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CSI U.S. HISTORY Revolutionary War

IDEAL UNIT: American Revolution TIME RANGE: 30-45 Minutes

SUPPLIES: Pencil & Paper


- The Continental Army & Minutemen - Key Figures - War at Home

- Land Campaigns - Foreign Aid - Treaty of Paris

General Procedures *A.) As an optional hook, you can provide or read students the letter from Dr. Soto. These are relatively the same for each CSI activity and introduce the criminal and world region it takes place. B.) Provide groups (ideally 2-3), the possible suspects, 6 crime scene puzzles and worksheet to use to record their findings. You may choose to laminate the criminals or crime scenes for easier reuse. They also work well printed as a packet. C.) Students will work to solve the crime. A vandal has gone and tried to rewrite history. Generally, it takes between 30-45 minutes to complete. You can drop hints or provide assistance to help groups that are behind the pace. There are some situations that utilize close reading and others that focus on fact-based practice. Previewing which crime scenes might be the most challenging so you can be prepared to help small groups or the whole class is a good idea. The errors are designed to be either around central information of the topic or a clear gross exaggeration. They are written such that no additional research should be needed, but allowing students to use technology is an option. D.) At the end of each scene, students will receive a clue that will substitute into the “Cryptic Text Message”. This provides an element of self-checking because if the Cryptic Text does not lead to a criminal, they know they need to recheck their work. In the end, students will determine which suspect should be arrested. The gender, race and ethnicity of the guilty “suspect” are intentionally varied across the entire CSI series. *E.) There is an emphasis on “evidence” since this is an investigation. Using evidence to discern fact from fiction is a critical element of social studies. This means detailed work and the ability to argue their logic. You may like for students to create a portfolio of evidence proving that they have arrested the right person and will demonstrate their understanding of their historical content present in the problem. *F.) Some teachers enjoy having their students present and defend their evidence to the class in a brief oral presentation. *Optional Extensions

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CSI: Revolutionary War Detectives, As you know, we are after a group of international evil geniuses, the Histrionics. Our evidence indicates they plan to build a world conquering device – to rewrite all of history. It seems one of the anonymous henchmen, “Brady Belichick”, has committed a string of robberies all over New England. The Histrionics use codes to communicate with each other. To claim their work, they send copies of their altered history to their teammates. When complete, they send a cryptic text message to their teammates to boast. The text message when unscrambled correctly will reveal Brady Belichick’s secret passcode. So far there are six suspects that police have questioned. It is hoped that someone with keen awareness of the Revolutionary War can use knowledge of primary sources and reliable secondary sources to fact check the scenes. Your job is to bring Brady Belichick to justice and save history. You need to be prepared to state your case and demonstrate your understanding of the following topics that Brady Belichick is known to use in the notes.

- The Continental Army and Minutemen

- Key Figures

- The War at Home

- Land Campaigns

- Foreign Aid

- Treaty of Paris

In your investigation, be sure to explain all of your thoughts. We need to have clear evidence that supports your conclusions. This is not a time to be sloppy. The slightest illegible footnote could result in a not guilty verdict.

Good luck to you, gumshoe,

Dr. Soto

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Who is Brady Belichick?

NAME Roanoke




NAME Safiya








NAME Brandi

OCCUPATION Real Estate Agent



NAME Sydney




NAME Tommy




🔍 🔎

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Scene #1 Concord Museum – Concord, Massachusetts Brady Belichick snuck through an egress window of the Concord Museum and has added to a fact sheet of a display. Paul Revere’s lantern is also missing.

The first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired in Lexington, but the majority of the battle commenced down the road in Concord the next day. So here I am… the troll read around the world.

Incorrect facts have been added to the display. Cross out the ones that are wrong.

