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VaJlev oecur- % ^ov. 4asTe^lt ,,, ^ ~7 l pM M I At White ■inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside ■Re'publican ancl DcmocraUc con ■• House briefinjr on foreign t H o u se w 'd the ficssion is being ■liafiit’s established. poIicy_oLi' B liciiu lly ndviacd on foreiffn r ■mccUnjr" w i r Uke-piacc“vWlh- lo l conKrcsp, but w ith the Dcm H i -------------- ----------------o v e r wh( B __________________ cohyencj ^ 1 1 ijO iO ll BIputbJ H o elm potic in ts to S e e ? ;rr, V . tr&tlon. Bt ■ficial Count ■* , op«r»t* In Ha>T). Nor. 5 «u.n«pubH- the new 1 cordon. Oregon re. t w of* w lly X e l/ will ■w o«M j-.elec- H i 1). .111 'nol concwle the , • *p“ H u D«nocrtJ RIcJiirf L. H u-jeir-oia'PorUand »u- 3t»h'eloie Kuib-uooiruiui-iuid-.ilou! .rtlatlonarii Ntubeiyci ieadenhlp. ■:«]ud. The Ctll K t t of Orecon’i i.m pre- cm Iculer. HriJicftpori^Uii-lhaLlilly. «nho*«~i do nol h«ve 80 yattt denU lUn H a Th» count /rom the -- . H IK ^ 'j »i:tory lhat H aatnl ot the wmiK to m«|onty It Ku' S it* ' ..Orenn'a 'other tl^iprob! ■ ^ n d rn l W«yne Morse KJio*'l*ni /i4'a7ind<ni-<?t?j **"'• rood ■titth*Demoiraii.control. KlIlcUI UbuUUon by the both the h H f t o i h« betn rechecked J*nuiry on ■ u 4 t u te ‘i 38 counties. In tion return: H > ^ usofllcla! TOU, nerer aaUonkl «i Htrfftumed by ths o'rriclal The prei: ferenci Wci H r “f-«''* Cordon, »ho h u confer wllh B v i wut4 10 year*, *»ld he on bolh foi ■[9-ta‘Wishlniftcn-for the lenrbunc Huleieulonon the question vid Umlnj Hg^M cjl/wrlhy.^n,. WU. wouJd h»v» tor k recount In hart beu i HlJioaird.OOPniUonal chanlciorl I” H . ICMM Uilt ittiiSon en that. tc*n(UtH mos Seen Rt folnyestip ilNGTON, Nov. 5 The inv I will fall into Dcmocrntic hant :loje scrutiny of tho inner worl dinini.itrntion. An inevitable afti i.iimhicli the Democrata aciicd and. ev/cic 'cr F re e d Ju ro rs o n In eommtr psy Charge 5’. finJeH lUiperl. wm lound fSf S"=-S“ w;uiijiiiMct« ». H ‘rntlon. putri Daniel, on S e tOUfleU In his be- ' Burley Atlmlnlstr« ^ DjnlcLi, nnd Sher- " '‘*’5' ^ I** W *u pro,^cmer. PoXs't trial before J.aiicc f p j o i Chnrirfl r,{t«{in. Ctra »nd mc Welmnr. c< Jr., R. J. Broid- »«M Hed chAr«« of I AMtrwji, Goodltii:, “nd "K've flw fltlvinc. WM to The spotlli Jnt- Rovernment nirll f Pumphrey R«publleaiu ""Mn »(i,r Ills hit ^>>e reco “ »uiomQbilp» nn Blue ndmlnlatrallo "0 norUi I-'Mdny morn- committee cf Senator M '•tf'. I I-'i'coln •Jc ou; u ch 1. »« nppolnUve o --------------------- office uppolij (’L- D ^ 1 *''"■'‘' ‘’11 *'on if i enalized , Appomiive ’INO, Jim- . _ from lettfri ■'«npl!o , ; to »tui * ^r»i«y "PE "^Uh^^ Ktlll! C l j d ! ■I i^y Po- Smith. « '>r(0/ “"d '^'>cn ° ‘" 'e ?<>»' I nlfiH En^unia *‘j’cctg «nd w W*drrt suiltj, chief; Altn H ----- -—— Kiiren Bell. -------Mary Lou Jol r ~m m V J " A Rej^onal Newj y Offlelil Cltr txj Cmtr Both )Talk-H e House I sidcnt Einenhowcr today ^^^H confreaalonarieadcr.vto m affaira Nov. 17. The ein? callcd “in line with iULCCpiniL.tlio.,]cRde»_dl m relations." iih-Rcpublicaiffl-ntil!-{n Democrats ready to take | ^ H when the 84th con^ejix |^^H :ncAin January... ___________ irtlun coiuulutlon on for- policy has been underUken Ilcally durlns the llrii two of the SlMnliower admlnla- 1. But the Presldenl'fl call for leeUoK on Nov. 17 leemed to Kore hll ataled desire to eo- ^^^H :« In every «ay pculble wllh ew Demwratlc leadenhlp. nhower uld at hU newa con- ^^^H e WedncAlBy that he JnUnda uult-wlth. the D«mocr«t4-«Q ortlgn and domestic ra&tlen. . Knowland. R., Cnlir.. had pie- Elsenliower «> eoffer to est«b- :loie cordt&l asd construcUve'* ^^^B nurlth-thft ney_DtmDcraUc ihipjmcoosrcsa.______________ Californian. arnnl« .Republl- ^^^H ader. had breakfui wllh El- ^^^H rer-and-mitllnra~the 'FresI- ~^HHI sund to newsmen afterward. Lyndon B. Joluuon. D„ Tex.. , to step up In the new aeaslon . owlandl pr*5enf*i»8lClon“ u ,w” ly M tr. nia prom- J meel Ujb Fiisideni rtiore' s. wland aald the chief executive ^ »oo<J-re]aUon.»iUj.U}*.I5aajo-__________ w_ho_wlll Uke over control of he hoiue and'th'6“aenat«~ln --------------- y on the basis of current e!ec- tum»-ln lha lnt«reat of the ll welfare. BONN, President told hl« newt con- hl« own i I Wednesday that he plana lo will nnk 1 with the-DemocraUc leadera AHrnnn Ij for«ln and domeatlc mat- jraOaM-lhal'tho-mYch'inlc* anarein-l mini of auch consultation He proi hava to b* worked out Ut«r. Jenn-Mnr icrUmini. upset the ddtd that he and th* Preal- sovereign utH M i. c>u»< ti Germany * west ih d( irady S SaMOE^ inveatiffativa power of nand» In January pre- u.IS'JtS, iVorKinga oi tho L iaen- fication uni aftermath of Tuesday’s u rencRoiit iied power in the house * c « P “ i>i6 i videnlly in' the senate , 'i " '“I lal probes oa different u r - b’aalcnlly 0 ona party In control of the ----- e departmenl and th# olher tt imand of the leslstatlve H pni* the letiip la tailor-made for - * • • ■ • • of eongrcsalonal inveallgat- imlU«es-as soundlne boards - - S f - o i * 1956 presldenUal elecUon. lh# Republlcaa* won con- /-v .ha eoUi conjrre&s durlns the I Ivf . admlnlslraUan. .Houae ___ ^ Joseph,W.-iIarUn,-Jr.raald -•nT m rrv' P would open each day wlUi u r and clo.« ll with an In- the Uieft 0 lly sure to be caught In thc bclonglnK ta )f DcmocraUc InvcsUgatora surUid Frld Elsenhower's proeram aimed probate Jud ed security- rlska. «dmlnls- .i, p.Cron.!. «nd urll ..S '* ”"',?., «M lit n.nflllni; ol .Iht J‘“ ™ l«»l.r.Uo„ pro,„m. S ' iS m S ilstrallon officlaU also are J be Quitted closely about "l“ )llcles toward conservation ?" l\ln •al resources, bm lnus mer- I monopolies, the awarding „i,, it conlracta-and-almllar la- w ? --\e ha ed In with DcmocraUc e flttny progranw. rf<.fi.nrtnnu potllghl on communUU In "* , cnl prob« may fnde a.i ^ i ans uho have eagerly dug records of dmI Democratic Crystal tes raUons topple from key te chalrmanshlpa. Sept. » and ir McCarthy, R.. Wb.. will O'* helf J Chairman of the Bovern- leratlons committee nnd IU also-tesllflei Un»t4 c«ia«a Jl „ cicar on Ihc A p p o in tm en ts R ep o u n d O u l^ o u th M yslx Junior high school alu-'m an Jean k ire bem named-to-iill-dty -Berrettrftrt' ve otflces as part of the Dean Dar youth program being con- apector; Ste< n the school by the Twin apector; Rog ycees.----------- ;--------------------im isR tcr^ i Khlof ureWnlh-Iongpro- II come Monday wheiijunlor PJI" iMrdlFHmmlMloncrt and MarslmlC-a. ipolijtefs will spend the day Mowivtt, iissl alongilde clly officials. itlve po.-.ltlomr-wfre flllrd „ ‘iJJ’J'on tlrri of appllcnUon aub- J stuclenu elected “city com- f i - Jast «eeV. [S?eman! sl Bppolntlve of/rces“ wnn>« meter atfen(l thiif, city manager: Jo>ce p .rk , »ttend; y clerk; JUdy Holmtin. city siudenu v : Kay Crowter. clly treaa- before relun Jletn • Moon, police Judge; *.i,ere Uiey w (ilth, clly engineer. - ' day working Powers, superintendent of Jaycees wl nd water; Mike Omy. police students nnd Ita Hamilton. J#mea Clark. The clly a: 3ell. Judy Newcomb and aUngwUhth u Johiuon, poIlKmen; Kor* the program. --------- TWIN One Way to H D Murphy, manager ef Idslis theater, U on lhe Fidelity .National bank comer lo Ihe ralk.aa.Lhejcsuil.oLloslnx an.elecUon bet. » Glen Taylor. (Suff pholo.enrr«Tlni> erman Leader —Sa^-TSIil )NN, Germany, Nov. 5 (U.R)—Chan( iwn Rovcrnment aRainst the Franc( ink France to reopen ncKotinlipna ( enauer yielded to pressure from tl !-in-his-cbaiition-Rovemmentr~— promised to a.sk French Premier P •Marie Soutou. to Bonn to reopen S e-revolt-flgalnat-the-projrostrd-Snm the London-Paria atrrecments, labi eignty and rearming o f --------------- r- ift.ny BR R partner of. the in defense njnilnst Sovi- I .rtil prreaaion. Jea-France, 4ur!ng the Paris '/v ower conference, warned thst I i'i : would nat ratify the Oerman t f-l imenl trea'ly iinleas Tt wm J janled by a_setUement of lhe ThhJL'ir of Ui'e’Saarli-filcfi lln 6il?een ny and France. opened at FDP announced to Adenauer “?r8 attei would refuse to* vole for rail- about 125. 1 unless the S.iat agreement fts jta ffe c egoUated to ninke 11 more ' Ible to Oermany. program, nniw have-parUeulirly-ob- to Uie Intcmallonnllwtion of attorney a nrland. where the peopl# are A gcnei ly Oerman and which at floor answ >llni»4 (B r u * 1«. C*liaii I) . ______________ _ flion, a no , . ed lunchcc arnigs Ai^e artcd for 2 s S Iyer Rustling ;££‘| L^,'Nov. 5 - Preiainary f^utuw T /' ;s for H. O.Tortntr and Jl. B. iljie j„i, !. boat Tft’in Fiills. on chsrgu ° ..jjoi' we id larccny In connection wllh r/y.,iiv" will eft of l«'o Hereford heifers Blat nK tfl Em m ett Cry.^ul, Albion. C Prlday momlng hero before efnploye J Judge Henry W. Tucker. „„Ud by C )Ugh both men are charged rome Coopej enllng (tie same htlfers, thi senUUve. [s arc proceeding separately a meeting jindell's to follow Fortner's, commlllec. i ) noon only Crj-stal had been A. H. Jagebi wltnMj sUnd. He tfsUlled C jp p.m . I placed 7< hend of his catUe “rid t Uc grazing land In April and drawn «p i mLw UiR two hfltci*-untll boar^cf-dlri le had’bcen -Informed by a ^ J^>llowlng i ln.ipeclor Ihnt t«n ot his day at the T nd been .lold In Burley by lhe *cy. Washini mta. CftUle belmicliif lo the ,nt.s nLw were being run on « I of lllc Innd. nl lesllfled he Ulked lo Kort- )Ut the sale ot hLs cattle on .. > nnd Uml Forlntr wld him j . heifers had been wld aceU , ,•. The complaining wltneas j^rm sllfled that his br^nd wm 1 ihccAtUe.anfl e.i»y w retd. morning aess epoi:teito_|||“ |;!|; .MonttPJanESK ;an Mllchell. flrt ehief; Vic omlsl. will dl j-flI«^nJpeclo^------------Danihouse. elecirlcal In- Election of ; Steve Lincoln, building In- alt«rnoon bu ; Roger Detweller. plumbing ------- jm^uilyn «'«ithr-wnl*-IJ'|Vp|:^ Patsy Duller, fupcrlntend- iJ l c C L l U parts and_retrentlon;_ Aniia_____ lir«, lC-aln)orl.m>n«Kfr;_A]fc^ ____ |V e i , iisslsuni city rngUieer. WASHING Jensen, streel foreman; Bill ^f the top P snnltallon forrman; Dale price n. clly shop foreman: Mary prdf^ on, water and aewer fote- -pretty mucli Martha Horne, niter plani support quest i; Snndy Bncon. parking duI Sen. :ifen(iaitr«ni-rv*Tr^ylor; DnkOtTRfjrai ttendanl. be angUier f nU will lour city facllitif* gre.vi conven reluming to the city hall siore SO per i hey will a\icnd Uie rest of the ihe basic cro •king alonirslde city offlclab. Young wm es will serve lunch to the year's unsuc I nnd city officials. Uie flexible S3 Ity and achool.n ara cooper- sored by Sei lh the Jayceea in conducting Denson. He i j«m. that Benaon UN FAU.S, IDAHO. EIHDAY. > to Lose on Electic It on hll hands and kneet rolling a g Ihe theater on Shoahone alreet easl. Mt I bet-U-Wamo.HuUsr, manager-«t- Or _________ ^ ______________ I ________ ir Bows to Re Reop^ing J hancellor Konrad Adenauer toda> ■anco-German Saar oprccihcnt an WH on the bitterly (iiaputed Issue m tho jnodcrato rightist Free D( er Pierre Mende.s-France‘fo sen en Saar tilks with Germiih bfflci Snnr^tttem ent threatened lo a laboriously worked out, for re? loperative Cc Qpens-Anpiia -23rd-«nnual-meflUn?-of-tho4dah( i at the.Turf club Friday morninfi attending. Afternoon attendance 125. Technical discussions of the .ffecUi cooperativo operations higl im. William G. Stacey. Salem, On )f the act and F. L. Graybill, Sp' ey’fTV^cw;- - ------ :eneral discuasion followed with inswered. by the two apeakers. I I no-host, get-acquaint- ------------- chcon was held. ]l/rrtrf^i lesion. Dolsc. w u chairman iT X U U J momlng session. emlUi. chnlrman of the «r. rp I cnU-commUlte,- gave the -X 'O 'J of welcome, y afternoon sesslona were lo /"’I a talk on cooperaUve public s. -J. K. eicrn, WMhlnglon. president of Uie American BOISE, e ot Cooperalibnrwm-Bpeak craU, who s Job We Face." galas In U •We Have Done the Jib day'ji elect ’ will be described by Arvel today of ar Blackfool, manager ot Uie house, n CoopemUvc, Inc, Views Pending iloye rcUUons will be pre- canvM mlj by Clyde Ross, Ourley. Je- RuUt Moor ooperallve Creamery repre* can Incumi e. bcrl by 3E eting of the council's youth state IreM' •ec. under the dftecllon of clncts nol agebi. Duhl. U planned for two pre m. Plans for the council's Len ,d FFA programs will be probnbly n up and presented to the ,ii.^tli f-dlreclnrafior.aDprovali.^___ but-Jt-*’as -Ing a banquet at-'J P-n>--to- feet the fm •he Turf elub, Homer Brink- jjjr.i Mo ishlnffWn, D. C. extcuUve .10753 ror ildent ot lhe Natlonnl CoUn- -j|, a„oUj Farmera Cooperatives, wni ,uperinUnC agriculture export prospects. „gn QQp , r recently headed an agrU ...h 's log. u-ttde mission to Asia. m,,, „ Brockman, Caldwen. man- with 878 the Idaho Egg Producers .j,- joj,„ lon and a. member ot the ^0041 farm credit board, will oui» _ operaUon of the new farm c^ni admlnlstraUon al Sunday p^nis J : aesslons. , ' ring a noon luncheon, Wll- ^ . xjoore. MOSCOW, council — wiinive-a-rtport on-lhe lUon'a aellvltlea ihe PMt ,P 1 Dr. Robert W. Wilcox, UnU|tuaiiy an s of idftiib~txiriuion~econ 1 'ini _ •III discus* th# 1055 agrlcul-i . m of offlccra will climax the' conUnu ■n buslneas meeting. jM ?» !£lj lioiTRisults 1^1^ i^ere 'Standoff’ UNOTCN. Nor. & Lf\-One Hong way :op pleaders for high, rigid comments rice supports today Inter- porl: r a ^ a y 'a elecUon results m "Ultle i much of a sUndoff" on lhe idaho- anc quesUon. ] a few He len. Mdcon Voung. North wnshlngtc Rfjrabllcsnradded there-will -nurtheaste fier fight In lhe new con- curring Fr nvehlng in Jinunry to re- ,n(i ngalr per cenl price supporU for day. toUI c crops. an mch. : WM In the Ihlck ot this > abovi msuccesstul batUe agnlnsl nioiUy in ble system of supports spon- mlnlmumi V SecreUry of Agriculture '"‘p„bah He suggested several Umes ;i:4on ought to realgn. —— •. NOVEMBEIt E. ISM ____ _ j^ = U ------- United. furnish T"-------^ a t o m i c - ill^ Thc( po!iticfl_ nbw(*r’a tlonal I for pea the posed od 10 ov program- SUitca operate oouracs lnvlt« isi visit Am cllllles a doctors. Lodge I aiatea is cipal ttcl nudes technical ed In all a grapefruit wllh hb tiate as Loc Morphy pul hla nose to the Orjftieum-theater.-Murphy rtwii ,, . Elsenhow revolt. ■ S% _ ______ open to “ TT 4 ------*1------- *1' President Is Asked St Canada, day bowed to a revolt In Africa at and told hi» cabinct he fffam- sue. Dcmocralii (PDF) who 'S ," I -------------------------------------me-tt'ort lend his cabinet chief, natienai.i flclals.' * ................ 0 ariarl anA,poB.‘iibly to restoration of German ing for t f ' * 1 year 'ounciK \ k; i r - — LfldR* de 1 TV' -t "Wo ar ' $ 11 r f l 1* 1 0\T aho Cooperative Councii E 5X ing with about 75 mem- ^ ncc 13, expected to be |Jn the revenue act of 1051 ilghlighted tho morning T { ’|; Ore., gave the auditor’s Spokane, presented the londo BrlUifi 1 th questions from the agreed ye; ,. Following tho discus- arm 'West on Seems or^%S ) Have Won subsequen ^lose Victory IE, Nov. 5 (UV—Idaho Demo- lined the vho made some-aubsUnUal -Rassinnr \ the legislature after Tues- will ilrml lection, aiso seemed asturcd of nn ear f anoUier office In lhe sU tc- Hlghllgl French p! Ing any change Uie official 1. The mlghl produce Nov. 33, M n, patched t loon, Democrat. led Republl- week of I umbent Mrs. Margaret Oil- weeks bef 3B3 votes In the race-for Is due to eMurer. wllh only five pre- Pnrla, agi lot reported. mnny. Dt precincts In Idnlio county, s. The Lemhi and one In Elmore— oul two U y not more Uian 100 votes sla miai 4UII were imaccountcd for, four conl was-doubtful they , could ai- )>c-nel~up final loULs. {(, Moon had III.I09 »ot« to m ror Mrs. Olfbert. S ‘ i, loUier close bailie, Uint for tcndenl ot publle InsU-uc- .ii.Q erm JPIficumbent Alton B. Jones permed ' lOfl-vote marcln ovcr.Dcmor n,uat act 11 Robinson. . irraiv 1 878 ot 883 preclncli report- J^ee and nea had 110,140: . RQbln.son Au-strla. TntKE HlTfi rARIS T S. JJoy. S WV-Mnny Paris- RANOO re unable lo buy Uie staple Burma ar • dlet-lirend-todny. -A 24- treaty Frl ikers’-alrlke-to-prou'st-flov. ing_th6_a t price ceilings clo.sed vir- two count 11 shops. _Fair“ . rB ril iinued fair wenlhrr, with alight poislblllly of sliow- in thc offing for southern mid'nU .cisFailS-inKET “ WAOHK ly forecMl sent Prlday by T>r,.M gresslonal ,1 winter weather seems" a J™ ,’ay orr,"-Uie AP reporter , :nted as hr read ihls re- le or no rain In nouUiem and aouUitMleni-Crccon.- grown-ifl-l light showers In eastern The for igton, north Idaho and sUff of tJ : Fridny night or Saturday enUUed "p ;aln Tuesdny or Wedncs- of lhe Unll oul amounu .10 lo .2S of decade." ta :h. Temperatures averag- 13 years Bove normal,' maxlmums ]ihrough Jt In Uie 50.S or low (iOs. ; 11.. The rep employmer '" ' ' per cenl c Nine Irrigated Idalio Counllca WtmW •> A^ll not Share Ato: s'lTED NATIONS, N. Y., Nov, fi cd_StatcaJflJ!endj^ to start tall- ish atomic m ntenairfor rescarc ic-know-how for-pcacc.- _________ c chicf Americ.in delegate In th' ical committee that this would b t ’s plans for niririlerna- .1 pool of atomic energy T__. leaceful purpo.soa.' ITl lining a program ot acllon for ext year—even belore *. pro- InternaUonal agency U creal- d oversee the atoms /or peace I u n —Lodge aald the XInlled ' I is ready to train persons ta _ te nuclear reaclow. to offer Uav :s In nuclear wtety, and to died a 150 foreign cancer cxperU to Cj^y ^ American cancer research fa- ocf 1 I and «wap vleu'S wim U.'B. •a. The le also announced the Unlled far th is ready-to-tiva. tn lhe prln; thero-i technical llbrarltt of coopir- ---------- Tintttm ntri1ljr»nn ~of-datK — ----- clear tntrgy plus seu ef cards | r»C flUnc . 60,000 KlenUflR and V ® cal books and reporU publish- . all counUles, , VU Lodge spoke there sh’as no from -Moscow whether the Jis-hnd'ehangtd-lhclc-mlnda ..........J fctrtrrt tn go alpng,wlth4h» ------- lower' propoaaU. "With nego- IS lUll under way beiween > ligton. and Moscow, ‘ Lodge clear lhal Uie door la sUU , , to the Russlsns to Join the ent'a-program.----------------------VZJZ said the United SUles haa alkirig- wlUTBrltainr Fnmct? a, Australia. Belgium, SouUi ^e and Portugal on the pro- , Xhe United SUK;* haa said g-dke RO -ftKead wlUi ths program n,.mS^r «r the Russians Join or not. days bei 5rtno-ba-done-by-tho-tnter- al.atomic agency favored br „int.d inlted States.-He also, aald nlted SUtea and other cmai- haiiou au sponsor » resoluUon caU- ^1 , ,r tha, U. N. to convene an *‘V‘ ^ s” declmd: . - ^ m p^A gre^ SE n Answer to S ' {ed Proposal DON, Nov. 5 tn-Amerlean. ^•’’^,^^1 X and FiCAch diptmnau —1— . yesterday on a plan designed t Rusala's attempt to block iH i-ri' n agreemenu to free and re- 'est Germany. « kremlin’s bid took the form I iq proposal for a conference of U13 g four foreign ministers ihla _ . U> discuss a Oeman peace I lent and-arningcjncnta-for-a -- uent non-ftgpresslon alliance in Uie communist and non- . jnlst Tialions of Europe. , .hree-power commlltee out- i‘™ he terms of an answer to the mr-whtch,- offlclals-ieported. " rmly rule oul any likelihood early big four conlerence. f, ■llghU of tha American- ne'^wcalem notes wlU be dls- Jjj” *fd”'d d to Moscow about the Im I ® )f IhU monlh-or only three " before Uie French parliament deatw, j to debate raUflcauon of Uie tured or ngrecmenU on Wcat Ger- relumed Doo, H-17.. ne weat once agnlh will spell 0 tight condlUons whIcJi Ru.s- ... f .... i«i fulfill before a new big L* ^ :onfereni:o-oo Oermany can flrsl U Uiat Russia must In ndvance to free, super- 30 national elecUons in Uie So- dna] me of Germany *0 thnt nn fense'dcp ;rmnn .government-.can be cMual I. The sccond ,1s Uiai Ruwla correct di net In advance to concludc uocatlon ly ot independence that will ... nd end the occupation of {xfgre a ^ on Uic ca ------------------- ; -------- lean iroo TREATY SIGNED ' porl wllll OOON. Burma, Nov. 8 W'— public cn nnd Japan signed a peace Tlie ar Frldrf>- night, officially end- unllles w t SUle ot war between UiB 2.087. the jntrles._________ ___________ th e arr~~Tc ight-Economic- Man Seen b y ; HINOTONr-No»Hfc4^l-------A. oLsomtLJ mderuken for a Joint con- for lhat 1 lal committee predicted yes- Tills w lhat—by-JB'S-the- naUoa'* ploj^ment y.wm be hnlf.aialn m bla “ burea^ al ;i said uxes will be lower, the clvlll lursshorier. wages higher and of thla y' Uon'a population wUl have In trai a-lBD.mlllIon». . forecnsi was made by lhe r the aenate-house commit- lhe_cconaiiikJtj>ort._IL?:'as “potenUal economic erowUi Jnlled BUtes during lhe next '■ bul actually look In Uie “ 'V S ; . 5ro” ' .. make le report predicted that un- but ll w Rient 4n 1883 would be aboul paring la nllllnn persons, or" about 4 laUon. 1 II of ths civilian Ubor torce cauacU o S r - .....................E r ica [_______________ nr'-ili-lBM __ Ready t( Secfets >mic Ma 5 (/P)—Henry Ciibot Lodge, jr.. alk.s.with olher countries on b arch rcaclori overseas asn>^n't“c the UN announced to'the gener; :i bo a gigantic forward step for 1 [ljuries Take October Cras lavid Herbert Beus, 59, long-tim e I at 11 p.m. Thuraday in the LDl as a reault of injuries he recol> . 15 at Falls avenue and-Enatlan 'he death brought to 47 the numbc this jxar in Magic Valley. A t tJ re-had-bcen-ag-trnffic denths in-tl jssia^Solon yZ% W '^ins Post in JifficialJCfist^ JRLEY. Nov. 8-ElecUon of K . Mr. I 3arlow M aUte. senator from In Logo la county V u assured Friday J^ y le olllclal canvass of lhe gen- They 11 eJecJlOT vole by lhe county for the nlssloners,_________ __________•; rlowflthe Ilepubllcan candidate, vea 2JM vous.lo'sass tor Her- / Bedke, his DemocraUc oppon- ^ SCirvl dke replaced .J. S. Berry, u the aon. Da ocraUc candldato only » few one dai before Uie elecUoo when Berry. DIackio irew__M_c»ndldat* because of lealih. Dedke's name waa nol ed on Uie official ballot be- . ehe enUred Uie ric'e'after tn i Nampa, U.had.bean.prialed. SUckera One his name oh^Uiem were lur- ceded fl ■d all voters In the counly on Fune) Ion day ao hU'Dams could be at 3 p. :d over Berry's. be anot Uve elecUon, US ftoentQB faa^> W7- were cut aod loma 6^ them ' aent out by.tbe ep&nty audl* - office beforB' Beriy-realgned. I |p « •rer. In the official tabulaUon lh rnn »Tr>pUnn. thl> -official CJfl ua of votes brought'to light Ically no changes between tha A al and unofficial count. The /I excepUon was In the race for trcMUrer. Margaret Gilbert: *-OAKI Republican candidate, received Severe, votes Instead ot 3.TM and her Ilrat re< rm li. CaUan 4) momlni -------- : ----------- ---------------7 lived in nal Casualty ^ m a n y y< ists Released S'S“ __ rled UU .n Korea^W^ar STutS!" kSHINOTON, NOV. 8 flJ.R)-The daughte tse department. In a •'IcntoUve • casualty report on the Ko- Bommzi war, said today Uiat American s had 10,001.casualUea In the ^ -year connict. J departmenl a l» officially I the books on Ihousnnds of ig- personnel, declaring that missing persons now are prc- 1 dead. Puner > casualty toUl Includes M.628 3. lC3ia< wounded. 6,133 cap- or missing but subsequenUy “ l^o p led to mlliury controJ; 34 ig. and 31 refused repatxIaUon. O i^ey t the 24 sUll listed as mlsslnc, tno i*ayr , depwUnent said Uiat only i air force filers are ‘•definitely ” ti td'bo alive." I ' ” ! casualty report, revised Up ta 30, waa described aa a ‘‘Icnta- Inal reporL"-However, the de-j i^,ck department said that the audit iualty reports is conUnulng to j t duplications, erroneous iden-, u’cek-cr lons-and classilicatlOns. , | ^h vlll probably be several yearsj rcUry-t r a dellniUve (oUl Is reached jie u : casualllcs suffered by Amer-j he ioops. UnUl then, today's re-! u,g ^rlp •111 probably represent the finals ^r a bi casualty report. „sldenl army sulfered the mosl cas- promoU 1 wlUi 109.958. The navy had , the marine corps 38,205, and r~Tort^ri3»:---------------------- j-Future-for-W TlSSlnjCongri i>. mllllan nertons fortcM titrcaaur? at time. clea. I would compare with unem - The n ent callmated hy the census cipal cor \ a t 2j741,000 o r T r p e r ' c c n r o t 1033:----- vlllan labor (orce. In October PopCpf s year. wim ibu transmllUng the flndlnst to ArmeC commltue, SUtf Director ^lih 3’i r W. Ensley said they were pivm, on assumpUons that Uie nexl B would see no major war. -Joint commllt**-U-h«ui«d-by — senUtlve Wolcolt.:R.;.-Mlch. an economic study group con- l''” - ! of senators and tepreseniA- The a from bolh parlies. U does not tural • c legislative recommendaUons loSB dot i worU wlUi commltleci pre- to 5«i r : lax and oUier economic legia- of 6U. t . and wllh Uie Prealdentl cultvtl U or Konomin advlsere u id th i Bill FINAL ; dition -^ = m icE -iiiCE im — ;o s of iterial jr.. told the,UN today tha __ 1 bilateral -agreements to ^ 't“onrprograTirtij-shsr8— : leral flssemSlyTSlPnatlon >r 195S in Pre.sident Eisen- __ j 3 Life of J ish Victim me resident of Twin Falls, LDS hospital in Salt Lake celved In an auto accident • land drive.. nber of traffic fatalities so j !; tha-same time last year, I n-the-regionrTh&-proviou»— I nrd for traflic_dcaths in IJ r one year in Magic Volley | S 4 3 . in s^^hen It collided with a dump I I :k driven by Jack Nodlne, 30,^1 r. On Oct. 18 he wm flown to lha H I r- Lake-Cltr j ^ l u i ^-f^apecUl W ;r. Beus was bdm May n. 1(83, ^ :.Ojan. UUh. Ha married Violet r Jones^Sept. 3,1914,-in-Utah.— y lived ih Uis Twln.Falls’krta the PMt 40 yeara. They lived on arm on Uie Salmon tract for Tai years'Tind had'TesldEd-tn— n-Falls alnct. n&-»ai_a.roem^_ of UlB IDS first ward-church.-- Orvlrors Include his \vldow, ona' , David Wayne Beus, Twin ValU; daughter, Mrs. Kenneth SmlUi, ckioot; tw'o grandchildren; ons er, Mn. NelUe MontipimerT. ' «, Bliss, and 'WUUam' Beui, npa.----- ---------------------— .;— ne « n and. tiro broUiCTi pre- edftlmlndeatt. r.. unenU aervices will b« conducted 3 p.‘ a . Monday a t. a hlacs ts iQoaimcedbr.TVln.7tUlmdrtO< . .. eati (3^8 )aklevNMyr^ At Age of 74 j AKLEV. Nor. i - Joseph W. II ere. 74. whose birth w u lh a ' i recorded here, died Thunday ning at hts home hcre,.Ho‘lunL. 1 in OatTey all his Ufe. r. Severe waa bom Sept.'31.1880.V' w u In the sheep buslneu for*^ ly years and later w u a fanner. | also had been aa^cmploja o(. Oakley Canal company. He mar* um e Brlgga on March 23,1M4. w u a member of tba LOS. *h- __________ _________ _ irvlrlng art his widow, two' thiers. Mrs. Anona Maughan. cn. and Mrs. Merlin Collins, onza. UUh; Uiree sans, Harrt- SeTere.-:Rockport. Wash.: Ralph-.. e,-Monravla..allf;'.and Riiehl xe. Ft. CoUlns, Colo.; a alsUr, Cyrus Hunter, OaUey, and a ber of grandchildren and great- dchlldren. menl senlcei will be held at m. Monday at lhe Oakley LDS macls with Mr. Sevcra'anephev,— op Forest Severe, officlaUnj. Judlng riles will be held at tha;: ley cemelen^ under dlrecUoo of ! ?ayne morluary. Burley, blends ; call at UlB'mortuary Sunday ■noon and erenlng and at tha ly home In Oakley from 8 a. m.^. me.of Uie s e r v i c e ._ Canceled" ack of inurcst forced cancel- on I'tfday ot UlB scheduled d will tour t^ Elko over the k-end, reports Howard Mof- Chambcr of Commerc# lec- ' ry-mnnager. e said only a few buslnesi- 1 had made reservaUons (or irlp. ll w u planned to char- a bus to take 3Q T^\ln Falls denU to Elko for buslneas notion and to confer on rout- of tourist U^afflc. . . Sjrking—- xess^^poft ury and olhtr axecuUTt aeen* . Q rtpotl predicted thesa prin* comparisons beiween 1865 and pCpallon, IM'mMohTcbinpaMr' lbB\i millions. . med forces. 3 millions compared 3 ’.i millions. villsn labor force.IB mlDlooir- pared wlUi mUUona In 1833, nployment. 73 'mmiona com- d. wlih.'neiriy 63 miiUohl Jll_ ie sUtf predicUd Uiat igrlnil*-, 1 • emploi-ment, followln* it* down trend, iwould fall •by-l#«- «i ralUlons, from the 1833 total M mmions,.but Uial non-ftri-. utl employment would rM m BltUlotB; from U U HfflllnM. " ...J
Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

V aJlev o ecu r- % ^ o v . 4 a s T e ^ l t


^ ~7l

p M M

I At W hite■inVGTON. N o v . 5 CflV-Prcside ■ R e'pub lican ancl D cm o craU c con ■ • House b r ie f in jr o n f o re ig n t H o u s e w 'd th e f icssion is being ■ l i a f i i t ’s e s ta b l ish e d . po I ic y _ o L i'B l i c i i u l l y ndv iacd o n fo re if fn r ■m ccU njr" w i r U k e - p ia c c “ vWlh- l o l conKrcsp, b u t w ith th e D cmH i -------------- ----------------o v e r wh(B __________________ co h y en c j■ ^ 1 1 i j O i O l l BIputbJH o e lm potic

i n t s t o S e e ? ; r r ,V . tr&tlon. Bt

■ficial Count■ * , op«r»t* InHa>T). Nor. 5 «u.n«pubH - the new 1

cordon. Oregon re .

t w of* w l l y X e l / will ■ w o « M j - . e l e c -

H i 1). .111 'nol concwle the , • *p“ H u D«nocrtJ RIcJiirf L.H u-jeir-oia'PorUand »u- 3t»h'eloie K uib-uooiruiui-iuid-.ilou! .rt latlonarii

N tubeiyci ieadenhlp. ■ :« ]u d . The CtllK t t of Orecon’i i . m pre- c m Iculer. H riJicftpori^U ii-lhaL lilly . « n ho*«~ i

do nol h«ve 80 y a ttt denU lUn H a Th» count /rom the - - .

H I K ^ ' j »i:tory lh a t H a a t n l ot the w m iK to m «|onty ItKu' Sit*'

..O renn 'a 'o th e r tl^ ip r o b ! ■ ^ n d r n l W«yne Morse KJio*'l*ni

/i4 'a7ind<ni-<?t? j * * " '• rood ■ titth*D em oiraii.con tro l.K lIlcU I UbuUUon by the both the h H f t o i h « betn rechecked J*nuiry on ■ u 4 t u t e ‘i 38 counties. In tion return: H > ^ usofllcla! TOU, ne re r aaUonkl «i Htrfftum ed by ths o'rriclal The prei: ■ ferenci WciH r “ f-«''* Cordon, »ho h u confer wllh B v i wut4 10 year*, *»ld he on bolh foi ■ [9 - ta ‘Wishlniftcn-for th e l e n r b u n c H ule ieu lonon the question v id Umlnj H g ^M c jl/w rlh y .^ n ,. WU. wouJd h»v»

tor k recount In h a r t b e u i H lJ io a ird .O O P n iU o n a l c han lc io rl

I” H . ICMM Uilt ittiiSon en that. tc*n(UtH

mos Seen Rt folnyestipilNGTON, N ov . 5 T h e inv I will fall in to D c m o c rn tic han t :loje scru tiny o f t h o in n e r w orl dinini.itrntion. A n in e v ita b le a fti i.iim hicli th e D em ocr a t a a c iic d

a n d . ev/cic

' c r F r e e d

J u r o r s o nIn eommtr

psy Charge 5’.finJeH lUiperl. wm lound fSf

S "= -S “w;uiijiiiMct« ». H ‘rntlon. putri

Daniel, on S etOUfleU In his be-

' Burley Atlmlnlstr«^ DjnlcLi, nnd Sher- " '‘*’5' ^ I**W *u pro,^cmer. PoXs't

trial before J .a iicc fp j o i Chnrirfl r,{t«{in. Ctra »nd mc

Welmnr. c<Jr., R. J . B ro id- »«M Hed

chAr«« of I AMtrwji, Goodltii:, “nd "K've flw

fltlvinc. WM to The spotlli J n t- Rovernment

n ir l l f Pum phrey R«publleaiu ""Mn »(i,r Ills h it >>e reco “ »uiomQbilp» nn Blue ndmlnlatrallo

"0 norUi I-'Mdny morn- committee cf Senator M

'•tf'. I I-'i'coln •Jc ou; u ch

1. » «

nppolnUve o

--------------------- office uppolij(’L- D 1 *''"■'‘' ‘’11 *'onif i enalized , Appomiive’INO, Jim- . _ from lettfri

■'«npl!o , ; to »tui

* ^ r » i « y "PE"Uh Ktlll! C l j d !

■I i y Po- Smith.« '>r(0/ “"d '^'>cn ° ‘" 'e ?<>»'I nlfiH En^unia *‘j’cctg «nd wW*drrt suiltj, chief; Altn H----- -— — Kiiren Bell.

■-------Mary Lou Jol

r~ m m V

J " A Rej^onal Newj

■ y Offlelil Cltr tx jC m tr

Both) T a l k - H e House Isidcnt Einenhowcr today ^ ^ ^ H confreaalonarieadcr.vto

m affaira Nov. 17. The ein? callcd “in line with iULCCpiniL.tlio.,]cRde»_dl m relations."i ih - R c p u b lic a i f f l - n t i l ! - { nDemocrats ready to take | ^ H when the 84th con^ejix | ^ ^ H

:ncAin J a n u a r y . . .___________ir tlu n coiuu lu tlon on for-policy has been underU kenIlcally durlns the l l r i i twoof the SlMnliower admlnla-

1. But the Presldenl'fl call forleeUoK on Nov. 17 leemed toKore h ll ataled desire to eo- ^ ^ ^ H:« In every «ay pcu lb le wllhew Demwratlc leadenhlp .nhower u ld a t hU newa con- ^ ^ ^ He WedncAlBy th a t h e JnUndauult-w lth. the D«mocr«t4-«Qortlgn and domestic ra&tlen.. Knowland. R., Cnlir.. had pie- Elsenliower «> eoffer to est«b- :loie cordt&l a sd construcUve'* ^ ^ ^ B n u r lth - th f t ney_DtmDcraUcihipjmcoosrcsa.______________Californian. arnnl« .Republl- ^ ^ ^ H

ader. had b re a k fu i w llh El- ^ ^ ^ H rer-and -m itlln ra~ the 'F resI- ~ ^ H H I sund to newsmen afterward.Lyndon B. Jo luuon. D„ Tex.. , to step up In the new aeaslon .owlandl pr*5enf*i»8lClon“ u ,w ” ly M t r . n i a prom- J meel Ujb F i is id e n i rtiore' —s.

wland aald the chief executive ^»oo<J-re]aUon.»iUj.U}*.I5aajo-__________w_ho_wlll Uke over control ofhe hoiue and 'th '6“aenat«~ln ---------------y on the basis of cu rren t e!ec- tum »-ln lha ln t«reat of the ll welfare. BONN,President told hl« new t con- hl« own i I Wednesday th a t he plana lo will nnk 1 with the-DemocraUc leadera A H rnnn Ij fo r« ln and domeatlc m a t-jraO aM -lhal'tho-m Y ch'inlc* a n a r e in - lm ini of auch consultation He proi hava to b* worked o u t U t«r. Jenn-Mnr

icrUmini. u p s e t th eddtd tha t he and th* Preal- so v e re ig n utH M i. c>u»< ti G e rm a n y

* w e s t ih d(

irady S S a M O E ^in v e a tiffa t iv a p o w e r of

nand» In J a n u a r y p r e - u . I S ' J t S , iVorKinga oi tho L ia e n - fication uniaftermath of Tuesday’s u rencRoiit iied power in the house *c«P“ i>i6 i v id e n lly i n ' t h e senate ,“'i "'“Ilal probes oa differen t u r - b’aalcnlly 0

ona party In control of the -----e departmenl and th# olher t t imand of the leslstatlve H p n i * the letiip la tailor-m ade for - * • • ■ • • of eongrcsalonal inveallgat-

imlU«es-as soundlne boards - - S f - o i * 1956 presldenUal elecUon. lh# Republlcaa* won con- /-v

.ha eoUi conjrre&s durlns the I I v f

. admlnlslraUan. . H o u a e ___ ^Joseph,W .-iIarU n,-Jr.raald - • n T m r r v ' P would open each day wlUi u r and clo.« ll w ith an In-

the Uieft 0lly sure to be caugh t In thc bclonglnK ta )f DcmocraUc InvcsUgatora surU id Frld Elsenhower's p roeram aimed probate Jud ed security- rlska. «dmlnls- . i , p .C ron.!. «nd u r l l . . S ' * ”" ',? ., «M l i t n.nfllln i; ol .Ih t J ‘“ ™

l« » l.r .U o „ p r o ,„ m . S ' iS m S ilstrallon officlaU also are J be Quitted closely about "l“)llcles toward conservation ? " l \ ln •al resources, b m ln u s mer-I monopolies, th e awarding „ i , , i t conlracta-and-almllar la- w ? - - \ e ha ed In with DcmocraUc

e flttny progranw. rf<.fi.nrtnnupotllghl on communUU In "* ,cnl prob« may fnde a.i ^ ians uho have eagerly dug records of dm I Democratic Crystal tes

raUons topple from key te chalrmanshlpa. Sept. » andir McCarthy, R.. W b.. will O'* helf J Chairman of the Bovern- leratlons committee nnd IU also-tesllflei Un»t4 c«ia«a J l „ cicar on Ihc

A p p o i n t m e n t s R e p

o u n d O u l ^ o u t h Myslx Junior high school a lu - 'm a n Jean k ire bem nam ed -to -iill-d ty -B errettrftrt' ve otflces as p a rt of the Dean Dar youth program being con- apector; Ste< n the school by th e Twin apector; Rogycees.----------- ;--------------------im isRtcr^ iKhlof u re W n lh -Io n g p ro -II come Monday w heiijun lor P J I " iM rdlF H m m lM loncrt and M arslm lC -a . ipolijtefs will spend the day Mowivtt, iissl alongilde clly officials.itlve po.-.ltlomr-wfre flllrd „ ‘iJJ’J'on tlr r i of appllcnUon aub- J stuclenu elected “city com- f i - Jast «eeV. [S?eman! sl

Bppolntlve of/rces“ w nn>« meter atfen(l thiif, city m anager: Jo>ce p .r k , »ttend; y clerk; JUdy Holmtin. city s iu d e n u v : Kay Crowter. c lly treaa- before relun Jletn • Moon, police Judge; *.i,ere Uiey w (ilth, clly engineer. - ' day working Powers, superintendent of Jaycees wl nd water; Mike O m y. police students nnd Ita Hamilton. J#m ea Clark. The clly a: 3ell. Judy Newcomb and aUngw U hth u Johiuon, poIlKmen; Kor* the program.

--------- T W IN

One Way to

HD Murphy, manager ef Idslis theater, U on lhe Fidelity .National bank comer lo Ihe

ralk.aa.Lhejcsuil.oLloslnx an.elecUon bet. » Glen Taylor. (Suff pholo.enrr«Tlni>

erman Leader —Sa^-TSIil)N N , G e rm a n y , N ov . 5 (U.R)— C han( iw n R o v c rn m en t a R a in s t th e F ra n c ( in k F ra n c e to reopen ncK o tin lipna ( e n a u e r y ie ld e d to p re s s u re f ro m tl ! - i n - h is -c b a i i t io n - R o v e m m e n tr~ — p ro m ise d to a.sk F re n ch P r e m ie r P

•M arie S o u to u . to Bonn to re o p e n S e - re v o l t- f lg a ln a t- th e -p ro j ro s t rd -S n m

th e L o n d o n -P a ria a trre c m e n ts , labie ig n ty a n d r e a rm in g o f ---------------r-ift.ny BR R p a r tn e r o f. th ein d e fe n se n jn iln s t Sovi- I . r t i lprreaaion.Jea-France, 4ur!ng the Paris ' / v ower conference, warned thst I i ' i : would nat ratify the Oerman t f-limenl trea'ly iinleas T t wm Jjanled by a_setUement of lhe T h h JL 'ir of Ui'e’Saarli-filcfi lln 6il?een ny and France. opened a tFD P announced to Adenauer “?r8 a tte i would refuse to* vole for rail- abou t 125. 1 unless the S.iat agreement fts j t a f f e c egoUated to ninke 11 more 'Ible to Oermany. program ,nniw have-parU eulirly-ob- to Uie Intcmallonnllwtion of a tto rn ey a nrland. where the peopl# are A gcnei ly Oerman and which a t f lo o r answ>llni»4 (B r u * 1«. C*liaii I) .

______________ _ flion, a no, . e d lunchcc

arnigs Ai e artcd for 2 s S Iyer Rustling ;££‘|L ^ , 'N o v . 5 - Preiainary f ^ u t u w T / ' ;s for H. O .T ortn tr and Jl. B. i l j i e j„i, !. boat Tft’in Fiills. on chsrgu ° ..jjo i' w e id larccny In connection wllh r/y .,iiv" will e ft of l«'o Hereford heifers BlatnK tfl Emmett Cry.^ul, Albion. CPrlday momlng hero before efnploye

J Judge Henry W. Tucker. „ „ U d by C )Ugh both men are charged rome Coopej enllng (tie same htlfers, thi senUUve.[s arc proceeding separately a meeting jindell's to follow Fortner's, commlllec. i ) noon only Crj-stal had been A. H. Jagebi wltnMj sU nd. He tfsUlled C jp p .m . I placed 7< hend of his catUe “rid t

Uc grazing land In April and draw n «p i mLw UiR two hfltci*-untll boa r^ cf-d lri le had’ bcen -Informed by a J^>llowlng i ln.ipeclor Ihnt t«n ot his day a t the T nd been .lold In Burley by lhe *cy. Washini mta. CftUle belmicliif lo the ,nt.s nLw were being run on « I of lllc Innd.nl lesllfled he Ulked lo Kort-)Ut the sale ot hLs cattle on ..> nnd Uml Forlntr wld him j. heifers had been wld aceU ,,•. The complaining wltneas j^ rmsllfled that his br^nd wm 1 ihccAtUe.anfl e.i»y w retd.

‘ “ morning aess

e p o i: te ito _ || |“|;!|;.M onttP JanE SK;an Mllchell. flrt ehief; Vic omlsl. will dlj-flI«^nJpeclo^------------—

Danihouse. elecirlcal In- Election of ; Steve Lincoln, building In- alt«rnoon bu; Roger Detweller. plumbing -------j m ^ u i l y n « '« i t h r - w n l* - I J ' |V p |: ^ Patsy Duller, fupcrlntend- i J l c C L l U

pa rts and_retrentlon;_ A niia_____ l i r « ,lC-aln)orl.m >n«Kfr;_A]fc^ ____ | V e i, iisslsuni city rngUieer. WASHING Jensen, streel foreman; Bill ^f the top P

snnltallon forrman; Dale pricen. clly shop foreman: Mary p rd f^ on, water and aewer fote- -pre tty mucli Martha Horne, niter plani support quest i; Snndy Bncon. parking d uI Sen. :ife n (ia itr« n i-rv * T r^ y lo r; DnkOtTRfjrai ttendanl. be angUier fnU will lour city facllitif* gre.vi conven relum ing to the city hall siore SO per i hey will a\icnd Uie rest of the ihe basic cro •king alonirslde city offlclab. Young wm es will serve lunch to the year's unsuc I nnd city officials. Uie flexible S3Ity and achool.n ara cooper- sored by Sei lh the Jayceea in conducting Denson. He i j« m . th a t Benaon


to Lose on Electic

It on h ll hands and kneet rolling a g Ihe theate r on Shoahone alreet easl. Mt

I be t-U -W am o.H uU sr, manager-«t- Or l»_________ ______________ I________ •

ir Bows to Re Reop^ing J

hancellor Konrad A denauer toda> ■anco-German S a a r oprccihcnt an WH on th e b itte rly (iiaputed Issue m tho jnodcrato r ig h tis t F ree D(

er P ie rre M ende.s-France‘fo sen en S a a r t i lk s w ith Germ iih bfflci S n n r ^ t t t e m e n t th rea ten ed lo a laboriously worked out, fo r re?

loperative Cc Qpens-Anpiia-23rd-«nnual-m eflUn?-of-tho4dah( i a t th e .T u rf club F rid a y morninfi a ttend ing . A fternoon attendance 125. Technical discussions of th e

.ffecUi cooperativo operations higl im . W illiam G. S tacey. Salem, On )f th e ac t and F . L. Graybill, Sp'e y ’fT V ^ cw ;- - ------:eneral discuasion followed w ith insw ered. by th e two apeakers. II no-host, g e t-a c q u a in t--------------chcon w as held. ] l / r r t r f^ ilesion. Dolsc. w u chairman iT X U U J momlng session.emlUi. chnlrman of the « r. r p I cnU-com mUlte,- gave the - X ' O ' J of welcome,

y afternoon sesslona were lo / " ’ I a talk on cooperaUve public s. -J. K . e icrn, WMhlnglon. president of Uie American BOISE, e ot Cooperalibnrwm-Bpeak craU, who s Job We Face." galas In U

•We Have Done the J ib day'ji elect ’ will be described by Arvel today of ar Blackfool, manager ot Uie house,

n CoopemUvc, Inc, Views Pending iloye rcUUons will be pre- canvM m lj by Clyde Ross, Ourley. Je- RuUt Moor ooperallve Creamery repre* can Incumi e. bcrl by 3Eeting of the council's youth sta te IreM' •ec. under the dftecllon of clncts nol agebi. Duhl. U planned for two pre m. Plans for the council's Len,d FFA programs will be probnbly n up and presented to the , i i . ^ t l if-dlreclnrafior.aDprovali.^___ but-Jt-*’as-Ing a banquet at-'J P-n>--to- feet the fm •he T urf elub, Homer Brink- jjjr.i Mo ishlnffWn, D. C . extcuUve .10753 ror ildent ot lhe Natlonnl CoUn- -j|, a„oUj Farmera Cooperatives, wni ,uperinUnC agriculture export prospects. „gn QQp , r recently headed an agrU . . .h 's log. u-ttde mission to Asia. „ m,,, „ Brockman, Caldwen. man- w ith 878

the Idaho Egg Producers .j,- jo j ,„ lon and a. member ot the ^0041 farm credit board, will oui» _operaUon of the new farm c ^n i

admlnlstraUon a l Sunday p ^ n i s J : aesslons. , 'ring a noon luncheon, Wll- ^. xjoore. MOSCOW, council — w iin iv e -a -rtp o rt on-lhe lUon'a aellvltlea ihe PMt ,P1 D r. Robert W. Wilcox, U nU |tuaiiy an s of idftiib~txiriuion~econ 1 ' i n i _ •III discus* th# 1055 agrlcul-i .

m of offlccra will climax th e ' conUnu ■n buslneas meeting. jM ? » !£lj

lioiTRisults 1^1^ i^ere 'Standoff’UNOTCN. Nor. & Lf\-One Hong way:op pleaders for high, rigid commentsrice supports today Inter- porl:r a ^ a y 'a elecUon results m "Ultle imuch of a sUndoff" on lhe idaho- ancquesUon. ] a few Helen. Mdcon Voung. North wnshlngtcRfjrabllcsnradded there-will -nurtheastefier fight In lhe new con- curring Frnvehlng in Jinunry to re- ,n (i ngalrper cenl price supporU for day. toUI

c crops. an mch.: WM In the Ihlck ot this > abovimsuccesstul batUe agnlnsl nioiUy inble system of supports spon- mlnlmumiV SecreUry of Agriculture '" ‘ p „ b ah He suggested several Umes

;i:4on ought to realgn. — —

•. NOVEM BEIt E. IS M ____ _

j ^ = U

------- United.fu rn ish

T"-------^ a t o m i c -i l l ^ T h c (

po!iticfl_ nbw(*r’a tlo n a l I fo r pea

theposedod 10 ovprogram-SUitcaoperateoouracslnvlt« isivisit Amcllllles adoctors.

Lodge I aiatea is cipal t tcl

n udes

technical ed In all

a grapefruit wllh h b tiate a s Loc Morphy pu l hla nose to the O rjftieum-theater.-M urphy• rtwii

,, . Elsenhow

revolt. ■ S%_ ______ open to

“ TT 4 ------*1------- *1' PresidentIs Asked StCanada,

day bowed to a rev o lt In Africa at and told h i» cab in c t he fffam-

sue.D cm o cra li i ( P D F ) w h o ' S , " I

-------------------------------------m e-tt'o rtlend h is cab in e t chief, natienai.if lc la ls . ' * ................0 ariarl anA,poB.‘iibly to res to ra tion of G erm an ing fo r t

f ' * 1 • year'ounciK \ k;ir - — LfldR* de

1 T V ' - t "Wo ar' $ 1 1 r f l 1 * 1 0 \ T

aho Cooperative Councii E 5 Xing w ith abou t 75 m em - ^ncc 13, expected to be | J n the revenue ac t o f 1051ilgh ligh ted tho m o rn in g T { ’|; Ore., gave th e a u d ito r ’sSpokane, p re sen ted th e l o n d o

BrlUifi 1th questions fro m th e agreed ye; ,. Following tho d iscus-

arm 'West

on Seems or %S ) Have Won


^lose VictoryIE, Nov. 5 (UV—Idaho Demo- lined the vho made some-aubsU nU al -R assinnr \ the legislature a fte r Tues- will ilrmllection, aiso seemed asturcd of nn earf anoUier office In lhe sU tc - Hlghllgl

F rench p!Ing any change Uie official 1. The mlghl produce Nov. 33, M n , patched tloon, Democrat. led Republl- week of Iumbent Mrs. M argaret O il- weeks bef■ 3B3 votes In the race-fo r Is due to eMurer. w llh only five p re- Pnrla, agi lot reported. mnny. D t precincts In Idnlio county, s. The Lemhi and one In Elmore— oul two U y not more Uian 100 votes sla m ia i 4 UII were imaccountcd for, four conl was-doubtful they , could ai- )>c-nel~upfinal loULs. • {(, Moon had III .I09 » o t« to mror Mrs. Olfbert. S ‘ i, loUier close bailie, Uint fortcndenl ot publle InsU-uc- . i i .Q e rmJPIficumbent Alton B. Jones permed 'lOfl-vote marcln ovcr.Dcm or n,uat act11 Robinson. . irra iv 1878 ot 883 preclncli report- J^ee andnea had 110,140: . RQbln.son Au-strla.

