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Cork County Public Participation Network News SPRING 2017 PPN NEWSLETTER Cork County PPN is a network of Community & Voluntary, Social Inclusion & Environment organisations that was established in 2015. Through the office of the PPN co-ordinator, PPN member organisations are kept informed of important matters such as: • Funding Opportunities • Public Consultations • Plan-making • Policy development PPN member organisations and their representatives can also interact with the policy-making committees of Cork County Council (SPCs) and have their voice heard through the PPN reps that sit on these committees. A full list of the PPN reps that sit on the policy-making committees of Cork County Council can be found here. How does it work? Member organisations register their contact details with the PPN Co-ordinator to ensure that they are kept informed about events, training, funding and other opportunities that are of interest to the Community & Voluntary, Social Inclusion & Environment sectors. In 2015 a 22-member Secretariat or steering group was elected to oversee the administration of the PPN. The Secretariat meets monthly to develop aspects of how the PPN operates such as Communications, Training, PPN Information events and effective PPN representation on Council Committees. Details of Secretariat members can be found here. What is the PPN? In addition to the Secretariat there are 37 seats reserved for PPN representatives on the policy-making committees of Cork County Council. A full list of the PPN reps that sit on the policy-making committees of Cork County Council can be found here. How can my organisation get involved? There are approximately 900 organisations affiliated with Cork County PPN. At our recent PPN Information Evenings held on March 7th, 8th and 9th representatives of these organisations were asked to identify the most important issues for their local area. Feedback was also sought from attendees under the themes of the policy-making committees of Cork County Council. This information is being compiled and forwarded to PPN reps and SPC meeting administrators. If your organisation was not represented at these events you can still contribute your views by contacting [email protected] or 021 4285340 for a link to the questionnaire. SAVE THE DATE: Monday May 22 nd Ballincollig Carrigaline Municipal District PPN Meeting. Facilitated by PPN Secretariat Members Liam O’ Connor & Jim Murphy. Venue, Time & Agenda to be confirmed by email to all PPN member organisations in the Ballincollig Carrigaline Municipal District.
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Cork County Public Participation Network NewsSPRING 2017


Cork County PPN is a network of Community & Voluntary, Social Inclusion & Environment organisations that was established in 2015. Through the office of the PPN co-ordinator, PPN member organisations are kept informed of important matters such as:

• FundingOpportunities• PublicConsultations• Plan-making• Policydevelopment

PPN member organisations and their representatives canalso interact with the policy-making committees of CorkCountyCouncil(SPCs)andhavetheirvoiceheardthroughthePPN reps that sit on these committees. A full list of the PPN repsthatsitonthepolicy-makingcommitteesofCorkCountyCouncilcanbefoundhere.

How does it work? Member organisations register their contact details with thePPNCo-ordinatortoensurethattheyarekeptinformedaboutevents,training,fundingandotheropportunitiesthatareofinteresttotheCommunity&Voluntary,SocialInclusion&Environmentsectors.In2015a22-memberSecretariatorsteeringgroupwaselectedtooverseetheadministrationofthePPN.TheSecretariatmeetsmonthlytodevelopaspectsofhowthePPNoperatessuchasCommunications,Training,PPNInformationeventsandeffectivePPNrepresentationonCouncilCommittees.DetailsofSecretariatmemberscanbefound here.

What is the PPN?

InadditiontotheSecretariatthereare37seatsreservedforPPN representatives on the policy-making committees ofCorkCountyCouncil.A full listof thePPNreps thatsitonthepolicy-makingcommitteesofCorkCountyCouncilcanbefound here.

How can my organisation get involved? There are approximately 900 organisations affiliated withCork County PPN. At our recent PPN Information Eveningsheld on March 7th, 8th and 9th representatives of theseorganisations were asked to identify the most importantissues for their local area.

Feedbackwasalsosoughtfromattendeesunderthethemesofthepolicy-makingcommitteesofCorkCountyCouncil.Thisinformation is being compiled and forwarded to PPN reps and SPCmeeting administrators. If your organisation wasnotrepresentedattheseeventsyoucanstillcontributeyourviewsbycontactingppn@corkcoco.ie or 021 4285340 for a link to the questionnaire.

SAVE THE DATE: Monday May 22nd

BallincolligCarrigalineMunicipalDistrictPPNMeeting.FacilitatedbyPPNSecretariatMembersLiamO’Connor&JimMurphy.Venue,Time&Agendatobeconfirmedbyemail to all PPN member organisations in the Ballincollig CarrigalineMunicipalDistrict.

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CORK COUNTY PPN Spring Newsletter4

What is LEADER? The LEADER programme (an acronymin French meaning Links betweenactionsforthedevelopmentoftheruraleconomy)isaEuropeanUnioninitiativeto support rural development projectsinitiated at the local level in order torevitaliseruralareasandcreatejobs.

What is the LAG?

Decisions on LEADER funding aremadeatalocallevelbyaLocalActionGroup (LAG), through the frameworkofaLocalDevelopmentStrategy (LDS).A LAG ismade up of people from thelocal community as well as from thelocal public and private sector. TheLDSisaplanthatisdevelopedbyruralcommunities to support sustainable developmentoftheirsub-regionalarea.There are three LEADER Local ActionGroups(LAGs)inCountyCorklocatedintheDivisionsofNorth,SouthandWest.

How much funding is allocated to each LAG for this programme 2014-2020?




What is an Implementing Partner?

Local Development Companyimplementing LEADER programme atlocallevel,seetable.

