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Special Session of the General Assembly on Children 19 - 21 September 2001 United Nations, New York List of Pre-registered NGOs (As of September 10, 2001) ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRY 8th Day Center for Justice United States of America Abrinq Foundation Brazil Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo Argentina Academy for Educational Development (AED) United States of America Action for Children and Youth Aotearoa New Zealand Action for Integrated Rural and Tribal Development Social Service Society India Action for the Rights of Children (ARC) Japan Action Health Incorporated Nigeria Actionaid / Action Aid United Kingdom Advocates for Youth United States of America AFRECure - All for Reparations and Emancipation United States of America Africa Muslims Agency Kuwait African Broadcasting Network (ACBN) Nigeria African Medical and Research Foundation, Inc. United States of America African Medical Research Foundation (AMREF) Kenya African Parliamentary Union Côte d'Ivoire African Peace Network Ghana African Radio Drama Association (ARDA) Nigeria African Refugees Foundation Nigeria African Women's Development & Communication Network (FEMNET) Kenya African-American Islamic Institute Senegal Afrika Cultural Centre South Africa Aga Khan Foundation Switzerland

Special Session of the General Assembly on Children 19 - 21 September 2001

United Nations, New York

List of Pre-registered NGOs(As of September 10, 2001)

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRY8th Day Center for Justice United States of America

Abrinq Foundation Brazil

Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo Argentina

Academy for Educational Development (AED) United States of America

Action for Children and Youth Aotearoa New Zealand

Action for Integrated Rural and Tribal Development Social Service Society India

Action for the Rights of Children (ARC) Japan

Action Health Incorporated Nigeria

Actionaid / Action Aid United Kingdom

Advocates for Youth United States of America

AFRECure - All for Reparations and Emancipation United States of America

Africa Muslims Agency Kuwait

African Broadcasting Network (ACBN) Nigeria

African Medical and Research Foundation, Inc. United States of America

African Medical Research Foundation (AMREF) Kenya

African Parliamentary Union Côte d'Ivoire

African Peace Network Ghana

African Radio Drama Association (ARDA) Nigeria

African Refugees Foundation Nigeria

African Women's Development & Communication Network (FEMNET) Kenya

African-American Islamic Institute Senegal

Afrika Cultural Centre South Africa

Aga Khan Foundation Switzerland


Agesci Italy

ÁGORA - Associacao para Projetos de Combate a Fome Brazil

AIDS Information Centre (AIC) Uganda

AIDS Information Switzerland Switzerland

Al-Haq, Law in the Service of Man Israel Occupied Palestinian Territories

Al-khoei Foundation United Kingdom

Alan Guttmacher Institute United States of America

Albanian Youth Council/Children's Alliance Albania

Algerian Scout Muslim (SMA) Algeria

All China Women's Federation China

All India Women's Conference (AIWC) India

All India Women's Education Fund Association India

All Pakistan Women's Association Pakistan

All-Ukrainian Committee on Children's Rights Ukraine

All-Visayas Action Group on Reproductive Health Philippines

Alliance Nigerienne des Artistes Intellectuels et Communicateurs pour Nigerl'Enfance (ANAICE)

Alliance Nigerienne des Educatrices pour le Developpement (ANED) Niger

Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning United States of America

Altrusa International Inc. United States of America

Amepouh Côte d'Ivoire

American Association of Jurists United States of America

American Bar Association United States of America

American Indian Law Alliance United States of America

American Life League Inc. United States of America

Amicale des Femmes pour l'Unité et la Paix aux Tchad (AFUPT) Chad

Amnesty International United Kingdom

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYAndrew W. Mellon Foundation, The United States of America

Angels' Haven Korea, Republic of

Anglican Consultative Council United States of America

Anti-Slavery International United Kingdom

Arab Council for Childhood and Development Egypt

Arab Institute for Human Rights (AIHR) Tunisia

Arab Resource Collective Cyprus

Armenian Assembly of America United States of America

Armenian Family Health Association (AFHA) Armenia

Armenian International Women's Association United States of America

Armenian Relief Society United States of America

Asian Legal Resource Centre China

Asian Pacific Youth Forum, The - APYF Japan

Asian Women & Children's Network Japan

ASIES - Asociacion de Investigacion y Estudios Sociales Guatemala

Asociacion Chilena Pro Naciones Unidas (ACHNU) Chile

Asociación de Clubes de Madres Peru

Asociación Nacional de ONG de Urugay (ANONG) Uruguay

Asociacion Pro-busqueda El Salvador

Associação Amigos da Criancas Guinea-Bissau

Associação Nacional de Jovens para a Acção Familiar (ANJAF) Portugal

Associated Country Women of the World United Kingdom

Association Algerienne de Solidarite aux Malades Respiratoires Algeria

Association Algerienne Enfance et Famille d' Accueil Benevole (AAEFAB) Algeria

Association ASHIGMA Algeria

Association BELKHENCHIR Algeria

Association Camerounaise pour les Droits de l'Enfant (ACDE) Cameroon

Association Culturelle d'Aide a la Promotion Educative Sociale (ACAPES) Senegal

Association de Soutien a l'Auto-Promotion Sanitaire Urbaine (ASAPSU) Côte d'Ivoire

