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Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_______Per:______ Guided Reading Questions Directions: Answer each question using the RACE strategy! R=Restate the question A=Answer all parts C=Cite evidence from the text E=Extend or explain Topher (pg. 1-15) 1. From whose point of view is this chapter written? This chapter is written in first person point of view from Topher’s perspective. 2. How does Ms. Bixby handle the boys and Rebecca Roudabush and her cooties? Explain in detail.

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_______Per:______

Guided Reading Questions

Directions: Answer each question using the RACE strategy!

R=Restate the question

A=Answer all parts

C=Cite evidence from the text

E=Extend or explain

Topher (pg. 1-15)1. From whose point of view is this chapter written?

This chapter is written in first person point of view from Topher’s perspective.

2. How does Ms. Bixby handle the boys and Rebecca Roudabush and her cooties? Explain in detail.

Ms. Bixby tells the boys that the cooties don’t exist anymore. They used to exist but it had been eradicated by three girls in 1994. She did not yell rather, she spoke to the boys and Rebecca very maturely and didn’t make them feel silly or unimportant. Ms. Bixby was very “cool” with how she handled the situation.

3. According to Topher “There are six kinds of teachers in the world.” (pg. 5) List the six types of teachers and provide an explanation of each kind.

1. Zombies: teachers who have been working forever and speak in a mumbled monotone voice.

2. Caff-Adds: teachers who have bloodshot eyes and talk very fast which sounds like bee’s buzzing in your head.

3. Dungeon Masters: teachers who are strict and insist on no talking.4. Spielbergs: teachers who put on movies all the time but not as cool as Steven

Spielberg.5. Noobs: teachers who are overachievers; very energetic and have lots of new

posters but get burnt out after two years.6. Good Ones: teachers who make school bearable and they make you want to

pay attention and learn.

4. Topher describes Ms. Bixby as one of the Good Ones. What makes Ms. Bixby a Good One? Cite examples from the text.

Topher describes Ms. Bixby as one of the Good Ones because she makes learning fun and she didn’t yell at him when he was chasing Rebecca Roudabush because she had the cooties. YOu don’t want to disappoint.

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_______Per:______

Guided Reading Questions

Directions: Answer each question using the RACE strategy!

R=Restate the question

A=Answer all parts

C=Cite evidence from the text

E=Extend or explain

Steve (pg. 16-24)1. From whose point of view is this chapter written?

This chapter is written in first person point of view from Steve’s perspective. 2. What did Ms. Bixby announce to the class?

Ms. Bixby announced to the class that she has cancer and cannot finish the year.

3. How would you describe Steve? Think about his character traits.

Steve is very smart and he likes to learn. Students call him names like CP30 or Data but others make fun of him and call him a weirdo.

4. Steve remembers a Bixbyism: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” (pg. 22) Why do you think Ms. Bixby shared this quote with Steve?

I think Ms. Bixby shared this quote with Steve because he is different than other boys his age. He is very smart and likes to learn and sometimes gets made fun of. She wants him to continue to enjoy learning and never regret his choice of knowledge. Rather than change and try to fit in, Steve should remember that it is a great accomplishment to stay true to who you are.

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_______Per:______

Guided Reading Questions

Directions: Answer each question using the RACE strategy!

R=Restate the question

A=Answer all parts

C=Cite evidence from the text

E=Extend or explain

Brand (pg. 25-36)1. From whose point of view is this chapter written?

This chapter is written in first person point of view from Brand’s perspective.

2. Brand is new to the school. Why has he moved? How did he become friends with Topher and Steve?

Brand moved because his old house was too big and his father’s disability checks couldn’t cover the payments. He also mentioned that there were too many steps in his old house and there wasn’t a shower on the first floor.

Brand became friends with Topher and Steve during lunch on his first day of school in the fifth grade. They had a seat open at their table and Topher said that he could sit with them. He has been friends with them ever since even though he doesn’t have a lot in common with them.

3. Describe some of the reasons why Brand was happy to have been placed in Ms. Bixby’s class.

Brand was happy to have been placed in Ms. Bixby’s class because Topher and Steve were also in that class. He had heard the other teacher, Mr. Mackelroy was a Dungeon Master. Ms. Bixby let you make videos instead of write essays and she also had a python as a class pet.