How many incorrect facts have been added?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Revolutionary War: By the Numbers § 45% of colonists fully supported the war and 20% of colonists were outright loyal

to Britain. § 10 was the age of the youngest soldier in the Continental Army. § Ben Franklin was the oldest soldier in the Continental Army. § 96,500 troops served the Continental Army at the height of the war, whereas the

British had 133,000 troops. § 45,000 Minutemen fought for the Continental Army. § The Americans weaponized black bears, bison and moose to compensate for lack

of manpower. § There were 1,546 military engagements during the war. § George Washington led the Continental Army in the war’s five biggest battles, but

only had one decisive victory. § Commander Chuck Norris showed up alone against an army of 10,000 British

Troops. There was one survivor. § $151 million was the total American cost of the war. § 25,000 Revolutionary soldiers died during the war; 8,000 died from wounds.

17,000 died from disease. § 1 in 20 able-bodied, white, free males living in America died during the war.

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Scene #2 Saratoga National Historical Park –- Saratoga, New York Brady Belichick parachuted into the national park and stole a revolutionary-era cannon. A historian noticed a Wikipedia page was also vandalized.

The Revolutionary War lasted seven years and featured over 200,000 troops on both sides. Some figures have stood above others in history for their significant contributions.

Revolutionary Mix-Up

Brady Belichick has erased a Revolutionary War figure! We have 7 figures and 8 descriptions. They have been mixed up and one has been deleted. Draw lines to connect the Revolutionary War figure with their description and determine who is missing.

Ethan Allen

Charles Cornwallis

Nathanael Greene

John Paul Jones

Deborah Sampson

George Washington

Martha Washington

Wife of the leader of the Continental Army who accompanied her husband and troops during their winter encampments.

She cared for sick and wounded soldiers and hosted events to boost troop morale.

British general who led several successful land campaigns at the start of the war. Ultimately, he surrendered British troops to the Continental Army at the Battle of Yorktown

to end the Revolutionary War.

Commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. He went on to become the first president of the United States of America.

A woman who disguised herself as a man to join the U.S. Army. She was injured and her true identity was discovered. She received an honorable discharge.

A nurse who was called “Molly Pitcher” (like other women) for bringing water to soldiers. She was noted for taking her

husband’s place at his cannon after he was killed. A major general of the Continental Army. He fought with

George Washington at Trenton, Brandywine, Germantown, and Valley Forge. He significantly reduced British

control in the Southern states. Leader of the "Green Mountain Boys" together with

Benedict Arnold. He is best known for the capture of Fort Ticonderoga from the British in 1775.

First well-known U.S. naval commander. His greatest victory was the defeat of the British warship Serapis in 1779.

Who has been deleted?

Benedict Arnold

Elijah Clarke

Margaret Corbin

King George III

Paul Revere

Mercy Otis Warren


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Scene #3 Valley Forge National Historical Park - Prussia, Pennsylvania Brady Belichick broke into the famed national park and has changed a letter from George Washington to his wife. A security guard also noticed a log cabin was stolen.

For a long winter, General George Washington led his troops to an encampment at Valley Forge. The British had successfully taken over America’s capital of Philadelphia. Morale was low.

My Dearest, In the letter to Martha “Patsy” Washington, items have been changed. Circle the mistakes. How many sections have at least one mistake?


I am now set down to write you on a subject which fills me with inexpressible concern - and this concern is greatly aggravated and increased, when I reflect upon the uneasiness I know it will give you - It has been determined in Congress that the whole Army raised for the defence of the American Cause shall be put under my care, and that it is necessary for me to proceed immediately to Chicago to take upon me the command of it.