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYAssociation de Volontaires pour le Service International / Associazione ItalyVolontari per il Servizio Internazionale

Association des Femmes de Guinee dans la Lutte Contre Les Ist/SIDA Guinea(ASFEGMASI / SIDA)

Association des Femmes Educatrices du Mali Mali

Association des Femmes pour la Promotion de l'Allaitement Maternal Guinea(AFPAM)

Association des Femmes pour la Promotion de l'Allaitement Maternel et la GuineaNutrition Infantile en Guinée (AFPAMNIG)

Association des Jeunes pour la Justice Sociale au Tchad (AJJST) Chad

Association Fes-Saiss Morocco

Association for Assistance to Families with Disabled Children Russian Federation

Association for Childhood Education International United States of America

Association for Health and Environmental Development (AHED) Egypt

Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) Nigeria

Association for Women in Development, The United States of America

Association Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Switzerland

Association Gabonaise pour la Promotion de l'Alimentation Infantile Gabon(AGPAI)

Association Guinéenne des Femmes Chercheurs (AGFC) Guinea

Association Guineenne pour la Formation et la Reinsertion Sociale des GuineaHandicapes (AGFRIS)

Association Guinéenne pour la Reinsertion des Toxicomanes (AGRETO) Guinea

Association Haitienne d'Aide aux Enfants Necessiteux et au Relevement des Haiti Communes de l'Artibonite

Association IDMEGE Algeria

Association IQRAA - Association Algerienne d'Alphabetisation Algeria

Association Nationale de Soutien aux Enfants en Difficulte et en Institution Algeria

Association Nationale des Handicapes Moteurs du Sénégal (ANHMS) Senegal

Association Nigérienne pour la Défense des Droits de l'Homme (ANDDH) Niger

Association of Arab-American University Graduates United States of America

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYAssociation of Children and Youth "Post-pessimists" Federal Republic of Yugoslavia


Association of Children's Welfare Agencies Australia

Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East of the Russian FederationRussian Federation (RAIPON)

Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (TANGO) Gambia

Association of World Citizens United States of America

Association of Young Leaders Kazakhstan

Association pour la Défense des Droits de la Femme et de l'Enfant (ADDFE) Gabon

Association pour la Defense des Droits des Consommateurs (ADC) Chad

Association pour la Protection de l'Enfance Malheureuse (APEM) Bénin

Association pour le Progres & la Defense des Droits des Femmes (APDF) Mali

Association RACHDA Algeria

Association Sahel VERT Chad

Association Sante et Environnement Tunisia

Association socio culturelle de bienfaisance de Bender Djedid Djibouti

Association Tchadienne des Volontaires pour la Protection de Chadl'Environnement (ATVPE)

Associazione di Cooperazione Rurale in Africa e Latin America (ACRA) Italy

Atlas Alliansen Norway

Australian Baha'i Community Australia

Ayrton Senna Institute Brazil

Azerbaijan Women and Development Center Azerbaijan

Babiker Badri Association for Women Studies (BBSAWS) Sudan

Baha'i International Community United States of America

Bal Niketan Sangh India

Bangladesh National Women Lawyers Association Bangladesh

Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) Bangladesh

Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum (BSAF) Bangladesh

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYBangladesh Women's Health Coalition Bangladesh

Barnados Ireland Ireland

Bernard Van Leer Foundation (BVLF) Netherlands

Beyond Beijing Committee Nepal

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation United States of America

Blagovest Centre of People's Help International Public Charitable Russian FederationOrganization

Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University India

Breaking the Silence Bangladesh

Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI) India

Bridge of Hope Armenia

Bunyad Literacy Community Council Pakistan

Campaign Life Coalition Canada

Canaan Institute of New Pedagogy IsraelOccupied Palestinian Territories

Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children Canada

Canadian Institute of Child Health Canada

Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women Canada

Canadian Voice of Women for Peace Canada

Care International Belgium

CARE International - Thailand (Raks Thai) Thailand

Caribbean Association for Feminist Research & Action (CAFRA) Trinidad and Tobago

Caritas Internationalis (International Confederation of Catholic Charities) Italy

Caritas Makeni Sierra Leone

Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs - CCEIA United States of America

Catholic International Education Office Belgium

Catholic Women's League Australia Incorporated - CWLA Australia

Catholics for a Free Choice United States of America

Cecodap - Centros Comunitarios de Parendizaje Venezuela


Center for African Settlement Studies and Development (CASSAD) Nigeria

Center for Child Rights - Center for Social Policy Initiatives (CSPI) Croatia

Center for Development of International Law United States of America

Center for Economic and Social Rights, The United States of America

Center for Human Development (CHD) Nigeria

Center for Performing Arts (CPA) Sri Lanka

Center for Reproductive Law and Policy, The United States of America

Center for the Culture of Peace and Non-violence "Mali korak" Croatia

Center for the Protection of Children's Rights Foundation (CPCRF) Thailand

Center for Women and Children Studies (CWCS) Bangladesh

Center for Women's Global Leadership United States of America

Central Union for Child Welfare Finland

Centre d'Education et du Developpement des Enfants Mauriciens (CEDEM) Mauritius

Centre de Formation et d'Education Instrument de la Paix (CEFEIP) Chad

Centre for Adolescent Health Kenya

Centre for Community Studies, Action and Development (CENCOSAD) Ghana

Centre for Development & Population Activities United States of America

Centre for Health Education, Training and Nutrition Awareness (CHETNA) India

Centre for Human Rights & Rehabilitaiton (CHRR) Malawi

Centre for the Law and the Child of the National Law School of India India

Centre Régional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement (CREPA-TOGO) Togo