4. What do the students learn from Principal McNair?

The students learn from Principal McNair that Ms. Bixby isn’t coming back to school. The students will not be able to have their “see you soon”/going away party with her.

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_______Per:______

Guided Reading Questions

Directions: Answer each question using the RACE strategy!

R=Restate the question

A=Answer all parts

C=Cite evidence from the text

E=Extend or explain

Topher (pg. 37-66)

2. What is Topher’s plan?Topher’s plan is to visit Ms. Bixby in the hospital over the weekend.

He doesn’t feel like they had a proper goodbye. The cards they made her weren’t enough. There was more to be said.

3. Why are the boys skipping school? What did they learn during recess?

The boys are going to skip school because they learn during recess that Ms. Bixby is moving to a hospital in Boston over the weekend. If they want to say goodbye they have to move-up their plan which would mean they need to visit her by Friday.

4. What does Topher call Steve’s parents? How does he describe them?

Topher calls Steve’s parents “helicopter” parents. They are always watching Steve and his sister, Christina. They are very involved with his schooling and education and extracurricular activities.

5. How does Topher describe his own parents?

Topher describes his own parents as “flitters”. They are interested in him but they are also very busy with work and other things. He describes them as talking fast like they do at the end of a medicine commercial. They used to be more interested in him and involved before they had his sister. Then his mom went back to work at nights and his dad got a promotion that causes him to work late.

6. Do you think Mr. Mackelroy will tell on the boys? Give specific reasons to support your answer.

I don’t think Mr. Mackelroy will tell on the boys because the boys overheard him talking negatively about Principal McNair. Mr. Mackelroy was late to work and called the principal “McNasty”. Brand made it clear that they heard what he said and that the principal wouldn’t be pleased to know that his staff was making fun of him.

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_______Per:______

Guided Reading Questions

Directions: Answer each question using the RACE strategy!

R=Restate the question

A=Answer all parts

C=Cite evidence from the text

E=Extend or explain

Steve (pg. 67-95)1. The reader learns more about Steve in this chapter. Describe some of

Steve’s character traits and habits.

Steve finds change frustrating. When he gets nervous he talks a lot. He doesn’t always filter what he says which annoys people. He often repeats what people say so that he makes sure he heard things right. He

knows a lot about very random things. He is worried that his relationship with Topher is changing and that he took their friendship for granted.

2. Why do you think that Steve is frustrated by the quote “change is the only constant”? (pg. 67-69)

Steve is frustrated by the quote “change is the only constant” because he knows it’s true! He hates uncertainty so the idea that things always change makes him feel anxious.

3. Steve feels that Topher is a “constant”. How has Topher been a constant for Steve?

Topher has been a “constant” in Steve’s life since the first grade. He has saved him a seat and shared his cookies and made Steve play made-up games. He also has defends Steve when other kids make fun of him. Last, Topher discreetly lets Steve know when he might be saying something insulting to someone.

4. Steve says “constants are called that for a reason. You can take them for granted.” Who has Steve taken for granted? Why is this upsetting him now?

Steve has taken Topher’s friendship for granted. It’s upsetting him now because he sees that maybe Topher has more in common with Brand. He is afraid the two boys will begin to leave him out or not include him.

5. How many stops did the boys plan for on the way to visit Ms. Bixby?

The boys planned 3 stops on the way to visit Ms. Bixby.

6. What is the first stop and what item are the boys planning on purchasing?

The first stop is to a bakery called Michelle’s. It is actually owned by a man named Eduardo. The boys want to purchase a white, chocolate, raspberry supreme cheesecake to share with Ms. Bixby. It’s something

that she has mentioned and they want her to have something that she loves.7. Steve shares a flashback when his father requested a parent-teacher conference with Ms. Bixby. Why was Steve’s father so upset with Ms. Bixby?

Steve’s father is so upset with Ms. Bixby because she gave Steve a “B” in language arts. Mr. Sakata finds this unacceptable because Steve is very bright and also because his sister never gets a B. He thinks that Ms. Bixby isn’t challenging Steve or her evaluation system is flawed.

8. What did Ms. Bixby say that Steve found so funny? Why do you think Steve found it funny?

Ms. Bixby asked Mr. Sakata if he had a bumper sticker that said “proud parent of straight -A students. Steve finds this so funny because they actually have that exact bumper sticker on their car. He knows that Ms. Bixby gets the fact that the only thing his parents care about are good grades.

