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Republic of the Philippines BeSrrrttnent of @lucgtion Region Vil, Centrol Visoyos SCHOOTS DIVISION OF BOHOL City of Togbiloron *."nl..l.l:"% r.".H,..J TQ: DIVISION MEMORANDUM r*o.Ms.2015 3. directed. SGOD/dvd GUIDELINES ON THE SCHOOL-TO.SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016 OlC, Assistant Scttools Division Superintendent Chiefs- CID & SGCD Public Schools District Supervisors/Acting PSDSs Education Program Supervisors & Division Areo Caordinators Elementary ond Secondary School Heods/Principals All Others Concerned July 4, 2016 and DepED Order No. Fiscal Year 2015-2017 1. Attached please find are Regional Memorandum 0387 44, s.20L6 re: Guidelines on the School-to-School Partnerships for for the information and guidance of all concerned. 2. For the Division of Bohol, a total of 138 schools (109 elementary and 29 secondary schools) are considered Leader Schools (see attached enclosures). An Orientation will be conducted on a date and venue to be announced later. lmmediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Memorandum is -{ W|LFREDA D. BONGAIOS, Ph.D., CESO Vt_.. Schools Division-Su peri ntende "fl, 1 gWt t, JI

Republic of the PhilippinesBeSrrrttnent of @lucgtion

Region Vil, Centrol VisoyosSCHOOTS DIVISION OF BOHOL

City of Togbiloron









OlC, Assistant Scttools Division SuperintendentChiefs- CID & SGCD

Public Schools District Supervisors/Acting PSDSs

Education Program Supervisors & Division Areo CaordinatorsElementary ond Secondary School Heods/PrincipalsAll Others Concerned

July 4, 2016

and DepED Order No.

Fiscal Year 2015-20171. Attached please find are Regional Memorandum 0387

44, s.20L6 re: Guidelines on the School-to-School Partnerships forfor the information and guidance of all concerned.

2. For the Division of Bohol, a total of 138 schools (109 elementary and 29

secondary schools) are considered Leader Schools (see attached enclosures). An Orientationwill be conducted on a date and venue to be announced later.

lmmediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Memorandum is

-{W|LFREDA D. BONGAIOS, Ph.D., CESO Vt_..Schools Division-Su peri ntende "fl,

1 gWt t,





Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City




To: Regional Chiefs of Funetional Divisions

Schools Division / City Superintendents

0fficers-in-Charge of Regular and Interim DivisionsChiefs of School Govemance Operations DivisionPublic Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads

All Others Concerned




l. Pursuant to DepEd Order 83, s.2012 entitled ImpDkenting Guidelines on the Revised School-

Based Mwtagement (SBM) Framework, assessmettt Process and Tool (APAD, the Department ofEducation continues to build networks of educational leaders in schools and communities that

will guide the educational system achieve its shared vision, mission, and goals. To further sustain

this policy direction, the DepEd shall strengthen the cooperation, collaboration and parhership

among sehools at the local level because these schools which are high-performing ean be valuable

resoluce as coaches, mentors or role models for those schools that have not yet reached their fullpotential.

To provide a mechanism and guidance for this kind of cooperation between and among schools

and to promote the culture of sharing, the DepEd issues the enclosed Guidelines on the School-to-

School Partnerships for Fiseal Year }Aft. All offices from central, regional and schools division

are hereby directed to provide assistance and support to schools entering such agreements.

For more information, all concerned may visit the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational

Development - School Effectiveness Division @HROD-SED), 4th Floor, Mabini Building,

DepEd Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meraleo Avenue, Pasig City or contact them through

telephone no. (02) 633-5397 or through email address: [email protected].

Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Memorandum is directed.


Otfleeofttel]lr€chr(ORDir),Tc[Nos.:(032)231.1433;231-13t9;41+739Y,41*?325125*4542 FhldTeetntcalAssktonceDlvl$lon(FIAD),Tel. Nos: (032) 41+7324 Ctrrlculnur Leornlng Monagement Dlvlslon (CLMD), Tel Noe.: (032) 4l&?323

QmlltyAlsurenc!Dlvlston(QAD),Tel.Noa.:(032)231-1071 HumaoRcsonreellevslopEcntlltvlslon(HRDD),Tel.No.:(032)255-5239Spn0i Flelplvlslon (ESSD), Tcl. No.: (032) 25tl-7062 tuonlng Polty and Res.arch Dlvlrloo CPRD), Tet. Nos.: (032)233-903q'

AIt&f,fos AdmlolsFattyeDlvlslor,TeLNos.:(032)41$7326i41+4367;414.7366t41+7122;4144367

Fhmc.e Dklglon, Ttel. Nos.i (032) 256-23751 253-8061; 4ltl-7321

E{iO, 201 5: fitatnA etmt ng Md, fiilt ilwgttutl ag ?afrd "

$iPuvt+?tiI i l',t'i


*fF+*\ Deoartment of EducationsiffiU Region Vll, central visaYas

ilhifffifrilflil||il lllll llllllllllllillllll lllll llllRD2016-1849

27-Jun- 16


Eeprblit ot t}e F}itimines

EeBertment of @Uucetton

22 iuN ?016DepEci oRDERNo.44, s. 20i6


To: UndersecretariesAssistant SecretariesBureau and Serrrice DirectorsRegional DireetorsSchools Division SuperintendentsPublic Elemeatary and Seconda4r Schools HeadsAll Others Concerned

l. In line with DepEd Order 83, s. 2012 entitled Implementing Guidelines on theReuised Sclwot-Based Management (SBIUII. Frameworlc, Assessmenf Process and. Tool(APAT), the Department of Education (DepEd) continues to build networks of educationalleaders in schools and eornmunities that will guide the edueational system achieve itsshared vision, mission, and goals. To further sustain this poliry direction, the DepEdshall strengthen the cooperation, eollaboration and partnership among schools at thelocal level because these schools wtrich are high-performing can be valuable resource ascoaches, mentors or role models for those schools that have not yet reached their fullpotential.

2. To provide a mechanism and guidanee for this kind of eooperation between andarnong schools and to Promote the culture of sharing, the DepEd issues the enclosedGutdellaes on the School-to-School Partnershlps for Ptrseat Zeat 2o16. The central,regional and schools division oflices are hereby directed to provide assistanrce andsupport to schools entering such agreements.

3. For more inforrnation, all ssnssrned, may visit the Bnreau of llumaa Resoureeand Orgaaizatloaal Development - Sehool Effectineaess Dftrislon IBHROD-SEDI, 4rhFloor, Mabini Building, Department of Education (DepEd) Central Office, DepEdComplex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City or contact them through telephone no. (02| 633-5397 or through email address: bhrod. secl(ladeped.gov. ph.

A Immediate dissemination of and strict eompliance y$th Order is directed.


Encls.: As statedReference: DepEd Order {No. 83, s. 2012)To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:

POLICY SCHOOLS STMND: Governanee and Operations

Medel, pO Guidelines on School.to-school partpership for Fy 20160398.June 6, 2O16

DepEd complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig ciry 1600 ,Fuar-rrou/u 3s-?2zil/6lsz-t u, 4 uau-o az6/6gz-62oq{ w.rno.cepea.ew.ptr


.e. uSecret

(Enclosure to DepEd Qrder No.44, s.2016)


Table of Contents


Annex 1 - List of Leader Schools and AllocationAnnex 2 - Procedures on Establishing Sehool-to-sehool PartnershipsAnnex 3 - No. of Leader Schools, Total School Fund, and PSF - by RegionAnnex 4 - No. of Leader Schools, Total School Fund, and PSF - by DivisionAnnex 5 - List of Leader schools that have not Liquidated sBM Grantzol{Annex 6 - School-to-School Partnership AgreementAnnex 7 - work and Financial Plan Template for Regions, Divisions, and schoolsAnnex 8 - List of Leader schools with Approved wFPs and Partner schoolsAnnex I - Flowchart of School Fund Availment, Release, and ReportingAnnex 10 - Report on Fund Utilization and LiquidationAnnex 11 - Accomplishment Report Template for Regions, Divisions, and schools

Seetion Page Number

1. Rationale 2

2. Coverage 3

3" Definition of Terms 3

4. Policy Statement 4

5. Procedures 4

5.1 Roles and Responsibilities 4

5.2 Selection and Allocation 7

5.3 Eligible Activities and Expenses I5.4 Risk Mitigation Strategies 12

5.5 Availing the Funds 13

5.6 Releasing the Funds 14

5.7 Procurement Process 15

5.8 Liquidation 16

6. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reportorial Requirements 17

7. References 18

8. Effectivity 18



1.0 Rationale

1.1 The Department of Education (DepEd) believes that high-performing schools canbe instruments for reform. Through school-to-school partnerships, high-performingschools can share their best practices and help other schools improve their schoo!performance using Learning Action Cells (LAC), the Continuous lmprovement (Cl)Program, and School-Based Management (SBM). This requires that high-performingschools become Leader Schools with active leadership roles, initiating partnerships withother schools and taking on broader responsibilities to help elevate the performance ofother schools within their District or Division.l

'1.2 To eultivate partnerships between Leader Schools and nearby schools, DepEdhas appropriated P900,000,000 to enable sehool-to-school partnerships. LeaderSchools shall receive funds to provide technical support and assistance to nearbyschools that have not yet reached their full potential in school performance. Theseschool funds shall be used by Leader Schools for sharing their best practices and forpartnership activities with their nearby Partner Schools.

1.3 This policy also aims to generate short-term positive outcomes among schoolsinvolved in partnerships which are enabling mechanisms of effective schools. Theseoutcomes include the following:

r Partner Schools are engaged in collaborative professional development activitiessuch as Cl, LAC, and action research;

o Partner Schools jointly undertake planning, problem-solving, and resourcemobilization activities to address community-wide educational problems; and

o Partner Schools improve social trust, awareness and understanding with otherschools.

1.4 For purposes of monitoring and evaluation, the following are the key performanceindicators of this policy:

Criteria Performance Standards

Efficiency ofLiquidation

90% of funds for school-to-school partnerships are fullyliquidated by December 31, 2016.

Quality of School-to-SchoolPartnerships

80% of randomly monitored school-to-schoolpartnerships attain any of the short-term outcomes atthe end of the school year.

1 Ar*t ong, P. (2015), Effective school partrrershlps and collaboration for sdrool improvement: a review of the evidence: Researctl

re,od' 2 of 18

2.4 Coverage

These guidelines shall have national applicabili$ and shall detail the selection,allocation, availment, release, utilization, liquidation, monitoring, and reporting of schooFto-school parinerships funds which shall be implemented in FY 2A16. Nevertheless, theestablishment of new partnerships and the continuation of existing partnerships isencouraged using other fund sources.

3.0 Definition of Terms

For purposes of these guidelines, the following terms shall be taken to mean as follows:

3.1 Continuous lmprovementcontinuous improvement

projecls - projects that revolve around theidentified school process and serviee delivery

: (Cl)of an

related to access, quality, or governance, with the end view of improving learningoutcomes.

3.2 lmplementing Units (lus) - secondary schools that maintain separate books ofaccounts.

3.3 Leader Schools - high-performing schools categorized as Level 5, 6, 7, or B inthe 2AM Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) performance categories.

3.4 Learning Action Cells (LAC) - a group of people who organize themselves tolearn together and carry out staff development through selfJearning; local-basedstaff developrnent system institutionalized by DepEd, primarily to enable teachersto help each other improve their professional competencies during the course oftheir day-to-day work. Sessions ean be held at the School, District, or Divisionlevel with focus on improving teachers' instructional management skills andproviding immediate on-the'job applications of these skills.z

3.5 Non-lmplementing Units (Non-lUs)- publie elementary and secondary schools,without separate books of accounts, which are under the direct supervision of theSchools Division Office (SDO).