Centre Rural d'Animation Sanitaire (CRAS) Côte d'Ivoire

Centro de Estudios Sociales y Publicaciones (CESIP) Peru

Centro Mexicano para la Filantropia (CEMEFI) Mexico

Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos (CALDH) Guatemala

Charitable Society for Social Welfare Yemen

Child Life Line (CLL) Nigeria

Child Relief and You (CRY) India

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYChild Rights Information Network United Kingdom

Child Rights Watch (CRW) Sudan

Child Welfare League of America United States of America

Child Welfare League of Canada Canada

Child Welfare Society of Kenya (CWSK) Kenya

Child Workers in Asia (CWA) Thailand

Childhope Asia Philippines (CHAP) Philippines

Childlife Trust Kenya

Children First Jamaica

Children in Need Network (CHIN) Zambia

Children in Performing Arts Zimbabwe

Children of a Better Time Sweden

Children's Forum 21 Italy

Children's Rights Alliance Ireland

Children's Rights Alliance for England (CRAE) United Kingdom

Children's Television Workshop United States of America

Chinese History and Culture Educational Foundation for Youth China

Chinese Immigrants Services, Inc. United States of America

Christian Children's Fund United States of America

Christian Children's Fund - Ukraine (CCF) Ukraine

Christian Health Association of Nigeria (CHAN) Nigeria

CIES - Centre for Development Information and Education Italy

Claritas - Mother child Wellness and Healthy Nutrition Association Georgia

Clean-Up Nigeria (CUN) Nigeria

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women United States of America

Coalition Guineenne pour la CDE (COGUIDE) Guinea

Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers United Kingdom

CODHS Colombia

COFEG - Coordination des ONG Feminenos de G. Guinea

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYCOHADDE - Coalition Haitenne Pour la Defense des Droits de l'Enfant Haiti

Colectivo Mexicano de Apoyo a la Niñez (COMEXANI) Mexico

Collectif Senegalais des Africaines pour la Promotion de l'Education Relative Senegal a l'Environnement

COMADE - Coalition Malienne des Droits de L'Enfant Mali

Comforting Hearts Guyana

Comite d'Action pour les Droits de l'Enfant et de la Femme Mali

Comite de Los Derechos del Nino y del Adolescente Uruguay

Comite de Protection de l'Enfance au Niger (CPEN) Niger

Comite Guineen de Suivi de la Protection des Droits de l'Enfant (CGSPDE) Guinea

Comite National d'Action pour les Droits de l'Enfant et de la Femme Cameroon

Comite Nigerien sur les Pratiques (CONIPRAT) Niger

Commission National des Femmes Travailleuses de Guinee - GuineaConfetrag/CNTG

Commonwealth Medical Association United Kingdom

Communities Forestry and Social Development Organization Ghana

Community Animation and Development Organization (CADO) Sierra Leone

Concern Worldwide USA United States of America

Confederation of Asia Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry China

Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd Italy

Congregations of St. Joseph United States of America

Conseil Français des Associations pour les Droits de l'Enfant (COFRADE) France

Consortium for Street Children, The United Kingdom

Constitutional Rights Project Nigeria

Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care and Development - CG CanadaInternational

Coordinadora de Instituciones Privadas Pro los Niños y Niñas y Sus HondurasDerechos (COIPRODEN)

Coordinadora Metropolitana de los Comites del Vaso de Leche Peru

Coordinadora Nicaraguense de ONGs que trabajan con la Niñez y la NicaraguaAdolescencia (CODENI)

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYCopperbelt Health Education Project Zambia

Corporacion de Promocion y Apoyo a la Infancia ONG PAICABI Chile

Corporacion OPCION Chile

Cote D'Ivoire - Ecologie Côte d'Ivoire

Country Associates Network (CANET) Nigeria

Country Women Association of Nigeria (COWAN) Nigeria

Couple to Couple League International, The United States of America

Covenant House United States of America

CPTAFE/CI-AF Cellule de Coordination sur les Pratiques Traditionnelles GuineaAffectant la Sante des Femmes et des Enfants

CRADLE, The Kenya

Croatian Association of Societies "Our Children" Croatia

Dar Al Aytam Islamiyah - The Social Welfare Institutions (SWI) Lebanon

David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies United States of America

Dawa Islamia Sudan

Dayemi Complex Bangladesh Bangladesh

De Laas Gul Welfare Programme Pakistan

Deepalaya India

Defence for Children International Switzerland

Deutscher Kinderschutzbund (DKSB) Germany

Development and Educational Programme for Daughters and Communities Thailand

Development Through Savings and Credit Côte d'Ivoire

Dhaka Ahsania Mission Bangladesh

Disabled Peoples' International Canada

DIYA, The All-Ukranian Women's People's Democratic Association Ukraine

Djelujmo kroz sport - "Let's Act Through Sport" Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dominican Union of Journalists for Peace Dominican Republic

