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Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

V aJlev o ecu r- % ^ o v . 4 a s T e ^ l t


^ ~7l

p M M

I At W hite■inVGTON. N o v . 5 CflV-Prcside ■ R e'pub lican ancl D cm o craU c con ■ • House b r ie f in jr o n f o re ig n t H o u s e w 'd th e f icssion is being ■ l i a f i i t ’s e s ta b l ish e d . po I ic y _ o L i'B l i c i i u l l y ndv iacd o n fo re if fn r ■m ccU njr" w i r U k e - p ia c c “ vWlh- l o l conKrcsp, b u t w ith th e D cmH i -------------- ----------------o v e r wh(B __________________ co h y en c j■ ^ 1 1 i j O i O l l BIputbJH o e lm potic

i n t s t o S e e ? ; r r ,V . tr&tlon. Bt

■ficial Count■ * , op«r»t* InHa>T). Nor. 5 «u.n«pubH - the new 1

cordon. Oregon re .

t w of* w l l y X e l / will ■ w o « M j - . e l e c -

H i 1). .111 'nol concwle the , • *p“ H u D«nocrtJ RIcJiirf L.H u-jeir-oia'PorUand »u- 3t»h'eloie K uib-uooiruiui-iuid-.ilou! .rt latlonarii

N tubeiyci ieadenhlp. ■ :« ]u d . The CtllK t t of Orecon’i i . m pre- c m Iculer. H riJicftpori^U ii-lhaL lilly . « n ho*«~ i

do nol h«ve 80 y a ttt denU lUn H a Th» count /rom the - - .

H I K ^ ' j »i:tory lh a t H a a t n l ot the w m iK to m «|onty ItKu' Sit*'

..O renn 'a 'o th e r tl^ ip r o b ! ■ ^ n d r n l W«yne Morse KJio*'l*ni

/i4 'a7ind<ni-<?t? j * * " '• rood ■ titth*D em oiraii.con tro l.K lIlcU I UbuUUon by the both the h H f t o i h « betn rechecked J*nuiry on ■ u 4 t u t e ‘i 38 counties. In tion return: H > ^ usofllcla! TOU, ne re r aaUonkl «i Htrfftum ed by ths o'rriclal The prei: ■ ferenci WciH r “ f-«''* Cordon, »ho h u confer wllh B v i wut4 10 year*, *»ld he on bolh foi ■ [9 - ta ‘Wishlniftcn-for th e l e n r b u n c H ule ieu lonon the question v id Umlnj H g ^M c jl/w rlh y .^ n ,. WU. wouJd h»v»

tor k recount In h a r t b e u i H lJ io a ird .O O P n iU o n a l c han lc io rl

I” H . ICMM Uilt ittiiSon en that. tc*n(UtH

mos Seen Rt folnyestipilNGTON, N ov . 5 T h e inv I will fall in to D c m o c rn tic han t :loje scru tiny o f t h o in n e r w orl dinini.itrntion. A n in e v ita b le a fti i.iim hicli th e D em ocr a t a a c iic d

a n d . ev/cic

' c r F r e e d

J u r o r s o nIn eommtr

psy Charge 5’.finJeH lUiperl. wm lound fSf

S "= -S “w;uiijiiiMct« ». H ‘rntlon. putri

Daniel, on S etOUfleU In his be-

' Burley Atlmlnlstr«^ DjnlcLi, nnd Sher- " '‘*’5' ^ I**W *u pro,^cmer. PoXs't

trial before J .a iicc fp j o i Chnrirfl r,{t«{in. Ctra »nd mc

Welmnr. c<Jr., R. J . B ro id- »«M Hed

chAr«« of I AMtrwji, Goodltii:, “nd "K've flw

fltlvinc. WM to The spotlli J n t- Rovernment

n ir l l f Pum phrey R«publleaiu ""Mn »(i,r Ills h it >>e reco “ »uiomQbilp» nn Blue ndmlnlatrallo

"0 norUi I-'Mdny morn- committee cf Senator M

'•tf'. I I-'i'coln •Jc ou; u ch

1. » «

nppolnUve o

--------------------- office uppolij(’L- D 1 *''"■'‘' ‘’11 *'onif i enalized , Appomiive’INO, Jim- . _ from lettfri

■'«npl!o , ; to »tui

* ^ r » i « y "PE"Uh Ktlll! C l j d !

■I i y Po- Smith.« '>r(0/ “"d '^'>cn ° ‘" 'e ?<>»'I nlfiH En^unia *‘j’cctg «nd wW*drrt suiltj, chief; Altn H----- -— — Kiiren Bell.

■-------Mary Lou Jol

r~ m m V

J " A Rej^onal Newj

■ y Offlelil Cltr tx jC m tr

Both) T a l k - H e House Isidcnt Einenhowcr today ^ ^ ^ H confreaalonarieadcr.vto

m affaira Nov. 17. The ein? callcd “in line with iULCCpiniL.tlio.,]cRde»_dl m relations."i ih - R c p u b lic a i f f l - n t i l ! - { nDemocrats ready to take | ^ H when the 84th con^ejix | ^ ^ H

:ncAin J a n u a r y . . .___________ir tlu n coiuu lu tlon on for-policy has been underU kenIlcally durlns the l l r i i twoof the SlMnliower admlnla-

1. But the Presldenl'fl call forleeUoK on Nov. 17 leemed toKore h ll ataled desire to eo- ^ ^ ^ H:« In every «ay pcu lb le wllhew Demwratlc leadenhlp .nhower u ld a t hU newa con- ^ ^ ^ He WedncAlBy th a t h e JnUndauult-w lth. the D«mocr«t4-«Qortlgn and domestic ra&tlen.. Knowland. R., Cnlir.. had pie- Elsenliower «> eoffer to est«b- :loie cordt&l a sd construcUve'* ^ ^ ^ B n u r lth - th f t ney_DtmDcraUcihipjmcoosrcsa.______________Californian. arnnl« .Republl- ^ ^ ^ H

ader. had b re a k fu i w llh El- ^ ^ ^ H rer-and -m itlln ra~ the 'F resI- ~ ^ H H I sund to newsmen afterward.Lyndon B. Jo luuon. D„ Tex.. , to step up In the new aeaslon .owlandl pr*5enf*i»8lClon“ u ,w ” ly M t r . n i a prom- J meel Ujb F i is id e n i rtiore' —s.

wland aald the chief executive ^»oo<J-re]aUon.»iUj.U}*.I5aajo-__________w_ho_wlll Uke over control ofhe hoiue and 'th '6“aenat«~ln ---------------y on the basis of cu rren t e!ec- tum »-ln lha ln t«reat of the ll welfare. BONN,President told hl« new t con- hl« own i I Wednesday th a t he plana lo will nnk 1 with the-DemocraUc leadera A H rnnn Ij fo r« ln and domeatlc m a t-jraO aM -lhal'tho-m Y ch'inlc* a n a r e in - lm ini of auch consultation He proi hava to b* worked o u t U t«r. Jenn-Mnr

icrUmini. u p s e t th eddtd tha t he and th* Preal- so v e re ig n utH M i. c>u»< ti G e rm a n y

* w e s t ih d(

irady S S a M O E ^in v e a tiffa t iv a p o w e r of

nand» In J a n u a r y p r e - u . I S ' J t S , iVorKinga oi tho L ia e n - fication uniaftermath of Tuesday’s u rencRoiit iied power in the house *c«P“ i>i6 i v id e n lly i n ' t h e senate ,“'i "'“Ilal probes oa differen t u r - b’aalcnlly 0

ona party In control of the -----e departmenl and th# olher t t imand of the leslstatlve H p n i * the letiip la tailor-m ade for - * • • ■ • • of eongrcsalonal inveallgat-

imlU«es-as soundlne boards - - S f - o i * 1956 presldenUal elecUon. lh# Republlcaa* won con- /-v

.ha eoUi conjrre&s durlns the I I v f

. admlnlslraUan. . H o u a e ___ ^Joseph,W .-iIarU n,-Jr.raald - • n T m r r v ' P would open each day wlUi u r and clo.« ll w ith an In-

the Uieft 0lly sure to be caugh t In thc bclonglnK ta )f DcmocraUc InvcsUgatora surU id Frld Elsenhower's p roeram aimed probate Jud ed security- rlska. «dmlnls- . i , p .C ron.!. «nd u r l l . . S ' * ”" ',? ., «M l i t n.nfllln i; ol .Ih t J ‘“ ™

l« » l.r .U o „ p r o ,„ m . S ' iS m S ilstrallon officlaU also are J be Quitted closely about "l“)llcles toward conservation ? " l \ ln •al resources, b m ln u s mer-I monopolies, th e awarding „ i , , i t conlracta-and-almllar la- w ? - - \ e ha ed In with DcmocraUc

e flttny progranw. rf<.fi.nrtnnupotllghl on communUU In "* ,cnl prob« may fnde a.i ^ ians uho have eagerly dug records of dm I Democratic Crystal tes

raUons topple from key te chalrmanshlpa. Sept. » andir McCarthy, R.. W b.. will O'* helf J Chairman of the Bovern- leratlons committee nnd IU also-tesllflei Un»t4 c«ia«a J l „ cicar on Ihc

A p p o i n t m e n t s R e p

o u n d O u l ^ o u t h Myslx Junior high school a lu - 'm a n Jean k ire bem nam ed -to -iill-d ty -B errettrftrt' ve otflces as p a rt of the Dean Dar youth program being con- apector; Ste< n the school by th e Twin apector; Rogycees.----------- ;--------------------im isRtcr^ iKhlof u re W n lh -Io n g p ro -II come Monday w heiijun lor P J I " iM rdlF H m m lM loncrt and M arslm lC -a . ipolijtefs will spend the day Mowivtt, iissl alongilde clly officials.itlve po.-.ltlomr-wfre flllrd „ ‘iJJ’J'on tlr r i of appllcnUon aub- J stuclenu elected “city com- f i - Jast «eeV. [S?eman! sl

Bppolntlve of/rces“ w nn>« meter atfen(l thiif, city m anager: Jo>ce p .r k , »ttend; y clerk; JUdy Holmtin. city s iu d e n u v : Kay Crowter. c lly treaa- before relun Jletn • Moon, police Judge; *.i,ere Uiey w (ilth, clly engineer. - ' day working Powers, superintendent of Jaycees wl nd water; Mike O m y. police students nnd Ita Hamilton. J#m ea Clark. The clly a: 3ell. Judy Newcomb and aUngw U hth u Johiuon, poIlKmen; Kor* the program.

--------- T W IN

One Way to

HD Murphy, manager ef Idslis theater, U on lhe Fidelity .National bank comer lo Ihe

ralk.aa.Lhejcsuil.oLloslnx an.elecUon bet. » Glen Taylor. (Suff pholo.enrr«Tlni>

erman Leader —Sa^-TSIil)N N , G e rm a n y , N ov . 5 (U.R)— C han( iw n R o v c rn m en t a R a in s t th e F ra n c ( in k F ra n c e to reopen ncK o tin lipna ( e n a u e r y ie ld e d to p re s s u re f ro m tl ! - i n - h is -c b a i i t io n - R o v e m m e n tr~ — p ro m ise d to a.sk F re n ch P r e m ie r P

•M arie S o u to u . to Bonn to re o p e n S e - re v o l t- f lg a ln a t- th e -p ro j ro s t rd -S n m

th e L o n d o n -P a ria a trre c m e n ts , labie ig n ty a n d r e a rm in g o f ---------------r-ift.ny BR R p a r tn e r o f. th ein d e fe n se n jn iln s t Sovi- I . r t i lprreaaion.Jea-France, 4ur!ng the Paris ' / v ower conference, warned thst I i ' i : would nat ratify the Oerman t f-limenl trea'ly iinleas T t wm Jjanled by a_setUement of lhe T h h JL 'ir of Ui'e’Saarli-filcfi lln 6il?een ny and France. opened a tFD P announced to Adenauer “?r8 a tte i would refuse to* vole for rail- abou t 125. 1 unless the S.iat agreement fts j t a f f e c egoUated to ninke 11 more 'Ible to Oermany. program ,nniw have-parU eulirly-ob- to Uie Intcmallonnllwtion of a tto rn ey a nrland. where the peopl# are A gcnei ly Oerman and which a t f lo o r answ>llni»4 (B r u * 1«. C*liaii I) .

______________ _ flion, a no, . e d lunchcc

arnigs Ai e artcd for 2 s S Iyer Rustling ;££‘|L ^ , 'N o v . 5 - Preiainary f ^ u t u w T / ' ;s for H. O .T ortn tr and Jl. B. i l j i e j„i, !. boat Tft’in Fiills. on chsrgu ° ..jjo i' w e id larccny In connection wllh r/y .,iiv" will e ft of l«'o Hereford heifers BlatnK tfl Emmett Cry.^ul, Albion. CPrlday momlng hero before efnploye

J Judge Henry W. Tucker. „ „ U d by C )Ugh both men are charged rome Coopej enllng (tie same htlfers, thi senUUve.[s arc proceeding separately a meeting jindell's to follow Fortner's, commlllec. i ) noon only Crj-stal had been A. H. Jagebi wltnMj sU nd. He tfsUlled C jp p .m . I placed 7< hend of his catUe “rid t

Uc grazing land In April and draw n «p i mLw UiR two hfltci*-untll boa r^ cf-d lri le had’ bcen -Informed by a J^>llowlng i ln.ipeclor Ihnt t«n ot his day a t the T nd been .lold In Burley by lhe *cy. Washini mta. CftUle belmicliif lo the ,nt.s nLw were being run on « I of lllc Innd.nl lesllfled he Ulked lo Kort-)Ut the sale ot hLs cattle on ..> nnd Uml Forlntr wld him j. heifers had been wld aceU ,,•. The complaining wltneas j^ rmsllfled that his br^nd wm 1 ihccAtUe.anfl e.i»y w retd.

‘ “ morning aess

e p o i: te ito _ || |“|;!|;.M onttP JanE SK;an Mllchell. flrt ehief; Vic omlsl. will dlj-flI«^nJpeclo^------------—

Danihouse. elecirlcal In- Election of ; Steve Lincoln, building In- alt«rnoon bu; Roger Detweller. plumbing -------j m ^ u i l y n « '« i t h r - w n l* - I J ' |V p |: ^ Patsy Duller, fupcrlntend- i J l c C L l U

pa rts and_retrentlon;_ A niia_____ l i r « ,lC-aln)orl.m >n«Kfr;_A]fc^ ____ | V e i, iisslsuni city rngUieer. WASHING Jensen, streel foreman; Bill ^f the top P

snnltallon forrman; Dale pricen. clly shop foreman: Mary p rd f^ on, water and aewer fote- -pre tty mucli Martha Horne, niter plani support quest i; Snndy Bncon. parking d uI Sen. :ife n (ia itr« n i-rv * T r^ y lo r; DnkOtTRfjrai ttendanl. be angUier fnU will lour city facllitif* gre.vi conven relum ing to the city hall siore SO per i hey will a\icnd Uie rest of the ihe basic cro •king alonirslde city offlclab. Young wm es will serve lunch to the year's unsuc I nnd city officials. Uie flexible S3Ity and achool.n ara cooper- sored by Sei lh the Jayceea in conducting Denson. He i j« m . th a t Benaon


to Lose on Electic

It on h ll hands and kneet rolling a g Ihe theate r on Shoahone alreet easl. Mt

I be t-U -W am o.H uU sr, manager-«t- Or l»_________ ______________ I________ •

ir Bows to Re Reop^ing J

hancellor Konrad A denauer toda> ■anco-German S a a r oprccihcnt an WH on th e b itte rly (iiaputed Issue m tho jnodcrato r ig h tis t F ree D(

er P ie rre M ende.s-France‘fo sen en S a a r t i lk s w ith Germ iih bfflci S n n r ^ t t t e m e n t th rea ten ed lo a laboriously worked out, fo r re?

loperative Cc Qpens-Anpiia-23rd-«nnual-m eflUn?-of-tho4dah( i a t th e .T u rf club F rid a y morninfi a ttend ing . A fternoon attendance 125. Technical discussions of th e

.ffecUi cooperativo operations higl im . W illiam G. S tacey. Salem, On )f th e ac t and F . L. Graybill, Sp'e y ’fT V ^ cw ;- - ------:eneral discuasion followed w ith insw ered. by th e two apeakers. II no-host, g e t-a c q u a in t--------------chcon w as held. ] l / r r t r f^ ilesion. Dolsc. w u chairman iT X U U J momlng session.emlUi. chnlrman of the « r. r p I cnU-com mUlte,- gave the - X ' O ' J of welcome,

y afternoon sesslona were lo / " ’ I a talk on cooperaUve public s. -J. K . e icrn, WMhlnglon. president of Uie American BOISE, e ot Cooperalibnrwm-Bpeak craU, who s Job We Face." galas In U

•We Have Done the J ib day'ji elect ’ will be described by Arvel today of ar Blackfool, manager ot Uie house,

n CoopemUvc, Inc, Views Pending iloye rcUUons will be pre- canvM m lj by Clyde Ross, Ourley. Je- RuUt Moor ooperallve Creamery repre* can Incumi e. bcrl by 3Eeting of the council's youth sta te IreM' •ec. under the dftecllon of clncts nol agebi. Duhl. U planned for two pre m. Plans for the council's Len,d FFA programs will be probnbly n up and presented to the , i i . ^ t l if-dlreclnrafior.aDprovali.^___ but-Jt-*’as-Ing a banquet at-'J P-n>--to- feet the fm •he T urf elub, Homer Brink- jjjr.i Mo ishlnffWn, D. C . extcuUve .10753 ror ildent ot lhe Natlonnl CoUn- -j|, a„oUj Farmera Cooperatives, wni ,uperinUnC agriculture export prospects. „gn QQp , r recently headed an agrU . . .h 's log. u-ttde mission to Asia. „ m,,, „ Brockman, Caldwen. man- w ith 878

the Idaho Egg Producers .j,- jo j ,„ lon and a. member ot the ^0041 farm credit board, will oui» _operaUon of the new farm c ^n i

admlnlstraUon a l Sunday p ^ n i s J : aesslons. , 'ring a noon luncheon, Wll- ^. xjoore. MOSCOW, council — w iin iv e -a -rtp o rt on-lhe lUon'a aellvltlea ihe PMt ,P1 D r. Robert W. Wilcox, U nU |tuaiiy an s of idftiib~txiriuion~econ 1 ' i n i _ •III discus* th# 1055 agrlcul-i .

m of offlccra will climax th e ' conUnu ■n buslneas meeting. jM ? » !£lj

lioiTRisults 1^1^ i^ere 'Standoff’UNOTCN. Nor. & Lf\-One Hong way:op pleaders for high, rigid commentsrice supports today Inter- porl:r a ^ a y 'a elecUon results m "Ultle imuch of a sUndoff" on lhe idaho- ancquesUon. ] a few Helen. Mdcon Voung. North wnshlngtcRfjrabllcsnradded there-will -nurtheastefier fight In lhe new con- curring Frnvehlng in Jinunry to re- ,n (i ngalrper cenl price supporU for day. toUI

c crops. an mch.: WM In the Ihlck ot this > abovimsuccesstul batUe agnlnsl nioiUy inble system of supports spon- mlnlmumiV SecreUry of Agriculture '" ‘ p „ b ah He suggested several Umes

;i:4on ought to realgn. — —

•. NOVEM BEIt E. IS M ____ _

j ^ = U

------- United.fu rn ish

T"-------^ a t o m i c -i l l ^ T h c (

po!iticfl_ nbw(*r’a tlo n a l I fo r pea

theposedod 10 ovprogram-SUitcaoperateoouracslnvlt« isivisit Amcllllles adoctors.

Lodge I aiatea is cipal t tcl

n udes

technical ed In all

a grapefruit wllh h b tiate a s Loc Morphy pu l hla nose to the O rjftieum-theater.-M urphy• rtwii

,, . Elsenhow

revolt. ■ S%_ ______ open to

“ TT 4 ------*1------- *1' PresidentIs Asked StCanada,

day bowed to a rev o lt In Africa at and told h i» cab in c t he fffam-

sue.D cm o cra li i ( P D F ) w h o ' S , " I

-------------------------------------m e-tt'o rtlend h is cab in e t chief, natienai.if lc la ls . ' * ................0 ariarl anA,poB.‘iibly to res to ra tion of G erm an ing fo r t

f ' * 1 • year'ounciK \ k;ir - — LfldR* de

1 T V ' - t "Wo ar' $ 1 1 r f l 1 * 1 0 \ T

aho Cooperative Councii E 5 Xing w ith abou t 75 m em - ^ncc 13, expected to be | J n the revenue ac t o f 1051ilgh ligh ted tho m o rn in g T { ’|; Ore., gave th e a u d ito r ’sSpokane, p re sen ted th e l o n d o

BrlUifi 1th questions fro m th e agreed ye; ,. Following tho d iscus-

arm 'West

on Seems or %S ) Have Won


^lose VictoryIE, Nov. 5 (UV—Idaho Demo- lined the vho made some-aubsU nU al -R assinnr \ the legislature a fte r Tues- will ilrmllection, aiso seemed asturcd of nn earf anoUier office In lhe sU tc - Hlghllgl

F rench p!Ing any change Uie official 1. The mlghl produce Nov. 33, M n , patched tloon, Democrat. led Republl- week of Iumbent Mrs. M argaret O il- weeks bef■ 3B3 votes In the race-fo r Is due to eMurer. w llh only five p re- Pnrla, agi lot reported. mnny. D t precincts In Idnlio county, s. The Lemhi and one In Elmore— oul two U y not more Uian 100 votes sla m ia i 4 UII were imaccountcd for, four conl was-doubtful they , could ai- )>c-nel~upfinal loULs. • {(, Moon had III .I09 » o t« to mror Mrs. Olfbert. S ‘ i, loUier close bailie, Uint fortcndenl ot publle InsU-uc- . i i .Q e rmJPIficumbent Alton B. Jones permed 'lOfl-vote marcln ovcr.Dcm or n,uat act11 Robinson. . irra iv 1878 ot 883 preclncli report- J^ee andnea had 110,140: . RQbln.son Au-strla.

TntK E HlTfi rA R IS TS. JJoy. S WV-Mnny Paris- RANOOre unable lo buy Uie staple Burm a ar• d le t-lirend -todny . -A 24- trea ty Frl ikers’-alrlke-to-prou 'st-flov . ing_th6_a t price ceilings clo.sed v ir- two count 11 shops. “

_ F a ir“ . r B r i liinued fair wenlhrr, with alight poislblllly of sliow- in thc offing for southe rn •m id 'n U .c isF a ilS -in K E T “ WAOHK ly forecMl sent Prlday by

T>r,.M gresslonal,1 winter weather seems" a J™,’ay orr,"-Uie AP repo rte r ,:nted as h r read ihls re-

le or no rain In nouUiemand aouUitM leni-Crccon.- grown-ifl-llight showers In eastern T he for

igton, north Idaho and sU ff of tJ

: Fridny night or Saturday enUUed "p;aln Tuesdny or W edncs- of lhe Unllo u l am ounu .10 lo .2S of decade." ta:h. Temperatures averag- 13 yearsBove normal,' maxlmums ]ihrough Jt

In Uie 50.S or low (iOs. ;11.. T he rep employmer

■ ' " ' ' per cen l c

Nine I r r ig a te d I d a l io C o u n llca

WtmW •> A^ll not

S h a r e

Ato:s 'lT E D N A T IO N S , N . Y ., N ov, fi c d _ S ta tc a J f lJ !e n d j^ to s t a r t tall- ish a to m ic m n t e n a i r f o r re sc a rcic -k n o w -h o w f o r- p c a c c .- _________c c h i c f A m e ric .in d e le g a te In th ' ical c o m m itte e t h a t t h i s w ould b t ’s p la n s f o r n i r i r i le r n a - .1 p o o l o f a to m ic e n e r g y T__. l e a c e fu l p u rp o .so a .' I T llining a program ot acllon for ext year—even belore *. pro- InternaUonal agency U c real- d oversee the atoms /o r peace I

u n —Lodge aald the XInlled ' I is ready to train persons ta _ te nuclear reaclow. to offer U av :s In nuclear wtety, and to died a 150 foreign cancer cxperU to Cj^y ^

American cancer research fa- o c f 1I and «wap vleu'S w im U.'B .•a. T h ele also announced the Unlled f a r th

is ready-to-tiva. tn lhe p r ln ; the ro -itechnical llbrarltt of coopir- ----------T in t t tm n t r i1ljr»nn ~of-datK — -----clear tntrgy plus seu ef cards | r»C flUnc . 60,000 KlenUflR and V “ ® cal books and reporU publish- .all counUles, • , VULodge spoke there sh’as no from -Moscow w hether the

J is -h n d 'eh a n g td -lh c lc -m ln d a ..........Jfctrtrrt tn go a lp ng ,w lth4h» —-------lower' propoaaU. "With nego- IS lUll under way beiween > ligton. and Moscow, ‘ Lodge clear lha l Uie door la sUU , ,

to the Russlsns to Join theent'a-program.----------------------V Z J Zsaid the United SU les haaalkirig- w lUTBrltainr Fnm ct?a, Australia. Belgium, SouUi ^e

and Portugal on th e pro- ,Xhe United SUK;* haa said g-dkeRO -ftKead wlUi ths program n,.mS^r

«r th e Russians Join or not. days bei

5r tn o -b a-d o n e-b y -th o -tn te r- al.atom ic agency favored b r „ in t .d inlted S tates.-H e also, aald nlted SUtea and other cmai- haiiou a u sponsor » resoluUon caU- ^ 1, ,r th a , U. N. to convene an * ‘V‘ ^

s ”d e c lm d : . - ^

m p ^ A g r e ^ S E n Answer to S ' {ed ProposalDON, Nov. 5 tn-A m erlean. •’’ ,^^1 X a n d F iC A c h diptm nau — 1— . yesterday on a plan designed t Rusala's attempt to block i H i - r i ' n agreem enu to free and re- 'e st Germany. «kremlin’s bid took the form I i q

proposal for a conference of U 1 3 g four foreign ministers ihla _. U> discuss a O em an peace I len t and-arningcjncnta-for-a - - uent non-ftgpresslon alliance in Uie communist and non- . jn ls t Tialions of Europe. ,.hree-power commlltee out- i ‘™ h e term s of an answer to the mr-whtch,- offlclals-ieported. "rmly rule oul any likelihood early big four conlerence. f,■llghU of tha American-

ne'^wcalem notes wlU be dls- Jjj” *fd”'d d to Moscow about the Im I ®)f IhU m onlh -o r only three "before Uie French parliam ent deatw, j to debate raUflcauon of Uie tured or ngrecmenU on Wcat Ger- relumed Doo, H-17..

ne weat once agnlh will spell 0 tigh t condlUons whIcJi Ru.s- . . . f . . . . i«i fulfill before a new big L* ^ :onfereni:o-oo Oermany can

flrsl U Uiat Russia must In ndvance to free, super- 30

national elecUons in Uie So- dna] me of Germany *0 th n t nn fense'dcp ;rmnn .governm ent-.can be cMual I. T he sccond ,1s Uiai Ruwla correct di net In advance to concludc uocatlon ly o t independence th a t will „ ... nd end the occupation of {xfgre a ^ • ‘ on Uic ca------------------- ;-------- lean irooTREATY SIGNED ' porl wllll

OOON. Burma, Nov. 8 W'— public cn nnd Japan signed a peace Tlie a r

Frldrf>- night, officially end- unllles w t SUle ot war between UiB 2.087. the jntrles._________ ___________ the arr~~Tc

ight-Economic- Man Seen by ;

HINOTONr-No»Hfc4^l-------A. oLsomtLJm deruken for a Joint con- for lha t 1 lal committee predicted yes- Tills w lh a t—by-JB 'S -the- naUoa'* ploj^ment

y.wm be hnlf.aialn m b la “ burea^ al ;i said uxes will be lower, the clvlll lursshorier. wages higher and of thla y' Uon'a population wUl have In trai a-lBD.mlllIon». .forecnsi was made by lhe ’r the aenate-house commit- lhe_cconaiiikJtj>ort._IL?:'as “potenUal economic erowUi

Jnlled BUtes during lhe next '■ bu l actually look In Uie “ 'V

S ; . 5ro”' .. make lereport predicted th a t un- but ll w Rient 4n 1883 would be aboul paring la nllllnn persons, or" about 4 laUon. 1II of th s civilian U bor torce cauacU o

S r - .....................E r

ica [_______________

nr'-ili-lBM __

R e a d y t (

S e c f e t s

>mic Ma5 (/P)— H en ry C iib o t L o d g e , j r . .

a lk .s .w ith o lh e r c o u n t r i e s on b a rc h r c a c lo r i o v e rse a s a sn > ^ n 't“ c

th e U N announced t o ' t h e g e n e r ; :i bo a g ig a n tic f o rw a rd s t e p f o r 1

[ljuries Take October Cras

lav id H e r b e r t B eus, 59 , lo n g - t im e I a t 11 p .m . T h u ra d a y in t h e L D l

a s a rea u lt o f in ju r ie s h e recol> . 15 a t F a lls a v e n u e a n d - E n a t l a n 'h e d e a th b ro u g h t to 47 t h e n u m b c t h i s j x a r in M ag ic V a l le y . A t tJ

re -h ad -b ce n -ag - trn ff ic d e n th s in - tl

jssia Solon yZ% W' ins Post in J iff ic ia lJ C fis t^JRLEY. Nov. 8-ElecU on of K . M r. I 3arlow M aUte. senator from In Logo la county V u assured Friday J ^ y le olllclal canvass of lhe gen- T hey 11 eJecJlOT vole by lhe county for the

nlssloners,_________ __________•;rlowflthe Ilepubllcan candidate, vea 2JM vous.lo 'sass to r H er- / Bedke, his DemocraUc oppon-

• SCirvl dke replaced .J. S. Berry, u th e aon. Da ocraUc candldato only » few one dai before Uie elecUoo when Berry. DIackio irew__M_c»ndldat* because of lealih. Dedke's name waa n o l ed on Uie official ballot be- .e h e enUred Uie ric 'e 'a fte r t n i Nampa, U .had .bean .pria led . SUckera O ne his name oh^Uiem were lu r - ceded fl

■d all voters In the counly on Fune) Ion day ao hU'Dams could be a t 3 p. :d over Berry's. be anotUve elecUon, US ftoentQB faa^> W7- were c u t aod loma 6^ them ' aent out by.tbe ep&nty audl* - office beforB' B eriy-realgned. I | p «

•rer. In the official tabulaUon

lh rnn »Tr>pUnn. thl> -official C J f lu a of votes b rough t'to ligh t Ically no changes between tha A al and unofficial count. T he / I excepUon was In the race for

trcMUrer. Margaret G ilbert: *-OAKI Republican candidate, received Severe, votes Instead ot 3.TM and h e r Ilrat re<

r m li. CaUan 4) momlni — -------- :----------- ---------------7 lived in

nal Casualty m any y<

ists Released S'S“__ rled UU

.n Korea^W^ar STutS!"kSHINOTON, NOV. 8 flJ.R)-The daughte tse department. In a •'IcntoUve • casualty report on th e K o- Bommzi war, said today Uiat American s had 1 0 ,001.casualUea In th e ^ -year connict.J departmenl a l» officially I the books on Ihousnnds of ig- personnel, declaring th a t missing persons now are prc- 1 dead. Puner> casualty toUl Includes M.628 3. lC3ia< wounded. 6,133 cap-

or missing but subsequenUy “ l^ o p led to m lliury controJ; 34 ig. and 31 refused repatxIaUon. O i^ e y t the 24 sUll listed as mlsslnc, tno i*ayr

, depwUnent said Uiat onlyi a ir force filers are ‘•definitely ”ti td'bo alive." I ' ”! casualty report, revised Up ta30, waa described aa a ‘‘Icnta-Inal reporL"-However, the d e -j i^,ckdepartment said tha t the auditiualty reports is conUnulng to jt duplications, erroneous id en - , u’cek-crlons-and classilicatlOns. , | ^hvlll probably be several yearsj rcU ry-tr a dellniUve (oUl Is reached jie u: casualllcs suffered by Amer-j heioops. UnUl then, today's r e - ! u,g ^rlp•111 probably represent th e finals ^ r a bi

casualty report. „slden larmy sulfered the mosl cas- promoU

1 wlUi 109.958. The navy had , the marine corps 38,205, andr~Tort^ri3»:----------------------

j-Future-for-WTlSSlnjCongrii>. mllllan nertons fo rtcM titrc aaur? a t time. clea.I would compare with unem - T he n ent callmated hy the census cipal cor\ a t 2j741,000 o r T rp e r 'c c n ro t 1033:-----vlllan labor (orce. In October PopCpf s year. w im ibutransmllUng the flnd ln st to ArmeC commltue, SU tf D irector ^ l i h 3 ’i r W. Ensley said they were p ivm , on assumpUons th a t Uie nex l

B would see no major war.-Joint commllt**-U-h«ui«d-by — senUtlve W olcolt.:R .;.-M lch. ”an economic study group con- l ' '” - ! of senators and tepreseniA- T he a from bolh parlies. U does n o t tu ra l • c

legislative recommendaUons loSB dot i worU wlUi commltleci p re- to 5«i r : lax and oUier economic legia- o f 6U. t . and wllh Uie P re a ld e n tl c u l tv t l U or Konomin advlsere u id t h i Bill

FINAL;d it io n - ^ =

— m i c E -iiiC E i m —


s of iterialj r .. told the,U N today th a__1 bilateral -agreem ents to ' t “ o n r p r o g r a T i r t i j - s h s r 8 — :

leral flssemSlyTSlPnatlon >r 195S in Pre.sident E isen -__ j

3 Life of J ish Victimme resident of Twin Falls, LDS hospital in S alt Lake celved In an auto accident • land drive..nb e r o f traffic fata lities so j !; tha-sam e time la s t year, I n-the-regionrTh&-proviou»— I nrd fo r tra flic_dca ths in IJ r one year in Magic Volley | S 43 .

in s hen It collided with a dump I I :k driven by Jack Nodlne, 3 0 ,^ 1 r. On Oct. 18 he wm flown to lha H I r- Lake-Cltr j ^ l u i ^ -f^apecU l W

;r. Beus was bdm May n . 1(83, ^ :.Ojan. UUh. Ha married Violet r Jones^Sept. 3,1914,-in -U tah .— y lived ih Uis Tw ln.Falls’krta the PMt 40 yeara. They lived on arm on Uie Salmon trac t for Tai years'Tind had'TesldEd-tn— n-Falls alnct. n& -»ai_a .roem ^ _ of UlB ID S first ward-church.- -

Orvlrors Include his \vldow, ona ', David Wayne Beus, Twin ValU; daughter, Mrs. Kenneth SmlUi,

ckioot; tw'o grandchildren; ons er, M n. NelUe MontipimerT. '

«, Bliss, and 'WUUam' Beui,npa.--------------------------— .;—ne « n and. tiro broUiCTi pre- ed ftlm ln d e att. r..unenU aervices will b« conducted 3 p.‘ a . Monday a t . a hlacs ts iQoaimcedbr.TVln.7tUlmdrtO< .

• ..

eati (3 ^ 8 ) a k le v N M y r ^

At Age of 74 jAKLEV. Nor. i - Joseph W. II ere. 74. whose birth w u lh a ' i recorded here, died T hunday ning a t hts home hcre,.Ho‘lu n L .1 in OatTey all his Ufe. r . Severe waa bom Sept.'31.1880.V' w u In the sheep buslneu for* ly years and later w u a fanner. | also had been aa^cmploja o(. Oakley Canal company. He mar* u m e Brlgga on March 23 ,1M4. w u a member of tba LOS.

*h- __________ _________ _irvlrlng a r t his widow, tw o ' thiers. Mrs. Anona Maughan. cn. and Mrs. Merlin Collins, onza. UUh; Uiree sans, Harrt- SeTere.-:Rockport. Wash.: Ralph-.. e ,-M onrav la..a llf;'.and Riiehl xe. Ft. CoUlns, Colo.; a alsUr,

Cyrus Hunter, OaUey, and a ber of grandchildren and great- dchlldren.m e n l senlcei will be held a t m . Monday a t lhe Oakley LDS macls with Mr. Sevcra'anephev,— op Forest Severe, officlaUnj. Judlng riles will be held a t tha;: ley cemelen^ under dlrecUoo of ! ?ayne morluary. Burley, b len d s ;

call a t UlB'mortuary Sunday ■noon and erenlng and a t tha ly home In Oakley from 8 a. m.^. me.of Uie s e r v i c e . _

Canceled"ack of inurcst forced cancel- on I'tfday ot UlB scheduled d will tour t^ Elko over the k-end, reports Howard Mof- Chambcr of Commerc# lec- '

ry-mnnager.e said only a few buslnesi- 1 had made reservaUons (or ir lp. l l w u planned to char- a bus to take 3Q T^\ln Falls denU to Elko for buslneas notion and to confer on rout- of tourist U^afflc. . .

Sjrking—- xess^^poftury and o lh tr axecuUTt aeen* .

Q r tp o tl predicted thesa prin* comparisons beiween 1865 and

pCpallon, IM 'm M ohT cbinpaM r' lbB\i millions. .

m ed forces. 3 millions compared 3 ’.i millions.

villsn labor fo rce.IB mlDlooir- pared wlUi mUUona In 1833, nployment. 73 'mmiona com- d. w lih .'neiriy 63 miiUohl Jll_

ie sU tf predicUd Uiat ig rln il* -,1 • emploi-ment, followln* it* down trend, iwould fall •b y -l# « -

«i ralUlons, from the 1833 total M mmions,.but Uial non -ftri-. u t l employment would r M m BltUlotB; from U U HfflllnM. "

. . . J

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

" J — ------------

j F iv ^ M e n D ie 1 in (^ack-iipi

OfAirplanI-. . B r- lin U « d f r t sI T h r t* m lllU ry pU nei, Indi

I M pufttcd p u t s of U u couDlnr. j . ln s n v « m e n .I H i s m ost '•peclAcular of ht I «Ur'< c ru k a p * occurred ovu

. k a y I t S i n d e s o . CaU t,.vli£i navy-i tupenonlo XP3Y-I Be

I ' Je t. m « a n y I t i t in t pubUs da___ i t a t t o n . , hro)ce-up-ln- inldtlf.

:------p flo n n a-ld lie tf .---------------------4 Killed

< I B sew hers fou r ftlr fores oU » e re killed t n d 11 m tn were In: w hen & T*29 x»r2gfttlonal t r

i I ' c ru n e d tn n x m e t Bt Tqcm d. . ’ . . « n d a O 'llB “/lylne boxcar"

d o ^ near San Antonio, Tex.______ T ib b iU lJu B cadut let,I <world’i-fM t« it-M » p ]in e rw u -

tldered o n t o f 'lh e navy’A gre I 'po ten tial aeria l wenpotu. f E xperu Irom the navy andi ■ ' T ilr.'W iic iilJu llt t t e plane, pn ! I «A intffiulva InvesUpiUon into

"etO H -or-taa-cnuai-todar.-—Filet TbnwB

'■------------ Vetc » n - T p t -PHot-<JharleilU c h b o m , 31. waa thrown InU

; .........40>(oot..depthi o f-.th e. bay... atr&pped to hU cockpit leat. D recovered hiin, but he died < dock two mlnutea later.

I Bcverol hundred peraoni. Im[I ___ In s newamen Irom all parta ol

country, watched la -horror u " Seadart. preparing for a i

cpeed pasa, ahuddered, pitched, I I b u n t into o rasse flasiea.. . A t tha Tucsoa municipal all

' .U ie aky waa lit up w ith a v : I flaah when th e T-M imaahed

power llnea, momenta after ta off.

E a i la e Trooble ' T h s plane, atatloned a t QUn

' __ _ • ^ f c r c e baae a t Houalon. Tex.,I ■ ^ e re lw 'd engine t«insi6“ 4nd “ — —«lrclinf-to^aB d-ata!n-^»hen-H

: th s llnea.

Bond Forfeited' OO OD mO , Nov. 5 - J c h n Be HaBerman, who w u to appea:

■B— probate

I ' b a te J ^ g e Jam ea P. Ooasett H d a re d forfeit bla bond of IIOO. ..L . : B eard w u a rro te d by..De;

' Sheriff BUI B unn on a compi aJgned bj-.Doria Cooch, JJagcn

I I W hen u ra lg n e d U sl month pleaded Innocent and a hearing aet for TTiunday. Judge Oosaett

; -'rlJttil-at^lOO-rad-bond-WBtToate^

■ Hospitals: “Il'MaKlcTallejr-Memori;

VUltlng hours a t Magle: Vr , ■■■''H em orlar'hoBpltarare'rroia 3 ’' ' a n d 7 to 8 p jn ._____!l ADHIZTED•i M n . Jo h n Hurlanek, Tarl

-Xokal and Mra. Edvrard Schoc ' sU Twin f tU s ; i ln . Joseph Bi herd and Barbara Kaalnger. I Filer; Mrs. Joseph DlsU). Buhl; 1

!! ' ' J a c k Brandon, Burley; Mrs. •■ Bernard. H aielton, and M n. I 1 SUibbt, Richfield. \

- I - r i» -R obeir-Je ti*< irana“diuBli«>Mra. Harold Ochsner and daugh

'■ ■ ■ ■ T D a im v 6 v tT frT o v ^ ( its iu ; a n d Jam es Sergeant, a ll Twin P* . M rs. WillUm Diehl and daugh

vM n. Melrln Cook and ion and M ; c a re t Cox. a ll B uhl; R ita D!eU. K

berly; Charles Btroud, PUer, i I I -Patrick Wood, Jerome, l! BIRTIIB

A 'd a o g h te r w as-b o ra-M d ay (M Mr. and Mra. Edward Schockey.T r . . ra il* . Thursday a daughter i■ I 'b o m to Mr. and Mnu J m Z. Bedl I; 'T tt'la Falla.

Gooding: MemorialI . VUltlng hours a l the Oood' ...County-Memorial hoip llal.a re frI 3 p jn . to 4:30 p.m. and from 7 p '' ,to -8 :3 0 p jn .; , ADMITTEDI I ' Clifford Gilmore, H agerm in. a v; 'M ra. E m le OllberU King HUI.

---------------- DISMISSED'I Bam Ono and M n . John Bed ■( 'a n d baby, all Ooodlng.;i B n tT iisI , A daughter w aj bom to Mr, a

Mrs. E m le Gilbert, King HUI.

; Cottaffc, BurleyI : . ADM nTED!•; Mra. E ithe r Jenien, M n. Lore•;i Majwy and Prank Powler. all Bi]■■■ ley.

DISMISSED .il; ' Mrs. K atherine OoodfeUow a: I 'l Mr*. Audrey Kelly, both Burley.

I- ~ - - ’R uptrt GeneralAD M nTED

; Mra. CUnlon McCool, Sandy Lali law and Mrs. M lnnli Stewart. • Rupert,

D rs.tlI8«ED Mra. A rthur Btapleman, Rupert.

BIRTHS. A daughter waa bom to Mr. an ;p Mrs. Tony GaUegoi, Rupert.

r ' St. Benedict’s, Jerome/ A D M nTED

Mrs. E.TUlle Thomson. Shoslione1 Paul TlUolaon and Mrs. Hugh CaJd!• weU, bolh Wendfll. and M n. JuUi; BlfaeWtltTTwln'TViTT*:-------------------i DI.SMI.SSED' • Eldon Domiler. DIeirlch: Mrs. Al

v in -S tronprW fnnH ira 'm nilnrjo inB'Afk, HAgfrmftn,

I WeatherI Blajio vallty—Fair ton ljh t im

B alnm iy wllh illch llr w .n n tr «(( ernooni. Low ton iih t 25 to 35, l.ltl

. _ b a tu rd a T 68 Ib C5. i.n» i . . i „iyi, Z4. 2S I t X a.m. and SS a t noon.A lC « rg v . •_____ ?*’•ni.snrjk __ ‘i MBoi»» __________ _____ Kt

c h ie iU ~ z z z .~ r z ~ -JI DftiTff_____________ H, 3,[ f e r ’ir*,.,::------------------

; r r r ^ ^ Y a ,‘r - _ ~ _ 7 ~ r u . « .. ;i.|,| ________ M «(

rho«nlt~- n. I.I Tocmttlk, ___________ iT -i

s<i( U k . C l l ,_______« -ja«n >'rancii(0 .. ti J7

I g g i ' i : . ----------------------} t Ww y A L U Z Z H — *» 31

-------------- -^4T M .«


m e s “Includlns ^ I B ^7>ew Jet p__N ___ / / _

oiry. kli: good-natif yesler- when they w e Joa lvalaabonliover the ______________r tic n .th e . ............... - --

Senator Fucfilair. The • — - -------------— ..............

Lni' Ai-my Offic)ar" w ent W ASinNOTOK. Nov. 5 •ex. Joseph R. M cCarthy kept up le t, the running ba ttle w ith the army KU con- th e 'p c re * rc a » e -u x l* r ‘»nd fit

greatest new b la it A t th e special senate m ute* th a t recommended h li,

ind Con- sure.!, pressed M cCarthy -demanded th a t i into the S ec reury Robert T. Suvens Ide

------------ the-^'aeeret-maate r . . . . In the.(agon" who promoted and

larlea-B . ably-dUcha rged-form ec.MaJ.-li Into the Pcre*8.aN ew Y orkdenlU icleac

lay., aim by..M cCart^y aa a "flflh am ,1. D ivert m ent um m uhU t." ed on a Sim ultaneously.. he termed

specia l.aenatc aeaslon uhlch c . Includ- Monday on Uie censure Issi ts of the "lynch party” and demanded r as the censure committee chalrman.Ai a high- V. WiUklns, R., U tah, explnli hed, and "ImbeclUc niUng" before debaH

. gins.1 airport M cCarthy complained th a l ' a while U na ruled during the censure 1

hed Into ings U iat McCarUiy could not i T th a t a lOSl.iubcom mlttee thai

veatlgated hlm 'aubpoenaed a neks who was "/nentajly Ini

.1 U .. iim .in d ~ w u ^ censu re-^m m lttee -w aa-li

Mtfrt only In wheuier-tha.prlpi vesUgatlon was duly authorlred

, a;i]d w hether o r a o t the man 1 Carthy nam ed'was Insane had n

• e d ' ^ ingV -do -w iih 'it:--------------- --» ^ McCarUiy aald U iat for the i

1 aoaro, uq jj, Bubconimlttee to try to ci spear in witneas who was ‘'m entally Ini K cliarge petent“ was •‘groaaly dlshoncit" ‘hdT iO - th e people ahould~be.'l«Id aboT aelt de- H e ^ j d W atkins, ruled In cl00. th a t h e could no t criticize the < .D eputy m lttee fo r thU . •)mplalnt "perhaps you m ight want to igcnnan. pjnln UjlslmbcdUe ruling before mth - he debate c o m m e n c e s ," McCa ring was wrote J o W atkins, saell ie l One o f 'the 'ccnau re recommei » ted r— tlona-ag alnsUMcCarUiy grew.ov

the P ercts caae, and Involved............ Bcnator'a a l l e g e d "reprehensl, trcatrtienl of Brig. Oen. Ralph i ■ Zwicker. Perees'a commitndlni

° V ,ll ' ~ M ag ic V a l l e r . r u , . “ ~ “ F u n e r a i r '^

.w w il* O A K L E V -Puneral aervlcei Jo « P h W. Severe will be held

SlfiT P *"- M onday n t the LD3 tabem h i. BUhop Forest Severe otifi v i’ lng.Coach*41ng.rttes wUl be litl i th e Oakley cemefciy. Friends ^ call a t the Payne mortuary Sur _______a ftem oo a and m ning and a t

M onday to Utne of the aenlcci

TW IN F A l i a — PulieMi“ s m f w David H erbert Beus wlll be c

M»r a t 3 p .m . Monday by T

U-, and E D E N -F uneral aervlces for 1 P . W rlghl wlll be conducted a

id sT -to SalurdaiL«t_th"_wiiit« moi 5 ^ ^ , ^ iiry chapel w ith the Rev. H. h .'I t r w u officiating. P inal rites a t Sm n^ iM . Memorial pa rk wUl be conducted

the Eden lO O P Lod«e No. i by tha Eden Legion pnil.

al PILER—Funeral servicw for T loodlng m an iBub) Reeves Cox m il be h 'e from n t .11:30 ,n. m . .Saturday a l . 7 p jn . FUer LDS chnpel with Bishop Jc

Barlow presiding. Concludlni; r! will be conducted a t Sunset >

n. and morlal pnrk. Frlendj may c*U I UI. day a l White moTlunry and fr

. . . IO .- to _ l l_ a . m.. Saturday a t Becker church Sunday achool cljapcl.

BUHL—Puneral aervlces for V tr, and llam A. O ray wlll be held a t 2 p.1. Saturday a t the First MeUioi

church with the Rev. Leonard Cli Offlclntlng, T lie body will be aent Illlnob lo r concluding rltrs, 1

TArepn fsmUy auggesLs conlrlbulloni to i BulU pubUc llbrnrj-.' Friends ir caU a t Uie Albertson funeral ho

' from 11 a. ni. lo .moon S.Miirday.7 _ casket will no l bo oprnrd a l t


TW IN F A L L S .^ ru n era l scnlt fo r Mr. nnd Mrs. H arry Bnrry vs be conducted n t 3 p .m . Tuesday

Laid- Twin P&IU Presbyterian church rt. aU th s Rc\'. D onald B. BUcfcitoi

Concluding rltea wUl be Jield a t t BuhJ cem et«T dlreclcd by Bu lodge No. 63. A P and AM. for ^ B a r ^ and by th e O rder of Easte:

. S ta r for Mrs. B arrj'. Friends mi call a l W lllle m ortuary Monday ai unUl noon Tuesday. Tlie faril auggeata memorial offcrlngi to ai

n e charity through W hite mortuary.

!ione;CaJd- ■ JuUa ____________________________ “

, and ask to seKlin — 7: tKsrlTei

a fl.

Tllylil l l v ■ l l t l

r<T. H ^ ^ S S S j S S ^


- —

U .S .to Share -Atom Secret

W ithNatiof l l H I H <U>IIb«*J r r t a I'M* Out)

etuslonw lth olher eountnca fo conclusion Of bilateral agree: K h lc h jlil m ake ll poaslble f<

B jrptopie- iiiia t f ■pu r iim-s,- tu - ru n iUft-te d-natored cai information, technical assltl iMBt tbelr and neceuary amounts of ft<

able m alrrlnls fnr th e conitn------------- - and operation of rtacarch d«

....... - - to be-Jocated-abroad.” -. -l* C S pending the■ ......— tlon-or-tha-propoaed tnlemat_____ _ a«cnc»vU>e-.Unlt£d_aUlCiJi.■) a t pared-ln 1055 U>:

1. EsUblUh a reactor tra • • • I ichool early In the year and I ' I C i a l 30 “ M sclentlsU and engl

from overaeas to . study pra. (UJ!}—Sen, reactor engineering ao they

?t up hU become competent operaton of army over instaUatlona. id fired a 2.-0tfer under-lhajpoj)>orah ’nate com- Uig United S tates alomlc ei 1 h ll , cen- commission courses In Indu

medlclBe, Industrial hygiene tiat A m y radiological physics and the U ns IdentKy use of radiation inslrumei t-thfi.pcn: — a.-Optn-the-Argoane.Cancer Id honor- pu^j U nlfers/ty of Chiw . - l n M iin.-Brookhaven-NatlonaLUbor: :descrlb^ and the Cancer Research hoj H..*®???.-. a t. Uit- Qflt-Rldgo .ln«tltm«_of

Ih . studies for one to tuo. courses on Uie use of atomic er

im ! ^ ^ in metllelne and blolory, lor n d ^ ^ a l pro^lmately 5 U> 10 foreign atui an A rS u r P*'’raia in nn *■ Invlt* 160 “Competent and lebate be- Ungulshed vlaltors" In Uie flel

cancer research from oversea hai Wat- vUll American cancer tesearcl- »ure hear- cllltles. .not ahow B. Offer apeclal four-week co

! th a t In- In radlo-Uotope tracer Uchnlqi: td a WlU • ------- ----------=------- _■, Man in Burley Is

-Claimed-b^ea;.prlDr.lnr . B U R L E V ^ v J —E ira Lee T orlied. He ,ham , 71. died a t hU home hei man Me- 2 a. m, Ttlday. had noth- _ M r .J ro d 3h 1m1_w as.bom Aprl

, 18S3. nt Rockland. He retired : * '« • farming In 1 0 « and moved to 1

to call a lornln. In lOK he w ent on a ly Incom- g|on for the LD8 church but neat and nf in iii.«iih:

a b o ^ I t to Burley thU year. He iIn clfect, rip j Mrs.. Maud Dewey on Aprl Uie com- JJ33 pocntello.

---------QurrlTlng a re hlfl widow,. f.!l brother. J. Wllllnm Prodaham; a

M r? .„ h v SKPdnUl/ifcra. Mr*. ,Tualue F Mc^aruiy L e u ,j Buttner, Jert

D c tty Jiilnnco^ san ^ n c ! Mrs. Wanda Williams, •fexas;

h - Vl? RaePeBrMn.-OBlir0rnla!-Mi*.O ?h?n.iM.® Vaughn. California, and Mrs. K

ryno-NcUon. Rdckland; two a V- SOM,Eda'nrdDewey. A merican?

la in i ol- Dewey. Twin Fone fo.iter .ion. Milton Oodii

T __ L._’j Pocatello.. 22 grandchildren»Y Uiree greal-grnndchlldren,t f ____ _ . Funeral aervlcti-w U l.ba. heli

' la;30 p. m. 'I'uesday n t Uib R land LDS church w llh BUhop Ht

■■ ■ I Whittier officiating. Conclu vlcei fnr rites wUl be held a t Valley ' held a t 1 cemcter>-, Rockland, under the abemacle recilon of the Payne mortuary. J I oflfclat- ley. Friends m ay call a l the me M litld at a ry Monday aftem oon and eve ;nds may add a t the Rockland LDS ch y Sunday from 11 a. m . Tuesday to the id a l Uie ot services.

n ic c i I ' r n x v H K p f i n r t p H

iTefn" At Harvest Feby Tft'ln About 850 persons attended

third annual ha n 'es l fe.^Uval of , _ , Blckel PTA a t tha school, It for ^ r l reported Fridny.1 l « r ,„

I Ji- - nance .Uie.PTA'a program and. u in>- The /MUvai U lhB’ mfund raising proJcct of the r

i O f* of ‘he m ajor progrania of iU and J, .ponsorlng one Camp

group, nine- Blue Bird groups , _ seven Cub 5 c o u t uniU.

Next general meellng of 1 be held p^A wUI be held a l B ;

Monday nl th e Blckel school.fti Ing rUes public U Invited.

Barbara kasinge:nd frnm a s e ,

-Dies a t Age_of_.Barbara Knslnger. 25. riled a l •

for Wll. * m. rrld-ay a t Magic Valley Mei I 2 IX w liospUal foUowIng a llngei leUiodlsi nines?.rd r in tk Kaalnger was bom Jan.. *enl to ” -»• Marlonville. Mo, es Tlie **'*■ pnrentj». Mr. and tJ 11,j Jim Kaslnger. have been reside :d.f may of FU<'r since 1B2S, coming fi ai home Ml.wourl.lay.T lie Survivors Include h e r parentj

a l the grandmother, Mrs. W. T . Ka.iln; CccIaredse.Colo.; a grandfather, 1 Rogers, Aurorn. Mo., two uncles 1

scnlccs aunia, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hamm, iry will ana Mr. and M rs; J . S.'-Marijir, rsday a t TivUi Palls,urch by Puncral services ara pending ckitone. White tnortuarj'.

V r i t i s o N E n s l u b rW Mr. SAO VAULO, Brazil, Nov. 8 U Eastern Tliree hundred prisoners a l E ds may Paulo'a antlQUntcd Hippodrome pr lay and on rioted enrly today. aetUng f family lo one building before police a to any aolillrrs fliifjled the uprUlng w.

lary. te.ir g.-u nnd niachlnegun fire.

I s e e t h e m o t t r e s s

lT e ip s “ r e l i « v B - ^ ' M o r B i n g - t

WIIH ISCIUIIV $w*»0in .Sr^tt


C«U*I■■ ■ . -

f ’- l i - r ^ ^ e n S d o r i d

Jerom e S ince 190X


Twin Fai•etS7 1U 1.W irs* TOBi t l

T h e U U lo T H e a tir guild p tehea rse a l 7:30 p jn . t

l i o n s Uie K L lx T V bam . . . .