LEADER Rural Development Programme 2014-2020

North Cork

AvondhuBlackwaterCLG Tel:(022)46580

BallyhouraDevelopmentCLG Tel:(063)91300

IRDDuhallowCLG Tel:(029)60633

Website: www.leadernorthcork.com

South Cork

AvondhuBlackwaterCLG Tel:(022)46580

IRDDuhallowCLG Tel:(029)60633

SECADCLG Tel:(021)4613432

ÚdarásnaGaeltachta Tel:(026)45366

Website: www.leadersouthcork.com

West Cork

Zone1:AvondhuBlackwaterCLG Tel:1800200545

Zone2:ComharnanOileánCTR Tel:1800200545

Zone3:SECADCLG Tel:1800200545

Website: www.leaderwestcork.com


LEADER LiaisonEntreActionsdeDéveloppementdel’ÉconomiqueRurale

LCDC LocalCommunityDevelopmentCommittee

LAG LocalActionGroup


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What is the application & evaluation process?

The Application process is a two stage process:

• Stage1:ExpressionofInterest

• Stage2:FullApplication

The timingandnatureofEOI callsaredecidedatLEADERsub-grouplevelbytheImplementing Partner in consultationwith the LAG Chief Officer. The EOIform will be reviewed by the relevantImplementing Partners. Only eligibleEOI’swillproceedtothefullapplicationstage. Any appeal by unsuccessfulapplicants must be made to the LAGin the first instance. An EvaluationCommittee will assess and evaluatethe application based on objectivecriteria and make a recommendation for funding to the Local Action Group(LAG). Projects to be recommended totheLAGwillfirstundergoanArticle48Auditcheck.TheLAGwillconsidertheEvaluationCommitteerecommendationand make a decision on whether to approve funding. The applicantwill benotified in writing of the outcome of the Application.

In-house Projects

A LAG may be a beneficiary andimplement projects under the LDS.Theseprojectsareknownas‘in-house’projects and arise where the LAG oran Implementing Partner delivers aLEADERproject.Theseareprojectsthatare deemed important to the overalldevelopment of the area as identifiedin the LEADER Plan 2014-2020 forexample organising a series of training programmes for local communities or businesses.

What are open calls and targeted calls?

There are two types of calls;Opencallsandtargetedcalls.Funding

applications forprojects that fitunderthe ‘Open call’ will be accepted on a‘first come, first served’ basis’ andarenotsubjecttoanyapplicationdeadlines.

Funding applications for projects thatfitunderthe ‘targetedcall’aresubjectto application deadlines. Project areascovered by the targeted call will beineligibleunderthe‘Opencall’processfor6monthsfollowingtheclosingdateofthe‘targetedcall’.

What are the 3 LEADER themes and 9 sub themes?


Social Inclusion


Basic Servicestargeted athard to reach communities

Rural Youth


Rural Environment


Protection and Sustainable use of Water Resources

Protection and Improvement of

Local Biodiversity

Development of Renewable Energy


Economic Development,

Enterprise Development and

Job Creation


Rural Tourism

Enterprise Development

Rural Towns


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CORK COUNTY PPN Spring Newsletter

Did youknow that interviewers from theCentral StatisticsOffice conduct surveys in 3,000 households across thecountryeveryweekoftheyear?


TheHouseholdsurveysinclude:TheCensus,TheSurveyonIncomeandLivingConditions(SILC),TheQuarterlyNationalHousehold Survey (QNHS), The Household Budget Survey(HBS)andPlanningPermissions.

Central and local government, businesses, communityorganisationsandmanyothers relyon this information tohelpthemmakedecisionsthataffectthelivesofeveryonelivingandworkingintheIreland.

Taking part in a surveyHousehold surveys are conducted to collect valuabledecisionmakinginformationforthecountry.TheinformationthathouseholdersprovideisavitaltoolinplanningforthepresentandfutureneedsofIreland.ItenablestheCSOtomeasure our country’s progress, on important social andeconomic issues, such as employment, poverty, childcare,health and crime.


Do you know the CSO?If you have been asked to take part in a CSO survey, CSO will:

• identifythemselvesasfromtheCSOwhenevertheycontactyou,displayingtheirlogoonalllettersandleafletsandoninterviewers’photoIDcards.

• when interviewing you in your home or by telephone,arrangeatimeconvenienttoyou.

• try tomake theexperienceof takingpart inasurveyasstraightforward and as worthwhile as possible.

• onlyaskasmanypeopletotakepartasnecessaryfortheaccuracyofstatistics.

• behonestwithyouaboutyourparticipationbeingvoluntaryandgiveyouarealisticideaofhowlongthesurveymaytake.

• rememberthatyouhavekindlytakenthetimetotakepart-inyourhome,onthephoneorinaportorairport-andrespectyourprivacy.

Confidentiality Confidentiality isapriorityfortheCSOandall informationgiventotheintervieweris

encrypted, transmitted securely and is used for statisticalpurposes only. Results are published in aggregate formatonly,anditisimpossibleforindividualsorhouseholdstobeidentified.ThisconfidentialityisguaranteedbylawundertheStatisticsAct,1993.

Further information IfyouwouldlikemoreinformationonCSOhouseholdsurveysyoucancontactinformation@cso.ie / [email protected]


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Cork Count y PPnCount y HallCork

t: 021 4285 340

E: [email protected]

W: WWW.CorkCount yPPn.Com



National Spring Clean!

Public Information EveningCommunityResourceOfficer,NiamhJoneswillprovideanInformationSessiononEpilepsy Awareness in the Maritime Hotel, Bantry on Monday 24th April at 7pm.


Please contact Niamh at 021 4274774 or [email protected] toreserveyourplace.

Under ConstructionOurwebsite is currently under going updates. Please bearwith uswhilewemakechangesandcheckbackregularlyforthelatestupdates.