Duang Prateep Foundation Thailand

Eagle Forum United States of America

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYEarly Childhood Resource Centre Israel

Occupied Palestinian Territories

Earth Action United Kingdom

Earth Society Foundation United States of America

ECPAT Australia Australia

EDNICA I.A.P. Mexico

Education Centre for Women in Democracy - ECWD Kenya

Education International Belgium

Egyptian AIDS Society Egypt

Egyptian Red Crescent Society Egypt

El Hilal TFYR Macedonia

Empowering Widows in Development (EWD) United Kingdom

End Child Prostitution and Trafficking (ECPAT - Thailand) Thailand

End Child Prostitution and Trafficking (ECPAT-USA) United States of America

ENDA Tiers Monde Senegal

Endeavour Forum Inc. Australia

Enfants du Monde - Droits de l'Homme France

Entraide Universitaire Pour le Developpement (EUPD) Guinea

Environment Liaison Centre International Kenya

EPOCH-Worldwide United Kingdom

Ethiopian Youth League Ethiopia

Ethnic Child Care, Family and Community Services Co-operative Australia

European Children Network (EURONET) Belgium

European Children's Trust United Kingdom

European Network on Street Children Worldwide (ENSCW) Belgium

European Youth Forum Belgium

Evergreen Club of Ghana Ghana

Faith, Hope, Love (FHL) Ukraine

Family and Society Association Azerbaijan

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYFamily Care International United States of America

Family Health Trust Zambia

Family of the Americas United States of America

Family Planning Association of Iran Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Family Planning Association of Turkey Turkey

Family Planning Society Syria

Family Welfare Foundation of India India

Federacion de Mujeres Organizadas en Centrales de Comedores Populares PeruAutogestionarios de Lima y Callao

Federation des Caisses d'Epargne et de Credit des Associations Villageoises Togo

Federation for Women and Family Planning Poland

Federation of African Women Educationists Ghana

Federation of American Women's Clubs Overseas Ireland

Federation of NGOs Active in Child Protection Romania

Federation Senegalaise des Club UNESCO (FSCU) Senegal

Federations des Associations Feminines du Senegal (FAFS) Senegal

Femme et Vie Bénin

Fight Against Child Exploitation (FACE) Thailand

Finnish United Nations Association Finland

Flora Tristan Peruvian Women's Center Peru

Fondation BOUCEBSI Algeria

Fondation Regard d'Amour (FRA) Bénin


Food Basket Foundation International Nigeria

Forum des Educatrices de Guinée (FEG) Guinea

Forum for African Women Educationalists Kenya

Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) - Sierra Leone Sierra Leone

Forum for Barnekonvensjonen Norway

Forum Maghrebin pour l'Environnement et le Développement Morocco

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYForum of African Voluntary Development Organizations - FAVDO Senegal

Foster Care & Adoption Association Uganda

Foundation for Democracy in Africa United States of America

Foundation for Reproductive Health and Family Education (FOSREF) Haiti

Foundation for Studies and Research on Women (FEIM) Argentina

Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific (FSP) Fiji

Franciscans International United States of America

Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights United States of America

Fraternite Medicale Guinee (FMG) Guinea

Fraternite Notre Dame, Inc. United States of America

Free World Institute Peru

Free Youth Association of Bucharest Romania

Friedrich Ebert Foundation United States of America

Friends World Committee for Consultation United Kingdom

Fundacion CIMDER - Centro de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias para el ColombiaDesarrollo

Fundacion Dianui AC Mexico

Funksjonshemmedes Fellesorganisasjon Norway

FYCE - Children's Cultural and Educational Centre Ukraine

Galaxy of Youth Pakistan

General Arab Women Federation Iraq

General Federation of Iraqi Women Iraq

General Federation of Jordanian Women Jordan

Girl Scouts / USA United States of America

Girls Incorporated United States of America

Girls' Power Initiative (GPI) Nigeria

Girokastra Youth Parliament/Children's Alliance Albania

Global Alliance for Women's Health United States of America

Global Children's Health and Environmental Fund United States of America

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYGlobal Education Associates United States of America

Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders United States of America

Global Health Council/Global AIDS Program United States of America

Global Health Foundation Sudan

Global Infancia Paraguay

Global Kids United States of America

Global March Against Child Labour India

Globetree Sweden

GOAL Kenya Kenya

Gran Fraternidad Universal (Universal Great Brotherhood) Venezuela

Grassroots Health Organisation of Nigeria (GHON) Nigeria

Grenada National Coalition on the Rights of the Child (GNCRC) Grenada

Group for International Solidarity Nepal

Groupe Haitien de Recherches et D'Actions Pedagogiques (GHRAP) Haiti

Grupo de Iniciativa Nacional por los Derechos del Niño (GIN) Peru

Gurises Unidos Uruguay

Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association Guyana

Hague Appeal for Peace United States of America

Health and Nutrition Development Society (HANDS) Pakistan

Health Education and Research Association (HERA) TFYR Macedonia

Helen Keller International, Inc.

