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ПАРАЗИТОЛОГИЯ, 50, 1, 2016 УДК 576.895.121 A CHECKLIST OF PROTOZOAN AND METAZOAN PARASITES OF THE STONE LOACH BARBATULA BARBATULA (CYPRINIFORMES, BALITORIDAE) © A. E. Zhokhov, 1 A. V. Shershneva, 2 M. N. Pugacheva 1 1 1. D. Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences, Borok, Yaroslavl, 152742, Russia E-mail: [email protected] 2 P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University Sovetskaya, 14, Yaroslavl, 150000, Russia E-mail: [email protected] Submitted 02.01.2015 The present paper summarizes data on parasites of the stoan loach from all its area, ba- sed on published data. The checklist includes all protozoan and metazoan parasites of the stoan loach from different freshwater habitats (rivers, lakes, ponds, reservoirs). A total of 109 parasite species / taxa were recorded on the stoan loach (Kinetoplastidea — 4, Diplo- monadea — 1, Coccidea — 2, Microsporea — 1, Myxosporea — 13, Litostomatea — 1, Phyllopharyngea — 2, Oligohymenophorea — 22, Monogenea — 10, Cestoda — 4, Tre- matoda — 31, Nematoda— 11, Acanthocephala — 5, Crustacea — 1, Bivalvia — 1). Most are digenean trematodes, 18 of them being metacercariae. Key words: checklist, parasites, freshwater fishes, Balitoridae, Barbatula barbatula, area. СПИСОК ПАРАЗИТОВ (PROTOZOA И METAZOA) УСАТОГО ГОЛЬЦА BARBATULA BARBATULA (CYPRINIFORMES, BALITORIDAE) © A. E. Жохов, 1 А. В. Шершнева, 2 M. H. Пугачева 1 1 Институт биологии внутренних вод им. И. Д. Папанина РАН пос. Борок, Ярославская обл., 152742 E-mail: [email protected] 2 Ярославский государственный университет им. П. Г. Демидова ул. Советская, Ярославль, 150000 E-mail: [email protected] Поступила 02.01.2015 Статья суммирует данные по паразитам усатого гольца по всему ареалу его оби- тания, основанные на опубликованных данных. Список включает всех одноклеточ- ных и многоклеточных паразитов усатого гольца из различных пресных водоемов 40

ПАРАЗИТОЛОГИЯ, 50, 1, 2016

УДК 576.895.121



© A. E. Zhokhov,1 A. V. Shershneva,2 M. N. Pugacheva1

1 1. D. Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences, Borok,

Yaroslavl, 152742, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

2 P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University Sovetskaya, 14, Yaroslavl, 150000, Russia

E-mail: bo4agova@rambler . ru Submitted 02.01.2015

The present paper summarizes data on parasites of the stoan loach f rom all its area, ba-sed on published data. The checklist includes all protozoan and metazoan parasites of the stoan loach f rom different f reshwater habitats (rivers, lakes, ponds, reservoirs). A total of 109 parasite species / taxa were recorded on the stoan loach (Kinetoplastidea — 4, Diplo-monadea — 1, Coccidea — 2, Microsporea — 1, Myxosporea — 13, Litostomatea — 1, Phyl lopharyngea — 2, Ol igohymenophorea — 22, Monogenea — 10, Cestoda — 4, Tre-matoda — 31, N e m a t o d a — 11, Acanthocephala — 5, Crustacea — 1, Bivalvia — 1). Most are digenean trematodes, 18 of them being metacercariae.

Key words: checklist, parasites, f reshwater fishes, Balitoridae, Barbatula barbatula, area.