9. How do you think Brand got the cake for half price?

I think that Brand got the cake for half price by telling Eduardo what they were trying to do. He probably shared that Ms. Bixby has cancer and is leaving and that she told her students about the white chocolate raspberry supreme cheesecake. Maybe Eduardo even remembered Ms. Bixby coming in to buy a slice.

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_______Per:______

Guided Reading Questions

Directions: Answer each question using the RACE strategy!

R=Restate the question

A=Answer all parts

C=Cite evidence from the text

E=Extend or explain

Brand (pg. 96-124)1. The reader has gotten to know a little more about Brand. How would you

describe Brand? What are his character traits?

Brand feels ordinary and average compared to Steve and Topher. He doesn’t stand out in any way. He is also sad about his life now. His Dad was always so much fun but since the accident he doesn’t get off of the couch or play pranks anymore. Brand is very independent because he

is basically taking care of himself and his Dad.

2. Where do the boys stop after the bakery? What do they pick up?

The boys make an unplanned stop at a bookstore. Topher realizes that they forgot something that they need to bring to Ms. Bixby but the reader doesn’t know what book they bought.

3. What is Brand’s favorite holiday besides Christmas? Why does he like this day so much?

Brand’s favorite holiday besides Christmas is April 1st, which is April Fool’s Day. He loved this holiday and he and his Dad even made up a mascot - the April Fool’s Jackass which was a magical donkey who would sneak through your window and dump a basket of gag gifts on his bed. Brand loved his Dad’s pranks and gags even though sometimes they were gross. He was even able to get him back sometimes. 4. What happened to Brand’s dad? Describe in detail

Brand’s dad worked in construction. One day the scaffolding he was standing on broke and he fell 30 feet. He broke some bones but the real damage was to his L2 and L3 vertebrae in his spine. His Dad wasn’t paralyzed but it would take a great deal of physical therapy for him to walk again. After about 9 sessions, Brand’s Dad quit going to physical therapy; he was in too much pain and didn’t see any results.

5. What was Brand’s father like before the accident? How is he now?

Before the accident, Brand’s father was very fun and involved in his life. His mother had died when he was two so Brand’s dad was the one to raise him and really take care of him. After the accident he changed. The April Fool’s Jackass never comes anymore on March 31st. He also no longer gets off the couch and sometimes wishes he had died in the fall.

6. What does Brand notice in Topher’s sketchbook that causes the boys to fight?

Brand notices a picture of Ms. Bixby in topher’s sketchbook.

7. Why do you think the boys fight over the picture? Who do you think is right?

I think the boys fight over the picture because from Brand’s perspective, he is the only one with a special bond with Ms. Bixby. This is the first time that he realizes that maybe each of the boys wants to say goodbye because Ms. Bixby was more than a teacher to them as well. Topher is upset because he doesn’t want the other boy’s to know that he cares deeply for Ms. Bixby. We know that because the picture of Ms. Bixby is hidden in the back of his sketchbook so that no one sees it.

I don’t think either boy was wrong.

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_______Per:______

Guided Reading Questions

Directions: Answer each question using the RACE strategy!

R=Restate the question

A=Answer all parts

C=Cite evidence from the text

E=Extend or explain

Steve (pg. 125-151)1. How does Steve feel while riding on the bus? Why does he feel this way?

Steve feels in the middle of his two friends fighting. He didn’t expect Topher and Brand to ever have a fight and it is making him feel very anxious. He is also anxious because they are both bloody and he doesn’t like to look at blood.

2. Why did Topher draw the picture of Ms. Bixby?

Topher explains that he drew the picture of Ms. Bixby to preserve her. He wanted to keep her with him forever. He was very specific that he did NOT have a crush on her.

3. How would you describe Steve’s parent’s marriage?

Steve’s parents fight all the time. The only time they get along is when they are not together. It doesn’t sound like his parents have a happy marriage.

4. Why does Topher make Steve promise that he will never let him get married?

Topher makes Steve promise to never let him get married because Topher feels that people who get married are asking for it. He explains that love is ok but that marriage sucks. He also wants to make sure that Steve doesn’t let a girl ever get between their friendship.