Help and Shelter Guyana

Helsinki Foundation of Human Rights Poland

Home Economics Association of Nigeria (HEAN) Nigeria

Hope After Rape (HAR) Uganda

Human Appeal International United Arab Emirates

Human Development Promotion Centre (HDPC) Albania

Human Rights Advocates International Inc. United States of America

Human Rights Internet Canada

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYHuman Rights Watch United States of America

ICWI Group Foundation Jamaica

IEPAC Mexico

Il Cenacolo Italy

Inclusion International (International League of Societies for Persons with BelgiumMental Handicap)

Independent Board of Advisors (IBA) Georgia

Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) India

Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development India

Indian Council for Child Welfare (ICCW) India

Information and Documentation Center on Children's Rights Moldova

Initiatives: Women in Development India

Institute for Environment and Development Studies- (Friends of the Earth) Bangladesh

Institute for Security Studies South Africa

Institute of International Social Development India

Instituto de Educacion Integral Para la Salud y el Desarrollo (IDEI) Guatemala

Instituto de la Familia (IDEFA) Dominican Republic

Instituto de Promocion Humana (INPRHU) Nicaragua

Integrated Care Society Egypt

Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of EthiopiaWomen and Children

Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of BéninWomen and Children (CI-AF/Benin)

Inter-American Parliamentary Group on Population and Development United States of America

International Alliance of Women Australia

International Anti-Poverty Law Center (IAPLC) United States of America

International Association Against Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking Russian Federation

International Association for Religious Freedom United Kingdom

International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) Chad

International Association of Educators for World Peace United States of America

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYInternational Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN Penang/ICDC) Malaysia

International Buddhist Relief Organisation United Kingdom

International Catholic Child Bureau Switzerland

International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) United States of America

International Center for the Rights of the Child (JICRC) Japan

International Chamber of Commerce France

International Child Abuse Network Inc United States of America

International Club for Peace Research Cameroon

International Confederation for Family Support Argentina

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Belgium

International Confederation of Midwives Netherlands

International Council of Jewish Women United Kingdom

International Council of Psychologists United States of America

International Council of Toy Industries, Ltd. - ICTI United States of America

International Council of Women France

International Council on Social Welfare Canada

International Federation for Family Development Spain

International Federation for the Protection of the Rights of Ethnic, Religious, United States of America Linguistic & Other Minorities

International Federation of Business and Professional Women (IFBPW) United Kingdom

International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations Vatican City State

International Federation of Medical Student Associations

International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations

International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centres Canada

International Federation of Social Workers Switzerland

International Federation of University Women Switzerland

International Federation of Women in Legal Careers France

International Federation of Women Lawyers United States of America

International Federation Terre Des Hommes Switzerland

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYInternational First Aid Society Nigeria

International Forum for Child Welfare Italy

International Foundation for Child and Family (FICF) Romania

International Health Awareness Network United States of America

International HIV/AIDS Alliance United Kingdom

International Institute for Human Rights, Environment and Development Nepal(INHURED)

International Islamic Charitable Organization Kuwait

International Islamic Relief Organization Saudi Arabia

International Lactation Consultant Association United States of America

International League for Human Rights United States of America

International Movement ATD Fourth World France

International Movement of Apostolate Children (IMAC) France

International Multiracial Shared Cultural Organization United States of America

International Muslim Women's Union Sudan

International Needs Ghana

International Ontopsychology Association Italy

International Planned Parenthood Federation United Kingdom

International Planned Parenthood Federation (South Asia Region Office) United Kingdom

International Presentation Association of the Sisters of the Presentation United States of America

International Public Policy Institute United States of America

International Reading Association United States of America

International Rescue Committee, Inc. United States of America

International Research and Information Network on Children's Health, NetherlandsEnvironment and Safety (INCHES)

International Right to Life Federation United Kingdom

International Save the Children Alliance United Kingdom

International Scientific and Educational "Znanie" Association Russian Federation

International Service for Human Rights Switzerland

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies United States of America

International Special Dietary Foods Industries (ISDI) United States of America

International Studies Association United States of America

International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Russian FederationTechnological University

International Union for Health Education IUHE)

International Vitamin A Consultative Group United States of America

International Women Bond Sudan

International Women's Anthropology Conference (IWAC) United States of America

International Women's Health Coalition United States of America

IPAS United States of America

Irish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children Ireland

Islamic Centre England United Kingdom

Islamic Women's Institue of Iran Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Italian Association for Women in Development Italy

Jamiyat Mabarat Khayriya Lebanon

Japan Committee Vaccines for the World's Children (JCV) Japan

Jeunes Enfants Travailleurs (JET) Bénin

Jigyansu Tribal Research Centre India

Jordan River Foundation (JRF) Jordan

Kaabong Women's Group Uganda

Kanya Donse Fanyi Guinea

Kenya AIDS NGO Consortium (KANCO) Kenya

Kenya Alliance for the Advancement of Children Kenya

Kenya Association of Professional Counsellors Kenya

Kibera Community Self Help Programme (KICOSHEP) Kenya

Kids Time Center Kazakhstan

Kindernothilfe Germany

Kindianaise de l'Aménagement (KIAM) Guinea

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYKIOTA Kamanga Women for Health and Development (KIWOHEDE) Tanzania, United Republic Of

