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قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing...

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ادة ي ق ان ون يLeadership of Jonah م ي د ق ل هد ا ع ل ا ي ف ر ي ش ب ي ل اEvangelizing in the Old Testament
Page 1: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

يونانقيادة Leadership of Jonah

العهدفي ر



Evangelizing in the

Old Testament

Page 2: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

الخوف – 1 Fear

الخوف – 1 Fear

But Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD. He went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish; so he paid the fare, and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD. (Jon 1:3)

But Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD. He went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish; so he paid the fare, and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD. (Jon 1:3)

الرب وجه من ترشيش الى ليهرب يونان فقامترشيش الى ذاهبة سفينة ووجد يافا الى فنزلالى معهم ليذهب فيها ونزل اجرتها فدفع

. الرب وجه )3 : 1يون( ترشيشمن

الرب وجه من ترشيش الى ليهرب يونان فقامترشيش الى ذاهبة سفينة ووجد يافا الى فنزلالى معهم ليذهب فيها ونزل اجرتها فدفع

. الرب وجه )3 : 1يون( ترشيشمن

2 – الفتور Lukewarm

2 – الفتور Lukewarm

الدعوه. 1 رفضRefusing the Call

Page 3: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he became angry. (Jon 4:1)

But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he became angry. (Jon 4:1)

. فاغتاظ شديدا غما يونان ذلك . (1 : 4يون) فغم فاغتاظ شديدا غما يونان ذلك (1 : 4يون) فغم

المحبة – 3 Not عدمloving

المحبة – 3 Notعدمloving

الدعوه. 1 رفضRefusing the Call

Page 4: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

الصالة. األنجيل /اa. The Prayer / The Bible

الصالة. األنجيل /اa. The Prayer / The Bible

: قائال امتاي بن يونان الى الرب قول قم وصارالنه عليها وناد العظيمة المدينة نينوى الى اذهب

. امامي شرهم صعد )2- 1 : 1يون( قد

: قائال امتاي بن يونان الى الرب قول قم وصارالنه عليها وناد العظيمة المدينة نينوى الى اذهب

. امامي شرهم صعد )2- 1 : 1يون( قدNow the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come

up before Me. (Jon 1:1 - 2)

Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come

up before Me. (Jon 1:1 - 2)

صوت. 2الله

God’s Voice

Page 5: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

الظروف. بb. Circumstances

الظروف. بb. Circumstances

نوء فحدث البحر الى شديدة ريحا الرب فارسل ) . يون تنكسر السفينة كادت حتى البحر في : 1عظيم

4 (

نوء فحدث البحر الى شديدة ريحا الرب فارسل ) . يون تنكسر السفينة كادت حتى البحر في : 1عظيم

4 (But the LORD sent out a great wind on the sea, and

there was a mighty tempest on the sea, so that the ship was about to be broken up. (Jon 1: 4)

But the LORD sent out a great wind on the sea, and there was a mighty tempest on the sea, so that the ship

was about to be broken up. (Jon 1: 4)

صوت. 2الله

God’s Voice

لنعرفبسبب نلقيقرعا لبعضهلم بعضهم قال وعلى القرعة فوقعت قرعا فالقوا البلية هذه من

)7 : 1يون( يونان.

لنعرفبسبب نلقيقرعا لبعضهلم بعضهم قال وعلى القرعة فوقعت قرعا فالقوا البلية هذه من

)7 : 1يون( يونان.And they said to one another, "Come, let us cast lots, that

we may know for whose cause this trouble [has come] upon us" So they cast lots, & the lot fell on Jonah (Jon 1:7)

And they said to one another, "Come, let us cast lots, that we may know for whose cause this trouble [has come]

upon us" So they cast lots, & the lot fell on Jonah (Jon 1:7)

Page 6: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

فلم البر الى السفينة ليرجعوا جذفوا الرجال ولكن . عليهم اضطرابا يزداد كان البحر الن يستطيعوا

)13 : 1يون(

فلم البر الى السفينة ليرجعوا جذفوا الرجال ولكن . عليهم اضطرابا يزداد كان البحر الن يستطيعوا

Nevertheless the men rowed hard to return to land, but )13 : 1يون( they could not, for the sea continued to grow more

tempestuous against them.(Jon 1: 13)

Nevertheless the men rowed hard to return to land, but they could not, for the sea continued to grow more

tempestuous against them.(Jon 1: 13)