TntK E HlTfi rA R IS TS. JJoy. S WV-Mnny Paris- RANOOre unable lo buy Uie staple Burm a ar• d le t-lirend -todny . -A 24- trea ty Frl ikers’-alrlke-to-prou 'st-flov . ing_th6_a t price ceilings clo.sed v ir- two count 11 shops. “

_ F a ir“ . r B r i liinued fair wenlhrr, with alight poislblllly of sliow- in thc offing for southe rn •m id 'n U .c isF a ilS -in K E T “ WAOHK ly forecMl sent Prlday by

T>r,.M gresslonal,1 winter weather seems" a J™,’ay orr,"-Uie AP repo rte r ,:nted as h r read ihls re-

le or no rain In nouUiemand aouUitM leni-Crccon.- grown-ifl-llight showers In eastern T he for

igton, north Idaho and sU ff of tJ

: Fridny night or Saturday enUUed "p;aln Tuesdny or W edncs- of lhe Unllo u l am ounu .10 lo .2S of decade." ta:h. Temperatures averag- 13 yearsBove normal,' maxlmums ]ihrough Jt

In Uie 50.S or low (iOs. ;11.. T he rep employmer

■ ' " ' ' per cen l c

Nine I r r ig a te d I d a l io C o u n llca

WtmW •> A^ll not

S h a r e

Ato:s 'lT E D N A T IO N S , N . Y ., N ov, fi c d _ S ta tc a J f lJ !e n d j^ to s t a r t tall- ish a to m ic m n t e n a i r f o r re sc a rcic -k n o w -h o w f o r- p c a c c .- _________c c h i c f A m e ric .in d e le g a te In th ' ical c o m m itte e t h a t t h i s w ould b t ’s p la n s f o r n i r i r i le r n a - .1 p o o l o f a to m ic e n e r g y T__. l e a c e fu l p u rp o .so a .' I T llining a program ot acllon for ext year—even belore *. pro- InternaUonal agency U c real- d oversee the atoms /o r peace I

u n —Lodge aald the XInlled ' I is ready to train persons ta _ te nuclear reaclow. to offer U av :s In nuclear wtety, and to died a 150 foreign cancer cxperU to Cj^y ^

American cancer research fa- o c f 1I and «wap vleu'S w im U.'B .•a. T h ele also announced the Unlled f a r th

is ready-to-tiva. tn lhe p r ln ; the ro -itechnical llbrarltt of coopir- ----------T in t t tm n t r i1ljr»nn ~of-datK — -----clear tntrgy plus seu ef cards | r»C flUnc . 60,000 KlenUflR and V “ ® cal books and reporU publish- .all counUles, • , VULodge spoke there sh’as no from -Moscow w hether the

J is -h n d 'eh a n g td -lh c lc -m ln d a ..........Jfctrtrrt tn go a lp ng ,w lth4h» —-------lower' propoaaU. "With nego- IS lUll under way beiween > ligton. and Moscow, ‘ Lodge clear lha l Uie door la sUU , ,

to the Russlsns to Join theent'a-program.----------------------V Z J Zsaid the United SU les haaalkirig- w lUTBrltainr Fnm ct?a, Australia. Belgium, SouUi ^e

and Portugal on th e pro- ,Xhe United SUK;* haa said g-dkeRO -ftKead wlUi ths program n,.mS^r

«r th e Russians Join or not. days bei

5r tn o -b a-d o n e-b y -th o -tn te r- al.atom ic agency favored b r „ in t .d inlted S tates.-H e also, aald nlted SUtea and other cmai- haiiou a u sponsor » resoluUon caU- ^ 1, ,r th a , U. N. to convene an * ‘V‘ ^

s ”d e c lm d : . - ^

m p ^ A g r e ^ S E n Answer to S ' {ed ProposalDON, Nov. 5 tn-A m erlean. •’’ ,^^1 X a n d F iC A c h diptm nau — 1— . yesterday on a plan designed t Rusala's attempt to block i H i - r i ' n agreem enu to free and re- 'e st Germany. «kremlin’s bid took the form I i q

proposal for a conference of U 1 3 g four foreign ministers ihla _. U> discuss a O em an peace I len t and-arningcjncnta-for-a - - uent non-ftgpresslon alliance in Uie communist and non- . jn ls t Tialions of Europe. ,.hree-power commlltee out- i ‘™ h e term s of an answer to the mr-whtch,- offlclals-ieported. "rmly rule oul any likelihood early big four conlerence. f,■llghU of tha American-

ne'^wcalem notes wlU be dls- Jjj” *fd”'d d to Moscow about the Im I ®)f IhU m onlh -o r only three "before Uie French parliam ent deatw, j to debate raUflcauon of Uie tured or ngrecmenU on Wcat Ger- relumed Doo, H-17..

ne weat once agnlh will spell 0 tigh t condlUons whIcJi Ru.s- . . . f . . . . i«i fulfill before a new big L* ^ :onfereni:o-oo Oermany can

flrsl U Uiat Russia must In ndvance to free, super- 30

national elecUons in Uie So- dna] me of Germany *0 th n t nn fense'dcp ;rmnn .governm ent-.can be cMual I. T he sccond ,1s Uiai Ruwla correct di net In advance to concludc uocatlon ly o t independence th a t will „ ... nd end the occupation of {xfgre a ^ • ‘ on Uic ca------------------- ;-------- lean irooTREATY SIGNED ' porl wllll

OOON. Burma, Nov. 8 W'— public cn nnd Japan signed a peace Tlie a r

Frldrf>- night, officially end- unllles w t SUle ot war between UiB 2.087. the jntrles._________ ___________ the arr~~Tc

ight-Economic- Man Seen by ;

HINOTONr-No»Hfc4^l-------A. oLsomtLJm deruken for a Joint con- for lha t 1 lal committee predicted yes- Tills w lh a t—by-JB 'S -the- naUoa'* ploj^ment

y.wm be hnlf.aialn m b la “ burea^ al ;i said uxes will be lower, the clvlll lursshorier. wages higher and of thla y' Uon'a population wUl have In trai a-lBD.mlllIon». .forecnsi was made by lhe ’r the aenate-house commit- lhe_cconaiiikJtj>ort._IL?:'as “potenUal economic erowUi

Jnlled BUtes during lhe next '■ bu l actually look In Uie “ 'V

S ; . 5ro”' .. make lereport predicted th a t un- but ll w Rient 4n 1883 would be aboul paring la nllllnn persons, or" about 4 laUon. 1II of th s civilian U bor torce cauacU o

S r - .....................E r

ica [_______________

nr'-ili-lBM __

R e a d y t (

S e c f e t s

>mic Ma5 (/P)— H en ry C iib o t L o d g e , j r . .

a lk .s .w ith o lh e r c o u n t r i e s on b a rc h r c a c lo r i o v e rse a s a sn > ^ n 't“ c

th e U N announced t o ' t h e g e n e r ; :i bo a g ig a n tic f o rw a rd s t e p f o r 1

[ljuries Take October Cras

lav id H e r b e r t B eus, 59 , lo n g - t im e I a t 11 p .m . T h u ra d a y in t h e L D l

a s a rea u lt o f in ju r ie s h e recol> . 15 a t F a lls a v e n u e a n d - E n a t l a n 'h e d e a th b ro u g h t to 47 t h e n u m b c t h i s j x a r in M ag ic V a l le y . A t tJ

re -h ad -b ce n -ag - trn ff ic d e n th s in - tl

jssia Solon yZ% W' ins Post in J iff ic ia lJ C fis t^JRLEY. Nov. 8-ElecU on of K . M r. I 3arlow M aUte. senator from In Logo la county V u assured Friday J ^ y le olllclal canvass of lhe gen- T hey 11 eJecJlOT vole by lhe county for the

nlssloners,_________ __________•;rlowflthe Ilepubllcan candidate, vea 2JM vous.lo 'sass to r H er- / Bedke, his DemocraUc oppon-

• SCirvl dke replaced .J. S. Berry, u th e aon. Da ocraUc candldato only » few one dai before Uie elecUoo when Berry. DIackio irew__M_c»ndldat* because of lealih. Dedke's name waa n o l ed on Uie official ballot be- .e h e enUred Uie ric 'e 'a fte r t n i Nampa, U .had .bean .pria led . SUckera O ne his name oh^Uiem were lu r - ceded fl

■d all voters In the counly on Fune) Ion day ao hU'Dams could be a t 3 p. :d over Berry's. be anotUve elecUon, US ftoentQB faa^> W7- were c u t aod loma 6^ them ' aent out by.tbe ep&nty audl* - office beforB' B eriy-realgned. I | p «

•rer. In the official tabulaUon

lh rnn »Tr>pUnn. thl> -official C J f lu a of votes b rough t'to ligh t Ically no changes between tha A al and unofficial count. T he / I excepUon was In the race for

trcMUrer. Margaret G ilbert: *-OAKI Republican candidate, received Severe, votes Instead ot 3.TM and h e r Ilrat re<

r m li. CaUan 4) momlni — -------- :----------- ---------------7 lived in

nal Casualty m any y<

ists Released S'S“__ rled UU

.n Korea^W^ar STutS!"kSHINOTON, NOV. 8 flJ.R)-The daughte tse department. In a •'IcntoUve • casualty report on th e K o- Bommzi war, said today Uiat American s had 1 0 ,001.casualUea In th e ^ -year connict.J departmenl a l» officially I the books on Ihousnnds of ig- personnel, declaring th a t missing persons now are prc- 1 dead. Puner> casualty toUl Includes M.628 3. lC3ia< wounded. 6,133 cap-

or missing but subsequenUy “ l^ o p led to m lliury controJ; 34 ig. and 31 refused repatxIaUon. O i^ e y t the 24 sUll listed as mlsslnc, tno i*ayr

, depwUnent said Uiat onlyi a ir force filers are ‘•definitely ”ti td'bo alive." I ' ”! casualty report, revised Up ta30, waa described aa a ‘‘Icnta-Inal reporL"-However, the d e -j i^,ckdepartment said tha t the auditiualty reports is conUnulng to jt duplications, erroneous id en - , u’cek-crlons-and classilicatlOns. , | ^hvlll probably be several yearsj rcU ry-tr a dellniUve (oUl Is reached jie u: casualllcs suffered by Amer-j heioops. UnUl then, today's r e - ! u,g ^rlp•111 probably represent th e finals ^ r a bi

casualty report. „slden larmy sulfered the mosl cas- promoU

1 wlUi 109.958. The navy had , the marine corps 38,205, andr~Tort^ri3»:----------------------

j-Future-for-WTlSSlnjCongrii>. mllllan nertons fo rtcM titrc aaur? a t time. clea.I would compare with unem - T he n ent callmated hy the census cipal cor\ a t 2j741,000 o r T rp e r 'c c n ro t 1033:-----vlllan labor (orce. In October PopCpf s year. w im ibutransmllUng the flnd ln st to ArmeC commltue, SU tf D irector ^ l i h 3 ’i r W. Ensley said they were p ivm , on assumpUons th a t Uie nex l

B would see no major war.-Joint commllt**-U-h«ui«d-by — senUtlve W olcolt.:R .;.-M lch. ”an economic study group con- l ' '” - ! of senators and tepreseniA- T he a from bolh parlies. U does n o t tu ra l • c

legislative recommendaUons loSB dot i worU wlUi commltleci p re- to 5«i r : lax and oUier economic legia- o f 6U. t . and wllh Uie P re a ld e n tl c u l tv t l U or Konomin advlsere u id t h i Bill

FINAL;d it io n - ^ =

— m i c E -iiiC E i m —


s of iterialj r .. told the,U N today th a__1 bilateral -agreem ents to ' t “ o n r p r o g r a T i r t i j - s h s r 8 — :

leral flssemSlyTSlPnatlon >r 195S in Pre.sident E isen -__ j

3 Life of J ish Victimme resident of Twin Falls, LDS hospital in S alt Lake celved In an auto accident • land drive..nb e r o f traffic fata lities so j !; tha-sam e time la s t year, I n-the-regionrTh&-proviou»— I nrd fo r tra flic_dca ths in IJ r one year in Magic Volley | S 43 .

in s hen It collided with a dump I I :k driven by Jack Nodlne, 3 0 ,^ 1 r. On Oct. 18 he wm flown to lha H I r- Lake-Cltr j ^ l u i ^ -f^apecU l W

;r. Beus was bdm May n . 1(83, ^ :.Ojan. UUh. Ha married Violet r Jones^Sept. 3,1914,-in -U tah .— y lived ih Uis Tw ln.Falls’krta the PMt 40 yeara. They lived on arm on Uie Salmon trac t for Tai years'Tind had'TesldEd-tn— n-Falls alnct. n& -»ai_a .roem ^ _ of UlB ID S first ward-church.- -

Orvlrors Include his \vldow, ona ', David Wayne Beus, Twin ValU; daughter, Mrs. Kenneth SmlUi,

ckioot; tw'o grandchildren; ons er, M n. NelUe MontipimerT. '

«, Bliss, and 'WUUam' Beui,npa.--------------------------— .;—ne « n and. tiro broUiCTi pre- ed ftlm ln d e att. r..unenU aervices will b« conducted 3 p.‘ a . Monday a t . a hlacs ts iQoaimcedbr.TVln.7tUlmdrtO< .

• ..

eati (3 ^ 8 ) a k le v N M y r ^

At Age of 74 jAKLEV. Nor. i - Joseph W. II ere. 74. whose birth w u lh a ' i recorded here, died T hunday ning a t hts home hcre,.Ho‘lu n L .1 in OatTey all his Ufe. r . Severe waa bom Sept.'31.1880.V' w u In the sheep buslneu for* ly years and later w u a fanner. | also had been aa^cmploja o(. Oakley Canal company. He mar* u m e Brlgga on March 23 ,1M4. w u a member of tba LOS.

*h- __________ _________ _irvlrlng a r t his widow, tw o ' thiers. Mrs. Anona Maughan. cn. and Mrs. Merlin Collins, onza. UUh; Uiree sans, Harrt- SeTere.-:Rockport. Wash.: Ralph-.. e ,-M onrav la..a llf;'.and Riiehl xe. Ft. CoUlns, Colo.; a alsUr,

Cyrus Hunter, OaUey, and a ber of grandchildren and great- dchlldren.m e n l senlcei will be held a t m . Monday a t lhe Oakley LDS macls with Mr. Sevcra'anephev,— op Forest Severe, officlaUnj. Judlng riles will be held a t tha;: ley cemelen^ under dlrecUoo of ! ?ayne morluary. Burley, b len d s ;

call a t UlB'mortuary Sunday ■noon and erenlng and a t tha ly home In Oakley from 8 a. m.^. me.of Uie s e r v i c e . _

Canceled"ack of inurcst forced cancel- on I'tfday ot UlB scheduled d will tour t^ Elko over the k-end, reports Howard Mof- Chambcr of Commerc# lec- '

ry-mnnager.e said only a few buslnesi- 1 had made reservaUons (or ir lp. l l w u planned to char- a bus to take 3Q T^\ln Falls denU to Elko for buslneas notion and to confer on rout- of tourist U^afflc. . .

Sjrking—- xess^^poftury and o lh tr axecuUTt aeen* .

Q r tp o tl predicted thesa prin* comparisons beiween 1865 and

pCpallon, IM 'm M ohT cbinpaM r' lbB\i millions. .

m ed forces. 3 millions compared 3 ’.i millions.

villsn labor fo rce.IB mlDlooir- pared wlUi mUUona In 1833, nployment. 73 'mmiona com- d. w lih .'neiriy 63 miiUohl Jll_

ie sU tf predicUd Uiat ig rln il* -,1 • emploi-ment, followln* it* down trend, iwould fall •b y -l# « -

«i ralUlons, from the 1833 total M mmions,.but Uial non -ftri-. u t l employment would r M m BltUlotB; from U U HfflllnM. "

. . . J

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

" J — ------------

j F iv ^ M e n D ie 1 in (^ack-iipi

OfAirplanI-. . B r- lin U « d f r t sI T h r t* m lllU ry pU nei, Indi

I M pufttcd p u t s of U u couDlnr. j . ln s n v « m e n .I H i s m ost '•peclAcular of ht I «Ur'< c ru k a p * occurred ovu

. k a y I t S i n d e s o . CaU t,.vli£i navy-i tupenonlo XP3Y-I Be

I ' Je t. m « a n y I t i t in t pubUs da___ i t a t t o n . , hro)ce-up-ln- inldtlf.

:------p flo n n a-ld lie tf .---------------------4 Killed

< I B sew hers fou r ftlr fores oU » e re killed t n d 11 m tn were In: w hen & T*29 x»r2gfttlonal t r

i I ' c ru n e d tn n x m e t Bt Tqcm d. . ’ . . « n d a O 'llB “/lylne boxcar"

d o ^ near San Antonio, Tex.______ T ib b iU lJu B cadut let,I <world’i-fM t« it-M » p ]in e rw u -

tldered o n t o f 'lh e navy’A gre I 'po ten tial aeria l wenpotu. f E xperu Irom the navy andi ■ ' T ilr.'W iic iilJu llt t t e plane, pn ! I «A intffiulva InvesUpiUon into

"etO H -or-taa-cnuai-todar.-—Filet TbnwB

'■------------ Vetc » n - T p t -PHot-<JharleilU c h b o m , 31. waa thrown InU

; .........40>(oot..depthi o f-.th e. bay... atr&pped to hU cockpit leat. D recovered hiin, but he died < dock two mlnutea later.

I Bcverol hundred peraoni. Im[I ___ In s newamen Irom all parta ol

country, watched la -horror u " Seadart. preparing for a i

cpeed pasa, ahuddered, pitched, I I b u n t into o rasse flasiea.. . A t tha Tucsoa municipal all

' .U ie aky waa lit up w ith a v : I flaah when th e T-M imaahed

power llnea, momenta after ta off.

E a i la e Trooble ' T h s plane, atatloned a t QUn

' __ _ • ^ f c r c e baae a t Houalon. Tex.,I ■ ^ e re lw 'd engine t«insi6“ 4nd “ — —«lrclinf-to^aB d-ata!n-^»hen-H

: th s llnea.

Bond Forfeited' OO OD mO , Nov. 5 - J c h n Be HaBerman, who w u to appea:

■B— probate

I ' b a te J ^ g e Jam ea P. Ooasett H d a re d forfeit bla bond of IIOO. ..L . : B eard w u a rro te d by..De;

' Sheriff BUI B unn on a compi aJgned bj-.Doria Cooch, JJagcn

I I W hen u ra lg n e d U sl month pleaded Innocent and a hearing aet for TTiunday. Judge Oosaett

; -'rlJttil-at^lOO-rad-bond-WBtToate^

■ Hospitals: “Il'MaKlcTallejr-Memori;

VUltlng hours a t Magle: Vr , ■■■''H em orlar'hoBpltarare'rroia 3 ’' ' a n d 7 to 8 p jn ._____!l ADHIZTED•i M n . Jo h n Hurlanek, Tarl

-Xokal and Mra. Edvrard Schoc ' sU Twin f tU s ; i ln . Joseph Bi herd and Barbara Kaalnger. I Filer; Mrs. Joseph DlsU). Buhl; 1

!! ' ' J a c k Brandon, Burley; Mrs. •■ Bernard. H aielton, and M n. I 1 SUibbt, Richfield. \

- I - r i» -R obeir-Je ti*< irana“diuBli«>Mra. Harold Ochsner and daugh

'■ ■ ■ ■ T D a im v 6 v tT frT o v ^ ( its iu ; a n d Jam es Sergeant, a ll Twin P* . M rs. WillUm Diehl and daugh

vM n. Melrln Cook and ion and M ; c a re t Cox. a ll B uhl; R ita D!eU. K

berly; Charles Btroud, PUer, i I I -Patrick Wood, Jerome, l! BIRTIIB

A 'd a o g h te r w as-b o ra-M d ay (M Mr. and Mra. Edward Schockey.T r . . ra il* . Thursday a daughter i■ I 'b o m to Mr. and Mnu J m Z. Bedl I; 'T tt'la Falla.

Gooding: MemorialI . VUltlng hours a l the Oood' ...County-Memorial hoip llal.a re frI 3 p jn . to 4:30 p.m. and from 7 p '' ,to -8 :3 0 p jn .; , ADMITTEDI I ' Clifford Gilmore, H agerm in. a v; 'M ra. E m le OllberU King HUI.

---------------- DISMISSED'I Bam Ono and M n . John Bed ■( 'a n d baby, all Ooodlng.;i B n tT iisI , A daughter w aj bom to Mr, a

Mrs. E m le Gilbert, King HUI.

; Cottaffc, BurleyI : . ADM nTED!•; Mra. E ithe r Jenien, M n. Lore•;i Majwy and Prank Powler. all Bi]■■■ ley.

DISMISSED .il; ' Mrs. K atherine OoodfeUow a: I 'l Mr*. Audrey Kelly, both Burley.

I- ~ - - ’R uptrt GeneralAD M nTED

; Mra. CUnlon McCool, Sandy Lali law and Mrs. M lnnli Stewart. • Rupert,

D rs.tlI8«ED Mra. A rthur Btapleman, Rupert.

BIRTHS. A daughter waa bom to Mr. an ;p Mrs. Tony GaUegoi, Rupert.

r ' St. Benedict’s, Jerome/ A D M nTED

Mrs. E.TUlle Thomson. Shoslione1 Paul TlUolaon and Mrs. Hugh CaJd!• weU, bolh Wendfll. and M n. JuUi; BlfaeWtltTTwln'TViTT*:-------------------i DI.SMI.SSED' • Eldon Domiler. DIeirlch: Mrs. Al

v in -S tronprW fnnH ira 'm nilnrjo inB'Afk, HAgfrmftn,

I WeatherI Blajio vallty—Fair ton ljh t im

B alnm iy wllh illch llr w .n n tr «(( ernooni. Low ton iih t 25 to 35, l.ltl

. _ b a tu rd a T 68 Ib C5. i.n» i . . i „iyi, Z4. 2S I t X a.m. and SS a t noon.A lC « rg v . •_____ ?*’•ni.snrjk __ ‘i MBoi»» __________ _____ Kt

c h ie iU ~ z z z .~ r z ~ -JI DftiTff_____________ H, 3,[ f e r ’ir*,.,::------------------

; r r r ^ ^ Y a ,‘r - _ ~ _ 7 ~ r u . « .. ;i.|,| ________ M «(

rho«nlt~- n. I.I Tocmttlk, ___________ iT -i

s<i( U k . C l l ,_______« -ja«n >'rancii(0 .. ti J7

I g g i ' i : . ----------------------} t Ww y A L U Z Z H — *» 31

-------------- -^4T M .«


m e s “Includlns ^ I B ^7>ew Jet p__N ___ / / _

oiry. kli: good-natif yesler- when they w e Joa lvalaabonliover the ______________r tic n .th e . ............... - --

Senator Fucfilair. The • — - -------------— ..............

Lni' Ai-my Offic)ar" w ent W ASinNOTOK. Nov. 5 •ex. Joseph R. M cCarthy kept up le t, the running ba ttle w ith the army KU con- th e 'p c re * rc a » e -u x l* r ‘»nd fit

greatest new b la it A t th e special senate m ute* th a t recommended h li,

ind Con- sure.!, pressed M cCarthy -demanded th a t i into the S ec reury Robert T. Suvens Ide

------------ the-^'aeeret-maate r . . . . In the.(agon" who promoted and

larlea-B . ably-dUcha rged-form ec.MaJ.-li Into the Pcre*8.aN ew Y orkdenlU icleac

lay., aim by..M cCart^y aa a "flflh am ,1. D ivert m ent um m uhU t." ed on a Sim ultaneously.. he termed

specia l.aenatc aeaslon uhlch c . Includ- Monday on Uie censure Issi ts of the "lynch party” and demanded r as the censure committee chalrman.Ai a high- V. WiUklns, R., U tah, explnli hed, and "ImbeclUc niUng" before debaH

. gins.1 airport M cCarthy complained th a l ' a while U na ruled during the censure 1

hed Into ings U iat McCarUiy could not i T th a t a lOSl.iubcom mlttee thai

veatlgated hlm 'aubpoenaed a neks who was "/nentajly Ini

.1 U .. iim .in d ~ w u ^ censu re-^m m lttee -w aa-li

Mtfrt only In wheuier-tha.prlpi vesUgatlon was duly authorlred

, a;i]d w hether o r a o t the man 1 Carthy nam ed'was Insane had n

• e d ' ^ ingV -do -w iih 'it:--------------- --» ^ McCarUiy aald U iat for the i

1 aoaro, uq jj, Bubconimlttee to try to ci spear in witneas who was ‘'m entally Ini K cliarge petent“ was •‘groaaly dlshoncit" ‘hdT iO - th e people ahould~be.'l«Id aboT aelt de- H e ^ j d W atkins, ruled In cl00. th a t h e could no t criticize the < .D eputy m lttee fo r thU . •)mplalnt "perhaps you m ight want to igcnnan. pjnln UjlslmbcdUe ruling before mth - he debate c o m m e n c e s ," McCa ring was wrote J o W atkins, saell ie l One o f 'the 'ccnau re recommei » ted r— tlona-ag alnsUMcCarUiy grew.ov

the P ercts caae, and Involved............ Bcnator'a a l l e g e d "reprehensl, trcatrtienl of Brig. Oen. Ralph i ■ Zwicker. Perees'a commitndlni

° V ,ll ' ~ M ag ic V a l l e r . r u , . “ ~ “ F u n e r a i r '^

.w w il* O A K L E V -Puneral aervlcei Jo « P h W. Severe will be held

SlfiT P *"- M onday n t the LD3 tabem h i. BUhop Forest Severe otifi v i’ lng.Coach*41ng.rttes wUl be litl i th e Oakley cemefciy. Friends ^ call a t the Payne mortuary Sur _______a ftem oo a and m ning and a t

M onday to Utne of the aenlcci

TW IN F A l i a — PulieMi“ s m f w David H erbert Beus wlll be c

M»r a t 3 p .m . Monday by T

U-, and E D E N -F uneral aervlces for 1 P . W rlghl wlll be conducted a

id sT -to SalurdaiL«t_th"_wiiit« moi 5 ^ ^ , ^ iiry chapel w ith the Rev. H. h .'I t r w u officiating. P inal rites a t Sm n^ iM . Memorial pa rk wUl be conducted

the Eden lO O P Lod«e No. i by tha Eden Legion pnil.

al PILER—Funeral servicw for T loodlng m an iBub) Reeves Cox m il be h 'e from n t .11:30 ,n. m . .Saturday a l . 7 p jn . FUer LDS chnpel with Bishop Jc

Barlow presiding. Concludlni; r! will be conducted a t Sunset >

n. and morlal pnrk. Frlendj may c*U I UI. day a l White moTlunry and fr

. . . IO .- to _ l l_ a . m.. Saturday a t Becker church Sunday achool cljapcl.

BUHL—Puneral aervlces for V tr, and llam A. O ray wlll be held a t 2 p.1. Saturday a t the First MeUioi

church with the Rev. Leonard Cli Offlclntlng, T lie body will be aent Illlnob lo r concluding rltrs, 1

TArepn fsmUy auggesLs conlrlbulloni to i BulU pubUc llbrnrj-.' Friends ir caU a t Uie Albertson funeral ho

' from 11 a. ni. lo .moon S.Miirday.7 _ casket will no l bo oprnrd a l t


TW IN F A L L S .^ ru n era l scnlt fo r Mr. nnd Mrs. H arry Bnrry vs be conducted n t 3 p .m . Tuesday

Laid- Twin P&IU Presbyterian church rt. aU th s Rc\'. D onald B. BUcfcitoi

Concluding rltea wUl be Jield a t t BuhJ cem et«T dlreclcd by Bu lodge No. 63. A P and AM. for ^ B a r ^ and by th e O rder of Easte:

. S ta r for Mrs. B arrj'. Friends mi call a l W lllle m ortuary Monday ai unUl noon Tuesday. Tlie faril auggeata memorial offcrlngi to ai

n e charity through W hite mortuary.

!ione;CaJd- ■ JuUa ____________________________ “

, and ask to seKlin — 7: tKsrlTei

a fl.

Tllylil l l v ■ l l t l

r<T. H ^ ^ S S S j S S ^


- —

U .S .to Share -Atom Secret

W ithNatiof l l H I H <U>IIb«*J r r t a I'M* Out)

etuslonw lth olher eountnca fo conclusion Of bilateral agree: K h lc h jlil m ake ll poaslble f<

B jrptopie- iiiia t f ■pu r iim-s,- tu - ru n iUft-te d-natored cai information, technical assltl iMBt tbelr and neceuary amounts of ft<

able m alrrlnls fnr th e conitn------------- - and operation of rtacarch d«

....... - - to be-Jocated-abroad.” -. -l* C S pending the■ ......— tlon-or-tha-propoaed tnlemat_____ _ a«cnc»vU>e-.Unlt£d_aUlCiJi.■) a t pared-ln 1055 U>:

1. EsUblUh a reactor tra • • • I ichool early In the year and I ' I C i a l 30 “ M sclentlsU and engl

from overaeas to . study pra. (UJ!}—Sen, reactor engineering ao they

?t up hU become competent operaton of army over instaUatlona. id fired a 2.-0tfer under-lhajpoj)>orah ’nate com- Uig United S tates alomlc ei 1 h ll , cen- commission courses In Indu

medlclBe, Industrial hygiene tiat A m y radiological physics and the U ns IdentKy use of radiation inslrumei t-thfi.pcn: — a.-Optn-the-Argoane.Cancer Id honor- pu^j U nlfers/ty of Chiw . - l n M iin.-Brookhaven-NatlonaLUbor: :descrlb^ and the Cancer Research hoj H..*®???.-. a t. Uit- Qflt-Rldgo .ln«tltm«_of

Ih . studies for one to tuo. courses on Uie use of atomic er

im ! ^ ^ in metllelne and blolory, lor n d ^ ^ a l pro^lmately 5 U> 10 foreign atui an A rS u r P*'’raia in nn *■ Invlt* 160 “Competent and lebate be- Ungulshed vlaltors" In Uie flel

cancer research from oversea hai Wat- vUll American cancer tesearcl- »ure hear- cllltles. .not ahow B. Offer apeclal four-week co

! th a t In- In radlo-Uotope tracer Uchnlqi: td a WlU • ------- ----------=------- _■, Man in Burley Is

-Claimed-b^ea;.prlDr.lnr . B U R L E V ^ v J —E ira Lee T orlied. He ,ham , 71. died a t hU home hei man Me- 2 a. m, Ttlday. had noth- _ M r .J ro d 3h 1m1_w as.bom Aprl

, 18S3. nt Rockland. He retired : * '« • farming In 1 0 « and moved to 1

to call a lornln. In lOK he w ent on a ly Incom- g|on for the LD8 church but neat and nf in iii.«iih:

a b o ^ I t to Burley thU year. He iIn clfect, rip j Mrs.. Maud Dewey on Aprl Uie com- JJ33 pocntello.

---------QurrlTlng a re hlfl widow,. f.!l brother. J. Wllllnm Prodaham; a

M r? .„ h v SKPdnUl/ifcra. Mr*. ,Tualue F Mc^aruiy L e u ,j Buttner, Jert

D c tty Jiilnnco^ san ^ n c ! Mrs. Wanda Williams, •fexas;

h - Vl? RaePeBrMn.-OBlir0rnla!-Mi*.O ?h?n.iM.® Vaughn. California, and Mrs. K

ryno-NcUon. Rdckland; two a V- SOM,Eda'nrdDewey. A merican?

la in i ol- Dewey. Twin Fone fo.iter .ion. Milton Oodii

T __ L._’j Pocatello.. 22 grandchildren»Y Uiree greal-grnndchlldren,t f ____ _ . Funeral aervlcti-w U l.ba. heli

' la;30 p. m. 'I'uesday n t Uib R land LDS church w llh BUhop Ht

■■ ■ I Whittier officiating. Conclu vlcei fnr rites wUl be held a t Valley ' held a t 1 cemcter>-, Rockland, under the abemacle recilon of the Payne mortuary. J I oflfclat- ley. Friends m ay call a l the me M litld at a ry Monday aftem oon and eve ;nds may add a t the Rockland LDS ch y Sunday from 11 a. m . Tuesday to the id a l Uie ot services.

n ic c i I ' r n x v H K p f i n r t p H

iTefn" At Harvest Feby Tft'ln About 850 persons attended

third annual ha n 'es l fe.^Uval of , _ , Blckel PTA a t tha school, It for ^ r l reported Fridny.1 l « r ,„

I Ji- - nance .Uie.PTA'a program and. u in>- The /MUvai U lhB’ mfund raising proJcct of the r

i O f* of ‘he m ajor progrania of iU and J, .ponsorlng one Camp

group, nine- Blue Bird groups , _ seven Cub 5 c o u t uniU.

Next general meellng of 1 be held p^A wUI be held a l B ;

Monday nl th e Blckel school.fti Ing rUes public U Invited.

Barbara kasinge:nd frnm a s e ,

-Dies a t Age_of_.Barbara Knslnger. 25. riled a l •

for Wll. * m. rrld-ay a t Magic Valley Mei I 2 IX w liospUal foUowIng a llngei leUiodlsi nines?.rd r in tk Kaalnger was bom Jan.. *enl to ” -»• Marlonville. Mo, es Tlie **'*■ pnrentj». Mr. and tJ 11,j Jim Kaslnger. have been reside :d.f may of FU<'r since 1B2S, coming fi ai home Ml.wourl.lay.T lie Survivors Include h e r parentj

a l the grandmother, Mrs. W. T . Ka.iln; CccIaredse.Colo.; a grandfather, 1 Rogers, Aurorn. Mo., two uncles 1

scnlccs aunia, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hamm, iry will ana Mr. and M rs; J . S.'-Marijir, rsday a t TivUi Palls,urch by Puncral services ara pending ckitone. White tnortuarj'.

V r i t i s o N E n s l u b rW Mr. SAO VAULO, Brazil, Nov. 8 U Eastern Tliree hundred prisoners a l E ds may Paulo'a antlQUntcd Hippodrome pr lay and on rioted enrly today. aetUng f family lo one building before police a to any aolillrrs fliifjled the uprUlng w.

lary. te.ir g.-u nnd niachlnegun fire.

I s e e t h e m o t t r e s s

lT e ip s “ r e l i « v B - ^ ' M o r B i n g - t

WIIH ISCIUIIV $w*»0in .Sr^tt


C«U*I■■ ■ . -

f ’- l i - r ^ ^ e n S d o r i d

Jerom e S ince 190X


Twin Fai•etS7 1U 1.W irs* TOBi t l

T h e U U lo T H e a tir guild p tehea rse a l 7:30 p jn . t

l i o n s Uie K L lx T V bam . . . .

S i 'f a r UK Jsywalkerm Pdst BondsW arren W ardel and Ernes

Lu f fr m PO»t«i « bond! wlUi Ta'l m tcchj^ ' P0»«=» T hursday for Ja; ; ^

DIatarber Fined WlUUm P. OivinS. 21. Kl

miUucUon *25 and $3 CMU 1h deacwri Friday a...............p leaded -gu llly of dlslurbithe crea- -----------------e m a tio a a l ------------ -------- ^ _ _ _ _t i J i_ p r e i D U m er.S c l_ . ________

DUabled American Vetera■ trninlng auxlUary w lll hold a reguUi and Invite ing and Thanksgiving direngineers 7:J0 p jn . M onday-al Uie Dl pracUcal m orla l building. M emben ar

they may to bring covered dishes, p in of such pie and th e ir own table ser

m n h ip of D aoea RUted lc energy “ T he 'T lrsrw ard EDBTJrA 1 Industrial soring a dance to begin a t 8;

[lene and Saturday In the recreaUo the thconr Music will be furnished b rumenu. Schwarz a n d hU orchesU■ nr»r h nn- freahm ents wiU be sold. Evei f Chicago^ lavJled.—Uboralory —

“ S t a t or Cutsluo-year ’ _ '

At Power B;1 StudenU - r ]y~,: and dls- 111 d o m m i t

f i W ABinNOTON, Nov. 6 W j . r r h Ja- D - T e"” -learcn la cangreas membera tod•V- the proposed Dlxon-Yates'A .” ” ? con tract "reeks of govemme; hnlques. guaranteed proflU.~ f ‘T h ere is no private enlen^ I f i Jt." h e decMred. ‘This e .. , , cannot be cloUied wlUi «Jpe I p n t h ty by aaserUng th a t ll Is e; J C i a w -tn-UirT3#mir-cf-priT«te-ente Lee PVod. ...Q o ra -jtove hU -view s fre IS here a l v itneas c h a ir of the aenali

atomic energy commlllee w. -Aprll_y, reviewing th e proposal to fe Ired from vato power' Into the linea' d to Call- Tennessee valley auUiorlly. m a mU- H e urged th e committee 1 bu t re- aecede:to a n admlnUtratlon talUl. H t p frrele_lmmr<tlnt».»T»i-ii , He m ar- of th e contrnct. The con

AprU 29, ihould n o t "deny the whol greaa the opportunity lo c

dow ,-ons the contract," Oore aald. nm; aeven U nder th e atomic energy li uc PaHa. conCrncC m u st be field up uni , Jerome; aenatc nnd house hnve been jancU ce; a lon.for 30_dnya_unleu the ci xas; ^Irs. waives th a i provision. Sit tifcOU ya houso-w lll-jw U m eat-uatiL Ji rs. KaUi- a delay ns.requlred by 'the pr ,wo atep- would m e an Uie admlnls can Falls, could no t execute Ui« cdnlrt fin Falls; fore early in Febniao". Th Ooddard, trac t has been negotiated bren and a lg n ed ... ______________

Both th e atom ic eiTergy c< I .h e ld .a t sioa and . U ie.budgct-bureau he Rock- ih# com m ittee tn ’ u tlv e Ui op Homer over and p e rm it the contract oncludlng com* effecUve a l once, liey V i e w ---------------------------

Brief M eeting! i ' S j Held by Gham^ 1, ' . i » . D ireclors o f the Twin PalU ■ Uie Ume Commerce held a brie

- neas m eeting Prlday noon a l

o n Howard M offa t, chamber mt ^ —r ~ reported th o ’'good wlU'U’Ult.i r A T P Sunday by local buslne.ume X (jftn canceled,

nded the T he a n n u a l turkey day proi 'al of Uie of th e T w in PalU ReUil Mer 1, I t WM bureau wUl be held Nov. 15-:

cording to M offat. He repartee help fi- Ellington a n d hU bnnd had and nc- engaged fo r a local performar

jB’ w ajor evening of Nov. 17. ......... -

“ Probate for Wil Sought in Co

of the A peUUon to probate the ' «l B p.m. O eraldlne M ulder who died iK)l-audl- D ec.-l,ll)So,.was-fUedJn_Tulr ed. probate c o u rt Friday by her v

er. Peter M ulder. Hansen. tra** The esta te Includes real p r U C l valued a t $30,000, H e ln 'ln nil . . f OfT Mr. M ulder, are three J I L o Charics P . M ulder, Ooodlng; F rl llnT J.'M ulderrH anscn; and-Jo? Mrmn. Mulder, K lmbcrly.

“ I 't B«” oU are att- lingering th e petllJoner. Probate » - .. lE v e rc l t M. Sweelcy will hea Jan. « .jp e tiu o n a t 10 a. m. Dec, 6.


Onlyher,R uel ' ‘

ammoni m E a F c o A i ‘rij'r, all i . - Homdgenln

Idlng a ti plant, lo o


. 8 M t- C o m e I n ^ L c t . U s S

§ |; WcCOY COAIi” wl*^ 5 0 2 S h o s h o n e W e t t


.Sm thr mn*t •iimonliiiary X X

> (upporl. riiroiii Artnnria, A■mtit'»:krtnl -i.>lt.-tt-tn.<.---------ijnfit In conjimunn wiih X ;.,Tlhnprrfi' |nif|«>n»*... Ih« .

’d ' ' -----------------m ________ , OPEN s.


TfiSlEg^yEW S.'

alls News in Brief-------------- BaIa~Bcgltis~---------- ---------Id play e u t • 'n ie O rder-of DeUolay U tt. todajr a t a rummage aale aU day Satu

-------^ Shoshone s tree t souUl

Marriage Ueenae ■nest Miller A marriage license w as Isi ra'ln FaJU the T w in PalU county clerk', walking, Prlday to G ilbert J. Irustn, ---------------K ia-B labrtR^W ^uU lerTw l;

Klmberiy, CerrecUon . lU in 'Twtn Max L. Brown’ w u elected y after he urtr of Uie Twin Falla HoU irbicg . the Thursday, no t Max H eodr ------ -- - reported. .............— -

EnUsUnent of Ployd E. R0( son of Mr, and M n. OrvUle Eden, in the na ry li annour

I r n »3k r t Larribeau, re<;I llU

Held to Jau ■Gerald L. Bean.,Buhl. U 1

'Twin PalU counly Jail in f . t l *Mn- bond following hU arrali t 8-30 pm . TK‘« « ‘“y->»fore Justice , aUon h S P * « e J . O, Pumphrey on a i by Paul non-aupporl of a m inor c! esUa. Re- • .Eveo'one U Seek PermlU------------------ Tft'O.T«w.buUdingj>cnnlt.i__ tlons have been filed a t U--------------haU _0-J-B arloa..J5? T^ilrd,i t a north, plans to InstaU a bai i S '_____ parlition a l n_£p}t o t_abair k . l l and J .O , Barley, 1105 sunrU e 1 1 1 11 vard. p lant to Insull a ba

canopy. Coat u esUmated at

ilttfiC AtUnd MeeUng m . lC V y Young.- manager6 MWBen- 'Twin' FaUs- socUI security ntended to will attend a meeting of sot today th a t curlty offUe.managers and tes power *n l managezs from th ree iment aub. sUtes Mondny and 'Tuesday: {IU." adena. Ha f i l l leave hera 1 ile rp rii* ^ plana Sunday m wnlng. •I contract ' ' ~fSpecUbUl- Appear hi Court 3 executed Arthur P. EUUon. 20. Uia mterprise.** HoirBTd~H!. 'Corlenberg. <

from-Uie w ere-6cnt«nced-to-3a_daya- nate-house elty Jail Friday after p le sdb J which U ty of being drunk In a publJe ) feed pri- Twin Palls'poUce Judge J . 0. lea '^f the phrtyw ithheld-eom m ltlm en ty. lowing the m'en to leave thetee nol to —;on request Car D am « ed . <• recuiJnn nf _ A n-au te .d rlvi n , by - J o h n ^ committee Hook. Hansen, was damaged ^hole con- u coUlded with a 1952 Mack0 consider driven by Irw ln A. Blaser, r

Twin Palls, In the 300 bL jy law. the Fourth avenue-aoiilh Friday unW both ing, police reported. No one «

ren in sea- jured. le commit- _-srm rth B I — - - --------- — ;

Barrys-Funerantrncl'be* Sla ed TuesdThe con- .d bul nol j.y n „ a i ,ervlces Jor M r. an rco iw als: H arry-B arryr-vlcU m s-of-au Mil iiruf/i mobile accident In Oklahoms

Ihr. ittv. nesday,‘will hff cotWucted-nl-ract to b l ^raci to tie ._ B. Blnckstone.

T Concluding sen'lces will be* I S Buhl a m tle r y under direct' , Buhl lodge No. 63. AF and AimberLif.M.n'!!' '" “y “ ■ 'V hlte mortuary,

F«'l*. Monday and unUl noon a l W rayj ________________ ^

s lT to m o ""y charity throui smen has m ortuary,_________ .

K Si Three Suits Seel Payment of B

had been T hrea sulLi for non-paymi mance Uie bliu were filed in Twin F«U

............ bat* cou rtT liu rsd a y and :by the BUtewlde Adjustment b ill bureau alleges In on

^ . , lhal Richard Bourn ores . n i i r r Transfer and Storage coi

. . « 4 iB and Dr, Ben E. KaU: Ktie will of bureau also sc e ti payment of

—In-»nolher-ault-M arshall > erwiaov,- jhargeri u ith owning ja ij

_tv ^®nul of ft hoiuo from Twin , ^Hdtiinn American Legion post No.

nn, fourth ault aay., Loren Eller ; FYank-' Valley Memorial he

f-John H- J52.37._____ ____The bureau U represented bj

attorneys Uam H . Balce.v lie Judgehear the Phone — For Aberdeen

IntermouDtiln Fniel Company-

: Handle and: Sell— .

l)r A B E R D E E N ^ ^ ^

\L . . . Uie wnler washed ■nlred Coal from 'UTAH'.S 'moiit mode OOK FOR THE IDENTIFyiNO TAOS J CXtAL.

8 S h o w T o u U la h 't i B e s t Coai


1 Sa tu rday Evenings K I by o p p o in lm en t. ' ' R


^ 1 White Horn = = -Talks Set!U hold lng

la lu rd ay a t g o t h P a l

<C«iiU.i;i 7 r « r»(* O1 tuiiMl bv diKUised “some ot t n k i SfflM Uie adminUUaUonj ta Botse cormectlon wlUi Uie sh ift 1 rwin PalU; puUicaaTnoUTemocnUs 1<

ia congress.- I t U Important to the i

-i»H t r * . . the coun try-not only In Ui ioury chib foreign policy bu t on domei

u te rs -U ia l we have a wor “ r a o ^ e n t lo t h i t we wUl

_________ A Italemated jorem m eat dinex t two yean." KnowUnd “ ThT-CaTiromU-llinnike -Uiat -Uiere U a great dealrj

president^ lU rh e re PUbUcan wngresslonal lei -Uiwr ncie. reUUonsl

tween congress aad the WWI. h.iH In between the two p ^

Vi.M ^ close, cordial and consUui i ^ i i n m ^ t the intereit of Uie county. ? ■ MuU PieUemsf » r h a r ie DemocrsU meanwhile wer c w id tag over Ui#probltm*-*nd advUsblUty-of Uking over

in the scnaU as well u the It Although leversl releraa

- . s ? -CTPTWsed-somemliglvlagSJ rd av en u i wUdom of moving to take c ? i S n t th e r s e n a te ^ lU i - U i s .^ a

ibaut IIOO^ k»u ^ - tlectlon.,-Dtm ocrallo-L.adb a s ^ c n t don B. Johnson said: b a « < n w t ^

jorlty of the memben of Ui aufflclent to organise It. If

T of Uie organlM It, we win." u» nffir* The Texan, in a lUtemet ^ a l ae- * t AusUn. said Uie Democ nd asaU t- determined to approach U i(! w ^ m “in s iplrlt of cooperaUon"

r ? b y ^ a “ - ‘ ^ '•wtwlU meet Uis Preaid. . th an halfway ta any effort

out a common aoluUoo lo I cult problema of national

Dlah. and of peace and of prosperity.

Martinson-Esfi '.“SKS': P e titio n ls la e n ts _ a lr .__A-pcUtloa for.lU lcri.e(-lthe c ity . u-aUon for Uie eeUte ot

MarUnson, who died here 1 2S, waa filed In Twin PalU

ged'w heQ MarUiison; Buhl. -lack truck The esUte Includes real ; r, rou te 3, valued a l U.DOO and person

block 'of erty a l }6,ooo. Heirs ta adc lay m orn- Wilber MarUnson are Uir' ie was in - Oscar Martinson. Rlggla

MarUnson. Bulll, and M, A. aon. Buhl, and a daughU

------------ j j i j Ncdbalek. Jerome, - -r A I l . ^ ■ Hearing'w lll be he ld 'In ’

Judge ■EvSell-jr-Bw eeley c n o V s t 3 p. m. N or.'ia . T hs pi O U o j U represented by John C. H(

."'’. S Buhl Resident’ — Euneral-fs J

Is Presby- '-BUHL, Nov. J-P unera l V. D onald for WUllnm Cunningham wi

dueled a t 3 p jn . Friday a l t be a t th e ucUiodlsl church In Buhl i

rectlon of Leonard CUrk offJcJsUi d AM. for Brj-an Rogers, Luclan rr o f ^ ^ t - sn och Wall and Clay Plcki '• F riends nighed rowlc accompanied ary, TV/in Dc„ny Patrick. - oon T ucs- Pallbearen Included Albe:

In_i,?^dSplkerJ7e(IU tc»L u ■®''X^«rwmiam-Hawklns-ar

rough the Rujgeli.Concluding rites were Jieli

Buhl cemelery.

ek I —Bills RUMMAGEimmt or I CAI CPalU pro- I _;d ' Friday f ”nl bureau. I Corner of In4 Avenua N 6ns su it I and Znd Street Narth

les Ford I (Opposite Chamber o company I Commerce OJflcei

! H7. T he I

FRI. & SATiaiJ!5 for I NOVEMBER I and I win FalU I.•o. 7. A 1 ^ — — g g iHer owes ____________

Wny—Adv. i

odcrn .13 IN _ witfi nm i/


I sI Now the car you’'I i-ju;l a few daya awi

> I yoiiriwlf just hovrI Plymniitli has

_________ a --------tojQacl.!lo.j;ive^Q! in a Inw.price car.I n much bigger cor


j ISeen T0(f o r < '----------- : ------------------------

• ' officer chaUlngdrlveriBl-mata-tatersecUo

i r t l C S WlUl le f t hand ta cast ha •* * alderaWe trouble peeUng o » os<) • Teen-age girl studying he i( tbe prob- reflection of itore wlndoi on faces la Jehk tas drinking coffee 11 from R e- guipa . . . Signs going up ai } leadenfalp AmalCAn.£dueatlon Week

. . ; W orkm en'putllBg le future o f touches on s tt fs facade I Uie field of avenue soulh . . . OlrU mesUc m a t- iieeved tw eaten shivering worktag a r- ing cold . . . M aa stagger lUl no t have heavyloadv .'.'W om an 'jn t {during ^ e (« riD * up letter-tnd. Ih nd aald. . into a u re t gu tter . . . Mi: sk e r-added d i^ m D e h l P d m l o f pic alrt'.' on th e to ahow recenUy bagged :nt and R e- . . . And overheard: "We h leaders to yitaUon to take our bran<

snahlps be- bu ra our brand taU) m uto House fc free leed,-btit'ltrjjtfU es “s re ip p e a lto u a l" u iicU n" In ,

" Bam, Hay Bur s S i In Blaze a t]Uie house. GOODINO, Nov. S-D an ■ta scnatort mated s l J2500 w u cauj jM i o u U h t .etrlT moailQ gJ a rm fira :e control of one-fourth mllea nortnwes» w -m ar« in _______ .____if-Tuesday.'s ..T lie flrs_waa l o c r a o 4ader-X.yo- B rig h t’s ja r m which U oeu

by LewU Savage. Origin of 1 be a m a- Is unknown. The bam wi t Uie senate destroyed by Uie Ume the . I f we can discovered a t S aJn.

The bam w u valued al m enl I m e d JUOO and 11.400. In Uie mocrau are were 40 tons of hay valuei I the Issues In addlUon, (0 busheU of i on" and h e some equipment wers deab

S'wl°r'£ Electrocutfa r c o , Nov. 6 M W ohn

,al security, 6-year-old son of Mr.■■ John Keeton, Arco, w u e:

— 1- - — td_a lJ ilO *pm s today. i f n i a Officers siUd tEe youii] i l a t C been 'p laying t a ' Uie kllcl

*PacB between Uie refrlgei ' r i f c U an electric range, TTiey sal }r.admlnU- parenUy p l w ^ hU h e ^ a; of Fted E. d e n against tiie side o f th e re l u l Oct. ator and . braced hU b ilU probate against th s stove, on. W ilber O fficers aald apparenUj

------------ circuit"1ft' Ui?7tove caUlfd'al property trocuUon. Jack WlUon, Bu lo'nal prop- ty aherlff, said the lad w addlUoQ.to IniUntly. three sons, ---------------------------

“ M a ru i^ ^ Dances Plannehter M rs. SHOSHONE. Nov. S -" nlghl dances wUI be held utn-probttts dlrecUonof UieXDSM IA l. e y P S S r t on .N ov^l3.-D ancta^-w U l.. wUUoner 8:30.pjn. an_d will end a t 1^D w orU i. church recreaUon h i ^ ep w o rin .J , , Openahaw. acUvlty counse

I t S general chairmen of th s ]

1 Held I•al lervlcea \I wers con- \ ) S \ r -r—it Uie P lrst \ \ V jtil w ith Uie \ I - X ^ XsUng. i \ r t V - . \ V \ . i "kM n BhieJdi.lIckrell fu r- , V / .Hed by M rs.1 V W A ,\

\ \ \ V IIbertL em -j 1* ^MU.CeciEtJ -------------. \ i J s C _ i i —i-and-W al^ -------------

j ie ira r iH s I_________ P ro i


...............- I - ------------ - p r ic

.N o r th i

II IHHWMHVHr of II ■ ■ ■ Q y ^ ^ Q Q

< II

new power-new su

A L L : N Ir M O u n

oit'ver liccn w ailinp fnr is eIou"ly j:away! Soon you’ll sce for two grciovr the hriliian t, a ll-new and thelaa becii biiilt, frnm roof T h e ” ^QU-»c/7:Aui/:.y.ou_K flnl_i_Iow ..prica r . P i jm o u th ’55 will h« I a]] .^Aric ar. I t w ill b e a trem cn- • to Plym

BOB REESE MOTOjE 1 3 3 T h i r d A v e n i i t N o rth

Oday ^^®™osSeej S e t toBft

” GOPSngoranga----- . i S.[ her d reu in )ndow . . . Al P«rmanent lo v e ,^ ^ ^:fee ta -Urge n U l ^ il. „IP annouDClng orjan lie t ^ S : /eek Nov. 7 - lJ ^ «PU ee himJB T fln O H l^ 8 « “ toT -M c a e m -a \^ ade OD Main • BlmlUrly, the IrU ta ahort- curlly lubcomraiiZ ring ta m om - Senator Jenner, n tm* ggertaf u n d e f l i^«lf to comm'Ii^, imeUwdiaUly b o m e -d o v a -^ ^ [. ihiowlnt-lt w hat.Jenna,.Mllo PanalD “ *’” «>«nin

-p ickup tiucK - s e n i to r K D jiii ged pheasant line for Ui# chiirmili ye had an ta* lu ll Judiciary tommli?' randlng irons take over d lre c U o n ^ tato the wall »«u rlly subcomrj,iti^ .? J'ltrjuit didn 't U iaH t-,111 b e i^ -,


urned SS'tF a rm S “.‘5 '* r . ; r c

iw esT onier< 0 , ^ j,_

being worked office-arid-clvu ^ S . - n of Uie bUte m a Democratic c ^ S l I was almoat He said he *eSld‘2 Uie fire w u ting to the bottom 5

hower employ# Mean: d s t between under which the the building nounced during th te

ilued a l ItOO. campaign tha t ( J u .. of grain and been separated froa i leaUoyed. payroll.

ited ■ohn W. Kee- ta ' IMS, only to bt rei Mr. and Mrs. Worid war I f by tu u electrocut- Chinese.

oiTriitiuniK i ............. — -k l lc h e n J n " a ---------“ J l" A O — 'rlgerawr and / J l f J . i ’L I aald h s ap- / i l ^ /id and shoul;:;^the rtjrlger-

U ' —Butte coun- o *** MAIN A V nn

d w u kiUed S O p ^ a 7 Dn____ ; . 2 .7 :0 0 A .M . t o J |

nned g toaeliec#- SaUirday g genp «:ld under the 9 ^lA begrnntoii g " * 'S H R IM P — f t t■U i-begln-at S ------- L aaehss-a^ Ma t 11:30 p jn . g • .

. « -T R ?O C V

hs prolect. O p tic w c wc« « ;*«««M

_______ C i t y o r C o i i n h i

Nearby or VUlt

Wherever OUT St _JceJ#JV efM _

V o fe ssio n a l ifH IIations enibis ■ crve in a ll p a rt* o l lh e world tti^ ly p e ac e fu l tn ra ip o r la tlo o .

V t se rv e a s w e w ou ld Iw lerrd* irlees th a t z s e c t every la m ii/ iH rw J s h w . •*

?ize-new beauty ]

E WT H ’5 5

Brcal new engines, the Hjr-hr* ' . the PowcrFlow 6. . h r p ly m o u lh ’55 Ii 8 « ‘“ price. c a r - e v c r J i i l i l k ^ ‘‘ S L * ears, look a t a l l . 3 . u J 7 « ^ ^ lymoulhl

roR CO.>rth .PLY M O U TH

.......... -^^roAyrNOVt:t[^-

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

ijnjiaire Heads 1

‘« ‘» Jv tnd ertU t. h s h w

;S^& rr.“Ss^.“."ft mlUlQtcould h unouDU

recUr udT K ^ ^ B H tubiU U t• a oouoCrla

m enlU n

Uoa veU•»* Uil B.ru “To H

1“***! .h » f r« *«>'!■ :“U**™ *

vrtS“‘ “ ittf tw ssllM’t " M » more lh* “” i ^ i n d e r W U>e P # - ou t »d«i

'^ T iid he became In- voc»Uoni w orld -V e t. -y o u c

“ Ul orgBnlialJon sometini(

. ^ n '^ i l e r b l l t M preal- other )ai

.“ .’5!* « m a « d S i r a l------------------------ - problems

. . m i **■“ “o d Taken

_ "In tJi(f o r Program

i . \ m W SSrold-PTeffr- it- r« ce -r in, cu l Hunllnstbn. Mr«- !•>“» ^ r U r * . nJchard Lee. mont. fisn Hon. Mri. P r u L e w l a ____ ^

1 “S-S'“s«iS''SlResoS'bSfCVr” Fo',> - .TTaraHl CQlbcrr. : R^jpgp to MKcJiell. Mrs. Robert proving I ifid Dtlorei Studcr. projects i , lod undwlches. supplied c ity coun ilur »clely of Rupert'a , a hear

•doitii, l i r e ecrved lo th e provemer h Uie VFW auxlUary. s th «treei C t Utr^hr to the R upert im ii m 8 tb which tnlljsted the m ost will conc rtn e :a j!m iim td .r rld a y . tcj-a:5ha' ‘.-JT uld. The bloodmoblle matcd.coi Iri to relum lOvRupert In Hearini M Bsnilii. • • ■ )i(u been ---------------------- th e city

•Pecide^ ayJIquipment t,,5i -nm ), Vai. 5 -n « p o rt o t pipe of cUtJ Uld dccblon to p u r- plus 13 n

[;:l^ tfo r llremcn W03 th e s tm ctloa Itolnus conducted n t th e Aoseun 1 illU{« botrrd m eetlns be promi trolu. Flre'C hler Z. L . abutting

nqwW Ult vlllase to pur* -n tet ef flremen'A cloth lns An Irer t tad tmole miukj. U perchc<ut c{ clolhlnR WM don- cow and -tttjcim tm tn t ,by_Thco hi-mi thi.r Rrttt«l-repoTtcd-on • th e _ : — ■ Iftstn'i d»nce.a je pUM lo"rcquM rrnew -----------iM ckulllcatlon for Rich* _ D the iut« rallns and aur- ■ IThelutiurvey n’aa made ind a lower claulflcntion ■ M bKiiue ot mtijor Im- Bfllalnillpliaseaofflrcpro* ■

uioa to cut the c u rb -o n - - I w<i tor t driveway w na' 1theafm 8U leuillltlu .Pur-! ‘ 1 r olnt Mllj Ior a cattle • 'M the »llla(fe dump was *1 i CMl of two cen ti

. Rtmorjl trom lhe mine » n | COSU will be add l-

«o il«e of men teachers i ^waitnUo' and tecondary IjU b«n inc reas lnc-lS J la U17 and m per c c n t ^

ODGE “, In

sa t

done p®,■=1 nici“ "• urd

better* , ‘>''= wait!

E" ’'■ fashioned . , "'"/r iVciv. 17________n

E fj


3 P l a n s t o r

W a r . V e t e r a n s jtiCTljor ^ t h which “Al“ p lu n j- i flroMK nto' Iha work. In the tw o yearal Uuck l tia« triveUd more lhari'M.OOoi until at S .o a . t j o b tb a t pays oK only; out am be TetUnj he haa helped doln jl back th e thlni th a t needed d o ln j. i T ht i - I t year we m et our g o a J-h a lfl lutwrDa UUon dollar?." he aald. “B u t w e' Pitisbui d harp used fire tim es th a t ’ tJi hnnunt.-^-:------ - ■; 'WWlineDe monex U n't contributed d l.: lu to tu U to IndividuaU. We send re-; the car illation teams Into th e various; unut U itrtei. They ahow th e go rem - the hSl t UlB need for p rosram a to help Prtsai bled T etm ns a n d T io W to or- life. Da le the p_rograms."_ _ e»r Inie~WVF nowTiaa 118 member while U .nlziUon* 're presen tln j 18 m il- Police a veterans tn 25 countries. hooked

'0 KtTe you an Idea or th e alze car a i h e problea," said Vanderbilt, atterwa: re are come-MTen m illion w ar &icK on Bled In- these countries, and il s than half have had to go with- „ adequite medical tren tm en t or 1^1tlonal train ing .. ___ HEYBl’ou can Imagina how Ijltter they Badg,f i, rtiroei je t , . , »o m any years u rsen i • the war Is over . . . and ao jji.-ih ! done to help Uiem. T lic bene- - Leo nn tha American veteran gets ore buslneu u e ^ o i i - d o n - t - f l n d - th c m - tn - f c s r ^

u i« l-o U i.r -W V F -lc .d O T M w T n * ''I Vital tha t veterans or {reo d -countrle*- w o ric — loeether jcratically to aolvc postwjir recently Ilems. Responsible vc^ g ro u p s ------------. former enemy nations, auch Jermany nnd Italy, have been omed inlo the organization.1 the past, the communists were T""” to ezplolt the disabled in a lot • , Lhese countries because they > n 't Retting a fa ir b reak ," aaid / lerbllt.le handsome, boylah-fnced niut- llonalte who for so long cnjoy- Is career as a *oclallt« apo ru - sUll loves his horses as much

vcr, Sul he has also found he playing an impdrtarit role tn /

tce” tnore vital—Ho“ clvlltoitlon -W'hftTl’m rR l-T n ilc n iro r-B c r .' T ------

so Iu tio n s 'O K ’d i’e r Im p ro v e m e n t i ‘iPBRTr^JoT.-i.'^ReMlutloha-ap^ —^ng two proposed Improvem ent oets were passed by th e R upert (| council Tuesday n ig h t hearing on the .p roposed lm<rment of P street Irom 7th to ^itreets will be held o t the clly w»t 8 p. m. Nov. lfl. T h e hearing ctconcern propp.wd jm iM ._EUt- —! __ »5haT o irsu rlacing t* t..*n m U- --• ........l.cM lof-M ,600,-------- -------------------- — ^aring on Uie proposed sewers I kMen se t for 8 p. m . Dcc. .7 a t ’ . . If:lty hall. Cost of th e project, ‘ 'oi1 will serve Uie Idaho really - ,{|;he Wright addllions, waa estl- , tfjd-at-lM.flOO-by-cttT'EnglDecr — ; — pi. Armstrong. T he pro jec t wlU |de-i& out*8,ooo-r«er'or"*ew er " I — 'iof various amnll diam eters, ^

13 manholes and re la ted con- I tUon, I ! .leasmenta for bolh proJecU will ■* roraUd 100 per c e n t to the Ing property owner*.

Iranian legend aayt th e world ' rchcd bstween the hom a of a »nd when the cow ahake* h e r ' _ Ull»r It .n >.Hhr;ni.Vp ■ I - ______m\A L I V

D E A D :

In the in terest o f your safety

Bafety of a ll people, a grou]

peri(;ni:ed, qualified and safctj

men havevolunteered-to spend i

urday afternoon tb perform a s

the motoring public without ot


NOV> 6 (400 B

T h e s e - M m ^ i

S A F E T Y - 1Thircheck w iirb e a FREE

— safety-of-operation-on-a-VQBrakes, L ights, Wheels, Ste

All molorisls are urged to tond A venue S o u th and hav

_____beJ[urniahedJrcc nndjhoswili recc lv e a slicker m sh


Close iBlaclprrrsBUROH. n o t . 5 ia _ T ’q I 1th the rear wheels o f his auto -^^1 'er the brink of a cliff whlch_ m •opj 500 feel, C. M. DiVis'VrmiW uck lo. the wheel early today Oardriff, Itll atx women pas.wDccri cot iiuwmosil itk»nd police a m rc d . to pull

T ht near-traaedy occurred In *■'iburban Shcmden. Davij, 40 of 1 “’ - llsbunih. was taking six worn- 'I Ijome from an evening of ;fWIIne^hfn the-wio lui uf-hts- —T h a-g ; Ito aullfd on a steep street and iGardnfr. .e car twgan to d rif t backward ouilUI lhe rear wheels were over ■e hSlslde. ' j pPresaing on th e brakeTor d ta r ' T ~ rr— : e, Davis managed to hold the r...ln _1U -precarious., pojiuon. B A title the women clambered out. iV w Illce arrived. In a pa trol car nnd In i »ked a akld chain to Davli' r. A low truclc arrived shortly terward and pulled Uie aulo • P i


Events Related * FlEYBURN.-Nov. a . _ lira . ____ |KIger U vbltlng her broUier. Oscar sen, ft'ho is HI. In Tremunton. ih. . , ' _ <0 nandy left'W ednesday on a ' S t inets trip to S till Lnke Clly, Hel m o i I acccrnipanj^ ^ “ Hla ’’failier. nea Handy. Rupert, ^ o win vljli _ *'P ll'his broUier, Chnrlcs Itandy.

afie deposits of mnnganese ore:ntly hnve been found In Liberia, ______

n -----------

. Z e n i t h “ R O y A l.M ” H »i— A i powerful as' tome-hearint lid i-ti Ie

imiller than many jelling for twice its p and greatest engineering triumph—th ■■Royal-M'Vweighj aboul ihe um e as a ■

— IUfdly4«ryr,^nslanny4<ijw(8t>}e^fii^ conUol!. And ju st im apoe-ii operates fc (iny batteryl

Come in and sec the ••Royal-M"...wej Zenith's l(M »y money-back Guafiritee. work, anywhere. Discover foryourKiriu ■ convenience. So comfortabie you icai

— w carinriii------ ---------------- — ........ — -


in your opinion, any hearing lid u*.out-periorms a Zenith ln m y wiy. •***

1 limply return the 25enilh within 10diyiandyourmoneywillbereriinied «».

