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 · lin Ibtl !j

Date post: 27-Jan-2019
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J 11 XO.51. Telegraphic News. Dte. :7.-.{;mnln tI..li, rred lhd 0"'1"0 elt!f:loral ."te 10 VitI" YtrfJ IIHla,. Ttlll b,Uff d' tli,ttI to gin a _pt Il1l KCOUllt til t ..... fttUtll .. a. FlOrilll, Tht 8rnal. Cnllllllitl" 011 ..rt elfCtlOfI.... IM tCIfRmetM"I An 11I".. ti. Iflliion III Iht Ol'l'(tln t,"- tion r.. a t" awrro.... All the .\1" ...... ,III ia tIM: flue ""ed tCHIIl!. WOIlJC, Dte. 27.-'The 0l-W1ll"r1' RuMiIl !P. ordtfttt Ikr ilftt ttl I'1'n.I. .OIW It •• 1 II(li" IIltIIUf-1 a,... hftd loy ,be Turkish IIftl. New You. DclCl. 6lnu .t CoM on", 1I( the Itrnll rorlC'''\ ill Ilte Japlll_ uadt III l!tit 01)'. (1Otl.tI, .itb li.tllltliti..... liUllted lit ffllm '''00, 000 ttl "jOO.OOO. Tu. ITfakr PAlt Ii tbiJ tU!. TALUR....U. Dtc.I7.-Anom... Om· I'raJ C<de "'Ill. a UII"- of tb' 'iOIl tblt PIl.rlll!lll', IJltr Ik oUIt'I' of Ihe bcl.rrt I'1'ftI-' 10 Clll ...... Tbi'J'l"N Of'. '81 IInll Tild.1I 1.1 mlljclril', Sull" tlie olber mt.1l[,rl'1 01 th' ""'rd met. At .. tbi •• fielnnollD IheY b.tt fotldutltll thtlr fln ••N 10;1 Ill",,, Drt. II IUjont, ur IO,). nd H.yn tltctorr 006, Cuch 61u a pro· 1'l'r." Ynltll, Ore. :!8,-El·8tnator or Ntnda ..ak:tI.t White "I.. ln"" .won. Itl)'. Too, PlUtot', Ihntre i, no.. burnltlll. and I, I" '" "ltally dttrr'lytd, 'The O""pAit'1 corrf'lpolllI&lIe, at ChI' t!lInlli that be h.. l'If'n In- IMme<l 111'1 Jloud "olhlltlt, Iltll 1I1,t!lIr: ItntJt lu the Uu.et:lonhlp orOblu on lbe 01 lb. Lvflldatu nUl cnnl!tltn'l, lIoolit"lnlllll.'t he wllJ he p"llCeruJ1, inall/CUftllnl dent or the UDlletl :Slattt on the .fIb ur It.. d •. IIM""lli"n, IIll lin l!'IIn-In! in ,\muka, in Ille "hci(na:, _i QI.. , i. l-;urnve. 1I" 1)"'rf,,rm,,1 SUllo ll"lell'lIrlrlcMl lin'l II .. 1\ tl'guloir ClHllrilmlOt tn IIIfln,1 ml'tlkoll jnllrIlQ!., or I'll, la Ie rlln" IQ nlllurlllll.tury, aeohll!'1 'lid "lmoot"!. 11010'10 1\ rl'/lulu (une-pulld,,1It (Ilr thtl .'iclt.tfjill Ju"rlllll '''r 'fllr....n,1 colm... III Sunhurnl'h luut yell'l IIlU, urlhll '"ul1Ill'l'lI or tltll .!\OI 111'111 tlr tht' It'lulilic ,Ir.pntlnll'nr, '<I,ltldl p,,,ltlon lu' "ill fl:hlnt, JIll it of pllhlic IOChou]_. I, II Itl'pUhllt'MI In pul. hiCll, a l.i!Jr.ral in religion, allli t'lk,. an aClln Pllrt In 1111 Ihat po'rtalll! to edul'a. lion, 1111 II ono nr IrL'fIllllnl.eh ,,1'10 IItk.... pltlllllre 10 Icc:nrtlilllt I" olhel'll IbtlNme prh'lft<,.."t:! he c1alnll I"T llhn-tlr "TIle rillht tn rltink lor M"'lIt(f, 1I11!1 n.,t II«>IUIIlIlOmehodl eloe l!I) nr 110.'" I 11ll.) intended 10 of E..l', Jo'rtglllonll, lilt Iotkno"IW:tf11 I'If l'in"bnml,h CtlUIII, Iltd I'1Il-ml..:r tlttt to ' IIIIl Ltgi.llilu Council ur W. 'f ,.nd Ilruidral of lh" Atbroeam: of )I,... llt.Mrnoll, II poet or fJl'\! abilil,: Dr 11..... !Jell. prilldpal 01 lb. ptthllc tcMol, of Mr_ Tirtlnt, tUl INOmpiishr,1 ll",·rr al.,,:e pmft'!'liOlllI bu.tlH8O. g,1 IIlptfilltnrlrl'lt nr the .plrnfllrt !lu. .1., lkb""l "rth"l wt 01, 'JMeCl will Dut allow. I lItamc 8t1'lll,ll. tacl.ed to Ibe pnlplr 01 8.o1ohlK'llllh, lOll willi tMui llrnt'lIttai ill II/ Ihat per. In prugrca. Idea« ItltI th'true milion. A. Y. l·O......Llt' u •• htl til...u"l. J'l..., W Qnl9.l<I Vii, Crn, Oct', II. IS.'. f.'li"",,,iu: linin!: prullIIM!f1 h"rt .kl·ttu of Ill,. ttlvdl "Il IIlOl :;'JIIn,1 hI W. 'I' , I IrIlPO nUl1ur"II' II ill UfUlIll my bck "II' ,It... ril'l' ire In Itller writlllK, lIfl,1 I'll eo,ntcnt wltb ,IUll'lu r ..eu "" Ih ..yall· )ll! ,r 10 mv. K"lllIlll, lhe 111 It pllw of Inlrru<t I IUllo,,1 011 tbu [If Inlvel I'MIII at'IIoltl!!, III .IIlItlll'<l <Hl th. n ..." _I,ll: "I the U.. lumlih l'I,",.·r milK frolll Ihu former Cl11, .ntl I. 'Illite " livd,. IIttl. I,hle'!, .. lhe N, I'. 1l11. Itfnllntlll'!l ,t lhi. puiOl, runnlnl!t willI. Til.. ,1l1l51ltll by h"lR Iltl. p4)int toI TIiCCIUM II H ull1tl1', T...."nl .. t...illl: tile I'" .....'ut otlnhull lllUllnu! Dr ti", IIIMI. TItIl COUlitry l,hll1 Kahntll ".1 '''contal.l all.rqllotcly ridl un" poor, , III"j"IlIS '"ioll! fIT)' j.:nllull, "0,1 1I.'Tdl1 II' lur culIin.lioo, TJIO'IIII I" II. .11 ..11 pllOf'e ",1111 uut liltle uUll"ok h,t lit. rUIU", lIMo '" ttl.... til. pro'lreot nl tnlldl' .od tclmml ret, i.!trGll in>;: 'luis, ",phil,. Itle .. ",,,,Ienl ptlplII.ti.lll loelug III 001 dtlrl, "fen IlIlU,Irt'!L Tlk: ..ii, I.llftuululll ,illl.. reol Ul' the e-,'lerll ... hole .. r DuWlUIlIf'h wJ. 1I'lttcll is ptr· Ii_Ill \lIte or ttl. 1Il0it 1""Ullil I, thO' .11<"1.1. A IfOtti'lD 01 Ibe Snule 1111 Willi. w.na R. R.I. ntany folwilldrtli rtilltlnCU (,\ ",II"", nlll CllllIl"tl In. 01 thlt f01o(1 1 ...o1J a '1ur-lilm of thtM', U Ille 11111,)1 M!S pl'1Ittll'llblt. b.lt .iII p.y I.rge rrtttflit ror th... In"rol- ....nr. ,:idtl!t<ta,iJh tooolJ U ... hu.,....li· II<:I} nuMh o( Killll'. till' in .hkil 1I1t11. Md il a oe.. I, CUU'lI!. bill cmuaill. IUllle of til.. rltOlC-lt .,,'Tlc IltIU.tII"."I'lll Ibe Snnbmulill lb. P"'1- till ..... t, t. ,holl...! t.-tlQ .. iJ,. Jb" the lUOuth ofllla 8:lohomitll ""er, Inllil nne nllhe mO!lt Iiyely little tuwna lin Ibtl !j<lllllll. TIl. 1)fOllltI.re priOllI- pan,. rrnlll ll.;e :-in" Engl..-tI 811tt.', .'ell rd\lClllcd .p,1 elltrl!'t'l II .linN' to. htllh, TIlt! NOktlllUUI ST.UI b ..tI h ......, lell dulm' to hno the IGf",..ont orr-nla- tine Orllll' paper les ....pl un, 011'1"'1 un Ill' Soun.\' h II bJ Eltlrillyt, W"rlll "1,1 Dr. A. C. Y"llIIw. llone, tllochlcfrllltor, II tIlt mOIl ,'nulJetlc Iltrtntl I enr nit'''' 1 Ultftled whh hlnllu In (lllCn UoMt from 810)1IQ· ml,1t 10 1Itulillu.'O, It tlI8111Cll 01 Iwent)· 01111 night II\olI.io'cluck,anJ I can lIIty lnlllllnll,lbit I tlo Mt' "ilh toJ h Ilntlthu .uch Vll....ur. trip. JIll I, Illlwlcr hy I'1'I.1l1'll£,-n, bu· IlntOol In Illllt lin'" 111,1 Ii .... Uten baanred by I mltl,. IIf tlU'lln Ih It ltu 'I'll the chid retln'! r in Ihe 1Ill;lollI.ion Clfth. 8aello- rtlbh Inl1uml.1 SoLiel" lOtlll abo the AtMII,unl. I 'f!fJ uluch lhat I ba.. II lburt ftr bll enl, iiI'll azttl Idllt'ltioll "hl.. b lob- ai_I nt a rnelld, Ui lit.a nl which r ..,iIl "':." whit. Ulan Itl a rUII t1iotflU of th .. O"lftt1l1i,1 ol hua: -Jl. hM bltd Ille C'OUllly out "r 1lI0fl _II'} thl.D U1)' OIiteI' lIl:ln. and ,,1,111 oaI:S Mile \.. if wt .Iont, If. lq. moo",. Illr the Adle- _Ill, tM Frwe IkllciOil. Socitt1. t .... plIl'lic reboot&, 1.. llI;,."" tit., etc." Bot tlO,.I1I.a ... adlflM: tlla tnlM III tbe rural tllitritt, the a;«,plt bn nollk"tt IIIoUIl tllo:J.t.1r.t1 1I."r.u. for tlJ.. p'IflIl'tt'- Ttl. 1\1'''_ lm!ldll!': iA b,..fO fed b;;h; ""III1I1&,tll:••II. !oJr u.: ,ear w. p.1id r"!""i;:ll tOUnlf: 1 UbI'l.l'JIn<1 tLtH.' A lira' nllltill mlllitlo" 0' (,""<)I)'.n of 'IIuilid a.. lirua1<l ..,,1 .:loA II scllotld.. alltl de"td lZlil.IO)ns ofll"I1.... J. r I.rge .:nnlHll O)r bouts rUT Itla Hlr:ory. rntt.,'I'"lfllttored gnoJ.. Wttell "'II h.. "t: , !loI. alrnd,. lid" "C..u.ledt,l v, A. ". lIN :'l:.lIlUl. ..enl, 1I1iilion rnnrc I, fl r·dfUlU. ,,1'1 a-.l:tll" ... "t It., ton tbu we hU'lIo.,.e "tAil nlll, pmdll t h I IllOth. or .'iu. Cnt£:lArt" iOll'1 _ .:r",,1 tile •• >01 '<I'e U.e,'11 I, !tt tbtnt I. r" ua" d,ll,""nl UIl.r,.il,. on unh .. '1e"e en t.· 10CtlllrOfnlalol&4',a1kl .. ru.l :"t .. , ..·It,l I prutillb l , a' Illtbelllj· ... U.:I, A.:IL' !;olb lI'lJ d",...;; tl,t! qUln. Tb. Brililh frigaltl Tt1IN#f h,,1 II MIt- ro.. Ht'aptl 1'rftmonu'., on tht norlhfm fJtmnlt1 nr tlle Galr'llr on tile Slh nr Jol,. The night 'III' tl:ui, with drhlng ...Intl hlowlllll, IIml ,II. YrIMI 'I" t;lll1l1g fight to lin kIlOI•• Shortly Inn :!:1IO 11M look-.111 man lboalell"brftltttt aheul!" "'til! IlII ImmUM rtJCk rlnw ill hQol Lieul. 0,.1'11111, tile officei' .I( d:e _Iltcb, IIW tbat h,.f<lt'l tb' n.lel " ..ul.1 "aM rollntl tIM woalrt be 011 the mek. R. It ante wok the bold Inti dtfpt'n.11! C'OUrtol! lIr I_g. between till nICk aad the oWlllud. Ttl«'t IIrU DO koa.l- «II' or tla. "ture or tilt pUIIIb"', whltil froca Iur( to rork .,u olllJ 11IJ., a pmQ\l oJr illkftU II!-Ippnit lht a.tllt throacb tb. lOrtO.. ehalulet. dfl:illf: lise melt b} .00:1 ,,,tilt, 6" JUUL Tbt budlalloJ t\lrlld 01t to be Cell' Reper. Representing the I nterests of Western Washington. '- Ul'l'Y, W. 'r., S,\'l'UllD,l.Y, DECEJIBER 30, IS76. _ ..... - ==-= \'01 ... I. -- UJIII()!'1 t"I.IlJU, .. ",", CO.O.IOI"" 0' .. Cln, W, T. #M.ar. ''':;;tflIj, KoJ'&II1M.. I. •• T,_ 1l ...1L WllbllT J H..ll-tl, )I,YloertOG. 8.It" "'*' Q;he !lorthrm 110. J..... f'U ... It"'" ChL.-f J .. llc'I. tUlil ,1""1ri<1. vfW.. h1 n(\4tn 'ff' 1\Ql'y , J IIdel of lb' I)lKntl Cuort .Itt. w\ t.n-cnrJ. . . u.rt Uotorf. '. '. '. " '. " '. '. '. •. i ..... 1111111 KOOI. , .'. u..--, C\P>t..ry t ......""""' ... .... r. K.I,. _ ""f!rttf. " -- TERMS OF COURT. t)lo,lrtrt C.I"- 'nil.' T1NIdI' of IiIvtb. ttlll.:*oodT-sa, of S_wof cedi Jew P,.Mlt. e..t", ' ..Irtll MootllU' "r JUlW1', April, J1I11 -.It v..lObtr of -.cob ,_r. -0- U •• F........O.,·. Anl •••".-e"lc.... 'M C, .·rl'iflloOn. It. A, l ." .. W II r ,, -- .ta<w..... '" x. I'>!dtlrd, ' +. foloOlII. . \\', II. Wanl, ". f'oWlrlaola, JI_, oR. T,_ Mo:&oIrI. Fel'l!Ultlll Gf'eIrO"', IVaol, ..rl. )I(lllle, i'll(kartl "lllatlm, -- hOtiOltllti FI{.Il' It.LIllHHll AtIOCIAtIOJil. 0"1..'111.



Telegraphic News.

W""'"I~O"'IIt".Dte. :7.-.{;mnln tI..li,rred lhd 0"'1"0 elt!f:loral ."te 10 VitI"l"rui"~llt YtrfJ IIHla,. Ttlll b,Uff d'tli,ttI to gin a _pt Il1l KCOUllt tilt..... fttUtll .. a. rr~ FlOrilll,

Tht 8rnal. Cnllllllitl" 011 pri,ilt~n..rt elfCtlOfI.... IM tCIfRmetM"I An 11I"..ti.Iflliion III Iht Ol'l'(tln t,"- tion r..a t"awrro.... All the .\1"...... ,III r~Il,..,11

ia tIM: flue ""ed tCHIIl!.

WOIlJC, Dte. 27.-'The 0l-W1ll"r1'RuMiIl !P. ordtfttt Ikr ilftt ttl I'1'n.I. ~.OIW It 01lC:~k.,,1I'••1 II(li" IIltIIUf-1a,... hftd loy ,be Turkish IIftl.

New You. DclCl. ~I),-Chlflmlln. 6lnu.t CoM on", 1I( the IU~1 Itrnll rorlC'''\ill Ilte Japlll_ uadt III l!tit 01)'. (1Otl.tI,.itb li.tllltliti.....liUllted lit ffllm '''00,000 ttl "jOO.OOO. Tu. ITfakr PAlt IiI~klla tbiJ tU!.

TALUR....U. Dtc.I7.-Anom... Om·I'raJ C<de "'Ill. a UII"- of tb' 'iOIltblt PIl.rlll!lll', IJltr Ik oUIt'I' 1D!'DIltt-~ ofIhe bcl.rrt I'1'ftI-' 10 Clll...... Tbi'J'l"NOf'. '81 IInll Tild.1I 1.1 mlljclril', Sull"~lIuIIS tlie olber mt.1l[,rl'1 01 th'""'rd met. At .. tbi••fielnnollD IheYb.tt jll~ fotldutltll thtlr fln••N 10;1Ill",,, Drt. II IUjont, ur IO,). nd Ih~

H.yn tltctorr 006, Cuch 61u a pro·,~,

1'l'r." Ynltll, Ore. :!8,-El·8tnator :Sl·~or Ntnda ..ak:tI.t White "I.. ln"" .won.Itl)'.

Too, PlUtot', Ihntre i, no.. burnltlll.and I, 1l1l~1,. I" '" "ltally dttrr'lytd,

'The O""pAit'1 corrf'lpolllI&lIe, at ChI't!lInlli I~)tintpll' that be h.. l'If'n In­IMme<l 111'1 Jloud "olhlltlt, Iltll 1I1,t!lIr:ItntJt lu r~I(lD the Uu.et:lonhlp orObluon lbe r~bll!te 01 lb. LvflldatunUl TllI'1I41~1,cnnl!tltn'l, lIoolit"lnlllll.'the wllJ he p"llCeruJ1, inall/CUftllnl r~.r

dent or the UDlletl :Slattt on the .fIb urIt..d •.

IIM""lli"n, IIll lin l!'IIn-In! in ~th,\muka, in Ille inl~""1 "hci(na:, _i

QI.. , i. l-;urnve. 1I" IUI~ 1)"'rf,,rm,,1 SUlloll"lell'lIrlrlcMl f'per'lli"n~, lin'l II.. ~11

1\ tl'guloir ClHllrilmlOt tn IIIfln,1 ml'tlkolljnllrIlQ!., or 1d~11l"'t, I'll, la Ie rlln" IQnlllurlllll.tury, aeohll!'1 'lid "lmoot"!.11010'10 1\ rl'/lulu (une-pulld,,1It (Ilr thtl

.'iclt.tfjill Ju"rlllll '''r liX{~n 'fllr....n,1colm... III Sunhurnl'h luut yell'l IIlU, W~lI

"~" urlhll '"ul1Ill'l'lI or tltll J\lll~nettm,

.!\OI 111'111 n\llt~ IUI"l'rinten'l~nt tlr tht'It'lulilic ,Ir.pntlnll'nr, '<I,ltldl p,,,ltlon lu'"ill fl:hlnt, JIll it 11I~lllllt:nfirnt ofpllhlic IOChou]_. I, II Itl'pUhllt'MI In pul.hiCll, a l.i!Jr.ral in religion, allli t'lk,. an

aClln Pllrt In 1111 Ihat po'rtalll! to edul'a.lion, 1111 II ono nr Ih~ IrL'fIllllnl.eh

,,1'10 IItk.... pltlllllre 10 Icc:nrtlilllt I" olhel'llIbtlNme prh'lft<,.."t:! he c1alnll I"T llhn-tlr"TIle rillht tn rltink lor M"'lIt(f, 1I11!1 n.,tII«>IUIIlIlOmehodl eloe 1ll1~ l!I) nr thltlk~

110.'" I 11ll.) intended 10 ~lIk of E..l',

Jo'rtglllonll, lilt Iotkno"IW:tf11 "'~ I'Ifl'in"bnml,h CtlUIII, Iltd I'1Il-ml..:r tlttt to '

IIIIl Ltgi.llilu Council ur W. 'f ,.ndIlruidral of lh" Atbroeam: of )I,...

llt.Mrnoll, II poet or fJl'\! abilil,: Dr11..... !Jell. prilldpal 01 lb. ptthllc tcMol,of Mr_ Tirtlnt, tUl INOmpiishr,1 ll",·rr,,~rtor.al.,,:e pmft'!'liOlllI bu.tlH8O.g,1 IIlptfilltnrlrl'lt nr the .plrnfllrt !lu..1., lkb""l "rth"l p]~: wt 01, 'JMeClwill Dut allow. I lItamc 8t1'lll,ll.tacl.ed to Ibe pnlplr 01 8.o1ohlK'llllh, lOllwilli tMui llrnt'lIttai ill II/ Ihat per.lalll~ In prugrca. Idea« ItltI th'truemilion. A. Y. l·O......Llt'

u ••htl til...u"l.J'l..., W Qnl9.l<I Vii, £~ltt'fI"""

Oli~:'f Crn, Oct', II. IS.'.":JJ~ f.'li"",,,iu: linin!: prullIIM!f1h"rt .kl·ttu of Ill,. ttlvdl "Il IIlOl

:;'JIIn,1 hI W. 'I' , I IrIlPO ~'ollr nUl1ur"II'~.,I~~ II ill UfUlIll my bck "II' ,It... ril'l'ire Up"ft!l~" In Itller writlllK, lIfl,1 I'll

eo,ntcnt wltb ,IUll'lu r..eu "" Ih..yall·)ll! ,r 10 mv. K"lllIlll, lhe 111 It pllw ofInlrru<t I IUllo,,1 011 tbu Iitl~ [If InlvelI'MIII l'''T1I~I"IIO at'IIoltl!!, III .IIlItlll'<l <Hl

th. n ..." _I,ll: "I the U..lumlih l'I,",.·r ~omilK frolll Ihu former Cl11, .ntl I. 'Illite" livd,. IIttl. I,hle'!, .. lhe N, I'. 1l11.Itfnllntlll'!l ,t lhi. puiOl, runnlnl!t fl\~t·

willI. Til.. ,1l1l51ltll by t~1l h"lR Iltl.

p4)int toI TIiCCIUM II H ull1tl1', T...."nl ..t...illl: tile I'".....'ut otlnhull lllUllnu! Drti", IIIMI. TItIl COUlitry l,hll1 ht'l1O·~11

Kahntll ".1 '''contal.l all.rqllotcly ridlun" poor, , ~ III"j"IlIS '"ioll! fIT)'

j.:nllull, "0,1 1I.'Tdl1 II' lur culIin.lioo,TJIO'IIII I" II. .11..11 pllOf'e ",1111 uut liltleuUll"ok h,t lit. rUIU", IIlUlrOI~>Ii ~ lIMoSnnli"'~I. '" ttl.... til. pro'lreot tt.nl~f

nl tnlldl' .od tclmml ret, i.!trGll in>;: 'luis,",phil,. Itle ..r~ltl,t ",,,,Ienl ptlplII.ti.lllloelug III 001 dtlrl, "fen IlIlU,Irt'!L Tlk:

..ii, I.llftuululll ,illl..reol Ul' the e-,'lerll...hole ..r DuWlUIlIf'h wJ. 1I'lttcll is ptr·Ii_Ill \lIte or ttl. 1Il0it 1""Ullil I, thO'.11<"1.1. A IfOtti'lD 01 Ibe Snule 1111

Willi. w.na R. R.I. ntany folwilldrtlirtilltlnCU (,\ In~11 ",II"", nlll CllllIl"tl

In. 01 thlt f01o(1 1...o1J a '1ur-lilm ofthtM', U Ille ro,ll~ 11111,)1 M!S pl'1Ittll'llblt.b.lt .iII p.y I.rge rrtttflit ror th... In"rol­....nr. ,:idtl!t<ta,iJh tooolJ U... hu.,....li·II<:I} nuMh o( Killll'. till' I.'OUIII~ in .hkil

1I1t11. ~ltulttlfl, Md il ~a1pltlbtrl,.

a oe..I, nj)Ml~ CUU'lI!. bill cmuaill.IUllle of til .. rltOlC-lt .,,'Tlc IltIU.tII"."I'lllIbe ~lIl1tl, Snnbmulill Clt~, lb. P"'1­till w~al1 ..... t, t. ,holl...! t.-tlQ .. iJ,.Jb" the lUOuth ofllla 8:lohomitll ""er,Inllil nne nllhe mO!lt Iiyely little tuwnalin Ibtl !j<lllllll. TIl. 1)fOllltI.re priOllI­pan,. rrnlll ll.;e :-in" Engl..-tI 811tt.', .'ellrd\lClllcd .p,1 elltrl!'t'l II .linN' to. htllh,TIlt! NOktlllUUI ST.UI b ptIbll~h..tI h......,

lell dulm' to hno the IGf",..ont orr-nla­tine Orllll' paper les....pl un, 011'1"'1 unIll' Soun.\' h II lltIit~'(1 bJ Eltlrillyt,

W"rlll "1,1 Dr. A. C. Y"llIIw.llone, tllochlcfrllltor, II tIlt mOIl

,'nulJetlc Iltrtntl I enr nit'''' 1 Ultftledwhh hlnllu In (lllCn UoMt from 810)1IQ·

ml,1t 10 1Itulillu.'O, It tlI8111Cll 01 Iwent)·mil~ 01111 night II\olI.io'cluck,anJ Ican lIIty lnlllllnll,lbit I tlo Mt' "ilh toJ

h Ilntlthu .uch Vll....ur. trip. JIll I,Illlwlcr hy I'1'I.1l1'll£,-n, d".~1 ~ lnr~. bu·IlntOol In Illllt lin'" 111,1 Ii.... Uten baanredby ot~Ullyia:f I "r~lt mltl,. po~itlon. IIf

tlU'lln Ih It rotIrI~. ltu 'I'll the chidretln'! r in Ihe 1Ill;lollI.ion Clfth. 8aello­rtlbh Inl1uml.1 SoLiel" lOtlll abo theAtMII,unl. I ~llnt 'f!fJ uluch lhat Iba.. D1i_p~ II lburt .k~U'h ftr bllenl, iiI'll azttl Idllt'ltioll "hl..b lob­ai_I nt a rnelld, Ui lit.a nl which r ..,iIl"':." whit. Ulan Itl a rUII t1iotflU ofth.. O"lftt1l1i,1 ol hua: -Jl. hM bltdIlle C'OUllly out "r 1lI0fl _II'} thl.D U1)'OIiteI' lIl:ln. and ,,1,111 oaI:S Mile \.. if wt.Iont, If. lq. moo",. Illr the Adle­_Ill, tM Frwe IkllciOil. Socitt1. t ....

plIl'lic reboot&, 1.. llI;,."" tit., etc." BottlO,.I1I.a ...adlflM: tlla tnlM III tbe ruraltllitritt, the a;«,plt bn nollk"tt IIIoUIltllo:J.t.1r.t1 1I."r.u. for tlJ.. p'IflIl'tt'­Ttl. 1\1'''_ lm!ldll!': iA 'O~IOO b,..fOfed b;;h; ""III1I1&,tll:••II. !oJr HuIt..~, u.: ,ear w. p.1id r"!""i;:ll tOUnlf: 1UbI'l.l'JIn<1 tLtH.' A lira' nllltill ~ mlllitlo" 0' Iloll.,.~ (,""<)I)'.nof 'IIuilid a..lirua1<l ..,,1 r~allt• .:loA II scllotld.. alltl de"td lZlil.IO)ns ofll"I1.... J. rI.rge .:nnlHll O)r bouts rUT Itla Hlr:ory. rntt.,'I'"lfllttored gnoJ.. Wttell "'II h.."t: ,

!loI. alrnd,. lid" "C..u.ledt,l v, A. ". lIN :'l:.lIlUl. t'~..enl, 1I1iilion rnnrc I, flr·dfUlU. ,,1'1 a-.l:tll" ... ~.I>Jr "t It., ton tbu we hU'lIo.,.e "tAil nlll, pmdll th I IllOth. or .'iu. Cnt£:lArt" iOll'1 _ .:r",,1 tile ••>01 '<I'e U.e,'11 I, !tt tbtnt I. r"ua" d,ll,""nl UIl.r,.il,. IIf~' "'~II.:rJ on unh ..'1e"e ~!Ierp en t.·10CtlllrOfnlalol&4',a1kl .. ru.l ~ :"t.. ,..·It,l I prutillbl, a' Illtbelllj· ...U.:I, A.:IL' !;olb L.::l'~ lI'lJ d",...;; tl,t! qUln.