صوت. 2الله

God’s Voiceالظروف. ب

b. Circumstancesالظروف. ب

b. Circumstances

Page 7: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

الناس. تc. The People

الناس. تc. The People

قم نائما مالك له وقال رئيسالنوتية اليه فجاء . نهلك فال فينا االله يفتكر ان الهكعسى الى اصرخ

)6 : 1يون(

قم نائما مالك له وقال رئيسالنوتية اليه فجاء . نهلك فال فينا االله يفتكر ان الهكعسى الى اصرخ

)6 : 1يون( So the captain came to him, and said to him: What do you mean, sleeper? arise, call on your God; perhaps

your God will consider us, so that we may not perish. (Jon 1: 6)

So the captain came to him, and said to him: What do you mean, sleeper? arise, call on your God; perhaps

your God will consider us, so that we may not perish. (Jon 1: 6)

صوت. 2الله

God’s Voice

Page 8: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

الضمير. ثd. The Conscience

الضمير. ثd. The Conscience

اله الرب خائفمن وانا عبراني انا لهم فقال. والبر البحر صنع الذي )9 : 1يون( السماء

اله الرب خائفمن وانا عبراني انا لهم فقال. والبر البحر صنع الذي )9 : 1يون( السماء

So he said to them, I am a Hebrew; and I fear the LORD, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the

dry land. (Jon 1: 9)

So he said to them, I am a Hebrew; and I fear the LORD, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the

dry land. (Jon 1: 9)

صوت. 2الله

God’s Voice

Page 9: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

يونان .... الكارزThe Evangelist … Jonah

يونان .... الكارزThe Evangelist … Jonah

الطريق .... رفقاء البحارةThe Mariners … the road companion

الطريق .... رفقاء البحارةThe Mariners … the road companion

المخدومين .... نينوى أهلPeople of Nineveh … the served people

المخدومين .... نينوى أهلPeople of Nineveh … the served people

األفضل؟. 3 منWho is the best?

Page 10: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

ماهو علينا المصيبة هذه بسببمن اخبرنا له فقالواايشعب ومن ارضك ماهي اتيت اين ومن عملك

)8 : 1يون( ؟ انت

ماهو علينا المصيبة هذه بسببمن اخبرنا له فقالواايشعب ومن ارضك ماهي اتيت اين ومن عملك

)8 : 1يون( ؟ انتThen they said to him, Please tell us! For whose cause is

this trouble upon us? What is your occupation? And where do you come from? What is your country? And

of what people are you? (Jon 1: 8)

Then they said to him, Please tell us! For whose cause is this trouble upon us? What is your occupation? And

where do you come from? What is your country? And of what people are you? (Jon 1: 8)

للكارز؟ .4 هامه أسئلةImportant questions to the Evangelist?

Page 11: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

؟ .2 اتيت اين من?Where do you come from .2

؟ .2 اتيت اين من2. Where do you come from?

؟ .1 عملك ماهو?What is your occupation .1

؟ .1 عملك ماهو1. What is your occupation?

الرسالةThe messageالرسالة

The message

؟ . 3 ارضك ماهي?What is your country .3

؟ . 3 ارضك ماهي3. What is your country?

انت . 4 شعب اي ؟ منOf what people are you .4?

انت . 4 شعب اي ؟ من4. Of what people are you?

السماء منFrom heaven

السماء منFrom heaven

السماء الىTo heaven

السماء الىTo heaven

الكنيسةThe churchالكنيسة

The church

للكارز؟ .4 هامه أسئلةImportant questions to the Evangelist?

Page 12: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

اله الرب من خائف وانا عبراني انا لهم فقال. والبر البحر صنع الذي خوفا السماء الرجال فخاف

الرجال فان هذا فعلت لماذا له وقالوا عظيمااخبرهم النه الرب وجه من هارب انه يون) . عرفوا

1 : 9 - 10(So he said to them, I am a Hebrew; and I fear the

LORD, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the dry land. Then the men were exceedingly afraid, and said to him, "Why have you done this?" For the men

knew that he fled from the presence of the LORD, because he had told them. (Jon 1: 9 - 10)

مقصودة؟ .5 غير كرازةAn Unintended Evangelism?

