WPREIA Newsletter - July 2014 - Pittsburgh REIA

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WPREIA Newsletter - July 2014

Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 15th

Greater Pittsburgh Masonic Center in Ross Twp

3579 Masonic Way, Pittsburgh, PA 15237


7:00 – 7:15 Houses for sale – Members can present one property for sale. Bring your

For Sale properties to the meeting, setup flyers on our For Sale table, and

make some money while you learn.

Vendor parade - Come and see our vendors. We have a great array of

service providers and this month we have an exciting new group of vendors

joining us.

7:15 – 8:00 Accounting Minute with accountant Marty Schwartz

Club Updates & General Discussion

8:00 – 9:00 Creative Deal Structuring – This month we have a special guest, Jon

Iannotti, all of the way from Florida. Come learn about creative deal

structuring from a very successful investor who makes his living from Butler



Smart Guy Table - Open during breaks and before the meeting. Ask questions of some

of our more successful investors.

Properties for Sale Table – I love this table idea. I wish I could remember who I stole

this idea from so I could give them credit. I think it was RICH Club from Houston. Even if

it wasn’t, they do a lot of good things and deserve credit for something.

Vendor Tables – Vendors are encouraged to set up trade show style in our vendor area

and to be prepared to give a 30 second intro of your business to the group.

Sub-Group Table – Don’t forget to look at the sub group table. We have a bunch of cub

groups now and you are bound to be interested in at least one of them. These groups

are designed to supplement the main meetings.

Online Club Calendar – In case you missed it, we added a calendar to the

PittsburghREIA.com website. This way we can keep track of recurring sub-group

meetings and club activities all in one place. Find it under the Events tab.

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


…Below is newsletter content that was sent in advance, for those of

you who prefer to read smaller chunks of information more often.

It’s being included for those who missed it…

(July 11)

You can’t achieve extraordinary results by doing what ordinary people do!

Notes on our upcoming meeting

First off we have a super star stopping to join us and he will be sharing the secrets of his success with the audience. My friend Jon Iannotti will be the keynote speaker for this month’s meeting. Jon has a very successful real estate investing business in Butler Pa, even though he lives in Florida. Jon is the king of automation. With his methods you can make a 7 digit income and live anywhere that you want. There are a number of heavy hitters in town this week and it was my choice to bring Jon in. There are literally 10+ real estate guru’s in town between Ron LeGrand’s event and my REIA master mind group. That should tell you how good Jon is at what he does.

Changes to the meeting

Due to recent feedback I am going to change some things about how we conduct meetings. First off, I need to get people to the meetings on time. We will start at exactly 7 PM not a second later. To ensure that you show up early and are seated by 7, we will do the property for sale segment first. This is the only section of the meeting where you can actually make money that night, so let’s use it to kick off the meetings. We will follow with the vendor parade, which is the second most important part of the meeting. These are the people who can save you money. That should get backsides in seats.

To speed meetings up, we are going to alternate between legal minutes and accounting minutes every month. I guess I will make the odd months accounting and the even legal minute months unless something exciting happens that you need to be briefed on.

The ups and downs of being a real estate entrepreneur

I had a week that reminded me of what an emotional roller coaster real estate investing can be. I guess that this is true for all entrepreneurial ventures but to be honest, everything that I do is somehow related to real estate.

I think the emotional part is what kills off a lot of people who could be very successful if they really tried. To be a successful real estate investor you can’t ever allow yourself to get too excited when you succeed or you will become a lazy arrogant failure. You also can’t let yourself

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


get to far down when things don’t go your way. You need to seek an even keel for your emotional state.

This past week I had a deal that I was 100% convinced was going to go my way fall apart at the last moment. Now I am far from beat on that deal but it was upsetting anyway. I also had an offer on an REO property get rejected that the bank should have accepted. During this same week, Dave Lindahl agreed to co-author my book. I bought two properties and sold one. I also had a couple of really good meetings about future things. I don’t want to give away too much about my future plans, I honestly like surprising you. If that makes me a cruel bastard, then so be it.

During this single 7 day period, I had times when I wanted to scream and times when I wanted to jump up and down and high-five random strangers. I guess that is why I love this business. I think that I am writing this article to let everyone else know that ups and downs are normal as you work towards building your fortune, but I might just be venting about my own life. Either way, I want to thank you for taking the time to read my newsletter. I hope that something in it will help you to become the success that you have inside of you.