I promptly.” -«•*.-

HEARING AIDS lrlh*M«lmetWsrlil.r«MJ>


Wl/ E - M i

r D R l V In '

i. — —

fety and the T H I J

^oup of ex- r ha;

ifety-mindcd ■

snd each — : - O M I

n a service to ^ U C i

it obligation. L S l l ”

R D A Y - S T A R T I K

Block of 2nd A ’

V-ilt-C Q uduct-ijL

^ L A M E X H i: EE i n s p e c t i o n of all nutoi }L.vQluntccr basis. Check will 1 , Steering.d (0 d r iv e t h e i r c a r s lo th e 100 block 1 liave i l c h e c k c d . A n jnHpcclion rep th o se nu to riio b ilc .s I h iit p.xs.s th e inr a s 8houn~a b o v e . ------------ ----------


ackfoot Wreck i Takes Girl’s Life-A O K PO O T ^N tjrr-a-tft^B m y « « » U a Inff, 17. who lost, bolh legs in an mobile accident Tuesday, died nlsht. r e a dle was Injured when a car d r l u n ----------Its. F lornice Tnylor. 21, Dlsck-

crashed tnlo a group of by- ilcfj a l a m inor wreck on the ■ ■*iy near here. ..la -ftli lii—moHw.—Mfa.'Ow»ii - Iner. about 13, Wapello.-was • d ouirlght. ”~ ~ ~ •

^ - S M I T H ^ = t l HOOFING e o . : ■

In Twin F iII i Since 1937 I 1• ■ '


'^ALSCO" : ,

Sform W indow s * N O -D O W M -P A -V M E N T — J

i:p To 3 Veara la Psyt" . P H O N E ’ J 4 7 ----------- ! - -“ 2 8 5 - W e i t A 'd d l io n - - ” I ' -

l> t r f l n t i * to r ----------- ------------ ------------H e o r i n g Aid-at least /ii-jfr-itj-iiic -.r. — --------: its pricei Z eniih 'i U tetft h—the (iny b u t mighty la ja p w k e lliB h tc fa n d jj__________ _

lies for 10^ a week oa onr

...wear and comparc, on iritee. T ry it a t home. *t tints wonderful c larity ... ■ ■J scarcely know you 're P

f e



nilal a •c ll

O T a




Ave. So.)

a _

E C Kutoniobiles-for-----ill he made

)iock o f Scc - I r e p o r t w ille in s p e c t io n ^



Trips Reportedtd ir iE L D , Nov. 5 - Mr. and t ;. W. T . Flavel and her brother, “ *'■ le Sweat, have relumed from a Twla P Ulon il.W anatthee, Waili— th e-ro l n . W alU r glevena are vljlUng preaaarl Urea In Auburn, gallf. . . . the. Un:

-------------------------- BaturdiADB will be


; w i t h o i

; W e ore glod fo offer th is serviiI worries. Ju st Oik your doctor toJ wili hove it reody and w aiting foi; alley to our-bock entrance and (

A J T £ R S H A V £ P ® l l

----------------L O T I O N ' ' " " -

Suet t!ie <li]r wilh • <!»l> ol >picel i HItnlmllT toolliing. _toolin^_ in- i |L »igotilinifOIJ’SpIcfT\fnT^tIITr7Lolion jivM I bticinf itnw ot Bwdl'btinj;. Min-lailotcd t«Ule<. m

.Exiu r4ikf S'/y *l. iUt. l.73.' . H

^ l i R G E N S S T IC K 3 ^^ D E O D O R A N T

B f i s g hf i M S i i p l i i l n i t H n n S l m



PAIN*•SVtIM It • Utl, frMMMltw ^ fn a*l a cvr».lutiM ri awirr-siaicTiN* ■yufcfw . r»i-., i t if* tV U m II ir« tt «HkM(



4 .P o s itio n Sw itch f“A l l 'p u rp o s r ru b b er

co rd se t.Removable cover,

R .J . 4.B5 'O '® ® O N tS A L L ............ J k ~ r : = z= —

Keystone "On Loa Completi

0 ^ Movie-MoM o d e l K

tpSGKyMP 8mm Mogi1 ^ 3 i s • CA RR Y Iti

1 ^ • l i g h t B------V j i f ------------------- • - > P H e T C


Bubble Bath ( 3 98c

- CAST Di ROLK a v E R sn v 0 7 id aho . m os- . .

MOV. I - Richard iU nsfie ld . j 1 Fails, h u been cast In one of Idn.. ro>««-lt»-th»-opwa. "Th a - I m - —Uoi aarl0,~ which Is being sung a t In Ar Unlvenlty of Idaho Prlday and . irtlay. Nan Soden. Tft'ln Falls. T ht be one of lh# aceompanUH.____ wldoi

rtRSAV ^M O R'E TIME . . . have 1 0 u s y o u r p r e s c r i p t

. i t u p a t o u r b a c k i

l O U t w o l f i n g o r p a r k i

rvice to sovt you bolh tim e ond _to coll your prescription into us for you. W hen you coll for it, dri d ovoid porking problem s.

T H - w e a r

± ! j I . E C T- an unforgettable

Antrodueed to Ame '~f6r the first time

fey Max FacF rom th e fw h io n c<

o f th e world

--------------E le c tr fq u e v . . a -th rillir

eM encTw hose'cl

fragrp jice w ill m ake th

a i r aroui

glow w ith 'enchan

' ...... P ar/um cologne,'large s iii

io t ahow n: dusting powdei

f t i f

............... ........ A S S E E N .IN


LIPSTICK ^Regular 75c ^

2 , . , 1 . 0 0 ^


Tooth Paste BRug. 27c T u b ei ™

ication” Case : I— ite Portable ™ aking O u tfit •including ■ iK-41 BEL-AIR ; igazine C am era I .— PLUS---------------------------: ----------- ^I'ING CASE : 7

BAR No, L-2 : 1 ► TO FLO O D -b\W PS— : ------------‘

i 9 - s 4 t

* M O R I


Visits Listed GCf3ASTLETORD. Nov. 5 -M r. and f O A :s. Bob Kerns and children, Paris, t a n n.. are viiiiJns Ous Kudlac. 2 1Unp.arrf n^ n < I. »lilHt.; rflmtvi..Arkansas, ^

There are a b o u t 7‘j mllHoQ I ^ K Idows in lhe United filatei.

^SERVICE j [ j' e y o u r d o c t o r

p t i o n . ■ . t h e n : m i

i e n t r a n c e . . . • U

k i n g p r o b l e m s . : ^

2 m :jnd porking % J B

ond we .. , au_ i

drive in ihe

m M :=nclc




. p

r R i a u E S5le new fragrance.......im ca_ ■ ___

I capitals 4

■Id comes I ' ® ' - ' ■

IN. UFE . ........

D R U G S P E I1.25 CREOJIULSION........85c BAYER A S P IR IN ....

70c 'ALKA SELTZER.r.Z."_1.01U»U.RKaS------------------- 6(lc-VlGK!S-NOSE-DROE

1.25 AN’ACi;^TABLETS..-1.25 PB TRO I.AG ER........

iS M M lB iIE FOR L E S S " ->



,U_warlc d c iu .b ; . ..:odak company'a new method ne Contlnuotu Paper p^oc«as- r t

3iclose SSe (to handli poit> ge) wllh mall orders.________ _

FREEr I4 0 c b o ttle o f long lo s t in g 'M oil Po lish

w ith e o c h p u rc h o se o f




= J r l O — :

T A N G E t


S 5 ? : s i r J 9 ! : : :

"FINES E E " ___

STATIONERY ^C h o ice o f co lo rs

REG. 4 9 c

3 -



P o p c o r n ________

Popper4 - 9 8



c«(k> •! W *. MmM■■■ ■ . --~ r..- .- . - -

M . C m. •! MmvUmimt SMI

.If. Tm UOU M m Umm.

8 < ' r a f t s 6 t » i T t t l J l

S C IA L S................... ....... .1.08............................ 62c............................ 35c

......— .....54c___________________8 9 c _

O P S ______ „ .. .^ 3 8 c - . 13 .................. 9 8 c '...;...................9 ^


Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

I' i- - C«taf«<_H ■Smb4 (SaTBilI’M


» r ^ w J Z

s ; y - ~ i a ‘ ,c ------------------S r *!a BOatM _ _ _ _ i ^ n r 'o « n « r --• - ••• - - UicU B fU «C ttoWl

IFSS*'- , ■ - .S f tb*AU wUc«i r«nlN4 br U - I T

' ’ fetlMfkUoa (a U wtlkbti m k . , I JT atriw 1— « tl IhU »tp«T n rw

' ? ' . “ s a s s o / s ! . ?:', w K irt^ auwu a»j

------------------------ F D R ’S .S P ^’< J c ^ Roosevelt, Repub ,' P re sid en t FttinkJin D. R

■■;;■■ answ ers llKured out for bI ' i; fn m wif

ter.- :t' r - . “ I live ttt Hyde Park.”

ro n John . “My m other’s < X hava a couple of lavorl

•~r—-f am ity,- and -I-hop6 - thoj R epublican.''

W hen rem inded t h a t ! • com m ented there waa i ; Jjlttclc Bheep In the Roos ; called th a t h is m other w) ' j b y h e r uncie, Tbeodoi . • changed from the p arty ', I Jo h n . " I am Just re tum l

T hough young John nc■ •• a fuII-fledBCd Republlca

; m e n t on any issues of h is:t io n . " I do n o t consider

- . :<Ujcus3 any ol a y fa th e r l - » r - ytll-ftnly

H arry Trum an, Adlnl £ : ADA (Americans for r

“ ■•Whtchls a 'i a r cry from til o f m y father.

“As long oa the Dembci- rthe_contro l o f Truman,

pSDAplW lll vuleKepuHica ■and again '."

T he youngest RooseVeli i :> re ss club In Washingto ; p la n s to become a candl

tj-:ilce now, "but 1 don’t tak i-TKjsBlbility T3l-runnlng~fc

; ■ Jo h n Roosevelt served . o f ^ e CltUcns lor Elsenh

■ rcam paign ; -As for- tak ingI ;n c e In th is odminlstralion,I I been offered one.”

: If:-— i : , l e s s o n i n -w; Jam es 0 . Worthy, ^

J ; Commerce, has mode a lit j « s ty of American citizens ; ^ u can trua t them.5 A rea l bird dog ofl' big

Raving Ideas, Worthy* beg: p ro feau re for m ailing o ut

y tio n s fo r which there is a c: 1 H e learned th a t thoy w

. ! hirileaa thaTei^e3t~w as-a( 'I p ro p e r o m ounrof m ohejC

• I ncIodectTrttft-a-requesfc a-l' I: to th e w rite r explaining tl ;|{ before delivery,'I To t ry to simplify th e -I decided to send publicatlor !l m all, w ith the bill for then ,[!' ' l h th e f irs t m onth i t wa^

•n-rJcent-of-the.pubU catJons ’ B !!l ' m ed la trty and tho rest ° ; tr ick led in a little later.

IW ae lizn lna tJonofre tltiV o v e m m e n t wide as a resi

'i WHO'S C A LII Beverol weeka ago a 1 r ftctrcss callcd tho office

I ; I N ixon to complain about tl: ■ -• was being tceaLi C hristian Hotter, Jr., soi ; 'j Of M assachusetts, was the i

i; Istra tlvo assistant and took t c d fo r five m inutes w lthiVI g e t a w ord In.

‘ F inally the actress asked

!( : r m ta lk in g to?"! H e rte r told her. j;| “ W ould you please spell It •:i Of you," she saJ4 ; I H e obliged In his strong

- t - “N ow would“ yonrpleas< y n a m e ? " h e asked politely,

f l I h e a rd o f you either."I %. ® ’“ "too--inud^-^f-*-genI Jj th e ac tre ss 'n am e . ■

j : MR.-i'WHO: i ; D avid McKendree Key,- & 1 1 1 o f s ta te In charge of UnJt«( I I I te lls th is story to prove h i 1 3 W orld H ealth Organization- S y ja g o o d J o b :9 | | I 'An In d ia n doctor working | ‘ I t ro l In a rem olo T hailand vlll

H [ tr ib a l h e a d m an a few questii I H ad h e heard of N ehru?I H ad he heard of Prcsldi------- •U H ad h e heard of the Unit

H ad h e heard of WHO?---^ 'O h.yc«.-M rJW iiQ .lsjnniL

** • nnrt wr hnyt> hnrt j Very gijod-man, Mr. WHO.*'

“ WINDFALL” VI — I/-an y -p artro M h e-/« le rftf fa ll" scandal ever reachcs t t coartrC h ie r^n stlccE a ri W ot

I d isqualify himself iroih tak I decision. He has been one ol f l _ W hcn th e n ew chief justic Jlw lth h is lam lTylie moved": tf/fnishcd, pJush Woadncr hot | o u t th a t $80,000 worth of dcti f tn 'co in icc iifiirw in iieT M iirde 11ncluded Jn tbe cost o f tbe In a n c e d building. ’This Incren

th c apa rtm en ts and of cours r e n Jnto_the,pro,bl(!m.M,an_i:

§A M innesota doctor says y( If y ou w ea r fbwcr clothes. A 11 to h a teiliflffliar th i 'e •

f .5 ¥ 2 u S S ; K iM * * ''q m u v a * ^ ! . in « .« ttk « » a i t n InTttUfiU4«r U utetet U^rtk C W t. romUtKtf 1S i ftW --------------------- board by UITADLB IN AOVAKa Unl< wUcQ— - - ■ ; J " tor Jmpiwi

1 i.'w t , - • ---------------— _ ■ 'HMASU a AOVANO

" — - la j f e------ i 1J«

• '" — - - - i i i l to H B Rt tr bf artn •! r«nt <i»cit4ratw rw a t ta Ue. <M«I »<U)w Cafe ^ePUOKKTATIVW..............

SON JOHNp u b lic a n so n o f t h e la te in te r u u vl ). R o o s e re l t , h a s a l i t h e ther o r g e t t in g a lo n g w i th h is . ccncenu inw th c r ,i) ro th c ta ju n U la ^ - ^ n v i r

rk .” sa y s -y o u n g e s t-F D B er’s house is very near. u n n iu d U vorltc D em ocrats in th e b« ooud u U io y - h a v c „ o n c J T O r l t e r a j u i t o a


la t h is s is te r A nna had 13 alwaya o n s political htresM^pi Uiosevelt fold, Jo h n re> Mumihou: r w as g iven In m arriage inmicaUy, t Ddore Roosevelt. "She J ty of h e r uncle." says im ln g to th e fold." in the buii \ now considers him self twspitaiiiy >Ucan,^he w on’t com- iio»pit«Wyi h ls f a th e r ’s 'ad m ln ls tra - _der It p ro p e r o f m e to ;hcr’s ac tions," h e says. lB~DBmocr'a tlc t>arty o t : -Km m w Ue*- ll S tevenson a n d th e timnij»rt«U r D em ocratic Action) rtUrtne.Ue n tho D om ocratlc.party . p o X j i S

e o ^ e e r forn o c ra t ic p a r t y I s u n d e r th a t potiuo: in , S te v e n s o n a n d th e b « a broD^i

• M l to ld t h n H a l lo n a lig to n t h a t h e h a d n o Moore h ui id l d a t e f o r p u b lic o f - m n c y hadta k e m y se lf o u t o f th o to n j - f o r - p u l ,u c - o m c o * « t ----------------- ------- -------------- flecretnryv e d a s v ice c h a ir m a n critieired foile n h o w e r In t h i s y e a r ’s tiis juii*dicti n g ’ a n a p p o in tiv e o f - He ib Osv J o n , , h o .« y . , ” I M v = n 't

t> American A\

( H ONESTY - ..... -assistArit ‘Secre ta ry of ' mtmths-aRo; I Uttle te s t o f th e hon- eriucJ*fd nj MU n n d c o n c lu d e , t h a t S p ra o n S u 'i . I . naUonnl Inmbig a n d li t t le m o n ey wjjbur Mor

began nosing Into the world Airnci o u t commerce-publica* • • a charge. " jn iu p ti

y w e re n o t m o U td o u ts - a c c o m p a n le d - b y - th e - ________ -e y n r t h r c a s h - w a s T i o t - - r T T ' P r : a - l e t t e r w a s a e n t ba ek - V _ X J ! j_V g t h a t y o u h a d to p a y id a h o i

Tlcsldetils I* 0 p r o c e d u r . W o rth y “ . f S Jt io n s o u t i n t h e r e tu r n u,e {edemi gh e m a t t a c h e d . promotersw a s f o u n d t h a t 85 p e r >5“ n s w e r e p a id f o r - lm -M t o f t h e p a y m e n ts ' hsndie Uie' J

power f o r 't lfd ta p e m a y b e a d o p te d T iiii iden. r e s u l t ' 'tnnounccracr

ILLING? ■a f a m o u s H ollyw ood e ik u ic po Ice o f V ice P re s id e n t modem Indiu It t h e w a y s e n , Jo se p h ■£Rt£0^ ~ -rom o-phosp

s o n o f t h e g o v e rn o r - This one ne th e n th c V P ’s o d m ln - Uie phojphni o o k th o c a l l .H c lU te n - i t h o u t b e in g ab le to [a

other tnOTCdk e d , " J u s t Who Is th is pro»lde empl

ot Ihff »ho)« I t u w tll to

CAl CllniBt* fll:11 I t o u t, I never heard »buiiy or pou

of both n v Im g B o s to n o c c c n t . ’e a se s p e l l - o u t -y o u r J ' S S n 6ly , “ b e c a u s e I n e v e r The paaibi:

% hlRh dam 1s e n u e m a n to T ttv e a l

Idaho phosph------------------ erenlualty get'H O ” ................ needed powerr a s s ls ta n t - a c c r c t a r y •Jt«d N a t io n s A ffa irs , / X u T ,! h i s b e l ie f t h a t th o le u of Uie glcIon—W H O — is d o in g canyon promo

There U a

lin g o n m a la r ia , c o n - S l i ^hn.1 v i l la g e a s k e d a local «e ion. They 'e s t io n s : people here nn U ? “N o ’’ JMflkea l d e n t H s e n h o w e r?

I n i te d S t a t e s ? “N o ." Tlio announi 17 president of Uicn n w h o s a ravccl m y Q Q jn Q r£ .slc tJ ja& lcs,. -Um wifn1 0 ." education thnt ----------------- aecond World w

3 th e U . S . su p rem e ly in uie nAiumffiiT rcn -m fly h a v e to Mcinccra_tiiin_eta k in g p a t t In th c T " " '” ' f “ e 01 th e vic tim s..-is t lc e f i r s t h i t tow n and pollUcnl v.cd In to t h c n e v fly ^ 'B s tta - to -n p p irh o tc L I t n o w tu rn s ,• ^1”" ’" / 'bc tcc t]^ .c le e s s p e n t iJ X . T topTTdeVs d iv o rce , w ere" ■iiiiiTkiriirrcriccitb e g o v e rn m e n t- /} - pn the sncmi sci : r e n s c d th c r e n t o l )u rso b r o u g h t W ar-i n j n t e r e s t e d p a r ty . .The city girl *

- Was nnxious'tos y o u 'l l l I v e lo n B c r J ? " ' ? " ? ' ™ A l in o t im e o t y e a r S h . r S p " l«

7 ■ ~ ~ ^ « • '7 0 U - te e ;^ •

f C K E R ’ S t J A T I O N

VHlRLIGIi.saiN OTO N —Federal auUiorlti** ar« coa rertlgaUon ef expeaslM sifta and entert* itKtf to tonaer meahaa oS the civil w ro > by tbe Dade couoiy (Ulaml) po rt authori when th a t agency w ai aeeWnf pnrenanen npTwrejnent of the-lnlem aU ooal aU pw t___ Florida tesorL I t obtained ti ,

j B f V • . R tc r fta ry -.a inK W etlu;ortcred"tlieio«tUr?,-«■ ^ ■ T '^tom ry O e n e ra l-H o rtw i Bi

Ir,. um clvrn hira th e um I t also 1» pod rn too

B W R r S j lh e .H M V tr eotnnUailon for rei B w i U j • j u t l o n Of Ute ezecuUve brand: W tS^^m ieoVertuoait h a s ahown a s i

P X ^ n i o n method* Xor tn p ro v lo ( .b< K v V ^ H B c ff le len c y and the e th le i of t

rfjuJaUiry bodlea a t•y T w i*

/ORB TO COMMIBBtON M E M D tn S -P fwaief, ineladlas a tumty by ForUme ma ,te th a t too many memben of theae comm leUned to_accepi c^boja le bOfpOallly Ir« Ata they are 'auppoae'd lo ‘regolate. Aa a brcotne servant* and ad R iea(» fo r (he ] m i inatcftd of looklnj lo th# intcreaU of

^nm irntrprm clpal-com m ljniotM -on-lhla le placed the cJ»U aeronauWcf eommlaalc d if il power'commtnlon-nt-the-botlom of-l ked the aecurlUca and exchange u topt. U led lh a t a ll theae Independent bodlea hav ■jilsea siace t t e advent of the Elaenhower 1on.----------------------- ----- ---

T 8 AND GUESTS—The Iwo flju res alle teeevUd gUts and /r te lodflnjc a t aereral sI hotels are Deloa W. nentzel and PhUllpa ] ally, they enjoyed UU* freo loadlDg, accort vetUratora, a t the m y Uma when the CA ag « code ot ethlca, which aald;II particularly Improper lh a t peraona InU I builneaa o t the board aboidd provide u allly ta the board or lla a tafi; n o r ahotil< »Mly be accfpled." -

X HEADED CA A -nenlzel w al a key fis 1 . . 1.U 0H Iro n IMS u U M . H e h t« lM te luUea adalnb traU sn , waa chairm an of th

iinrirraffretary of ram m en ( ^ U o n and"<*nJUltant-no-UMft-ofllcIaI f. He la a Democrat.'r« was tormer director o f CAA a office 0 itiim ng th a t poslUon to become dlatrlcl a er for D adj county.'We lu a been fuapen<W oalUon u a result of tho Inm tlB aU on. jroD jht ou t tha t he accepted an aJI-e) ^;-a-'dcep-frceie. U rea.and .bathroom fl: ine uaiie'c<>umy MUjmltlea. whe - a ppa . apeclal fund for InraUatlOK themaelrei h t /edernl ofDclaU.:e h u told lh a l he did no t know th a t the r had paid for hla kitchen equipment, an

I to refund the money to Dade county.

^ E D PA V O RH ^ddlyTnouBl'7a'cloM 1 •etary-Weeka lUll a mcmb«r-ot CAD h u fd for nccepUnj favors from nn alrUne 1 ladlcUoi).J Oswald nyan. Indiana, whose term ei xr-31. and who U cnmpnlRnlng ncllveiy a I and avlnUon circles for a reappoint: an Aviation magnzliic has urRcd lh a t a yoi ire Impartlftl man be natnetl In hLi place, nato appropriations eommittee hearing* acragoi Benatof Allan j..Ellender.-:BlJ--Lo,Hlj•d nyo n aeverely. Ellender b rouR tt oul ilthouRh a CAB member and th e United B ntatlve in a conference with Mexico on I J inndlns rlfihU. w u Hown lo Mexico Cl

Morrison. vlap*prr»ldent o f Pan Ame Alm'aya In chaise of Ute South American

iltigaUon for acceptance o f.U ils hosplt B'As duly noted by Mexican nnd o ther a: I. Ryan explained lha t I t w m an “old plan

n o r iio sp n A T E S b e i n g T d e v e c o p eents of Uie Pacific Northweal have been cml years Uiat Uie only way one of Id stural rejourcfs could be utilised would b eral government.to build Hells canyon da Dtcra of Ihe-propoied federal high dam .0 leave the im preulon lh a l aouUi-ca: m t phosphate deposits eould never be tu oducUve.IcrtUlKr It. lhe.j?overnm e»t .d Uie' Job and provide a larae block of c Ior 't h e processing.Idea, like aeveral o tlier H elb canyon 1 iM evldenUy failed to aland up. In view 01 :eraenl llils week tha l a inrge chemical i :pecl5 to Invest about $3,000,000 In a fert1 m a t area In Uie near fulure.lc power la always a fac tor Jn the JocaUo Industrial plants. B u t I t seems as If the c t federal power have oversold the, inij federal power generaUon, In ao far u

jhosphate deveJopment U concerned, ine new planl.wlU by no m eana provide fo sphale processing Ihnt moat Idahoans w lee In th a t area. As the dem and for mo • ffrow, and «s compeUUve fac tors are we ndusUlallau and Investors, there sliouk oves to make use of this Idnho resourc< employment and to expand Uia econ

»ho}0 northwest.e ll to remember th a t an economic and pc it« favorable to private Investment. Uie ai t potenUal markets, the cost of tfansporUi raw' and finished products, and the type nan power arc aome o t Uw more Impon :hnt an Inda^try'considers in deciding :or where to build new p U n ii . - ________

3.«lblllly t l f tt lhe Kovernment will const lam In lleUs canyon ts ao remoto now 1 Uy had a o bcarlnc-U'hatever o a .th e plan eison-L-afce-6nlphur-eom pany- to- .u p _ losphates. The fact Uiat a private firm ,i y get Uie chance to bulJd cJam.5 and pro' >ower for southern Idnho m ight have In ft-flhemlcal.concerai-iiedalQn....-'.!.'___ event, ll looks as If Idaho'^ phaiphate-fe

iilry is «'eJJ on Ute wty to ex^nsJon . rejra IB gloom and doom prophecj'es of tha II ironioters.ia a g reat futura In Uie norUiwrsl for IndujtrJftj. They oush t to be Invited 1 ahare In the development o t Uie wl:

liey will conUnue to tu m this way If re nnd the ir local units of goTernment ci nake sound Investment aitracUva and pr ipokane) Spokesman-Revlew.

___IB E N D S JN -E nU C ATIOV _____nouncement by Dr. Jam es R. KUllan, Jf Uie Mn.wchu.ietLi InsU tute of Technolt \M under coiwUlerailou a new study progri

H ltnCFt-UndcrHnea agatn..a u enA.in.hlsl th n t - htia-Kalnetl - m om ciilUiil^ninccri

irld war. Leaders of iRe tirofesslonal acho expressed the need .to train educated m

s technicians. They wish also to rcvei .lng-Kn<i«t>ovt4aiwtL«ticcfa;tmtlon..e.Tpecti intural Rclences, Uiat has left sclenUsls a; Tiilnfrnl>1e to Uie gibe Uml they are pr i nnrrcw rM ftnyeducaloro,-llko-D r.JU lllJ mvlnccd that tclcntUU m w : hnve the o x> become belter acquainted w llh the socI rnl value.1 in defense of which they apply-lheir-taienW:— ------------------------- -—fljj recofinizM tha t exclusive .eoncentxaUi ur.-vl adeiice.1 tends to emphasize UieitJur : nppronch a t the expense of Imaglnatr cflcclluii ttnd^pecunT ionm rd 'tie is-ca iih :al sciences and the hum anities to re.itore lance.—New York Times.

APT On.SERVATIO.VKiri wns on her flrsl vLili to Uie counlry. Sl js ' to ' .thow ih f t i '4 h e 'w o j" n p f iiltnscthi f rural condliloiu. nnd when a dish • se t before her on the brenkfast t.ible, al portunlty. "Oh,” she observed c.\rclc6sly,' e ^ a b e * ,"-ca p p e i 'j ^VoekJy.

--------- - T O f f i M J E W

)n a l || ~

JG P o t ^ “ .S h o t s JlU in rlty a ta . tm ent funds:p « t at-Ui* ' 'rd » 5 ^ ^ 0 0 . IB IS END BACK. P Ua i f t c l a l r _T h*m ule , be Is * -funny

lr7,-«L^-AU- —u«'# mad* ami >i Brownell, - His beels-art fo il o f biuse of FBI ip r ta p ,n to o d Uial T om adou, ba tte rln r r u ior reortahl* Uilnji. . - - •ranch of th« He's f a t as any poisoneda s in te ra t 1 '* Ju*t hU aea u n ea s t\

- Try?'-.______ ____I.,-0* both tha »re»KW iy«ea*Bun*-ao« lO f Uia n u . U>1»S* TM m oat dcs a t W uh* **•

“ TWs mtlle. be fires o a aHe bas s lovely Toiee to

«_t>r*nmi. And when he le ts It loos«

u » n d w ith

And looks u If he 'd like U » PTivaUi tr}un Iherets any aylU of UncU I t u,B j-u b e t

^ , Bome foUj d o n t tr e a t mii-lhl*-baai(.------ ro p w t:--------------- -— -nlaslon ^ They u y . ‘T^ury’va f o l ;rt of-lta lllll — lect"--------------------------u . I t should T hat may be ao. bu t I f 71 t have been To |o lo Ueavea on ' the wer admin. Asd w ant a way th a t do

Juat pun the tassel on h----------- -T hB 'm nleT 'hfr-U nd*-4o-

I alleged to bis, n l swanky He don’t look loaded b u t Ulpa Moore. Jo b n A.<cordlng to (T w in :« CAD w u . . .

ENCOURACEMEN'J I Interested True help la kin lo tumme: de tmusual rain, khould auch T hat beats with ih e a r t- lh

through each low refra: Asd lifts the Inner m an on

;y figure In wlnja ed tbe civil UnUl each IntplraUon awed Of the cIvU ,imerce for nelp »UI quench a i(Iclal-UPOQ. . . - ^ i ^ t k j ^ i d - b f a r --------

The burden of the lowTy'he 'Ice of alr> ' tear rlct airport Away tha cfouds o f doubt I •nded jrom Mtry view;

h S ' in tm ii-to -U fe-the-w lU .-U aU-electrie ^ «So. m fliUirei J-------- ■--------— --------- (Oooi

telvea wlUi ahoulder pads aniihBPlorlda men are Just a bunch of dro. f ' a S h u B lyle^E *pertnol«. ^

'• ^ TBE COMMUTEETnu-frtpnrt- M Jw -iaJtfougt.D labto.-C ati ^ . hrfn An<l >ny oit* cof

Tor two-yuan, Wl elecUon t Une m ^ e n l bestir m e off my dir

My a i ^ S ' up -tQ.-lilnbo

‘ vo^nTer S T l r e ^ J f e s f rO T ^ * m < The way n never did down s

1 '’ mind Uiere Is no th lt ^ u i ?iV t T han belnj just aaro ld comi W Bifllea ^ Wnshi^ liiter- I »5op Off hero Ui have some

The thins thla sla te 's best ?u

■ icm iu 80 I can represent, you kno» io..pltB5lly. P.riBclpl« of U ncle Joe,

n W r u n th a tH a n y s o a d m Befor# he forcibly reU rtd.

_ _ _ Now I toiiat aay goodbye, old R V - R - J v Hl-ae*-you-dowa inrSouthen

A '' ^ Gooto C m k C» P E O — ---------T............ ........ .......been told ■ - PAMOUS LAST LINI }f Idaho's , , 2] , cellecU wlvea!*’ Uld be for GENTLEMAN IN3n dam. FO tlB T lIdam have - *:h -cu tem be turned■»t didn't ......................... ._ Aof'cAeap

■on argu- lew of the

!‘r« U lto r M M

kaU or of M M A• the pro- M W M1 import- m - w t r yi r u the • ^ed.de for all ..,ns would ■' r modern re welBh- hould ba lource. to economy

Id polltl- h e avail- porUitlon type andmportant f.ling how a

eonstrucV “ ^ B | ulow tha t pinna of. .. u p - lh a . .____ .. ,irm -..............................I provltia

Jnflu- J M n n

ite-fertl- rejrard-

ha Kells

for Uie p i , . i n .— ted and e whole / If Ul*:n lc o n - JId prot- [

* [ : IT’S ro/fTiAcs K r U f TO STAMI

ilnnnr:;----------- ---------------------------------hnology • jrogram

I higher .i c r r th i r iz±r~r"^ — ------ -achools 7:

ed men

( A U -N E V

;.“ p’r”. r n

— S “ vofuTT.!e social . r' ^ lntc.it glamoui ley are ' m cnta, wondci-------------------- --- ----------fl_maatcrnicccitraUon o f jumorrow.

■, new contoum:lnatlve- n l l l n r --------------------------------------------

ry. Sltfi s e t h r r ------------------------------ ------------luh ot

f s v r? ; 2 0 :

w & j w m . m i s j ) A H !

~ r n H O W THIN

m I p e g ls' Z n b m lt here a recoun

attem pt a t w ltch-bum ln*; u m . stiem r truU U oa- b y - f t *

Rooserelt'a departm ent 0 - J which faUed n o t fo r lack«

— seal Ul Uie WhltO H « « a a u itr hes<J<7Mrt<a oS en

• t h r o u f t t s h e e r r * !ram s and v tB to n n e u . 1

U inisl I t on your^ attenUon to help L ^ K js Mwm him ■*^3' tbe cood s aveus mm

•rr inA trt rin veiys widow and

& aflythtof,' th e a lld pun ish -:to e in g , . m eat o f. A l j e r . j : ^ ^

» s e a t noon Hiss for traitorous '*WS out of canduct, and re-

Jolced a t Uie J>-nchln»of Jo lh a sleepy tby . They elUier Ignored U

OT'kepi their compoaura in Ilka to die. midst of lU- dytoff dons j quote now f ra a s ' let be t a bun. uav ld Baxter. C u u ' l d e s , mules wtUi one ot tbo vlcUms In l h e ; ~ f 7 7 * 'iFcal]ed“ ma4S'iefl5non-Ti o t no Intel. ^tcH.burslng was p n « . 7 - — — — 'W ashington-to-a-conclwlo

It vindicated Uie M .. / .1 damned Uie admUilatraUon

n. h u " t iu BOC* was an eminent U 4o-hU -ow n -M r- Baxter is a ]euma

aometlmea wrote'edltortala )Ut he Is. freedom newspapers, a darl A. Brown con/onnlst chain opem iai In Falla) odds and atealUi in small >

IIH3 he was arrested In Loi ENT ' on an absolutely falsa el mer's misty sed/Uoa

. ^ " I w u held alz monlh* In-Ihrobfl writes, “awalUng trlaL I tra in : Aryaa, an odd old fellow f . on^warlng Olego. w lv alao hated Uie 2

WM handcuffed and )eg-lJ veeUy Blnss. me and we were taken U>

ton in tb a t condiUon. althou a IraveJeri never been orreitcd before.----- ,_____.on ft traffic charse. V ^en■'heart; and Aryan had to ijet u p 'tm m r

go to the toilet. I had ti 3t from along, chained to him. A

months in jail, my first Ini ,- th a .h e a r t ielL apart_andL l-l«turM d_

fomla,la Jerdan • « •iooding)--- nogke~{O rJohiv^g

a S o M departrnfnt o

JusUce hounds tried it agair PB wiUi similar results. Upo-..1 third attem pt in 18«i with

ia*SW C .-E i« ier"on-O iB -l in tlm a- - <uioUKr sixdima . before being- diamissed. Ls

Judge dropped dead nnd the the oU i^ defeodants result

s biow. ’ — ' ■m ouui “I w u charged wllh hnvi

-n south. spired In Washington wlUi t other i ^ p l e to undermine t

thing culcr ale of the apned forces and smm uler.— vWan populaliaa Ui.lhclr coi ishington er-ln-chief and leaderahip ime fim. • eral. The 'crime’ had to be ir

ington BO we could be tried t gulled for JurWlcUon, Uiouanndj of mi:

home.now . I had- never been in Waa 'oe, unUI I was Ukea Uiere In I

IOC. yet Uie alleged contpUi dmlrea ered over four yeara In Wasl :d. Itogge worked th a t out byold ^al. one Dillard Stokes, alias Ji Bem:0 «lrr: -B w n r« l l“ J:Pul5l* r ‘Adam: ;k Goacle porter for the WaahlnBlonT■’------------- Us to send copies of-our Jlten.INE newspapers ccntainlng our

meins bo Blokes in Washlngt IN THE allegedly committing a erlm

\Q\V______ BUkea hitcf received the Cl

M \ H i l i -

■: ? ......- ___________


isily creater vision from ilTpnnS:---------(Wiicld. Interiom, co!or-ki-yi-d to-Two-Ton*-l>ody.huo»r-pri'«<nl-tli»_____lour rnbrici. *up<-r-flmnrt appoini- idcrful new convrnicncr*! JJpro ia ccc_oLltylinC-.Vi'jtli-n-cU’f»r. toiirli>w. A STnvrfiil Hnrfp ot glorious u m - th a i ’s tlia I'ontiiic for '.'’iSl

-------- BARNi203-223 SECOND AVENUK

m . . . .,N G S A P P E A R F

ER’S ANGouQtal'of a n w ooc B roun award for 1 ng lb Ute old po rting Job o t Uie year.’ f tan k tia D. Vae o l tb e mails v u t o f JtisUce. R oese devised tn Uie ix ck o f hateful UUcal • prowcuUons oi « and tn th e m em bera of Huey Loof’i erU wdetJ** . . ." . , 7 '^ ” TTia«rtkevM TJ*trdor

AU>er=delcwtaot<,!!=jaa] *‘a a d h a d s o more la.co them , o c e p t anU-nev

■ B S a B ] W orld w ar H sesUmeni hav « w im th e Ku Xlux 1

B Q p f l a " T waa 10 poor and n bad ly taetred the U m e n t In 1M4 t h a t l had p o ta tM ^ a v y e rn v r iu d ^a n a r t i s t a fte r ooori ead:

y S W a H n>ak» a m a g e r Urlng in ' J L a I C T i o r xoy v lfe and two MtUi

f t a t T K . " ^[JoeM cC ar- du rJag th e daytime. ' d th is honor s ta rv ed to deaUi. lin -the .very T hB 'Jallt^rm .w lU iou , . . f ive years o t harasami le tter tnm ru ined m y -healUi, aJUjj

defii, C d l f , c h r t s U a a .I a m tls d to f n he notartous m y enemies, a s long aa th r-TB«.-TIitJ o n ‘JU sir«71h4”W crdrof oaecuted in ^ t o u , , r ja jj a on -w h lc h ; rc ia Q as o6~our"books,- he accused, c o un try doing noUiIag Ion of which corapenaato Uis defendJ l leader, wljj be « blot on Amtrit m alls t who A od yet. Alger Hlsa is esta ls-fo r-tho p e n s io n . ---------------*__darUig. non - • M r. B a ite r errs excut Unc agaln it h I s s w o r seemed t o be all dUea. I n » penalon, bu t Uiat letrlr Lo* Angeles « e n a to have been fni I chari# o f « ,n ie bureaucraUc aJeigh

la rec en t days. - I In JaU." he PMrUier on tha ^b je . Leon. D e R ooaevclt woman's inleioV from Ban recall h e r admission in thi IS aew de a ; n ib b u h which she has ; g-lrosed to these years u a by-prod ^ W ashing- solem n referenda, Uiat 1 hougb I had spies d id operate among re. noteiTO husb an d 's poUUcal sppa. tien &tr. De th a t "certain American liiB iilghc-to UiBiiiselrts—to—be—ooavl i to hobble eommuntsm w u more, Alter tlx ttiart loyally to theJr c«un IndicUnent . * »

?d_tg_C*ll, _ j- h .r e - n e r e , - f o u n d -a r h e r U x t to indicate the sa; rence of such em ir o r wl

loegcrH u^ t h a t she-tmfaltlngly-rtnec Urculw e x - ^latrk its whn fight Ilm j i t It of Justice N oU ns her silence on larUnent o f sedlU on persecution. let uj tain in 1M3 Uie balance UiU expressic Jpon the ir on th e sub]eci.of s m e a ^ (ith JusUce - I „ ,u jh 'dlsappr ‘5. wrote', -o f Uie way Uiese six monitig com m ltw cs - work, -flmeai Ljiter the tike Lauchlin Currie..

the trial of U, i Uilnk, unfc sutted In a t

w ith absolute finality Oial I ■Bving con . a n 's husband took a apecl( h all Uiese jn Uie case and picked EJc e m ar- ^ j<,b th e vicUma. ’This 1 m d Uie cJ: ^ h e n one ot Uie vli co m m n d - urew _PearJon on Uie ataW ip in gen- jy him 'thls.' Thi s in W ^ . n jc n fa prosecutor quickly led in Uint defense move. He jU milts irom j„ these words: "W

(jneaUon the reliability of 1 Vaalilngton w n 's sources of InlormaUoi In Irons In --------------------------

Washington. B i r t h s R e p o f tby having W CH FIELD, Nov. 5 - I J efferson a . K . Walker annoi

tera lu reo r #nd daughter,.M r.-and Mj our s ta te , uedgcs. ngton Uiua Sg t. a n d Mrs. Dick Powel -Ime Uiere. pa ren ts of a son born lu t i CIO H ey. El Paso, Tcx., wherPlie la s


’/ m k» d m

A U -N E W S H O C K .P R O O F

F5r I’o n tin c 's IV e ry o ir th rT finc.it in r id ing comfort, drivinR

— rflround aafoty^.-Loolc-st-theoa f neored cluiRnui'renturM: Heavier *’ IIiKKcr bmkcfl! Rccirculoting bal 'I’oIm-Ipm t irn il Wider-annced nn nprinj.n.' V crtio tl king pins! Ana ( p 'lri of th o undcr-tbo-car advance!


f r o m I 5*t u s

or ib# b«»t re - . • '

S i ' . . » , < h .t •L ouisianapo^ D o tc n a m S p u ie i

A b ’ra ln - tw u te r.ld e r I* * No. 3 and youTe aa exptirm t*t-of-the fOod-^.6 .only fslr. "011

j a i i S i t * * ,, Wim WiU, te t* rp ft— —e T d S r i u . L A pow cfal mite. I lent, th a n you time* m y own iize..Ttm

I 1 1

.. Wa nearlywiae A l a useful

tw u ttr ia l-an d M iU a tn c r o s s . ™ ament almost poUinate flowers. *«r JUjougb. u . a aew tvrld dwellJ freely forjl*e „ n g e Iroaj Uie U* America to Canstla and- o f - C ^ r j f f l - R a y * i r c o m p i i t r i t r e i r ^ d ta i ta a i ) , t iy r,plei-)13u bt

u lo n g as the-MirofTny ng to ot u s have UUs, again undanta. Uiero O ur nearest reieriean JusUce. n i jh t hawks.I enUUed lo a 3. Among Uie most-------------------- bued of a ll animals, wecutably Uiere. ■ ' —be enUUed to

tring mockery fnistrated bylight o t band • j y W T j M j

jbjK l of th e legrlly. us itheappalllnR 'IS peddled a ll M ^iroduct of theat communistmg us in he r ^ Mp p a ra t ta a n dcans allo*'ed ^

-sWrnmering fraaaienti.ol re Im ^rU in t featuring auch Jew. aunuy. emerald, flaming i

Uiyst, pearl grey, bror -anyllilng-ln oraB gaaod blue. The-lrirtr ! same abhor- change wiUi Uie pulsing 1• wUfuI o lm e Bient of our bodlei. Had t fleets a ta ln s t -■<. Much of my waking 11 trfiLton. on th e wing. Our flight Is

on U ie m a ss 'Uk'c 110 6Uier Dim. wa n tu sw e ig h -tn ward and bsckward; sli sslon o( hers nnd down, besides hoverl rUig: sp o t o u r wing-beat Is lU pprove.” alie ta s t - u p to ^S compleU b. !S6 lealslauve ond-ln -fo rw ard .flleh t,.a Z r \ Z say darUng? I go lOQ teet ■le.A^erKLis ondi ;w rmTBrate. males inforgivable " monUi or eo before tem: s esUblishedlal th b worn- - S.BecauMofUieprodlgl- « la l in terest expended I can eal over Eicher Ui do weight la concenlraU

Us tru th was ono day. My diet Is necte ■ VlcUms p u t and Uiseels. rvom Uie lal land to teaU- trac t w hat nourishment e •me Rovem- then minute pell«s dy Uiwarted dlgesUble parts and_ r

yielded th e them.••We do n o t O’ My exqUUlto Uupoon of Mr. Pear- I* '» “do of fine fibers, 11 lUon ” thistle-down, and camouf?!___ bits o f live lichen, m o u ai

- barlc'bound with silk fron > r te C l der'a web. In It. Uie fcmaU — Mr. and j" ' “Mou^ce Uio ______ R A M vS R

F i o n ^ n ^ ^ — V e n e t ia n BU ntl-F atM r s .- U u s b ------Your -Wlndow-Warch

COMPLETE iwell are th e RENOVATION BER\ u t monUi a t »!■ .f a m _ u i iikla StaUoned., ’


n e \

_________ m nrlc 'o f *tn d io f i t s i

. in itsycoi

3 Tbere'a ae . m iiiity feCt'.

From----------------- £ait-warm.u

new— :— ---------------- :__i______ thnrauf^Mvp

■■ ----- for-on iB tn ie c o n o m y


.m e w c s tT n d -------------------m lllinnjcatjinK ea^e, e)I-

r *’X’’ fram el *b a l^^ ce rin g l__________

T W I N f a l l :

J ^ A T . N o V E M S g , ,

i c I WhlU o n e -h . lM n c t ,T ^

I!4 I n t h a V j i S ; ®’ «<

som e n u l ^■■ - ^ •. a « n c c » -u » t S

n T h u t l e - i e r ^ S U k ?

m e .flre -a w a y

■ | = £ H ^ e |person to stroke h ^ i ?

eonsUU of a cropful ■ M H f ° d p a r U y - d l ^ t e d ^

Into the young -uns

«t-a>-m innte-feM lnvSthree weeks the youtit ^ >. ^ k l y , «e

^ M m ^ M and in oui- furyH B H H enem lu . ?

weller, our 600 S ^* ^6le Uo of SoUUi occaalonii Wl ^ d ^ u k T l l y * " •> ;,« '« me S T u S reim'-Wnefl-for * „ ^ uair i 1e beak m ay be feathen. 1, '

TtlsUvea are

Ml brllUanUy- we renect Uie

---------------— >7«P P?O lll.h .b rlilil rifliHahlne to r e d - . »nd f lU u S

S v ^ water, two p « t s of w jteT«nd hang it a a to ?

w w m r trom being Uie a m a l j ^ world and making , m n S

i mlng nolaa w im m ,W ■ Ing wings. I do noi h a y i^

b u t i do squeak and tirtiteAnswer: I am a hiunmltti (Cowrlihl. u n . tr fcg g i

-ia« rcultr »ho icndi ■ t ^ 'S

J of lha rain-' f" jewel-llkc-col-ng ruby, time- "JUjh .n k , n n «w»sjS brom^e green,Iridescentbues u i U-Tbtt 6 t ^Ing and m ove. uw. cuif.”ad enough 71 ------------------— -

S ' i ' ^ S i S * ' ' : T r o o p - J o i M'irc sn flr 'fo r* n t ;v m jn j j ma.> i » ■

sJderays, up uut Merle 8 I m o n i . r a

itupm dously ceremony Mondsy erenti M beala a s « . o u ,g , awards wer« »tr-oF-thouUJ Norman-WUllamsrfCBiri1^1 leav^n!f a - if-» a !ttlies waving a master badRes; Wendino temalcs, going Norman Wllllami, («u rhaps, stripes: Lanny C a r llu t-dlglous energy blem;-Nile-areenalgh. « iver twice my ter badge: Norman W n^ Iraled food In yenrs servlee sUr. u lectar. mostly, Croft, L anny CuUite. a 9 latter I ex* algh, Gary BultertleUtf n t exists, and McBride, one year seniii Ifls of Uie in-


joon-slze nest MOHOV tO Ll •a, lined with-ounsged viUi » Farm l« a csIS and bits of • . a ty Resident Icidl from the tpl- _ City Buslnesalld;.male laya two • No A ^ r a i t t l 'W ‘

— • 0No commluUejn - y • Low Inlereat Rata

F ac to ry — F = 3 = E = W f l n larcboiuo----- , „ . „

ERVICE 1J7 AI <lk At*. W.

H P S T R A T O - S T R E A K V -l

Vff/IAC AmrOR.7 MASTERPIECB , NEW FROM TUB GROUND Vrt th e on« l T h is is th o c a r w ith th* _

of g rea tneas—a p p a re n t In every its degigniri-for-to m orTOw ity l ln i ~ i t s p lu a -^ w e r e d V -8 e n g in e . . I . yeors-aliesd chnssis enginoenni. d -d riv fi th is aen*ationaLali-Dflff_I S t « a k potvcrod P o n t is c - to d * y .


f lr tio n ^ u a packed Into this f8C t.h '5S iw )w S iH { 5^ lfe« lrV .« r-- uick-rcaponso carburetor to ita m ^ ip in ta k o manlfnld. i t ’a an ail-

OOUAR FOR P O l i^ -.yy o u CANTBEAT A P O tm :

" I I ................

L L S , I D A H O

Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

■ ^ O f f i c ia l ^^ m f f ‘, ‘S a t f tM m n H b


H » ^ otriciiK M ta li

decJdeliijuld Ih ' >iyi-t«lQn fac

^ V P ^ I ^ v e elghl other

K S . w “S ”s i ■

'W uhfnttan

BPrt »«* '"3| ^ ‘{ ^ _ £ ' ' ‘

^ f e n * t M frt^ l* '’* ‘ WH

■ ‘" S ' n n i c t ■ H iu h i i l i r c lu n l d conflict

m n u n o - o f - h u - a a r Iiie U, 6' tcrvtce.

■ Uir»^h Uii during Uie ■ .rid ffllnU tratlon tttvie* w u K i * T u i n u D j * l t t e depart- • _ „

Mcomlni ifcre tiry ,

V p m ld e n t ElKnhower'i new X X ^ progrun' wenV Into

H t m l when D»vTir»o ihUtcd H oftTDtny 10 Umt. Dulle* l i u B iy -^ lu n u e ted J ifll ilii to a i^ e _

H d Quullontn « ipecltl hearln j h o ^ . y

■ r y R e c r u i t e r s overhMi

fcA W n ^ M -K m ein Contest : ; ? -H itcU U rd tune In five monUii, the i l r i■ i - a ItlU M t r _ ^ U i n « c f- »w

S w ^ cw n IhB iU liU H P u o m wc^ E tU & i tubtuUon ia .lb t S alt ou l If t^ fc iy reau iU nf dUlrlcU Invasion^ ^ I c i l e of tiranl lor merl- nianeuvi

Kjileremfnl « u preicnttd y /hen■ Ok(T* Walker-and- k n c c raft, Oi H Utribew, recrullem h e re ,-----------■ moRiInt br Ueul., J .r. N. R. .■ sijl U toC lir. awlsiant of-

^ fc c ru tlu 'u ll awarded to ra- _ dl9 li;lns the rrenCut re- I J tnflcieticj and oJfIc* tA X I

riauiUns lubttaUofit com* BURL Ior the awtrd which crewa f

^ ■ b e Ton three conMcutlva manaffei ■ W i n U u n be retained per- &7. 1i r u ■ ■ t 'H t i Twin FalU ofClce has aummer. ^ ■ tK a^-boQ i'U m erlt-failed tr tc t n i

Uv tenon In th t p u t live day.T he t

B ' 6,514 of

■ D l ( s l e p o r { e a = . ’ S S___n - * - j _____m ____cQiL.ol.j

H r Bridge Play^ f i i l e V i i i t r AltcniocnDup- p« ]u o

elub pUyed the Howell „ u “ . v j

■ •lut: C. C»non and W n. A r- ijr,H*r ■ U r nttlved flnl place: M n. K ^ .n d M n .A ih e r B .W l l .M m i . .nd Mn. Hflward R.■ t n 4 Mfl. J. Frank Henry.

■ p u p «lli pliy m in a t l ; : o P o n < AU brldse playera ^ « F «

B Panel Meets - a p«u■ra.M AN, Noir. 5-The official tratlon

the MelhodliL church m e t Sweet. 1H church on Wednesday eve- waa fll( ■ ^ w ie i for fvanselLim and « V r t T■ « yre Ml for the f ir jt two BeuUhK ............................ Th® ftH 'J - w, Jones and Mn. Gerald T w in Pa H t(rc ippolnted on a flower and live ■ S y i i w i " r M V P - p m | . . l _ » w ■ p o m on ihp clothing col- Sweet, i •o H iU o y fn . The next m eet. Sweet a H > b* held on Dec, i » i u,* T w in Tt B ______________ ; Probai

fco res to Close £ ‘1 "• ME, No,, i-nobert Thorpe.

RtitUty to lhe Cham- l 'i.ii'iliiniiMii ^■'A 'M ercc, reporui tha t Je-

ehft J ------

g j f . a r a s J

H „ ) j”Jj5^CASVASS

1P l T c O H F O ^ ^ •'

|» M D M C O iT I ; -

I l v e r i n e !■ ^ I H E l l -H O R I E H I D E " ~ ~ iU i l l ....... m il =

H SEE THAT SHELL!P'l'l'^olrerlnti hav*

■ I ‘liaSole.anctUpp,r,. /


t e i g r hP E N G E L E N S ; 23sI “ -DownOoiri—

Father Gre

rl__ ___ ^

Carroll M aytr, Z*. YaUma. Waah.. mxImS eeted spon arrival her* by hla father, Ed > aat Uia maehln* dawn In n vacant l«t si

[elicopter Pilot ] From Pareni

« r d fh U r « h rC w 5 iy r iU M C :ia ^ ^ pie from all over Che neighbor- W uh.. d. youngjtera and adiilts alike, hla pan il_aultc_knoK _w hit_to_beIleK Meyer., iraday afternoon. I t Is

hellcopUr luddenly hovered hellcopt :head. I t made a couple of turna »' : the area and then aettled on an , Mey*' >ty_lM In the W _l)lock_ot_Car- had U t atreeL y r m n

Hlldren acreanied wllh delight >®‘' *■ * ran to tak i a clowr look a t 1

atrange vtaltor, Houacwlvea left X »W ^M ..n«n.oathtiE.itay. hom t n work atopped their cara to find r o a If th a Huaalana-had-begun an

lalon or .the array w u ou l on „ leuvera.'h en tho pilot alepped from hla J t. th e puial* quickly w uaolvad .

L M H as57 yutert!coral

Range Blazes ZfvORLEY. Nolr. 5 - r i r* fighUn* D r^ Ja ra from the bureau of land chemla lagement office here *uppre«ed formed irea in grazing dUtrlct two h i t hla tli mer. William t.-Mftlhewa: dla- *mog.: x ingfl-m anajer, reported P rt- (

fire* blackened 13^89 acree. l > ^ « l I o f which were- federal and i r O lMvarft-otlmtdy-ffftned J h " l u t ____ »■waa-reported-on-fiept^as,-™*! = 1 |.oI.auoprc4iioa.wu.JSJ71------------- „ — ,, the breakdown for the number Mra. 1 Irei, the bureau report* T*1n *red A.I counly had eight. C aula Oct. 38. Ity 24. Bannock county 20. Pow- of adm flunty four and Oneida county *'

Ider cauaea, lightning w a s Helra led for H . amokera iJ . camp a re tw< I two. bunun^^aebtla a t aad Comle.

ipers Filed for. g““' Sweet Holdings 2^

peUUon for letUr* of admlnU- I Ion for the eaUte af Irvln 7. et. who died here l u t Oct. 22.

filed in Twin Falla probai*•t Friday by hla widow, Mra, lah Sweet.16 eaU t« includes farm land tn n PaUa county valued a t tlOO.OOO llveatock. cropa and rsachlnery

<30,000., ,In addition .in Mr^. ______et. helra are two aona. Ferrla I. e t and Darrell P. Sweet, both n Falla.•obate Ju d g t Everett M. Sweeley the hearing for 10 a,m. Nov. 18., Sw eet la repreaented by Roy X.Uu_______________^__________

^ i i F s I nHOTPOINT- STORB | —

o p e n H “E V E R Y I


7 t o ^ —i g n p i i m " I z :

COME _ - W A T C H - T Y -___E xcq jtrS n tran d -S u iir j ; --------

o t it« Best!


Phona163 ^238 M iin Are. Norlh

-reels HelicoptcrT

— ’ k '

iat«d a t Ul* c«ntrala of' th* I3S.OOO helleept tr. Edwin W. Meyer. Meyer made tli« trip l«t acroaa tb i atreet from hla parent'! hon

* * * * _

t Lands Across i ;nts’ Home for Vru -C a n o n T fu e r r :5 J .Z V in tT m (^ u h . . who had come home to vLilt for urm I parenLt. Mr. and M n. Edwin W. by heieyer.-35l_Carney_Jtrcet.________inachlnIt la believed the flrat time w ate. Th iicopter h u landed on a Twin He also ilU atreet. helicopiMeyer aald the tr ip from Yakima ^ n -,n i d Uken him a it houra. He mnd#* ^a„d nICO »Ujpa UM Uic » « ;. Wu.klii* nUrtlnRr a apraylng and dtiaUng outfit ii< ------- .-------------------------------------- ) Flying I

Smog p>"LQH ANOFT.m, Nnr, S (IB- j f ' ’; ,

imvenlty of SouU iem ^allfo r- lla KientUU atudled with In- e n » icruUny today * fickle tie . jj. elonglng to downcnat, engineer-'- -u., .w. n t itudent Jamea Sliarpleu, ,7 .nri The dlatreased a ludent snld

lu l when he left homa for achool eiterday h li tie waa a b right iomorro oral color. By the Ume. he sached claa* It lu d turned an . .gly purple. . _ . . . . S t r i l A dlajnojla was conduclcd by „

'r. Joaeph SmaUco. head of the I f ^ Itemlatiy department, who In- •*• " >rmed saddened Sharple.w U iat 8 SATI la tie had beta a vlcUm of >)pholsii nog. ' 'prepare*

} fflclurln Tacoma

rebate Started T l =iiFEmory:Estate.Ira, LoretU Emor>'. widow of'A l- g ,,,! d A. Bnory. who died here Ja s t .^ ’ii t. 38. fUed a peUtlon for letters administration for Uie lOO.OOO □, “] ? J

a le la Twin Fall* probate courl niemberd a r. -----------:lelra In addition to Mrs, Emory ! two ilepdaughleri. Mra. U l H | J mle. Buhl: Mrs. Tessie Alger, rln Falls, and a stepson, Jam es :Brlde, San FTanctsco. Calif, the peUUon will be heard In pro- l« court a t 2:30 p.m. Nov. IS, Mra, w ty Is repreaented by Jo lm C. P h pworih. _________________ L —



CHIMMIn s ta llo tio n jsL e a s

c o s t 'o s l i t t le o s I

A 12 -fo o t ^ A b to ltJ tc ly F irc i--------------------------------------------------------------------Fof-A» U ttl« A t ...................

/--s n / S

Jerom i

r P i l o F ^ Bij

-w A inatiot


______ Ingtor--------------- White

£ i u i l-• .• V . • be th J

i p « t '

. Ust.nl MoUie hower W arrt

On I yester Zlsent old Ir

^ and a derful hower to two

• bB hai T h l

to th l s u u

- h e r a ambai monw

■ chlldf he r w ahakej

M lt crowd to th when

- ..-•■Ht Queen

Ileeptrrbe Hew toT w ln FalU, ta- ' q-q , trip from Yakima In alz hourx. .> ry,

I hone. (tjUff photo>engrarin{)* * * ___ * civil <

s Street SMil

Visit to City'Vfflm«.-h> i t on hta way to look’ Mf*~ r urnnlum in i;iah . ITe anlH Uavel ' helicopter is expensive. The ichIne.co3t4.»S0_an ht^ur to oper- e. The Ulp here cost aboul U M . t° g 0 e also mentioned the price of the 'licopter. Is (39,000.Deflplte hla age. Meyer Li'^an old md n t ^ i e flying game. ^Before

m, he WA.1 employed by Reeder’s ying Ser»ice In Ta'ln Falls for one nr. He hns been in W uhlngton o ye«». The litm h e now works -

r. Economy Pesl Control, hns four 3ptem,-hIcH 'i r e *U K a''prlm arny * lispniylng-wliert fields aijd orch- .. d.1.None was more pleased to aee Car- .II thnn-hts j'ounKer'alster. Nelda,, and brolher. Dnvld. 11. As n m a t- r ot fact. Meyer had to promise his ler he would go with her lo school Tiorrow. J

--------------------------- Vtrike Is Planned l _ For Casket FirmsiSA T L i Nov. 5 on -T lie AFL ‘ holslera’ union announced U wna :pared to siilke nine c u k e t m anu- :turlng firms In ScntUe. E rerett. coma and PorUnnd. O re , la a pul4 over a new contract.I strike agaitut two firms here s .

il-Ootd.-buaineM rep resen ta tiv e --------SeatUe local 8; aald Uio Ume for ! strike w u to be aet ii} meeUngs Uie various clUes tM ay a n d th a t I dUpute Involved about IflO union mbers.

HULL'S TURKEYS —F re .sh e v e ry d n y l BE SURE YOU

BUY TH E B E ST P h o n w 3 3 5 6 - 0 0 8 0 - J 4



NEYIS 90* each '

Firciofft V olco-B lock

~ irm .O O z- ~

a ho M asonry Prod.

Ico Builders Supplyomi Phone - iM .................

I .J


[ig Program Waits Queen, 7

SVASHINOTON;-N<»Vr-*-ftfU.Ttt» ‘ 7— tloa'a capital today planned rn- rtalmaenl f it for & aueeu—vlaltfng leeo MoUier E lltabelh of EnKland.A pluih prcas recepUon a l W ash- ston'i s u t l e r hotel and a privaU nils Houae dinner were on today's :iedule for the molher o f Oreat lUIn’a relgalac Queen E llu - - -. *U ia i________ — :------------------------- _ Jm e widow ot K ins Oeorge. V I • . ■ ent her first n igh t m W aslunElon '. M th l WhlU House a fte r attending ■

formil dinner there In her honor M it.n lSbt:.^t.L be ■ftalr..the Queen M )U ieraa lbetw ee»^tF ilden tE W n- vrer and ' Chief Justice Earl | n | t

Dn her arrival a t the White House Blerday, ahe greeUd PVesident MQ itnhow er.and Mrs. ELvnhower.as ^ I irienas—Tne-PresiQent beamea - R r d said, "Your Majesty, IU won- rful to se* you again." Mr. Elsen- wer also gave * warm welcome two of her ladles In waiting whom |M hadTnetprevioutiy. ' I H

T hl Queen M other w u e.vcorted I M th l W hlU House by SecrrU ry of H

a u John FM ter Dulles, who m et ■ r_at_ (h e _ ain » rt along w lth Jh e ibassadors of tha BrltlMi com- . j snwealth naUons. A swarm of Ildren alao wwe 6nTian‘a"lo“ greeT r with bowa, curUies and hand;•kes, ? „Many children were aUo In the 3wds Uist gaUiercd alons the rouU

lhe WhlU House, She smiled P"° ten a small boy ahouted shrilly:■.■Htllj, Mra. .Q ueca. Hello. M n . ____

Appointed ■ SBOISE. Nov. 5 (UJ3-Appolntment *" *Dorothy J . Smylle. sister of Oov- ^

no r-E lect Robert E Smylie, asvll defense chairm an of the Idaiio *P'“ Ale Nurses association was «n«lunced today by Idaho Civil De- o * "nse Director Col. John Mamcrow. "«P Mlsi Smylle, a Boise nurse, willI dIrecUr o t nuralng service In the P«^ ilunleer ;^ lU o n w ith tho civil de«nse ontanluktlon. She aucceeds Uieri.-T iiarjortB-ntqj«ulcfc------------- • » »

Twelve U. S, sU tes and the Dls- 'Icl of Columbia require the read- I g of tht^~BlbIe~ln~puDlle »chi»u, ' ■

SO U TH FR O M M A G IC I Va l l e y O N H IW A Y -93



S tz e > ^ I

^ A n

o u t- 1 —

; ............ ................ ...................... •

. P M -cn , eJo4rtiH: fin t ttra!



Chivalry Sti

H g W C P l ^ ~ '■’T.

Marion L. G leasoiirri. t f a l i ^ t y " » r raturaa ttoaer paid br-M orris-W . Batki lall a t Granada HUU. Calif., when ah* i (allant deed UnAed Balkan tn laU U b 3wn fine of |U and had (o w all fe r 1 Gleason called a t Balken’a heoM te n photo)

—VehicIes^ Collide-------JEROME. Nov. 5—EKputy Sheriff

Jordon Newbry invesUgated a ninor accident a t 4M0 p, m . Tuesday . n Eden, A :982'Ford truck driven '• y Ralph M. Law, Eden, and belong- ng to P. A. TeaUr. Edea, w as ram - ned by a 1BS2 Chevrolet aedan Irlven by Joe Metcalf, E den, tn d iwned by Ronald Metcalf, Eden. Jeputy-Newbry aald.