Tb. Brililh frigaltl Tt1IN#f h,,1 II MIt­ro.. Ht'aptl ~~r 1'rftmonu'., on thtnorlhfm fJtmnlt1 nr tlle Galr'llr P,n.~,

on tile Slh nr Jol,. The night 'III'tl:ui, with drhlng ...Intl hlowlllll, IIml

,II. YrIMI 'I" t;lll1l1g fight to lin kIlOI ••Shortly Inn :!:1IO 11M look-.111 manlboalell"brftltttt aheul!" T~ "'til!

IlII ImmUM rtJCk rlnw ill hQol Lieul.0,.1'11111, tile officei' .I( d:e _Iltcb, IIWtbat h,.f<lt'l tb' n.lel " ..ul.1 "aM rollntltIM woalrt be 011 the mek. R. It antewok the bold Inti dtfpt'n.11! C'OUrtol! lIratUlllptl~ • I_g. between till nICkaad the oWlllud. Ttl«'t IIrU DO koa.l­

«II' or tla. "ture or tilt pUIIIb"', whltilfroca Iur( to rork .,u olllJ I~ 11IJ.,~tlfttt a pmQ\l oJr illkftU II!-Ippnitlht 'Wt~1 a.tllt throacb tb. lOrtO..ehalulet. dfl:illf: lise melt b} .00:1,,,tilt, 6" JUUL Tbt budlalloJ t\lrlld01t to be Cell' Reper.

Representing the I nterests of Western Washington.


S~OIIO.UISIIUl'l'Y, W. 'r., S,\'l'UllD,l.Y, DECEJIBER 30, IS76.

_ .....- ==-=

\'01... I.

-­UJIII()!'1 t"I.IlJU,..",", CO.O.IOI"" 0'8.~"1I10)l1fl.. Cln, W, T.

#M.ar. ''':;;tflIj,KoJ'&II1M..I. ••T,_

1l...1L WllbllTJ

H..ll-tl, )I,YloertOG. 8.It"mL,F~u "'*'

Q;he !lorthrm ~llll.

110. J..... f'U ... It"'" ChL.-f J ..llc'I. tUlilIdl"flbllll'\l~""" ,1""1ri<1. vfW..h1n(\4tn 'ff' 1\Ql'y , J IIdel of lb' I)lKntl Cuort

.tfltl~ ~:~~~~"'-r~ .Itt.w \ t.n-cnrJ. . • . u.rt D~. Uotorf.

:r~I~I':' '. '. '. " '. " ·.:I~!:~1.1~",t1!~~. '. '. '.~:'~~r= 1I:""~":W•.i ~.....~1111111 KOOI. • • , • • .'. u..--,

C\P>t..ry t ......""""'....... r. K.I,. _ ~~..-. ""f!rttf.::~,~~-.:o-:. ':.~' "--TERMS OF COURT.

t)lo,lrtrt C.I"- 'nil.' T1NIdI' of IiIvtb.ttlll.:*oodT-sa, of S_wof cedi Jew

P,.Mlt. e..t",' ..Irtll MootllU' "r JUlW1', April, J1I11

-.It v..lObtr of -.cob ,_r.-0-

liI~4'''O:tt'''''1 U••F........O.,·.~l"'ltmrl.ll Anl•••".-e"lc....

'M C, .·rl'iflloOn. ~It. A, ll~, l ." ~_ ..W II ~'anI. r , , --~~t~:l~-::. • .ta<w..... '"x. w~ I'>!dtlrd, ' • ~II"",

~. +. ~" foloOlII. . !I~p1 ~,;"';:J:\\', II. Wanl, ". ,~"'. f'oWlrlaola, JI_, oR.T,_

Mo:&oIrI. Fel'l!Ultlll Gf'eIrO"', IVaol, CI!.IJ~..rl.)I(lllle, i'll(kartl Itl~ "lllatlm,--hOtiOltllti FI{.Il' It.LIllHHll AtIOCIAtIOJil.



J,"'('IUU''1 j;r1cf II·U. ll'Tril,lu I" '1'.

r"r hl! 11:,,1 l"'·l.1 him ~I,it" "f hur, ~l·.

Ill! ll'I'~ hi~ ulIly c:,lI,l. lIu,1 ellllllll (IealhlIu W",·.... I 811,1 ple.,Ic,1 1111 lIi~ 1,.ll·~l

lIy el'er)' 'ue.II" III{'jr ,"1'1101,1' ,·""I.lllu,1 rnr I" :'.,h'au,,', \I"r.l_ dw 111""10 lIu,1T" eru,l, l'ie!tIlllll,t h,_ Iil .. ml 1"n.l. I' ,1.·,1,.\lIlllri"d hi lillie Ih.lll 1'lilll.I",1 fr"\1\ .\11,1 h".II'y ,1''''''''olr,1 III 11"'11",1\1;:

lh~ I"m!. .\n.lll,r""..;'lthc 1,11,1. In ~i1,nte I'll""Ullt ~tlll, in ~I,ite "rli"lc, Ih\l 1.:I .... r.,I" 1'<1 "I.'n..;.

Itr.'w Till' l'n,\\',1 ,li"I"'r,,',I; Iltl·I" ....I~r I''''tIlllHllllllcf!lanll III ~lrulJ,:lh. ,uHI "I,·r· Il'i!l,<!r.\;,

,br.'w To 'hl! 1".'fll, Ih"lf' III 11I'"r 1",..",

The 1,10'18 oe.I;,:,1 r.·I""lcdl~· 1\1 nu~l, ,\IHI 'jl,,,.II"" "I' ~ihl'"'' 1,1111". li,..I!.

tl.lm, .\11,1 It'"rn Ilith li"rro, ..f ••, .. "'11,,1,·"And .111110" mnrIlIJOI,II,. II>' II1en 1110..,1 tUI twa.

1,(H,h 11"'11I, I"fhe IIII'I"h,nl prh~l~ I.,re I,,~,r l'I"r"When ~lhl.l,"ly Ihdr ],K,l"r "n,1 thell Ihlll""

IIrid,.. .\n'l. 11lnll~1l II,,·)' k'll'\I' filII "dill" irrk:lru. lIil'kel1"I'llul ill Ih,~ ,1I~~ dl"I'1 11I1 ... , l,rrll'III",

n.ul" I 111.111 ~ i... le! ". '~uilIY "f t1l1l "11,,,,·.The" tn'lrl'l ... ,II,.. ,I,!c Iilo u.l'J··.· III aue.~·

11l'l·,llh,lI',Al\rll111li,,1 him I" t"n-H't"I,'" :.:r""n,!::-;11 "lInll,'r" l'pOl ill ~'I"'ell"" "",,1.1 he

hrcllih l'"ul\,l:Tbllt G",I \\'IIu1ll yel 1M: IIiUllulIIlHI·I'I.re I --'\11 "I,~ 111.11'" 11I11. al,,1 I"re hi. thill, I~i1V(lIl" I"n~ I'II".I"'~ ~ .. rltnl pi,,,.....

,,'luI~ IHllr. ,\nol Ih,' t,,,t1hlllker~ nUIlII~'I~ ilte'"

lIut nnw the III'i••II, like \·"l1ul'\:." 1I1·'tr "1'lIr".tl'eir I''''~, lIuI Irum lh.t lIl"UIlIlt 1I1",,)'~ I,.,k IllI'Y

e.ml' llr" .. l1l1g roumllh .•: f"nn "f life· e,lr,'1\;_1 elil)" T" lillII'd 1I~~11I"1 1111, m',,'r'It.lt ,11'11\)

Anlll(IIIIl Utll \lnr.l. ""lo~tI'lIl the dl~' OJ 111.llbl I"i..to, who .Im·,· "t .I,·"lh I".,,,rl,,l, :.:"1,,

"flllllilt hi. lI~alh I'i",m hll,1 il111l1U:cll Tlillllll\lH "bll'1lll11'y In hli.: ","'hi I"'~

T" t'I''' l"ll\'l'OllOl, IlIO(-1! h. "i~ rvlitr. relllili..\ l'l""nl,ul,," ofl,i~ unl",li"r. An,III"I" 1Iy ,It'1I1h IIi'" lI"ri~. rrl'll11il1lGll!"t "u II'e ju)' llo ,t 11o", Ibruu~h ",llh t, IrllT

f"JlUl&e lie"': 1·... k""I' II~ ir IIl+M, lldull ..1 R""k InUeligll"'~ 1,)'1:'''" uHrlor"ring j:lrll\l'. .>""r.•__,... _A,"1 "id, "D"lllOnt tdl ,'eu! II:o! Itl

.I"lIlhSo I,,'rdie llllT~1 r"IHler IIIl Itl. I,rcul h 'Ir. Gl''''''':'' I·"t)· E~j:I, .'''n. 1il11l11' IIUIIlIVllhuUI rll'.nllllg \lllllt lie kll""'. Iu IN II':". 1'1I1o~I-h,.1 (I \\'"rk cllll1l.,,1 ",\ llel>,,\ I""., "I \I ick,·,hl',,", "lid loll~i'r !" ('I'. H",·"II..·."',,~:' In ''''C ,I, '1""" "Il'll!ru'" lotlll \I"" ('IInil,1 in 1If<:lIt I'"le ....hid.. 111' pl.r,. Ih ,,,11,,,,1,,,( JlI'l l,iLule\\'1111" \,,~I relll11111 lIt' .1I11i11 ..u.l ~,,·.Il. I" ,h,' ~d, iii)' .nd hnn.'.I,· "lllwn'lIfolu.11! I·"r, :,,;1 II'l1h \l1,ite IO"II'U~ Ilulll",I.1 111 II", 8.. 11111. wl"r I" II", Iwn.,,1 uf re·

11I1( 1"V"t~, I'''"<ollurtl,'n. II will 1>OI,wll,~' n"'11 "fll'hu~ Itlrlu.hlllg l'll'I'I")'ll1eUI fu! Iltll "II I'"rli, ~ \I'llh ink/hi,

,11ll11t·1'\I}. \\ il', ,ht 1ti~I"r)' "r'h,' Jol.r'1I1h ,1"rinKTu ll.1l l,,,,l;e.lr,,]. II l,ull to IIll' Ilr'll Illv 11I'rl"'l "r r...·"n~',u{'li"n, ,,11 r'llllel"

I rllll.l. Iltf' 1,lInlllu, tllUl i' i~ ,,111,· tt", .l lIe "fWhich thrnu::h the .cflicil ..100<1 ..·1th IIn"I,... I. I".." .. II", 11m,,; "I' ,h,' .u'''·I\II,

lue,", 1~'\lI'II, l'r "111111,,' t"j:\rlll1IlilUr thll r,IIllIIIIIIJ;:..\ !,'rnll' _I)l,kt, Ilu 1,,101 II1IIt tlill d,,· rhnt I hrl'e tli~,1 10 .1oI'l'tlh" III Ihi.l

"'''''''11 ,'hlll"H. nal ,11.' pl"lert: \I'"ul,' I~' In·Ihil nllw fUlnl lin .nll IIIrruw lIt,.n roo CXI'UIfII,ly ill~"lIllll, Ie wlth,,"~ til., m"II'

1e......I: linn "f tho 1lt'~n~I, "I'hdr 1",lIorl"r'rlollL Ioe hlill lll-~n ..'ell kll""''' 00111" bnlh durin!, nml dtcr lht! wllr 111")' ""l'1I

\1'1", 111..1, MUrIJrl.~ Iln)'~ly !lnl Ilrlllll.illtr,1 withWI...n lI\'in::. erllidll:,1 Ihll (:hu"..b "I 11,11 l'I...rtctu or Ihl rll<:~. \\'1...... IIlIl

Inti I, rr.en "f IUU St'llth 'Il'erOl nt"rly .. l1 In lilUH,Vll,,1 h& I'rttiuu'l .1ocltllll~ of Ille IIrlll'!. tlie lI'llr'~'1 werl: Itft In IUl,(u

fluili. 1.,,11.'& 1111 Ihl" pillolllll"nl Ilith IllIloudy"n,1 UII Iheir !oi!l"r)' f<lul ~l"n,I,'rl C/O,I; 1<1 ~~Inl rnl Ihl:lll l'Xl'IIlllie \I'Hlilln MMII '"nUl, '1IIIIlk, I" (lUll: \llItllllU hll ,lying f~w oltl or in!1rUlllll'lI. 'flwy lUlJ'hl hli\'U

llell. bo'I'u in'l""~III.!lIII1IKl"tillllk. 111I.1 1011,. IIAllll ""liell lIfuu",1 hi. unrelll'nll'lllt I,CIU! Iltl'y h~tl lllOlII:tI, Thvy IIII/,Ihi h,,"eli,~',1 "till Illt.1 IIng,'11i hm'Nt,1 In lfall lIir, IH'l:rlu,'ntd tl"l ....lClll1l1ml Imlitlr,,1 1010.t.:nlll'indill~ ,,111(11 ~1"'lIhl Imve 111lI1 •• rics III "n, tillil'. "n,1 IlIu, knew fill 1111",

Ihl'lr .hu~, I".... TlIl'1 wel'U llltrlllgent cn.)u.llh I"Thl! g,,,,,1 "11.'1 tUu/luffed anti Ibu mdn knllw th"t thtrll "'... nOllll ....'r "n thll

rdcnloo, Illal1l11llon C11111l1011l of 1\:I1~llnll' .ny mOfU-Tll1' h,'relic ri~tr" h.,1 TCIH'nlutl, nlcnt th!"y miultt ('h,"1l101 ,n Ill"k". 'fIll'''IIl'C..nwd nU. bulle\'ell Ihl: f.:burch'. did kllnw. to", !Iut Ihe 1tI1CCC! .ortilo

'I"')'. F<l,lcr"lumy wnuhI give tlll:UI frfl.~I"IIl,

Ami. ll)ing then. h..,l A'''01l Itralsht. uII The f"et wa~ 1~lkcd .buut unr)'" hert.

lu "lor)'! ltlld 110 elrurt ""' lIulle III k'i'lJlhaJ,oull Will Ihu rnlloll'lng InU11I,ur lIf lur· kOl'lwlelll(O of It j"HlI tbem. TliO'Y klle'll'

prill(', llt .. t tn ..;erl their fra,dolll "11'1 lu gi\'DPMlucnt the te.ra in mllllJ ""'Ol~n'~ 100uIMiite IG~ tn th" UIllnn CIIUIIl.

rJK. MOlt 01 thllm rUfeltd (n..... II.IIIl, Il"'. IIIA. lhe ~"n" pTldt ooocllllle.; hll hI,. lhe hetrltDfIlI with ..bkh Ihfy.rler.

ntnl,tue: ...Mlil Al:tClltl'li It ahultdllntl, lIn/vel.Whtn ffllm Ihe cnrwd.n c.ger Illton~, Alul,ut Ihey atlnlllrlCll qul~'. fIIIlllfu!.

~pntn",' 1Il1t! .1I11g..lIt Ihr<MIllhuut. vu, fcw ot"lilly 'llIlialle I TblliUleaL IlIlIh fnull, 11Illlll "hillg troul)jlj of Iny lOri, uen UII

IIfd I plllnllltion. "bue ollly I rew wunll'n rc·N" Itllill OOl I 1IIlll'll 11, rh·l:O'.lIido; IDllined Lu CCIiIltml tlllllll. Tile n'_m f'ltI lIelll It;. bud and Witched him till he all Ihl. nlult bo lIIIught 10 Ihe lIegro

.lied; cbal'llClel, .lId WI! of IIHI 811ulh. Itn'lwlnwNo f1tl~Jt ClIme nor hIm 1I11MI 11f.. 1,.,1 that Chl'lnl£Ulr thnrflUj:hl,. 1r\l'11:\11~ 11ll"

tied. plidtl,.. We lult mar hQlUl'I ~nd lIeII'·,\1\,1 I IollfllfOne '11'11111111(11\ him lIe.d, ItIlI "111:1 10 Ihll kl'llpinM 01 Afriall' ofOf jusl Ihllt flritlllily «hetllll Wil b.a rlllr <lur hOUIll!Il)I.II. wllhlJut Ill' h~llalinll

fe."'. whllwnr. We knll1l' ,h_ 'altbful .n,IAnd .....e. lril rr1~a" hid ....om for man, .lr.octh.naMl pcl"llle luO "'1111 tl.l f....r Iblat

l·e..rl thllY "fluid ltoU!ill lueh I tnul. WeTllftt ....·bm (Ifill (r!JID our nlllllbe, CQle collC/llllell nothing fr,l!oII thtw, nd Iht:,

It! di, knew qulle U "1:111\1 we dlt! Lbo ia;u('.'Ve wnllltl p,,,cnt 11111 OIonltlah Jug. U ltake iD II" wIlr.

wlur. Tho negro II eonlllllllnnall, In)'ll1uJ.nn:l1zn kDtlWI 1hClllllth ..r "'h"t IllY, Ilia nhlllJtltiollalll ha lIndel~laod. Ihllll,1Iu knn•• full ...ell that 'neitber nl,,>I1t and hili IIttltehnlclltlt, lIo1411 1.lul aDd Jlur-

nOI dll.' IImll, are oreowtllonly It,Oltg, 110Dill we celUCl wlltc1rin;; b, Pietro'" Ilde: lllftllll, furglll' lin ItlJulJ'~ Illlt 1lC!..er •Tllercl'ure lIgltiu 1 ~a" tAu p'i~ AatA l.iDdn"". 1t.1d 10 he ,,·ps uu' Iikel, to

lied," rlill In anUI Il!:l.in.t lhu hclllkw w(\meltGre,,~ "'u '11Mi tumult th.t Ilt nnu en· anll clilldnn ""bilOi hI! hall "!IOWIl 11111·

~ued; '11ll1 ttrlr food IOI'ell 1I1mOllt rc,cnlltlallr[n1l,1 Crib 'l'llUnndt:li, j,nl_terOll\ an'1

1from chllllhOOl1 hu.·enr III'Ougl1 bt d ...•

A".i~:~'~~he rrie.t ...hl)l(ll,ing 'rltkb..d 'tirOli tile flt'lul~l whlch ~uch II rt.llllf....lr'·ll. ; "'lluhl ~n;\IT' tit bini, It ""~ a (liltUC&


I'h.' "\nlOlrlll IIl1d !'illll,·rllll, .. rlli 'I'he UOlI'I'lle .olclrv. 11111 fi ther, WIOd l.or~lllO, "lIo 'tW,.

""j,oll(~ ,."",.. ldinllIU1I.olI1w n_II\HIIL Pro." Ih~ /"'/'1. kll""n1I Could "H,ke Il ,ioUn olllllrel I"nt

1101 ro li~;"n "tkllll'!- .Xl'lll'I,"u n.....' Ti,t, ,klKtlJ "'I,ith Julio\\" bl)llllt: up- fhlll 1111\ "tlll( \\OrkUIlHIIIl the 'U\\Il,,III' -11l'"n "",.d .:, I, 11,., r, 1.,.,'·"1It~ "'I t,,, t- IIlliCh hrll1~lIy l'ItCIHrl·.ltn Flor, .\nd lhll~ hM,I\:,lin".1 I'Jlirhll 'I" n-III>\\ II.th"" ,hm;:_ "hi, Ii til ,y h~ "'I,I,illl',I, U"C IHII lw:: lince. :<lll'h II MIO.i, I)' ur,11,11, Ii:.:",,, Ih...,' ,M,,;!" \I hid, f'i11 1111, "Wl'd"" LiI",ral. \,Xl"S lh\r\l nu\\' J l... tH'Il'" "'"{o n" ",'h"IH. ,1',1 nut lo"k

t-"r"lll OIlC d:,)". d,mn to llll"thcr in "loc I ,11'1.",·." ~,.j"llt" '!lnil. '"rthing. Inlh"t t',lr"l!)'tln tllcTu..rlln "r"ln. I'o"k:"hl,11 "r,' ~Il,,,,·tl. 1111'1 r,>li:tl"u " .. llh) lilrll',1 .,,1'1111118 lllld ",lviI'&; n~llll 01 mo lilhur w,III't:r!llrnlecl, hu ""n~ con,·'I.II... ,.i.hlll'~"lllllnll~ll(lt",·vn.~ 1"1 r:;r8in, hnl,;,t1""'llt '" 101'1"'" "IllIII'l 1" I1,Iillitl"n ,,111'hmugll \I h<l'lO uld "1I11.lhe Arnuglldcli ."nrl went 10 \·cIJwrs. tlluk the !oller:,·Ihe ,ujllrn.IIlr..I \I·.wl,1 lx' 1t~I,rol""~'1 11),,1110:. lI",nl,I'hUII, 1l,,1~ "I' ,l,'t!nltlonl fIr lhll It'rlll' 11t~ b,nk. 1ll.'Chulng "",UI Ihe gl.UWlJlIl I'",)'",] fnr llUo''Ir I'ln ~..n" ill 1III ccll'"ll1:rll"lUr:llllllll IlIir.,·ul"n. 1"lIf 1>,-"11 ,•• 'n;: Jh'I"II·,1 1111 11i0!ll wickerl m,'u I" 111.11':;\"<'11 I" tIll' ",,,rId. I'UI 11i,'.I' ,I" n,,1 lill Whi"h Irum 1t1l11lm Hpj CUlllel hlilhe.nd Who k"IU p"nt rio .hurt uf wine 111111lhe blll·-lh.·, Cldl h'II'" I" lIircl'l'''~' 'n &il'1Or jrll.",','IUl'lIl:", ,h·t1l1hl"n In ",Ililh Ilru,,,iujol A\ ll,'k·like mll.lc 10 Ihe 1I"lenlng elH; An'I e\,ellllnycd lur 1'lllItly .\nlunalli:U1'llIlrl"1 \lile rlk. III I!lir Fir, ll~, lilln~.1 for uolJl~ lllep, Bill hli "ne !'fill. I'it'lrn. 1I11M'kin.L[ly

It \\!lllt.! '''II\'e no nec~\inn folf (rj,i· Wllo, .kllt••I.llke w'lh chl:!CI•.1Iru~h Ind Sc"jf,.rl "l "Iluor I'lu'~" f•.i~n<:llc.IlIi1'ily,1·on illhl'rc c""I,1 he ,I~\'i ..·<l ..,111+' t1,·"r \l"n, L"Ullhr,] 'I the tlilo ur ,Iunll\'"n, .::Imil;ddll1lll"'1 01' Ih<l \I'"r,1 "llIlr'll'I.,." Oil 11,1\'" 1:1"rn it 1l1,,~1 l1Ian'dollM rt!no\l·n. IInll ~Im,,',

thc "tlld h,ml. ""I"itll-Illnillng lloe .\n.1 ~h,,1 rllrt' glury o'er tilelr Plilhe And Q~kc,1 whllt guar;\ ~luo.1 Illlhc,h~n;Cl'~ whirh 1l.Clenee ],~~ 10 Imk(', in t",,'n.- lI~pQl d..ur

eo,nk'jucnrll of thll call1lll·1illil 1")\\"" TllvTU \dll'rll thl' dQwn ftl'l>t hrob (In Ell S~1\1l I'h;"1 own 811'1'1 Mldl1"Y in )'1'11,,11',~n,1 I"'jllilllti"n of 'he I"l"'llil min' I. "et r"I"'" Ij:lllt \\'h" m'llle a Illow (If iUlmli,l:; Ihe "IdIhlllC 1\'11 n"Jolij'lll Io:r(;lI11,I~ fll' trullflllinl lIf1~r 'he glooo'")' l1lirkll"l~of Ihlll night fcl1l1l1',

lJilit Ihe IU1I" Scl"ncti lind ~'ltU'<l CUll Whirh I\'r"I'lll.1 Ihe world ulmo the hili lruell Wtll'lle tltlln Ihls. LurcnlO'" heluln"loo "cruo'h'ly ,t. tlnell. uf 1I01lW, \I'M Io!ri"\'t!fl