© A. E. Жохов,1 А. В. Шершнева,2 M. H. Пугачева1

1 Институт биологии внутренних вод им. И. Д. Папанина Р А Н пос. Борок, Ярославская обл., 152742

E-mail: [email protected] 2 Ярославский государственный университет им. П. Г. Демидова

ул. Советская, Ярославль, 150000 E-mail: bo4agova@rambler . ru

Поступила 02.01.2015

Статья суммирует данные по паразитам усатого гольца по всему ареалу его оби-тания, основанные на опубликованных данных. Список включает всех одноклеточ-ных и многоклеточных паразитов усатого гольца из различных пресных водоемов


(рек, озер, прудов, водохранилищ). В общей сложности у усатого гольца зарегистри-ровано 109 видов/таксонов паразитов (Kinetoplastidea — 4, Diplomonadea — 1, Cocci-dea — 2, Microsporea — 1, Myxosporea — 13, Litostomatea — 1, Phyllopharyngea — 2, Oligohymenophorea — 22, Monogenea — 10, Cestoda — 4, Trematoda — 31, Nemato-da — 11, Acanthocephala — 5, Crustacea — 1, Bivalvia — 1). Самой многочисленной группой являются трематоды, 18 видов которых представлены метацеркариями.

Ключевые слова: список видов, паразиты, пресноводные рыбы, Balitoridae, Barba-tula barbatula, ареал.

Members of the family Balitoridae are small freshwater fishes found in fast streams and rivers of Eurasia. Over 450 species have been described, with the highest diversity in Southeast Asia, but only 5 occured in Europe (Bogutskaya, Naseka, 2004; Nelson, 2006). The stone loach occurs in both lotic and lentic freshwater. Although it prefers well-oxygenated rivers and streams, it can also be found in lakes and smaller ponds. The stone loach possesses wide natural dis-tribution in Europe, from Ireland in the west to the Ural and Emba basins in the east, but it does not occur on the Pyrenean, Apennine, and Balkan peninsulas (Vasil'eva, 1998; Freyhof, 2011).

In spite of the common presence of the stone loach in many European count-ries, this species is often listed as threatened, vulnerable or endangered. Infor-mation on parasites of fish species of no economic value is still scanty. To date, a checklist of the protozoan and metazoan parasites of the stone loach has not yet been published. The aim of the present literature review was to summarize all published data on the parasite fauna of the Barbatula barbatula.


The checklist (see table) was compiled from the available literature. Parasite species are arranged according to the phylum, class and family, within which the species are presented in the alphabetical order, followed by information on the infection site, the locations where the specimens were collected, and refe-rences. In addition, the checklist includes some parasite species recorded only to the genus level (undetermined species). Protozoan taxonomy follows Bauer (1984) and Lom, Dykova (2006); for Trematoda, Gibson et al. (2002) and Jones et al. (2005); Bauer (1985, 1987) for Monogenea, Cestoda, Nematoda, Acantho-cephala, Arthropoda.


A total of 109 parasitic species / taxa were recorded for the stone loach in the area (see table). The protozoan parasite species (46 species / taxa) included re-presentatives of the classes Kinetoplastidea (4), Diplomonadea (1), Coccidea (2), Microsporea (1), Myxosporea (13), Litostomatea (1), Phyllopharyngea (2), and Oligohymenophorea (22). The metazoan parasite species (63 species / taxa) consisted of the platyhelminth classes Monogenea (10), Cestoda (4), Tremato-da (31), and the phyla Nemathelminthes (11), Acanthocephales (5), Ar-thropoda (1), and Mollusca (1). Oligohymenophoreans and trematodes were the most abundant taxonomic groups. Larval helminthes were present in 26 speci-


Parasites of Barbatula barbatula in area including site of infection, drainage (DRA), country and references. § — introduced species

Site Locality References

Bloodstream Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 River Lee (England) Gibson et al., 2005

Gills Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013

Gills River Lososinka (Russia) Yevseeva, 2001 Bloodstream Lake Ladoga (Russia) Rumyantsev et al., 2001

Site not given River Lososinka (Russia) Yevseeva, 2001

Intestine Locality not given Belova, Krylov, 2006; Duszynski et al., 2000

Intestine Lake Ladoga (Russia) Rumyantsev et al., 2001

Abdominal trunk Lake Ladoga (Russia) Rumyantsev et al., 2001 muscles Near Grenoble (France) Lom, 2002

Rivers flowing into the Black Sea Issi, Voronin, 1984 (Russia)