The driver of the ch ev to le t atop- wr a t a stop slga and th e n drove mto Uie highwsy Inlo Uie rea r of h e truck. Newbry eiU m ated dam- Hfr-to-Uia-Ch*vrol»t-at-»l»0.------- - .

ROOFING CO.*‘T h e M u t e r R o o f e r ^

-------* - R O O F iN S ------------------ -• SIDING •

, i n s u l a t i o n

Johni-Uanviil* Products• - Certified contfietow ^------- "

. Mo Job too L v i i - r . or Too Small.


P h o n i 2975rColIfC t ‘ aiva me a pUca to stAnd in d r u roof to* world’

irld-famous, n a t i

■ n p - v

L iJ E v

rs a great 5 , yea

tra ig h ti a / t t , m id lim


t s t a a d i i o g

f c r r

en§ e/A m tn ea t mMt ftm ont luUtnal U'ltJ tefiUkty ira tiJt—i* A«r« « s « Iralgtil io it r^ ii/ Tkit vA u isy i§ 5 oW. Fer ytert PM kat t*»n <A» eAerea «« ttha JtmenJ tk t N ei^ yeti,ut.tnieii.iU.np*rtMualitii.TnrH___ __,l...*a terP M '0rie t,ieurt^

I f y o u l i k e

f t n e t h i n j

^AND HAVE A KEBN — — ......... t feWflttfOgryAU)

H IS K E Y ,.8 S .P R 0 0 F » NATIONA

till Alive raCous

Z L ^ ^ p i Z -

of Callferola a t Le* Anr«1ef Med. gnp atkeB.-M,-ll|llirto-ke*p'h'er w r i f ‘ Si h* eealdn’t pay a Uaffl* fina. Th* almaiU whea h* eeuld net pay his ■ >r a brelher to ball him oat. MUi, ■ » make tha repayment. (Ap win* ^


. a t T W I N F A L L S B U S l

M r s . J h r m a R i n g w o q d ___S p e e d w r it ln g I n s t r u c to r

TWIN FALLS BUSH/ d o A o ’a L a r g e s t S c h i

t i o n a l l y a d v e r t i s <

s a r o l d

t B ourl


ngs I

t L U B l = | = | = T . - J ^ ^ ^ 5 4 u * s ;

N A U O IS T ilL tR S .P R O O U C T S jC Q .I

- - p A O K T r r a

: P A w n . TO m r r - — "CHOaHONE. Hot. 8_T b * UaeelB,

bounty Cemeterr 4H .'r ic t oommlislonen « | m M t * 1.I p jn . Tueaday a t th * otne« oJ X>.J,- liaOnmie a t the coort

-------------------^ O W X -


S horthandJS IN E S S C O L L E G E ----------

M ■ ^m B “We havt completed 33 W elaate* tn Uie two.yeara n flpeedwriUng Shorthand '

been offered a t Twla

H - * W e - a r e - k t a r t la r - » - n o * - ^ B H - C lm MnnriayT-NoTatabef— B B I, a t 7:00 p m . You ara la*9 vlled lo be tny luest.

*1 would like y w to m eet -. ^ aom* o t my a tudenU and^ -h ta M lr t t - h a D d 4 w » - U u r ------1 ^ feel about Spe^w riting .

wlU flT e> classroom ■ -tf tm ta s r t i iu o a 'w fe fc rT O O T ' H o a y se* forTotiraeU th* - ■ many advanUgea'Speed- I wrltloc Bhortljand otfen.*

M R ^ T u k a T O O D . •

SINESS COLLEGEc h o o l o f B i a i n e t r

! ^ S S 3 S S E 3 B 3 & 8 B B


b o iri M ^

W .RW R A TI0N *.N EW W R « "‘.I

• ** • ...J

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

New^Solon’s ^ i f e Plans to

trrDropPoliticsTOKttMilO, O n ^ K or. > 0U!>-

U n . l u u r l u N euberjer.-tft# irtf a t nnr}j>«lectcd V .a Sen. Rlcluxi U NRlberser, p U o t to glv« up >ic

, • cw n.poU D w ti.caretr lo w ort wltl “ Uer hnilmna; -- ---------------

Oit f oa h o u u a t reprtMQtaUvu- 8b« ied -ih e UeU -oT Portland-trM ’ o n d ia ttM i s Uw cleetidn. 2 u l ihi

a»ld .iba VDuld bftppli; retire Iron peU tlcs-fti'U e end or h er i»o-yet: te n n to b« w ith DU± la W uhing

T> o , - ____T lw U eoberE tn i r T U i r ^ y T i u i

b and u d wUe lesitlaUve tu r n li tb*.'UnU«L 8 ta t« ..«nd . are credlUi wtcb brlnglnz th e Dcm ocntle pore b«ek to U/o ia tnaiU oiuU y Bepub llc tu O ngoa.

'• -M n . Neuberger itl ll unutU ed b; h e r .b u ih tn d 'i vlclory over Bepub.

: -U e * a 8«n, aoy-C ordon-tiH he fln t mofflests o t the r»ce. said the siuli

: h e r own decUlon to quit poUUci. Etu , u ld (he would prefer to help Dlck'i I— c w « r .th« o J » ^ id one of-hi r-oa-o

'T h e Jornier h l^h Khool EnglUJ«nrl ph y l f t «ilit t u t bUTlng an up te t u a reiult o » threatened ballot rccount, ehi

. would aeecmpany ber hu»U nd t- I W aihlngton a fte r C h rlitm u "l- ] ge t .h lm ^ U e d and i ta r te d ' anc

would then re tu rn to Oregon lo r Uii I ta r t or the i ta te leglilftture.

M n. Neuberge r siid th e rget hei- h u iU nd through-thelf common po.

• UUcal actlvlUes u d . convletloni I They have been m arried nine yean > B ut while Dick's main Inu reau an I- In public power end employment 1 h l l wife i l moaUy concerned wl^t , educaUon and conium er problenu., On# common political Interest Ij ' In comervatlon; T he Neubeiiier* hoT'

mally ipend th e ir lum m en trovel’ J ling and ca ia p ljv in U ie-pad/Ji I Borthweet.' ■ . .

i Artificial Planet ~ P la in ie d fo r l9 5 5I t« - A n a lrc ra lt induitry exw U ri | . p ^ c l i tba gorem m ent next yeai

w in i ta r t planning a n arUricla t p lanet which will clreaJate SOO mile!

i*. .01; store above U u earlhl.nrovldlni i t aiUltary Intelligence. ■ -

_ g m ta f . Lear , L ot Angele* o o a rd -rn a ln a o r uf Ijea rr l ncz ami

, holder o t Uia IBM CoUler avUUoi I* conlerenc(•r-lhunday -that-conslraeU on-o f-U H ^ p l a n e t would be » project on U»

scale o r th a t-* h lch x ^ t « r i a th« r t n t atom bomb,

i Lear aald th is man-m ade solai ' ' body would be about 600 feet lji

d iameter. . I t would be equipped'wlt , automatJe cam eras which could

photograph any p a r t of the earth'i surface on Its daily trips around the world. Re aald e a c t details o t Uit

,, project are. secrets

|:4 Children Dead Ll House Blaze

, yA K IM A .W aah,N 0T.8 ( in -A fln In a three-ro6m house here yest«t'<

: ,day claimed Uie.Jlwe.or'Xour.smsll , children.

Three of Uie children died a lm u t • Immediately of suffocaUon. The

fourth Tletlm, four*month-old Ar-

— T h r Tletlms-wew tlje-ehllflrT trrf Mr. aad Mr*. Aubrey T ^w ell. The olher dead were DoneUt, 4. OlydJe.

'9. and Aubrey, 3.■ cWld. Oelores, 8. w ai in

' Officials said th e csum of Uie fire was undetermlneij but It wt* be-

- Uated-to-have sta rted around a coU 1- and wood heater which was In the . living room Khcre there were two

beds. Firemen said Uie b l t u « u confined to-the living room.

Tickets to Dance Sold by Firemen

r ^ BDRLEY. Nov. 6 _ sa l« of Ucketa , Jor the annual firemen's ball ts : proceeding a l a fair pnce. repotts • - r i re -C h ie f O tis Williams.1— ThB-dflnco-w lll-be-held-from - B 1 p jn . to 1 a.m. Nov. I l s t the Y-Dell I billroom here.- Muilc will be pro- I Tided bv W tvne filtiym ' unil hti ; orciiu tra .; WlUlams u ld proceeds from the ' dance v ill go towards the purchase

of a 3.000-gallon Unk tnick. He added Uiat a Uack of UiU tj-pe U

I needed for ru ra l flrej, parUeulatly I when canal* ha re been drained.

I Few Changes in !___Policies Sightedi___NEW_VORK._Nor.-6_KfrrAttor--noy-.O cnem l-irerB CTfB row iieU rjr-

dcdsred yeaterday tiinc 'Uiero-wlil . be no leUup or cKaft^e in mtijor poU- cles of Uie Elsenhower adm ln lsln - tlon u a reiu lt of lha eJecUon.”

Brownell ta ld th a t the two ma­jo r p tr ls of admlnlstraUon policy were in foreign a ffa ln and Uie translUon from a wartime to a pM ^U m e economy la Uie United

J E R O M EA u t o T f i e ^ r e ~

EN D ST O N IG H T — /Uan - I ,.A DD.Atl<m»JXAHL- -


'T E C H N ico ioa

------ SA-T;--SUN;------ZA N E GREY'S


----- WlUi O rO .-M O N TO O M SnY -- -

p A c r ^ ' '

Magic0 1-------------------------------------------------

KU X ..Il f » a . n n i t u a y c r a x B rn :

*ABO y iu tu .l— klaUrats. ’CB*QU!>— -------- -

Wife I;J0 tw ns Bill i n t k r t - - »:m ' JiM w i i i ' " ’ »! wD

[> (sic Jot CUatsU tu s •

x ia t . t ISSn the s i» T*. Kowrt *•” ?,UvU. > :lt KJtx Korula X4II '■

lOiM Lutkr Q>Bc«Tla* IKS X)I:M T«TfT A»hlU J« :« •)

1 She 1:01 Bisa *' from “ SATOEDAT . ,

C.II Ifl r n n r

m In t:30*M4rtJn A tn u k / • :U XmUd t i l t !1fb* „ • :»

tpub’ I:ii •auJim aadSftfir iCja H1 0 'flpu* Palnl UlM *<

;d by MwliTUtKUx j |> « *1

a M nma/le S:IO Ktmmlarwtr. N o t liilO *1“she 1‘ur)lck'$ i;«« OotdMr. S:»SN

---- iill■said ............. ..........

IO.M lac **. Col. IL »>» •'

andrU ie *1 T i « 1 •t h e r Red Fails m £ Try to S t ^ “

Korea Plan<SEOtn:-. Nov. 6 WV-Pak Choc

K w an.-a-Sm ith Korean arm y pllo :ayS. picked tip a hitchhiker Tuesday.

‘Hie m an . dressed In a IIOIC arm unUorm and carrying complet Identification p a p en .' wanted t ride w ith P a k from a Seoul a lrttri to Pak'a base near the old tror

IC C iiiA tH .l-3 e .n ,lU ..o u t^ o f-S c o u ia h 'O t f h itchhiker, sitting In Uie btck set B l lJ S t Pak 's U B liaison planiTilUreW uUve the pilot a h d U ireatened'tO 'X im ut year If be refused to fly to a North Ko

ficlal rean field.'m llu Pak. refused. T h s h itchhiker be » in g g»n h llU cg him over the head-wit

a elub a n d tried to strangle hli reJe*. with a necktie.

ifcijJ fak.tlu'cw~hlfl^)lane~into a quiot aUon steep tu rn . HU patsenger. throw; « ie e out of balance,'fell out of the plan :-UiB and“ p lu n a n e t« t - 600- l e e t - t o “ Wi_Uie deaUi.......... ... ......... 'I the The R O K d ^ en se fnlnistry. dls

dosing th e s to rr todsy, said tb solar hitchhiker had been idenUried asIt In 30-year-old eom m tin lstjig tn j.____WlUl..........— -----------

Bomb Threatens 'S? Union Gatherinj

DENVER, N or. 6 HV-PoUce a t d Ited a 4iu ick thinking union olflcla WlUl prevenUng the explosion o t ; homemade bomb a t the -window-o

17a a p ipefitters local headquarten laa

k fire ■ Asked by a visitor w hat th e fir stet'- w u outside h is'w indow , buslnes imsll agent Thom aa £ . Hamby dlK ovrrf

six sUcks o t dynamite and a bum most iDg three-foo l fuse.Ths He c u t 'th e fuse and called police Ar- They aald i t would have se t thi

a a faisst o f / in about three m sre min-~ ute*. ----------------

u n ia n officw i 'u i d u ity c oui a n - The call no o n f bearing a gnidgi fdle. Bgaloit th e loctU

t Tax Bills Studied cSS^-By Truck-GroupUie T asaU on bills affecting Uie motor two transport Industry scheduled fot was the nex t s la te legislature were dis­

cussed T hursday a t a board of dl- rectflrs meeUng of the Idaho Motor 'T rtnaport auoclaUon In the Roger­son hotel,

n i e board m em ben also dLwuss* c n ed Insurance problems and voted to k j l . continue ta x and Insurance Ulks I ^ a t Uielr nex t meeUng Nov. 10 a t flfta BolM.

The group waa welcomed to Twin n-B rall».by_A . f . Nelson, clialrman of nell the clly com rnlu ion .'W nll W alsUi; pro- president of Uio T*-ln FalU Safety h ll council, a lto spoke briefly. John

l if ilU . iLW clauuu iiiMtdentr-BoUs, conducted the day-lone scs.tlon.


' Todays C

>d Hie finest f a;or- .................. ..... _

I mUiaWalI.”la-

I n — $aij quaUffVi ^ n f i "_ M H n choosing Caik tho m srlcft

I t ta ite i b from ptcmii


The M tn »ko Cam s ^ :


'- — ll£N 0£O -W H ISK E rr/l5’ PROOF;-:

; Valley Radio SKEEP KTFIji

li m g iL O C T c ig a ) ---------(W ^ -H L O -n s xBMWrtlta M im ik «NM -

ruDAT r u n»!m nnhrntt* S r ^ ' ~ IIm iSjwrU fcIDS 'U l'i PM nd IDS Su-miM*

l;00.Clrk BlasUm - -liMiFlskU

llM r llT r r n .

i i s r :H S ® -^ U H IU A t . - UOTI

l;D. 'CBS t t m . t Ua

l;i! f a . S T . i r " ' " "

i s s P S P " i.’sss?'*:,

lios *CDS K w V «

!isl «CM M?.. »lllT tou«r» T

Not Youngest----------- B O lSa,-J»0».-4-lB -E 0tierL E ,

Smylle w on 't be Idaho'i youngesi governor w hen he's iwom ln ir •January, u previously reported

m e The lale O or. Frank-A. flteunen- berg was only 35 .when he tool

Choon ofdcs in 1807. Smylle U 40. r pilot, —

mplete Reds Retui-nAir Blows of

SfiSJ---- Nationalist;^ m -T A lPE H ,-F o rm iita .-N or.^5 ltfV j j Ko- The official CenUal .New»_tKen<

reported Uxlay two S o v W ^ e r be- TU-a Chinese red bomben dropp* d -wlUi 31-bombs today.on JiaUonalUl-he e him Ylklangshan Island. .

'The agency ssid fir* persons we;

hrown The raid apparcnUy colncid* plane with a s trike by Chinese NaUonalL

:o“ hU bom ben-on-m enacing-eom m unl posltloni near the Tachen Ulanc

K dls- today. Red fighter planes' attack* d tbe the bom ben for the f ln t Uma 1 d u a Uie vest-pocket war._________A ir-fo rce -h e ad q a artsn " u ld rt

f ig h le rs - l t did no t »ty wheUii CJ they were JeU or propeller driven S four Umes Uied to check Uie ralde. ,• „ a s . U i e y bore down on Toumt

■ Once o rer Toumen. whose bsttei Jm hsve been shelling Ylklangsh#

V i f * tn Uia nearby Tachens some 2( miles norU i.o l J^innos8 ,,N aU o^l

ra l u t were intercepted.H eadquarlen said Uie NallonalU

IB n re Preu«d hom e Uie attack deiplte li islness UircepUon and heavy ground f i ovfred a lLxetum ed lo base, Ih e nun bum - ber of-planes Inrolred on each sl(

w u not disclosed.

S ’ Damages Sought ^ =3te=€rash^ResnlTUdgi Bull fo r $398.46 damages u Ui

resu lt o f an automobile aeclder WM filed 'Thursday In probste couj

I here by T heo Speitman, ntm ln Lewis Bell u defendant.

Spellm an charges auto* driven b | i m Bell and-Spellman’s wife figured I

’ “ r » collision in Twin FftlU July 3 motor 1B93, u a resu lt of Bell's ‘'carele: 1 for sn d nesligen i driving." Spellina } dls- also asks costs of tha suit.

S;.'Man Is Fined for icuM- Hunting lllcgflll}ed to D . U . M tje ru t. Jerome, w at flnei U lk t 133 snd $3 coaU for carrying a J

10 a l caliber rif le In Uie Cassia specla deer h u n t area without a llcenst

Twin He appeared Thursday before Pro in of bate Judge E verelt Sweeley.IsU i; "M aJe ru s 'w iJ 'trre stc d 'b y Conser ;afety vaUon O fficer Joel Re>Tiol!ls Ocl John 10. Judge Sweeley suspended Sl: &olt«, lo f Uia -fln e .unUI the c loa .c t-h un t n. I Ing season.

Carstairs is

lasting whiskey

JahoM arkef

'il-mie whiskai/buiiers»r. men who know flni whiskey a n ig C a n ta in u the oiitrtandlng hrsn tlin

■tei better because it I t madi belUr - >mn)um>pric«(l. selected g ra in s -b y

•xpensivf, etcluaiv*^ ------- B ielhod i—with-lSB-----

exacting quality con»___ftm S a iS g ^ — tro lrT ro m gram (0

botUe.N o w onder Car-

^ I t l l r I '41 “1 Bl 0 01 h > Y;- f in e r t a t t i n g - I h *

w hiskeyyouconiloy . with. T ry it


M R S B * 'H8 CO., INC.. NEW YORK, H.Y. bf; ' 72% GBAIH' HEUTRAL'SPIRITS . "

I Schedules1 AM-FM KBARao-m >gcQ. ---- (im laocTa," “" I ' T -

hu ” . . . . . . 7Ulfl-*Ck»t UmlJw -•. 7jjs

» !« **DC Ltl* K t»i........- -tM ’Jail r*U

f l a t »!»S 'AIIC L»t* Nr»»tw tt»P*'rUT’ 'llttJMSY ' ll.:JOHu.U TUl MldallATt«DAT ilTUKDAt

«w n'« UlUea 7-JO AjranilfTkiTTlM ?U4-iUB»f JCoH«» Cl»2ST« »Tttr*spM*-r«ci

rto li< .Y H iirr .. u :09 nwuBlfuIjr y».r- , iutks<bMiUuL“ t4*aM Is Im KOAB K»*k B.*'• u il* y *"iV« f u ll I t l»< OU c^f* Ii9« 84iuf<»r UtieSr ;unbU Clxrur 0« r IU» K-I>»r IU«<h Hti

B S S Z - - ■

[ j n Services Held foi ' _ C a rlG . Petersmgest W ENDELU Nov. 6—Funeral m h» lees for Carl OUdwIn Peterson ortcd.* held -Wednesday a t Uie We unen- t .n a church wllh BUhop Eva took WUlard offlclaUng. BUhop Wi

gave th e prayer a t the mon ■I and Uie invocaUon for Uie ie r

SoloUU were Albcrtlne Rost I Gloria Teleton, accompanied ‘ M n . Ii. N. Bylngton. MerUian

A played an accordion solo, n t S p eaken were A.' Leo OUon

Jo h n T. Dixon. The obituary t , read bV Oeorge R. Lancaster. I S t S b e n e d le U o n -a a s -g lvm - b y—l _ G arfield . Elmer J, P e tenon 1

c a u d ~ jh > grave » f"U ia We ssency cemelery.

, Pallbe a re n were Jam es R . I Iropped cHiFray FUher, Charles Yi Jl-held Velmer O raybeal, T . G. Rich

ahd D ale Spencer, m charg IS were flowers' were Mrs. Oeorge Lanci ______ Mrs. D . E . NeUon and M n . 1

lonalUl __

s @ S S 3 S 9 H■r"* I ENDS. TONITE“ J ANE R U S S E L L -

docs T H A T dance in

- s "FRENCH = ' UNE"ne 200 ■


!h”S -Cprtoon Festivala n d W ayne M orris {n


S £ ; | F R I . . SAT.

j u l iu sS I ■ C A E S A rellman M arlon Brando - Greer

O arson - LouU Calhern JsA;es M ason > Debor*h X er

i l l y G S S S / B'.“ I ENDSTONITE


"1 "APACHE"anser- ■ " ---------- --- - - —, Oct Adm. 10e-3Sc-50ed SIS


Con. Sat. From 2:00 P .S t

f t t M l f f------NOW!:"S^frT:'‘'

U/a£6T^i(Sneuii■ « M a m r h« JL

■ Jf™

Prlcei T h lt | H | H | j B AttncU on Only!

i . c fr iL o n E .v -s o e —__________________ 8:60 - lOl'


~ ] French Blast— Algeria HUls !CLui Seek Reb<

ALOIZRS. Algerit, H or. ■ Im aura F rench fighter planes and .

fired blindly into rocky-Alg m ou n u in t yesterday, problai

> puylng hide and> ' a fte r starUng a ntUonsjlsT upi ' . F lgh ten swept low s a d s t

Twmintstntn]vt-liT~thrTtifgwT— sla-AlgerU border area whcri rebeU struck fiercely Monday s

_ j - , - In g ; surnnmding towns, bl< bridges, u te rin g telepbtina line setting up stona rosdblocks..

T anks pushed through the : blocks todsy and reached Iht

Tim# U ted towns wlUioul any appi--------- ble-flghUng.-Howiver,..the-F)

g .lr MtUnsle a l le u t ' 1,000 rebeli citV In . the hiU*. under U)e o r n

leadership, of 3M TunUians, allpped a c ^ the border,

x itr The ou tbreak^the t i n t In TiQualy_euIel -Algeria — obri worried t t e French snd broug mind Ui* iBltlsl h lt and run l

. . tng in Indochina.'The Frendi pratesled to :

•ar 8k1»'“Htiiit _ .

^ F o r " A N i g

C o m e !r s p n _________________^nil K rv- , I

■ S i S B o r d e r . . wEvan M.Willard

S S all cometost and lied by an Dllle

r ^ N o w .ary waa d -ter. The S | O Y ^t.. Floyd ........- J ____ J U U L l _ - t en dedl-W enaen r : : z i i r ; r:r=s*irTrM icUeo^

‘v S : ' SEE HE- 3 Y .u .m . ^ i o

incMtcr. 3 A* Alluring . . AjI. T , M. ; ;i BesuU/ul u any


sSotifh of the

^ L Y I f * ■ ■ ■ ■ " ‘■ ■ S

f o r m /


B I r ==ROUIH^WI" W h e rp Q u ality one


------ -------- ■ EESR

C o m e I n A i

mj j g Served AE ---------- ^TERS

l i e s ®’EY ----------------


1 -Bili



. t w i n f a l l s . IDAHO

t lh m a t’s ' l l^11 MANILA. N or. 5 m - T h iI S J of c ity .po lice crl

hU oftlcen today to r liaii I 1 T ords ln.Uieir report*.

, I [A— te n . , . (made the repo rt d . ficult to comprehend.*' . A lgerian » ------------ ~

BiE Probate Asked3= H M b and^E jle re the OOODINO. N or. 6—1 ^ ly m o m - Campbell. WendeU, h a s filet blowing Uon for leUers of admW

in the I7.S09 estate o f h e r t OUude Campbell, In probai

IB r a id - here. Mr. CampbeU died O Uie iso- The esUte Includes two i M r e ^ '. Wendell, a 1853 4a r a n d 1

if .iL ffjy u . ! ^ > .v ^ J . . £im n l S d ley J- Campbell, F t CoUlni

Z iU ier L. Kess,-Twln FalU. Jen Campbell sod N ancy C

In p re- boUi WendeU.__________ __ibriously. ,, ... , — . ______ ~ought to U u t a Cairo radio sUU: in f ig h t- beaming toflammatory mesi

AlgerU, which is classed a a E gypt partm ent of metropollU n F

Ight of Happiness"

I South of The

vhere the folfis z to play!I S T A R R I

STEW ARr_|^leo^-JoyfoH O aneiag-D arU ng-—

IER TONIGHTa th a t E nglish .01:1* really aye . As T alen ted . . As Primitively” my you hsve t n r seen or ever

rUS^ETE^S■SERT INNBorder - - Hi-Way 93



VESiC(iyOMa£03nd Service Go H and In H o nd" ISHONE * Oppoitt* T elephone ( P H O N E 3 8 7 8

ROUTH, Owner - ; -

A n d G e t A c q u a in t e d

E COFFEEAll Day Saturday

— " Endt f itlu rdayl

— ^ l i s g l s s i p p l ^ a j n b l c c ! ! “ WorW In H ir A r m s ’’



^ ^ 2 3 ,0 0 0 .Called f(Tbe chief Draft in Jam

WASHDidTON, N or. 8 uam f Dig ^ f o s e departm ent yeste*

n e d a d m t.c a u fo r a jx n J s n t u r y ^ i ^ l w

o r ti) d lf- " ^ h T a i o o figure is Ui ' ' monthly anrnber. which h

- • i . ~ c s iie d 'ja e r ;n d 7rit--wiU'bri J SSS.CO tha number of men

1(1 U l - I’"--" the i l s r t of t h i Kortr\ J J. The defense departm iair k < JT J IT P January d raft'calll* based o ^ aS b tS d S ^ - t h e . - - i h w t 's . - ; - i

lUengUi a fte r allowances,h S S s ^ u S ior^enllitanenu and r ■r husband. . . )bate court ----- 1--------

GrazingOkajd a truck. ’ BOISE, Nor. 5 CB - 'D

Campbell, board of examinen approvec r t r e ^ U n - d iy an H T M aP > L -Ig -. 11ns. Colo.: Vaught, Brunesu. lo (rase . l U .u d El- on part of Uie Bruneau arm I ' CampbtU. 3. BUlke wildlife m a n a g ^ c

NOW SPlA Y lK lfi g

/ ' ' '"M


_ A D D E D ________ll, -n o B S E snJ TH E PAJ


5 " ' vY -IT H T

: - "Fl------------ - -^ --S H tlin g HAYD

Wild Bill

>3 sTj_______ _ N o t h i n g l i k e

5 J J J J I “ o r t h i s m a d m ;

0 - : -----------

• • A n d y Rus

; ------------ 2 — <

— Open 6 :45 —

- ■ 'wummiiin

nQHQ'l!_____ AILIwin-EolliJV

ANE(v k .T H E 1 r e i ® 'AN t

A ion donee on/he


* r n ic E S ! '6 5 ^ . 8 5 ^

g y .-. ____ -TU J X Afler.2 .

iL g

m u a r y S ^ t t S t oijjoo men In vote* tn b l s ^

1 Ull s a m e -----------

ayed "RAILS m- 'The IU te - A . .

r a s >-aramie

i^ e n t a r e a . C A R T O O N -___ _

K S■

B Wfilm

w » a_ n m

2 2 ; 5 < w « <n n tN OF ^ COLOB ' PAJIPA8- • CARTOON

:m N G A D V E N T U R E .. . ' i TH E N A V A U A IR A R M ! "

F U T T O P ' ^

lYDEN-------— Richord-CARliOJ


ill EHiqtt in ' TOPEKA"

TARTS SUNDAY ■ke i t ! H o ld o n to y o u r u

I m a n 'w l i r t a k e y o u to hli;

^ "HOUSE o f W A X '

QfiKOCEESHKiaHEeelo l S h o r t S u b f e e t Progran R u s i i l l * B irth o f Hocki;

-CARTOONS — 5-— Lost Com plete Show lOiC



TALENTS THAT GAVE YOU .N AMERICAN IN PARIS"! ^lo n S '^ l le d , /o i i fe - f o d in , i tncs'/ilfid /ove ifory bo<id j B I /he o n o f Bnadwa/ mun'colf


- t t H f J l u i l I « - i i J

I EHmillHK-ME j ^


Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

stW o rd ls

e a r d ^ £ E l E 5^ p f i v e s «

m T f ^ T i i l t t i Mu= - ^ B ' I f * J i t m tlvta « •

f e s r . t . S ' i - B»“ ““ S ■ K , r u t « n . B B

^ s « HS S 'S S ? S ; * WK r ; pruoner buU by the

L , reolcantn u ld Uiey b«- | ^ H

UU«1- _ 721L wfre btUered to be prU-m . (UU dfportment tJnee X tg m^Ttrrlne U9 fcl BtB VS J 3 i " W Elm« P. t u ^ - * ”ild-lhe leller from her h w - tJ . 8.^ ^ .U > r . bore Uie liucrlp- MarineI. ih» Ufd CfOM Society of hundre-

.nd e;0 Chme.e (NEA t i ’ Commttwe for -World

uld lhe «M OOUfltd Aur. -19, F i l mjMnd'i Sfith' blrtlid*y, Ui«t i . S ^ c n i h .d officially tn - A l 1 ih»i 15 Amfrlcin » ^ e n ,I htr hiubwd. were Iciiown H« Uld believed M be prU- f

K Xr u s O r g a n i z e d

) r L D S G r o u p s n , ^

■ u DtSi'nli^ It^the LDS ^ m a i , i:airlnrlhe-Wedhe*day,-ni|}it —, Un. Velma Allen li d l- ThomiuTlirehoru* U-lo b«*U m od Men'* dUIA miiili: department dur* Ooemme;culturtl a ru tin s of MIA tUended

c n t (ew monlhA, AU youtha port of -wmKunlty are Inrlted to radio pn

fiiiinuahdaw-hotif-HenrT -J tv{>tL<oo pfuented tho mlwlomiry Kennedy rffTnrjpfciirint<rH t'eiJiis:Scuon conducted the open- . I l | \ lenhly prenram. KrUllne * ' ■ ' a ltd lhe llieme and Barbara • BURU m d the icrlpture,-------------pliysical ------------------------ -------------divorce

R e p o r t S l a t e d S ' S j ;iilONE, Nor. i - A report on band. MsenicUrKleii liaeheduled for by Uieitfi; nooQ Clumber of Com- Nieljon.mnUni. Ooutlai Kaiuco, Mra. JIt. iimouncu. coupte'einouil elrcUon-day dinner u iu torIrt la the near lulure, H an- pob n miL......................... - . -1 rJed-'Dec.

| i | i p

„ / ( § •

- ..........................- ^

In th o name w ay tl tiKnifics a s ia n d a r this A.B.C. cmble

;____________ ^ u t the cifculat----------- . - p c rioc lica is ..lL is th____ - in the Audit Burea

- - ....... asBuranceto advertof member publi audittxl and rcpoi the rigid siandnrd

,______________ «iiy «P• s* . \ %dver

■ — — ------

^ ad.fttiiino ogt flP"indinI91.

_____________U ___ BLodM.UMffKl______________ P®

[ ' I ii'cvlflllerti of ni

. (-1)• ■

Visits StrickcD

'A W k

!. 8. A m b im d o r te Italy, CUr* Boothe I.i ■loc a *Ull (o (ha flMd-ilrlektn area of 8i idred life* wer*.loat io tb i dliuU r. E EA Ulcphotol

Im Is Featured At Club Meeting »i.nIllm. '•W dler, the Fountain ol, f / .l

,•• featured « meeilne of. the. , ,I Falla. MetliodHt Men'* club iday evening « t tha ehureh. ;je Illm WM ahown by Rlchird. ,nd reli ■ert. M ^ lc w « provided by a , . , “ ..tlon tet. Clnrence Dudley. Henry • im -rr 8, n a y H arter and the Rev. W. ti.rnirt M acArlhur. Dick Wl^c, club', oarlWrt

le— n -F '= ^ -D ii i ;h i ' w n u f f : n r f i PJIM Mnhnn.' Jerome Melhndlai * / l l l L '« club prcflident—«nd-H , J, - p nmer. club aecrct.iry-lreniurer, f O ided lh e meellnR tind ursed sup- of-U ie M ethodist Men'* hour

) proRrnm Sundny over K1TI. TIion'M lJ>tLofW_lt£flLj£il_by_iJcrbeit i tn h e S t

.. ,______________ Throcitmc

)ivoree Sought 'f£ " ';RLEY. Nov. 5 — Mental and for one-' leal criielty w/ui charged In a BrlRiw. i rce Bull filed In Uie dUlrlct Carter. J I-c lerk '* ©fflce Thuraday for Hollenbec: Inece Jenks aKnlnal her lius- .Id Hftttk.

:. Mnx Jenk.1. T lie ault wa. (lied wm mnde Jie Uw firm of NleUon and the bo.ird ■on. , , A plioniX Jenka aak« custody of Uie lilsiory. le's th ree children. She aUo Kl«,’anls v

for support money toUItns Tlie recon R m onth. T he Jenk i were mar- aid A, Jo Dec. 17. W 8 , in-I>oe>Ullo...:- Klwanis-^

........ . - - ^ - := E =


^ iv c u la iio n []

( ^ r d e g n i } ^ - \ - —


ly th a t S T E R L IN G on bIIvct In 11 idard o f known value, tio is and nblem a sym bol of FACTS Bui illations o f 'tie w ipapcrs and— tiocs thc.em blcm ofmembcrship____ andureau of Circulations* and is resi vertisers th a t the tnrculations mu( u b lica tio n s a rc mcnsurcil, how eported in accordnncc with thal lard.9 th n t have been mutu- thei ’ approved nnd adopted by info v e r t is e r a n n d publi^herR. caa> crc’s w hy o u r membership able

•Tt«»-Aud.i Surcou at Citeu* - - •letlonj, of whith thIiBiwipoptfII 0 mctnbir, ii a coeptra'iot, . "i U0cia,>>0n ei 3.37S edofllitri,ogpnciti ond publiihiti. 6i* .

IVN.A.B.C. biought etdrt Ml '

paid clrculollon; rvt*i a"d

of niw ipoptrt end ptilodico’t. ^

;eriA i-ea Aim

3^ . J ' alms I

wPTA «ec

------ Danner, iidaho

i InshlEh Kho

M rt Dl tlic n

^ local orsi acconipUi malini

. . tlie ccnet Uir Amer

— tOniliJclec dunni; wl

fcB w - * . aduUi h t


" a 4i«»

Nrher ui

atnie I>Tj on Rt

Funelhe I.ute, U helped o»rr ruhbU f J n fof.S tlrm o, lU ly. N ftrlr three V IU I

■ U. S. aid h a i been prnmlted. GOOD] ICM fnr

-------------------- ---------- --- ' - , Cliriicy'...-• --------------- j ft. m. W

SpecialUnlvrr.Mty of Idnlm lioaMrr. H» orRnnlr-lnc a apeclnl plane [“ unter. f p to Moscow for Dad's dny, : iv, 13, .: CCPItina C.11I fnr a apeclnl rharl- '11®“ “^?' , •d phne (o leave here .»Jov. I I d return Nov. U . Only 24 rf»- i S I " ' .-.tlona wlll be avftllBble. > mJ, jJv[nlerestetl pernnn.^ cnn to n h c t i b ^ n rm irold Hove. Kimberly, phone hv h i, »•

3-M33.________________--------------------------------------------1 Ilottnfd

'ficers Sdecfed”'For Rupert Club tl 'L iUrERT.-Nov.-5------ .WlllUjn-E. w‘’’- „mn-1 WM elected prc.udeni of Patlbeni Rupert KinnnL'i ciul) lor 1055 Mr.i. Cl

he-cIuS'a-meetinit-TtnFiEnti'rJJiy -Wiles-Ch r>cl(morton.._ttM-*elected.-Tlee.Idem, nnd Rlchnrd Cnolc un.i E»‘und,led trennurer.-------------------------------------- Jjccled lo the board of dtrectom SHOSH one-yciir temw nere Roberl ghone «1' R*. Rivlph Broadhead, O. D. pn i Mor er. Emory DelUleh, Wnyne biilldlneenb«k nnd E, M. Oreer. Don- ------------Hawk. Immediate pa.*!! pre.ildent. | made an honornry member of CHICK

bo.ird. ' IU A nplionoRrnph record reb tin* the:>ry. purpose nnd ItlenU o f 0"anls WIU plityed a l the meetlnj:.' <recordlnir w i« nnrrated by Don-, *A. Jotin.tton, who founded the: iinla-?Iui>-1n-Detroll In-1913.— i - -

in the A.B.C. is im portant to our advi and ouTEclves: Al regular intervals om Burcnu’a latRC staff o f experienced ( tion .auditors makfra « thorough insj and aud it of our circulation record results o f this cxactinR audit Kho« much circulation we have; where il how it wnsobt.iined; rind many other 1 tha l advcrli.'^rs need as a sound br their advertisinR investments. Thi.s a information is jiubltfhed by tbe Bui easy-fo-rend A.B.C. reports which arc able lo our advertisers on request.



ims of PTA ire Topic at M Board Parley H

ilOSHONE. Noel 's -:.T h e p ta ’. K T 3 Urns and organlutUon, were cx- ® K B ued to members o( Uie Shuhone > execuUve board by Mrt-’Jesde K j P ner tecond vice pre.ldent-O Llht >0 Congress of PTA, t l • meet* Wrdnesday tfiernoon *1 Uie m J M

I Khool.-r t Danner'i eipIantUon Includ- tlie naUonal, * .ut« dlslricl tn d I orBanlMllcni. Btie D olnltd.to : impUihmenU ol lhe PTA In pro- ini democracy, legliltUon tn d teneral welfare of children tn dAmerican nubile,_________ ,u . ~ ^ b ^ r r » a d ^ k . pre.ldenL .

ns which Mrs. m n t Lequerlci irKd th s t 3.0U children and HB lls h td been « n ’ed ho i lunchea n j October. Mr*. W. n . Burkett -Uie PTA-lia*-M« mem ben to -

rilKuuton on iullon'cen aeUvU and behavior of youths of the

muniiy- ttTis - l ie ld r-w rtr -R r or* - er uiid Mra. Donald Daw, Je - . e. line « ru chairman for the : ITA. will presenl n prosram , irt r t Uie Nov. IS PTA m eetlni. =

ineral Held for jooding ResidentOODINO, Nov. 5 - ru n e ra l .e r r - «riL

fnr Mra. Anna Maud_8t-ilfy. ney' weTe conducted a t 10:30 11. Wednesdny a l the Ooodlng Qnfen I chapel. Hmrri.prayer waa clven a l the Chenev j4»d»ri e before Uie service by Cliff ter. Prelude and posUude mu.ilc plnyed by Marjorie Davenpori. •

no composed ot Mrs. Owen T . T V i t « ard, Mra. James Bullock and X T T U . U P rea l WrlRhl sanir. ac- llpnnlcd by MLm Davenpdn. Tlie f callon was Riven by Nlle Cox. niTPi . Jay Tell played t violin aolo. i-^ nCox.^ soloist, was accompanied Jj

n^r^^iK l^^e'^dent^^^SliM ''

lerl Fowler and the benedic- ^by.V triyaJlaw k*..D edlcjiU on

lie grave a l Elmwood cemetery by alto, made by Bishop Vernon Good- ’ Edsni

operate:illbearers, sons and son-in-laws from W lr.i. Cheney, were SUley Cheney, dlse pu es^henP7rVlL!UJi Clieiiey, K fiui TnwO*] !l''^''i_Pale^,pheney .and„nn'u l_ -

nOARD to~m 'e'e t ' V fiOSHONE, Nov, 5 -T h e 8ho- \ \ .le school board will meel a t a l l

Monday a l the . high Khool \ l

JicKEN ■ \l-A-BASKET..........7 0 C ]Jr. Oulild* (nd T«li*.lIom* OrdiM

SAWYER'SBARBEQUE _____________


IIV I'advertisers V lIs one of tho ^ 3ced circula*- K MI inspection __^ rd s^ 'I 'h o _______[_________■ ■show; how ^ 3;re it goes; — .............Iher FA C TS Q id basis for1ii.s audited B M! Bureau in E a;h arc avail* ^ | | |

E S ^ I


triUlD-i QMea MeUier E ltnbc th w llh : ,eloualy-tak>-»n(alnl Dr. O rtyM ii KMc.' mily: - I t U m j time te fe l In Uoe?* 1 een Molher wa« made by A n o d tle d Fret rrti durlnc eercnonlea fn wblch the tn d der« e l Klenee, diplomacy, fDvemment reel trcm Colambta. lAP wlrephole)

vo Suits Filed Re At Rupert Court c5f“

UPERT.'Nov. «-T»-o *ulU seek- lh# ilji letUement o t unpaid bills were I in probaU cou;t hero UiU *>'o kl

lonitlnso?a Knight, R uperl'li irdw tre tr^*eeka= pfljinco tm L rJU U Q 1 E, H. Davli for palnl pur* hJgnwa *s, Tlie suit WM filed Thursday wcl'iUo iltorney Sherman Bellwood. Week iKnr Obenchaln, fllllnR sU tlon ator, leeks payment of 1106.86 J William W right for merchnn- ®^P'™ purch tsed .'T he su ll was filed

Wiiy-byCreK8on-«nd-CrciuKm.- R JA P -

■ I r * In

vWm x a "one* a y*e


S M o rder lo ba i

CLOSE-OUT . . KEM o itly d iic o n H n u ed 1 , 7 5 c o lo rs .......;_ .;. '. .G A L I

FRONT DOOR LC y lin d er SeND e i fe r m o k e .......................... E>

D ex (e r C y linder N IG H T LA TCH ES....... ....... E>

^ 2 x 4 a n d W i d e r F i r D i— N o r 2 a n d b e t t t r --------- -—

Y ord Cull*............................. O

4 0 ' Pkg. HOBBYR an dom w id th , 4 f t . long S hop type « l* o r ........................I

N u-W oodIN SU L A T IN G L A T H ......, ....<

_ l I l x 3 ! l i 4 J t Z £ e d f l f : . ~ FENCE PICK ETS.................,EA

~ ’/ 4 " M flhogony -------PLY W OO D ,...............SQ . FT . ,

A lum a-D oor<Seol W EA TH ER ST R IP SETS.......

139 Third A > |. South, T

FALLS. IDAHO_________

I Doctor?’ “Bl

I LON . boyslL IU .c r problei

revolui Al c<

yowig“T arta

Krol weekly

•‘A I do wc Ih e y crowd] houset

_ llc h ta Neai

me 6i( month and d crlmei

■ teac ' old.-A . cn-to

ro u - I m i ' i

pUtol of Uie

Mos jear-c ard,"

Tlie verely


Lh % typical A acrieaa gestur* P ( rtt.-pm ldeiit-Bf C olm ntli'an lr- — - • Thla BBQiual picture af th i ^ to “real SU ff Photofnipher H trry *'>th 1 ind more I h tn 'a scare of a ther overtlr n t and arU received benoniry P<ul

(two).------------------------- :------------------phiiip

ieward OfferedDISE. Nov. S QJfJ— 1111 Mores Ma:(in!k CatUemen'i association and jm o)iU te organlsaUon have pu t up g CU l reward o t *1,000 for rusU en -killed or butchered a cow be- ®

Ing to S. T . Hawkins. Boise. h h le inJmai u'jx >;i;ra~snd buun-.-In -*-fleld“y f s ro r B o ue~near ' ■ A

Itlon secrelar}'. reported. eeki u ld the reward would t>e . for Jnformatlon leadlnR to the s l tn d conviction of the person e rw ns responsible............................

Lp-TlM Ea-'WEWS-WAWT-APgrW ------

Wki i(a-ais3

WM Su l ° sill

Inventory lim i I O

lu ll a few *f Ih* B J:|»

y * o r" 'ip ic ta l i y j ' ^ a:o»

le td \<MOY down in * lo’^

balanc* our ilock. | ^ B | | ><o»-


“ - qt: 5 0 ' - 1 : 1------------- ^ 3 ■ !;o^

K S .

LOCKS n .A .S O B ■ > 0^

.E A C H 7 n ■ s;ii- ---------- . I l l ■ liiftl

5.90 H • \Si

K M 7 .60.

Dimensions—i - .O O P«rlOO------2 jiojjD B I ----------- ■ ■ ?

^ E 9 ^ 1:00-r TRIM M s

I s i

1 : 1------------ ' ^ 9 ■ >;o»..

EAciir"T5'“ “H -

r:2 2 v ^ l i l l■ sou—

1 . 4 0 J p -

B I i i l g H

-~-r.-------- ---- ----------, Twin Falls W M ■ 10:01

■ ■ I

butterfly” Boys Ai

ONDON. Nov. 5 -/T he 'bu tte rfly tence B l-ire elvlng .Uie Soviet Union for h ti .c rcatcai Juveolle .deUnauency foolbtl blem ilnce the early days of Uie yean f Dlution. -me,1 colorful Hi th tl r nickname, Uie tough ■ lig te r ro i* -w * » r long-maned 1J3J. n r ta n lia lrcuu’* m d brtlllanl col- offend.tm oT T ifr---------------------- -:rokodil. the Soviet Ulusirated lence 1 :kly, descrlbei Oicm thus; In jA Ring of pimply youUii, ne'er jtnder; wells and louts are responilble. td u

ey atart-trouble on-tramcaT*.-in liiiMj-wds o t moviegoers, and e a tin g ---------ues. They bother Rlrls and pickQta-WlUi.men.:;------------------------learly 60 ilnrlf« In . W ErSovTFl presa wliMln Uie l u t alx H U niha on jou ttilu l hooliganism 1 drlnkinc. Some ot Uiem report mes of aerloua violence, k fchoolboy In Khabarovsk knifed eacher to death. He was 11 years.-An-Odes5« ichoolboy w ti b e a i- ---------to detU i by oUier boys, --------- -'o u r boys, a R ^ l S jo n» .cn jaged_____U 'le n tS ofarm ed robberies. The tol belonged lo the faUier of one the boys—a policeman..loscow radio de.'<rlbed a aeven- ir-old ns • •'Ihlef and a drunk- - .

nie Soviet coun.1 are dealing se- •ely w ith the youthful offenders,)ne schoolboy received a sen-

J*arldngFines__^k total of *18 In bonds waa poited ^h Twin Pslls police Thuraday for / %rllm e parking vlolitlons. . ^ 'oallnc -bonds.-w ere -Ray.. Crist 0). T . Weeks, Roberl BmlUi.Up Fix. S. L. Beem an,. Ehlg ^Opjooiisaw arn. W. P. Bouch. Don* Sa.r^sner, Earl McAdams. Ed Dad-

(tw o), Mra. Wayne WlnlaIn^ H |sine Moore; n . w . McCuUough. ■ ! Ch Tyler, DoroUiy Herrick u d O. Miles.'■ ■ a i r ■ ■ ■ C U P ON T m T i:



N o t. 7 th ru Not. i» s u n o a t r j c

1 :» —Tb* Surrh iCtlS) t:CSsll>->l.r>1d ot Tnu. iiO1:00 Ch«iHl a t iMplrtiloi 111i rill rhinnil. T . Stlsisa—TksBlf Fletar* -- ---- IKli(l»-Utft.irom. Atft«M81i«« T:el:lS-.N«wt >1)4 W*acb«r Tlll:SI^Ycra Ar* T k .n lidr;00-I.libt-i DUm»nd JuUIm IIIl ;^ - T o m of th. T o .» _____________ li»lO iO ^ u n is , Tm Vt* T taUf lolt

-----T---- BlJNUlf r j t . ------- ---- — U?*t:<Mn*arth (or l^mvrs*1:00- Womm-t WorlT^ l:<S-n>rr Uoor.1:00- On yair Aetonni

lES-yH”” ill:0(>—"Junior Crourotdi" iJJl

i : i S S S " a s K... ' ;is':00—SclMici In Aclloa V.?'l^O— D*c«ntur Brli* ,:1■ :0»—Duma «nd All«ii (CBS) l^ i

i:J»—KoI.frl Q, Ltmli » * « * j0:OI-KllOI-T«« V,* Mirgut*

TUESDAY r.H.':0»-Wom.r, World wUk

noniil* w»uu rOO—On Yoor AccobbI *'}!:1»—I.O.* cf Llf«lOO—Ch«iiinl S Corr»l ‘ ‘J*:10—M«rr7 Mllkmtn ' {'•J:oa—lUKr *od I1>* UmI< K.r ; : j ‘:IS—CiDUln Vldn '-J*■IsTw iM h'"’ d " u o t W - - -T ill io o -n i* cJIdblrsi *’ * “ ]!«

io»-K.movi. n.7ii«ui* '• «:30—fm IS* Law O.:0s-KB01 Tft V« U»r<iut«

WEDNESHAT PH.:09—Womin'a World vltk ll l lsH-IuSTn’ o, u i l . <co»»:00—On Vour Account , j »:io—i.<iroof i.ir*:30—Mtrrr'Millcintn* *1^:D»—Junior CroMrotd* •:*»

Cipuln Vidto .'.Qi;]0—e n s N»< In rirlurri !:]0!«S-W ..lh.r *nd Knot N ... JlJi;00-Al.bou .nd Co.I.llo JlJJ■ 30—Sport..r«r.(l>« V.mllr--------- -•JO JD100-I«dfr»r .rtd Primd. (CCS)------------•OO^liSTtB rM l" iU _ i» C T (:J»_r«oIl>.ll , - — -

______ .. -ATIIUHflDAT r.H. • ^

:00-Womin-> World wiOiHonnit W.IIJ. , „

:<»—Hob Cro«|.r ‘ -"T:00—On Your Aeceunl {;:*■

of Mf. *=»J;;0»—.Smillni W McConnill ‘ -®*;:30 U irrj Ullkniin M t ;0n—ri,i,» >n<t M ult Ktr:1S-C.plilh Vld« J ’JJ-:J0—CHS Ntwi In riclur.t J ‘0^ 4S—W.alliar ...d KDOt K<»JO -tuJ'D .tM 'r.. ^ *=»»•«4—.Icwrl. for Ih. r.nillr * ,00—"Th.7 .1i»nd Acfuirt"jo-Ai}'Am.-c»n.r»ViF;rvf.i‘ ■ - >»‘»- :ftO—S-Si.r It.xIllnM :g t= T m ri tm m r---------------- —

FRIDAY rJ I . W *«J-^-=..rch fof Tomorm- T W00-\Vom.n'i World wllh—tiGrami-srsm. • — — :---------

H k S k :"” ' i s09—Cb.nntl i Corn!-* aiM]U—Mtrrj Ullkmtn l l l lOO—Ju| lor_ (Jro*«re«d< «iJO«4-W .'.ihfr\‘ntr KDOr?.*-. l i u

---------- r 4 |

JO—Stwrl* »;0(:flA—.Slur II.idlioM «:l(:0I—Ok»r I'ood TSt»Ur *:JI

nATURDAY P.M. a^-SM urdY :|-»liiri UtUnt»-;j»—Wlnkr'Dl'nli ."d Vou l:l»;00—m a.n of lb. Purpl. S u t *:0t:I^ N r« a ind-W.iibtr. .;](:J0—Th. fUrIr Show V::o -fl» l„ j Your r .rin .r ___ T:31:0»—"T h.fi U; lk.»"—rr«ml«r — . »|0< ^0—Rsb.li. O, L ..1 . - ......................... -Si><;0i>—Ch.nr. Wrtitllnr HMi:M -l-Su.r ll»-IIInf. *i|l9:01—s.lu n ltr U.r«UM *>41■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ CLIP ON T U B U

4re Giving ; dsJHard Time;tee of five year* tmpri*mmeofr- hilplag anoUieT-itetl«-p*lr;of=

ilball ihoes. Another got tw *: in for stealing * shirt.Rie Soviet Union aUrled getUnf Igh wlUi juvenile Uw bre*ken in U. when-Uit-govemment d*o»*d- enders of 12 m d over vould be m 'w m 'm ta m u - ior Uiett, Yi6»' lee and murder.In 1911 another decree a id ' of- iders over 1« would be proiecUt>

u td u lu for t l l offenses not' W In .lhe taiU er dem ei.

S o sm o o th U o m

i t l c i v t j y o u

briathlus ^

S™!!#‘ “ VOBKA

18 u s t ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

R PEOPLE : ER :CO 11^11% : CHANNEI. V m

._ .IV .IV .iD A n o r & u z i - -N ot. 7 Uira N ot. U , ■

lUnOAT PJL , ■t;OS--E]«UkaI Analrtrunr ■ii»»-Gbanl Bpksdar *l l l-vrb« CkrUlovWr* ■i(W~Tia.4( tk* LU*- — . *■iM—Tout t t Ik. T tw i' ■

lilW-LU. of RlftT - . «llia -~ l Ud I LIt«* a

W it *lOiW-rMlnrt ThMUt

-nn ..u u C>dt'> ■ ■ ---------

HONDAT il:i l-a!i.rift Onn - ^1:11—Crvudn lUktll .. y«:00-Tb* Ole rictur* ~ i l il l-JilB br Cr«Mre*d<<:90—N tn and InwrrU**iiits-jsr- Is':wI yS™'t V ^ ‘I ut ■1:00—Mr il«r« I«;}»—Dciler- . .

18 :ll-N .-i Kln.l • |

TUESDAT *4:<l—Sh.riff D.tn |1:11 Cn.ud<r lUbUIl:0»—To B. AnnouBc.4 IlilO—Ntwt >ad InttTTltwil:4ft-YMUnU7 M tn rttl. . . . •l;lS-.Wt.Uitr rictart ,1:0»-ll-i I 0r*4t Lift *

~7:10-In<ld. of 8porU .*S:W—rord T^Mln .1110—r»»orlU Storj * l ;» —Th. VWlor ■

Wiik tht ’BuUtis’ ' 10:00-£teetJoa Rnulu |

, WKDNE80AT ' a4:(l-tthtri(f Ot.B S:ll^ru>.d<r RibUl |l:»0-T* H. ABnounrrf - l:ll-JunlorCreMn>td« i■ ;]»-N«wtBnd laurrltw*i;ift-nob«n q. Lt«u fl*:»lKlt*CiTien ■

CerllM Arihtr' S;OS-Ubtrwi |S:3o—Ur. Dliirtet *lur9i7• :0»-Cliy | l;5»-Toucbda«n

TnURSOATl;<W-Xp.rt tioMI.rtI ::i—SmIlInt Ed't C.ni S:SS—Crauiltr n.tibll 1:09—"Ur. Wlurd" t i l l—Junloi Crourotdi.« :l»-N t». tad iB tnrloa *l! l l—W.aih«rTiOD-Clve Kia ITiM-BuIrt TUSioO-Amot and Anb Is :l» -r .r ..t« t Ster*.. •< lb*

i ; ? s i ^ . - r r * K S ! s : b A . i i - iHorn.- I

rUDAl. It:4t-Sh.rlf( DtanSill Cruudtr lUbtdl ■ IaiMCtBUlB Vidae1111-DttltrU.IncTVThMUr I IMO—Ntwi and InltrtU x l;4^YMUrd«j'a Nt«ir*il Il;ll-W «.ib t,

■ I;H-.T».B* iB«niiii.«d-------------- --*::o—S u r 8k»ir Caa* I*:00-roo lb t1l*:J0—RhTlbm .Ilaiinilap .1»:il-Iteclir Klnt. D«imU>« il:l l-V ..lu r. Tbttltf— '

••UlBftr" IlATUROAT ■

I;n«-Ilopi1o«» Canldy- 'C;0»—Thla ta Uur Und I«;]0-SluB» tha U ittskl **;00—Slor7 ThMUr I T :30-n.ii.r Ll»ln* Th«aUfSiOO—UUtta Btrlt 8h>« |

-SilO—iBB.r SaiwluB............... ........ilW-Bsatsa DlMtU |• iio—InBtr Bantluoi ' »>4l-lIo»*l*Bt Catald; .

) U N I

____ PAGE S E v i^ i

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

: “Slfdrt Term” Soldng Cause

I! r o o L tn iiB u a . o , not. 6 u i - - !; ; ttirajT—Tnw o h io je n it* elfic; • r o m d , “P a y them? Why. the wh• ’ b u iln e u te k bkokely.bU afc nu! ^ e * r • _ ■ .......... ..! : Ahouse-tfilelanookedTtixK lnL

; ' • T h e r i » Ohlo-i -MBdwli ; legU lkton. iQUKsed Inlo ahoit ter r to f it tt>» le tter of th» Uw. Th

khori te rm en fU} out the u l l c I of th e . old t«m » of lU te »cnil:

aod rep ree en ttU fu who raigned died In office.

I 8ped>l B etU ca

I w ith t i e g e n w ^ eleeUon 'W tsd Aod th e ir abort>Uved tta te tm iiu l

r n u y bo a lm o g f u precedent ih; nII terlng u the .iith term of O I'l' F n n J . Leusche.

R e tu iv term en will Uke the oi I -_of om ce th#__fir»t:Monil»y m Ji p '- U i n '- T h< i m e tiu - th e eh irt tI------ lE jiiu tcn -p roB W ly "Bevfr“ w iir" Jn the feaere l unJsu' ' apecUl Msslon U called. ’ At b I, they will terve about a m oalh a

' a half.I; . ! B U ie h o iu e o b M rre n u y th ft th i

term legUlator problem U unlq' ;■. the f irs t o f Ita kind In Ohio polll)

Pay Queatlon I : Ally. Oen, c . WUIUm OUelll i

been aaked how much they ihoi be paid. Home Clerk Carl Oui requested the opinion.

i | - ------fce*ljlatoT8,~-ln-bolh-*enat*-aLl ; house, receive $9,300 a year, r .' O'Neill said the ahort tcrmi r > w on't officially be UgUlalora un r they receive the ir elecUon eertl }' cates and are .Stt’ora inlo offl

OetUns a certirfcate Ukes aboui : days a fte r elecUon.

I. — Benate.C ierkJH iom u E. Batem aald the rules of his chamber i quire th a t membera must take t

" o a th of ofllce in the preeence oC t other senators.

Does thU mean a specla) stsili ' m ty be called' ]ust to awear the : in? Batem an doubted It, but u

U'a pouible. ’________________

r 3 ' S n r v e y m H e a l t h “

' — S l a t e d - i n - J e r o mJEROME. Not. » -D r . CecU Reli

; atein. Tw in PaUs. medical direct I of the south-central dUtrict heal J Ilh It, anopufl^ that.Jerc im Q 'coun F-had Imcii aeIected"for'a couni^rl<

case f ln d ln i survey-for tubercul

i ; . Mrs. Dick Overfleld, public heal I . , nurse fo r the county, aald the su

«; I ; vey will be made thU month.I. 11)0 a ta ta mobile X -ray un it w

; : . be sUUoned in various places In U .._I;.county a n d a rrangem enta-for-11 \ • : projact will be handled by Dr. Dei

H unserford. Boise. Jerom e coun I ' anU-tuberculoaU assoelaUon. ser ,1 . Ice and civic clubs and the soull

, cenlral health dUlrlet wilt assist l the p ro jec t Mrs. Overfleld aald thi

' tuberUn testing wlll be given fi I •T oungiten-lrem - o n - y f i r - t o ' U

' . end of grade school.

I P a n e l P i c k e d f o r

I i n M i n i d o k i51 n u P E R T . Nov. » -C a tl K. Me i: tn d R. O . Sparks were elecK |iL chairm an and vice chairman n m -<|>ecUveIy-of.Uu-Ulnldoka-«ouniI ASO committee for 19U.a : __ Q r J n J h 0mM0u_.Bu : t l n : ln l . i o

u lar member. DonaM Avery fir 'J, alternate member, and A. M. Noi ,1 by, teccai aJtem ate member. 71 i | new members take office Dec. I. I ' l The committee was elected bII five communrty delegates. Tliey ai '.J Clyde O entry. Acequia; Arthi ,‘»;-N orby,- -Rupert;—Clinton Eastoi

Paul; D onald MacRae, Heybun l| ‘I and O. B . 'niompson. north side.

! i C a r D am agedI . BOm*EY. Nov. 6 -O enera l bod# damage w as reported for th e 195 I Bulck of W. R. McMurray. 23, Bur

ley. when the car roiled over com ■l|[,' pletely Wednesday nlghl.I ;.’ McMurray told deputy alierirft h " 'I h it loose d irt a l the JuncUon c > Mghwa}-8 SON and 303, c iusing hlr

to lose control of the car.

Iji;; Only this


t has that Go

I Orrftr o Gordea’s Mat and SM w hat a d ifftn .

It m dicM f

j- Knr IB."; j r a n CoDlnnV1*1 been a fato rlle the world O'U ;... 1»« fufmula can'l be du

rale ti. High P ro^f (9 4 .4 ) i4 — -------L J t io rm -^ H tT - li- f ltil ln nli; fn r.or.l„n*..

_________T h r t r <|ualil|p» inran tinj I lojQU. Ih rv m V an rirh ^ fla

j lh a t never U ile ih in . J.i.llactnW r ih il Cortlon 't Aa

la Gordoix't atone.