Jr, thtll, ~d,'n~.' !I Ihe rel't1~lilln Itl ,\ nil Ul.ille fnr I'lce .,,11 lj.(nonnce I To htllr hl~ Sl>n /!l'ChITU he luu] been lie.Innn nl' the knnw"lolc, ho'" "hlnrd ~"<l 11 ...1111',- e~i1:e,I,

lup"r81t11"u' i~ ,m)" ,h'6nlllnn uf IIll! 811, Th.1'tl wl'vnco Ihe I.'\!nilll of 4 D,mtll l)ehlll,'rr. dupe,l "'~ftll.f nlll" Ion 1011j.(IWrndll",1 wl,ich ""aka ,t II"n,\ fl;lr tl1l' '1"'lInJ( U, Ihll"U flte prleltl II'h~ C<lIlduct 11'11.unkno",,,l,I,'! The wllrld Is f"l1 Nlllling To 'ulI",1 ill 'l",n~lh an.1 hcaut, thAI IIi ,.'t' 11'1II> 'he r<llll:lu,inn Illllt It I, III. hili '\'Ork ril'h IUlllIlIl.! All Iheir r.:,lllI' (,ccli on ~Ujl'Nlillfln5In IIld.·l.! "Il"r Ihe unkn"II·"I,I,·. IIn.1 if III WIII"1i n"",' "d"rnl 1!rt'1I1 Ar1ollo', II~Gu I,n~tol.

turninlollls f"cc 1II\0'Ill'<Is Iht lUll ollci ,\n,1 '1',;"",'. vI'r~,". lind In 1,,1." .j:u Which in 111l1:'llUghd\11 Olin, I, WIU nnwCftt'CI. an,1 \lllh Aj,,:r; it ....~k.lh:hl. Itd,1 ,h... kV"lI \I'il "fr.,"nk,11 Guhlllni To 1,I"rlr\

'I'llll' ]l",)'tr 01 Aj.... ,,'.i r"r IIjlltl." An,llbr Illite 'yle "fell'(IU' nt ~llln1,llni- n, l,r..",I,'r. nuhl~r trllll, •. I,,· \I'hich lie1'h"ul!h Ihuu il nn (1"lln;,l"n "I 11IlTil Tllel'tl "'I'llnt'e IIr"'" Ih~ VIt"I, !'roIU,U1 11K\\'

de wliich I... I""u Ifl'ner.lly 1I!XC]l'lIhl,', 11\ln'l 11,,11' 11'''Oo!!ly h, h"III"'l'n nll.I,,1 I..,r"r~.aolllhllugh nn"l' C"O 1><; f"''''\I';I. JrI il i. 01 1.1''''11,,'''10, ll'llll in !ruth rUlllhlne,1 It "'u In I' till thnllt, ....! 1.1l"'IIZiI ;Jr.yr,l.lI<'CClllllr,., In ntfl~r In dill'lIll hll~lIill"'nl Tlte I"illl,'r. ~11111'"t. lIN'hh,~'t \11 on". And c'III,.lllll.II"l, Vltj.!ln In 111'111,1:Iy the vrinrllll~ IInll f"cII Itlv"I"I'" III X"r ~elill mll,lI: c"uhl I,,, ~'er "'lI,lolJ~, In fill" h~ "1",Ye 10 rhllnJ.;~ iii" ItJII'~the terlll, Ihlt we Ii.va 1001IIll !l'ru~,.1 ,II·· lIu! Ih"nclllih In rl'I'telr)' lit Court 1,,,,,1I1Ii"l1

lI"i,ion. It'll)' Ih" Vt·rr ...~ilCht i'f IB Ao,1 III t'I'jl'lIrch,'~ "f Ilie,It~'llf"ljllh\ln!l'lIt.. An,1 II'llrn,',1 him Ih1.l he ImlWIIl'l1 10",,'n dellnlt flll thl' 11',,1\1 ..mlrl.cl .... h~ Th,r(' w'II'N Immurhll AIIIl,·I'1 h"d hlrlll lk'r,Iiti"n,

comes nt'lt"li.,t. )'l.!1 tl,u 1)l'lltiu furcl' WI...." r"llIe r~nHlinl uU~I,ulllled "VOIl IInl",Io,.,.I,. .1Q<UUtll 10 1'111111111 pUlli,lI,tll"llt has 'I\"'r tl1<' min,llol IlIIt1kln,1 ~Ilrlh. 1111'111,

genu"lly. t\·nder,. It 1I1IIWl'1lliv, IlulI Wh~ l1.mllll hun': Ihe "I'unth~ln III IfllllIUrnt,IIfXI)lle Illlrl ote nltM Inllit! Illpll1ltry, '1Illeltlllioli. anu rrr"r .ir." Lelli.whkh lurk under lloa term .h001l1 be ,\nd wh.."4l TIIMnic Mllturl ptrllllll, l,eur,I.ily !>roughl tll lilolbt. Till' liI:lIl ofinll,lrllliun II> "I,lilllr ri~lro IJ"inh~1 nUl \I hll lJ1",.. ly ~tr1(.·,

8uPI"1IlI \I.t! ,Iellne it with F. E, Ah1~,t Thlt It hUI j::TU\l1 laIflrll C!t':H loy InplU IIf Whllt n.·klt·.. llilr,·)tlIr,J "f hUl11"u m,·,dlll~: "A" Irllel~ I~ In Hfllt In Nlliuru 1\11 "._ Illlll tlIlll~a'd Iht: ChUrl Ii'~ blllllr,. "lui

whotu 0I11!le II OIlUlllllof ~"Inre- ·11",1 In !,'k,tI'nt'l', whl're Uorclrf'i .. t\nllofln\'c .. "lnt',1II, aI' e....nt dth~r f:fl11lrnr)' In. or "oo,·~. An,1 IIrlln~l1 ...cllo r~~rtil hi, dome 1I111'n, rile \"'I)~I 811,ml••• n,1 whftlj IrillllllJIi,

.11 MIUlltl I"'"'ft." Atld laL Ulllllt furllet TI,u I'h'~'kel'l:d tllIulile ul thal mighlY A:~lnedthlll tha many new d,.f1nhlon, of tlte IhTlne n, ",II uvcr ",MIl. whnl tlftrlt I"rll}'...onl w!lich hUll beea IlU,'wlllf'd. h""fl W!lllru Iln.eo Ind migi'll)' eo ...ell r,'m. 01 11""",111111"'1'1<' utlnu~. (rulla thll ,111"heen rnrt,:",1 loy Ihll enllll'l;(j(1 rnuon.l1)· hlnl'.- Wh~IIf1""llheC:lo11rcbulrnugh COl1~hlll'

101In"!"T etomllllln knfl!. ·an.1 uy dill In, Tht.n "hl',t IItt might, I1nll!w ~lnnr,1 lirl!' J,("ll/ot:ll !"I\I"',crttllle<l hll'''I"lli... or IIl1r 1'ltCC!, The The .Iftlry .ki.'ll, 'II'I.en hI Ihe 1,r1ellltootl C.nlll tlm.n ,ht 1I1t1'll to the l'I'l'lI<'nl huur!udlcnl dift'~ren«1 In filch 11k--c«dlnj:l IHlnned. l'I~tn' \I'!'I' It. II'1,nl"r, In,1 cIIIII,1 0.111

'Mlnllinn of the "liM lllirocic 'Ul:Jttllt to ."rcDrlell, lind pt.'TII.'Cutl'll (,'r tlie truth IMokl wlllch !lll,I IhoWD hi,n ""h~t aUI "lnno:e Ih" Krht plol ..bl1ily tl:l\t Ihl' Whitll nu'll '11('lImed h, evcry m'"!CnI Ilolln1l' n,'!:,1henlt 11111 COl'll of Ib, miracle 1,ln, II un.. )oulh.- Wu Ih~t whl.." hltllJtcn tllllltilt him In

true. Tbettl ",·llel'l: cellini OIned willi Ilh'ercll hl~ )"Hllb.Tho Iupf'nutunli chafllClalr nt Chrl.t. ~kl1l. Anll tIl.lll! blill It.nd f"rlh m.nfull, I'ur

I.nlty Wtl' .Uctt~1 Ily Ininc!lrI: (0' ... llh And Ilr~..t OIotto wrougltt ID lIrunu, Trulh.uut tl1eN IlglIl and ...ollde,.. it ""ould I until The th'rnun IllngUltge. 'll'11II1I:! Ilanoh IIC,

nut IlllI'ftl (fCdll,llItJ, "It l)falctlt~l Such gMteI 1a forml'll. 10 perfect lind C,'IlU hlloj:('trulhI In tbe 11lI,nlUl Inlelltel wllicb It Iln/cltr. I.Ib helt'f' wdghll upon Ill, 801llhorncoulll nflt 01 lltel( h"v. dla.'OvenKI.·' Thllt tbey ...e", lit for rll'Ifll'l or PllrlllItc,- lun,;'''',RUllto" cao • hlnl.lion "pn'leIlHrulhl Th('r~ WilellOl the ClIllllillK M,,(hl.nlli It! ,ct could rcllli. lind rrom it J>O"'crto Ibe hllm.n Inlellucl" which the bUIllI" sprung I~r~..·;lotellect etn not nrl"f-M'OlIt of the And Andrei dalSarto. who II1000ng If, Ilu.II'ld w~11 h. ctltlrl, .n'! he kllt~lltlnK:le. of the Whl. arc in eOlllllct with TIle p.lnterl ur Ihe Uol,. group rhlkl Tllll tL.u nil Kruwtllli 01 t1f1(:Uin,... IIIUIblllllllT1 l!Xpt=nerloo gt!IIenilty, if lint 11111.. Mgh. Ihu'll'''yYllrllUy.•f, bu"urr, It IMllll.llled npoo Amerigo VH~uecl, wo, ...hOlfl r'!. In "hlell tI.t.,. hlol 11Uf.t~nrled In hli 11,ly.Ilut the fuod,ullel1..1 trll~h. nf Cbrl.t· l"Il'Itllll'll' Ihll m.ln.land tIl wblcb 'till HIII/(w with In,lljLnlllillll lite 11l'n:e 11lItl''anhy Ire .trictl, l'1ltlonat, Ihe-n there fltllltll'et Wllh "'hldl Ihll Cliurch 11Ild Itrugglt'll

WlU no nl>efl uf • rUl'h,tlnll, AIIII Cbrllt· iii. Chr1ltmD O'Ne dtlplt.c the ll1plO o( III tlllllei.olt)'. I.. COlllnlflll wi'h fltlll" ~lirinllll, )'ror..- Thl! Influellce of Klt:lnr.e, 'll'hOlO rore

h.d " hUluln "rlgin, \','1 lllhtr rellg. In Flurenoe ""here tlte grtllt J(erU'Dll'r 111;1ItIon. cI ..lul 10 hl\·t! hid IUllCrnntllrtl ~v. dWtlt HIlII Il.clldlly 11I11lt!ncd Ilifl /1~1lr' Illight~J .. I;O"" Til. JIllldn" rclllliun 11'''' W1l0M life ...". bl.mdCII, and whtll\t Of anpentillon'a mllleTltble reignginn ii, ruel.lioo In the VllIl .... "'hlch tUIt'" could melt With 101l1C .~.nlllluOt! e.,1I1 lit !II Ir"ln.\I'r'" writ len I,y a Ilt-il'. or b, hdolP And 1'11'.' It ,.,'1Il thOle lick!. T,IIIcan I'it'lru Will Ilfll Iileol. Lm'K tnou~b,IUpl:lior hI mntl"l,., z..ro,.,lrlanl,m 11'''' mlntl.., He 11I1111, tllll world h01l1 fl~!lIpon the

1110 glTI'n oy I'uelllilun; IIlId ltlihollld \Vhu yet (oold gi..e 'bis ..I.... to Ibe IIlllff,_..>. Wblclll,rlt:llIllIld ol.OU(ACluh'd (01' It.

IIl1nl1l1nct""l !II. rt'lIglol1 .. IIl~tl, eolm· 'If n<ll.- dil'l.DlunlCllull from HeMeu.· III Ihll Mr cil', fnitl\llio thll Greal,

Tho Iuperlliturni dlotl'1lcllr ur 1111 rr1i. In tlmetl Dlore n.OCl'"t. aUlllnlll'.sllO 1~le And ml'ltnlime rnttrdcrtd n,u 10 k.epj:10"1 II ,u~tllined I" mir~l..:a. )Jnl ,.. IlvlI or ,is yurt IID~. tilt:ftl l!Ted a IlIenl fluid,t:llr!lti"-llity "1111111'1 Ihllt thl! Iniraclet m"n lie laught hll HUtlltl dfl(:lnll" fu aod

n:conlt....1 io the Hible .re !rU". anlllh"t ~~r Mlhe hnnk whfre Ihc Ionll,. Arnu 11'101",III...oIIl rt'OOrdttl in Ihe lI""kl or the I1lh. llln. Anti tlJllullhlful men CIIIIII oTtr til btl

IIle r..1l1l'11l11j U1! rlll~tl", mlnclu oCIBy nll11l0 Pietro. ,1">tin..1I... li IllllCC alo.lc.11I~ Inlli!to, J::~l'ptilln, IUld Ibt (lm 11 IIr!! tAmil'll the IocnerllCwl'lI u( bl~ rltte. In little hCllllonU tbe leader of a ~honlIInly 1Il)'IUI ..n,1 f.hk... "t!cIeIlCe. hnll''' III! ""11 a nobill hl'lIrt lind IIdi~1! mimi; lkll'llilug nllll!:la~ 10 mucb .... pr_loly..nr," ul~U'n the cekLrate4 8lrlus., A Mlill fIlltte .ieoeruUa i)l1e (:<lul.l <lCitn:r1y I rul{', ."holol! \I V"~lIl'jD ull.r tOlJ lCrt:lll unl"l1r. dncl; UlIll'llringlylliur I'.rlt~dllCll IWIJ'IIily IU hlllllll!lC ~ IIltn"w l!o 1'~lu"l,m, He "'·III.n advflc~le anll ulII:,1 hi~.km. Tblllll)·tllll~run,; .Ionl'~ nfllD url,JI&r.end 'll'Hl tnV, 'I ""ill .lh:O!:ni~1 olUilCle u Which "''''- not .rUlll. Iii rel1lc.I)· cllrth', TlliIlll1l, ,nlntclu or tllIl .It'CIIIk,

1'.1 .,., . 11 " ., 1'1 TbtI lollrc·(awJ tbuul or ruliw ilth,l,IlO!o U II '" .cr III II Ie pruVln~,'11 u ~., . f11ill'I'lIlo hblu". nr J ",III retugnllC It In I TlJl'IltI tloll guud, .n,1 help 1I~ bc.~ hu 1Il1111.ol)no:" Ini~hl I.\DII I"l>nlrt.dktlon. i. '~lhl Inll'l:hl!r

-----_ ITh~htH,j.t1brllh,1 triunlllh5uf'!lc HI~bl. ",hureb".0\ (.. I 1t"1 ,lrunk .IILy 111111....11, "11Th I II .. h"'1 b.:..11 oorn If' flt:n:nt"l', Iud "ulll

.IUlult hUlllnn al/lhud." ill " 'lain. dllr lI't1rl"fl . . \~Ilich li:al'lllllfall~Lm,y tlt(j~urch, ,,1.1Il1J. By tll'C \I'hOUI 1I111lte CI\ltt;" IllII'tr<:,J, I' h& l1I~,ltltll.'loI l'nt~1I of Italy c,.uo'bloed






ISAAQ CATII('AI1T, l'nt,.,ur"...




TIHl§ 1I01'F.L


Ili:.\I.t:n .IX

Clve Me a CallS~OIlO)lIsll ('I1'r. w, T, .lnUlln] 1, IIlto




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Alnrgc n~ftOl'tmcnl, of SIIIP KNEr~SCOII.~llllltl\·flnh:tIld. 1S1Il!' KNE&S of allY dilllcnlliomi ftlrlli~hc(l hI un.lc·l'.

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01. D

l"l.· ..·,·ll" ..".

~:u::. "'.t_ L

I" "1'11 ... ·,·I"tc llo.'-Il I'L't'uli.ritl,·" vI' llw 1/11'1'\' IIltiH\SIl~.-Th~r, h Jill rllit It l~ Vrop.-I "y the ItaU"n lllnllttr Irw;,ttU ch",~,rh.r .. hiLh Je,l .~"1111 ~lr(l1l'1I :\'hic~, l.hiln'''l'h~r. ",.11'1 d~\'itC fur ChlllJi' , to 1l111IrO[lrhl~ the rlillcllll In lh~ Srlllel"rn till' 1I1l.luke III \1 "o·t 111m I.,. lill'. In;: t'uh"r hnill.mll. <It 11'1 ...... '1\'1 ..1'1)' llull lind tJrl"Kk ul' tl.t """mhlllll('t of ltrllpurlllS:..lhiuJC i. 1,1,,11I"r lluill th", III' 'ul"';lIl. I,,,. mudl ~lr,'Cl. lut lhtl y"ullL' lin linT ,,,vH.·lllnty kept lip 1'1 Iht r"pn within

'111 "",1 the .lilllcloIlI.\· ,,' l ~dlilll! Ihe ""I'I,r'l'l \h\' Illd llllUl1 tlmt ...ul>j,-cl. l,n.1 h. \lllllll. Such .. mculirc tlll!!:!,r InolllCC:" ... ,1 1000::I'I,C '<.I 1I1~urre,·ti'''1. lie ,",'Cllt ,., cllul,'c. t.,~ W01"cn. "'III'C~all)" I" I?' Ill' IIIIl nhl ll"I\II~1I1111l Iv tlllill.l'lllt.: Iln~l

Il.,q.. r, ~ ,'rr). cUlltl,l~lIt tl'lIt willn hIt 11l\\'Ul~ ." Ir~: I" \t'~ ~Il ftlh.r,1 II> hrlll·Ve. Flllhl'r Ht..'t:k:<·" ,l""iell .,r !'l11l1lll(' uJlII1~

• ""11.1 oI''''I"r~ hi'llllrj"" '. II"" ll\';tr< ....~ ~ul "Ill' WVIWln ill 11th. Ulll~ ... ~l,,, ill for Illrolle III J"rll:lII"lIl 111111 tl/lUuln 1111'.'1""11,1 I"~'k In IIi••Inlld"r,lltllol "111~,llIr ..Ulltl r~a ..HI- IIfh 1I~ f"rlUnr, rnnk ur Infhr 1111.'·"'.\\lllol~:'lr,rllljlh~U~I·'.,,,. Th")' re- 1"'uUl)'_'1 j:ft'ul ....alrh,.. It._" lltl~'lhinj: lIur~ 111\1 IW""'II!'''llnfl(),OJl .hni

IU.IlIl,,'I'I'lU'II)·1I1 ""rk in ~le.lll. IlWl)' liku"r~,1 p""".r"f""k-ell"n ,mlllll:':il,I,\ IlIr moni... l Inll're.l~ Ih .. t Ire t'X~lIlpl"I Ih"1ll lo"IUII:I•• lnul,II,·._, 11'41 ffl"'d"m Ulin·t~. 1111,11'\"'1' "Iwlt .he 1111, ,hI' "~~11 fronl p,,,in\! I 'X,". C'lIllllly UlllI l'Iulm

I"r 111 ...1111·11'''' ,,11,1 Ih"lr 10·11 '\\". lullll,1 :':lI"l~ It ,." ")", ill "1",t1ic~"~" Itl It 1I'~'I;IIt. In I~ II 'ju'l III1Itt IUlll lI~k rhlll\'h 11rulltr.'''11...11<1'' Iw 'H"II"hl "UI. hUI III~\' w, r" 1"'nllol\' "·II"I,It·, 1,,,,,·,Itlv I,lulI,lrrl1l;5: I r J"h"II~' 1111 "'illuq ~" III ,ke 11111 I";" ~'''I')' II","'Y th'll "l~ h,,~ 1"lIu,1 ";1 !.Ie-I. I)' 10 III I'.'CI'UI~II. rum I~.'C<t.~ "n. ."'"r 1110011 Ihc "lIil",~ I" "'Iu,m 11"'1' ""1"1 HUI w,· ~I,,,uhl h,II'''' ,ui,1 I:INC WI·t<.. ,A, le",rl~t~1 'hl'ln",ttny., Ib~ l",'l'1)' ,Ii...,

. .' ., '-11' ,.~ ,nl",t, 110 '''lilt,. I" 'III' cUhl/l''H1ad't~II.,I' 11... 'Ir"I1~".t 1''''''II,lu "nl1ll~ I"'" IIm,,1 rlll,·~ iull '1'"rllll'·II.I·IIII1~.loe· J,'ttll"." ,hill "". Thl! .lilotipl,'. ill M.,,( "R'''·li""..\ "I ,.., 111I,,',~I"'"1 II ... ,.",,~ llley 1"1,1"""111 I'I"""'C "I' III·iu<:, 111I ,IL,\' fllll",1 In nn,I"r"~ttllfl 111111, WI'wllr Ih"I' III·Ic.1 "Ih'f II",il klll,l. ""il!ll~ li,·r,·,I, 1111,1 IlI,·\· w,'re ll ....c: 1<'1 tl,,· Ihlllk I" "\"'11, ,~"u 1101 unolcriltl\llll hl~I ,r 11... ;••nc "llh ~r,'~I. c,dlll l'Illh'Il"c ""'111.'10" tll'!>l r01I:II.iIO he It man 11"11".... J't'oji:...,J.II",·il'lo·" in nllr,I,,!,.

whi,'h i~ Ihcir ",,,.1 IIlli.·~,...1 d"'fIl~.ll"""", "ill lot, I"hhu t, re.I.,ullllhcrl1,tll·" ----

lcd'li,·. Ilr...r "hi""l :00: II ""lIlllll "Ii" t'llll lIu,kl'WI",!! Ihc War ,".1",1, ll~\inl' ~l"O'ry·' huUI.· ..~.lfll1. It I~ Ihe IIIIIl "I,h lIIuny f

1111111:" ill '''tllll-,ulI, 11ll' lo""rhl"d.:~ III,nl· 11l1'·f,·.I~, ... Ilh ""J:I·,,~.inll ''''''1I11''li ...n~, ~

I)' iiI',·,,' Wh"II",I". Lill III"'" Ih .. h"l<' ,,'1111 1'1"111)' "I llo~'Joi" I" li~hl. with ~ dllo,'~' "cl,·,1 I... th l;rc~1 ul, .. I,·~I~·, 1111I0:11 _Il'll~ll'" I" 11I"11I'1<111 1IL{,in~t lhr wllrili. '11('ulI.I,I"IIlII'" r.. r Ilhir 1Il".I,r,.. IIUt! -ill' v,' •• , I. Wc rt~.III· ,1""IC..\ic I»"n. 111 11I~

Illlilf "'1"I ...rn. .\ fUll' ,h'llnll'~,1 ,11"'~ I.. I...·~ ",'n-e 'h;' I'tlj,,~, h"m... ""h" I~ ~I, ...k Itl I,,,J ""lI1'N:' "I "1I1~·. (,ul lllcir h''''111,,1 1" n k,· ,. Irl"n,l Ill' hi .. ""If..,flJmllor ",,- r'Ularklll,I.\· ~l\", I ii,u"" I ,,1,,1 r"l,~".", lor,.tll". It'h" It'd. ill lhl; c)"II,,',~. Willi \I~l" Ilrr ""11""•• 1",1 .."k '1 ..1.111 ''In'l,' "I"'n: ""l.n,I)· I.. al,ovc 1,Im ~

Ih...ll·dr,'l' lU II.,· 1"Ij,~ III .,·.,,~'h "I ~I"I ""i",.ly 11ll'Y"'IIU,I'c1ie ""Ilt I,i'li II' !",,·,,'r 1111,1 11I',1,' l,r",Jlllhl", ""rl. Ih.UlllIl)· .. ha "','r~ III II I... ,rcn "f .11..., 1111,1 n' 9.II, Y 1""lu""r .1'11,·. urul Inllll) "fill,·... , ll,r"linn. Th,' .Ir",rl"",k "f I,,'nwlif,·.

•"",,,,,, .""'''''' ,,,"" '"'''' I.'I,,~ ",," I;" '"""";",,, ,,,~,,,m,;,, ,,' ;"';1,;'11',', ;)l..u'101 I'ltll,I")Ill"1I1 "1:".1111. Th", ItrclII 1I11~1l""" Ml,1 r"tI""I"ent "'c"rtncllll, hm,jor'l)' lI".It,"llllli,'nll~ fur Ih;n;:. In n, ft'r IIrc,.rlllln .lIt·1i I' tll111, lIu I' DO

.,ljU-1 Ihem""I\". 1'1 II" Ir 11,·", , ... n,ll Il1lun' h"'c,1 lI'hlt h"lIl~ Ilmll with "le~1l"""'. ;:"ill<: "" "illo Iht'ir ,,'(lrk lI'c"n· lIu 110 m,lre Ilr,'~ "r hi. 1I'lf" Ih~u 01' I,i.,\11110" "",I cnl1,lll('lillg th.·III,,·lv.... wilh o"'n h,II'I,h'l 11111,,,1,, 1I~ i. 11" Il",r.r~u, Ilk .1,1., 'lIl1,I,·.t), J ",,,. Ihllrll III' Ilhl!!Il<'ol ,,'1111 hi_ "lrilolrl'll lh ,n \11th IIi.