3.6 Partner Schools - schools that will be assisted by Leader Schools in reachingtheir potential in school performance. Operationally, these are the schoolscategorized as Level 1,2,3, or4 in the 2014 PBB performance categories.

3.7 Partnership activities and projects - collaborative activities and projects betweena Leader School and a Partner School for the purpose of improving theperformance of the Partner School. This includes the sharing of best practices orprovision of technical assistance as well as coaching and mentoring support bythe Leader Schoolto its Partner School.

2 Uf'leSCO IfSAS), Mutual Cooperation for School Development




4.0 Policy Statement

ln line with DepEd Order 83, s. 2012, DepEd is committed to building a network ofleadership and governance that will guide the educational system to achieve its sharedvision, mission, and goals. Toward this end, this policy shall guide Leader Schools tocollaborate with its Partner Schools. To ensure that Leader Schools will have "the moralpurpose linked to the well-being of the wider community rather than just any individualschool'", the Leader Schools shall be provided with various incentives to enable andencourage them to assist and support their Partner Schools.


Roles and Responsibilities

5.1"1 School Level: The Scfiool Head of the Leader Schoof shall beaccountable for the implementation of the activities agreed upon with the PartnerSchool and is responsible for the following:

Selecting a Partner School (see section 5.2) and initiating the partnership;Organizing teams from its roster who will provide the technical assistanceand support needed by the Partner School and appointing a focal personwho will liaise with the Partner School;Orienting its teaching and non-teaching personnel about their school'sinvolvement and participation in the school-to-school partnership;Assessing the needs of the Partner School based on their Schoollmprovement Plan (SlP);ldentifying its organization strengths and capacity to support its PartnerSchool;Preparing a Work and Financial Plan (WFP) based on the needs of thePartner School and the scope of support that will be provided;Entering into a formal agreement with the Partner School;Receiving the funds and implernenting the school-to-sehool activitiesfound in the approved WFP, following the costing parameters andtimelines;Monitoring the outcomes of the activities and processing the insights andlearnings gained by its teams involved in the partnership; andSubmitting liquidation reports and accomplishment reports to the SDO.

3 Arrnrtrong, P. (2015). Effective school partnerships and collaboraUon for school lmprovement: a review of the evEence: R€search











5.1.2 school Level: The scfioot Head of the partner sehoot shall beresponsible for the following:

A. Orienting its teaching and non-teaching personnel about their involvement_ ?nd participation in the school-to-schoolpartnership;

E. 4ppolnting a focalperson who will liaise with the Leader School;c. Preparing the list of Priority lmprovement Areas (plAs) in the slp and_ participating in the needs assessment done by the Leader school;D. Assigning a Project ream to work with the Leader school to implement

partnership activities;Providing feedback and suggestions on the wFp and the partnershipagreement prepared by the Leader School;Allotting time and resources to undertake the partnership activities andprojects;

G. Monitoring the outcomes of the activities and processing the insights andlearnings gained by its teams involved in the partnership; and

H. Documenting the implementation of the partnersnip aciivities and projectsincluding the outcomes and gains.

5.1.3 Division Level: The seftool Governance operations Division (sGoD)shall oversee the overall implementation of the school-to-school partnerihips atthe Division leveland is responsible for the following:

A. Orienting the Leader Schools about schoot-to-schoot partnerships andassisting them in selecting their partner Sehools;

B. creating a communication campaign to advocate the value andimportance of school-to-sehool partnerships in the Division;

C. Managing the use of the fund in the event that the Leader School refusesthe fund;

D. Appointing the sBM coordinator as facilitator who will bridge thecommunication between Leader schools and partner schools;

E. Conducting training and providing coaching and technica! assistance tothe schools pe_rtaining to partnership planning, joint problem solving, andresource mobilization;

F. Reviewing and approving the wFps submitted by the Leader schools;G. Facilitating regular meetings with the Leader schools in the Division;H. Monitoring the impaet of the partnership on Partner Schools in the Division

and documenting reported accomplishments;l. Corsolidating reports submitted such as the list of schools with approved

WFPs and their corresponding Partner Schools, and liquidation reports foronward submission to the RegionalOfiice (RO);

J- conducting debriefing for both Leader Schooland partner schoots; andK. Providing recognition to deserving Leader and Partner Schools in the


The Sehools Division Superintendenf (SDS/ shall be accountable for school-to-school partnerships at the Division level.




5.1.4 Regional Level: The Regional Field Technical Assisfance Division(FTAD) shall work with the Quality Assurance Division QAq and theRegional Palicy Planning Research Division (PPRD). They are responsible forthe following:

The FIAD shallA. Consolidate reports submitted by the SDOs such as the list of Leader

Schools with approved WFPs and their corresponding Partner Schools,and liquidation reports for onward submission to the Central Office (CO);

B. Provide coaching and technical assistance to the SDOs when necessary;and

C. Communieate and consolidate the insights and the impact of school-to-school partnerships by organizing symposiurns and fora in the region.

The QAD shallA. Monitor the challenges, gains, and impact of school-to-school partnerships

based on reports submitted by the SDO; andB. Develop evaluation tools and criterla on the implementation of school-to-

school partnerships.

The PPRD shall initiate research on effective school-to-school partnerships.

The Regional Direetor, as head of the Task Force, shall identify the specialistsin the region who will support the FTAD, QAD, and PPRD. Furthermore, theRegional Director shall be the aceountable for school-to-school partnerships atthe regionallevel.

5.1.5 National Level: The Schoal Effeetiveness Diyision (SED) of the Bureauof Human Resource and Organizational Development (BHROD) shall takecharge of the overall implementation of the school-to-school partnerships. Thefunctions of the SED are the following:

A. Formulating and improving the guidelines and policies on school-to-schoolpartnerships;

B. Maintaining a list of Leader and Partner Schools;C. Allocating the funds to Leader Schools and Program Support Fund (PSF)

for Divisions and regions;D. Developing incentive packages for Leader Schools;E. Providing coaching and technical assistance to regions when necessary;

andF. Conducting capacity building en school-to-school partnerships in

cooperation with the ROs and SDOs.


5.2 Selection and Allocation

5.2.1 selection and allocation for school-to-schoot partnerships

schools categorized as Level s, 6, z, or g in ttte 2o14 pBB performancecategories are considered Leader schools in these guidelines. As shown inAnnex f , there are 5,g48 schools based on this definitio-n.

Each of these Leader Schools must select one nearby Partner Sehoolfrom a listwhich can be aecessed using this link: bit.lylschoolpartner. The sugge*eJprocedures on establishing school-to-schoot partnerships can be seen inAnnex 2. The SDO shall ensure that no school shall be setected as a partnerSchool more than once.

Leader schools will receive p140,000 each which shall be used for thepartnership activities. The fund allocated for each Leader School is shown inAnnex 1' A regional summary of the number of Leader Schools and the tota!school fund is shown in Annex 3, while a summary by Division is shown inAnnex 4.

5.2.2 Exemption Rule

A. Unliquidated Funds

A Leader School that has not yet liquidated 1}0ok of its 2014 SBM Grantis given a graee period of not more than fifteen (1s) calenda, aays attuithe issuance of this policy to accomplish the liquidation. The SDb shallensure that all Leader Schools do not have any pending liquidation issueswithin this period. Annex 5 shows the list of Leader Scfioois that have notfiquidated 10A% d their ZO14 SBM Grant.a

B. Refusal

lf the school Head of the Leader school refuses to accept the fund, thenhe or she shall communicate such refusal to the SDS in writing within five(5) calendar days after the effeetivity of this policy. ln th-is case, areplacement Leader school will not be selected. oeipite the refusai aPartner school can stil avail of the fund which will be held and ,unrluJby the SGOD for the Leader School.

The SGOD shall be accountable for the conduct of partnership activities11d projects of the Leader and partner schools. uiing said'funds, theS9OD shall procure items for their partnership activities in consultationwith the two schools. The concemed sGoD shall also be responsible forthe submission of liquidation reports.

4 B-r.d on reports submitted to the SED as of May ZO, 2016,




5.2.3 PSF Allocation

The amount of P60,424,500 (around 7% of P900,000,000) shall be distributed asPSF to SDOs, proportional to the number of Leader Sbhools in the Division.Actual PSF allocation per Division is rounded up to the nearest p500, with themaximum PSF amount set at p2,963,000. The sDo psF shall be managed bythe SGOD.

The amount of P6,855,500 (around 1o/o of P900,000,000) shall be distributed asl9f to ROs, proportional to the number of Leader Schools in the region. ActualPSF allocation per region is rounded up to the nearest PS00 as w6n. the ROPSF shall be managed by the FTAD.

The PSF each region will receive is shown in last column of Annex 3, while thePSF each Division will receive is shown in tast cotumn of Annex 4.

5.3 Eligible Activities and Expenses

5.3.1 EligibleActivities

The partnership activities and projects must be aligned to the spirit and intentionof this policy which is to build genuine partnershipJbetween and' among schools.

For illustrative purposes, sample partnership activities that ean be implementedare shown on the next two pages. These eligibte aetivities are just examplesand are in no uray eomplete and exhaustive. Therefore, these aetivitiesshould not be taken as the only means of aehieving authentic partnerships.Based on its needs, the Leader and Partner Schooli shoutd prioritize whiehactivities to implement.


A. Best Practices on Curriculum, lnstruction and Assessment

B. Best Practices on leadership and governance

r School improvement planning and SBM assessment;o Cl Methodology, LAC, and Action Research;o Transparency and accountability (e.g. sehool Report card (sRC) andTransparency and Aceountability Board);

r Water, sanitation and hygiene;r Solid waste management;r Advocacy and edueation campaigns for internal and external

stakeholders;r Enrolment management;r child-mapping or traeking of learners, especially boys, who are at risk

of dropping out; andr Information, Communication and Technology.





Kinder toGrade 3

Actlvities on MotherTongue-BasedMultilingual Education

Contextualization of learningmaterials and teaching guides;Creation of teacher-made learningmaterials for use in differentiatedand innovative instruction;Capacity-building for teachers oncontent, pedagogy, classroommanagement, differentiatedinstruction, and inclusiveeducation;Conduct of activities for teachingand assessment including thepurchase of supplies and materialsnecessary to conduct them;Tapping lndigenous People (lP)resource persons from thecommunity to share theirknowledge and practices;lmplementation of LAC projectsparticularly for Special Education(SPED), Multigrade Education,and SHS; andOrganization, mobilization, andother supporting activities LACProject Teams.

Grades 4to6

Activities onTechnology andLivelihood Education(rLE)

Grades 7to 10

Activities on TLE orTechnical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL),Senior High School(SHS)and CareerGuidance Advocacy

Grades 11to 12 {ForintegratedsHS)

Activities on TVL,SHS and CareerGuidance Advocacy,and industrypartnershipengagement


C. Best Practices on disaster risk reduction

o Resource-sharing and rapid response;r Educationcontinuitystrategies;r School-communiiy emergency preparedness drills;r Temporary Learning Spaces following nationalor localdesigns;o Joint clean up after disasters;o Psychosocia! support for students and teaehers after disasters;r Collaborative hazard-mapping; andr Helping nearby schools become more resilient to disasters.

5.3.2 Eligible ltems

All expenses incurred in support of section 5.3.1 are eligible as long as theexpenses are classifiable as MOOE under Commission on Audit (COA) CircularNo.2003-001.

