poaa th a n to r a l » revenue (or th e eu p p o rt of th* gaven iB ien t th e queetlon a* to w h a t dull** foreign gov- arnacen ta iRlpoa* on A m erican product* hae abaolutely M i b a a ^ g on th e caa*. O u r law m u it be fra m e d for th * p u rp o iea o f ravanuo only, and if from th le vlew- pBlBt a a u rtlc l* p ro p erly balonga on th e f ree llet It doee n e t tea* it* o h a ra e te r m erely bceauee »om* nation S adrtiB lnatee ag a ln a t th e U nited S ta tes In Ha tariff t i« * i

I f th e D erooora tlc p a rty la r ig h t w hen In I tt p la t- torffi I t declaro* th a t u n d er th e C o n .tltu tto n th e only legal ta r iff 1* one fo r revenue only, i t 1* a lto g e th e r w ro n g In ad o p tin g a re ta lia to ry tariff. T he tw o ca n ­n o t be reconciled . I t U Mr. U nderw ood '# Idea th a t aaa n rth ln g It I t p roposed to acoom pllsh by a re ta lia to ry tarl|E m ay b* am icab ly effectad by m e a n i of rec ip ro c ity (raa tiaa , a n d It haa bean undera tood th a t in th l# h e waa IB acoord w ith th e view# of P re s id en t W ilson. T he (Ripoalt* view ta k e n by th e Senate m ay be based on the ta c t th a t th a t body h e# h e re to fo re ahow n little *ym- jia th y v ritb rec ip ro c ity trea tlea . A t an y ra ta . It pro- poato to fu m la h th e P ra s id e n t w ith a big etlck w hich BBap be aftaettve in p rev en tin g d lacrlm lna tlon* agalnet th * U nited State*, w h ile enab ling th e S enate to m a in ­ta in It* p ra v lo u t a tti tu d e tow ard rec ip ro c ity agreem ente.

L E .tD E R S F O R N EW RUD E IN N E W .tB K .The C om m ittee of One H undred, nam ed to form th e

N ew ark Com m laslon O overnm ent L eague, la a non- p a rtisan and rep re sen ta tiv e body of c lU ien .. All shades of political be lief are Included In th e m em bersh ip , aa well aa th e \* r lo u s Interest* In the com m unity . I t Is not A business men s organ isation , nor Is It exclusive In Its c h a rac te r . I t 's a rank-and-file o rg an lia tlo n , w ith leaders from all w alks of life w ithou t distinction of race or crsed

This Is a s If should he. The move for Ihe adoption of com m ission governm ent here It a m ove to give the city a business ad m in istra tio n to r th e benefit of all o£ Its Inhab itsn t* . not for any p articu la r c lasses o r any p a r tic u la r party .

T he league to he form ed should be a people'* organUAtlon in th e best »en*e of the te rra . I t Is not to be a m ach ine , to be d irected on the old boss system , hut Instead an Instrum en ta lity for m ak in g effective, under responsib le leadership , every move th a t 1s tak en In the d lrac tlon of securing th e adoption o f th e provis- Ions of th e W elsh act.

The m em b ara of the Com m ittee of O ne H undred will he th e cam p aig n m anagers, th e m en to conserve and co n cen tra te th e energies of the voter# deelrous of b e tte r governm ent. T he function of th e co m m ittee and th e league will no t be to c rea te sen tim en t fo r a change, but to crystalilxe th e existing sentim ent In to a unified d e ­m and to r ta k in g advan tage of the o p p o rtu n ity offered to give N ew ark responathl* ru le an d a ru le th a t will be responsive to the desires of the clUaens.

Her lily fingers lay lightly on the arm of her c h ilr He covered them with his quick, strong hand

She turned her fair head aw ay to hide the gregt tears th a t welled from her brimming ayes >

' Bernice,” he aaid. with an Intenaity th a t fairly shouted, though he spoke in a whisper. "Bernice, will you let me hold th is tender little hand In mine the rest of the way through Hfe^"

Suddenly she sprang to her feet and shook off his slinging clasp.

There 1 the 'phone, " she said "E x­cuse me a minute."

rung and the young man had hastened to answer the call

"Hello' Why, hello, Jim ' W hat's that, again l Say. I'd csrtstnly like to. old, but I expect to b* pretty buay around home tomorrow. Hava e g' od time without me, old spo rt, I hops you catch a million Good night."

He hung up the earpiece."'Now, Mies Brightly!""It 's a boy.' said the nurse

table sal whit* en-

Llghting the tenth cigar since dinner. L etter Lobbertton opened the door Into the hall and llatened to the muffled aounds from upstairs.

Then he turned and resumed his ner­vous march up and down the room.

His hands weie clenched, h it fore­head was damp

H( hailed to stare *t a photograph In a gold frame, tha portrait of a beautiful young woman Ho m uttered a aentence m at was half prayer, half curse

The door opened and a white-capped nurse looked In, There was a smile in her eyes, ho saw, aa he rushed toward hsr.

"GoCid news, Mr, Lobbertson," eho said.'I t 's a — '■Ehe paused, for the telephone bell had

At the head of Ihe library Mr. Tulklnghorn. with a long, velope In his hands.

"Aie we all here?" bs ashed, glahcing around at the solemn-faced family.

They nodded, fixing their eyes on tbs long, white envelope.

IX''lth a grim, determtnsd air ha broki the seals, as If It took a certain amount of courage to open the will of Blmeon Hulkeramelter. which It dtd. Indeed, for If the docunrent In the lawyer's hands had been an Infernal machine charged with nitroglycerin# It would have con­tained no mors power over the peace and Impplnees of thoa* who watched so ar.xlouely

"I, Simeon Hulkeramelter." the lawyer had begun to read, when a maid tapped at the door

'' Phone, nia'om. ' she said."You will have to wall. Mr Tulktnt-

hiirn, " spoke the hlllionalr* s widow, rli- Irg tn haete ' I suppose It's the milliner to aek about Clara's hats. "

B e tsre s ta rtin g on hla Journey to Afylaa, aa«M time ago, fltawart Edwapd W hite w as t lv ta by a friend who waa fond of a idk* a pluah lion th a t was call** "U ttl* nm ba." In a reeaDt Issu* ef th* A itorteao Usgasin* Mr. WhlU tail* h * « thl* toy became an Important part of th* *ap*dlU0|)

"W* had tuchad in* plush Hun In an odd CO re a r of our trunk, he say*, "had diacovered It thar* laiar and had earned It along In Sbaar Idlensss Every morn­ing Mohamat or Yusuf ptekad it, or ra lh a r him, carefully away In the tin box. Prom ptly a t th* end of the day's march, LIttta BImba waa haled forth and set In a edae* of honor In tha centre of th* tabla, or la a little grass Jungle con- structad by hie faithful sarvttors. until th* m arch was again raaumad His lob In Ilf* waa to look after our hunting luck W hen he failed to get u i what we wanted, ha was punlahad: whan he got us w hat we dasirad. h* was rewarded.

"N aturally , aa w* did sU this in th* spirit of SB Idle Joks. our rewards and punlahaiants wer* rather datultory To our aurprisa, however, ws soon found th a t our boyi took Little BImba quite aarlouily. H a was a fatlah, a little god.

a pets** ef good a t h*B leak. Wa did *at apprao lau th* I t o t untU o m availing, a fta r a rath*# 4 l^ |p « la tln g day. R ahattiat c a n * to ua taaarlng U til* BImba la hi* hand.

" 'Bwan*,' said ha. raapaotfglly. 1* (t enough th a t 1 *hut BImba tp th* Ua hOB, or do you wish t* (log hlnoT

"On one vary, ‘dlsgraoaful oocaalon, whan everything want wrong, era plucked Llttl* Blmha from bis high throna and made a baauttful drep-klck with him out Into the ta ll graaS. Thera. In a loud tone of voice, we atargly had* him He until th* morrow The! camp was bung-aysd- It la not ftvan to every people to trea t Its gods In such fathlon, Indeed. In vary dead, great la the white m an'

"To ha fair, hav'lbg published 8lm h«'i diagraoe. we ought to publish also LIttIa Simba s trium ph, to tell how. a t th* and of a certain vary kicky three months' safari, he was parched atop a iwls and carried into town trlunphsntly a t tha head of a howling, aingisg proceaalon of a hundred men. He rsSirned to America, and now, having retlrsd from active p ro­fessional Ufa. Is leading an honored old age among tha tropHss he helped to win '

T h e H e a l i n g T r e e o f C a i r ohe may be within a short'llstanes of It. The tree t t prssent la ehllrdv dentidad of He leaves except In the tiptor byenchse. while the trunk and lower Vanebss arealmost concealed by th* m stiy f ragg th a t are nailed to tt and there leg to rot Inwind and weather Patients r t |y bs aoen pressing Ihsir feces on these, U" rubbing the afflicted parts against tbaiL a* tbsiy m utter prayers and gaie e a n a t l r up among the branches, where tb ^ bsUsv*


f i e l d e r t o IN S PE C T “P IN E Y 8 ."O o r* n io r F la ld a r w ill m ak e a tr ip th ro u g h th*

•‘plUa*’’ B u rlin g to n C ounty tom orrow to Invaatlgat* patB onally th e raport* th a t crlraa, im m o ra lity and m anta] deflcloncy a re p rev a len t th ro u g h o u t th a t sec- tlOB, G overnor F ie ld e r w)ll find th a t th e report*, while p arg ap a ovarcolorad Iri som a Inatanc**, have eubstan- tla l 'fou n d a tio n . Th* m o ra l an d m ental d eg rad a tio n of th a "p lnsy#" 1* no eecra t In B urling ton County.

B u rlin g to n , how ever, ha* no m onopoly of th l* km d of tn b ab ttan ta . T he G overnor, It he w ill ta k e th e tro u b le , win find s im ila r condition* th ro u g h o u t th e an tlr* pin* belt of S outh Je rsey , In th e Sourland M oun­ta in * o f H u n te rd o n , am ong th e m oun taineer* o f Sueae* an d th e Ja ck so n 'W hites o f u p p er Paesalo. They a re th e oondltlon* inciden t to p rac tica lly every Isolated com m unity w h ere th e h u m an stock ru n s down th ro u g h In te rb reed in g , an d w here squa lid poverty and dense Ignorance go h a n d tn hand .

F o r g en era tio n s d a tin g back to th e early se ttlem en t o f th e B tate th ese people have been eegregated In the ir raspeottve env ironm ents. T he c h a ra c te r o f th e coun­try In w h ich th ey Uv* w as such as to m ak e even ox-

u latanca difficult and progreas im poselble. D espised by tb a lr m o re fo rtu n a te and proeperm ,. xilededuca tio n a l (acllitlea, overlooked by th e c h u rc h ae they "w*r*, It 1* no w onder th a t they d eg en era ted physically, m en ta lly an d m orally .

I t is a fac t, how ever, th a t conditions In th ese d is­tric t* a re not a s bad as they w ere tw enty-five years ago. B e lte r o p p o rtu n itie s to r schooling ar* now a f ­fo rded th e child ren , th e church is doing m ore m ission­a ry w ork, and th e developm ent of new Industries Is offering th e adu lt* reg u la r and w ell-paid em ploym ent.

T he publicity given th * "p in e s ' conditions will doubtless resu lt In fu r th e r effort to change them for th e better, and Is, th e re fo re , to be w elcom ed, bu t th e re fo rm ation had a lready begun th ro u g h the aw 'akenlng of an am bition for b e tte r th ln g a am ong the younger m em bers of th e respective com m unities. Much yet r e ­m ain s to be done, h u t th e eeed of Im provem ent has a lread y been p lan ted , and only needs cu ltiva tion to ahow g ra tify in g results.

'W H E R E P A TIE N C E IS C A LLED FOR.T he a t ta c k on P residen t W ilson ap p ea rin g In th e

B erlin N ational G axette call* for p a tience m ore th a n an y th in g else, fo r these observers from a fa r have a c ­qu ired th e ir facta w ith o u t a sufficient u n d e rs tan d in g of our political tran sfo rm a tio n to In te rp re t them . T hat, no doubt, w ill com e w ith tim e, though It Is h ard ly to be expected th a t In G erm any, w here a very d ifferen t course Is be ing follow ed by th e governm ent th an th a t fo reshadow ed by the W ilson policies, will be en tire ly sy m p a th e tic in Its understand ing of our affairs.

"N ow here else ," says the G s ie tte . "le th e re such a personal reg im e governm ent as in th e U nited States. W ith a full rea lisa tio n of h is pow er. P resid en t W ilson ha* a p p a re n tly d eterm ined to ca rry out his fan tastica l Ideas. No one but a p ro tesio r w ould v en tu re on so h a ia rd o u s a step ."

The w ord " f a h ta s t lc a r m ay be glossed over, as m ay th e p h rase , "p ro fessiona l Socialist, " ap p ea rin g In a n ­o th e r place. No doubt the policies of th e a d m in is tra ­tion seem rad ica l to the G erm ans, since th ey ru n co u n te r to th e fun d am en ta l policies of the Im p eria l G erm an G overnm en t and of th e S ta te governm ents, also. G erm any Indorse* and p a rtic ip a te s In p rac tices th a t o u r peop le have declared In to lerab le . T he tw o system # are, tn certain aspects, diverse, a lm ost con trad ic to ry .

T urn ing , how ever, to the "persona l reg im e" and the p ro fesso r read y to m ake a ha#ardou* ven ture, th e G a ie tte ev iden tly has not learned th a t our people a re d e te rm in ed to m ak e th e ir highest b ta te and federa l officials assum e rea l leadership , or th a t the p rofessor Is a life long stu d e n t of g o vernm en t an d politics, w ith tils feet p lan ted on solid ground, an d w ith th e self- confidence hlB tho rough understan d in g of politics and po litica l th e o ry engenders. It m istak es confidence for a reck less d isreg ard of hazards. If it knew m ore, It w ould rea lize th a t W ilson la th e very m an from whom aueh a co u rse a s th* p resen t ad m in is tra tio n hae en te red upon waa to be expected,

T he In te rp re ta tio n placed on th e P re s id en t's cu r­rency m essage as a "fanatica l a tta c k on th e co n cen tra ­tio n of c a p ita l" is Illum inated by a re p o rt sen t to th a V ienna F ore ign Office by th e A u stro -H u n g arian C onsu la te-G enera l in Berlin, tn 190T. w hich sta te d th a t “ econom ic G erm any Is under th e ab so lu te ru le of h a lf a h u n d re d m en." C om petent a u th o r itie s affirm th e b ro ad co rre c tn ess of th is s ta tem en t. Seven B erlin banks, E lm e r R oberts declares In his "M onarch ical Boctsllsm In G erm any." form th e co re of th e syetem, w ith sh a res usually am ounting .to a p a ra m o u n t In tereat In fo rty of th e large provincial banka, which, in tu rn , a re p a rt ow ners )n th e sm aller In stitu tio n s fn th e ir provinces. T he banks m ain ta in th e syndica tes w hich a re su p p o rted and even com pulsorily crea ted by th e g overnm en t.

U nder th e se circum stances, th e fa ilu re of th e Ga- te t te to u n d e rs ta n d th e P rea id en t an d h is a d m in is tra ­tion IS not a t all surprising: nor Is it s tran g e th a t the outcom e of h is policies should be ap p re h e n d e d w ith som e concern . In tim e, the G erm ans will becom e alive to the tre n d of our political d evelopm en t and w atch it. p robably , a* Irtterested sp e c ta to A of a polltlco-

/"enonomlc system In rivalry w ith th e ir own.

MAGAZINE QUESTIONS.Clinton Topp—"When th* new magazine

comes, why does s man alw ays read the things he doesn t care about bstors he reads the things that he w ants to read’"

Wess Tend—"I will tell you If you will explain something to me."

"Fir* away.""W hy are the w riters (or next month

aiwayr more Interesting than the writers for this month?"

THE SODA STORES.Louis Wise figure* th a t one of these

day* they will take to putting out th* sign:


VOID, AS IT WERE.Dear In the Air:

I note th a t even the "News" is not In- falHbls when It comes to redundancy or proofreading: c ( . "There were many absentees among the Houee members an j whole rows of vacant seats In the reer o( the hall were em pty" W. O. E, D. B

ALL SMILES."Snowball" \9 a foo<|snatur«<3 llttla cot-

oreti boy in whom Fred Ward tak«e % protectlhff Interest. Mr. Ward waa tailing a crowd of younfitera one day th a t th a n waro two ald«» to a bad. nacnaty, tbo im llf s!de and tha ero u aid«

' Bom< mornlnga you fa t out on th« cross side.' he said "Tou fe^l mean, you are unkind to llttla alaiar «nd llttla brother, you cry whan your tnoth«r apaaki to you. you make life miserabla for averyhody around you. But some morn­ings you f s t out on the smila side Tou love your &iet«r and brother, you mind your mamnia wUhtuit whlmparlnf. you are kind to tha cook, you go singing all the day, and tha whole world aeema bright to all ih« family boctuse you got out of bed on the smile side '

■'Mister Ward." ipokc up Snowball, "my bald ain 't got but a amlle elda to git out of "

"How's th a t Snowball?"■'Kayae de cmaa aide la puabed up agio

de wall."

Ona of iha In1*r<itint «lf ^ In th i city of Cairo. Egypt. !■ th* hug* Irae known to tha native t «§ (ha mandura ' It la ■o called, explalna a wrltar In tha WId«World Magazine, from a aalnt who la auppozed to work mlriclex and tffoot curai upon thoat who viJit this lr«e and parform c«rta4n traditional ritan

Tha patlant m utt offer to (he ealnt tha cloth which enveiopad the affected limb, pluck off two laavei from the tree and the aaint'a aplrlt residea tie tlitm gn the dlaeaeed part with an* j The upper branche# other cloth, leaving the flrat behind The natives have great faith In the tree- and the vUltor wtii alwaya find om or more preaent. performing the rltea of suppllca- Uon

The tree, while not very high, haa a large ipread. and a i It^la partly ron> coaled by other* near It, even the vlzltof who hal kaowledge o< Itz eaizlence la apt 10 five up the learch In deapalr. though

plttUfuSlT pennoDj o r ^ l a r a d

aredecked with little flag!, which give li quit* a ap­pearance. Although the traa *im g to be on private grounda and can f ^ y ^reached by a long walk among aO pukziing waiii, quite a little apa^ lotted for th« uae of ■uppllantg.It li free, but to the touriat there i quent requoau for the unlvaraal 1 of Egypt.

A C l e v e r B i t o f T ^ B l a t i o nA eotresponiient of the New York

Evening Post r ently (orwarfied to that paper s letter, which. It 1* eiplalnecl, ws# reewived by th* ocHeg* of agriculture ot th* Univeralty of Wloconsln. At first It wa# regarded a* bavin# been written In some strange European dtalect end w as paased on to Professor Trokosch, who eoticludad the writer of th* com­munication m ust be a Cetch living among German-Amerlcan farmer* The letter follow*'

"Juplla Blntml lldibet som kajn sit cum tra in tob*hu sit Cebtc ilt Agena sit tomlto* #lt blc sit persln sit klober sit a r it Com lit Begl sit F lat tenap at Cjun C um brlit Irtt. J*r <?> TrulH

"ANTON ROTH "Bllock River FaJl*. B 7 T lis 'Tb* translation offer* only alight dif-

flcu ltls i a* soon a* one has grasped th*

fact th a t the letter la tuppofs* t« h* Engllth, .ransHtaratad by m aani t4 X*- rnpean vowels:

You please send me a little bit Wn* kinds seed can try (1. e , for Inltuto*, perbspel tobacco seed, cabbage onion seed, tomato seed, beet seed, Ptt- in lp eeed, clover seed, isweet ootn aaqf, (ru ta l boxa eeed, Gat tum lp aaad, cueuB- ber seed Tours (the only word lUaglhkr w rllt# ', perhaps Indicating, a t P rofatait ProLvSch BUggests, th a t In thia e«*a h* was willing to admit a HtUa unoartolnty about his EngUshll truly.

Phonetically Interesting ere " tra jn " and "eJun. ' In both of which the "ts" rapre- senlB hi I a ttem pt to convey the Strong nasal of th* American pronunciation; further, ' lidl,' as It Is frequently Spoken: "bet for bit. " becaiieo our "I" Is open, and "begl " for baga. also an unfam iliar sound to him.



Sign In window of Springfield avenue barber shop: "H tlr Singing" Probablyth a t heart-rending ballad, "Silver Threads Among the Gold,” or the pathetic ditty of the bald-headed man. "Parting Gives Me Pain." Tours tor longer hairs and ahorter hours, M. A. SAGE

GREAT REASONING.Observer; "I went Into a tenement*

hou&e end asked to impact one of tho flats. The people were using Ihelr b a th ­tub us SL bln for coal"

All lor nearly all): "The poor cannotappreciate bathtubs. They uze the tuba for coal bins, l i Is a wsete of money to provide the poor wUh bathtubs."

Observer: "Old Hulkersmelter made hli mllHonz by getting secret rebates from the railroads, by which he was enabled to undersell his competitors"

All (or nearly all): "Rich men aretricksters and ecoundreli. Great for­tunes are made dlshoneztly. Down wli'i wealth I"

P a y m e n t s

in c a s e o f D e c e a se

B E A T I N G T H E S A L O O NBy Charles Stelile


t h e 'VERDICTr of th e ju ry whlojl acq u itted o t m an- • la iig h ta r A rth u r Pelky. th e pugilist whose blow killed tn iU ier M cCarthy, May 24, a t C algary, A lberta , was only w h a t In Justice m ight hav e been expected. To m ake a oeapegoat of th e fighter whijse fist th ru s t fa ta lly In ju red hlB opponen t would have been a parody on justice. Tom m y B u rn s, once a ring s ta r of parts, w ho ow ned the a re n a In w hich th e fight of fa ta l te rm in a tio n took place, ■will b* tr ie d la te r, it is said, but the conviction of B urns w ould com e little n eare r justice th an w ould th a t of P e lk y hav e io ite . C rim e, as crim e ther* certa in ly was. 1* d istinc tly a t th e door of th e officials w hose to le r­ance m ade poeslble th e fight. And th a t It was tb le ra ted 1* evidenced m ore by th e fac t th a t a large and coatly • tru c tu re to r th e s tag ing ot such contests existed th an by th e c ircu m stan ce th a t th e fight took place.

RO.AD BUILDING EXPERIM ENTS.Tne critic ism by T hom as J. McGovern of th e State

ro ad d ep a rtm en t 1* no t surprising . Mr. M cGovern 1* a dlBgruntled co n trac to r, w ho th inks he h as been u n ju stly preven ted from securing certain con trac te for ro ad build ing . The m ere fac t th a t he Is d isgruntled , how ever. U no t sufficient basis for claim ing th a t no a tte n tio n shou ld be paid to h is crlticiem s.

Spm* of hla charge# ore by no m eans new. They n r* b*«#d on condition* th a t have prevailed In th is S ta te fo r m any year*. P rev ious Inventlgatlon tn special oo ie f h o t d em o n stra ted th a t favored b idders and p a te n te d m atdrfal# have been responslhSe' fo r m uch poor oon*tructlon of roads. I t Is tru e th a t th e New Je rsey good roads a t th e p resen t tim e a re no t living up to th e ir o rig inal rep u ta tio n . T h is s la te of affair* ts p a r tia lly d u e to th e change In th e c h a ra c te r an d th e q u an tity o f traffic th a t th* roads now carry . T he old- ■tyl* atone road* or* no longer th e la s t w ord In road hulld lhg .

T h e p ro o f o t th is (ao t by ao tu a l experience h as been ragpOBolbl* fo r th e apringlng u p of »o m any p a ten ted p m em en t* fo r ep u n try rood*. T heir ow nere have e la lyoA g re a t *dv*htogea (o r them . T hey hav e been

- fwpoiriManted w ith l a N ew ' Jaroey ax w all aa th ro u g h ­o u t th e oountry- C e rta in type* have b*«n declared a |ueo*«a la a a tU ta «*o tlaa i e n d * to lh ir* o r a p a r tia l to llu r* la o th e r plaeoe. T he fe e t i# th a t th e re he* h**a s to e h qicpartiaentatlon In ro ad h u lld la f, w ith th e a n a l r**alto. Theae o x p e rim en ti ore being con tinued

' w ith th * ta m e v a ry in g succeo*.Jh g t 0 * o n oxam pla of th * need o t *KperIm*nta

V tto r* h decision can b* reoehed 0 * to th * *e#t m ethod*

TH E ECHOES OF A B L U N D ER . .All m istakt)# tend to p rop ag a te them selves, # 0 th a t

w hen th e p a re n t e rro r Is destroyed its progeny m ay he left to com plete th e ir lusty grow 'th. T he M cR eynolds incident in th e D lggs-Cam lnettl case ts an exam ple. W hen new s of the postponem ent of th e tria l a t _San F ran c isco involving alleged violation of th e M ann act becam e public properly, the public began to m agnify Into a scan d a l w hat proves to have been m erely a com ­posite ac t of bad Judgm ent, now fully co rrec ted . The end of th e m istake, however, la not yet. T he public con stru ed the A tto rnev-G eneral's a c t as an ac t of official fav o ritism to protect guilty persons. Now th a t Its suspicion as to favoritism is ahow n to have been w ithou t fo undsiion , the psychological tendency is fo r th e public to regard the defendan ts, before th ey a re tr ie d , a# gu ilty persons— tn short, to p re ju d ice th e caee.

All th is m igh t have been avoided, and o ugh t to have been avoided, and It would seem th a t th e responsl- h lllty p rim a rily rests upon D istrict A tto rney M cNab. H e ought to have tak en excep tion to th e A tto rney - G en era l's o rd e r by recalling to th e la t te r 's a tte n tio n th e special ex igencies of the case. H e did no t follow th a t course, bu t w aited till a few days b efo re th e case w as to be called , ,m d then im puted evil m otives to hi* chief. F o r th is he m erited rem oval, even th o u g h he should not have asked tn be released. Mr. M cR eynolde's fa il­u re to h av e recourse to h is files w as u n fo rtu n a te , though , p erh ap s, a na lu ra j e rro r.

T he A tto rney-G eneral has been reversed , end th e genial ap p ro b a tio n of the P re s id en t can h a rd ly fa ll to rem ove th e s ting . Mr. McNah hae had hla resignation accep ted , w ith Intereat. Still th e C am tnetti case la p re jud iced , as an unavoidable coro llary of w bat a t best was Ind iscretion on both sides. T h a t Is w hy th is Inci­dent. as w as poin ted out Ip th e first 'Instance, Is a forcib le lesson of the need of c ircum spection In public olTicft,

Advice regarding, th e desirab ility of nest eggs ti n o t alw ays convincing. For Instance, th e re 's the N ew ton snak e th a t got a china one In Its th ro a t and fell an Im poten t victim to the Irate housew ife.

WTitn I was running the Labor Temple in lower New York a couple nf years ago, the president of one of the biggest labor union. In the city, composed exclusively of women, came to me In great distress because she was unable to finil a hall, fra* from th* iBftueoee ot the saloon, In which her organliatlon could meet, and which .he could afford to rent.

Arrangem ent, had been made over the telephone with the owner ot a big hall which waa reasonably removed from the owner's aaloon. but when the "Madame PreBldent" called to sign the leaee the price wa. boosted four-fold—"because your members won't patronize th e .h^r " remarked the saloon-keeper In Justifica­tion. He wasn’t a'ware th a t he was deal­ing with a woman's organization when he answered tbe telephone tall. And when the president told him that the women's dues would not Justify the amount he asked- 1.*. 'L*,.....- ."raise the due*." Bine# that day the said woman * labor union has been meet­ing In the big auditorium ot the Temple.

Thle thoroughly elneere and devoted irerlden t couldn't stand for having her members—Ihe daughters of wurklngmen— subjected to the tem ptations of dance halls, and often-tlmes low-class saloons. I t worried her more than the dally tuasle Wlih.,lhs bosses—and the la tter Job was bad enough.

I'nlesB conditions have changed deetd- edlv In the past year or two. more than half the labor untoni in Newark meet hack or over saloons, although several imernatlonal labor organizations dla- tlnctly prohibit such meeting places, and (he American Federation of Labor, a t three consecutive annuel conventional de­clared unanltnoualy In favor of having all labor union meetings held away from the saloon urging the local* to meet tn school-housei wherever this was p(«iatble.

But where can Hie average labor union meet hut In a hafl owned or controlled by a saloon-keeper? The eeloon-keepere heve a monopoly of nearly every small hall in proctlcaUy every city where saloon, are run. In m any cases It 1. im­possible to get to th* meeting hall w ith­out passing through the saloon. This is ordinarily the rule when the sa'™ "- keeper chargee no rent for the use of the hall. That is, the rent Isn t paid In a lump sum This applies "®‘ meetinga, but 10 club# and sodeUet of various kinds. And when this 1* the cus­tom. woe betide th* chap wh^o paesee the bar without taking a d rln k -h o • regard*ff a* a "cheap skate, the w orst thing that men say about other men-

In many American cities the saloon la the only centre in which working PSoPl*"- exptclallv those oi foreign b tr th -e sn hold t h ^ christening parties, weddings, and all other social functions. Here alone Can they find their recrea­tional iife-bim arde. pool, bowling, cards, and sometlm*! the gymnasium- Borne en- terprlsln*- Batoon-ke«per». Appreciating the fact that the motion picture show ha* enitis to be their deadliest rival, have In-

A lphonso 's youngest son has been nam ed La G ranjo , and r ig h t h e re is the p roper tim e to p red ic t th a t tro u b le ts In s to re fo r the Spanish poet la u re a te 11 he c a n ’t find som e b e tte r rhym e* th an banjo,

1b tt adm issib le to rem ark th a t, hi* resignation said to have been handed in, these be m ellen-choly days fo r th e presiden t of th e New York, New H aven and H a rtfo rd ?

All se ttled now except counting th * m ajo rity . Colonel H arvey has p redicted th a t M ayor G aynor w ill be re -e lec ted If th e re a re th re e cand!d*t«a In th e field.

In the »portlng eonee of the *«rd , there 1# nothing yellow about th e *uffragf*t# xA q af« poiiyageou# enough to wAAT yellow bathing sulta thin •uituaeri

stalled motion picture machines. Musical programs are provlded-noi clssflCAl, to be sure, but the '■honeit*to-goodnoss‘' muBic that the ordinary man enjoy*. "Free lunches" are common, and disls Is something of an Inducement, In spite ef the Ineanltary. much used, common fork. But when a chap gets a hot noon-day lunch, with an Individual plate and fork* for the price of "two beers." U'e likely to put the cheap, dirty w o rk ln ^ a n ’s rei* taurant out of buslnees.

Substitute for the saloon? It woufd quire a ''world-beater" to put up some­thing that could take Its place. Bishop Potter tried It tn New York. But the "Buhway Tavern'' has gone down in hit- lory ag a complete failure. The man who purebaaed the place after the would-be reform eri got through wUh H pasted some cards )n his real saloon, sonis of which read: .

and ReligtoA- won't mix* a vmore than oil and water.

'You cannot follow the L^rd and qh tfe the devil a t the eame tlm a"

‘Heligion follows rum; It does ao t go wUh u, hand in hand. A man thinks of r*- llglon the morning after."

"The best patron of a saloon le the man with the biggest thirst; not the max with the moat religion. '

"They sang the Doxoiogy whan tbisy opened the place. We'll slag. 'H ere 's -to good old wins.' "

But the task isn't hopeless- ^he firs t thing that needs to be done Is to fab* all the facts. Mighty few people are ready to do this. They want to be told the thing! about the saloon which they w ant to be­lieve about It.

You may be certain th a t th e philan­thropic entsrprl&es often conducted by well-meaning people in the form of ' ‘te.m- peran^e halls." "coffee houses," of "cafe­terias. ' with the expretaod purpoae of overcofnlng the Influenc! of the aaJooa. will never do the bmlnsH. Usually those who manage them haven't the fa taU ft conception of the character or the need of the average workingman.

As s m atter of fact, ths Institution th a t will finally help overcome the Influsnoes of the saloon which are bad will be democratically administered, and the workingman himself will have a promt* nent part In running I t The working­man doesn t like to be "reformed.'* He win probably work the thing out for him- self, with such assistance and co-opara* tlon as the municipality and the Btate may give him In securing ths right to use the public school bull^ngs and social centres itr such ways as will perm it him to give normal expression to bis social Instincts.

Meanwhile, there s a fine chance for somebody In Newark to organise a "peo­ple p palace, or something else Ulce H. while the State and the cUy a c t getting ready to do their part, In which th srs shall not be ths allghtest trace of patron­age, but where bretherllneia shall pre­vail. and where, as tbe Germans say, men may "shake out their hearts.'*

Our liberal policy, by which in the event of your decease the piano becomes the property of your estate without further payments, is quickly forcing the whole piano trade of the United States into line. It manifestly makes your investment secure.

We arrange easy terms of payment on any piano you may like. In the event of your death PAYMENTS TERMINATE, and the piano becomes the property of your estate.

Is there any reason why you should not have a real piano in your home?

LAUTER CO. 591-593 BROAD ST.New ’Phone, No. 8080 Market (Connecting il l Departmeatf)

Are Working Hard

to pa t your family in a sound financial position. W ithout tbe invaluable help of Life Insur­ance all your efforts may go for naught. Get Life Insui^ ance on yotir side.

OLOSI • HONITimotliy .

f I t /

CIORIES (il)v«r-b!lt

carried the Csthoiie Asi river snd "yr.ungsts»i la New sir< •>f affsctidi Ttysn. forn srioelatlor. cstitury do talTt

Ths dlime 800 asd wti 4sy of Mr

•bag and e a silver lo

Ths glorl who bsgsn Mr. Rysn i the Instil u snd the ye Ing before sbomlnstloi who had end throug the proweii "T. J. Rya

Mr. Rya] who not al fathers an< day boys o: example an srd th a t til msrked Inf Joilty of t contact.

Tax Com the toabtn addition t( iM ac y . ling, Jsmei of Plaltiflel ' Mullln.

-#ttere < attend weri cry, pres Id Rev. Wniii

( of the uni Chrtetoph#]

Mr. Carr et prealdla Mr F ’ him ‘One o hli life, ar work of W vigorous c< the ' Oldest

To Monsl iptroductor referring i honor, decl eminent Ir as one wh understand to hundrednow silver once was i

Monalgno was a ma: effaced hli whose goo< spoke of h Uon that moral and

Mr. Garri a large lo bers of th of flowers, lag arose boys arose greeting th

M r Ryax have gone, liatipn of It! growth. MoQuald-4 It In the 1 those who gone befor the gymna preceding i 'Cl Instltut hall, and l It In tho« Captain J. ond Begin ratum-

To the m tha Tnstltu athletic! speaker n aattifaetloi eae the e( friends ca proudty>

To forsM the theme, Bmlth, afti Is the Inet

The P o t t e r y I n d u s t r y i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e sLast year, according to figure* oompHci

by Jetfereon MidfiSelon. of the United States Geological Survey, pottery Id th* value (jf was consumed li- theUnited Etotes. Ot this *!«“ product was vetus(3 at tM,B0 1 ,ls1 and the Imperted product a t 9S,SI6,530, The outpiit (Jf pottery for Ibe "United S ta te . In 1312 allowed tii incraaoe In v tlu* ol ever that tor 19U- Every product ex­cept stoneware *|R1 yellow and Rocklna- bam ware p an lr ito ted .ln the Increase.

Ti e variety Bboyrin/ th* largest *hso- iu i t gain w ai sanitary war*, which in­creased ir»,79T, #1)8 th* lo ra ts t preporuonai **in we* in p*r«*j*in *l»«trlc»l sup­plies, which lno*g**M N 5,M . Ths value

incmdtng china but *■- • • t o andL pore«l*tn eI«G-

trie#] tuppUt*. wa* RT.IHd.lK to 1912, entnr

oi •ale* war*, eluding donltary

"Tut, tut," Bald Preetdent "WHeoD, a* Itl# plhltek plowed up th* puttlDf tr«pn. And with % tea# tl>* rsoordlna *a«*l hlhtw d emt the •ord a . >

pared with tlA121.2M In Ull. China w o n ehnwtd |n mere**, of the v*Li*ToiHirteil (or m l to la* tn * Hlgkeat averrtOQTdad..

Ohio continued to be the leading pottery- producing Btate of the Unioo, reporU ul wares valued a t tIS.H8,T3I, o r d i.9 per cent, or th* total, an inereaa* of im.tTO. Ohio a principal potlary product Ig whit* ware, wnich represent* general houtehald warts. New Jersey wot th* second tsrg- cst puttery-produclng Stst*. the vain* e t lie product In 19U b*lDg tEM.tiO, an la- crease at The principal pottery product ol tb* Btat* tl NtnlUry ifars. West Virginia was third In UU, with v e ra ' valued' a t tS.I!U,l(d, or ItlAIH mor* than the value ol tha outpuhin 1911. New York. Pennsylvania. Indian*, and tlUitOt* wore fourth, firth, sixth and lavaath, reppoc- tlvqly. In the value of output In IMt-

AccoMIng to Hr. Hlddloto*’* raport, Ihe potlary Industry was In a .h lg h stnla or development during the y to r andi th* value or the jyottary produeta .raarfceltd was tjM largest In tha history o t tb* IB-

M m

\Se“ gu! I ' '• ' ' '• ■ tv ? * '' '


Bditionf t dM

lltiunM tb» tn hli

Ur. 1» « » Ua km ,

ooeuloB, « pluckud iron* and ) him out laud totvo ll« uoUl

una-oyod- I to t n a t I. In voTy

1 aimho’i il«e Llttla t th« «ad ' month*' iwi* and

; tha hand lion of a Amotlca.

ctlva pro- norad old hetpad to

tad to balOa ed Mo­

rn WOM ' In tte M , Dataaaad, w - com aodl, ad, cueutli. 'd tUaclBlf I Profaaadt la caaa ha moartaiatr

‘traja" and "n” repra* tha ttront lunelatleni :l]r epoban: ■' la open, unfamiliar





i g




"Boys" of Catholic liatitute 7 at Annivenary Dinner.


n iv tr-h a lrrd athlalaa ot yaatarday who carrltd the cotora of tha to u n * Man'a Catholio Aiaoclitlon to many a victory on rivor and field, forefatharad with th t "younfita ia ' of ’nday at Inatltuta Hall. Id New atraal, laat u lfh t to pay a Irlbu'a of affection and reapact to Timothy J. Ityan. fojmar phyaU'al director of tha nraoelatlon and for more than halt a century cloinly connected with Ita a f ­faire

Tha dlunar w ai aUandad by more than 390 and waa to mark tha elchtleth b irth­day of Mr Ryan who waa axloUad In

Ike raautt of bla tram ac. af U a Utaaarr. draaiaile and Motal trtunipba af tha la- ■tltuta Id which tha (uaal af hanor playad

larca part, daclarad that Mr. nyaa would leave behind him a monumtBl par- hapa lartar than any other CathoUo mao In Nawtrk.

Tha ipaaktr added that no priaat or bithep haa aver dona mora for tha Cath­olic yeuat man than Mr. Ryan la hia labora of mora than half a cantury. and aipraaaad tha hope that opportunity would be fivaa the membara of tha "old Inatl­tuta" And tna aaw to pay thalr raapaeta to Mr. Ryan on hla nlnetlath birthday,

ttrifeea Newory’a Chard.Fathar Bofan. to whom waa taalfnad

tha aubjaot ot "National DIOcaaan Union." daolarad that ha would pay tha ufual daffranca of apaakari to thalr aaalfnad

aubiMla and ear naU lnt about It bo- oauN ha had aa aaucb to aay about MrRyan.

Tha priaat.who la on# of tht "old Inatltuta crowd." told kumoroua Incldanla of hti early tthlttfc caratr under Mr Ryan, and atruck the chord ot mamory tn tha boarta ot manp praaant by rtferrlnf to the man and tncldanta of other daya He aon- eluded with tha hop# that a new day wai dawntnd for Mr. Ryan Tha new dawn, the tp M o r hoped, would be that Mr Ryan mUht be allowed to hand to other paneraUona hla wlta ceuaatl and feed «x- ampla^tba maalc aood of iho aaooclatioo with him

H r O'Toole apoke on the "itroka Oar,” and attar racalllni tha f lo r in of tha old Inatltuta, told of occurrancaa of the old rewind daya. whan tha Inatlluta Boat Club wna tuprame. and broufht book the

happaolnff to the alhlaua at theta daya. and the naataa of the men who handled tha awoepa or took part in tha dramatic irtumpha

Mr. O'Toola daclarrd that Mr Ryan area truly tha ttreka oar, and now that ha haa rewad hla leal race, heuaed hla beat and pul Mo tweep away. It altllnf aa the balcony and took ini back over tha courto. Tha apaaker iild that Mr Ryan had rowed a food race on the atroam of Ufa. had kept hit aytt In tht boat and held a itr tlfh l court*, and than ax- pretaad the hop* that whan tna old Fat- talc, teana ot many of tha vtctorlaa of tha Inttltuta, waa aftln rattorad to purity, Mr Ryan would be praaant to tea tha aoaa of their futbara wreat fraah aquatic victorlea to keep company with thoaa of yeeierdey.

Hr Hullln. one of tht old guard told

of playinf ball with Mr Ryan many yaara tfo , and aulo|litd him aa the "truatt, kindtal and tianchaat friend that waa aver f l 'tn to hla Tallow,man."

Whan tha eptaklnf waa ovar and tht tln fln f at tta haliht, Mr Ryan coneantad to ainf hla olu fawtrlta "Crultkaaa Lewn." and In a voice tlhat ahowed few ■Itna ot the wear af alfhty yaara earned tha air of the eld ballad, with m volcaa. ■oma of them beokan with thoufhla of other daya. ihusdtrinf In chorua


A caveat aftinal.lha will of Mrt Mary J. Carlin, fonoarly of 11 Bhanlay avanua.

fa e bvaa rtlad by her brother. Ceorfo F. W oedruff of S* Traacy ivanut. lira Carlin died April n Two daya prior aha • aa marrtad to John K Carlin th fora the m a rrlu o an* u a i Mrt. Mary J Fraar.

The w om aa't will waa drawn la it Fab- ruary. and bar tare propartlta. located at 1 1 and 1 1 Bhanlay avanua. and valued a t 1 1 1 ,MO, wire left to Mr Carlin Tha la t­ter a lla te t th a t durlitf Mra Freer a Ill- neat and after her m arn afe the brother did net fo to tea her

The eavaat waa filed by Burton I,. R Hare for Mr Woodruff, who will con­tend at tna eontait th a t Mra f re e r waa net phyMeally able to make nar will. David Bobkar It praparlna iha deftnnu of H r Carlin, and th t m atter will be argued July 11


ii ‘vnsjuiamLeave Broad tcA H i Fairy |C I.W: E tt i Parry »t.. M l t il.

kAtlanttoCHy,<2,eOHtirr BUNBBV

U e ra B r y l . l i t H : Ferry 8t. T.* ta i l

irry It. t.M a.ia.

T h e F r i d a y B a r g a i n L i g h t s B u r n B r i g h t l yPointing the W ay to Reai Econom ies Throughout

The David S trau s Co. Store Tom orrowGive Consideration to These Exceptional Opportunities to Supply Yourself with Summer and Vacation Needs

TlMPthj el. B jaa.•oxkf And atory, And than praiantad with A tUvar lovlnf cup.

Tha fjorlea and triumpha of tha man who bagan thalr atblatlo caraara undar Mr. Ryan fifty yeara ago, the growth of tha Inatltuta from a modeat beginning, and tha ye&ra of Ita aupremacy In row­ing before the Paasalc River bacama tha abomination It la. wara told by tha n an who had lived through tha triumph*, and through all the proud recounting of the proweae of other days ran tha alogan "T. J. Ryan taught ua how.“

Mr. Ryan wan euloglzod a i tha man who not alone trained the bodlea of the fathare and grandfather* of the praaant day boy* of the Institute, but who, by hla aaample and klndneFn. aet * moral stand­ard that the speaker* declared had had a marked Influence on tha lives of the m* Joiity of thoM with whom he came In contact

TaJC CommUaloner John I>. Carroll wna* tha toabtmr.ater, and the speakers. In addition to Mr. Byan. were Monslgnor Isaac F. Whelan. Mayor Jacob Hauaa- ling, Jamea Smith J r . Rev. B. M Hogan of Plainfield Peter J O'Toole and Joseph ' MulUn

a l t e r s of regret at being unable to attend were received from Benedict Greg ory, president of the Diocesan Union Rev WUllam A. Keys, spiritual director

. of the union. William C. SulJIvan and Christopher P-.Connoiiy

^^Otdeat YouagMr- Carroll declared that the position

of prealding over tha dinner in honor of Mr P *n would always be coneldsred by him I6he of the greatest distinction* of his life, and after a btief review of the work of Mr. Ryan, and referring to his vigorous condition today, he dubbed him the "Oldest young man of the Instltut*.

To Monslgnor Whelan was assigned the Introductory epeech. The apaaker, after referring to the year* of the guest of honor, declared th a t Mr. Ryan stood pre­eminent In the annaJ* of tha Ihstttuta a* one whose kindness and sympathetic understanding and help had been a boon to h i^d red^ of youngatere whose hair la now silvered, and tha t his benign Influ «nce was stlh felt in the orgaDlsatlon.

Monslgnor Whelan added th a t Mr Ryan waa a man who was never angry, who effaced himself as much as poaalble, but whose good deeds had found him cut. He ■poke of Mr Ryan's Itfework a* a voca­tion th a t begot ^the virtues of mental moral and physical manllnass-

Mr. CarreU then ■^presented to Mr- Ryan a large loving cup, and from the mem bert of the Ladles' Auxllilary a boudiuet of flowers. When the guest of the even ing aroi« to respond the irxyheAds xnd boye DxDBe and gave BIm a tum ultuoui freetlng th a t laited aeveral m lnutu .

Mr. E yas looked back ot the year* that have gone, and beginning with the organ liatlpn of the association, In ISM. told of It* growth, ot It* founder-the late Blihop U oQ uald-^f the men who were part of It In the beginning, and paid tribute to those who have rowed th d r Isst race and gone before He spoke of the opening of the gymnaalum, of the troublesome Urns preceding the Civil TVgr. and told how, in 'n InsOtuto Hall waa turned Into a drill hall, and how the boys who belengbd to It to those day* marched away under Captain J. N. Duffy, of Company C, Bee end Regiment—many of them never to rMum.

Ta the men who have made the name ol thd Institu te stand out In connection with athlotlca abd in oihor chajmcls, th* apaaker raferrod, and then told of bla aatldfaetlon a t being allowed to remain to eee the eons and the grandtane of hla friends carry tba old name along a , proudly.

To torraar Sanator Smith waa aBslgned tho tbomo, "Timothy J. Ryan." and Mr Bmlth, a fte r telling of H r. Ryan e labora In the Inatltuta, of Its athletic prowsss aa




Coatfnnoiif Perfomigiieik 12 Noon to 11 P. M.

Poor Big flhowg DsIIf.BIG VAUDEVILLE

Im toat BiUao> T a lk lw Latest Klatauicolor

L atoat P hoto P loys D ollyAfteyaosoo, any so o t.............. ..lOoOvoBlago.............. ....... lOo, t io , iNk

Oooloot glaoofl l> Norrork, P roe tof's M L yric Thoatroe

oog o l n y a a good ohorr.

PARK•u n .


J h o ^ . fl*yewReitauti.if


At 8:30 W e Turn T h em On A t 5:30 W e Turn T h em Off

Q ir is ’"M iddy B lo u se s 49c '

S i z e s 6 t o 1 8These smart little middies

were never intended to sell I at this very low phw . They , arc of a good quality lincne.j ^attractively trimmed with

, collars and cuffs of ;’cd or^obpenhkcen tktne and Uoed

drm tiw Irom wiih colored Itcins*

m11 J -

V \

' / /

F o r M e nMen’s Athletic Undershirte

Of fine quality ^lisle-finished yarn, in the popular Swiss ribbed weave, w ith no sleeves; they have slight mill hurts, which will not affect the wear. Reg- | y i j i n ular 25c. quality for......................................... ^

Men's White Gauze UnderwearShirts either with short sleeves or sleeveless; draw­

ers in knee length; slight seconds; 50c. grade 29cMen’s Pongee Shirts

In Cream and natural color, coat style, with soft French tijrnback cuffs; well made and perfect fitting; every shirt fresh from the makerj sizes 14 to 17; 69c ;j

7n \ \

perfect goods; $1.00 values for Friday only —

W om en’s Union SuitsGood quality white cot­

ton; low neck and sleeve­less, with wide lace trim­med knees: seconds of 25c. grade.

) -------15c

The well-known Essex Millg make, of fine gage white cot­ton: low neck and sleeveless; full tape trim, with — tight knees; strictly first quality 50c grade

' / / IN'

Women’s New White law n and Voile WaistsValue 1.00; Special for Ftiday 5 0 ^

All this season’s waists. High neck with long -sleeves or lo-w neck with ^ sleeves; some are finished with the new frills or have yokes of very fine embroid- > ery; others are trimmed with insertions of fine lace and medallion.

Women’s 2<Clasp Silk filo?es

LongSilk Gloves 50c

A very good quality of all-silk tricot, with double finger tips, in black or white; every pair guaran­teed ; value SOc. pair, a t .......... 38c

Ribbon Velvet

Of pure silk tricot, with double finger tips, in white and black; every pair guaranteed; value 69c. pair ..............

f pair ' 7 T \ -

S O cj///

A fine quality black silk velvet ribbon, with satin back, in widths of 2 and 2|4 inches, Nos. 12 and 16; -value 25c. to 29c. yard, at...................................... l O L

Shadow Lace Flouncing

18 in. ■wide, tn a beautiful assortment of designs, suit­able for waists Of dresses; in white only; val. up to 50c. yard,


Corset Cover EmbroideryOf cambric

and SWISS, in an excellent range of blind and open designs; value 39c.49c. yard, at



Women’s Handkerchiefs

A splendid as­sortment 0 f ^ soft - finished, ^ hemstitched or - i . cross-bar h an d -x^ .'^ kerchiefs; none worth less than 5c. each, at

2cChildren’s Cambric *

Night Gowns. Trimmed with embroid­

ery and clusters of hem­stitched tuoks, stws 2 to 6 years'; n lu e Z9c., 2ic

Women’s and Misses’ Coats5 . 0 0

Of the sort that have been selling for $10.There are gracefully draped models, finished with

handsome ornaments, as well as a number of smart cut­away styles. The materials are striped and tan mix­tures and an excellent quality covert cloth. There are also a number of jaunty checked sport coats in the as­sortment.

Matting Suit CasesMade of good quality fiber

matting over steel frames; metal corners; well lined, strong handle, lock and catches; size 24 in.; reg, $1,00; special 85c

Foulard SilksPure silk foulards. 24 inches

wide; some are guaranteed shower proof; blue, brown, rose or black grounds; neat white figures, also dots; reg.SOc. to 79c. yd.; sale, yd., 0 7 V

50c Banded Sailors 25cIn the newest 1913 block, made

ef rough Jumbo braid, trimmed with band and bow and inside aweat; good large-head sizes; Mack, navy and burnl; iust the hat for outings or to run about town w'ith-

MuslinUnbleached sheet­ing, 40 in wide; large mill lengths from 5 to 20 yds.; regular 10c. grade; sale Friday at, yard,

T kFaneyWhiteP.K.

27-inch fancy weaves in white P. K.. for skirts, dresses or chil­dren’s wear; good ISe, value; for this sale at, yard,



Renfrew FabricsThe advertised

sun and tub proof wash fabrics in silk voiles, crepe voiles, tissues and ratines; white or colored grounds; stripes or checks; reg, 2Sc. to 36c, grades; sale Fri­day at, yard,

17cHemstitched, _ Table Clotha

Bleached mer­cerized t a b l e cloths of good quality damask, hemstitched and well made; size 58x72; regular selling price, 89c. each; sale Friday at, each,


H o s ie r yW om en ’sHose

Of fine gauge cot­ton. with double soles, high spliced heels and double garter top, in black, white or tan; regularly ISc. pair, at ..........

M en’sS ock s

Of fine gauze col­or silk, with double soles and high spliced heels, in black and colors; reg. 1 J _ 2Sc. pair, at.. f

C hildren’s S ilk Socks

Of pur'e thread silk with fancy striped tops; sizes 5 to I'A only: reg.25c. pair, at ^

W hiteDress LinensPurchase of import­

ers’ sample lines of white dress linens; 36 to 46 inches, French soft finish and coarse ramie weaves, f o r waists, skirts or dresses; values to 79c, yd.; sale Friday at, yard.


40c 39c

Children's Rompers Made of blue cham>

bray and striped per­cale ; size 2 to 6 yctra ; , ,value 20c„ sp e-7 1 /v * / / V* cial .........l ^ h

Toilet GoodsHay's Bair Heafth—Dressing

and invigorant for the hair, for gray and faded hair; reg.35c.; special, b o ttle .... i w l V

Eureka Peroxide Cream— Softens, cleanses and beautifies the akin; large jar; reg.3Sc.; special, jar............

liar Moth Balls—Preventive and protection against moths; reg. 5c.; spec., lb„ O v

Benaoin end Almoad L otion- Healing and soothing for the skin; reg. 25c.; special, f ,bottle ................... .. 1 1 C

Cindutut—For cleaning the hair and acalp; regular 37c.; speeial, box.

UntMwbafale ~—Regular 12c.; bfadiMT, each ...........

-'V ,


The Sale of Women’s

Low Shoes a t

Goes On

Black MohairYard wide imported black

.nohair, Sicilian; high double- faced luster; regular sellingprice 39c. yard; very special, Friday, at. yard

Seamless Sheets

- I O

Bleached seam­less sheets for full size bed. 81x90; excellent quality of strong muslin; regular 7Sc. each; sells Friday it, each.

' n iV

Sale R atineThe best quality

for the price ever sold in this city; plain colors or white grounds, with black, laven­der, pink or tan hairline stripes; reg, 39c. grade; sale, yard,


Boys’ Solid Gold Buttons, stiffened post; value $1.00.

Plain, fancy engraved He Clasps to match; value 75c..A Useful Graduation Gift



4cGold-plated Baby Pina,

values up to 25c.;a pair ................

5,000 pairs, hundreds of different patterns; plain gold, engraved, enam tiel black for mourning, petrl, etc.

■ ,«1

Children’s German Silver Mesh Bags,fancy wide frame, fine ring mesh; value 59c,, at.


Women’s and Chil­dren’s Patent Leather Betts; value 25c.and 50c., a t ..........

Manufacturer’s sam­ple line of 100 dififer- ent styles, all sizes and colors.

Remnant SaleWash goods that

have sold at 10c., \2 Y i Q.., ISc. and 19c. yard; ging­hams, percales, voiles, lawns, lin- ene and others; all good lengths; sale Friday at, yard,


Wash Petticoats House DressesSlightly shaded bouseMade of fine grade seer­

sucker. plain or crinkled, in neat striped designs; deep sectional flounce; made skeleton; good fit­ting; all lengths; reg. SOc. and 59c.; special at .......................... 39c

dresses, originally made to sell for $1.00; a large va­riety of styles; mostly square neck; ^ sleeves: good quality percales and lawns; sizes 36 to 46; special .. 59c

■ /X n"

Bound fieoaissiBce24 to 30 inch

round renais-tarce centre pieces.plain or drawn work centres; heavy, wide, deep braids; regular 69c eai-h; sale, Friday, at, each,

For B oysAny of our SOc. blouses, for Friday only, 43c. They

are made of madras and percales, light and dark colored stripes, plain white or khaki, made either collar at­tached or neck band style; sizes 6 to 16 years; special ...............................................................BIu? Serge P a n ts

Good quality blue serge, warranted fast color; full cut. well made, strong waist band, belt loops, watch pockets, taped seams; sizes 5 to !6 years; reg.Sl.OO; special .........................................................



Fine S h ir tin g M adrasSame quality that goes in $2.50 to $3 00 shirts, 32

Inches wide, various colored stripes, also suitable for boys’ wear, ladies’ waists or children's dresses; |Q « regular value 35c. >^rd; sale Friday at, yard—



NotionsClark's 0 . N. T. Darning O t-

ton—Black, white and |//9 — colors; special, spool, 1

Mansfield Cotton—Black white; special,spool .........................

Shoe Buttons—Black, whiteor tan; reg. 5c.; spe-card of 3 dozen..........

Ready-made Neck Bands for shirts; sizes 12 to 17; reg. 5c.; special, each,

Skeleton Walats for Boys and Giria—Reg. 25c,; special, p l ­

Elastic Sanitary Belts, eaay to adjust; special at, f A y ,etch ................... ........ ‘I V C

Elaatic Shirtwaist Belts, white or black; reg. 10c special, etch

^^New Sum m er Model Corsets^ Of coutil, with medium bust, long back and hip,

supporters attached and clasp at bottom of steel; top of corset trimmed with embroidered i i — edge; value 75c.; special for Friday.................. T t L

55c G en u in e Cork L in o leu m s

« 2 9 cN ot R em n an ts , B u t C ut From F u ll k o lls

Two Yards Wide—A Carload of It— A Big Variety

Genuine Inlaid LinoleumColors Go Thru to the Back

This is no make-believe inlaid, but the genuine. The patterns and cdors go through and through. It is the reg.$1.25 linoleum; sp e c ia l.........................

Tub D ressesFpr Women and Misses

Smart summer styles, identical in quality and design to those that sell regularly for a dollar and a half. There are numberless dif­ferent models to choose from, incluling the new two-piece dresses, as well as the ever popular jiunty one-piece style. The materials

‘are voiles, tissues, linenes, chambrays and per* cales, in every conceivable color and white..

NEWARK EVENING NEWS. THURSDAY. JUNE 26, 1913.'______________ _____ :— ---------


O w nadbO D Y EA R [ guaranteed Raincoat |

b m iiiftt iM i f Jwlfes b j Depirt- it ef Jntice Intoleribie u d


i i o v x r iT T . U .. Jutia M .-CtIUclinf'of j Um Oapartm ant of Ju itlco for "arbltrafT , M pioeu* or InvaaUfAOon" of ffdaral ^Judt** *>y m « n * of oantiinora. br Jud ia ,Em orr 8 p m , Vnitwl BUloa Judfoforlha poutbam dlatrlct of Ooor«(». w»* • f**' tura of 1h* •noual maotlnf of th* Iowa 8 lata Bar Aaaortatloo, which mat hsra todar- Jud«« Bpaar apoha with uraat v ljo r and amphaala, daclarin* Uia altua- ftoB waa '-intolarabla*'' Ha paid. Id part-

"Mora daniaroua than the powar to AlaQuaJlty a Judta la tha power to 41a- g ra ta and dafama him Mp bralhran, I aak you to eonaldar If, In tha u tter ab- aaitoa of all chargee aaalnat him, la not tha recently adopted method of arbitrary aaploDWa or tnvaatlfatlon of a Jud<a, Bade by aiam lnara, ae they are termed, a t tha Dapartmanl of Juatica, under the direct order of tha Attornay-Oanaral, to m altreat American Judgaa with cruel and apparanUy calloua Indifference to ihelt tapulallon and good naroeT

•'I apeak Impereonally and with all due raepecl for the head of a dapartmanl who l i aa-offIcJo the leader of the Amer­ican bar. Ha lA however, eleo the lead- lag eouniMl for the fovernm ent, and no n a t u r how conaldarata. how equable in thoudht and Uhguago, bow completely g aa -g a rtlu n h* may be. ought any law­yer to have Inqulallorlal power over the

- fudge who le to try hie caaaeT' And. lean of all, ahould thla power be

aaercleed in a lend where the independ-^ eace of tha Judiciary U the very founda­tion itona of tha national atructureT I a H not Indeed intolerable Ihet the lawyer who la the leading counael for the gov- emmaat ghall have within hie power and oMitol the right to queetlon the honor and ehareoter, official and perional, ut the Judgea upon whom determ tnatlona of an national Juriadlctlon muat depend?

"W ho la the eaam lner of th e Depart- gmnt of JtietIceT I hava looked In vain through the elatutee to find the defini­tion of h li dutlea T h li critic and cenior n( Judgea need not be a practm oner or aven a lawyer. For many yaare, however,1 have obaerved th a t thay were reilrleled la eaaw lnatlbn and -report on the mar- abal, clerk and other dlehurelng officer i, ■mat of whom are directly appointed by the Departm ent of JueOoe. and who. of ooaree. ehould be reaponetve thereto. Now, however, they eaerelee functloni Infinitely graver, InHnUeiy more dengeroua to the three-fold dlatrlbutlon of power under the American dyelero.

‘T h le method le very, very recent. I dare declare that no o ther could be more Offenalve to the chaetity of'Judicial honor, BO other more harm ful to Judlclet vigor. W ith aiperlence of tour year* In the eer- v « e of Ihy f lu ta , end thirty-four yeare to the aerviee of my country. I declare th a t no other proceeding can be eo de- gtyuotlve of the confidence and eupport accorded th e Judiciary by the meeeee of the people."



A n n u a l C l e a r a n c e S a l e—O P -

1 1 ,A, 0 0 0 W o r th o f th e H Ig h e e t Q rad e R ilo c o n U ti>r M en a n d W o m e e B e ing D laposed e l a t

CLEVELAND, June M.-The Porcupine, another veeeel of the gellent fleet, wjilch under Commodore Perry met end defeeied the Biitleh fleet In the liattle of l-ake | Erie In the w ar of in :, ha i been die- \ covered and le being repelrod to take pert In the centennial cselebratlone of I'erry e victory th li euminer. Heleed from the ihote of the lake eight yeira ego end heuled aehore by Oharlei O, Bolthouae. off whote ground the had eunk. the Porcupine le being refitted b ^ U r houee end hie coueln, B. J l leveland.

After Ih* bettle of Lake Erie, the Porcupine waa uaed In tha government revenue cervice on the Great Lekei uiiill liiSIl. when che wee told at auction io Henator Kerry, of Michigan- 'Senator Kerry rebuilt tha boat and uaed her In tho lumber trade. In which he waa en­gaged, until 1M7 Being then unfit fur

I further uae, the Porcupine waa turnrd

BIFOCAL LENSESC a n b a H a « d f 4 a m R n f u l a 'f a r n a a r a n d v l I 3 by o g t io la n a f a r n a a r a a a T £ , £ , f f , r 3 .M a g a l r .f a r . P a i r


NEWARK OPTICAL CO 6 4 1 Next 1 0 H arler'a .Open Krl. A Bat. Evn'ge




A FIrtt-Clat* Hotel

ftT A fk^ IVLANUe He

( In th* Ukfl 4t)d Bomo Umo Ul^r


English Slip-OnsproofT R egulir $7.50, a t.........p ro o r Regular

fo r M en and W o m e n —M ade o1 linen lim sh texture, cem ented, sew ed j f j r and strapped. G uaranteed n in - J

Worsted Traveling CoalsM w 8 IKI W o m an . Regular $15.00, a t ..........

—M adeol the new Scotch tw eed, in w ay m r A and tan. F o r |

Importedre e u u r $25.00, at

•> . t in r w o m e n . In gray, black, blueMOnSlfS green.

regular $25.'

fo r W o m en .

ing w ear as well a t street: 12.50

fo r M en an d W o m e n - O f double te x tu re ,th e jRaincoatsfo r M en an d W om en . This coat Is used aame 1 8 a lij^^t weight spring and fall coai;Gabardines contains no rubber, but is absolutely

rainproof; regular $27.75. a t .............. ..............................................M.00

floated Into tli« narlwTr of Grand River, M kh„ and tank.

K««ti>rad to h^r formar tihape. tb® Porcuplna will h« utatlonad at Uut’ln*Kay d u rln t tho centennltiJ cAktiratlon. >Alth h^r atal«r ship, the Niagara. Commodore Parry 's flagship


n u i r * • I e r I - A light weight raincoat, just theSilk Finish Texture *olive; regular $ 1 0 , a t . . .

pretty shades of tan and 5 .00

o t h e r s Inc luded tn t h e sa le are worsleda, with and w ithout rubber; G ibard inei, English T ex tu res , Silk Slip-ons, Bengalines and C ravenettes, at proportionately low prices.

S U M M E R R E S O R T SA ta V ItT PA R K . W. J,

NEW MONTEREYN o r t h A a b u r y P a r t s . N . J .



NB?W YORK, Jtjna 26-Mra. A rthur B ' Hoyt, who It h«lnf ttiad for divorca by i

i her husband, chief slockholder In tha At- Untie a u rc h Works, yesterday was awarded 130 per week alimony and a , counsel fee of $lvV> pending trial of th i |

! action. The application of MrSs Hoyt j I for alimony came up before Justice Ole- , ' gerkh In the Supreme Court She ssked | ; 1309 per week alimony and a counsel fee | I of S5.000.

Mr. Hoyt In his divorce plea allegei I his bride was cold to him from the time I they were m arried on February 2B last I unlH she left him on April -1 He sayi'J she went to a hotel In Newark with a man on April 2S> and remained two days Mrs. Hoyt says her husband * chargee are “false and maUdoui." and declares he made her miserable by utireasonahla and unw arranted Jealousy.

Mre, Hoyt has filed a counter-claim fur aeparallori, alleging that while sh« waa nn a 'la it to an aunt In Highlsnd Falls her huaband gave up their apart­ment In the Hotel Marie Antoinette and refused to return <o her. Bha says he has ati Income of $80,000 a year.

W here Cooling Breezes Blow



Most Convenient Beach to NewarkA cool, cnjoynble tro lley ride down the

h l in d . 7 m tnuteg fron t J e rw y to Municlpgl F t m « xt South fe rry New York, 35 m lnn tc i to B«gch.

Mile* of wide B oardw xlk »nd B ctch .F ln w t, Sgfest, Clegncgt B ath ing Botch.Beat equipped hoteU , w here the seagon’e delicsciei and freeh ocean

foods a t nio«t reasonab le prieea.Dancing Pavilions. C arousels. F errU Wheels.

Roller C oaateri. Scenic R ailw ays and every d e a n , healthy am usem ent. E ree VatidevlIle^Shows, Moving P ictu res. Csbarels.


Come to South Beach for a Good Time

Juil eetrrtiif tlip lUt nf th# faiso)i» botvli of lbs world. I'ttrtvaiwl in It* eomtMnt iloo nf srHhtlf bemty, totslTorilofi. sppoist- cuvnli snd lorgtlon Hiai»


Golf. T r .n l . . L i t m l n r . ■ allr4 -


J K k DELAWARE. rEHM.A Surnuipr H*ui* dirMrliulocNug HropUfrtim N DL A WUHIMw ot iLic

tiHawvEF; c iirs 'iH l Ql.IinGOLF UOUltfiE

Hi Vow fnntii H W t\1Sli. ilaT N V of.:HS fitb A» ‘1*1 Mail ,Vi| ft.;;*)

b 0|ii4 hqngilow iu rt altoW" IP ■ ------------ I:



oCEA.y g h o v e :. m. J.


BROADWAY . “/ a 'log pirllloD. rieillSDt Ublo; IS vp. Mr*. A PoW-


P H IIAD EL P H IA . Junr Jt.-Informa- tlon wa. received yeiterday to the effect that the man who wai eerloualy Injured In an automobile accident near Green­wood I,ake, N. J , on Monday evening, and whote name wa. erroneoualy repoited ae Frederick Sletion, of Philadelphia, wde aaniuel S. Btlnaon. a well-known newa- paper man, formerly o f thle city.

Mr. Btineon, who now realdes at Green­wood Lake, N. Y,, lu .t ecroea tha State llhe. waa driving hla own car on a trip In Tuxedo. He waa accompanied by Mra. Stlnaon, Mlai H arriet Brandon and J. 3. Post, a retired hotel proprietor of Green-

\ wood Ijake.I While deacetidlng a ataap hill the aleer- i Inft gear became disabled and Ih" car 1 turned turtle. The entire parly waa I thrown out of the car and escaped serloiia

O S B O R N E PKmin tnd C«ntrsl Ave*.. Npar Besch.

H. WELtSFDPD, Boi 121:

T H E D U C H E S SHdma cwklni; rMuc^d Ju'y- Mr«.l Df**'

A ni103iD A tK S, N.

LILT LAKK HOLNE la ttp h^trt of th* AillfDOiJi'In*:

oouBtryv in*ny lnri« liilp* Milililn <txalk1n« lU" Tint'#; pipntT of lUbing ■ml Imilini; prittirp Ink* tb« flo*»l (if Owm ilL modern Itoid* . iRriro raomf. brtMd pl«<i|R: BtirRotlrf irI>I* tii lUfui Dltve (o nwod your Tifitlcw; LiirlfilBO* \\ rU« fDf b«okt»I **id TFriD* to A T'H1L[r>‘Frop*.. Ltk* PI^AtiBt. N.


^OM fUi|> ULtfA C«-Diviiv ,"Kiir UF lilchrH* yltn'lMf'l. (ji-rh^pfru h#*l>llfijl Pvaiwi ffttir? dPwl

UolorlifP rtft-flvp •■tr» i.rmf »» <5i|i-.*nd auto tmipp


llAl^ldS FALLS. S.

SUNSET PARK INNIlMiiirfe frails. N. k

i 1^0 Rootni wui> n*it>; •ite-

PRINCETONrate* $8 to |19. horn* cooklnf. A M. MI1W Co

THO R M AWrit* for partlDuHT*.

BS W#bb Ava. near WImrt a Heckman.

C O R D O V AMISS MART Ra n k in .

O C E A N W A V E , ’* V L vtt Hock frim b«ch- ^ over July t. tl T5 I’C day.

injury" wnh''the'e'xcertlon of Mr Stinson j V I I I K |7“ towho waa caught under the tonneau and U A lV E V 1 W 1 .M he. a. ^(uatalned a fractured ekull , im ; .pee, rate, arer ^ ----------- -------

Tha Injured man waa rushed to “ t. — - i A r - A V sI T.uke'a Hospital, Newburg, N. Y Yealer- I C A D I L L A C Mnek to heat I day a tr^-phlnlng op*cal!on was performed, i cooitiag. $8 uf».

arid it Is reported that Mt Stlmaon has a

And t'ollni Accommod*!** _ ti1« light*; Golf. T*nnl*. Boailng. fri«hiD; OrchPitf*. Dmclng. Pur* wai^r, K*i»p mot •rnt«, Booklpl. J. F. BTRNKA Hfoprlitup


r i i i c i i i T r . r V r i > r M " vULl.AtlAKL klAH'rl' LAC l‘A

kcj» UlwtJ , /jO Ulllli U t klilDol LuovI r . iir#))' ntw r»>aiiWMriiMiiil ol u* ost li$ipro»«w,iihrrjughoul. Pg'-<ir> hDi*! comfort and «d

Eolftdiiwnt. #l«vKior, prUnH' Outb* ’«i*«m «»U ®tc.r culiln* * fi-atu '* «•*!• *ri>i g 'tli ,

OM'hfitra. EarlyCHATU.ES It. W TIIT^^f AtlaTi»tc <

PU( tiM$ PI h ICS. PA.




Atwolutely rir«-cUi.: .levator to » t r ^ l.v.t; roam, .a .ultw with bath. B. Bak.r Brook*.

Hotel g a r d n e dA H B U R Y P A R KA 8 B U R Y P A R K

fu p a r lo r Cutelnw W hlU Servlc. L one D Istane* Talaphonaa

U nder tb* m an agem en t ot





M o n t a u k H o t e l " '„ T i7 .,‘ nbtlcct, modarn, haroeiik*; rate* 89 up: | 2 per


HOTEL PARK VIEWntl) Ay*.. 1 block from oc* id AKtdtIc fk], Hoonrii, ilagle or ■ulte. *Ub batb; elavitor ■ervlce; ctpacltT 300. Special rite* Juoe sad St-pt. LI.OYP EVANS, Mgr.

Hotel E dgem ere

fair chance of recovery.

SUMMER RESORTSa b b v r t p a r k , n . j .

DDEHTWAOn Shb Are.. A.bury P.rk, N J DRtniWWU r»re*D Tlf» frfim porrh: faph Ibcitloti. cool room*: cuIpIo* $8 up


Abbott ■nit Be»ch. »tM e tro p o l i ta n ,(.We; W«l». 'M " " ■ J-

AB ER D EENfor oter the Fourth, write

80 Surf At».Specl.lJ. L COtfBIN.

a l b a t r o s sOc«AO patbwiy.

Bryoklat-L. C. BBOWK.

THE IMPERIAL n eir fe.R*A*nfiible r*tee. KINGSLEY A WIDIIEMEH.

One donr from ocean; now open; elcveior to ■ireet telephone In rooniB.

J. E. TtAlKB ft SON.




MAIN AVENUE HOUSE " “‘‘Sc/. tewA, W. !.rm«n, Bcii 1«2; taod tebH; f .P . «rvtce.

m i r m a i T h o u s e between belch Booklet. C. B. PRIEST.end Auditorium.

C A R R O L L T O NU OctAD PAlhwty.

block to ocean. t . H. BONE.


POCONO i’l.NKS MOMtOE l‘FL. P*A r<?tHiHd| Moufitaiii Kpwti «t tH.pular rat#*

On a tlifri-ujllf ULk LU-taili'U J i»ou feet AriKiajmfHljflnB su-aiu hp«i with

i b»1b Teircrapb. t«K|ppbnnp Own cardtn Kle- I giDt aprliif Meter. 'Jsrtce 'IViinlfc RoatlQf

fUrhIn* Fl"h1w« ni-1!ns ArsikniT Entpriem maot In <t>uu«r1kili wHh Ab««’QjUI,»' IbKiklycl


MOUNTAIN REST HOUSE.Eait Biroudsburg, Pa.

M'dern KiippiHiv "‘•n-Innkliig rnliee >>t IHup Etl-lge lirfp furm lib- eml tablp MRS C. [. plMMHOPK



"l*fch\>ICh INN" — Elev*iea, It’D*ley lo entrance: farm atiarrhrd: water,

grove*, ebady l*wna garage; booklet.Eaet Btrou'Uburg. P*.


HOTEL CLIFTONl.ehe tvinola. H*.. on mouDiirtn lak**. Eleve- Hop l ; ^ feet. No motKiultoee. anroomodate* 1200- Rat** moderate. Booklet. J W, Moor*.

Tao, and Ark'a Avta. Ground* wltb teiuila end | Croquat oourti *i1Jbln baaoh. Queau may go from I heu«« to beaoh In batblng attire without (t*lQg itreeta which are prohibltede Bunnlng watar In i room*. ll.M *Ed up dally, f l to 817.M weekly. Amerlean Plan- 'WjjUe Sarrica. Orchettra. Ball- room. Vaudeville eatertalner*.. Booklet.



d*y: Cl BtBt.

idaelty 189: t2tb eeaaoo aame manage' ■ f ome rooking;BMkftt BBaNHY F. M Y lX B n .-----------------

212 2d Ave.. u t block to ocean, bounllfyl table.onklAL M. CHRS8ROUGH

THE WILLARDon* block to bMch: 18th .M .nn: now opm.

ipec. June rate*. A, F. NEavKIPk .

H O T E L A L B IO NNEW—Ona of tha tnoel modam hotel* ©■

oc-b rJSS B. D. TOWN6ENP.g ile r t KaaiUT H o t.l on (Iw ^B .iica.

NEW ST. NICHOLASBih Ave., facing Buoaat Lake; modern Improve- menla. Apply for ratea. Mrs. T. fl Hulchlnton.

THE BUCKINGHAMGrand and Sumnierflelrl Avpr. H'lOTni with running water pnd bath. l)ey A Cafiperson.


AFC tO TTA Q ES Aabury Fark, M. I-

«tuat*4 aear lb« o«an Kortb Aibory; electric Ugbt*d; w wtrat* hatka; *l*Tatora; telephonj* m rooma. Furnlabed cottage* with ketal Hrrlcei Mt rooma eaclU pn* iT«t* bath: eteetrlc lighted. i


THE W e l l in g t o nFtion* 858.

Knnrth Ave., two blorku froTTi hearh.

I3ih aeaaop; reaemieble rat**; booklet; lelepbone 227. JOSEPH WOOD. Owner and ETop.

PooRia wUh baih-


C O L O N N A D E ^ ^ ^ * King*i*y st.^ Blox'k iq beach.Convenient to all amueamenia and troHeya, Apply, booklet and raiea. PHILIP HILDRICH




OCEAN SIDE2fl Ot’ an Ave., on ocean front., uanbatnirted tlew of iioean from gueel*' ronme Seventh eeaRon. BoAkJ.L MH8. F H. KUNST.

^ A j i n i f O V EtDbnry Av«.>Ci |V1 1> v J I x 1 blocka lo beach,freman rooking. Hate* $8 np. KRENFEL

l- I I ^ T F I


Virginia are. and Boardwalk; elevator, viteo- itva poifbea; orcbeatra; Caropean plan. Special

H-ltl Pltm.B At.,, I Ani.rU-.n pl.n, (3 60 up d.lfy; .pMl.l "Mkly. j« JO riimao charge for freah or aea water batha,' Booklet.nverlooklBg


C H A R L E S V IL L A ™ 5...aicellent table: $8Homelike Burroufidlnga:

F O U N T A IN H O U S E S S erV ,” pS";^Private beiha; cay. 950; cent, located for Ocean Grove ft Aabury Park Bend for booklet and map ahowlnit both placwi.hoiela * amuaement*.

l a n s d a l eEicell.nt nWt, 17 up.

HOTEL MAJESTICW A S H IN G T O Nr)pea all year. Booklet.

TTH AND PARK AVE8. VtlA.r n«« min- ...rn ttlt. Jup. r .m utr.c tlv .. E. J. HALL. _



FIFTH AVENUE HOUSE311 6tta At* rtcin* Ainntl* Squ*r» .ntl 8um*iIj*k*. biwb from ocaiiron*a*i mwl«r»l« rat..- M- C- * *■ ■'**'*■

Cot 3d Ave. and Hergh St ;

block from beach. 8p»c. Juna and S^i. rale*.H. B EVAN8.

H O T E L T H E D F O R D o

I ft. jbill Ave..

'Gverlopklng ocean, Bultea with balh: refined palronafre. bookleL

HARPY DUFFIELD. Owner and Prop

g r a n d a v e n u e h o t e lopen all year. SHeot family boi^L Rootu*

tlnx% or en anlte with bath. Booklet.* ABTHUB B. HAMMOSr^________

OPExN ALL THE TEAK. EquipmeDt modern. Table ezcallent.

|Tba leading Famliy Hotel In every reapect.

Booklet and rate* ufow re*neat.' PHA1VCIS VARVALIi, Mtfangrr.

"Soolgl Centre of the Jertey Cnaet,"T H E C O L E M A N H O U S E

t h e MADISONA tilth trade family hotal; block frorn ocean

iSMTHE. S O L 'Ttith H )

NEWBURGH SOfl 2d Ave.;1 l>lo<-k to beach

Oniral Incallon* near bath*: apeclal 4ih July rate*. Booklet. A. T- ATKINSON

Cf I C T* /* \ M Third At .1 r 1 Iw block to oi'PHn'central tn nil attractlnm; good German ebKiklng; booklet, r r.HAnW.OHL


N O R T H H U R S T ,KeilKc ; boinallke


THE ALASKA■L'Hobetructed view of the octaTi. Private batha, Buh parlor, Large,cool verandae rind protiienade, 8 and S Pitman Ave. M, A, VAN CLEV'E. Mgr.

S T . C L O U D Cor. Main ft Penn, Ave.

A bouse vou will like. AM ImpTovOTnenla. June rates. J1 50 day: IT lo JIO weekly, book­let. 'Phone ik'.iR. L. C, MINTON.

f A T T D 171 Broadway,L i/W -J f jii ocean view:home eomforti': rate* $8 up Mra. J. Q. Packaril


V I I I A W Ocean V I L Li A Pathway.

One of Atlantio CUy'* leading ail^e-year hotela. On ocean front. Capacity l.OOO,

Sea water in alt batha; no extra charge for uee of balhaPunning water In gueat room*.

American and European plana. ^A. B. Bukeyset. Mgr. Joel Hillman. Prea.


Boating, ftihlng; ocean and etlil water batblng. Ratea moderate. Booklet. ' ^ wtwwioBTKBB.

SEASIDE COTTAOB. Bathing on own abora. fre*. Boatiu, 5*btDg.

rftj----- ■RAZEB. Blibland*. Bog M.

HOTEL MARTINIn *11 Tooma; ntea 119 up; garagi ■urf and river bathing. M.

gaa;TQDQiQg water

:e free to gneete: OBRBRACH.

THE BROWN COTTAGE Hlibt.nda N. iJ.On water freait. Blrletly nunjem. A food

t*b1«. R ite IK) up.

SHREWSBURY COTTAGEOn w*ter front R*le* « 0*r •erlilj. German oooktui. E.

R I V E R S I D E H O U S E S«rg*m «t.On water front. Hataa IB to .$$0 teeem^. G« HungarlaD table. 2SOLNAY ft WIENER.

WRITE FOI SPECIAL JULY 4TH OFFER.HOTEL MONTICELLOIKentncky Are., near beach and all actracttoBif iHoderD* Blgbcl**e» Hnniellke. Capadlty II aXl. F.geelient table, choice room*, private I

$ 7 - $ 8 - B U R R O W S . „ « X \ r h . ” 'Week-end. »2.7S. Sal. to Monday. 8. M- Cook.

$3.00 up dahj, Amectcan plan, apeclal weekly . Write lor deacilptlTefbldtrr. A. 0. Ekhoino ^

WESTERLO, “llatea, |8 to |12; home comfort*. J- J. Rou"e-

EMPIRE Cor. Beach and Main At*. Full ocean view: booklet.


AUDITORIUM HOUSECeniral end Mrc^lntock St. t«etw. U and beacli, Inniroved; eli'rl, llahte;$T-JS to .Tulv 20; open* June 28- A M.\

udllcT!»J ^rates.

B E A U M O N TAudltnrliiiu. Spec, to July 18. E. Beaumont.


H IG H L A N D H O U S E , n l "Good Dablog, boating and halhlDg; eiceUent ta­ble: home comfort#; booklet. Ura. J. McOorem.

VICTORIATranalenta, |9 per day.

’Fbme -L_ - JW>. COESf.

bcrupulouaiy cieaii. eiecu-ic ugnied ituougb- euL White aervica. $1-25 up dally- 17 up weekly. Eatabllehed 84 yearm. Booklat,



1,1k lal are., open view of oi-van; niH'* mwlcmte. Rr-oklet. gllUh Oorrino

Whole annare on the ocean- ■' BUROFBAN AND AMERICAN PLAN.

OpM All year, Capacity SNXAlfo


T H E M A R L B O R O U G H2d Ave. Elevator; private batha; capacity

250 Booklet. THOB. NOBLE-

Leading All-Vear Motel, fnparity ffio. Rlevafor. Pooklete.

A. M. SEXTON, Prop.

In Select North Aehury



folder for Jc. alamp. Municipal jnformalloa Ibireau, 302 B o a r d w a l k . _____________

nrl Ave.nml door'Hi‘an. 1

\ \ \ y. NORTH. ^

A S B U R Y K E N IL W O R T HkLs h .


BtnadWHj mirl Central Au-s. l'nobvlni«.-h‘il vlfw nf ocean, tl prr week for .June; exceHenf. tah\^

M It... . ,.

One block it> cnean. M A. WAL

NASSAU HALLCapacity 200. Booklet.

Cvr. 2d Aye. ft -Klngaley Bi.


HOTEL ATLANTIC iTfigeh; bountiful table;

THE RIVIERAiore*D end of Otb Ave ) ZliiD to appeal To die- crtmLaatlng people, end at tnodrtate ratea.

Write to V A- DOWELL.

The LafayetteKT>w opeo- EicIuiItc patronage; large tnimher

of prlrtta batba, public ihower aad oeedlc bath*; bachelor apirtmcnti; roema with running water. Jose rttM. Wblte acrTlce. Booklet.


C. WETXLKlt. l*Top.820 Filth Ave. fiwo htorki to Iwiurh'l: floe ae- coroiiiYKlatlnri*, e lect Jewish patronage.

HOTEL COLONIALNorth Aehurj Park, facing ocean and Deal I.,*!**; floeit rmldentlal aectlon. Sultea with prlrat* hatha. Ownership managfment.

nool rooma: retiaonable,

:W3 Aebury Ave.• Linllfi

R. C. FTInga, Ovtaor.


booklet. For Rpef lal rate* until i B H. W. PULLEN, o-BTier-mgr.

fnrmerly v|**sv of nrpan July 1ft, addresa

22 and 27 'Ofpan pathway.

'■Jlln; tinobatructf'd

S easide Hotel OrEAN GflOVE.

N. J,DiretUy on the ocean front.


M l a a * M i n D & Hotel. 400 Sew*il IA L H A I V I H K A i blacX* OlBesch «nd C**lno: »8 to »l! * ««my. Kl m ^ _


TH E R IC H LAN D Bookie,t

Plrerilv '5n the beach; newly renovated, . p- ply fnr rnli>i and booklet. C. HOCKEY,

fajiBolty 1:15. B. J.

T H E B I L U O W S New Hodm, 4th Are.


be»ej^ MuettiieBt 1° imii«y*. _

G L A D S T O N Eoce*n Eventn* ainner* Bo*al*t. K. B, He»l«Ti

Block from ooeao. Capacity 128: moderate rale*; eiceptlonal enlalRe; btyvklet, A. FRENCH. Prop.


Select patmoage; auperlor aervUe; modern In evary reepeet; prlvAte bathe; plerttor; telegraph; fltcudc *ad gaa light*: new fumlablngt and dec- ArwtlQCii; tennia court* adjoining the hotel. Now open. Spctlai June a.nd .Tuly raiee.

C. A. APPLEQATE. Maoager.

C T * I 0 1 1 M B l o c k lt> beech; 3 1 I f V l ^ l i ^ U BunaeL Ave. Cap. lOO. Bpeclal June and Sept, rate*; evening dfnneri; ninth aeeeou; bookleL



^he R E Y N O L D S ')305 Blith IT-, North Aabury Park.

Cm block from Yhe ocean: refined pitrim-Af0 T all eooTenleace*; adjacent to new Moaterey and Columbia hoteli: tl'i np aingle; 1 % ................- - ««• up double- MacDOB'ELL A CO., Prnpt

403 4TM AVE.. NEAR ^CACK. Refined patronage, whlta aervltfe- booklet.


THE SURF HOUSEAabury Park, Flrat Ave*; overlcwklng aceaa - * MAETTN.

g l e n w o o d *"(■cln* l»)t*t ftoillT hot*)- H. Q. WEST. ^

THE'WAVERLYOcean Orn\e; near beach and eudltarlum: table un-iiirpa?**'!. electric llghta, H. H ALCOCJC.

New Hotel Breslin(hi lilKc IxtfpaOLuWgr <»-. —


The Ideal Hotel at which to enjoy the Bummer or the W*ek-end. Eletatlnn 1.400 ft. No malaria, no moefjuMoea. Only 7 hour from N- Y via D . L .and w R. H eo- ptbifn tbe biielpeae mnn to rommute at $11.50 a month and get tJie benefit of the name cool, bracing mountain air which u«ua11y requlrea t day'* travel.

800 rooma with hot and cold runfilna water; 100 prlrale hath eultri. IdotorboaTliig, canoe­ing. balblitg, ftaliing. golf. leniil.>-. aad'Ue horse*. Excellent motoring, Orchc»tre, rsfp. crlh Booklet with auko mn|i>i maUicfl. Special ratea.


T H E S P R A Y V IE WoceAn view from ell roomii **nd for illuatrated booklet. f. J. WHITE, Prop.

.CONTINENTAL-Tenn. ave., near Beach: always open: Priv. hatha, elerator; e^cell- table: white leiw,; $2 up dally: $10 to $1T.50 wklj: Sat, to Mon.. I3.80. Bkit*. klargaret tValib Duncan.

THEJILI^HIREprovedxwaterH2 60 uj year.

Virginia Ave. and .Beach, Dci-an 'lew. Greafly ini’

Caperlfy BBO. PrJrate hafft#, Running room#, elevator, err. Mualc. Special

1 weekly, 12.60 up €aHy. Open all fh4 lonklet. SAMUEL ELLIS.

T H E M O N M O U T H w*t«:rate# I10U2; |2-2.COday; ahore Aimer*; booklat.



West End, N. J,Thi* up-to-tbe mlnute hotel of cofiCMt* cos-

Btructlon and posaeeeing all Iroprovement* of the beet cjty bouaea, coptlaulng onder mauigement.

It appeal! to *11 ap6 reoi*tlBf exnti^l* dancing, tennia. err^uet, aurf btthlBg,

c la r en d o n h o t e lTlrglola are., near lleatli.'Capacity, 800, open

' all rear. Boomi en aulte. Prlrate bathe. Electric light*. Elevator. Booklet. Monroe Hutclilugy, pro.

motoring, aupfrrl*# *ocl*J attraclltma. tad * tto*t excellent culilu* *bd aerrlc*.

y. D. THSOOKKOILTOlf, KO».New Yoik Booktog Office. 1180 Broadway.

'Phone Uadlaon Bdutre 4748.

Hotel Kendertonbeach and pier; family hotel; prltat* b*Ute: ocean view: elevator; euti parlor; home cooking. Speclkl $0 up wkly: Rat. Mon., $3. J, G. Mitchell,

k b a n b b d r ^ a . J.

.. u . . . . . . . Ob bMCh A bw 4-5 e a V ie w H o u s e w,]*. imp*.! toatint.h.ihln*. (lihina; board. IS to il2. Vr».B.*mOB.

fflarDiOtOligtbfilenktffiThe Wnahlngion Houe*—I block frua*

impta*; all home-made <iooklar ■ flOPHill BAURA. Prop.. Carr Av*,. gaaoa&urg* I*. J*



ALAN D A N E ““ «800 lit Av«.. reaaonablc; booklet. M. A.

block from SMITH.

T H E C O N C O R D , " ”*»*. li.acbnmellb*; r>t« IS to m . B. v. Jebawa, Prop

eoS Fiftb St*., nm. - ■ - *Ded:

THE ANNESLEY near QraM-Sprrlil 4th Julr r*t»i; twoblgt. Todd 4 B*»

The S even th A ve. InnBooktoL B. O. WIN DDE.

opacity IMI; bnaSI*!.AB^KY vaaK,

E. A.Two inia, to ocean.

»- J.O c e a n S p r a y H o te l near hegoh,Select family hotel, altuated In taldat nf all amueemeDta Ratea on appUraCton.


O A K B L U F F I N NASBURY PARK, N. J. Rooma' with excellent board tor a aelect few. IMrectly on Deal Lake; Dear octan. TTaTCRS BRog.

THE MATTHEWSp*cta) June «nd boMday rat**. M,V.M*ltb*i«

II Main Avb. Pull ocean view.

New hovia* ell Impta-: light, airy room*; horn* cooking. Spec. June raiei. A, D, LArNO>

LILLAGAARD ocean and bathingground; airy rooma; thoroli$^1y^cleaned; _ca-paclty 126 bpec. June rataa. , Pen warden.

Ocean Grnre Main Ave

STRATFORDS J ; 60 feat to ocean; f*ot of



SE4 BSBEZE OOTTAOB-On beach, boartwaJSi turf bathing; home eooktftfi up,

KLABS, Box 866, Keanaburg, If. J*

Under new managemeot; fineat locatloa od tha lake; hoatlog, hathln|> niblng; booklet

J. .1, StcTOS'NBlX.

Ulchlgao are., near beach: all modcra Impt*. J. r. ft M, 0. DONOVAN,

OLD PINS OOTTAOS. oer. Vain Ave. I 6 mlDUtea to oeaebj cl*M WOM*! f*™

JermtD cooking; $8 op. Mrk, M. KTagpi Frog-

HOPATCONG HOUSERataa 113 to tl4 per weak: boata. auto and

atage livery; open all the year.P, MA&T. Lgndlng Poetofflce.

HOTEL TENNESSEEOce*D end '^nn. Ave. Convenient to PtoD. Depot, plera and all amuaementa; $1,00 day up; 18 up weekly. ‘

BOftDLEir R. J ,

A. HBALT. HOTEL LAKENSEA850 ft, mein ftonUi*. PrtTat* tath*;. txelu-

..................E«t*riM P VUTnn Bimtiiow*, Inud 11.29 pertA B r TMUK 9*r; ro»l5*tH i«, JAB.^.MAL'RBB* Landing, N. j.. f.ake Hepatceng,


B E A U M O N T , het.i. T b t* ., » u .» t . mand table. Patlitni from bouae; fr« jfh^war batb; $8 to $16 wekly. L. K. LOtYBR^

Molferd't Hotel American ft European pl*&,21-27-33 OllB St..

1 block frnm ocean; reaaonable rate*; booklet,WALTER J. MULfgBP, Owner ft Mgt, >

S h a d y L a w ndinner, 60c.; IS-IIO,

Landlog; neir inaimg«B«nt: good ftablbi



STYX VILLA, $8. uiV:horn* comfort*; booklet. H n a w. H. CULUK.

ItVW VTIVN^ B'way: unobetructad ocean LLuitU iLlil ^ lake: home Mmforta;

term* reaaonahle-. under new mknAganientC A M P V IL L A O E Tol;

iOL Newark.' netnethlng

ratea. Aak ua about ft. P, 0. Box i

Royorott 20fl 3d A^e- July Thurs. dinner, Mon. b»fat. $6-00-

MBS. B. B.

OverlookiRg ocean and Eaplanade. Opeo* Jlwia 38.' White aervice. Capacity.-Baautlful aullaa with hatha



Sfmal Jw fatoi tlS VmUj Ci f i d t i m UMH. J.UI5EY




, L. KVAK8 , FBOP.,

THE BEVERLY ^RetH, n to 12.90 per Cey; »1* “P


Directly on bekeh. Flne*t platMe on « i* t Caterlni to e hl»h-claie petrone*. Hot era cold ■«* M'tler batba. _______


H O T E L f^R ED ER lC K ^eJ% ,J;^ou 'nS»aby lake.; ■■-n.h .r culilne. Rachlln 4 Sthaenen-

T H E L L A N Y M O R itll]apeelal file over

near ocean reasonable;


S t * E ^ l m oSpecial ratea over July 4 and waek-tndi


77 Main Ave- Pull oc**n view.


SUNSET LODGECentral Are., from Pitmao to McCHjJjto^^^L,

2 blocka from bench. J. B. BWBET.

. . «« I Block to Beach. FacingLake Ave. Hotel rt“ ’ rr.' i“ H*‘ !ror ! l;:PITMAN HOUSEDceax Auditorium; good home cooking. Terma teatopable. M HICKS.

BELMAB, V. $4 .Located on oceau front: well known for Jta

culelne and mueUal entertalDmcDls; apeclal ratea over the Fourth; moderate rate*.



let ave. and Bergh at.; get booklet. M. E JENKINS.

g r a m e r c y T H E B O S C O B E LMain Ave. 'Phone 1462 Aabury. M. L. BIOKEN

BIxlb Av*., near Beach. Running water In room* Booklet, D. H. STRICKLAND.

YIIDHORST 217 2d Ave.LSpecial June Ratea, B ooklet



Ona block from ocean. Bath on every floor. Ratea on appllcatloo. S- E- L BALeLARD-

dunaei nv*.; overlooking oceeir ft Sunaet Lake. Catering

irl«or thaMk REYNOLDS

K N IC K E R B O C K E R nb'JjrnTo.t*ble eieetlent. Alrth Tmt*.Block from ocaan;

PARK HOUSE,76 Mt. Caxmel Way, Cool rooms: good tab1«; 8 mlnutaa to Aabury: reieonahle rate*;-Cfrfitre ot everything: Ore loralloo. Mr*. J. R. Cbenowlth.

Hotel Raleighand Cufupean

20ft Lake Ar«.. block to ocenii. Amerlcaji

H, A. LOONBY. i tollata; ajiM* aerviee; moderate rataa.

h o t e l E L I Z A B E T H and Emory St.,near oceto. bom* cooking. t . J. MILLER-

Hotel ArdftleyaiiLgla rooma; muat*. *Phona 3ST.

214 2d Av*., block to b«aeh: «v*n)ng dinaar*; dancing; whit* §mrti^


CHATSWORTH,home cooktPi; leeioptblt

8<H 29 Av*., peer beech;

beotlet. CUBE.

eCteater.Diteet Oceta Pn*t.

mute. Cavteltr MO. ■AMTA A BO.TABD.


MAW50N VILLA SSL. *'t? 4^71-IP aoMaa; frwb yeaeUM**- V. WOU.

D A Y T O N Atg*klP*4 iMirtHa joatopej 4**w • ! «

M* M ATS. Dsai

****“ 5*a£/*

THE MARYLANDThese a»M. BeoSlet. ». A. OBOPPBB. Owstf.

H O LLA N D HALL»SfB^t,> block, to eeess. 8 IU , A M lixrf

H O T E L A M S T E R D A M(tpm Mil to Oetoliee. Alhert »**». Ptoi

E l R E B t t M U A ft.. Hobk to oceas;B l i i D B I V W n Lc((a alfy nosn:whit* eeniciimeaetoto. p, J. TILTOK. ,

OCEAN GROVE HOTED-Centrel locitlMl; comfortable rooma: alacirlc Hghta: cODvaplont


BELMAR. N. J*u : rooma an auU* wltb batb;


AVQN BV-THB-SEA, N. J.Directly on the ocaaii.

76 minotoa ftbtn New York.6 miQutea from Aabury Park.

Orcheatra dally. Boflpad aocla! life. Servlc* of high atandard.

Write for booklet.Special foe the Fourth

Tburaday dinner to Alnnday hreakfaet, $10.00.

HOTEL BRENTWOOD S S S S -l v- ------- iff-Rhtee. 110 up; autofflebll* pjrtle* »« '

flalod. 'Pbpne i Im Aebury. F J. Diet*u *...1 Osly hstel t dUBCtlr H o t t l OB betehi AllBeach View

caprepLbPcei; bot eed cold bithe., .M, P- Elloe.POIKT PI,BIASAHt, M. J .

THE LEIGHTOMHotel Belmoflfc Bermuda. Op*n all *a»-

merj cooleat location in Bermuda.

HOTEL COLORADO STR A TFO R D INNa v o n - b y -t h e -s b a . n . j .Now Oo«B for the Sejuob

Beautifully locAlod. facing ocean. Rooma, ain- gl* and «n iu1t*> with hath. Boating, bathing, fiahlng. termlB. Dally concerti *nd donclagr

Be Me BAINBRIDGE, P ro p d a to r

t h e BUCKINGHAM ^rch"**

HOTEL WINDSOR,Block to beach; evening dlaiiara; white *^lc*; every amuMment; rale* $10 $ip. M.

NEPTUNE HOUSE,20tb »eaaon; direct ocean front: boating , ^tiling, fiahlng. J. ft H. T. pOX.

N e w P h i la d e lp h iaVe»ndii overlooklcy >ea.

Ocean Pathway. Directly onjwech. HKS. c a.Aiotc.

ARDMORE. 8 Ocean Pilbway; aMommodatea tnu. Table better than molbePii eamfortabla

homa 'Phone 14S0M. J. M. A A. B. Koacey.

The C O L O N IA L ” ’

S A G A M O R Enth and Ocean Are*., neimar; Utbaeaeoti; $8 le »12.» wklyi 12 day. UBerty A Bfratton. Proiia.

THI OAHLITOKNow open tm Ita » lb teaaon, andw tM P t w t maaajreniept. M. B. BTOlLE.

fieleet patranaae; orcbeettt. ___cenuBOMtea 180; raafODtble ratea. E.

good eerrice: ac- ~ U. Parker.



SMcial rate for mootb of Jud*; baa* Sahint. bttblng, mualc; ahaded lawn*; f»a; b*«iy rar* u lib^; 46 uilea Lackawtnn*: ftne roid** aeto atTmnnnodailona; do moaquiton; aOQ;


8BA girt, Ifa Ja. 1 ;

THE TREMONT[Hrectly on Uj* IhBaehi «r*vy fo*B foil *•••■

' L?*ft ft WOOPWABa*view;

Girt,PARKER HOUSECto « .« . tonat; Mth ■


S riiane SlitnialEacani

f Rennki


1AB4S «f qiainlM tha MapuWe of aylvaaia arrlvnd auAl moampto*: aacUona of the v an tu ard ot (hi araoa who neat tha (tttif th ann C M ty a ^ f

KadoaAl en ic of th« Bapuoitc AJtrad Jl. Bpora Oh 111* prquad ( sta ff ar* a t the raaehod bare thli

Bath fell laat m m ta tor the < vetaPans wena m farad tha ellahti aoM ian marvel eraa t etly of t- ttoo mllaa wide for tha reunion, la a t, four d ay s

TTafolddd to t1 a t t number of a in i i t Held in aapanaa totaled, outlay of tl.Md.l

Feanaylyaala. ■tape totoard tin tlatlald, haa alt prlatlona hurpai W ar Depanm a ooiabtBad.

An toddUloaal aouab): to pnivli a t tbw taat mom ■Ml Iiawla E. O atty ibura Ann tara$ to H arrta to flabt to r tha tkm by tha Aa

Tha eacnp hari pancy. The an who haea bean are on tha laat apali of waatho laat n lth t n u tanta. Soldlart, aziMrleneed dID Now. with the N ennoyla In cJ m ant a p lana dc be drlvah by tt

Oovamor Tei afternoon. He campua of Uatt tantad olty ha* S u ta

A troop ot Potti-rllle arrlvi noon, and will p lefa iTOUDde. pitebad their U of tha collaKa

eiraultanaoue first of dosena citlaa. who will i porkata. raaletai time hSa been i manta and tha i agalnat tha pc picktd.

Major Nontio' tation among fi cleney of the a anouncad this a. had Srreed to II on a apur whie cooeaaalon will tha vaterana. w bean forced to tha city. The away. To go illuggage would travel weary’ vi

Under the and Boy Scout tralna and eac. tan ta Chvillani find their wa; vlittlng Will be be raetrlcted. old aoldlcre wll

A troop of I. a battery of ar r.e*t to two 'bi fantry, _ Theee detachm ent of Dapartment.

During the re enabled to gain of tha iarvlca a modern equtpn m ulket which death In the a

O attyiburg li vliltcra to r the beginning of thronged, the In attending the a Bona of Veterai reddancee hava weak. Prlcea townspeople a n A couch In a window le obt*

Oaneral “Dar lag in the ban ona of the ear: The genera! wi: noon, and a del celva hltm- Th aulte a t the I written th a t he under canvaa t


PITTSBURGl program of the asnIvW aary of Ju ly ,:1 (0 4

Waa annt Bhoenmakar, ol ^ t t i a - of CrOtt mlaalon. The to tha several i

Vaterana' da r . M.—Colonel man of oomrn llao tlag called officer. Openli Edw ards LoveA. R .. Addresi Secretary of t by Oovafnor J< vin la , Huiic. *aera. comma Address - by Ge eommajider-in- Vaterana. Clo K. U m 1». oi

MlUtarv Day, P. U.e--Colonal Ky., presiding! order by praai dress by Majoi «f Ponnaytvanli am tprcaa In tl gsant 'jtdin C. i oUaa trapraaar in tha. battle) 1 ^ b u n cem at B arry Bulkjey 0 , Blgak; nlual

Oovarnor't D 4 P . M.--J0hB Pandi^vaniA . dg lM to ordi nrayeri ad d rti PaMMylvania: iB. ItdCraary. PhUAdalphla ' I Villon. » t ' the display At a P.

Ko sat profx the oonmnlaaloi Idas th a t m an) opt w ould-dai U tat on (ha bi iJbiea days o t i


D O V en, Na J a

Id**! pia« fw taaiil**;

ap*cUi rgtaa cvw 4dL

U t L I m V soirsir u k * *t«.. St. J«*bmPl*e*i w«k from

ratftT H E F L O R I D A “ 'iJ j0«a«» and Ttft At*.( i

amtfrt ^er bou**2**piaf. MBS. BABTO

HOTEL STAFFORD, ,lead. Baagtrlaa Baahar taM at. J. OotoaMk

THE FAIRVIEWEosk* «*n$f*rtai pltnUful tsM*: no^rgt* fr»U«>

SUMMERFiai 60 f t fm a b**chr ow*_ .................... ... _ lookiag *ee*B! e _ ___

P*tl)w$yr; IfttTB* oxtidil hooklrte f t MrtdftWrtghtr

OCEAN BREEZE_ Block to Bates.■pta, xatot M (ictii« n flay BB > . taiigaak


Mott Attmttve House Ufl Coast HOTEL PANNACIHaw opaa. targaa tAOarto Baetonraati-laeMat


' d u n rnn> hotsl . .Nawioiudiiiid.iiutodp t.o a f ......... - ---------

B aK |i« n u d A I

UAKB view house. Dudd LAkW N.. i . Da- IlKbtfully iltuatad- near lake; asceJIult tablw

BMAlate on reqbtoC PAVPQLAWT. Manaiar.

PINE TERRACE INN\SDover’s New Auto Resortl-oceted on direct auto'roate to Lake Uopet-

m w A N A P O m r t i n , mechi V ho drove tf ftd>miiA Autoiw «y w ith hla p taca,-w i« k i; ta t t in g 'ou t a •Ib tan i, p tan!fatally. Jajurt

eani end Water 0«p; eapeelal attintlon to tour-.,;*... ----- «- “ •**-(2ing ifgrtle*: ■xo«tteat <11tiB«r*: *1m a 1* fill* grill. "TalapkoiM »tt6 Dover.


klEJNDOTA 80; g*o4ifhl*; outaid* foom*; booklyi «

GentUa* cmly. il'( ^ YRANl K,BUD0 HOUSD—Accummodai.** fid: be»t to c * ^

hiMiiit good tgbl*: now* obokiftg; ^ t i* . *Jty wQBtt; booklat ya rfdu**L Mtt, J. B*rg*ftnL

m . TAMOR. Ut J.

TMft AUIiUVGTON m t. TAgOft M. J.

JONES ft AYBE6. Propriator*.--------- idltoM: **«FBOTSL. N««fottiidlaod.. f t J*i U Ift* Mtl*:

V * ''w w g

H IG R iA K D I ON gaR fiW B B D R y. N., A

ASGDB AND T W IN U C H T COTTAGBS :Overiaoltlna rtvar_a»S 2 oaw;_awaiIiui ’


PAIB HAVBN, a . j .Bbnwabuty k » it. .

Two boaia dally traia Daw ■ and I

a u H P V IEW ,H orn,yato Bavaa. N. J. Tw

Tact, neUtv. t a t l ^ . waanag and boaltag.LEONAtUIO, tf. A


nCLUVEEW OOnASE, iM W da, *. », balblnt and- laeila; sB cogitoni .a< • W ’l * .

r n m n bH$ft« <■ *c«M ,

4 w. . _ * ^ U|, •.■J^ ■ A - - ’ V -

IptoW SarpiN eXOBO b b a :

ttHUi’'f te - th a I inlgglddirg'b'ari tloo. ftrdl anungSt w a tu i atanari havingSilitp?:. 3“ *'

' Iai|Mvaid.gtri M i v r ^ ' t o raa (uvatiiiuoiit ‘ ai thk t Was rams I tttfH dl^oS. 'a « > j [ t% ' bahi

f tc S (tit u i tbmdaaaa nian c ba agalnat'.

J -'a .-I



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watBFiq m u :IC H .