1111"" III IhI~ liul<·. 'Illli I bCII,,1 ,,' IU, ",,'n Il;:hlcr Ih"u\!hl~. TI'l' "orr~' IIlld

I"~e in "lilt h "111';:1''' \·"lllllfllrllJ Ie I Ih.· ...IIWI1",i ~'H.I til" l\"O'ui" ..... IIr~ dl"",,.1",1 hi~ m..-lo'r "I d,c t'lllm~"ol rul.,· ""I.\oI~ 1111,1 lrnlll" no U1l'It· i~ih)i'l tll~II

11"'1.,·~i'II .. ;.l I~'I\\'Cl'll lh"'''I. "r In nlll·1 h,.l"'nh '" It uilnr IJr 1,1_ t~lI\ I" II 11..1

IItlin WLI.I· "If n Ic,1 ",r"in.1 d,u "ri"h'~1 ,1I"r "II '1I'Ih'l' !'t'r\'II'~, II" I!.·t~ (mill IIIl'11l11·~ .. t 1""I'ri"I~, I h"IIII' jll"t the dl,IIl).!", tlill 111111" Ih,· 'ii

111''II~~1i1 flilllUlu" "Itieh lhe hllu mom ~ ';,l

fti ...",lr{J1ll 111,· Ilo" icl~'IJ" IlKlll'cns 1('0 tn, i"hl' dlr,'C1 n-llIlj"" "f 'lIu.i,: I~ 11"1 til j..).. TIo,.,,· i. IUIt mud, dlillllll~/l:llein

I,l~~" I,ut"IIl,'II"nf. .\IIIl!l~ In Ih,> workf llifl'. 1I11~'hn",,, f"r lilt) ncli1c lIl~n Ill"'! nf..f it" 1t"'liIO'1 11' l.ll'l~, I. muttj IUIlr\'d. the lillIe l~ It hmnr."",, nlUr~ 1II)"~IHi"tl., thMh 1l<1.lfl·'-1 .-----Ill-nry tliln. • til rolo.linn 10 III", .lllt'llti,," "r Ijille

"JIII lillI''' nf I'o"'ry. til.. Il'rl",I.' "r I'ro!: 1I1111l'y Slt1': "Ten l11 nll ...n,l,t.",II""". "1I,IUI"lIlhe '"~' of~ri:'llirc1II0'l, I. un! It II IlInlll1~~11Il1l1 frMj:lrnl'nt .. f t.lm...

I ,... "Ir ttll the l('rt.'111 Ilhl'Domenn ul Ih. .,lrt~jl'elll I' rli'OIlI'Clc,1 lInd 'Inoh'd I<r"1 •th".... ",h'lch IIIl' fdt tn 1.'-111'" emill;l1tlv j.(1"IKl II.ft tnoc.'rncu. I>urlnj.l" Iln.1 VISI .::IIlluir'III.-Sh~n"unt. • lilll~ th" 1"111ul.IIon ol Ihe Illobt 11~1l un E-t

,trrjtnlll'lt a1nw, r"IIMltnl. IIncl Itr.,luttlIt II ;rrnrrMII,. IIImill""I. ttllll ,-err fro!- (hlln}:~ on. Ipt'C:tel Hi,lnjt ""11)' 10 ttn.

'lUellIIJ' llrl\\'("\I. Ih~t l'lrllll~ 1I"lgo'/lill"1 oilitr. ' WII bMl'lI 11Il"1Ie(1 1'1 ,lul'I' anu

lI"tl ..lillie n~lulltl g<\I1'.1 II"dill.... lI'hle" Ilflllillallllclhndl, 1\'lIhnll[ VllIIt '1011 111,1.ll1t'n 11I1It........ IIrC 11"rll'ed fm.n Ihetr .I"n cllItnjl:tlI, inlo llittt ttlllifl of IlilnlrJ

nlUlher_. lI..nk. ....!llch nhl ..ln II 111'1.,«111. I nl"ed nol1il1The t\theniltn. trl!('Irtl ,1 lUll' I<llIllie Ih~t 111I.t 'lew 01 llill II~Jt hilt"ry of Ih..

nf '+:""11. ttlll! 1111lN'.I him, Ib"uiCh I giollflilt a Irr,. tlllf.'rent 0011 lrom thllt

.1.H. hi! II I'dltll[: 1-..·,lc'lnl, I" .hi)", that "'hlch I, t"mnlUnl)' lukrn. 11 i. 'II wid, T. F. ~IARJi:S•.Iba WII)' I" h"n"r Iiel lJlltll indilfl'rcnll! ly Iliffert'nllh,U It II lIllIOllIltl)' Iml)Ofill.IUIlH,-I'IIII·llrll... bl" I" .lfl'C1 Ill' khul or cfll11111uuit)'.

Of ..Ulhe e,1l1 whkb 11,111111 • rem,,'Y, lOy klnJ nl panllel, In If'lll lin" IIIIt orimplltlt>'ICI! tt1l0llM he II~ui,)l!tI. lJt,'l;1I1l1U it r~'COndllllllon lrelwet'o Ihew two. Ont'"'Ult<1 tll:lt time lind IlU~ntilln in ,roUI' nf tlit... mil t he !rill", The olher Ii nol."

),llIinb ..·hil h, If llrotMlrl)" ,pjllicll. lIll lllltlOT1r,mOYIl tl,e CttlfM,-John,on.' As Orl'UlI'rCltlTY '"Ult ltWIlS.- t· ,.

. Ilrallhl0 1t,Ivll'f'l huurlll UI thltt Tum Scott~~r hatHI" in "'~"fo1l rompl\.r'!IIln III IDd lluDItn/l:toD h\'ij t'lfectt'd II co,n. TUIlIJr.t fir \"'·in~tt. T.iquors Ind Ci.lfll'l

.lnlrl ue mk ""rlIlns: Illl'lr IIv.'R I'll promloo nn Ille Snulhrrn lint! Tt....111 Pit- .1"'1)" on hMolillt tbl!Ilro..-h. to whtltll .nft .t-burl! Ille c)'gnet'l Cillo nttUrlo~.h.l.y which lbc)' wll1lh"".

,Iown It hUlb. ttn.1 Illirh of ,",nttl hnN tlllllr ulllttll .Irength for I Ilrg' mllltf".... the 1'11111I or the Illo\\,Rllln,-Shlk" Iulr!hl)' UII Ihe lOulhl'm r09'1. If tbe

.I'"ue, flIiltOlll1 InlcrI'Illl"f thi. ~lat~ .nu Illja,/--------------Thil II" i. Ih, mnAiuratc fir /I lIl"u', ..el1t Tt'rtlturies ~houlll nn" IJtl IIrou\:ht

Ilfl', It 1M RIlt Ihtl lllltlt ,III'lleIJnjl" Iho loef...rll f'lInj"'..... ttnd Iik~IUI!tlll1~ Ill" ·B. A. IIILL &.: CO.""10'1.'1; It I" thn fe.o.e1 tthIlIUI.'I1,,<I I" lhe mllUlle,1 for II r~l1ruttd Imlll l'orhmt 10IIIral of thl! currelli. Ihe Irlluuce or Ihe Ponllmd. IOmetlllng luhUllnti,,1 nll!,llli

,(.let, "n,1 Ih, l':'/nlfJI Ilf Iho lI'indil,_ I.e ttt'ComVlilhl'd lor Orr,lrnn. Our r"llrt'·

JOlI!flh Juhn"",n. Ienl1ltllln on the nllr....111 .."unuille I.

Xehher the nuklltl lianJ'unt Ille lin· vtr,. IItrong, lurllhey .huuM hcln"Imr!· C. V. B. Roeder's.Ittll.nlling, It,ft. In 1I""lf. <:til .111 lUuch; M to nppullC ttll 11t'111 tn nth~r "lllrrllrliIClI

lht work tllltCCnnlJIIi"h~<Iby In,lrullleol. l1nll'lIIlb~ "ortll"''',,1 lllottll l1'(I·I\'C lOme WmE-8USrE!\SIO~,VllillA'.I,....Oan,1 he111'. nt "'bil'h Iii" III'C') I. lI11t 10101I ('onll\,lcf'IIllun. 'fUul ~"It n.k••10,000.fur the lln.I"r~I.lltllnKIlu.n fur till! lrnlUI.! J't'f lull11 ror hi_ lill~, 1.."111 Ilu.n hill t tl.ttt-n;l"J\n Irlll;o ","ul,1 huilol 1\ rul,,1 fn,m l'urllilnll SPRING BEDS.

. 10 ~lIlt 1.1\1:t'.-IMil,y IlN. IA~ E.~I'lo:""II'lo: SU"T. :\ I~ectiou~ ._._-,.,--,.,-

Itl(·,ltfRllh nJH'rltIOr Al nell )llJin~~, 1'''''11.1 Hirhnr.1 s..::111'll1'1'. lin ...10.1 rlSid,'111 "ntt II'J I I I lhl~ I'O~'I r"lItruUlII Iollu" In (r"111 "filii r."'l'I t,u Cbtaflk..... Oltnb1l1111li<1 Cu"un·

• I1CII.r y woljlllnrlllll r~ll'<1" ~"r ,Ill" 11I'1'1I11111 ~I ()""1I1 \'le1\' ttnol Wut ,.I'l!tI.l 1"lIo.... ~td.. f> iLullt-<lt'l'nnll: Wlft'. A"lhe"'/'CIlln~tMnr~: lIen!'y "",It. UII In !;tlt ;".IlIlllh klll~l-li\'IIII:"'lInlll1l"'1I1 ho,11'1 ""r(I.. I, lUnd ~(U\M: MOld >Il\11lj(\'1l btd 1m "."I 'IInII, ',IW It Ilm1rlt· ~1ol,:1.<:1l ~illlnl! OlD nn hour .ltH Iht! ml.h"p. II 1l\11.~'U "'I1".... It"d lut" "11'" '·"lIr...t~e pl'llk "I lO ~tIIek "r ""l'ltl. 'l'he Ihllllr~ w/u l,ulJ,lin:! illr.illn lli~ lI'cdl,I .. "I,t.-lioll "II' mnrll thnn mor,.l l'ulIl,j 111111 u 11<' "'11' 1....1l11.\l ,1",,11 II!e )(lllole h,' !

1 I '111Il"·,111ll,1 1<-1111 ,I ..ll1nce 01 tll",ut ."0 I Fi P I::I~l' • llllli !1~'I,hH<il nWII)' III il wl11+ hl~ 1"'I,I.r,"kiulI hill IIklll!. TIm ,'''rUlli'r • ••... t - "ent Utll

I Itllil. I hll "lI,I.l!nlt frnln lilt' j.:llU '1111 nlullil,1 II jury IUI,II< vet,lil t uf M·..i .... 1 110" Ittilck nn llie. Tiltl tlMlt" 1''-'))11', " 1 l' I, 1 \1 A~AfIle,ll.fll'lI\ IIlllle h.lr .t Olym..·... 00'1'lo'lI.tllh I I I ,'111" .elIll .1 'IS rru',leo. r. 1~.I\Mnd~t"I'eryotb('t ••lr ..h"""nl"l>lle411, II e ftrn~ Ilill ,",,1', ,t1llilt'" II' !'It I" '1'1' 1.,,' 1I1"Ilit .ill )"1'01'1 "I ltlfr. '1'1, t~l. ''''II'!. t'uu"l.' Il.l~bt. r....- '1\1" !l,UI"O'tu

h""..... ,... hl'r,' tll~ n.nll...r 1\ It It lilr"n' 11l1,1 ,~~ n .i.kJ III )I,·n.l"rinu ,"r t"U ~",I \\'••hll''''''11 huoturr, lI~,I.h.d. um'1'1 Cllllt)'''II'uol 1l,'rliVlf Mild Ihll,· chll. 1111' pn"l t""'ult "':"~. Kllll 11,. lUl~ .1 4... ,>1, h.""' ....1>1 d,c."t"r ...h, I; 1'1'11 1' lin II" !>:lm IlInllC ~Ir W,lt·. rll 'I. '~l1lt,. 11 IltlllI ~'I1H ~ 11I1II1 n~ Ihe 11111 ~''''1Il1lll'' )t,JI·"I' :!...., ~l:.\ ITU:, w r'I" lit I \Ill_ "',(J In fl.·k 1111,1 ~IIUiJ In ,II hit 11".111< " •• k,'t'pilllt II ,.,1,,,,..

I':""~ 1. ...... $'.ljOll: l,:~t.>: ~ille,t 1I1"'''IIJ'~'ftll \·i,.. 11.,1,,,••• n" 1.111111.~ .... t:,Q , 11'.f ,'"",1 .... .




G·reu.t AU.ruction !

ltF.I'EIVJ-;Tl Ilnn:(,1' Fnml NEt'YOUK, AN tmU:NS"~ STOCK Or

TOY8 and Fancy Cood8TilE 1,AnGI<:ST l~ Tin: crrr.

DlliCllS"s Or WOllleo

f"lcl'l'''llrI,,,r }1"rl(f"lICl.l1,r,,,,1I1,J. 1""'lI 11\,,.1<,1,, lIl,· .I'",,,! t::.."

I' llJ\j d "I.u·•. J".I~"'''''1 ••"t ",.. I·, .hl.,'b,,,,,,,1 I•• ,," ,I"" .11 lin' ,1.1",,1 U "'1.. ,..." " \"',1.,111 m...~~.,~" l~""'ill~ d" ,,'''~.hulII,r.,·..1. l) h, I. "\' .-Illo·l ~) I 'J

II:,~:"l.:::;:~Io:.','"~:f":~·I::~~I,~,,,:,,:~~\~!..t I i ~,:,·"n"',j h, I",' .\",hl"r·...!.tlee,,' :,,, fj~.l,

"':11111.1.1" 1I,.,k:'\.. ·) ..r .\''''I~~I~'''' : 1"11."~·."II 111,· '!.l ,1.1\ "f h,r,r",If.", A ".1.)<"~'. I/,,,,,'f ,r,'. 11,,11,,' 1. I.,'rd,,· ,1\' .11..1'""'''_'''''' "r. ,l,·........ "r r,'r~'·(.""I. j ,,,.,I, '"f ~"t" 1""",1 "Ill .. I 1',',- 1I•• I,lt I' "I "r:,,,,,,lIo,,,l·h """"1",. Ift.. l "r 1·IQ.u,llIl, h '111'11"'.'" 1(,,,,Je 011,1 1""'11"'1. tllu 1'r,·", ,. ,I.,,',',I.II,j ",,,,,,,,1,...1111 •.,\.1 lu"rl~.,,,. ," "'It:1.•,. ll"'"h~,..., ,JII,., '''....,ul IlIre" ..1 ~.,"

"1111\''''1',·,1 1I,1rle"". III r""'Il'1I11' w, "\l~Ihltl,· ,,"". 11'''111 '" r",,~" 1111",1",,· I.l'w""1. Itl :'""I"""I'h ,.,""'.'. ll~.bln." h",

ri'~:~~;I'\I'\~IIJ:.'~,'f':~ ;~,Sll,I:~l~, ~'~(I1r t\:~.k""'IHl,· •. III .\"..h..lIll_lI , h,.. "I UII' <I" ., II\\:Au,II'",·. "Iii,"'. 1" .,,1,1, lI.ulJ ..1 ,~" '... I.b.lin lilt: I.\u. ,I.,)' or J",,".Ir), .\. I) I ". III I"" ... ",.~ I' \I,

II.• ,.</ "t :'""1<,,,,"1_10 "II.,', tlol. ~;r'l ~.) M1J.'wu,lIer,.\.lI \1;,1.

Itl:.\I, :lmf,rrn,8Iff'dl' , f .'·."II.HI,I.II l"" I'.

'1\ :!II' II)" Irll "U' rVl~I.", l' ,.If.

AmI Cr"'" Frr. ,'t11I,'hio'" ',1. ,\rlffr"lt.!'!-.I.ru:"' ...,;n,nr"l. r II," l..·.1 F"·I,· ~,""jlel'" 01\\'111'0'" l'.'flt Ilh.\r"~.~" nJ11l[)I.I.hnl'\f.... """. Ihu 1-:... ~lld S.,.l (;.lur.l..rll~ul.. r'y Inllt.o',1

.IOll\" II. I'ILI\I\"liTO\", ll. U.

Cataracl £.'(ll·aclcd,

"lite l'ror,·....1r or 1\\'el_ of II •

PORTLAND, - - - ORF<:On.

on'ICf: IS m:Kt.:\t'~ BI.O Ii.

In IIle ~tedl"lIlllcl .. 'IU...1I1 IIr Wll1l1lU' l:nl.• " •.•U)

Eye ulul J.i:u,r·

!\OI,h'c I\\,11,41' I. I .111\11" IllUll lu d,,' Tbe 11I,r

rh...,lalud hOld Ill"l>CflIl<t\.e ""Ill-II U••I .fit,.U""Ihlll <Ill" lIoll'r"ll t 1I'1I1 '''·'fl'IlIl. ll'~"' •t,ut" .... nlUelly, .\1I \I,,, .., Huh'blrd I"~"IU\l'l,"""" fYr".rd ,,"d ... Itlc ol'....,~I." ,linr\l.·","ull! .... l1t IJo: pl.lcl'<iI" ll'UI,,uhl•.,,IIIl.U."·lie)" :ill H .\. I.. ~1'l,."I.\l

j't.() -:.

Alll1<'l'llllnO hMMI~; '''0 aro UIOlII·11.'d I~.0111~, ~). """' IIr L·"~~,~~~'~·~:~W0,\1:'r.

l'ropri~tQr liluoll,,,,d.I, f"~tl,.u¥,,-

XOTJCI-: OF SI1EIlIFJo-e 8,\ 1.1';.