5.3.3 Non-eligible expense items

A. Hiring and payment of salaries of additional staff;B. Payment of professional feeslhonoraria;C. Payment of utilities;D. Purchase and reproduction of NationalAchievement Test reviewers;E. Purchase of commereially available instructional materials;F. Field trips and other educationaltrips;G. Purchase of equipment;H. Activities funded by other special or national programs or subsidies; andl. Gifts or tokens for DepEd monitoring and field Technical Assistance


10 of 18

5.3.4 PSF Eligible Activities

A. SDO PSF Eligible Activities

The sDo PSF shall be used .for progress monitoring, coaching, mentoring,and technical assistance to both leader and partner sJhools.

Eligible activities include:

1) Providing orientation on the contents of this policy;2) Mentoring and coaching to both schools during loint planning, problem-_ solving, action research and resource mobilizalibn;3) Ensuring that the resources (e.g. materials, technical, human

resources) that the schools need anive according to the schedule oftheir proposed activities;

4) Monitoring the progress and milestones of the partnership activitiesand projects;

5) Reporting and other assistance that may be needed by thepartnership;

6) Forming communities of practice and professional learning sessions tofacilitate sharing of good practices and'ressons learned;

7) Reviewing Division-wide program implementation of school-to-schoolpartnerships;

8) creating advocacy activities and materials on schoot-to_schoolpartnerships to gather the support of stakeholders; and

9) Mobitizing civil society organization (cso) partners in strengtheningschool-to-school partnerships. This includes the proviiion oitransportation and meals to enable cSo partners to participate inmonitoring activities.

B. RO PSF Eligible Activities

The RO PSF shail be used for the following:

1) C_apacitating Divisions to assist schools in implementing their WFpseffectively;

2) Facilitating the conduct of region-wide trainings for SDOs and SchoolHeads on Cl, LAC and other content areas [frat wilt be discussed inschoo!-to-school partnerships;

3) Reviewing and evaluating region-wide program implementation of theschool-to-school partnerships ;

4) conduct of research on factors affecting the success of school-to_school partnerships; and

5) Random field inspections and monitoring of schools.

11 of 18

5.4 Risk Mitigation Strategies

5.4.1 lncentives for Leader Schools

r Leader Schools who successfully implement school-to-schoot partnershipsshall have a rating of 2 (evidence indicates planned prlcti.".- unoprocedures are fully implementeO.r!O aligned to A Child^ an'O Community-Centered. Educa-tional System (ACCES;)) for all indicators uno"i tn"Leadership and Governance Dimension of lrre SBM Framework in DepEdorder 93., :- zo1z. Exemprary Leader schoors shail be piioriii="6 uv t"SED for future support and asiistance.

o For teaching and non-teaching personnel of the Leader Schools whoprovide support to the Partner Schools, the school-to-school partnlrsnipand its activities shall be considered Key Result Areas in th"ii-i".plcriuelndividual Performance Commitment and Review form lrFcnfi-anoorganizational performance commitment and Review rorm 1oeCnrl.

o Participation of teachers (either as a coach/mentorltrainer or as aparticipant) in partnership activities undertaken during vacation, noliOaysand weekends shall be eonsidered as "services rendJered by tnose wnotrain teachers in addition to their normat teaching load,, and as"attendancelparticipation in special DepEd projects and activities whichare short-term in duration, if such are neh Ouring summer vacation orduring weekends", provided in DepEd order s3, s. 2003. Thus, the saidteachers shall be entitled to service credits subject to existing rules andregulations as well as the approval of the SDS.

5.4.2 Provision of Technical Assistance

The Regional rechnical Assistanc? ?nd Monitoring Team shall be led by theregional SBM Coordinator and FTAD, supported by other specialists in tneregion. At the Division, the SGOD shall lead tire Division Team i; the,;ision otteehnical assistance supported by other specialists in school 'leadership,pedagogy, Cl, LAC, finance, etc.

Likewise, this Division team may involve representatives from Local SchoolBoards and csos that have proven expertise in partnership and .ngrg"*.nt.'Transportation and meal expenses of CSO representatives during schoot visitsshall be charged against the psF of the concerned office.

The scope of technicat assistance shall cover content, including, among others,the agreed partnership activities and projeets. The technicalassistance shall alsoinclude procedures on the process of 'esiablishing

scrrooi-to-schoot prrt*rur,ipr.

12 of 18


5.4.3 Transparency and aeeountability

A" Measures at the Region and Division

The RO shall post in public areas their PSF liquidation report.

The SDO shall be a party to the Partnership Agreement that will be enteredinto by the Leader and Partner Schools. The said partnership agreement anda copy of this policy shall be posted in the Division Website and in publicareas. Annex 6 shows the suggested School-to-school PartnershipAgreement. The SDO shall also post in public areas the liquidation reports.

B. Measures at the School

1) Posting - the Sehool Head of the Leader Sehool shall post in thesehool bulletin board, Transpareney and Accountability Board, or inany public and open area, the fund allocated, date of receipt, and acopy of the WFP submitted to the SDO.

2) Documentation - ln documenting and reporting the partnershipactivities and projects, the narrative reports of the both schools shallinclude quantitative and qualitative data such as, but not limited to,photographs, feedbaek, testimonies, etc.

Availing the Funds

5.5.1 The Leader Sehools should select a Partner School and submit their WFPto the SGOD on or before July 15, 2016 corresponding to the fund allocated inAnnex 1 and following the format in Annex 7. The sGoD shall appraise theWFP within five (5) calendar days and ensure that the activities are eligible.

5.5.2 The WFP of the Leader Sehool shall be approved if it includes eligibleactivities set in these guidelines. lf a Leader School does not submit a WFP or ifthe WFP does not include eligible activities, the SGOD shall provide technicalassistance to the Leader school within five (5) calendar days. After receivingteehnicalassistance and producing a wFP, the wFP shal! be deemed approved.

The sGoD shall summarize these schools' wFPs by object of expenditure. TheSGOD shall also prepare a list of Leader Schools with approved WFPs togetherwith a list of their corresponding Partner Schools which shall be submitted to theRO in Excel format (.xls or .xlsx) following Annex I on or before July 31 ,2016.The RO will consolidate the list of Leader Schools with approved WFPs toEetherwith their corresponding Partner Schools and send to the SED [email protected] on or before August 15,2016. The SGOD shallalsoretain copies of the WFP for monitoring purposes.

A flowchart illustrating the process of school fund availment and its requirements,as well as the process of fund release and reporting that follow, can be seen inAnnex 9.

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5.5.3 The SED shall notify the Budget Division - Finance Serviee (BD-FS) of theCO to effect transfer of funds through the issuance of the Sub-Alloiment deleaseOrder (Sub-ARO) to the recipient units.

5.5.4 To facilitate availment of funds, the SDO shall ensure that Leader Schoolshave liquidated SBM Grant zA1P, if applicable; as proof, the SDO shall submit tothe Ro on or before July 15, 2016 the summary of Fy z0l4 sBM GrantsReport on Utilization and Liquidation in Excel format (.xls or .xlsx) followingthe format in Annex 10. The RO shall submit the eonsolidated reports in Exceiformat (.xls or .xlsx) on or before July 31, 2016 to the SED.

5.5:5- Following the format in Annex z, the psF Fund Managers of the regionand Division shall also prepare their own WFP based on the allocated pSF asindicated in Annex 3 and Annex 4. The sDo wFp and Ro wFp shail beapproved by their SDSs and Regional Directors, respectively.

Releasing the Funds

5.6.1 The BD-FS shall immediately effect the transfer of the allotment to therespective units through the issuance of a sub-ARo to the following:

A. RO for the regional PSF; andB. sDos for lus and Non-lUs, and the Division psF (copy furnished to the


NOTE: For newly created Divisions, the fund shall be released to their motherDivisions. The RO is authorized to mediate and facilitate the distribution of thefunds between the mother and the newly created Divisions. A copy of saiddecision by the Ro must be sent to the sED within one (1) month after thedistribution.

5.6.2 The sDo shall request the concerned Department of Budget andManagement (DBM) ROs for the release of the Notice of Cash Allocations(NCAs), supported by copies of sub-ARos corresponding to the allotmentreleased by the co and the Revised Monthly Disbursement program (ifapplicable).

5.6.3 The SDO shall put into effect the transfer of the amount of the fund to theschool Heads of lUs and Non-lus in the form of cash advances. The cashadvance shall specify the name of the school to which the fund is allocated andthe title of the activity for which the fund is to be applied. School Heads fromclusters of schools shall receive the fund of their respective schoots and shalt bethe one responsible for managing and utilizing the said fund.

5.6.4 The SDO shall release 100% of the fund to lUs and Non-tUs.

5.6.5 while waiting for the release of NCAs from DBM, the sDo may advancecash requirements for the release of funds to their schools out of the remainingbalances of their regular NCAs.

14 of 18

5.6.6 All finances related to this fund must be fully obligated and liquidatedimmediately or not later than December 31, 2010.

5.7 Procurement Process

5.7.1 The existing Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the school shall beresponsible for the procurement of supplies and materials. ln the absence of acommittee, the School Head shall create one through a memorandum. Theschool's BAC shall be composed of five members consisting of school personneland representative/s from the Parents-Teachers Association {PTA) and/or SchoolGoverning Council (SGC). ln the interest of check and balance, the School Headis prevented from becoming the chairperson or a member of the school's BAC.The BAC's recommendations on the supplies and materials, however, shall besubiect to the School Head's approval. The purchase orders shall be signed bythe School Head or hislher authorized representative.

5.7.2 For schools with less than five (5) permanent employees, schools mayavail the services of a BAC that is accessible to their schools (e.g. clusterschools' BAC, District or Division BAC).

5.7.3 For procurement of goods and services amounting to P50,000 and below,the following guidelines from Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB)Resolution No. 09-2009 must be observed:

A. The decision to resort to Shopping or Small Value Procurement shall bereflected in the Annual Procurernent Plan and must take into considerationthe annual procurement requirements of the item to be procured and othermarket factors, such as fluctuations in prices;

B- Splitting of contracts is strictly prohibited and is punishable by law.Splitting of contracts means the breaking up of contracts into smallerquantities and amounts, or dividing contract implementation into artificialphases or subcontracts, for the purpose of making it fall below thethreshold for shopping or small value procurement, or evading orcircumventing the requirement of public bidding; and

C. After the decision to resort to Shopping or Smal! Value Procurement hasbeen made, the conduct thereof may be delegated to the appropriatebureau, committee, or support unit duly authorized by the BAC.

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5.8.1 The School Head of the Leader Schools shall submit the liquidation reportof the utilized fund to the SDO on or before the 1Oth day of the fillowing monthafter the conduct of an activity. For example, if the fund was spent on severalactivities in the month of August, the liquidation of atl these activities shall bemade on or before September 10. lf there are no activities or expenses in a givenmonth, there is nothing to liquidate on the 10th day of the following month. TheNon-lUs shall submit their utilization and/or liquidation reports to their respectivesDos using the disbursement report form for proper reporting, monitoring, andconsolidation.

5.8.2 According to coA circular 2004-006 dated september 9, zoo4, evidenceof receipt of payment may take several forms, provided such a documentcontains the following minimum data required:

A. Name of Disbursing Officer making the payment;B. Date of Payment;C. Name of Recipient;D. Address of the Recipient;E. Purpose of the Payment;F. Amount of Payment.

Based on this coA cireular, the following supporting documents may be used asevidence of receipt of payment:

A. Official Receipts (ORs);B. Reimbursement Expense Receipts (RERs);C. Acknowledgement Receipts (ARs);D. Voucher Receipt (VRs);E. Credit Card Payment Receipts.

5.8.3 Supporting documents of IUs regarding the utilization of the funds andlorliquidation reports shall be retained in their respective schools, while allsupporting documents of Non-lUs shall be retained in their respective SDOs. ForlUs, a copy must be submitted to the SDO for reference.

