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UNITED FEDERATION FLEET REPORT DECEMBER 1 ST Hello and welcome one and all to the second of many reports for your dedicated wing in BSGO. First things first let’s get a speech from our esteemed leader Admiral HMS Victory …. Finest Hour What Admiral Adma called the Battle of Caprica is over. I expect that the Battle of the universe is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Human civilization. Upon it depends our own way of life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. The 12 cylon models know that they will have to break us in this sector or lose the war. If we can stand up to them, all of humanity may be free and the life of the universe may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole human race, including the United federation fleet, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the United Federation Fleet and its 1 | Page


Hello and welcome one and all to the second of many reports for your dedicated wing in BSGO. First things first let’s get a speech from our esteemed leader Admiral HMS Victory ….

Finest Hour

What Admiral Adma called the Battle of Caprica is over. I expect that the Battle of the universe is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Human civilization. Upon it depends our own way of life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. The 12 cylon models know that they will have to break us in this sector or lose the war. If we can stand up to them, all of humanity may be free and the life of the universe may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole human race, including the United federation fleet, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the United Federation Fleet and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their finest hour."



REGARDS Admiral Victory.

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Averlion took time out from planning his next strike storm operation to answer a few questions for us, this is what was said…

Q. What is the next step in the war against the cylon’s?

A. Kill them all, I say.

*In the back of my mind an idea brewing about a UFF Brimir, which immediately got response when I murmured something in chat. But this must be a long term project, in need of debate in the senate first.

Q. If we came across a habitable planet, would you stay?

A. If I had a choice, I’d have one with a gravity of 0.85G. Imagine what that would do for our women's cleavages!!!

Q. The recent side switching by some former members has left many UFF wing commanders angry, what if any do you think about the whole messy business and what would you have done to solve this issue?

A. a) On the faction switch: life has never been tougher than after the faction switch. Remember that this is a WARGAME and Canceron is the fracking best server to play it on- on most other servers it's only an npc-game since Cylon players are extremely rare. If I ever turn gay, I will go down on Devastator & Co for switching. Hate them all you want, some recognition is due for what they did. Now we get to grow for a reason- to learn how to KILL them all.

b) On UFF members with Cylon accounts -on Canceron- this is messy indeed. The thought of shooting at one's wing mates is chilling. I know of only one who has so far pulled it off successfully. Yet I predict it will end in tears... I am considering opening a new account as a red eye after I reach the magic level 84 -but not on this server.

c) On former UFF members who enjoy their 2nd accounts better- if the Admiral knows any active players by name, kick their Colonial accounts from our wing and post the Cylon names on the hit list. Up that tit bill. No one disrespects the UFF. The same applies to spies- technically a different category but who cares?

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Q. There is now in place a promotion by nomination policy, what do you feel this has done for the wing?

A. It's awesome. It makes people feel consciously appreciated by wing mates.

Q. With just over a few weeks away from X-mas. How do you see the festive brake affecting the wing?

A. We'll be drunk

Another copy dead?

I can report that the high value target that is 'Executor' was engaged and destroyed by UFF forces in Huggin. A UFF squad consisting of wing members Cosmails, Kalma, Starrunner and myself (jonny larsson) entered Huggin in search of UFF recriut Foam to invite him to our squad. As squad members spread out to search for Foam, Executor entered the system and attacked a colonial mine. Upon seeing Executor I informed the squad and gave chase to Executor who was, I believe, attempting to bug out of the system. I engaged Executor in an attempt to slow him down. This allowed UFF ace strike pilots Starrunner and Kalma to catch up and engage. I am happy to report that although my ship was lost in the engagement, outstanding flying and team work by Starrunner and Kalma ensured the cylon copy known as Executor had another reason to think twice about engaging UFF forces in the future!


I have been informed that every Thursday ftl missions will stay half price! That’s only 50ftl fragments. It was set to go back to 100 but I’m informed that it will now stay. This will not happen until after the New Year. So guys every Thursday get to galatica to start the mission!

Regards Admiral Victory.

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Line ship

A ship of the line was a type of naval warship from the 17th to the mid-19th century to take part in the naval tactic known as the line of battle. Which two columns of opposing warships would manoeuvre to bring the greatest weight of broadside guns to bear. Since these engagements were almost invariably won by the heaviest ships carrying the most powerful guns, the progression was to build sailing vessels that were larger and more powerful. From the end of the 1840s, the introduction of steam power brought less dependence on the wind in battle and led to the construction of screw-driven but wooden-hulled ships of the line; a number of sail ships were converted to this. However, the introduction of the ironclad frigate in 1859 led to the decline of the steam ships of the line, though the ironclad warship became the ancestor of the 20th-century battleship, whose very designation is itself a contraction of the phrase "line-of-battle ship." Now we find ourselves using the same name for our modest war ships. With the fight now in space and not on high seas, we rely on powerfully designed engines and not wind/steam. We still use the term cannon to describe our weapons but they do not fire lead balls. We do however use the same mentality as the ancestor ships of the line do, in that we too line up and fire until the strongest is left standing.