~·"rttlOOIlI'll of )lnrl\(Jlj(O!.Hcfllllit hI. t~~fI mo.do In tho _um <If ,llO!t

8·lliJ oI<lILtr.. whld, III e1aIrD~d tn l>n dlill It'he daW It' tI,l> lIullce on II ...."tAl" OI.lMjI'I.U~rlulf illite of Somnbfr I!ltb, A. D. I~N,

~~~I~~llw~I~. ,JI~,h~I",.1'n~\':'ft!l'll~~ ~~~o~~~~I'd hi Uln AUllll"r·. otrlll~ of ~n"h<lnll,b t'OUIl·tl. hi Ilook :t:o.2nf .\I(lr~tII, l~jIllK,,11lII,

'HI Ihll Itll/l Ih.y or ~u'·emh"T. A. U. llf7't.~"'" thtrclor~. uOlle.. I. h"robl' lfh·~II. Ibllll11\III'IollltllrC Uf I dl'tN'<lllf lurodn.uro onl' or­der ur .ale l.........lllUlot tho mot,lel ('"url of!:!poboml~l.r 0..., Ind ..rUle lllKhltD Jn~lIch CIII~

~::?~~~~ l~"'~II~I~~;'~~~:~~l~~~.::',II~~~IN:rcd lwn.thlell IIIfl r"ur, lIIIld lbeMlIlL!II)I,.l'l".rler 01 1l0rtll.... col '1IIMI", 01 .~II"n "nlli'IJI"l'd .11. In IOlOn_htl' nmubu t""lll)'.,,(!v.n,nurlll ,,1 nm~D '.'·~ll ,.....1, WllI"mulllI Mer~l·

J. S. IJnllws. ~IW~:~u~'fr'~~I~J~ndb';;\~I~ll!I::~~nih ~::~tonnly ur SIIt>hlllnhh Ilrlll T~frll"I""llr !l'M-lt·

A DI",ld~o Inll)' Mill to her little :~~:I~t 'r.\~l.f':r 'r~,~d ~,rrtl~~ ~1":i:::IU~l~'~nl'phew' "Xow, Jolllln)·. y.m gu to lJcd til.4'1, In 6unllo.nl,h Cll,.. It Ike dUlir of Ihe

tluli, lind IIll1'm do .0. !lnd you'll Ill: ~:ltJ,~r;~~~~.,.h~j.~~::~;~~YA!r~.II~:;t:ll~lUIS' cheekcd n~,1 l.andj(lllIe wlllo yOll u·doo.'k I'.ll.~ro .. ll~'" J'lhnlly thougllt "'Hr tllil I IM.t~1 II !In"I,umleh CIII. Ihlll:.'7ln ".,Il'fl' .... tntnlllU, onlt th"ll olHlo'rYc,1 • Wcll, D,ftm""', A. I)'J~;:.i. 8THErrll,Olllll)', f"" mUll h:I\'" '7't IjP II llrcM uenl ~h"r\rt' of ",,1111<11111,11 (.'nunt)'."toen l,1II lUI<' llluuK ' I .~12.. II) \\'.\1 ll"unrluD,OIII'tll,..

J.1tP'T IIp.IU;''!tI.-ulIrflftllnatel, "omil·Ilhu:ell our nlemornndl\ 'Iltillocket.book.10gelber wllh the pll)'llflll'l:IRtillg to nUltrill lu We['f.."t. I~;lvio;; Ihelll lit thcboull4I of a frio'llll, nllt nulTdng lire mil·bke unlll we ....ere fill tlin ~lellincr. .·orthi, rtnlUn 1\'e nn nut I{i~e IlctnilM oruurtrip, nur put;n lICI'cul Dew a,herti'e·mClltl Ibl~ "",~k.- .............

Jlnw mnny tim". w,'lIin II ,",ptk hneyall hlnnl tb.t .... e lort lll\vill~ r, mnrkll.hIe .. utli~r. 1'~rJ fNIlllrlll/Jic rur lhl,

1C.\lOtl uf t1Ie yelr /

,§tar.'tlorlhl'l'l\irhr,,'oJ ,In'l'., filII rollll!';";"!.! \1,., oIill\""1l1 t·,,,·r'·I1I,,·ull,'.,,·,,. I {'I1II1.T\t, ~T C"I·I'\·II.1.~.-lIl· I'Hr·('\1" n~I""~ of th II Htlll lorl1'~' Iii,' Hi!U-.' !'UllT WI! 1:.-,1.:1., Al \~" \, I ,h·~ rt'. ~HII.•· (rulll Il'hi,II.)' 1_lml[ \\~ll"tlllnr.rl' ,"1111' iol lrl(ill:{lh~"'1 Ihl'l'lulwrl:.!.l~~(\. I ,lc'rrl Ihllltlwd") "Il~ ,',ld,Utl ... l in),

J ,1.1'1:11111:11 : II. 1~;11. n', r "I' :, ;:rt.", 1II1l1l~ {,f "nr !"rlllt'l" rnlll 10":11;'''1> ,\hlll'I.: ,""ur t'r"kTIl"ll"lll'r J")'Inb IIllnt~'r there. ,t ir_[11 Chl';l!IIII.'r,i,I"._~,,"H' .Iill in lHiliwly. 5..",,' in Hf tlu' l~fh 1111. 1'1I11,."I,!II· 10 hllnd. tllIll. 11","'. r",llied ,I"un \\1111 I,rc-ull-, I,,.,

'1'"10"",-,,, l'1\il i,k, ';"\1\1.: Ill'r,}" 11m l''lrhl,. j,.g Itw \\,lIL1l1,IJ.lllld!<;"Il"W~'UU like ,li_I'!~.I'lllIt Ihu .\I"..... lIil). 1I.1I1l..\Ih·r

'1"110"" 10".1""'11 ",,,., I·'r"lol,· \\ lin, uin ;.:rollnd "CIII,·t )lr.I.I·",IUlolh~ruld COlli' I" ~l'uc II k\\ Illinll1<'~ ucrn~ilJl\llll)', IlIl' IIn,n)' [lrv'.'nl. \\Ur., ,lh,lrlJJ1IIo,d. Ihu• ,., I .• 1 T \\ .1' 'l!' 'I' "Ill tl .. II·,· ,.r I',· lwl, "r""1 lllll Jln"" "f I.u-ille.~, ttl "Olllll1l1ni. I.• rj;~ nnw,l 1.It'I'H,k Ihmlid\"l'~ I" 1111''" ,,, ,II I 1. I 11" I lIl""1 II" 1,,", ull·l. I TI,,' lI"Uly 1'1, r"IUlt II"'H i"tllln_ lhi .. ,'"Iu "hit ,,101 frit.'n,I.. [huH' "'llc,1 Gu"d Telllp;H~' 1[,,11, ltl 11th 11.1 ,he

"'11.. '11" 1"1' k· ,,11,1 lit, I., rill ,II l!' I i_il l:" "" II'. "III 11I1·<r 'I~ III ~,. llll'r,· (rpm lIlt.: :;TAH Ih~t Illur lililu 5<'clIl...tllo ;:llIlld 1).l11l{;I·clI h~' Ilh' l'ilif.ul1.' 1.1 h1.,IHI1:"'" 1,.,,1<..1,1:-: u·,' I""r,' 1"10,,,',,, 110 ,II u\!dll 1\, ",,('III Il~ ,,"r I,u.il\('~ \\ill I" r· I... I'l'rllr rllll~' UC"11llleoi loy lIclil'e l,u.i. rou"ty. tll"ll lhi. "l~",hJII rheru ".C'I·.

III "Ih, r 1"'''1,1". IUIII III<' 1"'"I,II'ol~ "I Illit. 11<", 11I'lire I h,,·u f"rdHJru .... ritill.ll u. nellrl)' :JOI) II'ul'IOl JII'b'lor: III""U',). (It1:"1"1'1"'. I"".~ ,\11,,11., .",,1., ~; .1, rII'Hdll :'\"~I ""tl ~ \\"11 "ill tr~' tf> Ih'~'riL'I' tt .... oih'lI 118 ill rile ,In,\~ of \Orc-I'Hlicu(IH' !'l'1"'IUy tll'e h,li..~. lind .n"le 51 cnll!'ll'"ntruLI., Ih,' I ,<'ilili\·. 111t~· ull:,nll"r 1I'hll". u. 111·11 n' 110(0, HflllIt of lliu II~' If' Ilie :-;T.I!f 1l1\\'11~'" IorLrl\:s 1.~.linl'ln)' ",It ll"\\'1I1u tl~Il'I'I(uIII,j MII'I""· 'I'll"Ii,.,:'·li"" ,mol 1,,,,lm,,,I, 'n"~ulllhf'llioli' llilln~,. ffll.l" .inrl' II" ""r,' l!l,' Line. lI' I" Y"llr lle"lth IIlId t!lundn"u IIf 111111(1. IIlwle cnt,r1'f1nllwlll. b.•n. elll'I"'r ftlHl•11'1' r, HI jll II rlr,· 1I" .. l r, 1i,,1,1t· inlolllli'l I ---, • • I CUll tt'll )·uu Iirrle nOWft frO,1I \\'1'Imj.(d, "II 11·".lr<l· PI'''llle \\"1'1'1' W"~l"llt frurn

1;"11 1'"m·'lui"..: il< lI_t.' 111101 it~ 11II1I'J.li,,~ ,\ ;>\ew L's,"llrIIS J'JI'II~AI,,-\\'111o Ill; dull times I" III~ nrlll'r of Ihll .1111 O.lk Illlr1~,r lU1l1 Cr""f'nl lInrl'lll, H~

.IT",'r. :'\1<'''1111<' I. Ill" l'"i"'I1"'" prill. rhe I'"",i'll! w, ,," Ill... lir.1 IHlful,(T TIle llli,wu frolll (,u~.i~r, II. (' .• W"11l g";1 \\"1.'11 lIS tlrc f,·~t ul I¥I,it\',)" hl"nd; while

· '1'[.' "I 1"1,"",",,. II i. It ,,'I' d"a,ll~' .</ 'h.' /·,.;'./,i,," ..lc/r~·"f' will !,ut ilf! l'mill' JOlI ~llil'ill"1 when th~I'cltrn~ll(>"'n quile .. nUIIII'N fllTlle frolll [1<lIh"I)',11'1I~. 1.II,t II"~ lit" Il kl\lO'\1l I" l'r"d"...· I II .. Ar..1 1I[!1'.-Itr'I""~'·' the "nly Lnilllrlllll lliio fl,JI: tll.., IllJ.!"l!in).'! Llill ;1'" pruvl,! I" \\"lIfllcflrn. ""·"ll)l'.llt·. II '1'''1''''" "rrh~

,1111110 uh,1I "dllllnl.ll'r"II in .,,1.,11 'l'mn l.l"urnlll "ut nf Ihe I: ...tky .\tol1lTl:tins. 1;1lnl1 liS 11''''' nlllillip"lc,l, 1111,1111,'1'<) WlIij In,,§r ,·nJ"~ItIoIIl<llTII.i"n_ "I"'r ll"rlil'il'"t.lilil.. II' Ilr., Illill'I i.. III 'I ur n ,tilllU II will "c 1\ lilT"" l'Olllrllll. I'iglll I'~tr0 mtlro lIlen III lhe dlli,rlct Ihlln t"ulil Un, I t'<11I1 II)' tilt· ('ilildl' "r l,lttrllll:.'llrlt~·.

11.111 I" 11"1 1,r,tln, tllil ,1fi~ 'lilj,'kl~' <ul!· IWllllh'.\. !,lIlo!i.!",d ftl 0:.1'111['1" 'Ind 1·,1· I,!lllpl"ymenl. 'I'h ... rrn~llt'<:IOt8 ur till' IlRI.Il1IolS .~~;;:';-c;~,-Ti:: II('~. I). :'\.

• I,It •. ,... ,1 Ilulllll~o. 'MI'"r. l'll;.tunr rlilfl It,·,llir .'Ir. nh'r. .\~ llill 1'~Il('f will Tltl ..." Cuuntry, t,'IUIIl,',1 wilh"ut IU\~' VlIer...1 OIS"'l'i~. W. '1'" \\'ill linl<l Iel"I·I"lI~f1'~' ·1111,·rl,nl· Til ... 'III1'I"Io,u·· ,·"H "Illy (Ot,t ll"ll~r R J·""r, 111111 lI,thu t"'l·ur.I.11l ru."Il~. Iliul olh..,r ,.ar,iel! IIr 11):1,","0 lIt'I\'iCl'sin Ihi pile.: "n Frl<l,.I'" i. II II"", •• i'.I. In jlhii"j"u. 'IOlillilil'": I,rirrri/,k- Iff 1iI1"rlt! t'hri~Ij mlr.l· il "·J,re· IHlI~IJl'CttJr. tlilve IIcl,lc\·cllllfilhinl: hcller lind S"lilrdoy "Vl'ninj<l~ "f 11<..~t w.~k.

1,"1 Ilw Ii ,l,lt "I lI~inl; II "hell 11111'1' "'111.11 lire nT I.· .. r n"lIc :"0 1\'.(,11 untl,·r. Wl'fln~\·l tll\.B t:t'rI~IlII)' I~en II I!lUwin.c: \\" I' 1i"'I'~'I" rnr him II filII h"'I'I'.f"rlllI ,I ,,11t'1i ill~r, II"-~ IIrl,1 1"'I·nlll..... un ~"hl,l, "'~ hnJlI' Ullin)' 11'11\ I,e mdllcrd tu 1IIIIIIIuI lit.., 1"1'1 }',·ar. nUll nOli" hR. II: _injllri"ll. ,Irc••. 01' lilt' llir,'"' ).l:r~nt .,~. ~i\.1l it a I'dr Hl~I, III.it·h ".Il· duu!Jt nlll \\'llitllIHll,ululi<!1I ul n,~l\r IIJr"e hllll'Ir"'1.1 MARRIEO.,-, .... ~. Hli· kll"rtn,·u "".1 d'"l'''~'l''''''' tJi· .... ill h~ r"lllIlI"lIoI I,l' ~'rnl'r'lU~ mppnrl. "llIr!!" 11111'1 uf II hOln pn•• lho mininJ.( -=----:0 -.-.- - ~ ­n'''I! Ill' Ihll t ,I,h' ~lnlld Ilr I. wlmt.'t:" 1'h" ll!n,.'u,.:h !!('I",["r~hill. ['lire Ih<>r~lil~·. fI<'II~"" ill ('Il~~iHr. 1'1111 llIi11tul'\' cnlnh. .\t."~'h"I"I>ll ,'11\. "u l'il,I:II"•• nl~t,t. Il)'

ncxl. lIlI,1 ,,It''II,,,1 thltd. Tit, Ilrol. ~tUl nn<l urigin II. !'To;:n•• il e lh"ught th II Ii"lullcnt 1"1 e.\II,·riL·nct'{l II· ch"nl,t"". W~~I~'m~1I.i ~l~".!~.J~I;~~'~·:li ~it',:~:~~\~,:t"lI)', (. I,hu,,·t 'lI1ird~- iJ.(nltr'\. Tile hll'll murk,·,t I,ll fIr Mr. Ull,r'~ I'/rorl~. 1.1hl IIll1nlh Ca\llnln R. P. Jnl'elpl. I'orn {,.,;;";;. ..;. _

.'"mlldl is 1'1",,,,,1"<1 \\i,1t itfll.rul,~r1~' KI~" ~"llklt·n, j:lU~Thnh'" Il.nt IIlIA II,·\\, ll11llldililt C',. H, ZI"llnf,tlllr~·, look 1"1O' - ,}((>/I] .l/tlO(,,'fi,wJJII"nfs.cllot(~,1 r.""l. illtli).:"e~til,I,' Klll"I",l(,t'~ rnontl.l;v wi!lluruiKlr InAn~' fin inrelk~'I' l\1;.lt fur Flirt Sl~\·cn'. Or~~o". hnin!/'hlotll.v 1",llo'd ,Io\\n, "IHlKill!l" ull mnlln,·r tlLlI f"IIH In lr~ ru"drrl, 1lI \\",11 HI ,10 1",~'11 rdIOI'I,llrcf~ I.y C~l'tlfln E. ,\ ll.ln -_.

"f lll ....ll·c8 tll"r 1."flI,· 1n",II.... 11 i!<:iflIlCI·. mllcll 1<1 drn·I"1l B hl/:I,o:r awl purrr rr'lfl. COIHUllllI,lin;: Cn. A. 4110 ,\ rlillur:v Newhurr)'iollllllHWlnd~ tll~n unlilnd,l' l,(r"",, llll'ral 1"nlim"!H in Ihl' 1·"lnrnllnlly. We C"p',dn .rurel)·n hH.t Ilt.'en ill ('omllllln,1.milling tlrou'"nll .. 11I"1'\1 f".. lir~; Mn,1 IIHly Illllh II lI.n)· nl"et \\'1Ih II 11Irce,' mn,~ lhun II ),,,r, KIlII cUIl.IJerinj.l Iho:all I'llt. ill nur illllll'h!t'nce. KlIIl h:1IIl· "(I'lfl\ In h, llh"rlt.. fll><cllre "t' "ll .., il I,ow. fin, I 11I8t IIIl mfll-mnCi!, Kllfl r"u)" W6 1'1111 'UI Ulltl\'oltl"r,1c 't'n rCII"lrin" l1 u ililerf~rl'nrll "r 1,,-\\dil]lllU'lIlllllf III Proll IdlllCt. Tllhll.·r·... Unrl.., Ih,' 11<'",1 or ··I'~rlil'nl\l. llrll "Kn. "cru I.!I'n,·.<l I'flf~rr,"1 I" Ililn, I llIlrOlllell upxt, killin;: lIIf1rc ,Imn the "1I'flr,1 r ... nl·er hulqwtltltlll rhll~ Illl'rllion'lh.' ,ul· lil'I'e f,'w "1'" (oul-l h",'" rll'Ullltlin,'llor lite .... inc cu]I. In hU'1 il i§ lhe pre· ", lit .)1 lh" f<lit"r uf Ihi. I'HI.... r, in ,hlll ~lIdl l!l'Illlr.. : HOII or,ler. lind \\'lrull~'lI\c

tlll'l,nr Mnd c"m[l~ni'lI1 oj' ,lrllHk,·lIIl1;·I. !'itl·· Th. nplrilulls .,1 Ibll JI"'fP'"tH{e~1 rC,.tnrd roor I'"ir dCKlillL~ II" \l'e huvll HIJ~

It p,rcl.1'!I ,hll t'H\lllH', plllltlll, ,lilOmt "n,1 UIl' o~ ftrllterlnjl" "~ thll.v IIl'e 11\'1'1'1\','11. ri, nCI".1 hl·r,· .11(l'\· "'~. ,,,11'1'111. And Cup11114. Crrlltlll;l 1\ tlllr'l th'" 1\I.ll'r \l'ilI nut Thr"",!lll tlrl' ""tlrint.: I'nt·tl/:V ","1 I ntl'r· 1~ltl 1I11l~,,)11 Itills h,lr tu he fll'lnllr II"IIHke, "nu Ic",hnll: tlal vll:llrn 10 Cl""'''' pril!l.' 01 }lr.,\I"r;('. rlill :'\"RTlIkKS OTIIl "'1('1"1'",,1,,1. ,10,11"'8 III unl'll ""If" 1\ f'lv"r A Gn"" noll_Ill bt~l'tll Mt1'1I1u.thinlt Ilrf)n~l'r. II I!el~ ill In lire hflM 1~'C('lll1l! 1\ fIx,',1 fltci. lIno! i.-I,..llih nhll~ 1"1,11"'1 Ion Irolll nil 111"1'11 h~ l1R~ J.OWI:l.I" !l~OIIO.\lli'ill CO.. W. T,Ih~r.lhe "rHln.lhe 1,1O<ILl. in la,'l rlll 'he "nrk!",," 118 Wlt~· inlo lhe 1(110,1 ",ill Ilr Culne intl,nluel. 011 :ill"" 1'I'lr'. :-1I:ht. JUII. 1. Ii'll.!>4'<:llIlinn,; hurns•.puuhrl .1It! drj, lh, I\l rl,~ I!l'nl,le 01 I'ri~ .- well.~ Ihllllllj'f1llllljl Tire tnoliull poplll'l,inn Iwre il 'luile TtCltlll_, lifcl",U"1l" .ul'!'<:r Il.;"'

up.lnrru~illJ;HlltheliineintrIJ..u,hlr.I, HI<I'l'lllll,1 Tdrir"ril'l. :'Ilr. ~l. iii lit l,ullC lOll culll]!".... 11 (If l'l·prt:IIo·IIIHI1Vl''' .~II\\' 11~: 1.l'.mHTtIS,}I."IIj(~"

lnll llurr)'lnll: tllu hloh\lll III!<'r tu the l'r,·~"nt UII I ....lnv"••ln" Ilillr, .ud i~ l,f nil Irll~'1 frlllll lilt' COltllllhlll rif~r ltl ""U'I'U'I; I

•intollCIIling C'lp for relief. We he.r HI'T}'v,'h"re mee'illg Wilh unboollllcd iOC- Ikhrln~~ Sirait.. J\n,1 Ih~)' lIl'tl nolly in Alll'.I'Io''''~ IQd,~le.t I" n.l'. .,.. It('re~)' ""n

Ion", .otfm01\~ lUlU tlra,l~ nil I.:mlteran,,'. CC'lOl; ,,<'tel III .'HlI'" wurk.,·r llntulIlC thNn, in ""I that .1111.·.. lhrv .,'trlll Ill> Ir a'1'''"1l11 IH<'

hut my idfllflll a~IJthin:: ".II",du8t Ihe ",~~:.!~~\t~,rC~n?;·N~;~~I~~~ll1'l~I:~,~~~\;:~~1!Iet:UU~ ", c.i ... Ui:t.~llull. Tire Urltl·h :~r:II~I"rI~~~I~r)l~,~',I,II~~'~?/I~,~I~,~;~.I~I~,~,I'IO'~~:pill/!, Ihe I"b~ccn qllHJ, Ibll r.lg,lr or lliu r,1 M1 .~i,,,hu",;.IIl."I.'. III. l""ll<:r I~ ",.( y~l n Culumhlll 111.h~n8 1If\1·1l lit!! !llh"nlll;!r~ 1', ..."". h~' I".:: ,·t.,lln_ MIIlII",1 '''11'' 1II/",,,,,uttn~lf bOI, whun in f'lI't Ilri~ Ilrul:! 1'11'.'<:'11 lOK' flld. anll II., MlUllnt.... Ill'lro·fll.lloll ur liTer "I' rni,,~ioAali"1 ',Il'l l'<'lrUltld, wlull! in Iilium "Jr ,,'lllllllefit ,," 0' 1,.;/,,,,.. !Il.t I 'ne.

. 'I •. :uti ~fr..\1"",""", h,' ha. 11'll1'",'1 1Ilt<tlll I . , I I \\ II ~.U\IAIlI'"and III'WAI HII HJlllt'llle ",r IIhIJ!l'llllnf; 11>.1/00 InlJ..... llrlrIC~li<lt,l' hi Wr.lern 1I\1.tIITill .\ .11"a, nuln ~1T ~ e M1UIIIIl I I lll'O .\IIf1hmnl-h Cll'. lll'r. JIl, l~~t ~I II\lrl,lk.. If 1.1l!.t:<:,1 "uuhl !Jlo IJ1H~I.I~l'd :::~'kl'~~ ?':;'I-t:nlh. f,l,II~""~~';I~II:I~'lll\l,~·~~I~.l:-t lIIml6 In 1·1. Vllt,ll Ih~. ntllin'll. IIll,it In~t .• ntirel,-, nnc·holr the ~"rk of IIh"I1SllIlIg- I',,'1Ih' IilOPI';1I1 ~fld 1"'1£" 111 lh,' ~'c,rltory. ~lllJlmer ."Iue I'orl 1'i"l1]1~"n. II. ('., Indl );UTI<;l'; Of SIlElln·~··t1 15.\I.t:.

dnlukclIlleli ,,"uuld 00 ~1r\:ldy IICtdlll· ~~~;;,tt~:t~:~:;~';:I~~~~~ ~~I~;;~t~~d'''~rl ~nH. \\Ilrk.illrl 'It \\"r.tn~~'l: in~litrrT,,'I. n rM~lt".U'UO' }lurl,,'1tll(O.'Illl,hetl. Ilwr I~ wdl m,·rlt.ed. krwo lIf IUll.llng. fur rd1J!lIIll~ \ol "riIUIl. ncf~flll ~~" 1!C~1l 'n ·d,· In II", "'''II nr f(;l3 >\.'1.

"I.i• •• •'"rt "".coal'~r. - \'Ilirh h,\\'e I,eun k"l'~ up, lnlln",,' IMJ;ll ;~.i,{~da~":r,'~l d::~lt ui'~~i: ~~'il:~,I~:;t~I~:.';;t..;::Sir William Thfllllp."n, Iplllk;nll of nllfllllt'rJ lire 1ll11ll191t~l, IIn(\ Rrc Ilnxiolll :::'~'~~llt~ ~t;~I;3'W,~II~" ~~I'Xh~~;,~~,;:,l::"

',he 101111111)' l1f Ihe e.rth '.pl; "f !lIllY I() h'.m '/1 'l'lId IInri wrlle, nwl III tllru hI. wlft", "f !illoh"nll.h ('•• unt,·, W. 'I'. luJu.

,~y. with 1I1moit perfl'Ct wIlIint)·, lirlll rrum tilt C~ili of Iheir WII~'''' lind I thl"" :T.~I~\·~I':N::::~:"o~~(O·:'~r~~~S"~I~~I.r~::.~~I~~ l::'A'1i It ever mllY Illl the relalivo ,Itnliti~. I"me I istance nllllhl In IIlJ n:nderolld 11""k :'\n. I:ul M"rllf\lo("', II~ l"U :>u. 1u.... ..,11of rock. Bulltl IIn,1 Ulultud. "r lit about IlltI'n loy lile Chti~lir,n Ilhilllnlhruphhi' ,h,,~IlI, ,1,'1 or .11"rull. '\. 11. 11"701. lI·hl..., ,.ltl

·Ihe· II'U1P4!llIlUflI of liqueli.lrlion, it is, 1 "'u" dunnl" ~" lihl:rKlly lu ~prcMd t III ~1~;~;~:".h~:"'~':.~"lt~~I:~~ ..;:;:I~::U~~: t:l:~think, 1{IIIte <:~rl"in 11111 cllid. ~'lJl(J fock 1t0~11l:1 in Chinri, I"ijli lind Ihfl~ oth"r ;1~=::ro:,I.'~L~'I"~;lr·~,:;~I.:,~~~:;:~::';.n(lf"l~~errl~~·IA deo ..... ' thin hOi, mplled rl\C.l.::; anlt no OUllan,U1hlll"C'"I,whilllllluurolln C,HIII triC~t.:"'II'l'" l!llub"fI'l.~ .... 1II~1)·. Ilid (If lba

I"'l!t.illlll 'llelffel! 0\ rIGidity in the eruit try "thldle.then in Iri. lolill<1n~n IJlJII"I ~~;'~II~~I~':'~~~,f~~~'II~I~.~~ri';ll \~O~~~;~;~~eOllhlllre\·~nllt 110m IltCkkin,l( In plt.'Cel down I" wOOrl'IA,1 ~tOrl~." The ReI'. )Ir 1t_1:1:. v, .... It' Ule S. K Ji "r Ii K ~ "r ",~.

I1ntlltill~inJf wholly lJeloll' Ihe IUIl,id II\~.. (.·r".by Iwrn t'urt Si"lpWII. hD~ dOrlc 11 :~:~~I~,I~rh~~;~'fI~~:~1 ~l1."'iI,:::d'~.""~:~~ :nt~~lSmrii.'i.hlili liku thi. mllY 1I11v\! ~"ne 011. Iloblll lICt In curuillg here ,lti, f.1I an,1 ,,,,,11..,, or I"t :,\" It .ltu~ll' S. IV. u' Ihe

lInd plOh.l.hly Ilid ~o, fnr thnllunll, or lllding in Ilutilll1l1 fun,1 fot ,lte IJUrj)(l1M: ;~:u,~I~~'~bll~u§' ';'11~~u~,~::~I~:r"~~\:~lgl~~~::YCllr~ du:r f.Olidill~"linn ha." ellmmencell or ultimRtely IJlliltlin" rlo IlClh\1I1 lind "(llflMln'ol,: HO .rr.... ,,1I1 h••IIM .1 public

-lurfrlrlJ IIUrli(ln~ or melted ml\ltri ,I chun:h editlce. Inti procurllll{ n Icnc1ler ~;.I~I~~'IIIIII~~ 1~~\::.I~hl,~~ ~~:~:l;':r~'i~hll:{"III'~.,"~:';I?~lOt-III" h"ll, heeling and .inking ir:nllle, 1I111lllre~chu, I.", \ery much In III~ur duorllf lire ,\lulILor'. 101l1~, I" 11II1,) r"illlly .. 'dilltel." cr IWlwicg to lh.. lhieknell of II "f the former. and ,11R1i n"t uhjl'O:l to t llIl ~~;J~O:~~I~\~I::"lkh~,.I:I"l d".l' of J..nu.. ry, A. I).

r~w nWI41", wh"r~ lhe .urlllCU would bu Illtlu. A nlOll1 t4:nchcr ...oulll lind a IJ.UllI ill I!I~,II"'''II.h City, ttill ~jlh day..,.Mol, .Ild till! ,,:hnlll ioll,lll~nfOlI'1I0u8h lI'iu~ Drill vr IlIliM nnd " Ill\rl.l Irarveu III !Nee",,,,"r, ,\ 1) D~~~. 9TllI'.TCH.to ~itlk. Thlllllrlll"1 Intl!lt Il:" on tlnlll rc::KII "munp tI,e whire POl/uhllion of 8herllf IIf l!.",lIorul.h Cunni,..~he IUlllI \I<lfliont nf cru.t louHll till rrom AII."a, to Il,y ootillng 01 thu SIWMh,. !i1~\Il By W~ WUITI'III.Ilo. 1J~I'uly.

the It<'ltum III luDlcl ...nlly c!t'lMl·rihbtd U,- Ihe "'Iy, I fCnt a p.ellige ofSTAI\8alttlctUll or frlinle to Illow fr\.'!lh incru.· to all old ,dlllllhMI(', I\\'IIY lIuwnEllJIt.tl\lion~ t .. reUlRin. brid~\n!l lICL'<'1I the 1\'110 IIIl8 jU.1 HI'l\rhHlled Irom cnl1l,!gc,now tmnillrut! or hln IHlol. Of Inkn.' l'eCmed tletirOUI III fCekllllC II !lome "nThl>' theory or tilt,!" ye~rl Iga. lb.t the 1'liCllle alape. I indted bint 10 dOlt'lyfu,llIenor our J.(lohn wa! .. fIlere Crult. IClin the S1'.oI1t III olle or Ibelrlle~t pBperllind It, ·('... nler 1\ !rot liqllillud mll_, b relll't''''nting one "r the most dtllirll.bl~

now T\!jec,ed by all l'Cicntilic m<'n, .nd ,Iorlillnl 01 tll\lCeut, nnfl rlodvifCll himluthe Iheor! nr Emerton il generilUy re comlilunitlita witl, J'OIl ror Idh.l"la 1urol"-

ech·C'1 M enr~ct. mntion.Our wlntcr Kll~r!lll be~n !tfold Lut

nOl celli. not lIule .now hid r'llIen inour imnrttliat\! vicinity, Lut the mOlln·tains ~how lln .1Junjl~nce-. The tlllllllUi~ in .ight returning from SItka In,' ImUit ~IIY ,,'j rtw:r.

I)IIr1ng kVel'lll yUri "U~ "." lll\ve de·lired 10 Va, R vi~ll tn F,ln VnlleOQI'rr.jllrt.ly tll ICe n pllCil IINuna which elUI'ler ... !lllln)' IO:mlniscellc"l nr Inc ef\tly!CHlem.nt nr ·tllil COlliltry, hut Cll\efly to

PlY. vi,lt to ohlclllnrll'ltil in lIrm~. lI'ith"hntu ,,~wunt Ihe III~e;1l 11lyll:lUUU hr.

. 1,lIt "wk lhls wi!1i ,,1 mIl'll Willi IJrlItitll'llI"r tb~ n!'it tinlc. We UIilC duwn rr"lnI'orlllnd"n 111_0 Vllnc"ovd Illcht. otop·plug ovo:r ni;.thl in IItIJ t'lW" 15 thn gliutdr )lr, IJllli~I,. Ihll I nlullfl.in;.t edilorof llle ltfl~pe",fl!fll. Mr. D. i. II lilwrer

lo,- prOf<fuion. II lIulJlie Illirned. lilJe,~I,

K,,·,dltIKI l,!.~nlh·IRlIll. 1It1ln"k Ill\! paperin ehllr~ IIlJmn ODe yeur Iga. It i•• irn·U.r In lize lunl Ipll<...mn~ In the 8TAII.Inll rlllh arntlngollr lK'lot \\'('{'klr p.J'lf'rl.)fr. D. i, II lu,lef In mOit"r the IJut,tlcenterprl"'1 11".1 11WmiMlIO bllillinp biteOllllllllllil.l'. ml.I~u...r elect lor tile L4'gl,.

l~I'He. elc.Tit\! Ilut lllornln){, after m.khlg Ihe

aequailllllnce or a number 01 the peoplllor the community. all,1 lin,ling livery CInehUly gdting r~.dy fOr' Cltri!lllllll. we"alk~d out to the- fIlllitltry rmrvllilln,where \10'\1 found jnur tllll1lllnl..... r,j Ihil2b~ U. B. In,"nlr1 (Iul\rterctl. OolngInto Company "If." hlHrnrk·rnlHn, thlt11'1~ min lI'e m..,t wu lIenry J. 8lUlth, or"Old IIllrr," Ille 1.0011 ct.1I him, whomwe lut lal\' OClrl! lIint }'elIlS 1I1l:0 when., "t'fe difw:bllrgeol ~I'(lm OOIll/mllr "0,"baudion or en.,l:iIlOOr un.'l'o. ~I \'.'rOOBueDn MlUd, ~.,n FrMnriilCn Ihrllor.C.Hrutni.. }fr.8. wu tlreo "nu of our

bnllOldl~u, lind 11"'lIyl a trill mlln. II.Illlf Ix>en In Ihe 1m"y IllOIt or l'l\! limelince. lIu bttn II mcml·tr n' the 2!1tJnr~ntrYllearI11i"yuu, bil prfM:nllerll'ol@crrleenplriog in F~bruury nut. Ife

. illllOW Post Iit,r~rlln, .nd in cI,lIrge uf

the glrri.uQ ~dlO"'. Wo Illli",,"f l\ 'trfIJl1u11II1 h~11 dll,· with him, re"iewlIIK








;\u'rU't: !


UI",oLI:TlQlt or cOI·.lltylt'..~"lr.

Tho t:O..t\lI~",bll' btr~t(lflln: ulolhllC be

:::b;~ ~h.~ ~b'~I~~~~~~VI~~~~~,t~t';~.~~IIM~JQ/U1 )h,••l ,,'l1I .U'.lh,,,~ I"~ ",,<In_, wnJ"ill lie ""'I"",.llllll f,or .ll de"l> .... ll"lI~ted hIIhe Itrul, ."ll u!lIU....... !'t due ,,'!ll toe ".ld I"hhll. .sum.. ::v' ,,:

t:I'IWAIlt\" 1I1S'\!"."~nubom:'h ('OUIlt). :'iV\. IV, leiO. -KI,~.

Territory or W""hl0ll'lUu. Cu"",,. .. r 11",..1."mloh...... III Ille Ol.ottlcl Ctlurt uf ..ldeo;unl1·

8. II. C'tOIIktlt., pllilltiff. n, JohD Corhl'lll.

Pt:':~l~:ktQf;,rJ';~l'::~t~~,If~\ Ih" olllu.. ofnlt United 8la\etl or ,\In(nUlI:lld ~l.Irll; 10

John ,,01:1.11"0, det,-mIJ"l:,'''''Irtl herehy rrllollll\i to 11'fOI'>I' III "rt

;~~~~ ~~~nt, ~~...~~;t I)f:I~le~{'o~l:: "fl~~I~fIU.my, 1f,l\tlln.: l~nI. • lit dn"h"'aloh t't)', lu'I\(lc"o"l1 or ~lI11bomloll...ml W IITI>WC' Illc

~~~l~::~~ II~I:~~ ~;,::~n~;"IIII.~) 1ft::l1'lt,~ ;~~;let: un YIIU 01 Ihl" .UIlIIllUII", If "'rT.'tl III tI,....ld "nuuty tlf III1Uh..."I,II, "r If ... r"t't! "ul IIf..id ~O"l1ly. bUI In 'l",lId Judle'" Dl.,rlct r>1Mid Tl'ITiw.y, ...llhlll 11I1I1y ,1.')"" IIIL'·... IM

~1~~ll~I:~~~{.;~:, J~~I:.1;:~ifb" ~Io~llll,~~~:IIf .lld ""LOrlllnt.

'fhll .:lid Itl\'!ll 1M brollllhi 1<. tiltOI....r tl!('UIl1 II' V"" hUI"ln'lI Iturlllfl)' ,1"l1lh, .. Ill! I"Itrt...t It Iii,' nllC "f nUt! Itlld "lI~·f,,"rltl I""""III IlI'r m""tll f"'11I th,' .""~lIlh dllv til i"'hruU)'. 111:':1, UIIIll,,.I<I. .....~,l'tlltl" lu ,lI. I"""'~t:;lIlJ~:~~d"rr.r .. ~~\oo~~,:;~. ~r'b~~~:'~I~ ~1Ihl" 1I\:11"n. ...nd )Ull Mt"I"'n'loy n"lUl,.d, 1111\11)011 r..IlIt>I"t'_. II d AU"" "r Ih• ..:I,d ."tIl1,lllnl" III"", ....lulr"l. Ihe wlol 1'llIluIIII... lIt Lot\("J,,~It""1"1,d·to,,1l .""I....t r<lU It.nm.lilllC wUlli "roytf ul 1.1,11 r"'"l ,.Int.

Il1tlll'JlllUle IIVII, J. It. I......., JU(\;l:e of.ll.1

~,;,:J~~~~::~I, ~~~lr:~M."l'I:IIf, tlll& ::III'·I: ..... UW If, ,t. l;llarMlU. (,'h'r~'

111 Illll nl.trici I·VU.t of S""blIml~h ('lIuMy,II II>hh,~to'" I'crrlNry, lIoltlillg tclII'.ltl Sau'I.utlll,h t..:lly.

It~,~l~,lC~I:~~I\J.llj.~~~ll~~~·~i,,~c\~~:,~ Plutoll

t..:~~m'il~~~r?~r'C~~r~lleolll.'" 01 Ilia Clerk vT

'fbu Gl\lt,'tl ::Illite- ul ArucrtCllet:d IfretU"Ir:Tu(ic<ll';lt W. l'rc>wn, dd"nd.lllll: \'uu~ro

~~~11~;\ r..;!;~"':,~ ~R:~,lt~'~"rr'~~':~~;;;~~ll:~~l••,v" lIilllClt Ifl~ltltltl', In lhe j)1~lrkll'1jurluf•• Id l'lIUllly. huld\n!, I(n,," ~l::lnllbOlD1Io"l:lt)'.In Ih~ COllll() IIf SmH'Op,I.I1, Iml I" 11I.""rUn:t'tJrnr,.lnl tiled tbt"'ln nn ur n,fG'" 111,':.IJlII olav of J.nu.r)' .... LJ, 113;7. ur JudJ:11lelitIi) tld•• ult ...·111 htll"~t·u Il!'Ihl.l )·uu Il'l.'frtllll;':

1<, N:: r..~J::.~~,,~~~lh~~,:'~\:ll·~~h(aln • dccrt....01 Ihl., "uri f"r Ihe fUt'tIll""utc IIf I «rul"",ur~e d•...,r\1>...t In tll( clIm""'lnll,, thl.

~~~i::r':Jtl~I~". :::~~:~:n~.t:: ~~:;~t..(IIWI~"';":;l:'::':".l, ::'t~du:l~S~~~r.'~"~II~ "'~.I'y~I~I':~~~ty ...~ dl1;'lIllI1l1, !'crttn C. I'.,·.toll. lor th.·.UI" ul ".':!OII dult.n ll"ld roln, I..~hle Ilf·1""11 ..",,,·ll' ift.cr d~l.<llhu.:<J' w \I 1111110 II.1."1'" <lr ,.rdn, "llh 1111".....1 lhe",,,n.l \l••

;:'~~f;;:U·~~~t;~':a~i;.~·t::ll'\l'h~o\~I~;u\lC~:~o~~t~'~ll ••'c '''''" dUly tl"t".....'tl, " ••lllm'tl uti d"llI·II\'IIlu ••l<l,'l~hltlll',

'I'll" IIiC Il\'t;mh... eon\,e,..·tI Ihc"'''1Iu ....1 :

~'~~'tl:~~bS~~.~':~;I'C:;~II~~ 1~~'Il1.~u; :~)tlll~JIt'll IIOfU, ...".t '!.uMrle.ul Ot.. ~IIUtll.lIOt<ljuat

I~' t'" W.)( IIf d. W. UI. Ind Il,.....ul" IiIlf

~~J l:t~~:~'i':I~(I:r~~ct~~lJ~.1 ~~,..h'/;:S. h 01 It E. ~,) "I ",.tlOft ~I~ht (Ill. Illd llle

i~~:~l~'t t~~f..~r~~~~~~~,~~:r~ rt..1i~r~. w. }(l"l .~,~"" oOlVenlc~" (\7). hi 10"11'.lill'l""·lllynhil fN) lIurlll uf nnn th"'{~lt'&>t. c'IIo""h.lnlf lI\'a lIulltl~1 fntl "lj:IIt""u"'m!, In ~"..Io"lIIloll.'OU"l)', \\' ..hllll;""" Ter.

~'~r,~' 1~;i~~7.:'::t\~,~dt~:: ~,o'i.d:m'J~;\~~~Ilold will. prlnc11111. filII In\.tr""llJltrtOn (mill~pkln1J<' 'ed. I~jll. \lnll1 poltl, Il Ille rlto! uf....1.. fnt!llOl·balll",r f/t:nt, l"'r mo,u1t. ,1I5Ihl"

.r~Vr6 dl:III~~:::eJ~ne~::~~ i:a::'~~lJ,cl'llOO Il'I.II11 8t!1,tcmiltr~, llll'll. 1lII1Il pllll,Itll'l..,.II'I~: II,,, f"r tb'" ......\.tI,u~ ."dtI,llIur"':llIeol' "f ..ld lult. Ilid In _ 'lieh

Ij=~;I~l~~~n~:,'~l~~~I\~'~<!"I~fl\lo~:..~~r~:,.f"'lIl,,'I, 1'"r".IIJ. t'n..I()II. f'lr tllu baill,", re·

=~~l'~~:~ ~~'II:~t~<I~~:::I~II~:~t ~f~: ~II~:;Il/P">lr Itnd lu.,nr tha ...ld roml,lflnl "lbU...rvtt0lred, UWI pllll.tltf .111 ",,\(e dclolull ......ln.~you .."d Ipply til tha l'O'ltt for 1110 ",lIer tie'IPlndetl I" ..ld ellllll"-Iul, Icc;;rdllljl: IQ the

'\n~I::=·lfon.J, K. ),c... II, Jml;te 01..1"

h:y'o~ ~~~~~~, f.IV'i~~~len:uI, '1111 I~IJ.

uoI·I~tl.. II. A, OltmORY, Oltl'lr..

~Ii~. M ,r' A. K,·nn ...h uh,.in~,lll ,·"r·tikI I"r .~"lioo f"r I",."',,h "I' I'IOD.ile 10nHlrry lIy C. I\'. IITli"8:u.

A IlilCll{I'\t In K,,.· York h.,l", 41,·,,'"I'. kllllllJ! Ih,' (nllll"n. ,1"I'k h In.l~ "nd.h...."r •. 'nl~ ell,.:iuctr !llltl l1'UI,.1I w~re

..... ·Ue....

TWII 11" II, tflO,IcII',1 In Virlnrill of\llllVl.llljl t!,,, d"IMn~ "f ,lelllllllllll·lJOl:pili it'nlll ...ere 8t'a l·n ......1 tl) Ill" y,..r .n,IIIX monlh.ln tile chilln KIWII'.

0.".0 OOlh"m, i)o.crl'tnJ or the 1.,'.15. tit'nl\h'. Will 11IIIrrl••1 In WltIhIO~llIll."n 11... 21hl1. 1<0 )Il.. Ellie E n....tclt. or11"t dry. I'tl'l'loient r't Ihto 80 noll', rer­ry. 111111 Mr. "'111111, ptincip.1 jnura"lrll·.k, IItlt~t u grt.",1>lllell.

A numlocr "f pr"mlll\"nt I.ll·inu~ menuf VIt/tlOllI City It.,.. IllIned In t<lldl't'.1<> lite N'",~d!l s.·lllIlor-, lIikillg thdr Cll(l11t:'1I1i"n ill oh:"ini"l1 Ihll I':I.... /te oyCUlil/reU ofll hili 11" ... irlirlg l"r the l"lueoj' lel(Kllendur lil"r nUft'<. '"dtb I vi" ..'I" rcuunnl! the , .. IUf of .111'd IU 1\ eir·r:ulalln.: m.<1lum..

A \'nung Ill~n nllmt~1 flr>nd. bulnlt'!Jo!l'o' or,tl'(.~1 fr'ml thll hUll" by L. I).!till, nr 8hel1,y Ot.pnt, Tcnn.-.~, ",11"..,dl"Khlt~ he ""~ ~i~ltln;t. ",tu.","'ti 'l'ilbI Illwtol Intl.hut him ~Ix lilnCi. C>lu~in",

t1~lIth, 110 then c1rltJntl't1 Min IIill lI"Hher ratlier'••1cn.J loOI1§, to l\ mlrht.er',.Inti 1I,11:ot.,.I.,,,, I, '"'11,;,; th.. IlIl1trillt,"ll eer·ellllll1Y I)\'lr"tmctl,

&lfcl'lll nUlllth~ I:rO tlia pr&r:liea ot,I",flult Ihe htf,(h "r J!tllltlntri In theSIIn Fnn"I!!Ir:O jln "'110 tClllltotl in theCnurtll lIy Cbilll\rnen, who llrt:Hn~ IheirlJucUCllIlli II Ifllrt or l1",h rt'lIglo!l: I,ut11In J'''lieilll (~dll"n 1< In f..nrnr Iii.olliClab, lind the hiNl,tc delillcutlOti gllt'lon ullefr>l'l!.

Kate .'iehl ..yl the Jll'1'tOtI wher N~I.he il Idl"ll til l':nl:lln,1 under III il­

lumed Plme. J1rcnri.KII"-

)Uteh..ll', 11m fQr Ihe pl'tlCfVlllion ofCulumbll tlnr IlIlmun bhcri" prohitolutllhing for tltlmon I.>y Inl meanl ",bllt­e..u elelpt lhrlog ~1!\1, June lind July,:ont! tben onl1111 Minel ""Itb melhel l'Iotle~. thlll eight and I bl\1I illl'll... dilgooal11 from outtcomer to Ihll olhu, wilentltell,led. Vlolatlun_, ohhe proyl.inn<.re 10 be )lunilhed wIth 11ft" of fromtriOO to 11,000 ror 11M ollt!llell Itml IlIb­

iel'IUeIlIIJ uy bolh fine and IMipriauo.mcnt. _

)L\CH1Si:S SOl.D II\' I);~T_\Ll.·.\It:~1'::; un sun:.

No cnir.1'1l who \'lIlucl rroe instltUlion,

elln fllllio lie UJUVt'd Ily II pfolmml! IU_lety .. 10 Ihll olltcOIIn" ollh, pl'l·1t!1I1 llIl'Ihlcl\l ~uII,~trlt!lilult:nt. The Ulnlltnti.'n 10

fmull in Il1l1nlplllllil'lg tha election reolurnl Itt, 10 uillenf;ltnd Ihe 1'1Ihlle dill'

gera 0111'1" ~ucb CtlUI'lIe Ire Ifl enormous,lhlt p.rtl~n,ilil' oughl 10 00 wbtlllyIwallowed UI) In palriotl~m. "Countlugin" Iny1lor.ly II I'~ldcnllo~u..h II ""IY.1 to 1l:l1'alhe people e"n1illct-Cllhlt IleI~ rl'all! • U8Uqlef would uo more to lIe·flrny repullllcan HOvernnlt'nt 10 11111rounlr)' 1hl\n 0IIeU, !trilled rlllJelllon,Lut Ui 11100 tIlt~1 In !'oe purpu_loth .. lll' whlillfer intlllenco 11'1$ pttJ'l!I_, beIt IIttla or ~rtat, 011 tile Iide of.n hon·(At. (1i~lllMion"t(,Onll.pfITti~o lI'ulOll'lllntofltli, gra'l'e Prlllhll'ntlol 'lu....I;u". '


SingerSewing Machine

SE.\TTI.J.:, W, T.

Sco~ Onl.,,.. III

•.o,·,~ '.01'1':1.1.. "&r'·I".

Snllllllons bY' I'nbliclltiOU.


OO( af Ilw mOlt tllCllmllrehenlibledilt'uwerlu-if It lit trl1i', wbl~b I. qlll't.tlonllhle-thlt wa "avtl f!ftr ellClIUlllert:<1I~ lInnounccd in It .uccnt Frenco Journalby)!. Ulllt;lie. lie IIlyl Ihlt Iho IUt",Inlroo.luttltln of lin Iron liar, In tha boxIn which 1Il\rleJ', t~, I.rrAil. l.tiiICuil Indlik'l f.r1nllcwul miterillll.re nored, illulliclent til Iltll"cnt tither the rltvlIRt'IIf .Iecl\)' lit tlie auackl or 11Iit!C11. )'unIlcuill of tho nperllllentit innlllt!gl'ion~re givcn, An Iron 1I~r tbree p'lulldl in

"'elgbt i! rl.'lluU!<.1 10 hllu WotKIe<!hlrt1 glIUonl lIf grlln, Inll cenlln III,·cuhlilluccllentcontlitinn. whill/others.undcr liklil cireumllMI~ lIul ...·ithuultha iron, ,..elll tU\.tllly deltroyetl lt1w.'evl~IL=- ~__-_

Tlte wile 01 Chrll(Dpb~r Zeit", li'l'logIn I~ike townlhlp. (loout lil mill" IIl'1rth·Weft orChiCllIfO. hw I!:IYf!n lIirth to hachllunn wltbln ayur. The lint, Iriplet~. lli glrll, ,..cre hom on the ueuiugut !kpttnlh.,r 2~, 18ilt and on the motu­In,lf of "-'rtembcor 2t 18ill, ahe hid Ip11lr of III·ine. 1\ "'11 Illd I [(Irl l which.re liI·ing. The tripletl (liN.

'I'h,. t· !t ~I"il St~.M1l'r l\'~IJI~ mlltll!lwO rtj:!t1hH trilll tlii. Wl'l'k. 011 )!oml"y,he Ioroll:;hl 1..'~nt.r·fHllr JIlI<:M!n':CIl flodlix 1011' (If freight. 811" arthl',l .'ridIYwitli I hen! lOlil 10,1 ftllight Dlld "

Illrge 1III.>Iffl,'C'_'_"C"C·_=_).onol)(o.-)I rI. J. J.:I .. ,.U. ,Ir.• Will.

IIn..kln, lmd iknnctl .t Fhlle1lu.lIll·

ri~~r Inl!'j,;I'TI, lITII '.klo" IIdYlllhl)ffll1fIIlI! Ifte rile of Ihe river 10 get ,10"'1\

their 1'111'1,

I'KJtlflllA~~~1dI\'IO, whu1""ll'llt IChulllln Ihi.. cuunt,.llIlt Ilimruer,

Ind Mill l1a.rt~uck. IHlth or Oly'lIllll1. INfpcndlng the holi.IIYM in Ihe elly.

WI! ,.'I~h .VIlIi !Ill " 1mI'll;' N"tV )'jllr,

I.·.H:UOIII: t 1'1" J!u/·,I/"II J.i!lhl).-Thi.i~' tIle '''nU' III III F"'lIch )'rnlhlllnf"'1'l~ly n""'ll'lIl't'r rOlllldc(1 In Itl6l\. IIn,1I'uloli.h,·,t In M..ntreltl. Canll,ll. "I ~UjO.

(!.:nit...l Stfles, ,~.) !lIT Innum. It wn

tHin_ "tlid.'ll no 'he 1I111'''rt''l1l qu"eliou,"r Ih,' ,III)'; " '1lf'Cilll '~'tr'''I''\l1i1 ...·f''·frum .'IllMl'e nn J.:ur"I',·It!', 11>Olitlc"llllldfdi;:l"u~ 111111lel'l. Itli "'1·11 o. ,l(encr~l ffm,

ill' r.'fulil1:C ~11l1 n,'''!. dC.

CIIURCII.-WC Ilrlnt Q cnmnlllnirationthl. "eel!: on tlllIreh clIn!llIct, oreOllfltlour Ct.Irr'l'fllOndelit htlf h".1 Itlllj:rll,,·I. !IO

we ...111 IIro",1 tlllck. We think Ihlt

chihlll,n 111l tbe)' IIrtlllld rllouilit tn COlli­11"'''elllllhf Hllllnn or ler:tllN ~ltnuld 00ktpt It home or ellO lJe II'cnlllllanled hytheir pftttnll. 'nl~n wc Ihlnk tlte ~pnk.

tt ...i1lIl~f~r he ann(,)·erll.y 1lt.'fll'la ... Ili.,Jl"l'ing 01' An, thing 1'1"1', If he II lintntor lAd rhtHMel an Inte...·ltln/t' Iltcnlettnrl hllnlilult III "pl'l'lpt:r lIl~nner, N)IIn 1,llin Illngusit'l ..hilt II", lllc*nl "ndIItllPI "'lIfl1 he II llnne. H IllCIk(!I't cannOlllOnl1llAnd Ihe re"llCClrlllAIlCUlloo ulthclr hUlllCn It It UIU"U,lhclrowlI rlllllt.&mctlltnll: i. "'nlOg "'!llt thcul. Tile)'had better look Il'llund!tld lK'e "'hlt i,IlCkln;. Whu U't' ltellrtl of. Choal.., IIIlet:<:hcr or • Stlrr I\illg eOlUlllain "r'" OilJltrillg or irlllltentilln.

WnRnU;S Ire cnglf.,"I.'tI clt"rillg utiIttlldlnl/; Ihe 1"1 jor Ih,. De" Prl!.'j1Jyleriln~urcil.

~:lr i!'orlhrm ~h\\'.

(I~l.Y onc number ",ure of th"ST,n

"llIllOl Ijllloli~hl'O.l fit lili. \·..11111 .... W,o"l.ll "u, reR(lu~ In r.'II1~IllI..'r flU' term­;m; ill ..,II·I\IICO:, ,0,1 tll.\ IlI1 ,1''fI1,.;0): th ..~1.\I1 f.., \'.,10111<: twn .,.,Iltl ~ulo....ri l

lIlIo ~,..... r 111.(". 111'11 "'·'l"t'·t,·,\ to nn"....II"lr'II"""'·;I'lioll~I~"\Y'

'TIll: CnUlf.\lU 'TMr.r..-Tlit Ill"u\lnIhR' ~d,l<lm I~'ell \'"lIdl~"I"c,1 uqu \\'1111\111" UIl'n:! 1'1"n.'Il;; '1l\,·r,,,lnlll'·nl ,I."" ,1",1II~hcn Nt ltiwl'lIiolu 11>111. Snlllr<l,,~.. r,'r'ltd ,... ,,"tit uf lh(!jll\'c"illl vMtiun /'If ollr""nllltUllity. Thrllll;.th pul,lie Jiliolierill,;\l1l- lllll"n lit' l,y 111)1\~'ty or ,'lllcrllrl.lnfC~')\lnl: l",lk' "I' ll,~ cil:r. nml priv"le 11,,·1lll1im" 111,,1,· hy tllnlltl .,f OUf dtil,"nl\\,11" "rt: 1.1.lhmlc.: 1o01h In ]lnr~ul\l1ll

Ii~~rl. I"''' Ii,nt:~ (r...'(01 W~N lit,'rdll~' ('oy·~'rl~1 ,"'1111 "Hl:.:r cOllce!vl,l,!c otl\d,'{'~1cu

I ,11~1 tn IIl1lh 111l! IINrl'!lf Ihe liltll! n:.eipit'1l1.llllur,,1 wIth 1,1"I"ul'I', Kill! 11l~1I)'

ortitl~~ofuIIK 11In:,:inJ,C !,In,I/llll fruUltllu I,.,m{'h,'~ mille ll",'Il "I m,Hure .r""r~

fnrlll1 Ih..ir UK" .~,I f,'('II1ll'lllbl'ht' on('e

'lion: ~"'II'lI, 1t1,,1 IIflt I'lr,:"tlt:n. Tllo:<Ilt .. tlllnnwnl '0"" illilldl"d h,' "f"to' In·nOllllrl"!)' f"lllll'k fr'lIll W, ~l. 'fill1ot,.:"1' dl' r II hll·1I [t, \'. ,\1-. )1,,, II" !lllllillIIll .'I"quo'nl llrorrr ~\lil"d 1U Ihe ')('CII'.i,,1I. Tht "1I\lf. hllnrhHIll,'I~' f".t""III'rlnl"llh'~I,,',1 wIlli l!ll' 11M '1Illn~t1.'d II/,n·ll~r, ..",. II ItmllnJl IIIUI Hry u prl"'liI'flr,'~lure nf Ihe tlll~rlllinmr"t. UJIO" it\\'1'1" rllnlCr.llhc y"uth Mml IN'11I1"r>r 11u,I i.h'~ ~"""flItiun "f the :5nul11'1'ni_h. IIn,1tltallnh'·llIOnlln..1 Chrl~tUlII~ l:lItoll~ I't'n·dCTl'lI I,y th'lIl: Iho ,tdijllilflll Ifln~1

~ltll;/' I,y lhu oilier I!lrll: Ihe n'~oIin,l!

tllml,lnu tin' 1,lrth 01 Cl<t;II-~lI, ".. It!"r Ihe m",1 I" rfld ChHT't.tler iUl"~iIlIlUI,,,

IIIIIl<IIIIItilllt Ibe illu'J.finllll"n rr"l11 th..hick w"I/II~, ilIl (:111,·,1, III to II 1I... \·tll "fI~ltllrt' IInl! ntlul"llknt. Whrn the "'1\\'111,1. 1I.1l.1"-llr. 1.,·Ij(htr>n inf"rnl_

1,1"'~llre Ilro'r.It,,1 111 Iltt' ehild,en IIn,1 1l~ thlll 1... i~ lIl,,;'ln~ ""·er,. poalhle [lrt'p

,nun./l<1,II,.. "n thll .1~J.ftl h.d NO'rh.,1 nt,'li,~n r"r II ~t~lltl tl,,": n"lit M,,".l.)IllclllllllX, .lInd I~e .ud~ nCt' lI't"" ill It'll llJ.t:hl. ,\11111.. L.,.o,III"-'OI,I" ,,"'ett! lIn.funnl ~1I.1e or 1lllli,intl!-. 0111 8,nl" 1elll III uur t 'Inl""jl~ I'uli: ~It'in. llalh·C'bu'"11llc,rrd, Itll,1 ""< ...",..iVI,t ,,1111 \1· ..·•• 1·,wk"'H'" 1",1 Jllck...n ...111 furni-I>llJ,rLul,mA HllP''''lU~ II. m:lkl' 1111 w~. th,· IUll,lc ;111<1 .,0,' h"IH' nur 11t'011lt1 .. ill1111 ill nrdrr, .u.. M h~ rllmh.~1 lilt Iurn 1I·!tJth11lIn: :'olt, l.dH1Ituo lllfl"'1

,,·lJrl.tm;l. 1r lhe IIltll' nI.'t. lin" ,,101 1J,·ndit.

"11M .100,1 nn Ih~ til'IOIl flf "~l~'('tlln,'~', (1'.'11 T,III'I ... I1< _Olh'e J.uf J,"thlf,

md mltllV " lillie hellfl o... t 1II11fT lind I\u. II. I. O. O. T...·ilI,n.d lilI! (~lI!or

.)'" ~llt'll" lori~lliel ~. hl4 "r her JI~n~ ,h'1) t .... nlilif ~t lhl'ir h,'"' AI thl' Mil.'UI {'1I111·,I. Itn(1 Illl nr _hI" h!"l'IIt1l1' llif ~"II' nu't'! upon thl' Mol'''n\! llod r"lltlll1lC»'l'hllrllfll.,.rru;rfTtllll}lf'l11l1l lo"ill~ fl.'lunll)·1 of t'lleh monlh, Ih~ G,,,,I

Ii...rl: nnd m"nl an 111,1 h,'y In thl' Il'lIf 'f"'lIph'fl doll_rn '_hefir"_t,lhlrd llnt11Iflh./1'11 II lin:.:le nr pll''''~llff' run ,1",,11 1,1'10000k. II~ hll "'loCk uf c,moly C~llll1l1'lI,l·

,llnlt tlIH tn hiln. I,rlnlllnll forel ..tJ to.ltl' IIIlmllhnf'l('1 thllt lI'e !J<'lorig 10 one,~,nlnlrln fllll,1I1, alhlllur fri1'1ll1~ ,·ll.t InItll 111~C1." of UIIT II"minitln. The ...luetlr Ille W"lH'lll' .1i,ltlhuIL~1 Im(llmt.~1 to

...'mctl,!,IQ{II'Itt:I,IIOO, lind Ill! pr.,.ot....I'nl "",Ily "dlh lh ... ,,"1y I'l',.:rct tilltChrl.Ullu ('ll1I11~ !JUI on.-e n J~IIr. 1'''01IllK'h ptllioe un nut be llC'lonled till1'\Ilit'll In,1 r"ollrlllcn who IJrI~l'l'tc<'1 Inti~lIrt1t:,1 tll"~ n~flll I teru,io'luon1111I t'ntcrt.inllll'nt, "ml In IIcrotdinglhlJ. h'l 1I~ Iln! forw't Ihe Jjl'ntlu h"lyWho i~ I 1l1'1....ldlnK If!'niull "f Nil ourplf1lltlrn In dill ,lil'1.'Ction-tltrough.. hUIC l'ltknt Illllnllllf the l'nUlh of ulIrI'ily lire rMi"inM Ihllt o;;UIIlHu Ind "I"CUl1lllli~hl1lent llt'l.'OII~lr1 III clIrry Ihemi110ng.u1l111Ultillly In weir l~lcr It,".




fl. 11. J.If'I~::;IJ~

Iron Pipe,I'IPIi: )o'll'rIN(ll)1


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All work pm'l!,illiug to tin:

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Ami in u workmllulikC.lIl1tlllll:l'.

G1~~'I~~ ~f'all ..tl ~lt


,J_~ {nl;BPI\:(- V ....1 J

IIL\I.Ens 1:\

W. T'


'l'"k"11 in Erchnngo for !IcrHlllntlis".


M \\'. 1'.\1 1\.\I:n.






-1)F.UF.1t I~-

Palcat Glonn~ bin Bact Cr081Cul Saws.C"mlt!/ Or",,", Wusthotf Ii: Wald,

l'''-J!I1y rlU"I. 1-.0. If.x Gil. ...... III~. ,t'. 'I'.

1\[0'41 tc.d n 1 . 7'IX. (!Ol·/'NN. ,t J,I!'AXJ:jl W.WSnn(, I

OhOUlion.l. I;Ul:TIOS MolO "OltC~ l'UlIl':O;,


Jamieson's Jewelry EmporiumSeattle, WT.

Watches I: Jewelr:ll'atOcst.Ut~l W.llh"m W..lf'll, :l I>r. c..se. '2t. {Ttc,rlliu Inl"ll 'l!U,.. " "II"" 21'.00. .. " :l!~.

1 ".. :to. 411.o "" ~r.. 50.

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t'uk ~n:DJt;f!'j<\L puJt)'u::n:s.



I F:lncy Tollol Ankles, Clg:.u·s.

I'''''. &,.

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pouuucu :II nil hourlt.AI.I. <\Ill: IN\'IU:UTO l',\IJ.

1'1 nlI,




c.t. ,...