5.8.4 Using Annex 10, the SDOs shall consolidate the liquidation reports ofLeader Schools and submit these consolidated reports in Excet format (.xls or.xlsx) to the Ro on or before the 12th day of the following quarter llily tz,October 12, and January 12 of the ensuing year).

5'8.5 The ROs shall consolidate the reports from the SDOs and submit theseconsolidated reports in Excel format (.xls or .xlsx) to the SED on or beforeJanuary 31,2017. An initial report shall be submitted on october gl, 2016.

16 of 18

6.0 Monitoring,Evaluation,andReportorialRequirements

6.1 Monitoring and Evaluation

To ensure the performance is regularly tracked, each governance levet shall conductmonitoring and evaluation aligned with their respective rnandates.

The SED shall be responsible for monitoring this policy as well as evaluating its impactnationwide. lt shall also initiate the conduct of research on the factors tfrat led tosuccessful collaboration and partnerships of schools. Likewise, the RO shall conductassessment of the impact of this policy at the regional level. lt shall conduct randomfield visits to schools to ensure that transparency and accountability measures areobserved"

The SDO shall eonduct progress monitoring of this policy to ensure efficient fundutilization and timely submission of liquidation reports of all Leader Schools.

The SGC and SPT of the Leader School shall monitor the utilization of the fund at theschool level. The School Head of the Leader School shall repofi the fund ameunt,utilization, and liquidation in the SRC, in school assemblies, to the pTA, and to theD\,U.

6.2 ReportorialRequirements

6.2:1 Using Annex 11, all Leader Schools shall submit to their respective SDOsin Excel format (.xls or .xlsx) their physical and financial accomplishments on orbefore the 10th day of the following month after the conduct of the activity. Notethat financial accomplishments shall be based on their actual liquidation r+ort.

6.2.2 The SDOs shall review and validate reported accomplishments of LeaderSchools on or before the 12th day of the foltowing quarter (July 12, October 12,and January 12 of the ensuing year).

A flowchart illustrating the process of school fund reporting, connected withschoolfund availment and release, can be seen in Annex g.

6.3 Reportorial Requirements for PSF

6.3.1 Using Annex 11, the SDOs shallprepare accomplishment reports in Excelformat (.xls or .xlsx) which shall be validated by ROs on or before the l5th day ofthe following quarter.

6.3! Using Annex 11, the ROs shall likewise prepare accomptishment reportsin Excel format (.xls or .xlsx) which shall be validated by the SED on or beforethe 20th day of the following quarter.

17 of 78

7.O References

Armstrong, P. (2015). Effective school partnerships and collaboration for schoolimprovement: a review of the evidence: Research report.

Atkinson, M., springate, 1., Johnson, F., & Halsey, R. (2o07l.lnter-School collaboration:A Literature Review. National Foundation for Educational Research.

DepEd Order 53, s. 2003. Updated Guidelines on Grant of Vacation Service Credits toTeachers.

DepEd Order 83, s. 2012. lmplementing Guidelines On The Revised School-BasedManagement (SBM) Framework, Assessment Process And Tool (APAT).

DepEd Order 13, s. 2015. Establishment of a Policy Development Process at theDepartment of Education.

GeneralAppropriations Act (GAA), FY 2015.

UNESCO (1985). Mutual Cooperation for Schoot Development.

8.0 Effectivity

All DepEd Orders and other related issuances, rules and regulations andprovisions which are inconsistent with these guidelines are hereby repealed, rescinded,or modified accordingly. Moreover, this policy shall take effect fifteen (15) days after itspublication in the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) atthe Universityof the Philippines (UP) Law Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City.

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scHoot PRoFtlE z0r4 PBB .





{rN PHP}Reglon Dtulslon School lD School Name

7 ]ogo City 302931 Sinabag NtlS Ievel I 140,0007 ]oEo City 3l24fi ,artolome C.Pianar MNHS Level 8 140,0007 BoEo City 3lz4gt {noflang SurTabajo Frasco Naflonal HiBh School LEvel 5 1110.000

7 Bohol 777929 {bu.querque Central €S tevel I 140,ffio7r lohol 777926 Uicia Central Elem. Lsvel T l40,,WO7 3ohol L77941 Del Monre ES LeYel 5 140,000

7 Bohol 777954 Bacong ES level 5 740,OgO

7 3ohol L77966 Ylrgen ES Level 6 140,000

7 ]ohol 777980 l'upas ES Level 5 140,000

? Bohol tt79? loctol Es Level 7 140,0007 tohol 118002 :oBon-Tagustusan ES Level 5 r,N),0007 Bohol 1r8006 lanopol ES level 6 1110,000

7 Bohol 118024 Rlral ES level 6 140,0007 Bohol L78025 Rosarlohan ES level 5 Itto,0007 Sohol 118028 Bilangbilangan Daku ES level 5 140,000

7 3ohol 11E033 Mandawa ES Level 6 140,000

7 ]ohol 118034 Maomawan Es LeYel 8 140,000

7 lohol 1r8035 [ueva Esperanza ES level 6 140,m07 lohol 118036 Iueva Estrella ES Level 7 140,m07 ]ohol 118037 ,lnamgo ES Level 5 140,000

7 lohol 118039 iagasa ES Levd 7 140,000

7 tohol 118054 ,onotbonot ES Level 5 rlm,o00

7 lohol 118065 Buenavlsta CEs Level 7 ro,0007 Bohol 118073 Cantuba ES Level 5 140,000

7 Bohol 118075 Cawag ES Level 5 140,000

7 Bohol 11807E .ubarqg E5 Level T 140,000

7 Sohol 774m9 Magkaya ES l-arel5 140,000

7 lohol 118080 Nueva 6ranada ES lev€l 5 1i10.000

7 3ohol 118082 f,ve.land ES Level 6 L40,000

7 3ohol 118083 P. Tlrol ES Lerrel 6 140,000

7 lohol L78cB7 Labu-on ES Level 5 140,000

7 lohol 118103 ;an lsidro ES Level 6 140.000

7 Bohol 118108 tbihllan ES Level 5 140,000

7 Bohol tl8t23 Panas ES Level 5 140,000

7 Bohol 118133 Bumaviste ES Level 5 140,000

7 Bohol 118162 Ahgrla ES Level S 140100

7 Bohol 118155 Bagtlc ES Level S 140,000

7 Bohol 118157 Cambailan Es l€r€l 5 140,m0

7 Bohol 774fi2 Hagbuaya ES Lerrel 5 140,000

7 3ohol 118204 iamboe ES te{el 5 140,000

7 36hol 778207 Dela Par ES level 5 140,000

7 lohol 118208 Loreto ES Level 7 140,000

7 !ohol 1182r0 Lourdes ES Level 7 140,000

7 !ohol 118219 4awasan ES Level 6 140,000

7 lohol 11E220 .^aluasan ES tevel E 140,000

7 lohol ITEZZL :andelaria ES Level 6 140,000

7 lohol n4229 ;an MiBuel ES Level 7 14t,,000

t)t !ohol 118260 \4ariveles ES fevel S 140100

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2014 PtB i ; scHool.fU;ID


TEHTShMANLE'i .i. iit r., , .

: CAIdGORY,I Rcrion ! :: Divlslon School lDr .::::':. :' ;',:;xr'..SehoolNaili-:.-- . :,..- r.:r.*;:ia::;..-i --- ,i

7 Bohol Ita262 San lsldro ES l-evel5 140,000

7 Bohol tL8Z78 Llmokon Ehmeota,y School level I 140,000

7 Bohol 713279 oac ES level 5 140,000

7 Bohol 118300 ian lsldrE ES Level 5 74OfrO

7 Bohol 118303 qbliilan ES level 5 r€,m07 Bohol 118310 Datag ES LeYel 7 140,000

? Sohol L78372 Sarcia-Hernandez Central ES Level 5 140,fi'o

7 tohol 118319 Iabuan ES level 5 140,000

7 lohol 118334 laMafan ES Level 7 140,000

7 ,ohol tt8?47 lato ES tevel 5 140,000

lohol 118367 Saogo ES Level 8 140,000

7 ]ohol 778178 oabanga North Central lnteBrated Sehool Level 7 140,000

7 ]ohol 118380 -lloan Norte ES Level 7 1t!0,000

7 !ohol 118381 .iloan sut ES level 5 Irt0,000

7 ]ohol 118388 ;an Jose ES l€vel5 140,000

lohol 118404 .utao ES Level 5 1@,000

7 Bohol 118407 ;to. Roserio Es Level 5 140,000

7 !ohol 118411 Ballli ES Level 5 140,000

7 Bohol 118488 Pondol ES tevel 5 140.000

7 Bohol 118492 Basac ES level 5 140,000

7 iohol 118502 Napo ES tevel 5 14O,000

7 lohol 118503 Plc-ot E5. Level 6 140,000

7 lbhol 11E513 Banlas ES L6v€l 5 1lu),ooo

7 Bohol ua5z9 Iambo ES Level 5 !K),000

7 Bohol 118564 Iawala ES Levei 5 140,000

7 Bohol 118570 Cagawasan ES Level 6 1lr0,000

7 Bohol 118572 CataBdaan Es Level 7 140,000

7 36hol 118589 Bogo E5 level 7 140,000

7 Bohol 118599 Popoo ES Level 5 140,0m

7 lohol 118510 Canmano ES level 7 140,000

7 B6hol L7%4t Bugan8 ES Level 7 t4f',ooo

7 Bohol t7E6,47 Cambangay Norte ES LarelT 740,000

Sohol 118651 llagbuyo ES Lerrel 6 140,000

]ohol 118665 ;ambaEui ES tarel 5 140,000

7 3oftol l!8677 Canlanslt ES Level 5 140,0m

7 tohol u8.697 ian rose Elementary School L€vel 5 140,000

7 lohol 71&92 ian.luan ES Ievel 6 L40,ofi

7 l€fiol 118695 {illa Garria ES Lgvel 5 140,000

7 ,ohol 118595 {bucay ES Level 5 1lm,000

7 ,ohol 118700 ;ikatuna Central ES Level 7 140,000

7 3ohol 7747fi 3allntawak ES le4rel 5 140,0m

7 lohol L78724 ;an lsidro ES Lev€l 6 140,0m

7 Sohol L78726 ian Roque ES Lsel6 140,000

7 lohol L74734 lusalian ES Leirel 8 140,000

7 lohol 118739 Mahamy ES Level 6 140,000

7 lohol L18744 q.P, Gu.rea Mem. ES Level 7 140,000

7 ]ohol L7875L {lnlayagan l}aya ES Level 7 140,000

7 3ohol' 7L8797 Vlanuel M. Roxas ES leYel 5 140,000


. 2014PBB scHoor.

-,r .rUNo-'tirr pibi'.