There’s no gin

, ----------------------------------------------- (i

I? lao; itorraAi yn tiB ttsn iu p m u haii


_ Edw

fe le f^ ti_ -P sy OfflcUl 9 wholeI nuU. ^


Idwuh"'t terms i

These all end • enalors tnedo r

nesday. lanshlp t shat-


he oath n Jan- Irl u it v i i r i i t

aIt best


leshorlunique,oolllles. Mra. E leanor Miller, meiabcr < „ ^ Rlcbcl school, lefl. and Mrs. Ivs

(111 hM BBtjouneln* the ebaervanee of Ar “ * * . *

Local Gommi S ' Help Obsei30Ui?d American EducaUon week will

observed nationally nex t week itemsn U'e purpose of creaUng an awa ,er re- ness on ih e ’p a rt oT’everrP eraon i e lhe the Im porU nt role eduuvtlon pli , ot the In democracy and of the clUte

personal responsffilflty for ma. Mulon Uining good achooU.• them In "Twin PalU a commlllee- It u id seven currenUy U working ou t pU

for the observance of the w<

___prealdenkot the.dUlrlct.ldahQ.EdcaUon a ssociatldh 'ahd p rinelpar W aahington school: W ynn Pri

i m p vice p rlnclpal-of-T w in .P alU .Jua I 1 high achool: John Angerbau ttem- Junior h igh school PTA preside:

Mrs. Ivan O am and. f irs t vice p r t health d j„ i of th e Lincoln school PT county Oeorga.-Beyer.. commander., of .1 * r w ^ Ttfih f iiU "A m oncnn te a to n -p c :reulo* and 'M rs.'P red Rodgers, pa ren t ed

caUon chafrm an fer W ashlngl health jchool.le sur- American EducaUon week 'gr

oul 'Of condlUons revealed durl lit will World w ar I -a m a iih g evidence In the lliiUracy a n d physical unfllne sr- Ute Prelttnlnary discussion of these pfc , Dean lems led to the formaUon of county specUl cbmmiltee on Amerlcnni;

Xt w Cruelty Charged «'b! _ In Two Divorce^ * aO O D IN G . Nov. 6—’Two dlvon

hnve been filed in dU trlct coi here.

r Eugene Soukup was named d I fendant In a sult^flled by Nel

f j l r a Soukup. She charges ealreme crui ty. They were married A p r i l ':

1 r i? Chicago. IU.. and have iiected eiiiidren o r community proper " ” • Cecil D. Hobdey ,U a ttorney f

ToaTBoukup:----------------------- *—

In a-divorce-sult-flled by M nrrD li She charges exlreme cruclly. Th

; were m arried In Elko. Nev.. May : '] 19}a, and have two m inor ehlldre !<l' by Diax asks for the custody>y are children and UO a m onlh su] Lrlhur port. Perce H all, MounUln Hornaston, U h e r attorney.— ------rbum, '

Petition FiledOOODINO. Nov. S—Mrs. Emn

body McCormick. Blis. , has filed a pel I 18S3 lion for lelleM of admlnUtratlon I Bur- ^ 'e esUte of P rank. McCormlc com- died‘O c t 3S.

T he c su to Includes two lols I Its he Bliss, tGl caai). fu tu res and equi; 3n o t m enl and U vnlued a t tu o o . Mr I him McCormick, widow, U tha only he:

Uted in U>e peUUon.__________


Sdrdon’s flavor

M artini

:rll«tiii-ilrlnk .

in like

G ordon’s' MAIM* tQgflOM’s t« r em co..hb..imotJi. n l

lucation Week Pla................. ■ ■’

Y i i f k w i r

nber e f the Twin FalU s n l t e f (h« Idali* s. Iv an G arnand. first vlca praaidcnl o f t : of American C douuon Week la Twin I

* * « * .

mittee Works 01serve National E: wlil be and' educaUon. Thus. In IM l. -eek for week was esUbllshed.

aware- According to the official eraon-of nounccnitnl*JLiliDUl4J}C_5.bsfi m plays In a ll communlUes annually for clUeen's purpose of informing the publli

m ajR ' the sccomplUhinenis and nred< the publle schooU and lo secure

lllee- of cooperaUon and aupport of u t plana publle in meeting obvious needs, e week During next week, the attendloi I—Allen.- 'th r'c iittre-n atlu ii will b i 'd ire t iQ.EdU;. 4«ward-thfr-MhooU.-Thelr-purpo t lp a r o f mellioairaeHIcvemehU7"ne<ds" I Prsy. problems p a u in review.I.Junior —people are encouraged-lo see U erbauer. uhooU In acUon and to dec esident: wheUier or not,,U ielr schooU e presi- adequate,' I t 'U a - k i n d - o f a i I p t a ; lime, when the schools report lo.of,.tliE ottoers..Ihe-geneEai.public.__—

To keep the school strong U n t eou- cdaimuhlly. ' i \hlngtoh elUren. Uie commlllee notes.. , each communlly the sehooU E grew, operated a t Uie quality level during people „ ,(] demand,

ence of jocuiity the way In whichifllncM. „ h o o l prepares Uie children se proB- Jn , demecraf^} 0* • determined by public Interest, i

dersUndlng and support, i t U poi ed out.

d 'The goal of a good teacher li good school for every child has o n A C *>«*'» achieved,- And even l . C c 9 community w hlch.has A.good.act

jlvorcea conUnit S Intelligent concern.I. touik Ijy American Edu

. . tlon week grows In Influence i ’ K iH* N ew communi


I I nsUllM—“ S ..........r B H i.i ; ._ d ,u J n r --------

COMBS HEATING Illdren.' SERVICEtody of n . n t- W e r 2iSI-R Twin Fai•il sup- I__________ ' ____________Home,


a pcU- tion In jrmick,

A N »ly h e ir ^ .


. I .. . H i

I2 0

[ ’ C


■I '


’ l a n a M a d e

dab* E4seatl«a u w d aU e o aad ■ teachi I o f tb e UoM la sebMl PTA. p« t np a p< aln FalU Not. %U. (Staff pbalM agTai

* * * *

on Programto Education Wee

i n i . the awake la lU posslblllUes; uniqi UviUes and broadened program

;Ul an- It growing imporunco. t;i coi jbservrd nllles lh a t obterve 11 regularl r for uTe ConsUUnUy the program ti publle of *coreS Uis ImporUnee of needs or e h a j« { < fm S eituenjW p edue ■cure the oUier emphasU U dlcUted bj

of Uie ren t trends and problems. Th »ds. servance h a s ' becom* the p :ndlon of event, the foundaUon stone. 1 -directed ye«r-rouml-program of schoohMirposesr relaUons.-AUen'says.--------^ids SHd Tl'dUcovers dormant Inierest

resource*. I t mobilises Uie 1 see their strength of roany.commiinlly a I decide IxaUoni on behalf of tha ad ooU are lU Influence U spreading to }r--audlt lan iU 'w here educaUon weeki r t lo the in the making.

g U Uier. every 4,* - • • ^ -

FOR THEIevei the ABand. In j ______ .

Iren for A ,

U point- A ■

I ? s i f o r E v e r y T y p e

mUnous, ^ ^ a g

“ ".‘.‘J A S t o v e O i lnuniUes~.:z - I f Quality Pciroleun

Kimberly R o ad . .

6 3 ' < i

N I V E R i

A lS U I T S - T O P C O

h l O E S - F U R N I S I

H A T S - G I F T I T :

S P O R T S W E >


• C o n t r a c t i F a i r trnclc ilcm .t c

.SrB 0ISE rN A W A 7C A l (NTARIO, BAKtR and B

Hank Loses ] America’s 1

B rB E N B T U cU M O B l

I m ight be asked to prepare fo r otta of thos« .&ua‘a.W i] D ine aocletica th a t I am read lflf abcut on the society

kllchen >0 ' li ilk n ' i »nd.tackled an apple pie.

I t von in 'three a tra ig b n a — Hnw^tha amlA nle.'Aver 1

Eg W n ~ i S ^ ' a - M U o ^ dlslTTD ■ | H H kifbw. I t surely I B U M B ^ ■ H U m u st be the hard-

e s t Uilng to make l a . a I L th e - W o r M > ^ ^ M | a o d X don't cluda such dlshei

u r u p i c r p o a c i u f f ^ ^ ^ f l buffalo under ben, a r churcb aleeple a u gtiUn.

My guide to asrough an after- noon as I have ever i p e n t w u “M rs.-Irm a e . -RombauerU " Cooking;'* T ^e book ha# aol Uona of copies, ao Mrs. Ro: la sure to be right, but ther tfanes when I wUhed I had m y kitchen so I could havi a ll Uie Uilngs 10 her she told do to some dough.

• * 2 ? ^ I once helped assemble a locomotive, but the Inslrucl followed on Uial Job were n. n e ar aa complicated as Mrs.

rv ........ .baUEr'a.-lnairucUona_lor- pieJ The first hints for ple-i

_ which struck mjr eye were: r% A I t* 1. Too much flour makes pi C C l x tough.

3. Too much ahortening nique ac- ^ry and crumbly.

larlv heavy and soggy.- . .u fig u re d -th U to.roeiin t^

^ ‘ P « ff« t crust w enough of anyUiing. 80 1 apecificaUons in half.

I dldn'l fool around'w ith I . vice th a t all maWrialJ shoult e m the “ possible. 1 put flour. wl p^M lc fam pat FMlTiHff — Prom-thertf-on-1n,-I'got-losl e la te n t “ n® coo jr organ- * forkJoLm lxinif Uie stuff, a

jchooU. “ 'W * »Poo” okay ,'an to o ther another said a pastry bleni eeks a re tw o knives were ail right. _________ I used 'em all, switching f


1 Oils)c Equipm ent—Every Need

I F u r n a c e Oilu m P r o d u c t B . . . V n su r p a a s e t

^ I K O f Ii is. . . T w in FaUs . . . Phone 95’




i OF

5 0 ' ' "

.S CXCCplPtl



} Long Battle Wil Favorite, Apple

3BE t ^ d e r , to a pa lr of la il«

Wine and « « • Rombauer. rtgb t- out

------- d llngJl." bUiloess. _■ - I t I didn't hsndlB Jt. wh»

fiOUw^-do.wllhitZ^Biroit i'U never i t to the c su ? O r wo

call la someone eUe to llr dough I'd Isbored over?

•Vit. Rombauer o r no Mr ■ K ; ^ ! i»aua.:iJ.Bald.to.2ZU'Wlf..-I

Inc to roll UlU stuff out, V j B I into a pan.-flU It wlUt a »

-MrwUiniKppeni:------------M Q | | S rhafT ev eA 'tO 'm en tlo irt

ing procedure. T he dough i the roller and the n o re I It off. and Uie more I cuss* Uie betUr i t stuck. Plnall It fUttened with 'a hammei me a thousand licks, bu t

■ spread out a t last.; a “Joy of .--O b,.tlial-p lck lng-iip_ol, aold mil- aguare handkerchief of dou

Rombauer Actually, I t can 't be don hera were with the hands. I fUially ad he r In the problem with the ca uve done out of a new ahlrt. S tuck tl flid m s to board under the dough, racei

Uie room lo the pan and al! Pour Hours sfter I sUrtW rucUons I p „ ^

a pple piepl6.. c ru st

"”"™‘ C, A Ing makes H

makea It As I am m oving to them n t public auc t

L U int_thy

' t u e sJ i t h e a d - j 3Uld be as nir, shorl-anrt sAlt.1 ---------------------------- :-------4iartmeai.,' ^ c r B e y COW^-COmU 1ost.-O nei ----------- ---------------------cooks use Jersey cow, comnf, another•n J T ii i i J e f s e y c o \ s v c o m i f

lender or -t- Jersey cow, comirtg from a

Jersey cow, comir-----*> Jersey Cow, comir

Y Jersey cow, comiiX Jersey cow, comir

5*i» Jersey cow, comirY Jersey-cowj comir

* - X !

1 RA

I AUCI Located 3',

MONE‘ ‘ Sale S tarts 1:0(

LIVES!1 Brown Swia.- cow, coi

ffivcs A Kai. now - . I Guernsey cow,-com ln

! jriving 4 gal. now I Brindle heifer, w ill fr

' V ' • -— w ith -ltit calf---------I Jersey Swis.-! heifer,! April w ith 1 st ca lf I Guernsey h e ife r, 9 it

Swiss heifer, 8 m ontl These cows are tc stid . Fr

producUon r e « ^ win i

HA22 Ton 3rd c u ttin jr .a i


~ M ISCELUConde m ilker, 2 un it,

oneMilk cart, 2 can G Ten ftalloii m ilk can.

H IGO y al. nil b a rrel am■ “ 2 T Ifty Ral. o iF liarrcIfI r> Sacka A nn(^n(ln phcI I..og chains,'vi.«!c, o the

W ni^ Auclinnccrflr-KIaaa &

0 ________r . - ' i n a llo iil d u h 'u a f r t a l tr I t u . Ull Atterteau housewife. 1

_ ber to be patient, deft, a M i p ooufUMua and packed w lli

other admirable characten nives, to a womanhood.

s w 7 aW t of Uie ,i>|,uibau* br 1UH^% tm ikne up.w im ------------------------«M gh will - -I0A SO N 8T O M E E T

WENDELL, N < n r .> 5 b w a eoramunleatlon of Wende

.K kr-w x T N o .M A P JJ id ;A M jt • Pj-J

S ' . * . . n u ! ^ n n " 7 i y ifinish the

Mrs. Rom- . ' ^ m '

SieiirtJii-TTjli'i —-------- ----------------- j

. ' L l - C - iussed a t

S ' n f c ^....... : A S l l . - . .

I S "MODIcardboard

S A L E i

,“ "h"i'd 301 Main Avenuepie U the

FtlOto another fnrm and will not be uction-located 1 mile weat and /i

S D A f r mS a le w i l l s t a r t 1:01

rTing-w ith 2n(l-call-------- Jerg^.riing w ith 4th ca if Jerse ;

t i in g w ith -3 v d c a lf -------Jerse ;l in g w ith 2nd-calf------- 'Jerse ;

; f t . 9 « i « . i f 4 th l in g w ith ^nfi ca lf

l i n g w i th 2 n d c a l f ' ,

n in g w ith 1 s t c a l f -

n ir ig w ith 1 s t c a l f ■

n in g w ith 1 s t c a l f 2 n c

l i n g w i th 1 s t c a lf


\YCRISP,Auctioneers: HOPKINS and

CTION3'/o miles s tra igh t south (


STOCK llOc om in j with .Ird cnlt,

ling ii'llh .ltd ra lf ,--------------- S fiS tkV1 freshen In April . ...: . ...'- .— i

!r, will frc.iht;n in ------ —‘If 19-19 Jo ' months oM t io nn th fl old 0 M P - , Pres},fnlng d»le.i and

111 be given dsy of sale. CultlVftI■T-T-------------------------- ------- C o rru R fA Y Molino---------------------------ilohn Dl.alIalf.a.liay,.sLriijff----------'ilcmotc

John D(

•ANEOUS - -it. all comptcte. Rood


ans Baled h, ____ m tD LTcr

Mid tank Olfon bi•els IHC aidihospliate Wood laher articlr.'i

_____ T E ^ M S _ :j CLAJ

lETH G A R R E& K Ioa ; •

‘J L I S ^:terUUca of cateilo, when U i T t S r ^

the r e a r of a uiniS?* e th in t east. »>'“ W ednesS?^

SIT ^ drJycn by V. D. W M i? acre will be w u pracUcally e m S r .? : ®de!l lodge of Uie a c c ^ t ^ « l P..JB. Mon- w a.in ju red .Twin T alU ; .

ifller Oil

STEllS-ond Pric* foHEvcry N eed__

r E S A N D S E a v / C E

ue West

l u c t i o ibe able to take m y cow.s I w j|.

I -yi mile no rth of Caatleford.

)vember9:00 P.M."s^y -cow rC om ingf-w jtM fft-c j rYey cow , c o m iiig w ith IsT q

- s e y -c o w ,-c o m in g -w ith 'S rd a

rsey-Guemsey «>w, cominei 1th calf

• sey -G u em sey -(* o \v ,-co m in njth calf --------------1-“sey ’cow .•sey-Guernsey cow, comine i 2nd calf _

All cows vscclnsM' k \ Bangs, production net*

and breeding dales vQ| | ^ ^ j ^ ' - 8 l « n _ d a y . of sals.

1550 balea hay, wlr* Hi

.. __Bed, sp rin g s and 2 ^' tresses

SwinR rockcr

t S H , ■ , .

Ownerm d HAUMON

iSALh of Hansen, Idaho, oil'

VEMBER 8L unch on Grom


ta jf B utane stove, 3 burner* BL9JLK<j11, j u s t like new

MACHINERY^' John Deere A trac to r, good anF o rd trActor iv a to r fo r Ford, 3 bar uRator. 4 row ne tum ble plow, 2 bottom I D eere No, 6 mowero tc"con tro l"cy iinder..............1 Deere tandem disc. 8 nc wood harrow , 8 gcction s ^ ^ ric rubber lired m anure sprw*

m anure spreader, 2 ffh^ l raulic m anure loader to fit tc to r. .d hny and Vnln elcvnlor, 321'jcr-lir'cil-wagott— -1 beet and snud whippcfi ^ ^ aide rake, 4 bar i land leveler, 8 ft.

m / a w n e r


Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

K Death inf c ^ S e a s - -

6 flB—®**"

* Sm ' hU »!i^P i . I v lth only » ^

^ K ^ y g r t n d bUn ! r m

j . a w»w - “

H ? L » h^teitf M»y -■ ^ H . J e w " “ *2 ■ S U ffoW d'H O picked

K w « o » i f M ' the Lovrr, ^ L a » i i i s ) .K i t U e . w u h - m d Nor.

■ ; J \ V ' ’f?il '1 in .o .t in . R T w IW I. We w m Ut*^ K l um m d llie ®''‘y 0“*K i 10 • « him. we H i l t«o mllei behind lhe ■ U e B ik ln » 1 5 k n o U » n d ^■ > r w - m u e i - - w - - * l f h t . ------- ^ . . |^ E l nuiiS cortr the lenfth l , , J

V w I« t high hU ehince* ^ ...y! ■ o l U d wen Jial *bou‘ « I k ^

m Hi»i flhlrt ' 'H tusn)ed out or hU T-■ n n d IranUcilly. m g A■ itHiMlh L Brown »nd

him w id.*.i*lJor■ a Wl ring and tnirker y \ /

torn the lown wi» ' 5 | , 4,■ rtith Murphy In the «■ .b u l h e miniged to iwlm j j / - »■ l. . ^ thf balUfihlP and^ K rtf ce • /op»-l>anBr —■ t put Into Norfolk yes-

Buslt M i l i To f c M a p A r t h u r■ w f rfo T T JW -J» P » n « e tw r iltU e -K i B i u J f o a h l d ^ J i ^ n * i h , J « l - i iH u s r , will p»y » Iriendly give the■ ca aen. DougUi M ic- .• b u i they■ Ures for tl

ibo irrlved here TUe*> control-■ tbt United NaUons yes- eomnUttee ^ . u p r e u e d hope ^ » t changed, bt H i l i l be permitted' l« join ^f Uio cbal■ orpntutlon. much.H a the dty the Premier, a t■ T rewpuen In clt> hall. “ ®K w w l ih a icroll honoring u ^ t the K i t n , „ U . g . l n . l mill-

■ fS -anolher-buay-day ®nnnmv*J?! ■rJiU»t»ltwllhMcArUjur.■ icheduled to lunch wiUt ■ ertW igner. U te r he will■ baaofiry decree Irom ■ u : a n w 7 *nd tonight, be 5*5 ■ i i ; i p u M c i ( l r a l a d i n - " “ - J * *

“ 5 » „ ^1 DcmbcrtUc

■ ElUte T r a n s r e r s puuie-powe ■ f > f l« . r n r e l* l i e 4 J o _ £?Lni.5sm£rr«n« THI f p j M«mif«y>tB ^ n t ^ p u i ; by ths mlli

th e T icw e o■ Kflv . U rg e rn m a■ M l v .t . If M I. Jek> Exporter*■ •U ll; 1.1 i. MUri* U u t UlB D

«1« Wendl■ W .J«kC trU < “ ,I"‘J; Cl.r ■ v i i iM „ |i . uiinrr. e ra llu fore:

■ rSra^r.i!;H ’, have beenfor p r

“ 'J ;

’’i'r.".* '- *• have plckcd■ «Hi 1.. «. I on capltol h■ tl^i f f :■ W ; 'o . II. c;..i!dr w w. r . ® « ‘ ^ “ *’y V ^ .> . xiUrt. ocraUe cor

B n i i n » i I;l lw . V ‘■ p~r,-.‘™ii,-i."s; i;

H ,„ way—won'tR l o oane lugar Democrata.■ U. 8. m»rket from Puerto alwayi has■ If builnea


p O R AI "for A lt KINDS

SE l^J0-WJRS*BU¥It modern conveniences <

^ T O M C tEANf E E D S • g Ir A I N • H A Y


win Falls FeedA v c . S o .

Old Ten

- 1

k "

sinessmcn Tliink < ’o_Be More “Free-tUe monr-fr«e-5pendlnff-than ch»rte-of i l-T «i4JL lliU o_m oreJnclliifd m lU efj-thth e economy a nudge. spendlni; oi

Ujey also not« th a t conserva- ment will eir th e m ost'p a rt-w lll sUll be Plans no;Irol—Uie pa rty nam e of Uie lo be only;tee chalnnen w i l l be Uuin this,d. bu t th e charac ter of most —cbainnauahips w on 't cliange ATIt

. . QOODINithe other Utlne .th a t bual- Edwa note In the elecUon results County Agi

U>e poUtlcal* na tu re of Uie “ f™ ' D''"<•eem s to be Just about a« I i.b a lanee M the 8tale.oI.the y a t th e moment.Uty always encourages con- i n n . j

In buslnest.’ A nd the elec* f l H A Is n 't upset thla confidence.. m n u setm enta of business, how-

Bk for a Chang# In the ir for-

r execuUTea feel - ih a t a iU c to n ,™ , m w » • mort »w er m inded th a n the out- in d ^ ta m

ml« Mo*TmiM rilyiiSiRr • congreaa - m a r ^ PPTopriate —U iikN C n uma to be apent fo r defense.■ter* and im porters expect _e DemocraUc con$rreM will In a ahortlendller a ttenU on to Prtsl- ''•onorouisenhowcr's proposals to lib-foreign trad e th a n did Uie7£re». ' rsUo m anufacturers w lio:en urging more protccUon J.** 'r producU fear U u t higher.re le it likely now. u-hlle Uie ^I lower ta riff barriers may t ie a up « » n , M .nd i ot hill. TROLINEM In *eneral will watcli ________ ^isely nny trend o l Uie Dcm-

eo n g reu to ftpproprlate eely. ••lire to hnv# dome Cliances to It. T h e P resident U ex- lo advocnte a s tu r t-o n his } JjJj hJ«hw47 bUUd-Tftm. \aau fy -d e fld tr-e erta ln a n y - 1 -------- ■—in't seem as frightening to . \Ita. And deficit spending \ 1^* naa an JnflaUonao' nudge. \ , Incssmen are r ig h t in Oielr I I


5s OF.. j r o{ B f l M P

DSi n:es of An open warf* ly o r 'a ll of your *eed

‘ _____ _________________ ! _____ _ JJU

NING----------------------------------------------------- • ------------ UH

\Y • ICEI E I . I

------------------------------------: - " = ^ K I i

d&lcePh6ne 191 : B W

enants Reappear


P ^ - CANWE m o v e


k Cohgl^s^ ie-Spendiiig”t li ln r HR of UlB iltiittljni\— r B t I ~cO T M m tuii Win s U U 'b e in I L g C T e-of m oai-conjrtsslonal com- •>—their plana for conUnued r .1 InK on new p la n t and equip. ^ ■*-U- will go forward. •IS now cnll fo r such spendingonly SllghUy lower next year A /

IATTKNDING CONFAB DOING. Mov. 5 — County > n * f

Edwtird Kocsler, Asalslant | y Agent D ave Thacker and B Dcmonstmtion Agent Wilma | » f , are In'M oscow o a i week a l- l_ _ y u jy

Ig a_coujily_«igemta^’ _conf«r- _Bio

BAG'NOM OBE BistI R E A L caUHo o f t h a t WC£ggtd o u t" fpelijjy, im taU * oc, ileeplcMoeM, contUpa- £66••na“dIjertIv« 'd IsU irb4nt«- _be due to iron-poor blood or TUg

of nAturo'i v ita l mineraU viUunini in v o u r m te in . If f r B l - S T R ^ - G - E i r - t n d - ~IN O E R -faitrG gC nwr t r o iF - -------—vitAmin-rich blood-buildisr

^N O T T nblelS -------------------- ---- -------------STOI* SU FFE R IN G ^ >■hort lim e you will noUc* a yv \ \ f Iroua change: lasy organi V NJ l \ go back to w ork and IIm \ I I I WMt« and ioipuritit« will 1 to leavo you r aysUm. You

t y MW PK P and VITAL- d u d LOOK ym innr.

Dr»f-NO T T abl* ti today. reaulta In 7 daya or your ■V back. Only J1.98 for a .h^i lUppty.JLINGER PHARMACY f n M .

H« Main South____________

“ f f in .m ic d n c t i i l r r l i r l W r N c w - F r i o w flp cc d s-u jj B c tdbcd p c cp a ra l a ro u n d s a t th c h e a d la n d . O p era te

■ T n a f c s r ^ i i r i s ^ n c l r b iO T - c o v c r f l

T h i.i n e w 2 -w n y p lo w Is t r a c to r - r E a c h bn.sD hn.-s o w n c o u lte r - jo in te i nir F u r r o w W h e e ls c o n tro l aide

" " S c T F e f g u .s o n " b a la n c e d " tw 6-u-i —tia i 'n n r - d c m o n s t r a t i o n r to d a y .—

Twin Falls Tre~Klmfaorly R o a d " ^ T ' av

-----------— -------------- T TIMES-NEWS, TWP J F J

r Sett

' “ € o^ \ l ( OAtT

I t S / ^ setUemei\ Xr fl f-—8^ tn*copjVX J / i T \ the monl\ \ \ ; ^ : ! ____ j g y ■ ' ■ ,.A * rw i

> -------- r t i o i e a -( of A oer

:S^t. \ A - sm e iun*^ ^ KennKoi

'< O eo n ev r , . ------ , \ J - V— director,/ r i S ! \ j V \ * m ent. I

/ / r f i '— Y \ ^ j \ ______ BouUluila f i e l d

ss;*.?,',V / / ^ V IraUoa jJ / Modi/ll<f t - ■ r J e - - « also i?eref L said It. c

worlteri ■ |M » m o

____ 15 year*..............ecoiwmiethe con t A us. a i.

T h e all W orkers IS wlUi


B l o c k s p r o t e c t y o i i i n m a n y >

s i s t f i r e , r o t , r u s t , a n d t h e W €

w e a t h e r . F o r y o u r c o n s t r u c t

s e e u s f o r c p m p l e ^ . i n f o i

r u g g e d b lo c k s . '

— C a llo r-S e e -U ^o t

. IDAHO Tw in Fot

5?^ .

\ S K T H E M A N W H C

O N E - H E K m \

?<r-Fcr}rnK iir2iW ay“ S in ir le 'B o lto r ia rfltion ..G ivcs-Q u icke r_cn try_nn_d jr a t e s e f f ic ie n tly a t a ll p lo w in g dei /e ra h e a v y traB h -o r ^ e c n m a n u r e

to r -m o u n te d w ith f a s t t h r e e - p o in t ( in te r c o m b in a tio n . E x c lu s iv e F e r» d c d r a f t . ___ _______• ___________

■6-uay p low inff in a c lib r i~ 6 ri" y o u r y :— ---------------------------------------------^

'ractor & Imple^ . . . ------------------Ph


ttlement Is oiindinLong k»pper Strike! slsLT L A H jrc rry , Nor, 5 W^-a I aU bul m ent was reached lasl n ight I t » l opper InduiUy dispute tn which! Diunpt lonlh-lonf aUlke of S,100 work- Ir«-laTDlTe*L------- r - ------------------rem e n t on a, contract wa« A \ T e<r& rTl>e-tftilt^-:at«iworter< J ' toerlc* ICIO) ..and American J n x u d lU f ln in c company a n d r , • c o a Copper carporaUon, — - >rie W , Haycoekr sub-diaUlct - ■ ^ ar.U SW .annouocedU ieM lU c-

I t was confirmed by w . a . .Uni, m »n«ftr of A& and R 's eld plant.reoct said the s raa m a n U a lle d general 8-cent-per-hour wage " ^ y

t»e, hlkM for aftemoon a n d o iM r. a sh ift workers aad an iw um nce ahone, ■» MTerlng medical and hw plU l- bome gr0 p r « i .m . . r j j j t r a lifleaUooi o f -» pw alon pU o "rereagreedaipon.-BoU itiartlc9It- called for WS a m onlh fo r “ U anat l w ith 30 years' service and EachmoDth disability pension a fte r given b:!ir>. They said oUier non- Chicagom ie in easu rti were Included in Bubber ontrac t, whleh .wUI xun un tilI I . 165B. .hone"1 alrlk# s u n e d Bept. IS and 14. »nd has era reuirned U> their Jo t\ Oct. v'ork. b : Ul the rtsumpUon of ntgoU- shone i >. Bewtng

ih Legislator Is “ ii “ laimed by Death ;4'“5'.T LAKE o n v . No». 6 t?V_ Of the J N. 8mlUi. M, a member of wafX illa te -finance commission, died — ------l l j h t of a h u r t ailment. He i« n a t his dealc In lhe capllotl g th e d»y. ■ __1th. a Democrat, lived many in Price, where he w«* active

islneas and pollUcs. He had 1 M Price clly recorder. Carbon y treasurer, a member of the c lly council and u chairm an le Eastern U lah Democratic H it*;— -----•------------------ ---- = ^ = ^ -


y w a y ' s 7 T h e y r e ^ r

w e a r o f t i m e a n d ..

a c t i o n p r o t e c t i o n ’ ' - j

f o m a t i o n _ . a b o u t ................. M

................... ^

;0 BUILDERS SUPPLY!• Phona 4 9 0 y

10 MASONRY PROD.Fotia........PKonraOfiO " ‘

IflstaA s 3 m



.-A y j:A y r


• . Holfl

10 OWNS i H?l: 5WS! i K--------------------------- " V i 'H o lstom-M old.board—--------- j —0 <,n_d fa s te r tu rn - I . JJ*dep ths up lo 12 i ^ ■recrops. ' ‘

in t a ttachm en t, .Ferguson F loat- j ^ Ho______________________ ! mjju r r m n r - C a l l ----------- ' ~ 4 -H o___ ^ i'__________ __ ! - ni£


l e m e n t i —

P h o n . 2675-W -------- — --------------

” A n


NoFaU' |C^.•aANTA. Not. 5 sn -W b e n I h l

celling ot a classroom a t aLrnlna-n lu-hivil rnl1iip«»rf )i.«t HAOore the pupils were to march tr a d Iyesterday the Hve ' t o n s ’of {w the

Iter and metal lathing Jarred J " ^ ebtil one plttor* from the wall. "C M w u a picture of Humpty

------ ------------------------------------ ' had be

¥outfas-Win^ State Awards HI;

lOSHONe, Kot. 8 _ T wo moreoin counly 4-H merobws were

liiB<y are riorence Bond, daughter r. and M n. Leonard Bond. Sho- e, winner of the Idaho eUle 4-H ' - e grounds beauUIIcaUon awards ram, and Bill Armstrong. lUch- abom , son of Mr. and Mrs. P u re s t united lU-ong. wloner.9f..tho sU ie 4-H «f j,hoimd water con.iervaUoti p ro g ra m .______:ch will receive a IS-Jewet watch 1 by Mrs. C lw rlu R.-W algteen. H . ago, aod the Flreitone T ire and 0Jer company.----------------------— H ___irence Is a sophomore a l Aho- R , e high achool, Is 1ft yearn, old H has completed six yeare of club I]:. She Is a member'of the Sho- H V e Shiners 4-H club and th e H I* ng SuiJrs 4-H club under lead- U Ip of her moUier. Mrs. Fred HI and Mr». Myion Johnson:------O --------It. 16. is a aophomore a t R ich- H

high school, is In hU second H of 4-U work and Is a member U

he Bu.<y Beavers club led by H k Hsnd and Rob Conner;


\ ! f '



^ I IT U E i S D A Y ,J t a r t i n g a t 12:30IS we are q u itt in g fa rm in g , we miles south and 3 m iles w es t ol

17 Head DAIRY CATroJ.itcm F irsJ-C alf H eifer, frcah 61 [olstcin F ira t^C a l^ .H e i f e r , 1"B prinK er....................... - - - •[olstcin F irst-C alf H eifer, freah fi .y jahirc.E irat-C alf..H cifer..m ilkii .y rsh ire -F irs t- C a lf -H eifer,—* -! springer

:olstein F irs t-C alf H eifer, fresh 30 uemflcy Cow, 5 y ra . old, freah GO Holstein Cow, 6 ycn rs old. milkini olstcin Heifer, f i r s t calf, milkini olstcin C ow ,.') ycar.<i old. fresh 60 olstcin F irst-C alf H eifer, fresh 60 rindlc Cow, 6 yearn old, fresh 30 olstcin F irst-C alf H eifer, milkin olstcin Cow. 3 y e a rs old. fresh 60 Head Holstein H eifers, will frcwiiliin GOUnys ------------Holstein Heifcr-t. to freshen in s:JOnONEEB’S NOTE: 33 head of CsU

heifers l h Uils herd.ALL ABOVE HOLOTEIK in d AYnSK

tfOWS A M BANOS vACCINATETHolstein heifer calves fro m 1 tc m onths o ld __H olst< jn^u llcfllvoR -from -l-toS -jnonth»-old------------ •— --------------eedmg Dates and ProducUon- Recerdi

Be Given Day of Sale.

T e rm s: (

J.H.&BRUCAnVEY C .'IV E R SO N — Auction Phone 383-W — Goodinj?

)ntract Awarded I )n Band Uniform ^tAOEIlMAN. WOT, t — ■nie eon-

" K S s S w S js SWednesday night by lh e school inow xd to TlngwaU's. WeadeU, for . a each. Approximately poo u tum e •ded lo outfit the enUrfl b in d ;- 2 r ‘ ■hi boanl announceO th a l tlOO ,,-1 1 I been donated by U r. and Mr*. w, - Jg n tijo r ~ae Tiniroras.-ttist T T A had contributed »SSO and t Uie band had contributed U 9 The Md a t a benefU dance. T he boanl ed Ilgh I provide CUQ for Uie luilfonns am ind i Uie balance la to be raised byJccu. ooe of which wULbe a m o - ---------n picture ehow a t t h i hl»h

ill senior ball wilt be held PW- Will“ * t“ thf-school-^na~ thB *iunior---------

play will be presented on Nor. P ho n i Uio beam announced.

lanufacturers a n i m a t e U u t ut 14 million cameras In Ih i Ited SUtea are eguJpped for me photo flash. __ __



PH O N E 2 9 9 5 - 1 3 ■________ If c f i i


W J u n y w tu v c o r o ik fo r

f i y o u t e l l th e w orld y o u

A s t n i g h i K e n tu c k y i

Fl ' i


3 0 3M 4 0 V E M I

Lurw e-will aell th e following « t P u t ; o f Gooding . . .

TTLE MACH160 days 2 {rflctor^ k heavy 1— 1049 model Molii

.. . god condition— h 6 wks. - 1 A C model B tractcik tn g____ _ 1 - 6-ft. M&M tractci*“heavy— ------n e w- — .

^ 1 IH C model 52-R 130 daya ffrain *60 daya m en t

•inir 1 - 3-8Cction wood h:inff 1 M&5I 18-inch 2-wr60 days 1 IH C 4-bar side ral 60 days 1 A C bean and beet 30 days 1 8*^^. Oliver tanden l(ing 1 IH C bean p lan te r60 days------- 1-IH C trac to r buckifreshen 1 tra c to r weed apraj— ------ _ J .f la t .b e d 2 -w h e c l.t i1 sp ring 1 - 2 cow all m etal fib jiufomia l -1 9 4 6 F o r d 2 - d o o r

— - 1 - - ia 5 3 model IH C machliiBlED.

•FEI^ — ------- ~ a a p i ^ m ate Iv 3 Q -l

-■ 1. i a y , alL cu ttings , S evera l tons of cor

CASH Day of Sale

CEGLANDON,Idrieer-------- ' — E tM E R K N I(

Phona i

Surprise • %INDLWAPOUS, Ind , Not; •

yetw natoglst W alli^ i'

exthez;baruu'ne4ired'tiro«ut>' ^rises yestcrday-U«* toebcr of — low and a $100 gift.Bertrand predicted nlnT It imed to mow. Promoter* ol - - le movie "White Chrlsuna*- ':nt the money u a token ot their' " pprecIaUon. - ~

l u tungsten nismeet In a U |h(>r~ light bulb b « a tempetatWi mnd 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit. ‘ ' '

fgrberfl Brosi-jr—

/ S l l- . - -

3 .1 s p e c i a l i s t i n .

n g - d i s t a n c e m o v i B g !

GE“™a i S K E Y

fo r Old you hu>w great iy bourbon


§ 1 -

iH f rr iA iiK F o r . • e m i ic i i f

B E f r 9lUnch on Gi'oundsPliSIIc A uction, located


loline Z trkc lo r, in

ic to rjc to r mower, n ^ r ly

;-R combine w ith bin, in and seed a ttach ­

'd harrow ^way hangon plow rake

leet cu ltivator dem disc terckraka — -jray e ra .trac to t-w ag o ii------- — _1 Btock trailer_________ .o o ra c d a a n .. ________ _a c 2-unit milking -----

=EEDtQ~tdn8~of~loosa -gtsck—f s . . . . . _____corn sllaga

N IG H T^'Bobded'CIali^ na 3 7 4 - W > - Gooding ,

■ -- ----- PAGB~WTO^

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

GOP, D em o s . - M e e t t o Plan

Y o te R e c o iinNEWARK, N! j ., N ov. S (UV-n

puh ljc in It»der» m eet here tod t0 cotulder K Demoeratle Inviuiii to join m “blparUMn rcquu i" 1

l u t T u u d ty ’i d!spul<il eltcUon 1 U. 8 . Mnalor.

— "L aten t tabulations in the eont^ S i^» Republican Clifford Pr 0 ( »■ lead o rer Dem ocrat Charlrj H owell bx the hairline mnrsln lew tiian tw o-lenlh» of on# j

B f5ue»l BceeuDt____ J>cmofrB_iJijruiidfl_lhclt_rcQU£itJ

• recount yesierday Uirounli s u__C ha lnnan George E. Drutiner. )

tuked OCfP 6U le Ctutrm nn Sann L. Bodino to Join In a requctt lli a ll rotlnB roachlnu and ballot bo e r b e im pounded."

• — Sorller Jn the .day.-ilepublle. fien. Robert C. Hendrlcluon. v l.« rellrM s nnd will give up h it tr to the vietor of tlie race, «nld I

• • K nnt^ tubcomaUiUe aC ptU litsand elFcUoQs will come to Ni

~J«rM jr-.ifl_lnveaU£atA_tha_conclV i of the rlrcUon.• Ben. rrnnic Bari'#U, Tl.. Wy

rhnlrm an of the lubcommltlee an In LuAk, Wyo.. lh a t thn group wnu m eel In Trenton a t 10 a. m. E! tomorrow a l Hendrlcluon'a regue

— B o in cnndlQatu win ttAUf>TUiirr« M id thfl nubconunlttee u iii "ji look nround” nnd "If called upon

. inveiUgalf, we will," .M atter af Rerord

Jlm drlc tM n w ld It wn» -'n mull of record" th a t ’Cjue h w be Heeled. He l^rm rd tha rcjiulLi "crj-MAl clear" verdict and *a " ll l l unfortunate. Uiat pnrtUi Influence.^ ara neeklng to chnlleii

■ th r vole."L nte it United Preiw tabuUtlo

ahottfd Cane'a tolnl in the elecUi JUI flC0,813 roU/i U> Ho»’eJJ> M7.C ~ a plurality of only S.tST vol among lh# more than 1.700,000 cu

Postoffice Will Ask .Rate Hiki

- -SAN n iA N C IS C O .-k o r .'f l (m _A»l*tnnt Poilm aater General »

m ent will renew iU re<jue«t f o r boonl In potUI ratea a t lh* ne (Mnlqn of eeingreaa. ..-LyQ na.heador.{hPpo*t;of/lw -di pnrtm enfn new bureau of penonni

I to lr t'th e e!chth>ftnnunl-fM]cral pa I connel mifnaRement conference-Jie

th a l there have been no rale ii c r e u o for m a n ; claue* of mall StI'yeara although th e dep4rtmeni

, cait« have mor* th a n doubled du Ing the period.

L yoni aald PoaUnaater O ener A rthur E. Summerf leld bellevea use of Lhe mall should pay ihe c«3lA i th a t pMUl defle tu which hai

— »m 6unu<r-u>- ■h ,ooo,ooo' m o- aimW orld war i r —will "nol b* pau< on |4 ou^ children.'*

T he departm ent aUo wlIl a.Oc coi g r e u again to booat aala rlti fi postal worker*. -L yoni aald. Jol ahouJd bo eralualed to provide

'Tnodeiii s a ltr7 atnietu re p a i t i l en ployei desenre. JO toJusUces m a;. I eliminated, IneenUves o ffe ed ar good work properlx rewarded." I added.

iLosmg-CandHatel May Run in Stat(

BOISE. N or. i U)—Erwja BchwJi bert, unauceeuful tn h li bid fc congress from th* ( In t district, aaj Irlends t r e urging him to consldt “A sU U vlde race."

I n a itAtement~Usued jesterda; ( Schwlebert aald h e had been offert

a n "atlracU re" pM ltlcn ouLslde lli sU t« bu l would ra ther no l lea\ Id ah o unless It was for "congrea • lonal aervlce.”

Schwlebert aald he -didn't kno whether he would try tor t i n t dU tr lc t congrr.vunan again, He re aigned a College of Idaho poslUo

! la s t June.Htf aald frlendi had urged him “t

" consider running again only In I nutew lde race where my friends I • - - th e north could join In my auppor

wlUi my frlendi In U e lou th anI CMl."

U. S. fr ies to A id~ Japan’s Econom)

WASHINOTON, Nov. ft OT-Th U nited Slntes has decided to ael

I Ja p an approxlmntely tioo.ooo.oo' « 'nrth of lurpIUB farm products nn<

• Jet the Japanese pay tn Uielr owt currency, ll waa reported today.

T he purpose U to bolster Japnn' alnggerlDC economy. Officials aali the decliMn <* ttl be announced dur. Ing nexl week's vUlt here of Japan ' u e Premier Shlgeru-Yoahlda. -

Tliey aald this counlry U anxloui to give lhe Japanese leader »om( a lsn of appreclaUon for hLi con­tinued-aupport of Amerlcnti-pollejJn In ttm a u o n ara ffa lrs .------

T lie Japanese nsked to buy tIU .* 000.000 worth of farm iurplu.>i cooda, Includlnir cotton, uhent. bnrley. soy bean.', tobncco and butter.

Two Philippine Legislators Die

MANILA. Nov. a ITk—Two Phlllp- . prnn concreMmen were Wiled and a

third lestflaw r nnd twn other per- »nnx injured when the car In which

P-iikM trutk, 11 waa announced

nrp-'. nresnrifl T an nnd Lo;en7.n ZlsiK wpre-killH , anrt -Rrpr-peflrn Trniin w.m Injured. The ihree rnn- Krr.vsmen. wllh two {■ompnnlon!i. were returning here from a phyM-1 clBn'.i cohfcrenee In Ij» Union prn»>tnr-e u hrn ihi- .i-cid«TM_»A^,f, __;


® At the <-------- ----------nT ,"niw nn-* caT H ouc—

int ,1»T«turf-lii hm^r rf-Jh.r-ll«l»r.rf I’.fv -lte - .'I 'i ''; j , c»"'(..Vir«Vi*5.lg?d*.r"i

today of fir.1 yti<ur ■llAtlon »•« -I <»>'•• ‘ “ * p.*-. **i'<'>'‘

lon for olh«r l»'ur l-r *l>i»>IfiIin«BI. Sltk nlli »'hniirt a r t ^ t i y rilllni

contenl Jcr“[L„;r/Vl..» tnnViTtlrt In /iuffS hi r Case t^rrr Tu~l.r •»* Tkvp^rrlp-i R. r-xu • ______gin oL oiUBCi: o r cnn

_____ tl« Qulna ■ ______|« am, aunrtir Vcho-i:. II

tsLTOL. s u t e Ihlp.5am"el ' -VAi.t,Krrc5i<uiiAX..-'-.- H u t .-n..ll ox-

ibllcnn I. whoI t seal — ■■

,“ ' E ' — N e i g h b o r i n g ......

-----------G h u p c h e s ----------W yo. 1___________ • - -7____

'* *'*! lUNaKH flm iK Twould m . t o » . i i n.d4, ».>i*r

I. EST Hlbl» 11 .

J irrm -


"fl" . . . 'ilKHflr,'':..*!..been ,„bjr«i, "UMn> tiMiinr: !• l i inj Oi

UlLi a n .r «I>|| Tlm»I" 7 p.m., rounr t*>Pl» • '

irtlsan w.dn»d.V. pr.rrr NMllMilleiice — — •

^ ignoHrlatlona "* n .llh l’r. Wll«H<f” ■«lni»l«rIfcUon 18 .r Kiifrh .thooL 11 •.cn.. •» SS7B.M? ‘I'ir; Iha JI<h« W|n4o» rtttnllr Inilall'

„ '‘r . n..r Iha illar "III >w <».Ufal»d br lh« ml'voles I,,,,, ,1,. »r.hlp ..rYl<«, .n4 h. .10 cast. aicUin iKa manr irmbnla In tha vln<(o>

axramlnt nf.lht fluppar alll IMVr n P.H.. WBCB .11* hnin lh» .HpltlmI.lia aturfr: Mi>. Doltht WHahfr >1

_____ pr~.^»_li«_alv</,_3T,i_>l«,|ft_tlll«J

ike COOniNf! FIB8T B'Am*T. U Bufiitr » tW . tl a.m.. "ntihlf' arrnion. "n.M Shalt K.I Hla.l." ».»« r .-1 E u- I'nlKr n r r . 1 p.m.. Junlnr. IIYf. i p.m

fo r-a • P.;^T»iurNl.r.I nex t BAGKRMAN Mmit>ninT

J. D. Cr«|>- a*al*r - 1« ».m_ Ihi.tliunJi .i.^ r*h lp :rk .lf ar % t).M>|.«UUra»'<>I«u.>trinoA an'l.aTmon

onnet, nurwtr r»r p>a-whonl rhiUfan. II a.m I p a r- l|i«lr.Xr.'n.,,MVJ'._« p.m

t« In- pmldlnf; 111 «<rir;ra »n4 manWia «M *• lall In parlad In lUrtd, lilO f.n. Mondir. R<iXimmf. V.i37,'‘wSl!

Thur»d»r. ehoir praMlra.eneral WKNDitiX^HBTiioDinT1 users J, I). Ctait, paalara ts to m i .« , .hurth >t Itu,lr, II :« a.i".. »o.

have K"' "ilnp» Till*!! -Wllll Iln4‘*:-»inrx-i*rmi>ii-«or*«h fhiMr.« >ha Ih. n ... » H r . wku. >i

jaised hilm iha a»rm8n: tha allar aroaa will h riadUiIad lo Ihr mtmorr ot Ur. and Un

, „ „ Janaa' Vm. T p.m.. roulli fholf prattici ' TiW p.m., uvr, I b.m, Uonrlar. firat «uai

for U ,l, ,on(.r.M.i iL n... Pr. P. M.W . Jobs Kammond. 4I<Ulet aup*rinl«n<lcnl. wiil Srt

lay.be taH aiJi.

I." Jte Biini. riBjTTMirnontJTI.aonar4 Hark. ■Inlalail

———— Itifyr- inmnr ‘ W l i alp I - 'A Allandano": llluitrata^ aaimon (or tl>>

n f A ■ P.n<.. A<nl«r Ynulh >'all«.ahlp. I p.m A L v TunJir, ronmiiilnn <■> lisanaa. 1 p.m

d for ImparuMI ( p.m. Thuradar, Uartia Clnl. , aaya I"«»la wllh Mn, narlan Sonnar. Ij.m . Krt- Ollder ■'*’'• t.alnl.i tor l.am^

■iiiit. riiwT «*rri»TsrdBT ' North Ninth a<ai>iia

:e the . J k *.‘. . . i . t a.r^J^it?.; ...,ileave -llh iha n r.lr.i Dr. Cari.lnn 1- Hflni,

igres- •'i'^i'of if'uuii* "w"!!prrarh <in tha Ihrrna, ">r# Wa AtralJ ol

know lh* (;oap»ir lh« ih<iir >111 alnc ar.4 «r,t dix. I"!'’* • rl>H'lr»o'a mrataia. • ;>0' „ Io > P.OU. MYI'. ( 1. t p m.. )u..l»r hlthl . r Iivr aii'i : i« I p.m.. arrlor hl|h IlYK. 1Sltlon |vm.. oomMk: Dr. Ilrlift will atMk >*

"Whirh War Shall I TakrT-; their m<»lr." ■'*“ mSili*! ot‘ ''n^’«II*iVl*a‘|!laX*«» -lia'.a IIn a Clalma-I Ur Hrfllac*r t p.m. Tutelar.

*" 'I tl '« a .'\* 'r l 'an ’ '. fh lr' muVll *»'p " i pport v,'a,l»aadar. arao«.|liUf a.nlr** w'lh hr. 1 «nd llrliia: a'tmoK, "Mlml l.lihia or Klan";

rholr >nu<lr. I p.m. T>iura,]ar. ••annallillr------- TTarj1iTl^f^«iolr^*i1rrt-pT«fTrtatn

Crown'*; youlh <holr.i n y m 'lii, ar.c(iND w *an t.na-T h e /.m.. mflinj. 10;lo a.m..• mTriVmi'i rr J I m -T.r ^M.OOO tk.. . t n.U.r aoelalr. I P m. W»<l..r~<ar,

K Bi'ni, h iw t'w a k d t-nspnn’i , •;*« "■•''I"*- 'I

moor m*«lln« a> follo»a:"Sor.*, "Yo'i Can du r- ttai* tka ratk>ar (lilihi": Ifi.cwtiion. pan- -ar.t bn.Nr.i an.1 -rdUatltawork I Aan.nl/ p .U ih~vl awakar. D»iT<a (lOtix ai»I« _l’r«

M n . Amaiarf-;’ tmlmonr* >»rJlr»; ’p'-i i .on?y

rirfr. 1:11 pm. WaJnai.Iir. Trlmarr. 1 ' 1J3.. P "'. Thur..lar. Mt*.XHli, KlUnKRI.Y nrRISTUVaoyl

jwlik amall rhildrra atr m>rrlallr >ikr-l tnla' Mr'

lieiiip-:5aT: w J - 'i :Id *;rt«j.,.rhurth,,niihl. r»?'*«|U,f. f«r iMM ppr.jl^alit)i_»>^aj»r<. ; W lnradar, Jomh

icpd ” 'V m

'flrn - - r ir iiR -riiw f BArviftT-in am;'^u■•.l.r a"” l.’u'"am . —-r.

?' 1' '"h?' '7'* '■

; ChurchesC - — .......-!‘*^inaar ‘ D.’jiallfc p.at.r■”* ' T .:V.'*U rimm^riU

I s T r S M s S f f eirfh^a"’ plar W *Valih»»“ Viljl»n

J'H.iilat^Inn" “"p "'Vf»a*"*'aa»rrvoB* t.' ”'! vaaler. 1 p.n- Youth (iouneit mrrla

’ fa’l’owihlplNltO Im.! Sanior W»ai„tn.i ______ fallo»jhlp. I P w, Ij

J4f-Hila, I p.m. lintiHar, Rrailon n>aata p..t*r‘. . ,,1,1 i.^»i Ip". Tu*«<i»rijou'lh rM r *pah«a!»a'ir*rp.!i!'.'’ Wartr.riilHa»ln« >lt>ia. 1 p.ni.."Coopla’a aiuU I: P.n.rTMiia-t»r."Rpl«*“*> t.lfi xr””" j'

i;.. »"'• W«ni"'a a.aofiallon; lir.. Hanrjr J.m 1 m.iilr ,111 l,,4 d..Qila,ala aod a Mm on "I1..H planntnf a ||| j., Jhawn, I p.m,Hiuia4a)r. <ho1r 1 *1. Wan. K.ar.al. • r m. Thu..dar. l-ard r.t t_n

p ” ; VTlda'r. Sa'for’'w'.UmlMlar'^ J'tllo

_ JKHOVAlin WITSIWSra3...-------- i___ I «»*.l.a mailln».'»;t» pm. Thura.U,.,il

c>-.ailr mlnliirr arW IK aht^w a Prn lur~. U .illru, tlt l l» tr;t» .-----

3“"h'S' nm iri.'T rM pi.KitSmi'iSw “ I V ri“ l.>^JS»-n;.’r*KKF:P.--!8- i'.i >.14 all I'unJar ai-huol. 1I:3U a.m.. wnrahlp: ai Hundar. rl*l *" '‘l apraVan, K.anrrllai amt M

Aadra. 1). Ilraha... i p.m.. 70Kr<« pa....i■ mV.i' m ' VonV'.ll't‘ mahl

fonir^jatlnnal al"lln« wllh «1>»<UI mufw ''oIr •l’‘ 'an,| "pofl""itV fr.r bao’liam. l '’p. I.pla and Tur.rfar throuih Krl.lar. prar.r ham h. nar I l 'i rm. TMradar ihr~i«h f'rltlar, a.a tham.al trll'ilr .ar.lraa, t pm, «alilrilar, <h .aall0(. d'/n'a thurrk. ^

IKMASl'r.t. l.i:TlirRAK R. C. M.Mj, paalar

>r ’ l : | | aod II a.n... i.r.lraa, (ha lalt Inalall'd I.', .tuoJaV arhnAl l.a<hria Irtalliula Iha min* i;,»l|nK t.ulhrran rhurch: vallrr-wi ha will aamlnar >1 Wandall arhmii audllnrl<im. I

■ Indowi 11,.. i;.,i TMlka, Ak»«, 0., «P«al.lnr '• 111 ha ••f.iih t „ „ Iha Kulura." » p.m, Mu.xli

<l_»aftUf.,.V;«llk»r—Waci.a and .rltruii mratlar- iplVllui l.t! b.,|.H urtlfr.i of Ih. ..lU r; l‘a.l_CiillUi Iwlfarr-a'^'iTu^lka.LadlM , Tu*..r.r.^rri'i”p n i-t I'.WMN mraU .1 I

.nr.hlp: n'm"’'v.'lHna!,"i'»,*'l*'r :'lO p.'i

■ is

hoir an.'• ’ '"A M rirnt.Y^orTnn—

-------- n a r lT. 'm /pirni.-^latnr-•‘“''li" *'

liiifudr il’’Vl»n"iir»inVii<>m*a a»r.ic.'*« o.i

* .1 n1!*parl A"."Ufr^»f (!'M‘ ri.il^^h'’aar

tlKITin BRnilREN IN I'HtH.IT n wor. *■ Malarllic. "1 10 a.m.. .'lundar a<t>o«l. tl a.m.. wo for-lh* ohlp.-O . .wi..-4-krt«l*an-Knrfa«i»nr,- a-r.n ill. will warahjp. S p.>. Thura^ar, rrarar maxiflnd Mri! ' riRST ClIBlHTrA^.ractica- j , , n „ „ ,k „ Bho.linn. atraaat«uar. RUhaid DaVlllltra. aalnlatarMaWm , , ^ | . 10,11 a.,^,• iitar^ ihl,. Hi,hM,bf." r'a ll^ i * 'c" ''

Iha Chtlallta WenMs'a fallswahip. a p.i Mend.r. Mlaaianirr luild at Iba hnma ■ llaltn an< D«r«hr Swofa. S« .Srd a.am aul. 1 p.m. Tligradair. ChrlilUn .Woman

dkvrata mltttoittrrle-tShfn^-^iril apaSiarPK^^i rouit* iholf praallr..

iw.Mp7 ^HTiRCH^or"«:ilRfHrI p.m. Tvinl a.aoua a»< Third alr« t nartk

j^ rr i- »lal1Jnr ••»niall*l^ durln*^^Ihla^ toap.filnf |(rou(h Nar. U. '

BIBt?S BArrtBT' ' l i t Tllird aramia rail■ TW Cihar. talnlalir

t* a.B„ .lundar Mhnnl. II a.m.. wm t).lp, K..ninc aar.lr« -III Sa at lh. .var

1. '®r.; latlillt al tha rornrr of Shnup anMlj"lf ‘t* ^IMin*. ^Nn lllh

r hlji f*'"“»*' '*♦ I'*"- J-"'** Tom'barlijlYK.'s ______

»• ciiiiR cn o r r n r a scknuion rris ta rA t.

' 'holr ,,g ],]„ boulr.ard nortk"••• * K*ri.«. X. *la<ltwa1l.-r«I»r----jraJar. t a.iB., hotf tommuolon. • ;30 a.m aimoo. irhnol. II a.m., hoir mmmuiilo* aod-urmon. .XoIaiuMl..jflulti_X«: 'h n,'- Igwiklp. 4 p.m, MonJar. <.uh Hroula.

S ' h,;./ill.J9_^^.^*4ntt'Ur.,)'obr_fomniiinlor■ -t'h Tl>5"aa,. a" M*a'rtl.*a-a aulld" t"ho*m.'''!I •f 'h* Mta. T. W. lllcka.__ ,

REaBRANtritn i.nii 101 Harrlion alraat

a.m Frad Troth, pailardir— a p ». W^lo.^lar. pr»rar niMilnc al hom

ot Jo.cr Hnimi. IM Jatkaon atr*au Tiira «l>. * dar. nphrlla rluk ma«i> at hom* «f r.«

Uaiaand. HItabalk fcouIt>ard Mil. c iirR i'ii n r DFLivr.RA.scH

I I,

p ...« j 'oI T doJu ”»“ it.>' ciii'Ri'ii or'Tiir.'"nnFT'nRKH"■'IT'*Irtlco. Baktil r- Kal". pa.lar^^ .

of a Tr.i. Dl.rlplt." TitO P.m.. v.ap.ra •Th. Mar, Wh.> . »:nO P.m.(•|IY»'. M.in.lar mlnlilrtlal tv.ar-1 haakr' diootr. ;n o p.m. Wr,|n»dar. llihi. al>ld|

O""* ao,l prai.r m.tiio|. «;I0 p.m. W.«|nMaar rh»(r rahraraal. i p.m, ThI.raJar. ri.ria mr.1. al homa .f Ri.Ih M.Hrphr. I


i f t

________ ________ ___ • ‘ c

■ '

I ■


^ U n d e su abl?= TT-J Woman .Quitiu ,:iu “ R e d s ^ & p ilJ

1‘m‘uoUm. MEL8INKT. FlBlmd. Nor. 8 n M rt. Belly J in e Sofnmerlalt* i

:t» a.m. h e r diplomat huband arrived h by plane loday on ihelr wiy ho trpm- Moscow, where-ahe- waa ■

*"m government,‘V,v T heir Sorlet aeroJlol plane lam, a t Helsinki airport a t 3:31 P.'

t.r th. <1:31 a . m. EST),"fru In te a t* •

K arl X EommerUtte. who '' i.ja ao« aecond-secreUry of the U. 5. (


* p.m.. iiua ila atler ilie became InvoV'‘.''•‘:'',’o In »n InternaUohal Incident wl0 rf -ihr taking plc lurtscn Del. 25. hura.iar. Two Ruuian.1 claimed ihey w ’J 'T * »l»PP«d whri) Uiey attempted lo ' .hoi" tV Mra, SommtrUUe. a naUve ot troa. Wilmington. D el. and Mrs. Hous ,i.,.;.jg aU ffr-w lfe-of-llie-tiaU U nl_U .

naval attache from La Ja lli, Ci T he SovieU accused Mrs. So

m erlalte of "hoolicanlim" and ■ ’a'lruJr claxed her .• undesirable." Tlie U. n. Tut.: iransferfed her husband, and

two left Mattow this morning. tiJI’ ihl; Charlei E, Bohlen. U, S. amb'1 fii-rip. andor to Russia,, angrily rttade

clear lo Uie SovleU Uial he ci sldered their version of the ca.n "flagrant"- lie. He hnd no dl; maUc'alteiiiaUve buf 10 send'

ip; ai.a. Bommerlatte^ home, p»ti">^ rersonal Send-off

o«r(i.iir BoJiJen nnd a host ct iif.hari; diplomats personsly mw the So torVila merlalle.1 off from Moscow's Vi 1 p.m. kovo airport a i 10:1S a. m. O haoiii. , , EST) lodny for their fo

'>l*hl lo Helsinki aboard Ru.wlnn commutlal airliner.

T lte Sommerlnttea will Irarel fr here to 'th e United BUites by i

,a laiiar StockHolm and London.

Er,;: Air Force PlaneMuorlar. > H l n P l, i „ ^ ( ---------y g i - A - i c a - i J t u u c i...‘[ '‘lli! IDAHO PALU. Nov. 5 { ^ —

’.I 'ih . ambulance to tarry an InJui ‘ i,nard Unlvenlty of Idaho student to . ill, x:sii home In Idnho Falls.” il IU' Raymond Fife, a freshman, i rroriirr burned aeverly three weeks i

-lr ai..- a fraternity house floor Ignited. lo'?-*aU." tinder treatment

' Moscow bul nrrangemenls wi __ . made lo r u te .o t.» .c l in eJ ro m .t______ Fairch ild .air loree bnse In Spoka

lo bHng him here. Fife w u an ; - lorce-cndel-al-Uie-unlreralty___

'*« Offl'’ «rvrNTII-nAT ADVrSTipTn id ’Vt','w !i"r.' /a"au''r

" " W a rr~.nt« Wlih thr Hnffajlo;I""- rhildran'a laa.oa. "Th. T'r. pia A.I fo,

a-p.m. Wa.lol‘da*r'^M',,J*nM” n ,‘*T” •niuradtr. rathtln.'lrr tlub.------ -— iisrrm -W M iosA in----- -

‘j , K. Mj.Va?«.t'aV'............... ;

p.m.. Ilibla alu.tr, "Chii.l'a l^on.ln»." 1 n.. wor- P-m. Wadoaadar. p>a>ar aaxrlca.u iii ln j CIIRIMIAN aciESCIIr Cnop- , IM f lnlh a>aoua taal

1;JB Rrtilini room. « J Main .vanu. *^a"Vm! i r ' i .L “ suo'jiri: Vi!d‘ V"’p.i''-''w^o*il5mm* ot rhurth aarvKaa. Mtn'a Irua aalfhsod .Tanu. th. arlrllual imata and Ilk.nt.a ot. r

Vomati *

f allan Man, ‘*l fifdS’t^fo'iloSIor'pui ______ from Iha KInf Jamn a.tilon ot Iha---------w r(n .o « i,- i,jn i--s« -r« d -.^ .i« i-r

’"1coantl and Mtalth with Krr to Ih. Rtriplur

lorludlni Ih* folloKinc "Wfeao apaaklnz ot God'a rlilldrrn. lh. rhiidrrn ol man. Jt.u> laid, '

- klnidam a(^r.od I. wlthla^rsu; thli.