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CollleeU8Dur . 8al08D

1I"~1 AND }]GGS,

~~~~,~~tlhf\n;'Io~:1~:~~-~~~~~:'I~~CoI~7I';~~:IwrJ "lid l'Atll....url,lh·"

Fnrnilnre, Be~~ina,Window Curlains, .

PiCtUl'C 1'·"lUI1('I"I.

"nrutu~ Uliukcnl""y." ~,I(I tlllll ~'n.

IlcIMn·. 11'1.''''. IlrllI'ln,.; II I'.per flflf\l I,<.:r,,,,rkll In Ihtll'riucy I.ftlil" h"II\IJe' lin!:lmll.,. u",rllill/l. "lIrlllU," D1ink<.:nllf'tTJ'.rYe roUUII',1 Nnrl oUlof Ihl! Inlt Ihln,.,IM~'~ )""U have l·t\rue 1I"lutl Inlo,~ICllted

''''co·'·Mj'·\ n night.; "",.1 lin '-"U Ihlck"r Jour,elf!" D1iukl'nbcrry gruMnl'd.'·W<.II, ...h.t "rtI 1UU ).I"ltIning·.ltOUI

n",,·'" "7'/"". t~rtf! 1IIV~I" r~llllfdlllin!lrnlocrty, willi "II UI.rullIitm "rhor.rit,ll! ...f1lltillg.

......,..~_•.""---.~•."•._-----~.'.'••~----- ----- ~_~J=__~ ~ .=_ ", .=~_=_. ._

, "'II'" \lllh"", II '1'1l\'I~nf:I'

I _","" "llli" ',,"·l ,II ,11".11' iIi, IIn,"""\lI:," I I t:ur- p". II" I''',' 1 ,- ,I"

I II "I '"1'1"';: lit:: II ... :-I_,C,· 1'.1 II.. ~,If.I. '11-.1 ,,.,1'1110 "I II,,· I" ·'l,l,· to '" I" 'I" "",...11,,1,-1' t ",·W,llfI,ll. I( , •• II '''II'iI lit;" ." 1I,lcr,-·li,,:.: '" I '1M 1i,u, lit, I , ... h,,, ,,' I" ,. ""11 .1,,"11,1 I, ,I,· "I·" II ",I ." IIICI,' _.rr. hI I"" In •• ,,-.,,1 ..1, ",u'-\U"'I."iilkoi iUII·,hlll',I·,,1 Ell" I"', Ii,,· l,i·I", i. I ,~.;! ,I h.", ril,_ 1..·...1

.\n 1"'11"-1 111 "1 \Ibn hft< II g",,,1 ,,'i. I" 1111"\\ III ,or ·rll~. I: III' II ~iu"I' m. I",

n, 1I1.,'I.,j"nl" l,rul,: ." 1",1,1,.. lIO.til'~ "ril' mUI'l' I. ""ulil1lltlly tilltill:': 1I1~'11';.nll\\lIIi lm'<l"" Jlril1lH, "'ltl in"'r!- II." .;'Hlh. "I... 11111-1 "f:~IUr-o' h ).!'I'HII'."" ,101., rii .. tII,-nl ill tlw 1'''I~'r. llIl" h.• , 1,,;.: l"r~,·r. Ru,l tit!. ,1<,ilJ 11'11111"... '" lilt'

''''11,· , ,tol. Iln,l ,-ih'lIl,.,. lull111,,' in au t!1,.,..1••1I imllllll"'IIIl,t il ""111,11 .. n",_110110.1 \'",\ ~u, h II moUl ,I,-.,·u',. 1'''11- llnolt" 0111'1"'" tll,t Ill., lI11-r,-"". mho!!,."ur,I,I,· IIwllli"n, lIll,1 ""1.:111 III Foc I' "r"n· 1.\,-, 'iuile "I'I'I'~ i .101,' ill II "''1" ",'uluri,~.il,',I, Itlr I,,' ..-,-k. only I" ~"1I111 "~" I,,~ II i. I~" ~u. lI'O\\"\,r: Ihl' ,"rl,!'" ,,( III!'Ill-III ,\ !,!",~l II,il1l:' .1"..·• n"1 11 ..,·,1 r,~ k E"llh i~ "" n.'nll"'I>, "''''1''1'0_1 ui.1t Ih,.

,,,,,I It-Il'<':llll'"ri"r· Filrullr Il"Irl. "" '1":tl1i1~ "ron''''"r,,' 'lIl1ltr, 'h'I.,,"'OI·t_'llol"I""I, nn,l "1,,1;<.: nOI. tllU, h nIt', I "" 11Ft 011'". 1.\ " .... ',1, I,) I",tlll ~h, I" I ,II.h-m'lI,· nor' ftUr <.:UI"I'''UUtI "'I"••,. 1I111'" M....;:t. r Ilfl"hl ).1m" 11111\ 111.'<11 'UI III' 11iu,1' III, ,,'1,' ~llU.'" III ", Ir"'11 f'-I~".' ,'r In lin' 11I1I"lr~.1 I"illilltl \',iI-I" M'l~-~'",'111,1. 'I" III""". !",'r Ih,' ~"". It \I". I " I I' I . " I . ,

.1.....",,,I ''''hllll .. f Ih,' 'r'''-"I "'Il,r I" .j",,,., I I' "I1':"~ I I.. tOlIl' "11.11 11 I ~"I I."",.... Ih •• I"", . BOOTS~ 1 . "11,11 ,. '''l'lho.1 UlI,.....'.<3..rI· I', ,,,1\',,11,,,. _. _

I..· ,1,,,,,,,-,1,-,1 in "".. '" II" .. · "'''"'''''''1 III . t )Ir. JII""~, I~"I," ,~r. r, I"" """I II",

Ii.·. I~"I'-,l,ltl,' II' ~t 111-,,' '1-' 111 I" Iw·· . -.- ••• _ I1"I1""ill:.l 1<> 11,,"..\.:<.II'·lIhl. lit w".Ir. 1Groceries andIi, \, r-ll1 till' 'lt~·.•• '~~· ", h'l1d "~I"""" A !,!"'lll,'ulIln 11111"'1"" "",' ~ltitl;l nUL 11I).:1',n. "I '''II int"rlll<~1 ""II dl',r).!,'"''

1Il,-nl "tl.",'" ,,~.. 1!alll~."'ltllJ.l""IItI:~.. I~I~ Iill I,i. I·Mrri,).I'· I.. IlIllk,' ""1I~ ""II~ ... llli Ilhl'l.I,.,r "I' ('''").11'~'. tllMI ."·'ur 1,'1"" .. f We kepI) for sail' tlll' bpst Cl'lIllll or Orl'A'tJ1l 10'10111' ill till'",. for Ih,lI 1~'r1"t1,l>,1 I.." ~n'l 1~ n hi....ili .. ,,11111 lie ,til!l""'I'"~IIIi"II,c 111..1 1"~~1Il~ .1i1'<'h~I, 1111< ,,111,.,. It.,., ,'r hOlt.:'::". III IIU' .trll'Ii'1 ""." '" Ihl' t, WI, I, ;-, hi. 1'1';1111).1 r,ml". It,. lol,11Ii~ h'''I. l.l'l1 "fJoII,..II"'''h' 1'1'''''loIn;: ",,"r h'''"I_.I I- ,,'I-II 1I,,_r-"r IUI.• IIII. "" II 11l~ I! .11, II 111 .......... lllly "'.me im" hi.< ~er~lCe. I" II., }'''U <.:I",r~" tl,., il i •. "r Ii'l" I"" II lit'"N. 1~11"?I"'ll"ll.lIuh I]," ",I"'rl'IIlf'lI' l.!" lt11Ih' ltnnll'l"it ..... IIn,I I,rin!,! th,. 111,,111 or pmhri,I,· ,I""" illlhi< "lnr,' ~ III .. ,,-,. ,,,.·,,,,,1. ""h'>111 ...... rn .•lnt. Ill' III '''" I~ h., .11"11101 1111,111,,''''. TI.e >oer'AIII '''. I'll'''''' .-011'1'1"111' 111 .'''"' dll,rll'" "il" ;,,:r ,1"lor.. ti"lI. I~' lllllkll ~Udl '.'"llllon r,n 111""1 M1' 1( "I' 1,11I.lin\{ cllr,I~. 1111.1 1lI"li,," lur 1IIIIIIe,lill!l' ii! .... III!,lli,,"I1. I

11."11 I" 1.1i., 1'111

,1 ... ,·lIl1rg•.•• '." N:lItll.1 I·, tl"'Ill!1i1 tl" , '" re Ill<' lin,·. OIl ~Illrl. l.ro""lJIl(~' -111'1, 'M';'1I'"tilll'8 lI11crl,· "u,1 H:WEI.IlY, W,\ rein.:!' Mnll l'lI ,\ I:\li: W.IIUf.IX'I'I:'O I'L'U,..' .U.~ TIU/I.lI .ft.1.,,:.~,..lf J" I :In,I,.,ql~''1. 11"" ~1I1l1, 111"1",1 III" r.r' 1l11"",,,n, H'IHIIt" In IIt<.: f""t. 1l1o!ll>luld,I' ,:,10'1:. I'''IlI11~.1 I,~ 'Ill)' olll, I d. lItlkn"lI'lI I" "11\' • , l.:. ----- I. . .' .....11" 11., ."1",1< WIl('II.\'I·r "l1ul PlI IUllm,' •I"l 1"Ul~dr.h.<.:"a_ll.k"'II"'h'.\JlWilli ,,,.rllrr,.11 :\'Iht''l:"ut>,.,.,)' m"nU"ll' We "'lr<.: WI.1l M"'I"ui"h,1 \lllh II...1 t. "\I:" hMlII~ In:". II ~l''',,:: 1·1I1,lwd,,·.• I: II,: Turn... 1 I" I,i. tllflllllPln with Ihl! 'I'''~ "1,,,\'1' ""'11.-,1 J,!,nll"lIl11n. W" ""111l11 in," ,I(JIIl~ II IIwll lUll nil Ill" IO"\~ rI,,~·kt·,1 I I • I'lrlli", Ii.t "fr"lll.il",I"r_. hi.,IIII)',I"n... II,m. "II" " 11I"11$ c"r,l" bll"11 .'·flU Idl t.. )!t·n. ,,,-'hw n ISJ •• "r. ~'l!n'I'I' \I'Pl'.I11\'''1 ..WUl ,,"n huf"riol.'1 lilt· II< ll",' "I ,lit. • "\\ dl," PI \.1 llie r'~\lIl.nn, "I hI.' aN of ,~I,I r,·.j,t"lIt Ilwr",. S"h_I'I"'III.~ "I'

';1" 1I,,,IIi,,"'lr. awl c'l,hnl"'"8 l!,n, r· I" "rl. i."l! Ih'I rC"I't1n~:' ··Thc'lillI...·:·· 1,,,rf,'nlll,1 II ,liffit.·llit 511').Iil·"1 o!wruli,," ~ J II N (,; I .... E~":~ 1J I J ~ I": N E ~8 at lid r .... (.l (,; l"l",iiI "'''II h Ihi. Irll.lful 1...",-i"4 "I 11,,· ,.~, I ,I"" " TI ... 1U',·ro'r. ,,' ],·n Ihe tI,,,,·<.: li,r him whit·1i I, 1'1 him II crillpll' 1M lir".1:',;erUI"l'Ill 111.1'lf"'1. I:\-.-r,· dli/~:' i,. II.., 10',1 1"'U'1l loll! ,,",•. M "'111111" ""1,1)'. IIIl 11.lln ~1"rle,11I llolllo"n MIl,1 hn•. \\1-' 10,.f,·I, II l\ul,l~ Ilri,l<.: in Illth hlllllllllily It"',, Th' 7';",,~ l'.'~" llil' ("'lI1~lj'lIlio'n ill'. It, \'Il I"CIl 111 IhMI I,"~~o<,: i 'Im <.: W, I,.rr

1l1t! ft~"i·'"r· ".",1 ,.,,1.· r"':~ltlll' h ,-:., ••~ i" hnt:U1;':c tl' il1tli'lll1lu!ole ,Ii.- "n' "urn' 10 l.'hr,III1c1,· IIl.,lo"ll, UP. \\.l~I

I"'~ry Armll'll c,,11 <lIllie :lI1IIU'r11I'-" "n 1'1lI IIh ~ 111 ,r 111<.: I'fc~idl'lll 'Ir Ihe &'11' II klw,llle rh',l m"" nlul 11M 11f\lI0 u.Il1nt~UlmUI,lly \I'A_Ii''''''I'l.1 Itt 11 11, fIll!. :.1'- ~I'nll "Iltn II,,· rtrtlli ....tc~ or lite IIUU1]' r""Jr~ PcR~ 1>11 lIith him __ .________ _ _

Olher ycnnllll"el"'· ... ,l. 1'11" p ....1 ,.I,ttnl'llf"rl'n..lcl"UIII",I\·I<,:,'P,ulIlcm ------ RD WAREGctlll.n eml,ire hll' III'"itulI',·,1 lip Ih,t .. I th.' [lIit ...1 SI",,·•. !l I~ n", lin IIl't Til.. X"l\ Y"rk 7hlll/lj(J ""'~,. Ihllt In IHA . ,old ytt young anll Ctlm"enll' "rr,'C ,·h.I·· \l"it:~, j", JllI'.'·' IJtJI" ,illl.' "Meh he.hall II1Mt dly "Ihe III1IllMI renllli "I' ""11111 J •

lUIll Itale. It!lu llr.... 'rltt,1 Ollt: uth, r !,Nf",.", II ,"Itln\ t'r clerk•. 1,'II"r~. n. IWI\' Ij I'flunl tUllle ""ll<e I't'nt nlll (1111 I·~"<':".'llllly..in",l1khith"l\j,llh~llik,' lI.rr_ l'f H""r• ..,,,llIti.·.'~ In r"nJrI'ri'. ilyorIlM"h·r:ll'·llJellfl~. lUlt<J11It'clJl/rrl,· ~h.olesa.1e c'=' Re"tall.'~ljCrtlf"ol,tllln.~1. I~" III ""1"1

It It". Wh",IJt:t.,lirc"I~,II'.I' Ih~.thll.litutin" ' .. the tll.lntnnfllllh1"IIIl1,ltII In l'Ol:U", [ .-..rill ~l1l.uitllll.II-,.\"li"tlI.y Ihe o'-l·,l),-. t .. "1"·11 :,1I I'll "·rlilh,IIIo.... it I~ 1I1'I.p..... r." lIIhl III ."1111'1'''''''1 il I'!lllld.. Ihl! ~'"ln,' ~1-: ' 11 r"r h~lItluu I,,· ,,,n 'll D'"f'. h, "1\1 j;, Mm, (jr"l. I" Il,... il!l. "'llllt ftN Iht nrllrnlh 10 Ihl! IJeIl' hoM,.," \l'h"t"

'-~"" 11O~' I'cr, t!IP ~llll'rilt~c"l h:,~ ~~ero ~. n'II"" t,""iiinll,.' 10 hc' "lllIllI'd; $I" I.n~·i/lll JU"tlllcnlllln 01 the ,,,,millIOn or/lllll1\l\lC'lI' '1"101 MIn"l. Irl\'(1 for )"l'ln~n'lt""n(1 au...~~·· 'II I, il i....·,lh~l, 1'11111<'t I,,· Ihe ....o','! churc'III" ftnll1 III~allnn I ,rill. '.\ .I'tle ~lll·l'··rtl·.ll.i· .1011 ,·"llIlllnry "r II.., t'"I.tllutlftll, I'ut It,· Ilrucl1C'e l'r flur Fo"I'C'I'" rrfIriblltll nr >ul~l'Cla h~~ Iw~'n "r.,\wl I,.~ ]lr'~'..I'-IiI. lrum ""ich 111<.:1\' hR" 1'C\!n nn 11~IIlI J~ Ollr primal funol."n, 111'1)10" :

trld 10 he fl\llllito]", .\Iln,ljnl:' I" ~11o/'h "i"..tl~ II, pRTlU,," liI'ce tlilllllill'in of Iho hd,it nml hl1ltlllon-llil!rll i~ IWlltln).l }'.\IUII:\Gnl'erimelll; In S,,'ltt.erl:1'hl IIod (;erl1lllll!. ,1:'" elnrol'~II. th", Ihl! w.."rtlinlJ "tn~r of more pcrCIIII!,,1 In II~ Ihlllt IhrlOe t wn.,'ne u(lhIlI<.IUt·t!·iti'ul,lid'I."r 1o""O\tl', 11I\l:i,-I\,lll ,,,nlluncc'I IJl1IdnllJ llill rull Th~J IIrn Ihn !IOlIlt"llurlll":"kln~nll.1 II.plf'nWIII'''.l'enrgrinu Ilolflll. dl'l'lnrl"". "Wh,·n 11f'{t ""Ulllon,llinol (urmdl)' 1II'lk,'_ kilO",,, 10 'III nJllmnlil'l,~ltll', (\1 allllll\CIII'C Inti 1111]lIe hll~e nlr''luly P""""c! rro".II1~ "lol to (·'IOW''''. "n,1 th" Cuulltry whu ale 1<I~ruln.! Inllll~ .orld -G"rl\lt·, I,(\(l\llllt~' 'fOlJ'.Ihl. nrlr IIllllh,~llt!~ I'l" httu III 1l\\'~.H tI"CI~1.tllllt t I~d Ih~llloc 1·1"rlll.I,'·

Thll ftet It .1~1".llIhll·. 111111 the "lin,l::ul!ly of II 'lellr..... " 111«<:" In thl' l1"n.itelltlllry. We "'ol1,l,,t Ilfllt l~J.:f,l:.lur~

Illtre nllt trllDcrnllr Intcri"r\'(llIuol pl,lce.1 II

,l/..d.ive !.lIn 011 II... IlrIM:lil'O.·. 'flie fllMt.Itr i. OUlrll 11l1l'Or"IIIt II1IlO nlllel)·.ni"t'••

. ttr II,e t"'lIl',J1edlllll~ tl,lIt till u" tl,,·ir l'UIo.lic huur:s. ):verl nl111 tlllr;'IH 1(1 I'ry ...ut• /fllll,,: It, 1111t1I:l'efJ' WOllllill lind child10m: .nll Illu Rle!ln !lutl mljl'rly I!'lllljIII.l lid In ill !'Hpt.:lr.alino Ily r{'ntinU

Theolhl'r e"""~'l'1Il>1>.l1t 8 O'c1'lCk III.rMclJllit:ll 10 thll IlI:rl'ctr"IIlt' "'·Ot/nll II

jJlllce In thlll,llI"rJ'. Jt"'~Jnfronl.UII ott C\l1l~1l! ..,f .. ,lIti . u , ~•• JI~..iu"

evcrr I1d~. 11'."011 "',,1,, 1I1"ILlI II cily u, up "lain 1lrt."Ilt one 01 dtem al1PJIf:__...,...., 1 "'I 1 '" ttlllI\i dOIl'n in" Yt"",II\JI(", 111~lln ..r. Oain· .~n "'_rt.t_, cii"'tlt r,,. \'itIl~, it iM Ih<.:l"f. dillurl,ln~ r"llr 'e. ~.'.Lng It!!/ r""1 u 1M ' ......Ihle. 11:"rtnl1701l w,'\:k.t1l1y' 110,1 J'Illlr me,lil,. ~

,,"nll on dUll"'''!. I( ,'lIU ri,le in a I'Rr. I',okul .n,un'" for 'IJl.OCIIII"l'lt 01 her IIgU. r".I'"n wttl nn I lit Ihll trt...., ..It flipIty. 8t:ellll{ no 0"1'. lilli' !.llt"'t iltlll" tIrlt....d... Ihc _'''n. 11.. nn",t J"", Coot'\!~'8 or II l'>tll.c:lr. Ihe 11llwele"me thing flltl, Ille b&1 Tc'l lI11d (""....,,1.. 111; "I,oJ

"hret in ),our ~Yl! till ~'ull (.'(!I lncll"....J tnl!rl)' J."UI.il1 IInlllllirllu her cnm'lllnlon, I-

." CMnll IlltlllUllr"r II, Nu loilluk 11','11.', "I 11""''1.1111''''. riGhl '" lrlUgh 1I1,tn I"I"loltor unllilltit', hut I. (ldU",1 1I0d Ih~_ oIrl'lI 111171111""." enn .n, IInll imagine

hgurtl!l.y ih "t\,*!ntlCl, It !kt..,u~ ul i Illi ,,'lint II "hll ...oulll hvo uitl un,ler Ibt /t1lL1 other En.tnhJl"~.I"u~ on I..nd, IIlId ~our "ILly e..clllllJ Imnl '11I1e c!rewnlit"ul'c,' WI: 11",1 uu, lllullh. _n_

It IIlu IlOkl.' thil'I,lug Mid ~"I UUI of ){orlnllB.lid the rtturlling l'l»r.l~ "',re Fresh Made CANDIE";,~~If:;:,o:I:.~~r: ~:l,:::~ ;:~I~,,:~~~:I~::'I \I~':~~~ nlll 1\ ,.~ I' 11I1"~nllon: th~1 "'m II' old

!OIIrm..l1llnt. tlll'O<l \I II'lI.:hu "'lul,1 ~nlf:'~r ,,~ 11ll! F",li'r"I"lOu~IIIUIIIlII, In,1 I'xi<tt'd

111l,l'" oW"r, I\"t! 1Il,r:t1l th" uc r~~IIJt<l\l"J in .'H",- !'illlle hi Itllf<.:rtnl f"rm•. anll F I ....'r E"fll'e cln'UU'lI.",I~llnt \\url,l. ,,"t! I't'n wilh clJl~"c\'ul ,,,.,.,,,.. In OrelJllli 1\ .;.,

II,er C'lnlll'j 10111 "'''lIh! I.., blln:.r with U,.wf'lnor Ir..d no ctJOICretlonnry or jll,lI.

~"t'MllIlln 1'11,.11",1 with lh.. """Ie "r ""IlI11 ..1.1 IIfl .....llt. n 1''''' Ih~ CMW with the'1~ll"'h.ltle 1III .rk r"tIllll'en,1. II f;,r 1\0 J."'li,IMn.~ rt:lurul,,~ hoor<l. Jle cnuldI"mr "'- ~'h" 1,1,,,,,ly ,ll<.:1"",r 101 II,,)' JII nul c"unl <lUt frttuduIl111 ""11'. wutl be­~;glot th,·.,· di~'"rl"'I" "r ""11I'" IJI.,ul", ur t'Xl'CUII~llJb lKl"tf'l> IInclcr til" 1M .... ,

"fnlll liullo Ihelr tl,rH.III Illr .trud",,< The s.·P:;'lI rt.'C'hll.i111rt:,1 b.t ""~i,,"'.1l1;!tIJrdl 1'11000: lilld ~Jlr.t\1 111",'1 1'1 n.l· mt{, ~)ftII,li.ltiug the ·r<.:rtil'lr)' "f I'rm."'dell III rrlWII,dl'·Ln.1 dlllf:ll.ltnd cl<.:. Ili~l",m II Il(lrll"n c,f Illkll'''. 'I'll'!1'111 Mn" ol.·(.."u ('I·<.:r....'..:'" 1.. ~id.·11 1'<\0,,<1: U,,'1I.·.... tll<.:l1 CIi~I1:.lI',1 In 11'1111".

(l I,.r ~ wil "11 Ih" IIlIrt ut' "wry li,'n~"t 1""1., rmll1 ti,e \'uclllniIlCT ,on 1'11"'1cI I III t., ~l ilIlll<': llli"I·IJ"t f)~", tltv 1",;,,\ 1~11l.1~, r_'11 ,'It'lill It'll fu, II", "",I•. "f,l<.:j."I'll''''}' .n~;.kll"J r, .. I"" Ifl 1·-l1.· ... Io~hu~ '.1111111. In (;KIl!UrIlI.,. t1nl<.:I'l:!t.II"IIIIl!ll'I'rull <In''Uf!h, .... , .. I"Ii.! II Irl~ ",.-1" "1 1I11tl rt....~II,I11iilll.• t"«11 111l'~ III r,mc hil,,, ",'il :,-Ifl1t II",;, • _._. .

,re ,,11 ....,,1., MlIll " hi" i, '1<'('01<.:,110 :1.11- J,"". I":''l'r~, "j \\ "Il,t \\ "Ull. trot 11"1lIwri/t 1I11 ..,tfllllt,~. n. 1" ".h.M.t ,1""," loll I'rtlkl n It~' .I "·~';"n I,'n,l\~l "illl f'lIiI~

'" til" ~jlt.t:; "••·ly r,-l",l f,-I!'I.I l'r,mli"t: Ilumit,.: "Hr "II M'II••d,lI~ J;l'in~ ,I"wn! and blm'ds"rlIl.ncl 1"111 1',,' ,\lilt 1';U!.t :·~e.h In 11I11. •1'1l'}'I, 01 ,I I" C 'nll.l">tll· lIllll ,1<.:..ttl>.l· Ihll' __. I1,~J(.r1,,~ nnd I,nl'llr,,:i,,", ,.,h,ni. ,] 1Il Tit,· 1:1",1",1)' ..... 10 'lollT' "1111_·...nI.1 on Se:ltlle, \V. T.ll~'" m-1;of!"tI> II I~ >II' "01 ut I thtl Gill ul ,\l"r' I, I .1-1








National Bnsines! Golle[e.

n. Ir. M.e".....

KOBLE 'WHlSKY!'rry It.




Day and EvenIng Sessions t

The Mr 11I/,pUtd ... 1111 ~t'lt-ell"

Snohomish Citl', Wosh. To,',

Great Varlet.)'!

II. I). )h.nll,,~ i. Ill.!' .!;"~nl nt /'ill"''' Imhh l'll" W. 1'.

-:0-John ,If, Su'on, Ofympi!,

Upland N'urser;:ri-;0:-


-t-O-:-Applt, 1',lr, 1'1_01, l'fto:b, Cb~. Q_lnc·.

Grill", tJOCio".bt.ff" Curr"nl., 81uk·toe".!', Ra.lpDtI't'J. S:n."t.erry,

S.I·801>lr1nr Tr.u,.tt. ott,• •11 In

DeF'llIel • WII1r..1'1:n«. l.oI'k Bo:c 111', rurtlnd,~.


8t:lltllur C.tll~1{l1C: and .'rlce L1~~ III

Colll!l:e "JOUrNI\" Itllt fl'ef: npoll .1'1111,.t1on. Addn.w,

R_h'lll!lllIdl'lltlIllJ .e<.k.d.~.l' ofth... y....,·Silt" of 11h'lnrtn'I.'11II>OI ""'lfrili.



AXil rilE nEST l:1G,\I!S IX In:,~'r1u'Att· Ihe .pt....·I.l1tln It Illl~ buu.l'. "

S~lI'rn& JEWE'rT.I'tol,ru,tfl"'.

OIl,DoorW..to'SlIohllml.h !Ulh""c-.

I,:. SIIO:-l1::,

dJle ~/& tlNIttfe Jtf'/'t~«",,'It l~t,J( lie ?Jlt1dd ~,,~,

nWH' QUIIJ.lTY 0'" WI.\'I~.~'. J.IQl'OIfS AXn CIG.IUS _,H.1l'.11'~

O.V /I.'IN/)

First Glass Hotel.


T!N WARE.II..... AlI!DDRW8 a: Cit.


flaying reccntl.y lensed this convenient nnd w('11 known lintel


Improved horse


Shone Brothers


Ever~ atb;tntion will be shown for

the convenience of the patrons:f

Buildiug, fur l\ Tl'rm of 'feal1l an,l l't!lltltll i~ io If"lI\II ~1~'It', lM-g Ica\'e til inform the

~UllllllU.uI,. 1111\t ther IUC no ...· pn·lllIn..' t(lIl~'Ou)11Il1tll1ltl lhoI,ubllc. Ttwy Ilrt'fKl1' kt~'I,ing a Ilticlly


All orde~ received at this f1hopwill be attended to witb

ncntue8ll "nd di"I'l'teb.nRMERS WII.I. 8UR IN MIND TIIUT

Ilf OlilDll1t Til uay olt'a or Til.



~ndornnd ~ox


Pnmps irnn and Lead Pi»e,All job work pertaining to

the btl~inCll8 donc in a work­Inl\n-like IUllnner,

ORm;IIS FJlO~1 ABROADReceive Prompt Attention.

Store on Commercial Street,1:Iy.,\,'TI.~.W,T.-- ---

Tht, !'QUit ItAU tlieir o,der. In ti.~.

An \ool~ II~ in Loggingi CHlIIl>lt mnde to order, ltnd

III chell I) ll.~ can IJ"got (HI the



SC,I.1'1'L/'. II: 1',.A:t ~he DOLLY V A.R.lDEN"







2'/IK U!t'm;lIsrG/I'KD ntt Y1NG







J IClut ... n Hft !'<lhol.':of.

1.11lc:-l l'it\"lc:o Boutil llmlh~1! mlllic to order, AllworkWlll'l·11lltt.:U nml r'l.ttillfactiullJ;llltrl1llltccU.

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NEW WEEDII Family Favorite"

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¥~; :::'''':I:~'I~~,~r ~:~:l;r ~1'~;~1 -..t/r:~~~;I~"~.k~~r~!,~:.'.{ ~,I;lI~;ll'~1 ...Ithout linin.:from Ihe "'~le: "mill", '.·<tll,IIIII "r .n,

II h~- IIT/n" .'W}' .1.J,j""',r""t "H'''''''.Cull ~nd ~~",,,lile tI", )t ...hIH~ bt:JoN

'''')11111 t'I.e"ll"r~.\'llIl'!.UUI. nE~J. ,-IXCEt,yr.

I~ If. },'J-·PI.YO lUI, Alfy, JI. P.

W,lf. ,r.:LD/I.H(,~, J. 11". Rluzy.e,

J. I•. .:I Th'/NSO.V,


BUSH, "h;~ I'r~"t: W. S. LADIJ,


•J .. I-I. 1\lunfilon,

Supl'l A8encles. OlympIa,

WIIlIlfl(t0lt T"ritory,'1'1 ,,!B "'ll.


Trl'lII.; D, W. WAKEfiELD, Bee'y;

ntanulatlured nndllold

wholesale and RetailBY

In:N.J. \o'JNCEN'I'~lain st., OIYill»ia,W, T,


~CAPITAL $100,000 00 Gold

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IS READY TO DOM,L JiIN/)!:l 011' I.O(J(JJrflf:j ,tlro



Dhtpo.tob..61101'18 UACK or j!AUK'88A.LOON.

tlaU _t eM _, wer'.I•. HA.l(BI:N.

l't .s.,



•News Papers



Magall esfurni~lll!,1 ~t '·ul.Jll,;liul'l I"iec~ 10 colu.

CII,h olricfly ill "dflll'~,


Installment Plan.


SI..\'rru:, W. '1'.


/lOtiK STOll!:.

Pianos & Organs,

W. H. Pumphrey,

'E. T. YOUNG __ . Ptoprittor,



Snohomish City, W. T.

All .t&A;t\ Ie.,. 1'IM d"..·..,Iot

Alwly. ketD aiar,.1 noek of '¥trythlnr1I.olulll)' kt:l" In,I,II,.,1 0;1;1 ....

l\'lotn st. 01ym.pia.

'\-v. T.

A aoOD ASI;30l\T:M:ENT 1'. WA!3SEIlMAN. I'ru't: E.QUACKnr

New England

b" New Kugllod cOlell wllllJe at lhe

Wh~net 0/1. the ernul til 8TEi\&I&I~

r"llIlIUt'llll:llII 1:10 lliUJO"O. T\I .ulD "11;0.

YlU: UOtllll PJU51t or rlu.Ui,


m:.'5T 6'rl'u: AT JfEASO~\·:tBJ.F.

eligibly locQ.tctl, ibl nccOtnmo­dutiom~ JOr liunilies un8ur·

Jl'lf'sed,The lIoUlt II itllt OpeD 'l1olght,

)U;l\L8 IJKK\'IlD l\T ALI. 1I0UM'

Char,tcs uery m.oderate.--.--

BusIness and Le~al Blanks on


...~11 hind,", of.1ob '\vurh:

PRICES.r...dte.' VlIlUac C.~4.


lUI"":': Ihll ..ttlllli"W Illill!:!~ tl'('<lf,l. II ill

1111 OM lin' I ~t:\I' T"·I'''IlI'lll~. I I""k III'_'Ii Illu ti,lol ... in \\111,'], J ,I. h.II,..] •• r" "5Ill.' n,,,..t rut'll' ~Illoh·. LIIIII it i~ " f"iti1!u.lr,fj"n "fll,,·pt,· ...·", .Inv o·"it14'ilhll·H~ rllllt 111.\·... ' .....lIn: nruk:r th,' \Iin~t ...t..."n ,,'IUIl 01 ,\""lIr h.In,"I... l!i'tl'''UI.

.lntl]:ing IhMl the '1111ll' -I,I,l! ...t 11.·ruu­l,ry .t~" U1"11,," (ur!:u vI n~1 "ld~lol

111 1",d'1I1IilllO'''IlIlI''II~ill,II\'i,ltlMI,. tlll,t,1.0("<1,1 Ihe 11rt'-<:11I ,l"y, II III rt·,. ....lIul,le(" -u111M1oc IhMI Iti~ 1;,1"lIi.· )I"jo·.,! n""I..,II. 1...1 in T"g,tllt I" J"h·.~ lImit a.. tltI",I>' ,"'C~ 1"11, wl,,-n :;,,1.11 b~<lI"'"'11 "'lllk·

Ill:: III' lI.'ul ,t"" n tll,' ....rIll IIIl,t "'IIl,I, f·

i ';': 'u MIl,1 It.,. !... ",,11,,1 ill III h,·",I'I',·,r·...r•• lit tht: ",111"(1 "fll,u Lur.l. Wh~ .. thu'\lI~tlon 1",,1 I"'ell "'~Oll !l1l,1 ~11_wt'r~,1

In re',!~ull .. I,i~ jnurn"J.II\L' Lllr,1 ~,I\l~'

'1'~I~1I it l... l,ft,1 t..... l1"i."·"·,1 his 1\:1'\'411tJ"b! (If th,'rr '\I'ft 111'1 h"lIin~ ,1"lI~,

II~I'\J b" I",re it "·"ulll 'oe rlk,·I~' t., hk~

"I.c&) II~ Rlllf..·.·t",1 in lh,' "mrlUlltil'~.

ulllI ..I,I,lfynu ..... ilI kill hill l'ltltltl III·vlllcllr......I·nll I" )'''ur Iftrl'. The I."rtl;.::"e 1'lItllll perru'""i"n t" Ir,' lii'hltll,11I11Ull JI'I', 1111 in~tru .."., hilll nut tnkill him. ~ltlRll Iii .... ",·1 101. thit·\·,·~ I"wurk 'Ill 'he 'IOIl'k. Im,t tllt'lll,l II. whirl­

",Inti 1''''81' "l,n" J"l,'" Ililllrt'D, 11Il,I11"111, :dl'\l'_'lIlo~IIlIIIl>~t Jul' hl.l, uut~111" n" RVlli1.

Jul, \\'", "',' """k knf'l'II, like ~01l1t1

,,1' ,Ilt~ pr,·", lit ,lay 1!"Hlirlltll~: he It lickI" hi, f"ilh. Sal"" ",,.ie,.,t h"It,I'lll;,rh'rs• J::~ln, lind "HIlt .~,·,I hi, I"ilurt" "",IIt.M.. I, "It ~'lIU ,,'111 ,i·it Jul, 1,I'b 1~1,1_

II.!' Imi, liml h~ u'l1I ..nr.... )""1 In )'"url.ll~." "lIu turd Itftl'l 11111" ".'lln, "Iw­llt,I,I! h,' i.l~ Iii,\' 1.;,,,,1_, IIIlt IIHOI lil~

I\lf.~ (I(tllt' lIMy i"IrOlt'. it ... ~'" ernd111ing 111111f1Iur,1.1 lS'l~1I w, III I" ""rklu !r" .... 1,'IIr11'lIl: hI.' '''UlI",II" 1\111; hu.ppl~1 ~ <:It."" "fc"llflu"tI' ~tndll",)l KII,I

Id'\IlIlll.lI"r,1 rh~lIl1l1ui'lIl (I ~IIIII"'~") 011Job h"lh II' "n~. 11 ... Ih, II to"k In hi.Ili6ifllln••:\l )In. J"h KllIl "lh~r In,Ill'i.IIl"l~

r~rthe 11UflI'1IIll "I' putoll.I,lln;.:: Juh I"fin. tbtl I.llr,t, (Ih·re i<n Ilt..:"nd Eden,'lilI!, .... li ... ru :;"hlll I" 1I11uw"11 10 hr.u'1l\'r

\lilh thu "·,',,k ...r ""1 f,'r th... I,url)('''''' "I'rll1n\l 1111111 In,o lruuhh'.) !Jilt Ill., IMt'k&lifll tn IIllrk, lu,1 II Ih,'r... "t_ '111)

\O'lj:tr at "10k,· tllu T.ur'l ""11 h, "n,1 ><'1"

"'dllllt......I, ..lilt-II Ilf"VI'. h" ~ III'''ntbe,~,.,t~~ .. rtl,e "I"rr. It i< "1",,,,1tb.t 'hI.' l.u,,1 I,~,k Jul, m II.n,I, ttlll"r­"I blill I" hCltltb. ,11,,1 !tnt' Imll llilifeIll'opt'rl! (!lr ll~llhh) tllill lit! h III ",I lirol.Tile ....'ry end~ "t'l1,-J1I1, IUIlI ,1,<1 pr"I·

de.l uIIU;r:11el. "lid 11 .... 1\1"14 l,rul,,'rly tillI11ylll'UI In llull. enull"!" l~m""luelltly

Ill' WII l'''l'u!.lr with tbll ~1I11nll b"Clltle­Iutn.

It II 111111 t~lI J"h IiR~1 une hundn:d",nd fllrl)' )'~""" on,1 dh~11 nl,l lto,lllIll of"IY" It II lIo""heru IlIlt~1 tOllit Job"'tnt to he...!:. It<'lld he the,1. It Will

lint nm:Mury : 11" hltJ hc~vl11 ('DOllghAnn pI~.lll. IhrllulI:h • h'el'lll hull hI;!.... fUll)' ~rt'l.red 1(\ IPlm'Ciltu hi,.illillon..:::.",----

....._f .

Hldhnt P<ub. h... lJecQ appolptetJGhAtl \'ir.ler.

l\l ItJ own U:I~nUIII, will reor­;u!« th, 8l'nllD IflO".

Til. Kh('(II,. ll-;jd to be dlllAlilftedwith hi, Amtlrloan Oltlctlll, IIllIMI" 110\lilI 1I11t reftrence COllltllCtl wllh them.

The fotnlllti()Q O~I!fIIIlIC COIllI"n,.for worklng.lI the 1'1111"1,.111 1110 king.,tonlllcnntelllplll.cd in Itnl,., It .....oulllhne a eMplt.1 uf II'Ime J:tf,OOO,OOO, Ind

"\lUld bo cnmpolCct o( .. grlllllh! 01 up\.tlIll", bet.t1L.d o.!' the Duke of Oftlllcra111\1 Cflmllllltltl ul t'rwcll led Ihillal!


Tile CftlClItlll .....'i;';'t Inde h.. Ilr'HII'B

Inlo rnnrmOUI pWllorlioll.. 1n uno Ihe

Uptlrll Il1lnuted W oul,. ~.OOO I""',an,1 ,Iurleg the ti:llt ni'll ,"untu, nf Ihe

11r~nl .!'IIII.' 120,000 II"" h.,l alreMt.!',I'ft~ ,hllll'ed. It I. "'OWII chlefts In tbtll'unJl\lIt.. lind U mue!l uluell in lhe

t:n;riloll lll!lrkctt. ClllI.ocllll,. on ICCOUIII'of til t1rynl:'l.

Cl1'dln~1 Antullulll II ..Ill to h.ve leltlltbln,l hllU • (ortlln", 01 tlO 000 000

1I0w tn !ICC'ItInt lor It ill IIOW ;hc '}ltr:1JI.tling IIroblem,

TheIl' .. re ..id to lie OHr II thoullnntlYlItln;J; Hen'. Chritotiln .~lWOCldlon, iD~'rh Amtrll:1., wltb In uefKi;\' ll1"luhl'~'I I P ut one bl1ldr1:,1 ..d It'n, \tilt! In It",IIftPlfllrUpllrt.)'tlf.~,I:::\,.IO. 0




J,U~[LL.\ COIt[)M':f..







:IMPORTED "W:lNl:1a.




C'oUl-lnel'oia.l St" Scaffle.



"I n:

For Sale.1110 IICrcI f>f I[lMMII.n~ 1110111 UOif I.... "'''11th

1If 110.. 6k1kmlll.h Ii\,',., ...11I, 1\ ,"r,-~ c1....r'~In0:l1.'1 "'''rlmJ Iru\t Ir"'... fn• .-.1" ~l Mh1l1:"1lnrur turl.l,cr l.rtIt'ul'~ ruqulll'.,r

\\".11, W,\!.}:.or M. W. ('"CUltu.



CrJlfJ'al"1"1(".\TI:n .\T THE llE.\J) Of L·:';ln:.; \\"1 L\IlF,

New Book and Stationery Store.JOHN L. JAMIESON,


11' I... ,- '''l'l'lIr,1 wilh 110" t~··t 'It WISl-'_". 1.IQt:OI:~ ',I~,1 ell; \111

'rAKETblll Ihe tlll roll nl Slluhull11.1o cunnI,,,

\r.. llltl"t<m Terrltor)'. lire 1I0W In lU)' lIi'I\I~Ind Illn nn... 1YlId1 III rt't.~"",, \fl..., 'I".rt~

"II. All pIItlleo not p.-rI"IJ""r",,,'h,, arot of~rll:::~r~~~"n~ll b,I\'C t.o 1"'1 101"'1' CClIll&li·

1'••'. ~URK:l.T............

;-.',., 1­

~, ,~ ."

.'" ,-'I.,

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"'d_,t·; I',•

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...... :r, ,.( 1'~'I.

:;.\.... ,.'""

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Foot or Second street

Pnlet Sonnd Stone Yard'"

, \

TIo~ U",II)' I. lilt' ol,leil, lal\l'bt M',,'ll..'et IntI,e T~rrlt(l"'.

Tlo .. \\'l't'kly. 00" in 11<1 .hlftnlh '",I' orpllhlll..,lon. I'ool>l\n. mllrtl .....,11111" 1I••tter111.11 lIuy of II. TPftllllllol t'lIllll·nllJ4'tIIth...

TIle rotl1.'nle "' hoUl ""lIllllcl!I(I"l.llc f~IIt11111'-'111" neWI, ~d\lotl.l n"l(lcr. I~~ rUI~l 11'1:.jt"I1lUl' rttllll.brwd, ~rt\lll'll~deud,lukre.l.Inl( WII4.'t:lIMIl1. <lo:c.


~~'~tlhrl~:~:'~~J.~;I(III~~~o~i,...ton.I~I.. lem". A~d~

TliOS. W. PROllCU. JW,lw.....

0.\11.\' ,\:,.1) \\'t:I~KI.Y.

Be.a;t1;le. vv. T.

,."'~ 11,11_,

,. ,,~, 1 t

\ hI, ""11 I tl,"" I ·1.H,·.".• II.• , I', 1,1,.H,,~ r • I ;' lh

II '.', r.,.',rl. ·1"• 10 • ',,' ." ...~ ~_", ,I, ..thll'. I' 1,101 ,.,_111""1, ,I I'''.h .1!.nl '. joI lk ... "'111·1- - ~r'·.·"."pI ii, ••1',1.,1. I'. Il. hJ·II.H'I_,~' .. __ .1,,,,,,,,,lll,Hh-', ~ h'Il, .•

C. II. lI""rollo

\\ f. I I'" '.I I:



SUTTU. W. TOffice in Srone ,t; 1II1mt'tr~ new build­

Ing nil t.:llInnlmcrcil\l tlrecl.A.ll \\orlt: w.rlllnU,"1.


William R. Andrews,Attorney at Law.O.Ctll HIlUIX', BIlII.DI:'ClI,

Orr-lt~ Oct:ldental.B&:\.TTLE. w. T.


W. M. TlllTLOT,Lawyer,

Nltary PnbliG and CnnveYaDGer, THESnohoml 11 City, W. T.



It j. ,1· ....·1l\·.] II.aL \\"III.III'I,i1111'·

..,~.II\,IIl~ j. l'o.hln lli"l lilt' rh·.t III

)! lrl!l \lill nrrilt' I.-rllre ,t.\. ~IW' ,·.."r '.1t:r"nt i. Imll" 11. ·t·fOlll Hpl"'I\rllncC~"1'

11link he liHlur.... '.

Thc~' ny 11UI'o' 11',lt T,,'....I ran H\I'H~'

n!)l 1.1 ,".c"'ll"jIl11. [,111 ,,, lo!,L ri,1 M hi_h"'}l'r'. Hn,I."vOl • lillIe ~IIllltlll1tlll' rill'hi. tl1,l "'Iol'·.

II \\, ,r,,- ., I' -I "T' 1""".11,. I' 'J' ·1,' 11,.\,

,,1I111.;tI j...1.",,:.; '"" I" '1111,,1.

' •• 1111,1 1,,11, " I ,II"" ,ill :.: "I'lIll, TIo" ,.,_ i.', I "I .."t 11 oil ,

-Ill,', 1,-1 tl,·-·I" !. \\,."r" ..".Io''101. ,ILlr,t .\ II.; ,',- "t ,"" I"

, \.ri.,:l01 III_ ".·r .J,.I I lot.. 1:!1I tl,,·

," '1 , ro"rt!I\\,'·1 rl." .Ii,,, li,lIt. Th'

, .lI.'- "I nHI,,' .111,1 _II",,, 1... lI"l 1.'-"11

,I,,,· ,", r...1 "'.\ I. th,,"~hr ",1',11" I", n




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School and Miscllaneous Books, "'.A.JENNINGS,

;;*.11 !iapnAll"." OD hud.t,

,1 20.

;J"ohn. P1k.e's.,Ol1e DoOr, t:.t ot r.. t:. f-I'l(IlJ(III'1 Store,

'1:42. 8S0UOlll8H CITY, lV. T•.

Twd'Slllll1, It lla1l1aKl Rate..:. -ALIQ-

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Monuments, t!:c.,JI-.lmIkd jfl l14li"" lind ,th" .to~ leilA

"tatflt.. Mid ilupfl/~.

:flU fhtlu.1 f!2Jc.m/t.lLJj. )filllu/..AI~o .n kInd. or



~Ia$on$ bUilding matlriatKEPT Ir'OU TU8 N.:1RKET.

All Ord.r. Add,..." To1101:. J. OARKEElK.


l.flU kl.t..4110, WItl. A. hlll,l.:<.

BALLARD " INMAN~uorne1'al Law, Solicitors In

Chancer, ~nd Proctors

in Adml-ra1ty.!$JtATTLS. - - - • W. T.


Notary Pnblic. CnnveyanGer, &c"MUK.ILTEO, W. T.

Full atock or Blanks on hand.Uulinclt dODe ..llh 1lCC1IrloCl 111\\1

1:~ dispatch.


WUL PAY PROMPT ATrENTlONto III bulloeM entlullel! to II..


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tl'nTerrlwry.,( 4.

McNAUGHT Rnd LEARY,.." ttoroefl and Counsellors


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.'UiE IX8URA1WE COMP.-\..'iIE8,1'1....,. ••_.N.,

II~'" f' r.Ib....~I .....ld.C.'.II~ dC!.

t;••"I',....d.... *e. *c.Si>ATTLt;, W, T,

Jl<M~f :1~ ..U.QtlT.. .lPHN U:AAr

ATTOZU'~l;:Ye AT L.A'W'.

SeRif/e. W. T, SEAT TLE, W. Tomee on lba Ullp« door or Ille 8l'1ttlo M,r.

ket ~~l~hll". Efe.., V.riel,. llt