To the point…well I would like to take the time to say a little about ship set up on a line class ship. For this process ill like to use a jonto and Vanir as my lab rats. JONTO-aka the tank…best set up is a mix of long-range cannons and missiles, 4 of each should do the trick. Couple this along strong hull plating and you will have a real BIG tank.

VANIR-aka the twin….what can I say it’s a perfect electronic support ship. My own (UFF Britannia) is not currently upgraded but I can tell you now that a good mix of weapons works best…i.e... 2x long range cannons...2x normal and 2x rapid works best along with the 2x rockets. As for electronic war fair its best place for you to choose the set up but again I have a scanner, artimis and boost. Please remember that e-war items don’t stack but you can use one after the other. So if you used 2 artimis only one would work unless you used the second after the first had finished.

By Admiral Victory.

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We had a chance to speak to our communications creator Kromdor this month and took the time to ask him these questions.

Q. What is the next step in the war against the cylon’s?

A. To take back our half of the sector, and a little of theirs. To do this we'll need to up our skills - a lot of cylon pilots have free access to the best water, and with RedRonk now on the loose, the majority are 100+. We need to seriously up our game to take back the north and ensure that muspell is ours 100% of the time.

Q. If we came across a habitable planet, would you stay?

A. Sure. So long as there’s bitches.

Q. The recent side switching by some former members has left many UFF wing commanders angry, what if any do you think about the whole messy business and what would you have done to solve this issue?

A. I miss having the easy life, back when our fleet ruled most of the sector. But as we are now back to the way it was when I joined, I welcome the challenge. It can be frustrating to have our whole squad taken out by 2 liches. Persevere!

Q. There is now in place a promotion by nomination policy, what do you feel this has done for the wing?

A. Motivated the wing to better themselves. I would ask wing members to focus on the positive, to gain rank and position in the wing not just by grinding but by becoming more involved in its development, and not to focus too much on demotions!

Q. With just over a few weeks away from X-mas. How do you see the festive brake affecting the wing?

A. I think that it would be a welcome rest for those who need it, our long suffering commanders and daily pilots. I think we should, however, organise a Christmas fleet-up for the laugh. Grab a few beers, turkey sandwiches, blast some cylons. Fun.

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RRF ''Rapid Response Force'' debriefs 02/11/12

In attendance: Captain Cosmails [Maul, Jotunn]; CAG Insuliner [maul and Jotunn]; Pilot MarsterRampage [scythe]and myself Commander Krom [Glaive, Vanir]

Yes, we did get caught up in Tannahuser, because we failed to realise that our target a level 25 banshee had backup. Command error on that one. As for only having 4 ships, well we wouldn’t have been much of a help anyway.

- The action to be taken on this is to not get involved but rather stay safely in jump range and keep out of sight.

Regarding the squad organisation and communications issue, if the strike squad itself is not full, then I would say invite members of the RRF. We would all be on the same comms, and wouldn't necessarily have to be in the same system. it means that at a moment's notice we could jump in, target our squad mates [by clicking on their picture] and know exactly what grid they are in.

- Needless to say that if there was space needed for another strike, we would give our slot.

Regarding comms chatter. The RRF were using our squad chat. I would advise the others to do the same, except in the case where it bugs and is in use by strangers. It would be ideal to reserve the wing chat for inter-squad chat or just general chatter. we could possibly use officer's chat to send messages to squad commanders.

- we will have to review comms use but at this point it is not too big an issue.

To clarify the overall position of the RRF - that is the ''Rapid Response Force'' - it’s essentially a mixed group of anyone left over from the strike swarm, who does not want to participate in it. We spec mostly for defence, should the strike swarm come into difficulty. In that respect, I would prefer if people came with escorts, simply for their ability to catch up with strikes, and their ability to engage ships of any size. All ships are welcome, but please be aware that speed is the most important factor here - if we move in to assist and there is a maul pilot left behind, it can become an anchor for the group.

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While the scythe is rarely used in the colonial fleet, it may be worthwhile investing in one. they are only 600,000 tylum/fuel and can be fitted with any weapons and systems from your regular escort. Advanced models are not necessary but make sure you have some decent plating as that is the Scythe's major weakness. Remember also that a standard Scythe can mount 5 engine slots and only has 4 weapon mounts. On the other hand, if you had spare cubitz why not get a Halberd? With just a small upgrade the engines can be boosted to 70kph, basic it comes with 3 engine slots, 3 hull slots and 3computer slots. With the basic set up of 6 weapon ports! But the cost to get this ship is 75,000 cubitz.

I would like to set the base speed of cruise 40 and boost 60 for the RRF, if you have difficulty meeting these requirements then please contact your squad leader as appropriate. I will look into setting up a thread to post your ship's specs so we all know roughly who can fly what.

Regards, UFF's e-war specialist Commander Krom.


We still suck, but improvement is significant. If I concentrate on the negative here, it is because we learn from our mistakes. The positive needs less emphasis.

1) Scanners were still in some people's setups. During an aggressive attack squad it’s not the mine calling that I am against. It's that you use a computer slot for it. Therefor you are not as strong a fighter as you could be.

2) I am having trouble conveying my thoughts into your minds. Hostiles were able to jump out before we could all get to them because of this. Also: the rapid reaction force waiting behind the hills did not have a clear idea what was going on. We could not prevent them from jumping into a large Cylon op fleet. This too is due to lack of communication, but I can just not manage all the com and also lead an attack.

3) The tendency to spread out was too strong. And we did not fly as fast as our slowest squad member in this case Admiral Victory in his Rhino the “UFF

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Bulldog mkII”. This automatically means he was left behind -alone to be picked upon.

4) One of the advantages of the Raptor FR is it's big jump range. Last night, Kromdor's Vanir was the rescue when my jump range fell short.

5) I have no hard data on this one, but since my deo count was 1, I presume others got a better deo -which would be a clear improvement from October 27. Feedback on this is welcome.


The general feeling is that of noticeable improvement. It was a very poor performance by even the most modest of standards, and if THIS meant a noticeable improvement, some officers might actually think twice on that first performance. Is Avrelion a covert Cylon saboteur? -But no... No! I was not thrown into the brig last night without so much as a drink of water. I was allowed to walk free on board the Galactica, even to keep my sidearm. I was merely asked to be so kind as to give my word I would not try to desert while my court martial was being prepared. We still have a long way to go, but it was fun! So please: join me again next Friday 2130 hrs CET. We will practice, we will learn, and after months of training we will notice that Cylons are abandoning systems we visit.

* Glad to see positive reports from strike swarm participants! The positive feeling alone is an impetus to keep trying.


1) Stuff that scanner into your locker and setup a HERMES, AURORA or ARTEMIS module. It will make us all stronger.

2) I have a lot of training ahead of me as a true squad leader. I (we) must make a clear list of commands. Kromdor, please help me here. I take it the dreaded TS is still not contemplated.

3) Best strike swarms i have flown with (wing member Troy who was level 50+ when I joined and who has been MIA for a long time) were all based on follow-the-leader- fly in train. Do not stray off, keep on the leader. This needs not be

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me. And the cruise speed of the swarm should be the lowest boost speed of any member. We will train on this coming Friday.

4) I have FTL-couplings level 12 which I can reinstall in one of my engine slots. This will make my ship's jump range significantly better. But it will also make me slower and/or weaker for I have to lose a speed boost or avoidance boost...

5) Managing a squad in hot zones is exhausting (for me). After 1 hour, I am mentally empty. As long as this is the only Raptor FR in our wing, 1 hour will be the maximum duration of the strike swarm.

6) All of you just need to... stay calm and hold on.

By Commander Avrelion.

Distress Call

A distress call over wing chat by LastSoldier. He found 60k water in alpha Extigens but was attacked by Cylons. Yours truly (Avrelion) came to his aid. As I hovered over the red eyes, LastSoldier repaired and came back, hanging back as I kited the lvl 48 liche over 4k to him. The liche ended up on the junkyard, together with 2 cylon liners. LastSoldier deserves special mentioning for his bravery and sacrifice. LastSoldier soon had to leave, but Rimo25 jumped in to help defend the water mine. We had it drained for 20k slaying various lone cylon pirates as we guarded the precious water, when Ziomek from Gladiators came around, got his ASS stuck between our guns and had his pride mortally wounded. Of course, no Cylon can take that, low and behold 3 minutes later he was back with a full squad including strikes, liches and yes, LEVIATHAN level 216. Several wing members including the valiant RayMcCall, Horus and JabbaBinx came to reinforce our squad. A full scale battle developed, more and more Cylons and Colonials jumped in, but as the Cylons all seemed to have a treasure chests full of cubits for red ammo & dc repair we were ultimately pushed back. But not for lack of courage! Only for lack of level. And level will come.

By Avrelion.

Edited By Admiral Victory.

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Biffo was caught in the rec room this week so we took the time to ask him the following…

Q. What is the next step in the war against the cylon’s?

A. No step just carry on and wipe them from every planet we see..

Q. If we came across a habitable planet, would you stay?

A. land have a party , try and get the population back on line , then carry on the fight.

Q. The recent side switching by some former members has left many UFF wing commanders angry, what if any do you think about the whole messy business and what would you have done to solve this issue?

A. Makes no difference to me .. red and I try to kill all that fly in my sight. You can't change the game u just have to carry on playing.

Q. There is now in place a promotion by nomination policy, what do you feel this has done for the wing?

A. It brings out the best in all, just nominating ppl will show the trust within the wing.

Q. With just over a few weeks away from X-mas. How do you see the festive brake affecting the wing?

A. More time off more time to play.(drink and get merry)


I have information regarding wing ranks! Currently we have 5 ranks, but in the next 3-5 updates time, there will be 5 more ranks added for us to control along with in wing messages! Remember this is classified!

Regards Admiral Victory

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Smoking Lorry …I was driving my lorry back to the UK from France when I was stopped by a customs officer. "Are you carrying anything on board that you shouldn't be?" he asked. "No," I replied. "Right," he said, "So you don't have any cigarettes?" "No," I replied again, as he opened the shutter. "What about these?" he said, smiling at me. "I'm not sure," I replied, staring at the 120 illegal immigrants in the back, "Do any of you have cigarettes?"

By Psycho247.


Due to heavy battles all over the nebula and general fatigue, the strike swarm was cancelled for combo squadrons yesterday. I have high hopes for my and other pilots' stamina to be better next Friday 2012-11-16 at 3100 hrs. CET.


Mission report.

OP Defence! 10th November 2012.

A small UFF Fleet consisting of Admiral Victory, archerfoster, jajabinx, rimo25 and raiden68. We also added 3 non-members to the squad for the op defence. I can confirm that we did indeed successfully defend the OP from the attack. We have a list of 15! Confirmed kills however that number is closer to 25 by the UFF squad. Admiral Victory set up a defensive shield over the OP along with archerfoster, while raiden weaved in and out doing his best to kill and confuses the enemy. Rimo was a casualty of the battle but did indeed fight valiantly. Jajabinx entered late into the fight but made his presents felt. After several attempts to break our lines the clyons began to retreat, Admiral Victory gave orders to charge and at that point 3 more cylons were confirmed killed before the rest fled like the dogs they are.


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We had a short time to rest while guarding a top target the other night so I got JonnyLarson to answer a few questions….

Q. What is the next step in the war against the cylon’s? A. The war against the cylons is not going to be won in a few hours, days or even weeks. The UFF now has a dedicated core of outstanding strike, escort and liner pilots and with increasing skill levels, the strengthening of ships and the development of squad tactics, the cylons have started to receive back again that measure of fire and steel which they have so often meted out to others. As a wing we must become stronger, not in numbers but as a team with increased firepower and a will to do what must be done to win this fight. The UFF is now becoming a force that cylons need to weary off!

Q. If we came across a habitable planet, would you stay?

A. While there is a fight to be fought and an enemy with a purpose to erase us from existence, the coldness of dark space is where I belong with my comrades.

Q. The recent side switching by some former members has left many UFF wing commanders angry, what if any do you think about the whole messy business and what would you have done to solve this issue?

A. I consider myself to be still relatively new to the wing and cannot say that the switching of sides by a few of our wing members has had any direct impact upon me. What I would say is that the pilots that remained with the wing during the switch are the pilots that are the most dedicated to the cause and the guys from whom all other wing members can learn from. These guys have stepped up to the plate to fill the void of those that left and are now the fleet commanders and fleet captains that will lead us to ultimate victory. In the words of Winston Churchill 'Never in the field of human conflict, was so much owed by so many to so few'.

Q. There is now in place a promotion by nomination policy, what do you feel this has done for the wing?

A. Previously, if I am honest, I was not sure how the promotions were granted. I think that promotions resulting from nominations of your wing mates are the most satisfying as you feel that you have done something to deserve the respect of those that you fly with every night! The new promotions system I

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think recognises hard work, endeavour and the dedication of wing members. All in all a very positive move by the admiral of the fleet.

Q. With just over a few weeks away from X-mas. How do you see the festive brake affecting the wing?

A. I have two lines of thought on this, Wing members will have extra family functions to carry out like the Christmas shopping or Christmas parties and may have less time to engage in wing activity but on the other hand some wing members like myself may find they have more time to participate in operations. I think that over Christmas the UFF should organise a xmas bash, getting as many wing members as possible on at the same time and give the cylons a xmas present they won’t forget! ho ho ho!


A Dutchman, an Englishman and a Belgian are standing on the top of their burning apartment building. The flames are leaping higher and higher.

"Idea!" cries the Dutchman, runs back to his apartment and comes back with his orange UMBRELLA. He opens it, shouts "Orange bovine!" and jumps. Somehow his fall is slowed down. He hits the ground with a terrible thud and breaks both legs. "Good," he thinks, "better both legs broken than dead as a duck."

"Good show!" cries the Englishman, runs back to his apartment and comes back with his Union Jack coloured umbrella. He opens it, shouts "For Queen and Country!" and jumps. Somehow his fall is slowed down. He hits the ground with a terrible thud and breaks an arm and a leg. "Great!" he thinks, "beats being dead."

The Dutch and the Bulldog are laying there, at their ease, chatting a bit as they wait for the ambulance to arrive when suddenly- they hear a terrible crashing sound behind them. They look and guess what? There lies the Belgian in his raincoat.

Web page development team

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I'm glad you have all joined the web page but remember there are plenty of old [and new] members that aren't on it yet. and if anyone wants to help add content, pm me or Vic and we'll see what’s going on with ya!

Keep up the reports and pictures, and remember - this website is yours, all of yours, not mine. Regards Krom.

DEBRIEFING UFF STRIKESWARM 2012-16-11 & 2012-23-11

We still suck, but improvement is significant. If I concentrate on the negative here, it is because we learn from our mistakes. The positive needs less emphasis.

Friday the 16th I discovered to my horror that I have no concept anymore of NOT being a striker. I took certain skills and tricks for granted that are not; not for new players and not for those who haven't concentrated on strikes. Therefore, I eased up on the pvp and started with a relaxed npc practice run in Balent system.

Friday the 23rd we started off in Epsilon Iordani system on npc strikes and escorts. Wing members got to learn the CALL-assignment. Biffo, Psycho, Notalkingnow, Volatile, Kars and others got it down in 5 minutes. Concentrate on the CALL, follow him and when he says GO, prep for battle. The LEAD still may call TGT but the CALL says GO.

Cosmails, my good and ever present reliable friend, when you are feeling ready your time will come and you will love it!

Admiral Victory: you lacked a certain grace when you first joined us strikes but damn, you fear nothing and pulled of a few capers.

We did get some arrogant Cylons jumping in, and we kindly showed them the way home!

After a couple of hours, the strike swarm was converted to a combo squad and we mined, killed and got killed.

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What I learnt from my valiant wing mates was that target camera mode is not an automatism in an escort or a line. I know of only 1 strike who did not fly tgt camera all the time and it takes a lot of subtlety that I do not posess:


What he pulls of there... do not try this at home lol. For mere mortals: in a strike you constantly overshoot your target. The essence of dogfighting is based on letting your opponent overshoot. Strike specialists will zap you if you lose sight of them*. Keep that right mouse button on those brackets and use the WASP keys to nudge a little.

Also and I can never stress this enough: strikes have low hull points. Your hull points quality goes down as your speed and throttle go down. Bullet avoidance is directly linked to throttle. Until you are absolutely comfy flying a strike you should not sit still, ever. No need for boost all the time, but your throttle should be 50-100%. That makes for a bit of an ADD feel, but... strikes are the definition of ADD anyway.

*Lately my strike is beset with a constant tgt camera mode bug and I have to tgt a planet or an op to reset. By the time I have tgt the player again I am usually already dead.

I hope you all had as much fun as I did. We will soon become an awesome fighting force.

Play on!

Regards, your maniac Commander Avrelion in the rec room, sipping abrosia, smoking a corona- confident he can bullshit his way out of a demotion.


There is a mail that we all will get around xmas. The mail will contain a free gift from the dev team!

Regards Admiral Victory.

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Mission Report 11/11/2012

Squad made up of; Admiral Victory. Commander’s Kalma and krom. Captain’s Jonnylarson, Cosmail and Myromorris.

We met in krypton and unsuccessfully defended the op there. The team then moved on to Gerriod ware lady luck gave them a water mine. During Guarding the squad did have a kill list of over 25 npc kills. After around 20 mins of guarding said mine. kalma broke off to take on a spying mission behined enemy lines, and while he did so he picked off a few kills… a wraith apokypto lvl 14 killed 2 times, a level 42 litch named d7878, a level 32 jorm named xeqtor. During this time we also notched up a few kills while guarding mine… A war raider named emins lvl 125 and over 30 npc ships.


We had the opportunity to talk Commander bosmolokov.

Q. What is the next step in the war against the cylon’s?

A. In my opinion the Cylons were a mistake in man’s history a blemish if you will, one that needs to be removed. For example if you have a rabid dog you don’t keep it in your home and wait for it to bite your loved ones, no you put the thing down hard and fast. But hey that’s one pilot’s opinion rite..