Page 13: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

اجل من نهلك ربال يا اه قالوا و الرب الى فصرخوارب يا النك بريئا دما علينا تجعل وال الرجل نفسهذا

شئت البحر . فعلتكما في طرحوه و يونان اخذوا ثم. هيجانه عن البحر الربخوفا فوقف من الرجال فخاف

نذورا ونذروا للرب ذبيحة وذبحوا - 14 : 1يون( . عظيما16(

Therefore they cried out to the LORD and said, We pray, O LORD, please do not let us perish for this man's life, and do not charge us with innocent blood; for You, O LORD, have done as it pleased You. So they picked up Jonah

and threw him into the sea, and the sea ceased from its raging. Then the men feared the LORD exceedingly,

and offered a sacrifice to the LORD and took vows. (Jon 1: 14 - 16)

مقصودة؟ .5 غير كرازةAn Unintended Evangelism?

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الخوف المقدسHoly fear

الخوف المقدسHoly fearااليمان



مقصودة؟ .5 غير كرازةAn Unintended Evangelism?

Page 15: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

عظيم نوء فحدث البحر الى شديدة ريحا الرب فارسل . فخاف تنكسر السفينة كادت حتى البحر في

االمتعة وطرحوا الهه الى واحد كل وصرخوا المالحون . واما عنهم ليخففوا البحر الى السفينة في التي

و واضطجع السفينة جوف الى نزل قد فكان يونان. ثقيال نوما (5 - 4 : 1يون) نام

But the LORD sent out a great wind on the sea, and there was a mighty tempest on the sea, so that the ship was

about to be broken up. Then the mariners were afraid; and every man cried out to his god, and threw the cargo that was in the ship into the sea, to lighten the load. But Jonah had gone down into the lowest parts of the ship,

had lain down, and was fast asleep. (Jon 1: 4 - 5)

تسهيالت؟ ... ... .6 أم مفاجآت معطالتObstructions … Surprises … or Facilities?

Page 16: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

بسبب لنعرف قرعا نلقي لبعضهلم بعضهم وقالفوقعت قرعا فالقوا البلية هذه على من القرعة

يون. ( )7 : 1يونان And they said to one another, come, let us cast lots, that

we may know for whose cause this trouble has come upon us. So they cast lots, and the lot fell on Jonah. (Jon 1: 7)

عن البحر فوقف البحر في طرحوه و يونان اخذوا ثم)15 : 1يون ( هيجانه.

So they picked up Jonah and threw him into the sea, and the sea ceased from its raging. (Jon 1: 15)

تسهيالت؟ ... ... .6 أم مفاجآت معطالتObstructions … Surprises … or Facilities?

Page 17: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

يونان فكان يونان ليبتلع عظيما حوتا فاعد الرب واما ( . يون ليال ثالث و ايام ثالثة الحوت جوف )17 : 1في

Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days

and three nights. (Jon 1: 17)

تسهيالت؟ ... ... .6 أم مفاجآت معطالتObstructions … Surprises … or Facilities?

Page 18: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

فضربت الغد في الفجر طلوع عند دودة الله اعد ثم . الشمس طلوع عند وحدث فيبست الله اليقطينة ان

راس الشمسعلى فضربت حارة شرقية ريحا اعدخير موتي وقال الموت لنفسه فطلب فذبل يونان

. حياتي (8 - 7 : 4يون) منBut as morning dawned the next day God prepared a

worm, and it so damaged the plant that it withered. And it happened when the sun arose, that God prepared a

vehement east wind; and the sun beat on Jonah's head, so that he grew faint. Then he wished death for himself and

said, it is better for me to die than to live. (Jon 4: 7 -8)

تسهيالت؟ ... ... .6 أم مفاجآت معطالتObstructions … Surprises … or Facilities?

Page 19: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

: من بالرغم ناجحه كرازةSuccessful Evangelism in spite of:

: من بالرغم ناجحه كرازةSuccessful Evangelism in spite of:

نقية - .... 1 غير نيةIntent … Impure – 1

نقية - .... 1 غير نية1 – Intent … Impure

فتور - .... 2 كسلLaziness… Lukewarm - 2

فتور - .... 2 كسل2 - Laziness… Lukewarm

يأس - .... 3 اكتئابDepression… Desperateness - 3

يأس - .... 3 اكتئاب3 - Depression… Desperateness

تكمل .7 الضعف فى قوتىMy strength is made perfect in weakness

Page 20: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

رجاء – .... 4 عدم أمانة عدمNo honesty… No hope - 4

رجاء – .... 4 عدم أمانة عدم4 - No honesty… No hope

شكوى – .... 5 تذمرDisapproval … complaint – 5

شكوى – .... 5 تذمر5 – Disapproval … complaint

رفاهية - .... 6 أنانيةSelfishness… comfort - 6

رفاهية - .... 6 أنانية6 - Selfishness… comfort

: من بالرغم ناجحه كرازةSuccessful Evangelism in spite of:

: من بالرغم ناجحه كرازةSuccessful Evangelism in spite of:

تكمل .7 الضعف فى قوتىMy strength is made perfect in weakness

Page 21: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

مستعد ... – 1 مخدوم1 – The served … was ready

البحارةThe Mariners

نينوى أهلNineveh’s people

محكمة – 2 الهية خطة2 – A Well Made Holy Plan





الكرازة؟ .8 نجحت لماذاWhy did the Evangelizing succeed?

Page 22: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

وتذلل – ... 3 توبة صالةThe Prayer … Repentance & Beseeching – 3

وتذلل – ... 3 توبة صالة3 – The Prayer … Repentance & Beseeching

بالعافية – ... 4 اللة ألمر خضوعThe Submission to God’s Order … by Force – 4

بالعافية – ... 4 اللة ألمر خضوع4 – The Submission to God’s Order … by Force

وارادتة – 5 الله رحمة فى ثقةThe Trust in God’s Mercy … & Will – 5

وارادتة – 5 الله رحمة فى ثقة5 – The Trust in God’s Mercy … & Will

الكرازة؟ .8 نجحت لماذاWhy did the Evangelizing succeed?

Page 23: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

Homework No. 5October 31st, 2010

In 2 Kings Chapters 22 & 23,


was one of the Men who Made Miracles


In 2 Chronicles Chapters 17, 18 & 19


also was one of the Men who Made Miralces

(or Miraculous Changes)


Page 24: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

An example of a very good home work

Done by: Christine Mekhail from Canada

Home work requested was to exemplify ways of presenting the word of God in a means of Bible study

Page 25: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

1- African Kids

James 1:19-27

For this one, I can bring a mirror and pass it around and ask the kids to describe what they see in themselves and ask them afterwards, do you forget how you look like after you have seen yourself in the mirror and put the mirror away? They will say no.

And I will continue to say: the same thing happens with the words that we read in the Bible! They are the words of God, and not any God, a God who loves us soooooooo much and still provides for us every day and every second. He loves us soooo much that he even gave his only son on the cross to die for all of us. So, we should obey the words of God and not forget. Because, you know if we forget the words of God that we read in the Bible, you know who would we be like?

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Like someone who looked his face in the mirror and after he put the mirror away and walked away, he forgot how he looks like. Now that’s silly right?! Well, we want to obey our God and His word and be successful in all what we do, bec. this is the promise that we have in the bible.

Then, I will introduce a second concept and say. Have you ever seen, a large, or even small boat. I can bring in pictures for them to see. Do you know how people drive these large, large boats? They drive it through very tiny board that drives it around. The same thing with our tongue, can you show me your tongue. Also, have them see their tongues in the mirror. Do you see how small it is compared to the rest of your body? It also, can drive your whole body, do you know how that can be? By what you say!!!

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A lot of times we say things, when we are angry and we come back after we have cooled down and say we really didn’t mean it. But this would be too late, bec. we have already said something very bad or harsh and it hurt other people, well the same thing here. If we control our tongue then we are going to be a whole lot happier and pleasing to our God, but if we don’t we are going to hurt others with our tongues and ourselves too, bec. they might say something to hurt us back in reply to what we said. So, be very careful and always pray to God to give you a clean tongue, and to give control over your tongue.

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1- African Kids

Luke 24: 13-35

Have you ever heard about someone, rising from the dead? Like he died but still lived after his death?? Well, today’s story is about someone who lived after he died. But you know this person was not an ordinary person. He is the Lord of Lords. He is the King of Kings, He is Jesus Christ!

So, the story goes as follows. Two people were walking down the road. They were travelling from one town to another. As they were walking so sad and they were dragging their heals from sadness of the death of their teacher, whom they thought died on the cross. Their teacher’s name is Jesus. So, as they were walking, someone approached them and started to talk to them

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saying that he is going to the same town that they were going to. He started to ask questions, bec. he noticed how sad they were. So, he said: “What kind of conversation is this that you have with one another as you walk and are sad?” See, they didn’t really know that it was Jesus the master and the teacher who was talking to them. Bec. when He died and rose again from the dead, He came back with a different form. He was the same person but looked a whole lot different. He was like a Lord, a Chief, no, no, even better, King of Kings.


So, he asked them why do look so sad and what are you saying, so they told him, still not knowing who he really was, they told him, oh, are you strange from this place, don’t you know what happened to Jesus our Lord?

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They started telling him the story of Jesus their master and how he was captured by his people and they crucified him on a cross.


Now, do you know what a cross is?! Well, a cross was really meant to be such a bad thing. It was the death of thieves, robbers and killers in the old, old days. However, because, Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords was crucified on it, it is now a source of POWER, honor and glory and you know, our enemy the devil is soooooooo scared of the sign of the cross. So, when ever you feel afraid for any reason, just do the sign of the cross and all fear would IMMEDIATELY go away.

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So, after Jesus listened to all what they were saying, he started to talk to them and say:

“O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?” Why do you think he was telling them “O foolish ones”? Is because, they were really foolish? No, Jesus does not think that any one is not smart! He only said that because, they did not recognize Him. See, they should have recognized Him, because, He told them earlier that this will happen to Him. He will be crucified and He will rise, but see they forgot what He said. You know like your teacher, told you a very important information and you go home and forget it, the same way here!

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So, He started to explain to them every thing from the Old books and from the prophecies, you know what a prophecy is? A prophecy is told by a prophet and it tells of something will happen in the future. Now, Jesus was referring to the good prophets, bec. you know not all the prophets are good, some of them are really bad. So, he started to explain everything to them and also, explain the prophecies from their books to them, until they reached their destination, where they wanted to go. Until then, they have not known Him that He was REALLY Jesus and He has risen from the dead. So, he pretended to be going to the town over. However, they asked him to stay for the night for the sun has set down and it was late for him to continue travelling on the road. So, he came in with them to the house they were staying at, as they were having supper, he started to break some bread and

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bless it and give to them, and IMMEDIATELY, their eyes were opened and they recognized him that HE WAS JESUS, the teacher, the master and Savior of everyone. See, Jesus is not dead and He is still living, because, He is the ONLY AND ONE GOD. All the other Gods are not true Gods! He is the only one that not only passed through death and lived. But He is the ONLY ONE who died for all people’s sake. He did not die for His people back then, He died for every one’s sake.

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2- Young African Youth

Luke 24: 13-35


I will start by reading the passage twice and with a very clear voice and read it slowly. Also, trying to to connect the sentences with each other. I can have the location of the village that the 2 apostles where going to, Emmaus, on the map to further illustrate the geography of the place.

 Then I will start by asking questions:

- Which group do you think he was referring to when he said “two of them”?

- What do St. Luke mean by the things which had happened?

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- If Jesus had already been crucified and died three days earlier then how do you think he is still living and is able to approach them?

- Why do you think their eyes were restrained from seeing and know that He was Jesus?

- Why did Jesus started by asking questions and not telling them right away that He was Jesus? Did Jesus wanted to hear their opinion? And why their opinion mattered to Him?

- After he reprimanded them for not knowing the scriptures and the words of the old prophecies about Him and His death on the cross and His Resurrection, what did He do next?

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- How did they know Him to be Jesus the Lord and Savior towards the end of the story?

- What does the breaking of the bread symbolizes in our Church?

- How they felt when Jesus was talking to them? Hearts burning what does that mean to us today? How does that affect us today? How do we have or can we have this same feeling towards the Lord Jesus Christ today?

- What were the disciples sure of at the end of this story?

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Another example of a very good home work

Done by: Mervat Shenouda

Home work requested was to exemplify ways of presenting the word of God

Page 38: قيادة يونان Leadership of Jonah التبشير في العهد القديم Evangelizing in the Old Testament.

POEM1:19 Be slow to speak and quick to hear, For we have one mouth, but more than one ear.

20 Be slow to anger, for it never acquires, The righteous life that God desires.

21 Moral filth and evil put aside, And let the word in you abide. If in meekness this be your goal, The word will surely save your soul. 22 Do the word, don't just be a hearer, 23 Like a man looking into a mirror.

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24 He turns away, and yes he does Forget what kind of man he was.

25 But if you look into the word with care, Not forgetting what you hear, And doing what it says to you, You'll be blessed in what you do.

26 If you think you're a religious man, Control your tongue, if you can. Else I could only say, You're religion isn't worth the time of day.

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27 Religion that's perfect, God confesses, Is to help orphans and widows in their distresses, And to keep oneself from being polluted,  For sin in the world is firmly rooted.