You may believe me my dear Patsy, when I assure you, in the most solemn manner, that, so far from seeking this appointment I have used every endeavor in my power to avoid it, not only from my unwillingness to part with you and the Family, but from a consciousness of its being a trust too great for my capacity and that I should enjoy more real happiness and felicity in one month with you, at home -


It was utterly out of my power to refuse this appointment without exposing my character to such censures as would have reflected dishonour upon myself, and given pain to my friends, my dogs and my dog’s friends - this, I am sure could not, and ought not be pleasing to you, & must have lessened me considerably in my own esteem. I shall rely therefore, confidently, on that Providence which has heretofore preserved, & been bountiful to me, not doubting but that I shall return safe to you in the fall - I shall feel no pain from the toil, or the danger of the campaign -


My unhappiness will flow, from the uneasiness I know you will feel at being left alone. - I beg of you to summon your whole fortitude resolution, and pass your time as agreeably as possible - nothing will give me so much sincere satisfaction as to hear this, and to hear it from your own pen – or a quick text with those downright silly emojis – or liking my Facebook statuses.

How many of the four sections contain errors?

1 2 3 4


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Scene #4 Washington Crossing Historical Park -- Washington Crossing, PA Brady Belichick dug a tunnel under the historical park to steal a monument of Washington crossing the Delaware. It is unclear how the Histronics plan to use this in their time machine.

Though there were over 1,000 clashes during the war, some battles sung the result of the war more significantly than others. These battles are a bit scrambled. False information has been added to some, and others are completely misattributed. Cross out the false information. Circle the incorrect attributions and state which battle it belongs to.

Key Battles Battle of

Lexington & Concord

April 19, 1775 The "shot heard 'round the world" is fired in Lexington to officially begin the American Revolutionary War. Fighting continues in Concord and results in a surprising victory for the inexperienced American militia.

Battle of Bunker Hill

June 17, 1775 A British victory in Massachusetts during which the Americans inflict heavy casualties, despite their loss.

Battle of Quebec

December 31, 1775 A series of American victories from Lake Champlain into Canada end. This battle is the first major defeat for Americans and it results in heavy losses.

Battle of Trenton

December 26, 1776 The worst American defeat of the war, following a six-week siege. On behalf of the Continental Army, Major General Benjamin Lincoln surrenders to British Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton and his army of 10,000.

Battles of Saratoga

September 19-October 17, 1777 A decisive victory for Americans and turning point in the war. These battles end the British threat to New England and convince France to support the American war effort.

Battle of Rhode Island

August 29, 1778 This failed American campaign and inconclusive battle halt American momentum and demonstrate that German support will not mean a quick end to the war.

Battle of Charleston

May 12, 1780 An American victory in New Jersey. General George Washington leads his army across the Delaware River to defeat Hessian mercenaries.

Battle of Cowpens

January 17, 1781 This American victory stops British momentum in the South and begins the campaign that ends the war. Americans creatively herded livestock to intrap the British forces.

Battle of Yorktown

September 28-October 19, 1781 British General Cornwallis surrenders to American General Washington after Americans lay siege to Yorktown, Virginia. This surrender marks the end of the Revolutionary War.

How many battles are completely factual and correctly attributed?

6 5 4 3 2 1 0


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Scene #5 National Museum of the U.S. Navy -- Washington, D.C. Brady Belichick blasted a hole into the museum and left with a submarine. A historian found a record that appears to be Brady Belichick attempting to mix up the history of foreign aid to the United States.

The Revolutionary War would likely not have been an American victory had it not been from the aid for other nations. Their finances, know-how and manpower proved to be deciding factors in the war. So now let’s mix it all up!

Foreign Aid Characteristics and contributions of the three foreign helpers have been scattered. List them correctly with the appropriate country. Which country has the most?

France Prussia Spain

Characteristics (one will be used more than once) Sought revenge after defeats during the Seven Years’ War

Marquis de Lafayette was sent to lead and became friends with Washington

Promised the restoration of the land they had lost to the

British in America Baron De Steuben joined at

Valley Forge and trained soldiers

Allowed patriots access to the port of Havana, Cuba Provided 12,000 troops

Which country has the most characteristics?

France F Prussia P Spain S

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Scene #6 National Archive -- College Park, Maryland Brady Belichick snuck past security and defaced the original copy of the Treaty of Paris. The gift shop also noted an entire box of protein bars were taken. The first draft of the peace treaty was signed by the British and American governments on November 30, 1782, but it took 10 more months to craft the final document. And then another year and a half before King George III ratified it.