Home Depot

Expect a big announcement about Home Depot in the next few weeks. It might even be at our next meeting.

A Lesson in Due Diligence

Realtor Steals $20 MM from CA Investors in Real Estate Ponzi Scheme

California real estate agent, Aldo Joseph Baccala of Petaluma, offered 12% yields to investors in a real estate ponzi scheme stretching out over 20 years. Promising returns from actual real estate investments, Baccala instead invested the funds in the stock market. Some of the real estate investments Baccala advertised to his investors included assisted living property purchases, farms, loans to mobile home buyers, etc. However none of these real estate investment opportunities were ever made. When Baccala sent out a letter to investors stating that payments would cease, authorities finally uncovered the 20 year ponzi scheme. Baccala defrauded over 50 family members and friends out of between $15 MM to $20 MM. Baccala was sentenced to 8 years in prison for his crime.

“The scale and scope of this man’s fraud on unsuspecting investors is staggering,” said District Attorney Jill Ravitchin. “That so many of his victims lost their livelihoods, their homes and their retirement savings, to this man’s scheming and greed is beyond tragic.”

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


The lesson here is that you need to research before you invest. I spend a lot of time screening offers and people who want to speak to our group. That is part of what I am here for. I hope this guy ends up in a landfill somewhere.

Caring House Charity

Caring house is a Charity started by Frank McKinney and funded by real estate investors across America. My own company Noble Rehabbers will be donating a portion of our profits from each flip to this organization.

What Caring House does is it builds homes for the extremely poor in Haiti, which is the poorest nation on Earth. Below is a small summary of what they have done this year.

"In 2014 Caring House Project will build its 21st self-sufficient village in Ravine a’ Couleuvre, a small Haitian enclave near the Town of L’Estere (pop 3,000). The village is located on the northwest coast of Haiti.

The new village will contain 40 painted concrete and steel homes to accommodate families up to 10 people, 1 painted 2,500 sq. ft. concrete and steel church and community center, 20 concrete and steel latrines, 1 water well, 40 water filtration systems, 40 goats and 80 chickens.

This new village will benefit 400+ children and their families! All elements of the village will be provided to the residents of Ravine a’ Couleuvre at no cost to them.

Also in 2014, I invite you to visit Haiti with me as I host you for our www.HaitiTrip2014.com! You have got to visit this new page that we just put up. Want to come to Haiti with me?

Mission Statement:

"Our Caring House Project F shall create projects based upon self-sufficiency by providing housing, food, water, medical support and opportunity for the desperately poor and homeless from around the world, particularly in the Caribbean, South America, Indonesia, Africa and here in the United States."

For more information or to donate to Caring House, go to http://frank-mckinney.com/donate.aspx

Thank you for taking your time to read our newsletter. Feel free to forward it to your friends, and tell them where they can go to get this valuable content delivered directly to their inbox http://PittsburghREIA.com

If you can think of anything that will help the group to be more successful then please contact me directly PittsburghREIA@aol.com

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


To your success

Josh Caldwell

(July 4)

Happy Independence Day

As most of you know, we celebrate Independence Day on the 4th of July. This is the day we remember our brave forefathers who risked their lives to fight of a tyrant and bring forth a new sort of republic. This new republic was built upon the ideals of freedom, tolerance, and individual responsibility.

As a real estate investor, I have a challenge for you. I want those of you who are serious about your real estate career to mark your calendar. Then see what you can do to become financially free between this Independence Day and the next.

Moving Towards Your Personal Independence.

My goal is for every REIA member to at least have the ability to quit their job in the next 12 months. What this means in practical terms is that you can replace your work income at the very least. I wouldn’t quit my job at the moment that you replace your income, you should consider paying off your debts to include mortgages and car loans but it’s a great short term goal.