., CATEGORY,Reglon Dlvlslon , School lD ,, ,.-SchoolNamr

7 lohol \ 7747ffi ra8um None Es Level 6 140,000

7 lohol 718770 Velino Chagas MES Level s 140,000

7 Bohol (778772 ]anlasan ES tevel 5 140,000

7 Bohol 118785 lose Eola ES Level 5 140,000

7 Sohol 118801 \chila E5 Level 7 140,000

7 Sohol < 118802 Bay-ang ES Level 5 7n,o0o

7 Bohol ( 118m5 Bood Elementary School l-flel S 140,000

7 Bohol 77AA79 Hambabauran E5 Level 7 14€r,000

7 Bohol 77882s Loman8r8 ES Level 5 140,000

7 Bohol 118828 Pae-asa ES Let el I 140,000

7 3ohol ( 118829 Pangpang Es level 7 7Q,aOO

7 3ohol 11E845 filla Teresita ES LeYel S 140,000

3ohol 1l88rt8 qnonang ES level 5 1&,000

7 3ohol 118850 Sallngasao-Loctob ES Level 5 140,000

7 3ohol r 118854 Slnopolan ES Level 6 140,000

7 lohol 118855 iansibao ES Level 5 140,000

7 ]ohol 7028L4 Zoslmo A. 6ulle Memorlal Natlonal Hlgh Schhol Level 7 140,000

lohol 302819 lusao Natloml Hl€h School levEl 7 140,000

7 lohol n2827 lampao Orlentat NHs level 5 140,000

7 3ohal 302828 {andurnon NHS level 8 140,m0

7 lohol 30283S :awayanan NHs level I r40,000

7 lohol 302842 hntubod NHS Lerel I 140,000

7 lohol ?oza4J ramlng NHS L6rel7 140,000

7 lolrol 302849 :araon NHS level 7 140,000

7 ]chol 30?854 Sulnatot NHS Le1rel 5 140,000

7 Sohol 3028s7 {hgotanan ilHS Level 8 140,000

7 ]oHol 302858 lhlayaean NHS Lev€l 5 140,000

7 lohol 302865 :ardllay National HlEh School Level 5 140,000

lGrhol 302868 ila NHS level 8 140,000

7 )ohol 3028E6 tes, Grlos P. 6arcia Techokal Vocatlional School of Fisherhs and Arts leYel I 140,m0

7r lo?rol 302894 hlituban HS tevel 5 140,000

7 lohol 30289s )resldent Carlos P. Ga.cla Memorlal HiBh School level 5 140,000

7 lotrol 302896 ;lkatuna Nat'l Agrlcultural HS tevel 8 140,000

lehol 302900 ian Roque NllS lev€l 5 140,000

7 lohol 302906 ilkatuna NHS lwel5 ltu) 000

7 lohol 312310 Bayawahan National HiBh schml Level 6 1i10,080

7 lohol 3L2124 Sonbonon High School Level 5 140,000

7 Bohol 312330 Santo Naio High S6hool Level 7 140,000

Bghol 312331 )onciana E. leollgao llS LeYel 7 140,000

7 Sohol 772140 lubod Monte lntegrated School Level 5 140,000

fahol 3723r'.7 nabanga North Cmtral lntegrated School l€vel6 L@,OW

7 ].ohol 3123r',2 :ataban lntegrated School tevel 6 L40,ofr

7 lohol 312350 ian lsldro Hleh School level 7 140,000

7 lohol 312355 ]angwaloE Hs Level 5 14),000

7 Sohol 3L2359 Gtipunan HiSh School Level 5 140.000

7 la,car €ity 119163 Sa-ay Elementary School Level 7 1rp,000

7 Ca.car City 119164 ;acsac ES tevel 5 14t,000

7 :arEar City 119166 lal.ot ES Level S 1'x),000

?aEeS7 ol 724


ZO14 PBB scHoot',TUND

. (ilrr PHPI..Rerion . gl'i,lslon. . School lD, nSchoglNamG .,.... ... -,... ,r.rl,r--. .CATEGORY

7 ;arcar City 119168 Tuyom ES Level S 140,(x)0

7 hrEar City 18m21 [4anghupl E[emeiltary School L€rrel7 140,000

7 larcar Ciiy 255001 MoaB ES Level S 140,000

7 :arcer City 3s50s9 f,cana Natlonal Hlgh School (Kalangyawon Extenslonl tevel 6 140,(I(10

7 kbu 118868 :andabong ES Level 5 1@,000

7 lehr 77887L ,olo ES tevel 5 140,000

7 bbu 178574 Celliocan PS Level 8 140,000

7 lebu t78gT7 luc-as ES Level S 140,m0

7 bbu 118892 Lepanto ES Level 6 140,000

7 :ebu 1188!13 Libo Es Level 5 140,(m

7 lebu 118898 ita, Filomena ES Level 6 140,fin

7 hu 118899 tralencia Elem. School tevel 5 140,m0

7 hbu 118901 lngilan €lementary School Level 6 140,(xto

7 lebu 118903 lolo ES Level S 140,0m

7 lebu 118905 Calape PS Level 6 140,m0

7 bbu 118935 lalaytay Ehmentary School Level 6 140,000

7 :ebu fl89n Cubong Elementary School Level I 140,m

7 Hu 118981 Lunas ll ES terrel 6 140,000

7 -'ebu 118991 l'egbubonga ES Level 8 740,W

7 Oebu 119001 lalanecane PS level 7 140,000

7 lebu 779074 raytay Es Level 5 140,000

7 Cebu 119015 rrgbao ES Levet 7 140,000

7 Cebu 779077 laragosa ES Level 5 140,000

7 lebu 119029 Vito ES Level 5 140,000

7 lebu 179fi2 Lipavran ES Level 7 140,000

7 Cebu 119060 Baigad ES level 8 140,000

7 Cebu 779070 Iamlao ES tevel 6 740,M)

7 Cebu 77907L /ito ES tevel8 7M,W7 Cebu L19073 Barili I Central ES Level 5 140.fi)O

7 Cebu 119082 Federko & Solidad Villaflor ES (tuhod ES) Level 6 14o,flX)

7 Cebu 119086 Mantawpen ES Level 5 uo,un7 Cebu 119098 Mantalon(6n ES Level 5 140,000

7 lebu 119134 Pondohan ES Level 7 140,000

7 Cebu 119135 San Antonlo ES level 7 140,000

7 CeSu tlgt47 Borbon Central ES Level S 140,000

7 Eebu LLgt47 Dofia MlhBros Osmefta ES [evel 5 140,000

7 Cebu 119191 Elpldio l. De Dlos ES tevel 5 14t),000

7 Cebrr tt9794 lpil ES level 5 140,fi'0

7 Cebu 779203 Iagulni Es Level 6 140,000

7 !e0u 119215 Eatmon lntegrated School level 5 140,000

7 Sebu 779279 l\4acaa ES Level 5 140,000

7 Cebu 179228 Estaca ES Level S 14).000

7 Sebu 7L9236 Camaga Elementary Level 7 140,000

7 3ebu 119239 Danglag Elermntary School Level 7 14)100

7 lebu 779240 Garine ES tevel E 14,000

7 Su 779247 LanlpEa ES [evel 8 140,000

7 lebu 119253 Buaesons ES level 7 14t),000

7 Sebu L7926r. Bagay ES Level 5 140,000

Page 58 of 124

scHoor PRoFirE'2014P88 .



" rulOl. IIN PHPI

'ReElon Dlvlslon . School lD ;.school Name.l .CAIEGORY

7 Cebu 719262 ]akhawan ES level 5 140,m0

7 Cebu 119268 3ulnsofungan ES Level 7 140,(xto

7 Cebu 179270 MalbaEo Elementary School Lercl5 140,000

7 hbu tL9Z76 IinuHan ES Level S 140,000

7 3ebu 7L9282, Logon ES tever s 140,000

lebu 119289 Iapllon Ceotral ES Level 5 140,000

7 lehr 179304 Lugsangan ES Level 6 140,000

7 :ehr 119312 3abayongan Elem School l€vel 7 140,000

7 :ehr 119321 [umbang ES level 6 140,000

7 lebu 1193E2 Iapon ES Level 6 140,000

7 lebu 119399 :arnbagte ES Level 8 140,000

7 lebu L79404 (abatuan ES level 7 140,000

7 lebu 119408 ialamanca ES lerrel 7 140 000

7 lebu 119415 \4ulao ES Level 6 140p00

7 :ebu L79426 (mngkod ES Level I 140,000

7 ebu 119473 Iabagak Elementary School Level 6 140,000

7 kbu 719M7 .abrador ?S level 7 140,000

7 Cebu 719454 lanhabagat ES level 5 140,000

7 Cebu t19457 lurva ES Level S 140,000

7 !ebu L79453 Kawit ES Level 5 140,000

iebu 119483 Camp 8 ES Level 5 r€,0007 Xebu u9493 Baradbatad Es level 7 [email protected]