Treaty of Paris

It is time for my favorite game -- 7 truths and a lie!

A fake fact of the Treaty of Paris has been added to the list. Which one is false?

The agreement ended the war and granted independence to the 13 American colonies. G The boundaries of the United States allowed for western expansion. A The United States would gain fishing rights off Canadian coasts M Existing lawful debts were to be paid to creditors on either side. E British merchants and Loyalists were allowed to try to recover their property. O The British and the United States are each allowed access to the Mississippi River. V British were permitted to apply for licenses to hunt on American soil.


Ben Franklin, John Adams and John Jay signed for the Americans. David Hartley signed for the British.



Good luck figuring out my mess. It is a pigsty.


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Who is Brady Belichick?

NAME Roanoke




NAME Safiya








NAME Brandi

OCCUPATION Real Estate Agent



NAME Sydney




NAME Tommy




🔍 🔎

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© Clark Creative Education

Scene #1 Concord Museum – Concord, Massachusetts Brady Belichick snuck through an egress window of the Concord Museum and has added to a fact sheet of a display. Paul Revere’s lantern is also missing.

The first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired in Lexington, but the majority of the battle commenced down the road in Concord the next day. So here I am… the troll read around the world.

Incorrect facts have been added to the display. Cross out the ones that are wrong.

How many incorrect facts have been added?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Revolutionary War: By the Numbers § 45% of colonists fully supported the war and 20% of colonists were outright loyal

to Britain. § 10 was the age of the youngest soldier in the Continental Army. § Ben Franklin was the oldest soldier in the Continental Army. § 96,500 troops served the Continental Army at the height of the war, whereas the

British had 133,000 troops. § 45,000 Minutemen fought for the Continental Army. § The Americans weaponized black bears, bison and moose to compensate for lack

of manpower. § There were 1,546 military engagements during the war. § George Washington led the Continental Army in the war’s five biggest battles, but

only had one decisive victory. § Commander Chuck Norris showed up alone against an army of 10,000 British

Troops. There was one survivor. § $151 million was the total American cost of the war. § 25,000 Revolutionary soldiers died during the war; 8,000 died from wounds.

17,000 died from disease. § 1 in 20 able-bodied, white, free males living in America died during the war.

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Scene #2 Saratoga National Historical Park –- Saratoga, New York Brady Belichick parachuted into the national park and stole a revolutionary-era cannon. A historian noticed a Wikipedia page was also vandalized.

The Revolutionary War lasted seven years and featured over 200,000 troops on both sides. Some figures have stood above others in history for their significant contributions.

Revolutionary Mix-Up

Brady Belichick has erased a Revolutionary War figure! We have 7 figures and 8 descriptions. They have been mixed up and one has been deleted. Draw lines to connect the Revolutionary War figure with their description and determine who is missing.

Ethan Allen

Charles Cornwallis

Nathanael Greene

John Paul Jones

Deborah Sampson

George Washington

Martha Washington

Wife of the leader of the Continental Army who accompanied her husband and troops during their winter encampments. She cared for sick and wounded soldiers and hosted events to boost

troop morale. M.WASHINGTON British general who led several successful land campaigns at

the start of the war. Ultimately, he surrendered British troops to the Continental Army at the Battle of Yorktown to end the

Revolutionary War. CORNWALLIS Commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. He went on to become the first president of the United States of America.

G. WASHINGTON A woman who disguised herself as a man to join the U.S. Army.

She was injured and her true identity was discovered. She received an honorable discharge. SAMPSON

A nurse who was called “Molly Pitcher” (like other women) for bringing water to soldiers. She was noted for taking her

husband’s place at his cannon after he was killed. CORBIN A major general of the Continental Army. He fought with

George Washington at Trenton, Brandywine, Germantown, and Valley Forge. He significantly reduced British control in the

Southern states. GREENE Leader of the "Green Mountain Boys" together with Benedict Arnold. He is best known for the capture of Fort Ticonderoga

from the British in 1775. ALLEN

First well-known U.S. naval commander. His greatest victory was the defeat of the British warship Serapis in 1779. JONES

Who has been deleted?