S i 'f a r UK Jsywalkerm Pdst BondsW arren W ardel and Ernes

Lu f fr m PO»t«i « bond! wlUi Ta'l m tcchj^ ' P0»«=» T hursday for Ja; ; ^

DIatarber Fined WlUUm P. OivinS. 21. Kl

miUucUon *25 and $3 CMU 1h deacwri Friday a...............p leaded -gu llly of dlslurbithe crea- -----------------e m a tio a a l ------------ -------- ^ _ _ _ _t i J i_ p r e i D U m er.S c l_ . ________

DUabled American Vetera■ trninlng auxlUary w lll hold a reguUi and Invite ing and Thanksgiving direngineers 7:J0 p jn . M onday-al Uie Dl pracUcal m orla l building. M emben ar

they may to bring covered dishes, p in of such pie and th e ir own table ser

m n h ip of D aoea RUted lc energy “ T he 'T lrsrw ard EDBTJrA 1 Industrial soring a dance to begin a t 8;

[lene and Saturday In the recreaUo the thconr Music will be furnished b rumenu. Schwarz a n d hU orchesU■ nr»r h nn- freahm ents wiU be sold. Evei f Chicago^ lavJled.—Uboralory —

“ S t a t or Cutsluo-year ’ _ '

At Power B;1 StudenU - r ]y~,: and dls- 111 d o m m i t

f i W ABinNOTON, Nov. 6 W j . r r h Ja- D - T e"” -learcn la cangreas membera tod•V- the proposed Dlxon-Yates'A .” ” ? con tract "reeks of govemme; hnlques. guaranteed proflU.~ f ‘T h ere is no private enlen^ I f i Jt." h e decMred. ‘This e .. , , cannot be cloUied wlUi «Jpe I p n t h ty by aaserUng th a t ll Is e; J C i a w -tn-UirT3#mir-cf-priT«te-ente Lee PVod. ...Q o ra -jtove hU -view s fre IS here a l v itneas c h a ir of the aenali

atomic energy commlllee w. -Aprll_y, reviewing th e proposal to fe Ired from vato power' Into the linea' d to Call- Tennessee valley auUiorlly. m a mU- H e urged th e committee 1 bu t re- aecede:to a n admlnUtratlon talUl. H t p frrele_lmmr<tlnt».»T»i-ii , He m ar- of th e contrnct. The con

AprU 29, ihould n o t "deny the whol greaa the opportunity lo c

dow ,-ons the contract," Oore aald. nm; aeven U nder th e atomic energy li uc PaHa. conCrncC m u st be field up uni , Jerome; aenatc nnd house hnve been jancU ce; a lon.for 30_dnya_unleu the ci xas; ^Irs. waives th a i provision. Sit tifcOU ya houso-w lll-jw U m eat-uatiL Ji rs. KaUi- a delay ns.requlred by 'the pr ,wo atep- would m e an Uie admlnls can Falls, could no t execute Ui« cdnlrt fin Falls; fore early in Febniao". Th Ooddard, trac t has been negotiated bren and a lg n ed ... ______________

Both th e atom ic eiTergy c< I .h e ld .a t sioa and . U ie.budgct-bureau he Rock- ih# com m ittee tn ’ u tlv e Ui op Homer over and p e rm it the contract oncludlng com* effecUve a l once, liey V i e w ---------------------------

Brief M eeting! i ' S j Held by Gham^ 1, ' . i » . D ireclors o f the Twin PalU ■ Uie Ume Commerce held a brie

- neas m eeting Prlday noon a l

o n Howard M offa t, chamber mt ^ —r ~ reported th o ’'good wlU'U’Ult.i r A T P Sunday by local buslne.ume X (jftn canceled,

nded the T he a n n u a l turkey day proi 'al of Uie of th e T w in PalU ReUil Mer 1, I t WM bureau wUl be held Nov. 15-:

cording to M offat. He repartee help fi- Ellington a n d hU bnnd had and nc- engaged fo r a local performar

jB’ w ajor evening of Nov. 17. ......... -

“ Probate for Wil Sought in Co

of the A peUUon to probate the ' «l B p.m. O eraldlne M ulder who died iK)l-audl- D ec.-l,ll)So,.was-fUedJn_Tulr ed. probate c o u rt Friday by her v

er. Peter M ulder. Hansen. tra** The esta te Includes real p r U C l valued a t $30,000, H e ln 'ln nil . . f OfT Mr. M ulder, are three J I L o Charics P . M ulder, Ooodlng; F rl llnT J.'M ulderrH anscn; and-Jo? Mrmn. Mulder, K lmbcrly.

“ I 't B«” oU are att- lingering th e petllJoner. Probate » - .. lE v e rc l t M. Sweelcy will hea Jan. « .jp e tiu o n a t 10 a. m. Dec, 6.


Onlyher,R uel ' ‘

ammoni m E a F c o A i ‘rij'r, all i . - Homdgenln

Idlng a ti plant, lo o


. 8 M t- C o m e I n ^ L c t . U s S

§ |; WcCOY COAIi” wl*^ 5 0 2 S h o s h o n e W e t t


.Sm thr mn*t •iimonliiiary X X

> (upporl. riiroiii Artnnria, A■mtit'»:krtnl -i.>lt.-tt-tn.<.---------ijnfit In conjimunn wiih X ;.,Tlhnprrfi' |nif|«>n»*... Ih« .

’d ' ' -----------------m ________ , OPEN s.


TfiSlEg^yEW S.'

alls News in Brief-------------- BaIa~Bcgltis~---------- ---------Id play e u t • 'n ie O rder-of DeUolay U tt. todajr a t a rummage aale aU day Satu

-------^ Shoshone s tree t souUl

Marriage Ueenae ■nest Miller A marriage license w as Isi ra'ln FaJU the T w in PalU county clerk', walking, Prlday to G ilbert J. Irustn, ---------------K ia-B labrtR^W ^uU lerTw l;

Klmberiy, CerrecUon . lU in 'Twtn Max L. Brown’ w u elected y after he urtr of Uie Twin Falla HoU irbicg . the Thursday, no t Max H eodr ------ -- - reported. .............— -

EnUsUnent of Ployd E. R0( son of Mr, and M n. OrvUle Eden, in the na ry li annour

I r n »3k r t Larribeau, re<;I llU

Held to Jau ■Gerald L. Bean.,Buhl. U 1

'Twin PalU counly Jail in f . t l *Mn- bond following hU arrali t 8-30 pm . TK‘« « ‘“y->»fore Justice , aUon h S P * « e J . O, Pumphrey on a i by Paul non-aupporl of a m inor c! esUa. Re- • .Eveo'one U Seek PermlU------------------ Tft'O.T«w.buUdingj>cnnlt.i__ tlons have been filed a t U--------------haU _0-J-B arloa..J5? T^ilrd,i t a north, plans to InstaU a bai i S '_____ parlition a l n_£p}t o t_abair k . l l and J .O , Barley, 1105 sunrU e 1 1 1 11 vard. p lant to Insull a ba

canopy. Coat u esUmated at

ilttfiC AtUnd MeeUng m . lC V y Young.- manager6 MWBen- 'Twin' FaUs- socUI security ntended to will attend a meeting of sot today th a t curlty offUe.managers and tes power *n l managezs from th ree iment aub. sUtes Mondny and 'Tuesday: {IU." adena. Ha f i l l leave hera 1 ile rp rii* ^ plana Sunday m wnlng. •I contract ' ' ~fSpecUbUl- Appear hi Court 3 executed Arthur P. EUUon. 20. Uia mterprise.** HoirBTd~H!. 'Corlenberg. <

from-Uie w ere-6cnt«nced-to-3a_daya- nate-house elty Jail Friday after p le sdb J which U ty of being drunk In a publJe ) feed pri- Twin Palls'poUce Judge J . 0. lea '^f the phrtyw ithheld-eom m ltlm en ty. lowing the m'en to leave thetee nol to —;on request Car D am « ed . <• recuiJnn nf _ A n-au te .d rlvi n , by - J o h n ^ committee Hook. Hansen, was damaged ^hole con- u coUlded with a 1952 Mack0 consider driven by Irw ln A. Blaser, r

Twin Palls, In the 300 bL jy law. the Fourth avenue-aoiilh Friday unW both ing, police reported. No one «

ren in sea- jured. le commit- _-srm rth B I — - - --------- — ;

Barrys-Funerantrncl'be* Sla ed TuesdThe con- .d bul nol j.y n „ a i ,ervlces Jor M r. an rco iw als: H arry-B arryr-vlcU m s-of-au Mil iiruf/i mobile accident In Oklahoms

Ihr. ittv. nesday,‘will hff cotWucted-nl-ract to b l ^raci to tie ._ B. Blnckstone.

T Concluding sen'lces will be* I S Buhl a m tle r y under direct' , Buhl lodge No. 63. AF and AimberLif.M.n'!!' '" “y “ ■ 'V hlte mortuary,

F«'l*. Monday and unUl noon a l W rayj ________________ ^

s lT to m o ""y charity throui smen has m ortuary,_________ .

K Si Three Suits Seel Payment of B

had been T hrea sulLi for non-paymi mance Uie bliu were filed in Twin F«U

............ bat* cou rtT liu rsd a y and :by the BUtewlde Adjustment b ill bureau alleges In on

^ . , lhal Richard Bourn ores . n i i r r Transfer and Storage coi

. . « 4 iB and Dr, Ben E. KaU: Ktie will of bureau also sc e ti payment of

—In-»nolher-ault-M arshall > erwiaov,- jhargeri u ith owning ja ij

_tv ^®nul of ft hoiuo from Twin , ^Hdtiinn American Legion post No.

nn, fourth ault aay., Loren Eller ; FYank-' Valley Memorial he

f-John H- J52.37._____ ____The bureau U represented bj

attorneys Uam H . Balce.v lie Judgehear the Phone — For Aberdeen

IntermouDtiln Fniel Company-

: Handle and: Sell— .

l)r A B E R D E E N ^ ^ ^

\L . . . Uie wnler washed ■nlred Coal from 'UTAH'.S 'moiit mode OOK FOR THE IDENTIFyiNO TAOS J CXtAL.

8 S h o w T o u U la h 't i B e s t Coai


1 Sa tu rday Evenings K I by o p p o in lm en t. ' ' R


^ 1 White Horn = = -Talks Set!U hold lng

la lu rd ay a t g o t h P a l

<C«iiU.i;i 7 r « r»(* O1 tuiiMl bv diKUised “some ot t n k i SfflM Uie adminUUaUonj ta Botse cormectlon wlUi Uie sh ift 1 rwin PalU; puUicaaTnoUTemocnUs 1<

ia congress.- I t U Important to the i

-i»H t r * . . the coun try-not only In Ui ioury chib foreign policy bu t on domei

u te rs -U ia l we have a wor “ r a o ^ e n t lo t h i t we wUl

_________ A Italemated jorem m eat dinex t two yean." KnowUnd “ ThT-CaTiromU-llinnike -Uiat -Uiere U a great dealrj

president^ lU rh e re PUbUcan wngresslonal lei -Uiwr ncie. reUUonsl

tween congress aad the WWI. h.iH In between the two p ^

Vi.M ^ close, cordial and consUui i ^ i i n m ^ t the intereit of Uie county. ? ■ MuU PieUemsf » r h a r ie DemocrsU meanwhile wer c w id tag over Ui#probltm*-*nd advUsblUty-of Uking over

in the scnaU as well u the It Although leversl releraa

- . s ? -CTPTWsed-somemliglvlagSJ rd av en u i wUdom of moving to take c ? i S n t th e r s e n a te ^ lU i - U i s .^ a

ibaut IIOO^ k»u ^ - tlectlon.,-Dtm ocrallo-L.adb a s ^ c n t don B. Johnson said: b a « < n w t ^

jorlty of the memben of Ui aufflclent to organise It. If

T of Uie organlM It, we win." u» nffir* The Texan, in a lUtemet ^ a l ae- * t AusUn. said Uie Democ nd asaU t- determined to approach U i(! w ^ m “in s iplrlt of cooperaUon"

r ? b y ^ a “ - ‘ ^ '•wtwlU meet Uis Preaid. . th an halfway ta any effort

out a common aoluUoo lo I cult problema of national

Dlah. and of peace and of prosperity.

Martinson-Esfi '.“SKS': P e titio n ls la e n ts _ a lr .__A-pcUtloa for.lU lcri.e(-lthe c ity . u-aUon for Uie eeUte ot

MarUnson, who died here 1 2S, waa filed In Twin PalU

ged'w heQ MarUiison; Buhl. -lack truck The esUte Includes real ; r, rou te 3, valued a l U.DOO and person

block 'of erty a l }6,ooo. Heirs ta adc lay m orn- Wilber MarUnson are Uir' ie was in - Oscar Martinson. Rlggla

MarUnson. Bulll, and M, A. aon. Buhl, and a daughU

------------ j j i j Ncdbalek. Jerome, - -r A I l . ^ ■ Hearing'w lll be he ld 'In ’

Judge ■EvSell-jr-Bw eeley c n o V s t 3 p. m. N or.'ia . T hs pi O U o j U represented by John C. H(

."'’. S Buhl Resident’ — Euneral-fs J

Is Presby- '-BUHL, Nov. J-P unera l V. D onald for WUllnm Cunningham wi

dueled a t 3 p jn . Friday a l t be a t th e ucUiodlsl church In Buhl i

rectlon of Leonard CUrk offJcJsUi d AM. for Brj-an Rogers, Luclan rr o f ^ ^ t - sn och Wall and Clay Plcki '• F riends nighed rowlc accompanied ary, TV/in Dc„ny Patrick. - oon T ucs- Pallbearen Included Albe:

In_i,?^dSplkerJ7e(IU tc»L u ■®''X^«rwmiam-Hawklns-ar

rough the Rujgeli.Concluding rites were Jieli

Buhl cemelery.

ek I —Bills RUMMAGEimmt or I CAI CPalU pro- I _;d ' Friday f ”nl bureau. I Corner of In4 Avenua N 6ns su it I and Znd Street Narth

les Ford I (Opposite Chamber o company I Commerce OJflcei

! H7. T he I

FRI. & SATiaiJ!5 for I NOVEMBER I and I win FalU I.•o. 7. A 1 ^ — — g g iHer owes ____________

Wny—Adv. i

odcrn .13 IN _ witfi nm i/


I sI Now the car you’'I i-ju;l a few daya awi

> I yoiiriwlf just hovrI Plymniitli has

_________ a --------tojQacl.!lo.j;ive^Q! in a Inw.price car.I n much bigger cor


j ISeen T0(f o r < '----------- : ------------------------

• ' officer chaUlngdrlveriBl-mata-tatersecUo

i r t l C S WlUl le f t hand ta cast ha •* * alderaWe trouble peeUng o » os<) • Teen-age girl studying he i( tbe prob- reflection of itore wlndoi on faces la Jehk tas drinking coffee 11 from R e- guipa . . . Signs going up ai } leadenfalp AmalCAn.£dueatlon Week

. . ; W orkm en'putllBg le future o f touches on s tt fs facade I Uie field of avenue soulh . . . OlrU mesUc m a t- iieeved tw eaten shivering worktag a r- ing cold . . . M aa stagger lUl no t have heavyloadv .'.'W om an 'jn t {during ^ e (« riD * up letter-tnd. Ih nd aald. . into a u re t gu tter . . . Mi: sk e r-added d i^ m D e h l P d m l o f pic alrt'.' on th e to ahow recenUy bagged :nt and R e- . . . And overheard: "We h leaders to yitaUon to take our bran<

snahlps be- bu ra our brand taU) m uto House fc free leed,-btit'ltrjjtfU es “s re ip p e a lto u a l" u iicU n" In ,

" Bam, Hay Bur s S i In Blaze a t]Uie house. GOODINO, Nov. S-D an ■ta scnatort mated s l J2500 w u cauj jM i o u U h t .etrlT moailQ gJ a rm fira :e control of one-fourth mllea nortnwes» w -m ar« in _______ .____if-Tuesday.'s ..T lie flrs_waa l o c r a o 4ader-X.yo- B rig h t’s ja r m which U oeu

by LewU Savage. Origin of 1 be a m a- Is unknown. The bam wi t Uie senate destroyed by Uie Ume the . I f we can discovered a t S aJn.

The bam w u valued al m enl I m e d JUOO and 11.400. In Uie mocrau are were 40 tons of hay valuei I the Issues In addlUon, (0 busheU of i on" and h e some equipment wers deab

S'wl°r'£ Electrocutfa r c o , Nov. 6 M W ohn

,al security, 6-year-old son of Mr.■■ John Keeton, Arco, w u e:

— 1- - — td_a lJ ilO *pm s today. i f n i a Officers siUd tEe youii] i l a t C been 'p laying t a ' Uie kllcl

*PacB between Uie refrlgei ' r i f c U an electric range, TTiey sal }r.admlnU- parenUy p l w ^ hU h e ^ a; of Fted E. d e n against tiie side o f th e re l u l Oct. ator and . braced hU b ilU probate against th s stove, on. W ilber O fficers aald apparenUj

------------ circuit"1ft' Ui?7tove caUlfd'al property trocuUon. Jack WlUon, Bu lo'nal prop- ty aherlff, said the lad w addlUoQ.to IniUntly. three sons, ---------------------------

“ M a ru i^ ^ Dances Plannehter M rs. SHOSHONE. Nov. S -" nlghl dances wUI be held utn-probttts dlrecUonof UieXDSM IA l. e y P S S r t on .N ov^l3.-D ancta^-w U l.. wUUoner 8:30.pjn. an_d will end a t 1^D w orU i. church recreaUon h i ^ ep w o rin .J , , Openahaw. acUvlty counse

I t S general chairmen of th s ]

1 Held I•al lervlcea \I wers con- \ ) S \ r -r—it Uie P lrst \ \ V jtil w ith Uie \ I - X ^ XsUng. i \ r t V - . \ V \ . i "kM n BhieJdi.lIckrell fu r- , V / .Hed by M rs.1 V W A ,\

\ \ \ V IIbertL em -j 1* ^MU.CeciEtJ -------------. \ i J s C _ i i —i-and-W al^ -------------

j ie ira r iH s I_________ P ro i


...............- I - ------------ - p r ic

.N o r th i

II IHHWMHVHr of II ■ ■ ■ Q y ^ ^ Q Q

< II

new power-new su

A L L : N Ir M O u n

oit'ver liccn w ailinp fnr is eIou"ly j:away! Soon you’ll sce for two grciovr the hriliian t, a ll-new and thelaa becii biiilt, frnm roof T h e ” ^QU-»c/7:Aui/:.y.ou_K flnl_i_Iow ..prica r . P i jm o u th ’55 will h« I a]] .^Aric ar. I t w ill b e a trem cn- • to Plym

BOB REESE MOTOjE 1 3 3 T h i r d A v e n i i t N o rth

Oday ^^®™osSeej S e t toBft

” GOPSngoranga----- . i S.[ her d reu in )ndow . . . Al P«rmanent lo v e ,^ ^ ^:fee ta -Urge n U l ^ il. „IP annouDClng orjan lie t ^ S : /eek Nov. 7 - lJ ^ «PU ee himJB T fln O H l^ 8 « “ toT -M c a e m -a \^ ade OD Main • BlmlUrly, the IrU ta ahort- curlly lubcomraiiZ ring ta m om - Senator Jenner, n tm* ggertaf u n d e f l i^«lf to comm'Ii^, imeUwdiaUly b o m e -d o v a -^ ^ [. ihiowlnt-lt w hat.Jenna,.Mllo PanalD “ *’” «>«nin

-p ickup tiucK - s e n i to r K D jiii ged pheasant line for Ui# chiirmili ye had an ta* lu ll Judiciary tommli?' randlng irons take over d lre c U o n ^ tato the wall »«u rlly subcomrj,iti^ .? J'ltrjuit didn 't U iaH t-,111 b e i^ -,


urned SS'tF a rm S “.‘5 '* r . ; r c

iw esT onier< 0 , ^ j,_

being worked office-arid-clvu ^ S . - n of Uie bUte m a Democratic c ^ S l I was almoat He said he *eSld‘2 Uie fire w u ting to the bottom 5

hower employ# Mean: d s t between under which the the building nounced during th te

ilued a l ItOO. campaign tha t ( J u .. of grain and been separated froa i leaUoyed. payroll.

ited ■ohn W. Kee- ta ' IMS, only to bt rei Mr. and Mrs. Worid war I f by tu u electrocut- Chinese.

oiTriitiuniK i ............. — -k l lc h e n J n " a ---------“ J l" A O — 'rlgerawr and / J l f J . i ’L I aald h s ap- / i l ^ /id and shoul;:;^the rtjrlger-

U ' —Butte coun- o *** MAIN A V nn

d w u kiUed S O p ^ a 7 Dn____ ; . 2 .7 :0 0 A .M . t o J |

nned g toaeliec#- SaUirday g genp «:ld under the 9 ^lA begrnntoii g " * 'S H R IM P — f t t■U i-begln-at S ------- L aaehss-a^ Ma t 11:30 p jn . g • .

. « -T R ?O C V

hs prolect. O p tic w c wc« « ;*«««M

_______ C i t y o r C o i i n h i

Nearby or VUlt

Wherever OUT St _JceJ#JV efM _

V o fe ssio n a l ifH IIations enibis ■ crve in a ll p a rt* o l lh e world tti^ ly p e ac e fu l tn ra ip o r la tlo o .

V t se rv e a s w e w ou ld Iw lerrd* irlees th a t z s e c t every la m ii/ iH rw J s h w . •*

?ize-new beauty ]

E WT H ’5 5

Brcal new engines, the Hjr-hr* ' . the PowcrFlow 6. . h r p ly m o u lh ’55 Ii 8 « ‘“ price. c a r - e v c r J i i l i l k ^ ‘‘ S L * ears, look a t a l l . 3 . u J 7 « ^ ^ lymoulhl

roR CO.>rth .PLY M O U TH

.......... -^^roAyrNOVt:t[^-

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

ijnjiaire Heads 1

‘« ‘» Jv tnd ertU t. h s h w

;S^& rr.“Ss^.“."ft mlUlQtcould h unouDU

recUr udT K ^ ^ B H tubiU U t• a oouoCrla

m enlU n

Uoa veU•»* Uil B.ru “To H

1“***! .h » f r« *«>'!■ :“U**™ *

vrtS“‘ “ ittf tw ssllM’t " M » more lh* “” i ^ i n d e r W U>e P # - ou t »d«i

'^ T iid he became In- voc»Uoni w orld -V e t. -y o u c

“ Ul orgBnlialJon sometini(

. ^ n '^ i l e r b l l t M preal- other )ai

.“ .’5!* « m a « d S i r a l------------------------ - problems

. . m i **■“ “o d Taken

_ "In tJi(f o r Program

i . \ m W SSrold-PTeffr- it- r« ce -r in, cu l Hunllnstbn. Mr«- !•>“» ^ r U r * . nJchard Lee. mont. fisn Hon. Mri. P r u L e w l a ____ ^

1 “S-S'“s«iS''SlResoS'bSfCVr” Fo',> - .TTaraHl CQlbcrr. : R^jpgp to MKcJiell. Mrs. Robert proving I ifid Dtlorei Studcr. projects i , lod undwlches. supplied c ity coun ilur »clely of Rupert'a , a hear

•doitii, l i r e ecrved lo th e provemer h Uie VFW auxlUary. s th «treei C t Utr^hr to the R upert im ii m 8 tb which tnlljsted the m ost will conc rtn e :a j!m iim td .r rld a y . tcj-a:5ha' ‘.-JT uld. The bloodmoblle matcd.coi Iri to relum lOvRupert In Hearini M Bsnilii. • • ■ )i(u been ---------------------- th e city

•Pecide^ ayJIquipment t,,5i -nm ), Vai. 5 -n « p o rt o t pipe of cUtJ Uld dccblon to p u r- plus 13 n

[;:l^ tfo r llremcn W03 th e s tm ctloa Itolnus conducted n t th e Aoseun 1 illU{« botrrd m eetlns be promi trolu. Flre'C hler Z. L . abutting

nqwW Ult vlllase to pur* -n tet ef flremen'A cloth lns An Irer t tad tmole miukj. U perchc<ut c{ clolhlnR WM don- cow and -tttjcim tm tn t ,by_Thco hi-mi thi.r Rrttt«l-repoTtcd-on • th e _ : — ■ Iftstn'i d»nce.a je pUM lo"rcquM rrnew -----------iM ckulllcatlon for Rich* _ D the iut« rallns and aur- ■ IThelutiurvey n’aa made ind a lower claulflcntion ■ M bKiiue ot mtijor Im- Bfllalnillpliaseaofflrcpro* ■

uioa to cut the c u rb -o n - - I w<i tor t driveway w na' 1theafm 8U leuillltlu .Pur-! ‘ 1 r olnt Mllj Ior a cattle • 'M the »llla(fe dump was *1 i CMl of two cen ti

. Rtmorjl trom lhe mine » n | COSU will be add l-

«o il«e of men teachers i ^waitnUo' and tecondary IjU b«n inc reas lnc-lS J la U17 and m per c c n t ^

ODGE “, In

sa t

done p®,■=1 nici“ "• urd

better* , ‘>''= wait!

E" ’'■ fashioned . , "'"/r iVciv. 17________n

E fj


3 P l a n s t o r

W a r . V e t e r a n s jtiCTljor ^ t h which “Al“ p lu n j- i flroMK nto' Iha work. In the tw o yearal Uuck l tia« triveUd more lhari'M.OOoi until at S .o a . t j o b tb a t pays oK only; out am be TetUnj he haa helped doln jl back th e thlni th a t needed d o ln j. i T ht i - I t year we m et our g o a J-h a lfl lutwrDa UUon dollar?." he aald. “B u t w e' Pitisbui d harp used fire tim es th a t ’ tJi hnnunt.-^-:------ - ■; 'WWlineDe monex U n't contributed d l.: lu to tu U to IndividuaU. We send re-; the car illation teams Into th e various; unut U itrtei. They ahow th e go rem - the hSl t UlB need for p rosram a to help Prtsai bled T etm ns a n d T io W to or- life. Da le the p_rograms."_ _ e»r Inie~WVF nowTiaa 118 member while U .nlziUon* 're presen tln j 18 m il- Police a veterans tn 25 countries. hooked

'0 KtTe you an Idea or th e alze car a i h e problea," said Vanderbilt, atterwa: re are come-MTen m illion w ar &icK on Bled In- these countries, and il s than half have had to go with- „ adequite medical tren tm en t or 1^1tlonal train ing .. ___ HEYBl’ou can Imagina how Ijltter they Badg,f i, rtiroei je t , . , »o m any years u rsen i • the war Is over . . . and ao jji.-ih ! done to help Uiem. T lic bene- - Leo nn tha American veteran gets ore buslneu u e ^ o i i - d o n - t - f l n d - th c m - tn - f c s r ^

u i« l-o U i.r -W V F -lc .d O T M w T n * ''I Vital tha t veterans or {reo d -countrle*- w o ric — loeether jcratically to aolvc postwjir recently Ilems. Responsible vc^ g ro u p s ------------. former enemy nations, auch Jermany nnd Italy, have been omed inlo the organization.1 the past, the communists were T""” to ezplolt the disabled in a lot • , Lhese countries because they > n 't Retting a fa ir b reak ," aaid / lerbllt.le handsome, boylah-fnced niut- llonalte who for so long cnjoy- Is career as a *oclallt« apo ru - sUll loves his horses as much

vcr, Sul he has also found he playing an impdrtarit role tn /

tce” tnore vital—Ho“ clvlltoitlon -W'hftTl’m rR l-T n ilc n iro r-B c r .' T ------

so Iu tio n s 'O K ’d i’e r Im p ro v e m e n t i ‘iPBRTr^JoT.-i.'^ReMlutloha-ap^ —^ng two proposed Improvem ent oets were passed by th e R upert (| council Tuesday n ig h t hearing on the .p roposed lm<rment of P street Irom 7th to ^itreets will be held o t the clly w»t 8 p. m. Nov. lfl. T h e hearing ctconcern propp.wd jm iM ._EUt- —! __ »5haT o irsu rlacing t* t..*n m U- --• ........l.cM lof-M ,600,-------- -------------------- — ^aring on Uie proposed sewers I kMen se t for 8 p. m . Dcc. .7 a t ’ . . If:lty hall. Cost of th e project, ‘ 'oi1 will serve Uie Idaho really - ,{|;he Wright addllions, waa estl- , tfjd-at-lM.flOO-by-cttT'EnglDecr — ; — pi. Armstrong. T he pro jec t wlU |de-i& out*8,ooo-r«er'or"*ew er " I — 'iof various amnll diam eters, ^

13 manholes and re la ted con- I tUon, I ! .leasmenta for bolh proJecU will ■* roraUd 100 per c e n t to the Ing property owner*.

Iranian legend aayt th e world ' rchcd bstween the hom a of a »nd when the cow ahake* h e r ' _ Ull»r It .n >.Hhr;ni.Vp ■ I - ______m\A L I V

D E A D :

In the in terest o f your safety

Bafety of a ll people, a grou]

peri(;ni:ed, qualified and safctj

men havevolunteered-to spend i

urday afternoon tb perform a s

the motoring public without ot


NOV> 6 (400 B

T h e s e - M m ^ i

S A F E T Y - 1Thircheck w iirb e a FREE

— safety-of-operation-on-a-VQBrakes, L ights, Wheels, Ste

All molorisls are urged to tond A venue S o u th and hav

_____beJ[urniahedJrcc nndjhoswili recc lv e a slicker m sh


Close iBlaclprrrsBUROH. n o t . 5 ia _ T ’q I 1th the rear wheels o f his auto -^^1 'er the brink of a cliff whlch_ m •opj 500 feel, C. M. DiVis'VrmiW uck lo. the wheel early today Oardriff, Itll atx women pas.wDccri cot iiuwmosil itk»nd police a m rc d . to pull

T ht near-traaedy occurred In *■'iburban Shcmden. Davij, 40 of 1 “’ - llsbunih. was taking six worn- 'I Ijome from an evening of ;fWIIne^hfn the-wio lui uf-hts- —T h a-g ; Ito aullfd on a steep street and iGardnfr. .e car twgan to d rif t backward ouilUI lhe rear wheels were over ■e hSlslde. ' j pPresaing on th e brakeTor d ta r ' T ~ rr— : e, Davis managed to hold the r...ln _1U -precarious., pojiuon. B A title the women clambered out. iV w Illce arrived. In a pa trol car nnd In i »ked a akld chain to Davli' r. A low truclc arrived shortly terward and pulled Uie aulo • P i


Events Related * FlEYBURN.-Nov. a . _ lira . ____ |KIger U vbltlng her broUier. Oscar sen, ft'ho is HI. In Tremunton. ih. . , ' _ <0 nandy left'W ednesday on a ' S t inets trip to S till Lnke Clly, Hel m o i I acccrnipanj^ ^ “ Hla ’’failier. nea Handy. Rupert, ^ o win vljli _ *'P ll'his broUier, Chnrlcs Itandy.

afie deposits of mnnganese ore:ntly hnve been found In Liberia, ______

n -----------

. Z e n i t h “ R O y A l.M ” H »i— A i powerful as' tome-hearint lid i-ti Ie

imiller than many jelling for twice its p and greatest engineering triumph—th ■■Royal-M'Vweighj aboul ihe um e as a ■

— IUfdly4«ryr,^nslanny4<ijw(8t>}e^fii^ conUol!. And ju st im apoe-ii operates fc (iny batteryl

Come in and sec the ••Royal-M"...wej Zenith's l(M »y money-back Guafiritee. work, anywhere. Discover foryourKiriu ■ convenience. So comfortabie you icai

— w carinriii------ ---------------- — ........ — -


in your opinion, any hearing lid u*.out-periorms a Zenith ln m y wiy. •***

1 limply return the 25enilh within 10diyiandyourmoneywillbereriinied «».

I promptly.” -«•*.-

HEARING AIDS lrlh*M«lmetWsrlil.r«MJ>


Wl/ E - M i

r D R l V In '

i. — —

fety and the T H I J

^oup of ex- r ha;

ifety-mindcd ■

snd each — : - O M I

n a service to ^ U C i

it obligation. L S l l ”

R D A Y - S T A R T I K

Block of 2nd A ’

V-ilt-C Q uduct-ijL

^ L A M E X H i: EE i n s p e c t i o n of all nutoi }L.vQluntccr basis. Check will 1 , Steering.d (0 d r iv e t h e i r c a r s lo th e 100 block 1 liave i l c h e c k c d . A n jnHpcclion rep th o se nu to riio b ilc .s I h iit p.xs.s th e inr a s 8houn~a b o v e . ------------ ----------


ackfoot Wreck i Takes Girl’s Life-A O K PO O T ^N tjrr-a-tft^B m y « « » U a Inff, 17. who lost, bolh legs in an mobile accident Tuesday, died nlsht. r e a dle was Injured when a car d r l u n ----------Its. F lornice Tnylor. 21, Dlsck-

crashed tnlo a group of by- ilcfj a l a m inor wreck on the ■ ■*iy near here. ..la -ftli lii—moHw.—Mfa.'Ow»ii - Iner. about 13, Wapello.-was • d ouirlght. ”~ ~ ~ •

^ - S M I T H ^ = t l HOOFING e o . : ■

In Twin F iII i Since 1937 I 1• ■ '


'^ALSCO" : ,

Sform W indow s * N O -D O W M -P A -V M E N T — J

i:p To 3 Veara la Psyt" . P H O N E ’ J 4 7 ----------- ! - -“ 2 8 5 - W e i t A 'd d l io n - - ” I ' -

l> t r f l n t i * to r ----------- ------------ ------------H e o r i n g Aid-at least /ii-jfr-itj-iiic -.r. — --------: its pricei Z eniih 'i U tetft h—the (iny b u t mighty la ja p w k e lliB h tc fa n d jj__________ _

lies for 10^ a week oa onr

...wear and comparc, on iritee. T ry it a t home. *t tints wonderful c larity ... ■ ■J scarcely know you 're P

f e



nilal a •c ll

O T a




Ave. So.)

a _

E C Kutoniobiles-for-----ill he made

)iock o f Scc - I r e p o r t w ille in s p e c t io n ^



Trips Reportedtd ir iE L D , Nov. 5 - Mr. and t ;. W. T . Flavel and her brother, “ *'■ le Sweat, have relumed from a Twla P Ulon il.W anatthee, Waili— th e-ro l n . W alU r glevena are vljlUng preaaarl Urea In Auburn, gallf. . . . the. Un:

-------------------------- BaturdiADB will be


; w i t h o i

; W e ore glod fo offer th is serviiI worries. Ju st Oik your doctor toJ wili hove it reody and w aiting foi; alley to our-bock entrance and (

A J T £ R S H A V £ P ® l l

----------------L O T I O N ' ' " " -

Suet t!ie <li]r wilh • <!»l> ol >picel i HItnlmllT toolliing. _toolin^_ in- i |L »igotilinifOIJ’SpIcfT\fnT^tIITr7Lolion jivM I bticinf itnw ot Bwdl'btinj;. Min-lailotcd t«Ule<. m

.Exiu r4ikf S'/y *l. iUt. l.73.' . H

^ l i R G E N S S T IC K 3 ^^ D E O D O R A N T

B f i s g hf i M S i i p l i i l n i t H n n S l m



PAIN*•SVtIM It • Utl, frMMMltw ^ fn a*l a cvr».lutiM ri awirr-siaicTiN* ■yufcfw . r»i-., i t if* tV U m II ir« tt «HkM(



4 .P o s itio n Sw itch f“A l l 'p u rp o s r ru b b er

co rd se t.Removable cover,

R .J . 4.B5 'O '® ® O N tS A L L ............ J k ~ r : = z= —

Keystone "On Loa Completi

0 ^ Movie-MoM o d e l K

tpSGKyMP 8mm Mogi1 ^ 3 i s • CA RR Y Iti

1 ^ • l i g h t B------V j i f ------------------- • - > P H e T C


Bubble Bath ( 3 98c

- CAST Di ROLK a v E R sn v 0 7 id aho . m os- . .

MOV. I - Richard iU nsfie ld . j 1 Fails, h u been cast In one of Idn.. ro>««-lt»-th»-opwa. "Th a - I m - —Uoi aarl0,~ which Is being sung a t In Ar Unlvenlty of Idaho Prlday and . irtlay. Nan Soden. Tft'ln Falls. T ht be one of lh# aceompanUH.____ wldoi

rtRSAV ^M O R'E TIME . . . have 1 0 u s y o u r p r e s c r i p t

. i t u p a t o u r b a c k i

l O U t w o l f i n g o r p a r k i

rvice to sovt you bolh tim e ond _to coll your prescription into us for you. W hen you coll for it, dri d ovoid porking problem s.

T H - w e a r

± ! j I . E C T- an unforgettable

Antrodueed to Ame '~f6r the first time

fey Max FacF rom th e fw h io n c<

o f th e world

--------------E le c tr fq u e v . . a -th rillir

eM encTw hose'cl

fragrp jice w ill m ake th

a i r aroui

glow w ith 'enchan

' ...... P ar/um cologne,'large s iii

io t ahow n: dusting powdei

f t i f

............... ........ A S S E E N .IN


LIPSTICK ^Regular 75c ^

2 , . , 1 . 0 0 ^


Tooth Paste BRug. 27c T u b ei ™

ication” Case : I— ite Portable ™ aking O u tfit •including ■ iK-41 BEL-AIR ; igazine C am era I .— PLUS---------------------------: ----------- ^I'ING CASE : 7

BAR No, L-2 : 1 ► TO FLO O D -b\W PS— : ------------‘

i 9 - s 4 t

* M O R I


Visits Listed GCf3ASTLETORD. Nov. 5 -M r. and f O A :s. Bob Kerns and children, Paris, t a n n.. are viiiiJns Ous Kudlac. 2 1Unp.arrf n^ n < I. »lilHt.; rflmtvi..Arkansas, ^

There are a b o u t 7‘j mllHoQ I ^ K Idows in lhe United filatei.

^SERVICE j [ j' e y o u r d o c t o r

p t i o n . ■ . t h e n : m i

i e n t r a n c e . . . • U

k i n g p r o b l e m s . : ^

2 m :jnd porking % J B

ond we .. , au_ i

drive in ihe

m M :=nclc




. p

r R i a u E S5le new fragrance.......im ca_ ■ ___

I capitals 4

■Id comes I ' ® ' - ' ■

IN. UFE . ........

D R U G S P E I1.25 CREOJIULSION........85c BAYER A S P IR IN ....

70c 'ALKA SELTZER.r.Z."_1.01U»U.RKaS------------------- 6(lc-VlGK!S-NOSE-DROE

1.25 AN’ACi;^TABLETS..-1.25 PB TRO I.AG ER........

iS M M lB iIE FOR L E S S " ->



,U_warlc d c iu .b ; . ..:odak company'a new method ne Contlnuotu Paper p^oc«as- r t

3iclose SSe (to handli poit> ge) wllh mall orders.________ _

FREEr I4 0 c b o ttle o f long lo s t in g 'M oil Po lish

w ith e o c h p u rc h o se o f




= J r l O — :

T A N G E t


S 5 ? : s i r J 9 ! : : :

"FINES E E " ___

STATIONERY ^C h o ice o f co lo rs

REG. 4 9 c

3 -



P o p c o r n ________

Popper4 - 9 8



c«(k> •! W *. MmM■■■ ■ . --~ r..- .- . - -

M . C m. •! MmvUmimt SMI

.If. Tm UOU M m Umm.

8 < ' r a f t s 6 t » i T t t l J l

S C IA L S................... ....... .1.08............................ 62c............................ 35c

......— .....54c___________________8 9 c _

O P S ______ „ .. .^ 3 8 c - . 13 .................. 9 8 c '...;...................9 ^


Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

I' i- - C«taf«<_H ■Smb4 (SaTBilI’M


» r ^ w J Z

s ; y - ~ i a ‘ ,c ------------------S r *!a BOatM _ _ _ _ i ^ n r 'o « n « r --• - ••• - - UicU B fU «C ttoWl

IFSS*'- , ■ - .S f tb*AU wUc«i r«nlN4 br U - I T

' ’ fetlMfkUoa (a U wtlkbti m k . , I JT atriw 1— « tl IhU »tp«T n rw

' ? ' . “ s a s s o / s ! . ?:', w K irt^ auwu a»j

------------------------ F D R ’S .S P ^’< J c ^ Roosevelt, Repub ,' P re sid en t FttinkJin D. R

■■;;■■ answ ers llKured out for bI ' i; fn m wif

ter.- :t' r - . “ I live ttt Hyde Park.”

ro n John . “My m other’s < X hava a couple of lavorl

•~r—-f am ity,- and -I-hop6 - thoj R epublican.''

W hen rem inded t h a t ! • com m ented there waa i ; Jjlttclc Bheep In the Roos ; called th a t h is m other w) ' j b y h e r uncie, Tbeodoi . • changed from the p arty ', I Jo h n . " I am Just re tum l

T hough young John nc■ •• a fuII-fledBCd Republlca

; m e n t on any issues of h is:t io n . " I do n o t consider

- . :<Ujcus3 any ol a y fa th e r l - » r - ytll-ftnly

H arry Trum an, Adlnl £ : ADA (Americans for r

“ ■•Whtchls a 'i a r cry from til o f m y father.

“As long oa the Dembci- rthe_contro l o f Truman,

pSDAplW lll vuleKepuHica ■and again '."

T he youngest RooseVeli i :> re ss club In Washingto ; p la n s to become a candl

tj-:ilce now, "but 1 don’t tak i-TKjsBlbility T3l-runnlng~fc

; ■ Jo h n Roosevelt served . o f ^ e CltUcns lor Elsenh

■ rcam paign ; -As for- tak ingI ;n c e In th is odminlstralion,I I been offered one.”

: If:-— i : , l e s s o n i n -w; Jam es 0 . Worthy, ^

J ; Commerce, has mode a lit j « s ty of American citizens ; ^ u can trua t them.5 A rea l bird dog ofl' big

Raving Ideas, Worthy* beg: p ro feau re for m ailing o ut

y tio n s fo r which there is a c: 1 H e learned th a t thoy w

. ! hirileaa thaTei^e3t~w as-a( 'I p ro p e r o m ounrof m ohejC

• I ncIodectTrttft-a-requesfc a-l' I: to th e w rite r explaining tl ;|{ before delivery,'I To t ry to simplify th e -I decided to send publicatlor !l m all, w ith the bill for then ,[!' ' l h th e f irs t m onth i t wa^

•n-rJcent-of-the.pubU catJons ’ B !!l ' m ed la trty and tho rest ° ; tr ick led in a little later.

IW ae lizn lna tJonofre tltiV o v e m m e n t wide as a resi

'i WHO'S C A LII Beverol weeka ago a 1 r ftctrcss callcd tho office

I ; I N ixon to complain about tl: ■ -• was being tceaLi C hristian Hotter, Jr., soi ; 'j Of M assachusetts, was the i

i; Istra tlvo assistant and took t c d fo r five m inutes w lthiVI g e t a w ord In.

‘ F inally the actress asked

!( : r m ta lk in g to?"! H e rte r told her. j;| “ W ould you please spell It •:i Of you," she saJ4 ; I H e obliged In his strong

- t - “N ow would“ yonrpleas< y n a m e ? " h e asked politely,

f l I h e a rd o f you either."I %. ® ’“ "too--inud^-^f-*-genI Jj th e ac tre ss 'n am e . ■

j : MR.-i'WHO: i ; D avid McKendree Key,- & 1 1 1 o f s ta te In charge of UnJt«( I I I te lls th is story to prove h i 1 3 W orld H ealth Organization- S y ja g o o d J o b :9 | | I 'An In d ia n doctor working | ‘ I t ro l In a rem olo T hailand vlll

H [ tr ib a l h e a d m an a few questii I H ad h e heard of N ehru?I H ad he heard of Prcsldi------- •U H ad h e heard of the Unit

H ad h e heard of WHO?---^ 'O h.yc«.-M rJW iiQ .lsjnniL

** • nnrt wr hnyt> hnrt j Very gijod-man, Mr. WHO.*'

“ WINDFALL” VI — I/-an y -p artro M h e-/« le rftf fa ll" scandal ever reachcs t t coartrC h ie r^n stlccE a ri W ot

I d isqualify himself iroih tak I decision. He has been one ol f l _ W hcn th e n ew chief justic Jlw lth h is lam lTylie moved": tf/fnishcd, pJush Woadncr hot | o u t th a t $80,000 worth of dcti f tn 'co in icc iifiirw in iieT M iirde 11ncluded Jn tbe cost o f tbe In a n c e d building. ’This Incren

th c apa rtm en ts and of cours r e n Jnto_the,pro,bl(!m.M,an_i:

§A M innesota doctor says y( If y ou w ea r fbwcr clothes. A 11 to h a teiliflffliar th i 'e •

f .5 ¥ 2 u S S ; K iM * * ''q m u v a * ^ ! . in « .« ttk « » a i t n InTttUfiU4«r U utetet U^rtk C W t. romUtKtf 1S i ftW --------------------- board by UITADLB IN AOVAKa Unl< wUcQ— - - ■ ; J " tor Jmpiwi

1 i.'w t , - • ---------------— _ ■ 'HMASU a AOVANO

" — - la j f e------ i 1J«

• '" — - - - i i i l to H B Rt tr bf artn •! r«nt <i»cit4ratw rw a t ta Ue. <M«I »<U)w Cafe ^ePUOKKTATIVW..............

SON JOHNp u b lic a n so n o f t h e la te in te r u u vl ). R o o s e re l t , h a s a l i t h e ther o r g e t t in g a lo n g w i th h is . ccncenu inw th c r ,i) ro th c ta ju n U la ^ - ^ n v i r

rk .” sa y s -y o u n g e s t-F D B er’s house is very near. u n n iu d U vorltc D em ocrats in th e b« ooud u U io y - h a v c „ o n c J T O r l t e r a j u i t o a


la t h is s is te r A nna had 13 alwaya o n s political htresM^pi Uiosevelt fold, Jo h n re> Mumihou: r w as g iven In m arriage inmicaUy, t Ddore Roosevelt. "She J ty of h e r uncle." says im ln g to th e fold." in the buii \ now considers him self twspitaiiiy >Ucan,^he w on’t com- iio»pit«Wyi h ls f a th e r ’s 'ad m ln ls tra - _der It p ro p e r o f m e to ;hcr’s ac tions," h e says. lB~DBmocr'a tlc t>arty o t : -Km m w Ue*- ll S tevenson a n d th e timnij»rt«U r D em ocratic Action) rtUrtne.Ue n tho D om ocratlc.party . p o X j i S

e o ^ e e r forn o c ra t ic p a r t y I s u n d e r th a t potiuo: in , S te v e n s o n a n d th e b « a broD^i

• M l to ld t h n H a l lo n a lig to n t h a t h e h a d n o Moore h ui id l d a t e f o r p u b lic o f - m n c y hadta k e m y se lf o u t o f th o to n j - f o r - p u l ,u c - o m c o * « t ----------------- ------- -------------- flecretnryv e d a s v ice c h a ir m a n critieired foile n h o w e r In t h i s y e a r ’s tiis juii*dicti n g ’ a n a p p o in tiv e o f - He ib Osv J o n , , h o .« y . , ” I M v = n 't

t> American A\

( H ONESTY - ..... -assistArit ‘Secre ta ry of ' mtmths-aRo; I Uttle te s t o f th e hon- eriucJ*fd nj MU n n d c o n c lu d e , t h a t S p ra o n S u 'i . I . naUonnl Inmbig a n d li t t le m o n ey wjjbur Mor

began nosing Into the world Airnci o u t commerce-publica* • • a charge. " jn iu p ti

y w e re n o t m o U td o u ts - a c c o m p a n le d - b y - th e - ________ -e y n r t h r c a s h - w a s T i o t - - r T T ' P r : a - l e t t e r w a s a e n t ba ek - V _ X J ! j_V g t h a t y o u h a d to p a y id a h o i

Tlcsldetils I* 0 p r o c e d u r . W o rth y “ . f S Jt io n s o u t i n t h e r e tu r n u,e {edemi gh e m a t t a c h e d . promotersw a s f o u n d t h a t 85 p e r >5“ n s w e r e p a id f o r - lm -M t o f t h e p a y m e n ts ' hsndie Uie' J

power f o r 't lfd ta p e m a y b e a d o p te d T iiii iden. r e s u l t ' 'tnnounccracr

ILLING? ■a f a m o u s H ollyw ood e ik u ic po Ice o f V ice P re s id e n t modem Indiu It t h e w a y s e n , Jo se p h ■£Rt£0^ ~ -rom o-phosp

s o n o f t h e g o v e rn o r - This one ne th e n th c V P ’s o d m ln - Uie phojphni o o k th o c a l l .H c lU te n - i t h o u t b e in g ab le to [a

other tnOTCdk e d , " J u s t Who Is th is pro»lde empl

ot Ihff »ho)« I t u w tll to

CAl CllniBt* fll:11 I t o u t, I never heard »buiiy or pou

of both n v Im g B o s to n o c c c n t . ’e a se s p e l l - o u t -y o u r J ' S S n 6ly , “ b e c a u s e I n e v e r The paaibi:

% hlRh dam 1s e n u e m a n to T ttv e a l

Idaho phosph------------------ erenlualty get'H O ” ................ needed powerr a s s ls ta n t - a c c r c t a r y •Jt«d N a t io n s A ffa irs , / X u T ,! h i s b e l ie f t h a t th o le u of Uie glcIon—W H O — is d o in g canyon promo

There U a

lin g o n m a la r ia , c o n - S l i ^hn.1 v i l la g e a s k e d a local «e ion. They 'e s t io n s : people here nn U ? “N o ’’ JMflkea l d e n t H s e n h o w e r?

I n i te d S t a t e s ? “N o ." Tlio announi 17 president of Uicn n w h o s a ravccl m y Q Q jn Q r£ .slc tJ ja& lcs,. -Um wifn1 0 ." education thnt ----------------- aecond World w

3 th e U . S . su p rem e ly in uie nAiumffiiT rcn -m fly h a v e to Mcinccra_tiiin_eta k in g p a t t In th c T " " '” ' f “ e 01 th e vic tim s..-is t lc e f i r s t h i t tow n and pollUcnl v.cd In to t h c n e v fly ^ 'B s tta - to -n p p irh o tc L I t n o w tu rn s ,• ^1”" ’" / 'bc tcc t]^ .c le e s s p e n t iJ X . T topTTdeVs d iv o rce , w ere" ■iiiiiTkiriirrcriccitb e g o v e rn m e n t- /} - pn the sncmi sci : r e n s c d th c r e n t o l )u rso b r o u g h t W ar-i n j n t e r e s t e d p a r ty . .The city girl *

- Was nnxious'tos y o u 'l l l I v e lo n B c r J ? " ' ? " ? ' ™ A l in o t im e o t y e a r S h . r S p " l«

7 ■ ~ ~ ^ « • '7 0 U - te e ;^ •

f C K E R ’ S t J A T I O N

VHlRLIGIi.saiN OTO N —Federal auUiorlti** ar« coa rertlgaUon ef expeaslM sifta and entert* itKtf to tonaer meahaa oS the civil w ro > by tbe Dade couoiy (Ulaml) po rt authori when th a t agency w ai aeeWnf pnrenanen npTwrejnent of the-lnlem aU ooal aU pw t___ Florida tesorL I t obtained ti ,

j B f V • . R tc r fta ry -.a inK W etlu;ortcred"tlieio«tUr?,-«■ ^ ■ T '^tom ry O e n e ra l-H o rtw i Bi

Ir,. um clvrn hira th e um I t also 1» pod rn too

B W R r S j lh e .H M V tr eotnnUailon for rei B w i U j • j u t l o n Of Ute ezecuUve brand: W tS^^m ieoVertuoait h a s ahown a s i

P X ^ n i o n method* Xor tn p ro v lo ( .b< K v V ^ H B c ff le len c y and the e th le i of t

rfjuJaUiry bodlea a t•y T w i*

/ORB TO COMMIBBtON M E M D tn S -P fwaief, ineladlas a tumty by ForUme ma ,te th a t too many memben of theae comm leUned to_accepi c^boja le bOfpOallly Ir« Ata they are 'auppoae'd lo ‘regolate. Aa a brcotne servant* and ad R iea(» fo r (he ] m i inatcftd of looklnj lo th# intcreaU of

^nm irntrprm clpal-com m ljniotM -on-lhla le placed the cJ»U aeronauWcf eommlaalc d if il power'commtnlon-nt-the-botlom of-l ked the aecurlUca and exchange u topt. U led lh a t a ll theae Independent bodlea hav ■jilsea siace t t e advent of the Elaenhower 1on.----------------------- ----- ---

T 8 AND GUESTS—The Iwo flju res alle teeevUd gUts and /r te lodflnjc a t aereral sI hotels are Deloa W. nentzel and PhUllpa ] ally, they enjoyed UU* freo loadlDg, accort vetUratora, a t the m y Uma when the CA ag « code ot ethlca, which aald;II particularly Improper lh a t peraona InU I builneaa o t the board aboidd provide u allly ta the board or lla a tafi; n o r ahotil< »Mly be accfpled." -

X HEADED CA A -nenlzel w al a key fis 1 . . 1.U 0H Iro n IMS u U M . H e h t« lM te luUea adalnb traU sn , waa chairm an of th

iinrirraffretary of ram m en ( ^ U o n and"<*nJUltant-no-UMft-ofllcIaI f. He la a Democrat.'r« was tormer director o f CAA a office 0 itiim ng th a t poslUon to become dlatrlcl a er for D adj county.'We lu a been fuapen<W oalUon u a result of tho Inm tlB aU on. jroD jht ou t tha t he accepted an aJI-e) ^;-a-'dcep-frceie. U rea.and .bathroom fl: ine uaiie'c<>umy MUjmltlea. whe - a ppa . apeclal fund for InraUatlOK themaelrei h t /edernl ofDclaU.:e h u told lh a l he did no t know th a t the r had paid for hla kitchen equipment, an

I to refund the money to Dade county.

^ E D PA V O RH ^ddlyTnouBl'7a'cloM 1 •etary-Weeka lUll a mcmb«r-ot CAD h u fd for nccepUnj favors from nn alrUne 1 ladlcUoi).J Oswald nyan. Indiana, whose term ei xr-31. and who U cnmpnlRnlng ncllveiy a I and avlnUon circles for a reappoint: an Aviation magnzliic has urRcd lh a t a yoi ire Impartlftl man be natnetl In hLi place, nato appropriations eommittee hearing* acragoi Benatof Allan j..Ellender.-:BlJ--Lo,Hlj•d nyo n aeverely. Ellender b rouR tt oul ilthouRh a CAB member and th e United B ntatlve in a conference with Mexico on I J inndlns rlfihU. w u Hown lo Mexico Cl

Morrison. vlap*prr»ldent o f Pan Ame Alm'aya In chaise of Ute South American

iltigaUon for acceptance o f.U ils hosplt B'As duly noted by Mexican nnd o ther a: I. Ryan explained lha t I t w m an “old plan

n o r iio sp n A T E S b e i n g T d e v e c o p eents of Uie Pacific Northweal have been cml years Uiat Uie only way one of Id stural rejourcfs could be utilised would b eral government.to build Hells canyon da Dtcra of Ihe-propoied federal high dam .0 leave the im preulon lh a l aouUi-ca: m t phosphate deposits eould never be tu oducUve.IcrtUlKr It. lhe.j?overnm e»t .d Uie' Job and provide a larae block of c Ior 't h e processing.Idea, like aeveral o tlier H elb canyon 1 iM evldenUy failed to aland up. In view 01 :eraenl llils week tha l a inrge chemical i :pecl5 to Invest about $3,000,000 In a fert1 m a t area In Uie near fulure.lc power la always a fac tor Jn the JocaUo Industrial plants. B u t I t seems as If the c t federal power have oversold the, inij federal power generaUon, In ao far u

jhosphate deveJopment U concerned, ine new planl.wlU by no m eana provide fo sphale processing Ihnt moat Idahoans w lee In th a t area. As the dem and for mo • ffrow, and «s compeUUve fac tors are we ndusUlallau and Investors, there sliouk oves to make use of this Idnho resourc< employment and to expand Uia econ

»ho}0 northwest.e ll to remember th a t an economic and pc it« favorable to private Investment. Uie ai t potenUal markets, the cost of tfansporUi raw' and finished products, and the type nan power arc aome o t Uw more Impon :hnt an Inda^try'considers in deciding :or where to build new p U n ii . - ________

3.«lblllly t l f tt lhe Kovernment will const lam In lleUs canyon ts ao remoto now 1 Uy had a o bcarlnc-U'hatever o a .th e plan eison-L-afce-6nlphur-eom pany- to- .u p _ losphates. The fact Uiat a private firm ,i y get Uie chance to bulJd cJam.5 and pro' >ower for southern Idnho m ight have In ft-flhemlcal.concerai-iiedalQn....-'.!.'___ event, ll looks as If Idaho'^ phaiphate-fe

iilry is «'eJJ on Ute wty to ex^nsJon . rejra IB gloom and doom prophecj'es of tha II ironioters.ia a g reat futura In Uie norUiwrsl for IndujtrJftj. They oush t to be Invited 1 ahare In the development o t Uie wl:

liey will conUnue to tu m this way If re nnd the ir local units of goTernment ci nake sound Investment aitracUva and pr ipokane) Spokesman-Revlew.

___IB E N D S JN -E nU C ATIOV _____nouncement by Dr. Jam es R. KUllan, Jf Uie Mn.wchu.ietLi InsU tute of Technolt \M under coiwUlerailou a new study progri

H ltnCFt-UndcrHnea agatn..a u enA.in.hlsl th n t - htia-Kalnetl - m om ciilUiil^ninccri

irld war. Leaders of iRe tirofesslonal acho expressed the need .to train educated m

s technicians. They wish also to rcvei .lng-Kn<i«t>ovt4aiwtL«ticcfa;tmtlon..e.Tpecti intural Rclences, Uiat has left sclenUsls a; Tiilnfrnl>1e to Uie gibe Uml they are pr i nnrrcw rM ftnyeducaloro,-llko-D r.JU lllJ mvlnccd that tclcntUU m w : hnve the o x> become belter acquainted w llh the socI rnl value.1 in defense of which they apply-lheir-taienW:— ------------------------- -—fljj recofinizM tha t exclusive .eoncentxaUi ur.-vl adeiice.1 tends to emphasize UieitJur : nppronch a t the expense of Imaglnatr cflcclluii ttnd^pecunT ionm rd 'tie is-ca iih :al sciences and the hum anities to re.itore lance.—New York Times.

APT On.SERVATIO.VKiri wns on her flrsl vLili to Uie counlry. Sl js ' to ' .thow ih f t i '4 h e 'w o j" n p f iiltnscthi f rural condliloiu. nnd when a dish • se t before her on the brenkfast t.ible, al portunlty. "Oh,” she observed c.\rclc6sly,' e ^ a b e * ,"-ca p p e i 'j ^VoekJy.

--------- - T O f f i M J E W

)n a l || ~

JG P o t ^ “ .S h o t s JlU in rlty a ta . tm ent funds:p « t at-Ui* ' 'rd » 5 ^ ^ 0 0 . IB IS END BACK. P Ua i f t c l a l r _T h*m ule , be Is * -funny

lr7,-«L^-AU- —u«'# mad* ami >i Brownell, - His beels-art fo il o f biuse of FBI ip r ta p ,n to o d Uial T om adou, ba tte rln r r u ior reortahl* Uilnji. . - - •ranch of th« He's f a t as any poisoneda s in te ra t 1 '* Ju*t hU aea u n ea s t\

- Try?'-.______ ____I.,-0* both tha »re»KW iy«ea*Bun*-ao« lO f Uia n u . U>1»S* TM m oat dcs a t W uh* **•

“ TWs mtlle. be fires o a aHe bas s lovely Toiee to

«_t>r*nmi. And when he le ts It loos«

u » n d w ith

And looks u If he 'd like U » PTivaUi tr}un Iherets any aylU of UncU I t u,B j-u b e t

^ , Bome foUj d o n t tr e a t mii-lhl*-baai(.------ ro p w t:--------------- -— -nlaslon ^ They u y . ‘T^ury’va f o l ;rt of-lta lllll — lect"--------------------------u . I t should T hat may be ao. bu t I f 71 t have been To |o lo Ueavea on ' the wer admin. Asd w ant a way th a t do

Juat pun the tassel on h----------- -T hB 'm nleT 'hfr-U nd*-4o-

I alleged to bis, n l swanky He don’t look loaded b u t Ulpa Moore. Jo b n A.<cordlng to (T w in :« CAD w u . . .

ENCOURACEMEN'J I Interested True help la kin lo tumme: de tmusual rain, khould auch T hat beats with ih e a r t- lh

through each low refra: Asd lifts the Inner m an on

;y figure In wlnja ed tbe civil UnUl each IntplraUon awed Of the cIvU ,imerce for nelp »UI quench a i(Iclal-UPOQ. . . - ^ i ^ t k j ^ i d - b f a r --------

The burden of the lowTy'he 'Ice of alr> ' tear rlct airport Away tha cfouds o f doubt I •nded jrom Mtry view;

h S ' in tm ii-to -U fe-the-w lU .-U aU-electrie ^ «So. m fliUirei J-------- ■--------— --------- (Oooi

telvea wlUi ahoulder pads aniihBPlorlda men are Just a bunch of dro. f ' a S h u B lyle^E *pertnol«. ^

'• ^ TBE COMMUTEETnu-frtpnrt- M Jw -iaJtfougt.D labto.-C ati ^ . hrfn An<l >ny oit* cof

Tor two-yuan, Wl elecUon t Une m ^ e n l bestir m e off my dir

My a i ^ S ' up -tQ.-lilnbo

‘ vo^nTer S T l r e ^ J f e s f rO T ^ * m < The way n never did down s

1 '’ mind Uiere Is no th lt ^ u i ?iV t T han belnj just aaro ld comi W Bifllea ^ Wnshi^ liiter- I »5op Off hero Ui have some

The thins thla sla te 's best ?u

■ icm iu 80 I can represent, you kno» io..pltB5lly. P.riBclpl« of U ncle Joe,

n W r u n th a tH a n y s o a d m Befor# he forcibly reU rtd.

_ _ _ Now I toiiat aay goodbye, old R V - R - J v Hl-ae*-you-dowa inrSouthen

A '' ^ Gooto C m k C» P E O — ---------T............ ........ .......been told ■ - PAMOUS LAST LINI }f Idaho's , , 2] , cellecU wlvea!*’ Uld be for GENTLEMAN IN3n dam. FO tlB T lIdam have - *:h -cu tem be turned■»t didn't ......................... ._ Aof'cAeap

■on argu- lew of the

!‘r« U lto r M M

kaU or of M M A• the pro- M W M1 import- m - w t r yi r u the • ^ed.de for all ..,ns would ■' r modern re welBh- hould ba lource. to economy

Id polltl- h e avail- porUitlon type andmportant f.ling how a

eonstrucV “ ^ B | ulow tha t pinna of. .. u p - lh a . .____ .. ,irm -..............................I provltia

Jnflu- J M n n

ite-fertl- rejrard-

ha Kells

for Uie p i , . i n .— ted and e whole / If Ul*:n lc o n - JId prot- [

* [ : IT’S ro/fTiAcs K r U f TO STAMI

ilnnnr:;----------- ---------------------------------hnology • jrogram

I higher .i c r r th i r iz±r~r"^ — ------ -achools 7:

ed men

( A U -N E V

;.“ p’r”. r n

— S “ vofuTT.!e social . r' ^ lntc.it glamoui ley are ' m cnta, wondci-------------------- --- ----------fl_maatcrnicccitraUon o f jumorrow.

■, new contoum:lnatlve- n l l l n r --------------------------------------------

ry. Sltfi s e t h r r ------------------------------ ------------luh ot

f s v r? ; 2 0 :

w & j w m . m i s j ) A H !

~ r n H O W THIN

m I p e g ls' Z n b m lt here a recoun

attem pt a t w ltch-bum ln*; u m . stiem r truU U oa- b y - f t *

Rooserelt'a departm ent 0 - J which faUed n o t fo r lack«

— seal Ul Uie WhltO H « « a a u itr hes<J<7Mrt<a oS en

• t h r o u f t t s h e e r r * !ram s and v tB to n n e u . 1

U inisl I t on your^ attenUon to help L ^ K js Mwm him ■*^3' tbe cood s aveus mm

•rr inA trt rin veiys widow and

& aflythtof,' th e a lld pun ish -:to e in g , . m eat o f. A l j e r . j : ^ ^

» s e a t noon Hiss for traitorous '*WS out of canduct, and re-

Jolced a t Uie J>-nchln»of Jo lh a sleepy tby . They elUier Ignored U

OT'kepi their compoaura in Ilka to die. midst of lU- dytoff dons j quote now f ra a s ' let be t a bun. uav ld Baxter. C u u ' l d e s , mules wtUi one ot tbo vlcUms In l h e ; ~ f 7 7 * 'iFcal]ed“ ma4S'iefl5non-Ti o t no Intel. ^tcH.burslng was p n « . 7 - — — — 'W ashington-to-a-conclwlo

It vindicated Uie M .. / .1 damned Uie admUilatraUon

n. h u " t iu BOC* was an eminent U 4o-hU -ow n -M r- Baxter is a ]euma

aometlmea wrote'edltortala )Ut he Is. freedom newspapers, a darl A. Brown con/onnlst chain opem iai In Falla) odds and atealUi in small >

IIH3 he was arrested In Loi ENT ' on an absolutely falsa el mer's misty sed/Uoa

. ^ " I w u held alz monlh* In-Ihrobfl writes, “awalUng trlaL I tra in : Aryaa, an odd old fellow f . on^warlng Olego. w lv alao hated Uie 2

WM handcuffed and )eg-lJ veeUy Blnss. me and we were taken U>

ton in tb a t condiUon. althou a IraveJeri never been orreitcd before.----- ,_____.on ft traffic charse. V ^en■'heart; and Aryan had to ijet u p 'tm m r

go to the toilet. I had ti 3t from along, chained to him. A

months in jail, my first Ini ,- th a .h e a r t ielL apart_andL l-l«turM d_

fomla,la Jerdan • « •iooding)--- nogke~{O rJohiv^g

a S o M departrnfnt o

JusUce hounds tried it agair PB wiUi similar results. Upo-..1 third attem pt in 18«i with

ia*SW C .-E i« ier"on-O iB -l in tlm a- - <uioUKr sixdima . before being- diamissed. Ls

Judge dropped dead nnd the the oU i^ defeodants result

s biow. ’ — ' ■m ouui “I w u charged wllh hnvi

-n south. spired In Washington wlUi t other i ^ p l e to undermine t

thing culcr ale of the apned forces and smm uler.— vWan populaliaa Ui.lhclr coi ishington er-ln-chief and leaderahip ime fim. • eral. The 'crime’ had to be ir

ington BO we could be tried t gulled for JurWlcUon, Uiouanndj of mi:

home.now . I had- never been in Waa 'oe, unUI I was Ukea Uiere In I

IOC. yet Uie alleged contpUi dmlrea ered over four yeara In Wasl :d. Itogge worked th a t out byold ^al. one Dillard Stokes, alias Ji Bem:0 «lrr: -B w n r« l l“ J:Pul5l* r ‘Adam: ;k Goacle porter for the WaahlnBlonT■’------------- Us to send copies of-our Jlten.INE newspapers ccntainlng our

meins bo Blokes in Washlngt IN THE allegedly committing a erlm

\Q\V______ BUkea hitcf received the Cl

M \ H i l i -

■: ? ......- ___________


isily creater vision from ilTpnnS:---------(Wiicld. Interiom, co!or-ki-yi-d to-Two-Ton*-l>ody.huo»r-pri'«<nl-tli»_____lour rnbrici. *up<-r-flmnrt appoini- idcrful new convrnicncr*! JJpro ia ccc_oLltylinC-.Vi'jtli-n-cU’f»r. toiirli>w. A STnvrfiil Hnrfp ot glorious u m - th a i ’s tlia I'ontiiic for '.'’iSl

-------- BARNi203-223 SECOND AVENUK

m . . . .,N G S A P P E A R F

ER’S ANGouQtal'of a n w ooc B roun award for 1 ng lb Ute old po rting Job o t Uie year.’ f tan k tia D. Vae o l tb e mails v u t o f JtisUce. R oese devised tn Uie ix ck o f hateful UUcal • prowcuUons oi « and tn th e m em bera of Huey Loof’i erU wdetJ** . . ." . , 7 '^ ” TTia«rtkevM TJ*trdor

AU>er=delcwtaot<,!!=jaa] *‘a a d h a d s o more la.co them , o c e p t anU-nev

■ B S a B ] W orld w ar H sesUmeni hav « w im th e Ku Xlux 1

B Q p f l a " T waa 10 poor and n bad ly taetred the U m e n t In 1M4 t h a t l had p o ta tM ^ a v y e rn v r iu d ^a n a r t i s t a fte r ooori ead:

y S W a H n>ak» a m a g e r Urlng in ' J L a I C T i o r xoy v lfe and two MtUi

f t a t T K . " ^[JoeM cC ar- du rJag th e daytime. ' d th is honor s ta rv ed to deaUi. lin -the .very T hB 'Jallt^rm .w lU iou , . . f ive years o t harasami le tter tnm ru ined m y -healUi, aJUjj

defii, C d l f , c h r t s U a a .I a m tls d to f n he notartous m y enemies, a s long aa th r-TB«.-TIitJ o n ‘JU sir«71h4”W crdrof oaecuted in ^ t o u , , r ja jj a on -w h lc h ; rc ia Q as o6~our"books,- he accused, c o un try doing noUiIag Ion of which corapenaato Uis defendJ l leader, wljj be « blot on Amtrit m alls t who A od yet. Alger Hlsa is esta ls-fo r-tho p e n s io n . ---------------*__darUig. non - • M r. B a ite r errs excut Unc agaln it h I s s w o r seemed t o be all dUea. I n » penalon, bu t Uiat letrlr Lo* Angeles « e n a to have been fni I chari# o f « ,n ie bureaucraUc aJeigh

la rec en t days. - I In JaU." he PMrUier on tha ^b je . Leon. D e R ooaevclt woman's inleioV from Ban recall h e r admission in thi IS aew de a ; n ib b u h which she has ; g-lrosed to these years u a by-prod ^ W ashing- solem n referenda, Uiat 1 hougb I had spies d id operate among re. noteiTO husb an d 's poUUcal sppa. tien &tr. De th a t "certain American liiB iilghc-to UiBiiiselrts—to—be—ooavl i to hobble eommuntsm w u more, Alter tlx ttiart loyally to theJr c«un IndicUnent . * »

?d_tg_C*ll, _ j- h .r e - n e r e , - f o u n d -a r h e r U x t to indicate the sa; rence of such em ir o r wl

loegcrH u^ t h a t she-tmfaltlngly-rtnec Urculw e x - ^latrk its whn fight Ilm j i t It of Justice N oU ns her silence on larUnent o f sedlU on persecution. let uj tain in 1M3 Uie balance UiU expressic Jpon the ir on th e sub]eci.of s m e a ^ (ith JusUce - I „ ,u jh 'dlsappr ‘5. wrote', -o f Uie way Uiese six monitig com m ltw cs - work, -flmeai Ljiter the tike Lauchlin Currie..

the trial of U, i Uilnk, unfc sutted In a t

w ith absolute finality Oial I ■Bving con . a n 's husband took a apecl( h all Uiese jn Uie case and picked EJc e m ar- ^ j<,b th e vicUma. ’This 1 m d Uie cJ: ^ h e n one ot Uie vli co m m n d - urew _PearJon on Uie ataW ip in gen- jy him 'thls.' Thi s in W ^ . n jc n fa prosecutor quickly led in Uint defense move. He jU milts irom j„ these words: "W

(jneaUon the reliability of 1 Vaalilngton w n 's sources of InlormaUoi In Irons In --------------------------

Washington. B i r t h s R e p o f tby having W CH FIELD, Nov. 5 - I J efferson a . K . Walker annoi

tera lu reo r #nd daughter,.M r.-and Mj our s ta te , uedgcs. ngton Uiua Sg t. a n d Mrs. Dick Powel -Ime Uiere. pa ren ts of a son born lu t i CIO H ey. El Paso, Tcx., wherPlie la s


’/ m k» d m

A U -N E W S H O C K .P R O O F

F5r I’o n tin c 's IV e ry o ir th rT finc.it in r id ing comfort, drivinR

— rflround aafoty^.-Loolc-st-theoa f neored cluiRnui'renturM: Heavier *’ IIiKKcr bmkcfl! Rccirculoting bal 'I’oIm-Ipm t irn il Wider-annced nn nprinj.n.' V crtio tl king pins! Ana ( p 'lri of th o undcr-tbo-car advance!


f r o m I 5*t u s

or ib# b«»t re - . • '

S i ' . . » , < h .t •L ouisianapo^ D o tc n a m S p u ie i

A b ’ra ln - tw u te r.ld e r I* * No. 3 and youTe aa exptirm t*t-of-the fOod-^.6 .only fslr. "011

j a i i S i t * * ,, Wim WiU, te t* rp ft— —e T d S r i u . L A pow cfal mite. I lent, th a n you time* m y own iize..Ttm

I 1 1

.. Wa nearlywiae A l a useful

tw u ttr ia l-an d M iU a tn c r o s s . ™ ament almost poUinate flowers. *«r JUjougb. u . a aew tvrld dwellJ freely forjl*e „ n g e Iroaj Uie U* America to Canstla and- o f - C ^ r j f f l - R a y * i r c o m p i i t r i t r e i r ^ d ta i ta a i ) , t iy r,plei-)13u bt

u lo n g as the-MirofTny ng to ot u s have UUs, again undanta. Uiero O ur nearest reieriean JusUce. n i jh t hawks.I enUUed lo a 3. Among Uie most-------------------- bued of a ll animals, wecutably Uiere. ■ ' —be enUUed to

tring mockery fnistrated bylight o t band • j y W T j M j

jbjK l of th e legrlly. us itheappalllnR 'IS peddled a ll M ^iroduct of theat communistmg us in he r ^ Mp p a ra t ta a n dcans allo*'ed ^

-sWrnmering fraaaienti.ol re Im ^rU in t featuring auch Jew. aunuy. emerald, flaming i

Uiyst, pearl grey, bror -anyllilng-ln oraB gaaod blue. The-lrirtr ! same abhor- change wiUi Uie pulsing 1• wUfuI o lm e Bient of our bodlei. Had t fleets a ta ln s t -■<. Much of my waking 11 trfiLton. on th e wing. Our flight Is

on U ie m a ss 'Uk'c 110 6Uier Dim. wa n tu sw e ig h -tn ward and bsckward; sli sslon o( hers nnd down, besides hoverl rUig: sp o t o u r wing-beat Is lU pprove.” alie ta s t - u p to ^S compleU b. !S6 lealslauve ond-ln -fo rw ard .flleh t,.a Z r \ Z say darUng? I go lOQ teet ■le.A^erKLis ondi ;w rmTBrate. males inforgivable " monUi or eo before tem: s esUblishedlal th b worn- - S.BecauMofUieprodlgl- « la l in terest expended I can eal over Eicher Ui do weight la concenlraU

Us tru th was ono day. My diet Is necte ■ VlcUms p u t and Uiseels. rvom Uie lal land to teaU- trac t w hat nourishment e •me Rovem- then minute pell«s dy Uiwarted dlgesUble parts and_ r

yielded th e them.••We do n o t O’ My exqUUlto Uupoon of Mr. Pear- I* '» “do of fine fibers, 11 lUon ” thistle-down, and camouf?!___ bits o f live lichen, m o u ai

- barlc'bound with silk fron > r te C l der'a web. In It. Uie fcmaU — Mr. and j" ' “Mou^ce Uio ______ R A M vS R

F i o n ^ n ^ ^ — V e n e t ia n BU ntl-F atM r s .- U u s b ------Your -Wlndow-Warch

COMPLETE iwell are th e RENOVATION BER\ u t monUi a t »!■ .f a m _ u i iikla StaUoned., ’


n e \

_________ m nrlc 'o f *tn d io f i t s i

. in itsycoi

3 Tbere'a ae . m iiiity feCt'.

From----------------- £ait-warm.u

new— :— ---------------- :__i______ thnrauf^Mvp

■■ ----- for-on iB tn ie c o n o m y


.m e w c s tT n d -------------------m lllinnjcatjinK ea^e, e)I-

r *’X’’ fram el *b a l^^ ce rin g l__________

T W I N f a l l :

J ^ A T . N o V E M S g , ,

i c I WhlU o n e -h . lM n c t ,T ^

I!4 I n t h a V j i S ; ®’ «<

som e n u l ^■■ - ^ •. a « n c c » -u » t S

n T h u t l e - i e r ^ S U k ?

m e .flre -a w a y

■ | = £ H ^ e |person to stroke h ^ i ?

eonsUU of a cropful ■ M H f ° d p a r U y - d l ^ t e d ^

Into the young -uns

«t-a>-m innte-feM lnvSthree weeks the youtit ^ >. ^ k l y , «e

^ M m ^ M and in oui- furyH B H H enem lu . ?

weller, our 600 S ^* ^6le Uo of SoUUi occaalonii Wl ^ d ^ u k T l l y * " •> ;,« '« me S T u S reim'-Wnefl-for * „ ^ uair i 1e beak m ay be feathen. 1, '

TtlsUvea are

Ml brllUanUy- we renect Uie

---------------— >7«P P?O lll.h .b rlilil rifliHahlne to r e d - . »nd f lU u S

S v ^ water, two p « t s of w jteT«nd hang it a a to ?

w w m r trom being Uie a m a l j ^ world and making , m n S

i mlng nolaa w im m ,W ■ Ing wings. I do noi h a y i^

b u t i do squeak and tirtiteAnswer: I am a hiunmltti (Cowrlihl. u n . tr fcg g i

-ia« rcultr »ho icndi ■ t ^ 'S

J of lha rain-' f" jewel-llkc-col-ng ruby, time- "JUjh .n k , n n «w»sjS brom^e green,Iridescentbues u i U-Tbtt 6 t ^Ing and m ove. uw. cuif.”ad enough 71 ------------------— -

S ' i ' ^ S i S * ' ' : T r o o p - J o i M'irc sn flr 'fo r* n t ;v m jn j j ma.> i » ■

sJderays, up uut Merle 8 I m o n i . r a

itupm dously ceremony Mondsy erenti M beala a s « . o u ,g , awards wer« »tr-oF-thouUJ Norman-WUllamsrfCBiri1^1 leav^n!f a - if-» a !ttlies waving a master badRes; Wendino temalcs, going Norman Wllllami, («u rhaps, stripes: Lanny C a r llu t-dlglous energy blem;-Nile-areenalgh. « iver twice my ter badge: Norman W n^ Iraled food In yenrs servlee sUr. u lectar. mostly, Croft, L anny CuUite. a 9 latter I ex* algh, Gary BultertleUtf n t exists, and McBride, one year seniii Ifls of Uie in-


joon-slze nest MOHOV tO Ll •a, lined with-ounsged viUi » Farm l« a csIS and bits of • . a ty Resident Icidl from the tpl- _ City Buslnesalld;.male laya two • No A ^ r a i t t l 'W ‘

— • 0No commluUejn - y • Low Inlereat Rata

F ac to ry — F = 3 = E = W f l n larcboiuo----- , „ . „

ERVICE 1J7 AI <lk At*. W.

H P S T R A T O - S T R E A K V -l

Vff/IAC AmrOR.7 MASTERPIECB , NEW FROM TUB GROUND Vrt th e on« l T h is is th o c a r w ith th* _

of g rea tneas—a p p a re n t In every its degigniri-for-to m orTOw ity l ln i ~ i t s p lu a -^ w e r e d V -8 e n g in e . . I . yeors-aliesd chnssis enginoenni. d -d riv fi th is aen*ationaLali-Dflff_I S t « a k potvcrod P o n t is c - to d * y .


f lr tio n ^ u a packed Into this f8C t.h '5S iw )w S iH { 5^ lfe« lrV .« r-- uick-rcaponso carburetor to ita m ^ ip in ta k o manlfnld. i t ’a an ail-

OOUAR FOR P O l i^ -.yy o u CANTBEAT A P O tm :

" I I ................

L L S , I D A H O

Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

■ ^ O f f i c ia l ^^ m f f ‘, ‘S a t f tM m n H b


H » ^ otriciiK M ta li

decJdeliijuld Ih ' >iyi-t«lQn fac

^ V P ^ I ^ v e elghl other

K S . w “S ”s i ■

'W uhfnttan

BPrt »«* '"3| ^ ‘{ ^ _ £ ' ' ‘

^ f e n * t M frt^ l* '’* ‘ WH

■ ‘" S ' n n i c t ■ H iu h i i l i r c lu n l d conflict

m n u n o - o f - h u - a a r Iiie U, 6' tcrvtce.

■ Uir»^h Uii during Uie ■ .rid ffllnU tratlon tttvie* w u K i * T u i n u D j * l t t e depart- • _ „

Mcomlni ifcre tiry ,

V p m ld e n t ElKnhower'i new X X ^ progrun' wenV Into

H t m l when D»vTir»o ihUtcd H oftTDtny 10 Umt. Dulle* l i u B iy -^ lu n u e ted J ifll ilii to a i^ e _

H d Quullontn « ipecltl hearln j h o ^ . y

■ r y R e c r u i t e r s overhMi

fcA W n ^ M -K m ein Contest : ; ? -H itcU U rd tune In five monUii, the i l r i■ i - a ItlU M t r _ ^ U i n « c f- »w

S w ^ cw n IhB iU liU H P u o m wc^ E tU & i tubtuUon ia .lb t S alt ou l If t^ fc iy reau iU nf dUlrlcU Invasion^ ^ I c i l e of tiranl lor merl- nianeuvi

Kjileremfnl « u preicnttd y /hen■ Ok(T* Walker-and- k n c c raft, Oi H Utribew, recrullem h e re ,-----------■ moRiInt br Ueul., J .r. N. R. .■ sijl U toC lir. awlsiant of-

^ fc c ru tlu 'u ll awarded to ra- _ dl9 li;lns the rrenCut re- I J tnflcieticj and oJfIc* tA X I

riauiUns lubttaUofit com* BURL Ior the awtrd which crewa f

^ ■ b e Ton three conMcutlva manaffei ■ W i n U u n be retained per- &7. 1i r u ■ ■ t 'H t i Twin FalU ofClce has aummer. ^ ■ tK a^-boQ i'U m erlt-failed tr tc t n i

Uv tenon In th t p u t live day.T he t

B ' 6,514 of

■ D l ( s l e p o r { e a = . ’ S S___n - * - j _____m ____cQiL.ol.j

H r Bridge Play^ f i i l e V i i i t r AltcniocnDup- p« ]u o

elub pUyed the Howell „ u “ . v j

■ •lut: C. C»non and W n. A r- ijr,H*r ■ U r nttlved flnl place: M n. K ^ .n d M n .A ih e r B .W l l .M m i . .nd Mn. Hflward R.■ t n 4 Mfl. J. Frank Henry.

■ p u p «lli pliy m in a t l ; : o P o n < AU brldse playera ^ « F «

B Panel Meets - a p«u■ra.M AN, Noir. 5-The official tratlon

the MelhodliL church m e t Sweet. 1H church on Wednesday eve- waa fll( ■ ^ w ie i for fvanselLim and « V r t T■ « yre Ml for the f ir jt two BeuUhK ............................ Th® ftH 'J - w, Jones and Mn. Gerald T w in Pa H t(rc ippolnted on a flower and live ■ S y i i w i " r M V P - p m | . . l _ » w ■ p o m on ihp clothing col- Sweet, i •o H iU o y fn . The next m eet. Sweet a H > b* held on Dec, i » i u,* T w in Tt B ______________ ; Probai

fco res to Close £ ‘1 "• ME, No,, i-nobert Thorpe.

RtitUty to lhe Cham- l 'i.ii'iliiniiMii ^■'A 'M ercc, reporui tha t Je-

ehft J ------

g j f . a r a s J

H „ ) j”Jj5^CASVASS

1P l T c O H F O ^ ^ •'

|» M D M C O iT I ; -

I l v e r i n e !■ ^ I H E l l -H O R I E H I D E " ~ ~ iU i l l ....... m il =

H SEE THAT SHELL!P'l'l'^olrerlnti hav*

■ I ‘liaSole.anctUpp,r,. /


t e i g r hP E N G E L E N S ; 23sI “ -DownOoiri—

Father Gre

rl__ ___ ^

Carroll M aytr, Z*. YaUma. Waah.. mxImS eeted spon arrival her* by hla father, Ed > aat Uia maehln* dawn In n vacant l«t si

[elicopter Pilot ] From Pareni

« r d fh U r « h rC w 5 iy r iU M C :ia ^ ^ pie from all over Che neighbor- W uh.. d. youngjtera and adiilts alike, hla pan il_aultc_knoK _w hit_to_beIleK Meyer., iraday afternoon. I t Is

hellcopUr luddenly hovered hellcopt :head. I t made a couple of turna »' : the area and then aettled on an , Mey*' >ty_lM In the W _l)lock_ot_Car- had U t atreeL y r m n

Hlldren acreanied wllh delight >®‘' *■ * ran to tak i a clowr look a t 1

atrange vtaltor, Houacwlvea left X »W ^M ..n«n.oathtiE.itay. hom t n work atopped their cara to find r o a If th a Huaalana-had-begun an

lalon or .the array w u ou l on „ leuvera.'h en tho pilot alepped from hla J t. th e puial* quickly w uaolvad .

L M H as57 yutert!coral

Range Blazes ZfvORLEY. Nolr. 5 - r i r* fighUn* D r^ Ja ra from the bureau of land chemla lagement office here *uppre«ed formed irea in grazing dUtrlct two h i t hla tli mer. William t.-Mftlhewa: dla- *mog.: x ingfl-m anajer, reported P rt- (

fire* blackened 13^89 acree. l > ^ « l I o f which were- federal and i r O lMvarft-otlmtdy-ffftned J h " l u t ____ »■waa-reported-on-fiept^as,-™*! = 1 |.oI.auoprc4iioa.wu.JSJ71------------- „ — ,, the breakdown for the number Mra. 1 Irei, the bureau report* T*1n *red A.I counly had eight. C aula Oct. 38. Ity 24. Bannock county 20. Pow- of adm flunty four and Oneida county *'

Ider cauaea, lightning w a s Helra led for H . amokera iJ . camp a re tw< I two. bunun^^aebtla a t aad Comle.

ipers Filed for. g““' Sweet Holdings 2^

peUUon for letUr* of admlnU- I Ion for the eaUte af Irvln 7. et. who died here l u t Oct. 22.

filed in Twin Falla probai*•t Friday by hla widow, Mra, lah Sweet.16 eaU t« includes farm land tn n PaUa county valued a t tlOO.OOO llveatock. cropa and rsachlnery

<30,000., ,In addition .in Mr^. ______et. helra are two aona. Ferrla I. e t and Darrell P. Sweet, both n Falla.•obate Ju d g t Everett M. Sweeley the hearing for 10 a,m. Nov. 18., Sw eet la repreaented by Roy X.Uu_______________^__________

^ i i F s I nHOTPOINT- STORB | —

o p e n H “E V E R Y I


7 t o ^ —i g n p i i m " I z :

COME _ - W A T C H - T Y -___E xcq jtrS n tran d -S u iir j ; --------

o t it« Best!


Phona163 ^238 M iin Are. Norlh

-reels HelicoptcrT

— ’ k '

iat«d a t Ul* c«ntrala of' th* I3S.OOO helleept tr. Edwin W. Meyer. Meyer made tli« trip l«t acroaa tb i atreet from hla parent'! hon

* * * * _

t Lands Across i ;nts’ Home for Vru -C a n o n T fu e r r :5 J .Z V in tT m (^ u h . . who had come home to vLilt for urm I parenLt. Mr. and M n. Edwin W. by heieyer.-35l_Carney_Jtrcet.________inachlnIt la believed the flrat time w ate. Th iicopter h u landed on a Twin He also ilU atreet. helicopiMeyer aald the tr ip from Yakima ^ n -,n i d Uken him a it houra. He mnd#* ^a„d nICO »Ujpa UM Uic » « ;. Wu.klii* nUrtlnRr a apraylng and dtiaUng outfit ii< ------- .-------------------------------------- ) Flying I

Smog p>"LQH ANOFT.m, Nnr, S (IB- j f ' ’; ,

imvenlty of SouU iem ^allfo r- lla KientUU atudled with In- e n » icruUny today * fickle tie . jj. elonglng to downcnat, engineer-'- -u., .w. n t itudent Jamea Sliarpleu, ,7 .nri The dlatreased a ludent snld

lu l when he left homa for achool eiterday h li tie waa a b right iomorro oral color. By the Ume. he sached claa* It lu d turned an . .gly purple. . _ . . . . S t r i l A dlajnojla was conduclcd by „

'r. Joaeph SmaUco. head of the I f ^ Itemlatiy department, who In- •*• " >rmed saddened Sharple.w U iat 8 SATI la tie had beta a vlcUm of >)pholsii nog. ' 'prepare*

} fflclurln Tacoma

rebate Started T l =iiFEmory:Estate.Ira, LoretU Emor>'. widow of'A l- g ,,,! d A. Bnory. who died here Ja s t .^ ’ii t. 38. fUed a peUtlon for letters administration for Uie lOO.OOO □, “] ? J

a le la Twin Fall* probate courl niemberd a r. -----------:lelra In addition to Mrs, Emory ! two ilepdaughleri. Mra. U l H | J mle. Buhl: Mrs. Tessie Alger, rln Falls, and a stepson, Jam es :Brlde, San FTanctsco. Calif, the peUUon will be heard In pro- l« court a t 2:30 p.m. Nov. IS, Mra, w ty Is repreaented by Jo lm C. P h pworih. _________________ L —



CHIMMIn s ta llo tio n jsL e a s

c o s t 'o s l i t t le o s I

A 12 -fo o t ^ A b to ltJ tc ly F irc i--------------------------------------------------------------------Fof-A» U ttl« A t ...................

/--s n / S

Jerom i

r P i l o F ^ Bij

-w A inatiot


______ Ingtor--------------- White

£ i u i l-• .• V . • be th J

i p « t '

. Ust.nl MoUie hower W arrt

On I yester Zlsent old Ir

^ and a derful hower to two

• bB hai T h l

to th l s u u

- h e r a ambai monw

■ chlldf he r w ahakej

M lt crowd to th when

- ..-•■Ht Queen

Ileeptrrbe Hew toT w ln FalU, ta- ' q-q , trip from Yakima In alz hourx. .> ry,

I hone. (tjUff photo>engrarin{)* * * ___ * civil <

s Street SMil

Visit to City'Vfflm«.-h> i t on hta way to look’ Mf*~ r urnnlum in i;iah . ITe anlH Uavel ' helicopter is expensive. The ichIne.co3t4.»S0_an ht^ur to oper- e. The Ulp here cost aboul U M . t° g 0 e also mentioned the price of the 'licopter. Is (39,000.Deflplte hla age. Meyer Li'^an old md n t ^ i e flying game. ^Before

m, he WA.1 employed by Reeder’s ying Ser»ice In Ta'ln Falls for one nr. He hns been in W uhlngton o ye«». The litm h e now works -

r. Economy Pesl Control, hns four 3ptem,-hIcH 'i r e *U K a''prlm arny * lispniylng-wliert fields aijd orch- .. d.1.None was more pleased to aee Car- .II thnn-hts j'ounKer'alster. Nelda,, and brolher. Dnvld. 11. As n m a t- r ot fact. Meyer had to promise his ler he would go with her lo school Tiorrow. J

--------------------------- Vtrike Is Planned l _ For Casket FirmsiSA T L i Nov. 5 on -T lie AFL ‘ holslera’ union announced U wna :pared to siilke nine c u k e t m anu- :turlng firms In ScntUe. E rerett. coma and PorUnnd. O re , la a pul4 over a new contract.I strike agaitut two firms here s .

il-Ootd.-buaineM rep resen ta tiv e --------SeatUe local 8; aald Uio Ume for ! strike w u to be aet ii} meeUngs Uie various clUes tM ay a n d th a t I dUpute Involved about IflO union mbers.

HULL'S TURKEYS —F re .sh e v e ry d n y l BE SURE YOU

BUY TH E B E ST P h o n w 3 3 5 6 - 0 0 8 0 - J 4



NEYIS 90* each '

Firciofft V olco-B lock

~ irm .O O z- ~

a ho M asonry Prod.

Ico Builders Supplyomi Phone - iM .................

I .J


[ig Program Waits Queen, 7

SVASHINOTON;-N<»Vr-*-ftfU.Ttt» ‘ 7— tloa'a capital today planned rn- rtalmaenl f it for & aueeu—vlaltfng leeo MoUier E lltabelh of EnKland.A pluih prcas recepUon a l W ash- ston'i s u t l e r hotel and a privaU nils Houae dinner were on today's :iedule for the molher o f Oreat lUIn’a relgalac Queen E llu - - -. *U ia i________ — :------------------------- _ Jm e widow ot K ins Oeorge. V I • . ■ ent her first n igh t m W aslunElon '. M th l WhlU House a fte r attending ■

formil dinner there In her honor M it.n lSbt:.^t.L be ■ftalr..the Queen M )U ieraa lbetw ee»^tF ilden tE W n- vrer and ' Chief Justice Earl | n | t

Dn her arrival a t the White House Blerday, ahe greeUd PVesident MQ itnhow er.and Mrs. ELvnhower.as ^ I irienas—Tne-PresiQent beamea - R r d said, "Your Majesty, IU won- rful to se* you again." Mr. Elsen- wer also gave * warm welcome two of her ladles In waiting whom |M hadTnetprevioutiy. ' I H

T hl Queen M other w u e.vcorted I M th l W hlU House by SecrrU ry of H

a u John FM ter Dulles, who m et ■ r_at_ (h e _ ain » rt along w lth Jh e ibassadors of tha BrltlMi com- . j snwealth naUons. A swarm of Ildren alao wwe 6nTian‘a"lo“ greeT r with bowa, curUies and hand;•kes, ? „Many children were aUo In the 3wds Uist gaUiercd alons the rouU

lhe WhlU House, She smiled P"° ten a small boy ahouted shrilly:■.■Htllj, Mra. .Q ueca. Hello. M n . ____

Appointed ■ SBOISE. Nov. 5 (UJ3-Appolntment *" *Dorothy J . Smylle. sister of Oov- ^

no r-E lect Robert E Smylie, asvll defense chairm an of the Idaiio *P'“ Ale Nurses association was «n«lunced today by Idaho Civil De- o * "nse Director Col. John Mamcrow. "«P Mlsi Smylle, a Boise nurse, willI dIrecUr o t nuralng service In the P«^ ilunleer ;^ lU o n w ith tho civil de«nse ontanluktlon. She aucceeds Uieri.-T iiarjortB-ntqj«ulcfc------------- • » »

Twelve U. S, sU tes and the Dls- 'Icl of Columbia require the read- I g of tht^~BlbIe~ln~puDlle »chi»u, ' ■

SO U TH FR O M M A G IC I Va l l e y O N H IW A Y -93



S tz e > ^ I

^ A n

o u t- 1 —

; ............ ................ ...................... •

. P M -cn , eJo4rtiH: fin t ttra!



Chivalry Sti

H g W C P l ^ ~ '■’T.

Marion L. G leasoiirri. t f a l i ^ t y " » r raturaa ttoaer paid br-M orris-W . Batki lall a t Granada HUU. Calif., when ah* i (allant deed UnAed Balkan tn laU U b 3wn fine of |U and had (o w all fe r 1 Gleason called a t Balken’a heoM te n photo)

—VehicIes^ Collide-------JEROME. Nov. 5—EKputy Sheriff

Jordon Newbry invesUgated a ninor accident a t 4M0 p, m . Tuesday . n Eden, A :982'Ford truck driven '• y Ralph M. Law, Eden, and belong- ng to P. A. TeaUr. Edea, w as ram - ned by a 1BS2 Chevrolet aedan Irlven by Joe Metcalf, E den, tn d iwned by Ronald Metcalf, Eden. Jeputy-Newbry aald.

The driver of the ch ev to le t atop- wr a t a stop slga and th e n drove mto Uie highwsy Inlo Uie rea r of h e truck. Newbry eiU m ated dam- Hfr-to-Uia-Ch*vrol»t-at-»l»0.------- - .

ROOFING CO.*‘T h e M u t e r R o o f e r ^

-------* - R O O F iN S ------------------ -• SIDING •

, i n s u l a t i o n

Johni-Uanviil* Products• - Certified contfietow ^------- "

. Mo Job too L v i i - r . or Too Small.


P h o n i 2975rColIfC t ‘ aiva me a pUca to stAnd in d r u roof to* world’

irld-famous, n a t i

■ n p - v

L iJ E v

rs a great 5 , yea

tra ig h ti a / t t , m id lim


t s t a a d i i o g

f c r r

en§ e/A m tn ea t mMt ftm ont luUtnal U'ltJ tefiUkty ira tiJt—i* A«r« « s « Iralgtil io it r^ ii/ Tkit vA u isy i§ 5 oW. Fer ytert PM kat t*»n <A» eAerea «« ttha JtmenJ tk t N ei^ yeti,ut.tnieii.iU.np*rtMualitii.TnrH___ __,l...*a terP M '0rie t,ieurt^

I f y o u l i k e

f t n e t h i n j

^AND HAVE A KEBN — — ......... t feWflttfOgryAU)

H IS K E Y ,.8 S .P R 0 0 F » NATIONA

till Alive raCous

Z L ^ ^ p i Z -

of Callferola a t Le* Anr«1ef Med. gnp atkeB.-M,-ll|llirto-ke*p'h'er w r i f ‘ Si h* eealdn’t pay a Uaffl* fina. Th* almaiU whea h* eeuld net pay his ■ >r a brelher to ball him oat. MUi, ■ » make tha repayment. (Ap win* ^


. a t T W I N F A L L S B U S l

M r s . J h r m a R i n g w o q d ___S p e e d w r it ln g I n s t r u c to r

TWIN FALLS BUSH/ d o A o ’a L a r g e s t S c h i

t i o n a l l y a d v e r t i s <

s a r o l d

t B ourl


ngs I

t L U B l = | = | = T . - J ^ ^ ^ 5 4 u * s ;

N A U O IS T ilL tR S .P R O O U C T S jC Q .I

- - p A O K T r r a

: P A w n . TO m r r - — "CHOaHONE. Hot. 8_T b * UaeelB,

bounty Cemeterr 4H .'r ic t oommlislonen « | m M t * 1.I p jn . Tueaday a t th * otne« oJ X>.J,- liaOnmie a t the coort

-------------------^ O W X -


S horthandJS IN E S S C O L L E G E ----------

M ■ ^m B “We havt completed 33 W elaate* tn Uie two.yeara n flpeedwriUng Shorthand '

been offered a t Twla

H - * W e - a r e - k t a r t la r - » - n o * - ^ B H - C lm MnnriayT-NoTatabef— B B I, a t 7:00 p m . You ara la*9 vlled lo be tny luest.

*1 would like y w to m eet -. ^ aom* o t my a tudenU and^ -h ta M lr t t - h a D d 4 w » - U u r ------1 ^ feel about Spe^w riting .

wlU flT e> classroom ■ -tf tm ta s r t i iu o a 'w fe fc rT O O T ' H o a y se* forTotiraeU th* - ■ many advanUgea'Speed- I wrltloc Bhortljand otfen.*

M R ^ T u k a T O O D . •

SINESS COLLEGEc h o o l o f B i a i n e t r

! ^ S S 3 S S E 3 B 3 & 8 B B


b o iri M ^

W .RW R A TI0N *.N EW W R « "‘.I

• ** • ...J

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

New^Solon’s ^ i f e Plans to

trrDropPoliticsTOKttMilO, O n ^ K or. > 0U!>-

U n . l u u r l u N euberjer.-tft# irtf a t nnr}j>«lectcd V .a Sen. Rlcluxi U NRlberser, p U o t to glv« up >ic

, • cw n.poU D w ti.caretr lo w ort wltl “ Uer hnilmna; -- ---------------

Oit f oa h o u u a t reprtMQtaUvu- 8b« ied -ih e UeU -oT Portland-trM ’ o n d ia ttM i s Uw cleetidn. 2 u l ihi

a»ld .iba VDuld bftppli; retire Iron peU tlcs-fti'U e end or h er i»o-yet: te n n to b« w ith DU± la W uhing

T> o , - ____T lw U eoberE tn i r T U i r ^ y T i u i

b and u d wUe lesitlaUve tu r n li tb*.'UnU«L 8 ta t« ..«nd . are credlUi wtcb brlnglnz th e Dcm ocntle pore b«ek to U/o ia tnaiU oiuU y Bepub llc tu O ngoa.

'• -M n . Neuberger itl ll unutU ed b; h e r .b u ih tn d 'i vlclory over Bepub.

: -U e * a 8«n, aoy-C ordon-tiH he fln t mofflests o t the r»ce. said the siuli

: h e r own decUlon to quit poUUci. Etu , u ld (he would prefer to help Dlck'i I— c w « r .th« o J » ^ id one of-hi r-oa-o

'T h e Jornier h l^h Khool EnglUJ«nrl ph y l f t «ilit t u t bUTlng an up te t u a reiult o » threatened ballot rccount, ehi

. would aeecmpany ber hu»U nd t- I W aihlngton a fte r C h rlitm u "l- ] ge t .h lm ^ U e d and i ta r te d ' anc

would then re tu rn to Oregon lo r Uii I ta r t or the i ta te leglilftture.

M n. Neuberge r siid th e rget hei- h u iU nd through-thelf common po.

• UUcal actlvlUes u d . convletloni I They have been m arried nine yean > B ut while Dick's main Inu reau an I- In public power end employment 1 h l l wife i l moaUy concerned wl^t , educaUon and conium er problenu., On# common political Interest Ij ' In comervatlon; T he Neubeiiier* hoT'

mally ipend th e ir lum m en trovel’ J ling and ca ia p ljv in U ie-pad/Ji I Borthweet.' ■ . .

i Artificial Planet ~ P la in ie d fo r l9 5 5I t« - A n a lrc ra lt induitry exw U ri | . p ^ c l i tba gorem m ent next yeai

w in i ta r t planning a n arUricla t p lanet which will clreaJate SOO mile!

i*. .01; store above U u earlhl.nrovldlni i t aiUltary Intelligence. ■ -

_ g m ta f . Lear , L ot Angele* o o a rd -rn a ln a o r uf Ijea rr l ncz ami

, holder o t Uia IBM CoUler avUUoi I* conlerenc(•r-lhunday -that-conslraeU on-o f-U H ^ p l a n e t would be » project on U»

scale o r th a t-* h lch x ^ t « r i a th« r t n t atom bomb,

i Lear aald th is man-m ade solai ' ' body would be about 600 feet lji

d iameter. . I t would be equipped'wlt , automatJe cam eras which could

photograph any p a r t of the earth'i surface on Its daily trips around the world. Re aald e a c t details o t Uit

,, project are. secrets

|:4 Children Dead Ll House Blaze

, yA K IM A .W aah,N 0T.8 ( in -A fln In a three-ro6m house here yest«t'<

: ,day claimed Uie.Jlwe.or'Xour.smsll , children.

Three of Uie children died a lm u t • Immediately of suffocaUon. The

fourth Tletlm, four*month-old Ar-

— T h r Tletlms-wew tlje-ehllflrT trrf Mr. aad Mr*. Aubrey T ^w ell. The olher dead were DoneUt, 4. OlydJe.

'9. and Aubrey, 3.■ cWld. Oelores, 8. w ai in

' Officials said th e csum of Uie fire was undetermlneij but It wt* be-

- Uated-to-have sta rted around a coU 1- and wood heater which was In the . living room Khcre there were two

beds. Firemen said Uie b l t u « u confined to-the living room.

Tickets to Dance Sold by Firemen

r ^ BDRLEY. Nov. 6 _ sa l« of Ucketa , Jor the annual firemen's ball ts : proceeding a l a fair pnce. repotts • - r i re -C h ie f O tis Williams.1— ThB-dflnco-w lll-be-held-from - B 1 p jn . to 1 a.m. Nov. I l s t the Y-Dell I billroom here.- Muilc will be pro- I Tided bv W tvne filtiym ' unil hti ; orciiu tra .; WlUlams u ld proceeds from the ' dance v ill go towards the purchase

of a 3.000-gallon Unk tnick. He added Uiat a Uack of UiU tj-pe U

I needed for ru ra l flrej, parUeulatly I when canal* ha re been drained.

I Few Changes in !___Policies Sightedi___NEW_VORK._Nor.-6_KfrrAttor--noy-.O cnem l-irerB CTfB row iieU rjr-

dcdsred yeaterday tiinc 'Uiero-wlil . be no leUup or cKaft^e in mtijor poU- cles of Uie Elsenhower adm ln lsln - tlon u a reiu lt of lha eJecUon.”

Brownell ta ld th a t the two ma­jo r p tr ls of admlnlstraUon policy were in foreign a ffa ln and Uie translUon from a wartime to a pM ^U m e economy la Uie United

J E R O M EA u t o T f i e ^ r e ~

EN D ST O N IG H T — /Uan - I ,.A DD.Atl<m»JXAHL- -


'T E C H N ico ioa

------ SA-T;--SUN;------ZA N E GREY'S


----- WlUi O rO .-M O N TO O M SnY -- -

p A c r ^ ' '

Magic0 1-------------------------------------------------

KU X ..Il f » a . n n i t u a y c r a x B rn :

*ABO y iu tu .l— klaUrats. ’CB*QU!>— -------- -

Wife I;J0 tw ns Bill i n t k r t - - »:m ' JiM w i i i ' " ’ »! wD

[> (sic Jot CUatsU tu s •

x ia t . t ISSn the s i» T*. Kowrt *•” ?,UvU. > :lt KJtx Korula X4II '■

lOiM Lutkr Q>Bc«Tla* IKS X)I:M T«TfT A»hlU J« :« •)

1 She 1:01 Bisa *' from “ SATOEDAT . ,

C.II Ifl r n n r

m In t:30*M4rtJn A tn u k / • :U XmUd t i l t !1fb* „ • :»

tpub’ I:ii •auJim aadSftfir iCja H1 0 'flpu* Palnl UlM *<

;d by MwliTUtKUx j |> « *1

a M nma/le S:IO Ktmmlarwtr. N o t liilO *1“she 1‘ur)lck'$ i;«« OotdMr. S:»SN

---- iill■said ............. ..........

IO.M lac **. Col. IL »>» •'

andrU ie *1 T i « 1 •t h e r Red Fails m £ Try to S t ^ “

Korea Plan<SEOtn:-. Nov. 6 WV-Pak Choc

K w an.-a-Sm ith Korean arm y pllo :ayS. picked tip a hitchhiker Tuesday.

‘Hie m an . dressed In a IIOIC arm unUorm and carrying complet Identification p a p en .' wanted t ride w ith P a k from a Seoul a lrttri to Pak'a base near the old tror

IC C iiiA tH .l-3 e .n ,lU ..o u t^ o f-S c o u ia h 'O t f h itchhiker, sitting In Uie btck set B l lJ S t Pak 's U B liaison planiTilUreW uUve the pilot a h d U ireatened'tO 'X im ut year If be refused to fly to a North Ko

ficlal rean field.'m llu Pak. refused. T h s h itchhiker be » in g g»n h llU cg him over the head-wit

a elub a n d tried to strangle hli reJe*. with a necktie.

ifcijJ fak.tlu'cw~hlfl^)lane~into a quiot aUon steep tu rn . HU patsenger. throw; « ie e out of balance,'fell out of the plan :-UiB and“ p lu n a n e t« t - 600- l e e t - t o “ Wi_Uie deaUi.......... ... ......... 'I the The R O K d ^ en se fnlnistry. dls

dosing th e s to rr todsy, said tb solar hitchhiker had been idenUried asIt In 30-year-old eom m tin lstjig tn j.____WlUl..........— -----------

Bomb Threatens 'S? Union Gatherinj

DENVER, N or. 6 HV-PoUce a t d Ited a 4iu ick thinking union olflcla WlUl prevenUng the explosion o t ; homemade bomb a t the -window-o

17a a p ipefitters local headquarten laa

k fire ■ Asked by a visitor w hat th e fir stet'- w u outside h is'w indow , buslnes imsll agent Thom aa £ . Hamby dlK ovrrf

six sUcks o t dynamite and a bum most iDg three-foo l fuse.Ths He c u t 'th e fuse and called police Ar- They aald i t would have se t thi

a a faisst o f / in about three m sre min-~ ute*. ----------------

u n ia n officw i 'u i d u ity c oui a n - The call no o n f bearing a gnidgi fdle. Bgaloit th e loctU

t Tax Bills Studied cSS^-By Truck-GroupUie T asaU on bills affecting Uie motor two transport Industry scheduled fot was the nex t s la te legislature were dis­

cussed T hursday a t a board of dl- rectflrs meeUng of the Idaho Motor 'T rtnaport auoclaUon In the Roger­son hotel,

n i e board m em ben also dLwuss* c n ed Insurance problems and voted to k j l . continue ta x and Insurance Ulks I ^ a t Uielr nex t meeUng Nov. 10 a t flfta BolM.

The group waa welcomed to Twin n-B rall».by_A . f . Nelson, clialrman of nell the clly com rnlu ion .'W nll W alsUi; pro- president of Uio T*-ln FalU Safety h ll council, a lto spoke briefly. John

l if ilU . iLW clauuu iiiMtdentr-BoUs, conducted the day-lone scs.tlon.


' Todays C

>d Hie finest f a;or- .................. ..... _

I mUiaWalI.”la-

I n — $aij quaUffVi ^ n f i "_ M H n choosing Caik tho m srlcft

I t ta ite i b from ptcmii


The M tn »ko Cam s ^ :


'- — ll£N 0£O -W H ISK E rr/l5’ PROOF;-:

; Valley Radio SKEEP KTFIji

li m g iL O C T c ig a ) ---------(W ^ -H L O -n s xBMWrtlta M im ik «NM -

ruDAT r u n»!m nnhrntt* S r ^ ' ~ IIm iSjwrU fcIDS 'U l'i PM nd IDS Su-miM*

l;00.Clrk BlasUm - -liMiFlskU

llM r llT r r n .

i i s r :H S ® -^ U H IU A t . - UOTI

l;D. 'CBS t t m . t Ua

l;i! f a . S T . i r " ' " "

i s s P S P " i.’sss?'*:,

lios *CDS K w V «

!isl «CM M?.. »lllT tou«r» T

Not Youngest----------- B O lSa,-J»0».-4-lB -E 0tierL E ,

Smylle w on 't be Idaho'i youngesi governor w hen he's iwom ln ir •January, u previously reported

m e The lale O or. Frank-A. flteunen- berg was only 35 .when he tool

Choon ofdcs in 1807. Smylle U 40. r pilot, —

mplete Reds Retui-nAir Blows of

SfiSJ---- Nationalist;^ m -T A lPE H ,-F o rm iita .-N or.^5 ltfV j j Ko- The official CenUal .New»_tKen<

reported Uxlay two S o v W ^ e r be- TU-a Chinese red bomben dropp* d -wlUi 31-bombs today.on JiaUonalUl-he e him Ylklangshan Island. .

'The agency ssid fir* persons we;

hrown The raid apparcnUy colncid* plane with a s trike by Chinese NaUonalL

:o“ hU bom ben-on-m enacing-eom m unl posltloni near the Tachen Ulanc

K dls- today. Red fighter planes' attack* d tbe the bom ben for the f ln t Uma 1 d u a Uie vest-pocket war._________A ir-fo rce -h e ad q a artsn " u ld rt

f ig h le rs - l t did no t »ty wheUii CJ they were JeU or propeller driven S four Umes Uied to check Uie ralde. ,• „ a s . U i e y bore down on Toumt

■ Once o rer Toumen. whose bsttei Jm hsve been shelling Ylklangsh#

V i f * tn Uia nearby Tachens some 2( miles norU i.o l J^innos8 ,,N aU o^l

ra l u t were intercepted.H eadquarlen said Uie NallonalU

IB n re Preu«d hom e Uie attack deiplte li islness UircepUon and heavy ground f i ovfred a lLxetum ed lo base, Ih e nun bum - ber of-planes Inrolred on each sl(

w u not disclosed.

S ’ Damages Sought ^ =3te=€rash^ResnlTUdgi Bull fo r $398.46 damages u Ui

resu lt o f an automobile aeclder WM filed 'Thursday In probste couj

I here by T heo Speitman, ntm ln Lewis Bell u defendant.

Spellm an charges auto* driven b | i m Bell and-Spellman’s wife figured I

’ “ r » collision in Twin FftlU July 3 motor 1B93, u a resu lt of Bell's ‘'carele: 1 for sn d nesligen i driving." Spellina } dls- also asks costs of tha suit.

S;.'Man Is Fined for icuM- Hunting lllcgflll}ed to D . U . M tje ru t. Jerome, w at flnei U lk t 133 snd $3 coaU for carrying a J

10 a l caliber rif le In Uie Cassia specla deer h u n t area without a llcenst

Twin He appeared Thursday before Pro in of bate Judge E verelt Sweeley.IsU i; "M aJe ru s 'w iJ 'trre stc d 'b y Conser ;afety vaUon O fficer Joel Re>Tiol!ls Ocl John 10. Judge Sweeley suspended Sl: &olt«, lo f Uia -fln e .unUI the c loa .c t-h un t n. I Ing season.

Carstairs is

lasting whiskey

JahoM arkef

'il-mie whiskai/buiiers»r. men who know flni whiskey a n ig C a n ta in u the oiitrtandlng hrsn tlin

■tei better because it I t madi belUr - >mn)um>pric«(l. selected g ra in s -b y

•xpensivf, etcluaiv*^ ------- B ielhod i—with-lSB-----

exacting quality con»___ftm S a iS g ^ — tro lrT ro m gram (0

botUe.N o w onder Car-

^ I t l l r I '41 “1 Bl 0 01 h > Y;- f in e r t a t t i n g - I h *

w hiskeyyouconiloy . with. T ry it


M R S B * 'H8 CO., INC.. NEW YORK, H.Y. bf; ' 72% GBAIH' HEUTRAL'SPIRITS . "

I Schedules1 AM-FM KBARao-m >gcQ. ---- (im laocTa," “" I ' T -

hu ” . . . . . . 7Ulfl-*Ck»t UmlJw -•. 7jjs

» !« **DC Ltl* K t»i........- -tM ’Jail r*U

f l a t »!»S 'AIIC L»t* Nr»»tw tt»P*'rUT’ 'llttJMSY ' ll.:JOHu.U TUl MldallATt«DAT ilTUKDAt

«w n'« UlUea 7-JO AjranilfTkiTTlM ?U4-iUB»f JCoH«» Cl»2ST« »Tttr*spM*-r«ci

rto li< .Y H iirr .. u :09 nwuBlfuIjr y».r- , iutks<bMiUuL“ t4*aM Is Im KOAB K»*k B.*'• u il* y *"iV« f u ll I t l»< OU c^f* Ii9« 84iuf<»r UtieSr ;unbU Clxrur 0« r IU» K-I>»r IU«<h Hti

B S S Z - - ■

[ j n Services Held foi ' _ C a rlG . Petersmgest W ENDELU Nov. 6—Funeral m h» lees for Carl OUdwIn Peterson ortcd.* held -Wednesday a t Uie We unen- t .n a church wllh BUhop Eva took WUlard offlclaUng. BUhop Wi

gave th e prayer a t the mon ■I and Uie invocaUon for Uie ie r

SoloUU were Albcrtlne Rost I Gloria Teleton, accompanied ‘ M n . Ii. N. Bylngton. MerUian

A played an accordion solo, n t S p eaken were A.' Leo OUon

Jo h n T. Dixon. The obituary t , read bV Oeorge R. Lancaster. I S t S b e n e d le U o n -a a s -g lvm - b y—l _ G arfield . Elmer J, P e tenon 1

c a u d ~ jh > grave » f"U ia We ssency cemelery.

, Pallbe a re n were Jam es R . I Iropped cHiFray FUher, Charles Yi Jl-held Velmer O raybeal, T . G. Rich

ahd D ale Spencer, m charg IS were flowers' were Mrs. Oeorge Lanci ______ Mrs. D . E . NeUon and M n . 1

lonalUl __

s @ S S 3 S 9 H■r"* I ENDS. TONITE“ J ANE R U S S E L L -

docs T H A T dance in

- s "FRENCH = ' UNE"ne 200 ■


!h”S -Cprtoon Festivala n d W ayne M orris {n


S £ ; | F R I . . SAT.

j u l iu sS I ■ C A E S A rellman M arlon Brando - Greer

O arson - LouU Calhern JsA;es M ason > Debor*h X er

i l l y G S S S / B'.“ I ENDSTONITE


"1 "APACHE"anser- ■ " ---------- --- - - —, Oct Adm. 10e-3Sc-50ed SIS


Con. Sat. From 2:00 P .S t

f t t M l f f------NOW!:"S^frT:'‘'

U/a£6T^i(Sneuii■ « M a m r h« JL

■ Jf™

Prlcei T h lt | H | H | j B AttncU on Only!

i . c fr iL o n E .v -s o e —__________________ 8:60 - lOl'


~ ] French Blast— Algeria HUls !CLui Seek Reb<

ALOIZRS. Algerit, H or. ■ Im aura F rench fighter planes and .

fired blindly into rocky-Alg m ou n u in t yesterday, problai

> puylng hide and> ' a fte r starUng a ntUonsjlsT upi ' . F lgh ten swept low s a d s t

Twmintstntn]vt-liT~thrTtifgwT— sla-AlgerU border area whcri rebeU struck fiercely Monday s

_ j - , - In g ; surnnmding towns, bl< bridges, u te rin g telepbtina line setting up stona rosdblocks..

T anks pushed through the : blocks todsy and reached Iht

Tim# U ted towns wlUioul any appi--------- ble-flghUng.-Howiver,..the-F)

g .lr MtUnsle a l le u t ' 1,000 rebeli citV In . the hiU*. under U)e o r n

leadership, of 3M TunUians, allpped a c ^ the border,

x itr The ou tbreak^the t i n t In TiQualy_euIel -Algeria — obri worried t t e French snd broug mind Ui* iBltlsl h lt and run l

. . tng in Indochina.'The Frendi pratesled to :

•ar 8k1»'“Htiiit _ .

^ F o r " A N i g

C o m e !r s p n _________________^nil K rv- , I

■ S i S B o r d e r . . wEvan M.Willard

S S all cometost and lied by an Dllle

r ^ N o w .ary waa d -ter. The S | O Y ^t.. Floyd ........- J ____ J U U L l _ - t en dedl-W enaen r : : z i i r ; r:r=s*irTrM icUeo^

‘v S : ' SEE HE- 3 Y .u .m . ^ i o

incMtcr. 3 A* Alluring . . AjI. T , M. ; ;i BesuU/ul u any


sSotifh of the

^ L Y I f * ■ ■ ■ ■ " ‘■ ■ S

f o r m /


B I r ==ROUIH^WI" W h e rp Q u ality one


------ -------- ■ EESR

C o m e I n A i

mj j g Served AE ---------- ^TERS

l i e s ®’EY ----------------


1 -Bili



. t w i n f a l l s . IDAHO

t lh m a t’s ' l l^11 MANILA. N or. 5 m - T h iI S J of c ity .po lice crl

hU oftlcen today to r liaii I 1 T ords ln.Uieir report*.

, I [A— te n . , . (made the repo rt d . ficult to comprehend.*' . A lgerian » ------------ ~

BiE Probate Asked3= H M b and^E jle re the OOODINO. N or. 6—1 ^ ly m o m - Campbell. WendeU, h a s filet blowing Uon for leUers of admW

in the I7.S09 estate o f h e r t OUude Campbell, In probai

IB r a id - here. Mr. CampbeU died O Uie iso- The esUte Includes two i M r e ^ '. Wendell, a 1853 4a r a n d 1

if .iL ffjy u . ! ^ > .v ^ J . . £im n l S d ley J- Campbell, F t CoUlni

Z iU ier L. Kess,-Twln FalU. Jen Campbell sod N ancy C

In p re- boUi WendeU.__________ __ibriously. ,, ... , — . ______ ~ought to U u t a Cairo radio sUU: in f ig h t- beaming toflammatory mesi

AlgerU, which is classed a a E gypt partm ent of metropollU n F

Ight of Happiness"

I South of The

vhere the folfis z to play!I S T A R R I

STEW ARr_|^leo^-JoyfoH O aneiag-D arU ng-—

IER TONIGHTa th a t E nglish .01:1* really aye . As T alen ted . . As Primitively” my you hsve t n r seen or ever

rUS^ETE^S■SERT INNBorder - - Hi-Way 93



VESiC(iyOMa£03nd Service Go H and In H o nd" ISHONE * Oppoitt* T elephone ( P H O N E 3 8 7 8

ROUTH, Owner - ; -

A n d G e t A c q u a in t e d

E COFFEEAll Day Saturday

— " Endt f itlu rdayl

— ^ l i s g l s s i p p l ^ a j n b l c c ! ! “ WorW In H ir A r m s ’’



^ ^ 2 3 ,0 0 0 .Called f(Tbe chief Draft in Jam

WASHDidTON, N or. 8 uam f Dig ^ f o s e departm ent yeste*

n e d a d m t.c a u fo r a jx n J s n t u r y ^ i ^ l w

o r ti) d lf- " ^ h T a i o o figure is Ui ' ' monthly anrnber. which h

- • i . ~ c s iie d 'ja e r ;n d 7rit--wiU'bri J SSS.CO tha number of men

1(1 U l - I’"--" the i l s r t of t h i Kortr\ J J. The defense departm iair k < JT J IT P January d raft'calll* based o ^ aS b tS d S ^ - t h e . - - i h w t 's . - ; - i

lUengUi a fte r allowances,h S S s ^ u S ior^enllitanenu and r ■r husband. . . )bate court ----- 1--------

GrazingOkajd a truck. ’ BOISE, Nor. 5 CB - 'D

Campbell, board of examinen approvec r t r e ^ U n - d iy an H T M aP > L -Ig -. 11ns. Colo.: Vaught, Brunesu. lo (rase . l U .u d El- on part of Uie Bruneau arm I ' CampbtU. 3. BUlke wildlife m a n a g ^ c

NOW SPlA Y lK lfi g

/ ' ' '"M


_ A D D E D ________ll, -n o B S E snJ TH E PAJ


5 " ' vY -IT H T

: - "Fl------------ - -^ --S H tlin g HAYD

Wild Bill

>3 sTj_______ _ N o t h i n g l i k e

5 J J J J I “ o r t h i s m a d m ;

0 - : -----------

• • A n d y Rus

; ------------ 2 — <

— Open 6 :45 —

- ■ 'wummiiin

nQHQ'l!_____ AILIwin-EolliJV

ANE(v k .T H E 1 r e i ® 'AN t

A ion donee on/he


* r n ic E S ! '6 5 ^ . 8 5 ^

g y .-. ____ -TU J X Afler.2 .

iL g

m u a r y S ^ t t S t oijjoo men In vote* tn b l s ^

1 Ull s a m e -----------

ayed "RAILS m- 'The IU te - A . .

r a s >-aramie

i^ e n t a r e a . C A R T O O N -___ _

K S■

B Wfilm

w » a_ n m

2 2 ; 5 < w « <n n tN OF ^ COLOB ' PAJIPA8- • CARTOON

:m N G A D V E N T U R E .. . ' i TH E N A V A U A IR A R M ! "

F U T T O P ' ^

lYDEN-------— Richord-CARliOJ


ill EHiqtt in ' TOPEKA"

TARTS SUNDAY ■ke i t ! H o ld o n to y o u r u

I m a n 'w l i r t a k e y o u to hli;

^ "HOUSE o f W A X '

QfiKOCEESHKiaHEeelo l S h o r t S u b f e e t Progran R u s i i l l * B irth o f Hocki;

-CARTOONS — 5-— Lost Com plete Show lOiC



TALENTS THAT GAVE YOU .N AMERICAN IN PARIS"! ^lo n S '^ l le d , /o i i fe - f o d in , i tncs'/ilfid /ove ifory bo<id j B I /he o n o f Bnadwa/ mun'colf


- t t H f J l u i l I « - i i J

I EHmillHK-ME j ^


Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

stW o rd ls

e a r d ^ £ E l E 5^ p f i v e s «

m T f ^ T i i l t t i Mu= - ^ B ' I f * J i t m tlvta « •

f e s r . t . S ' i - B»“ ““ S ■ K , r u t « n . B B

^ s « HS S 'S S ? S ; * WK r ; pruoner buU by the

L , reolcantn u ld Uiey b«- | ^ H

UU«1- _ 721L wfre btUered to be prU-m . (UU dfportment tJnee X tg m^Ttrrlne U9 fcl BtB VS J 3 i " W Elm« P. t u ^ - * ”ild-lhe leller from her h w - tJ . 8.^ ^ .U > r . bore Uie liucrlp- MarineI. ih» Ufd CfOM Society of hundre-

.nd e;0 Chme.e (NEA t i ’ Commttwe for -World

uld lhe «M OOUfltd Aur. -19, F i l mjMnd'i Sfith' blrtlid*y, Ui«t i . S ^ c n i h .d officially tn - A l 1 ih»i 15 Amfrlcin » ^ e n ,I htr hiubwd. were Iciiown H« Uld believed M be prU- f

K Xr u s O r g a n i z e d

) r L D S G r o u p s n , ^

■ u DtSi'nli^ It^the LDS ^ m a i , i:airlnrlhe-Wedhe*day,-ni|}it —, Un. Velma Allen li d l- ThomiuTlirehoru* U-lo b«*U m od Men'* dUIA miiili: department dur* Ooemme;culturtl a ru tin s of MIA tUended

c n t (ew monlhA, AU youtha port of -wmKunlty are Inrlted to radio pn

fiiiinuahdaw-hotif-HenrT -J tv{>tL<oo pfuented tho mlwlomiry Kennedy rffTnrjpfciirint<rH t'eiJiis:Scuon conducted the open- . I l | \ lenhly prenram. KrUllne * ' ■ ' a ltd lhe llieme and Barbara • BURU m d the icrlpture,-------------pliysical ------------------------ -------------divorce

R e p o r t S l a t e d S ' S j ;iilONE, Nor. i - A report on band. MsenicUrKleii liaeheduled for by Uieitfi; nooQ Clumber of Com- Nieljon.mnUni. Ooutlai Kaiuco, Mra. JIt. iimouncu. coupte'einouil elrcUon-day dinner u iu torIrt la the near lulure, H an- pob n miL......................... - . -1 rJed-'Dec.

| i | i p

„ / ( § •

- ..........................- ^

In th o name w ay tl tiKnifics a s ia n d a r this A.B.C. cmble

;____________ ^ u t the cifculat----------- . - p c rioc lica is ..lL is th____ - in the Audit Burea

- - ....... asBuranceto advertof member publi audittxl and rcpoi the rigid siandnrd

,______________ «iiy «P• s* . \ %dver

■ — — ------

^ ad.fttiiino ogt flP"indinI91.

_____________U ___ BLodM.UMffKl______________ P®

[ ' I ii'cvlflllerti of ni

. (-1)• ■

Visits StrickcD

'A W k

!. 8. A m b im d o r te Italy, CUr* Boothe I.i ■loc a *Ull (o (ha flMd-ilrlektn area of 8i idred life* wer*.loat io tb i dliuU r. E EA Ulcphotol

Im Is Featured At Club Meeting »i.nIllm. '•W dler, the Fountain ol, f / .l

,•• featured « meeilne of. the. , ,I Falla. MetliodHt Men'* club iday evening « t tha ehureh. ;je Illm WM ahown by Rlchird. ,nd reli ■ert. M ^ lc w « provided by a , . , “ ..tlon tet. Clnrence Dudley. Henry • im -rr 8, n a y H arter and the Rev. W. ti.rnirt M acArlhur. Dick Wl^c, club', oarlWrt

le— n -F '= ^ -D ii i ;h i ' w n u f f : n r f i PJIM Mnhnn.' Jerome Melhndlai * / l l l L '« club prcflident—«nd-H , J, - p nmer. club aecrct.iry-lreniurer, f O ided lh e meellnR tind ursed sup- of-U ie M ethodist Men'* hour

) proRrnm Sundny over K1TI. TIion'M lJ>tLofW_lt£flLj£il_by_iJcrbeit i tn h e S t

.. ,______________ Throcitmc

)ivoree Sought 'f£ " ';RLEY. Nov. 5 — Mental and for one-' leal criielty w/ui charged In a BrlRiw. i rce Bull filed In Uie dUlrlct Carter. J I-c lerk '* ©fflce Thuraday for Hollenbec: Inece Jenks aKnlnal her lius- .Id Hftttk.

:. Mnx Jenk.1. T lie ault wa. (lied wm mnde Jie Uw firm of NleUon and the bo.ird ■on. , , A plioniX Jenka aak« custody of Uie lilsiory. le's th ree children. She aUo Kl«,’anls v

for support money toUItns Tlie recon R m onth. T he Jenk i were mar- aid A, Jo Dec. 17. W 8 , in-I>oe>Ullo...:- Klwanis-^

........ . - - ^ - := E =


^ iv c u la iio n []

( ^ r d e g n i } ^ - \ - —


ly th a t S T E R L IN G on bIIvct In 11 idard o f known value, tio is and nblem a sym bol of FACTS Bui illations o f 'tie w ipapcrs and— tiocs thc.em blcm ofmembcrship____ andureau of Circulations* and is resi vertisers th a t the tnrculations mu( u b lica tio n s a rc mcnsurcil, how eported in accordnncc with thal lard.9 th n t have been mutu- thei ’ approved nnd adopted by info v e r t is e r a n n d publi^herR. caa> crc’s w hy o u r membership able

•Tt«»-Aud.i Surcou at Citeu* - - •letlonj, of whith thIiBiwipoptfII 0 mctnbir, ii a coeptra'iot, . "i U0cia,>>0n ei 3.37S edofllitri,ogpnciti ond publiihiti. 6i* .

IVN.A.B.C. biought etdrt Ml '

paid clrculollon; rvt*i a"d

of niw ipoptrt end ptilodico’t. ^

;eriA i-ea Aim

3^ . J ' alms I

wPTA «ec

------ Danner, iidaho

i InshlEh Kho

M rt Dl tlic n

^ local orsi acconipUi malini

. . tlie ccnet Uir Amer

— tOniliJclec dunni; wl

fcB w - * . aduUi h t


" a 4i«»

Nrher ui

atnie I>Tj on Rt

Funelhe I.ute, U helped o»rr ruhbU f J n fof.S tlrm o, lU ly. N ftrlr three V IU I

■ U. S. aid h a i been prnmlted. GOOD] ICM fnr

-------------------- ---------- --- ' - , Cliriicy'...-• --------------- j ft. m. W

SpecialUnlvrr.Mty of Idnlm lioaMrr. H» orRnnlr-lnc a apeclnl plane [“ unter. f p to Moscow for Dad's dny, : iv, 13, .: CCPItina C.11I fnr a apeclnl rharl- '11®“ “^?' , •d phne (o leave here .»Jov. I I d return Nov. U . Only 24 rf»- i S I " ' .-.tlona wlll be avftllBble. > mJ, jJv[nlerestetl pernnn.^ cnn to n h c t i b ^ n rm irold Hove. Kimberly, phone hv h i, »•

3-M33.________________--------------------------------------------1 Ilottnfd

'ficers Sdecfed”'For Rupert Club tl 'L iUrERT.-Nov.-5------ .WlllUjn-E. w‘’’- „mn-1 WM elected prc.udeni of Patlbeni Rupert KinnnL'i ciul) lor 1055 Mr.i. Cl

he-cIuS'a-meetinit-TtnFiEnti'rJJiy -Wiles-Ch r>cl(morton.._ttM-*elected.-Tlee.Idem, nnd Rlchnrd Cnolc un.i E»‘und,led trennurer.-------------------------------------- Jjccled lo the board of dtrectom SHOSH one-yciir temw nere Roberl ghone «1' R*. Rivlph Broadhead, O. D. pn i Mor er. Emory DelUleh, Wnyne biilldlneenb«k nnd E, M. Oreer. Don- ------------Hawk. Immediate pa.*!! pre.ildent. | made an honornry member of CHICK

bo.ird. ' IU A nplionoRrnph record reb tin* the:>ry. purpose nnd ItlenU o f 0"anls WIU plityed a l the meetlnj:.' <recordlnir w i« nnrrated by Don-, *A. Jotin.tton, who founded the: iinla-?Iui>-1n-Detroll In-1913.— i - -

in the A.B.C. is im portant to our advi and ouTEclves: Al regular intervals om Burcnu’a latRC staff o f experienced ( tion .auditors makfra « thorough insj and aud it of our circulation record results o f this cxactinR audit Kho« much circulation we have; where il how it wnsobt.iined; rind many other 1 tha l advcrli.'^rs need as a sound br their advertisinR investments. Thi.s a information is jiubltfhed by tbe Bui easy-fo-rend A.B.C. reports which arc able lo our advertisers on request.



ims of PTA ire Topic at M Board Parley H

ilOSHONE. Noel 's -:.T h e p ta ’. K T 3 Urns and organlutUon, were cx- ® K B ued to members o( Uie Shuhone > execuUve board by Mrt-’Jesde K j P ner tecond vice pre.ldent-O Llht >0 Congress of PTA, t l • meet* Wrdnesday tfiernoon *1 Uie m J M

I Khool.-r t Danner'i eipIantUon Includ- tlie naUonal, * .ut« dlslricl tn d I orBanlMllcni. Btie D olnltd.to : impUihmenU ol lhe PTA In pro- ini democracy, legliltUon tn d teneral welfare of children tn dAmerican nubile,_________ ,u . ~ ^ b ^ r r » a d ^ k . pre.ldenL .

ns which Mrs. m n t Lequerlci irKd th s t 3.0U children and HB lls h td been « n ’ed ho i lunchea n j October. Mr*. W. n . Burkett -Uie PTA-lia*-M« mem ben to -

rilKuuton on iullon'cen aeUvU and behavior of youths of the

muniiy- ttTis - l ie ld r-w rtr -R r or* - er uiid Mra. Donald Daw, Je - . e. line « ru chairman for the : ITA. will presenl n prosram , irt r t Uie Nov. IS PTA m eetlni. =

ineral Held for jooding ResidentOODINO, Nov. 5 - ru n e ra l .e r r - «riL

fnr Mra. Anna Maud_8t-ilfy. ney' weTe conducted a t 10:30 11. Wednesdny a l the Ooodlng Qnfen I chapel. Hmrri.prayer waa clven a l the Chenev j4»d»ri e before Uie service by Cliff ter. Prelude and posUude mu.ilc plnyed by Marjorie Davenpori. •

no composed ot Mrs. Owen T . T V i t « ard, Mra. James Bullock and X T T U . U P rea l WrlRhl sanir. ac- llpnnlcd by MLm Davenpdn. Tlie f callon was Riven by Nlle Cox. niTPi . Jay Tell played t violin aolo. i-^ nCox.^ soloist, was accompanied Jj

n^r^^iK l^^e'^dent^^^SliM ''

lerl Fowler and the benedic- ^by.V triyaJlaw k*..D edlcjiU on

lie grave a l Elmwood cemetery by alto, made by Bishop Vernon Good- ’ Edsni

operate:illbearers, sons and son-in-laws from W lr.i. Cheney, were SUley Cheney, dlse pu es^henP7rVlL!UJi Clieiiey, K fiui TnwO*] !l''^''i_Pale^,pheney .and„nn'u l_ -

nOARD to~m 'e'e t ' V fiOSHONE, Nov, 5 -T h e 8ho- \ \ .le school board will meel a t a l l

Monday a l the . high Khool \ l

JicKEN ■ \l-A-BASKET..........7 0 C ]Jr. Oulild* (nd T«li*.lIom* OrdiM

SAWYER'SBARBEQUE _____________


IIV I'advertisers V lIs one of tho ^ 3ced circula*- K MI inspection __^ rd s^ 'I 'h o _______[_________■ ■show; how ^ 3;re it goes; — .............Iher FA C TS Q id basis for1ii.s audited B M! Bureau in E a;h arc avail* ^ | | |

E S ^ I


triUlD-i QMea MeUier E ltnbc th w llh : ,eloualy-tak>-»n(alnl Dr. O rtyM ii KMc.' mily: - I t U m j time te fe l In Uoe?* 1 een Molher wa« made by A n o d tle d Fret rrti durlnc eercnonlea fn wblch the tn d der« e l Klenee, diplomacy, fDvemment reel trcm Colambta. lAP wlrephole)

vo Suits Filed Re At Rupert Court c5f“

UPERT.'Nov. «-T»-o *ulU seek- lh# ilji letUement o t unpaid bills were I in probaU cou;t hero UiU *>'o kl

lonitlnso?a Knight, R uperl'li irdw tre tr^*eeka= pfljinco tm L rJU U Q 1 E, H. Davli for palnl pur* hJgnwa *s, Tlie suit WM filed Thursday wcl'iUo iltorney Sherman Bellwood. Week iKnr Obenchaln, fllllnR sU tlon ator, leeks payment of 1106.86 J William W right for merchnn- ®^P'™ purch tsed .'T he su ll was filed

Wiiy-byCreK8on-«nd-CrciuKm.- R JA P -

■ I r * In

vWm x a "one* a y*e


S M o rder lo ba i

CLOSE-OUT . . KEM o itly d iic o n H n u ed 1 , 7 5 c o lo rs .......;_ .;. '. .G A L I

FRONT DOOR LC y lin d er SeND e i fe r m o k e .......................... E>

D ex (e r C y linder N IG H T LA TCH ES....... ....... E>

^ 2 x 4 a n d W i d e r F i r D i— N o r 2 a n d b e t t t r --------- -—

Y ord Cull*............................. O

4 0 ' Pkg. HOBBYR an dom w id th , 4 f t . long S hop type « l* o r ........................I

N u-W oodIN SU L A T IN G L A T H ......, ....<

_ l I l x 3 ! l i 4 J t Z £ e d f l f : . ~ FENCE PICK ETS.................,EA

~ ’/ 4 " M flhogony -------PLY W OO D ,...............SQ . FT . ,

A lum a-D oor<Seol W EA TH ER ST R IP SETS.......

139 Third A > |. South, T

FALLS. IDAHO_________

I Doctor?’ “Bl

I LON . boyslL IU .c r problei

revolui Al c<

yowig“T arta

Krol weekly

•‘A I do wc Ih e y crowd] houset

_ llc h ta Neai

me 6i( month and d crlmei

■ teac ' old.-A . cn-to

ro u - I m i ' i

pUtol of Uie

Mos jear-c ard,"

Tlie verely


Lh % typical A acrieaa gestur* P ( rtt.-pm ldeiit-Bf C olm ntli'an lr- — - • Thla BBQiual picture af th i ^ to “real SU ff Photofnipher H trry *'>th 1 ind more I h tn 'a scare of a ther overtlr n t and arU received benoniry P<ul

(two).------------------------- :------------------phiiip

ieward OfferedDISE. Nov. S QJfJ— 1111 Mores Ma:(in!k CatUemen'i association and jm o)iU te organlsaUon have pu t up g CU l reward o t *1,000 for rusU en -killed or butchered a cow be- ®

Ing to S. T . Hawkins. Boise. h h le inJmai u'jx >;i;ra~snd buun-.-In -*-fleld“y f s ro r B o ue~near ' ■ A

Itlon secrelar}'. reported. eeki u ld the reward would t>e . for Jnformatlon leadlnR to the s l tn d conviction of the person e rw ns responsible............................

Lp-TlM Ea-'WEWS-WAWT-APgrW ------

Wki i(a-ais3

WM Su l ° sill

Inventory lim i I O

lu ll a few *f Ih* B J:|»

y * o r" 'ip ic ta l i y j ' ^ a:o»

le td \<MOY down in * lo’^

balanc* our ilock. | ^ B | | ><o»-


“ - qt: 5 0 ' - 1 : 1------------- ^ 3 ■ !;o^

K S .

LOCKS n .A .S O B ■ > 0^

.E A C H 7 n ■ s;ii- ---------- . I l l ■ liiftl

5.90 H • \Si

K M 7 .60.

Dimensions—i - .O O P«rlOO------2 jiojjD B I ----------- ■ ■ ?

^ E 9 ^ 1:00-r TRIM M s

I s i

1 : 1------------ ' ^ 9 ■ >;o»..

EAciir"T5'“ “H -

r:2 2 v ^ l i l l■ sou—

1 . 4 0 J p -

B I i i l g H

-~-r.-------- ---- ----------, Twin Falls W M ■ 10:01

■ ■ I

butterfly” Boys Ai

ONDON. Nov. 5 -/T he 'bu tte rfly tence B l-ire elvlng .Uie Soviet Union for h ti .c rcatcai Juveolle .deUnauency foolbtl blem ilnce the early days of Uie yean f Dlution. -me,1 colorful Hi th tl r nickname, Uie tough ■ lig te r ro i* -w * » r long-maned 1J3J. n r ta n lia lrcuu’* m d brtlllanl col- offend.tm oT T ifr---------------------- -:rokodil. the Soviet Ulusirated lence 1 :kly, descrlbei Oicm thus; In jA Ring of pimply youUii, ne'er jtnder; wells and louts are responilble. td u

ey atart-trouble on-tramcaT*.-in liiiMj-wds o t moviegoers, and e a tin g ---------ues. They bother Rlrls and pickQta-WlUi.men.:;------------------------learly 60 ilnrlf« In . W ErSovTFl presa wliMln Uie l u t alx H U niha on jou ttilu l hooliganism 1 drlnkinc. Some ot Uiem report mes of aerloua violence, k fchoolboy In Khabarovsk knifed eacher to death. He was 11 years.-An-Odes5« ichoolboy w ti b e a i- ---------to detU i by oUier boys, --------- -'o u r boys, a R ^ l S jo n» .cn jaged_____U 'le n tS ofarm ed robberies. The tol belonged lo the faUier of one the boys—a policeman..loscow radio de.'<rlbed a aeven- ir-old ns • •'Ihlef and a drunk- - .

nie Soviet coun.1 are dealing se- •ely w ith the youthful offenders,)ne schoolboy received a sen-

J*arldngFines__^k total of *18 In bonds waa poited ^h Twin Pslls police Thuraday for / %rllm e parking vlolitlons. . ^ 'oallnc -bonds.-w ere -Ray.. Crist 0). T . Weeks, Roberl BmlUi.Up Fix. S. L. Beem an,. Ehlg ^Opjooiisaw arn. W. P. Bouch. Don* Sa.r^sner, Earl McAdams. Ed Dad-

(tw o), Mra. Wayne WlnlaIn^ H |sine Moore; n . w . McCuUough. ■ ! Ch Tyler, DoroUiy Herrick u d O. Miles.'■ ■ a i r ■ ■ ■ C U P ON T m T i:



N o t. 7 th ru Not. i» s u n o a t r j c

1 :» —Tb* Surrh iCtlS) t:CSsll>->l.r>1d ot Tnu. iiO1:00 Ch«iHl a t iMplrtiloi 111i rill rhinnil. T . Stlsisa—TksBlf Fletar* -- ---- IKli(l»-Utft.irom. Atft«M81i«« T:el:lS-.N«wt >1)4 W*acb«r Tlll:SI^Ycra Ar* T k .n lidr;00-I.libt-i DUm»nd JuUIm IIIl ;^ - T o m of th. T o .» _____________ li»lO iO ^ u n is , Tm Vt* T taUf lolt

-----T---- BlJNUlf r j t . ------- ---- — U?*t:<Mn*arth (or l^mvrs*1:00- Womm-t WorlT^ l:<S-n>rr Uoor.1:00- On yair Aetonni

lES-yH”” ill:0(>—"Junior Crourotdi" iJJl

i : i S S S " a s K... ' ;is':00—SclMici In Aclloa V.?'l^O— D*c«ntur Brli* ,:1■ :0»—Duma «nd All«ii (CBS) l^ i

i:J»—KoI.frl Q, Ltmli » * « * j0:OI-KllOI-T«« V,* Mirgut*

TUESDAY r.H.':0»-Wom.r, World wUk

noniil* w»uu rOO—On Yoor AccobbI *'}!:1»—I.O.* cf Llf«lOO—Ch«iiinl S Corr»l ‘ ‘J*:10—M«rr7 Mllkmtn ' {'•J:oa—lUKr *od I1>* UmI< K.r ; : j ‘:IS—CiDUln Vldn '-J*■IsTw iM h'"’ d " u o t W - - -T ill io o -n i* cJIdblrsi *’ * “ ]!«

io»-K.movi. n.7ii«ui* '• «:30—fm IS* Law O.:0s-KB01 Tft V« U»r<iut«

WEDNESHAT PH.:09—Womin'a World vltk ll l lsH-IuSTn’ o, u i l . <co»»:00—On Vour Account , j »:io—i.<iroof i.ir*:30—Mtrrr'Millcintn* *1^:D»—Junior CroMrotd* •:*»

Cipuln Vidto .'.Qi;]0—e n s N»< In rirlurri !:]0!«S-W ..lh.r *nd Knot N ... JlJi;00-Al.bou .nd Co.I.llo JlJJ■ 30—Sport..r«r.(l>« V.mllr--------- -•JO JD100-I«dfr»r .rtd Primd. (CCS)------------•OO^liSTtB rM l" iU _ i» C T (:J»_r«oIl>.ll , - — -

______ .. -ATIIUHflDAT r.H. • ^

:00-Womin-> World wiOiHonnit W.IIJ. , „

:<»—Hob Cro«|.r ‘ -"T:00—On Your Aeceunl {;:*■

of Mf. *=»J;;0»—.Smillni W McConnill ‘ -®*;:30 U irrj Ullkniin M t ;0n—ri,i,» >n<t M ult Ktr:1S-C.plilh Vld« J ’JJ-:J0—CHS Ntwi In riclur.t J ‘0^ 4S—W.alliar ...d KDOt K<»JO -tuJ'D .tM 'r.. ^ *=»»•«4—.Icwrl. for Ih. r.nillr * ,00—"Th.7 .1i»nd Acfuirt"jo-Ai}'Am.-c»n.r»ViF;rvf.i‘ ■ - >»‘»- :ftO—S-Si.r It.xIllnM :g t= T m ri tm m r---------------- —

FRIDAY rJ I . W *«J-^-=..rch fof Tomorm- T W00-\Vom.n'i World wllh—tiGrami-srsm. • — — :---------

H k S k :"” ' i s09—Cb.nntl i Corn!-* aiM]U—Mtrrj Ullkmtn l l l lOO—Ju| lor_ (Jro*«re«d< «iJO«4-W .'.ihfr\‘ntr KDOr?.*-. l i u

---------- r 4 |

JO—Stwrl* »;0(:flA—.Slur II.idlioM «:l(:0I—Ok»r I'ood TSt»Ur *:JI

nATURDAY P.M. a^-SM urdY :|-»liiri UtUnt»-;j»—Wlnkr'Dl'nli ."d Vou l:l»;00—m a.n of lb. Purpl. S u t *:0t:I^ N r« a ind-W.iibtr. .;](:J0—Th. fUrIr Show V::o -fl» l„ j Your r .rin .r ___ T:31:0»—"T h.fi U; lk.»"—rr«ml«r — . »|0< ^0—Rsb.li. O, L ..1 . - ......................... -Si><;0i>—Ch.nr. Wrtitllnr HMi:M -l-Su.r ll»-IIInf. *i|l9:01—s.lu n ltr U.r«UM *>41■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ CLIP ON T U B U

4re Giving ; dsJHard Time;tee of five year* tmpri*mmeofr- hilplag anoUieT-itetl«-p*lr;of=

ilball ihoes. Another got tw *: in for stealing * shirt.Rie Soviet Union aUrled getUnf Igh wlUi juvenile Uw bre*ken in U. when-Uit-govemment d*o»*d- enders of 12 m d over vould be m 'w m 'm ta m u - ior Uiett, Yi6»' lee and murder.In 1911 another decree a id ' of- iders over 1« would be proiecUt>

u td u lu for t l l offenses not' W In .lhe taiU er dem ei.

S o sm o o th U o m

i t l c i v t j y o u

briathlus ^

S™!!#‘ “ VOBKA

18 u s t ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

R PEOPLE : ER :CO 11^11% : CHANNEI. V m

._ .IV .IV .iD A n o r & u z i - -N ot. 7 Uira N ot. U , ■

lUnOAT PJL , ■t;OS--E]«UkaI Analrtrunr ■ii»»-Gbanl Bpksdar *l l l-vrb« CkrUlovWr* ■i(W~Tia.4( tk* LU*- — . *■iM—Tout t t Ik. T tw i' ■

lilW-LU. of RlftT - . «llia -~ l Ud I LIt«* a

W it *lOiW-rMlnrt ThMUt

-nn ..u u C>dt'> ■ ■ ---------

HONDAT il:i l-a!i.rift Onn - ^1:11—Crvudn lUktll .. y«:00-Tb* Ole rictur* ~ i l il l-JilB br Cr«Mre*d<<:90—N tn and InwrrU**iiits-jsr- Is':wI yS™'t V ^ ‘I ut ■1:00—Mr il«r« I«;}»—Dciler- . .

18 :ll-N .-i Kln.l • |

TUESDAT *4:<l—Sh.riff D.tn |1:11 Cn.ud<r lUbUIl:0»—To B. AnnouBc.4 IlilO—Ntwt >ad InttTTltwil:4ft-YMUnU7 M tn rttl. . . . •l;lS-.Wt.Uitr rictart ,1:0»-ll-i I 0r*4t Lift *

~7:10-In<ld. of 8porU .*S:W—rord T^Mln .1110—r»»orlU Storj * l ;» —Th. VWlor ■

Wiik tht ’BuUtis’ ' 10:00-£teetJoa Rnulu |

, WKDNE80AT ' a4:(l-tthtri(f Ot.B S:ll^ru>.d<r RibUl |l:»0-T* H. ABnounrrf - l:ll-JunlorCreMn>td« i■ ;]»-N«wtBnd laurrltw*i;ift-nob«n q. Lt«u fl*:»lKlt*CiTien ■

CerllM Arihtr' S;OS-Ubtrwi |S:3o—Ur. Dliirtet *lur9i7• :0»-Cliy | l;5»-Toucbda«n

TnURSOATl;<W-Xp.rt tioMI.rtI ::i—SmIlInt Ed't C.ni S:SS—Crauiltr n.tibll 1:09—"Ur. Wlurd" t i l l—Junloi Crourotdi.« :l»-N t». tad iB tnrloa *l! l l—W.aih«rTiOD-Clve Kia ITiM-BuIrt TUSioO-Amot and Anb Is :l» -r .r ..t« t Ster*.. •< lb*

i ; ? s i ^ . - r r * K S ! s : b A . i i - iHorn.- I

rUDAl. It:4t-Sh.rlf( DtanSill Cruudtr lUbtdl ■ IaiMCtBUlB Vidae1111-DttltrU.IncTVThMUr I IMO—Ntwi and InltrtU x l;4^YMUrd«j'a Nt«ir*il Il;ll-W «.ib t,

■ I;H-.T».B* iB«niiii.«d-------------- --*::o—S u r 8k»ir Caa* I*:00-roo lb t1l*:J0—RhTlbm .Ilaiinilap .1»:il-Iteclir Klnt. D«imU>« il:l l-V ..lu r. Tbttltf— '

••UlBftr" IlATUROAT ■

I;n«-Ilopi1o«» Canldy- 'C;0»—Thla ta Uur Und I«;]0-SluB» tha U ittskl **;00—Slor7 ThMUr I T :30-n.ii.r Ll»ln* Th«aUfSiOO—UUtta Btrlt 8h>« |

-SilO—iBB.r SaiwluB............... ........ilW-Bsatsa DlMtU |• iio—InBtr Bantluoi ' »>4l-lIo»*l*Bt Catald; .

) U N I

____ PAGE S E v i^ i

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

: “Slfdrt Term” Soldng Cause

I! r o o L tn iiB u a . o , not. 6 u i - - !; ; ttirajT—Tnw o h io je n it* elfic; • r o m d , “P a y them? Why. the wh• ’ b u iln e u te k bkokely.bU afc nu! ^ e * r • _ ■ .......... ..! : Ahouse-tfilelanookedTtixK lnL

; ' • T h e r i » Ohlo-i -MBdwli ; legU lkton. iQUKsed Inlo ahoit ter r to f it tt>» le tter of th» Uw. Th

khori te rm en fU} out the u l l c I of th e . old t«m » of lU te »cnil:

aod rep ree en ttU fu who raigned died In office.

I 8ped>l B etU ca

I w ith t i e g e n w ^ eleeUon 'W tsd Aod th e ir abort>Uved tta te tm iiu l

r n u y bo a lm o g f u precedent ih; nII terlng u the .iith term of O I'l' F n n J . Leusche.

R e tu iv term en will Uke the oi I -_of om ce th#__fir»t:Monil»y m Ji p '- U i n '- T h< i m e tiu - th e eh irt tI------ lE jiiu tcn -p roB W ly "Bevfr“ w iir" Jn the feaere l unJsu' ' apecUl Msslon U called. ’ At b I, they will terve about a m oalh a

' a half.I; . ! B U ie h o iu e o b M rre n u y th ft th i

term legUlator problem U unlq' ;■. the f irs t o f Ita kind In Ohio polll)

Pay Queatlon I : Ally. Oen, c . WUIUm OUelll i

been aaked how much they ihoi be paid. Home Clerk Carl Oui requested the opinion.

i | - ------fce*ljlatoT8,~-ln-bolh-*enat*-aLl ; house, receive $9,300 a year, r .' O'Neill said the ahort tcrmi r > w on't officially be UgUlalora un r they receive the ir elecUon eertl }' cates and are .Stt’ora inlo offl

OetUns a certirfcate Ukes aboui : days a fte r elecUon.

I. — Benate.C ierkJH iom u E. Batem aald the rules of his chamber i quire th a t membera must take t

" o a th of ofllce in the preeence oC t other senators.

Does thU mean a specla) stsili ' m ty be called' ]ust to awear the : in? Batem an doubted It, but u

U'a pouible. ’________________

r 3 ' S n r v e y m H e a l t h “

' — S l a t e d - i n - J e r o mJEROME. Not. » -D r . CecU Reli

; atein. Tw in PaUs. medical direct I of the south-central dUtrict heal J Ilh It, anopufl^ that.Jerc im Q 'coun F-had Imcii aeIected"for'a couni^rl<

case f ln d ln i survey-for tubercul

i ; . Mrs. Dick Overfleld, public heal I . , nurse fo r the county, aald the su

«; I ; vey will be made thU month.I. 11)0 a ta ta mobile X -ray un it w

; : . be sUUoned in various places In U .._I;.county a n d a rrangem enta-for-11 \ • : projact will be handled by Dr. Dei

H unserford. Boise. Jerom e coun I ' anU-tuberculoaU assoelaUon. ser ,1 . Ice and civic clubs and the soull

, cenlral health dUlrlet wilt assist l the p ro jec t Mrs. Overfleld aald thi

' tuberUn testing wlll be given fi I •T oungiten-lrem - o n - y f i r - t o ' U

' . end of grade school.

I P a n e l P i c k e d f o r

I i n M i n i d o k i51 n u P E R T . Nov. » -C a tl K. Me i: tn d R. O . Sparks were elecK |iL chairm an and vice chairman n m -<|>ecUveIy-of.Uu-Ulnldoka-«ouniI ASO committee for 19U.a : __ Q r J n J h 0mM0u_.Bu : t l n : ln l . i o

u lar member. DonaM Avery fir 'J, alternate member, and A. M. Noi ,1 by, teccai aJtem ate member. 71 i | new members take office Dec. I. I ' l The committee was elected bII five communrty delegates. Tliey ai '.J Clyde O entry. Acequia; Arthi ,‘»;-N orby,- -Rupert;—Clinton Eastoi

Paul; D onald MacRae, Heybun l| ‘I and O. B . 'niompson. north side.

! i C a r D am agedI . BOm*EY. Nov. 6 -O enera l bod# damage w as reported for th e 195 I Bulck of W. R. McMurray. 23, Bur

ley. when the car roiled over com ■l|[,' pletely Wednesday nlghl.I ;.’ McMurray told deputy alierirft h " 'I h it loose d irt a l the JuncUon c > Mghwa}-8 SON and 303, c iusing hlr

to lose control of the car.

Iji;; Only this


t has that Go

I Orrftr o Gordea’s Mat and SM w hat a d ifftn .

It m dicM f

j- Knr IB."; j r a n CoDlnnV1*1 been a fato rlle the world O'U ;... 1»« fufmula can'l be du

rale ti. High P ro^f (9 4 .4 ) i4 — -------L J t io rm -^ H tT - li- f ltil ln nli; fn r.or.l„n*..

_________T h r t r <|ualil|p» inran tinj I lojQU. Ih rv m V an rirh ^ fla

j lh a t never U ile ih in . J.i.llactnW r ih il Cortlon 't Aa

la Gordoix't atone.

There’s no gin

, ----------------------------------------------- (i

I? lao; itorraAi yn tiB ttsn iu p m u haii


_ Edw

fe le f^ ti_ -P sy OfflcUl 9 wholeI nuU. ^


Idwuh"'t terms i

These all end • enalors tnedo r

nesday. lanshlp t shat-


he oath n Jan- Irl u it v i i r i i t

aIt best


leshorlunique,oolllles. Mra. E leanor Miller, meiabcr < „ ^ Rlcbcl school, lefl. and Mrs. Ivs

(111 hM BBtjouneln* the ebaervanee of Ar “ * * . *

Local Gommi S ' Help Obsei30Ui?d American EducaUon week will

observed nationally nex t week itemsn U'e purpose of creaUng an awa ,er re- ness on ih e ’p a rt oT’everrP eraon i e lhe the Im porU nt role eduuvtlon pli , ot the In democracy and of the clUte

personal responsffilflty for ma. Mulon Uining good achooU.• them In "Twin PalU a commlllee- It u id seven currenUy U working ou t pU

for the observance of the w<

___prealdenkot the.dUlrlct.ldahQ.EdcaUon a ssociatldh 'ahd p rinelpar W aahington school: W ynn Pri

i m p vice p rlnclpal-of-T w in .P alU .Jua I 1 high achool: John Angerbau ttem- Junior h igh school PTA preside:

Mrs. Ivan O am and. f irs t vice p r t health d j„ i of th e Lincoln school PT county Oeorga.-Beyer.. commander., of .1 * r w ^ Ttfih f iiU "A m oncnn te a to n -p c :reulo* and 'M rs.'P red Rodgers, pa ren t ed

caUon chafrm an fer W ashlngl health jchool.le sur- American EducaUon week 'gr

oul 'Of condlUons revealed durl lit will World w ar I -a m a iih g evidence In the lliiUracy a n d physical unfllne sr- Ute Prelttnlnary discussion of these pfc , Dean lems led to the formaUon of county specUl cbmmiltee on Amerlcnni;

Xt w Cruelty Charged «'b! _ In Two Divorce^ * aO O D IN G . Nov. 6—’Two dlvon

hnve been filed in dU trlct coi here.

r Eugene Soukup was named d I fendant In a sult^flled by Nel

f j l r a Soukup. She charges ealreme crui ty. They were married A p r i l ':

1 r i? Chicago. IU.. and have iiected eiiiidren o r community proper " ” • Cecil D. Hobdey ,U a ttorney f

ToaTBoukup:----------------------- *—

In a-divorce-sult-flled by M nrrD li She charges exlreme cruclly. Th

; were m arried In Elko. Nev.. May : '] 19}a, and have two m inor ehlldre !<l' by Diax asks for the custody>y are children and UO a m onlh su] Lrlhur port. Perce H all, MounUln Hornaston, U h e r attorney.— ------rbum, '

Petition FiledOOODINO. Nov. S—Mrs. Emn

body McCormick. Blis. , has filed a pel I 18S3 lion for lelleM of admlnUtratlon I Bur- ^ 'e esUte of P rank. McCormlc com- died‘O c t 3S.

T he c su to Includes two lols I Its he Bliss, tGl caai). fu tu res and equi; 3n o t m enl and U vnlued a t tu o o . Mr I him McCormick, widow, U tha only he:

Uted in U>e peUUon.__________


Sdrdon’s flavor

M artini

:rll«tiii-ilrlnk .

in like

G ordon’s' MAIM* tQgflOM’s t« r em co..hb..imotJi. n l

lucation Week Pla................. ■ ■’

Y i i f k w i r

nber e f the Twin FalU s n l t e f (h« Idali* s. Iv an G arnand. first vlca praaidcnl o f t : of American C douuon Week la Twin I

* * « * .

mittee Works 01serve National E: wlil be and' educaUon. Thus. In IM l. -eek for week was esUbllshed.

aware- According to the official eraon-of nounccnitnl*JLiliDUl4J}C_5.bsfi m plays In a ll communlUes annually for clUeen's purpose of informing the publli

m ajR ' the sccomplUhinenis and nred< the publle schooU and lo secure

lllee- of cooperaUon and aupport of u t plana publle in meeting obvious needs, e week During next week, the attendloi I—Allen.- 'th r'c iittre-n atlu ii will b i 'd ire t iQ.EdU;. 4«ward-thfr-MhooU.-Thelr-purpo t lp a r o f mellioairaeHIcvemehU7"ne<ds" I Prsy. problems p a u in review.I.Junior —people are encouraged-lo see U erbauer. uhooU In acUon and to dec esident: wheUier or not,,U ielr schooU e presi- adequate,' I t 'U a - k i n d - o f a i I p t a ; lime, when the schools report lo.of,.tliE ottoers..Ihe-geneEai.public.__—

To keep the school strong U n t eou- cdaimuhlly. ' i \hlngtoh elUren. Uie commlllee notes.. , each communlly the sehooU E grew, operated a t Uie quality level during people „ ,(] demand,

ence of jocuiity the way In whichifllncM. „ h o o l prepares Uie children se proB- Jn , demecraf^} 0* • determined by public Interest, i

dersUndlng and support, i t U poi ed out.

d 'The goal of a good teacher li good school for every child has o n A C *>«*'» achieved,- And even l . C c 9 community w hlch.has A.good.act

jlvorcea conUnit S Intelligent concern.I. touik Ijy American Edu

. . tlon week grows In Influence i ’ K iH* N ew communi


I I nsUllM—“ S ..........r B H i.i ; ._ d ,u J n r --------

COMBS HEATING Illdren.' SERVICEtody of n . n t- W e r 2iSI-R Twin Fai•il sup- I__________ ' ____________Home,


a pcU- tion In jrmick,

A N »ly h e ir ^ .


. I .. . H i

I2 0

[ ’ C


■I '


’ l a n a M a d e

dab* E4seatl«a u w d aU e o aad ■ teachi I o f tb e UoM la sebMl PTA. p« t np a p< aln FalU Not. %U. (Staff pbalM agTai

* * * *

on Programto Education Wee

i n i . the awake la lU posslblllUes; uniqi UviUes and broadened program

;Ul an- It growing imporunco. t;i coi jbservrd nllles lh a t obterve 11 regularl r for uTe ConsUUnUy the program ti publle of *coreS Uis ImporUnee of needs or e h a j« { < fm S eituenjW p edue ■cure the oUier emphasU U dlcUted bj

of Uie ren t trends and problems. Th »ds. servance h a s ' becom* the p :ndlon of event, the foundaUon stone. 1 -directed ye«r-rouml-program of schoohMirposesr relaUons.-AUen'says.--------^ids SHd Tl'dUcovers dormant Inierest

resource*. I t mobilises Uie 1 see their strength of roany.commiinlly a I decide IxaUoni on behalf of tha ad ooU are lU Influence U spreading to }r--audlt lan iU 'w here educaUon weeki r t lo the in the making.

g U Uier. every 4,* - • • ^ -

FOR THEIevei the ABand. In j ______ .

Iren for A ,

U point- A ■

I ? s i f o r E v e r y T y p e

mUnous, ^ ^ a g

“ ".‘.‘J A S t o v e O i lnuniUes~.:z - I f Quality Pciroleun

Kimberly R o ad . .

6 3 ' < i

N I V E R i

A lS U I T S - T O P C O

h l O E S - F U R N I S I

H A T S - G I F T I T :

S P O R T S W E >


• C o n t r a c t i F a i r trnclc ilcm .t c

.SrB 0ISE rN A W A 7C A l (NTARIO, BAKtR and B

Hank Loses ] America’s 1

B rB E N B T U cU M O B l

I m ight be asked to prepare fo r otta of thos« .&ua‘a.W i] D ine aocletica th a t I am read lflf abcut on the society

kllchen >0 ' li ilk n ' i »nd.tackled an apple pie.

I t von in 'three a tra ig b n a — Hnw^tha amlA nle.'Aver 1

Eg W n ~ i S ^ ' a - M U o ^ dlslTTD ■ | H H kifbw. I t surely I B U M B ^ ■ H U m u st be the hard-

e s t Uilng to make l a . a I L th e - W o r M > ^ ^ M | a o d X don't cluda such dlshei

u r u p i c r p o a c i u f f ^ ^ ^ f l buffalo under ben, a r churcb aleeple a u gtiUn.

My guide to asrough an after- noon as I have ever i p e n t w u “M rs.-Irm a e . -RombauerU " Cooking;'* T ^e book ha# aol Uona of copies, ao Mrs. Ro: la sure to be right, but ther tfanes when I wUhed I had m y kitchen so I could havi a ll Uie Uilngs 10 her she told do to some dough.

• * 2 ? ^ I once helped assemble a locomotive, but the Inslrucl followed on Uial Job were n. n e ar aa complicated as Mrs.

rv ........ .baUEr'a.-lnairucUona_lor- pieJ The first hints for ple-i

_ which struck mjr eye were: r% A I t* 1. Too much flour makes pi C C l x tough.

3. Too much ahortening nique ac- ^ry and crumbly.

larlv heavy and soggy.- . .u fig u re d -th U to.roeiin t^

^ ‘ P « ff« t crust w enough of anyUiing. 80 1 apecificaUons in half.

I dldn'l fool around'w ith I . vice th a t all maWrialJ shoult e m the “ possible. 1 put flour. wl p^M lc fam pat FMlTiHff — Prom-thertf-on-1n,-I'got-losl e la te n t “ n® coo jr organ- * forkJoLm lxinif Uie stuff, a

jchooU. “ 'W * »Poo” okay ,'an to o ther another said a pastry bleni eeks a re tw o knives were ail right. _________ I used 'em all, switching f


1 Oils)c Equipm ent—Every Need

I F u r n a c e Oilu m P r o d u c t B . . . V n su r p a a s e t

^ I K O f Ii is. . . T w in FaUs . . . Phone 95’




i OF

5 0 ' ' "

.S CXCCplPtl



} Long Battle Wil Favorite, Apple

3BE t ^ d e r , to a pa lr of la il«

Wine and « « • Rombauer. rtgb t- out

------- d llngJl." bUiloess. _■ - I t I didn't hsndlB Jt. wh»

fiOUw^-do.wllhitZ^Biroit i'U never i t to the c su ? O r wo

call la someone eUe to llr dough I'd Isbored over?

•Vit. Rombauer o r no Mr ■ K ; ^ ! i»aua.:iJ.Bald.to.2ZU'Wlf..-I

Inc to roll UlU stuff out, V j B I into a pan.-flU It wlUt a »

-MrwUiniKppeni:------------M Q | | S rhafT ev eA 'tO 'm en tlo irt

ing procedure. T he dough i the roller and the n o re I It off. and Uie more I cuss* Uie betUr i t stuck. Plnall It fUttened with 'a hammei me a thousand licks, bu t

■ spread out a t last.; a “Joy of .--O b,.tlial-p lck lng-iip_ol, aold mil- aguare handkerchief of dou

Rombauer Actually, I t can 't be don hera were with the hands. I fUially ad he r In the problem with the ca uve done out of a new ahlrt. S tuck tl flid m s to board under the dough, racei

Uie room lo the pan and al! Pour Hours sfter I sUrtW rucUons I p „ ^

a pple piepl6.. c ru st

"”"™‘ C, A Ing makes H

makea It As I am m oving to them n t public auc t

L U int_thy

' t u e sJ i t h e a d - j 3Uld be as nir, shorl-anrt sAlt.1 ---------------------------- :-------4iartmeai.,' ^ c r B e y COW^-COmU 1ost.-O nei ----------- ---------------------cooks use Jersey cow, comnf, another•n J T ii i i J e f s e y c o \ s v c o m i f

lender or -t- Jersey cow, comirtg from a

Jersey cow, comir-----*> Jersey Cow, comir

Y Jersey cow, comiiX Jersey cow, comir

5*i» Jersey cow, comirY Jersey-cowj comir

* - X !

1 RA

I AUCI Located 3',

MONE‘ ‘ Sale S tarts 1:0(

LIVES!1 Brown Swia.- cow, coi

ffivcs A Kai. now - . I Guernsey cow,-com ln

! jriving 4 gal. now I Brindle heifer, w ill fr

' V ' • -— w ith -ltit calf---------I Jersey Swis.-! heifer,! April w ith 1 st ca lf I Guernsey h e ife r, 9 it

Swiss heifer, 8 m ontl These cows are tc stid . Fr

producUon r e « ^ win i

HA22 Ton 3rd c u ttin jr .a i


~ M ISCELUConde m ilker, 2 un it,

oneMilk cart, 2 can G Ten ftalloii m ilk can.

H IGO y al. nil b a rrel am■ “ 2 T Ifty Ral. o iF liarrcIfI r> Sacka A nn(^n(ln phcI I..og chains,'vi.«!c, o the

W ni^ Auclinnccrflr-KIaaa &

0 ________r . - ' i n a llo iil d u h 'u a f r t a l tr I t u . Ull Atterteau housewife. 1

_ ber to be patient, deft, a M i p ooufUMua and packed w lli

other admirable characten nives, to a womanhood.

s w 7 aW t of Uie ,i>|,uibau* br 1UH^% tm ikne up.w im ------------------------«M gh will - -I0A SO N 8T O M E E T

WENDELL, N < n r .> 5 b w a eoramunleatlon of Wende

.K kr-w x T N o .M A P JJ id ;A M jt • Pj-J

S ' . * . . n u ! ^ n n " 7 i y ifinish the

Mrs. Rom- . ' ^ m '

SieiirtJii-TTjli'i —-------- ----------------- j

. ' L l - C - iussed a t

S ' n f c ^....... : A S l l . - . .

I S "MODIcardboard

S A L E i

,“ "h"i'd 301 Main Avenuepie U the

FtlOto another fnrm and will not be uction-located 1 mile weat and /i

S D A f r mS a le w i l l s t a r t 1:01

rTing-w ith 2n(l-call-------- Jerg^.riing w ith 4th ca if Jerse ;

t i in g w ith -3 v d c a lf -------Jerse ;l in g w ith 2nd-calf------- 'Jerse ;

; f t . 9 « i « . i f 4 th l in g w ith ^nfi ca lf

l i n g w i th 2 n d c a l f ' ,

n in g w ith 1 s t c a l f -

n ir ig w ith 1 s t c a l f ■

n in g w ith 1 s t c a l f 2 n c

l i n g w i th 1 s t c a lf


\YCRISP,Auctioneers: HOPKINS and

CTION3'/o miles s tra igh t south (


STOCK llOc om in j with .Ird cnlt,

ling ii'llh .ltd ra lf ,--------------- S fiS tkV1 freshen In April . ...: . ...'- .— i

!r, will frc.iht;n in ------ —‘If 19-19 Jo ' months oM t io nn th fl old 0 M P - , Pres},fnlng d»le.i and

111 be given dsy of sale. CultlVftI■T-T-------------------------- ------- C o rru R fA Y Molino---------------------------ilohn Dl.alIalf.a.liay,.sLriijff----------'ilcmotc

John D(

•ANEOUS - -it. all comptcte. Rood


ans Baled h, ____ m tD LTcr

Mid tank Olfon bi•els IHC aidihospliate Wood laher articlr.'i

_____ T E ^ M S _ :j CLAJ

lETH G A R R E& K Ioa ; •

‘J L I S ^:terUUca of cateilo, when U i T t S r ^

the r e a r of a uiniS?* e th in t east. »>'“ W ednesS?^

SIT ^ drJycn by V. D. W M i? acre will be w u pracUcally e m S r .? : ®de!l lodge of Uie a c c ^ t ^ « l P..JB. Mon- w a.in ju red .Twin T alU ; .

ifller Oil

STEllS-ond Pric* foHEvcry N eed__

r E S A N D S E a v / C E

ue West

l u c t i o ibe able to take m y cow.s I w j|.

I -yi mile no rth of Caatleford.

)vember9:00 P.M."s^y -cow rC om ingf-w jtM fft-c j rYey cow , c o m iiig w ith IsT q

- s e y -c o w ,-c o m in g -w ith 'S rd a

rsey-Guemsey «>w, cominei 1th calf

• sey -G u em sey -(* o \v ,-co m in njth calf --------------1-“sey ’cow .•sey-Guernsey cow, comine i 2nd calf _

All cows vscclnsM' k \ Bangs, production net*

and breeding dales vQ| | ^ ^ j ^ ' - 8 l « n _ d a y . of sals.

1550 balea hay, wlr* Hi

.. __Bed, sp rin g s and 2 ^' tresses

SwinR rockcr

t S H , ■ , .

Ownerm d HAUMON

iSALh of Hansen, Idaho, oil'

VEMBER 8L unch on Grom


ta jf B utane stove, 3 burner* BL9JLK<j11, j u s t like new

MACHINERY^' John Deere A trac to r, good anF o rd trActor iv a to r fo r Ford, 3 bar uRator. 4 row ne tum ble plow, 2 bottom I D eere No, 6 mowero tc"con tro l"cy iinder..............1 Deere tandem disc. 8 nc wood harrow , 8 gcction s ^ ^ ric rubber lired m anure sprw*

m anure spreader, 2 ffh^ l raulic m anure loader to fit tc to r. .d hny and Vnln elcvnlor, 321'jcr-lir'cil-wagott— -1 beet and snud whippcfi ^ ^ aide rake, 4 bar i land leveler, 8 ft.

m / a w n e r


Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

K Death inf c ^ S e a s - -

6 flB—®**"

* Sm ' hU »!i^P i . I v lth only » ^

^ K ^ y g r t n d bUn ! r m

j . a w»w - “

H ? L » h^teitf M»y -■ ^ H . J e w " “ *2 ■ S U ffoW d'H O picked

K w « o » i f M ' the Lovrr, ^ L a » i i i s ) .K i t U e . w u h - m d Nor.

■ ; J \ V ' ’f?il '1 in .o .t in . R T w IW I. We w m Ut*^ K l um m d llie ®''‘y 0“*K i 10 • « him. we H i l t«o mllei behind lhe ■ U e B ik ln » 1 5 k n o U » n d ^■ > r w - m u e i - - w - - * l f h t . ------- ^ . . |^ E l nuiiS cortr the lenfth l , , J

V w I« t high hU ehince* ^ ...y! ■ o l U d wen Jial *bou‘ « I k ^

m Hi»i flhlrt ' 'H tusn)ed out or hU T-■ n n d IranUcilly. m g A■ itHiMlh L Brown »nd

him w id.*.i*lJor■ a Wl ring and tnirker y \ /

torn the lown wi» ' 5 | , 4,■ rtith Murphy In the «■ .b u l h e miniged to iwlm j j / - »■ l. . ^ thf balUfihlP and^ K rtf ce • /op»-l>anBr —■ t put Into Norfolk yes-

Buslt M i l i To f c M a p A r t h u r■ w f rfo T T JW -J» P » n « e tw r iltU e -K i B i u J f o a h l d ^ J i ^ n * i h , J « l - i iH u s r , will p»y » Iriendly give the■ ca aen. DougUi M ic- .• b u i they■ Ures for tl

ibo irrlved here TUe*> control-■ tbt United NaUons yes- eomnUttee ^ . u p r e u e d hope ^ » t changed, bt H i l i l be permitted' l« join ^f Uio cbal■ orpntutlon. much.H a the dty the Premier, a t■ T rewpuen In clt> hall. “ ®K w w l ih a icroll honoring u ^ t the K i t n , „ U . g . l n . l mill-

■ fS -anolher-buay-day ®nnnmv*J?! ■rJiU»t»ltwllhMcArUjur.■ icheduled to lunch wiUt ■ ertW igner. U te r he will■ baaofiry decree Irom ■ u : a n w 7 *nd tonight, be 5*5 ■ i i ; i p u M c i ( l r a l a d i n - " “ - J * *

“ 5 » „ ^1 DcmbcrtUc

■ ElUte T r a n s r e r s puuie-powe ■ f > f l« . r n r e l* l i e 4 J o _ £?Lni.5sm£rr«n« THI f p j M«mif«y>tB ^ n t ^ p u i ; by ths mlli

th e T icw e o■ Kflv . U rg e rn m a■ M l v .t . If M I. Jek> Exporter*■ •U ll; 1.1 i. MUri* U u t UlB D

«1« Wendl■ W .J«kC trU < “ ,I"‘J; Cl.r ■ v i i iM „ |i . uiinrr. e ra llu fore:

■ rSra^r.i!;H ’, have beenfor p r

“ 'J ;

’’i'r.".* '- *• have plckcd■ «Hi 1.. «. I on capltol h■ tl^i f f :■ W ; 'o . II. c;..i!dr w w. r . ® « ‘ ^ “ *’y V ^ .> . xiUrt. ocraUe cor

B n i i n » i I;l lw . V ‘■ p~r,-.‘™ii,-i."s; i;

H ,„ way—won'tR l o oane lugar Democrata.■ U. 8. m»rket from Puerto alwayi has■ If builnea


p O R AI "for A lt KINDS

SE l^J0-WJRS*BU¥It modern conveniences <

^ T O M C tEANf E E D S • g Ir A I N • H A Y


win Falls FeedA v c . S o .

Old Ten

- 1

k "

sinessmcn Tliink < ’o_Be More “Free-tUe monr-fr«e-5pendlnff-than ch»rte-of i l-T «i4JL lliU o_m oreJnclliifd m lU efj-thth e economy a nudge. spendlni; oi

Ujey also not« th a t conserva- ment will eir th e m ost'p a rt-w lll sUll be Plans no;Irol—Uie pa rty nam e of Uie lo be only;tee chalnnen w i l l be Uuin this,d. bu t th e charac ter of most —cbainnauahips w on 't cliange ATIt

. . QOODINithe other Utlne .th a t bual- Edwa note In the elecUon results County Agi

U>e poUtlcal* na tu re of Uie “ f™ ' D''"<•eem s to be Just about a« I i.b a lanee M the 8tale.oI.the y a t th e moment.Uty always encourages con- i n n . j

In buslnest.’ A nd the elec* f l H A Is n 't upset thla confidence.. m n u setm enta of business, how-

Bk for a Chang# In the ir for-

r execuUTea feel - ih a t a iU c to n ,™ , m w » • mort »w er m inded th a n the out- in d ^ ta m

ml« Mo*TmiM rilyiiSiRr • congreaa - m a r ^ PPTopriate —U iikN C n uma to be apent fo r defense.■ter* and im porters expect _e DemocraUc con$rreM will In a ahortlendller a ttenU on to Prtsl- ''•onorouisenhowcr's proposals to lib-foreign trad e th a n did Uie7£re». ' rsUo m anufacturers w lio:en urging more protccUon J.** 'r producU fear U u t higher.re le it likely now. u-hlle Uie ^I lower ta riff barriers may t ie a up « » n , M .nd i ot hill. TROLINEM In *eneral will watcli ________ ^isely nny trend o l Uie Dcm-

eo n g reu to ftpproprlate eely. ••lire to hnv# dome Cliances to It. T h e P resident U ex- lo advocnte a s tu r t-o n his } JjJj hJ«hw47 bUUd-Tftm. \aau fy -d e fld tr-e erta ln a n y - 1 -------- ■—in't seem as frightening to . \Ita. And deficit spending \ 1^* naa an JnflaUonao' nudge. \ , Incssmen are r ig h t in Oielr I I


5s OF.. j r o{ B f l M P

DSi n:es of An open warf* ly o r 'a ll of your *eed

‘ _____ _________________ ! _____ _ JJU

NING----------------------------------------------------- • ------------ UH

\Y • ICEI E I . I

------------------------------------: - " = ^ K I i

d&lcePh6ne 191 : B W

enants Reappear


P ^ - CANWE m o v e


k Cohgl^s^ ie-Spendiiig”t li ln r HR of UlB iltiittljni\— r B t I ~cO T M m tuii Win s U U 'b e in I L g C T e-of m oai-conjrtsslonal com- •>—their plana for conUnued r .1 InK on new p la n t and equip. ^ ■*-U- will go forward. •IS now cnll fo r such spendingonly SllghUy lower next year A /

IATTKNDING CONFAB DOING. Mov. 5 — County > n * f

Edwtird Kocsler, Asalslant | y Agent D ave Thacker and B Dcmonstmtion Agent Wilma | » f , are In'M oscow o a i week a l- l_ _ y u jy

Ig a_coujily_«igemta^’ _conf«r- _Bio

BAG'NOM OBE BistI R E A L caUHo o f t h a t WC£ggtd o u t" fpelijjy, im taU * oc, ileeplcMoeM, contUpa- £66••na“dIjertIv« 'd IsU irb4nt«- _be due to iron-poor blood or TUg

of nAturo'i v ita l mineraU viUunini in v o u r m te in . If f r B l - S T R ^ - G - E i r - t n d - ~IN O E R -faitrG gC nwr t r o iF - -------—vitAmin-rich blood-buildisr

^N O T T nblelS -------------------- ---- -------------STOI* SU FFE R IN G ^ >■hort lim e you will noUc* a yv \ \ f Iroua change: lasy organi V NJ l \ go back to w ork and IIm \ I I I WMt« and ioipuritit« will 1 to leavo you r aysUm. You

t y MW PK P and VITAL- d u d LOOK ym innr.

Dr»f-NO T T abl* ti today. reaulta In 7 daya or your ■V back. Only J1.98 for a .h^i lUppty.JLINGER PHARMACY f n M .

H« Main South____________

“ f f in .m ic d n c t i i l r r l i r l W r N c w - F r i o w flp cc d s-u jj B c tdbcd p c cp a ra l a ro u n d s a t th c h e a d la n d . O p era te

■ T n a f c s r ^ i i r i s ^ n c l r b iO T - c o v c r f l

T h i.i n e w 2 -w n y p lo w Is t r a c to r - r E a c h bn.sD hn.-s o w n c o u lte r - jo in te i nir F u r r o w W h e e ls c o n tro l aide

" " S c T F e f g u .s o n " b a la n c e d " tw 6-u-i —tia i 'n n r - d c m o n s t r a t i o n r to d a y .—

Twin Falls Tre~Klmfaorly R o a d " ^ T ' av

-----------— -------------- T TIMES-NEWS, TWP J F J

r Sett

' “ € o^ \ l ( OAtT

I t S / ^ setUemei\ Xr fl f-—8^ tn*copjVX J / i T \ the monl\ \ \ ; ^ : ! ____ j g y ■ ' ■ ,.A * rw i

> -------- r t i o i e a -( of A oer

:S^t. \ A - sm e iun*^ ^ KennKoi

'< O eo n ev r , . ------ , \ J - V— director,/ r i S ! \ j V \ * m ent. I

/ / r f i '— Y \ ^ j \ ______ BouUluila f i e l d

ss;*.?,',V / / ^ V IraUoa jJ / Modi/ll<f t - ■ r J e - - « also i?eref L said It. c

worlteri ■ |M » m o

____ 15 year*..............ecoiwmiethe con t A us. a i.

T h e all W orkers IS wlUi


B l o c k s p r o t e c t y o i i i n m a n y >

s i s t f i r e , r o t , r u s t , a n d t h e W €

w e a t h e r . F o r y o u r c o n s t r u c t

s e e u s f o r c p m p l e ^ . i n f o i

r u g g e d b lo c k s . '

— C a llo r-S e e -U ^o t

. IDAHO Tw in Fot

5?^ .

\ S K T H E M A N W H C

O N E - H E K m \

?<r-Fcr}rnK iir2iW ay“ S in ir le 'B o lto r ia rfltion ..G ivcs-Q u icke r_cn try_nn_d jr a t e s e f f ic ie n tly a t a ll p lo w in g dei /e ra h e a v y traB h -o r ^ e c n m a n u r e

to r -m o u n te d w ith f a s t t h r e e - p o in t ( in te r c o m b in a tio n . E x c lu s iv e F e r» d c d r a f t . ___ _______• ___________

■6-uay p low inff in a c lib r i~ 6 ri" y o u r y :— ---------------------------------------------^

'ractor & Imple^ . . . ------------------Ph


ttlement Is oiindinLong k»pper Strike! slsLT L A H jrc rry , Nor, 5 W^-a I aU bul m ent was reached lasl n ight I t » l opper InduiUy dispute tn which! Diunpt lonlh-lonf aUlke of S,100 work- Ir«-laTDlTe*L------- r - ------------------rem e n t on a, contract wa« A \ T e<r& rTl>e-tftilt^-:at«iworter< J ' toerlc* ICIO) ..and American J n x u d lU f ln in c company a n d r , • c o a Copper carporaUon, — - >rie W , Haycoekr sub-diaUlct - ■ ^ ar.U SW .annouocedU ieM lU c-

I t was confirmed by w . a . .Uni, m »n«ftr of A& and R 's eld plant.reoct said the s raa m a n U a lle d general 8-cent-per-hour wage " ^ y

t»e, hlkM for aftemoon a n d o iM r. a sh ift workers aad an iw um nce ahone, ■» MTerlng medical and hw plU l- bome gr0 p r « i .m . . r j j j t r a lifleaUooi o f -» pw alon pU o "rereagreedaipon.-BoU itiartlc9It- called for WS a m onlh fo r “ U anat l w ith 30 years' service and EachmoDth disability pension a fte r given b:!ir>. They said oUier non- Chicagom ie in easu rti were Included in Bubber ontrac t, whleh .wUI xun un tilI I . 165B. .hone"1 alrlk# s u n e d Bept. IS and 14. »nd has era reuirned U> their Jo t\ Oct. v'ork. b : Ul the rtsumpUon of ntgoU- shone i >. Bewtng

ih Legislator Is “ ii “ laimed by Death ;4'“5'.T LAKE o n v . No». 6 t?V_ Of the J N. 8mlUi. M, a member of wafX illa te -finance commission, died — ------l l j h t of a h u r t ailment. He i« n a t his dealc In lhe capllotl g th e d»y. ■ __1th. a Democrat, lived many in Price, where he w«* active

islneas and pollUcs. He had 1 M Price clly recorder. Carbon y treasurer, a member of the c lly council and u chairm an le Eastern U lah Democratic H it*;— -----•------------------ ---- = ^ = ^ -


y w a y ' s 7 T h e y r e ^ r

w e a r o f t i m e a n d ..

a c t i o n p r o t e c t i o n ’ ' - j

f o m a t i o n _ . a b o u t ................. M

................... ^

;0 BUILDERS SUPPLY!• Phona 4 9 0 y

10 MASONRY PROD.Fotia........PKonraOfiO " ‘

IflstaA s 3 m



.-A y j:A y r


• . Holfl

10 OWNS i H?l: 5WS! i K--------------------------- " V i 'H o lstom-M old.board—--------- j —0 <,n_d fa s te r tu rn - I . JJ*dep ths up lo 12 i ^ ■recrops. ' ‘

in t a ttachm en t, .Ferguson F loat- j ^ Ho______________________ ! mjju r r m n r - C a l l ----------- ' ~ 4 -H o___ ^ i'__________ __ ! - ni£


l e m e n t i —

P h o n . 2675-W -------- — --------------

” A n


NoFaU' |C^.•aANTA. Not. 5 sn -W b e n I h l

celling ot a classroom a t aLrnlna-n lu-hivil rnl1iip«»rf )i.«t HAOore the pupils were to march tr a d Iyesterday the Hve ' t o n s ’of {w the

Iter and metal lathing Jarred J " ^ ebtil one plttor* from the wall. "C M w u a picture of Humpty

------ ------------------------------------ ' had be

¥outfas-Win^ State Awards HI;

lOSHONe, Kot. 8 _ T wo moreoin counly 4-H merobws were

liiB<y are riorence Bond, daughter r. and M n. Leonard Bond. Sho- e, winner of the Idaho eUle 4-H ' - e grounds beauUIIcaUon awards ram, and Bill Armstrong. lUch- abom , son of Mr. and Mrs. P u re s t united lU-ong. wloner.9f..tho sU ie 4-H «f j,hoimd water con.iervaUoti p ro g ra m .______:ch will receive a IS-Jewet watch 1 by Mrs. C lw rlu R.-W algteen. H . ago, aod the Flreitone T ire and 0Jer company.----------------------— H ___irence Is a sophomore a l Aho- R , e high achool, Is 1ft yearn, old H has completed six yeare of club I]:. She Is a member'of the Sho- H V e Shiners 4-H club and th e H I* ng SuiJrs 4-H club under lead- U Ip of her moUier. Mrs. Fred HI and Mr». Myion Johnson:------O --------It. 16. is a aophomore a t R ich- H

high school, is In hU second H of 4-U work and Is a member U

he Bu.<y Beavers club led by H k Hsnd and Rob Conner;


\ ! f '



^ I IT U E i S D A Y ,J t a r t i n g a t 12:30IS we are q u itt in g fa rm in g , we miles south and 3 m iles w es t ol

17 Head DAIRY CATroJ.itcm F irsJ-C alf H eifer, frcah 61 [olstcin F ira t^C a l^ .H e i f e r , 1"B prinK er....................... - - - •[olstcin F irst-C alf H eifer, freah fi .y jahirc.E irat-C alf..H cifer..m ilkii .y rsh ire -F irs t- C a lf -H eifer,—* -! springer

:olstein F irs t-C alf H eifer, fresh 30 uemflcy Cow, 5 y ra . old, freah GO Holstein Cow, 6 ycn rs old. milkini olstcin Heifer, f i r s t calf, milkini olstcin C ow ,.') ycar.<i old. fresh 60 olstcin F irst-C alf H eifer, fresh 60 rindlc Cow, 6 yearn old, fresh 30 olstcin F irst-C alf H eifer, milkin olstcin Cow. 3 y e a rs old. fresh 60 Head Holstein H eifers, will frcwiiliin GOUnys ------------Holstein Heifcr-t. to freshen in s:JOnONEEB’S NOTE: 33 head of CsU

heifers l h Uils herd.ALL ABOVE HOLOTEIK in d AYnSK

tfOWS A M BANOS vACCINATETHolstein heifer calves fro m 1 tc m onths o ld __H olst< jn^u llcfllvoR -from -l-toS -jnonth»-old------------ •— --------------eedmg Dates and ProducUon- Recerdi

Be Given Day of Sale.

T e rm s: (

J.H.&BRUCAnVEY C .'IV E R SO N — Auction Phone 383-W — Goodinj?

)ntract Awarded I )n Band Uniform ^tAOEIlMAN. WOT, t — ■nie eon-

" K S s S w S js SWednesday night by lh e school inow xd to TlngwaU's. WeadeU, for . a each. Approximately poo u tum e •ded lo outfit the enUrfl b in d ;- 2 r ‘ ■hi boanl announceO th a l tlOO ,,-1 1 I been donated by U r. and Mr*. w, - Jg n tijo r ~ae Tiniroras.-ttist T T A had contributed »SSO and t Uie band had contributed U 9 The Md a t a benefU dance. T he boanl ed Ilgh I provide CUQ for Uie luilfonns am ind i Uie balance la to be raised byJccu. ooe of which wULbe a m o - ---------n picture ehow a t t h i hl»h

ill senior ball wilt be held PW- Will“ * t“ thf-school-^na~ thB *iunior---------

play will be presented on Nor. P ho n i Uio beam announced.

lanufacturers a n i m a t e U u t ut 14 million cameras In Ih i Ited SUtea are eguJpped for me photo flash. __ __



PH O N E 2 9 9 5 - 1 3 ■________ If c f i i


W J u n y w tu v c o r o ik fo r

f i y o u t e l l th e w orld y o u

A s t n i g h i K e n tu c k y i

Fl ' i


3 0 3M 4 0 V E M I

Lurw e-will aell th e following « t P u t ; o f Gooding . . .

TTLE MACH160 days 2 {rflctor^ k heavy 1— 1049 model Molii

.. . god condition— h 6 wks. - 1 A C model B tractcik tn g____ _ 1 - 6-ft. M&M tractci*“heavy— ------n e w- — .

^ 1 IH C model 52-R 130 daya ffrain *60 daya m en t

•inir 1 - 3-8Cction wood h:inff 1 M&5I 18-inch 2-wr60 days 1 IH C 4-bar side ral 60 days 1 A C bean and beet 30 days 1 8*^^. Oliver tanden l(ing 1 IH C bean p lan te r60 days------- 1-IH C trac to r buckifreshen 1 tra c to r weed apraj— ------ _ J .f la t .b e d 2 -w h e c l.t i1 sp ring 1 - 2 cow all m etal fib jiufomia l -1 9 4 6 F o r d 2 - d o o r

— - 1 - - ia 5 3 model IH C machliiBlED.

•FEI^ — ------- ~ a a p i ^ m ate Iv 3 Q -l

-■ 1. i a y , alL cu ttings , S evera l tons of cor

CASH Day of Sale

CEGLANDON,Idrieer-------- ' — E tM E R K N I(

Phona i

Surprise • %INDLWAPOUS, Ind , Not; •

yetw natoglst W alli^ i'

exthez;baruu'ne4ired'tiro«ut>' ^rises yestcrday-U«* toebcr of — low and a $100 gift.Bertrand predicted nlnT It imed to mow. Promoter* ol - - le movie "White Chrlsuna*- ':nt the money u a token ot their' " pprecIaUon. - ~

l u tungsten nismeet In a U |h(>r~ light bulb b « a tempetatWi mnd 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit. ‘ ' '

fgrberfl Brosi-jr—

/ S l l- . - -

3 .1 s p e c i a l i s t i n .

n g - d i s t a n c e m o v i B g !

GE“™a i S K E Y

fo r Old you hu>w great iy bourbon


§ 1 -

iH f rr iA iiK F o r . • e m i ic i i f

B E f r 9lUnch on Gi'oundsPliSIIc A uction, located


loline Z trkc lo r, in

ic to rjc to r mower, n ^ r ly

;-R combine w ith bin, in and seed a ttach ­

'd harrow ^way hangon plow rake

leet cu ltivator dem disc terckraka — -jray e ra .trac to t-w ag o ii------- — _1 Btock trailer_________ .o o ra c d a a n .. ________ _a c 2-unit milking -----

=EEDtQ~tdn8~of~loosa -gtsck—f s . . . . . _____corn sllaga

N IG H T^'Bobded'CIali^ na 3 7 4 - W > - Gooding ,

■ -- ----- PAGB~WTO^

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

GOP, D em o s . - M e e t t o Plan

Y o te R e c o iinNEWARK, N! j ., N ov. S (UV-n

puh ljc in It»der» m eet here tod t0 cotulder K Demoeratle Inviuiii to join m “blparUMn rcquu i" 1

l u t T u u d ty ’i d!spul<il eltcUon 1 U. 8 . Mnalor.

— "L aten t tabulations in the eont^ S i^» Republican Clifford Pr 0 ( »■ lead o rer Dem ocrat Charlrj H owell bx the hairline mnrsln lew tiian tw o-lenlh» of on# j

B f5ue»l BceeuDt____ J>cmofrB_iJijruiidfl_lhclt_rcQU£itJ

• recount yesierday Uirounli s u__C ha lnnan George E. Drutiner. )

tuked OCfP 6U le Ctutrm nn Sann L. Bodino to Join In a requctt lli a ll rotlnB roachlnu and ballot bo e r b e im pounded."

• — Sorller Jn the .day.-ilepublle. fien. Robert C. Hendrlcluon. v l.« rellrM s nnd will give up h it tr to the vietor of tlie race, «nld I

• • K nnt^ tubcomaUiUe aC ptU litsand elFcUoQs will come to Ni

~J«rM jr-.ifl_lnveaU£atA_tha_conclV i of the rlrcUon.• Ben. rrnnic Bari'#U, Tl.. Wy

rhnlrm an of the lubcommltlee an In LuAk, Wyo.. lh a t thn group wnu m eel In Trenton a t 10 a. m. E! tomorrow a l Hendrlcluon'a regue

— B o in cnndlQatu win ttAUf>TUiirr« M id thfl nubconunlttee u iii "ji look nround” nnd "If called upon

. inveiUgalf, we will," .M atter af Rerord

Jlm drlc tM n w ld It wn» -'n mull of record" th a t ’Cjue h w be Heeled. He l^rm rd tha rcjiulLi "crj-MAl clear" verdict and *a " ll l l unfortunate. Uiat pnrtUi Influence.^ ara neeklng to chnlleii

■ th r vole."L nte it United Preiw tabuUtlo

ahottfd Cane'a tolnl in the elecUi JUI flC0,813 roU/i U> Ho»’eJJ> M7.C ~ a plurality of only S.tST vol among lh# more than 1.700,000 cu

Postoffice Will Ask .Rate Hiki

- -SAN n iA N C IS C O .-k o r .'f l (m _A»l*tnnt Poilm aater General »

m ent will renew iU re<jue«t f o r boonl In potUI ratea a t lh* ne (Mnlqn of eeingreaa. ..-LyQ na.heador.{hPpo*t;of/lw -di pnrtm enfn new bureau of penonni

I to lr t'th e e!chth>ftnnunl-fM]cral pa I connel mifnaRement conference-Jie

th a l there have been no rale ii c r e u o for m a n ; claue* of mall StI'yeara although th e dep4rtmeni

, cait« have mor* th a n doubled du Ing the period.

L yoni aald PoaUnaater O ener A rthur E. Summerf leld bellevea use of Lhe mall should pay ihe c«3lA i th a t pMUl defle tu which hai

— »m 6unu<r-u>- ■h ,ooo,ooo' m o- aimW orld war i r —will "nol b* pau< on |4 ou^ children.'*

T he departm ent aUo wlIl a.Oc coi g r e u again to booat aala rlti fi postal worker*. -L yoni aald. Jol ahouJd bo eralualed to provide

'Tnodeiii s a ltr7 atnietu re p a i t i l en ployei desenre. JO toJusUces m a;. I eliminated, IneenUves o ffe ed ar good work properlx rewarded." I added.

iLosmg-CandHatel May Run in Stat(

BOISE. N or. i U)—Erwja BchwJi bert, unauceeuful tn h li bid fc congress from th* ( In t district, aaj Irlends t r e urging him to consldt “A sU U vlde race."

I n a itAtement~Usued jesterda; ( Schwlebert aald h e had been offert

a n "atlracU re" pM ltlcn ouLslde lli sU t« bu l would ra ther no l lea\ Id ah o unless It was for "congrea • lonal aervlce.”

Schwlebert aald he -didn't kno whether he would try tor t i n t dU tr lc t congrr.vunan again, He re aigned a College of Idaho poslUo

! la s t June.Htf aald frlendi had urged him “t

" consider running again only In I nutew lde race where my friends I • - - th e north could join In my auppor

wlUi my frlendi In U e lou th anI CMl."

U. S. fr ies to A id~ Japan’s Econom)

WASHINOTON, Nov. ft OT-Th U nited Slntes has decided to ael

I Ja p an approxlmntely tioo.ooo.oo' « 'nrth of lurpIUB farm products nn<

• Jet the Japanese pay tn Uielr owt currency, ll waa reported today.

T he purpose U to bolster Japnn' alnggerlDC economy. Officials aali the decliMn <* ttl be announced dur. Ing nexl week's vUlt here of Japan ' u e Premier Shlgeru-Yoahlda. -

Tliey aald this counlry U anxloui to give lhe Japanese leader »om( a lsn of appreclaUon for hLi con­tinued-aupport of Amerlcnti-pollejJn In ttm a u o n ara ffa lrs .------

T lie Japanese nsked to buy tIU .* 000.000 worth of farm iurplu.>i cooda, Includlnir cotton, uhent. bnrley. soy bean.', tobncco and butter.

Two Philippine Legislators Die

MANILA. Nov. a ITk—Two Phlllp- . prnn concreMmen were Wiled and a

third lestflaw r nnd twn other per- »nnx injured when the car In which

P-iikM trutk, 11 waa announced

nrp-'. nresnrifl T an nnd Lo;en7.n ZlsiK wpre-killH , anrt -Rrpr-peflrn Trniin w.m Injured. The ihree rnn- Krr.vsmen. wllh two {■ompnnlon!i. were returning here from a phyM-1 clBn'.i cohfcrenee In Ij» Union prn»>tnr-e u hrn ihi- .i-cid«TM_»A^,f, __;


® At the <-------- ----------nT ,"niw nn-* caT H ouc—

int ,1»T«turf-lii hm^r rf-Jh.r-ll«l»r.rf I’.fv -lte - .'I 'i ''; j , c»"'(..Vir«Vi*5.lg?d*.r"i

today of fir.1 yti<ur ■llAtlon »•« -I <»>'•• ‘ “ * p.*-. **i'<'>'‘

lon for olh«r l»'ur l-r *l>i»>IfiIin«BI. Sltk nlli »'hniirt a r t ^ t i y rilllni

contenl Jcr“[L„;r/Vl..» tnnViTtlrt In /iuffS hi r Case t^rrr Tu~l.r •»* Tkvp^rrlp-i R. r-xu • ______gin oL oiUBCi: o r cnn

_____ tl« Qulna ■ ______|« am, aunrtir Vcho-i:. II

tsLTOL. s u t e Ihlp.5am"el ' -VAi.t,Krrc5i<uiiAX..-'-.- H u t .-n..ll ox-

ibllcnn I. whoI t seal — ■■

,“ ' E ' — N e i g h b o r i n g ......

-----------G h u p c h e s ----------W yo. 1___________ • - -7____

'* *'*! lUNaKH flm iK Twould m . t o » . i i n.d4, ».>i*r

I. EST Hlbl» 11 .

J irrm -


"fl" . . . 'ilKHflr,'':..*!..been ,„bjr«i, "UMn> tiMiinr: !• l i inj Oi

UlLi a n .r «I>|| Tlm»I" 7 p.m., rounr t*>Pl» • '

irtlsan w.dn»d.V. pr.rrr NMllMilleiice — — •

^ ignoHrlatlona "* n .llh l’r. Wll«H<f” ■«lni»l«rIfcUon 18 .r Kiifrh .thooL 11 •.cn.. •» SS7B.M? ‘I'ir; Iha JI<h« W|n4o» rtttnllr Inilall'

„ '‘r . n..r Iha illar "III >w <».Ufal»d br lh« ml'voles I,,,,, ,1,. »r.hlp ..rYl<«, .n4 h. .10 cast. aicUin iKa manr irmbnla In tha vln<(o>

axramlnt nf.lht fluppar alll IMVr n P.H.. WBCB .11* hnin lh» .HpltlmI.lia aturfr: Mi>. Doltht WHahfr >1

_____ pr~.^»_li«_alv</,_3T,i_>l«,|ft_tlll«J

ike COOniNf! FIB8T B'Am*T. U Bufiitr » tW . tl a.m.. "ntihlf' arrnion. "n.M Shalt K.I Hla.l." ».»« r .-1 E u- I'nlKr n r r . 1 p.m.. Junlnr. IIYf. i p.m

fo r-a • P.;^T»iurNl.r.I nex t BAGKRMAN Mmit>ninT

J. D. Cr«|>- a*al*r - 1« ».m_ Ihi.tliunJi .i.^ r*h lp :rk .lf ar % t).M>|.«UUra»'<>I«u.>trinoA an'l.aTmon

onnet, nurwtr r»r p>a-whonl rhiUfan. II a.m I p a r- l|i«lr.Xr.'n.,,MVJ'._« p.m

t« In- pmldlnf; 111 «<rir;ra »n4 manWia «M *• lall In parlad In lUrtd, lilO f.n. Mondir. R<iXimmf. V.i37,'‘wSl!

Thur»d»r. ehoir praMlra.eneral WKNDitiX^HBTiioDinT1 users J, I). Ctait, paalara ts to m i .« , .hurth >t Itu,lr, II :« a.i".. »o.

have K"' "ilnp» Till*!! -Wllll Iln4‘*:-»inrx-i*rmi>ii-«or*«h fhiMr.« >ha Ih. n ... » H r . wku. >i

jaised hilm iha a»rm8n: tha allar aroaa will h riadUiIad lo Ihr mtmorr ot Ur. and Un

, „ „ Janaa' Vm. T p.m.. roulli fholf prattici ' TiW p.m., uvr, I b.m, Uonrlar. firat «uai

for U ,l, ,on(.r.M.i iL n... Pr. P. M.W . Jobs Kammond. 4I<Ulet aup*rinl«n<lcnl. wiil Srt

lay.be taH aiJi.

I." Jte Biini. riBjTTMirnontJTI.aonar4 Hark. ■Inlalail

———— Itifyr- inmnr ‘ W l i alp I - 'A Allandano": llluitrata^ aaimon (or tl>>

n f A ■ P.n<.. A<nl«r Ynulh >'all«.ahlp. I p.m A L v TunJir, ronmiiilnn <■> lisanaa. 1 p.m

d for ImparuMI ( p.m. Thuradar, Uartia Clnl. , aaya I"«»la wllh Mn, narlan Sonnar. Ij.m . Krt- Ollder ■'*’'• t.alnl.i tor l.am^

■iiiit. riiwT «*rri»TsrdBT ' North Ninth a<ai>iia

:e the . J k *.‘. . . i . t a.r^J^it?.; ...,ileave -llh iha n r.lr.i Dr. Cari.lnn 1- Hflni,

igres- •'i'^i'of if'uuii* "w"!!prrarh <in tha Ihrrna, ">r# Wa AtralJ ol

know lh* (;oap»ir lh« ih<iir >111 alnc ar.4 «r,t dix. I"!'’* • rl>H'lr»o'a mrataia. • ;>0' „ Io > P.OU. MYI'. ( 1. t p m.. )u..l»r hlthl . r Iivr aii'i : i« I p.m.. arrlor hl|h IlYK. 1Sltlon |vm.. oomMk: Dr. Ilrlift will atMk >*

"Whirh War Shall I TakrT-; their m<»lr." ■'*“ mSili*! ot‘ ''n^’«II*iVl*a‘|!laX*«» -lia'.a IIn a Clalma-I Ur Hrfllac*r t p.m. Tutelar.

*" 'I tl '« a .'\* 'r l 'an ’ '. fh lr' muVll *»'p " i pport v,'a,l»aadar. arao«.|liUf a.nlr** w'lh hr. 1 «nd llrliia: a'tmoK, "Mlml l.lihia or Klan";

rholr >nu<lr. I p.m. T>iura,]ar. ••annallillr------- TTarj1iTl^f^«iolr^*i1rrt-pT«fTrtatn

Crown'*; youlh <holr.i n y m 'lii, ar.c(iND w *an t.na-T h e /.m.. mflinj. 10;lo a.m..• mTriVmi'i rr J I m -T.r ^M.OOO tk.. . t n.U.r aoelalr. I P m. W»<l..r~<ar,

K Bi'ni, h iw t'w a k d t-nspnn’i , •;*« "■•''I"*- 'I

moor m*«lln« a> follo»a:"Sor.*, "Yo'i Can du r- ttai* tka ratk>ar (lilihi": Ifi.cwtiion. pan- -ar.t bn.Nr.i an.1 -rdUatltawork I Aan.nl/ p .U ih~vl awakar. D»iT<a (lOtix ai»I« _l’r«

M n . Amaiarf-;’ tmlmonr* >»rJlr»; ’p'-i i .on?y

rirfr. 1:11 pm. WaJnai.Iir. Trlmarr. 1 ' 1J3.. P "'. Thur..lar. Mt*.XHli, KlUnKRI.Y nrRISTUVaoyl

jwlik amall rhildrra atr m>rrlallr >ikr-l tnla' Mr'

lieiiip-:5aT: w J - 'i :Id *;rt«j.,.rhurth,,niihl. r»?'*«|U,f. f«r iMM ppr.jl^alit)i_»>^aj»r<. ; W lnradar, Jomh

icpd ” 'V m

'flrn - - r ir iiR -riiw f BArviftT-in am;'^u■•.l.r a"” l.’u'"am . —-r.

?' 1' '"h?' '7'* '■

; ChurchesC - — .......-!‘*^inaar ‘ D.’jiallfc p.at.r■”* ' T .:V.'*U rimm^riU

I s T r S M s S f f eirfh^a"’ plar W *Valih»»“ Viljl»n

J'H.iilat^Inn" “"p "'Vf»a*"*'aa»rrvoB* t.' ”'! vaaler. 1 p.n- Youth (iouneit mrrla

’ fa’l’owihlplNltO Im.! Sanior W»ai„tn.i ______ fallo»jhlp. I P w, Ij

J4f-Hila, I p.m. lintiHar, Rrailon n>aata p..t*r‘. . ,,1,1 i.^»i Ip". Tu*«<i»rijou'lh rM r *pah«a!»a'ir*rp.!i!'.'’ Wartr.riilHa»ln« >lt>ia. 1 p.ni.."Coopla’a aiuU I: P.n.rTMiia-t»r."Rpl«*“*> t.lfi xr””" j'

i;.. »"'• W«ni"'a a.aofiallon; lir.. Hanrjr J.m 1 m.iilr ,111 l,,4 d..Qila,ala aod a Mm on "I1..H planntnf a ||| j., Jhawn, I p.m,Hiuia4a)r. <ho1r 1 *1. Wan. K.ar.al. • r m. Thu..dar. l-ard r.t t_n

p ” ; VTlda'r. Sa'for’'w'.UmlMlar'^ J'tllo

_ JKHOVAlin WITSIWSra3...-------- i___ I «»*.l.a mailln».'»;t» pm. Thura.U,.,il

c>-.ailr mlnliirr arW IK aht^w a Prn lur~. U .illru, tlt l l» tr;t» .-----

3“"h'S' nm iri.'T rM pi.KitSmi'iSw “ I V ri“ l.>^JS»-n;.’r*KKF:P.--!8- i'.i >.14 all I'unJar ai-huol. 1I:3U a.m.. wnrahlp: ai Hundar. rl*l *" '‘l apraVan, K.anrrllai amt M

Aadra. 1). Ilraha... i p.m.. 70Kr<« pa....i■ mV.i' m ' VonV'.ll't‘ mahl

fonir^jatlnnal al"lln« wllh «1>»<UI mufw ''oIr •l’‘ 'an,| "pofl""itV fr.r bao’liam. l '’p. I.pla and Tur.rfar throuih Krl.lar. prar.r ham h. nar I l 'i rm. TMradar ihr~i«h f'rltlar, a.a tham.al trll'ilr .ar.lraa, t pm, «alilrilar, <h .aall0(. d'/n'a thurrk. ^

IKMASl'r.t. l.i:TlirRAK R. C. M.Mj, paalar

>r ’ l : | | aod II a.n... i.r.lraa, (ha lalt Inalall'd I.', .tuoJaV arhnAl l.a<hria Irtalliula Iha min* i;,»l|nK t.ulhrran rhurch: vallrr-wi ha will aamlnar >1 Wandall arhmii audllnrl<im. I

■ Indowi 11,.. i;.,i TMlka, Ak»«, 0., «P«al.lnr '• 111 ha ••f.iih t „ „ Iha Kulura." » p.m, Mu.xli

<l_»aftUf.,.V;«llk»r—Waci.a and .rltruii mratlar- iplVllui l.t! b.,|.H urtlfr.i of Ih. ..lU r; l‘a.l_CiillUi Iwlfarr-a'^'iTu^lka.LadlM , Tu*..r.r.^rri'i”p n i-t I'.WMN mraU .1 I

.nr.hlp: n'm"’'v.'lHna!,"i'»,*'l*'r :'lO p.'i

■ is

hoir an.'• ’ '"A M rirnt.Y^orTnn—

-------- n a r lT. 'm /pirni.-^latnr-•‘“''li" *'

liiifudr il’’Vl»n"iir»inVii<>m*a a»r.ic.'*« o.i

* .1 n1!*parl A"."Ufr^»f (!'M‘ ri.il^^h'’aar

tlKITin BRnilREN IN I'HtH.IT n wor. *■ Malarllic. "1 10 a.m.. .'lundar a<t>o«l. tl a.m.. wo for-lh* ohlp.-O . .wi..-4-krt«l*an-Knrfa«i»nr,- a-r.n ill. will warahjp. S p.>. Thura^ar, rrarar maxiflnd Mri! ' riRST ClIBlHTrA^.ractica- j , , n „ „ ,k „ Bho.linn. atraaat«uar. RUhaid DaVlllltra. aalnlatarMaWm , , ^ | . 10,11 a.,^,• iitar^ ihl,. Hi,hM,bf." r'a ll^ i * 'c" ''

Iha Chtlallta WenMs'a fallswahip. a p.i Mend.r. Mlaaianirr luild at Iba hnma ■ llaltn an< D«r«hr Swofa. S« .Srd a.am aul. 1 p.m. Tligradair. ChrlilUn .Woman

dkvrata mltttoittrrle-tShfn^-^iril apaSiarPK^^i rouit* iholf praallr..

iw.Mp7 ^HTiRCH^or"«:ilRfHrI p.m. Tvinl a.aoua a»< Third alr« t nartk

j^ rr i- »lal1Jnr ••»niall*l^ durln*^^Ihla^ toap.filnf |(rou(h Nar. U. '

BIBt?S BArrtBT' ' l i t Tllird aramia rail■ TW Cihar. talnlalir

t* a.B„ .lundar Mhnnl. II a.m.. wm t).lp, K..ninc aar.lr« -III Sa at lh. .var

1. '®r.; latlillt al tha rornrr of Shnup anMlj"lf ‘t* ^IMin*. ^Nn lllh

r hlji f*'"“»*' '*♦ I'*"- J-"'** Tom'barlijlYK.'s ______

»• ciiiiR cn o r r n r a scknuion rris ta rA t.

' 'holr ,,g ],]„ boulr.ard nortk"••• * K*ri.«. X. *la<ltwa1l.-r«I»r----jraJar. t a.iB., hotf tommuolon. • ;30 a.m aimoo. irhnol. II a.m., hoir mmmuiilo* aod-urmon. .XoIaiuMl..jflulti_X«: 'h n,'- Igwiklp. 4 p.m, MonJar. <.uh Hroula.

S ' h,;./ill.J9_^^.^*4ntt'Ur.,)'obr_fomniiinlor■ -t'h Tl>5"aa,. a" M*a'rtl.*a-a aulld" t"ho*m.'''!I •f 'h* Mta. T. W. lllcka.__ ,

REaBRANtritn i.nii 101 Harrlion alraat

a.m Frad Troth, pailardir— a p ». W^lo.^lar. pr»rar niMilnc al hom

ot Jo.cr Hnimi. IM Jatkaon atr*au Tiira «l>. * dar. nphrlla rluk ma«i> at hom* «f r.«

Uaiaand. HItabalk fcouIt>ard Mil. c iirR i'ii n r DFLivr.RA.scH

I I,

p ...« j 'oI T doJu ”»“ it.>' ciii'Ri'ii or'Tiir.'"nnFT'nRKH"■'IT'*Irtlco. Baktil r- Kal". pa.lar^^ .

of a Tr.i. Dl.rlplt." TitO P.m.. v.ap.ra •Th. Mar, Wh.> . »:nO P.m.(•|IY»'. M.in.lar mlnlilrtlal tv.ar-1 haakr' diootr. ;n o p.m. Wr,|n»dar. llihi. al>ld|

O""* ao,l prai.r m.tiio|. «;I0 p.m. W.«|nMaar rh»(r rahraraal. i p.m, ThI.raJar. ri.ria mr.1. al homa .f Ri.Ih M.Hrphr. I


i f t

________ ________ ___ • ‘ c

■ '

I ■


^ U n d e su abl?= TT-J Woman .Quitiu ,:iu “ R e d s ^ & p ilJ

1‘m‘uoUm. MEL8INKT. FlBlmd. Nor. 8 n M rt. Belly J in e Sofnmerlalt* i

:t» a.m. h e r diplomat huband arrived h by plane loday on ihelr wiy ho trpm- Moscow, where-ahe- waa ■

*"m government,‘V,v T heir Sorlet aeroJlol plane lam, a t Helsinki airport a t 3:31 P.'

t.r th. <1:31 a . m. EST),"fru In te a t* •

K arl X EommerUtte. who '' i.ja ao« aecond-secreUry of the U. 5. (


* p.m.. iiua ila atler ilie became InvoV'‘.''•‘:'',’o In »n InternaUohal Incident wl0 rf -ihr taking plc lurtscn Del. 25. hura.iar. Two Ruuian.1 claimed ihey w ’J 'T * »l»PP«d whri) Uiey attempted lo ' .hoi" tV Mra, SommtrUUe. a naUve ot troa. Wilmington. D el. and Mrs. Hous ,i.,.;.jg aU ffr-w lfe-of-llie-tiaU U nl_U .

naval attache from La Ja lli, Ci T he SovieU accused Mrs. So

m erlalte of "hoolicanlim" and ■ ’a'lruJr claxed her .• undesirable." Tlie U. n. Tut.: iransferfed her husband, and

two left Mattow this morning. tiJI’ ihl; Charlei E, Bohlen. U, S. amb'1 fii-rip. andor to Russia,, angrily rttade

clear lo Uie SovleU Uial he ci sldered their version of the ca.n "flagrant"- lie. He hnd no dl; maUc'alteiiiaUve buf 10 send'

ip; ai.a. Bommerlatte^ home, p»ti">^ rersonal Send-off

o«r(i.iir BoJiJen nnd a host ct iif.hari; diplomats personsly mw the So torVila merlalle.1 off from Moscow's Vi 1 p.m. kovo airport a i 10:1S a. m. O haoiii. , , EST) lodny for their fo

'>l*hl lo Helsinki aboard Ru.wlnn commutlal airliner.

T lte Sommerlnttea will Irarel fr here to 'th e United BUites by i

,a laiiar StockHolm and London.

Er,;: Air Force PlaneMuorlar. > H l n P l, i „ ^ ( ---------y g i - A - i c a - i J t u u c i...‘[ '‘lli! IDAHO PALU. Nov. 5 { ^ —

’.I 'ih . ambulance to tarry an InJui ‘ i,nard Unlvenlty of Idaho student to . ill, x:sii home In Idnho Falls.” il IU' Raymond Fife, a freshman, i rroriirr burned aeverly three weeks i

-lr ai..- a fraternity house floor Ignited. lo'?-*aU." tinder treatment

' Moscow bul nrrangemenls wi __ . made lo r u te .o t.» .c l in eJ ro m .t______ Fairch ild .air loree bnse In Spoka

lo bHng him here. Fife w u an ; - lorce-cndel-al-Uie-unlreralty___

'*« Offl'’ «rvrNTII-nAT ADVrSTipTn id ’Vt','w !i"r.' /a"au''r

" " W a rr~.nt« Wlih thr Hnffajlo;I""- rhildran'a laa.oa. "Th. T'r. pia A.I fo,

a-p.m. Wa.lol‘da*r'^M',,J*nM” n ,‘*T” •niuradtr. rathtln.'lrr tlub.------ -— iisrrm -W M iosA in----- -

‘j , K. Mj.Va?«.t'aV'............... ;

p.m.. Ilibla alu.tr, "Chii.l'a l^on.ln»." 1 n.. wor- P-m. Wadoaadar. p>a>ar aaxrlca.u iii ln j CIIRIMIAN aciESCIIr Cnop- , IM f lnlh a>aoua taal

1;JB Rrtilini room. « J Main .vanu. *^a"Vm! i r ' i .L “ suo'jiri: Vi!d‘ V"’p.i''-''w^o*il5mm* ot rhurth aarvKaa. Mtn'a Irua aalfhsod .Tanu. th. arlrllual imata and Ilk.nt.a ot. r

Vomati *

f allan Man, ‘*l fifdS’t^fo'iloSIor'pui ______ from Iha KInf Jamn a.tilon ot Iha---------w r(n .o « i,- i,jn i--s« -r« d -.^ .i« i-r

’"1coantl and Mtalth with Krr to Ih. Rtriplur

lorludlni Ih* folloKinc "Wfeao apaaklnz ot God'a rlilldrrn. lh. rhiidrrn ol man. Jt.u> laid, '

- klnidam a(^r.od I. wlthla^rsu; thli.

!ui!‘a*i>d rllWT METItODISTr> nihla Shoahoaa aod >'ourlh a<«ou« aatlSo"’,'* 4 »HI a.m . fhu.fh nur.arr.

lo'irrmrtlat»"’MyK,'"l n'm l^worihliTf a' )N rial m.»lr: a.tmoo, "Hi. Itock of Jor.k _ jTar! »lu*^nl^dV^/ll Vm,

Th "Al- oo .diKatJon. p.m. Toa.jar. >o.mla. 4 rKoIr. I p.m. Tutjiljj- ADdiO«Vlltlll*'A

a.m. rommitira matla. I:)0 p.tn. Wt.1o«adhrtak. rirrla : m»*ta with Mrk Hot. Whlla.

minion, p.m. Wadfir;.l>i..j:irtlr in_mt<;ta_wJl p.m. Ura.^.iord Kimpton. ^5C.t cirrira m im* of ThiiraHar aa tollowai No. I. 1 ;:o p.i

with Urn. Nallla riirra: Ks. I. Mra. 0. lUroo, 1 :» p.m.: So. I. Mia. >tai Wohllalk, ) p.m.. tnlliuk lunchron; f <. Mr.. Aibart M>irphr. 1 :)0 p.m.; } ). Mr.. Cara Har... I :S0 r m.; No.

armon. Mra. C. I . Morili. t:]S p.m. I p.m. Thu I hom* dar. rholr rthtaruL l:]Q pro, Filda., a

Tii~- rir matu with ^Mr. Hroria WMt

' ||l ' LAME BACK c o r r e c t jo n

nf.iiai . . l l pleasant and painless.Backaches m»y ce iMOcltted

< W llh rheumtium, atUtrlUs,lumbago, itomsch and kidney disorders. -If you have tried everyUj!iilTflieriVy“ AdJUili

rinVra* "’*"*• '* obtainedP.m.; a fter f ln l treatment.


( i:> Main NorUi • rhone SMI

' " . ' ' ' " ' r ' V : ■ " " V

. ... ®

- ' - - . i ' • !

j - g s •

S c w i c iruoN T :ii8

......... 'TIMES-NEWS;'!

j” Seminar Speake

ita l a i f c jp ?8 W t- '."■— :•t« and f l g v :d here

-6o*Mt> - , ..'■ g g S ;:


lO w uem-

preuy,.J e ^ eivoTved


y Were

Smio°n ■CAm.r.( l f l • • • paator of the Orace I

" r i l l f 'ih e ra n church, Akron, 0 „ wUl f ' Eon,.' aen l a aemlnar a t lhe aehocl an nd df- ■ lofluw la Wendell Kunday e , u S. Jnwoduceaid Uie Emeat-Tha«U,-i'M ler..lODe.ehi

tnan . Me U being brought to Ms ^ b T s - -V a lley -by -tba .L uU itraa .U jw i

<• league. Sunday morning b t ' , 'on. a ttend aerTleea a l the Immaa ea.ie a l>**lheran church In Twin T (JJqIo- * fUMl o '

I d ' t h e :------------^ :

„,„„TaleofGover H Delights Tei

' four. KNOXVILLE. Tenn,. Nov. 6 lard a H eard Ihn one nboul the swnrr r. bees Ihn l chaln-rencted Into :1 from old locker on an O ik Ridge' i ly way strucUon project—nnd hnw they

th e government In lhe honey t neas7

A t least. Uiafs the ntory told I day by Knoxville Journal colum I , Vie W eab, who says anoUter I p n f low told him . He doe.-ut'l k

^ l i e r ^ i e ^ t K e r H l u i u ^ g h a C ) —An doesn 't seem Io be ren.ion lo 1a -fiy - down-a-good Itory.---------- --------njured Seem.1 Uinl aa the bees began s to h ll ln(T up honey for the winter on

atom ic consirucUon Job. one of t, wai conitnictlon w ork trs-w llo also 1 a >([0 bees^ kep l hU eye on these.

O m dny he brought * tu{i t , him , collected about SO pouridi

ent *" honey, then pu l the bef.i Into a 1 a n d planned to Uke the whole w< •wlUi-hlm.-He-hndn'i-rrckoned-t .lh i-iaatcrlB la_chfC ker, Uiough

*" som elhlng of a prncilcal Joker.' 1— 1 ■'•'Got *” 'requUittlon?“ - a a ld - _ checker!.* "No.Do I need a requisition?"!

ed the beekeeper.lw.no, "Wfjj, rny ordtrf a re U iafno i

; e rnm eht property can be taken aarmon of here w Ithout a requlslUon," . ■ p " the checker. •*_______ "B ut UiLt b n 'l go^ve^nmentjji

e rt’y." ' p ro l« t<d ' Uie beekee "T h e« .b e es Just flew In here

wor. selUed."JijS "True. B u l the ir nest Is alUc

'• lo governm ent properly, and

1 «■>. Boise Physicians’ iSv; Motion Is Denii’I-ut% BOJSE. Nov. ft (U.R)-Ad» Cou arrir*. D U trlct Judge M. Oliver Koel

mriHi-m*—hy—fh“ ‘” i! Boise physicians seeking to i r<i mih iugp « n a o n 'o fth c ln n ed ic a l-lic«

'i t! pending appeals to lhe courts. I'lin* of T he mtjtlons were filed, by j hfOBrHi Lyman B and Jam es E. JJolJk Rcirnra worUi. who Were given 16-moi iw TIi »u*P«nsiont lasl September by •n. not aU t« board of m edldne on grou; I. *Ti>* the brother* had been convicted , „ Income U x evaalon, a Xelony.. _ aca ||‘ Appeals were filed In district co

■ by the H olllngjw or^s, who tl asked for the order granUng tli

Mil Ute righ t to conUnue pracUc pending the ir appeals against

larmoV board’! acUon.

:1 KRENGEL f‘T u ih l N O W W IU

WELDING" ^ ---------— BLACK!

m aCall us a t 486. W ea

anytHihg n' 'u w ‘

= AU-fM-ONt • AU.TN.ONI • All.1M.OI

• Ia! I FfeshStarl: t ‘ p f n i i - i132< ? On* menlhry poym tnl.

■ m p A c i f

~ —O O M ala ^T c n iK -N erlh-— i“ho

S E4- one


er Political “I ps Showed V<

----- WA8 iriNOTON.Nor.-6 Vfi-^- ttoe,-when-poUUci*n»4)«ela.pi- uie lr-ovn-in tcrpre talio iu .on .

J day's elecUons. one conclusi L V obvlous-and • «eond one:»cen ' X r ' i I. n w as‘a HepuWlCsn d ^ • J s Voters showed their dlasaUsfi

«rtth-neflubllc«n-conlrol ol.coi b y f t r i ^ j Uie“ hoU4e * na"s o rer fb 'Ute DemocraU.

3.- The extraordinary- narro ^ ■ l of Ute margin w u a pretiy

sign lhe great m ajority .o f_ 'arenot'deeply (Uslurbe<i by theof the nation.

____Tf_th> peaolfcrM a. *-hole>»»*ri y/.»p.ri/)f)yn or In dSu'tSi DO doubt would have expressed misgivings or anger by civlm Democrats an.overwhelming v to change Uie dlrecUon. ThU did not do.

LKE Oli the other hand. I t the] :e Lu. been exuemely enUiuslasUc lit pr*._ thc jupublicanperfw m anceln 'I audi- two yenn. ll seems reasonatr eve- believe Uiey would have Inctra by Uie OOP conUol of congress,ehalr- did Uit reverse.Magle The amarliiBly evcn-divW<fiaen's voters"'thinking was bcsl ref>t w lir i tn h e “a?raW nices-*horer-to .nanuel gon, Ohio and New .Jersey, o

Falls few thousand votea lepam leib. candidates although roughly

s r n m e n t R e d T a p *

e n n e s s e e R e s i d e i

. 6 L^^- honey 1* attached lo soverr ■arm nf properly. Therefore, th e beejnto an Ute honey are obviously goverr« ' con- property, and cannot be rer hey pul without a requWUon," quoU■y busl- checker. .

‘•Well, how do I g e ^ a re) ld P r l- lion?" ask tlte beekeeper,lumnlsl - n i hnve to call th e top ii«r lel- ssld Uie checker.■ know T in ton mnn handed dowi

to hold oul of the yard of Uielr own a<----------then-B-requlsltion-wouldn'l-bein ito r. eitary.

‘T lia t won't get me any h ^ "nd I'm nol going to stand a;

and wall for the bce-i to fly said thr.(leaim alfi_bt.ck£m il.

? "In Umt ca.ie." said the top ,nds of ..j,,| pm through a requisition ' * away." II wenl Uirough of

channeI-1 nnd wan approved, an iBtT * IjefW fp^rgoi'bolh beea and h

--------- AtlfaAt,.thal'4.Uie Blory.___

Plane GroundeBOISE. Nov. ft (U.P.1—A Unltei

10 gov- j ( „ „ /jjch t from Sail Lake Cl :en out Boise was delayed yeaterday I," snld mechanical Uouble prom pted

pilot to land a t M ountain Rom•J>fopi __________ _________keeper. Airline officials aald the pi re and captain decided 11 would be sa l

land his seven paisengcrs oc LUched longer air lorca base runwoy nd Uie he discovered a mechanical — '— In the propellet-feaUierlng mec

IS Passengers were brought to !a J by limousine and a relief plane

1 1 6 Q down in from Portland lo com ‘ the schedule.County


OJlngs-j ^ 2 5 3 * ^ ' month I • Missing Teelh Replaced by the I • Broken Plates Repaired rounds | l • p . i s . Teeth Rellned

t ^ u J W H I L E - U - W A I 1

th r a l l F i f - R i f e D e n f a l L t' ,‘'',""11 H75i Main W esi. . Upstal: « | f « ; FBON-E m .


KSMIT+JING---------ACHINE WORK> arc equipped to do a lm ost

in iron and steel

j B H M AIMM.ONI • Atl-tN.ONi


rf? - ■ ^; payments. \

Get tx ir i cash j

-IN -■ -L OAN ;

ng fhreugh ttrv i'c# ii'nc* 1920"

F IC F IN A N C IJ o C A U -

“hon* aaio . - Jon.V-W .j*oTri;n,-.'M c.

EVERYONE W tt i Looking tn \ • W j



iL E V IS ie N ^ 'll

Experts” Sure /^oter Unhappy—At. thU-mllllon-rolcs.were.caat In thosi

.usioh Is amaslilng 'n i - jo r t ty ' In » p cem s m : control of the house over Pr< . Elsenhower's l u l minute pli

keep «ie Reptibltcani in chan

aw . They did ll by gaining 17 The Republlctss may try u

Mie Uiemselves by recalling It uy 800d , cea tury-w llh ono txu

f p a n y -Ja control oiih e s U U jo ji some ceata J

mid-ierm elections;,ole—had And they may argue lh a t f ^ T l t e y Tr>*rpn7-»eata-U>l*-y*«r'wii,i5cd*lh«r iH ainEe-r«enr«Ytr«gfr-«l*4flvlng the picked up by the party ou t of J victory l a the rald-t«m ballottog. ■his they B ut Uis faci rem ains the

have shown Uiey a n . when hey had wlsb.Tcvene-the-mld-tcrm-ln Ic about and Increase Ute grip on co th e p a s l ------------------ -----------------------

S S PrlM Battle Hit “ ™ InPhoenixVal

--PlIOENIX. A rtt. NflV.SJlft; . i eulJ In milk and gasoline coni

in-the-PhoeD lx-Sall_IllY ?r_

nyl Safeway' a tarei continue " 'y match milk prices In the tnil■ ........ pots, and lowereiTIls'qual't . c

16 cents, with half-gallons i I J C Ing a l 35 cenU. The store chftl Lt . ■ dropped Uie prices to 20 cenU : > - n f C “ W ttfday lo meet compe

then reduced them again whei depols reduced prices.

On'y * independent g Joined In the price reductio

S ”,“d >>”> !■''loth U l. company announced - a on ‘ wholesale cul to 19 cenU *

rM uial. w delivery pric^ malned a l 23 cenU.

The rtducUons In the pr P «>*"• gasoline were ipotty and wei own the to cotppeUtlon trom

1 accord, ww.r%»ww#www«yw~r«#ww.w-be-nec- C Dally B enrlci_

, K o d a k Finlshii . around I L E E D O N P H 0 1• r L ^ EntrsDM on alley by WUey-1op mnn, W r tn m » B 1 3 jw ir * W Bon r lsh l

official I — ----------the

honey. • — ---------

led -O ty toj

ly w heni . ■the:

sa fe r to 'on the I

'^ A V E B A in tlN I? PE ne?£' C .F . STEVENSI W-..1 f.ii • • .

lo Boise - -----------------------ane was A<l<lrw.aomplele ,

Educotlon_____________Y — ■ _______ = :

elay f N e w & n

red Used'T - For H. CL ab ________________Lalra I ^

A . C . OIL F IU g i PLUGS -J PL U G S-C O I

Broke an d <

— - -^BUDJy*-Alummti

TRUCKWHEELSHeavy D uty , . a

20-inch and 22-incl

2 p -

i ••BROW^’.L IPE”

Transmission~ ' f ~ POWER TAKE.O’P F


I anti All Type R E P A l^ PAIiTS fnr Krown-Lii

iH Flexible *‘LASHOSE--------To.