>1 2TT. t N. |J. A r>»5

/LGEto tlU

SfiLE.r n«w g«m#nt.T. 0«-lENBR.a Vl*w. IS op. Jeot U- ^GoTe l.

abora a N.




EE-ote cos­ta of tbe bo

» Boelc. bttbiBg,

d 0 Boot



E.Amon. «Acb: sll


I Walterj|o<rf

PPt rivfi.

SEAI. BjtdD-Ifl.iw Iioum;' t r ocM il aoeomtno* lo te i^ .i : dlTMtlraeb: eJl (. Sllot.

at. 14. kLtBLE.B aU SOD-

ONJ. Now


«a Olri. ■H. *. rail «w n

m oirt,V. i.

; wad fsk j \ ;3BVLIN.

INN\\(esort , -..f.Ike llojwc* on to tour<'C4A. I 1i cam :



■ul EactD>nKBt |i Advance of f Rmudo CelAration.


■fcMi oC 9 «inb«ri of th« Grand A rm r of tlM lU pu tllc of Ui« pspartm ent of Penn* ayiv%al4 arrivad bara today for thslr an* SU41 aocam pm ant I'kisy cans* from aU McUens of the 9 ia ia and constitute ibe vaopuard of the of C iv iL w ar vet* arans who neat week will celaorata here th i flttle ih anniversary of the battle of O attyahuri

KaOoaal efflcara of the OrejuS Army of the R trubllc, heeded by Commander

Jl. BperiL of Cotmectleut. a lto are on tna ground Commander B e en and hla ataff are a t the G etty ibura Hotel. They raaehad bare th(e forenoon.

Hath fell !a«t night, but the airange- mahta for the care of the Pchhaylvanfd vatarana weee so complete th a t none suf- fared the s llfh test Inconvenience, The Old aoMlart marveled as they viewed the ■raat d ty of ten ts, five miles )onf by ta>a m llat wide, th a t h a t been creAed for tbe reunion, which opene July l \ n d laeta four day a

tTftfoldad to the veterans w'as the larg^ aat iwmber of te rns ever pitched on a aibffta field in th is country. With the aspanea totaled, the camp rapresenti an outlay or N.sao.ooa.

RaaRayfvsJila, the firs t State to take stapa tolrayd tha preaervetlon of tha hat- tlefiald* has fflvan the bulk. Its eppro- prlatlona surpass the expenditures of the W ar D epartm ent and all other States eamMaad.

An attdIUoaal Appropriation of lA.OOO la aouffhR to provide for 19,060 veterans who a t th r la a t moment decided to coma. Colo- M l Ijawia E. fieitJer, secreiarV of the O attysburf Anniversary Commiasloh. mo- tor«4 to H a n is h u rf yesterday 'afternoon to flirht for the passage of the approprla- tJcwi by the Assemblymen.

Tha camp here Is atraul ready for nceu- pancy. The arm y officers and soMlers, who have been here for several weeks, a re on tha last lap of their task. The apaU of w eather unbroken by rain until la s t dlbht rtta rd ed speedy erection ^of taota. Soldlsrs, wielding heavy mauls, srparianced difficulty in driving stakes Now, with the ground loosened. Major Nonnoyla. In charge of tbe W ar Depart- m an ts p lana deolares th a t every peg will be driven by tonight

Governor Tener will arrive Sunday afternoon. He will occupy a lent on the campus of G ettysburg College A small t s n t ^ eity has been erec te l there by the 8U ta

A troop of S tats constabulary from Pettsvllle arrived here yesterday sft*r- noon, and will police the city and the col­lege grounds The 'Black Hussars" pitched their ten ts on the athletic field of the college,

Blraultaneous with the ronstabulary. the first of dosens of detectives .'rom b’g cities, who will be on the lookout for pick* pockets, registered a t headquarters. Nfuch time has been devoted to police arrange­ments and the detectives will he a guard against the pockets of visitors being picked.

Major Nomiovle. who is gaining a repu- tatlPn among fellow officers for the effi­ciency of the arrangem ents of the camp, anounced this aftemL>on that the rallrnads h id agreed to unload ail passenger trains on a spur which bliecis ih# camp The cODcaaslon will be of much assistance to tha veterans, who otherwise havebean forced to detrain at the sta tions in the city. The camp is about two mllea away. To go this distance carrying their luggage would have been' a hardship for travel weary veterans.

Under the iiaw* aJTangamenl soldiers and Boy Scouts wilt meet the Incoming trains and escort the veterans to their lam a Civilians, therefore, wull have .-O



h ir" " f a a P h i i w t * iW u k ' - W L jA , ■ ■■ ■■ ■

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V n w o f 1H*. t e n t t .5 c i i j u » k \ c k

w>U i i o . o n o V b t i k r t T \ j &4I V * UNION *n,() t k e ,

tO N H O t t lA T t S T ’n i * / . O « o . ‘




IV'-f .

C l o . r « V i^ « j n f e a c k

' O-T VA)k i t K « J i l \ k . o u . r * 6l^

v e t e t - a a f . —

C o o k i o i A t i W " ' — "'

t k * ' C f t o k f p * H B t t T v n ^ * * WAltll 1 I p-’***-



CAMDFTN' June -Convinced that there wes no element of viciousness In their p»"flnk. w’htcn caused the death of Jnw ph D» Fine, of Ph!l»aelphli. Prn*»- cuior K raft said yesterday afternoon that he woyld accept hall In the aum of Jl.iyx' Cor feugone Byacher and ^ 'a l te r Simon, the boys who used a compreaied air machine On De Fine with fa ta l resu lts on Tuesday.

Complaints charging the boys with m anslaughter were made yesterday, and Rercrder Blackhou^e held the lads for action by the grand Jury Prosecutor Kraft said th a t re;)ortfi submitted by his detecih'ea show th a t violence was not re­ported to in using the machine, and th a t the hoys. In their supposedly Innocent play, uere unfortunate enough to so apply the hose as to strike a fa ta l spot

, find their way to Gettysburg. WhiJe vlittlng will] be permliieii. the hours Will be restricted, end Intrusion upon tho old soldiers will not be encouraged.

A troop of United States cavalry ani a battery of artillery today pitched tents r.e*t to two battalions of the F ifth In­fantry. Theee commanda completed the detachment, of regulars sent by the W ar Department.

During the reunion the veterans will be enabled to gain An Insight into es ery arm of tbe tsrvlce and to make comparison of modern eoulpmeni to the cannon and roulket which reaped the harvest of death In the struggle flfiv years ago.

Qettyaburg Is quickly filling up with vlaltors for the week. Today marked the beginning of the fusK. The city in thronged, the Influx adding to the visitors attending the annual sneampment of the Sons of Veterans. Few rooms In private residences, have not been engaged for the week. Prices have Jumped, and the tQwnipaople are talking In double figures. A couch In 4 room ventilated with one window Lb obtainable a t U a day.

Oeneral "Dan" E. Sickles, who lost a leg In the battle of Gettysburg, will he one of the early arrivals of prominence. Tha general wMil come here Sunday after- ! noon, and a deleeauon of dtl*en* will re* | celva him. The general has reserved a I suite a t the Eagle Hotel, and he has | written th a t he Intends tn epend one night ! under canvas Lf his l.eatth permits, !


PITTSBURGH, .Tune officialpro tram of the celehratl»n of (he fiftieth a«nlv.ri-Bary of the hau ls of Gettysburg, Ju ly , : l to 4. WRS eompiftert today

announfed t>y Colonel J M. Shoonmaker, of th l, city, chairman nr the ^ t t l * . of G ettysburg Annlvereary Com- n latlon . The ceremonies as apportioned to tha several days a re :

V eterans’ day, Tueadsy. July 12, 4 P. H ,—Colonel j , M, Schooninalter, chair­man of oommlaslon, presiding. Music, Meeting called to order by presiding officer. Opening prayer by Rev, George E d m rd t Ixivejoy, chaplaln-ln-chlef, G ^ Address by Ltndley M, Garrison, georetary of W ar; address of aalconie by Oovarnor John K. Tener, of Pennsyl­vania. Hutic. Addreaa by Alfred B. Qeers, cbmmander-ln-chlef. G. a , R.; addreaa .by .Ganecal - Bennett K. Young. ComiBendor-ln-ehlef United Confederale Veterans. Closing prayer by Rev. H. K. llan iill, chaplain-general, U. C. V.

iaH tary Day, W ednesday, Ju ly J ,.; to 4 P. Ue-Clolonel Aodreyv Cowan, Louisville, Ky., presiding-, rnualc; meeting called to order by presiding officer; prayer; ad­dress by Major-General John R. Breoko, Of Peiuwylvanla (representative of N orth­ern forces In the b a ttle ) ; address by Ser­geant John C, Scarborough, of N orth (jar- OUaa (representative of Southern forces in the. battle): reading of Lincoln's Oel- ty ibu i|f cem etery dedication speech, by S a rry Butkjey: address by General John 0 , BlasA; music.

(Jovernor's Day Thursday. Ju ly 3, 2 to 4 P. M.--^4hn K. Tener, Governor of- P em v ^v an la , presiding: music.: tneeting «»tl«d to order by presiding officer; grayer; address b y . Governor Tener, of reiw eylvanla; address by (^v ern o r James B. McCreary, o f K en tucl^ ; reunion of Philadelphia ' Brigade and P lcheti'a Dl- tdelob, a t the Bloody A ngle:. fireworks display a t s P . M.

No sat proviani hga been arranged by the oonsaUsslon fitr Jn ly 4th, with' the Idea th a t m any of ihe veterans and vlslt- e r t would- desire time to v isit various tlteS on (he battlefie ld or rest after the three days of meetings.


Spfrlrrl nf YFirfi.MAT'S LANDING, Jun« 26—In Crtm-

Inal Court here this morning Judge C.T,s Cole sentenced W llllsm S Johnson, the Cape Ma> C ounty freeholder who was oon'.'ictrd IftJit wt*ok upon a ch arg e of tak ing a bribe to Influence his vote for a '•fram e up" franch ise. «o pay t fine of$?on ft,rii roatfl,

Samuel E lliott, who pleaded g u ilty sev ­eral we«ks ago to selling liquor on S un­day a t A tlan tic C ity and w as aentenced to th ir ty flays In Jail, - 'isa libera ted today and his fine of gJCO was reduced to $100- T

Tlife fine of John R eegan, who w-aa ) sentenced to pay 13*0 for keeping a dls- i o rderly house and gam M lng recently , w as also reduced to tlCO. I

rorrPitp'VjrfeiK'#TRE.VTON ,r is-« J6.-EffortP of thi*

U nderdlff Terminal Companv to obtain a riparian grant Along the Hudson River at Edgewater. v,er* renewed before the Bojird of P # s rlan Commissioners today During the term of Pre- jderu Wllsnn as Gcvprnor. the eornmlselon fixed 'h* price at I2feh a fool The Terminal company raid the price waa prohlhl^ve, and re­futed 10 pay It.

Among those who appeared before the commlaaion today svere \^'lllard U Tay­lor, president of the term inal company, former Senator William D Edwards, counsel foi Lite corporation, and former Senator Edmund W ^ ‘akelee. who ap ­peared for the borough of Edgewaier and surrounding property owners They ad ­vocated that the grants be allowed at kome price acceptable to the terminal



fttftff r4>rrf»rw»nrfiiHT("(iBRADLEY BEACH. June :» -A mo\.i-

men* for the organiiatJon of a tax- pavers' asiocldtion. through wfM.h hum­mer reildeni# «-ould ■olc44 their sen'i- m enu ae to the control of local affair*, has been started In (hie place

It It pointed out by those behind ihc mhve that many who are here onlv for the lummer h a 'o large property mter«eta at the report and • et. because ihev flo not vote here. h s \e no way of taking

A hand In the borough n government.A Change likely to he fought for bv the

I asacK latluii, If formed, is niun

rnrrr*pnndei»r*.TRENTON June 2€.^The appeAl of Mrs.

Katherlne Coleman from Ihe verdict of the Union Circuit m her 128.hOO damage suit Against Dr Nnriem L X^Ulson, of Elisabeth, occtipled (he atlenllon nf tha Court o f Errors and Appeals yesterday afternoon Mrs, Coleman alleged that he.' j ofhiisL'ind, Clarence W, Coleman, died as | eohems poin* to the prugi^6s of Asburv j the result of an operation performed | Park since the clt\ offi laU t’fi control by Dr. \STlaon and that death was due , of ihr bea. h


Dorer Befias Fornulatioa tf £bb- orate Plui for Parades asd

.Eiercises Tbii Fall.■W ---- ------ -—

MAYOR AND COUNCIL UfTIRESTEDiperfal fieeeife of IN* y flT g

t^O V lU . June H.—Tha Mayor apd mam- ^ r a '•{ tna Common Council itmt with

, representativei of the Fraa Public U<; b ra ry and XX'enun a Club In the council I chamber last n lfb t and listened lo a I brie f outline o f a program fo r the oh- I •er^'anoe of the 30blh annhersary of the

M ttlem en l of DovarI At the aufgeitlon of the rapreMPta- I tivaa, Uayor Mulligan appointa4 Aider- I man Edward Kelly, Recorder Frank E j Porter and ^'^uncllnian Herman T Mol-

ler Ks a committee tn select and orgamxe a general commiiiee from the civic l^cidics of the town am] from among Ihe rrsi- dents generally, to formulate a plan and get the project under headway \Vh|le Ihe date mr the calabraifon has not bean fixed. H ^'ill pral'iMy be held In (he fail

ChaPie* D Platt. \ Irf-principal of the N orthaldt Behool g*\> a brief outUne of what might be done in (he way of ob-

su^^ Ing the bi-cenierniel Mr Platt tug- ' gested pageantry taking up ^n enllre . w eek. ,I M’ Platt'* plan is to reproduce in [ten-

tomime iha survey made by John Read- * Ing In 1718 and the ston* and Iron age In , Do'iep. and reproduce in nilnlaiure torn*!

Ihe Indian village and the old forge voiv I ducted by John Jackson In Uii on the I blank known as Granny * Brook, nei»r I Iha present elle of the mill of the Btnglf-

ton 611k Manufaeturing Company This I foige was Ihe beginning of the Iron In­

dustry In this vicinity, the outcome of which Ip the plant of (he Ulelet Iron (Vork*

The Quaker age came next. The first mreilftg-house. erected In 1741, te still ftandlng near Mlllbrocik Genaral \Mll* laui Winds, of Revolutionary fame, pur- ( haeed * farm at East Dover and lived

' here in lT8b Upon him could be hung the Revolutionary period,

Tbere are still sr\«ral old bulldlnga lo which many hlatorlc favl* are attached. Including the old tavern w'here George W ashington li **ld to have eeten hla din­ner one day, the old LawTaaca house, bulH by Isaac Hence tn 1771.

"Speaking nf school*, ' *a1d Mr Flatt, "there la the old itone Academy still B lin d in g In Dicker*on itraei, and the old Dover Academy In Morris street The hi** lorlcal facia surrounding the erection of these building* are U4'‘ lng ua with the older generation."

Mr Platt suggeKsd having an exhibit of a* much nf ths work a* It li postlbie lo obtain of the pupils who a tte n d ^ thrr© arhool*. ingether with ihst of the pupils of (he numerous private schools and atad 4 mice

............ An old folks' concert, using the earlyIclpal ' eons* and h> mns, leltera from old resl-

I denia and forrner rasldenfs. were also



ProiiratsiTes and Repnblicins WiH Stare Yiand* and Oratory in


JERSEY CITT. Jun* » .-T h * r* U i l« t * wiflfl paMtlckl intwr'ki In ih* nABoujic#- m«nt toS iy th»t n( « dinp.r In RnhL n)f nn'4 h«ll hnre tonifk t B*pub lku 4t Pro*r«t«|vM w ill ruh «l6ow» «ns •p » « fh . i t»y intTi* e f th« reco*nUrt pa.

l» d » r i o f Ih* e iu e In all Ib r** p o llt f f it oainpt. O tm oorit*. R rogrualv** and RfpuW lc*]!* nlika. (h* annnunc.niant

wuh iiirp n ** , »kc»pt in c»r-(am Quarters

No le i! lhap three men whose ntm e| have been mentlimed as poarfblijtle* for the OovpTnorafiip wm epeuk One them. Rntieri a Ourev. a furmer Comitlim Pleas Cuur' judge, \n a Progressive , T h i others are fa rmer Governor R C Stokeg, who ha* atrlven ui rm n ile the RepubtL tang and rri^ai-eaaivea. and Benator A uf- t*n Colgate, Who tl t i irndtriiD fid. would Out hie ehuulQsr any wh-.el tha t m ight make ffenalor KverHf rv^lby Oo».ernor The dinner U la undenlood, w u arranged by Mr Colgate.

Then, loo rhs-tc wn\ bv Chairman Ed* munO \^>hcJe*. of the RepublicanSlate cornmiuec, who atartlad hi* feltoww k ttle ra Ir (h« part^ a few weeks ago b> uvowifig the futllliy of the Republicans and rrogreaalvea separnlely wresting con­trol of the Slate froni (he Democrats, Ua created dUruselon that ha* beerj going Oh aver since a* to ih« probability of ih i4 RitpuMIcan* Indorsing a P rogrW lva a* their candidate, he iimvlng mentlon*'f Uoih> a i being of a type that h« would gladly aupport for the norn<natl<)n.

It) punr^ing the dinner, it Is said. Mr. i.'oUevB »rn t tn exirrme* to get tha l^adrrh of both pertlei logether fo r a gt>^ nr In this he was only pa rtlyau^-ceHefgi for It la declared that OeOrga L Rfciird and other radical Progrcitlvoi turned n deaf car to the IhvlUltfOD.

6anie of the pniliical wiseacres uaa In (h i* dinner crmdng as U duel, on tha eve of a gethenriR of Republican eountf chairmen in TrerKon, an e ffo rt to crya- taU lta »ei>tment for a reconciliation and If poraibie ro rrau ll any action by tha county chairmen * organisatloci that would tend to widen the breach betwasn Iha two pgrtlea. _________ .

OrderC O A L

YourN o w l

o»ner&nlp o f the bea< li froni w-hlch is .now controlled by Jam es Bradley, founder I auggested by Mr PUIt The plan i* to

the resort The a(Uo4aie.4 of tli'* | r.evK parade* with floats exhlhlHng the hiep* In the hisiorv of Dover and ad-

DO Not Delay•?:rs. S 'prices

dreeses on hletorUal topics

to th* negligent manner In W’hlch'^-lheoperetlch was performed and the subse qiient treatment of the pntlent

Foi some lime prio r to consulting L')r. Wilson, Mr Coleman had been a euf- ferer from an a fflic tion of the no*e, which had already necesaltaied ae\‘aral opere- Mons He waa referred lo D r Wiieon by one of the epeclallais who had previ­ously operated upon him. Dr TYiIeon performed another operation October 3.

let* thancompany.

Mr. Taylor pointed out (hat when the terminal company bought the uplenfl adjacent lo the ildew-aier of the river, It did io with the understanding that the

The patient died wf-f=ke later.

The suit was brought under the death fli i. the two ground* relied upon by Mrs roleman for recovery being (hat that

. I major operation had been negligently per- riparian right* could be bought for about ^er husband hod beenr ; a foot Mr. Taj-ior admlued that no , ,ubafqutmiy urukilfiilly and caraltssly

treated The (rial court excluded con* I Blderabis testimony offered by Mr*. Cols- , man and thl*. together with exceptions

taken to various portion* o f (he charge

Many jmpiovemenla along other Hni*. partirularl)' ae l<< stieeis. a:« needed. 11 Is further pointed out and the IB exprCBsed that an association o f ti.f kind proposed could d" much toward bringing about the deeir^d mndltions

Among iho.‘-e Intetpy-tcd m ihe mci'.*- mert are Thumaa F of the Hotel Lahostelr:.' tn the resort, (.'laien e W firniUi publisher of a local weekly newspapci ,

three | Martin fUtlnihal. Edgar 6 (E arner. «.■, Carroll Mtryln. Charles J Tire and Joi'.n J. Garrlty.



no'*' and 6*'prices-

o i ' *' (oUow-


No. M Iton


authentic atatemkp^ made to 1this effect, but examinations of th ords of the coipmleslon indicated (hat 175 was the average price a t which ri­parian rights had been disposed of In that vicinity.

Relying on the representation made by the former owner of the uplands, Mr. Taylor Bald the terminal company hafl expended from $60,000 to tTS.oon m Im­provements, anticipating th a t It wduld be able to buy the riparian rights for a fig­ure within Ita means

Mr Wakelee said th a t the completion of the plan* of the term inal company would be of great benefit to the borough of Edgewater He remarked that

of Judge Vail, appeal-

formed (he baste of the


gram wanted now consists solely of mud fla ts under water. The commiaslon re­served declBlon upon the application,■ The terminal company Is already

etnff CnmnpOAiifnt^-TRENTON, June 76.—Dlsmleslng an ap­

peal of Myra L, Winner, the Supreme Court has affirmed a Judgment of %W> obtained in the F irs t Diatrlct Court of

the I Newark by William V. Mulford againsi


i AenJre of (Ae VFIT5i CRANFORD, June 26-T h e legemy of i the Issue of 1120.000 Cleveland School I bonds, recently ►old ic R M Grant & i.'n I of New York, ha* been queelloned To

add to the perplexity of Ihe Board of Eduesdon. bids for the building desired

j nave not come wUhln the apprr'priation Meanwhile taxpayers are complaining

! that the interest is going on while there seems no Immediate prospect of relief

Fpprifjl gm*fre rtf fhfHOBOKEN. June 2 6 -M ore like a walk- ,

Pun’imer-, proprirtur J ^host thao a human being was the • R-lne, (he largest , Johanne Boss, (wemy-four

years old, of Chicago, when picked up hy policeman Edward McFeeley, of th ii rjty . early this morning a t Third and Garden streets The men. without , shoe', sock* 4.'r hat and clad only la ' an underahjrt and trousers, almost fell ; into hla arms' from weakresa After partaking of some coffee and eomeihlng to eat Bo*b vent lo aleeSL from which U was impossible lo awaken him until noon today In court Boas said that he waa walking on a wager from Chicago to Bcittan and that hl ‘ money had El^6n uut and that ho had been compeilefl to sell everything he had. even to hi* hut and shoes. In some places, he told (ho court, he picked up a. few |(eniiieB by doing odd Jobs, but in most of the toun^ he went through ho wa* Ire.atfld badly

I'he physical condition of the man wse deplorable. hiB feet bemg cut and so ,


TRIMM®**® " j nut- ,r £ e l k -

N L T. i>*'h i g h


ton. SS.)0

Co»' i«Uvered

O rder*


y\acej « 'y 1

and S*''*BeforeM ooeJ'

lifst54 4 IlfP

f S - f d 'H i

miner & C o -

L a t a y e t t e S t . '

threatened with legal action for allegbd treipasa upon S tate 's properly, thecase having been referred to the attor- ney-general'fi office.

Property and eecurltles ow ned by Mrs.Velma M K ltchell. wife of W illiam H.K itchen, form er w elghtnaafer In th e paper mill of the B a rre tt M an u fac tu rin g Com-

suK* fried to g e th e r before V lce-C han- ! BAKER CONViaED IN SECOND CASEcellor Dtevens today j ----------------

Ae w eighm sster, K lti-hell end e e r te ln 1 j e r s e y CITT, June M .-A tu ry tn o thers, including T hom as M. H all, w ho i Bulllvan’s court y e ste rd ay afte r-waa superin ten d en t of the p ap er i ^ l l , a re guilty of a t-alleged lo havrt defrauded th* B a r re t t I . * _ q4-h burglary, and he will be sen com pany out of J l l i ,871.37 by raM n - uf 1 very soon. B m efalse w eights and frau d u le n t Invoices fo r

Mrs. W inner The suit Involved the ren- ta l of the defendant's apartm ents, con- | ‘°V"cent Fisting of aeven rooms. In an apartm ent- house In Newark. The defense of Mre.Winner was tha t she was constructively evicted, being forced to move because her apartm ents were Insufficiently heated.

The court has also affirm ed a Judgment nf t-vn, obtained In the First P lstrlct Court of Newark by Charles F. .Nordstrom

from school congestion , he, could hardly ' aland t'earlriR tha! the hardehTa !i«

had endured had afroefeU hla mind Re- th'e I corder .Mettovern had him remanded for

ten days for examination as to hia tden- llty

The Grant company

Although the validity of the Issue Is ouestlon the trustees have the money 'The ouestlnn was raised as to the method of sale. No bids were offered when the Issue was advertised at four and one-half

against Ralph W, P a in e and othera. Tbe action Involved a under which Nordstrom was employed as shop super­intendent by the defendant*.- The District Court of Jersey City was reverse.! In giving Judgment for Isidora

greed 10 take tha bonds a t five per oent. and the offer w'aa accepted A instiaver Inquired of the Plate department of banking aa to the propriety of this proceeding, and says he was told that It the bonds were not ad-

' vertlsed at the increased rata they are of I no value.

materials th a t were never received.U IS alleged that part of the proceeds

of tlie alleged transactions was Invested by Mr,s. K ltchell In a property on Sec­ond street, in ElUabeth. and In certain inortgages held by her.

The second bill was filed In aid Of » writ of attachm ent Issued under the p rac ­tice act following the recovery of an In­terlocutory judgment against Kltchell tor 1141MCS5, In which amount Interest and costs were Included. Th« P roperty and S e cu r it ie s out of which the B arrett com­pany seeks reimbursement la said to bo worth about tSO.OOO.

The flrat bill seeks to Impress theso properOee and mortgages with a tru s t in the B arrett concern'* tnvor.


The Eighth W ard Progressive commit- tee met lest night and Indoreed E verett colbv a'» a candidate for GoYeTnor. Th* meeting expressed a sentim ent th a t had been learned In the various district* of the ward and steps were taken fo r or- ganiiatlon of d istrict com m ittees th a t It Is expected will fu rther the work of the party In tha ward.

Alderman Daniel Hopper waa elected ae the ward chairm an, and the o ther offi­cers chosen were: Vice-chairman. H ar-rtaon H. Van Duyne: treasurer, R, A rthur Heller, and secretary. Edmund Base. Ra- porti were received from each d latrlc t captain. The resolution supporting Mr. Colby read:

"As the sentim ent among the Progre*- *lv« voters of the E ighth W ard la alm ost unanimous th a t former Senator E v ere tt Colby should be the nomine* Of the J’rogresslve party for Governor, tn ac­cordance with such wlehes we hereby In- d o r« him fa r the nomination and pledge him Our l,earty support."

The cotttnilttee alao took action favor- xbte to the eatabllehm ent of the com­mission form of government. A resolu­tion wM adopted in which the Progrea- elvea p le d g ^ thgir aid to the-conunittee of one .huiHUied which has undertaken the preUmlnarie* of a suhniiision of the ques­tion of a chartge in governm ent to the voter*.

tcni-fd very soon- Buflier was the man i F. Meyer and John F. C, Meyer sgstnMtried before Judge Tennant on April 14 ! the Allisnce Inveetment Company Thelor carrying concealed weapons and found | suit Involved a claim for rent of a leasedhoi guilty after some of the Jurors had | property for one month.thraalened to attack those who etond lor a conviction. . . .

That first trial developed Into s Jury scandal, and Judge Tennant discharged th* Jury from further service In the H ud­son courts. It took the Jury In Judge Sullivan’s court only fifteen m inutes to find Baker guilty yesterday afternoon


Shot* M all Service Expand*.Corrfnp')n t*ncn

AflBURY PARK, Jun# ^ x t 'tclerks and three adriillonal carricie wi.l be added to ths force hi the local pon- offlce next Tuesday. Two of the ne-i carriera will serve ihe holds, us.iig pony carts.


A L L E N H I.R P T , Jun<« 2 C -T h e r f r A r f l fo r M q *trlp<*d Oaas slond: (he N o r th s^nr- dey ehor^, If not t l o n t (he w h o ’ # coast, v .flfl b rnken Inst n lR ht fo r the h#cond dm e w i th in a Y«,eek. when .1 G u r f le ld A p p lc - f fa t t . o f B ra d le y B^ach. landefl one in e rlfT^•orK■ pound* nine Thenihp r I'pcorfl n’as n-ridp h ‘' Ahi'ahHm F^a-

also fjt Bi-fiflSxy. v ' o hea-hp'l nn ’rY fiigh lng f fu tv -n ln ^ pn :r;ris th re e o i . r f ' i n

Are You Proud of Your Walls?When the guests begin to scnifi- nizeV A little carp in the selec­tion of Sanatone for the bedroom, bath or kitchen will afford ever­lasting self-saiisfaclion.


The MOST REMARKABLE OFFER of the S ea son Another -SCH EDU LE K” Sale

UPPSiR SANDUSKY. O.. June J4.— Not heeding the w arn ings o f lbs bridge tender, i t la alleged. H a rry Daniels. . aged f if ty - fo u r , banker and b u s ln t i* 1 man ol th is c ity, drove hts autom obile ;

1 th rough an open bridge a t P o rt C lin ton ' early today and was drowned In tw e n ­

ty fee l o f water.‘ Mr. Daniels had s ta rte d to re tu rn toi th is c ity a fte r cor-udlng the n ig h t In ! P o rt Clinton.

Sues Xesserker* fo r In trlB se m e nS .Staff CorrufMKtience.

TRENTON, June IS.—The P res-O -U te Company o f IndlanapollB has In s titu te d su it In ths U. 0- D is tr ic t C ourt to res tra in CainlllB and Ida B ournonville . o f Newark, from In f r in g in g certa in patent righ ts and trade-m arks fo r acetylene gas packages. The company also seeks to recover damages o f tS.Obb.

'tS 1

RV, g . A .:

lTTA O K *1^i Heat M te.Box a i

guiy klstr.r tnm »*•I boatiat.

- iijr*.'. ■J-**'vv': It • sfriTOl*


. -—I. ...-T*-. .._--- ,T— ’ : -■ - 7 ■. raniA N A P O U R ■ June 3«.-rHarry

Kartlti, mecbkntelan (or Charles M en, tpho. drove tav la st lap in the recent

' |M >aU * autom oblls rate at the 'Spsed- irg tjsr lth hi* car on Are to win third

I'., glace,’wait k illed a t th* speedw ay whlla -I tM tln g'ou t a ca i today. Abtriin’a aa-i >f alhtaht, r fa » k Agan. w as probably

jataU jf.iaitirid . 'stgi?: V WT— - — ------------------ . ■

iSC AU PEim ONSm -LON^ BRANCBtpaMT danrfe* of. fAi XBW8.

L 0 5 0 fBRAKCK. June » .-T w o pett- Atpoa'.far the rtcaU of tome p t the com- g lladdM ia here a ra aaid to ha in cJrcula- tton. 'n * flrdt year o f oommltilon gov>

« a* v p « tpotifh a to , th e eommia- gMWB having ta k a s edfle'a the t i r n week th H hr, J « l ..... ''tv f

XEKgpvtitJKniau. etoagfaik*, S ghii, ete.. iMiWMt 't* r«H Uie aktw thm flip honwgh

BUMnm and W * « t'E n d E ldt Ufa* TampBSf juat Amtora tha LtgU- ;W)*ia elnyelll.. T he c e t t t n r * a ra aatlided, ahd tt to Troon how.uph net^ba*{ T ipbugtaaaa m « r t i tia iig Branch hr* laid tp ' he against — '■11 igM flirillil th - M v a

.JPHJ -------- --

WILL OF M IS. MARY A. BATTINThe w ill o f i^ a ry A. S a ttlh , o f th is

d ty , srho died ,oh Ju n t 11, was tile d fo r probata today. Th I t she 'a iad* a tew apeclAe hequetta and provida* th a t realdu* faa g iv tn in aqual d )a ir* i to the Ham* to r the Piiandloaa. the N ewark Orphan Aeytu in ahd the> BaUaa' H ob- U tai.

To her grandeon,. Joseph. M. ^ t t a Jr., s'h* gave the aum o f IMO, and to other grandchUdthn, E. H. fi. B a ttlo , C)race ,E. and U a ry A. E attlh , the ggv* EW each, to be. kept is tru s t u n til they ere o f age. The executor 'U B lw o od ' C. H a r r^

AIXD WOllUN REIREIIBERS HOMEsr.Uktn 'jutrltui AsgUia.t* M phbise

wheMi yeetarday ah* waa plckajl up Ina dasad conqitlon, unahla to te ll w))«m she Jivedi. -tihe police to d a y ' w*|io 'hU a to revtee he r aeneUiiiiuss *o th a t «h* tocognlxed h e r hoole, aa I * Jonea atpeat.' Th* woman « u toagd a t U ttle to n and Betdh O n n n i avespa*, gad tahaa to tha C ity jSo*Ott*i.- w h a i* *h * waa caMd to r u n tfl J M morning. A t ih a .Im atilla l -a ll th * i lH m a t io n she could waa her name and th n t ifce h a F tw o "orodM nrda' the (ity .-oadT ir whom wne * , butcher, sihe SB am 'en ij-tou r.jw ir# old.' ' ‘*» . : ■ ' ■

Eyes should be examined at least once in two j%an

Probably yours shouia be ex­amined now. Our examini- tions hre made by Oculists (registered physlcians)who are thoroughly careful and scien­tific; your money is refunded if your glasses do not give complete satisfaction.

An examinatioTi of your eyes will mean no obligation to pay or buy. If your glasses do not require changing we will tell yoq so.Harns Glasses cost $2 or more.

^!2i y ^Q ftd O (6 CAana >’

597 B R O A D S T R B F T Oo same Uoek whdi Babaie*a,

Newitbf. .

f(cw York— Bfookfyji-^Newarit'

6,500 Yds. of Fine WoolensBought a t Half Price and Made Into

1800 Suitsto be sold at

$ 1 4 5 0 t o $ 2 9 ® °THESE PRICES BELOW WHOLESALE

in Addition

OUR ENTIRE STOCKis reduced to m ake this the most rem arkable value-giving Sale of the season

1J This is the luckiest wool purchase we ever made. The doth f o r t h e s e 1,800 suits came to us as the

result o f tariff agitation but three weeks ago.^ H e r e it is, a d d e d to our stock— fresh fabrics un- c q u a i e d in t h e market.

^ Nowhere in New York is to be seen S'uch an as­sortment of summer suits.!f Other stocks are depleted—N ot ours, thanks to good shop management.f Moreover, the whole showing in the four stores has been reduced to l/css than Wholesale Prices.

The reduction affect* every sack and Norfolk suit owned by Smith Gray, dre»* suit* and Tuxedo* not included

Positively the Newest Clothes shown in New York today. Every Garment guaranteed by the Smith Gray Label.

Two and three piece suits, Tweeds, blue serge, Norfolks-every one a 19t3 style.Suita made $18 to to tell (or $22

Suita made $2S to to tell fat $28



S J 450

$ 1 9 5 0

Suit* made $30 to to sell for $35

Suit* m ade $35 to to >eU for $45



$ 2 4 5 0

$ 2 9 5 0


9 th Jr ^ i * ^ | T . F O y R S T O ^ V.5U

t-V l

THEmTERIOP.FUTftU-PWHT"fie'te-'yArrI (iuFirriiriT'.'rfi'1'y ^. , . IlHF.'fllriHSftN Wii(HiHNI.M11M4jro







s m W nduct

mV John A, M tCirthy. formerly of AI-

TO BE SCRUTINIZEDtM w t CoQftreiice Workers In-

iped Central instilntioo for Deaf, Bliiid and Iniaiie.


w « r ‘ ’’V « j r y ^ » ^ I Legiilatnre Orders lavestiRation of Governor s Campaign rands• t r u t Tuoodiy mofnlnl. »h<l

r^n™Mh d " . I o ••*rch h»d to ro-« n ! f y C c l ol h .r ih . t.m .ly r o ^ r t - « i Ih . foeti to Ih* P«*h* !»*• *'**•’';T h . win'* "*’* **** *’**" '*' *** ---------------

and Patronage Awards.

ru proprlHorPr.M .Knrili'rboclc»r E*pr*M In Albony Mr. M cC.rthy 1._ » •I*'*''

fgMcdtt S rrTtt of i)te yEW t. \8PFIN(1FTEI.D. I l l . J u r . M.-A 'l*l< t “

ALiBAMT, N. T . Jon* M.-Afl«r th .


PA TB RiO N . Ju n . « ,-C .u * h t In til* ; l l n U U U v I / U V V i l l irholn of an outotnobll. truck, Henryy 1ailtH-h.r, of U1 E o .t E lih ic .n lh .tr* .! . i —

B^n t Mcmor'li BaltusiolYougster SbowsHisClaisM oiptu l y c il.rd ay a ft.rnoor. , f* J / 1 0 * C _

fclncher, who w i . rldln* » blcyclo »t | ( ^ f | | 0 ) / 5 m fOXR Iv .r and Biaaicbt atraal., ran Into th* uOk . . . ... "■Ida of a truck owned' by the Pataraon and Now York Gxpraa. Company. Tha ' colllalon thraw Btlnchar on to tha chain '

Hills Tomnej.

haUed h* waa whtr1«d around could b a ^ p u j^ jj UP sevENTV-FIVE tees up

V 'n d ^ 'r 'r r : ; V » r ; ; 'V V r c t V “ L . . . . . . . u r , had deal, a deth^ blow to thaI - “p " ']” 'Lcja W aahlngton. i Sulicr dlract nomlnallona bill In tha San

tha lUlnoii State Inilltullon. for tha * M cC.rlhya hava lived In th ii city | ate yeaterday, It iwaied th a am end^ Wind, the deaf and tha tnaana, at Jack- y , , , , . ^ I Hlauvalt bill, ambodylna tha Damwratic■MivlUa. waa made today by tha dale- gjf, on an errand f”v^he^motB- . org .n lia tlon 'e "plan of primary reform,yataa to the annual conferanra of the , r when iha Atnarlcan haaoelatlon of Officlala iCharity and Corraellon. which li In aaa- v a ' „ r a n * a d for her to a t- •ion hare. '' (or the flrat time yeaterday. The

Thia la tha laat day of the conference , ^juld Im ailne no rea.on why aha•hould have wlihed to leave her home.

Hha waa to her home and then fo to a

and the d tJtf.tea were entertained on Ijialr arrival a t Jackaonville by tha offl- d a le of the varloui Inilllullgna, The Na­tional Aaaoclalinn of Superlntendenta of the Blind haa bean In aeialon at JacK- ■onvllla thta neck.

Tha eonvantlon 1«M nl*hl heard the re­port of 0 . P. L.awli. aocrtlary o( the Prlaon Aiaoclatloii of New York, who la chairman af tha commlliea on corrae- Uonal problimi. A dlacuaalon on munle- Ipal farina farm colonlaa and the prob- latna of parole waa na.t on the profram.

The committee report covered a review of Important fealurea of the laat Iwelva l^onthV In tha varloui Btataa tha a l|- nlflcant davalopmenli, and tba aarloua problama irtalny from preaanl develop- aMhta In our hrlaon work In America.

A marked frow ih In lha oppoaltlon to capital piuilfhmani, particularly araonc tba wardena of Stale prlaoni, waa ra- ported.

Tha report ritea the etruaclea to abollih oentract labor in Virfinla. Alabama, Flor­ida and Maryland. In Maryland a apo­d a l commlaaii-n reported emphatically In oppoaltlon to the contract labor ayatam and u r |ad new method* along aduca- tlohal and raformailva llnea

lavaatltatlon* me now In progreaa In New H am pihlrt. Miailaalppi, Taxai and Aykanaaa. The report adda:

‘T he oampalfp for tba abolition of county Jail* cohtlnuaa In Maw York MU* were Introduced provldlnd lor lha raorranliailon of the county panllantlary ayitam aa a ayatam of Btala dlitrict arorkbouaea In Indiana a State work- bouaa la lO ba aatabllahed. which will partly tUaviata lha condition! In tha In­diana county jalla.

"Tha probation movement I* maklnf atoady and traU fylng prniiaea in many part* of the country. The tendency la tow ard the eatabllahment of apeclul ceurti for dafinit* cl***e* of offendori, uch aa juvatnllaa, deaertera and other non- BUpport caaea. In New York City there la alao a night court fur tha trial of main caaea and a night court tor tha trial of famala caaea.

"Agitation la el»'> frequent for lha


ENGINEERS REACH BERUNBERLIN. June J4.—A large party of ... . . . ------------ — -----

m em bart of tha American Society of Me- j inlcrcollagtata champion, waa

(faff CorrMpowdtwca.FOX HILLS OOLF CLUB. Clifton, B

1., June » . - M a i R, M ariton, of Baltui-

chanlcal Cnginaari, accompanied by a

WIMBLEDON, England, June » - W l t h Maurice E MeI.oufhlln, the Amerlcar. champion, out of today ! program of the Bngllth lawn tannla champlonahlp touroa- ment, tha m atch between YY Norrla tV 111- lama, of H arvard, one of Ihe American Davl* cup team, and R. F. LeSueur, the South African Davla Cup player, waa the main attraction , and large crowd, ga th ­ered round the centre court.

William* won the match. »-«. »-»•■Whll* th a t match waa being played.

Craig Blddl*. of Philadelphia, "h aourt, haat F. H, Jarv li, of England. 1 ^ ] I—I, 7—B

Walloo* Johneon. of Philadelphia, had a w alkover. ** O A Carldl*. of Eng-


" a^ 'vT o 'o rL 'l former Brltlih champion, beat B. P. Bchweiigera, the ^ " • '5 '“ " champion, by three tela to one, « - l . «-*.

C.“ J>«rke. of the Brltl.h Davla Cup laarn. beat A H. Lowe,"^^ ii,;c^ "v ‘7 r .o ^ * " o ? - } h U e g a


which waa denounced by Qovernor Sul le r aa a aham and a fraud.

The houaea laat night unanlmoualy adopted a concurrent reaolutlon conferring on the Frawley committee, which la to |n- veatlgale lha conduct of the Stale de- parlmenta under the Sulaar admlhlatra- tlon. apaciflo powera to loquira Into the Sillier campaign fund and the Governor a alleged nee of patronage and veto power in hla direct prlmarlea fight.

All day long the Senate aaiembly chambara rang with danunclallona by Ijam ocritlc m am heri of the Governor whom their own party put Into

While tha Senate waa dlapoilng of tha 8 ul»*c bill lha Aaiembly took up the Blauvelt bill. T hli I* the urganiaallon primary bill, which In the doling mo- manl* of the regular *««lo“ eriior v.load. The Aaiembly by a 77 to » vot* paaied the Blauvelt meaaura again yeaterday and afterw ard pent It to the Sanata. wham action of lha lower houaa waa concurred In without dahlia by an «rtv VO(0<

Gomrnor Sulaar'a bill permitting the award of highway repair contracta with­out conipetltiva hddlni w *. denounce In the Senate today aa an attem pt to I-"* the Slat* ttetaury . Backed by a

num ber of ladle*, arrived hare today from Dreadan. They depart for Dueaialdorf Sunday.

M’ DONOUGH-EVEREnMUi Agnea J. Everett, daughter of Mr

and Mr*. John B. Everett, of U Elm etreel, Orange, waa married laat evening to H arry J. McDonough, of South Or­ange The ceremony waa performed In St. Jo hn* Catholic Church. Orange, by the rector. Rev. M, J McDonald. The b rid . waa attended by her alater, Mtaa Caroline Everett, and Andrew McDon­ough, brother of the bridegroom, waa beat inui) The u iheri were George and W alter .McDonough, brother! of the bride­groom, ami Seymour B Everotl, brother of tha bride.



tne beet of the early golteri to return card* In the qualifying round of the an ­nual Invitation tournam ent of the Fox H llli Golf Club today. He came In with a 71. which m ight have been aeverol •trokea lower but for two or three poor hole! on tha Inward nine.

Maralon »a* out In Yl. even paf. but lapaad on the eleventh, Yourteenlh and fifteenth holaa largely through requiring a i t r a trie* for tha cup. At the eleventh lie wo* |u * t abort of the green In two fine ahota. but fuaead around to r tlv* n .ire hafore he could get down.

Attention la being given today to a qualifying round of eighteen hole*. Match play will be on the card tomorrow roorn- hiB Thar* a re aevanty-flv* entria*.

Among the acore* are the following,Dr. a . D, Hamlen, Englewood, 49, 49—

9S; J. E. Hale, Ridgewood. 41, 47—19; C, E. T. Scharpa, Foreat Hill. 47 , 48- 96; Dr. C. M. Cohen. Inwood. W, 60—100.

fperial gfvrlce af (*c Vi'S'*JK IUET CITT, June K -F o rm ar Mayor

Wiitpenn cam* to Ih lt city from Balmar for a few hour*' i ta y yeaterday. After mealing former City Clerk John H, Morrl* b* left for tha ttja ld * raaori, where h* la racuparillng balor* commencing a per­ianal campaign for the t^ubarntlorlal nomination.

Mr. Witipann aald Ihal h* wanted It un- derltood thai* lh* legal action In which the new W alih aoi adm lntitritk in find* Iteelf Involved In Ihe m atter of Ih* teat of tha legality of the praaant adm lnlitra- tlon la on* th a t h* dlaapprovaa of *n- llraly and I* In ns way connected with.

T am very aorry th a t tba m atter ha* been taken to court," oald Mr. Wltlpenn. Tt waa clearly the Intention of the peo­

ple to give commlaalon government a chance, and I do no l'th lnk any one ahould attem pt to defeat the election.t

'Telling of hi* campaign plana, Mr. W ltt- pann aald ha would real for another weak and "Ifen tha fight will bagbi."

apacli! meiaage and an ameigenaysage to tacllltalB Sti pa*_**;»,

Tha marriog* of Mlaa Maud Oil'd* Snowden, of Philadelphia, nleea of Mr*. C. M. Frantic*, of Bellavue avanu*. Upper Montclair, to Paul Philip W agner, *l*o of Philadelphia,- took place at St, Jaraea'a Epl**op*l Church. Upper Montclair, yea­terday afternoon A reception a t th« home of Mre. Prentice followed. Rev. N aiaeu S, Stephen*, rector of the church, officiated.

Mlea Empllne A. Snowden, of Philadel­phia, alater of the bride, waa maid of honor, and the brtdeamalda were Mlea Anna Loulae Snowden, of Philadelphia,



women- In Waalilngton eucceai continue* to follow the efforta of the Judge of the JuvaAtle court of that city to caute wife doaertara to aupport their famine* by avoiding a prlaon term through the pay­ment of their wage* In free

' to their famlllea tlirough the medial!' n of a probation officer.

"in New York City a almllar law h*a been paaaed for the treatm ent of non- •upport caaea. the alternative being a workhouae aentence, counird with fifty Canta a day payment to th# family of the priaoner.

•The qileitlon of aterilliitlon of crim­inal* haa received further attention dur­ing the year, and both In practice and theory there have been eti apparent re­action agalnat the frequent operatluna and th* anthualaam th a t characterlaed tba movement In recent yeara. Opera- tlon i have been conducted very rarely during the laat year, and In aeveral Statea the eonatltullonalUy of the act h a t been queitlonad.

"The honor ayalem and the outdoor em­ployment of priBonera In making tri­umphal progreta. In S tt te t an widely oaporated aa Texoc. Mlaalstlppl, Georgia,

CINCINNATI, June order from Prvitdent Thomae the international Garment t to ik e ie Union, th a t the men end women now on ntrlke go hack to work. a « e p tin g the offer of the manufai'turera for * hour week for a flfty-four-hour-week ,,ay. comparatively few of the etrikere r turned to work today Instead about t.OOft ntrlkern particliiated In a parade of the downtown eectlon

The majority of >he cutler* "b*yed the order of the International

only ft wtTiiill pftrt of tn*

Introduced on Monday night and referred to ?he committee on Internal affalra. Sen- fttor While chairm an of the commltlee,tFirikv l•■eDo ‘te^i rneaBura for conaid' . . a-.*. »r*y, riei ------•m iion Three minute* latar It waa killed. , i ,o a alater of the bride, and Mlaa Anna attended hla brother a t be*teiMlI ___ caa_.ei K ay m 11 n Jk n Imrt* IM «w r _____ —* uwil. i4.w1 rihi • Mia-tAr OT i man.

Mlaa Mlldrad HotUor. daughter of Hr. and Mra. Jacob MolUor, of 718 South Fourteenth atreet, and MJlten O. Hull, ton of Mr. and Mra. Milton B. Hull, of 899 South Twentieth atraeL ware married yeaterday afternoon In Grace l^iacopal Church by the rector. Rev. ElUott White.

The bride wore a whit* ratine ault trimmed with lace, with a white hat and a coraage bouquet of bride roaea. Mlaa Elale Ulrich, who aervad aa maid of honor, w ort a gown of gray volla trimmed with violet and a violet h a t trimmed with gray, H er coraage _wa* of .Pl"'*


Central Strike Committee Said to Fear t b t D e e i ^ Today Wonld

Meaa Paterson Conflict’ i End.BOMB EXPLODES AT DYER’ S HONE


NEWTON. Juiie W.—Mlaa Anne Cath- arhie Damareil, daughlar of Mr*. H arriot Demareat, wi* married a t 11 o'clock thi* morning to Edward Joaaph Guinn, a local m erchant The ceremony wat performed In St. juaeph'a Catholic Church by Rav. Michael J Donnelly, th* rector. Th* decoretloni *er* of palm* and roaa*.

Mlaa Demareat had for her brldeamald Mlaa laabell* F, Bhletdi. a Boaton a r tllt , who waa her cloaamate In St. Mary i Seminary. Provldenc*, R. 1. The baat than waa County Proaecutor William A. Dolan Under Sheriff Albert T, Lyoni and Mayor David 3. McCarthy, of F rank­lin, were the uaheri, in the couraa of the ceremony. Ml** M argaret Engllah aang two aoloa.


special Sanlra of f8* XFITS PATERSON. J u ^ l M -C bla t topic Of

dlacuoaton among tba Pataraon atrikara tb- d iy l i the unriilacfad announcamaat by th* central atrlke commltt** th a t tk* vote—a general referendum among tka ■tiikera—on' th* project of going hook aliop by 4iup lo work a t toon ** tarma can b* mada aatlafactory by dlffarant ■hop comralttaea with tha Individual m anufactu ieri b a t been poitponad tar twenty-four hour*.

The avowed reaaon of th* central cosi- tnltree for the poatponameot la th a t many of th« Bhop meetlnga have not bean hald. I t haa bean a week tinea th* raterandum plan waa flrat broached and then ooc* ried a t a atormy maetlng of tb t eOM- mltlee.

Among the more Indapandant atrikara tt la openly atterfad th a t th* real r t i - aog of Ih* central oommittaa for poatpaa- In# the vote li th a t aom* of Ita mam- bera are afraid It tha t vot* war* takan today th a t It would b* tavorabl* to going back, abop by ahop. which would mean the beginning of tha and of th* atrtke, which la now well along In Mi atghtaanth weak. They aay th a t tha tw enty-four hour reaplte will b* uaad In tn .effort to whip Into line certain bread allk ml 11a' employei who are aald to t>* w avering and on tha point of voting lor lha atiop-by-ahop arrangem ant

By agreem ent a t th* former mealing of Ihe central com raitu* It w ai atlpulatad th a t thla vote, which wea to hav* been taken thla aflernoon. ahould ba an actual per capita referendum. Tha mode of pro. cedure waa for the holding of ahop meet-

Spertof Berviet of fk* JfSITB.MADISON, June !».—Before a large

gathering a t 8 o’elo*k yeaterday afternoon (ng , *nd report* by th* ahop comnitttaei

having been racommltled by a unanimoua

'"The incident waa another fhaptw In the fight between the Governor and T tm - rnany over the highway patronage.


lUbliahment of detention houie* tor theae make upnumber of men end women "i'

The manufacturerB annoumed that mey would hold a meetingbut would not Btate the object "f ‘ b* proposed gathering. The etrlkere als> will meet ialer.

ALBANY June 2».-A t the request of the Governor, the Leglilalure today de­cided to hear chargee preferred by John A. Connolly, a New York contractor, against Supreme Court Juitlce Daniel F, Cohalan, and fixed June 30 for beginning

In asking the Inquiry Governor Sulier submitted a report on the charges made

M. Wagner, oT Phlladalphia, slater of lha bridegroom. The flower girl wa*Mlaa K atharine Zacba. of Philadelphia, niece of the bridegroom. The beat ingn was Charlea Albert W agner, of Philadel­phia. brother of the bridegroom The uaheri were Eugene Zache, of Philadel­phia and H arry Chrlatraaa. of New l or*.

A fter a wedding trip, Mr and Mra. W agner will live a t 1S8 Bellevue avenue. Upper Montclair-

The reception and tupper which follow, ad the ceremony In the hom* of tha brida'a parent* ware attended by Imme- dlafe relative* only. A fter two w**ki wedding trip Mr and Mra. Hull will mok* their home at 77 Pierce atreet-

by Ihe grlevam e committee of tha .New


York Bar Aaaoclatlnn, fonnolly alleged th a t before hla eleva-

tlnfi to the Hupremf! Court bench Justice Cohalan accepted asinixlniately fifty-five per cent profits Connolly^^ leallied on city work obtained Cohalan* Influence.

for him through




NEW YORK, June 36.—Fire Commis­sioner Joseph Johnaon has found "fire­proof oil." In Africa they call It almplv the Juice of the papaw tree. The secret of the itrange Juice waa brought over and demonalrated to the fire commlseloner hy Amagoaa Lee, B, H.. a native of Dahomey. AtrlcV He called a t fire headquarters yeaterday. stripped to 'k" vlted them to bring on their fire 'They did Thev applied H W Hi® *'neck and 'tongue of Mr, Lee, but he never winced. Ho aald he wouldn t know ihoblnie* were leaping up around hie ahoul- dera and head If he could not

The flreriien uaed a keroaene torch and---------------- -------------------------------------- - .m id e their test a thorough ona AfterVtrglnU. Pftnniylvinla, N«w Jflraei, New expviim^bt, Fire CommiBsiovier

In-Tork, Ohio. Iowa,dtftna, Colorado, Orofon and Arltona the toack-tO'tho-land eftmpaign for p r^ n c ra YiM bean put Into practice. Warden Tynan, of the Colorado SUlo Pentienilary, h a i Juat reported th a t over oixty per c a n t of hte prtaonera are now at work outilda the walla on the ranchei and on road building- ‘VVlihln the next two yeara*’ saya the warden. 'I expect our road-buIUUng gang* to do not leea than 9100*000 worth of work on the highways of the Slate.' fn Arkansae u tract of AOO Bcrea hai been purchased, on which will be eetabUahed a ptiaon farm. Five (hou- ian d aorea have hfeTi purchased In Penn- aylvanla for a central prison, to replace Ultimately both the Wealem and Eastern penltentlarSee. New York State le

/m aking a surprieingly succeisfu] experi­m ent with the honor eyatem ut Ita new Bta.te prison a t Comstock. whei'Q 1,000 acrea turround the pneon.

“ In Alabama there la a strong move­m ent to take the pnaonera out of the minea and put ihem un the roads, while in Iowa, although a Ststc* farm prcrposltlon w ai defeated In the Legislature, provlalun for dlatrlct custodial farms was made. In the little State of New Hampshire, a com- mUslon has recommended the establlsh- naent of dtelrSct workhouses with farms of large drea- For Maryland the commla- alon who investigated the Maryland State Penitentiary hao advocated’ a penal farm. The new- State prison of Minnesota has u prlaon farm of lOi} acree."

The committee report concluqt-n <iy rais­ing a series of Questions rehithe to Ihe fu tu re of prison reform in line country. •'Who la satisfied with our tomuy jails? A re we aatlsried with our criminal courts, w ith the law's delay? Have we solved the problem of short sentences? W hat are we doing with our vagrants'-' Where esn na F end our Inebriates. Where are the feeble­minded delinquenlB? What Htate will fur­nish ui ft comprehensive array of parule statistics? What Htate has yet developed Us probation system on a thoroughly sat­isfactory basis? Where are our training schools for prison officials? To whal ex­ten t does politics still play a part In the appointment of prison wardena and uf pdson boards? What States still permit inadequate. Insanitary prisons? W hat after all Is tbft purpose of Imprisonment? W hat are the actual results of I'eforrna- to ry ireaim tnt? Whal part sliould pun­ishment play m our coirevtlonal system? W hat shall he our attitude toward the habitual ctlmlnal?

*Tt Is nearly fifteen years since the flrat children's court was estahltshed lii thta country. It Is nearly foity years since the ftrat reformatory for adults was es­tablished at Elmira. We are now beyond the first period of experlmenUtlon. and our present-day methods are being seri­ously challenged, both at home and abroad. We find In Ihoee Slniee where probation Is most flourishing many grievous problems of administration W here the Indeterminate senience Is In force we find U acting as a serious cur­tailm ent of the prlaon term, followed by a relatively unsupervtsed period of parole, For all our development of special Insti­tutions* ’^ e find stUl obr vagrants, our Inebriates, our feeble-minded, our re­cidivists Insufficiently provided for,"

John-aon IX o u n M rt'h i! ’intanrion of Bending lo Africa for eome of the Juice, to be used

New York firemen proof

JERSEY CITY. June 36.—When Louie Frooka, a Bayonne real estate broker, of Avenue A and Newark Bey ehore failed lo appear for trial In Judge Sul­livan's court today on a charge of grand larceny made agalnet him by Mrs. Sarah Ruhlln. of Brooklyn, widow of Qua Roh- lln. the former heavyweight pugilist. * capias to,' hla a rre st wa* laaued.

Former Judge Robert Carey appeared In court aa counsel for Frooka and pre­sented an affidavit to the effect th a t Frooka was 111 and not able to appear. The effldavlt .wa* made hy Dr. Rudolph Dledllng. of Bayonne, but the Judge shook hla heed and said he did not be-

' Mlaa Wllmv M. Huelaen, daughter of Mrs. M#ia Hudson, of 46 Durand place. Irvington, married last night to Les­ter W. Sllcksl. of Schesrer avsnus. this city. The ceremony look place a t the home of the bride s motner and wfts per­formed by Rev. Hr. David B. Fraser, of Bloomfield, formerly pastor of rreshyierLftn Church of this city* In the pr»*8ence of about twenty-five relatives and friends.

The bride, who was given away by n®r mother, waa attended by eight gir friends, the Mlsaes May ■'ohneon Ethel Standing. -May Smith. ,, 'Blanche Tlminon*.Oriindman and Edn*a* ribbon bearers and escorted the b ^ a l party The bridegroom was unattended.

A reception followed the ceremony, and Mr and Mrs. Bllckel left later In the evening on a trip to Old Point Or their return they will reside In Over- look avenue, West Orange.

TAETZSCH-KUNTZMANNofMIBS Marie K untim ann. daughter

Mrs. B erth- Kuntzmsnn. of 696 S ojtb Twentieth etreet, and William Teeliach « ,n of Gustave A. Taetasch, of Burnett .trea t. E ast Orange, were S',to i^ay a t 5 o'clock In the home of thebride's mother. ” h™"npastor of Trinity English Lutheran Church, performed the ceremony

In making against fire*


ST. LOUIS, June 26,—"The Vanderbilt University Medical School will accept Carnegie's M.W.W* endowment, despite alDalaUm ent* to the contrary

S u S wae the declaration of F rank C, H an^ a member of the board oL trustee* of Vanderbilt, who returned to «t. Louis todight from Nashville. Tenn,, where the board met to act on the steel m agnate soffer. . . ,

"As a m atter of fact the hoard on June IB voted tn take the money, and the hoard of hishops of the Methodist Eplscoj'al Church aouth. have nothing to do with It " he said "The Methodist bishops are not running Vanderbilt University, though they want lo."

ii.v’e Frock* was unable to appear. I At this nolnl Louis Frooks Jr., a New de oh _____ u.v. >inii#ni«i: was a

York attorney, aon of the accueed, faint ed In court.

Assistant Proaecutor James W. Mc­Carthy told the court th a t County Detec­tive F rank Bennett went to Frooka'e home early In the week, but was told the latter was too lU to see him, but he entered and found Frooks in bed with hlfl clothea on. .

The capias will be served by Bennett and county Physician D. 0«o''g« W' King will accompany him. If Frooka ia found by Dr, King to bo really 111 he will not be arrested.

Mrs Ruhlln alleges she gave $8,000 to put out on mortgage and th a t he kept the money for himself.


ange bloaeoms. H er bouquet shower of bride rose* and lilies of O'*

' MmV Sarah Kuntsm ann attend-sd her sleter as bridesmaid. H ". oink charmeuse, and she carried * shower bouquet of bridesmaid'* rosea and

“ ' ^ ’..^^r^TaeUsc;:; of E ast Orange, w a.h i r b r" h e r 's best man.ceremony a reception was held , mimediately afte r g-Taetisch left for a wedding trip to -Mag a ra Falls. They will be ^ t home a t Smith Twentieth street a fte r July 4.



tran s it may mean to great cities Ilk-. New York wae strikingly Illustrated yes­terday In the announcement th a t the Drooklyn Rapid Transit Company carried 3.358,000 pasaepsera over Its elevated and surface llnea hist Sunday-,-a 'crow d ex­ceeding by nearly 300,000 the entire popu­lation of (..'hir-ago in the last census. This total, of course, largely represented the crowd on Its way to Coney Island amt nalffhboTlng baachas ou a hoi Sunday. Yft recfnl records of traffic on tli« sub- ways and elevated and aurfac^ llnea of M anhattan show jeaulta equallykm ailng .

p'or example during the firs t ^-eak of last December, when the "early Christ

JERSEY CITY. June 36,-Mayor Fagan and hla four colleagues on the Jersey City conimlsslon were served with a notice yeaterday by former Corporation Counsel W arren Dixon th a t quo warranto pro­ceedings In an effort to upset the commla- tlon government election and restore Mayor W ltlpenn to power will be Inatl- luted tomorrow afternoon If Attorney- General Edmund Wilson will join In suoh

' ’corporation Counsel Mlitun, who will oppose tha quo w arranto proceedings, said:

The m arriage of Mlea C lara S. Tour-tellct. daughter of Jam es Edwin Tour-tellot! of Brooklyn, and

riftveland O., was 8olemnl**d last night a t 7 :3o’o'clock In the home of the 3 e - aunt. Mrs. ™Parker street. Rev. Dr. Joslah L. Seward, of Keene N, H., officiated.

The bride, who wae given In bv her father, wore a gown of white crepe meteor, cut with a court tra in and a yell, caught with HUee c j ^ ^ e talley^ H er bouquet was a shower of o* tne valley and white sweet peas. cka*'*

Mis* C lara B. Cummin, of Bay Shorn Long Island, and Mias Port rhester, N. Y„ were the bridee maids. Thetr gowns were a co m bln^on of pink and blue crepe and they v * f r i^ arm bouquets of pink roae*. Charles

maa shopping' began with a f ’‘ah, t ^subway trains carried m^re than l.dW.OOO persona every day. the record-breaking crowd of Monday. December 2, comprls- Ine l.Hjv'Fit persons A new record or travel on the elevated, subway and sur­face lines I'oml'ined was made on the same day. when a total of 3,989.090 pas­sengers was reached The average tor the six days on the combined lines was S.TFJ.On passengers each day.

e ' lo

will decline to Join In these proceedings. There la nothing to w arrant them."

If Ihe attorney-general decide* to Join In the sun tlien there will be a trial of the technical points Involved M d the Supreme Court will have to pass on the whole queatlim.

Some banking interests here are said


Stale Suffrage Association is planning a "Yellow jrourth of July" as a new device to a ttrac t attention,

The association will have an all-day pic­nic at Long Beach, and the members will promenade along the Boardwalk carrying yellow parasols and disport themselves iti the waves wearing yellow bathing suits.

The picnic luncheon will show the suf­frage colors In eggs, bananas, orangea and cake with yellow frosting.

to question the attitude of thecommission rulers law dapartnient In ob­jecting to the proposed te s t of the elec-

Corporatlon Attorney Bentley said the banks recognized the present govern­ment. and th a t two. th* M erc^ tlle T rust Company and the Union T rust Company, had volunteered to recognise the w arrants of the five commissioners.

•UIJ --- - - .A reception followed the ceremony In

the home of the bride's aunt A fter a, wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Horton will reside In Cleveland.



Orange Society folks attended the wed­ding yesterday attornoon of Ml** Dor­othy Sherburne Whipple, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, N. Dana Whipple, of Fluehlrg. Long Island, and A rthur H e r b ^ meycr, eon of Mre. F rank E. H ^ e - meycr, of 7 W est F ifty -fifth street. Nm» York formerly of South Oranffa

Mis* M artha Muir, daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Muir, of Brietol, Conn . was married yesterday afternoon to Bayard W Bennett, of Canoniburg. P*., *on of Mr and Mrs. Horace T, Bennett, of East Orange. The ceremony waa performed at the home of the bride e parent*, and was witnessed by relatives only, Arthur Ben­nett wa* his brother's best man, and the hride was attended by her alater, M rs Bennett, mother of the bridegroom, will return from Bristol tonight.

g a v e e«F reem a* .Miss Grace Freeman, of Chestnut street,

and Joseph Savage, both of Kearny, were married a t 9t. Cecilia's Catholic Church, Kearny, yeaterday afternoon, by Rev. Thomae A. Conroy The attendant* Were Mies Mary Freem an, sister of the bride, and Edw ard Arnold. Mr and Mr*. Savage will live In Dukes street. Kearny.

B ro k e r-H n g h e s .Miss Catherine V. Hughes, daughter of

Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Hughes, of 67 W ash­ington street. Harrison, and John J, Broker, of 177 William atreet, Belleville, were m arried yeaterday afternoon a t th* Church of th* Holy Cross. Harrison, by Rev. Maurice P, O'Connor. The brides­maid was Miss M argaret Hughes, a sis­ter of the bride, and the beat man was David aiennon. of Belleville. A recep­tion followed the ceremony at th* hom* of the bride e parent*. Mr, and Mrs. Broker left for Washington, where they will spend a week. On their return they will reside in Bergen street, th is city.

Congle'e T en th W edding Day.Mr. and Mra. Gottlieb Berger, of 63

Jackson street. Orange, were the recip­ient* of many gift* a t a surprise party tendered them last night by frlende In honor of the ir tenth wedding ennlver- eary. -During the evening musical se­lection* were rendered by Mra. Horace Decker and W illiam Bust, and refresh- ment* were aorved. (

C re re lln g -H e T e n e r.gpeclal fierclcs of f8e t/EW&,

PHILLIPSEU RO, Jun* 26.-Mlta Lena Havener, daughter of William Hevenet, of Bullman atreeL and Lewla L. Crevel- ir.g, eon of Georg* L. Crevellng, of Davla street, were married yeaterday a t (he home of the bride by Bev. W arren U Hoagland, pastor of Wealey Methodist Episcopal Church. They were attended hy Mle! Ellaabcth Crevellng and Russell Hevener. Air. and Mre. Crevellng left on a trip to Buffalo and N iagara Falla. They will live In Phllllpeburg.

Callaghna-CroehT.BperidI Service af the .VEWS.

SUMMIT, June 28.—Miss Nora A. Cro*' by, daughter of Mra. Ellen Crosby and the late John Crosby, was married yes­terday afternoon IP Michael J. Callaghan, of St, Joaeph, Mo., formerly of Arlington. The ceremony wa* performed In St. Tereea's Catholic Church by the rector. Rev. Dr. Conrad Schotthoefer. Miss Nel­lie Kenney, of Chatham, w as the brides­maid, and Lawrence J. Crosby, a brother of the bride, waa the best man. Alter a wedding trip Mr. and Mra. Callagha" will m ake their home In the Mleaouri city.

g4antoa-H1l1-Bpeeial Serotrt of <*« flEVB

BAYONNE. June 36.—Mis* H enrietta Mill and A lbert Stanton were married laat

-righ t a t the home of th* bride In West Sixth street. Rev. Albert L. Longley, pastor of Trinity Episcopal Church, per- fermed th* ceremony. Mlaa Alicia Hill, sister of the bride, wae meld of honor and Charles A. Dolbier was best man. A reception followed a t the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William D. H i l l . ___________________

In Bt. Vincent's Catholic Church, Mias Rdth Dorothea Foley, d a u fh tir Of Mr. and Mrs. John Foley, of Pork *v#nue, and George Jopeph Chrletle, of Harrlaon, were married.

Th* bride entered the church with her father, who gave her In m arriaf*- The bridesmaid woe th* hrldeiroom 's alater. Miss France* D. ChrtiUe, end th* beet man was W illiam J. Duffy, of Newark. Charles D. and John J. Foley Jr., b ro th ­er* of the bride, were th* ushers.

After the ceremony a la ri* recaption w at held a t the hom* of the bride's p a r­ent*. Following a wedding trip. 6Ir. and Mrd, Chrletle will live In Newark.

NEWKIRK-YOUNGspecia l Seroice 0/ f8e NEW S.

RAHWAY. June 2«.-M1*a May Matilda Young, of thla city, and Arthur Oercey Newkirk, of Jersey City, were m arried last night a t th* home of the bride * brother, Dr. J. S. Young. 76 Irving street, by Rev. Loyal Young Graham J r , paelor of the F irs t Presbyterian Church,

Th* bride wa* given In m arriage by her brother. Dr. Young The ratid of honor w-a* Mlsa Emma Woolaey, of Brooklyn, and the beat man Clarence NSwklrk, of Jersey City, s brother of the bridegroom.

BRINK-M’ COY WEDDINGSpcclnl Serrfee of f8 c VS1FS.

BBANCHVILLE. Jun* M .-In the pres­ence of relatives and friends yeaterday noon a t the home of her mother, Mre. Mary McCoy, Mlea Jennie McCoy became the bride of George Brink. The cere­mony w ai performed by Rev. F. G. WlUey. pastor of the Methodist church.

tha bridal party wars Miss Edna Losaw, of Hamburg, brldeamald, and Or-n l/ewls Crane, of Bmnchvlile, aa beet man, Mr*. Oren D. Ellett p la y ^ the wedding march from "Lohengrin" and Mendelaeohn'a "W edding Merch" before and after the ceremony.

Percy Dye end F ranklin Willey officiat­ed as uaheri. The bride e fevore to the brldeamald and the plgnlat were a fan and a airing of heada reapecGvely. Fol­lowing the wedding luncheon 61r. and Mra. Brink went by auto to P o rt Jervla, N. Y., to take a tra in for their wedding trip. They will Kv* In Branch vllle.

JERSEY CITY, Jun* t8. - I t te e * p « t- ed that when the Hudson County Board of Freeholder* meet* tonight. It will make teniatlve plana for atcetta ln lng^ r t? tu t lo :a ^ h e V u d m f L J lU “ ’r*d.Th^f;« w ir'ci: the place of Wllaon Ijn iiu tlo n s m e HU Meredith nicklnBon, of Trenton; E. Bay^

Theot-remony waa perfonnod tn the Church r.f tha Heavenly Tle»l, F ifth avenue and Furtj^fifth atreet. by Rev. Henry V . Waller, rector of 8 L OeorBe’i Church, FluBhlnr. aaalHled by Rev. H erbert Ship- man The bride w m given In mair) by hf-r father and waa attended by her siHler. Mlee Marlon L. Whipple. F rank E. H&jfemeyer «ae hla b rothar’a best man and the uahera were Selden OtU,


le nineteen miles long, and the county park5 with current from the county power-house on Pavonla avenue.



officially ftnd formally^ and without much red tape, today decided that "SeplemWbr Morn" Isn't naushty.

In a formal opinion Judge William R. Lamar, assistant attorney-general for the Poetofflce Deparmrent. held that Paul Chabae's painting of the undreamed lady w asn't ob^ene, and that repruductiona of Uie art work didn't come under the

. pottal ban. A number of postmaelem re­cently have been querying the depart- m ent on the matter, ____

To Esiain a Hoalthy,Qirlish CompUxion

BUFFALO. J'Jnn 26.-WllUam Oreen. tw enty-t"o , and Madellnn Patton, Iwen- ty-onct both of this city, were Inetantlv killed last night, when a rnotorcycle on which they were rtding crashed into an automobile driven by Alexander McDon­ald, aon of J- F^McDonald. a broker, of thla d iy .

The young people ware on a trip ta Rochester, and Juat as they were nearing WSlUarnsvlUe they turned a corner ht high speed and crashed Into the autom o­bile running In the opposite direction.

Al ft previous meeting of the board, the F rank A. La Potnte Electrical Company. Ine., of Hoboken, offered to do the nec.ea* sary work efficiently a t a coat th a t the county would save flOO.wO a >ear,

At present the county opera Wa two plants, one a t Secaucue and one In Je r­sey CUy and ftUo uses Public Service llghi.


a id , Halstead, Howard C. Brokaw. Julleti V. Whipple knd Georg* Jarvis J i„ all of New York.


By Timely Ute of Lydia £. . Rnkham’s Vegetable

Compound.H e r e ia h e r o w n s ta te m e n t .C4U7 , M « n e , - ‘‘ I f e e l i t e d a t y l o w e

to »U g^ er ln s women to tell what L ydia E . I^n k b a in ’


BRUNSWICK, Jle., June 26.—The de- grec of bachelor of arts waa conferred on clghti'-four candldatea a t the lOlth com ' mcncemcnl of Bowdoln College today. The honorary degrees Included:

Doctor of laws, William W idgery Thomas, former United Statea Mlnlater to Sweden and Norway.

Master of arte. Cyrus Hermann Kotach- mar Curtis, publisher, of Philadelphia,

(rN « tti« remlalM World.)B jm hftT* a etrar. frrit, girlish eon-

plextea* an* sf ordinary mereelliad waxwfU aid ym la tbi* dlreetloa more ti»aa shelves fvU of «Mvat1ca. it proddeea a aatval baeuty. This wax.' precuable at any dntf «t«re, ««ie- Metalr ateMba a had *b«-T . _______ --.a________ .ai. To.

Sloff rorTTsponileace.TRENTON, Juce 36.—Three candidates

who have passed the civil service exami­nations for the position of county detec- t h e In Camden are William F. Miller, of

I Mt. Ephraim; Augustine A. Gribbln, of Collingswood. and N'elaon W, Coi, pt Camden.

The following candidates have paased the examinations tor stenographer and typew riter In Ihe offices of the Newark Boar4 of Ed'jcalion: Gertrude C. Shoe­maker, Catherine C. McKenna and Grata E. V. Flannery, all of Newark.

hceitby yoent •kla tuderaeatli- lu m k is 4 « t■ ’ » tareeresttne*so giadasJly, 4>y.>y (Ur. tkii

7s 'Coseed. Tfat'VaK u applied at nUlll. like eoM eteosa, *s8 ngnetd I* fk* ■onlof with seep iod inter.

Agother tsIusMs fijereattlaf (teatment—this for vrloklef—1* tn beths year fees hi e eolutlne at geatgered fassllte. 1 **., dleeslial Is U Met

nwltek.liaae!. !*)• has « reairkoW* settoo la ■niflifTf eoit tbs n»st ibd "■rtMai gf*' *h*

' W ettleew t.

Teat* for Tt7# N cerark P w H Io u .TRENTON, Jon* 26.—Civil service *x-

amlnailotii for the poslGona of male and temala attendant* bt a public comfort atatien under conlrcd of the Shade Tree Commlaalon of Newnrk will ba held July ». Th* fonheif pays (3I.ES a month and the la tte f tdS a mobtfa- The te tts will be partly oral and partly w rltum TIM hMt day to f tUtm la July 1

The Riofht ManCan Right the Wrongthe Wrong Man Did

Many eaeri of w roag eyo- g laeB -aak lsg a re eorreeted by me. Rome, no doobt, go th ro ’ life w ith w roag glaaaea th a t mnice Ihe *T « «row w a n e .

Come to loe aad be eaf« a t f ln i .

LB. Hilboni, O-Ph. D.E j e ^ t S p ed tiitt '

19 West Park 3treeth k jg e b b o a ix w i a b l m i i b d i s M

Mias Louise Savoye Lancon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewi* 8 . Lancon, Of 78 Washington street. E ast Orange, wa* married yesterday afternoon In Grace Church chantry. New York, to W *id Chamberlin, of Croton FaUi, by Bev. Charles T Walkley, rector of Grace Church. Orange. Mt»* Jeannatte Lancon was her sister's bridesmaid, and George Finch Chamberlin, brother of the bride­groom, wap best man. A reception fol­lowed at the Plbi* Hotel.

V e g « t « b l « Com pmind d id fo r ma. O na y e a r o g o l found m y ia lf a tandblagof- fe ra r . t b id pains In b o t h aldas and t u c h a torenasB c o u l d s c a r c e l y a t r a i c h t e n up a t tim es. H y b a c k ached, I bod no ap­p e tite and w as so

of the number of employes In tavOr of ftnd th« number ftgalnit going back fhofi by shop on term* eaUifftctory lo Uio worker* In eftch mill.

In view of the f to l th a t todfty't vote waft expected cither to be the means of breaking down the strike or of prolonging ti l l conflict alrooil indefinitely* th irs were few avcesxlrms today to the ranks of those who have deserted the tlrikera aftd returned to work, those who contemplated so doing apparently being content t» wait another day In the hope th a t tkey could then return to work without any stigm a atlftchlng to them a i desarteri of the strike cause.

Residents tn the Riverilde seoUon were startled shortly after 1 o'clock this morn- lijg by an explosion. The police fcMinn th a t Bome one had thrown a small bomb Into the cellar of a house at 189 East Eigh­teenth street, Jn which lived Adolph Frltsche and his family. Beyond a broken window no damage was daUft Frlteche Is s foreman In the Oeerlng slSk dyeing plant.

Picked up as a suspect in connection \w lth the bomb outrage, a striker who

has ftchle%-ed considerable notoriety a* an artis t by his decorations In sosp of bar m in o rs with portraits of Eilx«ibelh Gurley Flynn, one of the leaders of the In ­dustrial Workers of the World, was given the third degree at police headquarters today, but the police were not able to connect hlnH* in any way with the offense. He will probably be released this aiter-noon. ^ ^ I

The I W. W. relief committee, which ts in charge of the bread line, now a mof* and more popular Institution. pr»feBe*-n indignation a t Ihe attachm ent of of its funds for the poor strikers by Thornas Cappa. <>ne of the proprietors Or Turn Hall. Cappa declares that there is $350 back rent due by the I W. sy Tno relief committee declared thst It has no connection with Local 1&2 of the ■W. which entered Into the Turn Hall con trset with Cappa. but instead received free from Cappa the use of hall ae a place tn which to distrlbuta relief to the suffering strikers.

ROSER-EVERinSperio! Ssrolee at lAs NEWS.

PLAINFIELD, June 28—Mies J*n* M. Everilt, of th is city, and Chart** D. Roser, of Chicago, were married laet night i t the home of th* bride's sun t, on Falrvlew adenue. Rev. George Boltterie, pastor of the Anderson Memorial Ro- tormed Church, New York, a cousin of the bride, performed the ceremony. The


Special B en k t at <8* .VE1Y3.IPSWICH, Mats.. Juno 2ft.—A cltlsens

committee of ten to arrange a mean* of driving all I. W. W. leaders from town will be appointed today by th* Board of Uoieetrnen This action was decided upona f a ‘'F “^er KW

matron of h w o r was Mr». 'William Fra- aer. of E ast Orange, couaJn of the bride.

u ” waa declared th a t the I. W. W. had nroven to he a disturbing element M d th a t the strike of over 1,000 hosiery iMll W alters could b* settled by arbltcsUon if the outside leader* were kept out.

Strike Leader Nathan Hermann today declared th a t If he and other members vf th« I W W were driven out of town they would retu rn with relnforccmenta.

MASON-DRYSDALEs e r y ^ I could not Bleep, thea I iraiild be BO tired momingg_lAat I could icarcely

' get around. I t ooemisd olmoat tmpotii- I ble to move or do % bit of work and I I thought 1 never would be any better un­

til I enbmitted to On operatioo. 1 com- Bienced taking Lydia E. Plnkbun'i Veg­etable Compound and toon felt like «

Miss Bessie Dryadale. d au g h te r of Jam es D rysdalk of 18! G rafton avenue, became the bride of A lfred P. Mason, of New York, la s t n igh t. Tha cer­emony was perform ed sY th e parson- - , , nag s df the suram ertie id M ethodist i new w om an- I had BO p i in t , tlep tw ell, Church bv the pastor. Rev. Orm an M,■vt est. Only a few

' ’ sir. and Mrs. Maaon. a f te r ttM cer-1 fam ily o f foUT. 1 thol) »!way* feelthat I owe my good health to your med'

08 (eexu d**w U4*a#v*4» ' Uov* WVaU™*** * • »«« MV y lliwy oaew-j*** nws*yr. Rev. Orm an M .' a p p e tite and WM f a t andguests w ard In- 1 a jm o st oil m y ow n w ork fo r a

amony a id a bridal supper, went on * short wfidtung' trip , fo llow ing which they probably will live tem porarily In New 'York

D a ra a b y -D a s B N a p tla la T o d a y .The marriage of Mlaa U lllan Delaney

Dunn, daughter of Mr. and Mra. John Henry Dunn, of South Ninth ■treeL and Kenneth Tuttle t o r n ^ y , of New Yorif, win take plaoa la te 'th is afternoon In B t Peter's Roman Catholic Church. Point Iheoeant Rev. Edward J. Allen, of Phil­adelphia, aaiiited hy F ather Berord, wlU perform the ceremony. Ml** May Dnnn will a tten d -h sr alater aa mold o f honor, and Jsnw a Dunn wlil,ji*rya os b « ^ man

and the beat man was William F ra ier. Miss Mary O'Connor, of tMa city, played the wedding march. Frederick Evert tt, brother of the bride, gave her In m ar­riage,

A reception followed Ihe ceremony, after which the couple left for th* W est They wilt live a t Rutherford, The bride Is a trained nurse, being a graduate of th* training oohool of Muhlenberg Hob- bltal.

P arm ltef-R edshaw .Bprrial gerrlo* af iha ySWB.

NEW BRUNSWICK. June 38.—Mlsa Btella Irene Redshaw. daughter of Mra. Charles Redshaw, o f 270 Snydam street, and Edward Parnilter. of New York, were married la it night a t the home of the

mother by Rev F rank Gardner, of Johnstown, Pa., a cousin of the bride.. M16a Florence t. Shutts. of Ridgewood, a cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Joaeph J. Gander, of Brooklyn, wa* best man The bride wore a gown of white brocade la tin . Mlsa Shutte wore pink charmeuae. M r. and Mr*. P arm lter left last night tor a trip to Main*. On their return they will live with the bride's m other.'

M ltehell-K oetcr.gpeclat BenjICc uf the XEIPB.

HACKETT8TOWT7, June 28—Mre. Lylu Esteele Koster, daughter of Lewis C. Ayers, of Main atreet. and Charles Cowell Mitchell eon of Constable and Mra. Jo ­seph W. Mitchell, of 306 Centre street, were m arried today a t Long Island City a t the home of Bev. Dr. Charle* W. McCormick, a form er pastor of the Hack- ettatown Methodist Church, and president of Centenary Collegiate Institute. The couple were unattended. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell will spend the eumraer bare and In September will go to Belmsr, where Mr. Mitchell has been angoged oe princi­pal of the public school,

J e n e y m a a W eda E aaiea , Pa.. OIrl. Spsdol Servlcs of l*e NBlYS- a , u

EASTON, Pa-. June 2S.—Mias Beulah Helen Snyder, daughtar of Mr. and Mrs. M’llllam M. Bnyder, of Jackson atreet, th is city, and John M. Odenwelder, of Trenton, N. J .. a form er Bastonlan, were married yesteiilay afternoon a t the par- imnage of th* F l r t t K . E, Church by Rev. Dr W, H. Ford. They were attended by Mlsa Efft* Savlt*, of W est Bethlehein, and^' H arvey Morganatero. of EoatOn. Attar a reception a t the home of the bride, a t te n d ^ only hy the relatival of the ooupli, Mr. and Mra. Odenwel'tar left on a trip. They will live a t 13d W est B ute street. Trenton, where the bride­groom te m eneger of a grocery etoee,

Teee W cddlage la Saaie C h a n h . Sjwdal Bsnilce of t8e NEWS,

RHULLIFSBURG. June 28.—Two wod- dinga we^e perform ed yeaterdajr a f te r ­noon a t th« rectory of 8 8 . Philip and Jam es's Catholic Church, by Rev. Hugh L. Meotey. H iss G ertrude A. Roeblon. of Boston. Pa-, and E dw ard F . O'Con­nor. of F illm ore e tree t, w ere firs t may rlad end w ere accom panied by Mis* Mery Moog end Edward TevrelL Hies Anna Lynch, of Bennett s tr e e t end H arry Hey net, of L incoln s t r e e t wstre also m arried. They w ere accom panied by Mies . ^ r l e L ynch and Jam es Detdo.

S eU elln ’-AatiieeB.Hla* D orothea Ammon, d a u g h ta r of

Mr. and Jdre. C onrad Ammon, o f lAI Smith s t r e e t en d Q torge R ug* Sehlsik* were m arried yeaterday a fternoon In


houses nosed for an hour yesterday .vhile tha proprietors joined aeveral hun­dred men In driving Uf/o Industrial Work­ers of the World leaders out of town w ith warnings never to return. Th* cttl- , e n . then marched to t t . building w h*«the workers have been _accUstom*d^^^

and geYe the proprietor noGce fh s t III other members of the organlss- tkjn* and their aym pathl»r* would be


W itt food for a day or two, and r l k l i eighteen miles from town before

were ellowed to land. They were la s t night on vagrancy charges

knd tM lT deportation followed Immediate. fv on the ir releoe*.

In d u s tr ia l Workere have been in ­volved In several strikes In the sawmills of th is region recently.

Icine. ''-M rs. Hayward Sowma, C«ry,U iiR e.

I f you ire Ul do not dimg tltmg nntil gw operation ifi neceesoTF, liMt at ooee take Lydia E. Pinkbaia'fi Vegetable Compoiind.

I t yon th* rtlghtMt donMttiBt Xiydla B. Ptnkhatn*8 Veireta-t t i e G e n q o o v a f t ^ ^ " * --------------t o l i y d f a _ _(ofiaifldentUl) irtoe, T«nrlei

j f o r a d 'be opened.Follo'wlog t t* weddUig a recepUpb '»'i« b* I V ™ * « _________ ^ ^

poreDts, a t 1 eiid ftii* fci strict eoiiflfteace.

tha home 'Of the b ride 's p a ren ts by R*v. F rederick Oabclm an. pasto r o f . th ev a llsb u rg h G erm an .Bvangeltcal Zion Church. U r. an d Urg. ScHlelke le f t fo r a sh o rt w edding tr ip and a f te r Ju ly I I w ill be a t horaa a t | e | ^ m m e r avanu*.

B erbe-B agtert.H iss R uth H. Engiert. daughter a t H r.

•nd M r* WllUom Engl«lt. of 410 Sshth Eighteenth street, w as m arried lo st n l th t 1^ O eorct E. Zerbi, s i te e t this d ty , Tbo etrsm ony w o t peirforihed' a t the potvon-

Orange, th e pastor, Rev? Ohorles B. 'Rtiilarfi. Mts* E thel C a rd w ^ tfna bridesmaid and J, Q.' Ofay acted oa..beet

if inknt v c j ELRYW j m ' Ihm ncTCi tuM pdfcct cofee.

Axeria’t Hstt Pepiiltr Coffee. More SULTANA it coDsmedtliu nj ol|v cofee


2 5A dike Cofee, HINA it » efnlel eiievhen f t fbe |iko I



Onoge Adrited b j AtteDpliiii


Ad'vlted by bond Ing credit by lasul taods a t th* pnHonry T fitatson ef EdEducation last such on Issue wo

The School Bo* ntw Csnirel Seh roar of the high to tal eooeeded hg th* orthlieets

Although It wei tliji board tran ij ■chool for u*e I would coat Moo.o school accommo thought that th* •psading 8160,600. sMool building f< BdiODO more

The School Boi Besting toraorro' the question fu n

When the bids wthe opened th e I of lb* Tobin 61* pany, which off work for 81^.289 for* them, t t* e th a t th* to u l CO* the Improvement building will run UOO.OOO hg* been

*I don't wan presslon.'' Mr. B th* Common Coi w* ere confrontOi might ibopardiM must be kept In h»ve to be u*sJ lippprtgnt bonds bdpd experts tha u t to attem pt u five bqr cent, at to t l k If there Is efiuld delay erect a few months, to Impfovet.". T h is. pfopoetl

fWiYtd and Comre ntiMf from the Bt t ^ t a tltuatlon I resiilt If adequtl qoL provided. Ur h i pointed out. might be held hi

"if auch so cal Mr. Kslly remar bs worth about Igr, end ws wou Into bankruptcy per cent, meens tSM In the Inter* see how that coi of the city. An pointed out a ye* the Common Ct needed, the prop! outrageous Indec wee com pilled to

M r Btstson an Coughtry explali on bonds would tha t qn sroergeo et live per ceni Park avenue *f would be enough time. To do Ihli to reconsider th- School eetlrnate for school exlcns . Mr, Stetson su

solution that hi school purposes, erldk M. Struck mlttee on operatl dared th a t the i auCh buildings V approval of the

Besides the Y received for thi follow*; John 1 Waldron A Co..erel t Co., hem eepted, 8149,188; I B- Everett & Si W. Cane 8173,000.

f itte r estimate trlcal work, ' B( pany, 12,847; B1 81,818; Baker g l V in Wagenen. pany, 83,(W Cal terle, H9.600. Pre Ingi Storms & C

■ 11,490; heating A Co., 816.990. E John G Keller A Co., 816,687; Mason work. Tt company, 865.997 'Edmund C. St

oyohltecta, decll vHions In th* r enpresaed the hi he saved If an a the coat.

FUNERAL 01AttWii3«d by 1

•jid frlendB, t JftcobuB, who t AiJi afternoon MUfOrd avenue. pM tor of the Ce Cimroh, offlclati

Born In this Jaeobue bad lU ^Irpt entered bui in iS«, and In clerk in th* Na be had lerved to the time of h

The decedent v Church for twet o i Kd(pe Lodge

■widow, who wi b a il* silrvlved Jaeohus; a dat Bmlth, of / Poei Goorge F. Bay! tpffit w gi In Fa

F uneral ' Funeral servi

who died iudde: held from hla ii nil*.. Kearny.

. o’clock. Rev. Of Christ Bpii Will officiate. Upgton C*mel*i I F u n era l < .The funarol '

died a t et- H ' 4tM held , from tor. Mre. Edwi ■vtbu*, MItttmr Of requiem : Ha ^ m * ’* Ghurchi T. Brown, tt* l e e In -Bt- Rd lM r« n were ” ^ftS tftbla Mich jCdFodden. Job ghd John Mulli

. F u ae re l of kT'rh* funeral

wlf* of^ Monday V8 ^ held thtgMm*. U iifglT tdgrvlcelMm** -U. ’MracEddIM ChWhr-lti m * camil(F / m t o M i «<,' V the-jtqaW Bti Widow. Of JOn* dMrnOofi Frederick-

' aiieAue. R«y. > 9 * Sum m irti* M ted . B urial' lire . Conflsld md. 8 h* hod H6rt)i End ma ; Hr*. Je e '.Hr*. EIIm S

p^flddnt of Ai

fir home, 817 ork. Her de <W« to heart t

about fitiy-riv of Jemea H. Sgail* At N«W ; fnn 'e old honll Artington Ping f)dod thgre oi;

,.JomM Huivi

to « ^ ,*f r lllr '* gtverol mwaiM « d , sn 'O M jd by threg brotc fMeraT'.wtlt 1 when a ' htfeh x i |r W in Bt. i m*n8 will b t (

.,7- ''k**.' Ff« vllya. Luaw A lek 0 . fig Hgr Mm* lp .r>UL8 angs- 8h* w ■od daughterS ;,.''Of'‘Rtg*l i

vtoBeup ,«af***aSSpmw* - " ' - > 1


) NnoHSlid to tfoiUEod.


toplo e t rlk*r* tk- im«nt by tb t t tb« long th*Ing iiM t M t* m u 4in*r*atDdlvMugJon«d far

trgt cogl­u t many loen hold. Itronduin ihon OM- th« coia-

l itrik tro rw l roi-' pOOtgOD- Iti mom- •r« takonorabla to cb would id of tba ng lo tbi that tho

« UMd In aln broad aid to ba rating for

Biotlng ot •tlpulatod hava bo«n an actual

Ml* Of pro. ibop in ift- lomidtttoci I tavOr ot back pbop ry to tho

day'* vote n u a n i of

prolonging oly, thoroii rank! of trikora and ntemplatod lontant to

th a t tboy Ithoot any eaai'lar*

lotion wara tbta tnorn- >llc< found itnall bomb Eaat E t|h - !d Adolph Beyond a wat done, leering etlk

connection Irlker who jtorletjr aa aoHp of bar beth Gurley of th* In- , waa given partquartere lot able to [he otfenee, thU after-

se, which la low a mote1. prefeereotnt of fli') etrlker* by oprletora 0 ( la t theta '» X. W. The I It ha* i">

the 1 . tv Turn Hall

•ad received [ the lower 0 distribute


-A eltliene' a tneane of

1 from town he Board of leclded upon by over Kki

W. W. had element and hosiery mil!

’ arbItaatloD ep t out, m ann today m em bers of

out of tow n force m enta.

W .P M R36.—Buslnee* r yesterday several hun- istiia l Work­out of town rn. The oltl- illdfng where 'customeH to rletor notice the organlaa- • would be

1. Edgwoii

..aa-m m r or two, and town before

They were aney chargee td inm edlate-

lave been In- the sawmills

RYADrTOB ltd Mfee

hr Coffee, n m e d d iu coffee i

m I t »

t Ae price

PACni‘A M V f .


' "' ^ f

Onage Adriiad Not to Striio Credit by Attempting $210,000 Flota­

tion at Present Time.

TENSION ON HIGHER SCHOOL BIDSAdvlMd hy bond «xp«rti a irtin if itrAtn’

in f CMdit by Ljiutnc 1210.000 fivm p«r c«nt At pra«A&i Ume, AldirmAn

HAMy T. fiUtA6 n tioUl (Da OrtnA# Botrd Af EducAtioQ U it th a t us AttemptAUob AQ liPuA would bA culdd«l.

Tbo School BoArd opAnod bldi for tl * niw CAutfAl Bchooi to bm built in tho lAAT Of thA h tfh Achool. And found tb« lotAl AAOAAdmd h r iffO.OOO th« « it1mAtei of thA AfThItACtA

AUhOUAh It wAA lAid A yoAr Aio. wh^n

Thoro tl ho UM WAitlAg AArtihor don't loM your po«ltlAn or Ull la 4 b«ti4f on* bocAUM you a rt old loeAlAf'** uao H ty'i Half HtAiih sow-

Thoao who «ro u ilof Hoy'i lloir l l i l t h ricommirtd U to thAlr frloadA bofOuM H li i«nulfi*ly food. AlwAyt rMiero# gr«y h*lr to It* tiiiurAl color, diitroyi dAOdruff. kropi th* pcflp el«4 n titd hoAittay Tou

— ___ bofln to io ti th# diftoronco at onoo. ThoYOUR A PPE A R A N C E O F Y O U TH ' few f re . heir# aiaappear and nev*r rslura.I W hy look old w h in you or* y o u n f t O il

a bouko of H o /o K olr H oallh a t aaca a tg r t u t in f u and ia» whAt a dlfforoAO* a tow applIc-Ailoo* m ako

F rii U fa this adv and laAi It to tho followlnf d ru filiii and f i t a IOa houi# of Hay'i Hilr HiaKh and A Uc. cako of Marttn* 0o4 p. for Me . or 1199 bottU of

T h i i I i N o t th e T im e W h e n O ld A £ e iG to b e


A young m in wai lurprlMd to have bLi appllcAtlST) for a j>oiiUoti "turned down.** Hi W4 i bottir e<rulpp«d for tb i po«lt]on (hart tho (cllow orbo got It.

Hi dlicovered choi hl» gr»y hoiri didIt. Hi W4« "loo old" looking. If* tbi __,, __ . . . . .»am* iverywhiri. TAiPi In no doubt but I Hay * Hilr H i4 ltk and two Ua cakii of ■ bat fFoy hilr do*i m ik i * man look old I Hirflna Soap Ffoa lor It.

.'I. STRAra. H il i . r a Arad.iM: II,flsld a .Ml. Praspect Avrs.i KNIOin, S4I Broad t t . i D. BBMMik.N. Iia lU nbsM Av.i ECKEBT, Ferry I t Jirhsuni MAVaH'a PHj •»» • t Ut *I.E?1s PH.. t l T y r l a i -

. - fitid Ar.i ST.ANFORU PH.. M*lb.rfr a ilm i ffilN l) a HAJN. loe f i rw * .the boerd tran ife rred the Day btreel I MOSLER, u :t .Malm HBIDNER’S PH.AR., U BiMinfleM Av.t rOBRIOAh, U nallar*

PI M Ol.hHIN. lU « e o a t« . St I r « ' SPECKtlAh, »ei Booth OroM* At . H ;l. BTEI.NIEIN, 4ss Orense Bl.i D. BASirEL, l»» South Orange At.: J. L. )CATCH|N. « 6 W Klim.y gl.; » . H >V.iRRE> A CO. »H. Pro»p«t » tsraae A ne-i J. PEBTEl.. SSI Ferry Sl.i L. S, PLACT t CO__AdvtrtlMnmil.

School for ues as a city ball. I list It would coat g2O),00a to provld* neelsd ioh'ool accommodations, it has been thought th a t the needs oould be met by ependlng 1160,000. The - reaovatwtn of the seheel building for a city hall Trill cost * 0,000 more

The School Board will bold a iperisl meeting tomorrow m orning to consider the d'leetloa further.

When the bids for th e Central School wete opened the lowest estim ate was that ot the Tobto Mason and Building Com- H 'ay. which offered to do the entire work for tli*.3» w ith this figure he- fOH them, the eem m lesl^ners estlmeted th a t the total coet o f th e new school and the Improvements a t the Perk avenue building will run up to tl95,I39, but only tUd.Otn hde been provided


Spurred by Information from Chicago to the effect th a t a Mre Clara Parker, beneficiary to the amount of 1151,000 of the eetate of one Jam es 0 Parker, of the w indy City, had taken her thoueande to enjoy them In East Orange, the Board

1 of Aaeeaeore of the la tter city have ipentw,'.w nA« n « n , a. a .."I don't w ant you to gel tho im- ‘ L*” ' '1“

jn^eaxlob. ' Mr, Btetaon rpmarkpd, ' ‘ifiat tiiA Common Council U Aclclilnf. But w t Are confrontdil nMih a pdiiuon which m lfht ^^otkArdtoe our credit. Thli crudlt < AUft kept Ih «oqd ihApe. for it . hivA tb be ueed In the lieuance of other | lippprtfnt bonds. We a re advliied hy the ; bopd eipperts th i t it win be lulcida! for | Ut to Attempt to ti«ue 1210.000 bpnda at i five pgr eent. gt thla time 1 would Uke > to AIK If there la not noma way that you 1 qftuid detgy erectltif th is new achool for | A few' monthi. to see If the bend market lAJprovea." I. T h lf . pfopoetl w ai not favorably re-I

OfLYbd and Commiaaloner Jamea P Kelly '

The proepect of adding auch e tidy aum to the city valuAtJon* wai so alluring tha t A diligent aearch wa* made. Tli6» only Clare Faj'krr in tho cliy wa» found to be M1b« Clara Parker, daughter of Charloa R. Parker, of Ipi Greenwood ave­nue..

When Aeaegfor Samuel Bailey Inter­viewed Mlaa P arker It did not take her long lo convince him that It had never been her good fortune to posieoa luch a ium of money. In feci. Mlae Parkier eitabllahed beyond cavil, that ahe wee brought up In Eaet Orange end went to achool there, only recently having g rad ­uated from the high achool »he bal

S w f™ ;^ h * m a tV T h ^ ^ .0 .h o i ' IIVM m C h lc f o ami hatl no rcU-Mvea there, ao far Vs knew Cer- I pleased to do ao '

talnly, ahe lald. *he never heard of Jamea 0 Parker, or hla fortune

Mlaa Porker told the recollected receiv­ing about two month* age a letter for one Clara Parker orher th in heraeif. which ahe handed back to ihe peatman with *n apeiogy tor openlnt it Where the letter came from or what It wo* about had eociped her memory

The “lib” that ca jaed the actlt'Uy of the OBeeaelng departm ent came In the form of a leltei to Mayor Gregory from Chief Clerk Charle* fCrutckoff. of the Cook County Board of A^aaeeaora. that Clara Packer had mad* affidavit eh« wa* a realdrnt of E a tt Orange. And that ahe had lAiely been the beneficiary uf the ralala of Jam ei O Parker, receiving personal property amounting 10 IlSi.fDi.

When Aaoeaaor BaUey reported that Mlaa Parker declared *he knew nothlnii of the eeute* the Mayor wrote Chicago lo that effect, adding'

“We would ponalder any further Infor­mation a favor, for if we can add that amount to our tax ratable* we shall be


_ I

JoltD D- Breritt Elected Presideot of Body Orginaed to Promote City


With the adoption of a conatltution and bylawa. oieetlon of offlcera and th* enrol­ment of th!rty-*ev*n chaftar memheri. p trm aneat organlgatinn waa effected laat Qtght by the Grange Board of Trade Ar Atated la the conatUulion. the objeote of the new organnailnn will be the “civic betterment of Orange and the promotion of commercial and InduatrlAl development end trade ' |

John D Hbertlt wfla eler*ted preaidant. *and tha other offlcera rhoeen were Vlfe^ preildeni. John C Conover, aec teu rc . J ' Alexander Neill, treaaurer Mllea A 'Kanchett. riirectora for three yearlGeorge E Rpottlawooda. Joseph D Holmee and John Parrel!, two vear*. Charlea Siarr. Henry F e^^htnldt end for­mer Judge Thomae A D avii; one year. Poatmaeler Edward 9 Perry, Jacob Rolh , And Guy Decker.

Provleton I4 made in the bylawi for j •landing comrnlttaea on memberehtp, ' houie entertainment, municipal. leglRle* live. Induetrial and puMlcltv Ai Mr pverltt wai unahl* to be preeent Uat night a meeting will he held WNlneaday, , July 9. when the commJtieee will be an­nounced and the work outlined

State Penflior Aueten Colgate who ie preeldenl of Ifia Jersev Clt>' Poai^d of Trade, preelded while the organlaalhin ilep» were In progreiie He read a let­ter from A V Hamburg prealdent of the Newark Board of Trade in which iugfeMlona were offered for making the ordanliallon »iicoe«*ful. Mr Hamburg polnied out that a trade hoard van do effective work only ihrough the Individ­ual effort* of the member* and through the aupport of the officer* He aoaured th* new organlaatlon that the Newark board 1* willing in co-operate at any Urn*

The fact that for several year* peat, 'be board of trade commute* of the Civ­ic* Club hai actiiallv been doing the work of euch a hod' wafi brought up by

Ttii.s Silver Tea Set FREE with Square Brand Tabel.s

This hgodgomg S|«l«c« SUYgrT«tS«t li an orntmeDt taany tibl*. Di* dMlsn Ii new. T&ii let will glvg i llfttlma of tgtliftctory garvlcc, u d rgmtosber, yam ctn g«t It ibtdlutely fr«« wltb Sauan Braad |gb«la. Or, If you prtftr, you can pay part la labeli and tha balance In cash.If you ^raady nave a tea aet, you can get bundreda ot other equally valuable tumiahio|[s for the table, the home or for your- eelf. But you can get them only with Itbela of

Square Brand SkimnMd MilkT he kind you know u good

isW u * At l l i gar* iklam od mWk from moat per* 1

V feet dekriea lod beoltlileit ntrd* In tbe I eoaatry. To u** It U real eeonomir. \ Tbnaiandi ot Nv«*rk fgmUiea iioe 11 the roar round. Tt It eipeclallr de»lr«>

b ledurlng the hotiummcrnionmawhtn hot weather and thunder otorma tou r

frexb ealik end moke It raally dongafoua to tiie- M fttfe end uie Square Brand

and get cbokoe premiums fre*. S tud to* day for ourcotoptete premium hook

F*«r Grwtfwr hm» 5^umm Brmt^d HIKES COMD^ S E D ^ y y COMf ANY



$500 for Father of One of Lost Passengers.

SIMILAR AWARD IN OTHER CASESLONDON. Jun* 26. —In a te*t caa« th*

King a Bench Court today gav* judgment In favor of Thomas Ryan, a farmer of County Cork. Ireland, who brought suit Again*! the w h ite S tar fitearnahlp Com

time.The Jury yealerdav re turned th l i v e r ­

dict."There w a i no negligence regarding

the lookout on the ehlp. but there was negligence In not reducing speed. There 1b not lu ff lc ient evidence to show if the measage from th e eteamphlp Meeaba. re­porting reached a reaponaible officer on the T i tan ic .”

Thla verd ic t is t an tam oun t to finding for those pla lnilf fa who claim damagea from the W hi te Bter gteaniahlp Company for the loss of rela tives drowned In the disaster.

Today the Qourt took up fo r consid­e ra tion the fu r th e r defenae th a t the con-

th a t a Rttuatlon even m ore serloue might ra s^ lt If ad eq u a te school fac llltle i w*ra 1

provided. U nder such drcum aiances. I be pointed out. th e Ehate appropriations m ight be held back.

"If such an eo frem ity should be our», ' 1 Mr, Kelly rem arked , “you r credit would ; be w orth abou t fo r ty c en ts on the doi- j Igr, And w« would, be p rac tically forced 1 Into bankruptcy . le su ln g the bonds a t five i per cent, m eans an an n u a l difference of ' ttOO In th e im ereet ch a rg e s and 1 fall - n if J ' 1 fsee how th a t could Jeopard ise the credit I L |.a i . k f ftQ ft K stU IH S VCrfllCt Ot of the cUy. A n o th e r thing, w h en we ! ® . . _ . *pointed out a year ago to a com m ittee of tbe Conomon F ouncll th a t I2h0.000 w’** needed,, the p ro p o tltlo n w as received with outrageous Indecency and our chairm an wa» conpalled to s it dow n.' “

M r SUtKOn and C om ptro lle r F rank G.Coughtry explained th a t fu tu re bidder* on bonds would no t consider the fact th a t gn em ergency Isaue had been sold a t hve per cent. TYrey urged th a t the P ark avenue end th e city hall bond* would be enough to leaue at the preeent time. To do th is It would be necessary to reconalder the ac tio n of the Board of School e rtim a te In providing for IIW.W for achool extension*

Mr Stetson sug g ee ted a s a tem porary sflJutlon th a t bu!ld,lng* be rented for eoHool purposee. b u t CorntnlBaloner Fred- erlek M. S truck , chairman of the com­m ittee on operation am ) m aintenance, de- c ltred th a t the la n ltw ry e rrangem en ta in aucb bulldlngf w ould n o t meet with the approval of the S ta te Authoriiies.

Besides the T obin eistlmate the bldi received for th* e n tire work w-ere as follows: John L o w ry J r , $159,890. E. M W aldron A. Co.. 0. Howard Sov-erel ft Co , h ea tin g and ventllatinR *x- oepted. 1149,168: F red K llgus. $140,789; Jonn B. E v w etl & Bon, 1149.578, W. H. ft F.W. Cone $173,000.

G ther e stim ates w e re as follows: Elec­tric a l w o rk , 'B e a v e r E ngineering Com- pany. $2,647: B la c k a n ft Baldwin Co..19.U8: B aker E lec tr ic a l Company. $2,982;Vkn W agenen. L inn C onstruction Com­pany, $3.oeo C a rp e n te r w ork, Alfred Bit- tarle. |i».6no. P re lss f t Co . $46,000. P lum b­ing, S torm s ft C6.. $4,990; B. B- McLean.

■ IT,490; healing ahd ven tila ting . Storm s ft Co.. I1&.99D. BlAke f t W illiam s, $16,392;John G. K eller, $17,777, E. O. Woifolk f t Co., IIB.687. A lvord & S ^ lfL $15,866.M ason work. T obin M u o n and Building company, $85,997.'E dm und C. S tou t, o f HUl &■ Stout, the

tfoh itecta , declared th a t very few re- vliione In the plane could be made, and Mipreiaed th e belief th a t only $6.00n could be saved If kn a tte m p t 1* mad* lo curtail th e coat. _____

FUNERAL OF JOHN F. JACOBUSXttMiSed by fn in y b u s ln eu »«*oclatee

•n d irlenfll, th e funera.! of John F J»cobUB, who dlfri T uesday , took place (h i , a fte rnoon from hla late home, 66 MUfOrd avenue. Rev. H a rry Y. M urkland, p a s to r of the C en tra l M ethodist Epleaopal Cburoh, officiated .

Born In th is c ity A ugust 1, IMS. Mr. jM O bui had lived all hla life here, t je t i r s t sn tered bua lness In a h ro k er'i o ffici In iH6, and In 1866 w ae appointed junldf o lerk In the N a tio n a l S ta te Bank, wh6re b , had le rv ed In d iffe ren t capad llea to the Ume o t h la d ea th .

The decedent w aa tre a a u re r of the Centra!GhMreh for tw en ty yeara, and past m aster o t X l i e Lodge of M asons. Betides hla

who w ha M laa Josephine BeBtet. b e i i* tu'rvlvefl by a son. W illiam L,

' Jaeobua: a d au g jite r, Mra. Harwood B.Bmlth, n l /p * e s a lc , and a slater, Mrs, o ao rge F. Baylea, o f M orristown. In ter- tnhht » * * F a irm o tih t Cem etery.

F n iu e a l a t J a n e a F , H alle.’ Jh ineral aerv icea fo r Jam ea F. RoUe,

who d lid sudden ly T ueaday night, will ba halfl from M i ta t* hom e, 87 Johnston ave- nua, Kea.rny, to m o rro w afternoon at 2

. O'dock. R ev ’W tllla ih J . Tlilay, rector Of C hrlet E p iscopa l C hurch , H arrison, will olflcm te. In ta rm e n t will h* lA Ar- Itpgton Cem etery.' F unera l Of Jnaaph O. 4 n iaa .

The (unoraJ o f Jo k * ]^ o . Quinn, who died a t W -' ^ )< liA el‘a H oaplU l Monday, ykaa held from th e ree tdenca of hla ala- t t r , Mrs. E d w ard A lllaon, o t Uftlburn avanue, M ltthany. y e a ta rd ay . A high m eat df reoulem ★ aa. o ffe red lA St- lloas of £ in ia 'e G burcht S h o r t HlUa. Bev. Jam es 7 Brown, w e re c to r , offtctatlng . Burial ★ a t In -St. R ose a CAmotery. The pall- A w re rt w ere P o lfce C ap taJn John Btorey,3oBatibl8 Mlcha*! J. W halen. Charles B. i e r a d d e n , John H ayea. Albert Ve,n Bant 4bd John Mulligan. ^t F unara l of B ra . B dw Ja D. H arrtaea. fThe funeral of Mra.__Einma E. H arrl-


U. S. Authorities Arrest R. W. Graeme and Villareal for Takins


fiEATTLE, W ash , Jun* 7H.-K W Greem*. w anted by the federal au thorl- tle* at Phoenix, A rii., In connection w ith the emuggllng of an aeroplane tcroa* tha houndarj’ line Into Mexico last monih, waa arrested by a L’nited S ta te s deputy

Failure on th« p a rt of th e Public Ber- I* » ca»e nf ih* bii*r being bitten j \|p* R ailw ay Cf>ntr*nv to rep a ir Koarnv ■when Ravain \a i r a n n . "f \ Irglnla av«* avenue, no rth nf M idland avenue. In lha nue. eppeered In th«’ First pre<incr Court | A rlington ee<'tidn. led ihfl K earny t^w n thla m orning to m ake a charge of a ia su lt | oounael l«at n ight lo o rder itwa) pm eoed- and b a tliry agalnat Paaqual* ROi»o. of i

I Ing* In stitu led agalnat the trolley com- lf> Boyd atreei. jpativ unleaiL th e work la proreeded with V atrano ealr) R oaio s truck hirn on th* i

It I* claim ed by K earnv th a t the rub lio head wiih th* handl* n f a p i .k - e x * Rojso Service franohlue provide* for rond re- adm itted thti t ru th of the s ta tem en t, but i pair* Couni t! p***ed t resolution, Apr;l added th a t bn ■wielded th* *tl-k iii pre- 30. giving the ron tpanv th irtv 4a>n In 1 vent V atrano fr^'in ih o n tln g hi* brother, ^h lch lo TTifth* th* Im provem ent The \ S a \lno R o iio jcom pany r*rii*i1 th a t a t th a t tim e l«b-3r i B o n o produced * th lrly -lw ri-i *llb*r re- trtfub lrt pref luded Im m ediate a rtlo n hut vn]\er. which he said h* lool^ aw *v fmm th a t repair* ^lould b* rrad e as aoon I t^atrano a f te r knocking him down with | possible. It wa* a sse rted last night th a t the p lck-ix* handl*. V a tran o »dm itti;4 | no move had been m id * ih*L the revolver belonged t« him. but ,

Councilm an t \ a lte r R. C hapm an *ui- denied try ing to ua* It R o i»o and hla g**ied th a t G eneral E dw in W Hin*. **c- nrn ther teatlfled th a t ' “e tra n o pulled tha j re ta ry of the tro lley com pany. b« In- weapon and would have ahol but for viied to a tten d the next meeting, to hear being knos'ked dotvnthe view* of the K earny alderm an j Acting Judge R oonev b rough t * com-

On Mr C hapm an * m otion. M avor T>iui« i plaint of carry ing concealed weapona M Brock appointed ■ com m ittee to ron- against V atrano and held him ft) $*W0 ball fer with the H arrison T ow n Council In for the grand Jur>'

pany to recover dam ages for the ioaa of | his son in th* T llan lr d isaste r Th* Judg* |aw arded Ryan th e sum of 6600, which had | I’h o*n l.. charg ing violation otbeen agreed upon A sim ilar aw ard ^ a * m ade In t'wo o th e r caaea a t the sam e

the n eu tra lity iaw i.Graeme eaJd he would not oppoo* re­

moval to Arioona. He adm itted tia\*lng crossed the in te rn a tio n a l line a t Nogales May 1$, a fte r ha had been engaged a s a chauffeur by F ra n k Ellae, a repreaenU - tlv* of the co n atltu tio n a llii forces In Mexico, going by autom obile to Ihe rebel camp, where he w as engaged to aaaem- ble an aeroplane driven hy DIdler Masaon. Graem e said he rode wUh M asson a f te r the aeroplane w as aesem hled, but th a t he knew of no bomba having been dropped.

According to Graem e, ha le ft Mexico May 23, going to hla home in D ouglas from N ogales becaue* h* heard agen ts j f the A m erican G overnm ent were look­ing for him. H e rem ained at D ouglas a

A rthu r Ll ' lngston, who a t first queellon* i effort in **cure a reduced fare nn th* ed the need of * new* nrgan l ia t lon . declar- Hudson and M an h a l t in Rai lroad between ing tha t there was a hoard of trade in Harrison and Summit avenue , Jersey r i t v Orange l*ater In thi- meeting, s r e s o iu - I The committee conalsis of Cnuncllmefi tion wa* passed on ihe recom m endat ion of j Chapman. Torrance and McAleerMr Holme*. ln*tructlng th* secre ta ry to i ----------------- •------------------send a communication to ihe rU'lc* Club expr<"«alng apprer.i* d^n for th*- work that ha* been done hv 1 h* commlitee, and In­viting the memt'erJi to Join the new o r ­ganisation

Although about hufilnee* r:«n anf*o ther repregfmallve cl tUen* nttended the meeting in Ihe high achool auditorium, lome Md\rx'ated postponing the oU'ctlon until a larger a i lendance was recured in th* end. however, the argumeni: tha t the work could not be s ta r ted without off i­cer* prevailed

Vnder ihe bylaw* fh« annuel meeting win be held first Wednesday InMarch, and other s u t e d meeUng* w-iii h^ the first T\>dne*da,ve of June. Septemoer and Deromber


p any woe re lls '-ed from liab ility tiy * T week and than w ent to K ansas C ltv condition to th a t e ffec t prin ted on the stayed until he cam e lo Seattl*backs o t pasaenKcra' tickets. The com- ;pany Intended to prove th a t the pan- | denied th a t any m un ttlon i Of w ar aengera knew of th la cond uon. and oven | acroaa tho line when he m adeIf It succeeds In th is It will have to show autom obile tr ip and said he did netth a t the condition w as leiral y mndln*. , the aerom ane was obtained hy

In legal clre lee the opinion was th a t ; H oilcan rebels, ae It waa a lready In the defense would fail on e ither one or , . . . . . . ... . Jthe o th e r of th ese p o ln ti. T his view belr.g Buatalned the Jury f ile d the dam agea, and a s It Is regarded a s a te a t case th e com pany will be faced by the obligation to m eet the clalma of th e o th e r p la in tiffs. Wnleai Ihe com pany can reach an am icable a r ­rangem en t It will f irs t seek fo r an order lim iting Its U ahlllly to the s ta tu to ry m axi­m um of 160 a ton of the “ ’""Jf® 'or a to ta l of nearly W.SW.OOO, a fte r w hlth th e am oun ts pay ab le to th e Indlridual e ta lm anta will then he aseeeeed by a re g is tra r of th e A dm ira lty Court.


C LEV ELA N D . Jun* I6 .-L o u la H . Sev­erance. one of th e o rg an lie ra o t the StBjtdard Oil Com pany, and noted th ro u g h o u t th e co u n try for h is g ifts to coUageii and m jea lo n sjy achoola, died la st n ig h t a t th e hom e here of his son-in-law ,

'D r. ‘D udley P. Allen.Mr. Severance a rrived here la st Thura-

day from N ew Y ork, w here he has made h is hom e fo r sev e ra l y e a r i. to a tten d the an n u a l m eeUnge o f tho hoards o t tru s tM s o f tVoostor, O berlln and tt 'e s fe rn R e­serve colleges. E ach of th e Inatltutlons h a s heen t(te rec ip ien t o f large g ifts from Mr. Bevecance. A cute In te s tin a l trouble developed ico n a f te r his a rriv a l her* and fina lly proved fa ta l.

In th e e a r l ie r y ea rs o t th e e ils ten ee of the S ta n d a rd Oil Com pany. Mr. Sever, ance w as a cloee a ssoc iate of John D.R ockefeller. S evera l years ago he w lth- dresS-lfrom a c tiv e p a rtic ip a tio n In buil- neea a ffa irs .


J u a n a R o sa d i E d w ard s , th e r lc h e a t w om an .n C h ile d ied y e s te rd a y . She wax doted as a phllatuhroD lat.

O ne o f h e r g ra n d a c n a la th e C hilean M in u te r a t L ondon.

H r - o r oiss AMd a ti t c S m bJL W ttn *ip e C g i^ lt l i t tS l ln tM CdRk i n M fe ta ) -.f l ■ W **; * * ¥ 7 A* '

w ife of a i F l i i t>- H arrison , whfc M onday o tg tit , U(«t> a . long lllneas,

★ m held tW d a n e r a o p n i.1 h e r J a tt Boat, «Jlf»>YlOo» BfOO*. Im M M n , - ^ e

CofnotoRr-... w u n ese . m* A . C^^nilleld-^ th a o f K ro . M a»r A t^ a n fle td ,a id o w 3 T l m S G antte ld . ★ * ! M M th is ZttemOos fr o a th e Roma, of her son, n o d e r ld i ' 'W. C u f lc ld , In ML "P rospec t •venue . Rov. OMi>aai-I4..:W«aL pasto r of die B u m m o rtlo U rlifo tlt^ U t Church, otfl- d a te d . B u r lt l -w a i In w oiM ale cetoetery- M rs. Canfield w as seven ty -e igh t years 3 d She bad heon a r ts ld e n t of the S o r th End m a n y y e a rs ,

,H nh J a m e s H . IssO den D ies.'^Mra. E lisa Bnosv Lowdon, a form er

fBOdOnt of A rlin g to n , died Tueaday a tf tr heme, W es t E n d avsnus, New

ork. H e r dsgU i v a e ludden and w as OUe to h e a r t troutHo. M rs. Lowden waor u t f t t iy - r iv e y h a a t old and the w ifi

Jam es i t . Lhwdwn- B urial will ha M ade a t New l^adford . H asa.. M rs, Lew $ n - i old hom o. .T tio fam ily moved from i t t lh g io n n ine y e a r s ago a f te r bav lng rC' aided th ^ fo twOnftf m a n .

v’ ■ '-.'-JhliMtA - m t l r t w a Jtr. -" ......

' ^ rf. O tgnko , dU dattar-inTjUnMa o t1 to ;V W f* e d fF -o h a years

M s Id ttirvivadUrdthoKa iittfv ia rd a dBrfhra.t The

1^ .. ;Jamto MulvndQ Jr-, i m of Mr. an# Mra im e a MuMhAr. od .W . Aahlimd ave ifa*, t n i t i D(rii| |o,' diad-yoHM ^Fiat tha lo n M .if/t i t fv a ffU j^N ayw SU |j^lia;w ng twenfy^M yean

fn a a w .w tu h*.b#ldi ,iaiWf t t fnaatio^aa a' hlEb':.fprid la Bt.ihant win ba fn , t t Joiih'a Camatory,

'H ra/ F i s g srtslt O. tM Mart, fM n , Luey A .-D a Kgyv,«Wa Of T|«dor.


W ABHINGTONs N. J .. June 26. - »art<UetU J!. Downe. aaventy-aeven yaara

4U4 I«at nlftht frnin Bright's diaeaae

camp when he arrived. He wllj be held for an officer from ArUona

LOB ANGELES, Cal . Jun* O.—Adolfo Villareal was arreated here l«*t night hy the United States Trlarahal'a office on a charge of violation of th* neutraJlty )awa In connection with lh« amuggiing Into Maxtoo of an aeroplane uaed by th* Sonora rebel*. Although he was dreeeed ae a laborer th* iu th o rllle i declare that the Mexican U a man of prominence and w'ealth.

The arrangem ents "wUh Aviator Dldlef Masaon, who has ueed the machine In recent battles near Guaymaa, aappoiedly were made through aoro* Mexican agent a t Lob Angeles, w h ere 'the machine was made and sold-

T h t Incident here referred to waa de- iqrlbed. U*t Saturday, by a special corre- ipondent of the New*, ■who told how a colored oorpora.1, believing the aeroplane to be a windmill urgently needed to aav« the cattle in Ih* vicinity from perishing with thlrat. permitted the smuggler* to croea the border with It.

Th* .abO'V* dAepe-tchefl lend confirmation.^ New# lorrespondent'* estimate of

^he uaefulnete of the aeroplane ‘in con> fra^lctlon to report* th a t the machine had never been flown by the aviator, Didler Masaon.

Sprciol nf tft* SE ^ SEL IZ A B E TH . June 26- D e n y in i a llega­

tions of m lscondurt w ith Rev S IM acRorte. form er p asttir of the Ml j Hf reb L'hurt-h, a t M artin * 'ills Miss I Edith Nelson proved a re lu c tan t w llnese . a t the irm l of the m in iaier. She repudl- ] ated a confeesriin, and. though adm itting 1 she "mual h a 'e a'.gned It.' asserted th a t she had no know ledge of its vemtents. M icR orie s tr ia l on in d ic tm en ts grow ing \ cut of hie frlendehlp w ith th e illrl waa continued th is m orning

The S ta te closed a t 2 o'clock ihle a fte rnoon a f te r It succeeded in ge tting adm itted as evidence the confcsslona of the girl and c le rgym an

The fIrK *-’1tness to d ay w-as M rs C ath ­erine J. Shafer, of P la infield , a t whose home E dllb Nelson room ed

She told of d iffe ren t Inciden ts in which Mr M acR orleand the N elson girl figured P roaecutor Alfred A Stem , conducting the S ta te '* ca*«. tried to g e t Mrs. Sha­fe r to tell of a converaatlon betw een the g irl and her m other, to w hich she 'was a llBiener, and In which. It ie declaredt the girl confessed

Suprem e C ourt C lerk W illiam C. O ebhardt, of counsel fo r the de­fense, objected to th e question, Mr Stein ang rily rem ark ed th a t he would

CREDIT MEN HOLD FINAL I LUNCHEON OF THE SEASON1 The Iasi monthiv I'lncheon nf the seeinnI o f the c'redlt ? .KasiH'iation was held

today at Achtel-.-Jietter's parlors .\n- I nounremenl use made o f the re-elsi titin

of Curtla R HurnMi as natlona] director el the national ci'n' 'ention of credit men

I held at Cincrnnati last weektVlllard I Hh mllicin, *e<“TetHrv nf ihf*

Prudential Insurttru’e I ' an ipam '".a* Ih * sr**Her a! the l invhenn His suhin't was 'The Personal K«iuallnn “ Mr Hamilt--n.

I In speaking o f ihe latent p<iwer which he hei;e\es to be in all men, said

The problem of e^er' one of iiS is the ' riF'Finpln^t of our power? lo Iheir niaxi- I mum tapaclr\ T he|ie\p ihai we all

know ihhi WF lio not ijo this No nian does It Somewhere there is n reserve of force and p'lwer ivhtch 'wn he summoned

I If remains for us to find nul the de\e|hp this po-aer and in lh!s waj to

I achieve nUfTees "

Falro lm en Erkerlln* and Bmlth. ■who brought Roiao to co«jri. found *ix ex tra cartridge* In ^’e tran n s p o c k e t

BOY VICTIM OF FAIL IMPROVESH arlan Brown, the A rlington bov who

was h u rt by falling from the second floor of a house at th n l place Tuesday, slightly Improved.- s ico rd ln g to a report ■ from ist M khael H H ospital th is a fte r- ' noon The b o y s skull wa* frac tu red

It w as erroneoualv s ta ted yesterday th a t the lad Ip a son of Mr find M rs S A rthu r Brown, of Pavonla S'-enue He Is a son of Mr and Mr" H arlan Brown, who l l 'e on the Bam* s tree t S A rih u r B row n's fam ily are In Canada

EAST ORANGE MAN'S HURTS FATALJohn Foster, of 77 S terling street, Eaai

Orange, whos* leg w as crushed In an accident on the Pennsylvania R ailroad in H arrison M ay 15. died la st nighi in ? i Michael 5 H ospital. Hi* Isg w as badfy mangled

R It 31*n w itb Shovel, I* C harge.C harged w ith s trik in g a fellow -w ork-

SOQAL WORK CONFERENCE TOPICproblem * of *001*1 serv ir« w ork am ong

young peopls a re being dia''ua**d a t ih* annual flunday-school and E pw orth League convention of th* D elaw are Meth* ndtst Conference, being held In 8 i John '* j Methortlsi Church, colored. O range Arks ' A Brown of the soda) serv ice d e p a r tm to t \ of (he Newark D istric t, spoke today, tn d | declared ih s t %wnh religious leader* th» Boy Scouts m ovem ent U proving effec­tive. He also called lU e n tlo n to the work of- the Y M. A In tn teceatlng boy* In rellgidua work.

Delegates from several P la te s a re at- ; tending tJie convention w hich opened yeslerday afiernonn. An ad d ress of wel­come WA* given laa t n igh t by M ayor ?Tank J M urray, of O range, nnd greet- logs w<*re expressed by Rev George M. P lesketi, of E p iphany Episcopal M ission. . Mlsi Mabel G ray, rep resen tin g the C. E. societies and Mrs M ontra F uqur* . rep- resenting the Young P eople 's Union.

Tlie convention will close ton igh t with An address hy Rev P r Fred H a re Bald- > win. of C alvary M ethodist C hurch . E ast O rsnge

H ED FOR BREAKING GIRL’ S ARMOn a charge of a s s a u lt and b a tte ry j

Robert F- M cG rath, a ch au ffeu r, tw en ty- . one years old- of Aabury P a rk , wa* | locked up a t police h ead q u a rte r* last | n ight by D etective Jack** M cGrath w as a rre s ted In A abury P a rk on com ­plaint of M ary A D o n n e lly .'o f <13 N orth F ifth s treet. H arriaon . who charge* thaT lie grasped her by Ui« a rm M ay 31. tw is t- ‘d It and broke ii M cG rath w as held in ?jnc haH for the grand ju ry In the Second Prei-lnct Court. It w as fu rn ished .

I OPERATION SAID LAST RESORTAn operation waa perform ed th is m orn­

ing on F rederick W righ t, a pain ter, of 7 Prospert row. th is r iiy , whoee spine was frac tu red yeste rday a fte rnoon when he fell from the roof of th e home of Thom as A Edison. In L lew ellyn Park ,

O rsngeTbe operntlon was perform ed a t the Or-

Rnge Memorlftl H nepllal as a la st resort,like to tell w h a t ® ' a . , a fte rn o o n t .h rn they Quarreled «t 1i e» „ paid It will he Impopalble lo de-prem e Court c lerk a c tin g n th e caw . ,ir*-it and A rh land avenue, E aet ' lerm lne the outcom e (or aome time, but

■'It Ie dam nable en aw arin g your nuea- | K aftaele W dlla. of 717 Ncirtii , TYrighfe condlHon Ie c rltlra l.Ilona, replied I>«bhardt oueatlon ’ ’*='® under i ---------------- * ^

Judge Lonnolly o^er^uled t a ti ow by R ecorder N ntt th is m orn- DIITirCT (1C MIHinD FIBFQand Stein eaclalm ed. I am a lm ost ready ^ frier.d furn ished his bond, h is I BUDGET Or WINUK r l R t oto nolle proea. the case i victim la A ngela Indlso, of '?ki ; - -------

Chief of Police P a tr ick S. ' sg ,ifc>rd s tree t. E ast O range. Both a r e ' Bnilmg te r wbloh overfiow M r*u*ej$P lainfield , teatlfled th a t he saw th f | „r,J ioyed hy E a a l O range. Sicilia rati

OGDEN WKITESELL DEADBpetial Service of rt* y£W S.

OXFORD, June 36.—Ogden WTiItgiell died late y«tterday atfemooti at hi* home, In Belvidere avanue, after a lingering ll! npBB of complication of diseases.

Mr. Wblt*s«n wa* elfhty-**ven year* old. and 'wa* a oon of tha late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whlteeell. Me was born In Velnno, W arren County, and lived there all hla life until a year ago, when his home was deetrocyed by fir* and he moved to Oxford.

Twice married, Mr. Whitesell I* sur­vived by two sons by hta first wife—Al­bert WhlteBell. of W ashington, N. J , ani^ Jacob WhlteielJ, of Karravllle. and la also survived by hi* widow, Mri. ^ugene W al­ter* WhUeaeli,

FAU^ DEAD IN STADONRAHWAY. Juna 26.—M n. David Kan-

nedy, tlxty-nlna years old, of Ferndale, Sullivan County, N. T.. m other of Chief Devia Kennedy, of the Rahway F tte De-

eon girl Bign a paper in the office of W alte r E. H etfleld, The paper w as a l ­leged to have been a confeerion end ■written hy H etfleld a t th e g irl 'a dicta-

W hen placed upon th e s tan d yeste rday .Vltse Nelson refused to an sw er several Questions on the ground th e f to answ er m ight "Incriminate o r d e g rad e" her. Mac- R one h a i a w-ifo and d au g h te r. MUa .Ve.Uon waa a m em ber o f th e cho ir of hie rburch- It w af on th e s tren g th of a Btory told by her to her m other, Mra. A m elia Masijn, th a t g ran d lu ry action a a s taken .

Mac R one w as a rrea ted laa t November, a f te r Mra. M ason had gone w ith her dau g h te r to Chief Of Pollc.e K lely. of P lainfield , and' A aela tan t P roaecu lo r W alie r L. H etfle ld . At th a t tim e Mlaa Nelaon m ade w hat pu rpo rted to be a confeaelon, Th* N ew ark C onference of tr.e M ethodlat C hurch suspended Mac- Ro-le and he haa not y e t been re in ­sta ted

At the tr ia l y e s te rd a y M acR orie'a counsel .faked th a t R obert I. H are, of tbe New York b a r. be perm itted lo look a f l r r Mias N elson 's in te rea ls . The p roseriition d eclaring th a t g ran tin g rounsel to a w itness w as Im proper. «p- poee-l thla. M aoB orle 's counsel Insisted Uiat the girl w aa p rac tic a lly a co-dafen- dant. H are waa a d m itte d tq th* case, p ro secu to r atolD OKceptIng

Mr. H etfleld tea tlfled th a t M acRorte had adm itted w rong do ing and asaefted th a t he alone wras to blame.

email h la i* In the re a r of the M B, aw ay a f te r the quarrel, but waa caught Mork rum paiiy , 3iB Ogden <hisby tho police a t 85 N orth C linton a lrce l | morning The dem ege w as tki.

_______ -___________ [ Children and m a tches w ere th e causeof a fire in th e home o f A lexander, 167 B arclay street, th is m orn ­ing D am age to the e x ten t of 660 was

F ra n k llu flstter1hfv*Hei Vet*r*D,Frafik lln BaU en aw ait*. aeventV 'sU

>u*are old. died yeeierday a t the Home for Dl!»abl«d Poldier^. Ke^trny, from arte ria l trnubi*. He had served in Com pany H, Tvsenty-thlrd New Jersey \'n liin teer In ­fantry. and Company r , Thlrt> ''Sevenih New' \'c'lunteer6 A nt*phew-, ANfred B aiterihw aiihv , of Crossw-lcka, su r­vive* him.

Ibform ntlnii w aoted of Floreae* nr KniHr nr D oiiaherfy orth e ir h e irs ; th e tr fa th e r an d b ro th e r w ere artle tH . th ey lived in O range, N J , In ISSO or 1^62

A E. Rs. P. O. Bn* 2dfl, Mllihiirn, N. J-

a n 4 A com plication of a llo iem s of elgh- | p ,rtm e irt, fell degd In th e ra llg tay aU tton

f m

060 t«0i t i o n a

, t J US-vtiw. 'V - ’ifi

teen wreeka' duration, at the home of hla ion, I'rpuik p , Downe, 127 Railroad avenua.

Baaloai hla son and widow, Mr. Do*n» It turvlriid by. a daughtar, Mrs. Sarah R. Ralnaar, of SUaabeth. Five years ago 2|r. gnd Myi. Downe celebrated their ^ U lfn wediiing anniversary,, and four ganeratlona .war* r^reientad. The tu- neral'wlU ba bald at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night at the bong*, Rav. J. B. J. Rhodee, paator of. tha Uathodlat Eplaoopal Church, officiating. , Saturday tha body w!l! be taken to Sandy Ridga Hunterdon County, where another aervlce will he held in the Baptist Church, and burial will h* In the adjoning catnetery,

M # . JAMb T S s FUNERALSpecial Semice Pf Ot* HIIVB.

NKwrON, Juna 26.—The tan cn l of Rev. Jamw E. Hall, who died at h li home, 2T Foitar itraet after a long iUnagt from heart trouWeg wag held at t tCdocV yas­ter day aftgrboon In Cbrtat BplsoopaJ Church. oF w U A ha waa' aaiitataiit reotor for four yeata. _ ^ .

Blahop Sdwin & Itnoa. of the itiooagt Of Kawaafe, aaglgtad Bactor Xmaat C. tu t-

'hni in til* tu»arW aarclce.R w . Hr. Hall spent forty year* aa tac-

tpr ot EptaeOpal. churches in th* dloetae d Albany. Among th* clergy preM b at tha futwrti were Rar. Jfohn Prout, Trinity Church, RaniialiaarVllle, B*». Will­iam I*. /T eU la y ,, Chrla\ Ohurcjl. wlefc, N. T .i Rev.'W illiam ,MUobam, *k P e ^ A Churea, H aeh^tl«o'#»-,

Tha p a ilb a iew . 'paaa Waodora fllmdar ton, cm tnul IfRiter f. TfhinaaMra. tar XaiytOS, WUUam H. XarL ,|.a « la jL . Hg^fyiApla. an4

Of amt YMW at A iiat,.fili,0 idh

here at noon today. Heart dueSae ■waa glvfn ae tbe cause.

L a c k a w a a o a C o n d u c to r D caa.Special Scrtiioe of thp JUTWS.• 'WABHINOTON, K. J.. June 18.—John I. Smith, the Lackawanna conductor On tralna No. 42. eaathound, and No. 1. g^stbound, running by way of Roon- ton from Hoboken to Waahlngton. i* dead at hla honiv in Hoboken. He died suddenly Monday night. He had Ju t| been transferred to another run on No, 2 and No. 6 train* and waa to have made hla flrgt trip on tha new run Tuesday

Mra. Cbarlaa B . Warden.gpcclel Ssrtticc of the JSSW8.

MATAiVAK, Juna 3 t—Mn. Charles H. Warden, wife of C. H. Warden, caahler of the Fem itri' and Merchant*' National Bank, this place, died yesterday. H*r deggfl was cauaad by th* rupture o t a blood veegel, Mre. Wardeft w u aetiv* In church Rprb. *“d wn* alxt-fiva year* old. She 1* lurvlved by her huaband, '* alater, and on* brother, W. V. Simpton.

rraaelB Joaaph Real.Special Sanies of tS* NSWI.

RAHWAY, Juna 2d.-Fra»cU Joaaph NoaL aged fifty-two year*, died lait;BtCht at hi* home, ai Weattleld aventi*. He wag bora m PTanc*. H* leaves a widow. Tha funerki win be heW from Bt Mary'a Chutoh, Friday inoralnS. Rav. John A. 0-Britn will ofUclata

Hta, SaaaiB B . Blakaty.SMstol'Samlae a f'iSa P f w s .

H U S A B S T H , Juaa 2 8 , - 1 ^ Enam a HatHfeOUiM r, wHB It John W t-M aM r. « * i laat ■' ■ ■ ~

a i»

C h a u f f ru r A dm lta S p eed ing .P lead ing guilty to d riv in g an au to ino-

blie yesterd.ay AfUrnoon above th e speed lim it in South P e rk w ay , E a s t O range, Je ipcs Fenneeay, a ch au ffeu r, fo rty -five years old, of 463 Scotland e tree t. Orange, w as fined 226 thla m orn ing by Recorder N ott. F ennessy w as overhau led and ar- reeled by M otorcycle Policem an M urray, o f tbe p a rk police.

Go-cart Breaks Child’s L«a.C aught In the w heel of a hom e-m ade

go-cart, John S. W higam J r ., te n y e a n old, of 46 S outh Orove a trea t, Irv ing ton , susta ined a frac tu re of the r ig h t leg yee- te rd ey ^ te rn o o n . H e w aa g iven f ir s t e ld tre a tm e n t by Police Burgeon J . Floyd Bow m an and wae th e n ta k e n hom e hy P a tro lm an G eorge C anfie ld .

C h arg e Joy m d lo g , Not D ru n k ra n rs eTRENTO N , June 36 -T h e ch arg e of '

leckleae riding, which O E Jacobus, of . th# M nnlcfiiir O arage and M achine I Com pany. m ade a g a ln e t H a rry B G allagher, a rh au ffeu r , of 16 St Luke ! place, M om datr, and w hich led to a !tem porary reyocetlon of (.jallagher e li- j v a Ca t io .v ok i .n' m aN PLAi 'Ecenee. did not, ae reported , allege Intoxl- j Votire la hrr-by gi^en iha( an rFr-itnenrecation 38 the th a rg e Included a rom pan- i ««■ Introduced • ' n m etorn of th* rrum-Q of. - n 11- e . - To hie rn m nlain t Mr * *6* borough ot North Arilngion, N J , held ion JOf O allagher In hla rom plam i -Mr. , thlrieerHi diy of .tune, ll>16, proriam*Jacobus yfiid | to: !ii« vacation of a portion of Inman place, in


"I have good reason to believe that both tail b ir.iush Tha c.-unril iiier*upon fixed e ■ u n Una r..e,i lo rlarea where trirtv 1 Tueadfiv. the fjtxl dai rf Julv, 131,1. and tha Ot them had been In places wneie inoy ^nambar, in bnroush hsil. in eaM bor-

procured lni0XKal'*B I wnvilon 1 ftlHlfl . g i'Vli>qU P, M . as< ilma an'looatltlvelN trial tb(r*' ■«''er« under the in- ; p!*re wh«n snd wh*r* the cj^uncll wouM m»ftt nuence of liquor, but t know they had con»ider objection* to 14I1I nrdi-be*n drlnklnx, beraut=e T wa* here In the rf flce when the &.r returned,”___________

IRVIKGTO!V ADVKRTlSEBiENTfiNOTICE 1* hereby (iven that th* foiiowinf

piiltlon «>'■» firesentei le th* council of the town of Irvin/fton ■ erated me*Mnf cif th* ii td council held Monday *v#ftln*. June 2.

T^o^ Ihe Honorsblf the Town Councl! of the Town nf Irvina'^TTGtruiemen-Wn. ih« underelaned ownera of

iiliuated alon* ih* line of the pro-

naiioA.Dated Nor^h Arllftsion, June 13

JOHN H (NHIklaDS._____________________________ Boroijgh Clerk


fotifiUlnie centt uo: lot pdp«r 7D ceota roll; lochemlthlne:. Oninx" Hardware Cth. 37ff Main Bt Rubber rooflna. lt.W> ir»H-

erjied improvement, do hereby pet tion yourfionorable body to cauie llton nloc*. from ____Lyon av«Tiii* eOutberly »o the lln* of ih* Man Rea T lan'J TunernTrtMrty 'af the Workingmen a ReaUY Com- oafly. to b* graded and fldS«ed with c*mcDlon weaterly *1iln of aineei

Re*p*ctfully iubn’iiued.N'K’HOLAS TCEflKR, W ILUAU QRUHN.

Notlca la h*r*by glv*n thaM h* council of th* town of Irvington will m«ei Monday. July T. iei3, at 6 o'clrwk P- ^ town haflIn Ipvtftaton. to hear and conilder any objec- ILana tft isld tmprov*m*'nt that may b* jira- iemed In writing « the town clerk on or b.- fore tald tlme.

Ii-Tlngtoh. y J

TUt Sp1 « M t Coiutnicteff KaO Top SANITARY DESK

1 1 2 8 . 0 0other Stores Aek iSS le t gke Sanw peak«f so'td g u a rta i^Oak, 60 lo. long. .S I In. I Seep, 43 in. high; flv.,- ply built up w riting bed g n l saek top, h e |y y eonitruc- tloB. Paa- oull lock bn curtain, wopSan drawer*, l i e boa#*. PtlvotPjo PT In pigaone hols ease; wwvt '?*•'* drgwarpartltlohed tor ooka, , . .

■Wa want you tp bteom* fcoualnted w ith otti eatraordlnary aaaortnieat of f in * Otno* and Homa Furnltura and Ihe, Low Prleea th a t a lw ays prgyalt

. B odJi 2 * 2F a rp lto n Yoor Owa P1.M

at Mr hgn«. inwaa bora IR H*«g*R


M, BTOCKMAH, Town C)*tK.

NOTICE is hereby liven that the following neriitM wej DreMOted to the council of the

to H of Irvmgton, at * itatwl meeting of the «Td «Mcll. held Monde, eveatnf, June 3,*®OMtJemen-We, the undenlrnod owneri nf nronertr eltuoted along the line of the pro- Sowd Improvement, do hereby petlttoa your S o lu b le body to cnee tmrir-nlilih alreet riomProBpecx avenue aeutherly. to be grjdeii Std mgged *Kh blue atone, Reepectfullyeabrnmed. HENRY LBNHARD.


Notice te hereby Ihet the enroll ofthe town ot Irvington wlh meet Monday. July 7 tote at 6 o'clock P. M.. et^the town halt In Irvliaton, to hear end conelder »ny objec- ttoM w eeJd improvement that may ba i™-

m writing to tha town clerk on or be­fore eadd time. j j gTOCKMAN.

Town C1*i^Irvington. N. J-

PIANOfl !un*d at rpgular periods f!s* mor* nrlafacU&u and rpat longsr NATHAN’ 0

2Wi Dodd tl., EditOrange, 'phone

LAWN TENNIS clul«* ar* now forming for monthly prliea, commencing July 1, new

court. PIERSON, 150 North Clinton at.. E**t Qranga._______ ___ _____ ___________

PORCH *er*eni, hotted eauh moldlnr*. d o o r ^ lumbir and ml'1 work. J. A- NETTsL CO.

Bm«x av*.. nflar Railroad; 'phon* 644R.


NOTIC* li hereby given that th* foilOTlng i*. t!ti™ wae preianted u , the oauiioU of the

low Tof IrvmiPon^ »t »{b. paid council, hold Monday evening, Junelio'?he'H«Bor*bia the Town CouooU, of th*

3 S7 u*fflen-w r the tn ^ ittiM d rfV u t i n P

hftadrikle bedy w ^ u wS ^S ifleJd *v*- to Simwood *v*., le b* g r o ^ and wb*d and Tb* ttd*w*Jki .fUgt*d. R*-tteettnlly •'•’w W 'lk D, t r a in e b .

r da« D MATnaLD, e m i tB BDCSniB and rfhai*

July t. 1*18. at 8 o'cioek P, 2d., at tha town half, la Irviagtna. to hoar and eon* tear any aMtctlona t» said Improvtineiit that may be

Roth & Co. Market!4 lbs. Porgies ........................25c4 lbs. Weakfish ................ 25c4 ibs. Flounders ................... .25c3 ibs. Butterflsh .............. .25cSea Bass, lb............................ I2cStMUiish Mackerel, lb........... 16celfish to boil, lb.................. 14cCodflrii Steak, lb......................I6cBlaefish, lb..............................18cHaUbut Steak, lb..................... 20cLarge Clams, dozen................ 18c



Broadway to Fourth A n Blghth to Tenth Bta.

SUxKS— ihay were Sl.M •P M , now dsc yard.

Cblltoa ta ttau whloli our lat*st Pajia letter says la balng worn at all the races Fsahlouabl* co lo n IT to 41 Inch** wld*.

SILKS tJyoy were tS to Sd-dO, DOW S1.T6 yard-

Preneh aummer silk*. In­cluding Crepon and flowered orepea, w hich our Farit let­ter ooinm enis upon as baing particular favtoritas, DoubI* width.

SILKS— dbey were gS-bO to Id. now d i.g 3 yard.

Brooadad crepe ebarmeuao and other soft ■Ilka Paris la using them now and *vary Indication polnia to ihalr continued faahlon next au- tumia Yellow, lavender, blue, green and other excel- lent colors.Silk Rotunda, Main Floor,

Old Bulldlnit.

LIKKN DKESSE8— regularly tS l.M . lor $ia.60.

Fine lloent, crash loo. In beautiful colors and dlatlugulah- *4l ity lea Heavy crash with amualug trhnm laga copied from the Frouch, or wltb bkg buuona and mock . butbonhole* or wltb kaotted ties.

K M B noiD C H E D V O I L E OOAT DREAKES — regnlarty I I A U , for SS.TA

Pink, blue and ottaar colora all wltb black velvet girdle*.

U N O E R IB DRESSES r ^ - nlarly $S&, lor ttKTB.

Bom* with ribbon run thronch ad th* neck to almulat* an UB- derbodlce.

U N O E H IE OO-WNS — regu­larly g u , for S1».B«.

Big cap* col lari of embrold- 0*7 . cunning ripple* of lace and all richly trimmed with fin* tgf*let embroidery and lao* la> mrtloD.

Second floor, OM Bulldlnc,

D RESS LTFENB (0 |a t« r W hite) rngnlarly dba now SSe pard.

Strong, heavy, all flag linen (or wnomen’s tailored aulta, aoata and sklrta. Hade In Bel- Caat 16 VG Incbee w lda

At t i c It 1* th* moat extra­ordinary offering that the Linen Store haa ever m ada U aan Store, Flrat Floor, Old


OLOVBB (Fh m CSearaw ay)—rcgn lM ly tBo to Si,a&. now 15c to S l.tS pair.

Ware SB to M .50, now St.II pairs lo n g and abort kM

aad raed* gltrreaW ere U J 5 to SAJ5, BOW

•1.15.I I I p a in long kid and gaoda

gloveaU ain floor, Old Building.

W ere tL 1 6 to Sl.TS, now 25<k141 pairs Hole. atlE gkuio and

doaaklB glovaaW e n U o to 01. now 50a411 pair Ueie, tllk . glao* and |

cham ois glove*.W e n U o to AOo. mow Mm17$ pair Hal* and MIk glovM.Subway floor. Old Balldlng.

DRESS OOODS R E S O T A im —w ere $ U i» to IS , new aU 5go yard.Bllk-atrlped imported vollea Black aJl-allk g n a a d ln a a Bngilah tw eed nultlnga Imported bordered popUn. Bordered 'wool vollea SUk-and-wool vollea AU-*llk plain -vollea W oolen ooetume aolUnga

They wlU be sold In lengtti* n lta b le for eeparau aklrta coats ar d reo ea for wom en and TOUDg girla

U aln aisle. Old BuUdliig.

TOtJirO WOUEIPS seUXEB 'DRB88KB—regwlarly I1S.5S to •MAO, now 110.

Dreeeeo are of vollo. Unan, fancy crepea novelty fabric* soma -whlta eotne oolored, all very good * ty la beoauee the vien who m ade them goes dl- reoUy to Pari* for hi* Ideaa liae* 14, 14 and IS.

Second floor. Old Building-

i m p o r t e d BLAZERS — Value tlO at ••■

Plain gray, w ith Mu* trim ­med cuff* and pockets; alio itrlpea of m any oolora Burlington Arcade floor. New

Building.b e d d i n g — sae matweem*

tor • » ; • I E » bo* Iprltifa for t l ; $5.50 w ire ipringa for $4; •a .a5 fratberplU ow ti for tl.Sd .

Made in 'wanamaker work-raom a „

Seventh OeJlery. New Building. WHTTE CORAL h ECK-

TjACES— rcgoJarli’ $B to l i t for and regularlj 115 to lad

tor ••-11 g etrtng* Juat reoelved by an Importer and turned e w to u t Thoae are the lovely white oora.1, flecked w ith ro*e oolor. All mounted with eolld rold cl^PD’

Main floor, Old Bulldltifte

Men’* Pure SUk Sblrte- rag- nlarly 15. lor SS.SO.

These ahlrts ere mad* of fine quality pure sUk b y ‘ our own coat cm ehlrt factory, very light and ih*or hut with th* neuaJ W anamaker guarantea They are aewed with ellk and flnlahed 1ft a WSJ to jladdoTi th* h«art of th* m eet faiUdloua dreaeer. Sixes 14 to 17.Burlington Arcade floor, New


M EN’S SUITSSecond day— Frida y^-of

th e Special Sale# of Kloven Hundred Hand-Tailored Two- tneoo B oita•to to ISO Gredos for115.50.Buurllngton Arced# floor. Now

Building.110,60 to aao Gnede* to*

111.50.^foadwwy corner Blghth


276 Main StreetD f l A I T T&EATAE O l t l l l U ORANGE

HoTlog PfcHrc* «r tin East Ortnge ScoieCeotenioi Ptfifft

,. 'tS^B™‘.tk e a « FTOD YOOI PIC Y liM lW T 8 * H O TK I ’*■ j A lt fn o o B Slid e v « s l« K i, t e SB« lOe I

V'.. . ■ l‘>X '„ . . i"

These seis of teeth are made in my own labora-

O l I U r and no! “ sent out" to be made up by men who never see the patient, as

a great many dentists do whose practice is not large

enough lo support a laboratory. I thus not only make up sets of teeth at lower cost to myself, but they have individuality and proper expression which otheri lick. Painless extraclibn.

Beet Set of Teeth. IIO.OO.Sold C ro w n (H h i. •5.WI.Geld PTillaga From OlJNI.

Nrfeewefrf wflAMr otttr pfffii

EdmifS;Hinegp.D.SaFreprleter '*k tte Detalal Parlor*

4 7 Ilrte iS t.'* ':s jV g ’ .UU^’regatk Wp4W 'Wlag fhrtltiek



N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S , t m U R S D A Y . J U N E 26. 1913.

R A 2S I N 'f ^ Z I N & O P P E N H E I m


fnm a t WiuNnfIm gurtau «t f** FW?'-ISO VtWB

WABHINQTOK, Jun* » - A few mlD- utH twfof* iMk of » iquoruiB pul m to tbo ioitloti. fiepMionUllvo Motoy ttltwd unonlmom cnnionl !n lh« Domo- or»tle H oum coucu* y<«t»nJ*r •fiernoon (or tho eonoldorotlon of •poodlnc work on th« N»work PorloM l^ Tbo o»ueu» pM»*d fovorobly on the ■MUur* without ouMlIon

With *0 much t*innt. th» pith or too KOI from now on U rxpeotod to bo coin-r»r«Uv#ly otty- f*’*' *’"* '!!!nine* on tho eolondor, *nd wUhIn » thort Um* wlil com* boforo tho whole Hou»0 for cOtWlderitlH ln«»much *■ the n u u u ro bow* 'h* unonlmou* approvol of tho oommlttoo on public bulldin** »nd ■reundi. bocUod up by yortord^oy'o ^ u o u i oetton, llttlo doubt 1* foil Ihot the bill will b* p***od on to tho Bonnt* without much ufo.

In «ff*«l, the mOMur* •uthort*** the r*t*Btlon of * cooiultlnf irc lh to tt tn d dOM »w»y with the throotenod thro* y*u*' hold-up of the new projoet In the tov«rnni*nt iUporvUln* *rchlt*ct'» otflco. th* e«u*o of the hold-up boint the eon- ■Mtlon Ihor* It le»v«» th* w iy c!e»r to th* lmnt*dlalo *olo of tho pro*onl po*l- offle*. »nd tho use of the monoy thu* ob- Ulo*d for tho purohaw of » now *lto, orul th* oroctlon of e now hutldlni Under th* bill thoro will bo no notcioHy. oltbor, for ipplyln* to the appropriation* com- m ltue (or further authority aa to finano- Inc th* Improvement

I t t* ixpectod tha t the. bill will go through tho Senate without h*lf the trouble It oncountered m the Houte. One* pa*«*d to the Houao. tho moaaiire will b« ri(*rT*d to tho Senate committee on pub­lic building* and grounds, w ith Senator BwanaoD. of Virginia, chairm an, and Banator Martin*, of Now Jor**y, ranking mambsr. W ith the concortod aupport of •anator* U artine and Hughac. favorabl* aotloD •eeme probable


W h ic h C o n g re ss Is T ry in g to P ass , B u t D e lay ed So L ong

H A 5 M A N U F A C T U R E R S GOINGto a p o in t th a t th e y a re reducing th e ir stocks, so a s to be on th e sa fe side. 'OC

b o u g h t 6,000 p a irs of h ig h es t g rad e sh o es from th re e m a n u fa c tu re rs

On Sale Friday at Panic PricesBoots, Oxfords and Pum ps for W om en, Misses, Children and Infants

Read Each Item—Remarkable Rargaintii

BOSTON. Jun* 38.—The following New J tr iey atudenta received degrees yester­day a t New England colleges

Amherit—Bachelor of arts. Bemuel H. Cobb. South Orange; W alter w Coyle, Bldgawobd; Henry B Loomis, Westfield; Randolph B. Merrill, Paterson, Bruce N. ■Uraeta. Jaraey City.

B uhelora of Science, Chauncey Bene- ,<Uot. Montclair; Boheri H Brown, East

Orange; Perry A. Proudtool, Roselle; Judah II' Voorheei. Upper Montclair

William* College — Master of art*, Cbarlea J. Bauerle Jr., Bloomfield.

Bachelor of irta ; Etanley M. Baboon, Bnuth Orange; Ouy E. Delagerburg, Paa- *Me: John O 8. Edwarda, E lliabeth;

^P rank B. Kelley, Chatham , John H. Haaker, Ea»t Orange; Charlea S Phillips. Upper Montclair; Sterling D, W srd, Bast Orange.

Dartmouth College—Bachelor of iclenco, Donald M. Evans. Bast Orange, Ralph M. Fliher, Paterson; Frederick Beldler, Nawgrk.

$1 pr„'Women’s S3 Pifent Calf Oxfordi and Boot!Women’s and Misses' $3 Gunmetal Kid Boots

$1 pr., aromen arid Misses' $3 50 Satin Slippers $1 pf„ Women's and Misses' $3.50 Tin Calf Pumps $1 pfi. Women's S3 French Heel Oxfords $1 pr.. Women’s White Canvaa Pumps $l pr.. Women's A Misses’ $4 Pat. Leaiher Ox. & Boots $1 pr.. Women’s S3 Vicl Kid Boots and Oxfordi $1 pr„ Miisea’ $3 ’/ id Kid Boots and Oxfords SI pr.. Misses’ and Women’s $3 White Canvas Oxfnrds $1 pr.. Women's S2.S0 Black Suede Pumps Si pr, Women’s $3 French Heel Oxfords $1 pr„ Women’s S3 White Canvas Boots $1 pr., Women's $3.60 Satin Slippers $1 a pair, Women's $2 Kid Shoes 50c a pair, Women's S3 Patent Oxfords 50c a pair, Misses’ S3 Patent Oxfords SOc a pair, Women's S3 Patent Pumps SOc a pair. Misses’ $3 Patent Pumps .50c a pair. Children’s $2 Patent Boots ,50a I pair. Child’s $1.50 Strap Pumps_ _ f i -------- -----------------------------------------

Hisses’ and Children's PampsVijAMi 1 1 5 0 , Pttciat Colt, Oqii, Tad

Wbil* tiDTAi. Tbli !• Uft ft««t«tt lest of \P u m p ! for CtiIldr«o offerM t t

f WE OlVE 8.R.J.GOERKE G O E R K E !n 1 I IE 4 C ID n D IS ,




W o m en ’s $1.50 JU L IE T T E SMa4e of Fta« Vlcl Kid* w ith ro b b e r hrelo nod flex ib le B o 1 e 0.

W ttb Blrmpe •tnfl wlfhoatg


SPECIAL CARS TO Y. MOfllelala of th* T. M. C. A. have ar-

rgjigaa vrltn the Lackaw anna Rallrnad to hava Bpaclal coacha* attached to the Braaehvllle expren . Friday noon, to ac- eemtnodat* the eighty hoys who will go to C tm p Klameaha th a t day.

During the first week, berldea Ernest Thompson Seton, ths naturalist, the camp will anlertaln Stats Archelogist Max Gehrahlsch, W'ho will spsnd a few days la th a t region In hli quest for Indian camp atte and rock houaes.

No more applications are being accepted tor Che first few week* a t camp, although tbara ar* a few vacancies for later period*.


300 Pair* Boys’ SCOUT SHOES

of rifip otir B«fuliT prtrR to

|2 50 i Pilr. For FrirtAT md 8*turd* 7 ODlT

Llttlo Genta’ Standard Sl.50 grade Shoe, made of calf leather, DIucher style only ................................... 79 c

flod Chllclren'R W hite C f lf lw PumpR...................................

Missed' and Children'n high cut Shoea in but­ton; made of white canrag ................................ 69c

$1 Barefoot S andalsfor missel, ch il­dren and Inffinis

Two-fltrap nriAde in tan.

Mieses' and Children's Shoea; all aiiee to 2; valueg to $2.00, only ........................................



Dr. C tsb ffa o 's $ 3 Comfort ShoeMade of fineit rid bid, with btnd

tetred flaxibl»ol«a sd6 nib bar b««i» Thlt^I I I * JTHay IAnd KHtardAT.


PU M P5 for G row ing G irlsIn G D BA rtnl. r n lf . P a le n t CGlt«kln

■ad T an . fo r th ia an le on lySi.00P A IR

BOYS’ SHOES AND OXFORDS, $3 GRADESM ade of C»lf Skin, P e t- m*en t Colt mod Ten Bottle J | V C elt ........... .......................


T his G reat Sale in AH Our S tores:I05-7 IHafkct Street, Newark, N. J j 6tli Aveaue, Corner 21st Street, New York

M n. William M Strait and chlldran, of Hlflhtand avenue, will go tJilB week tn Delaware for a nhort stay.

M rt. George P. DouglaHS, nf Baumount place, entertained at a thimble party faBterday afternoon. Her gfuaat* were members of a commlltee arrangluB for the doll table at the coming fair of the Forest Hill Presbyterian Church. Th« ■women will hold no more eocial work gatherlnfla until September

B. B. Denny and family will toon gn to their summer cottega in New Kampehire Edward Denny, the son, haa been a t­tending school In OregoTi.

A concert wilt he given tonight In the Summerfleld Methodist Church by the church's orchestra and the Creecent Q uartet

George J. Althen and family, of De Grew avenue, 'will spend part nf the sum­mer a t their coitagp In Annandale.

Miss Elfile Topping, of De Graw avenue, will spend part of the eumjtier on the Lonf lesland i«hore.

Mrs. William Qnurh and family, of Mt. Prospect a \’6nue, went j^esierday to their summer cottage In Bftlmar

William Kent, of Heller parkway, who has been ill In a *New York hospital for some time, l3 expected homa today.

Three fandidatf.s w ere Initlaterl la s t TTight by A lpha Sigm a PtiL f*Hill PresbytenaTi Church |

The CharlcB W elland^leasure H uh will hold ItB annual fesitivai in w ^iland’a Woodelde in Summer avenue nextThursday night

H. B. R Potter and famllv, of TTriod- side avenue, will go to their pummer home tn Wt'bb avenue, Ocean Grove, this week.

Mrs. F rank H Hanson and daughtnr, of Heller parkway, will go to Squirrel Island. Mft . next week, to spend sum­mer.

Mr. and Mrs William A Cnnwav. nf Wakeman avenue, are In the Pocono Mountains

Sloulenburahs797-805 Broad S t . S X

Men's Cool FixingsWe are doing the Furnishings business of the town these days, liecause we have the goods men want, in greatest variety.

Summer Shirts, $1 to $7.50W ith in th is ran g e we show h u n d re d s of th e m ost b e a u tifu l neg li­

gees im ag in ab le ! Madras and p e rca le s h ir ts , M a n h a tta n s an d o th e r ^ ■ ’ ' ' " ^ d m odels. A n d a p le n tifu l su p p ly ofg o o d k in d s , in p lain and p laited m odels. j

b e a u tifu l so f t sh ir ts with so ft tu rn -b a c k cuffs, s ilk -an d -lin en a n d pure lin en in an en d less varie ty of s tr ip e effects. Y es, an d w e v e p len ty of th e new th o u san d -p la ited soft d ress sh ir ts , in lin en a n d silk .

Summer Underwear■ ‘ In Every Wanted Size


The only way to get 100 per cent, comfort out of your Summer Underwear ii to get it to fit you. WeTI see that you get the right size, in any of these makes:B. V. D..Athlelic I'nderwear, 50c* to $1.50 a garment*B. V. D. Athletic Union Suits» $1.00 $1.50 and $2.00,Stuttgart Health Underwear, $K50 a garment.Fine French Balbriggan Underwear, $K00 a garment.American Hosiery While iM e . $1 to $2 a garment,"Reitie" Famous Vnderwear. 50c, a garment.Reiss Balhriggan Closed Crotch tin ion Suits. Sl.Ofl.Delpark Athletic Underwear. 50c. and 75c. a garment Deipark Athletic Union Suits, $1.00 and $1.50.Vassar Union Suits, $1.50 to $3,00*Imported Aeries mnion Suits, $3.00.

AtnMra. D E Brown, of Myrt.le av^itiue,

h a i gone to Poiith Vernon, M n as , for the Bummer

W alte r w ise , nf K ortb Pixth a tm et, haft purchased a home on S ten jo l av e ­nue, w hich he ■will rirrupy Ju ly i

In add ition to ihe m oving ploturei* ip th e Parian hall of th e 'RnacvlllR \fet.h- o d lit C hurch tom orrow night, Miss Mar- ton Condlt. cornetist, and Mlaa T*oralne Davies, elorutionlGt. Nfrlll f’n te rta ln ,

Mrs. D avie Foster, of Seventh el ’e- nuB. haa gone to B u rk ap o rt Me., fo r the Bummor-

The C raftam en learn of R oee\ille Lodge No. 143, F . and A M-. win jgjve a sh lrt- waJet d a rc e in M aaontr H all tom orrow n igh t.

T he C hris tian E!ldea^'o^ Boclety of the Roeeville Pre-byteV lan C hurch win hold a tro lley ride to Pa! I Bade P a rk tom or­row n igh t. Care will leave Roeevilifl ave­nue and O range a tree i a t fl 45 o 'etork.

M r. an d M rs C H Redm an, of W ill­iam r tre e t, have gone to M t. T abor for th e lum m er.

The Mlaaes Mona and Kleie Davie, of F if th e treet. gave a receptjon Tuesday p re rio u s to leaving w ith the ir pa ren ts for K danaburg , w here they witi rem ain for th e n e x t two m onths Those p resen t were th e Mleaes Doris and G race G ilbert. Al- b ls a Helae, E lla Klmiey, C la ra H aggerty ,

Oegenbelmer. M ary and M iriamAleock.

Imported Aertex Athletic 2-piece Suits, $3.00 the suit.

Interwoven HoseThe one make of thin hose that makes good

In hot weather. As light as gossamer, yet re­fusing to wear out. We are headquarters for Interwovens, and carry big stocks of all Sum­mer colors, white and black, in lisle, silk lisle and silk. Priced at 25c., 35c. and SOc. a pair.

Bathing Suits. Neckwear. Belts.

R e ev isr 15* >■« 15* W klle Perltm , Y*H|. - . . . ■■■ ■■3,000 y a r d i of ]7 - lnch w h i te poplin* n ice Boft Bliky grade* a

va ry d a i l ra b le fab r ic fo r w o m a n ' i and c h l ld r a n a w ear , r e g u ­la r I4 r and IDc va luea for

8 1 clagn lar emv* w a n e in a a n a m e M v n . i m n ........ - ................. • • • ^ ^

T he beat value offered th la a*BBOn. S« Inchea * » co p t|o n - Tally good Arm quallly of rarnle llnan, make vary aervlcaabla aulta or dreaai. apedal for tomorrow only. 38c yard,Hegwiar lie NeTcrllaC U aloa L lnea Tow allag. r a ^ ................ ^ |2.30ft yarda on aale tomorrow. excaUent Arm union llnan tow- W I ^ altng. very uaeful for hand, diah or roller toweling. II Inchei O 2 W wide with pretty deep red border, regular Uc valua. 8H« yard.RegQlar 23c ’Nalaral Color Drraa Llaea, Yard ... ........... • • • •l.6i>o yards of 34-lnch natural color dreee linen, aplenald wearing quality, pure flax, the moat durable fabric for aulta or dresaea, regular 55c value, apeclat. Iflr yard.Reaular 33c and 2flt* Vollra for, Yard........... • ’ ...... * j...4,nij{j yards of chiffon vollea. 31 to 4D inchea wide, aplendld desirable waKh fsbrlci, much in demand at preaent for walatB and dreeiea They roTralRi of allk atrlpe vollei. floral voLlea. bordered vollea, black and white airiped voiles, novelty itrtpe vollea and plain colored voUee Large asaortment. regu­lar 2Sc and 2Dc valuea. apeclai. 16e yard.R ag ala r Htc H lppU tle fleeraucker, y a rd ................................ ' t i l1,000 yards of 50-lnch rkpplette seersucker, a very deilrabie wash fabric for children’s rotnporf. house dresses and kimonos, good fast eolori. require# no Ironing. In preUy colored atrlpeS. regular 15c grade, special* 10« yard-R e g u la r 3 3 e T ub Ntika, Y a r d ........................ . . . . . . . . ^1.800 yards of 27-lnch tub elike In pretty colored stripes of hello, pink, navy blue. Jaaper and tan. rich luitroua. durable

silks, regular 2Sc yard, aperlal lomornow, iPo yard*


15clO c19c

79c Corsets Friday at 5DcCor**e* o f io o 4 q u * .litr c o u t l l

w ell boned, long h tp i bnd bxek. medlunn bu»t, to u r bo*e iu p p o rte r* . drew (trine •■><* I*®* m e d ,^ r* f u t» r v»lu**F r td * y * t . . . .


39c nt Brassieres at 29cBr**»1*re* of food quality niu*!lh.

well boned, lice trimmed and on- der»rm *bleld. Th*»e hr»»»tere* *r* perfect (lltln* end m*k* »n Ideal cor*et cover »nd bu*t con- '1(1 — finer combined, (lie* !4 If tt.■ pec|*l .........................................

REUPHOLSTERINQ FURNITUREV e will reupholster five pieces of furniture with

good quality tapestry, finished with silk I ' y g A cord and guimp, oil the fritnea; til work- tranship flrst-cUss; special..........................

A W N ING SV'e use the best quality

standard awning duck and the best galvanited iron frames, pulleys and sailrope; prices accord- 1.98ing to slie up from

Closing O ut a Few P a te n t W indow Awnings J 2 5W hile They Ue*t.

Special in W a is tsAbout IS doten In lot. mad* up

In linen* tailored ityJ* with em­broidered laundered collar and cults, front ot w aist trimmed with ■Infle and double row* of am- broldery, plain CHbMn also have iheer wasbabl*


wa1*t* in blah and low nook, trial- rood tn lace TnierClon and eluatar mpin tu d k s . tbreO-QuartOT ,}*«(dh aleevea, c u tf i tr im m ed olT w ith p intucks, buttoned backs. Insixes'from IS to tt, r* i T I I g T

alsM. special *^cldaySPe ___Sargaln Day, at

Lace Door PanelsIrish Point Ltce Door Panel*,

good width and length; elegant designs; 6Sc. values each ......................... .. 3 5 c


r io a io g out & lo t of m ill ends and re m ­n a n t len g ih e of e s t r a quftlUy g e n u i n e lino leum , aq yard , Cftc i V v v a lu e .................

B ru s s e ls R u g sL a rg e room alae.

® xl2 fee t, h ig h g ra d e BrueeelB ruga , h eavy body, rich dealgna. iu l ta b le for any

S ': . $15.00valuea.

S ta irC arpet

ST-inch B rueielfl C a rp e ts w ith bo rders , b e a u t i fu l designo, s u ita b le for atalTB. h a ll o r run - A f i / y nera . flOo v a lu e ................

B ed M a ttre s s e sF u ll ( l i e com blns-

tlon b*d m s ttre is e * . m sde so ft on nil side*. w ell filled, tu f te d en d covered w ith e n c e l l e n t q u a lity tlc k ln p . v a l u e . .

u $ 3 . 7 5

Pillow*pa-lnoh larpe sis*

extra well filled with clean feathers, cov­ered with Imported dsmask llcklnp, linen f i n i s h , 1 1 rlo 11 y

r . '. '" $ 1 . 0 0v a lu e . . .■

A (ireat Advantage to Buy Wallpaper Here

W e Just p u rch ased BO, 0 0 0 ro ll* of er from J an e w a y * C arpenw a llp a p er iru m “ -v;-

der T hese p a t te rn s a re d lscon tin u ed ; they a re the a e a s o n e new ee t design* an d oo lo ra w h l r t en ab le u* to sell a t a p re a t saertfiee. In ­cluded In the lo t a re :

fie and to* W a llp ap e r . Pe a a d 8 *. s u ita b le tor any ronin.

1 2 c and IP* W a llp ap e r , 4* a a d Bo. In floral s tr ip e s and,8 tr le l .

IB* and IB* W allp ap e r. Be s a d To.In cham bray . Jasp e r and s a tin s tr ip e s

pOe and PB* W allpaper. 10* and IPc. em bossed g ilts , s a tin s , reds, g raan a and 3 0 -lnch oatroea!, fo r p a r-lor, lib ra ry and d in in g -ro o m .

so* and SSe W allp ap e r, t4* a n d 18*.Im ported tw -o-toned reds, g re e n s and brow n* and le a th e r an d m e ta llic e t- fects.

SB* and 4 0 * O atm eal a t 3 0 c— Im ­p o rted 8 0 -inch o a tm eal. In a ll colors, w ith line c u t-o u t bo rders .

1 0 * a a d SB* e n t-o u t B o rd * rs a t 3 cta 10*.

la * and 1 8 * M oire f e l t i n g a t 3 Bbc an d Byy*— In w h ite and a ll colors.

*8 .0 0 Boom o f W a llp a p e r fo r f 3 ,W,w ith w ork, a llo w in g 8 s in g le ro llsof side w all and f s in g le 3 . 9 0ro lls of celling , w ith g u a r-

Men’s and Youths’ 7.50and 8.50 Odd Suits,Iphile they last, Triddy, 5.75

About 85 suits, not everV site in every pittem , but all sizes from 32 to 42 chest in the lot. You can select from plain blue and brown serge, and a nice varidty of mixtures.

Another Thousand of Those Girls’ Pretty Summer Dresses which other­wise would Wist yon np to 2.00, no snie tnniorrow for . . 79c

s ty le . Bulgarian Belted EfiecU

and ttfe"m ” 'e^’l7 l t ‘h e 'm a -

Nnne ex*banged. (Second floor.) .

Box*' 13.00 Patent Celtakin

Welt Snle Bnttnn and La*e

Bhon.All il***, op

to BH


Glria’ One-gtrap SitpBcra foT

Street W ean Blacks Tatt.

Patent and WUte* Slsea 9 to R

to 12 to 2

69c, 79c, 89c, 98c

Young Ladies' $2.59

6-Strap Patent Leather SUbpers for Street Wear

Sixes 2^1 to 6


W. L. Oenaln*Hen’B

$3. S3.B0 and *4 Oxford Tlea

Stic* a. 6^4, T. B, S Sltahllr aolled


Forbes’s Men's Custom

Made$6, $7 and $8 Oxford Ties


Men’s Custom Made Shoes.$7, $S and $9



Women's 9B>0fl W elt Bole W hite

Caavaa Pump* with fUbboa Bow u d BS W hite Bea

Island Batton Shoe*


R. and G. Women's $5.00

White Buck Button and Lace Shoes


Dnaten Shoe Ct>* Women’*

$3.00 Welt Bole Oxford Tle*a

Pampg end Strap Bllpper*





Forbes’s Men’s $6.00

Imported English

Oxford Ties

Boys’ and Girls’ Leather Barefoot

' Sandals

When You Are Away i|jjnn|)|]rnn|Qon your vacation enjoying the ^ I l i p p U I I I U I I I Uon your vacation enjoying the charms and benefits of new scenes or travelling on busi­ness or pleasure, the advan­tages of home are often lack­ing, and most times the ser­vices of a physician are un­available or else you do not care to go to a strange doctor.

Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey give* (0 the sick in a ready assimilable form the nourishment and tonic properties from barley and other grains, which are the great strength-giving foods.

When you go away this year, be sure to take along a supply of

Duffy’ S Pure Malt WhlskenT M t B IS T FOR ALL iM E B O E N C IE B

A change in the mode of life, perhaps drinking water or several otherlie causes may produce indisposition. .. .w lle r ’s aafe£uard~atTo be safe you should have ^uffy ^ t h e trawUers^ w » T» So tViP. mrtRt afficactous remedy for cniiis, levery » j j*



f t DiamondsYou can't be too

careful in choosingAbout f l f t« n m em bers of th e W om en'a

Sewing Guild of th e E llrab e th Avenue P reaby terion Church a ttendeil the a ll-day maetliAg and luncheon yeste rday In the chu rch parlor* .

Mr*. W alte r J. W lnane. of M aple ave­nue, Lyon* F a rm a en te ria ln ad the Wom- f t t 'i MlMloh Circle of the E lisabe th Ave­nue B apttat C hurch y este rd ay afternoon. ■}dra. W tillam 'P. B u rd ltt J r . and Mre, E dw ard M orrla w ere in charge. About tw«Qtx w ere preaent.

n * C brtatlan E ndeavor Eociety of the " XUaUMtli Avenue P re tb y te r ta n Church

irtU hb ld fl tro lley rid e to^J=^lisadea P a rk afternoon.

■krflewberry and Ic* creatn feetival . lo s t n ight In t h i W averly P a rk

w HIfargaTBt Dwyer, BbeptrS av*-

■ *p*Dd the next two weelte In

can tin

Diamonds.The safest plan is to

go to a Jeweler whose word you can depend on.

You can come hereand select a diamond without any knowledge ot gems and be certain o't the quality.

Our reputation has be» gained by selling dia­monds of the' highest quality, at the lowest con­sistent price.

AURNHAMMER: OPTICIAN2 2 4 S p i i f lg f ie ld A v e ., C o r , B e a c o u S t .

Id wat«r swieltoed to tult, a wUcteae asB healthtol ErUk.—

Your AttentionIs called to our window display of wood panels

finished with

Bridgeport Stainsand the famous

WMer’s Wiioil Filler

hand. It is the most efficacious remedy ........ ^diarrhea, nausea and all summer lUs. Be sure to put a your crip. _

BE BURE YOU OlT OUFFY’BDuffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey is sold in SEALED

BOTTLES ONLY by most drug^sts, grocers and dtol ers It $1.00 a bottle. Demand Duffy s and he seal Is unbroken, to be sure you are getting ‘he ine Write our doctors for free advice and a free vaiu able Illustrated medical booklet.

The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. T.

Broad and Hill Stt. 0pp. City Hall




Anericang Among Ital

d i l


MILAN. I ta l’ AmFrlcan Com oporatirvTk vi«it> of nOMhFrn fi '6rty of the Co

The Fhtate c which 1* an u Ita ly , although Blon wait ehle i h i t he uwr^ef Teaa* wUhoui rio fity The p a rii. an Irrl proprietor re*' dairy farm ing on the ehaie Y. "mezxadrl'* b]

The viBti of a holiday fo handti. althouj a t work to d< enterprise* on the Am erican yard en d o re porchei of drying c lothei peasan t worn sw arm of ci fam ilies are farm hi* p a rt tn teresi from w a l learned T he comroJsiii the "d ry ” par

The score of In farm ing th in a ilu ie viil of the commli view of the t:i cu ltural co-or children were ■traet. h a ts a In welcome, a m ured their w hen copper* hand*. Thl* i Into holding* •

The princjp. little farm s a Each farrner farm crops ro of hl3 a tten tii to raising silk In e p lant c( farm ers and Three men v. cheese at th« th e ir milk ’ weighed and cording to th the dairy. ih«. age of the pi of the chee?** used In Lhb- ''i co-operatK elv tened, ar^ kil co-operailvris on an ila lta saufage f a n o

E veryth ing from a ro-op w arehouse h« k a n agrli-uli worm s are lu 'n'ho takes a c as hia share on a share L up the huMdir the labor, an divided hetwe

I t was plal dl Ponll was a . Som a were required eral s trike oi vicinity, he p resident of th a t to him a strike aga

Undoubledl; exlsiB In ih enterprlseH o cans from re p rac tical vaL a g rea t imp th a t fa rm er brought to independence operation. A la tlon of eve] cans. No tr for instance, es a re cu t a: next year t l w ith o th e r M a curiousliy vlew'ed from mostly cultl^ and a ltogeli ai'tific iality t Ita ly .

The visit Americans, gwarma of ( scale so emt have been ! and yet thr< eperaUon the g rea te r con end m arketti possessed by


Wt will be glad to furnish you with samples and sugges­tions for refinishin'gthewood- work of your home, furni­ture, floors, etc.

J. J. Wenios Co.629 Broad $ tree t X


u tilte k .tar*.



I P«B)c


o rt« dIIdodo t ly

tripes. >e m a- f each

O. D.


) C

Itv Hall

eek' THE




Anericaas Observe Co-operalien Among Italian Tenants on Count

di Ponti’ s Estate."MEZZADRI” SYSTEM S T U D e

MILAN, Italy . June o f theAm erican C om m liilon on A frk u U u ra l Co­operation visited cn« of the model fa.rTha of northern Ita ly today I t la the prop- ■erty of the Count DI Pontl.

The e sta te romprieeg about LdOO acraa. which la an unusually la rfe holding for Ita ly , a lthough a merriheT of the commla- Blon was able to Count DI Pont! th a t he uwnt'd a nf icnVI acrea in T eaas w ithout (.on^iderlng h im self a cu- rioflly. The farm Is divided !nlo tw o p a rti, an 1rrlgat»*d portion, w hich tne proprietor reserves for his own use (or dairy farm ing, and a d ry portion ren ted oh the share basis know'll tn Ita ly as the " m e u a d r l ' system .

The vtali of the A m ericana w as m ade a holiday for the lah o re rt and fa rm handti, although enough men w'ere kept a t work to dem onstra te the co-operattvy enlerprlaea on the farm . A ulom obilet of the p a rty swept in^o a fa rm yard endoeed by a brick house, the porchea of which gave a vivid scene of drying clothes, baad an n as. wrinkled old peasan t women, sm iling men and a sw arm of curious children F ourteen fam ilies a re hired by the p roprieto r to fsrm his p a rt of the esta te . N othing of in terest from the co-operatlvw stan d p o in t w a l learned on th is part of the farm . The commlsalon w as, therefore, tak en to the '-‘d ry ’' part, w here live the tenan la .

The score of fanrilles which a re engaged In farm ing this portion of the e s ta te live In a tittle village, and here the m em bers of the commlsalon were given the ir f irs t view’ of the nintiv possible phases of a g r i ­cultural co-operation Men. women and children were lined up slong the lltll® s tree t, h i t s and bandannas w ere waved In welcome, and the tittle children m u r­m ured their half frightened '■GrailH ' when coppers were slipped Into the ir hands This part of the e s ta te Is divided Into holdings of abou t ih tr ty acres each

The principal money prodiicts of the little farm s are cheese and ellk w orm ? Each farrner ra ises enough of general farm crops to support hie family, bu t most of his a tten tio n Is given to da iry in g and to raising silkworm s. The cheese le m ad ''In a p lan t co-operati^ely owned by the farm ers and built w ith the ir own money. Three men were a t work m aking Swiss cheese at the time The fa rm ers bring the ir milk lo th** dairy, where it is weighed and m arked to their credit. Ac­cording to the am dunt of milk given to the dairy, the fa rm ers receive a peroent- age of the proflis derived froni rhe eale of the cheeps. The w aste from th e m ilk used In th** -heese-m aklng Is fed to hogs co-operath ely ow ned, which, when f a t ­tened, are killt-d in an abhato ir llkewiae co-operaitvfh- owned, for nothing Is lost on an Ita lian farm Thei’e Is also a ; sausage fac to ry I

E veryth ing these fa rm ers buy com es Jfrom a co-operatJveiy ow-ned alore Th^warehOQ&e held fam iliar types of A m er­ican agrh'UllLJi aj n ia .h ln e ry The siik worm s are tu rned over to the p roprietor, who lakes a certa in porllon of the cocoon? as his share All of the farm ing Is done on ft share basis, the proprietor p u ttin g up the buildings, the farm ers con trib u tin g the labor, and the farm products being divided between them

It was plainly evident th a t th e Count dl Pontl w as very popular w ith hla ioi>- aMB. Som# years ago when his tena-tta were required to s trik e because of a g e n ­eral s trike of all te n a n t fa rm ers In th a t vicinity, he was elected by hlS tenan ta p resident of the s trik e com ntlltee. bo th a t to him fell the odd ta sk of se ttling a Btrtke ag a in s t him self.

U ndoubtedly the paternallam w hich exists tn the co-operatively conducted en terprises of th is type p raven ls A m eri­cans froTp receiving m any ImpreBilona of p rac tical value from them . B ui It m ade a g rea t im pression upon th e delegates, th a t farm 'ers of th is class ‘could be brought to such com parutlve econom ic Ir.dependenee th ro u g h iha m edium of co- cpernllon. Above all. the ex trem e untUl- la tlon of every th ing Impreaaed the A m eri­cans. No trees a re cu t down fo r fuel, for Instance. Each year as m any b ra n -b ­ee a re cu t a ff as a re neceaaary. and the next year the sam e process ia followed with o ther trees. This gives the coun try a curiously fan tastic appearance w hen viewed from a car w'Indow. The land la mostly cultivated in long, narrow atrip*, and a lto g e th er th e re is an asp ec t of a itif lc ia lliy to the garden fa rm s of n o rth Ita ly .

The viaii could not fall to im press A m ericans. H ere w ere peasan t fa rm ers , iw arm a of them , producing crops on a Bcale so em ail th a t It a p p aren tly would have been Impossible to m arke t. Ihem . and yet th rough the g re a t force of co­operation theee fa rm ers were given a fa r g rea te r control over th e m an u fac tu re end m arke ting of th e ir products th a n ta poseessed by m ost A m erican fa rm ers


W alter H ire* Page, the new A nibaseador from Am erica, haa p rac tically enlved the problem o( an ap p ro p ria te residence In London and th a t negotiations will be closed In a few d ay s fo r the re itta l of th a town, rtBldanM o ' ihe D uke o f M an­chester, $ .O rosv«nor Souare. The house ha* been th the m ark e t for two years, and." It I* said, It la now offered a t abou t tS0.0(io a y e a r w ith the option of purchase.

The. house la ra th e r sm all—very em ail In com parleon w ith th e D orchester H ouse of the la te A m baerador Reid—hut It Is Situated In a m ost a ic lu slv e p a r t of w ha t Is know n a s th e E m bassy seollon. N egotiations to g e t It a re understood to have been Influeneed by Colonel E. M. House, who haa beefs In E urope studying Em bassy condltlone, and who th in k s th a t If the E m bassy bill passes C ongress the governm ent would do wal) lo m ake M an­chester H ouse the perm anen t A m erican u n b esead o rla l q u a rte rs here.

The Jap an ese and I ta lia n em basEles a re located In the earpe square.

Y o u ’ll E e H a p p y B u y in g F u r n i t u r e O n t h e C lu b P le u i



■«E«di«it:«i«iirgr*jgTi-offiHif« B ro -f(;tafBiKiBggB!gaaaggE8ia g a a u L i f ^ ^W e G ive and R ed eem Surety C oupons



Sensational Sale Sample StockingsS ilk s , L is le s , C o t t o n s « U p w a r d s off $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 W o r t h U n d e r P r i c e

For T w o Days, and T w o D ays Only, we are going to give you an opportunity of selecting from large lots of Sample Hosiery which have been contributed to this sale by some of the best makers we are associated with makers who have special reasons for favoring us with the best things they have and with these lots thousands of dozens from our regular stocks.

There will be hosiery for men, women and children in almost every grade, kinds, style and color, and every pair will he reduced most decidedly, making it an opportunity no one can afford to neglect.

We have assembled these stockings into lots in order that you may readily make your selections.

Lot 1—W o m en '* P ure T h reed S ilk S tock in g*—lisle tops and soles: black only; regular Sic grade for.

Lot 2 —W o m e n ’* S a m p le S to ck in g *—lisle* and cettons; black and fancy colors; also silk boot; black only. reg. 3Sc 2 S ^to 50c grades for...........

Lot 3 —W o m e n Ing*—lisles and cottons and colors; regular; 25c grade for

L ot 4 ~ W om en '* B lack C o tto n S tock in g* - reinlorced soles: heels and loes; regular !3kc grade for......... ^

m S a m p le S to c k -black, tan 1 5 * =

L o t B - C h ild ren ’* S o ck * - lisle* and cottons; plain colors with lancy tops; regular 25c grade lor . . X *2^

L ot O -C h ild r e n ’* R ib b ed S to c k ­ing* - extra good value; black. 4 white and tan; Itk to 29c grades for X

L o t 7 - M en’* S ilk uH S ilk LI*Ie H a lf -H o*e black and all the popular shades; reinlorced soles, heels and toes, reg- * 3 C S CularSOc grade lor ......................

Six pairs for S 1 .7 B .Lot 8 —M en ’* S a m p le S o ck * —silk

lisle and line cotton; light medium weight; black and tanev colors; regular 25c < C S C to 35c grades lo r .............................. X K J

Undermiuslms Sal© Soimiinni©E° Undl©]!rwearG ow n* in C rep e a n d N ain aook , in pink, blue

and while; nicely finished with lace and embroidery; rib- bon drawn; many pretty styles to select from; spe-dal at.......................................................................... V O C

ji W hite P etticoat* , made of cambric, with deep cm- broidery flounce, value $ 1 .7 9 ; special 5 Q

C* C orset C over*, made of nainsook and cambric; wJ trimmed wiih embroidery and lace medallions; finished

Two Days of Drastically Reduced PricesCome tomorrow or Saturday if you want to

participate in some of the best savings that have been offered you this season in dependable grades of summer underwear—

5 9 cy j trimmed wiih embroidery M with lace or embroidery edge; some aliover em-

broidery; value 7 5 c ; special at.« « «

C hild ren ’s W earC h ildren’* W h ite P iq u e Coat* with sailor col-

lar; embroidery insertion and edge trimmed; 9 8

Lisle U n io n Suits;or lace trimmed knee;

low neck, A E T C

.special at., C h ild ren ’* L aw n Dre«*e*. trimmed with j embroidery and beading; ribbon drawn; special at 7 9 c


S '

:h h«* dSMf irckoo Unite4^' nla b«ri *ti

Fish Specials For Friday

Butterfish, lb......... 7cFlounders, lb. r .. -7c Weakfish, lb. ....8 c Sea Bass, lb. . . . . .9e Codfish Steak, lb. I2e Halibut,,lb. . . .12^c

. A Few Leaders in

GROCERY DEPT.Golden Crown Pete, ' ■ '

3 cans for 20c Temtoes (regolar 12c."■ m t ) canOnion daJad, bottle.. . ; . . ,9cCondtnied^Mak, .......9cSardiwjs, 6 boxes for— 25c Uonefediilk bottle . . . . . .7 c

(afl fiavon)Ja r . . . j . ' t“ . . . , y . . . .iO e


45 Market jbar City

C orset SpecialNem o, R engo Belt and W. B., in

Batiste and Coutil; high and medium bust; lone hip: lace trimmed; draw string at bust; not all sizes in all styles but all sizes in the lot; regular $ 2 corsets; special a t ............................ $ 1 . 5 0

R. & G. a n d P. N. C o r» eU in new Summer model: low bust; long hip and back, made of batiste; trimmed with lace and embroidery top; draw string at bust; hose supporiers attached; v a l u e $ 1 .5 0 ; special

Demonstration ol “S m art Set," “La V ida" a n d N em o Cor*ot*.

* * «

Foldnng Go-CartsThese are the little go-carts that can be folde d

linto such small space, making them particularly useful thru the excursion season when people like

I to take day trips or when they are going traveling [anywhere.I They are the W a g n er make, built on strong I frames with best leatherette body and hood, with easy- I riding springs and rubber-tired wheels; nickel-plated I fender equipped with brakes.r We regularly sell these W agn er G o-C arts for IS7.50—a fair price; we offer them Friday at[only ..................................................................

If you have a Club Plan account you can buy your [go-cart on Club Plan terms.

Do Y ou O w n a F o rd C ar?

If you do, we would suggest that you cover your cushions and top and prevent the hot sun from burning the leather.

This is a wise prevention and eventually saves you money, for leather costs a lot more than the coverings.

We are prepared to furnish regulation covers complete.

- The attention of Ford car owners is directed to the F airch ild C o m b in a t io n C rank L ock a n d L icen se N u m b er C arrier, which insures your car A£silist theft.

They cost you only S2—they may save you a large amount of money, trouble and w'orry.

Auto Supply Department, Main Floor.

A u to H om sS o l i d B ra * * .

( W a t e r a n d , D ust P ro o f, 9-

5 inch uMth cord and \ button, complete,

ready to be attach­ed to the batteries.Just 50 of these.We sold a thousand I

iat S4.50; in the [Mid-June Sale at

W o m e n ’* S iiksleeveless style; cuff $ 1 .5 0 grade lor

W o m e n ’* Swi*» and fine R ib b ed Li»Io U n io n Suit*; low reck, sleeveless style; cuff or lacetrimmed knee; 5 0 c . grade for.................. ........

Three Suits lor $ 1 .W o m e n ’* Li*le F ln l*hV e* t» , low neck, ^

sleeveless style; regular 23c. grade for . , XSix for $ 1 .M en ’* S a m p le N a ln » o o k U n d erw ear; coat

Style shirt and knee drawers; regular 50c grade 35*= Six tor $ 2 .M en'* W h ite C otton M e*h U n io n S u iU -

Athletic style; also one-quarter sleeves; ankle ^ C S C lengths; regular $ 1 grade tor.............................. •

i r

Black Crep© d© Chin© SScOur Regular $ 1 .2 5 Grade

Worth hurrving for these beautiful silks at this little price and if people are alert to their opportunities they'will not last the day out. for it isn't every day that you can save 40c. a yard on first-dasE silks.

These Crepe d e C hines are firm and lustrous, and truly beautiful fabrics; fine for dresses oTwaists; our regular $1.25 quality; counted well worth it by those who know fabrics, and, at this special price, 8 5 c . , is a wonderful bargain.

Things A t© LovmgIn Oiuiif Bag arad B usy E asem eait

The work of remodeling, enlarging, changing the Basement goes vigorously on quent shifting of stocks brings you many bargains, of which these are examples—

A l u m m u m W a ire

and the conse-

Values to $ 1 .5 5 ,

79*=Values to

$2.10, $ 1 . 2 5

Lipped Sau cepan s G oth am S au cep an s Berlin S au cepan s Preserving KettlesBerlin Saucepans Berlin K ettles R ice B oilers Preserving K ettles

B ro w n a n d W h it* C o o k in g U t*n»il*—fir*t quality imported earthenware; oval bakers; pie plates, shirred egg dishes; regularly 29c. and 35c.; your .. ^choice a t ............................... ■, ■ - ,>........... lAAG

S to n e M ilk Pan*—regularly 15c. and 23c.; ..choice a t .................................................................... J .v fC

B ro w n a n d W h ite Im p o r ted E^irthen- o C — w a re T eapot*; regularly 69c.; special a t........... « O C

H o te l P late*—while china; roll edges: tea and din­ner size; regularly $1.20 up to $1,80 the dozen; your « choice a t.............................. .....................................

H o te l M eat Di*ho*—white china; roll edge—Regularly............ 58c-, 70c., 78c.Special................ 2 9 c . , 3 5 c . 3 0 c .

H o te llarly $1.20 a t ..................

Cup* a n d S a u c e r * —white china; regu-

Sc the pairG la*s B erry B ow l*—large size; floral and

colonial designs; regularly 29c; special a t ............ 15c

T h is S t o r e ’s A d . i n F r i d a y ’s P a p e r s

W ill B eF u l l off G o o d N e w s

Liglit FictiomiF o r V a c a t i o n D a y s

People who go away to^forget things and to relieve the mind of its burdens will find solace in reading fiction that steers one from social and other problems.

Here are books to carry you into dreamland, books that will make you laugh and fill your mind with scenes and characters that will be a source of delight.

And they’re cheap—4 5 c .<riir4«n Af Allfth A U ir ) o f th » L im b e r lo f t t Ndppy HxwklnnH h, H ourTfi^ Innor Bhrln*-Jo h n M arvel .^apiBixnlKlngfioin nf &l«nde>r S v o rd aThe .Man trom G lta (fx r ryNem C'hPonJdaa of Robgcc*r e t* rT lif P rince of Ind tx T he Pupchftge P rice R ed Roi;kSom e Lftdiee in H a»tf Tint® A M ennonltft Mxld Th« T ra il of ih e L o n e io m i

^ ln «T ru x io n K in f W hen ft Mftn M ftrrlee L entftift of th ^ S ou th Seas T he S tftr D ream er T he S w o rd M aker Ytvur IfntJlft Lftw U n d er th e B ou the rn I'rofts M> A c to r Hueb&nd T r u th D ex te r G e n tlem an from In d ia n a G le n g a r ry School D ays H e a r t T h roba T he H u ab aiid 'a S to ry JeweTA S to ry B ook L a v e n d e r an d O ld L^ee P lu p yThe P roapector R ehecea o f S u n n y b ro o k

F a rmT he R ule* o f th e G am e Tees of th a S to rm C o u n try T he T ra il of M n e ty - e l s h t K e ila h Coffin T he M ualr M aste r Old L ad y No. 31 O ptions T he T ra i to r W ea to v e r of W an a la b T he W h ite P ro p h e t T he H e a r t o f L*ady A nne T he D ual o f Conflict T he K n ip h l - E r ia n t The C ongo and C n a s ti of

A frlcftT he Van R ensB elaera of Old

anha i ta nBv Rlprht o f t'onfjueHl T he "Hnunted P a ja m a s T he s i le n t B a r r ie r The B ecre ta ry of F riv o lo u s

A ffairsF in d the W om an T he L ittle K n ig h t of th e X

B ar BM aking P eop le H appy D iv id ing W aters T he S tro lle rsJo y ce of th e N o rth n ’oodaThe S a in tLove of th e WildT he Root of E v ilT he B olted Door

T he X'rtwW h at's His Name?T he W ild Olive T he W om an H a le rs Sim on th e J e s te r T he I l lu s tr io u s P rin ce The G rea t God SucceM His Som ber R lvgU M aggU P epper M ary C ary P redestined The P ro d ig a l J u d g e R ehelllon T orchy ’

^H A li^E D

H jf Rise to T’ow er Chip of Ihe Fl> Ina I'A YounR G irl's W ooing B o u g h t and Paid For B u tte rfly on th e W heel D aw n O 'H ara The F lu te of th# Gods T he G irl of th e GoldenWestThe G rain of Dupt F re t klee

Sidnay c a r ta r e l , R sn « k e r The H ouse of M y ste ry No r n e n d L ike a 8 l* te r The C arp e t from My L ady C aprice Happy Is land Jean n e of the M arelvee B ar-?h Day*t»usan C legg end H t f

C F r ien dMrs. L a ih ro p The T w o-O un M an The Yellow L e t te r

The H ouseho ld o f P e te r T he Lfttid o f L o n s Ago T nitlale Only R o u tled g e R id es A lone The R ose of Old H a rp e th P olly o f th e C ircus The M lsaloner The Sheriff o f D yke H o le T he M an in th e B ro w n

DerbyThe A nnals o f Ansi At th e ^Toortn«s The Beloved V ag ab o n d The C allin g of D an M at­

thew sThe C arav an e ra The D epot M aster E xcuse Me The F a r H o rlio n L ady M erton C o lon is t lAn M cLeanM asters of th e W h ea tU n d SMaxThe M istress o f B rs e F a rm One B raver T h in g P asse rs tl>Red Pepper Puma The R om ance of a P la in

Ma nRound Ihe C o rn e r In Gay^"

S tree t tSet In S ilver The Shepherd of th e H ills The Spoilers AW anted A M a tc h m a k e r The W h itt S is te r The W indow a> ihe W h its

C atThe Y ounger SetAlee- fo r-P h o rlThe C .ilifom l.tnbC aptain of the K o n saa \I 'h n a t o p l i e r H 1 h h a u 11,

R o ii d rn a k e r tjC' l e \ er B e t s e s ’Colonel T o d h u n te r of M is-1

sour!( 'f»nihtoiir y W h liia h o r ’s P lace Thi^ D aiiaei M ark D auffhtei of A n d e rso n

ri’owD octor Liivcpder'i; Peoplft The Doctor

S om e in Original Editions, p u b ­lished from $ 1 .0 0 to $ 1 .5 0 ; O C te all to b e sold at ...................... ^ O

F lo w er V a*e»—tall long stem flowerr, regularly

shape; medium weight glass; special

We have just received a solid carload of G overnor Refrigerators in the popular apartm ent h ou se style—high and irarrow, with doors opening in front; nice for small families and for quarters where space is scarce; regularly sold at $ 1 2 .9 5 ; offered for quick $ 0 . 9 8 selling, Friday and Saturday, at........ ^

, Wash B oilersTo make room for the carpenters and other work­

men who are busv in this section we w ill offer tomorrow 1 ,0 0 0 Wash Boilers in different grades, all u iih genuine heavy copper hoitoms. at these extraordinarily low prices:No. 7 Common Rniler. regularly 89c., special at. .. S 9 cNo, 7 IX.X. Boilers, regularly SI 49, special a t.......... 7 0 cNo. 7 IXX.V- Boilers, regularly SI.S9, special at ,9 8 c No. 7 lX.K.VX, Boilers, regularly S2.49, special at. $ 1 . 2 5

Ice C ream F reezersThe Gem Ice Cream Freezer— the best

on the market, easy to make cream in it ; makes smnnth cream always; 2-quart i size, regular $1.8,3, spe- S I . 6 0 cial a t...................................... X 13 quart size; regular $2.15; a t . . $ 1 . 8 04 quart size, regular $2.6S; a t............$ 2 .1 96 quart size: regular $3.29; a t............$ 2 .9 08 quart size; regular $4.29; at . .$ 3 .9 010 quart size; regular $5,,59, a t. . . $ 5 .0 0

L'offee and a Lnve Affair To Ltrive a n d Ifi C h * n s h A V e n t u r e In I d e n t i i v Those BreiA’Fler (.’hlldrpr; Tl ie S pa n l s l i . l ade H e r H e a r t s Des i r e The Thrall r>I Leif t he

L u c k yT h e Ro>’aI En d Jrii*y rhe D r e a m e r

^iari of T u n I ' oun t r i e t T h e Ra i l l u m T e r r o r s F a r f r o m t h e M a d d e n i n g

G i r l s

I > J

Bolanyo Ldren I.ega'-x'1 Janeebufy House Danlraf'hflnRe of Air Hans BvinkerTh * P r i i u e of i he H o u s e o f

DavidSo l d i e r s T h r e eThe P a rlafansn -Mofefces fi’OTTi Ihe '**ld M a n s e ’ A, The Wonder Book T h f Newi ijiiic.t.My Nove l

F i t e ' s i F i d d l e r of ^ \ ' a k e h e l dTh<^ L a n d o f J o y W h a f \Vil l He I>c w i i j i I t 'T h e S c o r e , P e l h a nT h e M a n w i t h ihffl B l a c k \^‘e8twa^r l , Hr>'

F e a t h e r T a n g l e w o o d T a l e sA n n e o f T r e b o u l F a m l l v r t l d e I r r e f l o l u t e C a t h e r i n e t i i k ' - M e a d o w B r o o k A p r i l ' s Lf t dy ( ’nuhin .^l i i ideT h e E a g l e ' s F e a t h e r Ros e M a t h e rH o u s e o f T o r m e n t T o m p e s r a n d i ^u i i s hmeT h e C r a a l o r U n d e r t h e T h a t c h The La mpl i if h l erT h r • 1 , T h e F i r e i 'T h e L o v e r s The T h r e e Gi i i i rdEmenH a p p y H u m a n i t y Kenl I w o n hT h e D e a i h of L i n c o l n T' vi s lF e M d U riav id Coppe r f l e l dB l a z e D e r r i n g e r J o h n H' i l i fax.T h e L e t t e r s of J e n n i e Al l en Mill on t he Flof isTh© Lft'1> E v e l y n L o r n a DooneT h e Re d T h u m b M a r k r ' l ' ^ki s i rk P a p e r sT h e B e a u t i f u l L a d y K i d n a p p e dM a i d s in a M a r k e t G a r d e n The H e a t h e r f o r d F o r f i j n e.Aladdin o f L o n d o n The L obi L a d v o f L n n eT h e One a n d I J a n e E xt*I n t h e D w e l l n g F rif ihe Ho w H e on H e r

Y^' ilrlprripss The Mi s s i n g Br i deM a d e in Hi s f'Tijel ab t h e G r a x eT h e L a r g e r Gr ^iwth N'eares i ani l De a r e f i:Le t i r i a The H i d d e n H a n dT h e H ' i m a n F u i n i l l t i g H e r Df sCi v .'The i . 'ode of \ ' ! r i o r lAl lot A F k e l e t n n Bi 1 he ' i osefN a >• a The Ma g i c C a m e or »r ea i n l ng R i v e r MaltC l e o p a t r a t h e F t i nne iD a la of E ’ h i r a , *dam BedeD e e mRi e r E m ' s H u s b a n d

15CJ opbviai ^ 2 C

decorated Anjeriean$ 2 - 4 9

-F lo o r M opsSurtshine Floor Mops—dustless; for hardwood and

[ptfiited floors; dollects the dust and polishes the wood- [wofit; the handiest floor mop made; regularly [ 7lic., apeeitl a t ............................ .....................

C up* a n d S aucer* — fine porcelain; regularly $1.80 the dozen; special at....................

M o n ey B an k *—for chi Id ren-apples, peara, peaches; regularly 15c; at...................................

lO c the pair

lO c

Irom im g B o a r d stny*

5 9 cJust the kind for hot weather; can be used

where; folding legs; can be made three different _ _ heights; regularly $1.29; special at................... o 9 C

Thus C edar Bence* are particularly attractive, aptendldly built ol finely grained woods; trimmed with brias or copper round edjes; the sm aller alxe 27 inches tong, 15;1nehei high, 16 inches wide, selling at fta.SO; and th e tiuraer nlae 64 inches long, 20 inches wide, 24 Inches high, selling at a 2 7 ,8 d t and many atzes between, ait at a disoount of l o be a S p er c e n t

' • • rjU4.very special propositions are these— , ,

JijKed Cedatr B n see , useful for storing furs, apparel,'' bed ddbiag, and avaFfo many other things, with that rich

rt jula|ty ^ d ,ot f 9 3 0 . may be had for

Cedar Chests and UtiiMty Boxes

Prices Cut lO to 25 Cent,We have never before had such a collection of Cedar C3iests and

Utility Boxes as we have here this season. We have been selling a lot of them, many more than in any former year, and high-class ones. But we fee! the time has come to lessen our holdings, there­fore drastic reductions are,to be made in the prices.

M atting Cov- erpd U t i l i t y Ek>xe*—nice for window seats, for catchall,"and for ■toring waists, slip­pers, books or |l- most anything of the sort; remlar.y sold at S4.SO ; may be h a d a tlU b B a .

The reductions will prevail Friday, Saturday and, next Monday, ^ving your plenty of time to take advantage of

We Are Agents for

Mollins* St©©l Motor

(1) I)

Wouldn't y o u like to have a boat that is unsink- able? Isn't it real­ly the only kind any one ought to own.

Well, here it is —the M ullin’* Steel B o a t —a motor boat beautifully mod-

tbera- 'S'. ■-Jk,.,

eled with a hull of s t e e l , specially strengthened i n every part; fitted with engines with reverse g e a r ; thoroughly high- class and trust­worthy in every detail.

We sell M u ll in s ’ M o to r EUwtSt fully equipped,* with cushions, ready .to launch, at prices ranging from $ 1 8 0 t o $ 6 0 0 , - '

Stciel R o w b o a ts , $ 3 5 a n d $ 3 7 .C a n o e s —R n e m o d e l s —$ 3 5 a n d $ 3 9 , “ ' : fYou can buy these boats on e a s y t e r m s if you desire.'

' e -'


| i |

Hew Order Skwi Reaioni Wfcy A« Hijirity Graited Re(|Best

• f A e lU irM id i.


I T E W A H K E V E N T N O N E W S , T H U R S D A Y , .T U N E 26. 1018:

B ETTER O U T L O O K F O R H IG H ER R. R . R A T E STh« dtcW oo e* InUr*t*W Com-

mono ConadlMfoii to uVo uPof lh« BMt*™ t «

.■ edTeae* ot both ooninwdtty ohd „i.M n tao-covorln« Iho r«€ton north of lb . Ohio B t« r .1 ^ » * t ofCUaUO-h »tdof o* eh»"** 3 i ! d ^ t h » n th a t o tlfW t I . r .- gnrdod by roilrood nwo *• <i«w»ur-

TfASHI NOTON. JUB. » - A n ordw. In 11m of t h . t rMClnd.^ i u t *«>- arday. w u hNuod today by tb* In ia ra u t. C m m ofca Conmlaaton for a s ImrMtl*.- Uaa Into an Inorwa* of fra ltb t n a tn by fh r Xaatwm nUlroada. It dlffar* In |iViaM«ilofir bu t not to prioctid#. from Ihnt raKlndad.

Tha daelalon to iBVMOdata waa radchrf • b*r* majority, tbrm of th . «vw s

mambwa of tba body-Oommlaalonara CtenMnta MeCbord and l i a r b l . - ^ ^ B l - ta#_ each dlOMBUr wrota a b i^ f opln- latA- boldine, to tha main, that tba com- mluM o. bavin* oolhln* concral. b a f w It, waa without authoriiy to aatahlJah minimum raia*

tn oonnactioii with tha laauane* of tM «g|cr. tha oommlialoB m U aa two ob-

-y ira t-T h a fact that wa hava dacldad (nrthar to Invaatitata thla aubjart mu*t imt ha takan a* an IntImatloB th a t tba cM mtaaton haa raachad th* oonciurion th a t ravanua* ar* tnadanuata, or that n ia a abould b* advaacad. Upon lit:* auaation no opinion ha* baan formad.

'Sacond-Tliat th* a ta iu u flva* to any party th* rl«ht to attadk by oomplalnt aay rata, and no **nK*l conelualoii which th* eommtaalon may raOieh and announr* la thla tnvaattcatioB can aftact that J l f h t "

to th* prafaco to It* ordar, tb* comml*- 1 ^ *ay* that "brin* of tha opinion fyam a eon«ld*ratlon of tha *Il*d»tloni of. lb* patlUon that tb* n**d of *«d luRltlcaUan for addltlanal rrv tau* ihbuld h* a t th* pr*««nl Um* furthar *a- •mliMd.'' and Inculry If ord«r«d Into ih«a« petnti:

■rOo th* prt**nt rat** of tran ip o ru tlo n ptdM adaquat* r«vanu*a to oominon c*r-

hy railroad* oparatlo* In otfIcLal Claa*lfloatloB tarritoryT . "'If not, w hat e*n*ral ooura* may oar-

plar* purau* to m*vt tha attuationT*In dlaaantia* from th* daclsioiyot th*

m hjority to mak* tha tnvaatleatlou, Cdmmlsalonar Clamant* aatd:

' ’Mswhar* In th* law la tha eotnml*- *MB authorlMd to fix abtoluM or mlnl- aaaw rataa. I t la ' •uthorlaad to ■uap*nd. pcadjnf Inym tttatlon, rata* pr«po**d by th* oaiTlari, twfor* thay bacon* alfactlv*. anly whan aueh propotad rata* bav* b**n f lM p u n u an t to th* ragutramaBU of Sae- ^ I of tha aot, tb* p rovlilant of which domand a ^ t f t c atatam ant of tba rat**

#"It l i not eoBtendad th a t upon a *«n*ral

lagulry by tb* coraml**ioB, lueh *a 1* bar* ITfUtuUd, It oould an tar an ordar iwqulr- iBf or butborUdp* an lner*a*a of rataa: y t t thla ia a prae**dlBf tor tb* avowad p urpo**, am onc oth»r thin**, of Ingulrin* trb»ih«r tb* pr*(*nt rat** of th* carriar* afford 'adaguat* ravanu* la my view, nay *xpr«*Bton of oplnloo on thi* guta- tlag, toUofrint a ■•naral Ingulry of thl* bind not ba*ad tipon aparittcally propoiad r a ^ l (Had tecordliw to law, Involv** a dafkamloaUgn of tom* of, th* m ott funda- m ta ta riC id important ga**tlod* raapact- Ibd tb* reaBanabltn*** of rat** not bafor* ua. and enfitamplal** th* poaalblllty of

BOtnt to r i of ( tn o ra l aanctlon to j uiPlaiioad ratao to b* b o ra tfu r fllad by the earriare "

<Jommlfalcn«r p tm e n t t furthar au ftea ta th a t auch astlon would, predttormlno ratoo and preejnd* tba ahipptr* from filing pro- ta tt* against *n advanco thay may rogard a* onarotia.

*Th|a I cannot btlMv* l* within th* ooptamplatlon at th* law or wa* In th* mind >N C ongran wh*n it waa (naotad." h* *ayt-

.CemmlaatoBer llarb l* oould not agr** th a t th* iQvtaUgatlon thould b* mad* p i ^ to tb* formal tiling of tb* propo**d rataa.

•U p coneluilon," b* ****rt*. " th a t an ineraaat b a t boon Justified In any to- *p*ct w hatav tf abould be reached until a f te r ihlppar* hay* haem glvan the notic* provided by law apd *o called upon to c u t* tk o lr view* and objoellon*. The eom- fflleelon has no Jurledictlon to m ake rata* In th* flra t inotanct, to direct tneraai** In rataa, or to approve rataa in advene* of potting »«d f H W ' ^

C drm laitoner MoChord agrood to th* gcnarai pmpoaltloni aa « ta M m lm ldn*» C ^ o n t a *t*ahl«, » l th o i« h beT kprataad th* opinion th a t It WM th* d\rty df the eoramleaton to mak* the In-

r tV rt." aiW ha, "w* ahould b ru ih aald* all taehnlcaUOa* and take *dvan t a n of th* Opportunity to go Into ai thaa* m atter* thorouchly. ^ ataall b* aald or done afte r th* commie-

baa been fully advlead, 1* a guaatlon raaarvad for future determ lnatlM .

No Mm* le fixed for the tha immattgation. but It i* mfdarttbod th a t no formal proceeainge wtil b* undertaken before next autumn.

They n«a auppoaed th* eommlaalon would ragulr* th* old caa* raopanad or would Inalal th a t a new ached ul* b* framed, a t heavy coil, and put Into fore* * 0 th a t ahlppar* might objaot. If thay choae to. and * 0 for­mally bring about th* laaua

Thay bad hoped lb* former proce­dure might b* uUllied * 0 th a t ex- pana* and trouble Incident to tb* la tter method m ight b* avoided.

Th* eommlaalon did not raopan th* former oaa*. nor did It require th*

gutting Inlo operation of tha cum- roue nuchlnary of making new

atart to which raferenc* la mad*, but decided to go ahead and find out for Itaalf th* merit* or otherwl** of th* new application.

It I* now agr**d by practically all parti** to th* InveatigatJon, th a t the ahlpplog Interaata who conatltut* th* natural opponanta. If any. of a move

•ueb a* th a t contem ptaud ar* not a t antagonlatlc to tb* application of th* railroad* for hJfbar rataa ta thay war* In ttU.

It la alao adm itted th a t prior to th* taking up of th* m atte r by the In- taratat* Commarc* Conunlaalon. which may b* next Beptamber, at- tomay* for railroad* In Intareat will get togathar and form ulat* lhair re- queat *o a* to m ak* It apply to all, and agra* on th* argum ent to under­lie the requeet to It may be com- prehentlv* and, a* fa r *■ poaalble, conclualv*.

I t la alao planned th a t prior to th* conlamplatad September argument on the merit* of th* raquaat before th* Interatat* Commerce Commit- alnn rapraaentatlvaa of the rallroade and varluua civic organlmtlon*. chumbar* of commerce, board! of trad* and th* Ilk* and of ihlpper* organliatlona will meet and endeavor to comproralae w hat dlfferencaa they may have with raapact to th* a lti­tude of the railway* In thla m atter.

Thla It an adm irab it plan, one which point! alao to more than a mere poaalblllty for aucceaa. It may be recalled th a t It waa former Sec- retery of Commerce and Labor Charlea Nagat who, a t th* Atlantic

City maating of th* New Jaraay B tnkara' Aaaodatlon, a abort tim* ago, pointed out tb* Importanc* of c«-ep*ratli.n In alt Ilnaa If w* would gain reform, and tha t, aa h* pu t it. not even Inalatant and naadad de­mand by tn* raliro*4* for higher freight rataa to BM*t th a ir raqulra- m enti and give adequat* aarvlce and m aintain their credit and pay divi­dend! aa well a t Intareat, could be gained an far aa the* parm lislon of th* government authorlUe* waa con­cerned, until th* railroad* and tha xbippare get together and found common ground for advocating aueh ratea.

Thu* th* plan for th* railroad* look* a* If something m ight come of thla laat application for better, th a t la. higher compenaatlon for aer- Vioe. For, If the ihlppar* may be counted on to meet them half way and leading d v |c organlxationi will co-operate, It aeeme ta If th* a l t i ­tude of th* In te riU tg Commerce eommlaalon a t thla time might point lo that* being poaalbl* a meaaur* of th* relief aaked for.

Thui It I*, perhapa, th a t th* rail­road men are regarding the outlook tor higher ratea more cheerfully than before.


Wall Street Pricet C oa ta u te More Irreialerly and Display Dowa-'

waH T e n d ^ .THE MARKH’ S aO SW G IS HEAVY



BUENOS ATBEB, JllB* M.-Il*apOBdlni to an Interpellation by Deputy At*tic*o In Ih t Chamber today, th* Mlnlater of Ag- rloullurt mad* th* atatem ent th a t he had Inveatlimtad the eltuallon with raferenc* to th* raant Induatry. but waa not abl* to •ay that a tru st txisted In Argentina a t oppoaad to tha Anglo-Araenlln* meat la- tabUshmant. although exportation by Amartean p lan u eauihlighad In thi* coun- try bad Ineraaaad.

H t dacitrad tha t elnee January. ItU. ihar* axlaled a combination of a ll the **- Ublltkmanta, aom* of which, however; had oppoaad its renewal racanily. Ha added th a t th* manager* of th* American plant* daclarad that th* lowered price of Argen­tina beef In England wa* accidental, and averred th a t there wae no combination.

Th* U lnltter expreeeed the opinion tiiat ft) limit exportatlbn would b* inegal, aiid asaerted that the alarm wa* not Juitlilad. H* aald th a t the Brltleh Oovemment had Insinuated th* dealre th a t Argentina th* beef monopoly, and Argentina aeked th a t Oraat Britain euthorU* the to p o r t of beef on the hoof afta r an inspection by an Engltah official a t Argentine porta

Th* Mlnlater alao urged tb* orfanlsation of a co-opsrativ* aoelsty among Ih* e*l- tl* brsadars.


SENATE.Met a t 3 P. M.

HOUSE.Mat a t noon.Judiciary com m ittee failed to get i

quorum to act on Kahn reeolutlona for Invattlgatlon of CamlnettI caae. and will meal tomorrow,

Publlo land* commltle* continued hear­ing on H aleh-H atehy, Cal., water project.



CINCINNATI. June Sl.-W lth Impoalng ceramonla* th* new home of th* OBcIn, natl Chamber of Commerce, In the thirty, four-story building erected on the sit* of th* old building of the chamber a t Fourth and Vine itre e la was dedicated today.

Former President William H- T aft, who If fn honorary ttifvnbfr of th« ChaniMr of Commaree, was the orator of the day.

dedicatory exerclsei IncludedTheparade of all mambera from the preaent h rtdquartar* a t Sixth and vine itrea te to th* new home, apeechee by Mr. Taft. Mayor Henry T. H unt. W tltei Draper, pretldent of th* an e ln n a tl Chamber of Commerce, and othari.

Tonight a banquet will be held, at which United State* Commlaaioner of Corpora­tions Joseph B. Davis* and Oovemor Jams* M. Cox will b t th* principal apaakera.



Spariel gftrles'of Ike VEITS.PATERSON, Ju n e J«— "D ow nright

fo rgery" was th e term w hich Buprem* C ourt Ju itlc e M tn turn thl* afternoon

pplled to th* flrat petition which had bean Hied w ith C ity Clerk Standeven, ta k in g to r an election upon the guee- tlon of the adop tion of th* commle- tlo n form of g o vernm en t for thla city, bu t upon w hich Mr. S tandeven refu ted to act a f te r an tnepeetlon of th* nam ta■igned to the docum ent.


NEW YORK, June JS .-Th* New York hank! have begun preparation* for the dlabursem ent of th* g rea taa t aum of monay th a t will ever have been paid out In * month tn the h isto ry of W ill o trse l. Thee* d ltbursam ent* will a g ­g regate |36(.000,000 and w ill consist of annual, semi-annual and qulrterly dls- bursem ant* of dividend* and Internet.

Th# to ta l paym ent* leal year war* |]I4.00(I,00«. Th* l i l t of corp.irntlona th a t w in m ake th* paym anta includei practically all o f th* d lv ldend-n ty lng railroad and Induatrfal companlea In the United State*.


he defJgnation by the JuftlCf wae uied during a charge %o the grand Jury, to which the docunMDt had hetn referred upon the Initiative of Mr. Standeven. The petition contained about 4,000 riamee. the m ajority of which were put on tha paper practically over night.

The Juatloe sta ted th a t he had gone over the petition w ith an expert In hand­writing and th a t there wae no doubt many of the namee had boen forged. Tha court told the Jurynwn th a t with the evl* dence concretely l^ fo re them they abould try lo find ou t the perpetratore of the deed and Indict them for forgery of n legal document*

The paper before the court w ai the flre t of two petltlone aaking for a con^ m illion governm ent election. The aecond petition le being spanned by the city clerk with the idea of aaauring himeelf agalnat forgerlee in th a t document alao.

SPRTNilFTBLD. lU.. June tl.-O overeor Dunne today aigned the woman tu ff rage b ill paaied by tha Oeneral Aeaanbly.

Moving ploturee of the aigning were taken.

The blil provides th a t llllnole women of legal age may vote fo r all ata tu to ry of- ficea.

Opponenti of the meaaura declare It will be tested in the courte.

HEW YORK, June 21-P rtees eonttnuod to move irregularly in the Wall Street m arket today. The tendency wae down­ward.

There w ai an early advance and then a receeeion (hat brought, before noon, a diop of 1 to 2 poinla in eev«ral of the FpccuJattve favorltea,

Subpl'ion th a t the advance of American ilCvJhi IsOndon. which influenced tha higher optn^ng her«, had been engineered from ihie aide, made tradera the more ready to attack the liet.

Tha dccUlon of the Interetafa Commerce Commiielon to reopen the Eastern freight re ts case under reitrlctad conditions caused some dlasppolnimenl and Induced sellliig. Sentiment veered strongly to the bear sMe once more. The absorptive power of the m arket seemed to have ieifsaed and any considerable offering of stocks caused further receaslons. ' Bonds were heavy.

laarge buying ordara for the apeculative leaders were on h a n d ^ t the opening of the market, and the list responded with a general upward movement. BeUlmore and Ohio, Missouri Pacific and Southern Rail- way shaded fractionally• but otherwise the m arket showed an improvement. The beet gains were made by Union Pacific Sr, Paul. Canadian Pacific and Amal­gamated. 'alJ of which advanced a point or more.

Additional gains were retained for only a brief interval* and large offerings sent (ha list down rapidly* Union Pacific* Canadian Pacm e and Amalgamated went beck to yesterday's close, and Steal and Reading • considerable fraction below, Speculation became dull la ter when Itas m arket btgati to hardto.

Stocks showed less resistance (o selilDg pressure after foreign buying ceased, Steel and Reading were lowered a point uruler yesterday's close and the H arrl- mans and other influential Issues large fractions.

Room traders fed the m arket with stock from time to time, but with little impres­sion on prices outside of Union Pacific, which ruled over 2 points below lie open­ing. Other shares sympathised to a much narrower extent with the Harrim an spe­cialty and evinced more of a disposition to go up when selling stopped-

The m arket closed heavy. Trading con­tinued dull and dragging to the end. with no Sign of the day-to-day covering, Prices ruled close to the lowest. In­creased offerings seemed to follow some slight bidding up of several Leaders.

A p r o m i n e n t S o u t h e r n e r , a f t e r a v i s i t t o N e w a r k , m a d e t h i s p e r t i n e n t b t a t e m e n t ;

" I f t h e b u s i n e s s m e n o f N e w a r k , w h o k n o w t h e o f f i c e r s w h o n o w m a n a g e t h e C o m p a n y a n d w h o k n o w f r o m c l o s e p e r s o n a l o b s e r v a t i o n t h e h i s t o r y o f t h e i n - s t i t u t i o q , u n r e s e r v e d l y i n d o r s e T h e M u t u a l B e n e f i t L i f e I n s i i r a n c e C o m p a n y , i t ’ s g o o d e n o u g h f o r m e . ”

N e w a r k e r s d o u n r e s e r v e d l y i n d o r s e t h e M u t u a l B e n e f i t , a s i n d i c a t e d b y t h e f o l l o w i n g l e t t e r :

WAGNER PASTRY CO.M r s . W a g n e r ’ s F a m o u s H o m e - M a d e P i e s

Nei Jirk, N. J., M»y 8 , 1913.Mes.srs. Diy & Cornish,

The Mutual BeneRt Life Insurance Co.,Newark, N. J.

My Dear Sirs:It would be difficult for me to exRress to you in words,

fully, my perfect satisfaction with my policies for $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 . 0 0

in your Company, arranged as it is, guaranteeing to my family, for their life, a permanent income. It is as secure with your Company as government bonds, and a little better, because it gives a larger revenue.

When your Company gets ready fo increase the limit I am a candidate for the increase.

Wishing you continued success, and with kind regards, be­lieve me, Very truly yours,




NEW YORK. Ju n e K .-T h e S tate of Tennesae* h a t tuccaedsd In ra is in g money to m eet It* tk.OOO.OOO In bonds m atu rin i, Ju ly 1. New York banker* I t wa* announced today, have purchased th* S ta ta 's on*-y*ar five per c e n t note* Issued to d ischarge the Indebl- •dness. The purenas* pries wan not mad* known, b u t in view of^the money atrlngenoy, i t le undsfstood th a t the notes w ets m ark e ted on a basis which w ill ylem mor* th an six per cent, to holder*. ,



CHICAGO. J u n e ^ . - W h e a t lentlm ent today wa* much more Indeclelv* than utual. Th* pivot on which the m arket chiefly turned w as th e crop outlook for South Dakota. Proapecta there depended on rain, which w as threatening, hat which also m ight continue local to amall area*. The m erket opened lower to li edvance, Septembar atarted a t «H4 to SI, unchanged lo % off, bu t rallied to

Ligbtnee* of offering* mad# corn firm. September, which opened a shade off to HUH higher, a t SIH to 61H. eteadled a t the laet named level

Country buying lifted oats. September started H to H dearer, a t 41% to 42%, touched 41%&41ti. and ro*a to 42%.

Higher price* tor hog* n v e strength to provlaion*. F irs t sales w ire the same aa laat night to 10 cent* up. Including Sep­tember a t 20.*T% to 30.W te r pork, 11.30 for lard and U.16 to II.TJVi for rib*.

IVeakneas In w heat developed later, owing to Increased pressure of new wheat here and in the Southwest. The close wee steady, with September % net lower at 90%.

A fter a little fu rther upturn, the corn m arket receded some with wheat, hut the

oft. The close waa nervous .{ a net gain

DATTON. O., June 2#.—Because of losses sustained through the March flood, Joseph E. BImm, rated a* on* of th* wealthleet men in the city, committed sui­cide th li morning by firing a bullet Into his brain. He wa* discovered sitting on the floor tn a bathroom In h it home with the revolver iflll In hie hand.

Mr, Bimm was a director of the City National Bank and a heavy stockholder In leveral local concern*

I f y o u a r c i n t e r e s t e d in t h e o p i n i o n s o f o t h e r l o c a l m e n o f p r o m i n e n c e , c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h a n y o n e o f t h e g e n t l e m e n w h o s e p h o t o g r a p h s h a v e r e c e n t l y a p p e a r e d in t h i s s p a c e , o r w it h

NEW YORK STOCK MARKETThe range of today'! price* for the more

activs securtUsa In the Nevew York m arket In contraat with last night's closing quotations (* last sale), aa furnished for tn* News by Post & Flagg, Is given bslow;

L aitf--------Today’s--------- , nightDpsn.high low

Amal. Cop.:etgee


THOMAS FOR POSTMASTERFrom lAs IPtuAlsplon Bureau of Ms BVBN.

i m SEWB.WASHINGTON. June 1«.-The President

thie afternoon sent to th* Senate the nomination of Harvey Thome* for post- maeter a t Atlantic City.


gre« r»m**noi«fewre,■ NEW YORK. June M .-M any New York h u ik era .who might be expetced to have a ij oplBlon to exprese about th* probable drprking* of the tKiw banking and our- reney bll!, ahould It become law aa It aUnds. are unwilling to ta lk about It fo r publication, men a t least whose views one m ight prefer. There are some ex- ogptlon*, bu t they do not seem to cere tn particularise.

Several bankers contented thorn*.' by Indicating dissatisfaction with the ilHaaur* and refuting lo go Into details.

' i t waa In the nature of a surprlao to find one who aald th a t th* bill ' wasn't so bad," except fo r two reaaous.

Aaked to particularise, he aald th a t he ebuld not Juatlfy the en try of the gov- SHunent into banking bualneaa through tU federal reaerve board. Control of banking, regulation thereof, he added, we have and approve: but the powers delegated by the bill to the federal board, which la to have charge, put the govern­m ent dIreoUy into the banking huelnes*.

"The experience of alt govemm-int* to d a te I t agalnat Such procedure, " he con­tinued, "a* government doing a banking baatneae on private capital.

'.'The o ther objection le tha cutting out of the provision of the bill v- hich p u nned an elaatic currency. Thl* leave* ua w lth the same old nine forma of cur­rency aa ever, with the tenth In the e lupe of a aubetttute for the Aldrlch- Vreeland bill. Thl* I* bad becauee there U to be no elasticity m our cutroacy, suecordlng to the bJU ae :t eiauds. All oUr vkrietloe of currency ere ixcellenUy wall aecurdd, and all such cnriency jfkowi a tendency to etay out, not to bo

/ r e t i r e d ."However,‘i he eald, "aa to thl# I am

n a a u ^ . or bellave, the purely currency iague queatlon will be taken up either be- fe rr or a f te r the bill take* shape and ahniigad."

"How about the queatlon raiaod by eo ffi.ny Interior banka aa to the clfect of

: th e provision* for reaerve* affecting th a ir ability to avail Ihemaelva# of tb# sarvloa* of coirespondanl bank agent* at

. ragarv* d tu a , ta a t preoentt" wa* asked. "I do not think i t will trouble them

much." he replied. 'Tl^ey will be obliged, n* the hill reada to keep a certain pru- portioD of their reserve* In, regional or

' federal raserv* banks and the remainder ;• will have to be In their own vaults, * th e r e U nothiiu to prevent them frf.m E’’ placing an account of additional funds, ^ not nagarvai. with reserve or cen tral re- ii '' garv* city hank* to check against and

utilise to secure a two par cent, return on funds which may b e 'Jd le and so plaoad.

"If they ehooa* te. they m ay draw a e h ^ on their reserves in th e fadoral fwssrve hanks te r remlttanos to r other th an local account*, which would be Juat a s good a s th* present New York draft o r chack. hot, o f eourm. It b#eaceeaery to make prom pt additional (i*-

t t a r e d im l Hsaarve Bank to m ake the account good,"

MINNBAPOLJB, June M .-The selection Into all of ^ l la d e lp h ia for the 1914 convention

and th* election of officer* wa* the only bualneaa tranaaeted a t th* afternoon see- ,Moo of th* I with SeptembertoClaUon yeiterday. Robert ,,0, Thoraaa, ' „of Lowell. M***., wa* ohoian preeldent. j _ ____

Addrasae* by experts eonaumed the , following today'* quotations,program today. A reasonable baala 2 .,j p \ o r k lime,for th* determ ination of charges for fum lihed by Byrne & McDonnell; private tire pro tection was the sub- | x t the Chicago Board of Trade Ject of a paper by Leonard M etcalf, of ,Boston. The reault* of w ater w aale In | W h e a t- New York City wa* the aubjeet of an ■ JuW addreaa of 1. M. D evarona, chief of the Sept w aterw orks syalem of New York. The convention w ill cJoae tom orrow even­ing.

The following quotatione were furnished by William F. Hulh A Co.;

INDUBTRIALaClneing 1:90

Yeiterday. Today. Bid. A Iked. Bid. Asked.

Am. W riting Paper. 1 1% 1 1%Anglo Oil ............... 19% 19% 30)4 »%Am. Marconi ......... 4% 4% 4)1 4%Buckeye Pipe Line. 154Borden's C. M ......... 113Borden's C. M.. pr.. 1U3 Brit.-Am. Tobacco.. 21%Can. Marconi ........ 3%Crescent Pipe Line. 58Galena Oil .............. 143H avana Tobacco ... 2%H avana Tob., p r ... 5Houston on . . . . . . . . 16

Am.Am. Can Am Can, pr..

.A m . C. * F . .Am. Cot. o n .

I A. U. A L.. prAm. Smelt__Am. Bm., p r . .Am. T. & T .. Anaconda ....A tch.................B. * O............Beth. Steel ..B. R. T .........Can. P ec ........Cen. Leath ...C. * 0 .......... 63J4C„ M. * 8. P. loBi Chi. & N. W .. 128 Chino Copper.Corn P ro ........E rie ...............Erie. 1st p r . ..Erie. 3d p r ....G, Elec. Co..Qt. North,, pr Gi. North. Ore Intar-M st

jw . close, close. 63% 64%21% 2T4 27% 26%*7 *7%43 433«)t >36 13 >17161%

100 128%33%96%90%28


87% 87)4 86% 87217% 317% 216% 218% 21 21 21

61 ^ 6S%,108% 102% 100 128 128 m

Inter-M elj pr. 66 I. H. of N. J . . II

Ity B, Lehigh Vsl.

Close.90%9193%® 93%


staady. .■W heal-Further precipitation N orth­

west. together with favorable European crop advice* and poor export inquiry, caused an easier tone In w heat thla mom-

, . - - f v t-vBeef— ' ■* 1. ^ ^I .a rd -E aey : Middle West.—Haw firm : muscovado, 2.86; cen-

trifug^ , 3.86; molaeees. 2.61. Refined steady.

Petroleum—Steady.Molasses-Bteady.Hay—Bleady.Hide*—Inactive.Leather—FirmButter—W eak: receipt* 13.827 tubs.

State dairy, finest, 38®27: good to prime, 2t%tf26%: common to fair, 2S®24; procea*.

:»%®2S)4: tlret*. 34®2B

Houston on. prInter. Rubber . . . . . .N, V. T rans............Ohio on .............Otis Elevator ........Otis Elevator, p r...Prairie Oil ..............

I Standard Oil, N. J . .- Standard Oil, N. Y.

Tob, Pro., p r .........._ . I Union Tank L in s ....Yeldy s Vacuum Oil ............

Close. I United Cigar Stores

Cl05Qwere !

!437 3U

122% 34 16

Kan. City Bo.!" ' . 162 162L. A N........... m %M. , P. * T. .. 69% r M.S.P.AB.B.U. 124)t l:M. , K. * T. .. 31 a ,MO. Pec......... 30% 10%N a t Biscuit .-112N. R. M.,2d pr 14'N, Y. Cent ..N. T..O. t W.Nor. f t W est..Nor. Am .........Nor. P ac.........Penn.................Peo. Qe*.........Pitta. Coal ....Pr. St. C ar.,..Ry. S t Bp......Ray C oni......Reading

S6151)4 151' 130 *131' 68)4 60

124% *124%21 a28%

113 14 >16

DAY & CORNISHGeneral Agents for Northern New Jersey

The Mutual Benefit Uie Insurance CompanyOffices io the Hone Office Bldg 750 Broad ^


B E C tlR m E S , irrVBSTTMENTS, ETC. B E O U H rn E S . IN V EST M E N TS, ETC.

a112 11%98% 96% 17% 98 31% n% n% 31)4

100), 103 103 10467 86 66 665 a K ® a

'% 107% 107% 107% 10T%17 *15%17 " 17 17

R, I. & 8.. p r■ id -


m arket opened steady a t a decline of r to fl point* In rcaponw to rather dinap- pointing cahlee, and sold about 6 to 10 potnta net lower during the eArly tra d ­ing. July Beamed lo be relatively weak under reaUxlng In advance of the notices expected tomorrow, while August was relatively firm, with the etrength of tha t position helping to hold the new

imitation I crop month b. Private cablea reported realizing in Liverpool, with the

rii-% t RAILROADS,

Am. Light ft T r— 365 376Am. L * T., p r ...... m M

MINING,Braden Cop.............. ^Brltuh Cnl. Cop...... iBut(e-N T................ SCohs. Arl*. Smelt.- 6-J6Davis-Daly ............. HiEly Cone........... . 7Flrat Nat. Cop.......Giroux Cons............. 1 7-16Greene-t.'ananea ..>Jumbo Fxienalon... 17Kerr Lake ..........l*a Rose r 'onn....Manhattan Trans MrK’y-D arrafh ,.,Mines Co of Am... 2^N e'‘ada Hills— 96Niplsalng Mines Co.Ohio Copper............ U-lsPacific Smelters .. l-lfi Stewart Mining — 1 7-16TrI-Bullion .............. *4Tonopah Ex ........ 2Ton. M. of Nev..413-lfi 4 15-16 413-J6115-16United Copper ............ HLnlted Copper, p r . .M'ptllauf^r Silver...Yukon Gold ...........

Rock Islam R. Island, pr, St. L. ft B. F South Pao. ..South By........StudebakerTexas Co.........Third Ave. . . Union Pac.U. 8. SH el.... U. S. Steel* pr.Utah Cop........Va--Caro.........Weal Md.........W*sl. Un.......

3Vg 3 3-16 1 7-ir ■

NEW YORK ROND MARKET17-16 1% 17-16 1%

1 9-16 ! tl-lS 19-16 1 11-1897

12 1-18

.e re turnlahad

cr^m ers^ '^ tiiste , *24®24%; 'factory , e u r - j reailxlng In Liverpool, with the m y k e t rent make, flrsta, 23023%; seconds. 2ti4® sustained by a good demand for July

current make. No. 2, 21. | Auguat, which wae supposedpacking stock, current make. No. 2, 2l. | August, wnicn was Cheeee-sieady snd unchanged , receipt* | against sales of the

by foreign houeee late yesterday1,K6 boxes.Eggs—Irregular; receipts, 24,953 caae*

Freeh gathered, cheeks, good to choice, dry, 13%@14%; do., checks, under grades, per case, 1.6003.911.

Live Poultry—Irregular; chickens, 27; fowls, 17; turkeys, 16, Drtesed, eteady; fresh killed W estern chlekene. 27028; fowla, 16019%; turkey*, 18@1B.


W €alh«f adviM s wer« conslderod g«n«r- ally favorahle^ and local MPPt houMS az

— n*siwe'll Rfl Liverpool wer© modefat* aallara of Ju ly on lh« decline.

Rumors th a t la tes t returns lo the Na­tional Glnners' Association made the coo- ditlon 31,8 per cent, with their report of W.7 p^r cent, last month, Ihdlcatetl ra th tr

a ■« 3 610 12 1(1 122H an 2)4

PHILADELPHIA STOCK MARKETThe following quM ationi were furnished

by Els«le ft King!

Amer. Railway C o ...............Ainer. Gas 6s .................. *Cambria Iron ...............Cambria Steel ....................Electric Storage, c o m ........Electric ft People’s 4b........Ueneral Asphalt, com ........General Asphalt, p r ...........Interstate "is ..................... .Keystone Telephone, com.. Lehigh Navigation stobk... i>ake Superior Corp..

Bid-Aaked. 37H 3Ssaw ■


' 72^67



less Improvement for the month than an- . [„gj(e Superior Income Es

NEW YORK, June ;6.—Money on call steady; 1%®2 per cent.; ruling rate. 2; clcelng bid, 1%: offered a t 2. Time loans, steady; sixty days, 3)i®S%; ninety days, 3%04; tlx months, 6)4®5)4

FINANCUL POINTERSThe governing committee of the New

York Btock Exchange yesterday granted the petition of the member* of the hoard th a t the exchange be closed July 6.

tlclpated and steadied the m arket late In the forenoon. Prices a t midday were aihout 3 to 6 points net lower. *

Rumors th a t the National Glnners" A»- aoclatlon made the condition 81.8 were denied during early afternoon and after a rally to practically the closing figure# of last night, prices eaeed off allfhtly undsr continued reallxlng or local sell­ing Inspired by a gulf coaet etorm w arn­ing, which w as thought likely to mean ralne In the central belt.

The following quotation* were furnished

The National City Bank of New York has purchased 815,000.«» six per cent, collateral gold note# of the Consolidated Gas Company, to run for eight monthe. They are being offered by the bank a t a price to yield elx and one-quarter per cen t, which Indicates th a t the big gai company la paying about eeven per cent, for money.


The Iron Age eayi; "The am ount of business going on th* books of the steel companies 1* more than would be looked for in view of th* policy of many buyers to avoid contracting beyond w hat I* ab ­solutely necessary. The railroads In p ar­ticular, owing to preaent rertrlction* on th e ir financial plan*. * « tor th* moat part limiting their Iron and steel buying to the renewed of contract* for aupplle* required by their everyday operation*. Boihe of these a re Just now coming In for the second , hedt of the year.

by Post & Flagg;


Oofti. 12-15 11 5? n-56 11.50

High.I ll"U.5»ij.ra1L62


2:10 Y M y 'd PrM. ClOM. 12.11 i2.:f

isehlgh Valley Transit, com......Tj«hlgh Valley TrantU, p r .........Milling ............... ........................New Jprspy Con, T rsc ............N«w Jersey Con. T rie . 6a........Phliadelplilft Rap. Tranutt otockRhiladtiphla Co., com .................Ph lajielpbla Co., p r......... *.........PhiladelpMa Electric .........Philadelphia Electric 4b.Philadelphia Electric Bb.........Philadelpliia Traction ..**.*4*.-.Reading Genera) 4b ..................Tonopan Mining ............ ...........Tonopah Belmont .......................Cnlted Gas Iti\ ....... .................United Railway 69 ......... ............Union Traction


78% 74)J

Che*, ft Ohio 4)to' .Ch!.. B. ft Q. « . . .

..M. ft I. ft P. cU.4s

Colo, ft Bo. « ........... *0Erie g«n. Hen 4s. .. 68% Inter-Mst. 4%s •■■■■■ 75 In ter Paper Oo. 6s... IW% Inter. Rap T. to ... 104% Int. Mor. Mar. 4)j».. 68 I.*ke Shore 4a 1931.Mo. Pac. 4a............N.Y.C, ft L.B. 3%s.

T. Central 4e..Nor. Pac. 4*............Penn^^c’vt. 3%'s IMt

Lorlllard to ........w : - i s t « ,

St. L. I. M. Ea........Bo. Pac. cvt. 4s.......Texas Co. cv .........Texas ft Pac. la t,.,.Third Ave. 4s.........Unlan Pac. 4a.........Union Pac. cvt. 4i U. S. Steel Ea.........







NEW YORK, JuB* 18.—The hoard of C^-WBora'Of tiw N tu r ' I o r k JItock Ex- cb*«c* a t their gsaetlBf y*«t*rdty ro- K in S d thoa* M ctiosa o f th * eohaUtuBoo o f til* mcebaota wtiteh. te ihada .n sn b a ra to bav* any dealings wltb the CemaoH- ftatad Sto-Tk Sxohaitis. T his 'waa don* to ^ e f t th* Stock Exqbaflga H aeeord « tth tba law passed by the. U g U ta ta re aarly ) a « month, wUeh fUreeted th s t .ao *a- efcaan* >B tha. Stala should dltqrimkiate h i any way - « t>a*ia*i* agalnat th* teEtto bOT of another eXhBange.

Tha k h ^ g e s s Into affect Stg lu n k ta 1.


Auguat* 'Victoria. Hamburg, dock New York Friday.

LONDON. Juno 28.—Th* reports of fighting between th* Bulgarian* and Ser­vians at Zletovo, caused a generally lower opening on the stock exchange today, hut there wae a good recovery at noon under the lead of American*. Investors absorbed gilt-edged securities and home rails a t ad­vancing piicea and Pari* supported It* favorltea. The closing waa generally staady. Brasilian and Mexican traction share* were weak exception*.

American sacarttle i opened higher, bat soon turned easier under realising. The m arket developed ecnstderable strength la te r under the lead of Union Pacific. Price* advanced from % to l% over parity, hu t New York selling depreseed values In th e late' trading and made the cloalng caay.

Money waa tn good demand and dis­count rata* were easy.

Warwick I ft Steel


......r 10



NEWARK SECURITIES MARKETThe following quotations today wer*

furnished by J B. Rlppel:

A sttoasm lcal «.»#■«»—From Noon To- g sy to -R osa Tm o i i«w . .tv.

June 36-At i i t t F. H.. the moon will ha a t It* last quarter. In the constsBa- timi Places, batng today twanty-two day* old. On itna d a u in n s , (he t i r t h paseeo through a comet’* tall, a t It did through th a t of H sU eFi about throe yoan- ago.

iro iw c r H a n lH k t Seat to J t l l .UATAWAN, June 36.-Geor|* Llnx-

m ytr. who a tew years ago ira* am erchant here, was committed to the county jail hy Judge Lowe, today, tor six­t y days, to r appropriating to..hla um i horse and carriage which waa atasdlng In front of the post otflc*.. . . . . . .

Amer. Dock ft Imp. to, 1921.,,,C en t R R. Co. of N. J. 6s. 1987118Coslulcld .............................. f ...... UOConsolidated Ttacllon ......... . 72Consolidated Traction 5*........... MOEssex ft Hudson Oas Co...........133Oaa & Electric of Bergen Co... 38 Gas ft E. of Bergen Co. 1st to 100 Gaa ft E. of Bergen Co. gen. Eg 94Hackensack W ater 4 s ............... 88Hudson County Gas Co............... 126Hudson County Gas CO, to ........102Jersey City, Hoboken ft Fat. 4a 78Long Dock ft 6s 1935.................... 130Lehigh Val. Term, Be 1941......... 107Morris ft E. R. R. 1st 7s 1814... 101Morris ft Essex Con. 7s 1915...... 109Newark Coneoildsted Gas Co... 94 Newark Consoifdated G. Co, ss. 108 Nswark Passenger Ry. Go. I t . . 108Newark Gaa Co. to .............. . 122North Jersey 8t. Ry. « ......... 78P a t ft Passaic G. ft E. C o ....... 90Pat. ft Pasaalc G. f t E- Co. to. 100 Public Service Cornorathwi.-v-.. HI Public Sendee CeroftiSUet. .VR, WJ Publlo Service Corp. to U69.'.,., 88 B. Jer. Gas, Elec, ft Tree. Co.'. 120 B. J Oas, Elec, ft Tree. Co. to 18 Bom. Unloii ft Mid, Ltg. Co.. 72 Bern. Union ft Hid. Ltg. Co, to, 17 Singer Mfg. C o . . . . ; . . I HUnited Electric Co. to ...; . '. . . , . 78j U. N. J. R. R. ft CanaiT 4s 1944..' 98<

B a n d a ._ iu trk n t* s4 .'g to ^ and

BldAaksd ■ 1«






96105106 1258093



dW "and interest.

est. est. Ing.

The fdilfiwtng quotations by Post & Flagg. ^


Ate. new cvt.l.4*,i960 9 ^ At. Coast Lin* 4a.... 87%

ft 0. 4s............... 91%^ R. T. 4a,,..B. ft O. cv...Cent. Leather to..

74% 74%

90%6579 '88)492








DEPOSITS OVER $ 6 , 8 0 0 ,0 0 0



■95% 85%



Initial StationeiyB eautifu lly embogaed and ffle stamped. In blue or gold. *4 sheets and 84 snvelcpea In box (best quality cards o r paper).,

' Pricey 29 cents and 50 cents- F ine for home use or to ta k e e leng on your vacation. C all ai ■ee them.

B e st'B U tto g e ry Btor* to Ilsw gsk.

Baker Printing Go.U t H A JIK V r iT M ID T .

gg-Yi-TB cL iN ’f o i i » r a * * T .

B tu .


H B I W Y n o n , 4 O Qp a iY A T i M a H n n

■AIN rhoeft

A-% w t nCENT* * / AANNUM “ T / 2

IN T E R E S T R A ID f5N O E R O S tT S F R O M S I . T O S a ,0 0 0 ,

m o n e y D IK IW T tD ON OR 1C . FOHt JULY ' S » T WILL DNftW IN T M E ST ENO" JWLY liT , INTENCST NtAPV *NO MYftpi,* IP o n iN K O ON T H I EllItT OATS Of JANUARY lA ll^ U L Y ,

D C R O S r f S MAY B E W ITH D RA W N W ltM b U T O lW N Q N O T IO E

S M ta i S A . l l . t o a .3 0 P . I I .P, I.. GHAMPION, W, J . DOHtNTY,

gaaMit* AstT. OasMisk

We Buy nag Bell ■ tack a t N. J . F IK B IHto GO.

Mig o th e r L scs i gscutitlas.C L ftllB K aS HODBOK f t CO.b a a x MulMtos. K ew arh. If. J.

DYKE & CAMFIEU)Patents and Patent

Causes ifTrademarks and


Kinney BuildingComer Broad and Market


T he Y oung Man'^w ho has n o t y st sav ed b is flrs t hun .( d r e ^ ^ l a r s shou ld sl& rt a t one* to ' buy ___

E t o t r y 3 o x x d l a ion our p a rtia l pay m an t plan.

P O S T &FLAGGMamhera 31. Y. g tw k Blxebauge.

A 4 . P R E O L a D E N N I S;> |ls*ldcBt P i r lg a r . ..



Orders Ba#«n<e4l !■ -AN Martiata*p n m p t B«rwt«a»

CnrdlNlly iRTtM *

WM. F. MUTH & CO.ittoeli maa Boot! Broken,

TH BMigft « . . Rewark. H. ft TtL 43BA ««W Ngrket.

N onck! TO. btockholbbub . ___TransfBs bwks of th . Wawtrli Trust Oom-

Nswark, K. J.. will to sleato * t U iun* 9*. 1913, and r a ^ a elesad

"oly 'ptay,Q'eloea noon,uBtTl Ill^'o'c'lock Bsso, futy _^ aoHOOib- ^ i r i i i t . i J P i i . Btoritarr.

5%INTERESTA Baw fftagaw m iBlisfttO P i patlh aataa. i « k

ftraw latarait ham J ^ . . . . „ „•RigAOO a s dapaak w j* tha ••*•* *1 a T . Wa ar* M*artos awr T3d >«aa

i!i CLARKE BROTHEIU, BaaiNHlM H toi*«a3 . (THhaMlMs.) b t - U M


whsrsa*. Ih;el the city er :_______ _ , .................... ..

«>iiw|*d^wUh *11 th* prorialOBs of an aotof Ih* act i 1893)

__ ._ jag tD n Truat Bswafk, m the county of Esstx.

tar. of this Stat*/, entitled "Ah

W ith th* poi we again find crowded. W h paopi* drink a th* aummar 1 th a t our aanlli clcaar a tten tlt oonducting thi

Wa have ea for tha about oup. where w* cuoua com er, the soda four

Any one wt usual run of th* hasty wa eontand th a t tion to kill claim th a t till Ing along diet lo the watei drunk quickly •olid or Stic oreara and a th* purchaser bitity Unger 1 t h n over a •

There ‘la no list of aocuta or glaata*. publlo cup sht clem: th* dam eare lta i drinl been uied by M te which n aoclety whict oountfy In e •praad* and v to prevent I arapbaat* upo mon drinking wam lnga glv to which th* •sg lsetfu l lo

B ut w hat havs not yei and who are ip re id ln g dl w hat of the ' Isisnaas and reform er 1* I snlatido?

I t teem s hi Who Is su ff lUnass jrould to th* sam e Happening *v ar* guilty of not forget tc Ignorant vlci sure atatlatlc today, a re s the means o


th a proml tUlad oonce R I* .bardl] sse t tb a ex ortngs. Th< lag them 1 tto w v ad m tag AraariBi

The bloui saline, wbl ruffle* o f . *Us of a hi U sei tb* ni was a re i blbns* hag'

I M . 18111 Pntaam aa Roga Ftft] toava next Thay WOt I xrai spend

Mtoe R uU ndaburg of South T A. BltchecsaUad ye* aurope.

n u k 0 avenua, .*< parator,. f.q remain abi Grad

U tH H a nue, lx In th e eoBitni sntoarBlty.

____ in u l oompantts", (ravliloo efjroYsd Karck t4. MW. siad tbsrfiQ ao^ aots a*a*ttdatbi7 ttiNMf.pltm ssu tbsra

rMufrad tGSUlllGr*(Y. to COOUBEGCi------------ -----

' — It, tollGata cGBiM]siion«T oflisiili*;In* o4B

OscM k 04B.0ISU1

DOtnpINd with iwfore'rsotlvltkg — SGce bnsneas: (M m ors

inties Gf tbs BU(t of No* Jtithat ^ la ^ WsshioFcton

... . duly and Icgoflr oraanliNl ■ot os a trust oMBpagf'. an4do" bartby esrtUy, that tbs iau$ Wi T r ^ CampofiY.iauM«ri s t h ^ S ? 'toltaiiHLCt bafi&Dss a# sueb^Ln tliU

wlUMfl wti*reo< 1 havs htriUnto ift my tag amasd my frfflelsl smI. at

ISAL) TmtOB. (M twSflty»>fGunh day of D. RUkftsea bundrsd sad

hand ted

GEO. M, LA M O hT E ,, Baabtag-tna: tosepagb.

Mil* Xdi B. F. Jew A rthur B. Hbloiag, a matriad S the atembi Jdiwg'g be SB th* w* ftp gupper. win Btteni and SCI** a*ald.' Fr gieem’s. b man. RAi groo th-ati

-ngbara. T th is evenii g a t whits

NagS'BN Wnuams. •PMid the

"ftM w rr F ward ftpat

H r. and elMtid gtn la c idan it

Mrs. Ol th e tnenfl h w aurei


1, ETC.




) 0 0


mgI a r k « t

ManIJTit hu n + r'^S '^1 one* tq

«N I 8

D l K O v


Om an and H er Varionss OccupataoniCLU B W O M A N ’S LETTER

Pap*f C u p i and Soda W alfr

W ith lh« rom inc e t th< warm w eather wa acalQ find iha aoda watar founU lnt efowdad. TV'hftn w« com idtr how many P*opi% drink At thoM plAc»i dmlly d u iin i th« ium in«r li mmiiu r t th t r rem»rkAbtA th a t our M nU ary cruaadM havt not flven olOMr a tten tion to the m«ihode ua«d In eonductlnf the fountain*

We have aald much and worked hard for the abolition of the public d rlnk ln t eu|k> w here w ater la fumUhed for promU- ououa enmere ^ 'h a t of the flaaaea a t th e aoda fountalniT

Any one who h a i ilant'ed behind the uiual run of nounteri and haj.obaer^ed the haaty way of waahini will aearcely ooatand th a t there la aum rlem aterllUa- tJOQ to kill Infection And phyalclana claim th a t there ta more d an ter of pace* th f along dleeaee In the aoda ilaea then In the w ater cup. t ^ t e r la uaually drunk quickly and doei not contatn the •olid o r alieky aubaUocea which Ice oream and alnip drinki embody. And th e purchaaer of aoda will In all proha- Mllty linger longer over hie refreahment th in over a aimpte draft of water

There 1a no need to r4lterale the Ions Uet Of aocuaatJona against common cup* or gUaees. The agitation agalnet the public cup should by thle time have made clear the dangera and perila which attend earelaaa drinking from cup* which have been uaed by peraoni afflicted with dia* ease which m ay be communicated. The aociety which la active throughout the oounti^ In explaining how tuberculoela gpreada and w |ilch la bending every effort to prevent tte Increase, lava eapactal empbasta upon the menace of the com­mon diink lng cup. One of the eartteat w am lngi given to pattenia la the riek to which they expoee other* If they are M Itaetfu l In tlU* reaped.

B ut w hat of the afflicted onea who have not yet identified their dlaabillty and who are a t large In the community, apreading dlaaater unknowingly? And w hat of the very humap element lasanaaa and ‘'don't care." for which the reform er la bound to provide In hia ca l' io latlon?

t t geemi hard to belleye tha t a man erbo la auffarlng from some dreadful lUoeai yrould voluntarily exiK>se o theri to the sam e calamity, and yet thle I* Bitfpealng every day. Among thoee who are guilty of these social ertmea we must DOt fo rget to number the vast arm y of Ignorant victims, who, In spite of the sure atatlstica which medicine can offer today, are etlU unconvinced concerning the means of infection.

The mert who fully understands and still la unregardful of his fellow^* la doing an act IJttlt short of crime, for he la un* neeesaaiily endangerlns the health and life of other*. Against such individuals, unfortunate though they be, the law m ust provide And any prohibition of the public water cup will be Incomplete until the common soda glass has been eliminated^ too.

The individual paper cup Is bound to come, and at a not far d istant day. All we need It a few fact* to put us Oh our guard, end to arouse public sentiitisnt to the truth. Two owners of aoda foun* talna, seen by ihe writer, both staled th a t they anticipated the change, but were unallllng to be the firs t to make the Innovation.

A New York phyalclan. Dr. William J Robinson, tells a story from his medical expenence which fully Justifies his In­te rest and enthusiasm for securing paper so<la containers. The probability of Its iMSlng repeated d slh ’ In oup irrtdst la apparent.

One mornlftf not long ago the doctor treated a patien t who was afflicted w'Uh a horribly loathsome disease called lues, which Is evidenced by disgusting sores In the mouth and on the Ups. ThU a f ­fliction is very easily passed on and the p a tle r t Is an extrem e danger to others. The J jc io r carefully made plain how ex- ceec#igly watchful Ihe man would need to be. He replied th a t he already knew these fscU and announced that. In his home, he was providing every precau­tion. He used only towels and napkins and linens of his own, and his dishes, knife, fork, spoon, cup and other utensils wec£_jiept entirely separate from the family supply.

The doctor felt th a t here, a t least, he had a patient who wa* duly Impressed With the necessity of sanitary measures, and. conscience free, went his way. That same afternoon, stopping a t a prominent drugstore, w hat was Dr. Robinson’s amaxement and indignation to discover th is same Individual calmly quaffing an Ice cream soda from the public glass!

The Doctor Instantly took the iltUallon In charge, rep rim and^ the man. and in­sisted th a t he elmulate an accident and drop the glass on the floor befors leaving.

The Qod of Coincidence does not always bring us a capable physician a t the psy­chological moment We need better protection than mere chance. The sooner we have the paper cup a t soda fountain* the better. THE CLUB WOMAN.




(Copyright, by Howard R OarLi.)

'*Nures Jane.*' ipelie Uncle Wiggiiy Longsars. the old gentleman rabbit, to Miss .Fussy'W uxar, the m uskrat lady w ho kept house for him, “Nurae Jar^e. do you know wbai 1 think we ought to do thjs week?"

"No; w hat?” she asked. "Tou think of so many things. Uncle Wlgglly, that I cannot keep tr»tck of them, but It Is t^o ho( to guess now."

'T il give you three chancre," he ssid, wrinkling up hi* whiskers like a nut­meg grater in August.

"You are goang awa>\" said Nurse Jane ruiiy-VVuxay. playful*like.

”No," asld Uncle Wlgglly. "1 am not going away, though we will soon be traveling to the seashore"

"Then you are going to take a ride in an airship,” she went on. guei*lni a t the queerest thing she could for the rabbit.

"W rong." spoke Uncle Wlggily. "Tryagain."

*T hope you sre not going to clean house." exclaimed Nur«e Jane, making her round tall go up and down on the breadboard like a blackamith f1x\ng a little boy's express wagon.

"That's exactly w hat we are going to do, Nur*« Ja n e" ' exclaimed Uncle Wig-

could grab Uncle WigBilY. but the rabbit gentleman wa* no w hrra to be seen. Fot he was wrapped In lh a ruga, you know.

"Why. where oan ka have loneT” asked (he dog. surprised like

"That's w hat 1 w ant to kno». ‘ *■!<» the gatnr. "Look all around ''

Po the two bed anim ats did, but they never thought of looking \n the rugi. as you or 1 would have dfme W'hlch gods to show you that bad animal* kre not ik> good at playing hld*-and-ieeh a t I*

^ v e l^ w h e n the dog and alligator could

D ^ jiT T ^ G> P ecip es

L?wf \ \

n l 2 I

‘ '



I » a 4Le.A«e4

. >

glly. "I WAS over to t^ee Mr*. Kat the other day, and she was cleaning house like anything."

"T hat's the only way to do It.* said the m uskrat lady, with a sigh "But I ’d rather move—It’s easier.”

"No, we had better clean house." said Unde Wlggily. "T hat I*, you can do the cleaning and 1 111 watch you. and tell you how to do It."

"Te*. I had rather do 11 myselL If b has to be done." said Nurse Jane put­ting her sweeping cap on backward o?er her ears. "For the last time you cleaned hoiJB* you swept all the d irt from the corners and edges of the room into the centre, and laid a rug over li.‘

"Well, ll looked all righ t." said Uncle WlggPy. "But th is time we will clean properly. Anri, speaking of rugs, we will have them all beaten and whipped "

'Why. have they been as bad as tha t?” asked Nurse Jane. In surprise,

"Oh. I didn’t mean 11 that way." said Uncle Wlggily. quickly *1 just meant that we would get old Perclvai. the circus dog. to knock the riuBi out of them with hJs tall as he did for Mr* K a f '

Nurse Jane said th a t would be all rlghl. so Bhe got ready to clean house, while Uncle Wlggily prepared to give directions how It should be done

"Only we won't have any atcpladder for any one fr go to sleep on lop of." he Bsld Then we won t have to call out the firs departm ent, as We did for Kittle Kat "

Well, the house cleaning began, and oh. Huch a time as there was' Why, you would have thought there were two houses on fir© to s»*e the dust floating out of Uncle W'lggliy's. For Nurse Jane was a very kood cleaner, once she got at It.

Uncle Wlggily w as walking around, looking a t the cleaning going on. when, all of a sudden, as he was In the parlor, he heard a voice on the porch outside Baying:

•'Now, there, th a t old rabbit gentleman ll In there. You gn one way and I'll go the other and we'll have him *ure He shan’t get away from us this lime.'

Uncle Wlggily waa much frightened, but he managed to peek out between the cracks of the shutters, and he saw ofi kla porch, ju s t ready to come in after him. that same, bad. old. skUlery- acalery alligator, w ith the double- jointed tall, and there was also the bad dog with h lr .

"Oh. now I am gone, sure!” thought Unde Wlggily. "I can 't get away, for (hey are a t the door and windows.'.vhdi shall I do?" i

Then he happened to see the pile of > Tugs on the floor. aU ready for the rug- . beating dog to call for them and dual Ithem- T. . I"Ha! This Is my chance!” cried Uncle | Wlggily. ‘T il Just roll up In a rug and | they won't know w hat has become of j

Uncle Wigglly wrapped and rolled him- ■elf up In two rugs. Instead of one, so that hls long ears would not show, and then he kept very atlll and gulst.

Then In about a minute, all of a sua- den. In came rushlnB the bad dog and alligator.

"Now we have him!" harked the dog, "Tee, we’l! ti* him!" growled the

'gator,*'They Jumped all around, thinking they



not find the rabbit gentleman they were much disappointed, and away they ran for fear a policeman lobster would catch them by their ta.Ua

Then Uncle Wlggily grew so llred. and h© waa so warm, that hr fell asleep Inilde the ruga, and not ©van Ibe (iP of hls ears stuck out

P re tty soon along cam© old Dof Per- ctval.

"Which rugs do you want beal©n. to gel Ihe dust out?" h© afkeri

"They are l|i lb© front parlor," said Nurae Jan© "Tak© th©m out '

Many of (he newest silks H a\t fu tu ris t and cubist dasigns. The colorings a r t de­cidedly Krlklng.

kashas with the butterfly bow are worn with many lingerie gowas.

The cutaway coat effect 1* a favoril© In tim pla afternoon frocks. Often the coat Is of figured or striped voile or batiste, while the skirt is of white crepe. In accordion plaited. It la flulihed with u wlda banding of the figured m aterial in piece of a hem The frocks are In a alngl* place and usual­ly button under the Jackal e t the laft of ih© from. Tiny fancy hutuma ere a flnlih to the vest front

Peach hate of the peanut straw are trimmed with a banding of black velvet Sumeilme* ih© edge of the brin> la bound

1 with the him k. too

! Th* populfti' chaniQiA U*l© glovea com* I with two I'lunpa and with whlia or black ! stH fhlnj rhi»y are not only cool, bul easily kept I'lesn, foi the.s are aa almpia

Perclval picked up m his paw . th« tug i^„nder rs a ' handken-hlef-bftly, un- in which was rolled Unci© Wlggily ! like the handkarrhief. they require no

M caa No. 4.BB F^K FA ST.

Melpn. CerealButtarflsh.

Cornbrsad CoffeeLUNCHEON.Stuffed Kgga.

Hutfkleberry Muffins Junket

DINNER Appellier.

Boiled Cod.Potatoe*

Tomato Salad.Tsris. with Cream,

g u g g re tlo a a fo r M aau No> 4.Have tne melon very cold, but do not

put Ice Into the cut melon. This spoils the flavor

Wash and wipe the butterfish. Dot the gas flame of Ibe oven. Season with with butler and broil over coals or under lemon, peppei^ *nd salt.

For the cornbread. beat up an egg. then add a ' upful of milk, two heaping table- apnoh/ul* uf Sugar, a cupful nf cornnieal.A cujjful of flour, two t©a*iH)onfuli of baking powder, half a teaapoonfiil of salt and taMeepoonfiil* of meltrd butterfiilr hard, and bake In gem tins for twenty minutes.

Boll the ©Kks hard anri then plunge Inin cold wHter When the eggs are cold, remo\ e the sheilft and cut in halt. CreRm the yolks with a fork, and seaion with pepper, sail ealad dressing and a little lemon jupe Return to the shells, aikk a

of parslf>' In each and serve onJe(ti;re

For the muffins, cream quarter of a cupful of shortening with half a cupful of sugar, then add a beaten egg, half a cupful nf milk, a pin>"h of eall and a cup­ful of flour. In which a tesspoonful of baking phwder ha* been sifted. When all tliese Ingreilienls are well mixed, add a generouft half cupful of blueberries or huckleberries, floured Bake In patty pans for quarter of nn hour

Make the Junket ©arl\‘ In the day so It will be firm for luncheon

For the Rppetlxer. boll an ©Rg bard and then chop U very fine. Season with oil, minced capers, parslty and a sardine or two mashed to a paste Spread thl* ob rounds of bread fried In deep fai.

Boll the cod In salted water seasoned with pepper, cloves and lemon peel, berve with a caper sauce.

To niHke the sauce, melt two table- spoonfuls of butler and add to It tw’o lablespoonfIlls of flour Cook thoroughly, then pour In a pint of rich milk and cook until thick Add Balt, pepper and two tahleapoonfuls of capers. Pour the sauce over the fish, aprlnkle with minced part- ley and garrttsh with lemon and a boiled egg, rleed.

' Have the polatoe« boiled.I Season the beans with butter pepper

and salt.I Serve the tomatoes whole, on lettuce, ■ topping each tom ato wUh a mixture of

-. I boiled dressing and mayonnaise.'Jh. , ijjg ta rtle ts baked the day before

with fresh or stewed fruit and top with whipped cream.

which wa* rolled U nde Wlggily And j the rabbit gentlem an never awakened, and Perclval pevar thought hla friend i Uncle Wlggily would be m a rug. *n>- |liOW.

Pretty soon Perclval came to a river. . ■’Thla rug la very dirty, ha to

himself aloud. "I think I will dmp it in I the river, so itle It around, and wash i It before 1 heal ll t t will do U good’ |

He w’a t Just going to loss It Into the river, when Uncle Wlggily sudaenly woke up with Q Jump. He had heard what j perclval »«ald.

"Oh. don’t ' D on't!" rrled the rabbit gen : Deman. aa he wiggled about hke any- ' thing. ' Don't put me In the river. ’ I

"Gracious goodness me, sakea allv© and ) the m uettrd p o t’” cried Perclval, drop- \ ping the rug and running Off "That rug j can wiggle end talk. Tbere Is someiblng ' funny here" ' 1

"Not funny a t stU” said Uncle Wig- ! glly, as h© unwound himself, and cam© ; out. " Ju s t a mlatake, that Is all. I was hiding away from tha sklHary alligator and hla chum, the bad d o g ” [

”Oh," said Perclval. 'ThaCe differen t i I am glad I did not drop you, rug and all, | Into the r iv e r" Uncle Wlggily w'as glad too. and eaM so, for he knew It would | hurt his rh©iimatlsm to get wet '

Tnen Perclval went on beating the rugs j with hls (all a fter washing them, and | soon Uncle Wlggily'* house was cleaned, and he was glad of It. As for ttv* alli­gator and the bad dog alt they h id for supper was rubber boots and prickly p©ara. But Unci© Wlggily had Ice cream, and so did Nurse Jane Fuxay Wuasy

And nothing more happened except that the wind blew, and the next bedtime story will be about Uncle Wlggily and the June Bug—that 1* If the man cutting our gruas doesn’t take my new straw hat to carry Tetter with w^lch io put out the fire In the lightning bug's hnuse.

I Ilk© the I Ironing.

I Th© wide suerie b©1t give* the proper flnlib to the small d augh ters drasa of

] printed muslin, nr cotton crop©

I GiON'e* of chamois finished cotton nr I Itsl© are as modish for the small *nn a t I for th© daughiar. They come in white or

chamois color.

Slack tillo rsd bows mwde nf velv*i ar© worn, not In front, but a t the back of the neck. ,Dfl*n th* anda, fltiUhed with a fringe, extend quite to the w4i»t line

Evening or boudoir capa of shadow lacs ■ re finished with a soft full frill of ooL ored chiffon about the face, dotted here and there with tiny chiffon or slik flow­er*

Black suede pumpa embroidered with a tne design of whit* bead* are among th© •ccenlrlc fnotwaar of the season- SUvei bucklsa arc seen equally o ftsa on whltk ot black ties or pump*.

Plaited malm* is u**d as a tHnnsiag feltthe hat of the smsil child, or ths growft^ up. Sometime* two or thrsa colors of ths matins art combined In a slAgla frtlUaf or ruff.

A tiny frimng of footing la the fUUsti to the edga of the brim of a whit# tatUga#’ hat worn with a w hlU aerga lu lt *

HurpUcs collars of chlftoq or n tt; whether tn whiu or colors, art ex tra i^ F popular.

Bhon frill* of tho lam s matonaj aa broad flat collar, srs (astsnad- at neck with bows of black valvat rlbbata

Frock* of the whita cottoc otopag trimo^ed with ths ootorad erak*, art ai pretty as they are prscilcal Cor tka dgatgk« tsr. Oden the colored crapa ooLtor. rntfUT and belt are trimmed with kuttOM OV, hand work.

A striking threa-quariar langth ■waa^r has vUid gtean collar aito coffl and long straps nf the gtaan «xtaDito}|f' over the shoulder lo tha waist lioa t e a l and from

Many of th* separata btmcli sUk m t i ' com* only to ths waist Itnt In back* t e t have long aide panels axtsadlag tw o-iM f^. of the way to the ham of tha frool vttli^ which they ara worn.

The wide middy blousa Uaa tn plgtn' colors often ar* finished with M IftCh, hem of striped silk. «

Bom© nf the colored chiffon SPut# are > finished with a deep fdn gt of soft rllltea.,,

The fashion of wearing a wide sash*' draped from the hipa low towwdl t te birk and fastening in a bow wall to tha hem of the' skirt Is graaUy favhr.

LEAIHER NOVELHESHolders for th« U ri« bottto o t MMlltn*

u l ta or« mgila of iM U itr, co lan d gjair; tooled m moat t r t l t t lc fglhlotl.

It isn’t every creamery that can m^e butter acceptable tn us for Gude’s Royal Print.

No, indeed.We take the product of only

the best regulated creameries; from these we select the choicest, testing with great care every pound.

We must know it’s good be­fore it goes*TOdcr the “Royal M nr’ BranA”,

Gude Bros.,K ieffer Co.

t02 Mulberry Street


t t m p rom lw of « » eprlng Iw* b « n ful- flUod eooeornlnt th» popularity of erepea. R la hardly to ba wonderad a t when one MM th a axqulatta deelcna and lovely ool> orlnss. Th* moat tavorad mannar of ua- lag them la to comhlna tha plain with flaararad m alarial, aa In tha aceompany- ta f Arawihi.

Tha blouTC has a vast of plaited mous- Mllna, which la ornarnemed with two n ^ a t o f . Yaletiolenna* ipca on either rtfla i t a hand of tha aama A. band outi

"Usea tb* naoK and tiny black velvet but- - ton* are aat on tha band. Tha round

bhrat* ha* alhow length kimono Rteova*

and cuffs, ravers and sailor collar of white chiffon finished with fancy hem- BtUchlng.

Th* tunic of the flowered goods la fit­ted around the hips and falls half way down the skirt. I t Is draped a t the laft front under a atratght saeh end of n a t­tier blue velvet ribbon, which is turned up under th e drapery and pasaes over the straight belt a t the top, I t ta trim ­med with pearl buttons.

The Bklrt la of plain whltec .repe .cut In two pieces and la trimmed with two bands of flowered crepe Joined to tha white goods with hemstitching.

E tIZ B ET H ..B , CASE.


P.MtTMEJCf V,.-CB-CSSTI-t C ot^ay . ty of Konr, aa of an sot b l rntttlad "An - v IrevtiloD of

tad tha^aop- Idry thihwf. 'u ire laoalvUi* ©rtfof* f\tr of baak-WasMogten

UnSSfeKwipaBj. awe a u ^ ta tktt

IM . TOWlain B. Putnam, Mia* Dorpthy Putnam and Mrs. Putnam'* raothar, Mra Be** Fray, of Chadwlok avenue, will Jaav* next TuMday tor BlalnrvUla, Pa. Thar wni ba awMt about *lk weeka and 1*01 ipand aom* time In FIttaburgh,

* • * .m an Ruth Undeburg, Uts* Rose P.

Idndaburg and Miei Cora J. Litideburg, of Booth Twelfth street, and Uiaa Hulda

Blaoheohmldt. of Fairmount yaau a , wUr torsailed yeaterday on tb* ImperatS

Buropa-F iu k Qrad and family of Johnson

avenue, **>lU)d ytitarday on th* Inf*, s f e pamior. for a toup of Burop#- They

rainsto aWfoad about tan waeka, and Ur. Ckad wUl, Study European arohltaotura.

• © * © ■ Y:' ‘lD*g ItoMt B. Blla*. of Uadlwi^Avr-

nua, -to In Ana Arbor, Mich., attortlh© th* oonmaneement ttereUta a t tna Btato' ■ntvaralty. ' .*

- Mb* Ada JbnCi daughtop of ittw H » jonea, 9 .W»k*i6*n avenua a ^

^ r B. Molwe*. ton df Ufa Ajtf* W insg.'- *J*o- Of ithll dty, who. will be-

•i, Saturday mght. will antartain*® ^^SnS*tob*i* of their bridal to

'litfc* this evening A rahdfalin ' wedding will take p.Uce, foltswed

'Mr*- William_________h«r ilttar a* miftodftS d JuS^aHob V*i»

. f>Mdartok H. HolmMl the

S S t C S S S t > o « J “ K S . S .-studwr*. T h a N u*a and-toW a d W # W * *

thb avMdag «UI b* earrlad ma-tBto: Atok.' •■* arttn*'oaPttttons, ■

Ulaa Itu th Forba* and MJaa Id a ‘Forbes, of Parker atreet, expect to ipend p art of August to Burltngham, N. T.

* • * ............Mis* Gertrude Rowley, of Clifton ave.

nue, will apend part of July a t K enoialAke, N. T,V . • * a

Mrs- F rank Driscoll and family, of South Fourteenth atreet, hav* left for (tosan Grove, where they will spend th* n tn u a r ,

• • •M ist Elsl* Mueller, of Seymour avenue,

will w n d p a r t o t^ A ^u s t In Boston.

^kpnry Rand, of Newton street, has an- utoiltKad th* angagement of hls daugh­ter. hBH* Fanny Rand, to Joseph A. Klatu, aoir p t U r. and Mrs. Albert Klein, of th is city.. No date for the wedding haa b*«n Mt,:VV':. -A *■* *

WlUlsm Rand and hi* daughter. Mlia Dorothy J to n d .'o f W est itreet. hav* gone to Bhaion ip rlngs. Whore they will spend ssveral week*. i:< , . M i.' f • - -About Ito OTsats wiWL entertalnsd by the member* at the Cfltarloa Club to oalebrstlon 6 t Jbt informal opening of thaF m w oiukdiou**. UacotoT«nd Ar- Bngtnn dygui^A tost n ight t S* feature of the ■ m d lt.dw 'the law n.ptity on t^t olub'gtouiiitd andvtORnl* courti^JapanMe iM to n if wsvtb.apad iD 'th a SfcbniiRssa ot

--tSio.. town, where a oroheetm[t*biM toa.muto:- the

of the arrangem ents. The tiroeeedi will be used for the eummer work to the settlement. « « «

Dr. and Mm. William Denton Taylor of North Ninth street, will leave for Bel- grade Dakee, Maine, about July 19, whera

, ihev w^Capend several weeks.A. hW infort'Pearce!'of 652 Mt. ProsMCt

avenue, who underwent a serious su rg t^ l operation several weeks ago a t 8t. Jam es's Hospital, has returned to hlshome, fully recovered,

• • •W alter W, Shaffer, principal of Avon

Avenue Bchool, will sail Saturday for Europe. Mr. Shaffer will tour the con- tin*nt In automobll*. Th* tosfincr* of Avon Avenue School pretented him with a pair of m arine glasses and an album* in which to record the history ot hi* travels • • •

The family of Deputy Fire Chief M. P. A McDermllt have opened their bunga­low at-the Mlghlande of Naveslnk. where they will spend the summer. Chief Mc- Dermitt will go there la te r to r hls vaca­tion. * • •

Mr*. Albert H aefell and family, ot South Twelfth street, will spend the next f»w weeks a t Clinton.• • ■

MISS K atharine Farley , of South Ninth street, will go to Delaw are W ater Gap next week for a m onth'* vacation.

• - * •Miss Ju lia C. Reilly, of Pennington

street, will spend July and August a t her former home to LambartvlUe,* • «

Mr* Jam es C, E llio tt, for many years a resident of N inth aVotiua, thle city, ha* removed to her fomaer home to Lowell, M " * ' -‘V .....

Mrs. John C. Mayer, of Clinton awBue. entertained a num ber of frienda a t her home today to honor of her birthday an­niversary. , . , ^

Miss M. E. Lynch and Mis* A. A. Lynch, of Byoad street, arc spending ten

R e m e m b e r t h e N u m b e r — 7 8 3 B r o a d S t r e e t

Guaranteed Everlasting

Painless DentistryTh e above is a m igh ty strong statement

to make, but we stand up boldlyand declare that, we w ill live up to any statement we make. W e say everlasting and back it Up w ith o u r guarantee. W e say painless — this is tru e— because we have all the most m odern d e n tistry implements.


$ 5 . 0 0 “ In il ln o s S L .S O c - j;

E v e ry O peratloa © aln leet and Q uarenteed lo r Ten Year*

DR. A. D. SM ITH, P K A - C T l O A t * O E i IV X I T

t.a le H aeag ar A m erteaa D ental Pnriora.ovgm *T«oBEi.L'* 7 0 0 R » A A n dlTRFFTTLOWIA irOBE. D K V A U PIITT'S yHAAKACT.e b t im a t e * c b e b r f i i l l y g iv e n . t e l . bom m a r k e t , j

LADT a t t e n d a n t . GERMAN SPOKEN |o n e * G gea a A. H. t* « F , M. Ruaday. 10 A. ai. to 3 P> M. |

unto srt my' IcUl Hat. a t srih dar af himdrad' andiONTE."


yinn -BMla wuitams and Ktoa Kgth*r*n* YnjUatma, of eetumbla ©r««t, **P*®*^ *p*ad th* »nmm*r at .the kMmry Fark, with their Aunt, Mr*- M

I ward'CPAath, o f N ew -T i^ '

Mr. aod-tor*. "ff, G. Wegontor©! <to- aterd atreet, ar*-ipaadlnB advaral-wMlW: incotomhu*.

'Hra. 'charJto W, ■ B ainSe tha mentoara of tb* M m aiim di C w * jW. k ir. pu n m ar-h «M i iipsiiil*w«edi';.',AtE «*4too>b-el la

iiuetJnt ibUowiid''ibt uiini to to i;-w eonf-IRtatea -to. chart* arraq^tm antiiof r the Affair can*latgd dt Martimer W. MaiWr, ^bBtrmAn; Atoxandtr J<. Bchlar •Mtob pratldeDt e t. th* clubc HarirV U^maaOi. .tlMrtobat %*Bbrun, Gfaraii© Btaih, BafGasBia R. K(cba«i. Fr«4*iiok Q aM M ltth 'and ' JaroBM Lthtoan.

<>■ ^ Th* f^«t *oct*I' Affair under to* awa- ' plot* ot. th* Naif bbOThoed iFAgigtfI Club,'

and ^ 0 tha tv*t to be. tm a £ p i to* NalfMaghood Mom*. .Mi wa* held Uat night to th* -fora nC' ** toaeraan faatlyal. About BIBfiia«t*?MtM priaeni. Tha yard oh Van toiiM m i© wa* lUmntoatad' wito laiitorM. Tba'iWtt 1* -eothpeiad ^Af^tWiBff-flva Women of

to ohargei . jg g n All

days At AtlAhtlc CUy. ^

Mr. and Mr*. W illiam T. JaneoVluA of RoaevUle avenue, will leave n « t Y btoi- day for Rangeley Lake*, M*. They will spend th* iurnm er In different part* of thaV State., . , , .

Mr and Mr*. H erm an L. Koenig, of n id f* street, left today for Bolmar. where they wUl spend aom* time. L ater to th* •uininer they wUl^take^a W eetera trip.

Mr, and « w - B a rry F . V edtervelt and fainUy. of E lisabeth avenue, expect to leave Ju ly T fo r th e Pbeono Mountains, where they ■ will remalB during' the *umm*r. ■

In fwnor of Mr*. F- .L. Reichley,, of York P a., who will re tu rn borne tomor­row after apendlng some lime Mr. and Mr*. Q. E . Bartow, of « t South ElAvatith rtTM t entertatoed at J j f "* ''j|l* ‘ night in their how*- Arfiong, th* _fu«t*wera-Mr*. Soee Kuhn, Mr*. A J- K

jBrobfclyttl <>• *•Changb.' and Cbarlea M arte. of Bet*

Ur*. A' Norton B a it


' i t t i i m u M P SIt the oH Jal*** da h« tall* and emit aa np aatast odor, try hoJUng

L toa burtw ia to t o ,« G r t T « a )» rha* been n*.


Raumd Trip from Nmaark

N U G A R AFAiXalrSSpecial IM n a J w ly Bg, wtU leave Newark ftatlon. E l l j^ t h and Meeker Ares., • ,# A H . Ttekeit hwoted on all trains e x e ^ Blsek Diamond Express

J w r |g, and ~e« in«tttlngtrains.gplr **»■ Return Hmlt J w ly tto .

$ I Q M

GLEN ON080 & w rvto $ |M A U G I I {^ E U N K - *

lha**petottrlitTlnt Newark Itaiien at M l AMU

.SOMeekerrun to

B E U X W 0 0 9 ' KMPid Trip Itra m N tupv k


-v L-,.- nCM ST OFIiCBBe'

rt: * .•” * WMSrsftiar •tr'.-i,.

M illions o f unwelcom e guefU in your hom e

Y o u s t i r u p t r o u b l e w h e n y o u s w e e p o r d u s t w i t h o u t u s in g

D is e a s e a n d d e a t h in l^ rm - tn liB C te d d u s t a u d in s e c t Ufe.

FORMACXJNE T he o ld w ayDuat>Lafgf *iid Germ-Dcstroyer

A sciientificglly medi­cated Bweepint compound that instantly absorbs all the dust, destroys the jertiie, exteuninates flies, moths, mosquitoes and vermin.

The only dust-layer and absorber that contains neither sand nor oil and will not bum.

Safe to use on the finest rugs, carpets, polished fioorsor linoleums; cleanses and brightens floor cover­ings, and leaves a refresh-

of the ra m p a n t b n o m and d u a tin i brusAis a U w r o a i , populating the air you breath with in/eof/oirs df»* ease d'erms.

The Formacons Dust-Layer

protects the householdfrdm many exposures to isaBy sudden, and otherwise un­explainable, attacks of the common ills that afflict th* family — particularly the little creepers and fod- cf/ers whp cannot escape from the gern t-iadan duat in the piney fragrance.

' Prevention sevei doctor's bilU, grief and lossFonnseonB D u*t-Ljtjref is n ts tly put up in hsiidy dAs p o u n d And

three p o un^ box«*< *nd on sate evsrywhsf© h r 10c snd 25c. W # will p v e ffM to •vefy purchsssr of s thrs* pound 25e pseksRS of Dittt-LAy«ra on* of our bous*hold tic* Form scooos. (RctsU price 50c.) It purHie* th* d r In yoar bcrm*» d ectro ji til odors, snd prevenr* di*«ss*. Pric* r*fuodsd if not sbqndsnUy tsdsfisd. Sold everywhere.

r u t FORMACONE C6. Meniien Building, N*w*rk, N, J*

Cool Summer Headwear

Light as Floss and Beautifully Becoming

'The Cascade”a

One great advantage of the Cascade is the quickness with which it can be arrangea.

Another great advantage is the fact that it makes a switch unnecessary.

Particularly valuable to women with scant back hair. The Cascade will cover the deficiency with a rippling, graceful marcel effect.W ithout Clusters, $7 up. W ith Clusters, $10 up

Yo u are invited to come and see other new styles of sum m er hairdressing

M. PercellLeading Hair Goods House in New Jersey

677 Broad Street, Corner West Park

At the Vkfss Store

GUts for Sommer Brides Attract Prodmit Buyers at Wiss’Here is A combination of the ideals which

Bridal Gift buyers wish to find. At the Wiss Store they are assured of them—largest

stocks, widest ygripty of choice, highest quality of goods, expert store service and most moderate prices.

Bridal Silverware Heavy Sterling

Beautiful single pieces and complete sets. Newestdesigns from the beat sSlyersmiths.

Gems and Gem Set Jewelry

VBlauble dismonds and pre­cious ttones—itoose and mminted

■ —to seleci from. Stylish jewelry for Brides, Brides* Attendants. Groomsmen and Ushers.

Cut and Engraved Glass , ClocksSuitible tor: gift*. Our U n e '» com- French and Amaricin

plete. This new way of cutting |1 bbs is Mantel Ciocks. -i- H tll veiy popular, impropriate for gins. and Traveling Cloefcs,

W iss StM'ting Mounted Carvers and Tabfe Cutlery'V Hilda of t t e ftneet materials at opr own fsetory. 'V t are show

iag fw y artracave lata at moderito priaeA . , ii,

J . WISS & i ^ sj5q5* 7





T w n e r E q iM ted to EndS i t ^ r - T o a c h a i d D efea ts

Holcoadw W a rd .


WILLIAM S. M’ KIM BEATS OGDENTh# um l-flM l found In Oio m»B'« ■tn-''

(tc« and Ihe »«cond round In th» woition'i nnd n u n 'a doubloi of tha Mlddl*

StdtM l»wn tannla chMnplonahlp tour- nay w o n rcochad yoatordoy on tho eouru t f Uto Oronio [Awn Tonnl* Club In M ontron. Tho mliod douhlto. the only rbnninlac dlvlolon of tho tournoy, oro •ehoduM to lU r t todor. and alt (our •oetldna a n oapocted to brinr forth ta m p io n ! Saturday.

Intoraat yoatorday controd about tha tnatohaa ta tha man'a aiiialoa which have

> na«hed tha ontjcal •lai*. The match IB which Ouatava F Toucbard. of tho Waat Stda Tannla Club. Now Tork, do- foatad Holeomba Ward, of tha Oranra a)ub, l~d) 1M . d—1, attracted tha laraeat g a l l^ . Ward waa tha favorlta, and It looked vary much aa if bo would put Toucbard out of tha tourney, tor ha won the t in t eat with comparative aaao. With the lama aeon 4—> In Ward'a favor, Touebard made a datamilned aland, lab- n v the aacond aat Ward did not hava tha tnduranea to aland a third lat, and Touebard took tt and tha match In brll- Uant atyla.

W miant 8 . HcKIni. tha, yount h l |h •ehool ptayar, of Pottatown, Pa., oauaad a autpriaa by allmlDatind Montsonwry

'Oftiaa. champion of tha O ranta club, a ntuelt older and m on aaparlancad player. Tha PennaylvanJan waa atronf on hla aarvida, and, althnueh ha loat tha f in t aat. a-A ha carried tha battle to hla op- ponaot and won tha naxt two, t—4 and l-lova .'Mo'KIm than mat Doan Mathay, tha lonnar Prlncaton onck. In k fou rth , round match, and waa himaalf aliml- u ta d , d-S, •-> . Mathay held tha upper ^ l u t throufhqut tba aata. Hla bank hand work, oourt eovarln* and vollaylnit_ waa aupartor. Mathay haa a hard m a tc h '

’ OB tor today, whan he will meat C hnrlat M. Bull In tha H in l-flu la . Bull won yeatarday from W. P. Burdan, of New­p o rt It. 1» a ona-armed playar of con-

, aldartUa akill. The Newport m an Inroad tha C nacant expert Into tb raa aa ta ..!—d, d--i, a-0. Burdan had pnvioualy won from Bolfa P. Booaraam, of Now York.

, d - 0, d-d.W aahbom Still a C oa tcadar.

Wataon H- W aahburn, o f Now Tork, th e . ^ r v a r d axpart, contlifuad hla e i-

. Otllanl work by defaatlns Robert P. Ben- sa tt, of, tha Orance club. Ha now la h r a ^ t a d w ith W altar Merrill Hall, of tha Seventh {taclm ant New York, who alio lnatad Q. A, L>. Dionne, captain of tha W aat Slda <Bub, and a atronc player, In a trd tth t n u , d - 1 , d -2 . i

Tha winner of tha H all-W aibbum auktob today win face Touchdrd In the

' Skttia for lupram acy In the lower bracket. In tha upper bracket Mathay

' and Bull will fight It o u t and tha wln- n e n wfll meat for the title held by Wal- laoa T. johnaon, who It now abroad do- In a phtnom anal w ort In the Brltlah open td lifW .

Mrs. C, M. Beard, of E aat O ranra. who la Idanllfled with the Montclair Athlatlo Ctub, a ; ^ who la tha holder of tha worn-

SI stnflaa championship, was on hand tdrday a t tha. s ta r t of tha m atches In t division. She Is the only title holder

.'Who will defend bar title In tha present tsurasy .

Tha woman's slnrlaa ro t wsll under way. By play las two tnatohaa each and wlnnlnc both, Mkt. J. dordon D ouflai, of Mow York, and H iss Edith B. Botch, of t t s IcOnrwood Crlckst Club, Boaton, n a e h sS tam l-flnal b rickatl, Miss Botch.

I'looBUi up promlBsntly a s a champlon-

H an afsr H arry Smith Is paving tha way for a big aand-off for himssif Saturday Ha couldn't hava sccompllahad anything bsllar to gat Into the hero clasi than hla feat yaitarday In winning ih» game from Montreal. Hla bum along the firs t- base Itna In tba fourteenth Inning which brought In Tooley from third wllb the ona run of the game was a m aster alroha. but as It worked out ll was perfectly eaay. Tooley, Ihe Newark runner on third, waa s taat man, and waa prepared for a daab to the plate, aa he knew what to aipact from the signal which had been paaaed out Lennoi. aubilltuting at firat baaa for Origga. who la Injurad. It a big man and rather Blow Ha waa obliged to coma In on the ball full tilt, and though he gathered tt up In fairly good atyla he waa under preasura and hla peg to Bume at the plate waa high and there wash I a chance to touch Tooley. who came In to tha rubber flat on the ground i t la doubtful If Tooley could hava bean caught even with parfecl fielding. Billy McTon- nell, the orflclal scoter, didn't think ao, a i he gave Smith a hit on the ball

Manager Sm ith '! presence In the game was a bold move on his part He took the place of "Lefty" Altchtaon In the batting order with the one purpose of produolng a hit which would bring honie victory to the Indtsna This wae taking chances, for If Ihs hit hadn't been fo rth ­coming Sm ith 's move might hsva served ss a boomarang, for Smith's entrsnee Into the gam s oeesaloned the rellrem snl of Altehlion. who hsd been keeping Mon- treat away from the piste. W ith P rank Smith, tb s veterwn, pitching gilt-edge ball for Montreal It was dangerous to figure on a new man going In for the Indians, had Smith's hit not been fo rth ­coming Johnny Enxmann had been se- leoted for Ihe task, tf knother Inning had been naceiaery, and with but little time to warm up it would have been a hard Job to etave off defeat. Altchlaon had been allowed to bat In tha tw elfth Inning whan a hit would hava won the game The hit was not forthcoming. Manager Smith had almoat allowed him to go up again in tha fourlaenth In fact "Lefty ' had gone as fs r as to select his ba t be­fore H arry decided to make the effort himself. The result provides simply one more reason for the fane to give the Braves' leader a "glad band " Saturday

wheel and started down Inside lbs Tss- manlsn, with Ihe Idas of going to the front by ih si routs. Oreiida eaw the move, and In another effort tn block Kremer he immedlutely ru t down In front of the American. He beat Kramer to Ihe pole, but In doing ao cauaed more harm to fiouHet than he did good Ho forced Kramer dorrn and Kramer cut off Ooullet, who wee third. In such a manner that Ooullet w'aa lorced off the track and hie ■(ride broken fi (nuked s i If Ivrainer and Ooullel mlghl *o down In a colllilon, but this was svcrieci, end when ((re sprint elsrted up again, Ktarner W'ai following Orenda. and Krneii Jnhua. the fourth man In the heal, was on K ram er'i wheel, while Goullet was floundering fourth. "tloulUs" wae heatsn then, and he n e 'e r got better than fourth. Kramer winning the heat In the home etrelrh, with Grenda second and JokuB third.

R clrlhuU on nn K nglrr

K nam er la a W ise Old P o i

'M tandaf, sLImlaatad Mrs. Eleanor Curttg, of Bast Orange, in straight love H tl then from Mlia B\U6tt6 'Btnry, of th* Orajof* Club. ^ aod 6— UtM Boory diipUy*d iMll tn her match %flh H tii Dorothy Enier, alio of th* O rttf* oluh* which th* forttitr wooe •—


l i f l .

H na OnuElaa and H tn M argaret lur a f B ast Orange, won their pro*

j r y ' matohes by default. Mre. _ _ l a i won from Mlse Seymour,

Ih e winner of the m atch today be- •wwan M lt» Edith Condit end. Miss Ruth CftAssanuii w in ,p u r Mrs, D onglai m

iom t-tlnnls of the upper brapket, and 1.E m wUmer Of the m atch between Mrs.' O o g u n F . Touohnrd and Miss Florence

•bniSan wlU be bracketed with Miss Eotab lb Dih HSQl-tInal round of tha

-ttBBor h racko t Mrs. Touohard yeeterday won from Mias Lois Beheerer, of Bast O n a g t . ♦-». d-d, while Hies Sheldon

through with a win over M ri. Monl- Deetn, of Morristown, • —d, d ^ .

H oadelatr H an S tar tn Doublen, j i a n k D. Ktdde and Otto H. Htnok. the

MOBtalalr pair, and Touebard and W ash-

£rn the New York combination, look n th e blggeat teama In the doublet eom- poUUon. Touchard and W ashburn won

with ease from Joseph Merrill and C.B. » n tth . of Morristown and Olen Bldgs paepecttvely. S—J, 6—i, while Kldde and m n ek triumphed over Lindsay Dunham, of Rahway, and Harold Throckmorton, of Morristown, d-1, B—?. The oomblnallon of B P-. Frothlngham and C. W. Mc- MUIsn reached a semi-final bracket by wtoTitng frora How*,f4 McC*be *na C»H , o rtftln , 6—1. d-4. The aummarleei

’ Men’s Singles. Third B ound-W . P, Bur­den, Newport, R. I., defeated Rolfe P. Booeream, New York L. T. C„ S-o. »-2; Wllltam S. McKlm, Hill School, Potts- town Pa., defeated Montgomery Ogden, O raw e L. T. C., d-d, « - t . 9-0, W alter M tr r l ir H a ll, '. Seventh Regiment, New Ycrh, defeated G. A. L. Dionne, .'Wpst Stfle L. C-, 6—2. 6^2- M- V-a*n.burn. Harvard, defeated Robert P. Ben­nett. Orange L, T. C.. 9-S. « - l

Fourth Bound-Charlee M. Bull, Cree- cent A. C., New Tork, defeated TY P. Burden. Newport, s—9, (—1. S—0. Dean Mathey. EUiabeth. defeated WllUam S. McKlm, Pottstown. 9—S, «—l; Ouetave F Touchard, West Bide L T. C.,Holcombe tVerd, Orange L T. C.. 3-6,

tft^'ome'n's Slnglaa, H ra t Round--Mrt.

OuatavB F, Touchard, W est Side L. T.C. detealed Mlae Lola Scheerer, East Orange, 9-2. 9—*; Mlee Florence Sheldon. Montclair A. C., defeated Miss Miriam DeaR«e Morristown, tf—4i 6—3; Miss Suictte Henry, 'Orange L. T. C.. defeated MIeb Dorothy Enger, Orange L. T C„ 6-2. 6—1 ; Miss Edith E. Rotch, Longwood Cricket Club, Boeton. defeated Mlae Elsie Curtis, E ast Orange, 6—0, 6—0; MIm gare t Seymour, Orange L. T- C„ de­feated Miss Gladya Roberta, New Tork, by default; Mrs. J. Gordon Donglae. New Tork defeated Mlae Dorothy hjaroh. Or­ange’ L. T. C., by default, Mlae Edith Condit, E ast Orange, defeated Mlse K ath­ryn Potter, Orange L. T. C.. ^ ’- 9 ; Mtss R uth Cheeseman, Orange L. T. C., defeated Mlee Oeorglanna Whaley, South Orange, 6—t, 1—6, 9—3.

Second Bound-M iss Edith B. Botch, Boston, defeated Mtw Susetts Henry. Or-

6-0, 6-S ; Mrs. J. Gordon Douglas, jqaw ’Tork, defeated Mlee Margaret Sey­mour, Orange, 6—3. 6—2. , —. ,

-v. M«n's Doubles, F irst B ound-P rank D. fcldde and Otto H. Hlnrk, Montclair, de­feated Lindsay Dunham, Rahway, and Harold Throckmorton. Montclair, 6—4, S -7; Rolfs P Booeream. New York, and -Wilson McLeaa, Orange, defeated E. B Hruil andeC. B. Baloh, Orange. 6-3. 1 - 6. 6—3; Gustave' F. Touchard and Watson M ’w aehburn. New York, defeated Jo­seph Merrill, Morristown, and C. B. Smith, Rahway, 6-2, 9-2; Montgomery Ogden •n d Xjawrcnce D. Woodbury, Orange, de­feated P. H. Ga:tee and B. C. Gates, Tale, by default.

Second B ound-E . R Frothlngham and C W. McMlllen, New Tork, defeated Paul Boheever and William Scheever. O range hy default; Howard McCabe and O H. Griffin, Oranga, defeated George S. Oroe- heok and E H. Pfslfer, New Tork. 6-1. 1 —6.Xhlifl''Round—Frothlngham and McMll- ]an dedeated HoCabe and Griffin. 6 - i 6- 6,

F rank Kramer Is still the "old fox" of the cyole gams. His long head has helped him to victory In a race about as often as his speedy heels, and his perfornunce In the half-mile national championship a t the Velodrome last night was simply another Illustration of his track general­ship. He firs t showed It In the semi­final heat. In which he was able to "s taU " Jackie CTark Into finishing third In the heat and thereby eliminated Clark from the final. D ark la K ram er’a closest oorapeUtor for the title, and by being ■hut out of the GnaJ heat he surely couldn't pick up any points on the cham ­pion, K ram er also knew the! Clark bad the m ost speed of any of his rivals, and there was a strong pos- slblhty th a t Clark might have won the final had he gotten into It. But K ram er'i generslehlp prevented the pos­sibility of this. Clark had elected to lake a ilelghrtde on K ram er's wheel In the ssmt-flnal. as the la tte r waa follo'wing the pace set by Alfred Orenda. Clark ex- peoted th a t K ram er would go around Grenda and he figured on coasting Into seoond place and reserTlng hla s trm u th fo r the final. Well. K ram er had a few thinks, too. and he didn’t eprlnt around Orenda. He ilraply kept by Qrenda'a side and allowed the Tasm anian to win the heat, ranking sure of his posl- Oon by coming In a close second Clark, welting unUI It wae too late to come around, waa obliged to flnlah third on a dalayed rush.

" Hb “ ■AR*r t« ttlng CUrk out of the way In

th* K ram er v a a obliged toeontand with Orenda and Qoullot. who aiaptay * vary friendly feeling for each other Id the final By <mlck action at the aU n , Kram ar got In botween Grend* and Qoul1«t And thereby nullified a large part of th*lr effort* to ©ncompaaa hla defeat Ooullet w*B on th* pole and Grenda was on Ih* outaldftg with K ram er In the middle and kaeptng hi* front wheel poked a trifle out ahead, to be ready for action from either ride. I t cam* first from Grenda. who Bprinted Into the lead on the second lap. Kram er followed him around through the back stretch and coming nn to the turn for the bell lap. when he waa called upop to do *ome more quick thinking Grenda^ who wae high on tha bank, saw th a t Ooullet wae being dropped off and that If he kept on. with K ram er follow­ing. Ooullet would be placed third and would have to ride around both Grenda and Kramer, something which Grenda knew would be practically Impossible Consequenllye Grenda slackened his speed and went up the bank with the Intention of taking Kramer up, too. and letUng Goullet through on the pole. Kramer» however, w t* quick to take In the altua- tloti. and he iminrdlaiely left Grenda e

U wa* a hard night for the trium virate of Gou]]«t. Grenda and Fogler In the champlonahlp. In fact, it appeared a* if retribution wa* being meted out for 1 lle» (sal riding “Koock 'Km Down" Joe tried a Uttlf of hla knorklng-down "atuff." brit received a tumble hlmaelf. This occurred In the eerond **ml‘final Erneat Jokua. who w ai third high on the bank, and n e tt to Ooullet, who was on the outalde at the atarte tacked on to Goullet's wheel a* th* la tter took the lead, and thia ■ecmed very annoying to Fogler. When Joku* refuted to back off Qoullet. Fog- ler heegm* Mr. Butt*, and tried to bump him from hi* poattion. His aim w*a« poor, for Instead of butting Joku* he tfumped wheel* with GouHet. and took a tumble As he went down Floyd Kreba, the fourth man In th* h e a t fell over him, and. con- iequenlly, both were put out of the run- ninif. Goullet and Joku* went on and qualified. Thi* put Fogler out of the final, but had he been In the last heat, along with Grenda and Ooullet. It can be Bc*n what aort of "m ountains ' K ra­mer would have had to negotiate before victory would have been hi*.

— + —

C lark Develop* n “ifum p"----'N

Jack!* Clark is developing a "Jump." and he ueed It lust night to defeat Al­fred Goullet In their flv«-mll« match race. I t ll the best thing Clark ha* ehown In some time, and If perfected more It will be a big asalptance to him In his racing Heretofore Jackie has simply cut loose all the power he had In one long eprlnt. and it was *aid th a t he never was able to acquire the knack of holding eomethlng in reserve to make s final kick a t the tape. Last night, though, apparently hoppieasly beaten, he lifted hlB wheel wh<»ii Mllhin a yar<l of the finishing line, and, from being a fool behind Goullet, *hot hla machine to the front, *o th a t he got the decleion by a fraction of an Inch. In the five-mil* open, though, h« forgot h!* kick When leading at th* hell, and when everything teemed set for another victory for him. he tarried too long before opening up hi* eprlnt. and allowed Goullet. coming from third place, to get th* ' ‘Jump" on him Then his efforts to fight off "Goulllft, " which failed, sapped hi* energy, so that he could only trad home In second place.

A itchlson Retting New R e ro rd

city, who In r*aUly U • mlddl*w*lght, In hi* first bout. P la tU * next opponent will In all I robablhly be either Plill CroM. who I* a bonande welterweight, or Johnny Howard, of basonne. a middle^ wejgtil.

— + —

At th* *nd of two y**r* *h* c*n t*k* an o th tr ekatnlnttlon, inde If *ucc«**ful. may apply for a poilUon as teacher In on* of th* loi:al public *choul4

V z

Mr. Balcom ( jra te fu l

A G. Palcom. preildcnt uf ih* Newark Public School Athletic As*or|*Mon. speaks a word or two of thank* for the volun­teer a*2rl*tancr given the sssorlatlon m the carrying out of It* ba*«bsU games and athletic events, in a loiter lu the dportlng editor of this paper today Mr Balcom. at the end ot Ills acknowledgment. Kounde the keynote of the athletic assoclailun whan he calls attention \p the city's new athletic field at Bloomfield and RoseviUe avenue*, ami asks that Ita udvanlagc* an l opportunities he realised and used. Ih e le tter 1 | as follows- 7*0 fAe Sporlln^ Editor nf \he S C ^S :

"Sir—Through the medium of your psper and In behalf of my asacK'Istes on the ex­ecutive committee of the Newark Public School Athletic Association. I desire to thank all who have umpired haaeball game* held under the auspices of the as- Boclatlon this year. Through the klndno^s of these gentlemen. It haa been posaihk to have baeebsil under tho control of Ih* asaoclatlon, thus eliminating many objec­tionable features th a t occur when boys are left to ibemseJves. I desire to thank, alfto, all who officiated a t ih* recent flt;ld day of the association.

"The association has been in existence ten years and those who have had a part In shaping it* course fully appreciate ihn generous support and hearty co-operailon of tjiose who have acted aa officials and umpliet. greatly indebted l« thepress of the city In giving publicity to the doings of the association.

"Through concerted action on the part of those who believe th a t phyelva) iraln- Ing ^nd participation In certain games are esBenllal .In the training of a. child, the new athletic field at Buaevllle and Bloom­field avenues ha* been provided by th* Board of Kducstlon for the use of the people. Let u* be awake to our opp^fr- tunltlea for service and, through the spirit of co-operailon. work toward a large measure of success In this Important phase of education

"A G. BALCOM. "President Public School A A. '

- ‘t -


W hat is Ih* far*, one way and return, from Newarg to Gettysburg via Penn- aytvanta and Ceotrai railroad* a t tha pterent time, and wnst will the round trip a re be during the anniversary which Is to tj* celebrated there next month?

VRTERA.V-The fare at the present time by both

roads, one way, is i&.j;; round trip, 1 10 10. and during the Htiniverhary the fare on both road* will be round trip.

Y ZW hat 1 1 the rare by train from Newark

to Morgan Station'' Stj. HThe fare ine way is fifty-three cents,

round trip, elghty-flvt cents ».. „ — + - t Z

\ ■|ll the Prudentinl Insurance Company employe* have to work Saturday. July 5?

L. Pll la gu ted a t the company’s office that

Ihf emplovsit will have to work a half day on July 5.

y - zl,ei me know whether the capital s t

Albany. N V , is open to 'i8ltorM un S undays' H 8

The Stni** bouse at Albany i* open un Sundays, but a thorough Inspection of the building cannot be made on that day aa the m ajority o^ the office* are kept locked

Y ZW hat railroad ferry Is nearest to the

Hud*on River Day Line pier in New York'’ In the past I Alwa>H look the Desbrojse* street ferry of the Pennsylvania Railroad, but I understand that line Is no longer In operation’' E, A. 8 .

The Deshrutscs wtreet ferry of ibe Pennsylvania Hailruad la the nearest The ferry stsUun In New York Is next door to the Hudson River Day Line U Is htlll running

+ 'T Z

Ir there an automobile stags running between Newark and luong Brunch'!' W hat I* the fare and from where does the stage lea\’« this efty? S S G

No stage Is running between the two place* as j-ei.

y zHas Ne'wark ever won a pennant sine*

It has held a franchise In the Eastern or International l.»eague? If so. when, and who was the manager of the team?

\V A. H G.Newark ha? not won a pennant slni e

It has been m 'th e Lftslern or Interno- llonal League In 1909 und 19H> (he ,Vew- ar'k learn finished second lo Rochester

uoTcmor ol U lon oo , hayor aod Others Welcome Delegates at


DENVER. Col . June 2(i.—Turner* ind (heir friends from all xectlons of tho country were formally given posaesslon ui the city last night, when Mayor J. M. p rrk ln s delivered a golden key to Theo­dore Htempfel. of IndlahapoUs, pros!d*ni of the North Amfricaii Gymnastic Union The ceremony took place on the steps of Hie Capltoi bulldlpg. and waa wUm^saed by thouband*.

Following this a torchlight proceoiloo wound It* way from Ihn Capitol ground* to the audUorluni. where a ball and re­ception waa given to the visitors.

B a tting and Scenery


fp—Th» profram at lh« Caplto! uptned with

a ►alute of twpnty-un* guns, announcing tl.c arrival of g&o.rrnor K M An.mona Mayor F»rkln». Pruslilcnt Godfrey Scliti’- nior. ol (lie feallvsl ronimlttee. and tlia president of ihp iiadonal orgiiilzalton and his staff Governiir Aniniona dell'sred an addr' sa of weli umf and. followln* lUm, Mayor i'erkiiia pres'-uted to the president of the union the golden key of the city. F ea lt.a t Pro: Idem S.'hirmer tntrofluced Prealdent Btempfel. wl'o delivered an ad- dress, part in English and part in Ger­man.

After thanking the Governor, the Mayor and ilt:iens of I.>en'«r Cor lit^ reception accorded the Turners, President B»empfel said

VA'lth a Joyous fueling of good-fellow­ship. the Turners h S 'e responded to the I all i*f your romantic Rockies and h a '* assembled itwlny to romro'.e wUh * t h other on the alldetlc field. ^

"The North American Turncrbund, ■a.d President biempfel. 'a ihe pio ieer on this cont'neni In the field of gynvtas- tba , and in many > Itle* n haa l«-Btrum enul In having phy^ncal exo r'iw s Included m the L-urflculum of the publlG schools. ,

"We have come here," he contirtueu.■ from all parts of thia glort . js lipub-'c with great cspci-tatlun*. • «conf'.dent that noth n* haa hcan noilectcato make oiir thTiy-firat na'-hmil fas­ti, al stand out a* one uf Ida n irt su<- .■essfJl in the hialory uf i ur ..raamaa-

.shall Icgin our 'e s tl '.il '■•H' s fM l'n 'i of frrnd»hlp and frathrnity toward all who bear the namo Turners. W f hops that by our vbdt lo T urn-ra of Ihf yhuie West ahall be >1“" Ulatcd and filled ".III. new energy and new enthusiasm for the oleals of North American Gymnastic L nlon.

Raleigh Allchlson, the Indiana' iwirler. Is Betting up an International I.eague record for acorelees Innings. With the conjpletton of yesterday’s fourteen-lnnlus game between the Indians and the Royals Allchlson had twirled tW'enty-six Innings without a run having been scored upon him, and lhlrty*flve innings with only one tally against hie record, that a home run Teelcrday'e fourteen-ifmlnB contest w'ss preceded by nine scoreless Inninga against Buffalo Snlurday. On June ‘ he blanked Toronto in the last three innings of the game, In the sixth inning of which Bill Bradley laced nut a home run. when Altchlaon, following the order of Manager Smith, who 'W'aa catching, tried to sneak one over on Bradley, and, with two and one ball on the batter, put one tn the ' groove’ for him The pre­vious five Innings had been scoreless, Newark winning S to 1. Allchlftc^n a game prior to the Toronto contest was with Providence on June IS, which went ton InnlngA and which was won by th(* In ­dians by the score of 3 to 2. For the lanl three Innings of that game Pr^ivl- denco was held acoreUss

—+ —

While the sta r pitcher* Id the In ter national League were having a red letter day of It yealerclay afternoon Ihoae in the big league* were finding the going anything but eaay In both the National and American leagua* s ta r twlrler* were knocked rmt of tlie box. and these were no leas notables than Nap Rucker, of the Rrooklyns. and W aller Johnson, of the M'aahlngtons. Rucker d rh e n fromthe mound by the Phllllea In the first Inning, with five slralgh t hit*. Johnson gut hts from the Athletics, who chased him to the woods in the third Inning with a double, three elnglee and a home run. The Boston Braves defeated Rube Marquard, of the Giant*, lacing him for Uiree runs In one aession, although they did not cause hi* retirem ent from the game Then further along the line we see the humiliation of ' ‘Srnoky" Joe

It is beginning to look &e though there was really something to this complaint of the Giants and other visitors to the Polo Ground*. New Y'ork, to the effect that they can’t hit the ball because of the lurid "ads." on the walls around Ihe f.eld. The expanse of concrete in centr*^ field was turned to a dull drab last Tut-aday at:d Immediately the Glantfi went out and bumped the Brooklyn* with a 4-0 score. Teaterday they played the Braves. fri>m Ihe city where the Saturday night accom­paniment to brown bread ss baked.-If this thing keeps up everybody will

know that eome ball players have lempcr and nlhers temperament. It seem* strange, though, that a fte r the centre field wail had been darkened, all the hits Tuesday should have been either to extreme right or left field, where the lurid cows were cavorting about near the pasture bars, and the glories of cigarettes and thirst quenchers were displayed In all the bril­liant hue* sign painters could discover.

^ 4. —


Sandy Hook, Sheepi^liead f4av,Morgan Station. Soulh Amboy SewarenEUzabethpori. Wreck LeadCanarale, Ham m ers^ ..........Raunt. Goose r'leek ............Newark Bay Light . ........... .Centre Street, Newark.............

I IT I J1 1 41 1.3S ^00 : n ].:aJ:17

■1 111

J.a7^49J.liJ:‘ :.73:1b



Wood, the Boaton Red Box terror, by the lowly Yankees. The one bright sta r In all this field of pitching gloom was RusselFord,over Wood,hla fifth straight victory. Boaton yeater- | llsh coach brought to this country by day raised Jls wurld'a pennant, which the 1 Averlll Harrlman to coach the Tale

K irby’s E n g lish H um or........... . “ — ........— --------- . 1.. T, KH.J . . Af tne n*mng nau ueguji w ■

of the Yankees, who trium phed 1 ^ ho said the English bad no sense . parly relumed the fore part oft'ood, and. Incidentally, registered ] humor? Here s Augustus Kirby, the Eng- nv^ek,

Anglers in Adiroml^-ick waters rind­ing the trout ami bHbh plentiful and large, according to <’ l> I'almer and W. F rank Palnier. of this city. who. with a party of friends from Plainfield, ha^ t JuSt returned from a forlnlghl s sojourn in th** Saranac Uiko section. Well-filled creels are the rule, and unusual ex ­periences are reported Deer are num er­ous throughout that flection of Ihp- -Adi- randacke. and In the Ranuelte Riser sec­tion there are black beai. Palmer's party went on ft troutliig expedlllon In the Raquetie River country, and worked back to Raqnelte Falls for the opening of the bass season. In one day's fishing at Dawson Pond the JerBoymen capiured a fine mess of brook trout, C D Palmer alone catching five two-pound brook trout. At Raqueiie Falls, on the opening duy of the season, the partj’ caught fif­teen black bass, ranging from one and a half 10 three pounds each. The big log drive of the Santa Clara Lumber Cmu- pariy waa iroming down the Raquelle River and largely interfered with the fish­ing. The river is now clear of loga, and the flBhlng had begun to Improve When

■ this

Red Sox won from the Giant*.- 4 - -

A Helping Hand

Dr P. F Johnson and A. V. Sheppard, of this city, motored up to Rockland

crews, trying to qualify as the biggest u y., the (ore part' practical Joker In captivity. He says he's

The following letter was receive,! In the News office this morning:Tn the Sportlnf fflifor of the NEWB:

"S ir-A s a personal favor to the Newark Ba-sehall Clfih, will you kindly lend your

fimltli tn OlA.^Tic Form

Frank Smith, the veteran tw lrler cf_„the Montreala, waa a dope aecond to AUchlson yesterday His twirling was about all that could he desired. He dis­played rare Judgment, had a aplt hall which was as mystifying as could he de­sired, and hlB work recalled hie beat with the tVhlte Sox. Right here it may not be amlsa to sta te th a t Mapager H arry Smith, of the Braves, tried to pur- 'fhase Pitcher Smith for the IitdlaiiB on the last trip of the Newarke to Mon- Lreal, but was utisuccessful. Major league managers have also made offers for

pleaeed with the showing the Tale oars­men made a t New London, and he keeps hla face straight a t the same time.

It the Yale varsity had eome wuhln five lengths of winning he would have smiled; If It had come within four, he would have thrown his hat Into the air and shouted; If It had been near H arvard a t the finish.

asuisunce ae a member ot a committee | p„bably would have bien tickled halfto death, and If the whole-three crewsin connection with the celebrs.tlori of

H arry Smith Day' a t Wledcn0 iayer'a Park, Saturday. June 28? Yours very truly. GEORGE L- SOLOMON,

■■PreBiiient ^Newark B. B. C.”Surely. I alwayc like to be where the

crowd I*.

P la tte H as C h am p io n sh ip C a lib w

U begin* to appear ae If Gus P latts, th« English boxer, would prove a worthy claimant for the welterweight champion- ship P la ils 's victory over Tommy Ma­loney In New York l&at night waa a nouU e achievement, although the m ar­gin was small. Maloney hod come to be regarded a* one of the beat of the welters ■ n this country, as he had registered v!« lories over some of our best men. Plalla. though, m ust now be given first call, and the fact th a t he can m ake the welterweight limit, so much abused by fill*or claimant* of the title, remove* all qufsiU-n of doubt on this w ore. He ha* had two fights since comtiig to this country, defeating Young K urta. of this

had won he would have had a fatal stroke of apoplexy.

Iffi a fine stroke, Ihl* Oxford style Ask any Harvard man. Yale may continue St next year. Kirby intimated as much Tuceday when he sailed for England, and Averlll H arrlm an was non-committal. If ll Is tried again. H arvard probably will not spend valuable time and money tra in ­ing, WhftfB the uBO? I t ’s a shame to go out and row circles around your oppo­nent* and then go to the clubhouse and have lunch b*fo.r* coming see 1<they're nearing the finish line.

«—f -

ot the week, and found there was very little doing tn the base line, ae all three of the Inkea there are purging. After be­ing clleappolnted ut Rockland Lake, they made their way to Swarlout and Cnn- gers' lakes, but found the same condi­tions, The fishing was good prior to the change in the water, and some good (leh- Ing Is expected later on In tho eeason. One good storm will clear out the lakes and they ehould have fine water (or the balance of the summer.

Fred Charles Is one of the regulars a t Branch Brook Park Lake these days. Charles caught three baas there, on a white plug, yesterday. The three fish lipped the scale a t elx and a half pounds.

Jack W halton, Fred Llndeley and George Dennebaum expect to motor down to Atlantic City on Sunday, and from there will go over to Corson's Inlet for a week's fishing. They will have a try a t the channel baas In the Burf. and for the big weakflsh that are now being taken in the Thoroughfare. W hatton ex­pects to stay down for the entire month ot July.

.gnirrle.lD .teeocletlOB,IndUinapoliB t. 'I'oledn 6.Columbus LoclBVIlle 6.St. Fuul 6. Kaneaa City 3 Milwaukee 3, Mmnedpolls 1.

E setrro AeMoelatloo.Springfield 1, Bridgeport 3.Hurtlord 4. New Ha'Cn 1 New Jamdoit I. tt ulerbury 2- Holvnke-Plllafield, gam® poBlpuned;

Bin.tVeetern League.

Denver 6, Omitha 1 Den Momes 1>. W lrhila !■TnpekH *. Si. Joseph Lincoln K Sioux City 5

Texue l.eeaue. tVaco 11. San Antonin 6.Galveston 5. Fort W orth L Aui.l1n in. Houston 1.Dallas 3. Beaumont 2,

Cation htatee LesgflF.Selma 5. rensaoola 1 tUt game). Peneacola aelmn I l2d game).Jackson .2, Clarksdale 6 list game), Jackson 6, Cl-arksflale 1 |2d game). Columbus 5. Meridian '1 list game). Werldtun 3, Columbus 2 i2d game).

V Southera Aseoeletlou.Atlanta 1, Memphis 0.Chattanooga 2, New Orleans 0. Montgomery 1. Birmingham 2.Nashville 4, Mobile 3.

T rl-h lu te League.W ilmington S, Tork 2.Allentown 6, Trenton 1.Atlantic City at Harrisburg, postponel.

rain.New E ngland League.

lajwell 3, New Bedford 2.Brockton 1, Lynn 0.W orcester 5 . Portland 4 (1st game). W orcester 6. Portland 4 (2d game). Lawrence 7, Fall River a,

New York Stale League. Scranton 9, Troy 7.Utica 1. Elmira 0.W ilkes-Barre at Albany, postponed;

rein.Binghamton at Syracuse, postponed;

rainVirginia League.

N orfolk 7, Petersburg 3.Portsmouth 3, Newport News 2 (1st

* ^ w p o r t News 4, Portsmouth i (2d game).

Richmond 4. Roanoke 0.Carolina Ai*o«latloa-

Durham 4, Greensboro 2.Ralelgh 6, Asheville 2.Charlotte - '^'inston - Salem, postponed

rain.Y ork aad New Jer*eT L«*»ii**

Middletown 3, Poughkeepsie 6. lx»ng Branch 6, Newburg 4,Danbury 6, Kingston i . ___________



CHICAOO. June 36.—Atnonf the start, era in the liarithon rsae which will open the preriJljWiplc games at (Jwnt Park Saturday, will ba.XlaatOB Btronblno, tha FateraoB, JC. I;, runner. Who waa the first ol the Amrttcan athletes to flnlah In the Oljrmple hUratbon at Stockholm, Uwe- den. last stmuner. Another prominent atarcer is Frtti Carison, of Hinnsa^Us, grho won the tmeen-rnlle raoa heW by ths niipolg A t U ^ CliA last Batarday. Joo

iWe**, ot the Mleeouri A.C., a St. Liavorlto, wUl §Uo toe t t e nmrk


What would you recommend to remove the noise from the teeter boards at the Eighth Street School Playground? It can be heard (or a block.

A n e i g h b o r o f t h e s c h o o l .A little oil on the bearings would do

away with tho trouble, very likely.

Those who w ant to get an early morn­ing s ta r t for the flshtng along the Jeroey shore will be glad to learn th a t the Penn­sylvania Railroad put on a trait) last Sunday tha t leaves tha Market Street S tation a t 4 A. M. every day. This train m akes all of the stops along the shore and Is due at Barnegat Pier a t 8:19.


Y, Z.:Is It possible to "go from Newark to

Lake Hopatcong by trolloy? If so, will you please tell me how to make connections?

E. A. B.Thera Is a break In the connection be­

tween Hadleon and Morristown which can b e ' covered either by the Lackawanna Railroad or by auto bus. Take a Spring- field avenue or South Orange avenue car to Maplewood, and Morris County T rac. tlon Company ear through Springfield and Summit to Madison. From MorriatowiU the line It Intact through Dover to Lake Hopatcong.

T. Z.;Where can I secure Information about

renting a cottage a t Budd Lake? J- L. Read the advertlaem snti In the Newa

T. i iWhom did Emil Friol ride hie first race

against a t the Velodrome last year? Also n u he ever ride a m atch race with Albert Crabs? A BIKE FAN.

Floyd Krebs was the Drat man to ride a match raoa against Friol a t the Velo­drome track last year, and he was beaten la two straight heats. Friol never rods a match against Albert Crebs.

T. Z-;How many S tate Senaterrs are there In

New Jersey? Also how many Assembly­men are there In this State? Who are the Cotigresamen from this State? N. O. P.

There are twenty-one counties In this Stale and each county has one Senator. There are sixty Assemblymen. The C « i. gresamen from New Jersey are W altar I. McCoy, William B .'T u ttle . Edward W, Toiriiaend, T hom te J. Scully, Eugene F. Klnlieid, John -1. Egan. ^-WUnani J. Browning, Jam es A. Hemlll, J. Thomp­son Baker, Allan B. W alsh and Robert O. Bremner. Another Congreeeman Is to be elected next month to fill out the une*- pired term of th e lat* Lwertg J. Hkrttn.

F ra n k Thompson came over from the R aunt yesterday with seven yellow-fin weakflsh. Contrary to the general prac­tice In th a t section, Thompeon used shed- der crab for bait, instead of the usual Shrimp. Five of the fish topped three and a half pounds, and one of them went over six pounds. Several other fishermen who were out Dom tho Raunt, alio got w eakflsh. W hile th# catches were not plentiful, -what fish were taken were big tide-runners.

Thomas and Charles Haldsy went out from Sm ith’s boathouse a t Bllxabethport yesterday and brought In two bushels ot c ra b s ,th a t were taken In Newark Bay. There were a number of crabbers out a t polnU albng the Bayonne ahoro on Sun­day, and all ot them bad good catches. Klillea etrung on a wire leem s to be the favorite lure, hut the old-time liver u id lights also has Its adherents.

with a emoks. for lattanc*, the "BLACK ANl WHITE CIGAB." • ri*ah. Her*"* hlWmd Sumitia w r ip ^

Sc. STRAIGHTPut up epeclil 6te lo a box for Me. Jaet

*’?l*ron*Uko*a good Harsna smobe we have the prevldestda fartorj Bwokee, put up apeclal, box of 10 for eoo. ^ t h e m

Onr "OrFICIAL SEAL " Pertectoa, a mild do- fii*attc talxb frad«J Sumatrr wrapper laa Rs-

i l l« : alSo Ort "LA MancX'^BefaUa. a bSnded Havana and ^ r t o Elcan etgar. Tha‘T j o r a T M A M U ^ e r D A Y at

5c eachBoies of 25 for 1.25 Boxeio(5lfor2.54

Anstbar flouveslr Ksstli, • sst ef ®kaiv** FREB to th* Wttoo. ttw js rrMt oeioaet ol clfSN st ovr ittntf d iinu JttM.

(}st yoar tseinoB nipp^ st

Petty’s Pharmacy781 Broad S treet

Just Isalda tbs dear.

W--I f l U s t i r e

orP U N C T U R E S

WEARS.OOT beforeDec. 1.1913, we wfllgive you a rcw tire

SKEETE I BY'Pests Cone

Ninth, hof


Uyod rally ye4 bu t f*U a tall aster Huitlar* riow *r City p u ttlo f ao *r •troak* but fi aklDOp ba^ause took the TOSS mor* and Bu In til* Monuni alng tile Drat t in t away wit Idenc* defflatf

Result* K tw ork 1, M(

Hocheiter : Baltlmo


t ta a d

Montreal a t i Aochestei


Montreal at JTorpn

A T JERSEYRoohealer. I

P riest, 3b ... PaddocU, rf .Blnn, c l.........Blirnnon*, 2b. Schmidt, lb ..

E l, lb ......n,*. 0 .

Culnfi. p ........WlLhetm, p

Total# . . . . . .•Battftd for

Kochseter . Jaroay City.

Twa-ba*e h ^ 0 * bit—Zln fiaaitfica fly— ^ f t OQ base* Bom oq ball out—By Does by pitcher—£ H lta-O ff Qul plr«*—Mrasrs. of fam e—One


Baltlmor*. F. Maiael. s*. Cooper, rf-... Corcoran. 8b. Houser, lb .. Twombley, d

gsrefit, 2b.... Malsel, If.

£gan, 0.........Dsnforth, p.

Total#, ........


Three-base Corcoran, Co ballB-Orr Bfr forth 7, by V6P*. Time o tninuie*. Om


F. MOJsei, Bfl Flllenger, ** Cooper, rf.. Corcoran, St Hou*er, lb. Twom'y, cf Pftrenl, 2b.. G. Maieel, If Bergen, c , Mornsette, \ Jarm an, p.,•Payne ......MRoth .......

Total* __•Batted for ••Batted foi

Buffaio .... Baltimoro

Two«baae h ford, Bock. Roach. -Horn Jackson. H j la y s —Holme cor&n to Ml iforri*ett© 2. Struck out—] I, by Jarm ai Tiro* of gan minute*. Uir

AT PROVIDProvid'ce.

JMatte, rf..v.S ns. 2b.......pea l, 8b......Mclntyr*. If p i tm a n , s* S.OnsiQp, lb KtebeUV cf. D, Onslow, 0. I a B uop p ...

Tlotal*provldonc* , |H>roPronto

Sooriflce hi Three

Rn ban*—Off itt* tf. Struc e B atter I >*a!l to En* 3radl*y. HI I nninf. off Li nnlngs. T,lr lortyTthro* n uid Irinner&t


NBTW T o r gey, «r New Ous Platts, Europe, In s fe e 8t- Nlclloney did th b g , and lap S is rival, f Showed th a t S t times th4 gx'changsd hia etm ng flu End r. hla wflrk

F o r tour i gaUVetyled o a good fl(h ' p e w Turk, god a fte r th no m atch To hie right am th e other ti lYouhg Brov J>rovldence.


Y. Z.;

ih.. V._ „ .- la ia fir the Hattong! SbaawfonfUge te be ru n off Ju ly * and 6 ^rare ebecea U it sight. They are headed I v Jaaeae X. ■alllTSk. rsfUrta,

NBWTON, June 16. - The Newton Academy baskethaH team olalma the acbolaetlc ohamplouhlp of Northern Naw Jtraey. The team played twelve games during the eenean, loalng only two oon- ts itf. Thu i^airm deloatad ttieh teams

' ' M ® . ■■ • V.

as the Summit High School, Morrlstovm High School and I.e.fayette ColliMf sophomores. , The team loat ona game each to Stihiiidt and tha Dover High School,

la Ata aotompaarlag Rtctuie . Mhdi*g

from left to r ig h t thoae in the pteturtare ae follows:'statidlng, H. Budd, right

1 ; Kllimptforward; areunicti, left forward; ^ centre, captaUfi T . Budd, tight guard; Lewia, left guard..' Blttbig. Orr. ma^agvr;

How can I obtain a peiltlon at the Panama Canal? A: 3(. 8 .

Write to the Isthmian Canal Commli- elon. Washington, D. O.. for your Infor­mation.

a - * - ■T Z.:

Can a perion teach la the puhlle scboole of Newerk after being graduated fToea a high MhMl? \ AMSRICAN BSATITT.

A person eon teach In the Nawark pub-, llo eehoola, after being griduattd from a talgh «6beel, -praridad ehe-jpaaaaa th*Mate tw*

PhifoatM L. .m m , oeaaa m m acbooi PBtride g( rity.

r-" 'A-

gpsstol Ssreie NBWTON,

for the racei on Saturday aa toUowe:

%m Olaeaworth HliCIt Fred Sgrbsf 1> UoCoy, i Boaa, Nswti AmlnUator, gohn Terwiil

i .66 Class, : K. Smith, fiintpaon, M< UoAfsa; No Hewtoa." In Bert Lwnai Tottan.

Tbs 6,06 oil tnanagemenl whloh win t

t idteh event.

C B K A G O .;








PEAKERi«*rs iivt

of tho ftKfflon or ir J M10 Th*o-)rt3«!d«ni c Union. st«pi of


‘OCfiUlOD^roonUi and rf«

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icr'..>UA«l,’’ e pio isor

gyrivnaa* lieon In-

exor 'i io s he public

‘oirtlrtuod,s ripub^c 4? «\e ftr!

nnal f^s- ti)<i fut'-

11 »1h a frat»irnity

1 1TorrH. i«nv«r tb« ) tio Btim- i«r^y a r d B of th« ilon.“



poetpone J .




ATia 2 (lat

ju ih 3 Cd


DAY'BLACK AM Bdrana flUl

or 2fie. io t t» w« hire the p tpcclai, boa

(w, a alld do- t tad Ha- IteftlU. i

cigar. Tbft 2Se.RDA7 at

r ,

tM fs r Z .5 1t of 9 tllvof ulsg Uh larr dacuig J bm.It

macy■ e e t



Pests Come Throash^ with Rally in tniiiaiu Score Only Run o f LodrNinth, hot Fall a Ron Short

of Tying Score.

BISONS AND ORIOLES BREAK EVENJaraoy City eamo thf^u^h with a d*-

layad rally yesterday In the ninth Inning, bu t fall a tally abort of tying the Koch* eater Huatlara, who won out, I to 2. The flow er City ag^tTegatlcm succeeded In putting an end to the Pests' winning •treak , but failed lo gain cm the Red- aklna. because of the fact th a t N ew ark took the measure of the Hoyala. F a ltl ' more and Buffalo divided a double bill In the Monumental City, the Orioles win­ning tli« Lirst, 1 to 0, and the Herd g e t^ ling away with the second, T to 1. Prowi Idence defeated Toronto. 7 io S.

R estills of Vcwt«rday*a Gamea.« t^awark 1, Montreal 0 (L4 Innings).

Rochester 3, Jersey City 3- BaUEmore 1. Buffalo 0.

Buffalo 7, Baltimore LProvidence 7, Toronto I

S taad lng of th e T raau .-T f they

Game ai Toolcy Gets Home on Harry Smith’s Bunt.



♦ { V a• r \k

Win. Loss. P,C. Win. Lone!4ewark ... ......43 22 .952 .©7 .542loch^iier .. B9 28 .582 .57,luff&lo ...... ... 3fi 11 ,63T ■044 S'JO^rovldsnco . .... SI S3 .484 49J .4773oiUmor« .. .... 81 S4 .477 .485 .47')lereey City .... 2B 33 4cD .468 .432klontfxal ... .... 26 34 .433 443 .i:dToronto .... .... 23 41 .359 ,36& .354

Gam^a Today.UoDtraal a t Newark.

Rochester a t Jersey City Toronto a t Providence.

Buffalo a l Balttniore. Gaimes Tutaorrow.

Ifontreal s t Jersey City.Toronto at Ralllmore

Buffalo a t Providence.

A T JEKSEV CITY,Rochester. R.H.E I Jersey C’y H.H.E.

Frleai. 3b ... l l o Vaughn, ss- . 0 0 dpaddock, rf . Q 2 O' Knight, 2h— 0 2 0Zlnn, cf......... 1 I 0, Kelly, If.......... 0 1 0Blmmons, 2b. 0 0 0| Shaw, c f ......... 0 0 0Schmidt, lb .. 0 0 0, McCabe, rf ... 1 2 0fimlth, lb .....O 3 OlPurtell. 3b.... 1 1 0W rtln , ••.. . 1 I 0. Calhoun, lb...O 3 0Williams. C ..0 0 ttW ells, c . . .0 S 0Quinn, p ............ 0 0 6 iJoescher, p... 0 0 0Wilhelm. p..O 0 0. *Schlafly . . . . 0 0 0

TotaJi . . . . . s ' : ol Totals ....... 2 U 0*Batted for Doescher In ninth Inning.

Kooheater ............0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0- JJeraey C ity.......... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-3

Two-hase hits—Smith. Purtell. Three* bit—Zinn. Sacrtflce hlt~W llllams.

MOrtflcs fly—SchmlUl. Stolen base—Kelly, ^ f t on bases—Jersoy City 8. Rochester i. B aje on balls—Off Doeecher 1. Struck ■put—By Doescher 3, by Quinn ). Hit py pitcher—By Doescher 1 (Simmons). H lts-O ff Quinn. 11 In 8 1-3 Innings. Um­pires—Messrs. Mullln and Owens Time of game—One hour and forty minutes.


Baltimore. R,H.E.| Buffalo. R.H.E. P. Maisel, as. 0 0 llTrucedale. 2b. 0 0 0Cooper, r f__ 1 2 0: Roach, es ..,.. 0 2 0Corcoran. Sb. 0 0 0, Hanford. If-.- 0 0 0Houser, lb .. 0 0 Oj Jackson, cf. . 0 0 0Twombley. cf 0 1 O] Burs, Jb.parent,

bley, cf 0 , 2b.... 0 1 oj Lehr, r f ......... 0 1

0 0 1)

G. Maisel, If. 0 0 0|i?tevens. c ..Egan, c .......... 0 1 0| Heck l b ......Danforch. p. 0 0 0 Gnwdy, Lb,.

— — —I Beebe, p ...Totals......... 1 ^ 1 — ------

j Totals......... 0 8 0Baltimore............... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 •—1Buffa lo .................. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O^J

Three-base hit—Roach. SacrlfUse h it s— Cotcoran, Cooper. G. Alalsel Bases on balls—Off Beebe i. S truck ou t—By Dan- fo r lh 7. by Beebe 3. Passed ball—S te ­vens. Time of game—One h'^ur and forty minutes, Umpires—Carpen ter and Hayes.

BECOND GAME.Baltimore. R .H .E .1 Buffalo. R .H .E.

F. Maisei, Bs. 0 1 2| Truesdale . 2b 3 3 0Flllenger, as. 0 1 21 Roach, a s .. 1 2 0Cooper, r f . . . 0 0 1) Hanford , If . 2 3 0Corcoran, 3b U 1 1, Jackaon. cf... 0 1 0Houser, lb. , 0 1 Ol Bues, 3b......... 0 1 0Twom'y, cf.. O 0 Oj Lehr, r f ......... 0 1 0Parent, 2lv.. 0 3 Oj Goway, c ...... 0 0 00 . Maisel, If. 0 0 l! Beck, l b .... 1 2 0Bergen, c . . , . 1 I 1, Holmes, p. .. 0 0 1M ornsette , p o 1 0Jarm an, p,.•Payne ......«Roth ......

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Totals ...... 1 10 S•Batted for Bergen in ninth Inning ••Batted for Jarm an In ninth Inning.

Buffaio ............... 0 u 1 0 8 0 i 0 0-TBaltimore .......... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1

Tiro*baj» hits—Corcoran, Parent, H an ­ford. Beck. Three-base hits—Bergen, NU)ach. Home run—Beck. Stolen b o se s- Jackson, Roach. Truesdale. Double Jilays—Holmes to Roach to Beck, Cor­coran to Maisel. Bases on balls—Off ifo rrlss tte 2, off Holmes 4, off Ja rm an 1. Struck out—By Morrlsette 3, by Holmes L by Jarm an 4. Wild pitch—Morrlsette. Time of game—One hour and forty-nine ttiinutea. Um rlres—Carpenter and Hayes.

Tf there !i an aggregatton of ball- to n e r s In the InternatlonaL League harder for the Indiana lo beat th an tbe Montreal Royals, it has been kept under cover If Is hard to figure ou t Just why K itty Bransfleid'i team Is holding tueh a low berth when the work of the Royals In this cliy the past three dajra Is taken Into consideration.

The Redskins have been compelled to go the limit against the Cenadkane, and yesterday the Royols kept nagging away a t the Braves for fourteen Innings be­fore the Indians managed to chalk up a I to 0 victory. Bert Tooley ecorsd the winning tally cm Harry S m lth 'i bunt to Lennox.

In the three gamea played against the Branefleld bunch all of the contests have been decided by a single run e d ^ n ta g e . Newark won two and the RoyCa took the other. In the first ba ttle the Cana* diane tied the score In the n in th and tbo Redskins came through with a sally in

'5.2 I Iheir half of the same Inning. The isc- ■“ ond meeting resulted In a hard-earned

victory for the Montreal players. Tee- terday after the battle went th irteen and a half InnlTift without a score being chalked up and with darkness fa s t ap­proaching, the Indians put the winning ta lly over the pan. ^

Excitement ran high In yesterday '! battle. In fact everybody In the game and In the stands was on edge during the entire contest. There might have l»en one exception and that exception wai Umpire Tom Kelly. This arb iter was handing out decisions on the bases, and. Judging from the tan ialliing smile tha t he worA- during the battle, one would be led to believe th it he was enjoying the afternoon and early evening w atch­ing the game, While the Indians and Royals were glaring at each o ther and Umpire Mullen was running around look­ing for new baseballs and handing out fines for discoloring Ihs white globules, Kelly munched away on a sack of pea­nuts. apparently a t pesos w ith the world.

M ullei Hus fits T roubles.Mullen, on the other hand, w ai a very

much perturbed Individual. Sines Mul­len overlooked an Important rule on In­terference In Monday’s game, deaplte a kick put up by Manager H arry Bmlth, of the Indians, ihlnga down at WTeden- m ayer'a Park have not been a bed of roses. It appears aa If Mulieti had re­ceived orders from somewhere to keep the Indians quiet at any cost and he stru tted about xesterday as though he had a chip on his shoulder.

A quiet Up had also been sent around for the Redskins, and Chief Smith In par­ticular. to lay low while Mullen Is on the job. In some quarters It was feared that Smith might be missing from the field on Saturday, when "H arry Smith Day" la to he celebrated. An air of m ystery sur­rounded the warning. Even al th a t Smith emerged from under the p layers benen yesterday long enough to Inform Mullen th a t there were several baneballs In the grip that were good enough to play with, when Mullen Kept Insisting that new balls be put In the game. Smith had his way In The matter, although It looked a t o(te tim e aa If Mullen was on the verge of aw arding the contest to the Royals, If Mullen Is acting on orders, he Is over­doing It. If he is merely exercising hls authority bb an umpire. It la about time for him to take a couple of lessons from his schoolmaster and side partner, Kelly, and get into the game.

The fans expected a ba ttle when L^fiy AUchlson and Frank Smith m et on the Pitching -hm. and the contest exceeded expeetAtlona Before the Indians came through with the only tally In the game In the fourteenth Inning, two Redskins had been thrown out at the plate In pre­vious chapters. W ith the Royals things were different, as but three of the Cana­dians got aa far as the third cushion dur­ing the battle. ,

Tn addition to pitching the Indians to victory. Lefty AUchlson ran hls total of scoreleaa Innings up to twenty-six. In the last thirty-five Innings th a t AUchlson has twirled a single tally, th a t being a home run by Bill Bradley, of the Maple Leafs, has bean made off hls deWvcry. Lefty may be a rixture at Ebbets Field during the latter part of the eeason. AUchlson w as more liberal than usual yesterday In handing out compllmenUrlea. He Issued three passes during tbe .fourteen Innings he worked and fsnned one man. Eddie Lehnpx, who had rapped out two the Koyalo' hits, was the victim In the four-



12 1

AT PROVIDENCE.Provld'oe. R.H.B.atte, r f ... 1 0 0na, 2b........ 1 1 0

?eal, Sb..... 1 1 0dclntyra. If. 1 1 0auman. bb . l 0 0

, Onalow, 0.. 0 1 0 ntta» P-... 0 1

T)9tAla .......7 •

Toronto. R.H.E. McC'nnell, 2b. 0 0 0O 'Hara, If..... fl 0 0ShuUz, c f ....... 0 0Northan, rf... 2 iW .Br'dl'y, 3b. 0 0

l.OnaloF. lb. 1 2 0 H. Br’dl'y, lb . 1 1 tltcbellS cf.. 1 2 1 . . 0 2Holly. I

Bemis, c ......... 0 IOoulalt, p ...... 0 bLush, p ........... 0 I

providence............l^ ron to

Totals ....... a e 30 0 0 0 0 1 0 *-7

0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0—3 Sacrifice hltR—DaaJ, Holly. Stolen base

►-Kiia, Three-haae hit—H. Bradley. Baaee tn baas—Off Goiilait 1, off Lush 1, off La- U tt 6, Struck out—By lAfUte 4, by Lush V B atter hit—Platte. Doublp plays—>aal lo Ens to E. QnsLow; BhulU *f' ^ Sradley. H its—O ff Oovilalt B In one-Lj,,,^*, nnlng. off Lush 4 In seven and two-thldds nnlnga. Time of game—-One hour and !orty?thr^ minutes. Umpires—Blerhalter and Flnneran. ^

leenth Inning vTooley B sek oa tb s Job,

Bert Tooley. subbing for Eddie Zimmer- man at third, displayed hla appreciation of the chance to get back Into the game by chalking up the only score of tbe cvertlm e battle with the able aaelstance of Bob Higgins and Chief Smith. ZInnny was hurt on Tuesday when he crashed into Burns, the Montreal catcher, a t 'he plate In tlie eecottd Inning, but he re ­mained In the garaeft Yesterday hla knee troubled him ao that he waa compelled to lay off. Smith didn't feel like break- Ing up the Oels-Oagnler combination In the vicinity of the keystone each, eo pdt Tooley a t third. Bert accepted all the ehancea that went hls way. and. In addi­tion, banged out three hlta._

The flrat two bingles were wasted, out the third brought forth good results. Tooley was first up In the fourteenth and he Btung a single to left. G-eti aaorlflotd him along, and Bob Higgins bounced a Ijlt, off Frank Smith’s, glpve, putting


NEW TORK, June 29.—.Tommy M alo- gey, of New York, last night outpointed Oua Platte, welterweight champion o(- ^uropa. In a alaehlng ten-round bout a t A a St- Nicholas Kink, New York. Ma- lonaF did the greater port of the lea4- p g , and landed more clean blowa than pla rlYal. The ElngUahman. however, Showed th a t he waa willing to mix, and a t times the men atood toe to toe and •xchangsd blowi. The New Yorker made a Strang Onlah tn the last two rounds, hnd hla wdrk entitled him to the decision.

F or four roundi H arcel Thomas, th e ■alC-atyted champion of France, p u t up a good fight against Young H loker, of ^ e w York. Tbe men fought ton rounda.t god a fte r the fourth round Thomae wag no m atch fOT the American, who landed bla rtght and left with telling etfecL In th e other ton-round bout on the card, Qfouhg Brown shaded Young Dyson, of Jhovideace.

NEWTON MAHNEE ENTRIESVpwlal gsrrios e/ the VXWS, ■

NEWTON, June t t - T h e list of entries fo r the races a t Woodtawn Driving P a rk on Saturday oloeed yeeterday. They are a s foUowg: /

2.2G Olaeg Puree tlpO^Kliig Bex, IftUs- iwarth MnCluikey, Newton; Dick G rattan , Trad Bitrher, Newton: p p io th y S,, je h a 1 , UbCoy, Busafx: Vice Bell, W I I I ^ P . Sofs, Nawton; I^eonerd and JayAmbulator, Leo Totten. Dover; Spunk, John TwrwUlger, Newton.

2M Claes, Puree tlM -B ed Prlnoe, Jam es K, Smith, Hamburg; 'U. -B. A., ih D. Blflipson. McAfee; Billy T„ L. C Kuban, MoAfta; Newton, N J ,, H arry K . Reib, Nowton." Irving, C. B. Bammli, UnAleo; p e r t Leonard and Jay Ambulator, I>|b (fOttaQa

troe 9,00 olaea raoe tailed to fill, b u t the tnanagem ent la arranging a speolal rae*. erhlnh will t>s held. In addltton to a guiok hitch eaent.

t ie f H erry Bmlth then ailltyt ic k full responsloility for thF k am a. He

vcent In to hat for Altchleon, flashed the sovieege play sign, and as Tooley etorted to r Ihe pUte the leader of the Bravee bunted along the firs t hoes line, allowing Tooley to crois the pan. .. ,

In the eighth Inning, a f te r Oagnler bed doubled and Billy Zimmerman had eicrl- flced, things began to look aa If the Hed- Bklns would tally, hut Gagnlor died a t the plate when Lennox scooped up Bwaclna'a rap and hurled It to the plate ahead of Gagnier In the thirteenth Swaclna got on through an error whan Eamond's heave to the player'e bench pu t-h im on eecond. Myer* boat out a hit to Lennox, and Bwaolna waa out a t the plate on Lennox's qulok return.

The Royale grew dangoroua on a couple of occasion*, but Altchleon m anaged to hold them »afe. In the th ird Inning Pur- ted reached third with two down, Yeager looked ominous and wae passed, after which Delnlnger was dlepoeed of. The Royals filled the aacks In the fourth with one down, but Purtell and . F ra n k Smith w ere easy vlcthna A paee, eacrlflce and Infield out put Delnlnger on th ird In the eleventh, but Jimmy Eemond'e attem pt was a fly to Swaclna, N ot a member of th e Royale got on the eaeka a f te r th laT he score; _

NEWARK.- a.B , R. H. P.O. A. B.

PaHoti. r . . f .......... . 6 0 0 * 0 0QamlWar i> ■......... 6 0 1 0 1 0■F lmtoerman, ht | J J J ® ®Bwaelna- lb ............ 9 0 0 IS 9 . 1

f" ,. 9 0 2 0 0 0f S K y . ........... ( 1 9 1 3 0a S k ib .. .: .............. 2 0 0 8 7 0

A lfSSB a, p ............ 6 « J * 6 2•H, ItaSiai .......... 2 ^ i ^ JTotals


Intercollegiate Fixture Since 1899 Is Succeeded by Eigbt-oared


NE'VP TORK, June 26 .^The four-oared race, a fixture etnee In the annual Inlercollesiale rowlnf regatta a l Rough • keepBlft. waa oboliehe-d yesterday hy the board of atewarda Morton O Boyue, chairman of the bfiard, announced th a t a two-m le race for Junior varelty eights has been eibetltuted.

Poor eteerin? In four-oared races Ip given as the reason for the change. At New London the Harvard and Tale fours ha^'e roxswalna, but on the Hudson there have heen only four men to a boat In th is ra:e

Jim Rice, the Oolumbla coach, first ad ­vanced the Idea of a ra re for junior elg’hts, believing it would offer greater Incentive lo oarsmen to try for the crews, Columbia and Pennaylvanla favored the change a year ago, but Cornell op­posed it.

An active Intereet !■ being tak«n In epnrta by the membera of the Dominican Holy Name Boclety. which la oonnected with Bt. Antoninus'* Church. South Or* ange avenue and South Ninth atree t During the winter the aociety muaterad a baeketbaJI team which did creditable work on the court, and th is summer a baseball nine was formed by Rev. John L Flnnerty, the spiritual director

The baseball learn plays on the Do­minican Field, formerly the asylum grounds, on South Orange avenue, which was secured several we<“k« ago by the society Gamea are played Riinday morn- Ingfi by the Dominican ^Vhlte Sox. and

In the afteniodn by the Dominican "Big Nine."

The Dominican team h a t done well against some fast semi-professional ag- gregatlone The players are working In harmony and they expert lo roll up a fine record The members of the team tn the aecompejiylng picture, reading from left lo right, are: Front row -t'onn , centre field: Jnfi Smith, mascot. Hurley, first base, FlanagHn, third base Second rnw—Gaffn*y. second base. Contgan. ehorletop: Rev John L Flnnerty. Kln- nev, l^ft field, T ’iifnch, right field row-Donohue, pHrber. Gllhoolev, first base: Hector. Krueger. tVlley. Stanley, deputies and Schwab, pitcher

ONWENTSIA POLOISTS VICTORSLa k e f o r e s t . June 26.—The Onwent-

sla Polo Club defeated the Bt.i Louts Country Club team yesterday, piling up a score of IS tn 244 goals, and ^ o n the chance to compete with the CtnclnnaM club for the mldwestcrn polo trophy. The championship game wilt be played S atur­day, Friday, 8t. Ijoulsi and the K ansas City Polo Club Will compete for a oonso- latlOB cup.


Art Grigga, first eacker of the Koyals, who waa Injured while lOundlng third baee In thla city on Monday, will be out of the gani-* fur the refit of the season. In Ui>!i opinion of speflall*t8 who examliicii hls Injured leg yesterday In New- York An X-ray photograph tH.k**n of the injury dlseJosed the fact that <rrlggRs ankle was fraclun.-d In three places When he was hurt he waa hurried to St Jam es s H"S- pltal, but was later taken to the Hotel Bristol, New York, where the Montreal players are stopping It ■ - fii'6-i thought that Griggs hadsuffered only a aevere epraln and torn some ligaments In hls leg. but the Injury gave tbe player so much pain that Manager Brans- field c^Ied In pperlaltsta and bad the X-ray picture taken.


Flana for t h e o b s e rv an c e of " H a r iv Smith I>nv" at ^Vleden- mavpr s P a rk b a iu rd a v a f t e r ­noon, h%\e t»‘‘en i om ple ted by P res id en t G eorge L Solomon, nf the Ind ians JfTMn^p Nu&baiim, t r e a s u r e r nf the fund for a. tes- t lm unla l to he p re s en te d to the Indians ' leader , rep o r ts t h a t the.

• fatje hnve re spunded libera l lv . Prev ious lo the p re s e n ta t io n the re will he a hand conce r t a t (hto p a rk by V ln c e n t s ’e hand In add i t ion the re will be vocal se- lert lona. The l o n r e r t wil l a t a r i a t 1 4li 0 clock The p re s en ta t io n will be m ade by B M Shanley , ahPisied by a cornrn ll tee of sp o r t in g editora . Inc lud ing Joseph K liunn. Gue A Kalier. B er t Dodge and J P N orton The \ 'firall8ls will be Dave M rFadeyn , F r a n k Henning. B il ly t’ o rco ran and Mnrst ft trio.



. 44 S 4S IB-iCONTREAIi.

Ollhooltr, t* 4Teftfsr, $DainlngsiL c* f ........ t

lb ............. SDemmllt, L ........ ftEsmond, 2b ..*•*«■.« ftBams* c.,;..**........ 6PurtoU. a. .............. ftE. fimfth, p.**........ ft

A.B. R, H . P J

Tooley was a little late In getting up steam

George L. Solomon, president of the Braves, was shouting a t the top of hls voice for Umpire Mullen to call tbe game because of darkness W'hen the Royals were a t hat In the ihll’teenlh and four­teenth Innings. After the game he hur­ried on the field and grasped Sm ith's hand. A few minutes makes a lot of d if­ference In an opinion.

It would be a good Idea to have some haBeballs a t the game today.

A nlpth-innlng rally by the Peste fell short of tying the score of tbe Hustlere.

Toronto la back In the same old m t. The Maple Leafs lost another to the Grays,

Billy Clymer Is wishing be was bs^ck Buffalo. An even break with the

Driolea was tbe best he could g e t •

An even break waa the best the Giants could get agnlnst th<* Bos^^n feravet. J

A had beating was handed the Sena- tore by the Mackmen. One of the twenty hits secured by the Athletics was a homer by Frank Baker, with three . Elephants on the sacks. W alter Johnson was on the mound when Baker stamined out the hit, but left the meund shortly after.

Brooklyn lost a funny game to the .Phillies. After knocking Rucker out of the box ln>the first Inning the Phll!l£a slipped up In the third and the Buperbaa gathered eeVen runs. The Dahlenltea let thU flve-ruQ lead filter away henauee of errors.

The Yankees h«»lped the R®1 Sox raise the world's championship pennant and then nosed o'ut the rnoharche.

Joe LeJee pitched three balls agatnat the Nef«, but saved a game, Dubuc. who waa on the mound for the Tigere, got in b ad 'In the last round) when LaJole and Ryan singled. Turner . and • Chapman walked . and Dubuc uttooriced a irild heave, "With two on, one out and the Tlgere a eouple of runs to tb e good, .Lake went In and got tbe next two b a tte n to send up pop files to Veach.

The pirates pulled a funny one on the Cardinals. After the B l Louie team man* aged to tie the score tn ths last half of the ninth, the Smoky City crew tallied eight runs In the tenth.

W alter BchaHer hab been released by the Chicago Americans to the W ashing­ton team. Griffith w ants the player for b is A tlanta club.

The Boston Red Sox have purohaaed Pitcher Malloy from the Kalatnaxoo. Micb.* club. H e has been orderM to re­po rt a t once.

Jimmy Callahan, m anager, o f th a W hite Sox, has been set down for an Indefinite suspension for arguing with Umpire .HIL debrand- * -

The dnclnhatl club has mdde ah offer to Sam. Felton, H arvard 's liUchsr, and the Rede w ant h l^ ImtpedjAteiy.. . .


NETT TORK, June !9 .-0 . Maurtc* ] vetv HAVEN, Conn. June r9-G oselp H eeksrh .r '* Acuahla anti E, Randolph'* | u, what la left of the Tale College rlrrle 8 p a r ta n -a pair of the New York Tachl I here 1* to Ihe effect that Vale will ron- Club'e new tlfly-foot one-deelgn eloop tlnue to uee the English stroke next year yachts-yeeterday finished together on j nolwlthetandlng Ihe poor showing nrade

I with It In its first trial In the regattaLong Island Sound In the annual race of the fleawanhaka-Corlnthlan Yacht Club. They both covered the fifteen and one-quarter mile triangular course In 2 hours 14 minutes 20 seconds, defeating the next yacht, the Iroquois 11.. owned by R. N. Ellla, by 3 minutes 35 seconds.

In tbe same race, M. F. P lant’s big schooner Elena defeated the Irollta. be­longing to E. W alter Clark, of Philadel­phia. by 1 minute 35 seconds. They sailed a course of 30<4 mils*.

The new Class P eloop Josephine, de­signed by her owner. Addison O. Hanan, aleo waa a wlnnbr in her claaB.

HOME RIDERS TAKE MOTORDROME RACESAastralians Fail to Capture Siagle

Event on Card, but Get Sec­ond and Third Once.

ROOT AND HILL TANDEM LEADERSU w'ai a sad evening for the AuitraN

Ian riders at the Motordrome last night. The British Hon. or kangaroo, or what­ever their national emblem is, didn't have much of an opportunity to rnar. jump, wag Its tail or otherwise celebrate, ae (he men from the other side of the world didn't finish first in n single event The ot:Iv one in which (hev sufi^eeiled In get­ting gcxkd places waa the flve-nille profes­sional open race, in wh1- h Frank Corry finished second, with Robert Ppi;difl, third.

The ernwd of 20h sitting in the mist saw some fast riding, though In the first heat of the (wn-igp ' ‘pra" bandlrap, Eddie Rupprecht. Fddle Root, Menus Be­dell and W erner liot k streaked around the saucer twice under the blinking lights flo fast that ihev could be seen with diffi­culty. When (hey shot acroea the tape In 51 2-5 BerondH.Jay Katnn anno\mced the performance aa a track record

The or;e-heal tandem rare between Root and Hill and Spears and Corry look­ed forward to as one of the best races on the program H IK-ed up (o expertallona, but the famous sprint of Bpears, voupled wlt^ I'urry'a plugging ability, wasn't enough to give the Australians an advan­tage over Root and Hill, who got on toe Inside course and held the better position until the finish, coming arrosa the line about a half wheel ahead

Taiidem Hai^e a Scorcher.This race w'as a aenreher There

cunslderable delay In pfnrtlng It. beraiise eomehody stole (he handle-bars from one nf the mai:hlnes. but the minute the con­test started thing® happened The Australlans rode litgli on the track at first

with Harvard last week It Is said that ■ arid pedaled like steam engines, trying A. G. Kirby, the Oxford coach, who led I around but the

t. *.■9lm a

Total! ■ ■Jr *. « 82*Batttd tor Attohlaon In tlio fovrtMntli

lnn)o*'«O n« ont irtH|ti ir inn lnc ,ron * a « mad«, Notoark . . . . . . .. 0 0 C « 0 0 0 0 0 0 » ft 4 1 -1KOBtooal ft ft 0 4 0 4 0 O'^OO 0 0 (M)

Saerlfloa U M - ^ U m , W . Z inunenaan. Dommltt, Lanox. Btoltn baaftfr^'W. Zim- ntoiman, Bwaelna, O iw ia r , PutM li. Two- b a u hlt-OaBtil«r. B ia«a-oft balli—Off AUohlson 1 oft Smith ft. BtiMck out—i t r Altchlaon I b# Smith t Douhlo p la y - 0«ta>tkd JUtohlaon. F ira t h a i i on orrofft -N O M A % Montwal 1. Loft on J w o » - Newark U, U e n tm l t , ' D m plrea—Meoara, UullOn and Kally. Ttai* o f »am a-T w o bourt and twouijr mloutoft.- I . . ' • - ■ ■ f- ■ J — ■*'.

BENEFIT G i W TOMORROW **nto thdlani arlu ham an off day to-

mofMw...«nd wtU oftAbrati by hoUlnt A flotdHQKt^w m ftawaywfa Ram. tuna yriu bo an astA)IM *.b|L^ wttb tba

JatwenTQlantot aald ta »» sSowfl «iwiiF niona of .tka Zm L wttb iiandai pltobUit, Tlit'proooadi t i Iba kiimk'wlU bo to thiri



Philip Van Velder Carter, o f Nassau, Defeats S. D. Connolly, For- „ nwf Ti|le-holder.

GREAT THINGS EKPECTED OF KIMWhile always more o r lese well known

In metropojitaji golfing olroles, Philip Van Gelder Carter, the soventeen-y ear-old N assau youth who annexed the metrn* polltaii junior championship over the links of tbe Plainfield Country Club yes­terday by defeating S tuart D. Connolly, of Rockland, last year's tltle-holderi 4 up and 3 to play. In the decisive round, U a new sta r In the golf oonatenatlon.

C arter has achieved things In t t e golf world before, but none which ranks him as high M thla, A year ago he ws>n the Interecholaetlc champlonahlp, hls ttre t title. Then, last Beptember, he captured the champtonshlp of the Bhlnnecock HlUa Golf Club» where he playe during the vUmmer, Ad a ttack of pneumonJa. made a m aterial difference in his golf early this year, but he seems to have recovered fully, for hls golf against Connolly woe of a championship caliber. I t surely re­quires a good player to reel Off hole a f te r hole In par figures. Not th a t ^onBolly la a poor performer, for Connolly wae the finalist (n the Dunwoodte last year and fell before John N Stearns ftd. of Prince­ton.

C arter's achievement !n winning the title tflU rank him higher th an many a man double hlft age and experience, and by Me exhibition of good golf and nerve a t Plainfield he shows all the earm arks of a golfer who will do g rea t things {n the future*

In the Insmj^tion of the Yale crew- this spring, may not return next year, hut that Harcourt Gold, the othei Oxford coach, probably win return

Critics declare that Vale g frnuble in the regatta last Friday was fallun* to Mick to the new stroke It la a well- known fact ainorig oaramen that a crew which has attem pted lo adopt a

Amerlcene srurk to the little black line kept to their knitring The men cov-

ered the mile in 2 minutes 3 5 aeronds Gus 'Wnhlrah and t w o Smlihs. Tommy

end Eddie, proi'ed rhemselveH clever lltti»* track generals and sprlnfera In the twenty-lap handicap rare fur amateurs ^ ’fihlrab an-J Smith siaited from s^THtch The former soon overhauled (he fte).) wllh Smith tacked on hts wheel Infild-

INDIANS SflT OF lASEVALLSAn abaoluta necualty In a baa«-

ball game la a baseball. The Ne'.r- a rk Indian , came within an ftce n( having a game forfeited yesterday becaase of the lack of baaebalLa The club had plenty, In ta c t there were five doxeo nice, new ftblny one, all bearloB the fa ,^m lle ilgna- tnre of Edward Barrow, president of the lesgue, locked u p ' In the office of the club hi th e Ordftray building. But Umpire llu llen hardly had tim e to stop the ggnie In the thirteenth Inning and w ait for sntoe one to run up town and g e t a eoupl# of baseballs a t th a t a t ^ ot>' the ggm a The Royale persisted In batting the balls out of the lot and when the supply o f nsw ones was used Umpire Mullen asked fo r more, declaring th a t thoae In the grip were unfit for u ^ . ‘ Manager H arry Smith « en t lig h t back a t Mullen and Intorraed the umpire th a t the bails were all l ig h t and M n ll^ pteksd- a couple ou t of the. grtp.'ftnd threw .them ih Ihe- gam e

- Smith Uttoardat* afte r tbe.ggm* suptflir of hiwdbalts to he 4siUve>«4

a t the hall ^ i rk tod .trj in d the five Bofea ware tgken there < fn m .’ the office.

method of rowing will Invariably revert 1 '-’f tour lap . On rhe bark atretch of lo the oM style when the men get to r a r ­ing a t top speed and become a little tired.Thle It Is thought la Just what happened on FViday,

SEMI-PRO NOTESThe Park Views wll] engage In the

•econd game nf a serlea with the Newark Colored^ 'iian ls Sunday afternoon on the Park View Oval The first game of the series reaultwl In a victory for the Park Views by a nlnth-lnnlng rally, and the colored boys will l>e cut to even malterH. Manager Carter cf the Olante will trot out Peterson jlo serve them up, with lltUo Tommy W ashington on the receiv­ing end The Park View's will rely upon Trumball and Davis to bring home the bacon.

The Maple A C of Keairny has Its hands full this week. On Saturday the Maples will slack up against the Artlng- ion A. A In the second game of a sei'lea to decide the '’hamplonshlp of W est H ud­son. and Sunday morning they wilt meet the Mead'iu'brooka of this city. Tho Meadow’brooka are playing a good game a t preoent. Manager Adam will use Lewis and Van Aulan aa hls battery.

W ith only one defeat charged against the team this aeaeon, th e Mlllburn A C. will journey to New Providence Saturday a/tom oon to play the nine of th a t place.The Mlllbtfrnft havo alw ays proved them- Raines; Jam es F liigerald . Australia, set

the track during the fifteenth lap. Wllh iam Pofahl Jumped (he field In a hard dprlnt. Going amund the final rlrclt.

Georgl and Tommy Smith *hot nheadi drawing th^ field with them for an exciting finish Wnhlrab won by a narrow noarjeln. with Gf'ru-g! and Frank '^^'hltney Hecond and third.

Eddie Hool Ip DlnriiiaMflecL The final pnf. Jhc flrf.-mlle profee-

pional, with tandem pai e, proved a BlrenuouB grimi. as (hn pacpmakers couldn't lead the fifJd more than ha'f (he time After a terrific ride around (he last lap Eddi^ Root flnlsh-'d ftrsl. hul waj* dlsrpialifipd for tcHRjiiig with HalBlead This gave the rare to .Menus Bedell, with T' ' , ' " '‘Tjry ®econd, ami hls felJow-countrym^Ti. Rob«?ra, Spears, third. The sumrimrleb

Two-mlle Invltadon. Profeaslnaai—Wnn hv Percy Lawrenr-e, Hnn Franclsrn. tvili- lam Coburn, Newark, Recond, Frank • 'orry, Aiistrntla, tMrd. Werner Beck. Newark, fourth, Fred West, Ssn Francis­co, fifth Tim**. 5 mlniitep 15 HccondH,

Two-lap Profeasinnal Handicap-W on by Fred Hill, Boston. a<'ratch. Bfidell,Newark, in yarda. Hiv'ond. Kdiilc Rued. Boston, scratch, third, Fdwaid Rup- precht. Newark. 20 yarde. fourth: Frank Blata, Jersey City, 40 yards, fifth TJme 52 2-6 seconds

One-mlle A R. C. U, Arnateur Cham- plonahlp“ Won by Oub 'Wohlrab. Thomas Bmlth, Newark, second. C, B George, Newark, third, Fred Taylor, Newark- fourth. Time, 3 Tnlntjlea 13 2-5 seconds

Two-mlle Running Race—Won by Al

gelvee able opponents for New Providence and a hard tussle Is expected. McQullken and Schmidt will be In the points for the vlaltora, while Nlapel and Wllllamoon will take care of the home team 's interests.

The Koenig team wtit dash with the K n li^ ts of Columbus Sunday morning on the Irvington Park Oval. G lutting and Joyoe, of the Knights, will oppose Guerin and Muller, of the Koenig team.

Manager Schuster, of the H. A W. team, would like to hear from several teams, such as the Eallanttnea. Koenigs and tho P . O. N.’l.

A ik your Agent or d e a ltr


aTURYJitbrk Cord

Mere MHes L n t G » ^ LoferE uc i i R«fiBf

VtGnmlH RnalbT nU eH tK a


ond. Tims. 11 minutes 16 seconds Ons-mile Tandem M atch-R oot and Hill

rs. Spears and Corry. Won by Root and Hlil. Time. 2 mlnulss 38 3-6 seconds.

Twenty-lap Handicap, A m ateur—Won by Gus Wohtrab, acratcb, Jersey City, G. B. George. Newark. 60 yards, second; F rank W’hitney. E ast Orange. 60 yards, third; Tommy Smith, scratch, fourth; H. \Verner. Newark. M) yards, fifth Time. 10 minutes 7 seconds,

plve-mlle Professional Open. Tandem P 3^ .ft__\Van by Menus BedeU. Newark; F rank Corry, Australia, second. Robert Spears, Australia, th ird . Jake Magin, Irv ­ington, fourth; P. Lawreno*. Ban F ran­cisco, fifth. Time, li mla u ts i 66 seconda.

AMERICAN lEAG ERm b Ub « l Y*»t«ntoT*a SamM.

New York S, Boston 3- , . , . , .Philadelphia vs. W ashington (wet

.rounds).Etoliedelphie 14, W ashington 8.

Chicago % Bt, Louis 1.D etroit 4, Cleveland 1.

B toadlag of th e Tcaaia.


Beats Grenda aod Jokut to Tape .in Title Race After Gonllet

Loses Ground

M’ DOUGAU CONTINUES WINNINGRiders r*pres«ntlr»g America and Aus­

tra lia carried off the honors in tba raess last n ight a t the Veiudrome track. Frattlt L K ram er and Donald MacDougaii ried the colors of ITncle Sam to the CtOBt, while Jackie Clark and Alfred Goullat were the riders from the Antipodes that flashed across the tape, winners In dif* fereni events.

The half-mile natUmal champlonahlp event, which w i* the f is tu re race on ths card fnr the professloiiala was won iD easy fashion by Kramer In (hli raca the champion had to beat Alfred Grenda and Ernest Jokua to ihe (ape, for In the final, through Mtme carelesa riding, Alfrodl QouL 1st. the other man who qualified for lha final, got lost in the shuffle when Jockey- ln< for position and finished a poor fourth

The v inory lojt night enabled K ru n sf . to add fiNo more points to hls credit* making hls intal twenty-nln*. JackiS Clark, hls greatest rival, who waa shut Out In th^ first seml-ftnal, now has iwentj- points, which la five mor* than the twn Alfreds, Grends and itoullet.

In the champlonahlp race Ooutlat hod the pule, with Grenda next, and K rtm af and Jokua on the outside. At ths sta rt Goullot went off In front, followed by (he othere In order named. On the back •tretch of the first lap, Kramer TPOVSd to the front, with Goullet on the pole and G renda third and Jq^ui lost. As th i men paseed the tape for the first tap* Grenda started to unwind Kram er saw him coming, and started, sa did O oultit As tba tall Tasmanian went by Kramar lacked on with Goullet at lila aids tiid .lokuB on K ram er's wheel Rounding tbu M>mn avenue turn, Grenda pulled dp suddenly and stalled in tryli\g to gst Kramer lo go to the front.

Grenda, by h|s sudden Stopping, caused Kramt'i to hark pedal and go down to tb* flat JokiiB, who w'is following K ram sr and (he iwn. shoved Goullet further down on (be Hat. as the latter was on thS polo a( the cme In orUer to save hlmsslf from a fall i^u llle hack pedaled ORd lost rO(i&]deratils ground. In the n aan time K ram er had regained hit etrlda, and had set kail lor home with Grenda on the outsldu and Jokui» on lie kept ths load all the way and won from Grenda by a half wtoeel Jokus got third and GouHla' fourth. The .]Qrke^l^ 5 to g tt K rip ier to the front rot bed of a chanca offighim * It out with riie champion.

C la rk Leade fiouHel M oae.Tho fh o-mlle match race t^tween G ark

and Goullet, wliRch was won by ths for­mer. was a good race. The men ware puced by tandems, and U was not until the laist lap th a t the two were left an the tracks alone. Clark mads no attem pl to go by hla rival until the backstretch ol the last lap was rearhed. He then mado a jum p and drew up on even term s with hls rival The two raced neck and nsek* and aa they r^eared the tai>e Clark madu artother Jump and Juat got hls wheel to (hfl front.

A Bplll on the t.eii lap robbed th# five- mile I'pen tandem pace for pfofesilonala of some of Its Interest In this raca Kram er, t'avaiiasih ind Merman Packa^ hus< h, of Germany, ven t down In the hom estretch The first two were not os- rlously hurt, but F’ackebusch. It was stated, rec«l\«d a fillght concussion Of the brain end was taken lo the City H osp ita l. After being attended to ther^i ht' signed a release and w ^ t to hlB home in Qi Ih city. The accident was crtujiHd bv Ju lian Provost and Ju lian Gaullft-r. of France, the pacem akers. W'ho sh o t up the hank Instead of to the poi^-. w hen called off the track .

The pacemakers, sfter swinging up. shot down, and. trying to avoid ths riders, Kram er, who was In third pool* tlon, following Kreba end Goullet, struck Goullle ft wheel and fell ('avanagh, who w.aa following directly behind the cham ­pion, went over Kramer, while Packa- busc.h want o \e r both of them. This race was won by Goullet. who auleprlDted Jackie Clark and won by four lengths, a fte r h^in*.' switched several times golnfr. Into the backstretch by Clark.

Donal Mad>oiigall was the a lar In tha am ateur ranks, taking both the half-nulls handlcaf' and tb»* fl\e-n’iile open. In both events he beat Willie Hanley to the Up«. In the handicap race MacDougall cam* thrco>gh ihe field, pi. ked hls way to tha front and won first prize Hanley, who finished second In this event, rode 6n the complete outside ot the field and juat missed winning by Inches. Tho sum­maries

Haif-mlle Handicap. Amateur—Won by Donald MacDnugall. Newark, ecratoh; w illiam Hanley, fclan Francifttro, 30 yard*., sec o n d , <’ Orrlck, Jersey City, 80 yards, third c Hanien. Jersey City, M) yardb. fourth, Julius SchmlfU. Newark. 80 yards, fifth, lime. 57 1-6 ftpcondfc.

HHlf-mlle Nallnnal ('hampionshlp. Pro­fessional^ Won by Frank L, Kramer. E ast rjrange, Alfred (irenda, TasmarHA, second; Ernest Jok\is. JS’ewark, third, Alfred Goullet. A\istralla. fourth. tlm«.1 m inute TJ 3-5 seconds.

One-mile Invitation, Amateur—Won by Albert Krushel. Buffalo; W alter Raleigh. New York A. C . second, William Van den Dries, New York A. C. tnlrd, lime,1- m inutes 13 2-6 necotids.

Two-mlle Invitation Frofesslocial- Won by Floyd Krebs. Newark. Alvin Lof- tiis Providence, second. Hcnnan Pack- enbufth, Germany, third. George Cameron. New York, fourth. Normnn Hansen, Defl* m ark, fifth , time, fi mliiu'es 54 1-5 sec-

Flve-mlle Match B.ary , Professlonal- Jackle Clark. A astrulu vh Alfred Goullet. A ustralia ,Won by Clark, time. 10 min­utes 12 sec onds

Flvp-nd!e 0|i4-n. Amateur—Won by Donald MacDnuKall, Newark. WllUani H anlev flan Francisco, second. Bddla Madden New’ark. tlilrd; Albert KruBhel. Buffalo fourth. Adam Deyermon. Mo­hawk A flfin. 17 2*/He-"(i|idp ,

Flvp^mlle Open Professional (tandtfi.. pn, i-ii ■ ^\•on hv Alfred Goullet. Austra- ll;i ,1 Clftrk. AuKiraha, second; JosepD A Fogler, Brooklyn, third; Floyd Krebs Newark, fourth, Alesslo Stefanl, I ta lt fifth , time. 10 minutes 21 2-5 seconds.


berry. of Philadelphia, won the th irty- mile race a t the Brishton Beach Motor­drome laet nlftht. He defeated hls fleid in Boneattonal etyle, and established a new track record. He covered the dte- tancfl In 29 minutes 413-5 eeconds. The old m ark wae 24 minutes, made by John­ny Aibrlffht last year, HaVtiey Thomae, ano ther Philadelphian, was eecond, and Paul Ohno. of Brooklyn, third.

W.L.PC.Boeton........ SI 28 .525Detroit....... 27 40 .403Bt. L ou il... 25 44 .342 New Y ork., 18 42 .300

W.LPCP h ila ......... 44 15.749Cleveland., 44 ISl .915 W aeh'ton.. 24 29 -540 Chlcafto. .. 86 31 -530

O anca Today.New York a t Boatqn.

pnlladelphla a t 'toaehlncton. Cleveland a t C hican.

St. Loula a t Die tro tt

NATIONAL LEAGUEB cm lto o f Y aaletdayto O iM a .

New York 8, Boeton 1. <Boaton i New York I.

PhUaiielphia U. B ^ k ly n 8. Clnciniiett l& Chloefto 4.

PIttftburih 9. 8t. Louie 1S te sS h w *8 th e Teoaea.

W.I*PC. , W.L.PC

FacMtrv m A i , Oaiaaa TeMoy.K I Bolton at.N ew TorJi itw o> 'm r a ' BrooUya at VbllMMehla: (two).




Loving CupsYou om’t equal this line in range of assortment at medium prices.You can’t secure the equal of ota* worionan- ship at medium prices.You can’t secure better styles or finish at any price.You can’t secure eejuafiy prompt and eflStaent ser­vice at any price.

prank Holt & Co.THE iTibPHY HOUSE

Broad and Icademy e itsNEWARK-7<ca.8k\

l- 'M---'rf/‘ J - f ^ r ! ^ ■' f*“'


a U J U t l A O E tRIXOH-OEM BM -On Taw tor.

U N D E R T A K E R S H E L P W A N T E D — H E N H E L P W A N T E D — K E N

M n ^ KiirH offleUUn*.


A c* n U

D E A T H Sc*i Jun*AC|CHIUN-A> Irmi»l«>, N „ ,,,

M, UilS. ChulM b»)ov«) huit»aH nt NHli. “ A cw n u n tt(BM Nolltn). t ( « l U r**n R*c i t iv it ABB (DeaBA Ar» hlBBIr IbtII*! to aIioiiB Um tuiwrH MrvioAA from h u lAl* r«1iotic«. M

ATtBUt. OB RAturBAr, JUBA 2t. At If . 11. tstATiBAnt la CllnUo CanAton'


t lK > W N ^ JVM 39, 10IS, younr-

r n eliild «f Jim«» ttM Kftthtrln* Br«vh mM HeUI!v«« and frttndl, alao K«lr

Asifll* loctvty of 8 r Roaa of Uma i Ghorrh. •ra lavttad to a tttnd hff fun^ra) frontM raaldiiKa of har parasta, bO *X*'AM *a Prldar, Jun* 27. at B.JIft A. M .

of Br Roaa of Lolmi. « h«ft a Mtfh

W IUa ba^HNlHH FOR ITB a ilra flaa blaak bfoadclom. *htt* ^ * ^ 7 / f r a r pJoih. ca.k«<. wUh maaalva J f /•aaravfd naroapiau; “1,.^ ?,,wuh fin* ailk or oatJJd* caw. a^aM •litt. ambalmui*.ettidalabra. |Jav«». ehalra. haara# and iNraa Mactaaa to anf city c ^ « '; r f .PEC I’LE^i BL'MlAlr M)1JP aNT

WILL rURNtSH rOB $45a funaraJ iKai up to any h th rrV*undartiliar'i 160 funaral. F^oaral parjra fro*.



AflENTB—I 'm rour tpara tjma to butll up a ifl opdar huainaai of ynuf nan : * t

yZN. aaoiatooiad to aamlaf 616 »a«bir aad ap. araAffd for wori la oily aad aaatlofai can

. . ___ ___ , __ ____ . . Mutualtunl(l»a Eju.haora, Iluffaka. K. T-you start for a thara In om flu; twpnip opi«rtunlTjpa: jrartlfulara frtfc M utual Oppor-

«orli aM or part iTb 4; todoor and outdoor poa|- 304 Uarbtt it , ftcond door.tlooi.

AflENTB-IfltaMlirantcom* a*t»d for mr fro#**'f xiai#t 'Tam* AV>ti*

ih* Mail Orl*r 'la trtto bead an to'

MEN—Two flful claa* «lo«toa a>ao *ip*ri-acirid rolltctor aiv| raDTasMn; *ato^ and

ooamlaitoa. M’RITK Bawiaa Maclitoo Co., t l HarHano art.. KprlnfBaM. Maaa

N 1*36 lAKkpfirl. N _______________AHKNT6 want*(i: two m«n lo fall hnuPolioM/

■ • iLapcclaJtlM on aaay paymobta. ataadr p<>tl* tion to right partltw. d T At>AW« » Marliet at

HKACOCK. 9^1 MEN who th trciughly undfritand suri^mnbila r>i>aJjhig a r t nsv«r id!*, let ua l'>ach you

A-.iio t^haol of N. J.. 3M HaUay at • »ld«ft and Ibrgeat ID lh« lu t* ____^

NtWARK BURIAL COMPANT. truad S t. oatu

k w of Raqulpm wlU ba aald for th" ■out- fntarnicnt tha Caoj*t*ry to*

ily ItpulcbraCARET-Paacafully Nit oalaap. W a d ^ a y .

Jana 21. m t Carrla R iluV ih. tolovaddatllblar of Jair.aa and Gu»ai« Car*y Rela- tlvaa aad fHebda ara invliad to aitof* ‘^a fUflcrai from bar lat* r*akJ*BC*. 10 ?Itor*ieri

t im t, K ilt Orifif*. Friday, JU"* *'• *', Jf. laiarmant RoaadaJ* Camatary COKBN-On Thuraday, Jufta Jd. 1*1S. *o!n

■Ob, b«ifl%-ad haaband of Rab*cca LohatL ]- Ut THa yaar Fuoatol Mrvic*a win b* h*i

ISI Broad st . batwaan brldy* and Lombardy • ta , oppoalia M'aahtnyton Park

Ig^rntTPlAETC FUNFR aL-RW.Black broadcloth wMto. pl-iah or linitatloa

tiab caakae, hand!** and rlata. linad wUh aiik or aatln, outilda caaa. adv*ril*)Da. ambalmiBK. draMlng. shaving, cfrictft* and eandalibra gtovM, chain, haara* and ihrwt coacb*" lo aft* city i-amatary. Funacal parlora fr*a. Mora tor laai monty ihan iiffarM olaawhart. Bpcdai ansrtton to dlraciad to our tlrai-cibaa llvary. Hlfhrp prlr#d tuncrala It dMlra4.NEWARK BURIAT. COMPANT. WA Broad at

T*l. fm i Uarkat.

Al'TOMOBlLn MF-rHANlc Pryi-^laaa ait arouad. aia|s1r wnrk. anaw*f aiadng waff*a

■HiiCtrd ami r*f*r*n''ai. Add/raa "" ■*■ ^h' i T. Nawa nffic* Orann*.

Mlf.v-IniajItaaciC p*opl<» wIki naad ao tacorn* asnd for my fra* booklaf, 'T act* AbDut ih*

Mali >)rd*c Buainoa*" IfKACOCK. Boa M. to ll, N T.

E 0 MPN'>B* a Jatretiv*: aani i n to f*traooihj ira '.rl ovif irorld V'rfte hupl LI D’

WK; fM' Wws*n\cr bldl Kaoaaa city. Mu.AUTO Inairuction. pracUially. mrchankally,

t*chnically, a tart now. road Inatr-uriloiiQCiBRtAeit'fl Oarage. 41 M Fcrllnrhu^aan Iva

MEN tp halo on lea vagon. ClU tola «\«n- Ini r«r aariy in iha moroliig. 110 Hollywood

“__ai,t . East tirang*.

IM tstk


bil Ibia raaJdaooa, 111 Bank airsst. on ly Juna S7, at 3 P M Ilaiatl'** an*

C rndal alan Coni rtgatlon B'naJ Abrahsm dlaa' JbCha ilMilrflnra ftoctory Mcnirfw* Mutiwl Aid gocitty, Tabor LsJdya No 31. 1 <>

B. i . . ^g tacha Fruum, W Jungfrau*n. K V. Varalh No 1 ara invltad to aitcnd. Ini*r-

I RMtt Btoaf Abruham i'*Tn*t*ry. Amith tarings ’'.KMinit. Haata omit (lowara “ eOU-IXi-On Jun* 24. lOia. riibsrin* ( 'f- IlM toaa Rlttl, bclovad »lf* of rh» Iai^ Rlcterd CoJIma. IUIati^al snd friends sr* •to ily luvltad to aUend fbn*ral frr-m Oar laic

. MMMcc, tot Faaaalc avenur. Fridav Inn* » at a A. M., to Si. Al.yama'a, 'rh#f* A Blab Maas of RMUl*m wij h« offered Nr Um raao** of h*f a^ui. Intantwist to tb* c*ma- lacy » tba Holy Baputchr*

Tuaaday, June 24, ]9\i. Ham*i B- dA ^btrr M Wl]ha.m Con*. Funeral asr Ttpaa from A Btaniar Col*'* chapal, iV Mg# atraat, Friday aftamoon Juna 37. at n-SJ afujaak. InUrmanl ui (Tlandal* Cemeterv

HaKBERT.S * DARTli. ■uo'**w^ra to Haa- berla Broa. funartl dlreciors ii*lch*nha«iar.

ten. Hugo parto Alban >la#barla Jr ; fpan day and ntobt. prlcaa modert'w 4M Ppr'a'a* f*ld ava. Kawark. K. J. 'Pboaa infJH Wa- larly. ___ _

pn Y i Know 14 Tf) Id YF*R.a Cp AGE.tNANTE!) Tt> WORK IN FA^'TORY.

eTKAlNY WnRK a n d g o o d w a g e .* V’M CHAPB A CO THIHD a VE a ND FnLRTH «T . .-ITT

Li^a man for a llva. up'io-dai* propo- r-0 fakcra. Call 6 to B A M.. Boom

2fVi, Wn Broau at.MAN—Vvui ti^* paylttg proM Blon lo w*ll

Myyrarlny. energailr'. outaid* buatlar. on* « io h s ' laiga clrcl* of ac{]ualntaa<'aa. rafar- eriv*j reqmrad mual hav* own *itp*n»#* n i u . rlaht man


D M i l W ^ E * n a t i h*lp. B »««wm n .

H E L T W A I T E D — W O K E W

E.XHEaiRNCSn UXAMINCKI ON jilO HoftA im com iE T s. o n e a b c e t o do


«'OMAN^MUttU.M*a wuRun, n » 4 ilu c* d taAiMiaWlAi O i ^ b a n la rr>M«. >• u l l i

Chart* Af aavtral girla to factory. gA>d yay and tta«Jy poalitou to oaa h tvtoi *i*niUv* abfUty. l d £ ^ Ability. Roi 84. »*«■ pi-flic

E M P L O V M g a T W A X T K ^ W O M K NOIRL-kOaniMB flrk vlabaa poaM tenT aau

family, aaiabora or city. Ingulra 2&0 Imiifi. imlly, Ninth atGIRL wish** to

T klianv terra-.*.miad cbildrtit Imingion

Cgll Uy


W AlTREfgEt-T tro aapa*l«nc«1 whiia wait- (caMa Kdtal Ciinian. Si feauita f'llnion ai

East Ora Ufa.





TiM;nG WOMAN-Waiiitd. »*ll *flu.aled ybuDf woman with Mvaiaj y*an' '>'!■>* *a-

perjini*. aa atenograpbar and ae^-ieiary to •iliinr. Underworks ofiararor. work must l>* rtfid and thtYrough. laaldcol of Na* Jer>*> prafrrrad. uoik at raaldeaco three daii week Addraaa. atating full p«ftli uiact arid ■alary cij>ec^d. Ufo Fubltohlng < >r..psn). IT eat Thiriy-fifai a t . New York ''it) .

HOUtKKEEFBR - bltiMtlofi houaakaopw: ^rchambtifnald. cartobl* woman tn-tardme

houaa. tiais.t hot*), country prafarred Tnp r^oor 5b .N'artb Korty>ihird at IrvingtnaHOI .'iFKEEPER—Mld<11a>agci1 Aiaertcan worn*

ah as working hoMavkeatiar. out ot toan |>ra- (erred. aalar> pot la>>t :han fSS Prwaanv «m- pF'vrr l24'iM L’ppar MontclairHOUbLKfcJEFER-Oermrin n'lddla-agad worn-

iin wikhra ((•'Kkititm a* liou*«k»*i>fr Garmsn r AmerUun rarujlv Addrtaa Rafrr*nv*a. b> x

to. .Saw* oifiue.y oung GtRlAA TO LEARN RUNNTNO hEW-


GJRLR. FROM H TO l« TEA Ri OF AGE. w a n t e d to w o r k IN F.AC-


l.v.l rOMPAKY i'OURT 8T

10ft bHiPUAN bT..FRO? ’ NF- tB

Vi'^L'NG WOMAN—TVant*d. an ta'pertoncad VLiing wbman for amateur finiahinf. aMiCa

aslary and *ii>arl«fle*. Addraa* Young Bos US‘t->»s offus

H E L P W \ N T K I ) - M E \ A N D ^ ’OM KN

aDOLPM PFSIL. for 175 I win furnifh a lirat- rlaaa funsrml. Including grave or ctomaiiun

ITft Court tt . near Weal a t , un3*rtaJi*r and r-rr-rsktlonal embalmai'. U. D 'phong lAaT Mur- in op«n day and nlghi. Funeral pdrlora f r ^

tE L ^ ^ O N E 4yi0-43r7 MaR K I^. SMITH A BMiTH, 1:n d e RTAKFR«



ROYS—,vm ho>* hetwRcg H-IA lo huatl* a f*w h<-uts *aib morntof drll'-tfln* to* frearei”.

n*<-***|t> .,j life thara l*n t a femll^ /lito uf po-r. Klih iul } i . you ran *arD $1 m $d wo*kI Mrr* to*n T- >s wi-irkmg in factor 3 hours d«' f'yli afiai rt, 3k Lombardy si

. rtfWill rinf! work |nl*r*atlQC Valina. N**ki offica


- , M*r,P, LKARNEkS PAID 4tt PER WEEK•*u rnaka good mon*y >’ '1 wilfLlB l.EARNINGi 0 < ^D Wa GLS.Addraaa Inter- I

RiiY »iM»ng honeet, lo mak* hlmaalf g**ful ar.mid ('fpen tar ahnp, ona havtitg had acm*

esiKi irtii'u preferred HH7 Mt. Ffuaperi avs

if.^N v-intcd. .■amlllar wjlh th* bundla wo-td huilnra* in N*Kark and viclnliy. «Uo wouul

tsk* th* agen )• for ih* Kayaiona "Wood Cw, bunrlie wupd Address A FISCHER, roonfl Idflii "No 5tt Church si . Naw York City.


AMATF: KH wanted Friday night. thi*« cash prlsDi. warfare imid lo losers, (air iraat

ment riuaran<ecd Uuibarry Park bid MuJ- berrv si

BOyJKte'ainr hoy to run ela?trk alavat-^r;nMii b* *ip*rl*ncbd; bring refaienr*. FRA-

95IN A nupKNHCIM. and IfW Market at

MAN wantad. about 30 years old. a* dilvar In confaettohery lino, mutt read and writ*

Engttoh and kr.Dw th* btr**li in Newark: ref- erehr* artd ■eeurity raqulrad. Addraaa Driver. T4cg 36, Nawa nfflci

QIRL8. axparlar.rod and leamara wanrad. over l i ywara «yld. fur lncandoa-'*nt lim p making,

claan, light Inttraitlng work Apply to ilan- •raJ Etoctrio Co.. Boyd *L and Ravantaanto ava.. bafora D A. MOIRL6. learn telephone a^«^■ttng. avenlngs

fuesdayt and Tburadaya, fee reaaonah'e CAPTa I.N O'DRIEN l«W ETaat Twenty-third

Founh a v e . New York City.



UO\ i; n t>*

Knll:tof Mj1]S.• Tiparlcn^sdhie (o aealat In iscking Empire

'.d et

Keeping slocK. >a|at li

T4 Richmond


ttohtofM.4N who thoroughly uadsralanda an'd highly finishing ataal molda:

l>*rt*na* and wage*. Addraaa C , Boa M, Nawa offwa

work.OIRLR-Two girl*.yisin acHtk, both muat wash _ai^^ toon

CALLEN * MATTHEWS. u n d e r t a k e r s it. EMPALMEBfl.

prlvai* Furiarwl b r o a d gT ,

Talaphon# 181 Markat. Newark. N J._

RijT - t ’anfed. a hrighi. *r(iv« boy, to learn hustoeaa. Apply M A H HARRIS,

bfiT Itooad StMAN—Handv man. that can do Ditto painting

and kaliomlnlivg and If generaib, handy, for

country, rafartneag. Br<>ad pt , city.


upftalrt ih anik r i d t e r .


|u»YH with blryclas. It fl no weekly The STICKEI, CO .

•t ritye^aningi, |1 45 i.awrenc*

rxld >nba fir*

Addraaa Handy. Bo* .15, Naw* ol-GIRLS—Eiparlancad girl* *n round WY'rk,

ItarneT* taken; good watea; iteady employ- ment SEELEY Tub* and Bwt Cp- 342 CtnIral av«

MAN for laboring work to rag ihap; 8 a m .4DOLPH BAMUHL'S BOSK

f t


CRAIG—Entared Into re*t on Tuewlay. JtiM Ik 1118. Ida H Craig, daughter of to« Mlf Koraca and Mary P. Van Houian and bgitrad wlfa nf Alban R. Craig, at her laia

240 H adldar itree!, Jaraey city- _ I of Ladlaa' Aurlllar)' Jam«a a . Oaj> f*41 No. 4| Daara* f't pocahonina andNo. i. P. O. of A,, ar* Jnv|«*d in at*

RICHARD KAEliSRLE. funaral 450 Iklh av*..Juar of Bi'rinrfield ava . for-

mar i^artnar of Haaberla Ur«s Ssrvkaa at taa* pnnabfe rataa Tol.8lH5Wiv fqnsfal chapel Ira*

pOT—Crviored boy wanted Htwuit tS (T lO years r.Jd. Apply C PEN^K, 171 Market at.

a r.lvingaton st.

liuV wantod, rafert'nves tt*fiuircd, RC'N 22 Orean si.


r Tth* fuftaral ourvicat *i Clinton i:em*tery.

J., ,on Friday. Jun* 2T, at 2 SO


p. Grove it. Biailon. East nrwng*R, CiUen lo aiteodanta T*1 coon.

BuT Wanted to deliver nrdera407 Clinton *ve




GIRI.B—Ekpenanisad packer*, tod mending ( ladlea' aweatar coat*, also apori)era tor win>

Ing larn Kmplra Knitting Mill*. 74 RU'h mond it


PEVINB-'On Juna 3S. 1013. W*Mer P . aon f f IM Ml* Patrick M. D*vln« RelaUv'ts and fHaai^ ara kindly Invited to aitcnd to* fu- ■ m l from Tltnotby P Foyle'a nahori 353 Warran atraat, on Friday, June 27. a t 5 A

ta Bt. J aa a ^ 'a Church, where a Maaa ot ittttfll will ba oftarad for the repopa of hia

Xaiarstat la tha Camoury nf tha Holy hf*.


c h a f e l r o n s e r v ic e b .Tab 7A1 Wav 4’W SrFrtogfl'’ld ava

BOY V-anted In butcher ah'-ip. ■t . i-erarancea

417 MulberryMA' HtNlST-AII anmhd machtniit wanlM.

^ C GRl-IEN A BON. 05 Pwaaik H

GTPL wanted to taka car* of two gr^wn up children, can sleep home: 111) month Ap­

ply Bi onco. BERKBTEIN, 3M Pi-rtosneld ave. ______ .

A PTANLLY COIX Underiakar and Ernbalmar.

B34 Omrge if Private funeral rhapal. T*l 1153 ll B and 104 Orwngo,___

PUTLniNQ BUPEHTNTTCNUKNT wanted by * large building concern a mm who Is abb

to lake a lu't of blue nrlr-r« an-I Hal up all th< maieriil and then he shJe to bmld In sn e'nnnmical w*y, ihli p 'siHon Is nnt nne of n t'-rej, tu i of aervue «r<1 need OhTy h* an- swefe.1 bv iho moat able and efficient of men.

M ^KK L PLATER, understanding grinding, poiiihlng and nickel piatlng. American tin-

glna Company. Bound Brook, N, J.

GIRL vamed. about 18 year* of age. *n mind children In Oka bome. Cal) KOELLHOK-

FER BROP . IfH Markei it.GTRLK- Brliht girls. 15 to IT yewr*. fnr i!*ht




riving age Bd* 2. .Nawt of fire

and referenoo*. to BROWN.

HART<-At Waot Orgge*. N 4 . on Jana f«* 1018. Lucy A . vlfa of Prad

N onand daughter of the lira Jacob F OlB. fVn— ‘---- - —------------------- «• '. tinarat tram iwildanca, Flat

Nocioa hama/tar.aat Val-

t kigg.- DOIICTT-'^Ob J um 94, ]g18, Jaoat Law. w ill «f Thomaa Deriaty. la har 5Tth yaar, Fu-

Saral aarvieea will be held a t h tr lata ham*, f t Mirth Savaath aireat, on Friday afterhoon. UM 8f, a t t o'clock. Ralatlvaa and friendi

ara kladly lavltad. Intannant at Rldgelawn Cgaati



UNDERTAKER.44 ThnentJ at, T*l. 770 w*v«r1y.

to . ik'-KErFf-JR- ExprHen. ed brt^k-keeper \s :'iii.| one finiJiisr ’■'Uh factory work:

T'l : ii'Ti to mid'iJf fls»d man if f»nnre-♦'fl*rtv poaitlon givf mferences sn-1

►All » .l*»lred. Address i''pportunlty, Rn* 24,N n ■ f ffi. «



F'AFUikR—Oood herber «dnied. atarting from todev fl2 a veeH, sslad-- pos|!|on for a

gooi-l tnin A TEM.''iNF UlO Orange »'

atary.DUNMOIUI-On Juna U. 1018.

PAft’iKIf-Good barber wanted Friday and lay cloeed Sund*)' 4M Eighieenth

kve n B’’ Kto> emh si

Anna,larad wifa of Harrr Chtamora, and aJeis

“ “ rrall, - -be*

- ______ _ - .......- r ofXft. Knnu WorralL Ralativea *n<i friends aia JHndly lavltad lo attand fuseral aervlree at Jagtat £ Cbuirhiaan'a Hatiey eireat par

Friday. Juna 2T, at 2 P. U Interment Prtrgraan f^m tury. r

FAKLER—Cntarad Into rest on Tuesday., JUM 8a 1013, Auguat, haJoved husband of . Barbara Fukler fna* Kraemari. aged 55 year*

M M sths 8 day*. Relatlvi!* and friend* are hMilF laritad to attend the funeral aervtca. to t i hdUl ai Richard Haaberle'a Funeral Chapel. 480 BlgbtiantK avenue, junction nf gpringfu-ll dTdnaa. on Friday, June 27. at 2 p. U- Inter’ liiRt w tha woodland Cwmatery.

fOITER—At St Hlrhaal'a HoapUal. after aa illoMa from railroad' accident, Warren

Sift. Harrlajo, May 15; John, beloved hut- »d of Kaiiiiah and father of Gertruda and Idrad Foatar. 77 Blirtlng iifact. Edit Or-

aaga. Nntlcu of funaral hereafterSBSNET—On Jun* Zl, l»ll, Bridget

JKm m f (na* WaldronL beloved wife nf ChriMOphar Htanay. Ralatlvaa and friends |f* kindly Invltaa to attend th« funeral

tha raaldance of her brothar-lrk-law. Ur* lllchaal Kana. 28 Bergen atraeu on Frl- 4m > JuA* £7, a t 8;|0 A. 5T.. to St, Joaaph'a Olutrchi wkara a High 5ft*a of Requiem tkili ba offtrad lor ih* repoaa of har anui. Ig taratiit la tha Camatary of tha Holy Mfslehra.

C liM D T K H lE STHE e v e r g r e e n CEMETERY-OrganUs.l

ladl; b%twaan Newark and EUzebatb, or blain Line trollty route; fare R tents; not a flock rompanv, money spam in improvtmenri beautiful leclion recently laid o.ji, permanent rare on lawn plot and lawn H-msr lot* tasn and partial paymeni* Address HENRY M LOOKER. Puperiniendent. ElUaheth. N J.

UVRLLn, firat-cl'iis Friday. Saturday and Siinlty end stead' af^er th!^ week

I.Vi Waihingtnn *«*

L^iT^lUpaELAVVN CEMETERY Delewanna.,-^n trolley Una between Npwerk an1

Paaaalo. fSneai In State. Perpeiual 'ara rrt>e. Lota of four gravae, 185 up Phone 1725 Pas- ■aio. Newark Offic*. A2S Prr*art §f : h575Mk*

BARBER ard haif l-arb^r, ed R2fl Central »ve , no

H l oncejiood ahavers want- Sunday work CsU

nARRKn—T*nton barber wapled FTl.CEft- TRf'i, 711 Si'rlngtle^il av^ , tn Bunday work

BARpER wantedrrji.ln, irt uiifke'*adv |13 per wesk. come 37 Rroal at Blo-imftoM

PARUEFl-t^ 4nisd 'l^'finan-.tmertoan barber; •isady >nh I’lnae d Sundays 4 Court st

BOW LETT—At lb* raaldahca of har daugh* 4*r. Urt. Auguatg Oonrad, M7 Fratlnghuyean gbaniM, Kawarg. N. J., jun* 25, 191$ biary JgM, wlfa of tba lata Etl Howlati, in th* gith year af har aga. Funaral itrvicaa wilt ba bald at tha raaldaDca of h ^ son. Enoch How- laCt. waklDg tUdg*. N. J.. OD Friday. Jun* rr. at 1 P H.

JACOBg-Sudde&ly. _________ ___ _____CcUn, balovad wif« of John Jaeot>a. at her

Sti^aMdnnca. 44 Maaral harewftar.

09 June 25, 1018, Marv of John Jaeot>a. at her

W'llaey atraat. Notice nf

JONB0—On Juna 35, 1018. at Ms raaidence, 0 Oiford atraat, Patrick P . beloved huiband of Julia Joni^ inea Hartnett) Notice of tuBaral baraafier I

JU ilE R T -^n Thursday. Juna 35 }013. Kil­lian, daarly balovad huaband of Mathihla JUbart (Dte Hat)lp.|ar). to his 65tb year, Cbapmafl plaea, Irvingtcp KOElca of funeral * AfWr

HOLLYWOOD CFMfcTERY Btuyvesant i^e .■outh of fnrlngfleld as^ , larg**) and hlghcsL

elevation. 5u ptr cent cheaper than 'iiher ■•em- elm ea, perpalual care, cash f r insialments Office 4U Lni'in bldg . U Ullmcin «iGLENDALE CEMFTERT (forrrerlv Glen

Ridge), Franklin av*. and Jaralemnn at.. Bloomfield. l>nt* bf four grave* Pk) u r , sin­gle gravel. 115. Telephone 12R3 Rloomfleld.ARLINGTON CEMETERY A HLI NGTON.N. J,

‘Phnna 17. Taka Kearny car to Arlington


WEDDING BOUQUETP baskata and funeral daaigni. H. FRANK BUOB 70 Jones st.

iie^r8£rlnrfleld_jtva_^^380^M ftt^et,


HIGHEST cash prioea |i*ld for ladlef' and gatita' cast-off clothing and ahnes, eitru

high prices paid for mm ■ suits and ladies fancy dreieei, send rtoatal and I will cad at onra; or 'phone 43l0w MlsL MR CAHN, IIT fiouih Orange a '* ________________ _

L rI! at on>'e

lU’T) h F.R 'vsntel for Frlduy and SaturlAT! ' !>l ,t ' ’f ) . ,V>5 Bto-.n!ficl1 a v e , r i]i' -m-

rih'FU D bOY—Excellent oDjxniurilly for boy L.fflr* of large manutactuiing compr

b* neat vriier; bring referencaa

clean, tiaady work 200 Ferry at.

Th* Callulold Company

Trust Vt ISS A ftftNS* CO. 88 Littleton av*

GlRI^i wanted for light Inapcciton w-^rk. Ap ply HYATT Rnller Roaring Co . Harrisnn

AMATEURS wanted tonight Caplial P ark, W alnut and M cW horier, cash p rliea

HCaip: \\O B k for gentleinsn and ladlea; no exiiMrirn. f isferer 'e given, exi'cllent in-

r«.,rTie. 47 t\<ei Thtrty-founh *i.. New Vor*IIV r-v;.m ii':;d

H< il'VLk LEF'l NO—t'puple 'iir furnlabed-room h'U>4. "Ill atle tn taki full oharg*. two

nli' lT funttihed moms free. Apply Ikl W Sfhingiun stM.4N ANC W IFE w anted, husband as M rier

and general work wif* ■* plain vonh and general housowork, \ouBg or mlddle-agad Amaricani. eb iie , like kaeping houao tor lhe^lseJ^eu person, with tw-st refer*etiies. d,i o-.t wrii* iMVf) Btoogifiald sva., MontcrolrO P K R A r i ) ' ' LI D will piesein R lgo le t to " to

Engllhh %. i.'er wanted eaperi*n-- e uime< ea- ssry, flavors f.w" orcheiira Address Director BoJt 1 Newi rtffloePlA.Nu PI.*.VffR wsritfd ti

Theatre. ,'4h> Bouto Orange nm,'* •

th* Idle Hour Apply at

HOUBEWORK ~ gixong wiiimg girl «sD>a pta..e tor general houiewnrk .lulv ] fond i/j

■ ,.i:dr*n ktll lai bouth £le>eiith s i . M'>p fl-H'r.HrilsF.KEGPKR-Widow wmj|d

k»'eping for nl-l.^wcr and fanuly nf fiirnlahel hou-** MRS LEE

Ilka hO'isr- i*p lake .a»-toil Nurtolk

Hot MLKFEIuR -G armon woman , ’>shaeivoaiili-n as housekaeiier. will go to coinifn' 8TUMPF

Firm. ‘■|gd*R a^e . Kearny N J , rm i-'uitatsHul SEWt!lP K—Ctrl. yeung Hunga-lan Gar-

man girl wsnis houe#wgik .m .'lipioh Town- ihii'. no wethlng HI t*hsw *'*ij) . r ’'t.t<K i:ri-:H

I'l II- Hill e: i rd* LiLOod

H.i« ,S2.C'Hlk


Hul tk;\N' family v

t-i ■\inan>an wninap. plsto. -'uniry 1204 Mulberry si '

H EI.U ' 'fMopelen*kiTide of •f,-i-k

57 Hnirifcwirk S'

raflnad white colored, all i'Tni'O.v EMploym’t Agent y. ihr^«W Wavwrjy.NUfvBE-Ui J. II si nurhs long lasaa daslre^l

lii«:-UasK -to'-Mr 1 leferenc*. Lapshi* <( lakint .hs'-g* of t.-ine ■liburbs Preferred Aildreaa UrgLUiSl Rr>k f>;t, News nilik.*Nl RilS—Young ;>raLii ai n<irs« ten sv<ira' ek-

perlefire, " s n li ronflfiro epi ^s»r3. ph>sl- <lans ref*i-en ». term* |14 week. Address Nurse. Bon M Nawi nffi *Nl'hbU (JIHU

iKVn as nuf**-Sthivii aiiJ 14 wishes p'lai- . pciTfnis l-s ilng g'ud tisrue

cityNU RBE—Ell erlen--**

referents, lu d*.> ■ leenth »)

■nfinernsms .*!.'■ ] jouib


STKKCrjRAPHER—Warned, eiperlsnoerf star- ogropher and typtw ritei. maie or fsmal*

^vlth thniuuEh knowledge < f ijptnlsh. appUcs- tir<n» •ho-jfd ■)*<* Bslarv egnerted and refer • A'ldresr R N H Cn Br>i ftft, Newsorri.-e


YOUNG MAN Of woman who can handle •tamp and com b<uln**s. rsftrsnca required

C*]l after 4.30, 827 BrugU si . third floor

K M [>I.O Y M K \ T W A N T K I >— .k K.N

fiPt2^.AT0R for moving picture*: no matinee* during lummar months, work ths year

rf'imd Apply at Astoria Thwatra. PTellng- buyaan ava . at Emmet stpORTER—Slngle young man. to act as porlar

and make himself useful around pla-o*: good home JOHN HTTHENVOLU Hollywood Park.

«ve . near Valley at . MaplewoodI'ORTER—All around man to make hlmeelf

generally uaaful in aaloon, good home for right parTv. 1® Ferry *t.F'^iRTER w-anied lo work around aalnon.

dree* porter. Boi 58. Nawa office-Ad-

F a RCUFT floor layer* and aorwper* wanted Inq u lv FRED ^IPPE R L E N 575 Sluyvasaot

* '• Irvington.

HELP—Female appileanta of iha Bureau of Employment of Hie cRy of Newark, wbn »r*

deiircua of speedily sscurlitg places In flret- class fitnlllee a* hnusekeepera. cook*, chamber maldi. oumes etc, will plea** call at the bureau'* ladies' reception-room. In the city hall, annei building, on Franklin at . every iftarnon laxcepnng Paturdaya. Sunday* and holidays) between the hours of I ab l 4 whan tb»y win meet taJlee n*edlng thfir service* No eharg* tot procuring amployniMiL________

poM gH C R warned FANV A CO . A%«

DIF-C- and Parkhurst at..



8A LESM ES-ir you want highly profliable out- di^or »scrk ffir the summef. w a have a fto"

Ttl ■' HKR aanted for pRMirday K l-l.'S 47IS Springfle'd S 'r


H rT ''H K R P «-inT’ d Melr.-i-nli'an nldg .

.\pp!v ROTH A Oranx'"

Lf.'T' HUHl' «an '< 'a CKperl'* LEHMAN. 4* 4 Rn>a.i si

ed Apply L.

iNfi i:i2 Fa k piApply S Pi-HEL'ER


unuc^j, Friday and Faturday 417

BLACKSMITH -General blai'karrlth wanted. Dfidfl and F’roapefi ala. East 'hranBe

CABT-OFF clothing, ladies' or genii', wlnler and Bummer. also ahoea bnijgtit for hiaheat

rash price*, aand ponai and 1 wll! call, or ■phone 4.110W. Market MR CHa RLUS. Hit South Grange av^

CLERK for hardwar'* store, pasirv ''orlc f> r s'Jnimef rei'-ri fbO'i»l. trlrired nr whito. iw->

men h*ndy < Arp^nip| to' N. In shop, |2 ds ' . eleiftfOr i\ino*r har L niHO. mis palms, do itrlplng ani) spraytoe lanttnr tor institution i'ab!»m*b elrgl* man nslr^r, counirv hotel, fsi'i',>ry' iah''r«re. ■imhibufoe, rh*f!i, kitchen men

GBR M A N ■ A M UP I' 'AN AGE N' T Rn' r* *fi -nr! fin-ir '.h f'e-lar at i lde^t estab- llslied anil I u.sieuT ag' 'n- y in Ne«' .ler.«e>.

prop>)*ltk'r for you. terrltorv northern Jeraev including many coast ifiwoa and many anon summer t 'W ne in New York State; only neatlv dressed fin'd aggreeAlve men w|ih go-jd retor- enoes need fippU no in^estmant required CallP ll'e 4f>A fl £07 Mtirkel fitSa I.ESMAN wanied by large realty company,

>"ung man. 2ft. fonslnclng talker, nneacquainted among skilled mechanica preferred eiparlent'e not nereaeary , splendid oppnriiinUy f 'r an ambtriOM* mar Apply after 7 T M . Or e^en^ng 884 Hsrrti'*'n a \e . Harrlann. N JPAT-ESMAN, marrlod man, betwean a*** 25

and 3B to aollrlt Inauranc* on g u 'i-h ir-d palarv. |?1 month and full esommlaal'.... with or without axporlenca iddrea* Corporation. Bon -V-, Newa o/ftces a l e s m a n *—Calling on th* grocery drug or

hftrdware traile to sell roach powder jn email stse - Ana. liberal commlrslon. Addreai falea- mtn Box dfl, Newt nffic#

HOUSEWORK-Competent girl for feneral housework, no washing; three in fmmlry t3ii

per month with Increase, goiinl borne, cun *]eep SI bouefi or *1 home aa preferred; refer­ence required Apply fi' Neighborhood House, 5-ftft Markei st , rail Sunday. M A M. to ft P M., or during the weekHOUSKKEEFER-neflTied, capable, near, mid

die-agad woman warind lo take charge "t gerGeman'i borne; must bei good, plain c^nk, eron-'mU-Al. and base good moral references Address Apannient Box ST. » w a offu-eHOU'SEWORK—t-vanied, Grar-cUss girl tor

general hi-ui«a.:rk In a family of two, ref- ♦reticoa required, call Saturday and Sunday MRS A GRFRN'FIELD, 87 North Arllngion ive . East Orange. __HOUSEWORK—Girl or woman wfipied at

nnce, family of two adults and two chil­dren wirh w-aahlnf, good home Apply flrai floor, lrt| Johnson dv« MRS P POPIKMOUBErWORK-A rompeteiu girl for general

houaework In family of three, no washing, no ob)eci ion In colored Apply at I'*® South Ffventh s i . oHy. referenre requtrird ____H 'lreEK EFPK R Nefli. cheerfn) woman can

(in-l goi-id hon-e in preference to Mah ^^aaes, r.ill or write before in A M 'T after H r M CLARK 4W Twelfth sveHGURRTVGRK-TVTIte girl for general house­

work 111 private family, rmisl indersiand e-ioking no waihlng relerenre*. 41 P'rarikllnII , near cuy hail ____

A'.'COUNTa N'T -Sludam of lerrlRed public si- eounlan-y wishes work in this ennuecn-n.

i-xperi book-kt*epsr. ala<i familiar wMh cnai ac- L-ounilng, will work e\enmgs Addraaa Ex­pert. Rox 6s. N*wi offK*Arl'lTGrt. acinuntani. t , P. A , with aeviii

\e« n ' experience ui puMIc accounting, want* piifiii-'n requiring firsi-clfiis acfoun'- in! ld-Jrp*s AudUoT Box 44. Sews office.AUTGMGb u ^^ aaleaman of proven nbitllv

withes lo oonnect himsaif with local cnn> cem. Addreaa Huitler. Box 55. Newt offica.BOOK-KEEPER and all-around offica mao

dealrea peimrnent position, s ti years' p ra i- 11< 4l exparleni-« Address Bo.)ks, Box 40. News office

ROOK-KEEPKB, douhla-antry.perlenced capsble reliable

keeper, Rox &4 N’ews pffkathoroughly *x- Addreai Bonk-

ROT. 16 years graiumar achno) graduaie.wants potitSon in offl< e KNEUKEH »»ft2

Bli^mfleld ave . MonirUtr N. JB.iKER—Y'nw-iK man .s, I on rake; 15 years'

► ^►rienre. plain and fancy, sober, ateaq^, reilfthle, referencffi TRIGG. 110 Union at . Elixfihelh. N J-

f j v e n r^ to ^ '-s wn- th- h il l it r p '^vgh DRY jn R ''{ '''E le 'he ntoii ki i.'factorv A perfc'iatl .•v-itini givra j,. j nafk a i ih* cUitbre > ou j'cn I-d-.livri> IS trade w Uen ,t »u expp, i ir-»a,.i. of lln«n l> -ashed sfipArnieli-fiannels arc laun-Jeieu by our i-ifr afti tniffy .opibrj bi-l f ti v«-arfl' evieuens-h'M Iina FAMILY R^.UGH UHY Wa?H1N‘- »TvI Ks'* 'earr*d how ro '»'er 2.'house^ioidi

M rKN^P ft POUND •’'erv hit cf vnui ii'-d and i*bl»- Mn*n to«eis eiif., ? m he ir 'fied toHdy fiir use a ; ih- nto-' nio'.h*>a Wll' ti« drl«d many o ' ihem, by erft process, e »n t-e quJi- fl‘ fir ir.ircejiu-; w-jr ing Nnt tniuh Irnriint I'ft fee vf.L.7/ii LL Ta k e ai- l it t l e -\f nic w o r th

The Laundry wlih the 'n iu- Wo fop HIlLIER 41GUGM DRV I.A' vt>RV pg 413 Market at. 'Fboa- klarkat ft2A'

BAKER—Light a-rond hanil rake hakar wlahea ateadv piisitlon. city or cnunlrv Artdrea*

Baker, Bo* S(i News officeI If.ftUKKBrR-Fpetks I’T-ni h and German

flueniL' 2.1 yf-fir* or age, aenaln* refarence* as I'l iharacief and ahilHy. will work rh;'‘e weeks f' ' bifirl a-routii of being untfimlllsr «i(h ■•I’v ift m-nthe lust pr»e!tton VIni.’E n T [ti'Ll IvLl Ba^fl le. I/'mg Ihlhn-I, N Y;'HAUFFFt R-—Gni 'd dcHer, not afraid of

« 'fk can anything: onlv Jiib fnr high -IS!' man wfini-'J Adrlrees Mechanic. Bux

:,'i. Neivs i fflr-e

HGUSEWORK-Wnmnn to rtn gen'-ral house work, rmis' know how to cook smAll ffim-

ny I'all *-2 Wc*t End ave , take fiouth Or­ange ave r-j»r __HOUSEWORK-Trung glM to tPsist lb

housework, nne lhal sle-oa home preferred ail if; uth Thirteenth at , hriween Av Madison a\es

r i lA i 'F F F I R —Ftofidy, sotifr, willing in mak* hm heir Uhefiil. rive years In last pfitltJon.

Jf. .J,-) refDf^nre. Address H FARMER. Bt x(it, Nf'wj. iff-i'e.I H-ftUkTKl R sn1 mechanic on Ford cars, to

£j^e iesicn# or steady dri%lng. Address P., i: '< M. Sews nffl. e

on andH VlTTEl R expeplmced; heel referanca finm last em rlcier. nllllng to be uaefu) 24

N 'rill Tlilrteonth at.

BAI-E.SMa N wanted lo sell suburban land near S-Aark on commission; leads fiirnlihed. a

gnod hufiiler cfin eiirn |W) weekly. P O. Box 4Tft New York UHv-

HOUSEWORK-Glrl fnr general h-^useworK.white, must hH^e referanres Gall 19 Davie

ive , Kaal Orange, carfare paid; Orange car to Parkwai'.

'LLLN’TO R-Tough anil other acoounta col- e-.'ti 1 cr-nirnlMlon or ealfiry; very suceeas-

f'll, highi-s* t^ lim n n la ls : bond. AridUhrlsMwn box 22, New-s office

~ L A N^LINGDON—Budflanly. at har home, near jCgyar. on WaAnaadiay afternoon. Juna SS, 11)13. HaUta H.. beloved wtfa of Frank C Lang- dM, and daughter of Chlleon D , daceoiet]. n d Ahfallha K. Paaparllna, In her 46ib y«ar F u a fa l aan'Ic* to b* held at her lata home, lunday, Jun* 20. a t 2 P. M. Intarmant in HaekawaY Camatary.

« per l.hon loi-se prl< es fmid foT

ho'ftka, milk lahela, soap w'rapprrs NewJ^raey Uoupofi Uo . 3TiO P lane si . nfi*r MarkM.

TRADING iiampa bought.In gncifl condllhn. ’highest

ilULVnilLI^W eal Orange. N. J., Jim* 25. tliiiL Jomea J.. oldest son of James and Mar* Mgai Mulvlhllt. RalatJvei and friends ara XlIktlT InftHed to attand the funci;*! from hta Mjraotf' realdanoa. 55 Ashland ave., Saturday. JtUM n . at. 8 A. M . thence to Bt John's Churchr where * High Mas* of Requiem ,wlll b* offered for the repoaa of his soul, tmer- maal in St. John'a Cematary

.1913. at tha real-FHlLLrP8-On Juna 26. . .dance of har parent* 606 North Seventh street, M0rla Cacllia. daughter of Joseph J. and Eiiz- Obatb V. Phllllpa in«e Btephenii, aged 0 weeks Kollc* of funeral hereafter.

FJUTCHETT-Paacefully fell aaJeaP. TVed- MSday. Juna 21 11>13. May Bell Elitabfith. Moft'M daughter of Albert and Annie kU-rria Frltchatt. RaLailvas, friends, membcri of Orlaotal SUr Circle No. 116, I. 0. St. Lukai W troiu and all sister ctrcla*. members ofBethany Baptlat fiunday-achocl, by order of BuparlDieBdent Mr. Charlea Banki„ are ra-Ipactfully Invited <0 attend the funeral from Bethany B aptist Church, Friday, June 27,g t 2 f . U., from )at* realrienve, '62H Rutgara gtraat. Intarm ant Evergfeen Cemeterv.

QCABCCK—Entarsri loto rest, on Thursday. J ob* 26. 1918, Bertha Qiisbeck loee Kemper), balorad vile of John Quiback. aged 58 years 9 Months 15 days Fuhara! privet- from lataKlldsnca, 1868 Springfield fivenue, Irv ln ro n .

riurdty. 10 A. M-RO BERTS—"O p J u n e 2ft, Iftll. A lon iv b*-

lovad husband o f C arrie Roberts, aged 32 year*. R s la tlv a s an d friends are Invited lo a tten d tha fu n a ra l aervlcAs from his la ta rasldance. iOa N o rth F lf ih stree l. on Sun­day, June 29. a t 2:30 P. M. Interm ^pl Bloom fiald C am atary


PORTAL AND 1 W ILL C A LL L"UlSi KRH'b- MAN, 24S BANK RT. NEAR WTCKLIFKEHIGHEST price* paiu Uir cast-oif ciuihina,

hali and thvws M MANFON, Ber-nntl-bniHJ clothed for Isri'.es and gems lift Hfiiifnrri ti ■phone 4TT4W Market, nenrt poiial. ____TRADING STAMPS bniighl. 82 l. 'KDO Ifr^M-

hlgbael price* paid for booka, coupniia. milk labela, sosp wrapper*. IW M arket si , mnm 21h i g h e s t price* paid for ladies' and Kents'

caat'Olf clothing; send postal or tel 3771*M E.ftit Grange ZTNIMERMAN. 33 Heriden pi.HlGHNKT pricsa paid for ladifi*' snri gent*'

casl-off clothing, shoe* and fesihers Send pc.miil lo J BEUKER. Monlgnmerr st-HIGHEST prices paid for cast-off clothing

and snnes; send puatal. FRANK. 87 Uer- car I t , nr by 'phone 7nn3W Kurktt.OLD GOLD, fillver. acraps of jewelry, dia­

mond*, and plallnum b«>tight 781 Broad at-- over Paity’s. E H Ba LB\^RE

H o u ftfilio ld G o o ils W ftn tf r tat MR CASH'S. 64 Academy st. M'hat have

vou got to sell for e*»h? We buy anything and everything for caah. aacond-hsml furni­ture old csrpela. chajra, tablaa. pillows, quilla, ruga, fitovM, dresser*, with or without mlrror»?= aniiaus anti anything you wsm lo sell for cash' I pay moiv tha* any dealer or auction house In Ihi cUy; t ha%e no agenu to pay commlaslon; I call myself i>er*onally. thnt 9 why T c-an pay mors than other*, get ray prices first; send poaial I wlU csll ai onca; nualnes# iirlctly ofinfidential. Tel, rtftftrtW MkL

I'OLLE' TI’R • Man «t ability in collc-t and s-*:l mufi' furnish br tid find ri-fp-r PUi-c. Up fi

h'it*M*r sn-l rciiir-lc, a g'lOri rn)<>nlTiy f- r a I »nf mai;, }«ttp-try rc, begin (|i *n'1 r nrr-mISFilon. dev noi ai-ply uniea^ you ere a worker and ,1 ii'.lnoliig lalkci i"’Rt>WN .V I'G . 74 urd 79 Miirket ai

FAt.Lfi.ftfKN i^ailteri, must furnish Al ref*r- eri'es, hsv« exr*rteb''e live marj aecurei

permanent P'lsui'n,Mft 1 ni’-'O huildtoE

HGUsF WORK—Young girl vi-anted to sSslat n fffinsral hirujaftwcrk, small family; no

^oahlnfi. Apply MRS MORTON. 7D8 Park-

CABINET MAKETt-Tft’abtfiri. position aa cabi­net maker; especial, polishing and varnUh-

Ina JOHN PETER, W Bescon at . city,

ieaJs furnished. Apply

' VVAHFERfr-—A r Isdt Ihls is what v' 'U bf-'n Msltirk f> f Tlte Sw*«p<'>incr

th'* Ifirpm ani I-st hand v*njurrs . iefiner on the uurkpf fi lerrv'nMratlon Tilll lonGncc

(fill Ai'ier fi o 'ciirk 2ftb Uerona Uiki'' rrosp^-'i-t I'nr 'phor^^ R B

SALEbMEN' to rspreaent large, well esiab- lishsd and advertised eorporatlon. good pa>‘,

Tapli fidvancafnem. Call or addraea Sulto W)H 207 Market Bl.

HOUSEWORK—I'ompeient whit* maid for genera! hous^^ork. family three adults; no

laundry «ork 2S E\*igreen pi.. East Orange

I’ .ftRPENTFR, etpeTienred mechanic aa fore­man or rnntract laborer. Addresi CBJT>enter.

1 Rrcnner ei

HOUSEWORK—Strong woman, plain cook laundress: go l ouniry July hnri A i^uai; small

family. 71 Epplrt *t . Eaei nrange. Cerural car.

DRUG year*'

Box 41.CLERK-ReglateTed assistant; tlv« experience, reference. Address SaJol. New" office.


Doe* your oarhw.vf.dn dltnppc'lnT y~u'Or 'h> y"!) Lsvr fmuLjie getting a Q ald why w'li do you; Hiisrurig. ift > .-r> haadhog tons nt this wyrk e erv '^eek anJ still grnwlag,

THERE'S A REASON C.-'iCh famil;-'j washtog i | kept is a aspara -

cf'iriparlm^ntW# dn col rrark any of ynyr g'-ods with inl- We use ODiy the va<*s> p*nt M«p. etc.W's do oM f''c wfisb riB pJiJ Ihe largest an,I haiuesi part of itia Iroiv'ng W> do 1ft p"undfi toj 75 cartR f>\p-T 1ft p-.gnds 4 cent* per pound extoa WARDEI.L S earn Luvndry. Jh-M Utos* ■'


Wa s h in g - FamUy washing by eieririvl*- flat w*rk irODfd. oiher pieces r-migh Jri«-1

w-ator charged wish slenrlrtiv »'srl1i»«* 't* ctoihea. making ih^-n crisp snd i^st'**l».-irr.te: NO Ai'ITtS RI.LArH MAflKlS- INK nr TAGP UfED, l.ft poun'Js -ft.' per pou;:d all ovi*r l.ft at 4 '., nothing 1-sa iha* aV: h uri'- benhrs Cn.. I3h Smith at . tel 24 Market.W.ft SH (NG’-bt op o\ ' 't Ihfi waph’ i*

let the UNERDA WET WAAH LAUNDRY 221 High II do ) Cur emire farm])’ wash I nh cepfii, returned within 'J4 hnur*. ready <■ tha line, glvH us a trial Te[. ?niil B fl

1ft .ftE>HING^Germin w'-mari went?wfiihlng ironing or cleaning "Ui

fJcrniHri R'lx New* nfflretwn 1j


Vi'APJ-IING—HuneerlfiTi wiihd Ironing at home

6ISZ, Wi rolVge piiman w ants v-ashln :


W’.ftSHJNG—Young woman nants a ish in t ironing -r cleaning MRS DENNING •

W'llHsrn etWAPHINtto tto-man wyman oante washing

office rlesn;ng MR&. BLESSING 111 D bare stTVaSHTNG find ironing wanted home,

man woman d72 .Sr.uth Twelfth tiW a sh and Irnnlng wanted, hom^,

woman 662 .'^oiirh TweHih HtWOMEN-Lcarn i « know THE E

pjnymenr Agency, we nani \rnir trade are willing lo do • ur uim-ist to gfi ynu kind of htip you are looking for 'Ph-one ■ nge 34,'VA. 143 Main st . East Orange nil 9 P M

f.lLEb.MAN wanted for gent'a furnithlngs;ilioae who ha\e worked In salee eiores need

flrr-l.\ >1 D. NOND CO. 128 Markei at.

HOUSEftftORK—Wanted, nvat. competent jjirl.must he g'->od cook, no isaHbtng: three In

familv 271 Rrvaeville avp.. Newark

CANft'ASPFr.F—tiiiii 'lit. patented time, lab-m- ■ivlng Hti>l bcfiijilfyftng device f'or lawn and

garden, r« iHlklng ne'’r*sary: demcnslra'i mr-peurea erdar, LOW A DAVIB, 33 Madin'"n ave.. Newark, N. J-

as^'HArFKEUH-Uhaurreur to alao act v.ifif-hniiin. muat be sober and rr^ske him

a-lf ffL-nerally iiaeful, prffer married mau r* lerenre rec;u1rcri. .ftpnlv 0 to 12 A M, A T y^TEKFnXP. 2*kft .M'vrria av*1 UTIFRS- I have a flna ‘S■■■v■'*ltlcn In I ".e

ruBfini tail -iiru5 bustnosa f -r un enperl fis- t'-m cutter »'h'' rnifi h» a pra.tlcfil 'ail'^r find be aM* to toUiience som-e trade. F' r Ujriher par'l-iiiart- ariUess UcmfMentla!. Hox T' News ' frl.cClu.g r EH—Man experienced on gold Jawelrv,

Rinian, l-in.riivb and rose toliirs atsariv, p*r- Lpanfni Irti. wages, for ‘'irit-flafs r,an1“ MLi>’S«. BhOf,'' A Cfi . SO Ree.-hei sir.vRlN FT.MAtZEPF. man who are alaf' hm l-

v,'Cd finishers. Apply EDI3GN I’hotirtgra.i.'h W ,r;'tt. I -tkasiria av© . West Orangef.'OUNTF.R MAN for bt>on hours, must he

' 1 *11 slid nsftt man 'Victoria Lunch Mfiik^i st

- 8 udden!v, on Juna S4. 1918. J&mst husband of Jannle Rollay. In his

year. Funeral aan'Ices will ba held aiHOLLEY ______

F,, balovad huHbara2Tth yaor. Funera ........... ................. . .hia lata realdance, 87 Johnston avenue, K*arn Friday, Jus* 27. at 2 P if. Rriailve* aud fflanda, also Towanda Tribe !04. 1 O O R . ora raapacHvely invited interment At Arling- to& Camatary.

fiCHMCLZ—Entered Into rest on Wedneaday. Jun* 25. ll>ia. Rose, helov«>d wife of tha l«to Joteph SchmeE* ine* Pc-iimlUi, aged 63 years 6 moptha R aliiue* and friends ujid members 6f the Bacred H^art of Mafy and Roaary iio- Cltly of Bt Mur' s i riLin h arp kindly tn- vltad lo attend 'he fjti^raj servic«-ji m f Hi- urday. June 25 19UU ei ft a h from therialdance of her daughie: Mrs Oito SAamer.SKI Warren airceT. ihajirT- [.-■ St M arFi Church, where a F'derr.n High Mass nr Rs.HUlem win be offered f^r ths of heraoul. Iptermont In EU Mar-- s u©metery

THATCHEB"At Orange, v J . June 24 J918. Goc'fg© Thatcher Per 'rei at 7 Qian- Wood avenue.. Orangr. frid.iv, Juns 27 ai 2 P, K. Interment at Falrvlsw I'emoterj YS’eitfleld. N J.. a i 4 3<> P. M

ALWAYS tha highest prlcea paid for furnltura of every dein’rlption; wa buy voriienLi of

tiorea and inarchanriiae, we ulll send our agahl or call personally, and we will pay you more than any other houae In tha city; »''nd for F. SIMON. Ihe man who pay* you cash and deal! fair and aquarei *end postal. F. SIMON. T5 Academy at : 'phone 694M Marke^ALL KINDS OF HOlIBEHOLP GOODS AND

MERCHANDISE. ENTIRE t^NTENTR tlF attires, homes and flats or anything you hsv* lo et-ll. buught fur i;aab i conaiiU u* before sell­ing, eiilmatea cheerfully given; send postal oa I'lycna 5623 Maiket.

REID'S AUCTION ROOM._____ IB Arlington it., near Market, ^F.ftlR PRICES I did for houachc-ld g-tods and

office fmi].|iur" alao have padded vans I "T m''^lnB, clean anri dry et'Uigc rooibs. fiist monto fl pierage free nitoing .M a b’ad St.iiTilard Warehouse, T3 NriTh Foui toenth ri . Edsi OraiiKe, store 9b Orange si . N^vKaik, N J ph ■'ne .|;i76 P Ii

men only. Irvington|■;A^•"M^'TERS—Two first-claM

I lin: n and Montgomery ave«CAHF I.’NTERS- Three good carpenters wanted

at once .ft pplv 131 Hank'at CAHPKMERR ivanied. Inciuira 2<t9 Jaffaceon

BtCHEF wante.I, uhlte apply at one*. Hotel

Wei'ingt-T 30 ft alley rd , W*at Orange.



B.ftLEBM ftN-Wanled, machinery aalesinan on rnmmlapion baolfl Address D , Box lO, News


HOI .‘ EWnRK—Young gtn warned to a' fllet in light h'-iiptwork, for hoard, clothes und

good home. Bti rolumhia el

ELEriTRl(.TAN all around practical. 17 years' experience, Installing, muintsmlng.

lighting, motors, repairs. A C- and D C.: desires pcfiiion In factory, office building or puMlahlng hous*. Address Electric, Box 38. News office.



BKPETRI- James at iND E.\- —-------- -

HOUSETWORKER-Good, reliable ct>ok or gen­eral houseworker to aa'lsi with cooking, 58

James at MRfI MORRT3-

ENGINEER—Young maPi. strictly aob*r; good on all repairs: steam and electricity; knowl-

pfjge of ica making, W'M. MOTTEESHEa D 40 North Third at . Newark.

HOUSEW’ORK-General: English or spaaklDg, good home to right parly.

Johnson ave . first floor.

GermanCall Lift

FGREMAN mason; 16 year*' experlenc*: K«ia* ark Bpd vicinity; oily country: referaacas.

Addreas Mason 37 ftfarlon ave,, Newark.

SHOE SALESMAN wanted 52 Belleville | \ e

HOU6EftVCRK-R omSJi for general housework, experlsnred Call to small family, inust wash and Iron. 258

NoBth Seventh st . cUyfiOLlciTGR -Aanted tor electrical

work «n ''ommleslnn ba*ls only. Eierirlr. Ho* 43. News office.

work, to Address

HOI.‘SE\V.ORK~Whlte girl to aaalsi wHh housework in a private family 12 Wlnans

It., East Orange.

GARDENER snfl farmer, expart Ln ralalng non-ers, T-egetables, fruits, f^ ra crops, poul-

ri', eio.; used in hand and power machlnaryi drslgra and ennstrurts laniscapas and farm buMdIngf, honest, sober. Industrloui; wants itaady private place MORNEY. 22 Newark at.

b C R A T t^ BRT.'SHERF-Cxpeplenced men on go],4 tewelrv: thady work for right parties.

fiCHLijrr BFiOD & CO . 30 Beecher et.

HOrfeFWOR K—Girl for general housework;one to gt) hi rno nlyhia. 118 MUHgan pi,

Pouth OrangeSTENO'-jRAPHER—Yfiurtg nAn wanted, eten-

f'graphe'. «viih some experience. Apply &t cr.r^ lo R , pox Sfl, News office

HOljSUWORK-A while girl to do housework imm T until 5 evening 30 Green at . cHy.

GARDENER-Ptofesslonal, thirty years old;15 jf»ars‘ rxperleoca In all branchaa <jf triads

in Ejropa and America; private place pra* ferreil. sober. toduetrJnue best reference*; disengaged July 1. *fVrlle L. C., cart CHARLLB RlftuT, SummlL

B( RFjI’. in-i'htoe orcrator (hand), apply 8 30 A M eiiern Elertrl* CO-. 57 Bethune

hi . ,N>w V'lrk CHy.

HOUflED'ORK—Girl for general housewot Inquire A STEIN, 218 South Seventh it.

HIGH SCHOOL graduate, strong, enerptlo.wishes position over summer; prefenahiy In

cljy Addreps aumtner, Box 82, wewa office.

SHAft'ER wanieft on sheep sklna. OTTO H. i^PFENHLlMliR CO-- 582 Frftlinghu>'Ben av*

HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Box 42. News office

Address H 8 . K,,

TOOLJriAKER8-T oq1 case from 17 50 up on ens\ t»rm? A genlB wfirit<*d. open until 0

P .\1 Pun-1avB, to 30 M to 2 P. M.Fastern i ahinei and Supply Co , 6Sft ttarren S' , opp Tnalfih st.

h o m e WORK—Crocheters on children’* sachued wanted Call tomorrow between 6

sad 8 at 370 Bank *t.. second floorLa u n d r y .

Shirt machinj opfratora and

TGGI.M.XKER one ftcciuiir>med to .small snd , >n>B Appiv 81 Austin it , Rosenbaum

ruii ltoff f fih floorTAlL^di -ind bqahalman wanted, steady work

•Viri’iF .lulv and August I GRaUBARD. Till iVnflhington atT.VIL'P- ■■»nnled at once, g'ood wages and

« nr . to gooil man . BTAftV BROS.. J'ri >>rry s' __________



IlE L n’ERY Eipiri.'n,A(i nv»n for tHAhllihAl r- iall milk rotjie, good wage* and ataady P'"-

siMon i'. ‘ ne wro rdn furnish iwcurliy and a'Ort refer''m-e Wri'n ninrtog parllcu^are, m

Box '22. S*'’'‘8 office ____ yL'ELl.^ lui'-'i. -R ip

IV,ilk raij'tii'iod referen i'sHvert , ri- .14

m e.l man for estabilshert p '"‘i «Jgea arid steady p'

tir. an furmeh sarurliy aved Writ- euirtng particulars, to

N'‘wa office.

ftv RI rivRS-lnielllger,r large mcom- sp. r. ?to*. newap ifA'

rar'i i i'ir" pri^ss flynadicale. 710 LirtCifI>nrt,w'•‘'('ifiWORKER on wagon work; steady Job

?rod sober man WILLIAM C MAR- F'H.ftl.L. Ill North Park at , EAfrC Orange.V H p: I, I. v; R1 GTi'r— ni-d.

“•rlKh.', ■'ll it-agrin w’ork. fi N .U Li.11- st.

ftrat-clssa ■"hoBl- A. KOKHLL ft

ftlFN -Use you*- epaf* time to bUi.J vj; i .I'-der husInesB of vour own; wa !"n;i I'f. a share In [Tffirtf. 3T up-

■ I ^rilculars free. Mutual Oppor- I'V'hange, Buffalo. N. T - _______

liM6TAEDTFR-~Enterei3 Into r-at after long Itlaeaa. on ’'A'edneaday. June 2i, ipia Fred­erick U m steadter. beloved husband of ElUa- bath U m staedtar inee 'C\>men aged ft3 yerfri 6 Bdori'ho days- Relative* jnd irJerdp a l 'o tha Ooufriftd K ruaaer K, i ' Haesen k V V. No- 1, AllerrMlTa K ft' No 1Dwracha Freuen K U ft’ No and toe■pWfully Inviied u» aticrn! the funeral on BkI- u /d ^ . June 2S. at S P . M . from ihe residence 80 '^’tnani avenue. --- - - - — Carnatery Interment in Woodland

WEHT^-On Tuesday. June 24. 191ft. Miriam Elhal, only douahter r f George D and Har­riet Hoppen ftft'erts, *n her Ihfh years. Fu- reial services will held $t tha home of her parema. 7 3ftA Columbia aireet, on Fridav, Junta £7. at 2 30 P M. Relatlirp and frb fidB *r* Ijivitad to attend Interment in Ev-rgrecn Camatary at the conventenr* of ih* family

WOMBLEr-At Bloomfield, N J . on June {W, 1013. Dfl'a’ln Booth, betovad eon of Thomas and Louisa Womble. aged 8 years, 11 month* Ralotivea and friend* are kindly Invuad to aland tha fuiwral aervlcei from the bom* of hli parent*. 16 Race street, on FTidsy. Juna 27, at 2:S0 P. M Interment at Bloom­field Camatcry

GAS RANGE rr rash wanieil In exchange for handsome toal range, coe* |3ft, M’Ue msed,

also gfj-cart, %2, klithen table 61''' IGIIN- 90N. 36.’ Rouih Sevento at . near Snuih Gr­ange s v e , ___________________ ___________ _

r>niLL PPSSS hurirt--Experienced oparsior cm radio drill muat ■* rr'k from blue ^rln'.s:

Heady nork and r 'Cd pay. CROCKER-WHFFLEB 'O . Ampere, N J._____________

VOl.V'. MAN-Wsnted, Jirlgbt young man, hat' ifi-jo ytars of age, as book-keapSTi

h nei I 'iivL rellalite anawtr In own haji'iwrll- Ing A'ldr*-a Grocer. Bog li. Na-ws office.

ftVF r-lUY your eeoond-hand furnlturi^ snd fix you what you vftiuo them we need them

for furnlihed roor^. pay ihing

more than dealers. MR PEP.RY. 211 WashingtAto sv___________AT SMITH'S 56 paclflr a«.—We buy srtomi-

band furnlluee. evarythlng and anythin* you want to sell; I pay more than any dealer, get my prices firsi. send postai.__________WANTED—F urn liu ra and household goods to

furnish 50-room hotel, will pay ninre than rny douler 5 LEARMAN. 56 Slratfnrd pi.f u r n i t u r e w anted In amall or large lots.

wlU pay g'>od prlCM; aetid postal. 7S Bruns- ■—•* *'-rketfl U k at , or 'nhon** 4706 Mark

W A L l .P A P K R — P A P E H .H A X G IN jf i

" " ^ " h ERMAN ft COMPAaNT.

DRU-J CLEHK regisretfd asslatant or one T»uh ! I r 2 years' r^U’-'il'’al expsrleni;*. Ad-

dr^fli TMI Rr.iler. Box M. News office.Dill G I LEFftK. reglsicred, aaalslont or on*

wjih 1 ''T 2 ^esrs pracUcsl experienca, Ad- drfls* n il RoUer. Box 15. News office.______DRt G t'LERK. with ope y » r ’a agperleflc*.

A(>1rep» Soda. Box 35. Nbw~b of floe.________DRl.'G ril-ERK—Begtaiered aaslatant §1

ft\ EJ5&, North ritttoflfild, N. J. _____D RUG R-D rug clerk. Junior, watitod;

poaitinr to right party Addreaa Drug Clerk, Box 1'' News office.DRAUGHTSMEN wauled by arch ltae fa nfflce

Answer, giving age, referenoflis and la .ary , to BROWNING. Sox lU Newa oTflc^________DRIft’EH to serve bread and roll roula and de­

liver for baker and confftCHoneri ooah, secur­ity. »3l2 MaJti it .. O r a n g e __ _________

ZELLH O FER—On Juna 2i, wMpw of George L '

10IB. Louisa L-, Itellhofer, aged 66 yeara

Funart-l S'*rvkts will bi- held al her Jaie raoldano*, 211 Lake airest, on Friday after- pooB, June 27. a t 2 o'clock. Relatlvsg andJriacds o re klndiv lovUed. Imarm vbt at

airm ouat oem eiery .

By placing your order for palnltog and deco- rsiin j wlih us you can »«va at Iftsat Ift per cent. Send postal or telephnna 4253 Market, and our rci>res«ntariva will call with samples and alVB aattmaie We carry a very large OAfortment df the latest design* of decorating, also cretonnes to match. Our showroom, which la located In the heart of the cUy. Is open for your inai>ectlon. 73 Bank at., near In the rOTner of W'ashtngtof) at._________

ANNIV ER SA R Y MASSL lE ^ T h lrd Annlvoraary High Maaa of Re-

gultm wUl be offered for the r*po*e of tn* loul of M ary A, Irfe me* McIntyre). Friday, a t B A. M-. a t flu Joseph 'i rhurch . Relatives M d frieuda a ra invltad to attend.


BIG ftVALLPAFER SALE.Blanks. 2i^c,. aHta. 5c.; amboaied. 7ft^.:

two-ton* art velour* for I6c.: vsrnifh tllaa tor lll ic : papering room* for J3; palming at low price*. M. HOTHOUSE. 0 South Orang* ava.; all work guaranteed-

THE BROOKLYN W'ALT-PAPEJR CO. will paper room* from 12.50 up: paUitltig and kBlaomtoJn* done at very reaeonsbl* prlee*- ^ n d poitaJ or call a t 271 Bank at.

t l 75;

DISHW'A?HER wanted; apply at one*. DAft'IS BROS , 50 Valley rd , fttontclalr.

e n g in e : turners on gold: good, all-aroundman lo lake charge nf dt-paruuenc; good r*l-

aT5-. Biearly position: *xceHer.i oppoctunUv,American Watch Uaae Co.» 115 W'eat Twanty- flflh *1.. N>w York City. _____KLANGERS. experienced on men'i soft hats:......... .. MUNP

Flushpteady wv.ik, goM wagea ?AMUEL MJINP-

HKIM rii'MDANY. corner Carlton andIng nvea . Brooklyn. N- YFOREMAN wanted fer brass and aluminum

foundry, automohlla factory; appUrant» give (■♦•rerercps, aaltiry expected. Address Automo- hlk, Box 27, News offica.FLOOH6CRAFKR wanted, about two day*.

MANSER ft BON, 505 Sluyvapam ave . Irv­ington, ____________

ft'OUXG MAX. ainglr, to travel In Jersey.vlBit:t5K ej»iuMished trada on commla»lon

bnsla, < ;irn,ngfl tow to start; personal Applka- lion n, ’ r\\-,gf onlv 05 lakeside av*., Orange.

mangle gtrla wanted at once: new building w-uh Ir ta of !tfhi and air. Apply UAfiLROUrK Laundry, frl Warrtn itLAU-NDRY—Experltrnfed n arker und

on fUt work, salary |lO,ftO Mftrk<=hO, Nfl-wfl office,, ____

la undress


LAUNDRE&S—Warned. good laundrens towork Mondays or Tueadaya. 62i> Clinton *'

MESH BAG llnkara wanted; 5hd handH on good, wggjar and large me*h, steady work:

h«tt L'rii e* paid; cash on delivery MRS. SCHULTHEI?, 214 Bergen *1.fdJISH—irti6 experlanceri linkers on extra large Tatiy.. Tiiei»h; ulso good medium mesh, steadywork; cafh on delivery. 216 Morrla ave.


MESH LlNKEBfl“ Experlanced mesh linker* wanted. Apply Climax Mesh Bag Co,, room

ll. 22 Clinton al.MKSH LINKERS—Experienced on *a#y link­

ing- fiallav meah IS Dai-cy st , fSmt floor.MOTHER'S HELPER-Toung girl wanted as

metoer'fl helper, muai be neal and clean;ca ll at 160 Day aft, Orange.good wagei

NUR%?E GIRL—Young, refined American girl to taka charge of two grown children;

be patient, willinit and neat. A ddress Refined, Box SS, News ofrlJlco.NURSEI*-Strtng vi-rman. capable to take care

of on iavalld old lady, and do eoma light housework. 2 Bhanky ave.

YOUNG M\N. atou: 20. to report building nows ir x>w Jersey: rnuat have good educa­

tion Hrt'l r»-«ide In toe vicinity of Newark, Ad- diesn B'i;i1i!ig, Box 74. News office.YOUNG ftU\N lo work In grocery and butcher

store ^ ':h eYperloncn. Call at Ideal Mar­ket, 357 Bl'T-rrfiejd a^e. Cftldwall. N. J.VOI-'NG M t N to fake ca rt df garden a t flpring

Lake. N I . and help on automobile. Apply cornei- Mam+< and Koaauth at*-. cHy-YOUNG ftlAN wanted, lg-16. T8 Bprlngflaid



ftft’lTH G‘Cii' pay . b e n ja m in & JOHNLS. ff. HANK fiT NEAR HALSEY.BABERS AND SOLDERERS. experienced.

wanted to wnrk oi mlniafura lampa. Apply HOWARD Minififure Lamp Co.. 32T AeaderriyatCOOK }3iU liialtreiu. 116: smoJI hotel in Bush-

kill. Pa va|[r*j<anj chamhermalda, hmela at seaehr're and ci>un’ry. nuri*e, |22; mldole- ngerl prcfcrr^rl, '.vaiiress-iiarlcr maid. J2ft; L iwk i3f' u r n MAN AMERICAN AOEJNCy. ejitjre asii'nd floor, lb Ced*r at.

OPERATORSExperienced two-needte lacera and etrlppere.

also a!g-;ag girls, will he glv-ap flieadv work at a good pric.a durlnR the en tire summer, whan other factorlr.s are on h&lf rim e; apply sll the week- 'Fhonft 2180 Maykal. tVAL* LACETB Brassiere Kartofy. K irk alley, corner Lawrence at-, half block from M arket st.

OPERATORS — EX PER IEN C ED ZIO-ZAOa n d t w o -n e e d l e o p k r a t o r s o n


JANITOR—Married man; underatatida ateojn and het water betting plouta, also plumb­

ing: can do rewlra; excellent reference; will devote whnle time. Address CCupie, fioi 7, ■New* Officem a c h i n i s t -m i l l w r i g h t , good, aU-

I poaltloQarcuod

gnnd work will be appreciated, by an honest, •pber. wUllng man. A ldreea Machlnlat. Bo* fW. News office.MAN. colored, good w orker; w ants to work

for private fanitly: do lawn, garden; al«o na*h car and polish; other work; best refar- ,.>nces Addraaa 600 E ast F ifa t av*., KobbUo,N, J.MAN—Tniacworthy. middle-aged man teak*

permanent poaltLon aa aaxton. AddrtM Re- llfihle, isox 26, Newa office.PAINTER and paper-basger; doei first-etaaa

work at very resaonabre prices: all work guaranteed. JA FF E , 73 Momnouth rt.PAINttwi/. pt.per?i*ng!ng.

reasonable. JACOB BEN-taring done s'ory NETT. 476 South Tenth at.SALESMAN—I wlih to connect mytelf with A

incal buslnesB: Bateaman of ability; goodcorpei^ondenr: held executive poaitlon *uc- ceaefully; will Invest, if necCHtry; age 26. Box 136, Eaet Orange.VARNYSHER and poliehef. uodoratanda All

atalAf, lA'lkhei work. Addreaa Varolaher. Box 43, News office.YOUNG MAN, uaefui, wish** poaltion In

■ — ------- hojcountry or aeaahore; understanda boriei. gar­den, Al reference. Addreaa Honeet, Box 84, Newa office. „YOUNG MAN, German, wiahea poallion a t

anything: w illing and obliging. A ddreu605 Eighteenth ave. *. top floor, __ _young Man wishes poallion OA barUnder;

Atnerleofl: 2S; beat axperlenoe, .referenc*.BATiender. 6 AtlanGc i t ______ _____YOUNG MAN wlshee poiltlon *0* bcnA -ke^r

Addreai Capabla, Boxor Clerical position. 33. News office.YOUNG MAN (21) deilrea a clerical ^ i t i o n

Addreia CloriOAl, Box 63,with bouk-kaeplhg, New-a office.

OPERATORS on automobila uoate and kahki coat a and pants; ateady work: girls experi­

enced on machine $6 learning our work, Tba LOEWENBERG Co .. 6S Coltlan at. city.OPERATORS, experlihced. to work on oner'

piece dresaea and one-plec* rornpera; home work only; Btcady work. BERNSTEIN, 3U6 Bprintfield ave , Newark. _OPERATORS and baaiere wanted on fine

pojita. steady work Rear 17P Howard at- E. BCHMITTER ft CO.ragtim e or popular piano playing taught,

from 10 to' id Iftsaona; WTite for booklet.ULa HK, 4S3 Walnut et. ‘Phone TOSM ^tarkei.

Ma NHATT'AN Decorating Co.i tel.papering rooms. *2.66 up; palmiag.

outflide werk- B. WAX, 185 Bnuth fJratig* ave

GORDON F E E D E R wanted. Apply DENTSCM ft SCHOEN. 21 South Ortnge ave-

fa mamonr of dear mother, FauMne Klenle. who died June 29, 1006; dear father, Jacobr . Kianle. who died January 23, ISlO:

Tbair well remembered footatepa,X am liatenlag for In vala.My ayeg grow dim with watching,1 ^ baoft le ood w-nti pam,


F IN E Interior work and outside; painting of ny kind and th any iilaee. OOTtF. *%'nOENTZ. 16 Oould ave,, cof- 11 th st., RotevlUe.

In torihg memthr of our dear father, Georc* Bolbagaba. wbn dl«d June 26. 1011. "May bli •oul raft 1b Mace." ■



ft SON. DRY CUANERS ANDm FBKBT ST.; O IT O --------------roW E SB08 XARKBT.


e n g r o s s e d

1 ajUUNO. m Suamar ave. T«L T07Ra ^ l B o r pf

THE better kind Of painting and paper-hang- xt prices for thia grade of work. Bergen e l . ; 'phone 1746 '; lowest

YnST. ~RELIABLE IDecoratlng Co.. U- WAX’—Paper­

ing room*. 02.60 up; pain t |2 up. Freemaa at. and Vallay road ; tet. 1S64 Weat Orange.PAINTING, paper-hanging; lowest pnees; all

work guaranteed; give me a trial. WEISS. 204 South Orange eve.; tel. 031J Market.B. FISCHER ft CO.—W e do painting and

ir-bangtog a t . r e t i n a ble pricao. 162tow *t. 'Fhn!i»_4Tgj WaverTV.

COAIi AND WOODCQAlc-Lehigh and FY** Burning for family

uat; Pea. BiicFwtnst *01 Bttutnlnoua for •toamiag; George'* Creak Cumberland for oreithing. TelennoM and mall erdcra protnptly filltd. JOHN.Q. MEKKFL CO.. U-2i prlncr «Im NawArib. Telft .UT7 and 4iTI.

HAND—’Wanted, an experienood band on Rrlt* Unla toilet pare- Apply J- W, ROSEN-

TAUM ft CO.. Tl Austin at.IRON WORKER wanted. 6T2 M arket ll.I^A BORERS—Twenty iaborert

once. Apply 181 Bank at.wanted a t

MFN wauled for U. 8. arm y—AWe-bodlad un­married meo- betweep ages of IS and 36,

ritizene Of United Slaioa. of guod character and tem perate habich. who can aponk. read oud write the SngUah language. For InCor- mariun kP P^ tfl recrum ag office, 296 Uorfi kei at., Newark. N- J . _ _____ __MEN—Own a trade tha t payi 11,200 yearly;

linotype oparstora o re In great detnand; In- teUlgant young people are urged to Ifiraatl-gaie tbLa d«*lrab1e trade; greatly reduced rmiea during eutnmer, Empire U ergen^ler UaotypeBohodi. 4Ift P in t a re ., New Turk,MEN—W anted, colored men for general la­

boring work; excelleftl poaltion* guafan teed ; ebadtutely- ncr njoTiir -!ir ' gdx'oncg' fO qbtm : fjORDEN Bknp- Agency. 67 Bnimowick.

rOOKS. houflpli'orkeia, chamherTnaldi; wali- reeae*. nuipif rirls. etc. Call todgy *t THE

GROY’E KiTjpEL-jyment Agency, 143 Main »L, East Orangfl. 'phone S46B. open All! 6 P- M.COOKS experienced. 040; for private family,

seashore and boarding house, coimlry; help Of alt kind Apply at once. STEVENS. 5S3 Broad It . entrance through Jeweler'ACOOK—Twn young women, capable cook,

chambermaid aim waltreas; Oemlan or French preferred; referaoce, dBl V(»e ave,, Mouniain SieOon, South OrangeCOOK-^Firet-rloae white cook and latindreea

wanted: tnuet have reference, ift Mt- Pleaa- ant ave.. Orange; flrat home in fromVelley rd.C00K‘LAUNDRE68—Flr*t-cl**e. general work,

tor cooking end laundrr: m utt have pertonal references, 43 Beech at., Blooiaficid. N. JCOOK. waltTesa. laundreatea, houaewdrkera.

Apply EttJplcyment office, ft Waahlngton at, Eaai Orange; phone IITT Ora&gejCOOK. 'White. German preferred; there board­

ing heuae; good wagei; atata gbUlclaa. Bog 76. Relmar. K. J.COOK—E ^M en^d colored »ok. Hotel Clin­

ton, 21 sb u ................... ■ *SfbuTh Olntoti at.^ Eaot Orange.

hCRATriH DRUSHERB—Experienced girls ongold jiwelrj'; atoady work; good wage* for

right portiea,, BCHLK86. DROD ft CO., 3(1 Beachcr tat.STENOGRAPHER and office aaaUUni; cAr and expertencad In office detalta;- • KM - - - - -heat

AddreBs CapB|b{e. Box 62, Newi

gTENOORAPHDR and typist, one who can fepeak and tranalatfi French. AddrtM FT«nen,

BbX 12, New* offka.


OIRLS, »nCTlCEN T S A R i o r ^ j AND oVe r , f o r IWCAMOWKJMTDAMP woak.

DSARNBHBo f s r a t o w .



YOUNG married man. bufald* Wi^illon. de­livery. driver preferred. V. S-, 2i0 Belmont


R'ASHKRTt'OMAN *.en'a »aehlng and ironif- 10 i*ke home 64'l Orange »i

YUUNli LAC'Y. experlPifced, defllre* loffiiv hnura of her s p a re t im e daily

vlencgraphic work , acouato raed t>' de ie lls aii ' gene ra l office ro u ti ne Addreai X . Boa J2 Kew* offU fYOUNG l.ADT wiahea position !n i»Pr«.

or writ*. 163 H*'oUiur^jd^^j^etaj|re^^Call


COUPLE, Oermoa. wiah work together or ifiparately, aa gardener and general hou»a-

worker. -tal South Twelfth at., flrat floor.MAN and wife; closing her home for th«

Summer wlihae to place her help; man. but­ler, and wife, cook: fini-cla** place* only will be conaldered- Addreaa BEGLEY, 6 Washing* ton pU. Esat Orange, or 'phone 444 Oraage.MAN and wife want poelUon: odlorad, a*

waltreea and chamhermald, for hotel or boardlng-houee; city or country, 418 Main at., gutat Orange. _____ _



W. V7 RETD fella tomorrow, Friday. Jun* 27, commencing at 10:30 A, M-. at aaieatoow, 18 Arlington at., near Market, vary iarg* aa- acrtment of Hptiaehold Goode, cooalatlng of Parlbr and Library Sultaa, Picture*. Mlrrora, Delhi, Chinaware. Rug*. Curtalna. Portlaf*. Couches. Buffeta, Extejiaion Tablet, Dining Chain. Sideboard*. China Cloisll. Sulteoxae, Bigi. Brail Bed* and Bedding, Spriagi, Draii- ere and Chiffonlera. Rockera and Bedrooni Chain. Cablnatfl, Bookcaiei; large oaeortniept of Refrigeratorj, Carpeti. large and amall Rug*. Linoleum. Hatting, Btorea. 100 lot* me­dium Furniture, etc.

kn em o K ba le .l^leo* And Gent*' Fumtahinga, Dry Oooda.

Krtion*. Children'* lYear, Piece Good!*, a to - on Friday. June 27, at 450 Clinton ave., cor­ner of PMhtne ave., at 10 o'clock. The claan. up-to-date etock of 100 dozen of balbriggan. Hale, allk Underwear; lined, Root'*, Gloaaen- bury'*, and tot of Ladles' mualln Underwear; a Cull line of Cluet, Peibody'a Bhlrta and Collar*; large Hne of Hoalery and Neckwaav: large lot or muallna, challlei, cembiica and llninge; full line Of Notions; wiU be sold in ioti to th* trade: goods mvet be told on ac­count of sickne**; will also oeil laote and good wllJ ae^a bualnma. Ferparllrulart, B. pOZNAK, Auctionoar-

a t a u c t io n .FINE UP-TO-DATE STOCTK OF



IS ARLINGTON ST„ NE'WARK, K. J- Comprising 600 Women'* and Mltaee

Dre^ea and Suit* In all Material*. Light and Heavyweighia. Sn aergea, voll, ellki, ftflClei: H'omen'a and Ulaeoi' Serge Coat*. Skiria, Petticodti, etc.

entire contanta of doR*

YOUNG MAN (colored) wiebe* tfoeitlon at anything. Wflta yob. 67 Riohmond a .

EM PLOYM ENT W ANTED— WOMENbook-k e e p in g —Lady would like book-keep­

ing to do at AORiei farms raaan&abla. Ad-dree* L , Box 40, New* office.COOK, flrat olaaa. Scpteh woman. Proteetant,

wlahe* poslildo In private home or boarding* houaa. 'Phone Orange 1020R.CC-OK—Fir*t-cUee cook in the cRy or ***•

shore In peetauronta; good wag«a Addreai Co<k. Box 22. Newa office.COOKS—Flrat-citaa: alio German and

oarlan fflrl wiahps houaework- UH9. L ^ v gT-Springfield ave.


COOK—Biluatlon cnok or general houoeworkar;oompstettt woman. Addrea* Cook, Box Oft,

News office.COOKING or general nouaework. city Of ebun-

try. Call or write 3ft(> South Twantiath it.COOK, firtt claee. wleha* poallion.. 181 North

Fifth at., top floor.CHAMBERMAID-^Eallahle colorod girl wiahear ifltlon aa chambarmoid and waTirai*; okU

weak. 73 Wabitef at.DAY'S YYORK-"Woman wiahfc* d*.y’a work;

Monday. Tueiday and Friday. Mh S. W IL­HELM, 42 Hxirlion av*.. Waat OTonga,DAY’S WORK—Colored girl would ilka dty'a

work; Wadnetday, Thuiidayi ftaturday. 81 Suaeei gva.. dty» ______

pletely furnished fiat, at B0S Clttiton av*.. on Friday. June 27, at 1 o'clock, all houaajjold good*, contfatlng of mahogany and Rtpla Bed­room lutoliure. mlaalon Library FumUure.braiia BVdii’haIr u d cotton Matlrawea. muhog-

Parlor Furnfkure, Rocktra, Chair*.

CBrtaftS,"OroiiH*iJ<il”C^^ IcefcK. KUchJn Utentll*; rurnlahlnga for cenaplaia homa; will ba sold abauluie aale: doA't fall to


Roiiiop Desk, Furnlturt,^ Ruga

bond Carved DInlhg‘‘toom nd Corpat*. PlcturM. Lace

fiomplaia home:t fall to aueiii,

ff* ym i'W int g o ^ and borgalna. 8. VAN PGglJAK. Auction*er,AUCTION BALE of men'* clothing, etc.; for

account W fonnar purohaaer. Samuel Berobn, w! W. Held, auctioneer, -wltl aail. by ofdai of Commercial Trading Co., tomorrow, Friday. June 27 i t a o'clock, a t aaleiroom. 18 ArUng'* ton et. ’ Naworit. N. J„ bill of clothlwc, etc-- bought' at former eat*. June l6. IftlS. ewoup*! log to-002.64. which aald purehaaar ho* fall« to oev for and remove after d ua notice bivtng been given, and ahould any loa* occur In re* tat* of eald good* we win look to him for payment tbereof- CommeucljL

M ACHINERY FOR SALEtJNlVMBSAL. pikin and liftod DtUlIOft Ooft*

c^lodTahaoara. planari, ocrew vuttlniaJitpar*. planer*, acrew vutting- afid iplnnlng I t th o ^ twww p r « w . drop h ^ u m itngia and mulUpla aplndla drUli, acrew**** -T-.. __ KnCl M An*lnaia

laatber belting, bangeroi


DAY'S W ORK of any kind w aated t raopabU- bla woman; rofartnea. 160 Paaaole ava..

flrat floor. ■________


CHAMBERMAID wanteA AMliy at Eaatx UOTHTyHeiitlOT' Htmpttal. unkii—«tr,“ Sif|gff vilie.



liA K to link good pay. ad.xftarcoal emrr, f tio f tr ' eeMft:

I V incent et.. ' . , i ; ,' I . , r ■ ' ■. ■ -



DAY'* WOHK-W«n»B w»Bl» a n ' i work iny nl^d. iO wnilEHl W.. fop Door. '

DAY * WORK k r Uraidroa; vouJitdo cocking, M Hartford nL

DRKsSmX I^ A . homfcw ky tto d»y;. 4 ,.T». Attorn. Rm»4«linc. qpi % Nkwi offit*.

GUtlS~W. luv . 10 f lrt. lot haw*wsriti cll)r .HtLUwgrx City or autamwjb wagw* «4v up.

„ — J *lrl - W k L l to . j # p t «.]


k ew arkCO.. W'lO* CHESTNUT 6T.. 'pkeoM MIO-MH M kt__________ _

w e e k io u Y^^^.T,TO.BnT e * s s u .


EVERTJERHOl^ «88 UARKEXIro roiT TRE u a c h in e b b o t .

B AMS tta Iran* (■•M tnflira. MOMrt** iBMkiiHii trai k6U m

IM-OALUTN «D«M, trek ; - klw k * W *M in liu tar Rila. M Walnut AU .



Window ocretIha maeb

Cartala-iaad lT>ly for A J t ply for 10 ’ 0 ply for 10 We hava re<:

^ lo rt and can

ALL hlDd* of ■(ippMee. ba* ater •‘loorli.

t*oJI»ra wtihir garage*; tgen'

fly counirv III vnia; mil ir<y grad* k»w>t«*

Muinber to o'n maierloJ for r R B LEON WeetUngron Pi

AlLera* oventiti tirtai. Brarda



ARE you look tera. acalo*.

Ireboxee; also atanda, reatau extended io al iba N»warh P at.: tai. 604K ordar: wa du>-ASPHALT fll

aquare feet, ramneots. 11 Ub roof*; oap red T6c- *;allot city deliveries 104 V. J. R. FASPHALT ro<

naJla and c< tooflng paint ua oatlmata ti f lit roof, foe our ton rear i IT Wright at.ascheinbac

coAvaa etor< •7.06; 0Hxi2. half price wt aloo leather aABOUT ROOl

right; rapali W M BECK]ATTBIhmON-

offloe flxiur KAN. 818 Fir

ATTEKTION- feea e__ ; wire, be

Bcreen works.ALL kinds of

the farm, RB ILU A RP I

rontad. rapi •ot-erlflg lb upB IU J aKD ah

ftad repaired 88 hferki

Ba r g a in s - ]genii' allfhi

aogo ave.. tvk-CASH reflate

or hand; *ulat half Drigi

aeh oiteed; ca%■old and exi't Market at . 'iCOMBINATIC

set poc'I tial cue and hai] chard atCOMFLETFI I

oulcto^n ■ ng e.DMK-Ofnee

double eetre- eiM>n, 646 BnENGLISH Of

conditionFOR SALE,

nrfiitri fllinc/'■'OI Ifihle.R, e hulck bu>er k' t et.i-MH rt/LF,

murhie and South l-'l


pool room,F1R6T-CLA85

price. 121GAS RANGE

now cookini with L'i>. $4 d«ek. cheapGARDEN H


GRASS—riv e Parker and

OLIVE O IL - use Lllv Br

Nice. France; «r; nc rhfcuit tiQublee can Inaure* paifei Branch, lift pppoalta

SECJOND-I *f every date roof, alt bullf i t , being wrBECOND-HA

bought and Main a t , Eoi


ALL PR BAN] 200-Sh


stand; perf bS Crawford0126 WILL 1

aellmg at BUghteenth al

Hou6«hAT MR. CAS

Mr. Cff^h: I CM Academy"WE have th

nllure. sJig anything, ar Cbeapeat In emy at.NO TROUBl

to ifill. nP1 largest lecor Stale; come 64 Academy

PARLOR SU 00c . coat I

coat 120. air Academy at.BKAMBLKD

and up; at and up. URDRSeSER, 1

range. 14.^ laavao. C.SAaveryuimg r half what yt come and a« open to 8 P.ANYTHING

bold goodd tl'vely oave :

Look at ao'i dreiaari, $8 Oxtenalon ta1 up: n i ^ lin Jowaat prlcai

A visit' t OITT AUCT

No eoiuIAJ_8M1TM:I

bad. tl tablii, Id: k ohaap; comaAT 100 Kali

altur*. ooi oU kind*. ' ormud.BOOKCASE

blsad. ILi II.CO; flne ltd; rafrtff tura. 1S6 ]BUFFIDT. t

latthav ch ■Udtttg couel■V It.OAJtPET, B

moahtna, I goods obaap.X^TBNTS

AUSTIN, irnfEKT oai

In the dfcpticaa, Wh: TOfijlfofijar, 04: ldraiaeg,' lV-6 anwalnut drae

S.70: aldabo ama chah large wardn

china, 04: fl’ m g. I7.T8; \ Buoiaroua ot ante atf u b n it u r :

Icftda furnl doacrlption a be aouf by i IngtoB it.n m m x u K

d£eap, it*T o n BALE

Si QfcenwLAKoa WI

e for foia. I Contrtl av*LABOB goi

iiood auK BfOftd gt.M W mu ctnw ft IMn

' taf floor.J .; ! m e s Kt ot M nom ■

■ hoflraOM on

■ WartheMOo OrtagOoON ACODU

st aaoa. < mlmra, pie.• s s T g ;


Cfii ir.

in wom-HD |>r*'•B *m-

1 Prftm' b i.

«4DI*ioiii <>l•I .

I»)(«* i4r- Nurti>lk(

• nA«iili‘nlTUHP '■

un U*r' h Tu^n- « '•

r' ikSltrinn-


PnVQH«’.V’'r Al« Cklthri* ■y, *npe> \ ,iiLr«'#l> -il rniffy<1 fX rf il.' <>»

) inwall i,h»I by «rj» »' - n ►j rWORTHlY I'o )t IS2i x

IN(|oint y-'y' 2iAI4 whu lttO|( Irini :)VlBgi Mpara -wU> my

^x'r* rro«i •'

n-«ph’'.i' Al'N'DRY i'a»h J r^a ly f-

wo 1j A<1 1-.

!• '*§hln ■ETH DO

waahint S'lNO m

nphin;n n

o \ E rlra<1# 0I yriii ' Ph'inp' < ngA

rtftliy .1' ^UIIk 1)1 '

Bi>ii j2

— M E \

na (or thaman. but* B oq[y will

Waihlng- Ora&fs.b^orwl. Bi

hotel or 4IS MbJB


IdAT. ^we Mieiroem.' larf* u - leletiaB of t» Mlrrori,, Portlerf.I, DlalfigSultcMM.

sfi, Dreek' I Bedroom ueortreept LBd *m»U H) loU me*

DT7 Ooodl.oode, ece..

ave., cor- The cleAR. balbrlggan, I. Oleeten* Jnderweer; Bhirti ind NaokWMi'i Abrtci tod be pold tbold OB AC*leaee and

ilneM. Ttr ncUoneer-

o rBSLL6P. M.

K. j.9 Mltiei' 14fht aad

;e, leflclei;

nUiioB auM tUof. epeei

drop hem- krltlA, Borew>ri, «aflite«i ‘B. jewetem' riBdere. tA>machlfterr.

I. U^agMTHE9lAt>F


« 8S14i


^ tao r.

k eosMrttt «klMi lt«t

k« ' er«va

- • > ':*



A c o c T c w mlU MAKKET IT.

WkBdQw ecrven petDt. erhieh will wie etof og ihe moth

CeruiB'ieed rcN tlnf. ru*reBiie«d u foUove: I Tir tof ft feirv, I) 90 pfp roll................... "" roll.

ler nprkM# ott oAiam «ad

B ooaebold G oo4i aw I F u n it tn r* PAXU>ll iulU. » f??.'

t ply for 10 y«e*B. mp roll, ft ply for 1ft veer*. 19 M oer nD. tvo hevo redured o^u prloee otthevo redured o u

<‘olore and con uvo you

ALL liiDde o( pluiTibtiur. afops eod factory ■uppJlor. hp^h-lobo- hipb oiki lo« ,pettem

«ater rloerti, Invoforlwi e^tpnoo Pinfea. r«ft|*a, l^lwrt wephtriyt yeeuilpt *toree» tanka for geregea; tyeni tor h 'tn pforoure water rap* ply. countrr MMi; repaire *t* air otunlilna fli* turoe; all y<¥v;e r*iiw. miairantaad Um hipheet yraili* k » o ^ rr1>'r. nor a^c^rary m be r'Uiinbvr io oh'tlr. •emv' mtirnatep ftree for mefrriaJ for r>cw h'/tldliwr eod l*t«lr wtBrtL E B LEOVAHn. 14 TimnNirly «.* epp>WiBhlnartm Park: («L MM ifkt-

ALVAT8 ON HAKI>.Leree oventitiea of ■eoond-bend nuildlai raa- tcrtal- Brerdr MMta. tlm^wr. *eob end doon.


TELEPHONE 910 HAftRiftOlt.

i'Ploea parlor Milte, ooet 1^ . teil for . traea bed, I t; Mingw eewiBf macbine. IT r>»l aa rMW. etlini tbov caae cheap UR. CA8K. M Academy e t_______________RARE cbMEkoe for boutehacpera' at RBIP'9

Auetloa Rootna. IB Arlington a t . near Uer* bet; mir regular (unillurt ealaa eacb Teeaday and Friday, commencing «i 10:W A. U.. are filled i^th nirnlture end Kcniaehetd gooda of ail klnde, from verifua conjlgnora, end anid at your own price 16 ihr hlrnvat bidder, a viait will pay^vou. Qa« the hablr_____ _RUoi--Bruae*1a rug. 16 large rug. like new.

IT.BO. ooft ISh. About M rarda good Brua- pilB oirpel, 1 10 . coat lAO. olhar ruga end car* p«ta rhMp. tS5 Halmy a < ______ __RANOE (nr ai)* Vaw irion R<atity No I

Inquire eiB South Blateanih atijDEBOARDR 17 W. dreaerra, f t , chiffonlar*.

fJ.flO. rhlffonlrra with mlrmra. W. waah- atanda- ll. hrda. all aiiea. I I ^ . sprlnji. ami* trMBot. nlUnwf, teankrti onrap. 13ft Hal* a*r

I HAVE aold my grocery and eeafectlaaiery etort, f tf Hunterdoii e t , city; all my cred*

llore will preaant their claltna at the office of bm ey Lavy, 80 Broome at within five daya fran dale

Ba r n a r d n ew n a n ' Dated June 56. IBIB

W A RNlNtl—Any otia Inlerferlng with my home or bualneM will be properly iwnei-

liad0 K KAEDLN,

eei Eighteenth A^eTO WHOM IT MAT CONi'ERN Uy wif.*

Mra J. H. Walla, having left my bed mJ beard. 1 will uot be reapnnalbia tor any a contracted by her fiom date. U J 11 W EU^. 464 Mulberry at

I WOULD LIKE lo board bwby. 0 month* old. I exrellent cere la re.]Ulred, prlvalg family.

AddrcM Eioardlng. Boa TO. Neve office.

ARE ynu looking for flattirea. rack ea coun* term, aealee. Hhovcaeea ebelvlng, grooen'

Iceboxeei alan fat Irebomem oyatar bar. hall atanda reit*ur»tiit fluuree* Buluble urme eitended io a ir aev* one-helf Hr buying from ibe Newark Purcharlnf Company. Tt Aeademv it.; tel. AP4M Market. E^xrijree aiao nude to order; we nuy cverytlilng that you don't need.

BER ING machinea. Domratlc. |3: ilng*" |ft: dlbier hand machlnea for vacation; oarry la

iruDk. uae on plaita |.1: repairing. HERH- LING A DOUGLASB. IT veare. 2AS Norfolk atSEWING'uACHINE’ hlfh arm Singer. »S; all

makea repaired In your home: 2Tj year*’ ex­perience Call write. MR MITUHKLL. 40 Thirteenth ave , 'phone 6&TSJ Market.aACRIhTCE—Lot of furniture; eelllhg out on

• coount of death, call all week. 9 Dicker* pon at

C hlckrna

ABFHAL'T flint roofing felt, gl.lVO roll. 108 pnoi

ABOVO POULTRY FAPME CO ilne> . Chal- ^ j . . . ham. N. J.-S . C. White Leghorn day-old•quare feet, market prioe |3. atindard goodn; i jvicka Be • week old 10c iwo weeka old.

ffannanta. il roll, excellent over ahingl^a cr ' i*ch ' February March. April pullite.MR ^ f a : uphalt tnetalllo ralnla. black »c . j yearling and two-year-old .bene, teaeonable rad Tik. eiallon, targeat dealer in New Jeraey; ■ r,rieaa

dellverlea free; Mtabltahed ispi. Factory, *J. R. R ave.; »el. 6MT Market.______

ASPHALT rooflBg. tl.kA par roll; no acconda; PAlla and cwmeiit free: nrahait Neverieok

toofllll paint rad Me.. Hack WVi. par gtl- Let ua arUmata to eovar your old ehlngled roof, ritt tooCt ^ tu rg and publlo bul’ding. witho y tan rear guartotea. Victor Rooflnt Oa. tr Wright at. Tel, m WaeefTy.___________AECUONfiACH. 349 Plane et.^H arneae and

t eanvaa etore, offera ianta, 7x9. t6 9ft;T.M: tJ^xj2. »BTB: KiU. fly, unn-alf price tetiie, we frepilr bagi, ault caeea,

alao leather and caneaa gooda. TBTfl MarketABDUT ROOFING? Wa jlo It right; pricaa are

right; repairing or new; «ak for BBilmataa. W M BECKHORN. S43 4lh at ; tel 4ftflH B B.ATTENTION—I buy nil kind* of aiore and

offloe fixturea; higheet c«nh paid. J NIE- KAN, aiS FUtaenih ave ; tel. 670 WavALL TROLLETS lead lo ROSE Preaa IVlat>

lagi earda, Vic. up. Halaey and Market. ov«r Qalety tt ire rre* 'pbone i t u Ifai'katAlTENTiaK—Window and pomh ecreena, rtm.

leaf wire, beat work, loweat price, at Newark tcrean worke 7ft-7T Schley atALL kinda of vegetablea for aale In aeaaon at

the farm, Roeevilie ave., cornar Third ave.BILLIARD and pool lablea; bought, gold.

rantad. repaired; ruopllea, renting tft up; aorerinr lb up. A. CANFIELD, iw Markat at.BILLIARD and r»ool tablOL ....

roMirad) aupp,Ura. acc-I hourhr, told, rentad

__epairadi auppUra. ate. L IT ’tary. SS Market at., uor. Waab.

LTOLOW Fac- trl. 9434 UkL

Ba r g a in s—For eale, clothing; ladles’ and ganta' allghtly worn. Cali at 117 South Or*

ange ave . two dt-»or> from Norfolk.CASH rcglaiera. National!; all eiylei: electrlo

or hand; auUahIo for any hutlneta; tike new, at half original coat; all ma'.hlneB fueian- taed; caeh or Inetalmenti; reglitera ooughr. Bold and eirhanged. Esiex I^an Office, 2k6 Market at . 'phone '.‘MIR. Market,COMBINATION' jyool and billiard lablea; full

eet poc'I bails and three Ivory billiard ball*, cue end bell rack, very reaeoneble 123 Or­chard at

(•KICKS, 111 centi up; 1 B-eek old; bred right;hatcheo right, ‘While Legborna. Black Mlnnr-

caa, WTilte Wyandoitee, White Orplngtona. HUI Hatchery. ^ North Seventh at ; ‘phona S3&J. B. B_____________________ ________ _GOOD opportunity to get your breeding olock

(or next aeaeon, eeverti hundred fine S- C. w*. Leghorn layers and cock blrde at reaaon- eble prlcea Orchard Farm Poultry Tarda, Baiking Ridge. N- J _________________ _GET eotne March or April young puUeta fi-om

Columbia PouUry Farm. Toma River. N. J . ; lhaaa puilata will lay you the winter egga you want; ordar now before too late-i Wou ld Uke u> get no or 7B B.litte Wyan­

dotte or WTilte Rock cockerala, weighing to about 1 to 1 4 pminda each, would alao 14ka to have few pulleia Call or addreae Me- CLOUD. Mt Pleaaent and Proapect avea,. W(i*t Orange _RAHnn'S for »ale cheap, alao Jepanaea chick*

ena: two htn* and roofter. 430 Eighteenthave____________ _______________ _ao WHITE UCGHORN yearllnga, all laying:

M Rhode laland Red pulleta "0 While Wvmn- done pulleti, theae are early l a ^ r , ail Frb- runry hatched. ftO brollert. average 9 the , TBc pair 11 South Burnett Jt . near Main at. TCaat Orang*.

TncutiatorsFOR 8 ALK—Three lypher* Incubalora one

rapacity 240, two 140 each: perfect condi­tion S('HEirE.BERG. 't'lJono 170J Summit. N. J.

DuhlriFas I 'e rao n sU

DRS. w n x i.^ M ft AND GORMLT |PT5CI.ALI6Tt( FEM ALE a il m e n t s


REMOVaU-DR MANDrVILLE. epadellal.bae removed tc 5A.A Breed at.. Newark. N J

ojipceite Rhuberl Theatre, fourth door «be<v* 4'tnlral nv* ; no elevator, od« flight up. Haura dally. 2 In 4 P M ; 6 to S P. U aleo Tuea- day and Friday mornlnge. 9:86 to 11 Office closed Bunda^a Advlie f ^ .


olng and heir dreealng. with n1 Una ofManicuring, fane and acalp maia.tge. aham- poolng and - ■ ■ ■

(lair goodaFIRST quality an d PER'-ECT MATi’H


LADIES' PRIY'ATE NURSING, conflnemem oaiaa. MBS MARY HARMON private

home, 406 Wear Twenty.third al . near NllUh • va ; take Lackawanna. I'entral nr Eria R R (2ftd Bt.1 ferry to New Tork: r r Hadaon tube to Twcnty-lbird at and Sixth av* ; aeelly found; hnurm 9 9 Sunday, I lo 6.

LADIES' GENUINE PAN.4MA HATS Blemched and blocked in Knnv »t\|«a snllpd

white hat« of all kinda cleaned end blocked Man'i Panamaa a rpe«MaMy


D tK L \|!:tiS u rP U K T t'M T lE MA'PTBh'TtON TO SELLERS If yrm have tried

lo aril your plect- ul l>u«!i>i«» by meana o( aJ»wrtla:nf «r b;. piaiing 11 Into the hand* of arenia. end ihe> h%\ tailed to dispoee o(

'0 •*' s. hw artsT THLI 'l blN LSS H L '^kF K , . T 'jinS hprlngfltid ave » aiiil ha a tll 1. >.iri' a qub k and eailafgctory aniv as tliTre a r t alw a)s bu>.vr* on hand for all k inoi ni ^ufej^^•r p'lijvpiliUin# Tel 6«H0 Market OPEN EN KNISOH

HALtX>N-Fmr «|(raiM(> Ferry #1 .rem tkfl. Including j l.Wng rooma, e^l* 30

iiHlvee weekli ■ \ mr and whiaky trad«>.y&tBi woMh (>l iiofk. prlc# i 1 ,-W0t'l.HIAHTZ. 21VI r.|.| .nafi^ld as#r.Vljt'KDN-i’oriier lacior.. rtlemcl rent 83ft 4

living rwime. eelJa ;15 haltea weekly, g v*! \Jget and whiakv irade, A4(ai worth nf aioi k \ rlK fl.ltei 6('U\4 AR fli. 'Mb SpringfUlda^e-

SAL'XyN corner, Vatlsburgli aecthm. rent $311.Including 6 II in r\>-<ma. U aia . aella 21

haltci rr«(* a l>##r gc., d ai'-x-k ->( liquor, pHta Wtaj. b' HWARri. 2ftft Sprtrvsfleld ate.GRCe.'MiV buichar bunreae, be^i locallon

in m iabe'li N J , rent TCtelpla l4iVU weekiv fin* heci# «nd wagnn. price *2 M.OtW i 4ih r quiM 1 lialano- in .'eeN teima rtTHWARTi, JtX'i >pr!nafleld avefl.4t>P tt ILI. l'u\ a y,-id r*i'lng grocery

•tore in Jerary i ir>, ertabllihed Id yeare. ■ beap rent, loni leaai-. average racelpia W-Vl Meekly, i l <Mi worth c( stock ao'^l oppor­tunity SCH1^A “^KTZ. 206 Springfield ihl-

SUPERFLUOUS HAIRWarts. Molt# and Dtrthmarkw removed forever by EleoirlcMy 21 veers' experience.

MME H WrSTFRVFLT 2tft W'ash1ngl<‘in 1

rio itimarked 338 New York

half p il'c . East Ot •

COMULETR Scout sulta for sale.outpioftn 4flft Nurth Gn'vr at ange.

DEiSK—Office deak, 12 drawer*, also l\to double settees for shoe store DA ‘lS■fl ahoe

ebog. 64ft Broad at . room Ulft.ENGLISH Gn-r.\pT for aala. cheup, In gerd

condition .19 Spruce si.FOR SALE. liOn feci office partHitma, ietier

t>re»s, fllina cahlneia, Fairbanks scaie. alx- f' Ot lehlee, pic,. etc , will he i-lieap roquick hu>*r D WOLi’F & *'>) . 1 Mar-k>'t at.

COLLIE PUPS, well ave ________

DANDY reglalored feniale c'^llle. 6 months old;l edlgToe latea liei ».«■ a dog worth $So; must

dispose of her soon r*aaon fnr low- rpice 120 Addrees A WM PFEIFER. Far Hills. N J


10 12. 14 Orchard e'.. 'Phone 3080 MarketFOR PALE Twi) P nsinn hull larrlere. male

and female. ihm- uphhrei1 . t wn moiiUis' olj Address noston, itni A, Nbws office. Orange

F^'H K/r.F, fine set of butcher Iixiuree; a]] niMrble and tile flnleh, will spH at sacrifice

South Eighteenth fi , lorner Elehte*ntha\ e.FOR SALE, cash reglsier new

pool room, BlS'-j Oranga e(WHITE’S

FIRST-CLASS barber flyiiires lo seJI at Inw prlcv. 12) Sumntli s« . corner TVanen m

GAS RANGE, coat S30. eell for llU. almoi t new cooking lange, |4 Ni. baby a carriage,

with Uiii. $4.SO. medium t-izr safe, flai tup deik. cheap MR CASH. iH .•Svadeiny etgaTTd e n h o b e , TeNT*^ a n d " c a n v a s !


CLAY AND 'JODE!'! STBGRASS—Five gcres grass for sale. J t3 BALL.

Parker and Boydea aves., Sioulh OrangeOLIVE O TL^tf you w ant to grow fat and roxy

use Lllv Brand, 'nbaniutely pure oMva oil, of Nice F rance; a roallD o (Isalt and blood-bullq- *r, no rh tum atlsm , kidney, liver or siomach tioublee can exiet wher* this oil Is ua*d; 11 Ihsures peiTect health- Sold only a t Olive Branch. 110 N ew ark Arcade, 649 Broad it:., eppoilta .Arcade Theatre. W. B. TURNER.“ se c o n d -h a n d bthiId iNGlda t e R1 ah “#f every daecriptlon. from foundation atone to roof, alt buildings. 74 lo 82 Park pi., and Pina i t , being wrecked by WM. H. A. REILLY.SECOND-HAND buUdlQz mateHal; building!

hnught and removed. A. P. HAMBLEN. iTo Main a t , Eaat O range; 32ftfiJ, Orange.



HOME OF GOOD RARDWARB.WORLD'S Beat Muaic. eight volume*, with

Bland; perfMt caudillon: half Morocco: fft- M Crawford at.1126 WILL buy an up-lo-date aoda fountain,

•eUing at aacrtfLce. Inquire at Gd.' South Eighteenth at. M MARATH

H ousehold G oods and F u rn itu reAT MR. CASH'S. 64 Academy at-T he original

Mr. Cff^h; be sure and get the right number, 64 Academy at.; othera are Imitating.

■tj, "WE have the finest line of aecond-hand fur­niture. ellghtJy uaed; get my price firai on

anything, and convince yourself t sell the ebeapeat in the city MR. CASH. 64 Acad* amy at.NO TROUBLE to show gooda; we have them

to call, nbt to look i t; cheap; we are the largeet aecond-hand fvmilture dealera in the State: come and see for ycureelf. MR. CASH, 64 Academy at.PARLOR SUITE, fl-ptere, HQ. ec»t ISO: rorkere,

60c., CiUt tS; baby carriage, with top, |4.60, ooet sdO. altnoBt new. At MR. CASH'S. 64 Academy at.BKAMBLBD BEDS. SI and up; aprlnga. | l

and up: eliding couch. ll.ftO: mattresaea, |1 and up. MR. CASH, 64 Academy atDRESSER, with mirror, (4. coat SIS; cooking

range, $4.60, coat tlB; extenalpn Lanle. with leavea, rgund. top table, $4.80; we haveavgryimng fhaf you fhjnke of for leaa than half ■what you would have to pay elaewhers; come and m« for youraeif and be convinced; opw to % P. M. MR. CASH, 64 Academy et.ANYTHING In the line of furniture or house­

hold gooda you want; aee u*i we wfll posl- Uvety aaveTou money.

Look at ao'me of our prioea; B«da fl and up; dreieen, $8 and up; chiffonier*, $3 and up; axtenatop tablea. $3 and up: chalra, 60c. and api mgft, linoleum; In fact, everything else at Jowagt prfca>: coah or credit.

A vlalt' to our atore wilt ocaviaoe you. OITT AUCTION ROOMS, ftS ACADEMY BT.

No connection with any other atore.

F'*H SAI.E fftX dug Irt montha old: prettily marked MR LA.NG 432 Tenth at

SAl.K -HnsUi Ih Gr#t-ii

buil<t!->g with harneas.

U HY nri board yngi r1<'>g3 end cata at lha Uri.okriiR> bearding' kf nnrl? rates rett*f>nehl*,

CHl('*‘d f' T and df'Hvpr^d G. BIGLER, 71H Hrriad st . Blof’mfifid, N JWKITF Fr-n.'h ■'irij ir.y

m-.nth- E KIR^'-IN. Bi :'e'. Ille

prM-Ml>*a, 3 and Fi 30 DeWiti eve ,

T jT M '^ ltrrs a n d S uppllr#ALL mekra $JU up; largest atork In N. J I

fuppliee for %l] marhinea, rtpslrs guersn- terd. rental? i2 end S3, arid eis;' payment I Inn. aa^'t -IG i i 7. per cent. GEG M J'UDD, IT .A'a'lor^'■ N^^verk, N J ; tel 7367 Mk-

COSQFDVE. DEt:TECTIV'E 92 Tark place.

AGENCY, NEWARK. N J,This agency baa the advantage of more thta

$6 years’ experlrnce In olvll en-l rrlmlno! mailerj, Eipen dictograph aervLce.MAl TKESSES reno^uled ai cuaf^mer'i re*l-

lence by the ImproMrd m 'lh '■! « full rli#maUrefs, |2 ?& ue handle a full Un" of bed- dihg and »r-u retell ul \Khoiepa\* ptlrcs. HGFFM.4N & PASHKGW. 21 Market a> Newark, N .1 . 'phone 6691 Market.

RELIANCE MATTRESS COMPANY 883 Washlngion at ‘Phone 2n6T\v Market. TVe renovate ihe fealhers pt hair In ycur old

maifrea* and furnlah blue Htrlpe nr art Hiking for t.S; ell o-ition neu •nanrr'a'. $G. rotiun tor- mattresi. $1 69. cushion* made


6HEKT METAL WORK.26-30 Hnfg'roN 1=T

'Phone 3f»W4 Marker NEWARK V i61’LTANA. pink cheek llni. for ilu'lng chrake

’<nd llpe. absolutely hArmieas nnd nl!* net r'lt off. hae einnrl (he lest fnr 2ft ve;i'-s vr an* rlepariment store or ut MMF F. v r ‘'’TnP VELT, 213 tVashIngion at . Newark. N. tL.VlJlFr, Atrenfiun'- Why pay 2 '' and

for puffs’ ] make the lanie ibing frr Iftc »wi!f’he* trinFrorrr.ati"ns aiade f; rti c.inib Irga sll work guaranieed MRS WOLF n r Snuih Ninth ItMATTRIIRFES, box Bt'rlng* nnd»’ -‘wr h us-

tnmer'r re. llencf-, $1 •'rh up lent -tk Kij<.r- an'eed, mattrPB.«i'B br<1 springe ficiork iirico,I Lf>NDA Sfrt J-'i» iiigilei.l a\p le! :i4»>W Wu-

pHvTHIVATE rnsismi'-v hnme. «ivir'prin* ,i,i -]

trslnpii nufap. rv^*tiiy ><*irs' eyfi--'''*nH-e wltl- rri\>1hers and Infants. hIm) aged Invt'ia iadbv lo board Tel M : 4'* t . lu.rbl-i at

$1 ftfki \\ iLI. buy an ojil pstabltshed hard- warr. paint, gl.ia* rtcue. etc . ten mile*

frf^ni Patertim. only on* In t'>en: li.fgat worth f »l'-rk ea*. .1 feilrln* SCHWARTZ. LtC

J-l r.-igfipMIbiARUlSG and fiirii'sheit room bouse, rheap

i 'l l ' in< iu-llng 2.1 looms all Improvemenls. lu.> baths lease, nionthl) n>'elpio ItbXt heeu- tlfullv fin ..I, lui.. $1,S00 SCHM’AHTZ. IMJftpi ingfisM aw( ON FK( TK’N DRY. rlgapa. notlona, old esl*l>-

lieltl buainepi, between two car llnea, rent |in . ihre< Ih rg ntoms; leasa, rec^lina $14 dnil' kHjO wonh of slock, prlc* $.476. bar- gnin >t-ldom 'iffered. call quickly to St Hlv.vhTZ. 20f. PprUtgfleld ave• IflOcEflV I'ltnfrctlonerv. notion, rlgara tn-

ha«i'i. St. TC. excellent location, rent $16, In- riu'ling four living rMvm#, re'-elpis $66 wvek- 1\ $T*2.’1 wnrlh of ato«k, price $360. gubin.nie li.'HWARTZ. 2lW Springfield ave.t.G N FLt'T lO N EftV atatloneri. rlgara, ire cream one of the best pj.slbg Store in ' -a n |f . rvnt I l f , five y e a n ' le ite receipts lirg) Wf<kl' own founialii bnu tlfu ll> f>‘ led fully scek ed price n>60. s i'H W A B T i.1‘1' j bpringflelil .i^r

tY)NFK4"nONER V. stationery rlgara. t.>- h*< ..'0 Bi'.re, down town, rent $15, Including

ihtvr- living rvoius, rtestpta $76 neekl). $26'J worth il stock price |2'26, act quickly

lUVARTZ. 206 gprlngneid av*GR! I ER1’. del; airwuen Tenth ai rent $2o.

.ricluijing ftur lUIng rooma. bath, receipt! $1*> d.-iiu $4"ti WfTih f\f stock, price lo KJ b' J'tS hr^ingfield ave.?22fi t'llG . li'-> a got-Hl paying barber sbniv

Rluonifl 'JiJ e rent $26 Inoludihit r '*ui :i'\np rtH nlP is ts receipts $:Mt weekU In ilnling i\«i- hair* fme fUtutes e k"o I cha r e ff.r a l-arl-er Ft.'M\VAnT:' hpr.iii:?If!d aMHAHBKR flii' P neat p<*cilon Paasaic. N .1

rent $tl> w.ekly receipts $36. Including three chairs, hftauti:ull> fitted, rumpletc for $2jt» ec'HWAltrz .rw Springfield ave

BUSLXK&S O F l*O R T t‘N IT n£S A tT U M O m l.K SH AlRtilimAlxt] and mintiura

mU fully equll>|>tt1 un Uri*sd Manl.'ur*. Pos 24. Nv>«e ufil>«.

parlor r r

JTALIAN chemUt. hie Ices ip ml* * rom- poaliKn (or tha (Intebliig aulfi And grain »hat «ni not Vrack or change color, aa others now In eommrr -Sal u»e. ihia oppotiu nlty I* open only ii,- the 'nan understand laalher lMa»in«M AMKRK't^ i^EGiiRARG. 4'i*i South ii*th ■» . Phllgaelphl.t. Pa________I ItA ^E a nli« -lean, up i • deie reeteurwni

which I bcHjgbi cheap n * l hs.irig am>i1<*r huilltfia, I vannnt afftii.l t< k*cp li I uUl Sell for Mfto . **h n>. sfei la Addi*s» > -n-traclor, Bt»a 2.-» Neui fi.^eLCA6K. fu tu re s and Mvensn of up-t->-dgi4

ra4iilly liquitr store for ra r , ,i rsr* ^>p>ir lunliy t<' purchase an ts ijb lish» 'i tiuvTnrsa Addles* Loaee, Itos News offkeliANUKAUTUHKR of lavtisenuM urucl*;

vpaclalty. na.esaltv iti->nnpo!>. iwihmt iv.* It, a«iviY houSenlfe bu s 'in»- for mall . rder ranvassera, ogenia, aani iiuemoes man as pen ner. able lo Invnet $l Vtfi larga pr'»fit* For osniculari addr'^s Manulacturar. Hit* T3. News v.fftre.OLD established algnd. doing goM busloees.

dellcalesaeit. grocery yonfei'tlonary, clgir siul tobacco, at vornav of large echoiril and In fii.- lory diiirl'-'i- ownei «ii,has ii leave city no agente Addreaa Siend llox^M Newe_of(lceOLli-KFf.t Jll.lHtI El< gjCH-ery bulini as. «* .11

pell 111 ih In'cniory doing abi>m f.Vki cn»h bualheai wcrkiv, l.irge rornrr siore. rent. $.«i In Irvington S J Addiess biuie. Box l-t Newe office

Mfli-il MMl'.n \UTG ll.AftiiAiNft 1 Jl.vLMIUL. M,id«irr Uls in.-d«l equlpp**-!-

I Vf.\1.6iKlj4 touring i4*e mo-ln fine sh4|,i« U M loiiMpg full* i**nil:'i-e«l rin.* »hsp* in'!*6iiN i..diUter fully itj!.*, d f$Tftl*\ MILAN D touring ex* epiivusl bargsltt U;;s. AlTtH'.vK runHibuui. ijp* I.'*, g CiJ •i-ler. |p*j UA''K\ril>S Urenkhns, vadlllt.e Fords .m.l

oihsris r u D^lLV

YOU aiv II.. Hii ngh till you have ■!ai the kl ari-1 rrlubie

M UNih^NtiK T<)V .NftKND'ft iitip . . i;pi. iiiod

LiTTI.r YVNKr.Fti ftlX IJTTt-E TAN- kees 1h> eie^i <afb>-n klhera will rid a

mouif uf larboti .is .,.iUk aa o*n change a lire n|il in>>e.iiSe i>v**ir. <a^e gas. tr»d ai^e sni'iolh running engitte. each t">x uf ftls I.IKle

t Yankees 'tminins ei> •igb i.- oisan a four-cyllg- . dfi inoior <br.)> (nnte nrli * • l<<n; M

iPiiild* no B'-iapirig F'*r aale In Naworli hyMILLLH ft <-M 12 14 William sU. ano

,rH 4P E MlIXrR 2Tl Kaleev F.

»JOHT<aAGlL L U \ S i r ^ t % n h O : iA l f & X ^

OPEN AIR moving picture iheatra for sale .gi»d prop''islMon fnr right lUiriy g.»odi le,*-

avn for selhnr \dd rea i 216 M.irrls ave 6JR M 'E tJ I lF T .___ _______ _________

PltlN T JN t. .4*ND Ml I.TIG RA PH IM I- P A L write*' Ih >nmpie1». ue write strong,

rniivlurliig < -p fnr iMioklet. fidd. rt etc . j r - rangt. ilealgn jnd print them vu-ll niijlligrapo li-iteiB. iivmpil* matting Mat* addrc»* envoi, ■'pea. wr.ippvps «t>'. h-t >our rr pr.*eeuiaiJi * ta ll and e ip lu n aur service in deinll. The PRICE A LE L IX) AM Mroad at.________ _POINTING BUSINESS for sal*, well eriulp-

pad. srnaU shop, in running order, low leni , fine lotaMnn. Newark unusual i-liance for young. e*pei ien'‘e.| piim ^i t" s ta rt In hua'- ness Addrao* I’tln ilng Hos N cup uffhnPARTNER wanted. « ho has had esncrlence

and If caiiahh' of inanaxIhR busliu*)*. nvist Invest VVm guarantee.! aaa ln ii h'r^ ri-ftr- enrei required Address P artner. B<>x ^3 News office

.\iTIV LrN i; IVELDING ALL mrfiurN vnttM nnir.E and ma­

c h in e I 'U lib KlTArilRD w z Wl.UD bTFEI. t'*kT riR n/r ETC ALL W'GHk AUrvtJLUTFl.V arARANTCED

L T.^WRKNt’V. A CO.282 HALm: v NEWARK. N .U

► ui.'v i.\L n.un;.viN \vi-:uK.Ws hsve i.velvrl m -p*inl r-jHertlnn of

.nrs sdterllsed In ihese ...Iniiine IliSt a* w[l| olfer at |• l^ula »ile e^t-if^^ng anv |irlvai* fi ruMic sale evei .i(iri>‘.l ni Newiv:k f>*r one vitk otilv. Aft*t $1 tv,' .‘anif isrlv m iha ■ ork Htij aei (In l iliuhe vl|FKi»RD Anlo Ivihsnga ?s| Hsiiej tl

ll|G n.XRGAlNflTW I * :i <*«*«.Ih , ,.Kn;M .Ml trU'-kx OM’. l,.',i*i I'. rniii>.i.'l . -'I'tiin tl i«l tru-'k t.iNE *e< . " .<M ■•. nse, Mruinr .sr

h »«II’ I'sv u t i l «>k them overKRIAUI: ;gh SUrkM vr ark N J

tT(s» nUYb hunk.lovifh.g. perfect

wind shi'-l'i. l*re-i slip c.i' era . i. f rlins. run IlM t ought n< »v IlH'



i.L-drl It. fue-ivaseenger >.11.111 ii>n. fully etpilpped.> Mti, *i»r,'.i,iineter vPH-k, f ri*-** iirrs, gemountsbla lo k* like new hiving

i;se fnf ihiS one, in'n o iilN ^riv .R G L E n d r o. Ity


k’RriFITAQl.E m an u fii luring hualneas, mu.-*t dispose Dlls 'week, s i t cruick. jrr>od reoauns.

no ageni*i Addreti Profitable B.ix 37. News officeHA'UBING SHOP Mild icwig «t a sarrifice.

C(-ntri1 location; melting im account oT -Ick nrs# AtJ.lrrss Plumbtng. Do* .44. NNwi offir.BETIRJNtr from bualnes". 'vhl stcrKlce first

cloat niami upil vegetable market, this \s one of the finest markets In town, rci-rything i.p 10 dale »aial>liBhmd 2s years, ilolng good ''y-- hess. file t ;>fMi-iunity for * h»isil<r A.Mr.Hi Oppijriuilii Box :ifi, Neiva .•fflreHEPTArhANT for enlt [oasrvn for eellliif

.iflcr vlclnUy >*f ' enl re Markvl .V-ldreif fleMi Irani. Box hi Nt "s office


rn.V NK A WI-NZKI.R'>om» 311 hlnney building Market A BroadP,\KI'T(6' Baking 15 bbl* flout *veekly. mn

he h.'ijKl.t with 'T wlthoui pr»]'e’iv. prbT I'x I'UAiTi'MS. *1 ftfici. price for billin'«h -vn'1 pr 'prii* sill (>1(1 purt cash reaa-o. *ii knes*.'. l-hANK A WENZEL i "in.11 i h rri.*v hiHMmg Market and Prv-id1 fiN Cl.' TH'N IvRY Good panng imsir'i*

. I!11 hr bought for $600, worth fftlS' r<*ir.|i -Mllng 'iher l uKlnesp. FJIA.SK l .S

71.1, i-.uni .111 Kinney building Market nn! \ roud.

‘ nm f1ai tnvei*. furnished, r.rfiine, rvnt *■'!" s'eam hrai rj I I'm rt n'u Im rit FRANK A

nil. Klnn-*,* building, Mj i -

rruN ir-H D i' if m p I» I e t' I»,

pri. e $.M>( ' IVU E.N/KL J n kc ind BroirlI'M 11 ATKbr-KN buslneui finest hi. «'i

S'r.'.ih'ic d -loR B huBinpSB of $12' "•n-nt UCi In. tu'bng five r.v'mii |>rn-*‘ I liiiNlng I 't ' h'UA.VK VkUN'/.b-I. ro I K nnrv building, Market and Br.


CHEMIC.SL ANAl.YbeP Technlrsl ni.d rlin is l anflUvr* ot resao^

ohle rates, 1 FIl I V;l'.\l v N. ritem l.^hi.ra'on Nl Halsey st.. lel Mkt.l'iTs. of>en ?undavt A M

NHW and REBUILT Typ'-wrltert of all makea

6old Mftited. repaired, guaranteed RD'YAL TYPEWRITER AGENCY.

707 Bmnd sL. r>ver Creacenl Drug ftioreWE aell, r*nt. repair, and ex rh ing* *11 make*

of typew riters; wft guaran tee to give *atl.l- tactbjn or to refund your money: Imitation typew ritten lelter* of highest quality at loW- *sl pricea. Newark Typew riter "EJichange. 3 Peaver *i. 'Phone M arket 4430

'\ i send by mall the heat com rgre on re­ceipt of 12.’ Ill etamps LEWIT'S Drug PI or*. 164 Spruce »tMBS DHBWrS. midwife. 13o Mulherry a t

forner Markei. private riurskig blgh-cla?a ex|terience; cureful treattneru Tel fty.tliw MklMRS. ANNA GRUli'H^~rnTrt« ife ladles’ piT-

vaie nuralng. conflnemeni .-ayea. trealmml il home. 60 South i.)rane»' ave.

Cowsc o w s ' cow s ' c o w s '

lOO head tfive carloads) fresh cjjws and epringers from Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York State, Friday. June 27. come and see (hem. more cows and lower prices than any market In the Slate; good fresh cow* and sprlngere for sale every (Jay 1ft the year Newark Flock Yard*, Hurrlacn. N. J A. CAN- FlIiLT Commission Co,^ W 8 ! c o w s : COW’S! Will receive Thura-

day, June 20. fifty cows, fresh and anrlngere. come down to sec me (i%r sale or exchange at the lowest market prices. GUS KETN. Vaug- hall r»iail. Union.

L u m b e rBPECIAL cash prlcea on lumber to cash buy-

erg. Clinton Hill Lumber Co.. Nva flve, and Fftbyan p I. 'Phone 69S WatTerly.

MUb. EICHHi.ittN, Oermast graduate mid­wife tikes CLnfInemenr -< appB. private nurd-

tot 40(-> StTli.Bfleld H\p

I.UfciTBRCXJCH—Lobi. Sunday, he'ween fli Quitman

si. and Bt Paul'! U £ I'hun.h, black enameled brooch, aet with pesris; reward. MRS, WOODIaAND, DT Quitman atCHARM—Lost, Knlghta Templara charm. Inal

between fc>ot of Monmouth at along Cllnion ive . Avon ave. to 44 Avon pi . liberal re- vard. J. R PeREMER

F t i.S KELI'ERS' Opportunties -- UnpulBr (b rm en C 'jrr 'r aai(vm, "Wiier retiring J.

'.•'Jill lIlnePB ri^'iulrfrl, only $-lon. other at- 1.V I'.i iJ|wni<lB. iplendHl|r,ij4« li.f^nike fill*} KRI'KK. t in Lttuom- ryid n.. H'>bi'k(*n apm evenings uloo.KaLoC N fi'r chrop to quirk buyer, or

at.count of S'-iruf out of town, selling 116 to 3.5 halves of t.e<>r wi-eklv gond whisky and i-lgnr trede m livinr mnniB, * || inprovv menis. rent ivt Address saloon ll'vx HI..\‘e>ni offt!'(

I n ational XUTtt Ti'P CD, manufirturera of I HUiO IDV*. slip covere ird trmvmlng ins'-lat I refrlnvmin* Of hmoi.lines, iand*irlp>'Kji enaI toi.rlnc can; orders jirompTly sti.-'.'lril lo a*\ moqrrsia nrlcss; etiisn repalnng 16 Herrhsr

Bt, I firrv r Hnlssy si , Ns»'srk N i n*«r I Lincoln Perk 1. D. Theme Ikvn M.irkst___I New car*. 60 p*r c*nt, iffI V’en |■(M1l(s. 6f' ner rent off I ii>i rei.iiLii .BTs. all make*, yiisv (.1 mio I N'vv K"id toi's $16 otheis all sUbb

Del- waKOiu. | | : k1 up. w'dah'd* HiH-edm'iB t5 Time l•■•.'lents Tr*d*a made. Cars i.'njfhi 2vrth rer.iury 1760 H'wiiy, 3d (Icof. N \

IF YGl' need anything for rhs a‘;io and wan fo h.iv n nyjrvcy vi’»li .ler**y'a larg'*** is*'

car hlin;'. >l£ iv(rv b<.'l>% llnvoiitlne and '.iii- lUuii-i ..a.htB, lovirtUB litHlie* tlias and lu'f< lailis'vi*, femlers i>-|.» 1 iir,|-cni. altntk .vtin ibeir eb- v< e wif.k 'Rix {'il'ts at viWJi u«ut pi.i t. D!ii,i;iN'F^ ;iki ilcllevllig avenue\vi. rEniNKTRU<‘7. r.M-ilr ard miK* new

Radi.iir'rs. lii>>U I-'trvders and Gaar>1in* ilo Jsiishnln; nod rlcKel ulaling. mak«

*p*< la! ('d*il:v B <.f i(Hs> an-1 brons*. raflmaa uli Lir.ght wiE- >; I'i' u.iti-mutdli.

3\R i 1 VNT MKG, CO. bUini'iii bi5 I New SI*.


Il Mow AI* H e le gat rl.1 v( all anadi Miftt and Baiisf> rvi>iy i i^bvi.' aru A<t II ill gt M8#f

TllIM tn OHR iCHEUS*K1*ur* gp r ur lMii*lit*<lnsw. lb#n r*B8 *• V*

anil let u« a-iv^ng* yuu iks paJBjagfy oOfta 8il meat lh«»s nlilia«[i'fts.IN It 14 A\ at *

voii reiAtn yi gr cisdli and a«v* tl*8 FtffT ^ having to nak* ona >Lol|*f .io iha work OT OU.

Yuli Can THIKpay u* of( althar n*«kl]A Of moatklr raf* mvms. t« suit yuu> invgma, a«d knvf faraw left with which . ouy fut cMk MkOT lias «vf Ufa

CALL <aN ua• nd let us ad Im yon In monay matltfi. W« cau giva VDU ih4 advamafa >f dtu' K*Kf years «spsrlcn<:a.

IK VuU A ANNOT CALfL. write or 'phchk and wt shill a* Ptagrak I* etill

inromatniiII >ou Bftd gh* you anyniay dsatro.


IkKVM 9ul. THIRD i'l/M tn , (42 M ARKET f f ; 'PHGNtf 4736 HAkKET. -41

w h a t you w a n t0 and T906 W HERE TO OFiT IT IlM.If you na«d raadv m <n4ir, and own futwittirw . *nJ want a qulekiy _»nd

W» hftvopiano,)uu should 1( 1 Ob u for It.■.aUrlpg 1-i the puhlle for

TWENTY r ^ 'E ri-A R a IN NEW A RK and mjr h'Og expertcnia m SOI’AAV DEAL maihoijB, laai^iaibla ri.e i end ibaoint* prisagf I* upprecluad by ill who borrow manay lj| thta w *y. and

YOU ARE INDKFEDENT amt under ivbllgatlmr 16 n«' on*. Tour C69* iraet wliu ua fr"v)ds« rh tt you ean i>af your deal at anr lima, and for tvOTy fiut month paid iuoiiar than the itrae ag fitd uqoiL w* will aPitw \nu a iiitaianMil ribald.

PAY WEEKLY OR MUNTIILT.11 makes nn illffei>.oc6 to ua W* will tioRI you rlghi ai *li llmea. ind ihow you R OTT rvasoruhiv couricay and conaldirktion dUflM iha running of the account. If unable to ralLw R n i: or phone m a r k e t 4kM and owrrsprwswniativa will rail.

pM iiivaly no advansa eb a rtn t. PEORLE’ft lA'iAN ANT) BROKERAUB CQ.,

1f6 Market *(.Room 406. Fduftb Floor,

o n lea Hours; Anturdny e v e n ia AH IO g . t o'cloOTk

rAlAH IN ^$7iNt well buv n]d rstahlished so lonr •J'iii J" l . i l 'i - of Ti'-fj'(- b-'»r gg.-'l

gi-nt-rril lud irn:. uv.i fliiivis, $n.'> .'Uiver i< iiiins k' F'l ' Il?-r .M I'linbin n 'F.VLut'N f"T I'SJt? nn a prrvinlnft;'i hiistiv's*

5ires( near bvouil and Market, at a re,it«'ii- sMe pi!r,p .VtilrBss b , B‘'» 'Ml Nb'vs ' fflre.S.\I.(tuN R-• iiVcr Ri«i w k)s e< !l It

op A.-ri(jri .‘f lehiMin '|T\ : 1 ha:.' pil.(»Q1 tlSR.V HTH 2a ; .shin!' a»eSAIAiDN An l id eataV'llshed builnese Appl)

Hfi PsbsrIi el nt ir Thlf l ave , JOHN J SWEENEYSACRlN' f; v^w Jerso Fire Insurance O .

frvr *bU ih> pan fnri> •harfe, at $44 pi i shote .\ Hr-sic ln.-*uran^ <* f i 'a iH News ..ffice3TKAM L.vrNT'HY f^r Sfik, good huslneas ■’i d

icsfiMon. nv a-mum <<( ill health "f owner A<1(Aro»B l^nunilry, Brit ftl. New* nffi.a .

SafesMEDit’M-STZED Mosler safe, brand new

also larger one: must sell quick LANGDON HEARSBY. 18 North Maple gve., East Orange.NEW AND SECOND-HAND SAFES. ALL


NEW and seco n d -h a n d .MACKNET A DOREMUS. 7«« BROAD ST

L a d d e r s , D e r r ic k s a n d F l a g p o l e sPI.'LLEY LINE POLES SET. |ft AND UP.

PORTLAND lADDER CO.. 180 ORANGE hT.. NEWARK. N. J TEL- 5ft4 B. B.EXTENSION la.i3der In g(»d condition, 32 feat

long; will aall cheap 73 Hartford at., near liorrfti aw,LADDERS. CHEAP; PULLEY POLES. $6

UP; FLAG POLES. DERRICKS. POSTS. W, H. NOYES CO.. Ift4 l i t a t.: TEL 1734 R.R.

DOG—Lost, dark shepherd dog, strayed away Sunday murnlng from gatehouse of New

York arid New Jersey Water Co.. Be]le\|l|* turnpike. North Arlington Howard for returnDOG—Lost, cocker apanlol. Saturrtev morning

between 16 and l l . from L'l Proapet:! st , Enai Orange; year-old; had collar with hrasa bullotm. Reward for return or infnriuatlon.DOG—I-uist. large collie, had been clipped like

a lion year ago; has white on fiu'e. white brroai; and white ori^und neck: woe eecn in Snho Friday rORWIN LOOKER, 51 East Park st,, East Orange: tel. 156 grange.DOG—Lost. Gordon setter bitch; black with

tan markings; reward. R*-tum tis IT4 North Eighteenth st,, Bast Orange «DHEbS—Losl. Wednesday afternoivn, beiwefn

ttprlngfleld ave and Bamberger’s aiore. drfisr. black and white. irUnmed with blue Fitider please return lo 2 Park drive, W>st Oranee, liberal reward.h a n d b a g , velvet, with oxidized rllver irlm-

mlnga, containing five keys, reward, t all BROWN. 73 W arren atLOCKET AND CHAFN-Loet Saturday last,

child'* gold locket and e»dn. monogram ‘L. A. M vlrlnlty Lincoln end Belleville

ftvea. Kindly return to 6, MALLET. 38 Lin­coln ave.: rew ard

l^T SKtTH'Kfte Paclflo *t^Fumlhim; dra*6*r< t t ; btdf $1; iprlng. II; mattriaa, $1; library

table, $4; large carpet, IS; everrutlag very «liHp: pome and and 6ea for yourtaifA.T $ft6 HAlaey at .— and oeoend hand fur-

olttare. oorpat* nige, re t ire ra to re . et^vaa, very reoranable. Cali oad k> ^All Mb

MOTUd.BOOKCASE. $t; deak and beokOMi eom%

blned* $7 511: Udlea’ daak. 18; ball ■tiada, IS.10; fine cablneta for reoorda. ILIO. ooet $M» refrlgentora. $2.30 up; other furnl- tiira- ISft H alsey at.SUFFST, tU.ftO; round dining table, $8.B ;

letthOT chalre, tl.ftO; Horria chair. 12,10: oUdlQA eouehea, $2.60; all Ilka new. lift Hal- M0r «t.O A JO W . Brtiesela, U : buraan. $4.96; B lnm r

nttolitta, $4.60; mattlnf. 13 cantg yard; lot good* i^aap , 39 Bridge at,, near Broad.OQMTaNTS of five-room flat fbr lale eheap.

A^8T1K» 142 Hloh at.JV fE W T ooBortment o f oecoed-hand fttin itura

In the c i ^ ; a ll gooda like naw, a t lowaot pricea, w h ite enameled draaaar. $T.ftO; ehlf- ftHlJerp $4: h e a v i w hite bed. $3.w; large oak d m M r. t y w ; d tilfton ln . l u c i bUckw alnu t dresaer. Ift; ten-foot exteaaloB table, U .78; a1d«boarl$ l3 : aeotional bootceaoa.Ilft.aO; jireiTiB chair, tS.Tft; leather davenport, |16; la rge w ardrobe, $10.00; Domeatlo aewlng tae* ohlne, H i flve*pjace parlcv ra lte , ltS.IO: parlor rugk $7.7ft; Icehoxea, $2.76 up; cook otov^ I f ; Bumerona o ^ e r pleoea. H. J . HtIKT» w Or- a i i ie e t . ________________________VC7RK1TURE at your prieei about t l i van

lo M furniture and houactaold gooda of every deOcriPbl on oold (or ftoram >t your priMi muit b« Mlif by July 15; dellTcry fr«e. 0 4 W ub- limon tt._____________ __________________n iK N IT U M for n l« : W T lint eondltlan;

«itkl>. f n WlaJpor I t , Arlli>«ton.VOtl RAIJ5~New FroeCn n a rtni*. obw».

H OtemmanA u a ., 8uC Oranm, ___U S Q B wklaat bookou* witb (l*a« doora

0 ta t Mlti tl.(M>i I f wry good oondltloii, M Captytl kw ., Wowprip __________

m * n n (* i dovbl* erran: coat |asj J a m ntM i will •all ebtip. HI

■tiuMMitea narltt aitIMi daak n a p : M r ja te T ilS rU ta tra H

• t laktiiocON• t ________ ______ _

mlTTpra, jNdtarad. PlaMa,

a - —> ttae BIH|gM .P-

D m b r e l la a , T r u n k s , L e a l h e r G o o d s WARDROBE trunks, etsamer trunks, regular

traveling tcimks; never better prepared to eupply y( u; all sizes and atylea: Likely^*, Hart- man’a, Ooldamith'*,' Indeatmoto; loweet prices; ault caaea. bags, traveling seta. GREEN. 740 Broad at., opp. P 0. and Academy at.

S ig n sAttTiaTtC SIONB. ahow u rd a and lattarlns.

B I-JA R -V B glONS. l u t to B en-*-T ar. (H Brood, near M arket: 'ohrae 0000 M arket.

P ig e o n sFOR BALaE—White airitend back tumhlera,

ehort heaka, reoeonahle. COUSE, 01 Fortieth at.. Ir^dngton, N. J._ _ , _ __

BUSINESS N O TIC ESa r e you going Id bdVe your roof re^redT

We paint and repair all kinds of old leaky roofs and put on - new roofa and guarantee water-tight for ten yeora: we uae beat oaphat*turn elaatte paint made; old. womout roofi, covered with our aephalt flint roofing; all work guaranteed eatlafactory or no pay; uet iieatimate on your work; we can aave you one* half the eoit. Newark Roofing and Mooufoo* turlftg Ce., 2 Pottage a t ; 'phone 64S6 MarketBAVE money h j having im retlnlih your aJlver*

wire, chaodenara and broaa bedateada, mak­ing them like new: anything In the metal Una reflDlahad and repaired: t auperlor Oliver pollaJi alwayt on head. Write or *phoite SMT*

NEWARK NICKEL PLATING Oa»Rear M and 40 Walmit oL

CONCRETE aldewoliiko, . jIH, repaired ohd el«iD«d• ta i ehlmneya rebuUi, _— ---------

nloaiotlng and Jobbing dene: drop noatol and get wUmate. B. F. ROBINSON, 7 Summer

cellar bottotne, atapa,■ ‘ ----------- ’.i

« .WHY not apply a piatal eafllnc enw' tba craok-

ad pUitar m your kitchan. balhraotni, atora* ate.T ,8ENRT C, TRAHTWEIN, MaUl Caiunt Contracinr, «w Paabraa ara.i lal. 5Cr?fW Way,AWWPKM. WniDOW BHADXS fcr IITOBg

o m a a *BD DWHU-INOB *T LO ^ p u d n . wHiTB (OR ■PHOWB atwwi; w ii ROPOUTiH UUCX CO.. 2S BROOM(C BT.WHY ast b a n k H«mlaH now t» y « r woo*

bathnom, kMebai). a(e.T Ba»4 *w tarapi* ----- - ---- — noorln* O t. 1»5 HawHawark

York kv t I MarkatKSWARX a*I.KIRURIl*.n—Laoiuliy binlDMa

for akit; an opportunity to rHAy buyar, Okin BMr. R^abtnktm ana Bank au .; wrlta. (all or . 'phone S9TB UkLAliL KINDS ot Mmantar rapalrtnit or i»w

wort dmo nrooipUy at roaaooablo ^ c * l . gAVni PRIN2. m W urvatu t nva.. bvlni-

CONCRBTa WORK—RMawilkf: eMnuMya ra- ImUL elannat, Mwalradi ptaatwiac! JobWna,

Tai. (8giiB,B, fe Bo, loniai. j o r x H m y rMABOIt woRK-CMmaara rtbatM, npalrid,

aatariu. auanttona aM M M u a •oaolalty. D&RMOdT 151 W aliwy^; ( j g W k n K S a t

_ MBTAt ta im w o k A im w arJJ it s and up. FH iD J o ck , m b u th

5M at., naar Clinton a n . 'Pkona tUK Way.BRAM RSDB AM rtai|M tifm ritliUalaed. ta

Mak Uki ntw. A n iM m Chanaallw Oa.. IM Bomb OfMka ava. '.PbwM 10W M artatTOHN BROWNB. oanwitar. »1

’phona Hnrtat MIW; (obMnt aaUmataa ( tn n . WNotk mop, Rai

Moaekar at.) ■Matty Maa n at.

tinmaya latndlt. rapalrad ant —-jibb tak wort at abort

Falmow a n 'M R A Ii Ci3LIN<W AM1> W A IU

(wata* la *lT te iia <H to RttwiL. J * 5 l t » Walam at.. j t awMjL

c S ^ i l i c b S b i r .oUmnaya alataaA, M ear floa.

Markat 1»T iasaai an V city

TBN toUb nt p m .tap# Mlntad with MRr


pArtCAGE—LftBt. this TTiomlng. amall aealad package, containing lady's gcitij q-atch, ail-

dressed la. Lucie, PutnaTn. C't.: lost on Pna- aalc, May or Ogden at Re*-ari1 If returned to Dflver F. 8WECT. Wells Fargo A Co.. Ex- preaa, A3Q Broail a t _____________PACKAGE lost, containing Impreoflln^ of Tn~-

graving!, between Hoboken end Rosevllla Finder raium ORNSCH, HU Columbia »ve.PIN—Loat, Creecent shaped fraternlly pin;

name on hack; rewsj^J given Please return to 28 Wlnana at.. East Orange.

.';d rsuMl^hrd. -elJine I «rrkl.\ burr'I whlc-k in-'ivlhlv ' fiir i” ti ■'ffif ’’Hrr Iti pHl'I .KJ'tH

r-'.iT IHn' ln> lu<1lnR 12 nx mv l rlra- SLMrpi yK.VNK .S \\ LNZFI, nr"in .111 Kl'in.^

Marker and ProadhAL ’Hi.V iin mein ave.. eriliiva H

Lippt w,»pkh iiiriRily amall glaea 'rel*. firJi- (, vvhiKkv irade rent $y>, I’ri-e $7iK» T’ei- tk'uSerp r.l FM.ANK A WENV.EIa, ro. m 311. Klnnrv huildins, Market an-J Bi >adJiAl- "'N Flti" c.rrnrr, BPllius -2 halves h«r ^w»(-klv TC ilfni' $275 Tieekh price 41.Wii). Ir.i lijiiliiM STlVi *l<v.’k. reaion f. r kelllnn_ Y*- tgreen.i-ni of •s?•lnr k FRANK UKNZEL, 311 Kltinrv huilrtma, Market and Broad



bee "Ma c k .” "THAT'S ALL"'1103 FlFt^MI.N'S INPrfiVN'T nill.DING


CAN MAKE MONETbY leeilng Isrgeet and flneat hall In Ellii- heth N J ; large donee hall meeting rootna. resiturant and oafe; located In rentre n( city: present owner sick mustpr^rl'inltv WrBe Ct rail GOTTFRIED KRl K- GER Brewing <> . 75 ^elmotU ave.. N ^^rkATTIIAfTIVE STORKS, fent 120 monthly,

shle rcrnfectlnnerT, Ire cream parlor, I’lgar*.' elirt(' RtoT* or Is’indry. none In fnwn , population ! R.60O: wholeMb beer bottling estahtUhroent.

rliidina rnrner property, earrlflre. cheap, arrminl of other tLBlnepi NICROrSfiN CO , Lyedhur"tN. J . _________________________________ATTENTION—I bu> entire contrnta of atorrs

of :ill deerelptlons. pay the hlrheet priced nnd art rjulrk. full aatlafacllon. J NKJMAN. 313 Fl'teendi nve. TcL. B~f> Waverlyan old eitabtlah(*d bakery'for sale, owner

wants to retire; will aell for $Allb. Addreia P . Tto\ .IO, News o f f i c e . ______________BAKE SHOP for aale; tbree-atory brick, with

store anil good oven; iv*o apartmenla and itfthle lot IM. rear alleyway; fine atrrei; equity $7 ftfki. would take eome good property In part pnyment. BAKER. 2®0 Hamilton ave Trenton. N J. ________ __________BREAD ROUTE for sale; clearing I2R weekly

pr'iflts without cake; wlih fine horae, newly palmed wagon nnd cowl harneM, price $350; other huslneee W, JANREN, 447 Avon ave.. near Seventeenth aL____________bXr g AIN ipekers look tM* ovar; store with

three rooms and a four-room bungalow on a gold corner; all worth Ifl iWl; want an offer. See GRAY I4 Hollywood tive Lyons Farms, afier fi F MB'lATHOl'SE with laloon on account of death

In the family; gond-psylnk propoeltlcTi WALTER'S Central Boathouse; 'phone Market.snpw.

TPV I'vjr hl^h grade fat' slftjlle tvpew'fnian let­ter* $1 -5 up. aidr''"iiiR. foidina, promt.i■ r n ‘ * H III Co . Mir|4,c t ^i IvU! 'HG

TO LFT -ITT Proad et ejitrthllshed ree'Qurant.fully HTuliuied Hd|{iitiihx North Ward Bank.

Iruj'jlre M (i tuipKMrf^ 3(1 Orange elTKA nn’l 1 nffRF huainejH f n- sale

In quli k hujei ('nil *■ t'entr prB bargain I >rars‘

r i ’-T!'-DATK KEl=rArFl.\NT fop snie, r^a- Sf nnhir, grand (hanr. fnr tight part> . only

re?iBurant In to«vr 2f(2 tJlenisood ave , PlrKim- f eldI'Kf.l. ebtahliBhed 'manufnriurlftf bwalne.«B

needs "irall eiiiount fit capHal t(5 furthvr In- tcreei, Mill allow righ* parties to punhare Irtert-ai money fuilj Hecured, For refereirca and i>ari b lila I B adArneei l-VtAhhahed, Prix i i. Newf offiitWANTED, a good huelneaa of anm* kind In

exchange for up-lo date dwelling with very srnaU mortijage Address Biislnees, Box 41, Neivs officeIVIBH to Invest in iRglllmaie and profltahle

huslnesa. with ♦ervicee Boi I5p. Eaat Or- angk-


3W) HALSEY 9T.Weld all metal parts nf aiiTiimnbllea

mAclilnery, aluminum work a epeolaiiy ertually fuse the part* (igelher; a l work guar* irtee i Phone 7402 Market.


JP,(Wl CAR five paasenger. good running (►rd(*r magneto iiemounlahle rims top

wlndshl'-M and Warner epHodometer, a bar gain for other five pBaaenger cars tlTftand up. JXfHHlNfi, .lOfl BeMeville avenue.UAGNETOB all typ^and make*; bought told

repaired and eschAged; all rapalra done la fovir hours and strLIlv guaranlcotl oi the .owest prl.-es Dletrlhulor of Michigan Mag- natoe. H E rnr. 230 Wrst 4&»h at. N. T.

MARK Gl'Y 5 'Auto Inn" Garage: op*a day ami ni*hi Ashu^ ' Fart. N J.

il'J KnoT P.-V en-passong*r nrv* . with Hi! Dcreisorlea, i f . t . d Address Touring.

SIX''VLINDER ItniriruJ Mk**

re.iH'nil'lR nrh'eIlox 42 Nrm* offl' - __N' VI r double chain drive ••hassle, mngnefij

slio-k iibsorber tue.'i all like new. cmlv mako (( fin# ton tnj.-k ["'RLINS 3;>0 ricMf. jII# nvenu#t'H^l KFEI R K*iig fi^.gc’, oWiiwr Can save

innncv nn<l g i heiur ivi ’h'*' 'f I Hi 're and flilvp iIk >nr Adilrr-.R I'liiute ilarag^ Bo.k "dNi <« •» I’fri, #,L’.'IT TAKER fo'ir CiiReRngm' Rrgnl Icmi ton

Tu*Hti ' ’ p* isken for dRoi nnd imJsi bf siihl H V. KKTHKIMf ll 2<H Grenc s 'e . Lasi N^enrkLITTLE all ^fevetia >«eighi onlv 2 Tfh Ihi ,

r) eAoy - n tires, plenly of speed Hudr.’w'er, bargain 'UniNb, ;iiHj Meilevllie

AI'TO STORAGE, csimplete sirrk of bUid'iea at reaannaM*

prl.-ea, Mlchelln 11^* M JLHr.F SOa HHseyM .A \ U LLL Pinal" ur hikJ .Mit hen imi'lnt cap.

fully eqi.jlfi|«d , exi riient rondlt i-in . hnrgali'S. Ne\k pm • H Uinphrevv die i o l'J4 \taRhlngton BlIIHI 5" M P reuiiboui .

mI 'i a imi Heru'V'l r-. paii.r shop. DulllilNS.

■ nsi | 3 .VY(, only 1776, iduei jiisi fuir of our :i;(0 lleltei'llk ave,

Fill it I VHRK.S'GKFt lar, gi-id ■•■■mhI i Mon, no ressiihsble offer nfUBeri, K \Vll-LlAMS,

1(7 North MapH' sve Fn#i Orange, N JU.\H<jA1.N' —H>12 Ford rntialiuijt gonl Cnmli.

linn and new Urea, $226 if snM ut on* c. A T H lM#ii I'l , Veri.nrt. tJos 22HF. MATT A CO - 4H1 Washington si . do top

work end tilp cnveia. satisfactory and reHRonahle. Telephnne 7473 Market.lull FORE DOOR Pullman owner neoda

nvn^v; your opopriuniry m gst a bargain. JlH) R#1leil11e avenue

IdH'E-MALTFOFil' l«1i> T>. $tVi'i (Hds liHn.pri. |Trni4 Hludehahei l!ib --F lltnft RLI.IR

Motor >'.lr Cn , 111' ''tn tra l ft'*PAi ’KAniJ Ik, five vaaseiii*T, also a Pack­

ard rtii. seven pQi#eiiger. fore door body. rjOllBlNb nhO Bellrvitle ave

' inii-k , fn'jr (.'VHnderi ; M .1 KNEIER A

PRIVATE B.Al.K BARGAIN WEEK THOMAb 1007 Baven-paeaanger, top, wind-

ahlalA, magneto, fme-runnlng order, good paint an>l tires, for (he rldlculoui price $Sdn GIFFORD Halsey it.

ONE panel side (wiih rear docra) body. $‘6 one innal Hntd itu tk body. flOtt, two metal

side rear iloor bodies lo fit Fiird cha«iBl# fcT. all style htidles bmit tn order J t.OLYER Ai CO., .'iOO-.'H'fi I'entral av'•

BARGAIN WEEK.STODDA R D iM YTON four-cylinder Rutter -

her mrt<T. flve-puaspnger touring, full ©r|u1p- fnsnt; fine oriler; this week nnlv $260 GIF­FORD 2A1 Hsleey st

UMURKLLA. left In Mt. Prospect car Wed­nesday, 6 A. M,; valued as keepsake. K ind­

ly Intorm JK N N IB ULBRICHT. aW South EJeveath a t, clL «AVALLET—LewL Tueaday night. between

Bridge and Orange, on Broad at., wallet, containing btlla, etc.; reward. MACKIE. 4112 Broad. _______ _________________________

cheap to aiiick Addreia

FO U N DDOG—Found, white hull terrier, male; owner

can have aame by proving properly. ft2fi ftouth Klevanth a t, near Sixteenth ave

10ft Sluyve-DOO—Found, (am ale ecllle dog. u n t eve.

UUBHELLA—Found, on Friday afternoon on Bliypmfleld car to Newark; lady's umbrella;

eterilnt bandla with initials, owner may ob­tain oama by proving -property and paying




r . CONNOR, nat*4 Mr It* iM p, rUsk ■ «• *Bi «<w ln( quAllclu; tiM c«l«bikt*d m IHt. *M l

told AVArywIwn. *850; •!•■*■>■ tumiliLTv* octATA rtk l ia*lio(*n)’. Ivorr k * n , *lTi; *t mOBlhlT; 111 plADO* w irran ttd le t t*o y i*n ;•tool, ir tr t or co««r. m* y n ; '* tm lnf (m ; ■llAbtly dud u trlcku an k*nd; w tn araiilaki. HENRY HORN'S □»*(*, 51 m t k Oraat* av*,, wroar Howard f t ; cam* u d MIHOB iDYlilbli PlApar.PRIVATE famllY murt MU *60(1 m tlim ny

aprtiht piano. )1TS; (ood u Mwi TV* oeteva; maulva aiat, braai natuitcd; brlUliai and pawtrful ton*; iv ln ilnc muala daak; mannfac- turar'* fuataata*. Raddanoa, dl Brrant at > near Halltr parkway And BBinniar avk

BEAUTirtll. Oaahlar nprlflit piano; taat th*n twa r a n old; patfact ow ltlan i nahatanr

wood; fair alia; ractilar eaat M50; will accapt any raaaanabla oHar. For turtbar Intormatlon writ* Plano, Bm 48, Naw* omea.__________BAROAIN; *60 bnyt uprlkht mahetatty pla».

and atlSmualc cabinet and ataal; aallbatwaan 8 P. M. and B P. M, *88 Waablnatea av*„ oily, aeoond flonr. raar, ovar dalleataiaan ilor*.b e a u t if u l maftoiAny uprKbt plana for aala

cheap; utad *1* moatha: call ^ternaoa w ayenlnk, 1« Howard it.^ naar Bank at... block waet of courthoaae. ________ ___ _______UPBIOBT pjano; fair condition; aavaa full

ociavei; will take *T6 each it p i r c h a ^ lin- niadlatcly. 815 Amherot at,. Bait Orante, aacoud. floor. __________________PtANO TUNER—Praotlcal pJ*m ■n>*lw; ra-

pairloc d l btaach**! naw i t r^ j f a W a . at*. F. W. CAMK, m BTUnaeijefc a t ; 88I5J Wa*.HBtlE la a kioat bai*aln to a playar-planaj

KABOOAmr ptooo, ■ood a*baantma tana and dealtfk; *11* (Ajm IL m a t

floor, *a» kanxiar a'ra.; awaar et Palaran.Stair

T O : ‘' ‘S W a S T - i ^KWALD, t t

BAKERY for aale or ta let buyer, reason eelUng. leaving State.

Bakery, B(»s 2ftf Ne-wa office. _BUTrHER and arvegetabl* hualneas In the

Oranges; fine trad#; will aell cheap. Ad- drees nutfther, Box 27, N«ws offline.BAKEBHOP for rent, with all baking rwjul-

allee. aO Ffmrlh av*-. Eaet Orange,______CORNER grocery atore; doing a flrat-cltea

casK business and a good chance te makt money; only to Ihe right party, eelling on ac­count of death in family; murt be snTd. In­quire 2fi2 Orange at,, or 3. riay at.; no Bganta

ALTOMOBlLr T1.4RGA1N tVEl'K. CHALMFKS 1111 ftvc-pflesenxer ftire door

new pnini exirr* fire rurinlng mder; ni!w ’ shoes; wnt-fierfuJ hnrgsln; ftfiiVi (lIFFttRlV 2S1 Halsey m

^ POME BARGAIN WEEK Pope Hanf-^rd. ■nllh t'urlng br5<Jy: also pJir'*i '

huslresa b dv Mils wlTJ he on aaJe to ihn < Judicious buslneafl men $126 GIFFORD, 2 1 Haiaey ei _ |

fiPEriAL PALE WEF3K. 'Maxwell runaheut, 1?»IW, •^■eds slight tun!|i«

UP: If llier* Is ar.\ thing In s price brSne enme change «Hli you; |5fi GIFFORD, 281 Hftl-B«y Bt

BARGAIN SALE WEEK Ford. 1H12, f-rtiioor runahi^ut. fuMv ^qulP-

ped. pink nt ccnJIrlin. mu*l be st'hl oulck; $360. GIFFORD Auic Exc-hing-. L :> at.

.•\uli>JiioLIJfM fn r H ireSMALL trucks and wurlng car* for rent hy

the hour, day ur week. i nrs furnished and drlvinn taughi si roasiralilB prlc;** I. H. 11 Moior EipTa-SB «'o dint 11hutors for !. H- ami coininrrt 1*1 I Hfb HalaeyII . telephone TS6<1 .Market,Rh.NTIN'l Five STu] lu-en ;iftF»4nger open

Iind rl’isetl citrs. ta refn l opMat iiB, good sor- \ lr«5 reaSijnaliJe raier T'iWNtiLM », Mft.j jMkt


FA '1 TRaKGE, TFL IMMRiit.lMV new ictTR, careruJ oprrat‘TH,

leasi liable i,LA^ P Mi lor « ar Oo li.ilse.v st,. '}.h’’ri4* ".'0 M.iirk*i.

prlci-s . 2h7

I ‘ii: KKN ija;, i-'

F.i'ii'fli -l r.

I.-Ar I I>il fit .• pa Fer Rcr I ai .f-i-k AihlieaB 242 N-.H>n\V H B

TA' KARI* FKBVI' K I'ara renteil by hour, dav or week II I! HAl-L Gsrage, 'itijne flOHft

Mdrket. 2f6-2Wi Halpey atJ'A‘'liAltDi), l-FFl .in i rlnanesl eer'-i *. hour.

day, week I'a-kar'l Rsntlne to,, ll Fullon at . 'phonf 7y!i M. rkei

Aulonuthilps W auledI'M THE GUY who is Ira.Klng to buj .Ad cat?

•u7po*e* I em pay- 'ohone ftOftoJ.

'bul'nedtcar* for lunk |>u7 |2.'i up to $113 r'->N(;i|

COnNEin. confectionery, atstl'inery, lohaeco.■ito.; paper roufe; bargain, old eatAbllih-

ir.enl. five rcnfns, rent $2h 15ft t^'alnut et.CONFErTIONERT and notion store for sale;

fully nocked: with three living room*, all Improvements; a bargain If sold at onoe. aa owner ta leaving city. Call at 47ft South Tenth at.CONFECTIONERY-Good paying atand, nsgt

to largs moving picture house; wltl stand thorough InvestIgatloft: cheap to quick buyer. TGI South Orange ave,, cityCONFECTIONERY store

owner must leave city. ... city.

for salt, cheap; Inquire 3ft Jones

CONFECTIONERY, Ice cream and elgar ator* for tale. 326 Central ave . comer Hudson -. city.

LELICATE88EN store: rent $22, wtth living rooiJi*. fully stocked: weekly receipts llBO.

^aranteed: tr^al allowed: full Inveatliatlon invited; beet of reasons ferr aelllni; coeh tftfto. 61 liloomfleld ave _____DEMCATE89EN for tala: everything flnl-

cliea; nata (tne Income; very reaeoaeble to early buyer; hove other bualneea tlifwhere. Addreae ExcapUonal. Box 67. New* otflee.FOR 6ALE—vuicanlaing and tire shop; locat­

ed main street In Jeraey; equipped powar itr, inoida; cheap to. caah buyer; full«*t In* veatlgatlon: no broken. AddreM Vuli^nlter. Beat 4L Newe office, -tFOR BALE—14 fumlBhed^room apd raaieurant.

doing a good busines* In a thriving niaftti- faaturTog lown; muit be told on oceount of ■toInMeB; a big eacrtflre. Addrei* F. 6., Box ftl. Newa offlco. ___________ ___FOR Route vendlDf noohlnia In North>

erxi Jeraey; htg returns: pleaBam cnab bu*i* neffta low price: easy term*. Advance Vend- Ing Ce.,t 23T Bfiat Forty-fifth et.. New York.FOR 6ALE-'-ReaUuretit at Dover,' N. J-

ohegp quick buyer. Inq^re Saturday tft’enlng or Sunday all day, COX, 446 Fourth ave. Newark- _______ __________FURNISHED-ROOM hou*e a t a _____

ftSattO *eeurae houft and buaineae, completeBocrlflce;

all fumlahed and tenanted: well oondueted; 24 room* v id three hatha; eteom heated; three- g lny and haeetnent; brick detached: 26x110: botimbe mOttgage.: at'*frve per cent.Owner prem1e*a. ftO Bleecker gt.OOOD fiomer aaloon, «ening 36 halveo of Hen-

flar'a bMr weekly one barret of whiskey monthly; receipt* 1250 weekly; rent only |S per menth . tliii mil stand the strictest inveptiga* ttoR. Rkv full particular* WM- W. GlLI^N.

Marital a t ___ •department to l«4:

good raportunUv live man: low terms; July and August. J. LEHMAR, U6 Mulberry it.OENRRAL biackamUh haafaeta. stock and

Coelfi work' for two men. yaar gtpuiid. JOHN TODD. Qarman VaHeya K. Jt.___________HonhttSHCmiVO BBQP* M o f nod boaltCHa

n t t bratlQa; otIRb i «a orcssat 4tf i hwiaeii.

S ^ iiBaatloa; pelRng ra orcssat 4if gotog lota

Aaaf4tt~ VOT»t. Neva

FERBT^eUMtt i4LOON. m u g on *gc«lle&t bostpihaif soUlitf. ooeiMtnt of other bralpaoi.

AMIOBi leloOTi. BOTt m, HtWi OTlltt. . .CmOCKRT STORE, good foeoHty. welLoaUh-

tioM ; full Up* t t staek, for sole, msoasUs. AddfOM O- IR* M. N ew ofOcs. ■

pr-Ei lAL b a r g a in w e e k 'Fnrfl ijin'Uul'' 11*11 extra >ufj% r>vfr- 1

els*' ph. ts. lr\ |.siri, ^ftlra Lnfl a' .big BB*rlfi<'fl, $: 2. Oll'FORIi, 281 Hfl!??' [Bt.

Ing |2.'i up LO $&1AVLR, V* Hav

'r-ONtal nr Mnn iclHlr

GKE.VT riABOAlN WEEK CHALMER? small flve-pniyspnger. g‘'lng

this une!. el sarrlfli^s; new paint, new sh-ws: f\ne oivlev, rirly $500 GIFFORD, Wl Hel^vy st ______

UNvinT.rL T a le- b a r g a in w e e kOekiond rca-'ptt'r classy, with large tank

TOiry type. l-r^tH new palut: new ehoee. I37.Y; paint sftup. .1’i2 I’enlral ave.. East Orange, and GIFF^Rr 2Hl Halsey st

M o K n iA t. i : l u a . \ s - - h i :a l l s t a t i ;:

morTgadh money

Any amr’uni I liy nr suburban.

MA'-'K. THREE TON1912 m»a-l. In p-rlcct cor.attlon, good lire.,

*te ■ DnnBK-n and Nlel.nn body. looKa Ilk. new'. R A I . rOMP.tNV, 230 Central a, eHADIATORS and FENDCRB BEPAIHED.


PRIVATE OWNER BARGAIN WEEK, FRANKLIN 1000 smell flve-paaeonser, Boanh

maaneto, tnp, shield, new tires; fine erdnr, *reat saerKIre, GIFFORD, ISI Hnlsey sL’ B C. K 1»13.R C H 1913, run l.tiOO mtlei. every eRUlp-

ment; must be eold quirk; bargain peek eala, *70(1. OIFFORD. 281 Halsey st. ___

Fslr Apprulosis *cti''>nMORTGAGE d e p a r t m e n t . LOUIS Si-HLL'&INGEH. INC.,





BAiIoa 'iN WEEK, ftmall Queen car. with open rack tuilness

bodv: solve your ilellvery problem, for this week only. $50. GIFFORD, 281 Halsey s t.__NATIONAL 1&09. 40. •even-passenger. In god (Shape; fully eflulppeJ: make sooQ hacking

ear; wotld conalder exchange smaller ear: reasonable. Call up J17 Markat.____

AUTOMOBILE SACmFICE WEEK. Truck, ton and half: fin® tire*, new paint,

locl^ and runs like new; this te bargain week. |» 0 . GIFFORD. Ml Halsey at._

SPECL\L b a r g a in WEEK. FRAYEP-HILLER. new Urea, fcoed palM. full j

equipment; runnltia erder; tbls -'eek only (1 2 8 gIFFOBP. 281 Halsey it._____________OCR moUDi "Beit for the mnnay." This ^year over 205 buyer* of uaad can ^ a found this true. Let ua show you. DOBBINS.(90-892-3114-8W1 BallavlUe « '*«- __________EXTBA^lna Hill Cadlllae; fla* panenter;

alee 19<kl four paatentor, wlih ea t« runabout body; both cars run and look lUte naw. DOBBIKb, 890 Bellevllla ova.______________ ^

BAROAIN COUNTER WEEK. THOMAS Itmoualht. will **11 cliaiNi lanaral*

to the first buyer for (180. OIFFORD Eachant*. 281 Halaay it.______ __________Ton BALE—MeKa^a runabout at a reaaon-

able flcura: AI condition; will tiva demon- atratlpn to .ntoreitafl party. Addnai Marca- das. Sea 50, News ottlca._________________

CLASS BAROAIN WEBlt.Paoliard. .001. tcven-paiasnter full equip-

tmnt; tineat .-eadlHon; ira ia a t barfaln. t08o, OIFFORD. 2*1 Kalaay at;__________________XAXWEDL (ire-M iaanfar lourln* to

toed rnnnlnr « d a n ftoa ualhi

Sunder; cheap to qnlcli bnyar- BTSMId*. LAtaalda ava., Onn«*j_______________

fteripts ood wf will show you how much you cad live hy borrowtiu from us. ■

Riving leans eltewhere doei oot prevent

ro * SALE ebatp, l*ri* toOJor vw bjdy, atoj.A$u for furnltur* or papar ■»«*; ftorm gpTln» top wagwi- Inquire LEw -^;

BKO&. I t t Kontos rt- .__ ___“ FOBD BAItaAlN WBKK. , ^

mi-Utoitair, a , . j » t a t . j

yofl geUlof im m ttsm.Credit ooee eitibUahsd with ue ii a t food

u E hank oooovnt In time of need. .<r Our :aten EBd plsns have proved ta be the

beat becEuas e^r cuMamers are gigtf lift done*^**“'cALL, W Rm; O!|-TEL8;CH0tlE.

IICAR.INTEE CREfilT c a .Hoott Sl< S( hai»er hUllding, t»ECDNp FLOOIL

RtoM bar—BCCQND f T '''' gL. oppdHta.Do*__ _«fl«% irkB insSttS rtt



YOU ^'ILL FIND , 'AMFnic.AN I aufpritinslv dlffersBt inaM*.

iin'on frotn (hft ardlnerj cu:ti|4ii*y iTHll’'■sr or rfsd aMiil «'i>u*irtius enudayi-a* hrighi chspifid orfi''Sw. i >1#iltirnila ircoim^nt, rsiss vmi .-sn afford lo |>e>; mskn us Alifferfut,_ If vpu hi*'* n*\ir horrowM. or If >out vxij^rl'snc's wiiii nttisr iioftiDaftiHi rise n 't bren Mk*tlrely ssUsIar-ti ry. Hlnl >eu te unM OlMl set us. I.Ft us ssn'alT) j hr AMERICAN tYM* lem. U Mil pissts you

NO rUftLIGlTT w h a t e v e r .Call. tVrita OT Then# infoftoailon Free


'PhORB TJ2U MsrkatOpen Itondiy and Rsiurday Evenings.

En-srv on* n**fts money at this season. Afirhonsat man or womsn (ngy abtsin ■ lose (IftVua absolutely without dvlay or putillL-lty. at IhefnllowIriK rBlsa:

Jlf> I,o»n. 8 piyments. |l T.1 $15 LoHn ft laymentii.

Loan $ naymrnts. $.'1.27*.V-'h Loan. A |i«yiu*nta. $4 hn ISO Uish. ft psyniiftls. $4 75.$40 lyOdn ft PHVnienia. Ifi.Sft.IftO Loan 6 psymema $7.7*5.

CbII, wrila or 'phona Market 1237.MUTUAL l/)AN AND IN\‘ERTUKNT Ca.

BfiT-.VW Wtis hidg.Hfts5 Hmed at

Entrance ne*i to CTitld’s Lwnchreora.OPEN MONDAY A.NlT r a TUHDAY E V flf*


TTVO-TO.V .V)-H P *In perfect f'nrt'in'''

PtlNfi. I**! \'an PiirFii MlAUTO PI'S, .’O-pjt.HSeiiftrr, •U.lrli' IlghfH.

Hicarns. BO'I nl >'^ilftLe. JAUGLRP lar- ftsfF, I>fnarrl}-'. Illi, N I p-MLRCKr'CB. l'i-V--Oft(* ( f ihoFM ne^er wear

rail rara, el ilaivjy runatu'Ut ImnPlNfi. ,3fkj Bel l* vllle a\ *n u*-klAXWKLL rurabritu?, ami up, ait-o

fine IwnL fua passangtr IMritBlNK. .3fN>^ l|* \ llle Aa Ptl'J*FIVE-PASS BN GF.n foiir-ryllndrr w!ndj*hl*M

flperhJomfri.rr, all ■. oifipiftif 171 i ifd n h'

l o a n s t o s a j . a r i e d p k o p l kON PLAI.-V NOTES

110 $20. $;jo, $4U $.V>, $(Ki. $Tt». $iua Cheapeat Jod li«ri plviv (■)




c o n fid en t ia ll yOpen frorn ft A M to (I P. U.

ed and s«t. eves, tr* ft.CALL. TL LEl'H O N E Ofi W RITE NEW jf.psE v I 'in a n c e t:o , BUfTFJ ;il2-114. ftf’hruvr huilijlng. b r o a d AsND l o m w e ih f. »TR f

CippojMe PoflKifflca T»- <ey» Market.

THK ftErUHlTY luOAN COMPANY secures l•(Shfl fi r rea|vinilb1e parties St Ibwftel prifiibi* e.iporiH* in Ih* borrower \\ e get 'oft yjur iigaiii :iini iiyik after your Interesta Get a Iran now If m n**d ami iifiiy up Ihusv atiuiji hills Ihel ar* bnthi'rlmr yon; then pa'/ on. he'r* In ufrkly or [iit>nth)y InstaluiFrits, Kv* *ryihlng fully *xr>laln*i1 Lefore you enti-r lute any SKreemFiil .Nn putilh’My, Money in f*W hoiiri Firthen years ai INh Mkrkel a! r*u«iu :i.



FRT'M $.'1 U f'W A nft,We prefer lo nblaln !ivw ou#tnm*re by rf*

ferlng low ratca rather than ps.vidK far hlf eijNerileemeniB Po buflnea* with this eppi* pany If ynu need money. No worry arttP' wards Bufllnesi donp wUh ua I* atrli'tly pii" *ate Explanfldnn^ mat nothing here

HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO., lift A 132 Market pt : Wood bulldinn.

Room Sfi. over UnUvd Clfar StoreSLAV fi pa>i5enit*r < ar« f -r litr'' bv hour, day or

-^-ek. MEM H HFUEl.L. 417 SouthElfVMiih Ht I'liY. 1*1 li:’:lW, Waverly.


TEL 2:iSfl ' illANliE.

PMAfjj Ioann, pr|v,3te n N*uf oirii-e

Address BpcurJtv, Rex


Aftar July I. luiJ. iDUresi 1 PEK CENT. PKK MONTH

ON BUMS OF $20 a n d o v e r .Lonne'l un T)ismundb, Waiahaa. eiu.


OffI'* Houra-ft A M. to T P. M. 8at., 10 P.K.

M n r t j f t to c iu K s .$M> JiK:Yi-Li<;btHrVi'luEh* .\Iu-|X»HCYCLES.PREL rOASTLH HRAKfCti

Larxeiit .diink In Ea>i*rn States More rthetlfl thrill all Neidark Hlorw cuftt*

bined. Only atr*'’' Newark 1»f Iver John* k -n, Pleri-e, ''o!umtil<i, Stvarne, NlaKsr*t. W s'- Ffly, et' new w'Ki?rla rroiu $15 up; es'-'v wheel lullv giirii , riperlal new blcyi /fully ^'iiHraniref] (ul **ar, $ n ifr** bra’■ n prr'flfiiia'i "ft of this a<l wlih ihis mschlna; n rA i'i .^ 'r Bit Y! LPP A,si> M OTORt-ycu^i

WKh Jr MOT.OKOYCLE8A..-.A. .1 ulwi^royvle Itftip'l

ppecui prices f-n tlree. Special, : Gnod' r|<-h make. $| lift, Hartfi;ird make. |1 hft, F llk $2 41+ i‘4fl L*.‘'. 4!'- up. pq-dwia, 4fif

BEE w h e e l s $5 DOWN. $) VVliBK M DlPLICr a l s t i .n ,

31 Hiiriirn si bj oranKS at.u p e r * .*nh i |B ft <P|^an e \e n ln g * 7:ft$

heiitrday, ]<i o'^look

READING STANDARD B1ckc1*S are gautajiieeU for ihi'tJ? ycara; lh»1 lead In every wjy; the <ini}' utiindarJ mekl

lih pi]pu|ar prlCBri, $2J. $;!<* $40 und t-VL w4 flieo sell |v*r Johnaoti, pi^-ne. Peerless. Aa' torla, Montip h. Vindtu *U'.

POPE MtiTOfO.'YrLES.$20U, and $25C. eshh or easy ierin«l

giiod stuff. BiAsundries at rock buHoni uri<. Jur.k CHAS KKERB. 51 <3oora from W’aahlncion.

VVilhain ■!.. |« |

MONEY to loan an first bond and nioriKSge at 0 per rani.. In sum* of |5O0 upward, no

bonus charfrtd. BCHaRRINUHAUSEN ft7IARTPENCE. rounsalora-at-law 75ft Rro«d at.

M. P RUCHB, 77li HKDAD s T.Loans nn real estate, private or h-illding and

loan, fiend I'oaiaC rKprsHentatlve will cadMONEY to loan on first HUd eecr jjiJ tncrigage

sums lo suit at reaeonHhle rerins. SBCriECHNEi?. fytirtn flr-T. ru«t.t 402, Untun building: 'Dlime 27S Market_________ /I7.-V10 TO Ifi.OOrt on Ural mnrlgaft*: onH-famdy

realdenr*. value $ldi'tft". triiMi dvalrable loca­tion In t THtiirefl Ad'lresB $lountain btetlcn, ^ x S3, News office$300,000 TO LOAN on bond and mort«sge in

4UniB tn f*ult, at & per cent . without bonus, EDWARD R PIfACK. counaelor 32<t Prudentin!$125,000 TO LOAN on first mortaagra «1 ft per

cent, interest, sum.-* suit; 'julck answers. Address Relate. Ifnx .'■, Newa office

THE NKWABK POUCE nr« riijiug ih« "lOlJ EXCELfilOR Auto-cycle" heesuM they sr<

the best; come and see these wundarful nM" chiDea; «a tell for vaati or credit; seven pollcs 1012 Yale twin-cylinder nuchlnao. taken In trade for EXCELSIORS, for sale ch*-B|i; a large araortmeTit of (jlfferenl makes of sscond- > hand machine*. 140 U]i; a lar^e eelsctlon <>J hic:yc)ee from lift up. HAVRRFOFD CTCLIJ C(i., 045 llroad s t.; I31SW. ^Market._______SALE—Big bargain, new and secf>nd-h.i.tid

bicycles and tlrea. n*w hlcyclea, $l2..'i0 up; second'huiKJ. $4 up. great bf^rgalns Ih tires and Humlrlca B. POPH-‘K. ll’4 ?6uth Orange ave,.

I013-HARLEY-Da VinSON—lOliS seconrl-hand machines on esMy terms. UUSH ft MAOnOUGAL. 312 Halsey at

1011 fi-H. P 'Win Excelsior; fast; pow^erful;any demonstrAUon; tools Included; pripe

$110. ra n after 5. 104 South Sixth at.READING siandar-l motorcycte In

jltlon, $7.1; iB}l before ft MAN1 North Sevcnteetiih *r. Fast Orange.7 H. P. ItHS Indian motorcycle: twli;

equipped; I150- 1^ Summit st.


Mie. ID Wintns ave.good oobdition. for

WANTED 'oarj $5i», etwonj mortgage; val- UBi !e Improved lot: flhcat section East Or-

RAXTEB ai(3e car for sale cheap. Rlfige at , city.


angc. Instalment or straight Address Pox 6ft, Neva ofClc'eWAK’fi'O . ni**rigage hion. first or eecond.

uii finely located property in Orange. Ad­dress HAHLEY. P. O. General Dallvery< Or-

A lU R TU A G E LOANJ5— P K R S O N A ir

* " »10 U U N 6tIO LOANB

and upward secured for aaianed amplo)CA ownsn of fumUurt and oihera.

NEW c o m p a n y ,NEW RATES, NEW PLAN8.

Organlxcd by cltixetia for the purpo«i« of loading money at reasonahta rat«s to men and woman, whom banka wMJ oi>t accommodate. 115. $ paymrajs. I2.45il.75, B tuiyments $3.35 tls ft peymeuls, B i^aymenia. 4TA5

If you have e loan sliewhora. bring in your


AL APPRAISAL COldPANT OF N1W‘’JER3EY:Notice !a hereby given that a t a apedol

meeting of the Hoard of Directors, heM on the second day of Jude. 1Q15. th* foljewlng nae- lotion ws* siJo|iiad:

Riiolved. That Iti the judcmant of tbls M att. It >s adviaable and most lor ihs braafti s t (he National Appraisal Company of N»w Jar^ sev. that Iha same should farthwlLh .dll* solved, and that to that end It if-

Ctdared. That a rntstlng of the SWokboldON he held on th* tenth day of -iuls/ gn^,S rtdovk. V. U.. at the offica of tk»:|Mp4iijr in the city of Newark. 142 Uark«t H m t, etra Frederlok G. Nob««. to lake geUon upoa t^lf reseluilnp.

Pursuant lo the said rraolutlen. a gwetliif ef the atorkholdeia will be'twM M tb« train dnv t t July. IDUt- «$ 7 o'cloek JP. !$•* e t the offlcs of Frederkk.G, Nobra, W k I t t N oflni street. Newark. New Je^s^', the pH aetn i e ^ ftoa of thu company, to «ol tbftwisieii.

DRES8M.AKiflfO ■'AMP Jifa^ ± A T tTAVUiR-fTDmawtFto*. *« llinny SthOa*. t(»i

Fi m J. Wi).. C aa tn t ■ ra .i iatt(BCK.ll. ■**]**: IM25 nilllnanr, dratomlttaii aM- h.*l*F tw -

e t MW la Ida ttma w ttort tq Jm rtaflr■ s x a % « ‘ir t3 s a f® *

■■ J-jfc lte a L . Ii .j

H O R SES. CAK K IA Q M . ETC.* m ju . i k iL tii ’ roi*>iiMiow

T lH urw U M U«i«> 1“ H « Jm ti4 » % Brw4 ft.. Niwfrk, N J

Tklf K Ui* ftr**! Iiiil b*ft pIfM ui ttifi* kor <1 ffll kacfff- . . „ ____^ n u adM f t AH •nnltf.

W ta O A t ANJ> rSIfiAT' ri— llll-m i >1 lOilO A. M '*ln « ' imnf. *1

wlileh (ini* «•h » - h« a o r HOHiBd-iwo

Cf ill llfKTlptlOftPar *Mk tt l t v« »Mivf cfiDfimnitiiif «(

b4«M rrom tka f»riM ot P«in«rly»nli. qinn, M iu a , Vlnuaia im Stm J»r«> mIw iH pi

a kora* Ju4f«a. fflA fr* )n»tru<‘tMl byour fhlB|>tn to pottKvaiy tfll ihau horit* to tiM h lftfft ■ ■ ■ ■________ MiWft*.

WIU «>ck. nVi |M ty iu flllf fuarfotywkleli aaaua bora* U fiaoily aa rapr«afni»4* **1&!SbCOND-HAXI' MORSW-inOCtMTHilV DU( UP Et *uri|on t1 thrsE *11hM* boriaa £ra br.uiM hart by privata flm a attb tadtvtdoala

OUR aUARANTT PROTKCT*g j r a l l uon ' k t R E R i s n r q


H onw . Mtllff, " tra n a»y ona i t __ .M #pci:tr>H f f prlirit*

TOt^Ii PUHCHaWlo b* •'-In f'O *rtfnmi»*‘fn v BpWat* sfeiH. Ho«*E ffi- or

■ekiuif* M III tinif*.o( MW forTO08 H HOT. PROP

m si« m A. Pirkhunit. Wllium A- P*tltrioa. fibkiiiTMP.

I >. ynx u K B a AvMinptf.

EllI I I !

COLEMANn a t io n a l

b u iik e mCOLXEOS

l i l tTiat


■ i t n noa. and oomplata youraktfi *>•-» *aoi»*H1f»ns i n 0 MB Bad but fiw At*

rardlinB OUT Apicill * . rSJln a»|lr inViB M«r>. ttVd A / r l . v-q' i .Atidim]' l id Hiliiy

J KUOLEU J.ia P '^t iwBrk.



ro rN P F :! ' iTi»' wit.flUN p a h r a m - it'-i'iHEOPE^ifl ^f.l'TK.WHKft

Th^rnugh f f>r ift*»mlflr iihoJl. 'r for luimri-# Uf* Oymn*ilunj a n i a’hjftl.- N'lrr.h^r Ifl «l'*h form llm*Li*d. i«Ul<^|us OB r»'j JOlt- a. -

KARI.y a M ’I.I'"aT1''N IA r.»ESlRARLB TP< h+sd maft»r '*U' tivihi

iJurlAii Juni If pi *TiTi (ir appUcBni*^

UHa KK COULEUtt Incorporalid W "

I f lU S K BAN6 T * ir« u pftnyjE 3J *R^: V J.

FlHJnJr-J ------------------------ f.«a«IHM

Hhfr'luifiil. Tfiiicii T rf^^rU log , arH>u-B#iplnt. Engllsb.

Our racorl li un*qu«l*>1 Cill <•*llru ls rs Oar in '! i^onirif s«-*#l«njL f opoii Slondav T^^idsy ind Thurs^lay •'•ttiftA*-

H riitl iftd Park il*..Newark. N. J

JAMES RtiiM. flu-lrirM


THE NEWARK HEMiNARI MIM U'hlim'irss Ilfirdlna and Pav 8<'heiAl.

na ruNTOK aiT': v k w vRK n Jrolls** rrspaMitf^ |M#rarv srlicntlflc Ep| -

liib 1 fut'jsa IVlmirv iaparimsr.t. CMaloguti

ICVI$ »Cli\.EiI.NOER. F B I^C o tJ il X A im . v j c e p e s t T ^














4M rn i pKNTiAi. ni.'ir.nrsG.R*nl l-'piau, Ins l>iBna and AppfaliatB.


' NEWARK HrHINH:.!.* « I'LLEGP-IKi l-lya *"rJI>« rK.sIflNB A\T. TETa 7S0AR WAVERLT.


teleph o n e 4 4 MAf^r.TM h«d 10 IBIW'- ■"CfB. m Of Ink l.ono (o i lori i i>i i:i . . . ^

t. M»ny mjllid PBtri. All I * liw^^a) tunimar tfoiirae Ip >ut nliht ii'hool; Z * u 'T T f i.’tT iT V ' i-Vm cTiTIp— CtTVajva wpskijr ih[pmanlij>f piibts a w**n dgrln* Jun# 7 durln* J'Jly and ] ^ ?August, rtav and nlfKt aaMpoM th* in llri yaar '|l^ Hllatry f|. ___ ^

tllo rjin tlpMAM otliring yiu ihii iiucco Dtni-roBfn

hBuBa. baaTP 'uining, opan porch‘ n tn td . f'lr ll.kft). «irmi *r»-SaJtA rM(. ■>] ______ . . .

Miy, fi pat t^oi <10 bBlanc*. mm* s n a bar fB in. Qw^nH by a lady »hn la votog a«ay WIUSON T« • •vKalilTifftoo at

C allfuaTH R EE A< RE Jd( witb bouts and bam .

MRB A<'KfE APGAR. Ckilfon. S' i

ICrfi O itin fkMR H0ME2EEKER-6uy (hta harxiib. nns'

family houao. alghi: roofni; Urga Inf wor'hU.Cmmi. win a#|l for |4.ono. aaay tarmt Par' ticuMri room 7^4 Prtidantlal building. Newark

lifiidiiarB*II 600, OATCR two Bcraa. |ood for rbickan and

du^lt f irm i r U ciorv roBl yBfl or lumb*r. |n« dipnt JOHN E DRL'MMOND. 104 Snuih Taotb It

LyoRB ra rm «HOLLTWOOD KtlOKTS, on tha Main Line

rars, raatricied 40 ft lota, 1300 to 1*60. drtw-n and monthly Daymenia. oamani walki ibroufbnul. COUPtON Lyon* Panni.

l a k e H tlPA TC nN O -Furrm haU thraa-mom- a a d -a tlh ' tuntialciw ; for full atjurm or month­

ly L M ERBKEU3ER, i#>mour av*'phona Way

TO LKT-Emtra m -i fl-.or •■! 3 palwotl : luliflKl* Fnr phmoBnanhar offlca Apply

ALBERT sPlEk. » nalmnRt at* oppcilta , Amsik-an Xationai Hank BuRdlng

ji'nni XIPIRa.llk;.N't RUILPINO. NEWARK.

l a k e H oPA TC O N G -C oty af'en-ior-m npnacuttais furnlibad, Mtann ala < ibr«e>roani

bungalt.w. A V TATLOR. IW QuttniaB «i Nawark

tbO- MM- ■ttteir,

tailor, milLintry. druftlit, low rent Induim on pi-amlaaa; 'phena AI2T Uarkat

aILBRI'RGH, South Oranie ass . rrn t ia ra , good liyKaiiaii roi tlv>aa

t ta lat, -------CULVER'S L A K C ^P urm abtd buagai Id l«t with boar fnr Auauai and P#piamb/f M I

HIGH. 2U7 South JeMaracm st.. Orange Phona 3T8.


Ma Na BQLa N N j —Duhgalaw for r*m rated nn I'aarb frf-nt, a rximy. furniatud

Additaa A , be,* ku, Nawi offirtiruRE with fnur rosHKi. all imtr^'

gfH)d bualnsai locaiion. oppoilta

Ownera anl buHdam of moiJarn aparltnttnA ■ taveial dt^irabla aparlmanta of 4 and dhiT

riioma and bath: wRli prU'ata parchM, toImmadbaia pga*raalon. ulto tuiua of 1 4. S andd roams and bath. *H h prtvat* porchaa- poa*- • . - T ---------- . . . can.. prt _aaaale-n October I P u rtner inform alK i b« obuin«d by ^aillhB Market l»J0

COMPLETE ^Aitiping r,uifli. wUi ai>''ium.'data foui i^aopls Utld, t*l per week II" I"

^mniiih MU Rrrwd sf

lonea rsvaonable rant AahJapd aye eat Orange

LAKT 'f!«T baiiveen park and Bloam-ftrld as r wppoac*' Hrunch Brook P a ik ;

f l ' i rtXfint aii unprosem eR a frunt and back h ro sam tn it; j-.m | . | \ Inquirt 'iniifir

_ RJitan fae* i *______________ ___________ —-------------- --lACOBSEN 22 JOHNSON K\F. 124-Sfvrn ft-om*. bath,

isanij-y. ile.;irlc IlghU, a te , run Ki; b*- ^ twren trolleja and itheKsI MRS I/>t*QEE

ElOMT-ROOM hours. a!*n (wa bungalmvi f-'urrooma hill top lot atinn

Chatham. N J.__________M riflLBRff'K

M ontclalf

lidML conalaUng of the hsM heavy draft. l<wd firm ^unk i, 9.m many bandy buauisaa hors *. Wb ean ihow tha bail »ari*iy at popular

ot aabond-hand borssa alwara on band. MULES

Of which wa carry a lari* vgrlaty, Toung $ai CloNlf iMIad leama. „ _ _ __




Ak D. *Pbo»a MM UarkaCvkw akk horse co^

SB BftlDGU BT.AtwkTB m hand fmtn Idh tn lAO head of 00-

^ tSB lfd PwnnaylvanlB horaai (0 aelcct from. ih wlU rwMlva Juna U ona freah load of Hril-claha draft brraaa. weighing from l . ^ 10 l.iOO: idma nice dflvera and Mma flna_____alM carload of cheaper h'Sfsi

TWO DATS' TRIAL OTVBN. ah homa IDU« bt •• rapraaanled or monar

R. E. BUPO. Paieamafu


lt-90 BHdga at. Tel. tSM Mgrlcat., Jy * -- «■tva iuft raearvtd a carload of PannayWonlA 1wrM«. walthihl fr<mi \.v» to LflOO: theie MTMB are gnM, broka and adethuklMi wa horf o>o so W d pf Obid gCKid ganaral haatoMa ami ^urpaaa horiaa; wa guaraataa av«ry hone.

p r a k e c o lle g e .Marrisnn e‘ and CiBtrai nve., E**l r^range, hrtck-kaspifgj, ahnrlhaod. typewrltltig. awm- i«rlai and renm arahlp w u t is i : imaltlona

t\ FvPqi AIIK* PARK-Orw and two family M- ■ aUciria. two tnta, Cuatsr a\s . near Reymotir.

SbKl'Jti. |A(Vi #ach^ Renner avs , rtearKliaatieih ave , t 2.lAiO. Lehifh av* , bOalOli.ll.TiNl, Mapes a s s . Aiairm | i dnfi. w T JF.NNlXtlF, M Wee^iuablc asa

MONTCLAIR N J -10 nOU boua*, aella for conalata of e!*ien rooma, reception

ball. pamr> and liBthiuom and aervania' toilet, icebox place, firai-ciaaa bardwood flnah. all up 10-,tare Improvemcnia, plot Viil%3 ona of the ^ei^ ttratebt re^^irlente pe'^tiona, IS.iW) r*-

3 utreri. balant’e on eaay farms rs agenta. Ad- reaa Mom, Bo* 26. N eat offlre.


ROJ^TON Taehnlral School, day and-evening all aummar. phyllrs chemlatry law. nv#4'<'*'-

♦ nglnearlng prap , regenta .hd Psllfvlile av_RtjW pBN Private nuelneia C- let* dhorthafid.

typawrltlng. birfAt'kfpptng Era'irH: d*y aaa* ■loD. IS waekiy. esanlngi. II. B2 HUi at.



feUMMER CLA Sara.for Plaji'tla , V'TraUaij and Teacher*,

flpedal Fi*e Da.v Sa*iMn .Tuly J, 2. 3. 7 and Kth. iwn ■feaiona dallv In tha UoTnini' tn A-ademy Caldwell, N

MGBT dealrahle iMa on Banford ava. and l,eno* and Geneva at* : great radurtlon In

price to purrbteera durtag Juna And Ju ly Call 66A K -■ - •Kaadford at.|SVi \'ACANT lor, 217*100. unr*atrlcled, ad­

joining corner, on SoT'h Tenth at., cIom to Bl-somfleid as'f Addreei Lot, Do* BA, NtA* offl> eBIG PARGATN -TVainwrlghi 4

worth no n i win reli tor $4CN> !6S Polk el

lol 2,1*100. F. BRADY

4700. VACANT lot iltaUan aacMon), Oil North Seventh at. Addrsaa North Seventh, Ro* JT.

Nesif office.

Ruaeall Msibrsd ciiaaM. Enaembla Claaa. elc FrhH!f siudv at the tZollege nf Mualc, Centre ai r.*"f Mudaon Terminal, or Tarne- fle Hall Manhstlin Circular* Appolnimtnta.

rLGRENCE ARTHUR Uaacher for tbfw* yaar* at Ih* Tendon Ptnaervatofy of Muvlcl: «1nf-

Ing riiailan methodv voice placing, roncert. atage and opera; piano and vloMn tuition. i64 Washington »t-; irl WSM Markai-

pi'lL n iN G lot for ■*)* nn Fabyan pi . SBil'X fj. Inquirs 63A South Tenth ai.. U MOHR-

R l TTER2^ LOTS, Vaiiaburgh pigeon and chicken

hnuae building InfiuJr* 131 Ferry atTH R EE Lo t s , or Smuh at 3?4*UW

4*3 Sanf4)id avaliicjuirs


OK£ rubber Ura Berlin ooAch (perfact ordan.

SI7B; EOOO ^ platform aprlng panel ai-je Ivtry wagoti, fUlK; three aprlns panel eide dallTary wagem, Sltfi; fnur ISafat delivery wag.

ISO tach; rubber tire runihntitt. 4TN. i t tire bather tpp bugglea, fiKL esiimg

OUk OV M tlre atpok of wagona and rtrrtegee. J, OOLTEm A CO., Bd'-liOd Centril eveTSK top wtidD*. light and heavy, ault anv

iMOfaa;- «na rubber tired depot carrinKe. is iqM rondltlon; flti wagim*. iru<*kt. run- aboata and fnrreyi of all deairlptlrma. prusi PB .w-atand'Irani 120 up; on ctirrlagM IH> m ; II] ktiKla pf wagons to hira JOHN W M U EIt. BOT Springrield ava.SSXcTIf DL k«7 barK. 13 H biad,. •ulubl, t,ir

l% kt drtTlsf; tul usil,., nrotbout. Hjbtfl, a*w aat of btroaM, all In good copditloo.

„ ba ihltl ak a an*rlll< . FRANK H. TAY- Eiiata Agecit. oppoaJte Brick Gburch

.ftH BUTE bur handaomo family horse, id ST ' Banda high, weight about 1.2(h'L perfectly

taZa and work any place Apply W'lLLi.tMh'S nciackman 1S4 Norlh Fourteenth at , Eavt OhB»a,llARNEBB, hkrpaaa, inO eeia. eecontl harnssa;

aU tradea.ilngie and team; lOO second collara;Slow biidlee, |li- laaibcr aummar bridlea,

cw ark 'i Best Stocked Harneaa 3ior«.ABCKONBACli 84S Plane at,; tel TDTfl U kt.

PINE GROVE TEBRA^'fc^Stu*co houaea are In dtmand, but one finlthed h< uaa for sale,

_ I It a a mn,|i<| iip-ir>-ihp-rjjinu'a home, selling atATiA M KENNEDY, 4 Humboldt ■!. ’Phone j a prlre n-it enuultJ anywheie, tefml aa low aa

1i;^4n p, R V'mlin and piano Instrurtlon: I , t2^> , aeh balance U i>er >lay; cootwlna al* ar f^arh *he RuSMlI merhod: thla method produce* , etgh' r^nme. bath, large Hving and dining

best TTisithle Temjlt* In one vear's ilroe j r'V*m, op*n flreplacr, team celling; plate railarquet floors, gas and eieriric Hghiwl: ateamyA SJO MANDOJ.IN g u it a r VIOLIN

Leaton Nlr. S*<>nnd'hiind Inatnim enii fnr eat* A J WKIPT. 4JIB Wathimrton at. co^Klnne^^


I [leat'ed and aupfrhi> laenratad; large porch.

MAPLEWOOL) Salter pi.—Brick hou*e. alate rrof, b«^*n rooma and bath, two tolleta, two

open rirapltrea, hardwood floors rhraughou', living and aleeplh^ porrhea; lot MlnlhO. price 4d.2tjS, (arma to lull. Owner, 1ST Dickerson at., city. 'Phoflu B B 1AS4M.

BTorih ArimcVMk


QI»SEX FELI.6 —Gcnileman dralrta to rent fumiaheil b-'me in Ease* Kolia for August

and Baptember or Auguat al-'n* home with gerage preferred, 'phone 'T'dTl ■, between '» and n.iO A M SK6 Nf'^ark.Pa r t y of aU Wlaha* to hire bungalow ry

:amp at t.ake Hopatentig for August Addreaa W. II T Hft?t H. Bummlt, N J

F rK M S H E I ) HOUSES FO R S.VLE on TO i.u rr— s f . \ s h o b f

AHBURY p a r k . Furnished-cottage*.ALLENHl'Ki^T. Heaaonable ram foeDEAL AND Vlf*TNITT balXTica of aeuson.

FJCRGUSON a PON.Aebury Park. N. J ____

RARGAIN-Large plot. 44x119. high end beautiful, price tIfH?. only | 10

down end A *wanth]> . frontage on two atreele, rail on tp« at ^aka Hackansack car toFront si North Arlingioii. N J J H BTCVER Ksarny av* and Front at-. North ArUngton, N J

190W JHOUSEfi and loia for sale in Nutlev: commu­

nicate wrh m* for tergalna f-FG LEWIS. 19J Bloomfiald avA. NuUey. N J.

R ed B ankSHORE from plot 30ft fa*t Sbrswiburr River.

piped water, gat, electric Ughtt, two min­utes' walk poitofflca and hotel; near tro|. ley. 4900 MOREHOUSE A FORD. Red Bank, N J

k i :k m s h e i i h o i s k s t oSE .\SH *)R E


Or'E.AN OROV E. .S J —Eight-room roitaipe, &h v'ookman aue ; furoished, _r>e«ly i ainted

and papered, n-ar LiNagoM* s t-aihing v'*a'tli'm. heal location on ih# Or,,<c. LTifi for the aeai'in Apply l.lLl.Alj'HlE .t WILBON. tB Mujn a>e Oucar Gro^e. -'s' JBEl.MAR~W'e nre offering iwc very choke

cotiajia* greaily reduced rent; immediate pnaaeasiin. all iftinrovementi. eigiv rooma and bath. T>*lephone or write, HCjN''E t DU­BOIS. lefith a< * _ Heinvar, N J

LO tK iER O O M S .VNO H .\L l.^ T O LETbr,» LUiletori « '• ______ _TO l.ET^rorlnthian Hall D«llavillt a *

the ftneat ajid largest thia euti ivf the ciu for weiMinga daiKsa. bKlgai. and :n face all wx'lal functions, term* raasuMbla. W r. KITUH^ iJi'K owner, fkl Rellevill* ave

HI .'«N AHK. PI--r\* hou*e first il.'or newly UevciatvU, all Huprovemenls.

6iF.,,,:i'e hail* ir.d pejlris ilI Tt.VKY lA t.iin-I t ^ ' O s ' _ _ _ _ _

ST.VBLE8. ETC.. Tt> i-ET'M l t,MCRHV BT . rooms, all im-J pro'emeiri lejil lu« liuiulre *a3M| or klI UU'lM evartlng-*

s t a b l e aiv alalia Inniurfe U)4 Ro*e\llie avf . near n-'3e<-lllc ; tailO('i

vantr loft and yard fre-. Grove a t, n^^er'M ihlH IHIRTKONTH ST. U2-Fl»a ruema; Fouili i'>ratire ave HENRY ARt’H BNflAi'H. i all impi. \ ciiixnia «x >epi b<-j». u4*\\T1 Warren «4 New Y"rk, phonr (WTi,l Har<i«y hi.'I ne.ii l;i;»e>llle Suik-ti adulia, rent IIT.

Inijulre preftiises________ ..NOR'TiT ’S .V O N D ST 226—Det<iiuied flau

■lx r'joma (He I,mu tieo 1> |iuli,iatl. Im- provaiiM.nla up '<' ilu'e. J(inli,'r aerviowa. niod-23 STA i.l.S ,>n Hulaey at near Hurahall

B ILD En A B lL D E n. IW M arktl at

A PA K TM EN TS. r o o m s a n d KLAT8 Tf> LET

APARTMENT. Foreat Htll-Just beautiful;five large rrnma and lUa beih, 427 end Id2;

living-room, whit* and mahngitiy. dining romn, miasion. with beam rellmga, itegm and lull Water, *\eTythlng for comfurl IRJ Wood- aide ave. near EUood ive . open for inspec­tion, Janitor.AFARTMICNT8. DEL MONTB 4S7'4S9 ftev-

enth B-.«. Roaevliia n««r atMlon and (roi- lay—Six large, light rooma *lth tiled beiha, janitor aervice. heal and hot water auppllaj; up-to-date, In fin* order: IM) and 4 2 con,'**- slona. C E. BHIPMaN. Ill Eaan building.



B tty b ro o k

REST irvafruclion in Naw Jeraey, 'lolln, nmn- dolm. piano, cornet tic., at home or avudlo,

'Or. FROF WERNER, STS Pentral av. NewarkRAGTIME. fK)|mlar, claealcal: hv my eyaiem;

b^elnner* plav at opre from any sheet mitaio. 71GMFR .T BOLI.ER IT Weet Park at.

wM w' a l l a g k c a n o n .Voice nuUure n#a studio, 2fHi Clifton ave.

Tel. 4RR B R. fepi at L auter'aPRTIM fife bugle iDSiructlfih r MANGGLP

sludln l6 t Bergen it near Bouth Orange av«.; In ilrum enit for tele.



OPE.V ALL SUMMER priva te lessons day or - «riHM by appoint-

in«QT. W 'alti and iwo-avei! guaranteed th alx..rlvgte lessons. UmH IVjston Eif,etrm Dip, Tang<). One-strp. Venetian \^alia and other fancy dancea. Teletibtnie S1S2 B P

led aabesios roof. neighborhood reatrlcted: eigh'een minutes fmm Broad and Market lta.

Pouth ilrHOkr n \e irollcy (?«r be in- ■peeled anv time K*vs 'A U'eat End av e . or BI.GBM RrKE \V> Market st.

f3,.V)ftBargain offtred from genartl contractor*; wa build two-ah'I'one hnIf-aiory fram e buildings, all lmprov«mebifi exi-ept steam heal, brat ma- trru il uae l, tizr 22x5u. aheeied papered, aided. d'luHe porclies, piniEfta. pentrlee. plana and 'pecificaitiina turnlshe.j, uiao <-ne-f*mlly house, 12 ikhI three-fanillj- h -use. l-t.lKk) model bouse .'an be seerv, inonev ,ianed for entire l o*t of biilldina KAPLAN BROS NW flouih 12th st

LiX)K 'AFARTMENT FOR |20.ftft0

r MUST PELL-THlfl WEEK *lfi.00n Fnre^t Ifill. best section. l-rHuilful, n»w and

uti In dat» in e ■ ry uay ,m odern Injprovaments. oil leasn-d. df,n I mis* this .'hanre If you want In’ ^simefti I'mpertv f‘>wTier d1 Rrvant si iphr ne T t T l * rPAjh n,*ed«d , w lj] net Sh par rent

.JW top wnfoni, tight new open wagona. IlgbU'ldr any bUllneaa; but ma le w'agona; kg lowufotU' tttrrtys. Just been overhauled

iilif MlnUd; sacniid-hand carriages and wag- gill. JCOPT'^.M4-3S« South Oranga ave.

twain haavy black horias for tale: w|i] work In goitbl* or llnglt harntii; one h< ri€

feCK• yaara 'old end other |a Hx years >,f X thay are too heavy for fflUk wagi-n A.

PHI^'ATL' dancing Irsaoris i fp riln its ui ycur ■ n^^tn lenle T Pelfti'ini *ve , near Spring-

field ai e. PROF L. RRLLL. Iftsi . • all <*v-en'a

milk dealer. U» Bergen at . Newark.• i B lB B v d B tiiOCK for tha aummer, will aall

'f a J T ti! .

D ram a d r nnrl K loctidon QSO. C, OLMBTEAD. Pn^fasaional Coach. EJo-

J.Vi i'AHH. a go^il ref*renre and then J2.'> per mr>nih, ulll purcliaee ihe only remaining

dand^ up-tU'daie new house, containing t>i)i biitli riCHm heatet. deenrated through-

OL|f. Inraled at l2 l Alexander it . Jwo mlnuTes from Sniifh Orange ave. trolley, aounda gi\od. and'It Is good; seeing la heiteMng, this closer up our holdings. Kev at 7!1 Wesi End ave . or BLOEMEi'KE. Marks* si

SIX BOOM house all lmprov#menta. steam heat JS.Tfti') caab |8ft0 balanc* at 6 per cant ,

new plk-rnom brick hnuae. rliy water and gas plot Y)*14ft, 42.Aftft. leven-rootti houae, all Im­provements, barn plot 45xlSh. |:'l,Tftri. easy terms, building lots, Il5ft up. KENNEDY. 113 Long ai'S-

FJNE eight-room bouse. nlc*ely fiirniahed. Im- provemen'a near water, at*o two bungalowi.

furnlshel, will rent reasonable for hal.mLe nf season Address A FLAH.*bRTY, Bo* Ti. Mil­ler at . Higblan-ls, S'. J-ATTRAt^Tlvr bungalows, furnished fi’»a

rn-^oie, ••amnlete: running water and gaw’ rioso r.i ba’hSiR beach MRS. KENNEY Bay- ulett- a t r , near t'rescenf at . R**i ':i Didch. Keansburg. N J

tip Iwill acrommodaiei froim Liut lo tl* peopii

within thre* minutes of Morris Beach Apply Saturday and Sunday, Woods Camp, Collins at . KeaoibijE'g

W y o m in gIS.ftOO BUT? fine si*-rcnnn home, good condi­

tion. with imprcvefnenii. plot lOft feet front­age. high li^alior good section: terms eiay afeo manv orher goofi ^'klues In this section CHARLPS R. REE\'E. real gatata Mtllhurn

W est N ew arkI'ARH buys a four.r*7orn house, balani'e Jfl

month A rrlc* ffi.Vi lots from n.*- io JU. lerin* 4r> down 42 mnnthiv take Main Line troiiev fii Hollywfind ave , Lvnns Farrvia, walk west over wfvnlen railroad bridge to my real- f*<tnre on T/mg nve , inarked 'West Newark Office ■ ineist In seeing me, aa I am always at home and have (he bargsina L A DE \'OR

BRADLEY BEAi'H. N J —House, seven fur nlahed rooms, extra lot. one Mock from

ocean. 420*3 to SepteitibHr LI. Address SscTlflce, Ronin IT. Ashury Park Trust Co, hulldltig, Ai- hury Park

___ __ .Grove. W Embuty tve. , to private family at

very Taasonabl# rent MYRON W. MORSE 130 Third ave . .Newark, lol "1" Branch Bn)ok

a p a r t m e n t in aul'let su light, airy m om i;ati Icily modarn; on fir^t floor, f*annay1v6nia

as* near Lincoln Hark, ragulAr rtm 14^. ■ubiel till O'lnber 1. 123 Address Apartment. Boir 4.*i, News office

er«ii' runtNEl>UN I'l- , tiu Two corner Hu.irimmis flv*

s, leiiiral- »i*am neai Ujiiishad;and a ll ri . ctni KIJ and VIA Nelson pt

m rai. aicain umi i t*i .iRQulre of L IT T A l'lin Of

NORFOLK' bT , I**-: near Orange *1 —Fourru^ma arnl ba th , rirai fliHsr. aim* three light

ri>firne. w:ih im pru‘ cruenta Inquira New. ark at.NlCfcX flat, six T<H»ms baio, dunies all Im­

provements vxceiri staain. Uh 30 Uoaeing ave una blcvk ftem Bonih Orang* uva.ON Flfteenlh ave & chaerful roems and

all a* light aa sun pailnr inquire FIEDL -R iAviporafion. 4th floor, Fire-fnen i bulldtDg. ci i ner Broad and Market ■(■ _____ ^f t i l ’h5.N a ir . 02—Throe large rocma and ba*a-

nttni kitchen, water and gas rent 4h In* qujra ilrorcfy. Ogden at. corner urlenF*l

APARTME.S’T to let In the EltiOl. Summer av’«- and Elliot at —FU« rooms, haated lan-

Unr service. 127 aU r - a1s faeJnis street \p- pl> H KOT.ODJN. Ill \\aahlngion ave. Nevv- ark. or on pretnisea ___________

PLANE FT., 44&—Flat; all Improvomam#; Steam haalj ihadea and awning*, t t l

APAB‘IUfc.'NT, BellerlUe are.. TfH. comer Oiieo- tai a t .—Onl.T nns l*fl. 'sli rrMiias. private hall,

all modern improvements, rent $23 laquir* Jaa- Knr or owner. 146 BprlagAeJd ave ; telepboaa 9l6 Market.

Ki.tatVlI.LE. North Sixth *t . lJ^B*aiulful dtcoraled Hat. lavan roums anu bath, all

Improvomerna. ateam h*al, anainga. u7v< aiHjich: atcoBd flo->f: reopactabl* nelghbcrtoo-l.ROKEVlLLE Orange at., 4(l0—Whole tK-iUse, 14

rooms feaih. one or two families, imjifovie- nien*s, ’ irulley at doo( Apu^y luemists or

IT?). Chatham, N. J__________ _P O Bnx

AI’ARTMENTR at Waahjfigion and K lnafy eia . * and 5 r x»ms. all '.mprnv emehi*. .1ml-

i u . ren ts Up Inquire BEYER, llTftHi'flrt at . phone 12il8 Wavtrly.a p a r t m e n t JEANETTA n in to n iv * - F tv e

and stx rooma. aicart) heat, jaMiior, bm OiBiar, *lio nlne-roMo flat, irhadwick ava .\ri'!v 4AA t'lininp ave

RIUUEW'OOn AVE, 430-F o r colored, flv* rooms, hath. bH improvements. new three-

family house, $17. also No 423, $14 Inquire rtftk Flelmont a \e __ ____

AUAHTMENT [,KXINGT0N- I p-to .tale six rw.m*. ilkd Uith. newly ilecoraf*-!, heai.

42i‘). laniti-r 'S Hldg 'w-ood ave near flin- ion ave

Fi.RNISHED coUage, six moms: Invprove- merna, nl-e. shady vard, only fluo ni!nute&‘

walk from ocean, running water, gai t.^wner. Box dlf- Bcadky pea'h, N. J.KEANVBl'RG- ' '■oml’lnatton tent and kitchen,

Including gas ratike. to lei: near beach, first iw'n weak* In .luly IS n week MR3 ALLEN.344 South T roth s*. , Newaik

AKAK'TML.V J-Pfven rotjrna and haih, cenUat luxation ren* vr'v reaenpab!'’-. steam heat,

ixnuor aervlu<. 203 Maikel si Inquire JirnltnrAPARTME.NT Murray *1.. 20—Plx ro-'ms,

tiaih, kiejm heater, roiti 12ft Inquire on premtses. first flooi. nr SO High at _________

BRADLEY BEArH N J -T o let, one large furnished room, with privata porch Address

Pri-iSie, Room 17 Asbury Park Trust i7o. t'ull'tlng. Asbury Park, N JBFLM'.B KurniabeHil cottage to let *i re-

ilui'ed rales, 11 rc>oms aM ba(h Ai'ply MRS Ft A WHART*'iN. IftJv South Munn ave , East Grange. N J



cullon, aiase (raining, xmataur thaatricala. ,vaudavlile acta cokcheu Bpc-clal t t ta n tla n elo-

thoroughf/ seasoned, absolutely quiet i _____ _ma, broken- to ea4dle and hamesa; al«o I ANQE. O. P. CAMBRELINO. PROP.ittM wagon and trap. Armory Riding | ---------------

n o Roiavllle ave.

i ONE FAMILY, eight large, light rooTn*. plot Athclftft; room for garage, steam heat, electric

------------- ----- ---------- - r ------ t o r . light, parquet floors. hardw<x*d tclm fine dec-eutlon itudsnia. Studio. *6 New s t.: hour* I to® nratb'its ard Gxlures throughout, r.ew heuse.

- owner win nell for if *uld soon; tht*j-ropcrly ii worth |H fttV), all street lr>iprcve- menr*. orve Mock from trolley reasonable (erm* Address Largs plot. Box 3.1. Newa nf* floe

J l^ngiiB RniTHE REHUTZ school. UF LA.VOUAOES.


BALE. c;heap, one market wagon with on* furniture truck; hhih fine con- '

A tun: one naw egpreea wagon with skelet''vn Up. OBORQE V. OOEHRINO. IHl end 113 , Aaademy et. |

MiaocMarArousI’LL make you a crackerjeck book-keeper In

eight weelii of your spare time, or refund your money, termi low Addreee Auditor. Box tki. News uffke.

SCH-EERER AYE—A betmlful new Jiouee;nine lOMte light rooms with tiled bath, steam gee, electricity, parquet floor*. ba*m i.eil1rig|. panelled dlnlng-cnom, was taken In exchange for busineiit pcnperiv; party ha* no vee for same, ran atll for less ifiun It wnulu cost vou to build, i n vour own terms;'make offer C. E. 0HIPMAN, fill Eesei building

BVBBCR tired low whael runabout. tl2; tnllk wagon. $S0: light open wagon, $1(1,

•mall top wagOTi. aoli tea-or coffe* bustneae, tIA. J. iftifiENHART. S4 Bergen et.. near Wovren. ^

TUTORING In cullepe preparatory and col­lege subject# by Princeton gruduauj. Ad­

dress Tutoring. Boa " 6, 'New# offlcg.

WKKQl'AHIt' PARK—One-family, slate roof, stucco hu'UM. hardwood floor srid trim , elec­

tric light, siearq heat. Ijcgc reception hall, i psflor dining-room, pantry, kitchen, four

•lenfrinR rooma, larre eioseix. tiled bathroom






fUk!RBC1Bty(;D. cirlftad of bi^lnefa. draft d#l*lrff hftrtss: also aeveraT gm:d brnn-

b nka 'and unbroken. J- KJRCHOEI4S- 6TT fioiilh' Twelfth et.

P H R K N O tO G Y

BUYS CMd team honest work hbraea: auit la m e r or express man. JOHN RELLa h ,

H iltbttfn lAva.-, end . Maplewood car line, for- Bfckfly iUpe.rican Home.|i0 , BUTB sound horee hornerti, platform top

n io n n ; peddler’s outfit complete; ssen after i ^elock evehlng* and Supday at] day- 0BN* F m t. TA Ne^’ton at.

I rtnt. ir>xH'aL rino Ipcftt'on, pciff 35..2O0. c04y ^ ' ternta. tv T. JENNINGS. 35 tVeequehlr -! u k l l e v il l e ”UONtfULT MMfc: J..B RoV-Petmun*nf?y to- I n^LLEVILt-E nve. properly; rvRi hargBln:

rated Oritige and Broad eia.. 4fi9 Broad at , 1 widow must dlsiuiae uf fine three-einry all nu-'st convenient erurance on Orange at., next; |rrprnv-ed. Including heat, 14 r<x»tn and h*#*- to Lennx Lunch m<*nt Philadelphia hrkk hmisa; lot 26xlST;

------- ----- j fii\r hicatifjn^ prir# |S.nft(L by AuctioneerMADAME ZINN-Ladles and gentlemen; houra j h ILDEPRANDT’ 44g South Tenth st

11 to Bi. except Sundsye. 535 South Eleventh -------------NEARLY-new two'famtly 13-room hnuae all

imfvta In Valiaburgh aevttan. on county . I r'VAd' loo feel from trnlley. muet be #o|<J;ly Incti.rt Jn J i r lo r . . «S Niiw >t , hOLr». , .f ry lUtu cajh r«-

qutred. owner cannoi hold If longer ’AL

It.; Plank road or Kinney car*.CONSULT MME DE GARDEEN, permanent

10 A. M —3 P. M

TOP fTOCor’* wagon. $23; open Dayton wag- OB, 110: robber tired aurrey f « . top eurrey

and harneM. A&3. TIO South Slxleenib it., naar Springfield eveFOR BALE—A pretty 'black driving pony, har-

and newly done over runabout, lo any*alvlng^good home, for f'JA. BLAKE, 19


CONSULT MUF.. H. LEO. permenenlly loratcd | RONKAG fi'fl Aouth Oranga ave.____________in parlrrs 54 New s» . hmire 9 A- M D P M ; diapoie Of well rented 6 -fam*

ladies only. I My house lr| Vallsburgh: 3 year* old betier ' than new, ahsolvUely no repairs needed veryMADAME RANUE-Fhrunolijgy;

itfifi Pllne r-t._____________

patjh::n t 6esBv terms, no reasftnahla propoaltlon refused; flaking $. .*105; rent |03fi Address , Boi 73. N^wa office. _ __

PA’JENTF and trademark# secured or return UUNTON HlLI*-MERSFELDER Construction nf ttii fees ijieuied aeiid tor my free book. Company offer beautiful two-family houee,

"How to 1 here.' ' JOSHUA R H. POTlfl, quan«r blork from Clinton trolley, harid- atent lawjer, O el . U aihuvgian. H ftouth sr-niely deenra^^d: ges. alprfrirityi>nn J p < >• t -* _ 1 i„ n — .. • ' -“f 'i rT n ti I lawier, Sf6 O •, . UaiUinglan. H Routn ; spnnl)'

S ffil i u '« , I ■«. Iia, . Phii^ ,KHAENT/.EL L t<jLHAKl>S P « lc" ' t--* '

FoUcIt-jri of U. a. and f-vrelffn patenI. tuf ' ■


'WAGON and harr.era, hand made fot baker or grocer: In, fine

ebakp. BakerV. 134 HarrUon . t i l I ..ipvHshLvt.. Harrti.m. bide . wl

Inundry,Anplv Rrnm Flrcnipn’# building

FHAENT/.EL 1<Jl Ha KDS Pwlcnt Lh« 1 h a I*SEY §T.. noruer. near M arket....... la**'.M?ts. trade- ' Tlohenor at., one-fsmlly. ffkme .

FINE tQuarq-top ivaierproof platform wagon, Colt llx month* ngo |223: will soH for 195

F. W. SERBS. 1290 Springfield n;p.FINK Ijay ssridle horse, drive wall to mad

wtgon; kind and geiuie C. ■?.’ POTTER. 90 Maple * t.. ' MoiuCitair. N. JTHREE horses fur tale; boy off^r takoe ihumt

oeed the ronm. Call ,t. MORRIS, lo Aoutb Foofteaniti at., nrtti OrangeHEAVY work horsi? and large leim truck. a&

we hav* onfl iw' munv Ki:*;-JEWELL CO., 29 Darcy sLD EPOT carrUge. ren:odeleJ, painted an.l r«

uphojaitrod: Al conditl.-in a , McLaughlun A BRO . IM-I5T Hudwn st.LOW-WHEELED cut under runshou). rubhAr-

tired; flrat-class copdltioo. InquJrp »"lffinn StAblea. 240 CUfton ave.

__ 745-T Rfoui atlahllrhed IRR5 Tel 1941 Mkt

, 1 KihenorFederal ' (nurl #i., iwo-femllv

RUSPBLL M CVKHE’fT, patent lawyer; all matters relating tu Inventions, (reriemarka

ftud cupyrlghis. in the patent office and c-.»arU. Firemen's hulMlng. Tel, 1194 Mnrket.

........ brick. 12 rnum*..OrSeaiMk it., one-famllv. hfltdt, 1* rooms.,

GEI?EP a pl u m . 845 Broud at

4 ftftO 9.of 10 5.200

Eat lUrth DRAKE A CO. Te! 2iG5 Mkt KtNNKY BLDG.. m>OMS 510-Bll.

_______BKi-)>p MARI^h^ i TS


V.ULfiHUnGH property for sale: one. two,• hree or six family houacs; *11 kinds of

irr-perly lo exchiingi: nearly 2.000 lore at .Ml M ,'«a. 1300 up to i2jyrin. VAI.. FONHAC. 076 ?'Uth Orange ave., nffice open afiernocTn.WFF/s‘l'.^MIc PARK-Twn-famlly rrama

hotiise UI rnnms; two bath*; all imrrove- menis: Btf'im heal, elu,; sireei r^iir ■'sr Im*; price for |i quick sale; 15 500. w T .IKNMNOS. 55 Weeqiiahlc gve.

DANDY 7J-acre farm on Lackawanna Rail­road In Hunterdon County. N J . In beau­

tiful valley, fully equipped with 2 horse*. B cowB. 2 Dig*- chicken# and alt farm Implemenia, crops, etc., fe-room housa, wagon hnuae, barn, new cow harn. chicken houae, all In good order, good apple and peach orchards, berries, etc., ftfltrt* of grain, corn, poiaioea. etc., all p ianisd . aet quick If you warn this bargain, price only 18,800. Tail or addreo# Owner, care of G D STONE. Chronicle building. Cranford, N. J.

SE\'EN -R '>nM house and beth, g"s r#ng»', .mpTO emenfs n»ar AUandc Hlghtardi. N

J Bcaaoi | 2(Hi Apply 1C* M McDfiNALD. Navesink. N .1OClCAN GRO\'E rorisxt>, near beach: '■xevp-

finnally w-ell furniehed. reasonshle rent to prlv-aie family Address Exceptional. Box 4. Newt officerOTTAGES to iel. furnished, from July 13,

from S9 in $12 wesklv special raieis by moriTh or season A. WOOD. Bo* 293, High­lands. N. J.Wa t e r WIT<'H. N j —Part of dnyble cpt-

Migs flv*' rtyoma, furnished, waler, gna. from July I to Ih. $3h FRAZER. Belle- vlli-A LLENHURBT—6 rooms nicely furnished;

mod. Imptb,: garage; rent low, s a M TAY­LOR. 8M r.,ake *t.. Newark; tel 3194J B. B-

A PA R IM E N T b to let. 122 blgeli-w. nsnr .Iclinsrn ave five l!i;hi rooms, heat, hut

wdier and leivicE, rent t2>)APARTMENT of four rooms. *H Improve-

menta three miriiies frtvfn Hudson lube, rent reasonable. Ill New sta p a r t m e n t of slT Pwm*, all Imorovementx.

Inquire Bl'ERMANN'S iMilllnery aiorai. Y23 blulberrv st.Al STIN AT It-;?Bven nice, brighi. airy rnoni“ . 'la . Inquire wsthiti at KOELL'

H O r ^ R DBOS . 134 Msrkei st

ROPE PT 21'23-Four rrjoma, iTniifOvemfUis;$12. 1ft minute* from Broad and Market ria.

liiquli* on premlaei_^nr ^3^Firktford_plRlDOEWDOn AVE . ftl-F la i. tl* large, light

rooms end tiled hath Bomcn rlen ell Im- pro«ement*. tw-o doors fTcvin CHtifon iSOUTH SIXTEENTH ST 42:i-Two four-

room flats, newly decorated. Improv-amenla. now vacant, rent $10 arid $ll Call 2.51 South Orange .»va . buu'her shopfiOI'TH FOl'RTERNTH ST near Clmton eve.

-S ix rtK'ma end biiih laM lighti s 'eaib heit. all tm prnvemenli. $25 ALFRED T EECK- ’AJTH, 810 Bread s i . __________________SOUTH GROV'E PT K30. between Pouih D i,

anxe eve and Ffv.jneenih a-.e Kue llgh*. punnv rooTue. with all ImprovenienU. nn the first.


SOl'TH SE^ ENTH ST 6 2-F!r»! and second fIcorH. wx and *e\eu rroms bath enclosed

poTuh. screens, awnings ton 'en lem io tn illey . adults onl.SOUTH NINETEPIMH ST, nesr A' in rv

-Four room# ai>d iiathjfvinv. ali imiirv* emen’* and at-'am h c a ', llu R H J l ENGE. 44<

b r o a d 3T. 4.94. near D L. and W Matlon, within eight mlnuiee' walk of Broad and

Market si» -Second floor, five l^ h t mon:s ard bath; all improvementa; rent 122- Inquire Union Budding Co.. 0 Clinton at.

SOUTH E[.E^’ENTH ST teenih nve —Four r< 'nm#

prwv i»tr)fn t . de^rrelcd run ealoon

411 I'Vrnor Four- all light, all im-

Inquire In

BKOa D s t 276—Three fine ronme for houpe- ke#.'plftg (n party w-ithout children, beat

nelghbOThnod. four adults in house. posseaalon immedlBi'lyBEAUTIFUL flat*, five coxy rooms, with all

Improvements: baauilful view, price reason­able 245 24T South Eighteenth at., corner Eleventh ave

FOR RENT—Four-room furnished bungalow;gfla, running water. 5tft Newark ave ,

Bradley Beech. N J- MRS. H. B. MONROE-ElQHT-FtOOM cottage w'itti aU Improvetnertts;

piano, will rent (h^ap for season Inquire q NASH, ktO Fifth avCy, Bradley _B ea^ __


BEALTIFI'L light, slx-ronm flat: second floor.■team heat. gas. elei'trlc light*, tiled bath,

fine reeJdentJn) mttlon. 142 Seymour aveBERGEN RT . 8SS'885—One block from rOF.

four and ilia room*: all Imprjvementa; wlth- r>ut hrat, reasonuble rent to sultaMe tenutni- Inqviire on premise#BERGEN FT . hlifr-Stx light rooms, bath. i»an-

iry; nil Improvements except heat; Screens tily. Ilf.and awninga; adults only. |I '

SOUTH rtEVENTH 120—Six mom* andbath, all imprnvemei.iB, sipam heat, lecond

flnur, t«n fx-rlly hoils-e. rent 123POLTH ORANOD AVE.-Sis and teven rooms.

imprc'vementa. bath. iic ,. balls furnished, T16 end Inquire a*'!SOUTH FIFTEENTH 8T . 9S- Five rooms.

eaa ano w ater, |1 5 . GEO. Q V a N D Y N £ 4S5 Orange at. ____trEVENT EliNTM AVE and 2lst st.—C'urner

fist, alx larire. light rooms, Ula bathroom. ;ianele<l dtrlhg-room. dome, Thatcher range, all modern Improsemema; refit 115 M. lEDEL. 262 South tJih it Telephone 7403 Market,PPRINGFIELD AVE , 575—Four clean. light

rooms, Improvements, $10 30 Inqulr* LEf^’IT’9 drug slore. 154 Spruce st . Or 52! Eighteenth a \e ___BPRTNOUIFLD AVE. 372, near B ergen-Fl'«

nice, larg‘d rooms; Improi-entenr*; waiei : gaa: tuba aduPt- only, rent $13

7-9 ROOMS, all Impta.. Clinton HHI.Tao rftoraa. all impta.. Kearny s t-----

Rlz room*, hath, all tmpta-. Vtllabiirgh.. Nine rooma, every Impi.. E*H Orange,.



SOUTH JERSEY FARMS—Ten acres, good land, 1200 ; down. | 6 .M toonlhly; choice

land for raising fruit, berries, poultry and aquali. mild, healthful cltmate; two manu- factuilng iDwai; railroad and trolley eervlca; Droapernuff locality; good roads ahd pur* water CHARLES GIEBD. 142 Market it-. Newark,FOR BALE, near Trenton, extra level pro­

ductive 103-acre farm; flil crops 26 acres, and rye 13 dcrM, corn 40. grao» 0 acres, woodland,g o ^ water, price mnderate to quick buyer,part t-an remain Addresi 43 Hayes avo,.Trenton. N J ^

FOR BALE—Farm, llfl acres; alneen-room house heated from cellar, hot and cold water,

bathioom lighted with acetylene gas; price $q.,V>:i Addreee DR A. H PATTERSON, Georgetown. N. J _______JERSEY farm s and country home* aa low a*

JfiflO; easy term s; sell or exchange for city a postal brings you full Informa-

See CHAS. ORBEN. 910 Firemen's building.ONE-FAMiLY house In Weequehk Park aec-

Unn. near Main or Mt. Prospect trolley; Mvefl rooms, bath. Dll ImprPvernenis, ateam. a^icirlclty. rent 125 per mofUb. InquireBE5'ER. 1175 Broad it.TWELVE-ROOM house, all Improvementa; old

established rooming-house, 1ft minutes' walk to Market and Broad rent $4-3 and water rent. Addrea* fiouih. Box 33, News offlc*.HOUSE—Elghi fine room*, hath and laundn ’:

betw-een Broad and Pouih St depots; rent $2fi Inquire GEO. W. M ILLER, TO Thomas si.HOUSE and store to let, 168 Mulberry at.;

Buithale for any bualneas. centrally located. Inquire G- D. KNECKT. 30S Waahingioh at.

____ . . . Drtck dwfrUing-hfTueafourteen rooms, all Improvemeiica. Inquire

CLINTON AVE.fourteen rooms;

STOUTENF.t:RGH & CO... Pftl Broid *i6 IX ROOM hrruae. good condition; gaa, wateu

tuT>i‘; full lot, off Summer ave; low rent. In­quire J- UE'B’TS FIACRE. 22 Clinton e t____

p roperly , _ ^ .................. .. . . _ .lion. Address Country, Box 71. News office.

SOUTH TWELFTH PT . TT-Stx rooms; all Improvemfnle, J25 GEO. E, VAN DTNE.

496 Orange at . at North Seventh.

BERGEN ST.. 946. comer of Custer a \* ,—Five rooma and bath; all improvamenis except

heat; brick house.

all improve- uienlti, including ateetn heat; gat,

SIXTH AVE.. 354-SIk room* including ateetii heat

r r n 321: iKiastdeloP July 1

BIA50MFIELD AVB . 66—Three large rooms, also five ri>om*. with improvemenij<. fai‘*>x

two stTpets; rent reasona'ble Inquire firel ' floor. FARLEY'.


BACH£LOH apartment; two rooms and bath;South Broad i t ; furnished or unfurrilthetJ.

118 month. Address H.. Box A7. N*ws office.BASK sW. four

and flvf roomfi, bath; Jlfi and all Im­provements. Inquire 0L1WT9E. first floor

228, near courthoiiha-iiFlai, ind $10:

STORAGE fl monthly; moving. $4 a to*d: pi­anos hoiflied. $3 p*''h Newark i

houre. 387 Washington et, .1 Storage W'are-■phcme4706 Market.

STANTON ST.. 25 near Elisabeth ave —Fl* • iHfga. light. *lry rooms; buih, pantry; newi'/

decorated, rent $16 Inquire janitor _____ _BIX Itght rooms; 114, prlvaiy etjuali in one*

family house, hall furnlabed: large, plaaauot ■i ard ; central location 198 YValnut *t

CLINTON P L , corner TUllnghaat *!.-*rJve roome, bath, all in^'novemeni*. low reru.

alhn Iwo-roum /let: free for light Janitorice

SIX Toomi; third fU.rr; select locality. |13 30, 473 South Bilnwn? ave

CORNER flat: four large roonTs. bath, pantry;envln» ,Ki porch: all Improvements; newly «lac-

orated, near three cara. LEW’IT. 521 Eigh­teenth ave.

SEVEN rooms- dll Improvements; good loca- lion. H- aiNGER, w Elltabeth ave

STRATFORD P L . OCLFi^e large rooms. |k5 per month.

CORNER flat, five light, airy rooms stv3 b a th ; every room face* the s treet; $19. Cor­

ner Seventh ave. ind North Fourteenth it.

TO LET—Five rooma and bath. 9.1 Newton a t.;rental. $1.' Apply C. F KRAEMER. 779

Broad at . Newark, N, J

CENTRAL. 7 rooma, bath, $25; stesm teat.gas, coal range, all Im pts.; 3 rooma, fl3 .

Inquire J. HORN. 159 W ashington at.

THREE living rooms to let; first flcior, 21 Howard st , near Nelson pi Ihquire 945

East Ferrv at. .■7*4"- ' " — "

COLORED tenant*; :jiim«r»aL at.. T7-i9: 4 and 8 rooms: all improvementa. Inquire on

premtsea or 53 Stratford p l^ BRODT.

THREE, four and flv#-rOom fists, rent $3, 19, UO; lrflpro\emenle. .\pply 224 Oliver H-

TH REE bright, sunny rooms; rent $ Inquire of MRS. UARROLL, 11 Railroad pi

SMALL chicken farm i. wRhln reach of all.only fhc-r»»nt fare m Newark; handy to ata-

iirm; up-tf'-f'-sie house, dor.’t mls« thla. Ad-

ULO'JMFIELD a v e .. 65—Elght-poom housB, wi'h nil iinproveToenta; rem only tl9- In­

quire on premJacs. 9 P M.

CAMDEN ST., 1B6—9lx light room* and h a th : all improvsjnents, near South

Orange flve. car line.

VAILPBURGK—Four light room*: bath: pan­try ; large china clos«l; shades end ic reanfl

113 UI Brookdsle ave, BAKER__________ _


SUMMER AVK 4B7—Nine rooms, bath and receptinn hall. heat. Apply Model Tailoring

Cn.. 222 M,srket at.

COURT ST.. IW, above High st.—Seven room* and bath; first floor; immediate poasea*lon.

TWO work horses, moving van nnd hnrne«>ii I for sale, cheap. O’COaNNOB, [15-1 i

field ava., Irvingion.HORSE and w sarn, nonv and r-iri «n«l mk

rey WILLI.aM GROSS. " ’Thirteenth stGOOD work horse for naif, r-aar-nable, must be

told Bt once, NJAGU IRE, t\a*hlnglL'n 1 , OrangeSADDLE: RO.w foi sai - jcatnnnid** ^trl!s

C. M. CARP1:n tT;r 2 Umtus-iv n . cKy.SADDLE and hore*. N r^ark Lum­

ber Co.. UiibCBio p , Eas.‘ Nowri'k, N. JFOR SALE—Bro» ' 0 hnrpo 16 hanui seven

gear* old- 114 Chesiniii *t , East OrangeFOR SALE—Coal vsKon. g ’-oi :i« rihru ,

■onabls POHNRERGHR, Rank stFINE pasTure. box btalis. gn. d cars

Stock Farm. 4 1 UHiiiors piLAY'9

TWO lop wagons for Fojft Orange.

lile. &(> Fourth av»

», A'-RKt^Iftoxiftii r< , ii‘-\''n Sr* monthly, ■chsAP

romm uionon i''' N'p’-'* V-trk ne<iT F tstl''n ti.-I- ley. sKif'i rrli’ '.i!s, ‘’l Lincoln, bpljvefnPlalnfleM and B< und Rrork. on mam Hns of ih»-N .1 f '»ni’'al RallroFiri. our pr'^perty Is levpi nnd clMr rich and fprille soil: po«=lrhe]y nc mosqullne*, high OJtd • '>, healthful and hpaUtlful; wiirun easy ’ ndktnff distanof. at ft 'ictoneT all In full

'■'VM- SlftftftftC’f l IS P’ ld t-> wrvrket*I' I Iflinfi'^ 1 fai'irrlea nion' If th» pM'i le ' n'-u s^hsl riijf pro[>prty is lik* we w- ui.l s«1i ,■ aj, l7i j\i dti» E\en, utw’ who ecea U buys,

'}' -I i.vho bu.i Tiilcltpet fi’p the ores who hn'iw nioi! abiiii real ratiifp positivelyaitr, t p'lrchLtS'' eli-ewherv hsah and dry land

Ilk-’ ^bif. RB n<*flr Tho tisil'^n and as n*arNp « Vi-rk Citv ijn>8* yuj pa r several times •’.I- prii'f we are eelllng for u local building I ‘ H'* ««I1J hulM v 'iJ s Hol'd, '■ubstanUnI ; n-h I t bor.BaU W A' ry ' -v | rl •• for * sm i ll ]!'. • -i- Mi' rp wr l'ft,1siiiT tike reni v p do Tml p»-n 1 hil>sn-n, ih.H -,i '1 l‘i per 'em ,V' te .-pi.jn, rri s-ln:n:ej Jnet an horerin ra 'th!; 'IV-t!d i.ri,iare -n a heauiifuipie-e .'f land vhere im rno-mous advance In vhIip's !ri ihe near future ',a an absolute cer- ia:nt' free tit.e ginrsn!fif, phone, write 07 roll nf nti-e for horklef bcI free railroad iltk- Mh. pTu-ine Greeley n;riT

IVM n M' LAIN REALTY CO ,Marbr] l>ft* hidg., oor B'was' & 34<h et . N. T.

HIUGEST birgaln In Newark, ■'A'alnwrlght a t . new seven-room stucco house; bath, >1*^™

heat, tjeriric .Ipht*; allprice. lernis 10 auU.A RRO.. 77ft Rrnad st.CORNER HOUSE, ihrafc famlH«, 19 rc oma.

part impriivertent*. 166 Thirteenth *ve . thr«-fam!ly house, 30 HutgsT* at..87. sold iteparnfelv or togetner: Bit particular* IfiO Thirteenth av*

FARMS wanted; will buy for COib, or change: send full particulars for quick aale;

write, Address Buyer. Bo* 39. News office.

ORCHARD ST . Oft—Ten roomt: all Lmwove- Tiienfs $42 50, GEORGE E. Y'AN DYNE.

4f^ Oranga at

DESIRABLE camraUy located third-floor flat; thr

\'AiLaEl:RGH-Sn< monis. >tp»m I'M', •W: also four room*, bath. $10 L .T. GRlBBINt

030 South Orange ava.#lghl room* and bathroom; ail Improvomenta;

healed; $S2; adulta. Apply 66 James et.

FARM wanted, will exchange two-family, wHh garage, in Ehbi Orange, for same. Ad-

drema Exchange, Box 79. News office.

HOUSE, eight rooms, bath; all ImprovemenU; steam heal; 807 Bouth Sixteenth ct. Inqulr*

prcm Jiee,

ELEGANT flat: six JIghl. airy rooms; all latest Improvement*; tcreena furnlelivd:

dumbwaiter, gas and electricity, ate.; cemrally located J03.' GEORGE. Xt Ferry *t-

WiDOW clfsires anoihei widow, of mlddJg agej with or without daughter, to share tix-room

flat, on moderate term*, must have references. Address 'R'idow, Rox 28, News office


no,' CASH t>uyB house, fnod r,oo.1l-tlnn- full I'"’’ , near .trolley and station

price only ^n>ftpra; mu«i srl' Inquire J L E ^ IS FIACRE. 22 rUninn si ______HARTFORD PT , 27—Good tiome or lTi\-«at

'nent. efven rooms and a ltic : partfonts for price about 12 100

l.noo SQ FT . north light, drop mast, fratght fie^-ator. ateam heal, electric power.One loft, 4>hX> »q. i t . light all amund.One loft a.550 •q/' fi-. Lawrence st.: very

low rent- steam heat and electrlo power.Moiora itifitalled fre* of charge ai^d kept in

order.Y.'in build factories 00 Mechanic a t to ouil

tenant. _JAMES M. 8 FTMOUR JR., Owner,

0 r sny broker Bl-W LAWRENCB.

at su m m it . 'N. j .—Fine Teeldenilel aectlon;oPe block from Hotel Blackbqm, handy for

•chool*. hew house; all Ijnpravemenia, seven rooma and bath; price 130 per month. C. W. FARRriW, ’phone .32.T. ___________________

ELEG*aST ; aeven room* hath; cortwr flat;ten minute* Broad and M arkti; all modern

Improvemenlg, residence nelghborhocMl. BO West klnnay at. ______ _ELEQA.NT alx light, large rooms, with alt Im-

proveinenu; low rent; 414 Warren at In­quire confectionery store.

WEST OHANGE, Grange mountain ajr—t:czy house. rIx rooms and bath aieam heat:

every imr^oyemeot; oniv $2(1; sell lame kiuall riepnsU, balance like rent. CH.\? ORBEN. MO Firemen » hulldlng.

ELLIOT ST-. 32—First floor; five lai’ge rooms;rent $1» WV inquire E VV. DE3CKEK, 105

G rafton ave.

reniB Mr .Viiu price , . . .I .ibh Apply 50 Hartford ei

EA8 T ORANGE. Wa.r*on ave . 86—Home of eight rooms. In nerfecl Order, steam heat;

good floor*, exeellenl location: near school aqd central avp irol1e> Apply on premiees or any agent

f o u r t e e n t h AV'B., 326-S38. near Sevep- teetuh st —Four nice room*: tH improve*

tnenrs; in two-family houae; rent 111 and S12. Owp*r. DORNBUBCH. 62 Camre Market.


HorseSp CiwTkiftt^H. E tr ., \Vant<>tlGOOD work horce. w inj and In *11 har-

nets; *1*0 water tank wanted, wor^ or Iron. T. Q ECKERT T. Q Bex Tit. Oringe, N. J

I Ghnlc* tract ot 3Uj acre*, adjoining railroad and rreek In the heart of the most prominent

I r anfltFirturirjg '.entn* and e.:oae iu EUxaheih; ' free and Hear, can be bought cheap G A , DEBrjCl-irCH. lAft BroadwHy. New York, ex- I elusive agent fnr owner


FIRST MONTH FREE,900 'b&pR*^ Lrttcked Roupia,

and up.VahB f'.'T 'Moving.

&aperien>ed and 4'orxful Men.U.AV h a t e s

^ rp e ta Taken <'p. CU-Rned ond Reiald-O&wpfiRTHWArr & Van HORN co..


BIN-ROOM hnuss near P lainfield, in perfect ■ ■..rdiLon. nn plct 2ltft feet from, 351) feet

depp, cpnistnlng 24 *• re* , price $1,830; e*i-y ' ‘ Tins discount for '**h "Y.' B McLAlN.47 P> e«t Thiriv-fourih st . *’e« York

A TW O-Fa MILY hnuft* ai 4ft Brflgaw a v e .near I’lintf'n fl ^eyatiie entrances tnewu;

tuiiise ran- he bouji,n cheap Apply of the osvner, 912 tjoiith Eighteenth at., Nawark.


LYONS ^VK.-r-One-ramlly.Soymftuf One-farnlly^^MriJak

Van Ness pi.—fingf-ramUy. $11,000. GETSER A PLUM '


EAST ORANGE—Fine O-room house; ateam electric, al! Impts.; fin* location; rent $40.

Also a T-room flat, modern itpp ti. 124. CHAS. ; ORBEN. ftlft Firemen’s bldg.

FLATS MOVEDin padded van*. $4 load. rtUablt aervice; don t h« mltiad. HOBSON! fifti Springfield av«.; tel. 20MJ Fav., or S7B7J Wav.; save adv^___

YVA6 HINGTON ST.. 4S^SIa !»««.rruifns. In two-famliy houet: newly ilPLoraij

rent $lfl Inquire store on premtaee. or i l l l r - - - '

WAEMINGTON AY'E , 2ftft'-Kev*n Hffht room*!all mnderrt improvementss; bath, pam ry

frtc light decoration*; ?22 CHAfr SPEND- LER. loo Broad at. _____ •7\’AT90N AVE-. 79—Nine-room flat: ill light

rnome: ulao »•* rooms, .oil Improvement*; bric* house: separate entranvea; hear trolloy*.TVEtJT END AVti.. 10-12—H and 7 roam apart-

m«nta. vtry laiest ImpruvemtiUfi, r?nt fr*« te. July I5th.' Inquire STERN. No. 9'WfEBBTER BT -C oiy fi\-e-ronm with Im-

provementa: rent tl.ft, $14. seiMirate entrance. 'WebPter H ^ |r*t fltvor.


BELLEVILLE. Overlook ave. and Oak *1.— Nlne'roam house, bath; all ImpTOvementi;

rent $29. Inquire APPEL, 859 Flftwrith ave.

i>*LAT. e reoms. tiled bath, pantry, enclftied porch, *J*ctrlc light; convenient to Cllrinn

and Springfield ave, trolley*. JOHN KORN, 4E9 South Twenty-fint i t . ________

CLARK RT.. one-family, brick, y mom*54-200 Elfihih a^* , one-family. fram*t 9 roonn* ']’**!

Belleville av* corner; acll..............12.000GEIPER * PIA^M. 845 Broad a t



IRVINGTON-From July 1, hou«, five rooma;open attic: steam heat; ail Impts.; loty Sftt

175 FOLSOM. 142 Orang* av*. '

IKV! CASH will start you owning vour home: why nay rent? All lo?***®* = lodav; don’t yflay: Addreta

BAST ORANGE—Seven-rooxn hou**; North fiterUng at., near Main; $20. 7. D. CASTLE.

12 Greenwood ave,

FLAtfr-Naw three-family hooie; six Ughl airy roftma: oil Lmprovemenli: 85 Montgom­

ery ave., between Bprlngfiald and Cltmon ave.FLA T-W 8 South Bbiftont

hooa*; elx rooma: attim heatt »t4jetrto Itrot; e>'ery tirttrovomant; K20- MATK.- TJflioR Bldg.

Bargain. Box SO. New’* nffic*-NEW three-family house, all Improvensenta;

ThiMeenth »ve. and Twelfth a t : v* ^ l l t ^ cn^h required Metropolitan Realty Co.. SOT Market it., Ordway biilldthg.

H EAL t’ibXATE FCm E X G llA > «il OUT O F TOWN

HXCELLCNT Stopage Mcliiilt* Ifl gkicd ware- houB* ai FrelifiBhuyfen iivc,. on the L«;‘hlgh

■Valley Railroad. t‘nnp'‘»iary fj? jivr&ianwit tananta are requeatfd lo cnnVmunlkate at once with Storage Box 18. New* office

RK5 inE.‘ CES for twu famllle* and lots, also two.fafnilv fnr one-fanilly; huasnea* property;

farjna and lots for nthor property, let u* know want, w-bere you want u . we can

TT.«;-h li m.AUVELT Brick Church Siailorv, fLa<5t Orsruje____ .

BUY'S jix-rooma-and-altic oae-famUy house; North Seventh ar , near Fourth ave.;

no axenis Address Seller, Box 8ft. Newaoffice ______

MARKET S T . &4. between Washington attd Malwy f>na flight up—Beat location In

Newark particularly for billiard parlor. In­quire BERGAMO, th* tajlot.

IRVIN’QTDN—To ram. new house, alx r«m *.botl^ay^mgruv»m«nm^^_*23^2o^

B U ILD IN G S TO L ETENTIRE brick building. 25x100. 8,« » square

feet, %hole or part; also one-itory building.25x75, *t*am heat, with or without Mw4r. Th* ROFMER Realty Corporation, 38T-B77 Broom*

b u ild in g ft-IS.OOO Uot first floor;STORE and f'at rmperty; gond bUi8ln**« loca­

tion. will sell cheap, very liitla money ra- quirert Addres* Wcodilde. Box 71. N«w* oflc*

t2 .ft0 0 sq^isr* feet, cement floor throughout, . . . . ' -if andaecorMt floor; ft.ftOft squara fo«t. ctntral h*nd> to all R R. inquira on preml***. 288 and 2flB H'eH at. WM. F. MULLIN,

STO R ES, O FFIC E S , BTC., TO L E Tb u s y ju n c t io n . 434 and 4S6 Wirreft W., at

ONE and two family hotisea: easy term*; In Newark .Vrllnglon. Keamv, Irvington. KB«

OtangR BEYER. UT5 Bread; open till 7 P- M.


1330 <:a ;5H buys iwo-famlly housa. 'W hUW at . naved aireel. all impcovamenia but

hPfU: prlcH HEADLEY. 600 Broad at.

F lR lP R O O r LOFTB, 807 M*rk»t ft., <m* blwk from Penn. R. R.: ona loft SiDOOf also

on* 2,500 IQ ft.; plenty of light, h*at; electrlo *l*vMor; with nr without powtf. J. STORM A fiONft, afti Market s t

Central a\'* . up-to-date atoraa; large show r«M reofemabla} suit-windows; with rooms

able for any business.BROAD ST.. 889—fcocond TihPr, port br whole;

alteration tc. suit. Inquira s i cigar store or PETIT Realty Co.. 732 E sic i bulldlBg.

I^RKITURE and plants moved in p addedvsJia: stored in clean, dt.v. kjcked. ventilatedhelpreema; ratea ahd help fi.^alshed. tha beat.

Notional SUtrege Co., Ahi-m, riaoe at.

ELKV KN-Rfj031 house and garage for iwo | care. ht*?t iMOdnion; all improvernenis; 73ft i

Ctin_tf>n live Inc^uire 73ft CliPion aN‘s

THHTCE F aMU.T hmiee, open for Inapectloni course cf chHsrrucMon, '’ n easy teniiai pric*

fT u(i«, will exchange for lot* IWI Runyon it.


TONKS BROS., . . 227-220 HIGH BT.

BLOOMFIELD AVE.. «>-Storfr to 1«; 1^^^*store; gocKi bueinea* eoctlop; rent only

Fnq.ulre on promloea, .6 P. M.

FOR b a l e , on account going on feriYS., well hum iwo*f*mlly houe*. nine rooms and bath.

WASHINGTON STORAGE CO . 271-275 Wash- t&gten -at.. oomer—Ltirhi. we)!-*»eruilated


F O R S .4L £ QK T O L E T — O U T O F \ Ihgulre ft3 Barber* st., no tganta.TOWN

N IW JERSEY ■ Civil gervioe asamlneflons opetl to residents uf Nswark onij . Julv 9

attendant*, rpale and f«?malfl. PubUu Conifort Shade Tree CommlMlon, Ne«.flfk,

per roanth;_3uly Ift, general apajsiaru!

TO l e t , or will sell. Id Bogota; two hrand- naw , up-to-date fix roems and bath hou»e», on*

bio -k from (r611e>fi, four mhi'iies lo iii?pol; all tmprovenipnt*; prl v- $8 ,0 0 0 , \ery Utile mfUfy; I2ft nioRthlv- Apply to J- A. .McCl*ASKEY", H*Wurth. N. J.

HOUSE and w-eu stocked grocery *tir* e*l« brings $2S rent, prle* $8 ,000. U9 W il-

"K e‘

FACTORY room, 2.000 square feet, with tH nfcstiary machinery fnr manufacturing Jew­

elry readv installed: machinery for lai*.A. fiATRE. 832 Mulberry if.


W a s h in g t o n w i l s o h .



_________ , , ......... . . . . . . . . .Rgfaranc* Depanmqiu. Free Puulln Llbiarv’ NtwOrk ffemfllfs onl.v}. $1,200. ,lu)v j4 for

Commisaton fPiibllc Baths) N^w-

IH v iMj I'ON—Sr 'e n apoma tn d ha th ; all irh’ prt>..'ajentii', Larie lot; near Olympic F ar*.

S.!6. wKl titll on easy lerm i 606 Belmont Newark

Wfkl Hl^VS Bosibn ttyle two-famlly house;la-ffte |(U. well decorated; tiled bathe. **p-

ftrsite neft'er* end »ctran<es; gonventwnt. GEO E. MUTCHLHR CO.. 1C5 RoeevlII* ave

HOBBS building. Mulberry end Oliver ata;1.000 tc Ift.OOO square feet: elgttflo power

god elevator: reaMqabl* rate*. Apply Janitor.IN modern new building. 4,WW ft, loff. axcep-

itonai Hxht; high cetimg; ' ' 'tor' centra I, Piaa Dye Co.

a j ^ f c t ^ : elevfl-. Shipman at.

ark. -aap^qtandenu rmalei. S2i per merk, tnaifdQv Il7.5ft pw week; e t t r .........................rBt.50 POT week; etteudant* (maie gind f e ^ e ) , week;, angine^rs. slT.Sft iveck:Junr ^lo, for PliyiTtJimd Commiaaion. inMi«-t e t ig^oy, IL600; dtrectar itnala and fom^gat,

: rcpglrittaiL $2 5ft to $3 diem. Application Mosw-iptiat be filed 4 days In. advance df each data b e t ' For particulars addrea* Civil ^rvlce C°W°'**‘°”- " a i« . — N_._ J.

F O B SALE OR TO LET— SEA SH O R Et7 2O0-E v tra gcod three-family house, large

lot. wei: buJii, aJio food iwo-family. a ‘l *ap* arnte imf ^nverrtrn'f J0.200. ROBKRT MFN- ZEL. FiUeehth *t. and Eaton pl.; open »v—

FOUR'bTORY brick building. 18.000 aq. ft..centrally located; will altar lo suit tenant.

JOSEPH OflCHWALD, 845 Broad et.

BELMAR, N. J,Modern Summer Cotiagea for rent or aale.

Send for descriptive booklet. aONCE d DUBOIS,

Tenth av*., opp. depui. Belmar, N. J,

ROSEVILLE—1^1. ToxiOO. for garage cr »pait- f owner, Riyt#hf; i41 Thtfd ave.. cheep:

[ J RDW ARDS. <>dar Grove. N- J

FACTORY aecend flpor. 44 Green ft. trearj;fine for light m*nuf*<!tur1af i wm very

reasonable Inquire flrat floor.

m S B O L E T IdN O F PA RTN ER SH TP1IOEXCS <« iby ^v*n ihu » • p,rtiwruilp

Ajbiu <om. B____.rOcfU bar huiband

een ha, Gt'e under'BUcceaaor tn Arlatfideituk

--------- deceased, o«d«*(, earrytng do th* buatneaa of oatoon _ -JJIW'fWl-* at No. 130 Bonk so-wt, N#w-

'K l„ «ftd*r the firm name of Orel BiwUm. ha* t)**Q disooived by tsutuai oon* Mnt 0* f«r OB rg^irds Aibiua Orii, who -mlrM tTM tte flrdi. .ALBINA OBBt-

eii ATTIUO OBSLf M U, 1811 - - D -


for two and three family hou*e*;. give fuii paftkuiara, itatlng aiit, (Motion and k>#**t cOsb price; propotuiona acted an Immediately.Addreta L«ta. Box 82. Newa office-'Wa nted , two-fontlly -house in good ntigh-

bortiood: 12 ro^rpe and all Improvementf; RooeviH* pr*Zerr*d/ao apeeuiatioD bulU faouaa and' ncy ageata;''glv4 r*JU pittlcular* or no sttantlon paid. Addrtat ExcepHoBol, Box 60. N*wt d(Cto« ■ . -uj

R E .\L E S T .tT E F O R 5 -\L E —O CT O F TOW N

FIRST* floor of aipall building; can be u*sd for rarage or dny manufacturing parpoie.

Inquire South Eleventh it.

. ArUogtoo-I^ACTOKT apace In new building. *11 tmpta

Newark beoDnd-hind Uaebinorv Exchange. 96 Cheotnut bl

ABLIKOTOK,' N. J. — Meat aftredftl've *emer in town; central; t l Beach ti-; flv«-fqot-ter­

race; plot ft1xU»; hP9Ht tia« room*, bath and oil improverqent*. hot woUr beat; garage for two ear*; 15,900; 'ronh $^006; make o fw t or 165. 0. S. mCKSON, owner, Midland onaAlpine, or egeftt. • ____________ >FOR SALE-'Iwo daelrabl* !oU* Elm it., bear

Quincy; 80x100: A rilng^: SMoea Inw; easy


iTACTOAr bulldlnc tc Itt: pitlur at Ufbi US ,lr. Applr .1 f t Bt. F ru e li it.. N .w uE

_______________ :_____________FURNISHED HOUSES FOR SALIt—

OUT OF TOWNg sv sar-n o o x »ttil«^ «omt>laMly lurnfUM,p '« *

CORNER etora et 648 Springfield eve.; riAeob- able; Suitable for drug itOTa nr ijvy othW

buctnea*. Telephone tbOSR lYiivarly: owner.CAMTiEN 8T., corner SpringfJaid av*.—Nice

light store; good buatnea* ioegtiOD: rentDESK ROOM—Hew reoxcnanie: alM pirtvooe

room. Ronm 206. 806 Broad ft.d e s ir a b l e store to let; IT W**t KKmey i t ,- ■ luqibetween Brood and Hgliep at*. NBGBAUR, 17 Academy at.

nqulr* M:

ELEGANT store, with 3 Totuna; aU Irapr^e*.mania: low rent. Inqulrej J. 0CHAVFBB.

V»6 Nqtiih Fourteenth et,. cor. Fifteenth av*.f o b r e n t —Fme l*rg« offlc*. aecotid floor.

606 Broad at.: lodge rooins. Sd and 4th flOort. Inquire 605 Broad IT. _ . ' .g a ra g e and ahowroQ ;.'dOxICtoj UP to dale.

ave. Oali at -87ft Littleton CentralHANKEIN HEART of bualn4PP district; large tbor*i

two room*; 121 menfaly; cornor 1^ 0 car. ^ . L. * .. 'a r ■ «<v. X mHim., ISO lafliiMBtb *v.. KX.WAAgHLAROB noM »UH or without 1( room., »ult-

.b l. tor .n r biu)nn>i In good laullty; .n a . KHi.talo rant. W FglniumBt ivwSPAlNOriBLD AtT?., 8 S t- t* r« itora, with

or without flv. toowo: all Imhiovatnotita! rant tMunnhlB. InauiA W Cilntan ava.;tal IB6T>I. 'Wav.rlr. . ________ ;IL-MHKR AVK!. b L a tln t-d ta i onrnar far

f l a t s wovai in »dH.4 vaaa U j i loai; •*- ptriencsd hrl|)p iano i ttovad ta rU M . U. O'CONNOA &M Shringfleldaye, iSSCW Wav.f l a t lot. 112 Chatfwlclt ava,, oomw p w tar

ave.; alx )ar»« and 5**>< paniry; second floor. L. _f l a t —In thria-fainllv hou... all Inopta.; rent

natonabl*. Inaulso 128 SouUt Blo™ th t t , or JOSEPH OKJN. U t -ffadhladten at.Fl Xt~S1* BlM rooBi.: all l^wovatBtnta; Irt

- ■ - Iii4Ulr« av.iiln*.. MRS.KlUabath ava WILLIAMS-FLAT. If *'* Itwrovemwtai

hot watar. diS South Thlrtaanth .t.

’^■'*T~«‘- o i ? ' i ! j n . ^ u . . a n t h .t.bath, all improve*'

menu.FIVET riewni with hath gnd range: two-fam­

ily bouse; South Fourteenth at., betweoo Avm and dUttoR ave*.; amall family. Kaqutre

Jgcbb 0$. t root 816.f iv e rooms In two-family comer hpuse: oil

light K»vna; steam heat; rent $19. AM Hotaih at-, near Clinton av*.FIVE! larSOa rooma: all intprovemenU ex-

li4g^J|15 monthly- 489 Eighteenth ava

m m *, baih: two-fomlly toouae. . South BlvteeoUi at., nkar Elghtetiiib


FIVE or alx large, light room*; som* tmprova- Xt»pu. IM New York gve.________ .


ELDERLY rourie Hk* 4 rooms; cen­trally located; not over $12, Addree* Ccnl*

pie. 40 'Baldwin *i.w a n t e d , two or thf** unfurtilihad rooma id

country fur the summer, within half hour from Newark and neap trolley line. Addreoi gKor**e. Avon gve., Newark. *■ __ ^


CORNER apartmfflt to let from July 1;rooTOJ and bath; modarn Impfovamenii.'ligW

and airy; 64 Baton pi,, corner North Bigh* reenth at. Exat prang*. Apply.aocond floor-.COMMODlOUfi apartment: fiva room* and

bath, at moderate .rent: also a fine la^ga ■tore *t low rent CHASE JONES. 33 wick atreOL Ortnge. ■■ ' •EASY QRANOE—Beautiful dsemated taart-

mMtf: rnly aapreolaied w ^n oieiu d and frooms: hath; 126-127; heat, hot water: Janitor lervtoea. 64 Main i; a t, brock depot. Sea, janitor.EAST 6RANOBI. near Ampar* 'SiaHoo—FIriit'

floor In sepwrat* entxaftee two-fatAlly houMf five light rewmi. t«'.h: steam heat; alto aUM roeniii. -Apply 24$ Nor;lh Nloetaonth.EAST ORAN<>'S5—Five pleaaajU rooms. tU#

bats: steam hept; hot water; parquet floor**6 South Arlii^OD avf., osar trolley and *ta<liott'i 'phODp 1911M. pTOttgea_______ ■?, ■BAST o r a n g e , ^orlh Fourisenth at,. 6$^

Flv*'Igri*, light rooms; piaz*: all improve^ meniir hall* furnished; convenient to tra fu and dve; rent $16.ea s t OBANQE-->'Ke« flai, four roOms and

fiaG^. hiiat an^ acreetts^ain BOuth dinton st.inquire OST. 667 South CithtoP st,EAST ORANGE; Main at.. 41T—Lori* front

rctun, iuItjliAia for dreasnialtdf. mllllnaT of mulfc todchef. ■ . .

FIVE Topm*. bath, pantry: separate porch.61 Wlnane ave, _

fo u r large, light, newly daeofited reomi;ali Imppovemanw; Janitor

furnlaWod; $i$. $7 Staniea st,. n*ar EHsabeUigve. troley.FOUR larxa lltlit rooai ani Sat*; »twl2

• 21T fei« a « 4 ; 2lT ShBTBi.s aaa. oaar EU»b4ti ave ; rant «» .» . Ingiilra nraatlwa.FOUR lar»a IttlR rooma. tflUi b ^ . . rw»«l. . . -------- Jall itnorovamanti; rfflt n .. naar SacaU-

I I J WclianoB

f o u r liaht monw to a»»ll tim llr: eowament u tomr dKtttfBt. .car tlnM, Inamro 2T Rom

pt.', Mconil ttWir-

rLAT~Sii .baoulltul. laria and airy Tooaii, tliaj.bath, aantry; enefoart porohreloc^o

lllbta; tlBi location: vaiy waannabta.Nortb Twanty-aKona at.. ■ Irrinttoa.FLX'i'—riva rooma and bati; all Inyrova-

manta but baat; oOa mlnuLa tram traia or trolley: kaap ehickano aSS tardtn: tlS. S BroobaWa >1.. Bloomtlaia. _________'Fl.AT—FIva ronmL bath anS acoterootn; alt

InBimvementa; suam haat: cant, raaan ^ ta . .T Swain pi., Waat w antai 'pbona aSSFW Or. a n i X . _________________ ^FOUR or fiv* roam* tn two-tamlly houata. 201.

aoa Navark ava., BloonXlill: rania I tt i tn 114: tuba la a inquira on oramliaa. -

f o u r roeAL *Uh water; raar hoUH; rant « : » ; 1ST Ha* at. InqiUra its ThlTtianU>

aw ., bartaer.

dnigscure:v ooU of- wrUe. AUKfN. giS-Suzmay tvs.


fo ur lar«a lUht rooMta; part lit#twvanianta Itiqotra . I n Btraan at- . ,

toll*!. * a r f tiW : « motSk inq. if-»BSaaa.

an*,;i . ' W ;

s r

FOUR rooms on first floor; ItuprcvemeMSi;rsnt $14 t9 smaU famlty- ft* Fr^kUd xve. «

V im Ortiida ______ - - ' . _t$55u

tnvDiaTON, ciiiaw .—Five Urge

hrevensaels; beau laqutre prwmn**.IRVINGTON-Thf

end two bedreoi lift. KARL. 130 line, Inrlogton.KKAHNY-* JehD

roams end all tIV; adulta. Dj *>*, Xfomy.OIlANGE. Websti

all lmpro\ani«fi Church station eDHiNaE N. J..

rooms and bath Ring Janitor's be1TO LET-FIve-rcH

floor; alt newl; Y 'g>lnc» nuar Pe


TQeat; new player piano: i mootha Addrci offlcaFL'RNldHBD ria

rrn improveme vtue; rent reaer AJdresi^inialo^


h a s r im n - T p. \*l nrst S S S Iitwo itlaata* from Geiwral Blecfric wnilif; dpn'^asient to trolley a id ^iiroada. Aodcssa Xlftdso^ Ifcx *, NeFs __ ’ . ■mVtNOTQK. Leslie pi, fl god i l - r tv e alM-sl«

oil iinpTovemStttst iarM»4o$t«*v ' 1» t woB dwents: W x g f I t t ilA. llrAMkmah '• ’ . f '-Sap Wg OwpO. • • Jmxo

,r'U ,**4— ;.


or weak, alao ' convenlenced, ovi kei 4947.BANS 6T. 1*1

front room; newly furnished ment: in prlvamanent peopla-UROAD 9T . 69$

oomar Rector a for on* cr two Improvementa. nlLRUAD $T . Uac

will sublet to t pie. all tonvenh and ealect. ('La

"T*BROaD 6T-. ft apartments hj

mite: sultabi* t Ichco*. CLARK.BROAD 9T.

menti: light eimenti: iLght ei light housexeeptr gumipar gvab r o a d 6T., 872

OSd two roomi tilohed complete iweek.BROAD 8T., lift

front roome; a amt* entrance:BROAD BT., m

Improvemantt, poelta Central TBROAD 6T . UK

veolencei, thre and ten to FarkBROAD BT. 62

itngis front Fork; al»o largeBROAD BT.. 26;

*v*.—Two or tl water daily; Janlb r o a d 6T.. 9K

vgte bath; alao location; rare* nBROAD ST . m

kept and coml Improvementa; nBELLEVILLE

second-floor fr gentlemen or llg liy; very reasonBLEIKKER WTroom for two. «rr . also 'arseBURNET HT..

bedroom : use In private Taml< OURT ST ftfl-

ond ilngte fr • “conJ floor; j Lath; ga*COURT ST,. S2

ment—Second n tilhg water, aulCRAWFORD ST

rooms, $l and houaekeeping, w Uemen onlyCENTRE ST.

twr or three lurnlaherl. all pnd 'phoneCEaVTRE t T . ft

light houaekec provementa: oeaCLINTON AVE

room In refine­ment*. nliely f floor.CLINTON AVE

furnished rooi genUernen unly;CLINTON AV

room; stlect i opposite Llnc' lnCENTRAL AVE

front room, al dry. bath and «■CENTRAL AV

let; private 1EMMET FT.,

nicely fumleii water day and care,ELEGANT llgh

tube. Ring R<FRANKLIN SI

hall, nicely f front rooms: a rangea In evercomplete for heFRANKLIN ST

tell, nicety i front rooma; a ranges In even fcmplete for hoFRELINGHUVi

—Newly furnlf weekly u t. ba office bell.GRANT ST.. 3

bock rooms fo improvements;GREEK ST . 4'

•ft suite: run $1.60 weekly u[OILLETTB ul

and airy, forHIGH BT.. 4B6

aecttng front airy; laundry at house.HIGH ST., ftlfr

rtKiuie for llgl provementa; cerHIGH BT.. 4S6-

aud oonecttng rooms: ImproveiHIGH fit., 27

Pleasant, ch I t ; alagle, rooHILL 81.. so-

kept rooms, appreciating su-KILL 8 t., 16-

provwaients; t^wslcom*.R!LL ST.y t l -

fioori tumm hall.HALBSr BT.,

srty *L, ST e Iny foonUK, all

^SCARSKALL Bl ftlShed rooms

elooet; adojlntnUARSRALL E

hirnlehed ro- Improvemaats;NEW 6T-. l«

olngU or ponr Ih f; water, gaiNEW BT., 44,

rumlahad rw> mania; referemNEW 8T,, 86"

keeplnt room •oBabl*.NORFOLK BT.

^Uiekeaptnt. IkftlUami, II VORLSANB BT

ulohA light, wJ^ Siarkat; * IPU . JORNBlORCHARD fl*

ddftnsettflg n (or* fadosoktepl «nt Ittprovem*ORCHARD ST

hiitied large Ing: aiiP aletpORANGE 8T.,

houaeksaping with water, dPLANE, ST.. -

furalihed ft ‘provoaienta; 1 awahjia StotiiFLANE St., :

lug room*, h Hhi: also als*iPLANb ST>, ;

for light bov sens bit.p E x s W irT "

room for i gas.p j;JXTt $T-. »

all new bediKOBEVitLE.

furnished fr rioor, |S : alw troua? and stROBEYILLB :

sUttoa. oouafo r:j»


i m not Ubjw tliuMA. $l

InpnrynttBU:n t tk l

BOUTS TWe rq«rtw, ■tuFli

-pboBt U 9 B.THIBtBBNTl . fM n bi SMIly. Ria*



« •»4

I*,• a t l i t .

NK.riiBvtna, I iMd 6IQ1. t iD<i e i ' po«« lua cAk

Btooni- : FAik.n4

baih. tZi. bo- G Egfii imtb.


r. Urtt

kJl lm« ^ ar t l

» ryftirti; V d*fOf'ent Ilf.

«il flat: •il Im'p».

nm riv« 41 nNhad,t’i:n (17

Hi —Four r*f llffbt n.* Nrs*.

ull Ini’ iMMiaH

ml b«>ri; lEOU'tnUtii. c>/i-

ii4 baHt' fit In’

n » l

B*auilful ba iti. dlllit nhN'fhoo.l.houid. 14Impfovi -


rt d . flvQ >vt’ thr^«-


^vameni"; irk e t Tii.

raa. llfh t all lm.>

'n o fo«r-

2.M fioulb

'fitoa ive. bdit.r r.E'*K-

pfjuth 'h e llfb*. I . vacant


1o Ip ille i .

on RVe ,

NGE. 447

nor Four- , all Im* Inquire In

■noma and II. i«cond

s en room*, niahed Ufl

v« roomi. .N DYNE.

n .—(■'oi'ner baihrrtoro.

le r rang«: W. .lEDEU iarket.J«an. ligbt

rnqnlraSt . Or

■Tgen—Fh'Q se te i : g u ;

1 improse- a, electrlr: 1. MRh.

a load; t>i- rage YVar«- ()6 Market.

fl've^Fh • u ry : naa ly

lal Iff one- e. [ilflaajDt f >tliy. fl3 3t>.

good loea-av*room*. |15

Newion a t . ; £MER. 7T6

t floor. 21 [tiquire

rent 13. 19. niver »i

I S ,

Inqulra pl_____ _both; pan- nd a.tre«na:


tniddJg ag*. .re afic-rooin I references, [tee. light, a l^

decora i*d; or MlLf

Market.ilflM roomd; laniry, elec-& fiPEN’Qr

It: all llfht provem entil ea r trollay*.roe ns apai t* r^nt fre« ' ;o. S_____i,t. with im - te entrance.

l3 F L A 1 8

rooms: cen- ddrftos Cciu*

led Tooma 1ft n halt hour ne. Addre«

r p FLA TS )WNuly i; a(*veil imentfl.'UfMNorthKua&d floor.,rooms and

I fine lu-fk BSS. 33 Ser-

rfttad aaart- iani 4 and fater: janitor 8ea. janlton

Itatlioih^flrst' ainiiy houta; It: alto auio ifltaamh at.

rooms. tUft imuet floors, ley and 4ta«

ttth at,, M* all Irepros'O'' Dt to trahu

roOnu and ih Clinton at,

-Larc* 'fraiit minintr of

airy rooma. irohi eloctrlo ttnnahla. SH :0b. _All tmprova* tom tram or lan; tio. %

:oreroom; aU ti raaaoftftbitf e 4323W Of*

t houau. 20ttenta lU nadteg. •.qigrovarngnUi imnkUd avg.f

yard I adultd>

"^va roami: c M Wbrlbl it. Addroat


A P A R T M K H T i, ilO O M t AND FLA T*T O L E n W lD T o r TOWN

lAVDraTON. Cltatan ava.. lOOd oormtr Maylt avg.-’Flva Urga light room; alt mod«m Im-

hrovaoaaati; baautlfullr docorated; rant I1T. I n^airobH m i« a ________________________]ftVlNOTON->Tbroa largt IlghI rooait. bKobto

• ad two badrootnt. wfib Imprnvonaaia; rent lUi. KARL. 130 Nla«ie«nlh tv a . near olty llaa, Inrlngtoa.KRARNY«> Johnston av«., 81—Third noor, 8

rooma and all improvtmanta caceat baai; tl^; adults. DAVID DUFF. I ll Brlgbioa a^*., Keartty. ______ __ __OHANtiE. WaUater pi , 13-To lat. (our rooma;

all lmpro\•manta; fivt mlnulot to Brick Church Biailon oi trollay_________rR iN o B . N. J.. Contra it.. U l-Flat of t

rooqit and bath, all rnirrovomaiita: rant ttt. Nlfijt janher’t bollTO LET—Five-room i n o and watar; firot

floor; alt nawly pai rod and paintad. TQ

F U R N IS H E D FLA IN TO LETruREBT HlLL^Bsauttful tlK-rootn apart-

moat; ntw furnltura: parquat rioors:playor piano: will rani for iwo or thraa moolha Addresi Apartment, Boi 7t. Newa offlcA _rCRNlfHED rial to |er. ronlalnlng all mod­

ern Improveipenla; « li room*; Janitor sor- roni reasonable; riinton Hill •action.

^;Jdre*|^inisM i^svr_P|o^^j^^«rw^^jJflve^

p p H If lS a iC O BOOMB^TO l e t _ | HOAH P WAKTJvP- y i ' ^ w >WioU riS^B livK O 'M •**. » * r UkUY *r»0l» t i« r j t> (ufrurtu at Mil .

ava.—rta ft clMa, airy fwoltbaiJ room for quiet fawlly tOarwam peo#*rred. larms tiro gontlanaa; taapiravoiiMats. M DO; no othar orat«. Addrett Modarata, B<» *-i. New office. ronmort. hoTHCR and ton. 20, want bi-ard tn Laol

Oranio 'V t>nfkga. ronvonleni Halo ■« car; proranblf whara there ara a*>me yinjng p^yle. give lomkO Addreat Board Ek>s K. Ne'e!

__R(^Tm and boartl wabtrii In Eael Oranga, hy

couplt and baby. Addraea It»ii 11, Taager a AdA Agency. BUiai i>re»t*

THIRTBENTH AVF. Sg-FTcni room to lal: •Ingle or en ouito: reatonabit, prKata fam-

tly; refaraiicoa raqulred- •'WarHIKOTON r r . , 473: HAih at.. W l-

NJooljr funkithed rooma. cormeotlng with olnfle rooms, with all eoovanlencas for housa- heaping; alob ganileman'a room, apOLlal saxti- reef pHcoo. ________________ ______

306 HXlHIdKRClAL HO________ ROOMB; AU. JM


TEJj—FumlahW■nl.^-u0^1CTU* II j

B O .hR lJlN fi— SK.XtiHOREKEANilBtKU. N. J \im rni Moute. natf

__________ __________ befell. In reftnad I'H'snon. flral-clats InWAiHtNOTON hr.. biM. natr Uncota V trk- r\er> inrUfUlar, u- llo waaklyi lVdO

Ktcaly fumlal'ed clren. alnila iw»m: all im- | dally Investlgaia paraonallyprovamonta. gJ-5U; gsruletnen only- j dg.WASHINGTON Bf rIfP-NIca. large a«md. I KEANSBllRO-MaJesttr Carr 'va and John

Write H. u

atory front room; Bujiabl* for iwo gentleman, private hotaa. ail tmijrovamenia■WAaKINaTOK ST . JO! rtrnHh«.j

front, light h.>uteka«plng room; light and airy; all Improvemenia.____WALLACE ST. M. \ e a f Bank-Bright., airy , ------------- ------------

room, bath; prlvais family; abort walk to I OCEAN ORGVE, N. J.. The Bonatra. ^ r . Ml Four Cottiara: | l 25 to Taapeeiabla gentlatntn Harmoii way and Penn, ava.-" worth n.uch nuir* FTCCKLER. ___ ocean; rafthed boardlng-bouea

St,; boarding by day or aeek; afvellefit maala aervtd, all the iatsat Impro'emenia WR8. CHARLEa HEINZ. P 0- IVi ITUAPLE8. M Hack ava., tvaan Grova. N

Qood locaiionp horns .cooking, raaaoneb'.s prtcaa. W. U E L L O R ________

tpodarale rfttea; elec. Igl.L'enirai lor-; nr home C'viklni.


F U R N IS H E D HOOMN TO LETACADEMY BT.. 2t-24-Kumished rooma by dey

or week; also light housekeeping rooma; all c^nvanlanced, over Hlngar atora; 'phooa I4ar- kai 4947.______________________________B a n k 4T.. Ml. near couribouae—Large

front room: tlx wtndowa two cloaets:newly fumlahad: baih and every Improve* mant; In private family, cheap to par* magaot paopla. ______________ilROAD 81-7694. overlooking Military Park,

comer Rartor ai.—Ijarga front room, aultahle for one or iwo genilemsn or refined cogple. Improvattienta. nk-a location, _LRUAD ST . 9aS-Coot. large aulia; bachelor

will aublet to one or two gantiemaa or cou­ple. all lonvenlences and prlvllegaa, privata apd aaJact. CLARK.BROaD^ St . Iks—Lady having two large

apartmetue has ona large cool roam or ■uito; iultabla for ona or more; all convaD- lettcao. CLARK.________________________BROAD BT. 61—Two rooms; all Improva-

manta: light and airy; uea of laundry; for light hounaiiaaptiti; 14 par weak. Oalt at S44 Bum atf avgb r o a d BT., 873—Two connacllng front rooma

and two rooms with alailonary tuba, fur- niahed ooenpleta for houaekeaping, S3 to |4 par ^a«k.BROAD 8T., IKU-One alngla and 3 connecting

front rooma; all Impts , private houaa; sep- nfWla ontranca: 'phone; eleoirlclty; raaaonablrBROAD BT., 863—l*arga, light, plaaaani room;

ImprovamaDts, gentleman: S2 par weok. op- poalta Cantrsl Depot, [nqulra ttalnS floor.BROAD 6T.. 1694-—Furnlahed rooma; all con-

vtoloncei, three minutes South Bt. Station ftnd ten to Park pi.; eclect neighborhoodBROAD BT. 638—Nicely fumlahad plaaaant,

stBBie front room, nnpoalte Washington Park: alao large room, all Improvamenta.



b r o a d bt.. 26: 1133 Broad at.; 1» FaInnouRi gva.—Two or three rooms; boiiaekeeptnf; hot

^a ta r dglly; Janitor: reasonable raota.Bro ad bt .. tH*5—Cool. largs room, with pri­

vate bath; alao alngla room or aulta; centra^ location; raraa reaannable; letephoneBROAD ST , 983. near uily hall—Rooma, well

kept and comfortable for summer; modern improvements; rates reaaonabla.IIELLEVILLE A\ E.. :i*4-Mcely furniihad

second-floor front rooms; all Improvementa; gcntleTnen or light housekaeplnf. private fem- I'y; very retaonsbleIjLEIXLKER HT, Ea». The Beech wood-Nice

rwin for tw-o, 42 60; hnl w«ier, bath. gas. ctr . also erge from n-om, 60BURNET aT.. B7—Nicely furnished haTi

bedroom: use of beth; alt Improvements. In private ratnily, ll it!I'OUFT BT fill—Hnusfkeeping; iwo connecting

end single front ronmi; nicely fumlihed; iecc-nd floor; Just papered, painted; clean; bath; gatCOURT ST,, 82, neit erett Courl Apart-

maot—Second einry mlfs of two rooms, run- f hlog water, aultable mo or t’lrae [lerBons.

CRAWFORD FT . IP-N'lre. pleasant furnished room#, 41 and 41,Ni; basement room for

houaekeaping. with running water. II TS; gar- tlemcp onlyCENTRE ST.. 22 opposite tubes—Suite of

two or three conmi. weD and comforlabjy lurnlaherl. aH co •cn£cn'■e . ninnlng Maiei Pnd 'phoneCENTRF, t T, 31—Two large fumlahed rooms.

light housekeeping or gentlemen; all Itii- provements; bear tube; aipgle or connecllng.CLINTON AVE., 7711—Exceptionally pleasant

room In refined prhate family; all Improve­menta. nliely furnished. Ideal location; flrai floor.CLINTON AVE.. IM^The Audrey, now opeu.

furnlahed roomg; all Improvements, te].; gentlemen unly; referance

Wa l n u t bt.. m. cantrwl. convenlant lo ev- _ ------ -------------etywhare—Two nicely furnlehed cofitiactlng OCEAN GROVE Jenks Villa. St Main

rooms fiw light houiekeeplag; terma mbdarate. July rales- 47; «xi-al1|nt labia: large, airy—---- -— ' ----------— • — - '■■■“ rooms; aheolute clasnllnsas; homeWARREN BT., 7*—First floor froat houaa- --------

kaaplng room, with running water, gas,I I , room for two, II 40; bath. fka.WEST PARK BT , 17-lb-Twu fumlahad roomi;

gas range and water, reasonable. Inquire JanitorWEST KINNET BT..

roorq aecond fliMr. t» ■>ft. _________

19, near Rraad—Fronl privaia house; price


AN «si‘cpuonaily ptrahHot lul'e of rooma for light houackeeplAg. In a rtfined home- Ad­

dress Moderate. P U |V s l>8'l, Urang^.

^ rcmfnris:near bea'c'h" MRR aEOROE JENKB^OCEAN GROVE. PIlirtm p«Hl»«y. tJ-LAri».

[ airy rooms cor. housr. good home cooking. 8 miB Auditorium and beach. Mri _0 Jllltar.OCBAN g r o v e . Pouleverd Inn. 13 Brrwd

I way-Facing ocean and lake: axcrllent table. nice airy ir»om>. June rate, |7_per w^k u p ._OCEAN g r o v e . N j 63 Embury eve—

Laige. airy rooma. near ecaan. humollkei rat^a reasonable. MIBB KENNEDY.0( KAN GROVE. Otla CotUge, |S ■

one block from ocean; ralaa 18 le tlh: home remfotie E DaVIB. _ _THE MONTEREY-Airy rooma au^rlor home

tuo btnr'ks from oceen. leiEAST ORANOE. The Hamilton, Munn and

Central avee.-Baehelor*i sulls of rooma: liv­ing room with open fireplauv bedroom, bath­room. kllcheneite. good clLeela; hot and cold Water. Janitor and elr^mior ■•rslpe. ruof gar­den; d1n1ng>rooin/in budding, errangamasta can be made to apaHmanl cared for byJanlldr. ______

rt^oklng pirrh Corner Tletivh. N J.

Mrt'ehe ava .arge thadv

1:1() Bradley

COUNTRY BOARDtOARDERB wanted; commuHng diatonce to

cHy. on D . L A W . rate U per day ROB­ERT CONRAD'R. GlMette. N J


P r o m p t D e l iv e r ie s t r o m S to c k

White Pine, Cypress, Hardwoods, Spruce,

Hemlock, Mouldings, North Carolina Pine

A. B. AYERSS e w a n d P l a n i n g M il l

358 Ogden St., near ClayT a l . 2 7 0 7 B r a n c h B r o o k

Branch Offices and Agents of the Evening News


RAYDNKR, Juftv 28.-T|i*r« war* saV' gral ^xpressloni of opliilon In favor naJTowlnf Nawark Ray and axtandlhg tha plarhaad «nd bulkhaad Unas in New York Ray and tha kill van Kull at the hearing given here Uat bight by the New Jersey Harbor Hoard \ \ \ of the m enibm of tha hoard were preaent.

DaWMi Van Busklrh, prealdeni of the nayonn* Charnher of rmumefve. favored the era^tinri of a wagon hridise twlweeu Bayonne and Klliubetiifiinri vonnectlnpc Hudaon and I'nion couullea. aa a tneana of meeting the demand* uf iraffb which • o ^ h t a route to Newark and Kllaabeth. Tne narrowing of Newark Day would aM tn lh« mnvemant to agrure such a etruc- lure. Mr. V'an RiiaKirW lialmed^ a y o r Matthew "T. Cronin favored ar-

litn by the city toward aciiulrinc property on Newark and New York baye And Kill van Kull. which could be used fur dock purpoeee

Arihur K. Owen, of the Cenlral Rail­road of New Jeraev. said the! If a proper

(cxtenelon In the pier head Ih*®' ‘>f New­ark Ray rouM be obtained the rallroud contemplated raising He bridge ovar New­ark Bay twenty-five («®t above the water.

M V Strliigham epoKe Jti favor of nar­rowing Newark Hay and Improving the i-hAnnel. Tt was now m ifd with illme and refute- and needed a good c le a n ly out. Such a condition rould he braughl ebout. he de<’Ur*d. nnty by narrowing the


BjwWef (ttrtitt of fAe }fKWB.JKR9RV CITY. June SC.-Followera of

Mayi^r H Otto tVUipean In Hudaon County aru pkaainJ with the annoumu* m ‘nt if Aieejftl’lyiTiAh John A. Matthew* of Eeaev County (hat lie wUI run for etwbUoti to the l>eni(HTatk Etate commil- tea at ihn pHmanea next mbar They believe Matihrwe. who was one of the rriYgr^ealse meinbeta of the LaEialature thia year, will able to beat JKroaa R- Nugent. who iMsId heifore he sglled for iraiand that he would l>« a candidate for the comnilLtac-

The fi>rmvr Mayor of Jeraey Ukty in hie fight for the DemocraUc nominal on aaye he will look for aupport from the WiLaoii progTetalve L«efiiocrtfle of the Rtate, and. w-Uh Mutthewa aucc<^aafully i-onihallng Nugent In Useex. Hit stuck o( W ltiptnn In th a t county wiU go up. Mr tvittpanh expects the (xtraonal aid of Matthews In the Gulwrnatorial cotsteat.


TRRNTON. June 21-W ith ^h# opitHni of hoadqiiarlcra of the Kalienbaeh LMfua nf New Jersey hers yastardgy, FTanM R. Kitsenbach, who Is seeking the Demo* c r itic nomination for Qovarfter. aft* nminoed he had to arranged h it buslnaas affaire a* lu h« able to give practtcatly all hh» time until the prlitiarlea Jto the work of Hecurlhg voles. Mr. KatMnbach announced that he intended to elay In tha race uuill the finish

The headriuarterx consist of a suits of four rooms In the Cmnmonweallh huUd* Ing. They arc hi i harge of Wllllttn H. O fraghty. Riparian Commlsaloner Srwin K MurahalL of this cUy. U the leader tn the inovamelit for the nomination of Mr. Kataenbach. and Is president of th** league.

Mr. Marehftll declared (hat the head*

EABT GRANGE Fourtn av»., 81—Lariapleaeani front room for nna cr two, private .

heuw; conveniently located to Lackawanna | T station. An\p«ra; all conv-rniancee. rani rea aunabU

UoARhFlHS wanted, n^ar iak*. quiet and homv-hk'; fresh agfs and ^et•tabl«•. URB

KtNNKT. Naicnrg. S- J. ____

EAST ORAKOB, North Sixteenth ai . 148- Two light nicely furnlehed ruoma Id rrtvata

houae, all Improvemania; detlraple locality; near tra lna and trolley; 42 and 13 50.EAST ORa kOE. Proapaci at., No. 4-Nkely

furnlahed rootnt to lei: three mlnuUa' walk from brick Church Slatlnn, lalaphone tonD«e- **r>n. _ _______EAST ORANGE. Bouih Burhatl at- 17-

Nlcely fiirnished room Iti selecl neighbor­hood; naar trolley and East Orange Btatlon-^BAST ORANGE. Proapect at., 21—Two con­

nacting rooms aecond floor, one third floor room table board convenientEAf^T ORANGE Hollywof»d avt., SS-Fur-

nlihed r> om to let In private family, nt-ar trolley and Qrova Bt. Elation ____ >EART ORANGE. South Arllnglvfl eve.. M -

Daalrable rrxjma to rent; convenla|j|t to ala- llon and trolley. • _____

L1NDGU18T Farm and Riding Camp. Doonton. N. J-—Spend vaeailon, waak-enAa, riding,

mountain tralla. bowling, flahlng; booklet.PINE COTTAGE — Fine locaMon; everything

frrth and wholeanma; lake nearby; hsahhleat •pot In New Jersey; piano; terms 47 wee': y MRP J BRAUNy Perrtnaville, N J.POINT PLEABANT N. J.-Plenty amuaa-

nienii*. fh^ minutes from stailoti, seven min­utes from the beach; elrclrlr lights; piano. MRB MATER

N irEl.T FURNISHFD root, clean room, In flrai-claaw nalaKbcrhood. partlculhrlr ronva-

men! to train and trolley; strictly prlvai* family of two; preferably to man hnldlng clartral poplt!«vn, refereneei rachanged Pbema rtn-p,'. nr address Private. Rrx L. Newt of­fice O r a n a e ___________________


ORANGE—Warned, coot, yinin. neat room near Main and Park tie Addrers. full par-

llculsrs, price, etc. lo Middle Axed, hoi B. N*ViS office. Orange, N J __

nOTK dPRlNG HOl'HE-Flnt location beau ilful scenery table, all [irodacis frsah and

whnieeome. I.2fNI ft- ahovs sea level: imuae- menta, lennii, pool. private lake boating,bathing and flahlng. house newly furfllah^d ih'l remodeled n«w management. Writ* WM KMPPER I. 'dge woflfl, N, JRlVERCnOFT FARM on Shrewsbury River,

ten minutes to !..Ht!e BMier Rlailnn—Llrgs. airy roomi; Impts., boating, bathing, Ideal c-mntry Address Rot jiB. Oceenport N J Shore or chicken dinners a siwrleUy on^otlca.FMJTH VILLA-Excellent table: Inrge shady

K en' plaiiA, piano, own farm: fre^h eggs, chirkene: free coiite>ance to beach MRB EA AMlTH Keansbtirg N. J ________ ' ^FI'MMFR hoaidi'rii nnntrd, grsnd virn

keilFnt place lo ivfi. good fresh vegetaMea milk and eggs EMMA VALENTINE -■<«*■- Inn N J


ASRURY Pa r k - F urnished rooms, block from hcewQ, BuUee for housekeeping. Belle View

>louee. Lakeave.. 8i Jamas pi. Mrs Basford.

C O rX T R V HOARD WANTKDM ANTED—rio-jrd far GmiLe faml!> for sum-

mc;, ree»ona[‘lf commuilng dlalsticf of New­ark. parents. :i rhlllrtn, B raonihs 4 and 7 yriira. want fp*-fch egg«, milk and \Exci,aliltB, farm pTclerTFil, would consider 11110.11 fui- r'#hed butixajow, r.rar WRier. or furnished l•■ ltns for ilvhl hoijs*-keepfng. prl'-e must W r»-flPkjnhhle G EAKI... I’ertarhurit, lil-shd__________________ _ ________

PKOPOSALfiKL RMSHED roims with use nf dlntng-r.---n ______________________________ ..and kitchen for light houa^keeplng privlleg-e: j ijEa LED PRGPuBAl.S will b* received by

near lake and ocean; from W up; June '"'le (jonimitiee on Roada, Apaeaernenl#lower. •'Th* Thistle," Ah Clark ave . Oc-aii fep*edway of the Board of Chosen Free-Gn-^e. N. J. , holders of the County of Essex, Naw Jer-I^Al-RKL OOTT.aE-F.7n,.|,^- J - |

light housekeeping, lountryllke, near heath, ' br'Btlng. Bathing, fishing. MRS, C KKMP-6RY Keansburg. N, JO'EAN GROX'E. Kefafone t^Mlage. Herk

Hve-IJght airy ronoma: hnu.s,<*keeplng pri«- Hege, by week cw aaaenn. Mra L, VanDevemer

CLINTON AVE., T7-Elefamiy furnished room, aflect prlvuia house, for aSDtlemen;

oppoalta Lincoln Pitrk.CENTRAL AA'E.. IIB. near'Plane st.—Large

front room, sleeping or hnueetieeplng; laun- dty, bath and gas, aloo sleeping rnoma.CENTRAL a v e ., 891—Furnlahed room to

lat; private family; second floor.EMMET FT.. 84—l^trgt. pletaant rooma:

nicely furnlebed; all Improvementa; hut w-Aier day .ind night, telephone: handy lo all care,ELEGANT light alrv ronm, 2 mJnutea from

tube. Ring RtVJGE hell. H.3 Enst Park at.FRANKLIN ST., ."lO-Juit cp^ned, near city

hgll, nicely furnished single or connecting front rooms; all modern linprovementa; gaa rangea In every room: telephone; furnished compiale for houi«-kee]iing, |2 upFRANKLIN 8T., 5o^ji:at opened, near city

tell, nicely futhlehed single or connecting front rooms; all modern Improvements; gaa ranges in every room, tetrpbone; furnished ftmplete for housekeeping: 42 up.FRELINGHUySEN AVE . SB. transfer Comer

—Newly furnliihed and decorated rooms; 11.50 w»kly ui'. bath; all Improvements. Ring office bell.GRANT ST., 37—Large and amall front and

back roome for ont or two; hnuaekeeplng; all Imppovamanta; ladlta or gentlemen; 11.50 up.GREEK ST., 47-*-Men's spartmenta; single or

8*1 auHe; runnldg water: batli, cool; light; 11.60 weakly up; hotel plan. Queetion Cafe.GILLETTE PL, 20—Two large rooma, light

Sihd Airy, for light housekeeping, with bath.HIGH 0T., 468—For light housekeeping, con-

aaettng front comer rooms; light, ctesn and airy; laundry and all conveniences; near eourt- boosa,___________________ /HIGH 8T.. 610—Two or three neatly furnlehed

rtKiuik for light houeekeeplng; bath; all Im- provameftta; central location: private family.HIGH BT.. _____________ ___

and ooneettng light housekeeping or sleeping rooma; Improvementa; reasonable.

486—Large and amall, aool, alngla ........................ * pRi

HIGH RT-, 279, bear Central ave,—I,arge, ^.Pleasant, clean room, all Improvemenia, I I ; alagle, room, ll.SO,Hi l l bt,. ^Si^Faw finely fumlahad and wall

kept roomi, for gentlemen only; any one appreciating auch will b« welcome.KILL 8T., 16—BiMll and large roonia: ajl im-

provenianta; those appfeclatlnr aama be ^wolconta,_________RILL BT.« t8-*-Two fine, bool boofni on bktb

Door; summer rai«a; two rrAnutte to city tiall.

OfRAN grove. Searreal. iW Embury are.: block from oevate Ugbt. airy rooms, week or

feasoo; ItnproTemeats. MRS- A. OORHBR.OCEAN GROVE-Fumlahad rtwmA. every con-

vtnlence, thrae blocks ocaaji; rates reaaoo- able ALLiaON, 66 Mt- Tabor way.OCEAN GROVE. The Pines, corner Cookman

and Pennsylvanta avea.—Furnished rooma with privileges, by scaaon or week.OCEAN GROVE, Gray OSbles. 71 9«^kfon

ave. —New beds: gaa; bath: |4 In 48 b®f week, or by aeaeOn. M. HENNIG. ______OCEAN GROVE—Fumlahad rooma: three min­

utes to beach- Inquire 8t Abbott ave.. €7 Clark ave and 78 Webb ave.ONE room, aecond floor front; prlvaie porch.

use of hath, for July; otie room, aecond floor, enilre season': rent weekly; rsaarmable, 107 Aahury ave.. Ocean Grove,

city line of Newark and the line of the Borough of Glen Ridge. Plan# and apeol- firatlona for itile work may be seen at the nffii'e of Frederic A. Relmer. County Engi­neer, 4'nurthouve, Newark, N> J.. and at the office of the State L'ommiaaloner of Public Roads, Trenton. N J. The wore will be hid on in two aecilona. aa follnwa:

Sei'tlon 1. Between the dividing line of the t'Hy of Newark and the Town of Belle­ville. and running to ih* Second River at Station 4lB0. aa shown on the profile-

Section Beginning at Station 4150. aa shown on the profile, and running to, and c&dlng at, the dividing line between the Town of Bloomfield and ihe Borough of Glen Ridge, a distance of about 1.140 feet.

bidders will bid on either one or both of th« abovt! Beciiona, but the bid for each sec- lino must be enclosed In a separate eli'h elope, with a certified check iti Hie amount of One Thousand po llan (11,0001, drawn to tha order of R. W. Booth. County Collector, Eesex County, and in addition therein each bid oh each section ibust be accompanied by an agreement from a surety company to bond the conirautor in iha full amount of the contract price. ID case lbs contract lu» jihe work Is awarded to bitu.

’The successful bidder on each section will be required to give a bond amounting to

sB A N rfi o rricE A .NEWARK

Balls'Ilia a^e ItM Tal- IStXlW Branch Brook Bruce tt . 2iMl Tal- 1448J Wavarly.Clinton a^e 21 i Tsi 64kl Wavtrly.Ikim SI . 166 .Hamburg pi. )4. Tal. 207J Market.MyiiLi- ava . Ml Tel 643R Branch Urook. 8oUih Blxtb St , iS6 Tel. 4744M Uarkst.W a (lacs pi. 37 Tal. l&0*iW Market NEW JERSEY SEAIHORE - «uu Main st .

tiurtheast corner Baiiga tva Oaorga W I'mengef'a real astaia nffh-e opposlla nww l-oaio(fiee Tel 174 Asbury Park.

ATLANTIC CITY Tha luvriand Advariliiiig Aganry Waltar E Edge

DON EH-U Losey at Tel- 2b8. MJLXHCRN-flrhlNGFtELD-Campbetl s drug

•tors Bank buNdlng.' Mlllburn ave Tsl. 6u MiMburn.

Mo.S Ic LAlR-131 Oleiiridge ave Tal. 7S8- MuRRl&ToWN 11 tkiuth s' Tel. lJi'2. sEVMUN-126 Sprihf at. Telephone 40 .'R VNGE-lua Mam •>■. opptjshta Cleveland st.

'l>ls. Orange JUtXi Market IHAt. Piuaie ; exchange L'CimiruUng all dapari* <Tieri',a.

SC-.-M T-Room I P U. buiMIng Tel tk>M TR : JK-31 W. State at 7ei b63 Tramon.i. h I .‘GO^Hoom 1306. Trlouna building-

VMRK-Rooins aai-32J Brunswick build- ir>r Fifth ase. Tel 0 ^ p&jl Madison.

Taylor, New York re^ieacntailve. Iji-ner«1 ■liveriising rvprceelltatJ^«. Mvssis O'Mara « Urmsbve.

WAiiHl.SGTuN G t J-Roofu WH Colorado building


William r . Arnold, of Plainfltiu, Ms- tuciieii will, f'li (he riMR time in its history, have polkeman on duty in tils

hay mo thai the water wmild run wwlftar day lime, and ogrry «wgy the material which tc- Althoutfii the force coiialitg of Bevel'll cumulglea ' uhll<>rnied officers and u tiuniber of riar-

fiavefgi other speakora rtsolared lh«m* shall, all l ia 'e ilone night duly, and aflvea In fkw 'r of sgtanding ihe pier head iKeri hue tnen no day luklrot iNmunta lln** and making the cluinnHs mors slom*r Khan II. \ ecn and cjuvi c I’olke accessible Among their wer^ J r* Krebs. Kla1it’'i’ty jea te iday de^uh'ii to deMgii,.iiof the Eiandard Oil I'om i'iny. Captain Rleher, of the Texas Company, Mr Morgan, of the Nuero Butter Company, and L N- Cralghlon


BrslihutBeliS'vllJa. opposite iiliximfield s>e Hrothers Ttl -kH I Hrancb Brook

Bigt'lowi at Mrrt pcshlne ave. The Bigelow I'haiinSL'y Joe It. SmI-.'. Tr: Uflto ^^lt^«J■ly.

filo-mflvKl und 'larsldo dl A Gallou.*}/i uiJ Brtn^ h 8ro«va

Br<j«d st . J H iJreen'^oc.rl T tl -klkiir<in- ti Ml CK k

Ert^ad <:ncl .Markei e 's HolshaUer'i drug ■tors.Central a s s . iton Joseph t!Lnenrli*rs«r J r .

Qensdeuirr T«l 4K7 ar M irke; e lis ion ave . Fred bonneit nawsdealer

Tel Ittin V\ a» erl)Clinton av* ?>12. M. F Dodson Tel. 4*

1' sveriyriinc in ave and yifnmouth ji R M Laird’s

jhHrniscy Tei IfkiT Waveriy.Elm sn l F’ftolfic ets Jam es F Rrady news-

tlealer Tel 1375 Market Feri) a t . .{ H Hrenblum ni^«»dvaler Tel

141351 MarketiiiShlaitd Xh7. oLposli* Forest HlJl Depoc

M ^hortau Tel 00<) Branch Brock.Plhne and W arren eta Jnuevh Kmii

dealer. Tel MarketRoseville and Seventh H\es ojhh site Hoseslll^, 11' ' Itnion hir^ei

Ave Station .liihn M Foster • pharma* >yH fore Tel 161 Branch Brook,

aixteanlh k\f . L Korland newsdealer.Tel (J&8 \\Bverly.

gnuth Orange ave and Seventh at Bmlih's )>hBrn>ao), Tele 1.M4 and 6445 Market

BouUi O range ive. and Sixth at F Ahr. miws- il-aler Tel 3773 Market.

Third ave. and Garalde si Myr^in W, Mrirse, real estate i fflte. Tel. 717 b ran -h Bn>ok.

UAshingiun el.. 427. Jaa A KnoHies. news- I lieaiar-j gxurh Orange and Sanford as*e . Vallsburgb \ seollrm Adnlph F M arquier Teln 25U3 Mar­

ket and 2.S76 Market.A M PBRl-i-Fraas 43 h’ourtlj a^♦ Tel. SHOW,

Orlmhej, 7h Fourth a w Tel 3JAVT A R L IN G fiiN —Peter t . Bemhclnv news stand,

Opposite Greenwood Lake Lteiioi.ATLA N Tl'. H IG H LA N D S-C rustr i A dvertis­

ing Agency. 7 centre ava.BELLEX'IULK—J C'o»'>msn. MH Washington

KICAL tCSTATlL TU.tM^FLHh.fh e fo llo w in g 0 a« d a w ara flloil iti

county r«g1at«r'a office yeatorday > n c w a h k .

__ Helen K, GoiniJoy i-.i Kubery Ku'i>I l*r. a a Kllu^t a i iJh f t • f r Bam -

fcn-ii-f of (»« V K "" I iini ................. ..............B E L V IL IE R E . J u n - -K il l in g In ih e B o u n llfu t Co. , lu J o h n VV

m o rn in g In h ls o U nm pl !o k ill h im se lf by . J i i rh o n s l- . s s -'jsi*io iJ 1S*> r i s fr h n n g in g . D sn ie l Q H r-ffner « h» m k « n in , [ 'w r 'V e n r '« t »lth e a f le rn r tn n tn I h t S la te H o ap lla l o r th e l i i ta n v nt M o rris P ia ibS hy D r Will*Um J Burij and FrechoMer Bamui'l Hvl ford

H^ffn«*r. aftei u r jllneaa Inal f"Il ha-i t>een laid off a-v a P e n n u y U an'* Kailruad telt‘g > i |^ oj’eruior This hart made e sp o n d e n t, and hla motviKeiuah ac* . — _ceiiluated by a receiti reauesl that he | Jay «>n Kyck M ai, iru j.. m Ter-g u c . n « ,:.-oun .ing of b l , c s rn n < m o ^ « . .iu |.iM lm .iid e n i i l th e , . J , ' M srth i. M » r tln huJ h u s b a n d tiiC om paiiy in cenriet iinn ^ l ih ^ re o tio n ^ ^ S u m m e rof Die new plan', the Infuiue tru m wlHcft f ;»j] ft n fr 3d a \. :^^ said to bn unsailRfai lopy lo the dlrei-'- Herman Heat et ux to Henry Wen-

[ sel et ux, n w 8 Komttrn at 440 ftMra 'c i hi*i I'aisharu! down in

lime to Mve hie Ilf.', and In i he afivrnO'Mi h r Hurd Hi ti \V t:umm1rvH teril-flfd that he wu> of unsound mind <B’ on« iiocualun rect-nUy lie was heard io rm iiirk that h» lioj.ed \ n would be loken lu Morrlb Plains before il heramr nece.s- aary tu take him i ■ tiliitr ai T ren­ton

__ ' quarters would be mtlRtalned utiMl negl' I November, Thla. of courae, predUlted


..I , - . . . , U "Froni 1 1 1 p a rti of th* 8f»t* »« »r« r«-M hlU C H E-y Jun* ,H of (h . tah lh * r.porU of i drift lowurd Mr

hilling Ilf (our-srar-oM f.rrtrud* M. Katgenhuch that conip*li th* b*ll*f lh*lD»krr daughter o( rhonias tJaCer, Mon- ),* will l.f nomln*t*d. Ev«rywh*r* th*day, by ih* aiitomoblli.' ui ( it> Ti,.uai,r*r opinion l« saining ground thgt h* I* th*

•"niy landldaie upon whom the Democfftti can eafely I’ely for a victory In November.

'WUhln the lg«t few dayi I hftVt r«> calved aaauraflcea from practioaUy every county of an enthuaieatk loteregt In hie lam paign, apd those MMaurgncee ftte backed hy rt^questa for oieatinga* cfttn* palgn liicralun '. Uiliographa and buUofti* Tit.' Katicnbach League la pr|-pefe<J ^ work i* rr<i !b »*lv with Ita friends thruufh* oui Hie RiMi*-. ami Inilieg the co»operfttl<m of guu'i lunitHTala and good ctllMM e\ t ryW'here

In su p p o rt of hla a la te m e n t. M r. Jtftf* rh rtil polnU'O o u t th a t th e o pen ing day w as m a rk ed by re q u » s ts th a t Ind ica ted s iro n g K a tz c n b a c h sen tim en t. O oa o f ihtijte w ar r io in F r a n k J H ough ton , of M onm ou th C o u n ty , a s k in g for ilonw ahi>ut th e o rg an Ig a llo u u f a b ran c ii of th e le ag u e ihur* . A d e leg a tio n ffftlil thi* VVnodruw W llx-m D em o c ra tic Club* Of tu ts city , c a lled , w ith a s a u ra a c e e wf to * <i|ierutlon


otv* imliormad offui-r fijr day duty, li will li« hla chief w’tirk to prevt-ni auto-

, mubiie k]*e«dtng.

lu \ ’an Her \ ee* Hrouks C o , tt a BartTay at ivC ft n fr Avonav j5x3t .. . ...................................

\U)ilam h' Cook at ux lu Charles B Heed, ■ a lot 6St'. map L. WUoimla, I*H7....................

Frederick O Helfrvrh et ux lo Caliiarine Hart, sv ' Washington Bt bf> ft □ (r C-jurl at,. 34x:.4...

SHERIDAN. 8S Embury Bve., Ocean Qrtva, ' oue-fifUi (l-Si "of thp contract price of block to beach—Furniahed rooma for light i aactloin, conditlonad for the proper

l maJmenaiu-e of said road In each eectlon to— ---- ------------- aatiefaetlon of tha County Engineer andF U R N IS H E D BOOMS— B O A RD IN G , ih« Cho»«a Fro«holder* of ih»

OUT O F TOWN ‘ E»««*. for ■ psrlod of five yuan

EAbT o r a n g e . I’roaperl it., 17-New man­agement; nlcalv furnished front room, excel-

lant table beard; table aueets 'Phone 3-iOl Orange ________

BOAHDINOBROAD BT., 1101—Two cheerful single roome:

excellent tahl#; all home-made puairy; nice neighborhooii; refined eurroundlngs; also beau­tiful large front room, aecond floor. '^Phone 25D0W. Market.BKOAD ST.. lOll-Elnglc or double from

room: euitabls for two gentlemen or cou­ple; excellent table, good aervtce: moderaia rates.BROAD ET.. Si—An you Itroklag ffn- good

table board for the aummerT Try 64 Brood fi.. cornar of Oriental. _______________BURNET 9T., 24—A large front alcove room.

Suitable for two gentlanien or man and wife; small famhy; cpjrvenlem to imlleya and D., L. and W . EtAtloD.

BLEECKER BT., 47. near Hahne'a-Large and ■mall rooma. nicely furnlahed; homo corn-

fnrla. batha; home cooking; table board. |4. 4IMU Market.

i from Its completion and tccepiance- J The committee reaervea the right to ra* \ Jeci any or all bids.

Bids will be received al the rooms of the Board of Chosen Freeboldere of the Ooun- ly of Essex. Courihoues. Newark, N. J.. on Thursday, July iOtb, 7911, a t 10 o'clock A. M.. and at no other time or place.

Bids must be addresaed to Seymour P. Gilbert, chairman of the Committee on Hoads, Assesaments and Speedway, and fur­ther IndofMed 'Proposal for Paving Seuilon 1 or Section 2 of Bloomfield avenue. Enaex County. NV J. '

F K E D E K lt: A. H EfU ER,County Engineer.

HALBET BT., B33; Waihlngton •!.. 846; Lib­erty. at., 87 and 44i houseKecplng and oloep’ la. rMmoi g]l impta.; very reaaonabla.

HAReHALL ST., T. n « r city li*ir-Meinly fur; | t.AR<5E light room for two *,mlemen. with .,.1. 1. . .a . . . . M 1. ... i. . . board, in private family; west end section.Address American. Box M. News -office.

LRldiNTNALL PL., 1D4, neor courthouse: three minute* to Broad and Market s*.a.—

Fine large front room; cxcallent table; pri­vate family,_____________________ _CLINTON HILL—Furniahad room with board; -private family; 'phona 87TRW Waverly or andreoa "W.. Box 11, Newa office,__________CDURT BT.. 70t-Large, light front room for

two, bom* table; refined peoplix_____ ^f r a n k l in 'BT , -88—ilngla or doubia rooma;

all Improvements; telephone oontieotlon; with or without boart._______ _______________HIGH 8T.( 663. hear Kli»neF-I*rge front

room, with board- aultable for man and wH» or two man: an tjtj|?ro-->w»ti*a; ..Ughte; home cooklhg._______ _______HILL 8T., 31. -opposite cUy hall-Roome, erv

suite or elngle; running water; large cloaeu, euttable for mmlly: good board: telephone.

ftlahed rooms for light houaekeeplng; large eloeet; adojlning bath; all improveinenta.UABSBALL BT., », near city halT^N^tl'r

ftimiibed room for light bouMkaeplagj all hnprovemenU^prlpe, 0.66.NEW 6T-. 106 and 00—Large front rooma;

ohifle or eonnofitlBg; aleeplag and houaekeap- lug;.wa ter, gas; reaeohable; nett cube*.HSW BT., 44, naar Hahna'a-Flouant. newly

furnllhed room for gantlfmam til Improve' manta; referenoao.__________________KJDW BT., 88—Parlor floor; ateo light houoe

keeping rooms: all improvementa; rent rea- ■oaabla.KQRTOLK 8T., 38D, near Bahk''-Large rooms,

hooMkeeplnt. IL60 up; connecting room, 48; tl up: improvementa

ORLSAN8 BT.. 43-Newly papered and fur- nlabte IlfhL airy roemg; five minutes Broad

a te Market; all Improvemeati; second Henir. ioLa. -JQHNBTONE.__________ ________ ^OKCMAItD BT., 131->Two neatly tanlahed

tekntetlng rooms, light and slry. eompleta for'housekeeping; alio ilngle rodo; all mOd* «m tnaprovementa.OACXAIID ST., 4S, near city halh-Naatly fur­

nished large tropt room for light boueahesp- Ing; also tieepjpg room; ail InaprovemantaORANGE 8T.« 113-Furnlahed roomi for light

hoosakseplni: also two oonoaotlnt rooms with water, dealrabie peoplt only,f l a r e , ST., - 4 t- 'L irge front room nicely

furnished for light nOttsskoeplaf; all Im­provements; laundry privUegeai near Laok- awauna Slatlon and tute. f- -FLANK 8T-, !4< nsar Csntint ava—ComiMt-

Uig rooms, houMkeepIng, ebeorful And bome- lUi«: alao sleeping roomi; very nasonable.PLAND BT., 141—Bright, cheerful front room Tot light housekeeping; gaa; bath; vary raa-^ANl! BT.i »4->«Nle«l7 furnUhed alteglSf

room for ona or two gemtemen; batb;

PJ.UK 6T.. SB-Neat, eiean, nihto-data roagiai alt: new beddl&gt; cantnily locattd,.

liOBEViLLE. South Twelfth •!., 3»-Fleaiaat.fuimlahed front room with alcove, aeoend

floor, 88; alao good alsad room. |1.60; near t r o w hnd autloti.ROBEViLUB AVK., l*^Near throe iroBera «hd

itatloB. eoaneeiint rooma or one small room fof Oft# woman; cooking and Uundry pelvl-

- --------- , - - ___RUTQBRS 8T., B8*Nk«ly furnlahed, all eoft« ^vaftMeaa: oomnleu for bousekeeplng; ehU< tboft weft obSeetad:- |i.T6 wooki roeta w tm> UhiMft, II weak* ^

mA• t W O n AV&, Btd-'Frlvate family has twi ' ro^uMi furnished for Ught bmiaakie^nc; ftB

topretm enis; la ta d r r la eaQar; itMaTteM m ‘wm week; near Third ava*BUUIH TWELFTH 8T.i 84~^Laff*. airy, oeel

ro«p»i alngle » cowmetiftf: Inmg «r tintla- ombli «v impmvenaati. torroa mods^lK *nteao 189 B. B, "n iftT S E N T R AVR.,_ mofa and bath: atsam haatnf-te


&EAi.EL) propoaala tt’lll rocelvsd by ths committee on luiidt asavsamtsnte and speed­

way of the Board uf Chuien Fi-eehoidera uf the couniy ol Eeevx, N. J.. for paVing of M^tie BvuRUb, tn Bloomfield, from Hay asf- nue to Watchung aNcnue. Plant and apeciii- cations for this work may oe iiea at the uf- flce of Frederick A. RvJnier, county englnaur. courthouse. Nev,-ark, N. J . and at ine of- flcaa of the 8Ule commlasluner of public roadi. tfinie house. Trejion, S J

Hidden nil I bid lor the entire work, and each bid must be acuon partied by a certiliDd fheck in (he amount of One Thouaand Dol> rsi-fe (gLUbU). drnon to ;h« order of R. W. Booth, uoufiiy collector, E&tex County, and In addition thereto each bid muwt be accompanlt-d by an agreement from a surety company to bond tlie contractor in the full amount of ths contract pries. In case the contrauc for the w-ork ie Atvarded to him

■The iuccessful^bldder wil) be required to give a bond an^iU ing to one-ftfth (1-5) of the contract price, conditioned lor the proper naltitenanca ot said load lo ths satlsfftcUun of (he county engineer and the Board of rhosen Freeholdtra of the counly of Eisex, for a period of one year from lie completion and acc-eplancu. ' '

The committee reeervos Iha right to reject am- ur all bids.

Rida will be received at tha rooms of the Board of Chosen Freeholder! of the cnnnty of p^apt, co.urJJftpugB. Newark. N. J.. on Thurs-

. 3 . 'Jill, al' 10 o’clock A, M-. and a» no orfier t fma piac*

Rids mtis; be addrersed to Seymour P. Gil­bert, chairman of the committee on roads, se­at psmanta and apeedttay. and furl her Indorsed "Proposal for paving Myrtle avenue, Hloom ■ fleldr FREDEmCK A. REIMBR,

County Engineer


fipK-int Frnirf <! fhe VFiTfl KttBOKKN. June ■•'holK' lift l* » burden, thst p all ' wns Ihe message

I John Vnikcrmer fifty-two vears old. of left fnr hta wife lie-

mmlUcd sulride I'F hanging In a tti.dcUI.etJ thift mrirning Volkermer. tt h'. hfid been employed by (he H im - btir.<-Amcrii-*ti line far thirty years. lc>Bt his position lael week and het.ame de- epoiidvnt.

VulkermerB son Carl, eighteen years old. dlfrovered hla father suspended from a rafUT, The ynuih beiame panic atnek- *D and ipftead of i-ulting hla lather down, ran Ih re t blocks to police heud- quarlers “7 ^


NEl-SON PL., tfl. near courthouse, three mln- utsa Tubes—Large, airy front rpem; also

ama:il room: shower bath; good table, horn* cooking; privats. _____ ________.PARK PU.

board-66—Parkmara. large room with

ROSEVILLE. North Sixth at.. 188—Pleasant room, with board flw two: convenient to

trains and trollara; private house-ROSEVILLE. B ^ th T w e lA ^ .nd 5

NOTICE TO CONTRACrrORi.Bwled proposals will be received at tha Btats

Home for Boys, Jsmasburf, N. J.. until 8 P, M-. on Tuesday, the fifteenth day of July. Ifilg- and opened immediately thereafter, fur ell labor and material necessary for the com- citete erection of a double cottage for tha Slat* Home for Boys, at Jaraeaburg, N- J-, In ac- cordatice with the plans, drawings and epeclfl* cations prepared by the Conttnlsslonet of Char­ities and Correetlone. Copies of same will be on file in the office of the Commlseloner of (TharlUea and Correctlono. fitito house- Tren-

board, convenient lo trotleyi and D., L. and W, Button; private family. _______

Each bidder niuat iccompliny hts nrapoMi tt ith a ceNtfied check fef .ten per centum of Iha amount of his prppOMil. payable to-Ms or- flvr. properly -tndorM. a i a guaranty that he will enter into a contract (or the work If his proposal be accepted- Witkin ten days after the award, or euch time as Jniay be granted by

-.-V------- - « j • tba board of trustees, the auotaa«rtil btdddr willwifh bLih rd- al4 improvements; near Bruaa ; be-required to enter Iptc w contract for the

t. . ‘ . I nerformanea of the work with a bond of onapproved security company tor doQble the amuuni of the conteoct-

8U1CMER AVE.. 72^-Cheerfwl large, airy room; excellent labia, lb private family;

for .gsbtfaman: reasonable.TICHSNOR BT., IB-Blng’* end douWe roorna.

PmuI j H Holbvrg. .VU) tt'aehJngton ave.BbUUMFlELD—(jhrltJLk A Uishell. Hkiomfirlcj

Captr*.6 M. tugen, 18 Broad ai-, cor Bloomfield

BLUUMINUDALE—Frank E. Hoektng.Bi'ONTON-J<*mvs H. D#;job new-adealer,CHATHAM -Eugene O'Hara. Tel dniW.EAST OR.\NtiE (Brick u'hurchj-M. Rubin 2d

Waahlngion pi, Te!. 42UUW.R. Block. AM AUln 81. Tei. HWiRU E Yeager. 54U Main at.

EAST OBANOE—Mai-Ka. Railroad pi. Tel, SOARMax Nelman, 344 Main at TeL 3125,

Brodle Kolodln 120 Main at. Tet. I277R.Harry Blrdsd-ll. IU(9ii CaiUral avt Ttl. 6WW

Last Orange.6 Block 383 Main et. Tel 0fl4J.Frledberg lA Greenwood ave. Tel, STSTW.Morrli. 148 Main el. Tel. 845eB.Rnsrn, 3M Melii si. T*l. . «J1WSoper, 444 Main •(. Tel. 4555Stulx 76 Main el T*l. 7fl4,f

ELIZABETH—2lfl Broad tt. tV (.•. Miller.KLEMINGTON -Howard Htfgina Main it.H KETTSTUWN—E John Wlldrlck. Main

et. Tel. 163.HARRISuK-311 Hftrriion ava. Peter J. Good- man's siailonery atore.

HOBUKEN-Am. Behroeder 6l Second et.. between Hudaon and fVaahtngion.

IRVtNGTuN -101*6 CUnton av* . Wool-ley < umpany 1 real m ate office

JERETEY r rn .'-M tV- Gordon. Mi Montgom­ery B(- Tel. 25U8 Jeraey.

M AIMBUN -I.<e» is A. Wallers, neividealer.MAFLEWOOU-Emory H. Dare. Valley at.

Tel 28fiR South Orange.\ ‘iin Winltle Fraantzel store. Baker iL

and Maplewood eve.UETl THEN-Truman T Plerenn Main •(. Tel IBO.

MORRlSTOtYN —Washington News Co., IS WashinxloB si-

NEW BRUNSWICK—Miller's Drug Btore. cor. Gv^rge and Paterson att.

NEW PROViUblNUE—William W‘. Woodruff.NL'TLEY—P. F. Guthrie, newsdealer. High*

land lane, near Nutley SiatiomORANGE VALLEY-Mra, .1. J. Spallman,

Highland Ava, Station. Tel. 270U.Montrot<e Pharmacy. J. E. Keeler. 463

Scotland «t... Orange, TeJ. 1063.Gallgait. 62 Forest «i Tel ftTftlJ.Bliierman, 75 Forest st, T*l 8t*08W.

PERTH AMBOY—L B. Moore newadealer.PLAlNFlCLD-R. L Morrott.. The Dally

Prusa. Plainfield.PATERSON--W'llHam 0. Dempsey, 184 Mar­

ket S I . Tei. 1626.Ra HWAY-H. L. Moore. 81 Cherry it.RED BANK-John J. Tetley & Son, Broad of.RUTHBRFORD*-Jacob Lembert 6 Park ave.SOUTH ORANGE—K. A- Wallace, 7 South

Orange ave.SOMERVILLE—Jacob Gtrnert.UPPER MONTCLAIR-F. W. Poockar, fiawa-

dealer. Tel flfW.WASHINGTON N- J —George W. 4

Balvldare eve,WATRRSSrNO—J A. Law. newsdealer.WEST ORANGE“ Brandls, 3 Main it, TeL

2186WMartin. 12 Vslley road. Te). HTrtflW,

WHITEHOUBE-Harry C, Van Derveer. Til- AtlL Lebanon

Fperffl] Frt^'irt nf tht yE ^8 .ELIZABETH, June 28.-A large claM

was grarluftted from tha Baltin High School laat night Exerdaes ware held al Proi'ior s Broad Street Theatra.

The Kalutalory was delivered by Mias Eileen D. Mcl.*aughUn, and the valedie- tory by Mlaa Carrie E. Bowman. There won a declamation conter* and awarding of prizes the Judges being John K. Eag- llih. Judge Jamea C. Connolly and MJsb Harrie t M. Townsend. Harry Paehkow carried off the oratorical honors with "The Traltor'e Deathbed." A money prize, do­nated by William R Wilson, woi the award.

n e fr Hamburg pi i-’harlea Sorha<eti et ux to Joseph

Kegan. w r Clinton pi 436 ft n frLyons, a '. ’.'St IOO..............

N. .1. Sash and Door t'o tn Urn- Kresehe Inv. ( ’o . u s R 7lh at .’3 ft n fr 16th' av, llhxlS:

rm m a r Li^dttig i.> Hyman l.)A l(l- son, e s S 14th rt JTh) ft a frAvon Bv r,:xion ,

O lT SID E o r .NEWARK Emily it t'orhuf- and huf-baiid to

Anhui II Rvrtdall, U ral ij.-sldwell, b r A VrllnRlop w\ i>i6 fi n fr Hat-field M, 'J 7 ? f l i n ..........................

Glen 0.111)* riPtroboiui et lu l<> iJhf. f'^'d h Bogeil, i.Vdar Grove. ■ b .Marley av 43fi fi e fr S te\ens avT«.xI35................................................

Robert Weigel iti'us* et ux fo Ma­tilda Baumann, A'eromi, w uor Falrxlew av and land W H Af- noux. SJlxlTTS .

Miithllde Hauinajin iind husband to John K. Llelihausrr S'erona. an me property .

Ann" K E. Ramge et a I to .Andrew Clark el al. Bloomflelcj. e s Rarnge ter 513 ft n fr Belleville av.

John F Monalinn isherlfn lo Norah A. WoodB, East Orange, n s Parkav lOT fi fc fr Mnnn av, SOseJ .........

W’llllam F.Shupe et ux to Altsmount Realvj' Company. Foxl Orange, w B Hawthorne av SW ft a fr MainBt. 67x18" ............................................

Kew'ark and Leeex Land and Im- nrovenicnt Company to Agnea A Hughes, South Orange, w a Rui- gera nl 60 ft a fr Hilton av. 50x100,.

Helena M Taylor to Rav Dlnkel- •plei. East Orange, e t> Morton pitiS] ft n fr YA’Illlam at, 3a*17l..........

Pleraoii Realty Corporation to C Frederic Do;^cher Kosl Orange, w B Arlington av n s land first party51x310 .............................. ..............

M Noemle Roussel lo Albert C Routsel. East Orange, n s Ely p]^ ft e fr Proapect st. 51xi5o .........

Greyjock l*and <’omrany to Mary Betser, Belleville, w a 100 ft n fr C'ajnpliell av. 47xino

I Kpei'lrtl r.rn tee nf IN#1 PERTH AMRftV. Jun» :.1-Klra. «p|Wr-

ently of iprendlai'y origin, deatroyed tM I hulks In the Gregory inaHnt grivayanl*' a t the fo u of Madison avanua, aarly th\M ! morning, ra u tln t *15.000 damage.I The hlaie staetnl In the lA>flg Ylltnd ' Sound atMoiboat Fairfield, uiad by th i I Uregory Wrecking ilompany a ttoja-

1 house. It swept ihe §h<»r« front clear tha full width of Madmpn avenuf and brought home tha auggeslinn of Governor Tialdvr

I and the State riparian commliilonari made Monday nighr In this city. The GoV*

, I ernor «nd the coimnlsalonerf said tb i t the atreet ends should be cleared, -and proBvvJUlor George 9- S llier offered to In* db't those who obstrurted street ends. The Fairfield wan fa it tn (li« mud In Una wRb Iha east boundary of Msdloon avanua,

T ht fire waa chocked In time to Iftva f i \f East River farrybosU which thw O regon oncern moved hera a weak iftn The ferTylK>at Warren, which pllod fdf many years hatween th if city and TottftH- Mile, Staten TsUnd. was imemg thoM de- siroyftd. Nina years ag« Jdly 4 naxt the Orpgory flec-t waa similarly deatroyad m a fire which w*aa started In tha off ihora end of the Hudson River sleam botl Dr#w. Nn clue was « '’e^ found to Ihe Incandtary.


f'AMDCN. Jun* Attlr«d in f«mlnln« (liisry. Dominick Di Dominick, thirty year* old. of M9 South S«cond *tr««t. « u ■ n-e*ted a t Second and Evan* *tr««U by I'ollcaman Goor»« Thompson early 'y**- terday on suspicion ol knowlnir. »oine- thint; sbnut petty thievery. « 'hen

1 Thompson end Serpeant Blow firs t saw the supposed woman be was standlnn oh the corner, apparently waiting for some one When they approached the “ lady" and demanded tn know what "she" way

* doing out a t that hour, the loiterer benen 1 edging away. .

lirabhlng him by the arm, Thorapaoii explored the ineerlnr o t a large hand­bag he carried, and flshM out two bot­tles of milk and four unlaundered waleta. Removing the "ledy 's’ hat, the officer waa surprised to behold the cloee-shavob


M O B T-rifiirg head of a m ar and what wa* supposedTK. I to he a wad nf silky hair peeved to he

the * n I n i r r t# , l e ? ,^ o f f r 'e T este rd iy . I t " " black stocking, sewed to the beck ofn f v v a r k I tha hat,

I i, * j Di Domtntck was arraigned befor* Re-Miss Bowman, the valedletortan, ''V ! p ^ T o r w ‘e Stackhouee ae a disorderly p er­

ceived .total caeh award* of lid, a cagh ' gon,jfy- ,^prlre of (lb bei:au*e of her winning^ the Tereilna Zanflnl end husbend to Jay


mailer of the application of Louis Cobon for leave lo ostuma the naroa of Lotila Colin— Order.

Louis Cohen having on the 21at day at June, instant, applied to this court by pati- tlon. sectlng f arlh the grounds of tha appli­cation and verified by the affidavit of otJd applicant annexed thereto, for an order to au­thorize the said peiHlonar to asaume another n&me. lo wit. that of Louis Colin.

And It appearing to the court by osld p«t1> Mon and affidavit (bat said Louis Cob«n re- aides In the city of Newark, county of Rosea, and State of New Jersey, and that fia li more than twoniy-one years of age.

And It further appearing to the court that notlco of which application hoe been pubMshed at least once in each week, for four weeks •kcceaalveiy next preceding .^ e . (im^ of said application. In the Newark evening New*, a newipaper of oald county, and the cgtart being aatlwed by satd petition so verified that there

reatOiMbie grounds for_ the i>rppoaed

ftledlctonan imnor. and JIO In the spelling Eyck ot al. ogr and trus, a w oora *-x*u*a. TVir- East KlnnoY at and Orchard al, fT.SOfl,

Teresina Zatiflnl et al to Jai-ob Welea,contest, Other priie winners wore Dor­othy Newman. T4; Helen Anderion, '14. and Grace Booran. '13, who got speHlns and penmanship awards

Opposed to Beaeh rieHO^e Show.Sf nf i Corre9pnndenre

ASBURY PARK. June 26-A n agitation hifl been started al Looh Arbour against i Savings InsGtuUon, n s Eriioii the construction of an open-atr moMng e tr Summer av, |800.

a w cor Klftiiey and Orchard sts. $1 2b0 Florence I. Merkel to Courthouse Build­

ing and Loan Aasociaiioit. n w cor llth av and S. l^ h st, 66.500.

Giovunni imarone et ux to H arriet J Cox. e s Newton si 24 ft n fr 11th av *3.700

Martin QrieahiflDer et ux to Howard

ton. and. a t the request of the police, wi uommitted f o r a fu rther hearing. He had no explanation to make.

picture theatre In that section, all hough the work 1b under way The site of the proposed amusement ree<irt la I2fixl0fl ’.et and is on the beach between the bath- huueeti and the Deal Lake flume.

Henry Weniel et ux to Enlerpnae Building and lioan Associatlan, n » $ Komorn at +40 ft n « fr Hamburg pi, $1,:S00.

Yetta U«ar and husband to Security Building and Loan AasoclatJon

LONG BRANCH REWARDS PARADERSSprr^rtl Pf.n'itr nf the ypWH.

I.ONG BRANCH. June 26-A hundred entries, wifh a delegation from ths Highlands Board of Trade, repreoetitlng the business Interests of that commu­nity, marked the d ' lc parade here yes­terday afternoon

The i)arade moved in three divisions, five awarda being made In each class, with special cups to those having the

Overflow Classified AdsDEATHH

PALMER Enterad inro rest on Thurs­day. Jutif 2* 1*11. G»orga Z Palmar, be­loved husband of Mlnnl Palmer fnsa Wealerl. agfd (0 years 1 mnnih IR days. Relatlvsa and rrlandn also Architect Lodge No. 5l9, F. and A M . nf N V . and Inter- natJoaal Tnlor of Steam Engineers, are re- spectfully InT-lied to attend the funeral on Saturday, June 2*. si 2 P. M.. from lsi« realdence, 213 Smith Tenth straat. Inter­ment In Falrniounl Cemetery.

H F I .P W ANTED— W OM ENMODELS 10 try on brasalarea for dsilgaer. we

will pngago yon by tbe hour or by the vetlc si good par Apply all thl* week and Monday, ft** .* , -K*--.. *■ *» "v^ciL'S, BrsaelereFactory, niix anty, . w . jwreoea at , one half bjork from Mtrket $t.


NEWARK EVENING NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGThe rata lor all classlflad advertise-

merits, with the exceptions enum erated

the line.I i"I»rse seTea woi ja rsprgeeot sn agate line.

numb*r nf ..utoa nr w „ o n . inMax Glnaberg et ux to Charlotte M. Hne

Glaaby. e s oiihlngton av irifi ft § tr Andrew L^emassena land, *6,006.

Joseph C. Blair et ux to Jam es G Dem- arest, n s Marion av loO ft « fy v&|] st 1276.

Maria Mansdni to Knights of Pylhiaa Building and Loan Association, s s Berke­ley av TflO ft w fr N. 8th st, *2,460.

Samuel M«yer et ux to Julius Cinna­mon, n s tilafct Kinney st 150 ft e fr M.-- \\’horier st, *600.

Hvman Davidson el ux to Upper End Fluliding and Loan Association, e e 14th m J.iO f t ■ fr Avon rv, *0,300

Same to Orrtn E, Runyon, same prop­erly. 11.000.

OUTSIDE OF NETVARKL/uella K. Beeciier and husband to F i­

delity Trust Company, South Orange, n ■Euclid av 481t ft e fr Wyoming av, |7,w .

Edward C. Balch el ux to same, MUl- bufn, n e s Cypress et 7T5 ft n v, fr Wyo. mlng av, *2.900.

Bame to sAme, Mltlburn, n e ■ Cypress si 3S7 ft n w fr Wyoming av, U.ono.

John E. U ebhauser to Nfathilde B au­mann, Verona, e s Palrvlew av adjoining William H. Arnoux's land, *1,750.

Bruno Henke

The .w inners of the aw’ards were as fol­lows H osta. Charles J. Pupkl: business suioa. h. Bonforlem; decutaled wagons. Joseph J Barham; prtxe for the largest number of autos In line. Adams Express Company, prlxe for the greatest number of wagons Jn line, Martin McCue.

After the parade the Highlands B tefd of Trade members were guests a t a d in­ner given by the Chamber of Commerce. The m em ters of the prlxe commlUee were Dr. George H. Baker, James W, Cunrlnghem . John B. '^h lle , Charles A. Eldredge. George L Crum. The Chamber of Commerce will take part In tlie "Booster D a y ' program tomorrow. It will mark the arrival of the second auto bus and the op-'plng WashlruftpnP ark

LOCH ARBOUR FOR ANNEXATIONR t a f f rm-rrspotidfUfr.

a s p i .'RY p a r k . June :!6.-Agnation

BOA RD W ANTED- I 'fbV r ir tt is rssen’ed to rojset any or all I ________ ______ .. ______bids, and to waive iny defect or Innm allty chanse. and there Is no.ressoDSbla objection

FOUR' people . wish boart and g«em» n ^ e i occur la any blda should U be ’ that the peiltloner should aMume aflutherwith alee Hebrew ttmUy. Address J., Bo* desmeJ to the Inierwt of the gtste to do eo. ^

B O A O pnltG — o u t O F TOWNAftUHaTON-iYTfiwM IWB end board two

hmlness. lacUer or. married couple; nafldy to iiollcy *ttd ttee mlnuteo .to Wsst ArlingtonftTittoa. APPty Jbatirol Arllnstf»Q* b- J-HAST ORANGH, North at * 140-Four

large, ifght reoawi all tmprovsinenu; tine

S!ounds; garage; private taxnlty; two mlnutee rpve Stilton; board optional; 'phone.

desmoJ I......- ------------- . :----------Proirtisals muat bo snckiaed Ip welepse. eealeJ an! rnarksd* "Proposals for double col­lage," eddreiicd to the -board of tmstess, Plate Home for Poys, Jamesbunr. N. J*

FRANK M- DONOHUE. M. D..g rw u tr t V _ ftS ra -tf fi-W***.

om .tDVKRTtSEMSNTeOk-FICB W THE board OE E S IS S COM-HiBsioKERa or THE atr or

NEWARK.CUy H*ll. June So. Itis .

The fella-ln* 1* the U*t nf the neme*.SABT ORAHOB, JH«rrt*« M., *0, near Brick , dence* hi»l uUca* bu^nn* uf eubHuunt* fur

CHureb B7*kloB“-Attt*e«ro, i»of rooms; de- liMnses tonialorf Hi all aupllcailoca or petl- iL%Aua booie eooUnc: sDo^aa olassa; Shady lions made to |ble-,board for (he gramlng -nf

Itcenec* .tnUeleu* botn* cooklag: ipuioa* p iu u : ^ d y IFound*._____________ _________________BABT ORANOE. H*lit*d ,*t., U . Bf*r Brick

Cburch atttiDB-Roon »ltb bttb nr., •lull*;brwkfMt «lv«a U -.d^UXUBAST OBANOE. Bouth BuriMUt *t," M—Roane

itiita board; coavtaltat ntr Itnu; twuu cckA.»°y- . ■ ______ _________ _______:____rUBHiBHBB Mom. wlUt or urltttbut bnaid.

gumer Ddvl* ay*, and Hammon ■(.. B u ­llion ' , ■

____ - aramlna nfaptrUunua. ylntm*. matt or

bfe*ed llnuor* and not heretofure ..ubilihed actordlnK in ta*. “ »1D,Nan». Plao*. of Boil..RETAIL-BEN EWALS.Janie, Callan M Muroert.v ............ Sam* blace

HABiaaoM, Kartk rMrtb_at., 4I8 - 1 can aa- eommodata a faw tnor* baard***. HBATH-

■ » ■ ■ ■ ' ' ■ ■ ■KBARNT. N, j., WoodlaBd a»»., Bl—rw -

nlahad reaiB v i a board; nUt two cnlJamaB «r war I led cauplai an ImprovaatacAa; eyfOd (able; i«Tti»-rtaaiaabla. 'fU A R K T, Jobilloa ae*., M-Ctean, n(l«*4

bbatdliH-ltma t u fa n ; iPod. twaid.ifK 'E JlN ' lidaaa, l»v* «*»• lawn*:; farddn,

cows. eM ^an . kottir-n*^ bread, bui, ate.. Ideal ior o n a im .^ : Id up. Mabl* O h Howw WadWto, K: J.I ^ A taTB l a i ^ In Bfcanflald will

nn*d hoalnaaa woman’, larf* lOoma; hath; iManbona: s ia » : n , Jnaludlna tnodarat* laun­dry. JoSiraaa ibdeaate. Ban hi, Ntwt otOca.WIWphOR HOT

PLsui, of Mkislnesi. Rcstdcniw. RETAIT - -• -w.ian 56 *—'z-— - . ----------—---- a—. —.Jacob Orumet, I6S Huuterdoa st....Same place

Patrick Carrolly 164 Btoomfldd av..Bame pisee rhrWophNr Blank ^ Central avs..8anM piece Herman Sehaaldtr. 147 liamburg pL.

Same placeJohn J. Vesicir. 49 New York ev-.* .Same placeAngelo M4friam. *6 Boydea et..........Same pieceNuria K Halter. IHD Movatd at:..Baiua ^tc* Vrsok trovloano, 4T1 Nn Mb st*...Same place JObO E*te, 2 9 6 '^ Jeffereob M.,;.. .Seine rosue Aloerondro Spagnnolx. '872 Broad it-, • . ^

Bime placeMax LoBisgtLtusAye 76 Montgomery st.,

. m m* plaoeAdolttb , uaiaer. I id tom at, . .game (tec* Ch«r!** Watamian, #TS *“„•?<*' al. Baina place ura. iia fr HelihisaPO. te Talraouat *v*„1 baipe BiawO

1 ^ 1 •* Wlill»!n*iilkSrm m FHWfttsBUicEle aS H«1eey S'-..w» -- . ■ -Bsms-plfteeOoorge F|Ulnsoiti. Vr ^ a e fi.e.n.,|e»* pUM Tlisido^ tecieter. l-« RsilMd p|..|sroc pite#

John W- HIkaylla Ifli-ldh Jirekaan at.,............ faaM plaM

J « * r ,■ JA H U f . COHlAXiT. CttTCIN*.- - -A---- r-C- -.^ ,^7 zz: .■

Tt la OP ihia Slat day of June, Ibid, .ordar. that LouH Cohan be and he hereby la tuihor- lied 10 avttjme the name of l^u ti Colin, froni and after >be fifit 6oy of AugtMt next, and that Within ten daye from this dste tbs said peiUloner do cauu a copy of tbi* enter to be ^blltead tn the N e w ^ BvmJni K m . a pnhtic newepaper pr nied In the county cJ ^ e i . nepordin* to « c proviaton* of attiutt ;n *ufh caee mad* and provided,

on mol-..n.ot ^ B M im .,u |A) AtLomey of Psiltionsr.

Frederic Adem s^Ci^il Court Judge._____JM^CHANCEKT OT NEW JEREET—Haa

FiVVlrtue of the order of the Court at CbaO' rtrv of New Jersey, made on the twenty^blntb dav of Msy. 161*- wherein JacobKiiBoermsB le coibplklnant, sad you. Mss % ilaro^s"sre os« of the dsfendanta. yon are m alM d to eppesr plead, demur or snswsr to t te compislflsnl's bill, on <w thathirtieth day of J^lV oexi, or th default there­of such deers* will be made sgtlnet you as the cbemollor rhsll fhlak eattlUblo a te Just.

Tbe said bill Is fBte to foreclc^ the nort- cstse afven by Mas iklerevlts. end Lena gktare- vKi Hte wife, tn Jacob Ktipperman. dated tbs iwwity-aHlh day of February. t8l2» op lends In the oltv nf Newerlc. county or tteess and ataie of New Jersoy; and you, Msx ftkisrs* vuSv «re made defondent becaues yOft are the owner of ihs wid tetee.

Dated June 4. 181^ ^J08B!^H KRAEHBR.(flo.dD-K*' SoltcRnr for CiHDplaTnsni,,

t t t Washington street, Newa^, W, I.mW AfttA CARUKLA CElXTa ItU of No, 881

PalnneuiU avenuif, Newartr 7*- J- Yon ere hereby notified that e flaai rule

for divorce his been granted agftlaat you at tha siitt Of H lctelt Gem. yttur tangtete., ^ te b win t e ^ ^ r d in tbs Court o( Common F w N«a 9 of PUIadslnlita Crvunty* of September tecKh ti|l2» HOf on Montey* Abe nfteierthday ^ ieptwmbes;^ Av D.. intt. on <«Mrb tejr vou may sppeer end ebow enuae, if anr you Bsve, wny such dlrorce shcuUd net be franied ■gainst you. __

J08KPH 11088*966-T Commonwealth BldL.s


.:41 ® -

et ux to Edward C. i ■ * t i. * u *i Gonrge, Irvington, w s 22d st 3w ft s fr ' for tlii ■ annexation of Loch Aroour tul« h av, *3.5flO. I either Asbury Park or Allenhursl has

Ardrew Clark el ux to Bank Clerks’ Co. renewed, especially among membersopersllvd Building and Ijosn Association, ; j .up i <jch Arbour Improvement Aaso-

«o“ “ Th* Question will com* up a t *WUItam h ; Miller et ux lo Michael J. A ' meeting of the aaeoclatlon ?■

Doylt. Montclatr, e e Northvirw av 330 ' Th« Bfetillmert of a majority. It 1« ?anjft n fr Cooper av, |8on. r p«ema to favor Joining Allenhursl Instead

______ Andrew sto ft to Acme Building /ind ' nf Ashury. as Deal Lake Is a naturalbelow Is onn cent a srord (ililntniuni 20 ' Li^an Association, Irvington e s Grove st hurried lo unity with this resort. Ldch" " ‘• t i ^ , ' Arbour le now a portion of Ocean Town-T>ite avareffte la esvttfi short words to Josephine IX Oav's Rl nl to ftarnh J, ' ,The average 1i aeveb an o n worn* to , pmonKjeid. « e Spruce at s a elilp.

Monroe pi. *2,500. .Norah A. Woods and husband to Half j

nime Savings i^ank, F sst Orange, n ■Park av 167 ft e fr Munn hv. J2.?Wi

Taouls N, Dent! et ux lo West End 'Building and Loan Assoclstlon, Irvington, ' n e Stuyvetanl av h e cor Lumen Smith's ]snd, *70i>.

RAILROAD INSTALLS NEW SIGNSNt> reduction in ra ts unless adverllse-

m4nt I t run for one month o r every ' o ther day for one month. Then the ra te 'Is; One month, daily, *1.60 per line; j„,,u ,,v. riaxQia ..jevery o th er day. SOc. per lino, minimum, '"p^ ji^^ino Brosca et ux to Milford Rals’roid th a t the company has InsUllod th ree llnee- I park Building and TjOrd Aasndatlon. - t a number of crossings along Its Has

TRENTOK June 26.—The Board of Pub­lic Utility CommlsslonerB has been nd-

' vised by the New Turk and Long Branch

One year, dally. $16 per line; one y ea r every o th er day. f* per line; minimum, th ree Uoea

W here blank lines or capitals are used e ith e r a t top or bottom of ao ad v e rtisem en t w ith solid agate In cea* trex the ra le Is ten cents (lOe.) per count Una (C apitals four w ords to a line.)

BXCEPT10M8.ChristsBlags Aaelferssry Notice iDQiiinieat of Uirrlage ('cut Or us t leas Birth*Eofegsd Marriages DI


AnolTeniaiy Mess Mpotli's Mied Mcieorlst Serrles

aacllop Bel* guptoyussi Afssclei MvetlOgS *vtsoaiii Bids Westte Bnskrtiptcy 8sls.- Dluoletloa of Psrteershit FornatioD of Pirtsership

IS MeorortsB card of Thaaks Lodge Notices fwlstj Notice

B s v a a Ltnes, 60 cents: srsry stres sdiUdoBSi woi^a or frictloiisl pert* 10 cssu; 60 cents It tbs tealssisB.

Muntclair, w ■ Forcat at ft n (r Cheat- „ , the deslm adoptad by the boaMBower, Company to Mary O. !

Dickson, Glen Hldar. w s Hillside av 34 ft a w fr Belle av, *1.835.

Georgie A. Fanning to Jacob S. W erts,B. O., n a William at 75 ft n w fr N 16th st, *8,500.

Ray Pinkelaplel and husband to Hrlenn M. TayJor. Fast Orange e ■ Morton pi 681 ft I t fr William sf, .

Arcangelo Glammarino et ux to Tenth Ward Building and T.ofln Association*

■ Monlclstr, w a Forest st 448 ft n fr Chest-* nut at, tfaRiO.

Joseph Weglarv to Pauline Mnslonls.Trvlngton. n s Highland terrace 3^ ft w fr Grove i t *4.000.

to ceets per M s AMiniums l b r e s



I to «eati per 1 1 e M I ft I u ■ ttJ liOM.



tt**d nn4 m onsagea affecting properly In Weal Hudaon were recorded yesterday:

KEAR.MT CONVETAhTCE.Jennie E. Suderly to F renk V. Smith,

n a Columbia av, |JS tt a fr Kearny av, «*1W. «.KEARNY MOBTOAOES.

Edward Glone e t.u * to Paople'g Build­ing and 'L oan 'AaBpcIatlon, w e Walnut at 375 ft n fr Clayton av. 3*91. Ii.soo.

Margarat-ta Greane to Howard SavlnRa

The atyle of sign recommended rl*«* to a height of twelve feet above the ground. The first five feet of the poat are palpted black and the reraalnhjf leveo feet white. ^

AWARDED $5 ,000 DAMAGES FOR FALLRpsrkif flcn’lcc f>( Ifcs

JER SET CITY. June 26.—A verdict ro t IB.OOO was awarded Joseph 1. K«Ily. ot 121 Boslwlck avenue, Jersey City, by ft jury In Judge Bpeer’s court tats yeitsr- day afternoon In his suit against ths Lembeck & Beta Brewing Company. ^

Kelly fell on s metal cellar door on th s sidewalk in front of 341 Jackson ftvftnte last January and sustained a fractyrsd kr<?e*cap The brewery owns the bulW* tiig- __________ __________ _ J

iHftKiis S tire Vp Ftresseft.

j e r s e y CITV. June ’J6.w-Publ1c Safety Commisslcnsr F rank Hague oonfarrsd with the heads of th s firs departm ent

Institution, n s KfW Taswn av 2^ ft w . yesterdsv aftetnoon on ths question of fr Kearny ftV* W«W, *1,000. j increased efftclenoy. H s tuiamoned Chlsf

RetlfleBs Nstissa word* or laai

> » eaatt: addMteuI / word*. I no t atek

•DpteraMBC Eaetad i l « a l word, Ulal- iC ^ *r i awala f Bute, tea ward*.VVlMn Mddltik to advartU*.

n a n to arM raudd to K tB i boaaa M kora to w rtla full addtoaa. W aach adaar. tiMmoiiW In a a • warti an d boa nam bar . o r a lo ttd r a jid bog ndialtar. attoh aa %Braar>" do, N a«a offiea. or "A. O ." i Box Ifc Naraaa offlod. I

T ranalont advartlalng In to* n aw ark

« . . . a i Frank V. • Smith et u* to Clark Build, oaau rar • aaaa. Loan Axtoclatlon. n a CaJumbla*v,13 ft a fr Ifta rn y av, SOxWI, 13.30(1.

h a r b i A jm m o r t g a g e .g r a n addltkaal Ua*. I*


EMladtlDliia, K .,- , STaalBg Naari m uat ba g rtM ld . * o t r I h e * l » f C fW ■* * ®A R e rw ?^ te rU b * iu t ^ |.a n t t t a N r ia fca n t d P t t f c r M e f tf lfc 5 t t * b K aM aty . ^ U t a a t .

Conway, th e batu llon chief*, th* capUtn* and 11aut«oa.nls to fire headnuartar* and there went over the work .of the depart-

, . _ „ . m e n t Conway ta to have an o ffM to to*A nna'A . Dinon to S, John Rlordan. n hall and reapond to alarm* from

w cor W arren and Waahlngton ata. dtelOO. .■MOft.B C IL IJIN a CONTRACT-KEARNT.

A r'tiur A Sauar with Eranklyn H.Bauer, afl a w * for two two-tomily frun* kooaea to -be known at Noa. 3d5 and 3R Devon at. , . I . .

BUILDING .CONTRACT-MARBtBON.U a* w , .and Maggie B. Rux wiih Carl

F .R ateraon, all work required for the erection of a fw rg to ry fram e houie on he a * o f Croea at W f t e D Davla atv

Jnndar-eekoel Workemi to Moot.Sfajff Cermpoadaooa,

-ASBUBY PANk . June X —The twanty- Blxth annual aekalori of the Mtaol of Method*. New Jeraey BuBday-achouJ Aa- aodatloh, wfU begin at the high aelMol bora July'5. It wtll continue for a week-

I It la expected that about LUO peilMIB wUl attend, ; /


WSATHBB T O m iim O W l m O B A B lT F A IB AND W A D * * * - ^

Men's 1 ^ & IJO Shir^ 7^“York*" and othar well-known brendi I# Jhl» «■'

M*de of line Httiltiy clothe In nW u d dMiciu, ileo pure white. Every ehlrt properly

■ndBnlehed, thotitb iome of the clothe eremadealifhtly Imgerfact. Sliee U to 1#. Made to eell at

Umbrella and Para»ol Special

SI and

All 75c to 98c Colored Dress Linens, 39c YardT»e JU JW rr HAL5BYC WASN/imrOH STS*

Friday we ehall offer S3 to SS colored eun end ram proof paraaole and black and colored sun and rain proof umbrellae for 52.25. The covers ere made of beet quality silks. Sfron* frames; neat handies. Take your pick of either kind of sun and rain shedders at $2.25, instead of $3, $4 or $5.

_____ (Drees Unena, First Floor. Washington Street) . , c / e l i o l l

a J S ' S r ,;rx X 'S s» s = r ,sSSiS.4aS .tt:;:::S I S3gStaSSltt:::: SI SBiSSSKSTAS®


OurselvesThe new Bamberger building

la a never ceasing source of in­terest to out of town merchants. Scarcely a day passes that we do not have from three to four visiting department store owners and managers go through our aatahllahment, with a view to getting the neweet ideal on atort arrangement, etc. We ere tl- waye glad to show merchants through our big new store, and wa era ever ready to give tbem an the suggoitiona potalble.

The Greater Store Is a modal. Merchants from all over the world have gone through It, and few have found anything to erttleiza.

Our huge ventllatini plant la of course, the objective point of every vliltor. Pew atorea have such a plant, and few plants work u welt as eura. The big white store la a COOL STORE —4 y ali odds the coolest store to Newark.

Lawn Swingi

W-rm Weather Clothes at Cool SavingsW u h S a l t s , 1.00 These suits a rt mads

of gstatea percale and madraa, in very pretty petterni; Rueelan and sailor iiylaa, military and sailer collars; 2 /, to 10 year aliea ................. 1.00

(Boya’ Clothing, SecondWash Norfolk SuitsMade of white ducn,

linen, linen crash inJ khaki cloth, in stylish new mod'els; sites 7 to IS years; splendid suits for summer wear; excellent suits SI .....................Z-9S

Floor, Washington St.)Wash Knickers

Boys' knickers and bloomers, in sites S to 17 yasrs; made of good quality khaki cloih, while duck and linen crash; full cut, all seams rein' forced; at ........ .........SSc

Boys’ BlousesWhite collars attiched;

sizes 6 to 10 years; fast color materials in neai light and stripe effects; full cut and well made blouses; regularly 25c. each, special at ........17c

(Sixth Floor)"De Luxe" U w n Swings—

Full site, 4 passenger; well mads of hard wood stock, nice­ly finished; varnish finished seats, hangers and cross pieces with red pilnred up­rights; strong and durable;price .....................................

"Hopatcong" Lawn Swings— Four passenger; made of heat hardwood; finished the tame as "De Luxe.” '*'111 stand hard usage and rough weather. These swings are priced at 6,00

“Elbeco” Lawn Swinga—Four passenger; made of best hsrd- wood slock; nitursl finish, trimmed with red. Made strong and durable, being reinforced throughout. Priced at . . .S.OO

"Maine” Lawn Swinga—Two passenger; made of good hard­wood stock; braced and rein­forced throughout; natural fln- Ishfcd uprighia, seats and foot­board; red painted hangers;

Towels, Mic Towels, 1 I k

^ rd o n thia icemlng egotism, but we thought you might liketo knew how highly YOUR STORE la regarded by the out- aide mercantile srorid.

(Flnt Floor, Waahingten St.)Friday only we shall offer at

14)4c. large eize buck and dam- aak towels thst are worth 25'/4c- and 29c. each. Some are hem­med, others have neat hem- ■lltched borders; good, close weave. Special for Friday's selling ................................ 14!/|e

(First Floor, Wtahington SU) Huck towels of i splendid size

will be on sale, Friday only, at llJ4e. each—instead of I Sc. and 19c, You may bsve plain white or colored borders; fringed tow­els with colored borders also; special at ............................ llVi«

Pillow Cases, 10kRegular M.98, special.......... 2.98a . - • ■ »

(Ftrat Floor, Waahington 9t.) You may purchase regular

12l4c. pillow cases for 10'/»c. each at Bamberger’s Friday These are our regular stock cases and have nice linen finish. Get a good supply while the price is lowered to ............ lOVic


WtMuat’B White Nubtick Pump*—Col- leg* girl atyle; Goodyear welted soles; regular $4.00 pumpa, special for th is sale at, the pair..........................................2.50

Wotnen’a White Nubuck Oxford Ties —Goodyear welted soles; regular $4.00; special price^for two days.................. 2.95

(Shoea, Second Floor, Market Street)A white season! Every woman wants white pumps, white

colonials, white oxford ties or white button shoes to wear with white lingerie frocks. 'SVhite has always been the ideal Sum­mer footwear for children. And here is this fashionable foot­wear at lowered prices for two days. Women who need white footwear should certainly take advantage of the economy prices.

iVo Mail, Phone or C 0. D. OrdersWomen’s White Canvas Pumps—Colonials and two-straps;

Goodyear welts and turns; $1.50 and $2.00 pumps................1.90

Women’s White Canvas Shoea and Pumps- Low Blucher button style; turned soles; regular $2,00; special price for two days................... 1.35

Children’s White Nubuck Roman San- dato—White canvas button, high cut, and white nubuck high cut button shoes, sires 4 to 8; regular 1.75, special................1-35

Women’s White Canvas Button Shoe*—Goodyear welted soles, plain toe; regular $3.00; special price for two days.........1-59

Ihe «/ Wnmtin’M 2.00 to 3.00 Low Shoea at 1.35 0>ntinues

Women’s White Nubuck Colonials—Button oxfords and pumps; Goodyear welted and turned soles; $3.00 and $3.50 shoes; special............ 1.79

Women’s White Nubuck Button Shoes—Goodyear welted soles, tipped toes; reg­ular $3.50, special................................ 2.65

Children’s and Misses* White Nubuck Pumps—Extension soles.Sires 6 to 8, regular $1.35, special . 95c Sires to H. regular $1,65, special.U5 Sires 11'/z to 2, regular $2.00. special. 1.35

^ g l* Steel Lawn Swingi — Made extra strong, will stand hard usage and weather: allsteel frame, painted in green and brown; varnish finished seals; four passenger. Complete withcanopy; price ......................12.98

Juvenile Swings — Specially made for children, constructed of best grade hardwood stock, nicely finished; very strong and durable; two styles; pricedat ............................3.75 and 3.98

Lawn Croquet—Eight ball sets, well made of hardwood, striped and varnish finished, sets consist of 8 balls, 8 mallets, wickets, stakes and instructions as to how to play, prices 1.00, 1.50. 1.75. 2.00. 2.50, 3.00, 3.75 and 5.00.

Standard*—For holding couch hammocks; two styles; one made with steel tubing frame, the other with angle irons; nicely finished and painted green; price

2.49 and 3.49 Couch Hammocks—A good

display of couch hammocks, from the lowest priced to the highest; all our hammocks are guaranteed for good service; all styles; prices from 5.00 to 20.00

S t r i p e d Duck Awning Canopies— Made of good qual- ily duck, scalloped edges; spe­cially for couch hammocks; red and white, blue and white, green and white and brown and white; price ........5.95 and 7.00

Clean-Up of Bed Spreads, 1.00

sizes :$2 to $3 values, 1.35. _____ ________________________

(1st Floor, Waihlngton St.)There are about a hundred

crochet bed spreads, sublect to slight imperfections, in this lot. Not one is worth less than $1.25, and from that the values run to $2; full size; pretty patterns; it should be needless to add— SHOP EARLY $1.25 to $2 crochet bed spreads............... 1-06

$ 6 0 Anglo-Persian Rugs, $ 4 5(Fourth Floor, Waihlngton St.)

An opportunity to purchase one of these Anglo-Persian and French weave wilton rugs at a saving of $15 comes but twice * year. These mgs are price-restricted by the manufac­turer end it is only at two seasons of the year that dropped pattema are permitted to be sold at reduced prices. The rugs that we now offer at $45 include many of our best selling pat­terns. The values are exceptional. Regular $60 rugs * limited tim e......................................................................

Toilet Goods

18.00 Tapestry BrusBels Rugs, 13.75These are sample rugs, purchased, from one of the best manufec-

tureri. About fifty beautiful pattern* in the collection, which Is no­table for its rich offerings. Every rug closely woven in one p ie c ^ n o. . . .. . . . . . . .seam. Size 9 by 12 feet. No mail or phone orders filled. Come early for good selection for the buying is bound to be briik st ’ '*price. Regular $18 tapestry brussels rugs.......................... ■ ■ ■

9.50 Groaa Matting Rugs, 7A5—These rugs are made of prairie grass, artistfd in design ana besutlfuM n color combi nail on*. Hana- Borae two-color borders. Some design* suitable for the nursery. Cool­est and most sanitary floor covering for eummer. Size 9 by 12 feet. Our entire line of $9.50 ruga, Fridgy only........................................... '-So

(Firet Floor, Market Street.)Booth's !6c V iolet Talcum, 1 lb tile30o A bsorbant C otton, 1 lb .......... aioH e Pow dered B orax, la rg e ., SoHe Pure Bath Salt a t .............. Be1.00 Paramoubt Fount. Syringe* sso*“c Canthrox Shampoo............... 3Seasc Violet Toilet Soap. 3 for, , IT® Jergen'e IBe Benaoln and Almond

Lotion .................W ayne'* »5o C edar W ardrobee, No.

2 a t ................. .................................28c Knlckerbock«r Cdld26c SanltB,ry K4p)clnB. 1 d« ...21cW tvne'R 1 26 Catlar W*rdrob«B, No.

................ T5cBamber?«r'» 26c Antl»*ptle Solu­

tion ......................... .. ■ .............1 SB Gretonno Toilet CaflOB. fitted1,00

18e Paroxido of Hydrogan*36c Pabeco Tooth P a a t a . - S O e 19c Butbymol Tooth PaBta... i4c

G et Several Silk and W ash

Frocks in the 5 .0 0 Sale

* 5 3 ,5 0 Bed Outfit, 3 6 .2 5(Beds and Bedding, Fifth Floor, Bolaey SI.)

You may buy a strong and handsome brass bed, non-sagging springs, Ostermoor mattress and bolster roll for $17.25 less than our regular selling price, if you make

the purchase Friday or

Bambergar'* *c Olycerine Bar* «e iso seidiH* ~ ■ ■ — *

Saturday. This outfit consists of the $22 brass bed, exactly as illus­trated. It has two-inch posts, two-inch top rail, heavy corner balls and 14 one-inch filling rods. Made in all sizes. Fin-

____ Powdera. I t dolea lielOe E1b«co Bath Tablets. 40c boi.

oak* ....................- .........■■■■ ■ ■ ■3Bc Imported Bay Bum. 8 oi. SSe17c Sanltol Tooth Powder......... ISe5*0 Hard Rubbar Dreaelng Combs35e15c Violet Talcum Powder. . . . tV4c lOe Turkish White Caattle Soap 86c

dojen, cake ..........................r^ etSo Spanish C satlle S o ap .......... tftc3Sc Extract Witch H axel.-------STcB am berger's 60c H ypophosphlte*

BSC*9c Hair Bruihea. bristles Ineerted

in rubber cuEhtons...............3*eSOc Week-end Fitted Toilet Case*Sftc35c Rubber Oloves. pa ir............. *ScLoonen * 26c and 8Bc Sample Tooth

Bruehea .................... HMioWayne's TSe Cedar 'Wardrobe*. No,

4. at .......................................... «®o3,00 Elbeco Hoapital Syringe* t.#0 Ballantlne's lOe Malt Extract, 36c

dozen: bottle.......................... tote

fWomen’i DresBes, Third Floor, Market St.)B eautifu l silk d resses join the $5 dress

sale. Tom orrow you may choose not only

from $7.98 to $15 sum m er wash frocks for $5, bu t equally charm ing silk dresses as well. The rec ru its a re m ade of colored foulards and taffetas, striped tu b silks and plain black or w hite hnbutai silk. Some are plain ta ilo red ; o thers have em broid­ered collars and cuffs.

The Dainty Wash Frocks y. Are Exceptional Values

Made of plain and embroidered voile, ra­tine, eponge, lingerie, pure French linen, corded dimity and flowered chaltie. The variety of styles is never ending. The m odels beggar description. Sizes in both silk and wash frocks up to 44. On sale, while they last, at the price Bamberger’sl^^ made fam ous ..................................................... 5.00 — m™ Mm Ifn taps

Unequaled Hair Goods Values(Third Floor, adiobditg

“Green Room.")

tsbed in bright or satin. The genuine Ostermoor tnatiress la the hotel style and welgl» 50 pounds. Equal In every way to the $23 Ostermoor, and sold special at $18. The spring is guaranteed vermin proof, Has an extra high block, resembling a box spring; sells for $12. The open bolster roll sells regular for $1.50. You may purchase part or III of the outfit at these prices:

22.00 Brass Bed, Special Outfit Price............13.7512.00 Spring, Special Outfit Price................. 8,00Ostermoor Mattress, worth $23, sold by us

special for $18, Outfit Price.......................13.501.50 Bolster Roll, Special Outfit Price.......... l.OORegular $53.50 Brass Bed Outfit, for............36.25

Field Glasses G o-A w ays(OpdeaL First Floor, Washington St.)

How many times on your Itst annual jaunt have you wished for field or apy glasses? Don’t go swsy without a pair this time. Mighty good ones for little money Is the Bamberger optical store.

Marine glasiee, tan lu th e r bodies, her* fo r......................... 4.00Day tad night signal gltsees, extra h itb powered, 5,00 and 6 JO Mountain giaaaee, fla t katee , high power, her* for..........gJOBird glaMoik Freiwh deeign, may he bad for...................4.7$Reid and MlUtaiF gliaaea ua prle^ at only ..............4.00


/ uliMiiPriam Blnoetilata, m aueatlani grade, are priced.. . . . . s . . .0.7$ Priam Blneevlan fViuli and U o a lia ) , a t............U JO to 4040rnS R l BottfiCVlfifV i4d tlT 97p fits * < * * * efifirCNF W 4v*v0.tee above priou losliido loatetr auet ud ahmilde; wrrying atnp*.

You will be surprised at the special values in hair goods we place before you Friday and Saturday'. With these natural wavy switches you can easily arrange cool and comfortable coiffures in the prevailing modes.

Switches for Psyche, cor­onet braids or any other desired effects.

22-in. switches, regular price $3.50, special....... 2.50

24-in. switches, regular price $6.50, special.. . .5.50

Men’s Straw Hats

at Cut Prices(Second Floor, Washliifton St)

Pick out that straw hat Fri­da v. If you had intended to pay $2, here you wilt find it for $1.40. If $1.50 is the in­tended price, pocket fifty cents by choosing from our entire line at $1.

All round transformztions for pompadour effects, used in­stead of hair rolls, make the hair soft and fluffy; regular $6.50,specitl price’ for two days.......... ................................ . .5.50

Seaside bangs, of fine naturally curly hair, regular $1.50,special price for two days................................................... 98c

h i Madeline hair color restorer, special................... .. .85c.. -t.

The Straws at 1.40 are eas­ily sixty cents underprice. Large variety of shapes; va­rious braids. Hundreds of men have found them just to their liking. Regular $2 straw h a t s ..................... m

The Straws at 1.00 take in about every good kind_jof. straw hat ever sold for $1.50, for the collection includes every one-fifte straw in ttock. Soft and stiff thfipes in selit braids and sennit braids, va­rious heights of crowns and widths of brim; $1.50 straws at 4 - j . 1.00


Aocieot and Land Repn

dustry "


Altman $c €0.have just received a New Importation of

Men’s Wool Coat Sweaters,with Scarfs and Caps to match, in the vivid color combinations that Are the latest feature of Men’s Sport Fashions. These are particu­larly suitable for Mountain, Qolf and Motor­ing wear, and are now being displayed In the Men’s Furnishing Department.

IB. Altman $c (So.have arranged for to-morrow (Friday) and

until noon on Saturday, when the Store will be closed.

A Sale of Men’s Furnishingsconsisting of the following

Men’s Norfolk Outing Suits, made of Home­spun, Flannel and Woolen Crash. These Suits, which are especially adapted for golf­ing or other outdoor sports, and the regular prices, of which are $20.00 and $22,00, will be offered a t ...............................Men’s Negligee Shirts (plaited or plain) of Imported Habutal Silk, in white or colors, regular prices $5.00 & 5.50 . . a t $3.35Men’s Negligee Shirts of Madras or Mercer­ized materials, regular prices $1.50 to $2.00,

^ a f^ t-h a g a la i tm m 1ftaat«^W am

Lobbi leaul I'l^arth Soi

From/.VO yswB.

WASHINGTOr prIilAf that K«tniBmban of the Induitry ," ar« ui o n to prev tn t 1 oorreipondBTieo ■ufar lobby. Treason.

Th« letters eoSenate Inveitln tht oatlOD-wlde lied beet surar protective tariff iettara showing < cal activities of which, If made etartiingly Inter published.

If these ietteri certain gentlemi the whole truth he shown t*- 1 subtle attempt! 1 to lot by, but SCI come pert of t having its repret erto citadel of States Senate-

There Is one 1 for, which expo nard, himself thBuga* crowd, toalso being narn of the amhUton the Republican from Michigan, “most august I


world." Th* and Oxnard In are, In part, a proceedin** be(i

Sa«ar Ba Mr. Oxnard 1

dent of Vlrolnli habitant of e paat twenty ye* Id th* Weat, at las hi* flrat bi braaka-at Oral cslvad th* planto th* United h


atAlso Men’s Worsted Bathing Suits, the regu­lar price of which is $3.50 per suit, a t $2.50

come thorousli Uv* mathoda puahlnc throufi Inf body a bill boot auftr pro) had amptoyed dutint this P« Rofs*!!, formel Nebraika. who mocopoly Kept proved hlma«lf maidpulatlon •reatly to hi* <

Ur. Oxnard th* fact that h< th* Unltad a u told th* band that it would throufh th* dt promlted to •«« whar*.

Just at that haaval In 3aut naw Senator w lowlDf Winter, bean a re*ld«nl Util* thins UI: Oolonel Rofxaa fatlon In that ! the United Sti require a Sonai State from wt man la thirty : cltlsen of the year*, he can from any etati hablCant."

and Children’s Play Rompersat the following unusually low prices:

Nainsook Nightgowns for Misses . atFor Misses and Children 85c.

Drawers for Misses . For Children 44

Princess Slips for Misses For Children .

at 48c. & 85c. 35c. & 42c.

. at $1.35 . “ 95c.

Petticoats for ChlWr fl J 'tees at • • • * * * 85c. & $1.35Misses* Combinations . . . a t LOO Children’s Rompers of White and Colored Crinkled Cotton, sizes I to S years . a t 58c. Of White Cartibiic and Colored Chambray 38c.

JFfflli Aamtt, 341 oa& fMxtttB, ifrm gariu




G*t* f Armed with

Rofgan mode vlaiOn* poUtU and Indepeude talked about t Inf iugar beet would proeper perauoded to 1< tablUh one or ■Ufxr factorte*

A large numi tlriaua, convlnc opportunity In fulahed and wi ^nt, made pllg Interviewed Mr ^D lolnlly. 03 be was wtlllnj that he would t United atatei. "deal" could b practically cor to carry It thr

' Colonel Rogg reatdence in along awlmmli I.,^ilatUTe asi peeled happeni A cry tgalni ralaad. Colonel Nebraska and rtOt prewttt'ed . able In the Set

That waH Iti Jamea Henderi second time ai kota. Thl* di than the time tars were writ buHb public, era a* appllce the Senate as dents ravealed

SomeNow, 0* to ’

when he ente room, another oughiy Inform of the State-

"Tep! he la i from Ulohlga swtae !*• He I but tW* lobby ad to help It * lobby may see

a.: of eliotlng Mr bs ha* hia eye

|.;J[&.h* baa a right any hraia bar Hasn't Loulal Instead of t Diaii't Now 3

, etorT: ■ "Waiten’f l

^ ' straight and ti ef him, he coi iwom to In

ji. ranted in b* with Mr. Taf

. p irtn t for a ib r rofar to b* 1: " Of* Philippine

U r U t, Tafti •Vv t e n Worran iP ls-Mt than'e thi

r' "Th* next - prrhllmlasry < Tloft wta an

yj; ^e«d*d help tiAta wo* ov<


■' +-. r’'**Tiekiit! good adliig od all TfpIn!


Ju ly 3d and Al^iN.Tralne 4th S'

Returtr Limit, duly 6th In’ F e s f u r i h e s I n fe r m e U e n a n d 'p M e s M t l g m eo 'e e iiH

■ (« ••) e a e n te 'eh w rite t'. ■

C H A S . K , R A T H , p . P , A I M ,FillsWEM’8 aLfla, 4eih -!teefi ■"4 Mer ei

. that didw t eanpattn tearren, noce ttahdtne that

twenty o -dePtnite for ' tjtef •shOnonliiCTiW.ttere.w «g«w4; teelM

. eonvettllqn Rl ■te.ri,*wa.Af«*a-

,;’«s:'lMiteethe trom

Md tea ooav te lirinl ft

'telie wiwh V1

ttsted u■i*

I '