Q. If we came across a habitable planet, would you stay?

A. Me stay on an M-Class?? Na I don’t think so. I was in the colonial before the attack and never spent much time on the ground before that, I feel at home in space so no I don’t think I will even when we get to earth.

Q. The recent side switching by some former members has left many UFF wing commanders angry, what if any do you think about the whole messy business and what would you have done to solve this issue?

A. I can understand it but I don’t condone it, fear of being weak or inadequate is a powerful motive for treason but as a man once said, "defeat isn't final" if you ask me Admiral Adama (the old man aka will adama) had the right idea when Commander Adama (lee) went against the old man and sided with the then president Rosslin, he went straight to the brig and stayed there. he would

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fulfil his duties but had to return to the brig once he was done and if you ask me he was let off lightly, during the last war they shot mutineers.

Q. There is now in place a promotion by nomination policy, what do you feel this has done for the wing?

A. It’s an excellent idea and it can only lead to good things there’s nothing worse than a Commander getting a promotion that he or she doesn’t deserve this way we know who will lead us to victory and who doesn’t deserve to lead.

Q. With just over a few weeks away from X-mas. How do you see the festive brake affecting the wing?

A. It's understandable for the pilots to have some down time during the festive period but we should not forget that Cylons don’t celebrate this period so it’s likely that they will attack us during this time so with that being said we should not let our guards down. So hopefully there will be pilots on the roster during this time I know I will be. And just a quick message to the fleet I haven't ever seen our fleet look this strong keep up the good work. and remember defeat isn’t final so LONG LIVE THE FLEET, LONG LIVE THE U.F.F

Bosmolokov signing off

TOP SECREAT!! Wing BattleStar??

Hello folks, possibly good news come bad news. I can confirm that BSG online are in the process of creating a wing battlestar! This will only be available to certain level wing members. (I don’t know if that’s rank or not) It will also be paid for via the new wing in game trading (set to be tested in New Year). Basically we as a team donate to a wing bank and then when funds are there I can then buy this ship, once we own one it will ether cost us merits or cubits to fly within a time limit or be called like a mine to stand and guard mine. Please be aware that this is not even 50% certain yet but it is 100% being looked at as a possible option to further the game. (Also a wing based op may be the other option). Down side to this would be the fact that cylons will also get a basestar or something.

Reporting from the senate.

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Today we interview Commander starrunner.

Q. What is the next step in the war against the cylon’s?

A. To ensure that we work to make the UFF stronger and for the higher level players in our wing to pass on as much experience and support to the rest of the wing as possible. If we make the UFF into a sharp weapon then we can respond to threats and assist our fellow colonials where needed.

Q. If we came across a habitable planet, would you stay?

A. Only long enough to set up a base of operations with a large enough garrison capable to defend it. Then we would have to continue the search in the hope that we could gain more allies and resources.

Q. The recent side switching by some former members has left many UFF wing commanders angry, what if any do you think about the whole messy business and what would you have done to solve this issue?

A. I think that in hind sight there should have been a count up of how many high levels players on the Cylon side compared to the Colonials. Then only enough of that or similar levels would be allowed across. Otherwise a cap should have been put on up to say level 80. On the whole though, it does not bother me. It just means more Cylons to kill and a quicker way to get your daily DEO.

Q. There is now in place a promotion by nomination policy, what do you feel this has done for the wing?

A. This is a good idea as the wing members that are more active and helpful get the recognition they deserve as voted by those who most appreciate it.

Q. With just over a few weeks away from X-mas. How do you see the festive brake affecting the wing?

A. It is a given that there is going to be a lot less activity on the game by the wing members. All we have to do is remember that we are the UFF and no matter how much disruption the festive period causes there will always be

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somebody online who can help their fellow wing mates. And at the end of the Festivities everybody will return. But it is important to note that family and friends are each and every wing member’s priority. This is a game and as such will not complain or be upset if you do not have a lot of time to be online over the Festive period. It will always be there regardless. On that note, have a good one everybody.

Noob safety?

Lots of adventures in game as you all know very well! The overall message is that getting deo is easy, getting any other assignment done is getting harder. A measure: I am not breaking even in titanium atm. I am seriously concerned about our low level players. We had one in our squad last night named [[Kars]], level 6 raptor. He got fried 4 times in 2 hours by level 20+, 30+ 80+ - some in squads! He was very enthusiastic about the game, but this sort of thing cools you down fast.

We must double our efforts to have a good retention rate! Invite new players, tell them about the SAFE systems, inform them about the >>newbie bible<< and support them in their mission!


Av ~strikes live fast die quickly


Coming soon there will be a half-price sale on all cubit costing ship’s. This will be done by the new developing team as a sort of welcome gift. Be aware this sale will only last 24 hours and we do not know when this sale will happen, BUT IT WILL!! Just be patient and keep your eyes open.

Reporting from the senate.

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Report 24/11/12 21.00 hrs

I joined the group and quite soon after we received intelligence about a large water mine in Rastaban. We all jumped in and called the mine, the mine was over 200kthe largest I have seen so far. The team worked well together with the tanks defending the water and the other ships ranging further to check the other rocks, with good communication and leadership we defended well against both npc’s and players. While there were some quiet spells the team stayed focused on the goal and remained alert to the possible dangers.

An OP formed close to the mine, at around 23.45 an OP bash arrived and all were KIA. After regrouping in Huggin we retook the mine and continued to reap the rewards. The call to arms was answered and quite soon we had a full squad to protect the mine. Around 1 am the mine was down to 133k with the team taking around 7.5k per ship and around 6 ships were left protecting. Shortly after it was time to get a couple of daily’s, then some rest for the next day’s fighting.

To summarise, while it was quiet for a lot of the time the group showed an excellent level of team work & communication and as always it was a pleasure to fly as part of a great team.

Report prepared by Cosmail

JOKE…big one?

A mother and father took their 6 year old son to a nude beach. As the boy walked along the beach, he noticed that some of the ladies had bigger tit’s than his mother and asked why. She told him, "The bigger they are the dumber the person is." The boy, pleased with the answer, goes to play in the sea but returns to tell his mother that the men have larger members than his dad. His mother replied, "The bigger they are the dumber the person is." Again the boy returns to the sea. Shortly after, the boy returned again. He promptly told his mother, "Daddy is talking to the dumbest girl on the beach and the longer he talks, the dumber he gets."

By Phycho

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UFF Ships Making A Name!

A UFF fleet guarding a valuable water mine was again jumped buy a couple of level 110+ Targets. With just five of us on the mine at the time, we lined up and battered them over and over with volleys of cannon fire until they ran away with the tail between their legs. They then returned about 5 minutes later, still brewing over there defeat, with a full squad of ten to try again, we lost the mine after a long drawn out battle but in doing so, on global fleet chat, the attacking cylons did not do the normal “we crushed them, we own them ect ect” what they did say was this….”Well done united federation, you fought well and we look forward to another battle.”

We did try to retake the mine one last time to no prevail, after which we started to do our daily’s. UFF is getting its reputation.

Admiral Victory lead’s a wing to be proud of, great team and I owe my ship, my crew and my life to so many of you, I’m proud to call you all my wing mates.

By Cosmail

Mission report 25/11/12

The Sunday just gone I jumped into a system (I think it was vidofnir) to do sys patrol and scan a few roids and found 4 tit mines I added as many members that were online at the time to the squad which was bosmo, Romanko, 0_o if u ask when online someone might remember who else was there. We successfully defended the mines from the first of a few cylon attacks but due to poor leadership by myself we lost all but 1 member of the squad in first and second wave But was then overrun by the cylons. Before we lost the mines we'd successfully mined 20-30k tit each between us. Regards psycho. P.s. sorry for the incomplete report.

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Nuke That OP?!?

This Saturday I nuked a Cylon op- in Geirrod. Note that the Devs have made the middle systems harder to maintain for the home side- more high level Cylon NPC & drone NPC. Geirrod but more and more Kryphon are now OP bashed by the Cylons- and a red Out Post soon appears which is very tough for us to destroy, being barred by a score of npc. In Geirrod it is that high lvl freighter with its dozens of npc that keep popping up the moment colonials push for the Cylon OP. Until we learn to take out the freighter before we target anything else, we will have a tough time. Saturday afternoon I noticed the cylons created a new OP in Geirrod and used it as a respawn during their round along all the other systems. In order to let their terror melt away, it was imperative that their respawn would be on the far side of the nebula! As a Colonial bash fleet was taking out the low threat systems on the far side, and others were desperately defending the remains colonial OPs, Kalma and I decided it was enough! Those one eyed clowns must be stopped and I had the ammo to make it happen!


