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0 Warke ACRES - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/06/29/47/00041/00003.pdfO MAS...

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O MAS SETLE NEX'T 310Ny fritiff Ta&Yor&ncefordefendant . efotfromrilspeay-ti DoHlu m 163ry or plaintiff; J. A. Henderson THE OCALAf heArNSNuo i, Tit Long itf r O Aaointr , Al VBpe M pin eeryd etrre tanub at Jel Unite States eon for defendant. is the most extensively read Weekly neEvse DayEW ine the Yea, ti.o Pope Defendants one a it has been a faithful laborer in W OP p ortu I CESy! the irs Moday n Dcemer, ant C ah LD v er t o d~een A nt.ilso paer inhoughtdaf Fotre m anhpoodnbu hasHADTGTH ELIVEANA 11.THE FULL trbeth s Murphy vs. county of Alachua; th industrial uphuilding n the State It CASES TO BE TRIED BEFORE JUDGrt Hampton & Hampton and Fleming & Daniel has been the friend of Jacksonville in her FLORIDA S GREAT DAILY, THOMAS SETTLE f EXit n i1nTr. for paitiff; Taylor& Sanchez for defendant, effortsefor o fmercial supremacy it is TIC Bra . t. GUalryan; .. Mac- the friend of her Sub-Tropical, and is the DEMOCRATIC IN PLTC Donell for plaintiff. B e And the TeoBle of JacsonvidFe Seize it. Mary Ann Banrks et al. vs. Georgianna of every enterprise in every section Long List of Probable Offenders Against Clark ot al.; V. D. L. Mudge for plaintiff; J C. of the State. PBlIReD A A FEA. United States Laws-Counsel for Plain- Marcy & Son for defendant. THE BANNER has safely passed the ills Every Day In the Year. tiffs a1 d Diefoindts-Court a oaCoven Otto Wolf, trustee, vs. F. Small Et al; James and ailments of infancy and childhoodand thFrst Ton ndaint DCorvs.R.Hen r V Challen for plaintiffs Fleming & Daniel has reached the rigid equipos and rug- do.2 8a Sr _______ ara J. Davi et al vs. Edar C.r Wilso We Still Lead ,the Trade in LOWV PiRICES ! anil .a J. . elo r for defendant. aged thought of matured manhood, bittlers haACsVLE,*FL. et al; Fleming & Daniel for plaintiff; A. W. lost none of the vigor and sparkle and r . Below will be found the official calendar Thrasher for defendant glow of youth. HCTEH DENIS and But wpe are nowreprsent Aatiinotah InducSansbntsu for the United States Circuit Court which T. Brigham Bishop vs. Frances A. Gibbons; It invites the citizens of Florida's beauti- INCLUDING A SPECIAL F. M. Cheney for plaintiff; Fleming & Dan- tmeo toubcribe for ft and ac- stc cma to that frdm sits from the first Monday in December, elfor d -fendan t. . tat LI OF L T whin g thptw dns NpEct Annie B. Babcock, executive, etc., vs. F G qeain the ost at Jacksong taBln acmen So r i with Judge Thomas Settle on the bench: fo g et a . w. Colm & Son a Dua ly newspaper is. FnOM Fored lN d Venancho Sanchez vs. Tony Young and plaintiff; J. T. ,& G. U. Walker and C. P. & It has been beautifully said that the epsti D Newspaper, M.eey for plaingf E& K.aFoser for dein .plif. t o eedn hiee lttrs mus slriay a rised, andkl giess tif C. L. Pson for defendant. William Bright, vs. Elwood H. Buckman et THE BANNER aims to sustain that high ddresDs that tn eS iater H. Fisk vs. Charles Dougherty etHal . al.; C.P. & J. C. Cooper, Jobn G. Lon for compliment. ted A. V.C . Oh La I.Co E. M. Cheney for plaintiff; E. K. Foster and plaintiff; Fleming & Daniel, M. C nlya BY WIRE AND MAIL A SPECIALTY. JonasB.Aiken vs.Winch and Onks; Cock- Owen, Jseph E. Le e and P. L'Engle for deM r a year Ackr Paowlet dged! Baerin fo planiff.l mt for defendant. Jletcher foWrzJ la Arctiff;diller &:pne ola KEMA, i Lwls, W]AJ,, 1T T y llr 1 rell & Walker for plaintiff ; H J Baker and pendants. A The merchants of Jacksonville will find The NECESSuTY of having in Florida a clean, Fleming & Daniel for defendant. iHatton Turner vs. Alexander A. Brry and it a valuable and cheap advertising honest, straightforward metropolitan daily news- 60 A C Florida Town Improvement Co. vs. Jonas B. Henrietta V. Berry; James H. Challen for WMedium. Hundredsof new settlers in all paper, devoted to Aiken; H. D. Baker and Fleming & Daniel plaintiff, J. F. Welborie for defendant, parts of Florida read it and the old settlers JACKSONVILLE, L. CLEA VELAND &SON. for plaintiff; Cockrell & Walker for defen- Richard S. Hicks vs. Harvey P. WeRman at swear by it. IEMOCRATIC UNITY AND SUCCESS dant. .; a emingt Daniel for plaintiff, ohn A. rle B sl a. . . GeorigB Pinnef vs. the Gainesville, Ocala Hede o. fo defendantf.TR Bs E arve McCu-E DENTIST and the proper representation of the State's bs. 4e0 and ot a rbour Railroad Co., alias Eli T. Bangs and mosao L. Dolby vs. H. G. interests, caused a large number of weaetoy cnitzehs Florida Southern Railway Company; Ham Ross et al.; Smith & Lee and Fleming & Daniel to form a joint-stock Conipany to Ohf a eadn and byT c ton. . Hampto andC.Cooe fordeeyoplan in-for plaintiff v Bisbee for defendant. ton~~~IS OF LETTERS .M.Cenyfo lai uniting the two dailies the MING Naws and the t Taylor & Sanchez and Fleming & Wil Cynhia. Badon r aI.; vs. George Atins. Nor- tLClarencenMattersonTeJ MCane LAND Etc1Etc. lel for defendant. Br et. al.; Fieming & Daniel for plaintiff. Raniiser Charles Mle Isadc M James B. Brown vs. Edward Avery; E. M Foster & Gunby, and C . & J. L:. Cooper Remaining in the Post-office at Mackson- ral and a competent taff of profess nal jour Cheney for plaintiff; Taylor & Sanchez and for defendant. Cvilll Duval county, Florida, for week end- nalists, they have afforded the people of Florida sa Samuel H. Jones vs. S. T. Russell et al.; E and Sarah Atkinson, C. P. & J. C. Cooper for ing November 26, 1887. Persons calling for Representatie Daily Newspaper, M. Cheney for plaintiff; E. K. Foster for de- plaintiff, these letters must say advertised, and give fendant. The Pasaumpaic Savings Bank vs. Henry D. t~he date of list. Letters should be addressed that is a benefit and, an onament to the Slate to ~ ~ ~ r 1 Jr.;H. M. Call and Loton M.Jones for plaintiff paintiff; Miller & Spencer for defendant. thbem promptly delivered. Jame . obert &vs. avs.nnames M.lortin desa.aa C . C Coerfrttesre and Butlerr Stillman &oHubberdhand itlls&dJonesdC.ltsory, F Pieree, GeorgeeEH UG UeIIa" 91 Wharton Petch vs. Thomas Simm H. J Emily B. LachMayer adminiatratrix estate H. W. CLARK, P.M. Baker for plaintiff; . M. Smith for defendant, of Otto Lachemyr, deceased, vs. T. . Burrin, THE DAILY NEWS-HERALD George n att.n vs. Alonzo Hunter; H. j. JPanette E. Burrin., his wife and . G Hill; H. GEnTLeMN'S LIST. Cecil D.r H. Valentine vs. Ci. Eiaet defendant . W.acrir itr Fill& H Dvaul Clen as the c ow hedg pubhed aerorpVaentiev. JmB.SmtCfrecta:defendant. akAfrpaitf, &i .And~erson. Littleton Y LARGEST CIRCULATION Florida ILand & Improvement Co., Randall, Walker & Foster for plaintiff; Flem- John T. Geiger vs. Ad'laide Hastings, admin- Charles Long, J H ing & Daniel for defendant. istratrix of Helen t. facey and Charles H. DROWNFIED, Lane,. H In Florida. M Care & ordv.. vE. Swoidley Manssruto &B. Crec et a& J. Rada. Wakers & Foste D ougas Wila SM MIHA Situate inteCuteoJsau uaClmiSwneAs a a Co. Calhoun, Davis& Glls for plaintiff; A.B. kings for plaintiff, J. T. & G. U. Walker for de Bowman John M MikeOsnoBae, ,o Srme1; o77ie Mason for defendant. fendant. v.AeadHstnsBrooke, Noah Mitchell, Chles'I SunhscaI PrioN FR1-Ic]ns: R ManufacturingCo. vs. P. . Coggins Charles J. Patterson s ielomy, Willipm Mattox, Cicero Wsilesboro..Manatee.and. e. l. C. W. Stehens for plaintiff, J. N. administratix of Helen C. Racey and Charles Bally, Joseph A Meilford, CsasO Stripling for defendan H, Racay; C. P. & J. C. Cooper for plaintiff. Benson, Harvey McAually, D H Six 7oths....................... Wurtz, Biedler & Co. vs. M. L. Hoover; Passumpsic Savings Bank vs. Edwin . Brown, Friday Milton, F H Three "Ds.tIs .......................... 2 In E t n Sime W i a, Gdovle, to Aubult ake Jones& Bt. we, Rantiali, Walker & Foster Williams as administrator of estate of Mary Brown, Graham Meil, Geo One Month ... n.East.and.South.Floridafadatanoe athe uavion foraiaTown Imptcrovmet Company Seitner at al.; . P. & J. C. Cooper for plain i1. Benedict, A B Maidolf, HABry ofOrangesOa nd o bron frlethiascombe and eter Willias; M.Cey d fwtothl N I f anr ileL Radli, atso , AId'h arid . 11. & J. C. Cooper for deiendana, Passumpsi Savi gs Bank, vs Edwin T. Bogtwick. Abraham More, H N SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN BY A t N H. P. ~Paddison vs. t. Johns and Lake Eustis Williams. adminism'ntqr of John E. Williams Hartley, Clarence iatroJM____________________Cane, RcEtc.,Et. Railay Company; A. B. h.ason and . B. e C. P.&J. C. Cooperfor plantif. e tnimiyter, Charles itllerIsaT wl befurished on aphtion to anJ. ake Cfeor defendant. Bihop; t Fleng e Daiters or avin e iff ord . ne, AErt MMONSti, MrOSl 1) " ''~ ta-'.iAILJ UX lui Parrott for plaintiff; Calhoun, Davis & Gillis, r.ancds A. Gibbns P a. vs. i. Brighaat Bley, J M ullen, John IHE PEOPLE'S rddRFla, GnabryC rfor plantf natBso; Fleming & Daniel ior de-ntf E.g rug ore*y Goodwin John H the MrchIE ,8 .,5 P R A R A D U W R S faeU ;C('i d Stte vs. McheennerWis;oR M. Chne foS BANK or, 16eSehn1.ysomkoeimnssRHRT.WLIM.A.ELS Jams . m'wnvs Whelr Wlsn an- Chny -o dcf. iidant. BitJame XOBLE, ROBERT Many people residing at a distance from daily rail. uFacin o litf;Hmto apoNvgto Company; John ha erg .M.Dv s .Fori, Galp & - Chalmm, WA A Nesn ClF way communication do not care to take a daily Full information and circulars forwarded in application. Address Cale (fo plaintiff; o ton ones fporfn avai )ayJhsn alp Hu dso%_ e Ch a,W eCson, DNlleeml n ivr II L A NB 'tE L B aid Fleming & Daniel for defendant, ry a .L. Clarke or plaintiff; Hatridge & CRCathain Thomas E iNott, A P newspaper. For thee and others is published No. 305 WALNUT STREET, PIILADELPX1, PA John DOe vs. Richard Roe, with notice to oung for fendan t. Cl ever, Joh n H hLLIPS, PaP PNE AND FORSYTH STR LETS,adCKS0&TL Es. F trA. Tucker & Goodale; . M. Smith, for plaintiff; Central Trust Company of New York, vs. Clark, W 8l Pose0alm T P H. . Baker for defendant. Florida Railway and Navigation CoinArny; Cutrbeht, John Parker, Limos W B. Roberts vs. Savannah. Florida IId Butler. Stilman & Hubbard and 'akll & aones Cad- m toy, F Pierce, George =E-c Warke News, ie 0o oe ell~~~ &l Nfo-rrld plitffu.M.Mtes.W alooo ~g3 0 0 ACRES Western Railway Compay; A. W. Cockrnne & St AtHED W6 Hwalmon, B C Pope, lint Son,for plaintiff; Flemi g & Daniel for defend- & Danies, C. U. Cooper, Dor Fett & HAuckMn, AMOA,AP EatterEo RE sl js as rVEpTRSn ,ot ant C.P.&J. C. CC.Cero N. Mn. LDhgle, J.e W& G. pr awmatee A D PlOmKer, Cecil Gy b unc s inndoue Dora H.Walker at al, vs. C. Elizabeth Par- U. Walker, A. .Cocaill &geon and H. Bisbee euvaul, C W Fleathot Containing the cream of the matterpime. W & EIS sons et al.; Fleming & Daniel, for plaintiff; W. for defendant. Donely, Edward Pattie George the daily during the preceding seven dayor W. Dewhurat for defendant. Daniel H. Valentine and wife vs. James Davis, H H AL liNLANt ItldnhCuck;salways willingLto Charles Lord vs. J. E. Swindle; Massey & B. C et Ridal, Walkers & Foster Doa, W E SIHEAL SOt uOdr 6te0 MonO na, Su a, ia TW&or e for plaintifffor plaintiff: Fr ming & Daniel four defendaurg. Dayle, P J Rocky Moumtain News Printing Company * .1LMONSON, J E 1 ADDICK, IVilbr.Mnae n o vs. J.* F. Weihorne; Harrison & Peeler, and Renews Her Youth. E j. Ellis, George _RN Roherson, C H Address,Hilbr.X atean oo. C. P. & J. C. Coop er for plaintiff; Wele Mr. P English E J Rhoden, W1ade R r aT* & Yates for defendant. o eesey, arson, y o., RuDs, S L Robinson, John . T. STOCKTON, Business ayagCo Gfiser Manufacturing Company vs. D ald Iowa, tals the following remarkable story, Evins, Mr H Reed, Grant Mnoe, svalrivin erset. soi eCGr the truth of which is vouched for by the t slRoCK, MAX Riley, Edward oJacksonvilnJackdotlh, o ac Monoe suvn g peM t sn nt. Jo n outHer- A a.0.BIntetoM Ms as Wisx e oayte HisLv1en, aod nvle B ' A person for plaintiff; John Malone for defendG residentM of the town: "I am 73 years old, MRichardson, Charley rndale, Lake' ant. have been troubled with kidney complaint J-1 RIFFIN, WILLIS Reed. Butler ________________ land, .Seffn Mango, Orient, Eagle Lake Haskell, 11athleen, Dade City, Florida Town Improvement VS. and lameness for many years; could net LwhererallncommunicationswilliOwensboro and Pemberton. Riley Bascombe and Peter Williams; l Ml dress myself w Garner, Willie L Read, Matson Gea*O. Smith for plaintiff; H. J. Baker for defendant. frml ithdotehelp. anowd am frleet Gran, Mor'gan Ripley, James A aIniecitventsso igte oaino hs Florida Town Improvement Company vs. oGauphi, It E Radio, James A va and descrish owin to Port King et al; . M ith for plaintiff;:H. do all my own housework. I Owe my Games, Earnest L RitchMrson. Thes p. Baker for defendant. thanks to Electric Bitters for having Ta- Gifford, E V ZSmIMMONS E C -mm A. Cloud vs. C. 0. Livingston and wife; nawed m t, andremoved completely Goodsne, Easop Simpson Boney Victorina~~~_ JonTG&GogeUlaleeor.I, MIS STONur,MRHGOEIST. & Warts for plaintiff; LM. C. Jordon ti e pitry a bottle D 50c lee ae Wk r F EB ii L fendant. and $1 Hna netto aGenovart, B Summersll, Frank eJohn H Smith, Moses I DEFY COMPETITION. and neSarubuera Prooup t Olraornga RAiSlroad, CoE da F at This SplR. