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Barry Frederic Hunter Graham

A thesis submiaed in confonnity with the requiremem for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Centre for Mediaeval Studies, University of Toronto

@ Copyright by Barry Fredexic Hunter Graham. 1998

March 25, 1998

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The focus of the study is the Utraqukt understanding of the eucharist

through the study of eucharistie liturgical documents. This can only

be achieved by comparing Utraqukt documents with those of the

contemporary Western Church.

While a Iimited secondary iiteraaw about hrgical ma- developed

in the Iate nineteenth century, very littie research has been done

recently. except from a musicological point of view. The primary

documents which are most plentifid and helpfbl in undentandhg

Hussite Iiturgical practice in the period are thircy-one contemporafy

manuscript graduais and four manuscript missals. Most of these

documents are traditional in format while a few show innovating

directions. A detailed codicoIogical study is made of these books.

Special attention is given to a book's original users. It is possible in

almost aii cases to identify a document as Hussite or Roman Catholic,

sometimes using intemai evidence, but more often having to rely on

an identification of the original users. A description of the art work

fond in the books, where it exists, is given, since many are artistic

tours de force. Conclusions are drawn about the &ers of the books,

the process by which some books survived while others perished, the

relative importance of Latin and Czech in Utraquist worship, the

distinguishing characteristics of the Utraquist mass and the possible

heresy of the Hussites.


The appendix to this work consists of a critical examination of the

Litomi5ce Gradude (St&td okani archiv LitomHice se sidiem v

Lovosicich: SheHimk IV C I), comparing its text with that of the

1474 Missuie R o m Mediolani and that of twelve contemporary,

traditionai Bohemian graduaies. The Bohemian tradition, both

Utraquist and Catholic. is readily distinguishable nom ihat of southem

Europe. However. given a Bohemian graduai made between 1471 and

1526, there is no i n t e d criterion by which the confession of its users

can be identifed, except where proper antiphons or sequences for the

Feast of Hus and the Bohemian Martyrs exist.

I am very gratefuI to David Holeton d Roger Reynolds for their support and advice, to Josef Kfiha

and Blanka bildlov& for snoothing my way in the Czech Republic and to Bonuie (Viigbb), my wife,

for her perseverance and excellent photography . 1 ais0 thank a m b e r of scholars in Austria. the

Czech Republic, Hungary and the United States for their helpfui input.

This thesis would not have k e n possible without the assistance of the directon and staffs of the

archives, libraries and museums Iisted on pages xnvüi and xxix. They dowed me access to the

~easures they prrserve and let me have micronkns and colour picaircs to use in preparing this work.

In many cases, they went to extraorci- lengths to be kind and helpfirl to me, letting me work when

they were officially closed to the public, providing refieshmenis and on one occasion, even giving me

and my wife reproductions of miniatmes in the iiirary. My fondest mernories of the research to

complete my thesis wiii be of these people who showed me so much hospitality and kindness.

Fially, 1 acknowledge with appreciation the permission to publish an edition of the rnagnincent

Litornt3ice Graduale given by Dr. Hona Kotyzov5 and Dr. Iaroslav Moravec, acting on behalf of the

Stimi okresni archiv LitomHice se sidlem v Lovosicich.

B. F* H. G.

Lady Day, 1998


M a c e

Emerging objectives

Sacramental theology and Utraquisî liturgid documents

The Bohemian Reformation through 147 1 in s ~ ~ a r y


Musical notation

OrtmFWh~ Map of Nteenth-century Bohemia

Selection of documents

Register of documents

Jagieilonian manuscripts excluded

Rinciples of document descriptions


Document Types

Cornpiete graduales

Intermediate graduales

Festai graduales

Manuscript missals

Observations and Conclusions

Preservation of liturgical books

illuminators and scnies

Music, musicians and the liturgy

Language of worship

Irregularly-appearing f*ists

Characteristics of Utraquist graduales

The UtraQuist heresy


1. Esztergom Graduale of VladisIas II (1490 - 1516)

2. Spezia1 Franciscan Graduale

3. Franusiiv Kancional

4. HavEMv Brod Graduaie

5. Hradec Kr&iové Graduale

6. Chrudim Graduale

7. Jindnchfiv Hradec Graduale

8. Kutd Hora Graduale

9. Ku& Hora Missal of 1486

10. Kuttenberg KancionLii

1 1. Ledet Missai of 1493

12. Great LitomEke Graduale

13. Litornéfice Cursive Graduale

14. hbkovic Graduale

15. Louny Two-volume Graduale

Id. The Graduale of Martin of V y s k y t ~

17. Mlada BoIeslav Latin Graduale

18. Mnichovo HradiW Graduale

19. NArodni Eaiihov~ VI1 A 13

20. Nkodni knihow XII A 21

2 1. Nhodni knihovna Xm A Sc

22. Nbodni knihovna MV A 1

23. Nirodni muzeum N B 6 - Hussite Missal

24. N h d d muzeum XII A 25

25. PlzeIl Graduale of Paul of MeInik

26. PehliSimov Graduale

27. St. Castulus's Graduale

28. St. Mark's Graduaie

29. SmiSkovsw Graduale

30. Sobotka " 1582" Graduale

3 1. Sobotka " 1583" Gradt.de

32. Stembrk GraduaIe

33. P W Graduale of Martin StupnnF

34. Plzed Missal of Vitus the Draper

35. Zittau Graduale

List of Plates

1. Esztergom Graduale

2. Esztergom Graduale

3. Esztergom Gradt.de

4. F r a n d v Kancional

5. Franusfv Kancional

6. FranUSfv Kancionat

7. Havlitkiiv Brod Gr.

8. HavliCktiv Brod Gr.

9. HavlitkUv Brod Gr.

10. Hradec KraIov6 Gr.

11. Hradec Kralové Gr.

12. Chrudim Graduaie

13. Chrudim Graduaie

14. Kuttenberg KancionaI

15. Kuttenberg Kancional

16. Kutrenberg Kancional

17. Kuttenberg Kanciomil

18. Kuttenberg Karicionfil

19. Kuttenberg KancioniiI

20. Great Litornefice Gr.

21. Great LitomHïce Gr.

22. Great Lito&fice Gr.

Advent 1, f. 1 l r '

Pentecost, f. 154r

Dedication Festival, f. 184v

Mass of St. Gregory, f. 28r

Corpus Christi with tree of Jese, ff. 65v, 66r

Pentecost, f. 6 1r

Frontispiece with TrCka z Lipy family & anm. f. IV

Sanctus, f. 23v

Easter, f. 146r

Christmas, f. 36v

Dedication Festival - Ch. of the Holy Spirit, f. 155

Corpus Christi - Christ in the wine press, f. 6%

The flames of hell, f. 137r

Frontispiece, f. IV

The virgin in Advent, f. 62v

Epiphany, f. 73r

Dedication Festival - St. James's Church, K. H., f. 1 l6v

Corpus Christi, f. 86v

Christ in Majesty - sponsor & monogram WL, f. 15ûv

Frontispiece - Amis of Jakub Ronovsw. f. IV

Advent 1 - Mass of St. Gregory & buniing of Hus, f. 43r

Kyrie - Christ as Man of Sorrows, f. 3r

23. Great Litornace Gr.

24. Great Litommce Gr.

25. Great LitomHice Gr.

26. Lobkovic Graduale

27. Louny GraduaIe (8b)

28. Louny GraduaIe (8a)

29. huny Graduale (8a)

30. h y Graduale (8a)

31. Louny Graduale (8a)

32. Louny Graduaie (8a)

33. Mlaba Boleslav Gr.

34. Mladi Boleslav Gr.

35. Mlada Boleslav Gr.

36. MIada Boleslav Gr.

37. St. Mark's Graduale

38. St. Mark's Graduale

39. Smi'Skovsky Graduale

40. SmiSkovsl@ Graduale

4 1. SmiSkovsI@ Graduale

42. SmiSkovsw Graduale

43. SmiSkovsw Graduale

44. Sm3kovsw Graduale

45. Sobotka "1582" Graduaie

46. Sobotka " 1582" Graduale

47. Stemberk Grad. (Vol. 2)

48. Stemberk Grad. (Vol. 2)

49. Stemberk Grad. (Vol. 2)

50. Sternberk Grad. (Vol. 2)

5 1. Zittau Graduale

52. Zittau Graduale

Christmas with tree of Jesse, ff. 59v, 6ûr

Hus preaching at Constance, f. 245r

Martyrdom and ascension of Hus, f. 245v

Epiphany, f. 6%

Kyrie - Man of Sorrows & t o m crest, f. IV

Frontispiece - Andrew of Louny, f. IV

Advent 1 - with picnue of Pau) of MtInik, f. 3v

Dedication Festival - Church of St. Nicholas, f, 277r

Epiphany, f. 41r

m e r , f. 181r

Advent 1, f. 42r

Christmas with Jesse tree, f. 58r

Detail of Jesse tree, f. 58r

Cartoon - "Iluminator Janiczek Zmilely z Piesku" , f. 201r

Advent 1, f. 26r

Dedication Festival, f. 153v

Frontispiece - coron. of Mary, SmiSek fam. & amx, f. 2v

Christmas, f. 64v

Epiphany, f. 73r

Common of martyrs, f. 285r

Trinity Sunday , f. 202v

Colophon of Matthew the Iiluminator, f. 433v

Frontispiece - arms of donor Jincüich z ValdStejna, f. IV

Feast of Hus, f. 193v

Trinicy Sunday, f. 2v

Corpus Christi* f. Sv

Corn. of Vitgins - sternberk shield, f. 176v

Dedication Festival - Ch. of Assump., Bechyne, f. 190v

Christmas, f. 33r

Dedication Festivai, f. 83r


Documents used

Rules of the edition







Crit id edition




Index of antiphons and seyences

Supplementary texts - Marian antiphoas


Scholars in the past have tried to understand the religious beliefs of the Utraquistl movement in

Bohemia chkfly through an anaiysis of the theological works of its leaders, such as Matthias of Janov,

Jan Hus and Jakoubek of Stiibro. Such writings inevirably represent more the persona1 convictions of

their authors than ideas heM in cornmon by Utraquists. For the iiturgist, the answer is to seek out the

documents of worship which were in use at the t h e , since they serveci to define the religion of those

who used hem. The task that 1 set myself was to identify extant Hussite eucharistie documents of the

perïod 1471-1526~ and to analyse them in order to understand how Utraguism differed fiom Roman

Catholicism. Since such a task had not been u n d e d e n before, it seerned that I would be making a

valuable contribution to howledge in this area.

When I set out in the search for Utraquist liturgical documents, 1 soon discovered that 1 was in

uncharted waters. Iaaa FojtikovP had identifid and provided a one-line description of a number of

musical books in which Hus was nameci, but this was only the tip of the iceberg of the Caliaine

corpus. 1 was faced with the tasks, first, of finding the extant manuscripts for the mass fiom the

Jagieiionian pend and, secondly. of separating the Utraquist fkom the Roman Catholic. In stariing my

first task, 1 came to recognize that no liturgists had been active in the field. with respect to the

cataloguing of documents and the aaalysis of texts. Fortunatefy though, many of the liturgical books

have artwork in them and a number of art historians, of both this century and the last, have reported

on them. Among these scholars are J. Er. Wocel, Antonin Rybifka and Karel Chytil in the last centuy,

and Zoroslava Drobd, Jaroslav PEsina and Josef K&a in the present. Chytii in particular was

enomously thorough in identifying ali books that he found, even those which had a minmial amount

'The tnm Uuaqpist (Latin sub ~ a q u e specie: in both Irinds) is derived from the practice of nnministering communion in the form of both bread and wine. This primitive practice had fallen into disuse m the western church in the tbirteenth c e W . Calixtine (Latin d i x : a cup) and Hussite are synonymous with Utraquist. The adjective Hussite was in the fifieenth and sixteenth c e d e s pejorative. More recently, it has becorne neutrai. %e reasons for the choice of eiictinnstic documents and of thc period 1471-1526 are discusscd beneath the side heading 'Sacramenid Theology and Uîraquisi Liturgical Documents' which foiiows the prtsent section. ''~udebni dokiady Husova kuitu z 15. a 16. stoleti", Misceüunea Miuicobgicay XW[ (1981). 51-142.

of decoration. Musicologists of laie have been Merested in the noted books. Jaaa Fojnkovfi has

compiled a shelf Iist of musical nmmmxipts which she shared with my fkiend. David Holeton. The last

way that 1 used to nnd mamiscripts was by a laborious m h of published and uripubMed liirary and

archive catalogues. Pubiished ones inclde those of the National Lilbrary and the National Museum in

m e , the Eastern Bohemia Museum in Hradec Kralov6, the Awtrih National Library, the Vatican

Library and the British Library. 1 discoverrd unpublished catalogues for archives, libraries and

museuIIls in srnalier centres such as Jefice, Jindfichh Hradec, L i todce , Louny and Zi#au. Professor

Holeton. through his earlier work, was even aware of one book that had strayed as far afield as New

York City. FinaUy, unintentionally incornpiete Western compilations of Bohemian manuscripts, such

as the RISM, were checked to enme that wthing had bcen omiaed. There are undoubtodly stiü some

books which 1 have missed. Chyti14 descnaed three which had disappeared from public view in the iast

century and which my enquiries to date have not located. That said, 1 believe that my register of

documents is substantiaily complete.

Having assembled a list of books, my second task was to ide* which ones are Utraquist. This

proved a challenge since, apart from a mention of Hus in a few of the documents or lacunae causeci

by excisions where a feast of Hus would have fden, there is nothing in the contents of most of the

manuscripts to indicate the confession of their risers. Usually, one must rely on the information

provided by a snidy of the books and on what can be reconstructed about their history. Scholars have

probably been deterred from such a reconstruction since most of the available sources are in Czech.

It was this need to know about the books which led to the codicological study which occupies most of

the body of my thesis. 1 have personally exarnined di of the documents listed in the register of extant

manuscripts at the end of this preface. 1 and my wife, Virginia Graham, took the photographs used in

the thesis's fifty-one coIour plates. My goal of differentiating between CathoIic and Utraquist books

was successful in that I was able to determine the probable confession of al1 but four of the thirty-five

documents in the register. The resulting coliection of codicologid descriptions of Utraquist (and m e

Roman Carholic) eucharistie documents of the Jagiellonian period is the ody one, to my knowledge,

to have been assembled to date. It giva a picture of the religious actMty of the Utraqyists and of the

resurgence in the production of high-quality books in Bohemia d e r a disastrous decline in the fifty

'Kare1 Ch*, Woj nrinimiunmo rmJ1i5n3 zo doby M U r& jageIlo&& (The Progress of Bohemian Miniatwist Painting in the Era of the Jagieilonian Kings), (Prague, 1896), p. 4 1.

years fo110wing the Hussite revolution.

The final step was to examine the Utmquist books carefllliy in order to discover in what ways they

differed from the Roman Catholic books of the same period. For this purpose. an edition of the

LitomHice graduai was prepared which compares its contests to those of thirteen other books from the

same pend and which have a smiilar fomi. With one exception. the transcriptions of the books which

were used for the editïon were made from micronlm. Most of the microfilms of books kept in Prague

were made by the hiirafies in which the onginah are fouad, those of codices in the ONB by the Hill

Monastic Manuscript Library and the remainder by me, my wife or photographers whom I hired. in

al1 cases, recouse to the manuscripts was necessary to clarify the reading of words which were

ilIegiîle on the microfilms. The result appears in the appenâix to the thesis. It is the fint edition of an

Utraquist liturgical book to be published aml wiii provide a usefid reference to iùture scholars who are

interested in the field.

After reading the extensive codicological descriptions in the thesis and the edition in the appendix. a

valued mentor, who h e w of my theological aspirations, not unreasonably was reminded of Horace's

famous line (Anpoeticu 139): 'Partmimu montes. nasceair mus'. The conclusion of ail my endeavour

has been that there is very little in the Iihugical texts of the penod 1471-1526 to distinguish Utraquist

books from Roman Catholic ones. It need not have been this way. After 1540, when the Utraquists had

switched to worship in Czech. there were polemics aplenty. In any event, apart from the paucity of

their issue and from their bulk, there is much inherent value in creating mountain.C.


Legem credendi ler mhuU s u p p l i c d . This dictum, often attriiuted to St. Rosper of Aquitaine, is

frequently referred to by contemporary theologians and liturgists. Its implied converse is that

clifferences in sacramental theology can be eqected to have a nflection in differences in the liturgy.

While the proposition c m o t be applied without reflection, there is an iucreasing recognition that

liturgical texts are a primary low rheologiicus. This thesis arose from interests in both liturgy and the

Utraquist movement. The assu~~~ption rmderlyhg its method is that if we are to discern what a church

believes, we can perhaps look at liwgical texts More systematic theology. In particular, it is

appropriate to compare three classes of texts: Cathofic texts reflecthg Roman use, Catholic texts

reflectiug Bohemian w and Utraqyist tcns. The d t s of the smdy of the latter two cIasses are of

particular interest since, for example, their sanctorales are both drawn from Bohemian, rather than

Roman, calendars,

Ample evidence of animosity between the Chuch of Rome and the Bohemian reformers survives from

the two cennuies following the execution of Jan Hus (1415). The content of this material is usually

polemic and the tone immoderate, with the result that it is usually difficult to saip away the invective

and discern the mie issues. Were the Bohemians heretical in the sense that they had a heterodox view

of the sacraments? Was, on the other hand, their only offence the conviction that it was permûsible

in certain narrow circurnstances to deny papal authority. an offence shared with the conciliar

movement? To investigate the question shorn of polemic, the method wiil be, using primary liturgid

sources, to seek divergences between the Utraquist linirgy and that of the Church of Rome and thus

to ide* differences in the faiihs of the two chtuches. The lashg Utraquist tradition was Ii~irgicaily

corservative because, from an examination of the sources, it is clear that it took over the basic forms

of the Catholic liturgy - mass and office. Since the two most distinctive Utraquist worship practices,

administration of the cup to the Iaity and infant communion, relate to the eucharist, logic dictates that

the rnass would be a more fniitfbi area to explore than the office. The Prague musicologist, Jana

Fojtikova, observes:

Frorn the extam sources, we cm nevertheles judge that the chief and fundamental component

of the Utraquist liturgy was the mas, while the daiiy office receded in importance. Latin

Utraquist antiphonaries were preserved in a far smailer number than graduals and Czech

antiphonaries from the sixteenth cenauy are very rare.'

For these reasons, ow attention will be directed to the documents of the eucharist.

Having decided to snidy the m a s , the next question was what period to look at. One's instinctive fint

choice would be to use the period immediately following the revolution as being that most likely to

present the best picaire of Utraquisn, umullied by any later accretions. The problem is that the

movement in its first decade was a great torrent of turbid water. with ai i sorts of differem religious

'~ana Fo@oVa, '&SE mehd ordmarium 2. poloviny 16. stoleti" (The Order of the Czech Mass in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century), M i s c e k a Miuicologica, XXXI (1984). p. 228.

ideas swirhg around, some of which were carrïed away and othen of which were to remain- We

h o w from secondary sources that in the period 1415 - 1417 the pnest Jan b p e k l encourageci by

Iakoubek of Stfibro, transfatPrJ the mass czechD6 The principal source for our knowledge, such as

it is, of the Czech-language liairgy of the first balf of the fifteenth century is the repenonum churi

h o w n as the Jistebnickji Kanciod (ca. 1420). Prague N&odni muzeum (NM) II C 7.' Severai

decades, that is until the middle of the fifteenth cenniry, were required for the partidate matter to

seale to the bottom and thus enable the more homogeneous material which remained to be discerned.

Whiie Liturgicai texts were produced in quantity before Hus's death, oniy the Jistebnicw Kanciod and

Bibles m both Czech and Latk atinn m the three decades after his death are extant. My research has

identifiai three other books which may possibly have origmated between 1420 and 1450, although they

were probably aii produced at the end of this period or even somewhat later. Whiie it was thus

necessary to examine te- separateci fiom the moment of the new movement's biah, the texts couid

not be so Iate as to be signiscantiy a f f ' by the ideas of Luther, Calvin and Zwingli, which started

to become a factor in Bohemia in the third decade of the sixteenth century. These considerations

pointed to the JagielIonüin era (1471-1526) as the most appropriate period to examine.

The next question was what sort of mass documents were the best to use, the choice being between

graduals and missals. While there were over a dozen manuscript miss& produced which are still

extant, most missals produced in our p e n d were printed ones and usually carried no intemal

information about whether they were made for Catholic or Utraquist users. Most likely , they were used

by both. The printed missals were pattemeci on the Missale Pragense of Arno& of Pardubice, the

fouiteenth-century first archbishop of Prague. At least six editions appeared in the period 14794522.

the first in P M and the rest in Bamberg, Nuremberg, Venice and h i p z i g (2). The places where a few

of the manuscript missals of the period were tint used can be identified and fiom this, the confession

of their original users can be deduced. Four are included in the document descriptions which appear

below. We are fortunate mat the information about the graduais produced in the pend is much beaer.

There are several dozen extant and, for most, the first users can be determined. These books clearly

'%oward Ibmhsky, A Hisrory of the Husite ~evolun'ion, (Berkeley. 1967). p. 198. 7 $ana Fo$ikod, ''&du5 meM ordmariumw, p. 2î7. The book's contents are a remarkable farrago of iinugical material. The text is in Czech, but the mbrics and inc'iits are in latin. The major blocks of material are office antiphons (84 folios), hyrnns and motets (50 ff.) and mass propers (41 ff.). In addition, we have the Exultet (7 ff.), the prayer of Jeremiah (4 ff.), the Quicunque Vult (4 ff.) and the St. Maühew Passion (IO ff.). The book is indicative of the liturgical practices in the church in which it was usai.

appeared to be the most fniahil souces of comparative information about the m a s . The abüity to

categorize a particdu book as either Hussite or Roman Cathoïic maLes it possible to identify the

characteristics of the Hussite eucharist by comparing the contents of Utraquist book to Roman

Catholic ones. Since the dates of many of these documents are known, one can also trace a pattern of

evolution of the Utraquist b g y uver the period.

One aim of this thesis is to consider the books h m a codicologid pini of view. Although the hrgest

group of graduais is relatively homogeneous and very much üke codices found in other countnes.

others are characteristidy Bohemian. Among the books are a number of deiuxe documents which

show the highest development of the art of the s c n i and the miniaairist.

The determination of the confession of a book's original users staas with dating the book and

i d e n m g the church for which it was made. A d e r substantial1I1Mlber of histories has been writcen

about individual t o m s or regions in Bohemia. if a town was Utraquist when the book was made and

if there was only one church, then one can assume that the book was made for Utraquists. In towns

such as Litomi%îce, which had several churches, one mut find from the secondary literature the

confession of the particular congregation in which the codex was used. The greatest concentration of

Utraquists in our period (refer to map on p. xxvi) lay roughly within the ana bounded by a fine

following die S h v a river from Prague to the Moravian border. then north to M Kralové. then West

to Litornefice and Louny and then back to Prague. A nurnber of Utraquist cities such as Rokycany.

Ph'bram and Klatovy lay outside this area.

The present study does not exhausî the riches that could be mined from the graduals of the Jagiellonian

era. Many are artistic tours de force and would ment greater attention from the art historian. The art

of the books is diswsed nom an iconographie point of view, but much more could be done to place

it within the context of the evolution of artistic f o m found in neighbouring coUDtfies. Similatly, many

of the books have a variety of musical content: amiphons. q e n c e s , hymm and motets. A saidy of

these in the detail that a musicologist would probably dean desirable is beyond the scope of this work.

The thesis has two principal elements. The fkst is an extensive codicological snidy of the manuscript

eucharistie documents of the Jagiellonian period. Most of these are graduais. although four of over a

dozen extant manuscript miss& are also included. For completeness. a kw of the documents from the

period 1526-1532 are included as are also a bandfiil from before 1471. The second element consists

of an appendix with a critical edition of the propers and sequences of one of the principal Utraquist

graduais of the pend in which the existence of corresponding passages and their locations in other

CathoLic and Hussite books u e indicated as faanotes. It was necessary since a carefd examination

of the texu was rrquired for a comprehensive compatison.


It is appropriate to present a prCcis of the Iiturgical aspects of the Bohemian reformation from the

midde of the fourteenth century through the beginning of the Jagieilonian era (1471-1526). This

material is much abndged and the reader is referred to the bïbliography for works Üiat deal with the

subject matter in more detail.

The original objects of the reformation movement were the moral Iaxity in the church, particdarly

among clerics and monks, and the conspicuous consumptio~~, pnde and avarice of the clergy which was

so antithetical to the ideal of poverty associated with the apostled This, of course, was the stuff of

similar reforming initiatives within the church over many centuries. It was promoted by Charles of

Luxembourg, emperor (1347-1378) and king of Bohemia, who brought the Austrian Augustinian

Conrad Waldhauser to Prague in 1363 to preach the message of renewaL9

Also in 1363, reform became the life work of Jan Milit (t 1374), a priest who gave up his canomy to

foliow a Me of apostolic poverty.1° He was an ascetic who. in 1372, estabiished in Prague a wmmunity

of clergy, Iay disciples and refonned prostitutes which Ied a life of prayer. mediration and daily

reception of the eucharist." W e his community was disperseci on his death. the setxi which he had

sown with respect to frequent communion bore f i t and became a permanent feature of the Bohemian

'~oward Karninsky, A History ofthe H . e Revulioorz, (Berkeley, 1%'1). p. 8. *ad De Vooght. L 'HérPsie de Jean Huss, (L.ouvain* lm), pp. 5-7. '& Vooght. L 'HérPsie, pp. 7-1 1. "~aminsky, Husite R c v o ~ o n , pp. 10-12.

reformation." This ocwrrd m no small measure because of the work of ooe of tis foliowers, Matthias

of Janov (ca. 1350-November 30, 1393)". who in his Regzùue Veteris n Novi Testamenzî laid the

theological foundation of what for Miüf was a pastoral initiative. This book was based on Scripture

as inîerpreted by tradition and the church fathers and kd him to the conclusion that the principal nason

for îhe chchurch's nate of confusion and disarray was the abandomnent of the early practice of fiequent

communion. l4

Toward the end of the fourteenth cenrury, the need to hear the word of God in the Czech language,

so that the people could understand what was said, was added to the agenda of the reformem. This

concem was particularly focwd on vemacular lections and prea~hing~ but also spread out to include

Czech hymnody. In 1391. the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague was founded as a centre for Czech

preaching. In its very early years, its chaplain, Jan Hus (ca. 1369-July 6, 14 15). cornbined the twice-

weekly preaching in the chape1 with the eucharist, thereby imegrating two chief interests of the refom

program. l5

The next major step in the liturgical evolution in Bohemia was initiatecl by Jakoubek of Stiibro and

some of his associates in the autumi of 1414, after Hus had Ieft on bis fateful joumey to Constance.

They adrninistered the co~nmunion in both bread and wine at three churches in Prague and at the

Berhlehem Chapel. While Hus himself was very reluctant to take mis step. it was soon enthusiastically

appropriated by the reformers . l6

After Hus's martyrdom at Constance. political control of Bohemia was fractured by the formation of

opposing leagues of Utraquist" and Roman Catholic nobiiity. with the king fiequently acting as

12~or an excelient short life of MW. see David R. Holeton, Lu CUdon dcs tout-p& enjàm, (Rome, 1989). m. 19-27. '-. Hussite Revoliuon, pp. 14-23. "A brief ~eatmmt of Matthias's important rhoological work can k fou i in De Vooght. L'Hérésie, pp. 22-33. A more complete description is in Holeton, La C o ~ o n , pp. 28-66. '-, Hussite Revolrtron, pp. 7.23-4. '6Vavfinec z Bkzové. 'Historia Hwiticam . Fonîa R e m Bohemiwtun, V, (Prague. 1893). p. 329. " ~ h e meeting at which the Hussite league was formed is descn'bed by the ccmtemporary Vavfinec z Bkzové in "Historiaw, pp. 339 f. The doCumm it issued chaüengbg the CounciI of Constanct is found in FradW Palace ed., Daumenta Mag. J d Hus vitam, docrrinam cc~tcsmn in Co~~tant!~ellsi Cbncilio am, (1869, repr. Osnabrück, 1966), pp. 593 f.

weathervane berneni the two. It was in this environment that Urraguirsi hIf was able to take hold."

Other Liturgical innovations could be effected with the support of the Utraquïst nobility which eariier

would have been forbidden. In the year &er Hus's death, Jakoubek advocated that communion

be given to infants. l9 His suggestion was put into practice by early 14 17. Jakoukk developed what has

b e n descni as a simpIified Latin mass? Unfortunately, no text of this mass has swived and thus

iateresting questions abouf it such as the laoguage of the lectiom and the nature of the riaial cannot be

answered. Jakoubek was not rigid in his view that the mass had O be in ~atin'l ami in 1415-1417 he

encouraged a p r i a to translate the mas mto czechp. While the linirgical innovations within the city

of Prague seem to have stayed reasonably close to the traditional form of the mass. more radical

variances occurred outside? The pressure to avoid excessive departures from the traditional forms of

worship decreased aiter the advent of revolution which foilowed the rising on Juiy 30, 1419. which

the priest Jan fr,livsw led against the magisaates of the New Town of Prague who had been recentiy

installed by King Wenceslas." It should be noted that the celebration of a feast to mark the rnartyrdom

of Hus first occurred on July 6, 1416. the first aonivenary of his death? The delegates from the

Council of Basel were able to wimess on July 6, 1433 the mass for the feast of Hus sung in ~atin."

The earliest Utraquist m a s books after the Jistebnicw Kancional which s h v e were wriaen about the

middle of the fifieenth cenniry. One, NM IV B 6, is a missai whose original usen are unlaiown and

whidi contains Latin antiphons and coiiects. most of which are identicai to those fouad in other missals

of the period. Its Iections are in Czech and are mostiy. as far as can be detennined. translations h o

Czech of the traditional Roman Catholic pericopes. Unfornuiately. the condition of this document is

%ee. for example. the record of the St. Wenceslas Day synod of 1418 in Frantisek Palace ed.. Documenta. m. 654-6. '%II De Vooght. jacobellus de StBro. (Louvain, 1972). p. 277. 'Ose+, for example. Frantiikk Barto9. 2 7 ~ Hussite RmMon 14241437, (New York, 1986), pp. 3.46. 21~akoubek zc StfCbra, "De ceremoniis", in Jan Sedlak. cd., Snrdie a texîy k &wEens~m d ~ i & &s@rn, (Olomouc, 1915). p. 154. *-, Hussite Revolun'on. p. 198. %ammdq, Hussite RNolwion. pp. 165-170. waviinec z Bkzove. 'Historia". pp. 342-344. 9. M. BanoS. "M. lan Hus v bohosIu2M a iint cfriwe podobojl a podaiii prvého stdeti po sv6 smrîi" (Master Jan Hus in the Divine S e ~ c e and Esteem of the Utraquist Church and Tradition of the Fim Ctntlvy after his Death), Nbrodopisrj v&dk &skoslovmkji, XVII (1924). p. 20. 9. M. Bartol, 'M. Jan Hus". p. 21.

much detenorated and not ail of the readings can be idenfifieci. The book has no elernents of the

or- or of the canon. Its chef point of interest is thaî the Utraquist concern for the proclamation

of the word of God in the vernacular was alive and weii,

A second extant Utra~uist eucharistic document from before the Jagie11onia.n era is a Latin graduai used

at the Church of AU Saints in Litornefice (Litornefice IV C 2). It can be idennfied as Utraquist only

by where it was first used. In addition to a Kyriale and a sequenciary. it contaios proper mtiphons for

major feast of the temporale, for Sundays throu@out the year and for a sanctorale with eighty saints'

days. Its only major idiosyncrasy is that graduais appear rarely and communions irregularly.

The third mass book from the middle of the century is the Jistebnickf gradual. Prague NM XII F 14.

The book has 233 folios and is prepondedy in Latin. The first eighty-one folios have m a s propers

for an abridged temporale. a sanctorde with ten nameci saints and a cornmon of saints. The sequenciary

extends from f. 82r to f. 165v. The remainder of the book is a confuseci mixture of an office for the

dead, several Credos, funher sequences and a set of hymns. about a quarter of which are in Czech.

There is no Kyriale. While there is no knowledge of the chusch where the book was us&, it seems to

have been Hussite since a marginal illustration of Jan Zitka was once readily discemile on f. 61r. It

is today faded beyond the point of recognition.

At this point, we cm move on to the documents of the JagieIlonian era which give a fuiler picture of

the Uîraquist eucharistic liîurgy than we are able to reconstruct for the preceding fifty yean.

ODCC - The third edition of the Orfrd Diczionary ofthe Christian Church, published in Oxford in

1997. Edited by F. L. Cross and E. A. Livingstone.

BD - The 55-volume work, Arralectu Hyntnica Memï Aevi, edited by Clemws BIme and Guido Maria

Dreves and published in Leipzig in the period 1886-1922. For example. a reference to pp. 237 anü 238

in Volume 50 is indicated by BD 50: 237 t

Complete ammion of saWo - A set of eucharistic propers includes an htroit, gradual, alieluia and

verse (or tract where appropria), an offertory and a communion. A Complete common of saints has

or had one set of eucharistic propers for the vigil of apostles and a choice of eucharistic propers for

each of: apodes, multiple martyrs, single martyrs, confessors, virgins and the Virgin Mary. One or

two requiem masses are usually found at its end.

Complete gradmie - A Complete graduale is one whose temporale and sanctorale are both Complete.

CoqRete sandorale - A liturgid book with a Complete sanctoraie has or had at least fi@ days with

propen. This count does not include the days usually associated with the temporale (Stephen,

Sylvester, Lancea Domini, etc.) but does include days such as Holy Cross day and, as a peculiarly

Bohemian event, the two days for the translation of relics.

Cornplete temporak - A book whose temporale includes or once iucluded at least the Sundays in

Advent, Christmas and the saints' days of its octave, Epiphany and at least two Sundays afier,

Septuagesmia, Sexagesima, Quinquagesima. every day in Lem, Easter week the Sundays afkr Easter,

Ascension Day, Pentewia, Trinity Sunday and at least twenty Sundays following it, tbree masses for

each Ember season and the Chur& Dedication Festival. For a missal, "CompIetea denotes provision

for these days plus feriae 4 and 6 for the whole year.

graduale - A graduale which bas neither a temporale nor a sanctorale which is Complete. The

temporale usually iacludes only the principai feasts between Chrismias and Corpus Christi and the

Dedication Festival. Although not part of the dennition, such Bohemian books often have an extensive

coliection of hymas and motets, some of which may be ia Czech.

Gregorian Prologue - A noted pericope which immediately p r d e s the introit for the fim Sunday

in Advent a d which is reprocfuced below. As a result, some Ebhemian cornmenrators refer to Advent

1 as "the Mass of St. Gregory".

Gregorius p r e d mentis et nomine dignis unde genus ducit summum cooscendit honorem

renovavit monimenta pamim priorum qui composuit hunc LibeUum musice artis =le

cantandum anni circulo.

This Prologue is very old, king found before Advent 1 with near-identicai words in the text of the

eighth-century Monza Gradual (Monza cathedrai treasury, no shelfinark, f. 2r) and in the ninth-century

Compiègne Antiphonary (Paris, BN lat. 17436, f. IV) .n

instruments of the Passion - The five instrumets include the cross, lance, crown of thoms, scowge

aed rod with a sponge a t t a~hed .~~

Lancea Domini - The feast of the Holy Lance, kept in G e m y and Bohemia on the Friday fonowing

the octave of Easter. A relic thought to be the Holy Lance was brought to Prague in 1350 by Charles

N. ODCC, p. 949.

Man of Sorrows - The devotional image of the s u f f e ~ g Christ, detached from ail spatial and temporal

contexts. The Man of Sorrows bean the wounds, as do images of the d e n Christ and the Judge of the

World. The crown of thoms, the position of his b d s and the instruments that often accompany him

distinguish him from the Nen Christ. Unlike the Judge of the World, the Man of Sorrows is never

en th r~ned .~~

Marian Trope - When used to refer to a Gloria, the term refers to the troped fonn which, after the

phrase "Domine fili unigenite Jesu Christe", continues with:

%orn René-Jean Hesbert, Ann'phllQIe Missanun Safuplex, (Rome, 1935), pp. 2-3. %ertnid Schüier, Icomgmphy ofçhnnimi &, WOS. Jmei Seligman, Vol. II, (Greenwich, Cr., lm), pp. 184- 197. w ~ c ~ r , Iconography , pp. 199-224.

Spiritus et alme orphanonmi paraclite Domine deus, agnus dei, fifius patris, Rimogenitus

Marie Wginis matris, qui t o h peccata mrmdi, miserere nobis, qui t o m peccata mundi,

suscipe deprecationem nostram, Ad Mariam gloriam, qui sedes ad dexterarn patris, miserere

nobis, quoniam tu solus, Mariam sanctificans, tu solus dominus, Mariam gubernans, Tu solus

altissmius, Mariam coronans, Jesu Christe, cum sancto spiritu in gloria dei patris,

or some close approximation thereto.

Mea~are - This is used without capitdhation in expressions of monetary amounts. The Czech word

is kop (plural: kopy). ûne measure of Prague silver pennies (Czech: gros, but I have used "groschen",

the Ge= @valent) was sixty. in the text, 1 bave us& "mea~ufes of groschen" and "kop. gr."

interchangeably. The comparable measurr in Gemian areas at the time was the mark, which was forty-

eight groschen. Thus a kop was equal to 1 'A marks. Meissen (Saxon) groschen were aiso used as

currency in Bohemia at this time and are mentioned from time to time in our sources.

Minimal trope - When used to descriie troping of a Gloria, "Minimal" or its adverb meam troping

by the addition of a single word or phrase, usually associated with the phrase "Domine füi unigenite

Jesu Christe". The most usual fonns are the addition of "alassime" or "et sancte spiritus" after

"Christe " or " salus noster" before or after " Jesu Christe " .

NK - Prague, Nhodni knihovna (National Library)

NM - Prague, Nhodni mueum (NationaI Museum)

Rmted Prague Mspals - nioK editions of the M W e Pragense pubMed in the following cities and

yean: P m , 1479; Bamberg, 1489; Leipzig, 1498; Nmberg, 1503; Venice, 1507; Leipzig, 1522.

Usuai Bohemian Saints - These are Adalbert (Vojtëch - April23). Sigismund (Zilanund - May 2),

Vitus (Vit - lune 15). Procop (Rokop - July 4), Ludmilla (Lucimila - passion: September 16;

translation: November 10) and Wenceslaus (Vbclav - îrmslation: March 4; passion: September 28).

A convention m speiiing has been adoped thar "graduaiw as a book may refer either to any noteci mass

book or to one which indudes only the eucbaristic prupers excliidinp the Kyriale and the sqenciary.

'Graduale", on the other hand, consists of a graduai in the latter sense combmed with a Kyriale, a

sequenciary , or hymnary .= AU the extant Bohemian graduais f?om our period are graduaies.


The following dehitions, used throughout the thesis to descnie the musical notation in the

manuscripts, are minor modifcatiom of those of bmlf'.

Type 1 rhombic choral note: the developed method of notation d e s c n i by Josef Hutte?

Type III rhombic choral note: rhombic choral notes used in the writing of simple multi-part lines,

permitting a mensural interpretation.

Black mensaral notation E uses to its full extent the Czech mensural system d e s c n i by FrantiSek

M ~ z i l ? ~ .

Black mensural notation II: a simplification of the previous system by the limitation of the symbols

used: the simple notes are ody the brevis, semiirevis and minims; Iigaaires are mostly taken from the

rhombic choral notation, exceptionaily a binary ligature can occur between notes. In addition to

recording muIti-part compositions, this type most often appears in the notation of mensurai tropes

within a composition and in the mensural notation of Czech and Latin hymnaries.

White mensural notation 1: a complex notation using all the possibilities of the system; an extent of

notes and rests from the ma- ihrough the semiminmi; compound multiple ligatures.

White mensural notation II: a simpler notation, adapting a system of practical applicability; an extent

of notes and pauses fiom the longus through the semiminim and simple ligatures.

w ~ D C ~ , p. 938. 3 ' ~ a r ~ ~ 'Soupis hudebnich rukophl mwea v Hradci KriüovCm (Catalogue of the Musical Manuscripts m the Museum of Hradec Kralové), MiscelIanea d~ologï~a, XIX (1966), pp. 36 f. n Ioscf HuUm, 'm notace: nota chonlis", Sfnkcr pojedhhi a mprav, Vol. XW, (Prague 1930). pp. 79 ff. 33~ranti5ek MM&, "Uvod do kritky hudelmiho t8pisuW. Ana U n i ~ e ~ t m i s carolime 1961. Phifosophica et Hisrorica 3, p. 56 f.

One faces a number of choices about spelling. AU have disadvanfages.

1. Czech place names have been used for places in Bohemia, with the exception of the capital city,

which is d e d Prague rather than Praha.

2. Czech names for penons are the nile. Occasionally, English fint names have been used,

particularly where Engiish speakers wodd find the pronunciation of the Czech difficdt. For

example, 'Georgew has been used jnstead of 'JW. Second iiames fÎequently include the name

of a Czech city. which is given in Czech.

3. Czech choristers of the Jagiellonian period were and are referred to in Czech documents as

litetai. 1 have used this spelling despite the word's derivation from the Latin üderati, which

has two t's.

4. There is a problem with plurals of Latin or Greek words. Does one add s or es, treating thern

as English words, or does one use the nominative plural fiom Latin or Greek? The former

course has been taken.


The contents of the register of documents are more broadly defined than the title of the thesis. There

are a nwnber of reasons for this. While Ziüau m Upper Lusatia was subject to the Bohemian crown

under Charles IV and the Jagielloniaos. its inhabitants were then, as now, predominantIy Gerrnan

speaking . Similarly Bu&, in the sense used in this study, was not Bohemian. The books from these

cities have been included because the same Bohemian iltuminator who produced two Hussite graduals

was involveci in their makmg. All of the extant Hussite graduais and missals from the pend have been

included as well as most of the Roman Catholic or unclassifieci graduais and one Roman Catholic

manuscript missal (out of about a dozen which are extant from the period). It is important to look

carefdly at the Catholic graduais since they provide a valuable insight into the distinctive features of

Hussite Iiairgical practice. Composite books of which ody a part arises fiom the JagieIfonian period

and fragmentary books have been excluded. Books fkom just before 1471 and just after 1526 were

included in the inventory since they help give a more complete pichire of the pattern of evolution over

time in the Hussite documents. Hussite mass books were produced in Latin up until 1540, when Czech

took over. Latin appean afker 1540 in only one gradual and one missal." These two works use both

Czech and Latin.

Printed Msals are not very helpful in discedg ciifferences between Hussite and Catholic woahip.

The first printed Missale Prageme was produced in Plzeil in 1479 and was foliowed by a number of

others made in Bamberg, Venice, Nuremberg and Leipzig. Since few outstanding copies have any

record of iheir place of use, the confession of their users û not usually lmown. Meed, ihey were Iikely

intendeci for use by Utraqyïsts and Roman CathoIics, with the Hussites adding thek distinctive material

on blank pages. An instance of this can be seen at the back of a printed antiphonary fiom the period

which is kept in Prague's Nhodni knïhovna (XLII G 28). On m e r occasion, a suppiement of

twenty-four folios with, among other things. Czech collects, was pasted into a Missale Pragense

printed in 1522 in Leipzig (Prague. Strahov Library , DR V 12). PRnted missals have been excluded

from the cadicological study, but have been used in the textual cornparisons in the appendix.

YThe five-volume graduai NK XI B la. 1 b. Ic, Id and Strahov DA II 3 and the missal NM III F 17.


Esztergom. Metrop. Lib.

Prague. NProdni lmbovna

Eastern Bobcrnu Mus (HK)

HavtiEMv Brod Dis. Mu.

Erutc~nBobtmiPMus 0


ntbon Reg Arch - J id. H.

K m A Hora District Mus.

KumS Hora Archive

ONB, Mirsitgmmlung


LimaHice Disuict Mwum

LimmCiice Disuicf Museum

Prague. Narodni lauhovna

Louny Disuicf Archive

Prague, N W murcum

M M Bolcslav Di. Mus.

Mnichovo HradiStit Hin Mu

Prague, Ngrodni knihovna

Prague. Narodni laiitiovua

Pngue, Naradni laiihovria

Prague, N M lmihovna

Prague. N M m t u e u m

Prague, Norodni muzcum

Prague. Norodni muzeum

Pehllimov W c t Muscum

Prague. NQrodni knhovna

W C , Gcn. Thcol. Semin.

am, M-uog

JZEn Dist. Arch. ai Jefice

Ms. 1-3


U A 6

SK 2fl

D A 2

C. 12580

C. 1. FondSm

88/85 C. 264

t- 10

Mus Hs 15501

ZP a26f1

W C 1

W C 2

x w r A 1

1 G #a & 8b

m A 2

U A 1


M A 1 3


Xm A Sc


W B 6

Xïi A 25

W A Z 3

7 860m

W B 2 4


Mus Hs 15492

Sobotka 3



I n n


ca. 1470








ca. 1455

Ca. 1500



Ca. 1509

x v

Ca. 1500




ca. 1450








probabi~ Buda - -


Ch. of the Hoiy Spirit. Hrrd. Kd-

Ch- of the Assranptian, Hav. Brod

Ch. of fite Holy Spi& HrPd. W.

ch. of d E Assimipcion, (=hndim

Ch, of Assum.. Jmdfi&v Hradec

pcrhaps SL Bar& Ku& Hora

pcrtilps St Wcmxdas, PnCvicc

Church of SL James, Kuma Hora

Cûtmh of Sa. Ptttr & Paul, Met

Cburch of All Sointr. L n o ~ - c c

Chrcb of Ail Sncs. Limmtiicc


Church of St- NicboIas, Louny

Church of St- Bartholomcw. Kolfn

Cburch of the Mother of Gad, MB

iralmowu - V*ps Prague

~nlm,ms. ptrhaps mgu~

pcrilaps thc C i s l c r c ~ of W c c

Church of St. Bardmlomew, Kolfn


pc- Qldav


Sc- Mary m the Wd, Pclllfimov

Church of St. Cuai[us, Prague

pcrhap &W. of ttic Cross, DUM

Holy Trinity Ch.. Kuma Hom

pcrhaps Ch. of Our M y . nimav

Notes: (1) The names of the depositories are fiequently comcted. The reader should consult the document description for the full fom. (2) In maq cases there is more than one shelfinark. Please see the ducument descriptions for a full List. (3) The terms 'Complete graduale" and "Festai graduaien were defined above. The meanings of the abbreviations follows:

Gra A Complete graduale gra A graduale with a Complete temporale or a Complete Sanctorale, but not both Fgr A fatal graduale ~t The book is a deluxe edition P There is a collection of hymns A The book includes both hymm and motets .. The book is one of those included in the critical edition of the Litomi5fice graduale

which is found in the appendix. (4) An indication of the confession of a book's users.

H Almost certainly a Hussite document h Probably a Hussite document ? The confession of the book's users is unlaiown c Probably a Roman Catholic document. C Almost certainly a Roman Catholic document







Iifh Dist Arch, or Jefice Sobatka 5 Gn* ? XVM pcrbops Ch, of Our W. niniov

0NB. M 'b M MHs154934 Ga*' C 1500 Ch. of rh Assrmiptio~~ Bechyd

Pnguc.Ndrodni- XII A -20 Gn*' C 1491 ChracbofStBPrrboIomw,~

nagut.Ndrodaimuznim X V A 5 Mis C 1487 Church of St BPCdlbIamcw,

titrau, m.-w~isc-~ibi. A. m. gr' c 1512 ~burct i of SL IO& ~itiau

In principle. no graduai or missal known to have been made in the pend 1470- 1535 for Utraquist

users or by a s c n i bown to bave made books for Utraquists was excluded.

One Roman Catholic gradual was excluded because it was made for conventual use. There are at least

two other such bocks among those studied. One more of the same type seemed superfluous in a study

of Utracpist books. Three composite graduais, partly Jagiellonian, were omicted on the ground that the

thesis concems books wholly made between 1471 and 1526. Another conventmi book has lost many

leaves, retaining fewer tban a score with propen, the remainder being sequences and the ordinary.

Both of the known Hussite mamwript missais of the period were included as was one Roman Catholic

one which was sel& on the basis that it was made within the same decade as the two Hussite ones.

The other manuscript missals of the pend are not known to be Utraquist and thus they are exciuded.

Manuscripts possibly made in the period 147M535 in Bohemia which were knowingly excluded are

summarized in the table which foilows.

k k é Budéjovice*

East. Bohemian Mus


Prague, NK

Prague, Strahov. Kni


1 Bi 68

II A 5

X I I A l

x m A 5


M I E 8

m c 9


X W B 10

1 G 28




X G 23


X I I C 6


X N A 3




XV", mie

1390, 1473
















1484- 1493

Folios Description

Roman missai of VAclav of Rom9

Graduai. Ff. 4-146 antedate our period

Francis. gradual. About a haif fiom 1390

ConventuaI gradual

Convent. grad. Less thm half remains

Composite graduai. Fit part ff. 1-107.

M i d Jana Marshalka z Myl&

P h i l missal

P M missal

Missal of the monastery of Plasy



Franciscan missal



Missal - Prague use

Missal of the monastery of Tfebon


Prg. mis. used at St. Vitus's Cathedra1


The format of the document descriptions foilows the abridged mode1 developed at the Pontifical

Institute for Mediaevai Soidies, Toronto, for use in the project, Monumenta Lrturgica Beneventana.

The headings used and a summary of the comaas found d e r hem are set out below. The expanded

section on history, unusual in a eodicologicai mdy, is appropriate here because of the need to

categorize the books as Utraquist or Cathoïic.

Docnment idenfifidion; condition; type Depository, shelfmark, former shetnnarks. catalogue

numbers, date; is the document eomplete or what is the extent of any excisions?; it the book a gradual

or a missal?

Contents The contents of the Kyriale, temporaie, sanctorale, common, sequenciary and any sections

containhg hymns or motets are descnbed in sumrnary fom. Since the enîire contents of most of the

Complete graduals are d e s c n i in full in the appendix, an abbreviation here seemed in order.

Comments are made about the presence of days whose observance varies arnong the books.

Date Details of inscriptions, palaeographical observations or secondary sowces useful in dating the


Hidory is dealt with in a way which varies with what can be known of the panicular book. A book's

original users are important in identifying a book as Utraquist or Catholic. Information about the

book's scribe or illuminator is of interest-

Covering - boards and metd Whgs The condition and dimensions of the boards are noted and the

design of metai fittings is d e s c n i . The designs were remarkably persistent, some remaining in use

for three decades on books prcxiuced by dinerent scribes. They aiso unite books produced in convents

outside Prague with ones probably made in Prague.

Covering - leather and bimding Shape of the spine, number of bands, location of binriing holes.

Description of the leather wveriog with particuiar reference to the nature of its decoration. As with

metal fittings, certain designs seen in roll stamping were used over extended periods on books

Folios and foliation MaîeriaI, quality, condition and colour of leaves, nature of gatùerings. description

of foliation systems .

Layout S i z e of leaves and of written space. Arrangement of text: lines per page. interlinear space.

number of columns. Resence and nature of ruiing and pncking.

Scnpt Identification of script. description of characteristic letters , heights of minims, ascendea ,

descenders and s's.

Titles, capitals, iniaals Script, colour and size of titles. Colour. size and background decoration of

tities and initiais.

Musicai notation Description of the nature of the notation using the megories descnbed earlier.

Nurnber of lines and colours of the staves, clefs use& coiours of the notes, clef and custos signs.

DeCoration (not including miniatures) An identification of the initials which are decorated and a

description of the nature of the decoration in initiais and margins.

. . Mmahms General nature, location of each miniature (folio nurnber, wichin an initial, in a margia),

description of the image, identification of rernarkable similarities with miniatures in other books.

Bibliography Books in which the manuscript is catalogued. or some facet (history, art. etc.) of it is



The books can be usefdiy broken down inîo four categories for discussion purposes which are

relatively homogeneous. The reader is referred to the precading definitiom.

1. Complete graduales,

2. Iiiterrnediate graduaies which have either a Complete temporale or a Complete sanctorale.

but not both,

3. Festal graduales (neither a Complete temporaie nor a Complete sanctorale), and

4. Miss&.

Ionutively, one would expect that the third c k wouid be the smallest in tems of content. ui practce,

it is not always so. Many have very extensive collections of hymns and motets.


The names of the seventeen graduales in the table below are contractions of the mnemonic ones used

in the document descriptions. The numbers in the left column point to the correct document in the

index above and in the document descriptions which follow. The ordering is chronological.

These books. except for the two paper ones, are of deluxe quality and most are of large size. The

surprisingly large number of folios in the Luuny volumes (15) comes about not only because both the

Kyriale and the sequenciary are Mer than the other books, but also because there are ody eight lines

of text per page (with the wrresponding musicai staves) compared to the other books which, except

for Stemberk, have nine or more. The scnie must have thought that the improved legibility that the

larger spacing provided merited the extra material costs.

Since these books are large, and in most cases extremely so, they are contained in massive covers

which, at least when they were made, had heavy brass fittings for protection and decoration. The dates

on the two Sobotka books relate to when they were rebound in the later part of the sixteenth century.


1 Folios a

Sobotka ' 1583 "

Mnichovo &adw

N M x n A 2 S

P W . Mar. Snxpnh

S ~ o v s l j






HavIiCWv Brod

Mlada Boleslav


Great LitornEfice

Sobotka ' 1582'

~ W Y

St. Mark's

xVU ?

w ?

xv' h

149 1 C

1490-1 H

1493 H

Ca. 1500 ?

1500 C

ca. 1500 H

Ca, 1500 ?

1506 K

ca.1509 H

1510-16 C

15 17 H

1509-37 H

1530 H

1532 H

163 par

178 par

287 par

391 par

493 par

206 par

444 Par

400 Par

415 P P

215 PaP

395 par

409 par

398 par

465 par

354 par

884 par

285 par

Column: (3) Çonfession of the book's users. H: certainly Hussite; h: probably Hussite: ?: unknown; c: probably Catholic; C: certainly Catholic.

(4) Q&nsions of the leavcs are in cm. The s i x for Louny is that of the füst volume, wbich is 2 cm. smaller than the second in tach dimension.

(5) & (Numkr) of leaves. For Louny and Sternberk, it is the total leaves in rhe two volumes. (6) &terial of the leaves is either pa~chmcot or w r . (7) Number of compIete or panial &ries. (8) Number of days in the SgnctoraIe, excluding vigils and octave days. (9) Hus's feast day is or was rcpresented by a ~equeLIce(s) andor eucharistie gropers. (10) 'Y" iadicates that the book has a selection of Yotive masses. (1 1) Number of leaves wi. "O" means 'approxirnateIy". (12) Number of occasions for which miatures in initiais appear, 'x" uidicates that some bave been excised.

The Sobotka ' 1583" graduale (31) received at the end of the sixteenth century simple brass f i e g s

having a Renaissance design. The design of the other brass fittings is or was Gothic. The fittings on

many of the remahhg volumes are very attractive art ist idy and the reaüer is referred to the

individual document descriptions for M e r details. Many of the motifs are the same and include

Gregory at a writing desk, the Virgin with chiid, the paschal l a d , the Bohemian Lion and the signs

of the evangelists. Some of the designs are so smiilar in detail that it would be impossible. without

takmg very precise measurements, to determine whether they may not have actually been made fiom

the same mouid. For example. the sigm of the evaogeüsts on the back ave r s of the two Louny

volumes (15) are very close to those on both covers of the second volume of Sternberk (32). A like

comment fan be made about the central bosses which accompany the evangelists on these rhree books

and the two on the covers of the Lobkovic graduale (14). The design is of the paschal iamb in the

centrd circle with a pennant surrounded by an annuIus contahing floral decoration. There was a thirty-

year time gap between Stemberk and Louny and the scnibes were different. The designs were

remarkably persistent.

The script of the Complete graduales, except for NK XII A 21 (20). is texaialis formata, using the

system of Lieftinck ". NK W A 21 is nirsiva formata. One volume, NK W A 13 (19), is somewhat

distinct h m the rat. having single-cornpartment a's, and generally seems CO be tending in the

direction of hybrida.

Since most of these books are included in the critical edition of the Great Litorn6fice graduale (12) in

the appendix, a detailed survey of the eucharistie propers is not required here. The Esztergom Graduale

(1) contains Hungarian saints which do not figure in its Bohemian counterparts. This graduale and

Sternbcrk (32), which has been influenced by Franciscan models, both have noticeably smaller

sanctorales than the other books. However, a smail sanctorale cannot be said to be characteristic of

Bohemian Catholic graduaies, since the P M Graduale of Martin StupnEk (33) is well provided with

saints' days. There is a discemile pattern that appears in the celebraiion of the feast of the Bohemian

martyrs. which is also found in Festal graduales. The first mention of Hus that we find is in the

SmiSkovsk$ Graduale (29). which was completed in 1491 and has a seqyence for his day. A sequence

for Hus without proper antiphons is also found in two other books. NK W A 13 (19) and Mla&

Boleslav (17)' both of which probably onginated in the period 14904510. Starting in 1517, we find

one or two sequences and eucbaristic propers for the fast of Hus in the four graduales listed, whose

%G. I. Liefnack, J. -P. Gumbert. Mamrrirs &tés consenés dmrr Ics Pays-Bus, Vol. 2. (Leiden. 1988). p. 31.

dates range from 15 17 to 1532.

Inspection of the table above shows votive masses in only one book probably produced before 1MO.

The temptation to believe that the presence of votive masses in Hussite books was mosdy a sixteenth-

cenniry phenornenon should probably be resisted, not only becattie NM W A 25 (24) has mbrics for

votives, but also m view of the fact that the graduais of both Lamy (15) and HavMkfv Brod (4) were

the work of the same iiiuminator, Paul of Mtlnik- The size of the Kyriale, as measured by the munber

of Kyries in our books appears somewhat larger in the books from the sixteemh century than in those

from the fiffeenîh century, although whether this is just a ConseQuence of the iarger average size of the

later books is moot. AgaSi, the number of tropeci Kyries rises above ten only in the three later book

(Havüfkllv Brod, Louny and St. Mark's (28)) which also have votive masses. This may be mostly just

another idiosyncrasy of Pau1 of Mi5lnik.

There are ciifferences among the books in some organizational principles. From inspection of the

document descriptions which appear later in the thesis, it can be seen that the predominant system for

ordering the Kyriaie is to aliocate Kyries in approximately equal numbers to 1) specid days of the

sanctoraie and temporale, 2) SUnnnys anci ferias in various seasons, 3) our Lady in various seasons and

4) commons. The Kyries of class 1) are typically each allocated to between five and ten different

occasions. The Glorias are often tied to one of the K m . The sets consisting of a Sanctus and an

Agnus Dei are usually aiiocated in the same manner as the Kfies. The exceptions to this d e inchde

Esztergom (l), NK W A 13 (19) and NK W A 21 (20) which mostly allocate the Kyriale between

the common of saints and Sundays throughout the year and Stemberk (32) which assigns its Kyries

according to the class of a feast. Since Esztergom was made by a Bohemian for foreign use and

Sternberk is a Franciscan book made in Bohemia, the predombmt system of ordering can be identifieci

as that most characteristic of Jagiellonian Bohemia, especially in view of the fact that the group kludes

the P l a Graduale of Martin Snipnik (33) which is almost certainly Roman Catholic. The onginal

configuration of the Mnichovo H r a W Graduale (18) is îndetenninable because of the heavy excisions

which it has suffered.

The frequency of tropes is rnostiy quite restrained. Using the example of the Kyrie, most books have

no more than seven tropes. The exceptions are HavffEMv Brod (4) and Lamy (15), botb Paul of

Mèlnik books, and St. Mark's (28), aU of which have a dozen or more. Many of the Glorias are

MinimaUy troped and the Marian Trope is found in ail the documents except Sobotka '1583" (31). St.

Mark's (28) and Mnichovo HradiStl! (18). The iatter manuscript, because of excisions, has no Glorias

whatever .

There are two principal formats for organizing the cornmon of saints. The first is to have a selection

of the full gamut of eucharistie propers (tracts excIuded) for the categories of vigils of apostles,

apodes. martyrs, a single martyr. coniessors, virgins and the BVM. Tracts usualiy appear in fuil on

the day on which they are fim used in the sanctoraie and their location is indicated by rubnc on

subsequent feasts for which they are intended. We see this arrangement in the P h i l graduale of M.

Snipnik (33). SrniSkovw (29). Lobkovic (14), 'Sternberk (32). NK W A 2 1 (20), HavifC!ktiv Brod (4).

Mlada Boleslav (17). Litornefice (12). Sobotka " 1582" (30), and Luuny (15). The other main format

is for the common to contain alleluias and verses only, with the other propers appearing as tracts are

handled in the earlier group. This method is found in Sobotka ' 1583 " (3 1). Mnichovo HradW ( 1 8),

N M W A 25 (24). Pehllimov (26). NK W A 13 (19). Esztergom (1) and St. Mark's (28). Whiie

graduais with only deluias in the common usuaily have the six classes of saints in the order indicated

above, tfiese books are more variable. In Sobotka " 1583 " (3 1) and NM XII A 25 (24). the BVM cornes

first in the common, in NK Vm A 13 (19) ihe categories are men, virgins and the BVM and in

Esztergom (l), evangelists are separate. Pehllimov (26) has a complete set of propers for the BVM and

only alleluias for the rest. Sternberk (32) has a class for single confisson and splits single confessoa

and single martyrs between bishops and others.

Our collection includes three Hussite graduales which were made at the beginning of the Jagiellonian

period or perhaps slightly before and one, NK Xm A Sc (21). from 1494, whose users were possibly

Cistercians. They differ from the previous, iarger group in that they have either a temporale or a

sanctorale which is not Complete. In all other respects, the contents are similar. None have propen

for Hus.

Hradec KrailovC (HK) II A 2 (5), NK XIV A I (22) and NK Xm A Sc (21) are al1 of deluxe quality,

although they have fewer leaves and miniatures. and l e s abundant other decoration than do most of

the Cornplete graduales. The script in HK II A 2 and NK XIV A 1 is a narrower textuaiis formata

without bit* which is earlier than we fiad in Complete gramiales made afier 1490. The similanty in

script, art and liturgicai content of HK II A 2 and NK XIV A 1 is expMned by their scni and

illrmiinator king the same man, Jan Mii& of Hradec Kralov6, who is idemifia by a colophon in each

book. While their eight miniatures are pteasant and carefully executted, they are not of the same

magnificence as seen in iater books anci one wodd have to arimit that MikuS's abilities as an artist were

not much above average. The artist who made NK Xm A Sc was also one of only moderate ability.

Docrmient Folios Contents

Column: (3) Çonfession of the book's users. H: certaidy Hussite; h: probably Hussite; ?: unknown; c: probably Catholic; C: certauily Catholic.

(4) mensions of the leaves are in cm. (5) (Number) of leaves. (6) Elpteriai of the leaves is either pn~:chment or w r . ('7) Number of compleze or partiirl &ries. (8) Number of days in the wctorale, excluding vigils and octave days. (9) Hus's feast &y is or was represented by a ~equence(s) a d o r eucharistie propen. (10) 'Yw indicates that the book bas a selection of Votive masses. (1 1) Number of leaves bised . (12) Number of occasions for which -mes appear in tbe book. "xw indicates that some have been cxcised.





The large books of M W (5 and 22) and the medium-shed NK Xm A 5c are containecl within covers

Name Date C Dim 1 M a K Sa H V Exc Min

(1) (2) (3 (4) (5) (6) O (8) (9) (t0) (11) (12)

LitomëikeCursive ca-1455 H 30x21 226 pap 17 80 - nit ni1

Hrad- KralovC ïï A 2 ca. 1470 H 66x44 307 par 13 33 - - 26 8x

NKXTVA1 1470 H 65x43 290 par 11 26 - 25 8~

N K X m A 5 c 1494 c 42x30 366 par 30 23 - - 2-3 7

of stout boards covered by blind or roll stamping on well-preserved leather. The metal fittings on the

edges. corners and centres of the covers have disappeared. leaving shadows on the leather to mark

their passing. The shadows on the large books iudicate that the metalwork was of the same nature as

we found in the Complete graduales. The sauctorale is quite d c t e d . No more than four of the

apostles are mentioned in any book and the oniy Usual Bohernian Saints are Adalbert m HK II A 2 aiid

NK XTV A 1 and Procop in NK Xm A Sc. The latter book also has an u n d Office Against the

Turks in a second but comemporary hand. There is neither any whisper of Hus nor any votive masses.

Apart from lacunae, the temporales in the books are Complete, having the full apparatus of Sunday

and Lenten masses. The Kyries are s d in n m k r in the MikuS books and are allocated in the

Bohernian M o n to named dates in the churcfi's year. NK X N A 1 has eIeven, four troped. There

are thineen Kyries in HK II A 2. ail untropeci and the first paaial. UnexpectedIy. NK XIV A 1 lacks

the Marian Trope of the Gloria, which HK II A 2 and NK Xm A Sc have. NK Xm A 5c has nine

partially-mted K y r h which are assigeed to days in the church year and twenty-oxte fully noted (four

tmped) whose occasions are only gzdicated in a much later hand. The organization of the common of

saints in bkî HK II A 2 and M( Xm A Sc foîîows the usual pattern f o d in the Complete graduales.

We find a distinction in NK XIV A 1 for non-episcopal confessoa and aiso the inclusion of tracts in

the common, which is not seen elsewhere in this class.

The LitoméSfice book (13) is srnail in size and written in a amiva formata script on paper. It was made

as a rehearsal book for the choirmaster of a d e c d chwh. Its cover consists of boards, covered with

undecorated leather, some of which has faIlen off in time. It had only two small plates on each cover

for dosure sûaps. The propus for a particuiar day u d y include only the introit, tract or aileluia and

offertory . Graduds appear rarely and communions irregularly . There are seventeen Kyries, none

troped. The temporale contains no provisions for weekdays in Lent. The sanctorde has eighty days,

incI~lding four of the Usual Ebhemian Saints. The cornmon of saints has aiieluias only and is organized

in the usual sixfold way, although i d e m rubrics are only present for four of the classes. Most of

the Glorias are Minimaüy troped and the Marian Trope appears.

The production of these documents ceased in the second half of the Jagiellonian era as Complete

graduais, which included the whoIe of the traditional calendar, apparently became more popular.

These books seem to have marked the occasions for their sponsors and, to a iesser extent their scn'bes,

to cut loose from the accustomcd forms and to give their individuality free play. The r d t could be

disorderly. The crcativay of Utraquist and Roman Catholic scribes, when released of their accustomed

fealty to the paradigm of the Catholic graduai, flowed in markedly different channek. The fim four

books in the table below are Roman Catholic and the iast six are Utraquist. Within these two groups,

the documents are organized by &te.

The contents of the Roman Catholic book fiom Zittau (35) and the Hussite Kuttenberg Kanciod (10)

are similar in f o m to the two previous classes of graduaies. The Merence is that only the moa

important &ys of the temporale and sanctorale are included. As a result, they have fewer leaves than

the Complete graduaies. In the case of the other five Hussite books, a section of Chciones (hymns)

and another of Cann'lene (motets) are added. The additions are quite sizeable in terms of the number

of leaves and, in the graduaies of Ku- Hora ami of Martin of Vyslqtd, are much larger in extent

than the core of conventional graduai materiai. The songs in the supp1ementary materhi hquently are

ordered to foilow the Iiturgical year. Songs for the Virgin are a major interest, particularly in the

Advent season. The Hussite books which are later than 1510, iike the Complete graduales, foUow the

pattern of having propers including sequences for the Feast of the Bohemian Martyrs.

Whereas Utraquists, when they departed fiom the traditional liturgy, broke out into song, the Roman

Catholic Bohemians interested themselves in Marian devotions. The format of the resulting books is

usually an initiai section wih the ordinary of the mass (usually without Credo, which appears later in

the book), foilowed by the moa important days of the temporale, a sanctorale which has largely been

taken over by Marian and related (e. g. Anne) feasts in the caiendar and by votives of the Virgin in

different seasons (the Virgin in Advent, Paschaitide and the like). The sequenciary is sornetimes a

separate entiy and at othea, the sequences appear with the other mass propen. The arrangement of

occasions relative to the liturgical year can be quite disorderly.

The Kzutenberg Kanciondl(10) is a rnagnificent book, of the same size and script as Smi"Skovsw and

the same hi& artistic attainmet which inchdes weU-executed miniaaues in initiais, border decotacion

and captivating drolleries. The script is a handsome textualis formata. Most art historians credit the

work to Matthew, the Uuminator of SmiSkovsk$, although intemal evidence would suggest that

Matthew had died before Kuttenberg was made. The book has propers for the most important days in

the temporale and sanctorale as well as a set of feria1 offices for Septuagesima. which presumably were

used through the end of Lent. The Kyriale is ordered in the usual Bohemian mamer and begins with

thirty-seven Kyries, twenty-five of which are troped. In addition to a number of Minimally-wped

Glorias we find the Marian Trope and another highly-troped Gloria. There is no common of saints. A

sequenciary foiiows the propers. The original avers of the book have disappeared. Eucharistie propers

and a sequence for Hus have been exciseci.

The contents of the Zi#au Gra/lrrnie (35) are similar to Kuttenberg but the book bas in addition a

common of saints. The organization of the KyriaIe is not apparent because of a lack of rubrics. Of its

sevesteen Kyries, four are tropeci. The Marian Trope of the Gloria appears and most of the other full

Glorias are M M y troped. In the samtorale, most days do not have a fidi set of propers and it must

have been intended that those mWhg wouid be suppiied fiom the common. The lack of rubrics makes

the sanctorale is a challenge to interpret. Three Bohemian saints are included as weli as the Silesian,

Hedwig. The decoration on the leather cover and the bras firtings is simple in design. The script is

textualis formata and the decoration is in the style of Janifek Zmilely of PiFek, who was probably h

illuminator .


2 ISpFranciranGr. 1507 C 60x41 208 par 10 5 ni1 ni1

5 FpÜos Contents

1512 c 54x40 217 par 18 25 - ni1 16


25 1 Plzeii Gr. of Melmilc 1527 C 59x40 339 par 38 14 - 13 3x

Name Date C Dim # M a K Sa H M Exc Min (1) (2) 0) 4 (5) (6) O (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

Juidfichfiv Hradec 1491 C 48x33 174 par 20 13 - -24 2

16 Gr.MartinVyskytn4 1512 I H 58x42 383 pap 43 29 ps R 5 ni1

10 Kuaenberg Kancion. 1509-16 H 68x45 252 par 37 28 ps I - 7 24

8 ( K d Hoin Gnduaie 15W30 H 31x21 399 pop 23 1 s d 3 ni1

27 st. casniius* Grad. I 1505-37 H 31x21 342 36 28 PS A 8 4

6 ( Chndim Gradde 1530 H 59x39 344 par 38 21 ps A 14 14

Colurnn: (3) Çonfession of the book's users. H: ctrtainly Hussite; c: pmbably Catholic; C: certainly Catholic. (4) mens ions of the leaves are in cm. (5) jf (Number) of leavcs. (6) &terial of the laves is eiîher oprchmeni or B r . (7) Number of complete or parthi mes. (8) Number of days in the &nctoraic, utcluding vigils and octave &YS. (9) Hus's feast day is or was rcpresented by a gequenct(s) andtor archanstI . .

c nropc=- (10) Music. ) : There arc hymns; II: There arc hymns and m o m . (1 1) Number of l a v e s Mi. " '" means 'approximately ". (12) Number of occasions for wbich m e s appear m the book. 'x" indicates that wme have been exciseci.

The other Catholic Festal graduaies are ail big books whose covea consist(ed) of leather-coverd

boards with brass fittings on the corners and in the centres. The metaiwork of the Speciui Franckm

Gradunle (2) has disappeared. The leather of IMchdv Hrcldec (7) and of the PlZed GrNitrnIe of

M e M (25) is decorated, whüe that of the Frmcisicaa book is plain. The script of Jindficbiiv Hradec

is textualis hybrida, that of Melnik is texnialis formata, and that of the Franciscan book is textualis

formata romda. The evidence of this book and of Stemberk would suggest that Franciscans had an

afbity for the rotunda script.

The elements of these books consist of an ordinary including one or more creeds, a temporale which

includes only five to seven principal days, a sanctorale consisting mostly of feasts of the Virgin and a

common for the Virgin. The ordinary of the Franciscan book (2) is organized by class of feast. Only

one of the Kyries is troped. Most of the twenty Kyries (four troped) in Jindfichfiv Hradec which are

assigned are for Our Lady. Of the thirry-eight Kyries (twenty-seven troped) in the Plzeil Graduale of

M e l a , most are assigneci in Bohemian fashion, the majority to the days of the temporale. AU three

books have the Marian Trope of the Gloria. The Special Franciscan Graduale has a sequenciary of about

forty leaves in the middIe for the temporale, the virgin and St. Francis. The Jincifichiiv Hradec Graduale

has eighteen leaves of sequences for Our Lady slightly after the middle of the volume. It also has

thirteen leaves of hymns for Our Lady. Paul: of Mtkfk (25) inciudes one or more sequences with each

set of proper antiphons. The sanctorale of the Special Franciscan Graduale bas. in addition to various

Marian occasions, one mass for St. Michael and one for the Stigmatization of Francis. Jindnchfiv

Hradec has a non-Marian component of the passion and translation of Wenceslas and Al1 Saints' Day.

The sanctarale of the P M Graduale of Melr3r has eleven &YS, only six related to Mary. It should be

noted that its large number of leaves may exaggerate one's expectations for its contents, since there are

only seven lines of music and ten on a page. AU three sources have commons for the Virgin. The

arrangement of the Special Franciscan book is a n d o u s , consisting of the ordinary. sanctoraie, Church

Dedication Festival, Requiem mas, sepuences, temporale and the Stigmatization of Francis. The

commons in al1 three books relate only to the Vugin.

ne Utraquist Fronusrh, (3) and M m (6) graduales are both large, deluxe editions with many

miniatures. Their creators, JmCCek Zmileiy of Hsek and Jan Taborsw, were both prolific artûu, many

of whose other works have also survived. The coven of both are sairdy and attractive. consisting of

decoraîed leather over boards with cast bras cenaal bosses and corner pieces and a sheet brass frame

around the outside. The fiame of F d is elaborateiy chased and makes provision for no fewer than

four closwe straps.

These two books star& with an ordinary, which is somewhat more embroidered with troping than

average. FranUSÙv and Chrudim have thixty-nine and thiay-eight Kyies, twenty-one and eighteen of

which are wped. The incidence of troped Kyries exceeds all but one of the Complete graduales and

probably reflects the desire of the musicians for which they were made to give full play to their

vimtosity. They are ordered in the usual Bohemian fashion. Both bave the Marian Trope of the Gloria.

A collection of Advent antiphonJ6 and a m a s for Our Lady in Advent follows the ordinary. Generally,

Franusiiv does not carry a fuil set of propers. The two most Likely to be omitted are the gradual and the

communion although the scribe was generally inconsistent. Both books have propen for the principal

feasts of the temporaie, the Dedication Festival and the Virgin in Advent. FranUSUv has in addition

Easter Week and Lancea Domini. It has seventeen saints' days whiie Chrudim has twenty-one. The

arrangement of the days in F r a n d v is somewhat irregular, not well foliowing the normal order.

I g n o ~ g the work of a second hand, it has commons only for confessors and the Virgin and a requiem

mass lackiag a tract and a communion. n i e common of Chnidim lacks only vigils of the apostles to be

Complete. It bas a Iong passage in Czech following the tract in each of the two requiem masses. The

books have a number of votive masses, iirnited in Franmv but occupying Meen folios in Chrudim.

The sequenciaries have ninetyeight and seventy-tbree sequences respectively for occasions in the

temporale, sanctorale and common. The hyrnns and motets have a section for the Virgin in Advent

followed by settings for the Liturgical year. The hymnary in F r a n ~ v has a supplementary section of

Marian hymns at the end. The book has 135 hymns and sixty-eight motets of which seven and two are

in Czech. The rest are in latin. Only five of the seventy-three hymns in Chnxdim are in Czech. Al1 of

its thirty-three polyphonie pieces are in Latin.

The contents of the remaining Hussite Festai graduales are similar to the two just discussed but with

such Merences in emphases and ordering that it is diffidt to treat them other than individually. There

are two principal han& each using textualis hybrida in the Graduale of Manin of hskyina (16). Its

boards are covered with roll-stamped leather and were reinforced with cast bras cornerpieces, of which

only three, all on the front cover, remain. The fim section is the ordinary beginning with seventeen

partial Cr& (some troped and some polyphonic). Kyries are ailocated to days in the common,

temporaie and sanctorale. A majority (twenty-four) of the forty-three Kyries are troped as are eight

(including the Marian Trope) of the thirteen Glorias. Umisually, no seaings for the Agnus Dei are

@en. The next section is a umnnon for the V ï in Advem incIudhg antiphons, an introit, graduals

and many alleluias, sequences (thirty-one) and hymm (seventy-four). The hymns are in ahost

alphabetid order by incipit and are aIl in Latin. They occupy ninety-five leaves. The next section of

seventy-two hymm is for days in the intercaiated temporaie and sanctoraie. AU but one are in Latin. The

eucharistic commons for the combined temporale and sanctorale which follow include a sequence for

each day but oniy ocwionally a gradua1 and a communion but once. There is no requiem mas. The

forty (five in Czech) motets at the end follow the Liturgical year. W e it has only modest decoration,

the book is carefuIly planned and the script is neat.

The K M Hora Griuale (8) is a little book which, because of the sxnali size of its script, could scarce

have been used by more than three choristers. Two pieces of the rokstamped leather which covers its

boards have wom or been tom away. The sheet brass cornerpieces (five original ones remain. three

have been replaced recently by simple modem ones) and central bosses have decorative incisions and

engraving. Three pages, probably having to do with Hus, have been excised. The script of the main

hand is cursiva formata with elements of hybrida. The orduiary follows the dozen Marian antiphons

usuaUy found in Hussite Festal graduales. The Kyries are aiiocated to days E the Linirgical calendar and

sixteen are troped. The Kyrie foliowing the rubric (f. 1%) Umrthk Magistri iobamiis hus gloriosi" has

been excised. A less than fidl set of eucharistic propers foliow for the seven most important days of the

temporale and three Marian occasions. They occupy oniy thirteen leaves. Approximately 327 hymns

and motets appear in the order of the liturgical y=. About a score are in Czech and several score are

polyphonic. The excised leaf following f. 288 probably had a hymn for Hus. Twenty-three Marian

hymns in a second hand come next, foilowed by a doren leaves of alleluias for the vugin. The last

section of the book contains sequences for the temporale and for the Vugin.

St. Castulus's Graduale (27) is the only known gradual probably made in the Jagiellonian era and

certainly intended to be used by a church in Prague. The text of that part of a sequence for Hus which

has not been excised has been heavily inked over. It can be identifieci by the musical notes which remain

unobliterated. The boards of the book were recovered with new leather in 1978 and the SUrYiving

remnants of the original leather were pasted on top of it. Lie the Ku& Hora Graduale, its small size

would seem to preclude simuitaneous use by more than t h e or four choristers. The script is cursiva

formata with a tendency to hybrida. On a number of leaves, many of the ascenders lack loops. Most

of the thirty-six Kyries (twenîy-one aoped) are assigned to specific occasions. nie Marian Trope ocnirs

among the nine Glorias, most of which are Mmmially troped. The Advent section contains twelve

amiphons, eucharistie propers for each &y of a week (which wnsist of a Kyrie, gndual, dieluia and

a piece of Marian prose) and a set of eight seqwnces. It continues with fifty-six hymns for Our Lady.

tiuee of which are in Czech. The twenty-three motets which follow (nine in Czech) ConCern the Lord's

nativity. The propen of the temporale, with which those of the sanctorale have been intercdated,

include, in addition to the seven major days, Stephen, John the Evangelist, Sundays in Lent. Lancea

Domini and the Dedication Festival. The sanctorale includes three of the Usual Bohemians in addition

to Hus. The days represented in the sequenciary which ends the book closely minor those in the


Three missals survive that were made for Hussite use (documents 9, 11, and 23). NM N B 6 (23)

probably antedates the Iagiellonian period, but has some interesthg characteristics. The Kuma Hora and

Ledef misslas (9 and 11) were made by the same scr i i , Jan of Humpolec, in 1486 and 1493. Not

surprisingly, they are very similar apart from where Ieaves are missing. NM XV A 5 (34) is Roman

Catholic and was selected because it was made for parish use in 1487, roughly the same time as the

Hussite miss&. The question is whether any significanî differences exist beîween the Roman and

Hussite missais.

The oldest book (MW IV B 6) was probably made ca. 1450. Its paper leaves have an a p p r o h t e size

of 26 x 15 cm. It has a new cardboard cover and the leaves are in bad condition. The ink has etched

through the paper, in many cases causing hgments of paper to have broken away from the leaves. An

unsucmdbi restoration effort which probably occurred almost 100 years ago involved pasting pieces

of originally transparent paper on one side of the leaves. The transparency has since dirninished with

the result that one side of each folio is barely legible. The arrangement of the book is chaotic, with a

chimk of days from the sanctode foliowing a number of days fiom the temporaie. Within each ch-,

the order of days is correct. However the order of the chunks themselves does not foilow the liturgical

year- An examination of the book indicates that it was reaily wriaen this way. The temporale bas the

principal feu&. aii the Sundays for the year. the Dedication Festival, Easter week, the thm feast days

afrer Chrismias and the first two ferias after Pentecost. The sanctorde has thirty-three days. excluàing

vigils. and includes the Bobemians Vitus. Rocop, Wenceslas and Ludmilla. but not Hus. There ïs no

provision of masses for Wednesdays ami Fridays. Each day in the book has an epistie and gospel in

Ctech and. in Latin, an introit, graduai, aileluia or tract, offertory and communion as weU as the

prayers: coliect of the day, secret and ad complenda. Some days have a sequence. The lections are

mostly the same as those found in the Missaie R O ~ . The prayen and antiphons are aiso generaiiy

the same as the Missde Romanm, with the principal exceptions of Trinity 1 and the deluias after

Trinity Sunday. The alleluias for the Sundays after Trinity are those used in the Complete Bohemian

graduales rather than those in the Missale Rornanwn. There is no ordinary of the mass and no canon.

Two requiem masses and five votive masses appear. No sequenciary or common of saints is present.

The three other missals, K&z& Horu (9). LedeC(11). and MU XVA 5 (34 - the Pl- Missal of Vitm

the Draper) are ali from the period 14864493 and are in most respects very simila.. The fact that the

users of the first two were Hussite and of the third, Catholic, has left no obvious traces in the books.

One can speculate as to whether or not whatever inconsequential differences there are arise from the

different confessions of the users or from the personal idiosyncrasies of the two s c n i Jan of HumpoIec

(Ku& Hora and LdeQ and Peter of Prague (NM XV A 5). The size of the leaves in the Kutd Hom

book is 42 x 30 cm. Ledef is about 2 cm. larger in each dimension and book N M XV A 5 is 2 cm.

smaller. They ali have a cursiva formaîa script writîen on parchmet f o k . The text is arranged in two

columns on the page. The mvers are in aU cases leatber (now much deterioratecl) over boards. They

aii had sheet bras diamonci-shaped cornerpieces and a cenaal boss (square in the case of Ledef ad NM

XV A 5). Those on Kutd Hora have disappeared whiie those on Led& and NM XV A 5 remain and

are each of the same design. The books are modelately enhanced by mark, having seven (KutnA

Hora). nine (Ledet) and eighteen (NM XV A 5) decorated mitials and one. su and four mmiahirrs. The

reason that Kutn6 Hora has fewer decorated and Uustrated initiais is that the six principal feasts of the

n~obert Lippe. cd., M i s d e Ronumum McdioImY 1474, Vol. 1. (London. Henry Bradshaw Society, Vol. XW, 1 899).

temporale have been excised. The m8iiaaires are simple and pleasant enough, although their artists were

not arnong the greatest of their age.

The three books are very similar in content and identicai in their general ordering.

1. The calendais, the fïrst elements of the books, are very full. There is one page for each month,

except for 9, whose first two leaves (Jan. - Apr.) are missing.

2. The fini section of the tempoale covers Advent 1 through Corpus Christi. It includes alI Sundays,

the principai f m , aii week days in Lent and in the weeb afkr Easter and Pentecost, Wednesdays and

Fridays in other weeh, the saints' days of the week after Chrismias, thrre sets of Ember Days and

Lancea Domini. The leaves with the six chief feast days (except Epiphany) and a few othen have been

excised from K u t d Hora and Ledet is rnissing everything up to the middle of Sepmagesima.

3. The ordmarp has the Gloria and the Creed but no Kyrie. It is followed by proper prefaces and the

canon. ùitnguingly, afkr the rubric commmicans &, a formula for the a m o n of communion

under both kinds to other than the celebrant appears in the three books, including NM XV A 5 (34 , the

book from Plzefi, as it had in =lier missals". It does not appear in the printed Prague missals from

Pizen (1479), Bamberg (1489), Leipzig (1498), Nuremberg (1503), Venice (1507) and Leipzig (1 522)

or in the 1474 Missale R o m u n from Milan. Since Pizeii was a bastion of ~atholicism~~, the

appearance of a fonda for adrninistering communion under both kinds after the Utraquist controversy

is unexpected. Any explanation wouid be pure specdation.

4. The second part of the temporaie has 24 Sundays after Trinity foliowed by the September Ember

Days and the dedication of the church and of one aitar. Part of Ember Saturday and the Dedication

Festival have beea excised in Ledet.

5. The sanctorale in each is extensive and provides for about one half of the occasions in their

calendars. A11 include the Usual Bohemian Saints with days for the passion and the translations of

Wenceslas and Ludmilla. They all have Mary of the Snows and the Transfiguration. The Ph& book

lacks the Resentation. There is no day for Hus. F a t s which, compared to the Roman or Bohemian

calendar (as seen in the graduales), are unexpected include:

Decernber 17 (prob.): n i e Raising of Lazarus. In Kutna Hora and Ladd onty , but not in their


3 8 ~ o r example, Prague Narodni lmihovna XII A 1. said to k fourteenth century. 39~onceming the reputation of Plzdi as a bastion of Cathoiicism, refer to the section 'Hhory - usen* in document 33.

January 2 & 8: First and Second Translation of Relics (which are absent in the calendar

of NM XV A 5).

April25: The Greater Litany (NM XV A 5)

May 28: Bridget

June 22: The 10,000 Martyrs

August 25: The Translation of Adalbert (but not in the calendius of the Humpolec books)

September 9: CuneguIld (not shown in the caiendar in NM XV A 5)

ûctober 15: Hedwig (The position of the propers is nght for October 15 in book NM XV

A 5. However the day is show in the cale& as August 25.)

6. The cornmon of saints in all the books includes the classes of apodes, martyrs, a single maayr,

codessors and bishops and virgh. None bas a section for the V i r a , but there are such propers among

the votive masses. NM XV A 5 has the additional classes of one confesser and elect widows (cf. 1 Ti..

5: 3-16).

7. Al1 the missais have an extensive collection of votive masses which includes two requiem masses.

8. The sequenciaries of these sources ail cover more than two score of occasions in intercaiated

temporales and sanaorales. They ai l appear to be misshg some leaves at the end where one would have

expected sequences for the complete cornmm of saints. Ku& Hora ends with common sequences which

include apostles, evangelists and a srnail part of a sequence for martyrs; NM XV A 5 with apostles,

martyrs, one martyr and part of a sequence for confessors; LedeC with sequences for the Virgin only.

The difference between Kuaia Hora and LedeC is remarkable because they were written by the same




The obvious prese~vation problem which is noted on many occasions in the document inventories which

follow is that many whole pages or miniatures have been exciseci from the books. We know that a

m b e r of these depredations OC CUIT^^ in the name of docainal punty during the counter-reformaiion.

The losses incurred in this way are particularly vexatious when our interest is in those liturgical

ciifferences which are characteristicaily Utraqyist. We are lefi with the cornfort that the position of the

excisions can usudy be relieci on to tell us whether the excisions were made for this reason. By far the

greater niunber of folios, however, seems to have been lost because of art collectors of a rather

philistine disposition who were uriconcemed about desîroying the un@ of important works of art. Thne

particularly grievous examples are the graduales of Pehüimov and Mnichovo H r a W and the beautiful

Lobkovic Graduaie. The fim of these books, to our howledge, has never left the t o m for which it was

made and the Iosses were probably at the han& of local citizens. The missing folios of the Lobkovic

Graduale are particularly distressing in that the book is of the greatest artistic ment. We know tbat it

was part of the Iibrary of the princely Lobkovic fnmily in Prague during the nineteenth century." It

seems a reasonable speculation that the family itself would not be the guiity Party. If one is the owner

of a great work of art. why wouid he spoil it by cutting out pages? A good instance of how ownership

of a book by a royal or noble farniIy has ensured the integrity of important documents is the preservation

intact in the Ambras collection of the Stemberk (ONB 15493 and 15494 - doc. 32) and Smigkovslqf

(ONB 15492 - doc. 29) Graduales. The mer bas a Hussite secpence which would likely have perished

had the book not been under the protection of the Habsburg farnily.

Ownenhip by a powerhil faxnily, however, was not a necessary condition for a book to s w i v e free of

vandalism. One can think of the books kept in Hradec KAové (made ca. 1470 and 1505), Litornaice

(1517) and Louny (1530). dl of which are important artistic works, and none of which has l o s any

leaves, despite the presence in the books from the laîier two t o m of contents which the counter-

-1 ~hytil. liivoj- . . malLiSnl &&&Q za daby krdlrf mdujagebnrkého me Pro- of hh- Miniatwist Painting in the Era of thc Jagiciionian Kings), (Prague, 18%). p. 29.

refomen would have fouod tendedous. Perhaps their d e t y came about because the sense of pride

of a close-knit community in local ariistic t r e a ~ u ~ e s made it unthinkable to do them violence.

Of course. probably the most serious losses were of & books that we now lmow nothmg about. The

point has been made earlier that oniy one document has d v e d which was certainly made in Prague

itseif during the Jagieiionian period (NK VI B 24). It seems m i d y miprobable that no others were

made. One has only to glance at &mWs list of twenty-five columns of the painters and illuminators of

Jagieilonian Prague to becorne convinced that so many people (among whom were Meen iiiimiioators

and forty other painters) would have produced a substamial artistic output, very little of which is

extant." Of course this list, because of the sources on which it relied, was incomplete. One can think

of the example of Paul of MeMc whose carrer exrended from at least 1506 to 1530. His property

holdings, which Smiak details, indicate that he was affluent. but only three of his works survive. There

must have been others. since it is improbable that Paul could have amassed the assets that he owned on

the strength of just three books.

How was this artistic inventory disperseci? Chytil gives us the information that there were in the

nineteenth ceaniry three graduals in the library of the Franciscan monastery of St. Mary of the Snows

in Prague which were made in the y e m 1494. 1496 and 1499. One can infer that these were not al1

made for the monastery's use. since why would it commission three g r a d d over a span of five years?

The 1494 book was sold abroad in the 1850s and its cwrent whereabouts are unknown. The remaining

two volumes came to be a part of the Hamilton collection of the Royal Library in Berlin4' and the 1496

one was sold at auction by Sotheby's in 1889. It was bought on behalf of a Strassburg dealer by Bernard

Quaritch of London and has since disappeared. The book now found in St. Mark's Library in the

General Theological Semioary in New York City suggests &ai other books. like it. may have left

Bohemia before the resurgence of interest in Bohemian history in the second half of the nineteenth

cenmry. It has never been descnibed by any Czech writer. The book was the property of an American

coilector. Mer his death about 50 years ago, his widow showed the book to an Episcopal priest, who

suggested domting it to the library of the GTS. By chance. t attracted the attention of Thomas Tailey

"1. V. &n&, "Zpdvy O miilMch a illiimmarorcch -ch Qby jageilonské 1471 - 1526" (Information about Prague Painters and Illuminators in the Jagicllonian Era 1471 - 1526), Pansdrky o~chcre~logickt? a misropisne, XVIII (1898-9). cols. 457484. %ytil, moi, p. 41.

who published a paper about it in the ~emioary's journal.o L is a reasonable surmise chat other books

have disappeared similariy, Ieaving w trace, but did aot by chance r e m to the public domain as did

the New York graduale. Books kept in Prague were probably more prone to find their way into the

bands of private collectors because, king in the capital city- they were more readily accessible to



We are fortuoate in having some knowledge of many of the scnbes and illuminators who were

responsible for the books which were made in the Jagielionian era. The details of their lives and work

seemed best covered in the descriptions of their manuscripts. However, it aIso is helpful to bring

together an overview of the artists who were active at this the , a description of their accompIishments

and an identification of some of the interrelationships within the artistic community of the tirne.

One of the earIiest of this company was Jan Mthrt of Hradec Kralovt5. Before he began his career as a

scriie and illuminator, he studied at the Charles University and was awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree

on April 23, 1461 Soon after, he returned to Hradec KralovC and made a graduai (HK II A 2 - document 3) to be used in the tom's Church of the Holy Spirit. About three years later, he produced

the summer and winter parts of a mm-volume antiphonary (HK II A 3 and HK II A 4) for the same

c h ~ r c h . ~ The town was proud of the work of its native son and supporced him while he made books for

chwches of other towns. One such was a graduai which he made for the church of St. Bartholomew in

Kolin in 1470 (NK XTV A 1 - document 22). In it, he identifies himself as b t h the scnie and the

illuminator.' The decoration of the two graduais by M i h 3 are the same, except for small variations.

Valentin Noh of Jindfichfiv Hradec was a contemporary of Mil&. The style of the two artists was

%ornas I. TaIley. 'A Hussite Latin Gramial of the XV Cenîury', Bulletin ofthe Gmrral ?ncological Sm*Koy. 48 (1%2), p ~ . 2-8.

V. 'Zpdvy O maüffch a iUUmmatntech pratdSeh doby jagellonské 147 1 - 1526' (Information about Prague Painters and ! l i ~ o r s in the Jagieiionian Era 1471 - 1526), Pm&y archaeologickt! a nifsropisné, XVIlI (189&9), col. 464. %e speaks of his activity in a poem at the end of HIC II A 2 (f. 317~). %e book is NK XIV A 1 and he tells about his d e m creating the book and its date in a poem on f. Ir.

similar and a number of the illustrations which Noh used were the same. His famous work is the so-

d e d Kutnohors~ Kanciod (in fan an antiphonary - NK XXIII A 2) which was made in 1471. The

fkontispiece to his book shows the daily He of Kirnia Hora. % depicts miners worhiig underground, the

activities and buildings on the surface and, at the top of the pictue, a group portrait of the mine

supervisors whose names arr written on nibons. This painting was almost cenainly the inspiration for

the comparable, but more sophisticated work, which is f o d m the Kutteaberg Kanciod (ONB 15501 - document 10). His other innovation was the Jesse m e which appears in a number of the later books.

Noh's small initiais, imWce those of MikuS, haû amiderable background decoration. We know

somethmg about his persona1 He. On May 21, 1477 he and his wife Marra obtained the right to live in

Prague and he purchased a house for 35 kop. gr. from Oadftj Roysa. In was located on PIatnéfsM ulice

in the parish of St. Mary on the Pond. He was stiU living in 1481, but by Febntacy 1487, he had died?

There is no idonnation about where he was üving at the tirne he made his famous antiphonary. It was

presumably somewhere other than Prague where he was admitted as a resident only in 1477. It seems

likely that earlier he had lived in KutnA Hom.

We corne to know of three s c n i in the next decade. Jm ofHiunpolec made the Kutna Hora and Lede

missais (documents 9 and 11) in 1486 and 1493, Peter of Prague the Plzeii Missal of Vitus the Draper

(NM XV A 5 - document 34) in 1487 and Jan of Rakovnik the Pehtfimov Graduale (document 26) in

1493. It is a pity that we have no knowledge of the personal circumstances of any of these scribes,

including their places of residence.

Mmthew die iZiunzinufur was the artist who cfeated the ma@ceat SmfSkovse Graduale (document 29)

in 1490 and 1491. Matthew was arguably the greatest illuminator of his age. Hip minisaires, while king

simple and uncluttered, are exaemely rich in colour. His rendering of faces is skilful and redistic. Of

special note is his fiomispiece, a beautifid picture of the Virgin holding her child and surrotmded by a

Gothic m e . It is reminiscent of Schôngauer's Virgin before a Rose Bush. His figure of Mary kneeling

before her child in the miniature for Chrismias is particuiarly strikhg. The draping of her rich gown of

dark blue and gold is executed magnificently. In addition to the exquisite miniatures, he decorates most

of his minor initialç. Inside arr grotesque fiowning and grinnhg fafes and often figures beside or on top.

There are miners perfomiing different tasks, fmt soldiers and cavalrymen, angels, singen, skeletons

and devils. There is also a wealth of marginal illustrations done in a wash paint for the days in the

L>bniik, 'Zpr&vyn. col. 482.

sequenciary. The detailed lmowledge of mining rnatters mat Matthew drew on in doing the art work in

the book makes it highly probabIe that he ïived for some time in KutnA Hom. However, there is no

wriüen record of his having done so. There is information about hmi m Prague, both in the city archive

and in the land title books of the provincial registry office. On April 19. 1494, he bought a house on

the old coal market in Prague fiom Jan Zajitek for 57% kop. gr. His wife Magdalena. a substantial

burgess and daughter of Erasrnus of ~~ a courtier of Henry, M e of Münsterberg, inherited the

vineyard called Kantorek which she sold to her brother Jan on February 11, 1495 for the considerable

s u . of 100 kop. gr. On September 17, 1495 Matthew and Magdalena converted theu property tities

to joint tenancies. Magdalena is referred to in an inscription in the city records on January 11, 1496 as

"relicta o l h Mathei illuminat~ris".~ In other words, Maahew died in the Iast quarter of 1495.

Four of the books iIiustrated by Jd&k Zmilew of ï%ek survive. They are the FranUSUv (document 3).

MladA Boleslav (17). Estergom (1) and Zittau (35) graduais. The reason for believing that the same

Uuminator iiiustrated all four is the simiianty of the m o r k . Since the opinions of various art historians

supporting this conclusion are descn'bed in the document descriptions, they need not be reiterated here.

We know the identity of the illu-tor because of an inscription on f. 201r of Mlada Bolesiav above

a small depiction of a youth with curlly shoulder-Iength hair found k i d e a minor initiai. The scribes of

Franusüv and Mlada Boleslav are Wrely the same, since the script is close to identicai. Whether the

Uustrator acted as s c n i for these two books is possible but uncertain. There were two different s c n i

for Esztergom and Zittau, neither the same as for Frandv and M l a a Boleslav. The illustrations are

fresh. youthful and pleasant, but do not show great originaiity. We fïnd human and anenal figures within

and arowid minor initiais, some redistic and others frowning or grotesque. The artist is especially

successful in his depictions of children and youths which are pleasant and c h d g . brimming with

health and vigour. When he renders the face of an old man without faciai hair. he retains the type of a

chiid, adding in wrinkles on the cheeks and forehead and perhaps a aift of hair above the forehead to

deviate what wouId otherwise be a bald head. Lips for wornen are charactensed by a red dot for the

upper lip and another red dot for the lower one. Men usually have ody a red dot on the lower lip. SÎnce

there are no archival records of JaniEek which have been found, the places where these books were made

are unknown.

fim. 'Zpr6vym. col. 472 and Chyiil, mj. p. 12.

The stemberk Graduale (32) wes made by Jacob of Olomouc m Bechyne. He used the word 'fecitw.

This inscription. or an equivaient variant. appears four tmies in the second volume, three times in

&buses anci a fourth t h e in a nibon within an initial. He also identifies himself twice in volume 1.

The precise words of the inscriptions and the folios on which they are found in the document description.

It seems ceriain that Jacob was the illuminator. aIthough he might a h have been the scribe. Despite the

inordinate amount of self-advertisement, Jacob rmist have ken a member of the Franciscan house in the

tom. The traditionai Franciscan preface. which prohibits the copying of manuscripts by the Iaity and

which is copied on f. Ir of volume 1, would make no sense unles the scnbe was a religious. The

minianues, while benenting from a hvish use of gold Ieaf, are simpler in composition than those of

Maabew and JaniEek. The elongated faces look somewhat Byzantine. He does not decorate his minor

initiais, and the ody fnvolity which he introcluces are three small marginal figures of bean playing


P u 1 of Melnik's name appears in inscriptions in three books produced over a period of 26 years:

HavWch Brod (document 4). 1506; the Plzeil Graduale of Melrifk (23, 1527 and the Louny Graduale

(15)' 1532. He reports his role only in the Louny book, in which he cails himself the a@=. We can

assume that he was certainly the iliuminator and probably also the scribe, in <bat the hand in aii the

books is the same. It is possible, but unlikely, that he empioyed the same scn'be for twenty-six years.

His books were probably produced in Prague. where Paul lived fiom 1492 umil his death in 1533. Paul

was the choirnian's scribe since, in his last two books. he provided a large interlinear space for

legibility. Paul is especialiy helpfui to us in that a great deal of information about the life he Ied is

avaiiable. It tells us not oniy about him, but aiso about the affairs of the Prague guild of illuminators and

painters of his time.

In 1492 he purchased the house in the Karlova ulice of the Old Town of Rague called u hmiilü. In 1503

and 1506 Paul loaned to Marta, widow of Valenîin Noh, a total of 35 kop. gr. on the security of the

house which her husband had left her on the P l a t n ~ ~ ulice. He sold his own house to Viclav TonSi

on March 28, 1506 for 42% kop. gr. Perhaps he moved to HavlIEkGv Brod to work on the document

he made for its church. Manha died before April25. 15 13. when Melnik assurnecl possession of her

house in satisfaction of the amount owed to hi~n.'~

49~imdir. "Zpr&ym, col. 482 and Chytiï. W o j . p. 33.

Paul was active in his traâe before his work in Havlitlriiv Brod, since there are records of a setelement

in 15û5 betweai him, the gold beaar Jan hnbersw and Michael. a painter of Kutmi Hora. in which

Michael ended up owiag 26% kop. gr. to Melnfk. In 1511, probably actiug on behalf to the artists'

guild, he arbiirated a dispute between the mastea S h o n and (probably the same) ~ i c h a e l . ~ Paul was

a cburch c.fficia.1 in 1421 and h m 1518 to 1528 took part in the adminisaati . . 'on of Prague's OId Town

as a representative nwi the quarter of the parish of St. ~ikula1:.~'

Durhg this period, Paul's sister VoriMa married Vklav Freser, a neighbour on the Piaméfska uiice.

Paul provided a generous dowry and in 1422 loaned about 7 kop. gr. to Freser and then a M e r 21.

Freser proved to be a cruel and violent h u s b d . Despite several aaempts at reconciliation, Voriiiia lefi

ber husband who denied her any part of their joint belongings. Paul in 1526 bought a new house for his

sister and himceif near the Tjh Church at a cost of 125 kop. gr., 35 as a d o m payment and a further

90 in mual installmentr of 13 kop. gr. to be paid over the foUowing six years. The 1s t regular annual

payment was made in 1532,leaWig 25 kop. gr. owing. This was paid when Paul's WU, dated August

1, 1533, was presented to the city council for probate on November 10, 1533. He left his two houses

(the curent one and the one on Phû&sk& uiice), chattek and a garden in the Mal4 Strana to his sister.

She was to use the proceeds of the sale of their former house to pay the amount still owing on the new

one and to make gifts to his cousin Lucimilla and to his semant. He was owed 33 kopy by Michael.

Michael was asked to discharge the debt by restoring a painting on the wall in the chape1 of the artists'

guild in the church of St Mary T@ and to apply any remainder to repairiog the chapel's altar window.*

The pictue, then, that we have of Paul that is of an adive member of Prague's &tic col~llllwilty who

was moderately well off and who was subject to a nomial measure of domestic vicissitudes. He was a

good, worknanWre artist who made a pleasant use of colours, painteci human faces weU and

incorporated a few new i d w into his illustrations. While he provided amactive backgrounds for his

minor initiais, he did not use the cartoons and hirmen and animai figures of which Matthew and Jadtek

were masters.

Jm TbborSRji DfMokor~kd Hom was a remwned scn'be and iiiuminator, a remarkable mrmbtr of whose

%lytil, lyuoj, p. 33. " f ima~, 'Zptdvy " , col. 482 aed Ch*, mj, p. 33. Rhdk, "Zpdvy", col. 482 and Chytii. mj, p. 33.

works have survived. He was the amst who made the Chndim Graduale (6) in 1530. His large m b e r

of other works are all later than our period. His only other enant Latin graduaie is that of Klatovy

(1537)? His Czech graduales include ones made for Klatovy (1560)%, Louny (1563)~. Rychnov nad

W h o u (1560y, b l a v ( 1 ~ 5 7 ) ~ and one hown as Rybifovsw (1568)'~. He sealeci in Rague where

he estabikhed a studio in which he produced famous graduals and kancionals. In 1552 he was the

custodian of the astronomical clack Hi Prague's Old Town Square. He was raised to knightly status by

Ferdinand 1 in 1557." This elevation, together with bis new personai mat of a m . is recorded on f.

444r of the grdual he produced for C'aslav (ON 15503) in 1557. On the verso of this folio is a poem.

The fim letters of iîs twenty-six verses spell out the scribe's name. His isustratiom in Chnidim are

small, al but one ocnrpying the Face of only two systems. He uses strong primary colours and simple

compositions. The miniatures in his later Cudi volumes are Larger and more complex compositions.

This account of the illuminators makes clear that the majority of those engaged in the production of

liturgieal books in the Jagiellonian period were laymen. The only artist who was certainly a religious

was Jacob of Olomouc. W e we do not have personal details to categorize definitively Jan of

Humpolec, Peter of Prague and Jan of Rakovnik, it seems Likely that they were faymen. Thus. of the

sixteen books whose anists we know. eleven were almost cenainly and another four were probably

produced by laymen.


The music in the later books is more elahrate than in the earlier ones. Of the eIeven musicai

manuscripts identifid in the preceding thrre tables as having been made in the fifieenth cenavy, six use

oniy choral notes. In NK Xm Sc, no mensurai notation is written by the onginai hand. In three of the

remaining books. it appears on at most three pages. In the sixteenth cenniry, the use of black mensural

%am$ ohesni muzeum, E . 403. %latovf oiaesni muwun, without shelfinark. %Atni okresni arcbiv v bunech, 1 G &. S6Rychnov nad iadéznou, Muzeum orlici@ch hot. Mthout shelnnark. %NB, Mus. Hs. 15503. 5 8 b ~ ~ , Mus. HS. 15509. %ilan Myslivetkk, Erbovntk (Hcrrzldry) . (Prague, 1993). iiiustration p. 59 and text p. 62.

notation as welï as choral notes had becorne the nile d e r than the exception.

It seems clear that the brotherhods of iïterafi (origmaUy simple church choristers), which were to corne

to play an important rôle in Bohemian culturai Life in the second half of the suteenth centrrry, had at

least achieved a boistefous childhood in the Jagieilonian ~ra.' In the last part of the fifteenth century,

we wimess the begmning of the transition from choirs to brotherboods of M. The distinction is that

brutherhoods were govemed by a charter and had certain discipliuaxy powen over their mernbers. This

transition from choirs to fkaternities in Mlada ~oleslav~' and in ~ehllimov62 did not occur until after

1550. The brotherhoods aiso, particuiarly by the middle of the sixteenth century, assumai

responsibilities in the field of public ducation." In 1489, a mature choir of iiterm. of both sexes in

Jincfnchiiv Hradec obtained a statute of incorporation from Jiadfich and Magdalena of Hradec." Such

statutes were relatively rare uniil the middle of the sixtemth ceaairy." They sang daily at the sixth hour

in the rn~rning~~ and on the Advent Ember Days; they daily remembered the f a i m departeci and

especially glorifieci the Conception of Mary and Corpus Christi. The gradua1 of the year 1491 attestecl

to the substance and excellence of the brotherhood." There are also reports of choin or brotherhoods

in LitomySI, Mfio (1491) and ~ s t i (1496). The graduale of Jan Fm& citizen of Hradec Kralove and

councillor from 1485, one of the largest books. was made for the town brotherhood in 1505.~ The

younger Trfka z Lipy gave a graduai to Hav1iL!küv Brod in 1506." Winter hows of reports of new

*A iradîtional source of information on ibis nibject is Kare1 KonM, D@ny p m q C v u od XV. v& do UuSenf Ziter&@Wz brmstev ( A Hitory of Sacred Song h m tüe F i n t h Century to the FalI of the Literaxy Brotherhoods), (Prague, 1893). 61~va MikanoVa, 'Hudebni Zivot na Mladoboieslavdcu v. 16. aZ 18. stO1eüi" (The Musical Lifê of Mlada Boleslav k m the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century), in Karel Hereik, ed., BoleslaMc0 '68, (Mlada BoIeslav, 1%9), p. 205. See also the description in "History - usersn in document 17,

62~osef Dobii, D@y kralovského méno PeUùUnova a j& &If (The History of the Royal Town of Pelhiimov and its Reg*), Vol. iII.2, (Prague, 1954). p. 348. See afso the description in 'History - literutiw in document 26. %ee, for example, Iaroslav MiLant 'Literary Groups m Hrads M o v é " . in Ai& Doubrava and Jarosiav h a , eds., P w L r of OU P~dYnenrs, Kralové, 1967). pp. 12 - 14. %ikmund Winter, avot CfnkeYnf v bdioch (Church M e in Bohemia), Vol. II, (Prague, 1896), p. 947.

%inter, &or dnkevnf, pp. 978 ff. "'od 9Mt hodiny jiani" %t&d oblastni archfv v Tfeboni: Fonds - Rukopisy Jindfich- Hradec, nikgpis f. 1 (documenî 7). 68Muzeimi vjkhodnich Cech v Hradci Krilove ï I A 6 (document 3). Set the 'His<oryn description in donmient 3 - *0kresni viastivédné mumm v HavIfchovu Bmmi: Shelfmark SIC 211 (document 4). See the 'History - usen" description in document 4.

choirs h m Pracbatice (the church of St. Dorothy) aml St. Mary Tjh. From the laiter. he infers there

were probably other ones in Prague. He says that the LitomHïce üterazi had their beginning in the

fifteenth ce- . A magnificent graduale was made for them about 15 1 7m, a critical edition of which

is f o d in the appeadix to this thesis. Which brotherhoods were Caiixtine was not obvious from their

repertok, since the UtraquistS continu& to use the traditional material in Latin. AIso Catholic priests

of the tirne did not dare to banifih entirely Czech from their churches. The Latin brotherhoods, both

Catholic and Utraquist. had a smiüar repertory, mody Latin with some Czech. The appeai of Latin was

not lost for Utraquists in the 1520s since improved education meant that many town dweilers now

understood it. However, fieqentiy there were Latin ami Czech singea m a church who may have been

a part of one group. Czech was used increasingIy in chorai sioging. The first report of an independent

group of iiterati with a Czech repertory is fiom Litomya in 1526. In 1529, Vilaorin, priest of St. Mary

Ta, bequeathed 30 kop. for Czech music during the elevation. The next recorded gift of a Czech music

book is from St. Nicholas in the Old Town of Prague in 1546.'~ The organ was the usual

accompaniment in our period. It was not until the end of the sixteenth century that strings and

woodwinds were used in the eucharistic liturgy ."

Both confessions thus shared a desire to advance the place of music in the iiturgy and to improve the

excellence of the musical performances as a worthy enhancemeni of their communities' corporate praise

of God. The best place to tind an insight into what was happening in this respect is in the dass of

documents earlier referred to as Fesîal Graduales. It wouid appear that the Complete Graduaies adhered

for the most part to the traditional accepted form which had evofved over many centuries. The Festaï

Graduales, being non-traditional in their fonnat, are where one would expect to look for emerging

liturgicai interests .

The tbree Roman Catholic documents remahhg to us as witnesses to the advancement of music in the

liturgy are aii in some way connectecl to the Franciscans. Documents 2 (Special Franciscan Graduale)

and 25 (Plzefi Graduale of Paul of MeMc) were both made for Franciscan monasteries, the first

unidentifieci and the latter in the city of Plzell. The third (document 7) cornes fkom the town of

- - -- - - - -

70Wmter, avot cfnkevnf, pp. 947 f. "winter. &oz drkevnf, pp. 948 f. inter, &O? d M , p. 980.

JindZichfiv Hradec, where it was used in the parish church. The book, however, was probably

influenceci by the practices of the Fmciscan monastery in the town. These books containeci a rnuch

greater collection of Marian offices for use throughout the year than was f o d in the traditional

graduales. They also provided a selection of sequences which was more extensive than that foumi in

other books reflecting Roman use, such as the Franciscan document 32 (Stemberk) and the 1474 M W e

Ronuuium. The contemporary n o m for Roman use of the period appears to have been one sequence

for Easter, two for Pentecost, one for Corpus Christi and perhaps a few for the Vugin and saints. The

Festal Graduales would have significanîiy extended the number of liturgical occasions for which

sequences were available for places which did not have a graduale with a large seqyenciary. On the

evidence of document 33 ( P M Graduale of Martin Stupdc), Roman Catholic graduales prepared for

parish churches did have extensive sequenciaries. However, based on Sternberk (32), traditionai

graduales in Franciscan use had sequenciaries which were not much bigger than what was found in

missals. The Festal Graduaies would have supplemented theu sequenciaries.

The musical e ~ c e m e n t s in the Utraquist Festal Graduales also usually provided more Marian materiai

and musical sertings. The Marian material was focused on antiphons and hymns for Our Lady in

Advent. The much greater concern was with providing an extensive hymnary for days in the temporale

and sanctorale and a collection of polyphony. The Bohemian reformen, from theîr early days, had a

great affection for combining hymns with their worship and the appearance of a heavy dose of hymns

in the Festal Graduales was entireIy consistent with the movement's traditions. The mdti-part motets

that we find in these books presupposed a body of cornpetent choriste= t b t took adequate rehearsal thne

to prqare for the services. They are the naairal extension in the musical repertory of a tradition which

found an increased rôle for music congenial. Whiie most of the music, both single- and multi-part,

continueci to be in Latin, Czech is used in a handful of hymns and motets and the books were thus

precursors of developments in ensuing decades.


We have a certain amount of information about liturgical matters from secondary sources which can

supplement the more certain knowledge derived from the books a W y used in the eucharistie liturgy.

On the question of ianguage, Czech seems to have ban used in some churches, at I w t in the lectiow

ami in sermons of Hussite eucharists. It may have been used for other parts of the mas, but there is w

evidence for thk in the Jagieiionian period in primary sources. We are told of a group of h g u e

Utraquists who, on March 3, 1502, drew up and presented to the priests and masten of the Charles

University a Iist of five demands which, in their view, were necessary as a basis for any reconciliation

with Rome. 'Ihe fourth was, the giving of the sacfament to mfants and the smgiog in Czech of the

gospel and epistie shouid remah and the abrogation of the C o m p a ~ shodd in no way affixt than*?

By the third decade of the sixteenth century, there bad developed a movement toward wmg only Czech

in ali parts of the liturgy which was to becorne the prevaihg practice after 1540. This was formally

decided at a synod held in Prague on January 29, 1524." Nonetheless, in 1543 Jan Augusta (1500-

1572), bishop of the Jednota, remarked in reproof that the music in a Hussite m a s was more Latin than

~zech." Before mis, Master Pisew wrote tbat m his recoilection the Czech office talces place in many

churches, especialiy in ail where there are no litermi, but that otherwise, the Hussite office is in

Looking at the primary sources, we note the mjssal(23) from the middle of the meenth century which

had the epistles and gospek in Czech. At no time, either in this missal or in any extant document of the

Jagiellonian period, do we find any use of Czech except in lections, hymns, motets and in the

supplement to the requiem mass first found in the 1530 Chrudim Graduale. What evidence we have

from Utraquist missals of the Jagiellonian period through the output of Jan of Humpolec tells us that,

in the last two decades of the f&eenth century, Latin lections were the d e in Ledef and (probably)

Pnévice, two toms to the south east of ,Prague which are about 30 km. apart. Beside this, the

representation by the group of Prague Upaquists to the masters of the Charles University in 1502 musr

indicate that the lections in some other churches were in Czech. With this, we must be content. Both

languages were used in the lections, and we have no way of knowing what proportion of Utraquist

n~erdinand Hrejsa, D@ry kiésr'cmptyi v &kosrlovmuh, Vol. IV. (Praha, 194û). p. 113. 'Aùy p0cKvh.i SVatosti dit- a &ské zpivani evangelIii a epaol W o a nebyio na Zavadu takovému dokonani kompactat." 7'Wmter, in avot p. 854, quotes h m BMoS, Erbm Kronik, 28. The mass is to be celebratexi:

..jako b9do od stardvana, introitové, ldeii by z pisern bohI@ch nati byii, Kyrie elejson, pfsnitka and&ka, Slava na esostech Bohu, epiStola, gradualové, hallelujah; h m SV@ i prosy nékteré, kîer&by se se zakonem tMm SIDMavaiy, C t e d d, vira obecd kfest'anska podle snëmu nicenského, ptaefaci, sanctus, agnus, pfijim(inf a jMa pfi tom zpfvani, a to vk, coZ nejvic byti mu, v jazyku rozumném aby bylo.

'5w-ir. Bvot drkevnf, p. 854. The ulsdnotu bmmMw is translatecl hm Eoglish as the 'Unity of the Bre<hrrnw or as the 'Czech Brethren". 7%ter, avot dnkevnf, p. 854.

chmhes used one language or the other.

The synoâ's decision in favour of the veniacular seems to have remained unimpiememeci for more than

nfteen years. Nowhere in the thirty-fïve books in the inventory from the period 1450-1532 do we find

any trace of music in Czech, 0th- than in a small proportion of the hymns and motets in a hancifiil of

books. It is not possible to dismiss the evidence from such a large nurnber of books that Latin was the

ody iiturgical hguage in the mass settings as some kind of statistical fluke. This is particularly the case

since the locations of the churches cover a large geographical area. Perhaps this contradiction can be

reconciled by the obsexvation in the second p t d g paragraph that Latin was genetally used in

churches with a strong musicai tradition, as evidenced by a choir of literan'. Such churches could well

have been the only ones mciently motivated to have important linirgical books made.


The intent here is not to deal with the question of the orthodoxy of some of the days in the calendar,

but rather to note how some feasts do not appear in al1 the books. For this reason, comments are often

found in the document descriptions about the presence or absence of a pdcular feast.

7he RaLFUIg 0fLuzam.s appears in the texts but not the calendar of the two Jan of Humpolec missals (9

and 11). It is preceded by Lucy and folIowed by Thomas, so the date of December 17 assigned to this

occasion by the ODCC @. 961) is probably correct. It is not found in NM XIV A 5 (34). in any of the

Printed Prague Missals or in any of the graduais. It seems to have been an idiosyncrasy of the scribe.

The two Translan'om of Relics, one on January 2 and the second on January 8 are assumed to

commemorate successes of Charles IV, who was an enihusiastic coliector of relics. 1 have found no

information about the relics involved and the prayen and lections for the occasion give w hint. The

feasts have proper antiphons, prayers and lections in the tirtee manuscript missals from the last two

decades of the fifteenth century and in the Printed Prague Missais. They are also in aII the calendars

except for the printed missals from Pheh (1479) and Bamberg (1489). For some reason, they appear

in none of the graduais. Their exclusion seems not to relate to any disagreement between Utraquist and

Roman CathoIic since both confessions had the fwts in their missais.

A celebration of the Tm Thouand Soldrer Marryts on June 22 is found in al1 the later manuscript

missals in the register and in the Printed Prague missals. In addition to the 10.000, special mention is

made in the coiiect for Hermolaus, Acacnis, Alexander and Mark. Among the graduais, propers are

found only in NM W A 20 (33). the only Bohemian Catholic graduai fkom our period, and in St.

Mark's (28), a book characterized by its mpredictabiiity.

There is a cornmernoration on Iuly 11, the octave day of Procop. in dl our missalsi for the Tr411~lan'on

of Bene&?. Among the graduais, the feast is found only in N M W A 25 (24) and St. Mark's, two

books which are outside the two main families i d d e d in the second and third folIowing paragraphs.

Mary of the Snows is prPsent in ail the missals and aii the graduals in the critical edition except the

Franciscan hemberk, SmiSkovslj, St. Mark's and the two books of Jan M W .

The TrCU2Sfiguration is of interest, since it appears in:

1. al1 the manuscript missals,

2. the graduals of one of the two main families identified in the appendix: Smigkovsi@ (29), Mlada

BoIeslav (S), Litornefice (12) and Sobotka "1582" (30),

3. the famiiy's black sheep cousin, St. Mark's Graduaie (28).

4. NM XII A 25 (24), and

5. the Sternberk Graduale (32).

It is rnissing in the two earliest books by M M (3 and 22) and in the books of the second main family

Iisted in 3. for the Presentation.

The Iast irregular day is the R e ~ e ~ o n of Mary. It is present in:

1. the Humpolec manuscript missals ,

2. the graduais Ijsted in 2. for the Transfiguration,

3. the graduais of the other main family identified in the appendix: HavliPkilv Brod (4). Louny

(15), Lobkovic (14) and the PlzeIl Graduaie of Martin Stuprrfk (33), and

4. NM XIT A 25 (24).

It is not f o n d in the books representing the Roman tradition, in the Plzeli manuscript missal, the two

Miku!: books or in St. Mark's Graduaie.

The conclusion of aiI this is that the inclusion or exclusion of these irreguiar f e w in a particular book

u d y represents an editorial decision on the part of its scn'be, rather than any disagreement as to

whether the feasts were legitimaîe occasions to cdebrate-

One must recognize that a signifï~arit mmiber of the books in the inventory can be classuled as Utmpist

or Roman Catholic oniy becaiise of historical Sonnation about the churches in which the books were

used. Put otherwise, the contents of the books of the two confaions were very simfiar. This is

undoubtedly a reflection of the fact that the Hussites in this period continued to regard themselves as

Catholics. For ihÛ reason, and perhaps becaw the Roman church d e d their catholicity iato question.

they seemed keen to depart very Little, if at ail. from the Catholic tradition. The Roman Catholics

themselves, as wimessed by their Festai graduales, felt l a s constrained.

A number of characteristics separates Bohemian books, whether used by Utraquists or Roman Catholics,

from the Roman tradition which one sees especially in books influenced by the more international

Franciscan tradition. Criteria which usually place books in this category and therefore label them as of

the Roman tradition, include:

1. The sanctoraie in Festai &raduaIes is more than one haif given to feasts of the Vkgin. The Bohemians

themselves exhibited a considerable affection for Marian piety, but mot to this degree.

2. The cornmon subdivides the aritiphons for one martyr and for confissors so as to separate saints who

were bishops from those who were not.

3. Most of the Kyriale is devoted to days for Our Lady and for the cornmon of saints, as opposed to

king designated for days of the temporale and sanctorale. Altematively, the days are aliocated by class

of feast-

4. Few , if any , of the Usuai Bohemian Saints are represented in the sanctorale.

5. The alleluias of Bohemian books are often different from the Roman tradition. Especially apparent

in this respect are the Sundays afkr Trinity? The different incipits are quoted in the appendix.

n~outh Germany and Bohemia are mted for their crcativity in the Mcenth and sixteenth centuries in the composition of alIe1uias and thtir verses. Set David Hiley, W e m Plainchant, (Oxford, 1993). p. I3 1.

6. Bohemian books mmiber Smdays in the second haif of the year h m the octave day of Pentecost or,

equivalently, from Trinity Sunday. Roman books count from Pentecost.

The distinction between Bohemian Utraquist and Bohemian Roman Catholic books is much more

problematic :

1. Uaaquist books made berneen 1490 and 15 10 offen have a SeQuence for HUS? Those made between

1510 an 1540 all comain proper antiphons and one or more sequences for HUS."

2. Books whïch conîain any Czech whatever are almost certainly Hussite.

3. Hussite graduais seldom have proper aririphons for the Feast of the 10,000 Soldier Martyrs (June 22).

W e critena based on intemal content can be set down which often can identify a book as Utraquist

or Roman Catholic, they are not &cient to categorize ail the books. This is in itself an instructive

point, since it forces us to realize how extremely smd are the differences between the Utraquist liturgy

and that of its Roman Catholic parent.


My research, based on the m a x i . legem medendi lex sranut supplicandi, was expected to uncover

significant differences in the Utraquist and Roman Caîholic Liturgies. The outcorne, which is nonetheles

valuable, is üiat such differences do not exist. In particuiar, there was controversy in the early years of

Utraquism between some who believed in a weaker version of the eucharistic presence and those who

held the traditional view." A weaker understanding of the presence would imply a diminution of

eucharistic piety and a justifiable accusation of heterodoxy. If a weaker view was held, one would

expect that l e s prominence would be given to the feast of Corpis Christi. niis is certainly not the case.

Other tban the possible presence of a feast for Hus. there is no element of content by which Bohemian

Roman Catholic and Utraquist Complete Graduales of this period difEer. The same holds tme for

intermediate graduales and manuscript missals. Since the liturgicai texts used in the two coafessions

n~ocummts 17. 19.29 %oaments 6, 10, 12, 15, 16,27,28,30 ?Howard Kamb@, A History of & Hussite Rmolun'on. (Berkeley, 1%7), pp. 462-4.

were identical, the whoie a d o n of eucharistie heresy agamst the Hussites needs to be questioned.

This conclusion is supported by the earlier observation that two of the most distinguished s c n k of the

puiod made books for both confessions. Such would have k e n uniiiely had the liturgy of the groups


Even in the less traditionai Festai Graduaies, there is no obvious theological divergence between Roman

Catholic and U~aquist. The flights of Marian piety one fiads in Catho1ic books and the ouiasionai

Czech hymn or motet in Utraqukt ones seem to indicate different special interests rather than distinct

beliefs .

The one incontestabie Iiturgical variance between R o m Càtholic and Utraquist books, the inclusion

of a feast of Hus in Iater books, does indicate that the Hussites differed from the Roman Catholics in

the question of where authority resided in the church. For the Utraquists, the weight of Scripture, the

teachings of the fathers and subsequent tradition could ex& that of a councii or of the Pope. The

church misused its power in its treatment of Hus and continueci to exceed itseIf in forbidding the cup

to the laity, even when it was agreed that there was no theoiogical Mpediment. By the presence of a

f~ for Hus, Utraquists not oniy celebrated the ulthnate triumph of Christ in the life of Hus, but also

implicitly recognized that other authority could prevail over that of the institutional church.

1. Esztergom Gr. - 34


Fdszéke!segyM KOnyvtAr (Esztergom Metmpolitan Library - abbreviated as Esz.), Sheifjnark:

Ms. 1.3. Rado: 1722' Date: 15104516.

This Latin graduale is complete save for e h e n missing folios, which are noted below. The loss of many

of these is probably related to acts of vandalism by art collectors.


Ir - 6v 7r - 10r 10v - 1 8 5 ~

186r - 24911

250r - 264r

264r - 291r

291r - 291v

292r - 396r


Temporale (pages for period afier Epiphany which fit after f. 40)

Three antiphons, credo and a sequence (ab arce sydero in a later 16c. hand 2)

Temporale (Gregorian Prologue on f. 10v)

Sanctorale; 246r-24%: 2 offices for the dead

Cornmon alleluias for saints

Ordinary. 264r - 280r: Kyrie, Gloria; 280v - 291r: Sanctus, Agnus Dei.

Intmit (hand 5) and tract (hand 6) for a votive m a s of Corpus Christi


Alieluia and Kyrie (hand 4)

Contents - temporale The fim 6 folios, which are displaced, contain part of a mass for the BVM after

Christmas (starting with a sequence), most of Epiphany 2. moa of LXX and the introit and first part

of the graduai for U(. One bifolium with the communion for Epiphany 2, the whole of Epiphany 3 and

part of the &oit for LXX are missing. The temporale, probably originaliy Cornplete, has or had

propers for the Sundays in Advent, six Sundays between Epiphany and Lent, ail days in Lent, Easter

and Easter week, 6 Sundays after Easter, Ascension Day, Pentecost and the foliowing week, Trinity

Sunday and 23 Sundays following it, Corpus Christi, Dedication Festival and the four sets of Ember

Days. Excisions affect the following days: Christmas (principal mass - 1 f. after f. 28), Maundy

'ID. Polycarp Rad6 OSB, Libri Linvgici Manucnpti Bibiïotirec~nrm Hwgarirze et LUninophanun Regionwn, (Buda, 1973). pp- 513-515.

1. Esztergom Gr. - 35

Taunday (4 ff. foflowiog f. 1 12). Easter (1 f. foiIowing f. 133). Ascension Day (1 f. foiiowing f. 15 l),

Trinity Sunday (1 f. following f. 158). Corpus Christi (1 f. foilowiag f. 159). There is no Lancea


Contents - sandorale and cornmon The sanctorale is somewhat smaller than in books made for

Bohemian users, with 70 days, 8 of which also have a vigii . That of St . Laurence has an octave. Days

for Vitus, Wencesias and LudmiIla are inchdeci. but Adalbert. Sigismund. Rocop and Hungarian

saintsB are not. It stans with the feast of St. Lucy. rather than Andrew. and ends with Nicholas. The

litany on Holy Saturday mentions Adalbert as weii as Htmgarian sain& (Gerhard Sagredo, King Stephen,

Henry and King Vladislav). The common of saints contains deluias and verses oniy and has a provision

for evangelists .

Contents - ordinary In the ordinary, there are 14 Kyries in the main hand, aii but three with a

correspondhg Gloria. None are troped and those that are assigned are mostly attacheci to Sundays in

various seasons and to classes of saints. Seven are for commons of saints and one for the Requiem

Mass. Of the Glorias, one is the Marian Trope, even are Minimally troped and three are mtroped. The

material occupying the bottom of f. 264r and ali of 264v is in b d 3. There are 15 entries in the

principal hand in the section Sanctus/ Benedictus/ Agnus Dei. Nine are for the common of saints. Three

are troped. A Sanctus of the BVM in hand 4 is found at the bottom of 280r.

Contents - sequenciary Sequences are found for the principal &ys of the temporale with extra ones

for Easter and Pentecost. There are 27 sequences for the days of the sanctorale, including sequences

and alleluias for King Stephen, Duke Henry and Barbara, di in the main hand. whose days did not

appear in the sanctoraie. One or more sequences appear for each of the main categories in the common

of saints. A distinction between episwpal and non-episcopal confessors is made, uniike the cusom in

Bohemian books. Our Lady in Advent is allotteâ 16.

History - h i i e i f of PLpek, Iüumhator It is possible to iink this book with the Latin gradde

1. Esztergom Gr. - 36

of Mlada ~0ie~lavg3 (and thence to those of Hradec Kr&lovéU and 2ittauS) through the Wumination by

Janifek Zmilely of Pisep on f. 1 1 r (Plate 1). It is identical in aIl significant respects to the miniaaire

found on f. 42r of the MIacK BoIeslav book (Phte 33). Bohemian inauence is also seen in the presence

of human and animal figures in and a r o d many of t&e unilluminated initialS. The relatiomhip between

this volume and that of Mlada Boleslav was firs< noted by 1. ~erkovits." Janifek's hand is evident at

Ieast in the first miniature of the Esztergom book and perhaps in some of the initialsa and other

miniatures. Czech art historical writers are amused by the fact that Berkovits apparently made ber

identification through the inspection of a copy of the Mlada Boleslav book. She cannot have seen the

original since she. wrongly. believed the volume to be kept in the Lobkovic Li'brary in ~ r a g u e . ~

Hïstory - date The dates for the Hradec Kralovd (1505)~ and Zittau (1512)~' books are certain because

of their colophons. A later and somewhat suspect colophon for the MlacK ~ o l e s l a p book dates it in

1509. Kr;lsa would place the Esztergom book at the beginning or the ending of the period of the h o w n

worb of Jam'tek.m The Bohemian infiuence is seen in the appearance of Wenceslas and the passion of

hdmilla in the sanctorale and Adalbert in the Holy Saturday litany. The Bohemian lion on the central

boss and the Polish eagIe on the lower cornerpieces of each cover connect the book with King

Vladislav." Vladislav became King of Hungary in 1490 and died in 1516. This book is more

comparab1e to the Zinau graduale than to Jad&k's other works in that five-Iined musical staffs are used

and that the f clef designation looks like two diarnonds, one above the other. Both HK and MB used

"0kred muzeum v Mladé Boleslavi (NB). sig. ï I A 1 U ~ u z e w n vlchodnich &ch v Hradci W o v t (HIC), sig. ï I A 6. %tau, Christian-Weise-Bibiiothek (Zit). Hs. A III. %B II A 1. f. 201,. "1. Berkovits. 'Az esztergomi UlasziO - graduaien (The Eszîergom graduai of King Vladislav), Magyar K6nyszenùe. N (IWl), p. 349. 88~osef K&. "Knitni mallistvf" (Book Pamting), Padnégoticke umad v a!cMdr (Late Onhic M m Bohemia). (Prague, 1978). p. 439. %oroslava Drobn6. "Jani&k Zmilelf z Pisku a Ienw kodex" (Janfhk M e 1 9 of Pisek anâ the Jena Codex), UmBu', III (1955), p. 182. %K II A 6. ff. IV and 301v. 9'~ittau Hs. A. III., f, Uhr.

n A 1, f. BV. %&a. Knitni maüfstvi, p. 439.

%ad& Lima, p. 5 13. Despite Rado's firm statement that the book was associatecl Mth Vladislav, it is umceivable that it was made for his son, Louis.

1. Esztergom Gr. - 37

four-line staves and wxiventionally-dqed f S. To the extent that the illiiminator had control of aspects

of the books' production beyond the artistic, this fàcî would seem to suggest that the book was promiced

after MB and before Vladislav's death. This rather tortuous line of reasonhg would seem to indicate

that the book was made between 15 10 and 15 16.

History - place, users The book's eonnection wiîh Hungary is suggested by the klusion of sequences

for Hungarian sainîs. This is confïrmed in the page dccorations where we tmd skirmishes with Turks,

Turkish riders and figures with turbans. Combined with the probable ownership of Vladislav, we are

led to conclude that the book had a place in Bu& in the c o d or in the royal chapel? The latter is

made more probable on the assumption that the depiciion of what appears to be a chape1 on f. 18411

represenu the place for which the book was made. Undoubtedly, the book was intended for Roman

Cathok use, both because of its ownership and of the paucity of Utquis& in Buda. That the graduale

continued in Roman Catholic use in Hungary mil the second half of the sixteeizth century is made clear

by the inscription on f. 280r in the third hand found in the book: T e r michaelem Hengll succentorem

scholae anni domini 1569 25. die au@." Where it spent the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and

how it escaped destruction is not known. A label on the inside front cover records that it was part of

the display of the books of the archiepiscopal library in Esztergom held in 1822~.

Cover - boards and metal work The original cover cowists of 66.3 x 45.4 cm. bevelled boards 1.7

cm. thick covered in leather, The leather shows that there have been cracks in both boards near the

outer edges, but both have been repaired. The colour of the leather on the front cover is a dirty beige

while that of the back cover is cream. The cover has cast bras corner pieces which are wmected by

sheet b ra s on the perimeter folded over the edges (except at the spine) to provide protection. In the

centre is a large circuiar boss with a figure of the bicaudate Bohemian lion on a shield. The edges are

decorated intemally with Vmes and have lace-ike inner edges. The lower Gûthic diamonci-shaped corner

pieces feaaire a Polish eagle and an octagonal stud on the outer comer within a frame which has edges

with lace-lüce decoration on the two sides which point toward the middle of the cover and two plain

%a, "K&d mal&OrIm. p. 149. %d6, Libn Liturgici, p. 513. %n the inside front cover, one fhds the label pkncd on: Az ordgos Magyar, Iparmûvészeti muzeum aJtal, rendezeu lm-ik evi k6ayvWtasra az es~ergomi. Székes - Fkgyhaz K6nyvtiMb6l N, képrtok 2

1. Esztergom Gr. - 38

sides which meet in a right angle at the outer corner. The later upper ones are also cast b r u . but are

t r b g u h and much smaller. They are of a Renaissance style which did not appear before the middle

of the sixteenth cenairy. The design is floral with a stud at the corner. The manner in which the brass

edghg was cut and shadows on the leather indicate that these smaller pieces were used to replace Gothic

ones of the same sort which Survives on the lower corners.

Cover - leather and binding The cirnilar, central boss is set in two square frames twled into the

leather and decorated with roll stamping. The outer one en!irely contains the boss. ûutside these square

frames are three rectanguiar units, one sitting inside another. Each recmgular unit consists of a

rectanguiar frame decorated with roll stamping. At the top and bottom of the inside of the frame, there

are rectangular bars of about the sarne width as the frame and which are decorated with blind stamps.

The book was kept closed with two pairs of Ieather saaps anchored to the covers under the brass

edging. The straps on the front were plain leather which fitted into a buckle with two sharp tines

attached to the end of the strap on the back. The upper two straps and buckle survive. The lower strap

on the front is missing and the bucide on the lower rear strap is partly missing. The spine is round and

has 6 double bands and two headbands to which a blue and white fabric is attached. The book has

parchment pastedowns and one flyleaf at front and back. The front flyleaf has an index in cursive script

which uses the original foliation.

Folios and foliation A modern foliation using black ink applied with a rubber stamp appears on the

upper right corners of the rectos of the leaves. The number on the last folio is 3%, although since there

are unnumbered folios after ff. 236 and 385, the book in fact has 398 leaves. The second system is

original in red and begins with Ai on the upper edge of f. 1 l r in the middle. The numbering continues

with a letter on the middle of the verso at the top and a number on the facing recto. k, ff. llv-12r

are numbered A ü. The sysiem continues to O x (ff. 26111 - 262r) and ends wim a solitaxy O on f. 262v.

Generdy, but not always, the numbers in the second system range fiom i to xx. The second foliation

system, being original, confimis the identification of missing pages based on contents. It dso &es

rather incomprehensible how somenne could have rebound folios numbered B xii through B xi. at the

front of the book rather than in their proper place. The original colour of the medium-weight parchment

varies between a light beige and a medium cteam. Some pages containhg extensive artwork are

uniformiy soiled to a light gray colour. It would seem chat the book was lefi openeci on display for

extended p e n d without protection. The discolouration on the lower corners of the leaves is slight to

1. Esztergom Gr, - 39

heavy and the Wear on some has ban such that new parchment bas been needed to be patched on to

replace the original which has been wom or tom away. Gatherings are generally in quhions. Any

catchwords which may originally have existeci bave been eliminated by the trimming.

Layout The parchment making up the folios of the book has been considerably trimmed to a dimension

of 61.5 x 43.2 cm. Neither dimension on ff. 130 ami 260 differs nom these rneasurements by more than

1 mm. The dimensions of the written space on ff. 130r and 25% are 50.7 x 29.3 and 5 1 -2 x 29.1 cm.

respectively. Pages are laid out in one coiumn with 9 systems, each system consistmg of a musical staff

with the corresponding h e of tea. Interlinear distance is 7.3 cm. The written space on either side is

bounded by two vertical red lines, within the lefi of which we tind the clef designation and within the

right, the custos. No pricking rem-.

Script The main band is a careful black texhiaüs formata. except that the colour on pages with major

miniatures may change as does the musical notation. The diamonds on the tops of the minims are

symmetrical. Those on the feet are biased to the right and often end in a pronounceci serif. 1's have a

thin vertical line on top. The axenders are higher on the nght than on the left and usually flange out

somewhat to the left. There are two serifs on the top. the nght one more or les vertical and the iefi one

oblique. The descenders end straight at a 45" angle, with the lefk side longer than the right. A senf

sometimes appean on the right side. The tops of the a's are higher than the other characters. Heights

of minims, ascenders, descenders and s's are 12, 14, 16 and 16 mm. The other five han& which appear

are later sixteenth century and of little consequence for the book's contents. Each adds a srnail

supplementary liturgical unit (or two in the w e of han& 3 and 4).

Titles, Capitals, InitiaLs Running titles are nibrics slightly smaller (perhps 10%) than the main hand.

Capitak in the sequenciary alternate between red and blue. Initiais cm be red. blue, black or gold leaf.

Backgrounds are fiorai, geometrical or figurative, and the latter may include animais or human faces

and bodies which are sometimes realistic and at others intended as drolleries.

Musicai notation The main hand uses red fie-line staves with a height of 4.2 cm. and type 1 rhombic

choral notes. Generally, the clefs (c, f or g), aistos signs and the neurnes are black. However, on pages

with major miniatures, they may be r d , bhie or gold leaf.

1. Esztergom Gr. - 40 DeCoration There is extensive marginal decoration on pages with miniatures or decorated capitais

consisting of vines, flowers and human and animai figures. Most of the marginal painting captures static

figures although in one case we find a g rog of soldiers fighting and, in another, activities co~ected

with the Dedication Festival. In a i l cases, the omamentation in the margins shows evidence of the

vigourous aimming which the book evidently undement. The following initiais are decorated: Qomine

m tua (Triniiy 1. f. 160v), Qilexisti (Lucy, f. 1 86r) and Si enim (Requiem, f. 246r). The marginal art

work on pages which have an initial which is oniy decorated coasists of one or two deiicate vines with

a figure or perhaps a fiower or two in one margin. On pages with miniatures in initiais, the vines are

much more luxuriant, have more adormnent and spread into more than one margin.

. . Muiiatures Thirteea remain. Assuming that the six excisions referred to earlier aii contained miniatures

in an initial, then the book ofiginally had 19.

I Ir Ad te levavi Advent 1. Certainly done by Jmiek. It shows ~ r e g o e . wearing his papal

tiara, and seated on his throne with a cardinal on one side and a bishop on the

other. It is in al1 major respects identical to the miniature for the same occasion

in MB II A 1, f. 42r. Plate 1

12v Borate celi The Virgin [in Advent]. Mary laieels in front of the ange1 of the Annunciation

beneath a ribbon reading: "Ave gratia plena".

36v Ecce advenit Joseph stands behind a seated Mary with the child sitting on her lap. One

magus kneels and the others stand behind him.

10411 Qomine ne Palm Sunday. Jesus, right hand raised in blessing, rides on a donkey

accompanied by three followers on foot.

154r Spiritus Pentecost. Mary sits beneath the dove in a circle of the apostles. Plate 2

184v IerribiIis Dedication Festival. A chape1 with a double nave and cupola and a tower at the

east end. Plate 3

1. & o. mar. Three groups of peasants, each engaged in different activities, are travelling

towards an inn where others are celebrating .

%is book does not bave m m famiüar depiction of the mass of St. Gregory with the s a h i in a chasuble kneeliag befofe an altar on which the figure of Christ as the Man of Sorrows is standing. This classical form is found in the iiiustration for Advent 1 of the Great Litornéfice GraduaIe. (Plate 21) A description of the m a s by A. Thomas is found in LLnkonfZV l3eologie und Kirche, vol. 4 (Freîburg, 1960). p. 1218.

188v Michi autem

21% Qe ventre

233v Salve sancta

239r mudeamus


280v Sanctus

292r Grates

1. Esztergom Gr. - 41

Thomas. Christ, in crown, rich apparel and bare feet, holds an orb.

John Baptist, in a red gown over a hair shin, holds a lamb on a book.

Mary crowned and surrounded by an aureole holds her child.

Nativity of Mary. Mary, standing, holds a small adult Christ, in whose lap is

the Christ child.

A Man of Sorrows stands before the Instruments of the Passion.

God in h g l y regdia sits on an architecturai throne, blesshg.

Christ, with a double cross, reaches across a bridge to five aaked figures.

Berkovits, 1. "Az esztergomi UlAszl6 - graduale", Magyar Künyszde, N (1941), 342-353.

Drobnii, Zoroslava. "JaniCek Zmilelg z Pisku a Je- kodexh, UmBu', III (1955), 181-204.

Kr&, Josef. &ski iIm*nované mkopisy 13. /16. sroIeheh. Prague, 1990.

M a , Josef. "Kniini malffstvlC". in Pozdndgotické wnsti v &cMch. Prague, 1978.

Rad& D. Polycarp, OSB. Libri Liturgici M m c n p t i Bibliothecanun Hwrgariue et Lim'trophanun

Regionum. Budapest, 1973.

1. Esztergom Gr. - 42

Plate 1 f. 1 lr: Advent 1

1. Esztergom Gr. - 43

Piate 2

f. 154r: Pentecost

Plate 3

f. 184~: Dedication Festival

2. Special Franciscan Gr. - 44

The book is a Latin graduale which appears to be complete, mit unusually organized.

Contents - mmmaq

1 r Rubrics

IV - 2v Asperges

3r - 7r Ordinary. 3r - 4v: Gloria pam for eight modes; 4v - 7r: Credo

7r - 32r Sets of Kyrie - Gloria - Sanctus - Agnus Dei

32v - 53v Marian masses

54r - 72v Masses for St. Michael, Dedication Festival, the dead with a sequence

73r - 88r Foot washing on Maundy Thursday and noted gospel; sequence for Michael

89r - 128v Sequenciary through f. 128r. Offertory for Mary (ff. 128r, v)

129r - 204v Temporale

204v - 208v Propers for the stigmatization of Francis and votive masses

Contents - commentaTly The Kyriale, for the most part, is organized into sets each consisting of a

Kyrie, a Gloria, a Sanctus/ Benedicnis, an Agnus Dei and a dismissai, most designated for use on a

named cIass of the feast (maius duplex, etc.). There are ten such sets, seven of which have al1 five

elements and three of which are missing one or more. The last set contains the Marian Trope and

Mioimal troping is found in two other Glorias. Troping is marked by the use of red or blue ink.lOl The

Marian Masses include the BVM in Advent, the Immacuiate Conception and rnndlemas and one which

is presumably a unnmon. The M a s for the Dead confains a sequence. The scquenciary has sequences

for five major feasts of the temporale (-, Easter, Pentecost (2). Trinity Sueday and Corpus

Chrini), four Marian féasts (in Advent, Inmaculate Conception, Assumption and Nativity), one Marian

9 9 ~ ~ s e f Truhiat, malop CMnun Mami Smptonun LuîÙwnun qui in C. R Bioüotheca Publics atque Universif& P r a g h Asservontur, Pars posterior (Prague, 1906), p. 275. l m ~ ~ c l a v Plocek, Cczrctlogus Chfiinun NO& ~usrUSIcis InSfnrdonun qui in Bibliotheca pubka rei publicae Bohemicae socidisn'cae - in Bibliotheca Mivemfmis Pragensis servantut, Vol. II (Prague, 1973). p. 583. 10L~~clav Plocek, Chialogus M c w n . . Vol. II, p. 584.

2. Speciai Franciscan Gr. - 45

common and Francis (three alternatives). In the temporaie, there are masses for Christmas (3), the

Cirnmicision and five intemenhg sahts' days, Epiphany and a Sunday within the octave of each of the

two major feasts. There foliow Easter and Easter week, Ascension Day and the foilowing Sunday, daily

masses fiom Pentewst to Trinity Sunday and Corpus Christi.

History - date and users The rubrics on f. Ir state: "In Nomine Ac individue Trinitatis Inceptus est

Hec speciale gradual in profesto Sanctissime ducisse Slezitanim Hedvigis M cccccO vijO. Rubrica ista

ponatur pagina graduaiium singulom. In primis iniungim fratnius ut de cetero tam in graduaiibus

quam in antiphonis noctumis et ai% faciant notam quadratam et quamior lineas rubeas sive nigras, et

littera aperte et distincte.. . . " This rubric first appeared in a Franciscan graduai in the middle of the

thirteenth century.lm Franciscan ongin is coafirmed by the presence of offices for the Immaculate

Conceptiontm and for the Stigmatization of St. Francis. The usen, of coune, were Roman Catholic.

Cover The original covering comists of leather mitreci over square-cut intact wooden boards of

dimensions 63.1 x 41.6 cm. and 1.2 an. thick. The leaîher on the front cover is a dirty brown in colour

while the back is golden brown. There were metal cornerpieces and a central boss on each cover, al1

of which are no more. The leaiher closure straps of the volume are likewise gone. The leather is not

tooled. The round spine has 6 double and 2 single bands. LabeIs on the spine read "65" and "A2".

There are no pastedom, but there are two flyleaves not included in the foliation at the fiont and back

of the volume, the outer halves of which are papa and the halves near the spine, parchment. The holes

for the old medium-brown threads occur 24, 108, 188,265,342,421,495 and 571 mm. below the tops

of the leaves.

Folios and foiiation There are two foliation systems, both of which are complete. Original foliation

appears in red lower case Roman numerals in the centre at the top of every recto. The modern pend

'%. J. P. Van Dijk, Sources of the Modern R o m Liturgy, vol. 2, (Leiden. 1963). p. 361 f. '% dogrna chat, from the moment of her mccption, the BVM was kept frcc of any stain of original sin was the motive for the celebration of the feast of her Conception, which was known in îhe East in the seventh cenfury. and had sprtad to the West in the ninth century. It was conde& by the great schoolmen in the twelfth century. (Aibert, Bonavenhire and Aquhs) but defeaded later by Duos Sconis. The proponents of the dogrna became the FransciscanS ami its opponents, the Domhicans. It was approved at Basel (1439) and by the sixteenth century was bemg def- not only by the Franciscans, but also by the Carmelites, Doxniniiians and Jesuis . See ODCC, pp. 821 f. A feast for the Conception of Mary is cornmonplace for Caîholic and Utraquist books in the JagieUonian p e n d in Bohemia. The adjective "immaciiiate" in this conte= is very rare.

2. Special Franciscan Gr. - 46

system is located in the upper right corner of every tenth folio. The number on the 1st page in the

modem pencil system is 208. The highest number in the original foliation is ccxix. The difference is

accounted for by the fact tbat ff. 1 - lix and xcix are missing in the onginaI series. The later foliation

is used here. The parchment of the leaves is a light crearn in colour, of medium thickness and shows

Little discolouration at the lower corners. With the exception of the third gathering, ail gatherings are

quinions. whose last folios at and beyond f. 29 end in the digit 9 in the original system. The third

gathering consists of ff. 21 - 29, which is a quaternion with a single leaf inserted afkr f. 21. The 1st

leaf of the tenth gathering has been excised. About a half of the gatherings have catchwords visible on

the Iower right corner of the last verso.

Layout The folios of the book are consistent insize (f. 66: 59.8 x41.3 cm.; f. 139: 59.9 x 41.2). The

written space, defiaed on the sides by vertical double lines, is somewhat more variable (f. 66r: 39.8 x

25.1 cm.; f. 139r: 41 -6 x 25 -4). The pages are arrangeci in a single cofumn of six systems. each of

which consists of a musical staff and the correspondhg text. Interlinear distance is ranges from 6.6 to

6.9 cm. Circular pricking is found on the outside edge of both leaves at a level slightly above the top

line of each musical staff except the fïrst. An additionai pricking hole is found below the last h e of text.

positioned as if a seventh system were to be added to the leaf. On f. 66r oniy. there is a hole at the top

of the outside line of the double red line definhg the right of the written space.

Script The script of the text is texnialis rotunda in black ink. The heights of minims. ascenders,

descenders and s's are 13, 18, 18 and 19 mm.

Tttles, capitais and initiais Running titles are rubrics which are d I y in textualis formata although

occasionally in a somewhat srnalier size of the main hand. Capitals for the most part alternate between

r d and blue, but are occasionally black. Simple initialsi are either black with a yeliow wash background,

red with a blue background design, or blue with a red background design.

Musical notation The red four-lined staves have a height of 3.5 cm in what is approximately the first

half of the book and 3.7 cm m the remainder. Square or Roman notation is used throughout. The clefs

(c or f), custos signs and neurnes are black.

-ration me initiais hprges (f. IV), Eatrem (f. 4v), Borate (f. 32~). &~qw (f- 44v), ydm

2. Special Franciscaa Gr. - 47

(f- 4*), Benedicite (f. 54r), &qiern (f. 63r). Mandatum mvum (73r), Grates (f. 8%). Qominus dixit

(f- 129r), kur fulgebit (f. 132r). ber (f. 13%). medium silencium (f. 14%). Ecce (f. 152r),

R-exi (f. 159r). lntroduxit (f. 162r). Aqua sapiencie (f. 164v), puaSi modo (f. 177r), Yi (f. 17%).

Exaudi (f. 1 82r), Spiriais (f. 1 Wr), &nedicta (f. 198~). Çïbavit (f. 20lr). Nos autan (f. 205r) and Qun

sanctifiratii.c (f. 205~) are decomteci. The deCoration takes the fom either of nIling with colours the ami

m and around the initial or of having goid Ieaf mitials either one or two systems high. The only marginal

decoration, on f. 4v, consists of two short vines, one with a red and a bIue leaf and the other with a

brown-yellow flower and a green and blue pistil and accupies about one third the height of the folio.


Plocek, Viclav. Cmaagus W c u m Notis Muricis 1-m qui k Bibliotheca pubka rei pzîbkae

Bohemicae socialisiicae - in Bibliotheca universitratlr Pragensir semontur. 2 vols. Prague,


Tnihlaf, Josef. Gttaiogus Codicwn Manu Scriptonun L.uîinonun qui in C. R. Bibliotheca Publics

atque Universitatis Pragensis ~ s s ~ ? N C U Z ~ C ~ . Duae Partes. Prague, 1906.

Van Dijk, S . T . P . Sources of the Modern Roman Liturgy. 2 volumes. Leiden, 1963.

Muzeum vfchodnfch Ceeh v Hradci gralové, Shelfmiirk: II A 6, olim B 1, MS 43. &mf:

6 '@'. Date: 1505.

The book is primariiy a graduaie but with a large collection of hymns and motets appended to it. As

with all Bohemiaa graduales of the period, it includes a sequenciary as weli as music for the ordinary

of the mas. The graduale proper is in Latin. The majority of the hymns and motets are also in Latin.

although a few are in Czech,

Contents - summary

Kyrie (second hand)

Inscription idenwing the book's sponsor

Ordinary of the mass. 2r - 27v: Kyrie & Gloria; 28r - 44r: Sanctus


Sanctorale, Dedication Festival, common of the BVM, requiem (2)


Cornmon of confissors (ff. 128r - 129r), St. Martin (ff. 129r, v; band 2)


Wmns Later supplement in hand 2 - antiphons for mass and office

Motets (muhipart compositions)

Later supplement - Mass antiphons, two sequences and a troped Kyrie

Incipits of weekday and Saturday masses in the primaq hand

Contents - ordinary Most of the entries in the ordiuary are designateci as being for a particular

occasion in the temporaie or common. There are 39 Kyries, 21 of which are troped, and of the latter,

8 are unnoted. One troped Kyrie has notes for three parts. The 15 Glorias (including 2 which are

'W~aromir W. 'Soupis hudebnfch rukopisil muzea v Hradci W o v C n (Cataïogue of the Musical Manuscripts in the Museum of Hradec WOV~), MisceZhnea ~ c o l o g i c a , XIX (l%6), pp. 38 f.

3. F m v Kan. - 49

inciph only) are usuaiiy paired off with a Kyrie. The greatest number are Minimally troped (6). The

four which are more extensively embellished include the Marian Trope. whose troped sections have

notes for either one or three p m . AU but one of the 33 Sancaises are paired with a Benedictus. Of the

pairs. in 22 cases, both parts are untroped; in 3, only the Sanctus is troped; in 2, only the Benedictus

is tropeci; and in 5, both parts are troped. The ïast two pairs ir. the section are untroped and have three

vocal parts. The free standmg Sanctus (ff. 43v. 44r) has five parts designated for ciBerem single voices

aod two parts for two sections of the choir. The book is musuai in that no Agnus Dei is to be found.

Contents - temporale The temporale b rather rneagre, having complete mess sets only for the fim

Advent Ernber &y or the office of the BVM in Advent (there is no rubric), Christmas day (three

masses), Epiphany, Easter and Easter week, Lancea Domini, Ascension Day. Pentecost, Trinity Sunday

and Corpus Christi and votive masses for the Holy Spirit and Corpus Christi. Of these 17 occasions.

ody 5 have a full set of antphons or rubrics givbg incipits. In the period before Easter, graduals and

communions are usually missing, whereas in the time after, there are in many fases no inwit. offertory

or communion.

Contents - sanctorale The part of ff. 73v - 118r which pertains to the sanctorale has 17 days for

individual saints. Only seven of these are provided with a full set of mass propers. A cornmon for our

Lady extends from f. 99r to f. 114r. Two masses for the dead (both lacking tracts) and one for the

Dedication Festivai are grouped with the saints' days. The Bohemians Procop and Wenceslas have

propers as does the Transfiguration. Those for the latter include only an introit and an deluia. The

ordering of the main part of the sanctorale is somewhat disjointeci. It starts with the Rirification (f. 73v)

and continues through to St. Michael (f. 91v). AAer this, we firad St. Margaret (f. 95r). John the Baptist

(f. %v) and Peter and Paul (f. Wv). Further back in the book in the second hand are partial propers for

Martin (f. 12%). J o b the Evangelist (f. 308v) and Cyrü and Methodius (f. 30%). A few antiphons for

the days of James (f. 364r). Laurence (f. 364r) and Ursuia (f. 364v) are provided by minor later hands.

The second scnk also provided a sequence and offertory as well as his own version of the btroit and

alleluia for the Transfiguration, the latter being different fiom those which appeared earlier in the


Contents - cornmon, sequenciary, hymns, motets The common of saints furnished by the primary

scribe is rudimentary, containing provisions oniy for confessors and the BVM. The second scribe gave

3. F h v Ka.. - 50

us incoqlete sets of antiphons for the cornons of virgins, martyrs and a single martyr. Among the

98 SeQuences, we fmd ones for the major days of the temporale and, for ahost aii, there is more than

one alternative given. Easter has nine choices provided. There are sequences for 26 days of the

sanctorale ordered accordhg to the liîurgical year, nine more tha. the number of &YS for which we

have proper antiphons in the primary band. The usud situation for Complete Bohemian graduaies of

this period is to have antiphons for three or four times the number of saints' days which are represented

in the sequenckuy. There are sequences for the Bohemian sainîs Adalbert and Vitus who have no mass

propers. Of the hyrnns, 128 are in Latin and 7 in Czech. A few are mufti-part. Ff. 24lr-266r are

devoted to hymns for the VUgin. Hymns for the intercalated temporale and sanctorale occupy ff. 266r-

2%. The remaining hymns are for Our Lady. Among the motets and other songs, 66 are in Latin and

ody 2 in Czech. They are mostly ordered by the liturgical year.

Contents - organization The contents of the volume seem not to have been detennined by the primary

s c n i before its inception, the planning process apparently evoIvhg during the execution of the book.

Thus we see the days of three important saints added (two of which are decorated with miniatures) as

if by afierthought, a seaniogly haphiuard detemination of which antiphons are induded for a particular

feast and a sequenciary with provision for a number of saints not included in the sanctorale. Commons

of saints, except for the Virgin and for confessors, were not given by the primary scnie, a deficiency

which later hands sought to remedy.

EIistory - use The book is a FestaI graduale and as such was intended for use ody on the most

important days of the church year. There is an ample provision of music, both in hymns which the

congregation might have m g dong with the choir1M, as well as multi-part compositions for the choir

done. For a church with a tradition of musical mass settings throughout the year, a book such as the

FranuS graduale presupposed a Complete graduale to provide the seüings for the remaining days of the

liturgicai year. As t happem. we how that two such books existed at the tiw in the church for which

' m e we have no specific Lmwledge of whether congregaiionai hymns were sung m Hndec Kralovt5. we do Icnow that Hus himself mithmi communai sin& in the Beîhiehem Chape1 in 1410. (See Enrico C. S. Molnar, 'The Litmgid Reforms of Jan Hus", S p e c u h XLI (1966). p. 301.) Tbat his innovation was effective can be judged from statute 3 of the synod heId under the authority of Archbishop KonrAd of Vechta in 1412: "Item prohiinnu mtilene et Ruadeli m tcclesiis patet prius sub pena unius fertonis pIebano ecclesie et reztore scolarium recitanda pro M c a pragensis tcclesie pro Swaty nass Waczlawe ut supra." (See C Hofler, Concilia Pragenria 1353-1413, (Vienna, 1971). p. 71 .)

3. Franusiiv Kan. - 51

this graduale was made.'"

History - phce of fïrst use and sponsor Tuming to where the book was fim used, the i d a l " G " ' ~

of Hradec Kralove appears in the lower margiu of f. 99r on a blue shield held by a youth. The passage

on f. IV &es clear that the volume was given by Jan FramiS, a draper of Hradec Kraovd. for use in

the Chwch of the Holy Spirit.

Anno ab mcamatione christi ultra müle et quingentos quinto. sexta Idus Novembris die, quhta

ver0 a sevo gelidi Saaimi cum furioso Mavorte in leone congressu, Industrius vir dominus

Ioannes, cognomine Fr- me Panaifex, civis in urbe Grez regine degens sua et opera et

mipensa, hoc memoratissimum propeque homndum voluminis opus, in templum Spiritus sancti

quinpginta @que Pragensium grossonmi sexagenis" comparavit, eam potissimum nactus

rationem. ut sccilicet ex eo mimortalem deum, omnisque eius sanctos nmi abunde. tum indefesse

honos et laus consequatur, Ipse ver0 sue saluti anime per id egregium et preclarum facinus

quam optime consulere queat.

Beneath the inscription we h d depicted the figure of a bony man dresseci in a simple black robe leaning

on a cane and a dark blue waist-high shield on which appear a pair of silver drapers' shears. In the

Iower rnargin of f. 2r, there is smaU blue shield, this time with a crossed pair of shears. Fra& was a

prominent citizen of Hradec Krilové and, beginning in 1485, often sat on the town counci~. '~ He had

also served as rnayor. The shield in the picture. however, indicates that. while he was a substantial

burgess, he was not a member of the aristocracy. His means were certainly sufficient to aiiow him to

erect an altar dedicated to Corpus Christi in the Church of the Holy Spirit.

'06These are HK II A 2 which will be descrii below and HK II A 5, most of whose 171 ff. date h m the early 15th century and are thus kfon our thm. Sec Jaromir w, 'Soupis', pp. 35, 36, 38 and 39. ï h e only sixteenth-centtq components of II A 5 are 9 ff. of supplemenis in the early part of the book, 24 ff. of s e q ~ e ~ l c e s and a folio with an index at the end. lmThe initiai "Gu was not on the original tom shield, but was granted to the town by IiZi z Podebrad in 1458. not oniy because the town's Latin name was Grecz Regine, but also because it was the initial of the king's first name. Similarly , we see a W" Y many arms granted by VladisIav. Sce Jifi h e k , M&sM maQ v M c h zeméh (Town Crests in the Czech Lands), (Prague, 1984). p. 156. '%t is, 55 measures. '%are1 Chytil, moj nunim<mimo mollljrvf &.Who ru do@ b&f r& jageIComkého (The Rogrcs of Bohemisin Miniaturist Painting in the Era of the Jagieiîonian Kings), (Prague, 1896), p. 27.

Aano domini. Nonis Mensis Iunü Hoc est ipso die Sancti Bonafacii Reverendus in

christ0 Philippus Villanova Dei et Appostolice sedir, providente gracia Episcopus Sydonensis

etc. Altare Corporis christi (quod Johannes Fraxn~~ stnixerat) benedixit et comcravit. Singulis

igmir amis officio ment i dies illa haud pretermittatur. Tandem et memoria benefactonun a

fratrï'bus recitetur. (f. 301v)

This inscription was added in the second hand and refers a an evem which preceded the completion of

the book by six mombs. How long this colophon was added afier the date the book was finished is not

known dthough. for paiaeographicai reasons, it wodd appear to have been withm a decade or so.

History - users Thk passage identifies the church for which the book was made and implies that its

users were Utraquist. Philip of Villanova. titular bishop of Sydon, was one of a series of Roman

Catholic bishops that the Hussites were able to coopt to perform the episcopal duties that the Hussites

required but. having no bishops, were unable to perform for themselves. Bis involvement in the

consecration of the dtar in the Church of the Holy Spirit leads one to conclude that the church was

Utracpist and that the book was thus intendeci for Utraquists, of which Franu3 was almost cenainly one.

While the graduale has no propers for the Bohemian martyrs, some of its decoration points to a

Calixtine si= im leben. The miniature found in the initial S(anctus) in most graduaies is an illustration

of God the Father, siüing on a thone and smunded by angels. In this book. it is instead a picture of

Gregory 1 in a red chasuble, beside whom a deacon and a subdeacon are kneeling at the moment of

consecration of the cup, which is prominentiy displayed in the middle of the aitar. The paten is covered.

Two cardinais, one holding the papal tiara, stand to the lefi of the altar and two bishops to the right (f.

28r - Plate 4).'1° The centrai focus of the illustration for the mass of Corpus Christi (f. 6% - Plate 5)

is the figure of Cbrist blessing the chdice."' The presence of Czech hymns and motets also suggests

Utraquist use. The mention of the iiterary brotherhood of the cityH2 is the only one of its khd still extant

in a L ~ M linirgical document from the Jagiellonian period. The book was made for the use of the

brotherhood of the literaîi in Hradec Kralovf who provided the musical accompaniment to the divine

'lO~oroslava Drobd, 'Jani&k Zmilclg z Pisbi a J e kodexW. Umail, iïI (1955). p. 184. "lçhyril. W o j . p. 27. '12~aro~1av Mikan, 'Literary Groups in Hradec Kr;UovCn. in Ale5 Doubrava and Jaroslav Siila. eds.. P e d of OH Parchmenrs, (Hradec Wové, 1947). pp. 12 - 14.

3. F-v Kan. - 53

service and assumai respomiailty for the altar of Coipus ~hristi."'

Histov - JanfEek Zmiieif of Ptsek, illnmjnntor It is possible to deduce the name of the principal

miniamkt of this book since he also decorated the Latin graduale of Mlada Boleslav"' (and those of

~ r g ~ r n ' ~ and Zit ta~"~) and is identifiai in it as Iam°Cek Zrnileli of Pisek"'. Art historians over the

last 150 yuus, starting from oce el"' and C h ~ t i l ' ' ~ in the last ce- and including &rkovitsl" and

Kr;asa12' in the present one have agreed that the principal painter of the two volumes was one and the

same. The rendering of faces is characteristic of Jam'tek and quite unambiguou, even to one with no

arthtic backgroumi. Chytii quotes with approvai Wocel's observation that because of the comparability

of the books in both script and artistic execution, they are the fruits of one scribe and one painter.

Whether the scribe and the p h r were one is an open question. Perhaps. with DrobdP, it would be

more certain to say that the principal scribe and the principal painter for the books were the same. While

recogrhhg certain Merences, he nonetheles observes that in Czech book painting of the period there

are no two books as similar and as close in style. This volume was probably the earlier of the two.

Cover - boards and metal fitihqp The binding is original, consisting of 1.5 cm. thick square-cut intact

69.9 x 45 cm. wooden boards covered with leather which is a golden brown in colour. There is a note

on a label on the inside front cover that the leather and brasswork were treated with wax as a

"k. W. Zap, "BishipslS hiad chram W. Ducha v Mové Hradci' (AU Saints ' Cathedra1 in Hradec Kriiiové), Pm&@ archaeologické a mijropisné (Archaelogical and Topographical Journal), (hereinafter P d & ) III (1859), p. 165. The Bohemian word "chrh", here translatecf as "cathedral", does not have an exact En@ equivalent. A close approximation is "minster" which, applied to a church in England, may mean either a cathedra1 or the principai chufch of a large tom. Here. it seems best translaîed as "cathedral" since it is modified by "chief episcopal", even though the church was never the seat of an episcopal see. "Basilicam has the exact Czech equivaient, "badika" . "'0kr- muzeum v Made BoIeslavi (MB), sig. II A 1

l'S~~~~kesegyhazi KUnyvtAr (ArchicpiScopai Li'brary). sig. Ms. 1. 3. "6~hristian-~eise-~&li~thek, sig. A ID. '"MB II A I, f. 2ûir. "'~mndt~y, III (1859). p. 245. Il9 Vjboj, p. 27. 'S. Berkovits. 'Az esztergomi üUszI6-graduaiea (The Estlagom Gradual of King Viadislav). M a ~ a r Ktinyszernie, N (1941), p. 349. "'~osef K r h , "Kn2n.i malba" (Paimmg in Books), DaUry &&ho @tvum&o mih( txipodtfzku do konce sîiiodovBku (A History of Czech Fine Arts fbrn the Beginnmg to the End of the Middle Ages), Vol. 112, (Prague, 1984). pp. 609 f. 'P~robnA. 'Janf&k Zmileljiw . p. 186.

3. F d v Kan. - 54

preservation measure in 1987 and this has affécted the colour. The cast bras diamond-shaped comer

pieces and central circular bosses are extraordinarily thick and, since in places consistent with the

pattern of the castings there is no metal, the design appears very boldy. In the comer pieces, there is

a hexagonal said (foot) on the outside corner and the remahder is decoraîed by leaf-like swirIs reaching

out from the stud witfiin the diamond frame. The central boss similarly has four swiris in a circular

fiame emamthg from the centrai stud. There is black leather underlying and somewhat larger in size

than the brasswork. W e the black Ieather itself rnay be modem, the existence of Ieather under the

metalwork of a difTerent colour than the cover is seen m other books of the the and in that sense is

genuine. D e c o d sheet brass, serrated on the inside in a lace-like pattern connects the corner pieces

and is turned over the edges of the boards to provide better protection. Four plates decorated with

excisions, serration and engraving are foumi, one each in the rniddle of the top anci bottom edges of the

front cover and the other two on the outside edge, just b i d e the cornerpieces. The plates tum over the

edge and have a slot at the angle to accommodate the tongues on the sheet bras fitted to the end of the

closure straps. Four late leather straps are anchored under the edging on the back cover.

Cover - 1eather and binding - The decoration of the Ieather consists of an b e r rectangle more or less

joining the b e r apices of the corner pieces. It is covered by a grid of 2 sets of tooled parallel double

straight lines c r e h g a ma& of diamonds. A small b M stamp is applied at the intersection points of

the lines of the grid. Within the diamoeds there are larger bliad stamps, each stamp in a horizontal row

k i n g the same and different from the stamps in the contiguous rows. Around the inner rectangle are

two rectangular frames decorated with blind and roll stampings, the b e r with flowers and the outer

with vines. There are parchment pastedowns on the insides of the covers and one flyIeaf at both front

and back (which are inchdeci in the foliation as ff. 1 and 367). The 8at spine has 8 double bands and

two single headbands. Holes for the dirty stitcbing threads are found 17, 86, 155. 224, 293, 363, 430,

498, 568 and 636 mm. below the tops of the gatherbgs.

Folios and foaation There are 367 folios of parchment in the volume. Two systems of foliation exist.

There is a recent complete system in blue or red pncil on the upper right corners i f the rectos. An

onginai rubric partial system of foliation also eWis. It starts with A [a (=48r), A ü (the A appearing

on the top middle of f. 48v and the ü on the top middle of f. 49r), A iii, etc., up to A xv and then

proceeds through other letters of the alphabet (each foUowed by i through xv) up to X xv. Following

this are Y i-iiii, the iiii of Y iiü appearing on f. 366r. This second system is similar to the general

3. FranUSUv Kan. - 55

pattern in graduales of this p e n d in that the original foliation does not include the Kyriale. but starts

only with the temporale. The probable reason for this is thaî. when only the incipit of an antiphon is

givm, the origmal foliation is used to indicate where the unabndged version is found. The items in the

Kyriaie are dways given in full. This foliation is. however. unusuai in that t does not stop at the end

of the sanctorale. but continues through the sequenchry and the hymns. Gatherings are wially quinions

(29 out of 37) with pages occasionally pasted in. Catchwords regularly appear on the lower h i d e

corner of the verso of the iast folio of the gatherings. Except for the gatherings eadmg with ff. 250.260

and 270. the catchwords are in cursive script. The script for the excepted gatberings is textualis formata.

Layout The laves of the book are a medium- to Light-weight parchment? Light cream in colour. There

is moderate discolouration at the lower corners. The dimensions of ff. 100 and 250 are 65-8 x 43.8 and

65.5 x 43.9 cm. The layout varies between the folios of the graduale proper and the folios of the

hymnary. In both cases there is a singIe column and the wntten space is definecl by a pair of vertical

double red hes on the inside and outside. As an example of the layout of the graduaie proper. f. 100

bas a written space of 47.6 x 28.7 cm. There is no ruling and there are 10 systems, each consisting of

a four-line red musical staff followed by the corresponding Liw of text. While usualiy the neumes and

tea are black, in this particular case they are red on five of the ten hes . There is circular pricking at

the inside and outside of the folio on levels correspondhg to the bottoms of each of the ten lines of ten.

Pricking aIso occurs at the tops of the inside line of the pair of double red Iines on either side of tbe

written space. F. 250 is a part of the hymxwy and has a written space of 48.1 x 28.4 cm. There are 26

lines of text, 6 of which are associateci with five-line red musical staves with black neumes. There is

red ruiing at the top of the d e n space and under each iine of text. Cirnilar prickhg on the inside and

outside of the page occun at a level corresponding to the bottom of every third line of text. Fricking

also occurs at the tops and bottoms of the inside of the two double lines which delineate the d e n

space. A page in the hymnary without music bas 30 liues of text. The motet section has eleven systems

per page. each with a five-Iine staff.

Tiies, cap- and initiais The nrnning tifles are rubrics in a textualis formata of somewhat smaller

size than the main script. The capitals in the sequenciary are either red with a bIue geometric

background or blue on red. Initiais are red, blue. black and sometimes gold and their backgrounds aie

either geometrical or floral, dthough there is occasionally a human face within an initial.

3. F r a n ~ v Kan. - 56

Script There were either onem or two1= chief scribes who contributed to the volume as it was

originally completed in 1505, depending on one's definition of "chief". The prHnary s c n i was

fesponsible for ff. IV - 356r and 367r. v, wah the exception of ff. 129q v and ff. 302r - 310v which,

together with f. Ir and B. 356v - 363r were the work of the secondary scn'be. The prjrnary script is a

careful textuah formata with consistent lozenge-shaped tops and feet on the rninims which tend to

extend very slightly further to the right than to the left and to show at times a trace of a serif to the right

on the hot. The ils are almost always dotteci using a fine h e shaped Iike a backward "su. Ascenders

have a shallow fork on top with the left side larger, but with a nearly horizontal serif on the right.

Minims, ascemiers, descenders and s's are 12, 13, 14 and 16 mm. high on ff. 100 and 250. Compared

with the eariier bomogeneous HK gradde (HK II A 2), the leuers are wider, breakhg is more

pronounced and the usual biting d e s are folIowed. The secondary script is very smiilar. Its chief

characteristic clifferences are that the top moke of the s slopes down (rather than king horizontal), the

tops of d's fi@ up and to the rïght (rather than king straight) and the lower m k e of g's are prolonged

to the left of the bow (rather than ending at it). Four later han& belonging to XVI1 are found on f. 363r

and following. The lower haif of f. 363r and al1 of 363v is in a third hand and the bonom third of 365v

and all of 366r in a fouRh. Both are written in careful hybrida scripts which are very close in form to

textualis formata. Ff. 364, 365r, 366v and the top two thirds of f. 365v are t e m i s formata which

differs from the main hand in its srnail size and in that the lozenges at the tops and bottoms of the

minims are stiffly symmetrical and the ascenden a e sloped up and to the right and have long serifs.

The provisions for other days on f. 367 are in the primary hand. The script is mostly black throughout

altbough script in red, blue or gold leaf is found on folios with important illustrations. Tropes are

usually in either blue or red ink.

Musical notation Staves are red. Four-line staves have a height of 3.0 cm and five-line ones a height

of 3.3 cm. The neumes, clefs and custos signs are bIack with the exception of major feast days and

tropes when they have the samc coIour as the script. Type 1 rhombic choral notes appear on pages with

ten four-line staves and clefs c and f. They are also found in the supplementary material on ff. 356v - 367v which have eleven five-line staves and c and f clefs. Type IIi notes on pages with eleven five-line

staves and clefs c and f are used on two pairs of pages in the Kyriale. Black mensurd notation 1 with

- -

'DL Er.Woce1, "Miniaany b k é XVI. st01etim (Czech Miniatures of the 16th Century), Pamdtky, ïIï (1859). p. 245. 'UCemf. 'Soupis", p. 40.

four- and fiveline staves and c, f and g clefs (and fkequently w clefs) figures chiefly in the hymnary

and motets. Black mensural notation II rnostly on four- but also on five-line staves with clefs c and f is

used in a -ber of alleluias for Our Lady and in the Kyriale, the latter sometimes in tropes in choral

settings. White mensural notation II with five-he staves and clefs c, f and g is found at the end of the


Decorabion There is marginai decoration on folios having initials containing decoration or miniatures.

For the former, we see delicate vines with fiowers and acanthus leaves in the side margin. On folios

with miniatures, the vines, leaves and flowers which decorate the bounriaries are much more profuse,

usuaUy extending into two or hree margins and even, in the case of Corpus Christi, forming a frame

for both the folio with the miniatm and the one which foliows. While acanthus leaves are much used,

the borders for Pentecost and Trinity Sunday are fïüed with grapes and roses respectively, each with

accurate representations of their leaves. Individual human or animal figures are also found in the

margins. The use of figures can be quite extensive. as on the page with the principal Sanctus, where

four large angels are spaced throughout the lower and outer margins. A number of miniatures appear

in the decorations of the sides of the pages. Decurated initiais with marginal decorations inciude: Ecce

concipies (f. 45r), Ave preclara (f. 224~). Ave yerarchia (f. 241r) and inter natos (f. 284r).

. . Mmuihires In addition to the picture of the book's sponsor, there are miniatures in seventeen initialslZ

and three marginal decorations. Drobnii points out that the illustrations designated in the table below

are pattemed on earlier engravings by the Gemian artist, Martin ~ch6ngauer. '~~ The whole plan of the

Lan Supper cibavit) is identical with a seldom-occurring engraving of Viclav of Olomouc, and there

is agreement in the depiction of the principal charactea.ln Minianues having a remarkable similarity

with JamCCTek's other work are designated by foomote.

IV bottom of pg. Frontispiece, Picture of the sponsor, Jan FranuS.

2r me A vigourous-looking , standing Man of Sorrows.

28r Sanctus The Mass of SC. Gregory. Gregory, in a r d chasuble kneels before the altar

I B & n j , in 'Soupis". p. 39. states that then are 18 miniatures in initiais. Wocel, in 'Miniarury " . p. 254. lists eleven. '%robnA, "Jarnotek Zmiieil". p. 186. '2%hytii, Vjboj, p. 28.

3. Fraflusüv Kan. - 58

b e r A

lower rnar . Ecce A

outer mar.

lower mar.

Viri - Spiritus



lower & outer



lower mar.

Me expecta. '

Qe ventrea

with a deacon and subdeacon. Cardin*, bishops and acolytes are beside the

altar. Plate 4

V'xgin in Advent. Behind Mary, who beeIs at aprie-dieu, is the angel of the

Annunciation . Mary, Joseph, angels and the beasts adore the lying child.

An angel amounces the birth to the shepherds.

Mary sits with the child on her Iap before a heeling magus. Two magi stand


Christ stands with one foot out of an open sarcopagus. Dazed soldiers sit on

eîther side.

Three wise virgins with oil flasks.

Christ appears to Mary Magdaiene in the garden.

Christ ascends from a hi11 around which Mary and the apostles kneel.

A dove hovers above Mary, who sits in a circle of the apostles. Plate 6

God the Father, in regal attire, sits on a architectural throne.

Jesus is at the head of a table, around which the disciples are sitting and on

which are bread, wine and a lamb on a platter. In the corners are the symbols

of the evangehts. Plate 5

A tree of Jesse extends from his lying figure across the lower margins

and up the outer margias. Mary and her child are at the top of f. 6%

The child walks across the aitar fiom the priest on the right side to Mary on the

lefi. lZ9

Assumption. Mary sits on a bed holding a c a d e surrounded by the

A church with three Gothic windows and a cupola. There are two square

towers at the west end.

Four peasants travel to the celebration.

Margaret stands with a sword in hand and a dragon under foot.

John, dressed in red over hair cloth, holds a lamb on a book.

lower mar.

outer mar.

99r Salve sanctâ

3. Franusüv Kan, - 59

The exenitioner places the head of the heeüng John on SaIome's plate.

Salome presents John's head on the plattex to Herodias who sits at table.

Common of Mary. Mary, crowned and surromdeci by an aweoIe, hoIds her


God, m regai attire, sits on an architectural throne behind which are angels.

Berkovits, 1. " Az esztergomi U1Bszl6 - graduale", Magyar Kdnyszemle. IV (194 1). 342-353.

Cernj?. JaromU. "Soupis hudebnich nikopisil muzea v Hradci ~ O V ~ " , M&ceIhea -cofogica,

Xrx (1966).

Chytil, Karel. Wvoj tninimuntjho malusrvf &ského za doby M U rodu jagellonského. Prague. 1896.

Drobd, Zoroslava. "JadEek Zmilelf z Pislai a Jensk$ kodex" . UrnBif, III (1955). 181-2W.

M a , Josef. &sw ill~l~~nované nikopisy 13. /16. stofeti. Prague, 1990.

Krasa, Josef. 'KniZni m". in P&d goîické m&zi v &hach. Prague. 1978.

Mikan, Jaroslav. 'Literary Groups in Hradec Kralov6". in Ales Doubrava and Jaroslav Siila. eds..

Pearlr of OId Parchmenü. Hradec Kralove, 1967.

Wocel, J. Er. "Miniatury Eeské XVI. stoletin. P e archaeologické a mfrtopisné, III (1859).

24 1-257.

Zap, Karel Vladislav. "Biskupsw hla* chram SV. Ducha v Kralovk Hradci" , PonilfaSi archeologické

a mlrtopirne, IXI (1859). 160-187.

Piate 4

f. 28r: Mass of St. Gregory


ff. 65




v , 66r:

us Christi with

: of Jesse

3. FranUSlj;v Kan. - 61

Plate 6 f. 6 Ir: Pentecost

4. Havliekiiv Brod Gr. - 62


Olrresni vlasüvdné muzeum v HavEkovu Brdu, Shelmisrk SK 2/1. Date: 1506.

The book is a Latin graduale. There are no discontinuities in the text to suggest misshg folios. One

margin has been clipped and there is some minor water staining on a few of the later folios of the book

in the upper outside quadrant.

Contents - summary

Supplement - unnoted Kyries for eight occasions

Frontispiece - picture of the book's sponsor and his famijy


Ordinary of the mass. 2v - 23r: Kyrie & Gloria; 23r - 38v: Sanctus & Agnus Dei



Common of saints

Votive masses



Contents - commentary The eight unnoted Kyries in the supplemenî on the pastedown and f. Ir are

al1 troped. The Kyriaie proper contains 28 Kyries (of which four are troped), mostly for named

occasions in the church year. The 16 Glorias are all associated with Kyries. Ten are troped, all but one

(the Marian Trope) Minimally. There are 27 mtroped and 2 noped Sanctuses, each with a

correspondmg Agnus Dei. AU but six are assigned to a panicular occasion. The temporale starts with

the Gregorian Proiogue. It is Complete, having tbee SMdays afkr EpÏpfiany, Lancea Domini, twenty-

three Sundays aAer Trinity, the Dedication Festival and the dedication of an altar. The sanctorale ù also

Complete, containhg provisions for 144 separate occasions, of which 12 have vigils and 2 have octave

days. The Usual Bohemian Saints are included as are the translations of Wenceslas and L u M a . The

Bohemïan martyrs, the 10,000 d the translation of A d m i t are absem. There is no entry for

4, Havli&&v Brod Gr. - 63

the Transfiguration, but there is one for Mary of the Snows. The cornmon of saints is Complete. It is

followed by two masses for the dead and niue votive masses. Secpences are given for the principal days

of the temporaie with choices for most (there are five for Easter). There are seqwnces for 36 days of

the samtorale and one or two for each class in the common of saints, except for Mary, who is ailotted

nine. The book closes with four Advent antiphons for the virgin and a single Creed.

History - date To rnany, the colophon on f. 397v would seem to establish the book's date definitively:

Anno salutis mO do viO manu Pauli Melnicensis.

However, those taking such an uncompiicated view would not include art btorians. Bohemian

miniatwists very frequently patterned their illustrations on the work of engravers, whether Dutch

masters or Germans, notably Martin Schongauer, Israel van Menken, Michael Wolgemut and later

Albrecht DUrer. The figure of Christ on the first page of the Kyriale is seated. His nght elbow is on his

right thigh and his head rem on his right hand. There are a remarkable number of points of similarity

to Der ~chmenemm~~tn, '~' the woodcut on the title page of DiIrer's Linle Passion. produced in the

years 1509 and 1510, but not published uniii 151 1. Chytil asks how a Czech illuminator could arrive

at a picture which Dürer puMished several years later and asks wheher there was some earlier artist

who influenced both.ln This line of reasoning was taken one step further by an author of this cenniry.

Krha observed that, while the graduale is dated 1506, its decoration must have taken several years

longer since it is dependent on Dürer's engraving which oniy a p p d in 1511.'33 While Chyti l 's

question is a valid one, Kriss's inherent assumption, that a Bohemian miniatwist couid oniy copy the

motifs of engravers and not make innovations of his own, seems unreasonable. Chyril's implied

hypothesis of an earlier common mode1 also seems a possible one, since in the HB picture Christ's

elbow is resting on his thigh. Dürer has it between Christ's two legs, a position which would be

physically uncornfortable and therefore one which a later artkt might amend. Paul rnay have noticed

and rectified this postural improbability and Diirer did not. As we wili see below, the rôle for which

" 'se plate 727 in Gerîrud Schüler, Janet Seligman a., Icmgrapiry of CArisn'wz An, Vol. II. (Greenwich, Conn., 1972). ' 3 2 ~ 1 Chytil. VJvoj mirriancntfho maltBM &&%O za &by M O mdu jageiio11skéh.o (The Rogms of Ebhemian Miniatukt Paintiug in the Era of the Jagiellonian Kings), (Prague, l896), p. 34. "'~osef kha , "Knifmi malifstviw (Book Painting), PadnC gotické umëzi v &ch&& (Late Gochic Art in Bohemia). (Prague, 1978). p. 440.

4. Havli%kÜv Brod Gr. - 64

Paul was known was that of an iiiuminator, although he may also have been a scribe. If then the

illuminator wrote his colophon in 1506, the theory that the decoration of the book took at least five

years longer wouid seem dubious.

Historg - place In 1859, the book was kept in a solid case in the vestry of the d e c d church of

Havlffktnr Brod (HB).IY Museum records indicaie this to be the Churdi of the Assumption. There is

dso interna1 evidence of its origin in HB noted in the next paragraph.

History - sponsor What Czech commentators refer to not very appropriately as the titie page (f. IV,

Plate 7) is ocnipied by a picnire in a gold leaf frame (33 x 22 cm). God the Father is in the slry at the

top of the picture wearing a crown and holding an orb in his Ieft hand. Below the Father is a hilly

landscape and at the bottom of the picture is a fiat space, on the lefi of which a man with two boys is

beeling, han& clasped before hem, worshipping the heavedy Father. A woman and two girls on the

right are doing the same. Below them, resting on the gold frame are two coats of amis. The shield of

the one on the left consists of three horizontal bands (biack on top, then red and white) and of a crest

consisting of two red hom in the shape of a lyre. This is the coat of a m of the house of TrEka z Lipy

and was granted to Nicholas Tr&a t Lipy (t1453). a prominent Ut~aquist,'~~ in the first half of the

fifieenth century . l x His descendants, Nicolas the elder and Nicholas the younger. organized the

ordination of priests on Pentecost 1482 (May 26) by Bishop ~ugustine.'" The shield on the right has

two crossed black wooden staves on a yellow (or gold) background. On top of it rests a right-facing

helmet whose crest includes a fish. It is the emblem of the z Lfpy famiy of Ceska Lipa and dates from

around 1253. "' The z Lipy shield, without the helmet and crest, also appears on f. 2v, at the bonom

of the page with the Diirer-Iike Christ. The shield in the form found on f. 2v is also pan of the coat of

arms of the city of HB.139 The man depicted on f. lv may be either Nicholas the younger, Lord of

lY~eronm Solat. 'Némeckobrodsk$ graduaiw (The Graduai of Havli(5kb Brod), Pmnatky , III (1 859), p. 188. l % h a * "mim Illiilmn, p. 440. 13'~ilan Mysliveikk. Erbovnik (Heralüry), (Prague. 1993). iilussation p. 58 and text p. 132. The illustration shows the horizontal red and white bands reversed in order, but it is otherwise identical. lK~erdinand Hrejsa. Dèjiny kirsfmnvl v &koslovensku, Vol. IV. (Praha. 1948). p. 46. 138~ysliveCek, Erbovnik. illustration p. 33 and text p. 94.

h e k , MCnskt? moky v &skjkh zanlch (Town Crests in the Czcch Laods), (Prague, 1985), c010ur appendix, descri i on p. 136 f.

4. HavlitWv Brod Gr. - 65

Lipnice and HBI4, or his brother Burian"' who held Hirmpolec and the c a d e of Lipnice, Humpolec

l m g 19 km. from HB. The m~nogram'~ on f. UV (Piaîe 8) suggests that the iatter was the more WeIy

of the two to have been the book's sponsor.

History - users The book's sponsorship by a member of an Utraquist family creates a strong

presumption that the book was made for Utraquist users. This conclusion is consistent with the book's

lack of a feast of the 10,000 martyrs and the organization of the Kyriaie by &ys of the temporale and

sanctorale rather than by commons or by classes of feasts. m a adds, without giving any reason, that

it was produced for the use of the tom's lirermi..'*

Paul of Mi%&, iüumiuator - professional background This would seem to be an appropriate place

for an excumis on the subject of Paul of MiUk, the illuminator and possibly also the scn'be of this

book. Paul was not the greatest of the Prague school of illuminators in the second half of the

Jagielionian penod. He is noteworthy, however for two reasons. Fim, his extant work spaas the long

period from 1506 to 1530. His other two sumiving works are the PIzefi graduale of 1527 (Knihovna

Nihociniho muzea (NM), XII A 23) and the two-volume h u n y graduale of 1530 (Okresni archiv v

Lounech, Mss. 1 G 8a and 1 G 8b). Secondly, he was a leader of the hegue artistic community of his

the, and his relationships with some of his colleagues help one understand the scope and activities of

the Prague arthts of the time. The excellent documentary research work by J. V. ~~, derived from

the archives of al1 three Prague towns for the years of the JagieLionians, tumed up the names of 15

iliumhators and 40 other painterdu. Doubtless this understates the number of individuals active since

many artists would not have owned property, been involved in lawsuits or died during their stay in


Paul of M6lni.k - personal We The iliuminator Paul of MHnik purchascd a house called "u havSüw in

'"solaf. PomdiS, III, p. 188. t41~r&a. 'Knitni maUfstviW, p. 440. '%e monogram near the Iower left corner has four gold letters an a blue shield. At the top is a d capital B. Directly below it is a large T with a slightiy srnalier S under its teh crossbar and an 1 under its right. l ' % & a , ' K M malifsoi", p. 440. '% V. k l k , 'Zpriivy O maliilch a illuminatorech pmZd@ch doby jagellomké 1471 - 1526' (Information about Prague Painten and IIIuminators in the Jagiellonian Era 1471 - 1526). P e wcArteologi&& a nilnop*. Xvm (1898-9). COIS. 457-484.

4. Havlitkiiv Brod Gr- - 66

Kadova ulice of the OId Town in 1492'~. In 1493 he loaned to Martha. widow of Valentin Noh. the

illumioator from J ~ c h ~ v Hradec. 30 kop. gr. on the security of her house. Three years later, he

loaned her a M e r 5 kop. In 1513, he acquired for his own use Martha's house on PlatnefsM ulice in

the parbh of St. Mary on the Pool. In 1505 he ami the gold beater Jan Stnmbe- d e d accounts with

Michael. a painter of K M Hom, who rrmained mdebted to Paul for 26% kop. gr. Chytil believes ihar

this relates to an artistic work which Michaei directed and in which John and Paul participami. In 1510

he and h k r d @ appeared as witnesses in a dispute arbitrateci by the Prague brotherhood of painten.

The next year, again d e r the brotherhood's auspices, he was an arbitrator in a disagreement between

Simon and Michael, both paiaten. It would appear that Michael was from KuM Hom, and thus was

probably the same Michael referred to above, since one Bart05 of Kutd Hora was a witness. Paul in

1522 u~lsuccessfiilly marrieci off his sister VorSila to Vklav Freser, a neighbour on PIatnei5M u. Freser

proved to be a violent man. When the maniage broke up, Paul bought a house near the church of the

Mother of Goâ before TB for himself and his sister for 125 kop. gr., 35 in cash and 90 as a vendor

take back mortgage having annual payments of 13 kop. gr. Paul's executors presented on November

10, 1533 his will dated August 1, 1533 to the city council for probate. He therefore died in chis three-

month period. In his wili, he asked that Michael, apparently an incurable delinquent, use the 33 kop.

gr. which he still owed Paul to restore a picture in the chape1 of the artists' brotherhood in St. Mary

Tjh. Anything left over shoulci be applied to the chapel's window. '"

Bohemian iuinninators in the JagieRonisin period This description of some of the recordeci

happenings is important for undemanding the enwonment from which the subject graduale, and indeed

many or most of the other graduales, arose. First, it came from amidst a brotherhood of artists which

acted as a guild. providing for its members' spiritual well-king and settling their business disputes.

Secondly, and unlike the situation in contemporary Moravia, book production was mostly in lay han&.

even for at least one book produced for Roman Catholic use'".

Cover - boards and metai fithgs The original covers are intact square-cut boards of size 64 x 42

cm., covered in pigskin which was origmally white but has weathered to a iight to medium brown. On

'USimak, PMuftky, col. 475. "ChytiI, w o j , p. 33. "'~aul's book NM XII A 23.

4. HavHtküv Brod Gr. - 67

the front cover, there are four diamolid-shaped corner pieces of cast brass, each with the figure of an

eagle in a £kame and a hexagonal foot at the outer corner. The design of the central medaiiions is based

on a square in the middle with a hexagonal stud to rest the book on. From each side of the square

springs a fleur-de-lis whose height approximately equals the length of the square's side. Two bras

rosettes with a pst in the middle above and below the central medallion are at a distance h m the outer

edge of the cover of about a quarter its width. Their use is to anchor the bras Miings on the free ends

of the closure straps, which are attachecl to the back cover. The brass fittings (except for the rosettes)

are identical to hose on the Chnidim graduale discussed below. The back cover was originaüy the same

as the fiont, but the two corner pieces ne= to the spine are now missing, as is a part of the central

medaliion. Origiaally, there were four strips of sheet bras on the perimeter joining the corner pieces.

These are now missing.

Cover - leather and binding The leather is decorated wîth three rectanguiar f m e s each firting around

the next d e r frame. The inner and the outer frame contain roll stamping of different patterns. The

middle frame is plain. The rectanguiar central space is roll stamped with three interlockhg vertical

columns of hexagonal shapes, cadi having a srnail floral design within. The spine is flat with six double

bands and two single bands at the top and bottom. There are pastedowns front and back and a flyleaf

(f. 1) at the front.

Folios and foliation There are two systems of foliation. One is late and in pend on the upper right

corner of the recto of most folios, jw on top of the upper musical staff and inside the red double

vertical line definhg the right side of the written space. It has two errors since folios numbered 181 and

298 do not exist because of foliation errors. The second system is original in rubric and consists of a

capital letter in the middle of the verso of a leaf, just above the top musical staff, facing a Roman

numeral, similarly placed on the recto of the next folio. The h t of the series is an A on f. 40v facing

the Roman numeral i on f. 4 Ir. It extends through U ü on ff. 232v - 233r (the beginning of the common

of saints). In the A section, we find numbers fiom i to xi. The numbers following the other letters go

from i to x. There is no section for J and therefore precisely 193 ff. are included in the system. The

gatherings are mostly quinions, and over the range of the second system starting fiom B i, the Roman

numeral i is found in the rnidde of the recto of the £ïrst folio in each gathering. Thus, each of the 18

gatherings firom f. 52 through f. 231 correspond to one leüer of the alphabet in the second system. The

last folio in the book is numbered 397 in the tim system. Adjusting this for the two nmbers ornittecl

4. Havlit!Mv Brod Gr. - 68

gives a total leaf count of 395. However there are inscriptions from 1638 on the h ides of the from and

rear covers which mdicate the presence of 3% folios. Ieronym Solaf, a nineteenth-cenniry codicologist

aho puts the number at the existing 395. observing that the seventeenth-century mimber counted the

h n t pastedown as one folio". The book is wriaen on &st use parchment of medium thickness and of

a light cnam colour. The staining from use on the lower outside corners is somewhat less than average.

It has been trimmed, but remmts of catchwords which mark the ends of quires remain.

Layout Leaf dimensions of ff. 89 and 359 are 61.5 x 41.4 and 62.0 x 41.0 cm. respectively. The

&en space on their rectos meaSuTes 45.7 x 26.1 and 45.3 x 26.2 cm. Pricking on these two folios by

way of horizontal slits appears slightly below each line of text on the outside of each folio and near the

spine. Pricking is also found at the top and bottom on the h ide of the two double vertical Iiaes defining

the sides of the written space. From f. 2r on, there are 10 systems in a single column on each page. each

consisting of a four-lined musical staff with its text.

Script The main script is a careful texruaiis formata in black ink. Breakhg is marked and the usud

biting d e s apply. The shape is square in the sense b t the breadth of the bodies of letten is close to

the height of a minim. The minims have tops which are lozenge shaped. The bottoms are not quite

lozenges since the final pen stroke is up and out, endmg in a serif. The t's have tops which make hem

clearly distinguishable fiom c's, i's are carefully finished with a fine vertical line above them and the

ascenders on the Ietters 1, b and h are forked with a pronounced serif up and to the right. Heights of

niinims, ascenders, descenders and s's are 10.5. 12, 13.5 and 15 mm. On miportant feasts, the first few

lines of t e s are in gold leaf. A second script, probably also Paul's and confineci to the inside front cover

and f. 1 r, is a highly Iegible cursiva formata.

Musical Notation The music in the book is d e n throughout with four-line red staves with a height

of 2.0 cm. and type 1 rhombic choral notes. Clefs are c, f and g. The neumes, custos signs and clefs are

generally black, although goid leaf is used on the first two or thne lines of special days and red and blue

are used in three lines of the troped Kyrie Cwzmpotens genitor d m .

Titles, capitals, initiais The rubrics in which running titles are wntten are in the same script as the

4. HavEClkiiv Brod Gr. - 69

text, but perhaps 15% smaller in size. The capitals in the sequeIlces altemate between red and blue.

lnitials vary in colour between black with a yeiIow wash background, gold, red and blue. Initiais of the

former two colours usuaiiy have a floral background. Blue initiais usually have a red geometricai

background and red initiais a blue one. DroUeries are not present.

DeCoration The pages having initiais whose interiors are iilutrated with miniatures a h have margius

decorated with vines and flowers of many colours. Somethes the foiiage is delicate and at othen quite

luxuriant. There are occasionaily smaii animais or bu& among the leaves but never humans and

ceftainly no miniatures.

. . Miniatares Miniatures are fomd in fifieen initia. The larger ones occupy the height of three systems

and the W e r , two. The foliation of the last five miniatures below does not agree with that found in

Solaf because of the error in the later foliation system noted above.'"

Ad te levavi



Frontispiece. See description under Hjstory - sponsor above. Plate 7

Seated Man of Sorrows. Set description under History - date above.

God sits on his throne, an ange1 on either side, and a book with seven seais on

his Iap (Rev. 6: 1). The forelegs of a Iamb with seven horns rest on the book

(Rev. 56 ) . Plate 8

Gregory, in red cloak and tiara, writes at a canopied desk.

The chiId is half si#ing in a cni on the ground, Mary, behind whom are an ox

and an ass, watches him from the left and Joseph watches from the right.

Mary sit. with the cMd on her lap. Before her one magus kneeis and two stand

in the background. Above Mary are a roof and the star.

Christ, with banner and right hand raised, stands on a closed sarcophagus. Two

soldiers sit to the lefi on the ground beside. Plate 9

Christ's lower legs rise from a Mi, arowid which Mary and the disciples &el,

looking up.

Mary, reading with a book open, sits beneath the figure of the dove. Three of

the disciples around her are facing up, the rest toward her.

4. HavEtkûv Brod Gr. - 70

God sits in regal attire on an architecturai throne,

Christ stands in a wine press, leanhg over and stimng with a rod.

A small white stucco church with a red tile roof and a cupola.

Andrew supports with his left hand an X-shaped cross.

A priest han& a seated chiid across the altar to Mary.

A seatd Christ places a gold crown on the head of a kneeling Mary.

God at the upper right corner speakrr from the buming bush to a seated Moses,

who is removing his shoes.

Chytil, Karel. Vvoj miniatuni7to maiu5tui &ského ra do@ &&ci ro& jagef201tského. Prague, 1896.

W a , Josef. &se iluminované rukopisy 13. /16. sîoleti. Prague, 1990.

K h , Josef. 'biM malimvin , in Pozdnd gotické unau' v &chdch. Prague, 1978.

MatèjCek, Ant. "MaliZsnnC", in Zdenek Wirth, ed., Dgepik jîvam'ho umaii' v &fich. Vol. 1.

Prague, 193 1.

h i k . J . V. 'ZprAvy O malfich a illuminatorech pratsi@ch doby jageilonské 1471 - 1526". Pm&@

archaeologické a mtStopisné, XVIII ( 1 898-9), cols. 457-484.

Solaf, Jeronjhn. "N~meckobrods~ graduai". P w ardraeologické a mktopisné, III (1859),

188 f.

4. HavüEkiiv Brod Gr. - 71

Plate 7

f. lv: Frontispiece with Trtka z Lipy family and arms


f. 14t

4. Havli5kiiv Brod Gr. - 72

Plate 8

f. 23v: Sanctus


5. Hradec Kralove Gr. - 73


Muzel~~ll v f c h d c h Coch v Hradci graIov6, Shelfmark: lAgl II A 2, olim B 8, MS 40. &mi: 2-. Date: ca. 1470.

This earlier Latin graduale h m Hradec Kraiové is complete, apart from two quires and six folios (26

folios in aU). The contents are as foIiows:

Contents - snmmary

Ir - 21r Ordinary of the mass. Ir - 8r: Kyrie & Gloria; 8v - 21r: Sanctus and Agnus Dei

21 r - 156v Temporale

156v - 182v Sanctorale

182v - 224r Common of saints and two masses for the dead

224v - 3 16r Sequencky

316v-317v Credo

3 17v Explicit

Contents - ordimuy There are just 13 Kyries, al1 of which are assigned to various occasions in the

church year. The fim W partial, s o w of it presumably having been written on a missing first quinion.

The fkst gathering which remains in the book has no misshg Ieaves and thus the partial Kyrie indicates

that the book is lacking a whole gathering which is probably a quinion, since most of the g a t h e ~ g s are.

None of the Kyries are troped. The complete lack of troping probably refiects the missing quinion.

Customarily, tropes were provideci for the most important days of the year, which are invariably at the

beginning of the Kyriale. There are six Glorias paired with Kyries. Five are Minimally troped and one

is more heavily troped. Nineteen pairs of a Sanctus and an Agmis Dei are given, 14 for specified

occasions. In two cases, both the Sanctus and the Benedictus are troped. In one, only the Benedictus

is troped.

m~an,mir &mi, 'Satipis hudebnfch nilopisü muzea v Hradci MovC" (Cataiogue of the Musical Manuscripts in the Museum of Hradec Kralové), MisceUMen musicobgica, XDC (1966). pp. 36 f.

5. Hradec Kralove Gr. - 74

Contents - tempode, sandorde and common of saints The usual Gregorian Prologue is found on

f. 21r. The temporale is Complete except that a section is missing which includes propers fiom the

middle of the introit for the feast of the Holy Innocents to the beginning of the communion for

Sephiagesima. The origmal foliation tek us that one quinion is absent. Other excisions include a folio

with Ascension Day afcer f. 128, two (the centre bifolium of a quinion) with feriae 4, 5 and 6 after

Pentecost after f. 133 and three after f. 150 with the three autumn ember days and Trinity 18 - 20.

Lancea Domini is present, as is Trinity 23. The Dedication Festival fails at the end of the temporale.

The sanctorale is rather meagre, having provision for only 33 saints plus four vigils and one octave

(Laureme). Only four days are included for apostles. Apart from Adalbert, ali of the Usual Bohemian

Saints are omiaed. There are no mass propers for the Transfiguration, Mary of the Snows or for the

Presentation. The common of saints is Complete and has two masses for the dead at the end. It has a

single set of propers at the end of the common of confessors which is labelleci in NK MV A 1 as being

intendeci for a non-episcopal confesser, but is not here so identifieci. Unlike NK X N A 1. there are no

tracts in the common.

Contents - sequenciary The sequenciary has provision for 12 days f k m the temporale (with up to four

choices) and 34 days from the sanctorale. However, there is Iittle relationship between the saints' days

for which we have mass propers and those for which we have sequences. Of the former. 20 out of 33

fdl in the first half of the caiendar year. whereas only 7 out of 34 of the latter do. The sequenciary picks

up the Unial Bohemian Sains with the exception of Sigismund and Rocop. The graduale falls short of

being Complete only because of the small number of days in the sanctorale.

Hhtory - Jan Mi- of Hradec KdIov~, scribe and iüimiinator The maker of this book also had

talent as a p e t , as is evident from the scribal colophon.

Ut gaudere solet iam fessus muta labore

Exoptata diu Littora nota videns,

Haut ahter scriptor optato fine LibelIi

Exuitat viso lassus et ipse quidem,

Hic liber re~iquos'~' precessit triennio ante

Proprie et inservire favereque mallens

- - -

%IK II 3 (wintcr) and HK II 4 (summer). a two-volume antiphonary.

5. Hradec Kralové Gr. - 75

Patrie, pre ceteris sincero fauit amore.

Vendhm iri aliosLa civitas sumpt i i fecit

Tu tu0 mernoria teneas scriptorem precatu,

Ut Johannes Mikus societur christ0 amicus . (f. 3 l7v)

was born in Hradec W o v é aroimd 1435 and died shortly aller 1484. Although we occasionally

find mention of him in Prague, he seems to have passed most of his working career in Hradec

~ r a l o v e . ~ He must have spent a few years prior to 1461 in the capital, since he rmived a bachelor's

degree h m the Charles University on Apd 23 of îhat year.* Jan MikuS d e s c n i himself here as the

scribe. In a similar inscription in the so-called KouZim gradde'" of 1470, which was apparently

fimced by Hradec Kr6lov6, he identifieci himself as the illuminator. From tint book we also learn that

he was a native of Hradec Wové . It seems probable that MikuS was also responsible for the summer

and winter parts of a two-volume antiphonary (HEC II A 3 and HK ïi A 4 respectively) also made for

HK. AI1 three HK books agree in their layout, size and style.

History - &te Both Cern9 and PeSinal" date the graduale around 1470. Cern9 puts the two

antiphonaries before 1470'~. Chytil associates II A 2 closely with -'s dated graduale of 1470" but

avoids any specific indication of date.'" His conservative approach seems appropriate.

m o r y - place Cern9 indicates that the book was made for the Church of the Holy Spirit in Hradec

Kalové. This is the same church home as for the F r a d graduIe of 1505. Wbile Cern9 gives no

reason, the same conclusion can be reached because of the miniature pictwe of the church on f. 155r.

Inone such is probably NK XIV A 1. Sec the description for documenî 2î . lnJosef Kr&, 'Ki1lZai maEhMw (Book Painiing). Pozdné gotické umM v &ch&h (Late ûothic Art in Bohemia), (Prague, 1978), pp. 397.

V. Simak, 'Zpr5vy O malûich a illuminatorech p-ch doby jageiionské 147 1-1526" (Information about Prague Paintes and I1Iuminators in the Jagiellonian Period), PQmdtky, XWIi (1898-9), col. 464. ' s 5 ~ h o d n i knihovna (NK) XIV A 1, f. Ir. '56~aroslav Pihina, 'Studie k malfisrvi Wbradské doby' (A S N d y of Painting at the Thne of Poâ&brady), UmM, VII (1959). p. 219. lnJaromir brny, "Soupis', pp. 36 f. 1 5 8 ~ ~ XIV A 1 "%are1 ChytiI. w o j miniatutniho d & v i &skeho za &b &&J rodv jugeliomk~ho (The Progrru of Bohemian Miniatwist Painting in the Era of îhc JagieUonian Kings), (Prague, la%), p. 6.

5. Hradec M o v é Gr. - 76

(Plate 11) In a mnnber of reqxts, it is simüar to the Church of the Holy Spirit today. The architecture

is Gothic, seen best on the tail flamboyant Gothic wmdows on the east end. One can see four out of a

probable fk. There are two towers on the west end and a low structure along the north waU between

the north tower and the taU windows of the east end. The church's wiradows on the north side begin

above its roof liae. The miniature is different fhm today's church in that its towers may be circular

rather than square, it has a cupola and the roof Line of the east end is lower. Also, the church has

apparently i n c r d in size since the Meenth century by extending its west end, effectively doubliug

its length. Thus, the church pictured in the miniature is now the quire, the later westward extension is

the nave and the former West towers are part of the crossing.

History - users The church at the tmie of MihiS was ahost certainiy Hussite. Hradec Kra1ové was an

Utraquist t o m since the thne of &ka.'" It was an aUy of George of Podtibrady in 1458, who granted

an augmentation of the town crest.I6' Rokycana, the Utraquist leader, withdrew to Hradec Kralové for

a long period after 1436. We established above that this church was Calixtine in 1505. (Se 3. FraMsiiv

Graduale: History - users.) Thus, given that the town was Hussite ca. 1470 and that the church (and the

town) was Hussite in 1505, then it seems logical to conclude that the church was also Hussite in 1470

and therefore that the book's users were Utraquist.

Cover - boards and metal The original binding consists of sound wooden boards covered with

leather. The leaîher, originally white, has aged to a golden brown colour. Dimensions are 68.0 x 44.6

cm. The cover formerly bore bras fiühgs whose shape c m be inferreci from the lack of discolouration

of the underlying leather. There were four diamond-shaped corner pieces and a circular central

medailion. Strips of sheet metal with lace-like serrations along their inner edges fomed a protective

h e around the cover boards. There were two roiilad posts for the closure straps set in rosettes above

and below the central meciallion.

'%e town was claimed for Umquism on June 26, 1420 by Lord Ale9 z W o v a along wiih several oolleagues. See Laurence of Bfezova, "Historia Hussitica", Forires R e m B ~ h c ~ c a n u n , Vol. 5, (Prague, 1893). p. 382:

Sicque noctis tempore dominus Ambrosius cum gente prefata itcr versus Grecz dingit et circa diescentem civitate apprapinquantes cum scaüs se ad muros applicant et paucis admodum resistentiius et ceteris perplexis muros civitatis in brevi obtinent, demum vero quibusdam ex intraneis ad casaum. reliquis ver0 super m e s portarum d g i e n t i i u s clara illa die, que erat XXW Junü civitais fiunt possesores amicis ac fautonius veriratis in magnam exuitacionem et gaudium.

16'~iH h k . M&& ma@ v &@ch zemfch (Town Crests in the Czech Lands). (Praha. 1984). p. 156.

5. Hradec Kralové Gr. - 77

Cover - leather and binâing Two frames defined by thne double hes stamped into the leather and

containhg blind stamping lie just withm the brass borders. Within the frames is a centrai recmgie

decorated with a diamond pattern fomed by hvo sets of parallei stamped double Lmes - one set at about

60' and the other at 120' to the horizontal. Within the diamorids are a variety of blind staqings, some

circuiar and some having the shape of a shield, one for each diamond. The top original closure strap

remains and is fastened to the back cover under where the bras edging used to be. The spine is flat and

has 9 double bands and two single headbands. The stitching holes in the first gathering are 7,70, 13 8,

204,268,332,395,457,521,582 and 648 mm. below iîs top. The parchment pastedowns on front and

back covers are 66.6 x 44.2 cm.

Folios and foliation There are two systems of foliation. The first covers the whole book. It is late and

in blue pencil at variable positions near the upper right corners of the rectos. The last folio is numbered

317. However, the foliation skips from 289 to 3 0 . thereby overstating the count by 10. That is, there

are 307 folios. The second system is in rubric on the middle of the upper margins of the versos starting

on 22r (A i - displaced from 2 1v) and ending on 223v (P ix). The foliation gets displaced to the recto

of the next folio if the verso it would have occupied has a miniature. The srnall Roman numerals

following the letters go from i to xv. We would expect then that 223 wouid equal20 plus 14 x 15 + 9 - 16 (missing folios noted above excluding those in the Kyriaie), which indeed it does. One leaf was

excised follcwing f. 213 before the original foliation was made. The book as it now stands consists of

29 gathe~gs which were originally quinions (the excisions from them have been already noted) and

3 quaternions. Folios are Light beige parchment of light to medium weight. They are a bit dirty in some

places and are moderately discoloured from use at the iower outside corners.

Layout The dimensions of ff. 100 and 200 are 65.9 x 43.5 and 65.9 x 43.8 cm. The written space is

bounded on the outside by a pair of double red lines exte- the height of the page. Its size on ff. lOOr

and 2ûûr is 50.4 x 29.1 and 50.3 x 28.9 cm. Each page is laid out in a single column with IO systems,

each system consisting of a four-lin& red musical staff above a line of text. Pricking in the form of

horizontal slits is found in the outer rnargins of ff. 100 and 200 at the level of the top line of the musical

staves and one beiow the Iast line of text where the top line wodd fàU were there another staff. Fricking

in the same form is also found on both folios on the inside line at the top of the double red line at the

outside of the written space. On f. 200, there is also a dit at the top of the inside of the double line on

the b i d e of the m e n space.

5. Hradec Kralové Gr. - 78

Mpt niere was one scribe, aithough there are very occasional interlinear interpolations, unially of

text only, by a hand not much later than the original one. me ink of the main script is a black-brown

except red is also used occasionally for emphasis aod in passages which are troped. The script is a

textualis formata fiom the middle of the Meenth century. The bottoms of the minims are triangles

pointeci to the right and ending in an up stmke. Their tops are roughly diamond shaped. Ascenders @.

h, 1) are topped Mth a p r o n o d fork. the right side nearly vertical and the lefi ending in an almost

horizontal serif. The bottoms of descenders are straight with a serif to the right. Breakhg is present,

but only partly developed and there is no biting. The upper compartments of a's are closed by a hair

line. Heights of minims, ascenders, descenders and s' s are 1 1, 16, 16 and 17 mm.

T'ies, capitals and iniüaIs The rubrics which provide the Nmiing titles are in the same script as the

main one, but about 40% smailer. Capitals in the sequenciary are red or blue. Initiais among the

amiphons are black (highlighted with yellow and a bit of red) and red and blue (with no background

decoration) . Initiais in the sequenciary alternate between red and blue .

Musical Notation The music in the book is written throughout with four-he red staves with a height

of 2.4 cm. and type 1 rhombic choral notes. Clefs are c, f and g. The neumes, custos sigm and clefs are


Decoration The following decorated initials are on pages with margiBal ornamentarion but without

miniatures. Save for a srna11 cameo of the Virgin and child on f. 217r: Benedicta sit (f. 134~). Michi

autem (f. 1 Ur), Salve sancta (f. 2 17r) and Grates (f. 224~). The marginal decoration is mostly vines,

flowers and acanthus leaves. In the fkst and the 1st of the initials, it extends into three rnargins, in the

other two, it is found only in one. The folios with miniatures have extensive marginal oniamentation

in two or three margins including vines, flowers, fruit, leaves, birds, and figures of animais and

humaos. There are no drolleries in initiais and none in the margim, with the exception of three small

animals at the boaom of f. 8v, one a bear playing on bagpipes.

Miniatures There are eightlg miniatures within initials and two in margins. The rendering of the

'%mi ('Soupis" p. 36) says there are nine. as in the Franu5 graduale. me more than there r d y is. Perhaps he is counting the figure of the V'igin and child m the margh of f. 217r. There is aIso a decoraied initial on the page*

5. Hradec Kralové Gr. - 79

miniature for Chiismias beautifuly compresses the whole Christmas story (Mary, baby, angek and a

wide landsape with a cade ancl a church) inîo a very small space.

8v &~~cnis God si& in regd attire on an architecturai throne with three angels on either


2 1v Ad te ievavi Gregory in red and wearing a tiar;. Wfites in a book at a desk.

36v b e r Mary and Joseph behind her heeI befon the babe in the manger. Plate 10

112v &surrexi Christ with a banner stands on a closed sarcophagus. Two srnail figures of

soldiers heel behind it. The background includes hills, trees and a town.

131r Spiritus The dove hovers above Mary and the discipIes clustered around her.

15% Tem'bilis A Gothic cfiurch Mth a red tile roof ami cupola and two towea at the west end.

The roof at the east end is lower than the main roof. Plate 11

lower mar. Three peasants stand in a meadow in from of a church, one holding a flail and

another a M e .

161v Suscepimus A priest hanCs the child to Mary. Both are standing before an altar.

177v Çiaudeamus Assumption. Mary kneels in prayer, surrounded by the disciples. Above. the

Christ holds a figure of the crowned Mary, flanked by angels.

217r outer margin Mary holds the naked Jesus in her arms while standing on the moon.


Cenif, Jaromir. "Soupis hudebnich rukopisf mwea v Hradci Kralovc5", Miccelhea ll~~~icologica,

X I X (1966).

Chytil , Karel . Vjr voj rmrmniahcmaio maIiBtvi &ského zn do@ Ml U rodu jagellonského . Prague, 1 896.

K h a , Josef. &se ilminované rukopisy 13. 116. stoleti. Prague, 1990.

Mikan, Jaroslav. 'Literary Groups in Hradec Kri.iov6". in Ale5 Doubrava and Jaroslav sua, eds.,

Peuris of Oid Parchmetlrs. Hradec Kralove, 1967.

Pësina, Jaroslav. "Studie k maiifstvi podebradské doby " , UmBii, W (1959) , 196-227.

hdk, J. V. "Zpr5vy O mallfich a illuminatorech pra2swch doby jagellonslcé 1471 - 1526", Pm&y

archaeologické a miktoplrné, XVIII ( 1 898-9). cols. 457-484.

5. Hradec Kralové Gr. - 80

Plate 10

f. 36v: Christmas

Plate 11

f. 15%: Dedication Festival,

Church of the Holy Spirit

6. Chrudim Gr. - 8 1

0- muzeum v Chninimi, Inv. E: l25ûû. Date= 1530.

The book is a Festal graduale which hcludes d e r the graduale proper f h t a section of single part

hymns and then a set of two, tbree and four part compositions. The language is Latin, except for rhree

hymas and for an amiphon in each cf the two massa for the dead which are in Czech. It lost 14 pages

m Jesuit cieansing during the counîer-refonnation, but we know the onginai contents thauks to an index

at the front which was eithcr complered at the same time as the book or shody thereafter.

Contents - summary


O r h a r y of the mass. 2v - 2%: Kyrie & Gloria; 25v - 44r: Sanctus & Agnus Dei



Common of saints

Votive masses and two masses for the dead



Labeiled in the index as "Canciones". One part hymns, most responsive

Supplementary Canciones

Labelled "Cantilene". Two-, three- and four-part compositions

Supplementary material for Advent and a Creed

Ruling for staves only

Contents - ordinary and temporale The Kyriaie, with 38 items, provides Kyries for the major f a t s

of the temporale. common of saints, and a few days of the sanctorale. Of the 18 troped Kyries, 11 are

unnoteci. There are 12 Glorias paired with Kyries. Among them, five are M M y aoped, two are

untropeci and one is the Marian trope. The mnaming four are more heady troped, two extaordinarily

6. Chnidirn Gr. - 82

so. The temporale siarts with a collection of Advent ami ph on^'^^ and then a mass for the virgin in

Advent. Propers are provided only for Christmas (3). Epiphany , Easter, Ascension Day, Pentecost,

Trinity and Corpus Christi and the Dedication Festival.

Contents - sandorale, common and sequenciary There are propea for 21 saints in the sanctorale,

including one for Hus which probably acaped excision since t only d e s incipits of antiphom found

in the common of saints. We have a partial Bohemian contingent in Adalben, Vitus and Wencesias. The

feast of the Transfiguration appears. but Laurene is absent. The common's contents are Complete, Save

for the absence of amiphons for vigils of apodes. It kludes 12 votive masses. The iwo masses for the

dead at the end of the common each have long amiphons in Czech between the tract and the offertory.

One or more of the 73 sequences are provided for ai l of the days in the temporale plus New Year's Day

and for aU occasions in the sanctorale except Lady Day. There is a sequence for Holy Cross Day. but

no antiphons. This omission may be explained by the fact that the same proper antiphons were

frequently used both on the day of the finding of the Holy Cross and of its exaltation. The former feast

does have a provision in the sanctorale. By reference to the index, one can see that nine folios which

containeci sequences for master John Hus have been excised. Sequences for the commons of saints are


Contents - hyrmis and motets Hymns are given for moa of the days with antiphons and sequenca.

Music is provided for one iine of text plus, in some cases, a respond. A later supplement to the hymnary

occurs on ff. 299 - 307. The three hymns in Czech are for Easter and, appropriately, for Adalben and

Wenceslas. The polyphony relates mostiy to the temporale and the BVM and has no named saints. It

is al1 in Latin. The hymns and polyphony are mostly in the order of the liairgical year, preceded by

pieces for Our Lady in Advent.

History - date At the bottom of the second page of the index, we fiad the narne of the famous scribe

and illuminator Jan TAborsl@ and the date 1530. Wocel accepts 1530 without comment as the book's

date and goes on to infer that the resolutioo of the Prague Utraquist synod of January 29, 1524 did not

receive imrnediate acceptane. Its Meenth rewlution specified that ail worship was to be in the language

'QIbese antiphons appear on pp. 335 f. of the appcndix.

6. Chnidim Gr. - 83

the people uaderstood (Le. Czech).'" Chytil argues mat the amount of Czech in the book (ignoring the

extensive Czech passages in the offices for the dead) is no grrater than k HK II A 6 (1505). The~fo re

the presence of Czech in the book is not a conclusive argument that it was made after 1524. It could

bave been made m the first two decades of the sixteadh cemtury and fiom an artinic and styiistic point

of view, this seems more likely.'" In a book which Chytii wrote four years later, he revised his opinion.

ignoring the dated index, and astonishingiy dated the book in the second half of the sixteenth ~entury.'~~

Chytil did not mentton the similarity of the bindgig of the HB graduale of 1506 to that of the Chnidim

codex m supporting his earlier nating. The design of the leather toohg and the medailions in the centres

of the coven are very simüar and the the cast bras corner pieces appear identicai. This might argue

for an earlier date, but for the fact that the design of bras castings apparentiy enjoyed considerable

longevity. sometimes king mauufactured over a span of several de cade^.'^^ The script is s d a r to that

in HB, although it is also similar to the Louny two-volume graduaie of 1530. We do. however. have

to take serious1y the fact that this book is the first one that we know of which had a Czech wmponent

in the requiem masses. The only other instance we have of the use of Czech in the mass for the dead

in a Latin graduaie from the tim haif of the sixteenth century is the Kiatovy graduale" of 1537. The

two compositions in tbe latter book are identicai with those in the Chnidim volume. Utraquist graduales

produced after 1540 were aixnost ail in Czech. Also no propers for Hus in dated documents prior

to fi17 have suvived. In summary, the majority of the book was certainiy finished by 1530, but it

couId have dated fiom as early as 1500. We probabIy shodd assume that the colophon at the end of the

book's index was indeed written by the original scribe in 1530. The proposition that Taborslj would

be caiied in a decade or two after the book was completed to make an index seems farfetched.

'3. E. Wacel, 'Miniatury çcskt XVI. stoleti', Pam&fky, IiI (1859). p. 247. It is cenainly mie that the council decree did not -ive immPAiatts acceptance. We Imow of three other Latin graduais wiîh intemai evidence that they were made after 1524. These k lude the two-volume Lamy graduai (1 G 8a,b, S t h i o k r d archiv v bunech), and the graâuak of New York (BX 2943.M H8, Liirary of the Gemral Thtological Seminary) and Klatovy (Zi. 403, Klatovy okresni muzeum). '%are1 Chytii, w o j mUunnunmo mdZM &ského za doby kcfld rodv jageUod&o (The Rogress of Bohemian Miniaturist Painting m the Era of the Jagiellonian Kings). (Prague, 1896). p. 30. ''%are1 Chytii, Soupis pMtrftek hision'chjch a uïn&&kh a politickem abcni chdbukh (A Catalogue of Historical, Artistic and Political Records of the Region of Chrudim), (Prague, l9OO), p. 1 18. lU1t is unclear whether this phenornenon occurred through one manufacturer -11g and reusing the same set of moulds, or through various foundries making copies of earlier sets. For example, the bras work (centre and corner picces) on both covm of the second volume of the Sternberk graduale (ONB Mus. Hs. 15494) is identical to what is found on the back covers of Louny 1 G 8a, b. The fint was completcd in 150 aiad the second in 1530. '%atovy o k r d muzeum. Imr. C. 403. ff. 206r - 212r. The scrii was certainiy Tiborslcji (f. 545~).

6. Chrudmi Gr. - 84

Historg - place and users Museum records indicate that the book was made for the Church of the

Assrmiption of the Virgin Mary in Chnidmi. The miniature of the church on f. 69v closely resembles

the appearance today of the Church of the Assumption. The presence of a m a s proper (and two excised

sequences noted in the index) for Master Jan Hus marks the originai uses of the book as Utraquists.

aistory - Jan TBborskf of KlokotskB Hora, illmninator Jan T&orsw was a renowned s c n k and

iliuminator, a remarkable number of whose other works have Survived. They are al1 later than our

period. His only other extant Latin graduaie is that of Klatovy (1537).'@' His Czech graduaies include

ones made for Kiatovy (156Q1"'. Louny (1563)"'. Rychnov nad KdZnou (1560)'". k l a v (1557)'~.

one known as Rybaiovsw (1568)'" and one m the British Library wbose place of use is unknown


Coves - boards and metal Wiqp The original covers of the book are made up of intact square cut

boards 61 -5 x 39.7 cm., covered with Ieather which has aged to an agreeable tobacco brown colour.

There are four diamond-shaped corner pieces of cast brass on both covers with the figure of an eagIe

in a frame and a hexagonal foot at the outer corner. The design of the central medallions is based on

a square in the middie with a f't to rest the book on. Frorn each side of the square springs a fleurde-lis

whose height approximately equals the lengths of the square's sides. Three plain pieces of sheet brass,

bent to an L-shaped cross section, protect the three outer edges of the cover. The closure straps no

longer exist, but did at one t h e , as the marks for the two posts on the front cover to which they were

aîtached are readify visible.

Cover - leder and binding The Ieather is decorateà with three rectangular h e s each contiguous

with the next smaller frame. Each is decorated with roli stamping of a different pattern. W i e the

frames is a rectangle containing a matrix of diamonds formed by two sets of double lines, one set at

'%ato@ okresni mweum. f . 403. '70I(latoe o k r d muzeum, without SheIfmark. "'starni okr- archiv v hunech, 1 G &. 'R~ychnov nad KneZnou, Muzeum orlicI@ch hor, witbout shclfmark. '"ONB, Mus. Hs. 15503. The mi. on f. 444r. says that he had ken elevated to knightly status in 1557. 1 7 4 0 ~ ~ , Mus. Hs. 15509. "'~ritish Library, Additional Ms. 16175.

6. Chrudim Gr. - 85

about 60" and the other at 120" to the horizontai, which have been impressed inio the leather. There

is a blind stamp within each cell of the matrix. The flat spim has five double bands and two single

headbands. The leather of the spine is worn and bas been stitched at the bottom as a conservation

measure. Front and rear pastedowns are approximately 57 x 38 cm. Stitching holes are found 15, 105,

20,295,387,480 and 572 mm. below the tops of the quires.

Folios and foliation There are two systems of foliation. One is late and in pend at the upper right

corner of each folio. The other is original and in red ink in the middle of each recto above the top

musical staff. It starts on 3r (a. i.) and extends through the 344r (v. xv.). Folio 344 has musical staves

d e d on it but is otherwise blank. For each letter of the alphabet the numerats usually go from i to xviii,

although sometimes they stop at xM and at others go on to xix. Foliowing 167r (k. v.). nine ff. (k. vi.

through k. xiiii.) in the original foliation are missing and the index t e h us that they containeci two

sequences for Hus. After f. 327, the original t. N is missing as is t. xv foliowing f. 328 and t. xvii

following f. 329. An inscription dated August 10, 1771 on the rear pasteclown by a chief magistrate,

Karel Chocensw, indicates that the J e t s had excised 14 leaves of the book.

Layout The book is made up of good quality, slightly off-white parchment with average trimmed

dimensions of 58.9 x 39.1 cm. Prïcking by horizontai dits at the bottom of each line of text is found

at the edge of each page and near the spine. Venicai sliu are usually found at the top and bouom of the

inner of each of the two vertical double lines defining the wrinen space. Two graphite lines p a s through

the widest point of the lozenges at the t q s and bottoms of the muMis on the text lines. The dimensions

of the written space average 45 x 26.5 m. Except in the hym~s, there are ten systems per page in one

columa, each consisting of a musical sîaff with the corresponding line of text beneath it. The hymns

have one or two lines of music foilowed by a number of lines of tea. On pages with text ody, there

are 30 b e s .

Script There are three han& in the book, ail of which used black ink. The fkst is a cursiva formata

found oniy in the index on ff. IV-2r. The second hand is the principal one and is f o u i on ff. 2v - 218v,

228r - 298v and 308r - 335r. It is an attractive textiialis formata with moderate breaking which foilows

the usual biting nila. Mmsns have careful lozenge tops. The lozenges of the feet are finished with an

upstroke to the right, endmg in a serif. The top compartments of the a's are closed, but only just.

Ascenders end in pronounced fork with a long serif on the right tine of the fork. 1's have a thin wavy

6. h d i m Gr. - 86

iine on top and the t has a narrow but longish stroke on top. ending in a sers upwards and to the right.

The tops of s's are aimost horizontal. Heights of minims. ascenders, descenders and s's are 11, 11.5,

12.5 and 14.5 mm, The third hand (ff, 21% - 227v. 29% - 307v and 335v - 34%) is &O textualis

formata, but is d e r . Brralring is more promunced. but biting is incoaîistent. Forking on asceaders

is much less pronound. The tops of s's are hwked downward. Minims have carefui Iozenges on their

heads and feet and i's are indicated with a straight oblique W. It is contro1led in style, concernai with

legibility and betrays liale individuaiity. Ba& on the rubric at the foot of 307v (Anno. 154.9.). it dates

from 1549.

Wes, capitals, Ïniüals Running tities throughout are in rubrics whose size is somewhat smaller than

the main script. Capitals in the sequenciiaxy and hymns are red or blue. Initials alternate between black

with a yellow wash background, red and blue.

Musical notation Staves are red. Four-line staves have a height of 2.0 cm and five-line ones a height

of 2.4 cm. The neumes, clefs and custos signs are black. Most of the book through the end of the

seqyenciary is in type 1 rhombic choral notes with four-line staves and clefs c and f. Type 1 notes, this

time with five-Iine staves and c and f clefs are used by the third (1549) hand in the supplementary

material for Advent. Type III rhombic choral notes with c and f clefs appear on oniy two pages with the

Sanctus near the beginning of the book. Black mensural notation 1 with four- and, much more often,

five-Iine staves and c and f clefs appean in various parts of the book. most notably in the sections of

Creeds, hymns and motets. Black mensural notation II with five-line staves and occasionally four-Iine

ones and c clefs is found from tirne to time in most sections of the book.

* . Mmiatares There are fourteen miniatures within iniaals. The composition of the figures is simple and

the colours tend to be strong and primary. They occupy the vertical space of two system (about 9 cm.).

Most leaves which have a rniniatiire have decoraiÏon dong the outer border made up of two vines, one

gomg up and the other down, with acantbus leaves and a sornetimes a few flowers or bemes. There are

no humaa or animal figues in the marginal decoration.

2v m e A Man of Sorrows sits on the edge of an open sacophagus.

2% sanctus God in regal attire sits on a simple throne.

48v Borate The angel of the A~unciation kneeb behind a kneeling Mary.

6. Chnidim Gr. - 87

Mary kneels facing Christ half sitting on the ground, an ox and an ass.

The babe lies on the lap of a seated Mary. To the lefi, one magus kneels and

two stand behind him.

Christ, with banner, siands before a closed safcophagus on which is &g the

head of a sleeping soldier.

Mary stands and thrrc disciples kneel arowd a hill from which Christ's lower

legs are seen ascending.

Mary sits, surrounded by the disciples, beneath the figure of a dove.

God in regai attire si& on a simple throne. Very smiilar to 2%

Christ, leaning forward with rod in hand, treads in a winepress. Plate 12

A maii Gothic church. The roof of the quire is lower t h . that of the nave and

has a cupola where it joins the nave.

Mary stands in front of an altar to the left and a priest to the right. The priest

haads the child to Mary.

Assumption. A seated Jesus places a crown on the head of a laieelhg Mary.

Inside a Gothic church on the right, four of the faithful are huddled together in

prayer. On the left, flarnes belch from the mouth of a demon. Plate 13


Chytil, Karel. Soupis pamdtek histon'c@ch a wndec@ch o politickém okresu chrudimkém. Prague.


Chytil, Karel. Çÿvoj mrmrniatuirna2o rnalî5tvi deského za doby krdld rodu jagellomkého. Prague. 1896.

Wocel, J. Er. "Miniatury feske XVI. stoleti". PomaDS, archueologické a misropisné, III (1859).


6 , Chnidirn Gr. - 88

Plate 12 f. 65r: Corpus Christi, Christ in the wine press

Plate 13 f. 137r: The flames of heli

7. Jmdfichiiv Hradec Gr. - 89


StanU. oblastni archm v Tfeboni, JmMchuv Hradec, Fonds - Rukopisy SrndZichüv Hradec, rukopis:

Ç. 1. Date: 1491.

The book is a Latin Festal graduale with a srnail hyrnnary. The library catalogue descri& the book as

the graduale of the iiterary brotherhood of Jindfichb Hradec. Ten much later paper folios (one of which

is the rear pastedom) have been inserted. There are stubs left afier the excision of perhaps two dozen


Contents - summary a, b, c, Ir, IV

2r - 2%

26r - 69v

6% - lOOv

lOlr - 130v 130v - 1 4 2 ~

143r - 153v 154r - 166v


Miscellaneous materid

Ordinary of the a s . 2r - 1 IV: Kyrie & Gloria; 13r - 25v: Sanctus



Common of the Virgin


MisceUaneous material

Marian Hymns

Creeds, a Gloria and a Marian canticle in a later hand

Contents - ordinarg The folios designated in pencil as a, b and c contain a Czech hymn and a number

of Czech and Latin canticles in a much later hand. There are 20 Kyries, 4 of which are troped. The

occasions of use for just eight are given, the majority (five) king designated for use on days of the

Virgin. G l o k are paired wnh only seven Kyries. Of these. one is untroped, four are Mmimally noped

and two, one of which is the Marian trop, are heavily troped. Folio 12 is in a later script and contains

a Sanctus and several hymns. The second section of the ordimy has 21 uni@ consisting of a Sanctus-

Benedictus and an Agnus Dei, f o ~ n of which have no embellishrnent. AU three parts of one set are

troped, as are the Sanctus and Benedictus of three sets and the Sanctus only of a m e r three.

7. Jindfichûv Hradec Gr. - 90

Contents - temporale, sandorale, hgmnarg The temporale has masses for the BVM in Advent,

Chrismias (2), Epiphany, the Purification, Easter, Our Lady in paschaltide, Ascension, Pentecost,

Trinity Sunday and Corpus Christi (3). The sanctorale includes the Visitation, Mary Magdalene,

Assumption, Dedication Festival, Nativity of Mary, Wenceslas and his translation, AU Saints,

Resentation of Mary, Conception of Mary and Anne. One is smck by the overwhelmingly Marian

content of the array. This feeling is mcreased by the cornmon of the Vugin (aileluia, tracts and

sequences) whkh follows and which occupies 30 ff. The last leaf in the section of creeds, f. 142, is a

paper insertion in a later hand. The miscellaneous material includes an offertory and communion for

the Virgin (ff. 143r - 145v) and masses for the dead (ff. 1 4 3 - 15ûv). In the section ff. 15 1v - 153v,

which is without rubrics, we find first a line of the tract used on the octave day of Agnes, a common

&oit foUowed by two Psalms, the fim wrmally used on Holy Cross Day and Holy Tuesday and the

second on Maundy Thursday and, at the end, seven lines of the sequence for Holy Cross Day. The

hymns are in the customary form with a musical staff and notes above the first verse. Ensuing verses

are part of a continuous block of text which follows. The first word of each new verse is preceded by

a red iP.

History - &te There is a note on the front pastedown in a late hand which t e k us that the graduale

was M e n in 1491 when Vladislav, the Bohemian king, also became king of ~ungary.'" This is

convincingly confinnecl by an entry in the onginal hand in the border decoration of the propers for the

Assumption which reads: "anno domini rncccclxxxxi". Chytii refers to a 1497 graduale from lindfichfiv

Hradec whose 'decoration is of an older ~ t u r e ' . ' ~ His description fits this book and perhaps the

disparity in the two dates was caused by typographical error.

W o r y - sponsor and place The coat of arms in the Iower margin of f. 4.011 has four quarters. The

upper left contains a gold rose with red shading on a blue background, the upper right a narrower

horizontal gold Iine above a broader red one, the lower lefi a gold anchor on a blue field and the Iower

right nvo inteawuied gold fish hwks sumiounted by a gold crown on a blue grouIlid. Ihis is very simiiar

176n~ato k d m pSana leta P M 1491 tehdy toho sa& ho roh, ktertho Waàislav krAi fcsw toho jmena dnihi jakofro nuolenf Kral UherJki w Stoldm &ktirave konmowSn. Jan Ncp. h m e k . ' in fan, Viadisiav was crowned King of Hungary on September 21, 1490. '%ad Chytil, yivoj nrinimunitno muülbvt aJWo za daby bolu rodu jagelto~tského (The Pmgress of Bohemian Miniaturist Painting in the Era of the Jagieilonian Kings), (Prague, 1896). p. 23.

7. Jindnchiiv Hradec Gr. - 9 1

to the coat of amis for the z Hradce family shown in MysliveCek's book. The z Hradce family had

resided in Jindfichav Hradec h m the thirteenth ce-. Its senior member at the end of the fifteenth

century was the Catholic Jindfich IV, who from 1485 was Viadislav's Lord High Chamberlain and

became Lord Burgrave of Bohania in 1502.17" In 1493, together with his wife and chüdren, he became

a Franciscan tertiary? The book was the gift of JindiLich z Hradce and his wife Magdalha z Gleichenu

for the use of the literuti of Chmh of the Assumption, the parish (and today the provostial) church of

Jindfichiiv Hradec. lm

History - users In 1489, a mature chou of literatr' of both sexes in J W c h h Hradec obtained a statute

of incorporation from Jindnch and Magdalena of EIraded8' Shce the book's donor and forinder of the

local Merati was a staunch Roman Cathoiic, we are justified in assuming that its users at the Church of

the Assumption were of the sarne confession.

Cover - boards and metal fitthgs The sixteentb-century cover is forrned by square-cut inîact boards

51.4 x 34.7 cm. There are four diamond-shaped corner pieces of bms on both covers with the figure

of an eagle in a frame and a hexagonal foot at the outer corner. The design is similar to that found on

the HB and Chrudim codices. However, the metal here is almost flat, the details of the eagle being

added by engraving, whereas the othea are threedhensional castings. The centrai bras medailion has

a square with a foot in the rniddle, circumscnbcd by a circle on which sit four fleurs-de-üs at the points

of the compass. Closure straps (not original) are atiached to the back cover under small brass plates.

They each have an eye in the unfixe. end to slip over posts which are part of two diamond- shaped

bras fitîings, each on the longitudinal centre line of the book, about a quarter of the book's height nom

its top and bottom edges.

Cover - leather and binding The boards are covered in a leather which was probably ivory in colour.

The original colour can be seen in the gaps of the metai fittings on the back wver. Elsewhere, the

ilan an Myslivetek, Erbowûk (Heraldry). (FVague. 1993). p. 116 f. The author notes that the contents of the z Hradce coat of arms was somewhat variable.

Hrejsa, D m kilrfmnvf v b s k o s l o v ~ (The History of Christianity in Crcchoslovakia). VJI. N, mgue* 1948). p. 190.

CharvStovA. JindnCchuVHrdec, (Prague, 19'74). pp. 111. 115. "'~ikmund W i r . &of cfrkcvnf v &cMch (Ch& Life in Bohemia), Vol. II. (Prague, 1896). p. 947.

7. Jindilchiiv Hradec Gr. - 92

colour has. through soiling, become darker, more so on the fiont and less on the back. The front is a

medium grey-brown. The sphe is round with 6 double banâs and single headbands at top and bottom.

In the lower part of the fiant wver, toward the bottom, "ANNO DC LXXV- is sramped imo the leather,

possibly indicating that the book was rebound about 85 years after it was made. The tooling on the

m e r , starhg h m the outside and working in is thus. There are first t h e fiames, each reshg on the

inside of the ne*. The outside one is cbiefly a series of lines nmning paralle1 to its length. The micriors

of the two b e r ones are decorated with roll stamping iu two floral designs. On the bottom of the inside

of f k n e 3 rests a rectangie in which the date stamping refemd to above appears. A fourth frame (with

roll stamping) rats inside three sides of the third frame and atop this rectangle on its fourth (bottom)

side. The central space has two rectangular bands with roll stamping at top and bottom. The remainder

of the central space is filleci with a diarnond shaped lattice (double lines). Each diamond contains an

inavidual blind stamping. The paper pastedowns at front and back are approximately 48.8 x 33.9 cm.

The position of the holes for the medium-brown stitching varies between quires by as much as 6 mm.

On average, it is found 22, 58, 129,201, 273, 344,415 and 470 mm. below the tops of the @es.

Folios and foliaaon There are 174 folios in the book. An original foliation system in Arabic numbers

is at the upper nght comer of each page. However, vigorous trimming seems to have cut paris or al1

of the numbers off some of the folios. Where this has occurred, later pencil foliation has been supplied,

as it has also been on the tim three (paper) folios marked a, b and c. Later pend foliation also appears

on paper ff. 167 - 172, 172r king the rear pastedom. F. 172 is not included in the count of 174 ff. The

folios nwnbered 1 - 166 (except f. 142, which is paper) are a good quality medium-weight parchment.

moderately to heavily discoloured on the lower outside corners. There are seventeen gatherings of

parchment folios, al1 but thm of which are quinions. Arabic quire numbers remain on the Iowcr left

comer of the first recto of four of the gatherings.

Lagout The dimensions of ff. 50 and 125 are 48.3 x 33.0 and 48.6 x 33.3 cm. The written spaces on

the rectos of these two folios are 38.4 x 23.8 and 38.5 x 24.0 cm. The intedinear measure is 4.8 cm.

As one would expect in view of the enthusiastic aimming, no prickùig is visible. Up to and including

f. 153v. the pages are laid out in a single column of eight systems per page. There is w ruiing . Each

system consists of a musical staff with the correspondhg Latin text below it. The Wfitten space is

defined on either side by red double Lines. Folios 154r - 166v are ruied in red with 33 iines to the page,

a ruling in red on top and double red vertical line on either side. Musical staves are inserted where

7. Jindnchfiv Hradec Gr. - 93

required above the fim verse of hymns. A musical staff in this case uses up the space of two wrinen

lines. Staves on the papa pages are in black-brown iok as are the double vertical Iines on either side

of the written space.

script The main hand is a textualis hybrida and extends from f. 2r to f. 153v, except f. 142. Ink colour

ranges from a black to a faded brown. The Iatter occurs frequentiy near lower outside corners,

suggesting that tSere has been some chemical reaction between the ink and the moiscure from human

skin. Ascenders are not looped and end in a slight serif to the right. I's are consistentiy marked by a

wavy wisp in a more or less vertical direction above the mi-. A second hand (f. 154r - 166~). also

hybrida, has the same colour ink with the same chemical properties, but the strokes are thicker and

therefore it looks darker. Its ascenders are usually looped and. when i's are marked (erratically). it is

done by an oblique straight mark to the right. The heights of rninims, ascenders, descenders and s 's in

the main hand are 8. 14, 15 and 17 mm. The script on the paper pages is much later.

Titles and initiais Running titles are rubrics of a slightly smaller size than the main script. Initials

alternate between black with a yellow background, r d , blue and, less frequently. turquoise.

Musicai notation The main hand uses type 1 rhombic choral notes on five-line r d staves 2.9 cm. high

and c and f clefs. The second hand which appears in the Marian hymns employs type II black mensural

notation on five-line staves but without clefs. Neumes and custos signs range from black to a faded

brown in colour, as does the script. The later paper pages have black mensural notation II on four-line

black staves.

Decoration Initials for some of the principal occasions are decorated and usually one or more of the

rnargins are adorned with Wies, acanthus leaves, flowers and bemes. These initiais include: Urie (f.

Zr), Sanctus (f. 13r), Borate (f. Z6r). Lux fdgebit (f. 3ûr), b e r (f. 32~). Ecce (f. 3%). Suscepimus (f.

38r). Besurrexi (f. 40v), yii (f. 4919. Spirinis (f. 52r). Benedictus (f. 60r), Çibavit (f. 76v), salve

sancta (f. 101r), Ave preclara (f. 1 l3r), xultum tuum (f. 15 IV). and Nos autem (f. lS2r).

Miniatures There is a fretstanding miniature of the Madonna handing a p a h frond to a lmeeling

acolyte at the lower right corner off. 25v and one of the Madoma and child in the initial G(audeamus)

on f. 76v. The quaiity of the art is rather crude.

7. Jindfichfiv Hradec Gr. - 94

Bibliograp hy

Charv6tov& Ema. Jindfichüv Hradec. Prague, 1974.

Chytii, Karel. Cÿvoj muu'atuntato maii&tvï koského za doby kr61ti rodu jageIlomkého. Prague, 1896.

Hrejsa. Ferdlliand. Dqhy kRirr'CUlStVf v &kosiovensku. Vol. IV. Prague, 1948.

Winter, Zknund. avot cfnkevni v &ch&ch. Vol. II. Prague.. 1896.

8. Kutni Hora Gr. - 95


0- vlastivMn6 muzeum v K m 6 Ede, Shelfin=irk: 88185, C. 264. Date: 1510-1540.

The book also has a stamp on f. Ir which reads "Archiv idovského homiho mësta Hory Kum6". By

its contents. the book is preponderantly a Latin hymnary, although it also contains a sequenciary, a

Kyriaie and a few folios with mass propers. Some of the hymrs are in Czech. In subject matter, it has

similarities to the graduaies of St. CastuIudP (Prague) and of Martin of ~yskyhia'" (KoIin). There is

one folio missing after each of ff. 15, 65 and 288. The book's contents are summarized below .

Folio 1 is blank. Folio 2 has a misplaceci hymn

Advent antiphons

Ordinary of the mass. 1 lr - 29r: Kyrie & gloria; 30r - 49r: Sanctus

Mass propers

Hymns and motets

Marian hymns and motets in second hand and third (31% - 321r) hand.

Common aIIeIuias and verses for the BVM

Sequenciary. 335r - 362r: Temporale; 362r - 38%: BVM

Sequences, mostly Easter, in a fourth hand

Miscelheous in Iate hand

Contents - gradual Eight of the thirteen Advem antiphons are formd in other graduaies of the period.'"

The Kyriale starts with a collection of 14 unnoted troped Kyries. They end on f. 1% with the rubric

"martiris Magistri iohannis hus glonosi". Presurnably, ihe foiiowing leaf was excised. On ff. 16r and

16v is the last fragment of an unnoted aoped Kyrie foiiowed by a Gloria. The fragment reads, "Kyrie

propter tomenta barbare de sacramenta nia m u i h o nobis sine digne conficete el." The section

' g 2 ~ VI B 24 IB3NM m A 2 '%e fint eight antiphons are preckly those found m the Chsudim Larin gramial (Okrrsni muzeum v chudun~.

. - Inv. C. 12580, ff. 46r - 48v). The order is the same with the sole exception of one pair whose order has ken reversed. ZEight antiphons are aIso common to this book ad the graàuale of St. Castuius's church (NK VI B 24).

8. KuM Hom Gr. - 96

continues with a troped Kyrie and two Glotias, both tropeâ, a misplaced Sanctus and then Advent

Kyries for each day of the week (some of which are dtipart) and one for Sepniagesirna. The Sanctus

section has 21 heavily-troped Sancnises and one which is muhipart. Ff. 4%. 50r have staves but no

writing. Ff. 50v and 51 have oniy vertical niling. Mass propers only appear for the virgin in Advent,

three Christmas massa, Epiphany, Easter, Ascension Day, Penie~st, Trinity Sunday, Corpus Christi,

the Assumptition ami one for Our Lady. Ff. 64v - 65r have ntlnig, but no text and f. 6% has double red

vertical lines also. A leaf is missing after f. 65.

Contents - hyrnns, motets and sequencs The hymns arsd motets are m the onginai hand and obviousiy

extensive. By my corn, there are 327 hymns and motets, of which only a score are in Czech. Several

score have parts for more tfian one voice. One leaf is missing after f. 288 which, given its position in

the liturgicd year, ahost certainiy cormineci a piece for Hus. F. 82 has lines, but no text and ff. 172 - 175. 214v - 215, 226, 249 and 250r are blank. The script on f. 20911 is in a later hand. Hymns and

motets are ordered with the temporale and sanctorale intercalated. Bohemian saints (Vitus, Procop,

Lucimilla and WencesIas) have hymns or motets as does the Transfiguration. There are 23 Marian

hymns and motets in hand 2, most of which are also found in contemporary books. Hand 3 is very late.

The alIeluias and verses are in the fïrst band. In the sequenciary, the sequences in the temporale

correspond to the occasions in the mass propers, except that a part of the first sequence for Christmas

is missing. nie later suppiement to the sequenciary has mostly sequences for Easter and was probably

intended for use d d g Easter week. F. 39% has musicd staves only and f. 39% is blank.

History - users That the graduale was intended for Hussite use is apparent from the nibric before the

missing Kyrie for Hus and from the leaf missing after f. 288.'" Also. the use of Czech is an Utraquist


History - date The shape and ductus of the script and the Latin abbreviations lead Snifkov& to the

conclusion that the oldest pan of the book is late fifteenth ~ e n t u r y . ' ~ She also observes that the book

l u ~ . 288 has a hymn for Sr. Rocop and one ni f. 289v is unially associateci with Margaret (July 20). Since bspection indicates a leaf was excised between these two folios, it is likely that the contents of the excised leaf related to Hus. 1 86 Jitka SniZovfi, "RUtropi@ graduai v Kutd Hofe" (Manuscript Gradual of Kutd Hora), Hudebd topogrofie (Musicai Topography), MX (1987). p. 245.

8 K u d Hora Gr. - 97

clearly took shape over a mmiber of years and that musical scores comparable to those of the multipart

compositions are not found in a dated book until the graduaie of Martin of Vis- in 15 12.'" These

compositions, however, are in the fim hand which she put at the end of the fifteentfi ce-. To be

conservarive, she hypothesizes that the book was written between 1470 and 1530 - 1540. This final date

seems reasonable except, possibiy , for sorne of the minor han&. Many Czech songs are, however, in

the he hand and HK II A 6 (1505) is the uuliest extant dated Latin graduaie hown to have songs in

the vernacular. It would thus seem unlikely that the book was begun before the first decade of the

sixteenth cenairy and that a staning date in the second or third d e d e s of the sktea~th century would

be more probable.

History - place As for the church in which the g radde was used, there is no certain information. It

would appear probable that the book was created for a church in the region of K u d Hora. SniikovS

notes that, whiie there is no known counection between the book and choirs of litenman, there were such

choirs at the churches of St. Mary na NhEti, St. James and St. ~arbara.'" One's attention goes to the

last unnoted Kyrie, most of which has been excised, which ends with the invocation of St. Barbara. This

may be a reflection that Barbara was the patron saint of miners and b t K U Hora was a rnining t o m

or that the book was used in the Church of St. Barbara.

Cover - boards and metal fitüngs The original binciing includes intact, square-cut wood boards 33.4

x 21.9 cm. in dîmemion and 5 mm. thick. The cover is protected with sheet bras corner pieces and a

centrai boss. The corner pieces are diamond shaped with a large c M a r foot on the outside corners and

three hemispherical protuberances nearer the inner corner. The metal pieces on the outside corners of

both covers and on the upper inside corner of the back cover are original. The meral of the original

fittings has four holes cut amund the three hemispherïcal bumps and the whole plane part of the surface

has been decorated m a floral pattern by metal punches. The other corner picces are modem. They have

the same shape and incisions as the original ones but no decorative punching. The onginai cenaal bosses

are in the shape of squares set on their angle. They each have a centrai circular fwt and are decorated

with hemispherical bumps. incisions and punching. There are two smaii decorated rectangles of brass

on the outside of the front cover with a slot at the point they tum over the edge to accommodate the

8. KutmA Hora Gr. - 98

tongue on the enci of the closure. straps anchored on the outside edge of the rear cover under small bras

plates. The straps and the bras fittings on their ends are modern.

Cover - 1eather and binding The dark brown leather is decorated by three frames around a centrai

rectanguiar a r e . Two parallel stampings with the same roll have been applied to the central rectangle.

It features quatreffoils m a lattice of straight hes, one set at 45" to the horizontai and the other at 135 O .

The inner rectanguiar frame is u n d e c o d except for a triple iine comecting the inside and outside of

each corner and for b u stamps, one in the middle of the bottom horizontal member of the frame and

the other in the middle of the top. The middle frame is decorated with floral roll stamping and the outer

one is plain. The round spine has four double bands and parchment with Hebrew cbaracters has been

used in the binding. There are paper pastedowns inside both covers.

Foiios and foliation The book has 399 ff. The only foliation present is in pencil in the midde of the

lower edge of each recto. The Ieaves of the book are paper and are bound in unis of eight bifolios.

There are two fiyleaves at the end of the book (f. 398-9). The very slight discolouration on the outer

lower corners of the leaves suggests that the book was not heavily used. There is waterrnarking, for

example, on f. 249 depicting an orb with an equatorial band and five small circles on the upper half.

Above the orb is a cross on a staff. The design is not recorded by Briquet, who catalogues no Bohernian

sources. la'

Layout The dimensions of ff. 125 and 288 are 31.1 x 21.5 and 31.2 x 21 -2 cm. The written space on

ff. 12% and 288r measures 23 -3 x 12.8 and 23.3 x 13.3 cm. It is defined on inside and outside by

double red vertical lines and is arranged in a single column. Neither leaf has pricking. Ruling in faint

brown ink is found on f. 125 under each of the 19 h e s of text and also a line at the top. There are

musical staves associated with two and a haif of the lines of text. LRaves on which each word of the text

is mted have eight systems pet page, each system consisting of a musical staff above the iine of text.

This configuration is the nom for the Kyriale, îhe mas propers and the sequenciary. Laves with words

only have 23 lines. This occm on a few pages of the Kyriale. In the hymnary, a noted line of text

displaces three unnoteci lines.

8. Kut& Hora Gr. - 99

Script The main dark brown script occupies most of the book: ff. 3r - 308v. 323r - 389v. The best

description using Lieftinck's system is to cal1 it cuniva formata.'* The ascenders on 1's almost always

turn over at the top. The b's usually do not turn over and about haif the h's do. In short. whiie the script

seems to be on the cursive side of the fence, it is close to hybrida. Heights of minims, ascenders,

descenders and s's are 456,B.O and 8.5 mm. A second, later hand appears on ff. 30% - 31% (Marian

hymns) and a third, much later one on ff. 3 1% - 32 IV. We fiod an uaambiguously hybrida script in dark

brown i n . in the (mostly) Paschal sequenciaxy section in band four on ff. 38% - 397v. Ascemiers aimost

never loop. In addition to the han& already identifieci, another late and messy one is found on 39th.

Tities, capitals and initiais Running tities are rubrics of the same size as the main haad. Initiais are

black with a yeliow background wash, red and blue. Capitak in the sequenciary alternate between red

and blue. There are no decorated initiais. The initials and capitais in hand four are ali r d , but the

iniaals have a light grey-green floral background.

Musicai notation The main hand in the ordimry, propers and sequences uses type 1 rhombic choral

notes on four-line red staves 1.7 cm. hi@ and c and f clefs. Hand 4, aiso in type 1 rhombic choral notes

using c clefs, appears on four-lhe black (38% - 391v) staves and on five-line red ones (392r - 397v).

On the folios by this hand, the five-line staves are 1.7 cm high and there are no vertical lines on the

outsides of the Wtten space. Black mensurai notation iI with five-line red staves 1.9 cm. high is used

by the main hand, chiefly for one-, twe and three part hymns and motets. When the clefs are explicitly

noted, they are c. in al1 cases the neumes, clefs and custos signs are biack.


Sniiovi, Jitka. "Rukopisnf graduiü v Kumé Hof e " , Hudebni topograjîe, XIX (l987), 244-247.

l g O ~ . 1. Lieftinck, J. -P. Gumben, Munusdits dmis cornenés cihm Irr Pays-Bas, Vol. 2. (Leiden, 1988). p. 31.

9. Kutd Hora Mis. - 100


Kut116 Honi okresni archm, Shelmiark: 10, label inside the h n t cover: 265. Date: 1486.

The book is a Latin missal which. while missing the fint four months of the calendar, the end of the

sequenciary and the fint pages of eleven major feasts, is e s s e U y complete. The latter deficiency

probably came about through excisions by art coiiectors. The contents of the book are summarwd in

the table below .

Contents - summary Ir -4v Cdendar for the months May through December

Sr - ll8v Temporale through Corpus Christi

1 19r - 14 1 r Ordinary of the mass and canon

141v - 178v Temporaie - Sundays after Trinity, Dedication of church and an altar

179r - 246v Sanctorale

246v - 26% Common of saints

265v - 283v Votive and feria1 masses and masses for the dead

283v Colophon

284r - 30111 Sequenciary

Contents - caiendar As with other missals of the 1st three decades of the fifieenth century. the

calendars are almost füled, although for many of the dates, there is no provision in the body of the

missal. For example, the calendar for May is fille& dthough there are only 13 days in the missal.19'

Oddly , May 5 is designateci Ascemio &mini. In 1486. May 4 was Ascension Day . June also is fWed,

but propers are given for 18 days plus two octaves. There are some whimsical littie sayings at the top

of the calendar for each month. rather in the mainier of a modem aimanac. They range from the

romantic (Ros et flos nemonun mayo sunt fomes a rnom) to the practid, representing Bohemian

19'This is probably an instance of a cdendar intendeci to k used as an historicai murcc rather than as a List of lifurgicai arasions. See John Hennig. 'Kalen&r und Mar~rologium ais Literanirformen". Ar&v fùr L i t u r g i Q W i S s m ~ , WI (1961). 25. The early printed Prague missals attained substantiai congruence becween calendar and Iiturgicd contents. See, for exampIe, the Nuremberg missa! of 1503 (NK 46 A 88).

9. K d Hora Mis- - 101

custom (Querit habere cibum porcum mactando decembri) .

Contents - temporale and canon The temporale was probably originally Complete. having daily

masses throughout Lent, in Eastertide and in the week after Pentecost. There are five Sundays after

Epiphany, 24 after Trinity and propers for Lancea Domini. For other weeks the book has masses for

Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays îhroughout the year and Saavdays in 5 b e r weeks. The September

Ember Days appear after Trinity 24 and before the Dedication Festival, rather than in their more usual

place after Trinity 17. Subseqyent excisions or other misadvenhires have removed part or ail of Advent

1, the principaI m a s of Christmas, Easter, Ascension Day, Pentecost, Tnnity Sunday and Corpus

Christi and a few feria. A full-page picture of Christ on the cross is apparentiy missing just before the

Te igitur on f. 136. Foilowing the rubric Conmmicans se vel a l b on f. 139v are formulas for

adrninistering the bread and wine to communicants other than the celebrant.

Contents - stnctorale, common and sequeniary The first four days in the sanctorale (Andrew,

Barbara, Nicholas and the Conception of Mary) are missing. Propers for the Usuai Bohemian Saints are

present and, in addition, for the translations of WencesIaus and Ludmilla. The feasts for the raising of

Lazarus (between December 13 and 21), the translation of Thomas (July 3), Cunegund (September 9)

and Hedwig (October 16) are unusual for Bohemian books. Both Mary of the Snows (August 5) and the

Transfiguration (August 6) have propers. The f a t s for the translation of reIics (January 2 and 8) and

for Brigitte (May 28) are not found in Uaaquist graduals of this period. The celebraiions for the 10.000

martyrs (June 22) and the translation of Addbea (August 25 - but not in caiendar) are rare in Utraquist

graduals. The feasts which are rare or non-existent in Utraquist graduals are common, however, in

contemporary Utraquist and Roman Catholic missals. There are over IM sets of propers in the

sanaorale and 41 comesponding SeQuences. The cornmon is ullfemarkable in having the usual entries

for apostles, one martyr, many martyrs, confessors and bishops. a d Wgins. There are no commons

for the BVM although masses for her are found among the votive masses. In the sequenciary, there are

commons for apostles and evangelisu and the iast page has the fmt few lines of a sequence for more

than one martyr. There are no entries for one martyr, confessors, virgins or the BVM. A folio or two

must be missing .

History - date and piace The date of the missal is provideci by the colophon (f. 283v), "Iohannes de

Humpolecz me fecit 1486". In the first of two sequences f o d in the book for îhe ffeast of Wenceslas,

9. Kutna Hora Mis. - 102

the saint is refemd to as "patronis". We h o w that at the thne of the Kuttenberg Kancional", there was

a Romanesque church of St. Wenceslas on Rond plain in the ancient town of Mvice a short way to

the southwest of KutnA Hora. The town and church d e r d damage for wt supporting %ca at the

battle of MaleSov but the church was repaired and restored to its original use.'" It appears in a

panoramic view of Kutmi Hora in 1674 but was afterwards destroyed.'" The book's presence in the

archive of Kutd Hora would be a logicai outcorne in the case of a destroyed local church.

Eistory - iiçers Frorn the work of Mat the~ '~ . we know that Kutna Hora was Utraquist at the time this

missal was prepared. However, the book's original wnnection with Kutd Hora is likely rather than

certain. Accordingly, we can only Say that the book's users were probably Utraquist.

Cover The original, but repaired, binding is formed fiom intact square-cut boards 43 x 30 cm. in size

which are covered by leather which, when new, was medium brown in colour. The Ieather is now

porous and grey in colour as the original surface has been wom away. Since about 10% of the leather

is missing, a dark brown oil cloth lining was placed between the boards and the leather as

reinforcement. From the shadows on the leather, one can see that there were originally four diamond-

shaped Gothic bras corner pieces and a central boss of two concentric circles with four arrows or

fleursde-lis like the points on a compass. Two p t s remain on the front cover to which the closure

w p s , since gone, were attacheci. The flat spine has five double bands and two single head bands. The

bands are no longer attached to the back cover. The labels of the spine read "Misale", "Majetek obce

Hory Kutné" and " 10". There is a parchment pastedown on the inside front cover with a label reading

"267" at the upper lefi. The inside of the rear board is bare wood. Holes for stitching are 7, 38, 71,

139, 207,271,344, 378 and 413 mm. below the tops of the quues.

Folios and foliation The only foliation system is late and in pencil at the upper right corners of each


'%NB 15501 193~va HandiakoVa, "Zivot kutuohorskjkh ham a jeho odraz v tiniüm listu kancionalu MatouSe irumidtora" (The Life of the Miners of Kutd Hora and its Reflection m the Frontispiece of the Graduai of Matthew the iiiuminator), &s& lid (The Czech People), XLïII (1956), p. Un. '%manue1 Leminger. 'lanüdb kostely a kaple v Kuîné HoIe" (Extinct Churches and Chapcls of Kutd Hora). Kurn~horské p m é / k y k dqindm vzdéImrosfi Mt! (Conm'butions of K u d Hora to the History of Czech Education). Vol. III, (Kutni Hora, 193 1)' p. 81. Quoted in Hmdiakov& 'ZivotW , p. 202. '%NB 15492.

9. Kutd Hora Mis. - 103

recto. The iast folio is numbered 301, but there is an uIlILumbered folio between 265 anâ 266 (f. 2659.

The correct nmber of leaves is therefore 3û2. They are of medium-weight parchment which is a Li@

beige in colour. Discolouration at the corners is mmimal. The fim dozen leaves have been affected by

mildew to a depth of 1-2 cm. dong the outside long edge. The leaves are bound in quinions.

Layouî The writing on the folios is arranged in two columns with margins around and between hem.

Using ff. lûûr and 2ûûr as examples, the layouts are descriaed below. AU dimensions are in



Overall page dimensions

Inside margin

Outside margin

Upper margin

Lower margin

Margin between columns

Left column width

Right column width

Column height

On both pages. there are 32 lines of text. The interiinear space is 8.2 mm. There is ruling in faini brown

ink under each line of text and above the top line. The four lines in faint brown ink defining the inside

and outside of each column are nileci from the top of the page to the bottom. Circular pricking is found

on f. lûûr at the top and bottom of each of the vertical lines. No pricking is visible for the horizontal

lines off. lûûr or for any lines on f. 200r.

Script, titles, capital and initiais The main script is a cursiva formata in dark brom ink, except in

the calendar, where important days are indicted by red ink. Heights of minmis, asfenders, descenders

and s's are 4, 6.5. 7.5 and 9 mm. Running tities are ntbncs of the same sUe and script as the main

hanci, except in the calendar where the colou. used ir blue. The colours of initials and capitals altemate

between red and blue.

9. Kutd Hora Mis. - 104

Musical notation Musicai notation is used for the Sursum corda and the prefaces on ff. 123r - 134v.

Rhombic notes are Wntten on four-line red staves 1.7 m. high with c and f clefs explicitly marked on

a minority of the Lines. The nemes, custos signs and cleh are biack.

Decoration and mhhtums The only miniature is the picture of Christ on the cross in the T of Te igitur (f. 136r). Decorated initials include Domine in tua (f. 141~). &sepimus (f- 187r), Borate (f.

193v), Qe ventre (207r). mudeamus (f. Z24v), Borate (f. 267r) and Requiem (f. 282r). Delicate

marginal decoration of vines. fiowers and fruit is found on these pages.


Chytil. b e l . v v o j miniatumiho maIuj;tvr' &ského za h b y krolti rodu jageliomkého. Prague, 1896.

Matejcek, Ant. "MalEsni", in Zdenek Winh, ed., DqepLc @tvantého umM v &hach. Vol. 1.

Prague, 1931.

10. Kuttenberg Kan. - 105


6stetdchhche Nationnlhibliothek, Vien- Musik!iammhns, Shehurk: Mus. Hs. 15501, o h

A. N. 38. A, 7.'% Date: 1509-1516.

The codex is a Latin Festal graduale which is complete for the most part. laspection of the book makes

clear that seven folios have been excised, presumably during the wunter-reformation.

Contents - summary

IV Frontispiece on a flyleaf showing the aaily life of Kuma Hora.

2r - 60r Ordinary of the m a s . 2r-32v: Kyrie & Gloria; 33r-5 Ir: Sanctus; 52raOr: Credo.

60r - 149v Temporale and sanctorale. 2 ff. excised after f. 96. F. 1SOr bas vert. ruling only . 150v - 250v Sequenciary . Four folios excised after f. 189, one after f. 223.

Contents - ocdinarJr The 37 Kyries are allocated principaily to the temporale (1 1) and to the sanctoraie

or common of saints (18). Troping is fomd in 25 and, of these, 14 are unnoted. Full Glorias accompany

11 of the Kyries and one Gloria is unattached. There are also two Gloria incipits. Of the 12, three are

untroped, six Minimally uoped and three, including the Marian Trope, heavily troped. F. 5 1v has

vertical niling only. We find 20 Sanctus-Benedictu pairs, only seven of which are joined to an Agnus

Dei. Both members of the pair are troped on nine occasions, the Sanctus only once, and the Benedictus

oniy twice. One twelve-line composition is labeiled 'trophus". Its linirgical function is not apparent.

There are two full Creeds and four partial ones. In addition, there is a heavily-troped partial Creed.

Contents - temporale and sandoraie The temporale and sanctorale are inîercalated. Adalbert and the

Invention and Exaltation of the Holy Cross are inserted between Easter and Ascension Day. The

remahhg saims' days follow Corpus Christi and end at Katherine. Then foilow the Dedicarion Festival,

Candlemas, Annmciation, 6 feria1 offices for weekdays during Lent and two offices for the dead.

Flfieen occasions of îhe temporale have propers, including CIiristmas (3), Epiphany , Easter, Ascension

Day, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, Corpus Christi, the Vugin in Advent @lus six additional aniiphons),

'%~abulae Codicum M m Scr@tom praeter Gmccos et Urienroles in Bibliotheca Polmu>a ViUtdOùonellslllSl assenutonun, Vol. IX-X, (Graz, 1%5), p. 1.

10. Kuttenberg Kan. - 106

the Dedication Festival and the six Lemen ferias. The book originaiiy containeci 28 saints' days. The

Bohemians iacluded are Adalbert, Procop, LudmiIia and Wencesias. The 1 s t few words of the

communion for Procop (after f. 96). dl of what seem to have been the propers for Hus and the introit

and fkt line of the gradua1 for Margaret have been excised. While the position of the excision makes

it probable that the missing folios related to Hus, assufance becornes doubly sure when we observe the

rubric "quaere Iohannis hus" for the gramual of the f a s t of Utsula (f. 11 lv) and again "quaere husn for

the offertory of AU Saints' day (f. 1 l3r). Since there is only one hxma in the propers, it can only relate

to Hus.

Contents - sequencîary We find sequences for 33 specific days and three commons for confessors,

martyrs and the Virgin. Five days have more than one. The Lart 7% lines of the sequence for Procop

and all but the Iast 2% iines of Clencallis tuma, a sequence for Hus, have been excised. The excision

foiiowing f. 223 has removed the 1st four lines of the sequence for the common of confessors and the

first four of the comrnon of martyrs. The text of the latter is a standard one with no Hussite allusions

to disquiet the censors. Most of the sequences have marginal colour wash illustrations at their

begirinings, and the one for martyrs may have portrayeci Hus in a manner which someone subsequently

found offensive.

The frontispiece and KutnA Hora The hili-page painting on the book's frontispiece (f. IV, Plate 14)

identifies its place of ongi. as the mining city of Kutn3 Hora. Valentin Noh was resgonsibie for an

antiphonary made for the city in 1471 which had an anaIogous fiontispiece.'" in Noh's version the top

quarter of the picture was a band on which five of the senior members of the miners' guild are depicted

individually and labeiied coiiectively as "These are the supervisors of the miners"lg8, beside a

representative group calleci "other gentlemen arnong the miners"'? The names of some of the seniors,

including Nicholas the Hofîneister, are given in bands? The lower part of the picaire shows five

xxm A 2 19?0t' gso starssi nad hawerzï. '99~iny pany hawerzi. m ~ e e Josef K&a, 'Kninii maliistvi' (Book Painting), P&d gotické umM v &ch&h (Late Gothic Art in Bohemia) , (Prague, 1978), p. 41 8. Kr&sals observation that the painter of the frontispiece was of the school of Vaientin Noh would impty that there was some contmuity between Noh and the illimiinator of tùis work. It would seem more probable that ibis book's iiiuminator merely saw Noh's work and useâ it as a mode1 for his frontispiece.

10. Kuttenberg Kan. - 107

miners working underground, four ascending to the surface and a group sorting and cnishing the ore.

The illustrator of our book, the Kuüenberg Kanciod, obviously was iduenced by Noh's work but has

developed it h to something much more colourfut and iively. It gives an excelient impression of the

various activities and the general hustle and bwle of a city which, at the end of the Neeenth century,

had an economic importance in Bohernia second only to Prague itself. Our fiontispiece shows the

activity and location of Kutmi Hora as a continuum. starting below ground with two or three dozen

miners performing their severd tasks with various tools. When we reach the surface, there is a

timekeeper recording when the miners leave the mine, a pile of the baskets used to bring ore to the

Surface and two winches. one hand operateci and the second powered by horses for larger ioads. Higher

in the picture some people are sorting the ore and othen are cnishing it with iron mallets. Further up,

a man is blowing on a huge hom to signal the end of the m e n t shift and ten buyers are sitîhg around

a table examining ore samples which have been spread out on a cloth by a man in miners' dress. Behind

the table are fourteen sumptuously and colourhilly garbed ladies and gentlemen supervishg the

proceedings. Above it al1 there are three Mndow-l*e openings. giving a panoramic view to to the south

and West of the city showing three churches (St. Wenceslas, Saints Peter and Paul and the Holy

~ r i r i f l ' ) , barns, houses, roads and other features of the landscape? Above the picture, two angels

hold a red shield containing the initial W in gold (which is -daen as two V's beside each other on the

same line with the two inside mokes intersecting about the half-way point). It is the initial of Vladislav

Jagiello and is also found atop the shield of Kutnii Hom in the fresco-secco painting (ca. 1493) on the

wall of the SmSek chapel in the church of St. Barbara."

&tory - users The users for which the book was made were Utraqukt. It was earlier noted that

eucharisric propers for Hus had existed in the book and have been e x c i ~ e d . ~ The 1s t two and a half

'D'~va Hanrliiikovi, %vat himohord@ch bavifii a jeho odraz v titulnim lisni kanciodu Matouk ïiuminstora" (The Life of the Ku- Hom Miners and its Reflection in the Frontispiece of the Gradul of Manhew the IiUuminator), &se lid. X]LlfI (1956). p. 202. mAntcm RybiCka, 'Tii staroEcslIt lranciodly nadi;lejici se v ch. kr. dvorske bibliovce Vidensk6" (Three OId Czech Graduals Found in the Imperia1 Court Li'brary in Vienna), Pamdrky, VI (1865). p. 22. =~osef ~ a c e k , m J a g e b q v& v ci.skicir zcmfch. ('The lagieiloriuin Age in the Czech rsids). Vol. 1, (Prague, 1992) p. 189, points out that îhe initiai is aiso found in the d o w of Rague's Old Town Hall, in the royal chapel in St. Vim and on the btec gate in Lmy. An inspection of the town shields granted during the reign of Viadislav in JW k k , MCnrke v &skjch zemidi, shows four which mdude the initial W. Chytil, in Vÿvoj, p. 16, suggests that the W may telate to Vencelik of VrchovW. This seems uniikely. mchyti.l (moj, p. 16) makes the assertion that the contents of the book are completely preserved and harmed by no one. Examination of the gatherhgs and of the tea maice clear that significant excisions have indeed been

10. Kuttenberg Kan. - 108

lines of the Hussite sequence Clericaüs m m remah on f. lm. The catalogue of the ONB says aie

volume was made "pro sodali'bus litteratis uaaquistanmi" and adds. 'Id opus Kuttenbergae m usu fuisse

f e m * .= Supporring evidence mcIudes the rnargjnai pictue of a huge communion cup with the symbols

of evangelists on f. 18ûr and the partially-concealed inscription, "Hoc fircite m meam memoriamw. That

Kuina Hom itself was Hussite ca. 1500 can be deduced h m the large chalice in the ce& position of

the town's shield which dates from 1 4 8 p and which appean in the church of St. Barbara.

aistory - sponsors Possbly, the sponsors of the book were some of the burghers who were members

of the miners' guild (that is the mine masters). Kdsa states that the sponsors were the leading miners

depicted at the top of the fk~ntispiece.~ In a later paper, he identifies the sponsor as the man painted

in the miniature on f. 15ûv (Plate 19) with his wife, three sons and two daughters? A solution which

wouid explain both the group portrait on f. lv and the family group on f. l5ûv would be the hypothesis

that the chief donor or the head of the guild is shown on f. 15Ov but thaî the other burghers in the

picture on f. IV were dso contributors to the project.

History - place The book was probably made for the consistory church of St. James in Kutn& Hom.

The Gothic church depicted in the miniature for the Dedication Festival (f. 116v, Plate 17) is identical

in its major architecturai features with the church's form in 1995. These include the presence of four

bays in the nave. two in the choir, the roof of the choir which is lower than that of the nave and the

form of the two asymmetric towers of the West end?' Krha also says that the book was produced for

made. =~abulae Codicum, Vol. iX-X, p. 1.

CanL. M ~ S M zmcky v mcit zenWz nown ~re.sts in tbe ~ z c c h lands), praha, 1985). p. 216. says HannialroVa. a S ~ ~ t a . p. 1% and Krasa, 'Knitoi malban. D@hy &aiho @zvnrç.hO mail. Vol. 1/2.

(Prague. 19û4). p. 608. %&a. 'Knifni malüstvi", p. 419. 209~hristian Vaterlein on the Mt page of a paper entitled "Zu Herkunfc und Datimmg des Kuttenberger Graduaies" and filed in the Musiksammlung of the 6NB under the number Sep. 17O-C states that the church illusuated on f. 1 l7v [recte: 1 16v] corresponds in minute exactness to the Church of St. Barbara as it was completed in 1401. He says that the correspo&nce includes the numkr of bays, the gmmd plan aad the roof detail. Since the graduale was completed ca. 1510, rather than between 1401 and 1421 as assumed by Vaterlein, the shape of St. Barbara in the later period is what is relevant. Between 1490 and 1506, two additionai aisles were added to the church. (See J. E. Wocel, "Chram m. Barbory v Kutné HokW, Pombtky, III (1859). p. 113.) In 1510, the nave of St. Barbara's had seven bays, one fewer than its present eight bays, not four as in the manuscript, and no towers on îhe West end.

10. Kuttenberg Kan. - 109

the church of St. James but @es no reason for his ~pinion.~" In the eighteenth century, the book was

the property of the Ursuline convent m K U Hora and somehow found its way in the following century

into the court Library in Vienna.*"

- 0 ~ - Ma#hew the îhmhator Art historians, with me agree that the book originated

in the worlcshop of Matthew the 111uminiltn$~~, the principal artist of the SmiSkovsl@ graduale2l4. which

was cornpleted on July 29, 1491. There is some disagreement about his personal role. Frimmel's

opinion is that it is exmmely probable that the artists of the two books are the same and indeed the

scribes may also be the same. The agreement of the an of the mo volumes is particularIy irnpressive

in that it relates not only to major detaiis, but also to rninor ones which no one would be tempted to

copy. He points to the remarkable similarity of the cartoon of a young man hammering on an anvil on

f. 10r of ONB 15492 to the figure on f. Mv of this book. The medallions iliustrating Moses and the

buming bush (f. 62v of 15501, f. 64v of 15492 - See plates 15 and 40) are identical except for the

landscape background. The miniatures and the marginal decorations for the feast of the Epiphany (f.

73r in both books - See plates 16 and 41) are the same apart from Merences in the colouring. Frimmel

notes a number of other instances of the striking similarity of the art in the two The art

historiam aii accept that the Kuttenberg book was the earlier of the two. For example, Chyeil dates this

book in 1490. one year eariier than 15492. The miplicit view seems commonly held2I6 that the style of

decoration of the Kuttenberg graduale indicates th it is somewhat earlier than ~ m i ~ k o v s ~ . ~ ~ ~ We see

nothing in Kuttenberg (unlike in Sm0~kovsI@) by way of monograms or a colophon to indicate ego

gratification on Matthew's part. This might suggest ao earlier date before he could take small liberties

212 Emanuel kminger , UméSecké &msb v Kurné Hofi (The Arts in Kutd Hora), (Prague, f 926). p. 2 16. 213Chy<il. V o j . p. 15; RybiCka, ' h a stamhk6", p. 284; Handiakovb. 'zivot", p. 1%; Krasa. ' K W maEstvin, pp. 417 f.

2 1 4 ~ ~ ~ MUS. Hs. 15492. ''%eodor Frimmel. "Urkunden, Regesten imd artiStiSches Queilenmaterial der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des Aiierh&hsten Kaiserhauses' , Jahrbuch der RMsrhistorischen Sammlwrgen des Allerhochsren Kaiserhmcses, v (188'7). p. XI. ''6Kr;isa. 'Knihi malba', p. 608. 217 While the princ'qle that Kutknberg is pria to Smillkovsl@ is atmost imiversdiy accepted, the dates that some obsemers cite for h t t u h r g are affccted by the fact that some have wrongly believed that SmiSkovsk$ was not completed until 1495 and, as a resuit, have suggested &tes for Kuctenberg of between 1491 and 1495. See the discussion below in the description of the Smmtovd@ graduale.

10. Kutknberg Kan. - 110

-out fear of rebuke and thus suppom the views of Chytii and K&a218. Despite this near-ummim~us

atniution of the work to Manhew, his involvement would appear to be precluded by the book's date.

History - date The dating of the book causes some problems. The catdogue refers to it as Meenth

~ x ~ t t q ' . ~ ~ ~ Palaeographicaily, t codd fit anywhere between 1480 and 1535. Art historians. believing

that the book was produced earlier than the making of the celebrated Smi&ovsk$ Graduale in the

scriptorium of Matthew the illuminator, who aied in late 1495, date the book as 1495 or earlier. It is

said that there was a new mining code promulgated in 1486 and revised in 1494. Chytil. relying on the

mining practices recorded on the frontispiece which he says complied with the earlier. but not the later

code. states that the book must have been prepared between these two y&. m e r aspects of the

book's content contradict this. The letter W with an intertwîning L and a crown on top appears as a

monogram on a crest with a blue background on f. 9% and on another crest, thû time with a red

background. on f. 150v (Plate 19).*' These two letters were used to refer to Vladislav and his son

Ludvik on public buildings and other works completed duriog their reigns? LudW was bom in 1506,

crowned h g of Bohemia at St. Vitus's Cathedral during his father's Metime in 1509 and died in 1526.

The conjunction of the two initiais with a crown suggest that the book was cornpleted between 1509 and

15 16. when both were King of Bohemia. Vladislav died in 1516. The argument that the L was added

Iater would appear ~ n t e n a b l e . ~ There was an inventory of the contents of St. James's church in 1516

wbich mentions a nou large gradual and a second small graduai? Assuming thar our book must be the

large gradual, the adjective "neww, while quite apt for a book produced in the rnost recent seven years,

would not seem to fit one produceci twenty-five yean earlier. Lastly. liturgicai contents support a date

between 1509 and 15 16. The feast of Hus appeared later than one might have expected in extant Latin

graduais. The eariiest extatlt dated rns. containing it is the Smikovsw gradual fiom 1490-1. The next

was probably Mlada Boleslav II A 1 which seems to have been made in the first decade of the sixteenth

2'%lsa, in "W maiiTstvi", p. 419 says "shortly before 1490". 21g~crbuhe Codicum, Vol. IX-X. p. 1. "moj. p. 16. p'Kr4sa in " K n M malifstvi" , p. 419, states tim this is a monograrn typical of one for a burgher's family ca. 1500. His interpretation is surely incorrect. = ~ a c c k , JageIbns@ v a , pp. 189.298. m~marmel LRminger. UméSecké Ii!meslo, p. 216. ' U ~ r a n ~ e k Ben&. "Archidthml@ c h h SV. Jahiba na Hoidch Kumafh" (The Archidiaconal of st. James), P m , VI (1865), p. 266.

10. Kuttenberg Kan. - 1 1 1

century . In both these cases, complete propers do not appear, but only the Sequence CIericolis Tunna.

The only dated or datable mss. which do have wmplete propers for the f a of Hus were made in 1516

or late? and, thus, a date for Kuttenberg as early as 1490 would be surprising . Of couse, a date for

the book in the period 1509-1516 would preclude any personal involvement by Matthew, who died in


Cover In 1865, the book was without boards or covers Save for original c o v e ~ g leather on the

spW.= The b&g now comists of two square cut leaîher boards 1.2 cm. thick and 70.9 x 45.3 cm.

in dimension, covered in new leaîher. The spine is flat with 8 double bands and single heacbands at top

and bottom. There are puchment pastedowns front and back, the rear one haviug part of a Kyrie/Gloria

presumbly scavenged fiom another book. There is a flyleaf at the fiont which on its verso side bas the

picture of Kutna Hom which was discussed earlier. Holes for the medium-brown stitching are

approximately 7, 86, 160,226,307,387,455,519.593 and 675 mm. beiow the tops of the gatherhgs.

Folios and foliation Pencil foliation is supplied on the upper right hand corner of the rectos of each

folio. The last two folios are blank and are numbered 251 and 252. Aithough the catalogue States that

the book has 252 ff., in fact it has 253 since there is a folio marked 184*. The gatherings, with the

exception of the quaternion starthg with f. 100 and the bifotium ff. 25 1-2, are quiuions, although three

of these are missing folios because of the excisions referred to previously. Catchwords of three to six

syllables remain after aimming on about half of the gatherings, the fim being "inclite domine" on the

lower right corner of f. 1 lv. The folios are of a good qudity parchment of mid-cream colour which is

moderately discoloured from use on the lower corners.

Lpyout Dimensions of ff. 75 and 149 are 68.2 x 45.1 and 68 .O x 45.4 cm. respectively . The written

space on the rectos of these two folios is 49.7 x 26.6 and 49.9 x 26.5 cm. respectively. The imerlinear

distance is 5.5 cm. Circular prickmg on both folios is found at the top and botiom of the inside of the

two double lines defining the wriaen space. Prickiug is also present at the level of the bottom of each

line of text both on the outside of the folios and near the fold at the spine. Graphite niling is sometimes

present in the fom of two lines passing through the wide points of the upper and lower lozenges of the

"~itomefice IV A 1 (1517 by relabvely secure deduction), Louny 1 G 8a. b (1530) and New York GTS. BX 2043.M H8 (1532). f26Rybifka, staroçeskt kimcionaly", p. 17.

10. Kumnberg Kan. - 112

minims. Most folios have nine systems arrangecl in a single coIurnn. each system coasisting of a four-

line red musical staff above a line of text. On some of the pages for troped Kyries and Sanctuses there

are no musical staves and only the tes appears. In these cases, there may be as many as 27 lines on a

page with red inL niling under each h e and above the fim h e on the leaf.

Script The one hand throughout writes in a texeualis formata, usuaiiy in black. although the first 2 - 8 lines foilowiBg minianues and a few tropes are m mi, blue or gold leaf. The lemm are reguiarly and

carefidiy formed. Usual biting and breakhg d e s apply. The upper cornpartment of a's are closed by

a short hair stroke. The bottoms of minims are not perfwx lozenges but are finished with an outward

and slightiy upward pen saoke. Ascenders are forked, the right the king a hair stroke. 1's are marked

with a hair line in the shape of a modem S. Heights of minims, ascenders, descenders and sis are 11.

12.5, 14.5 and 14.5 mm.

TitIes, c a p M and i . Running M e s are rubrics in the main script, but perhaps a quarter srnalier

in size. In the sequenciary, initials and capitak are most often red with a blue geometric or floral

background or blue with a red background. Occasionally a gold leaf initial appean. Apart from the

sequenciary, the initials are red, blue, gold or black with varying backgrounds which can either be

geometric or floral or consist of human or animai figures. Their backgrounds are sufficiemiy developed

that some might consider the initials decorated.

Musicai Notation The red four-he staves have a height of 2.7 cm. Most of the music is written in type

1 rhombic choral notes with c and f clefs. MensuraI notation is used occasionally in the Kyriale

(especially for c r d on ff. 53v - 66r) and once for the alleluia verse for the Virgin in Advent. It is

black type Ii with clefs c and f, except on two adjacent pages (ff. 5811 - 5%) where type 1 with clef c is

used. The neumes, custos si- and clefs are usually black. However, on the occasions noted earlier

when the script changes colour, so may the neumes, becoming red or blue. On f. l S b , the first page

of the sequenciary, staves, neumes and script are ail gold leaf.

DeCoration It is hard to descn i the liveliness, joyfulness and humour of the figures of Turks. soldiers.

10, Kuttenberg Kan. - 113

damsels, monkeys, etc. which lean agaimt the initiais or peek out h m wahui themm. A decorated Qe

ventre (f. 89v) sîads at the beginnmg of the propers for John Baptist. In 51 instances, decoraîed mitials

among the propea or idiak for the first prose of a particda feast are accompanied in the margin by

a wash illustration of some facet of the féast at hand or of liturgical practice. Throughout there are

drolleries in the margins which are keverent, fmny and often risqué. For exaniple, on the fourth page

of the propers for Corpus Christi (f. 88r). a soldier and a Turk are flaihg each orher over the top of

an i . , while a man with his shin pded up is mooning us in the margin. While cirollenes appear in

other books of this penod, Matthew and his successors are certainly the foremost in tenns of occasional

bursts of irreverence. They are a h first in the sheer beauty and religious feeling of their illustrations.

On the pages with miniatures in initiais, we always fiad elaborate marginal decorations. sumetimes with

only vines or flowers. but more ofkn wnh human or animal figures. On 17 folios with miniatures, there

are in the margiris one or more miniature paintings illustrating bblical pericopes or events in the lives

of saints.

. . Miniatures in addition to the fromispiece (Plate 14). there are miniatures withiu 24 initiais. The symbol

A indiates that an illustation is coloured with a wash. In other miniatures opaque paint and gold leaf

are used. Miniatures which are closely related to ones in the Smifkovs~ Graduale (ONB 15492) are

indicated by "Sm" followed by the folio on which they appear.

m e sanctus


outer margin

A standing Man of Sorrows

Gad sits in regal attire on an architectural throne. At the corners of the square

containhg the initiai are the spbo l s of the evangelists.

Jesse slumbers at the bottom of the page. From him sprouts a tree with 12

branches. On each is a person identified by a nbbon. At the top are virgh and

child. The aatrphon Virga yesseflodi begins on the page.

The angel of the annumiaiion Inieels behind Mary who is kneeling at a prayer

desk. Plate 15

Cameos of Moses (Ex. 3: 2 ff.) at the burning bush (Sm 64v) and of Gideon

with the fleece. (Judg. 6: 37 ff.)

m~ybii5ka ('TH stamçr*tn. p. 21.) IiLms the sometimes comic, bizarre and astonishmg aPpects of the a r h t ' s work to the artistic humour of William Hogarth.

IO. Kuttenberg Kan. - 1 14

lower margin

outer margin

lower margin


lower margin

Viri -

lower margin


lower rnargin


outer margin

lower margin


outer margin

lower margin

outer margin

outer margin

Qs iusti

Mary b i s whiie Joseph and thrre shepherds stand adoring the babe lying on

the ground. An ox and an ass look on. An augel appears to a shepherd on a

m. A magus kneels before Mary who si& with the child sitting on her lap. Joseph

and the other two magi sîand behind him. Plate 16

John heek and baptises Jesus who is standing in the Jordan while the dove

descends from the Father. An angel on an idet behind Jesus hoIds his cloak.

(Sm 73r)

Christ with a banner stands with one foot out of an open sarcophagus, around

which are stunned or sleeping soldiers.

Samson carries the town gates away from Gaza. (Ju. 16: 3)

Jesus appears to Mary Magciaiene in the garden.

Addbea dressed in mitre and green chasuble.

George on his charger pins the dragon to the ground with his lance while

Cleodolinda looks on.

lesus's lower legs disappear from a hill. Mary and the disciples stand in two

groups on either side.

Jesus sen& out the disciples in pairs. (Mk. 6: 7 and paralle1s)

Mary sits in a circle of the disciples whüe the dove hovea overhead.

The eIeven stand in the upper room. (Ac. 1 : 13)

God in regal attire sits on a plinth blessing.

Augustine in red cloak and mitre s is writing De Trinitate on a desk.

Abraham receives three angelic visitoa. (Gen. 18: 2)

Jesus puis the morse1 into the mouth of the standing Judas as he and the other

disciples sit at supper. (Jn. 13: 20) Plate 18

An angel awakens Elijah siOing asleep mder a broom tree. Cakes and a jar of

water are on the ground beside him. (1 Kg. 19: 5 f.)

Jesus treads the grapes in the winepress, supponed by a rod in his haad.

Zachariah writes "iohannes est nomen eiusn on a scroll as an angel watches.

(Lk. 1: 63)

Mary greets Elizabeth. (Lk 1: 40)

Procop has a mitre on his head and a crozier in his left hand.

10. Kuttenberg Kan. - 115

98r Michi autem

lower rnargin

9%- outer margin

100v * outer margin

101rA outer margin

103rA outer margin

104ra outer margin

104va outer margin

106r' outer margin

108rA outer margin

109v Benedicite

lower margin

1 1 l v outer margin

112v' outer mugi0

1 13r' lower rnargin

1 1 Sv' outer margin

116v Tern'biïis

lower margin

1 18v &scepimus

lower margin

Sending of the Apodes. Christ gazes at an orb in his left hand.

The disciples are dispershg in pairs, but no Christ is shown sending.

A somewhat slatternly-1ooki.g Mary Magdalene stands on the pavement.

James travels dong a road in the comtry wearing a pilgrim's hat-

Jesus stands on the moimt with Moses and Eîijah kneeIing on either side. Peter,

James and John crouch on the grouud below.

Laurence, dressed in a datmatic, hoids a gridiron.

Bartholomew holds a large M e of peculiar shape in his right hand.

Salome holds the bapast's head on a plaiter.

Mary stands with her han& cIasped in prayer.

Wencesias, wearing a crown, carries a banner.

God sits above in regal attVe on an architectural tbrone. b i d e and below, nine

rows of angels serenade him.

The infirm are in porticos around the pool of &thesda while an angel stirs the

waters. (Jn. 5: 2 ff.)

A crowned Ursula holds an arrow.

Christ is encircled by angels while men heel on the ground below.

Martin appears as a cavalryman dividing his cloak to give it to a beggar on the


A crowned Katherine holds a sword in her left hand.

Gothic church with asymmetricai West towers and four bars in the nave. Plate


Jacob slumbers as two angels ascend a heavenly ladder. (Gen. 28: 12)

The child stands Maided on the dtar. Mary stands to the lefi and a pnest to the

nght . Feria 4 for the Holy Spirit in LXX. Moses speaks God's words to the elders of

Imel. Two priests have gold c o n i d hats. (Ex. 19: 6 f.)

Building the Tower of Babel. Two masons stand on scaffolding waiting for two

men bringing a block of Stone up a ramp. A helper on the ground pushes a

wheeIbarrow. A Crane stands at the side. (Gn. 1 1 : 4 ff .)

Feria 5 for Corpus Christi in LXX. Melchuedek in a cope and mitre han&

Abraham a wafer of bread. (Gn. 14: 18)

10. Kuttenberg Kan. - 116

lower margin


lower margin

Nos autem

lower margin

Salve sancta

lower margin

Si enim


lower margin


outer margin

outer margin

outer margin

outer margin

outer mgin

outer margin

outer margin

outer margin

outer margin

outer margin

outer margin

Isaac, with a bundle of wood, walks behind Abraham. (Gen. 22: 6)

Feria 5 for Corpus Christi. God fiom heaven han& the tables of stone to

Moses who is kneeling on Mt. Sinai. (Ex. 3 1: 18)

The Israelites watch and gatizer the manna as it fa&. (Ex. 16: 14 ff.)

Feria 6 for the Passion. Christ on the cross with Mary and John beside.

An angel holds Abraham's sword ami to prevent hmi fiom killing Isaac. (Gen.

22: 11 f.) Christ is flogged while tied to a p s t .

Mary si6 with Christ standing on her lap.

Mary sits hoIding the foreleg of a unicorn.

Christ, in a pointed oval frame in the top half of the initial, sits on a rainbow

with his fwt on a gotd globe. The palm of bis right hand is up, while that of his

lefi is down. A spray of mies extend to the Ieft of his head and a sword to the

right. Mary and John Baptist kneel on the ground on bis right and left as the

earth gives up its dead.

Christ sits on a rainbow with his feet on a gold globe. The palm of his right

hand is up. while that of his left is down. The earth is giving up its dead.

Three skeletons cavort around three horsemen.

Christ sits in a huge arc- throne with an orb in his left hand at the top.

Below knel the sponsor, his wife, two girls and three boys. Beside the man is

a red shield with the monogram WL surmounted by a crown. Plate 19

The Wgin sits in the stable with ox and ass and the baby on her lap.

The vugin ho& the child as a priest circumcises him.

The chiid stands on an altar with Mary on the leit and a priest opposite.

Christ, with a banner, matches naked figures from a monster's mouth.

Christ with Mary in the garden.

Peter holds the linen cloths while John peers into the empty sarcophagus. (fn.

20: 5)

Christ at table with two disciples in Emmaus. (Lk. 24: 30)

Adalbert in a mitre with a crozier in hand.

Helena bids a sick man to lie down in order to identifjl the m e cross.

Christ ascends in an aureole as Mary and a disciple lmeel.

Mary si& surrounded by disciples as a dove descends in a burst of flames.

10. Kuttenberg Kan. - 117

l74v A outer rnargin

1 80rA outer margin

l85r outer m g i n

l86r outer mg in

lower margin

187ra outer margin

1 8 8 ~ ' outer margin

l9Or outer m g i n

191r' lower margin

Wir' outer margin

195ra lower margin

196v' outer rnargin

1 97ra outer rnargin

199ra outer margin

200r A outer rnargin

203v' outer margin

205r' lower margin

207rA outer margin

2O8r a outer margin

2û9ra outer margin

210r' outer margin

2 14va lower margin

218r- outer margin

22 IV" outer m a r e

God si& orb in hand, on an architectural throne.

The symbols of the evangelists sit at a table on which stands a huge chalice

with a host above it.

The baptist stands, clothed in hair ~10th.

Peter is crucified upside down.

Paul heels before bis executioner who hoIds a sword in his right hand.

Mary p e t s Elizabeth outside a house.

Procop stands holding a crozier head down over his right shoulder.

Margaret, a cross in her left hanci, stands with her fmt on the belly of the fire-

breathing dragon lyhg on the ground in front of her.

The apodes stand in a horseshoe behind Jesus.

Jesus at table in the Pharisee's house as a woman anoints his feet. (Sm 4û7r)

Miners, dressed in their traditionai white smocks with hoods, are seated around

a table, eating and drinking.

James strides dong with a pilgrim's lut and staff.

Christopher supports himself on his sta f f as he fords a river with a youthful

Christ on his shoulders.

Jesus stands on the mount with Moses and Elijah on either side. Peter, James

and John kneel on the ground below

Laurence is bound to the gridiron over a fie. A man in front is working the


Christ sits beside Mary and places a crown on her head.

Bartholomew is bound to a plank and is king flayed by a man on either side.

Jobn kneels as the executioner swings his sword. Salome stands to the left.

Anne lies in bed. Joachim kneels before her bed with Mary in his arms.

LudmiUa stands helpless as two assassins pull at either end of a rope around her


Wenceslas heels at prayer as he is impaied from behind by Boleslav.

Michael forces a sword down the dragon's snout.

Ursula and her cornpanions are in a boat as archers shoot from the shore.

Martin with a mitre divides his CIO& with his mord to give half to the beggar.

Katherine heels as the executioner wields his sword. Two destroyed spiked

10. Ku#enberg Kan. - 118

wheeis are in the foregroumi.

222vA outer margin A priest h m a youth's confession in front of an altar. Both figures are

kneeiing . 224vn outer margin The east end of a Gothic church with a red tilt roof and a cupola.

226vA outer margin Christ sends off the angel with the message on a nibon, "Ave, gracia plena,

dominus tecum" .


Academia Caesarea Vindobonensis. Tabtùùe Gxüm M m Scnptonun praeter Graecos et Orientales

in Bibliotheca POMM Vindobonensi asservatom. Vol. IX-X. Graz, 1965. First published

in Vienna in 1864-68.

Bene& Frmtigek. "Archid&am~ ch- SV. Jalaiba na Horich Ku@chn, Pa* archaeologické a

dstopisné. VI (1865), 263-269.

Chytil, Karel . Vvoj mMIni~mato ??ZU~&%M~ &ského zu doby krd J rodu jagellonského. Prague, 1896.

Frirnmel. Theodor. "Urlainden, Regesten und artistisches Quellemnaterial der kunsthistorischen

Sarmnlungen des Alierhkhsten Kaiserhauses" . Jahrbuch der kunrthistorischen Sammlungen des

Allerhôchsten Kaiserhauses, V (1 887). 1-XXIV . Handiakovi, Eva. " h o t kutnohorsk$ch haviffi a jeho odraz v tinilim listu kanciodu Matode

iluminatoran , &ski, lid, XLIII (1956). 196-203.

Kriisa, Josef. dskj ilwninované rukophry 13. /16. stoleti. Prague. 1990.

Kr;lsa, Josef. "Knüni malban. in his DQhy &ského @vanrého mali odpoaipkrc do kunce stiedov8kir.

Vol. 112. Prague, 1984.

=&a. Josef. "KniLni maUhMw. in Pozdnégotické umW v &cMch. Prague. 1978.

Leminger, Exnanuel. Umdecké ~meslo v K M Hok. Prague, 1926.

Matejjfek, Ant. "Mal2stviw . in Zde&k Winh, ed., DeepLc @%vaniého mini v &ch&ch. Vol. 1.

Prague, 193 1.

RybiEka, Antonh. "Tii stardeske kanciordy nachazejici se v cls. kr. dvonké bibliotece Videdske " ,

Pomarky archaeologickt! a mfnopisné, VI (1865), 17-23.

Vaterlein, Christian. Zu H e r b f t und Datienmg des Kmenberger Graduales. Musiksammlung,

ONB, Vienna, Sep. 1 7 k , 1970.

10. Kuttenberg Kan. - 119

Plate 14 f. lv: Frontispiece

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Plate 15 f. 62v: The Virgin in Advent

10. Kuttenberg Kan. - 120

Plate 16 f. 73r: Epiphany

Plate 17 f. 1 16v: Dedication Festival, St. James's Church, Kutna Hora

10. Kuttenberg Kan. - 12 1

Plate 18 f. 86v: Corpus Christi

Plate 19 f. 150v: Christ in Majesty, sponsor and monogram WL

W m 0 v LedelSi, Kostel Pe&a a Pavla, LabeIld W C Raha 1895 ZP Wl Le&. Date= 1493.

The book is a Latin missal which is mostly complete, save for what appear to be two quinions missing

at the star& of the temporale. which hcluded the period h m Advem 1 through the middle of the Iection

for Sepniagesima, one folio with the end of the September Ember Days and the Dedication Festival and

what are probably two missing folios at the beginning of the ordinary."

Noted Kyries and GIotias


Temporale: Last part of Septuagesima through Corpus Christi & octave

92r - 101v: Sursurn corda, Gloria, Credo; 102v - 10th: Canon & concl. prayers

Remainder of temporale foiiowed by September Ember Days


Common of saints

Votive masses - Colophon


Wedding register

Contents - caiendar The deosity of the calendar at the front of the book is reflected in the fact that no

month has more than three empty lines and seven are completely fïiied. It is considerably more

congested than the KuînA Hora missal prepared by the same s c n i only seven years earlier. For many

of the dates. there is no provision in the body of the missal. For example, the calendar for May is filed.

although there are oniy 12 days plus one octave m the missal. June also is filled, Save for one &y, but

m s missai is very simiiar in layout and contents to Jan of Hurnpolec's other missal of 1486. K u d Hora O- archiv, Inv. t. 10. The estimate that two ff. are missing fiom the ordinary seems probable by cornparison to this earlier work of the scrii.

propers are given for 17 days plus two vigils and two octaves."

Contents - temporale, canon and sandorde Save for the missing quinions and single le&, the

temporale is Complete. There are 24 Sundays after Trinity and propers for Lancea Domini. For other

weeks the book bas masses for Sundays, Wednesdays and Fndays throughout the year and Sanudays

in ember weeks. The September Ember Days appear after Trinity 24 and before the Dedication of an

Aitar, rather than in their more usud place after Trinity 17. The usud Dedication Festival is absent.

A number of notd proper prefaces and (unnoteci) communicantes prayers begin on f. 92r, followed

by the gloria and creed on f. 101 and the canon on f. 103r. After the mbric Codc(uls se vel alios

on f. 107v are formulas for administering the bread and wine to communicants other than the celebrant.

Whiie the sanctorale provides for over 150 feasts, even this high number is l a s than half the number

implied by the caiendar. The feasts for the raishg of Lazarus (between December 13 and 2 l), Cunegund

(September 9) and Hedwig (October 16) are umrnial for Bohemian books. The feasts for the translation

of relics (January 2 and 8) and for Brigitte (May 28) are not found in Utraquist graduais of this period.

The celebrations for the 10,000 martyrs (June 22) and the translation of Adalbert (August 25 - but not

in calendar) are rare in Utraquist graduais. The feasts which are rare or non-existent in Utraquist

graduais are common, however, in contemporary Utraquist and Roman Catholic missals. Propers for

the Usual Bohemian Saints, as well as the translations of Wenceslas and L u M a , the Dedication of

Mary of the Snows (August 5) and the Transfiguration are al1 present.

Contents - commons and sequenciary The common is unremarkable in having the usual entries for

apostles, one martyr, many martyrs, confessors and bishops. and virgins. There are no commons for

the BVM although she is remembered among the votive masses. The votive masses end with two

requiem masses, one for barren women and the nuptial mass. The 34 saints' days with sequences al1

have mass propers. It is remarkable that no sequences occw for days in August, despite the presence

of six in the Kuma Hora missal prepared by the same scnbe. Whiie the mass propers begin with

Andrew, the sequences begin with Chrismias and end with Andrew (and the Transfiguration). U m e

the K u M Hora missal, the only common sequences are for the BVM.

219Tbis wouId seem to be another instance of a calenda, intcnded to be used as an historical source rather thau as a list of liturgical occasions. See John Hennig, 'Kalendar und Martyrologium als Literaturformenn, Archiv ftZr fiturgiewissenschcrfi, Vn (1%1), 25.

History - date and place The colophon on f. 230v states that, 'Iohannes de humpolecz me fecit " . There wouid appear Little doubt that the book was made for the church of S t . Peter and St . Paul in Me. Zdenëk; of the l d y prominmt Meziiltsw famiiy whose weddings in the 1550's and

1560's are mentioned six times on f. 243. is recorded as haing petitioned Ferdinand 1 for a coat of

arms for the town in 1562? This would place the book in Lede within 70 years of its making, but

there is no suggestion that it has ever been outside the Church of Peter and Paul and its deanery for any

extended period either before or after 1562.

History - users On the question of whether the book was intended for Utraquist or Roman Catholic

wrs, the town was Utraquist nom 1442 Mtil afkr Bila Hora. Humpolec &seIf had no Roman Catholic

priest from 1436 untif 1625.=' This is supponed by the existence of sentences for administering the

sacrament in both kinds. The book was made for a Utraquist town by a scnie from another

neighbouring Utraquist tom.

Cover - boards, metal fitüngs and leather The original cover consists of square cut (although the

edges are slightly rounded) boards of dimensions 44.9 x 43.2 cm. and 1 cm. thick covered by dark

brown Ieather. The boards have been cracked lengthwise near the middle. The back one has been

mended completely but the fiont one only partiaily. n ie leather is wom damaged and undecorated and

is about 10% missing on the covers and 70% on the spine. There are Gothic diamond-shaped sheet bras

cornerpieces on all eight corners and a square central boss on the front cover only, which is mounted

diagonaily. Excisions in the body and dong the edges of the metal provide the basis of a floral design.

The decoration is enbanced by engraving on the outer surface and by applying metal punches to the

inside to produce a raised pattern on the front and feet on which to rest the book. Two srnall engraved

plates on the front cover bend over the edge. At the bend, a slot has been cut out to accommodate the

tongues on the (now missing) closure straps which were mched to the wood of the rear cover under

the Ieather. The design of the brasswork is sirnilar to rhat fond in the Kutd Hora gradualem.

Cover - labels, spine and binding The book carries on the outside of its front cover a label reading.

?fi h k , M M zmzky v t5skjc.h zenrfdz (Town Coats of Arms in Ih Czech Lands), (Prague, 1984). p. a. %. Kobliha. Hwnpolec a jeho &off (HumpoIec and its Vicinity), (Prague. 18%). p. 17. Wkresni muzeum KuW Hora, sig 88/85. Otitek 264. Document 9.

"Misal ledeMc$ pisani oâ Jana Humpoleckého R o b 1493" and on the b i d e a large one saying,

"Odbor &od pisné estavy feskoslov v LedEi, Misal Dekanstvi v Ledfi", and a smalt one in the upper

corner i n s c n i , "NVC Praha 1895 ZP 826/1 Ledet". The fIat spine bas four double bands and two

pairs of single bands. one at the top and the other at the boaom. There are mildewdamaged parchment

pastedowns on the insides of both avers. Holes for the occasionally fractureci stitching are 8. 47.97.

164. 249. 331. 375 and 422 mm. below the tops of the gatherings.

Folios and foliation The folios are IIurnbered throughout in pend on the lower right corners of the

rectos. There are 243 folios in the book. There was aiso an onginai ink foliation outside and below the

pend foliation, but most of the ~lumbers have been an off when the book was trimmed. The iight beige

medium-weight parchment of which the book is made is slightly to moderately soiled at the lower

corners. The first gathering (ff. 1 - 7) wnsists of a Byleaf and a temion. Of the remaining 24 gatherings.

al1 but three are quinions.

Layout The writing on the folios is a m g e d in two columns with margins around and between them.

Using the ff. 80r and 160r as examples, the layouts are descnïed below. Ail dimensions are in


Overall page dimensions

Inside margin

Outside margin

Upper margin

Luwer margin

Space between columns

Left column width

Right column width

Column height

On both pages, there are 35 Ihes of text. There is fine ding in black ink under each line of text and

above the top line. The four lines defining the inside and outside of each column are finely ruled in

black from the top of the page to the bottom. Ricking by mail vertical dits is found on f. 160 at the

top arad bottom of each of the vercical lines and in the same places on f. 80 except for the one at the top

of the inside h e , which does not exist on f. 80. hicEking by vertical SM is found near the outside edges

of both leaves at the Ievel of the bottom of each Iine of text. The interhear measure is about 8.3 mm.

Script One hand using a cursiva formata script is found throughout the book. Heights of minims,

ascenders, descenders and s's are 5, 8.5, 9.5 and 10 mm.

Titles, capitais and inüïais Running titles are rubrics in the same script as the main ten. Capitals are

either black or red (each having a yellow wash background), except in the sequenciary where they are

red or blue. Initiais, except for those that are decorated or contain miniatures. alternate in colour

between red and blue.

Musical notation Musical notation is used for a set of Kyries and Glorias on ff. Ir, v and the Sursum

corda and the prefaces on ff. 92r - 101r. Rhombic notes are d e n on four-lhe red staves 2.0 cm. high

with c and f clefs explicitly marked on a minority of the lines. The neumes, custos signs and clefs are


Decorations The leners Benedicta (f. 90r), Qomine in tua (f. IO*), Qominus secus (f. 130v),

Suscephus (f. 148r). Borate (f. 153r). Gaudeamus (f. 178v), Siaudeamus (AU Saints - f. 191v), &O

autern (f. 196v) and Grates (f. 23 1r) are decorated. The marginal omamentation accompanying the

decorated initials includes acanthus Ieaves, flowers and vines in one or two of the borders.

. . Miniatures Miniatures are executed in vivid colours with a moderate level of skill.

71r Resurrexi Christ seps from the top of a closed sarcophagus holding a banner.

82v Yi Mary and the disciples heel around a hüt from which Christ's legs are Ning.

86r Spiritus The dove hovers above Mary and the disciples, ail IaieeIing with books in theV


91r Çibavit Christ stands in the wimpress. supportmg himself on its structure.

102v full page Christ hangs on a cross. At its foot is a SU. Jesus's mother stands at his nght

hand and another woman at his left.

1 1. LA& Missal - 127

103r Te igitur A Man of Sorrows with his ha& d e d .

In ail cases bnght decoration inciuding a d u s leaves, flowers and vines appears in îhe four margins

and in the intercolumnar space. It is more dekate and less in quantity than is typical for graduaies.


Chytil. Karel. v v o j minimufnr3LO ntaCfiStvf &&ho za doby krolP rodu jagellonskéh. Prague, 1896.

Kobliha, G. Humpolec a jeho okoli. Prague, 1896.

Matejjfek, Ant. "MalGstvi", in Zdentk Wuth, ed.. D&pis vjîvamého umau' v &chach. Vol. 1.

Prague, 193 1.

12. Great Litornace Gr. - 128


S M olrresii archm LitomtLiice se sfdlem v Lovosidch, Shelfmrrrk: IV C 1, formerly Terezin IV

C 1, on de- in Okrésni vhtivedné muzeum, LitomHice. Date: 1517

This magnificent Complete Lah graduaie fortunately escaped ail emendation during the course of the

counter-reformation and is missing none of its original pages. Its contents are Summarized in the

following table:

Contents - summary Epigramma in emptorem, shieId of the city of Litomèfice

Ordinary of die mas . 3r - 25v: Kyrie & Gloria; 26r - 41v: Sanctus & Agnus Dei.

Gregorian ProIogue



Full page illustrations of Hus preaching at Constance and of martyrdom of Hus.

Common of saints


Contents - ordinary The sponsor's inscription is aanscrîbed below. The arms of Litomi5fice are

described on the next page. Among the 34 Kyries, only four are troped. Kyries are designated for the

major occasions of the temporale and sanctorale and also for the various classes in the cornmon of

saints. The 15 Glorias are ail aüached to Kyries. Among them are the Marian Trope, two others which

are abundantly troped. eight whkh are Minmially troped and only four which are untropeci. Of the 25

entries for the Sanctus1 Benedictus and Agnus Dei, only the major Sanctus and one for the angels an

troped. In the latter case and in two others, the Benedictus is troped. The Agnus Dei is never troped,

although it is modified in the customary manner for the requiem mass.

Contents - temporale and s811dorale The temporale is Complete, includes Lancea Domini. and ends

with masses for the Dedication Festival and the dedication of an altar. There are three Sundays after

12. Great Litornéfice Gr. - 129

Epiphany and twew-thme afkr Trinity Sunday. The sactorde has provisions for 145 days, twelve of

which have vigils and the wial three (Lautence, Peter and Paul and Agnes) octave days. There is a

cornpiete set of eucbaristic propers for Hus which appears, out of order, at the end of the sanctorale

after Katherine. The U d Bohemian Saints are included as are the Transfiguration and Mary of the

Snows. The transiaîions of both Wencesias and Ludmilla are remembered. There are no propers for the

10,000 Martyrs or for the Translation of Adalbert.

Contents - ewnnons and ~e~llenciary The Complete common has many alternatives for apostles (vigil

and day), more ihan one martyr, one martyr, coafesson, virgins and Our Lady. The section ends with

two masses for the dead. Sequences are provided for fifteen days in the temporale (with up to seven

choices for six days), 42 days in the sanctorale (with three having more than one choice) and for the

cornons. A sequence for Hus follows one for Procop. The sequence for the 10,000 soldier martyrs

in the sequenciary is found only here and in St. Mark's ~raduale~' .

History - users - iiturgical content It is clear that the book's fint w r s were Utraquist. F. 43r of the

book contains the beginning of the propers for the first Sunday in Advent. Its illusnation of the M a s

of Saint Gregory, which also appears in Roman Catholic sources, is concemed with the doctrine of

ûmsubstantiation and is consistent with the high importance anached by Utraquists to the mass and, in

particular, to frequent communion. On the bortom of the page is a picture of the martyrdom of Hus.

(Plate 21) At the end of the sanctorale on f. 244v appear the propea for the feast of Hus and his

comrades, in which both Hus and Jerome are namecl. The Hussite sequence R a regm. which tells of

Hus's martyrdom appears on ff. 352r - 357r.

History - users - Hus at Constance F. 245 has been inserted into its quire. Its recto (Plate 24) depicts

Hus preachhg at the coumil of Constance. We are lmking inro the length of a church down which

extends a row of columns, each of a different pastel colour. Hus, with a nimbus and clad in red, is

ieaning over a lectem above which spreads a green, gold and scariet baldachin. His clean-shaven face

is filled with a dedicated and quiet concem. He is leaning forward. resting his left arm on the lectem

and eamestly making a point with his bands. His immediate circle of hearers, by their pose and facial

expressions, is either hostile or indifferent. Fwther back in the church, many of the figures appear to

D3Generai Theological Seminary, New York, BX 2043 .A3 H8.

12. Great LitomMce Gr. - 130

be taiking to one another, only partiy l i s tedg to the sermon, whose text appuirs in gold script at the

bottom of the page on a red shield with a chalice:

Caro meus vere est cibus et sanguis meus vere est potus.

Qui manducat meam carmm et bibït meum sanguinem in me mawt et ego in eo.


For the first tirne, the disputation at Constance is deliberateiy represented as a modification of the

twelfth-cenniry depiction of Christ preaching in the temple?

Hktoxy - users - Hus's martprdom The verso (f. 245v, Plate 29, titled "In Iohannem hus Exodion",

shows the martyrdom of Hus and surpasses earlier treatments of the subject in its unprecedented and

dramatic nature. Hus stands in pain at the stake garbed in white, 1eani.g over and with his hees

bucküng under him. His heretic's hat has fallen to his feet. Of the three active figures before the pyre

one is further igniting the wood and two are throwing Hus's dothes and other possessions into it. Black

smoke rises fkom the wood. Behind the pyre on the left stand the prelates and on the right, the nobles.

In the broad background is a hill with a castie on top. But the picture teils not only the story of

martyrdom, but also that of redemption. Above the pyre, the black smoke bifurcates to the sides of the

pictue and in the middle is a golden oval at the top of which is God the Father enthroned between two

angels. At the Father's feet, Hus, dressed in a chasubIe, has his han& held aloft by angels, wtiile

another angelic pair is placuig a golden crown on his head. The evidence is thus overwhelming that the

book's users were Utraquist.

History - place On f. 2v, we find in a gold h e a coat of a m . Two wild men are supporting it in

fiont of a background of green and yeilow foliage. On the top of the shield against a red background

is the head and thorax of a fampaat white Lion with a crom of gold and a bifiircated tail. It stands over

a creneilated battlement with open gates in the middle. This seal was granted to the t o m of Litornece

at the end of the thirteenth century and remains in use to this day." The unpublished catalogue of the

S M okresai archiv Litornece se sidlem v bvosicich records that this book was made for the decanal

church of Ail Saints.

=~osef K&a. 'KniZni malihtvi' (Book Painting), P&é gotické runM v &CM& (Late Gothic Art in Bohemia), (Prague, 1978), p. 445. =~iri h e k . Mats& v cbkjch z d c h (Town Crests in the Czech Lands), (Prague. 1985). p. 229.

12. Great Li toWce Gr, - 131

History - 6rst sponsor, Jaknb Ronovd@ of WeIgnau The commentators without exception agree in

dahg îhe book in the second decade of the sixteenth century. Preeisely when within that period the

book was finished depends on the identification of iu sponsors and an investigation of their public hes.

The question has generateü much discussion. which is interesting from the point of view of learning

about the environment from which the document arose. The nrst sponsor's name is recorded in a poem

on f. IV,

Pangite cantores vobis Ronowsky Iacobus

De Welgnau, nitidae comparat artis opus

Arte ciete sonos sunt cantus arte notati.

Pulchrior in pulchro vox modulata iuvat

Vox animos moveat nec aberrent lumina pictis

dum regit aequisonum virga magistra chonmi

Et memores doni requies aeterna quotannis

O deus emptorem dicite possideat.

Below this poem is the coat of arms of Jalaib Ronovse of Welgnau. (Plate 20) At the bottom of the

shield, we find one horizontal band of gold above one of blue. The top two thirds is occupied by the

head and thorax of a rampant black hoae on a r d ground. The heim is gold and tumed to the right,

the crest is the same figure of the black horse found in the shield and the wreath and niantling a mixture

of red, gold and blue.

Hîstory - second sponsor, Vdclav of Rep& The figure of the second sponsor is found kneeling at

the lower right corner of the full-page picaire of the martyrdom of Hus (f. 245v, Plate 25). The middle-

aged man, dressed in a scarlet cloak with a fur collar bas armoured gloves on his bands and a look of

great sorrow on his face. Behind him, hanging by a rope h m the Limb of a tree is a turquoise board

on which is a coat of arms and the inscription "Uns de Rzepnicz". The shield coosists of two han& and

arms covered in plate armour whose shape is that which would be fonned were one to hold his hands

above hîs head and touch the insides of his wrists together. The colour is now black but was probably

12. Great Litornefice Gr. - 132

o r igWy gold? The right-facing helm and the crest (which duplicates the shield, but is somewbat

smaller) is of the same colour. The wreath and mantling are red and white.

IIistory - eady resesrch about the sponsors ~ o c e 1 ~ . the first to grapple with the question of dating

the book, pointed to a certain Hron who was mayor of Litornefice in 15 19, as was Viclav of Repnice

in 1517. However, there seemed to be no apparent rrlationship berneen Hron and Ronovsk$. He

therefore suggested a date for the book of 1517.

History - public Me of V6ciav of Repnice ~ h y t i l ' ~ ~ , drawing nom the work of Schmidn9 and

Lippe$a. is able to descnbe many more details of the activities of Vklav of Repnice in the period

between 151 1 and 1517. He was of knightly status (the second estate) and held a position in the

goverment of Lovosice (about six km. downstmm on the Erne from Litoménce) und 151 1, when he

moved to LitorniYice. There he immediateiy became involveci in politics and in particular with the

defence of the town's rights againn the encroachments of the underchamberlain. He was sent as the

town's representative to the diet held in Prague on May 13, 15 13 and became a member of a permanent

committee of town representatives determined to resist the efforts of the upper nobiiity to whittIe away

the power of the third estate. To this end, an alliance was formed with Bartholomew of the princely

Miinsterberk family. Viclav of Repnice's participation in nationai politics as an advocate for the towns

continued through the next three yean. His services were recognized by his home t o m in the pend

15 15 - 15 17 when he served as lord mayor. The effectiveness of his efforts was great enough to attract

the ire of the TrEkas and the VaId3tejns who, at the Benebv diet of July 7, 1516, made common cause

against him to terminate his political weer. His name continued to appear in town records until 15 17,

after which nothing more is heard of him.

Hhtory - eady -ch on dating Chytil also did research in the town's registen to discover

236~an Smetana, "Heraidické pam6iLy na litoméfické erbovni mWanym (Heraldic Records about the Ams of the Burghers of LitomHice), tiromén'cko, XVII - XX (1981 - 1984). p. 81. m ~ . E. Wocel. 'Miniatury &ské XVI. stoIedm (Czech Miniatures of the centuq), P d & , Ei (1 859). p. 244, %are1 Chytil. moj muriarunrfho maü&ui &skPho za hby kriiii) rodu jageUonskiho (Progress of Czech Miniatmkt Painting in the JagieUonian Era), (Prague, 1896). p. 51. n g ~ n t . Schmid. Memombiüci. Archiv mus. M. bkesho, 7 B 26, pp. 18-19. '40~. Lippert, Gesdu'chte der S f d Leinneria. (Prague, 1811). pp. 227 - 260. 304 - 306.

12. Great Litomëfice Gr. - 133

references to Ronovsw. The name of Kubfk Ronovsw appeared in the years 1505, 1508 and 1510

when he was identifiai as the owner of a cottage and vineyard in the town's suburbs. In 1512, he had

died and his cottage was owned by someone else. Viiclav of bpnice was also recorded as the owner

of a house during the period 1512 - 1516. From these data. Chytii concluded than the graduale must

have been begun under R o n o v s ~ ' ~ sponsorship in perhaps 1510 and had progressed to the end of the

sanctorale at the time he died in 15 12, at which point V2clav of Repnice took over the responsïbility

for the completion of the book."' He therefore believed ihat the graduale was completed in the period

1510 - 1514.

History - date of a banquet of literuti Informaion about the activities of the town's literan' and about

the dating of the graduale is found in the town clerk's record of a celebration held on February 15,

15 17. Its participants included four pries& fiom other parts of the country, including the archdeacon

from Kutd Hora, the local rector and a number of leading citizens fiom Litornefice, of whom the first

two listed are Viiclav of Repnice and Mr. Hron. The gathering was large enough that no one house

couid accommodate it, and so there were five tables in the home of Jan Vjkena and a further three at

the home of Martin Nosido. Each of the participants gave three groschen towards the cust of the food,

and some of the elder citizeas provideci the drink. After dinner, the participants crossed the square with

the church bel1 ringing and singing the Te ~ e u r n . ~ ~ '

History - date, conclusion Two more recent pieces of infomtion complete the availabIe information

about the book's date. First, Donek tells us that the mayor of the town for the period 1517 - 1523 was

none other than Jakub Ronovsw of Welgnau, whom he cormects with Mr. Hron? Smetana observes

that there is nothing manifestly improbable about the owner of a modest cottage having the financal

resources to sponsor a volume such as our graduale. People of substance in sixteenth-century Litornaice

fiequently had two homes, one in the suburbs aad one in the town." 'T'bat this may well have been the

"'Chytil, moj. pp. 51 - 52. 2A2Chytil. woj. p. 51. Alro Jan Smetana in privaîe c~rrc~p~xxience in which k quotes from his papcr, "Nejsiadi kronikafskk dmamy litorn&fic)sich radni*& p M m me Oldest Chronicle Entries of the Litornéfice Town Clerks), Litom&kko, XIV (19'78). p. 128. M 3 ~ . Smetana. in 'Heraldické", p. 80 cites E. Dmek. 'Kralovtvf rychrsfi a primatorove LitomHifti ve stoleti XVI. a2 XVIXI.m (Reeves and Lurd Mayors of the Reaim of Litomi%ce in the 16th through 18th Centuries), bop i s musejüw spoika v LitoméF1Ecfch (Joumal of the Litomt%ice Museum Association), II (1930), p. 13. *J. Smetana. "Heraldicke'. p. &O.

12. Great Litornace Gr. - 134

case for J a h b Ronovsk$ is indicated by the report that at the rime of the Swedish invasion of 1645, the

old house of Ronovsij, the most beauîifhl of the town because of its decoration and crest, stood on the

town square? Smetana M e r observes that, while t is not possible to equate Hron with Jahib of

Ronovsw, the two names are reiated and, he might have added, that apart of Schmid's use of the name

"Hron", we undoubtedly would have accepteci Donek's identification of Ronovskj7 as the mayor between

1517 and 1523. The book must have k e n completed when both the sponsors held positions of

prominence in the town and this would seem to point to a date of 15 16 or 15 17. Meed, it would appear

Likely that the banquet of the literd on Febniary 15, 1517 was held to celebrate the completion of the


Cover - boards and metal Mngs The original binding consists of square-cut intact boards 75.4 x 48.9

cm. The front cover is protected by four massive cas bras diamond-shaped m e r pieces with a floral

design and circdar feet at the corners and by decorated pieces of sheet bras which connect the corner

pieces and tum over the edges (inciuding the spine edge). Close to the corner pieces on the outside long

edge of the front cover are two plates which tum over the edge and have a dot for the straps which are

atiached to the edge of the back cover. There is a circular cenaal boss whose decoration is like that of

the corner pieces. Red material somewhat larger in dimension than the metai work underlies the bras

to give it a coloured border. The rear cover is s M a r except that the upper inside corner piece is

rnissing and the middle of the centre boss has broken away, leaving an annulus. There are no fastening

plates as on the front, but instead, two stout leather straps are fastened under the bras h e . Their fret

ends are covered with pieces of sheet bras with tumed-over tongues to fit into the dots on the front


Covers - leather and bùiàhg The leather covering, which is miwd at the corners, was probably

originally off white and because of soiling is now somewhat patchy in colour, ranging from beige to a

medium dirty brown. It is decorated with an outside frame of roil stamping next to the bras edges and

within that is a lattice of double lines at 45" and 135" to the horizontal. There is a smaU blind stamp

at each intersection of the lines of the lanice and larger blind stamps of variecl d e s i p within each of

the squares of the matrix. Whiie au entry on the front pastedown says that the book was 1s t restored

in 1820, the light golden brown leather of the spine looks very new. The spine is round and has seven

-- -

=J. Smetana, in 'Heraidické', p. 80 cites J. Lippen. Gcschichre. pp. 434, 466.

12. Great Litomëfice Gr. - 135

double bands. There are paper pastedowns on both covers and three paper flyleaves at the front

anchoreci in front of one bifolium and three at the back fasteneci behind a temion. The üght brown

siitching is probably new, aithough no old and currenîly unuseci holes couid be observeci. Stitching holes

can be seen between ff- 7 and 8 at distances of 24, 37, 140, 244, 350,452, 556, 657 and 677 mm.

below the top of the quire.

Folios and foliation The first system of foWon is complete and is in srnail pend Arabic m b e r s at

the upper right corner of the recto of at l es t every fifth folio. The last written foiio is numbered 458.

Folios 459 - 465 are niled, but have no music or text. The second systmi, in red ink, is partial but

original. It is in the form of a capitaI letter in the upper middle of the verso and a Roman numerai facing

it on the recto of the next folio. The first folios so numbered are 43v(A) - 44r(i) and the last are ff.

242~-243r (K xx) and 243v (L). The Roman numbers for eacfi letter nui from i to xx and so 243, the

number of the last folio in the system equals 43 plus twenty times ten. The folios of the book are of

good quality cream-coloured parchment which has soileci to a Light beige on heavily-used pages.

Moderate soiiing fiom Wear is found on the lower corners. The fïrst and Iast gatherings of the book are

a bifolium (ff 1, 2) and a temion (ff. 460-5). The rest of the volume consists of quinions, with the

exceptions that the configuration of ff. 238-255 cannot be determineci, ff. 296-31 1 are a pair of

quaternions and ff. 402-429 are made up of a quaternion and two quinions. One folio has been excised

from the quinion comprising ff. 2 13-2î 1. Catchwords. sometmKs in the main hand, but more frequently

in a small cursive script, are found at the Iower inside corner of the versos of the last leaves of about

two-thirds of the gatherings.

Layout The dimensions of ff. 43 and 302 are 70.3 x 46.4 and 70.2 x 46.6 cm. respectively. The

d e n space of the versos of the two folios measures 52.0 x 29.3 and 52.0 x 29.0 cm. and is bounded

on the two sides by double red lines. Both pages have ten systems w g e d in a single column. Each

systern consists of a four-line red staif foliowed by the corresponding iine of text. Graphite d i n g is

found at the level of the wide points of the lozenges at the tops and bottoms of minunS. Circuiar pncking

can be seen at the top and bottom of the inside of the double red hes which define the M e n space

and also at the outside edge of the pages at points corresponding to the bottoms of the minims.

Script There is one hand and the script is a handsome texaialis formata. Lozenges are reguiarly formed

at the tops of mmims. At the bottoms, one finds occasionaiiy that the diamonds are extended somewhat

12. Great Litornéfice Gr, - 136

to the right. The top chamber of a's are * d y closed by a hair line, and Iess fkequently by a broad

stroke. The tops of ascenders end in a shallow fork, ofien with serifi to both lefi and right. The letter

t is topped by a serif and the i by an inverted hair-line S. The normal biting and breaking d e s are

obsemed. The heights of m h b , ascenders, descenders and s's on various folios are 13, 14-15. 16- 17

and 17-18 mm. The colour of the script is black except at the begidng of special days when the sc@t

for 3 - 10 lines is usually Wfitten in gold Ieaf and less frequently in red or blue.

Titles, espitalP and initieLP Running titles are in the same script as the text but of only about ld f the

height. Initiais and capitak in the sequenciary alteniate in culour between r d on a blue geometric

background and blue on red. The initials found in the graduale proper can be black, gold, red or blue

and always have some decoration which can be a yellow wash inside the letter accompanied by leaves

or scrolI work on the outside. a geometric pattern within and without the letter or a cartoon face within

the Ietter. This list of decorations is iutended to be illustrative rather than inclusive. The artist's

imagination wanders widely.

Musicai notation Save for two folios, type 1 rhomboid choral notes on four-line staves 2.4 cm. high

and clefs c. f and g are used throughout. Black mensural notation II with four-linc staves and c and f

clefs appears on ff. 296r and 356v, an alleluia verse for Our Lady and the last of the sequence for the

feast of Hus respectively. The staves are almost always red and the neumes, custos signs and clefs black.

This may change on the same occasions when the colour of the text changes. The colour of the staves

changes colour (to blue) only on the page of the first Sanctus. The neumes, custos signs and clefs change

colour with the text, most often to gold and on one occasion to red.

ITïurninator The illustrations of the book are the work of the same hand or at lest the same workshop.

The style is the same throughout, although care of execution varies. We have no howledge of the

id- of the artist. Under the baldachin in the picture of Hus preaching at Constance is the Ietter M

with a horizontal bar through it and this could suggest that the initiais 1. M. or M. 1. may be the artist's

monogram. While the traditions of the Prague school are everywhere evident, there is no evidence as

to whether a local or a Prague artisan was responsible for the book. There is no trace fiom the town

registers of any illuminator living in LitorniYice, the only artkt identified being the painter ~ i k u l a ~ . "

U6chytii, mj, pp. 53 f.

12. Great LitomHice Gr. - 137

There was a Matej identifid as an ülummator of moderate substance who lived in Prague in the period

1498 - 1524. However, we have no knowledge of the art which he ac~ornplished.~

Decoration - generai The general iayout is similar to that of the other graduales in that the main . -

mintatiires are placed in initials. The initiais which are decorated but not illustrated include: Qominus

dixit (f. 56v), Lux fulgebit (f. 58r). Sapienciam sanctorum (f. 252v) and Si enim credimus (f. 298r).

On these folios and on those where there are initiais with miniatures, the margius are decorated and

frequently &O include miniatures. The decoration includes vines. leaves (predominately aunthus),

f i t , flowers, birds and human and animai figures. Where miniatures are present in the margins,

adjoinmg scenes and figures on the side and lower borders are not framed as with Matthew but are left

fret arnong the decoration and the connections between them frequently break through? For three of

the initials with miniatures, the marginai decoration includes both the page with the initial and also the

facing page. The illuminator has a fascination for cherubs, which appear many times in his art. His faces

often show a degree of exophthalmos which is at times marked. Lower lips of women are usually a

small circle of red. This is reminiscent of Jaru*Cek who renders the upper and lower lips of women in

this way . While the book reflects the tradition of the Utraquist graduales. the creator has a large degree

of anistic individuality and relies les on old images and more on his own inventiveness. Muenced by

the Danube school, he surpasses the old iiiuminator's craf?' and reflects the Renaissance spirit in its

emancipation from types? Renaissance influence is evident in the human figures, many of which

display a powerful musculature not evident in earlier graduales.

Miniatures Miniatures in initials are found 25 times and for most of these, the page borders also

contain miniatures. Miniatures also appear in the margins of two pages having decorated initials. On

four occasions, paintings occupy most or aU of a page.

IV lower page First sponsor's coat of arms. Plate 20

M ~ . V. SimAk, "Zpr6vy O maiSich a iiluminatnrech prahkjkh doby jageiionsJcé 1471 - 1526' (Reports of Prague Painters and iliuminators in the JagieUonian Era 1471 - 1526), Pamdtky archaeologiické a mfsropisné, XVIII (1898-9). COL 470. *chyti& Woj, p. 53.

U%ba, 'M malifstvi', p. 446. 250Chytil, moj, p. 53.

lower page

m e


lower margin

Ad te levavi

outer margin

lower margin


outer rnargin

lower rnargin

outer margin


lower & outer


12. Great LitomHice Gr. - 138

Coat of a m of the town of Litoméiilce.

Two women hold a rïch cloak behind a powefully-muscleci Man of Sorrows.

Plate 22

God the Father is enthroned on high on a rambow wearing papal vestments and

tiara and with an orb resting on his left Ieg. Beside and below him are angels

singing . Angel musicians. Above, a group of three trumpeters then three playing

iostniments like Alphoms and below one on an orgau and the other at a


Two angels playing lutes and another a harp.

Mass of St. Gregory. Gregory kneels with a deacon and subdeacon. His tiara

is on the dtar as is a Man of Sorrows with the Instnunents of the Passion

between two candlesticks. The chalice and paten are covered. To the left of

Gregory are two bishops and two cardinaIs. Plate 21

King David kneels, facing the altar.

Hus, in heretic's hat, is tied to a stake as the smoke rises. Bishops, cardinais

and nobles watch in the foreground. A large throng is behind.

The angel of the ~ ~ u n c i a t i o n stands beside Mary kneeling at a priedieu.

Eve, with a malign expression, holds an apple in each hand.

Gideon kneels before the fleece. (Judg. 6: 37 ff.) An angel flies above his face

with God's message on a ribbon.

Aurora. Three angels pass the good tidings to three dazxled shepherds.

Joseph and Mary, ox and as, gaze at the child lying in the manger. Cherubs

are above, beside and right behind the child. Two shepherds. one with

bagpipes, stand to the left. Plate 23

A tree of Jesse starts from the lower margins of both pages and grows

up the outer margins of both. Its two sources are Jesse, lying asleep on f. 60r,

and the dtar on f. 59v fiom which it sprouts and before which Moses and

Aaron stand. At the top of the tree on f. S 9 v are d e r and child. In the

margin of f. 5% beside the initial is inserted a miniature of Gad speaking to

Moses from the burning bush.

Stephen in a daimatic kneels, lwking up at a small image of God.

12. Great Litomëfïce Gr. - 139

outer margin

67v Ecce

lower margin

154v outer margin

lower margin

155r Besurrexi

outer margin

lower margùi

outer rnargin

lower margin

176r airitus

outer margin

lower margin

Men stand, hurling Stones.

Mary sits with child ntting on her lap and reaching forward towards a laieelhg

magus. Two magi stand behind, to their fiiends right. The star's rays Stream

fkom heaven.

An oId man stands in an arch. He wears a crown and a brown cloak over a r d ,

yeliow and blue uodergarment. A man lmeels before hmi and four others stand

behind him.

The Queen of Sheba and two attendants pay tribute to Solomon.

Samson &es off the gates of Gaza. (Judg. 16: 3)

The flsh vomits out Jonah on the dry land. (Jon. 2: 10)

Christ, in red cloak, stands on the closed sarcophagus, an angel kneeling on his

right. Sleeping soldiers are on the ground around and cherubs fly above.

Above, the three Marys; below, Christ greets Mary in the garden.

Three men, each having a staff, are standing on a road. Each has one hand

above another's hand at the top of one man's staff. One man has a fur hat and

has a large piece of white fabric over the brown sleeved gannent which he is

wearing. One has his back to us and the other has a fringe of dark hakm

Mary and the disciples around a hill from which Christ's legs ascend. Cherubs

are on either side.

God reaches d o m to pull Enoch by his han& into heaven. (Gen. 5: 24)

Elijah rises fkom Elisha in a fiery chariot. (2 Kg. 2: 11)

The dove at the top of the initiai is surrounded by a golden aureole, sparks of

which r a t on the heads of Mary and the aposties around her. She and Peter are

reading and the rest show their surprise in various ways.

Gd han& the tablets d o m to Moses on Mt. Sinai.

Two priests, each in a cope with his head coverexi, and a woman kneel before

a altar made of cut stones on which is straw and what, by its size, would seem

zl~hytil ( V j b j . p. 54) suggests that this may represent the ramion of Joseph with his brothers. This sans a likely exphnation. 752chytil (Vjvoj, p. 54) says that this picture is of Jcsus snd two disfiples on the road to Emmaus. The problems with this idea are tha there is no Christ figurc and that it does wt explain why they each have a hand on one of the staves. Another exphmicm is that the white fabric diat the man with the fur hat hoIds is Jesus's cloîhing and that they are wagering for it in the manner familiar to baseball players.

lower rnargin

outer margin

182v outer margin

Iower margin

outer margin

lower rnargin

210v ~em%ilis

outer margin

Iower margin

12. Great LitomHice Gr. - 140

to be a larnb. Others stand in the background.

God sits in a mi gown, an orb in his Ieft hand and blessuig with his right. An

angel stands on either side.

A young mother sits in a chair suckling her child.

Six naked children sit and stand on a leaf.

Moses and other Israelites stand around a table with a paschal lamb.

Moses, stick in hand, has stnick a rock and water flows out. (Ex. 17: 6) A

number of Israelites looks on.

Christ sits a& table with hn disciples, on which stands a large gold chalice with

a hop. An older figure of Peter sits at Christ's right. An eIderly Judas is

across nom him arguing with another disciple. The apode on Judas's leil has

turned his head and is blowing his nose. Chenibs sit and laieel on a semi-

circular wall behind . Abraham kneels before Melchisedek who holds a communion wafer and a

chalice. In the vines, the pape harvest proceeds

The Israelites gather and watch as the manna falls.

While Jacob sleeps on the ground, angels are going up and down a ladder

whose top is held by God in heaven.

Three peasants stand by the way waving to four others who are going to the

festival. They each hold different things in their hand: a pitchfork, a cup, a


An older man crouches in a high arched doorway. Behind him are four women.

In front, Jesus, at the head of a group of foliowers, greets him.

212r Qominus secus Andrew holds a diagonal cross with his left hand.

217v &scepimus Mary han& Jesus across the altar to a priest dressai in a cope.

outer margin Jesus stands in the river waiting for John, on the bank, to baptise him. On the

opposite bank, an angel holds Jesus's cloak.

222v Botexisti Adalbert, dressed in mitre and cope, holds a book in his right hand, a crozier

in his left.

227v Qe ventre John in hair cloth points with his right hand to a lamb on a book he supports

with his left.

lower rnargin John collapses to the grouad as îhe executioner places his head on a platter held

12. Great LitomHice Gr. - 141

outer margin

lower margin

full page

fuli Page

&O autem

Michi autem

lower margin

In virtute

outer margin

Statuit ei


outer margin

lower margin

Salve sancta

lower margin

outer margin

by Salome. Herodias stands behind her.

Mary, mounded by discipies, sits in bed holding a c a d e . A man in a cope

reads to her. Above. God sits in majesty, surrounded by angeIs and chenibs.

Above: four angels with -pets; below: six mai& with palm branches.

Six young men with leafy chaplets carry sprigs of branches.

Hus preaching at Constauce. Plate 24

Martyrdom of Hus. Plate 25

An apostle points with his right hand while holding with his left a strap

supporthg what may be a bundle of pieces of wood on his back?

Jesus stands with two disciples on either side.

The disciples are dispershg in pairs.

Sebastian is chained to a tree with five arrows in his torso.

Three men stand watching two archers at work.

Giles in brown stands with a hind before him.

Ursula and her cornpanions stand in a boat with the riggkg behind them.

Above: three archers shoot at the boat; Delow: a wise and a foolish virgin.

A wise and a foolish virgin.

An exophthaimic Mary stands in an aureole, holding her child.

A skeleton stands beside a bier covered with a paIl and a h his arrow at a

group of three crowned figures.

Christ advauces with his right hand stretched out to MLed figure emerging

fkom an archway. Above and beside the arch are demons, the one on top

holding a hoe with which he is about to milce.

Goliath slumps to the ground with blood on his forehead. David, behind him,

holds his hair with his lefi haod as he prepares to dispatch him with the sword

in his right. (1 Sam. 17: 51)


Ch*, b l . vvoj miniatumib mIfij;tvf &skkho za abby krrflJ rOdr<jagelonsk~ho. Rague. 1896.

=perhaps th& rrprr~ents the fuller's bat usually associated with Jamcs the Lm. See George Ferguson. Signs md SynrboIs of C h r i . Art (New York, 1961). p. 124.

12. Great LitorniYice Gr. - 142 Fojtikovi, Jana. "Hudebni doklady Husova kultu z 15. a 16. stoleti", Miscellanea Musicoiogica,

XXLX (1981), 51-142.

M a , Josef. &se ilumimvrvié h p b y 13. 06. stoleti. Prague, 1990.

K r h , Josef. "KnEni malban, m his D m jtvanrého méhf adpu&& do Ronce s~fLI&vaku.

Vol. 112. Prague, 1984.

Kriisa, Josef. "Knimi xuaHsMu, in Pozdné gotické mh' v &hach. Prague, 1978.

Smetana, Jan. "HeraldickE pam&tky M litomé5fické ehvni m ~ ~ a n y " , Lirom&cko, XVII - XX (1981

- 1984), 79-100.

Wocel, J. Er. "Miniatuy Eeskt XVI. stoletin, Pmn<ltRy archueoiogické a nd3fopisné. iII (1859).

24 1 -257.

12. Great Litornéfice Gr. - 143

12. Great Litornéfice Gr.

Plate 22 f. 3r: Kyrie, Christ as Man of Sorrows

PIate 23 ff. 5W, 60r: Christmas with tree of Jesse

12. Great Litornt5nce Gr. - 145

13. Litommce Cursive Gr. - 146


Ststnr okresni archfv LitomHice se sidlem v Lovosidch, SheIfhrk: IV C 2, on deposit in the

O-' vlastivihid muzeum, LitomEfice. Date: 1550-1570.

The book is a Latin graduale made up of proper amiphons, a Kyriale and a sequenciary. nie antiphons

usuaily given for a particuiar day are the &oit, alleluia or tract and the offertory. Graduals appear

rarely and communions irregularly. At the end of m a q quires of the volume, there are strnnps marking

where excisions have occuned. There are, however, no discontinuities in the text. The contents are

Summarized below.

Contents - summarg

Ir - 9% Temporale

9% - 12% Sanctorale

129v-131r Massofthedead

13 1r - 1 36b"r Common of saints

136% - 16 1r Ord. missae. 136~Yv - 15 1 v: Kyrie/Gloria; 152r - 16 Ir: Sancnis/Ag. Dei

162r-165r Hyrnns

167r - 223v Sequenciary

Contents - temporale The front pastedown has an unnoted inscription with two responds which is

labeiled "Cancio de sancto laurencio". The temporale has proper antiphons for Sundays throughout the

year. including 23 Sundays &er Trinity and ends with the Dedication Festival on ff. 94r - 95r. It falls

short of Cornplete in that there is only one ember &y (feria 4 in Advent), only one feria in Lent (feria

4 d e r Lent 4). and only three ferias in Eastertide.

Contents - samtorale and common The sanctorde begins with Nicholas and ends with Andrew,

followed by rhe vigil of the Assumption. It has provisions for 80 saints' days plus eight vigils and one

octave &y. The book has propers for only four of the Bohemian Saints. The days of Vitus, Wenceslas

and Lucimilla are absent, although the book does recognize Ludmilla's translation. This may be

13. LitomHice Cwsive Gr. - 147

comected with the omission of two rather large blocks of saints' days. In the spring, no days appear

in the pend between May 3 and June 9. Another lanina, between Augus& 29 and September 29 occurs

in the late summer. The reason for this omission is not apparent. No propers are given for the 10,000

martyrs and the Translation of Adalbert. The commons consist of alletuias only.

Contents - ordinarg and seqllencky in the ordinary, we fmd 17 KWes. moa assigneci to 5-10

occasio~ls in the church year. There is no troping accompanied by musical notes, although the common

nope "fons bonitatis" is written in the main band in the upper margins of ff. 136'41 and 137r and in the

lower margin on 136%. Glorias are joimd to 12 of the Kyries. Of these, one k an incipit ody. one the

Marian Trope and eight are Minimally troped. There are 16 Sanctus-Benedictus pairs. In the pair called

"angelicum", both Sanctus and Benedictus are troped. One other Sanctus is troped and two Benedictuses

are minimally troped. An associateci Agnus Dei is found for only half of the Sanauses. A troped Agnus

Dei in a later hand appears at the end of the ordinary. Sequences exist for 12 days in the temporale, 23

in the sanaorale and 5 cornons. There are ~e~uences for Vitus and Ludmilla. the position of the latter

indicating that it was intended for her marcyrdom. Folios 166, 224 and 225 are d e d but without

writing .

History - date and place The archive's records give the daîe as the end of the second half of the

fifieenth century? The watermark on f. 224. which is a close match with Piccard's V 309 which

appears on paper produced in southem Germany in 1451 - 1462,~' would suggest that the book was

produced early in the second half of the century. Archive records indicate that the book was usad for

reheanals by the choirmaster of the decanal church of AU Saints in ~ i t omef i ce .~ This is consistent with

the fact that there are no mbrics indicating the days in the fht 100 or 1st 50 folios. Tbey have been

supplied by a much later hand in some cases. Only a serious church musician would have had enough

knowledge for this omission not to have been vexatious.

History - users We know that the church was Hussite in the second decade of the sixteenth century.

Also, in the p e n d fiom 1420 until after BiM Hora, the only churches in Litornefice which retained

%etter from Ladislav DuJek. Director, Statni oblastni archiv v LitomiYicfch dateci Augun 1 1, 1995. %xbard Piccard. Die Waseneidzenkanei Piccard bn HmipÛuaisarchiv Sncngart, Vol. II, (Stuttgart, 1966), pp. 79,337. 256~etter from Ladislav Dukk. Director, S M o b l a d archiv v Litoméiidch dated August 11, 1995.

13. Litornefice Cursive Gr. - 148

Catholic clergy where those of St. George on the Fishmarket uotil the end of the Meenth cenniry and

of St. Adalben until the sixteenth cenniry?' At the beginning of the sixteenth cenmy, the town was

a hotbed of religious and nationalist chawinism d i r d agaiast Gennans and Catholics, both of whom

were bmed from the town in 1517.~~ The mtended users of the book were ahost certaidy Hussite.

Cover The original binding wnsists of intact boards covered with a leather which is now dark brown.

The lower approximately 15% of the leaiher Grom the fiont cover is missing and the leather of the back

cover is breakiag up at a half dozen places. The spine is round with four double bands and two single

headbands. It carries a label with a big II on t between the upper double band and the headband. The

lower 15 1% of the spine's covering is niissing. There is no decoration on the Ieather. That there were

closure straps is attesteci by the two pairs of d nail holes on the outside edge of the back cover where

the straps were fasteneci. There is a pastedown inside the front cover, but no flyleaves. The Iight dirty

brown coloured original string used in the binding loops over the top and bottom of each gathering. The

positions of the six binding holes average 3 1, 69, 123, 183. 242 and 276 mm. from the top of each

quire. Under the binding rhread at the middle of each gathering is a piece of papa 14 mm. wide, which

serves as a reinforcement.

Foliation There are 226 folios in the book. although the Iast foiio in the book is numbered 225. One

late pencil system of foliation covers the entire book and consists of Arabic numbers in the upper right

comer of every tenth folio. There are seven folios between f. 130 and f. 137. In the index above, the

folio immediately preceding f. 137 has been referred to as f. 136~. The second late system is also in

pencil in the upper right comer of each recto and sauts with the number 2 on f. 137 in the first system

and ends with number 89 on f. 224. The chird system in red ink is original and appears in the rniddle

of the upper margin of the recto of every folio starting on f. 2r (a i) and ending on f. 128r (n viii).

Folios The 226 folios of the book are of light beige paper, little discobured from use. On some, we

observe the watermark of an ox whose ho- are in the shape of a lyre and with a rod which goes up

from the top of the head. On f. 160, the totai height is 8.3 cm and the rod has a trefoil on top. The ox

has two eyes and one ear. The head, including the hom. is 5.1 cm. high and 3 cm. wide at its widest

m~einrich Unfcn, 'Der Stadtgernei.de triibst Zeit 1420 bis 16%". 1227 - 1927 S f d Leibne~îz, (Litornaice. 1927), p. 58. z8~erdinand Hnjsa, Ddjiny Wrsr'lltLmVf v &skoslovensku, Vol. IV. (Praba, 1948), p. 243.

13. Litomsce Cursive Gr. - 149 point. The rod and trefoil are 5.3 cm. high, measuring fiom the top of the head. On f. 224. the total

height is 9.9 cm., the head 6.0 cm. and the rod 6.7 cm. The width is 3.7 cm. Here the ox bas no eyes

and the rod is surmoumed by a cross rather than by a mfoil. The gatherings have an imgular munber

of leaves varying from a low of 6 to a high of 16. Of course, some of this variability is caused by the

excisions referred to earlier.

Layout The dimensions of ff. 78 and 160 are 30.4 x 21 -0 and 30.3 x 21.1 cm. Ruling is in reddish

brown ink. The written space is deked by two double vertical lines on either side which go from the

top of the page to the bottom and by two horizontal single lines at top and botîom which extend the

width of the page. The written space on ff. 78r and 160r is 22.6 x 14.4 and 22.6 x 17.1 cm. There is

circular priclomg on both folios at top and bottom of both inside and outside of the outside double line

and at the top only of the double h e nearer the spine. Horizontai pncking ex& at the outside of the

leaf for the five lines of the staves, for the bottom iine of t ea and for the line at the bottom of the

written space. The horizontai h e defuiing the top of the Maen space also serves as the upper line of

the top musical staff. The script is in a single column of seven systems, each system consisting of a

musical staff and a h e of text below it. The seven pages of hymns are mnoted and have up to 42 lines

of text. Most have brown niling and there is a line of ding on top.

Script The principal script is used in the whole of the book, with the exception of the inside fiont cover

(hybrida) and ff. 16ûv- l6Ir. These latter folios are apparently a later supplement (Veni dulcis c01lsoIator

and a troped Agnus Dei). Their script is a cursiva formata written with a thick pen and black ink. It

probably is not too much Iater than the main hand. The principal script is a cursiva formata written in

dark brown ink of smaller size and with a thinner pen. The ink used in the hymns is brown. Minims,

ascenders, descenders and s's measure 2-3, 7, 7-9 and 9 mm. respectivety .

Titles, capitals, initialP Running tities, which are mostiy confnied to the 75 folios beginnmg on f. 100,

are rubrics in the same script as the te=, but of smailer size. The colours of the initials in the proper

amiphons alternate between brown with a red background and r d except m the sequenciary. There. the

initials are a brownish red and the capitals are the colour of the initiafs in the propen. although

somewhat srnaller in size.

Musical notation 1 rhomboid chorai notes on üght brown me-line staves 2.3 cm. high with clefs

13. Litomi5nce Cursive Gr. - 150

c and f are used throughout. The neumes, custos s i p and clefs are dark brown.

Decoration The ody decoration consists of a simple pen sketch of a church found in the initial

1ern'bii.k on f. 94r.

f 4. Lobkovic Graduale - 15 1


Ndrodoi Knihovm, Prague, Sheifinriik: XXm A 1. UrbBoLovB: 95? Date: fa. 150.

The codex is a nearly complete Latin graduale. The quality of the aaistic work in the book is

exceptional and has ateracted the attentions of coIlectors who have excised seven whole folios which

probably contained illuminations for major feasts. These rmiovais included the first Sanctus, Advent

1, Chrismias (2), Corpus Christi, the first leaf of the common of apodes and the fim leaf of the

sequencîary. A M e r six iiluminations have also been removed. An unQuantifiable number of leaves

is missing at the end of the sequenciary.

Contents - summarg

Ir fwerges

IV - 43v Ordinary of the mas . IV- 2%: Kyrie & Gloria; 26r - 43v: Sanctus & Agnus Dei

44r - 240v Temporale

240v - 278r Sanctorale

278r - 337v Common of saints

33th - 444v Sequenciary

Contents - ordinary In the ordinary are 26 full Kyries and a partial one for the dead. Four are troped.

The fragmentary one is caused by the excision of the leaf with the h t Sanctus. Kyries are designateci

for the mjor occasions of the temporale and sanctorale and &O for the various classes in the common

of saints. The 15 Glorias are ali attached to Kyries. Among them are the Marian Trope, another which

is heavily wped, eight which are Min;maUy troped and only five which are m p e d . Christ's name

routiwly appears in nibnc. There are uni& of a Sanctus and an Agnus Dei for 27 occasions, one of

which in incomplete. One Sanctus and two Bcnedictuses are troped. There were probably one or more

Sanctus tropes which have been lost wim the first folio of the section.

Contents - temporale and sasdorale The temporale is Coqlete, with the exception of the leaves with

U9~mma UrbMovB, Rukopisy a vzdcné ris@ pr- &-tnf bzihuvy (The Manuscripts and Rare Rimed Books of the Prague University hirary), (Prague, 1957), p. 24.

parts of Advent 1, the second and third masses of Chrismias, and Corpus Christi. 'Ihere are three

Sundays afier Epiphany, 23 after T m and the ember days appear in the customary places. The

propers for the dedication of a church and of one altar appear at the end of th temporale. A totaï of 144

saints are remembered in the sanctorale. These inchde the Usuai Bohemian Saints and the translations

of Wenceslas and Lucimilla- The feaSt for the Dedication of Mary of the Snows is included, but the

Transfiguration is not.

Contents - cornmon and sequenciarg Nothing in the Complete cornmon of saints is remkable. It is

wncluded by two masses for the dead. There arr sequences for the major feasts of the temporaie with

up to four choices and one or more for 31 days of the sanctorale and most of the cornmon of saints. The

volume has an untimely termination afier the first three lines of the sequence for a single confesser.

Presumably there were ongiaally at ieast one sequence for virgins and a number for the BVM.

fIistory - date There is no evidence in the book which deals explicitly with the question of whether

Utraquists or Catholics first used the book. Despite this, the estiniates which observers make about

dating do not Vary a great deal. For example one observer places the book at the beginning of the

sixteenth ce& and another around 150026'. neither giving reasons. Chytil avoids giving a date but

declares the book to be in the line of progress from ~atthe- to Paul of ~elrd?" Krha points to

the use by the maker of the Lobkovic graduale of the ideas of Matthew and some logical developments

and concludes that it can be dated as late as 1 ~ 0 0 . ~ ~ ~

History - p k e and users On the question of the book's users, Chytiî notes the absence of propers for

Hus and the presence of ones for Wenceslas, Adaibert and Vitus and concludes it was made for a

Catholic church. He M e r postdates from these facts that the book was part of the collection of St.

m ~ t . Matejkk, 'Mallfstvi" (Painting). Ddjepis ~tvurného mLN v ddrdch (History of îhe Fine Ans in Bohemia), Vol. 1 (Praha, 1931). p. 379. "'~rbanlrov6. RuRopisy, p. 24. =Whose work, ONB 15492, was completed m 1491. m~aul's fint hiown work, HB SK - Z/l has a coIoph011 dating it in 1506. -1chytil.vjrwj-

. . . . rndBM &kt% za &by krdd rodu jageIlon,skt!ho (The Progress of Czech

iblmmrkt Painting in the Era of the JagieUonian Kings), (Prague, 18%). p. 32. 266~osef M a . .IWZni rnalitstvf" (Book Painting,). PoZdnG gotickt? mLhf v &ch&& (Late Gothic Art in Bohemia), (Prague, 1978). p. 429.

14. Lobkovic Graduale - 153

Vitus's Cathedral and supports this by the da@ of the binding in 1546, five years after the major fire

of 1541 and supposes that this was one of the volumes saved from the fire, aIbeit with a damageci

cover? In contradiction, most Bohemian books had propers for the t h e saints cited, and inclusions

of propers for Hus never occumd untii 1491. Their presence m books which are probably Hussite and

made between 1491 and 1510 was occasional M e r than reguiar. It appears that there is no strong

evidence to point to the confession of the book's users. The allocation of materials in the ordinary to

days in the temporaie and sanctoraie as weU as in the cornmon of saints is the usuai format used in

Hussite books. Catholic books ofien provide in the ordinary for commons and not for named saints or

for the various feasts by class. The argument placing the codex in St. Vitus's seems weak. The book's

comection with the Lobkovic famüy cannot be established as early as the sixteenth century. Even if it

could, the family had both Cathoiic and Hussite members, the latter group extetding from MkW, who

in 1459 was a follower of George of Podebrady", to Viclav, who in 1613 presen!ed a Hussite graduale

to the church of the Holy Spirit in SobotkaZs8. The Lobkovic graduale was kept in the Lobkovic Library

in Rague in the nineteenth centwy?'

Cover - boards and metal Wxgs The covering dating from 1546 coosists of leather over two wooden

boards cut with a bevel and having dimensions of 73.8 x 49.0 cm. and a thickness of 2.1 cm. The rear

board is intact but the front one has a longitudinal crack d o m the middle. Despite this, the front cover

is relatively firm. The covers are protected with cast bras corner pieces and a sheet bras edging which

wnnects them. The comer pieces, about 13.7 cm. square, have an elegant Gothic floral design. At the

outside corner is an octagoml foot and on the inside corner is a fiord finial. AI1 of the latter have been

broken off on the rear cover. The bras frame is turned over the outside on three sides and is fastened

by naüs to the edges. There is a ridge on the inside of the fiame and between the ridge and the edge of

the book is a sûip of inciseci decoration made up of eight-pointeci flowers spaced from one another by

three semicircles, al1 orientatecl in the same direction. Two 6.5 cm. channels for closue straps have

been cut through the bras edge on the outside of the front board about 2 cm. inside the comer pieces.

The straps were attached below the sheet bras on the back, but are no longer in place. Two posts

mounted on rectanguk pieces of metal to anchor the bras ends of the straps remain on the front. The

%Chytil, m j , p. 30. ='~iian MysliveCek, Er6ovnik (Hcraldry), @Vague, 1993). p. 33. "~oted in an inscription on f. Ir of Stami archiv Jifin, Fonds Sobotka, Kriiha 3. mChyai, Vjkoj. p. 29.

fiont. The centml cast bras bosses, dewrated with the figure of a lamb and a pennant w i t h an anaular

fhme having floral deCoration, also have octagond in the middle. They are identicai in design to

those found on Vol. 2 of the hmberk graduale* anci to those on the back coven of the two-volume

Luuny gradualen' .

Cover - 1eather and bmdmg The 1eather on the back mver is golden m colour, whüe that on the fiont,

undoubtediy originally the same colour, is now soiled and thus darker. The decoration of the leather is

very well executed and consists of seven intemestmg rectangular frames a r o d a reztangular m e . The

outer frame is narrow (about 2 cm.) and has roll stamping whose design is an upward and a downward

fleurde-lis joined at the feet. The second is 3 cm. wide and is decorated with floral roU stamping. The

third, 4 cm. in width has two figures, one of which is Christ, with a 8.4 cm. repeat. The middle frame

is narrow and bIank. The fifth is 2.8 cm. wide and adomed with biblical figures with a 5.2 cm. repeat.

The sixth is narrow and plain. The inner frame feaîures roll stamping with the tbeological virtues in a

4.8 cm. rrpeat. Two columns with floral roll stampiog separated by a narrow space make up the centre

core. The round spine has eight double bands and two single headbmds, to which are anached a faded

red and yellow fabric. There are parchment pastedowas front and back (69.7 x 45.4 and 68.6 x 45.2

cm.). A saip about 12 cm. wide has been tom off much of the bottom of the the front one. Holes for

the light brown stitching threads are 14, 89. 162, 233, 305, 380,449, 523, 605, and 678 mm. below

the tops of the quires.

Folios and foiiation The volume has 444 folios. A late compIete pend foliation appears irregularly

on the lower right corners of the recto sides of some folios. Original foliation in mbnc appean in the

upper middle bordea of the folios with a capital letter on the verso and a Roman numeral on the recto

of the foilowing leaf. Since the first folio in this system has been excised, ü appears on 44r foiiowed

by A (f. 44v) and iii (f. 4%). In most cases, the Roman numerals range up to x, although they

somefimes go as high as xv. nie 1st member of the onginai set is Z xii (ff. 277v. 27th). The gatherings

are in quinions whose reguiar arrangement has been much disturbed by excisions. Catchwords are

visible on the lower inside corners of the verso of the last leaves of some gatherings. The leaves are

made of good quaiity thick parchment of a cream colour and exhiiit liale discolouration on the lower

m~~~ Mus. Hs. 1549% ni~tamf ohesni archiv v hmech: 1 G 8a & 8b

14- Lobkovic Graduale - 155


Layout Tàe dimensions of ff. 110 and 260 are 69.2 x 45.6 and 69.4 x 45.8 an. rrspeaively. 'Ihe sides

of the written space are defined by double d ink lines. WrÏtten space dimensions of ff. 1 lûr and 26ûr

are 52.7 x 29.1 and 53.4 x 29.2 m. Each page is arrangeci in a smgle column with nine systems, each

system consistmg of a musical staff and the comsponding line of text below. Ricking on the outsides

of the pages was probably removed by aimming. On the two sample pages, however, there is pricking

near the spine by horizontal slits betwem the bottom of the text line and the top Line of the staff below.

There is also a slit above the top Lm of the first stan and one below the last Lme of ten. On f. 110 oniy,

there is pricking at the tops of the bides of the two double red vertical W. Ruling for the text is

provided by two graphite lines passing through widest point of the lozenges at the top and bottom of

each minim.

Script The main script is a robust black texnialis formata. Mi* have lozenges on the top and

bonom. The top ones are carefully and symmeîrically fomied relative to the shaft of the minim. The * . - bottom ones tend to get displaced to the right, with the apex on the lefi side dmumhhg in size and

getting rounded off while the right side becomes longer and more pointeci. usually ending in a serif.

Usual breaking and biting niles appiy. Vertical haidines regularly appear above i 's, and a's have two

cornpartmem. Ascemiers have shallow forks on top, the left the king short and horizont& whiie the

right is longer and prolonged by a serif at 45" to the horizontal. The bottoms of descenders are slightly

curved, convex up, with horizontal serifs on either side, that on the right king longer. Heights of

minims, ascenders, descenders and s's are 15, 16.5, 18.5 and 19.5 mm.

Titles, capitals and iniüais Running Mes are red in the same script as the text but about 10% smaller.

In the sequenciary, initiais and capitals routinely alternate between nd on a blue background and blue

on red. In the rernainder of the book, the most common four colours for initiais are red, gold leaf and

blue, with a geomeaic background, blue for the firsî two and red for the lad, and black whose inside

is filled in with pale yellow wash and which has a floral decoration on the outside. Unlike other

graduales, the floral decoration has a square fkme shaded around it. However. the anist's variety is

not constrained to only four colours, and we find blue initials on a purple ground, green on purple,

brown on lime green and blue anci lime green on purple and probably a few more that have missed this

writer's eye. Except for the omission of drolleries in this book, the initials are similar to those of

Matthew the Illiiminator .

Musicai notation The s c n i used throughout type 1 rhombic choral notes on red four-line staves 2.7

cm- hïgh with clefs c, f and g. The neumes, custos signs anci clefs are black.

Decoraiion As Chytil notes, while moti€s of Schongauer, Diirer and van Meckenen are used in the

surviving miniatures, the backgrounds, costumes etc. are often original. Many of the scenes in the

margins are originally &am. In xnie ofîhese cases, the innuence of Dutch art is apparent. The artist

has a lmowlege of birds, accuraîely rendering a number of different species? His portrayal of nature

is realistic and he mtroduces a number of fokloric elements into the book. Illustrations in the margins

are plentiful and dafer nom Matthew's layout in that they are not set in a M e , but rafher reside within

the floral borders which connect one miniature to the nea. The initiais Qominus secus (f. 2&), Ego

autem (f. 278r). Sapienciam (f. 283v) and Qaudeamus (f. 313v) are decorated and are accompanied by

much less extensive border decorations than the leaves with miniatures.

As was mentioned earlier, collectors of miniatures have removed six leaves, ali of which probably

contained extensive artwork. The initials &mie (f. IV), Yin (f. 196r), Benedicta (f. 2 0 5 ~ ) ~ xerribilis

(f. 238r), Gaudeamus (f. 26%) and Salve (f. 324r) have also been removed. Fortunately these

vandalized pages retain a wealth of rich border decoration, some with weil-executed scenes from biblical

and contemporary life.

outer margin


outer margin

A magus lmeels before the child held by Mary, who sits on a stool in front of

the stable. One of the two xnagi standing behind points at the star in the upper

margin. Plate 26

God from heaven watches as a lmeeling ascetic-faced John baptises Jesus who

stands in the river. An angel standing behind Jesus holds his cloak.

Christ steps out of the open sarcophagus, right hand lifted and left haod holding

a banner. Three stunned soldiers are before and behind the sarcophagus.

Christ stands betweai two disciples on the road to Emmaus. Above, three birds

perch in hop sprays.

14. Lobkovic Graduale - 157

lower margin

outer rnargin


outer margin

lower margin

outer margin

lower rnargin

lower margin



outer margin

lower margin

lower margin

Jesus, dressed as a gardener and holding a spade in his lefi hand, extends his

right hand to Mary in the garden. Samson carries off the gates of Gaza. (Jud.

16: 3)

God reaches down fÎom heaven to grasp Enoch's hands. (Gn. 5: 24) Elijah, in

a fiery chariot drawn by two horses, leaves a discoll~~laîe Elinha on the &round

behind him. (2 Kg. 2: 10)

The large figure of Mary sia in the circle of disciples as rays of fire emanate

fkom the dove above.

Two figures on the top of the tower of Babel raise a stone on a Crane. Below,

one man mixes mortar while another cuts a stone.

God, in a fiery background, han& the tablets to Moses who hieels at the foot

of the mountain. The 1sraelite-s cower in their tents.

Jesus stands transfigurecl on the mountain between Moses and Elijah while

Peter, James and John are U e d below.

Abraham heels at the head of a table wh2e his three angelic visitors stand on

the long side to his left. (Gn. 18: 2)

Three villagers stand around a table in the village q m e , which is surrounded

by four houses or barns and a church encircled by a wall. On the right, a man

with weapons amves with his wife carrying a goose.

Andrew supports in his lefi arm a diagonal cross.

A priest han& the child, lying in his arms, across the altar to Mary.

Below, disciples and a woman stand or heel around the bier from which Mary

has ascended. They are Iooking up to a youthful Mary, who is kneeling below

four angeis, two of whom are pIachg a crown on her head while the other two

are swinging thuriiles.

A princess wearing a crown kneeis before Solomon who receives her wearhg

a crown of the same design. He sia on a plinîh and holds a sceptre in his right

hand. The woman's virgin cornpanion stands behind her and three retainers

stand behind the king. (Ps. 45: 12 ff. and Song of Songs)

Three monkeys gambol in the acanthus vines.

14. Lobkovic Graduale - 158


Chytil, Karel. Vjvoj miniahrntfho m a I f ' ' Eloského zn &by kralu rom< jogehkéiw . Prague, 18%.

M a , Josef. &@ ilUrninovuné Nkopisy 13. /16. stoleti. Prague, 1990.

&ha, Josef. " K m malbaw, in his D@ny &&ho vjitvanrého umtCrf od poabku do bnce stfidovejku.

Vol. 1/2. Prague, 1984.

m a , Josef. "KoiZni maiifstvi'". in Pozdn&gotické umBu v &chclch. Prague. 1978.

Matejtek, Ant. "Maliistvi". in Zdenek Winh, ed.. Dqepis ~$tvantého um&l v VCMC~. Vol. 1.

Prague, 1931.

Urbankov& Emma. Rikophy a vZamé rrS4 pmaké ~uu*vern~tnf kiüovy. Prague. 1957.

14, Lobkovic Graduaie - 159

Plate 26 f. 6911: Epiphany

Ssbtni oloPsni arehiv v Louneêh, Shelnnrirks: 1 G 8a (grad&, 1 G 8b (TQmhle, ~eqllenciarg)~

Date: 1530.

This Latin graduale has the most extensive collection of lyis and sequences found in any of the

Hussite volumes of its M. It has no misshg elernenîs and has apparentiy sufierd no excisions, apart

from three folios at the end of I G 8b. Thaî there are two volumes rather than one comes about because

the 784 leaves in the iwo books exceed the next iargest graduale by more than 50%. The combined

weight of the books is 85 kg. This would have been difficult to handle in a single volume. It therefore

seems best to treat the graduale as a single work in the discussion which follows.

Contents - I G 8a - summary

IV Full page illustration of the sponsor

2r - 3r Asperges (feria1 and dominical) and Gregorian Prologue

3v - 280r Temporale

280r - 332v Sanctorale

332v - 414v Comrnon of saints

4 l4v - 427r Two masses for the dead (4 1 Sr - 423v), credo and votive masses

427v Colophon

Contents - 1 G 8a - commentary The temporale is Complete, having three Smdays after Epiphany

and 23 after Trinity. It ends with the Dedication Festival and propen for the dedication of an altar.

There are no propers for the Circumcision, but processional antiphons are given for Palm Sunday and

Rogationtide. in the sanaoraie, 143 occasions have propen. The days of most apostIe~ have vigils. The

Usual Bohemian Saints are included, as are the days of the translations of Wenceslas and Ludmilla. In

the propers for the Bohemian martyrs, Hus and Jerome are both named. There U no octave &y for

Peter and Paul. Propers for Mary of the Snows are included, but none for the Transfiguration. The

common of saints is Complete.

wavfinec Josef hijek. Archiv kd méao Lwn., (Archive of the Royal Town of -y), Vol. Xm. (Prague, 1898). p. 47 f.

Contents - 1 G 8b - summary

IV - 46v mes and Glorias

47v - 88r Sanctus and Agnus Dei

89r - 357v Sequenciary

Contents - 1 G 8b - commentary The book has 48 Kyries, of which 19 are troped and, among the

latter, 11 are unnoteci. Of the 18 Glorias, six are untroped, one is the Marian Trope, seven are

Minimally troped and a further four are heavily troped. Most are designated for a partiçular occasion

in the temporale, sanaorale or common of saints, although there are f i e for use ad placinmr or qumido

phcet. In the second part of the section, there are forîy-one unis made up of a Sanctus and an Agnus

Dei. The Agnus Dei is troped ody twice and of course has the customary different ending in the Mass

for the Dead. The Sanctus alone is troped five times, the Benedictus alone four times and both are

troped six tirnes. Of the 64 days in the sequenciary, 16 relate to the temporale, 40 to the sanctorale and

8 to the common. AU but one (Sigismund) of the Usual Bohemian Saints are remembered, but without

translations. There are two sequences for Hus and one for the Transfiguration. Whde other

sequenciaries provide a few alternatives for a particular day, this book has more. For exampIe, there

are eight sequences for Easter and Easter week, five for Trinity Sunday and four for the Visitation.

Alternatives for apostles and martyrs and many for Mary are ais0 given in the common of saints. Only

three of the ten stanzas of the Iast sequence, for Sundays, have surviveci.

History - date Accordhg to the colophon on f. 427v, the anisan Paul of Melnik completed the work

on June 2, 1530.

Anno nativitatis christi M°CCCCCOXXXO. Ad laudern et gloriam Sanctisshe et individue

Trinitatis. Marie virginis, et tocius curie celea. Feria v ante Penthecostem die Marceili pape.

Consumanun est Graduale duanun parcium propriis sumptiibus discreti vin domini Andree

Lunemis Civitas Civis pro mernoria habenda sempitema, ut a christi fidelibus tale kneficium

non denir oblivioni temponius fuairis, Sed deus omnipotens et largissimus premio sempiterno

in beatitudine iIIum remuneret. Namon et Paulum Meinicensem operis huius artifcem premio

non privet.

15. Louny Graduale - 162

History - illuminator Ch@ imerprets the word "artifex" here as "illuminatornn4 and Paul was

certainly so identifid in the Prague town records? However, the translation as "maker"" seems

preferable, since Paul may also have been the scni. In two places m the margks of the books (1 G 8a,

f. 3v [Plate 291 and 1 G 8b. f. 47v). we fïnd the depiction of a kneeling older man with gray hair and

beard dressed in a brown cloak with a firr coliar. It would seem to represent Paul of MElnik, who at the

t h e the book was made was approaching old age?

EIistory - place The cwo codices were made for the literati of the decanai c h c h of St. Nicholas in

L ~ u n y . ~ The town's coat of arms is f o u i on f. 322r of 1 G 8a and in the centre of the lower margin

off. IV of 1 G 8b (Plate 27)? Apart from the detail of the roof (the church itself was king rebuilt afier

a fire on March 25, 15 17 and not completed und 1538), the church is clearly the one depicted on f.

277r of I G 8a. (Plate 30)

History - sponsor The frontispiece on the inside of the front flyleaf (Plate 28) shows the sponsor,

Andrew of Louny, dressed in plate amour and Inieeling beside his white hone with his han& clasped

in prayer. He looks to be about 35 years of age. Above the kneeling lcnight, an angel holds a blue

shield. There is a gold design on the shield and a pair of crossed masons' hammers. The initials on

either side are W and K and could weli stand for "Wondiej KamenikW (Andrew the k as on)? Above

the angel and to the right, God is holding his hand in a gesnrre of benediction. Chytil notes a similarity

of the figures of the horse and man, apart from the man's armour, to Dürer's St. ust ta ce."' Andrew

was either a member of the Iower nobility or, more likely, a Ieading burgher of Louny. There is no

%are1 Ch@, wj minianunino maUi3îvf &ského za ddiy krdU rodu jageIlomk& (Rogress of Czech Miaianuist Painting in the Era of the Jagiellonian Kings), (Prague, 1896), p. 33. m ~ . V. Simak, 'Zprihy O mdtn'ch a iiluminatnrech p m c h doby jageilomlt 1471 - 1526' (Reports of Prague Painters and Illuminators in rhe Jagieiionian Era 1471 - 1526). Pamdtky mdtocofogicke a misrophé, XVIII (1898-9), COI. 475. n 6 ~ ~ o Prinz, Minellareiiniches WOrterbuch, Vol. 1, (Berlin, 1%7). The first meaning given is 'fabricator' or "Schapfer". m ~ e e the discussion of the Life of Paul of M e W in the description of the HB graduaie above.

V. Zap, ' WLaosw chim SV. M i A k v hunech" (The Daanal Church of St. Nicholas in Louoy), POmOtky, VI (1865), p. 142. Zap's date of 1538 [recte: 15301 apptars to be a typographical error.

h e k , M&sk& UiaS, v &?skjch zen& (Town Crests in the C ~ e h Lands), (Prague, 1985). p. 235 and unnumbered ilIustration at the end of the book. % suggestion was made by PhDr. Bohumir R d , the archive's director. U'Chytil, moj. p. 36.

15. Louny Graduale - 163

reason to believe that these books have ever left Louny.

History - iisers Given the propers for the Bohemian martyrs in 1 G Ba and the two SeQuences for Hus

in 1 G 8b, t is clcar that the w n of the books were Utraquist.

Cover - 1 G Sb - boards and metal fitüngs The originaI bmdiBg of the two books is very simiiar.

dthough 1 G 8b has recently been restored and appuus much more handsome. In this paragraph, 1 G

8b is d e s c n i in detail. The differences seen in 1 G 8a are noted in a following paragraph. The cover

consists of two slightiy beveiied-in wooden boards of approximately 71 x 46 cm., over which is mitre

fitted a handsome polished mahoganycoloured and somewbat worm-damageci leather. It is protected

by cast bras corner pieces and a hune of sheet b r a s which is tumed over the outside edges and has

decorative lace-like senations on the b e r edge and toohg and punching on the body. The Gothic

cornerpieces are diamond shaped with ornamentation on the inside edges and a hexagonal stud on the

outside corner for resting the book. They have the figure of Gregory at a writing desk on the front cover

and the symbols of the evangeiists on the back. There are circula cast bras bosses in the middle of both

covers, having an annuius with floral ornamentation on the circderence and a central hexagonal

circufar said. Inside the mulus on the front is the figure of the *gin and child and on the back, a lamb

with a pennan?. Cerise-coloured parchment between the leather and the brass can be seen through

the gaps in the metal.

Cover - 1 G Sb - leather and binding The pattern on the leather consists of a central rectangle within

four rectangular frames of increasing sue. The outer h e has roll stamping of flowers within ovals.

The second is plain, Save for three d blind stamps of roses on the height and one on the width. The

third fiame has dorai blind stamps and the fourth (mer) is plain. Ch the b n t , the central rectangle is

filled with three columns of the same roll stamping found in the outer fkame. The central rectangle on

the back cover also has three c01umns of roll or b W saimping. the design consistuig of alternate rows

of Ieaves and roses in a diamond-shaped laaice formed by two paraiiel sets of diagonal quadruple

saaight lines. Closure straps are fastened under the bras hune of the back cover. They each have a

brass end with a hole in the middle which fits over the one of two posa in the d d l e of two rose-shaped

%e design of the back mver boss is a k o fourd on the cowrs of NK XXIII A 1 and ONB Mus. Hs. 15494. 'Ihe design of the mir corner picces is the same as that used on bah covers of NB Mus. Hs. 15494.

disks in the outer part of the third frame of the fiont eover. The slightly-rounded spM has eight double

bands. There are pastedowns at fiont and rear of 68.1 x 43.2 and 67.0 x 44.9 cm. The front one is of

brown swde leather. Aithough restoration work was carrieci out on the volme ca. 1975, the string with

which the book is stitched is a medium brown and appears old. It lwps over the tops and bottoms of

the quires. Holes for stitching are found approximateiy 13, 88, 192,292, 39 1,492, 59 1 and 665 mm.

from the tops of quires.

Cover - 1 G Sa The leather cover of 1 G 8a was originally ivory in colour. It has aged to a darkish

cream on the back and spine and to a grey beige on tbe front. Its dimensions are 67.1 x 42.6 an. The

bras work is the same as 8b except for the sheet brass frame which has no decoration. apart fkom

serratiom on the inner edges. No parchment underlay exists. There are no closure straps and the plates

for the a n c h o ~ g posa on the fiont cover are diamond shaped and are directly above and below the

central boss. The round spine has five double bands and two single bands at the top and bottom. There

are leather reinforcements stitched at the top and bottom of the inside of the spine. Parchment

pasteclowns on front and back measure 63.8 x 42.0 and 64.5 x 41.3. There is a fiont flyleaf whose verso

(f. IV) is decorated with a full page picnire of Andrew of Louny, which was menrionecl earlier. The

stitching string is again a medium-brown colour, but does not in this volume loop over the tops and

bottoms of the quires. Holes for stitching are found 50, 137, 221, 305, 397,488 and 588 mm. from the


Folios and foliation Both books are made of mediimi weight, good quaiity cream-coioured parchment.

Discolouration from use at the lower corners is slight. The gatherings are quinions, except for one

temion at the end of 1 G 8a, and catchwords can be seen fiom time to time in 1 G 8a and 8b on the

lower right versos of folios whose numbers end with " 1" and "On respectively. 1 G 8b has 357 ff. and

a complete late pencii foliation is found in tbt miMe of the upper of every ter& recto. The last

three folios of the 1st gathering have apparently k e n excised. 1 G 8a has 427 ff. and an h m p l e t e

çystem of rubric foliation with a leîter on the upper middle border of each verso aad a Roman numeral

facing it on the next recto. The nrst of the system is A i on ff. 3v - 4r. For letters of the aiphabet up to

0, the Roman numerals nui fiom i to x. Beyond O, the numbers go above xx. There are nine unfoliated

leaves after P i and the desigmtions T iiii - Tvii appear twice. This foliation stops on Z xvii = ff. 331v

- 332r. In transcriiing, a complete system starting with the flyleaf as f. 1 has been supplied and used

in the references below.

Layout - 1 G 8a In 1 G 8a, ff. 4 and 205 have dimensions of 63.5 x 42.6 and 64.1 x 42.4 cm. Folios

m both volumes are amangeci in a single colum. of eight systems lying between two double red vertical

lines. Each system consists of a red four-hed musid staff and the corresponding line of text. The

wrinen space on ff. 4r and 20% measures 46.9 x 26.0 and 47.0 x 27.0 an. There is a f a t Ink niling

for each line of text co~lsisting of two Lines through the wide part of the lozenges of the minims. Simiiar

niluig also exins for the original foliation at the tops of rnost leaves. Prickmg varies among the folios,

probably as a result of trimdug. It would appear that the original pattern included pricking in the form

of horizontal dits on the level of the bottom of each line of text, both on the outer edge of the leaves

and again about 15 mm. from the fold at the spine. Vertical dits were made at the top and bottom of

the inside of each double line which dehes the written space. The slits on the outer edges have often

been trimmed and sometimes the binding is too tight to be able to see those which are probably at the


Layout - 1 G 8b In 1 G 8b, f. 49 and 257 have dimensions of 67.5 x 44.9 and 67.7 x 44.9 cm. The

writien space on f. 49r and 257r is 46.7 x 29.9 and 46.9 x 29.9~1~. Page layout and niling are as in I

G 8a, except that the ruling is in dry point. Pricking is the same as in the other volume.

Script The two voiumes are written in the hand of one scn%e. The hand is a carefiil textualis formata

which is usualiy black except on pages with minimires where the fîrst few lines after the initiai are often

gold or, exceptionally, red or blue. Christ's name routinely appears in rubrics in both volumes. The

script obeys the mal biting and breaking rules. Lozenges are carefûiiy formed at the tops and bases

of minims dthough there is a tendency in the latter case to see the suggestion of a serif to the right on

occasion. The upper cornpartment of the a is closed by a hair h e . Ascendea are moderately forked,

usually with a serif on the right. The tops of d's are short. The ends of descenders are very slightly

concave, sloping fractioaally up and to the ri@ and with short serifs on either side which are a bit

longer on the lefi side. The heights in 1 G 8a of mmEns, ascenden. descenden and s's are 18, 19,22

and 24 mm. Xn 1 G 8b, the sizes at 16, f 8,20 and 22 mm. are somewhat shorter.

Tities, capitals, iniaals Running titles are mbncs in the script of the text but perhaps three quarters

of the sUe. As is usual, capitals in the sequenciary altemate in colour between reû and blue. Initials are

r d with a blue geometric background, blue on red or biack with the interior of the letter filled in with

yeiiow wash and surrounded by a leaf'y background.

15. Louny Graduaie - 166 Musical notation The scribe used type 1 rhombic choral notes on red fou-line staves 2.7 cm. high wiih

clefs c, f and g (the laüer clef in 1 G 8b only). l3iack mensud notation II with clefi c and f is used

occasiody. The neumes, autos signs and clefs are of the same colour as the script, with the exception

of the top three lines on f. 322r of 1 G 8a (Assumption) where they are blue but the script is red.

The book's merit - comm- of art historians It wodd seem that a discussion of the book's artistic

merits would be in order before giving specific detail of the mbiaûms. That this book has been largely

ignored by commentators probably stems from an appraisal of the book which was published by J. E.

Wocel in 1859." He commenid on the nine [recte: 131 miniatures in 1 G 8a. but gave no sign of

knowing that the second volume existed. He compared the Luuny work to that of Havlichfiv Brod

(1506): "Whether it is that the artist's hand had becorne less deft in the execution of delicate fonns and

shapes or, as seem more likely, that the nch and noble sponsor of the HB song book, Lord MikulaS

Trtka z Lipy, rewarded the artist more generously than did the honest burgher of Louny, it is plain that

the pictures in the Louny antiphonary are les carefully and successfully painted." Chytii notes ihat

Wocel's comparison is accurate. While Chytil does know that the graduale has two volumes, the nine

miniatures which he mentions are al1 in the graduai proper." Modem writers, in t a h g of Paul of

MElnik, usually devote some discussion to the Havlichh Brod graduale and then mention without

discussion the existence and date of the Luuny volumes."

The book's merit - fiirther observations There are a number of arguments which someone who is not

an art historian can advance to comadict the notion that the Louny graduale was produced on the cheap.

F i , one should note that, whiIe the leaves of the Louny volumes are marginaiiy larger, there are only

eight instead of ten lines to the page. As a result, the average distance between the systems on a page

rises from 4.6 cm. in HB to 5.9 cm. in Louny, an increase of 28%. It would seem that Andrew must

have been interesteci in the book's fegibility for the literan' using it and was willing and able to spend

what was necessary to improve it. The use of larger script, combined with the larger repertory,

particularly in the Kyriale and sequenciary. resu1ted in a total of 784 leaves of parchment - double the

-- - - --

=J. E. Wocel, "Miriianay ftsLt XVI. stoletiw (Qeh Miniatures of the Sinemth Cennny). Pudtky, ïïï (1859), p. 247. 184Chytil. Vyvoj, p. 36. or example, see Josef K r h , 'KniZni maükori' (Book Painting). Po&& gotické M M Y &cMch ( h t e Gothic Art in Bohemia), (Prague, 1978), p. 440.

15. Louny Graduale - 167

mnber in the Havlichrhr Brod grarhiale. Loo- at the artwork, the fiontispiece depicting the founder

is less grand than in the HB book. Andrew, the book's sponsor. was a burgher. The sponsor of HB

belonged to the upper nobiiity. However. it bas 16 miniatures in initiais compared with 15 in HB. There

are also three decorated initiais in Louny. HB has none. The border decoration of Louny is more

elaborate and contains m h h m s m the margins of four leaves. The marginal decoration in HB is floral

only. For one not expert in art, HB appears to make a bolder use of colours and to have less detail in

the mtnrattites . . . HB was made earlier in Paul's career and had more new ideas than Louny. However,

Louny too is not without irinovations, such as the miniatures for the Kyrie and the feast of the Holy

Trinffy. Superficiaiiy, the painter's Mi, as shown in the depiction of faces and the h g of the clothing,

seems not very different in the two books. Thus, it wouid appear that, contrary to the concIusion

reached by Wocel and Chytil, the objective in the creation of the Louny volumes was liturgical and

artistic excelience rather than parsimony. Paul's wealth at the time of his death, as was descriied

=lier, was enough that t would not have been necessary for him to have accepted a commission for

which he was to have been inadequately paid.

Decoration Marginal decoration on the pages which have miniatures in initials is profuse and usuaily

fills two borders. It consists chiefly of vines, acanthus leaves and flowers. Four margins on different

pages have a miniature. There are no miniatures as such in margins of the Kyriale. However on two

of the pages. the border decoration is remarkable. In the upper and outer margins of the page with the

first Kyrie, we find eight dflerent kinds of birds, rendered with an ornithologist ' s eye for detail. The

lower rnargin has four cherubs, with the crest of the town of huny in their midst. On the page with the

fust Sanctus, decoration occurs in the three outer margins. In the lower one, we find what may be a

self-portrait of Paul of M&&. In the outer one. there are five angels, one above the other worshipping

the Father. Another possible self-portrait of PauI is found in the margin beside the initiai of Advent 1.

The initials Sapienciam (f. 342v), In White (f. 360v) and Salve sancta (f. 3 % ~ ) are decorated. Their

three pages each have vines and acanthus leaves which fiil l e s than a half of their outer borders.

. . Mmiahnos In addition to the frontispiece, there are sixteen miniatures in initials and a M e r four in



IV full page Frontispiece. Plate 28


outer margin

y i i



Iower margin


lower margin


lower margin




Michi autem

15. Louny Gradde - 168

God si& in ~ g a l majesty, a crown on his head, an orb in his lefi band and his

right hand raiseci m blessing. Plate 29

Mary and Joseph sit on eaher side of Jesus, who half sits on the hem of Mary's

gown. Ox and ass look on from the other side of a trough.

The child sits in Mary's Iap as a magus kneels before him. Two other magi

stand behind the first. Plate 31

Jesus steps out of the sarcophagus, as an ange1 clothed in red removes the Iid.

Two soldiers, one in plate amour, lie sainneci. Plate 32

The three Marys stand together.

Mary and the disciples stand around a hiU from which Christ's feet are

disappearing . Mary sits with an open book in a circle of the apostles. Radiance emanating

from the dove above has ignited a d fiame on the head of each of them.

The disciples sit around a rectangular table, while Christ is seated on a

canopied dais behind, John in fiont of him. His right hand is r a i d in blessing.

The disciples are talking in several groups.

Manna is falling outside the tents of the Israelites. Some men are watching it

fa11 and others are gathering it in baskets.

God sits on his throne, supporthg an inert Man of Sorrows.

Abraham kneels before his tent greeting his three angelic visitors. (Gn. 18: 2)

A flamboyant Gothic church with three bays in the nave and two in the choir.

The roofs are of r d tile. There is a aipola on the nave roof and a tower at the

West end. Plate 30

Three peasants play at skittles.

Andrew stands in front of a diagonal cross with a book in his left hand.

A priest to the nght han& the child across the altar to his mother.

God sits in majesty on his throne flanked by two angels. Mary Imeels before

h i . as he places a crown on ber head.

Peter, a key in bis right haad, stands with three disciples on either side.

A Man of Sorrows sits on a plinth with his han& joined before his face, legs

crossed and his right elbow resting on his lefi leg. Blood drips from his

wounds. He is mounded by three angels holding the Instruments of the

Passion, Plate 27

47v sanctus God sits in regal splendeur with a huge crown. An orb and sceptre are in his

left and r igb hanrln. He wears a gold cope w ith a large trefoil clasp. Beneath,

he is clothed in an ab, with a red sole crossed as for a pries.

89r Grates Christ leam through a stone archway to reach down to naked figures below.

Three whom he has already dragged up stand behind him.


Chytil, Karel. W o j miniatumüw malfij;îvi &ského m doby krolt rodu jagellonského. Prague, 1896.

Dukk, Vavfinec Josef. Archiv kr.. m t W L o n Vol. XIII. Prague, 1898.

Fojtikovi, h a . "Hudebni doklady Husova kultu z 15. a 16. stoleti", MiscellUliea Musicologica,

XMX (1981), 51-142.

Kriss, Josef. &SM iluminované rukopiry 13. /16. stoleti. Prague, 1990.

Kidsa, Josef. "KniZril' malbaW, in his Ddjiny deského vl>ramého MIBU OdpoLZiaU do konce stiedov8ku.

Vol. 1/2. Prague, 1984.

Krha, Josef. "Knitni maiBstvLw, in Po&& gotické mBii v dchdch. Prague, 1978.

Smiak, J. V. "Zpriivy O maliiich a illuminatorech pratsk$ch doby jagelIonsk6 1471 - 1526", P d r ; l . y

archaeologické a Mtopisné, XMII (1 898-9), cols. 457-484.

Wocel, J. Er. "Miniaairy teskt5 XVI. stoletin, PmndtQ archaeologické a mî3toplrné, III (1859),

24 1-257.

Zap, Karel Vladislav. "DCkamI@ ch- SV. MikulaSe v Lounech", P e archaeologickk u

miitopisrié, VI (1865), 139-143.

Plate 27

f. IV I8bk Kvrie. Man of Sorrows and town crest

Plate 29 f. 3v: Advent 1, Paul of M&&

Plate 30 f. 277r: Dedication festival,

Church of St. Nicholas

15. Louny Graduale -

PIate 31 f. 41r: Epiphany

Plate 32 f. 18 1 r: Easter

16. Martin of VyskycnA Gr. - 173


Knihovna NBrodxdo muzea, Rague, Shelfinark Xm A 2, o h 23 A 8. Bartd: 3274." Date:


This Festal graduale is rnostly in Laiin with a smaU mount of Czech. The book was the creation of its

scribe a . it has no close couriterparts. Parts of ff. 85 and 320 are missing as is one leaf foilowing f.

269. Most of ff. 201 and 3M - 304 were tom out, p r m b l y during the counter-reformation.

Contents - summarg

Ir - 34r Creeds. Original hand: Ir - 26r; Multi-part in later hand: 26v - 32r; Infill

34v - 82v Ordinary of the mass. 34v - 61r: Kyrie & Gloria; 63r - 78r: Sanctus; Infill 83r - 178v BVM in Advent. 83r - 86r: antiphons; 86r - 98v: common mass propers; 98v - 13%:

sequences; 138r - 177r: hymns; 178r: Czech pericope

1791- - 210v Hyrnns for the temporale and sanctoraie

212r - 355r Mass propers. introit, alleluia and verse, sequence and offertory

356r-383v Motets.Continueontherearpastedown.

Contents - ordinarg The book contains 17 partial Creeds ending at "cuius regni non erit finis". Ten

have minor troping, whiie two are more heavily troped. Three are of two or three parts. Mer this there

are a M e r two in a later hand (one of which is unabridged) foiiowed by some infil1 items in a sa1

later hand. Kyries and Glorias are provided for many occasions, the largest -ber being allocated to

the temporale. There are 43 Kyries, 24 of which are troped. Of the latter, 14 are unnoteci. There are

13 Glorias. arnong which are the ManYi Trope, three othea which are heavily troped and five whose

troping is Minimal. Among 28 single-part Sanctues in the original hand, 13 are troped. Six

Benedicaises are troped, half accompanying a troped Sanctus. There are mo three-part and one two-part

versions m the origioal hand and three three-part ones in a later hand. Unusually, the book provides no

music for the Agnus Dei.

q. M. Bart&, Soupis nckopisu Ndrodnau, musa v Praze (A List of th Manuscripts of the National Museum in Rague), Vol. II, (Prague, 1926). pp. 248f.

16. Martin of Vyskytd Gr. - 174

Contents - the BVM in Advent and hymns The next section extends for % folios and is best

descri'bed as a cornmon for the V i in Advent inciuding antiphons, sequerres and hymns. It contains

Marian antiphons, an introit and a selectim of grachds and alleluias with verses, 3 1 sequences and 74

hymns. The Marian hymns are arranged alphabetidy by lheir incipia. In the subseqyent section of 72

hymns. the ordering foilows a Lirurgicai year fonned by innrcalating Candlemas and Dorothy imo the

temporale between Epiphany and Eaner and appending after Corpus Christi the rest of the sanctorale,

starting with Vitus and enàing with Andrew. Usually, a choice of hymns is given for each occasion. Part

of the hymn "O quam per contrarirmi" for Hus bas been tom out by removing the lower outside portion

of f. 201. The only saints associami wah Bohemia whïch are inciuded are V i i , HUS and Wencesias.

Contents - mass propers and SeQuences The principle of the ordering of mass propers is the same as

was used for the hymns. Mass propers include the introit, graduai (occasionally), tract (where

appropriate), alleluia with verse, sequence and the offertory. The only communion to be found is

unlabelai as such and is at the end of the Dedication Festival. Aiternative sequences are provided for

most occasions. The feasts for Procop and the Transfiguration, for which there are ao hymns, are

included as are the feasts of the ttiree Bohemians found in the hymns for the sanctorale. The three folios

302 - 304, which contain an alleluia. verse and the sequence "Clericalis turma" for the feast of Hus have

been partially tom out, Ieaving stubs with widths of 5 - 10 cm. An a l t e d v e alleluia verse, sequence

and offertory for the feast were not removed, presumably since they contain no specific reference to

Hus and so could be used for (other) martyrs. The section ends with Andrew and the Dedication

Festival, including 29 &YS M m the sanctorale. There are a hancW of votive masses but no common

of saints (other than for the Virgin in Advent) and no mass of the dead.

Contents - motets The collection of motets, with which the book ends, has compositions of one, two,

thrw and four parts. Part of f. 383v is in a later hand and the two hymns on the inside back cover are

in a different later hand. The motets in the o r i m hand are in Latin except for the last part of one and

two others, which are in Czech.

Historg - Martin of VyskphiP, scribe We End in red ink on the pastedown of the front cover in the

ha the Prague cathedral was wmpleted dunng the ieign of Weireslas, it was consecratcd to Vitus, the patron saint of Saxony. Kantor suggests that this happened because Wenceslas had chosen to become a vassal to the Saxon m g . See Marvin Kantor, 13re On'gUrr of C7w&h@ in BoiremiCr, (Evansîon, Ill., 1990). p. 9.

16. Martin of Vyskytd Gr. - 175

main hand the inscription, "Manu Martini Baccalarü de Wyskytna Anno 1512". We know that Martin

arrived in Koih in the 1490's when he was employed in a subordhate postion in the town office. In

15 1 1, he rose to the position of chief town clerk, repiacing Jakub of Vrbice- Martin left the town office

in charge of Jan the notary in 1524 and died in 1 5 3 6 . ~ The chief clerk's literary c o ~ i u t i o n s to the

town were considerable. This volume was commissioned by the town council in 151 1. Martin aIso

compiled and copied an anthology of city law in 1 5 1 6 ~ and a k a n c i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ in 1517.~"

m o r y - date, place, risers In 1512 the council of the city of Kolin paid Martin bachelor of

Vyskytna, clerk in the t o m hall, the surn of 7 measufes of 60 groschen for a new graduale to be used

in the church of St. Bartholomee by the Latin choir of literatz.. It t a s @en by the K o h t o m council

to the NArodni muzeum in 1819." The presence of a hymn and propers for Hus indifate that its users

were Utrapist. There is nothing to suggest that the book ever left Kolin until its trip to Prague in the

early nineteenth century.

Cover - boards and metal 6ttings nie on- biading consists of two intact boards, slightly bevelled

in, and covered with leather which is expertiy mitnd over the edges and has weathered to a light brown

colour. The dimensions of the boards are 49.5 x 32 -2 cm. Of the bras fiaiags which the book had, only

the comer pieces on the front cover except the lower right one and the upper strap anchor on the front

edge remain. The corner pieces are in the shape of diamonds pointhg in and decorated with a Iily

pattern and incisions toward the outer corner.

Cover - leather and binding The tooling of the leadier features a centrai rectangle encloseci in five

rectangular frames of increasing sue. There is no decoration in the outer (first) frame and only a few

blind stamps in the third and fifth fiames. The second and fourth arr decorated with floral roii stamping .

The central rectangle has applied to it two columns of a then common style of roll stamp which gives

- p.- - - - -

HbF. Hofhann, "Martin BakaW z Vydyiné a rukopisy k o ~ ' (Martin, Bachelor of Vyskyma and the Koh Manuscripts). S d i e O nrkopisech (Mamiscript Studies), XVII (1978), p. 80. 2 8 9 P r a g u e , ~ ~ I I ~ 3 %ohsi@ regionaini muzeum, no shelfmatk. 29'~offmami, 'Manin B W " , pp. 67. 70, 75. 2420- archiv Koh, f d Archiv mësta K o h , Mmu<61 radnf (Tm CounciUorts M&) 1511- 1518, f. 43r. From Hoffmami, "Martin Baicalafa, note 28, p. 83. %offmann, "Martin Baisahif", p. 59.

16. Martin of Vyskytni Gr. - 176

the mipression of ttilee col^ of interlocking ovals with an ascending floral pattern. The round spine

bas five double bands and two single head bands. Two labels, "194" and "2" are found on it. There are

two paper pastedowns. The stubs of two flyleaves remain at the rear, one paper aad the other

parchment. The strings of the stitchg art a mid beige in colour. The top segment of stitching in each

gathering Ioops over the top of the m e . Holes for stitching are found 20, 71, 154, 238, 3 17.401 and

453 mm. from the tops of the @es.

Folios and foliation The codex bas a late suppliai pend foliation which is irreguiarly found on the

upper middle or right of the rectos. There is one blank flyleaf before the first written folio which has

at the middle of the top the number 1 in red ink, presumably entered by the original hand. The last

number in the pencil foliation system is 383, which represents the number of leaves, excluding the front

flyleaf and the rear pastedom, on whicb text continues. The folios are paper and a number (e. g. f.

21 1) have the water mark of a ox's head with a cross on top which is in tum surmounted by a fiower

on a stalk. The total height is 12.1 cm. and its width at the broadest point is 5.0 cm. 1 have been unable

to find a close fit to it in any of the usual cataiogues of watefmaeks, although Hoffmann believes it is

close to one substantiated around 1 5 0 7 . ~ Except for four cases, all gatherings are quinions, about a half

having catchwords of four syilables, more or les , on the lower right corner of the last verso.

Layout The leaves of the book are quite uniform in size. The dimensions of ff. 25, 100, 199 and 300

do not Vary by more than 2 mm fiom a dimension of 48.1 x 31.9 cm. Material in the book is arranged

in a single column. In the credo section fiom f. Ir - 23r, there are eight systems per page, each system

consisting of a musical staff and a corresponding line of text bouaded by two double red lines on either

side of the written space. Most of the pages with K m , Sancîuses, mass propers and sequences have

nine systems bounded on the outside by two red vertical double lines. Pages with mulri-part music in

the fint hand also have double red verticais. Among the Kyries and the hymns, pages without music

have 26 lines per page. On the hymn pages the vertical lmes are single and black and there is niling in

black ink for each line of text with an additional ruling above the top line. In the hymns, the staves

29$Hofhann, "Martin Balralafa. p. 65. He says it is close to Briquet mmifier 14544. To me. a doser resemblance is to nurnber 14552 aithough there are two mscmably signifiant differences. 14552 has been dated in Bamberg in 1484, 30 years before the cdophon of this book. He then cites M 281 - 291 from G. Piccard's Die Wasseneichenkanei Piccard im Hqtst~01sarchiv Sncngart, Vol. II, 1, (Stuîtgart, 1966), p. 174. However, a number of the details do not maich. The paper was produced m Bavaria in 1483 (281) and in Innsbruck in 1538 (291). Since the book was made in 1512, neither of these sources sctms k l y .

16. Martin of Vyskytna Gr. - 177

occupy the same space as two lines of written text. The writien space on the rectos of the four sample

pages sel& vary a great deai. On ff. 25, 100, 199 and 300 it is 38.6 x 23 .O, 37.3 x x 2 1.4

and 38.2 x 20.6 cm. respectively. Mcking is circuiar when it appears. There is none on f. 25 and ody

one at the top of the inside of each of the double vertical red Lmes on f. 100. On f. 199. there are prick

marks at the outside mar@ of the page at the level of the botmm of each row of text. There is prickhg

at the levels of tops and bottoms of each row of minrms in the outer margin on f. 300, but no vertical

pric king.

Musicai notation Five-line musical staves are 2.4 cm. high and four-line staves are 2.1 cm. Both are

in red ink. Neumes, custos signs and clefs are black. The scn'be uses type 1 rhombic choral notes on

four-line staves, mostly in the materiai for the Viigin in Advent and the mass propers, with clefs c, f and

g and on a few folios on five-line staves with clefs c and f- Type ïIi rhombic choral notes on five-line

staves and c clef are used on four pages only. Black mensural notation 1 on five- and occasion^ four-

line staves and c and f clefs is used for much of the Kyriaie and for the hymns and motets. Black

mensural notation II on four-line staves and clefs c and f occur much less frequently. White mensural

notation 1 on five-line staves with c and f clefs appears mostly in the Kyriale.

Script Hands 1 and 2 are both black hybrida. The second hand is about two-thirds the sîze of the first

and the ascenders o c c a s i o ~ y loop over. The h t hand is more vertical, while hand 2 tends to Iean

forward. There are small differences in the formation of individuai letters, including t, long s and p.

From the colophon, we know that hand 1 belonged to Marcin of Vyslqtnl. Hand 1 ocnipies ff. I r - 251,

3% - 78r, 83r - 35% and hand 2 ff. 356r - 362r and 363r - 383v. Hand 3, a cursiva formata, occupies

ff. 261- - 31v, 78v - 82v, 178v, 362v - 363r, 383v (the bottom half) and the back cover. The script for

pan designations accumpanying hand 3 is variable. There are three other minor and later bands.

Hoffinatm believes thai hands 1 and 2 are probably both those of the principal scni. He also identifies

hand 3 with Martin, shce it is the hand in NM II F 3, known to have been Wntten by himm WMe

Hofihum's theory is not impossible. one wonden what would have motivated the scriie deliberaîely

to mite in three different harsds. The size of the script of hand 1 is variab1e. the heights of minims,

ascemien, descenders and s's o c c u p a the ranges 6-9, 11-14. 13-17 and 14-22 mm. The script of hand

2 is also variable in size and measures near the bottom of the ranges for hand A or at most 1 mm.

16. Martin of Vys- Gr. - 178

below. Minims, ascenders, descenders and s's of hand 3 are 4,7, 9 and 10 mm.

Titles, capbis, initiaLP Running MLes and musicd part designatioas for pages in hands 1 and 2 are

rubric and match the hand on the page apart from bekg somewhat larger. Initiais in the section with

the creeds (ff. Ir - 34r) are either red or black with a yelIow wash. Capitah are black with a yeliow

wash. From f. 35 through f. 355, initiais are black with a yeiiow wash, red or blue. Capitals are of the

same colours but srnalier. except in the hymn section (ff. 138r - 210v) where they are oniy black with

a yellow wash.

Decodon TEe twelve initiais which are decorated by putiing them in a frame and filiing the intenon

with various colours include patrem (f. Ir), (f. 35~) . &.nctus (f. 63r). Borate (f. 86r), Angelus

(f. 138r). Qies est (f. 179r), Qominus duit (f. 212r), Suscepimus (f. 226r), ~ e ~ ~ ~ r e x i (f. 239~). yin

(f. 257~) . Spiritus (f. 263r) and @udeamus (f. 32 Ir). The decoration of four of the initiais (138r. 212r.

226r and 263r) is mostiy confineci to the frame. For the remamder, the vines and leaves spread out into

one or two margins.


Bartoi, FrantiSek MicMlek. Soupi3 rukopiiri Ndrodnmo IiII(Sea v Praze. 2 vols. Prague, 1926.

Fojtikov5, Jana. "Hudebni doklady Husova kultu z 15. a 16. stoletin, Miscelhea Musicologica,

XXIX (1981). 51-142.

Hoffmann, FrantiSek. "Manin BakaiP z Vyskymé a rukopisy koIinsken, SNdie o rukopisech, XW

(1 W8), 59-87.

17. Mlada Boleslav Gr. - 179


0- muzeum v Mladi5 BoIeSllavi, Shelminrk: II A 1, Other labels on the inside of the bont

cover: Ok mnz M. B. tis mvent 21.691; 1Sis pfkW 1/70a; Eis nov6 091.%85. 2231.

Nhdopisna V-va, CeskoslovauskA Raze 1û95, [ ] BolesIav, Z [ 1/60. Date: ca. 1509.

The book is a Lath graduale which is complete save for Nrhaps) a fiontispiece, one leaf missing after

each of ff. 196, 300 and 336 and for a few parts of leaves plundemi by art coilectors. The partiai

excisions indude the illustrations in the fmt initiais and the accompanying margins for Pentecost (f.

172~) and for the commons of apostles (f. 242v) and Wgins (f. 273v) and decorated rnargins only for

Trinity Sunday and the Dedication Festival (ff. 178~. 207r).

Contents - ~ u m m a ~ y

Ir - 41r Ordinary of the rnass. Ir - 23r: Kyrie & Gloria; 23v - 41r: Sanctus & Agnus Dei

4lv Gregorian Prologue

42r - 208v Temporale

209r - 241r Sanctorale

241r - 293v Common of saints

294r - 405v Sequenciary

406r - 407r Creed

4û7v - 409v Blank except for niling for staves

Contents - oràinary In the first section 34 Kyries, four of which are troped, are provided for the

cornbined temporale ami sanctorale, the cornmon of saints and for general Sundays and weekdays. We

fud 15 Glorias, among which are the Marüin Trope, eight whose aoping is Minimal, two where it is

heavier, and four which are untroped. There are 30 Sanctus - Agnus Dei pairs. Of these, there are only

two troped Sanctuses, in the second of which the Benedictu is also troped. The Benedictus alone is

troped in a minor way four tirnes by the insertion of "Marie fiiius" after "Benedictus".

Contents - temporale, sandorale, commons The temporale is Complete except for the absence of one

leaf with the offertory and communion for Trinity 14, the whole of Trinity 15 and part of the introit for

17. Mlada Boleslav Gr. - 180

Trinity 16. There are three Sundays afker Epiphany, (but for the missing leaf) 23 after Trinity and

b c e a Domini. The section ends with propers for the dedication of the church and of one aitar. The

sanctorale has provisions for 124 days, 12 vigils and two octave days. Strangely, there are no saints'

days between May 6 and Iune 11. The Unmi Bohemian Saints are remembered and propers are also

@en for the translations of We~lceslas and ilirhnilla. &th the Transfiguration and Mary of the Snows

are included. The extensive Complete comrnon of saints ends with two offices for the dead.

Contents - se!quenciary There are Sequences for the principal days of the temporale with two or three

aiternatives on the major days. The leaf with the 1st three lims of the sapence for the day of the Holy

Innocents and with most of the sequence for the octave day of Chrismias has been excised. There are

sequences, 2 of which are partial. for 39 saints' days including the Usual Bohemian Saints except for

Sigismund. Most (13.5 of the 20 b) of the sequence "Clericalis turma" is "gloriosi martiiis Iohannis

Hus c m sociis". The remaininp 6.5 lines were presumably on the excised leaf foliowing f. 336 along

with the beginning of the sequence for St. Margaret. While activity of the censor seems possible, it is

unclear why the majority of the sequence was aliowed to remain. Since the temporale and sanctorale

are intercalated so as to start at Christmas, the last saint in the sequenciary is Nicholas. The section ends

with sequences for the common of saints, the Dedication Festival and the Blessed Virgin. Martyrs,

aposties, evangelists and the Dedication Festival have two alternatives and the Virgin has 13.

History - Jad&k jlanrleif of Pkic, inuminator The minieturist was J d & k Zmileli of Pisek. It was

Chytil who fist noticed the figure of a curly-haired youth in the initiai on f. 201r. (Plate 36) On an

intempted band above his head appears the inscription "Iluminator Janiczek Zmilely z ~iesku" .296

JaniC!ek may or may not also have been the scni and he may have had an artistic assistant. The d e r

of this volume and that of the F r a n d v gradualem of 1505 were fint said to be the same by J. E.

~ o c e 1 . ~ Wace1 did not notice the artisr's name and his reasoninp was somewhat superficial, stating that

the sarne person was also responsible for the graduales of Litornaa?' and chnihm. a patently false

296Karei ch@, Wj nùniaturnm~ malimv~ za d ~ b y MM m ~ l r ~ o ~ c ~ N W ~ ~ me Progres of Bohemian Miniaturist Painting in the Era of the JagieUonian King), (Prague, 1896). p. 24. m~~ II A 6. 298 J. Er. Wocel, "Miniatmy &ské XVI. stoletin (Czech Miniatures of the 16th Century), Pomrftky, ïïï (1 859). p. 245. 29e~tiitni okremi archiv LitorniYice, IV C 1

m~kr- muzeum v c h d i m i . hv. f. 12580

17. MIada Boleslav Gr. - 181

conclusion. chyti130', iater in the nineteenth cenmry, d e s c n i convincingly the close artistic

reiationship between this book and the Framdv Graduale and conciuded that they had one painter and

one scri'be. The artistic relaîioaship between this volume ami the Esztergom gradualem was fim noted

by 1. Berkov i t~ .~ The fourth suMving book illustraced by JanfCek was the Zitîau gradualem of 15 12

and was identified by 2. Drobnii?

History - date relative to the other works of Jan&& - art historicai considerations Dating the book

has relied on artistic, and to a much smalier degree, on palaeographical considerations using

cornparisons with JanEek's other books. Chytii consigns the book to the last years of the fieenth

century or the early days of the sixteenth century, stating it to be the work of the artist's youth.

Nonetheless, in comparing the book to the FranUSljiv ~ r a d u a l e ~ . he points out that the angel figures

in the Mer are corner? An early twentieâh-century observer, A. Matejkk, groups this book with HK

ï I A 6, NK xwI A 1 and HB SK 211 in the first decade of the sineenth cenairy*' D r o b ~ considers

the level of aaisiic development in the two books. He obsenres that space and depth are better worked

out in HIC II A 6 than in MlacU Boleslav (MB) II A 1 and this might impiy an appreciable interval

between when the books were made. On the other haad, the Mlada Boleslav voIume is fiequently more

nchly and splendidly decorated than the HK one, some of whose pages are lavishly finished while others

are more rnodest. Its initials without miniatures are poorer in decoration. MB uses cartoons in and

around initiais more fiequently. Drobni's conclusion is that MI3 is older and his analysis does not take

him farther than Chytil's dating of the book to the beginning of the sixteenth cenairy? Thus, art

criticism can take us to the point of believing that these two books are close in Ume and that it is

probable that the HK book, which we h o w was made in 1505, was somewhat later.

wlKarel Chytil, Vyvoj. p. 27. 1. 3.

3 0 3 ~ . Berkovits, 'Az esztergomi ~ograduaie" (The Esziergom gdual of King Vladislav). Magyar KOnymemle, IV (1941), p. 349.

-ittau, Christian-Weise-Bibiiothek, Hs. A m. =Z. Drobd, Jad&k Zmilelf z Pislai a Jemk$ kodexw Umai. Di (1955). p. 182. % II A 6. mKa.rel Chytil, w o j , p. 29. %.nt. Matejbk, "Mal&NIa (Painting), Dëjcpis vj%m&w wnM v &ch&&. (A History of the F i e AN in Bohemia), Vol. 1, (Prague, 1931), p. 379. MatëjCek emmeously quotes 1500, instead of 1505, as the date of completion of HK iI A 6. -2. DrobnA, 'JaniCSek Zmüel~", p. 186.

17. Mlada Boleslav Gr. - 182

History - date dative to the d e r worlcr of JsniEek - considerations of content Sequences for Hus

first made their appemance in Hussite gaduates in 1491. In the ensuing two decades, their inclusion

was irregular. After 1510, no hown Hussite graduale fails to provide propen for the Bohemian

Martyrs. The fact that mis book has a proper SeQuence for Hus and Franudiv does not, might lead one

to believe that it was produced later in the 1491-1510 transition period. In the eariier discussion of the

Franusüv Graduale, a number of deficiencies in the book's contents were aiiuded to which suggest either

inexperience on the part of the maker of the book or, l e s iikely, vacillation on the part of the sponsor.

These imperfections which suggest inexperienced or haphamrd planning inciude:

1. a disordered arrangement of the days of the sanctorale,

2. a lack of correlation of the days represented in the sanctorale witb those in the sequenciary, and

3. the lack of a full set of commons of saints, which soon had to be suppliai by later han&.

No such problems are found in the Mlada Boleslav book.

History - date - the simiifirance of 1509 Chytil observed that some contemporary motifs found in

Schedel's chr~nic le~ '~ find an echo in motifs in our graduale. The chronicle was among the most

widespread books of the time and found its way to Bohemia through an outlet of ia publisher in Prague.

However, there is no record of its arrival there before 1509.311 Then we may hirn to the activities of

Josef Kohauth, a local antiquary (sometimes descriied as a busyboây) of the b t decade of the

nineteenth century. The last name, Kohauth, is found at the base of the aItar in the miniature inside the

letter S on f. 214v. The angel at the lower outside corner of f. UV carries a nibon which reads " 1809"

on his right hand and " 1509" on hû left. The band carried by the angel in the middle of the lower

margin proclaims the name "Joseph". Elsewhere on ribbons are d e n the initials J We cannot

know whether Kohauth had good reason for making the addition on f. 23v. That said, there is no cause

to believe that anyone prior to Wocel in the second half of the nineteenth cemrily had identifieci the

scribe of the MB book with that of the HIC graduale and therefore had the benefit of knowing the

significance of the date 1505. If one believes, because of its content, that MB was later or one attaches

signifcance to the date of the arrival of Schedel's chronicle in Prague. then he is predisposed to attach

a mesure of credibility to Kohauth's dating.

"OThe Liber chronicanun of HamDann Schedel(1440-1514) contains illustrations by Michael Wolgemut and Wihelm Pleydenwurf. It was published in Nuremberg by Anton Koôerger on July 12, 1493. '"~arel Ch*, Woj, p. 28. '"Z. hobd . 'JanfCek Zmilelf". p. 181.

17. Mada Bolesiav Gr. - 183

aistory - p h Because of later documents which record that the book was held for a long time in the

church of Mlada Boleslav, Chytil mcludes that it was made for that ch~rch .~ '~ ~ u s e u m records

indicate that the book was used in the Church of the Mother of God, which was later renameü the

Church of the ~ssuraption.~~'

Historg - users That the gradde was made for Utraquist users is evident from the presence of a

sequence for the feast of the Bohemian martyrs (ff. 335v-336v). Hussites generaiiy had Iiüie

appreciation for rnonasticism and this expiaius the bit of doggereI which appears at the botrom of f. 115v

under a pendmm cartoon of a monk.

Ha Ha


Veritas vincit.

Beyond a, we have litde information about the sponsor of the book or the singes who used it. There

was a liturgical choir, onginally Catholic, in the town at the end of the fou~eenîh century which in time

became Utraq~ist.~'' The earliest extant statutes of organization of a brotherhood of literati in Mlada

Boleslav date from 1565.~''

Cover - boards and metal nttings The book's original bindulg consists of intact square-cut boards 1.3

cm. thick and 74.6 x 48.9 cm. in dimension. The leather was protected by diamond-shaped cast brass

comerpieces3" with a hexagonal corner stud, decorated internally with leaf-iike swiris and by sheet

brass nirning over al1 four edges whose body is engraveci with the figures of flowers and whose inside

edge has a lace-üke pattern above sxnaii circuiar holes punched in the metal. On the front cover, the

upper right and lower left corner pieces are miss@. The corner pieos on the outside of the iever each

have a square post which projeas out fiom the outer edge. There is a central medallion on the from

cover in the shape of a square standing on irs corner, whose side and interior decoration is similar to

- --

' l b e l Chytil, WU~., p. 24. l4lener from Ludék Ben&, Director, OInesni muztum v Mladé Boltslavi, dated Dtcember 12, 1991. '%va MikanoVa, 'Miadobo1eslavsk$ Iikrhkf k W (The MB Cho'x of Lirc~onr), m Vlasrimil Trtûek, cd., MIodd Boleslav od mUurloszj k d n e h (MB h m the Past to Today), (Ulada Bolcslav, 19%). pp. 83 f. 3'6Eva MikanoVa, "Hudebni Zivot na MladoboIcsiavsku v. 16. a2 18. stoltd" (The Musiral Life of Mlada Baleslav fiom the Sixteenth to the Eighteath Cennuy), in Kart1 HerlSfft, ed., Bokslovic~ '68, (Mlada Boleslav, 1969). p. 205. '"~he cornerpieces are the Mme as those foimd on HK ï ï A 6.

17. Mlada Boleslav Gr. - 184

that of the cover's edging and corner pieces. At the centre of the medailion is a solid square on which

an hexagonai fwt, now missing. was mounted. On the rear cover, only the central part but with the

hexagonal foot remains. The shadow on the 1eaîher indicates that the rest of the centrepiece was the

same as is fouad on the front cover. There are two decoraîed recmguk bras piates on the outer edge

of the âont cover, just within the corner pieces, each with a dot for the tongue of a closure strap. The

straps used to be anchored under the bras edging of the back cover but are no longer present.

COVW - l-er and bmdmg The book is covered in leather which has aged to a dark ivory and which

is rnitred over the corners. The tooling of the leather consists of four rectanguiar frames, the one sitting

inside the one before ami a cenaal rectangle. Frames one and three (counting fiom the outside) are plain

and two and four are decorated with roll stamping of foliage. The inoer rectangle is impressed with a

design of single flowers or pieces of foliage within a lattice formed by two sets of p d e l double lines,

one set at 45' and the other at 135' to the horizontal. The flat spine has ten double bands and stiching

at the top and boaom for reinforcement. There are parchment pastedowns inside both covers. The holes

for the apparently originai stitching are found between ff. 400 and 401 at 12,57, 167,238. 3 1 1. 384.

457, 533,610,648 and 691 mm. below the top of the quire.

Folios and foMon The inscriptions on the front and rear pastedowns indicare that, on July 24, 1626,

the book contained 6 measures and 52 leaves or 412 leaves. The three excisions noted earlier which give

rise to t e d discontinuities would account for the difference between the 412 leaves in 1626 and the

presently surviving 409. It would thus appear that either there was never a frontispiece, which would

be unusual, or that it had been excised before 1626. The fact that both Woce13" anci ~ r o b n i i ~ ' ~ quote

the number in the inscription would seem to suggest that they had not noticed that three leaves had been

removed. A late complete pend foliation is found in the middle of the lower margin on the recto of

each leaf. An original foliation in red ink by the original haod m the fom of a capital letter in the uppec

middle margin of the verso with a Roman numkr facing it on the recto of the next leaf extends through

the temporale aad sanctorale. The range for the letters is from A to P and that for the ~lumbers generally

from i to xv, although for E, it reaches xvü. for M - O it goes only to x, and the last notation in the

system is P iiii. A i appears on ff. 41v - 42r and P üü on ff. 2- - 241r. The parchment leaves whkh

"'J. Er.Wocel, 'Miniatury Eeske'. p. 3 5 . Actuaily. Wocel did not quote the Arabic number and misread the Bohemian figure to be six m e a m and 55 [recte: 521. 'lez. Dmbd, 'Janiikk Zmilelf" , p. 2û3. footnote 4.

17- Ml& Boleslav Gr. - 185

m a k up the book are of good quality and medium weight and vary in colour between a light cream and

a light beige. Apart fiom excisions, the gatherings, with the exception of one quaternion after t 100

and two bifolios at the end, are quiniotls. Catchwords of five (more or les) syiiables in the script of the

text can be seen at the bottom of the lower verso of most or a i i of the last folios in the gathe~gs .

Layout The dimensions of ff. 42 and 294 are 71.2 x 47.7 and 71.9 x 47.6 cm. respectively. The

wrhn spaces on the rectos of these leaves are 52.5 x 29.2 and 53.0 x 29.3 cm. The leaves of the book

are arranged in a single column of 10 systems, each system comisting of a red musical staff and the

corresponding line of te*. Each side of aie wrioen space is defincd by a double r d vertical ihe which

extends the height of the book. Round pricking is found at the top and bottom of the inside line of each

pair and at the outside of the page at the level of the bottom of each line of text. Two faint graphite

ruiings for each h e pass through the broadest point of the lozenges of the minims.

Script The only hand in the book writes in a careiul and consistent textualis formata. The colour is

usuaily black, although red, blue and gold leaf are used for pages with mhktum and red is sometimes

used for tropes. The lozenges on the tops of minims are symmetrical, while those on the bottoms are

usually displaced somewhat to the right, often ending in a serif which touches the foilowing letter. Most

of the upper compartments of a's are closed with a hair saoke. The upper ends of ascenders are shallow

forks whose right side is smaller in size than the left and is often only a serif. The ends of descenders

are either straight with a slight slope up d to the right or else have a very shailow fork. 1's regularly

have a faint hairstroke on top in the shape of an inverted S. The normal breaking and biting rules are

observed. The heights of minims, ascenders, descenders and s's average 12, 15, 16 and 17 mm.

Toies, captais, init;lilc Running tities for the book are rubrics in the principal script, but whose size

is perhaps 20% smaller. Capitals in the ~e~uenciary aiteniate between red on a blue geomeîric

background and blue on red. The initials have a wondefi variety of colour and decoration. The

principal colours are black, red, blue and gold leaf. Thek background can be a pastel yeiiow wash,

geometrical of a contrasting colour or foiïage. Many 9iitials are infilIed with cartoons of faces. Human

or animai figures may often be seen lounging on the outside. While Janitek is frequently delightfblly

irreverent, he resisfs the forays into the risque that we fiod in Matthew and in ONB 15501.

Musical Notation The book uses type 1 rhombic choral mtes on four-line staves 2.5 cm. high ami clefs

17. Mlada Boleslav Gr. - 186

c and f. The staves are red, wiîh the sole exception of Advent 1, when gold leaf is used. Ne-, custos

signs and clefs are black, except on pages wÏth iuummations, when they may be red, blue or gold leaf.

DeCoration There is an abundance of art in the book which reflecs a naive joy and livehess. Marginal . .

decoration m great variety accompanies all the mrnranires. On the major holy days. it can be profuse.

on less important days. more restrained. Elements in it include vines, leaves, flowers, fniit d the

figures of birds, animais, angels and people. The figures may appear separately in the foliage or joined

with others. What were probably miniatures in initials and painted margins have been wholiy excised

on ff. 17211,242~ and 273v and partiaiiy excised on ff. 178v and 207r. The decorated &egorius on f.

41v is accompanied by vines, leaves d flowers which fill half the outer u g i n . A decorated Si enim

without marginai decoration is found on f. 28%.

Miniatures Miniatures appear in 20 initialS. Chytil remarks on similarities betweem some of the the

miniatures and motifs in Sch6ngauer1s engraving~.~~ Miniatures which are remakably similar to those

found in J d t e k ' s other works are indicated by fwtnotes.

outer margin

lower m g i n


A standing Man of Sorrows.

God sits in regal attire on an architectural throne, a crowd of angels on either


Gregory, in a mi cope and tiara, sits on an architectural throne. A cardinal is

on one side and a bishop on the other."' Plate 33

The chiid sits on a blue cloth cushioned beneath by straw. Mary, Joseph, ox

and ass stand watching him. In the sky, three angels sing beside the star. Plate


Jesse lies in the lower corner and his tree spreads up the outer margin and

across the lower one. Eight of his descendants are above hin; and. in the upper

corner, Mary and the babe. Plate 35

Four more of Jesse's line are shown.

Jesus is in the Jordan while John, dressed in haircloth, stands on the bank

faOChytii, w o j , p. 24. ='cf. Esz 1.3, f. l lr .

17. Mlada Boleslav Gr. - 187

baptising bim. An angel stands behind Jesus, holding his cloak. God is in

heaven above and below him is the dove,

Resurrexi An angel removes the top of the sarcophagus as Jesus steps out of it. On the

ground are three dazed or sleeping s o l d i e r ~ . ~

outer margin Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus and several women prepare Jesus for burial.

lower margin Jesus in his burial clothes and carrying a cross greets Mary Magdalene, who

is kneeling in the garden

yiiri Mary and the disciples kaeel around the hiii fkom which Christ's lower legs are

ascending . Bnedic ta God sits in regal splendeur on an architectural throne.

çibavit Jesus and his disciples sit at a circdar table on which are plates. bread, a

chalice and a lamb on a platier. He is handing a piece of f d across the table

to Judas who is talking to the disciple next to him.

Iembilis Jacob sleeps as two angels descend a ladder fkom heaven. A church is in the


Lower margin Mostly excised. Two peasants fight in front of a house. Other figures remain

watching on the right, but one c a ~ o t see what they are Iooking at.

Dominus secus Andrew holds an open book in his right hand and supports a diagonal cross

with his lefi a m .

Suscepimus The child walks across the altar fkom the priest on the right side to Mary on the

De ventre John, dressed in a red cloak over a hair cloth undergament. holds a lamb on

a book in his lefi hand.

Nunc scio Peter holds a key in his left hand and a book in his right.

Gaudeamus Mary sits in bed holding a c a d e and mounded by

upper margin Two angels above the miniature in the initial hold a crown for Mary.

Sapienciam Stephen, clothed in a dalmatic, kneels in prayer.

outer margin Two men throw Stones as another, probably Paul, watches.

17. Mlada Boleslav Gr. - 188

259r jn virtute Sebastian, his ha& tied ammd a tree behind him, has been pierced by several


Lower margin Two archers shoot at him, while a third man stands behind.

266r Statuit ei A woman kneeis at a priedia whüe a priest stands on her lefi.

282v Wva sancta Mary stands in an aureole of light, hold- her child.

294r Grates God sits in regal majesty in a architectural throne.

In addition, miniatures were probably found in the excised letiers Spiriais (f. 172~). Michi au= (f.

242v) and Budeamus (f. 273v). We are also misshg the marginal decorations on these three folios as

well as parts of the margins on ff. 178v and 207r. The miniSnire on f. 17th has k e n excised, but is

kept loose within the volume at the place fkom which it was cut. Although we have lost much by

excisions. a great weaIth remains.


Berkovits, 1. " Az esaergomi Ulhzl6 - graduale", Magyar Krnszenzie, N (1941). 342-353.

Ch*, Karel. Vvoj minirrtudho m a l W &ského za doby krdù rodu jagellomkého. Prague, 1896.

D r o b ~ , Zoroslava. "Janifek Zmilelf z Pisku a Jenslj kodex", Umriii, Iïï (1955), 18 1-204.

Fojtikova, Jana. "Hudebni doklady Husova kulhi z 15. a 16. stoleti", Miscelhea Muricologica.

XXIX (1981), 51-142.

Krha, Josef. &ski ilwninované rukopisy 13. /16. stoleti. Prague, 1990.

Krasa, Josf. "bibi malba", in his D@ny &ského vjhzmého mpni odpoctftku & konce stiiodov&.

Vol. 1/2. Prague, 1984.

Krtka, Josef. "Knitni m" , in Poubié gorické umaii v bcMch. Prague, 1978.

Matejfek, Ant. "MalM", in Zdenék Wirth, ed., Deepis jtnamého mCni v &ch&ch. Vol. 1.

Prague, 1931.

Wocel. J. Er. "Miniatwy ksk6 X\CI. stoleti", PmncfDSt archaeologické a &opw, III (1859).

24 1-257.

17. Mlada Boleslav Gr- - 189

Plate 33 f. 42r: Advent 1

Plate 34 f. 58r: Christmas with Jesse Tree

Plate 36 f. 201r: Cartoon with inscription,

"Iiuminator Janiczek Zmirely z Piesicu".

17. Mlada BolesIav Gr. - 190

Plate 35 Detail of Jesse Tree

18. Mnichovo H r a W Gr. - 191


Mnichovo Hradigtt V l l a s t i v ~ ~ muzeum, 28meckA knihovna, Shelfinark: 60-1-10, olim 12652.

Date: ca. 1470-1490.

T'bis liïrary consists, m whole or in part, of the books of the ValdStejn libraq fiom the town of Duchov

near Teplicem. Duchov is 90 km. N'NE of Rague. The number 12652 appears at the upper lefi of the

inside front cover and 60-1-10 at the lower lefi. In addition, there is a paper form label on the inside

which reads: "&skoslovens~ akademie vèd, Komise pro soupis nikopisil" . The number 60-1-10 is

wriaen in a biank space provided on the form, as is the date 10.6.1955 M e r d o m beside someone's


Probably. the book was originally a Complete Latin graduale. Unfortunately, it has suffered extensive

excisions, concentrathg to be sure on miniatures, but including also the propers for Holy Week and al1

the pages of the sequenciary after Easter.

Contents - summary

Ir - 12r Ordinary of the mas. Ir - lv: Kyrie; 2r - 12r: Sanctus and Agnus Dei

12v - 1 l3v Temporale

1 14r - 165v SanctoraIe

166r - 174v Part of a requiem mas, Common of saints

175r - 18411 Sequenciary

Contents - ordinary W y one leaf with Kyries remains. It has six untroped venions, a partial one

consisting of the last three petitions of a ninefold Kyrie which invariably begins, "Omnipotissime

adonay". and a trope in a later hand. The second part of the ordhary contains 19 combinations of a

Sanctus-Benedictus and an Agnus Dei, one partial Benedictus and a complete Agnus Dei at the

beginning, and a two-part combination at the end of the section in a Iater hand. Among the

%e book carries a mrmber of rubber slamp impressicms on the bides of the avers and on leaves in the book itself reading: "Eigenthum der gtaflich. Waldstem-Wartmbergsehan Real Fidelcommisses Dux-ûberleutenSdOrfrf"

18- Mnichovo Hradi&ë Gr. - 192

combinations, troping occurs in both Sanctus and Benedicais m onem, in another one, ody the Sanctus

is troped and in two others, oniy the Benedicfus is tropeû, in one case minimally.

Contents - temporale The temporale was probably originally Complete, likely having had a full

provision for Lent and 23 Sundays afkr Trinity. it emls with the Dedication Festival (ff. 112v - II3v).

The positions of the excisions mdicate thai the first leaves, presumably with miniahi+eî, have been cut

out for Advent 1, the main mass of Chr&ms, Epiphmy, Easter, Ash Wednesday, Ascension Day and

Pentecost. A half ciozen other Ieaves are missing in Lent as are the approxmiattely 20 folios once

numbered D xiiii through E xiii inclusive, which contained the propers for Holy Week. Three Ieaves

are missing afier f. 165 (the end of the sanctorale and the beginning of a requiem m a s or masses).

Contents - sanctowle, commons, sequenciary The sanctorde was probably Complete. There is no

feast of the 10,000 martyrs nor of the translation of Adalbert. No excision exists in a place which would

suggest that there had been propers for Hus. There remain 102 saints' days, 12 vigils and 2 octave days.

The commons exkt for the usual six classes of saints, but consist of alleluias only. Only the sequences

through Easter Day remain although there were originally probably a large number thereafter. The

lower margin of the first leaf of the sequenciary (f. 17%) has been excised.

History There is no explicit dating, so we are left to rely on palaeographical deductiom. If one could

postulate a W o n n development in the style of ail Bohemian scribes, who were aii represented by Jan

M W and Valentin Noh in 1470 and Matthew in 1490, then this script is closer to Mattfiew. Perhaps

an estimate of the last quarter of the Meenth century would be M e . hm& suggests a date of around

1500.m We know nothing of the church for which the book was made or of h intended users.

Cover The original binding consists of two square-cut intact boards 59.1 x 39.9 cm. covered with

leaîher which was originally ivory in colour but which has aged to a medium grey mottled shade with

patches of light grey on the front and to a medium brown on the back and spine with some beige

patches. A label rmding " 10" appears at the bottom of the spme. At one thne there were Gothic corner

pieces, a cenaal medallion and closurr straps. A r o d the circimierence the= are altemafhg diamonci-

326This trope is found in many books and is usuaüy daignateci as 'angelicum'. V. Simak, Soupisparnatek historickjkh a m&Mch v akcnr M n i c h o v o i u ~ ~ , (rntalogue of Historiai

and Artistic Memorabilia in the Region of Mnichovo HradiStë), Vol. 1, (Prague, t%O), p. 300.

18. Mnichovo H d i M Gr. - 193

shaped blind stamps. one fiord and the other an eagle in a diamonci frame. Inside that there are t h e

rectanguiar fiames, each touching the inside of the one before. The outer and d e r frarnes are each

decorated with roll stamping, the outer floral and the inner a double row of x's, while the middle one

has the alternaihg bliad stamps f o d around the periphery. The centrai rectangle Mihui the h e s has

a pair of horizontal bands at top and bottom. The outer is blank and the inner is decorated with floral

roll stamping. The interior is decorated with an three ascending columns of floral roll stamping. The

spine is round with eight double bands. There are no pastedowns or fiyleaves. Holes for the apparently

original stitching occm 9.98, 169, 244, 320, 394.465 and 555 mm. below the tops of the leaves.

Folios and foliation 'Ine book has a total of 178 folios which survive. Recent pend foliation is

supplied on the upper ri& corner of the recto of approximately every temth folio. The last leaf is

numbered 184, but there are ody 3 folios between the Ieaves marked f. 130 and f. 140. There is dso

an early foliation in ink whose first number is A ii with the A appearing on 12v and the ii on 13r. The

last in this series is K xviii which corresponds to ff. 173v and 174r. Siace a discontinuity in the text

exists on one occasion when one does not occur in the early foliation, it must be later than the book

itself. The parchment leaves of the book are ivory and of Iight to moderate weight. There is moderate

to heavy staining on the lower corners. Most of the gatherings which have no excisions are quinions.

Layout The dimensions of ff. 70 and 130 are 56.3 x 39.0 and 56.1 x 39.0 cm. Each page is arrangeci

in a single column of 10 systems, each system consisting of a musical staff above the corresponding line

of text. The written space is defïned on either side by a double red line which extends the height of the

page. Its size on f. 70r is 43.7 x 28.0 cm. Pricking seems fkequentiy to have been removed by

trimmmg. There is none on f. 70. On f. 90, one £huis circular pricking at the top of the inside of the

double red line defining the outside of the written space and at the bottom of the inside of the doubIe

line near the spine. There is also circular prickhg at the outside of the folio corresponding to the level

of the bottom of each line of text and just above the top musicai staff. The pricking on f. 130 is similar

to that on f. 90, except there is no hole at the top of the double vertical Iw near the edge of the leaf.

There is no d i n g visible.

Script The book is in one hand, a textualis quadrata with moderate breaking, which foliows the nomial

biting niles. nie rninims have symmetrical lozenges on top whiie those at the bottom finish with a serif

up and out. The tops of ascenders and the bottoms of descenders are generaüy straight and at 45' to the

18. Mnichovo HracüM Gr. - 194

horizonal. Ascenders fkom tîme to tmie aiso have a shallow fork. The upper compartments of a's are

closed only by a long hair line. The heights of minims, ascenders, descenders and s's are 9, 1 1, 12.5

and 13 mm.

Titles, capitals, nriaPls Running Mles are mbrics in a slightly d e r version of the main script.

Capitals in the sequenciary are red or blue. Initids alternate between black with a yellow wash

background, red and blue without background.

Musical Notation The book uses type 1 rhombic choral notes on red four-line staves 2.0 cm. high and

clefs c and f. On f. Sr, black mensural notation II on red four-line staves with clef c appears. A later

hand on f. 12r uses black mensural notation 1 on four-line staves without cfefs. Neumes, custos signs

and clefs are black.

Decorations Decoration is found in the initiais çibavit (f. 93v) and -cepimus (f. 128r) The rnargins

on the pages with decorations or miniatures in initials have a moderate amount of ornamentation with

vines, acanthus leaves and flowers and sometimes human figures.

Miniatures The quality of the five miniatures. all but one in an initial, is mediocre.

92v Benedicta God sits on his tbrone.

112v Iembilis A srnalI church which has the shape of a cross with ail arms of equal l e m .

lower rnargin Three peasants travel to the festival.

158r Çraudeamus The Virgin stands holding her chiid.

17% Erates A man in a blue cloak (presumably the sponsor of the book) heels in prayer,

lwking up at God in heaven. A nibon p r o c h , "Orat dm patri omnipotenti

et beate Marie virgini" .

n ie church depicted for the Dedication Festival is small. One's first impulse would be to conclude that

it depicu a chapel. However, it may be a stereotype. The same picnire is found in a Moravian missal

18. Mnichovo HmiW Gr. - 195

of 1430 for the same feast? The illustration for the Assumption, while not entinly appropriate for the

occasion, is ais0 found in other graduaies fiom the early part of the Jagieiionian pend. UnfortunateIy.

there is nothing to identify the possible sponsor in the Iast mmiature.


Simiik, J. V. Soupispmnatek historic@& a umdeckjkh v &rem Mru'ctwvohr~tkém, Vol. 1. m e ,


"01omouc. Stami vedecM knihovna. III. 8. See Krssa, -4 i l u m i d mkopisy 13./ 16. stolen' (Prague, 1990). p. 383-

19. NK WI A 13 Gr. - 196

Ndrodni Movna, Prague, Shdmiark: W A U. TmhUk 1221~. Pïocek: 63? Dpte: ca. 1500.

The book is a Latin graduaie which is complete save for a single rnissing folio afier f. 9.

Contents - summary

Ir - 41r Or- of the mass. Ir - 2ûr: Kyrie & Gloria; 26r - 41r: Sanctus & Agnus Dei

45v - 188v Asperges. Gregorian Prologue and temporale

19% - 25% Sanctorale

263r - 27% Common alleluias for saints

281r - 384v Sequencky

392r - 415v Creeds

Contents - ordinary There are 33 Kyries, one of which, nariing on f. lûr. is partial. Five are troped.

The Marian Trope is one of the 14 Glorias. Also, five are Minimally tropeci and five are more heavily

troped. There are 31 Sanctuses, aiI but two having an accompanying Agnus Dei. Six are troped and two

of the Benedictuses attached to them are also troped. A further two troped Benedictuses are attached

to Sanctuses which are untroped. Ff. 2Ov - 2% and 41v - 45r are blank apart from n*ng for staves.

The asperges are in a much iater hand.

Contents - temporale, sandode The temporale is Complete and includes three Sundays after

Qiphany. twenty-three after Trinity and Lancea Domini. It concludes with the Dedication Festival and

propers for the dedication of one altar. There are 75 days plus eight vigils and three octave days

included in the Complete sanctorale. Only Adalbert, Vitus and Wencwlas among the Bohemians are

included, alchough there is a sequence for Ludmilla. Omissions indude the Visitation, Procop and both

Mary of the Snows and the Transfiguration. Neither the 10,000 martyrs nor the Resentation of Mary

is present. There are propers for the translation of Benedict which occur betwem the Seven Brothers

3qosef Tnrhlal:* Cküolaogrcr Codicwn M m Smptom LarUlonun pi in C. R. Bibliofheca Publica utque UniverSirahS Ragemis Asservrmnu, Pars anterior, (Prague, lm, p. 476. 33%5clav P l d . Güdogur CodtCodtçun No& MusiciS Imtmciorum qui in Bibliotheca publica rei publicae Bohemmrcae socicrlisB'cae - in Bibliotheca Wtivem*tcctis Pragenris servmuur, Vol. 1, (Prague, l973), p. 244.

19. NK VI1 A 13 Gr. - 197

and Mary Magdalene (probably M y 11) but none for him in March, which is the feast usualiy fou&

in Bohemian graduales. Two masses for the dead are at the end of the sanctorale. Ff. 189r-194v and

260r-262v have only niling for staves.

Contents - cornmon dlehiias, sequenees The nrst half of the common aileluias.are for men (apodes,

martyrs, etc. without distmction) aod the second haif for virgias aad the BVM. In addition to provisions

for the major days of the temporale and the cornmon of saints, sequences are provided for 24 days of

the sanctorale, most notably that of Jan Hus (Clericalis turma). Sequences for Our Lady extend from

f. 342v to f. 384~. The graduale ends with fourteen Creeds. Most are d o m e c i , but three amoag the

firn 12 repeat the phrase "ex Maria Wgine" . The iast two are heaviiy troped. Ff. 275-280v and 38Sr-

391v have only ding for staves.

Ristory - place Placing the book geographically is impossible. "Bibli. minoris" is wrinen in a late haad

at the top of f. Ir. Assuming with Plocek that reference is made to Prague's Klementinum, it tells us

no more than we know aiready, i. e. that the book was in the Iïbrary which is now the Nhodni

knihovna."' The significance of the inscription "J. L. M. A. D. 1601" on the rear pastedown is not



History - date One cm be somewhat more helpful in the matter of dating. T W B dates the book as

*saec. XW - XW". Plocek as 'S. 1 8 " .332 Neither Briquet nor Piccard are of assistance in dating the

watermark. However, the earliest dated graduale in which propers or a sequence for the feast of Hus

occur was completed in 1491". The last three siirviving dated Hussite graduales to be produced solely

in Latin were completed in 1530'Y, 1 5 3 2 ~ ~ and 1 5 3 7 ~ ~ . A date in the iast decade of the fifteenth ce-

or the first four decades of the sixteenth cenniry would seem safe. Most Hussite books produced after

1510 containeci both mass propers and a sequence for Hus, while this book has a sequence only. This

would suggest a date within ten years of 1500, a conciusion much like Plocek's.

33'~locdr, Cataloggrrr. p. 244. v~hiat, (araiogur, p. 476: Plocek, Caralugrrs, p. 244.

3 3 3 ~ ~ ~ 15492. 3 ~ ~ y okresni arcbiv 1 G &

" ~ t . Mark's Lirary, NYC, BX 2043 .A3 H8 U6Klatovy Okrrsni muzeum f .4O3.

19. NK VII A 13 Gr. - 198

History - users The pfesence of the Sequeme "Clericalis turma" designateci for use on the feast of Hus

indicates that the graduaie was produced for Utraqukt users.

Cover - boards and metaï fitüngs The original binding consists of leather covering two intact wooden

boards, cut with an inward bevel, of dimensions 36.8 x 25.0 cm. Protection for the edges was provided

by now absent sheet bras which was bent to have a V-shaped cross section. Two 6 cm. strips were

placed on the upper and lower edges near the spine. Two 12 cm. lengths were made into a right angle

to fit around the outside cornen. Lastly, a strip about 17 cm. long was fastened on the outside long

edge, leaving a gap of about 4 cm. between each of its ends and the corner pieces. in these gaps on the

back cover, leather straps were fastened d e r a sheet brass plate by three nails. Two bras plates were

fastened on the front and and probably had a slot at the point they bent over the edge, into which a bras

tongue on the end of the closure strap fitted. Four broad raised metal circles sat just inside the corner

pieces and a fifth at the middle of the cover to serve as feet when the book was open.

Cover - leather and binding The leather, once ivory in colour, is neatly mitred over the corners. Its

colour has now ~ r n e d to a golden brown, except in the places under the former metal fittings. It is

decorated with a large outer frime having roll stamping of fioral motifs. In the centre is a rectangle

defhed by a double line impressed into the leather and divided lengthwise by double Iines into three

rectangles of equal size. Each is decorated by large blind stamps of flowers and human or anunal

figures. The flat spine has four double bands and two single bands at the top and bottom. There are two

labels, "VI. 4. 79" and "A 13". Paper pastedowns are found inside each cover. The string used in

stitching is a medium brown . The location of stitching holes varies by up to 5 mm. and averages 25,

71, 140,206,278 and 325 mm. below the quire tops.

Folios and foliation The late pend foliation on the upper right corner of every tenth recto (more or

les) is complete. The leaves total 415. An original foliation in red ink in the mid upper margias begins

with A.i. on f. 46r, and continues with A. (f. 4%) ü. (f. 47r). Through H, the Roman numerals range

from i to xx. ?be 1 series is misshg x. and xi.; xx. foilows XICL; and the last folio has the number M.

The last folios in the system are L.vüi. (ff. 25% - 260r). The original foliation system excludes blank

pages whiie the late one d o u not. The paper of the leaves was originally of good quality and ivory in

colour. The ink formula used by the second scnie is damaging the paper and has caused ink to show

through the leaves. A watermark of a two-headed eagle with a semicircular crown, only one side of

19. NK VI1 A 13 Gr. - 199

which is decorated with jeweis, is seen on f. 278. Beneath the eagle is a pendant with the shape of the

posterior aspect of the distal three inches of a human femur with a drop of liquid about to f ' between

the condyles. The maximum height and width of the watermark are 9.3 and 5.8 cm, The volume is

disorderd in quiniom. While 10 is the modal mimber of leaves in a gathering, the acaial nrmibers are


Layout Dimensions of ff. 46 and 28 1 are 34.3 x 23.5 and 34.1 x 23.1 cm. rrspectively. The pages are

arranged in a single column of nine systems, each system unsisting of a musical staff and the

comsponding line of tes. On f. 46r, circular pricking is found on the outside of the page at a level

corresponing to the upper line of the two top staves. On f. 281, pricking exists for al1 nine staves. The

written space is bounded on the sides by faint single lines of black ink. Its dimensions are 27.6 x 15.8

cm. on f. 46r and 27.2 x 16.0 cm. on f. 281r.

Script The first two bands are te#', but with a single-compartment a. The letter formation of the

two is quite similar, but the first has a more rounded appearance and the top stroke of s's is shorter,

straighter and more horizontal. The ink formulation used by the second hand seems to have been more

acid and to be more visible on the other side of the leaf. The first hand in seen on ff. Ir - 205v, 281r - 351p8 and the second on 20% - 275r, 352r - 415v. Heights of minims, ascenders, descenders and s's

in the first hand are 4, 6.5, 6 and 8 mm. Ascenders and s's in the second band at 7.5 and 9 mm. are

somewhat talier. Minims and descenders are the sarne height in both. S's and f's in hand 1 break the

line from f. 281r through f. 294v. Bot, scripts are in black ink. The relatiomhip in texnial content

indicates that hand one had completed f. 351v before hand two started f. 352r.. and that hand one had

completed its part of f. 205v before hand two completed the page. In other words, the scripts would

appear contemporary .

Titles, cap&&, initiais Running titles are rubrics in the same script as the t e a but marginally smaIler.

337The nownclaîure used for scripts arc those found in the table on p. 3 1 in G. 1. Lieftinck, J. -P. Gumbert. M m m c n t s &t&s consetvis dmrs les Pays-Bas, v01.2, (Leiden, 1988). 33%hile it does seem h t the first hand was responsible for ail these folios, it bas to k admitttd that perfeet uniformity does eot exist. For txampIe, on the thirteen folios begbhg with f. 281. s's and f s break the Iine of the bottom of minim': as they would m a hybrida script. Secondly, the treamient of the tops of ascenders varies. For several score folios, ascenders end in a point with a serif and then for a bIock of folios they are forked with no serifs. And then the cycle répeats. The forrn of no other leuers changes.

19. NK VfI A 13 Gr. - 200

Except in the sequenciary, initiais alternate in colour between biack with a yellow background, red and

blue. Ody red and blue initiais and capitals are found in the sequenciary. Ordinary initiais have no

background decoration.

Musical notation Four-iine black staves 1.9 cm. high are used throughout. 1 rhombic choral notes

and clefs c. f and g make up most ofthe book. In the Kyriaie on ff. IV - 2v and 18r, v, black mensural

notation II with clefs c and f is used. On ff. 393v - 415v, hand 2 &tes a number of Credos in black

mensural notation 1 and c clefs only. Neumes, nistos signs and clefs are black.

Decoration No initiais have miniatures but a number are decorated. They include Sanctus (f. 26r), Ad

te (f- 46r). B e r (f. Shr), Ecce (f. 66r), ~ e ~ w ~ e x i (f. 136v), yin (f. 158r), Spiritus (f. 159v), Terribilis

(f. l87r), Qominus secus (f. 195r). Grates (f. 28 1 r), Qe ventre (f. 224~). Nunc scio (f. 22%) and Aeuia

(f. 263r). The last three of these by the second hand are omate monochrome drawings in the initiais.

nie rest are polychrome and have modest marginal decorations of leaves, vines and fïowers.


Fojtikovi, Jaaa. "Hudebni doklady Husova kultu z 15. a 16. stoletin, Miscelhea Musicologica,

XXIX (1981), 51-142.

Plocek. V&clav. Catalogus Cdcwft Notic Music& I m a o r w n qui in Bibliotheca publica rei publicae

Bohemicae socialisticae - in Bibfiorheca mUIllversiratis P ragemis servanîur. 2 vols. Prague,


Tnihlat. Josef. Catalogus Codicwn Manu Scriptonun Latinonun qui in C. R. Bibüotheca Publica

orque Universitatis Pragettsis Asservanhcr. Duae Partes. Prague, 1906.

20- NK XII A 21 Gr, - 201


N h o M iuirnovna, Prague, Shelfmsrk XII A 21. Truhhik Piocek: 114~. Date: ca 1UIO.

The book is a Latin graduale having aU the customary elemem and no obvious missing folios.

Contents - summarg

Ordinary of the mas. 1 r - 1 1 r: Kyrie & Gloria; 12r - 1 gr: Sanctus & Agnus Dei



Common of saints


Supplementary offices for Lancea domini and Corpus Christi

Creeds (3)

Contents - ordmary There are twenry Kyries, three of which are troped. Of the twelve Glorias, eight

are troped, six Minunally. One is troped more heavily and another is the Marian Trope. Seven Kyries

are for the common of saints and the rest are either unallocated or for the temporale. Ff. 1 lv and Il"

have only d i n g for music. There are 19 Sanctus-Benedictus pairs, ali but three having a corresponding

Agnus Dei. Two Sanctuses are aoped as are five Benedicîuses, one of which goes with a noped

Sancnis. No Agnus Dei is troped. Ff. lhr, lgm, and 19- have only musical ruling.

Contents - temporale, sanctorde The temporale is Complete, having three Sundays afier Epiphany

and twenty-three after Trinity. It ends with the Dedication Festival. The scribe noticed that he had

omitted Lancea Domini and inserted it at the end of the sequenciary. The proper of saints has 125

occasions, as weli as twelve vigiis and three octaves. The reason that it occupies as few folios as it does

is the use by the scribe of rubrics in very small script pointing to the commons. The Usual Bohemian

Saints are represented and propers are also provided for the translations of Wenceslas and Lucimilla.

339~osef TruhiP, Cmalogus Codicum M m Scripfown Lutimrtun qui in C. R. Bibliotheca Aiolica Otque Universitan's Pragensis Asservanfur, Pars posterior, (Prague, 1906). p. 17 1. "vâclav Plocek, Carabgus Mcwn Notis MmUS1cis I~mceorum qui in Bïbliotheca publica rei pubIr'cae Bohemicae socialisticue - in Bibliutkca wUvemrS1torXs P r a g e d servanhir, Vol. I I , (Prague, l973), p. 430.

20. NK XII A 21 Gr. - 202

Mary of the Snows and the Presentation appear but not the Transfiguration.

Contents - coimnons, sequeoces T k Compiete cornmon of Samtcr has the usuai six caregories anci does

not distingukh between bishops and orher saints. The sequenciary is somewhat less extensive than the

nom. providing sequences for the temporale, comrnon of saints and only 24 occasions from the

sanaorale. Few alternative sequences are given. The Creed on f. 2 13 is complete. The other two, one

on f. 214v and the other on 2 1 Sr, break off in the middle, afier "homo factus estn.

History - place, users We have three inscriptions in the fim part of the book which are not of great

help in identifjkg the users. On the leaf which is between the front cover and f. 1, "Pro tempIo S

Manhile in Ssarka Graduale cum imoiiu" is wrhten in a hte hand. At the top of f. Ir there is the note:

"Hic liber emptus est a Rectore scholæ S. Nicolai veteris urbis Pragensis Ioh. Ctaslavino pro 1

M[easura] 10 gr. miss. F6 ante spiritus sancti Al 59-1-. " Tnihl& and Plocek read the year incorrectly

as [ 1 ~ ] 7 9 . ~ ' One Line lower, in a later hand, is the declaration of ownership: "E bibliotheca Geocgii

Bartholdi Pontani in Braitenberg praepositi Pragensisn. The oldest of the inscriptions seerns to be the

one relating to the church of St. Nicholas in the Old Town. St. Nicholas in the sixteenth century, as

indeed today, was a Utraquist chuch.* This might be taken to suggest weakly that the original church

for which the book was made was Ueraquist, dthough nothing in the book's contents would support or

deny this.

History - dete As to dating, Tnrhlai's and Plocek's suggestion of the end of the fifteenth century does

not appear ~nreasonable.~~ This is supported by a close comspondence between the crown-shaped

water mark on f. 225 and Piccard's sample Xm 5, which appeared in documents which were produced

between 1497 and 1502 in the office of Maximilian 1 at Trent and several places in the ~ y r o l ?

Cover The original binding consists of two intact square-cut boards 32.5 x 21.3 cm. and 8 mm. thick

-- -- -

" ' ~ ~ h l s ~ . Ckmhg~ l~ CaIicum, Pars posterior. p. 171. PIocek, Cb&grrs Codicum, Vol. II, p. 430. The probkm came about because the 5 is shaped like a 7. But the date cannot be 1791. Thus, one must forget the two 1s and supply 15. =v. V. Tomek, De@ m m Pruhy (Hktory of the City of Prague). Vol. XI, (Prague, 1897). p. 436.

Y3~nthlAf, Catalogus Codicwn, Pars posterior. p. 171. Plocek. Caralogus Codicum, Vol. iï, p. 430. wGerhard Piccard, Die W ~ ~ ~ s e ~ e i c h e ~ e i Piccard im H4uptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Vol. 1, (SNtgart, 1961). pp. 47, 165.

20. NK XII A 21 Gr. - 203 covered by leather, which at the beginning was smwth and medium brown in colour, judging by the

parts which were protected by metal. The leather has now l o s its smooth finish and looks Like a dmy

uncoloured suede. The leather is tunied over the boards with unworkmanlike mitring and the insides

of the boards are bare wood. From the shadows, one can see that the book originally had diiunond-

shaped corner pieces, a diamoncl-shaped piece of metal in the centre and two rectangular plates on the

outside edges within the corner pieces to anchor the ciosure saaps. The round spine has five double

bands and is separaieci from the from cover. There are no flyleaves. The stitching is light brown string,

which has becume loose. Holes for the string are found 13, 85, 158,233 and 309 mm. bdow the tops

of quires .

Folios and foliation The book has 2 15 folios with music and text and the Iast leaf is numbered 215.

There are also folios which are either bfank or only ruled with musical staves - one after i. 11, two after

f. 19, one afier f. 210. Folios 216 - 227 are d e d with staves ody but with no music or text and there

is one blank folio before f. 1. Thus, the book has 232 leaves if one counts folios with no text. There is

a complete late pencil foliation found on the upper nght recto of every tenth leaf. The original system

is in the usual format in rubric of a Ietter and a R o m numeral, the first on the upper middle rnargin

of the verso and the second facing it on the recto of the next folio. The first of this series is A i on ff.

20v - 21r. The Roman numerals range from i to xWi regulariy and the senes ends with H xvüi on ff.

163v - 164r. The leaves are a cream-coloured paper with moderate discolouraton from mildew and ink

from the other side of the folio. There is Little discolouration at the lower outside corners, A watermark

occurs, for example, on ff. 19 and 225 (which is loose at the rear of the book), of a crown with an orb

surmounted by a cross on top. Its height is 13.3 cm. and its maximum width 5.1 cm. The leaves are

gathered in units of 6 bifolios. Quire marks appear occasionaily on the lower nght corner of the last

verso of the gathering . The quUes appear to be numbered fiom the beginning of the original foliation

system. Thus we find 8' at the lower nght corner of f. 115v and a l2 on f. 163v.

Layout The dimensions of the leaves are rehtively constant, ff. 22 and 167 measuring 3 1.5 x 2 1.2 and

31.6 x 21.3 cm. respectively. The pages are laid out in a single column of 11 systems, each consisting

of a musical s ta f f with the corresponding Iine of text, and bounded on either side by a double black

vertical line which extends for the height of the page. The dimensions of the written space on the rectos

of the two sample folios are 25.8 x 15.6 and 25.7 x 15.6 cm. Prickmg by horizontal slits is found at the

outer rnargins of both folios at a Ievel corresponding to the top line of each of the staves.

20. NK XIT A 21 Gr. - 204

Script There is one hand throughout in a cuniva formata with black ink- The heights of minims.

ascenders, descenders, s's are 2.5, 6,6.5 and 7 mm.

Toies, cap&&, initinls Running titles are red and in the same script as the main text but of a d e r

s h . Except in the sequenciary, initiais aiternate in colour between black and red. In the sequenciary,

both the initiais and the capitais are red.

M u s i d notation Four-line black staves 1.9 cm. high are used throughout. On ff. Ir - 213v type 1

rhombic choral notes are used with clefs c and f. Black memural notation 1 appears only on ff. 214v - 21% Neumes, custos signs and clefs are black.

DeCoration Decorated initials are found at the beginning of 12 major feasts. They are complemented

in the iower margin of the pages on which they appear by a spray of foliage. The decorated initiais

include me (f. Ir), Sanctus (f. 12r), Ad te Ievavi (f. îor), mer (f. 2 9 ~ ) . Ecce (f. 33v), Besunexi (f.

85r), Yiri (f. 96r), Spiritus (f- 97v), &nedicta (f. lûûv), Temoilis (f. 1 1 Sv), Michi autem (f. 13%) and

Grates (f. 166r).


Plocek, VSclav. Ccuaogus Cod im Notic Mwid Inr r r~aom qui in Bibliotheca publica rei publicae

Bohemicae socialisticae - in Bibliotheca universiraris Pragenris senamir. 2 vols. Prague,


Truhlai. Josef. Catafogus Codicm Manu Scriponun Iatinonun qui in C. R. Bibüotheca Publica

atque Universicatis Pragensis Assenamr. Duae Partes. Prague, 1906.

21. NK Mn A 5c Gr. - 205


N&odnf i(ninovna, Prague, Shelfinark: A 5c, olim: Xm A 1. c, G 613. TrdW: 2250W.

Piocek: 142? Date: 1494

Tbis Latin graduale is complete, with the exception of three folios, one of which was probably

abstracted by a collecter.

A hyrnn in Czech to Wenceslas is on the recto. The remainder is in later hands.

Ordinary of the mass. 2r - 17r: Kyrie & GI.; 17v - 27v: Sanctus; 28r, v: Creed



Common of saints


Misc: hopers for Bernard, 3 litanies, Office Against the Turks


Sequence ave ierarchia celestis, antiphon for aspersion on Epiphany, colophon

Contents - ordmarg Of the four han& on f. 1, the hymn to Wenceslas in the top half off. Ir is early

(texnialis formata). The other three are in cursiva formata and somewhat Iater. On f. 2r, v are Kyries

and Sanctuses for 9 and 14 occasions respectively. Only the words 'Kyrie" or "Sanctusn are noted. The

remaioder of the writing in rubrics designates the occasions for which the Kyrie or Sanctus is to be

used. On the lower right corner of f. 2v is an inscription indicating that Georgius Bartboldus Pontanus

a Braitenberg accepted the book on behalf of St. Viais' cathedra1 from Valentino a Schonberg, abbot

'Sedlicensisn (Sedlec or Sedlice), on November 21, 1605. Unusually, there are no indications afier f.

2 of the occasions for which the various compositions are to be used. Among the fully noted entries.

there are 21 Kyries and 14 Glorias. Four of the Kyries are troped. In the Glorias, we find the Marian

Y5~osef Tnihier, &talogus Codicwn MONI Scriptonun Lminorum qui in C. R. Bibliothcca Pub[icn arque Unntemltatis PragmS Assetvonnrr, Pars posterior, (Prague, lgO6), p. 213. Y6~6clav Plocek, Cmalogu~ Codicwn NolÜ Mus~~cis Instructonun qui in Bibiiotheca pubüca rei publicae Bohemicae socùdkticae - Ut Bibliotheca MivemTS1tmiS Pragemis servantïir, Vol. I I , (Prague, 1973), p. 508.

21. NK XEï ASc Gr. -206

Trope. eight which are Mniimally troped and one which is more heaviiy troped. There are men@ pairs

of a Sanctus and an Agnus Dei. OnIy one Sanctus and one Benedictus are troped.

Contents - tempoale The temporale is Coqlete, having three Sundays after Epiphany, 23 after

Trinity and Lancea Domini. It star& with the Gregorian Prologue and ends with the dedication of the

church and of one altar. What is probably one folio after f. 161 with the communion of Trinity 23 and

the Dedication Festival thugh the first part of the offertory are missing. The length of the text missing

suggests one leaf. This lacuna, together with the missing leaf afkr f. 163 and the eight leaves remaining

do account for a complete quinion.

Contents - sanctorale, commons, sequences The sanctorale is rernarkably short, having only 23

occasions. excludmg vigils. One folio is missing after f. 163 containing the Purification from the gradual

verse on and probably a dozen words from the start of the m i t for Agatha. Only Procop mong the

Bohemians is remembered. although the Usual Bohemian Saints l e s Sigismund appear in the

sequenciary. The Transfiguration appears. but not Mary of the Snows or die Presentation. The conmion

has the usual categorization of saints. without dis~ctions made between bishops and othea. The fim

leaf of the sequenciary foliowing f. 222 is missing and likely had a miniature. The sequenciary has

provisions for the principal days of the temporale, sanctorale (35 days) and common, many with more

than one alternative. A sequence exists for the Presentation of Mary. The existence at the end of the

book of both an aileluia and a sequence for Bernard and an office against the ~urks" is unusual in

Bohemian graduales of this period. There are eight Creeds. two of which are troped and one two part.

History - date The dating of the book is an interesthg puzzie. TnihlP indicates that the book is

sixteenth cennuy." The number 14#4 (where # indicates an illegible character, probably 8 or 9)

appears on f. 366v. This would cenainly appear to be a date and probably explains why Plocek d s

the book late fifieenth century and before 1 4 9 4 . ~ ~ Until April 1490. Matthias CoMnus was King of

Hungary and his temtory included Moravia and present day Slovakia. VladisIav nileci only Bohemia

%e first is in the main M. The office agahm the Turks is in a seoond. but untcmporary. h d . Huagary was under continuing military pressure fidm the Turks in the fifttenth and sixttwth centuries. This is the ody m a s concerning Turks which appears in our corpus, although the conceni with Turks is made clear by the many cartoons we see of Turkish figures in a number of our documents. Truh l a f , Cat&gus Codicwn, Pars posterior, p. 213. Y%ocek. Caralogus Cbtiicum, Vol. ïï, p. 508.

21. NKXm ASC Gr. -207

until he acquired the crown of Hungary in July 1490. Bohemia (and Moravia) were under no direct

pressure fiom the Turks. Assuming mat the book is ~ ~ h e m i a n ~ , there wouid be less reason for a mass

against the Turks before the kingdoms were joined under Vladislav II in 1490 after the death of

Matthias. It would thus seem Likely that the year on f. 366v is 1494, although 14û4 is possible.

History - users The propers for Bernard, very rare in a Bohemian graduai, suggest a Cistercian

monastery. There was one in Sedlec, estabiished in 1143, where Vaientine (f. 2v) may have been abbot.

It was destroyed in 1421 by the Hussites and rebuilt in 1707. Perhaps the Sedlec Cistercians had carried

on in other quarters. The Czech hymn on f. Ir was one of four accepteci for use by Roman ~atholics?'

Cover The original binding consisis of intact boards whose edges are beveiied in and whose dimensions

are 44.5 x 30.4 cm. and 1.4 cm. thick. Shadows on the Ieather show that there were four d l plates

on the outsides of each cover for closure straps. The boards are covered with a dark ivory Ieather which

was originally probably a üght ivory. The leather is carefully mitred over the boards and the bevelled

edges are decorated with roll stamping. The cover decoration is arranged in three rectangular frames,

one resting on the inside of the one before. A cenaal rectangle has a picnire of a man with a sword

stamped in the leather. The outside frame is decorated with a roll stamping of flowen, the middle with

(probably a roll stamping of) the figures of spes, cuitas, tanperatio and fides, always in the same order,

and the inner with heads and coats of arms. The round spine has five double bands and new blue and

white fabric not attachd to a band at the top and bttom. The book would appear to have been rebound

and the binding is tight. The ends of closure straps fitted into slits on the two smaH rectanguiar bras

plates on the Front cover with their long side perpendicular to the height of the book. The straps were

aîtached beneath the two Qnall rectanguiar plates on the back cover. There are paper pastedowas inside

both covers and two flyleaves at the front and four at the back. Holes for stitching are 25,67, 139, 212,

282, 350 and 391 mm. below the top of the quires. The string used is a medium brown in colour and

looks 0Id.

Folios and foliation The codex has 366 folios. A later complete foliation in pend appean at the upper

right corner of every tenth recto. The original foliation in mbnc has a lener in the middle of the upper

'%ch seems reasmable in view of the appearance in the sequenciary of fïve of îhe Usuai Bohemian Sainu. 35 1 Prague Synod of June 15, 1406, art. 4. See C. Hefler, Concilia PragennO 1353-1413, (Vienna, 1972). p. 52. The use of hymns in Czsh other than this one and three others was forbidden.

21. NK Mn A Sc Gr. - 208

margin of the verso of a folio with a Roman numerrai facing it on the recto of the next folio. The number

"a primo" appears on ff. 29v, 30r; a ii on ff. 30v, 3 Ir and so on. For the letters a through g, the Roman

m e r a i s run from primo through xx, except for two missing folios m the g series. For the leîter h, the

Iast folio is nimibered x anci the system ends with 1 iii (ff. 179v, l8Or). One folio is missing after each

of ff. 161, 163. 222. The parchment of the book is variable in weight, some of it king quite thin. In

places such as ff. 182 and 183 the ink has etched through it. Its colour is a darker beige than is normaily

found. Discolouration on the lower corners varies, king pronounced on some leaves and minimal on

others. The gatherings are mostly quinions. except for the flyleaves, one ternion (ff. 23-8) and one

Quaternion (ff. 159-66). The oniy oîher imguiarities occur because of the three missing folios

mentioned eariier.

Layout The dimensions of ff. 50 and 225 are 41.7 x 29.8 and 41 -8 x 29.7 cm. respectively . The pages are ordered in a single coIumn bounded by double red Iines which extend the height of the page.

Between these vertical lines are ten systems, each consisting of a musical staff and a line of text

corresponding to the music. The dimensions of the written space on ff. 50r and 22Sr are 32.5 x 19.5

and 32.4 x 19.6 cm. On f. 50r, pricking with horizontal slits appears at the level of the top line of every

staff except the top one and also one at the level that would have represented the top line of an eleventh

staff were one present. It is found at the right side of the page (except for the lowest two marks) and

on the inside near the spine. There is no pricking for the vertical lines. On f. 22%. the prickhg near

the spine is the same as for f. 50r. but there is no pricking near the outer margin. There is also pricking

with vertical slits for f. 22% near the top of the page on the inside of each of the double red lines.

Script The main hand (ff. 2r - 351r, 356r - 362v) is a black textualis formata which observes the

normal biting and breakhg des. The tops of the minims are lozenge shaped and sometimes have a serif

on top. The bottoms are either lozenges or triangles pointhg to the right, sometmies endhg in a serif.

The bottoms and tops of minims and other letîers waver around a horizontaily straight line. 1's are

irregularly designated by a straight dash with the top slightly to the right of vertical. Ascenders have

a shallow fork on top with a serif to the right. The upper compartments of a's are sometimes closed with

the main W k e and at others with a hair lw. Heights of minmis, ascenden, descenders and s's are 7,

8,9 and 9.5 mm. A second hanci m textualis formata is found on ff. 351r - 355v, 362v - 36Sv and 3661.

The tops and bottoms of the minims are mm regular in having a lozenge shape although the top and

bottom lines still waver. Biting seldom ocws. Fine initial strokes up and to the right occur just before

the tops o f f s and s's begin to c w e to the right. The tops of ascemiers are flat and slope up and to the

right. There are a M e r four minor han&, three of which are cursive and occur on ff Ir and IV. A

first and last mhor unnotecl hand uses texàialis quadrata and appears on ff. Ir, 366r.

Titles, capitais, inüiais Running tilles are rubrics in the main script, but perhaps 20% smalier. Initials

are black with a yeilow wash backgrod, or red or blue without a background. Initiais and capitais in

the sequenciary alternate between red and blue.

Musicai natation Four-line staves 2.0 cm. high are used throughout. Neumes, custos sigm and clefs

are black. The first band uses type 1 rhombic choral notes on ff. 2r - 351r *th clefs c and f. On ff- 356r

- 362v he switches to black mensural notation 1 with c clefs. The fust hand appears oniy with red staves.

On ff. 351r - 35% and 366~. the music of the second hand is on red and black staves with type 1

rhombic choral notes and c and f clefs. His black mensural notation 1 uses red staves and c, f and g clefs

on ff. 362v - 365v. The three later cursive han&, none of which occupies more than a page, use type

I rhombic choral notation on black or red four-line staves.

Decoration The pages 6aving miniatures within initials have decoration in iwo or three rnargins of

vines, leaves and flowers. The following initiais are decorated: m e (f. 3r), Sanctus (f. 17v), Ecce (f.

5&), Domina in nia (f. 143v), Qe ventre (f. 168r) and Si enim (f. 214~). The border embellishment on

pages with decorated capitals has the same elements as on pages with miniatures, although it is l e s

elaborate and in oniy one or two borders.

Miniatures There are seven miniatures, which are rendered simply and with only moderate skill.

29r Ad te levavi

44r b e r

118v &sunexi

133v yiri

136r Spiritus

l4Or Benedicta

142r Eanern

St. Gregory kneels in prayer.

A figure of a man pointhg with his right hand whorn a ribbon proclairns to be

"Isayas prophetan.

Christ. holding a banner. steps fiom an open sarcophagus.

Christ's Iower legs ascend from a hi11 before which grow three trees.

A dove is in the upper coqartment of the S. Rays of light shine in the lower.

Gd. wearing a crown, holds an orb in his left hand. His right hand ïs raiseci.

Christ stands in heaven, his right hand lifted. With his left hand he strews bread

on the ground below.


PIocek, Viciav. Clüdogus Codicfmt Notis MMES ZItTtfüCTom qui ÜI Bibliotheca publica rei publicae

Bohemicae socicrlisticae - in Bibliorheca universitatis Pragenris servmrncr. 2 vols. Prague,


TWai , Josef. Cardogus Codicunr Manu Scripom Latinonun qui in C. R. Bibiiotheca Ml ica

atque UnivemrSftatis Prugenris Asservmtw. Duae Partes. Prague, 1906.

22. NKXTVA 1 Gr. -211


Ngirodni* Ebihovna, Prague, Shelmiaik: XIV A 1, C h A14: TmWk 2413% Plofek: 172? Date:


The book is a Latin graduale which TnihIiif refers to as "Graduale civitatis Gurimensis ~orifim]". It

is apparentiy missing 25 foIios, including at l e s t one quinion.

Contents - summary



2r - 24v

24v - 163r

163r - 187r

187v - 228r

229r - 288v


back cover


Creeds in a later hand

Ordinary of the mas. 2r - 1 lv: Kyrie & Gloria; 12r - 24v: Sanctus & Agnus Dei



Common of saints


Creed (fragment)


Contents - Iacunae The index on the book's inside back cover gives folio references for the various

mass settings ordered alphabetically by their incipiü. There is a date wrîtten at the end of the index,

indicating that it was compiled in 1573. Just below the date is a possîbly contemporary enay which

indicates that the codex had 315 leaves. Today it has 290. Most or al1 of the lacunae are after the folios

indicated below and seem to involve the number of leaves indicated by the column headed "#" . The

foliation of the missing pages according to the originaI system is given where applicable.

A t k L f 11 1 Part of a Gloria and the Sanctus with troping , "Deus pater iudex -"

'=~osef TnihliU, Catalogus W i m Manu Scriptonun Latinonun qui in C. R. Bibliotheca Puùfica orque Universitafis Pragems Asservanrur, Pars posterior, (Prague, KM), p. 275. " ~ k l a v Plocek, Cardogus Codicunt Noris Musïcis Irtscructonun qui in Bibliotheca pubka rei publicae Bohemicae sociaiisticae - in BibliotAeca universitaris Pragenris servanhu* Vol. II, (Prague, lW3), p. 576.

22. NK XIV A 1 Gr. - 212

f Folio F m i . Last half of Easter Sunday Procession "Clmi rex glorie".

IO Folios G.xüii. to H-vii. Grad. of Easter II? to aile. of Pentecost. Quinion.

1 Foiio 03. Second folio of the common for virgins.

7-10 Last of sequence for Lm. Domini to 2nd last line of sequence for Trinity Sun.

2 The last few lines of a sequence for the BVM, one creed and part of another.

Coatentr - ordniarg There is an inscription in Hebrew which occupies the top half of the inside front

cover and an inscription in Latin m the lower haIf. The supplementary creeds in a m h later hand may

have been inserted to replace those afkr f. 288 which had been lost. Apart from a few indicated qucuido

placet, the elements in the Kyriale are assignai to several occasions drawn from the temporale,

sanctorale or common, and most usually from two or three of them. The or- has eleven Kyries,

four of which are troped, and nine Glorias (one partial) mcluding the Maian Trope and four which are

Minimally troped. There are 20 uni& of a Sanctus-Benedictus and an Agnus Dei. In three, both the

Sanctus and the Benedictus are troped. The Sanctus only is troped once and the Benedicîus only, twice.

Contents - temporale, sanctorale The temporale is Complete, Save for the lacunae aiready noted.

There are three Sundays after Epiphany and twenty-three after Trinity, as well as Lancea Domini. The

section ends with the Dedication Festival. There are no propers for the dedication of an altar. At twenty-

six (plus four vigils and an octave &y), the number of saints included in the sanctorale is very srnall.

Most of the Bohemian saints (except Adalbert) and the apostles (except Andrew, Peter and Paul) are

missing. No propers exist for Mary of the Snows, the Presentation, the Transfiguration, the 10,000

Martyrs or the Translation of Adaibert.

Contents - common, ~e~uenciary The usual six categories of saints of a Complete common are

supplemented by a single set of propen for a non-episcopal confesser at the end of the common for

confessors. Also, unusually, tracts are provided in the common, rather than solely m the sanctorale. The

scribe has noticed that the use of the introit beginning "Gaudeamus ornesw from the Assumption for

feasts of virgins and of other saints requires some changes in the text and provides a "Gaudeamus de

commme" (f. 228r) to solve the problem. This is a practical diniculty that most scribes have not deait

with beyond providing a version in the common for virgins which does not fit the &YS of male saints

or A11 Saints for which the introit is ais0 used. Assuming that the folios missing after f. 239 included

matenal for Ascension Day and Pentecost, sequences were provided for the principal days of the

22. MC XTV A I Gr. - 213

temporale, with a limitecl number of choices (up to ihrw) for the most miponant. It would appear that

the maker of the book intended the users to rely on the commom since we find among the sequences

ones for most of the Bohemians missing from the sanctoraie (Vitus, Lu- and Wencesias) and for

an additional two apostles. The number of saints' days for which sequences are provideci is 31.

History - date; Jan M . of Hradec Kdové, iïlmninator The colophon on f. Ir identifies the maker

of the book and 1470 as the year it was made.

Cum christus deus et homo aima de virgine natlis

Prodiit , milIesirnus quadringensimus aMus

Septuagesimus, qui tunc hoc eo tempore flwtit

Monstrat, quando felicem hic codex exitun sumsit

Hunc iohannes mikus fecit de Hradecz ornis

Albea subtus manante, insuper operam dando

illuminavit, ut sit velut purpura tinctus

At quicumque Iibnim inspectas, voce sonora,

Asvipotenti de0 d m tonans fundis precahis

Non dedigneris mei memor te fore queso.

The fact that Jan M m says he is both s c n i and illurninator Ieads us to suppose that he also assumed

both rôles in HK II A 2, since its scnie and illUIIIlIiâtor was clearly the same as for this graduale.

History - place Chytil identifies Koiiiim as the place for which the book was made because of the

inscription, "Idcirco et ego deprecor iugiter Deus, ut dignetur Civitatem hanc G@mani paaiam meam

cum omnibus habitantibus in ea protegere, & c. * which is found on the pasteclown of the front cover.

This inscription was likely to have been d e n in 1573, when the index was inscribed on the rear

p a s t e d o w ~ . ~ Tnihlaf accepts that the book was in KouZim in 1573, but thinlcs that. since MihiS's

inscription does not mention Koufun, it is highly doubchil that the book was made for it." Plocek

quotes Orel who deduces from the scritbe's name and town that the book was made for the church of

%are1 Chytil, Vjuoj miniatumih mdüb4 &sk&o za &by M d r d jageIlor~sk~ho (The Progres of Czech Miniaturist Painting in the Jagielionian Era), (Prague, 1896), p. 5. =JOK~ TNhlsZ. Catcrlogus Codicwn M m Smptollun, Pars posterior, (Prague, 1906). p. 2'15.

22. NK XIV A 1 Gr. - 214

the Ho& Spirit in Hradec Wovt!." Tnihlaf's line of reasoning wodd apply equally to any other town,

with the exception of Hradec Kralov6. the s c n i ' s birthplace, and therefore he is implying that his

opinion is the same as Orel's. The logic of aii of this is not immediately apparent? The Eict that Müaiii

does not mention his town of origin in HK II A 2 but does in NK XIV A 1 may have corne about

because, being a native of the place, he did not feel he had to mention his origin in Hradec Kralové.

Presirmably, everyone in the Church of the Holy Spirit knew where he came hm. Secondly, we lmow

that HK II A 2 was acqyired ca. 1470 by the Church of the Holy Spirit. The Kouiun volume differs

from HK II A 2 in no sipifïcant way. We may then ask ounelves why the church wodd be buying this

book within a year or soU8 of acquHing one to which it is virtually identical. For this reason, it seems

doubtful that the book was made for Hradec Kdové. Indeed, the church pictured on f. 161v is not the

church in Hradec Kralove. As to Chytil's identification of Koirfim, the archidiaconal church of St . Stephen in Kouiun was built at the beginning of the thirteenth century and reflects the transition from

Romanesque to Gothic. The two towers at the crossing are square. The towers in the graduale are

hexagonal. The fenestration in the east end is considerably narrower than the picture in the book. In St.

Stephen's, there is a considerabIe height of waU between the tops of the window and buttresses and the

roof line whereas the buttresses and windows of the church in the book almost touch the roof. On the

other hand, the church in the book has a number of similarities with the Church of St. Bartholomew in

Kolin, including the fenestrattion, the existence and shape of the cupola on the roof of the quire and the

two hexagonal towers, together with their conical tops and decoration.

Wory - users On the hypothesis that the book was made for the Church of St. Bartholomew in Koh,

the book was intended for Utraguist users. On May 7, 1421, the town subscribed to the four articles of

Prague and instailed a Utraqyist pnest in the ch~rch .~ '~ Throughout the ensuing wars, it remained

356Plocek, Caralogus Gxiiczun. Vol. Iï, p. 576. Plocek is quoting from the book by D. Orel. Hudebmiprvky svarov&ciavské (Musical EIements of St. Wenceslas), (Prague, 1937) - Svatov~cIavslj sbornik II, 3. w ~ o r example, if m e accepted this logic, he would have ta say rhat the books produced by the early sixteenth- century illuminator, Paul of Mélnik, were al1 used in MéInfk. However, we know that he produced books for Havlichfiv Brod (HB Okresni muzeum SK 2/1), huny (Stamf okresni archiv v Lounech 1 G %a, b) and Plzeii (NM XII A 23). 3S~aroslav PeSiria, 'Siudie k maiifstvi podëbradskk doby' (A Study into Painting in the Age of Podebrady). UmM, VI1 (1959). p. 219. -~osef ~5vra. Dt?jiny b61ovského mCaa K o h MdLu&em (A Hisiory of the Royal Town of Kolin on the Elbe), (Kolin, 1888), p. 73-

22. NK XIV A 1 Gr. - 215

generally on the same side as Prague?" Aithough it was occupied by Matthias Corvinus shody afier

King George's d e . , it soon afterwards came d e r the control of George's son-in-law."' From 1502-

9, its d e r was the prominent Utraqyist Milailai: TrCka z Lfpy? The church was certainly Calixtine

in 1512 when the graduale of Martin of Vyskytna was prepared for item

Cover The original covering consists of leather mitreci over sIighly bevelled intact wooden boards of

dimensions 67.5 x 44.8 cm. The original cream colour of the leather can be seen on the outer mmgins

of the cover which were originally covered with brass. The unprotected leather bas aged to a dark

brown on the front and a golden brown on the back. Its decoration is arranged in a series of seven

rectanguiar fiames, each s i h g on the inmr edge of its predecesor. The outer one (no. 1) is broad with

floral roll stamping. Frames 2.4 and 6 are decorated by blind stamps with figures of men. Frames 3,

5 and 7 are plain. In the middie is a redangle divided h o three co1um.n~. The two outer strips of it have

blind stamps with men, while the middle one is plain. The covers were originally protected and

embellished with metal corner pieces, edghg and cenaal bosses and were held closed by leather straps.

none of which has survhed. The flat spine has 7 double bands, two smgle headbanàs and a label "Al " . There are front and rear parchment pastedowns of dimensions 65.2 x 42.5 cm. Holes for the dark brown

stitching are found 13,70, 156,240,322,405,487,570 and 646 mm. below the tops of the gatherings.

Folios and foliation While the last leaf is numbered 289 in the modem pend foliation, there are in

fact 290 leaves since there is an unnumbered folio after f. 19. There are two systems. The modern

complete pend foliation is found at the upper right corners of the rectos of each folio. The original red

ink foliation appears in the upper middle of each verso starting on f. 24v (Ai.) and ending on 227v

(O-mi.). The Roman numerals foliowing the lenen usually go from i to xv, although they can go as

high as xx (twice). The leaves are made of good quality medium thickness parchment which is

moderately to heavily soiled on the lower corners. Some etchhg of the parchment by the ink is found,

such as on f. 1 1. The gaîherings are predominently quinions, with some irregularities partiy explained

by missing folios. The trimming has eIiminated most quire marks (except on f. 261v) and exterior

pricking .

%id., p. 74. "'Ibid., pp. 85 f. 9bid.. pp. 93 f. %M , A 2. See îhe description of rhis document above.

22. NK XTV A 1 Gr. - 216

Layout The cropping of the book has lefi folios of rather uniform dimensions (f. 24: 64.8 x 43.2 cm.;

f. 229: W.7 x 43.2). The Wfitten space is somewhat more variable (f. 24r: 50.4 x 27.4 cm.; f. 22%:

49.2 x 27.1). While prickhg dong the outside edges is absent, one does find circular priclring about

1 cm. from the fold of the bifolios. It is on a horizontal level correspondhg to the top line of each

musical staff except the fim and there is also one prick mark below the bottom system spaced as if one

more staff was to be ruied below the last existing one. The pages are laid out in a single colurnn of ten

systems lying between a pair of double red vertical lines which define the written space horizontally.

Each systern is made up of a musical staff followed by the corresponding h e of text.

Script The script is a textualis formata which, were it of French origin, one would not date later than

the early thirteenth century. The ink of the main script is black except red is also used occasionally,

especiaily in passages which are tmped. The bottoms of the minims are triangles pointed to the right

and ending in an up stroke. Their tops are roughiy lozenge shaped. Ascenders (b, h, 1) are topped with

a pronounced fork, the right side nearly vertical and the Ieft ending in an almost horizontal serif. The

bottoms of descenders are almost straight and slope very slightly up to the right. Breaking is present,

but only partly developed and there is no biting. The upper compartments of a's are closed by a hair

line. Heights of minirns, ascenders, descenders and s 's are 9.5, 14.5, 12 and 13 mm. The main hand

is found everywhere, except for the pastedowns and f. IV.

Titles, capitals, initiais Running titles are in rubrics in a version of the base script which is unusually

small, about a half the height of the main script. Capitak and initiais in the sequenciary are red or blue.

Elsewhere, initials are black, red or blue. Generally, there are no backgrounds, except for the black

initids which bave vertical lines of pale red and yellow painted into their open spaces.

Musical notation Most of the book is written in type I rhombic choral notes on red four-line staves 2.4

cm. high with clefs c and f. Black meosural notation I is found in the trope in the Sanctus on ff. 16r - 17r. Neumes, custos signs and clefs are black.

Decoration The initials m e (f. 2r), Gregorius preail (f. 24~) . cibavit (Easter II, f. 12 1 r), Benedicta

(f. 136r), Dnem (f. 138v). Qominus secus (f. l63r), Qe ventre (f. 175~). Ego autern (f. 187~)- Michi

autem (f. 188v) and Grates (f. 229r) are decorated. When they have margrnal decoration, it ody extends

into one margin. The miniatures and marginal decorations are unmistakably by the same hand as that

22. NK XI' A 1 Gr. - 217 of HK II A 2. The marginaI decorations are l e s developed than the HK book which has two miniatiites.

This work would appear to be the =lier of the two. On the pages with miniatures there is also

extensive decoration of two or three margios with designs having vines, leaves, flowers, f i t , birds,

anunals and people.

. . Mrniatures The book has eight miniatures in initials.

24v Ad te levavi

39r mer

4% Ecce

11% Besurrexi

1 6 lv xerribilis

1 67v Suscepimus

181v Gaudeamus

221v Salve sancta


Gregory, in a tiara and red gown, sits writing "Ad te levavi" in an open book

at a desk.

Joseph stands and Mary kneels adoring the babe lying in the manger. Behind

the child are two angels, and behind them, the ox and the ass.

Mary, wearing a royal crown, sits with the cMd siaing on her lap. One magus

kneels in fiont of Jesus, while two others stand behind him.

Jesus stands on the closed sarcophagus, a bamer in his left hand. Two dazed

soldiers kneel behind . The east end of a flamboyant Gothic church with a cupola on its choir. We see

three windows, below the middle of which is a small double doorway. To the

West are two hexagonal towers, each with a conical roof.

A priest stands on the left of the altar and holds the child in fiont of it. Mary

stands to the nght.

Christ sits on an architecturai throne, above which three angels are perched.

Mary heels before him.

Mary stands holding the naked chiid with a moon under her feet.

Chytii, Karel. V v o j miniancrnfio mali&d deského za do@ krdlU r d jageliomkého. Prague, 1896.

Pèsina, Jaroslav. " Studie k podebradskC doby " , Umail, W (1 959), 196-227.

Plocek. Vadav. Gdogus Codicum No& Musicis lnstructonatt qui in Bibliotheca publica rei pubücue

Bohemicae social(nicae - in Biblïotheca unïversitatis Ragersis sentmma. 2 vols. Prague, 1973.

Truhlaf, Josef. Cbtdogur Codicum M m Scriptonun Lan'nonun qui in C. R. Bibliotheca Publics

atque UnivemTSLÉmis Prugenris Asservantur. D u e Partes. Rague, 1906.

23. N M IV B 6 Mis. -218


Knihovna NBrodniho muzea, Prague, Shdtmark: IV B 6, olim: 1 C 6. Bartd: %2? Date: cs.


The book is a paper missal with Latin prayen and antiphons and Czech lections but with no canon or

ordinary. There do not appear to be any original elements which are missing and the idiosyncratic

ordering of the book seems to be what the scnie originaily produceci. The volume's condition is bad

and a m b e r of areas are meadable. The ink has etched thmugh many leaves and, pariicularly toward

the back of the book, fragments of paper of considerable size have become detached. Reinforcing

sheets, which presumably were origùially transparent, were pasted over one side of each of the book's

leaves some time ago. The repair was not notably successful and the script on the protected side of the

leaves is difficult to read.

Contents - sutnmary

Sanctorale from February 24 through April 25

Dedication Festival

Temporale, Christmas to Corpus Christi, without Epiphany Sundays

Sanctorale from June 15 to December 21

Sundays in Advent

Sundays (24) after Trinity

Two masses for the dead and five votive masses

Sanctorale from April25 through May 3

The Virgin in Advent and Sundays afier Chrismias through Quinquagesima

Contents - commentary The fint part of the sanctorale includes the feasts of Matthias. the

Annunciation. George and Mark. the last only to the end of the secret. Rubrics in the original hand poim

to the second to last section of the book for the communion and ad complendum of Mark. The first

section of the temporale includes the Chrknas cycle, Epiphany, Thomas the apode (without vigil),

9. M. B-, &gis mkopis3 Ndrorintho musea v Pr- (A List of the Maauscripts of the National Museum in Prague). Vol. 1, (Prague, 1926). p. 186.

23. NM IV B 6 Mis. - 219

Candlemas, Sundays in Lem, Easter anci Easter week, the Sundays of Eastertide, Ascension Day (with

vigil), Pentecost and the fht two feriae of the week after, Trinity Sunday and two offices for Corpus

Christi. Of the 28 fkasts in the sanaoraie from Vitus to Thomas. the 11 which have vigils include 7

apostles. John Baptist. Laurence, the Assumption and Aii Saints. Bohernian saints included are V h ,

Procop, Wenceslas and the translaîion (but not the day) of Ludmilla. There are no propers for Hus. The

office for the day of Thomas is the same as that f o d immediateIy after Epiphany, except that, in the

sanctorde, Thomas also has a vigil. UnWce two graduales dahg from the fourth decade of the sixteenth

~enniry'~'. me offices for the dead are entirely in Latin. The last part of the sanctorale has the rest of

the office for Mark. Philip and James (wnhout vigii) and the Invention of the Cross. The makeup of the

book is inherently consexvative, despite the Czech lections. The prayers and antiphom are the aaditional

Catholic ones and so, as far as can be discenied in view of the book's minous state, are most of the


History The date of the book has been estimated as the last half of the fifeenth cenniry."

Palaeographically, the cursive script is very close to those found in the Selenberk ~ible~", which is

dated 1440.3a and in the so-called Bible of the Miller's wife3*, said to be from afier 145em. A

reasonable estimate for when the book was made would seem to be ca. 1450. BartoS's reason for

labelling the book as Hussite is doubtless that Czech lections were us& by Utraquists, but not by Roman

Catholics3". There is no information about the chwch for which the missal was made.

Cover Bart03 stated rhat in 1926, the binding was ned*. The coven are cardboard covered with

brown paper with a terraw-like pattern which is seen on a nurnber of printed books published ca.

1900, such as the first 49 volumes of DB. There are trianguiar red cloth corners made of the same tape

which covers the fiat spine. The spine has four welldefined bands and, above and below these, two

=ohesni muzeum v Chrudimi, Inv. f . 12580 and Klatovy Okmd muzeum 4û3. 9. M. Banob, Soupis, Vol. 1. p. 186. -prague. Padtliiîr n4rodnfho pisemnictvf DG ïII 15. %el Stejskal, Peu Voit, Ilumr*lzov& rukopisy doby hrcsizsk& (Iliuminsted Manuscripts of the Hussite Era). (Pardubice, 1991). no. 49, p. 62 and plates 79-82. %p. Nhodni knihovna XVII A 10. 3m~tejskal and Voit, ilumimvd Nkopisy, no. 58, p. 65 and plate 89.

M. BartoS, Soupis, Vol. 1, p. 186. m ~ . M. BartoS, Soqis. Vol. 1, p. 186.

23. NM IV B 6 Mis. - 220

which are rather vestigiai. There are paper pastedowm on both covers, five flyleaves at the fiont and

one at the back. Black fabric tape runs the height of the volume under the b e r edge of each pasteüown

and is aüached to the papa where it forms part of the spine. HoIs for stitching are located 13.65, 126,

184. 245 and 298 mm. below the tops of the quires.

Folios and foiiation The last folio in the book is numberexi 190 in a Iate pencil foliation found at the

upper right corner of each recto. Since there is a f. 1 p . but no f. 189. there are, indeed. 190 folios.

John 3: 1-7 appears on the verso of the inner flyleaf, which is not included in the foliation. Except for

the nrst m e and the last two, ali the gatherings consist of six bifolios. Catchwords appear on the lower

right corner of the verso of the last leaf of most gatherings. The foIios are of Iight yeilow-brown paper,

many of which are badly damaged.

Layout The dimensions of ff. 60, 120 are 31.4 x 21.0 and 31.4 x 20.9 cm. The written space on these

two folios measures 25.3 x 14.8 and 26.6 x 15.2 cm. The contents are arranged in a single column of

28 lines. Two vertical mies in brown ink the height of the page define the writien space in principle,

although the scni fiequently m y s into the outer margin. Ink nilùig is also present under each line of

script and above the top line. Pricking by srnall vertical dits appears on f. 6ûr on the outer edge at a

level conesponding to each horizontai he. There is no pnckmg for the vertical lines. On f. 120r, there

is no pricking for the horizontal Lmes but one smaiI vertical dit appears at the top of the outside vertical


Script The brown script of the text is a cuniva formata with a pronounced forward slant. The

descenden narrow only somewhat or not at all at the boaom and end in a straight h e with a slight

upward dope. Minims generaliy are 5 mm. high. Asceaders, descenders and s's measure 8 mm.

Customary contractions are used in the Latin text, but not in the Czech.

Titles, capitak, initiais Titles are rubrics in the same script as the text. Initiais at the beginning of

introits and lections are red and have a height equal to two lines of text. nie rai capitais that begin a

prayer or antiphon are ody one iine high. There are no decontions. ilfuminations or musical notation.


BartoS, FrantiSek MicMek. Soupis nrkopisù Ndrodrrfho mueu v m e . 2 vols. Prague, 1926.

24. NM MI A î5 Gr. - 221


Knihovna N&rodnfho muzea, Ragw, Shelfmaik: W A 25, o h : 24 A 3,198. Bart&: 3 ~ 6 4 ~ .

Date: 1470-1490.

The book is a Latin graduale without hymns. Bart05 labels it a "Graduai (kolin~kf)"~~. An imcription

on the inside back cover indicates that it had 293 leaves m 1625. It has 287 today. One can account, at

least paaially, for this ciifference. At the end of the sanctorale, the last part of the Presentation of Mary

is misskg, as are masses for Cecilia, Clement and Katherine. Three and part of a fourth aiieluia for

apodes seem to have disappeared. These absences would account for two to four leaves. Save for these

leaves and probably others totalling six, the book is complete in the format noted below.

Contents - smmmaqy

Ordinary of the mass. Ir - 1%: Kyrie & Gloria; 16r - 25v: Sanctus & Agnus Dei

Supplewnt. Alleluias, antiphon and sequences for Mary and for the Transfiguration



Cornmon of saints (contains Aileluia and verse ody)

Mass of the dead (2 sets of propers)

Rubrics for votive masses


Later supplements

Contents - ordiuary Ignoring the later additions on f. 15, the ordinary has 23 Kyries, oniy three of

which are troped. They are assigned in a detailed manner, most to days in the temporale and sanctorale,

and only a few to the common of saints and to votive masses. Glorias are appended to 14 Kyries. Four

are untropeci, eight are Minimally wped and two, one the Marian Trope, are heavily troped. The

qraut i~ek M. BanoJ. Soupis mkapinh&r&ib murea v Pmzc (Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the National Museum in Prague), Vol. II, (Prague, 1926), p. 217. 37%anoj, Swpu rukopisd, p. 217.

24. NM MI A 25 Gr. - 222

troping in these latter two Glorias is m rubric. The designation of the 21 selections for the Sanctus and

Agnus Dei cover fewer days m the year. Of thern, the Sanctus ody is troped twice, the Benedicm only

Ïs troped twÏce, and both Sanctus and Benedim are troped twice. There is w mping of the Agnus


Contents - temporale and sandode The Gregorian Proiogue appears on f. 30v. The temporale is

Complete, having tbree Sundays after Epiphany, twenîy-three after Trinity, Lancea Domini and ends

with propers for the Dedication Festival and the dedication of one altar (ff. 155v - 156~). The sanctorale

is Cornplete with 129 &YS, 12 vigils and 4 octaves. The Usud Bohemian Saints are aU included, as are

the translations of Wenceslas and Ludmilla. Less usual feasts include the translation of Benedict on Jdy

11 and the translation of relics (Adalbert and others) on August 25. The alleluia verse and sequence for

the Transfiguration in the main hand kfore the temporale were presumably added later on unused

leaves .

Contents - common and sequences There are common alleIuias given for the BIessed Virgin (on f.

26r) and later in the book for apostles, martyrs, one martyr and/or doctor, one confessor, and virgins.

Sequences are inciuded for 12 days of the temporale, but the number of choices for the major days is

a maximum of four. There are sequences for 37 days of the sanctorale. Sequences are provided for the

Dedication Festival (2) and for each ciass of the common of saints, except for virgins, but including

aposties and evangelists. Later partial indices are found in the inside fiont cover and in the m g i n on

f. 286v.

History - Contemporary books of Valentin Noh of Jmdnchiiv Hradec The dating and placing of the

volume is samewhaî complex, since it mut be done by relacing it to two other volumes. NM XII A 22

is identicai in size, cover, metai fittings and artistic haud to NK XXlII A 2,375 a book whose illutrator

is known by internai inscriptions to have been Valentin Noh of Jindfichiiv Hradec and to have been

finished in 14713? NM NM A 22 has a notation on the back inside cover in a later hand locating it in

K o h in 1713. It is the winter part of an antiphomy. A second book (NM XII A 21) is the sumrner part

of an antiphonary. It is identical to W A 22 in its sUe (both cover and leaves), the metal work on its

24. NM XII A 25 Gr. - 223

cover, Ïts leather tooling and interior layout includmg pricking and the size of the written space. There

is no percepnile difference in the script. The border decorations are in the mnnner of Valentin. This

book has on its back cover written in original script the year 1477. One concludes that these books

clearly were conceiveci as a pair and were executed in a scriptorium with which Valentin Noh was

connected, It is probable that both books were concluded at more or less the same time and as winter

precedes summer in the iiturgical year, so NM W A 22 was likely finished before NM W A 21 (Le.

m or before 1477). The identification of the books with K o b is somewhat more problematic but is still

probable. The figure in the central bras medaiiion on the covers of both codices is a lion on a shield.

K o h is one of the towns whose shield includes a Iion. We know that one of the books was in K o h in

17 13 as were both on September 12, 18 19 when the city council decided to make a present of them to

the National Museum3".

Eistory - generd relation to contemprary books, date Chytil remarked on the simiIanty between

N M XII A 25 and the works of Jan M W and Valentin Noh which were completed in 1470-1, without

explicitly estirnating when it was completed or by ~hom.~'' PeSina notes the stylistic similarity to Noh

of the anis6 who produceci NM XII A 25 and other volumes in the penod 1470-5 and labels a miniature

from our volume as "around 1 4 7 0 " . ~ ~ The texnialis fonnata script used by Noh and MikuS is very

similar. That found in our subject volume. while stiil a texaiaüs quadrata script. has liale visual appeal.

conveying an impression of welessness. H o h a m obsewes that the script m o t be dated doser than

the second half of the fifteenth cenairy or the beginning of the sixteenth cenniry but refen to Chytil's

comment. about the relation to the scriptorium of Valentin Noh, who died by 1487?

History - relation to Kolui antiphonaries, place This graduaie's affinity with the two antiphonaries

has also been used to draw conclusions about the book's fjrst place of use. Hoffman's point that the

general appearances and dimensions of the thme codices are similar and therefore probably have the

same origin3" does not seem terribly persuasive. In examining the wven of the tbree books. one fin&

-p. - - - -- -. - - -

m~arto3, Soupis rrrkopisi). p. 216. na Chytil. tÿvoj, p. 5. 379~aroslav PeSioa, 'Studie mi&M podi2bradské doby " . U m M , W (1959). p. 220. 380Fraari~ek Hoffmann. "Martin BakaM z Vyskyme a rukopisy koIlaskéW (Martin Bachelor of V y s i q d and the Kob Manuscripts), Sîudie O rukopisech, XVII (1 W8), pp. 63 f. 381~0ffmann. "Martin BaLalBf', pp. 64 f.

24. NM XIi A 25 Gr. - 224

that the graduaie is dinerent h m the two amiphonafies m most respects, Save for the decoration of the

brass sheet metai work around the circltmference which runs between the cast bras corner pieces.

Except beside the spine, the sheet metal turas over the edge to provide greater protection. It is identical

for all tbree and there is nothing like it among the two score of other extant graduales and aatipholianes

of this period. In aU other books one sees either no decoration or very elaborate engraved decoration

on the bras edging. What we have in ail these three books is a double colunui of circular bumps which

appean to have been made by holding a metal punch against the the reverse side of the sheet brass and

stikiq it wiîh a hammer. nie effect, while primitive, is more vinially pleasing than plain sheet b r a s

Perhaps, though, thir cornmon factor relates not to where the books were made, but rather to the

depository where they were subsequently kept, whose custodian decideci that the covers of these

valuable books shodd be preserved and, traving devised a satisfactory and simple method, used it on

aU three. This depository was most Iikely in Koün, since we know that aU three books were in the city

in 1819, just before they were given to the National ~ u s e u m . ~ They were probably in Kolui for some

years before as we know for certain in the case of NM XII A 22, which was in Kolin at least a century

earlier. An inscription on the inside front wver places the book in either Koün or h l a v at the middle

of the sixteenth century . Io. Cantor Colon(iensis) 1559 Czaslaviensis, Venceslaus Figura cantor 1564, Georgius

Bodovinus cantor 159517, Pav. Ant. Olyva t. f . zakrystyjh 1 7 3 0 . ~ ~

From this inscription, it is not clear whether John of Kolin was thc cantor of Chlav. or John of b l a v

was the cantor of Kolin. While Kolh has to be high on the List of probable places of origin of this

volume, the library catalogue descnibing the book as ( ~ o W ) ~ ~ ~ , we have no sure lmowledge of where

it spent its first century, or indeed its second and third. It was concluded in the description of doc. 22

that NK MV A 1 was probably made for Sc. Bartholomew's Church in Koh within fewer than a score

of years of the manufacture of our subject book. If that is m e , then there would have been no reason

for wmmissioning a second volume with similar contents and thus K o h as place of origin seems less

likely and k l a v more so.

History - iisers Lastly, there is the question of the confession of the book's users. It was established

24. NM XII A 25 Gr, - 225

in the discussion of NK XZV A 1 that K o h was Utraquist when this book was made. b l a v also

accepted the Four Articles on May 7, 14213= and. by the evidence of a superb Czech graduale made

for the town in 1557 by Jan Tabord~f .~~ we know that it continueci Calixtine. Thus. the two most

probable towns where the book may have arisen were Utraquist and thus so were the likely users.

Caves - boards and metal nttmgs The original binding consists of two intact pieces of wood 61.5 x

40.4 cm and about 1.6 cm. thick covered with Jeather mitred over the corners which has aged to a light

brown coiour. There is minor worm damage to Ieather and w d . The board for the rear cover actually

has a crack which runs its whole length but which has been mended by two inset transverse wooden

e s which keep it rigid. There are four bond-shaped corner pieces of thick bras on fiont and back

covers with a small fleurde-lis on each inside comer and a circular foot at the outside corner, Within,

the metal has been cut away to form the crude figures of two birds standing back to back. Some detail

is engraved on the birds. The circuIar brass centre piece has at its centre a square wiîh four decorated

sides and a circdar foot at the middle. It is supported within the circular frame by four floral swirls

which reach to touch its fow corners. Sheet brass nuis between the corner pieces as descnbed above.

Cover - leather and binding The decoration of the leather of the cover c m be described as consisting

of a rectangular core surromdecl by a series of four internesting rectanguiar fiames. The outer frame

is about 3 cm. wide and is decorated with floral roll stamping. It is mostly covered on the long sides

by the bras edging. The second frame is compound. in tbat it consists of a simple outer frame with two

blank bands of about 3 m. in width râting on the top and bottom of the inside of the frame. The outer

part is decorated with roll stampings with figures having kriptions (now Uegible) beneath them. The

third frame is again compound, with the same form as the second, but with floral roll starnping. The

fotuth is a simple frame with floral roll stamping. The rectangular core has five columns of floral roll

stamping. There are two posts above and below the centre piece as anchors for the eyes on the ends the

closure straps, which exist, but are not original. The straps are fastened to the rear cover under the bras

edging. On the front cover there are two gaps in the bras edging to avoid Wear on the closure straps.

The round spine has 8 double bands, a diriy beige and white fabric piece of fabric at the bottom only

and carries the labels 24/A/3 (one written over the other separateci by a short horizontal Iine) and 25.

= ~ o s f V h , Ddjiny krhlov- mhn Kollia Md Lubem (A History of the Royal Town of K o h on the Elbe). (Kotin, 1888), p. 73. =ONB Mus. Hs. 15503.

24. N M XII A 25 Gr. - 226

The leather of the spine has becow detacheci at top and bottom. There are parchment pastedowns fiont

and rear (58.2 x 37.5 and 59.0 x 37.5 cm.) arad no flyleaves. The holes for the medium brown coIoured

stitching are 29.61, 128, 194, 258. 326, 396, 458, 525 and 558 mm. below the tops of the leaves.

F o h and folWou A note on the rear pastedown indicates r int the book had 293 leaves in 1625, ody

6 more than the 287 it has today. A late ink foliation by rubber stamp generally appears on the lower

right corners of every tenth rexxo. An original mbnc foliaton is found on the middle of the top of each

recto starting with a i" on f. 32r and eeding with q x on f. 196r. Later bands extended this system to S

vii on 20%. The Roman numerals in the series generally nui fkom i to x. The 29 gatherings are

preponderantly quinions. although the ofteenth, sixteenth and the Iast are quaternions and the twenty-

first a sexternion. The Iast leaf is a remnant of a gathering, all but one of whose folios have been

excised. Quire marks are found at the lower versos of six gatherings, the first on f. 70v. and traces of

them Ieft afier trimming appear on a M e r six. The laves of the codex are of medium weight

parchment, light cream in colour. The dimensions of ff. 32 and 209 are 58.0 x 38 -7 md 58.3 x 39.3

cm. There is moderate discolouration at lower outside corners from handling and at randorn points on

many leaves from candle wax.

Layout The contents are arranged in a single column with 11 systerns, each system consisting of a

musical staff above the corresponding line of text. Pricking near the spine as horizontai slits occurs on

our sample Ieaves 32 and 209. The slits correspond with the tops and bottoms of the minims of each line

of text. The wriaen space is defined on the sides by two double red vertical lines which extend from the

top of the page to the botîom. Its dimensions on ff. 32r and 20% are 45.7 x 25.4 and 46.4 x 25.5 cm.

respectively .

Script The main haad is a black texrualis formata which is not sloppy, but not tem'bly careful. Red ink

is used occasionaIIy in tropes. Moderate breaking exists and biting d e s are usually foIiowed. The tops

of ascenders are forked and the bottoms of descenders broaden out and are flat. nie upper

cornpartmenu of a's are closed with a hair h e . The heads of rnhims are more or l e s lozenges. The

feet spread out more to the right and fiequently end in a serif. They often fall below the line. The

heights of minnn.c, ascenders, descenders and s's are 9, 11, 12 and 13 mm. There are four later

secondary han& found on the 1st 3 folios of the codex which are of no special interest.

24. N M XII A 25 Gr. - 227 Titles, capitals, i&ids Running titles are in rubrics of a somewhat smaller size than the principal

script. Initials are black with a yeliow background, red or blue. The latter two colours are usually

provided with a geometric background when found in inaoits. Initiais and capitals in the sequenciary

Vary between red and blue and have no dezorative background.

Musicai notation Red four-lme staves 2.0 an. high and biack neumes. nisros signs and clefs are used

throughout. The music of the main haad uses type 1 rhombic choral notes and clefs c, f and g. White

mensurd notation II by a later hand appears on f. 287v.

Decoration The following initials are decorated: (f. Ir), Sanctus (f. 16r), Gregorius (f. 30v),

Ecce (f. 46v), Domine ne longe ( P h Sunday - f. %v), Yiri (f. 12%). Spiritus (f. 13 Ir), Çibavit (feria

2 after Pentecost f. 132v). knedicta (f. 135r), Qomiae in tua (Trinity 1 - f. l38v), xem%iIis (f. lSv) ,

Rominus s e a s (f. 157r), Michi autem (f. 157v) and Grata (f. 209r). On ai l pages having or formerly

displayhg miniatures or decorations in initials, we find a modest amount of border decoration with vines

and flowers. It ranges from two acaathus leaves sprouting from corners of the initiai to a vine with one

or two leaves in the long border, expanding to a fuller collection of leaves and flowers in one or both

of the upper and lower margins.

Miniatures Two miniatures within iaitials have survived the ravages of art coliectors.

31r Ad te levavi God sits holding an orb in his left band, his right hand raised in blessing.

41r m e r Mary leans over the babe sitting on the ground. An ox and an ass are behind

him. In the background. an angel with a riibon announces the tidings to a


What probably were miniatures in the initiais for Easter Sunday (f. 114r), the Conception of Mary (f.

161r) and John Baptist (f. 18%) have been exciseci.


BartoS, Frantikk Michalek. Soupis rukopikü NhrocMw nuea v Praze. 2 vols. Prague, 1926.

Chytil, Karrl. v v o j nùniahcrnfho m a l W &ského za do@ kr&itF rodu jagellonského. Prague. 1896.

Hoffmann. FrantiSek. "Martin Bakai4f z Vyskytne a rukopisy kolInsk6". Sncdie O Nkopisech, XW

24. NM Xil A 2!5 Gr, - 228

(1 W8), 59-87.

Pësina, Jaroslav. "Studie k m&sM pd&bradské doby", U m M , VII (1959), 196-227.

25. P M Gr. - Paul of Melnik - 229


Knihovna NPromiiho mazea, Prague, Shelfinnrk XII A 23, olhn: 2ûû. Bertos: 316z3? Dste: 1527.

This Latin graduale is complete in the sense of having no misshg elements. However, it has suffered

exceedingly from the depredations of art coUeciots who wouid appear to have misappropriated thirteen

leaves which had miniatures. One leaf before and one after f. 3 have k e n excisecl, as weli as ff- 39,

73, 101, 116, 127, 158, 168, 182, 1%, 239 and 249. The contents of the book and its arrangement are

somewhat unusual.

Contents - summarg

Inside f.c. - 2r Creed (hand 2)

3r - 72v Ordinary of the mass. 3r - 38v: Kyrie & Gloria; 39r- 72v: Sanctus, Agnus Dei

74r - 2 l2v Mass propers - winer part

213r - 3 10v Mass propers - summer part

3 10v - 35 Ir Cornmon of the BVM. 350r: colophon; 35 1r: fourth hand (1615)

351v Creed (band 5)

Contents - ordinary The rnajonty of the 38 Kyries in the book (three of which are fragments) are for

days of the temporale. The remainder are for named saints or for the Virgin, but none for the common

of saints. Of the Kyries, 27 are troped, a d among these, 18 are unnoted. Seven of the Kyries have an

accompanying Gloria. One is the Marian Trope and all the rest are Minimally troped. The scribe uses

mbric throughout the volume for Christ's name and in the troping in the Marian Trope. In the second

part of the ordmary, there are two Sanctuses (one is two part) without an Agnus Dei and 18 Sanctues

(one of whidi is a fragment) Mth an accompanying Agnus Dei. Among the laüer group, nine are

untroped. In six, the Sanctus done is troped, in two the Benedictus alone and in one both Sanctus and

Agnus Dei are aoped. In the middle of the section is the hymn beginning "Ave virgo gloriosan in hand

3 (hybrida). The hymn is so well fi& into the space availahle as to suggest tint the original s c n i must

have planned it and thus that the hand was Paul's (see below - History).

'"F. M. BartoS, Soupis rukopisb Narocinau, musa v Pmze (A List of the Manuscripts of the National M ~ u m in Prague), Vol. II, (Prague, 1926), p. 216.

25. P M Gr. - Paul of M&lnik - 230

Contents - sanctoraleltemporaie The division of the text into winter and summer parts is not based

on the book, but is done for convenience of description. The winter part is mostly the temporale

consisting of Christmas (two masses), Epiphany, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, TNiitty and Corpus

Christi. In addition to the usuai propea (&oit, graduai, etc.), each &y has one or more sequences.

The rernainder of the winter part consists of various Marian occasions: the virgin in Advem, the

Conception, the virgin from Epiphany to the Purification, the Purification, the Annunciation and the

virgiu in Eastertide. The propers for the Conception in the graduals included in the criticai edition

(Appendix no. 649) are the same as for the Nativity, which is not the case here. The summer part

consists of only 11 days from the sanctorde, the Dedication Festival and two offices for the dead. The

feasts celebrated are those of the 10,000 martyrs, the Visitation, Anne, Mary of the Snows, the

Assuniption, Bartholomew (wïth umisual propers), the Nativity of the BVM, the Holy Cross (îwo offices

for either feast), Wenceslas, Ail Saints and the Presentation. Six of these, of course, have to do with

Mary. Al1 have one or more sequences. The f w t of the 10,000 martyrs is usually found only in

Bohernian Roman Catholic graduais.

Contents - common of the BVM and miscellaneous items In the common, the sole introit and gradrial

refer to Mary of the Snows (f. 232). There is an unallocated selection of alleluias with verse, sequences,

offertories and communions. Somehow, a communion for Corpus Christi found its way to ff. 350v.

35 Ir. The Marian sequence on f. 35 1 r is in a fourth hand and is accompanied by the date 1615. The

creed on f. 351v is in a fifth hand.

Ristory - Paul of MPMc, iUimrinator That the illuminator Paul of M h i k was responsible for the

book and that it was completed on July 6, 1527 is clear from the colophon found on f. 350r:

Finis Sabbato p s t festum Sancti Procopii Manu Pauli Melniceosis .M D xxvü.

One bas to chuckle at the conundnim facing the s c n i as he wrote the colophon. As was noted earlier

in the discussion of the HB graduale, Paul had an interest in the decoration of the chape1 of the pamters'

guiid f o d in the Prague Hussite 'cathedrai' of St. Mary T*. He was almost ceRainly a Uaaquist, but

his clients in the case of the Ph& book were Catholic. For this reason, he could not write its date of

completion as the feast of Hus. He probably felt that writing the date as the octave &y of Peter and Paul

was swallowing his principles too hard and ended up by wrapping himself in the flag and going back

25. P M I Gr. - Paui of Melnik - 231

two days to the feast of Procop, the founder of the monastery of S b v a .

History - place Chytil agras with the Library d o g u e in connecting the book's origin with P l ~ e i i . ~ ~

The church of its origin is not identifxed by name, although there is a good depiction of it on f. 294r.

The Gothic building is smaii and is viewed fiom the south-east. The prominent buttresses and shape of

the roof are similar to those of the Church of the Assumption in the Franciscan monastery of Ph&.

Even more stding are the designs in the arches of the flamboyant Gothic windows. They are differem

h m window to window, some being qyite unusuai, and the book's p i m e and the church match. This

wouid appear to be the church for which the book was made.

m o r y - users We can conclude that the book's users were CathoIic, not ody because they were

Franciscans and Plzeii was staunchly Catholic from 1421 on, but also because of the inclusion of a

usuaiiy Roman Catholic feast and the overwhelming Marian piety it refiects. Apparentiy this book was

financed by contributions of various burghca, whose generosity was remembered by inscribing their

names and monogram, each on one of the folios with an initiai which has an illustration or is otheFlvise

decorated. Thus on f. 84r, we find the name of Iakub Kotovslq z Myslynky, on f. 107v that of

Krystoforus Calowslq, on ff. 262v and 298v the name of Matheus Ryki and on 294r that of Waczlaw

Kropacz. In addition, a dozen or so other sponsors were probably remembered on the some of 14

excised leaves. It would seem a reasonable inference that some of the literati or perhaps tertiaries of

Plzeii commissioned Paui of Melnik to prepare this codex?"

Cover - boards and metai fitüngs The original cover consists of intact boards cut with an inward

bevel, 65.2 x 42 cm. in dimension, covered with beige leather mitred over the corners. The leather has

variable staining. It is protectd by cast bras corner pieces and sheet bras arouud ifs three outer sides,

tuming over the edges. The long bras exige on the from has two posa which project beyond the cover

as anchors for the closure straps. The corner pieces have an open triangle with a foot on the corner and

a shoot pointed toward the centre with a head ami two leaves on either side. There is a centra) medallion

in the shape of a cross with equai arms, each a m looking like the inward projections of the corner

'''~arel Chytil, w o j miniatumiho ntOIi15rvf &sk&o za do@ kdid r d jageIionsk&o (The R o g m s of Bohemian Miniantrist Painting in the Era of the Jagieiicmiau Kings), (Prague, l8%), pp. 32 f.. 3~ metbod of financing iiturgid books was also used fhqmdy latet m the ccnarry. ExampIes include ONB 15503 (1557) and NK XI B la, b, c, d and Strahov DA II 3 (1573 - 1578).

25. Plzeil Gr. - Paul of - 232

pieces except having only one pair of leaves. In its centre is a circular foot.

Cover - leather and bindiiig The stamped design on the leather is somewhat complex. In the middle

is a rectangle decorated with b h d stamps. It is surrounded by no fewer than six intemesting frames

defined by triple lines. The outer fiame is simple and is decorated by a double column of floral roll

stamping. The next two are also simple and each have a single coiumn of fioral roll stamping. The

decoration of the fiames proper of the inner three repeats that of the outer three. Their difference lies

m the fact that there is a plain band dong the top and bottom of every m e . The leather has twling

on the beveiIed edges. The flat spine has seven double bands and two singie headbands to which are

attachai a fabric which is now beige. The labels M/9 and 23 appear on the spine. The front pastedown

is one leaf of a bifolium with another folio attached to the cover under the pastedown to produce two

flyleaves (ff. 1, 2). The back pastedown is a bifolium, producing one flyleaf (f. 35 1). Holes for the

medium-brown stitching are 10.55, 142,225. 291, 383,465, 542 and 588 mm. below the tops of the


Folios and foliation The catalogue indicates that the volume has 351 leaves. Inspection of the text and

the gatherings indicates that there never was a f. 220. Reducing the total by the 13 missing leaves

identifieci earlier plus one for f. 220 and increasing it by the two front flyleaves gives a correct count

of 339. There is original ink foliation in Arabic numkrs on the upper right corner of the recto of most

folios (sorne having been removed by trimming). The leaves of the book are of light cream-coloured

parchment of medium weight. Heavy discolouration from use is found on the lower edges. The first

gathering has seven leaves (ff. 3-9). The others. apart from excisions, are quinions. nius. the last leaf

of each gathering ends in a 9 up to f. 219 and in a O from f. 230 to f. 350. No catchwords or quire

marks are visîble.

Layout The dimensions of ff. 84 and 264 are 59.0 x 39.5 and 59.2 x 39.7 cm. respectively. The

written spaces of the rectos of the same leaves are 40.6 x 22.2 and 41 .O x 22.3 cm. This produces an

interlineu masure of about 5.8 cm., which is equaled only by the Louny and Sternberk graduales. It

would suggest a large choir. Double red vertical ink ruiing extending the height of the page defines the

written space. The material on uich folio is o r g a d in a singie column of seven systems. each system

consisting of a four-line red musical staff and the correspondhg h e of text. On each of the leaves, there

is pricking in the fonn of horizontal slits at the outside and inside of the folio at the level of the bottom

25. Plzeii Gr. - Paui of Melnik - 233

of each line of text. Two faint ink lines p a s through the wide point of the lozenges of the minims of

each line of text.

Mpt The textualis quadrata script obeys the m.d biting and breaking rules. Lozenges are carefully

formed at the tops and bases of minmis although there is a tendency in the latter case to see the

suggestion of a slight displacement and a serif to the right on occasion. The upper comparmient of the

a is closed by a hair line. Ascenden are moderately forked, usually with a serif on the right. The tops

of d's are short. The ends of descenders are very slighriy concave, sloping fractionally up and to the

nght and with short serifs on either side which are a bit longer on the left side. The heights of min8ns.

asenders, descendes and sis are 16, 18,2 1 and 22 mm. Hand 2, found in the credos at the beginning

of the book (inside fkont cover - f. Zr) is somewhat cramped in appearance. Descenders are shorter than

the main hand. Ascenders are long but unforked. D's are tail and there is no upper cornpartment in the

a's. Hand 3 (ff. 58r - 59r) is a hybrida in black ink. It fis in so weli with the material before and after

it that it may weli be the work of the main scribe. There are three other rninor han&, a very late (4) one

on f. 35 Ir, dated 1615, and two in textualis quadrata on f. 35 lv (5) and the rear pastedown (6).

Tities, capitals, initiais Running tides in the book are rubrics in the main hand but of about 80% of

its size. Capitals in the sequences altemate between red and blue. Initials are blue on a red geomenic

background, red on blue or black with a yellow wash inside and foliage outside.

Musical notation Melnik mostly writes his music in type 1 rhombic choral notes on four-line red staves

2.7 cm. high with clefs c, f and g. On 22 pages, he uses black mensural notation II on four-line staves

with c clefs. A later hand has prduced a two-part Credo extending from the inside front cover to f. 2r

on five-lhe staves in black mensural notation I with c clefs. Neumes, custos sigm and clefs are black.

Decoration Decorated initials include Egredimini (f. 8&), Nos autem (f. 262v) and Si enim (f. 298v).

The decoration itself assumes the customiiry form of a rectangle aromd the letter which is filleci in with

colours, flowea or laves. The pattern of the pages with decorations is a decorated or illuminated

initial, a border containing decoration, once a miniature and, almost always, the name and monograrn

of one of the sponsors. The occasion ailocated to a particular sponsor and the nchness of the page

decoration probably refïected the size of his conaibution to the work. Thus, it is particularly regrettable

that the principal feastç have been excised over the intemening years, leaving us Mth mostly secondary

25. P M Gr. - Paul of M h i k - 234

occasions, with the exception of the Epiphany.

Miniatures Three minjatures in initiais sunive.

Salve sancta

lower margin


Mary sits with the babe sitting on her lap and loolcs away fiom the magus who

is kpaeling before her. The two other magi stand behind him. one pointing up

to a star above the frame of the miniature.

Mary stands holding open her made to shelter five young men bcneath her

cape* Two d e choristers stand at the right singing from a music stand which holds

two books. A group of five men on the lefi listen.

A flamboyant Gothic church with two bays in the nave and two in the choir.

The window in the choir end is wider and has a door beneath it. The roof has

a cupola.


BartoS. FrantiSek Michalek. Soupis rukopitû Ndrodniho musea v Praze. 2 vols. Prague. 1926.

Chytil, Karel. Wvoj miniaturnz30 mali'tvi &ského za doby hdlU rodu jagellomkého . Prague, 1896.

Krha, Josef. &ski ilunu'novcmé d o p @ 13. /16. sroleti. Prague. 1990.

Pehl?imov Okresni muzeum, Shelfmarks: 7 860/R, 277/i977, A & 2. Date: 1493.

The book is a Latin gradde which, whiie havbg aiI the elements one would expect m such a book, has

suffered a considerable lass of Ieaves, not ody single ones to an coiiectors, but also in contiguous folios

representing whole -es or perbaps more. There is a notation undemeath the coIophon on f. Ir which

probably signifies that the book had 355 leaves in 1551. Where leaves are excised from a weli-known

sequence of Liturgical texts. it is possible to estimate the number of those missing with little or no error.

Likewise, when folios are missing fiom the part of the book with original foliation, an accurate estimate

of the number Iost can usualiy be made. On this basis there would seem to be certainly 70 - 80 folios

missing plus a funher number in places such as the Kyriale and the commom in the sequenciary where

many muid be missing without it king obvious. The book has 206 ff. today. Given the extremely small

nurnber of sequences for Our Lady and the rather small number of occasions for which kyries are

provided, it would seem entirely probable that 355 was an accurate count of the leaves in the book in

1551. The original shape of the book seems quite apparent despite the extensive damage it has sustained.

Contents - suanmary

1 Colophon on recto and two sets of asperges on verso

2r - 14r Ordinary of the mas. 2r - 10v: Kyrie & Gloria; 1 Ir - 14r: Sanctus & Agnus Dei

14v - 120r Gregonan Prologue and temporale

121r-156v Sanctorale

l56v - 167v Common of saints

168r - 206r Sequenciary

Contents - ordinary The KyriaIe is missing its fim iniual (a decorated or illuminated K which took

up three lines of text), several leaves after f. 3, one afîer f. 4 and one or more after f. 10. Its qualitative

contents look like contemporary Utraquist books, although one cannot form quantitative conclusions

about the book because of the significant but indaermiaate number of mûsing leaves. There remain

eight Kynes without a corresponding Gloria, four of which are tmped. There are in whole or in part

what were probably nine Kyrie/ Gloria pairs. One of the Glorias is the Marian Trope, with troping in

rubric, and four are MinimalIy troped. Among the Sanctuses, physical evidence and textual

discontinuities after ff. 10 and 12 indicate removed leavw. There remain in whole or in part nine

Sanctus/ Agnus Dei pairs. Troping occurs only in one Benedictus.

Contents - temporale The temporale was like1y Cumplete in its contents. In view of the pIethora of

excisions, they are best described in a table.

# of fol*












9- 12

Following f.: Occasions affect&:

Advent 1: hîroit, graduai and alieluia

Ember Saturday in Advent: Introit and 1% graduals

End of Christmas eve through Epiphany

Last of feria 6 following Lent II and fim of Saturday

Off. and corn- of Lent ïII; int. and grad of foilowing feria 2

Easter mass; h., grad, and alleluia of following feria 2

Corn. of Easter Thur.; int., grad., and alIeluia of Easter Friday

Off. and corn. of Ascension vigil; int. and grad. of Asc. Day

End of int. on Sunday after Asc. though int. of Pentecost

From dle. vs. of feria 2 after Pent. through &oit of Trinity 2

From the offertory of Trinity 18 through end of temporale

Many of the rnissing folios have probably fallen to ar& coliectors. However, some of the absences have

no apparent reason, especially those after Trinity 18. There were never propers for Lancea Domini in

the temporale and the September Ember Days appear after Trinity 16, one Sunday earlier than u d .

Contents - sanctorale, cornmon The sanctorale escaped relatively unscathed. Some of the missing last

9 - 12 folios mentioned in the table above IikeIy had the days of Andrew, Barbara and Nicholas. The

sanctorale is also missing probably 6 ff. foiiowing f. 124 representing the period behveen January 18

and February 2. It may have included seven saints' days and the octave day for Agnes. The one leaf

excised afier f. 154 probably had Katherine and part of the tirst mass for the dead. What remains is st i l i

extensive, including 121 saints' days. 11 vigils and three octave days. The Usuat Bohemian Saints are

present together with the translations of Wenceslas and Ludmilla. Mary of the Snows and the

Presentation appear, but the Transfiguration does not. Based on the locations of the excisions, there

would appear to have been no feast of Hus. The conmion bas the usual sixfold arrangement, except that

t startç with the BVM and that there are only alleluias and verses for the other categories. A folio is

missing foUowing f. 164 which bas the last of the common of one martyr and the beginning of the

cornmon for confessors.

Contents - sequenckq The depredaionns suffered by the sequenciary can be seen in the following


# of folia



I O *







Folïowing f.:










Occasions affeded:

Three Chrismias masses

Lancea Domini, Ascension Day, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday

July 13 through August 15

Wenceslas and M i c h a e b

1 1,000 virgins and Al1 Saints

Nicholas and the Dedication Festival

Commons of one martyr, confessors, virgins, possibly BVM

Common of BVM

Common of BVM

It would appear that there were originaily sequences for ail the major days of the temporale, including

the three days following Christmas. There are also 25 saints' days represented which, afier taking

excisions into account, is similar to the contents of other Complete Utraquist graduales.

History - date, Jan of R a k o d k scri i The colophon on f. I r tells us a great deal about where the

book was h t used. It was completed on January 18, 1493.

Sub potissmiis inclite Civitatis Pelrpmowiensis Directonius Sacerdote wenceslao de himipolecz

Plebano Nobilique de Rowny domino Georgio decurione Ast et sub sole& prudencie vins

domino Iacobo Czapkone tunc temporis Magistratum tenente, et sub discret0 atque sagaci

Consule domino Martin0 dicto Panek Hoc opus Graduaüs comparatum est propriis impensis pro

laude dei omnipotentis prrdicteque Civitatis gloria, per Magnificos viros dominimi Iohanwm

dictum Smiessek, et dominum Michaelem Magistnun curie Regalis concives farnose Civitatis

Regie Montis c m Pro xl sexagenis grossonmi Misnensium. Scriptum ver0 atque

complefum per Iohannem de Rakownik et ab eo receptum Feria sexta die Prisce virginis AMO

salutis nostre M OCCCCXC~~~~~".

At the time that the book was completed, VMav of Humpolec was the parish priest and the Ieading

members of the town's governent included the burgrave George of RovnY, the may~r '~ ' Jakub &pek

and the consul Martin Phek. The gradual, costing forty kop. of Meissen groschen, was paid for by the

brothers Jan and Michael Smikk of Ku@ Hora.

History - sponsors The noble f d y of SmiSek of VrchoviSt' were leading members of the patriciate

of Kutn& Hom Michael Sd3ek had become Lord Steward of the mines in Kutd Hora and was

therefore in charge of the rnost important economic activity in his tom, and on whose revenues the king

was heavily reliant." The farnily built a magnificent palace hown for the splendor of its interior

decoration, a fountain which remab to this &y and the church of the Holy Trinitty. Michael supervised

the reconsauction of the church of St. Barbara and has lefi us there the magnificent Sd&k chapel.'"

Jan SmiSek, a mining entrepreneur, was also active in the tom. He paid for the reconstruction of the

beautiful s d triple-nave Church of the Holy Trinity over the period 1487 - 1504.'" The Smikk

farnily a m are found in the SmiSkovsl$ gradual, an outstanding example of miniatukt painting

completed in 1491 .)% It is an Utraquist document and the sponsors also must have been Utraquist.

History - users, place Since the SmiSeks were Utraquist, their spomorship allows one to conclude that


'POThat is. Friday January 18, 1493. 39'This is D o b a ' translation into Czech of the words 'decurio" and "magistratun". Sec Josef Doba . Deiny krblavského m&a PeUriimava a jeho okolr' (The History of the Royal Town of Peihfimov and its Region), Vol, m.2, (prag~e, lm) , p. 343. 392~heodor FrimmeI, "Urhiaden, Regesten und artistisches Queiie~~âterial aus der Bibliothek der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des Allerhochsten Kaiserhauses", JPhrbuch der Kunszhisron3chen Sammlungen des Allerhochrten Kaiserhauses, V ( 1 887). p. x. 3 9 3 ~ e i ~hytil, Woj mïnianrrnfh~ malftitvi ~ i r ~ i w za doby km roda jageUumkétco me Rogress of Bohernian Minianuist Painting in the Era of the JagiellonÎan Khgs), (Prague, f 8%), p. 11. '%va Handiakova, "Sivot kutnohorsi@ch h a m a jeho odraz v titurim iistu LancionSlu Matou3e iluminatora" (The Life of the Miers of Ku- Hora and its Reflection in the Frontispiece of the Kancionai of Matthew the Iiiumiriator). &se Lid (The Czech People). XLïII (1956), p. 202. 3 9 5 ~ ~ ~ MUS. Hs. 15492

the Pehihov graduai was also insended for UtraQuist users. VficIav of Humpolec had recentiy becorne

the parish prïest of Pehlnmov, replacing ~ikmund.~% By 1463 there w u aiready a parish within the

town whose chwch was St. Mary in the Waii, Probably from the third quarter of the fifteenth century,

the parish priest of Pelhfimov used the title of dean. This Iikely happeneci in connection with the new

chuch organhtion in Hussite Bohemia established in 1478, which replaced the earlier divided pre-

Hussite arrangement.'" This information confirms the Utraquist nature of the book and identifies its

church of use as that of St. Mary in the Wail.

Eistory - &ed Thinking about the specific users, D o b a notes that brotherhoods of literati were

appearing in Bohemia toward the end of the Nteenth century The lirerd had an orga-tion simiiar

to that of a guild, with its own officers, and reguiated both the arthtic and the personal activities of its

members. One of their particular iuterests was Latin polyphony. This interest is consistent with the

contents of HK II A 6, a book known by its colophon to have k e n made for a brotherhood- That the

PehInmov book has no polyphony ne& not preclude its having been made for a choir of beran'. Dobu

IllLLkes the point that, if this book had been made for the Pehllimov brotherhood, it would have antedated

by more than half a century the next written record, in 1558, of the brotherhood's existence." The

explanatory sign in the display case in which the book is kept refers to it as, "Das utraquistische

Graduale, das 1493 durch die Stadt fi das literarische Briiderschafi gekauft wurde". If the book was

made for a brotherhood, there is no record of the fact in the colophon and no evidence of any

participation by the litenai in the expense of b manufacture. The book was clearly a present from the

enthusiastic noble Utraquists from KutnA Hom. Al1 things considered, there does not seem to be

conclusive evidence about the organization of the musicians who contributed to the Iiturgy of St. Mary

in the Wall in 1493.

Cover - history The library records indicate, "Das liturgische Notenbuch wurde im 16 Jhdt. mit der

Anwendung der alten gotischen Beschiiige neu verbden. Die Swiausschmiickung der Ledereinbands

ist mit den gedrüclaen Medaillos mit den Portriiten der bekannten Persônlichkeiten (Jan fius, Philipp

Melanethon, Erasmus von Rotterdam, und Karl V) vemert."

3W~osef DobisS. D@ny. p. 245. 3 w ~ o b ~ , Ddjitzy. pp. 237-8. "~obiAS, Ddjiny, p. 348.

Cover - boards and metal Mtings The squar~ut boards of the cover (58.5 x 39.0 cm.) have been

cracked lengthwise, the front once a d the badc twice. They have been repaUed by insetting two pieces

of wood across the width of the boards. The Ieather is in good condition, aithough it is mostly detached

on the inside. The corners are protected by cast bras cornerpieces whose design consists of a My

pomtmg toward the centre of the cover, moimted on a trianguiar base with a hexagonal f a . The central

bosses are fashioned of a foot m the middle with a St. Andrew's cross of four lilies spreading out from

the central foot and around whose stalks is a decorated square.

Cover - 1eafher and bmdmg Leather mitred at the corners covers the boards. It is beige on the front

and goIden brown on the back. The leather toohg of the front cover features a centrd rectangle divided

verticalIy into two and surrounded by six intemesting rectangular frames of increasing size. The rear

cover has three columns in the central rectangle and five fiames. The decoration is by roll stamping.

Two closure straps anchored on the edge of the rear covers had bras fittings on the end whicb fitted

over two pins on the fiont cover. The bras fiamg on the boaom süap is now missing. The round spine

has eight doubIe bands, the two cords of each of which can be seen to be anchored in cavities in the

boards. The pastedowns which used to cover the insides of the boards are now missing. Stitching is a

soiled medium brown and is often broken. Holes for it are found 19.71, 132, 190, 251,312. 374,437,

498 and 532 below the tops of the quires.

Foks and foliation There remah 206 folios. A complete numbering system in pencil is found at the

upper right corner of each recto. An original foliation exists in the form of a red Ietter in the middle of

the top of the verso of a folio facing a Roman numeral on the recto of the next leaf. The k t in this

series is an i on f. 15r, the A on the verso of the leaf More not appearing because of an excision. A

ü appears at the top of ff. 15v and 16r. For the fîrst s u Ietters, the numbers range from i up to xx or

xxiii. The highest nurnber after G is xiii. FoiIowing G, there is only 1 (up to xx), N (up to xi) and O (up

to ix). O ix corresponds to ff. 156v and 157r. The gatherings, now irregular because of excisions, were

originally quinions. The book's parchment leaves are light beige and of a lighter weight than average.

Staining through use at the lower corners ranges fIom heavy to light.

LPyout The dimensions of ff. 23 and 168 are 55.4 x 37.6 and 55.4 x 37.3 cm. respectively. The

wn#en space on the rectos of these folios measures 39.3 x 23.5 and 39.2 x 24.0 cm. It is arranged in

a single column with ten systems a> a page, each system consisting of a four-he red musical staff and

the corresponding h e of ten. The written space is de- on either side by a double & Iine exîending

the height of the page. No niling is visible. 00 the two sample leaves, circular pricking exists at the

bottom of the lines of text near the spine. There is none for the vertical lines.

Script The main hand is a black textualis formata, Ascenders and descenders end in a shallow fork with

serifs on both sides. Minims have a cafeful lozenge on top and a triangle with a serif on the right at the

bottom. The upper compartments of a's are closed with a hair h e . The conventional breaking and

biting rules are observed. Scnial infill m later hamis is found, no laîer hand occupying as much as one

side of a leaf- Heights of minims, ascenders, descenders and s's are 7.5, 8.5, 8.5 and 9.5 mm.

Titles, capitals, initinln Running titles m mbrics m the main script, but about 70 % of its height. The

capitals in the sequenciary are altemately red and blue. Initials are red or blue without background or

black with a yellow wash background.

Musical notation The music appears in type 1 rhombic choral notes on red four-iine staves 1.9 cm. high

with clefs c and f. Neumes, custos signs and clefs are black.

Decoration Most of the decoration in the book has been removed. There remains a decorated

G[regorius] on f. 14v attached to a delicate vine with leaves extending through the side and lower

margins. The initial is enclosed in a square frame and the interior fïiled with floral tracery. Similar

rnargind decoration remains in the lower margin of f. 2r and in the side margin of f. 15v. The &tic

content and overall quality of the book was much inferior to the one which resulted from the SmiSek

family's earIier project for the church of the Holy Trinity in Kutd IIora3?


Dobia, Josef. D@ny krdlovského meta Pemmova a jeho ukoli. Vol. Ei.2. Prague, 1954.

27. St. Castulus's Graduale - 242


The book is a cornbined graduale anci hymnary and is complete in a i l its elements Save for eight folios

containing a sequence for the f a s t of Hus, which have been excised. The language is prexiominantly

Latin, akhough there are a number of Czech hymns and motets.

Contents - summarg

Ir - 62r Ordinary of the mass. Ir - 20r: Kyr. & Gl.; 20v - 42v: Creed; 43r - 62r: Sanctus

62v - 77v Misceilaneous material for Advent

78r - 120r Advent mass propers

120v - 152r Hyrnns of the BVM

152v - 178r Christmas motets

179r - 264v Temporale and sanctorale

265r - 335v Sequenciary

Contents - ordinery Most of the 36 entries in the Kyriale are assigned to specinc occasions. There are

17 noted Kyries, ody two of which are troped. A funher 19 troped Kyries are to be sung to the tune

of "Fons bonitaiis", although the notes for the trope are not given. There are nine Glorias, two of w h .

are untroped, six are Minimally troped and one is the Marian Trope. Sixteen Creeds an given, thirteen

of which end after 'cuius regni non ent finis" and a fourteenth after "homo factus estn. Light troping

occurs in five and heavy troping in one. Music is provided for 14 Sancm-Benedictus-Agnus Dei

combinations, for three seaiags of Sanctus-Benedictus only (of which one is two part) and for six

Sanctuses. aiI thne part. One Sanctus-Benedicw pair is troped as are one individuai Sanctus and one


Contents - Advent material, hymns The miscellaneous material for Advent consists of music for

'OO~osef Tnihlaf, Cmaiugus Codicum M m Smptom Lon'rwllun qui in C. R. Bibiiotheca Publica aque UniversitattS P r a g d Asservantw, Pars anterior, (Prague, 1906). p. 438. "v6clav Plocek, Caralogus Codicum Noris MrrricLI Inhuconun qui in Biblïotheca publica rei pubficue Bohemrmcae socialisn'cae - in BibIiotheça Miversitans Pragensis servanhir, V01.1, (Prague, 1973). p. 122.

27. St. Castulus's Graduaie - 243

Chrismias m a t h with a Czech invitatory, three Sanauses, five lenten office amiphonsm and 12 Advent

antiphons. The Advent propers begh with "dominico die primo" (introit incipit: Rome) and include

a set for each day of the week through Saturday. The feriae have a Kyrie instead of an introit and they

ali have a graduai (chosen fkom what would be found in a conventional contemporary book for Ember

Saturday or in the common of virgins or the BVM), an aiieiuia (chosen from the cornmon of the BVM)

and a Marian sequence. The section ends with an additional eight sequences for the Virgin. There are

56 hymns for our Lady, three in Czech and the rest in Lacin. Of the 23 motets, nine are in Czech and

one has a Czech translation under the main Latin tea. AU but one are for Christmas.

Contents - temporale, sandoraïe The scribe, probably because of relatively few feasts, has

intercalateci the temporale and sanctorale. The principal festivals of the temporale are present incIuding

two masses for Chrismias and the following two days, Epiphany. Siindays in Lent, Easter, Lancea

Domini, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity, Corpus Christi and the Dedication Festival, the latter king

placed in its correct temporal order between Michel and the feast of St. Simon and St. Jude. There are

28 days in the sanctorale, including Vitus, Wenceslaus and Lucimilla among the traditional Bohemians.

There is also a feast of Hus. A Iater hand has arnended the rubrics to read "de sanctorum martinim".

Neither Mary of the Snows, the Transfiguration nor the Presentation of Mary appear. Both Casnilus and

Vitus are refemd to as "manire et patron^'.^^ There is no common of saints.

Contents - sequenciary The sequenciary, although having a rather small number of days, closely

rnirrors the occasions found in the combined temporale and sanctorale. The sequence Rex Regum for

the feast of Hus was originally part of the volume. Eight pages have been excised with most of the Song,

but the remnant of the foilowing stanza remab on f. 300% which was not excised, since the beginning

of the sequence for Margaret is on the verso.

Sempiterne domine, ihesu christe pie,

dimitte peccamina, da dona glorie,

Socians in patria nos predicaton

glorioso, martiri beato Iohanni.

%/hile not labeiled, k e e of the five antiphons are a part of second vespers for Lent I in the roughly contemporary Hussite antiphonary in the Esnergorn Metropolitan Library Ms. 1.3 13, Berkovits 32. aff. 225~. 234v.

27. St. Castulus's Graduaie - 244

The text has been heavily scored out in ink, and the paper on which "pie dimiaen was d e n was

ahost completely scratched away. Only occasional letters, mostly those with ascenders, can be

identifid with certainty. However, the censor did not interfere with the musical notes, which enabIe

one to reco@e obliterated words fiom the original texta. The sequenciary t m has no common, but

the scribe has compensated for this with respect the BVM by writing an mdex (f. 335v) of Marian

sequences found eisewhere in the book.

History - users That the users of the book were Utraquist is clear in view of the inclusion of IMSS

propers and a sequence for Hus.

History - date The catalogue references cited earlier merely date the book as sixteenth cenniry.

Fojtikovil suggests the beginning of the sixteenth century? Such watermark evidence as is available

(sec below) would point to the last decade of the fifieenth cenniry. There is only one extant Hwite

graduale which was produceci f ier 1537 which is panly written in L a t h . It was produced by Merd for

special occasion^.^ Manuscripts with propen for Hus have been found oniy in the period 1510 - 1537

and it would seem likely that this book belongs in this tirne period.

History - place There remairu the question of the church for which the document was made. The book

describes Castulus and Vinis as patrons (f. 225v and 2341). Having two patrons for a church would be

unusual except that Vitus rnight be regarded in a sense as the patron of aii Prague churches, as the

cathedrai is dedicated to h. Since the cathedral remained Catholic, the book would not have been used

there. The Prague church of Saint Castulus was Hussite at the time.q However, the üuly conclusive

consideration is a cornparison of the picture of the church on f. 260v with the present day church of St.

Castulus in Josefov in Prague on the HaStalské dmM. They are the same. Eight folios have names or

coats of m. Of these, the names of three cm be deciphered in whole or in part (ff. 180v, 236r and

265r). The five which are illegible probably also relate to individuais for reasons of consistency,

%e M. together with the accompanying music is the tim line of the seventeenth (and las ) couplet of the sequence "Rex regum" taken fiom the Louny Kyriale (Statd o k r d archiv v bunech, sig: 1 G 8b). The notes agree precisely witû those in St. Castulus' gradual. The sequence is f o u . in a number of other sources aiso.

FojtOmvi4, 'Hudebni d o m Husova kuitu z 15. a 16. stoleti' (Musical Testimony of Hwsitc Worship in the 15th and 16th Centuries), Miscellanea Musicologica, XXIX (198 1), p.68. 406NK XI B la, b. c, d and Strahov DA il 3, a fivepart grsdual. M ~ . V. Tomek, Deepis m a Pmhy (A Hisu,ry of the City of Prague). Vol. XI. (Prague. 1897). p. 433.

27. St. Castulus's Graduale - 245

aithough it is possible that they may refer to guilds. It would thus appear that the book, like others we

bave seen, was probably finaoced by subscription among the chou memben, literary brethren, guiids

or general benefactors of the parish.

Cover The cover was rstored in 1978 when the original Ieather was removed, the book rebound and

covered with new ivory£oloured leather and then as much of the old Ieather as remaineci was glued on

top of the new. It measures 32.3 x 21.4 cm. Perhaps 50% of the surface area of the front cover is

cloaked in the old leather and 85% of the rear. The front is a dark brown in colour and the rear

noticeably lighter. Light sbadows show that the book used to have diamond-shaped metal cornerpieces

and a square metal decoration (with its diagona1 parallel to the height of the book) in the centre. The

boards are cut with an inward bevel. The spine is flat with four double bands and two single headbands

which form no ridges on the spine and to which a me- brown fabric is attached. There are papa

pastedowns on each cover and three fîyleaves at both front and rear. The stitching is by light brown

suing . The holes are 19, 72, 128, 184,232 and 285 cm. below the top of the quire.

Folios and foliation A complete pencil foliation system is found at the upper right corner of each recto.

The last folio is numbered 336. However, since there are &O folios marked 175a, 178a-c, 189a and

300a the correct count of the leaves is in fact 342. An original rubric foliation is found with a letter in

the upper middle margin of the verso and a Roman numeral facing it on the recto of the next folio. This

system starts with the Advent mass propers, is suspended in the sections of hymns and motets and

resumes in the combined temporale and sanctorale. The fim folio nurnbered is 78r (A [if), the second

78v - 79r (A ii) and the foiiation continues to C xiii (ff. 11% - 120r). The Roman numerals after A, B,

and D-H range from i to xv. The system resumes with D primo (f. 17%)- D ii (ff. 17% - 180r) and ends

with I xiii (ff. 264v - 26%). The gatherings are of six bifolios (except where excisions have occurred)

and usually have catchwords on the lower right corner of the last verso.

Paper The book's paper was probably originally of good quality. It has now tumed a lighi brown fiom

age and a darker brown in places where the ink fiom the other side of the folios is visible. Etching

through the papa by the ink bas occumd on a mnnber of leaves. A water mark visible on many folios,

for exampte ff. 72-74, 85-87) is a double-headed eagle with wings outstretched. It has a crown on its

head and a shield on its chest. Totai height is 9.8 cm. and the width at the widest point is 7.4 cm. No

match has been found in the available d o g u e s . A second waîermatk which is more frequent is an on's

27. St. Castulus's Graduale - 246

head sunnounted by a cross with a very long shaft, around which a serpent is coiled. The total height

is 173 mm., and the width between the points of the homs and the tips of the ears are 28 and 40 mm.

This is found on, for example, ff. 6. 38. 39, 71, 178" and 178? Whüe this has close afkities to

watermarks on paper made in 1489 in Innsbruck and Braunschweig, the match is not exact?

Layout The dimensions of ff. 78 and 265 are 30.7 x 21 -4 and 3 1.1 x 21 .O cm. nqxaively. The pages

are arrangeci in a single column bounded by two double red verticai lines on either side. There are seven

systems on a page. each system consisting of a four-line red musical staff and a corresponding line of

text beneath. On neither of the sample folios does pricking occur, but this may be due to heavy

trimming. The dimensions of the written space on ff 78r and 265r are 24.2 x 14.0 and 23.9 x 13.8 cm.

respectively. Ruling is found on neither folio but is present in a grey ink on other folios, such as f. I l lv

at the tops and bottoms of the minims.

Script The main hand uses black ink and a cursiva formata script, which carries traces of hybrid in that

on some pages, there are no loops on rnany of the ascenders. It is found on ff. Ir - 6 3 , 72r - 167r and

179r - 335b. Minims. ascenders, descenders and s's have heights of 4, 10-13, 12 and 11- 14 mm.

Plocek identifies a further ten later han& who filied pages left blank by the initial scnie. None occupy

more than two folios and none are of great i n t e r e ~ . ~

Titles, capitals, initiais Rurining titles are rubrics in the main script but somewhat larger in size.

Initials and capitals in the sequenciary are red. In the rest of the book, initials alteniate in colour

between black with a yellow background and red.

M u s i d notation In the main hand, type 1 rhombic choral notes on red four-line staves 1.9 cm. high

are used for Kyries and Glorias (ff. Ir - 20r). Sanctuses (ff. 43r - 55r), Advent material (which begins

on f. 62v and ends on f. 120r) and propers and sequences for the rest of the year (ff. 179r - 335v). The

clefs are c, f and g. Clef signs are fiequently omitted. Sanctuses on ff. 5% - 58v are written with type

5 Gerhard Piccard. Die W~se&chakmei Piccmd Un Huuptnrrmcvchiv Snmgm, Vol. II. 1, (Stuttgart, 1966). p. 238. The watermark in question is similar to number 181 in section XVI. except that its ears are trianguiar rather than diamond in shape and that several small but significant ciifferences in dimensions exist. q & c l a v Plocek, Caralogus Codicum NorLc MunQs In~nuctorum qui in Bibiiotheca pubüco rei publicae Bohem'cae socialisn'cae - in Bibliotheca univem'ratis PragcnriS servmrrur, Vol. 1, (Prague, I973), p. 1 2 - 3 .

27. St. Castulus's Graduale - 247

IJI rhombic notes on red four-Iine staves with clefi c and f. Black mensural notation II on red four-line

staves appears for a series of Credos without clefs on ff. 2ûv - 42v, for three-part Sanctuses with c and

f clefs on ff. 5% - 61v and for Advent Kyrks on ff. 89v - 90v and lOlr with c and f clefs. We also see

it in the hymns to the Vugin aud Chrisbnas motets on red fie-line staves 1.7 cm. hi@ with c and f cieh

on ff. 121v - 162r. The motets continue on ff. 162v - 167r m white mensural notation II on red five-Iine

staves and c and f clefs. The inNl on ff. 167v - 178r is by seven later han& using black mensural

notation I or II or white mensural notation II on red and black five-line staves. The clefs, when they

appear, are c. Neumes, custos signs and clefs are black throughout.

Decotation There are decorations of the initiais concipies (f. 72r). Borate (f. 78r), fulgebit (f.

179r)*, mer (f. 180v)*, Resurrexi (f. 228r)*, Benedicta (f. 238r)* and cibavit (f. 23%). Most of the

pages with decorations and miniatures have artwork in the margins consisting of vims, leaves and

flowers. One page has only one border filled and two have three. The rest have two. The pages with

initials indicated by an asterisk in this and the following paragraph have either coats of arms or ribbons

with inscriptions presumably identifying the sponsors of the pages.

Miniatures Miniatures are found in only four initials and al1 but one feature a picture of what is

probably one of the book's cosponsors.

232v* Yiri A man kneels, his han& clasped in prayer, as Jesus's lower legs ascend from

sight. In the lower margin is a woman, possibly his wife.

236r* Spiritus A woman IcneeIs, her han& clasped in prayer, as rays from the dove descend

from on high. In fiont of her is a heraldic shield.

260v* xembilis The south side of a church having a nave wiib four bays, a tiie roof and a tower

on the West end with a cupola on top. A chape1 added to the south with a lower

roof than the nave occupies the three westerIy bays.

265r* Grates A man in a fin trimmed cloak kneels, his han& clasped in prayer. A ribbon

labels him as "Georgius Condatorn.


Fojtilrov& Jana. "Hudebni doklady Husova kultu z 15. a 16. stoleti", Miscelùuzea Musicologica,

XXIX (1981), 51-142.

27. St. Castuius's Graduale - 248

Plocek, Viclav. Caralogus Cùdiclun Nolis Mtcs~~cis I~mrcoriun gui in Bibliotheccl publica rei publicae

Bohemicue socialisticae - in Bibliotheca mivenirotLr Pragensis servantur. 2 vols. Prague,


Tnihlaf, Josef. Crrralogus Codiclult M m Scriponim Lutinonun qui in C. R. Bibliotheca Publica

afque Univenitaru PragniLr Asservantw. ûuae Pattes. Prague, 1906.

28. St. Mark's Graduale - 249


Generai TheoIogical Seminarg, New York, St. Mark% Libmy, Shebmk BX 2043 .A3 H8. Ih&z


The description which foilows is basPd on a transcription with preliminary codicological observations

made in Easter week, 1991 and supplemented by photographs taken in the second m e r of 1991 and

same approxmiate measurements in March. 1993. The volume was damageci by fire in September, 1993

and has since k e n unavailable. The binding was v i d y destroyed. The book which emerges 6rom the

restoration process will differ from what is descnïed here. It is a Compiete Latin graduale. There are

a few folios missing including one or more with Kyries befon f. 1, several more having sequences for

the period between the feasts of St. James and St. Latuence, one or two with most of the last part of the

cornmon sequence for one martyr and the first haif of the sequence for confessoa and one or more at

the end containing sequences for the BVM.

Contents - summarg

Inside f. c. SaIvator mundi.

284-5, lr-24v 0rdim-y. Ir - 10r, 284-5: Kyrie Br Gloria; 10r - 2% Sanctus & Agnus Dei

25v - 15% TemporaIe

155r - 2 12v Sanctorale

213r - 22% Cornmon of saints - Alleluias.

225v - 282v Sequenciary

283 Votive masses

inside b. c. Asperges

Contents - ordinary Folios 284 and 285 are an unbound bifolium. Both sides of f. 284 and the recto

side of f. 285 contain 16 unnoted troped Kyries and five items labelleci "dii de beata virgine". There

are a further 17 noted and w o p e d Kyries starting on f. Ir. The 33 are mostly assigned to the

temporale and to an astonishingly large number of days in the sanctorale. including the translation of

Adalbert. Some Kyris are recommended for use on many days. There is one partial Minimally-troped

Gloria, nine complete Glorias and three incipits. Seven of the complete Glorias are Minirnally troped.

28. St. Mark's Graduale - 250

There are 28 occasions for which a Sanctus-Benedictus and an Agnus Dei are provideci in the main

hand. Of these, 20 are untroped, and two have aii components troped. One day exisu for which the

Sanctus and the Agnus Dei are troped. On the remahhg days when the Agnus Dei is not troped, both

Sanctus and Benedicnis are troged thrice and the Sanctus only twice. Troping of the Agnus Dei ici

unusuai in graduales of this perioà.

Contents - temporale, sanctorale The temporaie is Complete, begimMg with the Gregorian Prologue

and ending with the Dedication Festival. There are propers for Lancea Domini, three Sundays afier

Epiphany and 23 after Trinity. An altemative mass is given for Corpus Christi. The CompIete sanctorale

bas provisions for 129 saints plus 11 vigils and tnre octaves. Only Sigismund is rnissing from the Usual

Bohemia. Sain&. Additional Bohemian observances include the translations of Wenceslas and Lucimilla

and the feast of John Hus and Jerome of Prague. The T d g u r a t i o n is fouad in the sanctorale, but not

Mary of the Snows or the Presentation. There are &O propers for the 10,000 Soldier Martyn. This is

the only Latin Hussite graduale which has proper antiphons for this feast.

Contents - common, sequenciary The comrnon of saints in this book does not contain a cornplete set

of propers, but o d y alleluias with verses, fim for Our Lady, then for other classes of saints (without

distinguishing bishops) and last for three occasions in the sanaoraie. The sequenciary bas sequences for

the main days of the temporale, but without the number of alternatives found in other books. For

example, only one sequence is given for each of Easter and Trinity Sunday. There are. however, two

sequences for the Virgin in Eastertide. The 35 occasions of the sanctorale represented in the sequenchry

include the Bohemians Vitus, Procop, Hus, Lumnilla and Wenceslas. Some are missing because of the

excision noted above. There is a sequence for the 10,000 soldier martyrs. There are five sequences in

the common for Our Lady, two for apodes anci one each for the other classes of saints. two of the laner

being partially exciseci. The last leaf of the book is unnoted, organWd in two columns and bas the

incipits and folios references for the incipits of the propers of 33 votive masses.

W o r y - àate Littie is known about the history of this graduale. It was given to St. Mark's Library

of the General Theologicai S e m i n q in the fdl of 1961.'" The gin was made by the widow of a

"?homas J. T a y . 'A Hussite Latin Gradual of the XV Cennny', Bulletin of the General Incobgid Semirtury, XLVm (1%2), p. 3.

28. St. Mark's Graduale - 25 1

coltector who kept few records of what he owned. TaUey based his provisional &te of 1450 - 1460 for

the manuscript on three considerations:

1. A pdaeographical opinion which he was given by John Plummer, curaor of mediaeval

mamiscripts of the Pierpont Morgan Lbrary,

2. The observation of a temai variant in the Gregorian Prologue which was dso found in the

Graduale Gurimensis4", ami

3. His conjecture that the understated presentation of the feast of Hus could only have arisen

in the irenic period in Bohemia between the rise to power of George of Podebrady md the

repudiation of the Compactata by PRis II.412

The same form of Gregorian Prologue, however, is also found in ail the other Hussite graduales of the

Jagieilonian p e n d and the ensuing decade. The fht dated book with a sequence for the f a s t of Hus

was completed in 1491 ."' Propers fmt appear in the second decade of the sixteenth ~entury."~ There

would seem to be w reason not to accept the date of 1532 foimd on the piece of parcbment king held

by the scnie depicted at the bottom of f. 25v. Certainly the content suppom this Iater date. Content

seems a more reliable witness to dating than palaeographicaI evidence.

Hidory - use!rs The mass propers for Hus and Jerome on f. 191v and the sequence for Hus which starts

on f. 253v are clear indications that the users were Hussite.

History - place While there is no doubt that the book was prepared for Utraquist users, where they

lived is not immediately clear. As a first step, it was noted that there are three blind stamps used to

decorate one of the h e s on the covers of the book which are ahost certainly shields from the coats

of amis of Czech nobüity. Mer an inspection of 1,152 coats of amis from a recent catalogue, 14 were

found which containeci one of the three shields on the cover. A M e r search of the histories of these

fourteen families was coaduaed to i d e m those which were Hussite and which were active during the

fifiteenth ce- and the fkst half of the sixteenth c e m . Only two such families could be found, those

of z Dubé and of M r w z Dubé, which represent branches of the same famiy. Much of the former

4 1 1 ~ ~ XIV A 1 "~alley, 'A Hussite Latin Graduai". pp. 5 f. 4 1 3 ~ ~ ~ MUS. Hs. 15492 4 ' 4 ~ ~ ~ Mus. Ho. 15501 and Litomeiice IV C 1. The earliest dated books wiL propm are Chdim C. 12580 and huny 1 G 8a (1530).

28. St. Mark's Graduale - 252

branch was wiped out in 1437 on the gailows on the Old Town Square in Prague after Lipany? The

latter survived into the seventeenth century. T b suggested that it would be a reasonable hypothesis to

try to find the church depicted on f. 153v in Dub&

aistory - church This miniature shows a white church (pnsrmiably saicco) with two towers at the West

end about haIf again as high as the church, a nave wirh three bays, large flamboyant Gothic windows,

a chapel on the wrth-east corner and a capla on a red file roof. The choir has one bay anà a roof lower

than the nave. The whole structure is surrounded by a waii which is about ten feet taU and which has

a pedestrian gate in at its east end. (Plate 38) The Church of the Invention of the Cross in DuM is like

this in aIi respects, except that its cupoIa is on the choir roof. which is of the same height as that of the

nave and that its windows are Baroque, rather than flamboyant Gothic. The windows m y have been

remodeiied subsequently in the same marner as happeneci in the seventeenth century in the Citercian

monastery of Zlata Konina near Krrimov, which was originaiiy a Gothic saucaue, built by Peter

Parler in the period 1340-1360.416 The rather isolated location of h b 8 may explain the sometimes

primitive nature of the art found in the book. The book is not d e s c n i in any of the art historical

surveys which appeared starting in the middle of the nineteenth century and it can therefore be sumised

that it had found its way out of the country before that tirne.

Cover - boards and metaI fWqp The book's original bincljng includes two square cut boards of 59.5

x 41.5 cm. covered with leather mitred over the edges which has aged unevenly to a medium brown

colour. Both boards have two cracks ruMiog their height and the rear one also has a short crack near

the spine. Despite the cracks, the covers are stili firm. The cast brass corner pieces feature a crowned

unicaudate crowned lion with a hexagonal foot near the comer. The details of the lion are given by

engraving rather than by three-dimensional casting in the metal. The ceimal boss consists of a circle

with lilies at the four p o b of the compass. Within the circle is a square arrangement of four Mies with

a hexagonal foot at the centre. Decorated pieces of sheet brass comecting the corner pieces protected

the edges. The strips on the sphe edge are absent on both covers and on the inside third of the lower

edge on the back cover. There are two bms rosettes, each with a poa in the centre, which are found

on the front cover on a vertical line midway between the central boss and the metal edging. Metal

4'%ilan Myslivefek, ErboMia (Heddry), (Prague, 1993). p. û7. 4'6Michael Jacobs, Czedu,slovvCERi~ (Lumion, 1992), p. 265.

28. St. Mark's Graduale - 253

mtings on the free ends of the now absent closure snaps d d have been slipped over these posts. The

other ends of the straps were pemianently attached to the rear cover under the bras edging.

Cover - Ieather and binding The design of the decoration of the kather includes an outer rectangular

fiame bounded by double hes impressed into the leather and comaining within blind stampings of

various heraldic shields. There are two incisions, the longer of about 10 cm. in the Iower part of the

frarne on the back cover. Inside the frame is a large rectangle containing a l a c e formed by two sets

of double Iines, the one at 60" to the horizontal and the othet at 120". Within each of the diamonds of

the lattice is a circular biind stamp witb a fiower. The flat spine has eight double bands and two single

headbands. The scn'be(s) made use of the two parchment pastedowns (55.5 x 38.5 cm.) for additional

material, including the asperges. Stitching holes are 5, 35,65, 124, 184, 244,300, 363,427,480, 510

and 540 beIow the tops of @es.

Foüos and foliation The book contains 285 leaves. A late pencil foliation is present at the upper right

comer of each recto. An original rubric numbermg system consisting of a Roman nmera14" foiiowed

by a lower case letter is found in the upper middle margin of leaves starhg with 1 .a on both ff. 26v

and 27r and ending on ff. 224v and 225r with xix .g . Except for the last (. g) series, the Roman numerais

range fkom i to xxx. It is d-erent in three respects from what is found in other books: 1. the number

precedes the Ietter, 2. the cornmon of saints is included in the sysfem, and 3. the same fohtion appears

on both the verso and the facing recto. For example xxxe is wriîîen at the top of both ff. 175v and

176r. The leaves are of a light beige medium-weight parchment and have light to moderate staining

from use on the lower corners. From f. 26 tbrough f. 275, the gatherings are unifody in quinions.

Starhg with f. 3% (i) through 19% (xvii), the @ES have black ink d - c a s e Roman numerals at the

lower right corner of the verso of the last folio of the gathering. The mes are consistent with the

original llumbering system m that each quire ends on a veno whose Roman mmiber in the eariy foliation

system contains x, xx or xxx.

Layout The sizes of both ff. 135 and 270 are 55 x 38 cm. and their written spaces are about 38.0 cm

x 25.4 and 37.7 x 24.9 cm. The written space, except on f. 283, is defined on either side by double

red vertical Lws which extend the height of the page. With the exception of ff. 283 - 285 and the thirty


"'Lower case except on 1.a.

28. St. Mark's Graduale - 254

folios whose original foliation ends in . a, it is organized in a single column of 11 systems, each system

consisting of a red four-lined musicai staff and the Iine of corresponding Iine of text. The . a folios

(where 0 represents a number between i and xxx) have 12 systems. There is no ruiing on the laves

with music, other than for the staves. Ff. 284r, v and f. 28% are text only in a single colllrnn of 37 lines

with red ink ruling below each Iine of tes and above the top line. Each of ff. 283r, v has two columns

of 30 lines of text without ruling.

Script The main script is a restrabed textualis formata. Talley may be right in his suggestion that the

script comprises the work of several hands in îhe same scriptorirmi."' However it is dificult to say with

conviction whether or not one is a believer in this theory . An example is f. 25v. Almost everywhere in

the book, careful lozenges regularly appeai. at the tops and bottoms of minmis. However. on this folio,

the scribe seems to be experimenting with the prescissa style with the botîoms of the minims squared

off straight. Comparexi with the script on f. 26r which faces it, t is hard to pomt to any other difference.

Perhaps t is not imponant to decide. Ascenders and descenders are finished with a shallow fork which

extends M e r to the lefi. The upper cornparmienu of a ' s do not extend as far to the lefi as the lower

one and are closed with a hair h e . The usual brealcing and biting nilu apply. 1's are usually designated

by a hair line extended S. Heights of minims, ascenders, descenden and s's are 8.5, 9.5, 11 and 11.5


Titles, capitals, initiais Runniag titles are red and in the main script on ff. 283r - 28%. On the other

Ieaves. mbrics are in the style of the main script, but about 80% of the size. The initials are black with

some yellow wash and a background of foliage or red on a blue geomeîric background or blue on red.

The black initials particularly have a propensity to sprout cartoon heads of men or beasts, either inside

the lener or attached to the outside. They are a bit crude compared with the standards of Maahew and

JaniCek. The backgrounds of the red anci blue iniW tend to flow up and down in tendras when the

letter h d s itself at the lefi margin of the page. Capitals in the sequenciary have no background and

alternate in colour between red and blue.

Musicai notation The music is Wntten in type 1 rhombic choral notes on red four-Iine staves 1.7 cm.

high with clefs c, f and g. Neumes, custos signs and cleh are black.

4'%dley. "A Hussite Latin Graduai ", p. 4.

28. St. Mark's Graduale - 255

&coration Tailey's 0bse~ati0n thet there is more than one artkt is ciearly Most of the

ilhistrations and cartoons are rather cmde and are distinguished by the infelicitous shapiug of noses on

other ?.han full face picîures. The initiais &mie (f. 284r), Sanctus (f. 24v) and Circumdedenint (f. 4 1 r)

are decorated. The marginai decoration which accompanies illustrated and deconteci initiais is lighter

and more delicate than what is typicai in Hussite graduaies of the era. It recalls she style of the fifieenth

century before Matthew. They mostly consist of a shgIe vine with a light decoration of leaves and

flowers with an occasional human figure sheltered in it. There are no miniatures in the borders.

Miniatures While generally somewhat lacking in quality. the total number of miniatures at 25 is

exceptiody high A more accomplished artist was dso involved in the book and we find miniatures

which he painted on ff. 26r, 106r, 125r and 129v.



lower margin

Ad te levavi

Exaudi nos

Qomine ne


Christ is seated within an almond-shaped fiame, holding a spray of lilies to the

rîght of his head and a sword to the left. The frame is supported by two angels,

between whom a nibon is spread which reads, "Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus".

Gregory sits in a red robe and hat writing at a desk.

A man kneels holding a piece of parchment on which he has written " 1532 " . Gregory, in a papal tiara and rose robe with sophisticated draping, sits writing

at a desk. Plate 37

Mary and Joseph on the left and an ox and an ass on the nght watch the child

who lies on the ground in an aureole.

Mary sits beneath a star with the child sitting on her lap. To the right, one

magus kneels while his colleagues stand behind him.

Jesus stands to the lefk and the devil to his ri@. On the ground are five Stones.

Jesus rides on an ass and his disciples walk behind. In front of him, a man lays

his garment on the road, while one on a building casts down p a h branches.

Jesus, with banner, steps from an open sarcophagus which is surromdecl by

three stunned soldiers on the ground.

Mary and the disciples lmel arormd the hi11 from which Christ's lower legs are

seen ascending.

"~a l l ey . 'A Hussite Latin Graduai', p. 4.





28. St- Mark's Graduale - 256

Mary sits in the midst of the disciples, while the dove's rays descend h m


Jesus. holding a wafer of bread, sits behind a rectangular table with seven

discip1es. Judas with a purse and four others s t in front.

God the Father sits holding a cross to which Christ is nailed. A dove perches

above Christ's head.

Manna falls fiorn heaven, presumably having its origin from God, whose

presence is signalied by a radiant cloud in the upper lefi. Israeiites gather the

manna from trees, from the g r 0 4 and h m the ai. as it f&.

The king of Salem stands with a crown on his head and a long staff in his nght

hand. (Gen- 14: 18)

A white church with two towers at the west end about half again as high as the

chwch, a nave with three bays, large flamboyant Gothic windows, a cha~el on

the nortb-east corner and a nipola on a red tile roof. The choir bas one bay aud

a roof lower than the nave. Plate 38

Qominus secus Peter and Andrew, their net on the gunwale between them, are sitting in a punt,

Michi autem


Respo= Qaudeamus

salve sancta

rowing in opposite directions. Jesus hails them from the shore.

Andrew kneels, his head between the anns of a diagonal cross which he is

holding. Jesus lays his han& on Andrew ' s head in blessing . A priest holding a sitîing Jesus han& him in front of the altar to Mary.

Symeon sits reading a book.

Agatha. Mary sits holding the seated child on her Iap.

Mary kneeis at a prayer bench and tums to look at Christ who, representbd as

at his resurrection, blesses her.

Michael, clad in alb and rlalmatic, stands on the dragon as he impales it.

Three family memben arrange the body on the bier. In the foreground sit six

men with songbooks open on their laps.

Comrnon of deluias of the BVM. The figure of a bearded man in a stocking

cap entangled in a r i i b n without m g . Presumably Isaiah.

Common of apodes. Jesus addresses Peter and the disciples.

Jesus in white linen and carrying a banner has his right foot inside a monster's

mouth. He stretches a helping hand to a group of naked people m the monster's

28. St. Mark's Graduale - 257


234v Victime Easter sequence. The miniature in this case is beside the initial V, but within

the written space. A suppliant prostrates himself at the feet of Christ, who

wears his resunection linen and carries in his left hand a cross with banner.

23% Yiugini Marie Sequence for ûur h d y in Paschaltide. Mary Mih a h g e goM mwn holds her



TaiIey , Thomas J. "A Hussite Latin Graduai of the XV Century " , Bullnin of the anerul Theologiral

Sdmry, XLVm (1962). 2-8.

Plate 38

f. 153v: Dedication festival

28. St. Mark's Gradu.de - 258

Plate 37

f. 26r: Advent 1

6stemeichische NationalbibIiothek, fienna, Musikmmdung, SheIfmark: Mus. Hs. 15492, olim

Series nova: 265?, Label on the Wde front cover. 5011, on the spine: 4. A..., MMe1

(hm the KUtlSfhiStorische Sammlung of the hperial Palace). Date: 1491.

Thk magnificent codex is a Complete Latin graduaie. H a v e apparedy left Bohemia for the Tyrol well

before BilA Hom, it d e r e d no damage during the couater-refomtion.

Contents - summacy

2v Full-page frontispiece

3r - 45r Ordinary of the mass. 3r - 29r: Kyrie & Gloria; 29v - 45r: Sanctus & Agnus Dei

4% - 238r Temporale

23th - 277r Sanctorale

277v - 340r Comrnon of saints

340v - 492v Sequenciary

492v Colophon

Contents - oràhaq 37 Kyries, four of which are troped, appear in the book and are allocated in

approximately equal numbers to 1) special days of the sanctorale and temporale, 2) Sundays and ferias

in various seasons, 3) our Lady in various seasons and 4) commons. Seventeen of the m e s have

corresponding Glorias. One of these is the Marian Trope, eight are Minimally troped and two are more

heavily troped. There are 23 sets each consisting of a Sanctus-Benedictus and an Agnus Dei for various

occasions in the iiturgical year. Of these, one Sanctus is heavily tn,ped, one Benedictus is lightly troped

and in one, labelled "angelicum", both the Sanctus and the Benedichis are heavily troped in rubric. No

Agnus Dei is troped, although there is the usual m o d i f d o n in the mass of the dead.

4 m ~ n ~ M d and Franz Unterkircher. K;aralog der ubendlandischat HCUlCISciviften der 0steneichischen Nmonolbibtio&k, "Series Nova", Part 211, (Vienna, 1%3), pp. 33 1-33. 42 '~h . Frimmel. "Urkmden, Regesten uud artisches QueJlenmaterial am der Bibliothek der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des AiierfioChsten Kaiserhauses" , Jahrbuch der kwtsthisrorlschen Simmhgen d a AllerMchsîen Kaiserhauses, V (1883, p. VI.

Contents - temporale, sandoraie The temporale is Complete. having three Sundays afier Epiphany,

23 afier Trinity and Lancea Domini. It ends with propers for the dedication of the church and of one

altar. 'Ihe sanctorale has propers for 113 occasions, as well as for twelve vigils and three octave days.

The Usual Bohemian Saints, but not Hus. are represemed and the translations of Wenccsias and

Lucimilla are also celebrated. There are propers for the Transfiguration anci for the Presentation of

Mary. St. Mary of the Snows is absent.

Contents - cmmmon, sequenciary The propers rely heavily on the Complete cornmon of saints which

bas ample aiternatives, &out distinctions king made for b'khops. The common ends wah two masses

for the dead. The sequenciary provides for the major feasts of the temporale, in moa cases with one or

more alternatives, and with appoinîed sequences for ail of Easter week and Lancea Domini. There are

sequences and a handful of alternatives for 36 occasions in the sanctorale, among which are the days

of six Bohemians, this t h e excluding Sigismund but mcluding one "Gloriosis martiris Iohannes hus cum

sociis". The sequence for Hus has the incipit "Clericalis aimian. The section ends with sequences for

the common of saints and two for the Dedication Festival.

Hhtory - date The dating of the book has caused some problems. The date 1490 is written in an

illuminateci G on f. 316r. A colophon on f. 49% reads. "finis feria vi post Iacobi [Juiy 291 anno Domini

149.1." The dificuity has occurred since the stroke of the fist 1 in 1491 is straight and leans sIightly

to the left of vertical, while that of the second 1 leans slightly to the right and has at the top a short

downward hook to the righî. Some observers have thus concluded that the date is 1495. The dating 1440

- 1491 or just 1491 is accepted by Chyt.da and Unterkircher (in 1974)~. u rimmel'^ accepts these two

dates and. noting îhat the 1490 appears on f. 316r. extrapolates back to estimate thaî the work may have

been begun as early as 1488. RybiEka, who correctly r a d the colophon. assigns the date 1491 - 1493

to the book on the theory that the text was finished in 1491, but the decoration took two more yearsa.

%are1 Chyîii, W o j inimvynturniho d f M &ského za &by baId rodu jageIlon&ho (Rogress of Czech MinianviSt Painting in the Iagieiionian Era), (Prague, 18%). p. 22. -ranz Unterkircher, "Die datierten Handschriftcn der hmichischen Nationalbiùliothek von 1451 bis 150OU, Kmalog ctan'erien HrmdSchnfien in &einiscAer Wfi in Ostemeich, Vol. III, Pt. 1. (Viem. 1974). p. 190. %. Frimmel. "Urkunden". p. VI. "Am. RybiUra. 'Dva staroteskt kancionaiy v c. k. sbirce AmbrasskF Cfwo Old Czech Kancionals in the lmperial Ambras Collection), P m d z Q , VI (1865). p. 284.

However, M a n i and Unterkircher (in 1963) in the cataiogue of the 6~Ba6 and give the date

of 1490 - 1495. That this error causeci Krha some m e r diffidties, we shall see later. In view of the

presence of the 1490 date, which no one disputes, m end &te of 1495 wodd imp1y acceptance of the

imlikely proposition that the completion of the last 172 folios of the book twk five years.

History - place The ONB catalogue indicates tbat the graduale was prepared for a Hussite church in

HomSt8 and this assessrnent is accepted with liîîle discussion by ai i commentators. The number

of the figures of miners in illustrations, initiais and marginal cartoons niake dear that the book was

made for a mining community. It is specifically connected with Kami Hom by the illustration on f. 28%

showing Jan Chiidek dong with three other p r i a and lay Hussites of Kuaxi Hora who were martyreci

by king thwt down disused mine shah on January 9, 1420.- (Plate 42) The miniature inside the first

initiai of the propen for the Dedication Festival is a picîure of the church of the Holy Trinity on the

outskins of Ku- Hora. for which the graduaie was presinnably made. Leminger and Kriisa agree with

this identification." This beautiful smaü triple-nave church was reconsa~cted in the pend 1487 - 1504

by Jan SmiSek of ~ r c h o v i ~ t ' . ~ ~ '

History - famiiy of Smikk of Vrchoim From the colophon on f. Ir of the 1493 Pehlnmov

grad~ale,~~' we know that it was sponsored by Jan and Michael SmiSek of Vrchovis of KutnA Hom.

Their interest in church music and theû place of residence would d e hem both likely candidates for

the sponsonhip of the SmiSkovsl@ graduale. The family coat of anns before the end of the fifteenth

century featured a gold rampant unicorn facing to the heddic right as the sole figure on both the shield

and crest. The ground of the shieId was blue, the wreath gold and blue and the heirn faced nght. We

4260tto Matal and Franz Unterkircher, K&&g &r abendIandisch HLZIICLF~m &r 0stemeichischen NmMonalbibliorhek, 'Series Nova", Part ul, (Viema, 1963). p. 33 1.

'=~osef K a . 'KnW Malba' (Book Painting). D@ny &sk#w q%vamêho umcSii (A Histoiy of Czech Fine Arts), Vol. 1f2, (Prague, 1984)- p. 608. - ~ a z a I and Unterkircher, Karnlog, p. 331. %mence of Bfezova, 'Historia Hussitica" , Fontes R e m B~he~cmwn, Vol. V, (Prague. 1893). p. 355. -1 ItRminger, Um&cké iémeslo v KumP Hoit (The Arts in K u a Hora), (Prague. 1926). p. 21 1. Josef Krasa, 'KniZnl maliMvln (Book Painting), P&&gotické wnaJ v &Md! (Late Gothic An in Bohemia), p. 420. O ' E V ~ Handiakov6. 'Zivot himohorsl@ch ha* a jeho odraz v tinilim iistu kanciolÿilu Matode iluminAtora" (The Life of the Miners of Kutn4 Hora and its Refiection in the Frontispiece of the Kancional of Manhew the niumhator), lid (The Czech People). XLIlI (1956), p. 202. a2~ehllimov O h c d muzeum 7 86û/R.

are told that, at the end of the fifteenth century, the amis were augmented by quarterings of a dog in

the lower left quadrant of the shield, and an owl in the upper right. In addition. a gold coronet was

added above the wreaîh aad below the ~ r e s t . ~ The work of Jan Sm&k. a mining entrepreneur, in the

reconstruction of the Church of the Holy Trinity was mted in the prrccding paragraph. This is partially

confinned by the fact that a rnodifkation of the earlier form of the SmiSek of Vrchovim coat of arms,

without quarterings but wiîh a coronet between the wreath and the crest, appears at the east end of the

south aisle of the church. Michad Sm&k became the Royal Steward of the mines of KuM Hora in

1484 and retained the p s t until 1498, during wfiich tirne he amn-~ced a considerable fortune. He died

in 151 1 .- His particular interest was in the Church of St. Barbara. He assumed responsibility for the . . admmistration of its construction and was a heavy contributor to the work from 1481 .435 He undertook

the decoration of its S m t k chapel, which he had bought in 1485.~~ The same version of the early

famiiy coat of a m found in the Church of the Holy Trinity aIso forms a part of the w d fresco of the

chapel. It is likely that one of these lords was the sponsor of our graduale.

History - sponsor On ff. 2v and 202v of the SmiSkovslj graduale. we find identical Smikk coats of

amis in the later fonn with quarterings. (Plates 39.43) The frontispiece of the book (f. 2v) is a full-page

illustration in a Gothic frame of a Madonna with child in anns and two angels patte& closely (except

for the style of the ffame) on the painting of the Madonna in a rose garden by the Colmar master,

Manin Schongauer. Inside the frame at the bottom, there is an addt male with two male chiidren on

the left and two adult fernales with nine fernale chiidren on the right. However, since we b o w nothhg

of the details of the families of the two Sm&ks, the picaile is of no help in identifying the sponsor of

Our graduale. Without citing any rasons, all the commentators on the graduale and the museum

catalogue437 cite Michael SmiSek of VrchoviSC as the sponsor. The sole exception W K a who has

caleci both ~ i c h a e l ~ and ~ a ~ f ~ Srm?Sek of VrchoviSt' the donor on different occasions. The information

we have does suggest that Michael was the more politicaliy and economidy prominent of the two.

0 3 ~ i l a n Mysliv&ek. Edmnik (Coats of Arms). (Prague, 1993), p. 4 1 and i11ustration page 5 1. %. Frimmel, "Urkunded', p. X. 435 J. Er. Wocel, " C M m SV. Barbory v Kuîné Hofe". Pbmrrtky, ïIï (1859), p. 112. %are1 Chytii. Vjhoj, p. 11.

Mazal and Franz Unterkircher. Kùfcrlog, p. 331. 438~osef bisa. "Knifni maEstvia, p. 420. u 9 ~ o ~ f rasa, T)Lkl ilwnimvrmd rukopisy 13.116. noleti (Czech Iliuminaieci Manuscripts of the 13th through the 16th Centuries), (Prague, 1990). p. 349.

Perhaps, though, we shouid consider the evidence that MichaeI's particular interest was the Church of

St. Barbara, while that of Jan was the Church of the Holy Trinity, for which this book was made. This

would lead to the specuiation rhat Jan Smi3ek was more probably the sponsor.

History - the book's traveIs h m the sixteenth century to the twentieth century By the midde of

the sgdeenth century we know that the book was in Becbyd in the han& of Vgclav Swamberk and his

wife, Katherine. There are two plates on the front cover of the book, into which the tongues of the

ciosure S t n p fit. On the iower one is engraved, "WACLLAWA Z SSWAMBERKA A NA BECHINL PANN 1562"

and on the upper, "KATERZ~NA MEZERZ~CKA Z LûMNICE UMIIPU GEST 1561 " . 'Ihe corresponding brass

fiaings on the ends on the straps are inscni, one with the figure of a Swan and and the other 4th a

wing. the symbols of the two families. The husband also died in 1563, shortly afier his d e . '

Unterkircher states that the book was acquired by Archduke Ferdinand during his term as governor of

Bohemia from 1549 - 1562.~~' He made reference to PrEnisser as source of this inf~rmation.~ We have,

however, more detailed and probably more crediile information from Rybifka, who was told by

FrantiSek Mares, a librarian in the Schwartzenberg archives, about a biography of Lord Petr Vok of

~ o h b e r k . ~ Vok acquired from the lords of Swamberk and Sternberk a collection of books, pictures

and antiques, among which were our graduale and the two-volume Sternberk graduale.*Y In his youth,

Lord Petr Vok of Roimberk spem a mmiber of years in the court of Ferdinand 1 and his son Maxidian

II and at that time got to know Archduke Ferdinand who was govemor of Bohemia before he became

Lord of the Tyrol. Ferdinand was an enthushic coiiector of antiques and works of art and built up an

extensive collection in the Ambras cascle near Innsbruck. Ferdinand visited Petr Vok at his castie in

Cesw Knimlov in the early part of 1590 and Roimberk must have told the archduke about his

acquisitions, since, shortly afterwards he sent his servant, Abraham MeEeroda z MeCeroclu, to innsbruck

UDIb. Frimmel. 'Urkunden'. p. X. 44'~ranz Unterkircher, "Ambrasser Hand3cfiriften, Ein Tausch zwischen dem KUIlStbiStOrischen Museum und der Nationaibibliothek im Jahre l936", Jahrbuch der Kwrrthistorischen sùmmhgen in Wen, LIX (1963). p. 256. 442~0is Rimisser, Die kcrrserlich-R6niglilidrc Ambr~sser-Sammlung, (Vicnna, 1819). p. 257 f. 443 Ant. Rybitka, Pmnatky, XI (1878). pp. 2a7-8. The book is entitled: Arutrrles illrcstris Pnmpis ac D. D. Petri Wok Ursini* & Rosis, &hi gubenuüoris hius anriqurrc inciyiaeque domus et f&he Rostnbergiacae et PrUnaris p. B. W. The book was wrinen by Viidav Bfezan m 1612 - 1615, shortIy after Lord Rohberk's death in 161 1. It is the last book of a five-volume history of the RoZmberks held in the archive of Tfebon. It is available in a primed Czech version, %of P m V o h z Rosenbenka, (Prague, 1880). prcpared by Frantisek ManiS. The information about the gifts to Ferdinand and bis gratefiil acknowledgement are found on p. 129. uhl~ Mus. Hs. 15493 and 1SQ94.

with three large illuminateci parchment graduales and some precious stones." Ferdinand iBdicated his

gratitude for these gifts in a letter in his own hand dated Jdy 21, 1590. Neither the Sd3kovsw

Graduaie nor the two-volume &ernberk Graduaie were among the 583 manuscripts transferred to the

Imperial Court Library in 1665, but reniained near Innsbruck until moved to Viexina in 1806 as part of

the Kaiserlich-konigliche Ambrasser ~acnrnlung.~ The collection in tune became housed in the

Kunsthistorisches Museum. In 1935, the director of the ONB proposed to the director of the

Kurlsthistorisches Museum the exchange of this book and ten others for certain objetF d'art held by the

li'brary. This trade was effected on July 17, 1936 and the book has been in the ONB ever since?

History - Matthew the inimrinafor AU agree that Maühew the iiiuminator was responsibk for the art

work in the booka and it is not precluded that he was also the scn'be'? Thk identification cornes about

from an inscription in the left margin of f. 433v. (Plate 44) Here, we fînd a well-executed drawing of

a seated angel who is supporting on his outstretched a m a nibon which then flows into the written

space to fom the intial A at the beginning of the sequence for Manhew the evangelist. On the nobon

appear the words: "Matheus Uuminator me fecit custodem in memoriam sui." The monogram M 1 is

found in the outcrop of rock at which Jesus is praying in the lower margh of f. 2û4v and again beneath

the picture of Iesse in the lower margin of f. 246r. Before considering Matthew's precise role in the

making of the book, we have to make an excursus into what else is known of Matthew.

Ristory - Matthew's later iife The detailed knowledge of mining mattels that Matthew drew on in

doing the art work in the book makes it highly probable that he iived for some t h e in Ku& Hora.

There is no written record, however, of his having doue so. There is information about him in Prague,

both in the city archive and in the land title books of the provincial regisîry office. On April 19, 1494.

he bought a house on the old coaI market (Uhelnji ah) in Prague nom Jan Zajifek for 57% kop. gr. His

wife Magdalena, a substantiai burgess and daughter of Erasmus of &mnik, a courtier of Henry. Duke

of MUmterberg, inhented the vineyard d e d Kantor&, which she sold to her brother Jan on F e b w

Q'Tiï veiiké Imihy. pergamenove. m y a psalterie psad a illummcnrsuié, s n&&$mi kameny m." %lois RimWsex. Die kaiserlich-Mrùgli& Ambr~sser-Sammlwrg. (Wien, 1819). p. 257f. Q~nterlarcher, 'Ambraser HandSchrifien ' . p. 225. *g~obn W. Bradley. A Dictionary of Miniar im . lllrainraots, Ccrflipphers ami Copyists. Vol. II, (New York, 1958). p. 273. This book is a reprint of an original published in 1889. %ybi~ka in .Dva stamMu5". p. 284, refers withorit any diswsion to Matthew as both iiltiminator and SC*.

11. 1495 for the considerable sum of 100 kop. gr. On September 17, 1495 Matthew and Magdalena

converted their property titles to joint tenancies. This wodd appear to have been a prudent estate

planning exercise, since Magdaiena is refemd to in an inscription in the city records on January 11,

14% as "relicta o h Matbei ilhmiinatoris" . a In other words, Maahew died in the Iast quater of 1495.

W o r y - iIIuminator, art historicai considdons - The configuration of the book's artwork is

threefold. The frontispiece on f. 2v is the only full-page painting m the book. The second d c

segment of the book stam on f. 3r and continues up to and including the large initial on f. 34ûr. It

hasts 23 major initiais with minianircs and an almost equai number of illustrations m the page margins.

The miniatures are executed in an opaque painî. Minor initials have an originality in their decoration

and are substantially the same as those found in the final part of the book. The third segment, which

occupies the rest of the book, includes minor initiais at the beginning of each sequence in the part 2

form. The first sequence for most feasts is preceded by a wash illustration in a rnargin near the initial.

~ybifka*'' and Chytil both regard the entire work as Matthew's, although Chytil does admit of the

probability of a subordhate hand4? Frimmel presents several cogent arguments for believing that the

book is the work of the one illuminiitor rather than two, one who worked on part two of the book, while

the other attended to part three. The inscription, which appears in the third part of the book, talks of

ody one illuminator. His work has been described as having been executed in the sketchy hand which

decorated the rninor initials. However, the initiais M 1 appear on two illustrations in part two of the

book, which have been pamstakingly completed. Surely, one must conclude that the same anist was at

work in ail three parts and merely adjusted his style to be more sketchy in the minor initials and in the

third part.4s Krisa, who believed that the book was not completed until 1495, introduced a variation

to the two-hand theory that Frimmel bad sought to disprove. His theory is that the second hand was

responsible for part three, ail the minor Uiitials and al1 the iliuminations in the second part, starhg

perhaps at f. 246, the second place where the monognm M 1 appears. Nonetheless, he believes that a

convention existed whereby the artkt of the majority of the major illustrations was credited with the art

-J. V. h d c , "ZprAvy O maütich a i i i w r e c h -ch doby jagellonské 1471 - 1526" (Infoxmation Concerning the Painters and iliurninators of Prague in the Jagiellonian Period 1471 - 1526), Pm&@, XVIII (1898-9). col. 472 and Chytii, Vjvoj, p. 12. "'~ybifka in "Dva staro(cRsk€", p. 284. Q2Chytil, mj, p. 13. -Th. Frimwl, 'Urhmden', p. X.

work of the whole book. He seems aiso to be influe& by the fact tnat Maühew died in 1495 and says

tbat Matthew did not h v e unnl the book's completion? Thus, a second band was necessary. It

wouid seem unlikely that Kr&a's theory wodd have beea advanced had he known that the book was

finished in 1491.

Cover - g e n d The book's excellent state of pfesemtion is refleaed in the minor nature of the work

done when iî was last restored. A note, written in Vienna m June 1957, appears over the names of Fr.

Roche1 and Ger& Mosesch on the rear pastedown.

Lederbander an den Schliessen emeurt, Blaues Pergarnent der Einbanddecke nachgefarbt,

weissen Belag auf den Pergamentblattern endernt und Fehlsteilen im Text retuschiert.

Cover - boards and metal fitthgs The book's original bbdbg includes square-cut wooden boards 1.5

cm. thick and 66.2 x 43 .O cm. in dimension covered with mahogany-coloured Ieather which has been

mitre fitted over the corners. Both boards are now rigid, althougb the condition of the Ieather on the

rear cover suggests that there was once a crack which extended the height of the board and was about

mid-way between the spine and the centre. The square cast-bras corner pieces have two straight outer

sides, with the other two sides of the square filled in with a delicate and intricate floral design. The

design is emphasized by the underlying coIoured parchment @lue on the fiont cover, rose on the back,

except for the outside lower back corner whkh is biue) which is visible through the gaps in the metal.

There are octagord feet near the corners. The sides between the corner pieces are protected by sheet

bras which has been inaicately engraved and whose inner edges have a Iace-Iike design through which

the underlying blue parchment is again visible. The central medallion has the shape of a square set on

its corner with a flower head at each corner and the midpoint of each side. In its centre is a shield

carrying the figure of a rampant unicorn. The main axis of the shield is vertical on the front cover, but

is at a slope of 4S0 to the lefi of vertical on the back. In addition to the leather closure straps. the book

a b has an iron closure chain, permanently fasteneci by an eye to the middle of the piece of sheet brass

on the outside edge of the back cover, and whose fkee end slips over a pst on the bras edging on the

front cover.

Cover - ieather and bhiding The basic design of the decoraiion of the leather on the two coven is the

same, but the details are different. Each bas a central rectangular space surrounded by two rectangular

frames. However, the central rectangle on the fiont cover at its top has a of about 3 cm wirh blind

stamps. separated fkom the rest by a double h e . The rest of the central space on the fiont cover and

al1 of it on the back is occupied by a iattice of hond-shaped spaces fomed by double hes , each

filled with a blind stamp. The inner firame on both covers is decomteci with roll stamping of a fioral

design. The outer and broader frame is mIi stamped on the fkom cover and blind stamped on the back.

The fIat spine with the labeI A4 has six double bands and two single ones at top and bottom. The Ieather

at top and boaom is reinforced by stitching with thick thread. The leather on the spine has double lines

extending the width of the spine pressed into the leather above and below each double band. The spaces

between the bands are filleci by two double lines fomiuig an X, extending from the ends of the top of

the double line above one band to the ends of the bottom of the double Iine below the band above. There

are parchment pastedoms on the inside of each cover. The holes made for the apparently origîual mid-

brown binding threads are variable in location by l e s than one cm. Between ff. 447 and 448, they are

found 1 1, 54, 100. 183,270. 358,444,53 1,579 and 627 mm. below the top of the quire.

Folios and fofiabon The book has two flyleaves at the front, one at aie back, 49 quinions between and

therefore 493 folios in total. There are no leaves misshg and each folio whose number ends in a 2 Û

the last sheet in a gathering. Al1 except four of the gatherings have a three to five syllable catchword

in a d scale version of the main hand at the lower b i d e corner of the verso of the last leaf in each

gathering. With such regulanty. one would be forgiven for wrongly supposing that the nmbering would

also be regular. In fact, three systems exist.

1 .The original one has the customary form of a nd letîer in the middle of the upper margin of the verso

with a Roman numerd between small diarnonds facing it on the recto of the next ka€. It starts with +ie

on f. 46r and is followed by A on f. 46v and +ii+ on f. 47r. The 1st entry in the series is P on f. 276v

and avü* on f. 277r. The upper numerals in this system range from xv to xx. There is no M rve owing

to scribal error.

2. Two late pencil pagination series exist, the first comisting of small numbers very close to the upper

outside corner of each page starting on f. 2v (1) and ending on f. 492r (980). The second appears on

every tenth page and is a large figure just outside the written space in the outer margin and below the

first musical staff- The two series agree on pages where they both appear.

3. A late pend foliation is in smail script and is somewhat h i d e and below the complete pagination

series closer to the corner.

The foliation has been used here since it is the system seen in most of the secondary sources relating

to the book, ahhough some use paginationa and two use a foliation that starts counting at f. 2-. With

the exception of the fht and last leaves of the book, the very light beige leaves are of good quality

medium-weight parchment. The brst and iast leaves are very thick and were presumably selected to

withstand Wear. The discolouration from use on the lower corners is atypically light.

Layout The care taken in the book's preparation is reflected in the great regularity of the contents. The

dimensions of ff. 77,252 aed 427 are 62.2 x 42.6,62.2 x 42.8 ami 62.3 x 42.5 cm. respectively . The

written spaces of their recto sides are 45.6 x 25.6,45.8 x 25.8 and 46.0 x 25.8 cm. Each has 9 systems

consisting of a red four-lined musical staff and the correspondhg line of text arranged in a single

column and bounded on either side by a double red line which extends the height of the leaf. Circuiar

pricking on these folios exists at the top and bottom of the inside of the double red Lines which define

the sides of the written space. There is also pricking at the level of the bottom of each line of text, one

mark about 5 mm. fkom the spine and the other 15 mm. from the outer edge of the leaf. The graphite

W g for each line of text consists of two faint lines through the widest point at the top and bottom of

the lozenges of each minim.

Script The script throughout is a robust, weil-formed textuaiis formata. It is generally black although

a variable number of lines of text on pages with miniatures are done in gold leaf, red, Mue or a mixture

of them. There is no discemible difference in the script throughout the book and no reason to believe

it to be the work of more ihan one hand. The tops of the mioims are carefully formed lozenges, while

those on the bottom sweep somewhat to the right and on occasion end in a serif. 1's are reguiarly topped

with a compact s or its &or image. Ascenden have a shallow fork whose right the is often a serif.

The forking at the bottom of descenders is very shallow. The upper compartments of a's are closed by

a hairhe of moderate length. The usual breakhg and bithg d e s arr obsuved. The heights of minims,

ascenders, descenders and sis are 1 1, 12, 14 and 14 mm.

O-ese include Rybifka, 'Dva StafOCeSk6" pp. 2814 and K r h who in 'Knitni malban p. 607 quotes a folio -ber which is in fact a page number with a transposition m r and in "KnW mahtviw uses both a correct pagination and a foihiion which in most cases (but not ali) has to be correcteci by adding 1. % addition to &&a's, Frimmel's ("Urhmden. Regesten", pp. VI - X I ) foliation bu this feature. While the exkahg foliation which counts tk first leaf as folio 1 may not have been prcseat when Frimmel wrote in 18û7. it was ctrtainly avaüable to K r h in 1978.

Titles, capitals, niiaals Running tities are m the main hand, but about 2096 malier. Capitais in tracts

and the sequences are either red on a blue background or blue on a r d background. The initials are red,

bhe. gold leaf or black with backgrounds consisring of geomeaic design, floral decoratiom or human

or animai faces and bodies inside or outside the initial. The corners of the backgrounds often sprout

tend&, particuiarly if the initial is close to a margin. Most of the faces are cartoon-like creations

rembiscent of the gargoyles one fin& in old churches. The figures are of minen. soldiea, peasants,

singers, a skeleton. etc., fiequentiy perfocming some action. There are also a number of pen and ink

cartoons in the rnargins whose subjects are less rich in naughtiness than those in the Kuttenberg


Musical notation Matthew writes his music using type 1 rhombic choral notes on r d four-lk staves

2.4 cm. high with clefs c and f. The neumes, custos signi and clefs are black. except when the text is

not black, they are usually red or biue.

Decoration The general nature of the illustrations was mentioned two pages earlier. There is such a

sriking agreement in artwork between this book and ONB 15501, both in the major illustrations and in

incidental cartoons, that most commentators credit it also to Matthew. The work was influenced by a

number of contemporary engravers, master E. S., Martin Schongauer and various Dutch mastea. While

Manhew may use individual figures of SchBagauer. the way he lays them out is ohen quite different and

reflects Maühew's own creative talent.q7 The pages with miniatures in initiais ail have extensive floral

decoration and most have miniatures in their margins. The initial A is decorated on f. 433v. by the

&bon of Matthew's colophon. (Plate 44)

. . Mmiahnes In addition to the fionfispiece, there are 23 miniatures in initials. Miniatures are fou& in

the margins of 17 of the folios with illustrateci initiais. in addition, 45 wash-coloured miniatures aher

f. 340v illustrate days in the sequenciary. In the other miniatures, opaque paint and gold leaf are used.

Those miniatures closely related to ones found in the Kuüenberg Kancional (ONB Mus. Hs. 15501) are

designated below by "Kut" followed by the relevant folio.

2v frontispiece Mary and child. portrait and anns of the sponsor's family. Plate 39

w~hytil, Yÿwj, pp. 12-15.

m e sanctus

Ad te Ievavi

outer margin

lower rnargin

outer margin

lower margin

Iower rnargin


lower margin

outer margin

both marains

29. SmiSkovs~ Graduale - 270

A Man of Sorrows sits on a plinth.

God sits on a plinth, an orb in his left band and a sceptre in his right.

Gregory, in red robe and papal tiara, sits at a desk writing "Ad te Ievavi" in an

open book ruied with musical staves. A dove descends behind his head.

Mary lmetls beneath a roof with her bands clasped in prayer as she Iwks at the

baby who Iies, surrounded by an aureole, on a brown and white tile flwr . Plate


A came0 showing God on top of the bu-g bush speaking to Moses, who is

seaieci. (Ex. 3: 2 ff.) Moses has taken off his left shoe and has crossed his right

leg over his left as he takes off the other one. Kut, f. 62v.

The babe on Mary's lap is reaching forward to touch the gift king proffered

by a kneeling magus. The two other magi stand behind the one who is

heeling . Plate 4 1.

John kneels and baptises Jesus who is standing in the Jordan while the dove

descends from the Father. An angel on an islet behind Jesus holds his cloak.

Kut, f. 73r.

Jesus, banner in had, stands in front of the dosed sarcophagus. Two sleeping

soldiers sir at his feet.

The risen Christ appears to Mary in fhe garden.

Jesus both sits between two disciples at table breakhg bread and also vanishes

out the door. (Lk. 24: 30 f.)

The disciples with Mary and Peter lcneel around the hül from which Christ's

Iower legs are ascending.

A cameo showing Elisha standing and watching Elijah being taken to heaven

in a red wagon with four wheels. (2 Kg. 2: 11)

Mary sits surromded by five disciples as a dove hovers above.

Moses kneeis on the mountain as God in heaven han& d o m two rablets.

Below, the Israelites sf on the ground looking glum.

God sits in majesty on a spiendid architectural throne holding an orb and a

sceptre. Piate 43.

The coat of anns of SmiSek of VrchovW.

The hut at the top of a mioe SM anci five miners performing different duties.

lower margin


lower rnargin

29. SmBkovs~ Graduale - 271

Christ and the disciples sit at a table. At the back, Jesus blesses the cup while

Peter, James and John (slouching in front of Jesus) look on. The remaining

disciples are listeniag to Judas on the other side of the table who is gesticulating

with a knife.

On the left, Jesus prays behind a rock outcropping. Peter, James and John

slumber on the right, In the middle, an armed mob approaches on a nmow


The south side of a namboyanî Gothic church having four bays in the nave and

a red tile roof. At the West end is a tower and at the east is a choir with a Iower

roof. ingrrss is by a door in the most westerly bay.

Two angels ascend a ladder ieading fiom the ground into a cloud as Jacob

slumbers. (Gn. 28: 12)

Qominus secus Vigil of Andrew. Peter and Andrew are rowing their boat as Jesus spealcs to


both margins

Qe ventre


lower matgin

Michi autem

both margins


lower margin

them fiom the shore,

Mary, flanked by Symeon and Anna, holds the baby behind the steps to an

altar. In front, a man in a green dalmatic swings a thunile. No priest.

Jesse sleeps in the lower left corner, whiie his tree with twelve figures grows

across the lower margin and up the outer one. At the top are mother and child.

John in red over a ùaircloth undergarment points with his right hand to a lamb

on a book wbich he supports with his left.

Jesus sits in majesty as he places a crown on the head of Mary who sits beside


We see a house in the middle wiîh a street scene on the lefi and a field with

buildings behind on the right. The side of the house has ban cut away so that

we can see Mary on a bed with disciples behind her. In front is a candle on a

taii stand beside which two men with an open book are kneeling.

Jesus stands with his right hand raised.

Busts of the twelve apostles appear among the vines.

Hus, in ab, red chasuble and wearing a heretic's hat blesses a chalice which

he supports on a book. He is flanked by two martyr deacons in dalmatics,

probably Stephen and Laurence. Plate 42.

Ten figures in white, tied together at the waist, kneel arouad a mine shaft into

lower margin

salve sancta

outer margin

Iower margin

d e r margin

lower m g i n

lower margin

outer margin

outer margin

lower margin

which three of their number have been thnist. Around them stands an armed


Sylvester, impaied by arrows, stands bound to a tree.

Four archers are shootkg at the bound Sylvester.

Procop in a mitre stands holding a crozier in the left hand and a book in his

right . Common of virgins. On the top of an arch the crowned Father and Son stand

with a throng of angels behinrl and a dove hovering above. h the archway

below, a crowned Mary sits with her child on her lap on a throne. A lamb is

at her feet and two virgins, one with a palm branch and the other with a sword,

stand on either side. Behind is a vast throng of virgins.

Chnst sits in majesty on a throne with an angel on either side. On his right

stand f i e wise virgins, their lamps lit, and on his lefi, five foolish ones. (Mt.

2 5 1 ff.)

Mary, wearing a crown, holds her child.

Mary sits holding the head of a unicom.

Mary is heeling at a prayer bench and has tumeci her head at the approach of

the angel of the Anuunciation who carries a ribbon.

God, in the figure of an old man, reclines in judgement, a cherub on either


Fiends drag a man in a nch chasuble down to perdition.

Satan awaits his victims, surrounded by four shades. Behind him is a pit of

naked bodies.

Monsters and smoke are at the bottom, naked figures in the middle and angels

at the top.

G d sits in majesty on an architectural throne above, serenaded by a choir of

angels below . Mary sits with the chiid standing in her lap and is hailed by three angels.

Stephen wears a dahatic and gra(jps a stone in bis left hand.

John blesses a chalice which he holds in front of his face.

Two soldien slay the Innocents while two women weep and Herod holds aloft

his sceptre.

outer margin

lower margh

outer margin

Io wer margin

outer rnargin

outer margin

outer margin

lower margin

outer margin

outer margin

lower margin

outer margin

lower rnargin

outer margin

lower margin

outer margin

outer margin

outer margin

lower rnargin

outer margin

outer rnargin

lower margin

Mary, on the left of the altar, holds the child, whüe a priest on the right

circumcises hmi. Behind, a woman holds a candle.

The k e e magi with their retinue and pack animaln foUow the star.

Christ emits a blinding light.. .

. . . . which causes Paul to fall blindai off bis horse,

Christ steps out of the open sarcophagus, banner in hand.

Christ stands with two disciples on the road to Emmaiis.

Tbree women peer into the empty sarcophagus.

Christ appears to Mary in the garden.

Adalbert in a mitre holds his crozier as his right hand is raised in blessing.

Mary and the disciples heel around a hi11 fkom wbich Christ's legs are

ascending into a cloud.

Mary sits in a circle of disciples while the dove descends.

Pentecost feriae 2 & 6. God, from a cloud, han& the tablets to Moses on the

top of the mountain. The Israelites sit talking at the bottom.

Pentecost f. 3 and Saturâay. Three workmen wheel a bIock of stone to the

tower on something Iookhg Iüre a gun carriage. A block is king hoisted to the

top using a Crane. Six masons are working at the top of the scaffolding around

the tower. (Gen. 11: 1 ff.)

Trinity . G d sits on an architectural throne, an orb in his left hand.

Christ stoops in a wine press treading grapes and supporthg himself on a stick

in his right hand.

Vieus holds a palm branch over his Ieft shoulder while he grasps an orb in his

right hanci.

John is in the wildemess dressed in haircloth and holds a book in his arms.

Peter hangs upside down on a cross.

Paul's decapitated body lies on a hiii outside a city. his severed head about two

feet away.

Elizabeth greets Mary outside her house.

Rocop, dressed in white, stands holding a crozier in his nght hand.

Hus. clothed in white with a heretic's cap, stands bound to a sdce in the

middle of a pile of wood. A worlanan carries more faggots on his shouider,

outer margin

lower margin

lower margin

outer margin

outer margin

outer margin

outer rnargin

outer margin

outer margin

lower rnargin

outer rnargin

outer margin

outer margin

outer margin

outer margin

lower rnargin

outer margin

outer margin

29. Smiikovsl$ Graduale - 274

while another lights the fire. A group of mounted bishops is on the left and a

groq of mounted nobles on the right.

Margaret, a palm branch over her nght shoulder. holds m her lefi hand a chain

which is fastened around the neck of a prone dragon before her.

The twelve disperse singly over a lamiscape, Peter in the foreground,

Jesus is at table in the Pharisee's house as the womao anoints his feet. Kut, f.


James stands with a staff and a hat decorated with a scallop sheU.

Anne sits in a chaU with two infatlts on her tap.

Peter, outside the prison, stands facing the ange1 who has reIeased him.

Laurence, cIad in a dalmatic, holds a gridiron on his right shoulder.

Mary, crowned and surrounded by angels, is welcomed by Christ into heaven.

A flayed Banholomew of skeletal appearance kneels before a man who seems

to intend to decapitate him with a vicious-looking scirnitar.

John's body. han& clasped above the neck, lies to the right. On the left, the

executioner places his head on Saiome's planer.

Anne sits with Mary sitting on her lap.

Two assassins pull on the ends of the rope which encircles Lucimilia's neck.

An angel with long wavy light brown hair supports one end of the ribbon

bearing Maühew 's colophon and which continues info the adjacent initial. Plate


Wenceslas, dressed in plate amour and wearing a crown, holds a shield in one

hand and a lance in the other.

Michel stands on the dragon. Having impaled it with the cross in his left hand,

he is about to dispatch it with the sword in his right.

Ursufa and her maidens are close to shore in a boat with a sail, An archer on

the land shoots at them.

Martin, wearing a rich cope and mitre and holding a crozier, hands money to

a kneeling beggar.

Katherine, wearing a crown and holding a book in her left hand, rests her right

hand on the pomme1 of a sword whose point is on the ground.

Andtew stands behind a diagonal cross which he is holding.

449v outer m g i n Nicholas with mitre and crozier cradles three money bags in his lefi ann.


Biezan. V6clav. Edited by FramiSek MareS. &of Petra VoRo z Rosentrerka. Prague, 1880.

Chytïl, b e l . Viwj minirrtummo maü&vi Ceskeho ra du& b&i r d jagellomkého. Prague, 1896.

Fojtikovii, Jana. "Hudebni doklady Husova kultu z 15. a 16. stoletiw . Miscelùuzea MMusicologica,

XXIX (1981), 51-142,

Frimmel, Ttieodor. "Urkunden, Regesten und artistisches QuelIenmaterial der Inuisthistorischen

Sammlungen des Ailerhôehsten Kaiserhauses", J&r&cu:h &r krarsthirrorisdren Simmhgm des

Allerhoctisren Kaiserkes, V (1 887). 1-XXIV . Krasa, Josef. &ski ilmWtfmvané rukopisy 13. /.6. stoleti. Prague, 1990.

K r h , Josef. " K W malbaw, m his Dejury &Mho @mantého utn&zhfpoaitku do konce njédovh.

Vol. 112. Prague, 1984.

KrAsa, Josef. "K- maiIbtviw, in Pozdnt! gotické matf v &hach. Prague, 1978-

Matejf ek, Ant. "MaMstviw , in Zdenek Wirth, ed., De@ ijîvamého mBii v &chdch. Vol. 1.

Prague, 1931.

Mani, Ono and Franz Unterkircher. W o g der 0b-m Handrchrjçten der osterreichischen

Nationaibibliothek, " Series Nova". Part 211. Vienna, 1963.

Primisser. Alois. Die kaiserlich-konigliche Ambrarser-Sommlung. Vienna, 18 19.

Rybifka. Antonin. "Dva staroteskk kancionaly v c. k. sbfrce Ambrasské" . P4mCftky archaeologick~

a &topisné, VI (1 865), 28 1-287.

Si&, J. V. "Zpdvy O maliiich a illuminatorech praZsl@ch doby jageilonsk6 1471 - lS26", P d @

archaeologické a mistopisné, XVIII (1 898-9), cols. 457-484.

Unterkircher, Franz. " Ambrasser Handschrifkn, Ein Tausch zwischen dem Kunsthistorischen Museum

und der Nationaibbliothek im hhre 1936", Jahrbuch der Kiuisthistorischen Samnùungen in

Men, LIX (1963), 225-256.

Unterkircher, F m . "Die d a t i e n Handschriften der ~sterreichischen Nationalbibliothek von 145 1

bis 1500". in K&&g der dan'erten HQndSchdjten in lcrrevrischer S c w in &temich. Vol. DI,

Pt. 1. Vienna, 1974.

Wocel, J. Er. "Miniatuxy Pakt XVI. sto2etl", PmnatRy archaeologickt! a mktoprsné, III (1859),


29. Smikovsi@ Graduale - 276

Plate 39 f. 2v: Frontispiece, Coronation of Mary. Plate 40 f. 64v: Chrismias

Sm3ek farnily and coat of anns

PIate 41 f. 73r: Epiphany

Plate 42 f. 285r: Common of Martyrs

Plate 43 f. 202v: Trinity Sunday

Plate 44

f. 433v: Colophon of Matthew

30. Sobotka "1582" Graduale - 279


S M olrreslu archiv Jifh se sidlem v Jeficich, Fonds, Arehiv mësta sobotky 1497 - 1945 ICniha:

3, o h ZP 2941283, Sobotka 21254, PSC 50776. Date: 1509-1537.

The book has ai l the elements of a Latin graduale of the penod. 19 individual folios plus one quinion

are missinga8, four probably because of art coiiectoa and the rest for reasons that are not obvious.

Contents - summary

IV Frontispiece

2r - 39v Ordinary of the mass, 2r - 23v: Kyrie, Gloria; 23v - 38v: Sancnis, Agnus Dei

40r - 174v Temporale

17% - 20% SanctoraIe

205v - 253v Cornrnon of saints

254r - 364v Sequenciary

Contents - ordinary Of the 35 Kyries, ten are each allocated to many major days in the temporale and

sanctorale, eight to commons of virgins, confesser and martyrs, and the rest to Our Lady and to various

routine days in the temporale. Seven are troped. Of the 16 Glorias. four are untropeci and one is the

Marian Trope. Of the remahder, nine are M i n M y troped and two are more heavily troped. A m e r

two (troped) Kyries are found on ff. 252v - 253v, and a ninefold one on f. 364v. There are 29

Sanctuses, ai1 but two of which are paired with an Agnus Dei. The two unpaued Sanctuses and three

others (total: five) are troped. In addition four Benedictuses are troped, one, which is attached to a

troped Sanctus, exîensively and three minimally, in which "Marie fïiius" is added after "Benedictus".

The ordinary concludes with a Creed on ff. 38v - 39v and the Gregorian Prologue at the bottom of f.

39v. The inscription on the rear cover, which says that the first section of the book up to and including

the present f. 39 had 41 leaves seems to imply that two are missing. There are. however, no texnial

discontinuities in this section as it now stands. The most lürely implication, therefore is that two

-A notation from the year 1597 on the rear pasteûown Micates that the book had 393 leaves, 41 in the Kyriale. 230 in the temporale, sanctorale and cornmon and 122 in the sequenciary. There are today 364 folios and thus 29 (19 pIus one quinion) are missing.

flyleaves disappeared, although one cannot forget the fact that the forrah gathering is a quateniion,

unlike that rest of the book, and that perbaps a bifolium was blank or was somehow abstracted without

leaving O bvious texrual Iacunae .

Con- - tempode, sandorsle, common The temporaie. apart from excisions. is Complete, ha*

Lancea D o m , three Sundays after Epiphany and 23 after Trinity. The section ends with propers for

the dedication of the church and of one aftar. Missing leaves mchide: one afkr f. 135 with ai i of Easter

Sunday up to the end of the first alleluïa verse, one &ter f. 157 with Trinity Suoday up to the offertory,

and one quire staning part way through the introit for Trinity 7 and continuing through to the middle

of the b o i t for Ember Saturday. The sanctorale is Complete. baving propers for 143 days plus 10

vigils and 3 octaves. The Usuai Bohemian Saints appear together with translations for Wenceslas and

L u W a and. in addition. John Hus and his companions. One misshg folio after f. 174 had the vigil

and day of Andrew and one aller f. 199 had everything fiom the graduai for Hippolyais through the end

of the fim few words of the &oit for the octave day of Laurence. The latter lac- includes the vigil

and day of the Assumption. Mary of the Snows. the Transfiguration and the Presemation of Mary are

dl present. There are propers for Francis. but none for the 10,000 martyrs or for the translation of

Adalben. The cornmon is Complete and ends with two offices for the dead and two troped Kyries.

There is a leaf missing afier f. 242 which contained a communion for Wgins and the d o i t and most

of the gradual for the common of Mary. The 2 14 laves in the temporale, sanctorale and common plus

the 15 identifred above as missing faU one shon of the 230 said to have existeci in 1597. However, the

original foliation indicates that there were only 229 leaves.

Contents - sequencisry Twelve days of the temporale have sequencu with up to five alternatives for

major days. There are sequences for 4 1 days of the sanctorale, 4 having an alternative. The Usual

Bohemian Sains are represented and Hus and Jerome have the two sequenus "Clencalis turma" and

"Rex regum" . Two folios are missing from the middle of "Rex Regum". Four or f i e folios are missing

after f. 350 which probably had the Iast half of the seqwnce for Nicholas, two sequences for apostles

and one and part of a second for martyrs. Leaves are missing after each of ff. 355 and 358 which had

Marian sequences. There are now 11 1 leaves in the sequenciary compared with 122 in 1597. This wodd

imply that four or five folios with Marian sequences are missing.

W o r y - date The book's matlufacture has been said to have occurted in the first third of the sixteenth

30. Sobotka " 1582" Graduale - 281

~ e n n i r y . ~ ~ Evidence of dating is twofold. The feast of the Bohemian marty~~ is the most developed that

is found in any extant Latin graduale. It has both an a i t and an aUeluia verse specially crafied for

the occasion and two Utraguist sequences ("Clericaiis huma" and "Rex regumw). The first evidence

we have of Hussite propers dates h m 1509-1516.- We do not know the fonn of the propers fiom the

Kuttenberg book, since they have been excised, but we know tbat the sequeace was the one having the

incipit "CIericaiis turmaw. The h t graduale which has extant eucharistic propers for Hus is the Great

Litomi5ice G M ' which was completed in 1517. nie oniy others are from the fourth decade of the

sixteenth ~ e n n n y . ~ Only the Louny codices have both sequences. No others have an -oit unique to

the feast. We also know that the sponsor was Jiudfich z Vald3tejna whose and coat of

appear on the frontispiece on f. IV. (Plate 45) He died in 1537." The book shouid thus probably be

dated in the p e n d 1509 - 1537, Iikely in the last ten years of the period.

History - place The book was given to the Church of St. Mary ~agdalene* in Sobotka by Viiclav z

Lobkovic on July 19, 1613 who had purchased it from the town of Turnov nad Jizerou for the sum of

32% kop. gr." The church depicted on f. 173r resembles the Church of the Lady Mary in Turnov and

would hence tend to CO& the material written on the first Ieaf. The second inscription on f. Ir, dated

Pentecost 1639, tek of a Swedish officer who stole valuables from the church and was forced to r e m

them. The book then was made in Turnov Ca. 1530 and was rebound in 1582 (see below) the year

"9~nna LivomvA, 'Sobow graduala, Sobotka 1498 - 1948. Jubileinr'sbomiR k. 450. 1poapo~j9ent' na m&o (Jubilez Collection for the 450th AMiversary of the Town's Charter), (Sobotka, 1948). p. 75. '60Resuming char ihis is the date of the Kuttenberg Kancionai, 0NB 15501.

okresni archiv Litomt%ice ïV C 1.

'Bakr- muzeum v Chnidimi Inv. f . 12580 (1530). Stami O- archiv v bunech I G 8a, b (1530) and St. Mark's Library, New York BX 2043 .A3 H8 (1532). 4630n f. lv, we read: Ke czti a k chwle panu bohu - uromu pan pan GGindrich z walsstayna a na R y c h n i i . 464 See Milan Myslivek, Erhmik, (Heraidry), (Prague, 1993), p. 6% and illustration p. 59. The sbield is rampant lions, gold on blue and blue on gold with four qurtexhgs. A crown sits atop a rightward facing helm. The crest is a gold and a blue wing, which on f. IV, each have a rampant lion. "~ivoroviS. 'Sobotec~ gr ad^". p. 71. '66Livorov5, ' @ S o b o t e c ~ gradualu, p. 70. '%II f. Ir, we r d : Letha panie 1613 ve Cztvrtek po svatfm DyvyiX Jeho miiostl Vysoce Urozeni Pan Pan Vaczslav Z Lnbkovfcz, Pan Na KosW A BtSkovyczich; R a d tento Graduai od Miesta Tumova nad/ h r o u za: 32 kop 30 groM koupiti, agey do Kostel Miestal Sobow, ke czti a Chvaie Boa a kpros Piechfi CPrkve svate/ na viecznau Pamatku Darovati. Pan Bfich Jeho milost Za Takovi, skutek Mylosrdnyl Zde natomto mietik Czasmé/ A v Nebeskem KraiovstW Vieczme odplatiti./ Amen. Jan Pokomi saiised,/ Miesta sobotky .

30. Sobotka " 1582" Gradude - 282

before another graduale, probably also m Tumov, received similat treatrnent?. This book and probably

dso the second one came to Sobotka in 1613 and stayed in the Church of St. Mary Magdaiene untii

1947. Why it suffered no emenrlation during the coimter-rpformarion is unclear. It is now, together with

five other books from the church, in the regionai archive of Ji fh at Jefice.

Histow - users The presence of propem and two sequences for Jan Hus and his cornrades indicates that

the users were Hussite. A miniame in the margin of f. 193v depicts Hus at the stake.

Cover - boards and megl Wngs The " 1582" boldly inscnbed in Iarge black Arabic numbers on the

front cover must mean that afier about 50 years of use, the book was reboimd." The work done in 1582

Survived in its entirety u n d 194748, when the book suffered another restoration, and the 1582 binding

survives partMy until the present &y. The present square-cut cover boards 49.5 x 34.5 cm. are

replacements for the previous oak boards which had to be discardeci. The work done in 1947-48 may

indeed resemble what happened in 1582. The bras comer pieces and the centrai medallions are Gothic

and probably date fiom the last quarter of the fifteentti ce- or the first haif of the sixteenth century.

On the other hand, the two plates on the front cover into which the e& of the closure straps fit and the

pressed decoration on the covers are Renaissance and from the last half of the sixteenth c e n t ~ r y . ~ ~ It

couid well be then that the book was worn or damaged and in 1582 the old binding was removed, but

the cast brass fittings, king in good condition, were saved and used in the new binding. The original

cast bras comer pieces are in place, with the exception of the one on the top of the back cover beside

the spine. The old fitting was probably broken or missing and a new one was cast, using the one on the

front cover with the same lion design as d e l . Its colour is conspicuously different from the rest. The

pieces have two equal sides at right angles which face the dges of the boards and a hexagonal foot at

the comer where they meet. The other two inward-pointhg sides are equal to each other. but longer

than the ones dong the edges and have some s d l decorative hooks on the outside. The intenors are

decorated with the symbols of the four evangelists. The central medaliïon has a circular ring with

trefoils at the four points of the compas. Wilhin the ring is the figure of a lamb with a banner and

a ~ r ~ h i v Jifin, Fonds Soboticji. book 5. Sec the next foilowing book description. "~ivorov6, on p. 75 of ' S o b a s ~ graduala believes rhat the book was imbouud for its f in t 50 y m . This seems dikely. ''OBohumil NusLa, "Vazba soboteckkho graduahi" (Binding of the Sobotka Graduai). Sbonrfk Severo&ského murea. Spole&nské vHy: Historia I (CoUection of the North Czech Museum. History of Social Science 1). (Likrec, 1958). pp. 152, 154.

another hexagonal foot. We have noted ttiese same figures, but much M e r executed, on other

sixteenth-century books."'

Cover - leather and bindmg Of the original leather in the cover, the two panels on the outsides of the

fiont and back boards were retained and the rest abandoned. The book was then rebund with the new

boards and new leather of a golden brown colour carefully mitre med over them. It was provided with

paper pasteclowns and two ilyleaves at the front and at the back. On the inside of the back cover is a

long typed description of the work done in 1947-48 in Prague. Previous inscriptions on the old rear

parchment pastedom were removed and refastened to the recto of the rear flyieaf next to the cover. The

two old leather panels were moistened and gIued to the new leather on the outside of the boards.

Unfortmately, in the process, much of the detail of the cover decoration was lost? The design of the

blind starnping on the leather is sixteenth ~ e n a i r y . ~ There is a cenaal rectangle consisting of a column

of stampings of Mies within a border of a triple line pressed in the Ieather. The remainder of the

covering can be thought of as a series of eight frames each made up of a two- to five line border around

a band of decorative mostly floral stamping (a, palm leaves, Mes, bouquets and a series of figures

labeiied sPB. ~ E S . WSITI'IA. =AS)." The one fkame then nests wahin the next larger. There is an

exception to this pattern on the front cover, where two horizontal bands Iie within the top and bottom

sides of the second frame from the outside. nie pattern thereupon conîinues unintemrpted. but of course

the long sides of the inner frames and the centrai space are shorîer than on the back cover. The top band

on the front cover is blank, but the boaom frame carries " 1582" in large Arabic characters. Two new

cbsure straps are each affixed to the edge of the back cover under a brass plate by three nails. The new

tongues on their free ends fit h o slots on the edges of the two Renaissance plates screwed to the front

cover. The new leather is visible on the spine and around the edges of the cover. The spine is slightiy

rounded and has six double bands. There are black and red pieces of fâbric attached to the inside of the

spine at the top and bottom. In 1995, a large new label was attached on the lower half of the spine

which has the inscription "Statni ohesmi archiv JiEin se sidlem v Jaicich, Archiv mësta Sobotky, 1497 - 1945. Kniha 3". Holes for stitching are fouad approximately 20, 56, 150, 201. 275, 339.405 and 440

mm. below the tops of the quires.

ff'Okresni archiv v hunech 1 G 8a, b and ONB 15493 ancl 15494. m~uska, "Vazba'. p. 152. m~uska , 'Vazba', p. 154. a 4 ~ ~ k a , "Vazba". p. 154-5.

30. Sobotka " 1582" Graduale - 284

Foliap and foliation The book has 364 Ieaves. Late pencil foliation is present in the outer margin of

each recto toward the top of the folio. An original rubric System b e g h with Ai on f. 40r. It continues

with a capital letter m the middle of the upper margin on a verso with a Roman numeral placed facing

it on the foliowing recto. Thus we h d A ii on ff. 40v, 41r. Apart from excisions, the numerals

regularly ascend in the range i to xx, except for the last letter (M), whose last number is ix. M ix is

found on ff. 25211,253~ The light beige parchment is of good quaiity and medium thiclmess. There is

moderate staining fkom use at the Iower corners. The frontispiece is a parchment flyleaf. Apart from

excisions, the gatherings are usu* quinions. The fim folios of gatherings are usuaüy numbered at the

lower left corner.

Layout The dimensions of ff. 46 and 254 are 45 -7 x 32.4 and 45.4 x 3 1.8 cm. The contents are

anangeci in a single column of ten systems, each system consisting of a red four-lhed musicai staff and

the corresponding lïne of text. The written space on either side is defined by a pair of double red

vertical lines which extend the height of the page. Its size on f. 84r is 33.7 x 21 -3 cm. Ruling is not

present. Srnall circular pricking is found on this leaf at the top and bottom of the folio at the inside of

the two vertical double red lines. Pricking for the lines of text is found at the level of the bottom of each

line of text at the outside of each leaf and again about 9 mm. from the spine. Pricking on f. 203 is the

same, except there are two marks for each line near the spine. Apparentiy, a mistake was made the first

t h e and new, correctly-placed. marks were made subsequently.

Script The handsome black main script is texnÿilis formata executed with care, but without pedantry.

Lozenges on the tops of minhm are symmetrical around the vertical and &y have a vertical serif

on top. Those at the bottoms are rectangular, rather than square, with the two long edges extending

down and to the right. The tops of t's are enended by a long and thick serif. The tops on ascenden are

almost flat and have a horizontal senf on the right and one at 30° to the horizontal on the left. The

bottorns of descenders are slightly concave and sometimes almost imperceptibly slope up and to the

right. 1's are regularly marked on top with a hair line reversed S. The top compartments of a's are

closed by a short hair line, except when the a is the first letter of the word, in which case the back of

the letter extends above the top line for minims and breaks down to touch the bow. Customary breaking

and biting rules are observeci. Heights of mïnims, ascenders, descenders and s's are 1 1.5, 15.5, 15 -5

and 16 mm. The script appears in gold leaf in the first four or five lines of text for special days. Che

later hand appears on f. 364r and another on f. 3 6 4 ~ .

Titles, capitais, Mia i s Running Mes are mbrics whose style is that of the main script, but whose size

is about 35% snaller. Capitals alternate between red and blue. The initials are bladc with a yellow wash

background or red or blue without a background.

Musical notation Tbe music is written on red four-line staves 1.7 cm. high. Black meosUral II notation

with keys c and f is used in the troped material in a Kyrie (ff. 6v - 7v) and in the Iast stama of Rex

regum, the sequence for Hus (ff. 3 13r, v). Eisewhere we have type 1 rhombic choral notes with c. f and

g clefs. Neumes, custos si- and clefs are black, except for the first four or five lines of special days.

when they are in gold Ieaf.

Decoration The initials Suscepimus (f. 179r), Bequiem (f. 248v) and Grates (f. 254r) are decorated.

The border decoration on pages with special initiais is moderately profw, spreading usually into two

margins. Most feaiure acanthus laves, often highlighted with gold leaf, although we find grape vines

with grapes on Corpus Christi. Within the vines appear occasioaally fniit. birds and human and angel


Miniatures In addition to ihe z ValdFitejna coat of amis, the amork mcludes eight miniatures in initials

and a small miniature of the martyrdom of Hus on the outer margin of f. 193v. There are no other

illustrations on the page borders. The &'s expertise is of middlhg quaiity only. The posture of the

figures seems somewhat unnatural, facial expressions are wooden and the colours not very nch.

IV Ml page

2r &vie

24r Sanctus

40r Ad te levavi

55r mer

153r Spiritus

158v cibavit

Fronrispiece with t Valdstejna coat of arms. Plate 45

A standing Man of Sorrows

God sits crowned in majesty in a red robe, an orb in his left hand and a sceptre

in his right.

Gregory kneels in prayer, a tiara on his head.

Mary and Joseph lmeel in prayer on either side of the chüd who lies on the

ground on the hem of Mary's dress.

Mary and the discip1es stand or heel a r o d a hül Born which Christ's feet are

seen ascending.

Mary sits, surrounded by the disciples, as the dove hovers overhead.

Christ stands in the wine press, his waist visible above its side.

173 r xerribilis

193v outer margin


30. Sobotka " 1582" Graduale - 286

A view fiom the north of pan of the nave and the West tower of a Gothic

church. The nave has a red tile roof with a cupola. The tower has a steeply

pitched tile roof. The two additions at the West end are presumably chapels.

Hus in an aib and heretic's hat is tied ro a stake. The wood bunis at his feet and

smoke envelops him. Plate 46

Livorov6, Anna. "Sobotl@ graduai", in Soborka 1498 - 1948. Jubüejnisbornik k. 450. vjro&povjSeni

na mato. Sobotka, 1948.

Nuska, Bohumil. "Vazba soboteckého gradualu", in Sbomik Severoa?rkého muzea. Spoiedonrké

v*: Historia 1. Liberec, 1958.

Plate 45 Plate 46

f. IV: Frontispiece. Amis of Jindiich z VddStejna f. 193v: Feast of HUS

3 1. Sobotka " 1583" Graduale - 287

SOBOTgA " 1583'' GWUALcE

S M okresni archfv Jifn se sidlem v Jeficich, Fonds, ArchiCv mësta sobotky 1497 - 1945 Knina:

5, o h : ZP 294/281, Sobotka 2/252, t!. 281. Date 145û-1490.

The book has ail the elements of a Latin graduale of the period. Textual discontinuities point to a

misshg 11 leaves and one quinion from the gatherings presentiy in the book. An inscription on the back

cover suggests that five quinions with sequences are probably missing at the end of the codex.

Contents - summary

Ir - 12v Ordinary of the mass. Ir - 8r: Kyrie & Gloria; 8v - 12v: Sanctus & Agnus Dei

13r - 10% Temporale

10% - 142v Sanctorale

1 4 4 - 148v Common of saints (Alleluias and verses only)

150r - 164v Sequenciary

Contents - ordimry, temporale The book starts wÏth a collection of 15 Kynes, none troped, al1 but

one of which are each designated for use on between three and ten occasions in the temporale and

sanctorale. Five of the nine Glorias in the book are Minirnally troped. There are 14 pairs, each

consisting of a Sanctus and an Agnus Dei. One Sanctus and one Benedictus are troped. The temporale

was initially Complete, having had antiphons for 3 Sundays after Epiphany and 25 afier Trinity. The

locations in the book, extent and probable liturgicai contents of the many folios missing fiom the

temporale are set out in the table below.

# Missing After f. Probable contents

2 40 rniddle of tract for Lent 1 to introit of feria 3

2 44 graduai for Embcr Sat. in XL to b o i t of f. 3 after Lent 2

4 51 communion for f. 4 after Lent 3 to introit of f. 2 after Lent 4

1 59 f. 3 after Lent 5. except for the firçt few words of the introit

2 80 From end of the Easter procession through the end of Easter

3 1. Sobotka " 1583" Graduale - 288

IO 92 Psah of Ascension Day introit to graduai of Trinity 7

The Dedication Festival is at the end of the temporaie. There is nothing provideci for Lancea Domini.

A remarkable feature of the temporale is the aimost coqlete lack of original rubrics from the begirming

of Advent through the end of Lent.

Contents - sandorale, common, sequenciary A surprisingly large number of days is represented in

the sanctoraie, especially when one considers tfiat the book oniy has 164 ff. There are 142 saints' days

plus 13 vigils and 2 octaves. The volume certainly is Bohemian in that the Usual Bohemian Saints are

included, except for Sigismund. Strangely, the propers which appear at the correct postion for the

passion of Ludmilla are identified as beiug for her translation. U n u s d y for a Bohemian book of this

period, Walpurga, Stephen of Hungary and Cunegund are included. Walpurga is found nowhere else

in our documents. Stephen of Hungary is mentioned in Esztergom 1.3 and in the calendar of NM XV

A 5 and Cunegund in the 1479 printed PizeIL missal, N M XV A 5 and in the two books of Jan of

Humpolec. Propers for Aiban are also found in the book and are musuai for Bohemian graduales of this

age. There are no m a s propers for the Transfiguration, for the translation of Adalben or for the 10.000

Martyrs. A mass for the dead concludes the sanctode. The common of saints provides alleluias and

verses for the usual six classes, with those for the BVM cornhg first. There are no rubncs. F. 143 has

only niling for music. The sequenciary is much abbreviated through excision and covers oniy the

temporale through Tnnitty Sunday but not Corpus Christi.

History - &te The book is difficult to date because of the absence of any other dated mss. with a

senilar script and content. The formation of the initiais in the te% is distinctive and musual. It is similar

to what we find in the Jindnchfiv Hradec graduale (JH). Looking at the first page of Kyries in the two

books one is stnick first by the idiosyncrasy of the initials and by the fact that the different shapes of

the K's occur in almost the same order and colour as JH. The same phenornenon occurs for the first

mass of Chrismias. The sfiapes of the initiais D. P, R, A and V in the two books are bath unusual and

similar. The neumes in both are narrow diamonds and both have five-lined staves. JH was completed

in 1491. The only Merences are that the Sobotka script is textualis formata while JH is hybrida and

the outside of the wriuen space in Sobotka is defined by single red lines wMe JH uses double ones. The

script clearly arose after the Hussite wars. Nothing of note was produced during them and the script

during the time of Wenceslas N was of a much higher qudity which was only reattailied in Bohemia

3 1. Sobotka " 1583 " Graduale - 289

with Matthew the 111irminator in 1490. The presence of propers for King Stephen might suggest h t thc

book was produced during the reign of Vladislav 1 (the posthumous), who was king of both Bohemia

and Hungary fkom 1453 to 1457. F i y , the script is simiiar to that used for the prayers in the missal

of h u k y (1483)'? The date would seem to lie between 1450 and 1490.

History - phce As to place of ongin, one has to keep in mind that the= is a second Sobotica book

which was rebound m 1582, one year earlier than the rebinding of this one, and whose date is marked

on the same place as the cover. One might specuk t h both were kept in the same church in Tumov

and the amhorites decided to have them rebound at the same t h e , perhaps because they had access to

a bookbinder who happened by. The newer book was, of course, done first. The confession of the users

of both books then would have been the same. Since 1582 was made for Utraquists, then so too

probably was 1583.

Cover The binding consists of bevelled intact boards covered with leather which was originally ivory

or Iight brown in colour. It has aged to a dark ivory. Dimensions are 37.1 x 26.4 cm. The covers are

decorated with four rectangular fiames, the outside of one resting on the inside of the previous one.

They are completely med with floral roll stamping with the sole exception of the corners of the second

frame which each have a single blind stamp. The central rectangles are filled with six colurnns of

vertical roll stamping, with the exception of two horizontal saips at the top and bottom of the central

rectangle on the fiont cover. In the strip at the bottom, the year " 1583" is written. There is a small

paper label near the top of the fkont cover with the words "Sobotka" and "C. 281". In 1995, a large new

label was attached in the upper left corner of the fiont cover which has the inscription "St5tni okresni

archiv Jitin se sicilem v Jeficich, Archiv mësta Sobotky, 1497 - 1945. Kniha 5". The spine is round with

5 double bands and 2 single headbands. The Ieather above the top double band is tom. Then are

decorative Renaissance corner piecesG6 on ail corners, except on the lower right corner on the front,

where it has fallen off. The closure straps are missing, Two small brass plates which fastened them

remain on the edge of the back cover. On the outside long edge of the front cover are two narrow bras

m ~ o e f K r h , ilumimvané nckopiSy13./16. siolui. (Czcch IUuminated Mmuscripts of the 13th thugh the 16th Centuries), (Prague, 1990). Plate 230, p. 349. "$ohumil Nuska, "Vazba sobotecicého gmiu4iua (The Binding of the Sobotka Graùuai), Sborntk Severodeského mwea. Spole&nskt! v@y (Collection of the Northem Czech Museum. SOCS Sciences): Historia 1, (Liberec, 1958) p. 148, esp. figure 76.

3 1. Sobotka " 1583" Graduale - 290 plates with a slot at the point where they turn over the edge, and into which brass tongws on the ends

of the straps probably fitted. There are paper pastedowns 35.2 x 24.7 cm. on front and back covers.

Holes for the often fracturd sîitching are 12,59, 1 1 1, 170,225,28 1 and 332 mm. below the tops of

the gatherings.

Folios and foliation The last folio of the book is rnmibered 164. aithough, since there is no f. 90, there

are in fact 163 ff. in the book. Wnting on the back cover tek us that there were 236 ff. in 1583. Neat

legiile pencif foliation is provided on the middIe of the bottom of each recto on the first 100 Ieaves and

toward the bottom right on the remahder. There is originaI pagination at the top of each page in the

middle staning with i on f. 13r and ending with xxi on f. 23r. A new origioal system then begins in

which a letter is written in the midde of the top margin of each verso and a Roman numeral in the

corresponding place on the recto of the next folio. This starts with a i on ff. 23v and 24r and ends with

p iii on ff. 148v and 14%. With the exception of fi. 143 and 156-159, the 1eaves are of darkish beige

parchment of medium weight and with moderate discolouration from use on the lower corners. The

quires are quinions of which oniy 8 are unaffecteci by excisions. The excepted leaves are paper


Layout The dimensions of ff. 60 and 120 are 34.7 x 25.1 and 34.8 x 25.2 cm. Singie vertical red lines

define the sides of the written space whose dimensions on the rextos of ff. 60 and 120 are 29.3 x 17.7

and 28.8 x 17.7 cm. The pages are laid out in a single column of 9 systems, each system consisting of

a musical staff and a corresponding line of text. There is no visible ding or pricking.

Script The main text is a small texnialis formata written with a fine pen and dark brown ink. Breaking

is slight and biting niles are irregularly foilowed. The top compartments of a's are closed only with a

haimroke. Ascenders and descenders end in a d g h t oblique line. The heads and feet of miaims are

ineguiar. Heights of minims, ascenders, descenders and s's are 5.5,7, 7.5 and 8 mm. There are two

later cursiva formata bands on ff. 148v - 14%. The hand on ff, 156 - 158 (Victima Paschali laudes) is

much later. These folios, together with the blank f. 159 are two paper bifolios inserfed into the last


Titles, capitals, ioitials Runnuig titles in the temporale after Trinity Sunday and throughout the

sanctode are in cursiva formata. Elsewhere in the temporale, tities are in a variety of later hands. Titles

are rnissing in the common and in the sequenciary. Capitais in the sequenciary aitemate between r d

and blue. initiais are brown-black with a yeilow background, blue or red.

Musiccal notation Type 1 rhombic choral notes on red five-line staves 2.0 cm. high and c and f clefs

are used in the book. The neumes are narrower ttian in most of the other books and custos signs are used

on about haif the occasions one would expect. Neumes. custos signs and clefs are black.

DeCoration There is one miniature in an initiai on f. 13r (Ad te levavi) showing Gregory m a red gown

and dara at prayer. Su initials are decorated on ff. 13r (Eregorius), 24r mer), 92r Wi), 104r

aem%iiis), 1 14r (Suscepimus) and 1 Sûr arates). On these folios. there is also meagre marginal

decoration of vines and fiowers.

herreiehiseae ~atioxdbibliotùek, Viennn, M-? Shelfinrvkr Mus. Hs. 15493 wohnne

11 and 15494 (Volme 23, o b Series n m : 2658 and 2 6 5 y 9 KrmSChiSforische Samd~ammlimg:

(for both volumes). Date: 1500.

The two volumes together constinite a Latin graduale which is complete in al1 its elemenu. The work.

because of its impeccable Roman Catholicity, would have presenîed the censors of the counter-

reformation with no temptations to make amendments.

Contents - Volume 1 Volume 1 has two parchment labels on its front cover: "Prima pars gradualis a

principio usque ad f e s m sancte trinitatis cum aliquibus prosis" and "Requiem". The former is in

textualis formata and is at the top of the cover. The laîter is three quarters of the way down and is

wrinen in textualis rotunda.

Ir Rubrics c o n c e h g the copying and the use of the contents

l v - 179r Temporale - winter part

179r - 184v Mass of the dead and masses for the BVM throughout the year

184v - 1 9 5 Sequences for the temporale, our Lady and the dead

19% - 197r The eight p s a h tones

The temporale through the end of the Saturday after Pemecost and which continues in Vol. 2 is

Complete and contaios three Sundays after Epiphany. In addition to the feasts on the usual three days

after Chrismias. there are propers for Thomas of Canterbury and Sylvester. There are sequences for

the dead, our Lady, Christmas (the two-line one whose incipit is "Grates"), Easter and Pentecost (two).

Contents - Volume 2 Volume 2 has only an upper label: "Secunda pars gradualis a festo sancte

4 n ~ n ~ Mazal and Frariz Unterkircher, Kaalog &r abendlandischen HcurdSchn'fien der ~szemeichischen Nanano&ibliorhek, "Series Nova", Part U l , (Viema, 1963). pp. 334-336. 9. Frimmel, 'Urkunden, Regesten und artistisches Queiieamaterial aus dcr Bibliothek der kunsthistoriscen Sammlungen des AiIerhOChsten Kaiserhauses" , Jahrbuch der kunsihistorischen Sammlwrgen des AllerMchsten ~erharcses , V (1887), p. XI.

trinitatis usque ad h e m . Et de sanctis. Et commune sanctorum. Et kyrieleison cum et in terra." The

table supplements this succinct sunimary by giviog the corresponding foliation.

2v - 51r Slr - lûûv IOOv - 120v

120v - 193r

193r - 208v

2 0 8 ~ - 210r

210r - 21 1v

Temporale - summer part


Ordinary. 100v - 101v: Asperges; 101v - 103v: Creeds; 103v - 120v: KyriaIe

Common of saints


The eight psalm tones

Caput draconis

There is no occasion indicated for the simple Kyrie which occupies f. IV. It is followed by the propers

for Trinity, Corpus Christi, the 23 Sundays after Trinity, and the f d Ember days. There are 78 days

in the Complete sanctorale plus eight vigb and three octave days. Its composition makes clear that it

reflects Franciscan, rather than Bohemian, usage. None of the Usual Bohemian Saints is included. There

are. however. a number of Franciscan days including Berardus, Petrus, Accusius, Adiutw and ûtto

(Jan. 16), Bernardinus of Siena (May 20). the stigmatization of St. Francis (Sept. 17) and the usual feast

of St. Francis (Oct. 4). Ludovicus (Aug. 19) appears in thk book and in the 1474 Misale Romonwn,

but not in contemporary Bohemian books. There are propers for the Transfiguration, but none for the

10,000 Martyrs, Mary of the Snows or for the Presentation of Mary. The Kyriale is arranged by the

class of the feast rather than by nameci feast days, as is found in Bohemian books. There are also entries

for our Lady and the office of the dead. In a l i cases, a Sanctus and an Agnus Dei accompany the Kyrie

(and where appropriate the Gloria). There are ten kynes, none troped and seven accompanying Glorias,

two of which are Minmially troped and one is the Marian Trope. The cornmon draws a distinction. not

found in Utraquist books. buween bishops and non-bishops for the categories of a single martyr and

a confessor. It ends with the Dedication Festival (ff. 19ûv - 193r). The sequences are quite limited in

number, including only Corpus Christi. the Conception and the Asswnption of Mary, and three for

Francis. The last item in the book, "Caput draconisn (BD 9: 161 f.), is a sequence for Francis with an

apocaiyptic theme.

History - &te The iliuminator's preoccupation with self-advertisement has lefi us with a plethora of

evidence c o n c e d g the date of the volumes. We find the year 1499 on the circumference of Mary's

nimbus in the illuminateci P on f. 23r of vol. 1. in vol. 2, the date is noted twice- At the bottom off,

96v, there is a poem in goliardic verse on a convoluteci nibon around a kneeling figure.

Tuum O Pater mihi iugiter

Assit consolamen

Et in morte F i t e r

Stigis ne supplicia

tradar post examen

sed Ceiesti Gaudio

Tecum fniar amen.

A. 1). 1500

At the bottom off. 176v (Plate 49)- the same Imeeling figure is mounded by a nibon inscnbed with

a prayer he is saying to St. Katherine.



AN. 1500.

Since vol. 2 has 212 folios, it would seem safe to conclude with unterkircherm that the entire work was

begun in 1499 and completed in 1500.

History - sponsor The illuminator gave a similar prominence to his sponsor. A complete Stemberk mat

of armsW in yellow, blue and gold leaf appears near the first of each book - on f. IV of vol. 1 and f.

2v of vol. 2. The gold star appears by itself in the lower margin of f. 23r in vol. 1. On f. 17th of vol.

1, the words, "Pax ewa poli donenu in orto stelligero Lacziao operis huius patron0 quem astrifer regat

conditor orbisn appear on either side of the Sternberk shield. (Plate 49) The kneeling figures on R. 96v

and 176v (twice) have already been mentioned. The picture is of a young man dressed in a dark coat,

in two of the three pictures with a white fur coilar, and with his han& clasped in prayer. He has a full

dark brown head of wavy haïr which falls to his shoulders and is apparently the work's sponsor. The

-ranz Unterkircher, "Die datierten Handschriften der ~sterreichischen Natidbibliothek von 1451 bis lXMw, Katalog dcr dan'enen HmtdFch@en in iateUiisrdrer Sduifr Ur &temich, M. III, Pt. 1, (Vienna. 1974). p. 190f. 480 Milan Mysliveikk. Erbovnik (Heraldry), (Prague, 1993), p. 38 and illustration page 56. The coat of anns features a gold or yeliow 8-pointed star on a blue shield. The hehet faces right and the crest has another 8- pointed star between two bfue wings. The illiiminator was not too careful about heraldic details, since he places the star of the crest, almost obscured, behind one wing and m the coat of arms in vol. 2, he ha the hehet Nnied to the left.

left figure on f. 176v has a Stemberk shield at his side? Zdeslav Sternberk (t1502) was the zealous

Catholic and supporter of the Franciscaos, who had established them in BechynE in 1492? In 1501.

he laid the fouodation of a new Church of the AssMiption for them. ZIis brother Ladislas was no less

generous to the order and was the donor of our two-volume graduale. As Chytil observes, he was a

pious man, leamed and eminent, who piayed an miportant role in the political history of his country as

weU as in his position as High Chanceiior of the kingdom of Bohemia. He died childless on November

18, 1521 and is buried in the monastery church in Bechynë where his tomb is stiU found. He is

represented in fdl amour, with a cap on bis curly head. His clean-shaven face is full and round and

agrees with the three portraits which the iiiuminator has left us?

m o r y - h b b of Olomouc, illuminator The name of the rnaker of the books is found on a number

of occasions in the fonn "Iacobus de OIomu(n)cz me fecit" , sometimes with additional information at

the end of the sentence. Iacobus usually identifies himself by letters around the circumference of the

nimbus of the leading character in a minature within an initiai. This OCCLUS in vol. 1 on ff. 23r and

171~ . and in vol. 2 on ff. 2v, Sv, 121v and 176v. On f. 23r of vol. 1, he ad& "1499" and on ff. Sv,

121v and 176v (on Barbara's nimbus) of vol. 2, he adds "in Bechinia", "in Be" and "in castro Bn

respectively. In vol. 2, an especially convoluted nibon within the gold-leaf Ietter G on f. 98v carries

the inscription, "-es sancti orate pro Iacobo de Olomuncz qui illuminavit hunc libnim in castro

Bechinensi c i r a dorninum Lac[zIaum]." His name is also found in the ribbon previously mentioned on

f. 176v of volume 2. On Katherine's nimbus on this folio, the iiiuminator has written "Dilectus Iacobus

meus me fecit et erat". He has probably left us a selfportrait below the illuminated initial on f. 23r of

vol. 1. We see here a bearded figure of a man of perhaps 55, with a h g e of grey hair and a m e r

tufi on top of his forehead. He is wearing a blue-grey mid-caif gown with a red hood resting on his

shoulders and a walkhg stick in his left hand. The hood argues agaimt his king a Franciscan. although

the colour of his gown and his tonsorial configuration (perbaps accidentally) are consistent wùh his

U'Chytil, m Woj minianrrnm0 moümv( &&&O ~ Y Z &by bdd r& jageIlotiskPh0 (Progress of Czech Minianirist Painting in the JagieUoaian Era), (Prague, 1896), p. 43, says that the lefi figure on f. 176v is Stemberk and the right one is the iiitrminatm, for the reason that the wording of the prayer which the ri@ figure is uttering refers to "M. Jakubw. It seems more Wly that. m fan, we have two pictures of Stemberk for the reason that the two persons pichired have identicai untonsured heads (face, shape of eyes, hair, etc.) and the same style of clothing, albeit of different , dark colours. '%nt. Rybifka, 'Dva staro&ské kancionaly v c. k. sbirce Ambrasské' (Two Czezh Kancionals in the Imperia1 Ambras Collection), Pamdtky, Vï (1865), p. 286. %are1 Chytil, mj. p. 42f.

king a friar. The rubric (vol. 1, f. Ir) which includes, "Nec faciant huiusmodi opera scriii vel notari

a seculanibus &qua racione.. . .quia seailares scriptores omnia fere que scri'bunt vel notant corrumpullt,"

fîrst appeared in a Franciscan graduai in the midàie of the thirteenth century." The scribe must have

b a n a reiigious, almost c e W y Fanciscan. Rybitka remarks that the illuminator was probably aiso

the scni , although one cannot say for sure?

History - users, chu& It would appear that the boolcs were prepared for the Franciscans of

~ e c h y d . ~ That the users were Franciscam is established by the presence of the rubric noted in the

preceding paragraph. The church depicted on f. 190v bas white stucco walls and a red tile roof. The

nave has four bays and the choir three, al1 with flamboyant Gothic fenestration. The roof of the choir

is lower than that of the nave and it has a cupola with a bell. (Plate 50) The Church of the Assumption

in BechyneL, the monastery church, in its present form is very sjmilar. The only ciifferences are that the

cupola is on the nave, the choir has four bays. and a chape1 of John Nepornuk has been added to second

bay of the south wall of the nave. The latter change, given the history of the c d t of Nepomuk, was

made later than the date of the gradual. The church depicted is almost certainly the monastery church

and thus provides a second piece of intemal evidence that the book's users were Franciscans. A third

indication is the presence of the Feast of the Stigmatization of St. Francis which, among Bohemian

books in th& study, is only found in this book and in NK XIV A 2, another Franciscan graduale.

History - the book's traveb fmm the sixteenth centiirg to the twentieth eenhny Unterkircher States

that the book was acquired by Archduke Ferdinand duriag his terni as govemor of Bohernia from 1549 - 1562.~'~ He d e s reference to Primisser as the source of this information? Whiie one feels a sense

of unease at contradicting Unterkircher, it wouId appear more likely that the book was acquired during

the third quarter of the sixteenth century by Lord Petr Vok RoLmberk of Ces l j K r u m l ~ v . ~ For the

*S. J. P . Van Dijk, Sources of the Modmr Roman Limrgy, Vol. 2. (Leiden, 1963). p. 361 f. "Am. RybiCka. 'Dva stardeskt5 kanciody " , p. 286. *~osef Krasa, "KniW mdibhd" (Book Painting), Po&& goticke' wntN v &&&ch (Late Gothic Art in Bohemia), (Prague. 1978), p. 420. Is7~ranz Unterkircher, "Ambrasser Handschriften, "Ein Tausch zwischen dem Kunsthistorischen Museum und der Nationalbibliothek im Jahrc 1936". J m u c h derhTimrtttisrurischen Simamimgen in Wb, LIX (1%3), p. 256. -Alois Pnmisser, Die kaiserlich-k6nigZiche Ambras.ser&mmlung. (Vienna, 18 19). p. î57f. 489 Ant. Rybitka, Pambrky, XI (1û78). pp. 2û7-8. The book is entitied: Annales i- -pis ac D. D. Pem' Wok Ursini de Rosis, ulrimi gubemaîoris huiu maNIquae Usclytaeque d0w.s et farmarmücre Rosenbergkw et Prurtatis p. B. W. The book was written by VéicIav Bfezan in 1612 - 1615, shortly after Lord RoZmberk's death in 161 1.

details of the further travels of the book, which are the same as those descn'bed earlier for the

SmiSkovsw Graduale, the reader is nferred to what was wriüen previously with respect to ONB Mus.

Hs. 15492 and is sumrnarized here. Rohnberk gave these two books, dong with the S d k o v s w

. Graduale, to Ferdinand in the fim half of 1590. The volumes are fim described as k ing a pan of the

Ambras collection in the Inveniar von 1613." They were evennially moved to Vienna in 1806 and in

time lodged in the Kunsthistorisches Museum. On Juiy 17. 1936, they were traded to the National


Cover - Volume 1 - boards and metal f M q s The original cover Sicludes originally white pigskin

mitre-fineci over two intact, squarecut boards measuring 68.6 x 43.7 cm and 1 -5 cm in thickness. There

is a length of parchment, used as tape, enendùig the height of the inside of each board which suggests

that they had been cracked and were repaired. The bras corner pieces are diamond-shaped pieces of

cast bras, which are flat, except for a hexagonal foot on the outer corner. The bras is cut away to form

the shape of a crowned, rampant Iion with oniy one tail which is made more visible by a sheet of red

parchment between the bras and the white leather of the cover. The detail of the figure (mane, eyes,

etc.) of the lion are engraved. The centre boss is sirnilarly constructeci and consists of an outer circle

with the points of the compass hdicated by srnail fleursde-lis. Within th& another fourfleurs-de-üs,

whose directions are rotated 45O fiom the orientation of the outer circle, stand on a hexagonal central

foot. The design of the brass fittbgs is the same as that found on the New York St. Mark's ~radua le~~ ' .

a work completed over three decades later.

Cover - Volume 1, leather and bindiug The originally white leather has become soiled, with

paRicuIar discolouration on the spine and the outside edge, where the book has been handled. A broad

frame. whose inside corners are at the inside apices of the cornerpieces, has been stamped in the leather.

The outer and inner sides of the frame are each formed by two pairs of triple lines with a narrow space

between. Within the two edges, the interior of the frame is undecorated. Inside the b e r edge of the

frame is a centrai rectangle filleci with six columns of interlocking ovals within which is an ascending

It is the fast book of a five voiume history of the RoZmberks held in the archive of Tfebon. It is available in a printed Czech version, h Pena Voh z Rusenbenka, (Prague, 1880). prepared by FrantiSek ManS. The information about the gifts to Ferdinand and his grateful acknowledgemenr is found on p. 129. 4?h. Frimmel, "Urkunden', p. XII. 491~t . Mark's Library. BX 2043 .A3 H8.

floral pattern. Two leather cIosure straps are nailed to the back cover boards, undemeath the leather.

Their free ends have bras fittings with tongues which fit into the slots on the outer edge of two smaü

bras plates W n e d to the from cover. The round spine has seven double bands and two single bands

at the top and bottom. Labels on the spine include "Mus 15493" and "5" (twice), the Iower 5

premably k ing a remuant of the label "5. A. 5" wted in the museum catalogue." There are no

pastedowns. Stitching position was not noted, but shodd be very similar to thaî of vol. 2.

Cover - Volume 2, boards and metal fitüngs The boards measure 67.5 x 44 -3 cm and are 1.5 cm

thick. They also appear to have had longitu- cracks, mended in this case mostiy with the help of tape

cut from a printed paper volume. The Gothic cast bras cornerpieces are diamond shaped with

omamentation on the dges pointing toward the centre of the cover and a hexagonal stud on the outside

corner for resting the book. They are decorated with the symbois of the evangelists which are made

more visible by an underlay of parchment - blue on the fmnt cover and red on the back. Because the

studs of the top corner pieces on the back cover are of a somewhat different shape (a flatter top and

somewhat larger in perimeter), it would seem that these two bras fittings are later replacements for

damaged originals. There are circular cast brass bosses on front and back, having an annulus with

omamentation on the circumference and a hexagonal circular snid in the centre and underlaid with red

parchment. Inside the annulus is the figure of a lamb with a pennant. Again, the fitting on the back

cover appears to be a Iate replacement. Unlike the brass work on Vol. 1, the details of the figures are

part of the casting rather than an engraving on a flat piece of metal. The original finings are identical

with those on the back covers of the two volumes of the huny gra~iuale"~~, a work completed 30 years


Cover - Volume 2, leather and binàing The decoration of the Ieather is the same as that of the f b t

volume and, except for the spine and the long outer edge, the leather is ivory in colour Mth little

staining. Labels on the similarly-confgured spine include "Mus 15494" and "6" (twice), the lower 6

presumably king a remnant of the Label "6. A. 5" noted in the museum catalogue. The stitching is witb

a mid-brown thread. HoIe positions Vary by at moa three mm. between quires and are located 15, 94,

170,245. 322,398,479,558 and 635 mm. below the top.

'"on0 Mauil and Fram Unterkircher. AKiaabg der abendlandischen Hamischrifien der Ô~~eneichischen NmaBo~ibliothek, "Series Nova", Part 2/1 (Wien, 1963). p. 335. "~ t~mi okresni archiv v bunech. sig: I G 8a, b.

Folios and foliation - Volume 1 The book consists of a flyleaf. 19 quiniom, one ternion and two

flyleaves. A complete later pencil foliation system in the upper right corner of the rectos starts on the

initiat leaf of the fim quinion and continues tbrough the last flyleaf. The number of the k t leaf of each

gatbering is evenly divisible by 10. On this count, there are 198 folios. The initial and last fiyleaf.

together with f. 197v are blank. The good quality cream parchment has W e discolouration from use.

An original system in Roman mimerais in red ink is found in the middle of the upper rnargin of the

rectos. It starts with i on f. 2r and continues on through clxxviii on f. 179r.

Folios and foliation - Volume 2 The book has a fiont and a rear fiyleaf with 21 @nions between. A

complete Iater pencil foliation system begins in the upper right corner of the recto of fim fiyleaf and

ends on the last flyleaf (f. 212). The number of the last folio in each quinion ends with the digit 1. The

fim five folios in most @es are labelied on the lower right corner of the recto with a red quire mark

consisting of a Ietter (from a to t) and a number (fiom 1 to 5). Trimming has often removed the quire

marks in whole or in part. Original foliation in red ink in the middle of the top margin of the rectos

begins on f. 3r and ends with clxlcrix on 191r. The medium-weight light cream parchment has moderate

discolouration from use on rnany of the Iower corners.

Layout The format of the two volumes is very similar. In volume 1, the dimensions of ff. 5 1 and 150

are 64.1 x 44.6 and 64.0 x 44.5 cm. respectively. The written spaces on the rectos of the two leaves

are 44.7 x 25.8 and 44.5 x 25.8 cm. The dimensions of ff. 77 and 152 of volume 2 are 64.5 x 44.5 and

64.4 x 44.5 cm. The written spaces of the rectos are 44.7 x 25 -6 and 44.0 x 25 -6 cm. The arrangement

of both volumes is the same, consisting of a single column of seven systems per page, each system

cowisting of a musical sîaff with the corresponding line of text below. The written space is bounded

on either side by double mi vertical lines which extend the height of the page. Faint graphite niling can

be seen at the tops and bottoms of the minims. Small circuiar pricking occun at the outer edges of the

folios, below each line of text by about 9 mm. in the case of vol. 1 and by only 3 mm. in vol. 2.

Script There is the hand of one scribe throughout the volumes who writes in black ink in texnidis

rotunda. The customary biting niles are observed. n i e bottom of the last rninim of letters having more

than one m i n i . usualiy drops beneath the line and ends in a marked serif pointed upward and ta the

right. The bottoms of the descenders in p and q. the ascenders in f and s and al1 but the final minmi in

lettea having more than one are s q w d off in the manner of the script which Micheiie Brown calls

"textualis prescissa"4w. 1's are usually topped with a hairline in the shape of an elongated S. The tops

of d's are flat and end with a very long serif up and to the right. The bottom of the bows of h's end

in hairline spirais. Heights of letters are variable from page to page. Minims are 10 mm. whiie

ascenders (including s's) and descenders are in the ranges 13- 16 and 1 6 19 mm.

TitIes, eapitalp, InitialP RUnnmg Mes are in rubrics of about half the height of the main script. Initiais

are r d , blue or b k k with w backgroumi other than the sparing use of yellow wash in the case of black

initiais. Capitds are of the same coiours, but smaller.

Musical notation The Fransciscan Jakub writes his music ushg square or Roman notation on four-line

staves 3.1 cm. high and with c, f and g clefs4? Neumes, custos signs and clefs are black in colour.

DeCoration The anistic quality of the books is high. The margins with decorated initials usually have

one or two sprays of acanthus leaves in the outer margin, without any additions of flowers. fruits or

forms of living creatures. The marginal decorations of pages having miniatures within initials usually

feature a substantial volume of multi-coloured acanùius leaves on a network of vines. There are aIso

variations, so that the foiiage for Pentecost is thistle leaves with thistie flowen and that for Corpus

Christi is grape leaves and vines with clusten of fniit. in the vines are single figures of birds, animals

and people. The illumimitor cleady has a good knowledge of ornithology. accurately depicting owls.

wrens, thrushes, etc. His only drolleries are animal figures pIaying musical instruments such as a

monkey playing a trumpet. His favourites are figures of bears playing bagpipes (three occurrences).

Decorated initiais The most consistent feature of the decorated initials is the lavish use of gold Ieaf.

Gold leaf features prominently in the mjniatures within initiais also. The illuminator frequently uses

halos to record his authorship. Unlike other graduales of the period, we fmd no miniatures other than

those within initialS. Vohmie 1 has six decorations in the hiMs Qominus dixit (Tn galii canhi on f. 19r),

lux fulgebit (Aurora on f. 21r), Etenim sedenmt (Stephen on f. 2%). In medio (John the Evangelist on

f. 27v), Qomine ne longe (Palm Sunday on f. 110r) and Requiem (f. 179r). The Meen decorations in

-- - -

4w~icheiie P. Brown. A Guide to Western Hisroncal Srripsfrom Mquity ro 1600. (Toronto, 1990), p. 82f. % is consistent Mth the principles Jakub enunciaiexi m lincs 2 - 4 of f. Ir of volume 1. 'In primh iniungiw katribus, ut de cetero tam in gradualiius quam in antiphoaarüs nocturnis et aliis faciant notam quadratam et qyatuor heas omnes mûeas...." Identical words appear on f. Ir of NK XIV A 2 (document 2).

Vohmie 2 are m the initiais Egredimini (The conception of Mary on f. 52v), In medio (Anthony on f.

72v), Qe ventre (f. 75r). Hunt scio (Peter and PauI on f- 78r), Scio cui (Paul on f. 79r), Confessio

(Lmence on f. 8%). &nedicite (Michad on f. 93r). @udeamus (Ali Saints on f. 98v, contents of the

nbbon within the initial were transcn'bed above), &mie (i. 103v), In virnitte (One non-episcopal manyr

on f. 128r), Protexisti (One marin. after Easter on f. 13%). Sancti Ni (Saints ftom Easter to Pentecost

on f- l38v), Multe tribulaciones Wany martyrs on f. 139~). Statuit ei (An episcopal confessor on f.

163r) and Qs iusti (A non-episcopal confessor on f. 174~).

. . Mmianires Six initials have miniatures in Volume 1.

32v Ecce

IV Ad te levavi A crowned Christ sits on a pliom, holding a large orb in his left hand and

raising his right in blessing.

lower margin The Sternberk coat of arrns.

23r mer Mary and Joseph behind her kneel in prayer before the child who lies.

surrounded by an aureole, on a red tile flwr. The animals' heads at a trough

are behind Jesus in this most pristine of stables.

Mary sits with the child sitting on her lap. He reaches out his left hand to touch

the gifi being offered by a kneeling magus. Two magi stand behind him. the

one on the lefi pointing up to the star which is above the h e of the


144v Resurrexi Christ, banner in hand, stands on a Stone ledge in front of the open green

sarcophagus . 166v yiri Mary and the disciples kneel around the U o c k from which Christ's lower legs

are ascending .

171v Spiritus The dove hovers above the head of Mary, who sits holding an open book,

surrounded by the sitting disciples.

There are ten miniatures in the initials of Volume 2.

2v Benedicta Christ, wearing a crown and holding an orb in his right band, sits on an

architectural throne with his right hand rai& in blessing. Plate 47

lower margui The Stemberk mat of a m .

32. Sternberk GradMe - 302

Çïbavit Jesus, with Peter on his right and John, cradliag his head on his arms on the

table in front, siîs at a table with the disciples. Judas, with a money bag, sits

opposite gesticulating as Jesus holds a wafer of bread to him. Plate 48

Qominus secu Andrew and Peter sit in a boat, holding a net over the side, as Jesus speaks to

ce pi mus


Salve sancta


Iower margin

Michi autem

Me expectav.

outer margin

lower margin


them from the shore.

A man in a mitre on the left and Mary on the right support Jesus who is

walking on the altar between them.

Mary kneels in prayer with an open book on the ground before her. The

disciples kneel on either side.

Nativity of Mary. Mary, wearing a crown and surrounded by an aureole,

stands holding her child.

Francis kneels, in a golden brown habit and with his stigmata visible, watching

above a figure of Christ on the cross being borne aioft on wings. Behind him,

a brother sits sleeping.

A young man heels in prayer within a ribbon with a colophon.

Simon stands with a saw at his left, holding a book in his right hand.

Barbara, a tower behind her, holds a chalice and a host. Katherine, to her

right, stands between two broken wheek, a book in her right hand and a

sword, point down, in her left. Both women Wear crowns. Plate 49

A young man with long wavy hair and wearing a dark blue cloak with a fur

collar kneels in prayer behind the Stemberk coat of arms.

A young man with long wavy b î r and wearïng a black cloak kneels in prayer.

Before him is a ribbon with the colophon mentioned previously.

A white stucco fïamboyant Gothic church from the south whose nave has four

bays and the choir, three. Both roofs are red tile, but that on the choir is lower

and has a cupola. Ingress is by a door in the second bay from the west end.

Plate 50


Bkzan, Vaclav. Edited by Frantisek MareS. avot Pefra Voka z Rosenberka Prague, 1880.

Chytil, Karel. Vyvoj miniatumiho nuzlü5tvi &kdho ur doby krdd rodu jagellomkého . Prague, 1 896.

Frimmel, Theodor. "Urkunden, Regesten und artistisches Quellenmaterial der kwistIiistorischen

Sammlungen des AiierhoChsten Kaiserhauses", Ji~hrbuh der ~ o r i r c h e n Sammlungm des

AIlerhochsten ~ethatrses, V ( 1 887). 1-XXlV.

K&a. Josef. "KniLni ~ " , in Pozdiz6 gotické méhf v &chdch. Prague, 1978.

M d , Otto and Fram Unterkircher. garalog der abemü&&chen H-chtjtSen der osterreichischen

Ndo~IbiOliothek, "Series Nova". Part 211. Vienna, 1963.

P h h e r , Alois. Die kaiserti~h~nigliche Arnbrasserlrclmmlmg . Vienna, 18 19.

Rybitka, Antonin. "Dva stardeské kancionaly v c. k. sbirce Ambrasské" , PamMy archaeulogické

u h t ~ p i s l l é , V I (1865). 281-287.

Unterkircher, Franz. "Ambrasser Hamischriften, Ein Taiisch zwischen dem KUIlSChiStorischen Museum

und der Nationalbibliothek mi Jahre 1936", Jahrbuch der KIU2Sthistorischen Sammlungen in

Wien, LJX (1963), 225-256.

Unterkircher. Franz. "Die datierten Handschriften der ~sterreichischen Nationdbibliothek von 1451

bis 1500", in Kntolog der dan'erten Hamischriften U, latevlischer Schw in 00emich. Vol. III,

Pt. 1. Vienna, 1974.

Plate 47

f. 2v: Trinity Sunday

Plate 48

f. Sv: Corpus Christi

Plate 49 f. 176v: Cornmon of virgins,

Sternberk shield

Plate 50 f. 190v: Dedication festival, Church of the Assumption, Bechyne

33. Plzen Gr. - Martin SarpnnE - 306


Knihovna NhxJniho mazea, Shelfmark: XII A 20, olim 201. Barîd 315p. Date: 1491.

The book is a Latin graduale which is complete, Save for a number of excisions. It would appear that

about ten whole leaves have been lost, as well as a number of partial leaves and margins which

originally had decoration. The book was probably an artistic rour de force when it was made, but its

treasure has been reduced by vandalism to only two miniatures, both of which are weli executed.

Contents - summary Inside f-c. - 2r Initial materiai. Inside f. c. : Mass for peace and colophons; IV - Sr: Asperges

2v - 33v Ordinary of the m a s . 2v - 22v: Kyrie & Gloria; 23r - 33v: Sanctus & Agnus Dei

34r - 192v Temporale

192v - 226r Sanctorale

226r - 273v Common of saints

274r - 391v Sequenciary

Contents - oràinary The mass for peace on the inside front cover gives incipits and folio references

for the propers. The same materiai appears upside down on the rear pastedom. The colophons identify

the sponsor and date of the book and wiii be quoted later. The top quarter of f. 2 has been excised,

removing pan of an asperges and the initial petition of the first Kyrie. There are 27 numbered Kyries,

al1 except two having rubrics identifjing the &y in the church year for which they are intendeci. Three

are troped. Fourteen of the Kyrîes have an accompanying Gloria. Eight are Minimaily troped and one

is the Marian Trope. Twenty-one nimibered combinations of a Sanctus and an Agnus Dei in the original

hand are given and, apart for five, the occasion is indicated. The last is incomplete. There is also one

on f. 23r in a Iater hand. Two folios after f. 33 appear to have been removed.

Contents - temporale The temporale was originally Complete and has three Sundays after Epiphany ,

"%Frantikk M. BamS, Soupis tubpisd ndrdnib m u ~ a v Praze (Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the National Museum in Prague), Vol. II, (Prague, 1926), p. 216.

33. P W Gr. - Martin Snrpnik - 307 23 after Trinity and an office for Lancea Domini. It ends with the Dedication Festival and propers for

the dedication of an altar. The Gregorian Prologue and part of the intmit for Advent 1 are missing.

Excisions have removed the fim of the main Chrhnas m a s (one folio), moa of the Sunday after

Chrismias and the &oit of Epiphany (one folio), Ascension Day (two folios), the introit, graduai and

aiieluia for Pentecost (one folio), ali of Trinity Sunday and the h t part of the introit for Corpus Christi

(two folios).

Contents - saudoraie The sanctoraie is remarkably extensive, having provisions for 145 feasts as welï

as twehe vigils and three octave days. In addition to feasts for the Usual Bohemian Saints, there are

propers for the translations of Wencesias, Adalbert and Ludmüia. Provisions are also found for the

10,000 martyrs, Mary of the Snows and the Presentation of Mary, but none for the Transfiguration. The

leaf after f. 197, which had the introit and graduai for the Purification, the illuIILination for the

Assumption (f. 218v and some of the introit for Hyppolytus on the precediog page), and most of f. 219

have been excised. Folio 206 has been inserted and carries an alleluia and sequence for the 10.000

martyrs in a later hand.

Contents - common, sequeniary The Cornpiete common has a large choice for apostles, maqtrs, one

martyr, confessors, virgins and the BVM. It ends with two offices for the dead. Sequences are given

for the major feasts of the temporde, with a number of alternatives for the most important, for 36 days

of the sanctorale and for the Dedication Festival (2). The Usual Bohemian Saints are included. One

sequence is given for each class of saint. Mary has 12 commons together with two each for the

Visitation and the Assumption and one for the Presentation. A single Creed on f. 382v - 383v appears

among the sequences. Chytil rightly observes cbat the book agrees with the Kutni Hora codices in order,

but not in artistic ~ p l e n d o u r . ~ ~

History - date; Martin Stupdk, sponsor Considerable info&mation about the book's history is found

in two inscriptions on its front pastedom, the first in the main hand and the second in a mal1 hybrid

script .

4QI~arel Chytil, lryvoj miniahcnftco maif15ntl' a.Ského ui duby balcl rodu jageIlonsktW (Rogress of Czech Miniaturist Painting in the Jagiellonian Era), (Prague, 1 a%), p. 2 2

33. Plzeil Gr. - Martin Snipnîk - 308 Ad benefactorem EulogRim qui hunc libnmi ad usum hic divinum comparavit.

Hoc opus ad sacros admante perenius dictus Stupnik impemis emerat ipse suis.

Pelsinea civis fama celebratus in urbe Solers officio consilioque gravis,

Cui deus actonmi merces etema bononmi Premia pro factis pendeat equa suis.

Anno ab Incamacione domini supra Millesimum Quadringentesîmo Nona[ge]simo primo. Ad

honorem et gioriam omnipotentis dei. Hoc opus egregium providus ac circumspectus vir

Martinus dictiis Stupnik civis Plpiensis pubiice chon Ecclesie huius coTlSUlens utilitati propriis

suis impensis fieri iussit.

in addition, we find the notation " 1491 Martuius Stupnik me fecit" just above the rubric "Marie nivis"

on f. 390v. Thus we lmow the sponsor, Martin Stupnik, as an mdividual of substance and an eminent

burgher of Phi i . A few other specific bits of information about the sponsor can be found in the t o m

records. The hrst is dated April30, 1487 and relates to the prior death of Jakub Stupnfk, presumably

the father of Manin. The entq acknowledges receipt from Martin Stupnfk and his wife Cordula of the

50 kop. gr. which Jakub had bequeathed to the tom for chantable works." In September 150049 and

again on April7, 1 5 0 5 ~ ~ Martin is referred to as acting as a guardian (porutnûc). On Aprii 14, 1505"'

and June 13, 1505m, he was Lord Mayor (purkmistr). F i y , he died on August 17, 1524." Of the

iiluminator 's name, we remain ignorant.

History - church W e the book does not tell us the name of the church for which it was made, we

certainly can see its architectural configuration fiom the miniature on f. 190v which presents a view

from the south-west. The West end of the church is occupied by a bel1 tower having three ievels of

windows and a peaked roof at the top. The narthex is immediately east of the tower, with the main door

opening on the south side of the church and surmounted by a tail window whose top is even with the

tops of the nave windows. The nave has four bays wùh windows and is covered by a low roof over the

498~osef S a d , Lisraikrolavského m&u PhCa dn<hdy poddmjch o s e (Chniclers of the Royal Town of P M and its Dependencies), Part II: 1450-1526, (Plzefi, 1905). p. 248. '%id., p. 412. %id.. p. 491. "'Ibid., p. 493.

mIbid., p. 510. m~id . . p. 714.

33. Plzein Gr. - Martin Snrpnlk - 309

aisle and a higher one over the nave wbich rises to a peak surmounted by a lantern and a spire. The

sanctuary at the east end has two bays. It is narrower than the nave a d its roof lower. The picnire

resembles the appearance today of the archidiaconal church of St. Barth01omew in Phi l . DifEerences

do exist, the chief one king that the artist pivoted the West facade through ninety degrees so that it

appears as an extension of the souîh wall. A h , there is an entrance tuàay in the second bay of the soutth

w d of the mve which is not present in the miniature. The nave roof in the manuscript is of a dBerent

shape and the cupola is larger. Despite these disparïties, it seems d e to conclude that the book was

made for the Church of St. BarthoIomew in Ph&.

EIistory - users Perhaps a brief history of the town crest of Ph& would be instructive as a way of

learning about the probable religious affiliation of the book's users. At the beginning of the Hussite

wars, the town shield consisted of a white greyhound with a gold collar on a red background. Just

before the end of the wars, the Emperor Sigismund added to the crest by granttîng a Iefi side consisting

of a gold dromedary on a green background. During the hostilities between the papacy and George of

Podtbrady, Paul II rewarded the town for its loyalty by the addition at the top of the shield of two

vertical gold keys on a silver ground on the left and, on the right, a man in arxnour with a sword in his

left hand and a half eagle in his right. FinalIy, on December 1, 1578, the a m were further improved

by Gregory Xm by the addition on top of the inscription "In hoc signo vinces" beneath a cross behween

a helmet on either side and a halberd on the outside of the left and a mace on the right. The escutcheon

is supported by an angel standing behind it? The signifcance of ail this for us, of course, is that the

town was a stronghold of the CathoIic Party over the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The book's

Catholic roots are weakly supported by the presence of the fast for the 10,000 soldier martyrs which

most Utraquist graduals do not contain.

Cover - boards and metal fi- The white (aged to a golden brown) pigskùi of the old, but not

originalm, cover is mitre fitied over square-cut boards 67.5 x 43.8 cm. in dimension. It is protected by

four brass corner pieces, a central boss and edging on a i l sides except that by the spine. The inside

edges of al1 the brass work are finished in a lace-lïke decoration consisting of small, roundeed teeth,

joined near their ends by two tiny brass disks. The comer pieces have a round, flat foot near the outer

-- -

m~iw h k , M&skd v &skjkh zemfch (Town Cresu in the Czech Lands). (Rague, 1985). p. 297. mChytii, W o j , p. 22.

33. Phdi Gr. - Martin Stupnik - 3 10

comer and a two necked eagle, with outstretched wings, and a head on either side of the foot. The

central boss is a square turned on its corner with a central fmt, m u r m d e d by an annuius and a square

frame. Just bide the b e r points of the corner pieces on the outer edge of the from cover and to the

right of centre are two rosettes with posts in the rniddie to anchor the fkee ends of closure straps which

are no more.

Cover - lenitber and bmdïng The leather is lightly tmleci with a design consisting of five rectanguiar

frames. the one resting d i d e the next. The second and fourth have roll stamping with a floral design.

The fectangie in the centre is dMded into three by vertical lines which enend for iu height. The round

spine has eight double bands, white and grey fabric being attacheci to the top and bottom bands. The

spine has the labels "20" and M110. There are front and rear pastedoms and a front flyleaf which is

numbered f. 1. The threads used for the volume's stitching are very dirty and frequently fiactured.

Stitcbg holes are found 1 1. 100, 187,275,363,450,535 and 628 mm. below the tops of the @es.

Folios and foliation A late complete foliation has been supplieci in the middle of the bonom margin of

every tenth folio and of some others. The last folio is numbered 391. An early partial foliation using

Arabic numben written in black ink in the middle of the upper margin of the rectos extends through

most of the Kyriale. The first number in the series is 4 (f. 3r) and the last is 34 (f. 33r). The second

early partial system in red ink is in the usuai two-part format with a letter in the middle of the upper

margin of the verso of a leaf and a Roman numeral facing it on the recto of the next leaf. It starts on

f. 34r in the main hand with the numeral i and is followed by A on f. 34v and ü on f. 3%. The last entry

in the series is Y v on ff. 226v and 227r and is found at the end of the sanctorale as is customary. N v

does not exist, although there seems to be no textual dixontinuity. A later hand has extended the series,

starting with Y vi on ff. 227v and 228r and continuing to 4 Ut on ff. 390v and 391r. The red ink

foliation is later than aii but eight of the ten excisions. The original configuration of the book was

probably a flyleaf, 38 quiniom, two quaternions (the fifteenth and fortieth gatherings) and four single

inserted leaves. These laves were inserted into the sixth, sixteemh, twenty-second and twenty-eighth

quinions when the book was made or shortiy thereafter. There were probably catchwords at the lower

rigbt comer of each gathering aithough, after trimming, only the ones at the end of the second and

eighteenth gatherings remain. The leaves are of a parchment of medium thickness and crearn colour

which show moderate discolouration at the lower corners.

33. PlzeIl Gr. - Martin Shrpnik - 311

Layout The leaves and their contents display a high degree of unifonnity. Folios 120 and 240 are of

dimensions 63.7 x 42.3 and 63.4 x 42.4 an. The written space on the recto sides of these folios û 48.3

x 26.3 and 48.3 x 26.1 cm. The contents are arranged in a singIe column between two double verticai

red lines which extend the height of the page. There are tui systems per page, each consisting of a four-

line red musical staff and the corresponding line of tes. Ruling is not visible. On f. 240. there is

pricking by horizontal dit near the spine and near the outside edge of the leaf at Ievels corresponding

to the botîoms of the lines of the text. On f. 120. then is pricking only near the spine. Both folios have

pricking in the form of a vertical slir at the top of the ioside of the double red vertical lines. On f. 240,

there is also a slit at the bottom of the b i d e of the double h e nearer the spine.

Script, main hand The principal hand is a carefully-written black texnialis formata. The lozenges at

the tops of mi+ are symmetricai, whereas those at the bottoms are somewhat biased to the right and

end in a slight senf. 1's are consistently finished on the top with a vertical hairline. Asceaders and

descenders are shon, the former king moderately forked and the latter very slightly forked. The upper

compamnents of a's are closed by a very shon hair Iine. Usual breakhg and biting mies are observed.

The heights of minims, ascenders, descenders and s's are 11, 12, 14 and 15 mm. While the script is

usually in black ink, red ink is used occasionally in the Kyriale and the sequenciary.

Script, secondary han& We find a cuniva formata script on the front pastedown which is used for

the votive mass for peace and the second colophon. The same script appears in the mass for peace on

the rear pastedown. Other textualis formata han& which are close to the main hand have provided shon

infill item. The script on f. 23r and on ff. 380v - 381v has the unusual feature of having longer

ascenders and of treating the shaft of t as an ascender. That on ff. 2û6r - 206v and 391r - 391v bas uneven base lines and i's finished with a jot which dopes upward to the rîght.

Titles, uipitals, initiais Running titles are in rubrics of the main script, but an about 20% smaller.

Capitais in the sequenciary altemate in colour between red and blue. Initiak are black with a Light

yellow wash applied to the interior of the letter, gold leaf, red or blue. There is always a background

of some kind, either leafy for any of the initiais. or geometric - red for blue initiais or blue for red


Musical notation The music is wrinen in type 1 rhomboid choral notes on red four-line staves 2.3 cm.

33. Plzeli Gr. - Martin Stupnik - 3 12

high and c and f clefs. Neumes. custos signs and clefs are usually black but are red on a number of

occasions in the Kyrïaie and sequenciary.

h r a t i o n So much of the artistic decoration has been removed that it is dificuit to have more than

a sketchy idea of how it may originally have looked. The two miniatures which remah to us show a

high level of artistic talem. They are picanes of the Father sitting on his throne in the sanctus on f. 23v

and of the church for which the book was made in Tem'bilis on f. 190v. The marginal decoration on

the former leaf has been partiy excised, wMe that on the iatter is intact. On the lefi margin of f. 190~ .

we see at various positions in the vines a man with eggs, two peasants fighting with a cross and a man

with a club in his hand. Marginal decoration remains on leaves whose miniatures have been excised,

such as ff. 2v, 193r. 218v and 274r. Compareci with the roughly conremporary Viennese graduales, the

number of decorated initials seems to be fewer. There are not and were not any decorations in the

cornmon of sa&. The composition of the marginal art which remains is similar in its elements to that

of Jakub of Olomouc and does not contain the illustrations or prohise foliage to be found in Matthew-

There are ais0 no drolleries present.


BartoS, Frantibk Michalek. Soupis nikopùtl Ndrodniïw musea v Pruze. 2 vols. Prague, 1926.

Chytil, Karel. VJvoj minianCrniho rnaIL&fvri &ského ra doby kralti rodu jagellmkého. Prague, 1896.

Krha, Josef. & s e ilwninované nrkopisy 13. /16. stoleti. Prague, 1990.

K h a . Josef. " K . malban, in his Dqirry Qského vj%vomého umBii odpoctltku do h c e st&dov&u.

Vol. 1/2. Prague, 1984.

Krha, Josef. "KniLni rnalilstvi", in Po&& gotické mai v &cMch. Prague. 1978.

34. Pizen Mis. - Vitus the Draper - 313


Kninovna Nairodi3io muzea, Shelfinsirk: XV A 5, olim 2 B 10, Bart04 3 ~ 3 8 ~ . Date 1487.

Apart from a leaf which has been excised after f. 20 and two leaves before f. 120, the book is a

complete Latin missal.

Contents - !sum.mwy

A list of the sponsor's benefactiom to the church


Temporale, Advent 1 through within the octave of Corpus Christi

Priestly preparation for the m a s

Ord- of the mass, 157v - 171r: prefaces with music, I71v: vacat


Temporale, Trinity 1 through Trinity 24, dedication of church and of one altar


Common of saints

Votive masses


Contents - ealendar The calendar is very fuii. For example, the greatest number of days in a month

for which there is no feast indicated is t h e in the month of March- Ail the other months have not more

than two unfilled days. In fact the a d practice was probably sinipler." When one tums to the missal

itself, he W only seven days of observance in March. There is a commexnoration for Benedict on the

day of Gertrude (March 19) ahhough Benedict had his own day on March 23 in the calendar? Since

%rantkk M. Bart&. ~~~ rukopiszi~odritho msea v Pree (Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the National Museum in Prague), Vol. II, (Prague, 1926). p. 3 19. SmThis is probably yet anocher instance of a calendar in- to be used as an historical source rather than as a kt of liturgid occasions. S e - John Hennig, 'Kalendar und MartyroIogium aïs Literatufformen" , Ar& für Lirurgiewissenschajt, VII (1%1), 25. w 8 ~ o r e Bohemian sources for the period put the feast of Benedict on Mar& 23 than on March 21. The only witmsses ta the earlier date are the printed Phdi missai of 1479 (Piexpont Morgan h'bfary 18140) and the printed

34. Ph& Mis. - Vitus the Draper - 3 14

the contents of the missal are probably a more accurate rdection of liturgicaî practice than the calendar,

the shape of the sanctorale will be discussed below in terms of the propers it contains.

Contents - tempode, ordinarp, canon The temporale is Complete, having the days expected in a

gradual, increased by lections for feriae 4 and 6 of the weeks outside Lent. There are 5 Sundays after

Epiphany and 24 after Trhity. The auaimn Ember Days foflow Trinity 24, immediately before the

propers for the dedication of a church and of one al& The îïrst excision aiiuded to earlier has removed

the first part of the main mass of Chrhmas and the second has affecteci Easter and feria 2 of Easter

week. The canon is preceded by five pages descnaed as 'Ordo qualiter sacerdos preparet se ad

missam", which includes general preparatory prayers and ones said before donning each of the priestiy

vestments. They are largely the sanie as those in the Kutni Hora Missal of 1486. Afier the rubric

Communicanr aiios dicit (f. 178~2) are formulas for admmic;tehg the bread and wine to communirantF

other than the celebrant.

Contents - sandoraie The sanctode has 158 days, not counting commemorations, plus 13 vigils, 21

sets of propen for within the octave or on the octave day and the greater litany. There are propen for

the Usual Bohemians Saints plus ones for the days of the translation of Wenceslas (March 4) and of

LudmilIa (November 10). Other peculiarly Bohemian feasts include the two translations of relics

(January 2 and 8) and the Dedication of the Prague Church (October 1), in addition to the normal

Dedication Festival found at the end of the temporale. Both the Transfiguration and Mary of the Snows

are celebrated as are the 10,000 martyrs (June 22) and the translation of Adalbert (August 25). Three

f a t s from surrounding lands, Siephen of Hungary (August 16), Cunegund (September 9) and Hedwig

(October 16) have found their way into the missal.

Contents - common, sequenciary A sevenfold organization of the common of saints (apostles,

martyrs, one martyr. confessors, one confesser. Wgins, one virgin) without a distinction between

episcopal and non-episcopal saints is used. The sequenciary is somewhat less generous in ia provisions

than are the graduales. In the sequences for the temporale, there are choices provided only for John the

Bamberg missal of 1489 (Huntmgtw RB 105126). The feasc is p i a d on the Iater date in the manuscript missais of Ledee and Vitu the Draper, as weli as printed Prague missals of 1498 fiom Leipzig (MM 45 A 41a), 1503 from Nuremberg (NK 46 A 88), of f 507 from Venice (NK 46 A 52) and of 1522 from Leipzig (NK 46 A 51). There is perhaps a confusion with Beaedict of Campania, whose feast &y is Mar& 23. The graduals put the feast between Longinus (March 15) and the Annunciation (March 25).

34. P M Mis. - Vitus the Draper - 3 15

Evangeiist and Easter. Sequences are inchded for 24 saints' days. only a hanw with more than one

choice. We fïnd one sequence for each class of saints and ten for the virgin Mary.

History - sponsor, church The name of the spousor and the church for which the book was made are

recorded on f. Ir.

Providus et circumspecais Vir Dominus Vitus pannifex Civis Phensis, Pro aitario su0 quod

parcurn fundasti et erectum extat ad howrem gloriose virginis Marie intemerateque semper in

Ecclesiarn parochidi Nove plme.

Following this sentence is a list of many other benefactions of vestments and altarware made by the

sponsor. The parish church of Ph& is St. Bartholomew's.

m o r y - SQibe, date The name of the scnie and the date of the work is indicated on f. 35411, at the

end of the votive masses and before the sequenciary. "Fininun missale per Petrum de Praga 1487."

Unfortunately, there is no information about Peter of Prague in the directory compiled by J. V.


History - users The reader is referred to the report about NM XII A 20. which gives reasons for

believing that Plzefi was a Roman Catholic town when this mirsal was written. Despite the formula for

communion under hvo kinds, the missal was probably made for Roman Catholic users.

Cover - boards and metal fitüngs The original binding comists of squarr-cut intact boards 41 .O x 27.4

cm. covered in leather. Both covers have four sheet bras corner pieces, a cenaal boss and fittings for

two closure straps. The corner pieces have two straight sides of equai length which meet at a right angle

at the corner. The two other sides are of equai but longer length and point towards the middie of the

cover. These sides are decorated in the middle with serrations. The centrai part of these fittings has a

low ciruilar foot at the corner and a stamped floral decoration in a frame pointing toward the centrai

boss. The boss itself is a square tumed on its angle witù serrations in the middle of each edge. In the

centre is a ciradar foot around which is an annulus with the inscription "Ave Maria". The closure straps

are anchored to the back cover under pentagonal bras plates. On the lwse ends of the sbaps is bras

'091. V. h 4 . k . 'Zpriivy O maWch a iZ1uminatorecb pNc$h doby jageliodcé 1471 - 1526' (information about Prague Painters and IIluminators of the Jagieiioaian Period 1471 - 1562), POmdtky, XVIII (1898, 1899), cols. 457 - 484.

34. Plzeii Mis. - Vitus the Draper - 316

hardware with tongues which fit into slots on corners of the two decorated rectangular bras plates on

the front cover whose ends nini over the edge of the board.

Cover - leather and bhdhg The leather may originally have had a polished dark brown finish which

has worn off, leaving a dirty beige colour and a porous surface texture of a chamois. The leather is not

fastened to the boards at either top or boaom and as a result, there is a flap of about IS cm of

unattachecl leather on the top of the book which extends across the spim. On the bottom, only a niangle

of leather hangs loose beneath the rear cover. The flat spine has five double bands and a single band

at its top and bottom. There are paper pastedowns on the insides of both avers. Holes for the light gray

stitching thread are 4, 35.62, 127, 194,259, 326, 360, 390 mm. below the tops of the Quires.

Folios and fooation An undateci inscription, clearly made after the excisions, accurately deciares, "366

Listu, posledni z nich nepopbnn5'0. Early ïnk foliation, writîen afier the excisions, appears on the centre

of the bottom of the recto of each leaf whose nurnber ends in "On and on some others. A Iater pend

foliation is found in the upper right corner of the rectos of kava evenly divisible by 10. The two series

agree up to and inciuding f. 290. Then, on f. 300 of the (correct) ink foliation, the pencil foliation is

for some reason 270 and they continue to disagree through the end of the book. The volume is made

up of 38 gatherings and two flyleava at the end. Ignoring the effects of the excisions, al1 but six of the

gatherings are quinions. There are catchwords of three to six syllables at the lower right verso of the

last leaf of al1 but seven of the gatherings. As a M e r aid in assembling the book, the numbers one

through f i e in Arabic numerais are usually written at the bottom right corner of the f irst five rectos of

each g a t h e ~ g . Some may have ken removed in the trimming. Apart from the canon, the book is made

fiom slightly off-white medium-weight parchment. The canon is written on stiff, heavy-weight

parchment. Discolouration from use at the lower corners, even in the canon, is slight.

Layout The writing on the folios is arranged in two co1irmn.q with margins around and between îhem.

Using ff. 120r and 271 r as examples, the layouts are described in the table below. AU dimensions are

in centimetres. Except for the secpenciary, each column has 31 hes of text. Four fine vertical liaes in

brown ink define the two columns and inside, centre and outside margins on each page. Horizontal lines

which cross both columns mark off the top and botîom of the written space. There are 32 horizontal ink

''O366 Icaves, the lm of wbich is not wristen on.

34. Plzeii Mis. - Vitus the Draper - 317

Lines on both pages, ow for each liw of the 31 hes of text and one on top of the first line. On both

Overd page dimensions

Inside rnargin

Outside margin

Upper margin

Lower margin

Margin between columns

Left column width

Eüght column width

Column height

of Our sample leaves, there is pricking in the form of short vertical sliu at the top and bottom of each

of the four vertical lines. There may be pricking for horizontal lines near the spine, but the binding is

too tight to see. The is none on the outside of f. 120, but there are vertical slits on f. 27 Ir, at the level

of the bottom of lines 8, 15,22, 28, 29,30 and 3 1.

Script Peter used cursiva formata throughout as the main hand and enjoyed making occasional

flourishes. The heights of minims. ascenden, descenders and s 's are 4.5, 10, 9.5 and 1 1.5 mm. The

colour is black in most of the book, but has fkded to brown in some sections toward the end. The same

script, but somewhat smaller, is used in the sequenciary.

Tics, capitals, ïnitials Runniag titles are rubrics in the same script and size as the main hand. Capirals

are black and unadorneci apart from a small dab of üght yellow as background. Initials are a medium

tone of either red or bIue. The initial 1 in "In illo temporem can be as high as seven lines.

Musical notation Music is found on ff. 153r - 171r for the ordinary of the mass and the proper

prefaces. It is written wiih a four-line red staff 1.7 cm. high, no clef designation, black rhombic notes

and a custos at the end of the me, where appropriate.

Docoration Decorations are plentifui and found in the initials Ecce (f. 25r), circumdederunt (LXX -

34. Plzen Mis. - Vibis the Draper - 3 18

f. 35r). Bbavit (f. 149v), Domine in tua ('ïrinity 1 - f. 181r). Qominus secus (Vigil of Andnw - f. 228r), @udeamus (Conception of Mary - f. 230~). Suscepimus (f. 242r). Michi autem (Manhias - f. 247r), Romte (Amninciation - f. 250r). Nos autem (Finding of the Cross - f. 2 5 5 ~ ) ~ Qe ventre (f. 265~) .

Nunc scio (f. 268r). Salve -ta (Vigil of the Assumption - f. 286v), mudeamus (f. 287v). audeamus

(Binh of Mary - f. 293v), Liber generationis (Gospel for the bkth of Mary - f. 294r), Ego autem (vigil

for apodes - f. 132r) and Michi autem (common of apodes - f. 313r).

. . Miniatures Miniatures within initiah are found on four leaves.

142v Spiritus In the lower cornpartment, we find Mary with John, Peter and several other

disciples. The dove in the upper cornpartment is heading up rather than down.

148v Benedicta Christ is seated in majesty with an orb and sceptre.

172r Te igitur Christ is depicted in the tomb to the height of his wain with hk wounds visible

and extending his arms while his elbows are held to his side.

225v Tembilis We look at the no f i side of a small church with ody two windows. The door

occupies most of the west waii. On the north side, there is a round tower near

the West end and a bel1 tower (with one bell) near the east end.


BartoS, FrantiSek Michalek. Soupis nikopisd Ndrodiho murea v Plate. 2 vols. Prague, 1926.

Chytil, Karel. Vjvoj miniatumiho malf'tvi &ského za doby rodu jagellonského. Prague. 1896.

Matéjtek. Ant. "MaiEstvin, in Zdenek Wirth, ed., D@epis jmarntfho mau' v &hach. Vol. 1.

Prague, 1 93 1.

35. Zittau Graduale - 319

. . Chmûan-Weir-Bibliothek, Zittau: Ms. A. HI. Date: 1512.

The book is a Festai Latin graduale with dl of the elements present which are usually found in such a

book. Folios 31,42 - 47, 80, 154 - 160 are missing, although there are no obvious lacunae in the text.

Contents - summary

Ir - 30r Ordinary of the mass. Ir - 17r: Kyrie & Gloria; 17r - 30r: Sanctus & Agnus Dei

30v Hymn to the BVM and colophoa

32r - 88r Temporale

88v - 106r Sanctorale

106v - 141v Common of saints

141v - 144v Mass of the Dead

145 - 152v Creeds

161r-233v Sequenciary

Contents - ordinary Four of the 17 Kyries are troped. Only five are allocated to specific occasions.

Incipits are given for seven Glorias. The fidi angelic hymn appears in eight versions. Of the eight. one

is the Marian trope and six are Minimally troped. The unnoteci poem, probably used as a hymd". on

f. 30v points to the strong rôle of Marian devotion in the church for which the book was made:

Ad honorem et decorem matris dei, saMe sp i , consurgamus et psallamus laudes ei.

Qui rnemores et vigiles sic assistant nec desistuni, parant viam per Mariam.

..*.. Consumata vite via, assumpta es O Maria, ad steilata pailacia eviterna.

memor est0 in hoc festo, qui te laudant et honorant, ut sic vadant et non cadant in secula


Amen McccccxiiO

- -- -

"'~his composition is f o d in BD 1: 91 and in NM Xm A 2 cm ff. 14611 - 147r.

Contents - temporale The book only indudes the special occasions in the temporale, with two masses

for Chrismias day, the three foliowhg saints' days, Epiphany, Maundy ThurSday, Easter with the fim

2 ferias and some allehuas for Easter week, Lancea Domini, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday,

Corpus Christi (2 offices) and the Dedication FestivaI. The Annunciation with a sequence occupies ff.

48r - 52v. just foilowing Maundy Thunday. On ff. 53 - 67, we have either 22 or 23 amiphons to the


Contents - sandorale The sanctorale, which kgins with the conversion of St. Paul and ends with

Nicholas, is challenging to interpret, since there are no rubrics. From other books, we cm infer that

26 days bave one or more mass propers, mc1uding no vigils and ody one octave day (Agnes). It is clear

fiom gaps in the niling for staves that the s c n i ' s unaccomplished intent was to have used rubrks to

point to the appropriate antiphons in the well-provûioned common of saints. There are propers for

Adaiben, Ludmiila and WencesIas as well as for the Silesian Hedwig (Jadwiga).

Contents - common, sequenciary There are provisions in the common for apostIes, martyrs, one

martyr, confessors and Wgins. Music for four Creeds is given. The sequence provideci for Christmas

day is that usually used for the first mass (Graies nunc ornnes), whereas the mass propers are for the

second and third masses. In the sequences for the sanctorale, 27 days appear, much the same number

as for the proper antiphons. However, there are proper antiphons or tracts for six occasions between

Agnes and Adalben for which there are no sequences. On the other hand, sequences are given for nine

days between mid-July and mid-September for which there are no antiphons.

History - date The colophon on f. 30v indicates the volume's date to be 1512.

IHistory - ch& The records of the library show the book to have been made for St. John's Church

in Zittau. Neither the tom archives, the library w r the present rector can identay which St. John is the

church's patron.

History - sponsors It would seem iikely that the picnire of six bee1ing men at prayer f o d in the

miniature on f. 161r is probably a group portrait of the book's sponsors. We also fuid shields which

have gold writing on a blue background on ff. 33r. 53r. BSr, 10 lv and 106v. In al1 cases they have a

simple gold line figure in the centre. The second ais0 has the initiais A and E on the two sides of the

35. Zittau Graduale - 32 1

figure and the Mh bas A anà L. The third has the nam Johannes M. and M. R. appûus in the fouah.

It bas not been possible to identify the individuals involved. The marginal painting on f. 33r of a man,

one hand on a musical score and a conductor's baton in the other in front of two probabIy male adult

singers remids one of the literary choir which was the intended user of the 1505 F r a n d v Kancional


History - users The book is said to be G e m by ruc cl?" and Bohemian by Drobx~&~'~ and Kr&aSl4.

Zittau in 1512, as indeed in modern times, had both Germanic and Slavic inhabitants, so it is very

possible that the sponsor@) of the book were Gemian, rather than Shv. However, the presence of three

traditional Bohemian saints suggests a Slavic environment. As to the religion of the user church, we

have no reason to believe it was Utraquist and therefore, faute de should assume it was Roman


Iiistory - Jani'Cek Zmileif z PLdni, illuminator Art history scholars are convinced that the artist was

JanZek, although as Kr&a remarks, he was beyond the sumrnit of his ability ."'

Cover - boards and metal f&tings The onginai cover is formed of a medium brown learher mitre fitted

over intact bevelled boards. Its size is 58.3 x 42.2 cm. The decorative and protective cast bras

diamond-shaped corner pieces are flat. except for hexagonal feet at the outside corners to rest the book

on. The design is primarily formed by excising the metal and engraving details on the brass which

remains. It consists of two birds facing each other in a trianguiar frame m o u n t e d by a fleur-de-lis.

The is the same design fond on the cover of N M XII A 25. The centre medallion consists of four

fleursde-lis at right angles meeting on the angles of a square which has a round foot in the rniddle.

Cover - leather and binàing The leather of the cover is decorated with two broad frames, the inner

one resting on the inside of the outer, around a central rectangle. The outer part of each frame is

decorated with roll stampings. The bides of the two -es are plain, as is the central rectangle.

S n ~ ~ b e n Bruck, Die Maiereien ùr den Hondrchn'fien ddes Xüngreidrs Sochen, (Drcsden, 1906). p. 374.

' 1 3 ~ . Dmbmi, "Janikk Zmilelji z PisLu a J e M kodex' , Umatl, UI ( lgS) , p. 182. "'~osef Kriisa. 'KniZai rdifstvi" (Book Painting), Pozdnt g o t i e mbu v &CM& (Late Gothic kt Bohemia), (Prague, 1978). pp. 438 f. "'~osef Krasa, 'Knifni ma13sWin. p. 438.

Closure straps are each anchored on the back cover by three nails through a smaU brass strip and by

a m e r three nails inside the strips at the end of the saaps. The fiee bras ends of the straps have

rectiuipular tongues which fit into slots on two plates anchored on the fiont cover and angled over the

edge. The round spine bas six double bands with single bands on top and bottom decorated Mth white

and blue fabric. The front pastedown is ruled with musical staves and the rear one is blank and is

marked 3 1 on the upper corner. Holes for the light-brown stitching are 16.7 1. 149.233,3 12,389.47 1

and 523 mm. from the tops of the guires.

Folios and foliation The last leaf is numbered 233, Ff. 1,31,&0,42 - 47 and 154 - 160 are absent and

the codex thus has a total of 217 folios. Folio 31 was at some time removed fkom its place and used for

the rear pastedown. Early foliation in Arabic numbers is found on the upper right corners of the recto

sides of the leaves- The ink used in foliation is brown, whereas that of the main text is black. The

gatherings appear to be mostly quaternions, although the biading is too tight to identm them accurately.

The leaves are of a good quality off-white parchment, somewhat lighter than average in weight.

Layout The dimensions of ff. 50 and 165 are 54.3 x 39.6 and 53.6 x 39.9 cm. The pages are arrangeci

in a single colurnn of 8 systerns, each system consisting of a musical staff with the corresponding text

beneath. There is also a red line under the last line of text. The written space is defined on the sides by

two double red vertical lines. Unusually, the staves continue to the outside of the double lines on each

side. The dimensions of the written space on the recto side of ff. 50 and 165 are 42.6 x 28 -9 and 42.5

x 28.6 cm. Prickùig is seen on neither leaf. Two graphite lines p a s through the middle of the lozenges

at the heads and feet of the minims.

Script Save and except for one page of texnialis hybrida on f. 30v. the script is a careful texnialis

formata in black ink. The heads and feet of minims and the f a t of descenders are neat Iozenges. Ifs are

punctiiiously dotîed with a mark resembling an apostrophe. Usual breaking and biting rules are applied.

The right stroke of a's are minims which do not bend to the left at the top. Instead, a semicircular

hairline joins the lozenge at the top of the minmi with the bow of the lower cornpartment to form an

upper compartrnent. This formation is ciSetent from any of the other three codices in which Janffek

participated. The heights of minims. ascenders. descenders and s 's are 13, 15, 15 and 17.5 mm.

Titles, captals, WtMs Beyond f. 14v, there are no ninning titles. The ones which appear in the first

14 ff. are in the main script, but about 75 % of its size and are written vertically in the outside margin.

There are spaces left in the book which were meam for rubncs, but which were not filled. Capitals are

red or blue with different backgrounds. Their style and that of regular initiais of the same colour are

indistinguishable. Initials can also be bIack or gold Ieaf with varying backgrounds.

Musicai notation Red fie-line staves 3.2 cm. high are used in the book. Most of it is written in type

I rhombic choral notes with clefs c, f and g. Three Credos on ff. 145r - 150v are in black mensural

notation 1 with a c clef. Generally, neumes, custos signs and clefs are black, although on the first b e

or two on a few feast &YS, they are in gold leaf.

Decoraüon Decoration is used for the initial at the beginning of each sequence. The Ietter is placed in

a box which is then filied in with strong colours. Unlike the graduales of Mada ~ o l e s l a ~ ' ~ and

~sztergom~". both of which were decorated by Jan'tek, there are no drolleries. On leaves with . -

mmafures in initiais there are marginal decoraiions with vines and flowers and sometimes with human

figures and animals. On f. 101 r, there is elaborate marginal decoration for the feast of Michael and AU

Angels. Less elaborate rnarginaI decoration accompanies the first initial of each sequence.

Miniatures Sixteen miniatures within initials appear in the book.

&rie A standing Man of Sorrows with his right foot in front of his left. There are

ribbons without inscription on either side of the top half of his body.

Sanctus God sits in majesty on a plinth, an orb in his right hand and a sceptre in his


b e r Mary and Joseph, ben& a roof, stand gazing at the child who lies wrapped

in a cloth at the lower right corner of the picture. Plate 5 1

outer margin A choirmasier bas his left hand on a book with music which sits on a stand. In

his right, he holds a baton. Two aduIt choristers stand in front of him.

&ce Mary sits on an architectural throne to the Ieft with the chiid sitting on her lap.

One magus kneels in front of her. while two others stand khind him.

- -

5160kresnf muzeum v Mladé Boleslavi II A 1. s'7~bs&kesegyhad KOnyvtar, Ms. 1. 3.


Yuga yesse


y ir i



lower margin

Qe ventre

Michi autem


A~unciation. An angel wîth a nibon stands behind Mary who Eaieeis at a prie-


Marian antiphon. Anne stands in a splendid blue gown with Mary cradled in

her left arm and the Christ chiid in her right.

Christ. bamer in hand, stands before the open sarcophagus whose top is king

removeci by a blond angel standing behind. Two soldiers lie snuined in front.

Mary and the disciples heei in a row on either side of the mock fkom which

Christ's lower legs are ascending.

Mary, bands clasped in prayer. sits surrounded by four disciples as the dove

hovers overhead.

Chrût and the disciples sit a r o m a table. Peter is at his right and John's head

lies on the table in fiom of him. Opposite, Judas with a money bag sits with his

back to the tabIe.

The West end of a Gothic church with two towers on either side and a red tiie

roof with a cupola. Two bays of the nave are visible. The church is s u r r o d e d

by a three rnetre walI. Plate 52

On the left is a group of six pesants, two of whom are talloiig. In the middle,

eight revel around a table spread with food and drink. Two wornen stand

talking . On the right are three musicians.

The child stands on an altar. supported by a priest on the right and Mary on the

left. m e r s look on.

The naked chest and head of Adaibert appear above the side of a cooking pot,

under which a fire rages. A man in the background grasps a spear while a

wornan holds a large spoon, basting him.

John is dressed in red over a hair cloth undergment. He suppom a lamb on

a book in his left hand and points at it with his right.

Andrew's left arm is around a diagonal cross. He is readmg from a book in his

right hand.

Six men kneel in prayer. It bas the appearance of a group portrait of the book's



Bruck, Robert, ed. Die Mdereien in den HCUlCiSchrijten des Kônigreichs Sachsen. Dresden, 1906.

D r o b ~ , Zoroslava. "JanZek ZmiIeIi z Pisku a Jensw kodexn , Urnh', III ( lgS), 18 1-204.

Kidsa, Josef. &SV iImnovmé rukop@ 13. /16. stoleti. Prague, 1990.

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41 - 48.

BartoS, FrantiSek Micbalek. The Hussite Revolution 1424-1437. New York, 1986.

BartoS, FrantiSek Michalek. "M. Jan Wus v bohosluZM a Uc* cirkve podoboji a podani prvého stoleti

PO svt5 smrti", N&odopis@ v&n& &skoslov~~~~kj, XVII (1924), 20-38.

BarîoS, Frantikk MicMiek. SouprF rukopisli Nurodnato musea v Praze. 2 vols. Prague, 1926.

Bene& Frantigek. "ArchidCkansl@ chrh SV. Jakuba na Horach K u ~ c h " , Pam&ky archaaologické a

mutopisné, V I (l86S), 263-269.

Berkovits, 1. "Az esttergomi UlhA6 - graduaien, Magyar KOnyszemle, TV (1941), 342-353.

Bem. Reginald Robert. 'The Place of the Czech Reform Movement in the History of Europe",

Slavonic and East European Review, XXV (1947), 373-390.

Bilejovsw , Bohuslav. Kronyka c-jrkewni. Edited by Jozef SMicW. Prague, 18 16.

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L I T o ~ ~ & ~ ~ c E GRADUALE

March 25, 1998


Documents used

Ruies of the edition







Critical edition of the LitomHice Graduai




Index of antiphons and sequences

Supplementary texts - Marian antiphons

Missale Romanum Mediolani, 1474. Taken fkom Volume X ' of the Henry Bradshaw

Sociev, an edition by Robert Lippe, which was pubhshed in 1899. It is a transcription of

Milan, Ambrosian Library, S. Q. N. m. 14, one of the eariiest known printed versions of the

Missaie Romanum. The foliation refers to the volume in the Ambrosian Lïbrary. Roman


Hradec Krflov6. Muzeum 9chodnich &ch, II A 2. Document 5. Graduale made for the

Church of the HoIy Spirit, Hradec Kralov6, ca. 1470. Hradec W o v é is known in L ~ M as

Grecz Regine. The iuuminator and s c n i was Jan MüaiS of Hradec Kralové. Utraquist.

Praha, NArodni M o v n a , XIV A 1. Document 22. Graduaie probably made for the Church

of St. Bartholomew, Kolin, 1470. The illuminator and scnie was Jan MikuS of Hradec

Kralové. Probably Utraquist.

Praha, Nhodni muzeum, XII A 25. Document 25. Graduale possibly made for a Utraquist

church in h l a v , Ca. 1480. Probably Utraquist.

Prague, N b d n i muzeum, W A 20. Document 33. 1491 Graduaie of Martin Stupnik,

probably made for the Church of St. BarthoIomew. Ph&. Scribe dmown. Bohemian


Wien, ~stemichische Nationalbibliothek, Musiksammlung, Mus. Hs. 15492. Document 29.

The SmiSkovsI@ Graduale prepared in the atelier of Matthew the 111iiminator in 1490-91 for

use in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Ku& Hora. Utraquist.


Wien. 0sterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Mus-ung, Mus. Hss. 15493 (31) and 15494

(52). Document 32. The Sternberk gnduale was made by Jakub of OLomouc in 1499-1500 for

the Franciscan monastic Church of the Assumption, Bcchyne. Roman Catholic.

V Prague, Nat.& Eniülov~, XXllI A 1. Document 14. Tbis graduale is an artistic tour &force

whose original users and scribe cannot be identifieci. Probably ca. 1500. Bohemian.

H Havlichfiv Brod, Okxe~lll' muzeum, SK 2/1. Document 4. A gradt.de made in 1506 for the

Church of the Assumption, Havlichûv Brod, by Paul of Mi%fk. UtraQuist.

B Mlada BolesIav, Okresni muzeum, II A 1. Document 17. A graduale made for the Church of

Mary, Mother of God, Mlada Boleslav, m the period 15ûû-15 10, possibly 1509, by Jadi?ek

Zmilely z Pisku. Utraquist.

A LitomHice, Stami okresni archiv LitomEfice se sidlem v Lovosicich, IV C 1. Document 13.

This gradde was completed for the decanai Church of AU Saints, LitomHice by an &own

master, ahost certainly in the last quarter of 1516 or the h t q w e r of 1517. This volume

constirutes the base text. Utracpkt.

T JeHce, Statni okresni archiv Jiein, Fonds Archiv m a Sobotky, Kniha 3. Document 30. A

graduale originally made for a church in Turnov and presented in 1613 to the Church of St.

Mary Magdalene, Soboika, where it was preserved until 1947. Robably made in the third or

fourth decade of the sutteenth century. Utraquist.

L Louny, Starni okresni archiv, 1 G 8a, except for references to sequencu which are found in

1 G 8b. Document 15. A graduale completed for the Church of St. Nicholas. Louny by Paul

of Melnik in 1530. Utraquist.

D New York, Lïbrary of the General Theological Serninary BX 2043 .A3 H8. Document 28.

Colophon 1532. A graduale possibly made for the Church of the Finding of the Cross, Dubi.


The documents were ai l chosen from the Register of Documents at the beginning of the thesis. A

number of manuscripts were eliminated siuce it was necessaq that the books used be reasonably

similar in contents. The missals (documents 9, 11,23 and 34) were excluded for this reason as were

the FestaI Graduales (documents 2,3,6,7, 8, 10, 16,25,27 and 3 3 , Since the edition (other thaa the

1474 printed Milan missal which was included as a Roman Catholic control) is concemed with

Bohemian books of the Jagiellonian period, document 1, which was made for use outside Bohemia,

was outside its scope. Document 13 is earlier than the period under study . Three documents (1 8.26

and 31) were eliminated because of the extensive number of missing leaves. Lastly, Uiree books (19,

20 and 21) were excluded because of u n c e d t y about their dates or the confession of theu users.

The Litornerice Graduale itself is entirely free from excisions. However, the volumes in the critical

apparatus have, alas, not all fued so weU. The symbols which are explained below indicate where

excisions have occurred, and the nature of what rem- in the text. Variations with the base text are

noted, but only in the text which acrually swives. The symbol% means that the literary unit almost

certainly existed, usually on one folium which is missing, because the size of its probable contents,

perhaps combined with another missing text, is of the right length to have completed the mûsing leaf.

Such l a c m e are noted in the critical apparatus, but not in the alphabetic index of incipits which

follows the edition. The other three varieties of excisions, having text which can be compared to the

full version, are shown in the index. The symbol usually occurs either because the text on the page

behind an excised miniature is partiaily misshg or because the outside of the leaf has been tom off,

taking chunks out of the text.

The liturgical unis themselves start with an initial, transcn'bed as a capital, and the nmainder is in the

base script. An initial usually has triggered a new h e in the transcription, except in tracts. Capitals

(with a srnail amount of decoration) are found only in the prose and mark out uni& which are s h o w

in Drèves and B l u e as a stanza in a sequence or a hymn. ln this edition, a s t a n d is simply marked

by the beginning of a new line, whose füst word is capitalized.

The book has no puncniation. 1 has been supplieci at the end of a ïterary unit, immediately before the

initial or capital of the foIIowing unit, as whatever (comma, period, etc.) seems most appropriate. No

punctuatioa has been supplied within a unit.

Rubrics are used in the manuscript as a ninning title to identify a feasi at its beginoing or to indicate

the nature of the foUowing literary unit (graduai. tract and the like). Runnïng tities are transcnibed in

bold face as large upper case to mark a feast and as smali F r case to i denw the b d of Literary

unit. Rubrics of the same size are also used to give instructions on where to find the propers for the

day or on what rïnral action is to occur. Rubrics in these two cases are transcn'bed as italics in upper

and lower case. Usually, there is no mbnc to indicate an inîroit. When this happem, the word

INTROITVS is supplieci in square brackets.

The scriptural source, where one e-, of the antiphons is supplied in square brackets after the title.

In many instances, not al l the material of the verses indicated has been used. Sometirnes, the words of

an antiphon are a pastiche of phrases from a number of scriptural sources and at others are non-


The transcription is a faimful rendition of the text as it appears in the manuscripts without emendation

but with expansion of abbreviations. The Ietîers u and v have been transcnied as u in the lower case

and V in the upper. The one exception to this d e is that in munerals of the rubric foliation, v bas been

used since the leaer invariably is shaped as a v. Letters with the shape of a v periodically appear at the

beginning of words and often in a vocalic context. They have been transcriied as u. The lerter w

occurs o k n in words such as "wlt", "wult" and 'sangwine". Since the letter has been written as a w,

it is so transcni. Letters which seem to be undecorateâ capitals within the text have been transcnoed

as upper case.

Some of the spelling used by the scn'be of A is sufficientiy unusuai to raise a question of whether the

pronunciation of Latin by Bohemians may have dinered from the western European nom. For

example, a t before a soft vowei is often writien by mediaeval scribes as a c. In A. we often find cc

instead of c and tt instead of t. It would seem, however, chat this doubling of c's and t's was an

idiosyncrasy of A's scribe. For example, amincciant and anuncciantes in 17 and 90 of A are written

by the scribes of S and L using only one c. A's scribe himseif in 114 writes anunciauerunt. Cogitto in

615 in A, is spelled with ody one t in S and L. In addition to using odd spelling on more occasions

than his contemporafies, it has to be recognized that A's speiiing was inconsistent. For example, the

rubric resurecci.. in 857 of A points to the unabbreviated aileluia verse in 362 where the word is

resurrectionis. In short, the scribe's spelling was persody idiosyncratic and was inconsistent.

The Kyriaie has been excluded fiom the edition. ûther than in the sequences, al variations between

the base text and the other documents are shown in the criticai apparatus. The only exception of any

significance to this rule is that spehg variants are not noted. Sometimes, especially in document ç,

the first words of the Psaim after the introit are written out in full and are foIiowed by the first ietier

or l e m of the remabbg words. When this happas, abbreviated words are comidered to be the same

as if they haci been written out in fuIl and the Psah is deemed to be the same as that of the base text

Î f it is clear that the abbreviated words M y complete the Psalm. Dif6erences in rubrics have not been

noted. Minor variations in the Nbnc h&gs indicating the &y king eelebrated are common and do

not seem significant for our purposes. They have only been remarked on when they indicate a Werent

meaning. When an antiphon is used in one of the sources, but on a diflerent &y from the base text,

the folium on which it is found is placed in round brackets. In sequences, there are considerable

variations between the tem caused by rearrangement or omission of some of the stanzas.

Rearrangements have not b e n noted, nor have omissions. unless they are extensive.

The rnethod for showing textual variants deserves mentioning. Where a foomote number in the text

follows a word or words without a space, then the word or words are to replaced by what is indicated

in the footnote. If a footnote number is separated from the preceding word by a space, then the words

in the footnote are to be added to the text.

* The end of the pericope is missing through excision.

X The eniire pericope is missing through excision dthough, because of the matenal which 4

precedes and foilows. it was ahost certainiy originally there.

* The beginning of the pericope is missing.

Material is missing within the pericope. A The Psalm for ms. D ends here.


BD - The 55-volurne work, Analecfa Hjmùca Medü A&, edited by Clemens Blume ancl Guido Maria

Dreves and published in Leipzig in the period 18861922. For example. a derence to pp. 237 and 238

in Volume 50 is indicated by BD 50: 237 f.

Bohemian Sources - Refers to al1 the documents wd, except R and 3. While S was undoubtedly

copied in Bohemia, it reflects a tradition whicb is Franciscan and not Bohernian.

non-Bohemian Sources - Documents R and S.

Haymo - S. J. P Van Dijk. Sources cf the Modrm Roman fitzugy, nie Ordimis by Haymo of

Favershm and Related Documents (1243-1307). Volume 2. Leiden, 1963.

ODCC - F. J. Cross ami E. A. Livingstone, eds. nie Chfiord Diciionmy of the QvLrrian Ohurch. Third

edition. Oxford, 1997.

M t e d Prague Missals - Those editions of the Missde Pragense published in the following cities and

yean: Plzeii, 1479; Bamberg, 1489; Leipzig, 1498; Nümberg , 1503; Venice, 1507; Leipzig, 1522.




The Gregorian Rologue (n. 1) is found m ail of the sources save P and V where it has probably been

excised, R because it is not a noted book and g1 for no apparent reason. It is very old, king found in

antiphonaries as early as the eighth century. There are no variations in the text.

Advent in aU our sources consists of four Sundays, variously labelled, and the three Advent Ember

Days. T e d variance is mininial. The table sets out how the Sundays are referred to.









It is mie that the sources P aad V couid equslly well have fden in the second rowmof the table. since

the prologue and part or aii of the introit of Advent 1 are rnissing and thus, if there originally was a

ninning tiîîe, it has been exciseci. Eight of our sources may have omitted a title for Advent 1 on the

theory that you did not need a title if you had a miniature. For some reason, the two books which

represent non43ohemian Catholicism use the cardinai rather thaa the ordinal number for Advent 4. D's

title for Advent 4 remids us that the &y was originally a domziu'cu v a u t . The Printed Rague Misais

foiiow the pattern of the first or second row, but with p a t e r use of cardinal numbers.

AU except two of the texts for the Sundays and Ember Days of Advent are the same in our sources.

The first is the alleluia verse for Advent 2 when the Bohemian sources use "Rex noster adveniet et

christus quem Iohannes predicabat a g m esse venninimn, recaiiing the Baptist's words in Jn. 1: 29,

36. This verse goes passably weii with the gospel for the day , Matt 1 1 : 2-10. when Christ descn'bes

himself to John's disciples in a way which r& the words of 1s. 35: 4-6. The non-Bohemian sources

use the ancient verse drawn fiom Ps. 12 1 : 1. The second divergence occm in the inmit for Advent

4. This day, having originally been a dominca vacm, has two different inûoiîs. The antiphon Memento

nostri (Ps. 104: 4f.) is used by the Bohemian sources and another (Rorate - 1s. 45: 8, from the

Wednesday Ember Day) is used in the non-Bohemian books. G, K and D use as the Psah Ps. 105:

6, rather than the traditional Ps. 104: 1. There are also some minor differences in ordering and

wording in the Song of the Three Boys on Ember Saturday.


For Chrismias Eve, aii the books are the same. apart from the deluia verse which is used when the

vigil occurs on Sunday. In this exceptional case the Bohemian books, except D. use the verse "Hodie

scietis" from Ex. 16: 6f. The verse in R and S1 begins "Crastina dies", which is pattemed on 4 Ezra

16: 53. The New York graduale @) bas no alleluia.

The texts for the thrce Chrismias masses are identical, although P and V have loa some of their

onginai contents by excision. There are two patterns for the titles of the masses. The non-Bohemian

books as represented by R cal1 the masses "in prima missa", "in secunda missa: and 'ad missam

maioremn . S1 ciiffers in not having a title for the principal mass. The masses in the Bohemian books

are usually referred to as "in gaiii cantu" , "in aurora" and "in summa missa " . The foUowing books

depart from this arrangement in the ways noted.

A: The third mass is calleci "ad terciam missam ".

G: The first mass is calleci "in prima missa".

K: 'In prima missa" is given as an altemative. The third mass has no titie.

P: The place where the titie of the third mass would have been has been excised.

V: The place where the title of the third mass wodd have been bas been excised.

T: The third mass is d e d "ad slmimam missam".

D: Has no titie for the third mass.

The feasts of Stephen. John and the Innocents are or were present in al1 our books and alt have

identical te- with the exception of the alleluia of the Innocents. R and S both Micate in a rubric after

the Psaim of the introit that aileluia is not to be said on this &y. However, afkr the graduai there is

a noted alleluia (in S). followed by the vene Lm<dme pueri and a tract Effudem. The Bohemian

books have Laus tibi christe noted in place of an alleluia, followed by the verse Te rnuriiltun

cattdiianrs. In the case of G, we have agreement only to a point midway in the &oit for the

Innocents, at which point a lacuna begins which does not end until the communion for Septuagesha.

The title for the second feast is either "Johrr" , "John the Evangelistn or, in most cases, "John, Apostle

and Evangelistn. R has an octave &y for Stephen. While these days are part of the sanctorale, the

sources arrange them as if they belong to the temporale. Thomas of Canterbury and Silvester are

handled in the same way by the non-Bohemian sources, but wiil be discussed with the sanctorale, as

that is where most of our books place them.

A11 our sources (except G because of complete excision and P because of partial excision) have the

same mass for Sunday within îhe octave of Christmas. The octave day itself is included in six books.

The only difference between the sources has to do with title and alleluia verse. The remaining texts are

those of the principal mass of Chrisanas. The noeBohemian Sources cal1 the day In octava rdvitatis

&mUu' and use Heb. 1: 1, 2 as the alleluia verse. The four Bohemian sources (A, S, B, T) refer to the

&y as In cirnunakione domini and use the non-scriptural aiieluia verse, "Post parturn virgo inviolata

pennansisti, dei genitrix, intercede pro nobis". This vene is also used for Candemas in the Bohemian

books. 0


The vigil of Epiphany has the propers nom the second m a s of Christmas in A, S, B and T, and those

of the Sunday &er Chrismias iu R and SI. AU the books (apart fiom G which has a lacuna through

the communion of Sephiagesima) have masses for Epiphany and three Sundays foliowing,

Septuagesima, Sexagesh and Quinquagesima. In addition, R has masses for the octave a d the fourth

and fifth Sundays after Epiphany. The texts of aii are the same, apart from the miwr variances noted

in 109,114,117 and 119.

The namiug of Epiphany 2 and 3 varies, depeimding on whether the scnie counted after Epiphany or

after its octave. In the case of D, he did both. The Primeci Prague Mis& count after the octave.



There are remarkably few differences among our sources for the Lenten period, undoubtedly as a remit

of the very eariy origin of the masses. Not nirprisingly. those few different choices of antiphom which

exist are mainly found on days which originally were aliturgical and for which propers arose later.

Minor textual variants, u d y involving one or two words in a few of the manuscripis, are found

occasionally in some pericopes.

AU of our books have the same three antiphons preceding the Ash Wednes&y mas. In R and $1, there


are ample rubrics which make clear that the first is to be wd when the asha are king blessed before

the dtar and the second and third during their imposition. Half of the Bohemian wimesses (K. C, S.


B. A, T) indicate tbat the three are to be used adprocasionm. The remaining books (G. P. V, H. L,


D) are silent as to how the antiphons are to be used. One of the books of Jan MikuS (K) is in the first

Bohemian group Gd the second (G) is in the other. The documents agree on the contents of the

ThufSday and Fiday before Lem 1. save for a few m h r wording variants. For the Saturday which

in early days was aliturgical, R and S1 use the m a s of the day before. The other books take their

propers from Quinquagesima, the precading Sunday.

This is an appropriate point to look at how the books oame Ash Wednesùby and the Simdays of Lent.

The Printed Prague Missales are s d a r to the first row, but with more cardinal numbers.

' B ornits "domini" D adds "in XL"

The masses for the feriae after Lent 1 are the same, apart fiom minor wording differences, with the

exception of the Ember Samday. The four graduals for the Ernber S a ~ d a y dWer in content and

ordering. As in eariier comparisons, we see agreement among the four groups A, S. B. T; P. V, H,




Propicius est0

D i n g m oracio

Rotcaor aoster

Propicius tsto

Ad dominurn cum


Dirigahv oracio

L; G, K and R, SI. AU books include the Hymn of the Three Boys after the graduals. Five of the six

Printed Prague Missals are the saxne as C, but with tk las two graduals reversed in order.

Lent 2 in the earliest days had no liturgy. Our sources have appropriated the mass fiom the preceding

Wednesâay Ember Day and have added a tract. The two non-Bohemian sources R and S1, judging

from R, used as the gospel the same transfiguration story frOm Matthew as was used on Ember

Satiuday and adopted as the tract the îïrst four verses of Ps. 105. Based on N M N B 6 (doc. 23) and

the Printted Prague Missals, the Bohemiacl sources presuppose the story of the Cannanite woman (Mt.

15: 21-28) as the gospel and have thus used Mt. 15: 26-28 as the tract.

The masses from our sources for the week foliowing Lent 3 are the same, apart from minor wording


The oniy rernarkable divergence in the week following Lmir 4 occm on the Monday. Most of the

books use the offertory Iubilate deo O& terra from R. 99: 1-2 which was earlier used on Epiphany

1. P, V, H and L use instead IUbilare deo univesa t e m fiom Ps. 65: 1-2, 16 which was the offertory

on Epiphany 2. Scmtinies for adult catechumens fim took place on Sundays. We see evidence of this

on Lent 3-5 in B. N. Lat. 12048. As the no& baptizands came to be children, the scrutinies were

moved to weekdays. An artifact of this is found on the Wednesday when we have two graduals

marking two lections (Ez. 36: 23-28 and 1s. 1 : 16- 19 according to R).

The masses for the week followhg Leni 5 are the same in our books except for the Saturday , which

was originally an aliturgical day on which the Pope gave alms. K has no provision whatever for this

day and R and 31 use the mass of the preceding day. The other books direct by rubric the use of the

mass of the Sanuday of the week before. The question of the use of the Gloria Pam' during Passion

week may have been intended to be consistent by the scribes of ali the books. Bemold remarked in the

Micrologus (PL. Vol. CLI, col. 1015) that, 'A Dominica de passione Domini, non dicitur usque in

Pascha Gloria Patri ... ad introitus." He goe~ on to clarify this by stating, "Sciendum autem si quando

infra passionem Domini de aliquo sancto agimus, Uoria Pam' non omittimus." There is no CIoM

Pom' for Passion Week in R (except on Sunday), G, K. P. S1, V, H and L. On Passion Sunday at the

end of the introit Psalm, R has 'Gloriaw, followed by the note: "Non dicitur ad introitum usque ad

pasca nisi in missa de festo si occurrerit, sed fmito psalmo absolute reincipitu introitus". A. as weU

as S, B, T and D regufarly finish the Psaim with the indication, "Euouae". NonetheIess, A, B and D

ail note that the GloM pmn' is not sung at this t h e , without mentionhg the exception of feast days.

C omits the Euouae notation twice and includes it five times.

In mobt of our books, the m a s for P h SIlndny is preceded by a large collection of antiphons for use

when the paims arr blesseci and at the subsqent procession. The exceptions are H, which has none,

and V which bas only the aniiphon Ave rer noster, found in no other of our books. The processionai

antiphons whose incipits are Cum uppropinquaret, C m &set, Ame s a dies, and Collegem

pon@ices are found in the other twehre books. In three (R, h, D), the fourth antiphon cornes fim and

in C, the ordering of the third and fourth are reverseci. The two whose incipits are Puen' hebreonun

are fond in R, S, 81, B. A, TT D. For M e r detaii, the reader is referred to the notes on 290 - 299.

The Gloria Patn' is generally absent in Holy Week, except for D (Monday through Wednesday) and

for five additional sources on Tuesday (G, C, S, AT T). The ZnpropeeM on Gwd Friday, which appear

in extenso in A, have been considerably contracted in other sources, as described in note 324.

Al1 our books begin Good Friday with the tracts Domine &vi and Eripe me. The majority quote the

ImpropeBa in full. However, G, K. V and H reduce their contents to the TnSagon in transliterated

Greek and Latin. P and L have ordy the bilingual Trisagiun, prefaced by the words Popde rnercs. The

antiphon for the adoration of the cross, Ecce t i g m mcis, together with its Psairn, Bean' i l t~~cu la r i ,

is univenal. The amiphon D m fdn'cator mwzd is found in in the Bohemian sources, Save V. Pmge

Zingua is reproduced VI extenso in R, SI, C and S and is incorporateci by incipit (usually the verse c m

melis, followed by the incipit Ponge Zingua) in A, B, TT L and D.

We h d unanimity concerning the musical contents of Ho& Saur.. , witb the small exception that the

hymn is not found m the non-Bohemian documents. The most striking feaîure is the p rodence of a

series of mode 8 tracts. The fïrst three whose incipits are Cantemzu, VTUrea facta and Aiîende are taken

from Exodus, Isaiah and Deuteronomy and foiiow readings of the Pascal Vigil which are from the same

books. One d irregulann/ occm in C, P, H, V, L, D, which reverse the order of the saond and

third tracts. After the vigil, the tract Sicut cenius is used during the procession to the font. On anival,

the hymn R a sanctorum is sung. Afier the blessing of the font and the baptisn, the mass starts with

the Kyrie and is foiiowed mus idy by the aiieluia with the verse Contemini and by the tract Loudae,

which was used on Ember Saturday.


Most of the Bohemian graduaies (see details in notes 336-339) precede the material for the Euster

Swiday mass with an antiphon for aspersion (Ir& aqumn), which is followed by C m rer gloria, a

pmcessional antiphon. On the procession's r e m to the sancaiary, the hymn M v e fa dies was sung,

foilowed by the adphon Sedit angelus. The mass itseIf then began. The oniy variation in what we find

is that P, V, H and L augment the communion by Lk. 15: 23 as a second verse. The graduals from

Easter Sunday to Easter Friday consist of Ps. 117: 24 foliowed by a different vene each day, al1 of

which, except for Wednesday, are drawn from Ps. 117. The alieluia verses for feriae 2 through 6 show

daferences which fa11 into four families. The Prïnted Prague Missals are the sarne as C, P, V. H, L.

Inci~its of AUeiuia Verses in Easter Week




The other antiphons for Easter week are the same in al1 the books, save for relatively rninor

discrepancis in wording. On Easter Satwday, the aileluia verse (which R c d s a graduai, which has

no verse) is Ps. 1 17: 24.



Sundays in Eastertide are nurnbered afier Easter. Thus, Easter 2 is designated as either Dominica

senmda pos?pa.scha or, more simply as just Dominica sen<nda. The only difference to this nile is that

R refers to Easter 1 as Domulica in octma parce. The antiphons for the five Sundays are the sarne

apm ftom the aUe1uias. the only dflerences being minor ones. K suffen from an excision extending

from the &oit of Easter 3. The non-Bohemian Sources reguiarIy have two alleluias. each with a vene,

R, S1

Angclw domini

Sumxit dominus de

Sumxit dominus verc

Surrexi t christus

G, K Nonne cor nosuwn

Angelus domini

Christus rtsurgens

In die mtmcctionis

C p, v, H, L Angelus domini

Suncxit pastor

A, S, B, T, Angelus domini

Surgens Iesus

Chrisais rcsurgens

h die rcsuneaïonis

Christus rcsurgens ,

In die resumctionis

while the Bohemian Sources (incIudbg the Prhted Missais) have only one, except for four which have

a second aiieluia with the verse Angelus domini on Easter 1.

Mehda Verses on Sundays after Esster

Easter Boh& Sources non-Bohemiau Sources 1 Surgens Iesus' In dies resurrectionis, Post dies octo 2 Surrexit pastor bonus Cognoverunt discipuli, Ego sum pastor bonus 3 Modicum et non videbitis Redemptionem misit, Oportebat pati 4 Vado ad eum Dextera domini2 fecit, Qirisnis resurgens 5 Usque modo non Surrexit Christus. Exivi a patre

' A. S, B. T have a second alleluia and verse: Angelus domini S1: dei

A relic claimed to be the Holy Lance was brought to Prague by Charles IV in 1350. Perhaps for this

reason, the Bohemian Sources ail have a feast De Lancea domini on the Fnday following Easter 1.

They agree on the introit, offenory, co~munion and the first alleluia. Angelrrs Michuel. The second

alleluia, Sunexilpartor b o w , is not found in G, K, V, L, P. Only L supplies a long tract made from

a rearrangement of Wis 2: 12-17 prior to the alleluia.

There is a linirgical occasion between Easter 5 and Ascension Day or its vigil which is moa ofien

refend to as Zn diebus rogacionwn (G, C, P. V, H, L). It consists only of mass propen in R, P. 31,

V and H. In G . C, S. A. B, T, L and D we find a h one or usually both of the processionai antiphons

Erurge domine and Swgüe sacti. A. B and T add one or two litanies and A further gives two hymns.

The titles for the day in the other books usuaily imply a dinerent liturgical meaning. 81's Zn

rogacionibus seems equivalent to the modal position d e s c n i above. The references in A, S, B to

Feria senmda rogacionaun and in T to Feria secunda post rogaciollunt [sic] appear to be the same, but

to be different fkom In diebw rogaciotuun. In D, musually, the mass called Feria LII precedes the

processional material which is labeIed In die rogacioluun. R calls the mass In letmi& nzaioribzu. The

sources would appear ro dSer as to whether we are celebrating the Greater or the Lesser Litany and

as to whether the celebration is on Monday, on Tuesday. or on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.


AU of the Bohemian Sources not afflicted by excisions have the same propers for the Vigü of the

Ascemion. The vigii is not found in the non-Bohemian Sources. G, K. P and V all have gaps around

Ascension Day caused by art coiîectors. The books agree on the introit and communion of Ascension

Day. The Bohemian Sources use the offertory beginning Ascendit deus, while R and S1 favour Vin

guiïlei, which was used in the other manuscripts on the v ig . There is agreement on the fïrst aileiuia

verse Ascendit deus. The majority use Dominus in Syna as the verse of the second aileluia, although

C, V, H, L bave A s c d ad pmnrm. P, which here has a laauia, would probably have fallen imo the

second camp.

An analogous situation obtains on the Sunday @er Ascension Day when introits and comrnUIZions

agree. On this occasion, the Bohemian Sources use Vin gdilei as offenory, whde the other two books

use Ascendit deus. The non-Bohemian Sources continue to use two alieIuias, here with verses Regml

daminus and Non vos relinquam. Most of the Bohemian Sources use ody the alleiuia verse Dominus

in S ~ M , although A. C, B and D add a second aiieluia and the verse Ascendit W .

The Vigil of Pentecost is closely panerneci on the Easter vigil. This intention is ofien a~ounced in a

nibric, whose exact intent is not always entirely cIear. The vigil begins with a series of lections, most

preceded by a prayer and three followed by a tract. The rubnc at the beginning of R contains the

sentence, "Prophetie onmes et tractus diamtu de Sabbato sancto." In fact, the three nacts in most of

the books are the same as for Holy Saauday, except possibly for the order of the second and third. The

only books which follow a dinerent pattern are A, D and T, which replace the first tract, Cantem,

with the tract Laudme domiruan, which on Holy Sanirday is found not among the preliminary nadings,

but in the concluding mass. The procasion to the font, accompaoied by the tract Sinn c e m . follows

the lections in al1 books. The mas after baptism concludes the vigil and includes the aileluia verse

ConfitemX (except for A and G), the tract La&e (ex- for G, and for A, T, D where it was used

earlier), the offertory Emine @inun and the comrndon [Ilrm festivitatis.

Pentecost is identical in a i l our books. There is a huge variety ammg the alleluias in Pentecoa week.

The Beneciictus es wd on Saturday is indeed the deluia verse from Trinity Sunday rather than the

whole Conrinmi Tkim Puem. Again on Saturday, Pmaciitrrs in B is not in the same location as in

the other three sources with which it is grouped, but rather occupies a position just before Vd. The

Printed Prague Missais are the same as P, V, H, L but with a second deIuia and the verse Veni sancte

on feriae 2, 3 and 6.

AIIeiuias of the Week of PentêCOSt

I Sat I Spiriau a qui. Spirion CiWonuviLhnn

The introits, offertories and communions agree except for the offenory on Wednesday and the

offertory and communion on Saturday. Neither these two days nor the Friday are labelled as Ember

Days although, given the five lections marked off by alleluias on the Saturday, it cleariy is an Ember

Saturday. The Wednesday offertory in R and S1 is Meditabor (instead of La& anMo in most of the

books) and cornes fkom Ember Wednesday in Lent while that in K is in ciie s o I e m n i ~ , fkom feria 5

in Easter week. For Ember Saturday, the offenory is mostly C o @ m Iioc. R and S1 replace it with

Domine derrr saiutis from Ember Saturday in Lent and D with Emine spiritum from the vigil of

Pentecost. Non var relinqumn, the most common communion, is replaced in R by Menre seplcimo feira

(fkom the September Ember Saturday) and in S by Spinfus ubi wlr from the day before.


Apart from some gaps in P and T caused by excisions. we find the reguIar propers for Truliiy SLolday

in aii the books. The additionai aiieluia Benedicncs es A&M~ is present except in R and G. The feast

has no nmning Me m 82 and was given the heading in R in mi mL In fmo TNiiMis, presumably soon

after the book was printed. R also has a mass with the printed title DOMIMU PRII~M P O S T P ~ C O S T E N

and b has the same title in rubric, except that the last word is penthecostes. There is no indication in

either book about how the two masses for the same &y were to be used. The unanimous position of

the Bohemian Sources is that the mass for the Sunday after Pentecost has faen into desuetude.

AU our documents have the initial mass for Gnpus CbW (with the fmt offertory) and the Bohemian

Sources have a second complete mass with the *oit Pmem de celo. The intention of the scriies of

the Bohemian books, and especially the later ones, seems to have been to provide at this point a

common of masses of the sacrament. In total between the two separate masses, our base text gives two

htroits and graduais, two alleluias, a tract, three offertories and no fewer than six communions. Paul

of M t S U (L) knew two extremely elaborate alleluias with verses not given in A.

The non-Bohemian Sources count Sundays from Pentecost, whereas the Bohemian ones reckon from

Trinity Sunday. The mass for Pentecost n in the foxmer group is generally the same as that for Trinity

n in the latter. It would appear that the Bohemiau custom started before the universal observance of

Trinity Sunday was enjoined by John XXE in 1332. As far as we cm teil, it was probably a widespread

practice prior to the fourteenth century to designate Sundays by their order after Trinity or after the

octave day of Pentecost, which is of course equivalent to numbering from Trinity Sunday. For

exampIe, this is the case in the Bohemian missal, Prague, Nhodni knihovna 1 E 10 which the iibrary

catalogue 4 1 s Xm-XIV but whose feast of Corpus Christi (enjoined by Urban IV in 1264) is on an

inserted folio at the end of the book (f. 16%) written by a later hanif. In it, the Sunday foilowing

Pentecost (f. 44v) is calleci De suncta Tn'nitate and the next one (f. 4%) Dminicu p h a post

ninitatem. Instances of this custom are also found in the codices Ziirich, Zentraibibliothek, Rh. 30

(VIII-M); Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, codex 1 I 1 0; Orltans, Bibliothèque municipale,

127 [ o h 1051 (X) and Rouen, Bibliothèqye municipale, Y 6 0. The table below @es an

abbreviated indication of the extant numbering SChexlle~ in our corpus. R has two Sundays shown as

Domuiica onma, but no seventh Sunday.The Rmted Prague Missals number Suadays afkr the oaave

of Corpus Christi, but without providing for a Sunday within the octave. Sundays î 2 and 23 have the

same propers. Number 24 has the same propers as Trinity 23 in the manuscripts.

Trinïty and its Sundays



Trinity 3

Trinity 4

Trinity 21 -- -

Trinity 22

Trinity 23

G. A.T bave i

The contents of the masses are for the moa part identical. The chief exception to this nile are the

alleluias, whose verses in R and S routinely and in G, K and D occasionally differ from the other

books. This pattern is discussed in a following paragraph and the accompanying table. There are also

a handfid of r d o m variances. In 553, (Trinity 14) the scribes of B. C, and D have used the gradual

B o r n e s confiten (Ps. 9 1 : 2-3) btead of Born est confidere @S. 1 17: &9), which is used by the

other books. In 558, we see in C and D Bonum est conwere, instead of Bonum est confieri. B thus

has the same gradual two Sundays runnîng. It is to be presumed lhat these variances were caused by

a scnial error, which is natural enough if the incipits of the source books were sufficiently abbreviated.

In 531. the communion for Trinity 9, the Bohemian Sources w îhe traditional P n ' m pente. for

which R and S2 have substituted Qui d c a t c m e m (Jn. 6: 55). The innovation does not cohere

well with the other material for the day. We find a related dinerence in 561, the communion for

Trinie 15. The Bohemian Sources use the traditional antiphon Qui manducat. R and 32, having

already used this on Trinity 9, use P& qumr ego dedero (Jn. 6: 52) which has the same theme.

Allduia Verses after Trinity

1 Trinity 8 1 Magnus domuius 1

1 Trinity 13 1 Domine rcfugium f a w 1 Venite exuitcmur domino 1 As in A I 1 Trinity 14 1 Vuutc exultemus domino 1

Paratum cor mcum 1 sui^ I

Diiexi quoniam exaudivit * 8: Lauda dominum 1 D: Dcxtcra dei ftcit 1

Qui ~nfiduns in domino 1 De profundis d - ~ 1

The September Ember Days appear after Trinity 17. They are a part of al1 the documents except for

G, where they have been lost in whole because of excisions and for T, where they have been lost in

part. The antiphons are the same in ail the books, except that in R and !$ Quis siM. the second

Wednesday graduai in the Bohemian Sources, cornes first and the second antiphon is Beafa gens

est dominus (Ps. 32: 12,6), which was used by ail the boob on Trinity 17.

The aileluias Mi into three main fimilies: the mn-Bohemiaa Sources; G, K and D; and the remaining

Bohemian books. The latter two families only differ occasionaliy. The hcipits of the verses are

summarized in the table above. * denotes that G is excised.

At the end of the temporale, ali the Bohernian books have the Dedication Festival. It appears in R and

$2 at the end of the Common of Saina. The senings are the same except for the aiieluia verse (622).

which is Vox aukacionis in the Bohemian sources. There are two aileluia verses in R and S. The fim is taken from Ps. 137: 2 (Adombo aà templum) and the second from Mt. 7: 24 (Benefwidara est). The

Bohemian Sources, Save G, K and D, also have propers for the dedication of one aitar.

In the calendars produced in this section, the numbers in bold refer to the introït for a particular day.

December J==v



Conception of Mary



Vigil of Tbomas Thomas

C h r h m s Evc

Suphen John. Apostle. &an. Thc Holy laaocem Thomas of Cancerbu

C P S V H B A T L D Aii except G K

AU Ali

AU AU AU exccpc G K AU exccpt G K


Vigil of the Eprph?ny


Feîix in p W

=w Berard. Petrr et al. Marcellus

-ny prisca

Marius. Martha et al. Fabian ami Sebastian

ABncs vicrenr Emercntiaria Timorby Conversion of Paul

Octave of Agncs

AllcxceptGK P S V H B A T L

C P S V H B A T L Ail cxcept G


P S V H B A T L AU cxcept G K

Nichoh: in R, the feast has only three prayers and no antiphons. There is no gradua1 in G.

Conception of Mary: The Bohemian Sources use the same mass as for her Nativity. None of the

antiphons in 32 are found in the Bohemian books. Their incipits are Egredimirù, Qziaiis est dilecta.

Veni r e g i ~ nonra, Omcs c0ncIuu.s and Glonosa dicta m.

Danimus: The content in R is limiteci to three prayers.

bq: The scribe of A did not indiate the fom of the offertory mèrenfur to be used. AiI other books

specify the fonn.

%mas the Aposile: The aiieluia verse in R, is Chdete id. The other books use Iwtus utpa(ma.

The masses fiom Christmas Eve through the Holy Innocents and that of the vigil of the Epipbany were

discussed with the temporale.

Thom of Canterbury: The non-Bohemian Sources use the gradual Ecce sacerdos and D uses 1zistu.s

ut palma instead of Inveni David. Instead of the aUeluia verse Iumrr ut palm. R and S 1 use Ego swn

paror bons; C uses Zste est sanairc; D uses Iste SMC~LT digne. This feast and that of Silvester are

found in the temporale in R and 3 1, elsewhere in the sanctorale.

Silvester The alleluia verse in R. 31 and D is Inveni David, instead of Iusturn dedruit.

Felix: The non-Bohernian Sources replace the alleluia verse Be- vir with Disposui testmentm.

Berard, Peter, Accursius, Adiwus and Otto are Franciscans m e d in 1220 in Morocco and are

remembered among our books only in $2. The antiphons are Muke tribulaciones, V i c a domine, Hec

est vera, Iustonun anime and Dico autem.

Marcelus: The propers are the same as those for Martin of T o m (1327), except for the alleluia verse

Tu es sacerdos.

Prisco: Only the aUeluia verses differ. R, 5: Loquebar; K: D w a est; the rest: O m i s gloria.

Marius, Ma*, Audifax and Abachum: R supplies only three collects.

Fabian and Sebastion: The non-Bohemian Sources have the aiîeiuia h c t i nu' instead of Ih eptdentur.

The Bohemian books have both dieluia and tract, except for G which lacks the former, and D the


Agnes: R and S use the aiIeluia Quinque prudentes; G uses fimenta. G has no tract, offertory or

communion. The other Bohemian books save D have a tract as welI as an alleluia.

Tmthy: The antiphons of the books are the same, except for the comfllunion of CS and D, which is Qui

vuit venire.

Conversion of Paul: Most of the books iradicate that tbe mass Scio mi creW used on the Feast of Paul

is to be used. Not al1 have both the alternative alleluias used by A on this occasion. The d e M a

Magnus sanctus P0uIu.s found in G and K is not shared with the other books. The osertory Michi

maem in R. K and S and the tract Tu es var eiecn'onis in R, G, K and 3 differ from the other sources.

Ocîave afdgnes: The non-Bohemian Sources refer to the feast as In s m e Agneh secwido. They both

lack a tract and use a dinerent alleluia, Adduceniur regi. R. C, d D use the communion Simile est

regnwn. instead of Quinque prudentes.

1gnafiu.s: All sources agree. Oniy C also provides a mct (Be- vir p z ) .

ïhe Pu@caion: Rocessional antiphoas are given everywhere except in H and V which have only the

mass. The two antiphons Ave gr& plenu and Adom rhalmnun and the tract Responrwn accepir are

in al1 books with a procession. Two other antiphons and a hymn are found in 6-8 of the Bohemian

Sources. The antiphons for the m a s agree except that, for the tract, R and 3 use the Nmc dimirtlc,

while D appropriates Audifilia which was found before on the octave of Agnes.

Blaise: His feast is found in all the Bohemian books, save G and K. The text of the antiphons in the

same, except that C and D use the tract Desiden'm from Vincent.

Agarhrr: The propers include both an alleluia and a tract. except for R, C, S and D, which have no

aileluia. G and K use the tract Audifüia, instead of Qui semillcmtllCmt G's offertory Filie regum diffen

fiom the other books.

Dorodry is the same as Agatha except for the communion. Most books use Ouinqrce pdentes but D

substitutes the communion fkom Agatha.

Apofbnia: The books are the same apart from C, which has no offertory.

Ignatnis Purification of Mary Blîisc

AgaW Doromy

Apoiionia Scolaseca



Peur's Chair Vigïi of Manhias Matthias




AU except K


AU cxcepr G K

AU cxccpt K C P V H A T L

Scofarrica: L and S have no alleluia. C has a number of variances including the gradua1 Spede tuu,

the alleluia Egregia sponsa. and the communion D m a est.

Vafentine: R. G, C and have no alleluia. G aiso lacks an offertory and a communion. The non-

Bohemian Souces use the communion Qzù vult venire.

The Cltoir ofPeter is found m di the books. The only variances are found in the offertory. R, G and

S use Tu es P a . while K uses Venta mea.

nie Kgil mrd Day of appear m aU the Bohemian books, save G and K. D uses on the &y the

offertory Vos qui seciai estis.

The Translation of Wenceslas is a part of al1 the Ehhemian books, save G and K. D substitutes the

gradual Beum Mr and the offertory in M m e tua. B replaces A's offertory with Poszkrti and the

communion with Fidelis servus.

Qnl and Methodiuc: It is not surprishg that this feast occurs only in the Bohemian books. C, V, H

and L substitute the offertory Gloriabuntur.

Longinus: C uses the same propers as for St. Vincent. which has the same offertory as A.

Benedic?: Mar& 21 is the date in R. Bohemian missals more often place this feast on March 23. The

feast is found in al1 books but G and K and has the same offertory. The setting in the non-Boheniian

sources differ, apart fkom the introit. The antiphons consist of the graduai Donune prevenisti, the

aileluia B e a u vir, the offertory In virtute tua and the communion Amen dico vobis.

me Amunciarion: The occasion is again universal in our books with considerable variances between

the majonty and R and 3. The latter two employ the b o i t Vulhun nuun. the gradual Dzma est and

the tract Audi fila. C has neither introt nor gradual.

Mary of Egypr: S has no alleluia. Otherwise, ai i sources are the same.

Tiburtius und Valerian: G and K have ody one aileluia. The second one in R is Smcti fui. R's

offertory is Lemuni, that of G, K. C. D is ConjZrebunhcr.

A W e r t : The feast is found in ail the Bohemian Sources. G has only one ailehia. K has none. The first

alleluia verse in D is Letabitur iwtus. The offertory in G is Cmf2eb~lcur.

George: George was placed in April24 in the caiendar below despite its near-universal assigament to

April23 and despite the fact that none of the graduales has an explicit caiendar. It seemed best to be

guided by the evidence of the dendars of the Rimed Prague Missals. In the earlier ones ( P M 1479,

Bamberg 1489) both occasions appear with nine lessons on Aprii 23. The later editiom (Leipzig 1498

& 1522, Nümberg 1503. Venice 1507) ail have Adalbert on April23 and George on April24. The

propers for George. Save for the aiieluia verses, are the samc as for Adalbea. The alleluias in R are

Confitebbunncr and Becrctrs Mr and are difFerent from those found in the other books.

Mary of Egypt

Philip and Jamcs Sigimnmd Findmg of mt Cross Gothard

Mark: R is done in having the communion Lmcrbitur if~m~ic. The rrmauiing variances aii have to do

with the alleluia verses. K has none. The fim in C is PNmcs ad syon. R has four alternatives from a

cornmon, none of which are f o d on this &y in the other books: Confitbwuur ce& PoSUiSti, I u m c ~

ut palma, Zrr~hcs gennulczbit.

t r i : is found only in R, G. S. The books agree on the inîroït Protaisfi, the offertory Repleti sumur

ami the communion Ego swn Mtir vera. R and have two alieluia verses: Confrebuntur and PusuiSn';

G has only the one: Surrexilpnnor.

Phil@ and James: The propers are the same in ail sources, with the exception of the deluia verses.

K has wne. Those in G are In omem tmmn and S'exispastot. Those in R, S are Corlfirebunizu celi

and T m rempore.

Propea for SigismLutd appear in di the Bohemian Sources. Save G, K and D. C has no communion.

n e Finding of the Cross has propers in aii the books. The only variances are in R and which have

the offertory Dicire in genribus and the communion Per signum cm&.

Cothard: The masses in Our books are the same save for C, which uses the offertory Repleti sumuc.

D has a feast for Alamder and Tibudu between May 3 and May 6. There are a number of

Alexanders whose day fell on May 3, but none can be found who Û W e d to a Tiburtius. The propers,

whîch are for m. are Clamcnrem (introït), W e t e and In die resurrectionis (alleluias), Repleti

sumus (offertory) and Iustonun mime (communion).

John the Lmùi Gme: The mas of this day in R has two tities, the fint being "Alexander, Eventius,

Theodore and Juvenal" and the second king for John. It gives the introit ProteXiSri. three collez&, two

Iections and points to the common for the the other parts of the mas setting. S refers to the common

for the afleIuia and has the communion Letubitur i w m .

Stanislaus is found in nine of the Bohemian Sources. D has the two alleluias Letczbincr irrstrcs and

Sumeait pactor. C and D use the offertory Repleti sumus.

Gtmdion mtd Epimachrrs: In D, we find a rubric for Stanislaus which says that one is to use the mass

for Adaibert- W'iout any m e r rubric introduction, the offertory and communion used in the other

books for Gordian and Epbchus appear. It wouid appear that the nibric for ihis feast and the first

two anUphons were ornitteci through scnial error. There is agreement among the books for the se*,

except that R and 2: use the two alleluia verses Ei&zbunt and Pretiosa, neither of which appear

anywhere in the other books.

Nerem, AchiUeu and Pmcras: The introits and offertories used in the sources are the same. R, G, 3, D all have the alleluia verse Gm<dee iW. R and have a second, Te mm~*nrm. D's second is Chrimcr

resurgens. A majority of the books with this fas t (R, G, C, 3, V, H, L, D) use the communion

Gaudete ituti.

P otenriciM, found only in R, 5, has a setting consistmg of DifeJXiSR' (bo i t ) , Specie tua (graduai), O

quam puichra (aileluia), weremr (offertory) and D W u est (communion).

BemrdUte of Siem, a former Franciscan VicarGeneral(1438-1442). is rernembered only in 3. The propen are Gaude4~1(~ (boi t) , Os iusti (graduai), I I C T ~ ~ S gem'nabiir (alleluia). In v ime tua

(offertory ) , Amen dico vobis (communion).

The feast of Urban is celebrated with notable diversity in our sources. The feast does not appear in G,

K, S, B, A, T. Where it does appear, the foiiowing table shows îhat the propers in the Bohemian and

non-Bohemian Sources are apparently wmpletely different. However, there is in fact a link in C and

D where rubrics direct the use of the mass for the feast of Silvester, whose introit begins Sacerdotes

tui, if the celebration for Urban falls outside Paschaltide.

1 Graduai 1 Lnveni David 1 1 1 1 1 Alleluia 1 Mement0 domine 1 Iste est. S m . m r 1 Iste sanctus 1 m i t u r , Surrex. 1

D Pratexisti

P V H L Rotexhi

Marcellus and Peter is the name of the feast of June 2 in the Bohemian Sources, except for L which

ornits the name of Peter. In R and S. the name of the first saint is the more usud Marcellinus and R

C Protexisti Inwit

Offertory Communion

R S kerdotes tui

Ventas mea Fidelis servus

Repleti sumus Lctabitur

Confitebuntur I~abitur

Confitebuntur Lctabitur


aûds Erasmus. R and use the alieluia verse Ego vos elegi. The co~~munion in S is Ego vos elegi.

D has a second set of propers for the day for Eramucs. They are In v i w e tua (introit), Domine

preyenisti (graduai), SanctLrsime (alleluia), Posuisti (offertory) and Magna est (communion).

Bon@ace: The caleradars of the Rinted Prague Missals, the manuscript missals of Jan of Humpolec and

R ail agree that Boniface (June 5) should fkll before Primus and Felician (June 9). However, with the

sole exception of C, the graduais which have both feasts put Primus and Felician before Boniface.

PrUnur and Felician: The norr-Bohemian Sources use a different gradual and alleluia, whose incipits

are both Confirebumur. The offertory in D is Ejrultabunt.

B a d c ~ s : Both R and have the incipit Michi mem with an express or implied reference to the

common of apostles. In R the common has only the introit and three collects. The common of has

a nurnber of choices for the mass setting. The only identifiable variant for this feast is the use in D of

the graduai Cotlsti~ues eos.

Only R and speU out the names of the socii of BPrilidk. They both identify Cirinus and Nabor. and

R cites Na-us aiso. These two sources dso differ h m the rest in their use of the aileluia verse

Corpora sanctorum.

The Franciscan Antony of P h is remembered in our books only by the non-Bohemian Sources. The

antiphons are In me& ecclesie (innoit), Os nrm' (graduai). Antuni cornpar and IU(NS genninabit

(alleluia verses), Veritar men (offertory) and Domine @que (communion).

Basil the Grent: The only variance is S's use of the aIie1ui.a Lrte est sucerdos.

Vitus, Moàesnrr and Crescentia: Not surprisingly , since Vitus is ammg the special Czech saints. he

is found in ail the Bohemian Sources except G and K- R has only three coiiects for the &y.

Marcellus and Marcellian: The &y is so named only in S. A and T. The more usual "Mark and

Marceiiianw is found in R, C. P, S. V, H and L. D's "Mark and Marcellus" rounds out the possible

combinations of the thr# names. The graduai for is lunonmi mWne ami the alieluia for R and !3 is

Iusti epufentur.

Alban 10000 Soldicr Manyrs Vigil of John Baptist John Baptin

John and Paul

ûctavt - Pcar & Paul Jan Hus

Senùhg tbt Apodes


Mvtha FeW, Simplicius & c.





The variablity of the antiphons for GawLse mid Protase is relatively high. R, S and D use the gradual

Gloriosw deur. These three sources together with G have the communion Posuerunt. The alleluia

verses are R: Letamrtamrni; G, D: lum' epulertnrr, S: Hec est vem.

The Alban which appears in D is probably the one who worked and died near Mainz, rather than the

British one, since his date is June 21 in the contemporary Prague missals. The mass propers are

Letabittu (introit), Posuisn' (graduai), LetCrbitUr (alleluia), In M'me (offertory) and Qui vult


Those of the I0,CKX) &Mer Mc~rym ideno'fled m the Printed Prague Missals are Hermolaus, Acacnis,

Alexander and Mark. The propen, found in only P and D are as s h o w below. "Autemm in the

communion in P is probably a scnial error. P's alleluia is by a later hand.

Introit G r a M AIIeluh Mertory Communion P Gaudeamus Gloriosus dei Pie pastor Hermolae Leriunini Iustonun autem D Multe. triid. Timete dmn Pie pastor Hermolae Letnmini Iustom anime

AU the s o u e s are the same for the vigil and &y of John the Bq&, apari fkom R. and D, which

have no alleluia on the vigil.

For JDhn and Paul, G and K use the alieluia verse Id surir clue olive. For no apparent reason, G has

neither an offertory nor a communion.

K has no offertory or communion for the day of Peter and Paul.

While many sources have the alternative alleluia verse found in A for the Collunem~ration of P d , R,

G, K and have ody one. Meai of the first alleluia in A, the sources G, K. V, H, L and D use the

one whose incipit is Magnus Sanctus Paulus.

The only propers aven in G and K for the V i ~ o n are alleluias Listed in the conmion, but specified

as being for this occasion.

Three of the books also have a mas for Pmcesm mid Miminiun on July 2. For R and S, the propers

are Iudicatü sonni (introit), Exultabtuü (graduai), ludicabuni (ailelui@, Gloriat,nn<r (offertory) and

Anima nostrcl (commMon). D is the same, except that it uses the aiie1ui.a verse Letamini.

The Bohemian Sources, apart h m G and K. celebrate on July 4 the feast of the native saint, Procop,

founder of the S-va monastery in Prague. Most of the sowces use an aiieluia verse proper to the

saint. D substitutes Ise sanaur digne from the common of confess~rs.

Six of the Bohemian Sources have a mass on the same day for UIn'c, a monk of St. Gall. The setting

is the çame in ail, apart from L, whose aiieluia verse is Inveni David.

AU of the books apart from G, K and L mark M y 6, Octave Day of Peter and P d . The alleluia in

R and S is Vos d; that in D is Per nrmucs mem. The communion in D. Ego vos elegi, ciiffers nom

the other sources.

Four of the later sources also have masses for Jan Hus and the other Bohemian martyrs on July 6. The

occasion is variously labellecl as De Sancto Ioharine Hus nun Sociis (A), Beati Ma~tiris I m i s Hus

cum Socio 0, De Protomartiris Bohemonun (L) and lohannis Hus et leronimi Marnrnnun (D). Tbree

of the sources use îhe introit GoudearntLT from the common, whiie T substitutes Sirach 45: 29-3 1, with

Sir. 45: 9 instead of a Psah. AIl agree, with minor textual ciifferences, on the aiieluia verse which

speaks of the deaths of both Hus and Jerome in Constance. D omits giving a graduai. It is alone in its

use of the offertory Glodurtntr, but sbares the communion Et si corm with L.

The titie of the mass for the Seven Brothers shows some diversity. C reckons their number as five and

R and V combine the occasion with the feast of Rufina and Secunda. The only textual variant is the

use of the gradual Anima nosmi by R and 3.

For the Tramhiion ofBene&, D smiply refers to March 21 (816820), which has no alleluia. C gives

the incipits of the five antiphons. The only ones in D and C which dif%er fiom those of March 2 1 in

A are the alfeluia lste smctur, and the offertory D e s i d e h mime.

The Roman MissaI gives three coliects only for the fkast of Nabor Md Feluc.

Strange though it may be from a philologicai viewpoint, we find alternative alleluia verses (in place

of Invem UM preciosa marganta) on the fast of Murgoret. D uses Egregia sponsa and C and P use

Vemans rosa. The offertory in C is Filie regum.

For the SendUIg of the Apostles, D has neither a gradual nor an offertory.

The aiiehria verse and communion in the no~~Bohernian Sources for Prmedes are Specie fzuz and Simile

es? regnwn. C uses the offertory mrenncr, without specifying which form.

Mmy Magddene: Apart from the alternative graduais, the oniy variant among the Bohemian sources

is the use of the communion D W a est in G and K. The aileluia is proper to the day. The non-

Bohemian Sources use an entïrely different mass - Introit: Me apectavenuzt-, graduai: Di lem;

idieluia: D w a est; offertory: Fiüe regum; communion: Fen' iuditim.

ApoHimris: The alleluia verse in D is Letabiîzu iutas. Again, R and share a number of antiphons

different from the rest - Introit: Sacerdotes dei; alleluia: lwMt dominus; communion: Domine


The only variances we find for the Vigil and Dai ofJmes are in the alleluia verse of C and D for the

day, which have In omnem terram and Iocobe serve dei qui filius es Zebedei omnes corde rei petintus

loca da requiei respectively .

For Anne. only C, P and D have the proper alleluia verse: Annu m e r eximia Abruhefiiia celifulget

curia cororma gloria. The graduai and offertory in D are Specie tzu and D i m a est.

Pantaieon: D uses the offertory and communion Gloria et honore and Qui vult.

The mass in R for N'arius and Celsus, Victor and Innocent consists of just three collects.

Martha: R gives only three coilects. Complete setMgs appear in a number of Bohemian sources. D

has variant antiphons including Introit: V u l m mm; graduai: Dzma en and communion: Dilexisti.

Al1 have an alleluia verse proper to the day.

FelUc: R gives three collects only, while D has a complete setting of Introit: Sàcerdotes e h ; gradual;

Sacerdores eiw, alleluia: Letmnini; offertory: Glonbbunn~r. and communion: Ego vos elegi. in R, the

mass is a h for Simplicius, Farcsrulus and Beatrix.

Abdon and Seruzen: The non-Bohemian sources use the gradual and alleluia Gloriosus deus and

Ircstonun anime.

The antiphons for Peter's Chains are simikir or identical to those for Iune 29. The non-Bohemian

Sources distinguish the day from the earlier feast by using the alieluia Suive iubente.

Pope Srephen: The introit, graduai and deluia verse in the no~~Bohemian Sources are Sacerdotes &us,

Ecce sacerdos and Tu es sacerdos. The alieluia, offertory and communion in D are rite e s sancfus,

Desiderium mime and M a g ~ est.

The setting for the Finding of Stephen is that for the saint's day which, occurring as it does in an

ancient section of the temporale, is uniform throughout the sources.

A feast for Mary of the Smws appears in eight of our sources. In ali but one, the only thing appearîng

d e r the heading is a nibric which states, 'omnia ut sabbatis diebusn. Since none of the books gives

any directions for Saturdays, the rubric is not very helpful. P is somewhat more fonhcoming in

suggesting the introit Ghudeamrcs and the graduai Benedicra et venerabih before referring us to an

alleluia in a later band.

Dominic is remembered only in R. There are three coIlects without Iections or antiphons.

The feast of the Transfiguranon, celebrated before 1ûûû CE in the east only began to appear in western

miss& in the eleventh c e m . It became more conmion in the twelfih centwy and widespread in the

thirteenth. It was only recognized by Rome in 1457 by Callixtus ïII to mark an important victory in

Belgrade over the Turks in the previous year. Perhaps it is because of this late official recognition that

Graduai 1 - Cantate domino None Videnmt omnes


I Hodie pater de Candor est fucis Qui lapis sine Transfiguracionis celis testificatus Duxit ets discip. misterium


- Viderunt ingressus Quem angelus Dominus dit

- Gloria et divicie Magnus dominus Deuseaim

Videnmt omms In monte mandavit In splendoribus

the feast had not completely established itself. that there is textuai diversity and that it is more iikely

to appear in later books. One tradÎtion is shared by S, B and A, and occasionaiiy by D. The table above

gives the settings for C (alleluia only), 5, T. D.

S b , the other feast celebrated on August 6, is found in almost twice as many sources. The rubnc

usually simply refers to Pope Sixtus, although D maka mention of 'socii" and R* S and D name

Sixtus's two deacons, Feücissimus ami Agapitus. The &oit of C is &cerdotes dei and that of D is

Sacerdotes M. R and 3 have a distinct set of propers - ïntroit: Salw autern; gradual: C h m v e m ;

alleluia: TradUiem; offe-: hûtubwrt; communion: Guudete.

Donatza the fim saint celebrated on August 7, appean in most of the books. The propers in the non-

Bohemian Sources again differ h m the rest. Inhoit: Sizcerdotes dei; gradual: Os id; aiieluia: 1-

non conîurbabiur; offertory: Inveni DCNid', communion: Fidelis servus.

ABU, the second August 7 saint, has a uniform set of propers in the sources, except that B lacks a

communion. C and D have one mass for Donmur mid Afia combined. nie antiphons bear no relation

to those of either saint indhidually. Introit: Innet; graduai: Emritabunr; alleluia: Leramini; offertory:

Letmini; communion: Et si coram.

That Ciriacm had cornpanions is noted in aii the sources. His socii are identified as Largus and

Smaragdus only in R and 3. These two sources use the alleluia verse Fulgebm ium'. wMe D uses Ium'


We find aimost cornpiete textual uniforrnity on the vigil and &y of Laurence. This perfection is mamd

only by the scribe Matthew, who omitted the co~~ununion on the &y itseif (S).

P has only the introit and no other antiphons for the day of I'iburtius. The other books have a Ml

musical complement. C substitutes the aiieluia LRtabinrr-

Three prayers are given for CIare in R.

The occasion on August 13 Ïs Hipolid (several speiüngs) et socionmt &, except in R which conoects

the &y with Hippolytus and Cassian. Variances indude the graduai in D (Anima numa) and the

aiieiuia in R and (IW' epulentur). Only the fint part of the introit in T has escaped excision.

Eurebiza appears with only three collects in R, but with a compIete set of antiphons in D. b o i t and

graduai: Os id; offeaory: Daiderium anime; communion: Be- s e m .

On the Vigil ofthe Ass~~ltlption, the non-Bohemian Sources again seem to reflect a separate tradition.

They have the introit: Vulnmi anmi; the gradual: Benedicta et venerabilis; the offertory: Beam est virgo

and the communion: Benedicta viscera. T has been exciseci.

nie As~untption: The tens of P and T are respectively partially and wholiy absent. The non-Bohemian

Sources substitute the offertory and communion Ass~unpta est Maria and Opfi- panem. The

offertory in G and K is Feli* Nunque est sacra virgo and in C is absent.

The Octmre Day ofkirence is represented in ail our books, dthough P is heavily damaged. R and

have the graduai Giorin et honore, while K has no aileluia verse. The offertory and communion in C are Desiderium anime and Posuisti.

Agapi-: The non-Bohemian Sources use Iutus non comrbabiiur and Letabitur iutus for their

graduai and alleluia. D's dleluia is Non conturbatriiur. P is damaged.

Louis of Toufoure was a Franciscan of noble birth who was a bishop for the last momhs of his Iife. He

has a complete mass in R, but only an iutroit in with a rubric pointing to the common of episcopal

confessors. The antiphons in R, in the usual order are Stanu'r ei, Ecce sacerdos, Rosa venzcurs, Inveni

David and Be- servur.

Tmrhy and SymphoMn: The remaining text in P is fkagmentary. The non-Bohemian Sources use the

graduai and alIeluia Preîiosa in compecfu and Tradiderunt copora; D uses Iurtom anime and

Tradidemnt corpora.

Octave of the Asszunption: (Ody in c) We find only the alleluia whose verse is Hodie B W celos.

Vigil and Day of &urholomew: The damage to P continues. On the day Nelf, the alieluia, offertory

and communion in the non-Bohemian Sources are Te glonoms, Michi stem and Vos qui se&. and

P have a proper aiieluia verse which bepins, Vox sanai Bartholomei ruba.

Giles U6l Tht Twclve Brodms

Mary of the Snows Dominic The Transfiguration Sixais

Donatus Anra Ciriacus et Wcü. Vigd of Lamucc Laurcncc Tibumus Clam Hilytus et socü


N a m of Mary Gorgonius

AU R ~ P S V H B A T L D

l AU except G K

Protus ami Hyacmdi 1181

Exaltation of Cmss C o n r h md Cypriao Nicomedes Passion of rlidmiiln Lucy Gemi. Euphcmiai Lamkrt Stigmata of Francis

AU cxcept G K R


Vigil of Assmption The Assumption I AU except T (exciscd)

Agapitus Louis of Toulouse

Vigil of Mauittw Manhew Maurice et socii

AI1 cxcept G K Afl cxccpf G K R C P V H B A T L D Timothy, Symphorian

Octave of Assum@on Vigil of Bucbalomew Bartholomew Transiaaon of Rclics

Ihiffus Hermcs A u e &beading of John Sabina Felix and Adauctus

Michel l *18 All

A W o reûqzùàmm: This occasion appean in most of the Rague Missals. There is a commemoration

for the translation on St. Bartholomew*~ Day and a mass of its own on August 25. The same prayers

are used in the missais on both days. Adalben's translation is remembered in one troika of coiiects.

In another, the Vï, Benedict, Matthew, Isaac and Christmus are mentionai, The m a s propers

in C in order are: GidernttILT, Glonossui dem. Vox dtacionis. GIoriablultllr and Et si coram. The

prose O beata bearonun is to be used.

R w : Found only in D, the m a s sening is as for Hermes, but with the alleluia L e ? a b i ~ .

Hernies: The graduai in B is Iuruvit dominuc.

AugunVie: Some of the passages in P are damaged. In R and S, the gradual, aileluia and offertory are

Os iuti. Inveni David and Itrstus ut Palma. D's alleluia is Iste est sunctur.

The Beheading of John the Bop& R and S are again entirely differenî from the other books. Their

propen in order are: listas utpolmo, liatus uîpalmn, Iumû gennirtabit, Zn Mrture and Posuisii. K has

the same gradual and communion as do R and S, but has the offertory Iusîus utpolmn. D does not have

the weekday alleluia. Sûangely enough, the only antiphons for the day in G are the alleluia and b

verse and the offertory G f o ~ et honore.

Sabina, found only in D, follows the mass for Ludmilla, but substitutes the alleluia Invem m.

Three col~ects in R are given for The Twdve Brothers.

nie Ndviîy o f Our Lady shows a divenity wbich is unexpected in light of its antiquity. G and K have

no gradual. The offertory of K is Be- es Mrgo. The commlIILions of G and K are D i l d and Regina

m u d i . C has no alleluia. The noa-Bohemian Sources again seem to be drawing from a different

tradition. htroit: W v e suncta; graduai: Benedicta et venerabiI1iF; aileluia: Fe& nanqrce es, Post

pu-; offertory: Berna es *O, Ave Moria grmia plenu; communion: Be- viscem Man'e.

Gorgoniuc: The gradual, aiieluia verse and communion in R and are: GZotia et honore. Posuiszi and

Posuisti .

Protu ond Qucïnrh: D's aileluia is tetamùu'. The gradual. aileluia and communion in R and S are

&Itobunt smd, Pretiosa and Anha nostra.

Exaltaion of the Cross: The Bohemian sources use the propers from the Finding of the Cross. The

gradual. second ailele and communion m R and S (Chrictus fa- est, Nos uufem, Per sigluan cm&)

are different .

The Missale Romanum contains three coilects for the feast of Cornelius and Qprian.

Nicornede: The feast is found in R. and D, although the scribe in D has transposed the letters m and

d. The propers in the fim rwo sources are Letabimrr iL(SnCT, Posuisn', Gion'a et honore. In v i m e w

and Qui vulr venire. D agrees widi the first two amiphons. Its last three are Letabiinv. GIOM et honore

and Posuisti.

The Passion of Ludmifla appears in the Bohemian Sources except G and K. The ody variants are in

D, whose introit and alleluia verse are Me expenavir and a u d e plebs Bohemie.

Lucy d Gemininn are two early Roman martyrs. Euphemia was a Greek woman burnt at the srake

about the sarne the. A set of three collects in R remember the three.

Not surprisingly, we find propers for Ine Stigmatizmion of Francis only in S. They are Nos mem. Os

i d , Christo conjhis sum. Desidenùm anime and Qui vuil venire.

The m a s sethg for n e Vigil of Mmrhew is the same in dl sources, except that the communion in R

and S is Posuisti. alone supplies an alieluia verse: Chriso con^ sum.

The amiphons for nie Fem of Manhew are the same in the Bohemian Sources. R and S use entirely

different ones: Os iusîi, Beatus vir, Te glonosur, Pomisn' domine and Magna est.

Maurice and his cornpanions are given the same settings, except for D, which uses the oEertory

Glon'abuntzu and the communion Posuenuit. R contains the day . but provides only thee collects.

Cyprian and Jf(StiRa figure only in R, which supplies three collects for the day.

Wenceslar, whose feast occurs in most of the Bohemian Sources, has two proper aileluia verses. The

most common is that in A. D has a different one. whose incipit is Ad duplex Abeiis.

Apart from minor textual differences, the feast of September 29 is the same everywhere. The sole

disparity arises fiom the different designations given to the occasion. Both R and refer to the feast

as In Dedicatione Sbzcti Michuelis, reflecting the s-al in the Leonine Sacramentary of three masses

in which MichaeI is named for a Dedication Festival of a basilica named for him on the Via Saiaria in

Rome. Among the Bohemian books, the earlier ones (G, K, C, V) and D name the feast for Michael

(Michaelis, In festo Sancti Michaelis archangeli. etc.). The later books (S, H, B, A, T, L) associate

the fast with angels generaily (De sanctis angelis. in festo sanctorum angelonmi, etc.).

The feast for Jerome has complete mass settings in ten of the Bohemian sources and three collects in

R. The variant introit, offertory and c o m m ~ o n in D are Os iwri, Posuisti and Fidelis s e m .

Remigius, Germanus and Vedast: The feast is found in only ten of the Bohemian Sources. Three

identify it with aii three saints and a M e r ihree mention only Remigius and Germanus. The rest only

name Remigius or Remigius and his comparions.

The non-Bohemian books have a different tradition for Francis. R's gradual, but nothing else agrees

with the Bohemian manuscripts. 3 has no gradual. In R and S we fïnd the introit: Gnzideanus; two

aileluias: O pamàrche paupem and Hic Franciscz(s pauper; the offertory: Ventas mea and the

communion: Fidelis servus. D has a variant introït, Os iuti.

Most of the later Bohemian volumes celebrate a day for Pope Mark on October 7 . For the same day,

R has a mass for Sergius, &zcchus, Marcehs and A ~ Z ~ K S . The fïrst two and the last two are related,

although there is no historical coanection between the two pairs. R has two sets of three collects, the

second set being a cornmernoration of Pope Mark.

The 1474 Missale Romatlm names the cornpanions of Dionysizu as Rusticus and Eleutherius. Tt gives

three collecu, but none of the mass seaing. The only variances among the manuscripts occur in D

whose alIeiuia is Letamùli and whose cornmunion is ltrrtonun mime.

Gèreon et socii: Again, the aiieluia (Iusti atm) and the communion (Et si coronz) in D are different

fiom the rest.

M;uk Sea. Bac, Marc. Apu

Dionysus et socii Gcmn et socii




ll,ooo virgins Sevenir Severinus

Vigil of Simon & Iudt S i o n and Jude


Ail cxccpt G K AUexceptGK


PnscwPtion of Mary Cecilia Cicmcnt Feiicips

Chry=go= KIthcrinc

AUcxqtGK R P V H A T L

R P S V H B A T L D R C P V H B A T L D C P S V H B A T L D All R C P V H B A T L D C P V H B A T L D

C P S V H B A T L AU except K S AU cxupt (excision) R R P V H B A T L D AU e q t C (cxc.), S

AU except T (cxcised)

Callisncs: The first three elemenrs of the mass settings of the non-Bohemian Sources foI1ow their own

tradition - Introit: Sacerdotes dei; graduai: hveni David; AlleIuia: Amaviî ewn.

The settings for M e are the same except for two variant alieluia verses. One, P n ' r m ~ l ~ uù @on, is in

C and the other, Izuttrs germiwbit, in D.

The feast for The 11.000 Virgins remembers St. Ursula and her companions. As ofien happem when

the offertory merenhu is used, the documents are not uniform in their choice of the -us or minus


The codex C prescn i for Sevenu the m a s setting for Augustine (1145 - 1149). There is a question

about the music to be used for the aileiuia verse for most of the books. (See foomote to 1275) D's

alleluia is luravit donunus.

The oniy variant in the mass for Seven'nus is the alleluia verse used by D: I u n w i d e d a .

Crispin Md CNpinianus: A speils the name of the second saint: "Crispimus". D substitutes Anima

mstriu and Et si coram for the offertory and communion used in the other graduaies. The m a s for this

day (October 25) in R is dedicated to Chrysanth and Daria and consists only of three collecrs.

Vigil of S i m n and Jude: The communion used by the non-Bohemian Sources is Posuenuü monalia.

Simn unù Jude: The graduai and alleluia verse in R and are Codinies eos and Nimis honoran'. D

chooses the alleluia Norr vos me elegstis from the common of apodes.

Vigil of All Saints: The introit, offertory and communion in the non-Bohemian Sources are Iudicam

sancn', Exulmbruu and Iustonun anime.

Ali Saints: R and S have two aiieluia verses: Venire uà me omnes and Hec est vera, an offertory:

lustonun anime and a communion: Be& mwlcio corde, all of wbich differ from the rest. P has the

variant communion W e t e et &e. The 1474 Missale Romanum @es the dine coliects of a mass

to be held for Caesarius the Martyr on the same &y.

The Four Crowned Martyrs: The alleiuia verse in R and S is Laaizîe domiluun; that in D is Iurri

ep u lewr .

A mass for nieodbre consishg of t h . coliects is given in R. The mass settlligs in the other books

are identical.

M W n : The manuscripts P, S, V, H, B. A, T and L have the same settings. The variants in the other

books are sinmnarized in the table which fobws. "A" means that an antiphon is the same as that found

in A.

Menna is remembered only in a mass in R, for which three collects are given.




Bn'ce: The alleluia verse in D is Inveni David.

Ecce sacerdos wnie Iuravit dominus A Ecce sacerdos

Beam vir S. Maninus A A A A

A A A none A

Othmar: The saint was abbot of St. Gall from 720 util 759. D's alleiuia is Iste est smctus homo.

Elizabeîh: R @es three coiiects only. The aniiphons in D, apart from the alleluia. are dinerent nom

those in the rest of the corpus. Inîroit: Loquebar; gradual: D i i d ; offertory: D m a esr. communion:

Principes perse&.

P ~ e s e n t ~ o n of Mary: The feast cornmernorates Mary's presentation in the temple at age three, as

recordeci in the apocryphal Book of James. Sixtus IV (1471-1484) received it h o the Roman breviary.

C bas no offertory or communion for the &y and uses the variant gradual: Benedicta et venerabik and

the alIeIuia verse: Felir virgo qui nondum.

The graduai, alleluia and offertory for Ckcilra are missing h m G. R d 5 use the offertory Puinque


The propers for the day of CIement show an above-average degree of disagreement. D has the grdual

lmeni dmid and G bas none. Th offertory in G and K is Inveni David. The dieluia verses are as set

out in the following table.

R, S G, K D Hic est sacerdos Iusars gcrminabit sicut lilium Iustusirtpaima

R has a mass with three coliects for Feliciîm on the same day.

Chysogotllli~, who is accorded a full mass setîing in eight of the graduais. has only three coiiecu in


The mass for Karherine in R is compIetely different from the graduais. Its components are:

iniroit Graduai Alleluia Offertory Communion Vox de celis Percussa gladio Katerina flos rosanm Pnidens et vigilans Ave virgiaum gemma

G has no graduai, offertory or communion for this &y. D substitutes the merentur mirus.

The vigil and &y of Andrew are in ail of the books save T, which bas Iost a leaf. For the vigil, R, G.

K and use the gradua1 Ni& honord, in place of In omnem temmn, which is the choice of the

aajority. On the day itself, G uses the offertory In omnem terrant and the communion Dicit Andrea.

The latter is presuniably the same form used on the vigil.

After the cornmon, there are two Masses for the Dead. The@ fonns a part of al l the Bohemian

sources with oniy a few varimis. D uses not the tract S i M c e m . but rather the one whose incipit is

Absolve, domine, mUmar o m ù m fideim defuctotum. It is also wd in R and S. G and K omit the

alternative communion. The non-Bohemian Sources have oniy one Requiem Mas, which is the second

office in A. Apart from some texnial differences identifieci in the fmmotes, the b o i t , gmdual and

offertory in al i the books are the same. The tract in R and S is the same as that in D for the fint mass.

The reason for the one or two forms of the tract Sicut ce= in the other sources is found in the

fwmote 1549. Ail of the books except D wntam the second commuuion, Lux e t e m lucem. The fim

communion, T m deus deposcUnur piemem. could well reflect UtraqWst proclivities.

The edition of the Litornefice Graduale contains a sequenciary of considerable sise. It is however

difficuIt to envisage clearly the overail shape of the corpus by readmg the tex& individuaiiy. There are

also a number of texts from other sources which the scri'be of our graduale did not include and which

are of interest. The table which foiiows seeks to remedy these two pmblems. Each occasion for which

there is prose in any of our books is shown in bold, followed by the references to the feast found in

A. On subsequent indented Iiws are found the incipits of any prose for the day not found in A,

foUowed by the places in BD and in our corpus where the SeQuence is found. Temporaie and sandorale

have been intercaicated in the rnanner found in the sequenciaries.

Stephen (1557)

John, Apode and Evangeiist (1558,1588)

Verburn dei deo natum BD 55: 211 f., C 211~. P 278v. V 342v, H 291v. L 98v

The hocents (1559)

The Circumcision (1560)

Epiphany (1561)

The Conversion of Paul (1562)

The Purifidon of MaFy (1563)

Letabundus exultet C 217r Alma matrem cristi commen. L 1 12r

Dorothy (1670)

Gens fidelis iocundetur BD 52: 162, G 23 lr, K 23%


Missus Gabriel de celis BD 54: 298 f., T 362v

Easter and Eastet Week (1564-1570)

The Lord's Lance (1571)


O fons surnme pietatis

Ad preclara fesîa regis

The Finding of the Cross (1573)

Salve crux sancta arbor

John before the Latin Gate

Verbum dei deo nam

Ascension (15741575)

Pentecost (15764579)

Aquilone puko veni

Festum paracliti omnis

Paraditus increanis

BD 34: 270 f., P 384r

BD 8: 212 f., T 275

BD 55: 21 1 f., G 237v, T 278r, D 237v

BD 34: 42, L 147v

BD 42: 39 f., T 288v, L 149r

BD 50: 415 (the same prose but substantial differences), L


O beate orbe toto veneranda L lS5v

Prompta mente Trinitati BD 50: 272, L 159v

Corpus Christi (15834586, 1661-1662)

De superna yerarchia BD 54: 262 f., L 164v

10,ûûû Soldier Martyrs (1663)

Glorietur tonus mundi in mar. BD 55: 48, D 248r, P 206r (iater band)

John Baptist (1587-1588,1664)

Peter and Paul (1589)

Tu es Petnis et super BD 55: 317, T 303r

Visitation (1590)

Decet huius cunctis horis BD 48: 423, L 184v, D 251r

Lauda sponsa genitricem BD 54: 305 f., L 181r

Procop (1592)

Gratuletur noster chorus sitque BD 9: 242 f., V 383v. H 327v, L 189r

Jan Hus (1593)

Clericalis tuma gaude S 400r, B 335v, T 309r, L 198r

Margaret (1594)

Sacra nunc margaretba BD 9: 214 f., S 402~. L 201r

Sending of the Apostles (1595)

Mary Magdalene (1596)

James (1597)

Anne (1598)

The Chahs of Peter (1600)

Mary of the Snows

Proba silica futura nivis P 39Ov

The Tradigwation (1673)

Forniam mortalitatis obscuram BD 42: 22, C 28v

Laurence (1602)

Stolam iocunditatis alleluia BD 54: 86 f., T 322r

The Assumption (1603-1604)

Affluens deliciis David regis L 227r

Augustine (1606, 1665)

The Beheading of the Baptist (1607)

The Nativity of Mary (1609,1666)

Ave celeste necnon et perhen. T 334r, L 243r

Gaude celestis sponsa summi BD 54: 135 f., D 265v (superscript)

The Exaitatiom of the Cross (1610)

Dulce Iignum adoremus BD 54: 195 f., D 267r

The Passion of Ludmilln (1611)

Maurice (1613)

Wencesislc (1614)

Dulce melos cum concentu BD 55: 386 f., P 386v, L 254r

Michad (1615) and AU Angels (1667)

Ad celebres rex celice BD 53: 306, L 261r

Ad honorem angelonim L 265v

In conspecm angelorum L 264r

F m &

Celi cives in colono BD 9: 159 f., S2 201v

Letabundus francisco BD 55: 151 f., S2 207r

Novum sydus orientur BD 9: 160 f., S2 204r

Ail Saints (1618)

Gaudeat ecclesie per quatuor L 273v

Martin (1619)

Ebdxth (1620)

Florem mundus protulit

fresentation of Mary

AItissimo provideme cuncta

Katherine (1622)

Ad honorem superni

Barbara (1669)

Gaude nova iherusalem

BD 55: 142, T 346v

BD 54: 291 f., C 263r. P 388r

Ave gemrna confessonim nic. BD 55: 22. S 449v, D 275r

Conception of Mary

Festun Marie venerantes BD 10: 66 f. (The same prose, but significant differences), & 196v

Common of Apostles (16254627)

Regnum tuum regnum omn. BD 50: 368 f., S 454r, B 381r

Common of Martyrs (162Sl629)

Common of Une Martyr (1630)

Common of Confessors (1631)

Common of One Confesser (1632)

Common of Evangeiïsts (1668)

Qui sunt isti qui volant

Common of v ' i (1633)

Common of One V i (1635)

Dedication Festival (1635-1636)

Rex Salomon fecit templum

Common of Our Lady (163701659)

Ave Maria gratia plena

Ave speciosissima virgo

CeIi iam pudicie flori

Mater patris nati mta

Mundi renovacio tenuit

O beata beatorum angelorum

O feiicem genitricem

Verbum dei dicens ave


BD 55: 35 f., L 30%

BD 54: 337, G 301r, P 364r, S 468~ . L 327v

BD 9: 69 f., S 470r

L 3Mv

BD 54: 426, L 34Ir

BD 54: 224 f. (About 50% agreement), T%355r, L 342v

BD 9: 78, G 314r, K 288v, S 488r, L 338r

BD 54: 378 (agrees on initial staruas), L 33%

L 311r

Dies ire ilia solvet secdum BD 54: 269 f., 3 1 184v

The purpose of this snidy is to be able to identify the distinctive characteristics in content found in

complete Catholic and Utraquist liturgical sources for the eucharist which were aU prepared with the

intent of providing a volume with aii of the antiphons which the church was always accustomed to use.

Not only is it desirable to be able to disceni the difference between Catholic and Utraquist books, but

it is also usehil if any trend iine can be identified to show at least how the Utraquist graduales evolved

over the Jagiellonian pend. It was for thû reason tbat 1 dccided m inchde in the study the sources G

and K, despite the fact that their sanctorales are much shorter than those of the other books. G and K

were the only two graduales from almost the first two decades of the Jagieiionian period and without

them, our period would have been cut from sixty-two years to fourty-two.

The reason for involving the Printed Prague Missais in the study was a statktical one. The Roman

tradition is well represented by the two sources R and S. The one almost aiways agrees with the other

when variances arise among the texts. The difficulty that arises in getting an accurate reading of the

Bohemian tradition in Roman CathoIicisrn is that it is represented by only one source, P, and possibly

by V. But to what extent can this one book P be deemed truly representative of Bohernian Catholic

graduals of the tirne? The only way to provide assurance in this respect was to place beside it the

Printed Prague Missais. If they and P almost always agree, as is the case, then P's position as a

tmtworthy exemplar of the Bohemian Catholic tradition is established.

One rapidly becomes aware in the temporale that the sources can be slotted into four loose families.

These sirniiarities persist m the sanctorale. Two of these families each has a cousin which is generally

represented at famüy occasions, but which also visits other families with some fBquency. The families

are listed below.

1. R and 3. 2. G and K. Jan M h 3 was the scribe of both books.

3. S, B, A and T. The related cousin to this family is D.

4. P. V, H and L. The related cousin to this family is C. The Printed Prague Missals closely resemble family 4, thus supporting the hypothesis that P can be

used as a proxy for Bohemian Catholic graduals. There U usually a large degree of agreement among

the last two famiries. A cenain amount of smiilarty exists between families 3 and 4 on the one hand

and family 2 on the other which is grrater in the temporale, the sanctorale of famiIy 2 being very small

in size.

In the temporale, differences in the texts occur most often in the aileluia verses for Ember Saturday

in Lent, Easter week, the Sundays afier Easter, Pentecost week and the Sundays after TriniW. For

Ember Saturday in Lent, the graduals of families 1 and 2 are the same and D and C each has its own

distinct set. The Prinîed Prague graduals, apart h m a traospobition, are the same as C. R and have

the same two ailefuia verses on the Sundays &ter Easter. Famiiies 2, 3 and 4 and the Printed Missals

ali have the same set which is different from R and S. It consists of one per Sunday, except for S. B.

A and T which have a second on Easter 1 only. There are five sets of aileluia verses for the week of

Pentecost. one for each family plus one for D. The Printed Missals are, for the most part, the same

as family 4. The alleluia verses in R and 5 for the Sundays afier Trinity are different from the other

books. The Bohemian Sources are the same through TRnity 17, after which point, G, K and D diverge.

The Printed Missals follow the rnainstrearn of the Bohemian Sources.

The nurnbe~g of Sundays also presents some variances. The Printed Missals dong with S. B. A T

(the core of family 3) and K (which here represents family 2, since G has a lacuna) count the Sundays

from the octave day of Epiphany, rather than from JZpiphany itself. As noted earIier, the non-Bohemian

Sources number Sundays from Pentecost, thereby seemingly creating wo sets of propers for Trinity

Sunday =Pentecost 1. The Printed missais rnnnber fiom the octave of Corpus Christi, but provide for

no Sunday within the octave.

In the temporale, the great preponderance of any variances in the propers for a &y ouw in the deluia

verse. In the sanctorale, it is much more cornmon to see other elements differ between sources as weli.

The four families generally hold together as in the tanporale. although it at times appears that the last

two familes, less perhaps one or two varying members. have W. A number of miscegenous unions

occur between R and D such as occur on the Ember Saturday in Lent and on the feasts of Simplicius

and Eusebius. Propen for two groups of Franciscan saints and for the Stigmatization of Francis are

found only in 32. Sometmies age spiits families. For example, in the question of antiphons for the Feast

of Hus, only the later members of families 3 and 4 contain them. None dates from before 15 10.

same khd of chronological split is seen in the naming of the feast of September 29. The

Transfiguration is found in oniy familes 1 and 3, in C and in the Printed Prague MissalS. It is apparent

that a consensus on the propers for the &y has not yet emerged. S is closest to the Pius V missal, but

it only agrees with it on two out of five propers. in contrast, the core members of the last two families

carry the then very recent Feast of the Presentation with no variance in the propers whatever. This

feast was first adopted by Rome after the schism with Rague.

The combineci calendars of di fourteen volumes include 208 events, of which 136 fa11 in the Iast six

months of the iiturgical year. Of these events, 109, or about a Mf, are found in bot . Bohemian and

non-Bohemian Sources. Occasions found only in Bohemian and non43ohemian Sources total 73 and

26. It wodd seem that the Bohemian calendar most likely had evolved by dropping the days for the

more obscure southern saints and adding almost three times the number of predominantly northemers.

Of particular note among the laiter were Adalben, Bishop of Fkague and preacher to the Slavs;

Sigismund, king of the Bugundians; Procop, abbot-founder of the S h v a Monastery in Prague;

Wenceslas, Duke of Bohemia and Ludmiiia, his grandmother. Days for the translations of the latter

two are found in most of the Bohemiau books. Vitus, the other saint most closely associated with

Bohemia, lived in ancient Rome. Among other additions to the Bohemian calendar we find Cyril and

Methodius, Stanislaus, Boniface, the Visitation, Uùric and Gall. The Visitation is remarkable in that

it is found in ail the Bohemian Sources, but not in R or 3, despite the fact noted on p. 1704 of ODCC

that the feast was htroduced into the Franciscan Order in 1263.

The selection of propers is more variable in the sanctorale of the books than in the temporale. Many

of the principal days in the sanctorale such as the two principal feasts of Paul, Agaes, the Purification,

Phillip and James, John the Baptist, Peter and Paul, Laurence, the Assumption and St. Michael are

present in ail books with minmial textual variation. In a number of other major feasts present in most

books, the Annunciation, Mark, the two feasts of the Holy Cross, James, the Beheading of John, the

Nativity of Our Lady, Matthew, Simon and Jude, AU Saints and Martin, there are significant

differences between the Bohemian and non-Bohemian Sources.

The Bohemian books are lavishly provided with sequences for various days in the temporale and the

sanctorale. On the important days, more than one choice is provided. An extreme example is L, which

aiiocates no fewer than eight sequences to Easter. Perhaps they were used throughout Easter Week.

The situation in R and '5 is quite different. They sbare one sequence for Easter, two for Pentecorn and

oac foc Corpu (3hriai. R bas no ochcrs. has a hrnher thrce sequences at the end of vol. 2 for St.

Frura ad ay fa du Inmirulut Conccpeon. L is either an indication of liturgical accumulation or

paimps of du -ing nchDen of the musical Me of the Bohemian church that the contents of the

ocquawiuics M d in ihe k r books. For example. there are 1W sequences in S. 121 in A and

13 1 in 1. T& commrs of tbe lrrtcr arc clevly the most extensive of the books. Indeed, the earlier

volume H whose scni , Paul of Melnik, was also the maker of L, has only 87. Sequences for Hus

ippar imgularly in books made between 1490 and 1510 and regularly thereafter.

In summary, Catholic graduaies in the Roman tradition can be distinguished readily in books made

during the lagieilonian Era. Carhoiic books in the Bohemian tradition can only be distinguished based

on conte- from Utraquist ones by the presence or absence of m a s propers or sequences for Hus

which appear in volumes made in or after 1490.


1 Gregorius presul mentis et nornine digmis unde genus ducit summum conscendit honorem 42v renouauit monimenta patrum prionmi qui composuit hunc libellum musice artis scole cantandum anni circulo. 1

2 [INTROITVS Ps. 24: 1-31 Ad te Ieuaui animam meam deus meus in te confido non erubescam 43r neque irrideant me inimici mei etenim uniuersi qui te expectant non confimdentur. [Ps. 24: 41 Vias nias domine demonstra 1 michi et semitas tuas edoce me, 43v (X i) Euouae.

3 GRADVALE Ps. 24: 3 & 41 Vniuersi qui te expectant non confursdennir, domine. Vias tuas domine notas fac rnichi et semitas tuas edoce me.

4 Alleluia. [Ps . 84: 81 Ostende nobis domine mi ( sericordiam aiam et saiutare tuum da nobis. 44r

5 OFFlERTORLVM [Ps. 24: 1-31 Ad te domine leuaui animam meam; deus meus, in te confido, non erubescam neque irrideant me inimici mei etenim uniuersi qui te expectant non confundennir.

6 COMMVNIO p s . 84: 1 31 Dominus dabit benigni 1 tatem, et terra nostra dabit fiuctum 44v (A ii) suum.


7 [IN~ROITVS 1s. 30: 301 Populu~ Syon ecce dominus ueniet ad saluandas gentes et auditam faciet dominus gloriam uocis sue in ieticia cordis uestn.

1G21r. K24v. C?Ov.S45v,H39v,B41v, T3%, L3r. D25v.

2 R Ir, G 21v. K 24v. C 31r. P 34r. S 46r, S1 IV, H 4th. B 42r, T 40r, L 3v, D 26r.

3 R Ir. G22r. K25r, C31r, P34r. S46v. 31 2r. H&, B42v, T40rVL3v,D26r.

4 R Ir,G22r. K25v. C3lv. P34v, S 4 6 ~ , ~ 1 2 r , H & , B 4 2 v , T4ûv,L4v,D26v.

5 R Ir. G 22v. K 25v, C 31v. P 34v, S 47r, S12v, V P 44r. H 41r, B 43r. T W , L 5r, D 26v.

6 R IV, G22v. K25v. 31v. P 35r. S 47v, $1 3r, V44r. H41r, B 43r, T4tr, LSv, D 26v.

7 R IV. G 22v. K 26r. C 31v. P 35r. S 47v. $1 3r, V 44r. H 4lv. B 43v, T 41r. L Sv, D 26v.

p s . 79: 21 Qui regis Israhel intende qui deducis ueht ouem Ioseph, Euouae.

8 GRADVALE ps. 49: 2-3 & 5] Ex Syon species ' mani 1 feste ueniet. Congregate illi sanctos eius 45r qui ordinauerunt testamentum eius super sacrificia.

9 Aileluia. Rex noster adueniet et christu quem Io 1 hames predicabat agnum esse 45v (A iii) uenturum.

10 O F F E R T O ~ [Ps. 84: 7-83 Deus tu wnuertens uiuificabis nos et plebs nia letabiau in te ostende nobis domine misericordiam tuam et dutare aium da nobis.

11 CO-O m. 5 : 5; 4: 3 q Ihenisalem surge et sta in exceko 1 et uide iocunditatem que 46r ueniet tibi a deo tuo.

12 [ I N T R O ~ S PhiI. 4: 4-61 Gaudete in domino semper i t e m dico gaudete modestia uestra nota sit omnibus hominibus dominus prope est nichi1 soliciti sitis sed in omni oracione peticiones uestre imotescant aput deum. Ips. 84: 21 Benedùusti do 1 mine terram tuam - auertisti captiuitatern Iacob, Euouae. 46v (54 iiii)

13 GRADVALE [Ps. 79: 2-3 & 21 Qui sedes domine super chembin excita potenciam tuam et ueni. Qui regis IsraheI intende qui deducis uelut ouem Ioseph.

14 Alleluia. [Ps. 79: 31 Exci (ta domine potenciam tuarn et ueni ut saiuos facias nos.

8 R IV, G 23r, K 26r, 32r. P 35v. S 48r, 31 3v, V UV, H 41v, B 43v, T 41v, L 6r. D 27r. ' R adds: 'decoris eius deus noster'. Tbe orher documents, save A, add: ' decaris cius deus'.

11 R 2r, G 24r, K 27r, C 32v, P 36v. S 4%. S l Sr, V 46r, H 43r. B 44v, T 42v, L 8r, D 27v.

TZ R 2r. G 24v. K n r , c 32v, P 36v, S 4hr. $1 Sv, V 46r. H 43r. B 4%. T 42v, L 8r. D 27v. R G. K. and SI replace the P h with Pùii. 4: 7.

14 R 2r, G 25r, K 28r, 33r, P 37v, S Sûr, SI 6r, V 47r, H 43v. B 45v, T 43v, L 9v, D 2%.

15 OP~ERTORIVM Eps. 84: 21 Benedixisti do- terram tuam auertisti captiuitatem W b remkisti iniquitatem plebis sue.

16 COMMO m. 35: 41 Dicite pusillanenis confortamini et nolite b e r e ecce de (us 47v (A v) noster ueniet et saluabit nos.


[INTROWS 1s. 45: 81 Rorate celi desuper a nubes piuni iustum aperiaîur temi et germinet saluatorem. [Ps. 18: 21 Celi enarrant gloriam dei et opera manuum eais anunccim firmamentun, Euouae.

18 GRADVALE p s . 23: 7, 3 & 41 Toliite portas principes uestras 1 et eleuamini porte e t e d e s 48r et introibit rex glorie. Quis asscendet in montem domini aut quis stabit in loco sancto eius innocens maniius et mundo corde.

19 GRADVALE [Ps. 144: 18 & 211 Prope est dominus omnibus inuocanl uôus eum omnibus 48v @ vi) qui inuocant eum in ueritate. Laudem domini loquetur os meum et benedicat ornnis Caro nomen sancnun eius.

20 OFFERTORïVM m. 35: 41 Confortamini et iam nolite h e r e ecce enim deus noster retrïbuet' iudicium ipse 1 ueniet et saluos nos faciet. 49r

21 CO-O [Is. 7: 141 Ecce uirgo concipiet et pariet filium et uocabitur nomen eius exnanuel.


15 R 2v, G Br , K 28r. C 3311, P 37v, S SOv, 31 6v. V 47v, H 44r, B 46r. T 43v, L 10r. D 28r.

16 R 2v. G Bv, K 28v. C 33v, P 38r. S SOv, $1 7r. V 47v, H 44r, B 46r. T 44r. L 10v. D 28r.

17 R 2v. G 25v. K 28v. 33v. P 38r. S Slr, $1 7r, V 48r. H 44r, B 46v. T 44r. L Iûv, D 28r.

18 R2v. G25v, K28v, C Mt, P 38v, S Slv, $1 7r. V48r. H44v. B46v. T44r. L llr, D28r.

19 R 3r. G 26r. K 2%. C Mr, P 39r, S 5 2 , Sl 8r. V 49r, H 45r, B 47r, T 44v, L 1%. D 28v.

2Q R 3r. G 26v. K 2%. C 34v, P 3%. S 52v, S1 8v, V 49v. H 45v, B 47v, T 45r, L 12v, D 28v. ' V: renibucns.

21 R 3r, G 27r. K 29v, C 34v. P 39v, S 52v, $1 8v. V 4%. H 46r, B 47v, T 45v, L I3r. D 29r.

22 R 3r. G 27r. K 30r, 34v. P 3%. S 53r. S1 8v. V 50r. H 46r. B 48r, T 45v. L 13r. D 29r.

INTROWS p s . 1 18: 15 1-1521 Rope esto domine et omnes uie tue ueritas inicio cognoui de testimonüs tu& quia in eternum tu es. ps. 118: 11 Beati irnmacuiati in ' uia qui ambulant in lege domini, Euouae.

23 GRADVALE p s . 84: 8 & 2) Osten 1 de nobis domine misericordiam hiam et sdutare 4% @ vii) tuum da nobis. Benedixisti domine terram ~ a m auertisti captiuitatem Iacob.

24 O - T o m [PS. 84: 7-81 Deus tu conuertem. A iii

25 CO-0 [Zach. 14: 561 Ecce dominus ueniet et omnes sancti eius cum eo 1 et erit in die 50r illa lux magna.

26 [INTROITVS Ps. 79: 4 & 21 Veni et ostende nobis faciem tuam domine qui sedes super cherubin et salui erimus . [Ps. 79: 21 Qui regis Israhel intende qui deducis ' uelut ouern Ioseph, Euouae.

GRADVALE ps. 18: 7 & 21 A summo ce10 egressio eius et occursus eius usque ad summum eius. Ce 1 li enarrant gloriam dei et opera nianutun eius amuicciantl fimiamentum. 5ûv (A viii)

28 G W V A L E m. 18: 6 & 7] In sole posuit tabemaculum eius et ipse tamquam sponsus procedens de thalamo suo. A summo ce 1 Io egressio eius et occursus eius usque ad summum eius. 5 1r

29 GRADVALE p s . 79: 20 & 31 Domine deus uirtutum conuerte nos et ostende faciem tuam et sdui erimus. Excita domine potenciam tuam et ue 1 ni ut saiuos facias nos. 5lv (A ix)

23 R 3v, G 27v, K 30r, CC 35r, P 40r, S 53r, $1 gr, V 50r, H 46r. B 48r, T 46r. L 13v, I) 29r.

24 R 3v, G 27v, K 30v, CS 35r, P 4&, S 53v, S1 9v, V 50v, H 46v, B 48v, T 46r, L 14v, D 2%.

25 R 3v, G 27v, K 30v, C 35r, P 4ûv, S 53v, S19v, V Slr, H 46v, B 48v, T Gr, L 14v, D 2%.

26 R 3v, G 27v, K 3&, C 3Sr, P 4ûv, S 54r, $1 10r, V Slr, Ef 47r, B 48v, T 46v, L 14v, D 2%.

27R4r,G28r,K3Ir,~3Sv,P41r,S54r,~110r,V5Ir,H47r,B49r,T46v,L15r,D2hr. 'V:anunciat.

28 R 4r, G 28v, K 31r, C 3%. P 41r, S 54v, SI Ilr, V 52r, H47v, B 4%. T47t, L I6r, D 30r.

29 R 4r, G 28v, K 3lv. C 36r, P 41v. S S5r, S1 llv, V 52v. H 48r, B H)r, T 47v, L 16v, D 3ûr.

3û R 4v, G 2% K 32r, 36v, P 42r, S 55v. S1 12r, V 53r, H 48v, B SOr, T 48r, L 17r, D 30r.

GRADVALE [h. 79: 3, 2 & 31 Excita domine potenciam tuam et ueni ut S ~ ~ U O S facias nos. Qui regis Israhel intende qui deducis uelut ouem Ioseph qui sedes super cherubin ap 1 parere coram 52r Effiaim Beniamin et Manasse.

31 CANTICUM TRIUM ~ O R U M [Dan. 3: 52-56] Benedictus es domine deus patrum nostronrm, Et laudabilis et gloriosus in secula. Et benedicturn nomen glorie tue quod at sanctum, Et laudabile et gloriosum in secula. ' Benedictlls es in temp10 sancto glorie me, Et lau. Be I nedictus es super thronum sanctum re@ tui, Et lau. Benedictus es super sceptrum diuinitatis tue, Et. ' Benedictus es qui sedes super cherubin &ens abissos, Et. Benedicttu es qui ambulas ' super pennas uentonun ', Et. Benedicant te omnes angeli et sancti tui, Laudabilem et gloriosum in secula. Benedicant te celi et terra mare et omni 1 a que in eis sunt, Laudabilem. GIoria patri et fXio et spiritui sancto, Laudabili et glorioso in secula. Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in secula seculorum amen. Laudabili.

32 TRACTUS [Ps. 79: 2-31 Qui regis Israhel intende qui deducis uelut ouem Ioseph. Qui sedes super cherubin apparere co 1 ram Effraim Beniamin et Manasse. Excita domine potenciarn 53v (A xi) tuam et ueni ut saiuos facias nos.

33 OFFERTORlVM [Zach. 9: 91 Exulta satis filia Syon predica Mia Ierusalem ecce rex tuus uenit tibi sanctus et saluator.

34 COMMVMO [Ps. 18: 6-71 E 1 xultauit ut gigas ad currendam uiam a s u m o celo egressio eius 54r et occursus eius usque ad summum eius.


35 Sequimr INTROITVS [Ps. 104: 4 & 5] Memento nostri domine in beneplacito populi tui uisita nos in dutari tuo ad uidendum in bonitate electorum tuorum in leticia gentis tue ut lauderis cum hereditate

31 R 4v. G 29v, K 32v. c 36v. P 42v. S 56r. 31 13r. V 53v, H 4% B 50v. T 48v, L 18r, D 30v. ' D reverses the order of this lint and the one foUowing. G, K, C. P, V, H, L place this line after the line ending: ' ..perms uentorurn" . G, K, C. P. V, H. L add: super mdas mark et. R. Sl add: a supcr undas maris.

32 R Sr, G 30v. K 33v. 37r. P 44r. S 57v. S1 14v. V 55r, H 50r, B 52r. T 49v. L 20r, D 3lr.

33 RSr, G 31r, K34r, C37v, PMv, S58r. $1 fSv, V55v. H X h , B52r. TSOr, L21r, D31v.

34 R5r, G 31v. K34r, C 37v, P U v , S 58v, S1 1Sv. V 56r, H 50v, B 52v, T 50r, L21r, D 31v.

35 G 31v, K 34v, C 383, P 4%. S 58v, V S6r, H Slr, B 52v. T SOr, L 21v. D 31v. G, K and D use 105: 6 insftad of 104: 1.

Ria. p s . 104: 11 Con1 fitemini domino quoniam bonus quoniam in secuium misericordia 54v (24 xii) eius , Euouae.

36 GRADVALE [B. 144: 18 & 211 Prope est dominus. A v

37 Aileluia. Veni domine et nofi tardare relaxa facinora plebis tue.

38 [OFFERTORIYM Lk. 1: 28 & 421 Aue Maria gracia plena do / minus tecum benedicta tu in 5% m u l i e n i et benedictus fructus uentris tui.

39 COMMVNIO ps. 7: 41 Ecce uirgo concipiet. A vi


40 [ihïi'RoWs Exod. 16: 6-71 Hodie scietis quia ueniet dominus et saluabit nos et mane uidebitis gloriam eius . p s . 23: 11 Dornini est terra et plenitudo eius a orbis terranim et uniuersi qui habitant in eal, Euouae.

41 GRADVALE [Exod. 16: 6-71 HOdie scie& quial ueniet dominus et saluabit nos et mane 55v (A xiii) uidebitis gloriam eius. [Ps. 79: 2-31 Qui regis Israhel intende qui deducis uelut ouem Ioseph qui sedes super cherubin apparere coram Effkairn benialmin et Manasse. 56r

Si hec uigilia dominico euenerit tunc hec allelira sequtquttur 42 Aileluia. m o d . 16: 6-71 Hodie scietis quia ueniet dominus et mane uidebitis gloriam eius.

36RSv. G32r.KMv,C38r,PQSr,S59r,Sl 16r.V56v. BSlv,B53r,T50v,L22r,D31v.

37 R Sv, G 32r. K Mv, 38r, P 4%. S 59r. Sl 16r, V 56v, H 51v, B 53r. T 50v. L 22v, D 3Iv.

3û R Sv, G 32r, K 35r, C 38r. P 45v. S 59r. 31 16v, V 57r. H 51v. B 53r. T 51r, L 22v, D 32r.

39 R Sv, G 32v. K 35r. C 38v. P 46r, S 5%. $1 17r. V 57v. H 52r, B 53v. T 51r. L B r , D 32v.

40 R Sv. G 32v, K 3Sr. C 38v. P 46r, S 59v. SI 17r, V 57v. H 52r. B 53v, T Slr, L 23r. D 32r. ' R, G. K, C, P, S, S. v, H, L: eo. 41 R Sv, G 32v, K 3511, C 38v. P 46r. S 6ûr. $1 17v, V 57v, H 52r, B 54r. T Slv. L 23v, D 32r.

42 G 33r. K 36r. CS 3%. P 46v, S 6ûv. V 58r. H 52v. B 54v, T 52r, L 24r.

43 OFFERTOIUVM m. 23: ToUite portas principes uestras et eleuamini porte etemales et introibit rex glorie. 1

44 COMMVNIO m. 40: 51 Reueiiabitur gloria domini et uidebit 0mni.s caro salutare dei 56v (2 =Xi) dei nostri.

45 [INTRoïïW Ps. 2: 7] Dominus dixit ad me filius meus es tu ego hodie genui te. ps . 2: I j Quare fremuenint gentes et populi meditati sunt inania, Euouae.

46 GRADVALE p s . 109: 3 & 11 Tecum principium in die Uircutis 1 tue in splendonius sanctorum 57r ex utero ante luciferun genui te. Dixit dominus domino meo sede a de- meis donec ponam inimicos nios scabeiim pe 1 d m tuorum. 57v (A xv)

47 Alleluia. [Ps. 2: 7] Dominus dixit ad me Hius meus es tu ego hodie genui te.

48 OFFERTORIYM [Ps. 95: 1 1 & 131 Letentur ceii et exuitet terra ante faciem domini quoniam uenit.

49 COMMVNIO ps. 109: 31 In splendoribus sanctorum 1 ex utero ante luciferun genui te. 58r


50 [ ~ o I T V S 1s. 9: 2 & 6] Lux fdgebit hodie super ws quia natus est nobis dominus et uocabitur admirabilis deus princeps pack pater hituri secuii cuks regni non ent finis.

43 R 6r. G 33v. K 36r. C 39r, P 47r. S 61r, SI 18v. V 58r. H 52v. 3 Hv, T 52r. L 2411, D 32v.

44 R 6r, G 33v. K 36v. C 3%. P 47r. S 61r. SI 19r. V 58v. H 53r. B 55r. T 52v. L Z r , D 32v.

45 R 6r, G 34r. K 36v. C 39v. P 47v. S 61v. QI 19r. V 58v, H 53r, B 55r. T 52v. L Z r , D 32v.

46 R 6r, G Mr, K 36v. C 39v, P 47v. S 61v. 31 19v, V 59r. H 53v. B 5 5 , T 52v. L 25v. D 32v.

47 R 6r. G 34v, K 37r. C 40r. P 48r. S 62r. 51 20v. V 5%. H 54r. B 56r, T 53r. L 26v, D 33r.

4% R 6v. G 35r. K 37v, C 4ûr, P 48v. S 62v. S1 Uhr, V 60r, H 54r. B 56r, T 53v. L 27r. D 33r-

49 R 6v. G 35r, K 37v. C 4ûr, P 48v. S 62v, $1 21r. V 60v. H 5411, B 56r, T 53v. L 27r, D 33r.

50R6v. G35r. K37v, C 4ûr. P4hr. S 63r. S121r, V 6th. H S v , B 56v, T 53v. L27v. D 33r. ' Dends: induit domi.

[Ps. 92: 11 Dominus regnauit decorem indutus est ' indutus est dominus fortitudine et precmxit se uirtute, Euouae. 1

51 GRADVALE [Ps. 1 17: 26.27 & 231 Benedicnis qui uenit in nomine domini deus 58v @ mi) dominus et iiiuxit nobis. A domino factum est et est mirabile in oculis nosiris.

52 Alleluia. p s . 92: 11 Dominus regnaluit decorem induit induit dominus fortitudinern et 59r precinxit se uirtute.

53 OFFERTOIVM p s . 92: 1-21 Deus enim firmauit orbem terre qui non commouebitur parata sedes nia deus ex tunc et a seculo tu es.

54 CO-O [Zach. 9: 91 Exulta filia Syon lauda filia I e d e r n ecce rex mus ue 1 nit 59v Ql xvii) sanctus et saluator mundi.

55 [NIRO~TVS IS. 9: 6] Puer natus est nobis et fiius datus est nobis cujus irnperium super humenmi eius et uocabitur nomen eius mgni consilii angelus. [Ps. 97: 11 Cantate domino canticum nouum quia rnirabi 1 lia fecit. Euouae. 6Or

56 GRADVALE [PS. 97: 3 4 & 21 Viderunt omnes fines terre salutare dei nostri iubilate deo omnis terra. N o m fecit dominus salutare suum ante conspecaim gencnim reuelauit iusticiarn suarn. 1

57 Alleluia. Dies sanctificatus iiluxit nobis uenite gentes et adorate dominun quia hodie 6ûv @l Miil descendit lux magna super terraxn.

OFFERTORIYM ps. 88: 12 & 151 Tui sunt ceii et tua est terra orbem terranrm et plenitudinem eius tu fun 1 dasti iusticiam et iudicium preparacio sedis tue. 61r

59 COMMVMO p s . 97: 31 Videnint omnes fines terre salutare dei nostri.


60 INTROfTVS p s . 118: 23, 86 & 231 Etenim sederunt principes et aduersum me loquebannir et iniw p e c u t i sunt me adhua me dornine deus meus quia seruus tu 1 us exercebatur in tuis 61v M iustificationibus. [Ps. I 18: 11 Beati immacuiati in uia qui ambulant in Iege domini, Euouae.

61 GRADVALE ps. 1 18: 23 & 86,6: 5] Sederunt principes et aduersum me loquebantur et iniqui persecuti sunt me. Adiuua me domine deus meus saluum 1 me fac propter misericordiam ~ a m . 62r

62 Alleluia. [Act. 7: 561 Video celos apertos et Iesum stantem a demis uirtutis dei.

63 OFFERTORIVM [Act. 6: 5. 7: 591 Elegeruni apostoli Stephanum leuitarn plenum fide et spiritu( sancto quem lapidauerunt iudei orantem et dicentem domine Iesu accipel spirihm meum 62v (A xx) alleluia.

64 CO-O [Act 7: 56, 59 & 601 Video celos apertos et Iesum stantem a dexais uirtutis dei domine Iesu accipe spiritum meum et ne statuas Uis hoc peccatum quia nesciunt qyid faciunt.


65 [INI'Rows Eccli. 15: 5] In medio ecclesie 1 aperuit os eius et impleuit e u . dominus spintu 63r sapiencie et intellectus stola glorie induit eum.

Ps. 91: 21 Bonum est conften domino ' et psallere nomini tuo altissime. Euouae.

66 GRADVALE [Jn. 21: 23 & 191, Exiit sermo inter fratres quod discipulus ille non moritur. Sed sic eum uolo manere 1 donec ueniam tu me sequere. 63v @ i)

67 Meluia. m. 21: 24 Hic est discipulus ilie qui testimonium perhiit de hiis et scirnus quia uerum est testimonium e b .

68 OFFERTORWM [Ps. 91 : 131 Iusius ut palma 1 florebit sicut c e d m que Ui i i i o est 64r rnuitiplicabitur.

69 COMMVMO IJn. 21: 231 Exiit sermo inter fratres quod discipulus iiie non moritur et non dixit Iesus non moritur sed sic eum uolo manere donec ueniam.

70 [INTROITVS Ps. 8: 31 Ex ore infancium deus et Iactencium perfecisti laudem propter ini 1 micos nios. 64v (û ii) Domine dominus noster quam * admirabile est nomen tuum in u n i u e ~ terra, Euouae.

71 GRADVALE [Ps. 123 : 7, 81 Anima nostra sicut passer erepta est de laqueo uenancium. Laqueus contritus est et nos likrati sumus adiutorium n o m in( nomine domini qui fecit 65r celum et terram.

72 ' Laus tibi christe. won-scripturail Te maninmi candidaais laudat exercitus domine.

73 OFFERTORIVM p s . 123: 7J Anima nostra sicut passer erepta est de laqueo uenancium laqueus

66 R 8v. G 4ûr, K 41v. C 44r. P 54r. S 68v. 31 Br, V 64v. H 59v. B 61r. T 58r. L 3Sr. D 35v.

67 R 8v. G 4ûr. K42r. C Ur, P 54r. S 68v. 31 28v. V 65r. H 60r. B 61v. T 58v. L 36r. D 36r.

68 R 8v, G 40v, K 42v. C 44v. P 54v. S 6%. 81 28v. V 6%. H 6ûr. B 62r. T % 58v, L 36v, D 36r.

69 R 9r. G 40v. K 42v. C UV, P S v , S 6%. $1 29r. V 66r. H 60v. B 62r. T * 59r. L 36v. D 36r.

70 R 9r. G * W. K 42v. C 44v. P 5%. S 6%. $1 29r. V 66r. H dOv, B 62v, T * 5%. L 37r. D 36r.

71 R gr, K 43r. C 4%. P 5%. S 70r. S1 2%. V 66r. H 61r. B 62v. T 5%. L 37v. D 36v.

72 K 43r. C 4%. P 55r. S 70r. V 66r. H 61r. B 62v, T 5%. L 37v. D 36v. ' H adds alleluia.

73 R 9v. K 43v. C 4%. P 56r. S 70v. 31 30r, V 67r. H blv, B 63r. T 60r. L 37r. D 36v.

contrinrr, 1 est et nos liberati sumus. 65v @ iii)

74 COMMVNIO w: 2, 181 Vox in rama audita est ploratus et dulatus Rachel ploraos mios suos noluit consolari quia non sunt.


75 [ I N T R O ~ Wi. 18: 14, 151 Dum medium silencnim tenerent omnia et nox in suo cursu medium iter haberet omnipotens semo tuus domine de celis a regalibus sediius ue 1 nit. 66r [Ps. 92: 11 Dominus regnauit decorem indutus est indutus est ' Dominus fortudinem et precinxit se uirtute, Euouae .

76 GRADVALE m. 44: 3, 21 Speciosus forma pre Niis hominum diffusa est gracia in labiis ais. Eructauit cor meum uerbum bonumL ( dico ego opera mea regi lingwa mea calamus scribe 66v (73 iiii) uelociter scribentis .

77 Alieluia. [Ps. 92 : 11 Dominus regnauit . A xvi

78 OE'FERTORIVM [Ps. 92: 1, 21 Deus enim fmnauit. A xvi

79 CO-0 [Mt. 2: 201 Toile puemm et matrem eius et uade in terram Iuda defuncti sunt enirn qui querebant animam pueri.

80 [INTROITUS 1s. 9: 6] Puer natus est per totwn A xvii preter aileluia

76 R 10r, K 44r, C 46v. P 56v. S 7lv. S1 30v, V 68v. H 62v. B 64r, T 60v, L 4ûr. D 37r. ' ç replaces with 'domini".

81 Aileluia. Post parhm 1 uirgo inui01ata perrnansisti dei genitrix intercede pro nobis.

84 GRADVALE Benedictus qui uenit. per tolzm A mi

85 Alleluia. Dominus regnauit. A nii

86 OFFERTORIVM Deus enim firmauit. A xvi

87 COMMVMO Toile puerum. B iiii

88 [AD ASPERSIONEM IN DIE SANC~O] Fontes aquanrm sanctificati sunt christ0 apparente in gloria orbis terranun, HaUrite aquas de fonte saluatoris sanctificauit enim nunc omnem creaturarn Christus deus noster. [Jn. 7: 371 Si quis sitit ceniat et bibat 1 et de uentre eius fluent aque uiue, Euouae. 67v (23 v) Haurite.

In die sancto

89 [INTROWS Malach. 3: 1; 1 Chr. 29: 121 Ecce aduenit dominator dominus et regnum in manu eius et potestas et imperiurn. p s s . 7 1 : 11 Deus Ridicium anmi regi da et iusticiam tuam a füio regis, Euouae. ]

90 GRADVALE m. 6: 6, 11 Omnes de saba uenient aunim et thus deferentes et laudem domino 68r anuncciantes. Surge et illuminare Ihenisalem quia gloria domini super te orta est.

91 Aileluia. Mt. 2: 21 Vi 1 dimus stellam eius in oriente et uenimus cum muneribus 68v (B vi) adorare dominum.

92 oFï?~.RToRïvbï [Ps. 71: 10-IL] Reges tharsis et insuie munera offerent reges arabum et saba dona adducent et adorabunt e u . omnes reges terre omnes gentes semient ei. 1

93 COMMVNXO [Mt. 2: 21 Vidimus steiiam eius in oriente et uenimus cum munenius adorare 69r dominum.


94 [INTROWS Non-scriptural] in excelso throno uidi sedere u i m quem adorat multitude angelonun psallentes in unum ecce cuius imperii nomen est in etemm. p s . 99: 11 Iubilate deo omnis terra seruite ' domino in leticia, Euouae.

95 GRADVALE [Ps. 7 1 : 18, 3 ] Bene 1 dicnis dominus deus Israhel qui facit mirabïlia magna 69v (B vii) solus a seculo. Suscipiant montes pacem populo tuo et colles iusticiam. 1

96 Alleluia. p s . 99: 11 Iubilate deo omnis terra seruite domino in leticia.

89 R llr. K 45r. CS 46v, S 73r, S1 32v, V 6%. H 63r, B 6Sv. T 62r. L 41r, D 37v.

9 0 R l l r , K45r, C47r, P r 57r, S 73v. $132~ . V6W, H63v, B65v, T62r. L41v, D 38r.

91 R 1 Ir, K 45v. C 47v, P 57v. S 74r, S1 33v. V 70r, H 64r, B 66r, T 62v, L 42v. D 38r.

!32 R 1 lv, K 4%. 47v, P 57v, S 74r. S133v, V 7ûv, H 64r. B 66v, T 62v. L 42v, D 38r.

93 R I lv, K46r, C 47v, P 5773, S 74v. 51 34r, V 71r, H 64v, B 66v. T 63r, L43r, D 38v.

94 R l lv, K46r. 47v, P58r. S 74v, $1 34v. V 71r, H 64v. B 66v, T 63r, L43v. D 38v.

95 R 12r, K 46v. C 48r, P 58r. S 7%. SI Mv, V 71v. H 6%. B 67r, T 63v, L 44r, D 38v.

% R 12r, K 47r, C 48v, P 59r, S 75v, $1 35v, V 72r. R 65v, B 67v, T 64r, L 45r, D 39r

w OFFERTORWM m. 99: 1-21 Iubilate deo omnis terra iubilate de0 omnis terra seruife domho in leticia 1 inirate in conspectu eius in exultacione quia dominus $se est deus. 70v (B viii)

98 CO-0 (Lk. 2: 48,491 Füi quid fecisti nobis sic ego et pater tuus dolentes querebamus te et quid est quod me querebatis nesciebatis quia in hüs que patris mei sunt oportet me esse.

99 [INT~ROWS Ps. 65: 41 Omnis terra adoret te deus et psaiiat aii psahpsa di [cat nomini tuo 71r altissime. m. 65: 1,2] Iubilate deo omnis terra psalmum dicite nomini eius a date gloriarn laudi eius, Euouae.

100 GRADVALE [Ps. 106: 20, 211 Misit dominus uerbum suum et sanauit eos et eripuit eos de interitu eorum. Confiteantur domino misencordie 1 eius et mirabilia eius fil% hominum. 71v (B k)

101 Allehia. (Ps. 148: 21 Laudate deum omnes angeli eius laudate eum omnes uiraites eius.

102 OFFERTORIVM m. 65: 1, 2 & 161 Iubilate deo uniuersa terra iubila 1 te deo uniuersa terra 72r psalmum dicite nomini eius uenite et audite et narrabo uobis omnes qui timetis deum quanta fecit dominus anime rnee alleluia.

103 COMMvmo [Jn. 2: 7-9, 10-1 11 Dicit dominus implete ydrias aqua et ferte architriclho dum gustasset architri 1 clinus aquam uinum factam dicit sponso seniasti uùium bonum usque adhuc 72v (B x) hoc signurn fecit Iesus primum coram discipulis suis.

104 [IKI'RoS'l'Vs Ps. %: 7-81 Adorate deum omns angeli eius audRUt et letata est syon et exuitauenim filie Iude. [Ps. 96: 11 Dominus regnauit exultet terra ' letentur insuie m a , Euouae.

105 GRADVALE [Ps. 101 : 1617J Thebunt gentes 1 nomen tuum domine et omnes reges terre 73r gloriam tuam. Quoniam edificauit dominus Syon et uidebitur in maiestate sua.

106 Meluia. [Ps. 96: 11 Dominus regnauit exultet terra le 1 tentur insule multe.

107 O F F E R I V M m. 1 17: 1617 Dextera domini fecit uirtutem dextera domini exaItauit me non moriar sed uiuam et narrabo opera domini.

108 COMMVNIO m. 4: 221 Mirabam omws de hüs que procedebant de ore dei.


109 [~NTRows Ps. 17: 5-71 Circumdedenint me gemitus mortis dolores inferni et circumdedemt me et in tri 1 bulacione mea inuocaui dominum et exaudiuit de templo sancto suo uocem mearn. 74r [Ps. 17: 2-31 Diligarn te domine uimisl a mea dominus fimiamennun meum et refugium meum, Euouae.

110 GRQDVALE [Ps. 9: 10-1 1, 19-20] Adiutor in oportunitatibus in tribulacione sperent in te qui nouenuit te quoniam non derelinquis querentes te domine. 1 Quoniam non in h e m obiiuio e d 74v (B xii) paupens paciencia pauperum non peribit in eternum exurge domine non preualeat homo.

111 T R A ~ S Ips. 129: 1-41 De profundis clamaui ad te domine domine exaudi uocem meam. 1

-- - - -

104 R 13r. K 4%. C Sûv, P 61v. S 79r. $1 3%. V 75v, H 68v. B 70r, T 66v, L 4%. D 40v.

105 R 13v. K 4%. C 50v. P 62r. S 7%. S1 3%. V 76r. H 68v. B 70r, T 66v. L 50r, D 40v.

106 R 13v. K49v. C 51r. P 62v. S 79v. S140r. V 76v. H 6%. B 70v. T 67r. LJOv. D (40r).

107 R 13v. K 50r. C Slr, P 62v. S 80r, S1 4&, V 77r. H 6%. B 70v, T 67r, L 51v. D 41r-

lu8 R 13v, K SOr, C Slv, P 62v. S 80r. S14lr. V 77r. H 6973, B 71r, T 67v, L 51v. D 4Ir.

109 R 14v. K Sûr, C 51v, P 63r. S 8ûr. $1 41r. V 7%. H 6973, B 7It. T 67v. L 51v. D 41r. R and $1 replace with 'fortitudo" . 110 R 14v. K 50v. C 51v. P 64r, S 8ûv. S141v, V 77~. H 70r, B 71v, T 67v. L 52r. D 41v.

111 R 14v. K Sir, C 52r. P 64r. S 81r. S141v. V 78v. H 70v. B 71v. T 6%. L 53r. D 42r.

Fiant a m tue intendentes in oracionem serui tui. Si hicpitates obseruaberis domine domine 7% quis sustinebit. Quia aput te propiciacio est et propter legem tuam sustinui te domine.

112 OPFWTORIVM [Ps. 91: 21 Bonum est confiteri domino et psaliere nomini tu0 altissime. 7% (g nii)

113 COhfMVNIo ps . 30: 17-18] Illuxni~ faciem tuam super senium nnim et saiuum me fac in tua misericordia domine non confundar quoniam inuocaui te.

114 [ I N T R O ~ S Ps. 43: 23-26] Exurge quare obdormis domine exurge et ne repellas in h e m quare faciem niam auertis obliuisceris 1 tribulacionis nosne' adhesit in terra uenter noster exurge domine 76r adiuua nos et libera nos. ps. 43: 21 Deus auribus nostris audiuimus patres a nostri anunciauerunt nobis, Euouae.

11s GRADVALE ps . 82: 19 & 141 sciant gentes quoniam nomen tiii deus ni solus dtissirnus super omnem terram. Deus me ( us pone illos ut rotam et sicut stipuiam ante faciem uenti. 76v (B xiiiii)

116 TRACTUS m. 59: 4 & 6] Commouisti domine tenam et conturbasti eam. Sana contriciones eius quia mota est. 1 Ut fugiant a facie arcus ut liberentu electi tui. 77r

117 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 16: 5-71 Perfice gressus meos in semitk tuis ut non moueantur uestigia mea inclina aurem niam et exaudi uerba mea uiuifical misericordias h m qui saluos facis sperantes in te do 1 mine. 77v (73 xv)

118 CO-0 [Ps. 42: 41 Introib ad altare dei ad deum qui letifkat iuuentutem meam.

114 R 1%. G 41r. K 52r. C 53r. P 6%. S 8.2~. S144r. V 80r. H 71v. B 73. T 69r. L 5%. D 42v. R. $1 replace with 'mbulationem nostram'.

117 R 16r. G 42r, K S3r. C 54v. P 66r. S 84r. S146t. V 81v. H 7%. B 74r. T 70~. L 57r, D 43v. ' R. G. K. C. P. 31. V, H, L replace with "mirifica'.

119 [INTROITVS Ps. 30: 3-41 Esto michi in deum protectorem et in 1- refugii ut saiuum me facias quo& fhmmentum meum et refugium meum es ni et propter nomen tuum dux michi eris et enutries me. Ips. 30: 21 In te domine speraui non confundar in etemm in Mcia tua Iibera me.'( Euouae. 78r

120 GRADVA~LE Ips. 76: 15-16] Tu es deus qui facis mirabiiia SOIUS notam fecisti in g e n t i i uirtutem tuam. L~krasti in brachio tuo popdum tuum fdios Israel et Ioseph.

121 TRACTUS ps. 99: 1-21 Iu 1 bilate domino omnis terra seruite domino in leticia. 78v (B xvi) Intrate in conspectu eius in exultacione scitote quod dominus ipse est deus. Ipse fecit nos et non ipsi nos nos autem populus eius et oues pascue e h . 1

122 OFFERTOR~~M p s . 1 18: 12-1 31 Benedictus es domine doce me iustificaciones tuas, 7% Benedictus es domine doce me iustificaciones ~ ü i s in labiis meis pronuncciaui omnia iudicia oris mi.

123 cohliclrvrvrô [Ps. 77: 29-30] Manducauemt et saturati sunt nimis et desideriun eorum amilit eis dominus non sunt fraudati 1 a desiderio suo. 7% (IB Mi)


124 [ANTIPHONA Ps. 68: 17, 21 Exaudi nos domine quoniam benigna est misencordia tua secundum rnuititudinem miseracionum tuam respice nos domine. Saluum me fac deus quoniam intrauemt aque a usque ad animam meam, Euouae.

119 R 16r, G42v, K53v, C 54v. P 66v, S 84v, 51 46v, H73v, B 74v, T71r, L58r. D43v. ' G. K. P. V. H, Ladd "et eripe me".

120 R 16v, G 43r, K 54r, C 54v, P 67r. S 85, $1 47r, V 83r. H 74r. B 75r. T 71v, L Sv, D 44r.

121 R 16v, G 43v, K 54r. C S v , P 67v. S 85v. S148r, V 8 3 , H 75v, B 7Sv, T 71v. L 59v, D 44r.

UZ R 16v. G 44r. K 54v, C SSv, P 68r. S 86r, S148v. V 84r, H 75r, B 76r. T 72r, L 60v. D 44v.

123 R 16v. G 44v. K 55r, C 56r, P 68v. S 86v. S149r. V 84v, H 75v, B 76r. T 72v. L 61r, D 4%.

l24 R 17r. G 44v. K S r . C 56r. P 6th. S 86v. 31 4%. V 85r, H 75v, B 76v, T 72v, L 6111, D 45r.

125 [ ~ O W Joel2: 17J Iuna uestiiulum et altare plorabant sacerdotes et leuite ministn domini 1 et dicent parce domine parce populo tu0 et ne dissipes ora clamancium ad te domine. 80r

126 [ANTIPHONA Non-scnpturai] Immutemur habitu in cinere et ciiicio ieiunemus et ploremus ante dominum quia muitum misericors est dimittere peccata nostra deus noster.

127 [INTROïïvS Sap. 11 : 24, 2 q Misereris omnium domine et nichil odisti eorum que feci 1 sti dissirnuians peccata hominum propter penitenciam et parcens illis quia tu es 8ûv (23 mX) dominus deus noster. [Ps. 56: 21 Miserere mei deus miserere mei quoniam ' in te confidit anima ma, Euouae.

128 GRADVALE [PS. 56: 2.41 Miserere mei deus miserere mei quoniam in 1 te confidit anima mea. 8 1r Misit de ce10 et Iiberauit me dedit in obprobrium concuicantes me.

129 T R A ~ S [Pçs. 102: 10; 78: 8,9] Domine non secundum peccata nostra facias1 nobis' neque secundum iniquitates no 1 stras retriiuas nobis. Domine ne memineris iniquitanim nostrarum 81v (;Bi&) antiquarum cito anticipent nos misericordie tue quia pauperes facti sumüs nimir. Adiuua nos deus salutaris noster et propter gloriam nominis tui domine Iibera nos et propicius esto peccatis nostris 1 propter nomen tuum. 82r

130 OFFERTOR]IVM [Ps. 29: 2, 31 W t a b o te domine quoniam suscepisti me nec delectasti inimicos meos super me domine clarnaui ad te et sanasti me.

131 C O ~ O ps. 1: 2, 31 Qui meditabitur in lege domini die ac nocte dabit1 fi-uctum suum in tempore SUD. 1

i27 R 17v, G 45v, K 56r, C 56v. P 69v, S 87v, $1 51r, V 86r, H 76v. B 7%. T 73v. L 62v, D 4%. D adds: inops, and ends.

129 R 18r. G 46r. K 56v, C Siv, P 70v, S 88v, $1 54v, V 87v, H 77v. B 78r, T 74r. L 64v. D 46r. ' R, SI replace with "que faimus nosw.

132 [INTROITUS Ps. 54: 17, 19,20,23] Dum clamarem ad dominum exaudiuit uocem meam ab hüs qui appropinquant michi et humilia& eos qui est ante seeula et manet in eternum iacta cogitaîum tuum in domino et ipse te enutriet. [Ps. 54: 21 Exaudi deus oracionem meam et' ne1 despexeris' ' deprecacionem meam: Euouae.

133 GRADVALE [Ps. 54: 23, 17-19] Iacta cogitam nnunl in domino et ipse te enutriet. 83r him clamarem ad dominum eta exaudiuit uocem meam ab hiis qui appropinguant michi.

134 OE'FERTORIVM p s . 24: 1-31 Ad te domine leuaui. A i

135 Co-O p s . 50: 211 Acceptabis sacrificium iusticie oblat ciones et holocausta super 83v (C i) dtare nium domine.


136 [INTROI'ïüs Ps. 29: 111 Audiuit dominus et misertus est michi dominus factus est adiutor meus. p s . 29: 21 Exaltabo te domine quoniam suscepisti me nec delectasti inimicos meos super me, Euouae.

137 GRADVALE [Ps. 26: 41 Vnam pecü a domino hanc requiram ut inhabitem in domo domini. ( Vt uideam uoluntatem domini et protegar a templo sancto eius. 84r

138 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 118: 154, 1251 Domine uiuifica me secundm eloquium tuum ut sciam testirnonia nia.

U2 R 18r, G 47v. K 57v, C 58r, P 71v, S 90r, S1 S r , V88v. H 7% B 79r, T 75r, L 66r. D 47r. ' C: intende ad. R, G, K, SI add "intemie michi et exaudi me".

133 R 1811. G48r, K 58r, 58v. P72r, S 90v, $1 S v , V 8%. H 7% B 7%. T 75v, L67r, D47r. ' R, G, K, C, P. S1. H, L, D omit.

ï34 R 18v. G 48r, K 58v. C 58v, P 72v, S 91r, S1 55v. V 90r, H 79v, B 7h., T 76r. L 67v, D 47v.

139 CO-0 p s . 2: 11, 121 Semite domino in &ore et exultate ei c m tre 1 more apprehendite disciplinam ne pereatis de uia iusta.


84v (C ii)

140 [INTROWS Ps. 30: 3f.l Esto michi. B xv per t o ~ n ubsque tractu.


141 [INTRO~TVS Ps. 90: 15, 1q Inuocauitl me et ego exaudiam eum enpiam eum et glorificabo eum longitudine die- aàimplebo eum. [Ps. 90: 11 Qui habitat in adiutorio altissimi ' in proteccione dei celi commorabitur, Euouae.

142 GRADVALE p s . 90: 1 1, 121 Angeüs suis mandauit 1 de te ut custodiant te in omnibus uiis luis. 8% in manibus portabunt te ne umquam offendas ad iapidem pedem tuurn.

143 TRACTVS [PS. 90: 1-7, 11-16] Qui habitat in adiutorio aItissimi in proteccione dei celi cornmora 1 bitur. Dicet domino susceptor meus es' et refugium meum deus meus sperabo 85v (C iii) in eum. Quoniam ipse Iihrauit me de laques uenancium et a uerbo asspero. Scapulis suis obumbrabit tiii et sub pennis eius sperabis. 1 Scuto circumdabit te ueritas eius non tirnebis a tirnore 86r noctumo. A sagitta uolante per diem a negocio perambulante in tenebris a ruina et demonio meridiano. Cadent a latere tuo mille et decem mi ( lia a dexais tuis tibi autem non appropinquabit. 86v (C iiii) Quoniam angelis suis d u i t de te ut custodiant te in omnibus uiis mis. In marriius portabunt te ne umquam offendas ad lapidem pedem tuum. Super aspidem et basilicum ambula 1 bis et 87r conculcabis Ieonem et draconem. Quoniam in me sperauif liberabo eum protegam eum quoniam cognouit nomen meum. 1nuocad me et ego exaudiam eum cum ipso sum in tniulacione. Eripiam eum et glorificabo eum 1 Iongitudine dienmi adimpiebo eum et ostendam iüi salutare meum. 87v (C v)

144 OFFERTORIVM p s . 90: 4 4 Scapuiis suis obumbrabit tiii dominus et sub pennis eius sperabis scuto

143 R20v. GSûr. K6&, C bOr. P74v, S Br, SI 58r, V 92v, H 8Iv, B 81r. TTlv, L70v. D 48v. ' V ad&: tu. G, K. C: sperabit. 'R, S. $1: inuocabit.

circumdabit te ueritas eius.

145 co&fMvNïO ps . 90: 4-51 Scapulis suis obumbrabit tibi et sub pennis eius sperabis scuto 1 circumdabit te ueritas eius

146 [mTRorrvs Ps. 122: 21 Sicut ocdi seruonim in manlius dominom s u o m ita oculi nostri ad dominum deum nostrum donec miseteam nostri miserere nobis domine miserere nobis'. [Ps. 122: 11 Ad te leuaui ocdos meos a qui habitas in celis, Euouae.

147 GRADVALE [Ps. 83: 10, 91 Protector noster aspice de 1 us et respice super seruos nios. 88v (C vi) Domine deus uirtutum exaudi preces semonun tuorum.

148 OFFERTORIVM ps. 1 18: 18, 3 4 Reuela' onilos meos et considerabo mirabilia tua domine ut' doceas me iusUciam) ni 1 am3 da michi intellectun ut discarn mandata nia. 89r

149 COMMVNIO [Ps. 3: 5, T ] Voce rnea ad dominun clamaui et exaudiuit me de monte sancto suo non timebo d i a populi circumdantis '.


150 [m~~oïïvs Ps. 89: 1-21 Domine refugium factus es nobis a generacione et progenie a seculo et in seculum tu es. 1 [Ps. 89: 21 Priusquam montes fierent aut formaretur terra et orbis, Euouae. 89v (C vii)

146 R 21r. G 52v. K 62v, C 62r, P 77r. S 96r. S1 61v, V Sv. H 84v. B 83v. T 80r, L 75r. D 50v. ' V: nostri. ' G, K, P add "domine".

148R21v,G53r,K63r.~63r.PnV,S97r,~l62r.V%v.H85r.B84r.T80v.L76r,D5lr. 'R.Sl:LRuabo. B: et. R, S 1 : iusticias tuas.

149 G 53v, K 63v. C 63r, P 78r, S Wr, V Wr, H Bv, B 84v, T 81r. L 76v, D 51v. ' G, K, C, P, V, H. L, D add: me.

GRADVALE m. 140: 201 Dirigatur oracio mea sicut incensum in wnspectu tuo domine. Heuacio manuum mearum sacrficium uespertinum.

152 OFFERTORIYM Cps. 30: 15-16] In te speraui domine dixi ai es deus 1 meus in manïibus tuis 90r tempora mea.

153 COMMVNIO ps. 4: 21 Cum' huocarem te exaudisti me deus iusticie mee in tribulacione diiataSa me miserere michi domine et exaudi oracionem meam.


154 [INTRoWS Ps. 24: 6, 3, 223 Reminiscere miseracionum t u a m domine et misericordie tue que a seculo sunt ne umquam dominentu nobis inimici nostri 1 i i ira nos deus Israhel ex 9ûv (C vüi) omnibus angustiis nostris. [.. 24: 1-21 Ad te domine leuaui anm-iam meam deus meus " in te confido non erubescam, Euouae.

155 GRADVALE Ps. 24: 17-18] Tri'buiaciones cordis mei dilatate sunt de necessitaa'bus meis eripe me domine. Vide humilitatem meam et labo 1 rem meum et d e t t e omnia peccata mea. 91r

156 TRACI~~S [Ps. 24: 17-18, 1-41 De necessitatibus meis eripe me domine uide h u i t a t e m meam et Iaborem meum et dimitte omnia peccata mea. Ad te domine leuaui animam meam deus me 1 us in te confido non erubescam neque irrideant me inirnici mei. Etenim uniuersi qui 91v (C Ur) te expectant non confundentw confundantur omnes facientes uana.

157 O F F E R T O m p s S . 118: 47-48] Meditabar' in mandatis tuis qye diiexi ualde et leuabo manus me 1 as ad mandata tua que dilexi. 92r

158 CO-O [Ps. 5: 2-41 Intellige clamorem meum intende uoci orationis mee rex meus et deus meus

quoniam ad te orabo domine.

159 [INTRO~TVS Ps. 95: 6] Confessio et puichrinido in conspectu eius sanctitas et magnifîcencia in sanctificatione eius. [Ps. 95: 11 Canl tate domino canticum nouum cantate A domino omnis terra, Euouae. 92v (Cx)

160 WVALZ [Ps. 16: 8.21 Custodi me domine ut pupillam d i sub umbra aiartun tuarum protege me. De wlat NO iudicium meum prodeat' O 1 cuii mi uideant equitatem. 93r

161 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 33: 8-91 Inmittit angelus domini in cirnimi timencium eum et eripiet eos gustate et uidete quoniam suauis est dominus.

162 COMMVMo [Jn. 6: 521 Panis quem ego de 1 dero ûuo mea est pro secdi uita. 93v (C xi)


163 [INTROITVS Ps. 24: 17-18] De necessitatibus meis eripe me domine uide humilitatern meam et iaborem meum et dimitte omnia peccata mea. p s . 24: 1-21 Ad te domine leuaui animam meam deus meus ' in te confido non erubesm, Euouae.

164 GRADVALE [Ps. 83 : 10. 91 Saluum fac s e m m tu 1 um deus meus sperantem in te. 94r Auribus percipe domine oracionem meam.

165 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 102: 2, 51 Benedic anima mea domino et noli obliuisci omnes retributiones eius et renouabitur sicut aquiie iuuentus tua, (

166 COMMVNIO ps. 6: 111 Erubescant et confundarihu' omnes inimici mei auertantur retrorsum et erubescant ualde uelociter.

167 ~ O I T V S [Ps. 87: 31 Inîret oracio mea in conspectu tu0 inclina aurem tuam ad pr- meam domine. [.. 87: 21 Domine deus salutis mee in die ' clamaui et nocte coram te, Euouae.

168 GRADVALE p s . 39: 18, 11 Conuertere domine ali 1 guantulum et deprecare nrper seruos tuos. 95r Domine refugium factu es nobis a generacione et progenie.

169 GRADVALE ps. 16: 8, 21 Custodi me domine. C x

170 GRADVALE [Ps. 54: 17, 19, 20, 221 Iacta cogitatum tuum. B xx

171 GRADVALE [Ps. 140: 201 Dirigatur oracio. C viD]

172 YMPNVS pan. 52-56] Benedictus es do. A ix

173 TRACTVS p s . 1 16: 1-21 Laudate dorninum omnes gentes et collaudate eum omnes po ( puli. Quoniam confinnata est super nos misericordia eius et ueritas domini manet 95v (C xi%) in etemum.

174 OF]FERTORIVM ~ P s . 87: 2-31 Domine deus saiutis mee in die clamaui et nocte coram te intret oracio

166 R 2% G 58v, K 68r, C 6%. P 83v. S 103r, $1 663, V 104r, H 91r. B 89r, T S r , L 85v. D 5%. ' R, C, P, 51, V, H, L. D: conturbenrur; T: confundemur.

167 R 25v. G 58v, K 68v, C 67r, P 83v, S 103v. Sl 67r. V 104r. H 91v. B 89r, T 85v, L 85v. D 55r.

168 R 26r, G SW, K 69r, C 67v. P Ur, S 103v. S167v. V 10Qv. H 91v. B 89v. T 85v, L 86r, D (138r).

169 R Wv), G (57r). K ( 6 6 ~ ) ~ C ( 6 5 ~ ) ~ P (81v). S lWr, 31 (6%). V (101~)~ H (89r). B 90r. T 86r. L (83r), D (54r).

170 R (18~). G (48r), K (58r). (58~). P (7îr). S 104r, S1 (54v), V (8%). H (79r). B 90r. T 86r, L (67r). D (47r).

ln R 26r. G 5%, K 6%. CS 67v. P 84r, S 104r, S1 67v, V 10411. H 91v. B 90r. L 86r. D 55v.

172 R 26r, G SW, K 6hr, C 68r. P UV, S lWr, S1 67v, V 10Sv. H 92r. B 90r, T 86r. L 87v. D 5%.

173R26v, G5hr. K69v,C68r, PWv, S t04r,S167v, V 10Sv,H92r.B9ûr,T86r, Lûïv, D55v.

174 R 26v. G 60r. K 6%. C 68r, P 85r, S lWv, S1 67v. V 106r. H 92v, B 90r, T 86r, L 88r, D 55v.

mea in conspectu tu0 domine.

175 CO-O p s . 7: 21 Domine deus meus in te 1 speraui h i r a me ab omnibus persequemius 96r me et eripe me.


176 [ I N T R o ~ s Ps. 24: 6, 3, 22, 1-21 Reminiscere. C viii

177 GRADVALE ps. 24: 17-1 81 Tniaciones. C viii

178 TRAWS N t . 15: 26-28] Dkit Dominus mulieri cananee non est bonum sumere panem fïiiorum et mittere canibus ad manducandum. At ilia dix& utique domine nam et cateiii edunt de micis que ca 1 dunt de mensa dominomm suonun. Ait illi Iesus O mulier magna est fides tua fiat 96v (C xiiii) tiii sicut petisti.

179 O-TORIYM ps - 1 18: 47-48] Meditabar. C ix

180 COMMVNIo [fs. 5: 241 Intelige clamorem. C U:


181 [ ~ O ~ T V S Ps. 25: 11-12] Redime me domine et miserere mei pes enim meus stetit in uia recta in ecclesiis benedicarn domine'. p s . 25: 11 Iudica me domine quoniam ego in inaocencia mea in 1 gressus sum et in domino 97r sperans non infirmabor, Euouae.

181 R27r. G61r, K7ûv, 6%. P 86r, S 105v. S170r, V IWr, H 93v, B 91r, T87r, L 8%. D 56v. ' R. S1, L, D: dominuru; G, K. C, P, S. V, H, B: domina.

182 GRADVALE m. 69: 6, 31 Adiutor meus et Iiiraîor meus esta' domine ne tardmeris. Confhdantur et reuereantur inirnici mei qui querunt anmiam meam. 1

183 OFFERTO]RIVM [Ps. 15: 7-81 Benedicam dominuml qui michi tnbuit in<eUecnim 97v (Cm) prouidebarn deum in conspectu meo2 semper quoniam a dextris est michi ne commouear.

184 CO-0 p s . 8: 21 Domine dominus noster quam admirabile est nomen tuum in uniuena terra.


185 [~NTRO~~VS Ps. 26: 8-91 Tibi dixit cor meum quesiui wl 1 tum tuum wltum tuum domine requirarn ne auertas faciem tuam a me. [Ps. 26: 11 Dominus Uuminacio mea et salus A mea quem timebo, Euouae.

186 GRADVALE [Ps. 54: 23, 17- 191 Iacta cogitatum. B

187 OFFERTO~WM p s . 50: 31 Miserere michi domine secundm rnagnam mkericordiam nÿim dele domine iniquitatem meam.

188 COMhfVN'ïO [Ps. 9: 2-31 Narrabo omnia mirabilia tua letabor et exuitabo in te 1 psdlami 98v (Cm) nomini tuo altissime.


183 R27v, G61v. K71v, C 69v, P87r, S 106v, S171r, V 108r, H 94v. B 9Iv, T 87v, L90v, D 57r. ' D: domino. G, K: nro.

189 R 28v, G 62v. K 72r, C 70r, P 88r. S 107v, S1 72r, V 109r, H 95v, B 92v, T 88v. L nv, D 58r. ' Al1 save A replace with "Ne'. C. D end here.

[ I N T R o ~ s Ps. 37: 22-23] Non' derelinquas me domM deus meus ne discecias a me intende in adiutorium meum domine uirtus saIutis mee. [Ps. 37: 21 Domine ne in furore tu0 arguas me2 neque in ira tua corripias me, Euouae.

190 GRADVALE [Ps. 27: 9, 11 Saluum fac populum tuum domine et 1 bcnedic hereditati tue. Ad te domine clamaui' deus meus ne sileas a me et ero similis descendentiius in lacum.

191 OFFERTORXVM I ps . 24: 1-31 Ad te leuaui domine. A i

192 CO-O (Ps. 10: 81 Iustus doxninus et Msticias dilexît equitatem uidit wltus e b . 1


193 [ ~ N T R O ~ Ps. 69: 2-31 Deus in adiutorium rneum intende domine ad adiuuandum me festins confundantur et reuereantur inimici mei qui quenint animam meam. [Ps. 69: 41 Auertantur retrorsum et erubescant qui cogitant' michi mala, Euouae.

194 GRADVALE [Ps. 78: 9-10] Propicius esto domine peccatis nostris ne quando dicant gentes ubi 1 est deus eonun. Adiuua nos deus salutaris noster et propter honorem nominis tui domine lOOr tibera nos.

195 OFFERTORXVM mod. 32: 1 l , 13-14] Precatus est myes in conspechi domini dei sui et dixit precatus est moyses 1 in conspectu domini dei sui et dixit quare domine irasceris in populo aio lûûv (C xvni) parce ire a r h i mi memento abraham Isaac et Iacob quibus iurasti dare terram fiuentem lac et me1 et1 placatu facm est dominus de maügnitate quam dixit facere populo 1 suo. lOlr

1% CO-O [Jn. 6: 571 Qui manducat camem meam et bibit saogwinem meum in me manet et ego in

191 R 29r, G 63v. K 73r. C 71r, P 88v, S 108v. S1 73r, V 110v, H %r, B 9%- T 8%- L 93v, D 58v. It is to be prcumed that the scribe mtended 'domiaew ta prccede 'leuauin, as it does on A I. This is sa m the othcr documents.

194 R 29r, G 64r, K 73r, C 71r. P 89r, S 1 0 9 ~ SI 73r, V 11 lr. H %v. B 94r, T 89v. L Wv, D 5%.

195 R 29v, G 64r, K 73v. (5 71r, P 89r, S 109v, S173r, V Illr, H %v, B 94r, T 90r, L 94v, D 59v. ' H, L omit.

eo dicit dominus.


197 [INTROFI~~S Ps. 16: 151 Ego aiaem cum iusticia apparebo m eonspectu ai0 sanabor' dum maniféstabitur gloria tua. [Ps. 16: 11 Exaudi domine iusticiam meam intende3 ' deprecaciowm meam, ' Euouae.

198 GRADVACE Ad domi 1 num cum triidarer c h u i et exaudiuit me. Domine h i lOlv (Cxix) a&um meam a labüs iniquis et a lingwa dolosa.

199 OFFERTORXVM [Ps. 39: 14-la Domine in auxilium meum respice confundantur et reuereantur qui querunt ani 1 m m meam ut auferant eam. 1û2r

200 CO-0 p s . 11: 81 Tu domine seruabis nos et custodies nos a generacione hac in etemw.


201 [ ~ O I T V S Ps. 18: 81 Lex domini irreprehensbilis conuertens animas testimonium dei fidele sapienciam prestans pmuiis. p s . 18: 21 Celi enarrant gloriam dei et opera manuum eius anunciant fhmamentum, Euouae. 1

202 GRADVALE [Ps. 91: 2-31 Bonum est confiten domino et psdere nomini No altissime. 102v (c X X )

Ad anuncciandum mane misencordiam tuam et ueritatem tuam per noctem.

203 OFFERTorUVM [Ps. 12: 4-q Illumi(na o d o s meos ne quando obdomiiam in morte ne quand0 103r

197R29v, GMv, K74r, C 72r, P9&, S llûv, 51 73v, V 112r, H97v. B 95r, T 91r. L96r, D 60r. ' R, G, K. c, P. V, H, B. T, L: saciabor. ' D CbdS: et me. G, K: et ~lt dcspexerk. ' H, L add: ad. G, K add: inrauir? micfii et exaudi me.

198 R 30r. G65r, K74v. c72r. P90v, S IIûv, $1 73v, V llZv, H98r. B 95r, T91r, L%r, D 60r.

199 R 30v. G 65v, K 75r, CS 72v, P 90v, S l l l r , Sl 73v, V 1131, H 98r, B 95v, T 91v, L 97r, D 60v.

200 R 30v. G 65v, K 7Sr, C 72v, P 91r, S lllv. 51 73v, V 113v. H 98v, B 95v, T 91v, L 97r, D 6Ov.

201R30v, G65v, K75r,C72v, P9lr. S 11111, S174r. V 113v, H98v. B%r, T91v, LWv. D61r.

2û2 R31v, G66r, K75v. C73r. P91v, S lllv, S1 74r, V 114r, H m , B%r. T E r , L98r, D6Ir.

203 R 32r, G 66v, K 75v. C 73r, P 92r. S 1 lZr, S174r, V 1 l4v, H 99v, B %v, T I2r, L 98v. D 61v.

dicat inimicus meus preuaiui a d u e m eurn.

204 COMMvMo [Lk. 15: 321 Oponet te fili gaudere quia frater anis momus fberat et reuixit perierat et inuentus est.

205 [INTRo~Tvs Ps. 24: 15-16 Oculi mei semper ad domimm quia @se eueiiet de laqueo pedes meos respice in me ( et miserere mei quoniam unicus et pauper m ego. 103v (D i) [Ps. 24: 1-21 Ad te domine leuaui animam meam deus ' meus m te confido non erubescam, Euouae.

206 GRADVALE PS 9: 20, 41 Exurge domine non preualeat homo iudicentur gentes in conspectu tuo. In conuer 1 tendo inimïcum m e m retrorsum infirmabuntur et perient a facie tua. 104r

207 TIUCTVS [Ps . 122: 1-31 Ad te leuaui oculos meos qui habitas in celis. Ecce sicut oculi semonun 1 in manibus dominomm suorum. Et sicut oculi anciile in mani'bus domine sue. 104v (D ii) Ita oculi nostri ad dominum deum nostnim donec rnisereatllr nosai. Miserere nobis domine 1 miserere nobis. 10%

208 OFFERTOR.~VM Ps. 18: 9-12] Iusticie domini recte letificantes corda et ddciora super me1 et fauum nam et seruus tuus custodiet ea.

209 COMMVNIO [Ps. 83: 4-TJ Passer inuenit sibi d o m et turtur nidum ubi reponat pullos suos altaria tua domine uirtutum rex meus et deus meus beati qui habitant 1 in domo tua in seculum 105v (D ai) seculi Iaudabunt te.


210 [INTRows Ps. 55: 5] In deo laudabo uerbum in domino laudabo sennonem in deo speraui' non timebo quid faciat michi homo. m. 55: 21 Miserere mei deus quoniitm concuicauit me homo tota die b e k d nibuauit me, Euouae.

211 GRADVALE p s . 55: 9,2] Deus uitam meam nunciaui thil posui' lacrimas meas in conspectu 1Mr nio. Miserere michi domine quoniam conculauit me homo tom die bellans tri iauit me.

212 OFFERTORIVM [PS. 54: 2-31 Exaudi deus oracionem me 1 am et ne despexeris l06v (D iiii) deprecacionem meam intende in me et exaudi me.

213 COMMVM~ [R: 13: 7J Quis dabit ex syon salutare Israhel nmi' auerterit dominus captiuitatem plebis sue exultabi? Iacob et letabittu Israhel.


214 [ I N T R O ~ S Ps. 16: 6, 81 Ego clamaui guoniam exaudisti me deus inclina aurem tuam et exaudi uerbal mea custodi me domine ut pupillam ocdi sub umbra a l a m tuarum protege nos'. 107r [Ps. 16: 11 Exaudi deus2 iusticiam meam intende ' deprecacionem meam, ' Euouae. 215 G R A D V ~ [Ps 18: 13-14] Ab ocuitis meis munda me domine et ab alienis parce senio tuo. Si mei non fuerint domina ( ti tunc immacdanis ero et emundabor a delicto maximo. 107v (D v)

216 O ~ T O R I V M [Ps. 1 17: 16- 1 7 Dextera domini. B xi

210 R32v. G 69r. K78r. C 75r, P94v. S IlSr, S1 77v. V 117v, H 102r. B 98v, T94v. L 10Zv. D63v. ' R. 51: spcrabo. D ends: multi bellames aduersum me. ' R c: impugnam; P. If, L: expugnans.

211 R 33v, G 69r, K 78r. C 75r. P 95, S IlSv, S178r, V 118r, H 102r. B 99r. T Wv, L 103r, D 64r. ' R: annudaui tibi. posuisti.

2U R 33v, G 70r, K 79r, 76r, P 95v, S 116r, S179r, V 119r, H 103r, B 99v, T 95v. L 104v, D 64v. ' G, K: dum. * H: exulauit.

214 R 33v, G 70r, K 7%. C 76r. P %r. S 1 l6v, S1 79r, V 1 lgv, H 103r. B 100r, T 95v, L 104v, D 64v. ' R. G. K, CS, P, V, H, L. D: me. ' Al1 except A, T: domine. ' H. L add: ad. ' D adds: et ne des.

217 COMMVMO m. 14: 1-A Domine quis habitabit m tabernacul0 tuo ' aut quis mescet in monte samxo tuo qui ingreditur sine macula et operatur iusticiam.


21% [INTROITVS Ps. 30: 7-81 Ego aurem in domil no speraui eXUItabo et letabor in tua misericordia 108r quia respexisti humilitatem meam. p s . 30: 21 In te domine speraui non confundar in etexmm in iustitia fua libera me, ' Ewuae.

219 GRADVALE ps. 6: 3-41 Miserere michi domine quoniam infi?nus sum sana me domine. Conturbata sunt omnia ossa me ( a et anima mea m a t a est ualde' . 10th (D vi)

220 O F F E R T O N ps- 108: 211 Domine h c mecum misericordiam niam propter nomen ûnnn quia suauis est misericordia tua.

221 COMMVNIO [Ps. 15: 1 11 Notas michi fecisti uias uite adimplebis me leticia c m wltu tuo domine. 1

222 [INTROITVS non-scripturai] Salvs populi ego sum dicit dominus de quacumque tribulacione clamauerim ad me exaudiam eos et ero ilionun dominus in perpetuum. [Ps. 77: 11 Attendite popule meus legem meam i n c h t e aurem uestram in uerba oris mei, Euouae.

223 GRADVALE [Ps. 144: 15-16] Ocdi omnium in te sperant domine 1 et tu das illis escam 10%' @ vii) in tempore opportuno. Aperis ' manum am et imples omne animal benedictione.

217R34r,G71r,K80r.~76v, P96v.S 117v.Sl 80v.V 12ûv.H 104v.B 100v.T%r,L106r.D65v. 'Dskips from hcre to 'qui".

218R34r,G7lr,K80r,CTlr,PWr,S 117v. 31 80v. V 121r.H 104v.B 101r,T%v, L lMv, D65v. 'Sadds'et eripe me'.

223 R 3%. G 72v. K Blr, C 78r, P 98v. S 11%. S1 82r, V 122~. H 10Sr. B 1U2r. T 97v. L 1 0 9 ~ D 66v. ' Al1 except A, T add: tu.

224 OFFERTORIIVM [Ps. 137: 7J Si ambuiauero in medio triiulacionis uiuifica 1 bis me domine et 1 lOr super iram inimicorum meonun extende' maaum tuam et saiuum me fecit dextera W.

225 CO-0 (Ps. 118: 4-3 Tu mandasti mandata tua custodire' nimis utinam dingantur uie rnee ad custodiendas iustificationes tuas.

226 [INTROITVS Ps. 85: 17J Fac rnecum domine sigmun in bo 1 no ut uideant qui me 1lOv (23 viii) odenuit et confundantur quoniam tu domine adiuuisti me et consolatus es me. [Ps. 85: 11 inclina domine aurem tuam et exaudi me quoniani ' inops et pauper sum ego, Euouae.

227 GRADVALE m. 27: 7, 11 In deo sperauit cor meum et adiutus sum et refloruït caro mea et ex uoiuntate mea confitebor gli. Ad te do 1 mine clarnaui' deus meus ne sileas ne discedas a l l l r me.

228 OFFERTORIVM p s . 5: 3-41 Intende uoci oracionis mee rex meus et deus meus quoniam ad te orabo domine.

229 COMMVNIO [Jn. 4: 13-14] Qui biberit aqwm quam ego dabo' dicit dominus samaritanez fiet in 1 eo fons aque salientis in uitam eternam.' l l l v (D ix)


224 R 3%. G 73r. K 81v. C 78r, P 99r, S 119v, S1 82r. V 123r, H 106v. B 102v. T 98r, L 1 0 9 ~ . D 67r. ' R, K. P, $1, Y, H, L, D: extendes.

227 R 35v. G 73v. K 82v. C 79r, P99v. S 12&, S1 8%. V 124v, H lwr, B 103v. T 99r. L l l lr . D 68r. ' G, K: clamabo.

m R 3 6 v , G74v, K83r, C7%, P 100v. S 121r, S1 82v, V 125v.H IO&, B 104r, T W , L 112r. D 68v. ' K, C. V, H, B. T. L, D: do. ' R, G. S l omit. ' P, V, H, L add: dicit dombus.

230 R 36v, G 74v, K 83r, C 79v, P 100v, S 121v, SI 8% V 125v. H 108r, B 104r, T 99v, L 112v. D 6th. ' R and $3 use Ps. 90: 4f.

INTROITVS ps. 5: 2-31 Verba mea auribus percipe domine b e i g e clamorem meum intende uoci oracionis mee. [Ps. 5: 41 'Quoniam ad te orabo domine mane exaudies uocern meam, Euouae.

231 GRADVALE p s . 22: 41 Si ambuIem in medio umbre mortis non timebo mda quoniam tu mecum 1 es domine. Virga tua et baculus tuus ipsa me consolata sunt. 112r

232 OFFERTORIVM [PS. 118: 1331 Gressus meos dirige domine seamdum eloquium tuum ut non dominetur ' omnis iniusticia domine.

233 CO-0 [Jn. 8: le1 11 Nemo te condemaauit muiier nemo 1 domine nec ego te 112v 0 x) condemnabo iam amplius noli peccare.


234 [ I N T R O ~ S 1s. 66: 10-1 11 Letare Ierwlem et conuenm tacite omnes qui diligitis eam gaudete cum leticia qui in tristicia fuistis ut exulte& et saciexnini ab u b e n i consolacionis eius'. [Ps. 121 : 11 Letatus sum in hiis que dicta sunt mi 1 chi in domum domini ibimus, Euouae. 1 13r

235 GRADvAtE ps. 121: 1, batus sum in hiis que dicta sunt michi in dornum domini ibimus. Fiat pax in u h t e tua et abundancia in turribus tuis.

236 TRACI7rS ps. 124: 1-21 Qui confidunt in domino sicut mons Syonl non commouebitur 113v (D xi) in etemum qui habitat in lenisalem. Montes in circuitu eius et dominus in circuitu populi sui ex hoc nunc et usque in seculum ' . 237 OFFERTORlVM VS. 134: 3, 6] Laudate domhum quia benignus est1 psauite nomhi eius 114r

232 R 38r. G 75r, K 83v, C 80r. P IOlv, S 122r. S1 8311, V 126v. H 108v, B 105r. T 100r, L 113~. D 69r. ' R and S l add "mei".

236 R 38r, G 76v, K M v , C 81r. P 1Mv. S 123v, SI 85r, V 12ûr. H 110r, B IMr, T 101r, L IlSv, D 70r. ' G, K add "seculi' .

quoniam suauis est omnia yecumque uoluit fecit in ce10 et in terra.

238 CoMMvmO [Ps. 121 : 3-41 IcNSalem que edificatur ut ciuitas cuius participacio e h in idipsum illuc enÛn ascenderunt triius b n i domini ' ad confitendum nomini aio domine.


239 [INTROITVS Ps. 53: 3-41 Deus in nomine tuo saiuum me fac et in *te tua iu 1 dica 114v R) di) me deus exaudi oracionem meam. Ps. 53: 5] Quoniam alieni insurrexenmt a d u e m ' me et fortes quesiemt animam meam, Euouae.

240 GRADVALE [B. 30: 3; 70: 11 h t o michi h deum protectorem et bcum refugü ut duum me facias. Deus io te speraui domi 1 ne non confundar in etemurn. 1 lSr

241 OFFERTORNM p s . 99: 1-21 Iubilate deo omnis terra. B vii

242 COillhnraO [Ps. 18: 13-14] Ab occultis meis munda me domine et ab alienis parce seruo tuo.


243 [ m o m s Ps. 54: 2-31 Exaudi deus oracionem meam et ne despexeris deprecacionem meam intende in me et exaudi me. ps. 54: 3-41 Contristatus sum in exer 1 citacione mea et conturbatus sum a uoce 115v (D xiiii) inimici 'et a tribulacione peccatoris, Euouae.

244 GRADVALE Ps. 43: 26, 21 Exwge domine fer opem nobis et libera nos propter nomen nium. Deus

239 R 38% G 77r. K UV. C 81v. P 103v. S 124v. $1 û6v. V 12%. H l l lr . B 1Mv. T l m , L 117r. D 7ûv. R and 31 use Ps. 24: 1-2; C, P. V, H, L use Ps. 53: 7. ' D: in. 240 R 39r. G 77v. K 86r. C 82r. P 103v. S 125r. $1 Ur, V 12%. H l l l r , B 107r. T 102r. L l17v. D 71r.

242 R 3%. G 78r, K 86r. C 82r. P 104r. S 125~. $1 air, V 130r. H 1 llv, B 107~. T 10Sv. L 118r. D 71v.

243R39v. G78r. K86r. C82v. P 104r, S 125~. $laIr. V 130r.H lllv. B 107~. T 102v, L 118r. D71v. G, C l V. H, L omit the last four words h m ' and substitute "mei".

aunius nostris audiuimus patres nosai annmciauenxnt nobis opus quod ope ( ranis es in diebus 116r eonm et in diebus antiquis.

245 OFFERTORIvM [Ps. 39: 241 Expeaaos expectaui domhum et respelàt me et exaudiuit deprecacionem meam et immisit in os meum canticum nouum ymnum deo nostro.

246 COMMVMO Ps. 19: 6] Letabimur in salutari tuo et in nomi 1 ne domini dei nostri 1 16v (D xiiii) magnifkabhmr .


247 [INTROWS Ezech. 36: 23-26] Dum sanctificatus fuero in uobis congregabo uos de uniuersis terris et effiuidam super uos aquam mundam et mundabimini ab omnibus inquinamentis uesais et dabo uobis spiritum nouum. [Ps. 33: 21 Benedicam dominum in omni t e m p e semper " laus eius in ore meo, Euouae.

248 GRADVALE ps . 33: 12,6] Venite 1 filii audite me timorem domini docebo uos. Accedite ad eum et ilfurninamini et facies uestre non confundenm.

249 GRADVALE [Ps. 32: 12, 6] Beata gens cuius est dominus deus e o m popdus quem elegit dominus in hereditatem sibi. 1 Verbo domini celi f m t i sunt et spiritu 01% eius omnis uirtus 117v (Dm) eonun.

250 OFFER']roRïi&ï [Ps. 65: 8-9, 201 Bendicite gentes domino deo nostro et obaudite uoci laudis eius qui posuit animam meam ad uitaxn et non de 1 dit cornoueri pedes meos b e n e d i c ~ dominus qui 118r non arnouit deprecacionem meam et misericordiam suam a me aileluia.

251 CO-O [Jn. 9: 111 Lutum fecit ex sputo dominus et liniuit ocdos meos et abii et laui et uidi et

250 R 41r. G 80v, K 88v, 84r, P 106v, S 128r. S189r, V 133v, H 114r. B 110r. T 105r. L 122r, D 73v. Variations: Ail save A, V, B, T omit aIleluia; G, K use "wstrow instead of "L~osT:~"; Rand S1 usc 'dominum deum nostnmi".

creüidi deo.

252 [ I N T R O ~ S Ps. 104: 3-41 Letetur cor querencium dorninum qyxite dominum et confinnamini querite 1 faciem eius semper. ll8v Oxvi) [Ps. 104: 11 Confitemini domino et iiniocate nomen eius anunchte inter gentes studial eius, Euouae.

253 CRADVALE [Ps. 73: 20, 19, a Respice domine in testamentum tuurn et animas paupenim tuorum ne obliuiscaris in finem. Exsurge domine et iudica cau 1 sam tuam' memor est0 obprobrii 11% seruorum tuonim.

255 COMMVNIO [Ps. 70: 16- 181 Domine mernorabor iusticie tue solius deus docuisti me a iuuentute mea et 1 usque in senecta. et senium deus ne derelinquas me. 1 1% (D xvii)


256 [INTROITVS Ps. 18: 151 Meditacio cordis mei in conspectu tuo semper domine adiutor meus et redemptor meus. [Ps. 18: 201 Celi enarrant gloriam dei a et opera manuum eius anuncciant fimiamennim. Euouae.

257 G R A D V A . [Ps. 117: 8-91 Bonwn est confidere in domino quam confidere in ho 1 mine. 120r Bonm est sperare in domino quam sperare in principibus.

252R41v.G81r.K89t,C84v, P 107v,S 129r.Sl 89r. V 134r. H 114v.B llOv,T105v,L123r. D74r. 'R,C, P, S1. V, H, L: opera.

253 R 42r, G 81v, K 8%. C 84v. P 1û7v. S 1 2 9 ~ SI 89v. V 134~. H 1 15r, B 1 10v. T lO5v, L 123~. D 74r. ' D: meam.

254 R 42r. G 81v. K 8%. C 8%. P 10th. S 12%. SI 89v. V 13%. H IlSv. B 11Ir. T 106r. L 124v, D 74v. Variations: R and h replace the last two words with 'qui cogitant semis mis mala'.

255 R 42r, G 82r, K 89v, C 85v, P 108v. S 130r. S190r, V 13Sr. H 115v. B lllv, T 106r, L 124~. D 74r.

256 R 42r, G nLr, K 90r. C UV, P 108~. S 130r. fi 90r. V 135v, H 116r, B 1 llv, T 106v, L 125r. D 74r.

257 R 42v. G 82v, K 90r. C 85v. P l m , S 130v. $1 90r, V I36r. H 116r. B 112r. T 106~. L 125v, D 75r.

258R43r,G82vS K90v.C86r, P 109r. S 131r. 51 90r. V 136v,H 116~-B 112r. T 107r, L 126r. D75r.

OFFERTOR~VM ps. 17: 28, 321 Populum humilem saiuum facies domine et ocdos superbonun humiliabis quoniam quis deus preter te do 1 mine. 120v (D mïi)

259 COMMVMO [Jn. 1 1 : 33, 35 ,4344 Videns dominus flentes sorores lazari ad monumentun lacrimatus est coram iudeis et clamabat lazare ueni foras et prodiit ligatis mani'bus et pediius qui fuerat quadriduanus mortuus.


260 [INTROFTVS 1s. 55: 11 Sicientes uenite ad aquas dicit dominus et qui non habetis precnim uenite ' bibite cum Ieticia. p s . 77: 11 Attendite 1 popule meus legem meam2 inclinate aurem ' uestram in uerba oris mei, 12 1 r Euouae.

261 GRADVALE ps. 9: 14, 1-21 Tibi domine derelictus est pauper pupillo tu eris adiutor. Vt quid domine recessisti longe despicis in oportunitatibus in tribulacio 1 ne dum superbit irnpius 121v D xix) incenditur pauper.

262 OF'F'ERTORIVM ps. 17: 31 Factus est dominus firmamentum meum et refugïum meum et l~krator meus sperabo in eum.

263 C O M M ~ ~ O ps. 22: 1-21 Dominus regit me et nichil michi deent in loco pascue 1 ibi me 122r collocauit super aquam refeccionis educauit me.

264 [INTRoITVS Ps. 42: 1-21 Iudica me deus et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta ab homine

260 R 43r. G 83r, K 91r, 86v, P 110r, S 131v. 31 90v, V I37r, H 117r, B 112v, T lWv, L 127r. D 7%. ' R. SI add: et. * D omits.

264 R44r. G84v, Km, C87v, P Il lr, S 133r, $1 92v, V 138v, H 118v, B 114r. T 109r. L 12%. D 76v. ' Rands1 add here "et m tabemacula tua'. ' G, K, P. $1. V, H, L omit. R has the note: "Gloria. Non diciizu ad inîroinun usque od p m nisi in missa de fcsro si occumrit. sedjinito psalmo absohîe reincipiw- iritroitus. " $1 says something equivalent. An almost identical instruction appears on Haymo. p. 231.

iniquo et doloso eripe me quia tu es deus meus et fonihido mea. [Ps. 42: 33 Emine lucem tuam et ueritatem tuam ipsa me deduxerunt et adduenint A in montem sanctum eius ' , Euouae2. Zn hoc tempore gloria pmn' non canitur ad Ihtroiituc. 1

265 GRADVALE p s . 142: 9- 10; 17: 48-49] Eripe ' me domine de inimicis meis doce me l22v (D xr) facere uoluntattem aiam. Li'berator meus domine de gembus iraamdis ab insurgenti'bus in me exaltabis me a ui 1 ro iniquo enpies me. 123r

266 TRACTVS [PS. 144: 1-41 Sepe expupuerunt me a iuuentute mea. Dicat nunc Israhel sepe expugnauerunt me a hennite mea. Etenmi non potuenuu michi supra dorsum meum 1 fabricauenint peccatores. Prolongauerunt iniquitatem sibi dominus iusfus concidet 123v I;E i) cemices peccatonim.

267 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 110: 1; 118: 17, 107J Confitebor tiii domine in toto corde meo retriiue seruo tuo ui[u]am et custodiam sermones tuos uiui 1 fica me secundum uerbum tuum domine. 124r

268 COMMVMO [l Cor. 1 1 : 24-2q Hoc corpus quod pro uobis tradetur hic calix noui testamenti est in meo sangwine dicit dominus hoc facite quocienscumque sumitis in meam commemoracionem.


269 [INTRO~WS Ps. 55: 21 Miserere michi domine quoniam' conculcauit me homo tota die belians tribulauit me. 1 p s . 55: 31 Conculcauerunt me inimici mei rota die quoniam2 multi bellantes aduersum 124v (E ii) me, Euouae3.

270 GRADVALE ps. 53: 4, 31 Deus exaudi oracionem meam amius percipe uerba oris mei. Deus in nomine NO saiuum me fac et in uhtu 1 te tua iudica' me. 1 2 5

265 R 44r, G 85r. K 92v, C 88r, P lllv, S 133v. S1 93r, V 13%. H 118v, B 114v. T 109r. L 12%, D 77r. ' K: Pripe

266 R Ur, G 85v, K 93r. C 88r. P 112r, S 134r, $1 93v. V 140r, H 119v, B IlSr, T 109r, L 130v, D 77v.

267 R Mv, G 86r. K 93v, C 88v, P 113r, S 135r. S1 94v, V la, H 120r, B IlSv, T 110r. L 131v, D 78r. 268 R 44v, G 86r. K 94r, C 89r, P 113r. S 13% S1 95r, V 141r, H 120~. B 115~. T 110r, L 132r. D 78r. 269 R UV, G 86v, K 94r. C 8%. P 113v, S 135~. $1 9Sv, V 141v, H 120v, B 116r, T 11&, L 132v, D 78v. omit. ' L omits. R, G, K. P, C, SI. V, H, L omit. 270 R 4%. G 86v, K 94r. C 89v, P 113~. S 135v, S195v, V 142r, H 121r, B 11611, T 110~. L 133r. D 78v. H. L: libera.

271 O-ToRfVM m. 6: SJ Domine conuertere et eripe animam meam saluurn w fac propter misencordiam tuam.

272 COMMIWO [Ps. 23: 101 Dorninus uirtutum ipse est rex giorie.


273 [INTROITVS Ps. 26: 141 Expecta dominum uiriliter age et conforteair cor tum et sustine dominum. [Ps. 26: 11 Domi 1 nus ülurninacio mea et salus m a quem timebo. Euouael. 12% (E iii)

274 GIUDVALE [Ps. 42: 1,3] Discerne causam meam domine ab homine iniquo et doloso eripe me. Emitte lucem tuam et ueritatem tuam ipsa me deduxerunt et adduxeruut in montem sanctum nium.

275 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 9: 11-13] Sperent 1 in te omws qui nouerunt nomen tuum domine quoniam 126r non derelinquis querentes te psdlite domino qui habitat in Syon quoniam non est oblitus oracionem pauperurn.

276 COMMVNIO Ips. 24: 221 Redirne nos' deus Israhel ex om'bus angustiis nostris.


277 [ ~ o I T V S Ps. 17: 48-49] Liberator meus de gentibus i / racundis ab insurgentibus 126v (E iiii) in me exaltabis me a uiro iniquo eripies me domine. [Ps. 17: 2-31 Diligam te domine uirnis' mea dominus timiamennim meum et refugiurn meum ', houae3.

- - -

2'71 R 45r, G 87r. K %v, C 89v, P 114r, S 136v, $1 %v, V 142v, H 121v. B 116v. T Illr, L 134r. D 7%.

272 R 45r. G a7v, K 95r, C 90r, P 114v, S 136v. $1 Sv . V 142v, H 121v, B 117r, T Illr, L 134r, D 79r.

~ R 4 5 r , G a I v , K 9 5 r , C 9 0 r , P I I Q v , S 136v,~196v,V143r,H121v,B117r,Tl l lr ,L134r,D79v. ' R . G , K, P. $1, V, H, L omit.

276 R Qdr, G 88v, K %r, CS 90v, P IlSv, S 137v, $1 97v, V 144r. H 122v, B 118r, T 112r, L 135v, D 80r. ' R, G, K, SI: me.

277 R 46r, G 88v, K %r, C 91r, P IlSv, S 138r, S197v, V 144r, H 122v, B 118r, T 112r. L 136r, D 80r. ' R. G, K, 51: forritudo. ' R, G add, "et Iikrator meus'. ' R, G, K, C, P, S1, V, H, L omit.

278 GRADVALE m. 29: 2-41 Exaltabo te domine quoniani suscepisoi me nec delectasti inimicos meos super me. 1 Domine deus meus clamaui ad te et sanasti me domine absaaxisti ab inferis animam 127r meam saiuasti me a descendent~ius in Iacum.

279 OPFEBTORIVM ps . 58: 21 Eripe me de inimicis me 1 is deus meus et ab insurgentibus 127v (E v) in me Iibera me domine.

280 CO-0 [Ps. 25: 6-7J Lauabo inter innocentes manu meas et circuïbo altare tuum domine ut audiam uocem laudis rue ut enarrem uniuena mirabilia tua. 1

281 [INTROITVS Dan. 3: 311 Omnia que fecisti nobis domine in uero iudicio fecisti quia peccauimus tibi et mandatis mis non obediuimus sed da gloriam nomini tua et fac nobiscum secundm multtitudinern misericordie sue'. ps. 118: 11 Magnus dominus et laudabiiis nimis in ciuitate dei nosm in monte sancto e h , Euouae2.

282 GRADVALE Ps. 95: 8-9; 28: 91 Tollite ho 1 stias et introite in atria eius adorate dominum 128v fl M) in aula sancta eius. Reuelauit dominus condensa et in templo eius ornnes dicent gloriam.

283 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 136: 11 Super flumina babilonis Uic sedimus et fleui 1 mus dum 129r recordaremur tui Syon.

284 COMMVNIO p s . 118: 49-50] Memento uerbi tui seruo tuo domine in quo michi spem dedisti hec me consolata est in humditate mea.


285 [INTROITVS Ps. 30: 10, 16, 181 Miserere michi domine1 quoniam aibuior Iiiera me et eripe me de manibus inimiconun meonmi et a persequenabus me domine non confun 1 dar 12% (;E vii) quoniam inuocaui te. fPs. 30: 21 In te domine speraui non confunciar in etemum in iusticia A tua 11kra me. ~uouae~.

286 -VALE p s . 34: 20.221 Pacifice loquebantur michi inimici mei et in ira mol& erant michi. Vidisti domine deus' meus' ne sileas ne discedas a me. 1

287 OFFERTORIYM I[Ps. 1 18: 12, 121.421 Beaedictw es domine doce me iustificaciones tuas et non tradas calumniaritiius me superbis et respondebo exprobrana'bus michi uerbum.

288 COMMVNIO [Ps. 26: 121 Ne tradideris me domine in animas persequencium me quia insurrexenint in me testes iniqui et mentita est inquitas sibi.


289 [INTROITVS 1s. 55: 11 Sicientes. utD xviiiper totm.

290 ANTIPBONA ad consecrahonem puimanun Fui 1 gentibus palmû prosternimur 13ûv (E viii) aduenienti domino huic ornnes occuramus c m ymnis et canticis glorificantes et dicentes benedicnis dominus.

291 [ANTIPBONA] aâ processionem mat. 2 1 : i -3, 7-91 Cum appropinquaret dominus Ierosolirnam misit duos ex discipulis suis dicens Ite in castellum quod contra uos est et inuenietis pullum asine aliiganun

m R 4 7 v . G91r. K98v. t93r . P 118v. S 141r. S1 100v, V 148r. H 12Sv. B 121r, T 114v. L 140~. D82v. ' R: deus. fR ,G.K,P ,S1 ,V,H,Lomit .

2%6R47v, G91v. K99r. C93r. P 11% S 142v. 51 101r. V 148v. H 126r, B 121~. T 114v. L 141r. D83r. ' R. 31. D omit,

291 RSOv, G92r. K99v.Cg4r.P I21r. S 142v.Sl 104r.B 122r.T 115v,L143r,D84v. ' P , S , B , Tadd "et". R. S1: illi. R, c, P, $1, L: externebant; D: extendebant.

super quern nul 1 Lus hominum sedit soluite et adducite michi si quis uos imerogauent dicite 13 1r opus domini est soluentes ' adduXerunt ad Iesum et imposuerunt sibi2 uestimenta et sedit super eum. ALii expandebant uestimenta sua in uia, Aïii ramos de a r b o n i prosternebard et qui sequebannu clamabant, Osanna benedictus qui uenit ( in nornine domini benedictum regnum p a e 13 1v (E Lx) nostri david osanna in excelsis miserere nobis fïii dauid.

292 [ANT~P~ONA partly from Jn. 12: 13, 13 Cum audisset popuhis quia Iesus uenit Ierosolimam acceperunt ramos palmarum et exienuit ei obuiam et chmisnt pueri dicentes, Hic est qui uentunis est in saiutern populi, Hic est d u s no 1 stra et redempcio IsraheI, Quannis est iste cui b o n i et 132r dominaciones occurru~lt. Noli timere filia Syon ecce rex tuus uenit tibi sedens super puilum mine sicut scriptun est. Salue rex fabricator mundi, qui uenisti redmiere nos.

293 [A~UTIPHONA Jn. 12: 12f.I Ante sex dies solemnis pasche quando 1 uenit dominus in 132v ( E x ) ciuitatem Iemalem ofcurrerunt ei puen et in manrius portabant rarnos paimanim et clamabant uoce magna dicentes osaruia in excelsis benedictus qui uenisti in dtiadine misericordie osanna in exceisis.

294 [ANTIPB:ONA Jn. 11 : 4 7 Coilegenint pontifices et pharisei concilium et dicebant quid fa 1 cimus quia hic homo multa signa facit si dimittirnus eum sic omnes credent in eum. l33r 'Ne forte ueniant romani et toiIant nostrum locum et gentem. [VERSVS fn. 11: 491 Unus autem ex ipsis Cayphas nomine c m esset pontifex anni illius prophetauit dicens expedit uobis ut 1 unus moriatur homo pro populo et non Iota gens pereat. 133v (Exi) Ab iiio erg0 die cogitauerunt inteficere eurn dicentes, 'Ne.

295 [HYMNUS] Gloria laus et honor h%i sit rex christe redemtor cui puerile decus prouisit osanna pium. Israhel es tu rex dauidis et inflita proles nomine qui in domini rex benedicite uenis. Cetus in excelsis. (

2% [ANTLPHONA] Pueri hebreorum toflentes ramos oliuanun obuiauenint domino clamantes 134r et dicentes o s a n ~ in excelsis.

297 [ ~ O N A ] Puen hebreomm uestimenta prosternebant in uia et clamabant dicentes osanna filio dauid knedictus qui uenit in nomine domini.

2% R Slr (rcsponsory cl0 verses). C %v (r + 1). S 146r (r + 4.31 1û7v (R + 12). B 125 (iiipit O&), T 118r (r + 5). D 86r ( i ip i t only). The hymn in A has a responsory + one verse and the incipit of a second.

298 [ANTIPHONA] Turba muita que conuenerat ad diem fesn~n c h b a t domino benedïcais qui uenit in nomine domini osanna in exceisis, knedictw dominus.

299 Sepitur [HYMNUS] O c[r]ux aue spes (

300 [ ~ O I T V S R. 21: 20,221 Domine ne longe facias auxilium tuum a me ad defensionem meam aspice I ~ b r a me de ore leonis et a cornibus unicorniun humiiitatem meam. [Ps. 21: 2) Deus deus meus respice in me quare me derelicpisti longe a salute mea '. 301 GRADVALE [Ps. 72: 24, 1-31 Tenuisti manum dexteram meam ' m uoluntate tu 1 a deduxisti 13% me et c m gloria assumpsisti me. Quam bonus Israhel deus rectis corde mei autem pene moti sunt pedes pene effbsi sunt gressus mei quia zelaui in peccatoni pa 1 cem peccatom 135v (E xiii) uidens .

302 T R A W S ps. 21 : 2-9. 18-19,22,24,32] Deus deus meus respice in me quan me derelicphti. Longe a saiute mea uerba delictom meonim. Deus meus clamui' per diem nec exaudies et' nocte3 et non ad 1 insipienciam michi. Tu autem in sancto habitas laus Israhel. In te sperauenuit patres nostri 136r sperauerunt et Iiberasti eos. Ad te clamauenmt et salui facii sunt in te sperauemt et non sunt conhi . Ego au 1 tem sum uermis et non homo obprobriimi hominum et abiectio plebis. 136v (E xiii) Omnes qui uidebant me aspernabantur me locuti sunt Iabiis et mouerunt caput. Sperauit in domino eripiat eum saluum faciat eum quoniam wlt eum. Ipsi uero consideraue 1 nint et 137r conspexenint4 me diuisemt sibi uestimenta mea et super uestem meam mise- sortem. L i b me de ore leonis et a cornibus unicorniun hunillitatem meam. Qui timetis dominum laudate eum uniuersum semen Iacob magnificate ( eum. Annuncciabitur domino generacio uentura 137v (E xv) et anunciabunt celi iusticiam eius. Populo qui aascetur quem fecit dominus.

303 O F E ' E R T O ~ p s . 68: 21-22] Improperium expectauit cor meum et miseriam et sustinui qui simul contristareau et non fuit consolantem me 1 quesiui et non inueni et dedenuit in escam meam 138r

300 R 5lr. G 95r, K lMv, C %v, P 123v, S 14%. $1 105~. V 150r. H 127r, B 126r, T 11%. L 14%. D 87v. ' R, 31 add: uerba deIictonrm meorum.

301 R Slv, G 95v. K 103r, C 97r, P 124r, S 147v, $1 Il&, V 150r. H 127r. B 126v , T 119v. L 14%. D 88r. ' R, G, K, S1 add: et.

3û2 R 51v. G %r. K 103v, C 97v, P 124v, S L&, S1 lllv, V 1Slv. H 128r. B 127r, T Iîûr, L ISIr, D 88v. ' R. G, K,C,P , SI, V, H, L, D:~lamabo.~R,P ,S , SI: in. =B, T:noctea~.'K~C. P ,V,H,L, D: inspexerunt.

fel et in siti mea potauenint me aceto.

304 ct)bf&îvNïû Mt. 26: 421 Pater si non potest hic calix m i r e nisi bibam illwn fiat uoluntas tua.


305 [ ~ O W S Ps. 34: 1-21 Iudica domine mentes me expugna 9npugnantes1 me apprehende arma et scutum et exurge in adiutorium meum domi 1 ne uimis salutis mee . 138v @mi) Ps- 34: 31 Effimde frameam et conclude aduenus eos qui me persequuntur '. 306 GRADVALE [Ps. 34: 23, 31 Exurge domine et intende iudicnim meum deus meus et dominus meus in causam meam. Efhuide frameam et conclude aduersus e ( os qui me persequuntur. 139r

307 O m T O R I v M [Ps. 142: 9. 101 Eripe me de inimicis meis domine ad te confugi doce me facere uoluntatem tuam quia deus meus es tu.

308 CO-O [Ps. 34: 26J hbescant et reuereannu s W qui gratulanîur malis meis induannir pudore et reuerencia qui maligna 1 loquuntur aduersum me. 13% (Exvii)


309 [ I N T R O ~ S Gai. 6: 141 Nos autem gloriari oportet in cmce domini nostri Iesu christi in quo est salus uita et resurrectio nostra per quem saiuati et Iiberati sumu. [Ps. 66: 21 Deus misereatur nostri et benedicat nobis iiIirmine[t] * w l m suum super nos et rnisereatur nostri, Euouae' .

3MR54v,G98v,KlMr,C lûûr,P 127v,S 151r,S1 115v,V 155v,H lU]v,B 129v,T122r,L155r,D91r. 'P, S. V, H, L: expugnantes. ' R, S1 add: me dic anime m œ salus nia ego sum; D ad&: Euouae.

309 R 55r, G 99v, K 107~. C IOlr, P 128~. S 152v, 51 117r, V 156v, H 132r, B 131r, T U r , L 153, D B r . ' R, K, P, V, H, L omit. $1, which bas only an incipit, should be also cansidered to omit.

GRADVALE [Ps. 34: 13, 1-21 Ego autem dimi michi moïesti essent 1 induebarn me cilici0 lm et humiliabarn in ieninio animam meam et oracio mea in sinu me0 conuertetur. Iudica domine nocentes me expugna irnpugnantes me apprehende arma et scutum et exurge in adnitorium michi. 1

311 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 139: 5] Custodi me domine de manu peccatoris et ab hominiius 140v (E xviii) iniquis eripe me domine.

312 C O ~ O [Ps. 68: 13-14] Aduersum me exercebannû qui sedebant in porta et in me pdebant qui bibebant uinum ego uero oracionem meam ad te domine tempus beneplaciti deus in muititudine mi ( sericordie tue. 141r


313 [INTROITVS Phil. 2: 10, 8, 111 In nomine domini omne genu flectatur celestim terrestriun et infernomm quia dominus facnis est1 obediens usque ad mortem mortem autem crucis ide0 dominus Iesus christus in gloria ' dei patris. (Ps. 10 1 : 21 Domine exaudi oracionem meam ^ et clamor meus ad te ueniat. ' 314 GRADVALE p s . 68 : 18, 2-31 Ne auertas faciem tuam a pu 1 ero tuo quoniam tribulor 14 IV (E xïx) uelociter exaudi me. Saiuum me fac deus quoniam inuauenmt aque usque ad animam rnearn hfmus sum in Iimo profundi et non est substancia. 1

315 [TRACTUS Ps. 101 : 2-5, 141 Domine exaudi oracionem meam et clarnor meus ad te ueniat. 142r Ne' auertas faciem tuam a me in quacumque die t r i i o r mcfiua ad me aurem tuam. In quacumque die inuocauero te uelociter exaudi me. 1 Quia defecerunt sicut furnus dies mei et ossa mea 142v (E xx) sicut in frucono confrixa2 sunt. Percussus sum sicut fenum et an& cor meum quia oblitu sum manducare panem meum. Tu exsurgens domine miserebe 1 N Syon quia uenit tempus 143r miserendi eius .

3U R Slv. G 101r. K 108v, C lûîr, P lm, S 154r, $1 119r, V 1S8v. H 133v. B 132v, T 124v, L 159v, D 93v. ' R, P, 31, H. L omit. ' R, K. P. S1, L, D add: est. ' D adds: Euouae

315 R 58r, G 102r. K 109v. C 103r, P 131r. S 155~. S1 12ûr, V l a . H 1 3 3 ~ . B 133v, T 12Sr, L 16lr, D 94v. ' D: Non. P. V, H, D: canfixa.

316 R 60r, G 103r. K 110~. C 104r, P 132v. S 156v. $1 121v. V 161r, H 135v, B 134v. T 126r. L 163r, D 9%. K: pfeueniat. D confinues: ne avertas faciem cuam a me.

OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 101: 21 Domine exaudi oracionem meam et clamor meus ad te perueniat'. ' 317 COMMYMO m. 10 1 : 10, 13- 141 Ponun meum cum fletu temperabam quia eleuans aliisisti me et ego sicut fenum ami ni autem domine 1 in eternuxn permanes tu exsurgens misereberis Syon 143v (F i) quia uenit tempus miserendi eius.

318 INTROWS Nos autem gloriari. E xvii

319 GRADVALE 2: 8-91 Chrisnis facais est pro nobis obediens usque ad mortem mortem autem cmcis. Propter quod et deus exaitauit iiium et dedit illi nomen quod est super 1 omne nomen. 144r

320 OFFERTO~UVM Dextera domini. B xi

321 CO-0 [Jn. 13: 12-1 3, 151 Dominus Iesus postquam cenauit cum discipulis suis Iauit pedes eonim et ait illis scitis quid fecerim uobis ego dominus et magister exernplum dedi uobis ut et uos ita faciatis.


322 TRAC~VS Ipartly from Hab. 3 : 2-31 Domine audiui auditum tuum et tirnui consideraui O 1 pera tua et expaui. In medio duonun animalium innotesceris d u . appropinquauerunt 144v (F ii) anni cognosceris dum aduenerit tempus ostenderis. In eo dum conturbata fiterît anima mea in ira misericordie memor 1 eris'. Deus a Iibano veniet et sanctus de monte umbroso et condensa. 14% Operuit celos maiestas eius et laudis eius plena est terra.

317 R 60v, G 103r, K 11 lr, C 104r, P 132v, S 157r. Sf 122r, V 16Iv. H 135v, B 134v, T 126v, L 163r, D 95v.

318 R 60v. G 103v, K I l l r , C 104v, P 133r, S 157r. S1 122v, V 162r, H 136r, B 135r, T 126v. L 163v, D 96r.

319 R 61r. G 103v, K 1 l lr , C 104~. P 133r, S 1 5 7 ~ 31 lUr, V 162r, H 136r, B 135r. T 126v, L 163v. D 96r.

320 R 61v. G 103v, K l l lv, C 104v, P 133v, S lS7v, SI 123v, V 162v. H 136v, B 13%. T 127r, L 164v, D 96r.

321 R 61v. G 103v, K 1 llv, C 104v, P 133v. S 157r. S1 123v, V 162~. H 136v, B 135, T 127r, L 164v, D 96r.

322 R 62v. G 104r, K l l lv, C 10%. P 133v. S I58r, S1 124r, V 163r, H 136v, % 13%. T 127r. L 165r. D 97r. ' S: eius,

T R A ~ S p s . 139: 2-10, 141 Eripe me domine ab homine ma10 1 a uiro iniquo Ixbera 145v (F iii) me. Qui cogitauenuit malicias in corde tota die constituebantJ prelia. Acuerunt iingwas suas sicut serpentes uenenum aspidum sub iabiis eonun. Custodi me domine de ma 1 nu peccatoris et ab 146r hominrius iniquis i i i ra me. Qui cogitauenint subplantare gressus meos absconderunt superbi laqueum2 rnichi. Et hmes extendemm in ïaqueum pedibus meis iuxta iter scandalm posuerunt michi. 1 Dixi domino deus meus es tu exaudi domine uocem oracionis mee. Domine domine 14th (F iiii) uirtus salutis mee obumbra caput meum in die belli. Ne tradas me a desideno meo peccatori cogitaueninr aduemim me ne derelinquas me ne umquam exal 1 tentur. Caput cVcuÏtus e o m 147r labor labionmi ipsonmi operiet eos. Verumtamen Nsti confitebuntur nomini tuo et habitabunt recti cum wltu tuo.

324 [IMP~ROPERU] Popule meus quid feci tiii aut in quo contristaui te responde rnichi quia eduxi te ( de terra egipti parasti cnicem saluatori tuo. Agyos O theos. Agyos yskyros. Agyos 147v (F v) Athanatos, Eleyson p a s . Sanctus deus. Sanctus fortis. Sanctus et Snmortalis misrrere nobis. Quia eduxi te per desertun quadraginta annisl et manna cibaui te et introduxi * in tenam sa 1 tis 148r optimam parasti crucem saluatori tuo. Agyos ut supra. Sanctus ut supra. Quid ultra debui facere tibi et non feci ego quidem plantauî te uiueam mem s p e ~ i o s i s s ~ ~ et tu facta es michi nimis amara aceto namque sitim ' meam potasti et lancea perforani latus saluaton NO. Agyos, Sanctus ut supra.

325 [ANTIPSONA] Ecce iignum crucis in quo 1 salus mundi pependit uenite adoremus. 148v (F vi) (Ps. 118: 11 Beati immaculati in uia qui ambulant in lege domini. Ecce lig.

326 [ANTIPEIONA Mt. 27: 51ff.; Sn. 19: 341 D m fabricator mundi mortis suppliciurn pateretur in cmce clamans uoce magna tradidit spiritum. Et ecce uelum templi diuisum est montmenta apperta sunt terre motus enim facnis est' ma 1 gnus quia mortem tilii dei clamabat mundus se sustinere non posse 149r aperto erg0 Iancea milit& latere crucifixi domini exiuit sanguis et aqua in redemcionem salutis nostre. O admirabile precium cuius pondere capituitas redemta est mundi thartharea confracta sunt claustra inferni 1 aperta est nobis ianua regni. * 14% (F Mi)

327 [-SI Crux fidelis inter omnes arbor UM nobilis nulla silua talem profert fronde flore gennine dulce lignum dulces clauos dulce pondus sustinet. Pange lingua.

324 R 66r, G 1 0 6 ~ . K 114v, C 107v. P 136v. S 161r, $1 1 2 8 ~ . V 1 6 6 ~ . H 139v, B 13811. T 12%. L 16%. D 9%. ' D: awos. R ad& "te". ' D: frum decoram. ç ad&: mixto cum felle.Variations: G, K, V, H have the Trisagion only; P, L have the incipit "Popuie meus", followed by the Trisagion.

325 R 66r, G 107r, K 11Sr, C 108v, P 137r. S 162v, $1 128r, V 167r. H 139v, B 139v, T 130v. L 170r, D l a . Variation: R, S1 have no Psah.

326 G lûlr, K 1 lSr, CS 1 0 8 ~ . P 137r, S 1 6 2 ~ . H 140r. B 14ûr. T 130v, L If&, D 10011. . ' S omits. ' G adds: in redemcio; K adds: In.

327 R 66v. 109v. S 163v. 51 1 3 2 ~ B 141r. T 131v. L 172r. D IOlr. In four books, P a g e lingua is recordeci in merno. Rand S 1 have the same 12 verses, C and S have the same 1 1. B has only the incipit Pange lingua.

329 TRACTVS m. 15: 1-21 camemus domino gioriose enim honorifiatus est equum et assceasorem proiecit in mare 1 adnitor et protector factus est michi in dutem. Hic deus meus et honorabo 150r eurn deus patris mei et exaitabo eum. Dominus conterend belia dominus nomen est ai.

330 ~ C ~ V S p. 5: 1-21 Vinea facta est dilecto in cornu in loco 1 uberi. 150v (F vui) 'Et maceriam2 circumdedi et circumfodi et p b u i uineam soreth et edificaui aimm in medio eius. Et torcdar fodi in ea uinea enim domini sabaoth domus Israhel est.

331 TRACTVS [Deut. 32: 141 Attende ceium que' loquar 1 et audiat terra uerba ex ore meo. lSlr Expectetur sicut pluuia eloquium meum2 et descendad sicut ros uerba mea sicut4 ymber super graminas. Et sicut nix super fenum6 quia nomen domini inuocabo. Date magnîfïcenciam7 deo wstro deus uera 1 opera eius et omnes uie eius iudicia. Deus fidelis in quo non est hiquitas 15 1v (F ix) iustus et sanctus dominus.

332 TRAms p s . 41: 24) Sicut ceruus desiderat ad fontes aquanrm ita desiderat anima mea ad te deus. Sitiuit anima mea ad deum fontem' ui 1 uum quand0 ueniam et apparebo ante faciem dei mei. 152r Fuenmt michi lacrime mee panes die ac nocte dum dicitur michi per singuios dies ubi est deus tuus?

333 m s ad fontem Rex sanctorum.

Ky ne Paschaie et cetera.

330 R 72v. G 108v. K 116v. C l l lr , P 139v, S l a r , 31 136r, V 168v. H 142r, B 141v, T 132r, L 174v. D 102v. ' R and Sl use the third person in this sentence and the next. V, H, L: maceria; D: maceriem.

331 R n r , G 109r, K 116~. IlOv, P 138~. S 165v, $1 137r. V 168r. H 141v. B 142r. T I32v. L 173r, D 102r. ' R, G, K. P. S1. V, H, L. D: a. G: t u m . ' V, H, L: descendat. ' K: quasi. R: germen; $1: gramen. D: gramen' R. C, S1, V, H, L, D: rnagnitudinem.

332 R 74r, G 1W, K 117~. C l l lv , P 140r, S 166v, S1 138r. V 16911. H 142v, B 142v, T 133r, L 175v, D 103r. ' C. V, H, L. D omit.

Aeuia. p s . 105: 11 Confitemini domino quoniam bo 1 nus quoniam in seculurn misencordia eius .


[ANTEHONA] Vidi aquam egredientem de templo a Iatere de- alleluia. Et omnes ad quos peruenit aqua ista saiui facti sunt et diciint alfeluia alleIuia. m. 105: 11 Confitemini domino quoniam ' bonus quoniam in seculum misericordia eius, Euouae. 1

[Ad processione~ 337 [ANTIPHONA] Cum rex glorie christus infemum debektunis intraret et choms angelicus ante faciem eius portas principum toili preciperet sanctorum popuius qui tenebanir in morte captiuus uoce lacrimabili clarnauerunt'. Aduenisti desiderabilis quem expectabamus in tenebris ut educeres ac2 nocte uinculatos de claustris. 1 Te nos- uocabant suspiria. Te larga requirebant lamenta tu 153v (F xi) tu factus es spes desperatis magna consolacio in tormentis.' Triumphat dei NRis ab hoste superbissirno resurgens a morte. Delens Ewe4 culpard latronem sero flebilem coniuncnim beatissimo perdWt ad regna. Quo iturus erat Petmm cum ceteris uisitat omnesque flebila so 1 latur semper uoce pia 154r alIeluia.

Sequimr in reditu 338 [~~YMNUS] Salue festa dies.

339 [ANTKPHûNA] Sedit angelus ad sepulchm domini stola claritatis coopertus uidentes eum mulieres nimio tenore pertemte assitenint a Longe tunc locutus est angelus et dixit eis. 'Crucifinim in carne laudate et sepultum propter uos glorifiate resurgentemque a 1 morte adorate. 154v (Fxii) 'Nolite me tuere dico uobis quia ille quem queritis m o d iam uiuit et uita hominum c m eo surexit. Recordamini quomodo predixit quia oportet Nium hominis crucifigi et tercia die a morte suscitari. Aeuia.

337 G llûv, K Ilsr, C 112v, P 141~. S 168r, V 171r, H 144r, B 144r. T 134r, LlTIV, D 104r. ' C, P, H, L. D: clarnaverat. G, K, C, P. V, H, B, L: hac. ' K, C. P, V, H. L, D end herc. " G: eam sua.

339 G lllv, K 119r. C lI3r, S I69r, V 172~. H 145r. B 145r, T *135r, L 17%. D 10Sr. ' C, V, H, L reverse the order of the two sentences. C: mortuurn.

Ad missam 1 340 [INTRO~TVS Ps. 138: 18 & 5-61 Resurrexi et adhuc tecum sum alleluia posuisti super me 15% rnanum tuam alleluia mirabilis facta est scientia tua alieluia aiieluia. p s - 138: 1-21 Domine probasti ( me et cognouisti me tu cognouisti ' sessionem 155v (Fxiii) meam' et resurrectionem meam, Euouae.

341 GRADVALE [ps. 117: 24, 11 Hec dies quam fecit dominus e ~ t e m ~ ~ et letemur in ea, Confitemini domino quoniam bonus quoniam in seculum 1 misericordia eius. 156r

342 Meluia. [l Cor. 5: 7] Pascha nostrum ymmoIatus est christus.' Epuiemur in azimis sinceritatis et ueritatis.

343 oFFERTORIVM PS. 75: 9-10] Terra 1 tremuit et qyieuit dum resurgeret in iudicio 156v (Fxiiii) deus alleluia.

344 COMMVN][O [1 Cor. 5: 7-83 Pascha nostnim ymmolaius est christus alleluia itaque eputemur in a z b k sinceritatis et1 ueritatis' aeuia aeuia aeuia.


345 [INTRO~TVS Ex. 13: 5, 91 Introduit uos' dominus in terram fluentern lac et me1 1 alleluia sed2 ut lex domini semper sit in ore uestro aeuia aeuia. 157r [Ps. 104: 11 Confitemini domino ' quoniam bonus quoniam in seculum misericordia eius, Euouae.

346 GRADVALE [Ps. 117: 24, 21 Hec dies. F nïi Dicat nunc Israhel quoniam bonus quoniam in seculum

340 R 85v. G 112v. K t 19v, C 114r. P 143r. S 170v, S1 144v. V 173v. H 146r, B 146r. T %, L 18Ir. D 106r. ' R ornits.

344 R 86r. G 113v. K 121r. C 11Sr. P 144r, S lnr, S1 146r, V 175~. H 147v, B 147v, T 136r, L 183v. D 107r. ' L omits. P. V, H, L add Ur. 15: 23 as a verse.

345 R 86r, G 114r. K 121v. C 11Sv. P 144r, S 172v, $1 146~. V 176r, H 147v, B 147v, T 136v, L 184r, D 107r. R: nos. C. V, H. L. D: et, ' R, G. K. P. 31. V. H. L. D continue. "et inuocate nomen eius annuntiate inter ' gentes

opera e h " .

misencordia eius. 1

347 Meluia. mt. 28: 2, 5] Angelus dornini descendit de ceIo et accedens reuoluit Iapidem 157v (Fm) et sedebat super eum. lRespondens autern angelus dixit mulieribus quem quentis? Ille autem dixenint Iesum na7arenum.

348 OFFERTORIVM [Mt. 28: 2, 5 , 6] Angelus domini descendit de ce 1 Io et dixit m u l i e n b 158r Quem que* surrexit sicut dkit aeuia.

349 COMMVMO [Lk. 24: 341 Sunexit dominus et apparuit ' petro aeuia.


350 [INTRO~~VS Sir. 15: 3-41 Aqua sapiencie potauit eos aeuia firmabitur in illis et non flectetur aeuia et exaltauit' eos in etemuml aeuia aeuia. 158v (Fxvi) [Ps. 104: 11 Confiternini domino 2qu~niam ^ bonus quoniam in seculurn misericordia eius, Euouae.

351 GRADVALE ps. 1 17: 241 Hec dies. F xiii Vs p s . 106: 21 Dicant nunc qui redempti sunt a domino quos redemit de manu inimici et de regionibus congregauit eos.

352 Alleluia. 1 [Jn. 20: 191 Surgens Iesus dorninus noster Stans in rnedio discipulorurn dixit pax 159r uobis.

353 OFFERTORI~M p s - 17: 14, 161 Intonuit de ce10 dorninus et altissimus dedit uocem suam et apparuenint fontes aquarum aeuia. 1

347 R 86v, C 116r. P 14Sr. S 173r, S1 147v, V 176v. H 148r, B 148r, T 137r, L 185r. D 107v. ' R, S1 omit second verse,

350 R aIr, G 1 lSr, K 122v, 116v, P 146r, S 174r, S1 148r. V lnv, H 149r, B 149r, T 137v. L 186r. D 108v. ' G, P, V. H. L: exaltabit. * R. S1 conhue, 'et inuocate wmen eius annimtiate inter gentes opcra cius'.

354 C O M M ~ ~ O [Col. 3: 1-21 Si consumustis cum cristo que sursum sunt quente aeuia 159v (FxuiiJ ubi christus est in dextera dei sedeus que sursum sunt sapite aeuia.


355 [ I N T R O ~ Mt. 25: 341 Venite benedicti patris mei percipite regmmi aeuia quod uobû paratum est ab origine mundi aeuia aeuia. [Ps. 95: If.] Cantate domino canticum nouum 'quia mira 1 bilia fecit, Euouae. l6ûr

356 GRADVALE [fS. 117: 24, 1q Hecdies. Fxvi Vs. Dextera domini fecit uirnitem dextera domini exaitauit me.

357 Alleluia. [Rom. 6: 91 Crisais resurgens ' iam non moritw 1 mors iiii ultra non 16ûv (IF xviii) dominabitur .

358 OFF'ERTORIVM [Ps. 77: 23-5j Portas celi aperuit dominus et pluit iiiis manna ut ederent panem celi dedit illis panem angelonim rnanducauit homo alleluia.

359 C~MMVNIO [Rom. 6: 91 Christus resurgens ex momiis iarn non rnoritur ' mon illi ultra! non dominabitur aeuia aeuia.


360 [ ~ O I T V S Wis 10: 20-11 Victricem manun tuam domine laudauerunt pariter aeuia quia sapiencia aperuit os mutil et linguas infanciun fecit disertas aeuia aeuia.

35SR87v,G 116v,K 124r. C tl8r. P 147v,S 176r. $1 1%. V 179v.H 150v, B 150v. T 138v, L 188v. D f09v. ' R, G, K. P. SI, V, H, L. D continue, "cantate domino ' omnis terra."

351G 117r. K 124v, CS 118r. P 148r, S I76v, V 1&0r, H lSlr, B 151r, T 13%- L I89v, D 110r. ' G, K, P, V, H, L, D add "ex momisn .

359R88r.G 117v,K 125r,C 119r,P 148v,S l n r , Si 151v,V lûûv, H lSlv, B 152r, T 13%, L 190~. D 110v. ' R, G, K, P, S1, V, H, L add: aevia.

360 R 88r, G 117v, K 125r, C 119r, P 14ûv. S 117v, 31 151v, V 181r, H 152r, B I52r, T 13%, L 191r, D 110~. ' R, S. $1: m u m . ' R. G, K. P, $1, V. H. L continue: quia mirabila fecit. D uses Ps. 105: 1.

[Ps. 91 : 11 Cantate domino canticum no 1 uum 'cantate domino omnis terra, Euouae.

361 GRADVALE [Ps. 117: 22-41 Hec dies. Friü Vs Lapidem q u a reprobauerunt edificantes hic factus 1 est in caput anguli a domino f a a m est et est mirabile in ocdis nostris. 161v (Fxix)

362 Aeuia. Mt. 26: 321 In die resilnectionis mee dicit dominus precedam uos in gaiileam.

363 O m T O R I Y M m. 13: a In die solemnitatis uestre dicit dominus 1 inducam uos in terram 162r fluentem lac et me1 alleluia.

364 CO-O [l Pet. 2: 93 Popuius acquisicionis anunciate uirtutes e h alleluia qui uos de tenebris uocauit in admirabile lumen suum aileluia.


365 [INTROITVS Ps. 77: 531 Eduxit eos dominus in spe aeuia et inhicos eorum openiit mare1 alleluia aileluia aeuia. 162v (Fxx) [Ps. 77: 11 Anendite popule meus legem meam inclinate 'aurem uestram' in uerba oris mei. Euouae.

366 GRADVALE ps. 1 17: 24, 26f.l Hec dies. F xiii. Vs Benedictus qui uenit in nomine dornini deus dominus et illuxit nobis.

367 Aileluia. 1 [Acts 5; 301 Surrexit altissimus de sepuichro qui pro nobis pependit in ligno. 163r

368 [ O F F E R T O ~ EX. 12: 141 Ent uobis hec' dies mernorialis aiieluia et diem fesnim celebrabitis

361 R 88v. G 118r. K 123. C 11%. P 14%. S 178r. SI 152r. V 18Iv. H 152r. B 152v. T 140r. L 191v. D Illr.

362 G 118~. K 125v. C 119v. P 14%, S 178v. V 181v, H 152v.. B 152~. T 140~. L 19îr, D l l l r .

363 R 88v, G 118v. K 126r, C 11%. P 149v. S 178v, S1 153r. V l m , H 152v. S 153r, T 1#v, L 192v. D Illv.

364 R 88v, G 118v, K 126r. 120r, P I50r. S 17%. 51 153r. V 182v. H 153r, B I53r. T 140~. L 193r, D Illv.

367 S 180r. B 154r, T 141v. R. SI use on feria 3 with the second word replaced by "dominus ". 368 R 8%. G 119~. K 127r, 121r, P ISlr, S I80r, SI 1%. V 183v. H 154r. B 154v, T 141~. L 194~. D 112~. ' Al1 save A, S. B, T: hic.

solemnem domino in progenies uesaa~ legitimum sempiter 1 num diem alieluia aeuia 163v (G i) aeuia.

369 Co-0 [Mt. 28: 18f.l Data est michi omnis potestas in ce10 et in terra aeuia euntes docete ornes gentes' baptisantes eos in nomine patris et filü et spiritus sancti aiïeluia aeuia.

370 [INTROWS Ps. 77: 531 Eduxit dominus popdm suum in emiltacione aiieluia et electos suos in leticia aeu 1 ia aeuia. 164r [Ps. 77: 11 Confitemini d o d o et hocate mmen eius anntt~lciate inter gentes opera eius. Euouae.

371 Alleluia. [Ps. 117: 241 Hec dies quam fecit dominus exultemus et letemur in ea.

372 Aileluia. [Ps. 1 12: 1-21 Laudate pueri dominum 1 laudate nomen domini. Sit nomen domini benedic- ex hoc nunc et usque in secdum.

373 OFFERTORIVM m. 117: 26-71 Benedictus qui uenit in nomine domini benediximus uobis de domo domini deus doniinus et illuxit nobis aeuia aeuia. 1

374 ~OïkïMVNïô [Gal 3: 271 Omnes qui in chwto baptizati estis crishm induistis alleluia.


375 [morrvs 1 Pet. 2: 21 Quasi modo geniti infantes alleluia racionabiies sine do10 lac concupiscite alleluia aeuia aeuia.

371 R 89v, G 120v. K 128r, C 121v, P 152r, S 181~. S1 155v, V 185r. H 155r, B M r , T 142v, L 196r. D 113r. R calls the anriphon a gradual.

372 R89v. G 1%- K l28r. C 121v. P 152r, S 181v. S1 156r, V 185r. H 155r, B 155v, T 142v, L 196v. D 113v. R. s1 omit the sccond line.

m. 80: 21 ExUrtate deo adiutori nostro iubîlate dea Iacob, Euouae.

376 .Ueluia. [Jn. 20: 193 Surgens Iesus. F xvi

377 Aileluia. Mt. 28: 2, 5] Angelus do. F xv

378 OFFERTORIVM [Mt. 28: 2, 5 , q hgeius do. F xv

379 Co-O [Jn. 20: 271 Mitte manum tuam et cognosce loca ciauorum aeuia et noli esse incre 1 dulus sed fideiis aeuia aeuia. 165v (G iii)

380 [IN'TRows Ps. 21: 17. 151 Fodem m~i~lus meas et @es meos dinumeraueniot omnia ossa rnea et sicut aqua effusus sum alleluia aeuia aeuia. [Ps. 21: 151 Facnim est cor meum tarnquam cera Iiquescens in medio uentris mei, Euouae.

381 Aeuia. Angelus michael descendit de 1 ce10 et apparebit cum gloriosis insigniis et laudibus 166r dominice passionis .

382 Aeuia. [Jn. 10: 111 Sunexit pastor bonus qui posuit animarn suam pro ouibus suis et pro suo grege mon di 1 gnatus est. 166v (G iiii)

383 OFFERTORNM [Mt. 27: 511 Videnint in quem transfixenuu cum mouerentur fundamenta terre sol obscuraretur corpora sanctorum de monumentis resurgerent et crux cum gemmis clauonun per uniuersum mundum radiaret aeuia.

384 CO-0 Apprehende arma et scuami ciauos et lanceam dommt et dic anmie mee salus tua ego sum a 1 euh. 167r

385 [ I N T R O ~ S R. 32: 5d] Misericordia domini plena est terra alleluia uerbo dei celi firmati sunt aeuia aeuia. ps. 3 1 : 11 Exultate hti in domino rectos * decet collaudacio' , Euouae.

386 Aileluia. [Jn. 10: 111 Surrexit pastor bonus. G iii

387 OFFERTORWM p s . 62: 2,51 Deus deus meus ad te de LUCp uigdo et in nomine tuo lauabol manus meas aeuia.

388 CO-0 [Jn. 10: 141 E 1 go sum pastor bonus aeuia et agnosco' oues meas et cognoscunt me mee aeuia aeuia.

389 [INTROITVS Ps. 65: 1-21 Iubilate deo omnis terra aeuia psalmum dicite nomini eius aeuia date gloriarn laudi eius aeuia aeuia aeuia. [Ps. 65: 31 Dicite deo quam tembilia sunt opera tua domine' in multitudine uirtutk Ne ' , Euouae.

390 Aeuia. 1 [Jn. 16: 161 Modicum et non uidebitis me i t e m modicurn et uidebitis me. 168r

385 R 90v. G l u t , K 130v, C 124r. P 154v, S 185, SI 158r, V 188r, H lS8r. B 158v. T 144v, L U)3r, D 116r. ' R, S 1 : laudacio.

3û9 R 91r, G 123v. K b 131v, C 124v, P 155v, S 185v, S1 15%. V 189v. H 158v, B 159r, T 145r. L 204~. D 117r. ' P, V, H, L omit. ' D adds: glorie. R. G. P, S1. V, K. L add: mentiemur hii inhici mi.

391 O F F E R T O M [Ps. 145: 21 Lauda anima mea dominum laudabo dom- in uita mea psaiiiun deo meo qymdiu ero aeuia.

392 Co-O [Jn. 16: 1q Modicum et non uidebitis me alleluia i t e m modicum et uide 1 bitis me quia uado ad patrem aeuia aeuia.


393 [INTRorns Ps. 97: 1-21 Cantate domino ranticiun muum aeuia quia mirabilia fecit dominus aeuia ante conspectun gencium reuelauit iusticiam suam aeuia aeuia. [Ps. 97: 11 Saluabit' sibi dexterad eius et brachium saucami eius, Euouae.

394 Aeuia. [Jn. 7: 331 Vado ad e ( um qui me misil et nemo ex uobis Imenogat me quo uadis . 169r

395 OFFERTOR~YM [Ps. 65: 1-2, 16) Iubiiate Deo u. B ù

3% CO-O [Jn. 16: 81 Cum' uenerit paraclinis spiritus ueritatis ille arguet mundum de peccato et de iusticia et de iudicio aeuia aeuia.

397 [~NTROITVS 1s. 48: 201 Vocem iocunditatis annuncciate et audiatur aeuia nuncciate usque ad extremum terre ' liberauit 1 dominus populum suum aeuia aeuia. 16% (G vii) [Ps. 65: 1-21 lubilate deo omnis terra psaimum dicite nomini eius ' date gloriarn laudi eius, Euouae.

397 R 92r, G 12Sv, L26v. P I57v. S 188r. SI 162v, V I91v, H 160~. B 161r, T 147r, L 208r. D 118v. ' R adds: alleluia.

398 Aeuia. [Jn. 14; 141 Vsque modo non peW quicquam in nomine meo petite et accipietis.

399 OFFERTORIVM Ips. 65: 8-9.201 Benedicitel gentes. D xv

400 CO-0 p s . 95: 21 Cantate domino aeu 1 ia untate domino ' benedicite nomen eius bene 17ûr nunciate de die in diem salutare eius aeuia aeuia.


Ad processionem 401 [iwrrwo~~ Ps. 27: 91 Exurge domine adiuua nos et Liera nos propter nomen tuum aeuia. Saluum fac populum tuum domine et benedic hereditati tue1.

402 [ ~ O N A 1s. 37: 321 Surgite sancti de mansionibus uestrh loca sanctifiate 1 plebem benedicite et nos homines peccatores in pace custodite aeuia. 17ûv (G Vii) Cum iocunditate exiiitis et cum gaudio deducemini nam et montes et colles exilient expectantes uos c m gaudio aeuia. De Ierusalem exeunt reliquie et saiuacio de monte Syon propterea protectio e 1 rît huic ciuitati et saluabitur propter dauid famdum eius aeuia. 171r

Secunmr 403 L E M . . Kyrieleyson Criste Sancta Maria ora. Aufer a nobis domine cunctas ini.

A lia 404 [LETANIE] Kyrieleyson Criste.


400 R 92v, G 126r. C 126v. P 158v, S 188v, SI 164r. V 192v, H I61v, B f61v, T 147v, L209r, D 11%. ' R. G. P. $1, V, H. L, D add: et.

401 G 127v. C 128r, S 189r. T 147v, L 21 lv, D 120v. ' C completes the Psah verse.

4û2 G 127~. S 189r, B f63v, T 184r, L 212r. D IUhr. D has an additional vcrse.

405 [HYMNUS] Humili prece.

406 [~YMNUS] Ardu spes mundi.

~ O ~ S [PS. 17: 7] Exaudiuit de -10 sancto suo uocern meam aeuia et clamor meus in conspectu e h introi luit in aures e h aeuia aeuia. 171v (G ix) [Ps. 17: 2-31 DQam te domine uirnis' mea dominus ' firmamentum meum et refugium meum, Euouae.

408 Aeuia. ps . 1 17: 11 Confiternini domino quoniam bonus quoniam in seculum misericordia eius.

409 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 108: 30-11 Conftebor domino nimÛ in ore meo et in medio muito / nun 172r laudabo eum qui asstitit ad dexteram pauperis ut saluam faceret a persequentiius animam meam aeuia.

410 COMMVNIO [Lk. 1 1 : 9- 101 Petite et accipietis querite et inuenietis pulsate et appenenir uobis omnis enim qui petit accipit et qui querit inuenit et1 pulsanti apperietur aeuia.


411 [INTROWS Ps. 46 : 2,4] Omnes gentes. 1

412 Aeuia. [Ps. 46: 21 Omnes gentes plaudite manibus nibilate deo in uoce exultacionis. 172v (G x)

405 BD 50: 253ff.

406 BD 50: 237f.

4û7R92v. G 126r. C 127r. P 158~. S 190r, S1 165v. V 193r. H 16tv. B fotr, T 148v. Lîû9v. D 119~. ' R. G. $1: fortinido.

408 R 92v. G 126v, C 127r. P 159r. S 190~. $1 16%. V 193v. H 162r. B 162v. T 14%. L 210r. D IlW.

409 R 93r, G 127r. C I27r. P 159r. S I91r. $1 166r, V 193v. H 162v, B 162v, T 149~. L 210~. D 1ZOr.

410 R 93r. G 127r, C 127v. P 159~. S 191r. S1 166v, V 1% H 162v. B 163r, T 14%. L 211r. D 12ûr. ' C, D omit.

411 G 12th. C 128r. P lm, S 192r. V 1Wv.H 163r. B 169r.T 149v,L213r, D 121v.

412 G S 128~. C 128r. P 160r. S 192r. V 195r. H 163~. B 16%. T 14%, L 213v. D l2lv.

4W C 128~. P * 160~. S 192v, V 195r. H 163v. B 169r, T 150r. L 214r. D 122r.


OFFERT~R~VM [ACB 1: Il] Viri galilei quid a ' ' ' ' aspicientes in celum hic Iesus qui assumptus

est a uobis in celum sic ueniet quemadmodum ui ( distis eum ascendentem in celum aeuia. 173r

414 CO-0 17: 12, 13, 15J Pater cum essern cum eis ego seruabam eos quos dedisti michi aeuia nunc autem ad te uenio non rogo ut t o m eos de mundo sed ut serues eos a mdo aeuia aeuia. 1

[ln die sancto] 415 [INTROITVS Acts 1 : 1 11 Viri galilei quid admiramini aspicientes in celum alleluia quernadmodum uidistis eum ascendentem in celum ita ueniet aeuia aeuia aeuia. [Ps. 46: 21 Omnes gentes plaudite maniius iubilate deo in uoce exultationis, Euouae. 1

416 Aeuia. p s . 46: 61 Ascendit deus in iubilatione et dominus in uoce tube.

417 Aeuia. p s . 67: 18-19] Dominus in Syna in sancto ascendens in altum captiuam du 1 xit capitiuitatem.

418 OFFERToRIVM [Ps. 46: 61 Ascendit deus in iubilatione Dominus in uoce tube alleluia.


173v (G xi)

COMMvMo [Ps. 67: 3341 Psailite domino qui ascendit super celos celonun ad orientem alleluia.


420 [INTROITVS Ps. 26: 7-91 Exaudi domine uocem meam1 qua damaui ad te alieluia tibi dixit cor 175r meum quesiui wlturn tuum wlnun nium domine requiram ne auertas faciem tuam a me aeuia alleluia alleluia. [ps -26: 11 Dominus illuminacio mea et d u s " mea quem timeh, Euouae.

415 R 93r. G * 129r. C 129r, S 193v, V W96r, H 164v, B 170r. T 151r, L 215~. D 122v. R, $1 use Acts 1:10 in place of the Psalm.

422 Aleluia. [Ps, 46: 6J Ascendit deus. G xii

424 ~OMMVNIO [Jn. 17: 12, 13, 151 Patercumessem. Gx

425 TRACï'VS p s . 1 16: 1-21 Laudate do. C xii

426 semrrdus [ T R A ~ S Deut. 32: 141 Attende celurn. F viii

427 [ T R A ~ S I S . 5: 1-2lVinea. Fvii

428 [mcrüs Ps. 4 1 : 2-41 Sicut cer. F ix

429 OFFERTORIVM Ps. 103 : 30- 11 Emine spiritun anim et creabuntur et renouabis faciem 1 terre sit gloria domhi in secula alleluia. 17% (G xiii)

430 COMMVNIO [Jn. 7: 37-91 Vltimo festiuitatis die dicebat Iesus qui in me credit numina de uentre eius

fluent aque unie hoc autem dixit de spiritu quem accepturi erant credentes in emn deluia aiieluia. 1


431 [INTROVS Wis. 1: Spiritus domini repleuit orbem terramm alieluia et hoc yod continet omnia scienciam habet uocis aiieluia aiieluia alleluia. [Ps. 67: 29-30] 'Confirma hoc deus quod operatus es in nobis a templo sancto tuo quod est in ' I e d e m , Eu 1 ouae. 176v (G xiiii)

432 Meluia. [Ps. 103: 301 Emitte spiritum ~ u m et creabuntur et renouabis faciem terre.

433 Meluia. Veni sancte spiritus reple tuonim corda fideIium et aii amo ( ris in eis ignem 177r accende .

434 OFFERTORI~M [PS. 67: 29-30] Confirma hoc deus quod operatus es in nobis a templo tuo quod est in Ierusalern tibi offerent reges munera aiieluia.

435 COMMVNIO [AC& 2: 2, 41 Factus est repente de ce10 sons aduenientis spintus uehementis ubi erant sedentes aeuia et reple ti sunt omnes 1 spiritu sancto loquentes magnalia dei 177v (G XV)

aeuia aeuia.


436 [Ps. 80: 17l Cibauit eos ex.

437 Alleluia. Sancti spintus domine corda nostra mundet infusio et sui roris intima aspersione fecundet.

431 R 95v. G 131r. 131r. S 1%r, S1 171v. V 199~. H 167r, B W72v, T 153r, L220r. D 12%. ' R, SI use Wh. 7: 21.23 instead of Psaim.

438 AUeIuia. Veni sancte spiritus. G xiiii

440 CO-O [Jn. 14: 261 Spiritus sanctus docebit uos ' ae 1 uia quecumque dixero uobis aeuia aeuia.


441 [ ~ O I T V S 4 Esdr. 2: 36-71 Accipite iocunditatem glorie uestre aeuia gracias agentes deo aeuia qui uos ad celestia regna uocauit aeuia aeuia aeuia. [Ps. 77: 11 Atîendite popule meus legern meam inclinate aurem uestram * in uerba oris mei, Euouae.

442 AUeluia. 1 Paraclitus spiritus sanctus quem paterJ &eti in nomine meo ille uos 178v (G xvi) docebit omnem ueritatem.

443 O ~ T O R I V M [Ps. 77: 33-51 Portas celi. Fxvii

444 COMMVMO [Jn. 15: 26; 16: 141 Spiritus qui a patre procedit aeuia iUe me clarificabit alleluia alleluia.

445 [INTROITVS Ps. 67: 8-91 Deus duml egredereris coram populo nio aeuia iter faciens eis

440 R 97r. G 133r. K 133r. C 132v, P 162v, S 198v, $1 174r, V mlv, H 168v. B 174v, T 154~. L 22%. D 126~. ' R ad&: omnia.

442 G 133v, K 133v, C ( 1 3 3 ~ ) ~ P (164r), S 199r, V (203r), H (170r). B 175r, T 155r, L ( 2 2 5 ~ ) ~ D127r. ' G, K, C, P, V, H, L, D: minet pater.

ae 1 uia habitans c m 2 itlis aeuia aeuia. 17% Ps. 67: 21 Exurgat deus et dissipentur inimici eius et lùgiant qui oderunt eum a ficie eius, Euouae.

447 Alleluia. Veni sancte. G xiii

448 OFFERTORIVM Ps. 145: 21 Lauda. G v

449 COMMVNIO [Jn. 14: 27l Pacem meam do uobis aeuia pacem relinquo uobis aeuia aeuia.


450 [INTROITVS Wis. 1 : 7] Spiritus domini G xiii per torrun preter

451 Aileluia. Wis. 1 : 7J Spiritus domini repleuit orbern ter 1 ranim et hoc quod continent 17% (G xvii) omnia scienciam habet uocis.


452 [INTROITVS Ps. 70: 8, 231 Repleatur os meum laude tua aIleluia ut possim cantare alleluia gaudebunt labia mea dum cantauero tibi alleluia alleluia. [Ps. 70: 1-21 In te domine speraui non confundar in etemum in iusticia tua libera me1 et eripe me. Euouae. 1

pp -- -

446 C 133~. P 164r. S 200r. V 203r. H 170r. B 176r. T lSSv, L 22Sv.

447 R 97v. K 134~. C 134r. S 200r, S1 175v. B 176r, T 155v.

448 134r. P 164r. S 200r. V 203~. H 170r. B 176r. T 155v. L 226r. D 12ûr.

44!l R 98r. K 134v, C 134r. P 164r. S 2OOr. S1 17%. V 203v, H 170r. B 176r, T ISSv, L 226r, D 128r.

450R98r. K 134~. ç 134r. P 164r. SZOOr, S1 175v. V203v. H 170~. B 176r.T 156r,L226r. D 128r.

451 S 200r. B 176r. T 156r.

4!52 R 98r. K 134~. 134r. P 164v. S 200~. $1 176r. V 203v. H f70v, B 176v. T 156r. L 226r. D 128r. ' P. V. H, L end here.

453 K 135r. S 201r, B 176~. T 156~. D (128r).

Aeuia. [Acts 2: 11 Dum complerenhir dies penthecostes erant omnes pariter discipuli.

454 Alleluia. Veni sancte spiritus. G mYii

455 O-TORWM [Ps. 103: 30.3 11 Emitte spiritum tuum. G xii

456 CO~~~MVNIO [Jn. 3: 81 Spiritus ubi wlt spirat et uocem eius audis aeuia et nescis unde ueniat aut quo uadat 1 aeuia aeuia aeuia. 18ûv (G Mii)

457 [INTROWS Rom. 5: 5] Karitas dei diffusa est in corcüius uestris aeuia per inhabitantem spiritum eius in uobis aeuia aeuia. [Ps. 87: 21 'Domine deus saiutis mee in die et nocte clamaui2 coram te, Euouae.

458 Aileluia. [Wis. 1: 7] Spiritus domini. G xvi

461 Allehia. [Ps. 32: 61 Verbo domini celi finnati sunt 1 et spirini oris eius omnis uirtus e o m . 18 1 r

462 Aileluia. Veni sancte. G xii'i

4SI R 98v. G 134r. K 135v, C 134v, P 165r, S 201v, 31 177r. V k204v, H 171r, B l n v , T l n r , L 227~. D 129r. ' R. SI use Psalrn 102: 1. * K, P, V, H, L: 'cIamaui" precedes "et nocte".

45û G 134r, K 13511, C 135r, P 165v, S 201v. V 2Wr, H 171v, B 177v, T 157r, L Z8r, D 12%.

459G 134r,K 153v, C 13Sr, P 165v, S201v, V205r.H 171v. B lVv,T 157r, L228r, D 12%.

460 G 134r, K 135v, C 135r. P 165v, S 201v, V 205r, H 171v. B 178r, T 157r, L Zî8r, D 129r.

461 135r, P 165v, S 202r, V 20%. H 171v. B l n v , T 157r, L 228r, D 12%.

462 R 9hr, G 134r, K 135v, C 135, P 165v. S 202r. V 205r. H 171v, B 178r, T 157v, L 228r, D 129r.

463 OFFERTORIVM (PS . 67: 29-30] Confirma hoc. G xiiii

464 COMMYNIO [Jn. 14: 18; 16: 221 Non uos relinquam orphanos ueniam ad uos iterum aeuia et gaudebit cor uestnun aeuia aeuia-


46s [ I N T R O ~ S Tob. 12: 6] Benedicta sit sancta trinitas 1 atque indiuisa mitas confitebimur 181v (G xix) ei quia fecit nobiscum misericordiam suam. Benedicamus patrem et filium c m sancto spiritu ' , Euouae.

466 GRADVALE [Dan. 3: 55, 541 Benedictus es domine qui intueris abissos et sedes super cherubin. Benedictu es in throno re 1 gni tui et laudabüis in secula. 182r

467 Aeuia. (Dan. 3: 521 Benedictus es domine deus patrum nostronun et laudabüis in secula.

468 OFFERT OR^^^^ [Tob. 12: 6] Benedictus sit deus pater unigenitusque dei mius sanctus quoque spiritus quia fecit ( nobiscum misericordiam suam. 182v (G la)

469 COMMVNIO Fob. 12: 61 Benedicitel deum celi et coram omnibus uiuen~iibus confitebimur ei quia fecit nobiscum misericordiam suam.

470 Aeuia. [Dan. 3: 26. 281 Benedictus es Adonay in firmament0 celi et benedicant te omnes 1 angeli et sancti tui. 183r

465 R 100r, G 134v, K 136r, C 135r, S 202v. 2v. V 205v. H 172, B 178v. L 228v, D 12%. ' Radds: Iaudemus d super exaltemus eum in secula.

466 R 100r, G 1 3 4 ~ . K 136v, C 135v, S 203r. $2 2v, V 2 0 5 ~ . H 172r, B 179r. L 229r, D 12%. R a- only with tbe gradua1 proper, not the verse. It uses as verses Dan. 3: 56, Dan. 352 and a third which is non-scripturai.

471 [INTROlTVs Ps. 80: 17 Cibauit eos ex adipe thmenti aeuia et de petra melle satunuit eos aeuia aeuia ae 1 uia. 183v (Hi) [Ps. 80: 21 Exultate deo adiutori nostro iubhte dm iacob, Euouae.

473 Aeuia. [Jn. 6: 56-57] Caro mea uere est cibus et sangwis meus uere est potus qui manducat meam c m e m et bibit meum sangwiwm in me manet et ego in e 1 o. 184r

474 OFFERTORWM mv. 21: 6J Sacerdotes incensum domini' et panes offenint de0 et ide4 sancti erum de0 suo et non polluent nomen eius aeuia.

475 A W O F F W T O ~ Sacerdotes incensum domini et panes offemt deo et ide0 sancti e m t deo suo et non polluent nomen eius. Aue salus ctuistianorum Medicina tu peccatorum. Tu sine 1 sorde manducanda. Tu puro corde inuocanda. Dm uiatorum lux et uenia. Dux 184v (H ii) egenorum donans premia. Dona celica 'nobis gaudia.

476 COMMVNIO [1 Cor. 11 : 26-27] Quocienscumque manducabiris panem hunc et calicem bibetis mortem domini anunciabitis donec ueniat itaque quicumque manducauent panem ' uel bibent calicem domini indigne nus erit corporis et sanguinis domini deluia.

aliud oflcium DE CORPORE CHRISTI 1

477 [INTROXTVS Wis. 16: 201 Pmem de ce10 dedit nobis1 dominus habentem omne delectamennun 18% et omnern saporem suauitatis.

471 R 10lr. G 135v, K I37v. C 136v, P 166r, S 204v, Sv, V *207r, H 173v, B 180v, T 158v, L 231~- D I32r.

476 R Imr, G 136r, K l38r, C 137r. P 166v, S 206r, b 7v. V 207v, H 17%. B 182s. T 159v, L 236v, D 132v. ' R ad&: hunc.

477 G I36v, K 138v, C 137r, P 167r. S 206v, V 208r. H 17%. B lnr, T 159v, L 237r, D 131r. ' K: uobis.

B. 46: 21 ûmnes gentes plaudite mamius iubilate deo in uoce exultacionis, Euouae.

478 GRADVALIS [Jn. 6: 56-57] Caro mea uere est cibus et sanguis meus uere est potus. QUI manducat carnem meam et bibit sangwinem meum 1 in me manet et ego in eo. 185v (?Y iii)

479 T R A ~ [Jn. 6: 56-57] Caro me. uere est cibus et sanguis meus uere est potus. Qui manducat meam camem et bibit meum sangwinern in me manet et ego in m. Iesu christe pastor bone tu nos pasce nos aiere et te j nmi gaudere da sempiteme. 186r

480 ~ F F E R T o ~ ~ ~ v M [Jn. 10: 111 Celeste sacrifich chrisnis factus est pro omnibus1 qui per crucis supplicium se obtulit pro ouibus pastor bonus ut premium sit ipse nostnim in celestiius et perhenne gaudium aile 1 luia. 186v (H iiii)

481 COMMVNIO' [Lk. 22: 201 Hoc corpus quod pro uobis tradetur hic calix n o m testamentum est in me0 sanguine dicit dominus hoc facite quocienscumque stmitis in meam commemoracionem.

482 CO-O [Jn. 6: 571 Qui manducat carnem meam et bibit sangwinem meum in me manet et ego in eo dicit dominus.

483 COMMVNIO Aue salutis hostia que uite confers premia. 1 O lux mundi gloria cuncta pelle1 187r iurgia' et a mundi miseria duc nos ad et[e]ma2 gaudia aUeluia3 aIleluia3.

484 COMMVNIO [Jn. 6: 521 Panis quem ego dedero Caro mea est pro seculi Wta.

485 Co-O Refecti camh cristi et sangwinis misteriis iubilemus benedicamus exultemus et psailamus domino in se 1 cula. 187v (31 v)

- -- -

478 G 137r. K 13%. C 136v. P 167r, S 2û7r, V 2 0 8 ~ . H 175v, B lû2v. T 160r, L U7v, D 131r.

479 S 2Mv. B 183r, T 160r. L 238r.

480 C 138r. P 167v. S 208r, V 209r, H 176r. B 183v, T IoOv, L 23%. D 131v. ' D: nobis.

481 S 208v. B 184r. T 161r. ' B: OFFERTORIVM.

482 S (1 lOr), B 184r. T 161v.

483 P 168r. V20hr. H 176v, T 161v, L239v, D 132r. ' P. V, H, L. D: propelle aoxia. ZP, V, H. L, D: celi. ' P, V, H. L omit.

484 S (10Zr), B 184r, T 16Lv.

485 G I38r, K 1&, 138r, P 168v. V 210r, H l n r , T 161~. L 240~.

486 Aeuia. O Iesu pastor pie te laudantes hodie nos pio' wltu respice et de pane uite refice.


487 [INTROITYS Ps. 12: 61 Domine in tua misericonda speraui exultauit cor meun in salutari tuo canra 1 bo domino qui bona tn'buit michi. 188r m. 12: 11 Usque qyo domine obliuisceris ' in h e m usque qyo auertis faciem twn * a me, Euouae.

48a GRADVACIS Ps. 40: 5, 21 Ego dixi domine miserere mei sana animam meam quoniam peccaui tiii. Beatus qui intellegit super egenuml et pauperem in die mala l'berauit eum dominus. 188v (H viJ

489 Aeuia. p s . 7: 21 Domine deus meus in te speraui saluum me fac ex omnibus persequentibus me et1 libera me.

491 CO-0 ps. 9: 2-31 Narrabo omnia. C xv


492 [iN'iROWs Ps. 17: 19-20] Factus est dominus protector meus et 1 edWt me in latitudineml 189r saluum me fecit quoniam uoluit me. p s . 17: 2-31 Diligam te domine uirtus2 mea dominus ' firmamentun meum et refugium Euouae.

meum 3.

481R 100v,G138r,K140r,~ 138v,Pl68v,S209r.h4r,V210r,H 177r.B lû4v.T 162r.L2QOv,D 133v. I n R and &, the Sundays are numbered after Pentec~st. The propers for Peatecost 1 are the same as Trinity 1 in A. ' R. K. C. a. V, H, L, D add: me.

489 R (102r), G 13%. K 141r. C 13% P t69v. S 20hr, 52 (9r). V 21h, H 178r. B 185v. T 163r, L 241v, D 134v. ' R omits.

492 R 102r, G 13%. K 141r. C 13%, P 16%. S 210r, b gr, V 211v, H 178r. B 185v. T 163r. L 242v. D 134v. ' S, a, B: lau'tudinc ' R, G, K, a: fortitudo. &2 adds: et likrator meus.

493 G W V - p s . 1 19: 1-2 ] Ad dominum cum tri. C xuiii

494 Aeuia- p s . 7: 121 Deus ~ d e x iusnis fortis et paciens numquid irascetw per singuios dies.

495 OFFERT~RI~M [Ps. 6: 5] Domine conuertere. E ii

4% C O M M ~ ~ O [Ps. 12: 6] Cantabo domino qui bo 1 na tribuit michi et psallam nomini 18% (H vii) domiai altissime' .


497 [ I N T R O ~ S Ps. 24: 16, 183 Respice in me et miserere mei domine quoniam unicus et pauper sum ego uide humilitatem meam et laborem meum et dimitte omnia peccata mea deus meus. p s - 24: 1.23 Ad te domine leuaui animam meam deus meus in te confido ' non erubescam, Euouae.

499 Aeuia. p s . 17: 2-31 Diligam te domine uirais mea dominus firmamennim meum et refugium meuml et liberator meus.

500 O F F E R T O ~ (Ps. 9: 1 1 - 131 Sperent in te omnes. D iii

491 R 102~. G 140r. K 142r. C 14ûr. P I70v, S 21 lr. h 1Or. V 212r. H 17%. B 186v, T 163v, L 243v. D 13%.

499 G 140v. K 142, C 140r, P 171r. S 211v, V 213r, H 17%. B 186v, T 164r, L Wr, D 13%. ' G. K, P. V, H, L, D stop here.

CO-O m. 16: 6] Ego clamaui qyoniam exaudisti me deus incline aurem tuaml et exaudi uerba mea.


502 [ m o ï ï ~ s Ps. 26: 1-21 Dominus iilumhcio mea et salus 1 mea quem timebo 1% (H viii) domimis defensor' uite mee a quo mpidabo qui triiuianî me inimici mei infinnati sunt et cpciderunt. [Ps. 26: 31 Si consistant aduersum me castra non timebit cor meum, Euouae.

503 GRADVALIS Ips. 78: 9-10] Propicius esto. C xvii

504 Aeuia. [Ps. 20: 21 Domine in u h t e tua letabi 1 tur rex et super salutare tuum exultabit uehementer .

506 C~MMVMO [Ps. 17: 31 Dominus finnamentum meum et refugiurn meum et liberator meus deus meus adiutor meus.


507 [INTROITVS Ps. 26: 7, 91 Exaudi domine uocem meam qua clamaui ad te adiutor meus esto ne derelinquas me neque despi (cias me deus dutaris meus. 191v ( IHrX) [Ps. 26: 11 Dominus iiluminacio mea ' et salus mea quem timebo, Euouae.

508 GRADVALIS ps. 83: 10, 91 Protector noster. C v

S M R 103r, G 140v, K 142v, C 140v, P 171v. S212r. 52 l lr , V213v, H 180r, B lWr, T 164v, L245r, D 136r. ' G. K, P. V, H: protector.

503 R 103r. G 141r, K 143r, C 140v, P 171v, S 2 1 2 ~ . &2 l l v , V 214r. H 180r, B lalv, T 1 6 4 ~ . L 245v, D 136r.

509 Aeuia. [Ps. 30: 2. 31 in te domine speraui non confimdar in aemum in tua1 iusticia' Libera me et eripe me inclina ad me aurem tuam accelera ut erîpias me.

510 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 15: 7-81 Benedicam dominum. [C xv]

511 COMMVNIO [Ps. 26: 41 Vnam pecii al domino hanc re- ut iohabitem in domo domini 19?r o~lllllibus diebus uite mee.

5l2 [ I N T R O ~ ~ ~ S Ps. 27: 891 Domious fortitudo plebis sue et protector saIutariuml crisri sui est saluum fac populum tuum domine et benedic hereditati tue et rege eos usque in secdum. [Ps. 27: 11 Ad te domine ciamabo deus meus ne 2sileas a me ne quando taceas a me 1 et 192v (H x) assimilabor descendentiius ' in lacum, Euouae.

513 GRADVALIS p s . 89: 13, 11 Conuertere domine. C xii

514 Alleluia. p s . 46: 21 Omnes gentes. G x

516 cOM~I'VMO [Ps. 26: 61 Circuxh et ymolabol in thabemculo eius hostiam iubiiacionis cantabo et psalmum dicam domino.

509 R (104r), G 141~. K 144r. C 141v. P 172~. S 213v. &2 (16v). V 21%. H 1û2r. B 18%~. T 165v. L 247r. D 137r. R: iusucia tua

510 R 104r. G 142r. K 144~ 141v. P 173r. S 214r. k2 14v. V 21Sv. H InLv, B 18%- T 165~. L 247v, D 137v.

511 R 104r. G 142r, K 144r. C 142r, P 173r. S 214r. k2 1%. V 2151, H 182~. B 189r, T 165~. L 247~. D 137v.

512 R 104r, G f42r. K 144~. C 142r. P 173r. S 214r, k2 1%. V 215v. H 182v, B 189r. T 166r. L 248r. D 137v. ' R: saluarionum. V, H, L axi: quiando sileas a me.

SU R 104r. G 142v. K 14Sr. 142r, P 173~. S 214~. a 16r. V 216r. H 183r, B 18%. T 166r. L 248~. D 13th.

514 R (104~). G 142v. K 14Sr. C 1 4 2 ~ P 173v. S 21% k2 (Ur). V 216r. H 183r. 3 18% T 166~. L 24811. D 138r.

Sr5 R 104v, G 142v. K 145r, C 142r. P 173~. S 21Sr. h 17r. V 216r. H 183r, B 189v. T 166~. L 248~. D 138r.

517 [ ~ O W S Ps. 46: 21 ûmnes gentes plaudite manibus iubilate de0 in uoce exattacionis aiieluia alieluia deluia. [Ps. 46: 31 Subiecit populos nobis et gentes sub [ pediius noSeiS. Euouae. 193r

518 GRADVALIS [Ps. 33: 12, 6] Venite filii. D xiiii

519 Aeuia. [Ps. 142: 9-10] Eripe me de inmiicis me& deus meus et ab insurgentiius in me Libera me.

520 O F F E R T O M [Dan. 3: 401 Sicut in holocaustuml arietum et thaurom et sicut in mili'bus agnonrm pingwium sic f i t sacrificiun nosmun in conspectu tuo 1 hodie2 ut placeat tibi quia non 193v (?Y xi) est confusio confidentii in te domine.

521 COMMVNIO p s . 30: 31 Inclina aurem tuam accelera ut eruas nos'.


522 [ m O I T V S Ps. 47 : 10- 1 1 ] Suscepimus. [I xv]

524 Aeuia. [Ps. 64: 2, 51 Te decet ympnus deus in syon et tibi reddetur uotum in Iherusalem.' 1 Replebuntu? in bonis domus tue sanctum templum tuum mirabile in equitate. 194r

521 R 1Mr. G 143v. K 14%. 143r. P 174v. S 216r, S2 1%. V 217r, H 184r. B lm, L 2SOr, D 13%. ' R. h: me.

524 R (106r). G 143~. K 145v. 143r. P 174v. S 216r. k2 (2%). V 217~. H 184r, B 190v. L 250r. D 139r. ' R. P. S, &. V. H, L end here. ' G. K. C, D: repiebimur. ' G. K. C. D add "estw,

525 OFFERTORIYM [PS. 17: 28,231 Popuhm humilem. D xuii

526 CO-0 (Ps. 33: 91 Gu.state et uidete quoniam suauis est dominus beatus uir qui sperat in eo.

527 [INTROITVS Ps. 53: 6-71 Ecce deus adiuuat me et dominus susceptor est 1 anime mee i94v (H ni) auerte mala inimicis meis et' in ueritate tua disperdez iUos protector mw domine. Jps. 53: 31 Deus in nomine tuo saluum me fac et in uirtute tua liiera me, Euouae.

528 GRADVALE pss. 8: 21 Domine dominus noster quam admirabile est nomen tuum in uniuersa terra. Quoniam eleuata est magnificenci 1 a tua super celos. 195r

529 Aeuia. p s . 77: 11 Attendite popule meus in legern meam.

530 OFFEI~TORIVM [Ps. 18 : 9- 121 Iusticie domini. D ii

531 Co-0 Mt 6: 331 Primum querite reg- dei et omnia ' adicientur uobis dicit doniinus.

532 [INTROITVS Ps. 54: 17, 19,20, 231 D u . clamarem. B xx

527R 10Sv, G 144r, K 146v, C 143v. P 175r, S 216v, S220v, V 218r, H 184v. B 191v, L251r, D 13%. ' G. K, H, D omit. G, K: disperge.

ZZS R 105v, G M v , K 146v. C f43v, P 17%- S 217r, 21r. V 218v. H 185r. B 192r, L 251~. D 140r.

531 R (108v), G 145r, K 147r, C 144r. P 176r. S 218r. b ( 2 9 ~ ) ~ V 21%. H 185~. B 192~. L 252~. D 14ûv. ' R adds: h a *

533 G-VALSS [Ps. 16: 8, 21 Custodi me domine. C x

534 Aeu 1 ia. [Ps. 80: 2-31 Exultate de0 adiutori nostro iubiIate de0 ïacob. Sumite 195v flxiii) psalmum iocundum cum cythara.

535 OFFERTORIVM Ps. 24: 1-31 Ad te domine leuaui. A i

536 C O h i h i ~ ~ o [Ps . 106~1 Acceptabis sacrifichun. B nx

537 [ I N T R O ~ S Ps. 67: 6-7.361 Deus in loco sancto suo deus qui ùihabitare facit unanimes in domo ipse dabit uirtutem et fortitudinem plebi' sue. [Ps. 67: 21 Exurgat deus 1 et dissipentur inimici eius et fugiant qui oderunt eum ' a facie eius. 196r Euouae.

538 GRADVALES [Ps. 27: 7, 11 In deo sperauit. D ruii

539 Aeuia. [Ps. 87: 21 Domine deus salutis mee in die clamaui et nocte coram te.

540 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 29: 2-31 Exaltabo te domine. B xix

541 CO-O [Prov. 3: 9-10] Honora dominum de tua substancia et de primiciis frugum rua- ut

536 R 106v, G 14%. K 147v. C 144v. P 176r. S 218v. k2 U r . V 21%. H 182~ . B 193r. L 253r, D 141r.

537R 1 0 6 ~ . G 145r, K 1 4 7 ~ . C 1 4 4 ~ . P 176r. S218v. &23r, V220r, H 186r. B 193r, Lî53r, D 141r. ' G. K. C, V, L, D: plebis.

541 R 107r. G 145v, K I48r, C 145r, P 177r. S 219r. & 24v. V ZOv, H 186~ . B 193v. L 254r. D 141v. 'G, K: reg~eantur.~ K: saturïtatem

impIeaoaul horrea tua samita 1 te2 et uino tornilaria redundabunt.


542 [moïi'vs Ps. 69: 2-31 Deus in adiutorium. C xuii

543 GRADVALES [Ps. 33: 2-31 Benedicam domino' in2 omni tempore semper laus eius in ore meo. In domino Iaudabitur anima mea audiant 1 mansueti et Ietentur. 197r

544 Aeuia. p s . 89: 11 Domine refugium factus es nobis a generacione et progenie. 1

545 OFFERTORIVM m. 32: 11, 13-14] Precatus est moyses. C M

546 COMMvmô [Ps. 103: 13-15] De fnictu openun tuorum domine satiabitur terra ut educas panem de terra et uinum Ietificet cor hominis ut exhilaret faciem in oleo et panis cor hominis confirmet.

547 [ I N T R O ~ S Ps. 73: 20, 19, 231 Respice domine in testamentun tuum et animas paupenim t u o m ne derelinquas in h e m exurge domine et iudica causam tuam et ne ob 1 liuiscaris uoces 198r querencium te. [Ps. 73: 11 Vt quid deus repulisti in h e m iraais est furor fuus super oues ' pascue Ne, Euouae.

548 GRADVALIS [Ps. 73 : 20, 19, 221 Respice domine. D xvi

549 Aeuia. Ps- 94: 1-21 Venite eniltemus domino iubilemus dm salutari nosao. ' 1 Preoccupemus faciem eius in confissione et in psalmis Ribilemus ei. 198v (Hxvi)

550 opFER'î'~m (Ps. 30: 15-16] Inte speraui. Cvii

551 COMMVNIO p i s . 16: 201 Panem de ceIo dedisa nobis domine habentem onme delectamentum et ornnem saporem suauitatis.

552 [INTROITVS Ps. 83: 10-1 11 Roteztor noster aspice deus et respice in faciem christi tui quia melior est dies una in atriis niis super1 milia. 199r m. 83: 2-31 Quam dilecta thabernada tua domine uirtutum conciipiscit et defict anima mea ' in atria domini', Euouae .

553 GRmvALiS ps . 1 17: 8-91 Bonum est coufidere. D xvii

554 Aeuia. [Ps. 93: 31 Quoniam deus magnus dominus et rex magnus super omnem terram.

556 C O M M ~ ~ O [Jn. 6: 521 Panis quem ego da [recte: de]. C xi 1

549 R (108~). G 147v. K 15&. C 146~. P 178v. S 221v. (31r), V î23r. H 188v. B 195v. L 257r. D 143r. ' R. h end here.

550 R 108r. G 147v, K 150r, C 146v, P 179r, S 222r. 2%. V 223. H 189r. B l%r, L 25th. D 143v.

551 R lO8r. G 147v. K l m , C 147r, P 179r. S 222r. &2 29v, V 223, H 189r, B 1%r, L 258r, D 143v.

5!52 R lMr, G 148~. K lSOv, 147r. P 179r, S 222v, & 30r. V Z3v, H 189r, B 1%r, L 258v, D 143v. ' G, K: tua.

553 R 108v. K 15lr. C (147~). P 17%. S 222v. b Uhr. V 224r, H 189~. L 259r, D (14%).

554 R (109r). G 1481, K lSlr, C 147r. P 179v. S 22271. k2 (32~). V 224r. H 1 8 9 ~ . B b1%v, L 259r, D 143v.

555R IOSv, G 148v.K151r,C 147v, P 180r, S223r,&!3Ir. V224v, H 18%. L259v. D 144r.

556 R (IOPr), G 148v, K 151s. C 147v. P lm, S 223, (33~). V 224v. H 18%, L 2 5 9 ~ . D 144r.

557 [ ï i ï îROïï i6 Ps. 85: 1-31 Inclina domine aurem tuam ad me et exaudi me saiuum fac s e m tuum deus meus sperantem in te miserere michi domine quoniam ad te clamai tota die. p s . 85: 41 Letifica animam semi aii quoniam ad te domiw animam meam leuaui, Euouae.

558 c+aADVALiS p s . 91 : 2-31 Bonum est confiten domino. C xx

559 Aeuia. ps. 10 1 : 2 J Domine exaudi oracio 1 nem meam et clamor meus ad te ueniat.

560 OFFERTORIYM [Ps. 39: 2-41 Expectans expe. D xiii


562 [IN'ïRoïi'vs Ps. 85: 3.51 Miserere michi domine quoniam ad te clamauil tota die quia ai domine suauis ac mitis es2 et copiosus in misericordia omnibus inuocantibus te. [Ps. 85: 11 Inclina domine aurem tuam ' et exaudi me boniam inops et pauper surn ego, Euouae.

563 GRADVALIS Ps. 10 1: 16-17] Tirnebunt gentes. B x

564 Aeuia. 1 [Ps. 56: 8-91 Paranun cor meum deus paratum cor meum cantabo et 200v (nI xviii) psallam id gloria mea.

562R 109r. G 14%. K 15lv. 148r. P 180~. S 224r. 33v. V225v. H 190~ . BPl97r. L260v. D 144r. ' G. K: clamabo. G, K omit. ' 52 ad&: michi. ' G, K continue with Ps. 85: 2.

~F~?ERTORIVM p s . 39: 14-15] Domine in auxilium. Cxix

566 COMMVNIO p s . 70: 16-18] Domine memorabor. D xui

567 -0- Ps. 118: 137, 124 iustus es domine et rectum iudicium tuum fac cum s m o tu0 secundum misericordiam tuam. ps . 1 18: 11 Beati immaculati in uia qui ambulant in a lege domini. Euouae. 1

568 GRADVALIS es. 32: 12, 1q Beata gens. D xïiii

569 Aeuia. [Ps. 113: 1-21 In exiai israhel ex egipto domus Iacob de populo barbaro.' Facta est iudea sanctificacio eius Israhel potestas eius.

570 OFFERTORNM [Dan. 9: 17-19] Oraui deuml meum ego daniel di 1 cens exaudi domine 201v (H xk) precesZ serui tui illumina faciem tuam super sanctuarium tuum et propicius intende populum istum super quem inuocatum est nomen nium deus.

571 CoMMvmo [Ps. 75: 12-13] Vouete et reddite domino deo nostro' omnes qui in circuitu eius affertis muera tembili et ei qui aufert spirinim principum tembi (Ii apud omnes reges2 terre. 202r


569 R (114v), G lHh, K 152v. C 148v, P 18lv, S 22Sr. &! (46v), V 226v. H 19Iv. B 197~. L 2 6 2 ~ D 145v. ' R. &2 end here.

57l R Il&. G * ISOv, K 153~. 149v. P 182~. S 226r. & 37r. V m v , H 192, B 198v. L 263v. D 146r. ' G, K. D: vesuo. ' K: gentes

572 [=OmS Ps. 80: 2-q Exultate deo adiufori nostro iubiiate âeo iacob sumice psaimum ionindum cum cyihara canite in1 inicio2 mensis tuba quia preceptum in Israhel est et iudicium de0 Iacob. P. 80: 6] Testirnoniimi in yoseph posuit ülud c m exiret de terra e8ipti.l Euouae.

574 GRADVALIS ps. 112: 5-TJ Quis ' sicut dominus deus noster qui in altis habi 1 tat 202v (Hz) h d a respicit in ce10 et in terra. Suscitans a terra in opem et de stercore erigens pa[u]perem.

575 OFFERTOR~VM ps. 1 18: 47-48] ~editabar' in man. C ir

576 COMMVMO (Neh. 8: 101 Cornedite pingwia et bibite musniml et mittite partes eis qui non preparauerunt sibi2 sanctus enim3 dies domini est nolite conaistari gaudium et 1 enmi' domini 203r est fortitudo nostras.


577 [MTROWS Ps. 104: 3 4 1 Letetur cor querencium. D xv

578 GRADVALIS [Ps. 89: 13, 11 Conuertere domine. C xi

579 OFFERTORIYM m. 102: 2,5] Benedic anima. C xi

!972 R 110r. K 153v. C 14%. P 182v. S 226v. h 37v. V 228r. H 192v. B 198v. L 264r. D 146v. ' R, G. c, K, D omit. R: initium. ' R cornpietes Ps. 80: 6.

S f 4 R 110r. K 1Mr. C 149~. P 183r. S 227r. b 38r. V 228v. H 193r. B 199r. L264v. D 146v. ' Rad& "est".

SIS R 1 llr. K 154~. C 150r. P 183~. S 227~. &! 38v. V 229r, H 19%. B 1%. L 265r. D 147r. ': R: Meditabor.

576R lllr. K 1%~. C 15&. P 183v. S 227v, k2 38v. V 229~. H 193r. B 199v. L265r. D 147r. ' K. &: muIsum. D: eis. ' &: etcnim. ' D: eternurn. ' R: uestra.

577 R lllr. K 154~. C 150r. P 183~. S 227v, k2 38v, V ZZhr, H 193v. B 199v. L 265v. D 147v.

Si9 R lllr. K 154v. C HOr, P I83v, S 227~. &! 38v. V 229~. H 193~. B 199~. L 265v. D 147v.

580 R lllv. K 154~. C 150~. P 183v. S 227v. fi 38v. V 22%. H 193~. B 1%. L 265v. D 147v.

~0nmnmï0 [Ps. 118: 22, 241 Aufer a me obprobrium et contempnim quia mandata nia exquisiui domine niun et teshonia tua meditacio mea est.


581 [ I N T R O ~ S Ps. 94: 6-71 Venite adoremus deum et procidamus ante dominum ploremus ante eum1 qui fecit nos quia ipse est dominus deus noster. [Ps. 94: 11 venite exultemus domino iubüemus de0 salutari 1 nostro, Euouae. 203v (l i)

582 GRADVALIS (Ps. 83: 10, 91 Protector noster. C v

583 GRADVALIS [Ps. 140: 21 Dirigatur oracio. C vi

584 GRADVALIS [Ps. 78: 9-10] Propicius esto. C xvii

586 YMPNUS [Dan. 3: 52-59, 74, 781 Benedictus es. A ix

587 ~ C T V S [Ps . 1 16: 1-21 Laudate dominum. C xii

588 OFFERTOIUVM [Ps. 87: 2-3 ] Domine deus salutis. C xiii

589 COMMWIO [Lev. 23: 41,431 Mense septimo festa celebrabitis cum in thabernadis habitare fecerim

581 R lllv, K 155r, C 150~. P 184r, S2î8r. &39r, V229v. H 193v, B2ûûr. TP167r, L266r, D 147~. ' V, H, L: deum. * D uses Ps. 94: 2. 582 R 112r. K 155r, C 1SOv. P 184r, S 228v, h 3%- V 23&, H W r , B 200r, T 167r. L 266v, D 148r.

5a) R 112r. K 155r, C 15h, P 184r. S 228v. h 39v, V UOr, H 194r. B 200r. T 167r, L 266v, D 148r. SS4R lllv, K 155r, C lSOv, P IWr, S228v, h 3 W , V230r, H 194r, B2ûOr. T I67r, L266v, D 148r.

585 K 15Sr, C 150v, P 184r, S 228~ . V 230r. H 194r, B 200r. T lôir, L 266v, D 148r.

586 R I12v, K 155r, C 150v, f 184r, S 228v. b 39v, V 2Uh. H 194r. B 200r, T lnr, L 266v, D 148r. 5a1R 112v, K 155r, C 150v. P 184~ S228v. k239v, V2U)r. H 194r, B200r, T 167r, L266v, D 148r.

588 R 113v, K 155r. C 150~. P 184~. S 228v, h 39v, V 230r. H 1Wr. B 200r, T 167r, L 266v, D 148r.

589 R l13v, K 155r, 150v, P 184r, S 228v. kt 39v, V 230r. H 194r, B 200r, T 167r, L 266v. D 148r.

Wos tsrahel c m educerem eos de terra egipti ego dominus deus uester.

590 [~NTROITVS Su. 36: 181 Da pacem domine sustinenti'bus te ut prophete tui fideles inueniantur exaudi preces serui tui et plebis tue ïsrahel, p s . 114: 11 Dilexi quoniam exaudiet do 1 minus uocem oracionis m e , Euouae. 204r

592 Aeuia. ps. 1 13: 17J Qui timent dominum sperent in eum adiutor et protector eonun est.

593 OFFZRTORJVM [Ex. 24: 4-51 Sanctificauit moyses altare domino offerens super Uud holocausta' et ymmolans uicti 1 mas fecit sacrificium uespertinum in dorem suauitatis domino de0 in 204v (7 ii) conspectu filionmi israhel.

594 COMMWO [Ps. 95: 8-91 Toiiite hostias et introite in atria e h adorate dominum in aula sancta eius.

595 ~INTROITVS] Salus populi. D M

596 GRADVALIS Dirigamr oracio. C vi

590 R lf3r, K 155v. C lSlr, P I84v, S 228~. k2 40r. V 230~. H 1 % ~ ~ B UKhr, T 1 6 X L 2% D 14th. R, 52, D use Psalm 121: 1.

594 R 113v, K 156r. C lSlv, P 189 , S 230r, h 41r. V U l v , H 1%v, B 2 0 1 ~ . T 168r, L 268v, D 149r.

Aeuia. p s . 1 14: 11 Dilexi quoniam exaudiuit do 1 minus uocem meam.

600 [INTROXTVS Dan. 3 : 3 1,29, 351 Omnia que fecisti. E v

601 GRADVALIS Ips. 144: 15- 16 Oculi omnium in. D v

602 Aeuia. p s . 116: 11 Laudate dominum omnes gentes et coiiaudate eum omnes populi.

603 OFFERTORIVM fPs. 136: 11 Super flumina. E vi

404 CO-O [Ps. 1 18: 49-50] Memento uerbi. E vi


605 [IM'ROWS Esth. 13 : 9-1 11 In uoluntate tua domine uniuersa mt posita et non est qui possit resistere uolun 1 tati tue tu enim fecisti omnia celum et terram et uniuersa que celi ambitu 205v (I iii) continentur dominus uniuersonun tu es. ps. 1 18: 11 Beati immacuiati in uia qui ambulant A in lege domini. Euouae.

606 GWVALIS ps . 89: 1-21 Domine refùgnim facnis es nobis a generacione et progenie. 1 Priusquam montes fierent aut forrnareturl terra et orbis a seculo et in seculum tu es deus.

607 Aeuia. [Ps. 1 1 7: 161 Dextera dei fecit uirtutem dextera domini exdtauit me. 1

608 OFFERTOillVM [JOb 1: 1 & p a ~ ~ i m ] V u erat m terra nomine Iob simpiex et recnis ac 2û6v fl iiii) h e m deum quem sathan peciit ut temptaret et data est ei potestas a domino in facuitate et in came eius perdiditque omnem substanciam ipsius et nlios carnem Toque eius graui ulcere winerauit.

609 CO-O [Ps. 118: 8 1. 84. 861 In saiutari tu0 1 anima mea et in uerbum tuum speraui 207r quand0 facies de persequentibus me iudiciinn iniqui persecuti sunt me adiuua me domine deus meus.


610 [INTRoïïvs Ps. 129: 3-41 Si hiquitates obseruaueris domine domine quis susthebit quia apud te propiciacio est deus Israhel. [Ps. 129: 1-21 De profundis clamaui ad te domine domine exaudi uocem ( meam, 207v (I v) Euouae.

611 GWVAL~S Ips. 132: 1-21 Ecce quam bonum Quere de MarWixu.

612 Aeuia. p s . 124: 1-21 Qui confidunt in domino sicut mons syon non cornmouebinu in eternum qui habitat in Iherusalem.

606R 114v. G 151r. K 157r,C 152v, P 186v, S23Iv. &245v, VU3r. H 1 % ~ . B202v. T 169r. L270v. D 1Sûr. 'S : firmaretur. * R adds 'usque " .

6ï3 R IlSv, G 153r. K 15W, 154r. P 188v, S 234r, b 48v, V =Sv, H 198v, B 204~. T 171r. L 274r. D 151v. ' R places "dominans" before 'omni potmtatui". R adds, 'et bene soaantcm' . S : principum.

O ~ T O R ~ V M 14: 12-13] Recordare mei domine omni poten 1 tatui dominans' da 208r sermonem rectum in os meum ut placeant uerba rnea in coaspectu principis!

614 COMMVMO W. 15: 101 Dico uobis gaudium est angelis dei super uno peccatore penitenciam agente.

615 [INTROITVS ler. 29: 11-12, 141 Dicit dominus ego cogitto cogitaciones pack et non1 affiictionis inuocabitis me et ego exaudiam uos et reducaml captiuitatem uestram de cunctis focis . p s . 84: 21 Benedixisti domine terram tuam auertisti captiuitatem A Iacob, Euouae.

208v (I vi)

616 GWDVALIS Ps. 43: 8-91 LiOerasti nos domine ex affligenti'bus nos et eos qui1 nos' oderunt confudisti2. 1x11 deo laudabimur tota die et nomini tu0 conf'itebimur in secda3. 20%

617 Aeuia. [Ps. 129 : 1-21 De profundis clarnaui ad te domine domine e 1 xaudi uocem meam. 20hr fl vii)

618 O ~ T O R I V M [ ' S . 129: 1-21 De profundis clarnaui ad te domine domine exaudi oracionem' meam '. 619 COMMVNIO m. 1 1 : 241 Amen dico uobis quicquid orantes petitis credite quia accipietis et fiet uobis. 1


620 [INTRO~WS Gen. 28: 17J Temiilis est locus iste hic domus dei est et porta celi et uocabinir aula dei. [Ps. 83: 2-31 Quam dilecta thabernacuia tua domine uirtutum concupiscit et deficit anima mea in atria A domini, Euouae.

614 R (103r). G 153v. K 160r. C 154r. P 18%. S 2 3 4 ~ . k! (llr), V 236r. H 199r. B 2û5r. T 171v. L 274v. D 152r.

616 R f 15v. G M r , K 1 6 0 ~ . C 1 % ~ . P 18%. S 235r. &t 49v, V U6v. H 199v, B 2033, T 17%. L 27%. D IS2v. ' G omits. R: confimdisti. ' G: secuium.

621 GRADVALE LOCUS iste a deo factus est inestimabile sacramentum irreprehensibilis est. ( Deus cui astant angelonun chori exaudi preces seruonmi tuonmi. 210v (lviii)

622 Aeuia. p s . 117: I5] Vox exultacionis et saIutis in thaberna ( culis iustorum.

623 OFFERTOIlrVM [l Chron. 29: 17-18] Domine deus in shnplicitate cordis mei letus obtuii uniuersa et popuhim tuum qui repertus est uidi cum iagenti gaudio deus IsraheI custodi hanc uoluntatem'.

624 cOMMVNIO Mt. 21: 131 Domus mea domus oracionis uocabitur dicit dominus in ea omnis 1 gui petit accipit et qui querit huenit et puisanti aperietur. 211v (l ix)


625 [INTROITVS Is. 59: 2 1, 56: 7J Dicit dominus. Quere demenfis pape.

627 Aeuia. [Ps. 137: 23 Adorabo ad templum sanctum nnim et confitebor nomini tuo.

628 OFFERTORIVM wev. 8: 3-41 Stetit angelus. Quere Michaelis.

629 COMMVNlO p s . 83: 4-51 Passer huenit. D ii 1

621 R luv , G 155r, K 161v, C 155v, P 191r. S U7r, & 191r, V -8v, H 201r. B 207r. T 173v, L 277v, D 153v.

622 G 155v, K 162r. 156r, P t91r, S 237v. V 23%. H 201v, B 207v, T 173v. L 278r. D 154r.

623R 165r. G 156r, K 162v. C 156r, P 191v, S237v, &2 192r, V23Pr, HU)lv, BmSr, T 174r, L278v, D 154v. ' R, 52 add "domine deus".

634 R 16%. G 156r, K 162~. 156v, P 192r. S =Br, 19&, V 23%- H m r , B 208r. T 174r, L 27%. D 154v.

425 c 156v, P lBr, S 238v. V 240r, H 202r, B 208v. T 174v, L 27%.

626 C 156v, P 1Br, S 238v, V 240r, H 2Mr. B 208v. T 17411, L 27%.

627 I56v, P 192r, S 238v, V X k . H 202r, B 208v. T 174v. L 27%.

62û C 156v, P 192~. S î38v, V 240v, H 2û2v, B 208v, T 174v, L 280r.

629 C 156~. P 192~. S 238~. V 240v, H 202~. B 208v, T 174v. L 280r.


630 [INI~OWS Mt 4: 1&19] Dominus secus mare galilee uidit duos fratres pet- et andrearn et uocauit a s uenite post me faciam uos fien piscatores hominum. p s . 18: 21 Celi enarrant gIoriam dei et opera manuum eius anunctiat firmamentun, Euouae.

632 OFFERTORIVM ps. 8: 6-7J Gloria et honore coro.

633 COMMVNIO [Jn 1 : 41-42] Dicit 1 andreas symoni fratri nio buenimus messyam qui dicitur christus et adduxit eum ad Iesum.


634 [INTROITVS Ps. 138: 1 7 Michi autem.

635 GRADVALIS [Ps. 44: 17-1 81 Constitues eos prin.

636 Aeuia. Düexit anciream dominus in odcrem 1 suauitatis.

637 oF]FERToRNM Ps. 138: 1 7 Michi autem nimis.

63ûR 118r, G 156v. K 163r. C 157r. P 192v, S 239r, &51r, V240v, H202v, B 209r, L280r. D 15%. R. G, K. kt, D replace the Ps. with Mat. 4: 20.

631 C I57r, P 192~. S 239v. V 241r. H 2û3r, B 209r, L 280v, D 155r.

8 2 R 118v, G 156v, K I63r, C I57v. P 192v. S 239v, k2 Slv, V 241r, H 203r, B 209r, L S e . D 15%.

633 R 118v, G 156v, K 163r, C 157v, P 192~. S 23%. a 51v, V 241r, H 203r, B 209r, L 280v, D 15%.

é34R 118v. G 157r,K 163v, C 157v.P 193r. S239v,!h5lv. V241r9H203r, B W , L281r. D 155v.

635R 118v. G t57r. K 163v,C 157v. P 193. S239v. &5lv, V241r,H203rP B20hr. L281r.D 155~.

8 6 R 118v, G 157r, K 163v, C 158r. P 193, S 239~. !h 52r, V 24lr. H 203r. B 2 W , L 281r, D 155v.

637 R 119r, K 163v, C 158v, P 193v. S 24Ur. &2 52r, V 241v, H 203v, B 209v. L 281v, D 156r.

638 R 119r, K 163v. C 158v. P 193~. S 240r. b 52v, V 241v, H 203v, B 209~. L 281v, D 156r. ' R ad& "fieri".

CO-0 [Mt. 4: 19-20] Venite pst me faciam uos ' piscatores hominum at illi relictis reb'bus et naui secuti sunt dominum.


641 Aiieluia. [Ps. 44: 31 Diffusa est gracia.

643 COMMVNIO [Ps. 118: 161-2, 167 Principes persecu(ti1.

644 [ I N T R O ~ S Sir. 45: 301 Statuit ei dominus.

645 GRADVALIS p s . 88: 21-31 Inueni dauid ser.

646 Alleluia. Tumba sancti Nicolai sacrum resudat oleum quod egros sanat.

648 C~bmfvNïO Nt. 25: 20-11 Domine ecce' e g u e ta. 1



650 INTROITVS p s . 44: 81 Dilexisti iusticiam.

651 GRADVALfS [pS. 44: 81 Dilexisti iusti.

652 Alleluia. p s . 44: 31 Diffusa est gracia.

653 OFFERTORTVM [Ps. 44: 15 and possibly 1 q Offerennu.'

654 COMMVNIO [Ps. 44: 31 D i h a est gracia.


655 (rirxaorns Ps. 5 1 : 10f.l Ego autem per t o m .

648 G 157v, K 164r. C 160v. P 193v, S 2 4 0 ~ . V 242r, H 2 0 3 ~ . B 210r. T 175r. L 282r. ' G. K. C omit. The incipit of the amiphon occurs five thes in most of the books and the fulI f o m wce in uie common. Only for St. Nicholas does the word 'eccew appear.

653 R 11%. C 1- P 194r. S 240~. h SSr. V 243. H ZWr. B 2l&. T 17%. L 2Kh. D 158r. ' R. C. P. S. 3. V. H. B, L, D: minus.


656 [INTROWS Ps. 138: 17J Michi autem.

657 G R A D V W [Ps. 138: l7f. J Nimis honorati.

658 Alleluia. (Acts 5: 12) Per manus autem.

660 COMMVNIO [Jn. 20: 271 Mitte manum.

661 [INTRO~~WS Sir. 45: 301 Statuit ei dome] .

663 Alleluia. fPs. 91 : 131 Iustus ut palma.

664 OFFERTORZVM ps. 20; 3f .] Desideriun anime.

COMMVNIo [Jn. 10: 141 Ego sum pastor.


666 [INTROWS Ps. 13 1 : 9f.I Sacerdotes tui do.

667 GRADVALIS [Sir. 50: 1,44: 201 Ecce sacerdos.

670 COMMVNIO N t . 24: 26f.l Beatus seruus.

673 Alleluia. [Ps. 1 1 1 : 11 Beatus uir .

674 OFFERTORNM [Ps. 8: 6f.l Gloria et honore.

675 CO-0 Ips. 20: 41 Posuisti domine.


676 [ I N T R O ~ ~ S Si.. 15: 53 in medio eccIesie.

677 GRADVALIS [Sir. 50: 1, 44: 201 Ecce sacerdos.

678 Alieluia. Iste sanctus.

679 O F ' F E R T O ~ [Ps. 88: 2 1 f .] hueni dauid.

680 CO-0 Mt, 24: 46f.l Beatus seruus.


681 [INTRO~TVS Ps. 36: 30fJ Os iusti.

682 GRADVALIS m. 91: 13f.I SU ut paima.

683 Alleiuia. Iste sanctus di.

684 O F F E R T O m Ps. 20: 3f.I Desiderium anime.

686 [INTROITVS PS 1 18: 45f.l LOQuebar de testi.

687 GRADVALIS [Ps. 44: 5] Specie tua.

688 Alleluia. [Ps. 44: 141 Omnis gloria.

689 OFFERTORIVM [Ps . 44: IO] Filie regum.

690 C O ~ O Ps. 1 18: 122, 1281 Feci iudicium.

691 [INTIRO~~VS Ps. 78 : le 121 hret in conspectu.

692 GRADVALIS m. 15: 1 1, 6] Gloriosus deus.

694 TRACTVS [Ps. 125: Sf.] Qui seminant.

695 ~FFERTORWM [Ps. 3 1 : 1 l] Letamini.

697 [ I N T R O ~ S Ps. 1 18: 93.1 M e expectauerunt.

698 GRADVALIS [ps. 44: 3, 5] Diffusa est.

699 Meluia. Ps. 44: 141 Omnis gloria.

700 OFFERTORIVM Ips . 44: l5f. ] Offerenfur.

701 C O b ï M v ï ~ o N t . 25 : 4, 61 Quinque prudentes.

702 T R A ~ s [Ps. 125: Sf.] Qui seminant in lacrimis in gaudio metent. Euntes ibant et flebant mittentes semina sua. Venientes autem ueI nient cum exultacione portantes manipulos nios. 214r

693 166r, P 1%. S 241r, V 242v, H 204r, B 210v, T L7Sr, L 282v, D 163r.

6% G 157v, C 166r, P 194r, S 241r, V 242v, H 2û4r. B 21&, T 175r, L 282v.

6% R 120v, G 157v, C 166r, P 194r. S 24Ir, h SSv, V 242v, H 204r. B 210v, T 175r. L 282v, D 163r.

6% R 120v, G 157v, 166r, P 194r, S 241r, b 55v. V 242v, H 204r. B 210~. T 175r, L 282v. D 163r.

697 R lîûv, G 157v, C 166v, P 194r, S 241r, b 55v, V 242v, H 204r. B 210v, T 175r, L 282~. D 163v.

698 R 120v, G 157v, C 166v. P 194r, S 241r, 55v, V 242v, H 204r, B 210v. T f75v, L 282v. D 163v.

699 C 167r, P 194r, S 241r, V 242v, H 204r. B 210v, T 175v, L 282v. D 164r.

700 R 120v, C 167r, P 194r. S 241r, &2 Sv, V 242v, H 204r, B 21ûv, T 175v, L 282v. D 164r. Al1 but A: maius.

701 R 120v, C 167v, P 194r, S 24lv, b 5 5 , V 242v, H 2û4r, B 210~. T 175v, L 282v, D 164r.

702 G (157~). K (204~). C 167r. P 194r, S 241r, V 242v. H 204r, B 210v, T 175v, L 2û2v.

703 [INTROWS Ps. 63 : L I] Letabitur iusnis.

705 Aiieluia. [Ps. 63: 1 11 Letabitur iustus.

706 OFFERTORMM [Ps. 8: 6-7 Gloria et honore.

707 cOMMVMO [PS. 20: 6] Magna est gloria.

708 [INTROWS Ps. 5 1 : lof.] Ego autem.

710 Aiieluia. Iste est qui ante.

711 OFFERTORIVM p s . 8: 6f.l Gloria et honore.

712 CO-0 p s . 20: 6] Magna est gloria.

713 TRAC~VS [Ps. 11 1: 1-31 Beatus uir qui thet dominum in manda& eius cupit nimis. Potens in terra erït semen eius generacio 1 rectonim benedicetur. Gloria et diuicie in domo eius et iusticia 2 M v (7 xii) eius manet in seculurn seculi.


714 [ - O ~ S 2 Th. 1 : 123 Scio cui credidi per tomm.

715 w m s p s . 125: 3.1 Qui seminant.


716 [ I N T R O ~ ~ Sir. 15 : 51 In medio ecclesie.

717 GRADVA= [Sir. 50: 1, 44: 203 Ecce sacerdos.

718 Alleuia. Iste sanctus digne.

719 O F F E R T ~ R I ~ ~ ~ ps. 88: 2 If.] Inueni dauid.

720 COMMVNIO Mt 24: 46f .] Beatus seruus.

7ï2 168~. P 194v. S 241v. V 243r. H 2Mv. B 211r. T 17%. L 283v, D 165.

7 U K (196~). C 168v. P 194v. S 241~. V 243r. H 2041, B 211r. T 176r. L 283v. n4 R 121r. G 158v, K 164~. C 169r, P 195r, S 242r, 32 55v. V 244r, H 205v. B 21 lv, T I76v. L 284~. D 165r. 715 ç 170r, P 195v. S 242r. V 244r. H 205v. B 211v. T 176v, L 2Wv, D 166r.

716 P 19Sr. S 242r. V 244r. H 205v. B 21 lv, T 176v, L 284v.

717 P 195r. S 242r. V 244r. H 20%. B 211v, T 176v. L 284v.

718 P 195r. S 242r. V 244r, H 205~. B 21 lv, T 176~. L 284v.

719 P 195r, S 242r, V 244r, H 205v, B 21 IV, T 176v, L 284v.

720 P 195r. V 244r. H 205~. B 211~. T 176v, L 284v.


722 GRADVAWS [fi. 44: 5] Specie tua.

723 Alteluia. Egregia sponsa.

724 OFFERTORIVM p s . 44: 31 Diffusa est gracia.

725 COMMVMO Mt. 25: 4,6] Quinque prudentes.

726 T R A W S p s : 44: 10-161 Audi fdia et uide et inclina aurem tuam quoniam concupiuit rex speciem tuam. Wultum 1 tuum deprecabuntur omnes diuites plebis filie regum in honore tuo. 215r Adducentur regi uirgines post eam proxime eius offerentu tibi. Adducentur in leticia et exultacione adducentur in templum regis.


727 [iN'ïROmS Ps. 63: 1 11 Letabitur iustus.

729 Alleluia. p s . 63: 1 11 Letabitur iusnis.

730 OFFERTORIVM ps. 8: 6f.l Gloria et honore.

731 COMMVNIO [Mt. 16: 241 Qui wlt uenire post me.

Sequitur ad pmcessionern 732 [ANTIPHoNA] Aue gracia 1 piena dei genitrk uirgo ex te enim omis est sol iusticie 2 1 Sv (1 xiii) illuminans que in tenebris sunt letare et tu senior iuste suscipiens Ihesum1 in ulnas2 liberatorem animamm nostrarum donantem nobis et resurrectionem.

733 [ANTIPHONA] Adorna thalamum Num syon et suscipe regem crishm ampiectere mariam que est 1 celestis porta ipsa enim portat regem glorie noui luminis' subsistit uirgo adducens manibus 216r £ilium ante l u c i f em quem accipiens symeon in ulnas suas3 predicabat4 populis dominum dem5 esse uite et mortis6 et saluatorem mundi.

734 TRACTVS [partly Lk. 2: 25-29] Responsurn accepit symeon h o eo quod chnstum rogabat iugiter. Cham A spiritu sancto 1 Grandeuus etate dignitate quoque, Non uisunim se mortem 2 l6v (1 xiiii) nisi uideret christum domini, Naturn maria uirgine. Et cum inducerent puemm in templuml Parentes illius exultantes2 in eo, Accepit eurn in ulnas suas et benedixit deum et dixit, Cum leticia immensa: Nunc dimittis domine senrum tuum in pace, Quia rneruit conspicere deum qui est rex regum per cunctta secula per 1 ewurn. 217r

735 Chom in stacione ANTIPEIONA [pardy Lk. 2: 281 Hodie beata uirgo maria p u e m Iesum presentauit in templumi et symeon repletus spiritu sancto accepit eum in ulnas suas et benedixit deurn in etemum.

732 R 121*v, G 159~. K 165v, 171r. P 196r. S 243r. 57v. B 212r. T 177r. L 285v. D I67r. ' R, 32 omit. ' R, 52: uinis.

733 R 121*v, G 160r, K 166r. C I7Ir. P 1 % ~ . S 243v, h 58r. B 212v. T 177v. L 286r. D 167v. ' R. $2: nouo lumine. L omits: subsistit .... manibus. ' R. 32: add "in". ' R: ulnis suis. ' R, 32: predicauit. R. h: eum. R: omits "uite et mortis" . 734 R 122. G 160~. K 166v. C 171v. P 197r, S 244r, &2 58v. B 213r. T 178r. L 287r. D I68r. The venions in R, 32 are antiphons without choral responses and are thus relatively compresseci. ' R, 52: templo. ' C: exultant.

735 G 161r, K 167r, P 197v, S 245r. B 214r, T 178v. L 288r. ' K: templo.

YMNUS Qui sine peccato.

737 Ad benedicfionem -0NA W. 2: 28f.l Cum inducerent puenun Iesum parentes eius accepit eum symeon in ulnas suas et benedixit euml dicens nunc dimittis domine serutun tUUm in pace. Euouae. 1

[ad mssam] 217v (Ixv)

738 [INTROITVS Ps. 47: lm.] Suscepimus deus misericordiam tuam in medio templi tui secundum nomen tuum deus ita et laus tua in fines terre iusticia plena est dextera tua. [Ps. 47: 21 Magnus est' dominus et laudabilis nmiis in ciuitate dei nostri in monte sancto eius, Euouae.

739 GRADVALIS [Ps. 47: 9-1 11 Suscepimus deus 1 misericordiam tuam in medio templi tui 218r secundum nomen tuum deus' ita et laus tua in fines terre. Sicut audiuimus ita et uidimus in ciuitate dei nostri '.

740 Alleluia. Post partum uirgo.

741 T R A ~ S Gaude maria uirgo cunctas hereses sola interernisti', 1 Que gabrielis 218v (Zxvi) archangeli dictis credidisti. Dum uirgo deum et hominem genuisti et post partum uirgo inuiolata pemansisti. Dei genitrix intercede pro nobis.

742 OFFERTOIUVM p s . 44: 31 Diffusa est gracia.

743 CO-O Lk. 2: 261 Responsum accepit symeon a spirihi sancto non uisu 1 nim se mortem nisi uideret christum domini.


737 G 161r, K 167v, P k IVv, S 245v. B 214r. T 178v. L 289r. D 168v. ' G, K, L, D: deum.

738 R 122r, G 16lv. K 167v, 172, P X, S 24%- 5%. V 24%. H 206, B 214~. T 179r, L 289~. D 168v. ' R, G, K, C, S2, V, H, L. D omit.

739 R 122r, G 162r, K 168r. C 172~. P * 198r. S 246v, S2 60r, V 245v, H 206v. B 21%. T 17%. L 290r, D 169r. ' C, D: domine. ' R, 52 add "in monte sancto eius".

741 R 167~. G 162v. K 168v, C 172v, P 198r1 S 247r, V 246r. H 20%. B 215. T 180r. L 291v. ' B: interrernisti.

744 [INTROWS Ps. 63: 1 11 Letabitur iustus.

745 GRADVAUS p s . 20: 4, 31 Posuisti domine.

746 AlleIuia. es. 63: 111 Letabitur iu.

747 TRALTVS [Ps. 1 13: 1-31 Beatus uir.

748 OFFERTORIVM ps . 8: 6-71 Gloria et honore.

749 CO-0 [Mt. 16: 241 Qui wlt.


750 [INTIROITVS] Gaudeamus.

751 GRADVALIS [Ps. 45, 5f.I Adiuuabit eam.

752 Alleluia. Egregia sponsa.

753 TRA-S [Ps. 125: Sf.] Qui seminant.

754 OFFERT~IUVM [Ps. 44: 151 Offerentur minus.

755 CO-0 Qui me dignaius est ab omni plaga curare et mamillas meas meo pectori restituere ipsum inuoco deum meuml.


756 Omnia ut de sancta Agata

757 COMMVMO Mt 25: 4, 61 Quinque prudentes.


758 [INTROITVS Ps. 44: 81 Dilexisti iu.

759 GRADVALB [Ps. 44: 3, 51 Diffusa est.

760 TRACTVS p s . 125: 5f.J Qui serninant.

761 OFFERTORIVM Ps. 44: 31 Diffusa est.

762 c ~ n m ~ ~ ô [Mt. 13: 45f.J Simile est regnum.

763 [INTROITVS Ps. 44: 13, 15- 161 Wtum nium.

764 GRADVALIS [Ps. 44: 3, 5] Diffusa est.

765 Aiieluia. [Ps. 44: 53 Specie tua.

767 OFFERTORNM ps. 44: 15f.l Offerentur re maius.

768 COMMVMO Mt. 13: 43.1 Simile est regnum.

769 [INTRO~I'VS Ps. 20: 2-31 in uirtute tua.

770 GRADVAUS ps. 111: If.] Beatus uir.

771 Alleluia. [Ps. 63: 111 Letabitur.

773 COMMVMO [Ps. 20: 61 Magna est.

774 TRAcTvS [Ps . 20: 3f.l Desideriurn anime eius tribuisti ci et uoIuntate 1 labionun eius 2 19v (2 miil non fraudasti eum. Quoniam preuenisti eum in benedictionet duicedinis. Posuisti supe9 caput eius coronam de lapide precioso.

775 [morrvs Ps. 118: 45f.l Loquebar.

776 GRADVALIS [Ps. 44: 5] Specie tua.

777 Alleluia. ps , 44: 31 D i f i a est.

779 COMMVNIO p s . 118: 112, 1281 Feci iudicium.


780 [INTROITVS Sir. 45: 301 Statuit ei dominus.

774 R 123r. G 163~. K (196r), C 174r. P 199r. S 248r. 32 63v, V 247r. H 208r. B 216~. T 181r, L 293r. D 172v. R: benedictionibus. ' R: in.

781 GF~A~VALIS [Ps. 106: 32, 3 11 Exaltent e 1 um in ecclesia plebisl et in kathedra senionim 220r laudent eum, '~onfiteantur domino misericordie eius et mirabiiia eius Niis hominum.

782 T R A W S [Mt 16: 18f.l Tu es petrus 1 et super hanc petram edificabo ecclesiam meam. 220v (1 xvïii) Et porte infen non preualebunt aduersus eam et tibi dabo claues regni celorum. ~ t l quodcunque ligaueris super terram ent ligaîum ' in celis. Et quodcunque soiueris super 1 terram erit 221r solutum et in celis,

783 oFFERTORXVM [Ps. 44: 17f.l Constitues eos.

784 COMMVNIO [Mt 16: 181 Tu es petrus.

785 [ W O ï ï V S Ps . 5 1 : lof.] Ego autem per toî'zun.

In die sancto 786 [ m O ï ï V S Ps. 138: 171 Michi autem.

787 GMvA]LIS ps . 138: 17f.j Nimis honorati.

788 TRACTVS ps . 125: 5f.l Qui seminant.

781 R 123. G 164r, K 16%. C 174r. P 199~. S 24%. 52 64v. V 248r. H 208v, B 217r, T t81v. L 294r. D 173r. ' G. K: sanctorum. ' The vs. in D is Ps. 149: 1. 782 R 123. G 164~. K 170r, C 174v, P 200r. S 249v, 32 6%. V 248~. H 209r. B 217v, T 182. L 295r, D 173v. ' R omits 'etw; D omits the whole sentence beginning 'etw. ' H, L add: et.

790 COMMVNTO [Lk. 12: 41 Dico autem uobis.


791 [ I N T R O ~ S Ps. 20: 2f.l In uirtute tua.

792 GRADVALIS p s . 20; 4f.l Domine preuenisti.

793 T R A W S p s . 20: 3f.l Desiderium anime.

794 o m T o i U V M ps. 8: 6f.j Gloria et honore.

795 CO~CIIMVNIO [Ps. 20: 61 Magna est.


796 [INTROWS Sir. 15: 51 In medio ecclesie.

797 GRADVAUS VS. 36: 30f.l OS iusti.

798 TRA(3TVS p s . 20: 3f.I Desiderium anime.

801 [INTRoITvS Ps. 13 1 : 161 Sacerdotes eius.

802 GRADVAUS p s . 13 1 : 16f.l Sacerdotes eius.

803 TRACTVS [ps. 125: Sf.] Qui seminam-

804 OFF~ERTORIVM ~ P s . 8: 6f.l Gloria et honore.

805 COMMVNIO [Jn. 15: 161 Ego uos elegi.


806 [INTROITVS Dan. 3: 84, 87 Sacerdotes dei.

807 GRADVALIS [Ps, 104: 9, 11 Iurauit dominus.

808 T R A W S e s . 1 1 1 : 1-31 Beatus uir qui.

810 COMMVNIO [Lk. 12: 421 Fidelis senius.

811 [INTROITVS Ps. 20 : 2f.l in uirtute tua.

812 GRADVAUS m. 20: 4f.l Domine preuenisti.

813 TRACTVS ps . 20: 3fJ Desiderium anime.

814 OFIFERTORIVM [Ps. 8: 6f.l Gloria et honore.

815 CO-0 e s . 20: 61 Magna est gloria.


816 [ ~ ~ T R O ~ S Ps. 36: 30f.I Os iusti.

818 TRACTVS [20: 3f.l Desiderium anime.

819 OFFERTORNM [Ps. 20: 41 Posuisti domine.

820 CO-0 Ek. 12: 421 Fidelis senius.


821 [INTROITVS 1s. 45: 81 Rorate celi.

822 GRADVALIS [Ps. 18: 7, 21 A S r n o C ~ O .

823 T R A W S Ek. 1 : 28, 42, 351 Aue Maria gracia plena dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulie 1 ribus et benedictus fmctus uentris mi. Spiritus sanctus superueniet in te et uirtus 221v (l x k ) altissimi obumbrabit tibi. Ideoque et quod nascetur ex te sanctuml uocabitur filius dei. 1

824 OFFERTORIVM kk. 1 : 28, 421 Aue Maria.

825 COMMVNIO vs. 7: 141 Ecce uirgo.

- -

817 C 177~. P 201r, S 2 5 0 ~ . V 24%. H 210r, B 218~. T 182v, L 296v, D 175r.

818 C 17711, P 201r. S 250v, V 249v, H 210r, B 218v, T 182v. L 296v, D 17%. 819 C 177v, P 201r. S 250~. V 249~. H 21Or, B 218v, T lû2v. L 296v, D 17%.

820 C 177v, P 201r, S 250v, V 24%, H 21Or, B 218~. T 182~. L 296~. D 175r.

821 G 166r. K 170v, P 201 r, S 250v. V 24%. H 210r, B 218v, T lav, L 296v, D 175r. 822 G 166r. K 170v, P 20ir, S 2 5 0 ~ . V 24%. H 210r. B 218~. T 182~. L 296~. D 17%.

823 G 166r, K 170v, C 177v, P201r, S 250v. V24%, H210r. B 218v. T 182v, L296v. D 175v. ' G, Komit. 824 R I24v, G 166v, K 171v, C 177v, P 201v, S =IV, &2 69v, V 249v, H 210r. B 219r, T 183v, L 297v, D 176r.

825R 124v, G 166v. K 171v. C 177v, P201v. Szlv, &69v, V250v, H210r. B219r, T 183v, L29ïv, D 176r.

828 TRACTVS ps . 20: 3f.l Desideriuni anime.

829 OFFERTORIVM p s . 20: 4f.l P O S U ~ S ~ ~ do,

830 COMMVNIO [Mt. 16: 241 Qui wlt ueni.


831 [INTROITVS Sir. 15: 51 In medio ecclesie.

832 GRADVALIS [Sir. 50: 1, 44: 201 Ecce sacerdos.

833 TRACTVS p s . 1 13 : 1-31 Beatus uir qui.

835 CO-O [Mt. 24: 46f.l Beatus senius.


836 [INTROITVS Ps. 44: 31 Dilexisti iu.

837 GRADVALIS m. 44: 5] Specie tua.

838 TRACTVS [Ps. 44: 10-161 Audi filia. uei

839 Alleluia. [Ps. 44: 141 Omnis gloria.

841 c o ~ m o [Mt. 15: 45f.J Simile est regnum.


842 [ ~ O W S Ps. 144: 1Of.J Sancti mi domine benedicent te gioriam regni mi dicent aeuia. p s . 144: 11 Exaltabo te deus meus rex et benedicam nornini tuo in seculum et in seculum ' seculi, Euouae .

843 Alleluia. Ps . 32: 11 Gaudete iusti.

844 Alleluia. mt. 26: 321 In die reswrectionis.

845 OFFERTORIVM Ps. 67: 31 Mïrabilis deus.

846 COMMVrJrO [Ps. 32: 11 Gaudete iusti in domino aeuia rectos decet collaudacio ae ( uia. 222v (Inn)


847 [ ~ i r r a o ~ s Ps. 63: 31 Protexisti me deus a conuentu rnaligoancim aeuia a multitudine operanciun iniquitatem aeuia aeuia. ps. 63: 21 Exaudi deus oracionem meam cum deprecor a timore inimici eripe animam meam, Euouae,

848 Aeuia. Iste est qui ante.

849 Aliud [Aeuia. Jn 10: 1 11 Surrexit pastor.

850 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 89: 141 Repleti sumus mane misericordia tu 1 a et exultauimus et delectati 223r sumus aeuia.

851 CoMMVMo [Ps. 63: 111 Letabitur iustus in domino et sperabit in eo et Iaudabumr omnes recti corde aeuia aeuia.

852 [INTROITVS Ps. 63: 31 Protexisti me. I xx per totum.

845 P 202r, S 252r, V 2Slr, H 211r, B 21%. T 183v. L 298r.

846 R 12%. G 167r. K 172r. 178r, P 202r. S 252r, V 251r. H 21lr. B 219v. T 183~. L 298r, D 176v.

847 G 167~. K 172r. 178v. P 202r. S 252r. V 251v, H 211v, B 219~. T 184r. L 298v, D 176v.

848 C 178~. P 202v, S 252v, V 25 lv, H 21 lv, B 220r, T 184r. L 299r.

849 G 167v, C 178v. P 202v, S 252v, V 251v, H 21 lv, B 220r. T 184r. L 299r. D 176v.

850 K 172v, C 178v. P 202v, S 252~. V 251v, H 21 lv, B îî0r. T 184r, L 299r, D 177r.

851 G 167~. K 172v, C 178v. P 203r. S 253r, V 252r. H 212r. B 220r, T 184v, L 299~. D 177r.

852 R 12% C 179r, P 203r, S 253r, V 252~. H 212r, B 220r, T 184v, L 300r. D 17%.

854 Aliud. mom, 6: 91 Christus resur. F xvii

855 [ ~ O I T V S Ps. 63: 31 Protexisti. I xx

856 Aileluia. Iste est qui.

857 Aiiud. M t 26: 321 In die resuecci. F xi.

858 OFFERTORIVM Ps. 88: 61 Confitebuntur ceii rnirabilia tua dorni 1 ne et ' ueritatem tuam 223v (K i) in ecclesiam2 sanctorum aeuia aeuia.

859 CO-O [Jn. 15: 5] Ego surn uitis uera et uos palmites qui manet in me et ego in eo hic fert fiuctum multum aeuia aeuia.


860 [ I N T R O ~ S Neh. 9: 27J Exclamauerunt ad te domine in tempore afflictionis sue et ni de ce10 exaudisti eos aeu 1 ia aeuia. 224r p s . 32: 11 ExuItare iusti in domino ' rectos decet collaudacio, Euouae.

853 C 17%. P 203r, S Z3r , V 252~. H 212r, B 220r. T 184v. L 300r.

854C 179r. P203r. S253r. VZ52v, H2I2r. BSSOr, T IWv, L300r. D 177r.

855 R 124v. K 173r, C 17%. P 203r, S 253r. V 252~. H 212r, B 220v. T 184~. L 300r, D 177r.

856 P 203r. S 253r. V 252~ . H 212r. B 220v. T 184~. L 300r. D lT7r.

857 C 179r, P 203r, S 253r. V 252~. H 212r. B 220v. T 184~. L 300r. D 177r.

858 R 154v, K 173r. CS 179r. P 203r, S 253r. V 252v, H 212r. B ZOv, T 184~. L 300r. D 177r. ' R adds "enim" R. P. V, H, L, D: ecclesia.

859 K l73r. C I79r, P 203v, S 253~ . V 2 5 2 ~ . H 212v, B 2 2 0 ~ . T 18%. L 300~. D 177r.

860 R 125~. G 168r. K 173~. C 179r. P 203v, S 253~. & 6%. V 253r. H 212~. B 221r. T 185r, L 301r. D 177v.

861 Aileluia. [Jn. 15: 161 Non uos me.

862 Aliud [Meluia. Jn. 19: 201 Surgens Iesus. F xv

864 CoM.hfvNïo [Jn. 14: 9f.l Tanto tempore uobiscum sum et non cognouistis me philippe qui uidet me uidet et patrem aeuia non credis quia ego in patre et pater in me est aeuia aeuia.


865 [INTROWS Mt. 25: 341 Venite benedicti. F xvii

866 Alleluia. p s . 32: l] Gaudete iusti.

867 Aliud [Alleluia. Jn. 10: 1 11 Surrexit pastor. G iii

868 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 67: 31 Mirabilis deus.

869 COMMVMO ps. 32: 11 Gaudete iusti.


870 [INTROWS Gal. 6: 141 Nos autem gloriari. E xvii

871 Aeuia. Alia de resureccione quando placet. 1 Dulce iignum dulces clauos dulcia ferens 224v (K ii) pondera que sola fuisti digna sustinere regem celonmi et domuiuml.

872 OFFERTORIVM Pmtege domine plebem tuam per signum same crucis ab omnibus insidiis inirniconun omnium ut tibi g r a m exhi 1 beamus seruinitem et acceptabile tibi fiat sacrificium nostnim 225r aeuia.

873 CohfbîvNï~ [Gd. 6: 41 Nos autem gforiari oportet in cruce domini nostri Iesu cnsti aeuia.

874 [~NTRO~TVS Ps. 63: 31 Protexisti me. I x x

875 AlIeluia. Iste sanctus.

[=0~17rs Ps. 63: 31 Protexisti. I xx

879 Aeuia. Alieiua de resurecrione quand0 placet. Virgo Iohan 1 nes a domino est 225v (K iii) preelectus et intra choros magis dilecnis.

880 OFFERTORMM fk. 88: 61 Confitebuntur. I x x

881 COMMVNIO [Jn. 15: IrJ Ego sum uitis. K i

882 [INTROITW Ps. 63: 31 Protexisti. I n

883 Alleluia. Iste est qui ante.

8û4 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 88: 61 Confitebuntur. I x x


886 [INTROITVS Ps. 144: lof] Sancti tui domine.

887 Alleluia. p s . 32: 11 Gaudete iusti.

879 180r. P 205, S 2551. V 25%. H 214v. B 222~. T 186v. L 303v. D 179r. ' C, D: ceteros.

880 CT 18ûv. P 205~. S 256r. 52 721, V 255v, H 214v. B î23r. T l87r. L 304r. D 179r.

881 C 180v. P 20%. S 256r. V 255v. H 2f4v. B 223r. T 187r. L 3Wr. D 179v.

882 C 18ûv. P 20%. S 256r. V 25%. H 214v. T 187r, L 3Wr, D 17%.

883 C 180~. P 205v, S 256r. V 255v. H 214v. T 187r. L 3Wr.

884 P 205~. S 256r. V 255~. H 214v, T 187r. L 304r.

885 C 180~. P 20Sv. S 256r. V 255v. H 214v. T 187r. L 304r.

886 R 127r. P 205v. S 256r. 52 72r. V 25Sv. H 214~. T 187r, L 3Wr.

887 P 205v. S 256r. V 255~. H 214v, T 187r. L 304r.

888 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 67: 31 Mirabilis deus.

889 CO-0 pis . 3: 1-31 Iustorurn anime.


890 [INTROITVS Ps. 32: 18-20] Ecce ocuIi do[mini].

891 Alleluia. wis. 5: 161 Iuti autem in perpetuum.



895 [INTROITVS Ps. 33: 18, 21 Clamauerunt.

897 Aileluia. [Ps. 67: 41 Iusti epulentur.

898 OFFERTORIVM Ps. 3 1 : 1 11 kt* in domino.

899 C o ~ o p i s . 3: 1-31 Iustorum anime.

900 [INTROITVS Sir. 44: 15, 141 Sapienciam sanctorum.

901 GRADVALIS p i s . 3 : 1-31 Iustorum anime.

902 Alleluia. [Ps. 3 1 : 1 11 Letamini in do,

903 OFFERTORIYM p s . 67: 31 Mirabilis deus.

904 COMMVNIO pss. 149: 5f.l Ego uos ele.


905 [ ~ O I T V S Ps. 33 : 20f.I Muite tribu.

897 C 18lv, P 205v. S 256r. V 2 5 5 ~ . H 21Sr. T 187r, L 304r. D 180v.

898 R 127v, C 181~ . P 205v, S 256r, 32 72v, V 255~. H 215r, T 187r, L 304r, D 180v.

899 R 127v, C 181v, P 205v, &2 72v, V 255v, H 215r, T 1 Wr, L 304r, D 1 8 0 ~ .

900R 127v, c 182r. P205v, b 7 2 v , V255v. H215r, T lûïr, L304r, D 181r.

901 C 182 , P 205v, V 255v, H 215r. T 187r. L 304r. D Mir.

9û2 C 182~ . P 205v, V 255v, H 215r. T 187r, L 304r, D 181v.

903 R 128r, C 182v, P 205v. 52 72v. V 255v. H 215r. T lWr, L 304r.

904 R 128r. C 182v, P 205v. b 72v, V 225v, H 215r, T lûïr. L 304r. D 181v.

905 C 181v, P 2 0 5 , S 256r, V 255~ . H 215r, T 187r, L 304r.

906 GRADVALIS [Pss, 149: 5, 95: 11 Exultabunt sancti.

907 Meluia. w i s . 5 : 161 Iusti autem in perpe.

909 COMMVNIO [Ps . 123 : 7 Anima nostra.


910 [INTROWS Ps. 138: 171 Michi autem nimis.

911 GRADVALIs [Ps. 138: 17f.I Nimis honorati.

912 MIeIuia. [Acts 5: 121 Per manus autem.

913 OFFERTORLVM [Ps. 18: 51 in omnem terram.

914 COMMVMO [Mt. 19: 281 Vos qui secuti.


915 [morrvs Ps. 78: 10.121 ïntret in conspectu.

916 GRADVALIS p s , 78 : 10, 21 Vindica domine.

917 Aileluia. [Wis. 5: 161 Iusti autem in perpe.

918 OFFI~RTO- p s . 149: 5-61 Exultabunt sancti.


920 [INTRO~WS Sir. 15: 51 In medio ecclesie. A xx

922 Alleluia. Iste est sanctus homo.

923 OFFEI~TORNM Ps. 88: 251 Veriîas rnea.

924 COMMVNIO Ps. 88: 36-38] Semel iuraui.

926 GRADVAWS [Ex. 15: 11, 61 GIoriosus deus.

927 Alleluia. p s . 1 17: 151 Vox exultacionis. 1 viii

928 OFFERTORIVM p s . 3 1 : 1 11 Letamini in domino.

929 COMMVNIO [Ps. 32: 11 Gaudete iusti.


930 [INTRO~TV~ Ps. 36: 391 Salus autem iustorum.

932 Alleluia. [Sir 44: 141 Corpora sanctorum.

933 O F I X R T O R ~ ~ ~ ~ p s . 123: 7J A n h a nostra. B ii

COMMvNIO M t . 25: 40, 341 Amen dico.

935 [INTROITVS Ps. 84: 91 Loque 1 N T dominus pacem in plebem suam et super sanctos suos et' in 226r eos qui conuertunnu ad ipsum. p s . 84: 21 Benedixisti domine terram tuam' ' auertisti captiuitatem Iacob, Euouae.

936 GRADVU w i s . 3 : 1-31 Iustonim anime.

937 Alleluia. [Wis. 5: 161 Iusti autem in perpetuum.

939 COMMVMO fPs. 3 : 1-31 Iustorum anime.


940 [INTROITVS Lk 1: 13-15] Ne timeas zacharia exaudita est oracio tua et elizabet uxor tua pariet tibi filium et uocabis nomen eius Iohannes et ent ma 1 gnus corarn domino et spiritu sancto 226v (K iiii) replebitur adhuc ex utero maais sue ' multi in natiuitate eius gaudebunt. p s . 20: 21 Domine in uirtute tua Ietabitur rex et super salutare nium exultabit uehementer, Euouae.

941 G&U.)VAL~~ [Jn. 1: 6f.l Fuit homo missus a deo cui nomen Iohannes erat hic uen 1 it 227r Ut testimoniurn perhiberet de lumine et' parare? domino plebem perfectam.

935 R 129r, G 170r, K (20Iv), C 184r, P 207r, S 256~. 32 74v, V 256r. H 215r, B Z23r. T 187r. L 304v. D 183r. ' G omits. ' 52 omits

940 R 12%. G 170r, K 174v. C 184r. P 2ûlr. S 256v, 74r, V 256r, H 215v, B 223~. T 187~. L 305r, D 184r. ' C: in; D: et. R, G. K, C, P. S. b, V, H, L add: et. G uses Lk. 1: 1 1 instead of the Psalm.

941 R 12%. G 170~. K 175r, CS 184v, P 207v, S 257v, 52 74v, V 257v, H 216r, B 224r, T 18&, L 305, D 184r. ' R, V, H, L omit; C: ut. ' R, G, a: parare.

942 Aeuia. W. 1 : 41 Erat Iohannes predicans in deserto bapti 1 smum penitencie.

943 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 8: 6f.l Gloria et honore.

944 COMMVNIO p s . 20: 61 Magna est gloria.

In die sancto

945 [INTRO~WS is. 49: If.] De uentre matris mee uocauit me dominus nomine meo et posuit os meum ut gladium acutum sub tegumento manus sue protexit me posuit me quasi sagittarn electam. [Ps. 91 : 21 Bonurn est confiteri domino et psaiiere nomini 1 tuo aitissime, Euouae. 228r

946 GRADVALE [Jer. 1: 5, 91 Priusquam te forniarem iu utero uocauil te et antequam exires de uentre sanctificaui te. Misit dominus manum suam et tetigit os meum et dixit michi.

947 Aeuia. [Lk. 1 : 761 Tu puer pro 1 p heta aitissimi uocaberis preib is ' ante faciem' domini' 228v (K vi) parare uias eius.

949 COhîhfvNïO [Lk. 1: 761 Tu puer propheta aitissimi uocabens preibis enim ante faciem domini' parare uias eius.

947 R 130r. G 172r, K 176v. C X185v. P 209r. S 259r. 76r. V 258~. H 217v. B 225~. T 18%. L 308r, D 185r. ' G, K add: enirn. R, 32: dominum.

949 R 130v, G 172v. K 177r. C f 8Sv, P 209v, S 259v, &2 76v. V 259r, H 217v. B 22.5~. T 189v, L 308v, D 18%. R: dei.


950 [INTROITVS Ps. 33 : 20f.J Multe tribulaciones.

951 GRADVAU ps . 132: If.] Ecce quam bonum,

952 Alleluia. Hec est uera.

953 OFFERTORIVM p s . 5: 12f.l Gloriabuntur in te,

954 CO-0 wis 3: 4-61 Et si corarn hominibus.


955 [INTROITVS Jn. 21 : 18f.J Dixit' dorni 1 nus petro cum esses iunior cingebas te et ambulabas ubi 229r uolebas c m autern senuens extendes manus tuas et dius te cinget et ducet quo tu non uis hoc autem dixit significans qua morte *clarificaturus esset eurn3. fPs. 18: 11 Celi enarrant gloriam dei et opera a manuum eius anunciat fmamennim, Euouae.

956 GRADVAUS ps . 18: 5 , 21 In omnem terram exi.

957 OFFERTORIVM ps. 138: 171 Michi autem nimis.

958 COMMVNIO [Jn. 2 1 : 15, 1 7 Symon 1 Iohannis diligis me plus hiis domine tu omnia 229v (K vil)

955 R 131r. G 173r, K 177~. C 186v. P 20%. S 260r, a 77r, V 2 5 9 ~ . H 218r. B î26r. T 190r, L 309r. D 187r. ' R, G. c, a, D: dicit. R ends: esset deum clarificaninis. c. 52: deum.

nosti tu scis domine quia amo te.

In die sancto

959 [INTROITVS Ac& 12: 111 Nunc scio uere quia misit dominus angelum suum et eripuit me de manu herodis et de omni expectacione plebis iudeorum. ps . 138: 21 ' ~omine probasti me et cognouisti ^ me tu cognouisti sessionem me 1 am. Euouae. 230r

960 GRADVALIS Ps. 44: 17fJ Constitues eos principes.

961 Aeuia. Mt. 16: 181 Tu es petrus et super hanc petram edificabo ecclesiam meam.' Beatus es symon petre quia Caro et sanguis non reuelauit tibi sed pater meus qui est in celis.

962 OFFEI~TOIWM Ps. 44: 17f.l Constitues eos principes.

963 COMMVNIO [Ps. 16: 181 Tu1 es petm est super hanc pefrarn edificabo ecclesiam 23ûv (K viii) meam.


964 [INTROWS 2 Tim. 1 : 121 Scio cui credidi et cemis surn quia potens est deposinun meum seruare in illum diem. [Ps. 18: 11 'Celi enarrant gloriarn dei et opera manuum eius anunciat fimamentum. Euouae.

965 GRADVALE [Gal. 2: 8f., I Cor 15: IO] Qui operatus est petro in apostolatut opera 1 tus est et 23 Ir

959 R 131v. G 173v. K 178r, 186v. P 210r, S 260v, k! 78r, V 260r. H 218v. B 226v. T 190v, L 310r. D 188r. ' R, 32 replace Psalm wih, "Et petrus ad se reuersus dixit".

961 R 132r. G 174r. K 178v. C 187r. P 21ûv. S 261r, $2 78v. V 260v, H 219r. B 227r. T 190v. L 310v, D 189r. ' R. 32 end here.

962 R 132r, G 174r. C 187r, P 211r, S 261v, S2 79r, V 261r, H 21%- B 227v, T 191r. L 31 lr. D I89r.

964 R 132v. G 174v. K 1 7 9 ~ C 169r. P 211r. S 262r. 79r, V 261v, H 219v, B 227v, T 191~. L 311v. D 165r. ' R. h, D use Pst 138: If.; G, K use 2 Tim. 4: 8.

michi inter gentes et cognouemt graciam dei que data est michi. Gracia dei in me uacua non fuit sed gracia eius semper in me manet.

966 Aeuia. Sa 1 ncte paule apostole predicator ' et doctor gencium intercede pro nobis2 ad 23 IV (K ir) deum qui te elegit.

967 Siue i s d Aeuia. Tu es uas electionis sancte paule apostole gencium doctor O 1 rai pro ' nobis 232r deum qui te elegit.

968 OFFERTORIVM ps. 18: 5] In omnem terram.

969 COMMVNIO [Mt. 19: 28f.I Amen dico uobis.


972 OFFERTorrrVM Aue Maria. A xii

973 COMMVNIO [Ps. 44: 31 Diffusa est gracia.

974 Aeuia. Aue stillans melle aIuearium aue ueri salomonis ferculum aue uerbi dei tu sacrarium aue

966 R 132v, C 16%, P 212r, S 263r, $2 80r, B 228v. T 192r. ' R, 32 add: ueritatis. ' R. &2 end here.

967C 16%. P212r. S 263v, V 262v, H220v, B228v, T 192v. L312v, D 166r. ' C, P, V. H, L. D: follows "nobisn. C. D add: omnibus.

968 G 174~. C 170r. P 212v, S 264r, 52 80v, V 263r, H 220v, B 229r. T 192v. L 313v. D 166r.

969 R 132~. G 174v. K 165v, C 170r, P 212v, S 264r, 52 80v. V 263r. H 220~. B 229r, T 192v, L 313v, D 166r.

970 C 1 8 7 ~ ~ P 212~. S 264r, V 263r, H 220v, B 229r, T 192v. L 313v. D 18%.

971 C 187~. P 212v, S 264r, V 263r, H ZOv, B 229r. T 193r. L 313v, D 18%.

deitatis rece ( ptaculum maria1.


976 G R A D V A . ps. 20: 4f.l Domine preuenisti.

977 OFFERTORWM p s . 20: 3f.l Desiderium anime.

978 COMMVNIO m. 20: 61 Magna est gloria.

979 Aeuia. Felix es bohernia que tam pium patronum b e a m procopium pro te oranduml premisisu ad dominum.


980 [ ~ O I T V S Ps. 13 1: 9f.I Sacerdotes [mi].

981 GRADVALS [Sir. 50: 1, 44: 20) Ecce sacerdos ma[gnus].

982 Alleluia. p s . 109: 41 Iurauit dominus.

983 OF~FERTORWM Ps. 88: 2 If.] Inueni dauid.

975 C 188r. P 213r, S 264v. V 263v. H 221r. B 229v, T 193r. t 314r. D 191r. 976 C 188r. P 213r. S 264~. V 263~. H 221r, B 22%. T 193r, L 314r. D 191r.

977 C I88r. P 213r, S 264~. V 263v. H 221r. 3 230r. T 193r. L 314r. D 191v. 978 188r, P 213r, S 264v. V 263v, H 221r, B 230r. T 193r, L 314r. D 191v.

979c 188r, P213r, S 264v, V 263v, H221r. B229v. T 193r. L314r. ' c, V, H. L: exorandum.

980 P 213v. V 264r, H 221v. T I93v. L 314v.

981 P 213v. V 264r. H 221~. T 193~. L 314v.

982 P 213v. V 264r. H 221~. T 193v.

983 P 213v, V 264r, H Ulv, T lF3v. L 314v.


985 [INTROWS SU. 44: 15, 141 Sapienciam sanctorum.

986 GRADVAL~S [Wis. 3 : 1-31 Iustonim anime.

987 Alleluia. [Sir. 44: 141 Corpora sanctorum.

988 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 149: Sf.] Exultabunt sancti.

989 COMMVMO w i s . 3 : 1-31 Iustorum anime.


990 [INTROITVS Ps. 36: 391 Salus autem iustonim.

991 GRADVALIS p s , 123 : 7f.I Anima nostra.

992 Alleluia. Te martirum candidatus. B ii

993 OFFERTORIVM p s . 3 1 : 1 11 Letamini in domino.

995 [INTRO~~VS Ps. 1 12 : 1, 91 Laudate pueri dominum laudate nomen domini qui habitare facit sterilem in domo matrem N i o m letantem. ps. 112: 21 Sit nomen domini benedictum ex hoc nunc et usque in seculum, Euouae.

996 GRADVALIS p s . 78: 10, 21 Vindica domine.

!En Alleluia. p s . 112: 11 Laudate puen.

998 OFFERTORIVM p s . t 23: 7f.l Anima nostra sicut. B ii

999 COMMVNIO wt. 12: 501 Quicunque fecerit uoluntatem patris mei qui in celis est 1 ipse 233v (K xi) meus frater soror et mater est dicit dominus.


Io00 [INTROWS Ps. 1 18: 95f.I Me expectauerunt.

1001 G R A D V U p s . 44: 3, 51 Diffusa est.

1002 Alleluia. Nt. 13: 461 Inuenta una.

1003 OFFERTORIVM Ps. 44: 153 Offerentur minus.

1004 COhïhïvNï~ wt. 13: 45f.J Simile est regnum.


1005 [INTROWS Ps. 138: 171 Michi autem.

1006 GRADVALIS [Ps, 138: 17f.l Nimis honorati.

1007 Alleluia. [Jn. 15: 161 Non uos me ele.

1008 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 18: 51 In omnern terram.

1009 COMMVNIO [Jn 15: 161 Ego uos elegi.

1010 [INTROITVS Ps. 36: 24, 26, 281 Iustus non conturbabinir.

1011 G W v m [Ps. 20: 4f.I Domine preuenisti.

1012 Alleluia. fPs. 20: 41 Posuisti domine.

1013 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 20: 3f.l Desideriurn anime.

1014 COMMVNIO [Ps. 20: 61 Magna est gloria.

1015 [INIROITVS Ps. 1 18: 4Sf.I Loquebar de testi.

1016 GRADVALE [Ps. 44: 81 Dilexisti iusticiam.

1017 AiIeluia. Egregia sponsa cristi.

1018 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 44: 31 Diffusa est gracia.

1019 CO-0 [Ps. 44: 31 Diffusa est gracia.


1011 C 189r. P 214r, S 265~. V 264v. H Z r , B UOv, T 195r. L 316r. D 192r.

1012 C 189r. P 214r, S 265v. V 264~. H 222r, B 230~. T 195r. L 316r. D 192r.

1013 C 189r. P 214r. S 26%. V 264~. H 222r. B UOv, T 195r. L 316r. D 192r.

1014 C 189r. P 214r. S 2651, V 264~. H Z r , B 230v. T 195r. L 316r, D 192r.

1015 R 134r. CS 189r. P 214r, S 265v. h 8011, V 264v. H 222r, B 230v. T 19%. L 316r, D 192r.

1016 R 134r. C 189r. P 214r. S 265v. !Z 80v. V 264v. H 222r. B 2 3 0 ~ . T 195r. L 316r, D 192r.

1017 C 189r, P 214r. S 265v. V 264v. H 222r, B 230v. T 19%. L 316r. D 192r.

1018 R 134r. P 214r. S 265v, k2 80v. V 264v. H 222r. B 2 3 0 ~ . T 195r. L 3 l6r. D 192r.

1019 C Mgr, P 214r. S 265v. V 264v. H 222r. B 230~. T 19%. L 316r. D 192r.

1021 GRADVALIS ps. 45: 5f.I Adiuuabit eam.

1022 Vei istud GRADVALIS [Ps. 40: 5 , 21 Ego dixi domino. H v

1023 OFFERTORIVM [Mt 28: 2, 51 Angelus Domini. F x v

1024 COMMVNIO [Lk. 15: 101 Dico uobis gaudium. I v

1025 Aeuia. Maria hec est üIa cui dirnisisti m u l m do 1 mine Ihesu criste quia dilexit uehenenter. 234r

1026 [INTROTI~~S Ps . 13 1 : 9f .] Sacerdotes tui.

1027 GRADVALIS p s . 88: 2 1-23] hueni dauid.

1028 Alleluia. Iste [est1] sanctus homo.

1029 OFFERTORIVM Ps. 88: 251 Ventas mea.

IO20 G 175r. K 179r. C 189r. P 214r. S 265~. V 264v. H 222r. B 23ûv. T 195r, L 316r. D 192r.

1021 K 179r, B 230v, T 19%.

1022C 189r, P214r,S265v, V264v. H222r, BUOv,L316r, D 192r.

1023 G 175r, K 179v. 18%. P 214~. S 265v. V 264v, H 222r, B 231r, T 195r. L 3f6r, D 192v.

1024 C 189v, P 214v. S 265v. V 264v. H 222r. B 23 lr, T 195r, L 3 l6r, D 192v.

1025 G 175, K 179r, C 189r. P 214v. S 265v, V 265r, H 222~. B 230v, T 19%. L 3 16r, D 192r.

1026 C 189v, P 215r. S 266r. V 265r, H 222v, B 231r, T 195v, L 317r, D 192v.

lû27R 134v.C 18%, P215r, S266r9&80v, V265v, H222v, B231r.T 19Sv, L317r, D 192~.

1028C 189v, P215r, S 266r, V 265v, H222v. B231r, T 195~. L317r. ' P, S, V, H. B. LaIso omit. However, the full version in the commons of each contains "estw.

1û29 R 134v, C 189v. P 215r, S 266r, S2 80v, V 265v, H U2v, B 231r, T 195v. L 317r. D 192v.

1031 Ego autem per t o m .

In die sancto

1032 [INTROITVS Ps. 138: 17 Michi autem.

1033 GRADVALE p s . 44: 17f.l Constitues eos prin.

1034 Alleluia. [Eph. 2: 191 Iam non estis.

1036 COMMYNIO [Mt. 19: 281 VOS qui secuti estis.

1037 [ ~ O I T V S ] Gaudeamus .

1038 GRADVAL~S [Ps. 44: 11, 12, 51 Propter ueritatem.

1039 Alleluia. Virga Iesse.

1041 COMMVNIO e s . 44: 31 D i f i a est gracia.

1042 [morrvs Ps. 8: 6f.l GIona et honore.

1043 GRADVALIS e s . 20: 4f.1 Domine preuenisti.

1044 Aileluia. [Ps. 20: 41 Posuisti domine.

1045 OFFERTORIVM p s . 20: 2f.I in uirtute tua.

1046 COMMVMO p s . 20: 61 Magna est gloria.


1047 [ I N T R O ~ S ] Gaudeamus.

1048 GRADVALIS p s . 44: 5, 11, 121 Propter ueritatem tuam.

1050 COMMVNIO p s . 44: 31 Diffirsa est gracia.

1051 Aeuia. Martha cuius uirtutibus tota fulget ecclesia tuis obti 1 ne precibus beata nobis 234v (K xii) gaudia.

1052 [INTROITVS Ps. 78: 10-12, 11 Intret in conspectu.

1053 GRADVAW~ [ps. 149: 5, 11 Exultabunt sancti.

1054 Alleluia. p s . 67: 41 Iusti epulemur.

1055 OFFERTORIVM Ps. 67: 31 Mirabilis deus.

1056 COMMVNIO [Ps. 78: 2, 1 I] Posuerunt mortaiia.


1057 Nunc scio uere per tutu. .


1059 GRADVALIS [Ps. 36: 24, 26, 281 ~usnis non contur,

1060 Alleluia. [Ps. 63: 1 11 Letabitur iustus.

1061 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 88: 2 If.] Inueni dauid,

1062 COMMVNIO Mt 25: 20f.j Domine quinque talenta.


1063 Et enim sederunt A xviii per tohun.


Omnia ut sabbatis diebus.


[ ~ O ~ T ' V S Ps. 2: 7J Dominus dixit ad me. A xiiii

1065 uei [INTROITVS Non-scriptural] In excelso throno. B vi

1066 GRADVALIS es. 1 17: 26, 27, 231 Benedictus qui uenit. A xvi

1067 AIleluia. [Ps. 92: 11 Dominus regnauit. A mi

1068 PROSA Benedicta semper.

1069 OFF'ERTORIVM [Ps. 92: 1 f.] Deus enim firmauit. A xvi

1070 CO-O Ds. 40: Reuelabitur gloria domini. A xiiii


1071 [NI'ROITVS Ps. 13 1 : 161 Sacerdotes eius.

OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 123: 7j Anima nostra. B ii

1075 Co-0 e s . 123: TJ Anima nostra. B ii


1076 [ I N T R O ~ S Ps. 139: W.] Sacerdotes tui do.

1077 G R A D V A . [Sir. 50: 1; 44: 201 Ecce sacerdos ma.

1078 Alleluia. [Ps. 109: 41 Iurauit dominus.

1079 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 20: 4f .] Posuisti domine.

1080 CoMMVNIO Mt. 16: 241 Qui uult uenire.

1081 [INTROITVS Ps. 1 18: 751 Cognoui domine.

1082 GRADVALIS Ps. 45: 5f.I Adiuuabit eam.

1083 Alleluia. Egregia sponsa.

1075 C 191r. P 215v, S 267r. V 266r, H 223. B 231v, T 196r. L 317v. D 196v. 1076 P 215v, S 267r. V 266r, H 223v. B 231~. T 197v. L 317v. D 196v.

1077 P 21%. S 267r. V 266r, H 223v. B 23111, T 197v, L 317v, D 196v.

LM8 P 215v, S 267r, V 266r, H 223v. B 231~. T 197v. L 317v. D 196v.

lû79P215v. S267r,V266r. H223v. B231v. T 197v, L317v. D 196v.

lû8O P 21%- S 267r, V 266r, H mv, B 231v, T 197~. L 317v. D 196v. lûûl P 215v. V 266r. B Ulv. T 197v.

1082 P 215v. V 266, B 23 lv, T 197v.

1083 P 216r, V 266r. B Ulv. T 197v.

1084 O ~ T O F L W M Ps. 39: 2-41 Expectans expectaui. D xiii

1085 COMMVNKI W. 15: 101 Dico uobis,


1086 [INTRO~TVS Ps. 33: IOf. J Timete dominum.

1087 GRADVALIS [Ps. 33: lofl Timete dominum.

1088 Alleluia. Te martinim candidatus. B ii

1089 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 3 1 : 1 11 Letamini in domino.

1090 COMMVNIO wk. 16: 17f.l Signa e[o]s qui.


1091 [INTRO~TVS Ps. 1 1 1 : 91 Dispersit dedit pauperibus iusticia eius manet in seculum se 1 culi 2 3 9 cornu eius exaltabitur in gloria. p s . I l 1 : 11 Beatus uir qui timet dominum in mandatis A eius uolet nirnis, Euouae.

1092 GRADVALIS [Ps. 2 1 1 : 9, 21 Dispersit dedit pauperibus iusticia eius manet in seculum seculi. Potens in terra ent se / men eius generacio rectonim benedicetur. 235v (K xiii)

10%4 P 216r, V 266r, B 231v, T 197v.

10S5 P 216r, V 266r. T 197v.

1086 R 136v, C 191r, P 216r, $2 83v, V 266r, H 223v, B Ulv. T 197v. L 317v. D 196v.

1087 R 137r, c 191r, P 216r, $2 83v. V 266r, H 223v. B 23fv. T 197~. L 317v. D 197r. 1088 C I91v, P 216r, V 266r, H 223, B 23Iv. T 197v. L 318r.

1089 R 137r, C 191v, P 216r, $2 83v, V 266r. H 223v. B 231~. T 197v, L 318r. D 197v.

1090 R 137r. C 191v. P 216r. k2 83v. V 266r, H 223v. B 231v. T 197v, L 318r, D 197v.

1091 R 137r, G 176r, K 179v, C' 191~. P 216r. S 267r, 83v, V 266r, H 223v, B 231~. T 197~. L 3 l8r, D 197v.

10i2 R 137r. G 175v, K 179v. 191v, P 216r, S 267r. 52 84r, V 266v, H 223~. B 232r. T 198r. L 3 l8v, D 198r.

1093 OFFERTOFWM [Job 16: 201 Oracio mea munda est et ide0 peto ut detur locus uoci mee in ce10 quia ibi est iudex meus et conscius meus in excelso ascendat ad dominum deprecacio mea.

1094 COMMVNIO Mt, 16: 241 Qui uult uenire.

In die sancto

109s [INTROITVS Ps. 95: 61 Confessio et pulchritudo. C ix

1096 GRADVALE [Ps. 16: 31 1 Probasti domine cor meum et uisitasti nocte. Igne me examinasti et non est inuenta in me hiquitas.

1097 Aeuia. Leuita laurencius bonum opus operatus est qui per signum crucis cecos ülumi 1 nauit' et thesauros ecclesie dedit pauperibus. 236v (K-niii)

1098 COMMUNIO p s . 95: 6; recte: OFFERTORIVM] Confessio et pulchritudo in conspectu eius sanctitas et magnificencia in sanctificacione eius .

1099 COMMVNIO [Jn 12: 261 Qui michi rninistrat.

1100 [INTROITVS Ps. 91 : 13f.I Iustus ut paha.

1097 R L37r, G 176~ . K 181r. 192v. P 217r. S 26th. &2 86r, V 268r. H 22%. B 233v, T 199r. L 320r, D 19%. ' R, $2 end here.

1101 GRADVALIS [Ps. 36: 30fJ OS iusti m.

1102 Alleluia. ps. 20: 41 Posuisti domine.

1103 OFFERTOM ps . 20: 2f.l In uirtute tua.

1104 COMMINO P s . 24: 4f.l Posuisti domine in capite.


1105 [INTROITVS Ps. 67: 41 Imti epulentw et exultent in conspectu dei delectentur in leticia. p s . 67: 21 Exurgat 1 deus ut dissipennir inirnici eius et fbgiant qui oderunt eum a facie 237r eius, Euouae .

1106 GRADVALIS [Wis 3: 1-31 Iustorurn anime.

1107 Aileluia. [Ps. 67: 31 Mirabilis deus1.

1108 OFFERTOM Ps. 123 : 7J Anima nostra. B ii

1109 COMMVNIO [Lk. 12: 41 Dico autem uobis arnicis meis ne' terreamini ab hiis qui uos persequuntur.


1103 C 193r, S 26%. V 268v. H 22%. B 234r. T 19%. L 321r. D 19%.

1104 C 193r, S 26%. V 268v. H 225v, B 234r, T 19%. L 321r, D 199v.

1105 R 138r. K (SOlr). C 193r. P * 218r. S 26%. 87r. V 268v, H 225v, B 234r. T k199v. L 321r. D 199v.

1106 R 138r. C 193r. P 218r, S 26%. 32 atr, V W69r. H 22%. 8 234r. L 321v.

1107 C 193r. P 218r. S 26%. V 26%. H 225~. B 234r. L 321~. D 19%. 'A scribd error. This should read "dominus" as do the other sources. There is no entry in the cornmon in A for ^deusw.

1108 R 138r. C I93r. P 218r. S 26%. k2 Ur, V 269r. H 2 2 5 ~ . B 234r, L 321v, D 19%.

1109 R 138r, K ( 2 0 9 ~ ) ~ C 193r. P 2I8r. S 2691, k2 87r. V 269r. H 2251, B 234r. L 321v. D 199v. ' K: non.

1110 [INTROITVS] Salue sancta parens.

1111 GRADVALIS Benedicta et uenerabilis.

1112 OFFERTORNM Felix narnque.

1113 COMMVNIO Regina mundi.


1114 [~NTROITVS] Gaudeamus ornes in domino 1 diem festum celebrantes in' honore Marie 237v (K xvJ uirginis de cuius assumpcione gaudent angeti et collaudant filiurn dei. 2~xaltata est sancta dei genitrix super choros angelorum ad celestia regna. Euouae.

1115 GRADVALE p s . 44: 5, 1 1, 121 Propter uentatem.

1116 Aeuia. Assumpta est maria in celun gaudet e 1 xercitus angelorum.

1117 O ~ T O R I V M p s . 44: 151 Offerentur minus.

1118 COMMVNIO p s . 44: 81 Dilexisti iusticiarn,

1114 R 138v. G 177~. K 18lv, c 193r. P 218r. S 270r. 52 87r. V X269v. H 226r, B 234v. L 322r. D 204r gives the incipit "Gaudeamus" only and points CO the feast of Agaha where reference is made CO 'Agatha" and 'passione" instead of Marie" and "assumpcione". ' R, b: sub. R, P, 32, D substitute Ps. 44: 2.


1119 [INTROITVS Ps. 16: 31 Probasti domine cor meum et uisitasti nocte igne me examinasti et non est inuenta in me hiquitas. [Ps. 16: 11 Exaudi domine iusticiarn meam ' intende ad2 deprecacionem meam, Euouae.

1120 O V A W [Ps. 36: 26, 281 Iustus non conturbabitur.

1121 AlleIuia. Leuita laurenci. K xzïi

1122 OFEERTORIVM [Ps. 20: 2f.l In uirtute tua.

1123 COMMVNIO Mt. 16: 241 Qui wlt uenire.


1124 [INTROITVS Ps. 63: 1 11 Letabitur iustus.

1125 GRADVALIS [Ps. 36: 30Q Os iusti rneditabitur.

1126 AlleIuia. [Ps. 9 1 : 131 Iustus ut palma.

1127 OFFERTORIVM ps. 20: 2f.l In uirtute tua.

1119 R 139r, G 17%. K 183r. C 193v, P X 219r, S 271r. $2 88v, V 270r, H 2 2 6 ~ . B 235, T p2OOr. L 323r, D 203r. ' D uses Ps. 54: 2. * R. G, K, P. S2 omit.

1 U O K 183~ . 193v. Pa9 21%. S 271r. V 270v, H 227r, B 23Sv. T 2Wr, L 323v, D 203v.

1121 R 139r, 193v, P X 21%. S 271r. 32 89r, V 270v. H 227r, B 235~. T 200r. L 323v. D 203v.

1122 R 139r, K 183v, P a9 219v, S 271r. !k2 89r. V 27Ov, H 227r, B 235~. T 2Wr, L 323v. D 203v.

1123 R 139r. K 183v, P X 21%. S 271r, k2 89r. V 270~. H 227r. B =Sv, T 200r, L 323v, D 203v.

1124 R 139r. Pw 219v, 52 89r, V 270~. H 227r. B 235~. T 200r. L 323v, D 203v.

1125 W 21%. V 27ûv. H 227r, B 235v, T 200r, L 323v, D 203v.

1126 F'X 219v, V 270v. H 227r, B 235v, T 200r. L 323v.

1127 R 139v, PX 21%. !k2 89r, V 27ûv. H 227r. B 23%. T 200r. L 323v, D 203~.

1128 COMbivNïO [Ps. 20: 41 Posuisti domine.

1129 [~NTROITVS Ps. 36: 391 Salus autem.

1130 G R A D V U [Ps. 78: 10, 21 Vindica domine.

1131 Aileluia. es. 144: lof.] Sancti tui domine.

1132 OFFERTOIUVM [Ps. 67: 31 Mirabilis deus.

1133 COMMVNIO [Jn. 15: 161 Ego uos elegi.


1134 [INTRO~TVS Ps. 5 1 : lof.] Ego autem per totum.

In die sancto

1135 [INTROITVS Ps. 138: 17J Michi autem. 1

1137 Alleluia. [Jn. 15: 161 Non uos me ele.

1138 OFFERTORNM [Ps. 1 8: in omnem terra..

1139 COMMVNIO Pt. 19: 291 Amen dico uobis.

1140 [ ~ O W S Ps. 36: 26, 281 Iustus non conturbabitur.

1141 GRADVALIS [Ps. 91: 13f.I 1usn.s ut palma.

1142 Aileluia. [Sir. 45: 141 Corona aurea.

1143 OFFERTORIVM p s . 20: 2f.l In uirtute tua.

1144 COMMVNIO p s , 20: 4f.I Posuisti domine.


1145 [INTROITVS Sir. 15: 51 In medio ecclesie.

1147 Alleluia. Iste est qui ante.

114s OFFERTORMM [Ps. 88: 251 Ventas mea.

1149 COMMVNIO mk- 12: 421 Fidelis s e m .


1150 [INTROITVS Ps. 20: 2f.I In uirtute tua.

1151 GRADVALIS [Ps. 20: 4f.l Domine preuenisti.

1152 Alleluia. Laus tibi christe.

1153 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 20: 4f.1 Posuisti domine.

1154 COMMVMO p s . 20: 61 Magna est gloria.

Si dominica die euenerit tunc alleluia 1155 Aeuia. Misso herodes spicdatore precepit amputari caput Iohannis baptiste '.

1146 194r, P % 21%. S 271r. V 270v, H 227r. B 235v. T 200r. L 323v, D 203v.

1147 194r. P 219~. S 271r. V 270v. H 227r. B 235~. T 2Wr, L 324r.

1148 C 194r. P 219~. S 271r. V 270~. H 227r. B 235v, T 200r. L 324r. D 203v.

1149 R 140r. C 194r. P 21%. S 271r. $2 89r. V 270~. H 227r, B 235~. T 200r. L 324r.

1150 c 194r. P 220r. S 271~. V 271r. H 227r. B =Sv, T 200r. L 324r. D 204r. 1151 C 194r. P 220r, S 271~. V 271r, H 227r. B 235v. T 200r. L 324r. D 204r.

1152 C 194r, P 220r. S 271v. V 271r, H 227r. B 235v. T 2Mr, L 324r.

1153 C 194r, P 220r, S 271~. V 271r, H 227r, B 23%. T 2Wr, L 324r, D 204r.

1154 C 194r. P 220r. S 271v. V 271r, H 227r. B 23%. T 2ûûr, L 324r. D 204r.

1155 G 179r. K 183v, C 194r. S 271v. V 271r. H 227r, B235v. T 200r. L324r. D 204r. ' G, Kadd: inarcare.


1156 [INTROITVS SU. 44: 15, 141 Sapienciam sanctorum.

1157 GRADVALIS [Ps. 78: 10, 21 Vindica domine.

1158 Aileluia. [Ps. 67: 41 Iusti epulentur.

1159 OFFERTO- Ps. 3 1 : 1 11 Letamini in domino.

1160 COMMvmo mt. 10: 271 Quod dico uobis in tenebris dici 1 te in lumine dicit dominus et quod 239r in aure auditis predicate super tecta,

1161 [INTROITVS Ps. 36: 30f., 11 Os iusti.

1162 GRADVALIS [Ps. 20: 4f.l Domine preuenisti.

1163 Alleluia. Iste sanctus digne.

1164 OFFERTOIUVM ps . 20: 4f .] Posuisti domine.

1165 COMMVNIO [Mt. 25: If.] Domine quinque.

1166 [INTRO~S Ps. 20: 2f.l In uirtute tua-

1167 GRADVALIS Ps. 20: 4f.I Domine preuenisti.

1168 Aileluia. ps. 63: 111 Letabitur iusnis,

1169 OFFERTORIVM m. 20: 3f.l Desiderium anime.

1170 COMMVN~O p s . 20: 61 Magna est gloria.


1172 GRADVALIS Ps. 44: 1 lf., 51 Audi filia et.

1173 OFFERTORLVM PS. 44: 101 Filie regum in ho.

1174 COMMVNIO [Ps . 44: 31 Diffusa est gracia.

1175 Aeuia. Natiuitas gloriose uirginis marie ex semine Abrahe orta de tribu Iuda clara ex stirpe da 1 uid. 23% (K xvii)

1176 [INTROITVS Ps. 8: 6-71 Gloria et honore.

1177 G R A D V ~ [Ps. 20: 4, 31 Posuisti domine.

1178 Alleluia. ps. 1 1 1 : If.] Beatus uir qui ti.

1179 OFFERTORIYM ps. 20: 4f .] Posuisti domine.

1180 COM~MVNIO m. 20: 61 Magna est gloria.


1181 [INTROITVS Wis 3: 81 Iudicant sancti gentes.

1182 GRADVALIS [Ps. 78: 10, 21 Vindica domine.

1183 Alleluia. es. 149: 5] Exultent iusti.

1185 COMMVNI~ kk. 12: 41 Dico autem uobis.


1186 Skut in Inuencione per totum.


1187 [ I N T R O ~ S Ps. 1 18: 75, 1201 Cognoui domine.

1188 GRADVALE [Ps. 44: 51 Specie tua et.

1190 COMMVNKO [Ps. 1 18: 16 1 f., 1 6 7 Principes persecuti sunt.

1191 Aeuia. In sareptam abiit licta' castri2 margia panem uite adiit rnundi abstinencia egris claudis prebuit sanitatis graciam caiigantem induit noua luce boherniarn.

1183 C 194v, P 221r, V 272r. H 228r, B 236v. T 201r. L 325v.

11û4 R 142r. C 194~. P =Ir, $2 91v. V 272r, B 228r, B 236v. T 20Lr. L 32%- D 205v.

1185 C 194v, P =Ir, V 272r, H 228r. B 236v. T 201r. L 325v, D 205v.

11û6 R 142v. C 194v. P 221r. S 272v, a 9Iv. V 272r. H 228r. B 236~. T 201r. L 325v. D 205v. R, S2 agree in the introit, the dleluia Dulce lignum and the offenory.

1187 194v. P 22lr. S 272v. V 272r, H 228r, B 236v. T 20Ir. L 325v.

1188 C 194v. P Z l r , S 272~. V 272r. H 228r, B 236v. T 201r, L 325, D 20%.

1189 C 194v. P 22lr. S 272v. V 272r, H î28r. B 236~. T 201r, L 3251. D 206r.

1190 C 194v, P 221r. S 272v, V 272r, H 228r, B 236v. T 20ir, L 3251, D 206r.

1191 C 194v. P221r. S 272v. V272r, H 228r, B 236~. T 201~. L325v. ' C: littus. 'P. V, H. L: castir.


1192 [ I N T R O ~ S Ps. 9 1 : 13f.l IUSNS ut palma.

1193 GRADVALls ps. 36: 26, 281 hstus non conturbabitur .

1194 Aileiuia. Iste est sanctus homo.

1195 OFFERTORAM [PL 20: 3f.l Desiderium anime.

1196 COMMVNIO [Ps. 20: 41 Posuisti domine.


1197 [INTROITVS Ps, 5 1 : lof.] Ego autem per forum.

In die sancfo

1198 [INTROITVS Ps. 138: 1 7 Michi autem.

1199 G R A D V ~ p s . 44: 17f.I Constitues eos prin.

1196 C 194~. P 221v, V 272v, H Z8v, B U7r, T 201v. L 326r, D 206r.

1197 R 143r. C 195r. P 221v. S 273r. &Z 92v. V 272~. H 228~. B U7r, T 2Olv. L 326r, D 206r. R, $2 agree, save for the cornmunio.

1198 C 195r, P 221v, S 273r. V 272v. H 228v, B 237r. T 2 0 1 ~ . L 326r, D 206r.

1199 C 195r, P Z l v , S 273r, V 2 7 2 ~ . H 228v. B U7r. T 2 0 1 ~ - L 326r. D 206r.

1200 C 195r, P 221v, S 273r. V 272v. H 228v. B 237r. T 201v, L 326r, D 206r.

1202 CO-0 [Mt. 19: 281 Vos qui secuti.


1203 [=oïi'W Ps. 33: 20f.l Miilte tribulaciones.

1205 Aileluia. p s . 1 17: 151 Vox exuitacionis.

1206 OFFEI(TOR~VM [Ps . 3 1 : 1 11 Letamini in domino.


1208 [ I N T R O ~ S Sir. 44: 15, 141 Sapienciam sanctorum.

1210 AiIeluia. Wec est uera fhternitas.


1213 [ m O I T V S Ps. 20: 2f.l In uirtute tua.

1214 GRADVALE Ps. 20: 4f.I Domine preuenisti.

1215 OFFERTOIUVM ps . 20: 41 Posusti domine.

1216 COMMYNIO [Ps. 20: 61 Magna est gIona.

Aeuia. Consolator miseronun palma hilgens uictorie nos ad regnum duc celorum wenceslae martir pie.


1218 [INTROITVS Ps. 102: 201 Benedicite domino' ornnes angeli eius potentes uirtutes2 240v (Kxviii) qui facitis uerbum eius ad audiendam uocem sermonum eius. [Ps. 102: 11 Benedic anima mea dominum3 et omnia que intra me sunt nornini sancro eius, Euouae.

1217 C 195r. P 221~. S 273r, V 273r, H 228v. B 237r, T 202r, L 326v.

1218 R 144r. G 180r, K 184~. C 195r. P 222r. S 273r, 52 93, V 273r, H 229r. B 237v. T 202r. L 327r. D 206r. ' R, 32: dominum. * R, P. b, V, H, L: uirtute, ' R, G. K. CS, P, S2. V, If. L, D: domino.

1219 GRADVALIS [Ps. 102: 2, 11 Benedicite domino' omnes angefi eius potentes uh tes ' qui 1 facitis 24 1 r uerburn eius. Benedic anima mea domino3 et omnia intenora mea nomen sanctum eius.

1220 Aeuia. Con 1 cussum est mare et contrernuit terra ubi archangelus michael descendebat 241v (K mk) de celo.

1221 OFFERTORIVM [Rev. 8: 3f.l Stetit angelus iuxta aram templi habens thunbuhm aureum in manu sua et data sunt ei incensa multa et ascendit fu 1 mus aromatum in conspectu dei aeuia. 242r

1222 COMMVNIO [Da. 3: 581 Benedicite omnes angeli domini domino' ympnum dicite et superexaltate eum in secufa.

1223 [INTROITVS Sir. 15: 51 In medio ecclesie. A xlr

1226 OFFERTORI~~.~ p s . 20: 3f.l Desiderium anime.

1227 CO-O Ps. 20: 41 Posuisti domine.

1219 R 144v. G 180r. K 18Sr. C 195~. P 222r, S 273v, 32 93v. V 273v. H 229v, B 237v. T 202v, L 327v. D 206v. ' R, h: dominum. ' R, G, K, P, 52, V, H, L: uirtute. 52: dominum.

1220 R 144v. G 180~. K 185v. C 195v, P 222v, S 2 7 4 ~ . 32 95r, V 274r. H WOr, B 238~ . T 203r. L 328r, D 207r.

U21 R 144v. G 181r, K 185~. C 196r, P 223v, S 27%. 52 9%. V 274~ . H 230r, B 2 3 8 ~ . T 203v. L 328v, D 207r.


1228 [ ~ O I T V S Ps. 13 1 : 161 Sacerdotes eius .

1229 GRADVALIS [Ps. 13 1: 16fJ Sacerdotes eius in.

1230 Alleluia. p s . 3 1 : 1 l] Letamini.

1232 COMMVMO [Jn 15: 161 Ego uos eiegi.

1233 [INTROITVS Sir. 15 : 41 In medio ecclesie. A xx

1235 Alleluia. Iste est qui ante.

1236 oFFERTORIVM 20: 3f.l Desideriun anime.

1237 COMMVN~O P t . 25: 20f.l Domine quinque talenta.


1238 [INTROITVS Ps. 13 1 : 9. 11 Sacerdotes dei.

1239 GRADVALIS p s . 88: 2 1-23] Inueni Dauid.

1240 Alleluia. Iste est qui ante deurn.

1241 OFFERTORIVM p s . 88: 251 Veritas mea.

1242 COMMVNIO [Mt. 24: 46f.l B e a u seruus.


1243 [INTRO~~~S Ps. 36: 391 SaIus autem iustonun.

1244 GRADVALIS @)S. 78: IO, 21 Vindica domine.

1245 AIleluia. p s . 1 17: 151 Vox exultacionis. l viii

1237 C 196~. P 223v. V 275v. H 231r. B 23%. T 204, L 32%. D 207v.

lZ38 P 223v. V 275v, H 231r, B 23%, T 2Mr, L 330r, D 207v.

L239 P 223v, V 275v, H 23Ir, B 239v. T 2Wr, L 330r. D 207v.

1240 P 223v, V 275~. H 231r. B 239v. T 204r. L 330r, D 207v.

lt41 P 223~. V 275v. H 23 lr, B 23%. T 2Mr. L 330r. D 207v.

1242 P 223~. V 2751. H 231r, B 239v. T 2Wr, L 330r, D 207v.

1243 C: 196v. P 223v, S 275v, V 27Sv, H 231r. B 23%. T 204r, L 330r, D 207v.

îî44 C 196~. P 223v. S 27%. V 27511, H 23 Ir, B 239v, T 204r. L 330r, D 207v.

1245 C 196~. P 223v. S 27Sv. V 275v, H 231r, B 239v. T 20Qr. L 330r.

1246 OFFERTo- [Ps. 67: 31 Mirabilis deus.

1247 COMMVNIO [Jn. 15: 161 Ego uos elegi.


1249 GRADVALIS m. 15: 1 1, 61 Gloriosus deus.

1250 Alleluia. pis . 5: 1 q Iusti autem.

1251 oFFERTOR~VM PS . 3 1 : 1 11 Letamini in.


1253 [INTROITVS Sir. 45: 301 Statuit ei dominus.

1254 G W V - [Ps. 109: 41 Iurauit dominus.

L M !96v, P 223v. S 275, V 2751, H 231r, B 2 3 9 ~ . T 2Mr. L 330r. D 2û7v.

1247 C 196v. P 223~. S 27Sv, V 275~. H 231r, B 23%. T 204r. L 330r.

1248 C 196v. P 223~. V 275v. H Ulr , B 23911, T 2Mr, L 330r. D 207v.

1249 C 196v. P 223~. V 275v. H UIr, B 239~. T 204r. L 330r, D 207v.

1250 C 196v, P 223v, V 275v, H 231r. B 239~. T 204r. L 330r.

U51 C 196~. P 223~. V 275v. H 23 Ir. B 23%. T 204r. L 330r. D 2û7v.

U52 C 196v, P 223~. V 27%. H 231r. B 23%. T 204r. L 330r.

1253 CS l96v, P 223v. V 275~. H 23 1 r, B 239v. T 204r. L 330r. D 2Wv.

1254 C 196v, P 223v. V 27%. H 231r. B 239~. T 204r. L 330r, D 2Wv.

1255 Alleluia. ps. 88: 2 11 hueni Dauid.

1258 [ I N T R O ~ S Ps. 91: 13fJ Iustus ut p h a .

1259 GRADVALIS [Ps. 20: 4f.l Domine preuenisti eum.

1260 Alleluia. ps . 9 1 : 131 Iustus ut palma.

1261 OFFElRTORIVM [Ps. 20: 41 Posuisti domine.

1262 C o r n o &k. 12: 421 Fidelis seruus.

1263 [INTROITVS Sir. 15 : 53 In medio ecclesie. A xx

1265 Alleluia. Iste est qui ante.

1266 O F F E R T O ~ [Ps. 20: 3f.I Desideriun anime. 1

1267 COMMVNIO p s . 88: 36-38] Semel iuraui.


1268 [ ~ O I T Y S ] Gaudeamus.

1269 GRADVALIS (Ex l5 : 1 1 , 61 Gloriosus deus.

1270 Alleluia. p s . 44: 151 Adducentur regi.

1271 OFFERTOIUVM ps, 44: 15- 161 Offerentur minus.

1272 COMMVNIO [Mt. 25: 4, 61 Quinque prudentes.


242v (Km)

1273 [INTROITVS Ps. 13 1 : 161 Sacerdotes eius.

1274 GRADV,+%IS [Su 50: 1, 44: 201 Ecce sacerdos ma.

1275 Alleluia. Iste sacerdos dig.

1276 OFFERTORIVM PS, 88: 21 f.] hueni Dauid.

1277 COMMVNIo [Mt. 24: 36f.I Beatus senius.

1278 [~NTROITVS Ps . 13 1 : 9f.l Sacerdotes tui domine.

1279 GRADVALE [Sir. 50: 1 , 44: 201 Ecce sacerdos.

1280 Alleluia. ps. 109: 41 Iurauit dominus.

1281 OFFERTORIVM p s . 88: 2 1fJ Inueni Dauid.

1282 COMMVNIO Nt. 24: 46f.l Beatus senius.

î275 P 224r. V 276r. H 23 lr. B 23%. T 204r. L 330r. This entry exists ody as an incipit. Perhaps it is the alleluia verse "Iste sanctus dignew from the common of confessors with one word changed.

U78 C 163v, P 224r. V 276r. H 23Ir, B 23%, T 204r, L 330r.

1279 C 164r. P 224r, V 276r, H 231r. B 23%, T 204r. L 330r.

î2û0 P 224r. V 276r, H 23 Lr, B 239~. T 2Wr. L 330r.

i2û1 C 164r. P 224r. V 276r. H 23 Ir, B 239v, T 2Wr, L 330r.

1283 [INTROLTVS Ps. 84: 91 LOquetur dominus. K iii

1284 GRADVALIS [Wk. 3 : 1-31 Iustonun anime.

1285 Alleluia. Ps . 3 1 : 1 1 j Letamini in domino.

1286 o-TORIVM Cps, 3 1 : 1 11 Letamini.


1288 [INTROITVS Ps. 78: 10- 121 Intret in conspectu.

1289 GRADVALS m. 78: 2, 101 Vindica domine.

1290 OFFERTORWM p s . 149: 5f.l Exultabunt sancti.

1291 COMMVMO wis 3: 1-3 J Iustorum anime.

In die sancto

1292 [ I N T R O m Ps. 138: 1 7 Michi autem.

1293 GRADVALIS ps . 138: 17f.I Nimis honorati.

1294 Meluia. [Acts 5: 121 Per manus autem.

1295 OFFERTORIVM p s , 18: 51 In omnem terram.

1296 COMMV~VIO [Mt. 19: 281 Vos qui secuti.


1297 [~NTROITVS Ps. 33: lof.] Timete dominwn.

1298 GRADVAW [Ps. 149: 5, 11 Exuitabunt sancti.

1299 O-TORIVM p s . 67: 31 Mirabilis deus.

1300 CO-O [Mt. 25: 40, 341 Amen dico uobis quod uni.

In die sancto

1303 -4lktuu. IR. 117 151 Vox exuhacionis. I v i i i

1305 cwnmwo [Ps. 32: l ] Gaudete iusti. I . r i r


1306 [~NTROITVS Ps. 33: 20f. ] Multe cribulaciones.

1307 CRADVALIS [Ps. 132: 1-31 Ecce quam bonum.

1308 AIIeluia- Iusti exultent.

1310 COMMVNIO p i s . 3: 4-61 Et si coram ho.

1301 R 147~. C 196v. P 224r. S 276r, 52 98v. V 276r. H 231v. B 239~. T 2Wr, L 330v. D 208r.

1302 R 147r, C 196~. P 224r. S 276r, 32 98v, V 276r. H 231v. B 23%. T 2Wr, L 330v. D 208r.

1303 C 196v. P 224~. S 276r. V 276r, H 23Lv, B 239~. T 2Mr, L 3 3 0 ~ . D 208r.

1304 C 196v. P 224r. S 276r. V 276r, H 231~. B 23%, T 204r, L 3 3 0 ~ . D 208r.

1305 C 196v. S 276r, V 276r. H 231v. B 23%, T 204r. L 3 3 0 ~ . D 208r.

1306 P 224r. V 276r. H 231~. T 2Mr. L 33ûv.

1307 P 224r. V 276r, H Z l v , T 2Mr. L 330v.

1308 P 224r, V 276r. H 23 lv. T 2Mr, L 330v.

1309 P 224r. V 276r. H Ulv , T 2Mr, L 33ûv.

1310 P 224r. V 276r. H Ulv , T 2Mr, L 330v.


1311 [INTROITVS Ps. 36: 30f.I Os iusti me.

1312 GRADVALIS ps. 20: 4f.l Domine preuenisti.

1313 Aileluia. p s . 20: 41 Posuisti domine.

1314 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 20: 3f.J Desiderium anime.

1315 COMMVNIO [Ps. 20: 61 Magna est gloria.


1316 [ ~ O I T V S Ps. 78: 10-121 Intret in conspectu.

1317 GRADVALIS [Ps. 78: IO, 21 Vindica domine.

1319 OFFE~RTORIVM Ips. 123: 7] Anima nostra.

Ov, D 208r.

1312 C 197r. P 224r. V 276r. H 231~. B 23%. T 204v. L 330v. D 208r.

1313 C 197r. P 224r. V 276r, H 231v. B 23%. T 204v. L 330v. D 208r. 1314 C 197r. P 224r.V 276r. H 231v, B 239v. T 204v. L 330v. D 208r.

1315 C 197r. P 224r. V 276r. H 231v. B 23%. T 204v. L 330~. D 208r.

1316 R 147v. P 224r. b 99v. V 276r. H 23 lv, B 23%. T 2041. L 330~. D 208r.

1317 R 147v. P 224r. 99v, V 276r. H 231~. B 23%. T 204v, L 330~. D 208r.

1318 P 224r. V 276r. H 231~. B 2 3 9 ~ . T 204v. L 330v.

1319 R 147v, P 224r. 99v. V 276r. H 23 IV, B 23%. T 204v, L 33011, D 208r.

1320 R 147v, P 224r. 32 9%. V 276r. H 231~. B 23%. T 204~. L 330v, D 208r.

COMMYNIO [Ps. 78: 2, 1 11 Posuerunt mortdia.

1321 [INTROITVS Ps. 20: 2, 31 In uirtute tua.

1322 GWVALIS p s . 20: 4f.J Domine preuenisti.

1323 Alleluia. [Ps- 63: 1 11 Letabitur iustus.

1324 OFFERTo- fPs. 8: 6f.l Gloria et honore.

1325 COMMVNIO p s . 20: 41 Posuisti domine.



1327 [INTROITVS Sir. 45: 301 Statuit ei dominus.

1328 GRADVAL~S [Ps. 88: 21-23] hueni dauid.

1329 O ~ T O ~ [Ps. 88: 251 Veritas mea.

1330 Co-0 Mt. 25: 2M.l Domine @que talenta.

1331 Aeuia. MarZinus e 1 piscopus migrauit a seculo uiuit in cristo gemma sacerdonim.

1332 [ I N T R O ~ S Ps. 33: 20f.l Multe m'buiaciones.

1333 G R A D V U [Ps. 132: 1-31 Ecce quam bonum.

1334 AUeluia. Hec est uera.

1335 O ~ T O R X V M [Ps. 5 : 12f.l Gloriabuntw.


1337 [~NTROITVS Sir. 45: 301 Statuit ei do.

1338 G k ~ v m [Sir. 50: 1, 44: 201 Ecce sacerdos.

1339 Aileluia- [Ps, 109: 41 Iurauit do.

1340 OFFERTORIVM p s . 88: 211 hueni Dauid.

1342 [ m o m s Ps. 36: 30f.J Os iusti.

1343 GRADVALE Ps. 36: 30f.l Os iusti.

1344 Mieluia. Iste sanctus digne.

1345 OFFERTORIVM p s . 20: 4f. J Posuisti do.

1346 COMMVNIO bk. 12: 421 Fidelis seruus.

1347 [ ~ ~ O I T V S Ps. 44: 81 DiIexisti iusti.

1348 GRADVALE Ps. 44: 11-12, 5] Audi Nia.

1349 Aileluia. fps. 44: 141 Omnis gloria.

1350 OFF'ERTORNM p s . 44: 101 Fiie re.

1351 COMMviurO [Mt. 13: 45fJ Simile est regnum.


1352 [INTROITVS] Gaudeamus .

1354 Meluia. Felix namque.

1355 OFFERTOIUVM Ps. 44: 151 Offerentur minus.

1356 COMMVNfO Beata uiscera.

1357 [ I N T R O ~ S Ps. 1 18: 46f.I Loquebar de.

US8 GRADVALIS [Ps. 44: 11-12, Audi Nia.

1360 OFFERTORIVM ps. 44: 151 offerenlm mim.


1362 [~MRoms Is. 59: 21, 56: 7J Dicit dominus sermones meos quos dedi in os tuum non deficient de ore tuo adest enim nomen tuum et 1 muera tua accepta erunt super altare meuml. 243v (2) [Ps. 1 1 1 : 11 2Miserïcordias domini in etemum ' cantabo. Euouae.

1363 <;RADVALIS [Ps. 109: 4, 11 Iurauit dominus.

1364 Alleluia. Iste est sanctus homo.

1365 OFFERTORIVM [fs. 88: 251 Veritas mea.

U62 R 148v. G 1 aLr, K 186v, P 22% S276v. b IOOr, V 277~ H 232r. B 2&, T 20%. L 33 1 v, D 208v. ' R. a: meo. * R. use PS. 111: 1.

1366 CO-0 [Ps. 24: 46f.I Beatus seruus.

1367 [ ] [ N T R O ~ S Ps. 36: 24,281 Iustus non contuhabinir.

1368 GRADVALIS [Ps . 8: 6-73 Gloria et honore.

1370 OFFERTORIVM p s . 20: 3f.l Desiderium anime.

1371 COMMVNIO [Ps. 20: 41 Posuisti domine.

1373 GRADVALIS [PS. 44: 51 Specie tua.

1375 COMMVNIO [Ps. 118: l6lf., 167 Principes.

1376 Aeuia. Qui creauit omnia celum terramque maria uocauit ad celeslia katherinam cum gloria. 1 1


1378 GRADVALIS E x . 15: 1 1, 6J Gioriosus deus.

1379 OFFERTOM m. 3 1 : 1 11 Letamini in domino.

1380 C O wis. 3: 1-31 Iustorum anime.

1381 Vel COMMJMO p s . 1 17 : 1 S] Vox exdtacionis.

1382 Aeuia. Letehir in domino mater ecclesia que tempore concilii in ' Constancia parturiens per ignem Iohamern h d cum Ieronimo transmisit' ad celestia. 1

1383 [TITULUS Jn. 6: 56 f.] Caro meus uere est cibus et sanguis meus uere est potus. 24% Qui manducat meam camem et bibet meum sanguinem in me manet et ego in eo.

Iohannes. 1

U75 P 226r. S 277r. V 278r, H 232~. B 240v, T 205r. L 332r, D 209r.

U76 G 182v, K 18%. P 22691, S 27%. V 277~. H 232v, B 241r. T 205r. L 332r, D 2û9r.

1377 L 314v. D 19111.

1378 T 194r, L 314v.

1379 T 1 Wv, L 315r.

1380 T 194v.


W32 T 194r, L 314v, D 191v. ' T, L add: M; D: cristi. T, L. D omit, T: transsumpsit


1384 [POEMA] En proprium uatem diuisa boemia sacris

Edidit in latios concita terra uiros Ordinis antiqui non nescius @se superbum

Dixit poatifiem maxima r o m tuum Diuicias luxum cristi non esse ministri

Sed neque cesareun uertice ferre decus. Monius optauit meliorem reddere clerum

Uinceret ut priscum reliïgione Numam Uerba mouent animos romannque curia seuit

Et uatem flammifi gens male sancta tradit inmeritam uatis uidit constancia mortem

Quod pia mens celos ingennimque petit.

In Ioannem hus Exodion. 1


1385 ~NTRO~TVS [Ps. 5 1 : lof.] Ego autem sicut olyua fructificaui in domo domini speraui in misencordia dei mei et expectabo nomen tuum quoniam bonum est ante conspectum sanctorum tuorum. [Ps. 5 1 : 21 Quid gloriaris in xnaiicia qui potens es i[n]' hiquitate. Euouae.

1386 GRDVAIJS [Ps. 9 1 : 13. 31 Iu 1 stus ut palma florebit sicut cedm libani multiplicabinir in 246v domo domini. Ad anunctiandum mane misericordiam tuam et ueritatem tuam 1 per noctem. 247r

1387 OFFERTORXVM [Ps. 8: 6-71 Gloria et honore coronasti eum et constituisti eum super opera manuum niarum domine.

1388 CO-O p s . 20: 61 Magna est gloria eius in salutari tuo gloriam et magnum decorem impones super eum domine. 1

In die sancto 247v

1389 [INTROITVS Ps. 138: 17J Michi autem nimis honorati sunt amici tui deus nimis confortatus est principatus eorum. [Ps. 138: If.] Domine probasti me et cognouisti w ni cognowsti sessionem meam ', Euouae.

1390 GR AD VA^ Ps. 18: 5,2] In omnem terram exiuit sonus eonim et 1 in fiws orbis terre uerba 248r eorum. Celi enarrant gloriam dei et opera manuum eius anunctiat firmamentun.

1391 GRADVAUS ps. 44: 17-18] Constitues eos principes super ornueml t e m memores e m t 248v nominis tui domine. Pro paaibus niis nati suat tiii filii propterea populi confitcbunnir tiii.

139î G ~ V - Ps. 138 : 17f.l Nimis honorati sunt amici tui deus nimis confor 1 tatus est principatus m m . Dinumerabo eos et super arenam multiplicabuntur.

1393 Aeuia. [Jn. 15: 161 Non uos me elegistis sed ego uos ( elegi et posui uos ut eatis et fnictum 24% afferatis et fructus uester rnaneat.

1394 Aeuia. [Ps. 18: 51 In omnem terram exiuit sonus eonun et 1 in fmes orbis terre uerba eonim. 250r

1395 Aeuia. [Acts 5: 121 Per manus autem apostolorum fiebant signa et prodigia rnulta' in plebe.

1396 Aeuia. [Ps. 138: 1 7 Nimis honorati sunt arnici tui del us nimis confortatu est principatus 250v eonim.

1397 Aeuia. [Eph. 2: 191 Iam non esds hospites et aduene sed estk ciues sanctorum et domestici dei.

1389 R 15Or. G 184r. K 188v. P 227r. S 27%. h 121r. H 234v. B -42~. T 207r, L 33%. ' R, $2 add: et tesu~eectioucm meam.

U90 R 15 lr. G 184r. K 189r, P 227v. S 27%. !b 123r. V P279r. H 234v. B 243r. T 207r. L 33511.

U91 R ISlr, G 184~. K 18%. P 22ûr, S 280r, k2 121v. V 27%. H 235r, B 243~. T 207~. L 336r.

1392 R 15lr, G 185r. K 189v. P 228v. S 280v. b 122v. V 280r. H 235v, B 243~. T 208r. L 337r.

W!B G ISJr, K 190r. P 229r. S 281r. V 280~. H 236r. B 244r, T 208~. L 337~. D 217v.

1394 G 185v. K 190~. P 22%. S 281v. V 281r. H 236r. B 244v, T 2û8r, L 338r, D 217v.

W95 G 186r. K 191r. P 22%. S 282r. V 28Lr. H 236v. B 245r. T 209r. L 338v. D 218r. ' D: magna

13% R 151r. G 186r. K 191r. P 22%. S 282r, !k! 1%~. V 281v. H 237r. B 245r, T 209r. L 33%. D 218r.

U97 G 186~. K 19 lv, C 198r. f 230r. S 282v, V 282r. H 237r. B 245~. T 2û9v. L 33%.

1398 Aeuia. 1 [Ps. 18: 21 Ceii e n a m gloria. dei et opera manuum eius anuncciat finnamenami. 25 1r

1399 Aeuia. h u s ad syon dicet ecce assum et Ihenisalem ewangelistam dabo.

1400 Aeuia. 1 Dorsa eorum plena sunt oculis et scintiile et' lampades in medio discurrentes. 251v

1401 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 138: 171 Michi autem nimis honorificati sunt amici tui deus nunis confortatus est principatus eonim.

1402 OFFERTOEUVM m. 44: 17f.]Comti 1 aies eos principes super omnem terram memores e m t 252r nominis tui in omni progenie et generacione.

1403 OFFERTORIVM ps. 18: 51 In omnern terram exiuit sonus e o m et in fines orbis terre uerba eonim.

1404 CûMMVMo Mt. 19: 291 Amen dico uo 1 bis quod uos qui reliquistis omnia et secuti estis me 252v centuplum accipietis et uitam etemam possidebitis .

1405 CoMMVMo Mt. 19: 281 Vos qui secuti estis me sedebitis super sedes iudicantes duodecim mbus IsraheI dicit ' dominus'.


1406 [iEJTROWS Sir. 44: 15. 141 Sapienciam sanctorum nanantl populi et laudem2 eorum nuocciat' ecclesia nomi 1 na autem eorum uiuunr' in secuium seculi. 253r

- - - - -

ni8 G 190v, C 198r, P 230r, S 282v, H 237v. B 245v. T 209v.

U99 CS 198r. P 230~. S 283r, H 237v, B 246r, T 21Or. L 340r.

14ûû K 191~. C 198v, P 23ûv. S 283v, H 238r, B 246v, T 21&, L 34ûr, D 218v. ' K, C, P. H. 3, L. D: ac.

1401 R 151~. G 186v, K 192r, P 231r. S 283v. &2 126r. V 282r, H 238r, B 246v. T 210v, L 341r.

1402 R 151v, G lalr, K 192v, P 231r. S 284r, b 126r. V 2û2v. H 238v. B 247r. T 21b, t 341v.

14û3 R 151v. G 187r, K 192r. P Ulv, S 2Mv, & 126v. V 282v, H 23&, B 247r, T 211r, L 34ûv.

14WR lSlv, G lalv, K 192~. P231v, S W v , b 127v, V283r, H239r, B247v. T2llr, L341v.

1405 R 152r, G lalr, K 192v. P 232r. S 284v, b 127v. V 283r. H 239r. B 247v. T 21 lv, L 342r. R, !k! omit,

1406 R 155r, G 1Wr. K 200r. P U2r, S 285r. &2 1&, V 283~. H 239r, B 247~. T 211v, L 342v. ' R, $2 use the subjunctive. * R: laudes. Ft, G, K. P. h, H: uiuent.

[Ps. 32: 11 Exultate b t i in domino rectos decet coiiaudacio, Euouae.

1407 [INTROWS Ps. 78: 1û-121 ïntret in conspectu tuo d o m . gemitus compeditonun redde uicinis nosais septuplum in synu eorum uindica sangwinem sanctorum tuonmi qui effbsus est. [Ps. 78: 11 Deus uenenint gentes in 1 hereditatem tuam polluerunt templum sanctum tuum,' 253v Euouae.

1408 [INTROITVS Ps. 33: 181 Clamauerunt iusti et dominus exaudiuit eos et ex orm~l'bus trr'bulacionibus e o m Iiberauit eos aeuiaL . p s . 33: 21 Benedicam domino2 in omni tempore semper laus eius in ore meo. Euouae.

1409 [ I N T R O ~ S Ps. 32: 18-20] Ecce oculi domini super timentes euml sperantes in misericordiam' 254r eius aeuia ut eripiat a morte animas eonim quoniam adiutor et protector noste? est aeuia aeuia. [Ps. 32: 11 Exultate iusti in domhm rectos decet collaudacio3, Euouae.

1410 [ r r (nao~s Ps. 36: 391 Salus autem ius tom a domino et protector eorum est in tempore tniuiacio 1 nis. 254v [Ps. 36: 11 Noli emulari in dignantibus neque zelaueris facientes iniquitatem, Euouae.

1411 [~NTROITVS Ps. 33: 20f.l Multe triiulaciones iu s tom et de hiis omnibus liberauit eos dominus dominus custodit omnia ossa eorum unum ex hiis non conteretur. [Ps. 33 : 21 Benedicam domino' in omni tempore semper laus eius in ore meo, Euouae. 1

1412 [INTROITVS Wis 3: 81 Iudicant sancti gentes et dominantur populis regnabit dominus deus 25% illorum in perpetuum. p s . 32: 1) Exultate iusti in domino rectos decet collaudacio, Euouae.

1407 R 155r, G 193r. K 199v, P U2r, S 285v, h 140r, V 283v, H Uhr, B 248r, T 211v, L 343r. ' ~ , & 2 add: posuenint ienisalem in pomorum custodiam.

1408 R 155. G 193v. K 199v. P 232v, S 28Sv. 141v, V 284r, H 2AOr. B 248v, T 212r, L 343v. ' R, G, K omit. ' R, b: dominum.

1413 [INTROITVS Ps. 33: IOf.] Timete dom- omnes sancti e h quoniam nichil deest t h e m i u s eum diuites eguenint et esurierunt inquirentes auteml dominum non deficient omni bono. 255 ps . 33: 21 Benedicam domino' in omni tempore semper Iaus eius in ore meo, Euouae.

1414 [ G B A ~ V ~ Ex 15: 11, 6] Gloriosus deus in sanctis ' rnirabilis in maiestate faciens prodigia. Dex 1 tera tua domine glorificata est in uirnite dextera manus tua confregit inirnicimi. 256r

1415 G M V A W S p s . 33: 18 f.] Clarnauem iuti et dominus exaudiuit eos et ex omui 1 bus 256v tribulaciornibus eorum l'berauit eos. luxta est dominus hüs qui t r i i t o sunt corde et humiles spiritu salua 1 bitf. 257r

1416 [GRADVALIS Pss. 149: 5; 95: 11 Exultabunt sancti in gloria letabumur in cubiii'bus suis. Cantate domino canticum nouum Iaus eius in ecciesia sanctorum. 1

1417 GRADVALIS WB. 3: 1 f.] Iustorum anime in manu dei sunt et non tanget illos tomenmm 25% malicie. Visi sunt ocuiis insipienciun mori Ni autem sunt in Pace.

1418 [GRADVALIS Ps. 78: 10, 21 Vindica domine 1 sanguinem sanctorum tuonun qui effusus est. 258r Posuerunt mortdia seruorum tuorum estus' uoiatilibus celi cames sanctorum tuonun bestiis terre.

1419 GRADVALIS 1 [Ps. 33 : lof.] Timete dorninum ornes sancti eius quoniam nichil deest 258v tirnemius eurn. inquirentes autern dominun non deficient omni bono.

1420 GRADVALIS p s . 132: 1-31 Ecce quam) bonum et quam iocundum habitare fratres in unum. 259r Sicut ungennim in capite quod descendit in barbam barbam aaron.' Mandauit dorninus benedictionem et ui 1 tam usque in secdum. 25%

1414 R 156v, G 195v, K 202r. P 235r, S 28% h 144r, V 286v, H 242r. B 250r. T 214r, L 346v. ' R: ad& 'suis'.

1420 R 153, P 237v. S 292r, fS2 147r. V 290r. H 24%. B 253~. T 216v. L 351r. ' R, &2 ends btre.

1421 Aeuia. [Ps. 67: 41 Iusti epulenhu et exultent in conspectu dei ' delectenhir in leticia.

1422 Aeuia. [Sir. 44: 141 Corpora sa1 nctonim in Pace sepulta sunt et uiuunt' nomina2 e o m 2 in 260r secuia3.

1423 Aeuia. Iusti exultent in ethere c m domino sol illis uitra non obscurabitur.

1424 A 1 euh. [Wis . 5 : 161 Iusti autem in perpetuum uiuunt' et aput dominwn est merces eorum. 260v

1425 Aeuia. [Ps. 67: 36) Mirabilis dominus noster in sanctis suis.

1426 Aeuia. p s . 32: 11 Gaude 1 te iusti in domino rectos decet collaudacio.

1427 Aeuia. ps. 3 1: 111 Letamini in domino et exultate iusti et gloriamini ornes recti corde.

1428 Aeuia. 1 pis. 3: 81 Iudicantl sancti naciones et dominanturl populis et regnabit illorum 261v rex in eternum.

1429 Aeuia. Hec est uera fraternitas que uicit' mundi cri 1 mina christun secuta inclita tenet) regna celestia.

1421 R IS7r, G 198~. K 205~. C 198v, P 238r, S 292v, k2 152r, V 290v, H 245v. B 254r. T 217r, L 352r, D 218v. ' R ad& "et".

1422 R 157r. G 200r. K îû7r. C 19%, P 238r. S 293r, & 152v. V 291r, H 246r. B 254r. T 217~. L 352v. ' R. &: uiuent. fi: precedes "uiuent". R replaces with, 'generatione et generationem".

1424 G 199v. K206v, C f%, P 238~. S 293v, V291v, H M r , B 254~. T218r. L353v. ' G, K, C. P, V, H, L: uiuent.

142û R 157r, G 198v. K 205~. C 200r, P 23%. S 294v. b 155r, V 292v. H 247r, B 255v, T 219r, L 35%. ' R uses the fiihue tense.

1429 R 157r, G 2ûûr, K 20%. C 20v. P 23%. S 2 % ~ . b 154v, V 293r, H 247v, B 256r. T 219r, L 355r. D 21%. ' R. D: uincit. D ad&: est. R, a: teneas.

1431 oFFERTORIVM (Ps. 5: 12f.l Gloriabuntur 1 in te omms qui diligunt nomen tuum quoniam 262v tu domine benedicisl iu& domine ut scuto bone uoiuntatis tue coronasti eo?.

1432 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 67: 31 Mirabilis deus in sanctis suis deus ysrahel ipse dabit uirtutem et fortitudinem 1 piebis' sue benedictus deus aeuia. 263r

1433 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 149: 5f.J Exultabuni sancti in gloria Ietabuntur in cubilibus suis exultaciones dei in faucibus eorum.

1434 .

Of?FERToRIvM [Ps. 3 1 : 1 11 Letamini in domino et 1 exultate iusti et gloriamini omnes recti 263v corde.

1435 COMMVNIO m. 6: 17-19] Multitude langwenciimi et qui uexabantur a spintibus immundis ueniebant ad eum quia uirtus de ilIo exiiat et sanabat ornnes.

1436 coilrnniino wis. 3: 1-31 Iustonim anime in mal nu dei sunt et non tanget illos tormentum 264r d i c i e uisi sunt oculis insipiencium mon ilii autem sunt in Pace aeuia' .

1437 COMMVNIO p s . 78: 2, 1 11 Posuerunt mortaiia seruonim tuorum domine escas uolatiiibus celi carnes sanctorum tuorum bestiis terre secundum magnitudinem bra 1 chii tui posside füios moni 264v punitorum.

1431 R 158~. G 201r, K 208r. P 2&, S 2%. b 158v, V 2Wr. H 248r, B 256v. T 219~. L 356r. ' R, a: bcnedices. R, 32: iustos; G, K: h o . R: nos.

1432 R 158~. G U)(hr. K 2Mv. P 2&, S 296r. & 157v, V 294r. H 248v, B 257r. T 220r. L 356v. ' R, G. K: plebi.

1433 R I58v. G 200~. K 208r. P 241r. S 2%~. t58r, V 294~. H 249r. B 257r. T 220r. L 357r.

1434 R 158~. G 200r, K W v , P 24lr, S 296v, fi 159~. V 29%. H 24%. B 257v. T 22ûv, L 357v.

1435 R 158v. G 2û lr. K 208v, P 24 lv. S 297r, lShr, V 2%r, H 249~. B 257~. T 220~. L 358r.

1436 R 158v, G 201v. K 208v. P 241v, S 297v. k2 16ûr. V 295~ . H 249~ - B 258r. T 221r. L358r. ' R omits.

1437 R 158~. G 201v. K 208~. P 242r. S 297v, !b 161r, V 295v, H 24%, B 258r. T 221r. L 358v.

l43û R 158v, G m , K209r. P242r. S 298r. 161v. V2%r. BWh. B258v. T221v, L359r. ' Radds "dominus'. R, &: quasi.

CO-O [Wis 3: dd] Et si coram hominiius tomenta passi sunt deus temptauit eos tanquam a m in fomace probauit eos ' et s i c d holocausta accepit eos.

1439 ~OMMVNIO m. 16: 17f.I Signa eos qui in me credem hec Seqzlentur demonia escient super e 1 gros manus imponent et bene habebunt. 26%

1440 COMMvMo [Jn. 15: 161 Ego uos elegi de mundo ut eatis et fkuctum afferatis et frucnis uester maneat.

1441 COMMVNIO IMf. 25: QO, 34'1 Amen dico uobis quod uni ex minimis meis fecistis michi fecistis uenite benedicti patris mei possidete preparattm uobk regnum ab inicio secdi. 1

1442 [COMMVNIO Ps. 123: 7] Anima nostra sicut passer errepta est de laque0 uenancium. 265v

1443 INTROXTVS m. 20: 2-31 in uirtute tua domine letabitur iustu et super salutare tuwn exultabit uehementer desiderium anime eius tribuisti ei. [Ps. 20: 6'1 Magna est gloria eius in salutari tuo gloriam et magnum1 decorem bnpones super 266r eum, Euouae.

1444 [INTRO~VS Ps. 63: 111 Letabitur iusnis in domino et sperabit in eo et laudabunnir ornes recti corde. Ps. 63: 2) Exaudi deus oracionem meam cum deprecor a thore inimici er@e anmiam meam, Euouae.

1445 [~[NTROITVS Ps. 91 : 13f.l IUSU ut palma florebit sicut cedm libani multiplica 1 bittu plantanis 266v in domo domini in atriis domo1 dei nostri. [Ps. 92: 21 Bonum est confiteri domino et psallere nomini tuo altissime, Euouae.

- - - -

1439 R IS8v. G 202~. K 2Wv. P 242~. S 298v. & 162r. V 296v. H 250~ . B 258v. T 22111. L 35%.

1440 R (151~). G 201v, K 2û8v. P 242v. S 298v. (127r). V 2%~. H 2%. B 258~. T 221~. L 35%.

1441 R (21v). G 2(nr, K 209r, P 242~. S 298v. S1 (62v). V 2%~. H 250~. B 259r. T 222r. L 36&.

1442 R 158v. G 202v, K 2û9v. P 243r. S 299r. h 162r. V 297r. H 251~. B 2S9r. T 222, L 360v.

1443 R 153v. G 187~. K 193r. P 243r. S 29%. &2 128r. V 2Wr. H 251r. B 259r. T 222r. L 3601. ' R, use instead verse 4.

1444 R 153v. G 188r. K 193r. P 243v. S 2 9 9 ~ . h 128~. V 2Wv. H 251~. B 25%, T 222v. L 361r.

1445 G 188r. K 193v, P 243v, S 300r. (154~). V 298r. H 25 IV, B 26ûr. T 222v. L 361 v. ' G. K. V: domus.

1446 [IlrfTRoïi~s Ps. 8: 6f.l Gloria et honore wronasti eum et CO nstituisti eum super opera manuum tuanim. [Ps. 8: 101 Domine dominus noster quam admirabile est nomen anmi in uniuer 1 sa tena. 267r Euouae.

1447 [IPJTROITVS 36: 26, 281 Iustus non conhirbabitur quia dominus h n a t rnanum e b tota die miseretur et comodat et semen eius in benediccione erit ' in etemum conseruabitd. [Ps. 36: 11 Noli emulari in malignantiius neque zelaueris facientes iniquitatem, Euouae.

1448 GRADVALIS Ps. 20: 2f.l Posuisti 1 domine super caput e h coronam de lapide precioso. 267v Desideriun anime e h trïibuisti ei et uoluntate iabionim eius non frauda 1 sti eum. 268r

1449 ps. 11 1: If.] Beatus uir qui tunet dominum in mandltis eius cupit nimis. Potens in terra

ent semen eius generacio recto- benedicetur. 1

1450 GRADVALIS [Ps. 36: 26, 283 Iustus non connubabitur quia dominus firmat manum eius. 268v vs Tota die miserehir' et comodat et semen eius in benedictione erit.

1451 G W V A L I S [Ps. 20: 4f.l Domine preuenisti eum in benedictionibus dul( cedinis posuisti 269r in capite e h coronam de lapide precioso. Vitam peciit et t r i i s t i ei longitudinem diemm in seculum seculi.

1452 GRADVALIS [Ps. 8: 6f.. 21 Gloria et honore CO 1 ronastï eum 'et constiniisti e u . super opera 269v manuum tuiwum2. Quoniam eleuata est magnifcencia tua super celos.

1453 Aeuia. lste est 1 ' qui ante deum magnas uirnrtes operatus est et omnis terra docaioa eius repleta est.

1447 R 135v, G 188~. K 193v. P 244r, S 3ûûv, h 129r. V298v, H 252~ . B 260~. T 22%. L 362v. ' Badds 'et". ' b: canservabw.

1- R I S r , G 190v, K 1 % ~ . P 246r. S 303r, h 129v, V 301r, H 254v, B 262v, T 22%. L 366r. ' R: Vs. begins here. ' R adds "domine* and tficn en&.

1454 Aeuia. [Sir. 45: 41 Corona aura super caput eius expressa signo san 1 ctitatis glone honoris'. 27011

1455 Aeuia. e s . 91: 131 Iustus ut palma florebit et sicut cedrus mdtiphcabitur.

1456 Aeuia. 1 [Ps. 11 1: 11 h a i s uir qui timet domimim in mandatis e h cupit nimis.

1457 Aeuia. [Ps. 63: 111 Leîabitur iustus in domino et sperabit in eo et Iaudabuntur 1 omnw omnes recti corde.

1458 Aeuia. [Ps. 20: 41 Posuisti domine super caput eius coronam de lapide precioso.

1459 OFFERTORIVM [B. 20: 2f.l In &te tua domine Ietabitur iustus et super dutare nium exul( tabit uehementer desiderium anime eius tribuisti ei. 272r

1460 O ~ T O R I V M [ps. 20: 4f.l Posuisti domine in capite eius coronam de lapide precioso uitam peciit a te ' tribuisti ei.

1461 OFFERTOVM [Ps. 20: 3f.I Desidcrium anime eius tri 1 buisti ei domine et uoluntate 272v Iabionim eius non fraudasti eum posuisti in capite eius coronam de lapide precioso.

1462 OFlFERTOIYM p s . 8: 6f.l Gloria et honore ut supra de apostolii.

1463 COMMVNIO N t . 16: 241 Qui wlt uenire post me abneget semetipsum et tollat crucem suam et sequatur

1454 G 191r. K 1 Wr, C 201r, P 246r, S 304r, V mr, H 25Sr. B 263v, T 226r, L 367r. ' G, K: eius. 1455 R 154v. G 191v, K 197v, c 201v, P 246r, S W v , a 128r, V mv, H 25Sv, B 263v. T 226r, L 367v, D W.

1456 R 154r. G 191v, K 197v, C 201v, P 247v, S 304v, 132r, V MZv. H 256r. B 264r, T 226v, L 368r, D 220v.

1457 R 154r, G 191r, K 197r, C 201v, P 247v. S 305r, 133v. V 303r. H 256r. B 264r, T 226v, L 368v. D m. 1458 R 154r, v, G 192r. K 198r, C mr, P î48r. S UHV, %! 132v, V 303v, H 256v, B 264v, T 227r, L 369r. D 220v.

1459 R 154r, G 192r, K 198v, P 248r, S 305. b 134v, V 303v, H 256~. B 26Sr. T 227r, L 36%. 1460 R 154r, G 192~~ K 199r, P 248v, S Jar, 13Sv, V W r , H %7r, B 26Sr, T 227v, L 36%. ' R ad& 'et".

1461 R 154r, G 192~. K 198v, P 248v, S 306v, &2 135r. V Wr, H 257r, B 265v, T 227v, L 370r.

1462 R 154r. G 193r. K 199r, P 249r, S 306v, h 134~. V 304v, H 257v, B 265~. T 228r, L 370v. 1463 R 154~ G 193r, K I99r, P 249r, S 306v, !h 136r. V 304v, H 2!Vv, 0 26Sv, T 228r. L 370v.


1464 COMMVNTO [Jn. 12: 261 Qui michi ministrat me sequatu et ubi e (go surn iiiic et minister 273r meus ent.

1465 COMMVMO [Ps. 20: 41 Posuisti domine in1 capite eius coronam de lapide precioso.

1466 m T ï t O m S [Sir. 45: 301 Statuit ei dominus testamentun pack et principem fecit eum ut sit illi sacerdocii dignitas in etemum. [Ps. 88: 201 'Misericor 1 dias domini in eternum ra~ltabo, Euouae. 273v

1467 [INTROITVS Ps. 36: 30f.l Os iusti meditabiair sapienciam et Lingwa e b loquetu iudicium lex dei eius in corde ipsius. [Ps. 36: 11 Noli emuiari in malignanîibus neque zelaueris facientes iniquitatem, Euouae.

1468 [INTROITVS Ps. 131: 161 Sacerdotes eius induant salutare et sancti eius exultacione ex 1 ultabunt. p s . 13 1 : 11 Memento domine dauid et omnis ma[n]suetudinis eius, Euouae.

1469 [INTRO~TVS Ps. 13 1: 9f.I Sacerdotes tui domine induant iusticiam et sancti tui exultent propter dauid s e m tuum non auertas faciem christi tui. [Ps. 13 1 : 11 Memento domine dauid et omnis mansuetudinis eius, E 1 uouae. 274v

1470 [ I N T R O ~ S Dan. 3: 84. 87. 57l Sacerdotes dei benedicite domino' sancti et humiles corde laudate eum2.

1465 R 153v, 154r, G 193r, K 199r, P 24W, S 303r, 52 136v. V 30%. H 258r, B 266r. T 228r, L 371r. ' R: super.

1466 R 158v, G 203v, K 210v. P 249v, S 307r, 163r. V 305r. H Z8r, B 266r. T 228r, L 371r. ' R, a: use Ps. 131: 1.

1470 R 158v. G 2 0 3 ~ . K 21Or, P 250~ . S 3 0 8 ~ ~ 52 164r, V 306v. H 25%. B 267r. T 229v, L 373r. ' R: dominum. ' R, G, K. a: deum

[Dan 3: 5 7 Benedicite omnia opera domini domino laudate et superexaltate eum in secula. Euouae.

1471 GRADVAL~S [Sir. 50: 1 ; 44: 201 Ecce sacerdos mapus qui in diebus suis pîacuit dm. Non est 1 inuennis similis Ni qui consemet Iegem excelsi. 275r

1472 CRADVM p s . 109: 4, 11 Iurauit dominus et non penitebit eum tu es sacerdos in etenium secundum ordinem melchisedech. 1 DVUt domious domino meo sede a dextris meis. 275v

1473 GRADVAL~S ps . 88: 21-23] Inueni dauid seruum meum in' oleo sanno unxi eum manus enim mea auxüiabi(air ei et brachnim meum confortauie eum. Nichil proficiet W c u s in eo 276r et filius iniquitatis non nocebit e d .

1474 GRADVALIS [Ps. 36 : 30 f.] Os iu 1 sti rneditabitur sapienciam et iingwa eius ioquenir 276v iudicium. Lex dei eius in corde ipsius et non subplantabuntur gressus eius.

1475 GRADVALlS [Ps. 13 1 : 16 f.] Sacerdotes eius induant 1 salutare' et sancti eius exultacione 277r exultabunt. Illuc producam cornu dauid paraui luceniam christ0 meo.

1476 Aeuia. 1 Iste est sanctus homo qui placuit domino deo in diebus suis et in templo dei ceu' sol 277v refulsit .

1477 Aeuia. ps . 109: 41 Iura 1 uit dominus et non penitebit eum tu es sacerdos in etemum secundum 278r ordinem melchisedech.

1478 Aeuia. Iste sanctus digne in memoriam uertitur hominurn qui ad gaudium tran 1 siit angeIonim. 278v

1471 R 160r. G 204r. K 211r. P 251r. S 309r. &2 165, V 307r, H 25%. B 267v. T 22%. L 373v.

1472 R 160r. G 204~. K 211r. P 251r. S 309v, &2 166r. V 30%. H 2601, B 268r. T 230r. L 374r.

14ï3 R 160r. G205r. K211r. P251v. S 3lOr. 52 166v. V308r, H260v, B268v. T230v. L374v. ' R. &omit. ' R ad& 'mm'. R, K. a, B, L: confortabit. ' R. 52: ei.

1474 R 160r. G 209v, K 21Sv, P 252r. S 310v, a 175v. V 308~. H 261r, B 269r. T 231r. L 375v.

1475 R 160r. G 205v. K 212r. P 252v, S 311r, 163v. V 309r. H 261v. B 26%. T23ir, L 376v. ' R: salutari.

1476G 207v, K213v. ç202v, P253r. S 311~. V309v. H262r. B270r. TUlv. L377r. D 221r. ' CS: ut.

14n R 160r, G 206r. K 212v, C 2Mv. P 253~. S 312r. ki 171v. V 310r. H 262r, B 270r. T 232r, L 377v, D 222r.

1478 G 209~. K 216r. C 203r. P 253~. S 312~. V 310v, H 262~. B 270~. T U2v. L 378r, D 222r.

1479 Aeuia. vos . 14: 61 Iustus germinabit sicut lilRrm et florebit in etemm ante dominum.

1480 Aeuia. [Sir. 50: 11 Ec 1 ce sacerdos magous qui quasi sol refuigens sic efulsit in templo dei.

1481 Aeuia. [Ps. 88: 211 Inueni dauid semm meum in' oleo sancto me0 unxi eum.

1482 Aeu 1 ia. [Ps . 106: 7 Iustum deduxit dominus per uias recm et ostendit illi regnum dei.

1483 O ~ T O R T V M [Ps. 38: 253 Veritas mea et misericordia mea cum ipso et in nomine meo exaltabitur cornu e h .

1484 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 88: 2 1 f.) Imieni dauid sennun m e m et ( in' oleo sancto ' unxi eurn manus enim mea adiabitur ei et brachium meum confortabit eum.

1485 ~~icmnino Mt. 24: 46f.I Beau seruus quem c m uenerit dominus inuenerit ' uigilantem amen dico uobis super omnia bona sua constituet e u . .

1486 CO-O mt. 25: Zûf.] Domine cpinque talenta tradidisti michi ecce dia quinque superlucratus sum eu (ge serue ' fidelis quia in pauca fbisti fidelis supra multa te constituam intra in gaudium 280v dornini tui.

1487 Co-0 [Ps. 88: 36-38] Semel iuraui in sancto meo semen eius in etemum manebit et sedes' eius

- -- -

1479 R 1&, 162r. G 206v, K 2I3r, S 3 l3r, 170~. B 271r, T 232v. L 378v.

1480 G 206r, K 213r, C 203r. P 254r, S 313v, V 310~. H 263r. B 271r. T 233r. L 379r. D 221r.

1481 R 160r, G 206v, K 213v, C 203~. P 254v, S 313v, &2 16%, V 311r. H 263r. B 271v. T 233r, L 37%. D 22211. ' R, G. a. D omit. 1482 G 207r. K 213v. C 203v, P 254~. S 314r, V 311v, H 263v, B 271v, T 233~. L 38ûr, D 222v.

1483 R 161v, 162r. G 208r, K 214v. P 255r. S 314v, & 172v, V 311~. H 263v, B 272r, T 233v, L 3ûûv.

1484 R 161v. G 208r. K 214r, P 25% S 314v, k2 Inr, V 312r. H 264r, B 272r, T 233v, L 380v. ' R, omit. R ad& "meo' . 14WR 161v. 162r, G m r , K214v. P255r. S 314v. h 173~ V312r, H264r, B 272~. T234r, L381r. ' R(162r)adds *eiusœ . 1486 R 161v, G 208v, K 214v, P 255~. S 315r, 52 173v. V 312v, H 264v, B %272r, T 234r. L 38Iv. ' R adds 'bone et".

1487 R 161v, G B , K215r, P255v. S 315v. k2 174r. V313r, H 264v. B -73r. T234v. L382r. ' G, K: thronus.

sicut SOI in conspectu meo et sicut luna perfecta in etemm et testis in ce10 fidelis.

1488 COMMWUO [Lk. 12: 421 Fidelis senius et prudens quem consti 1 tuit dominus super familiam 281r suam ut det illis in tempore tritici mensuram.

14439 INTRO~TVS Gaudeamus omnes in domino diem passione gaudent angeli et collaudant filium dei.

festtun celebrantes in honore N. uirginis de cuius I

ps. 44: 21 Eructauit cor meum uerbum bonum dico ego opera mea regi, Euouae. 28 1v

1490 [LNTROITVS Ps. 44: 81 Dilexisti iusticiam et odisti iniquitatem propterea unxit te deus deus tuus oleo leticie pre consortiius tuk. [Ps. 44: 21 Eructauit cor meum uerbum bonum dico ego opera mea regi, Euouae.

1491 [INTROITVS Ps. 1 18: 45f .] Loquebar de testîmoniis mis in con 1 spechi regum et non confundebar' et meditaba? in rnandatis tuis que dilexi nimis. [Ps. 118: 11 Beati immacuiati in uia qui ambulant in lege domini, Euouae.

1492 [INTROITVS Ps. 118: 95f.l Me expectauerunt peccatores ut perderent me testimonia tua domine intellexi omnis consumacionis uidi h e m latum mandatun nium nimis. [Ps. 118: 11 Beati immaculati in uia 1 qui ambulant in lege domini, Euouae. 282v

1493 [INTROITVS Ps. 118: 75, 1201 Cogwui domine quia equitas iudicia' tua et in ueritate2 tua humiliasti me confige timore tuo carnes meas a mandatis tuis non me repellas. [Ps. 118: 11 Beati irnmaculati in uia qui ambulant in lege domini, Euouae.

1494 [INTRO~S Ps. 44: 13, 15 f.] Wultum tuum deprecabm omnes diui 1 tes plebis adducentur 283r

1488 R 161~. 162r. G 208~. K 215r, P 256r. S 3f5v.h 174r. V 313r. H 265r. B W73r. T 234~. L 382r.

1489 R (138~). K 228r. P 256r. S 316r. 52 (87r). V 313v. H 265r, B -73~. T 23Sr, L 382v.

1490 R 162r, G 21&, K 216v. P 256~. S 316v. & 17%. V 314r. H 26Sv, B 273r. T 235, L 383r.

1491 R 162~. G 210~. K S216v. P 25%. S 317r. 177v. V 314r. H 266r. B 274r. T 235v, L 383v. ' S: cbLIfimdmtw. ' R: meditabor.

14!B R 162~. G 21 Ir. P 257r, S 3 17r. & l76v, V 3 I4v. H 266~. B 274v, T 236r, L 384r.

1493 R 16211, G 211r, f 253, S 317v. 178v. V 31%. H 266~. B 274v. T 236r. L 384v. ' R: iustitia. ' G: uirtute.

14W R 162v. G 21&, K 216r. P 258r. S 318r. h 178r. V 3I5v. H 267r. B 27Sr, T 236v, L 385v.

regi uirgines p s t eam proxime eius adducentur tiii in leticia et exultacione. p s . 44: 21 Eructauit cor meum uerbum bonum dico ego opera mea regi, Euouae.

1495 G R A D V U [Ps. 44: 53 Specie tua et pulchritudine tua intende prospere procede et re ( gna. Propter ueritatem et mansuetudinein et iusticiam et deducet te mirabiliter dextera 283v tua.

14% GRADVALIS [Ps. 44: 3.51 Diffusa est gracia in labïis tuis propterea benediut te de 1 us in etenium. Vs. Propter ueritatem et mansue ut supra.

1497 CRADVALIS [Ps. 44: 81 Dilexisti iusticiam et odisti iniquitatem. Propterea unxit te deus deus tuus oleo Ieticie.

1498 GRADVA~IS [Ps. 45: 5 f.] Adiuuabit eam deus wltu suo deus 1 in medio eius non commouebitur284v FIuminis impetus Ietificat ciuitatem dei sanctificauit Wber~cuium suum altissimus. 1

1499 GRADVALIS [Ps. 44: 5 , 1 1 f .] Propter ueritatem et mansuetudinem et iusticiam et deducet 28% te mirabiliter dextera tua. Audi filia et uide et inclina aurem tuam quia concupiuit rex speciem tuam.

1500 G R A ~ V ~ ( Ps. 44: 11 f.. 51 Audi Hia et uide et inclina aurem ~ a m quia concupiuit rex 285v speciem tuam. Specie tua et pulchritudine tua intende prospere procede 1 et regna. 286r

1501 AeuiaJPs. 44: 51 Specie tua et pulchritudine tua intende prospere procede et regna.

1502 Aeuia. [Ps. 44: 31 Diffusa est gracia in labiis mis pro 1 pterea benedixit te deus in etemum. 286v

1495 R 163v, G 212r, K 217r. P 258r. S 318v. 179v, V 316r, H 267r, B 275v, T 236v. L 386r.

14% R 163v, G 21 lv, K ?217r, P 258v. S 319r. 52 181r, V 316v, H 267v, B 276r, T 237r. L 386v.

1497 R 163v, G 21 lv. P 259r, S 319r. 52 17%. V 316v, H 268r, B 276r, T U7v, L 3alr.

14s R 163v, G 212v, K 217r. P 25% S 3I9v, &t 180r. V 317r. H 268r. B 276~. T 237v, L 3û7v.

1499 R 163v, P 259v, S 320v. 183r. V 317v, H 269r. B 277r. T 238r. L 388t.

1500 R 163v, G213r, K217v. P260r, S321r, kZ 182r. V318r.H269v,B277v, T238v. L389r.

la1 R 163v. G 213v. K 218v, 208r, P 260~. S 321v, 52 1 8 5 ~ ~ V 319r, H 270r. B 278r. T 239r, L 389v, D 22211.

1502 R f63v. G 214v, K 219v. C 203v, P 261r. S 321v. S2 183~. V 31%. H 270r. B 278r, T 239r, L 390r. D 223r.

193 Aeuia. p s . 44: 153 Adducentur regi uirgines post eam proxime eius offereniur tibi in leticia.

1504 Ae 1 uia. Emulor enîxn uos dei emuiacione despondi uos uni uiro uirginem castarn exhibere 287r christo.

1- Aeuia. Mt. 13 : 461 Inuenta una preciosa margarita dedit omnia sua negocia ( tor' et 287v comparauit eam.

1506 Aeuia. Egregia sponsa christi implora pro nobis ad dominum Iesum christum.

1507 Aeuia. 1 [Ps. 44: 141 Omnis gloria eius fil» regis ab innis in fimbnis aureis.

1508 Maius OFFERTORI~M [Ps. 44: 15 f.] Onerentur' regi uirgines proxime eius offerentur tiii in leticia et exultacione adducentur in templum regi domiBo.

1509 M i m OFFERTOR~VM [Ps. 44: 153 Offerennir1 regi uirgines p s t 1 earn proxime eius 28811 offerentur tibi.

1510 OFFERTOIUVM @?S. 44: 101 Fiiie r e m in honore tuo astitit regina ad1 de- mis in uestim2 deaurato circumdata uarietate.

1511 OFFERTORIVM [Ps. 44: 31 Diffusa est gracia in labüs tuis propterea benedixit te 1 deus in etemum et in seculum seculi.

lSû8 R 164r, G ZlSr, K 2U)r, P 262r. S 324r, b la lv , V 321r. H 271v, B 280r. T 240v, L 392v. ' S: Afferentur. ' R adds 'post eam' . 1509 R 164r, G 215r, K =Or, P 262v, S 324r. k2 186v, V 321r. H 272r. B 280r, T 241t. L 392v. ' S: Afferentur

1512 CO-O [Ps. 44: 31 Diffusa est gracia in labiis tuis propterea benedixit te deus in etemum.

1513 Co-O Mt. 13: 45 f.1 Smùie est regnum ceionun homini negociatori qyerenti bonas margaritas inuenta una preciosa margaritha dedit omnia sua et comparauit eam. 1

1514 C O ~ ~ ~ I V N I O [pS. 44: 81 Dilexisti iusticiam et odistti iniquitatem propterea unxit te deus 28% deus mus.

1515 COM~NNIO ps . 1 18: 78, 801 Confundantw superbi quia iniuste iniquitatem fecenint in me ego autem in mandatis tuis exercebar' in tuis iustificacionîîus ut non confuadar.

1516 C O M ~ O N t . 25: 4, 61 Quinque prudentes uirgines acceperunt oleuml in uasis suis c m 29ûr lampadibus media autem nocte clamor factus est. Ecce sponsus uenit exite obuiam cristo domino.

1517 ~O&~MVMO [Ps. 118: 161 f., 167 11c ipes persecuti sunt me gratis et a uerbis tuis formidauit cor meum letabor ego super eloquia tua sicut1 qui inuenilt] spolia rnulta concupiuit anima mea testhnonia tua domine et dilexi? 1 ea uehementer. 290v

1518 coh@îv~ïo p s . 1 18: 122, 1281 Feci iudicium et iusticiam domine non caîumpnientur michi superbi ad omnia mandata tua dirigebar omnem uiam iniquitatis odio habui.


1519 [ ~ O I T V S ] Salue sancta parens enixa puerpera regem qui celum terramque re 1 git in secula 291r

1517 R 164~. G 216v, K 221v. P 264r. S 326r. & 190r. V 323~ . H 273v. B N r . T *242v, L 395v. ' R. b: quasi. ' G, K: dilexi.

R 167~. G 217r, K 221v, P 264~ . S 327r, & 183~-1 UV, V X324r. H 2 7 4 ~ . B 282r, L 396". ' L ad&: aevia. ' R uses a different *psalrn9 .

seculorurn.' 'Senciant ornnes tuum iuuamen quicumque celebrant tuam commemoracionem, Euouae.

1520 -VALIS Benedicta et uenerabilis es uirgo Maria que sine tactu pudoris inuenîa es mater saiuatoris. Virgo dei genitrix quem tom 1 non capit orbis in tua se clausit uiscera fIa]ctus homo.

1521 Aeuia. Prophete saucti predicauerunt nasci saiuatorem de uirgine rnatre sancta maria.

1522 Aeuia. Post pamim 1 uirgo inuiolaîa pemiansisti dei genimx intercede pro nobû.

1523 Aeuia. Subueni mater pia ora dominum f*um tuum pro populo tu0 ex te enim nasci nobis' di 1 gnatus est.

1524 Aeuia. Felix ' es sacra uirgo maria et omni laude dignissima quia ex te orais est sol iusticie.

1525 Aeuia. Salue uirga ffo 1 rem aaron salue tu finnata in syon sahie decora et pro nobis semper ora.

Aeuia. Virga yesse floruit uirgo deum et hominem genuit pacem deus reddidit in se reconcilans 1 ymasummis. 293v

1527 Aeuia. Sancta dei genitrix uirgo semper maria intercede pro nobis ad dominum Iesum cristum.

1528 Aeuia. O 1 ra pro nobis pia uirgo maria de qyal christus natus est nobis pro peccatoribus sis 294r miserta.

- --

l52û R 167v, G 217r. K 222r, P 26% S 327v. h 183v-184v. V =324r, H 274v, B 283r. T -243r, L 397r.

1521 G 21%. K 23% P 264v. S 328r. V 325r, H 27%. B 283v, T 243r, L: 39% & 403r. D 213r.

1522 R 167r. P 265~. S 328r, &2 183r, 184v, V 325v, H 275v, B 283v, T 243r. L 398r. D 213r.

l523 G 21%. K 223r. P 266r. S 328v, V 325v, H 275v. B 283v. T 243~. L 398v, D 213v. ' G, K omit; D: nobis aasci.

l524 R (181~). G 2lfv. K 222r, P 266r, S 32%. k2 (%IV). V 326r. H 276r, B 284r. T 243v. L 399r. D 217r. ' R adds: =''lu=-

1SU S 329r. V 326~- H 276v, B 284v, T 244r. L 39%.

t526 R 167v. P * 26th. S 329v, 32 183v-184v, V 327r, H 276v. B 284~. T 244r. L 400r. D 216v.

1527 P 267r. S 330r, V 327r. H 27%. B 284v, T 244v. L 4ûûv, D 216v.

152û S 330v. V 327v. B 285, T 245r, L 4ûlr. ' V, L: te

1529 Aeuia. hperatrix egregia Iesu mater et Nia ad nostra suspiria pomge suffiagi 1 a aeuia 294v uite uia grauia delictonim uiciaf sancta maria.

1530 Aeuia. Aue sancta maria celi regina rnundi et domina suscipe tuorum deuotas laudes semorum.

1531 Ae 1 uia. Aue plena gracia benedicta maria dominus tecum.

1532 Aeuia. Benedicta es maria in mulienius atque benedictus sit fmctus uten aii Iesus christus.

1533 A ( euia. Dulcis mater dulci nato dulcia prebens ubera que sola fuisti digna generare regem 295v celonun et dominum.

1534 Aeuia. Aue benedicta maria lesu cristi mater et filia flos pudoris 1 fons' dulcoris dos amoris. 296r O Maria celi uia uirgo candens Iilium, Stelia maris appeIIaris ora tuurn filium. Sydus splendoris mater saluatoris, Tu dignare deprecare uirgo mater filium, Ne demergat sed abstergat labem prorsus criminurn, O Maria omni plena gracia.

1535 Aeuia. O 1 consolauix paupem maria tuis precibus auge tuorum numerum in caritate cristi 296v quos tu de mortis maniius per Nium humilium mater eripuisti.

1536 OFFERTORIVM Felix namque a sacra uirgo maria et omni laude dignissima quia ex te omis est 1 sol iusticie christus deus noster. ' 297r

1537 OFFERTORIVM Recordare uirgo mater dum steteris in conspectu dei ut Ioquaris pro nobis bona et ut auertat indignancionem suam, Ab hac familia tu propicia, Mater eximia pelle uicia, Fer remedia reis

1529 G 218r. K 223r, P * 261t, S 33ûv, V 328r. H 277v, B 285v. T 245r, L 407v, D 213. ' D: uiciis. The L version is greatly expanded.

1531 S 331v, V 32%. H 278r. B 286r, T 245v, L 4û2r.

1532 S 332r. V 32%. H 278r, B 286v, T 246r, L 402r.

1533 G 219r, K 224r. S 332r. V 32%. H 278v, B 286v. T 246r, L 402v.

1534 G 219~. K 223v. S 332v, V 32%. H 27%. B 2alr. T 246v. L 403v, D 214r. ' G, K: ros.

1535 G 218r. K 222v, P 268r, S 333r, V 3 3 0 ~ . H 27%- B 28'7~. T 247r, L W v , D 214v.

1536 R 167v, P 268r. S 333v. &! 183r, V 331r, H 280r. B 288r. T 24%. L 412v. ' L adds: aevia.

1537 G 22ûr. K 224v, P 268v. S 334r. V 331v. H 280r, B 288~. T 247v. L 413r. ' G. K add: a.

in uia. Dans in pania uite gaudia, Pro quibus duicia tu preconia, Laudes c m gloria suscipe pia, Virgo 1 maria ' nobis aeuia. 297v

1538 C~MMVNIO Regina mursdi et domina uirgo maria perpetua intercede pro n o m Pace et1 salute que genuisti chrisnim dominimi saiuatorem omniummnium

1539 COMMVNIO Aue regina celonmi mater regis angelonun O maria flos uirginum uelut rosa uel Lilium hude preces ad fdium pro salute fidelium.

1540 c0hihïvNï0 Beata uiscera marie uirginis que porta 1 uerunt eterni patris filium ' .


1541 [INTROITVS 1 Cor. 15: 201 Si enmi credimus quod Iesus mornius est et resunexit ita et deus' eos qui donnierunt per ihesum adducet c m eo. [l Cor. 15: 221 Et sicut in adarn omnes moriuntur ita et in christ0 omnes uiuificabuntur, Euouae.

1543 TRACTVS p s . 41: 2-41 Sicut ceruus. F Uc

1544 OFFERTORIYM O pie deus qui primum hominem ad eternam gloriam reuo 1 cat i pastor bone 298v qui ouem perditam pio humero ad ouile reportasti iuste iudex dum ueneris iudicare Iibera de morte animas e o m guasl redimisti. Ne tradas bestüs animas confîtentes tibi ne derelinquas eas in finem.' Domine hesu criste iudex mortuorum una spes mortalium qui 1 moriens moriencium 299r condoluisti interitui ne intres in iudicium cum fideiibus defunctis ne dampnenair' cum impüs in aduentu

1538 G 2 2 0 ~ . K 225r. P 26%. S 334v. V 332r. H 2 8 0 ~ . B =gr, T 248r. L 414r. ' G, K: ac.

1540 R 167r. v, G 221r. K 225r, P 2 6 9 ~ ~ S 335r. $1 18%-184~. V 332v. H B 289r. T 248v. L 414v. ' P. SI , V, H add: aeuia.

1541 G 22lv. K U5v. C 205r. P 26%. S 335v. V 332v. H 281v, B 28%. T 250~. L 415r. D 209v. ' G omits.

1544 G 2 2 1 ~ . K 226r, C 205v. P 270r. S 335v. V 333r, H 281v. B 28%- T 251r. L 415v. D 2 1 0 ~ . ' C: quas. G, K end here. CI, D: dampnemur.

1545 COMMVNI:O [Jn. 5: 28 f., 4 Esdr. 2: 34 f.] Amen dico uobis ueniet hora Quand0 mortui audient uocem Nii dei et resurgent qui in monumentis sunt. Requiem eternam dona eis domine et lux pexpehia Iuceat eis- Quando.

1546 [COMMVN~~] Absolue domine anmias e o m ab omni uinl culo delictorurn, 29% Vt in resuffectionis gloria inter sanctos tuos resuscitati respirent. Requiem Vt in re.

1547 [ ~ O I T V S 4 Esdr. 2: 34 f.] Requiem e t e m dona eis domine et lux perpetua luceat eis. p s . 64: 2f.l Te decet ympnus deus in syon et tibi reddetur uotum tuun' in Ihenwlem exaudi oracionem meam ad te ornnis caro ueniet, Euouaez.

1548 GRADVALIS [4 Esdr. 2: 34 f.] Requiem eteniam dona eis domi( ne et lux perpenia luceat eis. 300r 'Absolue domine animas eonun ab omni uinculo delictorum.

1549 TRACL~~S ps . 1291 De profundis clamaui. uel icre uersur [Ps. 129: 1 f.] 'De profundis.

1550 OFFERTORIVM Domine Ihesu criste rex giorie libera animas omniuml fidelium defunctorum 300v de manu' idemi et de profundo Iacu libera eas de ore leonis ne absorbeat eas thartharus ne cadant in obscura2 sed signifer sanctus rnichael representat? eas in lucem sanctam, Quam olim abrahe promisisti et semini e i ~ . ~ Hostias et preces tibi domine laudis offerrimus m suscipe pro animabus illis quorum5 hodie memori 1 am agmius6 Fdc eas domine de morte transire ad u i t d . Requiem etemam dona eis 301r domine et lux perpetua Iuceat eis.

1547 R 175v, G 222v, K 226v. C 206v, P 271r, S 337v. $1 17%. V 334v, H 283r, B 291r, T 248v, L 418r, D 211r. G, K, C, B omit. G: ueniat. R: 'Gloria paüi non dicirur"; G, K omit.

1!%8 R 176r. G 223, K 227r, CS 206v, P 271~. S 337v, S1 17%, V 335r. H 283v. B 291v, T 24%- L 418~. D 21Iv. ' R, a: h mernoria etcrna ent iusais ab auditicme mala non tirnebit.

-9 G 223~. K 227r. 207r, P 272r, S 338r, V 335~. H 2â4r. B 292r. T 24%. L 41%. D 212r. P, V, H, L omit. The f?rst alternative is the tract from LXX and tbe d the alleluia vcne h m Trinity 22 or 23.

1550 R I76v, G 223v, K 227r, 207r. P 272r, S 338r. S1 181r. V 33Sv, H 284r, B 292r, T Mgr, L 420r, D 212r. ' R. 81: pois. ' R 31: obwwum. ' NI except A: q t e ~ e m c t . O. K, D end here. ' R, C. SI. V. H. L: quarum. R. S1: facimus. ' R, $1 end. here.

Redemptor a n h a r m omnium crislianonun mitte archangelum sanctum michaeIem ut iUe dignetu eas eripere de regionibus tenebranmi et perducat eas in sinum abrahe et in Iucem sempiternatn. Quam o h .

1551 [COMMVNIO] Tuam deus deposcimus pietatem ut eis aibuere digneris 1 Iucidas et quietas 301v mansiones, Pro quorum memoria corpus christi surnitur dom eis domine requiem sempiteniam', Et lux perpeaia Iuceat eis, ProZ quorum memoria sanguis christi sumitur dona eis domine requiem sempiteniam.

1552 CO-O [4 Esdr. 35, 341 Lux eterna Iuceat eis domine cum sanctis tuk in etemm quia pius es. Requiem eternam. Cum sanctis. 1

lSSl K 2S6v. C Mr, P n3r. S 337v. V 237r, H 285r. B 293r. T 250r, L 422v. D 212v. ' K ends hert. ' D eads here. ' L continues: Et lux perpenia luc.

1553 Grates nunc ornnis reddamus do& de0 qui sua natiuitate nos liberauit de dyabolica potestate. Huic oportet ut canamus cum angelis semper gloria in excelsis.


1554 Eya recoiamus laudibus piis digna, Huius diei gaudia in qua nobis lux oritur gratissima, Noctis interit nebula pereunt nostri criminis umbracula. Hodie seculo maris stella 1 est enixa noue saiutis gaudia, Quem trernum baratra mors cruenta pauet @sa a quo peribit momia, Gemit capta pestis antiqua coluber liuidus perdit spolia. Homo lapsus ouis abducta reuocatur ad eterna gaudia. Gaudent in hac die agmina angelorum celestia, Quia erat dragma decima perdita et est inuenta. O culpa nimium beata qua redempta est natura, Deus qui creauit omnia nascitur ex fernina- Mirabilis 1 m m mirifice induta assumens quod non erat manens quod erat. Induitur natura diuinitas humana quis audiuit d i a dic rogo facta? Querere uenerat pastor pius quod perierat? Induit galieam certat ut d e s armanira, Prostraîus in sua propria mit hostis spicula auferunfur tela. In quibus fidebat diuisa sunt illius spolia capta preda sua, Christi pugna fottissima saius nostra est uera, Qui nos suam ad paaiam du 1 xit post uictoriam In qua sibi laus est eterna.

1555 Natus ante secuIa dei filius inuisibilis interminus, Per quem fit machina celi et terre mark et in hiis degencnim. Per quam dies et hore Iabant et se i t e m reciprocant, Quem angeIi in arce poli uoce consoaa semper canunt. Hic corpus assumpserat fragile sine labe orïginalis criminÛ de carne Marie uirginis quo primi

parentis cuipam Eueque lasciuiam tergeret .

Hoc presens diecula loquitur preluci 1 da adaucta longitudine quod sol uem radio sui 304r liuninis ueaistas mundi depulent genitus tenebras.

Hec nox uacat noui sideris luce quod magomm oculos terniit scios. Hec gregurn magistris defuit lumen quos precinxit claritas milinmi dei. Gaude dei genitnx quam circunstant obstetricum uice concinentes angeli gloriam deo. Christe patris unice qui humanam nostri causa forma. assumpsisti refoue supplices tuos. Et quorum participem te fore dignatw es 1 Ihesu dignanter e o m suscipe preces. 304v Ut ipsos dniinitatis tue participes deus facere digneris mice dei.

A lia 1556 Promissa mundo gaudia superna soluit gracia die ista. In uirgine fecunditas in prole m i t deitas die ista. In super& editus sine matre hac in uaUe natus est sine patre die ha . Virga Iesse florïda fructum dedit gedeonir ueliera ros infudit die ista. Lapis iiie reprobus iunctus parieribus unum fecit angdum die ista. 1 Heliseus exiit et defunchun adiit subsecutus baculum die ista. Pressus pede mulieris coluber contritus est die ista. Mons de monte sine manu hominis abscisus est die ista. Eructauit cor supermm u e r b bonum manducauit homo panem angelorum die ista. Sator exit semioare semen u e m nouus esse cepit antiquus d i e m die ista. Rex im predam prodüt et in sole posuit suum thabemacuium die ista. 1 Terra uemem protulit per quem Ionas perdidit et deflet imibraculum die ista. 305v Veritas de terra de syon emanuel ortus est et missus in salutem IsraheI die ista. Splenduit lucema quam accendit mulier micuit electrum quod uidit ezechieI die ista. Fides matris uirginis obumbramen fîaminis uerbi uis et hominis cathaplasma confecerunt die ista. Hoc respirant miseri spoliantur inferi cedunt nobis superi renouatur ordo r e m die ista. 1 Tot beneficia sacra leticia recolat ecclesia die ista. 306r Deo sit gloria ex cuius gracia sperarnus celestia alieluia.

1557 Haac concordi famulatu colamus solempnitatem. Auctoris illius exemplo docti benigno. Pro persecutonun precatus funde suorum. O stephane signifer reg& su- bone nos exaudi. Proficue qui es pro tuis exauditus inimick. Paulus tuis precibus stephane te quondarn persenmis christ0 credit. Et re ( cum tripudiat in regno cui nuilus penecutor approphquat. Nos prouide nos suppIices ad te clamantes et precibus te puIsantes. Oracio sanctissima nos tua semper conciiiet deo nostro.

1556 BD 54: 143, S 344r, B 296~. L 93r.

1557 BD 53: 345, G 227r, K 231r, C 21 Ir, P 276~. S 346r, V 34ûv, H 2û9v, B 298v, T 256v, L S r . D 227v.

Te petrus christi mrnistnim . - stanUt tu petro nomÿun credendi mis ad d e n summi patris

ostendendo q u a plebs fbem crucinxit. Te sibi christus elegit stephane per Wem fideles suos coroboret se t i i interrotatus saxonun

solacio manif&tans. Nunc inter inclitas martinimj purpuras choruscas coronatus- 307r


1558 Iohannes Iesu christ0 muitum dilecîe uirgo. Tu eius amore carnalem In naui parentem liquisti. Tu leue coniugis pecais respuisti messiam secutw. Ut eius pectoris sacra meniisses fluenta potare, hique in terra posinis gloriam conspexisti filii dei. Que solum sanctis in uita cteditur contuenda esse perhenni. Te chrisnis in cruce triumphans matri sue dedit custodem. Ut uirgo uirginem seruares atque curam subpedi 1 tares. Tu te carcere fiagrisque fractus testimonio pro christi es gauisus. Idem momtos suscitans inque ïhesu nomine uenenum forte uincis. Tibi surnmus tacitum ceteris uerbum suum pater reuelat. Tu nos omnes precïbus sedulis aput deum semper comenda. Iohannes uirgo christi m e .

1559 Laus tibi christe patris optime nate deus omnipotencie, Quem celitus iubilat super astra manentis plebis decus annonie. Quem agmina infanciun sonoris ympnis 1 coilaudant etheris in arce. Quos irnpius ob nominis odium tui misero strauerat wlnere, Quos pie nunc remuneras in celis christe pro penis nitide. Solita usus gracia qui tuos ornas coronis splendide. Quorum precibus sacris dele precamur pie n o m crunine uite. Et quos laudibus mis iunxeras nobis istinc dones clemens fauere. Riis eterne dans lumen glorie. Nobis terrena concede uincere. Vt liceat serenis a c t h pleniter adipisci dona tuel gracie. Herodis ut non fiat socius quisquis in horum laude se exercet propere. Sed eternaliter cum eisdem cateniis tecum sit domine.

1560 Letabundus exultet fideiis chorus alleluia. Regem regum intacte profiidit chom res miranda. Angelus wnsilii natus est de uirgine sol de stelia. Sol occasum nesciens steiïa semper rutilans d d e clara. Sicut sidus radium profert uirgo filium pari forma. 1 Neque sidus radio neque mater filio fit compta. Cednis aita Iibani confonnatur ysopo d e nostra. Verbum ens altissimi corporaii passwn est came sumpta. Isaias cecinit sinagoga meminit mmi~uam tamen desinit esse ceca. Si non suis uatiius credat uel gent i l i i sibilinis uersibus hec predicta. Melix propera crede uel uetera cur dampnaberis gens misen. Naami considera quem docet litiera ipsum 1 genuit puerpera Maria.

1561 Festa christi omnis christianitas celebret Que miris sunt modis ornata cunctisque ueneranda populis. Per omnipotentis aduenturn atque uocacionem gencium. Vt natus est christus est stella magis uisa lucida. At iiii non cassam putantes tanti signi gloriam. Secum muera deferunt pmuio offerunt ut regi celi quem sidus predicat. Atque aureo tumidi principis lecnilo transit0 christî presepe queritant. Hinc ira 1 seui herodis feruida inuidi recens rectori genito Bethleem pannilos precepit ense 3 10r

crudeli perdere. O christe quantum patri exercim inuenis docnis ad bella maxima populis predicans colhgis

sugens cum tantum miseris. Anno hominis tricesho subtus famuli se incliti inclinauerat manus deus consecrans nobis

baptisma in absolucionem criminum. Ecce spiritus in specie ipsum alitis imiocue uncturus sanctis pre omnibus uisitat semper ipsius

contentus mansione pectoris. ( Patris eciam insonuit uox pia ueteris oblita sermonis penitet me fecisse hominem. 310v Vere filu es tu meus michimet placitus in quo sum placatus hodie te mi fili genui. Huic omnes auscultate populi preceptori.


1560 BD 54: 5, G 229r, K 233r. 214v, P 281v, S 349v, V 346v, H 295r, B P301r, T Z9r. L 103~. D 22%.

2561 BD 53: 50, G232r. K W r , C215r, P 282v, S 350v, V 34&, H296r, B 301r. T26ûr, L lOSr, D 230v. T: the l a s four stanzas were addd by a later band.

1562 Dixit dominus ex basan umuertam conuertarn in profundum maris. Quod dixit et fecit sauium ut strauit paulum et statuit, Per uerbum suum incarnanmi per quod fecit et secula. Quod dum impugnans a u M t saule sau 1 le quid me persequeris? Ego sum ksus durum est hii ut rdc i t r e s stimuio. A facie domini mota est terra wnîremuitque mox et quieuit. Dum cognito domino credidit paulus persequi cessat con cristianos. Hic lingua tuonirn est canum ex inimicis rediens ad te deus. Dum paulus in ore omnium sacerdotum nira dat preceptonrm. Docens crucifixum non esse alium preter christum deum. Cum patre qui regnat et saucto spintu cuius testis paulus. Hic hgua sacerdotum more 1 canis d m perlioxit legis et euwangeiii duos molares in

hiis contriuit. Corrosit uniuersas species medicinamm quibus curantur saucii reficiuntur enutriendi. Qui conuertendû conuersum conuerteras paulum uas elecnim. Per quem conuersum et nos tu uiuifices christe peccatores. Quo docente deum mare Mi t et fbgit Iordanis conuersus est retrorsum. Quia turba gencium relicto uiciorum profundo Og rege basan confuso. Te solum adorat chriSnun 1 creatorem quem et cognoscit in came uenisse redemptorem.


1563 Concentu parili hic te Maria ueneraair populus teque piis colit cordibus. Generosi Abrahe tu Nia ueneranda regia de dauidis stirpe genita. Sanctissima corpore castissima moribus que omnibus p u l c e ~ uirgo uirginum. Letare mater et uirgo nobilis gabrielis archangelico que oraculo credula gniuisti clausa filium. In cuius 1 sacratissimo sanguine emundatur uniuersitas perditissimi generis ut promisit 3 I2v

deus Abrahe. Te uirga arida aaron flore speciosarn te figurat Maria sine uiri semine esse florida. Tu porta iugiter serata quam Ezechielis uox testatur maria soli deo pemia esse crederis. Sed tu tamen matris uirtutum dum nobis exemplum cupisti commendare subisti remediiim pollutis

statutum matribus. Ad templum 1 deaiüsti tecurn mundandum qui abi integritatis denis deus homo genitus adauxit 3 l3r

intacta genitrix. Letare quam scrutator wrdis et renum probat habitatu proprio singulariter dignam sancram

mariam. Exulta tui paruuius arrisit hinc Maria que letari omnibus et consistere suo nutu trïbuit. Ergo quique colimus festa pandi christi propter nos facti eiusque pie matris Marie. Si non dei possumus tantam exequi tardi 1 humiltatem fonna sit nobis eius genitrix. Laus patri glorie qui suum filium gentibus et populo reuelans Israhel nos sociat. Laus eius fîlio qui suo sangwine nos paai conc*sos supernis sociauit ciuibus.

Laus quoque sancto spiritui sit per euum.

1564 Laudes saiuatori uoce iubiiemur suppiici, Et deuotis melodiis celesti domino iubilemus Messie, Qui seipsum exinaniUit ut nos perditos libera 1 ret homines. 314r Carne gloriam deitatis oculens p a ~ & tegitur in presepi miserans precepti transgressorem pulsum

patria paradisi nudulum. Ioseph Marie Simeoni subdinir circumcidiair et Iegali hostia mundatur ut peccator nostra qui solet

relaxare crimina. Serui subiit manus baptisaodus et perfen fraudes tematoris fugit perseqpentum lapides. Famen patitur donnit et tristatur ac lauat discipulis @es deus homo sum 1 mus humilis. 3 I4v Sed tamen inter hec abiecta corporis eius deitas nequaquam quiuit latere signis uarik et doctrinis

dedita. Aquam nupciis dat saporis uinei cecos oculos claro lumine uestniit lepram luridam tacni fugat

placido . Putres suscitat mortuos membraque c m t debilia fluxum sanguinis consirimit et saturauit quinque

de panibus quina milia. Stagnum peragrat fiuctuans ceu siccum littus uentos sedat ling 1 wam reserat constrictam 315r

recIusit aures priuatas uocibus febres depulit. Post hec xnira miracula taliaque, Sponte sua comprehenditur et dampnatur, Et se crucifigi non despexit, Sed sol eius mortem non aspexit. IUWt dies quam fecit dominus mortem deuastans et uictor suis apparens dilectonius uiuus. Rimo Marie dehinc Apostolis docens scripturas cor apperiens ut clausa de ipso reserarent. Fauent igitur resurgenti 1 christ0 cuncta gaudiis flores segeres rediuiuo fnicîu uernant et 315v

uolucres gelu tristi terso dulce iubilant. Lucent clarius sol et luna morte christi turbida teIIus herbida resurgenti plaudit christo que

tremuIa eius morte se casura minitat. Ergo die ista exultemus qua nobis uiam uite resurgens patefecit Iesus. Astra solum mare ioaiodeair et cuncti gratulenw in celis spiritaies chori tonanti.

1565 Laudes christo redempti 1 uoce modulemur supplici. Omnis in hac die r e m natura iubilans. Personet inmensas fïIio dei gracias. Iam nostri conciues celestis sanctuarü milites. Ordines noueni in uestra nos adiuuatte gaudia. impnice nunc superi pariter resonate inferi.

Vt omnis in domini spiritus gratuietur enesi. Qui ho- causa deus homo nascitur et fragiii carne se deitas ocuiens probra sustinuit paciens, V i m u i i 1 si@ ut deus emicuit, 3 16v Et corporis nostri necessitate h e n s uem terrigena claruit. Ab hoste tentatus non est a&nitus neque diuinitas patuit. Ars artem deludit donec ueteris nodum piaculi secuit. In ara cnicis hostiam se pro nobis christu obtulit de0 patri morte sua nostra momficans crimina. Iam uictor christus baratro populato mortis principe uioailato ab inferis pompa regreditur

nobi 1 li. 3 17r Hec est dies que Uuxit post turbida regni ethiopum tempora. Christus in qua resurrexit uItra uicturus cum came quam sumpsit ex Maria uirgine. Qui ouem cum gaudio patri quam perdiderat humer0 reuexit suo.

1566 Pangamus creaton atque redemptori gracias, Qui bene creatos sed seductos asnicia Callidi serpentis sua redemit gracia, Predicens futunim ut germen sancta proferret femina. 1 Quod ho& antiqui nociua exsuperaret capita, Quod primitus predita serius nostri cemunt secula. Quam splendida floscdo uirgula nouo poiiet Maria, Qui editus mira edidit miracula nec iuuenem tantum sed s t a h inter sue natiuitatis primordia. Per sideris lumen uel Simeonis uerba iudaica ad se uel corda uel munera attrahens initu gentilia. Quem pater in uoce atque spiritus sanctus 1 specie glorificat. 318r Visentes doctorem uel archiatm docent auctoritate sua, Qui postquam salutis dona dedit multa doctrineque per plura uerba ore suo promdgauit

saluberrima. Ad probra sputa colaphos et flagella uestem quoque ludo quesitam et spineum uenit sertum ad

cnicis brachia, Que hodie triumphali a mortuis resurgens spreuit uictoria, Ducens secum primitiua ad celos mem 1 bra et nuper dispersa congregans ouilia. Que et nobis in fine speranda licet uitima membra sumus spondet bona.

1567 Hec est sancta solemnitas solennitatum insignita triumpho christti, Quo deuicit imperium, Male potens dyaboli, Suo nos precioso sangwine, Eius de potestate eruens. Redempti erg0 gracias agamus n o m redernpton, Rex regum christe cui angelorum chori Nge famulamin. 1 Vuitu placido homines in mis laudi'bus sedulos pius inniere,

Quonun mortr'bus condolem in tantum humilis factus es ut mortem subires. Tu deuictis idemi leg%m murgens triumphas. Tu pst cnicem pex orbem gentiius imperas omnipotens Nius dei.

1568 Victime paschali laudes ymmolent christhi. Agnus redemit oues chktus innocens patri reconciliauit peccatores. Mors et uita duelio conflixere 1 mirando dm uite mornnis regnat uiuus. Dic nobis Maria quid uidisti in uia sepulchnim christi uiuentis et gloriam uidi resurgentis. Angelicos testes sudarium et uestes surrexit christus spes mea precedet suos in galileam. Credendum est magis soli marie ueraci qua . iudeorurn tube fallaci. Scimus christum surexisse a mortuis uere tu nobis uictor rex miserere.

1569 Mane prima sabbati surgens dei mus nostra spes et glo 1 ria. Victor rege sceleris redit ab inferis cum summa uictorïa. Cuius resurrectio omni plena gaudio consolanu tristia. Reswgentis itaque Maria Magddene facta est prenunccia. Ferens christi katribus eius morte tristiius expectata gaudia. O beati oculi quibus regem seculi morte iam deposita prima est intuita. Hec est illa fernina cuius cuncta crimina ad christi uestigia eius lauit gracia. Que d m plorat 1 et mens orat facto clamat quod cor mat Iesum super omnia. Non ignorat quem adorat quod precetur iam deletur quod mens tunet conscia. O Maria mater pia stelia maris appeUaris openmi per merita. Matri christi coequata dum fuisti sic uocata sed honore subdiîa. Illa mundi imperatrix ista beata peccatrix Ieticie primordia fudemt in ecclesia. Illa enim fuit porta per quam sdus est exorta hec resurgentis 1 prenunccia mundum replet

leticia, 321r O Maria Magdalena audi uota laude plena aput christum gregem istum clementer concilia. Ut fons summe pietatis qui te lauit a peccatis senios suos atque tuos mundet data uenia.

Amen dicant omnia.

1570 Muadi renouacio noua parit gaudia resurgente domino conresurgunt omuia elementa senciunt et

auctori seruiunt quanta sint solempnia. Ignis uolat 1 mobilis et aer uolubilis nuit aqua labilis terra manet stabiiis alta petunt leuia 321v

centrum tenet grauia renouantur omnia. Celum sit serenius et mare tranquillnis spirat aura leuius uallis nostra floruit reuiuescunt arida

recalescunt fngida quand0 uer intepuit. Gelu mortis soluitur princeps rnundi tollitur et eius desmiiair in nobis imperium dum tenere uoluit

in quo nichil habuit ius ami 1 sit p r o p h . 322r Vita mortem superat homo iarn recuperat quod pMs perdiderat paradisi gaudium. Viam prebet facilem cherubin uersatilem ut deus promiserat amouendo gladium.


1571 Hodieme fesaim lucis est solemne uite ducis pro uictrici lancea. Decantemus laudes ei quem transfixit uice rei hec saiutis framea, Omnis utriusque sexus 1 te stringebat cdpe ne- et mortis angustia. Psalle illi qui resolut culpam pene pro te soluit uite dans remedia. Aue femun aiumphale intrans pectw m uitale celi pandens hostia. Fecundata tu cruore felix hasta nos more per te fixi saucia. Fiorens cruor quem fuderunt artus ipsi quos iodenint clauorum fkoria. Fusa per te ac rigata et per ciauos 1 solidata n o m sint precordia. Salue Ihesu nazarene tu pro nobis mortis pene affectus iniuria. Placa patrem maiestatis ut in euum c m beatis nos coronet gloria. Amen.


1572 Hodierne lux diei celebris maniris dei clarescit mernoria. Decantentur armonie sonent cordis symphonie Iaudet euterpeya. Iocundetur plebs bohema 1 cui celi a i t dona christi prouidencia. Praga plaudat in corona cpam confecit arte bona diuina prudencia. Ros est cuius adalbertus cuius dolor est repemis candens uemans genninans. Castitatis ui refertus labem a m i s inexpertus in candore germinans. Florem rose maritauit castitati dum perlauit eius pecnis Iancea. Rore celi suos 1 pauit qyem pnissorum gens expauit nec admisit ferrea. Salue rnartir qui egressus a prusia figis gressus in tua bohemia. Aduocatus indefessus sis ut nobis es concessus a celesti curia.


1573 Quatirifonne crucis signum aiumphale laude dignum prosequamur laudibus.

isn BD 54: 21 1, G 236r. K *=gr, C 21%. P 291v, S 365v, V 358r, H 306r, B 311v. T 273r, L 12%, D 11% (only the first two stanras match).

1572 BD 55: 53, G 237r. C 21W, P 292r. S 366~. V 35%. H 30%. B 3 12v, T 274r. L 13 1r.

1513 BD 54: 197, C 220r. P 293r. S 367v. V 36&, H 308r, B 313v. T 277r, L 132~.

Vota de0 penoluamus dulce Lignurn opponal nnis inmiici fraudiius. In hoc Iigno gloriari nos opportet ac mirari eius circumstancias. Cmcis enim quadratura sacri cultus sub figura gerit obseruancias. Quo sub ritu forma prima caritatis expressiua Iatitudo ponitur. Consequenter longitude qua signatur sanctitudo perseuerans colitur. Pars subhnis ma 1 nif" quod in ce10 nobis restat certa repromissio. In profundo quod non uides ne presumat tanta fides cesset inquisicio. Ista cmcis sacramenta comprehendat mens intenta uite propugnacula. Huius ligni per uirtutem nos perducat ad saiutem agnus sine macula.

1574 Sunmii triunphun regis prosequamur laude. Qui celi qui terre regit sce ( ptra inferni iure domito. Qui sese pro nobis redbnendis per magnum dedit precium. Huic nomen extat conueniens iditum. Nam transiliuit omnes strenue montes coiliculosque bethel. Sdtum de ce10 dedit in uirginaiem ue[n]trem inde in pelagus seculi. Postquam illud suo mitigauit potentatu thethras flegetontis asiliit tenebras. Principis illius disturbato imperio, Maniplis plurimis inde erutis rnundum iilustrat su 1 O iubare. 326r CapNtatemque detentam in ibi uictor duxit secum. Et rediuiuum iam suis se prebuit semis et amicis. Denique sdn~n dederat hodie maximum aubes plosque c m prepeti iransuolans. Celebret erg0 populus hunc diem creduhis cuius morbida yditum corpora in semet ipsa altis

sedibus celi inuexit dei fdius. Et tremens iu 1 dicem expectat fiturum ut duo angeli fratres docuenmt. 326v Qui niesus a uobis assumm est in celum i t e m ueniet ut uidistis eurn. Iam ydinim nostnim uocibus sedulis omnes imploremus. Ut a dextris patris qui sedet spiritum mitat nobis sanctum. In fine seculi ipse quoque semper sit nobiscurn.

1575 Rex omnipotens die hodiema, Mundo triumphali redemta potench, ( Victor ascendens celos unde descenderat. Nam quadraginta postquam surrexerat Diebus sacris confirmans pectora, Apostolonun pacis cara relinquem oscula, Quibus et dedit potestatem laxandi crimina. Et rnisit eos in rnundum baptisare cunctas animas,

In patris et fE et sancti spiritus clemencia, Et conuescens precepit eis ab iherosoIimis. Ne abirent sed expectarent promissa munera. 1 Non post multos enim dies mi- uobis spiritum paraclitum in terris, Et eritis michi testes in fierusalem Iudea siue samaria. Et cum hec dixisset uidenti'bus iiiis eleutus est et nubes clara Suscepit eum ab e o m ocdis intueati'bus illis aera. Ecce stetere amiciti duo uiri in ueste alba- Iuxta dicentes quid admiramini celonim alta. Ihesus enim qui assumptus est a uobis ad1 patrk dexteram. Vt ascendit ita ueniet querens talenti cornmisi Iucra. O theos maris pli arui hominem quem creasîi quem fraude subdola Hostis expulit paradiso et captiuatum ssrmi traxit ad ethera. Sanguine proprio quan redemisti deo iliuc et ueniet unde prius comit angue suadente ab aula

paradisi in flammam piceam. Iudex dum ueneris iudicare seculum da nobis petimus sempiternam re 1 quiem in syon 328v

superna atque fraudare nos non digneris proles alma, in qua tiii canamus alieluia.


1576 Sancti spiritus assit nobis gracia, Que corda noma sibi faciat habitaculum, Expulsis iade cunctis uiciis spintalibus. Spiritus aIme iilustrator homiam, Honidas nostre mentis purga tenebras. Amator sancte sensatonun semper cogita tuum. Infunde 1 unccionem tuam clemem nostris sensibus. Tu purificator o~ILnium 1 fiagiciorum spiritus, Purifica nostri oculum intenoris ho&, Vt uideri supremus genitor possit a nobis. Mundi cordis quem soli cemere possunt oculi. Prophetas tu inspirasti ut preconia christi precinuissent inclita. Apostolos confortasti ut hii tmpheum cristi per t o m mundum ueherent. Quando machinam per uerbum 1 suum fecit deus celi terre mariurn, Tu super aqws fotunis eas nomen tuum expandisti spinniS. Tu animabus uiuificandis aquas fecundas, Tu aspirando das spiritales esse homines, Tu diuisum per linguas mundum et ritus adunasti domino. Idolatras ad cuitum dei reuocas magistronim optime. Ergo nos supplicantes tiii exaudi propicius sancte spintus. Sine quo preces O 1 mnes casse credunnir et indigne dei aunius. Tu qui omnium seculo~m sanctos mi numinis docuisti instinctu amplectencio spiritu.

Ipse hodie apostolos christi donans mmere insolito et cunctis inaudito seculis. Hunc diem gioriosum fecisti.

1577 Laude celeberrima rezolamus festa sacratissmia. Sancti spiritus qui mentes hodie apostolorum illustrat flammicomani. Conferens 1 illis omnigenanun beatissima munera Linguanmi. 330v Vt posent omnes undique naciones hiis magisnis uti donis e h magnificis. CuRis gracia nullum meritum uel personam respuere nouit ulIam. Nam persecutorem qui sanctam rnagniricauit ecclesiam rnagisaum posuit gencium uas perdicionis

transformauit in uas electionis. Nam piscatorem egentem uictum arce queritmtem sum 1 rnum fccit predicatorem super 331r

quem constructa caput leuat mater ecclesia. Necnon persecutorem qui sanctam deuastabat ecclesiarn magisaimi posuit gencium uas perdicionis

transformauit in uas electionis. ' Impleuit spiritus idem pue- cithare dimi et p salmistam faciebat m e n t i custos hoc affante

prophetauit amos. Idem uel latronem suspensum pemiasor sacratun conuertit in con 1 fessorem. 33 1v Theloneo quondam sedentem artifex pentus tramformat euangelistam. Hic de lapidi'bus facere poterit filios Abrahe. Nam ut precinuit dominus spirat ubicumque wlt spiritus. Spiritus aime qui nescis quemquam spernere ueni nobis propicius famulis. Viciis uarüs sordibusque nostra referta tua flamma adurat pectora. Hostibus anmie repulsis inde ipse ueniens hospita 1 ri digneris aput nos. Et per te mamorem perueniamus ad celestis mansionis hereditatem. Et depulsa peregrinacione gaudeamus paradisiaca possessione.

1578 Veni spiritus consolator alme. Mentes tuorum uisita iacentes egris moribus. h p I e superna gracia temgenarum pectora. Qui altissimi donum dei diceris. Fons perpetuus spirtalis unccio, Tu 1 promissum omnipotentis munus esse diceris. Apostolos tu linguis fiindasti sanctos igneis. Lumen redde cordibus uirtute perhenni fimians perpetim. Verum f i e r amorem muneraque caritatis plurima. Hostem repelle inuidum daque frui Pace supera. Sic duce te preuio ualeamus scandere ethera conuexa.

XSPI BD 53: 124. S 374v, B 319r, T 286r, L 141r. ' This repetition of the second prcceding stanza is pecuIiar ta A.

1578 P 298v, S 377v, V 36711, H 313v, B 320~. T 288r, L 143r.

1581 Bcnedicta semper sancta sit trinitas dcitas scilicet unica mequalis gloria. Pater filius sanctus spiritus tria sunt nomina omnia eadem substancia. De 1 us genitor deus geninis in utroque saccr spiritus deitate socius. Non tres tamcn dii sunt deus uenrs unus est sic pater dominus filius spiritusque sanctus. Proprietas in persmis unitas est et in esencia. Maiestas par et potestas decus honore que per omnia. Sidera maria continens arua sirnul et uniuersa condita, Quem uemunt impia tharthara coiit quaque quem et abissus infima. (

Nunc omnû uox atque lingwa fateatw hunc laude debita, Quem laudant sol atque luna dignitas adorat angelica, Et nos uoce precelsa omnes modulemur organica cantica dulci melodia. Eya et eya nunc simul iubiiemus alti throno domino laudes in excelsis. O adoranda unitas, O ueneranda trinitas, Pet te sumus redempti summa tu caritas. Per te sumus creati uera eternitas. 1 Populm cmctum protege salua i i i r a eripe et emunda. Te adoramus omnipotens aii unimus tiibi laus et gloria. Per infinita secuia seculonun.

1582 Profitentes trinitatm ueneremur d t a t em pari reuerencia. Tres personas asserentes personali clifferentes a se differencia. Hec dicuntur relatiue cum sint unum substantiue non tria principia. Siue dicas tres uel tria simplex 1 tamen est usia non triplex essencia. SimpIex esse simplex posse simplex ueile simplex nosse cuncta sunt simplicia. Pater proles sacrum flamen deus unuç et hii tamen habent quedam propria, Non unius quam duanim siue trinum personanun minor efficacia. Vna uiaus unum numen unus splendor unum lumen hoc una quod dia. Patri proles est equaiis non hoc tollit personalis ambonun( discrecio. Patri compar filioque specialis ab utroque procedit connexio. Non humana racione capi posmt hec persone nec harum discrecio. Non hic ordo temporalis nec hic situs nec localis r e m circumscripcio. Nil in deo preter deum nulla causa preter eum qui creat causalia. Effectiua uel formalis causa deus et finalis sed numquam materia. Digne loqui de penonis uim 1 retundat racionis excedit ingenia. Quid sit gigni quod processus me nescue sum professus sed fide non dubia. Nos in fide glonemur nos in una modulemur fidei constancia. Trine sit laus unitati sit et simplex trinitati coetema gloria. Amen.


1583 Lauda syon saluatorem lauda ducem et pastorem in ympnis et canticis, Quantum potes ta- aude quia maior omni laude nec 1 Iaudare sufficis. 338r Laudis thema speciaiis panis uiuus et uitalû hodie proponiau. Quem in sacre mensa cene turbe fratrum duodene datum non ambigitur. Sit laus plena sit sonora sit iocunda sit decora mentis iubilacio dies enim solemnis agitur in

qua mense prima recoletur huius institucio.

In hac mensa summi reg& nouum pasca noue legis phase 1 uetus temimat uetustatem 338v nouitas umbram fùgat ueritas noctem lux eiiminat.

Quod in cena christus gessit faciendum hoc expressit m sui memoriam. Docti sacris institutis pancm insdutis consecramus h o m . Dogrna dahu cristianis quod in camem transit panis et uimmi in sanguinem. Quod non capis quod non uides animosa fimat fides preter r e m ordimem. 1 Sub diuersis speciebus signis tantum et non rebus latent res exunie. Caro cibus sanguis potus mamt tamen chrisais tom sub utraque specie. Asumente non concisus non confkactus nec diuisus integer accipitur. Sumit unus sumunt mille quantum isti tantum ille nec sumlp]tus comunitur. Sumunt boni sumunt rnaii sorte tamen inequali uite uel interitus. Mors est1 malis uita bonis uide paris sumpcionis quam sit dispar exitus. 339v Fracto demum Sacramento non uaciiles sed memento tan- esse sub fragment0 qua- toto

tegitur . Nulla rei fit scissura signi tan- fit fractura qua nec status nec statura signati minuitur. Ecce panis angelonmi factus cibus uiatonmi uen panis filiorum non rnittendus canibus. 1 In fi@ presignatur d m ysaac ymolaîur agnus pasce deputahu datu manna patribus. 340r Bone pastor panis uere ihesu nosai miserere tu nos pasce nos tuere tu nos bona fac uidere in

terra uiuencium. Tu qui cuncta scis et d e s qui nos pascis hic mortaies tu nos abi cornensales coheredes et

sodales fac sanctorum ciuium. 1

Alia 1 1584 Aue caro cristi regis ueneranda, Esca gregis noue legis adoranda, Tu fîdelibus horis omnibus es memoranda, Tu casto corde sine sorde digne manducanda. Te d i t rite panem uite ecclesia, Dux uiatonun et reonim es uenia, Tu cibus salutis nos in te sacia, Tu robur uirtutis es uiua hostia, Tu lapsonun subleuamen donans presidia, Tu mes tom es so 1 lamen cordis leticia. Magni amoris et dulcoris es gracia, Merces laboris et honoris dans premia, Nos de mundi miseria duc ad etema gaudia. Vt fruamur presencia tua et suaui gloria.

1585 O panis dulcissime O fidelis anime uitatis refectio, O pascalis uictime agnus mansuetissime legalis oblacio.

Caro mens carie que sub panis specie 1 uelaris diuinitus, Victu multipharie recrea nos gracie septifomis spiritus, Sumentem cum sumeris quia non co~l~umeris eteme uniifiw, Nam reaturn sceieris dono tanti muneris dementer euacuas. In te nos ut d a s et uireute munias da te digne sumere, Et carnales hirias propeliens nos facias tecum pie uiuere. Sic refecti poculis sanguinis et e 1 pulis tue carnis optmiis, Seculonrm seculiî epuiemur sedulis ueriatis azimis.

1586 Vito piaudat omnis etas et pro uito laudes letas christ0 soluanî omnia. Hic a uita uere uitus nullos mortis agens ritus puer puerilia More gestu transcendebat durn pro christo quem colebat mundi spreuit gaudia. Dulce patris spreuit sinus iocos ludos nichilo 1 minus uana censens omnia. Hic in breui co13sumatus infans et uix ablactatus puer egit senia. Pater eius hoc audito hunc subduci cursu cito iubet ad fiagicia. Post flagella blmdimentis oblanditur sed tonne& pueri constancia PIUS elegit contorqueri quam iniquum persuaderi patris ab astucia. Tandem preces huic nunori prebens aures uitum mori censet 1 de Nsticia. Si non esset deferendu. eius patri et parcendum uito patris gracia. Ras erg0 deprehensus et pro uito reprehensus uite meat gaudia. Verba patris dixit audi honorandis diis obaudi offer sacrificia. Cogit penis rex iratus suadet pater desolanis tota cum f u i a . Sed nec uitum perterrebat regis ira nec mouebat mente pater anxia. Dum in penis uictor ( smet et pro christo u h n daret uiua fachu hostia. O mirandm bellatorem O stupendum hunc uictorem O mira uictoria. Vitus puer in etate senes uicit grauitate fidei constancia. Erg0 uinim imploremus nos qui uito deferamus uota specialia. Vt per ipsum coronemur quam a nobis non meremur se[m]piterna gloria.


1587 Sancti Baptiste cristi preconis, Solemnia celebraates 1 moni ipsum sequamur. Vt ad uitam quarn predixit asseclas suos perducat. Deuoti te sanctissime hominum amice Iesu cristi flagittamus ut gaudia percipiamw. Apparensque sachane gabriel repromûit qui tuam celebrarent obsequiis nahitatem. Vt per hec festa etem gaudia adipiscamur. Qua sancti dei sacris deliciis leti congaudent.

Tu qui prqaras fidelium corda 1 ne quid deuium uel Iubrinim deus in eis inueniat. Te deposcimus ut crimina n o m et facinora continu prece studeas absoluere. Placatus ut ipse suos semper imiisere fideles, Et mansionern in eis facere dignetur, Et agni ueUere quem tu0 digitto Mundi monstraueras toiiere crimina nos uelit induere, Vt ipsum mereamur angeiis assocü. In aiba ueste sequi per portam 1 clarissimam. Amice cristi IoiKlMes*

1588 Verbum dei deo namm quai nec factum nec creatum uenit de celesti'bus. Hoc uidit hoc atrectauit hoc de ce10 reserauit Iohannes hominiius. Inter illos primitiuos ueros ueri fontis riuos Iohannes exiliit. Toti mundo propinare nectar i h d salutare quod de ce10 prodiit. Celum m i i t ueri solis rotam uidit ibil totam mentis figens aciem. Speculator spiritdis quasi seraphin sub a& dei uidens faciem. Audit in giro sedis quod psailant cum citharedis quater seni proceres. De sigiüo trinitatis nostre nummo ciuitatis impressit caracterem. Iste custos uirginis archanum onginis diuine misteritun s c n i ewangelium mundo premonstrauit. Celi cui palacium cri (shis suum liiium fiiio toniaui sub amok mutui fide commendauit. 346r Haurit uinis hic letale ubi corpus uirginale uirtus seruat fidei. Pena snipet quoci in pena fit Iohannes sine pena bulientis olei. Hic naNriS imperat ut et saxa transferat in decus gemmaTummmaTum Quo iubente riguit aurum fuluum induit uirguia siluarum. Hic infemum reserat morti iubet referatl quos uenenum strauit. Obstruit quod elion Cherintus et marcion perfide latrauit. Volat auis sine meta quid nec uates nec propheta euolauit alcius. Tarn implenda quam impleta nunquarn uidit tot secreta punis homo purius. Sponsus rubra ueste tectus uisus sed non intellectus redit ad palacium. Aquilam bechielis sponsusque misit de celis referre misterim. 1 Dic dilecte de dilecto qualis sit quis ex diIecto sponsus spome nunccians. Dic quis cibus angelonun que sunt festa supernonun de sponsi presencia. Veri panis intellectus cenam christi supra pectus sumtam nobis resera. Vt canamus te patron0 coram agno coram trono laudes super ethera. Amen.


1589 Petre summe christi pastor et paule gencium doctor, Ecclesiam 1 uesais docainis illuminatam.

1588 BD 55: 21 1, G (237v), C (21 IV), V (342~)~ H @IV), L (98v), D (237~). G and D assign this prose to John bcfore the Latin Gate (May 8), the rest to the feast of Job (Decembcr 27).

Per circulum terre prezatus adiuuet uester, Nam dominus petre celorum tiii claues dono dedit. Armigerum beniamin christus te scit suum uas electum. Mare planta te Petre christus conculcare tue dedit cantati. Urnbram aii corporis infirmis debilibusque fecit medicinam. Docti logos phiiosophos te paule chnstus dat uincere sua m e . Multiplias 1 uictorias ai paule christ0 per populos acquisisti. Postremo uictis omniïus barbaris ad arcmi su- pergitis cuiminis germanos discordes sub

iugum christi pacatos iam machiri. Ibi Neronis feritas principis Apostolonmi preliis plunmû uictores diueae te petre et paule

addixerant pene mortis. Te c m associat te uero gladius cruentus mittit christo.

1590 Aue uerbi 1 dei parens uirginum humilitas. Aue omni neuo carens humilis uirginitas. Gaude que sic grauidaris nec puaris Nio. Gaude que sic oneraris onere gratissirno. Salue Iesse stirpe orta uUguIa fmctifera. Salue clausa templi porta soli deo peniia. Plaude uelus gedeonis rore madens pneumatis. Plaude pellis Salemonis pulcrior pre ceteris. 1 Vale Iacob micans stella et ü1usna11~ maria uale consignata ceUa mbus in ui flammea. Euge sole quod amicta solem gignis steMa euge quod sis pnelecta scala celi fulgida. Plange aurora consurgens luce noui sideris. Plange archa trina ferens carismata miseris. Eya magnificat tua Iesum cristum anima. Eya tecum ut laudemus ora dulcis maria.

1591 Illi ( bata mente sana abiit uirgo in montana salutaodo grauidam. Ouus ferens presuaue roboratur sumpto aue senem mulcet pauida. Hanc ut uidit hec matrona elizabet inquit dona quis michi tot tribuit, Ad me mater que ueniret dei talem non sitiret quis hoc q h a s inâuit. Nate clausus unde ouas noms cerneos proles nouas quis te scire docuit. Nouo 1 nouus grahilatur mater rnatrem amplexatur totum deus uoluit. Eya ambit illa Uam matrem dei et anciilam hec uun sixditer. Sacra uirgo pacti rata magnificat uoce grata decantat bumiliter. Aue flore redimita more diuo insipita nos precamur respice. Ros inundat labe mundat sol uirtute te fecundat decorrat magnifice. Amen.

1592 Phu 1 dant chori monachorum et letentur fratres qyonrm pater est procopius. Cetus quoque clericorum m e l d e dulcem chorum huic frequentet sepius. Qui de gente E?ohemonim natus uelud sidus monmi uenustate claniit. in saiutem plurimorum sospitates infirmonim dans pius apparuit, Noue legis nouus lator gentis natiue zeiator nouis doctus Mieris. Docet non ut 1 simulator sed actiuus contemplator dans exemplum posteris. in deserti mamit freto eius loci de secret0 demones eiiciens. übi tandem fabricauit templum fkatnimque locauit deuotum collegium. Quibus prophetas predicauit dum peuendos iudicauit ducis per fastigium, Sed pellemios quos predixit tempus consoh prefixit ( quo sufferrent modicurn. Nam quos fouerat d m uixit pro hiis mortuus confiwt aduersus theutimicum. Hinc tirranus efugotur et edicto prowlgatur ut insontes redeant. V u sanctus mirificatur prestans quodcumque rogatur quo fideles gaudeant. Cecis uisum claudis gressum reparauit et oppressum lapidum congerie. Atro demone possessum h'berauit et confessum patricidam carie. Idem dum inter 1 pellatur fluens ampris congelatur in estatis tempore. Orbus uidet et cecatur quia non plene precatur pro salutis opere. Huic oramus te patrone miseros audire prone qui tot signis radias. A uindicte nos mucrone saIuans celesti corone conformari facias. Amen.


1593 Rex regum Ihesu criste anno millesirno ac quaclringentesirno et quinto decimo tue natiuitatis w secundurn homi 1 nem, 352v Glorie tue laudis crepando sedulis de bohemia natus Iohannes dictus hus extremum composuit sui

finis diem. Criste tuum calicem tunc die sabbati in octaua principum bibens petri pauli ad etemum brauium

cucumit fortiter, Pie niste et sancte preclanis magister deo et homimius dilectus presbiter doctrinis et &bus

clarebat pariter. Dei mandata grata sancta consilia clencum et simplicem docens uti 1 Lia sicque mntinuauit 353r

christi apostolus. Patris Ihesu O nate almeque uirginis propter te fert odia dire uoragi.uk clamatu erroneus tuus

discipulus. Genite ueritatis uiam ~Iarescentem predicantem constanter in ipsum urentem capitulum principum

dictat sentenciam. Fili dei O criste propria patria prophetam tam uidentcm odit malicia peilit Romam citando in


15!32 C 2 3 5 , S 398r, B 334r. T 307r. D 25211.

1593 BD 1: 17 (incipit only). T *311r. L 191r, D 253v.

Marie tue maaÛ mimm professorem eun 1 ctorunque sanctorum wnim laudatorem auwat 353v fdaciter cleri inuidia.

Da bone Ihesu criste plura elicere innocentes laudare nocentes damnare qui seruos tuos praua concuciunt uia.

Opem iniusticia nuliam habens suam contumax propallatur ouis christe tua extra pragam peiüfur sic innocencia.

Miseris miserior a clero notatur sed 1 christi discipulus minime turbatur per alios discrictus serens celestia. 1

Quos uerbo pertransiens dei uisitabat reos iustos faciens den comendabat sic bimani spacio 354r in hiis desudabat,

Diiigis quos comgû O Ihesu baigne hoc in tuo cornprobas atlna insigne certamen dum fortiter propter te gestabat.

Vt cum in constanch foret concdium sub saluato conductu ad malignacium properat ecclesiam domini agnellus.

Possint fideles cristi dolenter defiere complices anticristi dum iu (snim premere pretendunt 354v hinc rnirenir celum atque tellus.

Viuere non proponunt iustum perampiius capiunt incarcerant et ferro arcius stringunt amicum dei feri contortores.

Absque quouis tramite sancte iusticie hominem sancte uite et imocencie pretendunt conuincere falsos promotores.

Carie fdacie et iniusticie profugos uagos testes docens neqyicie condemnat morte iustum cohors sathaaica,

Lumen predicato 1 rum excellentissimum reputat uilissimum et abiectissimum spolians officio 35% manus sacrilega.

Celicum misterium ei denegando tmcat pilos capitiç sic destituendo tradit potentatui per ignem confiandum.

Dona bona pro malis iustus reimpendit dum c m lacrimis orat genuaque flectit se tradens ad uictimam ut ad ymmolandwn.

Ecclesie tractatum quem composuerat sirnulque et alios quos üli iunxerat ante oculos iusti corn 1 ittunt ignibus. 35%

Qum insana hec cohors in hac uesania nam irnpingit coronam plenam blacphernia ponens in caput iusti comittunt ignibus.

Redemisti domine me sed Sert iusnis sub spinea corona dum ibas onustus hanc leuem pro te fero letis ceruicibus.

Tu0 cum pro nomim Ihesu mitissimus ad locum tomentonun ibat carissimus te plene inuocando traditur igni'bus.

Sanguine pro sanguine tuo suo fuso 1 optimo sancto fine taliter concluso c m sanctis 356r martilt'bus tenet aureolam.

Ut cum iudex uened in fine seculi bononunque d o m tunc cernent oculi quod Iohannes sanctus Hus celi fert coronam.

Esset nimis dolendum et ualde mirandclun ùohemis fidehius si non deplangendum ducerent continue tam uinun p r e c l m .

Candida scolarium tu d e r s i t a s doctonim magistrom concors societas socium deplangite uestrum pium carum.

Stola 1 predicatorum sertaque uirginum merores uiduanun fidesque coniugum totaque 356v artificum sancta cornmunitas.

Glorie insi- preclarï domini magnates et proceres miiites strenui cunctaque bohemica plangat

cornmunitas. Sempiteme domine Ihesu criste pie dimitte pecamina & dona glorie socians in patria nos

predicatori glorioso Iohanni beato martiri. Vbi n a amplius clamores qyenili aullus luctus nuiii emu 1 li tuis sanctis nocere queut 357r

gaudentibus in etenium.

1594 Magaretham preciosam sponsam cristi generosam ueneremur hodie. A gentili patre nata fide cristo desponsata ipsi regi gIorie. Rectam fidem dum xnatur domo paais propulsaair nuaici se conailit. Generosa oues pauit quam prefectus adamaiiit sed hec cùristum pretulit. Ex contemtu prouocatur iudex aqua preparatur 1 in uas uirgo mergitur. T h u s uidens illesam claudit antro Uugis cesam demon mens sternitur. Ad tribunal presentatur et exuta flagellatu fluunt riui sanguinis. Ridens gaudet passione confortatur in agone nutu sancti fl ammis. Ad mucronem ce- tensa orat uoce c m inmensa pro se trucidantibus. Rex spopondit regnurn celi promisso pacto fidei cunctis se laudantii. 1


1595 Celi enarrant gloriam dei Nii uerbi incarnati hcti de terra celi. Hec enim gloria soli domino est congru. Nomen est cuius magni consilii angelus. Istud consilium lapso homini auxilium est antiquum et profundun et uenun f a c m solis sanctis

tantum cognitum. Cum angelus iste homo natus ex muliere inrnortaiem ex mortali de terra celum fecit ex homine

angelum. Hic est dominus exercituum deus cu ( ius sunt angeli missi in terrarn apostoli, 358v Quibus seipsum uiuum prebuit resurgens in muitis argumentis pacem uictor mortis nunccians: Pax uobis ego sum hiquit nolite iam h e r e pndicate uerbum dei creature omni coram

regibus et principibus, Sicut misit me pater et ego mitto uos in mundum estote erg0 prudentes sicut serpentes estote

ut coIumbe simplices. Hinc petrus romam appostolorum princeps adiit Paulus 1 greciam ubique docens graciam

ter quatuor hii procetes in plagis terre quatuor ewaogclisantes trinum et ummi. Ancireas Iacobus uterque Filippus Bartolomeus Simon Thadeus Iohannes Thomas et Matheus

duodecim iudices non ab un0 sed in unum diuisi per orbem diuisos in unum colligunt. In omnem terram exiuit sonus eorum, Et in fines orbis terre uerba eorum,

Quam speciosi pedes ewangelizancium bona predicanciirm 1 pacem. Sanguine christi redemtis ita dicencirmi Syon regnabit deus anis, Hiis dixisti rorate celi de super et mbes p l u t iustum aperiatur terra germinaas. Hii sunt ce8 in quiius criste habitas in quomm uerbis tonas fulguras signis roras graciam. Qui uerbo senila fecit quod pro wbis uerbum car0 facami est in fine sedorum. Hoc uerbum quod predicamus cristum crucifixum qui uiuit et regnat deus in celis. Germen iusnim suscil tat terram nostram quam apostolicis uerbis serens germjnare facias. 360r Quorum uerbis uerbum patris mentes in paciencia fiuctum ferre fac nos tibi do&. Hii celi quos mgni consilii ange& inhabitas quos non seruos sed amicos appeUas q u i omnia

que audisti a patre notificas, In quorum diuisione tiii collectum gregem custodias indiuisum et in uinculo pacis unum ut in te

unum simus sicut in patre tu es unus. 1 Miserere nostri tu qui habitas rex in celis. 360v

15% Laus tibi criste qui es creator et redemptor idem et saluator, Celi terre maris angelom et hominum. Quem soluni deum confitemur et dominum, Qui peccatores uenisti ut saiuos faceres. Sine peccato peccati assumens formulam. Quorum de grege ut cananeam Mariam uisitasti MagdaIenam. Eadem mensa uerbi diuini Uam micis hanc refouens pocuiis, in 1 domo Sirnonis leprosi conuiuiis accubans tipicis, 36 1 r Murmurat phariseus ubi plorat femina criminis conscia. Peccator contemnit compecantem peccati nescius penitentem exaudis emundas fedarn adamas ut

puicram facias. Pedes amplectitur dominicos lacrimis Iauat tergit criniius lauando tergendo ungento unxit osculis

circuit, Hec sunt conuiuia que tiii placent O patris sapiencia. Natus de 1 uirgine qui non declignaris tangi de peccatrice. 361v A pharkeo es inuitaîu Marie fercuiis saturatus. Multum dimittis muitum amanti nec crimen postea repetenti. Demoniis eam septem mundans septiformis spiritus. Ex mortuis resurgentem das cunctis uidere priorem. Hanc criste proselitam signaos ecclesiam quam ad filionim mensam uocas alienigenam. Quam inter conuiuia legis et gracie spreuit phariseus 1 fasais Iepra uexat heretica. 362r Qualis sit tu scis tangit te quia peccatrix quia uenie optatrix, Quid nam haberet egra si non accepisset si non medicus adesset. Rex regum diues in omnes nos salua peccatores tergens cmcta crimina sanctorum spes et gloria.

1597 Gaude sponsa cristi uirgo mater ecclesia, Omni de nacione generam ilii filios quotidie. Per quos inferos superas et celi tiii ianuam conci 1 Lians, Hanc pandunt hodie quorum fe~ra ueneramur hec duo luminaria Ex quibus Iacobus in Iudea per uirtutem reluxit et Samaria, Egros curans demones fugans mortuos in lucem uerbo reparatls- Magos sana uincens doctrina fidei parauit corda p1urima. Post ut agnus iuguio ductus se mipendit promptissmius, Lauans agni sangwine stolam commutauit morte uitam. Eiusdem uite inuitatus ardore 1 cristofow. Hac @sa passus est in die sed chers0 tempore. Gentiii'bus exortus sed celitus inSmictus uerbis quod predicauit si@ firmauit. Aridam fusa prece uirgam fecit florere carceri mancipatur uirgis ceûîtur. Ignem perrransiit fenum sicut ceram dissoluit. Capite plectitur celos et uictor ingreditur, Ipsius per mirabiiia ctediderunt millia quater duodena. Rex quoque qui eum puniuit signis uictus cum suis fideml promeruit, Terge fletum rachel genas passione roseas, Quos gemebas Iabomtes modo regnant uictores, Te qui tuo cornendet sponso.


1598 Sancte Anne deuote decantet chorus alleluia. Cuius partus saiutem produit mundo res miranda. De cuius prole casta eterna lux est exorta sol de stella. Anna ex prosapia Aaron est genita semper clara. 1 Que ut sidus aureum decorauit seculum pariforma. Amans deum toto corde n d a letali sorde fit compta. Gignens saluth hctum abstulit omnem luctum ualle nostra. Ex prole quam genuit sol uem ernicuit came sumta. Sol criste irradia nostra corda gracia ne siaas labe noxia esse ceca. Quem nec Iudea natum c r d t nec ymmolatum cum sint pencripta unun hec pre 1 dicta. 364v Nunc ora ut pia mater et fïiia occumt gens misera. Ut hec p s t aistia ducat ad gaudia hic quun genuit puerpera Maria.


1599 Aue Martha gloriosa celi iubar mundi rosa duatoris hospita. Melodia gaudiosa presens decantetur prosa tibi laude debita. Tu sola uimite dei morbum regis dodonei curas incurabilem. Unde reges et 1 regine tue laudant medicine uirtutem mirabilem. Orta stirpe regia regem r e m propria tu domo suscepisti. Feminanun gloria mc ta uolatiüa pascentem tu pmisti. Per te serpens est subuersus per te inuenis submersus uite restituitur. Per te chmmtw errores per te decorantu mores et fides extoilittu. O o h pietatis et quis tue sauctitatis dicet exceilenciam. Vitam fia 1 tri meruisti ex aqua uinum fwisti per dRilliam graciam. Animam tue sororis audis a supcrnis choris fem cum leticia. Corpus tuum tharascone sepeliuit cum frontone christus manu propria. ûra pro nobis domina per te nostra peccamina siugda deleantur. hpetra Martha gracia. hiis qui dei memoriam iugiter uenerannir. In angusta mortis hora nobis omni 1 bus implora peccatorum ueniam. C m uiteque perfecto perduc nos tramite recto ad supernam curiam. Amen.


1600 Tu es Petrus et super hanc petram edificabo ecclesiam. Tu beanis es bariona cui aspirat sua dona quasi nato spiritus. Quod caro sanguisque nescit per patrem tibi patescit reuelantem celitus. Tibi claues dono dedit quibus celi porta cedit preualetque inferis. Po 1 testate formidanda hic Ligas WC liganda tuta sunt que solueris. Te piscantem piscatoris ad capture melioris usum traxit gracia. Cuncta linquis naui spreta twiporalis mundi meta iudices ut omnia. Apostolis principaris dominoque sociaris in triiuti precio. Transformai tu Mesie Moysique et Helie fnreris colloquio. Sicco pede calcas mare Malchum trwicas fles amare dum pun 1 git negacio. Sic deiecaim pacientis et erectum resurgentis reintegrat uisio. Ter confwus ter 1 negatum gregem pascis ter donatum uita uerbo precibus. Claudus salit et thabita iterata claret uita uiam paras gentibus. infinnos umbra mederis defraudantes graui feris coniuges supplicia. Tu uinclis liber laxarh portis exis reseratis duce fietus preuio. Cecus uidet munis fatur languor fugit duplex1 datur d u s antiochie. Funus surgit magus cadit cowcratur romam uadit cmcis et uictorie. Illurn sequem pendens cruce scandit celum qui te duce nobis detur aditus. Ianitor ingressum pande quod nos lucis non mutande foueat intuitus.

1601 Ad auram pst meridiem lapsum querit hominem, In cuius corde sol occiderat iusticie, Quem serpe.m prima spohuerat tunica, Sed ( nudam imocencia defensionh ta i t folia, Duxn confiteri erubuit quod ho& natura succubuit. Anime reaturn proprium mereatoris retorqyet in eum, Quam mquit dabas sociam d e r escam tri'buit uetitam. Transgresor ergo peliitur ad uitam conditus morte moritur. Predictus tandem queriau uirgiois parai inuentus reducitur, Dum &O Matheus iacrimosa 1 maria zacheus. Saulus adultera saluanair dauid raab affra, Insula quam ciprus n o m dat cemere Iittus, Ut uenie germini nobis ostendat apernim, Dum turpem ydoIatriarn uera mundet penitencia, Atque dignam martirio christi faciat confessio, Cuius mentis ornnia pwgentur nostra crimina, Ut angelonun gaudiis perfivamur sempitemis.


1602 Laurenti Dauid ma 1 gni martir milesque fortis, Tu imperatoris tribunal, TU manus tortorum cruentas, Spreuisti secunis desiderabilem atque manu fortem, Qui solus potuit regna superare tiranni crudelis, Cuîusque sancti sangwinis prodigos fecit amor milites eius, Dum modo illurn liceat cemere dispendio uite presentis. Cesaris tu faces contemnis et iudicis rninsn derides. Camifex ungulas et u 1 stor craticulam m e consumunt. Dolet impius urbis prefectus uictus aspice assato cristi cih. Gaudet domini conuiua fauo comesurgenti cum christ0 saturatus. O Laurenti militum dauid inuictissirne regis eterni, Aput iîium semulis ipshs deprecare ueniarn semper, Martir milesque fortis.


Coqaudent angelonmi chon gloriose uirgini. Que sim uirili commixtione genuit F i qui 1 su0 m d u m cruore medicat, Nam @sa letatur quod celi iam conspicatm principem. In terris cui quondam agendas uirgo mamilias prebuit. Quam celebris angelis Maria Iesu mater creditur, Qui filii iilius debitos se cognocunt famulos. Qua gloria in celis ista uirgo c4litur que domino celi prebuit hospiciimi sui sanctissimi corporis. Quam splemiida polo steila maris rutilat <lue omnium lumen a 1 stronmi et hominum aûpe 370v

spirituun genuit. Te ceii regina hec plebicula piis concelebrat mentibus, Te cantu melodo super ethera una cum angelis eIeuat, Te hiri uirgo concirmnt propheranmi chorus iubilat sacerdoami apostoli christique d e s

predicat , Te plebis S e m sequitur u t r i q e uitam diligens uirginaiem celicolas in castimonkt emulans. Ecclesia erg0 cuncta te cordibus teque ( carminifbus celebrans. 37 Ir Tibi suam manifestat deuocionem precahi te supplici miplorans maria, Vt sibi auxifium c i ra christum dominum esse digneris per euum.

1604 Area uirga prime matris eue floreas rosa processit maria. Oritur ut lucifer inter astra etherea per pulcbra ut luna. . . Fragrescit ultra omnia balsama pigmenta et trmiamata. Purpurea ut uiola roscida ut rosa candens ut 1 lilia. 371v Patrk summi quam elegit proles deica ut assumeret camem sacrosanctam ex uirginis came incompta. Celsus nuncciat angehis noua gaudia etemi regis e x o m in terra matremque eius ita salutat. Aue Maria domini mei mater alma celica plena gracia, Tu benedicta regem in secula paries effecta celi regina. Fecunda erg0 inquit Quomodo esse queam aim uinmi non cognoscarn? 1 Ex quo sum nata et 372r

semper permanens uirgo pudica. Ne timeas respondit angelus sanctum pneuma descendet in te casta quo fecundata paries deurn et

hominem sola. O uere sancta atque amanda ex qua est orta rederncio nostra salus quoque mundi ueraque uita. O dei nostri geninix pia ~ c i p e noma bac die precata in qua es assilmpta ad celi claustra. Tu es enim paai cara ni es Ihesu mater bona tu sancti spiriw es tun 1 plum facta. Tu es e n h dei sponsa tu regem christum enixa domina es in ce10 et in terra. Hodie nanique curie celestis tibi obuia agmina te assumpsenint ad palacia steiiata. Iesus et ipse festinus ubi matri a m angelis occumns sede paterna senim locauit in secia. Iam cum de0 regnans nostra excusa clemens mala poscens cuacta bona O benigna. Mediaaix n o m que es poa deum spes prima tuo 1 filio nos representa, Vt in poli aula leti iubilemus aeuia.


1605 Diem festum Bartholomei christi amici fratres extolite dignis preconiis. Eius obtentu celi commereamur sedi'bus p e r f i . Hic indie populis predicans ewangelium, Qui dediti uiciis uacabant ydolatrie, Quos instruens sanctus apostolus iussit frangere ydoia atque christ0 facere templa, Et demones quos adorauere Nssit longnis abire 1 ubi essent in uia terre. Mudans leprosos saIuti pristine et reddit egos. Vestiuit cecos presenti lumine fecitque sanos. Oracio eius paraliticos erigit aqye curat energuminos. Nam iudicis natam regis diu lunaticam sola prece s a l m fecerat. Conuertit regem populumque eius sacris fonti'bus expiauerat, Romitfens illis quod non uidit homo nec ascenderat in cor hominis, Per multa sic pre 1 dicans tempora uestimenta illius non fuerant sordida. Nocturno uigilarat tempore similiter dimo in dei laudarnine. Post taiia miracula occisus migrauit ad christum perhenni in regno semper mansum. Sed ueniet in die iudicii cum deo horninum secreta per ignem iudicaninis. Quesumus te Bartholomee exorantes quod detergas nostra hic facinora, Quatinus utamur premio quai credendum 1 repromisit cristus gregi pusilIo.


1606 De profundis tenebranrm mundo exit lumine c I a m et scintiilat hodie. Olim quidem uas errons augustinus uas honoris datus est ecclesie. Verbo dei dum obedit credit errans et accedit ad baptismi graciam. Quam in primis tuebatur uerbis scriptis exsecratur erroris fallaciam. Firmans fidem fornians mores legis sacre peruersores uerbi 1 necat gladio. Obmutescit fortunatus cedit manes et donatus tante lucis radio. Mundus marcens et inanis et doctrinis tritus uanis per pestem hereticam. Multum h c t u m cepit ferre d u . in fines orbis terre fidem sparsit unicam. Clericalis uite normam conquadrauit iuxta formam cetus apostolici. Sui quippe ni1 habebat tamquam suum sed uiuebat in communi clerici. Sic 1 multonun pro saiute te diu uiuens in uimite bona tandem senectute dormiuit c m 37%

patri'bus. In extremis nit legauit qui ni1 suum estimauit ymmo t o m reputauit commune cum fratribus. Salue gernma confèssorum lingua christi uox ceionun scnia uite lux doctorum presul beatissirne. Qui te patrem uenerannu te ductore consequatur uitam in- gloriantur beatorum. Amen. 1


1607 PsaUite regi nostro psallite psallite psallite prudenter, Nam psalte- est iocmdum cun cithara. Nato uirginis quo psaiiens natus sterilis. Citharam carnis percussit in domo domini, Du. quod sonabat clamando docuit uiuendo, Mortificaodo que super terram sunt rnembra et hoc alios docendo. Reparans cristo plebem perfeztam Iohannes uox clamantis in deserto. Sed uox hec impi 1 um Herodem quem corripit minime comgit. Haut tamen tacuit sed ad usque sanguinem sceieri restitit. Non licet inquit te fratris tui habere wniugem raptam sibi peccasti quiesce penitentiius sic

precepit dominus. Vocem incantantis sapienter herodes ut aspis surda spteuit ut nisnmi ut sancturn Iohannem t h e t

quem uinxit in carcere. Sedet in tenebris Iucema lucis amicus omnipotentis. Studet de 1 liciis mundi principis filius perdicionis. 377r Meretrix suadet pueiia saltat rex iubet sanl ctus decoflahuhu Dat rex saltanti caput Iohannis qui sanctus fit anteQuam natus. En quomodo perit iustm quasi non sit deo dilectus. Cum sit eius preciosa mors hec in conspectu domini. Nos corde percipimus qualis ac quantus quia uicinus dignitate christ0 fit et morte. Nam morte turpissima danmatur sponsus sponsi et a 1 micum damnat morte recte tupissixna. 377v Carcere carius eductum quem ferunt psallendo celis angeli angelum. Et nos in terris tibi psallere fac christe in memoriam baptiste. Herodis spreta commema altaris tui mensa ipsum te durn sumimus semper tibi psallimus.


1608 Psaiiat laude competenti chorus uiro sapienti condigna preconia. Supra petmm qui fundauit domum suam et f imuit fidei con ( sraocia. Q u m nec hostis subintrauit nec flans tectum subintrauit mundana lasciuia. O quam decens tabemaculum quod sol uem lucis specuium luce replens optima. Sancti spiritus edificium sanctum fecit Egidium colens cordis intima. Intus d t o r non latuit uirtutibus non patuit se monstrans deifice. Annis namque subteneris puer adiuncîus litteris profecit immodice. Il10 scolas ( repetente quidam lesus a serpente totus tumens cernmir. Cui quid det non habente tunicm dat qua repente tectus sanus reddihu. Vir arreptus a demonio sancti uiri patrocinio menti sane redditur. Expectato fine patrio cristo dato patrimonio egenus progreditur. Dum maris litîus adiit nauim uidere contigit in mortis periculo. Pro qua d m cristum peciit nauis mox Iimis adiit saiuata cum populo. Plebs 1 gratanter adorauit et in naui collocauit sanctum sine precio.

Et quos multos pererrauit mox eosdem wmparauit fluctus breui spacio. Theodore desperatam sanitati reddit natam receptus hospicio. Terram fame desolatam f m e facit oneratam uicnis uere denuo. Post oblatum a populo defunctum reddit secuio hoc asscnins socio. In deserti latiiulo lacte pascitur sedulo cerne beneficio- Pro 1 nutrice wlneratur et per wlnus uir notatur et a rege supplicatur eius patrocinio. 37% Crimen regis reuelatur ut sit abbas exoratur illuc claustnun ordinatur et fit congregacio. R o m uenit aduocatus cypressino muneratus inde rediit hostio. Quod aguanim permeam mox uentonmi regens flatus appuiit cenobio. Post tanta beneficia migrauit ad celestia sancto cum tripudio. 1 Vbi criscus per omnia cum sanctis est in gloria et perhenni gaudio. 38ûr Nos colentes presencia sancti uiri solemnia decantemus aeuia.

1609 Stirpe Maria regia procreata regem generans Ihesum, Laude digna angelonun sanctorum, Et nos peccatores Obi deuotos intuere benigna. Tu pios p a m mores ostentas in te sed excellis eosdem. Patris tui saiomonis in te lucet sophia, Et eze 1 chie aput deum cor rectum sed numquam in te cornpendum. Patris Iosie adimpleuit te religiositas. Surnmi eciam patriarche te fides totam possedit patris tui, Sed quid nos istos recensemus heroas, Cum tuus narus ornnes preceilat illos atque cunctus per orbem, Nos hac die tibi gregatos sema uirgo in lucem mundi qua prodisti paritura celorum lumen.


1610 Laudes cnicis attolamus nos qui 1 crucis exultamus speciali gloria. 381r Dulce melos tangat celos dulce lignurn dulci dignurn canamus melodia. Voci uita non discordet d m uox uitam non remordet dulcis est simphonia. Serui crucis cnicem laudent qui per crucem sibi gaudent uite dari munera dicant omnes et dicant

singuli aue salus tocius seculi arbor salutifera. O quam felix quam preclara fuit hec salutis ara1 rubens agni sanguine agni sine macula qui 381v

mundauit secuia ab antiquo crimine. Hec est scala peccatonnn per quam cristus rex celonim ad se traxit omnia. Forma cmcis hec ostendit que terrarum comprehendit quatuor confinia. Non sunt noua sacramenta nec recenter est inuenîa cnicis hec religio. Ipsa dulces aquas fecit per banc silex aquas k i t Moysi officio.

Ligna legens in sarepta spem sa 1 Iutis est adepta pauper muliercula. Sine lignis fidei nec lechitus olei ualet nec farinuia. h scripturis sub figuris ista latent sed iam patent cmcis beneficia. Reges credunt hostes cedunt sola cmce cristo duce pauci figant milia. ïsta suos forciores semper facit et uictores morbos sanat et languores reprimit dernonia. Dat captiuis liberfafem uite conkt no 1 uitatem ad antiquam dignitatern c m reduxit omnia. 382v Nuiia salus est in domo nisi cmce munit homo super luninaria. Neque sensit gladium nec amisit filium quisquis egit talia. O c m lignum triumphaie mundi uera salus aue inter Iigna nullum tale fionde flore gerrnine. Medicina cristiana salua sanos egros sana quod non ualet uis humaaa fit in 1 tu0 nomine. 383r Assistentes crucis laudi consecrator crucis audi atque seruos tue crucis post hanc uitam uere lucis

transfer ad paiiacia. Quos tormento uis seuire fac tonnenta non sentire sed cum dies erit ire nobis confer et largue

sempiterna gaudia.