H ? ' ■ ■ nnil------ It IE A In TAILI I " — PtPE—j-GEVn

f f l H E -

I y~n EEM EM BKK . . . y(

I T w in F a l lH Klmhcrly Rund, H i-wny

B That E le ^ r With GOP

tha, party. In that In 1934 to s h ^

M evea-no ism- for tlie capturing President Roosevelt.! *** President U was U.e l « t pleas to lifetime Uiat happ tS i’’,

haree. £«m efect/ons of iSff h e Demo- DTOoerfita.loji g jo i^ *

l i ®Jia t their” f«rto«a C o n c r o f o t t r

i - —hLi ihc”!

,-tn d lllo n ! - « o lo f c d .P r „ ^

P a u l M t a .

'alleyS a S «eon, Vm, r _ r . l L . , B i g h *1

nued to milk de-

t l coiCTo

E r J i i m i inpeUUon.vhen

[PROMPfSFDP ro d u c t l'

price of ■* Qusllty F*tl Ofc were a t- * Bcdtei ftn a l

_____ *_ChMk n w ijjj

‘•“ E r V T l f f l l I i * r iey Drug

iH IR tlN E s iL -------— H E N ^A N D -W O M trQ A l Reserratlouisls, P i iu n m A f e n t t , CommuotuUisU J ■ U oitesset.' High irsd* mUt f (Ions aad publlo c«Btaet<iih

' floe adraneement. H. 8. p t^ t M -31. L eara i f yon-can-<|uolUy. m M InfomaUoo, mall cospta U{ t l Sterens, Bex C-:>, Tlots-Km



____Hn. I WtiL— ____________

O T tD. Equipmeni

LTERS-A.C.SPJU - A uto Lite SPARK DP-SIL-LOY Wetfl I Clutch Compoug

nujTT • ~Replacenientfk ^ a n d Repaint



Safety Devi) n S CIcarnnce LijbU.

- up L i s h l . . - J '« nni.i - Mirrori.. Brake Supplto •

‘A IR B E S A F E . . .®■Uot , , , b e JIE A 0I

iS C O " Bondedres te d BRAKE s ro B m s e . and BRAKE U * J.iity-»lLgclL«» «ll ‘l g ;I o f cnrfi o r t r u cKn.

AVY-DUTY KEABS t r a n s m is s io n s


iK A V Y -m JT y


. you^can find i‘ f " ' ‘'j

L L S A u t o

a y ™ . "


Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

M u s i c ClubFeature

B ^ o f U w T i r i i i ,

^ B a c t u i r r ol Ul#

_ i ‘ •’T -- - ?

■ i i^ '^ u A U « U liA lk « a .. HjHf r f eburch ~ i ^ l

t ,V ^ «Ui *><’*'

if'aO Tber* t r . tovlled ^ (0 ihU mMtlns.

a S u t* * durtUon MA J p iu B •r<| t h w ^ r ,

u d l i th« « » n d T h - n ^ —SlHR*d.ln the p u u w o

SMlnw.y u d

Calendar__ _L. , ' U e 'i w a*U jtt- 'n ie Amerlwn U - ^g J ^ U I meel « « ? • » .

r**U;lj i c L ^ o ; o .e P in t U n i I

GUM 6erenlh^»venue w t . ^

M_M(xlem Woodrien of NE5il hold » pinochle party i f ,o u . i

8iiunl»y »t the Wood- precarloiul ■ The public Is lnvlt«d to »ppro(vch"---------------------------------preaaion"-:— U— *— f ----------------r b v t lx a -u0NB-Op*J flfJwliJ'h Jodif p o in t on w ,^ ^4 -p ^m ~ T u ssd « r-it j in ce- Mpi l i l . lUporis *1U be siven child resp<

^ 10 »ute uaembly. wnJJeL

Ot^A% oi',k m «U nj for o p S ^ ’^ 'h lp.H.f iffl-lftY will ^ htlfl pt1n>_.n/1. a.ViU dty »l the chOrcn. c ^ rd ln j to t *1U be done for the i_eeley. ed DT. 30. Xe«Mr At 1

♦ , * ''D illy hijTCA~*til heid' > btneflC- D o lh flliB " ,.t7 :3op ,n ..M ond iy * l ^ r home mlUns. The public li In* juny occup infnd.H^»r-niere-lnfoTO*- Jane Mn. O. C. H d l. m . Q if i,LO. McC»!l.TSO^W: te rof-#M if

It'8 u ju a lljtr. Konn»n Sloclcwtll will homemi ie T»ln F»ll»- chkpUr ol B u t boyi r tlittn of the Amerlc*n fcceordlnj i 0 t t • luncheon meetmg »t q j ™ «di».»tlht:KiVCA-hulld- , L W. Voorhee. H i n ™ 7 „ K i

„ Bhnibs and0IAK-?he;ener.1 meeU [ " J Ihl Woman-* Society of n u t m th BeiTl».»lll be held i t 8 c b l to

dsuday »t the home of Hive11 Tow wnl Mfl. W. O. nu bt' In charge of the M lt

T T i . h and le nluanJAarim— -Diannnucj i , _ _ _______________M e orPattern-------

. ’ s lve a bo;em barrass

X ^ . i ^ l p u t h tm It■ 2 ) B windows,I >. V aweeplns

w&xlns «U \ r< doors, dua)( jL o u t booksh

A Boya als

polishy j S l S } ^ \ \ l \ . c a r ln r for V ^ 2 s X 2 i ^ J v ^ help ing ou

S V i v H ^ l v \ ^ Jobs o r hoi

? " T f j / ^ \ v e te ti

V V r ^ MlNpolUhl

\ ' - I ' dlahesyT' clcnrlnR Ih

- T h cy ll-p -/•T VvW A ) u i Chen wax (J.: rj ; y A U M U ^ a o d m a rn f

I -7 ^ - 1 9 ?8 2 g | M

■■[^"“ ftonc GEM!

® ftjlit lo CO wherever nuim»niy ifliiorcti

‘ »pclls bnth ityle and

s iS 5 K I .K S - ■

^ Compitif, llluurated *ew » ) u evrry step. / '

in coins for _ /

n 'l l l ln T sJn " ,

Let Jun ior Pick (

r ia f children hovathBld chores m al^u thei e r haa been careful to pick a (a<k for h w aslnc a bureau drawer noder hxr tuper

* * A * *

lild Guidance Ai Gives Boys' Resf

By GAILE'O'UOAS re r and wi NEA Wonjen-a Editor prcTent U:

}U. aa a mother, are teeterinR help out loualy betveen the “woodabed children a ich" and the modem "/ree ex- I f* Imp in“ -poln t-of-T lew ,-yo tnn ljh t a a y ir u r n i a ~ t« r tE O in ia irT f i« e 'a one u a ^ r* la n i >n which nearly all chUd ru ld - aponsibllltl a x perta-a sree .-O lv ln f—your Ished.-Alw responalbillty U, they feel, ca- now and C L duUea. •onalbllity Is fin# for devel- i a healthy aelf-rellanc^e.^^djMli__ ^

I to one authority. Mary K . ^. educational aoclology pro* a l New Vork unlTenlty. ly headllnea.on JuTen‘’e crim e > tliBTierd fDr'parTntr-to-piBn ~*T^oU1tl‘, ime acllTltlea that wlll use- p iu In Kll ccupy thetr yountiters'. leisure earftgc. i Professor Keeley aaya. - bj.clc wltl'

I a re-no problem In the m a t- ^hln. And lisisnlnghouttholil laskailcce com e wlU ja lly auum ed theyll le am to you"mothe nemakers bJ* helping mother, -sure ly lya need thoughtful handltnff. wonderful in j to the profeuor. SnJol’a me ’arm s or In riiral areaa, ^oya of_ the dji helr-w oT rbefore 'tnem rET en ‘w eniTIbni urbla. there are lavna and pupplea. and garden* lha t heed mow- .

weeding. Often there a re peta

n tJ ie lit^ . ML^*Kede"'point*

X J S o r t h r a :••Good m

clly mother can ■ find p lw t? 'iple. Unie-coruumlnp- house- a tr ip? l ri.«v. th a t her amall aon can washed a»

nicely. Theae ahould be I w ent gad_Ior_H-«hll!l-Myta-ie»r*_of changed.over and ahould not Interfere new theaeIThomeRorK,____________ ZZOIZerSreapeclally Importanl no t to the new pi

boy "slMy" Jobs th a t will ihow you t•ass him. But safely, you can H e’* a ll bl m lo wbrk waahing Inaldea of ►i-v, - q,va. pollihlng the car o r -o in - to 1 ng It oul. emptying traah. to: aUcky wlndowi, draweij o r ^o. -n,ercduatlng booka-and-waahlDg ^ boughl

■okahelves, « o th ? ? « ;also can help by .running .•«„

rranda. helping lo acrub floor* m - - i VXDllshlng them afUr w ailng. ™ i ,„ jgy, fo r pet*, ahlnlng shoes and

; oul dad with amall paint• household repairs. , *; can leam by preparing fruit* ch liteU blea for. mealj, Uklng Ume leftf the ir own rooma. applying h®*--, ^ h ellahlng wax to Iboleum, vinyl ahlnlng. 1or aaphalt tile flooring, do- ahelf her

ihea and llrat aetUng, then be aure toR the Uble. IT ahe pulII prnh«h1y fn)ny lining I tlt. hoUac.Und ■ax cn lhe refrigerator, range to-order, amtledsurfactts. cleaning III* iirlnngi___:


.................. .. - — mk Chores . Cathc

1 T o l- ^ F e s

b u h l .,I 'L 1 women'* 1

turkey dirI K U n ' val Xeatunk - a B M v . . i ^ E C S & J

Item a. apt

^ poei packa ^nie h»Mi

' B E . ^ directed bo«<' H B H bers and

^ Im .B err j

P W ' atore and__ .B e n -Ja m

Olodowskl, 'j * ^ 0 lun

^ m S to

(on, Mra. Oaughey M rs. Kenn

. U ln . Mri.are

p jn . for ' a n d will <

...• nlng with~ T T r * T r 4 * ^ 'the cloae u

and Mra. 1-----terlalnraer

" ‘ bootha forH * new

_______' '.W l this year i

» tbetn n m aelf-rellant. Thla m J ivIjJ^mc for her aon ihat tta’I -ali.y“. lupertlalOB.

* * • *■ C o l

A u t h o r i t y' Ore.. were

j s p o n s i b l l l t y C 1 . V Snd waxini decoraUra plecea lon t U mlah. Then. too. they can out by bathing the younger

ren and gelling them to bed. *"«> ««■ Important. Profeiwr Keeler reU ilves o

3 0 )» K * '* U fr iW O o u r -child 'fttttJidahei riU ndaTiFs ahirln i aduli re^ FondAlliJbllltlei rs lh rr lhan brJnjr pun- m e n u wej.-Alwaya-pralae-hls-work and hom e.------and then, lel him pick his own Mr..andJ. ’Twin ra ll i

- G a f F o f Y e b i f C


ouitl■ .-T naintrr 'lInr^l^^-pup-tJouM ^fle nK llna ’abuk eto v er'in K lity ’a The mei [e. She aaya there'a one all w hat they . with a whlte-blb-under-hla w hat-m ed

And 1 can hare him to keep, dlah'ea ant • w llh 'm # lo'ae# them. W ill pupplea. . mother} Uurry." . any 'coai Iirely lya will go lo aee those to live wlU erlul pupplea this minute," and day to.da;

molher look' her hands oul Children le dlihwat«r,_drled them .and .the lc_ lath H b n g 'to 'ae a thow wonderful l« e p atep ' lea. thoughU ahen mother and Carol got back le houae they found G rand- ®er Carolyn waahing the dishes aetllng each one d a ra w ith ‘f ' f * “ *

Md morning," said the. thum p- ii.t»n to t own a cer*ftlbo«L-”B e ea o n help U w I? I n m y d a y th e dlaheawere th e ir gami ‘d and Uie house tidied before qusln tlnce nt gallftvantlng, Tlmea have im porU nt [ed. I t 'i pleuure befora bual- oBge firsttheiT'dayi.’’------------------------- m e i^ ln g 'i^KrRrid;na._jou_oUiht_to_»ee TaB f i i" > i ew puppies. Do come and I ’ll , , , , ^ , you the one thal'i to b t mine. iI . ibVall blade wllh . . .“ Dr. r .e got aomelhlng to do beside# JJ?/, J j i " n.'i

to look a t pupplu. There'a i» in to be done. I'Te errand* to f* 0 . ba* it,

'niere'a. «hou-and a dreaa toought for- you- th o u f h - jo u r ----------- -Yler teem* lo hare forgotten IL" SHOSHC I moUier, I haven't forgotten, T h o m e la i et to IU And tha pupplea are _ ,' lovely and I think. Import- O O R 11

rol’a molher remembered how FALr childhood Uiere had been no r>o xau*left In her moiher'a day for w m a jou The houM had lo be kept

ng. I f ahe took a book off Uie nher moUier reminded her to xi# on jon

;re to pu t it back in its place.e pulled oul a chair lo play Mofummj(_under aht.waa called sharply _*a*. o* i :der. that chair where It a « « eouai

i L E


W Onl^THe Fir• Kroehler •• Magnuson• Robert! •


thollc League Style D Hold Dinner; F( :esW al Activffy ;8n l d ^HL..NOV. 5 - T h* CaUjoIte «en'* league wm hold tU jm nua l *?’’ ?.*7 d lnner'and oUitr“ fall featl- u®* " eaturea Tuesday a t the Ameri- > |lo a hall. econom (a booUia wlll include b a ta ir . aproa-goods, country aiore

Mckagea and homemade candy. <Ieraldln< baxaar wlU be open a l 3 pm . |«.-t<ola led by M n. ?red Ebbera, Mra. de«- t Oaterkamp. Mrs. H enry Eb- and M n . Joe Lukeah.- • Mre. 1“ “ “ * - • Berry aod U rt. Bob B U w trt T ^ * be In charge of th e country National and Mra. Loula' M onnln. M ra “ ™

.Jam ea^jm d-M ffc^jC atiieiln* Dwn ho )w»ki. the doll bioU>. aU of th5 lurkey dinner wlU be aerved 5 to. 8 pm . The d lnaer.com . “ e'lacludea Mr*. H enry E jg lts- w Mra. Pred Karel. Mr*. Lyman hey and Mra. E arl W agner. CuUefoi KenneUi Buell, Mrs. Noel Brit- meetmg Mrs. BIU BarU in d Mr*. Louli ?* “ " *I are In charge of Ute dining J"" aophomo.erUinmenl will begin a t 8:30 for the benefit of early dlnera Q U n u wlll conUnue during the e»e- >J‘ with a free luneh aerved a t ' k,

lo8e'of-gtm ea ; - M r« .-P ao l-M ia-------- iV^Iri. Howard Paul a re the en« JERO^ nment-eommlitee.— a p e c l a l lon.-who a for chlldren'i enterU lnm ent waa- ho: new feature being Introduced shower 1 rear and U being arranged by of Mrs. MarUn Martinson and Mrs. pUyed n Moore. David S

V « « Welgle.

louple U nited £ “ »“I. Nellie Perreten, T « 'ln Palls, nniy n l Berry- WUeman. Mllwaukle, Sr/o „ were united In m arrlnge Wed- ‘v ,n y in the parlor o f Uie *FUit Q,ony a t st church In Bolae. The Rer. Mra. Q . Coulter performed' the cere- )ii{h «ch • ated froi . and M n . Roy B arton. Boise, the clan Mra. Mollle Barton, V/elier, employe< vet of the bridegroom, were I n ___

WAiirg— tn r - « rv ic » —r m « i i : P o t T ' s were served a t th a Barton ^

-and Mra, Wlsemao will llvi In q o o d ______________ G. n. D

ATR I Nor. 3, iito Idaho

— '.I — - . . . l l . I ' I Ing In I

! memory of those days and Mr*. J. they had meant to he r waa Mrs. Roi

-m ade-her-a iop -w aah lng -the granddai I and go along to view the Daniel a: e~ B h e -w o u ld U ke llm e-a t cake and oai to play wllh h e r children, relallves ! wllh them aa Ihey grew from o.day from year’to year,Idren grow up very faat. If jB thera.A ad_m oU »er*-are-lo atep w ith Uiem, ahare In the ir f“ “* hU and the ir deeds Uiey musl when the children begin and ( ,

lue on down to Uie end. ThU ^ do leat one day they dUcover MURT la a stranger In ih e lr home N dub s reserve Uiey canno t break, m aking; bers are often too busy to to th e ir chlldren’i itorlea. to “ o"*"'-,

Uiem make a toy. to sha re In » -ho itf i game*. Surely firs thand ao- auice WlUl one’a chUdren Is as * ■Unt a s reading Uie spc«* ‘7 “ “ . ’ firs t Uilng after dinner? Or JF*- *!'

t . a - » a ia..pqwTi m t s ir te w —

it >u>lu , n tk* snundwork Ut elephantK'K„v;.;iLVJ"i »biw u. b. b.iprui In W ritt p .n , » »al H»blu." To obldn a coff. iina 6t*l*nyU In celn l« bim. ' i •• eo-ho OI II, « « York 1», N. y:

— V ISIT BEFOETED . I5SH0NE. Nor. &—Mrs. John ' I - le la TlalUng a t Rockland. M

n'INeglacf Slipping P

\LSE TEETH «fall* u t ta drop, dip o r wobbi*I jou talk. •*(, Uutti or «n»«M7( b* >nnDT*d and embarruMd- r ! ^3ca-lianaieapi.rA BTEEni.-iji....... MIne (noD-teld) pevder to n - • 1 ,^n joiir piktri. kicpi (»t>* teiUi JiS;flrmir Mt. oiTM eonnaent to«i- »> >

>X Mcvmir aad tdd*d «omforv r baimmr. toofT, P*»tT tMt« or (m I- *•< '0*1 rA ST ttrU wday >t aay 'ki« Ieouaur.— ------ -- ------------------------ «ait

IV i

uFinesf At Sweel's

• Biltwell • Crown• V a l e n t i n e - • S e a v e

• C o u n t r y . M o d e r n .

iLLS,-IOAHO-— '---------

'les Reviewed Two For FH A Group For:r, o*nw _of^nlder’*jlreM »hop. 1 H I , spoke on r r h e right style tw o c h e rlghl place a n d Uie right beUwl I ' te n e m b en o r th e CuUeford emonle* Tuesday eren lng In the home Masonic

>mles room. n waidels were K ay-C onrad, Nancy tery da£ rter. K aren K ram er. Donna qu«t No »- 3 m i HMd. Vl¥i>n.-»««d, h«th«l \ dine Regadera, Carolyn Kud- Grand i X)U Hudson a n d P ra n c u Rega* Emmett,

, the ■ groUiera of the VHA. glrla were gueaU a d. .la week the PK A girls observed meeting, mal PHA week by selling pop- The ti balls and carm eled apples erery be a coc

hour a l the sch o o l Mondny C. And« rU ia llrU w o re 'r r f and while. wlin>e’ PHA eolora T uesday was act Sunday as "Ml day,” T hursday "Smile alon Z^: and Prlday u “No Orlpe day.

legate*, chosen , to represent eford a t the dlslrlc l PHA U ra \ Ing In Jerom e N or. w are pinochle n Kramer, sen io r; Donna By> tow, whi junior, and -Carolyn Kudlae, club sp jmore. wiUi Mr

• « « T h e n

ower H onors -M rs.-BuGibsonEWMB, N or. 8- M r s . Billy Gib- M ra I w how M -m arrted-ln-6« lem ber w ai a- a honored c t - a . mlacallaneou* - Mrs. er Tueaday n ig h t a t Uie home elecham :r*. Paul Hurleas. Cards were d with prizes going to Mra.1 Salladay a n d Mra. LeRoy p u n s

a. Olbson. the fo rm er Carol Ann on, daughter o f Mra. Caroline view cli on. was m arried SepU 71 to the hom Dale Olbaon, son of Mr. and u r s . I Gerald Olbson. T he Rer. Har du t, p ^ i^an Zee pe rform ed the etre- «en to.: ' a t Elko. Nev. Refra a. Olbaon la a sen io r a t Jerome hoateas achool and O lbson waa gradu- M ver. from Jerom e h ig h school with dasa of 18JJ. H e U preaenUy . oyed by Rice M otor company. Memb ______* * * ____________ met_W«

ir-C elebrates— lySF Solden-WeddingkjDINO. N or. » - M r . and Mra. , ,. D aniel celebrated Uielr 8OU1 ?*!??!}{; ing annlreraary Tueaday after- » and evening a l the home of _ „

ininJfJL-pftui-DnnltL-.Qpaling.. and M ra D aniel were married n - ■ 3 ,1»M, a t Pern, Mo. They eame P | T tho In 1617 a n d m ored to Good* n 1818 a n d farm ed untU two

s. James Davis, Shoshone andRoger, SU m y, EaU cada, Ore.. “ “ r * ,ldaugliters..and_Mn._R«jTi\ondel and Mrs. P a u l Daniel serredand coffee-to Uie friends and,ves who a ltended the open i i W> celebraUon. .t-of-lown 'gueaU ' were from rnm n tleld, Buhl, T w in Palls, Kim- ,.Bheahone.jVildeiLand-CuUe..

« « - T . Coin

Candy M ade 'fRTAUOH, Nov. 5—’The H and Ilb spent W ednesday afternoon Ing candy for servicemen from bHOS lugh a t th e hom e of M n. Sla honors le. M n . N orm a T horalon w u jear-olcJ i t e i f v - . -.-------------- r ----------- flmiUCa Ray A asendrup and Marge Memt ' were In charge o t gamea. u,a LD« a went to M rs. A nn Jonea, for Bri.

Anna Perkins. Mrs. Moline, m uT cl Lola-Thrnier-and-M ra-G eaeta ih»-ev4 er, 'M ra Phyllis Oaiilei* and ‘SmlQir* -T ib lln -e-recelved -m e-W hlle anl*. ■ G; e next m eellng wlll b t held The 8 a l the home of Mra. LeoU folded : ny WlUl Mra. Bonnie Perklna aasodat t.hosteaa. __________________ M raL o

_ N A S A L M I S i l

S IN IN O H i s t H E E

^UASH* N iW 'ftoeucr «h«. «im» h«t>» ns n ; t i r

I'm l •• tkam. UKIMm kMt Mt>,

S j.is s3 5 s .s8 5 li? ,s i!V?JAIT, CAUaOtMtA. ' - .........


a - ofo ry

one (

ver ------------

■ A .

ra C an d id a tes Pai; Dr N ew Bethel In rirf ioTedlfTRTfes 7u?0 candidates w ere imtlated by chryaa I J JD Job ’s Daughter* .ia-CtTr .»lal5n Jes Wedneaday evening a t tha Artlati nic temple. a rt ga was armounoed Masonlo mya- The dads wlll be guesta a t a ban- Bolt«~ Nov. 17 a t tKe temple when profea.

a -U D _w lU -recelv*-jU -shart«. .Brenr d g u a rd ia n .. M ra. Vida, Bork. lU m e ett, wUl preaen t the charter to submit group. O t h e r dlaUngutstied their 1 s a lto will be present. S :ren ju(<, Idatea w ill be InlUated a t Uils

e honored queen’s project wlll Jdtho' cooked food aale Nov. IS a l C. , n d e y .n ’a store, and Nor. H *!!? * be' th e “ queen'a go lo di'urcH ay a t th e C hurch of the AKen- z ilaconal -

______ •• scccepLucky t» a n b - 1

a W . W . Reed received high a t ^ opei W e and 'M rs. Roy Smalley, day at when m em ben of the Lucky 13

spen t W edneaday afternoon A c cM ra D on H ine. — .............j - •e nex t meeUng wlll be held Uie n g of N or, 30 and fu tu re ' a O ' w ith huabands Inrlted a t the i r i r1 o f M r. and Mra. Reed wlUi bert Q an d M rs. J y le Winkle u 00- u,e y

a. Rhoda Burks, E ventt, Wash..a- gueat.----------------------------------152= -». w inkl* received Uie’ white jiyh ;

_____ The

n iib U n d View G ab . 3"t*n kns were m ade to send a barrel H it to th e chUdren'a home In ] t waa ! by m em ben of the Highland k, „

club W ednesday aftemoon a t lome of M n . Belly Jones. ■>,. .* s. Lealle A nderaon recelred tha u n priae a n d th e aunahlne pal gift k»_ to M ra P red Thleme. freahm enU were aerved by the a s assisted by M n.- Henry

______ senUtStreaiBllDer CTub .

im ben of th e Stream liner elub ■WedDMdiy In the-weat-wlag ne old 'h o a p iU l and d l^u oed

«r calorie salad and salsd dress-ras-scrved a s a d ie t saggtsU on.--------mberahlp requ lrem enU -ire a PV ikinal d e s ^ to lose weight and L/11 id lcal doctor’s certUlcsU. e .n e x t meeU ng wlll be a t 8W ed n e id ay Jn .th 6.old.boipllil h a i

ihoch le P loyed ' S-a. L. T . Moore received high b/w.i.> U ie_w om en_and.;c*rl-8 chweri M .tht high fo r the m en a t th s Elks jn .» ,

e r p a rly W ednesday evening le Elks lodge. t,r Mi■ s.-K .-Jaoobs-w as-secoD d-for Ttoimi women an d M rs. D. J . Dorlon,

. k Crow took second place for n e n and flam.Babln_wa*.Uilnl. ^ 7 » m m ltlee for th e evening In- “ She >d Mr, and M ra O. J. Bell- iT c l»m nen rM r."an4 'M rfA w h olner, M r. a n d M ra Don SUf-

Mr. a n d M n . E d T\3lbert and an d Mr*. Crow. ,tU n t

P a ? ty l4 e ld ^I0 8H 0N E , Nov. b — Birthday F n were given Brian Smith, 7* j -oM aon o f M r. and_M ra Ralph . h , W edneaday. ' - - ' • w j a n b e n of g roup N o;.ll.xlM i o f ; . L.DS P rim ary joined In a party .B rian du ring th e weekly prt- r class ho u r. BefreehmenU for avanL_*ara_pm »tdK l hy Mra r = = ^ i . ... . . . . . : —

G IR I% 'f O & lE T T B M le W ikaw eU ya Camp P in girls d le tte rs fo r th e Tnberculoala :laUon a t th e meeting thla week. L oren’P age Is th e group itadtr.

; i * Y I



t l10 1your old-------Sij-room --------1on g ne>y * o t . . ♦


minting Judged Rec In Show a t Boise Heu » -M rC ro » .iO T T f :! ln in tr a ra — r zee. With her.pilnU ng_of. yellow — l lyaanUiemuma tn Uie aUU We dl* q q , lo n .a l . the H lh .a n n u a l Idaho OaU thow being held a t Uie BoUe

I .U m r lU i m m u,.l ie thow ta gpow red by th e ^ r ,l iT a rra tto d a tlo h and-li'open 'to held*ifeulonala and non-profesalonaU. ing Lsiy .p ie re^ -a eJec tw -r id -h u n rb r —merit. Work* numbering 178 were imltied and 83 were selected by •lr merit. 3 ^ludges were Pred Brown. BoUe a r t Iler; Robert Peter. head-of Uie

departm ent a t the College“ of uVnT Iho; Robert Hanky, fo m ie ra ev e .4 arllat; Carl Hoobing, commer* rtuebi l-artlat,-and-Loul*-pcdci-art-ln> .. uctcr a t Boise schools.Ul work Is original and none U aepted which h a t been copled'or “ “ I* JB in th e clasaroom. -ma gaUery “ )pen Saturday, Sunday and Mon- f aftemoona during November.

ssem bly-Report' S Given for LodgetAOERMAN. Nor. 5 -M rt .‘R o - monli t G ardner, first represenUUre to a n d : I ^ h p ^ b e k a h asaemblyjiald In dance iho Palls lasi' monUi. rapoBedTV IsahQ ! meeUng of Uie Union Rebekah 1st. a ge'-Tuesdty-^renlhgTnThe-CJVlC UtTSl b rooms of the Masonle temple, two t rhe newly elected assembly preal- M n It, Mra. M}-ra Peteraon, Couer ley, ] klene, sen t a letter and her pro* Burle km to the lodge which were read. Ray waa announced Mra. Gardner has puncl m appointed u assembly hU - hrtde' lan for the Rebekah assembly of P auli » aUte of Idaho. Behuvln. Elorriaga reported 840.78 had Oold m deared on . the cooked food th e g e held Saturday a t Owaley’s Oui xery. Thla will go toward th e W r r nodellngcf U ielO O P halLA pre* Dayi* lUUon of iewela will be m ade k m tha nex t meeUng, Nor. 18. lo roe S

0 member*. M ra Ralph Robinson suge; » lred Uie white elephant. ■ftifreihWfcnU-w-ereierT^abyM nT M rs. ralne—Knlgge—and-^Mra—O len 7® ^ ' ■ndrldcson, T h--------------___________________

•inner Served K A t Legion Hall

HAOERMAN.-N(jr.-8-About 100 rtons were serred duiner 5n lesdsy, decUon d ty , a l the Legion ^ U by m em ben of Uie Woman’* dety o f ChrisUan Service of Uiej th o d is f c h t i r d n n t in in r j r w ; -------nes as chairm an of the dinner.Ihe was assisted In the planning M rt. H arry Bnodgrau aod M rs. 8H

:lmarPlnk*toa-The-kltehen-eom- Ie«oi ttee Induded M n. Jonea, M n . Sales o d g ^ Mrs. O. P. U olonyrU rt: B n .~ Jph Barton. Mrs. Nellie Rogers th e (d-M ra-E lgle-flw ensen.--------------- Brirhe serving eommltlee w u M rt. B e ^w»tAn chilnaan* M n-Bob—Cup* *«■*>' r, M ra M elrln Prince, M n, VlrgU irwood. Mrs. Ployd Row aad M rs. S ra id MarUn. THe gUt Uble w aa , 4nded by M n . Al Karaloff and 1 ■a D m Thomas. Albany. Calif.

FURNACE C L U N I^ \ Anywhere In Usgle Talley T Pormarly Robt. & Lee Z

We blT e 88tB Oreen Stampg t ' ^ - 'B u « C ew hB m S«nrle# X I U I . . . PB 0N E8 . . . UM t

Announcing.. . . thfl o p tn ir^ of m y exclus C ustom mods hots, bogs, and

•------ond~maraJ'fpls. Stop In on^creo tions o t EDITH'S M AT T W IN FALLS or PHONE GAr BERLY for on oppolntm ent.

Shirley^Ra M'llo South Bonl




:eceptionEvent ~ •ionors Pair-Wed In Home SeiVice-

OOODINO,. Not. 5wa‘ wedding ceptlon for Mr. asd Jlra-D tryI-“ obdey who were rnamed Oct. 10 .' th e home of the bride’a pazenta, - r . a n d .M ra.H. lUBtephena. w u _ dd Tueaday erenlng a t tbs Qood«-t LD_8_ch»j>el____T h e bride's wedding dreaa w u ot- ualon lace aad nylon net over-- h lt« taffeU ' and w u fiihloaed"" ith a filled bodice and bouffant i r t . H er rell w u of nylon net and ' lged_wlUi illfltlCTi lice held a rtlb -a - ara o f moUier of pearl orange ouom s. Her boui]uel w u ot reda e b u d s . ___________________T h e m a lro n 'o fT io n arw n rU ite r- ' Uie bride, Mrt. A. V. Schless, laho Palla. and- the bridesmaids-'; th e recepUon.were Carole-Rob^ •tson and Marilyn NelU. - • E m le Slevena w u the best man.TTie bride's mother wore a red -j ool d r e u with black accesiortea . 4 lin d a -A n n fltepheni, alster of th e — Id e . w u in charge of Uia gueslMk.Stephens acted u master of cere' lonles during Uie program. P a t 3d L an a Laraen presented a U p u ioe and Miss Stephens played a iUio solo. MaxJHTSarenport, l o l o ^ I. w as aoeoapanled by Marjorie tTsnportrvirBinirximMIft“«4V*=: ro musical paatonlises.M n . John Roy,-Mra Beulah Day* y, B urley ,.U n. Melrose Burgea^ urley, aunt* of the bride, and Mrs. ay BUckbum served caka and unch. Mra. Tom B. Behunln, Uie ride's aunt. M n. Albert HaU. au llne Wilson. Peggy O nres. LoU ehun ln . Sharlene R ^ , M ra Eimln old a n d Mn. Verl Olson arranged le gU t U bla ' - 'O u l - o f - t ^ gueils Induded Mrs. t a r r Blepheni, Sam Stephens, Mra. layley, Mr. and Mn. Melrose Bur* u s , aU Burley: Mr, and Mra Mon* ( w S a g e n , Fairfield; Mr, aad Mrs. ugene Walker, Twin Palla, and :r^and-M ra Uoyd Brown,-Ur.-«nd- Ers. Robert Pierson and Mr. tn dwrB*TpirMil3er,“Ri|BTTniic----T h e . bride's In rd ln g ' eni*mW«-

aa a .b lu a tw ttd ault with red. ae* nsorles, Tbe couple vislUd'~thl~ rldegroom's parent^ Mr. and M n. r t Hobdey. Peck.T h e new Mra Bobdey itteiided ia h o B U te collete_and_la empleyed t tb e qoodi^-grad^eehwlf^^T^-T^ ’T h t hridegroom attended school I WendeU and la. employed a t the. IrclB bar. BUai, .........

Lesson Given8HOSHONE. Nor. 8—A tellgloul

!» n -w u -g lren -o em b e r» -« f 'D * — a les club Wedneaday sigh t by ttw ln.~7aUier'aen«rkBrtluian~tr30 CaUioUo church reotorr.______Evelyn Hom w u a guut.B egular classes are h ild a l t p in .

ich-W tlneaday.------------------------- -

t h e : = = = = = s FLOWER sh o p :

' BOOBtSON B O m u m .

PHONE 240. .T L 0iri*4 .A T -IH *I» .B B r!^ .. * A m w ia a lt ■ .

»I«U VoUiw torrlM«CUm *Stadk<RkW>

g . . .:[uslve millFnery lo loa ind scarves of.oll types a n 3 'M i som’e 'o f 'm y ~ ATERNITY SHOP in. ' ^ r f l e l d 3-5364, KIM* • it.

Heideminifo n k Cornar, Kimbcr.I/

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

Johnson P lan s M( Club Owi

^ - P H II iM )E L P H IA rN o \v 5 d c lph ia A th le tic s fo r Kanits league club, e l ^ e d th e fina] ie re n c a he h a d acqu ired the

- Arkansas^ToClinch:

Bj Th« AlA rk an sas an d S o u thern C

dott-n tw o of th e m a jo r bo The u n b e a te n -u n tie d A rkan S ou thw est and fo u rth -ran k c Cotton bowl p lan s i f th ey bea favo red Rice a t n eu tra l. L it

iw U ie m OaUfomU. low r Ofily t___ non-leajue TexM _OirH U »n4_Jl_

cinch for lhe h o t l role i t P u a deh»'i Ilo»e bowl ff It e*n Uke th

• m eaiure of up-*nd-<lown SU nfor Kt Pklo Alto, C tllf.

These two pime* will »Kr*ct »pe dftl Intereit 6*tUTd»r m the uptet d lu y campaliTn m ovet toward : conelinlon, wiUi only tliree mor

' week* lo p l i7 In th e normal *ched uie.' UCliA, the nation’* No. 1 nn U n i team, U Ineligible to r tU im lo thi Itoie bowl under the no-rtpea agreement. The powerful Uclan are heavily fatored o»er Oregon a Lot Angelej.

The Uclaiu' keeneat challenger for U p naUonal h onor*—Ohio S U t •rifl'OkTahoma—alio are heaVlIy fa Yored to keep Uielr perfect aeaaon'.

— ree o riin B a re r-----------------------------•Ohio SU le U host lo PllUburgh

. the team which had Tebounded. K three a tralght trlum pha under ath- leUc director Tom Hamlllon afi<i three opening aeaAon louea. Okla­homa U a t lowa SU U .

_ _Pltt, with_a_blg, faa t club, which - found'lbieU tinder Hamllton'i-liJUIfl

coaching and lhe g rea t quarUr- backing of aophomore Corney. Sal* vaUrra, la capable o f iipaetUng the

~ i* c o n a ;rin K s n tic k e y 6 s .“ Bui‘ form favora the Bueka by • couple ol

' louchdowna.Oklahoma, which h a i fallen from

- ^ l ln rp t ic f - to - tn i rd u r ih T lM r tw c__w eela_w ilhoutJoiin^& -gam *,-m ay

be-Inclined U run a U ll acore, Ii pw lb le , OQ underdog Iowa fiUU

'"JU at lo Impreia Uie poIUlera.Notre Dame, the tifth-ranked

Uam. plava a l Pennaylranla, where U it 'l i& i 'a r e T i ta tH y faio iea rM l^ ami, Fla', unbeaU u, imUed and alzth la lhe poll, haa » daU with Aubum a t Birm ingham.

Tbe day'a naUonally Ulevlaed fea* tu re will come from Waco, Tez., where Baylor p layi hoat to Texaa. Baylor, holding Cotton bowl hopei, l l allghtly favored.

OUier m ala x tuaet:E u t—V lllin o n a t Boiton U . Co*

la a b U a l D artm outh ,'H oly C rou At Peso SU U . A nny a t Yale.

Uldweat — Nebraaka a l E anaai, -O reffoiH B U U ^aH iIlnneso tarM orth ' —w «aU m -at-W iM onaln ,--P urdu«-at

lowa, Ullnoia a t U lchlgan.— souui—T *nne«e§“ » t“ 0 • o r i i r

T e c h . V anderbilt a t Kentucky, SouUi Carolina a t NorUt Carolina. Alabama a l Tulane.

SouUiweil and far weat—TuUa a t Honaton, California a l Waahlngton,

-Wyoming a t U lah SU U , BYU a t Denver, O U h a l Colorado A and M, O l a c l n n a t l .a t..A rU o n a _fiU U

. (Tempe). Idaho S U U a l Colorado Mlnea, Wyoming a l U U h SU U .

Grid Career Of lUini Ace May Be at End

CHAMPAION. I l l , Nov. 8 LB-A aKoulder leparatlon may end the football career of lUtnola' fabulous J . C. Caroline, who aa a aopho­more (laat year) broke Red Orange's ja rt-g iln ln g r tco rt.

lUlnl aUileUc director Doug MllU aomberly disclosed th e seriousness of OaroUne'a Injury Wednesday n ighl while speaking a t a Quar­terback elub- meeting in Spring­field. Hi:

■•Caroline wa* In jured in Uie SjTacuse game OcL 33." Mill* aald. "He sustained ^ a t may be a ahoulder separaUen and I t may end hi) brilliant career. He la being

. tm le d -w lth - th e -h o p e h e can be used Saturday agalnsl Michigan.. .."Bul U . th e . injury canno t ba tr ta led properly o r doesn’t respond. •li-.U-po*alble- h t-n e v e r- wlU-playfootball iga ln .“ - ....................

Coach Bay Ellioll adm itted th a t Carollne’a left ahoulder "hasn 't re- aponded to treatm ent very well.”' Caroline kept his Injury to h im - > self unUl Uta in the veek a fU r Che Syracuse game. He did n o t play r agalnit Purdue l u t Saturday. J

Filing of Damage „ Suit Is Postponed »

WASHrNOTON. Nov. 5 Ifl-F llln g 5; Jf a multl-mlUlon-dollar damage iuU-aBalnit-.«ia]or-)eague-ba.iebell - MS delayed Indefinitely Thursday.—'n ii-sm i-n aa > ee n threatened by n F^ank Lawrence, owner ot the s. Porlsmouih. Va.. club In Uie P i r t . J.

nas been damaged through "iriva- r. lion" ot minor lengue terniory by radio and television accounts of Tiajor leasue ganiM. u-L3wtTOi:e-h3a*sst<rwr-Ktr^o\«'a * le med by Nov. 1. "blTt Auy. James ?. McOranerj-. who Is handling the w yise. u ld Thursday he wm not “ •eady to act yet.

McOranery said Uie su it definite. y win be filed, but refused to clve B .ny advance indication of when bal would be. Lawrence-ha«-«aid N 0 will seek Uie damages from Uie c< J major league club* and bu eb all g: jmmiasloner Ford Frick. • E

----------------------------- U

irt UiaC a carp caught by Charles ■barger. a r . In MUwurl waUra had »l en Ugged and released 4oa miles wi •ay and l lr» rear* befor*. fo


I Finally B tove to Kai m ers’ OK,v 5 ( f l» ) i^ h tc a ir6 a n -A rn o ld - .J o h n a ( in«a« C i ty . C o n n ie M a ck , 9 1 -y ca in a l paper./i f ro m ,h is s ic k b e d . Jo h i t h e f r a n c h la e f o r a p p ro x im a te ly j

.-USC-Seek— I Bowl Spots• Auoelated Frea*n C a lifo rn ia h a v e a c h an c e t o na il

bow l a sB iR nm en ts J h i s w eek -en d . k a n saa R a z o rb a c k s ,' s i i rp r is e o f th r n k c d n a tio n a l ly , c an n t a r t m a k ln s b e a t ----------------------------- " * r ~ -----------

^ BCWLONGnford Twlh r*il» Hoisf ______ts ii .u,

Itor.* 8bU Cluk___ _____It I i .11, K[o.(a«I ------ ---------------tl l i ,f2.

1! iK:• whu5'74iin"aJJ« j i ;‘ii

more T«i»jhein co, ._ ___i j i .uj:he'd- 'Hifli s » m

II lh UiM lanf, ri»<iMr-Club....... .. 111II |k u«m Mrln. riotixr Ciuk . _ titi

iklng II |I> liidlfldiul ftnit. J. Ahlilmni „ Zll . t).* >< ib Indl.ldtiil mM«. j . Abl.lnm ... S<’ ’ Tm klib hoakrii J. AkUlraim ) i l ; Bcpcal airr«ll H I: I. G»>kf U7: a. C«eHr«{ clans lU : It. niubl< U>; C. N«Imii H1; j

'•I<kwik r*r w.4iMS.r

ngers r ^ ““ ;»• Tti.»k.B. «nip.iirBUU --------------y fa . T »i. r*uj u .u r ... ri.n«.f ciuk

urgh. ii*"iti«»p....... ....... n j ii« iiT m

iii-s i i i iafler K. t>obbi . ------------ lie m u i 4ia)kla- "• --------- ^^0 JU t n t n

T*uu ___ _____ IK 'n 4 ' im i i i irhieh Diitn's ik M '-

S l l . J- TS'wnr.V";------™ l l l . l l l ifl] J|}t the L a u , 'S i :Z Z : Z r r u i^ iM V i , ‘? - u lform ________ . . . .t of TII, Sll 11(1

T>li r«tu ' '-!iS- j l M !

may {SUU J l l 111 I J

TM«1. _ Ill III Hl.HITnked , a - l -

................ n * IV IM *1*Mlnik«« ....... ....... _.1« 111 i:» Ol

and ct.wfor< ................_ i : i t n m ti i»Uh PurrM ______>U 111 t>S <M

S k » » ----------------- J i !fea* Truw ............ ...._ ,*oi l i t u t ti<t

M. W.U«« — ..... IM l i t tM '<l»CO. g- g -:—}jS^ o u — —— — - ___

T»U U ----------------US IU US SiOXX*l«nra BMSt7 Sk«»

rth » J tr lw in S a ^i - a t v . rg rt tii_________ XII

. p«VriN —•—•••• ■ •;",„( I I U. K sW ru_______ II* IM III III

Chk ckMk nkii a t ............. _.l»0 ll» IM Its

r n p o T ii ' '" --------- 111 lit llo <!!a t r[ R«ir«r ___— .....i n tio tl7 <11

I M. n. ><«ii»dtr------------ in Ul 111 ti lp . VatlUaok -----------in Ul III 411

■ado ' T » u i . 1_ . !. .. . i i 'r 'i i i m l i l i r .* .r

Htndlu* ______ _— tl4 III s u «tlA*. .......... lei II I4S 140n. pw iiip ..------------ II 111 l i t 111

Toui. — -----------r i ;iM 4t- iis-iiM' ' I K ^ m iA L LXACUK

ill ill ill- A i- ---------------!?? | « i l lthe c . Sgumtr _____ lit 1U III 411OUS - — - — — •s . . T.UW — .1. . » . . . .ICS rrtndltip ...................141 UT ]4T 441

C. _________141 m »l »»

1“ f SEr ?-”lL‘ !!! ii'i iHday l! DHka'lJl..___ Z ~ i« ill ii{ ! u

Tbui. ..................~iis T t t ' t l i i mTtlM*

the B.‘ Ri'” „ . r : z z : : : : I* u l i]J !•{lid. U U ubUa -___-"—{{{ ’J’

•nfj j ^ w l i i t o ^ - i r j r i i S . i lo 'J j i , J ! } ,

•-bJ -T »uu ------>(■.*«''J i ? . ”” * '

bft " ‘ lllJkM .... ....1*1 il* Ind. D. p.Phm r -----------ISI ITT 111 IIT ^i*y ;

L. Morion ......... ....... Ill IM Ul 410 )TOUI. '»U '.Vl : m j

aiffiN * 0ifH«U n - n.fiJit4n ...................ii* jh u i u ihe S; y .l;,? ;," .----------- ‘s; {JJ {‘‘ “ I Jay n,‘ suiifrfi.ij _______U l- l i t i«i i»i t

ul III uo i : i j n TouU ................ i n 111 lie :<2( r

rE - = | j i i i iill —T«Uto-. ,. -------- l l t j S U - U l ^ l l J

.y dle s. WlllUmi ............ ...U» Ul t*« 411 f<1. r . JohKMn _______ *111-U l i n i l l d

I! s’’’ Toul. *iT» " i l l :iTJ ft

U.nd|,.p . . . IU lU Ul IIT «[?. ......... . 5M C sX 7M n.k .': . . :..ill U. Ul . i r ♦le w. nri'*n . ________ m in i : i <ii ♦Dt u. W .uon------------ Jl^l J H JIO *

Toul. ................... *11 151 l« JTII *t . ------.------------ ♦,e BOUT.ARIUNOED , _________ *^ BEIIMUDA. B. W. I , Nov. S Ifl— * Id Nino—V aldei.-Cuban-heavyw clght ^ le conUnder. win meet Jimmy Walls, {II glewood, N. J., In a 10-round bout *

Englewood, V. J., It * u announced ^ today. ^ ______________ ________ [♦

t Bob Miller. Detroit IJoni defen. * d slve Uckle. U a policeman tn Nor- ^• walk. C onn , when h* Un't pisying ♦

fooUialL - ----------------- iX .

Buys A’s, ansas G it^ Pending

i h n a o n - ^ I ^ t i r s d a y ^ u g H R h V - P h i U -y c a r-o ld f o u n d e r o f th e ,A m e r ic a : J o h n s o n a n n o u n ce d a t a n e w s c o n

e ly 5 3 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 f ro m C o n n ie a n d h i-------- tw o s o n a r R o y - a n d - E a r l e . - H

s a id th e ^ a n d o ld m a n o bssebaU would get «W4,000; Ro

-------- ^ d - ia t r t t - H M OOg-wch:---------- —Th* price of thre* and. one-haJ

million dollar* Is .reached-by add < Ing a ^xaoofioo mortgaf* and olbe 3 debt* of apprbzlmaUly ISOO,000 t

Ul* price of Ui» Mack *tock- John ion aald one million dollar* mor

n a i l will b* se l aside to help buUd Ui ..end lut-p lac* Athleilci Into a flr it-d l» f l , - vliion le a m ,---------- , • _1,1 Johnson,, who for montHa hS

waged an unrelenUng campaign t bring major leagus bueball t K anaai City, finally won out T hurs f lii_ la_ th (L Ja ih lo a i tili n r n n a n

I « | to«-n aparunei^t of "Mr. Baaeball, C onol«-> f»ck .jn ie_4IiJnrioIiO or

— mer n a v a l. lleutenant-eommande ■T-yv eoncluded hi* deal whll* a *hrunk*:

Tti Philadelphia poup teeking to bu I '.in Uie lenm and keep 11 In th is cit I ‘I j l cooled IU heels In t h t lobby.' ! i:i Connie, who will be S3 next m ontl

hasn 't eaten a lubitantial mei ! i:t aloes l u t Thursday. T hai wa* whe: . American league elub owner* gath

—,1:! ered In New York and **ld no to *i Zll elgtil-man Philadelphia ayndicat

<i-*R *eeklng to buy th i A'* and keei them her»-*Uii old m u te r '* fond

.41; J. e s t dream.Aid.r. On tha word of Uioie who vlilte'

Ul* aparuneni where Uie deal wa 'ii<r aesled. Connl* w u ih itU red . HI_____ Kife.JCiiMjtrine.,.*hle|ded hlm_fronuk reporter*. AcUcg for him. *h* tbli_____ reRortejii----------------------------------- -

~John*on offered too strong i '* 101 proposition. Ther* n’U iiolhlng eUi

we couid.do.-Mr. Johnion-ls « nlc< *°> m sn and h* won out. We lald wh0‘

l! i l l ever got her* first would b* thi------ buyer. Mr. Johnson w u here a l S

>* o'clock, Ul* PhlUdelphla group c a n i ai^^l0-a.m^-l|h*-phllade]phl*-grout

i] *|{ Th* Philadelphia group Ura. M a d s ' 411 referred lo w ts mada up oJ

john-p .-cruw B insado -rrB rey .iro r i n i l U n Llebmtn and T. B. Hsnff. SleJ

, , and Llebman. Uklng their attom e) . , , along, were In the lobby wllh foui T 4 1 enie(Iil~loU1Ung~|S(M.D00'made bul i __4 * Cftnnlf’ 4 ! Mack's true ntme.I I I But Uiey never got a chinee, Flrat,

• - Johnson, came dow n.alter a two-• ' hour meeting wlih Connie, Earle and

I <01 Mrs. Mack. He ssld he'd hav* •

• t i l Tlien came Earle, also w lth .h li s 4M attorney. Alfred Luongo. Both wept. *_ Earle faced th t Philadelphia hope- t IKI fula and u ld : ‘

"W* lost. Th* elub it to ld to , „■ Johnson."I 411 W llh Uiat, Earle, a symbol o f d«- I jecllon, left th t building. Boon came , , ' i i Johnson's sutem eni:I 411 “All Uie stock of Uie.Phlladelphl* ' ~ Axnerlcan.Ieagut Baseball club held

by Connie Mack h u been pu r-

*' i ix it tn u r td into » to n U a tt w I ”11 purthas*"all •of Uie stock b f R o y i - m M ael!-and-**rlt-M «ek.-A ll-of-U ie ' Macks hav* algned a letter lo the tu i American league requesting approval

■ of Uie tranacU on a l Uie earliest possible dsU. Thereafur, Uie fran -

t i i chls* will be moved lo K an su City."Johnion u ld boUi Earle and Boy

l i i will remain In Uie organUatlon 411 under th re t y e tr contracU and th a t

C0Dnl*-wiil-b*-named-chainnan of . th e board of dlrecurs.. Salary and

s ti th* typ* cf pMiUon wer* no t dls- ij ! d o ted .JU I n New York. Hanidg* u ld Jolih- J»* *on had noUfled him by Ulephone.

_ _ He u ld a meeting of club owner* to -UH a c l - o n U l* -u ie and lransfer~{«

K ansaa City will b t held next week, probably In New York. • - -

I I«fty O’Doul :!ii Signs to Boss ju Oakland Team

OAKLAND, Calif.. Kov, g UV-— F rank (Lefty) OUoul. 57-year-old Mil veteran bueball figure, Tlmrsday

wa* named manager of Uit O ak- ]i« land club of Uit Faclflo C o u t « i league.‘y C. U (Brick) Laws. Oskland own- i : i e r. announced Uiit O'Doul, who

,d n akippered.San D iego .lo .lhajeague ~ championship th ls.yeir. had agreed

to terms.j i ; Laws aald ODoul would manage J” O akland "from now on.” but II was 111 u n derstpod jt w u a on».jta r_deal.

. l i l ..-.OUouI u ld - h e w u-infiueneed by the fael Uie Philadelphia A th-

. , 1, leU u were sold to Arnold Johnson for transfer to K ansu City.

. . . " I hsd an Inkling Uiat Johnaon iU would gel lha elub. I t w u the S4t Mack brothera who wanted me In ” j manage , Ull -Uam ." O'Doul told JIJ newsmen.— O-Doul mansged Uu San F ran -• ii cisco Seals for 17 years and Oak- I , : land wss his most bltU r rival.

lli R acejd r Gowboy s Title Is Tight

t3EKVEnr>foV.'~5“ W =T>jrft-To- m deo riders a r t locked In a.W ghtrace 111 for th is -y e a rs all-around cowboy “ I championship,

_H **dqu*tUr*-«f-Ui*-Bodeo.Cow- i : i boy* aasoclaUon reported Thuraday - - th a t Buck Rutherford. Lenapah.

OkIa„ is Ih t current lesder wilh M,818 polnij,_________________

- ♦ • G ENERAL ♦♦ R EPA IRIN G ♦

. . . ♦ _ # . .P L O W — ISH A R P E N IN G _______ t

• O RN A M E N T A L 2. u i t IR O N W O R K ♦ed ♦ • M A C H IN E W O R K ' ' +_ t » M ETA L SPRA Y IN G t

— : Curl Mfg Co. i- f * Baek Jamea FeodUner. 1



. - H e n o t


o lb e r


Id Uie

Jl to

unk*n —0 buy * city

son th . Jobn Carroll, U 5-poub4 t a t m eal presenU quiU a abteld for Dot w hen Golden Besrs. When Cal Bppaae ga th - behind Carroll and be can't b* i to an Sm ith Is ready (o pas* In cat* ) ----- ---—

f Bowling 1 i i Starts_Hei1 told_ _ _ _ A p n t r flf tinw lln [y Ifin rnfli ng a f r o m th ro u g h o u t th e s t a t e ' r a t t h e Bow lnrirom e h e re a n ( whn! lou rnam (5n tJ i'to ta lB $I th*

DedicatiaiiM ack pffout Souglit""

ForSpoIvaue~"fS ur SPOKANE, Nov.’3 ifl-Promol , --u t au*-C aa*-s* ld -W eanejdsy he' ffnn1<> negollatlng_for_a.Dcc..lo.noa-U

m aU h hero beiween Sandy saddl Wr*t ffatherfcelght champion, a V ” • Bobby Woods. Spokane llghtweiitl

*>e a feature of Ui* de I . IcaUon week ceremonics in Sp

* kane's new 2 million dollar collsnw R ic in n in f ii'7 U o u rB ;o o o 7 o mlog.

“I have hsd Saddler on llie 11 fo r tho l u t three weeka bul have:

^ ^ been able U come lo Urms wl Woods," C o m said,

f (>.. Lou Vlscusl. who handles Woo. ^ b o o k i n g s , said in Miami Beach, F

Wedneaday he h u been dicker!: lt)hl» ^or Saddler match bul won tl inakB no commitments unUI aft "*i® Bobby’* boul Uiero nexl Tuejday,

Wood* h u been campaigning

Ul* Paclflc_NorUiwest..lighlwelg Utle. •

’ ■“ »e - i r ~ u „ -w .^ T B ird d ler mT tl ' Uie ctooan'l pan oul. C o iu said he h

p lans pending for one of four oi: m eat e r bouu : Dan Bueceroni-Rex L«yr ■«n- Layne-Harry MalUiewj. Kid Oiu 'Ity. lan-VInce Marlines or CharHe 8. Boy las-carm en Bislilo.

itlon __________________

Boise College 2' Seeks Seventhohh-

League CrownBy llniUd Pres*

Rieka college remains the la.it hu: a le In the pnUi of a seventh slraigl IC A p football chsmpioruhip fi Boise Ju n io r roltege and ih« t«

- - - club* meet to decide the Issue Ba: urday.