5. Where do the boys go when they get off the bus? What are they trying to purchase?

The boys go to a liquor store, What Ales You. The boys want to buy a bottle of wine for Ms. Bixby.

6. What is Topher’s plan to purchase the wine? Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?

Topher’s plan to purchase the wine is to stop an adult and ask them to buy the bottle of wine for them. He was going to say it was for their mother’s birthday. This is not a good idea because it is still illegal to purchase alcohol for minors. They also could get in a lot of trouble for asking.

7. Topher googles “George Nelson” and doesn’t find anyone local but does learn that George Nelson was the nickname of one of the most infamous bank robbers and known murderers in American History. Why do you think the author shared that information? (Hint: foreshadowing)

I think the author shared that George Nelson was an infamous bank robber and murderer to foreshadow that the man Topher asked would not hold up his end of the bargain. Anyone who gives themselves the same name as a bank robber probably is going to steal their money.

8. What happens to the boys at the end of the chapter?

While the boys were trying to decide what wine to buy Ms. Bixby, George Nelson left the store. The boy’s weren’t able to purchase the wine and George stole the rest of their money.

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_______Per:______

Guided Reading Questions

Directions: Answer each question using the RACE strategy!

R=Restate the question

A=Answer all parts

C=Cite evidence from the text

E=Extend or explain

Topher (pg. 152-168)

1. Describe what the boys do after they leave What Ales You.

When the boys realize that George Nelson left the liquor store without buying them the wine, they decided to chase after him.

2. What kind of TV shows do you think Topher watches? Why? Support your answer with examples from the text.

Topher must watch action tv shows and movies such as batman and other police programs. He pretends that he is a superhero and invincible as he is chasing George Nelson. He thinks that he can roll over cars and leap over garbage cans.

3. How does Brand show that he is a good friend to Topher?

Brand shows that he is a good friend to Topher by stopping his pursuit of George Nelsen. When he realizes that Topher fell and is badly hurt, he turns around and helps lift him up. He does a quick diagnosis of Topher’s ankle and tells him to wait while he goes back to get Steve.

4. How does Topher describe the cheesecake?

Topher described the cheesecake as a giant, heaping turd of white and red Play-Doh mixed together. 5. Why is Brand crying? Is his reaction understandable? Why or why not?

Brand is crying because everything is ruined. The cheesecake is a disaster, they weren’t able to buy Ms. Bixby the wine, and they got robbed and have barely enough money to go home. Brand wanted so badly for his plan to work. He is crying because nothing seems to go right for him. He feels very disappointed today and with his home situation.

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_______Per:______

Guided Reading Questions

Directions: Answer each question using the RACE strategy!

R=Restate the question

A=Answer all parts

C=Cite evidence from the text

E=Extend or explain

Brand (pg. 169-181)

1. Why does Brand refer to his dad has having a “second fall”?

Brand says his dad has a “second fall” because the first was his accident but the second fall was his father deciding to give up on getting better. He quit going to rehabilitation and just sat in his chair and watched TV all day long. He wouldn’t go out with Brand and left Brand to take care of all the household duties.

2. Why does Brand feel like Ms. Bixby saved him?

Brand feels like Ms. Bixby saved him because she saw him walking home in a snowstorm carrying 6 grocery bags around his arms and stopped to ask him if he wanted a ride. At first he ignored her and then when she honked at him he thought that the car looked warm and figured a ride wouldn’t hurt.

3. What were the boys going to do when Steve tells them to “Get down!”?

The boys were going to eat Ms. Bixby’s cheesecake because they were hungry and they thought that she wouldn’t want it to go to waste considering how expensive it was. 4. Who gets on the bus?

Steve notices that George Nelson is getting on the bus. 5. Why does Brand feel hopeful at the end of the chapter? (Hint: Brand is thinking about what Ms. Bixby told him)

Brand feels hopeful at the end of the chapter because he sees George Nelson getting on the bus. He actually is seeing Ms. Bixby who is telling him that even when you think that you are beat you have to keep on going. At that moment he says that the “day is not over yet” which leads us to believe that they are going to continue on with their plan to see Ms. Bixby.

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_______Per:______

Guided Reading Questions

Directions: Answer each question using the RACE strategy!