Benedict Arnold

Elijah Clarke

Margaret Corbin

King George III

Paul Revere

Mercy Otis Warren


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© Clark Creative Education

Scene #3 Valley Forge National Historical Park - Prussia, Pennsylvania Brady Belichick broke into the famed national park and has changed a letter from George Washington to his wife. A security guard also noticed a log cabin was stolen.

For a long winter, General George Washington led his troops to an encampment at Valley Forge. The British had successfully taken over America’s capital of Philadelphia. Morale was low.

My Dearest, In the letter to Martha “Patsy” Washington, items have been changed. Circle the mistakes. How many sections have at least one mistake?


I am now set down to write you on a subject which fills me with inexpressible concern - and this concern is greatly aggravated and increased, when I reflect upon the uneasiness I know it will give you - It has been determined in Congress that the whole Army raised for the defence of the American Cause shall be put under my care, and that it is necessary for me to proceed immediately to Chicago Boston to take upon me the command of it.


You may believe me my dear Patsy, when I assure you, in the most solemn manner, that, so far from seeking this appointment I have used every endeavor in my power to avoid it, not only from my unwillingness to part with you and the Family, but from a consciousness of its being a trust too great for my capacity and that I should enjoy more real happiness and felicity in one month with you, at home -


It was utterly out of my power to refuse this appointment without exposing my character to such censures as would have reflected dishonour upon myself, and given pain to my friends, my dogs and my dog’s friends - this, I am sure could not, and ought not be pleasing to you, & must have lessened me considerably in my own esteem. I shall rely therefore, confidently, on that Providence which has heretofore preserved, & been bountiful to me, not doubting but that I shall return safe to you in the fall - I shall feel no pain from the toil, or the danger of the campaign -


My unhappiness will flow, from the uneasiness I know you will feel at being left alone. - I beg of you to summon your whole fortitude resolution, and pass your time as agreeably as possible - nothing will give me so much sincere satisfaction as to hear this, and to hear it from your own pen – or a quick text with those downright silly emojis – or liking my Facebook statuses.

How many of the four sections contain errors?

1 2 3 4


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© Clark Creative Education

Scene #4 Washington Crossing Historical Park - Washington Crossing, PA Brady Belichick dug a tunnel under the historical park to steal a monument of Washington crossing the Delaware. It is unclear how the Histronics plan to use this in their time machine.

Though there were over 1,000 clashes during the war, some battles sung the result of the war more significantly than others. These battles are a bit scrambled. False information has been added to some, and others are completely misattributed. Cross out the false information. Circle the incorrect attributions and state which battle it belongs to.

Key Battles Battle of

Lexington & Concord

April 19, 1775 The "shot heard 'round the world" is fired in Lexington to officially begin the American Revolutionary War. Fighting continues in Concord and results in a surprising victory for the inexperienced American militia.

Battle of Bunker Hill

June 17, 1775 A British victory in Massachusetts during which the Americans inflict heavy casualties, despite their loss.

Battle of Quebec

December 31, 1775 A series of American victories from Lake Champlain into Canada end. This battle is the first major defeat for Americans and it results in heavy losses.

Battle of Trenton

December 26, 1776 The worst American defeat of the war, following a six-week siege. On behalf of the Continental Army, Major General Benjamin Lincoln surrenders to British Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton and his army of 10,000. CHARLESTON

Battles of Saratoga

September 19-October 17, 1777 A decisive victory for Americans and turning point in the war. These battles end the British threat to New England and convince France to support the American war effort.