As luck would have it, I am now in possession of a complete Ron LeGrand courses. This package includes the Ugly House Course, Pretty Course, and Control Without Ownership Course (ACTS). Any of these courses could independently teach you how to replace your job income with real estate income. On average in the Pittsburgh area we are making more than $5,000 per transaction with these techniques. Together with these courses, you get to go to the four day live training event that Ron is teaching right here in Pittsburgh. The first person to email me and claim this course can get it for the Veterans discount price of on $2500

I also have access to two Control Without Ownership courses. These are stand-alone courses and do not include the 4 day boot-camp, but the course itself is enough to take a novice into the real world of creating money from nothing. These courses are only $997

The first person to email me gets the course, I don’t play favorites here. PittsburghREIA@aol.com

July REIA Meeting

At the next REIA meeting, we are going to try and do something special. I have a bunch of heavy hitters and nationally known real estate investors in town that week. I think I can get

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


one or maybe two of them to come in and do live deal structuring, and closing calls on stage. There are two things that will determine the success or failure of this event. One, I need you all to bring in lead sheets. Two, I need you all to be quite when these guys are on the phone doing deals live.

My friend Cindy posted this a couple of days ago and I have thinking about it ever since... please take time to read.....

The Magic Bank

Imagine that you had won the following *PRIZE* in a contest: Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400 in your private account for your use. However, this prize has rules:

The set of rules:

1. Everything that you didn't spend during each day would be taken away from you.

2. You may not simply transfer money into some other account.

3. You may only spend it.

4. Each morning upon awakening, the bank opens your account with another $86,400 for that day.

5. The bank can end the game without warning; at any time it can say, “Game Over!". It can close the account and you will not receive a new one.

What would you personally do?

You would buy anything and everything you wanted right? Not only for yourself, but for all the people you love and care for. Even for people you don't know, because you couldn't possibly spend it all on yourself, right?

You would try to spend every penny, and use it all, because you knew it would be replenished in the morning, right?



Each of us is already a winner of this *PRIZE* . We just can't seem to see it.

The PRIZE is *TIME* - Time is your most valuable resource.

1. Each morning we awaken to receive 86,400 seconds as a gift of life.

2. And when we go to sleep at night, any remaining time is NOT credited to us.

3. What we haven't used up that day is forever lost.

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


4. Yesterday is forever gone.

5. Each morning the account is refilled, but the bank can dissolve your account at any time WITHOUT WARNING...

SO, what will YOU do with your 86,400 seconds?

Those seconds are worth so much more than the same amount in dollars. Think about it and remember to enjoy every second of your life, because time races by so much quicker than you think.

So take care of yourself, be happy, love deeply and enjoy life!

Here's wishing you a good day.

Why is Private Lending a good strategy for an investor?

The traditional lending middlemen (banks, credit unions, finance companies, investment managers) are eliminated in a Private Lending scenario. Private Lenders receive the full proceeds of their investments (collateralized by real property) without sacrificing (often significant) portions of their returns to other institutions and organizations. This enables the traditional risk / return results to better favor the investor. Additionally, the Private Lender is relieved from day-to-day involvement in the construction, rehabilitation or management of real estate, thus freeing their time and energy while maximizing their investment return with one or more passive income streams.

How is the Private Lender secured?

A Private Lender is secured by mortgage and note on the property which is serving as the foundation for the transaction. The emphasis in non-traditional lending is on the collateral, therefore measures are taken to protect the interests of the lender in a given property or project.

What are the components of Private Lending transaction?

A private lending transaction should generally include the following elements:

•Promissory Note – defines the terms and conditions under which the private lender is willing to lend money and under which the borrower agrees to repay.

•Mortgage - conveys an interest in specified property as security for the repayment of the money borrowed.

•Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure - enables the Private Lender to expedite possession of collateral real estate by pre-arranged voluntary agreement.

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


•Title Insurance – protects an owner’s and/or a lender’s financial interests in real estate against loss due to title defect, liens or other challenges

•Hazard Insurance – safeguards the interests of the Private Lender.

What sources of funds should one consider for Private Lending?

Traditionally, lenders use savings, lower-interest lines of credit, and self-directed Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA’s). Many lenders have found it advantageous to divest of non-performing and/or low-performing assets as they seek to maximize their investment returns.

What is the standard loan term?

There is no standard loan term, but most average 12-18 months. The term of a loan is often determined by a number of variables including scope, complexity, market conditions and planned exit strategies.

What is the standard loan amount?

Again, there is no standard loan amount. Typically, a Private Lender will need $100,000 to begin investing, but the amount varies greatly and is primarily dependent upon the scale of the property or project offering.

What types of investors are best suited for Private Lending activities?