Gull bladder Lake Syamozero (Russia) Shul'man, 1962


Parasite taxa

Family CRYPTOBIIDAE Cryptobia branchialis Nie (in: Chen, 1956) C. varia Leger, 1904 Phylum POLYMASTIGOTA Class DIPLOMONADEA Family HEXAMITIDAE Hexamita sp. Phylum SPOROZOA Class COCCIDEA Family EIMERIDAE Eimeria pastuszkoi Jastzebski, 1982

Eimeria sp. Phylum MICROSPORA Class MICROSPOREA Family GLUGEIDAE Pleistophora macrospora Cepede, 1906

Phylum MYXOZOA Class MYXOSPOREA Family MYXIDIIDAE Myxosporidia gen. sp.

Phylum KINETOPLASTIDA Class KINETOPLASTIDEA Family TRYPANOSOMATIDAE Trypanosoma carassii (Mitrophanov, 1883)

Family BODONIDAE Ichthyobodo necator (Henneguy, 1884)

Mixidium barbatulae Cepede, 1906

Zchokkella nova Klokacheva, 1914 Family CHLOROMYXIDAE Chloromyxum truttae Leger, 1906 Family SPHAEROSPORIDAE Sphaerospora sp. Mixobilatus fragilicandatus R. Schulman,


Thelochanellus furmanni (Auerbach, 1909)

T. nemachili Diarova, 1967

T. pyriformis (Thelochan, 1892) Phylum CILIOPHORA Class LITOSTOMATEA Family AMPHILEPTIDAE Hemiophrys branchiarum (Wenrich, 1924)

Kahl, 1931


» Site not given Gull bladder

» »

Site not given Site not given

Urinary bladder, renal tubule

Head connective tis-sue, heart, gills, kidney, spleen, vit-reous body

Gills, urinary blad-der

Vitreous body, mus-culature, gills, kid-ney, heart, cereb-rum

Site not given


Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia) Lake Onega (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia)

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia)

Lake Ladoga (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia)

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Lakes Syamozero, Pertozero (Russia)

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Ponds of fish farm ( Russia) River Danube (Ukraine, Slovak Repub-

lic) Locality not given (Czech Republic) River Lososinka (Russia) Lake Pertozero (Russia) River Danube (Slovak Republic) Lake Syamozero (Russia) Lakes Pertozero (Russia) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia)

River Mezen' (Russia)

River Lososinka (Russia)

Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Rumyantsev et al., 2001 Yevseeva, 2001 Rumyantsev etal. , 1984 Yevseeva, 2001 Kudentsova, 1977 Yevseeva, 2001

Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013

Rumyantsev et al., 2001 Yevseeva, 2001

Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Shul'man et al., 1974; Shul'man,

1962; Shul'man, Rybak, 1961 Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Kudentsova, 1977 Kulakovskaya, Koval, 1973

Eiras et al., 2005 Yevseeva, 2001 Shul'man et al., 1974 Kulakovskaya, Koval, 1973 Shul'man, 1962 Shul'man, Rybak, 1961 Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Rumyantsev et al., 2001 Yevseeva, 2001

Dorovskich, 1997a

Yevseeva, 2001


Family MYXOBOLIDAE Myxobolus nemachili Weisler, 1949

M. legeri (Cepede, 1905)

M. pfeifferi Auerbach, 1908 Mixidium sp.

Parasite taxa Site

Class PHYLLOPHARYNGEA Family CHILODONELLIDAE Chilodonella piscicola (Zacharias, 1894) Jankowski, Body surface

1980 Family TRICHOPHRYIDAE Capriniana piscium (Bütschli, 1889) Jankowski, Gills

1973 Class OLIGOHYMENOPHOREA Family EPISTYLIDIDAE Apiosoma amoeba (Grenfell, 1887) Body surface

Body surface, fins

A. campanulatum (Timofeev, 1962)

A. phoxini Lom, 1966

Gills, skin

Body surface

A. piscicolum Blanchard, 1885 A. poteriformis (Timofeev, 1962)

Gills Body surface

Apiosoma sp. Gills »

Family TRICHODINIDAE Trichodina cobitis Lom, 1960

T. domerguei domerguei (Wallendrenn, 1897)

Nasal fosse, skin

Gills, fins

Continuation of table


River Lososinka (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia)