Boise, long and dominant powi In the ICAC. h isn 't losl t. «mttren«

r l gam e in seven K uons and will rai » heavy favorllt ta continue U

(,fV— trend Saturday.-old T he two Junior ooilfge elubs wi Iday .tangle a t Bolse-kickoff Ume, 3 p j

'n i t c o n U s t highlights a five gair 0**' ICAC schedule lha t will send Wesl

m ins ter to Dixie. Weber lo Easter Arizona and Ft, Lewis A and M t Carbon Friday and Snow to CoUej

■erf Saturday.L u t week Bolie pickcd up lU mo;

lage Impresslv* ICAC victory of the sea was *on by beating previously undefeat leal. «LCollege.oI.fiouthern.ut*li.«.lo.’ iced -E arllrr in th e season CSU hnd tx i t .th - en Ricks 41 lo S. i*on c s u . j n iU Saturday game agalni

Snow a t Cedar Clly. «lli be flgliUn *0” fo r second p l a c e in conferenc “ J* atnndings. The Dlxip-We.<lminile ; J ? gam e a l S t. Ofors* tonight will b

fo r tha cellar,

a n - ■

_ .aridiiiace . . . _ .. . /H f f iS ifn ,twy ulBIlP? J

J y _U ^ I ^ f

ilh \w A A V / ^ T 7 ^ ^

.♦ G rand ilam...^raudp♦ an d grand rifrtibm t*♦ — — • • • • . . • ,T T T

I S p t t^ l f^ 'B r c tc c d I

______________Jo th e j\liiiu d p ^ II

♦ *♦ , f.-K.. l„-.;,g c .« ;

f t


ne Shield!

taeU t fo r U it U olvenlly e t Callfon: Doon S a l th . m -p o n n d halfback, fo r I nnenU get ready to aBiear Smllh he dui b* seen, m uch less reaehed. Io th is pho s* yott dldn’l se* him . (NEA Ulephato)

Tourneyjre_5aturdayn a m e n ta ^ C 3 ig D c d 4 a - a t tr a c U k c g l te w ill K c t '.u n d e r .w a y th is w eck -( a n d a t J e ro m e . P r iz e m o n e y f o r I B 5500. T h c to u r n e y h e re w ill-b i

. l in g le s a f f a i r w h ile th e r o m e m e e t w ill b e a r a g t i d o u b le s . '"B ow lcri' wfio'put W.75 on th* 'Ior lh e ifiuvneynitrs ■*'»! roll igames w ith a f ln t prise of tiSC

_____ the ir target. Second' prls«_.wlll■ »75. iT R lirae p cn d on 'U ie tiun: . of, entranU whether addltic

prizes are added, according U £ Conunoiu. Bowkdrome. proprlct

.... highest league avernge niN ov.-^-w ill-be-njed-in 'aeterm lr

en tran t's, handicap. T he mi m um handicap Will be 30 pins,

.eignc, Toiim nm enl play.wlll b* over w eek-ends of Nov. «-7 and Nov.

ii,,f,■ U here. Tho*e nol in th e . mo * lU r-bow llnR -lour-gnm e*-can-

" Tour more games Irec.,, Jerom e bas booked its m ajor tc

® " ‘‘.® nam en t for Nov. a-7 and Nov. ia *«» i. Thus e n u an u from ouU

Mftsic VnUcy will be able to roil both lournam ehlson th e sam t we

voods end.ceHnff Prir.es in Uie Jerome Joust will ..n,,,;; $100 for lir8t. »75-for*econdrlM^ V f^ r Ulird. u o fo r fourUi nnd 120 []jy_ fUUi. A la rg c field In Ulll m eet! ng would swell the number of pla

veight .9.’” ''" ® “'' U um am ent manager.Maximum handicao In ' the .

a lT K rome m eet wlll’bT^O ^ n s . And 1 e h u in the m eet here, Ihe highest leai ' oth- averages u of Nov. 1 will be used Jiyne, compute the entrant's handicap. Onvi- The entry fee a t Jerom e will « a»- 13, ContestanU will roll Uiree gan

In Uie double* play. Tandems pli Ing l a the lop five of Uie ragU doubles standings m ty change pa

; n e r ir tn d try 16 win another pli In lhe top five,

I Since Jerome's tourney IsI I m ajor promotion It will be guart

teed U am s Trom each Of Uit oU nine members of th* Idaho SIj

11 Bowling Proprictora sssocIaUor-------IdahO-T!'*llsrPocal*lle.- T ^-ih 'Fa

two In Boise. Nampa, Caldwell, a ,hur- ^*'0 Payette, alght ---------- -----------------

WSC Will Fac(lower Vandal Frosh1 ra 'e ' MOSCOW. Nov.' 6 - While J , u , . Idaho Vandal? have sn Idle wee

. end the Vandal Babes engage t . W ashington SU l* college frosh FI »u i afternoon a t Pullm an..P.“ - T he freslimen lost lo Ui* Unlvc

gam* sity of W ashington yearlings Vest- Moscow last Snturd.-iy l a r g e stern througlf their own fumbles and ml M to cu ts b u t hope to,avoid those ml )Uege Ukes in thti, their second outl)

of lhe season. T heir finaU gamt most be Friday. Nov, 1

In Nenle sU dlum wlUi ih t Unire feat* M onU na Ireshmen. .

_ Idaho 's _ freshmen._ cosched ] „ • CletruPaH jerrj^.did'hol'lbok as bi

a.1 tlieir IJ-IC lavi to WashinjU m ight IndicaU. They fumbled U

•Inst ball away to W uhington Uin lling iime.s insld* Idaho UrrlWry, thi ence allowing th t-H usk le Babes amp lite r scoring opportuniUes.II be ------—________________READ TIM r.3.NEW a WANT ADJ


<dpeople... 1 B r f j

{ |n h /

Soh ln li Clr


Crown^K- S A L T L A K E C IT Y .-N

c h a m p i6 n s h i|j w ill b e c W y o m in g co lHdej a L L g g j

------- T O T A gg iM a tia X o w b o ;- o f t h e w eek’s f e a tu r e d , g a

D efen d in g c h a m p io n U

Minors Vi HigfierD

______.C Q L P M B U S j,N oy . 5 (in u a l p la y e r d r a f t a n d l o

- v is lo n -ra d io -b ro a d c a s tq w t h e m in o r baneba ll le ag u i

- t io n .- - T h e d r a f t - p r o p t w o u ld allow th e m a jo r lc. clubs u select Uiree players in

, , of one from each minor loop om i*. P f ,„ , boosted nidi

T he broadcast leglslaUon wouli *11 channeling Into m inor I

p h o u , terrlUry.- Th e proposals, lo become a

• of Uie m ajor-m inor agree should th t minor* jipprov* the Houston snd the majors san Uiem a t their Dec. 0-8 sessloi New York, ire designed to further aid lo Ui* fading ml

V - u n der Uii proposed' tm endii7------- major-leaguts-would-pay-»30,00..frifti-o «*ch player drafted from *n Bgiur*- -eiiiiineatioircltiD'CUiB CoMTlei K -entl and J1S,000 for • pUyer from i r t h e oUier dub regardlea of classl -b e a tion. Under presenl rules the p ,a T» range from »IS,000 U the open

ill lcU o a club. d o .n 1. ,I,I« 8 t im e class D.. . . . . . . _AU.plsyers.wlUj.Uvejfe*n.«eh* line y p u ij ^ djafl ball In Uie

d u T f o u r y e s iiln double“ or“ i ‘ A. Uiree in clus A, and two In Hjll^be __________________

lUlSnl^ b ro idcu l proposal would0 S tan '"■Jor Uams from bi

mining lU -ow n-park.-Th»-ban-w ould moxi- broadcaiU and U lecuU o

J m ajor league All'SU r and V rer the eoriteits,.. . ... ov. 19- Th* minori also .will consid money move lo hsve—the m ajor le in -roU playec-Umli.ol.UacUva-playeis

IS on option changed to 23 a r tour- and 17 optionees—thus turning : ia , IS 3 J . m ajor lesgu* "bench 'w arn outside for *ervlce In Uio high minor*, roil In Another rfitriction ,lo be to : week- by the smaller leagues would i

Uie major* to clear frofn Uieir U will be Ing camps'by March 01 all pie IM fo r tinder contract orreserraU on to 20 for club. Thii would allow ' Uie e ta ls o minor* to Vet their clubs "set'' ciace* Her than usual.•nmplT “ Working sgreemenU would ?»■•. - radically, changed lo benefit- le J e - minor lesgut clubs through anoin i lc e proposaK..........leagu* _________________

^ nOCKEY FIGUHE DIES i-in' be CALGARY,-A1U., Nov. 4 UV- games Olbson. 7S, a leading s1 p iac. figure snd organlier of professii igUme hockey In the United SUUs, i>art* T hursdiy.liua .C algary.liaipIU place ~

i g p f ?FalU , -and


i ItstbES in

I I B r t


: _____O E

• - E a r ly /n m e a is no 1

1____________• __lion*_of_A rn^_cnri

! • t ■' w hisky rtw t4>p k \

Americii, I t '* o n ly r

whisky thal most ]

- ^AMERICA'S 1 8 6 PI



)kvline Gonf ( louTdlB^Cl^-N ov. 5 <U.R)—The p a th to th e

c leared som ewhat S a tu rd a y •

^ y a ’ a r H f e d w t h D e n v e r f o r tl c a m e w ill b e e lim in a te d f r o m ch U C a H i r s n i n n i l e p e n n a n t f l i g

Vill Considei )raft Prices• f/P)— L e g is la t io n to o p e n u p th l o c lo s T ilo w n on m a jo r l e a g u e I w il l b e c o n s id e re d N o v . 2 9 -D c c . g u e s a t t h e i r H o u s to n , T e x . , co i p o a a . 1 ............................. ............ITT!

i i n s ^ d Bengals Seektop c lu b ,____ ' "

a a Third Placer league

= a p „ r t 111 ConferencLhem'Ht POCATELLO, Nov. 6 -T h lrt!lancU oh Rocky Motmlaln coftfSlow in l» ‘ I «»ke Saturday u Idaho to aWe meeU Colorado Mines * t OoWminors. « wlU ^ fln»l conf

nitm>nr gam* for Uu Bengal* wbo cloft1 JS to r •'■ “ 'I “ • “ '

Ucc *dir r a n l t t - . i m - A-8 U U -c tIM iL .i l------------------

nm »nv Like the Bengals, Uie OreC'<>•«, and two teams In the confi

#n L m ! UiU sesson, and whil* Uiej 5000 In have two eohfereiice game* re • Ing * tu r flaturd*y, Ui* wlnr

. . IhU gazst Is almost assured ofi-itTTlce p , . „ , ----------------------------------le open Timm fmm « «lngti»’f .the nrst Bengal opponent tin C lau [j,ai .formaUoa thU y ^ . C — "— : •Jiii«ntiy,-pr»eiitds- Uiis week luld b a n emphulsed defense for th e wl

b road- Coach Babe Caccla foresees i iy _ o u t2 b a lllc -m l« l-lh « .d efe n alv ftjr us from Oredlggers. u ld -n o l —“Mine* h u a much lm proTt ;* of th e club," he said. 'T h e ir defens

W orld been parUcUlariy sUong."- - - No conference opponent h u

islder a able to nick Uie O redlgger.di league for more than two touchdown

■rr* nnrt W etl C6loradO_Sl*lJ ncUve ablo to' icore only once In losl na loose -Uie Miners 18>a. arm ers" ' Speedy tailback Billy W e )r*. leads the Oredlgger comblnalli

.niicTht “•''I sround atUck. He Is nol IH lb« team’s leading bnll carrler J a i l ! ‘'® fun'lil’es on* o f Uie two

’ ^Slim Crowd Seer ™ ITMicRigan Staanother EAST LANSINO, Mich., Nov

'^ ^ o r the first t in i f thU sc Michigan SUU will play bcfi Ics.1 Uian sellout crowd Saturd

W uhington BUl« will be UV-Dr. visitor In Mscklln aU dlum . C ; sp o rt Al Kircher. former MSC footba r&sional sliU n t and hesd basketball c i. d le d jh u a 3*4 won snd lost recoi I iu l,— dale, 7 ----------------- ---------

le whia Lhe bot )sEarlj itopTO f ine, t o tn d it lo n a l ly p e rfec t t h a t

um*_ha_>??_m<*de_thia_prCTniurTu.^i. i

•c llin g 86 proo f a trs ig h t w h isk y ii

ly natural.dm ring.tbfl com ing h o ltdnF

I t p eop lo buy nnd enjoy a ll y o a r lo ti

► T O P S E I U N G ^ ^ ^

P R O O F 1 ) 1 1 . 1

IT B O U R B O N a m *

»OUR«OH WWSKt |«P«T • LOOISVmi l, KT.,

i •

EerenceGijearedSSujt h e m i S ky line c o n ftr^ y w h e n con tendcra

r th e Skyline Icndcrshin i», championship contcnlion l ig h t . - to o rfltW ugh thel'b V---------- a 2-1 record coai

erTHe UUh But*.*.

— . 1 0 ^ :2

5. . Mexico. • “t n e a n i _AJLbuUh«4<0Bin

:u e te le - tr im could h iv i , cc..3-by. Picturl!^

____ _ this stmon. has m

i k S . n V S . ' S SU end a long fooiSS famine In Ciche ^

5 one lo reillK Ui« t11 promises u T

*cehlrd plsce favoflU. • ■oftference -f^nver iJimiiaa; a h o SU U *IU» a siipplnj BJ5I 3oldetu ‘ha Cougari usasa, ronference oneunexpeetfduZ close Uielr M'nMMOitTiUiete i n ArmU- iccording lo uv - A r u o M

S i f i ip l

s u j T T t u i ^ t a ^r. C otw - lt.nm.be.MnaUnsueckT iave m e Meiico {/:5 wUig. uie Lobo.% ir t o»«Sses a good depsrlment.■» mlnil fj _______ ■

■oTta b ill More Place:en*« h u T \ '11 i ih a s b e e n O n l l s A r e lrd e -fS ^ ? N W Y 0R K .N «

WeiUioff fooUisilOiuu.

_ I've ju it bw ajik i and there's om

A n prove—the point sns

f - a f t t . a good, gsnw-unj-i l a i C MmeUilng lile JI-U Nov. 6 (fl resson for i t Etbt eI seuon , a boy tomcKhert ee before a who li cipible of U lurday. There'te mlutd b t*

be the pracUce."1. Coach ------------lUsall u . Alex Kellner. leR^II conch, distinction of iesdtci ecord to leagueln lP U * lU p a ^ H 10 wild ones.--------

ik y I


u t mH-

.^ n lj_ ty _________________




Page 13: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

B (Sc t p Ie IdI

-------- - " t u M w t y^ ^ “ ^^kiJnBtn ■ down■ n .N o M ^ r t 'i .U M tiIs" » .

■ t tD liW m I.CnbU .■ IL llU ia • --■ ’ ■“ r U - " «.D epotlua

I -- 1

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MNG h o u s e ■ MAJC

8 d « s u p p r e s s T H e X 'f ; © '

HH«^ tlK E T H A T

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G u j i r e ■ ; ' “ " ^


•f V w U rti^FPuiit*— ^ - y ^ - -((T ' * iriS iroe ' 'b v S ' iS

w tul* PWTSkJ Sl .w ifv u n

. - l.jip trtB U B ta .- t-S^iuVaKai' IC.FrtBch,. annuHr .. j ^ ^ n T :<— iiTBiia fQrtJi.p

17. Oofl» u b o r* l l .S r e tk a

. — - fo rth - - 3 ^ ^'* -2 l.C a d tiI ■ ■ • W 1 ^ ^

22.C rovold « ) , ^ k:j.8iiop« • ' %■ w-lm

. 2t.Wr>Ui21. Compaalona f U t

— IL D tm lalibvd . M X J i"_____ _ '— }).N i(b t ' S ^ S s a t

b«fora f» J M I td b c Io s U................

».6«Qo«ne« m jlJVtUiiiK ___________

i :.’!!fi‘b™„ SIDE I” JI .O IJcM d ■ -------------------” Cuni

10. Rai.rM*BUb> r— - tiT*---------

42. Mollt* ]■ks « .E iheM »i • ■ rsmit-OropbuU t'<

42. Totinr d m ’t _ fnUer

U. re tu U _ ttlDt: Kbbr.

lJOR hooplej'VE ( s a r M E ^ s a5l2M E)?eD |K iTM E'-----------OfflJAL-V^lTHTHAT------------------“C T AND CULTURE* ,w AL A B S L ,/M A JO R /■ ViffU T IV JIL L ^ A V / ^ '/ tT '5 T A M D 5 'a jT ^ • - .----------- j


^ ' :c^Ni

By N E H E R


"W o'rc llflla and h e r b e a u 1" wives th in l

... . pny checks

MBME& 4 S r r \ AW»tf WHIT—ISSfB 'jSvuaSO-iO 1 /VHORRtBLB,W T TH»' TIB J AlOWTROSnV— JW >M HW FOR V VU— >r-j,-;^OWO>

w lf c r \

—- . " - Tni IT OUR WAY

i d ^ v e r ) S T M R O W W -A ^^^I O l ^ O K / / 7 - / ^ IWTD MM AW PRCe'L/ , V v [------I- t^WEPAaOURT \S ^ r»JN T M E R E //^

^ K I

i f o ' J s l S S B S ^ B Q

Dl f A 'V W k V l '^ ’'^ — i

T H E W P gSim B L E ^JB ,aiaog j

) E G L A N C E B y G .

I ^

F i E « V

ctty_ffood. c roM w ord-pu iile .ia . yo i - I only g o t a b o u ^ a i f o f-itl"


^ i 'l

votiM - -m M

# wkU.t.P>lO>l.

’rc lucky w e’re not in tho cap ita lis t th ink no th ing of i t 'when wo come e c k a l ' '- -

•• n i l IWTO BUVIN& \ / 6 0 T ONLY i THtS TBlWBtB V THB »ON*TI

' aI A )

M l r n —B y W A L T

, \

IM E S - 'K E W S ,'T W IN . FAU By WnilAMS y HM .-V if( " IC U u * jT /\ I I

i ^ f e V C R A W e jw p ^ n


E...J A p l


’ " ff iB IK0 S

t o |L!

-y o u r-p ap c r..to d ay ,- . _•


— s - j

! ^ - H

T i if g I----------- * R i

a l l s t lc U . S. I H era n . g ;ome hom o, w ithou t „ ^H

.-_ . Y ^

^HOfONK-^ ___DN'TON 19 H



f i '^1

III.IIH I ■ J i J t L I O [ H 5 ►BAP,AWP W

OVOUTHMC * ^ M 5 K W T W ^ r a m * M u e ^ H w ^ 7HW m * K E P A K^> ► S P B O O K ^ B U te r * J H15 fi*\- — i— ;g^|»jgj^^piorBt& Hftw rr^

UOKAOIro>B t/euB rmy o c o c f eu7UD& i I p 6 A U r» U£T Or> I NOULVt IlA U .N H O IW «K rakR » l.-TH&OkK.

J PA CTty I t a EA&ys.rjSBSw

^ S c t ' \ O W I 11

WQ.L-.VfELL-n*8 NICGT \ \ ^ TOKfWWW£T?eG01N6TO ‘^ l O

DOW Mt=Pg -m J

..JTU /^ H S R E W bA W fc / ^ j B i f l U N T LT'SCORCHy: E R _R 3N T V ^1 'L U HC H LOSE KXJR HEAP j r V ^ I f C WHATEVER T H E / /

V<»- •'• " • “ ] ' -

S J r ^ . V C R K l N G ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ J H PERFECaY! NCW \ = ^ ABOJ 0 * 1 0 GET ON WTTH / INGA


n n s w ^ H T w ^ T i e i s ^ f H o w

r T ! ^ r ? /» J 6 .w H y to M T • shcb


TT tiTNH W e /M fP ^ 'm mIC £ K 5 1 ^ T S

I * —! ■

” 1 1 <M,€jC C I‘. 11 VWN .^VSI»«« WAVOPM \S - SJW .V O A WSOOTh S W fW . U THW *. f------OCKrt. VOO JL, ■>

h o w r r (-------------w o o t

^ B i ^

■'And■•uinq M » i » r o « f j •fcf brsach of nw iirjl r « fn l l s an ’O W A 9Cod l-<

T ogo t r t . , ^ rin*um hs I

I 'M

ivS . ^




^ a S r ? N ^ B V ^ / J W thS■ *rHQR LOUD V B l S l H A 0»a jT h ) a r B ^ B £ - y R BHS ABLE 10 G O B A O y ^


W L V « « « q r ^^KLl£t>’llsm M )0K JW .

A tw m vvfw j r r r w itf tg y I [ 5 ! ^ A p i» jp f t / 4^ !,* - \v sc K T H r r / 1 1 ^ ,

Er ^ l (

-JLUklMj tU B O F S W O D e iJ T S irO V K T H ft

lllwLW .Vf- I fyo5 . w v o o w s e t i

— 1l\PM 1 .

tvvorxco.mM oAJ .B a T l-N o w -w a - / .. 2 ? S 5 f ? * ^ -Mi MAVB A r - ^ • ■ . > 5NfiTKf>--«A. r t * | L J ^ •

e S f i S l ^

8 81^*1

V ^ i y M i T ^ m i ■ r ^ A N P U f E N J O / T U s H ^ W o R B i C a \ iw uG H / l / i ■ T H A r m

i w ^ T j 'B s w r o o r s r ^■ J ----- s . f^TlfTy,GAlsr-H£U

» / ^ 'H E 'S \ X i M BE MINE,T>«Rf«,H o j i .v isii. yE J V ' A R S ^ I I f e a d ^ - i f ^ ^V OLr v T r 7 p N

I M K A u S t / ^ ^


. MACHINE S 0 < < A Y - .^ THB OPPO

F o u w i s ^ r o e ^

Q l£^H3

>A>Uk 'U>0/.9X’£fiS& I I !R « g ^ W « - W E a i . ...

• w E y " S i 7 5 i o w I lO D M R A w V ® ^ / ! -





m u m i i ii i i w ^ j ' / .

Page 14: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

I M a rk eStocks


■ ■ wimiJilM rj'im iU nvc'ru.Cora gttii ia tn tti kuTuUoC

wMtbcr.OfcW-SU»l7l fc tr tllm ti TVrt.

— • ^ W wnl«‘'^ 5 2 5 t w d r ‘t» M •»(« attl l>l(b»ri»« « b « b •

KEW TOIUC. Nw. l1.----- ^ «l U* 4t«k-Mrk«l ,*>u(Akd t* * a»ef« U«« d*»l U- «»<•

1 ttAiUt w • •heU purtu^ * P><«"1 •ouiw. iwlMlM bllkff « town *t *«mniI «*x«d u d --lAat.

' C«Io. «b4 I— * i»r«»4 •T*'' • " » » • *' jround 1 poInU la «llb«r dlr»«tloii. Volum. WM U»»7 u «a ••OfflaU.

- »W -.‘ ■ g^^rw rT ooU U iU Jil-M -'W -W tW

•U* at tK« ^fcrtiL HaIIi krpl tbnn cotn P4«r. n « BMUn u>d ilKlrkal ■KtBtJ »«r« ]a^t. Tb» f»m*J»d«T *f l»

— ^ p i i iu S ii i r « ,n » s u a » w f ^ W T ir r .^I Kanta f* r»Ure»d. Worlbtfn Cllln

_l:.6«r»»4*. Coodrlek *b4.U. tk turwom.-------iMwtT mr* C«n«ral UoUr*. T«zu Mm

p ,nr. Goe«lr**r. iw lnr. Uupool. 0«>«r». E U u lt. Llf»tit' »n4 « r» « . Am«rlf«t 7U>ura u 4 HrjiUr.

■sm TOUK 8T0CI rXCHANCE’ JJEvTYOillt. N»». » (U l-)-U it MU'

AIllMi mrt KHiiKcitt «<>'-*Al 1, C h " « S X m l. .Am Al.Uan H lA>ckb««dK a r “ ' ! ! i i T i . t r . . i i ’; { : ? ! ? . s s s K f - : r ‘ ' t r - s r * ! » s f s * . ” s s

a . ' - r A K S i ' " ' | ! y « w i . s ' e

g--£i:a^!;!-sF - s l

l > r n i * r « »lCn«>Ub8U M Cb»» A OhJ» «*» IKrn »> ?»!k

" S J - S K i S W °§ : '■ * " ■ s i i s r s i s " / . s a

v ! i | s s s s ; a r f f i !<;«rti.^Wri»k» » { aun^ w n lo

_ T?. Qu if .a m u a '*

— ^ a“ !« --------J iu -x tn - C T n 'T t t r ^ .g s g s u ^ s i ;

a t

a s .11 | S . ' i t i & - 5.SS.„.|rI :nl NJrktl WbK* Uotor 33«i

l a t T * T ju j Ztniih • n u

AUEniCAH BXCnANCE ''NKW YOHK. Not. e (Ul')-LM t »*l«i

Bunker HUI 1«H Heelt Ulnmg s , J3C0 s A a aa -Ttennicoior 14\'«

INVmMEKT TSUBT« _ (FcUtr MirtMT E. V .

UclUbtrU u i MBMar). AikinJ

AnmUut nof. Stun* I AffilUud fund^ ■ ....................... 1.7

E s E g ^ ^ = i |Kf>«UM lit —;r ~ ___ .................. i».oK«7iton« XI -------:------------------- W.J

!' ~rr«7imi« s» «. ■■■■ ■ .................^ i nK»nlano Si ,, . U.< Xvriton* fii , ■ , ■, ............... . *•*


■ T he foUowlnj Twin ftUlfi Uveatock priccs are provided bjr Uie Tw in Palls U vcstock Conunl&iicra c o m p a n y , based on the r m iu or th e aucUon sale N ot. 3.s t c e n i____________ la i.o o to ^ aa ioB tU cra ___________ _ IBiOlO ' 3 0 i0c o w s _____________ 12J 0 to M.60c o n o e n and euUtrB-. ' s .so to 20.00 n o rs ts ■ -— _______ 3J0 to 4 ^

T o p Q u a l i t y B u l l s -

1 O f f e r e d f o r S a l e! POCATELLO. Nov. » (il — T op

quality rcstalcred Hereford bulla wero o((ertd for sals today a t an

. aucU on. tpo&icrtd \i7 Uva Xdaho CatUemen'j assoelaUon.

C attle raisers la U im a ta te s se c t anim als for Uie u ie . 'H ts entrlea ■were Judged yeslerday w ith 2« claa-

< sided as crade A, 69 crads B and 63 grade C.

Judges « r « Tcsn Pence. Payetl«. ftatHc Harroup, Orljrss and Carl 81U):. Moscav.'~taUnU'liUUjandman t o U ntrerslty of Idaho. - -

LEAVE OM T E IPC O O t> IN O ri5or;^M r7nndT 'lrs, !

Jolm noy have left for T exas and New Mexico on a 10-^ay bualncw

^ i p . While in Kew Mexico they \vtU a tleo d Uia COlh vedd lnc a n -

I nlversary celebration of Roy’s uncle ' and aunt, Mr. u}d Mis. R . C. Boy, ( : Port.iln3. I

TwinFallsCSr>If* ______ IIS.10 fi, i : .I'llcn qu.ilt.Jl ' >J

ITu.in IM-----------------------m.50 ■--------- ----- -

iwv i-.i-wa lu _______________<•■ ij.«, 10 i:s It*. tu n n; K.,»1- » . tn n ,.-n » i JI

htt». .60 Ihl. dock) ____________P .05v.Tkr. __ _ ------- *’JMIrr;---------------------------------- i ' t ' ” ^

*^(0n*. Ufil.r ^:io*i. ifo-iM Ih._______________ju-00 sHok-i. 2: i>.:jo it» ._____________119.00Jiufi. :w -w IU_______________Ui.ouB/.«| !>»■ t i l an

— J;Liva rOULTRT

Cel0f*d /owJ, A ll«, snd vrff - 1*-J^horn fowl. < lU. >nd o>«r '■ ..Au.ln>-Whlu. 4_lb*.-«i.d Ttr-______ Mt £

•CaWrtd"»SHat»— I ,.: I.

L«jl>on» cMkj — »t 1.Ltskoni u d A utn m iu Im n >t« t.

(S«ltt and ouaMB7 crtcMl M^ A L P .^ K A A-'.D CLoVEB 8=^0^^,, ^Cwtiflrt JUartr MCent/l«J K«if«.<If*d«Io»tr__j:T.O £l StComnMn tonlliia’nd « l s r ( r - _ I S 1 .0 0 Cl

lUat ittltr oootMU I


e ts a n d F_________ « » * * ■

Livestock____ O C D I K --------------

OCDKK. Wor. I M: r«n»»i''17 and cutler te » . auiur. Urxdr I.H-t.iO

w t *aog|l> olb.r claiH. for lra.t.Uti: calm 103: do<i m rl»u W t r <uxl cal>««; no uJca.

- - ; ^ : ; S S r i i : a , ’S 5 ; , - 5 ! ! = ! - '“----- —M i»nnw ro»3f f«* *liUrtUr“ i« i."li

t r t f anItiUi tmaJl fc>U «ull on.) sllHli Il,r wt<u)«d own tutjlr 01 l . i t i JiU TburMlai“ ‘ .S-rl U d <bok« l> Ik w.»U, lUufbUr limtw li.H ; tiBall IM ll.K

,i(bwr«h, mv.JrrftUly ecllief^^ugbler oUtri

■ »l««rtr <» I olh«r »U«m f»o«r»Ili varo stMa^; frw bead dwicf 1,0M Ilk tr i ito«r . buv U.CAi.i«w JuU u d Isatecxd-U d flukj • IliU I.OOO-I.IM lb. ilau jliu r^o trt 21.tO-z:.iO

CDmmorrlil ind nod ( tn n" llm uir'w*«k‘‘*jSur’;S ^ “ i l j '7 ’'“.u Jth li'

claiMo piodomlroU. about tUUr: noi f* «< imd and ibelr* tOMM Ita. •Iiivlilor cal>t.

iuo.li.00: trw tO.M; utlllir u d r»nv O.U1] ^ , ( 1,1 „ ] .« 1J.O*.11,001 cuU ..I to . 10,00

Ilo(i ulabU for woik |] l i rompir^bukb«r»: ka£lkS*JJ lowtVi'olb^r cJujr

•riult» ilradr: Inilk choirs lU -t«0 lb. buUbtrj Um uufKid KosdJf n.tOt tbtnalUrSO.M: fia

ciuilcf orotind 170 Ib. oowi II.EO; (*mS«i SIm I. pin •lowrtood and <bole« 1^100 Ib, aror- t in : H W ■ ■ ■■ ■Clllr* .Sboop ttkblo (or wttk :.(M: cocDparx____ wllh U«l wMk Rw>dir«Iolr a<lln: tupgl]

mn*ll7 oUuitUr UmU: aUNiy'bi'to.a r^r«l Other eUwM tUadr; lood aod ckoU* «<mIo< rrltan !***“ J®-” '

POUTt-AND rOim.ANI>. No.. I (IIP)-T<.-linf I;

E , caltia vl<kod up lal* In lb* wxk.»Vh ' I Y**'‘ ‘ 'V*' y'®* • '

ITnJJ.liy'*t^l!o?7ow.VrW)7H rrau UU off moat: cow« UBOtanlr lUad)

S’Ji Jiid *b*ir«fi**U.t "iS.'sJ I *blfb*iood an* 2®5» ebulco latklo*: uUltlr and fomoirftU

fciToV^uUlil/'I^V't-OS.li.OO:' r«»*cot^merclal irW-II.OOl ulUIIr and conmarcia

. bulla ]2.«0>:<.00: ttw baad 14.M; cal<m foi 4*la. woak (tOl-nalara ataailr: luatT.calici

wnk to » Jo»»t; lood to cbolco »o«l«n IT.OO>:0.00: oiM Prin« to 2MI0; rood U

17>'4 cbolcf abOT* <00 lb. calm II.O»-l«.t«: fr«U> 17.001 food ud.cbsl** «Mk <a]r«i


U ,, ai>d : 1I0-3U lb. wflihta laU :0.:&-t> J»!k «arJr Ifl SLM tBi t ^ k f Wft » kIndJ J«-r W to H.1»: b« .ltr and lliblcr wtlfbta n.oalIi HJa IIUa-II.Mi choir* )U-(W Ib. aowi K.OO-

n.Ml-cholc* M»-«0» Ib. *U(.-II.(0-14.««. *« .* ShMp for WMk :.«0: markticloatd weak » U lo iO lower 1 two loadi ctkrir* »ad Prlm.

fad lamU Uondar ll.SO: moet r » ^ Ic n s cholc* wooUklna 11.00.17,00: ttw choleis ! i r * ' i i « . £ ‘. s r i . , r . * K i s!?.. r 'l n t l - i w i and cholco fMdcr* moaUila 'L SL '‘"” ‘hU t!«»2uo!LH 'tuE*d*-P

S-li______________ CUICACO - ..................lit- CHICAGO. No». i (OP)-(UflDAl-

Ilota-aatottoJ^cla^^lD^WU.mikrt^^klMj n i ' aowa tMO konr; ctrlr cloaranroi eholea S»f UO.UO IL bultber* lt.OO-»S: IlO-nO 11*S l f ; *(■': " s . i J ' K . a - . i ' j s v a . i , . , . . - , .n u and helfera food and b*tler nomlnallr fOa? auadfi k»er trade* «l«w. weak, cleanup

(rade: <«>• lUidr to :J lower: bulla U rsi; lower: >tttlerea«tadr la 1,00 lower: atocken

and faeden nominal; rood and ehoira iteen ----- S1,W «,«I coe^eUl^lUfcirOOl^^O^^^^^^aa]«i and oiTun"«.7in.1t; ulilllr and com. e manUl bulll M.OO-ll.OOj (Ood lo moeUr

cbslca TCalen n,0»-:i.(l0.iiboep ROOI trad* fair; ilaufhler lambe

auadr; U-W or mor* hliher: toodto prim* wocled lamU H.00.11.09I cull to kiw 100.1 i:.00-lB.(0; food and chniM ilaotbler twti t.»04.»| eult to BU|llr

u»5f _ _H J ou*nA

*'®*- TtiTTTT—1— '—-It JjeH weUht alaufhUr

*'®* NKW YOnK. Nrr?°''m -W ool fuluree cloef.1 S.6 to «.S cenu hlfber; litf. U«.0; Uarrh 111.41 Uar Ut.O; Julr KO.IU; UcU

. 1911.111; UK. U1.6: Uarcb UI.»IU C«rlICIcated wool inil MT.ON.Wool top* (ulum cUed M lo i.K rrnti

I hlfberi IW. »B,7U: Martb new 17T.41I:J - Mar n»-eH! Juir n i.iii:. O.U n:-ou- . Om.. Uarch lt».»Il.— ' * ^ nn ica le j apot -« I lipJHUO.**.-----

IU.UM: H.Notnlnalla lls ---------------------------

Jon Plane Makes S Safe Landing4 CO • " 0 00 WASHINOTON. Nov. 6 Olfi) — An 4 American airlines Convalr. with 10

' persons aboartl. made an emergency two wheel landing here today aller

— circling .-WashlnRton . naUoaal a ir­p o r t lo r more lhan two suspensetul

I - hours.l e T he plane, wim a crippled nose _ w hee l no brakes or steering mech-

anlsm . nosed over alter rolling along th e ground for about 100 yards.

J ” T h o plane had burned up most of ^ Its 600 gallons ot gasoline In Its

circles around the Held. Thero was no fire alUiough emergency fire

' l u ligh ting apparatus and other e^ulp* m en t was standing by.

“ AU o t the la panengers and three crewmen were reported safe.

•l«. n i e nose wheel failure. apparcnUy w l the result of a brtalcdown In the lan hjrdraiillc meant the plriiie ]

also lost Its ability, lo stop on th e . " ground and could nol be iieercd. ‘

T h e pilot discovered the break- , i-,- dow n-eho rlly -afK r-tak lng -c ff-fo r i

Rlehmonti. Va.. a t 9:15 a.m-,(BST) ' . “ on n igh t number 405. E\-cntual des- , •“ tlnaUon was FL Worth. Te*. .

;le SclentlsU say a good diet Includ* • ly. cd l l parts carbohfdrates, 3 pa rts I

p ro tein and 3 pa rts f a t

Us Mai'kets | ;No. 1 nutlerfal tT. "

. . -So. 5 llutletM _________________ lie *,J“ (SwUi and c»mpanr prlcn) “

^ Cr.et .S-orlhrrn. _ Z Z r 7 . « ?00 "Valrrt quollnr IMO) jJO n*l4 -So. I ------- -------------- |7,«l-T,tl t03 (J <lral»r. Q.oUnt IT.ll! : quolinf i;,OJ) »7* rinl.« No. I ______________is.l0-s.»0 b10 ! ' * ^

TO (!00 repotu iO centi lower for No. I r«lj)''® rOTATOES (■

.SV I _______ ____________ii.»s.:.na‘ »0ne‘ dtal»VVuou4’l--------------- 'ic-SJt

00 I*"” **** T-

(On* dealTr quoted) ^

te la-t/aJa. lar.el^* - - ■■ I Of iro sr ddltie quui*4> If* t* '• ” ■ l»'lutUe) of■c Idiho U-» rrolMeia. T»i» JalUi5 I-

.Smaly'A I^ ----------------------------------■jntj

F in a n c e______________ » * » ' » ' ___

Grain-------- rmCAfiO, Nwe. *-|/»7-PeU-. «aaeJranner ireln* on tb* Cblcaxo board nf iti>0-ti0' »ider M weather Improved /or <Q■ lra.<e harveillaf aad for wbeat crtnelor.r aluck KurUaaa (a<« up >4<r*ral eesu at lin

I.,>i lard waa etroaf.1* t« l >Upo>l bualnna wa« arant la U>lh f>a . . - - aMl -baaaa tad- 'tburadar'a r«r*{M*e-

"oUlllr that fta

" in t! l«r ; " u w"m «i to l .« n u iUecember 1 tr* wae .^>«S

___ peremUfr l.:j*4-lj; aorl»*nt were :^ I t i * cenia iu(cf to lU iiliber. Nsrtmbcr t.:

eUeri drad.pounda htcber. MoremUrl“I!ii« CAsilCHAI.Sehnk* rjlICACO, No.. S 1«-)—Wbeat «o

l-z:.10; Corn No. X rellow 1,M<:-H:l-:iOO; t.to'i.- No. 4 l.«l>,-IS*;: So. 4 Mlrdwllh I IS ; eempU iradi rellow l.H ; No.r s b . . „jcal.e* ^Ji^arkr^^cnlaaJ; sa lU sr cbeki l.IM

IH-VVCT, Sor. • rfl^-(USDA)-CaCmoetir IM '■ *11 claxee nominal,uubert •nd illl* II.0O.M In«]u4ln« e.*r a UIS: few U : lb. ilikslaa al ll.«a; taw eholc* wf*eder lJi-4JS ll>e, U.I0.17.H.

k arer- libwp 600; sned aad ehole* nat

• upglr ilaii«hler ewea m*dlum and fi •taeaii wblufuM TM^er JimM'17,M;-«irller i wooM fed lamb* iradlnc larfelr cWe* tl.:

feeder Jamba quolabla lo l»,00.GRAIN rilT U nU

lim In ClIICAnn, Not. t l/1>>—Upen lllfb Low CImi

l . r on Dec * l.SJ’i ' S.SI M J i; . i.i: hrifere Mir S.JO*i : . ;s S ;,;iri and Mir S.« . S.:Jle S-j:*. 2.!:euadr Juir : . i : ‘i m:'.^ 2,10s i-i' 147 Ib. Cars

to D« I.s:*i i,s7>; i.iiI; few Uar 1.4:’i. l.'.iS I.41V 1.61>1 and Uar l,«3*i I.M!a !,«:*, 14!mrrtlal Juir l.« 4 \ l.e«*, J.4JS l-t:17.M: »,|,t 1.40>, l.M<, 1,IV% ],il

f«w to OaU■ com- Dm .« r j . .«JS .« ;’i merclal Mar .<3S ■'>'«eeifor Mar .*2^a .'2% .» l 'i .•!talTci Juir . . . .jJ- , ; j . .7 ti; .,-.7 l

w le rt - Hr* I J »■ 1 > 1.« : f .2 S 7 , i;j{ ' l i i J* lil’ - i;i!talrei Mar l.luU 1.41 'l . l i i ; 3.11

Juir i-«!4 i .» ! t i J 4 ‘t 3.J(1 _______gtvBAii r iT r cnATW ____

i,:J-I»; KANSAS CITY, Nov. 4 Whrall• down fire* pom'll 1 to Up le.* So. 3 hard a moellr dark liard C.14 w t;,S:V.: Sa. 1 f.-iiJ(.0»< to |2.;4 ';N ; No. 2 red I2.S1U to |2 .l] \]

M4.W. Ho. i-|l,«OH-to l l .» J » iN . - ------------d weak Corn; 94 cara: unchanfe.1 to tfown I!;prime No. S wbit* ll.«< to ll,70N; No. 1 ll.t

»od lo No. : jellow and mlied 11,C> to II.CJ?choice No, a ll.tSfi Io ll.iaS .

Thole* —Oit»T*2~TlTit-Tlnwn-*S«-tn-nir-*ltr> J Sl’i 'V V .’

ildisn - j u l j u j . y f i u ___________ 1- u iu iM jL U S i .w . 'j£ » tU iN _ _ '.

5lS Potatoes-Onions' • * .......n.OO. e W I ; No.. ll.Tl, Jan. IM I, Feb. |2.l

M.«k l y i - _____ ^ntnalir IDAIIO KALU IMRUP IDAHO FALtJ. No., b (IlPl-U rpilla 40 waller. Twin Kalli. Uurler dlatrlct:uxken . Offcrinca* Uf hi. fair wir* Inquirr: 1«Iiteera Urs* fair, abuut eleadr ; olher* alow, di uUlllr ■‘■'d allrbtir weaker: widt rame In qualltanneri •!»* »nd"Tr1ffi : 'Bnnr'ihlpm mti-rell

com. unaold.cnoeUr Kuiaeta Mcked ^cwt.^^aiW A t _lmlambe 20-J9 per cent 10 ok larger occaalon

: («0d :.4»-M0;Ulnr« 10 ot. minimum occailon ;ull to o r; Uti I trw l.Ct-1,80; 40 I chntf* aack too few lo quoto; 10 Jb. aack Uff tiUllir n««h oecaabDal mixed car S.Slia.40:.

naitor conulnera (ew S.ilkl.CO.Kob caah track I 100 Jb. iack 1 2ft.

fer cent 10 ol Urfer occailonal J.JO-M llcailr (li< 2 , few l,ss.|.i0; SO lb. aack Uli• H.2i. burlap 2M0 w r cenntTotrTirpirTKr welPU •lonaf.?,7»-:.!ll: paper I.OS-J.70; 10 I (e«Ur aark UU 1 meih ),14-S.2S; In mailer CO Iifbur talnen l.an.tO .

uluree CHICARO 'Ut.O; CIUCACO. No.. I lU n —rnlaloett A ; Ocu il.ala 7». track S«7. total abipmenl* le

Hupplira moiWr«Ie. demand moUerat market iUadr.

eenti Track aaJea (IOO Iba.1 US IA waibc rT.ill; wllh : Incb mlDlmum unicta iUt«I: Wai: t:.OU; infton iluiieta US extra 1.4.09; U.H con

mertlal A 9,10; US 2A S.OO Idaho Ilutir-----»-w e«iii-IO «<me*4,0W UB e’xtra-l 4.1

l .» : Ulnneaola and North Dakota I'ontlii waxed t.40; US 2A I.U; Cob).te'

US TOmmercUI^A unwaihed I.M; Wl

Waihlniton^uaae^li ^4^&.t.tO: NoM^^Di_ lo'*hI!“MoT:5 w “i

1 0 ) round re.la 2.40.2.UI: t>oorer t.'oa-J.S] -“ )a^ round whitea :,00-I.2i : unwaihed ;.0(

^ llUiieU 9,0CkS.S0 : poorer 2.69; Colorado ri - A n UcClurt»J,60;t0 Ito, 1,76. h 10 Onlonii Hupplle* litht, demand foo.

market firm,ille r Idaho ^panlih *5 per cent nr mora US .(Ur- abowlaa .lacai 2,nn.;„in; W aahlafn liBat IClUl romtnerclai Hh jwr rent UK

Uicblfan rcKow (label <6 i>er cent i l'n< nose and larfcr I.ii.

•'■•''rrallf tw l qualli& ;."ot;.'ir;"w"hii‘; r s " ^ . ?

Colorado Hpanlih 9 Inch and lanter 0{ wbltea S Inch ai)d U r« r 2.:i-:.60. i to ■ Inch 2.TS; California while* : li> 9 Inri

' 2.71; New York rellow clobea me<llun was IJO.J.DO; mMwretorn r«H»w fW** mcdluo fire l.THM. itrefuiar ila* l.OM.SO. -

Ulp- I .

to. Butter and Eggs| L c , 1!?: ,______I<ine dai,i„ cm a a n>un.l; lanfh.>rnjtheu Uutler; 4«(,934 noun'di: market alea.li

-roiST) carlole. W emr* 4J-; 69'.cotr M.------->«• whUe'‘iir,^®'eMra'.To’t^TV*VVc«TaV.!

l%r cent Jty^mHlunllud- ard»^:S;^rurreni receipia 23',j; cllrtlea U,


ro u i-KoviNi: w ii,i.IN TIIK rnOHATK CClltUT OK TWIN


iio ss K. -MrCOMii, 1)kx: kaskd. riir.UAM-Io'an ..r.I.r or»*l.rCai:r!,->iii,I»

on lhe 3r.l H«T nf No\eml.er, la il. .N'orHli: IS HKUKjlV CIVKN IK.I Jlnn.lar. Ihr ::nd

, a'^ m! of «'.rIriV. i.l'the*<;..u«'^n™m‘ f---- iaU.Cuutl_al..lha.ilwiiUr-Couit--ll<n»*-mi.« the Citr l.r T-ln KiIli, Counlr of T-ln

Jalli, Idaho, hai Wen ari>ointeJ aa the Um* and place fnr rrovlnc Ih* Will of

•04) aald ».«• K. >l.-f..mb. ■iecraie.l, and f,.r S.»0 hearinr the awiHfillon of Pauline Anni .yO; it<c.iml. f.>r the l.au.nr. t.. her of Uiteia

Teatam^tarr. -hen and wher* anr l era.in

llaierf No«»Ml«r Jr.l. 15JI,(SKAL) KVKiarrr si. .sw iiki.i .v,

, Vrol.aie Jii.Ire and ei-«fflcio»i« . 11r".MAIlY SAl.MON.

^ Depuir f l„k riihllih: No., i. l;.l».l»6«___ j

:!» O ur Central LocaUon Gives YouPROMPT PICKUP ■

<0,! -CoMlns.-llllM.-8hoehnT>rr-il>;'rmin-


jil' Dead—O ld—n iu b ir d ; “ j SN A K E RIVER T R O U T C O .

Cali Collerl lluhl ilS-J

Cassia Solon Wins P ost ir

---------O ffiiia tT e<C*atl»eJ Tnm I-*(* 0 » I '

DemocraUc opponent. R ulh W „ .oT> received 3.203 voles Instead o f :

This gave Uie Republican candl at iimae Casila counly a. p lurality ol Ih iralaa i73 VOtU InStCBd Of &C3.

" T a a offlcun iibu IaU on . RepiH a c a n a rd a u -n rs tru :-----------

. Dfcrio. U. 8. senator. H enry Dwor;• !'*',"»• J.098. Olen Taylor 1.456.L"w*e“ ' U. S. reprcsenUitiTf, Hi 'i tc 3U Budga 3X3. WUllam Whllakei

“ ------------- -T7.li SO Oovernor. Robert Bmylla 3

■ ~ a a r k Hamilton 2,127.It none. Lieutenant Oovernor,' J . Dar> ; No--I H ir»on '3 ,o ;< ro lcn Bandelln-1,- Nn!-’j Becrttary or s u te , Jam es 'Y i• 2 iJ5 . Ira H . M asters 2.4M.

Treasurer. M argare t Gilbert 1S5, RuUi Moon 2562.

' Auditor. N. P. N leljon 3373. )-Caciie Jl, Williams 1,700.-bart7«> —Slate superlnlcndent-of publli r a load slrueUon. Alton B . Jones 3,002, >ic« *0*1 Robinson 2.IH., B,ti„ Attoruey general. Oraydon

Mina Inspe'elor, O eorga McD< ■rller up 3,W7.-Rex-Pelloc!e-I.729.-----------• 11.21; sta to senator, K. O. Barlow :

Herman Bedke 2.5}e.Btato reprcsenUitlve, Jam es

nest, unopposed Republican, 2 Commissioner, l lr s t district. :

. ace llaU 2.827, C larence-Phllllp 301.

xiK'.; Commlaaloner. second district , ... P. Malthews 2.008. Jeasc Badk.

^ «2-i l l i l Clerk, Willlnm Baugh . J r , 5

H. O. Hutchison 2,132,Sheriff. LePago I jiy to a 3JM

W. Lowery 1570.•J}|> Treasurer, Jeannetlo Y. Cl) ] jji ' berlain 3,127, Lucian RnraMy 1;

- Probate-Judge. C arroll D bjI c; •j!> 7«4. Henry W. T ucker 3,375,

. j j i ’ ProsccuUng a tto rney , Nor Ml*; Nielson 2335. Thom as Churcli

287. •'iTe:r> T i —A u m o f. uon u . LOTciang-^

Cnnnfy 1,067.• j j ' il* Coroner, J. Q nrih Payne, u;^ PQScd.Rcpulillcan..4.270.______

I-Ij; Tho advi.wry vole on the quea ii.ci’i ; whether or no t Cassia coi

should employ an a ssistan t coi -sBcnrTnis downed.-2.713 to 1,91

— Infant Dies-— M .-G r4vald«-rlte* .fo r-th«-3-(la j

I daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. RiCl -I” 'ln..K!n'>jerIy,_wrrft_to_bC Il«l

iJ i g 4:S0 p jn . Friday a t su n se t Mer — lal park-under dlrecU on-of W

' mortuary., , The babjr. bom Wednesday.

. '7 " '7 early Prlday a t M nglt Valley Me " rial hosplial. •

Dividend Setow’. j?ii Tlio Jfelvlllo Investm ent comrouaiitr. ,announcea_|lmt d irec to rs 'o f Al

i-reiirt h tc d T u M •hiive dcclaredT fsp i{ )„h dlstilbaiftfi of 20 cents a 'shnre f

a US I ne t security profits renllred In Xlsealyfor ended O ct. 31. 1054.

: (0 lb! The dlstrlbuUon Is payable o n :k^Uff i 8 lo shareholders of record Nov J

i f i s a s B io•jra - ^ ^ r S A l iE


■«« « W a T l W ATCn THI Sli'ertu; .X l SPACE DAIL

waabaj . .f o r News of Maglo Valley's Fa Auction* and for ih e date th

Uuiie'ti llsllBi* wIJl a p p ea r In tho Tim .-14.1S. News. Check th e ir ada rarlocatl

• ’* InformaUon.

. w " ’' N O V E M B E K 6rth Di Geae L an e npo-:.:i: AdrcrUsement November 2-3liconain

N O V E M B E R 8ado red K ennelh G a tre llI food. AdverUfcment, N ot. 6-8

Klaas db Klaaa. AneUoceeri

; h'4 » | -----------N O V E M B E R - 9 -------r MO; Jl*? CrispJ inch AdrertUement N or. 5-8qualii. llopUna and H arm on. Aucls.

\ =AV N O V E M B E R 92 u ] Harold Etoltenburg9 inrh Adrerllicment November 7 HJdiuS ^ '*** * Klaaa, Anelloncer*

____ _ N O V E M B E R SJ. U. & Draco Glandon

r c AdTcrtUement. Nov. 5-6Har\r)T C. Iv ep o n . AucUoneei

N O V E M B E R 10 f h,"*M - . “ Claude ’Cawpbell_aniu _____ A dr£rUsemenl.-J4flW l___

Harrey C. Iverson, Aaclloneer

"-'U 4 ;---------- N O V E M B E R - IO -------,;;i .r ; .............. L .B .'T ille y ...................A an<i Ailrertliiemenll Nor. R>9Hiliffil * '*** * K laas, Ancllonetr*

N O V E M B E R 11------- Bob'ert “Bab" K gglnlonITS AdrirlUement N orem ber 9 -10

KUai A K laai, AiielIon(«rs '

7auo N O V E M B E R 12:y. 01' John If. Brown, T rustee of Ihi >■ Kitata of C harjei W. Broirn,

Aliie'nterr::n .i AdrerUsement. .Nor. 9-10 i/ci.K-k llopkloi tl -Harmon, Auctioneer

N O V E M B E R ^ ! )I,'i, Jlr . and Mra. Nela K . Nehon 1,1 for AdrertUement, .Nor. 1:-13 ^\iyii Itoy iiopklna. AucUonecr

r^iTe •______ N O V E M B E R 1.5

Ad«r*l>emene. Nor. 12-13 icio lU rrtjr C. Ire rio n , A uclloncfr

N O V E M B E R IfiU'. L. aicCormlek

-------- A<lr*^lUcmenlf-Nori—14-----•ou K lia i ti K laas, AueUoneen

1 WieiJ you plnn a Farm Sale,B } xonlact llie T lm es-N eaa K.itm

! Sole DeparimcnL L el u.i ex-! pinin how you. c.m cover M.inic■ Vallfy coniplctl-ly ftl one «mnil

0 . . cosi. I t will save, you boili; Ume »ml money.


I One More Nigl• T be high ichool play, "O i n Takes » Holiday" will be-

orer un til S a turday n lg b t a Ueketo lo r th e Fri_day n igh t

[ e s t loniuince, ^ e d u l e d to be last, h a re been aold, accor

»l ' to Vernon H edner. director.1 Moon, Beata for Saturday may b< of 3,219. -aerved by telephoning the mdldale school office. Curta in Urns o l only p, m. a t the speech a rts def _ J ment room o t th e high icho

lepubll» I _______

"" ‘“’■ Reicli to AslHamer , - _ _ ' ' ,

“"-i: Reopenuijarjs 3.077, X O

3arkeley Frencli T a l1- 1,SS3.- -------- <CiBtiB»*j rr*B r m o«»)I young hislory h a j

Physlcalijr a p a rt o f Germany, Adenauer m el Kith hla t

in an emergency session In a 273, Joe tem pt to p u t down tho itro n e

leal oppQilUnn. H a t developed Jbllc in - h e waa conferring In .W aahl >02, NeU w llh President Elsenhower am

retary of S tate John Poster I Jon W. The moderate Pree Democra jn -2,0ia.- tho-Refugcc paj'ty a tarted-ffift- [cDowell Uon whUo Adenauer waa ou t i-----------co im tJT -on-an-offleial-vlalt-(Iff 2,598, United States by announcing

would oppose tlie pact unlet les An- Prench soften the ir aland,1, a m Sourccs cloae to Adenauer aa ;t. Hor* Chancellor m ight give dls :Ulps 2 - members Uie choice of endoraii

plan which will perm llt 500,OOt trlct, H. m ans to rearm or quit tho cs idke 2 - Adenauer seemed tired an

Tolco sounded weak la st n igh t . 3 <)2j h e told the Oerm an people ' ‘ naUonwlde broadcast European i68 W 0 '' cooperaUon be" ' ■ Prance and Oermany. ri.^m ^ h is f l n t public pronounci

S ' t T alnco relum lD g from U ie . I f lta tesrA dcaaucrsaldh lsacT fr

'>*'/ h a d ' given the Saa r popul „ mostly German, guarantees o I ‘

Norman freedoms." 'irch 2,- __________________

■■ Fflr-AiKrdew _C o a I-P h o n i iB term ounU ln t~uel Company-

S ^ a s s i f i ecounly --------------------------------------------IfiiO. r — ■ ■■ ■

W A N T AD RATI[----- -— __U U i*i.#a.fotl-»»rtFer4) _ _•day-old .a -n lra Z Z . Uptr.niChard • “ V * ^ u t a ^ f * » ‘Vorti'V *riKld.Bt ---- cMlrM-ia-W.«aa.«Ui»irirt.ad

Memor- rer nasi»I«. *•* UbJa hcSewi' — w o-aa-rr . g - 1 id a r* l« -a


"Ualea, roor er«]ll bai b*«* * J Uabed. catb a iu t accoiapisr eL DllADLlKE Itt Claailflad oalj

M^ndai'i Id* — t & m. Satarda ompany Tueedari thn>g|¥ Frldar* —• Afflll- » P - Dar Defor* Jnier^n.■ I f l lre from and no lafonnilisn can b* *l*«: In the 4* tb* adftrtUcr.

in ru.,. " p o rt^ ImniiJon Dee. g. ^O allowanc* will U made for i OV 1, than out Incorracl laaartloo.

— 7U< paj>u nierTa tba itib l ts

3 aad r«jitt any tli*«UM adrtrU

___ ______ C A R P O F T H A N K SWK Wl.Sll to thank our friendi and

! ■ bor. for Iheir kindne.. and arn_ k i______aaJjht-btiuttful flor«l.<.ff«elnf»-.i f c tha^cknc*i and death of our wilD A R K. E. JlcConnell '

Creiler McCoanrll and famlTHIS J i ? ; ; : ^ i ' „ " ^ i i r u 'r a ! : r

--------SPECIAL NOTICES1 Farm CIIAKIS > uuncIaUoni. WblU eliatle (

tl.tl. Lucille Do.lion. J'hon. : r i . . . . JIUU.S and upbolilerr cleanlnf.H®,'*!- Vlllac*-Clm nrn;----------«aU0Q Coractlerc. Mra. U»l* Uiin. TIHH 2nd a.enue eaal. Phone ;ii»7

A u jo ilu n c a ADonriaoUi, Wedn l;>0 p. m.. Ccarl Uouaa. Writ* Doi

, - pI r s o n a l s• CoiiH.;: deelre tu adopt --babr-' or a.

ehlldrjn. EjpenM. paid. Wrtl* Ooi

C0N1-IIJI;NTIA1.1.Y. w. rion-t bellere

: _____ TRA V EL— RESORTS8JJAKK Jrl.^nf_ to WaihlBfton. U. C

I lOlh. l-hnne D;]«.J1: Viler.MAN TKAVKLINli l„ Vlrslnla wllh

babr.^Wo uld Ilke tellaLIe peraon tobahr, Tra.ellnr hichwar 40. for

7 B E A U T Y S H O fS•.rs COMJ’Lt.TK isMlern Uautr irr.lct b

pert operalara. Macbinaleia and

COMl'LhTK bcauir >er.ic* br ad.i 1 iludiBti at reduced pricet. Junior’ ia” « "jV oO*'"' “ *‘^ '" ''7 * " J

CHIROPRACTORStn rnVB apetlaiuU Ur. Alma )'arUla~Main N ^ b . l.baaa ijTc. -

_____ LOST AND FOUNDcer LU.ST or •Irare.l; Z.reir^M Ilolileln a

CaU ^y.rnoB .\eil«,n, Uler OIJl

r r r : t 'b ukl ulaii '^oii, u , .u j- . a.ok~

rt LO.ST: l.eather lillll„lil ennlalninr vali pipe'a and moner. Menllfkillon . JL^ lluneaa. Ile-ard. J-lea.e p


r i - “ wMl.-r'hnn'e awV -K.NUX Curtaia t-aundrr. llT:~lth a.

,h .,

*n. —r h n n e - ^ v f - i '


lie, I"’'-


-------r StTUATIONS WAHght ^“I>e*U» D M S S M A K IN O -IlE -ffr

X - held ALTERATIONSt u aU 339 T y le r S treet - Photh t per- , —be lba —■ ' ■ = = *

»r. ■ ^ CUSTOM ■>i L A N D L E V E L l

5 ? p ln ! ■ OOK M ACinOT w n j . l :hOOl. YOOB DIRT— - C ffK A PK R I.

' L E T u s SH O W Y(. No Jo b T o o L a r j i or 8

• of Phona OA a-5W5 or OA t


^ MisCELLANEOUS FOR' “ blnst

>ed while - ' ~I TEDCES AHO CAM

ro B BCSTT rn n e i. staxe. va n . r i c n r r a ^ a ta a n d rauENCSR-CAU

_ n -D S T O ° In ting they n v s #oiKTS scn^ ilesa Uic I____________» iy w s l» i

■<Sl?d^nt HELP W A NTE1>^M

VfANrtiilTLoeai man with .oa>* {ht when «biutr. Wriia'uoz D-n. c.plo In a Wewi. _______________ean unity BELIAULE and .Xt>*rl*««i nan

b e t* " ” y ; ‘i i * ^ ^ D : ^ i i ' : * ; / o & vm ccoealI . United CoBlact. Keeada. c r ttm tn l ~~~ipulatlon, Io l “dem> I have seen th e new 1S5S ]

and Jlym ouUia. Ilero'a a opportunity fo r a live wire

' money selling America'a 1' *1 line of cars and tnjcka. Oo

-* lU i'D odgs-«nd~Flym D ut^ want a perm anent m an i------------ interested In m aking big i

I T alk wltn -mlf p resent-»al(T E S CoaU ct llr . Reese, Bob- _ _ 1 Motor Co.. 133 3rd Aven u e .

M S I „T w ln_piia________ ;_____:IP«rJ»» 11____________ ______________

- H a P “ W ANTED-:.FEf----- - WOMAi* or «lrl tor cenrral 1.

Il*40“ *" *’!"m ' W*U'* N

z M r t " HELP W ANTED _ ! « _ MALE AND FEMAI• i-AIIT or full Um>-I60 to IIO'

*nier. Appolnlment makera. or In puloalri callonai home e<|Uipmeot aalea d<!»*»». • lloftt Work near rour bom* ll

Sce, wtlto Loraa Canada, Caaad las. err. Jeromr.

B U SIN ESS O P P O R T U N'***“ MU.K rout* tor lala. WrIM U-Jt. c,

ilKJITAl. crvpertr for aale. |«.tO( L ta aiJl . tor 1100 monlh. Vhon* J1I1.W ■«tl.i«*. ar WU. llo. IR2.___________

I >UI( UALLi Lunch counter dol builnre*. Two jwopii can hint

i/c alder lerma. Inqulr* 171 Weet I.M,i n.i.K,* ^I^FU Iw isH ED -^RO O iV

nd famlTr NICKLY (urnubta room. Inquire

‘e flrdle*. *'i»k{it.* TrVilTTind JdoUL jS' » 2110.- Intlon, Phone 33IIX.__________fU R N IS H E D A P A R T M I

:«7j.°**‘ Bth i*.rnu«'^ncrlh. "''ho^^lfO^M .dn'eadi,; A1'AUT«J:NT! BultoUle for Iwo. t Do2 41 ar (-Aurt. Ills KImherIr lloail_______ UKATIJJ aearlment. carafe and

tacllllln. 1891 KlmWrlr Uoad._______ MUUKH.V. cluaa In aparlmenta I>r amaller :19 4th Avenue Kaat.

cLkaN.. cloae In. Ueaionab'i~\ monlli. ttO Main NnrtJi.

i MUKrooma. Laundry f.clll.lea.

■“ ™ n s n : ; . , a . . , ,

n r n ; »:ilTji"^ tiocr. bata ami entranr* ‘November iu 'W ''Ilh imaU ^T ilA nlr* baarmenl apartment, to Ira.- i'ld balh. Bpiclout, buili-lni;

•or'mori TIIKKK Urs*~RH>ma ami balh, l';l ---------- S . C i o e e in. Adulla onlr.

______ SUITAIILK for one or Iwo. ||.ind‘‘’c"d mi‘e'''j!aill

9 ICUUU.S. i'rl.at. kalh. ilroun.ati.anced Cli.ae In. A.lulta preferre.1. IS

le mr-*'** ATJKACTIVt:. nlceir fiimi.h.il.

“ ; s . S ' a , ,—llachaJota.;uafa«*d,_Iaqul>*.Vi.'<l

^—aiack —Cae neparifwenl,...... ..............

amall kllchcneiie. Ur ^wnk'^" v.luaM. uo« KImberIr Ilna.l. Dcfora n.. ’"^john afler 4 p.m. week.lara,________

ED 4 ilOUUS and katb. IVI.ate er______ (V>unle preferre.1. Phone 3ii];.'***"'" ^llOOil partlr fumiahH .lui,lei.I _ '.nlr. Yerr nl.-* utllltlea. rbon* 1(

- - AilulH. 9(9 4l'h A.enue full.Voi* ind floor MiKimoOU ahartmenia. .\ortH

ITuW^oWij'.-4-Zm'.-lM-b..R,-l firalihed, axcepleleclrlcllr. 1‘honi

l>,l»i' •w'-i-lnnallr tar I'art of ren* 2:«;.5.W. 'iArri,l,1 I.sir,;,F U R N IS H E D HOUSE!

U N F U R N IS H E D H O U SAll*il MllDKH.V I r,~ip... .Sice fenfe.| yard ■ . _lu-a£bual-JU14Bul-atai.u*.«.ji......

, l’b«ne S«,\U. ,;.r,«.m m.-le-rn h.iuai. Inqui

i '^ : ; ; ~ w a ~n t e d t o - r e n t T T e_____ Uu 'lu I'.U AUlll.S, Wrile llox

b TUi. rhone Jlilhi." «J74” li*"w^ilV 1I»» Tl/nta.Newv


—' '■ } '^ W r l t ? ^

hose 3546 b«rlr. Idaba._____________MONEY TO LOA

.................. .. 4U JLKU I t i f u c g r r mui.---------—^ lam.Jaana. Saa V. N ,,Tm


I----------L . -------- H O M tS -H IIU S A I


r SmaU *^*iuip^far^^^SiS'>°»” A riIA.3:5388 u” »V v i“ i;!‘rh^J

iv A E T “

(.IIUOU houae, ckiee^. Small" _maU^lMulr*.42f.itd aitau*

? U ! N 1Ul •ccaaJsaa. furnice. Phone I79iun.' , HlfOHlOOM modern. Cloe* In. IClrda Blihop 4lh •’*‘“J,*;j‘,Vnd'Bt^dir - UV oW.'^EH; Ntw; modem"__ I houic. Kull bMemenl. wardrobe" cioeeu. Conlact Nellie Ccmbe

e.enlne<. 3» Jetfeiion.


; edfi ot town. Larte lol. rrcm ; I Hen. chickena, eU. New birth c n v ic i j b a .« « « . funtirr. 112,

2-HWKOOM home in lop r. __________ n7m acheik’ aice rard! IIO,SI

■m a l e _ f ^ * :- T .f i r i p i.n n '^ T u ,;.

nOBINSON-PELDTM Be* our dla- l)rl.e-ln lieilUti

71? Main Ave. Wnt PiQi* beer aeil Member of Mullipii UlU

c/o Time*. | _

S ' . . . , 1 B U IL T T O O R D I<1 propoaltJonI* Sbu Clab. SOKirrilING NlCr In a four__________ brUk home—2 bcdrooma. apae

"Inr »nd dinlnr roomi. Carpet 1 oul. Ill* bilh. Dulll-lB firife.

M D o d ra j ; ; S -" ."* ." ;;? .

fire, clean

= r W I N T A r a S - R E A * 4 IN S U R A N C E

K w l - — " ‘T a i 'w i r a i . ’; " '.. -.hn !• Phone IfiCIn WHO U . IIKMHER MUI.TPI.i; LISTIg money. • skiivickaalesmen.- I ^ob ReeseUB North. ( nnFgrriFH T a b t o f -?

Verr -nlce riria 4 rooma plut I-------------- I 'u lllltf,''rn llr—fomiiliid.—new' aulumatic waiber and drrer. '

. Inf room and bedmnm furnltur


E D ~------- room

non munth. jj( „ , houae wilh new b<put on edu- 7he hamlr man can mike fou

;i WOK 11 onlr ll,CSO whtoJda iu l ? i A. O, HOLLAND


I R E N T A L S>.400, Kented Ar* tnlsMr bird to find. J■W rrrnlnf*. '"Jor hiime..o-n«fjhlp for a

. down than rou think, W*dolnf daailr •connmiril 2 bedroom

i,?.“ S ' l “ i . l . S f s ;; ,» V K .sretnrmUj' the ^p«>meet» wlU

• 0 \ 3 t t t -IIBBKJU-A-HOMB-WORTII MUNLY. ] -bedrooma plua a fu

Mlnf ronn. -nenL _lircnliic. fm cri^rarj. nue nnrlh. PrealdenlUrnttet locallon. Out T7 eotrani'i “ ri ••Ml Priced at anijKacellent lerm^ulra J14 7ib IDAHO REALTY

ibn»eta or M'mber Mulllpl* LUtln* Be: 141 Waib. 204 hboebone St. K Pho

m e n t T -----------------------------------A.lulia. 21i I _n v^.i KM. Localaj in eaii pnrt of lown load and peaceful alreeU Jleaullful la

■ . Ini room. Ilrepiice. WiM lo wailind waihlnft l _______ room fnr table and (hiirt. 3n for r*BC bolnmma. mialer Mraom It>:_________ 3 haihf and a fuU flniihrd bi Week *r » beauUful flnlthed re!ar TV room, oil furnace. Con

'lea.' 4ll~2nd d ^Vl***’ *"*"h *]"*74xl!_l- f’oJriit. ‘ii'mm!

JJpI^Pbo*ni 2*UKDI100M IIOMK. 9 ;eari .aci:* Jiti.I-.Jllti.loealioa. I,am

nr* i.rl.at^ kilcban. Kewlr deo.rile'! 11 farden and l.errin. A wontlerfi

nt. 4 roomi H.DOO do.

77I7a.e"en. GEM REAL ESTA' ' ■ . AGENCY

4lh‘ A“i;

T s1 " 'j '.9 " - r e a l e s t a t e w a n i

r e a l e s t a t e fo rT>I _

aca—Adulu -*-MrTTT tirirnr-itfrrilI1II!y'r.K)n

Iilrl Baler. charminf 4 |,e,lV«i'in hone 2 In f■Will.-llert 'menJ.-Weil-irAilhfii^K.-^ mrar Al.n' ~kltchen.’ Oil,' '*' *■*''’nc.rin 'li CECIL C, J0NE3

________ UpHalra Hank 4 Tru.l. Um. I. PIPTS. '-----

lei ^ "" I'l'd. .

L u a i «iiop‘ :<»u'^;|.';, . b,,

n,-lliiimc« -**'‘ ®“j “' ’'*h_^-f*nn-ninlpmnil

R E A L ESTATE ENGni'to-o7k 31

,hi- 1 -UiaaJilu^.jiiii 111. . .. h!!!"*V-',?i!

ud a.enua, f!iT~t,vitsat ’dinf»rno'|-*tU S E S ', , . j .-I— J l’-'-'-'KIS'C NKW I Yo

More' ln‘ymt,'elll.'|Vl‘" tJ i''.|l,"*

l e a s t I ■!h^’'f '^ " . : , 's : ^ T . : - i n " '; ' ; ' : 'lIox 0-:i . | or"«.^^^7lf.l'l^;l'm!i/rn"h^^^^^^ _ _ _ _ I food euliiullilinfi, Onlr I:0.000

. R E A L ESTATE- ----------Srr\'icc--Apcncy—

a'hl'a~lo7 ol ®*®riinane..! MEMBER .MULTIPLE L lS l Ui* X4-D. 1_______

FRIDAY,N O V E l l B j j J

r r , l e a s e T r e a l e st a ^t J

w T i T i J ^ Ha iBaon- -11d°- * a W ^

■ S ' S b e a u t i f u l ^ B

SALE— ^. . . . . . c w u c i t i z e n s

' m s T n v j „ at«»vlM> rboB* ;•;(,. oil fomace. UeraberPh..eHIS-M, I

k«‘S£ - - -

nail dowa par- M Irrigated raa,l. |toua—il-*lUr . t r a _ b Q n ia ._ ,„ - h ,^ 4 *»llk i l £ B

,oden) baa>e. i r . M S

i^'lnqulra 410 10 ACKK r.nVh' i ’l ! * »-U>»-kl-a<a- -»ha»v* Karlhil.i, itdar. price. Kpme

CRAIG RZMt y Momba. »?oa or REALTOiM

~ Phone 11> « - k « - . a - i— = -------

;i0,500,i; • mml atoker. .V . . e r r . . , *

1m lA NII I ihroufhoul. N oil

Vhoaa IH rat-Un ti-.ar.. l iw a ^ S ^ BUiUnf down. I7i m„n.h .m

I properlr. Or finance « u [ ^ l ~ J. y- WlilTI A O ^ I

i™! Jfour rrar nld L '

7chaai^pric°; : dup1.i-Wii| t n i ^ |^■•ri.'i’t ’ ; ; !r;‘r '" T ^ i '." ra n ''‘“4 «

eeiunent—Almoat Rirellent lulMIni bl

E A L tiz .- IrCE a A C R E S o r l l f l

: Rolb ba.* .eir ni«.'i“ ‘---------- 1 -fn^ iofrn’T u ^ o i i ^ s S

—Uoth o( Ihaae v i a S ^ H LISTJNQ veiek.

I U A G IC V A g p l ^ B_____“ a n a 'lN B t lR j^ ^ B------------— 1 • 123 Shoshon. e t n HT F-TTP -*uf.^^"*4ei* titlua u ih and "Mempe/'MUlllpiZT riW li.* ' 'iicmenl and , , —r. .. and ataumt SO ACnilS J^ aUIa

an7*rqw cro’i . ''T io rM ^ B

larn Iwo.UO.ibipe.^™ *^^

w bitbroom. jj,al 'dalrr farra ai la iJ i^ ^ l four arirt. ,|t|on. Prici KI.IM,I wllh terrei. I ,ne* caah.

ifuoae SL N. i HOME AltO D t ^ |f ’^ r r lr . 2 nUiuUOHS, I l t l j i ^ i H---- --------- I.«imox-eirror«K4.-lJ^H

------- - firif* . 2 room mlal--------ui»d aa Pitt *f Oe

I famllr. U>cit*4 n B ^ ^ I prtci 110.000.

? ■ » « « « F .C .G R A ^ ™w* U i 4 ; 335 Ual& i n . ^ 1[rd ’=wS‘’in” 'braeke^And Member MulUpli

iitT ti- 'n iB - ■ACHES I s U e iM tf ^ ^ l

o^i‘o f i2 ;? ' - r* u c L * r i> 4 ry t* .t f .^ Hanif II.MO. Pf*“ »" 0 « » ^ *

IS A Cnrj aoulk a lD iM ^H rp v Irtt lor IrrlfttiML'TY bomi with toaesatl

( BerilCi tlunchloni for II a m l^ ^ B

\ -fiO O D tilO O i<U B a-»^M ■ . In. 74-foot lot. BeanlCd^^B

NJ«hf'” o W 7 a * '* f« ^ ^ B

■d b.ifmenlcV 'piVui; F . J . BACON aM

and f.nred REAL ECTAH ',’iM7»i,0M ..

r hon. IMt-W.a rm n n n r ' Aemta rra»

ilerfui llltii — ----I down. ISI -----

FARMS F O I Vc a t e I M

C H T E 5 -

FARMS F O I ^ B( SALE 10 ACJIIUS In SurkK . _ l» r« lol In Hler.

t.«)nCt^ri^ 'kull SAl.V.; ‘•wd(Oiiikilile firtB. *r*“

r>f?.-2-fir»^ —— —-------a-Ulh »hd tmniCATED-f»niit-t*-J*^^™ I and Cai.la c o u n l ^ ^ ^ ™

3 I c2ip!Tn7. P h o 8 * » L .^ HI. Ph.;tUI I — ----------

!K , S V K ' E » c ^ BKallL Karm ran ill

batkr.<« VVitatr.

w a te r -p Ie n t r^ a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M•pro.aoint*.--------------

u. for firti


IlJ shaauai Au ^P h O O li^ ^ ^ H

;ii,n«htM)l. __p----------

J a s ; ; ^ — ^ s r e c i W ^ B


I f f “ ' S ® '


f ' ™ S i c M O V W ®

Page 15: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican

i e ^ n s ™ ' " p E S ^ - ' • ' ' “ ! ! i d B S J

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i P A U

! . « « ^ ! !

- McROBEr t s IND CO M PA NY ;

« M I ' " • 'VBlOl„ K-'iir’* : 1M8 ALL-- ------------- * PrlCT------ - ■ “P”’--------- — : ^


? n u Uw< ' '

^ Y S 5 S i r H r S ' - = ^i L « S ! i ; 3 U H L , j a

H II,,lM l |w li • i ----------------anL TbU could »k*l JOI ■

i | S s F ^“w-ll.tt-..'.-««P 4U.Mll.4- . ------ 1------

. . ' t l T ■(i.n.1 l« »>t T.ll.f, 1

bert UDLINEK I ’i-jHTEnNfoker—Phone 3t8t HOTEL EDEN. IDA. I

' - — ■ I j - i N i rz.I I—IK roRi

. ' 1-AI.LIR-C Mk Urx< pnKK rtlltr. W i .Ik. Wli>r imtll Iirtna. Onlr I'{ ,» T .I . rtllt » elM : l-DRAKnO


r.McROBERTS S S' l^ U Turn I


i m t _ ___ rhone MO , 1-LOVE L

nHi.llW.'U.lIiii (Urtl<« ■ I -U mJ r r

----------------------------- PARMEIU

-»E£>U»l Bicnilk Miltir. Orr Masur. i

. r . » “ 7 T .‘ ' , ” '~ '.V '^ „ ' ■nif >•''»

t»i< ii.'iL rKoni,;s».j. J.fom* 6e« /

■■' '. O N ':|Wa>dl<l. ■•!.. W.,n,

— •' --------1 T W IN 1md GRAIN BEDS I

aiz POTATO WASHERS i IM P L E > tU M .B o i m n a |

ro EQUIPMENT Co. j*t* Intk • • fte* . n il- •

— J P

DW PRICED” I F i e d t r a c t ' o r s g ; ; " 'cv.wff. ■■■"'. ----------------------- f o r Smncr*oN. A, i.,_ „H t'wt haTk-j r m u s o N . r„... I

" [liAVK- imicii

Wf.Hi;i’!>ON-i.|iS I.M S kmT si" ..

l-IVEST(l im _ - tiOUU w a c r

.......«•» HLAUUtlTMU

liKKKKOHIl 1'1C T RA Crroit a n d ! S ■."!",’“ :m e n t C O RP.

'* -r t io n # 770 T T l i H n S ^

’-f S^nlccM indfd-* "nMcnxja dealer (---------------------------- - I K


’'"'"-'I'-ififjin. Twl. r

’ • ID .I & T.

f " "-

_______________r'-i- fnr O N f.rV K cpn o v ro am

-------------------llJh.*N»l5iI^, I IIIA LW

muke„s I ““ ir

ill, ' lluhtlrr"rhciiiB 3S8 ®‘“ -----

l a r k e f p la c e ^ a g g ie v a l l e y

y ^ l M f U M E N T S L I V B 1

S i r # ™.U m .tlc u l -nikUr tlrrt " IfnJ:xmJl r.Kb. l?i m1k«" u i «t Em' jTtir.AO of l-elau «a lutufdtti. « p tl. |tr .

wunzmzs - TidciTU^-fi3X>CK!cQRRALg iwH’^SnS


WATXRERS —PCrTATO 8LICER3 ---------------


’A U L E Q U IP M E N T id W E L D IN G S H O P

iZ Z cF A L L T R A C T O R o- „ m "m; l e a r a n c e I I ,


■H". INTERNATIONAL . . . ;:ompIeU)y overfiiuled„|«95 I*---------------•H“ INTERNATIONAL . . . ----------------new- *pud ami eom eulll- (“ir«lor ........................ .....M85 ' C U S IA LUS - CHALMERS W -C.PrlCKl »L....................... $695 ' ALL K- r - 30 INTERNATIONAL ; O ur Prl v ilh n e * tire* kiid ro«<t 'j e a r ....:....................... _ ... |« 5 , P O Ur O K N B O N Work Hor*e ; su c k e r. P lu »ny lr#clor.

JO H N S T O N ~ H A Y , {^ m p m e n t ^ ^ r o p a n j t - ^ »««.*

,, Id«ho - Phone 17 ton s rtr

. ■■ ■-*'J C.rrih .S.i

._ N .O _ V E M B E R - _ c l e a r a n c e

--------- F K ix n s -----------------n-'^T^’TTnriiof.i.ANb: 'c .n : l~.ri„jrn-?: rrlr Mbulll. WA.NTKO I...-lioa«LOUVKR.------------------ L-itrrt>L.Al.»iEHNATIOHAI. «l.lnt Tlf. ' S x i \ 'w I.

TRACTORS !■ >T.m;i;aoN T n .‘- : r ! cu-t’KiM nn

rrn c u ab N to “i r • “ “

.IR-CKAt.Mril* I '^^mrunU 'I '*■“ ^ 8 \ 7 u & : r n

,nnonN l-W*f fl^-i ;

i ™ * " " . ” . ' " " l “ s r “ ' Elum l.-^ .•r rnwAHDS rto - « w .■ufB BELr riaw j K :KU liKIMMISCELLANEOUS ' j « '‘50?-w.‘'

■t L lff-Tm Cll. I.'—lrW:n«UBON-M.t.i.f. u . i t r ; • - - Q rr I rEnCiUSOH W««d«r P ^tE R S :W ec « n U ltec a r« o r ; ]

W« have th« loUowlns:, ! 0 ( field i l.W AT-T3Jii-Ci>»«ltr~m»lr i -T »-b«.Itd .ur. flp».^.r.______________ ; ,ir_dt3lrtd .«EW IIOU.ANI> uo Hii.k.1 •Idrr’"* * ^ H 0 ^SON M fluilitl U»ur* Cl‘ncilBOK 11 fln.t..! *r'« .l.r. |l— -------------e« All TTiree of Thei« | ----------\ i J T

R p m irn ■ '____ ” ^3N DISPLAY'NOWl * " '

kt I KinN f a l l s t r a c t o r

- .A N D ■ . . ICAI..S ,Ur.u, .E M E N T , .C O M P A N Y .

iUR PERQUSON-NEW j ?at-T iV ;'n~ HOLLAND rhoii> 6M-v

. ! » ■ ! " - ................ r a s . ;Phone 2875-W...............

I CsT^u »"k .k

FERTILIZERI x r l t^ tbM» Nrllllm. >;«r«ll»nlj “

t SA L E O R TRA D E | M d id ,* ; '. '» l.rmi HAI

Tf, l l t l r»r>l Mon-Icnc »)vr<l-l Sn.l Avr ood rondlllnn. I. fl, TIPtxK. >1 ■nm lUullnn. Phnii. 1511. |'HICK duplrj In 0«.l.n, Inrom. ~f (nenlh, Would llkf l-> |r«<lr |-----------------. In T-ln r .l l . trM. W.ll. till ■Hlf..!, (l„lrn. Hub._________


':iOUUTEJwniJoLJi1»ZilbwrJ ____

rMURli M riiur ram. M. ^ 1 E .tkit. MtWI,___________ I

IU hjni, (1n> fiMh «.w. On« Kfiulpmrtll■ OHMII.________ Trucks -

Alio ilMV.'f tnd r«dir ro»i!Tit nr _____________fMir. Jucki, fulntM. r..4iirr<.

A T Ij^n’v^”p : ; i i '“if.iK*::;: u s i a

- “ I T U U C I

PO R PROUPT- R E M O V A L - ---------t D » a ana Dielen r

L I V E S T O C K ~ ^ =

•HONI U4 COLLICT .* tG O O D ‘ I. r . iu 114—na»«ft u

ID A H O H ID E A; T A L L O W CO . n ih-sn tuuki

__ ' [I r'lrr*. H;lnK

A B - B ■ -tR a V E D -S lR K S ---------

rr. »■ (It. 7.< « finrxTaiRE f«r ««•!» •tnrirt. Cm. JArl i.f-''. »"•

.ot .f Ib. U» f i I \V. .tillUoa._____________ : ____ALWAYS BE #UnS I I I Alri.irl rx.jl^HO-DTAR PROVED [“ ‘ili S IR E SERVICE |iciA N ii ____ riioNCi■-.« "ir r rT .'m k»ii. . •. I r r __________111 Hurl.7 .V----------(UT-nt .f H DubU }."*jon.,hM

I OfTh.r.l. 1 IT■— I ■* lllfh«»T M.


r'n'ii.*'*fj* for i l l .: iiulii u i.nd.' I . . 11. '; liir dav liwrtt Bf rwint.ln s.m rr, Bnhl.-tJir. —

^ ^

ll.iiii.rni _i;uirni»i i ^ , lu.iilj, I J jici

-------------------------------------- I Ml SClLLLD PP^riEw . A RTinciA L ! riT inrri— :<SIMINATI0N SEilVICE • 'S n v 'r T f ^

Idak. S trrit. (oi Id.ts d.UjaTT" “^NV;^l7rXj^ . Twl. yalli n-.i C i:«. ' ^ -n r ji^ .i.^. Ittamt ■ 111 CIlKI ' MI.<.SKn.\T b. nnil JIMl C«:iKI )

CACHE VALLKY “ '»>rVilrnt'‘'riniu:r.!irNC as . ocmtiiik .^vfn»,s^P~

" rim ’vKN .sjiiii'"

^TKafsil'l'ANS: f."n'.ct‘“s*tr A.-Ulith. riunr'i'«1-J«.'T;..M l-hnn•rln WM.nprld«r^l'liori. OJ»:.;i 'LUUU ^Iccll

- c x ir r r rs s r i

JU ST O M D R E S S IN G 1 5 ‘p £ - ;

LL KINDS OP P O U ^ Y ;.savisu .h w{ ir Prlccs S ln rfm 10 CoiiU i

P O U L T R Y SU P P L Y i S , ' ’*"'''”'Phone I3<3 '

— - n i T,.GRAtN AND FEED , n« ^

r u mm . T"ln' .Snliir<“iluirUNO, iiP.n or df». Si.w.ji'.! 5:30

tKu i.'i... wifjomtv:^

If rnmra.»r. ' ) - ' WE.

If jir 'in lr" ''''' ■> .lAN'a K.rU 8»rT»-«. Ch.ljM H. I 'a._ltOUH.l. ,Bo«.:i..ril!>l._rhi>nf| - l - I J r a n

liKIMlINU and nol.Kn GplKOr <

STOCKMEN' ■ [ ■ Fu1 ,000 T O N S 1 _ ■ ___

leld corn ensllsce for Mle. . S U R F

slred.-WflLwRlcrJor f ln c t_ ,rf anil Klft.

?HONE WENDELL <470- •* 'ChnriM T. Ontej .

WANTED TO BUV |0- Tn.TI.NiI .rt-ir hrf.rh-..w-.~i; ,.••■-.'’1 » i . r-pl.r^rr, l> .n. ________ I . . A t.

i H u ^ V m rNrfi. . u : i . „ n . ^ 'FURNlfUIn I.l.I... rn.r>f. I’W r ^;l. K^Al.L .iirh

h;NS. Top pricrt K.nm’t I'oiilltr. rrtrl»rr.lnr.6>1-W,____________________ (lfl. HKAI>

UH. Autlra.Whll*. llUblii'. b«nt Qu.Vrr, Vrji •..roUKrr K.rra rhnn. UK. 1 llin rolNT||^ U .Sacrlllp^T:

-■ i^MAuTrriiBW ErA Y CA .SH

HAIUIY KOPPKI, tn , j"^.i|l‘'m.7i','^'

To Our . . ^ENDS - n i-:k :iibors —

. —WE—

- 7 T st:t:T7t t t i 5A-1)1':-----------------. . or CONSIGN A P I

lur<‘- :^ = -^ v csm :tr -P B n n - .: imrul - Hny - drnin - FO R TO ;a . TrAlIcrs - or Whsl COMPL

H.1VC V0117 THE BES-:A I.


T 'T H E w i l l s RISEr -c


Ullr noyil - K. J. WiltT:Roy Kou.M'l J

OD T H IN G S T O e a t

:i,f,’.,!n t j ^ ^ s t i ' . s r

ruuKKV;;. • C LIlA ^li.l‘ 'in I t t i 'K wil’ miith .'f r^ttT, illrnaf.l.on .. I■:prnMmrnr-Vi^

"aiI i- .f i.r b.i' ..V • n i r s j ^

■ ,^ i i

V.S . . r i ‘ ' ” l.m't .lllll. t . i Ol or P-_A-.1 Jl", » f u e i . o n

? p , ‘S ' ^ n a S

' . *

____________ _ TI

O O P T H IN G S T O E A T FU R NIki W ..IL MJ Wlr»AY errbanT, | mi|, „ n h ' Vi Blit

M " , n .

I'H, MmWrrr*'*" rh .ll. I

; ~ - pETS ^

llANKIUS. .»ra. IdTvi, ' ~CIUIHV

■l of r.„ i» 1.,|DI,. m nV OA.mid J'lii, filjjj

I.Hrir -^inll mlU.r .TiTp l . r i


i^rondm 51 i'*7 !^ .* :il7^ “ 77^ ■ 'T R...n l.'...---------------------- m i CHI

:,y.; u C ’r7orr-r.'ni*u";,'>ro'::

.. ....................... .... . P I . , . , " “, r *ct‘"sVrond“h".Vd [“ “'iio” .'nd'vll M0DERA1

“S'.-,: 5S 5 5

‘I L f S S i f

." a ™ ;---------- - ilka-T^i

•T IIE TOV HOUSE- u X "lat th. KJbmi .Irlrrllnn «t 4 T .g ■

........ j—— -------- ---------(tnrAicEic------------------------------------------ for ri.fi

JMMAGE SALE I;nliirdny, Novrmber 6 lh I w«~ir B 5:30 A,Nf, lo S:oo P.M ■ AlEPISCOPAL CHURCH | —

DASKMKNT_________________^S t. MnrUin't O iilld. _______^

intKAK miihikHj i : t r . r ihm>- Olhrr f i.a« .I.b-'KwTa D u't.." ' “ ' - ' 0 WOOD. |} p.r rorA * . '

Uon.7 at Kt.mllJ In ralrfKld.WENDELL SflLL .«*' i ' LUMBER CO. INC.FAIRKIELD, IDAHO ! £ q s ,

- | 800 B

ranium.Hunters.L , —'o r c o u n te r s n n d sc in - “ H I Lors now in fitock a t : |

SW EET'S i ..u.roi' F u r n i t u r e S t o r e ; «!.'

------ i» o mji

□ R P L U S .lA C K E T S^-MAVY...?rYLE3 ,»8,95-Up- ! ------- «»t-

E HARRY KOPPEL CO. • ' „ ( | do" Phone 325

J Ai». .T,‘ - - -T w IhTitU - ;- W .h i r t i ilnrk. In----------------------------------------- LET. ro:4ITURE & APl>LIANCE& r.III "ndlUoi.. H i P o r

cu .Irri.lr rine. .nil Adffl'iral■r.lnr, N ...lr B... Ph«n« fllM-nt. p U ,;KAI>;iIH. Hp.Tk. Uuo-Th.rm. V.^nl


iirr, 50* Hhrnhon. MUlb. tOr

' 'n” . . . r I..T1 ti'iil .l..fn ll .prtnT;! ^.^"lir"*,':M,»'Kl'll.h.Vh^ul^.a.V I ^

■ -1S5I ME



_ - y S E D ------------4B.P PL IA N C E S ! p ri_ i:o u n _ T \v jN _ R T o n E 3 . ____ ^I T H E LAnOEST. MOST" - ...........- -JiMPLLTE SELECnON!BEST VALUia IN-TOWN

ALL KINDS OP , _p l,one DSED APPLUNCESl ‘]R -C A IN a n d C A IN ’S


DIREeTCCL E SALES & .SKflVfCK i • MATTPxcifri. I'll. Ill, <»l M.ln A...> . iMaUr w .

k v n u J U K ______________S j /u ^ T i i..irk, l‘baa. H ont.__________ C. Jon., fo


lilt. K.r. ralliBtlCT. rb<in. 5H.-

l.l.r. Kr.. MUm.ua. rh . tltt-M .' « 7 y f£ W

nsr. SK/U’/ r ; ; * /iKP.MR,i'f.linc~?i.rTlc>, rh"i'» '»«'g:'* . ^ u i~ V u m

A ..- . , •“. A. Oitrand.p-rkMi TJ» Calllxi* Stt

TIMES-NEWS. TWIN F jF j^ ^ , IDAHO _________> •

tN lT V R E i A P F U A N C E 5 I A' i i f . liT nrj«rh trJb lT ‘r w i I . . l d r - ^ —dll DwhdiiU. RK.II..I r.odlltoB.-tat» >r««t.~MMU C.al... ;at Mala! _ _ _ _

Kl.liCTlUO r.oc . I4t. i.<.|.| .I lk Por C k.riiPi<. W.nn.r dra>tr. ral.Mbl.,..U, .lin .l lllbl., .Wk. lU .r .nd JOUf *

Paid iii i .n , WlU mU ( .. t i i i . t i . trad* "* _________ __________ , a t :zair w uur. m .tt . I t dswi. |L2i |

"sP E c iA L 'sE R V IC E S '

H -fTnw li.-Pb«». «Ki- tH ^ H ih --------

COOl) I..... tbMlX ..~bl.ck..lO - I’hnn. ;IU-J .f Mt-ll.__________ ^ ' -

Nt^T ciuioia d rn.li^ la

I? Cam'oaor.t <•! dib A«..n. Eatl. ______

iC^.n'k. .ndi.w po.1 <l..nli<(.I In^^b^laM. K. U J . .n , TIm*.

RA D IO A N D M U SIC . Mode!

T liU C K 5’l . t K A I U I l S - — - 0

THAH.KIL 10 fMl. PlMi'. four, la. . 1st.. Ill Watkl.il.a. riuin.

JIATKLT s.lnd MM«t. I.ill.i. for- y ; ; , ' . g i . V ' - i ----------Oil TIlAUr. *l»» . ‘MUk .n.| hMi.n. PHONE.bold «|uip«».t .»4 •I'PU.IX’. . far.r bou... Idah. Trall.r M.rl. ItlO .b.rlr I t o a d . _____________ ;__________.tll bomn )ui> .rrl>p<l, Th. (abo* _______

n<w ll-fwl CTanil.14 C.tlfornl.n I _ b.ilroom moWl. hom., Al Idaho l.r M.n, ltl« Klnlxrlr Itrad. ri>on.

ii .. ...........I ... W lrm houM Irall.r /or .QUitr la 1 «r . . . . . .Jroom modtrn tKuar. ^<tnn 11. Mpae. ’,V;ra..n..n Cou.i.._____________ «]

lltM ttlM t l V'K ''.•[on plrkup. , , , ,•>»rr.t bo> wllb buI1lM>a Intulalwl >'<1^11»ln( bom.. Tfill.r window., .l.r- “ “LT and hatl.rr llcbl.. r.liln .u; .Imp. l i l t III>0 I . l I.nki and nlh.r .tirai. Spact d|ri

S S E ' doH S S S “ A l lIb( 1.W«, Mt»r .Ib.r trr..» tl« .. fy/g

A U TO S FOR SALE ^ -------------------y A

- S P O T C A S H ! V . - ■ ;| —

fo r . _ i — —

........ CLEAN USED----------- j HJi;

■■OAHS'iMd-TRUCKS--^^— ; - -

H ig h e s t P r ic e s , ’ , ., .

‘•Sm Nully Northrop" ( - '

B REESE USED CAR LOT ! J lll Cll 0 Block 3ad Aveau* South

: _ ' ' _ m i .ITH U N T FOR FORDS " “

I K b ' u h m

rOni) “•'• lUnrh Waron, Ov.r- j|(g Clld .l... radio, bt.lrr. IramaruUU , lorronJIOoB, a.w n.bUr, a»» J-loat I j , „ p,j *rc«n-l»orr flnl.h.milCK Rup.r IJoor. Draarlaw, I

JptJhtJualIf-TtlllL»m»ll.tblWf*ti^ ; -----------

p s . i " ; ' ‘: i l ' ‘ v . / “ ' . i r . " : ^ ■ a

f'OIlD •'»■ 'vtnfl. *..pW. T.V. , fp iy,nur Plrb twm t - . r . .n or bli,.. : i WDODi:r. Mon wllh W t.|r.ln W ,l . :t nibWr md l.w.r Urownl..ir t irwril OCb.r’ •..Ion rirViin.Tn i "PSoii.'l!.^in^uidin* ^ im nb; chevro- _


■ ■ | ‘ W c n Ihurchm an’s A-1 ; th e f5C(l Cftr.<5 nml Truck« USIBUICK Rimer Riviera 4 - W oulDoor. Rjidlo. henler nnd • g tdyiiivflow ......................J104S :

'roR 'ir"cu» lon rV -8”4*Do6r“ : W C “JSedan. lUdlo, hrnler, over- , L o t 0drive, brniid-neft’ tlrei, 2 . 1tone Breen, one owner..»l395 I . ^FORD V-l Rjvnch W agon. | ° JRndlo, henter »nd over- 'drive .............................$1B8S :MERCURY <-.Door.. I lndlo. j W HFThf« lfr. MercofnhUc tratui- ■ TO BLinlMloii, one owner.....$1M» ;

COMMERCIALS : TUNTTCHEVROLET \ ‘*Ton Pick- .lip. 4-Speed traium lulo ii. .Eood lir«vy-duly rubber unfl 'Treiih »1r he»ler......... ....$775 ‘ i»n na:

: h u r c h m a n - ; : £;■^ O T O i a - i r a i . — I ~ “ -K*


nne 77— or —Phone ] 15— . ,'’",7 Open EvenlnEi T ll <:00 I i»i> ro r

Open Siind»yi I

'E S S I O N A L '

rr/iK.s.s /it:^’OVA^^^'c I ‘ir. r.noralfd, K».no« UaUrM.1 |. ,n [jl[j

___ I.

rO)tC7L'rf-^S' ^ I w'rr

7 u O iiT A fT o \ 'T F ^ ’7 c r — ; -------,ln"ArBllinr.J~rhnn. t . lH." ~ ! *Thl»7Prn;'n,'^7' ' ■ • ~— ----------- o n

M fi-j.V A sk h v 7 c £ _KAlTUa •TV .I>r.nn.^..^k», flB7:

EWHirgn-s ■

ood Tn>«wriltr f j , Oppo.1i . P .o . | puoMK;UUM C L ~ £A ?rt:»S______ ;

rM.sofTt:N£fl.s I

AU TO S FOX S A L E---------- ------- aMTTiil

PAY- CASH------ j =■ Clean Uted C ara AUo buy ' , ' ir Equllici. W« w it on term s, 1' d* or e tih . You'U do b e lter ,

D A V I ^ R O E J I E R „ „ ;U S E D C A R L O T '

U tl. A... W. r h a . . H U '

„N E W — . m. i— -------- ---

^(Only a left), * ' !

de! 41D ipeclal 4 door tednhs. iikCtov, ndlo, h r« le r, E -Z-1 u , iTTd^Dier f?attlrM . ',

-D riv e »-bnind nrw e a r - | ** t t a Mvlnual i


___ Vpiif niilrir n >al»r_______ _ _____INE <11 miHU IDAHO |

. PR ICES^ li >•“iVE C A N 'T B E B E A T l i

l l t l CIIEVROLIT - l ie - d-doon. ;*lld. ■......... ............ ........ .....I17M ' *’**CKEVROI.cr U-lon pickup «lib ! .CuilsQ tab ............... ............l i l i .IIUICK htrdiop. rtadlo. h .a l.r, Id,ailU>w. a.w Ur.., 1. | IllO

-Mr.ar.oav-^Uh ..up^ . ..judifc. ! -------

If CiF« GUXr: aNTEED^ ;We Flninee. T rade or B u s"- ‘-KENNY M O O N -— ----- j ,

G A LLEY ^ ^ p T O R C O . ' |

a E R E 'S 'T H E P L A C E ..... ; ^

G e t Good- B u y s j-------T h il Were le a d e d in ______: _____on New S tudebakers

iOl tRO BT. WEST CHKVBOtET |.J<X.». Jtadl. .rd J

STUDEIIa' kM Champion i-d~>r,0.frdil.., htal.., oD.owntr ; v .rr- .lo., q l l . . I . ------------------ lUJI.ITUDKllAKKIl Comm.nd.r 4-

'doflf. Ot»rdrl»i.'Ona-o«rtnr e t r l n ' --------->tr/, t t t f rlMK roadllloa 'CHEVtlOLrr W ^ r . r».r.f»lldfc ; RK

CUF.VHOLirfTdoor. H .a ^ . m«- '1.r .MnpI.t.J/ o<.rhaulnl,_.,||l<( CHKVlIOLin' 4x)oor. ntdl* and . < |,| .b.tltr, a.w p . l a l________ t m I 1PI.YtlOUTlI (Hioar *«!an....llH I ’rOKD Nt* inotar. A a j« l J ,

------------ TRUCXfl----- --------------- I ------■’.|T U W B A K E^ri^«.«iiJra^^ ; ____

.■ITUDrnAKEa tru«k with h..l ! M ------------------------:™ . l* n ! „ „ ,

n V IN F A L L S M O T O R IThe Home ot Studebaker"*

a r t D. A. UeCUlAE I..'M M................... r . '.a la i . l tH j 'draroi

I Ctwii

“H I . . FOLKS” I ,...! : ftt— ■E W IL L S M O T O R C O . |

SED CAR D EPT. | oul(i L ik e t(i H n v e Y o u jS to p I n fo r A V i s i t . j|__i - A T C 'S e l l ln f r A " iZ Z Z I . ot U S E D C A R S

. . . n u t . . . ■ ^C o u rse W e W n n t i

S E L L M O R E ! j



■' “TODAY” ! -NASH Amhauidnr «-rtnnr * jUj

^ n . fVnl’ib, Sh.rpl ......‘ i r l ’S . il

► nrtl.im.llr, J-Wa.' flal.b. V.rr UU N,l,„p . . ......................Il»»» i*rORD V.I viftorlt. R.dl". hr.1- •".r. KtrHom.lK, whlt.-all ^Ir.iu ••


MIIIU V.I KaUio. h .at.r. t il l Tl

p ilvM oim oaoor .« i.n . n .» j‘NikUr K.t.lLnl rendition l«.M. p,

i’I.VUOUTH l-l«nr ..J in . Ila.lln. Ti• r, Kui» inod .. .......... Ill**

^A*s"ll '«..loor' n.dln, h . . i . » " >■'ir, ;.lnn._ flftli^ ^Io~l ll«.,^^,^ "

:lom;K I,.Inn r l r k ^ A »TriT }c[oofl-cjuaajltu. «»>-----------MM- . ■A T.T. ihl» 1* A Smoll Part, of"Orr'LxTTe'fltlecttm rto ■ 5^

ChoMe Prom l"

CRUCK L A N E " - W E S TNE 816-W . . T W IN PALLS

_____lie Bojd —or— Hoy H ow ard- - cia


-lurji.i. l lt l j’l,n<ouih aubutMn, i’ri- ‘I n . n.w. HI mm gtrwL

• - *1 -m » T

■ •T iIE J iL .\C E -.T O -G O — - J i« r To S ave Yiiur D o u g h V !

I) I«1 Pl.VWul!TII rra'nbrtMk ft.. 1 '*** I.<.ni. Hmk .ir.pllaiMltr rl.aa '

Youf tioi..________ IIJII I t lU I

Itl i:imvtH:w-Krw-V,Tkrr-d.d«rr---------- b.. i^u"'-j!i*-‘' i * r , * * * ‘ * iV m ' -1*“ -*

Ul C«HYSt,r.H' Wlh.U,r .<«lnor - 'd.1., .V.. ,„l„i. „ „ l Ur... ..din ’>n4 h..l... !lp.,I.I al . . IISII (

Ml lll)Di:>rc>tn...( <..lnor ..dan. N.w i p.i"i, n.w iw.p U.M, r.di* and • :

------------------------• - B RtJI t'ApIM.AC I'i! - fV,.ip«. !-»« ,wi

mll.«., Iw.i.., krd.i. ^

A s h w o r t h '|---------M i3tcyC(5nr[)aily ’

’> “ ‘I" r.**»________ I'bani i : t . _______

, W H Y D R I V E

Y O U R— O fcD -W RECK A N Y -------: '

L O N G K R ? ; - p .

"B uy one o f our.i in ft D if fe re n t C olor" j •*» |

Kl LINCOLN l.d<»r, Ul( i . a U rn ' |

i « sTimKn^KEn >; ion pUkup. !™.<»Mlt..hMa^i.r««o loriir i •• • j7'.«.‘‘ ^u‘; i : n d % 'f ^ _ 'i j T i I ,

•10 inni) :-do<ir, m m .» cr.r I - '----flaiih taa-riull m kr’_____ ■ ,

--------------- --------iISI RTlIDrnAKEB 'i Ion eVku^ ’

Iju.r.nil/ populir -fociUII ____ _______i

•» ........... .............. ............ « m I I

- T - W - I N - F A L L S — - ; --------

“ Equipment-Go.— -! <—SEE: Bud Teaiter 1

--------------- Robert, a Le*---------

— I ' AC

E A S I E S T ---------

P iace in Mflffic V ftlley -


_ , A U S E D C A B ___ ' I •

RICE C H E V R O L E T , In c .


III nUlCK Spwltl J.do«r. Tltdln. Ital- j

.r, oxrdrlr.. A ».ry rood v«Ju.

.lui. ImSoot, ItadK h.iUr, i» d ruh- ‘-r. Good lnB.pcrUlloa ---------- 1; » | j m r

! i m xiwi Bill................-....— i m I J


aoilli iraaiX i^a ____ ^ m ^ lI lT j , „ ^

1141 ^TUDr.nAK/n *'itoiplon 4joor i»lin. ir..l.f, «..r- j !•<* P

dtl... a.w ;.lnL I'ar______IIK "l l i l C

41 I'ORD |.pi>..n(.r m t*. O t.t. I «i.. dilv. .ad bMl«r..V..r..l.aii.Ull I . II

;ICE C H E V R O L E T , In c . " " £l l l l D

JEROME Phone iSO or 684 j ••

Open Evenlnai T ll I P. M ,. ■

, ' NK

W e're B re n k ln ? T h e *---------


. ' At '

B a v n a r d A u t o C o . i


-Mike Ul An Offer On Any ' jOni of .These Fine C an" i , c

: 1953 /11 I'AOII.LAC ••tr <.d~.r .«lin. ^

Tkl. ll .on . . .n . r r.r. II.. r.dio; i. b ..|.., h>d.a-iaillc. Ot.ullful blu> . ___ ^

. n ’rtKTt.^r-n.Ufi.is'dJuWTi.aMr: :...d.n, U.JIO, b ..l.. .nd b>dl.- snatlc, n

.1 SASH Anl>..iidor Cuilnm 4.dnor ! '.~l.n. nadlo, h.ll.r. du.l r .m . IJJJ fM ,in ,„ l,. b«J ind r« 11nlr.r ^

n‘ s.‘i 'i ! ; '.h ' 'r 'iu .‘ r:H*,nf‘'h?.;.r. .' i 5 « >

d.nidow, ll.mlllul lulon. r«l and Rkl..k flnUk, a

1 rONTIAC Chl.fl.ln I rrUnJ.r **

1 rONTlAi: fhlrli.ln drl.it. 4.do«r „•b'l’ wai: Iir.k W.'Told Iklt ear ! 1851 C

LLtimVJU.IJl Trat.Ur l.door awJan, . ___ >

JurL'lu";.iV.V7^^ i • ■; 1051 1I rONTIAC Cblrfula d.lui. i.door I 1

.Miti, Hll ..dlo. b.il.r, h>dra- I ^I 1 nig 1

* nl,D!l»lf)1III,V. " II- Club Coopa. ! ,_HlLf»d'oLh'.l.r. J utl lh. uall :

ior ikal »«ooj tar. ; IJJJJ ,J , CARS ARE W INTERIZED' '

•i r geari'w S rtH T rSaO iiied.....^Cuitw ntri''

1950_ . B A R N A R D _____: i „

i U T O C O M P A N Y : ^

imiAC CADILLAC I------- n p .,-H .> tl~ r .j |_________ ; - G LCl«. flandtr-8« You iloaiw : j j j y

: . K . . .

________ £ A G E .F I F r B B l i lI

A U TO S FOR S A U . ^ i

F O R D E P E N D A B L E T r a n a p o r ts t lo n -

“ - S e e " ' ?

B R O W N I N G S — S»» nVICK 2op.r *.<00,

Ilraaflow. ndlo, htnj,.«e».r. --------------- ----------

'» no in c Bp^i.ri^d^T'iudC:— “ ~

Ul CHKVIIOI.Irr IM<rTr<.dc«t________Iladta. h«l.., - ll..a. 8« Iki. <1... Job__ Mil

XI PI.YHfllJTH n.Iui.Hadio..h.il.r JA (ood bKH J J H .

R.di^ -• -

141 CIIKVnOLKfiuT.I.I.-.rnTLuw


».*'m\lr»"*h..uilfIl''h*,’ k'fiBlSWllh riifiom itlm uskoltl.rr,{A w.ind.rful bun _____ ._.I«J»

.503 SND AVE. N O ..................

B R O W N IN G -A U T O CO.—|Wk»t you d..l wlik Msrid.at.l

= = — = = '

_ : p ______________'

0 :


• D _

T - R - A - D - E - I - N - S

»(> ^OKIIAKKR R.til D.lui. V-l >

IJI n.YMnUTH Cluk C«,ip,. (g..Ihlt on.l -------- ------------l l t l l

il] ‘TUDEnAKEIl n .lii . V.I Com-mand.r rnlnor wllh ar.tdili.. ra- dl. .nd k.ai.r — _ _ _ n «

Ul NARJI R.mbl.r JIu.i0Hi 8l*^«

■■ ----------------- u m - ^

IU STUDEDAKER T-l C««m(Bd.r hirdiap wlUi aulaiatUr. ndia, dl- mtlli.r. pow.r ttMrlsr. llnu4 tlitt. wlr. whMl., WhlU tU nall - UfM aad l flM mMM——— | Wal-

T m r n T j - .

—MOTORSrlnc.— ■W ak T lttitiT '


FIR^T CHOICE .U S E D C A R S ■ nnd T R U C K S _____

A T W H O L E S A L E P R I C E S '

“By B l ^ - H « ^ Bob- ^ _II) rLYtdOUTK d.4oor. Radia, lwU>

tt, o .tH rlo. Ualwt rIaM, t*lan« palat, U.OM wtutl a lU i.lU »

^ tin t^^ il'u .' dl'm U a^ ?MaC|I .lan. Mini. I cwn.r. lowmirM f.___. : ^ z r z . t = = m T r

>lt ri.YMOiml iHloar. ItuUr. ern-drlT., *..( ta rtn ______ ;JIQ«

111 rSfVttOVm d*da.r> IlMltr, aaal n r .r t . . laa Ti.or, ll.OOl .(latl

III DODCR <-4aor. Rtdlo, knU r.'Mat M x n .......—______ IIMI.

Ill CHRVROI.ET 4-dnor, Radio,

141 PLVMOirnj ftadk, imU

i l CtlRVROLLT A.r. M aa. KaaU .

tt niYMOnnt 4-donr. R.dla and>.r.ler ________________ UU

41 DOOr:R 4.4o.r. HMi.r md


— IM-Hhwk--ted-AT..—fhnrth —NrJtT TO M ljrs CUT RATE


— O K —


153 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Sedaa Radio, .healer, le a t coven.Low mileage, one-ow ner

, car _____:_______ »ia»553 AUSTIN <-Door Seflan. H u

healer and d e Iro iu rs ,tln » l llghU, Kood Urci and flnUh,

■•“ Priced a l on ly ..... ....... $84»-SaJ3LD3MOBILE JtB " <-Doot- ■■• S c a a n r ' H yflram stic-trata '-

mlaslon, radio, healer, goodtireji and finlih---------$168S

52 PLYMOUTH Coupe. Radio, heater, - lea l cover*, U.OOOmUea. One owner_____IM#-

51 MBHCURY 4-Door Sedan,' Radio, henter. lea l covera, 2-lone palnl, molor and flO '-Uh U B00d.,_______ »U85-

ig DESOTO 4-D oor Sedan. _H ealcr_delrostera^8e»l.coy^

ers. good Ures .and lln lih f “ “

Sl CHEVROLET StyleUne De> Luxe 4-Door S e d ^ lU dls,

... h e ale r, clean;.low .tnU eait.:O ur price only- ^ ____ t i i4 t -

51 FORD 3-Door Sedan. Oilc> tnal black tln iih , bealer and delroslen ___u~fT S5

149 PACKARD 4.Doof BcOin.Radio and h t i le r — — $88S

>so~CHEVitoia:r~r=T>iiicn i e r Coupe. RadloTheattrT i i i r covera. Nice clean cir_4M 8

>5l-PO R I>-H 'T on-P leknpr-*-- Speed, heater and delrost*e r a __________________ITM

B50 S T U D E B A K E R H -ltm Pickup. Overdrive— - t t t f

Y O U R C H E V R O L E T D E A L E R — -•

3LE N _a.JE N K m &13 W EST MAIN i PHONK WTr'

i . . ’3

Page 16: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...VaJlev oecur- %^ov. 4asTe^lt,,, ^ ~7l p M M I At White inVGTON. Nov. 5 CflV-Prcside Re'publican


=. -We're cleaninj ; arrival of the

^ below wholesi!|l> 0

! I Come in and 1 I .noforononsv


p m o : \[ : : " F o m

I OVER]j demoMI w eek .

i ! ( lo yI: -ALL N

a n d «o( a n d col

( 4 ) Bl; -r- -------------------- T h e s a \

a pay lo i

j r'49CHEVR0LE1' J Fully equipped <

w ry clean

pi *595

f '5 0 NASH 4-tp : A m bassador. V'ery goml dition including goo

L ^ ^ 5 9 5

! U - .!| L '5 1 S T U D E . C o

Starligh t Coupe. C , I' ■ J Radio, Heofer

; I *795! ! -> -I-----------------------------------I ' i ________________________________

t o

9^ D iSPU Y I

If O P E N ^ --------------------

I rpAGE- S l X T ^ ' ..........

r o M ^

— c ming out to the bare w le new 1955 FORD.-i esole and ^en to giv i trade. ; . we won't iswer.


m y R S " T T D D Q E S 3 3 3 n r a

SRDKiyES - FORDOMATIC om trators like babies! Y o u

rB rand Ne^. NOW GOING AT TERRlI save kundreds of dollars. B c o lo rs . I

Srand Newsa v in K S -y o u ’U -m a k c o n .th c s c - y lo a d J - '

L E T 2 - D n | '5 1 N A S H St<ed o n d Fully equipped ,on rodto, he o tp rr '

5 I ^

4-Door ■ '^ P L Y M O UI g o od 'con - An extra cfeongood tires I I Worth m u d

> y *69.Comm. I'SICHEVROIe. O.D., " 'A gold-p lo tcd t 3ter ' a deed beo t

) *99i_____________ ___I _____________

_______________________]______________ _

S OThe Home q




i K E R O

I W N S - T! walls in preparation -All prices cut to whi flive-:away.I't give

m> U N T hBemonstralIC T O K IA ^ X C O N Y E R T IB TICS. Our salesmen treat i ^ou can rob ’em during' t h e :

ew 1 9 5 4 Foi;R lFIC DISCOUNTS! Com , Bifr selection of bodies, mc

V1954 Pickcse^pickups-wilL am ount to n

I S ta. W a g o n I '51 PLYK-ped, overdrive, Fully citp rr-good-tires ext:

^95 I ^

i 0 U T H 4 - D r ! | '49 W Ifeon P/ym outfi , r u *much m or*

R 0L E T 4-D r. Icd b o rg o in bt , S T A T I Cbeot p r ic c Pcrfcct,

>95 *

— E N G S - S G H I F F L E

m .of Ford—Aim

in a t Third Norf


> O M f <

T © ^

ion of the


' d J

H E R Eaforsn B L E i - n r :_ : r ^ at their ^h e n e x t

ords!Jome inmotors 1

kupso many----------- ----------—

Y M O U T H 4 - D r . | ^ly equipped andextra clean . .V

*995 ^

W ILLYSJEEP), 4-W heel d riv t •

^ g

1951 W lly 't I■ IO N W A G O Njct, 4-whceI drive

*995 I

LER -oitd-JA K E-R C

M tmerica’s Most . irih USED (

Y^— ^ S e e ^


o r t h e

i r i N F A

4 mct From AForc Than iO OUie M akes • Many Models — at » s in This SELI^OUT-SALI

1953 $ ’Stude. Champ.

1953 $■Plymouth -

1953 $ ’Ford- ............-

1953 $ ’Chevrolet

1952Ford Victoria , \

:OTH— --------------

B OAdvanced- Ca

> C A R W r l X

A n y ~ S a fe s \


■ I I I I I

Iew45m mIier-Used Can-onMur-Lotl an d 'A ll a t Final CIcaranct



14952 - D O O R S E D A N

o e a l - f o i u : h i l d r e n —

1295F O R D O R S E D A N

R A D I O a n d H E A T E R

15953 R S E D A N . . 2 - T O N E . . F U L L Y E Q U IP P E D

1495f C H O I C E B A R G A I N ! - ;L IC K a n d C L E A N


mar!f ^ ~ A fT th W E S f OSS FR O M SAFEW AY

s m a n a n

5 ^ ___________

^ 5 5 F C

I 0 V . 1 3



5TRA—i r l : -


iI ■ ■

I 1946De:

===19-46=H ui

( IMZFor

ANY CAR IIUl1947 P lyn

1947 P ly n

:J 1947 Nash—I Some fully equipped


l = i ^

\ 1949 Buick Roi I - —1950 Nash-Sta 'l-1949-Ford-2-de

1948 StudebakiAll with radio*, li

th e U s e d (

3 R t r ~

2 —

- 3 5 i

, W E E I

> O N U

b R D



9 5leSoto 4-door


ird 2 -door


; 5 0m outh 2 -door

m outh 4-door

;h 4-doorped with, radio, heater, etc


mtoadmaster 2-dr- tatesman-4-dr,—

J o o r — — ^— J

■ k e r C h a m p i o n W

d WeeHr.' M o n y oth*f*f

C a r M


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