Kiwanis International United States of America

Konesans Fanmi Haiti

Korea Council of Children's Organization Korea, Republic of

Korean National Council of Women Korea, Democratic People's Republic

KULEANA Tanzania, United Republic Of

La Coordinadora Inter-Institucional "Una Oportunidad para la Niñez y la HondurasAdolescencia"

La Leche League International, Inc. - LLLI United States of America

Lanka Jathika Sarvodaya Shramadana Sangamaya Sri Lanka

Lawyers Committee for Human Rights United States of America


League of Kenya Women Voters, The Kenya

League of Women Voters United States of America

Legal Assistance Centre Namibia

Legion of Goodwill United States of America

Lembaga Advokasi Anak Indonesia (LAAI) - Indonesia Institute for IndonesiaChildren Advocacy

Leroki Child and Family Programme Kenya

Life Ethics Educational Association Canada

Life for Relief and Development (former: International Relief Association) United States of America

Life Skills Development Foundation (LSDF) Thailand

Liga Para Sa Mga Lolang Pilipina - LILA Pilipina Philippines

Ligue Marocaine pour la Protection de l'Enfance (LMPE) Morocco

LNU - Landsrådet for Norges barne- og ungdomsorganisasjoner (The NorwayNorwegian Youth Council)

Loretto Community (Sisters of Loretto) United States of America

Love Life South Africa

Loving Friends International (LFI) Sri Lanka


Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Menschenrechte Austria

Lumiere Action Côte d'Ivoire

Lutheran World Federation Switzerland

M. Venkatarangaiya Foundation (MVF) India

Maiti Nepal Nepal

Malaysian Council for Child Welfare Malaysia

Mali-Enjeux Mali

Mani Tese Italy

March of Dimes United States of America

Margaret Sanger Center United States of America

Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers United States of America

Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc. United States of America

Maulik Chahida Karmashuchi (MAUCHAK) Bangladesh

Mbutu Agriculture Society Tanzania, United Republic Of

Medecins du Monde - International France

Medical Assistance Program (MAP) Kenya

Medical Care Development International - MCD United States of America

Medical Women's International Association Germany

Meerim International Charitable Foundation for the Support of Childhood Kyrgyzstanand Maternity

Micronutrient Initiative Canada

Miramed Institute United States of America

Mizan Jordan

Mother and Child Education Foundation (MOCEF) Turkey

Mouvement pour le Progrés de Roche Bois Mauritius

Movimiento Manuela Ramos (MMR) Peru

Muslim Family Counselling Services Ghana

Muslim World League Saudi Arabia

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYMyochi-Kai (Arigatou Foundation) Japan

Nadi Al Bassar - North African Center for Sight and Visual Sciences Tunisia

Nari Bikash Sangh Nepal

Nari Maitree Bangladesh

National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan(NAYORA)

National Child Labor Committee United States of America

National Commission for Child Protection (KOMNAS PA) Indonesia

National Congress of Neighborhood Women United States of America

National Council for Child and Youth Development Thailand

National Council for International Health - NCIH United States of America

National Council of Catholic Women United States of America

National Council of Women of the United States Inc. United States of America

National Federation of Youth Organizations in Bangladesh - NFYOB Bangladesh

National Foundation of Health Promotion (FOREM) Algeria

National Network of Organizations Working with Children (NNOC) Tanzania, United Republic Of

National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers - United States of AmericaNOCIRC

National Philoptochos Society of Greek Orthodox Archdiocese United States of America

National Rehabilitation and Development Center (NRDC) Lebanon

National Research Institute of Mother and Child (Instytut Matki i Dziecka) Poland

National Right to Life Educational Trust Fund United States of America

National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW) Eritrea

National Union of Eritrean Youths and Students (NUEYS) Eritrea

National Union of Ghana Students Ghana

National Women's Union of Romania Romania

National Youth Council Malawi

Natural Heritage Institute United States of America

Ndoba Georgia

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYNelson Mandela Children's Fund (NMCF) South Africa

Netherlands National Committee for IUCN Netherlands

New African Research and Development Agency (NARDA) Liberia

New Humanity United States of America

NGO Coalition on Child Rights (NCCR) Pakistan

NGO Coalition on the Rights of the Child (Egypt) Egypt

NGO Committee on UNICEF Switzerland

NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child Switzerland

NGO/UNICEF Committee on Children in CEE/CIS and the Baltic States Switzerland

Nigerian Centre for Research and Documentation (NICERDOC) Nigeria

Nigerian Environmental Society Nigeria

Nigerian Girl Guides Association Nigeria

Non-Governmental Association for Literacy Support Services (NOGALSS) Nigeria

Non-Governmental Organizations in Education Network (NGOSED) Nigeria

Northern Ireland Women's European Platform United Kingdom

Norwegian Federation of Organizations of Disabled People Norway

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation United States of America