1611 Pleno cantu cordis oris laudes canant intus foris cristiani cunctis horis in ludmille gIoriam, Namque terre fit paaona 1 ista beata matrona clara fulgens in corona pro mortis uictoria. 383v Lauda celum dignam Iaude s i d terra laudans gaude mitem castam sine fraude gratam deo uiduam. Fortem basem infirmom et solamen miserom matrem dulcem egenorum in dando precipuam. Tanta matre iugulata et iam terre comendata signa facta sunt et rata ipsius ad gloriam. Per quam christe mente prona te rogamus nobis 1 dona ornari ce8 corona post mundi miseriam. 3 8 4

1612 Almi gracia assit nobis spiritus, Vt digne celebremus huius diei gaudia. Congaudet in quo sancto ceIi conciui Matheo. Et tu Matee christi miles inciite, Propicium te nostris uotis exhibe, Vt laudes pro te hodiemas deo quas referimus. Nos illi reddas ut placentes supplices expetimus, Nam credimus quod tu omnia poteris coram 1 domino. Quem tu sequi iussus omnia spreuisti cum theloneo. Et idcirco uunitîum plurima per preconia. Sanctitatis in euum celebris est mernoria. Ezechiel te propheta quondam preuidit inter quatuor animalia. Et flumen tu paradisi mundum irrigas tui doctrinis ewangelii.

Verbo fidei tu ethiopes de0 celi predicans lucraîus es. Fidem quam uerbo predicaueras per uirfutem signi confimiaueras. Victor 1 magomm nam effugasti pestes draconum. Tuque defuncnun resuscitasti regis filium. Ipsum regem cristo fidelem c m suo baptisasti populo. Prouincias tu firmabas ritiius sacris et ordimibus. Inter quos deo uirginalem consecrans statuisti primus ordinem. Illam tu uelo dedicatam regendo perfecisti ephigeniam. Sed dyabolus qui semper est maligmis regi uirginis illictos suggessit ut petisset thalamos. Pro quo con 1 flictum subemdo pium uictor hodie martirio et palmam referens de prelio. 385v Hunc die gloriosum fecisti.


1613 Redeundo per g i m circini annalis thebeurun maninmi refulsit natalis. Quibus modum in minmi equinoctialis dies iste factus est dies etexnalis. Dies sine uespera nocte non sepulnis quam non sol per aera sed diuini wltus Illutrat serenitas tali facto fultus quo senes sunt Riuenes ne 1 mo fit adultus. In hoc se mauricius maurum difidetur in hoc niger candidus habeîur, Vbi exniperius nunquam superetur et victor uictonius uictor societw, Vbi innocencius uitam dat uitali bans innocencium premio uitali. Quo neuter iam moritur tutus a uitaii uterque sub dis se dei nouit ali. Senes seni proceres numeri profecti collegistis acies gressus callis recti. Ad collem iusticie colla 1 licet fiecti hesu uesno capite nequiuistis plecti. Vt ad thronum gradibus senis ascendamus bissenos leuunculos ut non tirneamus, Vt sex improperia nunQuam audiamus uos seni occurite nobis supplicamus. Senas alas tollite nos ad protegendum seni duces Israhel ad benedicendurn, Ascendistis in montem idem est agendum nobis benedicite amen est dicendum.


1614 Criste tui preclari 1 militis uenceslai colentes solemnia. Adiuuemur nia semper gracia, Vt eius exemplo contimio inherendo. Monun atque atque uite placeamus puritate. Hic sllmmus ecclesie gentis bohernie. Martirii Wgida donatur gloria. Dum matutinum tiii christe pergit officium soluere debitun. Ilium germanus bonis eius inuidens actiius prosternit paIiidus. Quem protinus carneis solutum uinculis.

Corona ui 1 ctorie decorans hodie, Nam inter plues celonun mansiones quas primitw creduiis parasti populis, C o n c ~ e m tui uictoris Abel iusti hunc martirem optime coiiocas domine, Quo nunc prelucido, Letus consorcio, Nos tiii sedulis precibus wmendet iugiter wenceslaus oramus.

1615 Siimmi regis archangele Michael, htende quesumus nostris precibus, Te namye profitemur esse su 1 pernonun principem ciuium. Tu deum obsecra pro nobis ut miüat auxilium miseris. Principalis est potestas a domino tibi data precantes saiuificare animas. Ipse tenes perpetui potenciam paradisi omnes ciues te honorant superi. Tu in templo dei thwiibuium aureum uisus es habuisse manxius. Inde scandens uapor aromate plurimo peruenit ante conspectum dei. Quando ( cum dracone magno commisisti prelium faucibus iliius animas eripuisti plurimas. 388v Hinc maximum agebanir in ce10 silencium milia milium dicebant d u s regi domino. Audi nos Michael angele Nmme huc parum descende de poli sede nobis ferendo opem domini

atque leuamen indulgencie. Tu nostros Gabriel hostes prosterne tu Raphael egris aEer medelam mor 1 bos absterge 389r

noxas dilue nosque fac interesse gaudiis beatorum.


1616 Dilecte deo Galle perhenni, Hominibusque et cetiius angelonun, Qui Iesu christi obediens ardue suasioni. Predia patris gremium matris, Coniugis c m ludicra nati, Spreuisti pauperem pauper dominum SeQuens, Et cmcem gaudiis pretulistti lubricis. Sed christus precio centuplicato, Hec compensat ut dies 1 iste test-, Cum tibi nos omnes filios duici subdit affectu. Sueuiam suauem p a m tibi Galle donauit. Necnon et iudicem in celis apostolorum choro Nnctum te fecit sedere. Te nunc suppliciter precamur ut nobis Iesum christun Galle postules fauere. Et locurn corporis eius Pace repleas,

At tuos supplices crebra prece subleues, Vt ti'bi debitam honorificenciam, Letabundi semper wreamur soluere, 1 0 Galle deo dilecte.

1617 Virginaiis tuma sexus Ihesu chrisri que cornexus dono sentis gracie. Flos candoris tui rubet trucidari dum te iubet tortor pudicicie. Britanonim insule rector pater VrsuIe deo notus claniit. Hanc Conanus uirginem propter pulcritudinem parem chori uoluit. Procos mittit et precatur minis terret si spematur sibi poscens Vrsulam. Pater e h iam bapti 1 smi fonte lotus paganismi prorsus uitat copulam. Ioterim Vrsula christi discipula docta per somnnim. Statuit nupcias querens inducias aimanis spacio. Vice dotis coniugü regine uotis abiles dato sumtu nauigii coeue dannir nobiles. Vndena denum milia sponso transmittit uirgines ducunt mues per maria c m spementes

homiaum. Aura fiante le ( uius discedunt a Iittore huc illucque sepius plan0 ludunt equore. Hinc manus feminea rexit dante domino mues quas basilea breui uidit termino. Relictis oauibus ordinant acies uentis et estibus exponunt facies et romam adeunt. Per monasteria fundentes lacrimas trahunt suspiria cornendant animas sanctis et redeunt. Quam in portu reliquerant classem sirnul inuenerunt magmun flumen et 1 amenum

muigantes intrant renum per dei clemenciam. Hinc ad locum passionis ducit eas dux agonis florem sue inuentutis parui pendunt spe dutis

euntes coioniam, O felix colonia subter cuius menia barbaronum rabies, Enses tela frameas cultros in uirgineas cruentauit acies. Feliciora uirginum connubia uiraginum agnumque sine macula duce secun 1 tur unula. Quanim oracionibus felices cum felicibus pace fniamur sedula per secuiorurn secuia.


1618 Omnes sancti seraphin cherubin troni quoque dominacionesque principatus potestates uirtutes. Archangeli Angeli uos decet laus et honores. Ordines nouem spirituum beatonun, Quos in dei laudibus firmauit caritas. Nos fragiles homines finnate precibus, Vt spirita 1 les prauitates uestro iuuamine uincentes fortiter. Nunc et in ewum uestris simus digni solemniis interesse sacris.

Vos quos dei gracia uiucere terrea, Et angelis socios fecit esse polo, Vos patriarche prophete apostoli confessores martirees clenci uirgines, Et uiduanun sancanim omniumque placencium popuiis supremo domino, Nos adiutorium, Nunc et perhenniter, Foueat protegat 1 ut u ~ n u n in die poscimus gaudionmi uesaorum.


1619 Sacerdotem christi Martinum cuncta per orkm canat ecclesia pack catholice, Atque iliius nomen omnis hereticus fbgiat paliidus. Panonia letetur genitrix talis filii. Italia exultet a1itri.x tanti inuenis, Et gallie trina diuisio sacro certat litigio cuius esse debeat presul, Sed pariter habere se paaem omnes gaudeant ttiuroni soli 1 eius corpus foueant. Huic franconmi atque germanie plebs onmis plaudat, Quibus uidendum inuexit dominus in sua ueste. Hic celebris est egipti partibus p i e quoque cunctis sapientibus, Qui impares se Martini meritis senciunt atque eius medicarnine, Nam febres sedat demonesque fbgat paralitica membra glutinat, Et mortuorum sua prece trium reddit corpora uite pristine. Hic rinis ( sacrilegos destruit et ad christi gloriam dat i g n i i idola. Hic nudis misteria brachiis conficens preditus est celesti lumine. Hic oculis ac manibus in celum et totis uiribus suspensus terrena cuncta respuit. Eius orï numquam christus abfuit sine iusticia uel pitquid ad ueram uitam pertinet. Igiîur te cuncti poscimus O rnartine ut qui multa mira hic ostendisti. Eciam de ce10 graciam cristi nobis suplicatu tuo 1 semper infundas.


1620 Gaude Syon quod egressus a te decor et reppressus tui fulgur speculi. Rediuiua Iuce redit O ad alpha quod accedit iam in fine secuii. Poma prima primitiuos deus sanctos adhc uiuos uidit in cacumine, Vt extremos addat primis qyamuis stantes nos in ymnis suo uisit lumine, Sed pre mdtis te respexit odor tuus hum dexit et sa 1 por et puritas. Tu de regum ramis nata h t e uere sis uocata tu dei saturitas. Gaudent astra matutina quod in hora uespertina ortu noui sideris. Celi sidus iliustratur in quo terre designatu noui signi federis. Vere sidus tu preclanim quod a sole difert panim et luaa lucidius.

Tu que sole sis amicta came probat hec relicta lucis tue radius. O quam di@ fulges signis uasa 1 rapis a malignis possessa demonüs. Lepre mundas labe tactos claudos ponis et contractos in pedum officik, Quod negatum est nature tu uirtutum agis nirc et potes ex gracia. Vita sanctos tu reducis cecis reddis membra lucis et membronmi spacia. Eya mater nos agnosce libro uite ww deposce mm el& inseri, Vt consortes tue fortis et a penis et a portis erua 1 mur Seri.

1621 Hanc dieculam orbi cuncto colendam, Atque festniam agminiius angelonun. Sancti CIementis preconio celebri ueneremur, Quem dei fecit prouidencia. P r d e m sedis apostolice, Hic gemma antistitum atque decus omnium, Per orbis circulum doctor clam Mserat. Post d t a captus ostensa signorum, Fit precepto cesaris exul aansmissus. Omnibus captiuis illic optatuml confen solamen. Agnus hic monstratus uiuidi fontû prebet fluenta. . . Tandem sanctissimi submergunt m m ponto corpus flatu sidera petentem. Assunt angelici structora rnarmoreoque templo sanctum collocant thesaunim. Quotannis fluctibus cedit mare tumidis. Et iter commodat accurrenti populo. Tu modo nos tu0 supplicatu ualido. Turbidis seculi de proceiiis rapias. O Cle (mens sancte clementer.


1622 Sanctissime uirginis uotiua festa recolamus. Venerantes hanc diem preclaram omnes concinamus. Concinet hec concio laudes et deuocio fit sincera. Contrepet organicis modulis et canticis laude digna. Hanc fuisse fiiiam costi regis unicam tradunt scripta. Annis puerilibus sophisticis artibus fuit 1 clara. Hinc regina credidit deos uanos respuit uenerari. Turbam philosophicam uicit et rethoricam disputando. Fit penalis machina pereunt tot millia dum rotantur agmina paganorum.

Mox priuatur capite assunt celice sepeiiitur uertice monte p. Ora pro populo precare pro clero martir CM Katherina. Asstantern populum laudantem te 1 clerurn foue rege per secula.


1623 Deus in tua uirtute sanctus andreas gaudet et letatur eadem cornitatus. Piscacio nati tui ipse primum facm piscator popdonmi. Mirmidones ydolatras diu fluctiuagos rethe cepit fidei. Hiis Iegr'bus achaiam tuis deus uictor illius subiugauit. Et tropheum chnsti tuï fixit b i bonum se ostenrans militem. MiraculXs uirtutibus docûinis quecumque quesita 1 spolia tiii O rex amilit. Atque suo cruore triumphi inscripsit titdos Ni regni domine. Istum cmck socium et regni credimus, Cristi filii tuï atque fraterculum. Nos igitur peccatis nostris grauati te deus poscimus. Vt Uius qui tua semper sectatus precepta tibi placet, Nos intercessione tuearis in etemw.


1624 Congaudentes exultemus uocali concordia, Ad beati Nicolai festiua 1 solemnia, Qui in cunis adhuc iacens seruabat ieiunia, A papillis cepit sumrna promereri gaudia, Adolescens amplexatur litteranun studia, Alienus et inmunis ab omni in lasciuia, Felix confesser cuius fuit dignitatis uox de celo nunccia, Per quem prouecm presulatus sublimatur ad summa fastigia. Erat in eius animo pietas eximia et oppressis impendebat multa bene 1 ficia. Auro per eum uirginum toliitur infamia atque patris eanimdem leuatur inopia. Quidam mute nauigantes et contra fluctuum seuiciam luctanîes naui pene dissoluta. Iam de uita desperantes in 1 tant0 positi penculo clamantes uoce dicmt omnes ma, O beate Nicolae nos ad portum maris trahe de mortis angustia. Trahe nos ad portun maris tu gui tot auxdiaris pieta 1 tis gracia. Dum clamaret nec incasum ecce quidam dicens assum ad uestra presidia. Statirn aura dam grata et tempestas fit sedaîa quieuerunt maria. Ex ipsius tumba manat unctionum copia, Que infirmos omnes sanat atpe curat peccamina. Nos qui sumus in hoc mundo uiciorum in profundo iam passi naufragia.

Gloriose Nicolae nos ad portum maris trahe per tua su 1 fragia. IUam nobis unctionem irnpetres a domho prece pia. Qua sanauit lesionem rnultorum peccaminum in maria. Huius festum celebrantes gaudeanî per secula, Vt coronet eos christus post uite curricula.

1625 Clare sanctorum senatus apostolonim princeps orbis terrarum rectorque regnonun, Ecclesiarum mores et uitam moderare, Que per doctriaam tuam fideles sunt ubique. Antiochus et 1 rems concedunt abi petre regni soiiurn. Tirannidem tu paule alexandrinam inuasisti greciam. Ethiopes homdos Mathee agnelli uellere. Qui maculas nesciat aliquas uestiti candido. Thoma bartholomee Iohannes philippe Simon Iacobique pariles, Andrea thadee dei belIatores incIiti, En uos onens et occidens ymmo t o m mundi circulus se patres habere gaudet et expectat iudices. Et 1 id circo mundus omnis laudes uobis et honorem sanctis debitum supplex impendit. 401v

1626 Dum suprema melodia sonat dulcis armonia psallat uox angelica. Chorus omnium sanctorum laudibus apostolorum cantat leta cantica. Verbum dei incarnatum clamat mundo esse nanm et probat miraculis. Ydolatria turbatur contra chrûtum infiammatur et armatur 1 iaculis. O quam mira hec zophia et quam noua celi uia uincit qui occidiair. Roma necat Petnim cruce Paulem ense et sic duce cristo mundus uincitur. Crucifigi per Egeam panas occidens andream ceait Thomarn india, lacobum natum Alphei Iacobumque zebedei et Mathiam Syria. Ethiopia Matheum India Bartholomeum et Philipum aUa. Simonem et Iudam Pesa Bar 1 nabam ciprus peruersa Marcum Allexandria. Iohannes in Azia Lucas in Bitinia in Pace migramt. Vni deo gloria cuius pro uictoria sancti triumphmt. Et uos h t r e s ueris bonis locupletes celi donis aput tronum gracie. Inîercedite pro nobis ut consortes simus uobis coheredes glorie. Amen.

1627 Qui sunt isti qui uolant ut nubes per aera? Portantes cristi 1 per sanctum spiritum misteria. Hii sunt tem princeps et electi lapides quorum sonus exauditus est per terre c h t a .

Petnis Antiochiam Paulus Alexandriam et Andseas conuertit ad dominurn Acbaiam. Iohannes in dolio et feruenti oieo sen- deuicerat. Philipus azoticum destinauit popdum ad matrem ecclesiam. Adhuc sunt in numero Iacobus clun1 Iacobo Simon Chamneus et Iudas Thadeus. Vocatus a domino sedens in theloneo sequitur Matheus et Bartholomeus. Thomas non postponitw Mathiasque coimir uocatus a domino sorte apostolica. Ergo uos apostoli et amici domini nostronim absoluite peccatonun uincuia Riuando per secula.


1628 O Beata beatorum martinnn cer 1 ta-, O deuote recoienda uictorum solenia, Digni dignis fuigent signis et florent uirtutiius. IUos semper condecenter ueneremur laudibus. Fide uoto corde toto adharunt domino, Et inuicti sunt addicti atroci martirio, Carcerati trucidaîi tomentom genera, Igne lesi ferro cesi pemillemt plurima. Dum sic torti cedunt rnorti car& per interitun ut 1 electi sunt adepti beatonim premia. 4U4v Per contemturn rnundanorum et per bella forcia meruenint angelonun uictores consorcia. Ergo facti coheredes cristo in celestibus. Aput ipsum uota nostra promouete prechs, Vt post huius finem uite et post transitoria, In perhenni mereamur exultari gloria.

1629 Agone triumphali militum regis nimmi dies iste celebris est popuiis cristo 1 regi credulis. Hic delectamentum respuerant mundanorum, Et crucem tunc turpem quottidie baiularunt. Nos nullius fentas a christo separat. Quin ad deum mombus millenis properent. Non carcer dlus aut cathena moIliunt forcia in christo pectora. Sed nec ferarum morsus diri martinua solidum excauant anùnum. Non inrninens capiti gladius temtat. Fortissimos milites optirni domini, Nunc 1 manu dei complexi penequentrnn insultant hronius quondam cmdelibus. Et plebi cristi solamen mbpeditant in cunctis labonius hbrici seculi. Vos cristi martires, Nos udde fragiles, Precbus nos iusto iudici sinceris iugiter cornendare curate.

1630 Spe mercedis et corone stetit martir in agone ad mortem obediem. Morte cristum imitatus fide fimus et firmatus fmno gressul gradiens. Fhrit furor militaris ut uir sacer sacris aris ymnioleair hostia. Qum occidunt et scientes iatroducunt nescientes ad etema gaudia. Cristi fortis hic atieta qui subire mente Ieta mortem non abhomit. Vt sit salus infirmorurn et medeia peccatonmi graciam promeruit. Ceci claudi m d i muti sunt ad usum rest i~ti dniina 1 potencia. Non est morbus quem non m e t d m morbosum non obduret tanta diffidencia. Hostes cristi cristo cedunt signa signis dum succedunt argumenta fidei. Ergo martir inuocetur ut per eum nobis detur ad superna prouehi.

1631 Ad laudes saluatoris ut mens incitenir humilis. Senciant hunc diem iusta de causa ceIebrem. Gaudeat et sese ( sic pia uota promere. Hac die secreta celonun peciit Iux pontifcum. Iugiter sanctorum in choro splendens ut sidus aureurn, Et gaudium angelis facnim est ex aduenni cornparis. Fuisse quem angelum domini constat exercituum, Qui cuique suam tritici dans mensuram. Ad fidei caulas congregans ouiculas lupi preuidit insidias. Fidelis et prudens credita distribuens. Hic dedit ad mensam domini peccu 1 niam ut di- faciat usuram. 407v Beatus hic semus qyem cum uenerit dominus ita huenerit. Probatum in terra super omnia statuet illum in patria. Ad tanti patris gloriam celebrandam clem concinat laudem dignam et populus letis respondeat

uocibus. Dicamus omnes cernui tanto patri iungat se suo grex pastori et prezibus fusisque lacrimis

clamemus. Pastor bone miserere ecclesie tuisque precibus refoue. Con[ fer opem plebi me preces intende et pio huamine maculas dilue. In uia nos adiuua colloca in patria redde que speramus bona.


1632 Dilectus deo et homint'bus et erit angelicus aspectus e h . Verhm uite lingua e h et qui dilexerit eam beatus. Labia eius mirra probatissirna guttur eius dulcia rutillan.c aromata. In circuitu dencium eius fortibido ibi erit sapien( cia ann mnsilio. Via illius uia uiri simplicis hirator in angustüs. Corpus illius quasi scutum Sculptile ornaami gemmis undique. Quis inuenit faciem eius ipse deus fortis potens et consiliarius. Ora sancte NI ne damnemur in die iudicii. Qui tenuerit uerba sapiencie habebit spem uite ampiteme.

1633 Eniltent filie Syon in rege ni0 ne ( scientes thonim delicti crimine sordidanim. Quanim christe sponnis uirginum uirginis es f ï h . cunis gracia mira opera in sanctis tuis sunt edita. Vt das cernere hac in uirgine cuius hec festa sunt hodie. Que fiagili sexu femineo uiriliter camû iure domito Angelicam hec uitam duxerat in came dum preter camem uixerat. Hoc rniratur serpens antiquus calcaneun eius obseniare cdidus. 1 Cui nocere dum machinatu sub pedibus femine caput eius te*. Insidias hostis hanc christe docuisti uirginem uincere in prima congressione. Durn non consentiret sed ilii resisteret uincere qui solet temptatos si non repugnent. Quem hec uirgo resistens a se fecit fugere. Quo fugato appropinquabat tibi domine. Nunc inter uirgines abducta post eamque mater est intacta uirginum uirginis Marie 1 digna 410r

est pedisequa. Te agmun sine macula iam sequitur stola candida filium uirginis quocumque uirginum flos ierit. Cuius intercessione tu nos tuere.


1634 Virginis uenerande de numero sapientrmi festa celebremus socii. Filie matris summi regis sacrosancte Marie. Quam sibi in sororem dei adoptauit Nius. Hec corpus suum domuit freno ieiunii. Et luxuriam secuit ense agonie. Istic con 1 tra ninctos mortis dimicauit impetus.

Et hostem cmentem freto christi dextera strauerat. Hec sponsum ab aula ceii sese inuisentem &cris, Corde iocundo secuta est eius ingressa thalamum. Tu te iam duicibu plenam deliciis, Cristo miserias nostras suggerito, Nobis consolacionem precando.


1635 Psaliat ecclesia mater iiiibata et uirgo suie ruga honorem huius ecclesie. Hec domus aule ce1estis pro 1 batur particeps. In laude regis celorum et cerimoniis, Et lumine continuo emuians ciuitatem sine tenebris, Et corpora in gremio confouens animarum que in ce10 uium, Quam dextera protegat dei, Ad laudem ipsius diu. Hic nouam prolem gracia parnirit fecunda spiriai sancto. Angeli ciues uisitant hic suos et corpus sumitur I m . Fugiunt uniuersa corporis nocua. Pereunt peccaaicis a 1 nime crimina. Hic uox clara Ieticie personat, Hic pax salus et gaudia redundant, Hac domo trinitati laus et gloria semper resultant.

AIia prosa sequ'tur 1636 Adest dies iubiieus in quo pater summus deus sue donum gracie. Mundo dedit salutare ergo syon gradare de dono leticie. Gaude celum terra plaude iocundare digna laude de cristi presencia. De supernis innouata noua prole 1 fecundata minc mater ecclesie. Hec est illa ciuitas Ierusalem bats Iohannis presagio iam prefigurata. Hec est in diluuio summi regis archa quam in mundi fluuio nouus patriarcha Suo cruore roseo rite fecmdauit qui de cristi latere iugiter mamuit. Nos a peccatis omni'bus uere li'berauit et celesti curie nos equiparauit. Erg0 Iesu rex celorum tuam catheruam hominum rege ( sine temiino. Vt migrantes de hoc mundo gloriemur cum iocundo angelonim domino. Amen.

1637 Aue preclara maris steila in Iucem gencium Maria diuinitus orta. Euge dei porta que non aperra ueritatis lumen ipsum solem iusticie indutum carne ducis in orbem. Virgo decus mundi regina celi predecta ut sol pulcra lunaris ut Wgur agnosce omnes te

di 1 Iigentes. 413r Te plenam fide uirgam alme stirpis yesse nascituram priores desidermerunt patres et prophete. Te lignurn uite sancto rorante pneumate p a . diuini floris amigdalum signauit gabriel. Te agnum regem terre dominatorem moabitici de petra deserti ad montem Nie syon transduxisti. Tuque fùrentern leuiathan serpentem tortuosinnque et uectem coliidens damnoso crimine m d u m 1

exemisti, 413v Hinc gencium nos reliquie tue sub c u h memorie minim in modum quern es enixa propiciacionis

agnum regnantem ce10 eternaiiter reuocamus ad aram mactandum misterialiter. Hic mann:, uerum israhelitis ueris uen abrahe Niis admiranti'bus quondam Moisi quod typus

figurabat iam nunc abducto uelo datur prospici ora uirgo nos No pane celi dignos effici. Fac fontem dulcem quern ( in deserto petra premonstrauit degustare cum sincera fide renesque 414r

comtrhge lotos in mari anguen eneum in cruce specdari. Fac igni sancto patrisque uerbo quod abus ut flamma tu portasti uirgo mater facta pecuali pelle

distinctos pede mundis labiis cordeque propinquare. Audi nos nam te filius nichil negans honorat. Salua nos fhesu pro @bus uirgo mater te orat. Da fontem boni uise 1 re da puros mentis oculos in te defigere. 414v Quo hausto sapiencie saporem uite West mens intelligere. Cristianismi fidem operibus redimire beatoque fine ex huius incolam seculi auctor ad te transire.

1638 Veni uirgo uirginum ueni lumen Iuminum ueni uena uenie. Veni salus hominum ueni spIendor ordinum celestis miIicie. Consolatrix i n c h ueni uide uisita errantes in a 1 ere. Nos foue nos excita nos rege nos suscita de lacu miserie. Veni yesse uirgula ueni rosa primula rosa carens carie. Peccatonun uincula rumpe prece sedula presentis familie. Interuentrix optima reple cordis intima ceIesâi temperie. Magna maior maxima esto nobis proxima rogans regem glorie, Vt nos iungat superis dans nobis in dexteris p s t spem frui specie, Que regina diceris mi 1 serere miseris uirgo mater gracie.

1639 Virgini Marie laudes concinant cristiani. O beata domina tua per sufragia reconciliatur peccatores. Fiant per te liberi a fennento ueteri uictime pascali preceptores.

Da nobis Maria uirgo clemens et pia aspectu christi uiuentis et gloria fnii resurgemis. Tu prece nos pia cristo reconcilia que sola mater intacta genitrix cristi uerbi dei facta. Cre 1 dendum est ex te deum et hominem nanmi atque crucifinmi et glorificatum. Scimus cristum mexisse a morCuis uere conserua mater nos et tuere.

1640 Verburn bonm et suaue personmus Uud aue per quod christi sit conclaue uirgo mater tilia. Per quod aue saiutata mox concept fecundaîa uirgo dauid stirpe nata inter spioas liiia. Aue uen saiomonis mater uelus gedeonis cuius 1 magi tribus donis laudant puerperiirm. 416v Aue solem gemllsti aue prolem protuiisti muado lapso comulisti uhm et irnperiinn. Aue sponsa uerbi summi maris portus signrmi dumi arornatum uirga fumi angelonun domina. Supplicamus nos emeda emendatos nos cornenda tuo nato ad habenda sempitenia gaudia.

1641 Imperatrix gloriosa potens et imperiosa Iesu christi genero 1 sa mater atque ma. 417r Radix yesse speciosa uirga flore- et fiondosa quam perfiidit copiosa deitatis pluuia. Auster leuis te perflauit et pertlando fecundauit aquilonem dum fugauit sua cum potencia. norem erg0 genuisti ex quo fnicnim prohilisti gabrieii dum fuisti paranimfo credula. Ioseph iumis uir ( expauit ista dum coosiderauit sciens que non temerauit florescentem 417v

uirguiam. Tandem bene conseniauit archanum nec aiuugauit sponsam sed magnificauit honorans hanc in

dominam. CeIi quondam rorauerunt nubes ex quo concreuenint concreteque stiflauerunt uirginis in u t e m

Marie. Res miranda res nouella dum procedit sol de 1 stella regem dum parit puella uin thorum 418r

nescia Maria. Ergo clemens et benigna cunctorumque laude digna tuo mto nos consigna pia per sufragia. Vt carnali qua grauamur cornpede sic absoluamur ut soluti tramferamur ad celi palacia.

1642 Gaude mater luminis quam diuini 11umin.i~ uisitauit gracia Maria. Salue 1 uirgo regia flore fmctu candida diuina potencia Maria. Tu uirtutum specdum perhisnasà secuium luce claritatis Maria. Piena dei munere meniisti gignere prolem sanctitatis Maria. Te adorant superi matrem omnis gracie Maria. Ad te clamant miseri de ualle misene Maria. Audi preces terge fienis nos cornmenda Nio O Maria. Vtl nos tua prece su0 coUocet in soli0 O Maria.

1643 Salue mater saluatoris uas electum uas honoris uas celestis gracie, Ab etemo uas preuisum uas insigne uas excisum manu sapiencie. Salue uerbi sacra pare- fios de spiin spina carens ffos spineti nescia. Nos spinetum nos peccati spina sumus cruentati sed tu spine gloria. Por 1 ta clausa fons ortonmi cella custos ungentonun cella pigmentaria. Cinamomm baisamum miram thus et calamum superas hgrancia. Salue decus Wrginum mediatrix hominum salutis puerpera, Mirnis temperancie rosa paciencie nardus dorifera, Tu c o n d i s humilis terra non arabilis que fnictum uite parturit. Flos campi wnualiiwn singu ( lare lilium cristus ex te prodüt. Tu celestis paradisus hianusque non incisus uaporans duicedinem. Tu candoris et decoris ni dulcoris et odoris habens plenitudinem. Tu thronus est salomonis cui nuilus par in thronis arte uel materia. Ebur candens castitatis aunmi Muum cdtatis presigmm misteria. Palmam prefers singulareml nec in temis habens p a r a nec in celi cwh. Laus humani generis uirtutum pre ceteris tenens priuilegia. Sol luna lucidior et luna sidenius sic maria dignior creaturis omnibus. Lux eclipsim nesciens uirginis et castitas ardor indeficiem irnmortalis caritas. Salue mater pietatis et tocius trinitath nobiie triclinium. Verbi ( tamen incarnati speciale des ta t i preparaus hospicium. O Maria steiia maris dignitate singularis super ornues ordinaris ordine celestium. In supremo sita poli nos comenda tue proli ne terrores siue doli nos subplantent hostium. In procinctu constituti te tuente simus tuti peruicacis et uersuti tue cedat uis uirtuti dolus

prouiden ( cie. Iesu uerburn summi patris serua seruos tue matris solue reos salua gratis et nos tue claritatis

configura glorie.

Mittit ad uirginem non quemuis angelm sed fortitudinem suarn archangelum amator horninis. Fortem expediat pro nobis nunccium nature faciat ut preiudicium in p a m uirginis. Naturarn superat natus rex glorie regnat et imperat 1 et zima scorie tollat de medio. Superbiencium terat fastigia colla sublmiium calcet ui propria potens in prelio. Foras eiiciat mundanum p ~ c i p e m matremque faciat secun participem patris imperii. Exi qui mitteris hec dona dissere reuela ueteris uelamen linere u h t e nunccii. Accede nunccia dic aue corninus clic plena gracia dic tecum dominus et dic ne tirneas. ) Virgo suscipias dei depositum in quo perfïcias castum proposinmi et uotum teneas. Audit et suscipit puella nunccium credit et concipit et parit filium sed admirabilem. Consiliariun humani generis et deum f o r c h et pafrem posteris in fide stabilem. Qui nobis tribuat peccati ueniam reanis diluat et donet paaiam in arce sidenun. Pro nobis filium ora sanctissima 1 ut post exilium miamut gloria sanctorum aina. Amen.

1645 Missus Gabriel de celis uerbi baiulus fidelis sacris dissent loquelis cum beata uirgine. Verhm bonum et m u e intrans pandit in conclaue et ex e u forrnans aue Eue uerso nomine. Consequenter iuxta pacaim adest uerbum c m facarni semper tamen est imactum puellare

gremium. 1 Pamn pariens ignorat et quam homo non deflorat non torquetur non laborat quand0 parit 423v

filium. Signum audis nouitatis crede tantirni et est satis non est tue facultatis soluere comgiam. Grande signum et insigne est in mbo et in igne non apropiet indigne caiciatus quis piam. Viga sicca sine rore nouo ritu nouo more fructum pro- nmi flore et 1 sic uirgo 424r

permanet. Benedictus talis fnictus fructus gaudii non luctus non erit adam seductu si de hoc gustauerit. Iesus noster Ihesus bonus pie matris pnim onus cuius est in ce10 thronus poninu in stabulo. Qui pro nobis sic est natus nostros deleat reatus quia noster incolatus hic est in periculo. Amen.

1646 Ab arce siderea descendens lux aure 1 a uirginis in gremium, 424v Peccatonim abstulit tenebras et contulit miseris remedia, Cuius lucis radio illustrata concio gaudeat fideIium. Hec noua lux cristus est in mundo qui natus est pro d u t e gencium. Hic pater ingenitus premisit diuinitu gabrielem auncciurn. Aue dixit corninus ex te uirgo Nius nasceair pax gencium uita salus omnium. Sine uiri coitu plena sancto ( spiritu concipies filium qui saluabit populum, Vt hec audit uirgo plaudit et fideli Gabrieli uerba credit dulcia. Ait illa sum ancilla regis huius defers c h mandata salubria; Et ancille mandat ilIe fies parens licet mens coniugali copula. Ad hec uerba non superba uirgo prolem stella solem gignit fmctum nimphula. Ex Maria sic est naius rex messias appellatus 1 qui natus noua gaudii dedit renouans omnia. 42% Nobis erg0 presentatum ueneremur regem nanmi quem nascihuum cantica predixemt prophetica. O Maria uas pudoris nostri mater saluatoris hac in die tu mesie seruos reconcilia, Et quos ipse iam redemit et amore suo emit prece tua nos ad sua reducat pallacia. Amen dicant omnia.

1647 Stabat mater do10 1 rosa iuxta crucem lacrimosa dum pendebat filius, Cuius animam gementem contristantem et dolentem pertransiuit gladius. O quam ais& et dicta fuit illa benedicta mater unigeniti, Que merebat et dolebat pia mater c m uidebat penam nati incliti. Quis est homo qui non fleret matrem christi c m uideret in t a o supplicia. Quis non posset conaisîari matrem 1 christi contemplari dolentem cum fdio.

Pro peccatis sue geniis uidit Iesum in tonneatis et flagellis suMitum. Vidit suum dulcem nam morientem desoIatum cum emisit spiritum. Eya mater fons amoris me semire tui doloris fac ut plenam lugeam. Fac rit ardeat cor meum in amando christum deum ut sibi cornplaceam. Sancta mater iilud age crucifixi insint plage cordi 1 meo hide. Tui nati wùierati iam dignati pro me pafi penas mecum diuide. Fac me pia tecum flere crucifixo condolere donec ego uixero. Iuta cnicern tecum stare me tibi consociare in planctu desidero. Christe cum hinc sit exire da per matrem me uenire ad palmam uictorie. Quand0 corpus morienir fac ut anima donetur paradisi glorie. Amen. (

1648 Vtem uirgineus thronus est ebumeu regis salomonis, Thronus admirabiiis dispar et dissirnilis uniuersis thronis, Salomon pacificus summi regis unicus hunc elegit thronum. Virgo thronus extitit cui deus prestitit tam excellens donum, Hec est sedes gracie domus pudicicie sedes summi regis. In hac sede residet dominus qui presidet unnierse rei, Sicut uellus maduit de celesti rore sic uenter irmi 1 muit seruato pudore. Nec uellus conimpmir ymbre pluuiali nec pudor amictitur in conceptu taii. Hec est aromatica cella creatoris utilis et unica medeIa doloris. Nardus odorifera effidit odorem oliua fmctifera uirgo ferens florem. Hec uas pigmnetarium regale palaciurn domus est cedrina. Angelorum domina benedicta fernina celorum regina, O sancta uirginitas nostra nequit paruitas te digne laudare. Continens in 1 gremio quem nec celi regio potest sustentare. Rilcrior sideribus et pre mulienbus cunctis benedicta, Placa tuum filiurn et purga fidelium omnium delicta. In te pluit in te fluit deus suam graciam, Ergo tue nobû plue gracie ciemenciam, Ad beati tui nati nos transfer presenciam, Et cunctonim delictorum confer indulgenciam.

1649 O beata beatanim uirginum beatissima, O deuote recolenda laudium solemnia, Digna dignis fdges 1 signis et flores uirtutiibus, Qui te semper condecenter ueneremur laudibus. Fide uoto corde toto gabrieli nunccio, Credidisti genuisti saluatorem omnium, Carcerati trucidati in ualle miserie. Suspiramus et clamamus ad te matrem gracie.

him sint torti ut absort. prophando uirgini ut erepti et adepti per te reuiuiscimus. Fac contemptm mundanom nos habere iugiter et in choris angelorum uiuere perhe 1 niter. 42911 Ergo mater christi facta es ut in celestri, Aput crisnim uota nostra promoueas precibus, Ut post huius finem uite per tua sufragia, In perhemî merearnur exultari gIoria.

1650 Laus tiii uirgo Maria mater saiuatoris atque creatoris Celi terre maris angelonun et hominum; Tibi ferre laudes dignas doce nos canninum. Sicca stirps Iesse dans florem te sanctam h u i t Virginis esse decorem que crisnmi gemit. Te gedeonû 1 uelleris domun de ce10 iqregnari edocuit. Dat salomonis te christus thronum dum uelo tue carnis se induit. Sic uirgo parniris ut in flamma moysi rubus Stans uiruit, Tua uox nirtunis que in aure domini dulcis insonuit. Vemas ut iilium conualium lactando filium non alium mamiiia rorante nectar celeste et celorum

dominum. V e m consilium magnahm fit in auxilium mortalium sibiIla testante carnis in ueste uenit iudex

hominum. 1 Tu fons signatus es dei mater imrnunis ad nubiIla. 430v Qui de te natus et tibi pater cuius tu uirgo filia. Cordis dulcedo que tibi potest crescere de tali cornercio. Constanter credo que sanctos omnis preemines tam sancto misterio. Hinc salomon clariorem te stellis et sole preàicat, Cum tu uirgo paris solem dum solis te splendor amictat. Tu nubes manna pluens christurn sequencium per baptismi fluctus ad choortis angelice gaudia. Tu mpes me1 1 le fluens terre uiuencium uentris tui fnictus dum fit mortis medela credencium. 43 1r Ezechielis porta iugiter serata tu mater es castissima. Vox Gabrielis portans celica mandata confimat hec uerisssima, Regina mundi maria excusa peccatonun nostrom discrimina et da celorum gaudia.

1651 Sancta genitrix christi uictoris, Dauidica stirpe nata precibus semper ernunda Nos ut digne te laudemus moribus sanctis 1 exorna. 43 IV Preconum te sanctissima omnium uox clara d e s t a t suspiramus ut mentis tuis iuuemur. Te diuina clemencia hominum signauit pack metam ut qui tibi mundissime obtemperauit, Vt per te uitam lucis et gaudia percipiamus, Qua Mges sacra pauper letissima choors sanctorum. Tu que fidei ordinasti aciem fac nos cernere redemptoris faciem post mortis articuim.

A nequicia nobis hostis fortiter pelle te poscimus srnius ne 1 nouissimo tempore spectaculum. 432r Placata nos mater pia semper inuisere ciignare, Vt iustum dia prece tu iudicem mitiga. Vt agni candida stola dignissima, Quem ruo utero mundo pepereras nos ueiit induere; Et sanctis simul omnibus nos dignos associet, Vt ipsum contemplemur nunc et in perpetuum Te duce uirgo Maria.

1652 Veni celi claritas per quam mundo caritas dam et hilaritas. Veni mater gracie uirgo clara facie prefulgens in acie. 1 ïilustratrix mentiun consolatrk flencium uexilium credencium. Mediatrix gencium uita mouencium salusque uniencium. Virgo dilectissima genere darissima Nio carissima. O tu deuotissima uirgine castissima corpore sanctissima. Foue quod est mobile sana quoà est nobile nomula iusticie. Rege quod est flebüe foue quod est debiie formula rnundicie. Osculum concordie fons misericordi[e] mater plena gracie. Fiii duicissimi ( ac pre amatltissirni nos aspectu sacra.

1653 Gaude Maria templum summe maiestatis. Gaude Maria speculum diuinitatis. Gaude Maria lux ornamenti glorie. Gaude Maria lex testamenti gracie. Gaude Maria uera spes ueri Iuminis. Gaudium nobis sit dulce tui Nii. Salua nos et sema in seculum seculi, Vbi te sanctorum contemplantur oculi. Aue mater gloriosa casti candor Lilii 1 aue mîxtus odorose uen spes solacü, in procinciu uie starnus lapsis manum pomge tua prece ne cadamus gressus nios dirige.

1654 Laudes crino decantemus mairis eius qui gaudemus speciali gloria. Dulce melos pulset celos nam benignam dulci dignam credimus melodiam. Voci uiti conformetur ut sincere celebretur marie mernorie. Saluatoris matrem laudent qui per eam sibil gaudent uite dari rnunera dicant omnes et dicant 434r

singdi aue salus tocius populi matris salutifera.

O quam felix quam preciara mater &go deo cara sacro plena flamine agno sine macula lactis dedit pocula sub carnis ueiamine,

Hec est scala peccatorum per quam cristus rex celonim descendit ad infima, Forma cuius singularis per quam roris salutaris dona danfur intima. Ista suos forciores semper faciat et uictores egros sanat et lanl guores premit et dernonia. Dat captiuis li'bertatem uite confert nouitatem ad antiquam dignitatem hec reducit omnia. Vugo dei templum uaie uirga signum speciale hier signa nullum tale fronde flore germine. Medicina cristiana salua sanos egros sana quod non ualet uis humann fit in tuo nomine. Assistentes matris laudi Ihesu pie nos exaudi atque seruos tue matris post hanc uitam dei patris

Craosrer ad 1 pailacia 43% Et quos matri uis seniire fac tomenta non subire sed cum dies uenit ire nobis confer et largire

sempiterna gaudia.

1655 Rex celi et terre nolem ultra ferre mittit ad uirginem per fortitudinem spem uitam hominum. Hec salutacio uera perfeccio saluti congruit d m uirgo pronilit celestem dominum. Mutuauit naturam celestis arbiter humanam figura. adiunxit pariter sua deitate. Saluauit facturam natus uiriliter omneml nocituram fugauit fortiter reddens sanitati. 435v Fons prosiliens ex membris uirginis camem conticiens miseri hominis factor gloriosus; Votum abiciens teneri ueteris normam conficiens noui ex liminis forma speciosus. Dum aue protulit angelus uirgini hoc fetum detulit mari et uirgini casta in utero. Attende pudica audi rnirifica uerba angelica te uimis celica obumbrat in utero. Placet hec uni0 flori uirgineo rosa cum iilio gau 1 det de nlio regnante in solio. Erunt solacia in celi patria toiiuntur uincula per mundi spacia nam datur gracia. Vbi trinus regnas et solus gubernas b i constituas miseras animns in d i pdacio.

1656 Salue uirga stirpis iesse per quam deus fecit esse salutis remedium, Nouo more salutata genuisti fecundata dei patris fïiium. Soi de stella prodiit et in sole posuit suum thabernaculum, Terra 1 germen ededit per quod yonas exiit et deflet umbraculum. Tue prophete predixenult pa-che signauerunt in figuris dogmanmi, Apostoli crediderunt gencibus et effundenuit b e n ewangeiicum. Frondum floruit uirga et protulit fnictus mirifice, Gedeonis uellus madetque sed tellus siccatur Cypice. Rubus ardere cernitur rubi uirente filio uirgo mater efficitur saluo pudoris gremio. Nouus lucifer oritur mundi finit0 1 termino nouo risu perfiuiair sara nascenie filio. Noui partus gaudiimi prodiens de uirgine purgat ade filium ueteri calligine. Terra pandit lilium nuilo culta uomere uirgo parit filium sine uiri semine. Felix puerpera dei et ho& audi suspiria gementis hominifi et redde prospera. Confer solacium succurre miseris que spes fidelium et salus diceris intende prospera. Placa mare maris steiia uite cursum regis cella uite cursum militarem duc 1 ad portum 437v

salutarem spei per certiaidioem. Regem nanim interpella ut nos sahiet a procelia uite senians puritatem dans antiquam dignitatern

peliens seculi turbinem. O Iesu duicissime sanctorum mitissime pie matris unice, Preces nostras hodie cum marie uirgine miseratus respice. Fac in beato munere et te solum diiigere et uite sequi premia tua clictante gracia, Ut di@ tuis i a u à i i iuncti choris ceIestiius pace fhn 1 mur sedula per seculonmi secda. 438r Gmen.

1657 Imperatrix angelorum consolatrix orphanonmi audi nos O maria. Spes et d u s infinnom subleuatrix opressom audi nos O maria. Tibi uirgo decanîantes tuas laudes concrepantes audi nos. In sublllni sedes throno prepuisata precum sono audi nos. Que ut mater ueneraris obtinenda quod pre 1 caris audi nos. Preelecta sola soli nos comenda tue proli audi nos O maria.

1658 Gaude uirgo mater chnsti que per aurem concepisti gabriele nunccio. Gaude quia deo plena peperisti sine pena c m pudoris lilio. Gaude quia tui nati quem uidebas morte pati fulget resurreccio. Gaude christ0 ascendente et in celum te uidente motu fertur proprio. Gaude que post ipsum scandis et est ti 1 bi honor grandis in celi paiacio.

1659 Hodieme lux diei celebris in matris dei agitur mernoria, Decantemus in hac die semper uirginis marie laudes et preconia. Omnis homo omni hora hanc adora et implora eius patrocinia. Psalle psalle nisu toto cordis ore omni uoto aue plena gracia. Aue domina celonim inexperts uiri thorum patris parens nescia, Fecundata sine ui 1 ro genuisti more miro genitorem Nia. Florens omis a m o flante porta clausa post et ame uia uiris inuia, Fuso celi rore telius fusum gedeonis uellus deitatis pluuia. Salue decus finnamenti tu caliginosi uenti desuper irradia; Placa mare niaris steiia ne inuoluat nos proceiia et tempestas ualida.


1660 Benediccio aine unitati simplicil deitati semper omnipharia. Parenti mi sempitenialis stat ydemptitas sempiternitas yatriel mira. Par uerbo quod coessentiua sapiencia uere ueritas explendet uiua. Tibi et ambonun uolunt=is pneuma et suauitas tu beatmido sancta sanctitas es essenciua. Tu es omnium genus bononun generaiissimum O ens ex quo nobis uita stillat amor et sophia. Oprima ueraque etemitas eterna et optima ueritas uera etetaaque bo 1 nitas. 440v O h falsitas morsque cedat figuram tuam nobis expleat usyo racio &tas. Fons in quo sunt uiuunt quomm iimbras mortales expetmt in te deiicie deais sotherya r e m

uirtus uictoria. Fac tuos supplices tue diiectionis compotes emga demones orbem cristianum O qui alpha

magnifica. Pater el eloy eloe elyon Iachsaday lux sax~yn tu geyge rex sabaoth ineffibilis adonay nium nos

plasma CO 1 nsew. 441r Proles emanuel mire mUabilis summe consul deus fortis dominus iusnis futuri pater secdi

princeps pack Iesu messia nos salua. Spiritus timoris pietatis sciencie fortitudinis consilii intellectus ac sapiencie nos illustra unge

sanctifica. Slmplex trinitatis tu unitas unitatis trina dei- purga cuIpas egos sana hostes pacifia solue uincla

pelle pericula. Ac te sicientes tu0 WIN sacies paceque eterna in Ierusalem superna. 1

1661 Verbum panis incarnatun ex Maria nobis na- ab antiquo figuratum ueneremur hodie. Per quod patres uisitauit nos qye pane uite pauit pastor uerus summus dauid celestis rnilicie. Aue panis angelonxm esca cibus uiatonun ab hoc nnundo profectorum d u exorbitancium. Aue donum summi patris in altari natus rnatris consecratus uerbo patris doctor ignorancium. Aue corpus benedicami panis specie amicairn 1 huius uite ut afflicnim uincamus in latria. 442r Supplicarnus hoc carisma ut peccati toUat scisma mundanorum ps t sophisma uiuamus in patria.

[A lia] 1662 Eya leta cantica psallat ecclesia deluia. In exceisis gIoria decantet celica deo turma. Cibum sequi cominus nos exhiibet hominibus humdibus. Angelus quos saciat in esu sed minorat pauIominus. En parata omaia O dilecta anima mentem para. Accede accelera 1 edebile numera hec preclara. Sancta eucaristia corda tua gracia fulci mire.

Salutaris hostia fac celorum hostia introire. O quante delicie qui'bus aromatice nobis fluunt gracie dona tanta- O inaccessbile lumen tw lumine dulci nos duicedine repk sancta. Nos duicis claritas illustris cuitas uera diuinitas irradia- Pater familias qui nos pie facias en tibi gracias mens dat pia. Amen-

1663 M a t omnis regi ( O dpcamet cum gaudio maainim solempnia. Celebremus hodie nunc dies est uenie dies est Ietissima, In qua sancti martires crucifixi sunt omnes fere decem milia, Qui pugnantes hodie proper lumen patrie morte inuictissima. A maligno iudice sunt perplexi uindice propter regem glorïe. Cesar nequam h u i t signa magna ut uidit a cristi militiius. Cesar in kathedra sedit presentare sibi fecü exercitum mili 1 cie. Dicens stuiti insensati ymmoletur ut uiuacis deo nostro astaroth. Tunc respondit ermolaus de0 n o m offerimus imrnaculatam hoatiam. Iubet ergo adrianus ut es eius contundatur silice durissirno. Iubet eos spoliari cedi spinis coronari ac indW purpura. Sindone hinc signati crucifixi et potati pou amarissimo. Salue pie Iesu christe infans caste uirginis tua prece nos a nece e t e d i li 1 bera. U r Nos conmienda tuo patri Iesu pastor inclite ut regnemus nos inuicti tecum super sydera. Amen.


1664 Inter natos mulierum ut testatur uerbum dei nullus maior nemo prodiit Saluatoris precursore cuius o r h ~ miro more miris si@ clanllt. Pater senex mater anus quos fecundac dei manus gaudent puerperio. Prohibebat partum etas iuuentutis ultra metas laborabant senio. Thura libans regi 1 celi dimi non cedit gabrieli pater mutus tacuit. Ut parentes infecundi genuere iubar mundi uox ad patrem rediit. Mater matrem salutauit et Iohannes exultauit matris clausus utero, Preconatur preco regem et naaire uincit legem sensus hic in puero. Nondum natus nondum natum sensit uates uatem uatum nasciainim spiritu, Cuius uirtus sanctibtis muILdauit illum a pecatis uentris nib accubitu. Vox cl& in deserto 1 monet omms in aperto uiam parent domino. Solem preibat lucerna cuius luce lux superna lucet sine temino. Verbum preit uox nsscendo precücando monendo baptisando populos, Sic uenturo uiam parat sic serenti sulcos arat wnuertit incredulos. Hic baptismo Iesum mersit qui peccati sordes tenit sanguinis antidote.

Speciale daair ei singulare donum dei demonstrare dim. 1 Certe magnum heremitam presenian spreuisse uitam uestis probat aspera. Me1 sihiestre cibus uilis et camelis texta pilb mundi spreuit prospera. Hic dum dei legem zelat crimen herodis reuelat arguendo pubiice. Leuitate pueliari mox est uisus decolari uite uir angelice. Rex deuictus hoc procinctu herodiadis instinctu fedauit couiuium. Martir cristi passus mortem est assrmipais ultra sortcm super 1 n o m cRUum. Quo nos suos Iaudatores post pressuras et labres assumat ad brauium. Amen.

1665 Interni festi gaudia nostra sonent annonie, Quo mens in se pacifia uera fiequentat, Mundi cordis leticia honorans uera gaudia, Quibus pregustat auida que sic sanctorum gaudia, Qua Ietatur in patria celicolanun curia Regem donantem premia sua cemens in gloria. Beata illa 1 patria que nescit nisi gaudia nam ciues huius patrie non cessant laudes Caere, 446v Quos iile dulcor afficit nuliusque meror inficit quos nuiios hostis inpetit nuilusque turbo concutit. Vbi dies clarissima melior est quam milia Iuce luceris prefulgida plena dei noticia. Quam mens humana capere nec iingua ualet promere donec uite uictoria fommutet hec mortalia. Quando deus est omnia uita uimis uictorial uictu uesti et cetera que ueUe potest mens pia. 447r Hoc in hac ualle misera meditenir mens sobria hoc per soporem senciat hoc attendat dum uigilat. Quo mundi post exilia coronetur in patria ac in decoris gloria regem laudet per secuIa. N a m laudum preconia irnitatur ecclesia, Cum recensentur annu sanctonun nataiicia. Dum post peracta prelia digna reddun~f premia, Pro passione rosea pro castitate candida, Dam et torques aurea pro ( docaina catholica, Qua prefulget augustinus in s u m m i regis curia, Cuius Iibronun copia fides f h ~ t u r unica, Hinc et mater eclesia uitat erronun deuia. Huius sequi uestigia ac predicare dogmata Fide recta ac feruida det nobis mater gracia.


1666 Natiuitas marie uirginis que nos la& a labe criminis celebnair hodie dies est leticie. De radice yesse pro paginis hanc eduxit sol uen Iimilliis m m sa 1 piencie sue templum glorie. 448r Steiia noua nouiter oritur cuius ortu mors nostra moritur eue lapsus iam restiniitur in maria.

Vt aurora sugens prograditur ueiud luna pulcra descn'bitur super cuncta ut sol elighrr uirgo pia. Virgo clemens et uirgo unica uirga fumi sed aromatica in te celi mrmdi que fabrica gloriatur. Te signanmt ora prophetica tibi canit salomon d c a canticonmi te uox angelica

pro 1 testatur. 448v Verbum paûis processu temporis inîrat tui secretun corporis in te totum et totum de foris simul hit. Fructus uirens arentis arboris cristus gigas imnensi roboris nos a nexu firnesti pignoris eripuit. O maria dulce comercium intrat tuum celasti gremium quo saiutis reis remedium indulgenir. O uera spes et uerum gaudium fac pst uite presentis stadium ut optanmi in celis brauium nobis detur. 1

1667 Omnes sunt administra . .

torii acbmmtrmdum missi spiritus et ciues quibus nos laudes clignas offerrimus bac die letas.

Ministrant non quequem bonis bona aûpe et m a k mala hii subuertere sodomitas qui abutere uitas et impudice proprias.

Per angelum predicitur quod ex matre am Isaac risus nasciûu, Per angelum baiaam prepeditur ne prauum iter perf'iceretur. Angelus nascitunun samsonem dicit et normam uiuendi eidem indicit. Na ( sareus inquit domini est nouacula super caput non ascendet. 44% Angelus iosef errantem in agris r-t ad tramitem et angelus ismahelem refocülat sicientem

ostenso fonte aqueo . hincipatumque tenent ilii super p o p d m domini aequaquam non hic inquit sum aduersans sed

principans in populum domini. Hii percuciunt castra aduersa in senacheni iam ostema proteguntque christi seruos ne illi per illos

Mpellanav et in ei dant desperatam in foueam. Hinc helias con 1 fortaair per panem qui administtatur per angeiurn atque christus per hunc 450r

nunccianir nascitunis mundo aninnatur per uocem angeiicam. Paradisi preposite princeps celique summe michael nos audi, Et protege nos ab hoste qui uicisti draconem et antiquum serpentem. Tu gabriel archangeleo christi fac nos fortes ne nobis isti iuudant inimici. Tu raphael nos quoque medere ut uobiscum in ethere laudes depromamus in secla. Vbi uobis ( est laus et gloria aleluia.


1668 Regnum anun regnum omnium senilorum domine rex regum. Cuius regni gloriarn et potenciam piam loquntur Plena oculis quatuor lnimalia ante et retro. Leo uinilus homo aquiia profunda rimans misteria: Marcus lucas matheus iohames occulta uerbi eructans.

Quorum f o m et doctrina ciuiste cum regina sponsa tua significaris eclesia. Homo factus bos in cmce le0 cum resurgis aquilal super astra deus uoiitaas. Et eclesie nati homines ut membra noui sunt homulis, Cxucifigentes se cum uiciis in crucis ara sunt uituii. Vultu sunt Ieonino ad resistendum fortiter diabolo; Aquiiam tunc exprimunt m uenm solan figunt ut intuitum. Hii sunt enim christe quadrige tue saluacio. Quadrifiga cmce quam rote dant euangelice. Auriga mi c u ~ s super hos equos scande= domine, Viam fac euis tuis in lut0 multo nomi p ( ctoris . Vt subiecti noc in curru maris de tumuitu portum perpetue contingamus patrie. Vbi sanctus sanctus sanctus natus maris steile tibi clamemus his cum animaii%us. Quorum sit nobis ocuiorum multitude bone uite circumspeccio. Amen.


1669 Psallat chorus letabundo ore uoce corde mundo laudes sacre uirgini, Quam dicauit quam amauit deus ipsa quand0 lauit cruore sui filii. 1 fIanc attraxit hanc allexit uirtus summi durn inuexit eius diuo spinN, 452r Vt futaret mundum istum propter sponsum summum christum atque pompas seculi. Ablerat ac dolerat y o d prophanos deos coleret quos pater diosturus, Inclinata uirgo mente christ0 paret fit repente mores celicos colens Tum w1tus eiegancia et ob fidei comtancia pater quam incluserat. Deos uanos destinauit et ipsos a 1 nichilauit quos pater coluerat. Pater eius feruens ira pena punit dira sanctam sacram uirginem, Qui post Iongam fit torturam uirginalemque presumm suum uibrans mucronem. Ipsi caput amputare uolens chrisnim deprecare cepit hane sancta prece, Qui mox montem hanc iniecit ubi sancta hoc effecit ut mutentur propre Oues sui prodicoris quam tunc capit in hiis horis pater ple 1 nus scelere, Cuius caput ampurnuit sua manu et sic lauit in sanguinis flumine. Virgo sancta ni nos munda a peccattk et iocunda corda nostra fac et corpora. Vt constantes creatori nostro laudes saluatori persoluamus per secda. Amen.

1670 M a t concors simphonia laudes pangat armonia cum sonora melodia cordisque tripudio. In hoc 1 f s to letabundo dorothee corde m d o sono plaudat uox iocundo neumanun 453v

preludio. Generosa christi uema labe carens et lucema mundo Iucens ut pincerna uina donans mistica. Paraàisi hi colona que pro maüs reddis bona scn i miüis celi dona rosas mala mistica.

Vitam ducis angelorum dum in came prrter fonm amis uincis spernens chonmi uiri propter dominum.

Preco 1 cristi qui prophanos deos sternis et paganos fide uestis et sic uanos mores tandem 454r regis hominum.

Pulchra coruscas puella in etate nam te u e k te succingunt dira bella subduce fabricio. Vbcuiata maceraris in cathasta cniciaris wltu cesa flagellaris O& carens uicio. Gens pensersa d e spei qmm cura doces uerbum dei lumen tue fhciei conterit nmi baculis. In te dictat tormema 1 les penas seuas et letales dum mamillas uirginales tuas cremat faculis. 454v Suplicamus nos tuere et peccata fac timere martir sarirxa confer uere tempus iaddgencie. Virgo bona crimen terge uictum dona mores rege ne dampnemur gxaui lege causa negiigencie. Pu@ christi dorothea tua nos uirtute bea ut sociemur huais cum condigno premio. Deum nobis fac placatu ut post huiu in1 colanmi sedi locum det optatrmi in celesti gremio. 455r


Aliu 1671 Gens fidelis iocundeav in hac die gratuienir dorothee ueneretur duici cordis iubilo. Idolonrm nam cultores christ0 credit et errores s ted t remitendo fiores celestes theofilo. Virgo prudens uigilauit et curn sponso subintrauit aam sagaciter ornauit iampadem cum oleo. Semetipsam abnegauit chrisnim sequens queml amauit crucem tollens stolam lauit in feruenti 45Sv

oleo . Sic uestitur dupla alba castitate teste rubra passionis peste uincto diademate. Palmam manu fen uitricem diuam sequens acliutricem piam christi gentricem uirgi.de scemate. O casta generacio precamur ut oracio per te in beneplacito sit cbristi patrk in ore. Vt celesti nos fecundet rore foris intus mundet sancti spiritus 1 mundet corda wstra dulcore. 456r

1672 Omnes una celebremus celebrando ueneremur cbristi nunc solemnia. Ecce dies magnus dei dies surnmus requie et dies est dominica. In qua mundus sumpsit exordiurn in qua uita cepit inicium hec est dies. In qua christus contriuit inferos plasma suum uexit ad superos bec est dies. In qua pax apostolis datur clausis ianuis a diuho mune 1 re, In eadem d t u r ruba ewangelii predi~iilldi populo. Est in hac prohiiitum ne fiat pontificum nisi consecracio. Ergo debet uenerari et deuote celebrari dies tam sanctissirna. Celebrando ueneremur et deuote postulemus ut die nouissima in etema requie nome uiuant anmie redemptoris gracie. 1 Amen dicant omnia.

1673 Speciosus forma pre natis hominun Ihesus. Whnn desideraut cuius angeli fîiium dei intueri, Pro nobis exinanitus in semi forma rex humiliatus, . . Hodie forme pandit diuine lucem inaccessam per Iucem sirnboliwn, In monte transfigurafus ceiso uerus @se mons moncium celsior d o , Wtu sok ueste par niui quaiem soli tres cernebant dei uiui. Caro sanguis 1 non reuelauit sed pater celestis uox cuius edixit: Hic est natus michi dileetus toti mundo audiendus, Hunc docentern semper audite soli ornnes obaudite. O uere nimium beati huius secreti coascii- Tu petre iohannes iacobi ex e1ectis eiecti tres. Mirabile secretum uobis est reuelanmi quos nubes obumbrauit pater edocuit. Nubes hec non terrorem sede gracie daf rorem non h o i sub obscura sed luciuoma. 458r O somnum gracie nobis condignum boanerge! Tu celi ciauiger came dormis corde impiger. In hunc montem conscendite post tres istos de tnius quinque thomis terre. Nunc homo supra hominem extat niesus mons mundus wrde perspicuus, Maiestati[s] in paterne regnans alsitudine, Et moyses et prophete cecinere consone. Tu nos post te rex ïhesu M e . 1


Ab arce siderea Ab OCCUltis meis Ab occuitis meis Absolve Do* animas Acceptabis sacrincium

Ad laudes salvatoris Ad te Domine Ievavi anima.

Ad te levavi animam Ad te levavi oculos Adducentur regi

Adest dies iubileus Adiutor in oportuaitatiius Adiutor meus et Ii'berator Adnivabit eam

Adorabo ad templum Adorate deum Adoma thaiamum tuum Adversum me Agone tn~l~lphaii Almi gracia assit Amen dico vobis quicquid Amen dico vos quod \mi

Amen dico vobis quod vos

Amen dico vobis veniet hora Angelis suis mandavit Angelus Domini

Grad Grad Seq Grad Corn Corn Corn Corn Int Seq Grad Grad Grad Seq Off Off Off Off ht Tr AU AU seq Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Au Int Ant Corn Seq Seq Corn Corn Corn Cam Corn Corn Corn Corn corn Grad All Au

ErnberSat-inAcivent 27 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D . - AMunctaton 822 G K P S V H B T L D C O U U I M X J O ~ ~ ~ ~ B V M 1646 CPSHBL f . 3 a h e r ~ ~ n t 3 215 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D f.2aficrLent4 242 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Requiem 1 1% C P S V H B T L D f .~a f ter~sh~ednesday US R G K C P S S L V H B T L Trinity 10 536 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D f, 3 after Pentecost 4 1 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D A f h 1601 f. 6 after Lent 2 198 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Triniiy 2 493 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Ember sat. m sept. % K C P S V H B T L D CammonofConft~~~rs 1631 G K C P S V H B T L D ~ d v w t 1 s R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f.Saf<erAshWednesday 134 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D f. 4 after Lent 2 191 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Trinity 10 535 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D Advent 1 2 R G K C P S S ~ H B T L D ~ e n t 3 207 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Ursula 1270 ~ P S V H B T L CommonofVirgins ~ S ~ R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Dedication Festival 1636 K P S H B L Septuagesima 110 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 2after k t 2 182 R K C P S S I V H B T L D Agatha 756 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D ~orothy 756 C P S V H B T L D Mary Magdalene 1021 K B T Afra lû82 P V B T Common of Virgins 1498 R G K P S S2 V H B T L Dedication of an altar 627 CS P s v H B T L Epiphany 3 104 R K C P S S I V H B T L D hirification 733 R G K C P S ~ ~ B T L D TuesdayinHolyWeek 312 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D CommonofMsrtyrs 1629 G K C P S V H B T L Matthew 1612 C S B Trinity 23 619 R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D Marcellus, Marcellianus N R C P S $2 V H T L D Vigil of AU Saints 1300 ( S P S V H B T L D Common of Martyrs 1441 G K P S V H B T L Conversion of Pad 714 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Cornmernoration of Paul 969 R G K C P s 52 v H B T L D Barrbolomew 1139 C P S V H B T L D CommmofApostIes 1404 R G K P S S Z V H B T L Requiem 1 1545 G K C P S V H B T L D ml 142 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 2 in aster Week 347 R C P S S I V H B T L D Easter 1 377 P S B T

Angelus Michel descendit Anima nostra.. . .Iaqueus

Anima mstra.. . .laqueus

Ante sex dies Apprehende arma et scmm Aqua sapiencie Area virga prime mauis Ardua spes mundi Ascendit Deus. .et Domine

Ascendit Deus. .Domine Assumpta est Maria Attende

Audi filia et vide

Audivit Dominus et misertus Aufer a me Ave benedicta Maria Ave cam Christi Ave gracia plena dei gcniîrix Ave Maria gracia pIena Ave Maria gracia plena

Ave Martha gloriosa Ave plena gracia Ave predara maris SteIla Ave regina celorum Ave salutis hostia

Off f. 2inEasterWeek 348 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Off Easter 1 378 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D ûff Mary Magdalene 1023 G K C P S V H B T L D AU ~ a n c e a ~ o m m i 381 G K C P S V H B T L D Grad Irmocents 71 R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Grad Kilian&soc. 991 P S V H T L off ~miocents 73 R K C P S S I V H B T L D Off Marcellus, MarceIliamis 933 R C P S S2 V H T L D Off SevcnBrothers 998 R ~ P S S ~ V H B T L D off sixrus 1074 C P S V H B T L D off ~ i p p o ~ y n i ~ 1108 R C P S S S V H B L D Off Four Cmwned Martyrs 1319 R P 52 V H B T L D CO^ ~onifa~e 909 C P S V H T L CO^ sutus lm C P S V H B T L D Corn Comma of Martyrs 1442 R G K P S $2 V H B T L Ant PalmSunrtay 293 R G K C P S S ~ B T L D Corn Lancea Domini 384 G K C P S V H B T L D ht f. 3 in Easter Week 350 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D stq ~ssumpti~n 1604 G K C P S V H B T L D Hymn Monday in Rogationtide 406 AU Ascension Day 416 R G C S S ~ V H B T L D AU Sunday after Ascension 422 C B D Off Ascension Day 418 G C S V H B T L D AU Assumption 1116 R G K C ~ P S S ~ V H B L D Tr Holy Saîurday 331 R G K ~ P S S ~ V H B T L D Tr Vigil of Pentecost 426 R G C P S S I V H B T L D AU Trinity 9 529 G K C P S V H B L D Grad Conception of Mary 649 C P S V H B T L D Grad Brigid 894 ~ P S V H T Grad Visitation of Mary 971 ~ P S V H B T L D Grad Nativity of Mary 1172 ~ P S V H B T L D Grad Elizabeth 1348 C P S V H B T L Grad Presentation of Mary 1353 P S V H B T L Grad Ceciiia 1358 R P S 2 V H B T L D Grad Common of Virgins 1500 R G K P S S2 V H B T L Tr Octave of Agnes 726 C P S V H B T L D Tr Schoiastica 766 C P S V H B T L Tr Mary of Egypt 838 C P S V H T L Int f.6afterAnhWednciday 136 R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D Corn Ember Fri. in Sept. 5Sû R K C P S ~ ~ V H B L D AU Common of the Vùgin 1534 G K S V H B T L D Seq CorpusChristi 1584 G K C P S V H B T L D Am Purificaticm 732 R G K ~ P S ~ ~ B T L D Tr Annuaciaton 823 G K C P S V H B T L D Off Advent 4 38 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Off Annunciation 824 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Off Visitation of Mary 972 C P S V H B T L D Seq Mutha 1599 C P S V H B T L Ail Common of the Virgin 1531 S V H B T L

c o m m ~ o f t h t ~ v ~ i6n G K C P S S ~ H B T L D Corn Common of the Virgin 1539 G K P S V H T L Corn Corpus Christi 483 P V H T L D

Ave sana Maria Ave sriüans meUe Ave verbi dei parens Beata gens

Beata viscera

Beau vir

Beatus vir

Beau vir

Benedic anima

Benedicam Domino in omni Benedicam Dnm qui michi

Benedicite Deum Benedicite Domino omnes Benedicite Domino omnes Benedicite gentes

Benedicite ornoes angeli 8enedicta es Maria Benedicta et venerabilis

Benedicta semper

Benedicta sit Benedictio Benedictus Dns Deus Israhel Benedictus es Adonay Benedicnis es (Cam. 3 puer)

Ai i Common of the Virgin 1530 P S V H B T L AU Visitation of Mary 974 G K C P S V H B T L D Seq Visitation of Mary 1590 G K C P S V H T L D Grad f, 4 after Lenî 4 249 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Grad Trinity 17 568 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D Corn Presentation of Mary 1356 P S V H B T L Corn CommmoftheVVirg 11540 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L Corn Sylvester 670 R C P S V H B T L Corn mary 680 P S V H B T L Corn Anthony 685 C P S V H B T L Corn JobnChrysostorn 720 P V H B T L Corn Ambrose 835 C P S V H B T L D Corn Odalnc 9&Q P V H T L Corn PopeMark 1242 P V H B T L D Corn CalUnis 1257 R ~ P ~ ~ V H B T L D Corn Severus 1277 P V H B T L D Corn Severinus 1282 C P V H B T L CO^ ~ r i ~ e mi C P V H B T L D Corn Clement 1366 R G P ~ ~ V H B T L D Corn Commcm of Confessors 1485 R G K P S & V H B T L Grad Valentine 770 R G C P S S Z V H B T L D Grad Casnilus 827 C P V H T L Grad Cornmon of One Martyr 1449 R K P S 32 V H B T L AU Felix 673 C P S V H B T L D AU Gorgonius 1178 P V H B T L AU CommoaofOneManyr 1456 R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D Tr Tirnothy 713 P S V H B T L Tr Blaise 747 P S V H B T L Tr Gregory 808 R G ~ P S ~ ~ V H B T L D Tr Ambrose 833 ~ P S V H B T L D Off f. 6 after Lent 1 163 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Off Ember Fri. in Sept. 579 R K C P S ~ ~ V H B L D Grad Triaity 12 543 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D off f. 2 after Lent 2 183 R G K C P S S L V H B T L D Off Trinity 5 510 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Corn Trinity Sunday 469 R G K C S S ~ H B T L D Int Michael l218 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Grad Michad 1219 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D off f. 4 after Lent 4 wo R G K C S P S S I V H B T L D Off Easter 5 399 R G Ç P S S ~ V H B T L D Corn Michael 1222 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D AU Common of the Vigin 1532 S V H B T L Grad Vigil of the Assumption 1111 R C P S h V H B L D Grad CommonoftheVirgin 152û R G K P S ~ ~ V H B T L Seq Transfiguration 1068 B Seq Triniîy Sunday 1581 G ~ P S V H B T L D Int TrinitySunday 465 R G K ~ S ~ ~ V H B L D Seq Triniîy Sunday 1660SL '

Grad Epiphany 1 95 R K C P S S I V H B T L D AU Trinity Sunday 470 K ~ S S ~ V H B T L D HymnEmberSat.inAdvent J ~ R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Hymn Ember Sat. in Lent 172 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D

Hymn Ember Sat. m Sept. 586 R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Benedictuses DneDeuspat, AU Trinity Smiday 467 R G K ~ S ! $ ~ V H B L D Bndcs es dne doce.. .m labiis Off QumcIuagesima i22 R G K Ç P S S ~ V K B T L D

Off Sat.afterAshWechesday 14û G K ~ P S V H B T L D Bndcs es Dm. .et non tradas Off Benedictus es Domine qui Grad Benedictus qui venit. .benedix Off Benedictus qui venit Grad

Grad Grad

Bencdictus sit Deus Off Bcnedixisti Domine Off Bonum est conndere Grad

Grad Bonum est confiteri Grad

Grad Bonum est confiteri Off Cantabo Domino Corn Cantate Domino.. .aeuia Int Cantate Domino aeuia Corn Cantemus Tr Caritas Dei ht Caro mea vere Grad Caro mea vere Tr Caro mea vere All Caro mea vere Tit Celeste sacrüicium Off Cefi enarrant gioriam AU Celi enarrant gloriam Seq Christe nii precIari Seq Christus factus est Grad Christus resurgens iam AU

All Christus resurgens ex mor. Corn Cl'bavit eos ex adipe Int

Int circu~i. corn Circumdedenint Int Clamavernt Int

f-6afterLentS Trmity SimQy Sat, in Easter Week Christmas, in aurora Vigii of Epiphany Tmnsfiguration Trinity sunday A d v a 3 f.6afterLent4 Trinity 14 Sat .af term2 Trinity 15 %?Nagesima Trinity 2 Easter 4 Easter 5 Holy S m & y Sat. afkr Pen- Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Corpus chdti Jan Hus Corpus Christi Common of Apostles Sending of the Aposties Weaccslas In cena Domini f. 4 in Easter Week George f. 4 in Eastcr Week f. 2 after Pentecost Carpus Christi Triniiy 6 Sepniag- Marcellinus and Peter

Illt Clamavenmt Grad

Grad Grad Gr ad

Clare sanctorum senanis Seq Cognovi Domine h t

Int h t Int Int

Coilegenmt Ant Cornedite Corn

Common of Ma- Marccilbus and Peter Maurice Cosma and Damian Cornmon of Martyrs Comma of Apostles Barbara Afia Passion of rldmilla Transiation of LudmiUa Common of Virgins E'alm -Y Embcr Wed. in Sept.

rn R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 466 R G K ~ S S ~ V H B L D 373 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D si R G K C P S S I H B T L D 84 S B T

1066 S B 468 R G K C S S ~ H B T L D 1s R G K C P S S I V H B T L D

257 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D !5!!3 R K P S S ~ V H L 202 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 558 R G K C P S $ ~ V H L D 112 R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 4% R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 393 R G C P S S I V H B T L D ao R G C P S S I V H B T L D 329 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 457 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 478 G K C P S V H B T L D 479 P S V B T L 473 R G K C P S $ ~ V H B T L D

1383 481 C S H B T L D

1398 G C P S H B T 195 G K C P S V H B T L D 1614 G K C P S V H B T L D 319 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 357 G K C P S V H B T L D as4 C P S V H B T L D 359 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 436 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 471 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 516 R G K C P S ~ Z V H B T L D 109 R K C P S S I V H B T L D 8!lS R C P S S ~ V H T L D lm R G K P S S Z V H B T L 896 R C P S S ~ V H T L D

1204 C P V H B T L D izos R C P S ~ V H B T L 1415 R G K P S S 2 V H B T L 162s G K C P S V H B L D 639 C P S V H B T L 1081 P V B T lin C P S V H B T L 13% C P S V H B T L 1493 R G P S S ~ V H B T L 294 R G K C P S S I B T L D 516 R K C P S S ~ V H B L D

Commovisti Concentu paxiii hic Concussum est mare Confessio et pulcbritudo

Confessio et pulchritudo Confirma hoc

Conntebor Domino nimis Confitebor tiiii.. retniue Confitebumm ceIi mirabïiia

Confitemini Domine quoniam

Confortamini Congaudent ange1 orum Congaudentes exultemus Consolator miseronun Constitues eos

Constitues eos

Convertere Domine aliquant.

Crux fideiis Cum appropinquaret Cum audisset Cum hducercnt puemm Cum invocarem te Cum rex gIorie Cum venerit Custodi me Domine de manu

Tr Seq AU Int Int Off Off off off off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off AU Al1 Corn Corn Off Seq seq All Grad Grad Grad Grad Gr ad Grad Grad Off Off Off Off Grad Grad Grad All AU Au AU Ail HF Ant

Ant Corn Ant Corn Off

Sexagesima 116 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Purification 1563 B T L D Michael i220 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D f. 5 after ~ e n t I 159 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Laurence lm R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Laureece 1098 R G K C S $ ~ V H B T L D pentcost 434 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 5 after Penîeum &O R K C P S S I V H B T L D Sat. ahtr Pentecost 463 G K ~ P S V H B T L Rogation Monday 409 R G C P S S I V H B T L D - 5 267 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D M X ~ sss R K ~ P S V H B T L D Philip and James 863 R G K C P S S Z V H B T L D Gothard 876 P S V H B T L JohnattheLatinGate tB0 C P S V H B T L D Stanislaus 884 P S V H T L Nereus,AchiI.,Pancras 892 R G P S V H T L D Holy Saturday 334 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Rogation Monday 408 R G C P S S I V H B T L D Cecilia 1361 R G P ~ ~ V H B T L D CommonofVïgins I S I S R K P S & V H B T L EmberWed.inAdvent 20 R G K ( c P S S 1 V H B T L D Assumption 1503 G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Nicholas 1624 G K C P V H B T L wen~es~a~ 1217 C P S V H B T L Andrew 635 R G K ~ P S V H B L D Peter and Paul 960 R G K ~ P S ~ ~ V H B T L D James 1033 C P S V H B T L D The Fetters of Peter I O S I R C P S $2 V H B T L D BarthoIomew 1136 R C P S $ ~ V H B T L D Matrhew 1199 C P S V H B T L D Common of Apostles 1391 R G K P S 52 V H B T L Throne of Peter 783 ~ P S V H B T L D Peter and Paul 962 R G C P S S ~ V H B T L D The Femrs of Peter 962 R C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D Common of Aposties 1402 R G K P s 32 v H B T L Sat. after ~ e n t 1 168 R G K C P S S I V H B T L Trinity 6 513 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Ember Fn. in Sept. 5'78 R K C P S ~ ~ V H B L D Hemes 1142 V H B T L CommonofOneMartyr 1454 G K C P S V H B T L Marcellus, Marceiiïnus 932 C P S V H T L D Octave of Pem and Paul 9%7 C P s v H B T CommonofMartyrs 1422 R G K C P S S Z V H B T L Gaod Friday 327 R ~ S ~ B T L D palm sunday 291 R G K C P S B T L D palm sunday zsn R G K C P S S I B T L D Purification 737 G K P S B T L D f. 3 aher Lent 1 153 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D aster 337 G K C P S V H B T L D - 4 396 R G C P S S I V H B T L D TuesdaymHolyWeek 311 R G K C P S Q ~ V H B T L D

Da pacem Data est michi De fnictu De aecessitatr'bus De necessitatl'bus De profundis, .vocan meam De profundis. .meam. F î t

De profundis. .oracionem De profundis tenebranim De ventre matris Desiderium anime

Desiderium anime

Grad Grad Grad Int Corn Corn Tr Int All Tr Tr off Seq Int Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off

f. 5 after rent 5 Sat. after Lent 1 Trinity IO Trinity 18 f, 6 in Easter Week Trinity 12 f. 4 after Lent 1 f. 6afterLent 1 Trinity23 Septuagesima Requiem 2 Trinity 23 Augustine John Baptist Valenthe Ttans. of Wenceslas Thomas Aq- tonginus Benedict castulus Thomas of Canterbury Anthony ROCOP Alexius Victorinus Lambert Jerome Francis Luke Leonard Cbrysogonus

160 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 169 S B T 533 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D !5W R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 369 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 546 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D 156 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 163 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 617 R ~ P S S ~ V H B T L i i r R K C P S S I V H B T L D

1549 G K C P S V H B T L D 618 R G K C P S S Z V H B T L D

1606 G K C S B T D ws R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D 774 R G C P S S ~ V H B T L D 793 C P S V H B T L D 798 C P S V H T L 813 P S V H B T L 818 C P S V H B T L D 828 C P V H T L 664 C P S V H B T L D 684 C P S V H B T L 9 ~ 7 C P S V H B T L D

1013 C P S V H B T L D 1169 C P V H TL 1195 C P V H B T L D 1226 C P S V H B T L 1236 C P V H B T L D 1266 C P S V H T L D 1314 C P V H B T L D 1370 P V H B T L D

Off corn& of one Martyr 1461 R G K P s & v H B T L Deus Deus meus ad te Off Deus Deus meus respice Tr Deus dum egredereris Int Deus enim firmavit Off

Off Off Off

Deus exaudi Grad Deus in adiutorium. .et rever. ht

Int Deus in loco Int Deus in nomine ht Deus in tua virhite Seq Deus iudex iustus AU Deus tu convertens Off

off Deus vitam meam Grad Dextera Dei AU Dextera Domini fecit virtutem Off


Easter 2 Palm Sunday f. 4 after Pentecost Christmas, in aurora Sunday in oct . of Xmas Vigii of Epiphany Transfiguration f.2afterrent5 f . S a f t e r L a 2 Trinity 12 Trinity 11 f.ZafterLent4 Andrew Trinity 2 Advent 2 Ember Fri, m Advent f. 2 after Lent 3 Trinity 21 Epiphany 3 f, 3 after Lent 3

387 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 302 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 445 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D s R G K C P S S I H B T L D 78 R K C S S I V H B T L D 86 R S B T

1069 S B no R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 193 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D !542 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D 537 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D 239 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D

1623 G K C P S V H B T L D 494 G K C P S V H B T L D 10 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D u R G K C P S S I V H B T L D

211 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 603 C P S V H B T L 107 R K C P S S I V H B T L D 216 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D

Dicit Andreas Sirnoni Dicit Domhm ego Dicit Dominus impiete Dicit Dominus sermones

Dicite pusillanimis Dico autem vobis

Dico vobis gaudium

Diem f t s n ~ Bartholomei Dies sanctificatus Diffusa est gracia

Diffiua est gracia

Diffusa est gracia

Diffusa est gracia

Dilecte Deo Galle Dilectus Deo et hominiius Diiexi quoniam Dilexisti iusticiam

Dilexisti iusticiam

Dilexit andream Dominus

Off Corn Int Corn Int Int C m Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Seq AU Gr ad Grad Grad Grad Grad AU All AU Ali Off Off Off Off Off Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Seq Seq All ht Int ht h t Int IRt Grad Grad Grad Corn Corn Au

h~enammini 320 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Vigil of An&ew 633 R G K C P S V H B L D Trinity 23 615 R G K C P S S ~ V B B T L D E~iphany 2 103 R K C P S S I V H B T L D Dedidm of an altar 625 C P s v H B T L Ciernent 1362 R G K P S ~ V H B T L D Advm 3 16 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D anh hi as 790 C P S V H B T L Hippo1ytus 1109 R C P S S ~ V H B L D RonaadHyacmth l l û 5 C P V W B T L D Trinity 22 614 G K C P S V H B T L D Mary MagdaIene 1024 ~ P S V H B T L D A b lOSS P V T B ~ ~ ~ ~ O I O E E W 1605 G K C P S V H B T L D Christmas,summamissa SI R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Agnes 698 R G C P S S ~ V H B T L D Apoiionia 759 C P S V H B T L Scholastica 764 C P S V H B T L Margaret 1001 C P S V H B T L D CommonofVirgXns 14% R G K P S & V H B T L Barbara 641 P S V H B T L Lucy 652 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D Jilliana 777 P S V H B T L CommonofVirgins 1502 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Octave of Agnes 724 R ~ P S ~ V H B T L D Purification 742 R G K C P S $ ~ V H B T L D Apollonia 761 P S V H B T L Praxedes 1018 R P S S ~ V H B T L D CommonofVirgins ~ S ~ ~ R G K P S S ~ V H B T L Conception of Mary 649 C P S V H B T L D Lucy 654 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D Visitation of Mary 973 C P S V H B T L D praxedes 1019 C P S V H B T L D Anne 1 ~ 1 C P S V H B T L D Martha 1050 P S V H B T L Nativity of Mary 1174 C P S V H B T L D CommonofVirgins ~ ~ ~ ~ R G K P S ~ V H B T L ~ a l l 1616 G K C P S V H B T L D Comm. of One Confessorl632 G K P S V H B T L Trinity 19 597 C P S V H B T L LUCY 650 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D Apollonia 758 C P S V H B T L Mary of Egypt 836 C P S V H T L Brigid 894 ~ P S V H T Elizabeth 1347 C P S V H B T L Commonofv'ugins ~ ~ ~ O R G K P S & V H B T L L=Y 651 R ~ P S S ~ V H B T L D Raxedes 1016 R C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D Cornmon of Vigins 1497 R G P S S2 V H B T L Assumption 1118 G K S V H B L CommonofVigins ~ ~ ~ ~ R P S ~ V H B T L Andrew 636 R G K ~ P S V H B L D

Discerne Dispersit dedit paupen'bus Dispersit dedit paupenius Dixit DomMus ex basan Dixit Dominus mulien Dixit Dommus petm Domine! admandum Domine audivi Domine: convertere

Do- Deus m simplicitate h m i n e Deus meus--.hiira Domine Deus meus.. .salvum Domine Deus saiutis Domine Deus saiutis. .intret

Domine Deus vircutum Domine Dominus noster DOmine Dominus noster Domine exaudi.. .perveniat Domine exaudi.. .veniat Domine exaudi.. . veniat Domine fac mecum Domine in auxifium

Domine in tua Domine in virtute Domine iesu Christe Domine mernorabor

Domine ne longe Domine non secundun pecc. Domine prevenisti

AI1 Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Inr Gr ad Seq Tr Cnt on Tr off off off Corn All AU Off off Grad Grad Corn Off Tr AU O f f Off Off Int Al1 Off Corn Corn Int Tr Grad Grad Gtad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad

Trinity3 f.3afterLRnt1 Sat. a h LRnt 1 Ember Sat, m Sept. Trinity 19 f.3aftcrLent5 Vigii of Laurence Vigii of ïanmxe C o n d m of Paul Lent2 Vigil of Peter & Paul f.SafterLent4 Good Fri&y f.2afterLent5 Triniîy 2 Dedication Festival Sat. after Lent 1 Triniîy 1 Trinity 11 Saî. after Lent 1 Ember Sat . in Sept. Ember Sat. in Advent Tnnity 9 f. 2 after Lent 2 Wed. in Holy Week Wed. in Holy Week Tr&y 1s f.4afterLent3 f. 6 after Lent 2 Trinity 16 Trinity 1 Trinity 4 Requiem 2 f.SafterLRnt4 Tnnity 16 Palm Simday Ash wedeesday Trans. of Wenceslas Lunginus hocop AleXius Pantaleon BeheadiTlg of John Giles victorinus Wmceslas Gall Imnard Theodore

190r G K ~ P S V H B T L D isi R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 171 R G K C P S S I V H B L D 583 R K C P S S ~ V B B T L D 5% R K ~ P S S ~ V R B T L D 274 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D

1091 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 10i2 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 1562 G K C P S V H B T L D 178 G K ~ P S V H B T L D 955 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D ~4 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 322 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D ni R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 495 R G K ~ P S ~ ~ V H B T L D 623 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 175 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 489 G K C P S V H B T L D 539 G K C P S V H B L D 174 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 588 R K C P S S Z V H B T L D 29 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D

528 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D 184 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 316 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 31s R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 559 G K C P S V H L D 223 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 199 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 565 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D 487 R G K ~ P S $ ~ V H B T L D SM G K C P S V H B T L D isso R G K C P S S I V H B T L D us R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 566 R G K ~ P S S ~ V H B L D 300 R G K ~ P S $ ~ V H B T L D 129 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 792 C P S V H B T L 812 P S V H B T L 976 C P S V H B T L D 1011 C P S V H B T L D 1043 Ç P S V H B T L D 1151 C P S V H B T L D 1162 C P S V H B T L D 1x67 C P V H T L 1214 C P S V H B T L D 1259 C P S V H B T L D 1312 C P V H B T L D 13zz C P V H B T L D

Grad CommmofûneMartyr 1451 G K P S V H B T L Domine quia* talata Corn Nicholas 648 G K C P S V H B T L

Corn Popescephen 1062 R ~ P S ~ ~ V H B T L

Domine quis habitabit Domine refugium factus es Domine refugium factus es Domine refugïum factus es Domine vivifia me Dominus dabit Dominus dixit

Dominus regit me

Dominus regnavit exuitet Dominus secus Dominus vircum Domus meus domus oracion. Dorsa e o m plena sunt Dulce lignum duice clavos

Dulcis mater dulci nato Dum clamarem ad dominum

Dum complerentur Dum fabricator Dum medium Dum Saactificatus Dum suprema melodiô Ecce advenit Ecce Dominus Ecce Deus adiwat Ecce Iignum cnicis Ecce ocdi Domini

Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn ht Grad Ail off Corn rnt rllt Ali Corn rllt Corn Int Ali All Corn Corn All All Au All All Int Corn Corn All All All All Int h t All Am Int rnt Seq Int Corn rnt Ant h t Int Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad

Giles 1165 C P S V H B T L D Francis 1237 C P V H B T L D Miutin 1330 P S V H B T L D CommonofConfe~~~rs 1486 R G K P S ~ V H B T L f.3after~emt3 217 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D f. 3 after Lent 1 150 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Trinity 21 606 R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D Trinity 12 w G K C P S V H B L D f.6afterAshWednesday f38 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Advent 1 6 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D ch&mas,ingaiiicamu 45 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Transfiguration 1064 B Christmas.mgaiLicantu 0 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Trinity 4 506 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Trinity 6 Si2 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D In cena Domini 321 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Trinity 4 !W2 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Ascension Day 417 R G S S I B T D Siinday after Ascension 421 G P S V H B T L D Sat. after Lem 4 263 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Sat. after Lent 5 289 G C P S V H B T L Christmas, m amra 52 R G K C P S S I H B T L D Sundayinact.ofXmas 77 R K C S S I V H B T L D V i a of Epiphany 85 R S B T Transfiguration 1067 S B E P @ ~ Y 3 106 R K C P S S I V H B T L Vigil of Andrew 630 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D f. 2 after ~ e n t s 272 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Dedication FestivaI 624 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Common of Aposlles 1400 K C P S H B T L D Finding of the cross 871 R G C P S S ~ V H B T L D Holy Cross Day il86 R C P S S Z V H B T L D Common of the Virgin 1533 G K S V H B T L f.5afierAshWednesday 132 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Triniry 10 532 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D f. 6 after Pentecost 453 K S B T G O O ~ F ~ & Y 326 G K C P S H B T L D Sundayinoa.ofXmas 75 R K C P S $ ~ V H B T L D f. 4 afier Lent 4 247 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Common of Apostles 1626 G K C P s v H B L D E P ~ P ~ ~ Y 89 R K C S S I V H B T L D EmberFri.inAdvent ~ ~ R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Trinity 9 527 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D Good Friday 325 R G K C S S I V H B T L D Nercus, Achii., Pancras 890 R G P S V H T L D c o m ~ n o f ~ a n y r s 1409 R K P S ~ V H B T L Trinity 22 611 R G K ~ P S ~ ~ V H B T L D John and Paul 951 R G K ~ P S S ~ V H T L D Eustace 1307 P V H T L Five Brothers 1333 C P V H B T L D Cornmon of Martyrs 1420 R P s b v H B T L Sylvester 667 R C P S V H B T L

Ecce sacerdos magnus Ecce virgo

Eduxit Dominus populum.. Eduxiteos Ego autem c m iusticia Ego autem dum michi Ego autem in Domino Ego autem sicut oiiva

Ego clamavi.. .custodi Ego clamavi Ego dixi

Ego sum pastor bonus

Ego sum vitis vera

Ego vos elegi

Egregia sponsa

Eiegenint apostoli

Emitte spiritum

Emitte spirinim. .sit gloria

Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Gtad Grad Grad AU Corn Corn Corn

#au Int Int rnt Grad Int Int h t Int Int Int Int Int Int Corn Grad Grad Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn All AIl All Al1 Ali Al1 Off Off AIl AU off Off

Hilary John Chrysostom Ambrose Odalnc Donatus Severn Severimis Brice Common of Confessors Common of Confessors Emkr Wed. in Advent Advent 4 Annunciaticm Sat. in Easter Week f. 6 in Easter Week f . 6 a f t e r h t 2 Tuesday in Holy week f .QafterLm3 Vigil of Thomas Tiothy Vigil of Matthias Vigil of James Vigil of Bartholomew Vigil of Matthew Vigil of Apostles f. 3 after Lent 3 Trinity 3 Trinity 1 Mary MagdaIene Easter 2 Thomas of Canterbury Mark John at the lah'n Gate Cyril and Methodius b u s and Felician Sending of the Apostles Timothy & Symphorian Remi- & c. Diony sius Common of Martyrs Octave of Agnes Agatha Dorothy Praxtdes Afr a cornmon of virgins Stephen, protomartyr The Finding of Stephen Pentecost Sat. after Pentecost Vigil of Pentecost f. 6 after Pentecost

6'77 P S V H B T L 717 P S V H B T L 832 C P S V H B T L D 981 P V H T L 1ûï7 P S V H B T L D l274 P V H B T L D 1279 C P V H B T L 1338 C P V H B T L D 1471 R G K P S ~ ~ V H B T L 1480 G K ~ P S V H B T L D

21 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 39 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 825 R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D 370 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 36s R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 197 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 310 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 218 R G K C P S Q I V H B T L D 655 C P S V H B T L D 708 S V H B T L D 785 C P S V H B T L D

1031 C P S V H B T L D 1134 ~ P S V H B T L D 1197 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D 1385 R G K P S ~ ~ V H B T L 214 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D soi G K ~ P S V H B L D 488 R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D

1022 C P S V H B L D 388 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 665 R ~ P S V H B T L D sss K C P S V H B T L D 881 C P S V H B T L D 80s C P S V H B T L 904 R C P S ~ V H T L D

1009 C P S V H B T L D 1133 R P S 3 2 V H B T L D 1232 C P S V H B T L D 1247 C P S V H B T L 1440 G K P S V H B T L 723 C P S V H B T L D 752 G K P S V H B T L D 756 P S V H B T L D

1017 C P S V H B T L D 108) P V B T

G K C P S V H B T L D 63 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D

1063 C P S S 2 V H B T L D 432 R G C S S I V H B T L D 459 G K C P S V H B T L D 429 R G C P S S I V H B T L D 455 K C P S V H B T L D

Emulor enim vos All En propriiun va- Pam Erat Iohannes predica~ls All Enpernedeinimicis.. Deus Off Eripe me de inimicis. - Deus All Eripe me de mimicis. .Domine Off Eripe me Domine ab homine Tr Eripe me Domine de inimicis Grad Erit vobis Off Entbescant et cunfundentur Corn Embcsant et revereantur Com Esto michi.. .Deus Grad

Grad Esto michi.. . quoniam Int

Int Et si coram hominibus Corn

Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn

Etenim sedenint Int Int

Ex ore infancium Int Ex Sion Grad Wtabo te.. .Domine Deus Grad Exaltabo te Domine Off

Off Exaltent eum in ecclesia Grad Exaudi Deus oracionem Int Exaudi Deus oracionem Off Exaudi dne vocem.. adiutor Int Exaudi due vocem..aiieiuia fnt Exaudi nos Domine quoniam Ant Exaudivit Int Excita Domine potenciam Aiï Excita Domine potenciam Grad Exclamavenmt ad te Int Exut senno.. .et non Com Exiit senno.. . Sed sic Grad Expecta Dominum Int Expectans expectavi Off

Off Off

Exulta Nia Syon Corn Exulta saîis Off Exultabunt sancti Grad

Grad Grad Grad Grad

Common of V i r ~ lSû4 C S B T Jan Hus 1384 VgiiofJohnBaptist 942 G K C P S V H B T L f . 4 a f t c r h t 5 279 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D ~rkùty 7 519 G K C P S V H B L D McmdayinHolyWeek WI R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D G O O ~ ~tiday 323 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Lent5 265 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 6 in Easter Week 368 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 6 after Leni 1 166 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D MondayinHolyWeeic 3û8 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 2 after Lent 4 240 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Trinity 8 523 R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B L D Quinquagesima 119 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Sat.afterAshWdmsday 140 G K C P S V H B T L D John anci Paui 954 R K C P S S Z V H T L D Kilim & soc. 994 P S V H T L Maurice 1207 C P V H B T L Eustace 1310 P V H T L Five Brothers 1336 C P V H B T L D Common of Martyrs 14311 R G K P s S2 v H B T L Stephen. protomartyr 60 R G K C P S 31 V H B T L D The Frnding of Stephen 1063 C P s S2 v H B T L D b ~ c e n t s 70 R G K C S P S S I V H B T L D Advent 2 8 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 4 after ~ e n t 5 278 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Ash Wednesday 130 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Trinity 11 540 R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B L D Throne of Peter 781 R G K C P S $ ~ V H B T L D f. 3 afkr Lent 4 243 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D f. 2 after Lent 3 212 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Trinity 5 507 R G K ~ P S S ~ V H B T L D SuimdayafterAscension 4 ~ ) R G C P S S ~ V H B T L D ~ s h wednesday 124 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Ragation Monday a7 R G C P S S I V H B T L D Advent 3 14 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D EmberSat.inAdvent ~ O R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Philip ad James 860 R G K ~ S ~ ~ V H B T L D ~ohn, apode 69 R G K Ç P S S I V H B T L D John, apostle 66 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D f. 3 after ~ e n t 5 273 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D f.3aftefLRnt4 t45 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Triniîy 15 !%O R G K C P S S ~ V H L D Afra 1084 P V B T christmas, in aurora 54 R G K C P S S I H B T L D Embcr Sat. in Advent 33 R G K C P S Sl V H B T L D Dedication of an altar 626 C P S V H B T L Boniface 906 C P S V H T L Marcellus, Marccllianus 931 R C P S V H T L D Abdon and Sennen 1053 C P V H B T L D Vigil of All Saints 1298 R C P S b V H B T L D

Exultate Deo. ..&te ExuItate De0 ExuItavit ut gigas Exultent filie Syon Exultent iusti Exurge Domine adiwa Exurge Domine et intende Exurge Domine fer opem Exurge Domine non preval- Exurge quare obdormk Eya lem cantica Eya recolarnus laudiius Fac m m Factus est Dns firmamentum

Factus es Dominus pmtector Factus est repente.. advenien.

Feci iudicium

Felix est bohemia Felix es sacra virgo Felix namque Felix namque

Festa christi 0mni.c Fidelis servus

Fili quid fecisti Filie regum

Off Off Off O f f Int All Corn Seq AU Ant Grad Grad Grad Int *q *q Im Off Off tut Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn All Al1 Au Off Off seq Corn Com Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Off Off Off Off Off off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off

Basilides 918 R C P S ~ V H T L D Octave of Peter and Paul 988 R C P S 32 V H B T D VigiiofSimonandJude U90 R C P S ~ Z V H B T L D CommonofMartyrs 1433 R G K P S S Z V H B T L EznberWed.inSept. 5'72 R K C P S S ~ V H B L D Trinity 10 534 G K C P S V H B L D EmberSat.inAdvent ~ ~ R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D CommamofVirgins 1633 G K C P S H B T L D Rotus and Hyacinth 1183 C P V H B L Rogation Moaday 401 G C S T L D MondayofHolyWeek 3û6 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D f . 3 a f t e r b 4 244 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D LRnt3 206 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Sexagesima 114 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Corpus Christi 1662 L D Xmas - m amra 1554 G K C P S V H B T L D f. 6 after Lent 3 2% R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Sat. afeer Lent 4 262 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Sat. after Lent 5 289 G C P S V H B T L Trinity 2 492 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Pentecost 435 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D f. 5 after Pentecost 450 R K C P S S I V H B T L D Prisca 690 R K C P S $ ~ V H B T L D ~uliana m C P S V H B T L Common of Virgins 1518 R G P s 32 v H B L P~=P 979 C P S V H B T L CommonoftheVirgin 1524 G K P S V H B T L D Presentation of Mary 1354 P S V H B T L Vigil of the Assumption I l l 2 C P S V H B L D Common of the Virgin 1536 R P s v H B T L E ~ i ~ h a n ~ 1561 G K C P S V H B T L D Thomas Aquinas 800 C P S V H T L Gregory 810 R G C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D &nediet 820 C P S V H B T L D Augustine 1149 R C P S S 2 V H B T L Gall 1262 C P S V H B T L D 0tmar 1 s C P V H B T L D Common of Confessors 1488 R G K P s 32 v H B T L E~iphaay 1 9% R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Barbara 642 C P S V H B T L ConcepcionofMary ~ ~ ~ C P S V H B T L D Risca 689 R K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D ~uliana ns C P S V H B T L Mary of Egypt 840 C P S V H T L Brigid SM ~ P S V H T Anne 1040 C P S V H B T L Martha 1049 P S V H B T L D Nativity of Mary 1173 C P S V H B T L D Passion of Ludmilla 1189 CS P S V H B T L D Translation of Lucimilla 1326 C P S V H B T L D EIizabeth 13x1 Ç P S V H B T L Katherine 1374 P S V H B T L

Off Fodenuit manus meas Int Fontes aquanm Am Fuit homo missus Grad FuIgebunt iusti AU Fdgenaibus Ant Gaude Maria templwn seq Gaude maria virgo cunctas Tr Gaude mater luminis seq Gaude sponsa Christi Se(! Gaude Syon quai egressus Seq Gaude virgo mater Christi Seq Gaudeamus omnes in Domino h t

Gaudete in Domino Gaudete iusti in Domino

Gaudete iusti in Domino

Gens fidelis iocundetur Gloria et honore

Gloria et honore

Gloria et honore

rnt Int Int Int Int Int rnt Int Int Int Int Int Int rnt Int Int All Au All AU Corn Corn Corn Corn Seq Int Int Int Grad Grad Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off

Cornmon of Virgins Lancea Domini E P @ W Vigil of John Saptist Cornmon of Martyrs Palm sunday Cornmon of the BVM Purification Common of the BVM James Elizabeth Common of the BVM Co~lception of Mary As& Dorothy Vins & soc. Visitation of Mary Mary Magdalene Anne Martha Assumption Nativity of Mary UrsuIa AU Saints Presentation of Mary Katherine Jan Hus Common of Virgins Advent 3 TibUmus & Valerian Sigismund Gordian and Epimachus Common of Martyrs Tiburtius & Valerian Sigismund Vitus & soc. Au Saints Domthy Pantaleon Gorgonius

1510 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L 380 G K C P S V H B T L D 88 S B T Ml R G K ~ P S S ~ V H B T L D 14x1 R G K C P S S W H B T L 290 B T L D

1 6 s C P S H L 741 G K C P S V H B T L

1642 S H B T L 1597 G K ~ P S V H B T L D 1620 G K C P S V H B L D 1658 T 649 C P S V H B T L D 750 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 756 C P S V H B T L D 925 C P S V H B T L D !no C ' P S V H B T L D

1020 G K C P S V H B T L D 1037 C P S V H B T L D 1047 C P S V H B T L 1114 R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B L D 1171 G K C P S V H B T L D 1268 C P S V H B T L D 1301 R C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D 1352 C P S V H B T L 1372 G K P S V H B T L D 1377 L D 1489 K P S V H B T L

12 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 843 R G K C P S V H B T L D 866 ~ P S V H B T L 887 P S V H T L

1426 B G C P S S ~ V H B T L D 846 R G K C P S V H B T L D 869 P S V H B T L 929 C P S V H B T L D 1305 C S V H B T L D 1671 G K D IW C P S V H B T L D 1176 R P S 2 V H B T L

~ o & o n of one ~ a r t y r 1446 G K P s 52 v H B T L Chrysogonus 1368 P V H B T L D CommonofOneMartyr 1452 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L Vigil of Andrew 632 R G K C P S S Z V H B L D Vigil of Thomas 655 C P S V H B T L D Felix 674 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D V i 706 P S V H B T L D T i ~ ~ t h y 711 S V H B T L D Ignatius 730 ( ~ P S V H T L BIaise 748 ~ P S V H B T L D Vigii of Manbias 785 ~ P S V H B T L D Tram. of Wenceslas 794 C P S V H T L

Gloria laus et honor Gloriabunfur in te

Gloriosus Deus

irates nunc omnes iregorius presul meritis iressus meos iustate et videte [anc concordi famulatu hnc dieculam orbi [ec dies [ec dies.. . . .Benedictus :ec dies.. . .Confiternini :ec dies.. Dextera kc dies. ..Dicat nunc Israhel :ec dies.Dicant nunc qui red :ec dies.. . Lapidem kc est vera

Hec est sancta solemnitas Hic est discipuhs ille Hoc corpus

Hodie beata virgo maria Hodie scietis Hodie scietis Hodie scietis Hodierne fatum lucis Hodierne lux diei. .marans . . Hodierne lux diei.. in matris

Off Off Off Off Off on Off Off Off H m Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Gr ad Seq Pro1 Off Corn Seq 9'4 All Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad AU AU AU ALI Seq Au Corn Corn Ant Int Grad Au Seq Seq Seq

Cyni and Methodius 804 P S B T L4w@l= 814 P S V H B T L Vigilof3ohnBaptist W3 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Vigil of James 1031 C P S V H B T L D Vigii of BarthoIomew 1134 C P S V H B T L D Vigil of Manhew Il97 R C P S $ ~ V H B T L D Theodore 1324 C P V H B T L D Vigil of Apostles 138'7 R G K P S ~ ~ H B T L CommonofOneMartyr 1462 R G K P S ~ V H B T L Palm Sunllay W a c e John and P d Protus and Hyacinth Cosma and Damian Remigius & c. Eustace Five Brothers Conimon of Martyrs Fabian & Sebastian Vitus & soc. Gereon Ursula Jan Hus Common of Martyrs Xmas - in gaiii cantu

Sat. after Lent 3 Trinity 8 Stephen Clement Sat. in Easter Week f. 6 in Easter Week Easter f. 4 in Easter Week f. 2 in Easter Week f. 3 in Easter Week f. 5 in Easter Week John and Paul COSKM and Damian Five Brothers Common of Martyrs Easter JO& apostle Lent 5 Corpus Christi Purification Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Lanceammini Adalbert Cornmon of the BVM

295 R Ç S S I B T D sas C P S V H T L m R K C S P S S Z V H T L D

1184 R C P S ~ V H B T L D 1211 R C P S 2 V H B T L 1231 Ç P S V H B T L D 1309 P V H T L 1335 C P V H B T L D 1431 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L 692 R G C P S S ~ V H B T L D 926 ~ P S V H B T L D 1249 C P V H B T L D 1269 C P S V H B T L D 1378 T L 1414 R G K P S S 2 V H B T L 1553 G K C P S S l H B T L D

i G K C S H B T L D 232 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 526 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D ISSI G K C P S V H B T L D 1621 G K C P S V H B T L 371 R G K Ç P S S I V H B T L D 366 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 341 R G K C P S S I V H B L D 356 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 346 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 351 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 361 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 952 R C P S S ~ V H T L D l210 R ~ P ~ ~ V H B T L 1334 C P V H B T L D 1429 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 1567 P S L

67 R G K C P S Q I V H B T L D 268 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 481 S B T 735 G K P S B T L 40 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 41 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 42 G K C P S V H B T L

1571 G K ~ P S V H B T L D 192 G C P S V H B T L 1659 G K C S H B T L

Honora Domimm Humiii prece Iacta cogitatum

Iam non estis

I e d e m que edificanir Ierusalem suge IUriata mente sana Illumina faciem Illumina d o s

Immutemur habitu Imperatrix angelorum Imperatrix egregia fmperatrix gioriosa hproperium In Deo laudabo in Deo speravit

In die resurrectionis

In die solemnitatis in excelso throno

In exim in medio ecclesie

Ln nomine Domini In ornnem terram

in omnem terram

In omnem terram

corn Lit Grad Grad Grad Grad All AU Corn Com Seq Corn Off Off Off off Ant seq AU Seq Off Int Grad Grad Ali All All Off Int Int AII Int Int Int h t Int Iiit Int Int Int Int Int Grad Grad Grad Au AU Off Off Off Off Off

Trinity 11 Hl R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D Rogatim Monday 405 f . 5 a f t e r M Wednesday 133 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Sat. after Lent 1 f.3afierlROt2 Trinity 3 James Common of Aposties k n t 4 Advent 2 Visitation of Mary SeptuagesMa Sat. after Lent 2 Trinity 4 f. 5 afier Lent 1 Trinity 14 Ash Wednesday Common of the BVM Common of the BVM Common of the BVM Paim sunday f. 2 after Lent 3 f. 6 after Lent 3 Trinity 11 f. 5 in Easter Week Tiburtius & Valerian Mark f. 5 in Easter Week EpiPhany 1 Transfiguraaon Trinity 17 John, apode Hilary John Chrysostom Thomas Aquioas Ambrose Bad Augustine Jerome Francis Luke Wed. in Holy Week Vigil of Andrew Vigii of Peter and Paul Common of Apostles Matthew Common of Apostles Thomas Conversion of Paul Barnabas

170 S B T 186 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 498 R G K C P S ~ V H B T L D

1034 P S V H B T L 1397 G K C P S V H B T L 238 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 11 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D

1591 G K C P S V H B T L D 113 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 203 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 5û5 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 161 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 555 R G K C P S S ~ V H L D 126 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D

1651 G K ~ P S H L D 1529 G K P S V H B T L D 1641 C P S H B L D 303 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 210 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 227 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 538 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D 342 G K C P S V H B T L D 844 C P S V H B T L D 857 C P S V H B T L D 363 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 94 R K C P S S L V H B T L D

1065 S B 569 G K C P S V H B L D 6s R G K C P S S I V H B T L D

676 P S V H B T L 716 P S V H B T L 7% C P S V H T L 831 C P S V H B T L D 920 Cf S V H T L 114s R ~ P S V H B T L D 1223 C P S V H B T L 1233 C P V H B T L 1263 C P S V H T L D 313 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 631 C P S V H B L D 956 R G K ~ P S S ~ V H B T L D

1390 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L 1200 C P S V H B T L D . 1394 G K P S V H B T L D 659 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D 714 G C P S S ~ V H B T L D 913 C P S V H B T L D

In sole posuit In splendoni h te Domine speravi in te speravi

In virtute tua

In voIuntate tua lnclina aurem Inclina Domine..et exaudi me Intellige clamorem

Inter natos muiierum Interni festa gaudia Intonuit

htret oracio IntfOduxit vos Introilbo ad aitare ïnveni David servurn

Off Off Off Off Off Corn A11 Al1 Grad Corn AU Off Off Int Int Int Int int Int Int Int Off Off Off Off Off Off Off uit Corn Int Com Corn Off Off seq Seq Off off Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Corn Grad Grad Grad

~amts 103s C P S V H B T L D Bartholomew 1138 C S V H B T L D Maahew 1201 C P S V H B T L D SimonandJude l295 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D CornmonofApoarles 1403 R G K P S ~ V H B T L Trinity 21 609 R G K ~ P S ~ ~ V H B T L D Passion of Lucuniiia 11191 C P s v H B T L Translation of Ludmilla 1326 C P s v H B T L Ember Sat. m Advent 28 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D chnmnas,ingaiiicantu 49 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Trinity 5 mg G K C P S V H B T L D f . 3 a f t e r k m l rsz R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Trinity 13 550 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D Valentille 769 R G C P S S ~ V H B T L D ~rans. of Wermceslas 791 C P S V H B T L D Lnnginus 811 P S V H B T L Beheading of John lia C P S V H B T L D Victorinus 1166 C P V H T L Wenceslsts 1213 ~ P S V H B T L D Theodore 1321 C P V H B T L D Common of One Martyr 1443 R G K P S 52 V H B T L Vaientine 772 R C P S S Z V H B T L D Pantaleon 1045 ~ P S V H B T L Tiburtius 1103 S V H B T L D Octave of Lautence 1122 K c S & 2 V H B T L D Agapitus Il27 R V H B T L D Hermes 1143 V H B T L Common of One Martyr 1459 R G K P S 32 V H B T L Trinity 21 605 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Trinity 7 521 R G K C P S S ~ V W B L D Trinity 15 557 R G K C P S S ~ V H L D f. 4 after ~ e n t 1 i~ R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D ~ ~ n t 2 180 R G K Ç P S S I V H B T L D f. 6 after Lent 3 228 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D ~rinity 1 490 R G K C P S S Z V H B T L D John Baptist 1664 T L Augustine 1665 c P L f. 3 in Easter Week 353 R G K ~ P S ~ V H B T L D f. 2 after Pentecost 439 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Fabian & Sebastian 691 R G Ç P S $ ~ V H S T L D Basilides 915 R C P S ~ V H T L D AWonandSemien lû52 R ~ P ~ ~ V H B T L D Gereon 1248 C P V H B T L D VigilofSimonandJude lZSS R C P S S Z V H B T L D Four Crowned Martyrs 1316 R P 32 V H B T L D CommonofMarlyrs 1407 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L Sat. ahcr ~ ~ l l t 1 167 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 2 in Easttr Wcek 345 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Sexagesima 118 R G K C P S ~ V H B T L D Nicholas 645 K C P S V H B T L D Thomas of Canterbury 662 P S V H B T L Apolhark 1027 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D

Grad Pope Mark Grad Martin Grad Common of Confessors

Inveni David servum AU Calixtm AU Comrnon of Coafcssors

inveni David servum Off Sylvester o f f - Off John Chrysostom Off Odalric Off Pope Stephen Off Severus Off Severinus Off Brice Off Common of Confessors

inventa una preciosa All Margaret Al1 Cecilia Ali Commonof Virgins

Inventor mtili Hymn Good Fri&y

1239 P V H B T L D 132% C P S V H B T L 1473 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L ms C P V H B T L D 1481 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 669 R C S P S V H B T L 679 P S V H B T L 719 P S V H B T L 983 P V H T L 1061 R C P S S ~ V H B T L 1276 P V H B T L D mi C P V H B T L 1340 C P V H B T L D 1484 R G K P S ~ ~ V H B T L 1002 S V H B T L 1359 R V H B T L D 1505 G K ~ P S V H B T L D 328

invocavit me et ego exaudiam 6t Iohannes Iesu Christo Seq Iste est qui ante All

All AU All Al1 AII All All AU

Iste est sanctus homo Al1 Al1 AU A11 A11

Iste sanctus digne AU Ali AI1 All All

(Iste sacerdos) Al1 All All

Iubilate Deo omnis terra aeuia h t Iubiiate Deo oms terra iubil. Off

Off Iubiiate Deo oms terra s e ~ t e AU Iubilate Deo universa terra Off

Off Iubilate Dno oms terra servite Tr Iudica Domine nocentes me Int ludica me Deus Int Iudicant sanczi gentes Int

~ e n t 1 141 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D John the Apode 1558 G K C P S V H B T L D Timothy 710 S V H B T L D Adaibert 848 ~ P S V H B T L Mark 856 P S V H B T L D Stanislaus 883 C P S V H T L AugusMe 1147 C P S V H B T L Francis 1235 C P V H B T L D Pope Mark 1240 P V H B T L D Luke 1265 P S V H T L Common of One Martyr 1453 C P s v H B T L Basil !m C P V H T L ~pouinaris im C P S V H B T L amb ber^ 1194 C P V H B T L D Clement 1344 P S V H B T L CommonofConfessors 1476 G K C P S V H B T L D Hilary 678 P S V H B T L Anthony 683 C P S V H B T L John Chrysostom 718 P S V H B T L Gothard a15 C P S V H B T L Giles 1163 C P S V H B T L D Severus 1275 P V H B T L Omar 1344 C P V H B T L Common of Confessors 1478 G K C P s v H B T L D Easter 3 389 R G K Ç P S S I V H B T L D Epip-hany 1 97 R K C P S S I V H B T L D f.2aftcrLent4 241 R G K C S Q I B T D Epiphy 1 w R K C P S S I V H B T L D E P W ~ Y 2 lm R K C P S S I V H B T L D Easter 4 395 R G C S P S S I V H B T L D Quinwg=ima 121 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D MondayofHotyWeek 305 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D tent 5 264 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Protus and Hyacinth 1181 R C P S2 v H B T L D

lustoruxn anime

Iustus Dominus Iustus es Domine Iustus germiaabit

Iuravit Dominus

Iusti epuientur Iusti epuientur

Iusti exultent

Iusticie Domini

Iustorum nnime

Int Iudicant sancti naciones All Iuravit Dominus Grad

Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad AU AU All AU All

Iusti autem in perpetuum AII AU All All All Au AU tnt All AU Al1 All All AI1 Au Off Off Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn AU All Corn Int All All

CommonofMartyrs 1412 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L CommonofMartyrs ~ ~ ~ ~ R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L Felix 672 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D Gregory 807 R G ~ P S ~ ~ V H B T L D Basil 921 C P S V H T L Augustine 1146 C P S V H B T L D calixtus C P V H B T L D Clement 1363 R K P S ~ ~ V H B T L Common of Confessors 1472 R G K P S 32 V H B T L Odalric 982 P V H T Danatus 1078 P S V H B T L D Severinus 1280 P V H B T L Brice 1339 C P V H B T L CommonofConf'rs 1477 R G K ~ P S S ~ V H B T L D Nereus, Achil., Pancras 891 C P S V H T L Boniface 907 C P S V H T L Basilides 917 C P V H T L D Gervase and Protase 937 C P S V H B T L Gereon la ~ P V H B T L Four Crowned Martyrs 1318 P V H B T L Common of Martyrs 1424 G K C P s v H B T L ~ipp0~ytuS 1105 R C P S S 2 V H B T L D Fabian & Sebastian 693 ~ P S V H B T L D Marceiiinus and Peter #El7 P S V H T L D AWon and Sennen 1054 C P V H B T L D Feiix and Adauctus lm C P S V H B T L D CommonofMartyrs 1421 R G K C P S S Z V H B T L D Eustace 1308 P V H T L Common of Marytrs 1423 G K P S V H B T L k n t 3 208 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Triniiy 9 530 R G K ~ P S ~ ~ V H B L D himus and Felician 901 C P V H T L D Gervase and Protase 936 G C P S V H B T L Octave of Peter and Paul 986 R C P S $2 V H B T D sixnis 1072 C P S V H B T L D Hippalytus 1106 R C P S S ~ V H B L Crispin and Crispinian 1284 C P v H B T L D Common of Martyrs 1417 R G K P s 32 v H B T L Gordian and Epimafhus 889 R C P S $2 V H T L Marceiiinus and Peter 899 R C P S2 V fi T L D Gervase and Rotase 939 C P S V H B T L Octave of Peter and Paul 989 R C P S 52 V H B T Gereon 1252 C P V H B T L VigilofSimonandJude 1291 C P S V H B T L D Jan Hus 1380 T CO~HIOQO~MUQIS 1436 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L Sylvester 668 C P S V H B T L CommonofConfessors 1482 G K C P S V H B T L D f.4afterLent2 192 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Tnnity 17 567 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D Jerome lm ~ P S V H B T L D Common of Confessors 1479 R G K S S2 8 T L

Iustus non conturbabitur

Iustus non wnturbabitur

Iustus ut paima flotebit

Iustus ut p h florebit

Iustus ut palme florebit

fuxta vestibuium Kyrïeleyson Christe Sancta Kyrieleyson Christe Lauda anima mea

Lauda syon salvatorem budate Deum omaes angeiï Laudate Drim omnes gentes Laudate Domimum omnes

Laudate Domimum quia Laudate puen.. qui habitare Laudate puen

Laude celeberrima Laudes Christo decamemus Laudes Christo redempti Laudes cruch attolamus ~ a u d e ~ satvaton Laurenti David rnagni martir Laus t i i Christe

ht Int h t Int Grad Grad Grad Gr ad Int Int Int Int Int Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad ,411 Au All All Off Off Ant Lit Lit Off Off *q AU AU Tr Tr Tr Tr off Int Au AU Seq Seq Seq sen Seq Seq Au

Ale* 1010 C P S V H B T L D Her mes 1140 V H B T L C h t y % o ~ 1367 P V H B T L D Common of One Martyr 1447 R G K P s 32 v H B T L Pope Stephen 1059 C P S V H B T L D Octave of Lamence 1120 K C S V H B T L D Lambext 1193 C P V H B T L D CommonofûneMartyr 1450 R G K P S S Z V H B T L Pope Stephen 1058 C P S V H B T L D Tibmtius 11OO P S V H B T L Lambert 1192 C P V H B T L D ~ a l l 1238 C P S V H B T L D Common of One Martyr 1445 G K P S V H B T L Vigii of Thomas 655 ~ P S V H B T L D Anthony 682 C P S V H B T L Timothy 709 S V H B T L D Vigil of Matthias 785 C P S V H B T L D Vigil of James 1031 C P S V H B T L D Vigii of Barholomew 1134 C P S V H B T L D Hermes 1141 V H T L Vigil of Matthew 1197 R C P S S 2 V H B T L . D L U ~ C ~ 1x4 C P S V H T L D Vigil of Aposties 1386 R G K P S s 2 V H B T L Thomas of Canterbury 663 P S V H B T L Agapinis 1126 V H B T L ~ a l l 1260 C P S V H B T L D CommonofOneMartyr 1455 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D John, apostle 68 R G K C S P S S I V H B T L D John Baptist 948 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Ash Wednesday IZ R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Rogation Monday 403 B T Rogation Monday 404 B Easter 3 391 R G C P S $ ~ V H B T L D f. 4 after Pentecost 44% C P S V H B T L D Corpus ChRsti 1583 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D ~pipbany 2 loi R K C P S S I V H B T L Trinity 20 602 C P S V H B T L D Sat. after Lent 1 173 C P S S ~ V H B T L D Holy Saturday 335 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Vigil of ~cnttcost 425 C S ~ H B T L D Ember Sat. in Sept. !Bi R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D LRIU 4 237 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Seven Brothers 995 R G C P S S ~ V H B T L D Saî. in Easter Week 372 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Seven Brothers 997 R C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D Pentecost 1517 S B T L Common of the BVM 16!% P Easter 1565 S V H B T L Holy Cross Day 1610 G K C P S V H B T L D Easter 1564 P S V H B T L Laurence 1602 G K ~ P S V H B T L D The Holy Innocents 72 K ~ P S V H B T L D

Laus a%i Christe Laus tibi Christe qui Laus a%i virgo Maria Lavabo Letabimur in saîrrtan Letabitur iustus

Letabitur iustus

Letabitur iustus

Letabundus exuitet

Letamini in Domino

Letamini in Domino

Letare Letatus sum. .Fit pax

Letentur ceii Letetur cor

Au Seq Seq Seq Corn Corn Int fnt Int Int lm Int All All All AU Ali All All All Al1 All corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Seq %q All All AU AI1 Off Off Off Off Off Off off Off Off Off Off Off off rnt Gtad Grad Off Int Int

Behtading of John 1152 C P S V H B T L T h c H o l y ~ n t s 1559 G K C P S V H B T L D Mary Magdaiene 15% G K C P S V H B T L D Common of the BVM 1650 f. 4 &ter nt 5 280 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 3 aftcrLem4 246 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D v i 703 C P S V H B T L D 1- 727 C P S V H T L Blaise 744 C P S V H B T L D ~ a s h t l ~ s 8% C P V H T L Agapitus 1124 R ~ V H B T L D CommonofOneMartyr 1444 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L vbe~~ 705 C P S V H B T L D Ignatius 729 C P S V H T L Blaise 746 ~ P S V H B T L D Valentine RI P S V H B T L D George 853 C P S V H B T L Pope Stephen 1060 C P S V H B T L Viccorinus 1x68 C P V H T L T h d o r e 1323 C P V H B T L D ChryS%o~ 1369 P V H B T L D C o m m o n o f O o e M ~ 1457 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Adalbert ~1 G K ~ P S V H B T L D George 852 R ~ P S V H B T L D Gothard 877 C P S V H B T L StanisIaus 8 s C P S V H T L Nereus, Achil., Pancm 893 P S T Cucumcision 82 S B Circumcision 1560 G K C P S V H B T L D Primus and Felician 902 C P V H T L D Remigius & c. 1230 C P S V H B T L D Crispin and Crispinian 1285 C P V H B T L D CommonofMartyrs 1427 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Fabian & Sebastian 695 R G ~ P S S ~ V H B T L D Marceîiinus and Pecer 898 R C P S 52 V H T L D Vitus & soc. 928 ~ P s V H B T L D &nase and Protase 93% R G C P S V H B T L D KiIian & soc, 993 P S V H T L Ciriacus lû89 R C P S ~ V H B T L D Feiix ami Adauctus 11s R C P S V H B T L D Mawice 1206 C P V H B T L ~ t r e ~ n lui C P V H B T L D CNpinandCrispinian U86 C P V H B T L AU Saints 1304 C P S V H B T L D Jan Hus 1379 T L CommonofMartyrs 1434 R G K P S & V H B T L ~ ~ n t 4 234 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D - 4 us R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Trinity 18 591 R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Chrimmas.ingalliuuuu 48 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 5 afttr ïent 4 252 R G K ~ P S S ~ V H B T L D Embcr Fri. in Sept. 577 R K C P S S ~ V H B L D

Letenir in Domino mater Levira Laurencius

Lex Domini h'berasti nos Domine h i r a t o r meus Locusiste bquebar de testimoniis

Lutum fecit Lux etem luceat eis Lux fdgebit

Magna est gloria

Mane prima sabbati Margaretham preciosam Maria hec est ilia Martha cuius virnitibus Martinus episcopus Me expectavenmt



AII Al1 Au Int Gr ad Int Grad Int Int Int Int Int h t h t Corn Corn Int Int Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn. seq seq Au AU Au Int Int Int Off Off off Int

Jan Hus Laurwce Octave of Laurence Sat. aher Lent 2 Trinity 23 f. 4 afier h t 5 Dedicaticm Festival PrisCa Juliana Raxcdes Cecilia Cornman of Vugins G e ~ a s t aad h t a se Crispin and Crispinian f. 4 a f t e r k n t 4 Requiem 2 Chrisrmas, in aurora Vigii of Epiphany Vigii of Thomas V i n t Tiothy Valentine Vigil of Matthias Trans. of Wenceslas Longinus Vigil of John Bapust OCO OP Alexius Vigil of James Pantaleon Vigil of Bartholomew Beheading of Jobn Vict0rj.n~ Gorgonius Vigil of Maatiew Wencesias Leonard Vigil of Apostles Quinquagesima Sat. after Ash Wednesdaj Eastet Margaret Mary Magdalene Martha Martin Agnes Margaret Common of Virgins f. 4 afkr Lent 1 Lent 2 Embcr Wed. in Sept. f. 6 after Lent 4

WS2 T L D lW7 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D il21 R ~ S S ~ V H B T L D mi R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 616 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D rn R G K C P S S I V B B T L D 621 R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D 686 R K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D 775 C P S V H B T L 1015 R C P S S 2 V H B T L D 1357 R G P S 2 V H B T L D 1491 R G K P S g 2 V H B T L !l35 R G C P S ~ ~ V H T L D

1283 C P V H B T L D wi R G K C S P S S I V H B T L D issz R G K C P S S I V H B T L so R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 83 S B T

655 C P S V H B T L D 7û7 P S V H B T L 712 S V H B T L D rn C P S V H B T L D nrs C P S V H B T L D 795 C P S V H T L D 815 P S V H B T L 944 R G K ~ P S ~ ~ V H B T L D 978 ~ P S V H B T L D 1014 Ç P S V H B T L D 1031 C P S V H B T L D 1046 C P S V H B T L 1134 C P S V H B T L D 1154 C P S V H B T L D 1170 C P V H T L 1180 ( f P V H B T L 1197 R c P S S 2 V H B T L D 1216 C P S V H B T L D 1315 C P V H B T L D 1388 R G K P S S ~ H B T L m R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D

r 140 G K C P S V H B T L D 1569 G K C P S V H B T L D isw G K C P V H B T L D 1025 G K C P S V H B T L D los1 C P S V H B T L D 1331 G K ~ P S V H B T L D 697 R G C P S S ~ V H B T L D iooo C P S V H B T L D 14B R G P S S ~ V H B T L sr R G K ~ P S S I V H B T L D 179 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D

R K C P S S ~ V H B L D 2 ~ 6 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D

Memento nostri Memento verbi

Mense septimo Michi autem nimis

Michi autem nimis

Mirabantur Mirabilis Deus

Int Corn Corn Corn Int int Illt Int Int Int Int frit rlu Int Off Off Off Off Corn Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off

Mirabilis Dominus All Al1

Miserere mei Deus Grad Miserere michi Dne qm ad te Int Miserere michi Dne qm concu Int Miserere michi Dne qm idk Grad Miserere michi Dne qm tribu Int Miserere michi Dne secund. Misereris omnium Domine Misericordia Domini Misit Dominus verbum Misso Herodes spidatore Missus Gabriel de celis Mitte manum niam

Multe tribulaciones

Off Int Int Grad Au seq Corn Com seq AU Corn Corn Corn ht Int Int Int

Advent 4 f . S a f t e r b 5 Trinity 19 Ember Sa- m Sept. Andrew Thomas Maahias Barnabas Sending of the Aposties James Banholomew Matthew Simon and Jude Common of Apostles Andrew Matthias Vigil of Peter & Paul Common of Aposties EeiPhany 3 Tr'burtius & Valerian Sigismund Gordian and Epimachus Primus and Felician Abdcm and SeMen Timothy & Symphorian Diony sius Vigii of Al1 Saints Common of Martyrs H b Q l ~ t u s Cornmon of Martyrs Ash Wednesday Trinity 16 f. 2 after Lent 5 f. 4 a k r Lent 3 f. 6 after Lent 5 f. 3 after Lent 2 Ash wednesday Easter 2 Epiphany 2 Beheading of John Common of the BVM Easttr 1 Thomas Commm of the BVM U r 3 Easter 3 Fabian & Seùastian Cornmon of Martyrs Boniface John ad Paul Maurice Eustace

35 G K C P S V H B T L D 284 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 604 R K C P S ~ V H B T L D !589 R K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D 634 R G K C P S S Z V H B L D 656 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D 786 C P S V H B T L D 910 C P S S Z V H B T L D ioos C P S V H B T L D 1032 C P S V H B T L D 1135 R C S S ~ V H B T L D lm C P S V H B T L D 1292 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D 1389 R G K P S ~ ~ H B T L 637 R K C P S V H B L D 789 C P S V H B T L 957 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 1401 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L 108 R K C P S S I V H B T L D 845 P S V H B T L 86% C P S V H B T L 888 R P S S ~ V H T L . 903 R C P S ~ V H T L

1055 R C P S 2 V H B T L D 1132 R S S 2 V H B T L D 1246 C P S V H B T L D 1299 C P S V H B T L D 1432 R G K P S ! $ ~ V H B T L 1107 C P S V H B L D 1425 R G K ~ P S ~ ~ V H B T L 128 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 562 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D 269 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 219 R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D 2%5 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 187 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 127 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 385 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D ioo R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D

115s G K C S V H B T L D 1645 P S H B T L 379 R G K C S P S S ~ V H B T L D 660 R ~ P S S ~ V H B T L D

1644 G K C P S H B T L 390 G C P S V H B T L D 392 R G C P S S I V H B T L D 6% R G C P S S ~ V H B T L D

1435 R G K P S ~ ~ V H B T L sas C P S V H T L 950 R G K ~ P S ~ ~ V H T L D

C P V H B T L D 1306 P V H T L

Mundi renovacio noua Narrabo omnia

Nativitas gIoriose virginis

Nativitas Marie virginis Nam ante senifa Ne avertas Ne dereiinquas Ne timeas Zacharia Ne tradideris Nemo te candemnavit N i honorati sunt

Nimis honorati sunt Non vos me elegistis

Non vos relinquam Nos autem. . . in quo

Nos autem

Notas rnichi fecisti Nunc scio ver=

O beata beatonim martinim O beata beatanim Wginum O consolatrix paupenim O crux ave spes O Iesu pastor bone O panis duicissime O pie Deus ûcuii mei Oculi omnium

Int lnt =l Corn Corn AU All Seq Seq Grad Int Iat Corn Corn Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad All AU Ali All All Com Int Int Int Int Corn Corn Corn Int Int seq seq AU HF Au Seq Off h t Grad Grad G d

Offerentur regi virgines prox. Off Off Off Off

Offerentur regi virgines post Off

Five Brothers 1332 C P V H B T L D CommonofMartyrs 1411 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L aster lm G K C S S H B T L f . 3a f i e r~en t2 188 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Trinity 1 491 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Conception of Mary 649 C P S V H B T L D Nativity of Mary 1175 G K P S V H B T L D Nativity of Mary 1666 L Xmas - in summa missa 1555 G K C P S V H B T L D Wed. in Holy Week f.4after-2 Vigil of John Baptist f. 6 after Lent 5 Sat. After Lent 3 Thomas Matthias Barnabas Sending of the Apodes Simon and Jude Common of Aposties Common of Apostles Phiiip and James Sending of the Apostles Barthofomew Common of Apostles Sat. after Pentecust Tuesday in Holy Week IncenaDomini Finning of the Cross Holy Cross Day Fiding of the Cross Holy Cross Day f. 4 after Lent 3 Peter and Paul Fetters of Peter Common of Martyrs Common of the BVM Common of the BVM Palm Sunday corpus Christi Corpus Christi Requiem 1 Lent 3 f. 5afterLRnt3 Corpus Christi Trinity 20 Lucy Agnes Scholastica Common of Virgins Agatha

314 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D rss R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D w R G K ~ P S ~ Z V H B T L D tss R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 233 R G K ~ P S S ~ V H B T L D 657 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D 787 C P S V H B T L D 911 C P S V H B T L 1006 C P S V H B T L 1293 C P S V H B T L D 1392 R G K P S s 2 V H B T L 13% R G K P S ~ ~ V H B T L D 861 C P S V H B T L D 1007 C P S V H B T L D 1137 S V H B T L D 1393 G K P S V H B T L D 464 G K C P S V H B T L D 309 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 31s R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 870 R G C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D 1186 R c P S S 2 V H B T L D m G K C S P S V H B T L D 1186 C P S V H B T L D 221 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 959 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 1057 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D 1628 G K C P S V H B L D 1649 1535 G K P S V H B T L D 299 incipit only in A 086 G K C P V H T L D isss G K C S H B T L D 1544 G K C P S V H B T L D 2û5 R G K C P S S I V H B ' I ' L D 223 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 4ï2 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 601 R K C P S S Z V H B T L D 653 R C P S ~ V H B T L D 700 R G C P S S ~ V H B T L D 767 P S V H B T L 1508 R G K P S S Z V H B T L 7!54 R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 756 C ~ P S V H B T L D

Omnes de saba ûmnes gentes

Omnes gentes

Omnes qui in Christo Omnes sancli seraphin Omnes sunt nnministtanmim ûrnnes una celebremus Omaia que fecisti

omnis gloria

Omnis terra Oporcet te Ofa pro nobis pia virgo h c i o mea munda est Oravi Deum Os iusti meditabittu

Os iusti meditabitur

Ostende nobis Ostende nobis Pacem meam do vobis Pacifie Panem de ce10 P a n a de ce10 Pangamus creatori Panis quem ego dedero

off Off Off Off Off Off Grad Int Lnt All All Corn seq Seq seq Int Int AU Au AU AU AU AU Int Corn AU off Off Int rnt Int Int Int Int Int Lut Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad ALI Grad Corn Grad IlIf Corn Seq Corn

Margaret Assumptifm Ursula Presenration of Mary cecilia Common of Vïrgins QiPW Vigir of Ascension Day Trinity 7 Vigil of Ascension Day Trinity 6 Sat. in Easter Week AM Saints Day Michael S ~ Y f.SafrerLent5 Ti.inity 20 PrisCa

MW of Egypt Brigid Elizabeth Common of Virgins Epiphany 2 Sat. after Lent 2 Common of the Virgin Vigil of Laurence Trinity 17 Feiix Anthony Benedict ROCOP Giles Leonard Oemar Common of Confessors Thomas Aquinas Benedict Tiburtius Agapinis Jerome Francis Otmar Common of Confessors Advent 1 Emkr Fn. in Advent f. 4 a k r PenttCost f. 6 after Lent 5 Corpus Christi Trinity 13 Easter f. 5 after Lent 1

1003 P S V H B T L D 1117 C S V H B L D 1271 S B 1355 P S V H B T L 1360 R P ~ ~ V H B T L D 1509 R G K P S $ ~ V H B T L

90 R K C P S S I V H B T L D 411 G C P S V H B T L D 517 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 412 G C P S V H B T L D 514 G K C P S V H B T L D 374 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 1618 G K C S P S V H B T L D 1667 L 1672 L 281 R G K C S P S S I V H B T L D 600 R K ~ P S S ~ V H B T L D 688 R C P S V H B T L D 699 C P S V H B T L D a10 C P V H T L 894 C P S V H T 1349 C P S V H B T L D 1507 G K C S P S V H B T L D

99 R K C P S S I V H B T L D R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D

1528 S V B T L 1093 R G K ~ P S S ~ V H B T L D 5'70 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D 671 R C P S S Z V H B T L D 681 C P S V H B T L 816 R C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D 975 C P S V H B T L D 1161 ~ P S V H B T L D 1311 C P V H B T L D 1342 C P V H B T L D 1467 R G K P S S 2 V H B T L 797 C P S V H T L 817 C P S V H B T L D 1101 S V H B T L D 1125 R V H B T L D 1224 C P S V H B T L D 1234 R C P V H B T L D 1343 C P V H B T L D 1474 RGKPS 5 2 V H B T L

4 R G K C P S S I H B T L D 23 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D

449 R K C P S S I V H B T L D 286 R K C P S S I V H B T L D 477 G K C P S V H B T L D 551 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D

1566 P S T L 162 R G K P S ~ ~ V H B T L D

Paraclitus increatus Paraclitus Spiritus sanctus

Para- cor meum Pascin nostrum.. Epulemur Pascha nostnim.. .alïeluia Passer invenit

Pater cum essem

Pater si non potest Per manus autem

Perfice gressus

Petite et accipietis Petre summe Christi pastor Plaudant chon rnonachonim Pleno catlni cordis oris Popuie meus Populum bumilem

Populus acquisitionis Popdus Sion Portas celi

Post partum virgo

Posuerunt mortalia

PosWsti Domine

Posuisti Domine

Posuisti Domine

Corn Corn Seq Al1 All AU All Al1 Corn corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Ali AU All Ali Off Off Corn Seq

seq Vers Off Off Corn h t Off Off An All Au Corn Corn Corn corn Corn Corn Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad AU AU Ali AU Al1 Off Off

Corpus Christi Trinity 14 Trinity Sunday f. 3 afkr Pentecost f. 4after Pcntecost Sat. after Penttcost Trinity 16 EastM Easter Lent3 Dedicaticm of an altar Vigil of Ascension Day Sunday after Ascension Palm Sunday Thomas Barnabas Simon and Jude Common of Apostles Sexagesirna Trinity 6 Rogatim Monday Pettr and Paul m Ludmiiia Good Fri&y f. 6 after Lent 4 Trinity 8 f. 5 in Easter Week Adveat 2 f. 4 in Easter Week f. 3 after Penîecost Circumcision Pcrrlncation Commcm of the BVM Basilides A M m and Serinen COSIM and Damian Crispi0 and Crispiniam Four Crowned Martyrs Comrnon of Martyrs Vincent 1- Biaise Gorgonius Common of Oae Martyr Alcxius Parnaleon Tl'burcnis Leonard Common of Oae Martyr Thomas Aquinas Benedict

484 B T 556 G K C P S V H L D lm 442 G K S B T D 446 C P S V H B T L 460 G K C P S V H B T L D 564 G K C P S V H B L D 342 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 344 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D m R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 629 C P S V H B T L 414 C S V H B T L D a R G C P S S ~ V H B T L D 304 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 658 C P S V H B T L D 912 C P S V H B T L D

izw C P S V H B T L 13% G K P S V H B T L D 117 R G K C P S S I V H S T L D 515 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 410 R G C P S S ~ V H B T L D

1589 G K C P S V H B T L D 1592 C S B T D 1611 G K C P S V H B T L D 324 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 258 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 525 R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B L D 364 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D

7 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 358 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 443 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 81 S B T

740 G K ~ P S $ ~ V H B T L D 1522 R P S S 2 V H B T L D 919 R C P S ~ V H T L D

1056 R C P S ~ V H B T L D 1212 R ~ P ~ V H B T L w C P S V H B T L 1320 R P S ~ V H B T L D 1437 R G K P S ~ V H B T L 704 C P S V H B T L D m C P S V H T L 745 C P S V H B T L D Il77 P V H B T L 1448 R G K P S ~ V H B T L 1012 C P S V H B T L D 1044 C P S V H B T L D 1102 S V H B T L D 1313 C P V H B T L D 1458 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 799 C P S V H T L 819 C P S V H B T L D

Posuisti Domine

Potum meum Precam est

Primum querite Primus ad Sion Principes persecuti

Priusquam te formarem Probasti Domine Probasti Domine Profitentes trbitatem Promissa mundo gaudia Prope est Dominus

Prope esto Domine Prophete sancti Propicius est0

Propter veritatem

Protector noster aspice Protector noster aspice

Protege Domine plebem

Protexisti me

Off off Off Off Off Off Off Off off Corn corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Off Off Corn AU Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Grad Int Grad seq Seq Grad Grad Inr AU Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Int Grad Grad Grad Off Off Int h t

~ a s t u l ~ 1129 C P V H T L Donahis 1079 P S V H B T L D Beheading of John 1153 C P S V H B T L D Gies 1164 C P S V H B T L D GorgoninS 1179 R P S 2 V H B T L wence~las 121s C P S V H B T L D Gall 1261 C P S V H B T L D otmar 134s C P V H B T L D CommamofOneMartyr 1460 R G K P S S Z V H B T L F e k 675 R ~ P S ~ ~ V H B T L D Tiburtius 1104 S V H B T L D Agapitus 1128 R P S Z V H B T L D Hennes 1144 V H B T L lamhert 11% C P V H B T L D Jerome irn ~ P S V H B T L Theodore 1325 C P V H B T L D Chry sogonus 1371 P V H B T L D CommonofOoeMartyr 1465 R G K P S S Z V H B T L Wed. m Holy Week 317 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 5 after Lent 2 195 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Trinity 12 545 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D ~rinty 9 531 G K C P S V H B L D Common of Aposties 1399 C P S H B T L Barbara 6a C ~ P S V H B T L PassionofLudmilla 1190 C P S V H B T L D Translation of Ludmilla 1326 C P s v H B T L D Katherine 1375 P S V H B T L D Common of Virgins 1517 R G K P S 52 V H B T L John Baptist 946 R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D OctaveofLaurence 1119 R G K C P S ~ V H B T L D Laurence 1096 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D ~rinity supday 1 s G K C P S V H B T L Xmas - in summa missa 1556 S B L EmberWed-mAdvent 19 R G K t P S S l V H B T L D Advent 4 36 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Eniber Fri. in Advent 22 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D CommonoftheBVM 1521 G K P S V H B T L D f. s after Lent 5 i~ R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Trinity 4 503 R G K ~ P S S ~ V H B T L D Ember Sat. in Sept. 584 R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Anne 1038 C P S V H B T L arth ha 1048 C P S V H B T L Assumption 1115 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D Commm of Virgins 1499 R P s S2 v H B T L Trinity 14 5 3 R G K ~ P S ~ V H B L D f. 2 after Lent I 147 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D ~rinity s sûs R G K ~ P S ~ V H B T L D Ember Sat. in Sept. 582 R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D ~indingoftbccm~s 8n G K C P S V H B T L D Holy Cross Day 1186 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D Adalbert 847 G K C P S V H B T L D George 852 R C P S V H B T L D

Psallat concors sirnphonia Psailat chorus letabundo Psallat ecclesia mater Psaiiat laude competenti Psailat omnis regio Psallite Domino Psallite regi n o m Puer natus est

Pueri hebreorurn tollentes Pueri hebreorum vestimem Quadriforrne mis signum Quasi modo Qui biberit Qui confidunt Qui confidunt Qui creavit omnia celwn Qui habitat Qui manducat

Qui me dignatus est Qui meditabinir Qui michi ministrat

Qui operatus est Petro

Qui regis israhel Qui sedes Domine Qui seminant

Qui sine peccato Qui sunt isti qui volant Qui timent Domimum Qui vult venire

Int Int Int Int Seq Seq Seq

Seq corn Seq Int Int Ant Ant Seq Int Corn AU Tr Au Tr Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Grad Grad Tr Grad Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr HF seq AU Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn

MU^ 855 R K C P S V H B T L D Gothard 874 C P S V H B T L JohnattheratinGate 878 ~ P S S ~ V H B T L D Stanislaus 882 ~ P S V H T L D Dorothy 1670 T Barbara 1669 Dedication Festival 1635 G K C P S H B L Giles 1- P S V H B T L 10,000 Soldier Martyrs 1663 Ascension Day 419 R G C S S ~ V H B T L D Beheadmg of John 1607 G K C P S V H B T L D Chrismias.summamissa 55 R G K C S S ~ H B T L D Circumcision 80 R S S I B T palm sunday 2% R S S I B T D Palm Simday 297 R S S I B T D Fincihg of the Cross 1573 C P s V H B T L Easter 1 375 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 6 afier Lent 3 229 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Trinity 22 612 C P S V H B T L Lent 4 ZM R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Katherine 1376 G K P S V H B T L D Lent 1 143 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 5 after Lent 2 1% R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Corpus Christi 482 B T Trinity 15 561 G K C P S V H L D Agatha 755 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Ash Wednesday 131 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Laurence 1099 R G K C P S ~ V H B T L D CommonofûneMarryr 1464 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L Conversion of Paul 714 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Commemoration of Paul 965 R G K C P s $2 v H B T L D EmberSat.inAdvent 32 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Advent 3 13 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Fabian & Sebastian 694 G C P S V H B T L

702 C P S V H B T L Conversion of Paul 715 C P S V H B T L D Agatha 753 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D Dorothy 756 C P S V H B T L D Apollonia 760 C P S V H B T L Manhias 788 C P S V H B T L D CyriiandMethodius 803 C P S V H B T L Purification 736 P S B T L D Commo~ofApostles 1627 G K C P S V H B L D Triniîy 18 592 C P S V H B T L Ignatius 731 P S V H T L Blaise 749 C P S V H B T L D CastuIus 830 C P V H T L Donatus 1080 P S V H Fj T L D Vigil of Laurence 1094 R G K ~ P S S ~ V H B T L D Octave of Laurcnce 1123 K S b V H B T L D CommonofootMartyr 1463 R G K P S & V H B T L Seven Brothers 999 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D

Quinqye prudentes

Quis dabit Quis sicut QuocieIISCUrnque manduca. Quod dico vobis in tenebris Quoniam Deus magmis Recordare mei Domine omni Recordare wgo mater Redeundo per girum Redime me Domine Redime nos Deus Refecti carnis Christi Reges Tharsis Regina mundi

Regnum tuum regnum Reminiscere

Repleam Repleti sumus

Requiem eternam dona eis Requiem eternam dona eis Respice dne.. .ne derelinquas Respice due.. .ne obiiviscaris

Respice in me Responsum accepit Simeon Responsum accepit Simeon Resunexi Revela oculos meos Revelabitur

Rex ceii et terre Rex noster adveniet Rex omnipotens Rex regum Rex sanctorum Rorate celi

Sacerdotem christi Martinum Sacerdotes Dei

Sacerdotes eius

Com Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Grad cm Corn AU Off Off *q rIlt Corn Corn Off Corn Corn *q Int Int Int Off Off Int Grad rnt Gr ad Grad Int Tr Corn ht Off Corn Corn Seq AU seq w H m rnt fnt seq Int Int Int Int Int Int Int

Agnes Octave of Agnes Domthy Ursula Common of Vugins f. 2 after Lent 3 Ember Wed. in Sept. corpus Christi Felix and Adauctus Tnnity 14 Trinity 22 Common of ihe BVM Mairritius f. 2 after Lent 2 f.3afterLentS Corpus Cbristi Epiphany Vigii of the Assumption Common of the BVM Comm. of Evangeiists f. 4 after Lent 1 Lent 2 f. 6 after Pentecost Adaibert George Requiem 2 Requiem 2 Trinity 13 f. 5 afkr Lent 4 Trinity 13 Trinity 3 Purification Piirification Easter f, 2 after k n t I Christmas Eve Transfiguration Common of thc BVM Advent 2 Ascension Day Jan Hus Holy Satu~day Ember Wed. in Advent Annunckition Martin GwPY Pope Mark Common of Conftssors Cyril and Methodius Surnis Remigius & c. Severus

701 R ~ P S ~ ~ V H B T L D 72!5 P S V H B T L 757 C P S V H B T L m2 C P S V H B T L D 1516 R G K P S ~ ~ V H B T L 213 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 5'74 R K ~ P S S ~ V H B L D 4'76 R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D 1160 R C S P S S ~ V H B T L D 554 G K C S P S V H B L D 613 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D

1537 G K P S V H B T L 1613 C P V H B T L 181 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 276 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 485 G K C P V H T L 92 R K C P S S I V H B I ' L D

1113 C P S V H B L 1538 G K P S V H B T L 1668 S B 1% R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 176 R G K Ç P S S I V H B T L D 452 R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 850 K C P S V H B T L D 852 C P S V H B T L D

1547 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 1548 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 547 K G K C P S S ~ V H B L D 253 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 548 R G K ~ P S ~ ~ V H B L D 497 R G K ~ P S ~ ~ V H B T L D 734 R G K ~ P S ~ ~ B T L D 743 R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D 340 R G K C P S S I V H B L D 148 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 44 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D

1070 S B 1655 S L

9 G K C P S V H B T L D 1575 C P S V H B T L 1593 T L D 333 G K C P S V H B T L D 17 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 821 G K P S V H B T L D 1619 G K C P S V H B T L D 806 R G ~ P S ~ ~ V H B T L D

1238 P V H B T L D 1470 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L 801 C P S V H B T L

1071 P S V H B T 1228 C P S V H B T L D 1273 P V H B T L D

Sacerdotes eius

Sacerdotes incensum Sacerdotes incensum. .Ave Sacerdotes tui Do*

Salus populi

Salve festa dies Salve mater saiuatoris Salve =ta parens

Salve virga fiorens Salve virga stirpis Iesse Salvum fac populum S a l w fac servum Sancta Dei genitrix Sancta genitrix Christi Sancte Anne devote Sancte Paule apostole

Sancti Baptiste Christi Sancti spiritus assit nobis Sancti spirirus Dne corda Sancti tui Domine

Sancti tui Domine Sanctificavit Moyses Sanctissime virginis Sapienciam sanctorum

Scapuiis suis.. .Dominus ScapuIissuis Sciaat gentes Scio cui credidi

Sedenint principes

Int Grad Grad Grad Off Off h t Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int int Int Hymn Seq h t ht All seq Grad Grad All Seq seq All Au Seq seq All Int Int All off Seq Int Int Int Int rnt Off Corn Grad Int h t Grad Grad

CommonofConfessors 1468 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L CyfiIandMethodius 802 C P S V H B T L ~wiigius & C. m g C P S V H B T L D CommonofConfe~~~rs 1475 R G K P S S Z V H B T L Corpus Christi 474 R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D Corpus Christi 475 S H B T L s y k m ~ 666 R ~ P S V H B T L Odalric 980 P V H T L ~p~l l inar is 1026 C P S V H B T L D Donatus 1076 P S V H B T L D Severinus 1278 C P V H B T L Common of Confessors 1469 R G K P s 32 v H B T L MarcelIus, Marcellianus N R P S 52 V H T L D Kilian&soc. 990 P S V H T L Timothy & Symphorian LU9 R S V H B T L D Dionysius 1 2 ~ 3 C P S V H B T L D Cornmonofmartyrs 1410 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L f. 5 after Lent 3 222 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Trinity 19 604 R K ~ P S ~ ~ V H B T L D Easter 338 C P S V H B T L Cornmon of the BVM 1643 K P S H B t D Vigil of the Assumption 1110 C P S V H B L D CommonoftheBVM 1519 R G K P S ~ ~ V H B L Common of the BVM 1525 S V B T L Common of the BVM 1656 G L f. 4 after LRnt 2 190 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 6 after Lent 165 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Common of the BVM 1527 P S V H B T L D Common of the BVM 1651 Anne 1598 G K ~ P S V H B T L Conversion of Paul 714 R C P S S 2 B T Cornmernoration of Paul 966 R C P S 32 B T John the Baptist 1581 G K ~ P S V H B T L D Pentecost 1516 R G C P S S ~ V H B T L D f. 2 aher Pentecust 437 S B T Tiburtnis & Vaierian 842 R G K C P S V H B T L D Oordian and Epimachus 886 R P S $2 V H T L Timothy & Symphorian 1131 S V H B T L Trinity 18 593 R K ~ P S S ~ V H B T L D Kathcrine 1622 G K P S V H B T L D Primus and Feiician 900 R ~ P S S ~ V H T L D Octave of Peter and Paul 985 R c P S 32 V H B T D Felix and Adauctus 1156 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D Cosma and Damia.. UOS R C P S2 v H B T L C O ~ O ~ M ~ S 1406 R G K P S S Z V H B T L -1 144 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D ml i& R G K C : P S Q I V H B T L D st~age~ ima lis R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Conversion of Paul 714 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Commemoraîïon of Paul 964 R G K C: P s $2 v H B T L D Stephen, protomartyr 61 R G K C P S S1 V H B T L D The Finding of Stephen 1063 C P S S2 V H B T L D

Sicut in holocausnini Sicut oculi servorum Signa eos qui

Simile est regnum

Spe mercedis et corone Specie tua

Specie tua

Speciosus forma Speciosus forma Sperent in te

Spiritus Domini. .aiieluia

Spiritus Domini replevit

Spiritus qui a patre Spiritus sanctus docebit

Ant Corn Corn Corn Corn Tr Corn Off off Grad Grad Corn Int Int Int Int Tr Tr Tr Off h t Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn seq Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Gtad Grad Grad AU AU Grad Seq Off Off Int Int AU AU Corn Corn

Easter 339 G K C S V H B T L D Basil 924 C P S V H T L ~ppolinaris 1030 Ç P S V H B T L D ~ u k e w C P S V H T L D C O ~ O ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ S S O T S 1487 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L Lent 5 266 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f-6af tc rAshWedmday 139 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 5 after ïmt 3 224 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Trinity 19 598 R K C P S ~ V H B T L D Sat, after Lent 3 231 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Requiem 1 1% G K C P S V H B T L D f. 3 in Easter Week 354 R G K C S P S S ~ V H B T L D Requiem 1 1541 G K ~ P S V H B T L D Trinity 22 610 R G K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D Sat. after ~enî 4 260 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Sat. ahcr Lent 5 289 G C P S V H B T L HOIY san~day 332 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Vigil of Pentecost 428 G C P S S I V H B T L D Requiem 1 1543 G K C P S V H B T L T~inity 7 520 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D f. 2 after Lent 1 146 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Cinacus 1090 R C P S 2 V H B T L D c o m o f ~ a r r y r ~ 1439 R G K P S S Z V H B T L Apollonia 762 C P S V H B T L Scholastica 768 C P S V H B T L MW of ~gypt 841 C P S V H T L Brigid 894 C P S V H T Margaret 1004 C P S V H B T L D Elizabeth 1351 C P S V H B T L Cornmon of Virghs 1513 R G K P S 52 v H H T L CommonofoneManyr l63û G K C P S V H B T L D Barbara 640 C P S V H B T L Prisca 687 R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Octave of Agnes 722 R ~ P S ~ ~ V H B T L D Juliana î76 C P S V H B T L Mary of ~ g y p t 837 C P S V H T L Passion of Ludmilla 1188 C P S V H B T L D Translation of rlrnmilla 1326 P S V H B T L D Katherine 1373 P S V H B T L D CommonofVirghs 1495 R G K P S & V H B T L Scholastica 765 P V H B T CommonofVirgins 1501 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Sundaymoct.ofXmas 76 R K C P S S I V H B T L D Transfiguration 1673 T L f .3af terLm5 275 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Trinity 3 500 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D pc~ueam 831 R G C S S ~ V H B T L D f. 5 afttr p~nttcost &O R K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 5 after Penttcost 451 S B T Sat. after Pentecost MI G K ~ P S V H B T L D f. 3 after Pentecost 444 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D f. 2 afier pentecost 440 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D

Spiritus ubi vult Stabat mater dolorosa Statuit ei Domiuus

Stirpe Maria regia Subveni mater pia Siiaimi regis archangele Summi triuniphun regis Super flumina

Surgite sancti Surrexit altissimus Surrexit Dominus et appaniit Surrexit pastor bonus

Suscepimus Simon Iohannnis Tanto tempore vobiscum Te decet Te martim candidatus

Tecum principium Tenuisti Terra tremuit Tembilis est locus iste Tibi dixit Tibi Domine derelictus est

Tirnebunt gentes

T i e t e Domimum

C m Seq Int Int Int Int Int Int ht Off off Seq Au Seq seq Off Off All AU AU Ant AU Corn Au All Al1 All h t Int Grad Corn Corn All All AU All Al1 Grad Grad off Iat Int Grad Grad Gr ad Grad Int Int Int Grad Grad

f. 6afrctPentccost Common of the BVM NichoIas Thomas of Canterbury Throne of Peter Calixtus Martin Brice Common of COllfessors Dedication of an altar Michael Nativity of Mary Commun of the BVM Michael Ascension Day f. 5 after Lent 5 Trinity 20 f. 3 in Easter Week Easter 1 Philip and James Rogation Monday f. 6 in Easter Week f. 2 in Easter Week Lancea Domiai Easter 2 Adalbert Sigismuad Triaity 8 Purification Purification Vigil of Peter and Paul Philip and James Tnnity 8 The Holy Innocents Kilim & soc. Sixtus Ciriacus Christmas, in gaiii canm Palm sunday Easter Dedication Festival f.3after-2 Sat. after Lent 4 Sat. afkr Lent 5 Egiphany 3 Trinity 16 CiRacus Vigii of AU Saints Cornmon of Martyrs Ciriacus AU Saints

456 K C P S V H B T L D 1647 C P B T L 644 G K C P S V H B T L D 661 C P S V H B T L D 780 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D ES C P V H B T L D 1327 P . G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 1337 C P V H B T L D 1466 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L 628 C P S V H B T L

1221 R G K C P S S Z V H B T L D 1609 G K C P S V H B T L D 1523 G K P S V H B T L D 1615 G K C P S V H B T L D im G Ç P S V H B T L D 283 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 603 R K C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D 352 S B T D 376 G K C P S V H B T L D 862 Ç P S V H B T L D 402 G S B T L D 367 S B T 349 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 382 Ç S H B T D 386 G K C P S V H B T L D 849 G C P S V H B T L D 867 C P S V H B T L 522 R G K C P S S S V H B L D 738 R G K C S S ~ V H B T L D 739 R G K C P S $ ~ V H B T L D !E8 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 864 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 524 G K ~ P S V H B L D n K C P S V H B T L D

992 P S V H T L 1073 C P S V H B T L D 1088 C P V W B T L

46 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 301 R G K C P S S ~ V B B T L D 343 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 62û R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 18s R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D 261 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D 289 G ~ P S V H B T L 106 R K C P S S I V H B T L D 563 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D

1086 R C P S ~ V H B T L D 1297 C P S V H B T L D 1413 R G K P S ~ ~ V H B T L lû87 R C P S ~ V H B T L D 1302 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D

Toiie puemm

Tolïite ho&. . .Revelavit

ToEte hostias Tonte portas Tolïite portas Trï'bulaciones

Tu Domine Tu es Deus

Tu es vas electionis

Tu puer propheta Tu puer propheta Tuam Deus deposcimus Tui sunt celi

Tumba sancti Nicolai Turba muita Ultimo festivitatis die Unam pecii a Domino Unam pecii a Domino Universi qui te Usque modo Utem virgineus thronus Vado ad eum Veni celi claritas Veni Domine Veni et ostende Veni sancte Spiritus

Veni sancte Spiritus Veni Spiritus consolator Veni virgo Wginum Venite adoremus Deum Venitc benedicti.. . deluia

Corn Corn Grad Graîi C m Grad C m Grad Grad Corn Grad Grad Au Au Tr seq Corn Corn Corn AU AU Corn Com All Corn Corn Off Off All Ant Corn Grad Corn Grad A1I seq ALI Seq Au Int AU AU AU All All All Seq Seq seq h t Int rnt

S L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O C ~ . O ~ Y C I M S 79 R K C S S ~ V H B T L D Vigii of Epiphany 87 R S B T f. SafterLRntS 282 R G K C S P S S I V H B T L D ErnberWedhSept. 573 K C P S V H B L D Trinity 18 5% R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D EmberWed-inAdvent 18 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Chrisitmas Eve 43 R G K Ç P S S I V H B T L D f.4afterLentl 15s R G K C P S S I V H B T L D -2 m R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f.6afterLRnt2 200 R G K ~ P S S I V H B T L D ~uinsuage~ima 120 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Sat.afterAshWednesday 14 G K C P S V H B T L D Peter and Paul 961 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D TheFeaersofPeter l W 7 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D T h e of Peter 782 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D The Fetters of Peter 1600 P S V H B L Throne of Peter 784 R G C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D Peter and Paul 963 R G C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D TheFeaersofPeter 1057 R C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D Conversion of Paul 714 C P S V H B T L D Commemoration of Paul 967 C P S V H B T L D f. 5 after Lent 3 225 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Trinity 19 599 R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D John Baptist 947 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D John Baptist 949 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Requiem 2 1551 R G K C : P S S ~ V H B T L Chrismias, summamissa 58 R G K C P S S1 V H B T L D Circumcision 80 R S S I B T Nicholas 646 G K C P S V H B T L D Palm Sunday 298 R G K S S I B T D Vigil of Pentecost 430 R G C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D f. 6 after Ash Wednesday 137 R G K C P S $1 V H B T L D Triaity 5 511 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Advent 1 3 R G K C P S S ~ H B T L D Easter 5 398 G C P S V H B T L D Common of the BVM 1648 K P L Easter4 394 G P S V H B T L D Common of the BVM 1652 Advent 4 37 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D EmberSat.inAdvent 2 6 R G I C C P S S l V H B T L D Pentecost 433 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D f. 2 after Penteam 438 R K S S I B T f. 4 after Pentwost 447 R K C S S I B T f. 5 after Pentecost MO R K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 6 after Pemecost 454 R C S S I B T Sat. after Pentecost 462 R G K C P S V H B T L D ~entecost 1579 R G C P S S ~ V H B T L D Pentccast 1518 P S V H B T L Common of the BVM 1638 G K C P s H B L Ernber Sat. in Sept* 581 R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D f. 4 in Easter Week 355 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Sigismund 865 C P S V H B T L

Venite exultemus Venite fdii

Venite post me Verba mea Verbo Domini Verbum bonum et suave Verbum dei De0 natum Verbm panis inrarnanmi Veritas mea

Victime paschali laudes Victricem Videns Dominus Video celos apertos

Video celos. .Domine

Viderunt in quem Viderunt omnes fines

Viderunt ornes fines

Vidi aquam Vidimus stellam eius Vidimus steiiarn eius Vindica Domine

Vinea facta est

Vir erat in terra Viga Iesse

vïpinalis turma Vigini Marie laudes Virginis venetande

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~rinity 13 549 G K C P S V H B L D f.QafterLent4 248 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Trinity 7 518 R G K C P S S ~ V H B L D Alldmv 638 R K C P S V H B L D Saî. after Lent 3 230 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Sat. after Pentecost 461 ~ P S V H B T L D CO=OILO~~EBVM 1640 G K C P S H B T L D John the Baptist 1588 G P V H L aU assign to ln. Evang. CorpusChristi 1661 G C S T L N ~ C ~ O I ~ S 647 G K C P S V H B T L D G ~ W ~ Y 809 R G C P S ~ ~ V H B T L D ~mbrose SM Ç P S V H B T L D k a su C P S V H T L ~p~llina+ic 1029 R C P S S Z V H B T L D Augustine 1148 Ç P S V H B T L D Pope Mark 1241 P V H B T L D calixtus ~ 2 5 6 R C P S ~ V H B T L D Martin 1329 R G K P S ~ ~ V H B T L D CIemcnt 1365 R P S ~ ~ V H B T L D CommonofConfessors 1483 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L Easter 1568 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 5 in Easter Week 360 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D f. 6 after Lent 4 259 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Srephen,protomanyr 62 R G K C P S 8 1 V H B T L D The Finding of Stephen 1063 C P s 52 v H B T L D Stephen.protoma~tyf 64 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D The Finding of Stephen 1063 C P S 52 V H B T L D ~ancea ~ o m i n i 3%3 G K ~ P S V H B T L D Christmas,summamissa 56 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Circumcision 80 R S ~ I B T Christmas,summamissa 59 R G K C P S S I V H B T L D Circumcision NI R S S ~ B T phter 336 C P S V H B T L D Esiphany 91 R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Epiphany 93 R K C P S S ~ V H B T L D BasiJides 915 R C P S ~ V H T L D Seven Brothers 9% C P S V H B T L D Timothy & Symphorian 1130 P S V H B T L Feiix aed Aâauctus 1 1 9 P S V H B T L D h t ~ ~ a n d ~ y a ~ i m h 1182 C P V H B T L D ~i~nysnis ma C P S V H B T L D VigilofSimondJude l28!J R C P S S Z V H B T L D Four CroWlltd Martyrs 1317 R P S2 V H B T L D CommonofMartyrs 1418 R G K P S S Z V W B T L HOIY sahuday 330 R G K C P S S ~ V H B T L D Vigii of ~tntecost 427 R G C P S S I V H B T L D Trinity 21 608 R G K Ç P S S ~ V H B T L D Anne 1039 C S V H B T L CommonoftheVigin 1526 R P S ~ V H B T L D U d a 1617 G K C P S V H B T L D Cornmon of the BVM 1639 G K C P s H B L Cornmm of Om Virgin 1434 S B

Vovete et reddite Vox exuitacionis

Vox exuitacionis Vox in rama vultum hnlm

Vigo Iohannes AU V i Galilei h t Vi Galilei Off

Off Vito piaudat omnis etas Voce mea ad Domimum

Seq Corn

Vacern iocunditatis Int vos qui secuti corn

corn Corn Corn Corn Corn All All All All AII Corn Corn Int Int Int

John at the Latin Gate Ascension Day Vigir of Ascension Day Sucaday after Ascension Vitus f-2afterLentI Easter 5 Balnabas James Manhew Simon and Jude Common of Apodes Trinity 17 Dedication Festival Vitus & soc. Maurice Dionysius Ali Saints Jan Hus Innocents Octave of Agnes SchoIastica Common of Virgins

879 C P S V H B T L D 41s R G C S V H B T L D 413 C P S V H B T L D a G C P S V H B T L D

1586 G K C P S V H B T L D 149 G K C P S V H B T L D 397 R G C P S S ~ V H B T L D 914 C P S V H B T L D

iow C P S V H B T L D 1202 C P S V H B T L D izw R C P S S ~ V H B T L D 1405 R G K P S S ~ V H B T L sri R G K C S P S ~ ~ V H B L D 622 G K ~ P S V H B T L D 9n C P V H B T L D

1205 C P V H B T L D 1245 C P S V H B T L 1303 ~ P s V H B T L D 1381

74 R K C P S S I V H B T L D 721 R C P S S ~ V H B T L D 763 C P S V H B T L

1494 R G K P S s 2 V H B T L


In the description of the Km15 Hora Gradu.de (8). mention was made of the Marian antiphons which appear in f d graduales of th& period. They are found at the end of the of the Kyriale, just before the first set of the propers m the temporale. Theii mimber ranges from eight m the GraQale of Martin of Vyskytd (16) to a high of th- in the Kutna Hora Gramiale anci in St. Castulus's Graduaie (27). Most of the antiphons found in the various books are the same. The one. below are taken from the Cbnidmi Graduafe (6). Foliation is indicated at the right of the page.

Ecce concipies et paries filhm et vocabis nomen eius Ihesum, hic erit magmis et filius 45r altissimi vocabitur.

De te virgo nasciiunmi mundi salvatorem patres suspiravenmt predixenmt prophete signaverunt figure tandem iUe paranymphus celestis gabriel salutando nunciavit spiritus sanctus obumbrando fecu~ldavit. O quando veniet ille desideratus. O qua] ndo ex te nasceau tamdiu expectatus. Veni, veni 45v domine iam veni per viscera virginis visitans nos ariens exalto.

Ave maria gracia plena, dominus tecum, benedicta tu in mulienius et benedictus mictus ventris tui.

Ave spes nostra dei genitrix intacta, ave Wd, ave per angelum accipiens, ave concipiens patris splendorem benedicta. ave casta sanctissima) virgo sola innupta te glorificant omnes creature 46r matrem luminis aevia, aevia,

Gaude dei genitrix virgo inmaculata, gaude que ab ange10 gaudium suscepisti, gaude que genuisti eterne luminis claritatem, gaude mater, gaude sancta dei genitrix, virgo tu sola mater innupta, te laudant facture genitrix lucis, sis pro nobis, quesumus, perpenia interventrix ad dominum Ihesum christum. 1

Nigra sum sed formosa filie I h e d e m sicut thabemcula cedar sicut pellis salemonis, nolite 46v nolite me considerare quod fusca sum quia decoloravit me sol.

Ista est speciosa inter Nias nierusalem videnint eam Nie syon et beatissimam predicavemt et regine faciem eius laudaverunt .

O florens rosa mater 1 domini speciosa, O virgo mitis, O fecundissima vitis clarior aurora pro 47r nobis omnibus ora.

Anima mea liquefacta est ut dilectus locutus est quesivi et non inveni illum. vocavi et non respondit michi. Invenenrnt me custodes civitaîk percusserunt me et wulneraverunt me, tulenint palium meum custodes muronun filie nierusalem nunciate dilecto quia amo 1 re langweo, 47v

Descendi in omim nucum ut viderem poma convallium et inspicerem si floruissent vinee et gemiinasseat mala punica. Revertere, revertere Swlitmitis. revertete, revertere ut intueamur te.

Alma redemptoris materque pervia ceIi porta manem. Et a l l a maris succurre cadenti surgere qui curas

populo. Tuque genuisti natura miramc ~ m i l sanctum genitom. Virgo prRis et posterius 48r gabrielis ab ore sumens illud ave peccatorum miserere.

Virga yesse fiomit in qua flos appaniit altissimi filius sit nobis propicius. Quod lingwa prophetica scripsit, complevit clemencia quando vox angelica dixit: Ave deica virgo plena gracia. Iam pater in Wghe sine Wili semi 1 ne conceptus flos fl onm. Surgite qui coiitis deum quia cemuis lux 48v patet sanctorum. Crastina emiitis ad mctam sanctorum et natum videbitis regem angelonmi.


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