Ponds of fish farm (Russia)

Ponds of fish farm (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) Lake Onega (Russia) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA

(Russia) River Lososinka (Russia) Lake Onega (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA

(Russia) River Lososinka (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia)

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia)

Lake Pestovo (Russia)


Yevseeva, 2001 Kudentsova, 1977

Kudentsova, 1977

Kudentsova, 1977 Yevseeva, 2001 Kudentsova, 1977 Rumyantsev et al., 1984 Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013

Yevseeva, 2001 Rumyantsev et al., 1984 Rumyantsev et al., 2001 Rumyantsev et al., 2001 Yevseeva, 2001 Kudentsova, 1977 Rumyantsev et al., 2001 Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013

Yevseeva, 2001 Kudentsova, 1977

Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013

Pozdnyakova, 1957


A. baueri (Kaschkowski, 1965)

Epistylis Iwoffi Faure-Fremiet, 1943

Т. fultoni Davis, 1947

Т. nemachili Lom, 1960


Gills, body surface

Т. nigra Lom, 1960 Т. schulmani Chan, 1961 Trichodina sp.

Paratrichodina incisa (Lom, 1959)

P. phoxini Lom, 1963

Tripatriella copiosa (Lom, 1959) T. lata Lom, 1963 Trichodinella epizootica (Raabe, 1950)

Family TETRAHYMENIDAE Tetrachimena pyriformis (Ehrenberg, 1830)

Family ICHTHYOPHTHIRIIDAE Ichthyophthirius miltifillis Fouquet, 1876

Phylum PLATHELMINTHES Class MONOGENOIDEA Family ANCYROCEPHALIDAE Ancyrocephalus cruciatus (Wedl, 1857)

Site not given Gills

Skin, gills


Site not given

Gills Body surface

» »


Gills, fins


River Mezen' (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA (Slovak Re-

public) Danube DRA (Czech and Slovak Re-

public) Lake Ladoga (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) Danube DRA (Czech, Slovak Repub-

lic) River Osoblahy (Czech Republic) Lakes of Karelia (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia) Lake Pertozero ( Russia) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia) Lake Onega (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) River Tisa, Danube DRA (Ukraine,

Slovak Republic)

Lake Ladoga (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia)

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) River Osoblaha (Czech Republic)

Dorovskich, 1997a Kulakovskaya, Koval, 1973

Kulakovskaya, Koval, 1973; Lom, 1961

Rumyantsev et al., 2001 Yevseeva, 2001 Kudentsova, 1977 Kulakovskaya, Koval, 1973

Ergens, 1965 Chan, 1961; Shul'man et al., 1974 Rumyantsev et al., 2001 Shul'man, Rybak, 1961 Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Rumyantsev et al., 2001 Yevseeva, 2001 Kudentsova, 1977 Yevseeva, 2001 Rumyantsev et al., 1984 Kudentsova, 1977 Kudentsova, 1977 Ergens et al., 1975

Rumyantsev et al., 2001 Yevseeva, 2001

Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Kudentsova, 1977 Ergens, 1965

River Severskiy Donets, Don DRA Shevchenko, 1956 (Russia)


Continuation of table

Parasite taxa Site Locality References

Family GYRODACTYLIDAE Gyrodactylus barbatuli Achmerov, 1952 Body surface Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia)

Lake Ladoga (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia) River Mezen' (Russia) River Tisa, Danube DRA (Ukraine,

Slovak Republic) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-

lic) Rivers of Visla DRA (Poland) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-

lic) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Rivers Northern Dvina, Mezen',

Pechora (Russia) River Tisa, Danube DRA (Ukraine,

Slovak Republic) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech, Slovak

Republic) River Skawa, Visla DRA (Poland) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-

lic) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) River of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA, Elbe DRA

(Czech, Slovak Republic) Rivers of Visla DRA (Poland) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-


Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Rumyantsev et al., 2001 Yevseeva, 2001 Dorovskich, 1997b Ergens et al., 1975; Kulakovskaya,