Surveying a room of Private Investors, one would find both professionals and non-professionals, both wealthy and those of modest means, both aggressive and conservative investors, both highly educated and self-taught. Most Private Lenders, however, begin their participation with a desire to maximize results and minimize effort, most understand the importance and value of their own time and most realize that an alternative to retail / traditional investment deserves their attention.

To learn more about how to become a Private Lender email me at PittsburghREIA@aol.com

Written by: Steve Lloyd

Used Tools Allison Park HOME DEPOT Store 4152

Tool Unit Retail Price Sale Price

Large Tile Saw 24” 03012 $ 1,279.00 $ 615.00

Drain Cleaner 100’ Auto Feed Pro 00907 $ 1,744.00 $ 850.00

Drain Cleaner 100’ Auto Feed Pro 01020 $ 1,744.00 $ 850.00

Nailer Palm 00146 $ 148.00 $ 90.00

Rear Tine Tiller 09549 $ 2,787.00 $1,385.00

Brush Hog 01961 $ 2,752.00 $1,000.00

Brush Hog 01962 $ 2,752.00 $1,000.00

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


Carpet Cleaner 45756 $ 1,039.00 $ 375.00

Carpet Cleaner 45757 $ 1,039.00 $ 375.00

Carpet Cleaner 51699 $ 1,039.00 $ 375.00

Carpet Cleaner 51700 $ 1,039.00 $ 375.00

Carpet Cleaner 51701 $ 1,039.00 $ 375.00

Carpet Cleaner 54922 $ 899.00 $ 450.00

We also carry interior and exterior scaffolding for up to 15 feet high. The rental area also offers a lineup of tools by compact power. These tools will include Trenchers, Skid Steers, Chippers, Aerial Equipment, Excavators, and Tractor Loader Backhoes! Each of these compact power tools require a $300.00

Allison Park Tool Rental Team will be happy to help with any repairs including Mowers, Trimmers, Blowers, Drills, Batteries/Chargers, Miter Saws, Pain Sprayers, Pneumatic Tools, Ramset Guns, Nailers, Compressors, Concrete Saws, Tile Saws, Chain Saws, Hedge Clippers, Table Saws, Corded Tools, Tillers and Cultivators, Welders, Generators, Gas Pressure Washers, Chippers, and Snow Blowers.

Thank Team 4152

Craig R. Snopko

Department Supervisor TRC

Store 4152

(724) 449-4410 (C) 724-331-0754

Allison Park, PA (Hampton)

(June 27)

Weekend update for Pittsburgh REIA

Gang there is a lot of exciting stuff in the works.

Let’s start with the exciting event line up that we already have announced.

Tomorrow 6/28/14 – Frank McKinney at Station Square (proceeds go to build houses for the poor in Haiti)

This is not my event, I will be in attendance, but that is all. Frank is impressive. He flips houses, but not like everyone else does it. He flips houses that are priced over $10,000,000 yes that’s right 10 million is the correct number. I can’t wait to see what I learn at his one day seminar. I think you can still register for this one, but if you can’t it’s not my fault. As usual, I was able to negotiate a discount for REIA members.

Here is the link for Frank’s event, or at the very least to learn more about Frank McKinney

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


To RSVP & Register Use the discount code MIBE25. Every broker, agent, and investor that

Register receives a 25% discount on your registration donation! Online: MakeItBIGEvent.com

July 10-11 – Ron LeGrand's big chunks of cash 2 day event. You can either attend this in person in Florida or watch in online like me. Ron will be teaching us how he is doing deals on houses over $1 million dollars, and the insane chunks of cash that comes with those deals

Time is running out, to register, click this link - https://www.ronlegrand.com/products/live-training-events/quick-start-real-estate-school-3?sl=1&aid=1516

July 15th- REIA monthly meeting

This could be a really interesting meeting just because of the people who will be in town that day. Ron LeGrand, Jon Iannotti, Vena Jones-Cox, Jay Conner, and about 15 other REIA club leaders will be in town that week. I have no idea how many of them will show up for our meeting but you might get a chance to see a bunch of really impressive people in their natural habitat.

July 16-19 in Pittsburgh

I am going to attend Ron LeGrand’s - 4 day quick start real estate seminar in Pittsburgh along with many of you. This is truly an exciting event. It will be life changing for some of you. The dates are July 16-19th; you can still register at https://www.ronlegrand.com/products/live-training-events/quick-start-real-estate-school-3?sl=1&aid=1516

August 19 – our monthly meeting – Kathy Kennebrook will be in attendance. Kathy is a powerhouse marketer. Here direct mail marketing campaigns are the best in the industry. Kathy will be in town to help us find motivated sellers, quality renters, private money, and anything else you could ever look for. On a side note, Kathy makes really good cookies. I will see if I can talk her into baking for us.

September 3-7th Orlando – Ron LeGrand’s real estate summit. This 4 day event is part education and part entertainment. It’s a 100% good time. I think 14 REIA members went down last year. The promotional material actually features 4 of our members on the cover. Bob Millisits, Theresa Brown, Margaret and Tina Proviano, we were the best looking group down there. I know that Paul Ritter and Jon and Steph Iannotti will be in attendance along with Robyn Thompson, Lee Phillips, Jay Conner, and Scott Meyers.

I registered for the summit this week. I was able to get the price of the 4 day event down to $371. I took discounts of $600

$200 Pittsburgh REIA discount

$200 Early bird registration discount for registering before June 30)

$200 Master Discount

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


To register for the Summit go to – www.RES2014.com?aid=1516 do this before the end of the month and get another $200 off

Also Ron has a monthly newsletter that you should look into, if you want to get serious about making money. Gold Club – www.recessionproofron.com/GC?aid=6437

Early November – Shark Tank’s Barbara Corcoran is coming to Pittsburgh.

I am going to be part of this event. We are bringing Barbara to Pittsburgh, for an exclusive event at the Pittsburgh Convention Center in early November. I will share more details as I get them.

Lance Edwards – We are going to do a web based training with Lance Edwards at the end of October and again in the early part of November, I don’t have the exact dates yet, but those are the time periods. The idea here is to offer you a chance to learn something new while I may be out of contact for a while That late Oct- early Nov timeline is approximately when Stephanie is due to have our daughter. I don’t expect to be available much during that time period.

If you don’t know Lance Edwards, Lance specializes in buying apartment buildings. It is a very lucrative market niche. Once you have your first 100 unit apartment complex, you can pretty much go ahead and quit your day job. On a side note, I know lance because he was the funder on the deal where I partnered with Ron LeGrand to buy a 500 unit apartment building. That deal fell apart during our inspection period, but it taught me everything that I ever need to know about Lance Edwards.

Late October – Early November (exact dates?)

Also- I’m talking to Private Money expert Jay Conner about coming up for a Saturday event this year. We just haven’t found a date that works yet.

Lastly before I vanish for the weekend, I have a little something for the entire group. You might want to start catering to a younger crowd. According to the Harvard Study, it’s the youth who are driving the market now.

Millennials key to stronger housing recovery

Cambridge, Mass. – June 27, 2014 – The U.S. housing recovery should regain its footing, but it also faces a number of challenges, concludes The State of the Nation's Housing report released by the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University.

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


Tight credit, still elevated unemployment and mounting student loan debt are moderating growth and keeping millennials and other first-time homebuyers out of the market.

"The housing recovery is following the path of the broader (economic recovery)," says Chris Herbert, research director at the Joint Center for Housing Studies. "As long as the economy remains on the path of slow but steady improvement, housing should follow suit."

Although the housing industry saw notable increases in construction, home prices and sales in 2013, household growth has yet to fully recover.

Millennials: Untapped potential

Young Americans, saddled with higher-than-ever student loan debt and falling incomes, continue to live with their parents – some 2.1 million more adults in their 20s last year – and student loan balances increased by $114 billion.

Still, given the sheer volume of young adults coming of age, the number of households in their 30s should increase by 2.7 million over the coming decade, which should boost demand for new housing.

"Ultimately, the large millennial generation will make their presence felt in the owner-occupied market," says Daniel McCue, research manager of the Joint Center, "just as they already have in the rental market, where demand is strong, rents are rising, construction is robust, and property values increased by double digits for the fourth consecutive year in 2013."

Will millennials become the next wave of homebuyers? The report cites two facts that could make it happen: The economy needs to grow to the point where young adult incomes start to rise. In addition, millennials need to qualify for a mortgage, which depends on GSE reform (changes to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which buy mortgages from banks) and whether that makes it more difficult to qualify for a loan.