R=Restate the question

A=Answer all parts

C=Cite evidence from the text

E=Extend or explain

Steve (pg. 182-207)

1. Why does Steve like numbers?

Steve likes numbers because they don’t lie. He feels you can count on them to be true.

2. Why does Steve keep talking about numbers, statistics and odds?

Steve keeps talking about numbers, statistics and odds because he wants the reader to understand that he can calculate equations and odds for different situations. He doesn’t think with his heart; he only thinks with his head which Ms. Bixby challenges him to reconsider.

Steve understands that the probability of the boys ever seeing George Nelsen again very, very small yet it happened. This again challenges him to think less with his head and more with his heart.

Finally, Steve understands the odds of Ms. Bixby surviving her type of cancer are not good and not in her favor. He is hoping that numbers are sometimes wrong, that maybe she’ll be the one to beat the odds.

3. Why didn’t Steve want Brand to sit next to him and Topher that first day at lunch?

Steve didn’t want Brand to sit next to him and Topher the first day at lunch because he was worried that it would change his friendship with Topher. It had always been just him and Topher. He was also worried that Topher would like him better because Brand had seen all the right movies and knew lots of jokes and Topher thought he was cool and that would make Topher eventually choose Brand over him.

4. How do the boys stop George Nelson? Explain in detail.

The boys 5. What happens to Steve while they were pursuing George Nelson?

Steve gets punched in the face by George Nelson. He was going to hit Brand but Brand ducked and Steve didn’t!

6. What does Topher reveal to Steve and Brand?

Topher reveals to Steve and Brand that he did NOT record George Nelson hitting Steve or anything he said because the phone’s battery died.

7. At the end of the chapter, Steve thinks more about Ms. Bixby’s idea about falling in love. He even quotes Albert Einstein, “imagination being more important than knowledge”. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?




8. How does Steve feel about Ms. Bixby’s and Albert Einstein’s ideas at the end of the chapter? Explain.

Steve hopes that Ms. Bixby and Albert Einstein are right - that sometimes imagination is more important than knowledge because the probability that Ms. Bixby will be able to beat her type of cancer is only 25%. He knows that sometimes things just happen for no reason. He hopes that in Ms. Bixby’s case that despite the evidence and research, that things go her way.

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_______Per:______

Guided Reading Questions

Directions: Answer each question using the RACE strategy!

R=Restate the question

A=Answer all parts

C=Cite evidence from the text

E=Extend or explain

Topher (pg. 208-239)

1. How does Topher describe the cheesecake in his mind?

Topher describes the cheesecake in his mind as a four-hundred-pound pigeon that just ate a berry bush and took a dump in Steve’s backpack.

2. Where and what are the boys picking up at the last stop before the hospital?

The boys are at McDonald’s and they are buying a large order of french fries.3. Why does Topher describe Steve’s fat lip as “a rite of passage”?

Topher describes Steve’s fat lip as a “rite of passage” because he feels it is something every boy needs to have happen to them to become a man. A rite of passage is an expression to indicate that you’ve accomplished something that is necessary to mature and grow.

4. Who comes into McDonald’s and confronts the boys?

Christina Sakata, Steve’s sister, happens to come into McDonald’s and she sees the boys immediately.

5. Why was Steve’s reaction to Christina so surprising?

Steve’s reaction to Christina is so surprising because we would never expect him to stand up to his sister. Steve is the kind of kid who goes along with the crowd. He told Christina to hang-up the phone and that whatever they were doing wasn’t about her. He even yelled at her.

6. Why do you think Ms. Bixby kept the things in the colored folders in her bottom drawer?

Ms. Bixby kept some students’ work in colored folders in her bottom drawer because she thought that they were special and possibly would go on to great things as an adult.

7. What is Topher’s own personal experience with Ms. Bixby?

Topher’s own experience with Ms. Bixby is that she has been saving his crumpled up and thrown away artwork. She shares with him that she is really impressed with Topher’s drawings and wanted him to know that she notices his talent and to not stop doing what he is passionate about.

8. Why does this matter so much to Topher?

Ms. Bixby’s secret folder matters to Topher because she sees how talented he is. His parents are very busy and don’t pay as much attention to his artwork any more. However, Ms. Bixby is going through the recycling to save drawings that Topher didn’t think were that good.