7 lebu 119532 gawt ES level 5 trD,000

7 lebu 11!1S45 [anao ES Level 5 140,000

7 Sebu 7t95q7 Montserrat ES l-6rel s 140,000

7 lebu 119550 3an lsldro PS level I 140,000

7 :ebu 179557 3amugao ES lnel5 l4o.,ooo

7 lebu 119553 ManBoto PS Larel T 140,000

7 l€bu 119566 {namunBajan Central ES tevel 7 10,000

7 lebu 17956? runod ES level 6 140,000

7 Cebu 119558 llzal E5 lerrel5 7$,0$7 lebu 119559 ;acsac ES Level 7 140,000

7 Cebu 779572 farao Ceiltral School Lel/.el5 140,000

7 Cebu 719577 ldela Es Level 7 140,000

7 CEbu 119580 Cansabusab PS L6rel 8 140,{p0

7 lebu 119590 iiral ES Level 6 14t,080

7 Cebu 119594 Butong ES Leirel 7 140,0{,o

7 Cebq 119598 hngln ES L6rel7 140,000

7 Cebu 119506 Cafi oronE Elem€ntary School level 8 140.000

tubu 119614 San Sebastlan ES Level 6 140,000

7 !ebu 119615 ,U Da t5 level 6 140,000

7 :ebu 119619 Basak ES tevel 8 140,000

7 bbu 719627 Panadtaran ES Iet el 7 1rN),000

7 lebu 119633 Iafianas ES lev€l 6 140,000

7 lebu 119638 Sabonga-an ES level 6 740,OW

7 Sebu 119639 Cambat-an PS Level 5 140,000

7 lebu 119641 Consuelo ES Level 7 14q000

7 :ebu 7196M Daodao ES [evel 6 140.000

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iii. z0l4 PBB ,

TtHts(,IIMANCE, c^rriiii',RsBion Dlvislon S6hool lD School Name

7 lebu 119550 ian Fran€tsro Cent,al ES lEvel 7 rtD,000

7 lebu 119554 ;ta. Cntr ES level 6 14r,000

7 lebu 119555 Lucio O. Arquillano Memorlal School tevel 6 1&.000

7 lebu 119556 lulang lntegrated Sehool tevel 7 1rp,000

7 lebu L7%76 (nawahan Es level 5 140,000

7 :ebu 11%80 iab-a ES [evel 5 140,000

7 lebu 17t 689 (natarcan Elementary SEhool level 7 140,000

7 lebu 119696 lunlan ES level 7 1&,ooo

7 :eh, t7%97 (andamiang ES Level ? 1r{),000

7 lebu 119708 lagay Eleftentary SclEol Level T 1lm.000

7 lebu 119718 vlangyan ES level 7 Ir().000

7 lebu L79727 :abalawan ES Level 6 140,000

7 Cebu 779729 ialumboyan ES tevel 5 1rp,000

7 :ebu L79742 ;oeod oentral ES t€vel 7 140p00

7 Cehr L79743 ,oblacion ES t€vel 8 140,000

7 Eebrr 119754 l"abanBon ES tevel S 1{p.000

7 C€bu 119780 olho ES level 7 !ur.000

hhr 119806 Bagasawe €S level 6 14),000

7 Cehr 119812 (ampoot ES level 8 rr0,0(n

7 Cebu 11981S lvlaEupa PS lEvel 8 1/D,000

7 Cebu 119820 ;an ruan ES l-evel E 1/(),000

7 lebu 179827 Bakyawan Es level 7 1,t0,000

7 Cebu 119842 iaorasan PS tevel 8 140,000

7 3ebu 119853 udela Central Es level 5 1r{)po0

7 ;^ebu 187002 SATAGMAYA EIEM SCHOOT Level S 140p00

7 :ebu 187003 iat)al-isan ES level 7 140,000

7 Cebu t87007 [amak PS level 7 140,000

7 :ebu 187024 Colase ES tevel 6 140,000

7 :ebu 787027 iambisons ES Level 7 140,000

7 :ebu 30z9zL 3adian NHS tevel 7 1i1o,080

7 :ehr 302927 Moalboal NHS level 7 r40.000

7 3eb,u 302939 Saterla NHS Level 7 140,000

7 lebu 302965 :alumboyan NHS Level 6 140,000

7 lebu 3029?4 Sabalawan NHS Level 8 140,000

7 :6bu 302984 lolawln NHS Level 7 1tt8,000

7 3ebu 302996 ;l( Luls P. Canete NHS l-evel 6 140,000

7 lebu 303003 Don Esteban Nolas€o Memorial NHS LeYel 5 140,000

7 lebu 303005 Doila Ullng Neis Negapatan MNHS Lerel 6 140,000

7 lebu 303011 Lanipga NHs Levet 5 140,000

7 lebu 30m2s qlmacen-Tonevlllas Natjonal Hlph School Level 5 140,000

7 Sebu 303{),27 MedEltin Natlonal Sclence andTechnolorySchool l€vel 7 140,000

7 Iebu 303043 logon NHS Level S 140,000

7 lebu 3030s3 Maya National tllgh School Level T 14t),000

7 Iebu 303055 Minslanilla Sciense HS Level 8 740,A00

7 lebu 303069 Sanolome & Manuela Pafiares MNHS Level 5 140,000

7 hbu 3030r, qnislag NHS tevel 7 140,000

7 :ebu 303078 tut-od NHs level 6 140,000

7 kbu nnn PITATO NHS level 5 140,000


scHooL)ir -FUND



CATCGORY J'Reslon - Dlvblon . School lD r..,:; j.,Jt, -'ischoolName" : r "'i': i?r:t:_;

7 lebu 303m4 Salamanca NllS Level 5 140,0@

7 lebu 303t81 qrEelo MNHS Level 5 140.000

7 bbu 303100 ;antlago National Hlgh School LevEl 5 140,000

7 lebu ?L24A6 Comoostela kience & Technologr His.h School Level 7 14{t 000

Cebu 312412 Pinamungalan NHS - NiBht Let el 6 140,000

7 Cebu 37242t Bantayan Science High School t evel T 140,000

7 Cebu 272427 BalunEae NHS Letel 5 140,000

7 Cebu 372441 BuioBon lntegrated School leYel 7 1m,000

Cebu 3L2443 Kinawahan lntegrated School level 7 14tlp00

7 Cebu tL2444 TambonEon lnteg.-ated Sciool Level 7 140,0!0

7 CeSu 372M7 Catmon lntegrated School L6/el7 140,000

7 Cebu 37248 Basalnca lnteErated School level 7 7m,ooo

Cehr 372M9 tulang lrfiegrated School Level 5 1r10,000

7 Cebu 312450 IunBkll NHS Level 5 140,000

7 Cebu 172412 Kansi NHS tevel 5 140,000

7 Cebu 3124S3 Kalangahan NHS Level 7 140.000

7 Cebu 1724s9 Palanas lnteE ated School Level 6 140,000

7 Cebu 312451 lnEhov NHS tevel I 140,m0

7 Eehr 372465 lllhao lntep.ated Sehool Level T 140,@0

7 Cebu Clty 119876 \laska ES LevBl T 140,000

7 Cebu City 119879 ]anawa ES level 7 140,000

7 Cebu Cl,ty 119881 (alunasan ES Le!,el 7 140,000

7 Cebu City 119884 luhlsan ES teYel 5 140,(a0

7 Eebu City 11990s luhcao Communitv ES level 5 140,000

7 lebu City 119907 nayawan ES teYel 5 140,m0

7 :ebu City 119911 lonbon ES t6/el 5 140,000

7 :ebu City 119921 (ang-atis ES Ler/el 5 140,000

7 bbu City 303128 qbellana NHS (Day & Nlghtl Level 5 140,00O

7 :ebu City 301147 letu Gty National Science HS level 5 140,000

7 :ity of NaEa, Cebu 119511 Iangdan ES level 6 140,000

7 llty of Naea Cebu 187034 Naga SPED Center Elem. Level S 1{),000

7 Danao City 119345 hmbanay ES level 6 140,000

7 Danao Gty 119364 guina€at lntegrated School t-evel5 140,000

7 Danao City 302958 Eduardo Gone Memo. lntegrated School level 6 1/u),000

7 Danao City 302960 SandayongSur NHS level 6 140,000

7 Danao City 322002 Suinsay National HiEh School l"evelS 140,000

7 Danao Clty 322003 Ramon M, Durano Sr, Foundation - scie{ce and TechnoloBy Education Centet Lelel 6 140,000

7 Danao Clty 722047 lalaang Natlonal Hlgh School te{rel 5 140,000

7 )anao City 222004 Suinacot lntegrated School le,vel 5 140,000

7 )anao City 322449 beon Cruz lnteerated School Lsel5 140.000

7 )anao City 322070 laymunda B, llermosilla lntegrated School Leryel 5 140,000

7 )anao CIty tzzoTt ita, RoEa lnteErated s.hool Level 5 140,000

7 -apu-Lapu Clty 119!152 :ellpe F. MatbaBon Mem, ES Level 5 140,000

7 ,pu-tapu City 119955 langan-an ES level 5 140,000

? Epu-tapu Oty 119965 bo Elementary School level 6 140,0@

7 LaFl-tapil city 119966 Mactan Air Base ES Larel6 r€,000

Lapu-lapu City 7L9969 Punta EnEano ES Level 7 140,000

7 Lapu-[apu City 1L9977 3un-ob ES Level S 140,000


-..i1 :;: i r., 2014?88


',CATEGORY 'Rcglon Dlvlslon School lD ' School Rame

Lapl}lapu Oty 301772 ]abag Natlonal HiBh School Level 5 140,0m7 Lapu-lapu Gty 103t74 Bankal NHS LelrelT 140.0007 Lap-Lap{, City 3fJ3776 Bankal NtlS - Maribago HS Ext. Level 7 14).0007 tapu-taFu Clty 303193 itlemeslo.Eplfania Taneo MHS mngo HS (DE, January 1t 199S1 Level 7 140,0007 Mandaue City 120009 labancalan I ES LeYel 5 140,G)0

7 Vlandaue City 120015 2agsabungan ES Level 7 140,000

? Vlandaue Clty 120018 Don Calirito C. Yongco, Sr. ES ffawason ESf tevel 6 140.0007 ;iquilot 1m689 lanban Elementary School level 6 Itto,ooo7 ;iquUor 303293 :ampalanas Natlonal HtEh School Level 5 140,000

7 llquijor 303295 lang-alwang National Htgh Srhool level 5 140,000

7 iiquiior 307297 Enrlque Villanueva Natioflal High School Larel S 740,000

7 ilqulor 303298 San Antonlo Nadonal High Schoal level 7 140,000

7 ;lqul,or 303300 fambisan Natlonal Hlgh School Level 6 140,0007 SiquUor 3(B301 llqulo. Provinclal Sclence HlBh School LeYel 5 140,0007 iquljor 303302 tanban Natlohal HiEh School Level 6 140r007 iiguijor 303306 DepEt)-l,azl National Agricultural School level 5 140,0007 fagbilaran Clty 778742 Booy Elemeotary School Leeel 5 140,000

7 lagbilaran Gty 1787t6 Ubuian Elementary School Level 5 Irr0,0007 Iagbilaran Oty 302845 )r. Cecilio PutonE NHS (Bohol NHSI Level 6 140,000

7 iallsay Clty 7797A8 Maghaway Es Level S 7N,8gO7 Iallsay Clty 233502 lawaan lll ES I,evel6 74o,,AAD

7 fohdo City tzo7t3 Stga ES tEvel 5 14t,,0007 toHo City 1207t8 loay Elementary School Level 5 140,000

7 toledo Crty 7ZO724 :alonB€along ES lanel 5 140,000

7 l'oledo Oty 7ZO728 :arm€n ES telrel 7 140,0m7 bledo Oty 720729 .llmatungan ES lerrel 7 140,000

7 'oledo Gty 720738 rangamlhan ES level 5 740,OoD

7 foEdo City 720747 -ower Tubod ES LeYel 6 140,000

7 Ioledo Clty 720753 Nofih City Central ES Level 6 140,@0

7 Ioledo City 720757 ;outh oty Cenrral ES Level 5 140,000

8 Baybay City L2LW2 San lsld.o ES level 6 140,080

I Saybay City 121093 ;ta. eruz ES Level 5 740p00I faybay Clty 121098 lidllnan E5 IeY€l 6 140,0m8 Saybay Clty 127L04 :inta-on Ps Lerrel 6 140,000

8 taybay Oty 721707 Vlatafl!,ls ES larel 6 140,000

8 Baybay Oty 1Z17ZO (abunga-an ES Level S 140,m0I Baybay City 727722 vlapgap ES Level 6 140,000

8 Baybal' city 127724 Maypatag ES L€vel 6 140,tx,0

8 Baybay City 7277% Gabas Central School Le{rel 5 140,000

8 Saybay Gty 121138 Gubang ES level 5 140000I Saybay Oty 12t747 Kagumay ES level 5 140,m0E Baybay Oty 303400 Maklnhas NHS Level 5 140,000

8 illi.an 120761 yosan ES Let/el S 140,000

E Siliran 120763 to-ok Es level I 140,000

E llllran 120765 )alayan ES te.\rel 5 1tO,000

8 Siliran t20r/o I'ABUNAN ES level 5 1tt0,000

8 Blliran 120774 lilinn CS tevel 5 140,000

I lentr.n 720775 Burabod ES Level 5 140,000




Provide orientation about schooLto€chool partnerships.

Create a eommunieationeampaign to advocate the valueand importanee of school-to.school partnerships in the


Assist Leader Sehools hselecting their Partner Schools.

Communicate with LeaderSchools to confirm theiracceptance of the fund. ln theevent that a Leader Sehoolrefuses the funcl, manage theuse of the fund for the supposedPaftnef School.

SBM Coordinator helps facilitatethe communicalion betweenLeader Schoole and PartnerSchools.

Seleet a nearby Parlner Schoolfrom the list in this tink:btt.lylsehoolJtarfr,/er

Make inidal conlact with epolential Partner School andconfirm if the school has not yetbeen selected as a PartnerSehool.

Create a core team who wlllprovide lhe technical assistanceand support needed by theParher School.

Form a team who ha a heart brservice and a commifnenttohelp improve another school.

Appoint a focal person who willlialse with the Parfrer School.

ldentifr a focal person who willliaise with the Leader Sfiool.

Odent your teacfring and non-teaching personnel about theschoofs lnvolvament andparticipatlon in the school-to-sehool partnership.

This is to ensure that everybodyin school is onboard. Wholeschool rpmmifnent is key to thesuccass of this partnership.

Orienl your teaching and non-teeching peIsonnel about theschool's involvement andparticipation in the school-t+school partrErship.

This is to ensure that everybodyin school is onboard. Wholeschool commitrnent is key to thesuccess of this partnership.

Page 1 of 3

Assess the needs of the PartnerSchool based on their Schoollmprovement Plan {SlP) toensuE that you are targeting themost critical areas:- do a collaborative review of theSIP with the Partner School- ask the Parher Schoolwhatthey have done already- ask what are their targets, whatspecific resources and supportlhey need, whal are lheehallenges in lmplementing theplans in the SlP, and what arethe cunent gaps in the plans- lnterview stakehoHerc:teachers, students, parents ifneces3ary

ldentifl your school strerEthsand your capacity to support thePartner School. Given the needsof your Partner School and thefund that was given, what helpcan you provide? ConsHer thelist of eligible activities in Section5.3.