Battle of Rhode Island

August 29, 1778 This failed American campaign and inconclusive battle halt American momentum and demonstrate that German French support will not mean a quick end to the war.

Battle of Charleston

May 12, 1780 An American victory in New Jersey. General George Washington leads his army across the Delaware River to defeat Hessian mercenaries. TRENTON

Battle of Cowpens

January 17, 1781 This American victory stops British momentum in the South and begins the campaign that ends the war. Americans creatively herded livestock to intrap the British forces.

Battle of Yorktown

September 28-October 19, 1781 British General Cornwallis surrenders to American General Washington after Americans lay siege to Yorktown, Virginia. This surrender marks the end of the Revolutionary War.

How many battles are completely factual and correctly attributed?

6 5 4 3 2 1 0


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Scene #5 National Museum of the U.S. Navy -- Washington, D.C. Brady Belichick blasted a hole into the museum and left with a submarine. A historian found a record that appears to be Brady Belichick attempting to mix up the history of foreign aid to the United States.

The Revolutionary War would likely not have been an American victory had it not been for the aid from other nations. Their finances, know-how and manpower proved to be deciding factors in the war. So now let’s mix it all up!

Foreign Aid Characteristics and contributions of the three foreign helpers have been scattered. List them correctly with the appropriate country. Which country has the most?

France Prussia Spain

Sought revenge after defeats during the Seven Year’s War

Marquis de Lafayette was sent to

lead and became friends with Washington

Promised the restoration of the

land they had lost to the British in America

Provided 12,000 troops

Baron De Stuben joined at Valley Forge and trained soldiers

Allowed patriots access to the port of Havana, Cuba

Promised the restoration of the

land they had lost to the British in America

Characteristics (one will be used more than once) Sought revenge after defeats during the Seven Years’ War

Marquis de Lafayette was sent to lead and became friends with Washington

Promised the restoration of the land they had lost to the

British in America Baron De Steuben joined at

Valley Forge and trained soldiers

Allowed patriots access to the port of Havana, Cuba Provided 12,000 troops

Which country has the most characteristics?

France F Prussia P Spain S

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Scene #6 National Archive -- College Park, Maryland Brady Belichick snuck past security and defaced the original copy of the Treaty of Paris. The gift shop also noted an entire box of protein bars were taken. The first draft of the peace treaty was signed by the British and American governments on November 30, 1782, but it took 10 more months to craft the final document. And then another year and a half before King George III ratified it.

Treaty of Paris

It is time for my favorite game -- 7 truths and a lie!

A fake fact of the Treaty of Paris has been added to the list. Which one is false?

The agreement ended the war and granted independence to the 13 American colonies. G The boundaries of the United States allowed for western expansion. A The United States would gain fishing rights off Canadian coasts M Existing lawful debts were to be paid to creditors on either side. E British merchants and Loyalists were allowed to try to recover their property. O The British and the United States are each allowed access to the Mississippi River. V British were permitted to apply for licenses to hunt on American soil.


Ben Franklin, John Adams and John Jay signed for the Americans. David Hartley signed for the British.



Good luck figuring out my mess. It is a pigsty.



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CSI: US HISTORY Revolutionary War


Skills & Understandings Exemplary Proficient Developing

I can identify correct information about the Continental and British Armies.

I can identify well-known figures from the Revolutionary War and their roles.

I can articulate the challenges faced at home while families were at war.

I can demonstrate knowledge of key battles during the war and their historical significance.

I can articulate the contributions and aid the Americans received from foreign nations.

I can demonstrate knowledge of the Treaty of Paris and the resolution of the war.

Social Studies Processes Exemplary Proficient Developing

Close Reading

accurately reads information to draw conclusions

can thoughtfully and critically analyze text

Historical Connections

accurately represents history and understands how aspects may be related to each other

can articulate the sequence events occurred through time and discern developments and cause and effect

21st Century

Truth Finding

can evaluate the legitimacy of claims

utilizes facts to prove what is clearly false and confirm what is true