9. How does Topher “exacerbate the situation”? Support your response with specific details.

Topher tends to “exacerbate the situation” with Christina because he often has to get the last word in. He says very sarcastic or mean comments to her even when the argument is almost over. For example, Christina did not tell her Mother that the boys were cutting school but Topher had to say “Yeah, your life is so hard” in response to when she complained that she had enough to worry about without getting involved in Steve’s mess. Topher should have said nothing because that made Christina and Steve angry.

10. What do you think Brand has to tell Steve and Topher?

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_______Per:______

Guided Reading Questions

Directions: Answer each question using the RACE strategy!

R=Restate the question

A=Answer all parts

C=Cite evidence from the text

E=Extend or explain

Brand (pg. 240-260)

1. Does Brand tell Topher and Steve the whole truth? Explain your response with details from the story.

Brand does not tell Topher and Steve the whole truth. He tells the boys that Ms. Bixby saved him because she would take him to the

supermarket on Friday’s. He didn’t share with them that Ms. Bixby stayed with him while his Dad was in the emergency room.

2. What is something interesting about herself that Ms. Bixby told Brand during their grocery shopping trips?

Ms. Bixby shares with Brand that she was married and divorced. She knew he wasn’t the right person but it took her some time to act on it. She shares that she broke her arm falling off a trampoline. She has a brother in the army. She travelled to Australia when she was in high school. She also told him that her dad was an English professor and that would leave her notes with famous quotes on them in her lunches which was where she got all her Bixbyisms.

3. How else does Ms. Bixby help Brand besides their weekly trips to the grocery story?

Ms. Bixby took Brand to the emergency room when they discovered his Dad had fell. She stayed with him the whole night.

4. What does Ms. Bixby tell Brand he’s good at?

Ms. Bixby tells Brand that even though he doesn’t think he’s special or good at anything he is. Brand is special because he never gives up or quits.

5. Why does Brand cry when Ms. Bixby leaves him at the hospital?

Brand cries when Ms. Bixby leaves him at the hospital because he somehow knows that it is the last Friday he will spend with her.

6. Who is the head nurse on duty at St. Mary’s hospital?

The head nurse on duty at St. Mary’s hospital was Georgia Bonner.

7. How do the boys convince the nurse to let them visit with Ms. Bixby?

The boys convince the nurse to let them visit with Ms. Bixby by telling her that she is their aunt. Their parents are in the gift shop arguing over a card. They want to visit with her. They tell her that they are going to do homework with her.

8. Why do you think Brand is speechless when they enter Ms. Bixby’s room?

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_______Per:______

Guided Reading Questions

Directions: Answer each question using the RACE strategy!

R=Restate the question

A=Answer all parts

C=Cite evidence from the text

E=Extend or explain

Topher (pg. 261-282)

1. Topher describes a “dragon” that each character must slay (the thing they are each fighting against). Explain what each character’s “dragon” represents.

Brand: He is keeping a secret from the boys. They don’t know about his father and how Brand has to take care of him.

Steve: He is constantly being compared to his sister, who is pretty much better than him in every way; yet, has the same pressure on her from their parents. Topher: The feeling that nobody really understands or appreciates you. A sense that you don’t really matter.

Ms. Bixby: Cancer is destroying her from the inside out.

2. Describe what Ms. Bixby looks like in her hospital bed. Give specific details.

The woman in the hospital bed has no hair, sallow cheeked and is pale.

3. What makes Ms. Bixby change her mind and go with the boys on the picnic?

Ms. Bixby changes her mind and goes with the boys on the picnic when she hears Brand say “Atticus Finch”. It’s the name of a character in a book she recommended that he read. It must have made her feel good that her students listen to her.

4. Why does Steve sing a song when Ms. Bixby is climbing up the hill to their blanket? Why did he choose that specific song to sing?

Steve sings lyrics to the song “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin while Ms. Bixby is climbing the hill to the picnic blanket. He sings a song because he was supposed to play classical music but his phone battery died. He chose to sing this specific song because Ms. Bixby told Steve that he didn’t know everything because he didn’t know who the lead singer was.

5. What do you think Brand whispers in Ms. Bixby’s ear when she responds “I know”?

I think Brand whispers in Ms. Bixby’s ear that they love her and think that she is the best teacher ever.