Communtsate this to your ParhetS6iool.

Create a timetable with durationand consult the Partner Schoolon this. This will be part of theWork and Financlal Plan ffiP)which should follow the fomat inAnnex 7.

Enter into a formal schooFto-school partnership agreementwith your Partner School (Annex6 shows a sample school-to-sehool parfership agreement).

Prepare SIP€RC and otherschool data.

Participate in the collaborativerevierv facllitated by the LeaderSchool. Be honest in epressingyour challenges and needs.

Hentry teacherE and students tobe interviewed for needsassessment if necessary.

Discuss and agree on ihe scopeof help to be given by the LeaderSehool.

Based on the seope. assign theProject Team (preferably the SIPProJecl Team in-cfia€e of thePrlority lmprovernefl t Area) whowill work with the Leader School.

Give feedback and commenE onThCWFP.

Review the partnershipagreement and sign if everythingis in order.

Pass the folhwing to fre SchoolsDivision Office:- a table summarizlng the needsof the Partner School and thascope of help that will beprovkied-WFP- School-to-school partnershipagreement

Review and approve he WFPssubmltted by the Leader Schools.

Consolidate me fist of schoolswith approved tAlFPs and theirconesponding Partner Schootsfollowing Annex 8.

Page 2 of 3

Conduct training, coaching, andtechnical assistanoe to LeaderSchoob pertaining to partnershipplanning, joint probEm solving,and resource mobilization ifnecessary.

lnvolr/e the Local Govemm€ntUniF (LGUS) when needed.

Emure an efficient transfer offunds to Leader Schools.

Facilitate regular meetings withLeader Sehooh in the Division.

Nlonitor the irpact of thepartnership on Partner Schools inthe Division.

Receive the tund from the SDO,

Start proiect knplementation. Start prcfect implementation.

Monitor projeet implemenlationout@mes.

Continue coordinatlon wittLeader School.

Document reportedaccomplishments.

Glve recognltlon to €leservirELeader Schools and ParherSchools in the Divisloo.

Conduct debriefing for bothLeader Schools end PartrerSchools.

Docurnent the gainvimpact of theproject.

Document the gains/impact of theproiect.

Transfer process/tecfi nology topartner school as part of thetransition.

Actively pardcipate in thekansition.

Consolilate the liquidationIeporb using Annex '10 foronurard submission to theRegional Office.

Conduct team debriefing byprocessing the insights andleamlngs gained thlough thepartnership,

Submit aecomplishment reportsto the SDO using Annex 11 andllquidate the tunds.

Conduct Eam debriefing bypro€essing the insight8 andleamings gained through thepartnership.

Page 3 cf 3



:i NO. OF IEADER."ir ',.'.- SCHOOT-S ":

,. ,.7 . {.-t .. I ;::r

1 327 M,94f.,ffiQ 370,0002 374 43,960,000 362,000

362 s0,680.000 4L7.OOO

4A 420 58,800.000 484,0004B 323 45.220.fiOs 372,5005 494 69,160.000 559,0006 351 49,740,W0 4O4,5W7 369 51,560.000 425,sOQo 8X9 114,660,000 943,5OA

9 319 u,660,000 367,s0€10 337 47,180,000 388,50077 264 36,960,000 304,50072 391 54,740,9O0 450,s00CAR 237 32344.040 266,5UCARAGA 268 37.520.000 309,000NCR 99 13,860,000 114,500NIR 266 37,240,O4O 306,s00

TOTAL 5,948 8?2,7m,040 6,85t500

J,"ror.nr 1;noor..,,tu!!p(l!-e-ttP)








.: ' (rN PHPIi't Alaminos City 5 700,000 51,0001 Batac City 4 560,000 41,000I Candon City 2 280,000 20.5001 Dagupan City 4 560,000 41,000t llocos Norte 29 4,060,000 294,s00L lloeos Sur 63 8,820 000 639,5007 La Union 48 6,720,OO0 487,500L Laoa6 City 1 x4o,ooo 10,5001 Pangasinan l, Lingayen 81 11,340,000 822,5001 Pangasinan ll, Binalonan 53 7.4ZO.OOO 53&0001 San Ca'rlos City 15 2,10o,ooo 152,500L San Fernando City I 140.000 10,5001 Urdaneta City L4 1,960,(x1c L42,5AA

1 Vigan City 1 140,000 10,5002 Batanes 6 840,000 61,000z Cagayan L23 17.220.40A '!.248.50(2 Cauayan City 10 1.400.000 102,0002 City of llaean 6 840,000 61,000z lsabela r75 16,100,000 t,L67,5OO2 Nueva Vizcaya t6 2,240,WA 162,5002 Quirino 31 4,340,O44 31s,0002 iantiago City 3 420,000 30,500z fuBue8arao City 4 560,000 41,0003 Angeles City 8 1.120,000 81,5003 Aurora 18 2,520.000 183,ff)o3 Balanga City 2 280,000 20,5003 Bataan 33 4,6?0,00Q 335,0003 Bulacan 60 8.400,000 609,s003 Cabanatuan City 8 7,720,004 81,5003 Gapan City 3 420,O04 30,5003 Mabalacat City I 1,120,000 81,5U0

3 Malolos City 5 700,000 51,0003 Meycauayan City 3 420,000 30,5003 Munoz Science Clty 3 420,000 30,5003 Nueva Ecija 27 3,78q000 274,5AO3 Olongapo City 3 420,004 30,5002 Pampanga 73 70,220,A00 747,ffio3 San Fernando City 9 1,260,000 91,5003 ian Jose City 7 980,000 71,5003 San Jose del Monte Citv 6 840,000 61,0003 Iarlac 63 8.820.000 639,5003 Iarlac City 10 1,400,000 102,0003 Zambales L3 1,820,000 L32,OOA

4A Antipolo City 10 1,4'00,000 102,0004A Bacoor City 5 700,000 51,000

Page 1 of5

,1.'', !,-i

REGTON I., 4,?' r,4

r.>r. !r

' ,.: "j; -. ' 'i',,' ' '.'''i.".)i.. ,rir ..',* ..:

'..it.: .:t , ,: .. ?lY]llOry. .

!:.r;"u*,;,i : ;1 .

:: NO; OF [EADER'.:r

:;,' SCHOOIS':.'.' "

* TOTAL SCHOOL'q,I,-i..' .;r. . ';,+,. ^, -. 1.

,, FUND (lN PHP);::4A Batangas 82 11.480.000 832,5004A Batangas City 10 1,400,000 LOz,oo[4A Calamba City 74 1.960,000 L42,50A4A Cavite 29 4060,000 294,5004A Cavite City 7 140,000 10,5004A Dasmarinas City 7 980,000 71,5004A lmus City 3 42:0,0w 30,s004A Laguna 53 7,424.OO0 538,0004A tipa City I !,260,4N 91,s004A Lucena City 7 980,000 71,5004A Quezon 732 18,480,000 1,34o,ooo4A Rizal 32 4,480,000 325,0004A San Pablo City 9 1,260,000 91.5004A Sta. Rosa City 3 420,000 30,5004A Tanauan City 10 1,400,000 102,0004A Iayabas City 4 560,000 41.00048 Calapan City 16 2,240,NO L62,5AA4B Marinduque 39 5,460,000 396,00048 Occidental Mindoro 48 6,720,OO4 487.5004B Oriental Mindoro 72 10,080,000 73r,OU48 Palawan 79 11,060,000 802,00048 Puerto Princesa City 32 4,480,O0A 3210004B Romblon 37 5,190,000 376,0005 Albay 69 9,660,000 700,s005 Camarines Norte 42 5,880.000 426,5W5 Camarines Sur 743 20,020,000 L,452,OOO5 Catanduanes 24 3,360,000 z44,O0A5 lriga City 4 560,000 41,0005 IegaspiCity I 1,120,000 81,5005 Ligao City 6 840.000 61,0005 Masbate 105 74,WO,0OO L,O76,0005 Masbate City 4 560,000 4X,0005 Naga City 3 42O,000 30,5005 Sorsogon 7t 9,94O,OOO 727,O0A5 Sorsogon City 9 L,260,OO0 91,5005 Iabaco City 5 700000 51,0006 Aklan 48 6,72O,WO 487,50Q6 Antique 78 L0,92O,0O0 792,0046 Capiz s6 7,A4,AOO 568,5006 Guimaras 11 1,540,000 112,000b lloilo L37 19.180.000 1,391,0006 lloilo City 10 1,400,000 102,0006 PassiCity 3 42O,AOQ 30,5006 Roxas City 8 7,LzO,AoA 81,5007 Bogo City 6 840,000 61,0007 Bohol 138 79,320,OOO 1.401.0007 Carcar City 7 980,000 77,5007 Cebu 159 22,260,OO0 1,614,0007 Cebu Citv x0 1,400,000 102.000

Page 2 ofs

I PSF FOR DIVISION..Jr. .'. r.,-r. .r'. t4,, ,. -.. :' (lN PHPI,l.1.


7 City of Naea, Cebu z 280,000 20,5007 Danao City LL 1,540,000 112.0007 Lapu-lapu City 10 1,400.000 102,0007 Mandaue City 3 420,000 30,5007 Siquijor 9 1,260,000 91,5007 Tagbilaran City 3 420,000 30 5007 Iqli!?Lcjty 2 280,000 20,5007 Ioledo City 9 1,260,000 91,5008 Baybay City 72 1,680,000 722,O00I Biliran 45 6,300,000 457,OOO

I Borongan City 5 840,000 61,0008 Calbayog City 22 3,080,000 223,500I Catbalosan City 3 420,OOO 30,500I Eastern Samar 48 6,720,OAO 487,500I Leyte 222 31.080.000 2,253,500I Maasin City 8 !,LZO,OO0 81,5008 Northern Samar 72 10,080,000 731,000I Ormoc City 9 1,260,000 91,5008 Samar (Western Samar) 292 40,880,000 2.963.WO8 Southern Leyte 75 10,500,000 761,5000o Iacloban City 5 700,000 51,0009 Dapitan City 8 L,L20,OOO 81,5009 Dipolog City 4 560,000 41,0009 lsabela City 6 840,000 61,000I Pagadian City 10 7,400,NO LOz,AOA

I Zamboanga City 32 4,4gO,OOO 325,0009 Zamboanga Sibugay 63 8,820,0O0 639,5009 Zamboanea del Norte 106 14840,000 t,o76,ooo9 Zamboanga del Sur 90 12,600.000 914,m010 Bukidnon 80 11,200.fit0 812,500LO CaEavan de Oro Citv LL 1,540,@0 112,00C10 Camiguln 5 700,000 s1,00010 El Salvador 1 140,000 10,50010 Gingoog Clty 19 2,6ffi,WO 193,00010 llgan City L8 2,52O,WO 183,00010 Lanao del Norte 47 6.580.000 477,50010 Vlalaybalay City 8 1,L20,OOO 81.50010 lVlisamis Occidental 52 7,280.000 528,00010 Misamis Oriental 65 9,100,000 550,00010 Oroquieta City 5 700,(xr0 51,00010 Ozamis City 8 1,120,000 81,50010 Ianeub City 10 1.400.000 702,00010 Valencia City 8 7,720,AA0 81,500LL Compostela Vallev 49 5,860,000 497,300LL Davao City 43 6,o2o,ooo 436,508L7 Davao Oriental 18 2,52o,ooo 183,0007t Davao del Norte 27 3.780.000 274,50011 Davao del Sur 77 10,780,000 782,OOO

11 Digos City L 140,000 10,500

Page 3 ofs

REGION ..TOTAI SCHOOI... a.,, . ., ;.