Millennials may also have pent-up demand for housing. From 2004 to 2013, the homeownership rate for 25-34 year olds was down nearly 8 percentage points; and for 35-44 year olds, it was down 9 percentage points.

Minority buyers

By 2025, according to the report, minorities will make up 36 percent of all U.S. households and 46 percent of adults aged 25–34. This group will account for nearly half the typical first-time homebuyer market and 76 percent of all household growth, both owning and renting.

According to the report highlights, the white share of first-time homeowners fell from 86 percent to just 77 percent between 1993 and 2013; the Hispanic share climbed from 4 percent to 9 percent; and the Asian/other share increased from 2 percent to 6 percent.

Homeownership challenges

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


The report and an interactive map highlight the ongoing affordability challenge facing the U.S. as cost burdens remain near record levels, with over 35 percent of Americans spending more than 30 percent of their income for housing. The situation is particularly grim for renters, where 50 percent are "cost burdened" and 28 percent are "severely cost burdened."

The Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University offers extensive information on its

website, including a closer analysis of housing markets, demographic drivers, homebuyers,

rental housing, current market challenges and more.

(June 21)

Charity Event Benefits Haiti And Teaches Attendees About Real Estate Investing

Frank McKinney will be in Pittsburgh for a special one day seminar, which will teach real estate investing techniques and lessons learned from Frank’s 400 million dollar investing career. This event is being promoted by the Pittsburgh Real Estate Investors Association and the Caring House Project Foundation, a charity that provides housing for the desperately poor in Haiti.

Who is Frank McKinney. Frank is a very successful real estate investor who started with a $50,000 flip and worked his way up to a $50 Million flip.

About Frank McKinney.

“Frank expertly illustrates the way to true fulfillment”

~ Anthony Robbins

“Frank McKinney has managed to do what I’ve done with projects all over the world. His groundbreaking deals and brand-making attention to detail have enabled him to make it big in his chosen field. Learn how you too can become a great success”

~ Donald Trump

“Frank McKinney is the King of readymade dream homes” ~ USA Today

“Frank McKinney is the Real Estate RockCzar. He likes to live on the edge”

~ Wall Street Journal

Unlike many other investing seminars, there will be nothing to buy at Frank McKinney’s event. More importantly, all of the money collected over and above the cost of the event will go directly to build houses for the poor in Haiti. Frank has made his money, now when he teaches the money goes to support his charity. For every dollar that the seminar takes in, Frank will spend that dollar building homes in Haiti. So register now, and do some good in the world while you learn how to make your family’s finances better.

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


It has taken Frank McKinney 25 years, and over $400 million invested in real estate to write and deliver the curriculum that he will present at this one-time only event. Learn wealth building through real estate and how to overcome fear associated with taking risk, and build a new home for a child in Haiti.

Who should attend? Anyone who is interested in learning how to use real estate as a vehicle for building wealth should attend. Anyone who is a real estate investors and who wants to learn how to take their business to the next level should attend. Anyone who has tried to make a living as an investor and is either currently struggling or has failed in the past should attend. Anyone who is employed as a real estate agent, realtor, mortgage broker, or other related industry who wishes to learn that path of the entrepreneur from one of the nation’s most successful real estate entrepreneurs should attend. Lastly, anyone with a heart to help the extremely poor of Haiti should attend this event.

Every broker, agent, and investor that registers receives a 25% discount on your registration donation. To register go to http://MakeItBIGEvent.com and use the Pittsburgh REIA discount code MIBE25. This all day event will be held on June 28th from 9-5 PM, at the Sheraton Hotel in Station Square. The address of this hotel is 300 West Station Square Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15219

To see testimonials from real estate investors, agents, and brokers follow this link to YouTube http://youtu.be/TWrJJqlcYdY

About the Pittsburgh REIA - The Pittsburgh REIA is a cosponsoring this event. The Pittsburgh Real Estate Investors Association is a club of local investors who use real estate as a vehicle to attain financial freedom and build wealth. Membership is open to anyone, and the only requirement is a desire to learn. Please visit the club’s website at http://PittsburghREIA.com for more information about the club or future educational seminars. All visitors are encouraged to sign up for the club’s free educational newsletter.

(June 20)

Network with other real estate investors tonight

Tonight we will be meeting for fun and networking at Smokin Joe’s Saloon on East Carson St, in the Southside. I expect to get there about 6pm and go until I’m too tired to talk. Our networking events are fantastic. I have seen a number of deals put together at past events.