Nuova Frontiera/Alisei Italy

Nutrition Society of Nigeria Nigeria

Observatoire National des Droits de l'Enfant Morocco

Oiseaux du Paradis Algeria

Open Family Australia Australia

Open Society Institute United States of America

Orchidees Blanches Madagascar

Organisation Développement Intégré Communautaire (ODIC) Guinea

Organisation Guineenne pour l'Environnement et la Sante (OGES) Guinea

Organization for Defending Victims of Violence Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement - JapanInternational (OISCA)

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYÖsterreichische Kinderfreunde/Rote Falken Austria

Österreichischer Bundesjugendring Austria

Pacific Rim Institute for Development & Education United States of America

Pag-Aalay Ng Puso Foundation (Offering of the Heart Foundation) Philippines

Pakistan Boys Scout Association Pakistan

Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights Pakistan

Pakistan Voluntary Health and Nutrition Association (PAVHNA) Pakistan

Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens' Rights (PICCR) IsraelOccupied Palestinian Territories

Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women's Association of Thailand Thailand

Pan-African Women's Organization Angola

Parents Concern Initiatives (PACOIN) Uganda

Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) India

Pastoral Social del Arzobispado de Guatemala Guatemala

Pathways to Peace United States of America

Pax Christi International, International Catholic Peace Movement Belgium

Peace Action United States of America

Peace Child International United Kingdom

Peace Links, Children/Youth Education Organization Sierra Leone

Peace Trust India

Peaceways United States of America

Pearl S. Buck Foundation, The United States of America

People's Decade of Human Rights Education United States of America

People's Educational Association of Sierra Leone (PEA-SL) Sierra Leone

Perhaps... Kids Meeting Kids Can Make a Difference United States of America

Peter-Hesse-Stiftung (Solidarity in Partnership for One World) Germany

Phakama South Africa

Physicians for Human Rights United States of America

Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) United States of America

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYPioneers Organization Syria

Plan Internacional en Honduras Honduras

PLASK Slovakia

Plataforma de la Infancia Spain

Population Action International United States of America

Population Council, The United States of America

Population Reference Bureau United States of America

Presbyterian Church (USA) United States of America

Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) United States of America

Programme National de Prevention de Lutte et d'Assistance Humanitaire aux Congo, Democratic Republic Victimes des Catastrophes Naturelles

Project Initiative Vioutou Bénin

Project Orbis, Inc. United States of America

Projecto Axe Brazil

PSU Foundation - Programme Support Unit Foundation India

Publication and Coordination Centre of Islamic Ideology and Sufi-ism Bangladesh

Pyinnya Tazaung Association Myanmar

Qatar Charitable Society Qatar

Radin Institute for Family Health Education and Promotion Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Ragpickers Education and Development Scheme (REDS) India

Rassemblement Actif des Retraités de l'Education (RARE) Niger

Real Women of Canada Canada

Refugee Studies Center United Kingdom

Reintegra - Fundacion Mexicana de Reintegracion Social Mexico

Renaissance Santé Bouaké Côte d'Ivoire

Research Action & Information Network for Bodily Integrity of Women United States of America

Research Centre for Feminist Action (Centro de Investigación Para la Dominican RepublicAcción Femenina)

Reseau Africain pour le Developpement Integre (RADI) Senegal

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYRéseau d'Intégration et de Diffusion des Droits en Milieu Rural (RIDD NigerFITILA)

Resources Aimed at Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect (RAPCAN) South Africa

Results Canada Canada

Rissho Kosei-Kai (RKK) Japan

Rotary International United States of America

Rubaga Youth Development Association (RYDA) Uganda

Rural Institute of Medical Sciences India

Rural Women Environmental Protection Association Cameroon

Sabah Organization Sudan

Sabou Guinee Guinea

Salud Integral Para La Mujer (SIPAM) Mexico

Save the Children - Asociación Salven a los Niños de Honduras Honduras

Save the Children - Radda Barnen (Swedish) Sweden

Save the Children Australia Australia

Save the Children Canada Canada

Save the Children Canada - Kenya Kenya

Save the Children Federation (USA) United States of America

Save the Children Finland Finland

Save the Children Fund (UK) United Kingdom

Save the Children Fund Británica Honduras

Save the Children Japan Japan

Save the Children Korea Korea, Democratic People's Republic

Save the Children Swaziland Swaziland

Sem Pringpuongkeo Foundation Thailand

Servas International United States of America

Several Sources Foundation United States of America

Shoishab Bangladesh Bangladesh

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYSistema Red de Prevencion y Atencion al Niño Maltratado (SIREPANM) Ecuador

SNV Street Children Program Kenya

Social Developement Association Bangladesh

Social Ecology Foundation Russian Federation

Sociedad Argentina de Pediatria (SAP) Argentina

Society for the Advancement of Education (SAHE) Pakistan

Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child (SPARC) Pakistan

Society for the Protection of Unborn Children United Kingdom

Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues United States of America

Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries United Kingdom

Society to Support Children Suffering from Cancer (MAHAK) Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Soka Gakkai International Japan