,'FUND (rN PHP):iY

;PSF FOR DlVlSlONi,..a. .:i,.:(,lij

i j (tN PHPI,, .." j


L7 lsland Garden City of Samal 7 980,000 71,500LL MataCity 29 4,060,000 294,50011 Panabo City 8 1,,720.000 81,500

11 Iagum City 5 700,000 51.000L2 Cotabato City 6 840,000 61,00c

L2 General Santos €itv 15 2,100,000 152,500

LZ Kidapawan City 7 980,000 71,500L2 Koronadal City 5 700,000 51,000

72 North Cotabato 188 26,320,000 1,908,s00

t2 9arangani 79 11,060,000 802,000L2 South Cotabato 39 5,460,000 396,00012 Sultan Kudarat 46 6,440,000 467,OOA

L2 Iacurong City 6 840,000 51,00€CAR Abra 40 5,600,000 406,5mCAR Apayao 37 4,340,0AO 31s,000CAR Bagulo City I 1.120.000 81,500CAR Benguet s9 8,260,000 599,000CAR lfugao 25 3,500,000 254,400CAR Kalinga 27 3,78A,ON 274,508

CAR Mt. Provlnce 34 4,760,OOO 345,500

CAR Iabuk City 7 980,0m 71,500

CARAGA Agusan del Norte 26 3,640,000 zil,OOOCARAGA Agusan del Sur 57 7,980,000 579,000

CARAGA Bayugan Clty 7 980,000 71,500

CARAGA Bislie City 3 420,000 30,500

CARA6A Butuan City 28 3,920,000 284,500CARA6A Cabadbaran City 3 420,000 30,500

CARAGA Dinasat lsland 25 3,5oO,ooo 254,O00

CARA€A Siargao 47 6,590,000 477,5OO

CARA6A Surigao City t2 1.580.000 722,000

CARAGA Surlsao del Norte 74 1,960,000 L42,50C

CARAGA Surieao del Sur 46 6,440,W0 467,000

CARA6A Iandag City 0 0 0

NCR Caloocan City 7 980,000 77,504NCR City of San Juan 0 0 0

NCR Las Piffas CiE 6 840,000 61,000

NCR Makaticity 5 700,000 51,000

NCR Malabon City 10 1,400,000 102,000

NCR Mandaluyong City 6 840,000 61,000

NCR lVlanila 12 1,6g0,ooo 722,OW

NCR Marikina City 3 420,000 30,50€

NCR lVluntinlupa City 2 280,000 20,500

NCR Navotas 2 280,000 20,s00

NCR Paranaque City 2 280,000 20,500

NCR Pasay City 5 700,000 51,000

NCR Paslg Clty 4 56o,OOO 47,O40

NCR Auezon City 20 2,900,000 203,500

NCR faguiE City-Pateros 8 1,12o,ooo 81,500

NCR falenzuela City 7 980,000 71,500

Page 4 of 5

NIR Bacolod City 72 1,680,000 L22,OAONIR Bago City 7 980,000 7L,nANIR Bais City 4 560,000 41.000NIR Bayawan City 8 1,120,000 81.,500NIR Cadiz City I 1,260,000 91,500NIR Dumaguete Citl, 2 280,OO0 20,500NlR Escalante City 3 420,000 30,500NIR Guihulngan City 5 700,000 51,000NIR Kabankatan City 18 2,52O,AO0 183,000NIR La Carlota City 1 140,000 10,50dNIR Negros Occidental 89 72,460,OOO 903,500NIR Negros Oriental 75 10,500,000 761,500NIR Sagay City 9 1,260,000 91,500NIR San Carlos City 8 1,120,000 81,500NIR Silay City I 7,L20,OOA 81.500NIR Ianjay City I L,L20,OOQ 81,500

TOTAI 5,98 8,72,720,WQ 60,424,5OO

Page 5 of 5


REGION Dtvtstotrl scHoot, tD SCHOOI I'IAME sEM GRANT 20t4 a.tQuto ftoil7 !ohd 177gffi llrgen ES No liguidation

7 !ohol 118064 lonotbonot ES No liquidation

7 lohol 118075 :awag €S $lo llquldation

7 !ohol L78079 Magtaya ES No llquldation

7 iohol 118{80 Nueve Granada ES No liquidation

7 Bohol 118082 )verland ES No llquidation

7 Bohol 118083 P.;flrol Es 0lo llquidation

7 Bohol t78Z2L Cardelarla ES No llquidatioil

7 Bohol 718262 ;afi tstdro ES No llquldation

7 Bohol 118570 gagrwasan Es No llquldatlon

7 Eohol 118589 BoBo ES No llquldetlon

Bohol 118599 Fopoo ES No llquHatbn

7 Bohol 312310 Bayatiyahan National Hich Scftool No lhuldatlon

8 Biliran 72W6' Palayan ES hcomplete llquHadon

E Biliran 720770 TABUNAN ES hcomplete liquUation

8 :astern Samar 727479 Cansancaya ES Na lhuldatlof,

I Eastetn Samar 122426 iolons ES No liquldatlon

8 !astern Samar t22429 3uemvista ES Nolaquldatlm

I :a3lern Samar 722439 Malaintos ES Nolquidatlon

I iastern Samar tzz436 Rizal ES No llsrldation

I iastern Samar 722444 IlkllnEEs No llglrldatlon

8 tastern Samar 722522 Anuron ES No llguldatlon

8 iastern Samar 122536 Bobon ES No liquldation

8 g$tem Samar 7ZZ35L iung-an ES No liquldation

8 !a9tem Samar 12258e Can-ato ES No llqutdetlon

I :aslem Samat 122S99 Flliw ES No llquidation

I :astem Samar 722607 lan Mlguel Es No liquldatlon

I iastefn Samar 722677 Suhdalitan ES No lhuldatlon

I :astefn Samar 172637 fallsay ES No lhuldatlon

8 :astern Samar 177625 turak ES No liquldatlon

I :a!tern Samar 122646 ;abang ES No liquidation

8 :astern Samar 722649 iaurong ES No liqridarion

8 :astern Samar t225sl tawaeen ES No llquidation

8 i8tern Samal 122659 ,untay Es No liquldatlon

I latern Samar L2266t :a8dine ES No liquldation

I iasteln Samar 722692 lasilim ES No liquldatlon

I !astern Samer tzz694 beran ES No llquldadon

I :astern Samat 722777 lutis Es No liquidation

8 last€rn Samar 722?22 :ampHhan ES filo liquldatoa

8 :astern Samar 722726 Libas ES No llcuidation

8 iastefn Samar tz27?4 lahay ES Nollquidatim

t iastefn SEmar 722746 q-et ES No llquldatlon

8 last6rn Samar 722736 ito. Nlno ES No llquHatlon

I iastem Samar 122766 3ayxn PS No liquidation

I lastern Samar 722769 Vallnao ES N6 liquidation

8 :asiern Samat 122770 ueto E5 No llquldation

8 :astem Samar 1ZZ77L PolanEI ES No llquldatlon

8 Eartem Samar 722772 ian Luls ES No llquldatlon

I iastem Samar LZZT4 ;an Rafael PS No liquidation

8 Eastern Samar 303498 Camantanc NHS No lhuidatlon

I !eyte 12098s Benoho ES No liguldatlon

Page 6 of 17




This PARTIIERSHIP AGREEMENT (hereinafter refened to as "Agreemenf) is entered into this day of2016 at _, by and bet'seen:

INAnllE OF ScHooLl,located at represented by the School Head,[NameJ, (hereinafter ealled the r'Leader School");


INAME OF SCHOOLL located at represented by the School Head,[Name], (hereinafter ealled the "Partner Sehool');


tllrHEREAS, the Leader School sees that supporting the Partner School reach its full potentialwill ultimatelybenefit the communig as a whole:

lllrHEREAS, the Leader School has signifled its willingness and commitment to support and assist thePartner School lhrough a partnership agreement;

WHEREAS, the Partner School, sees that the Leader school can be its coach, mentor and role model incuniculum implementation and scfrool-based management;

IIVHEREAS, the Partner Sehool, likewise, is willing and commifted to be supported and assisted by theLeader School in order to reach the dasired performance;

NOUI, THEREFORE, abore premises considered, the Parties hereby commit themselves to perform theirrespeeiive obligations under this Agreement:

Responsibilities of Leader Sehool Resoonsibilities of Partner School

lN lllllTNESS UITHEREOF, the Parties have eaused this Agreement to be signed in their names on the dayand place above written.


Name ofthe School Head Name of the Scfroo! Head





IMRK AND FINANCIAL FIAiI TETIPLATEfqRstton3, Olvlrlont, rntt Soioolg

Inolemm$na OfR6:(Fsce|loels, PartnBr Sdtcot:


Fund Alloclte!r!

Cd. ldY*

Nffie e ShnatuE; OoslorEtlon

AppDEd byi





as of

Certified gonect:

Name & Signature; Designation Head of Offieel0rganization

Prapared by:

Divislon School lD ,, School Name School lD .rSchool Name





























Date Date





siah lisr ot Leadet Schools

SDO s[bmlts a cqGst blhe@ncermt DEM RO lor lhorcleoseot ttE ftolicr ol Cash Allocaatons

aft3? rEeMng rhe Sub.^Ro

School llqqldEies 10096 ol lls sBl6GEr* 2Dl4 wllhln 15 .lqys 6fts

lEscanEe otpollcy

SDO enrms lhat school fquHarosIte 9BM GBnt2014 withln 15 dnys

after I Bsulnce ot pollc, and$uofilts fiq.{dailon eport to tlro RO

lollqdEo Anner 10 by ruly 15

RO BubBtt3 ille consolidatedlquEadfi EporE lor SEM crfit

2014 ro th. gED by July 31

Schgol seleetg olrg parmerichooltrcB btllyrsrtgoura.frer ild

follm lie pmrdures ln Anrer ztor establishina 3{*Eol'{6ciool


SDO slgns school-ro.sch@lpartneEhiP ag'tfiflifl aid FGtsthe ogtremeot and acopy ol &eguldifms in aia DiYlsion mbsi3e

and inpubllc sre6

Srfiool enl9B lnto aschEoll6chool pannenhlp

agEemor* wlth Partrls schooliollffilng Annox 6

SDO appmaB sclpol's wFP mdreleses the lund

SOO summrhes sEfi@ls' IVFPBmd submlb lht ol sch@le wllh

appmd WFPs and flsr otcomEPondlng PmreJ schools 10

SEhool pods ln Eny pflbllc andopm trea the fud ahal€d, datoot e.elptr and a copy ol ttE WFP

sulrmldad lD rhe SDO

RO mslidalB k.il schoolswilh apprmd $rFPs and liEls olParmt Schml3 &d sordBbths

SED by AsguEt 1,5

Scioot Had shmlls physical andfhanclol ftcotf,plishmeotg to ttEsDO udr? Amex 1l on orhbE

th8 10rh day o, rhe lollowlm mffithattea fia conduct ol tha actMty

SDo rEvisre md yolidots Eportedacc0flrplirhmsle qt ot lr€loE lt€12th day E liE lollowiB qmrrr(Jury 1a ocuz, e Jan,lit ot lhe

€liwlng yearl

sDO ffislldatos ihtr nquldnthnEForls Elng Anner 10 ild sbmi!3lo tho RO on of beioe tlle lilth day

of drr lollorving qmrtEr (July 1aOct r.il, & Jilz ol the ffsr{ng yffil

s€h@l Head submlts flquldatlonGpon ol ah€ uttllzed fund lo ttesDO m q befoE the loth day of

lhE folbwirg mnth atiE.lheeondlrt ol eo activity

lnl$al mpon on osL 31, 2016

END: RO coBolldales fiolhuidarion Bports anal subm


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