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_______Per:______

Guided Reading Questions

Directions: Answer each question using the RACE strategy!

R=Restate the question

A=Answer all parts

C=Cite evidence from the text

E=Extend or explain

Steve (pg. 283-290)

1. Ms. Bixby explains her day with the boys was better than what she could have hoped for. Why does she say this? What have the boys given her that make her realize that she is a “good one”?

Ms. Bixby told the boys that her day was better than anything she hoped for because she was so surprised that they cut school and came to visit her. Not only that but they brought her all the things that she had told them that she loved. She realizes that she has touched their lives and made a lasting impression.

2. Why does Brand give Ms. Bixby a carnation?

Brand gives Ms. Bixby a carnation because she had told them when they were shopping that she admires carnations. She feels they get a bad rap because they are cheaper than roses, but she likes them better because they fight harder. Roses are quitters because they give up and die before you can even get used to them being around. (pg. 247)

3. What does Topher give Brand?

Topher gives Brand his drawing of Ms. Bixby.

4. Why do you think Topher gave this to Brand?

I think Topher gave the picture to Brand because he realizes that Brand might have had a closer bond with Ms. Bixby then he did. Brand seemed so mesmerized by the picture and Topher knows that he can always draw another one.

5. What does Steve want Topher to know? What do you think he was really trying to say?

Steve wants Topher to know that he had a good day. I think what he was really saying was that even though he wasn’t comfortable with everything they did, he appreciates the fact that he went on the adventure with Topher. He knows that sometimes it’s good to break the rules.

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_______Per:______

Guided Reading Questions

Directions: Answer each question using the RACE strategy!

R=Restate the question

A=Answer all parts

C=Cite evidence from the text

E=Extend or explain

Brand (pg. 291-294)1. How did Ms. Bixby die?

Ms. Bixby died in mid-June from complications during her surgery. She suffered severe blood loss but fought to the end.

2. Where were the boys when they heard the news about Ms. Bixby?

The boys were at Brand’s house when they heard the news that Ms. Bixby had passed away. They were playing X-Box in Brand’s room.3. Brand tells the reader that the last day doesn’t really matter the most. It is the ones in between that matter. What does he mean by this? Explain in detail.

Brand realizes now that it isn’t the last day that is the most important. It’s actually all the days before - the carnation days. They don’t have to be super special to be meaningful. The small, everyday things are the days you want to relive and think about again. For example, the day your dad lets you have your two best friends over.

4. What significant changes have occured in Brand’s life since Brand saw Ms. Bixby last?

Some significant changes that have occured since Brand saw Ms. Bixby last are: his dad is walking, his friends are allowed over, his dad is even driving short distances. It sounds as if Brand’s father is participating in life again.

5. How has Brand’s dad changed?

Brand’s dad is no longer just sitting on the couch. He is walking and driving short distances. He doesn’t seem depressed any longer. He even leaves rubber poop on Brand’s pillow.

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_______Per:______

Guided Reading Questions

Directions: Answer each question using the RACE strategy!

R=Restate the question

A=Answer all parts

C=Cite evidence from the text

E=Extend or explain

Epilogue - Topher (pg. 295-300)1. What was the writing prompt that started the boys’ adventure?

The writing prompt that started the boys’ adventure was, “what would you do if it were your last day on Earth?”

2. Why do you think Ms. Bixby wrote the quote, “Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It’s knowing you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.”?

Ms. Bixby wrote the quote so students remember to work hard even if it doesn’t come easily. But, I think she also wanted to remind herself to keep fighting the cancer that she had.

3. What did Topher write in his notebook? Why is this so relevant to this story?

Topher didn’t write much in his notebook but he did say that he would spend his last day on an adventure with his best friends. It is relevant to the story because Topher did actually go on a great adventure with Steve and Brand to fulfill Ms. Bixby’s last day.

4. Why does Ms. Bixby say that even when she’s gone they will still remember her?

Ms. Bixby said that even when she’s gone they will still remember her because she stood out with her pink hair, her crazy obsession with chalk, and made school enjoyable with her Bixbyisms and lastly, because she is one of the good ones!

5. Does Brand agree with Ms. Bixby’s theory? Why or why not?

Brand agrees with Ms. Bixby’s theory and says that they will all probably remember her because she is one of the good ones.