I setup my 5 weapon slots on the mk7 with nova’s, converted 2,5k merits to nukes and, accompanied by my missile defender (canoneer) Kalma, I set off on a run towards the Outpost. With boosters and speed buffers on, it was easy enough to avoid the npc in the system, but approaching the Outpost itself was extremely tough as I was targeted by more and more of its missiles and bullets. Kalma tried to take out the missiles and we did manage to get close enough to let the nukes go- a white eye burning flash and the OP was almost 10k down in hp. But by that time both Kalma and myself had perished in the cloud of ammo. Respawning without repairing, we jumped right back in and started another run from a different angle. But this time, it would be harder still- for the Cylons had been warned! 2 liners and 3, maybe 4 liches were covering the OP as far as we could see. And the OP itself was slowly staring to repair! More than 15k hp to go, we ran towards it and never minded the hazards. I watched kalma burst into flames -they must have thought he was the bombardier- and as my ship was starting to disintegrate, I reached a distance of <1k and dropped the nukes-

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I woke up in Krypton OP again, knowing I needed to convert 2,5k merits to nukes one last time to finish the job... Together with my ever reliable wingman Kalma, we jumped right back into geirrod, dodged spawn campers dead set on taking us out and with less than 100%hp ran towards the OP again... It had 7k hp and slowly repairing again- damn this was going to take so many merits from my stock... With my hair on fire, followed by a raging Kalma, I did away with all subtlety and rammed my viper rite into the OP's core- let go let go let go -bright, eye burning flash- and zzzzip the Red Outpost disappeared as I was brought back to Krypton, mortally wounded but with a maniac grin on my face.

By all standards this was a failure- I died 3 times and made Kalma loose his life as well. Nuking an OP is considered to be opposite of the way of the Samurai, no style, bad strategic planning etc. etc.... By all standards except the most important one: we made the Cylons lose their quick respawn during their terror round on the Colonial systems. How many lives we saved- who knows? But they must have been many!

Best regards- Av

Strikes live fast die quickly.

The Senate New Command

The United Federation Senate have been speaking in council this month regarding future operation they like to call OBD (operation battle destruction aka wing op bash). There long chat’s over the weeks have led to them pasting orders to me, these orders will be posted in time and there basic objective will be a fleet wide op bash on specific targets within the cylon occupied systems. I will endeavour to follow out this order and will in time set a direct day in the week in order for this to happen. This will NOT be planed until after the New Year, so please stay tuned to the website for more details as and when they come along.

Regards Admiral Vic.

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High Brass Config??

Can we ask our top level pilots for help? In each ship class ship it would be nice for high level members to write a little bit about how they load their ships, I would like to know what other people use, I am not that good in a strike (I have joined countless strike lessons and swarms) but I am sure I could have a better setup / spare kit in locker to swap for all my ships which would help to offset the fact I am not at my best in a viper.

I am never sure what to take in computer slots. For example, in each strike mission the ship table says, this range longer than this (bare facts) & the game says basically what it does but a few words from a veteran like "this does this and works well against ...so and so" I think would help a few of us newer guys.

I carry a scanner in viper as I mainly use it for sys patrol and asteroid recon. I remember the other day Admiral Victory said “you can mine loads of water from rocks” and I went mad scanning everything, I did ok for an hours work collecting plenty. If I am flying in a strike swarm, where mining is punishable by a month in the brig on bread and water, what do I swap it for?

Think a few words from some of the people who have been here a bit longer would help us newer people.

By Cosmalis

Give Thanks!

Please give thanks to all those that have contributed to this report. Also thanks to all those that took part in interviews. And as ever a massive thank you to Krom for all the wonderful work he does behind the seane for us and this perfect website.


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With the war and lots of fighting there invertible will be casualties, this is when I ask all wing member’s to honour the many commanders, captains and pilots in general. They are fallen and will be remembered. It’s a sad day when we say good bye to empty coffins, but from the ashes we will grow stronger, more determined to rid us of the cylon scum. Personally speaking I have used more of my own resources this month than any other time so I do feel that the switch has brought us a bigger challenge and to find out that we had more cylon models within our ranks makes me feel 1 sick and 2 more weary of my fellow wing mates, however we as a team have put in place a new promotion system that, from the feedback received so far, looks to be a massive jump forward in not only leadership, but will help us all see who is a weak link.

We also this last week voted on and created a new set of ranks, gone are the bog standard stripes, now we have a good mix of ranks chosen for and by the people. The United Federation Senate did not like to concept at first but myself and fellow members of high rank change their point of view. This change also came with a change to officer chat. Now on only admirals and commodore’s can use this chat. Hopefully this will help whit multi wing comms.

One final note…. Please if you have any questions regarding anything you can contact me via my inbox at any time on the website. I’m sure that all your peers would welcome questions regarding the game as well, so please don’t worry, don’t panic, just ask.

By Admiral Victory.


This might be the clyon super strike I was taking about.

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A possible battlestar?

This design is the most likely! It will be half the size of a normal battlestar. You will have 8 capital weapon slots with a point defence and a flak battery. Standard hull will be 8k. Upgraded the hull can be around 12-18k hp. The ship is based on the Valkyrie battlestar design. Other than that I don’t know much.

Here are some older designs from the guy that help on BSG online.

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