!ui!‘a*i>d rllWT METItODISTr> nihla Shoahoaa aod >'ourlh a<«ou« aatlSo"’,'* 4 »HI a.m . fhu.fh nur.arr.

lo'irrmrtlat»"’MyK,'"l n'm l^worihliTf a' )N rial m.»lr: a.tmoo, "Hi. Itock of Jor.k _ jTar! »lu*^nl^dV^/ll Vm,

Th "Al- oo .diKatJon. p.m. Toa.jar. >o.mla. 4 rKoIr. I p.m. Tutjiljj- ADdiO«Vlltlll*'A

a.m. rommitira matla. I:)0 p.tn. Wt.1o«adhrtak. rirrla : m»*ta with Mrk Hot. Whlla.

minion, p.m. Wadfir;.l>i..j:irtlr in_mt<;ta_wJl p.m. Ura.^.iord Kimpton. ^5C.t cirrira m im* of ThiiraHar aa tollowai No. I. 1 ;:o p.i

with Urn. Nallla riirra: Ks. I. Mra. 0. lUroo, 1 :» p.m.: So. I. Mia. >tai Wohllalk, ) p.m.. tnlliuk lunchron; f <. Mr.. Aibart M>irphr. 1 :)0 p.m.; } ). Mr.. Cara Har... I :S0 r m.; No.

armon. Mra. C. I . Morili. t:]S p.m. I p.m. Thu I hom* dar. rholr rthtaruL l:]Q pro, Filda., a

Tii~- rir matu with ^Mr. Hroria WMt

' ||l ' LAME BACK c o r r e c t jo n

nf.iiai . . l l pleasant and painless.Backaches m»y ce iMOcltted

< W llh rheumtium, atUtrlUs,lumbago, itomsch and kidney disorders. -If you have tried everyUj!iilTflieriVy“ AdJUili

rinVra* "’*"*• '* obtainedP.m.; a fter f ln l treatment.


( i:> Main NorUi • rhone SMI

' " . ' ' ' " ' r ' V : ■ " " V

. ... ®

- ' - - . i ' • !

j - g s •

S c w i c iruoN T :ii8

......... 'TIMES-NEWS;'!

j” Seminar Speake

ita l a i f c jp ?8 W t- '."■— :•t« and f l g v :d here

-6o*Mt> - , ..'■ g g S ;:


lO w uem-

preuy,.J e ^ eivoTved


y Were

Smio°n ■CAm.r.( l f l • • • paator of the Orace I

" r i l l f 'ih e ra n church, Akron, 0 „ wUl f ' Eon,.' aen l a aemlnar a t lhe aehocl an nd df- ■ lofluw la Wendell Kunday e , u S. Jnwoduceaid Uie Emeat-Tha«U,-i'M ler..lODe.ehi

tnan . Me U being brought to Ms ^ b T s - -V a lley -by -tba .L uU itraa .U jw i

<• league. Sunday morning b t ' , 'on. a ttend aerTleea a l the Immaa ea.ie a l>**lheran church In Twin T (JJqIo- * fUMl o '

I d ' t h e :------------^ :

„,„„TaleofGover H Delights Tei

' four. KNOXVILLE. Tenn,. Nov. 6 lard a H eard Ihn one nboul the swnrr r. bees Ihn l chaln-rencted Into :1 from old locker on an O ik Ridge' i ly way strucUon project—nnd hnw they

th e government In lhe honey t neas7

A t least. Uiafs the ntory told I day by Knoxville Journal colum I , Vie W eab, who says anoUter I p n f low told him . He doe.-ut'l k

^ l i e r ^ i e ^ t K e r H l u i u ^ g h a C ) —An doesn 't seem Io be ren.ion lo 1a -fiy - down-a-good Itory.---------- --------njured Seem.1 Uinl aa the bees began s to h ll ln(T up honey for the winter on

atom ic consirucUon Job. one of t, wai conitnictlon w ork trs-w llo also 1 a >([0 bees^ kep l hU eye on these.

O m dny he brought * tu{i t , him , collected about SO pouridi

ent *" honey, then pu l the bef.i Into a 1 a n d planned to Uke the whole w< •wlUi-hlm.-He-hndn'i-rrckoned-t .lh i-iaatcrlB la_chfC ker, Uiough

*" som elhlng of a prncilcal Joker.' 1— 1 ■'•'Got *” 'requUittlon?“ - a a ld - _ checker!.* "No.Do I need a requisition?"!

ed the beekeeper.lw.no, "Wfjj, rny ordtrf a re U iafno i

; e rnm eht property can be taken aarmon of here w Ithout a requlslUon," . ■ p " the checker. •*_______ "B ut UiLt b n 'l go^ve^nmentjji

e rt’y." ' p ro l« t<d ' Uie beekee "T h e« .b e es Just flew In here

wor. selUed."JijS "True. B u l the ir nest Is alUc

'• lo governm ent properly, and

1 «■>. Boise Physicians’ iSv; Motion Is Denii’I-ut% BOJSE. Nov. ft (U.R)-Ad» Cou arrir*. D U trlct Judge M. Oliver Koel

mriHi-m*—hy—fh“ ‘” i! Boise physicians seeking to i r<i mih iugp « n a o n 'o fth c ln n ed ic a l-lic«

'i t! pending appeals to lhe courts. I'lin* of T he mtjtlons were filed, by j hfOBrHi Lyman B and Jam es E. JJolJk Rcirnra worUi. who Were given 16-moi iw TIi »u*P«nsiont lasl September by •n. not aU t« board of m edldne on grou; I. *Ti>* the brother* had been convicted , „ Income U x evaalon, a Xelony.. _ aca ||‘ Appeals were filed In district co

■ by the H olllngjw or^s, who tl asked for the order granUng tli

Mil Ute righ t to conUnue pracUc pending the ir appeals against

larmoV board’! acUon.

:1 KRENGEL f‘T u ih l N O W W IU

WELDING" ^ ---------— BLACK!

m aCall us a t 486. W ea

anytHihg n' 'u w ‘

= AU-fM-ONt • AU.TN.ONI • All.1M.OI

• Ia! I FfeshStarl: t ‘ p f n i i - i132< ? On* menlhry poym tnl.

■ m p A c i f

~ —O O M ala ^T c n iK -N erlh-— i“ho

S E4- one


er Political “I ps Showed V<

----- WA8 iriNOTON.Nor.-6 Vfi-^- ttoe,-when-poUUci*n»4)«ela.pi- uie lr-ovn-in tcrpre talio iu .on .

J day's elecUons. one conclusi L V obvlous-and • «eond one:»cen ' X r ' i I. n w as‘a HepuWlCsn d ^ • J s Voters showed their dlasaUsfi

«rtth-neflubllc«n-conlrol ol.coi b y f t r i ^ j Uie“ hoU4e * na"s o rer fb 'Ute DemocraU.

3.- The extraordinary- narro ^ ■ l of Ute margin w u a pretiy

sign lhe great m ajority .o f_ 'arenot'deeply (Uslurbe<i by theof the nation.

____Tf_th> peaolfcrM a. *-hole>»»*ri y/.»p.ri/)f)yn or In dSu'tSi DO doubt would have expressed misgivings or anger by civlm Democrats an.overwhelming v to change Uie dlrecUon. ThU did not do.

LKE Oli the other hand. I t the] :e Lu. been exuemely enUiuslasUc lit pr*._ thc jupublicanperfw m anceln 'I audi- two yenn. ll seems reasonatr eve- believe Uiey would have Inctra by Uie OOP conUol of congress,ehalr- did Uit reverse.Magle The amarliiBly evcn-divW<fiaen's voters"'thinking was bcsl ref>t w lir i tn h e “a?raW nices-*horer-to .nanuel gon, Ohio and New .Jersey, o

Falls few thousand votea lepam leib. candidates although roughly

s r n m e n t R e d T a p *

e n n e s s e e R e s i d e i

. 6 L^^- honey 1* attached lo soverr ■arm nf properly. Therefore, th e beejnto an Ute honey are obviously goverr« ' con- property, and cannot be rer hey pul without a requWUon," quoU■y busl- checker. .

‘•Well, how do I g e ^ a re) ld P r l- lion?" ask tlte beekeeper,lumnlsl - n i hnve to call th e top ii«r lel- ssld Uie checker.■ know T in ton mnn handed dowi

to hold oul of the yard of Uielr own a<----------then-B-requlsltion-wouldn'l-bein ito r. eitary.

‘T lia t won't get me any h ^ "nd I'm nol going to stand a;

and wall for the bce-i to fly said thr.(leaim alfi_bt.ck£m il.

? "In Umt ca.ie." said the top ,nds of ..j,,| pm through a requisition ' * away." II wenl Uirough of

channeI-1 nnd wan approved, an iBtT * IjefW fp^rgoi'bolh beea and h

--------- AtlfaAt,.thal'4.Uie Blory.___

Plane GroundeBOISE. Nov. ft (U.P.1—A Unltei

10 gov- j ( „ „ /jjch t from Sail Lake Cl :en out Boise was delayed yeaterday I," snld mechanical Uouble prom pted

pilot to land a t M ountain Rom•J>fopi __________ _________keeper. Airline officials aald the pi re and captain decided 11 would be sa l

land his seven paisengcrs oc LUched longer air lorca base runwoy nd Uie he discovered a mechanical — '— In the propellet-feaUierlng mec

IS Passengers were brought to !a J by limousine and a relief plane

1 1 6 Q down in from Portland lo com ‘ the schedule.County


OJlngs-j ^ 2 5 3 * ^ ' month I • Missing Teelh Replaced by the I • Broken Plates Repaired rounds | l • p . i s . Teeth Rellned

t ^ u J W H I L E - U - W A I 1

th r a l l F i f - R i f e D e n f a l L t' ,‘'',""11 H75i Main W esi. . Upstal: « | f « ; FBON-E m .


KSMIT+JING---------ACHINE WORK> arc equipped to do a lm ost

in iron and steel

j B H M AIMM.ONI • Atl-tN.ONi


rf? - ■ ^; payments. \

Get tx ir i cash j

-IN -■ -L OAN ;

ng fhreugh ttrv i'c# ii'nc* 1920"

F IC F IN A N C IJ o C A U -

“hon* aaio . - Jon.V-W .j*oTri;n,-.'M c.

EVERYONE W tt i Looking tn \ • W j



iL E V IS ie N ^ 'll

Experts” Sure /^oter Unhappy—At. thU-mllllon-rolcs.were.caat In thosi

.usioh Is amaslilng 'n i - jo r t ty ' In » p cem s m : control of the house over Pr< . Elsenhower's l u l minute pli

keep «ie Reptibltcani in chan

aw . They did ll by gaining 17 The Republlctss may try u

Mie Uiemselves by recalling It uy 800d , cea tury-w llh ono txu

f p a n y -Ja control oiih e s U U jo ji some ceata J

mid-ierm elections;,ole—had And they may argue lh a t f ^ T l t e y Tr>*rpn7-»eata-U>l*-y*«r'wii,i5cd*lh«r iH ainEe-r«enr«Ytr«gfr-«l*4flvlng the picked up by the party ou t of J victory l a the rald-t«m ballottog. ■his they B ut Uis faci rem ains the

have shown Uiey a n . when hey had wlsb.Tcvene-the-mld-tcrm-ln Ic about and Increase Ute grip on co th e p a s l ------------------ -----------------------

S S PrlM Battle Hit “ ™ InPhoenixVal

--PlIOENIX. A rtt. NflV.SJlft; . i eulJ In milk and gasoline coni

in-the-PhoeD lx-Sall_IllY ?r_

nyl Safeway' a tarei continue " 'y match milk prices In the tnil■ ........ pots, and lowereiTIls'qual't . c

16 cents, with half-gallons i I J C Ing a l 35 cenU. The store chftl Lt . ■ dropped Uie prices to 20 cenU : > - n f C “ W ttfday lo meet compe

then reduced them again whei depols reduced prices.

On'y * independent g Joined In the price reductio

S ”,“d >>”> !■''loth U l. company announced - a on ‘ wholesale cul to 19 cenU *

rM uial. w delivery pric^ malned a l 23 cenU.

The rtducUons In the pr P «>*"• gasoline were ipotty and wei own the to cotppeUtlon trom

1 accord, ww.r%»ww#www«yw~r«#ww.w-be-nec- C Dally B enrlci_

, K o d a k Finlshii . around I L E E D O N P H 0 1• r L ^ EntrsDM on alley by WUey-1op mnn, W r tn m » B 1 3 jw ir * W Bon r lsh l

official I — ----------the

honey. • — ---------

led -O ty toj

ly w heni . ■the:

sa fe r to 'on the I

'^ A V E B A in tlN I? PE ne?£' C .F . STEVENSI W-..1 f.ii • • .

lo Boise - -----------------------ane was A<l<lrw.aomplele ,

Educotlon_____________Y — ■ _______ = :

elay f N e w & n

red Used'T - For H. CL ab ________________Lalra I ^

A . C . OIL F IU g i PLUGS -J PL U G S-C O I

Broke an d <

— - -^BUDJy*-Alummti

TRUCKWHEELSHeavy D uty , . a

20-inch and 22-incl

2 p -

i ••BROW^’.L IPE”

Transmission~ ' f ~ POWER TAKE.O’P F


I anti All Type R E P A l^ PAIiTS fnr Krown-Lii

iH Flexible *‘LASHOSE--------To.


H ? ' ■ ■ nnil------ It IE A In TAILI I " — PtPE—j-GEVn

f f l H E -

I y~n EEM EM BKK . . . y(

I T w in F a l lH Klmhcrly Rund, H i-wny

B That E le ^ r With GOP

tha, party. In that In 1934 to s h ^

M evea-no ism- for tlie capturing President Roosevelt.! *** President U was U.e l « t pleas to lifetime Uiat happ tS i’’,

haree. £«m efect/ons of iSff h e Demo- DTOoerfita.loji g jo i^ *

l i ®Jia t their” f«rto«a C o n c r o f o t t r

i - —hLi ihc”!

,-tn d lllo n ! - « o lo f c d .P r „ ^

P a u l M t a .

'alleyS a S «eon, Vm, r _ r . l L . , B i g h *1

nued to milk de-

t l coiCTo

E r J i i m i inpeUUon.vhen

[PROMPfSFDP ro d u c t l'

price of ■* Qusllty F*tl Ofc were a t- * Bcdtei ftn a l

_____ *_ChMk n w ijjj

‘•“ E r V T l f f l l I i * r iey Drug

iH IR tlN E s iL -------— H E N ^A N D -W O M trQ A l Reserratlouisls, P i iu n m A f e n t t , CommuotuUisU J ■ U oitesset.' High irsd* mUt f (Ions aad publlo c«Btaet<iih

' floe adraneement. H. 8. p t^ t M -31. L eara i f yon-can-<|uolUy. m M InfomaUoo, mall cospta U{ t l Sterens, Bex C-:>, Tlots-Km



____Hn. I WtiL— ____________

O T tD. Equipmeni

LTERS-A.C.SPJU - A uto Lite SPARK DP-SIL-LOY Wetfl I Clutch Compoug

nujTT • ~Replacenientfk ^ a n d Repaint



Safety Devi) n S CIcarnnce LijbU.

- up L i s h l . . - J '« nni.i - Mirrori.. Brake Supplto •

‘A IR B E S A F E . . .®■Uot , , , b e JIE A 0I

iS C O " Bondedres te d BRAKE s ro B m s e . and BRAKE U * J.iity-»lLgclL«» «ll ‘l g ;I o f cnrfi o r t r u cKn.

AVY-DUTY KEABS t r a n s m is s io n s


iK A V Y -m JT y


. you^can find i‘ f " ' ‘'j

L L S A u t o

a y ™ . "


Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

M u s i c ClubFeature

B ^ o f U w T i r i i i ,

^ B a c t u i r r ol Ul#

_ i ‘ •’T -- - ?

■ i i^ '^ u A U « U liA lk « a .. HjHf r f eburch ~ i ^ l

t ,V ^ «Ui *><’*'

if'aO Tber* t r . tovlled ^ (0 ihU mMtlns.

a S u t* * durtUon MA J p iu B •r<| t h w ^ r ,

u d l i th« « » n d T h - n ^ —SlHR*d.ln the p u u w o

SMlnw.y u d

Calendar__ _L. , ' U e 'i w a*U jtt- 'n ie Amerlwn U - ^g J ^ U I meel « « ? • » .

r**U;lj i c L ^ o ; o .e P in t U n i I

GUM 6erenlh^»venue w t . ^

M_M(xlem Woodrien of NE5il hold » pinochle party i f ,o u . i

8iiunl»y »t the Wood- precarloiul ■ The public Is lnvlt«d to »ppro(vch"---------------------------------preaaion"-:— U— *— f ----------------r b v t lx a -u0NB-Op*J flfJwliJ'h Jodif p o in t on w ,^ ^4 -p ^m ~ T u ssd « r-it j in ce- Mpi l i l . lUporis *1U be siven child resp<

^ 10 »ute uaembly. wnJJeL

Ot^A% oi',k m «U nj for o p S ^ ’^ 'h lp.H.f iffl-lftY will ^ htlfl pt1n>_.n/1. a.ViU dty »l the chOrcn. c ^ rd ln j to t *1U be done for the i_eeley. ed DT. 30. Xe«Mr At 1

♦ , * ''D illy hijTCA~*til heid' > btneflC- D o lh flliB " ,.t7 :3op ,n ..M ond iy * l ^ r home mlUns. The public li In* juny occup infnd.H^»r-niere-lnfoTO*- Jane Mn. O. C. H d l. m . Q if i,LO. McC»!l.TSO^W: te rof-#M if

It'8 u ju a lljtr. Konn»n Sloclcwtll will homemi ie T»ln F»ll»- chkpUr ol B u t boyi r tlittn of the Amerlc*n fcceordlnj i 0 t t • luncheon meetmg »t q j ™ «di».»tlht:KiVCA-hulld- , L W. Voorhee. H i n ™ 7 „ K i

„ Bhnibs and0IAK-?he;ener.1 meeU [ " J Ihl Woman-* Society of n u t m th BeiTl».»lll be held i t 8 c b l to

dsuday »t the home of Hive11 Tow wnl Mfl. W. O. nu bt' In charge of the M lt

T T i . h and le nluanJAarim— -Diannnucj i , _ _ _______________M e orPattern-------

. ’ s lve a bo;em barrass

X ^ . i ^ l p u t h tm It■ 2 ) B windows,I >. V aweeplns

w&xlns «U \ r< doors, dua)( jL o u t booksh

A Boya als

polishy j S l S } ^ \ \ l \ . c a r ln r for V ^ 2 s X 2 i ^ J v ^ help ing ou

S V i v H ^ l v \ ^ Jobs o r hoi

? " T f j / ^ \ v e te ti

V V r ^ MlNpolUhl

\ ' - I ' dlahesyT' clcnrlnR Ih

- T h cy ll-p -/•T VvW A ) u i Chen wax (J.: rj ; y A U M U ^ a o d m a rn f

I -7 ^ - 1 9 ?8 2 g | M

■■[^"“ ftonc GEM!

® ftjlit lo CO wherever nuim»niy ifliiorcti

‘ »pclls bnth ityle and

s iS 5 K I .K S - ■

^ Compitif, llluurated *ew » ) u evrry step. / '

in coins for _ /

n 'l l l ln T sJn " ,

Let Jun ior Pick (

r ia f children hovathBld chores m al^u thei e r haa been careful to pick a (a<k for h w aslnc a bureau drawer noder hxr tuper

* * A * *

lild Guidance Ai Gives Boys' Resf

By GAILE'O'UOAS re r and wi NEA Wonjen-a Editor prcTent U:

}U. aa a mother, are teeterinR help out loualy betveen the “woodabed children a ich" and the modem "/ree ex- I f* Imp in“ -poln t-of-T lew ,-yo tnn ljh t a a y ir u r n i a ~ t« r tE O in ia irT f i« e 'a one u a ^ r* la n i >n which nearly all chUd ru ld - aponsibllltl a x perta-a sree .-O lv ln f—your Ished.-Alw responalbillty U, they feel, ca- now and C L duUea. •onalbllity Is fin# for devel- i a healthy aelf-rellanc^e.^^djMli__ ^

I to one authority. Mary K . ^. educational aoclology pro* a l New Vork unlTenlty. ly headllnea.on JuTen‘’e crim e > tliBTierd fDr'parTntr-to-piBn ~*T^oU1tl‘, ime acllTltlea that wlll use- p iu In Kll ccupy thetr yountiters'. leisure earftgc. i Professor Keeley aaya. - bj.clc wltl'

I a re-no problem In the m a t- ^hln. And lisisnlnghouttholil laskailcce com e wlU ja lly auum ed theyll le am to you"mothe nemakers bJ* helping mother, -sure ly lya need thoughtful handltnff. wonderful in j to the profeuor. SnJol’a me ’arm s or In riiral areaa, ^oya of_ the dji helr-w oT rbefore 'tnem rET en ‘w eniTIbni urbla. there are lavna and pupplea. and garden* lha t heed mow- .

weeding. Often there a re peta

n tJ ie lit^ . ML^*Kede"'point*

X J S o r t h r a :••Good m

clly mother can ■ find p lw t? 'iple. Unie-coruumlnp- house- a tr ip? l ri.«v. th a t her amall aon can washed a»

nicely. Theae ahould be I w ent gad_Ior_H-«hll!l-Myta-ie»r*_of changed.over and ahould not Interfere new theaeIThomeRorK,____________ ZZOIZerSreapeclally Importanl no t to the new pi

boy "slMy" Jobs th a t will ihow you t•ass him. But safely, you can H e’* a ll bl m lo wbrk waahing Inaldea of ►i-v, - q,va. pollihlng the car o r -o in - to 1 ng It oul. emptying traah. to: aUcky wlndowi, draweij o r ^o. -n,ercduatlng booka-and-waahlDg ^ boughl

■okahelves, « o th ? ? « ;also can help by .running .•«„

rranda. helping lo acrub floor* m - - i VXDllshlng them afUr w ailng. ™ i ,„ jgy, fo r pet*, ahlnlng shoes and

; oul dad with amall paint• household repairs. , *; can leam by preparing fruit* ch liteU blea for. mealj, Uklng Ume leftf the ir own rooma. applying h®*--, ^ h ellahlng wax to Iboleum, vinyl ahlnlng. 1or aaphalt tile flooring, do- ahelf her

ihea and llrat aetUng, then be aure toR the Uble. IT ahe pulII prnh«h1y fn)ny lining I tlt. hoUac.Und ■ax cn lhe refrigerator, range to-order, amtledsurfactts. cleaning III* iirlnngi___:


.................. .. - — mk Chores . Cathc

1 T o l- ^ F e s

b u h l .,I 'L 1 women'* 1

turkey dirI K U n ' val Xeatunk - a B M v . . i ^ E C S & J

Item a. apt

^ poei packa ^nie h»Mi

' B E . ^ directed bo«<' H B H bers and

^ Im .B err j

P W ' atore and__ .B e n -Ja m

Olodowskl, 'j * ^ 0 lun

^ m S to

(on, Mra. Oaughey M rs. Kenn

. U ln . Mri.are

p jn . for ' a n d will <

...• nlng with~ T T r * T r 4 * ^ 'the cloae u

and Mra. 1-----terlalnraer

" ‘ bootha forH * new

_______' '.W l this year i

» tbetn n m aelf-rellant. Thla m J ivIjJ^mc for her aon ihat tta’I -ali.y“. lupertlalOB.

* * • *■ C o l

A u t h o r i t y' Ore.. were

j s p o n s i b l l l t y C 1 . V Snd waxini decoraUra plecea lon t U mlah. Then. too. they can out by bathing the younger

ren and gelling them to bed. *"«> ««■ Important. Profeiwr Keeler reU ilves o

3 0 )» K * '* U fr iW O o u r -child 'fttttJidahei riU ndaTiFs ahirln i aduli re^ FondAlliJbllltlei rs lh rr lhan brJnjr pun- m e n u wej.-Alwaya-pralae-hls-work and hom e.------and then, lel him pick his own Mr..andJ. ’Twin ra ll i

- G a f F o f Y e b i f C


ouitl■ .-T naintrr 'lInr^l^^-pup-tJouM ^fle nK llna ’abuk eto v er'in K lity ’a The mei [e. She aaya there'a one all w hat they . with a whlte-blb-under-hla w hat-m ed

And 1 can hare him to keep, dlah'ea ant • w llh 'm # lo'ae# them. W ill pupplea. . mother} Uurry." . any 'coai Iirely lya will go lo aee those to live wlU erlul pupplea this minute," and day to.da;

molher look' her hands oul Children le dlihwat«r,_drled them .and .the lc_ lath H b n g 'to 'ae a thow wonderful l« e p atep ' lea. thoughU ahen mother and Carol got back le houae they found G rand- ®er Carolyn waahing the dishes aetllng each one d a ra w ith ‘f ' f * “ *

Md morning," said the. thum p- ii.t»n to t own a cer*ftlbo«L-”B e ea o n help U w I? I n m y d a y th e dlaheawere th e ir gami ‘d and Uie house tidied before qusln tlnce nt gallftvantlng, Tlmea have im porU nt [ed. I t 'i pleuure befora bual- oBge firsttheiT'dayi.’’------------------------- m e i^ ln g 'i^KrRrid;na._jou_oUiht_to_»ee TaB f i i" > i ew puppies. Do come and I ’ll , , , , ^ , you the one thal'i to b t mine. iI . ibVall blade wllh . . .“ Dr. r .e got aomelhlng to do beside# JJ?/, J j i " n.'i

to look a t pupplu. There'a i» in to be done. I'Te errand* to f* 0 . ba* it,

'niere'a. «hou-and a dreaa toought for- you- th o u f h - jo u r ----------- -Yler teem* lo hare forgotten IL" SHOSHC I moUier, I haven't forgotten, T h o m e la i et to IU And tha pupplea are _ ,' lovely and I think. Import- O O R 11

rol’a molher remembered how FALr childhood Uiere had been no r>o xau*left In her moiher'a day for w m a jou The houM had lo be kept

ng. I f ahe took a book off Uie nher moUier reminded her to xi# on jon

;re to pu t it back in its place.e pulled oul a chair lo play Mofummj(_under aht.waa called sharply _*a*. o* i :der. that chair where It a « « eouai

i L E


W Onl^THe Fir• Kroehler •• Magnuson• Robert! •


thollc League Style D Hold Dinner; F( :esW al Activffy ;8n l d ^HL..NOV. 5 - T h* CaUjoIte «en'* league wm hold tU jm nua l *?’’ ?.*7 d lnner'and oUitr“ fall featl- u®* " eaturea Tuesday a t the Ameri- > |lo a hall. econom (a booUia wlll include b a ta ir . aproa-goods, country aiore

Mckagea and homemade candy. <Ieraldln< baxaar wlU be open a l 3 pm . |«.-t<ola led by M n. ?red Ebbera, Mra. de«- t Oaterkamp. Mrs. H enry Eb- and M n . Joe Lukeah.- • Mre. 1“ “ “ * - • Berry aod U rt. Bob B U w trt T ^ * be In charge of th e country National and Mra. Loula' M onnln. M ra “ ™

.Jam ea^jm d-M ffc^jC atiieiln* Dwn ho )w»ki. the doll bioU>. aU of th5 lurkey dinner wlU be aerved 5 to. 8 pm . The d lnaer.com . “ e'lacludea Mr*. H enry E jg lts- w Mra. Pred Karel. Mr*. Lyman hey and Mra. E arl W agner. CuUefoi KenneUi Buell, Mrs. Noel Brit- meetmg Mrs. BIU BarU in d Mr*. Louli ?* “ " *I are In charge of Ute dining J"" aophomo.erUinmenl will begin a t 8:30 for the benefit of early dlnera Q U n u wlll conUnue during the e»e- >J‘ with a free luneh aerved a t ' k,

lo8e'of-gtm ea ; - M r« .-P ao l-M ia-------- iV^Iri. Howard Paul a re the en« JERO^ nment-eommlitee.— a p e c l a l lon.-who a for chlldren'i enterU lnm ent waa- ho: new feature being Introduced shower 1 rear and U being arranged by of Mrs. MarUn Martinson and Mrs. pUyed n Moore. David S

V « « Welgle.

louple U nited £ “ »“I. Nellie Perreten, T « 'ln Palls, nniy n l Berry- WUeman. Mllwaukle, Sr/o „ were united In m arrlnge Wed- ‘v ,n y in the parlor o f Uie *FUit Q,ony a t st church In Bolae. The Rer. Mra. Q . Coulter performed' the cere- )ii{h «ch • ated froi . and M n . Roy B arton. Boise, the clan Mra. Mollle Barton, V/elier, employe< vet of the bridegroom, were I n ___

WAiirg— tn r - « rv ic » —r m « i i : P o t T ' s were served a t th a Barton ^

-and Mra, Wlsemao will llvi In q o o d ______________ G. n. D

ATR I Nor. 3, iito Idaho

— '.I — - . . . l l . I ' I Ing In I

! memory of those days and Mr*. J. they had meant to he r waa Mrs. Roi

-m ade-her-a iop -w aah lng -the granddai I and go along to view the Daniel a: e~ B h e -w o u ld U ke llm e-a t cake and oai to play wllh h e r children, relallves ! wllh them aa Ihey grew from o.day from year’to year,Idren grow up very faat. If jB thera.A ad_m oU »er*-are-lo atep w ith Uiem, ahare In the ir f“ “* hU and the ir deeds Uiey musl when the children begin and ( ,

lue on down to Uie end. ThU ^ do leat one day they dUcover MURT la a stranger In ih e lr home N dub s reserve Uiey canno t break, m aking; bers are often too busy to to th e ir chlldren’i itorlea. to “ o"*"'-,

Uiem make a toy. to sha re In » -ho itf i game*. Surely firs thand ao- auice WlUl one’a chUdren Is as * ■Unt a s reading Uie spc«* ‘7 “ “ . ’ firs t Uilng after dinner? Or JF*- *!'

t . a - » a ia..pqwTi m t s ir te w —

it >u>lu , n tk* snundwork Ut elephantK'K„v;.;iLVJ"i »biw u. b. b.iprui In W ritt p .n , » »al H»blu." To obldn a coff. iina 6t*l*nyU In celn l« bim. ' i •• eo-ho OI II, « « York 1», N. y:

— V ISIT BEFOETED . I5SH0NE. Nor. &—Mrs. John ' I - le la TlalUng a t Rockland. M

n'INeglacf Slipping P

\LSE TEETH «fall* u t ta drop, dip o r wobbi*I jou talk. •*(, Uutti or «n»«M7( b* >nnDT*d and embarruMd- r ! ^3ca-lianaieapi.rA BTEEni.-iji....... MIne (noD-teld) pevder to n - • 1 ,^n joiir piktri. kicpi (»t>* teiUi JiS;flrmir Mt. oiTM eonnaent to«i- »> >

>X Mcvmir aad tdd*d «omforv r baimmr. toofT, P*»tT tMt« or (m I- *•< '0*1 rA ST ttrU wday >t aay 'ki« Ieouaur.— ------ -- ------------------------ «ait

IV i

uFinesf At Sweel's

• Biltwell • Crown• V a l e n t i n e - • S e a v e

• C o u n t r y . M o d e r n .

iLLS,-IOAHO-— '---------

'les Reviewed Two For FH A Group For:r, o*nw _of^nlder’*jlreM »hop. 1 H I , spoke on r r h e right style tw o c h e rlghl place a n d Uie right beUwl I ' te n e m b en o r th e CuUeford emonle* Tuesday eren lng In the home Masonic

>mles room. n waidels were K ay-C onrad, Nancy tery da£ rter. K aren K ram er. Donna qu«t No »- 3 m i HMd. Vl¥i>n.-»««d, h«th«l \ dine Regadera, Carolyn Kud- Grand i X)U Hudson a n d P ra n c u Rega* Emmett,

, the ■ groUiera of the VHA. glrla were gueaU a d. .la week the PK A girls observed meeting, mal PHA week by selling pop- The ti balls and carm eled apples erery be a coc

hour a l the sch o o l Mondny C. And« rU ia llrU w o re 'r r f and while. wlin>e’ PHA eolora T uesday was act Sunday as "Ml day,” T hursday "Smile alon Z^: and Prlday u “No Orlpe day.

legate*, chosen , to represent eford a t the dlslrlc l PHA U ra \ Ing In Jerom e N or. w are pinochle n Kramer, sen io r; Donna By> tow, whi junior, and -Carolyn Kudlae, club sp jmore. wiUi Mr

• « « T h e n

ower H onors -M rs.-BuGibsonEWMB, N or. 8- M r s . Billy Gib- M ra I w how M -m arrted-ln-6« lem ber w ai a- a honored c t - a . mlacallaneou* - Mrs. er Tueaday n ig h t a t Uie home elecham :r*. Paul Hurleas. Cards were d with prizes going to Mra.1 Salladay a n d Mra. LeRoy p u n s

a. Olbson. the fo rm er Carol Ann on, daughter o f Mra. Caroline view cli on. was m arried SepU 71 to the hom Dale Olbaon, son of Mr. and u r s . I Gerald Olbson. T he Rer. Har du t, p ^ i^an Zee pe rform ed the etre- «en to.: ' a t Elko. Nev. Refra a. Olbaon la a sen io r a t Jerome hoateas achool and O lbson waa gradu- M ver. from Jerom e h ig h school with dasa of 18JJ. H e U preaenUy . oyed by Rice M otor company. Memb ______* * * ____________ met_W«

ir-C elebrates— lySF Solden-WeddingkjDINO. N or. » - M r . and Mra. , ,. D aniel celebrated Uielr 8OU1 ?*!??!}{; ing annlreraary Tueaday after- » and evening a l the home of _ „

ininJfJL-pftui-DnnltL-.Qpaling.. and M ra D aniel were married n - ■ 3 ,1»M, a t Pern, Mo. They eame P | T tho In 1617 a n d m ored to Good* n 1818 a n d farm ed untU two

s. James Davis, Shoshone andRoger, SU m y, EaU cada, Ore.. “ “ r * ,ldaugliters..and_Mn._R«jTi\ondel and Mrs. P a u l Daniel serredand coffee-to Uie friends and,ves who a ltended the open i i W> celebraUon. .t-of-lown 'gueaU ' were from rnm n tleld, Buhl, T w in Palls, Kim- ,.Bheahone.jVildeiLand-CuUe..

« « - T . Coin

Candy M ade 'fRTAUOH, Nov. 5—’The H and Ilb spent W ednesday afternoon Ing candy for servicemen from bHOS lugh a t th e hom e of M n. Sla honors le. M n . N orm a T horalon w u jear-olcJ i t e i f v - . -.-------------- r ----------- flmiUCa Ray A asendrup and Marge Memt ' were In charge o t gamea. u,a LD« a went to M rs. A nn Jonea, for Bri.

Anna Perkins. Mrs. Moline, m uT cl Lola-Thrnier-and-M ra-G eaeta ih»-ev4 er, 'M ra Phyllis Oaiilei* and ‘SmlQir* -T ib lln -e-recelved -m e-W hlle anl*. ■ G; e next m eellng wlll b t held The 8 a l the home of Mra. LeoU folded : ny WlUl Mra. Bonnie Perklna aasodat t.hosteaa. __________________ M raL o

_ N A S A L M I S i l

S IN IN O H i s t H E E

^UASH* N iW 'ftoeucr «h«. «im» h«t>» ns n ; t i r

I'm l •• tkam. UKIMm kMt Mt>,

S j.is s3 5 s .s8 5 li? ,s i!V?JAIT, CAUaOtMtA. ' - .........


a - ofo ry

one (

ver ------------

■ A .

ra C an d id a tes Pai; Dr N ew Bethel In rirf ioTedlfTRTfes 7u?0 candidates w ere imtlated by chryaa I J JD Job ’s Daughter* .ia-CtTr .»lal5n Jes Wedneaday evening a t tha Artlati nic temple. a rt ga was armounoed Masonlo mya- The dads wlll be guesta a t a ban- Bolt«~ Nov. 17 a t tKe temple when profea.

a -U D _w lU -recelv*-jU -shart«. .Brenr d g u a rd ia n .. M ra. Vida, Bork. lU m e ett, wUl preaen t the charter to submit group. O t h e r dlaUngutstied their 1 s a lto will be present. S :ren ju(<, Idatea w ill be InlUated a t Uils

e honored queen’s project wlll Jdtho' cooked food aale Nov. IS a l C. , n d e y .n ’a store, and Nor. H *!!? * be' th e “ queen'a go lo di'urcH ay a t th e C hurch of the AKen- z ilaconal -

______ •• scccepLucky t» a n b - 1

a W . W . Reed received high a t ^ opei W e and 'M rs. Roy Smalley, day at when m em ben of the Lucky 13

spen t W edneaday afternoon A c cM ra D on H ine. — .............j - •e nex t meeUng wlll be held Uie n g of N or, 30 and fu tu re ' a O ' w ith huabands Inrlted a t the i r i r1 o f M r. and Mra. Reed wlUi bert Q an d M rs. J y le Winkle u 00- u,e y

a. Rhoda Burks, E ventt, Wash..a- gueat.----------------------------------152= -». w inkl* received Uie’ white jiyh ;

_____ The

n iib U n d View G ab . 3"t*n kns were m ade to send a barrel H it to th e chUdren'a home In ] t waa ! by m em ben of the Highland k, „

club W ednesday aftemoon a t lome of M n . Belly Jones. ■>,. .* s. Lealle A nderaon recelred tha u n priae a n d th e aunahlne pal gift k»_ to M ra P red Thleme. freahm enU were aerved by the a s assisted by M n.- Henry

______ senUtStreaiBllDer CTub .

im ben of th e Stream liner elub ■WedDMdiy In the-weat-wlag ne old 'h o a p iU l and d l^u oed

«r calorie salad and salsd dress-ras-scrved a s a d ie t saggtsU on.--------mberahlp requ lrem enU -ire a PV ikinal d e s ^ to lose weight and L/11 id lcal doctor’s certUlcsU. e .n e x t meeU ng wlll be a t 8W ed n e id ay Jn .th 6.old.boipllil h a i

ihoch le P loyed ' S-a. L. T . Moore received high b/w.i.> U ie_w om en_and.;c*rl-8 chweri M .tht high fo r the m en a t th s Elks jn .» ,

e r p a rly W ednesday evening le Elks lodge. t,r Mi■ s.-K .-Jaoobs-w as-secoD d-for Ttoimi women an d M rs. D. J . Dorlon,

. k Crow took second place for n e n and flam.Babln_wa*.Uilnl. ^ 7 » m m ltlee for th e evening In- “ She >d Mr, and M ra O. J. Bell- iT c l»m nen rM r."an4 'M rfA w h olner, M r. a n d M ra Don SUf-

Mr. a n d M n . E d T\3lbert and an d Mr*. Crow. ,tU n t

P a ? ty l4 e ld ^I0 8H 0N E , Nov. b — Birthday F n were given Brian Smith, 7* j -oM aon o f M r. and_M ra Ralph . h , W edneaday. ' - - ' • w j a n b e n of g roup N o;.ll.xlM i o f ; . L.DS P rim ary joined In a party .B rian du ring th e weekly prt- r class ho u r. BefreehmenU for avanL_*ara_pm »tdK l hy Mra r = = ^ i . ... . . . . . : —

G IR I% 'f O & lE T T B M le W ikaw eU ya Camp P in girls d le tte rs fo r th e Tnberculoala :laUon a t th e meeting thla week. L oren’P age Is th e group itadtr.

; i * Y I



t l10 1your old-------Sij-room --------1on g ne>y * o t . . ♦


minting Judged Rec In Show a t Boise Heu » -M rC ro » .iO T T f :! ln in tr a ra — r zee. With her.pilnU ng_of. yellow — l lyaanUiemuma tn Uie aUU We dl* q q , lo n .a l . the H lh .a n n u a l Idaho OaU thow being held a t Uie BoUe

I .U m r lU i m m u,.l ie thow ta gpow red by th e ^ r ,l iT a rra tto d a tlo h and-li'open 'to held*ifeulonala and non-profesalonaU. ing Lsiy .p ie re^ -a eJec tw -r id -h u n rb r —merit. Work* numbering 178 were imltied and 83 were selected by •lr merit. 3 ^ludges were Pred Brown. BoUe a r t Iler; Robert Peter. head-of Uie

departm ent a t the College“ of uVnT Iho; Robert Hanky, fo m ie ra ev e .4 arllat; Carl Hoobing, commer* rtuebi l-artlat,-and-Loul*-pcdci-art-ln> .. uctcr a t Boise schools.Ul work Is original and none U aepted which h a t been copled'or “ “ I* JB in th e clasaroom. -ma gaUery “ )pen Saturday, Sunday and Mon- f aftemoona during November.

ssem bly-Report' S Given for LodgetAOERMAN. Nor. 5 -M rt .‘R o - monli t G ardner, first represenUUre to a n d : I ^ h p ^ b e k a h asaemblyjiald In dance iho Palls lasi' monUi. rapoBedTV IsahQ ! meeUng of Uie Union Rebekah 1st. a ge'-Tuesdty-^renlhgTnThe-CJVlC UtTSl b rooms of the Masonle temple, two t rhe newly elected assembly preal- M n It, Mra. M}-ra Peteraon, Couer ley, ] klene, sen t a letter and her pro* Burle km to the lodge which were read. Ray waa announced Mra. Gardner has puncl m appointed u assembly hU - hrtde' lan for the Rebekah assembly of P auli » aUte of Idaho. Behuvln. Elorriaga reported 840.78 had Oold m deared on . the cooked food th e g e held Saturday a t Owaley’s Oui xery. Thla will go toward th e W r r nodellngcf U ielO O P halLA pre* Dayi* lUUon of iewela will be m ade k m tha nex t meeUng, Nor. 18. lo roe S

0 member*. M ra Ralph Robinson suge; » lred Uie white elephant. ■ftifreihWfcnU-w-ereierT^abyM nT M rs. ralne—Knlgge—and-^Mra—O len 7® ^ ' ■ndrldcson, T h--------------___________________

•inner Served K A t Legion Hall

HAOERMAN.-N(jr.-8-About 100 rtons were serred duiner 5n lesdsy, decUon d ty , a l the Legion ^ U by m em ben of Uie Woman’* dety o f ChrisUan Service of Uiej th o d is f c h t i r d n n t in in r j r w ; -------nes as chairm an of the dinner.Ihe was assisted In the planning M rt. H arry Bnodgrau aod M rs. 8H

:lmarPlnk*toa-The-kltehen-eom- Ie«oi ttee Induded M n. Jonea, M n . Sales o d g ^ Mrs. O. P. U olonyrU rt: B n .~ Jph Barton. Mrs. Nellie Rogers th e (d-M ra-E lgle-flw ensen.--------------- Brirhe serving eommltlee w u M rt. B e ^w»tAn chilnaan* M n-Bob—Cup* *«■*>' r, M ra M elrln Prince, M n, VlrgU irwood. Mrs. Ployd Row aad M rs. S ra id MarUn. THe gUt Uble w aa , 4nded by M n . Al Karaloff and 1 ■a D m Thomas. Albany. Calif.

FURNACE C L U N I^ \ Anywhere In Usgle Talley T Pormarly Robt. & Lee Z

We blT e 88tB Oreen Stampg t ' ^ - 'B u « C ew hB m S«nrle# X I U I . . . PB 0N E8 . . . UM t

Announcing.. . . thfl o p tn ir^ of m y exclus C ustom mods hots, bogs, and

•------ond~maraJ'fpls. Stop In on^creo tions o t EDITH'S M AT T W IN FALLS or PHONE GAr BERLY for on oppolntm ent.

Shirley^Ra M'llo South Bonl




:eceptionEvent ~ •ionors Pair-Wed In Home SeiVice-

OOODINO,. Not. 5wa‘ wedding ceptlon for Mr. asd Jlra-D tryI-“ obdey who were rnamed Oct. 10 .' th e home of the bride’a pazenta, - r . a n d .M ra.H. lUBtephena. w u _ dd Tueaday erenlng a t tbs Qood«-t LD_8_ch»j>el____T h e bride's wedding dreaa w u ot- ualon lace aad nylon net over-- h lt« taffeU ' and w u fiihloaed"" ith a filled bodice and bouffant i r t . H er rell w u of nylon net and ' lged_wlUi illfltlCTi lice held a rtlb -a - ara o f moUier of pearl orange ouom s. Her boui]uel w u ot reda e b u d s . ___________________T h e m a lro n 'o fT io n arw n rU ite r- ' Uie bride, Mrt. A. V. Schless, laho Palla. and- the bridesmaids-'; th e recepUon.were Carole-Rob^ •tson and Marilyn NelU. - • E m le Slevena w u the best man.TTie bride's mother wore a red -j ool d r e u with black accesiortea . 4 lin d a -A n n fltepheni, alster of th e — Id e . w u in charge of Uia gueslMk.Stephens acted u master of cere' lonles during Uie program. P a t 3d L an a Laraen presented a U p u ioe and Miss Stephens played a iUio solo. MaxJHTSarenport, l o l o ^ I. w as aoeoapanled by Marjorie tTsnportrvirBinirximMIft“«4V*=: ro musical paatonlises.M n . John Roy,-Mra Beulah Day* y, B urley ,.U n. Melrose Burgea^ urley, aunt* of the bride, and Mrs. ay BUckbum served caka and unch. Mra. Tom B. Behunln, Uie ride's aunt. M n. Albert HaU. au llne Wilson. Peggy O nres. LoU ehun ln . Sharlene R ^ , M ra Eimln old a n d Mn. Verl Olson arranged le gU t U bla ' - 'O u l - o f - t ^ gueils Induded Mrs. t a r r Blepheni, Sam Stephens, Mra. layley, Mr. and Mn. Melrose Bur* u s , aU Burley: Mr, and Mra Mon* ( w S a g e n , Fairfield; Mr, aad Mrs. ugene Walker, Twin Palla, and :r^and-M ra Uoyd Brown,-Ur.-«nd- Ers. Robert Pierson and Mr. tn dwrB*TpirMil3er,“Ri|BTTniic----T h e . bride's In rd ln g ' eni*mW«-

aa a .b lu a tw ttd ault with red. ae* nsorles, Tbe couple vislUd'~thl~ rldegroom's parent^ Mr. and M n. r t Hobdey. Peck.T h e new Mra Bobdey itteiided ia h o B U te collete_and_la empleyed t tb e qoodi^-grad^eehwlf^^T^-T^ ’T h t hridegroom attended school I WendeU and la. employed a t the. IrclB bar. BUai, .........

Lesson Given8HOSHONE. Nor. 8—A tellgloul

!» n -w u -g lren -o em b e r» -« f 'D * — a les club Wedneaday sigh t by ttw ln.~7aUier'aen«rkBrtluian~tr30 CaUioUo church reotorr.______Evelyn Hom w u a guut.B egular classes are h ild a l t p in .

ich-W tlneaday.------------------------- -

t h e : = = = = = s FLOWER sh o p :

' BOOBtSON B O m u m .

PHONE 240. .T L 0iri*4 .A T -IH *I» .B B r!^ .. * A m w ia a lt ■ .

»I«U VoUiw torrlM«CUm *Stadk<RkW>

g . . .:[uslve millFnery lo loa ind scarves of.oll types a n 3 'M i som’e 'o f 'm y ~ ATERNITY SHOP in. ' ^ r f l e l d 3-5364, KIM* • it.

Heideminifo n k Cornar, Kimbcr.I/

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

Johnson P lan s M( Club Owi

^ - P H II iM )E L P H IA rN o \v 5 d c lph ia A th le tic s fo r Kanits league club, e l ^ e d th e fina] ie re n c a he h a d acqu ired the

- Arkansas^ToClinch:

Bj Th« AlA rk an sas an d S o u thern C

dott-n tw o of th e m a jo r bo The u n b e a te n -u n tie d A rkan S ou thw est and fo u rth -ran k c Cotton bowl p lan s i f th ey bea favo red Rice a t n eu tra l. L it

iw U ie m OaUfomU. low r Ofily t___ non-leajue TexM _OirH U »n4_Jl_

cinch for lhe h o t l role i t P u a deh»'i Ilo»e bowl ff It e*n Uke th

• m eaiure of up-*nd-<lown SU nfor Kt Pklo Alto, C tllf.

These two pime* will »Kr*ct »pe dftl Intereit 6*tUTd»r m the uptet d lu y campaliTn m ovet toward : conelinlon, wiUi only tliree mor

' week* lo p l i7 In th e normal *ched uie.' UCliA, the nation’* No. 1 nn U n i team, U Ineligible to r tU im lo thi Itoie bowl under the no-rtpea agreement. The powerful Uclan are heavily fatored o»er Oregon a Lot Angelej.

The Uclaiu' keeneat challenger for U p naUonal h onor*—Ohio S U t •rifl'OkTahoma—alio are heaVlIy fa Yored to keep Uielr perfect aeaaon'.

— ree o riin B a re r-----------------------------•Ohio SU le U host lo PllUburgh

. the team which had Tebounded. K three a tralght trlum pha under ath- leUc director Tom Hamlllon afi<i three opening aeaAon louea. Okla­homa U a t lowa SU U .

_ _Pltt, with_a_blg, faa t club, which - found'lbieU tinder Hamllton'i-liJUIfl

coaching and lhe g rea t quarUr- backing of aophomore Corney. Sal* vaUrra, la capable o f iipaetUng the

~ i* c o n a ;rin K s n tic k e y 6 s .“ Bui‘ form favora the Bueka by • couple ol

' louchdowna.Oklahoma, which h a i fallen from

- ^ l ln rp t ic f - to - tn i rd u r ih T lM r tw c__w eela_w ilhoutJoiin^& -gam *,-m ay

be-Inclined U run a U ll acore, Ii pw lb le , OQ underdog Iowa fiUU

'"JU at lo Impreia Uie poIUlera.Notre Dame, the tifth-ranked

Uam. plava a l Pennaylranla, where U it 'l i& i 'a r e T i ta tH y faio iea rM l^ ami, Fla', unbeaU u, imUed and alzth la lhe poll, haa » daU with Aubum a t Birm ingham.

Tbe day'a naUonally Ulevlaed fea* tu re will come from Waco, Tez., where Baylor p layi hoat to Texaa. Baylor, holding Cotton bowl hopei, l l allghtly favored.

OUier m ala x tuaet:E u t—V lllin o n a t Boiton U . Co*

la a b U a l D artm outh ,'H oly C rou At Peso SU U . A nny a t Yale.

Uldweat — Nebraaka a l E anaai, -O reffoiH B U U ^aH iIlnneso tarM orth ' —w «aU m -at-W iM onaln ,--P urdu«-at

lowa, Ullnoia a t U lchlgan.— souui—T *nne«e§“ » t“ 0 • o r i i r

T e c h . V anderbilt a t Kentucky, SouUi Carolina a t NorUt Carolina. Alabama a l Tulane.

SouUiweil and far weat—TuUa a t Honaton, California a l Waahlngton,

-Wyoming a t U lah SU U , BYU a t Denver, O U h a l Colorado A and M, O l a c l n n a t l .a t..A rU o n a _fiU U

. (Tempe). Idaho S U U a l Colorado Mlnea, Wyoming a l U U h SU U .

Grid Career Of lUini Ace May Be at End

CHAMPAION. I l l , Nov. 8 LB-A aKoulder leparatlon may end the football career of lUtnola' fabulous J . C. Caroline, who aa a aopho­more (laat year) broke Red Orange's ja rt-g iln ln g r tco rt.

lUlnl aUileUc director Doug MllU aomberly disclosed th e seriousness of OaroUne'a Injury Wednesday n ighl while speaking a t a Quar­terback elub- meeting in Spring­field. Hi:

■•Caroline wa* In jured in Uie SjTacuse game OcL 33." Mill* aald. "He sustained ^ a t may be a ahoulder separaUen and I t may end hi) brilliant career. He la being

. tm le d -w lth - th e -h o p e h e can be used Saturday agalnsl Michigan.. .."Bul U . th e . injury canno t ba tr ta led properly o r doesn’t respond. •li-.U-po*alble- h t-n e v e r- wlU-playfootball iga ln .“ - ....................

Coach Bay Ellioll adm itted th a t Carollne’a left ahoulder "hasn 't re- aponded to treatm ent very well.”' Caroline kept his Injury to h im - > self unUl Uta in the veek a fU r Che Syracuse game. He did n o t play r agalnit Purdue l u t Saturday. J

Filing of Damage „ Suit Is Postponed »

WASHrNOTON. Nov. 5 Ifl-F llln g 5; Jf a multl-mlUlon-dollar damage iuU-aBalnit-.«ia]or-)eague-ba.iebell - MS delayed Indefinitely Thursday.—'n ii-sm i-n aa > ee n threatened by n F^ank Lawrence, owner ot the s. Porlsmouih. Va.. club In Uie P i r t . J.

nas been damaged through "iriva- r. lion" ot minor lengue terniory by radio and television accounts of Tiajor leasue ganiM. u-L3wtTOi:e-h3a*sst<rwr-Ktr^o\«'a * le med by Nov. 1. "blTt Auy. James ?. McOranerj-. who Is handling the w yise. u ld Thursday he wm not “ •eady to act yet.

McOranery said Uie su it definite. y win be filed, but refused to clve B .ny advance indication of when bal would be. Lawrence-ha«-«aid N 0 will seek Uie damages from Uie c< J major league club* and bu eb all g: jmmiasloner Ford Frick. • E

----------------------------- U

irt UiaC a carp caught by Charles ■barger. a r . In MUwurl waUra had »l en Ugged and released 4oa miles wi •ay and l lr» rear* befor*. fo


I Finally B tove to Kai m ers’ OK,v 5 ( f l» ) i^ h tc a ir6 a n -A rn o ld - .J o h n a ( in«a« C i ty . C o n n ie M a ck , 9 1 -y ca in a l paper./i f ro m ,h is s ic k b e d . Jo h i t h e f r a n c h la e f o r a p p ro x im a te ly j

.-USC-Seek— I Bowl Spots• Auoelated Frea*n C a lifo rn ia h a v e a c h an c e t o na il

bow l a sB iR nm en ts J h i s w eek -en d . k a n saa R a z o rb a c k s ,' s i i rp r is e o f th r n k c d n a tio n a l ly , c an n t a r t m a k ln s b e a t ----------------------------- " * r ~ -----------

^ BCWLONGnford Twlh r*il» Hoisf ______ts ii .u,

Itor.* 8bU Cluk___ _____It I i .11, K[o.(a«I ------ ---------------tl l i ,f2.

1! iK:• whu5'74iin"aJJ« j i ;‘ii

more T«i»jhein co, ._ ___i j i .uj:he'd- 'Hifli s » m

II lh UiM lanf, ri»<iMr-Club....... .. 111II |k u«m Mrln. riotixr Ciuk . _ titi

iklng II |I> liidlfldiul ftnit. J. Ahlilmni „ Zll . t).* >< ib Indl.ldtiil mM«. j . Abl.lnm ... S<’ ’ Tm klib hoakrii J. AkUlraim ) i l ; Bcpcal airr«ll H I: I. G»>kf U7: a. C«eHr«{ clans lU : It. niubl< U>; C. N«Imii H1; j

'•I<kwik r*r w.4iMS.r

ngers r ^ ““ ;»• Tti.»k.B. «nip.iirBUU --------------y fa . T »i. r*uj u .u r ... ri.n«.f ciuk

urgh. ii*"iti«»p....... ....... n j ii« iiT m

iii-s i i i iafler K. t>obbi . ------------ lie m u i 4ia)kla- "• --------- ^^0 JU t n t n

T*uu ___ _____ IK 'n 4 ' im i i i irhieh Diitn's ik M '-

S l l . J- TS'wnr.V";------™ l l l . l l l ifl] J|}t the L a u , 'S i :Z Z : Z r r u i^ iM V i , ‘? - u lform ________ . . . .t of TII, Sll 11(1

T>li r«tu ' '-!iS- j l M !

may {SUU J l l 111 I J

TM«1. _ Ill III Hl.HITnked , a - l -

................ n * IV IM *1*Mlnik«« ....... ....... _.1« 111 i:» Ol

and ct.wfor< ................_ i : i t n m ti i»Uh PurrM ______>U 111 t>S <M

S k » » ----------------- J i !fea* Truw ............ ...._ ,*oi l i t u t ti<t

M. W.U«« — ..... IM l i t tM '<l»CO. g- g -:—}jS^ o u — —— — - ___

T»U U ----------------US IU US SiOXX*l«nra BMSt7 Sk«»

rth » J tr lw in S a ^i - a t v . rg rt tii_________ XII

. p«VriN —•—•••• ■ •;",„( I I U. K sW ru_______ II* IM III III

Chk ckMk nkii a t ............. _.l»0 ll» IM Its

r n p o T ii ' '" --------- 111 lit llo <!!a t r[ R«ir«r ___— .....i n tio tl7 <11

I M. n. ><«ii»dtr------------ in Ul 111 ti lp . VatlUaok -----------in Ul III 411

■ado ' T » u i . 1_ . !. .. . i i 'r 'i i i m l i l i r .* .r

Htndlu* ______ _— tl4 III s u «tlA*. .......... lei II I4S 140n. pw iiip ..------------ II 111 l i t 111

Toui. — -----------r i ;iM 4t- iis-iiM' ' I K ^ m iA L LXACUK

ill ill ill- A i- ---------------!?? | « i l lthe c . Sgumtr _____ lit 1U III 411OUS - — - — — •s . . T.UW — .1. . » . . . .ICS rrtndltip ...................141 UT ]4T 441

C. _________141 m »l »»

1“ f SEr ?-”lL‘ !!! ii'i iHday l! DHka'lJl..___ Z ~ i« ill ii{ ! u

Tbui. ..................~iis T t t ' t l i i mTtlM*

the B.‘ Ri'” „ . r : z z : : : : I* u l i]J !•{lid. U U ubUa -___-"—{{{ ’J’

•nfj j ^ w l i i t o ^ - i r j r i i S . i lo 'J j i , J ! } ,

•-bJ -T »uu ------>(■.*«''J i ? . ”” * '

bft " ‘ lllJkM .... ....1*1 il* Ind. D. p.Phm r -----------ISI ITT 111 IIT ^i*y ;

L. Morion ......... ....... Ill IM Ul 410 )TOUI. '»U '.Vl : m j

aiffiN * 0ifH«U n - n.fiJit4n ...................ii* jh u i u ihe S; y .l;,? ;," .----------- ‘s; {JJ {‘‘ “ I Jay n,‘ suiifrfi.ij _______U l- l i t i«i i»i t

ul III uo i : i j n TouU ................ i n 111 lie :<2( r

rE - = | j i i i iill —T«Uto-. ,. -------- l l t j S U - U l ^ l l J

.y dle s. WlllUmi ............ ...U» Ul t*« 411 f<1. r . JohKMn _______ *111-U l i n i l l d

I! s’’’ Toul. *iT» " i l l :iTJ ft

U.nd|,.p . . . IU lU Ul IIT «[?. ......... . 5M C sX 7M n.k .': . . :..ill U. Ul . i r ♦le w. nri'*n . ________ m in i : i <ii ♦Dt u. W .uon------------ Jl^l J H JIO *

Toul. ................... *11 151 l« JTII *t . ------.------------ ♦,e BOUT.ARIUNOED , _________ *^ BEIIMUDA. B. W. I , Nov. S Ifl— * Id Nino—V aldei.-Cuban-heavyw clght ^ le conUnder. win meet Jimmy Walls, {II glewood, N. J., In a 10-round bout *

Englewood, V. J., It * u announced ^ today. ^ ______________ ________ [♦

t Bob Miller. Detroit IJoni defen. * d slve Uckle. U a policeman tn Nor- ^• walk. C onn , when h* Un't pisying ♦

fooUialL - ----------------- iX .

Buys A’s, ansas G it^ Pending

i h n a o n - ^ I ^ t i r s d a y ^ u g H R h V - P h i U -y c a r-o ld f o u n d e r o f th e ,A m e r ic a : J o h n s o n a n n o u n ce d a t a n e w s c o n

e ly 5 3 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 f ro m C o n n ie a n d h i-------- tw o s o n a r R o y - a n d - E a r l e . - H

s a id th e ^ a n d o ld m a n o bssebaU would get «W4,000; Ro

-------- ^ d - ia t r t t - H M OOg-wch:---------- —Th* price of thre* and. one-haJ

million dollar* Is .reached-by add < Ing a ^xaoofioo mortgaf* and olbe 3 debt* of apprbzlmaUly ISOO,000 t

Ul* price of Ui» Mack *tock- John ion aald one million dollar* mor

n a i l will b* se l aside to help buUd Ui ..end lut-p lac* Athleilci Into a flr it-d l» f l , - vliion le a m ,---------- , • _1,1 Johnson,, who for montHa hS

waged an unrelenUng campaign t bring major leagus bueball t K anaai City, finally won out T hurs f lii_ la_ th (L Ja ih lo a i tili n r n n a n

I « | to«-n aparunei^t of "Mr. Baaeball, C onol«-> f»ck .jn ie_4IiJnrioIiO or

— mer n a v a l. lleutenant-eommande ■T-yv eoncluded hi* deal whll* a *hrunk*:

Tti Philadelphia poup teeking to bu I '.in Uie lenm and keep 11 In th is cit I ‘I j l cooled IU heels In t h t lobby.' ! i:i Connie, who will be S3 next m ontl

hasn 't eaten a lubitantial mei ! i:t aloes l u t Thursday. T hai wa* whe: . American league elub owner* gath

—,1:! ered In New York and **ld no to *i Zll elgtil-man Philadelphia ayndicat

<i-*R *eeklng to buy th i A'* and keei them her»-*Uii old m u te r '* fond

.41; J. e s t dream.Aid.r. On tha word of Uioie who vlilte'

Ul* aparuneni where Uie deal wa 'ii<r aesled. Connl* w u ih itU red . HI_____ Kife.JCiiMjtrine.,.*hle|ded hlm_fronuk reporter*. AcUcg for him. *h* tbli_____ reRortejii----------------------------------- -

~John*on offered too strong i '* 101 proposition. Ther* n’U iiolhlng eUi

we couid.do.-Mr. Johnion-ls « nlc< *°> m sn and h* won out. We lald wh0‘

l! i l l ever got her* first would b* thi------ buyer. Mr. Johnson w u here a l S

>* o'clock, Ul* PhlUdelphla group c a n i ai^^l0-a.m^-l|h*-phllade]phl*-grout

i] *|{ Th* Philadelphia group Ura. M a d s ' 411 referred lo w ts mada up oJ

john-p .-cruw B insado -rrB rey .iro r i n i l U n Llebmtn and T. B. Hsnff. SleJ

, , and Llebman. Uklng their attom e) . , , along, were In the lobby wllh foui T 4 1 enie(Iil~loU1Ung~|S(M.D00'made bul i __4 * Cftnnlf’ 4 ! Mack's true ntme.I I I But Uiey never got a chinee, Flrat,

• - Johnson, came dow n.alter a two-• ' hour meeting wlih Connie, Earle and

I <01 Mrs. Mack. He ssld he'd hav* •

• t i l Tlien came Earle, also w lth .h li s 4M attorney. Alfred Luongo. Both wept. *_ Earle faced th t Philadelphia hope- t IKI fula and u ld : ‘

"W* lost. Th* elub it to ld to , „■ Johnson."I 411 W llh Uiat, Earle, a symbol o f d«- I jecllon, left th t building. Boon came , , ' i i Johnson's sutem eni:I 411 “All Uie stock of Uie.Phlladelphl* ' ~ Axnerlcan.Ieagut Baseball club held

by Connie Mack h u been pu r-

*' i ix it tn u r td into » to n U a tt w I ”11 purthas*"all •of Uie stock b f R o y i - m M ael!-and-**rlt-M «ek.-A ll-of-U ie ' Macks hav* algned a letter lo the tu i American league requesting approval

■ of Uie tranacU on a l Uie earliest possible dsU. Thereafur, Uie fran -

t i i chls* will be moved lo K an su City."Johnion u ld boUi Earle and Boy

l i i will remain In Uie organUatlon 411 under th re t y e tr contracU and th a t

C0Dnl*-wiil-b*-named-chainnan of . th e board of dlrecurs.. Salary and

s ti th* typ* cf pMiUon wer* no t dls- ij ! d o ted .JU I n New York. Hanidg* u ld Jolih- J»* *on had noUfled him by Ulephone.

_ _ He u ld a meeting of club owner* to -UH a c l - o n U l* -u ie and lransfer~{«

K ansaa City will b t held next week, probably In New York. • - -

I I«fty O’Doul :!ii Signs to Boss ju Oakland Team

OAKLAND, Calif.. Kov, g UV-— F rank (Lefty) OUoul. 57-year-old Mil veteran bueball figure, Tlmrsday

wa* named manager of Uit O ak- ]i« land club of Uit Faclflo C o u t « i league.‘y C. U (Brick) Laws. Oskland own- i : i e r. announced Uiit O'Doul, who

,d n akippered.San D iego .lo .lhajeague ~ championship th ls.yeir. had agreed

to terms.j i ; Laws aald ODoul would manage J” O akland "from now on.” but II was 111 u n derstpod jt w u a on».jta r_deal.

. l i l ..-.OUouI u ld - h e w u-infiueneed by the fael Uie Philadelphia A th-

. , 1, leU u were sold to Arnold Johnson for transfer to K ansu City.

. . . " I hsd an Inkling Uiat Johnaon iU would gel lha elub. I t w u the S4t Mack brothera who wanted me In ” j manage , Ull -Uam ." O'Doul told JIJ newsmen.— O-Doul mansged Uu San F ran -• ii cisco Seals for 17 years and Oak- I , : land wss his most bltU r rival.

lli R acejd r Gowboy s Title Is Tight

t3EKVEnr>foV.'~5“ W =T>jrft-To- m deo riders a r t locked In a.W ghtrace 111 for th is -y e a rs all-around cowboy “ I championship,

_H **dqu*tUr*-«f-Ui*-Bodeo.Cow- i : i boy* aasoclaUon reported Thuraday - - th a t Buck Rutherford. Lenapah.

OkIa„ is Ih t current lesder wilh M,818 polnij,_________________

- ♦ • G ENERAL ♦♦ R EPA IRIN G ♦

. . . ♦ _ # . .P L O W — ISH A R P E N IN G _______ t

• O RN A M E N T A L 2. u i t IR O N W O R K ♦ed ♦ • M A C H IN E W O R K ' ' +_ t » M ETA L SPRA Y IN G t

— : Curl Mfg Co. i- f * Baek Jamea FeodUner. 1



. - H e n o t


o lb e r


Id Uie

Jl to

unk*n —0 buy * city

son th . Jobn Carroll, U 5-poub4 t a t m eal presenU quiU a abteld for Dot w hen Golden Besrs. When Cal Bppaae ga th - behind Carroll and be can't b* i to an Sm ith Is ready (o pas* In cat* ) ----- ---—

f Bowling 1 i i Starts_Hei1 told_ _ _ _ A p n t r flf tinw lln [y Ifin rnfli ng a f r o m th ro u g h o u t th e s t a t e ' r a t t h e Bow lnrirom e h e re a n ( whn! lou rnam (5n tJ i'to ta lB $I th*

DedicatiaiiM ack pffout Souglit""

ForSpoIvaue~"fS ur SPOKANE, Nov.’3 ifl-Promol , --u t au*-C aa*-s* ld -W eanejdsy he' ffnn1<> negollatlng_for_a.Dcc..lo.noa-U

m aU h hero beiween Sandy saddl Wr*t ffatherfcelght champion, a V ” • Bobby Woods. Spokane llghtweiitl

*>e a feature of Ui* de I . IcaUon week ceremonics in Sp

* kane's new 2 million dollar collsnw R ic in n in f ii'7 U o u rB ;o o o 7 o mlog.

“I have hsd Saddler on llie 11 fo r tho l u t three weeka bul have:

^ ^ been able U come lo Urms wl Woods," C o m said,

f (>.. Lou Vlscusl. who handles Woo. ^ b o o k i n g s , said in Miami Beach, F

Wedneaday he h u been dicker!: lt)hl» ^or Saddler match bul won tl inakB no commitments unUI aft "*i® Bobby’* boul Uiero nexl Tuejday,

Wood* h u been campaigning

Ul* Paclflc_NorUiwest..lighlwelg Utle. •

’ ■“ »e - i r ~ u „ -w .^ T B ird d ler mT tl ' Uie ctooan'l pan oul. C o iu said he h

p lans pending for one of four oi: m eat e r bouu : Dan Bueceroni-Rex L«yr ■«n- Layne-Harry MalUiewj. Kid Oiu 'Ity. lan-VInce Marlines or CharHe 8. Boy las-carm en Bislilo.

itlon __________________

Boise College 2' Seeks Seventhohh-

League CrownBy llniUd Pres*

Rieka college remains the la.it hu: a le In the pnUi of a seventh slraigl IC A p football chsmpioruhip fi Boise Ju n io r roltege and ih« t«

- - - club* meet to decide the Issue Ba: urday.

Boise, long and dominant powi In the ICAC. h isn 't losl t. «mttren«

r l gam e in seven K uons and will rai » heavy favorllt ta continue U

(,fV— trend Saturday.-old T he two Junior ooilfge elubs wi Iday .tangle a t Bolse-kickoff Ume, 3 p j

'n i t c o n U s t highlights a five gair 0**' ICAC schedule lha t will send Wesl

m ins ter to Dixie. Weber lo Easter Arizona and Ft, Lewis A and M t Carbon Friday and Snow to CoUej

■erf Saturday.L u t week Bolie pickcd up lU mo;

lage Impresslv* ICAC victory of the sea was *on by beating previously undefeat leal. «LCollege.oI.fiouthern.ut*li.«.lo.’ iced -E arllrr in th e season CSU hnd tx i t .th - en Ricks 41 lo S. i*on c s u . j n iU Saturday game agalni

Snow a t Cedar Clly. «lli be flgliUn *0” fo r second p l a c e in conferenc “ J* atnndings. The Dlxip-We.<lminile ; J ? gam e a l S t. Ofors* tonight will b

fo r tha cellar,

a n - ■

_ .aridiiiace . . . _ .. . /H f f iS ifn ,twy ulBIlP? J

J y _U ^ I ^ f

ilh \w A A V / ^ T 7 ^ ^

.♦ G rand ilam...^raudp♦ an d grand rifrtibm t*♦ — — • • • • . . • ,T T T

I S p t t^ l f^ 'B r c tc c d I

______________Jo th e j\liiiu d p ^ II

♦ *♦ , f.-K.. l„-.;,g c .« ;

f t


ne Shield!

taeU t fo r U it U olvenlly e t Callfon: Doon S a l th . m -p o n n d halfback, fo r I nnenU get ready to aBiear Smllh he dui b* seen, m uch less reaehed. Io th is pho s* yott dldn’l se* him . (NEA Ulephato)

Tourneyjre_5aturdayn a m e n ta ^ C 3 ig D c d 4 a - a t tr a c U k c g l te w ill K c t '.u n d e r .w a y th is w eck -( a n d a t J e ro m e . P r iz e m o n e y f o r I B 5500. T h c to u r n e y h e re w ill-b i

. l in g le s a f f a i r w h ile th e r o m e m e e t w ill b e a r a g t i d o u b le s . '"B ow lcri' wfio'put W.75 on th* 'Ior lh e ifiuvneynitrs ■*'»! roll igames w ith a f ln t prise of tiSC

_____ the ir target. Second' prls«_.wlll■ »75. iT R lirae p cn d on 'U ie tiun: . of, entranU whether addltic

prizes are added, according U £ Conunoiu. Bowkdrome. proprlct

.... highest league avernge niN ov.-^-w ill-be-njed-in 'aeterm lr

en tran t's, handicap. T he mi m um handicap Will be 30 pins,

.eignc, Toiim nm enl play.wlll b* over w eek-ends of Nov. «-7 and Nov.

ii,,f,■ U here. Tho*e nol in th e . mo * lU r-bow llnR -lour-gnm e*-can-

" Tour more games Irec.,, Jerom e bas booked its m ajor tc

® " ‘‘.® nam en t for Nov. a-7 and Nov. ia *«» i. Thus e n u an u from ouU

Mftsic VnUcy will be able to roil both lournam ehlson th e sam t we

voods end.ceHnff Prir.es in Uie Jerome Joust will ..n,,,;; $100 for lir8t. »75-for*econdrlM^ V f^ r Ulird. u o fo r fourUi nnd 120 []jy_ fUUi. A la rg c field In Ulll m eet! ng would swell the number of pla

veight .9.’” ''" ® “'' U um am ent manager.Maximum handicao In ' the .

a lT K rome m eet wlll’bT^O ^ n s . And 1 e h u in the m eet here, Ihe highest leai ' oth- averages u of Nov. 1 will be used Jiyne, compute the entrant's handicap. Onvi- The entry fee a t Jerom e will « a»- 13, ContestanU will roll Uiree gan

In Uie double* play. Tandems pli Ing l a the lop five of Uie ragU doubles standings m ty change pa

; n e r ir tn d try 16 win another pli In lhe top five,

I Since Jerome's tourney IsI I m ajor promotion It will be guart

teed U am s Trom each Of Uit oU nine members of th* Idaho SIj

11 Bowling Proprictora sssocIaUor-------IdahO-T!'*llsrPocal*lle.- T ^-ih 'Fa

two In Boise. Nampa, Caldwell, a ,hur- ^*'0 Payette, alght ---------- -----------------

WSC Will Fac(lower Vandal Frosh1 ra 'e ' MOSCOW. Nov.' 6 - While J , u , . Idaho Vandal? have sn Idle wee

. end the Vandal Babes engage t . W ashington SU l* college frosh FI »u i afternoon a t Pullm an..P.“ - T he freslimen lost lo Ui* Unlvc

gam* sity of W ashington yearlings Vest- Moscow last Snturd.-iy l a r g e stern througlf their own fumbles and ml M to cu ts b u t hope to,avoid those ml )Uege Ukes in thti, their second outl)

of lhe season. T heir finaU gamt most be Friday. Nov, 1

In Nenle sU dlum wlUi ih t Unire feat* M onU na Ireshmen. .

_ Idaho 's _ freshmen._ cosched ] „ • CletruPaH jerrj^.did'hol'lbok as bi

a.1 tlieir IJ-IC lavi to WashinjU m ight IndicaU. They fumbled U

•Inst ball away to W uhington Uin lling iime.s insld* Idaho UrrlWry, thi ence allowing th t-H usk le Babes amp lite r scoring opportuniUes.II be ------—________________READ TIM r.3.NEW a WANT ADJ


<dpeople... 1 B r f j

{ |n h /

Soh ln li Clr


Crown^K- S A L T L A K E C IT Y .-N

c h a m p i6 n s h i|j w ill b e c W y o m in g co lHdej a L L g g j

------- T O T A gg iM a tia X o w b o ;- o f t h e w eek’s f e a tu r e d , g a

D efen d in g c h a m p io n U

Minors Vi HigfierD

______.C Q L P M B U S j,N oy . 5 (in u a l p la y e r d r a f t a n d l o

- v is lo n -ra d io -b ro a d c a s tq w t h e m in o r baneba ll le ag u i

- t io n .- - T h e d r a f t - p r o p t w o u ld allow th e m a jo r lc. clubs u select Uiree players in

, , of one from each minor loop om i*. P f ,„ , boosted nidi

T he broadcast leglslaUon wouli *11 channeling Into m inor I

p h o u , terrlUry.- Th e proposals, lo become a

• of Uie m ajor-m inor agree should th t minor* jipprov* the Houston snd the majors san Uiem a t their Dec. 0-8 sessloi New York, ire designed to further aid lo Ui* fading ml

V - u n der Uii proposed' tm endii7------- major-leaguts-would-pay-»30,00..frifti-o «*ch player drafted from *n Bgiur*- -eiiiiineatioircltiD'CUiB CoMTlei K -entl and J1S,000 for • pUyer from i r t h e oUier dub regardlea of classl -b e a tion. Under presenl rules the p ,a T» range from »IS,000 U the open

ill lcU o a club. d o .n 1. ,I,I« 8 t im e class D.. . . . . . . _AU.plsyers.wlUj.Uvejfe*n.«eh* line y p u ij ^ djafl ball In Uie

d u T f o u r y e s iiln double“ or“ i ‘ A. Uiree in clus A, and two In Hjll^be __________________

lUlSnl^ b ro idcu l proposal would0 S tan '"■Jor Uams from bi

mining lU -ow n-park.-Th»-ban-w ould moxi- broadcaiU and U lecuU o

J m ajor league All'SU r and V rer the eoriteits,.. . ... ov. 19- Th* minori also .will consid money move lo hsve—the m ajor le in -roU playec-Umli.ol.UacUva-playeis

IS on option changed to 23 a r tour- and 17 optionees—thus turning : ia , IS 3 J . m ajor lesgu* "bench 'w arn outside for *ervlce In Uio high minor*, roil In Another rfitriction ,lo be to : week- by the smaller leagues would i

Uie major* to clear frofn Uieir U will be Ing camps'by March 01 all pie IM fo r tinder contract orreserraU on to 20 for club. Thii would allow ' Uie e ta ls o minor* to Vet their clubs "set'' ciace* Her than usual.•nmplT “ Working sgreemenU would ?»■•. - radically, changed lo benefit- le J e - minor lesgut clubs through anoin i lc e proposaK..........leagu* _________________

^ nOCKEY FIGUHE DIES i-in' be CALGARY,-A1U., Nov. 4 UV- games Olbson. 7S, a leading s1 p iac. figure snd organlier of professii igUme hockey In the United SUUs, i>art* T hursdiy.liua .C algary.liaipIU place ~

i g p f ?FalU , -and


i ItstbES in

I I B r t


: _____O E

• - E a r ly /n m e a is no 1

1____________• __lion*_of_A rn^_cnri

! • t ■' w hisky rtw t4>p k \

Americii, I t '* o n ly r

whisky thal most ]

- ^AMERICA'S 1 8 6 PI



)kvline Gonf ( louTdlB^Cl^-N ov. 5 <U.R)—The p a th to th e

c leared som ewhat S a tu rd a y •

^ y a ’ a r H f e d w t h D e n v e r f o r tl c a m e w ill b e e lim in a te d f r o m ch U C a H i r s n i n n i l e p e n n a n t f l i g

Vill Considei )raft Prices• f/P)— L e g is la t io n to o p e n u p th l o c lo s T ilo w n on m a jo r l e a g u e I w il l b e c o n s id e re d N o v . 2 9 -D c c . g u e s a t t h e i r H o u s to n , T e x . , co i p o a a . 1 ............................. ............ITT!

i i n s ^ d Bengals Seektop c lu b ,____ ' "

a a Third Placer league

= a p „ r t 111 ConferencLhem'Ht POCATELLO, Nov. 6 -T h lrt!lancU oh Rocky Motmlaln coftfSlow in l» ‘ I «»ke Saturday u Idaho to aWe meeU Colorado Mines * t OoWminors. « wlU ^ fln»l conf

nitm>nr gam* for Uu Bengal* wbo cloft1 JS to r •'■ “ 'I “ • “ '

Ucc *dir r a n l t t - . i m - A-8 U U -c tIM iL .i l------------------

nm »nv Like the Bengals, Uie OreC'<>•«, and two teams In the confi

#n L m ! UiU sesson, and whil* Uiej 5000 In have two eohfereiice game* re • Ing * tu r flaturd*y, Ui* wlnr

. . IhU gazst Is almost assured ofi-itTTlce p , . „ , ----------------------------------le open Timm fmm « «lngti»’f .the nrst Bengal opponent tin C lau [j,ai .formaUoa thU y ^ . C — "— : •Jiii«ntiy,-pr»eiitds- Uiis week luld b a n emphulsed defense for th e wl

b road- Coach Babe Caccla foresees i iy _ o u t2 b a lllc -m l« l-lh « .d efe n alv ftjr us from Oredlggers. u ld -n o l —“Mine* h u a much lm proTt ;* of th e club," he said. 'T h e ir defens

W orld been parUcUlariy sUong."- - - No conference opponent h u

islder a able to nick Uie O redlgger.di league for more than two touchdown

■rr* nnrt W etl C6loradO_Sl*lJ ncUve ablo to' icore only once In losl na loose -Uie Miners 18>a. arm ers" ' Speedy tailback Billy W e )r*. leads the Oredlgger comblnalli

.niicTht “•''I sround atUck. He Is nol IH lb« team’s leading bnll carrler J a i l ! ‘'® fun'lil’es on* o f Uie two

’ ^Slim Crowd Seer ™ ITMicRigan Staanother EAST LANSINO, Mich., Nov

'^ ^ o r the first t in i f thU sc Michigan SUU will play bcfi Ics.1 Uian sellout crowd Saturd

W uhington BUl« will be UV-Dr. visitor In Mscklln aU dlum . C ; sp o rt Al Kircher. former MSC footba r&sional sliU n t and hesd basketball c i. d le d jh u a 3*4 won snd lost recoi I iu l,— dale, 7 ----------------- ---------

le whia Lhe bot )sEarlj itopTO f ine, t o tn d it lo n a l ly p e rfec t t h a t

um*_ha_>??_m<*de_thia_prCTniurTu.^i. i

•c llin g 86 proo f a trs ig h t w h isk y ii

ly natural.dm ring.tbfl com ing h o ltdnF

I t p eop lo buy nnd enjoy a ll y o a r lo ti

► T O P S E I U N G ^ ^ ^

P R O O F 1 ) 1 1 . 1

IT B O U R B O N a m *

»OUR«OH WWSKt |«P«T • LOOISVmi l, KT.,

i •

EerenceGijearedSSujt h e m i S ky line c o n ftr^ y w h e n con tendcra

r th e Skyline Icndcrshin i», championship contcnlion l ig h t . - to o rfltW ugh thel'b V---------- a 2-1 record coai

erTHe UUh But*.*.

— . 1 0 ^ :2

5. . Mexico. • “t n e a n i _AJLbuUh«4<0Bin

:u e te le - tr im could h iv i , cc..3-by. Picturl!^

____ _ this stmon. has m

i k S . n V S . ' S SU end a long fooiSS famine In Ciche ^

5 one lo reillK Ui« t11 promises u T

*cehlrd plsce favoflU. • ■oftference -f^nver iJimiiaa; a h o SU U *IU» a siipplnj BJ5I 3oldetu ‘ha Cougari usasa, ronference oneunexpeetfduZ close Uielr M'nMMOitTiUiete i n ArmU- iccording lo uv - A r u o M

S i f i ip l

s u j T T t u i ^ t a ^r. C otw - lt.nm.be.MnaUnsueckT iave m e Meiico {/:5 wUig. uie Lobo.% ir t o»«Sses a good depsrlment.■» mlnil fj _______ ■

■oTta b ill More Place:en*« h u T \ '11 i ih a s b e e n O n l l s A r e lrd e -fS ^ ? N W Y 0R K .N «

WeiUioff fooUisilOiuu.

_ I've ju it bw ajik i and there's om

A n prove—the point sns

f - a f t t . a good, gsnw-unj-i l a i C MmeUilng lile JI-U Nov. 6 (fl resson for i t Etbt eI seuon , a boy tomcKhert ee before a who li cipible of U lurday. There'te mlutd b t*

be the pracUce."1. Coach ------------lUsall u . Alex Kellner. leR^II conch, distinction of iesdtci ecord to leagueln lP U * lU p a ^ H 10 wild ones.--------

ik y I


u t mH-

.^ n lj_ ty _________________




Page 13: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

B (Sc t p Ie IdI

-------- - " t u M w t y^ ^ “ ^^kiJnBtn ■ down■ n .N o M ^ r t 'i .U M tiIs" » .

■ t tD liW m I.CnbU .■ IL llU ia • --■ ’ ■“ r U - " «.D epotlua

I -- 1

---W ^

■ l»Wf»i>«^ » ^ <i-

MNG h o u s e ■ MAJC

8 d « s u p p r e s s T H e X 'f ; © '

HH«^ tlK E T H A T

1 ^

" ! nim h . . , j u , t % vakhinB i \ t

G u j i r e ■ ; ' “ " ^


•f V w U rti^FPuiit*— ^ - y ^ - -((T ' * iriS iroe ' 'b v S ' iS

w tul* PWTSkJ Sl .w ifv u n

. - l.jip trtB U B ta .- t-S^iuVaKai' IC.FrtBch,. annuHr .. j ^ ^ n T :<— iiTBiia fQrtJi.p

17. Oofl» u b o r* l l .S r e tk a

. — - fo rth - - 3 ^ ^'* -2 l.C a d tiI ■ ■ • W 1 ^ ^

22.C rovold « ) , ^ k:j.8iiop« • ' %■ w-lm

. 2t.Wr>Ui21. Compaalona f U t

— IL D tm lalibvd . M X J i"_____ _ '— }).N i(b t ' S ^ S s a t

b«fora f» J M I td b c Io s U................

».6«Qo«ne« m jlJVtUiiiK ___________

i :.’!!fi‘b™„ SIDE I” JI .O IJcM d ■ -------------------” Cuni

10. Rai.rM*BUb> r— - tiT*---------

42. Mollt* ]■ks « .E iheM »i • ■ rsmit-OropbuU t'<

42. Totinr d m ’t _ fnUer

U. re tu U _ ttlDt: Kbbr.

lJOR hooplej'VE ( s a r M E ^ s a5l2M E)?eD |K iTM E'-----------OfflJAL-V^lTHTHAT------------------“C T AND CULTURE* ,w AL A B S L ,/M A JO R /■ ViffU T IV JIL L ^ A V / ^ '/ tT '5 T A M D 5 'a jT ^ • - .----------- j


^ ' :c^Ni

By N E H E R


"W o'rc llflla and h e r b e a u 1" wives th in l

... . pny checks

MBME& 4 S r r \ AW»tf WHIT—ISSfB 'jSvuaSO-iO 1 /VHORRtBLB,W T TH»' TIB J AlOWTROSnV— JW >M HW FOR V VU— >r-j,-;^OWO>

w lf c r \

—- . " - Tni IT OUR WAY

i d ^ v e r ) S T M R O W W -A ^^^I O l ^ O K / / 7 - / ^ IWTD MM AW PRCe'L/ , V v [------I- t^WEPAaOURT \S ^ r»JN T M E R E //^

^ K I

i f o ' J s l S S B S ^ B Q

Dl f A 'V W k V l '^ ’'^ — i

T H E W P gSim B L E ^JB ,aiaog j

) E G L A N C E B y G .

I ^

F i E « V

ctty_ffood. c roM w ord-pu iile .ia . yo i - I only g o t a b o u ^ a i f o f-itl"


^ i 'l

votiM - -m M

# wkU.t.P>lO>l.

’rc lucky w e’re not in tho cap ita lis t th ink no th ing of i t 'when wo come e c k a l ' '- -

•• n i l IWTO BUVIN& \ / 6 0 T ONLY i THtS TBlWBtB V THB »ON*TI

' aI A )

M l r n —B y W A L T

, \

IM E S - 'K E W S ,'T W IN . FAU By WnilAMS y HM .-V if( " IC U u * jT /\ I I

i ^ f e V C R A W e jw p ^ n


E...J A p l


’ " ff iB IK0 S

t o |L!

-y o u r-p ap c r..to d ay ,- . _•


— s - j

! ^ - H

T i if g I----------- * R i

a l l s t lc U . S. I H era n . g ;ome hom o, w ithou t „ ^H

.-_ . Y ^

^HOfONK-^ ___DN'TON 19 H



f i '^1

III.IIH I ■ J i J t L I O [ H 5 ►BAP,AWP W

OVOUTHMC * ^ M 5 K W T W ^ r a m * M u e ^ H w ^ 7HW m * K E P A K^> ► S P B O O K ^ B U te r * J H15 fi*\- — i— ;g^|»jgj^^piorBt& Hftw rr^

UOKAOIro>B t/euB rmy o c o c f eu7UD& i I p 6 A U r» U£T Or> I NOULVt IlA U .N H O IW «K rakR » l.-TH&OkK.

J PA CTty I t a EA&ys.rjSBSw

^ S c t ' \ O W I 11

WQ.L-.VfELL-n*8 NICGT \ \ ^ TOKfWWW£T?eG01N6TO ‘^ l O

DOW Mt=Pg -m J

..JTU /^ H S R E W bA W fc / ^ j B i f l U N T LT'SCORCHy: E R _R 3N T V ^1 'L U HC H LOSE KXJR HEAP j r V ^ I f C WHATEVER T H E / /

V<»- •'• " • “ ] ' -

S J r ^ . V C R K l N G ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ J H PERFECaY! NCW \ = ^ ABOJ 0 * 1 0 GET ON WTTH / INGA


n n s w ^ H T w ^ T i e i s ^ f H o w

r T ! ^ r ? /» J 6 .w H y to M T • shcb


TT tiTNH W e /M fP ^ 'm mIC £ K 5 1 ^ T S

I * —! ■

” 1 1 <M,€jC C I‘. 11 VWN .^VSI»«« WAVOPM \S - SJW .V O A WSOOTh S W fW . U THW *. f------OCKrt. VOO JL, ■>

h o w r r (-------------w o o t

^ B i ^

■'And■•uinq M » i » r o « f j •fcf brsach of nw iirjl r « fn l l s an ’O W A 9Cod l-<

T ogo t r t . , ^ rin*um hs I

I 'M

ivS . ^




^ a S r ? N ^ B V ^ / J W thS■ *rHQR LOUD V B l S l H A 0»a jT h ) a r B ^ B £ - y R BHS ABLE 10 G O B A O y ^


W L V « « « q r ^^KLl£t>’llsm M )0K JW .

A tw m vvfw j r r r w itf tg y I [ 5 ! ^ A p i» jp f t / 4^ !,* - \v sc K T H r r / 1 1 ^ ,

Er ^ l (

-JLUklMj tU B O F S W O D e iJ T S irO V K T H ft

lllwLW .Vf- I fyo5 . w v o o w s e t i

— 1l\PM 1 .

tvvorxco.mM oAJ .B a T l-N o w -w a - / .. 2 ? S 5 f ? * ^ -Mi MAVB A r - ^ • ■ . > 5NfiTKf>--«A. r t * | L J ^ •

e S f i S l ^

8 81^*1

V ^ i y M i T ^ m i ■ r ^ A N P U f E N J O / T U s H ^ W o R B i C a \ iw uG H / l / i ■ T H A r m

i w ^ T j 'B s w r o o r s r ^■ J ----- s . f^TlfTy,GAlsr-H£U

» / ^ 'H E 'S \ X i M BE MINE,T>«Rf«,H o j i .v isii. yE J V ' A R S ^ I I f e a d ^ - i f ^ ^V OLr v T r 7 p N

I M K A u S t / ^ ^


. MACHINE S 0 < < A Y - .^ THB OPPO

F o u w i s ^ r o e ^

Q l£^H3

>A>Uk 'U>0/.9X’£fiS& I I !R « g ^ W « - W E a i . ...

• w E y " S i 7 5 i o w I lO D M R A w V ® ^ / ! -





m u m i i ii i i w ^ j ' / .

Page 14: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

I M a rk eStocks


■ ■ wimiJilM rj'im iU nvc'ru.Cora gttii ia tn tti kuTuUoC

wMtbcr.OfcW-SU»l7l fc tr tllm ti TVrt.

— • ^ W wnl«‘'^ 5 2 5 t w d r ‘t» M •»(« attl l>l(b»ri»« « b « b •

KEW TOIUC. Nw. l1.----- ^ «l U* 4t«k-Mrk«l ,*>u(Akd t* * a»ef« U«« d*»l U- «»<•

1 ttAiUt w • •heU purtu^ * P><«"1 •ouiw. iwlMlM bllkff « town *t *«mniI «*x«d u d --lAat.

' C«Io. «b4 I— * i»r«»4 •T*'' • " » » • *' jround 1 poInU la «llb«r dlr»«tloii. Volum. WM U»»7 u «a ••OfflaU.

- »W -.‘ ■ g^^rw rT ooU U iU Jil-M -'W -W tW

•U* at tK« ^fcrtiL HaIIi krpl tbnn cotn P4«r. n « BMUn u>d ilKlrkal ■KtBtJ »«r« ]a^t. Tb» f»m*J»d«T *f l»

— ^ p i i iu S ii i r « ,n » s u a » w f ^ W T ir r .^I Kanta f* r»Ure»d. Worlbtfn Cllln

_l:.6«r»»4*. Coodrlek *b4.U. tk turwom.-------iMwtT mr* C«n«ral UoUr*. T«zu Mm

p ,nr. Goe«lr**r. iw lnr. Uupool. 0«>«r». E U u lt. Llf»tit' »n4 « r» « . Am«rlf«t 7U>ura u 4 HrjiUr.

■sm TOUK 8T0CI rXCHANCE’ JJEvTYOillt. N»». » (U l-)-U it MU'

AIllMi mrt KHiiKcitt «<>'-*Al 1, C h " « S X m l. .Am Al.Uan H lA>ckb««dK a r “ ' ! ! i i T i . t r . . i i ’; { : ? ! ? . s s s K f - : r ‘ ' t r - s r * ! » s f s * . ” s s

a . ' - r A K S i ' " ' | ! y « w i . s ' e

g--£i:a^!;!-sF - s l

l > r n i * r « »lCn«>Ub8U M Cb»» A OhJ» «*» IKrn »> ?»!k

" S J - S K i S W °§ : '■ * " ■ s i i s r s i s " / . s a

v ! i | s s s s ; a r f f i !<;«rti.^Wri»k» » { aun^ w n lo

_ T?. Qu if .a m u a '*

— ^ a“ !« --------J iu -x tn - C T n 'T t t r ^ .g s g s u ^ s i ;

a t

a s .11 | S . ' i t i & - 5.SS.„.|rI :nl NJrktl WbK* Uotor 33«i

l a t T * T ju j Ztniih • n u

AUEniCAH BXCnANCE ''NKW YOHK. Not. e (Ul')-LM t »*l«i

Bunker HUI 1«H Heelt Ulnmg s , J3C0 s A a aa -Ttennicoior 14\'«

INVmMEKT TSUBT« _ (FcUtr MirtMT E. V .

UclUbtrU u i MBMar). AikinJ

AnmUut nof. Stun* I AffilUud fund^ ■ ....................... 1.7

E s E g ^ ^ = i |Kf>«UM lit —;r ~ ___ .................. i».oK«7iton« XI -------:------------------- W.J

!' ~rr«7imi« s» «. ■■■■ ■ .................^ i nK»nlano Si ,, . U.< Xvriton* fii , ■ , ■, ............... . *•*


■ T he foUowlnj Twin ftUlfi Uveatock priccs are provided bjr Uie Tw in Palls U vcstock Conunl&iicra c o m p a n y , based on the r m iu or th e aucUon sale N ot. 3.s t c e n i____________ la i.o o to ^ aa ioB tU cra ___________ _ IBiOlO ' 3 0 i0c o w s _____________ 12J 0 to M.60c o n o e n and euUtrB-. ' s .so to 20.00 n o rs ts ■ -— _______ 3J0 to 4 ^

T o p Q u a l i t y B u l l s -

1 O f f e r e d f o r S a l e! POCATELLO. Nov. » (il — T op

quality rcstalcred Hereford bulla wero o((ertd for sals today a t an

. aucU on. tpo&icrtd \i7 Uva Xdaho CatUemen'j assoelaUon.

C attle raisers la U im a ta te s se c t anim als for Uie u ie . 'H ts entrlea ■were Judged yeslerday w ith 2« claa-

< sided as crade A, 69 crads B and 63 grade C.

Judges « r « Tcsn Pence. Payetl«. ftatHc Harroup, Orljrss and Carl 81U):. Moscav.'~taUnU'liUUjandman t o U ntrerslty of Idaho. - -

LEAVE OM T E IPC O O t> IN O ri5or;^M r7nndT 'lrs, !

Jolm noy have left for T exas and New Mexico on a 10-^ay bualncw

^ i p . While in Kew Mexico they \vtU a tleo d Uia COlh vedd lnc a n -

I nlversary celebration of Roy’s uncle ' and aunt, Mr. u}d Mis. R . C. Boy, ( : Port.iln3. I

TwinFallsCSr>If* ______ IIS.10 fi, i : .I'llcn qu.ilt.Jl ' >J

ITu.in IM-----------------------m.50 ■--------- ----- -

iwv i-.i-wa lu _______________<•■ ij.«, 10 i:s It*. tu n n; K.,»1- » . tn n ,.-n » i JI

htt». .60 Ihl. dock) ____________P .05v.Tkr. __ _ ------- *’JMIrr;---------------------------------- i ' t ' ” ^

*^(0n*. Ufil.r ^:io*i. ifo-iM Ih._______________ju-00 sHok-i. 2: i>.:jo it» ._____________119.00Jiufi. :w -w IU_______________Ui.ouB/.«| !>»■ t i l an

— J;Liva rOULTRT

Cel0f*d /owJ, A ll«, snd vrff - 1*-J^horn fowl. < lU. >nd o>«r '■ ..Au.ln>-Whlu. 4_lb*.-«i.d Ttr-______ Mt £

•CaWrtd"»SHat»— I ,.: I.

L«jl>on» cMkj — »t 1.Ltskoni u d A utn m iu Im n >t« t.

(S«ltt and ouaMB7 crtcMl M^ A L P .^ K A A-'.D CLoVEB 8=^0^^,, ^Cwtiflrt JUartr MCent/l«J K«if«.<If*d«Io»tr__j:T.O £l StComnMn tonlliia’nd « l s r ( r - _ I S 1 .0 0 Cl

lUat ittltr oootMU I


e ts a n d F_________ « » * * ■

Livestock____ O C D I K --------------

OCDKK. Wor. I M: r«n»»i''17 and cutler te » . auiur. Urxdr I.H-t.iO

w t *aog|l> olb.r claiH. for lra.t.Uti: calm 103: do<i m rl»u W t r <uxl cal>««; no uJca.

- - ; ^ : ; S S r i i : a , ’S 5 ; , - 5 ! ! = ! - '“----- —M i»nnw ro»3f f«* *liUrtUr“ i« i."li

t r t f anItiUi tmaJl fc>U «ull on.) sllHli Il,r wt<u)«d own tutjlr 01 l . i t i JiU TburMlai“ ‘ .S-rl U d <bok« l> Ik w.»U, lUufbUr limtw li.H ; tiBall IM ll.K

,i(bwr«h, mv.JrrftUly ecllief^^ugbler oUtri

■ »l««rtr <» I olh«r »U«m f»o«r»Ili varo stMa^; frw bead dwicf 1,0M Ilk tr i ito«r . buv U.CAi.i«w JuU u d Isatecxd-U d flukj • IliU I.OOO-I.IM lb. ilau jliu r^o trt 21.tO-z:.iO

CDmmorrlil ind nod ( tn n" llm uir'w*«k‘‘*jSur’;S ^ “ i l j '7 ’'“.u Jth li'

claiMo piodomlroU. about tUUr: noi f* «< imd and ibelr* tOMM Ita. •Iiivlilor cal>t.

iuo.li.00: trw tO.M; utlllir u d r»nv O.U1] ^ , ( 1,1 „ ] .« 1J.O*.11,001 cuU ..I to . 10,00

Ilo(i ulabU for woik |] l i rompir^bukb«r»: ka£lkS*JJ lowtVi'olb^r cJujr

•riult» ilradr: Inilk choirs lU -t«0 lb. buUbtrj Um uufKid KosdJf n.tOt tbtnalUrSO.M: fia

ciuilcf orotind 170 Ib. oowi II.EO; (*mS«i SIm I. pin •lowrtood and <bole« 1^100 Ib, aror- t in : H W ■ ■ ■■ ■Clllr* .Sboop ttkblo (or wttk :.(M: cocDparx____ wllh U«l wMk Rw>dir«Iolr a<lln: tupgl]

mn*ll7 oUuitUr UmU: aUNiy'bi'to.a r^r«l Other eUwM tUadr; lood aod ckoU* «<mIo< rrltan !***“ J®-” '

POUTt-AND rOim.ANI>. No.. I (IIP)-T<.-linf I;

E , caltia vl<kod up lal* In lb* wxk.»Vh ' I Y**'‘ ‘ 'V*' y'®* • '

ITnJJ.liy'*t^l!o?7ow.VrW)7H rrau UU off moat: cow« UBOtanlr lUad)

S’Ji Jiid *b*ir«fi**U.t "iS.'sJ I *blfb*iood an* 2®5» ebulco latklo*: uUltlr and fomoirftU

fciToV^uUlil/'I^V't-OS.li.OO:' r«»*cot^merclal irW-II.OOl ulUIIr and conmarcia

. bulla ]2.«0>:<.00: ttw baad 14.M; cal<m foi 4*la. woak (tOl-nalara ataailr: luatT.calici

wnk to » Jo»»t; lood to cbolco »o«l«n IT.OO>:0.00: oiM Prin« to 2MI0; rood U

17>'4 cbolcf abOT* <00 lb. calm II.O»-l«.t«: fr«U> 17.001 food ud.cbsl** «Mk <a]r«i


U ,, ai>d : 1I0-3U lb. wflihta laU :0.:&-t> J»!k «arJr Ifl SLM tBi t ^ k f Wft » kIndJ J«-r W to H.1»: b« .ltr and lliblcr wtlfbta n.oalIi HJa IIUa-II.Mi choir* )U-(W Ib. aowi K.OO-

n.Ml-cholc* M»-«0» Ib. *U(.-II.(0-14.««. *« .* ShMp for WMk :.«0: markticloatd weak » U lo iO lower 1 two loadi ctkrir* »ad Prlm.

fad lamU Uondar ll.SO: moet r » ^ Ic n s cholc* wooUklna 11.00.17,00: ttw choleis ! i r * ' i i « . £ ‘. s r i . , r . * K i s!?.. r 'l n t l - i w i and cholco fMdcr* moaUila 'L SL '‘"” ‘hU t!«»2uo!LH 'tuE*d*-P

S-li______________ CUICACO - ..................lit- CHICAGO. No». i (OP)-(UflDAl-

Ilota-aatottoJ^cla^^lD^WU.mikrt^^klMj n i ' aowa tMO konr; ctrlr cloaranroi eholea S»f UO.UO IL bultber* lt.OO-»S: IlO-nO 11*S l f ; *(■': " s . i J ' K . a - . i ' j s v a . i , . , . . - , .n u and helfera food and b*tler nomlnallr fOa? auadfi k»er trade* «l«w. weak, cleanup

(rade: <«>• lUidr to :J lower: bulla U rsi; lower: >tttlerea«tadr la 1,00 lower: atocken

and faeden nominal; rood and ehoira iteen ----- S1,W «,«I coe^eUl^lUfcirOOl^^O^^^^^^aa]«i and oiTun"«.7in.1t; ulilllr and com. e manUl bulll M.OO-ll.OOj (Ood lo moeUr

cbslca TCalen n,0»-:i.(l0.iiboep ROOI trad* fair; ilaufhler lambe

auadr; U-W or mor* hliher: toodto prim* wocled lamU H.00.11.09I cull to kiw 100.1 i:.00-lB.(0; food and chniM ilaotbler twti t.»04.»| eult to BU|llr

u»5f _ _H J ou*nA

*'®*- TtiTTTT—1— '—-It JjeH weUht alaufhUr

*'®* NKW YOnK. Nrr?°''m -W ool fuluree cloef.1 S.6 to «.S cenu hlfber; litf. U«.0; Uarrh 111.41 Uar Ut.O; Julr KO.IU; UcU

. 1911.111; UK. U1.6: Uarcb UI.»IU C«rlICIcated wool inil MT.ON.Wool top* (ulum cUed M lo i.K rrnti

I hlfberi IW. »B,7U: Martb new 17T.41I:J - Mar n»-eH! Juir n i.iii:. O.U n:-ou- . Om.. Uarch lt».»Il.— ' * ^ nn ica le j apot -« I lipJHUO.**.-----

IU.UM: H.Notnlnalla lls ---------------------------

Jon Plane Makes S Safe Landing4 CO • " 0 00 WASHINOTON. Nov. 6 Olfi) — An 4 American airlines Convalr. with 10

' persons aboartl. made an emergency two wheel landing here today aller

— circling .-WashlnRton . naUoaal a ir­p o r t lo r more lhan two suspensetul

I - hours.l e T he plane, wim a crippled nose _ w hee l no brakes or steering mech-

anlsm . nosed over alter rolling along th e ground for about 100 yards.

J ” T h o plane had burned up most of ^ Its 600 gallons ot gasoline In Its

circles around the Held. Thero was no fire alUiough emergency fire

' l u ligh ting apparatus and other e^ulp* m en t was standing by.

“ AU o t the la panengers and three crewmen were reported safe.

•l«. n i e nose wheel failure. apparcnUy w l the result of a brtalcdown In the lan hjrdraiillc meant the plriiie ]

also lost Its ability, lo stop on th e . " ground and could nol be iieercd. ‘

T h e pilot discovered the break- , i-,- dow n-eho rlly -afK r-tak lng -c ff-fo r i

Rlehmonti. Va.. a t 9:15 a.m-,(BST) ' . “ on n igh t number 405. E\-cntual des- , •“ tlnaUon was FL Worth. Te*. .

;le SclentlsU say a good diet Includ* • ly. cd l l parts carbohfdrates, 3 pa rts I

p ro tein and 3 pa rts f a t

Us Mai'kets | ;No. 1 nutlerfal tT. "

. . -So. 5 llutletM _________________ lie *,J“ (SwUi and c»mpanr prlcn) “

^ Cr.et .S-orlhrrn. _ Z Z r 7 . « ?00 "Valrrt quollnr IMO) jJO n*l4 -So. I ------- -------------- |7,«l-T,tl t03 (J <lral»r. Q.oUnt IT.ll! : quolinf i;,OJ) »7* rinl.« No. I ______________is.l0-s.»0 b10 ! ' * ^

TO (!00 repotu iO centi lower for No. I r«lj)''® rOTATOES (■

.SV I _______ ____________ii.»s.:.na‘ »0ne‘ dtal»VVuou4’l--------------- 'ic-SJt

00 I*"” **** T-

(On* dealTr quoted) ^

te la-t/aJa. lar.el^* - - ■■ I Of iro sr ddltie quui*4> If* t* '• ” ■ l»'lutUe) of■c Idiho U-» rrolMeia. T»i» JalUi5 I-

.Smaly'A I^ ----------------------------------■jntj

F in a n c e______________ » * » ' » ' ___

Grain-------- rmCAfiO, Nwe. *-|/»7-PeU-. «aaeJranner ireln* on tb* Cblcaxo board nf iti>0-ti0' »ider M weather Improved /or <Q■ lra.<e harveillaf aad for wbeat crtnelor.r aluck KurUaaa (a<« up >4<r*ral eesu at lin

I.,>i lard waa etroaf.1* t« l >Upo>l bualnna wa« arant la U>lh f>a . . - - aMl -baaaa tad- 'tburadar'a r«r*{M*e-

"oUlllr that fta

" in t! l«r ; " u w"m «i to l .« n u iUecember 1 tr* wae .^>«S

___ peremUfr l.:j*4-lj; aorl»*nt were :^ I t i * cenia iu(cf to lU iiliber. Nsrtmbcr t.:

eUeri drad.pounda htcber. MoremUrl“I!ii« CAsilCHAI.Sehnk* rjlICACO, No.. S 1«-)—Wbeat «o

l-z:.10; Corn No. X rellow 1,M<:-H:l-:iOO; t.to'i.- No. 4 l.«l>,-IS*;: So. 4 Mlrdwllh I IS ; eempU iradi rellow l.H ; No.r s b . . „jcal.e* ^Ji^arkr^^cnlaaJ; sa lU sr cbeki l.IM

IH-VVCT, Sor. • rfl^-(USDA)-CaCmoetir IM '■ *11 claxee nominal,uubert •nd illl* II.0O.M In«]u4ln« e.*r a UIS: few U : lb. ilikslaa al ll.«a; taw eholc* wf*eder lJi-4JS ll>e, U.I0.17.H.

k arer- libwp 600; sned aad ehole* nat

• upglr ilaii«hler ewea m*dlum and fi •taeaii wblufuM TM^er JimM'17,M;-«irller i wooM fed lamb* iradlnc larfelr cWe* tl.:

feeder Jamba quolabla lo l»,00.GRAIN rilT U nU

lim In ClIICAnn, Not. t l/1>>—Upen lllfb Low CImi

l . r on Dec * l.SJ’i ' S.SI M J i; . i.i: hrifere Mir S.JO*i : . ;s S ;,;iri and Mir S.« . S.:Jle S-j:*. 2.!:euadr Juir : . i : ‘i m:'.^ 2,10s i-i' 147 Ib. Cars

to D« I.s:*i i,s7>; i.iiI; few Uar 1.4:’i. l.'.iS I.41V 1.61>1 and Uar l,«3*i I.M!a !,«:*, 14!mrrtlal Juir l.« 4 \ l.e«*, J.4JS l-t:17.M: »,|,t 1.40>, l.M<, 1,IV% ],il

f«w to OaU■ com- Dm .« r j . .«JS .« ;’i merclal Mar .<3S ■'>'«eeifor Mar .*2^a .'2% .» l 'i .•!talTci Juir . . . .jJ- , ; j . .7 ti; .,-.7 l

w le rt - Hr* I J »■ 1 > 1.« : f .2 S 7 , i;j{ ' l i i J* lil’ - i;i!talrei Mar l.luU 1.41 'l . l i i ; 3.11

Juir i-«!4 i .» ! t i J 4 ‘t 3.J(1 _______gtvBAii r iT r cnATW ____

i,:J-I»; KANSAS CITY, Nov. 4 Whrall• down fire* pom'll 1 to Up le.* So. 3 hard a moellr dark liard C.14 w t;,S:V.: Sa. 1 f.-iiJ(.0»< to |2.;4 ';N ; No. 2 red I2.S1U to |2 .l] \]

M4.W. Ho. i-|l,«OH-to l l .» J » iN . - ------------d weak Corn; 94 cara: unchanfe.1 to tfown I!;prime No. S wbit* ll.«< to ll,70N; No. 1 ll.t

»od lo No. : jellow and mlied 11,C> to II.CJ?choice No, a ll.tSfi Io ll.iaS .

Thole* —Oit»T*2~TlTit-Tlnwn-*S«-tn-nir-*ltr> J Sl’i 'V V .’

ildisn - j u l j u j . y f i u ___________ 1- u iu iM jL U S i .w . 'j£ » tU iN _ _ '.

5lS Potatoes-Onions' • * .......n.OO. e W I ; No.. ll.Tl, Jan. IM I, Feb. |2.l

M.«k l y i - _____ ^ntnalir IDAIIO KALU IMRUP IDAHO FALtJ. No., b (IlPl-U rpilla 40 waller. Twin Kalli. Uurler dlatrlct:uxken . Offcrinca* Uf hi. fair wir* Inquirr: 1«Iiteera Urs* fair, abuut eleadr ; olher* alow, di uUlllr ■‘■'d allrbtir weaker: widt rame In qualltanneri •!»* »nd"Tr1ffi : 'Bnnr'ihlpm mti-rell

com. unaold.cnoeUr Kuiaeta Mcked ^cwt.^^aiW A t _lmlambe 20-J9 per cent 10 ok larger occaalon

: («0d :.4»-M0;Ulnr« 10 ot. minimum occailon ;ull to o r; Uti I trw l.Ct-1,80; 40 I chntf* aack too few lo quoto; 10 Jb. aack Uff tiUllir n««h oecaabDal mixed car S.Slia.40:.

naitor conulnera (ew S.ilkl.CO.Kob caah track I 100 Jb. iack 1 2ft.

fer cent 10 ol Urfer occailonal J.JO-M llcailr (li< 2 , few l,ss.|.i0; SO lb. aack Uli• H.2i. burlap 2M0 w r cenntTotrTirpirTKr welPU •lonaf.?,7»-:.!ll: paper I.OS-J.70; 10 I (e«Ur aark UU 1 meih ),14-S.2S; In mailer CO Iifbur talnen l.an.tO .

uluree CHICARO 'Ut.O; CIUCACO. No.. I lU n —rnlaloett A ; Ocu il.ala 7». track S«7. total abipmenl* le

Hupplira moiWr«Ie. demand moUerat market iUadr.

eenti Track aaJea (IOO Iba.1 US IA waibc rT.ill; wllh : Incb mlDlmum unicta iUt«I: Wai: t:.OU; infton iluiieta US extra 1.4.09; U.H con

mertlal A 9,10; US 2A S.OO Idaho Ilutir-----»-w e«iii-IO «<me*4,0W UB e’xtra-l 4.1

l .» : Ulnneaola and North Dakota I'ontlii waxed t.40; US 2A I.U; Cob).te'

US TOmmercUI^A unwaihed I.M; Wl

Waihlniton^uaae^li ^4^&.t.tO: NoM^^Di_ lo'*hI!“MoT:5 w “i

1 0 ) round re.la 2.40.2.UI: t>oorer t.'oa-J.S] -“ )a^ round whitea :,00-I.2i : unwaihed ;.0(

^ llUiieU 9,0CkS.S0 : poorer 2.69; Colorado ri - A n UcClurt»J,60;t0 Ito, 1,76. h 10 Onlonii Hupplle* litht, demand foo.

market firm,ille r Idaho ^panlih *5 per cent nr mora US .(Ur- abowlaa .lacai 2,nn.;„in; W aahlafn liBat IClUl romtnerclai Hh jwr rent UK

Uicblfan rcKow (label <6 i>er cent i l'n< nose and larfcr I.ii.

•'■•''rrallf tw l qualli& ;."ot;.'ir;"w"hii‘; r s " ^ . ?

Colorado Hpanlih 9 Inch and lanter 0{ wbltea S Inch ai)d U r« r 2.:i-:.60. i to ■ Inch 2.TS; California while* : li> 9 Inri

' 2.71; New York rellow clobea me<llun was IJO.J.DO; mMwretorn r«H»w fW** mcdluo fire l.THM. itrefuiar ila* l.OM.SO. -

Ulp- I .

to. Butter and Eggs| L c , 1!?: ,______I<ine dai,i„ cm a a n>un.l; lanfh.>rnjtheu Uutler; 4«(,934 noun'di: market alea.li

-roiST) carlole. W emr* 4J-; 69'.cotr M.------->«• whUe'‘iir,^®'eMra'.To’t^TV*VVc«TaV.!

l%r cent Jty^mHlunllud- ard»^:S;^rurreni receipia 23',j; cllrtlea U,


ro u i-KoviNi: w ii,i.IN TIIK rnOHATK CClltUT OK TWIN


iio ss K. -MrCOMii, 1)kx: kaskd. riir.UAM-Io'an ..r.I.r or»*l.rCai:r!,->iii,I»

on lhe 3r.l H«T nf No\eml.er, la il. .N'orHli: IS HKUKjlV CIVKN IK.I Jlnn.lar. Ihr ::nd

, a'^ m! of «'.rIriV. i.l'the*<;..u«'^n™m‘ f---- iaU.Cuutl_al..lha.ilwiiUr-Couit--ll<n»*-mi.« the Citr l.r T-ln KiIli, Counlr of T-ln

Jalli, Idaho, hai Wen ari>ointeJ aa the Um* and place fnr rrovlnc Ih* Will of

•04) aald ».«• K. >l.-f..mb. ■iecraie.l, and f,.r S.»0 hearinr the awiHfillon of Pauline Anni .yO; it<c.iml. f.>r the l.au.nr. t.. her of Uiteia

Teatam^tarr. -hen and wher* anr l era.in

llaierf No«»Ml«r Jr.l. 15JI,(SKAL) KVKiarrr si. .sw iiki.i .v,

, Vrol.aie Jii.Ire and ei-«fflcio»i« . 11r".MAIlY SAl.MON.

^ Depuir f l„k riihllih: No., i. l;.l».l»6«___ j

:!» O ur Central LocaUon Gives YouPROMPT PICKUP ■

<0,! -CoMlns.-llllM.-8hoehnT>rr-il>;'rmin-


jil' Dead—O ld—n iu b ir d ; “ j SN A K E RIVER T R O U T C O .

Cali Collerl lluhl ilS-J

Cassia Solon Wins P ost ir

---------O ffiiia tT e<C*atl»eJ Tnm I-*(* 0 » I '

DemocraUc opponent. R ulh W „ .oT> received 3.203 voles Instead o f :

This gave Uie Republican candl at iimae Casila counly a. p lurality ol Ih iralaa i73 VOtU InStCBd Of &C3.

" T a a offlcun iibu IaU on . RepiH a c a n a rd a u -n rs tru :-----------

. Dfcrio. U. 8. senator. H enry Dwor;• !'*',"»• J.098. Olen Taylor 1.456.L"w*e“ ' U. S. reprcsenUitiTf, Hi 'i tc 3U Budga 3X3. WUllam Whllakei

“ ------------- -T7.li SO Oovernor. Robert Bmylla 3

■ ~ a a r k Hamilton 2,127.It none. Lieutenant Oovernor,' J . Dar> ; No--I H ir»on '3 ,o ;< ro lcn Bandelln-1,- Nn!-’j Becrttary or s u te , Jam es 'Y i• 2 iJ5 . Ira H . M asters 2.4M.

Treasurer. M argare t Gilbert 1S5, RuUi Moon 2562.

' Auditor. N. P. N leljon 3373. )-Caciie Jl, Williams 1,700.-bart7«> —Slate superlnlcndent-of publli r a load slrueUon. Alton B . Jones 3,002, >ic« *0*1 Robinson 2.IH., B,ti„ Attoruey general. Oraydon

Mina Inspe'elor, O eorga McD< ■rller up 3,W7.-Rex-Pelloc!e-I.729.-----------• 11.21; sta to senator, K. O. Barlow :

Herman Bedke 2.5}e.Btato reprcsenUitlve, Jam es

nest, unopposed Republican, 2 Commissioner, l lr s t district. :

. ace llaU 2.827, C larence-Phllllp 301.

xiK'.; Commlaaloner. second district , ... P. Malthews 2.008. Jeasc Badk.

^ «2-i l l i l Clerk, Willlnm Baugh . J r , 5

H. O. Hutchison 2,132,Sheriff. LePago I jiy to a 3JM

W. Lowery 1570.•J}|> Treasurer, Jeannetlo Y. Cl) ] jji ' berlain 3,127, Lucian RnraMy 1;

- Probate-Judge. C arroll D bjI c; •j!> 7«4. Henry W. T ucker 3,375,

. j j i ’ ProsccuUng a tto rney , Nor Ml*; Nielson 2335. Thom as Churcli

287. •'iTe:r> T i —A u m o f. uon u . LOTciang-^

Cnnnfy 1,067.• j j ' il* Coroner, J. Q nrih Payne, u;^ PQScd.Rcpulillcan..4.270.______

I-Ij; Tho advi.wry vole on the quea ii.ci’i ; whether or no t Cassia coi

should employ an a ssistan t coi -sBcnrTnis downed.-2.713 to 1,91

— Infant Dies-— M .-G r4vald«-rlte* .fo r-th«-3-(la j

I daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. RiCl -I” 'ln..K!n'>jerIy,_wrrft_to_bC Il«l

iJ i g 4:S0 p jn . Friday a t su n se t Mer — lal park-under dlrecU on-of W

' mortuary., , The babjr. bom Wednesday.

. '7 " '7 early Prlday a t M nglt Valley Me " rial hosplial. •

Dividend Setow’. j?ii Tlio Jfelvlllo Investm ent comrouaiitr. ,announcea_|lmt d irec to rs 'o f Al

i-reiirt h tc d T u M •hiive dcclaredT fsp i{ )„h dlstilbaiftfi of 20 cents a 'shnre f

a US I ne t security profits renllred In Xlsealyfor ended O ct. 31. 1054.

: (0 lb! The dlstrlbuUon Is payable o n :k^Uff i 8 lo shareholders of record Nov J

i f i s a s B io•jra - ^ ^ r S A l iE


■«« « W a T l W ATCn THI Sli'ertu; .X l SPACE DAIL

waabaj . .f o r News of Maglo Valley's Fa Auction* and for ih e date th

Uuiie'ti llsllBi* wIJl a p p ea r In tho Tim .-14.1S. News. Check th e ir ada rarlocatl

• ’* InformaUon.

. w " ’' N O V E M B E K 6rth Di Geae L an e npo-:.:i: AdrcrUsement November 2-3liconain

N O V E M B E R 8ado red K ennelh G a tre llI food. AdverUfcment, N ot. 6-8

Klaas db Klaaa. AneUoceeri

; h'4 » | -----------N O V E M B E R - 9 -------r MO; Jl*? CrispJ inch AdrertUement N or. 5-8qualii. llopUna and H arm on. Aucls.

\ =AV N O V E M B E R 92 u ] Harold Etoltenburg9 inrh Adrerllicment November 7 HJdiuS ^ '*** * Klaaa, Anelloncer*

____ _ N O V E M B E R SJ. U. & Draco Glandon

r c AdTcrtUement. Nov. 5-6Har\r)T C. Iv ep o n . AucUoneei

N O V E M B E R 10 f h,"*M - . “ Claude ’Cawpbell_aniu _____ A dr£rUsemenl.-J4flW l___

Harrey C. Iverson, Aaclloneer

"-'U 4 ;---------- N O V E M B E R - IO -------,;;i .r ; .............. L .B .'T ille y ...................A an<i Ailrertliiemenll Nor. R>9Hiliffil * '*** * K laas, Ancllonetr*

N O V E M B E R 11------- Bob'ert “Bab" K gglnlonITS AdrirlUement N orem ber 9 -10

KUai A K laai, AiielIon(«rs '

7auo N O V E M B E R 12:y. 01' John If. Brown, T rustee of Ihi >■ Kitata of C harjei W. Broirn,

Aliie'nterr::n .i AdrerUsement. .Nor. 9-10 i/ci.K-k llopkloi tl -Harmon, Auctioneer

N O V E M B E R ^ ! )I,'i, Jlr . and Mra. Nela K . Nehon 1,1 for AdrertUement, .Nor. 1:-13 ^\iyii Itoy iiopklna. AucUonecr

r^iTe •______ N O V E M B E R 1.5

Ad«r*l>emene. Nor. 12-13 icio lU rrtjr C. Ire rio n , A uclloncfr

N O V E M B E R IfiU'. L. aicCormlek

-------- A<lr*^lUcmenlf-Nori—14-----•ou K lia i ti K laas, AueUoneen

1 WieiJ you plnn a Farm Sale,B } xonlact llie T lm es-N eaa K.itm

! Sole DeparimcnL L el u.i ex-! pinin how you. c.m cover M.inic■ Vallfy coniplctl-ly ftl one «mnil

0 . . cosi. I t will save, you boili; Ume »ml money.


I One More Nigl• T be high ichool play, "O i n Takes » Holiday" will be-

orer un til S a turday n lg b t a Ueketo lo r th e Fri_day n igh t

[ e s t loniuince, ^ e d u l e d to be last, h a re been aold, accor

»l ' to Vernon H edner. director.1 Moon, Beata for Saturday may b< of 3,219. -aerved by telephoning the mdldale school office. Curta in Urns o l only p, m. a t the speech a rts def _ J ment room o t th e high icho

lepubll» I _______

"" ‘“’■ Reicli to AslHamer , - _ _ ' ' ,

“"-i: Reopenuijarjs 3.077, X O

3arkeley Frencli T a l1- 1,SS3.- -------- <CiBtiB»*j rr*B r m o«»)I young hislory h a j

Physlcalijr a p a rt o f Germany, Adenauer m el Kith hla t

in an emergency session In a 273, Joe tem pt to p u t down tho itro n e

leal oppQilUnn. H a t developed Jbllc in - h e waa conferring In .W aahl >02, NeU w llh President Elsenhower am

retary of S tate John Poster I Jon W. The moderate Pree Democra jn -2,0ia.- tho-Refugcc paj'ty a tarted-ffift- [cDowell Uon whUo Adenauer waa ou t i-----------co im tJT -on-an-offleial-vlalt-(Iff 2,598, United States by announcing

would oppose tlie pact unlet les An- Prench soften the ir aland,1, a m Sourccs cloae to Adenauer aa ;t. Hor* Chancellor m ight give dls :Ulps 2 - members Uie choice of endoraii

plan which will perm llt 500,OOt trlct, H. m ans to rearm or quit tho cs idke 2 - Adenauer seemed tired an

Tolco sounded weak la st n igh t . 3 <)2j h e told the Oerm an people ' ‘ naUonwlde broadcast European i68 W 0 '' cooperaUon be" ' ■ Prance and Oermany. ri.^m ^ h is f l n t public pronounci

S ' t T alnco relum lD g from U ie . I f lta tesrA dcaaucrsaldh lsacT fr

'>*'/ h a d ' given the Saa r popul „ mostly German, guarantees o I ‘

Norman freedoms." 'irch 2,- __________________

■■ Fflr-AiKrdew _C o a I-P h o n i iB term ounU ln t~uel Company-

S ^ a s s i f i ecounly --------------------------------------------IfiiO. r — ■ ■■ ■

W A N T AD RATI[----- -— __U U i*i.#a.fotl-»»rtFer4) _ _•day-old .a -n lra Z Z . Uptr.niChard • “ V * ^ u t a ^ f * » ‘Vorti'V *riKld.Bt ---- cMlrM-ia-W.«aa.«Ui»irirt.ad

Memor- rer nasi»I«. *•* UbJa hcSewi' — w o-aa-rr . g - 1 id a r* l« -a


"Ualea, roor er«]ll bai b*«* * J Uabed. catb a iu t accoiapisr eL DllADLlKE Itt Claailflad oalj

M^ndai'i Id* — t & m. Satarda ompany Tueedari thn>g|¥ Frldar* —• Afflll- » P - Dar Defor* Jnier^n.■ I f l lre from and no lafonnilisn can b* *l*«: In the 4* tb* adftrtUcr.

in ru.,. " p o rt^ ImniiJon Dee. g. ^O allowanc* will U made for i OV 1, than out Incorracl laaartloo.