Soong Qing Ling Foundation of China China

Soroptimist International United Kingdom

SOS Children's Villages of Pakistan Pakistan

SOS Kinderdorf International Austria

Soul - Society for Development of Women and Children Yemen

St. Francis Xavier Youth Centre Guyana

Ständige Konferenz der Kinder - und JugendanwältInnen Österreichs Austria

State of the World Forum, USA United States of America

Street Girls Aids Ghana

Street Kids International (SKI) Canada

Strengthening Participatory Organizations (SPO) Pakistan

Struggle for Change Pakistan

Student Governing Council/Children's Alliance Albania

Students' Commission Canada

Sudan Association Relief for Returnees/Displaced Affairs (SARRA) Sudan

Sudan Open Learning Organization (SOLO) Sudan

Sudanese Love and Peace Organization Sudan

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYSudanese Women General Union Sudan

Susila Dharma International Association Canada

Swedish Association for Sex Education Sweden

Tamer Institute for Community Education IsraelOccupied Palestinian Territories

Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP) Tanzania, United Republic Of

Tanzania Media Women's Association (TAMWA) Tanzania, United Republic Of

Tanzanian Family Planning Assocation (UMATI) Tanzania, United Republic Of

Tearfund UK United Kingdom

Teenage Mother Civil Association Venezuela

Teenagers' Development Centre (TDC) Georgia

Temple of Understanding United States of America

Terre des Hommes - ITALIA Italy

THAIS Mexico

THAO DAN Street Children Care Program Viet Nam

Theatre Institute Sierra Leone

Third World Movement Against the Exploitation of Women Philippines

Three D Projects (3D) Jamaica

Tobacco-Free Kids United States of America

Tostan Senegal

Trickle up Program United States of America

UAM - Centro de Información de Infancia Mexico

Uganda Medical Association Uganda

Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL) Uganda

Undugu Society of Kenya (USK) Kenya

Union Anciennes Rufisquoises de Guinee (UARG) Guinea

Union Arabischer Mediziner in Europa Germany

Union des Associations Feminines Arabophones du Tchad Chad

Union Medical Algerienne (UMA) Algeria

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYUnion Nationale de la Femme Tunisienne Tunisia

Union Nationale des Femmes Marocaines Morocco

Union of Children's and Youth Organizations (SPOK) Ukraine

Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees (UPMRC) IsraelOccupied Palestinian Territories

Unitarian Universalist Association United States of America

United Church of Christ - Board for World Ministries United States of America

United Methodist Church - General Board of Global Ministries United States of America

United Nations Association in Canada Canada

United Nations Association of San Diego United States of America

United Nations Foundation Inc. United States of America

United World Colleges United Kingdom

Uniting Church in Australia (UCA) Australia

VIS - Volontariato Internazionale per lo Zuiluppo Italy

Walio Katika Mapambano na Aids Tanzania (WAMATA) Tanzania, United Republic Of

Water Aid Tanzania, United Republic Of

White Ribbon Campaign Canada

Wholistic Health Center (WHC) Sri Lanka

Widows and Orphans Welfare Society of Kenya Kenya

Women for Social Progress (WSP) Mongolia

Women in Law and Development in Africa Zimbabwe

Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF) Zambia

Women Justice Program Nigeria

Women Lawyers Association (WLA) Malawi

Women of Reform Judaism United States of America

Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children United States of America

Women's Environment and Development Organization - WEDO United States of America

Women's Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church United States of America

Women's World Summit Foundation Switzerland

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYWord of Life Christian Fellowship Jamaica

World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) Malaysia

World Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations Switzerland

World Assembly of Youth Malaysia

World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation United States of America

World Association of Children's Friends Monaco

World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters / Association CanadaMondiale des Radiodiffuseurs Communautaires

World Association of Former United Nations Interns and Fellows United States of America

World Association of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts United Kingdom

World Association of Orphans Togo

World Childhood Foundation Sweden

World Conference on Religion and Peace - United States United States of America

World Conference on Religion and Peace Japan (WCRP - Japan) Japan

World Council of Indigenous Peoples Canada

World Family Organization / former: International Union of Family FranceOrganizations

World Federation for Mental Health United States of America

World Federation of Public Health Associations

World Federation of the Ukrainian Women's Organizations Canada

World Fellowship of Buddhists Thailand

World Human Dimension Russian Federation

World Information Transfer (WIT) United States of America

World Movement of Mothers France

World Organization Against Torture (OMCT) Switzerland

World Organization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP - Nigeria) Nigeria

World Organization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP) United Kingdom

World Safety Organization United States of America

World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations France

ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYWorld Veterans Federation France

World Vision Foundation of Thailand Thailand

World Vision International United States of America

World Vision Japan Japan

World Vision Korea Korea, Democratic People's Republic

World Young Women's Christian Association Switzerland

Worldview International Foundation Sri Lanka

Worldwide Organization for Women United States of America

WYSPA (Island) Federation of Children's Rights and Dignity Poland

Yachay Wasi (House of Learning in the Quechua Language of Peru) United States of America

Yayasan Dinamika Indonesia Indonesia

Young Ecologists (YE) Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Kosovo)

Young Muslim Association (YMA) Kenya

Youth Advisory Group United States of America

Youth Advocate Program International (YAP) United States of America

Youth Agenda Kenya

Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action India

Youth Organization Syria

Youth Union Turkmenistan

Yugoslav Child Rights Centre Yugoslavia

Zdravo da ste Bosnia and Herzegovina

Zonta International United States of America