The value of networking cant be overstated, I cant tell you how much money I have made because I knew who to call, or what another investor was looking for. Real estate investing is a team sport, the more player on your team the money you are likely to make. On a side note, I have been trying to find a topic for an article that I need to write for an upcoming book, and the value of networking might just be it.

Smokin Joe's Saloon located at 2001 East Carson St- there is a big parking lot behind the building so parking shouldn’t be a problem. I look forward to seeing you all there.

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


Support a Great Charity and Learn About Investing

Frank McKinney is coming to Pittsburgh!

In case you don’t know who Frank is, I will let a few other people tell you who Frank is.

“Frank expertly illustrates the way to true fulfillment”

~ Anthony Robbins

“Frank McKinney has managed to do what I’ve done with projects all over the world. His groundbreaking deals and brand-making attention to detail have enabled him to Make itBIG in his chosen field. Learn how you too can become a great success”

~ Donald Trump

“Frank McKinney is the King of readymade dream homes” ~ USA Today

“Frank McKinney is the Real Estate RockCzar. He likes to live on the edge”

~ Wall Street Journal

I personally invite you to be a guest at my Make it BIG Event – The Anti-Seminar,

Frank is calling this thing the anti-seminar because there is nothing to buy at the event, just pure education from a guy who started with a $50,000 flip and worked his way up to a $50 Million flip. Frank has made his money, now when he teaches, the money goes to support his charity. For every dollar that the seminar takes in, Frank will spend that dollar building homes in Haiti. So register now, and do some good in the world while you learn how to make your family’s finances better.

www.MakeItBIGEvent.com. It has taken me 25 years, and over $400 million invested in real estate to write and deliver the curriculum that I will present at this one-time only event. Learn wealth building through real estate and how to overcome fear associated with taking risk – and build a new home for a child in Haiti!

When & Where:

To RSVP & Register Use the discount code MIBE25. Every broker, agent, and investor that registers receives a 25% discount on your registration donation! Online: MakeItBIGEvent.com

Phone: 561.662.4503 • Mail: Caring House Project, P.O. Box 388, Boynton Beach, FL

33425. Questions: frank@frank-mckinney.com, or 561.662.4503

My Make it BIG Event – The Anti-Seminar, is the perfect team building opportunityfor you to become more productive and to close more deals. Just see the testimonials from other brokers, agents and investors! http://youtu.be/TWrJJqlcYdY

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


I’ll see you Saturday, June 28th

at the Make it BIG Event – The Anti-Seminar!

Frank McKinney Event to support kids in Haiti

Saturday, June 28 (Frank’s Birthday!) 9-5PM EDT

Sheraton Station Square Hotel Pittsburgh

300 W. Station Square Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15219


https://twitter.com/FrankMcKinney @frankmckinney

Future Event – Sept 2014

Register Now and Save $$$

Just in case you have been living under a rock or this is the first newsletter that you are receiving from me, Ron LeGrand is my mentor and a personal friend. He does a lot of special deals for the PittsburghREIA because of this. Ron is hosting his annual convention in Orlando this year. I will be there as will many of your fellow REIA members. Last year about a dozen of us went down and the convention was both educational and fun. In fact, Ron is currently using a picture of REIA members Bob Millisits, Thereas Brown, Margaret and Tina Proviano in his direct mail campaign to promote this event. (Somehow my face didn’t make the mailer (I need to talk to Ron’s marketing department about that).

So here is the deal – Sept 3-7th

You get to spend 4 ½ days with Ron (anyone who was at his one day seminar on Saturday will tell you how amazing that was)

You also get to see a few special guests like Robyn Thompson (make big money in flips) , Lee Phillips (asset protection), Scott Meyers (self-storage investing), Bob Leonetti (note buying), and many more

There will also be entertainment, and lots and lots of networking with other investors.

REIA members get $200 off

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


Register before the end of June and get another $200 off

That lowers the cost for a couple to just

$597 per could or

$397 for an individual --- cut and pasts the link to register -- www.RES2014.com/PittsburghREIA

That’s a lot of Ron for a little price.

Did I mention that I will be there? Also REIA members Jon Iannotti, and Paul Ritter should be there as well.

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


Our Business Partner Members

WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014



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WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014


WPREIA Newsletter – July 2014