Koval, 1973 Moravec, 2001

G. cobitis Bychowsky, 1933 G. jiroveci Ergens et Bychowsky, 1967

Fins Fins, skin

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia) River Mezen' (Russia) River Tisa, Danube DRA (Ukraine,

Slovak Republic) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-

lic) Rivers of Visla DRA (Poland) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-

lic) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Rivers Northern Dvina, Mezen',

Pechora (Russia) River Tisa, Danube DRA (Ukraine,

Slovak Republic) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech, Slovak

Republic) River Skawa, Visla DRA (Poland) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-

lic) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) River of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA, Elbe DRA

(Czech, Slovak Republic) Rivers of Visla DRA (Poland) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-


Prost, 1981 Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Prikrylovä et al., 2008

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia) River Mezen' (Russia) River Tisa, Danube DRA (Ukraine,

Slovak Republic) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-

lic) Rivers of Visla DRA (Poland) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-

lic) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Rivers Northern Dvina, Mezen',

Pechora (Russia) River Tisa, Danube DRA (Ukraine,

Slovak Republic) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech, Slovak

Republic) River Skawa, Visla DRA (Poland) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-

lic) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) River of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA, Elbe DRA

(Czech, Slovak Republic) Rivers of Visla DRA (Poland) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-


Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Dorovskich, 1997b

Ergens et al., 1975; Kulakovskaya, Koval, 1973

Moravec, 2001

Prost, 1981 Prikrylovä et al., 2005

G. laevis Malmberg, 1957 G. menshikowi Gvosdev, 1950

Gills Fins, skin, gills

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia) River Mezen' (Russia) River Tisa, Danube DRA (Ukraine,

Slovak Republic) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-

lic) Rivers of Visla DRA (Poland) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-

lic) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Rivers Northern Dvina, Mezen',

Pechora (Russia) River Tisa, Danube DRA (Ukraine,

Slovak Republic) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech, Slovak

Republic) River Skawa, Visla DRA (Poland) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-

lic) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) River of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA, Elbe DRA

(Czech, Slovak Republic) Rivers of Visla DRA (Poland) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-


Kudentsova, 1977 Kudentsova, 1977 Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Moravec, 2001

Prost, 1981 Prikrylovä et al., 2005


G. nemachili Bychowsky, 1936 Gills, fins

G. pavlovskyi Ergens et Bychowsky, 1967

G. pseudonemachili Ergens et Bychowsky, 1967*

G. sedelniekovi Gvosdev, 1950

Class CESTODA Family TRIAENOPHORIDAE Triaenophorus nodulosus (Pallas, 1781) plero-

cercoid Family LIGULIDAE Schistocephcdus nemachili Dubinina, 1959



Fins, skin

Gills, fins, skin


Abdominal cavity

» » Intestine

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) River Osoblahy (Czech Republic) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech and

Slovak Republic) Rivers of Visla DRA (Poland) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech and

Slovak Republic) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-

lic) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) Rivers Mezen', Pechora (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech, Slovak

Republic) Danube DRA (Bulgaria) Rivers of Visla DRA (Poland) Danube DRA (Bulgaria)

River Northern Dvina (Russia) River Avon (England)

River Mezen' (Russia)

Tayganak reservoir (Crimea)

Lake Pertozero (Russia) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) Lake Pestovo (Russia)

Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Rumyantsev et al., 2001 Yevseeva, 2001 Kudentsova, 1977 Ergens, 1965 Moravec, 2001; Prikrylovä et al.,

2005 Prost, 1981 Moravec, 2001; Prikrylovä et al.,

2005 Prikrylovä et al., 2005, 2008

Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Rumyantsev et al., 2001 Yevseeva, 2001 Kudentsova, 1977 Dorovskich, 1997b Moravec, 2001; Prikrylovä et al.,

2005 Kulakovskaya, Koval, 1973 Prost, 1981 Kakacheva-Avramova, 1970

Dorovskich, 2000 Rumpus, 1975

Dorovskich, 2000

Reshetnikova, 1957

Anikieva, Rumyantsev, 2008 Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Kudentsova, 1977 Pozdnyakova, 1957