— 7U< paj>u nierTa tba itib l ts

3 aad r«jitt any tli*«UM adrtrU

___ ______ C A R P O F T H A N K SWK Wl.Sll to thank our friendi and

! ■ bor. for Iheir kindne.. and arn_ k i______aaJjht-btiuttful flor«l.<.ff«elnf»-.i f c tha^cknc*i and death of our wilD A R K. E. JlcConnell '

Creiler McCoanrll and famlTHIS J i ? ; ; : ^ i ' „ " ^ i i r u 'r a ! : r

--------SPECIAL NOTICES1 Farm CIIAKIS > uuncIaUoni. WblU eliatle (

tl.tl. Lucille Do.lion. J'hon. : r i . . . . JIUU.S and upbolilerr cleanlnf.H®,'*!- Vlllac*-Clm nrn;----------«aU0Q Coractlerc. Mra. U»l* Uiin. TIHH 2nd a.enue eaal. Phone ;ii»7

A u jo ilu n c a ADonriaoUi, Wedn l;>0 p. m.. Ccarl Uouaa. Writ* Doi

, - pI r s o n a l s• CoiiH.;: deelre tu adopt --babr-' or a.

ehlldrjn. EjpenM. paid. Wrtl* Ooi

C0N1-IIJI;NTIA1.1.Y. w. rion-t bellere

: _____ TRA V EL— RESORTS8JJAKK Jrl.^nf_ to WaihlBfton. U. C

I lOlh. l-hnne D;]«.J1: Viler.MAN TKAVKLINli l„ Vlrslnla wllh

babr.^Wo uld Ilke tellaLIe peraon tobahr, Tra.ellnr hichwar 40. for

7 B E A U T Y S H O fS•.rs COMJ’Lt.TK isMlern Uautr irr.lct b

pert operalara. Macbinaleia and

COMl'LhTK bcauir >er.ic* br ad.i 1 iludiBti at reduced pricet. Junior’ ia” « "jV oO*'"' “ *‘^ '" ''7 * " J

CHIROPRACTORStn rnVB apetlaiuU Ur. Alma )'arUla~Main N ^ b . l.baaa ijTc. -

_____ LOST AND FOUNDcer LU.ST or •Irare.l; Z.reir^M Ilolileln a

CaU ^y.rnoB .\eil«,n, Uler OIJl

r r r : t 'b ukl ulaii '^oii, u , .u j- . a.ok~

rt LO.ST: l.eather lillll„lil ennlalninr vali pipe'a and moner. Menllfkillon . JL^ lluneaa. Ile-ard. J-lea.e p


r i - “ wMl.-r'hnn'e awV -K.NUX Curtaia t-aundrr. llT:~lth a.

,h .,

*n. —r h n n e - ^ v f - i '


lie, I"’'-


-------r StTUATIONS WAHght ^“I>e*U» D M S S M A K IN O -IlE -ffr

X - held ALTERATIONSt u aU 339 T y le r S treet - Photh t per- , —be lba —■ ' ■ = = *

»r. ■ ^ CUSTOM ■>i L A N D L E V E L l

5 ? p ln ! ■ OOK M ACinOT w n j . l :hOOl. YOOB DIRT— - C ffK A PK R I.

' L E T u s SH O W Y(. No Jo b T o o L a r j i or 8

• of Phona OA a-5W5 or OA t


^ MisCELLANEOUS FOR' “ blnst

>ed while - ' ~I TEDCES AHO CAM

ro B BCSTT rn n e i. staxe. va n . r i c n r r a ^ a ta a n d rauENCSR-CAU

_ n -D S T O ° In ting they n v s #oiKTS scn^ ilesa Uic I____________» iy w s l» i

■<Sl?d^nt HELP W A NTE1>^M

VfANrtiilTLoeai man with .oa>* {ht when «biutr. Wriia'uoz D-n. c.plo In a Wewi. _______________ean unity BELIAULE and .Xt>*rl*««i nan

b e t* " ” y ; ‘i i * ^ ^ D : ^ i i ' : * ; / o & vm ccoealI . United CoBlact. Keeada. c r ttm tn l ~~~ipulatlon, Io l “dem> I have seen th e new 1S5S ]

and Jlym ouUia. Ilero'a a opportunity fo r a live wire

' money selling America'a 1' *1 line of cars and tnjcka. Oo

-* lU i'D odgs-«nd~Flym D ut^ want a perm anent m an i------------ interested In m aking big i

I T alk wltn -mlf p resent-»al(T E S CoaU ct llr . Reese, Bob- _ _ 1 Motor Co.. 133 3rd Aven u e .

M S I „T w ln_piia________ ;_____:IP«rJ»» 11____________ ______________

- H a P “ W ANTED-:.FEf----- - WOMAi* or «lrl tor cenrral 1.

Il*40“ *" *’!"m ' W*U'* N

z M r t " HELP W ANTED _ ! « _ MALE AND FEMAI• i-AIIT or full Um>-I60 to IIO'

*nier. Appolnlment makera. or In puloalri callonai home e<|Uipmeot aalea d<!»*»». • lloftt Work near rour bom* ll

Sce, wtlto Loraa Canada, Caaad las. err. Jeromr.

B U SIN ESS O P P O R T U N'***“ MU.K rout* tor lala. WrIM U-Jt. c,

ilKJITAl. crvpertr for aale. |«.tO( L ta aiJl . tor 1100 monlh. Vhon* J1I1.W ■«tl.i«*. ar WU. llo. IR2.___________

I >UI( UALLi Lunch counter dol builnre*. Two jwopii can hint

i/c alder lerma. Inqulr* 171 Weet I.M,i n.i.K,* ^I^FU Iw isH ED -^RO O iV

nd famlTr NICKLY (urnubta room. Inquire

‘e flrdle*. *'i»k{it.* TrVilTTind JdoUL jS' » 2110.- Intlon, Phone 33IIX.__________fU R N IS H E D A P A R T M I

:«7j.°**‘ Bth i*.rnu«'^ncrlh. "''ho^^lfO^M .dn'eadi,; A1'AUT«J:NT! BultoUle for Iwo. t Do2 41 ar (-Aurt. Ills KImherIr lloail_______ UKATIJJ aearlment. carafe and

tacllllln. 1891 KlmWrlr Uoad._______ MUUKH.V. cluaa In aparlmenta I>r amaller :19 4th Avenue Kaat.

cLkaN.. cloae In. Ueaionab'i~\ monlli. ttO Main NnrtJi.

i MUKrooma. Laundry f.clll.lea.

■“ ™ n s n : ; . , a . . , ,

n r n ; »:ilTji"^ tiocr. bata ami entranr* ‘November iu 'W ''Ilh imaU ^T ilA nlr* baarmenl apartment, to Ira.- i'ld balh. Bpiclout, buili-lni;

•or'mori TIIKKK Urs*~RH>ma ami balh, l';l ---------- S . C i o e e in. Adulla onlr.

______ SUITAIILK for one or Iwo. ||.ind‘‘’c"d mi‘e'''j!aill

9 ICUUU.S. i'rl.at. kalh. ilroun.ati.anced Cli.ae In. A.lulta preferre.1. IS

le mr-*'** ATJKACTIVt:. nlceir fiimi.h.il.

“ ; s . S ' a , ,—llachaJota.;uafa«*d,_Iaqul>*.Vi.'<l

^—aiack —Cae neparifwenl,...... ..............

amall kllchcneiie. Ur ^wnk'^" v.luaM. uo« KImberIr Ilna.l. Dcfora n.. ’"^john afler 4 p.m. week.lara,________

ED 4 ilOUUS and katb. IVI.ate er______ (V>unle preferre.1. Phone 3ii];.'***"'" ^llOOil partlr fumiahH .lui,lei.I _ '.nlr. Yerr nl.-* utllltlea. rbon* 1(

- - AilulH. 9(9 4l'h A.enue full.Voi* ind floor MiKimoOU ahartmenia. .\ortH

ITuW^oWij'.-4-Zm'.-lM-b..R,-l firalihed, axcepleleclrlcllr. 1‘honi

l>,l»i' •w'-i-lnnallr tar I'art of ren* 2:«;.5.W. 'iArri,l,1 I.sir,;,F U R N IS H E D HOUSE!

U N F U R N IS H E D H O U SAll*il MllDKH.V I r,~ip... .Sice fenfe.| yard ■ . _lu-a£bual-JU14Bul-atai.u*.«.ji......

, l’b«ne S«,\U. ,;.r,«.m m.-le-rn h.iuai. Inqui

i '^ : ; ; ~ w a ~n t e d t o - r e n t T T e_____ Uu 'lu I'.U AUlll.S, Wrile llox

b TUi. rhone Jlilhi." «J74” li*"w^ilV 1I»» Tl/nta.Newv


—' '■ } '^ W r l t ? ^

hose 3546 b«rlr. Idaba._____________MONEY TO LOA

.................. .. 4U JLKU I t i f u c g r r mui.---------—^ lam.Jaana. Saa V. N ,,Tm


I----------L . -------- H O M tS -H IIU S A I


r SmaU *^*iuip^far^^^SiS'>°»” A riIA.3:5388 u” »V v i“ i;!‘rh^J

iv A E T “

(.IIUOU houae, ckiee^. Small" _maU^lMulr*.42f.itd aitau*

? U ! N 1Ul •ccaaJsaa. furnice. Phone I79iun.' , HlfOHlOOM modern. Cloe* In. IClrda Blihop 4lh •’*‘“J,*;j‘,Vnd'Bt^dir - UV oW.'^EH; Ntw; modem"__ I houic. Kull bMemenl. wardrobe" cioeeu. Conlact Nellie Ccmbe

e.enlne<. 3» Jetfeiion.


; edfi ot town. Larte lol. rrcm ; I Hen. chickena, eU. New birth c n v ic i j b a .« « « . funtirr. 112,

2-HWKOOM home in lop r. __________ n7m acheik’ aice rard! IIO,SI

■m a l e _ f ^ * :- T .f i r i p i.n n '^ T u ,;.

nOBINSON-PELDTM Be* our dla- l)rl.e-ln lieilUti

71? Main Ave. Wnt PiQi* beer aeil Member of Mullipii UlU

c/o Time*. | _

S ' . . . , 1 B U IL T T O O R D I<1 propoaltJonI* Sbu Clab. SOKirrilING NlCr In a four__________ brUk home—2 bcdrooma. apae

"Inr »nd dinlnr roomi. Carpet 1 oul. Ill* bilh. Dulll-lB firife.

M D o d ra j ; ; S -" ."* ." ;;? .

fire, clean

= r W I N T A r a S - R E A * 4 IN S U R A N C E

K w l - — " ‘T a i 'w i r a i . ’; " '.. -.hn !• Phone IfiCIn WHO U . IIKMHER MUI.TPI.i; LISTIg money. • skiivickaalesmen.- I ^ob ReeseUB North. ( nnFgrriFH T a b t o f -?

Verr -nlce riria 4 rooma plut I-------------- I 'u lllltf,''rn llr—fomiiliid.—new' aulumatic waiber and drrer. '

. Inf room and bedmnm furnltur


E D ~------- room

non munth. jj( „ , houae wilh new b<put on edu- 7he hamlr man can mike fou

;i WOK 11 onlr ll,CSO whtoJda iu l ? i A. O, HOLLAND


I R E N T A L S>.400, Kented Ar* tnlsMr bird to find. J■W rrrnlnf*. '"Jor hiime..o-n«fjhlp for a

. down than rou think, W*dolnf daailr •connmiril 2 bedroom

i,?.“ S ' l “ i . l . S f s ;; ,» V K .sretnrmUj' the ^p«>meet» wlU

• 0 \ 3 t t t -IIBBKJU-A-HOMB-WORTII MUNLY. ] -bedrooma plua a fu

Mlnf ronn. -nenL _lircnliic. fm cri^rarj. nue nnrlh. PrealdenlUrnttet locallon. Out T7 eotrani'i “ ri ••Ml Priced at anijKacellent lerm^ulra J14 7ib IDAHO REALTY

ibn»eta or M'mber Mulllpl* LUtln* Be: 141 Waib. 204 hboebone St. K Pho

m e n t T -----------------------------------A.lulia. 21i I _n v^.i KM. Localaj in eaii pnrt of lown load and peaceful alreeU Jleaullful la

■ . Ini room. Ilrepiice. WiM lo wailind waihlnft l _______ room fnr table and (hiirt. 3n for r*BC bolnmma. mialer Mraom It>:_________ 3 haihf and a fuU flniihrd bi Week *r » beauUful flnlthed re!ar TV room, oil furnace. Con

'lea.' 4ll~2nd d ^Vl***’ *"*"h *]"*74xl!_l- f’oJriit. ‘ii'mm!

JJpI^Pbo*ni 2*UKDI100M IIOMK. 9 ;eari .aci:* Jiti.I-.Jllti.loealioa. I,am

nr* i.rl.at^ kilcban. Kewlr deo.rile'! 11 farden and l.errin. A wontlerfi

nt. 4 roomi H.DOO do.

77I7a.e"en. GEM REAL ESTA' ' ■ . AGENCY

4lh‘ A“i;

T s1 " 'j '.9 " - r e a l e s t a t e w a n i

r e a l e s t a t e fo rT>I _

aca—Adulu -*-MrTTT tirirnr-itfrrilI1II!y'r.K)n

Iilrl Baler. charminf 4 |,e,lV«i'in hone 2 In f■Will.-llert 'menJ.-Weil-irAilhfii^K.-^ mrar Al.n' ~kltchen.’ Oil,' '*' *■*''’nc.rin 'li CECIL C, J0NE3

________ UpHalra Hank 4 Tru.l. Um. I. PIPTS. '-----

lei ^ "" I'l'd. .

L u a i «iiop‘ :<»u'^;|.';, . b,,

n,-lliiimc« -**'‘ ®“j “' ’'*h_^-f*nn-ninlpmnil

R E A L ESTATE ENGni'to-o7k 31

,hi- 1 -UiaaJilu^.jiiii 111. . .. h!!!"*V-',?i!

ud a.enua, f!iT~t,vitsat ’dinf»rno'|-*tU S E S ', , . j .-I— J l’-'-'-'KIS'C NKW I Yo

More' ln‘ymt,'elll.'|Vl‘" tJ i''.|l,"*

l e a s t I ■!h^’'f '^ " . : , 's : ^ T . : - i n " '; ' ; ' : 'lIox 0-:i . | or"«.^^^7lf.l'l^;l'm!i/rn"h^^^^^^ _ _ _ _ I food euliiullilinfi, Onlr I:0.000

. R E A L ESTATE- ----------Srr\'icc--Apcncy—

a'hl'a~lo7 ol ®*®riinane..! MEMBER .MULTIPLE L lS l Ui* X4-D. 1_______

FRIDAY,N O V E l l B j j J

r r , l e a s e T r e a l e st a ^t J

w T i T i J ^ Ha iBaon- -11d°- * a W ^

■ S ' S b e a u t i f u l ^ B

SALE— ^. . . . . . c w u c i t i z e n s

' m s T n v j „ at«»vlM> rboB* ;•;(,. oil fomace. UeraberPh..eHIS-M, I

k«‘S£ - - -

nail dowa par- M Irrigated raa,l. |toua—il-*lUr . t r a _ b Q n ia ._ ,„ - h ,^ 4 *»llk i l £ B

,oden) baa>e. i r . M S

i^'lnqulra 410 10 ACKK r.nVh' i ’l ! * »-U>»-kl-a<a- -»ha»v* Karlhil.i, itdar. price. Kpme

CRAIG RZMt y Momba. »?oa or REALTOiM

~ Phone 11> « - k « - . a - i— = -------

;i0,500,i; • mml atoker. .V . . e r r . . , *

1m lA NII I ihroufhoul. N oil

Vhoaa IH rat-Un ti-.ar.. l iw a ^ S ^ BUiUnf down. I7i m„n.h .m

I properlr. Or finance « u [ ^ l ~ J. y- WlilTI A O ^ I

i™! Jfour rrar nld L '

7chaai^pric°; : dup1.i-Wii| t n i ^ |^■•ri.'i’t ’ ; ; !r;‘r '" T ^ i '." ra n ''‘“4 «

eeiunent—Almoat Rirellent lulMIni bl

E A L tiz .- IrCE a A C R E S o r l l f l

: Rolb ba.* .eir ni«.'i“ ‘---------- 1 -fn^ iofrn’T u ^ o i i ^ s S

—Uoth o( Ihaae v i a S ^ H LISTJNQ veiek.

I U A G IC V A g p l ^ B_____“ a n a 'lN B t lR j^ ^ B------------— 1 • 123 Shoshon. e t n HT F-TTP -*uf.^^"*4ei* titlua u ih and "Mempe/'MUlllpiZT riW li.* ' 'iicmenl and , , —r. .. and ataumt SO ACnilS J^ aUIa

an7*rqw cro’i . ''T io rM ^ B

larn Iwo.UO.ibipe.^™ *^^

w bitbroom. jj,al 'dalrr farra ai la iJ i^ ^ l four arirt. ,|t|on. Prici KI.IM,I wllh terrei. I ,ne* caah.

ifuoae SL N. i HOME AltO D t ^ |f ’^ r r lr . 2 nUiuUOHS, I l t l j i ^ i H---- --------- I.«imox-eirror«K4.-lJ^H

------- - firif* . 2 room mlal--------ui»d aa Pitt *f Oe

I famllr. U>cit*4 n B ^ ^ I prtci 110.000.

? ■ » « « « F .C .G R A ^ ™w* U i 4 ; 335 Ual& i n . ^ 1[rd ’=wS‘’in” 'braeke^And Member MulUpli

iitT ti- 'n iB - ■ACHES I s U e iM tf ^ ^ l

o^i‘o f i2 ;? ' - r* u c L * r i> 4 ry t* .t f .^ Hanif II.MO. Pf*“ »" 0 « » ^ *

IS A Cnrj aoulk a lD iM ^H rp v Irtt lor IrrlfttiML'TY bomi with toaesatl

( BerilCi tlunchloni for II a m l^ ^ B

\ -fiO O D tilO O i<U B a-»^M ■ . In. 74-foot lot. BeanlCd^^B

NJ«hf'” o W 7 a * '* f« ^ ^ B

■d b.ifmenlcV 'piVui; F . J . BACON aM

and f.nred REAL ECTAH ',’iM7»i,0M ..

r hon. IMt-W.a rm n n n r ' Aemta rra»

ilerfui llltii — ----I down. ISI -----

FARMS F O I Vc a t e I M

C H T E 5 -

FARMS F O I ^ B( SALE 10 ACJIIUS In SurkK . _ l» r« lol In Hler.

t.«)nCt^ri^ 'kull SAl.V.; ‘•wd(Oiiikilile firtB. *r*“

r>f?.-2-fir»^ —— —-------a-Ulh »hd tmniCATED-f»niit-t*-J*^^™ I and Cai.la c o u n l ^ ^ ^ ™

3 I c2ip!Tn7. P h o 8 * » L .^ HI. Ph.;tUI I — ----------

!K , S V K ' E » c ^ BKallL Karm ran ill

batkr.<« VVitatr.

w a te r -p Ie n t r^ a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M•pro.aoint*.--------------

u. for firti


IlJ shaauai Au ^P h O O li^ ^ ^ H

;ii,n«htM)l. __p----------

J a s ; ; ^ — ^ s r e c i W ^ B


I f f “ ' S ® '


f ' ™ S i c M O V W ®

Page 15: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

i e ^ n s ™ ' " p E S ^ - ' • ' ' “ ! ! i d B S J

i»S"£:ifS (-—' ^ ' ' i > % S r ^ ' i S 5 - ------------- Kl

" " * L w ! ■■ PO

" j ? n ' S “; ‘> -^i " ' ' ‘- ! i U .

i P A U

! . « « ^ ! !

- McROBEr t s IND CO M PA NY ;

« M I ' " • 'VBlOl„ K-'iir’* : 1M8 ALL-- ------------- * PrlCT------ - ■ “P”’--------- — : ^


? n u Uw< ' '

^ Y S 5 S i r H r S ' - = ^i L « S ! i ; 3 U H L , j a

H II,,lM l |w li • i ----------------anL TbU could »k*l JOI ■

i | S s F ^“w-ll.tt-..'.-««P 4U.Mll.4- . ------ 1------

. . ' t l T ■(i.n.1 l« »>t T.ll.f, 1

bert UDLINEK I ’i-jHTEnNfoker—Phone 3t8t HOTEL EDEN. IDA. I

' - — ■ I j - i N i rz.I I—IK roRi

. ' 1-AI.LIR-C Mk Urx< pnKK rtlltr. W i .Ik. Wli>r imtll Iirtna. Onlr I'{ ,» T .I . rtllt » elM : l-DRAKnO


r.McROBERTS S S' l^ U Turn I


i m t _ ___ rhone MO , 1-LOVE L

nHi.llW.'U.lIiii (Urtl<« ■ I -U mJ r r

----------------------------- PARMEIU

-»E£>U»l Bicnilk Miltir. Orr Masur. i

. r . » “ 7 T .‘ ' , ” '~ '.V '^ „ ' ■nif >•''»

t»i< ii.'iL rKoni,;s».j. J.fom* 6e« /

■■' '. O N ':|Wa>dl<l. ■•!.. W.,n,

— •' --------1 T W IN 1md GRAIN BEDS I

aiz POTATO WASHERS i IM P L E > tU M .B o i m n a |

ro EQUIPMENT Co. j*t* Intk • • fte* . n il- •

— J P

DW PRICED” I F i e d t r a c t ' o r s g ; ; " 'cv.wff. ■■■"'. ----------------------- f o r Smncr*oN. A, i.,_ „H t'wt haTk-j r m u s o N . r„... I

" [liAVK- imicii

Wf.Hi;i’!>ON-i.|iS I.M S kmT si" ..

l-IVEST(l im _ - tiOUU w a c r

.......«•» HLAUUtlTMU

liKKKKOHIl 1'1C T RA Crroit a n d ! S ■."!",’“ :m e n t C O RP.

'* -r t io n # 770 T T l i H n S ^

’-f S^nlccM indfd-* "nMcnxja dealer (---------------------------- - I K


’'"'"-'I'-ififjin. Twl. r

’ • ID .I & T.

f " "-

_______________r'-i- fnr O N f.rV K cpn o v ro am

-------------------llJh.*N»l5iI^, I IIIA LW

muke„s I ““ ir

ill, ' lluhtlrr"rhciiiB 3S8 ®‘“ -----

l a r k e f p la c e ^ a g g ie v a l l e y

y ^ l M f U M E N T S L I V B 1

S i r # ™.U m .tlc u l -nikUr tlrrt " IfnJ:xmJl r.Kb. l?i m1k«" u i «t Em' jTtir.AO of l-elau «a lutufdtti. « p tl. |tr .

wunzmzs - TidciTU^-fi3X>CK!cQRRALg iwH’^SnS


WATXRERS —PCrTATO 8LICER3 ---------------


’A U L E Q U IP M E N T id W E L D IN G S H O P

iZ Z cF A L L T R A C T O R o- „ m "m; l e a r a n c e I I ,


■H". INTERNATIONAL . . . ;:ompIeU)y overfiiuled„|«95 I*---------------•H“ INTERNATIONAL . . . ----------------new- *pud ami eom eulll- (“ir«lor ........................ .....M85 ' C U S IA LUS - CHALMERS W -C.PrlCKl »L....................... $695 ' ALL K- r - 30 INTERNATIONAL ; O ur Prl v ilh n e * tire* kiid ro«<t 'j e a r ....:....................... _ ... |« 5 , P O Ur O K N B O N Work Hor*e ; su c k e r. P lu »ny lr#clor.

JO H N S T O N ~ H A Y , {^ m p m e n t ^ ^ r o p a n j t - ^ »««.*

,, Id«ho - Phone 17 ton s rtr

. ■■ ■-*'J C.rrih .S.i

._ N .O _ V E M B E R - _ c l e a r a n c e

--------- F K ix n s -----------------n-'^T^’TTnriiof.i.ANb: 'c .n : l~.ri„jrn-?: rrlr Mbulll. WA.NTKO I...-lioa«LOUVKR.------------------ L-itrrt>L.Al.»iEHNATIOHAI. «l.lnt Tlf. ' S x i \ 'w I.

TRACTORS !■ >T.m;i;aoN T n .‘- : r ! cu-t’KiM nn

rrn c u ab N to “i r • “ “

.IR-CKAt.Mril* I '^^mrunU 'I '*■“ ^ 8 \ 7 u & : r n

,nnonN l-W*f fl^-i ;

i ™ * " " . ” . ' " " l “ s r “ ' Elum l.-^ .•r rnwAHDS rto - « w .■ufB BELr riaw j K :KU liKIMMISCELLANEOUS ' j « '‘50?-w.‘'

■t L lff-Tm Cll. I.'—lrW:n«UBON-M.t.i.f. u . i t r ; • - - Q rr I rEnCiUSOH W««d«r P ^tE R S :W ec « n U ltec a r« o r ; ]

W« have th« loUowlns:, ! 0 ( field i l.W AT-T3Jii-Ci>»«ltr~m»lr i -T »-b«.Itd .ur. flp».^.r.______________ ; ,ir_dt3lrtd .«EW IIOU.ANI> uo Hii.k.1 •Idrr’"* * ^ H 0 ^SON M fluilitl U»ur* Cl‘ncilBOK 11 fln.t..! *r'« .l.r. |l— -------------e« All TTiree of Thei« | ----------\ i J T

R p m irn ■ '____ ” ^3N DISPLAY'NOWl * " '

kt I KinN f a l l s t r a c t o r

- .A N D ■ . . ICAI..S ,Ur.u, .E M E N T , .C O M P A N Y .

iUR PERQUSON-NEW j ?at-T iV ;'n~ HOLLAND rhoii> 6M-v

. ! » ■ ! " - ................ r a s . ;Phone 2875-W...............

I CsT^u »"k .k

FERTILIZERI x r l t^ tbM» Nrllllm. >;«r«ll»nlj “

t SA L E O R TRA D E | M d id ,* ; '. '» l.rmi HAI

Tf, l l t l r»r>l Mon-Icnc »)vr<l-l Sn.l Avr ood rondlllnn. I. fl, TIPtxK. >1 ■nm lUullnn. Phnii. 1511. |'HICK duplrj In 0«.l.n, Inrom. ~f (nenlh, Would llkf l-> |r«<lr |-----------------. In T-ln r .l l . trM. W.ll. till ■Hlf..!, (l„lrn. Hub._________


':iOUUTEJwniJoLJi1»ZilbwrJ ____

rMURli M riiur ram. M. ^ 1 E .tkit. MtWI,___________ I

IU hjni, (1n> fiMh «.w. On« Kfiulpmrtll■ OHMII.________ Trucks -

Alio ilMV.'f tnd r«dir ro»i!Tit nr _____________fMir. Jucki, fulntM. r..4iirr<.

A T Ij^n’v^”p : ; i i '“if.iK*::;: u s i a

- “ I T U U C I

PO R PROUPT- R E M O V A L - ---------t D » a ana Dielen r

L I V E S T O C K ~ ^ =

•HONI U4 COLLICT .* tG O O D ‘ I. r . iu 114—na»«ft u

ID A H O H ID E A; T A L L O W CO . n ih-sn tuuki

__ ' [I r'lrr*. H;lnK

A B - B ■ -tR a V E D -S lR K S ---------

rr. »■ (It. 7.< « finrxTaiRE f«r ««•!» •tnrirt. Cm. JArl i.f-''. »"•

.ot .f Ib. U» f i I \V. .tillUoa._____________ : ____ALWAYS BE #UnS I I I Alri.irl rx.jl^HO-DTAR PROVED [“ ‘ili S IR E SERVICE |iciA N ii ____ riioNCi■-.« "ir r rT .'m k»ii. . •. I r r __________111 Hurl.7 .V----------(UT-nt .f H DubU }."*jon.,hM

I OfTh.r.l. 1 IT■— I ■* lllfh«»T M.


r'n'ii.*'*fj* for i l l .: iiulii u i.nd.' I . . 11. '; liir dav liwrtt Bf rwint.ln s.m rr, Bnhl.-tJir. —

^ ^

ll.iiii.rni _i;uirni»i i ^ , lu.iilj, I J jici

-------------------------------------- I Ml SClLLLD PP^riEw . A RTinciA L ! riT inrri— :<SIMINATI0N SEilVICE • 'S n v 'r T f ^

Idak. S trrit. (oi Id.ts d.UjaTT" “^NV;^l7rXj^ . Twl. yalli n-.i C i:«. ' ^ -n r ji^ .i.^. Ittamt ■ 111 CIlKI ' MI.<.SKn.\T b. nnil JIMl C«:iKI )

CACHE VALLKY “ '»>rVilrnt'‘'riniu:r.!irNC as . ocmtiiik .^vfn»,s^P~

" rim ’vKN .sjiiii'"

^TKafsil'l'ANS: f."n'.ct‘“s*tr A.-Ulith. riunr'i'«1-J«.'T;..M l-hnn•rln WM.nprld«r^l'liori. OJ»:.;i 'LUUU ^Iccll

- c x ir r r rs s r i

JU ST O M D R E S S IN G 1 5 ‘p £ - ;

LL KINDS OP P O U ^ Y ;.savisu .h w{ ir Prlccs S ln rfm 10 CoiiU i

P O U L T R Y SU P P L Y i S , ' ’*"'''”'Phone I3<3 '

— - n i T,.GRAtN AND FEED , n« ^

r u mm . T"ln' .Snliir<“iluirUNO, iiP.n or df». Si.w.ji'.! 5:30

tKu i.'i... wifjomtv:^

If rnmra.»r. ' ) - ' WE.

If jir 'in lr" ''''' ■> .lAN'a K.rU 8»rT»-«. Ch.ljM H. I 'a._ltOUH.l. ,Bo«.:i..ril!>l._rhi>nf| - l - I J r a n

liKIMlINU and nol.Kn GplKOr <

STOCKMEN' ■ [ ■ Fu1 ,000 T O N S 1 _ ■ ___

leld corn ensllsce for Mle. . S U R F

slred.-WflLwRlcrJor f ln c t_ ,rf anil Klft.

?HONE WENDELL <470- •* 'ChnriM T. Ontej .

WANTED TO BUV |0- Tn.TI.NiI .rt-ir hrf.rh-..w-.~i; ,.••■-.'’1 » i . r-pl.r^rr, l> .n. ________ I . . A t.

i H u ^ V m rNrfi. . u : i . „ n . ^ 'FURNlfUIn I.l.I... rn.r>f. I’W r ^;l. K^Al.L .iirh

h;NS. Top pricrt K.nm’t I'oiilltr. rrtrl»rr.lnr.6>1-W,____________________ (lfl. HKAI>

UH. Autlra.Whll*. llUblii'. b«nt Qu.Vrr, Vrji •..roUKrr K.rra rhnn. UK. 1 llin rolNT||^ U .Sacrlllp^T:

-■ i^MAuTrriiBW ErA Y CA .SH

HAIUIY KOPPKI, tn , j"^.i|l‘'m.7i','^'

To Our . . ^ENDS - n i-:k :iibors —

. —WE—

- 7 T st:t:T7t t t i 5A-1)1':-----------------. . or CONSIGN A P I

lur<‘- :^ = -^ v csm :tr -P B n n - .: imrul - Hny - drnin - FO R TO ;a . TrAlIcrs - or Whsl COMPL

H.1VC V0117 THE BES-:A I.


T 'T H E w i l l s RISEr -c


Ullr noyil - K. J. WiltT:Roy Kou.M'l J

OD T H IN G S T O e a t

:i,f,’.,!n t j ^ ^ s t i ' . s r

ruuKKV;;. • C LIlA ^li.l‘ 'in I t t i 'K wil’ miith .'f r^ttT, illrnaf.l.on .. I■:prnMmrnr-Vi^

"aiI i- .f i.r b.i' ..V • n i r s j ^

■ ,^ i i

V.S . . r i ‘ ' ” l.m't .lllll. t . i Ol or P-_A-.1 Jl", » f u e i . o n

? p , ‘S ' ^ n a S

' . *

____________ _ TI

O O P T H IN G S T O E A T FU R NIki W ..IL MJ Wlr»AY errbanT, | mi|, „ n h ' Vi Blit

M " , n .

I'H, MmWrrr*'*" rh .ll. I

; ~ - pETS ^

llANKIUS. .»ra. IdTvi, ' ~CIUIHV

■l of r.„ i» 1.,|DI,. m nV OA.mid J'lii, filjjj

I.Hrir -^inll mlU.r .TiTp l . r i


i^rondm 51 i'*7 !^ .* :il7^ “ 77^ ■ 'T R...n l.'...---------------------- m i CHI

:,y.; u C ’r7orr-r.'ni*u";,'>ro'::

.. ....................... .... . P I . , . , " “, r *ct‘"sVrond“h".Vd [“ “'iio” .'nd'vll M0DERA1

“S'.-,: 5S 5 5

‘I L f S S i f

." a ™ ;---------- - ilka-T^i

•T IIE TOV HOUSE- u X "lat th. KJbmi .Irlrrllnn «t 4 T .g ■

........ j—— -------- ---------(tnrAicEic------------------------------------------ for ri.fi

JMMAGE SALE I;nliirdny, Novrmber 6 lh I w«~ir B 5:30 A,Nf, lo S:oo P.M ■ AlEPISCOPAL CHURCH | —

DASKMKNT_________________^S t. MnrUin't O iilld. _______^

intKAK miihikHj i : t r . r ihm>- Olhrr f i.a« .I.b-'KwTa D u't.." ' “ ' - ' 0 WOOD. |} p.r rorA * . '

Uon.7 at Kt.mllJ In ralrfKld.WENDELL SflLL .«*' i ' LUMBER CO. INC.FAIRKIELD, IDAHO ! £ q s ,

- | 800 B

ranium.Hunters.L , —'o r c o u n te r s n n d sc in - “ H I Lors now in fitock a t : |

SW EET'S i ..u.roi' F u r n i t u r e S t o r e ; «!.'

------ i» o mji

□ R P L U S .lA C K E T S^-MAVY...?rYLE3 ,»8,95-Up- ! ------- «»t-

E HARRY KOPPEL CO. • ' „ ( | do" Phone 325

J Ai». .T,‘ - - -T w IhTitU - ;- W .h i r t i ilnrk. In----------------------------------------- LET. ro:4ITURE & APl>LIANCE& r.III "ndlUoi.. H i P o r

cu .Irri.lr rine. .nil Adffl'iral■r.lnr, N ...lr B... Ph«n« fllM-nt. p U ,;KAI>;iIH. Hp.Tk. Uuo-Th.rm. V.^nl


iirr, 50* Hhrnhon. MUlb. tOr

' 'n” . . . r I..T1 ti'iil .l..fn ll .prtnT;! ^.^"lir"*,':M,»'Kl'll.h.Vh^ul^.a.V I ^

■ -1S5I ME



_ - y S E D ------------4B.P PL IA N C E S ! p ri_ i:o u n _ T \v jN _ R T o n E 3 . ____ ^I T H E LAnOEST. MOST" - ...........- -JiMPLLTE SELECnON!BEST VALUia IN-TOWN

ALL KINDS OP , _p l,one DSED APPLUNCESl ‘]R -C A IN a n d C A IN ’S


DIREeTCCL E SALES & .SKflVfCK i • MATTPxcifri. I'll. Ill, <»l M.ln A...> . iMaUr w .

k v n u J U K ______________S j /u ^ T i i..irk, l‘baa. H ont.__________ C. Jon., fo


lilt. K.r. ralliBtlCT. rb<in. 5H.-

l.l.r. Kr.. MUm.ua. rh . tltt-M .' « 7 y f£ W

nsr. SK/U’/ r ; ; * /iKP.MR,i'f.linc~?i.rTlc>, rh"i'» '»«'g:'* . ^ u i~ V u m

A ..- . , •“. A. Oitrand.p-rkMi TJ» Calllxi* Stt

TIMES-NEWS. TWIN F jF j^ ^ , IDAHO _________> •

tN lT V R E i A P F U A N C E 5 I A' i i f . liT nrj«rh trJb lT ‘r w i I . . l d r - ^ —dll DwhdiiU. RK.II..I r.odlltoB.-tat» >r««t.~MMU C.al... ;at Mala! _ _ _ _

Kl.liCTlUO r.oc . I4t. i.<.|.| .I lk Por C k.riiPi<. W.nn.r dra>tr. ral.Mbl.,..U, .lin .l lllbl., .Wk. lU .r .nd JOUf *

Paid iii i .n , WlU mU ( .. t i i i . t i . trad* "* _________ __________ , a t :zair w uur. m .tt . I t dswi. |L2i |

"sP E c iA L 'sE R V IC E S '

H -fTnw li.-Pb«». «Ki- tH ^ H ih --------

COOl) I..... tbMlX ..~bl.ck..lO - I’hnn. ;IU-J .f Mt-ll.__________ ^ ' -

Nt^T ciuioia d rn.li^ la

I? Cam'oaor.t <•! dib A«..n. Eatl. ______

iC^.n'k. .ndi.w po.1 <l..nli<(.I In^^b^laM. K. U J . .n , TIm*.

RA D IO A N D M U SIC . Mode!

T liU C K 5’l . t K A I U I l S - — - 0

THAH.KIL 10 fMl. PlMi'. four, la. . 1st.. Ill Watkl.il.a. riuin.

JIATKLT s.lnd MM«t. I.ill.i. for- y ; ; , ' . g i . V ' - i ----------Oil TIlAUr. *l»» . ‘MUk .n.| hMi.n. PHONE.bold «|uip«».t .»4 •I'PU.IX’. . far.r bou... Idah. Trall.r M.rl. ItlO .b.rlr I t o a d . _____________ ;__________.tll bomn )ui> .rrl>p<l, Th. (abo* _______

n<w ll-fwl CTanil.14 C.tlfornl.n I _ b.ilroom moWl. hom., Al Idaho l.r M.n, ltl« Klnlxrlr Itrad. ri>on.

ii .. ...........I ... W lrm houM Irall.r /or .QUitr la 1 «r . . . . . .Jroom modtrn tKuar. ^<tnn 11. Mpae. ’,V;ra..n..n Cou.i.._____________ «]

lltM ttlM t l V'K ''.•[on plrkup. , , , ,•>»rr.t bo> wllb buI1lM>a Intulalwl >'<1^11»ln( bom.. Tfill.r window., .l.r- “ “LT and hatl.rr llcbl.. r.liln .u; .Imp. l i l t III>0 I . l I.nki and nlh.r .tirai. Spact d|ri

S S E ' doH S S S “ A l lIb( 1.W«, Mt»r .Ib.r trr..» tl« .. fy/g

A U TO S FOR SALE ^ -------------------y A

- S P O T C A S H ! V . - ■ ;| —

fo r . _ i — —

........ CLEAN USED----------- j HJi;

■■OAHS'iMd-TRUCKS--^^— ; - -

H ig h e s t P r ic e s , ’ , ., .

‘•Sm Nully Northrop" ( - '

B REESE USED CAR LOT ! J lll Cll 0 Block 3ad Aveau* South

: _ ' ' _ m i .ITH U N T FOR FORDS " “

I K b ' u h m

rOni) “•'• lUnrh Waron, Ov.r- j|(g Clld .l... radio, bt.lrr. IramaruUU , lorronJIOoB, a.w n.bUr, a»» J-loat I j , „ p,j *rc«n-l»orr flnl.h.milCK Rup.r IJoor. Draarlaw, I

JptJhtJualIf-TtlllL»m»ll.tblWf*ti^ ; -----------

p s . i " ; ' ‘: i l ' ‘ v . / “ ' . i r . " : ^ ■ a

f'OIlD •'»■ 'vtnfl. *..pW. T.V. , fp iy,nur Plrb twm t - . r . .n or bli,.. : i WDODi:r. Mon wllh W t.|r.ln W ,l . :t nibWr md l.w.r Urownl..ir t irwril OCb.r’ •..Ion rirViin.Tn i "PSoii.'l!.^in^uidin* ^ im nb; chevro- _


■ ■ | ‘ W c n Ihurchm an’s A-1 ; th e f5C(l Cftr.<5 nml Truck« USIBUICK Rimer Riviera 4 - W oulDoor. Rjidlo. henler nnd • g tdyiiivflow ......................J104S :

'roR 'ir"cu» lon rV -8”4*Do6r“ : W C “JSedan. lUdlo, hrnler, over- , L o t 0drive, brniid-neft’ tlrei, 2 . 1tone Breen, one owner..»l395 I . ^FORD V-l Rjvnch W agon. | ° JRndlo, henter »nd over- 'drive .............................$1B8S :MERCURY <-.Door.. I lndlo. j W HFThf« lfr. MercofnhUc tratui- ■ TO BLinlMloii, one owner.....$1M» ;

COMMERCIALS : TUNTTCHEVROLET \ ‘*Ton Pick- .lip. 4-Speed traium lulo ii. .Eood lir«vy-duly rubber unfl 'Treiih »1r he»ler......... ....$775 ‘ i»n na:

: h u r c h m a n - ; : £;■^ O T O i a - i r a i . — I ~ “ -K*


nne 77— or —Phone ] 15— . ,'’",7 Open EvenlnEi T ll <:00 I i»i> ro r

Open Siind»yi I

'E S S I O N A L '

rr/iK.s.s /it:^’OVA^^^'c I ‘ir. r.noralfd, K».no« UaUrM.1 |. ,n [jl[j

___ I.

rO)tC7L'rf-^S' ^ I w'rr

7 u O iiT A fT o \ 'T F ^ ’7 c r — ; -------,ln"ArBllinr.J~rhnn. t . lH." ~ ! *Thl»7Prn;'n,'^7' ' ■ • ~— ----------- o n

M fi-j.V A sk h v 7 c £ _KAlTUa •TV .I>r.nn.^..^k», flB7:

EWHirgn-s ■

ood Tn>«wriltr f j , Oppo.1i . P .o . | puoMK;UUM C L ~ £A ?rt:»S______ ;

rM.sofTt:N£fl.s I

AU TO S FOX S A L E---------- ------- aMTTiil

PAY- CASH------ j =■ Clean Uted C ara AUo buy ' , ' ir Equllici. W« w it on term s, 1' d* or e tih . You'U do b e lter ,

D A V I ^ R O E J I E R „ „ ;U S E D C A R L O T '

U tl. A... W. r h a . . H U '

„N E W — . m. i— -------- ---

^(Only a left), * ' !

de! 41D ipeclal 4 door tednhs. iikCtov, ndlo, h r« le r, E -Z-1 u , iTTd^Dier f?attlrM . ',

-D riv e »-bnind nrw e a r - | ** t t a Mvlnual i


___ Vpiif niilrir n >al»r_______ _ _____INE <11 miHU IDAHO |

. PR ICES^ li >•“iVE C A N 'T B E B E A T l i

l l t l CIIEVROLIT - l ie - d-doon. ;*lld. ■......... ............ ........ .....I17M ' *’**CKEVROI.cr U-lon pickup «lib ! .CuilsQ tab ............... ............l i l i .IIUICK htrdiop. rtadlo. h .a l.r, Id,ailU>w. a.w Ur.., 1. | IllO

-Mr.ar.oav-^Uh ..up^ . ..judifc. ! -------

If CiF« GUXr: aNTEED^ ;We Flninee. T rade or B u s"- ‘-KENNY M O O N -— ----- j ,

G A LLEY ^ ^ p T O R C O . ' |

a E R E 'S 'T H E P L A C E ..... ; ^

G e t Good- B u y s j-------T h il Were le a d e d in ______: _____on New S tudebakers

iOl tRO BT. WEST CHKVBOtET |.J<X.». Jtadl. .rd J

STUDEIIa' kM Champion i-d~>r,0.frdil.., htal.., oD.owntr ; v .rr- .lo., q l l . . I . ------------------ lUJI.ITUDKllAKKIl Comm.nd.r 4-

'doflf. Ot»rdrl»i.'Ona-o«rtnr e t r l n ' --------->tr/, t t t f rlMK roadllloa 'CHEVtlOLrr W ^ r . r».r.f»lldfc ; RK

CUF.VHOLirfTdoor. H .a ^ . m«- '1.r .MnpI.t.J/ o<.rhaulnl,_.,||l<( CHKVlIOLin' 4x)oor. ntdl* and . < |,| .b.tltr, a.w p . l a l________ t m I 1PI.YtlOUTlI (Hioar *«!an....llH I ’rOKD Nt* inotar. A a j« l J ,

------------ TRUCXfl----- --------------- I ------■’.|T U W B A K E^ri^«.«iiJra^^ ; ____

.■ITUDrnAKEa tru«k with h..l ! M ------------------------:™ . l* n ! „ „ ,

n V IN F A L L S M O T O R IThe Home ot Studebaker"*

a r t D. A. UeCUlAE I..'M M................... r . '.a la i . l tH j 'draroi

I Ctwii

“H I . . FOLKS” I ,...! : ftt— ■E W IL L S M O T O R C O . |

SED CAR D EPT. | oul(i L ik e t(i H n v e Y o u jS to p I n fo r A V i s i t . j|__i - A T C 'S e l l ln f r A " iZ Z Z I . ot U S E D C A R S

. . . n u t . . . ■ ^C o u rse W e W n n t i

S E L L M O R E ! j



■' “TODAY” ! -NASH Amhauidnr «-rtnnr * jUj

^ n . fVnl’ib, Sh.rpl ......‘ i r l ’S . il

► nrtl.im.llr, J-Wa.' flal.b. V.rr UU N,l,„p . . ......................Il»»» i*rORD V.I viftorlt. R.dl". hr.1- •".r. KtrHom.lK, whlt.-all ^Ir.iu ••


MIIIU V.I KaUio. h .at.r. t il l Tl

p ilvM oim oaoor .« i.n . n .» j‘NikUr K.t.lLnl rendition l«.M. p,

i’I.VUOUTH l-l«nr ..J in . Ila.lln. Ti• r, Kui» inod .. .......... Ill**

^A*s"ll '«..loor' n.dln, h . . i . » " >■'ir, ;.lnn._ flftli^ ^Io~l ll«.,^^,^ "

:lom;K I,.Inn r l r k ^ A »TriT }c[oofl-cjuaajltu. «»>-----------MM- . ■A T.T. ihl» 1* A Smoll Part, of"Orr'LxTTe'fltlecttm rto ■ 5^

ChoMe Prom l"

CRUCK L A N E " - W E S TNE 816-W . . T W IN PALLS

_____lie Bojd —or— Hoy H ow ard- - cia


-lurji.i. l lt l j’l,n<ouih aubutMn, i’ri- ‘I n . n.w. HI mm gtrwL

• - *1 -m » T

■ •T iIE J iL .\C E -.T O -G O — - J i« r To S ave Yiiur D o u g h V !

I) I«1 Pl.VWul!TII rra'nbrtMk ft.. 1 '*** I.<.ni. Hmk .ir.pllaiMltr rl.aa '

Youf tioi..________ IIJII I t lU I

Itl i:imvtH:w-Krw-V,Tkrr-d.d«rr---------- b.. i^u"'-j!i*-‘' i * r , * * * ‘ * iV m ' -1*“ -*

Ul C«HYSt,r.H' Wlh.U,r .<«lnor - 'd.1., .V.. ,„l„i. „ „ l Ur... ..din ’>n4 h..l... !lp.,I.I al . . IISII (

Ml lll)Di:>rc>tn...( <..lnor ..dan. N.w i p.i"i, n.w iw.p U.M, r.di* and • :

------------------------• - B RtJI t'ApIM.AC I'i! - fV,.ip«. !-»« ,wi

mll.«., Iw.i.., krd.i. ^

A s h w o r t h '|---------M i3tcyC(5nr[)aily ’

’> “ ‘I" r.**»________ I'bani i : t . _______

, W H Y D R I V E

Y O U R— O fcD -W RECK A N Y -------: '

L O N G K R ? ; - p .

"B uy one o f our.i in ft D if fe re n t C olor" j •*» |

Kl LINCOLN l.d<»r, Ul( i . a U rn ' |

i « sTimKn^KEn >; ion pUkup. !™.<»Mlt..hMa^i.r««o loriir i •• • j7'.«.‘‘ ^u‘; i : n d % 'f ^ _ 'i j T i I ,

•10 inni) :-do<ir, m m .» cr.r I - '----flaiih taa-riull m kr’_____ ■ ,

--------------- --------iISI RTlIDrnAKEB 'i Ion eVku^ ’

Iju.r.nil/ populir -fociUII ____ _______i

•» ........... .............. ............ « m I I

- T - W - I N - F A L L S — - ; --------

“ Equipment-Go.— -! <—SEE: Bud Teaiter 1

--------------- Robert, a Le*---------

— I ' AC

E A S I E S T ---------

P iace in Mflffic V ftlley -


_ , A U S E D C A B ___ ' I •

RICE C H E V R O L E T , In c .


III nUlCK Spwltl J.do«r. Tltdln. Ital- j

.r, oxrdrlr.. A ».ry rood v«Ju.

.lui. ImSoot, ItadK h.iUr, i» d ruh- ‘-r. Good lnB.pcrUlloa ---------- 1; » | j m r

! i m xiwi Bill................-....— i m I J


aoilli iraaiX i^a ____ ^ m ^ lI lT j , „ ^

1141 ^TUDr.nAK/n *'itoiplon 4joor i»lin. ir..l.f, «..r- j !•<* P

dtl... a.w ;.lnL I'ar______IIK "l l i l C

41 I'ORD |.pi>..n(.r m t*. O t.t. I «i.. dilv. .ad bMl«r..V..r..l.aii.Ull I . II

;ICE C H E V R O L E T , In c . " " £l l l l D

JEROME Phone iSO or 684 j ••

Open Evenlnai T ll I P. M ,. ■

, ' NK

W e're B re n k ln ? T h e *---------


. ' At '

B a v n a r d A u t o C o . i


-Mike Ul An Offer On Any ' jOni of .These Fine C an" i , c

: 1953 /11 I'AOII.LAC ••tr <.d~.r .«lin. ^

Tkl. ll .on . . .n . r r.r. II.. r.dio; i. b ..|.., h>d.a-iaillc. Ot.ullful blu> . ___ ^

. n ’rtKTt.^r-n.Ufi.is'dJuWTi.aMr: :...d.n, U.JIO, b ..l.. .nd b>dl.- snatlc, n

.1 SASH Anl>..iidor Cuilnm 4.dnor ! '.~l.n. nadlo, h.ll.r. du.l r .m . IJJJ fM ,in ,„ l,. b«J ind r« 11nlr.r ^

n‘ s.‘i 'i ! ; '.h ' 'r 'iu .‘ r:H*,nf‘'h?.;.r. .' i 5 « >

d.nidow, ll.mlllul lulon. r«l and Rkl..k flnUk, a

1 rONTIAC Chl.fl.ln I rrUnJ.r **

1 rONTlAi: fhlrli.ln drl.it. 4.do«r „•b'l’ wai: Iir.k W.'Told Iklt ear ! 1851 C

LLtimVJU.IJl Trat.Ur l.door awJan, . ___ >

JurL'lu";.iV.V7^^ i • ■; 1051 1I rONTIAC Cblrfula d.lui. i.door I 1

.Miti, Hll ..dlo. b.il.r, h>dra- I ^I 1 nig 1

* nl,D!l»lf)1III,V. " II- Club Coopa. ! ,_HlLf»d'oLh'.l.r. J utl lh. uall :

ior ikal »«ooj tar. ; IJJJJ ,J , CARS ARE W INTERIZED' '

•i r geari'w S rtH T rSaO iiied.....^Cuitw ntri''

1950_ . B A R N A R D _____: i „

i U T O C O M P A N Y : ^

imiAC CADILLAC I------- n p .,-H .> tl~ r .j |_________ ; - G LCl«. flandtr-8« You iloaiw : j j j y

: . K . . .

________ £ A G E .F I F r B B l i lI

A U TO S FOR S A U . ^ i

F O R D E P E N D A B L E T r a n a p o r ts t lo n -

“ - S e e " ' ?

B R O W N I N G S — S»» nVICK 2op.r *.<00,

Ilraaflow. ndlo, htnj,.«e».r. --------------- ----------

'» no in c Bp^i.ri^d^T'iudC:— “ ~

Ul CHKVIIOI.Irr IM<rTr<.dc«t________Iladta. h«l.., - ll..a. 8« Iki. <1... Job__ Mil

XI PI.YHfllJTH n.Iui.Hadio..h.il.r JA (ood bKH J J H .

R.di^ -• -

141 CIIKVnOLKfiuT.I.I.-.rnTLuw


».*'m\lr»"*h..uilfIl''h*,’ k'fiBlSWllh riifiom itlm uskoltl.rr,{A w.ind.rful bun _____ ._.I«J»

.503 SND AVE. N O ..................

B R O W N IN G -A U T O CO.—|Wk»t you d..l wlik Msrid.at.l

= = — = = '

_ : p ______________'

0 :


• D _

T - R - A - D - E - I - N - S

»(> ^OKIIAKKR R.til D.lui. V-l >

IJI n.YMnUTH Cluk C«,ip,. (g..Ihlt on.l -------- ------------l l t l l

il] ‘TUDEnAKEIl n .lii . V.I Com-mand.r rnlnor wllh ar.tdili.. ra- dl. .nd k.ai.r — _ _ _ n «

Ul NARJI R.mbl.r JIu.i0Hi 8l*^«

■■ ----------------- u m - ^

IU STUDEDAKER T-l C««m(Bd.r hirdiap wlUi aulaiatUr. ndia, dl- mtlli.r. pow.r ttMrlsr. llnu4 tlitt. wlr. whMl., WhlU tU nall - UfM aad l flM mMM——— | Wal-

T m r n T j - .

—MOTORSrlnc.— ■W ak T lttitiT '


FIR^T CHOICE .U S E D C A R S ■ nnd T R U C K S _____

A T W H O L E S A L E P R I C E S '

“By B l ^ - H « ^ Bob- ^ _II) rLYtdOUTK d.4oor. Radia, lwU>

tt, o .tH rlo. Ualwt rIaM, t*lan« palat, U.OM wtutl a lU i.lU »

^ tin t^^ il'u .' dl'm U a^ ?MaC|I .lan. Mini. I cwn.r. lowmirM f.___. : ^ z r z . t = = m T r

>lt ri.YMOiml iHloar. ItuUr. ern-drlT., *..( ta rtn ______ ;JIQ«

111 rSfVttOVm d*da.r> IlMltr, aaal n r .r t . . laa Ti.or, ll.OOl .(latl

III DODCR <-4aor. Rtdlo, knU r.'Mat M x n .......—______ IIMI.

Ill CHRVROI.ET 4-dnor, Radio,

141 PLVMOirnj ftadk, imU

i l CtlRVROLLT A.r. M aa. KaaU .

tt niYMOnnt 4-donr. R.dla and>.r.ler ________________ UU

41 DOOr:R 4.4o.r. HMi.r md


— IM-Hhwk--ted-AT..—fhnrth —NrJtT TO M ljrs CUT RATE


— O K —


153 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Sedaa Radio, .healer, le a t coven.Low mileage, one-ow ner

, car _____:_______ »ia»553 AUSTIN <-Door Seflan. H u

healer and d e Iro iu rs ,tln » l llghU, Kood Urci and flnUh,

■•“ Priced a l on ly ..... ....... $84»-SaJ3LD3MOBILE JtB " <-Doot- ■■• S c a a n r ' H yflram stic-trata '-

mlaslon, radio, healer, goodtireji and finlih---------$168S

52 PLYMOUTH Coupe. Radio, heater, - lea l cover*, U.OOOmUea. One owner_____IM#-

51 MBHCURY 4-Door Sedan,' Radio, henter. lea l covera, 2-lone palnl, molor and flO '-Uh U B00d.,_______ »U85-

ig DESOTO 4-D oor Sedan. _H ealcr_delrostera^8e»l.coy^

ers. good Ures .and lln lih f “ “

Sl CHEVROLET StyleUne De> Luxe 4-Door S e d ^ lU dls,

... h e ale r, clean;.low .tnU eait.:O ur price only- ^ ____ t i i4 t -

51 FORD 3-Door Sedan. Oilc> tnal black tln iih , bealer and delroslen ___u~fT S5

149 PACKARD 4.Doof BcOin.Radio and h t i le r — — $88S

>so~CHEVitoia:r~r=T>iiicn i e r Coupe. RadloTheattrT i i i r covera. Nice clean cir_4M 8

>5l-PO R I>-H 'T on-P leknpr-*-- Speed, heater and delrost*e r a __________________ITM

B50 S T U D E B A K E R H -ltm Pickup. Overdrive— - t t t f

Y O U R C H E V R O L E T D E A L E R — -•

3LE N _a.JE N K m &13 W EST MAIN i PHONK WTr'

i . . ’3

Page 16: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican


=. -We're cleaninj ; arrival of the

^ below wholesi!|l> 0

! I Come in and 1 I .noforononsv


p m o : \[ : : " F o m

I OVER]j demoMI w eek .

i ! ( lo yI: -ALL N

a n d «o( a n d col

( 4 ) Bl; -r- -------------------- T h e s a \

a pay lo i

j r'49CHEVR0LE1' J Fully equipped <

w ry clean

pi *595

f '5 0 NASH 4-tp : A m bassador. V'ery goml dition including goo

L ^ ^ 5 9 5

! U - .!| L '5 1 S T U D E . C o

Starligh t Coupe. C , I' ■ J Radio, Heofer

; I *795! ! -> -I-----------------------------------I ' i ________________________________

t o

9^ D iSPU Y I

If O P E N ^ --------------------

I rpAGE- S l X T ^ ' ..........

r o M ^

— c ming out to the bare w le new 1955 FORD.-i esole and ^en to giv i trade. ; . we won't iswer.


m y R S " T T D D Q E S 3 3 3 n r a

SRDKiyES - FORDOMATIC om trators like babies! Y o u

rB rand Ne^. NOW GOING AT TERRlI save kundreds of dollars. B c o lo rs . I

Srand Newsa v in K S -y o u ’U -m a k c o n .th c s c - y lo a d J - '

L E T 2 - D n | '5 1 N A S H St<ed o n d Fully equipped ,on rodto, he o tp rr '

5 I ^

4-Door ■ '^ P L Y M O UI g o od 'con - An extra cfeongood tires I I Worth m u d

> y *69.Comm. I'SICHEVROIe. O.D., " 'A gold-p lo tcd t 3ter ' a deed beo t

) *99i_____________ ___I _____________

_______________________]______________ _

S OThe Home q




i K E R O

I W N S - T! walls in preparation -All prices cut to whi flive-:away.I't give

m> U N T hBemonstralIC T O K IA ^ X C O N Y E R T IB TICS. Our salesmen treat i ^ou can rob ’em during' t h e :

ew 1 9 5 4 Foi;R lFIC DISCOUNTS! Com , Bifr selection of bodies, mc

V1954 Pickcse^pickups-wilL am ount to n

I S ta. W a g o n I '51 PLYK-ped, overdrive, Fully citp rr-good-tires ext:

^95 I ^

i 0 U T H 4 - D r ! | '49 W Ifeon P/ym outfi , r u *much m or*

R 0L E T 4-D r. Icd b o rg o in bt , S T A T I Cbeot p r ic c Pcrfcct,

>95 *

— E N G S - S G H I F F L E

m .of Ford—Aim

in a t Third Norf


> O M f <

T © ^

ion of the


' d J

H E R Eaforsn B L E i - n r :_ : r ^ at their ^h e n e x t

ords!Jome inmotors 1

kupso many----------- ----------—

Y M O U T H 4 - D r . | ^ly equipped andextra clean . .V

*995 ^

W ILLYSJEEP), 4-W heel d riv t •

^ g

1951 W lly 't I■ IO N W A G O Njct, 4-whceI drive

*995 I

LER -oitd-JA K E-R C

M tmerica’s Most . irih USED (

Y^— ^ S e e ^


o r t h e

i r i N F A

4 mct From AForc Than iO OUie M akes • Many Models — at » s in This SELI^OUT-SALI

1953 $ ’Stude. Champ.

1953 $■Plymouth -

1953 $ ’Ford- ............-

1953 $ ’Chevrolet

1952Ford Victoria , \

:OTH— --------------

B OAdvanced- Ca

> C A R W r l X

A n y ~ S a fe s \


■ I I I I I

Iew45m mIier-Used Can-onMur-Lotl an d 'A ll a t Final CIcaranct



14952 - D O O R S E D A N

o e a l - f o i u : h i l d r e n —

1295F O R D O R S E D A N

R A D I O a n d H E A T E R

15953 R S E D A N . . 2 - T O N E . . F U L L Y E Q U IP P E D

1495f C H O I C E B A R G A I N ! - ;L IC K a n d C L E A N


mar!f ^ ~ A fT th W E S f OSS FR O M SAFEW AY

s m a n a n

5 ^ ___________

^ 5 5 F C

I 0 V . 1 3



5TRA—i r l : -


iI ■ ■

I 1946De:

===19-46=H ui

( IMZFor

ANY CAR IIUl1947 P lyn

1947 P ly n

:J 1947 Nash—I Some fully equipped


l = i ^

\ 1949 Buick Roi I - —1950 Nash-Sta 'l-1949-Ford-2-de

1948 StudebakiAll with radio*, li

th e U s e d (

3 R t r ~

2 —

- 3 5 i

, W E E I

> O N U

b R D



9 5leSoto 4-door


ird 2 -door


; 5 0m outh 2 -door

m outh 4-door

;h 4-doorped with, radio, heater, etc


mtoadmaster 2-dr- tatesman-4-dr,—

J o o r — — ^— J

■ k e r C h a m p i o n W

d WeeHr.' M o n y oth*f*f

C a r M