Ligiila colymbi Family PROTEOCEPHALIDAE Proteocephalus scigittus (Grimm, 1872)

Zeder, 1803 plerocercoid

Parasite taxa Site

Class TREMATODA Family DIPLOSTOMIDAE Diplostomum chromatophorum Brown, 1931

metacercariae D. rutili Razmashkin, 1969 metacercariae

D. helveticum (Dubois, 1929) metacercariae

D. mergi Dubois, 1932 metacercariae D. phoxini (Faust, 1918) Arvy et Buttner, 1954









Lens Lens, vitreous


D. volvens Nordmann, 1832 metacercariae Lens

Continuation of table


Lake Pertozero (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA, Oder DRA, El-

be DRA (Czech, Slovak Republic) Lake Konchozero (Russia) River Danube (Bulgaria)

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) River Mezen' (Russia) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) River Mezen' (Russia) Ponds of fish farm (Russia) River Pechora (Russia)

Ponds of fish farm (Russia) River Mezen' (Russia)

Lake Ladoga (Russia) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) River Mezen' (Russia) Rivers, reservoirs of England Rivers of Danube DRA; river Oder

(Czech, Slovak Republic) Lakes of Karelia (Russia)

Ponds of fish farm (Russia) River Mezen' (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia)


Shul'man et al., 1974 Moravec, 2001; Scholz et al., 2003

Shul'man, Rybak, 1961 Kakacheva-Avramova, 1969

Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Lebedeva, 2005 Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Dorovskich, 1997c Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Dorovskich, 1997c Kudentsova, 1977 Dorovskich, 1997c

Kudentsova, 1977 Dorovskich, 1997c

Rumyantsev et al., 2001 Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Dorovskich, 1997c Wootten, 1974 Moravec, 2001

Shul'man, 1962; Shul'man, Rybak, 1961

Kudentsova, 1977; Shigin, 1980 Dorovskich, 1997c Lebedeva, 2005


D. paraspathaceum Shigin, 1965 metacercariae D. petromyzifluviatilis Diesing, 1860 metacer-

cariae D. pussilum (Dubois, 1928) metacercariae D. spathaceum (Rudolphi, 1819) metacercariae

Tylodelphys clavata Nordmann, 1832 metacercariae

Posthodiplostomum cuticola (Nordmann, 1832) metacercariae

Family CYATHOCOTYLIDAE Holostephanus cobitidis Opravilova, 1968

metacercariae Paracoenogonimus ovatus Katsurada, 1914


Family STRIGEIDAE Ichthyocotylurus pileatus (Rudolphi, 1802)


I. variegatus (Creplin, 1825) metacercariae Apatemon gracilis (Rudolphi, 1819) Szidat,

1928 metacercariae

Family SANGUINICOLIDAE Sangunicola sp.

Family ALLOCREADIIDAE Crepidostomum metoecus (Braun, 1900)

Vitreous body

Skin, musculature

Abdominal cavity

Fins, musculature, gills, eyes, go-nads

Swim bladder wall, muscula-ture, hardroe, spleen

Abdominal cavity » »



River Lososinka (Russia) Lakes Pertozero, Syamozero (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech, Slovak

Republic) Lake Syamozero (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-


Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia)

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia)

Lake Ladoga (Russia)

Lake Pertozero (Russia)

Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech, Slovak Republic)

River Wieprz (Poland) Lakes Pertozero, Konchozero (Russia) River Roding (England) Rivers Elbe DRA, Danube DRA, Oder

DRA (Ukraine, Slovak, Czech Re-public)

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia) Rivers Mezen', Pechora (Russia) Rivers of (Czech, Slovak Republic)

River Severskiy Donets, Don DRA (Russia)

River Kamenice, Elbe DRA (Czech Re-public)

Yevseeva, 2001 Shul'man et al., 1974 Moravec, 2001

Shul'man, 1962 Moravec, 2001

Zhokhov, 2000

Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013

Rumyantsev et al., 2001; Lebedeva, 2005

Shul'man et al., 1974

Moravec, 2001

Adamczyk, 1980 Shul'man, Rybak, 1961 Kennedy, 1974 Moravec, 2001, 2003; Ergens et al.,


Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Yevseeva, 2001 Dorovskich, 1997c Moravec, 2001

Shevchenko, 1956

Moravec, 2003 49

Parasite taxa Site

С. farionis (Müller, 1784)

С. oschmarini Zhokhov et Pugacheva, 1998

A. isoporum (Looss, 1894)

A. transversale (Rudolphi, 1802)

Allocreadiiim sp. Family OPECOELIDAE Nicolla gallica (Dollfus, 1941) N. skrjabini (Iwanitzky, 1928)

Sphaerostomum bramae (Müller, 1776) Sphaerostomum globiporum (Rudolphi, 1802) Family HETEROPHYIDAE Metagonimus yokogawai Katsurada, 1912 meta-

cercariae Family GORGODERIDAE Phyllodistomum folium (Olfer, 1926)






Intestine Intestine

Intestine Intestine


Ureters, urinary bladder

Continuation of table


Lake Onega (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-

lic) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia)

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) River Pechora (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA, Elbe DRA

(Czech, Slovak Republic) Lake Konchozero (Russia) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Lake Konchozero (Russia) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia)

River Avon (England) River Severskiy Donets, Don DRA

(Russia) Lake Konchozero (Russia) Lake Pertozero (Russia)

River Danube (Slovak Republic)

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) River Northern Dvina (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia)

River Lososinka (Russia) River Morava (Czech Republic)


Rumyantsev et al., 1984 Moravec, 2001

Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013; Zhokhov, Pugacheva, 1998

Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Dorovskich, 1997c Moravec, 2001

Shul'man, Rybak, 1961 Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Shul'man et al., 1974 Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013

Rumpus, 1975 Shevchenko, 1956

Shul'man, Rybak, 1961 Shul'man et al., 1974

Moravec, 2001

Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Dorovskich, 1997c Rumyantsev et al., 2001; Lebedeva,

2005 Yevseeva, 2001 Moravec, 2001; Petkeviciüte et al.,



Family ZOOGONIDAE Pseudochetosoma salmonicola Dollfus, 1951 Gull bladder

Phylum NEMATHELMINTHES Class NEMATODA Family CAPILLARIIDAE Pseudocapillaria tomentosa Dujardin, 1843

Schulmanella petruschewskii (Schulman, 1948)

Family ANISAKIDAE Raphidascaris acus (Bloch, 1799) larvae

Family CAMALLANIDAE Camallanus truncatus (Rudolphi, 1814) Family PHILOMETRIDAE Philometroides cyprini (Ishii, 1931) § Family RHABDOCHONIDAE Rhabdochona denudata (Dujardin, 1845)

R. ergensi Moravec, 1968



Liver, abdominal cavity, intestine, stomach


Body cavity



River Nishava, Danube DRA (Bulga-ria)

Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub-lic)

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia) River Tisa, Danube DRA (Ukraine,

Slovak Republic)

Rivers of Elbe DRA (Czech Republic) Rivers of Danube DRA, Oder DRA,

Lake Mächa (Czech Republic) Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia) River Lososinka (Russia) Lake Pestovo (Russia) Lake Pertozero (Russia) Rivers Mezen', Northern Dvina

(Russia) River Wieprz (Poland) Lakes of Karelia (Russia)

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia)

Ponds of fish farm (Russia)

Rivers of Oder DRA (Czech Republic) Lake Pestovo (Russia) Rivers Mezen', Pechora (Russia) Rivers of Elbe DRA, Danube DRA,

Oder DRA (Czech, Slovak Republic)

Kakacheva-Avramova, 1969

Moravec, 2001

Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Rumyantsev et al., 2001 Ergens et al., 1975

Moravec, 2003, 2004 Koubkovä et al., 2004; Moravec, 2001

Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Rumyantsev et al., 2001 Yevseeva, 2001 Pozdnyakova, 1957 Shul'man et al., 1974 Dorovskich, 1999

Adamczyk, 1980 Shul'man, Rybak, 1961

Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013

Kudentsova, 1977

Moravec, 2001 Pozdnyakova, 1957 Dorovskich, 1999 Moravec, 2001, 2003 51

Continuation of table

Parasite taxa Site Locality References

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Lake Ladoga (Russia) Rumyantsev et al., 2001 River Lososinka (Russia) Yevseeva, 2001 Rivers Mezen', Northern Dvina Dorovskich, 1999

(Russia) Rhabdochona hellichi (Sramek, 1901) Intestine Lakes of Karelia (Russia) Shul'man, Rybak, 1961; Shul'man

et al., 1974; Shul'man, 1962 R. phoxini Moravec, 1968 larvae Intestine Locality not given (Czech Republic) Moravec, 2001 Family CYSTIDICOLIDAE Salmonema ephemeridarum (Linstow, 1872) Stomach Rivers of Elbe DRA, Danube DRA Moravec, 2001, 2003

larvae (Czech Republic) River Lososinka (Russia) Yevseeva, 2001

Family ACUARIIDAE Streptocara crassicaudata (Creplin, 1829) Stomach, intesti- Rivers of Danube DRA (Czech Repub- Moravec, 2001

larvae ne wall, liver lic) Locality not given (Poland) Czaplinski, 1963

Phylum ACANTHOCEPHALES Class ACANTHOCEPHALA Family ARHYTHMACANTHIDAE Acanthocephalus anguillae (Muller, 1780) Intestine Rivers of Oder DRA, Danube DRA

(Czech, Slovak Republic) Moravec, 2001

A. lucii (Müller, 1776) Intestine Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA; river Oder

(Czech, Slovak Republic) Lakes of Karelia (Russia)

Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Moravec, 2001

Shul'man, Rybak, 1961 Paracanthocephalus sp. Intestine River Lososinka (Russia) Yevseeva, 2001 Neoechinorhynchus rutili (Müller, 1780) Intestine Lake Pestovo (Russia)

Rivers Mezen', Northern Dvina (Russia)

Pozdnyakova, 1957 Dorovskich, 1999


Family ILLIOSENTIDAE Pomphorhynchus laevis (Müller, 1776)

Phylum ARTHROPODA Class COPEPODA Family ERGASILIDAE Ergasilus sieboldi von Nordmann, 1832

Phylum MOLLUSCA Class BIVALVIA Family UNIONIDA Glochidium sp.





Rivers of Danube DRA, Oder DRA (Czech, Slovak Republic)

River Chusovaya, Kama DRA (Russia)

Rivers of England

River Tisa, Danube DRA (Ukraine, Czech, Slovak Republic)

Lake Pertozero (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA; river Oder

(Czech, Slovak Republic) Lake Pertozero (Russia)

Rivers of Upper Volga DRA (Russia) Lake Ladoga (Russia) Rivers of Danube DRA (Slovak Repub-

lic) River Prut (Ukraine) River Dnestr (Ukraine)

Moravec, 2001

Kostarev, 2003

Kennedy, 1999; Wanstall et al., 1990; Rumpus, 1975

Ergens et al., 1975; Moravec, 2001

Shul'man et al., 1974 Moravec, 2001

Shul'man, Rybak, 1961

Shershneva, Zhokhov, 2013 Rumyantsev et al., 2001 Moravec, 2001

Kulakovskaya, Koval, 1973 Kulakovskaya, 1959

es / taxa; most (18) were metacercariae of trematodes. The introduced nematode Philometroides cyprini (Ishii, 1931) was recorded for the stone loach only in Russia (Kudentsova, 1977).

In general, the number of metazoan parasite species was significantly higher than the number of protozoan parasite species. Oligohymenophorea was the most abundant group among protozoan parasites. Myxosporidia were also abun-dant. The other groups of protozoan were represented by a small number of spe-cies. Trematodes had the highest number of species among metazoan parasites of the stone loach. Monogeneans and nematodes were also abundant groups. Relatively few cestode and acanthocephalans species were found. Copepods and molluscs were the least abundant taxonomic groups of parasites in the stone loach. The genus Gyrodactyliis is the most numerously represented monogene-an taxon in the stone loach.

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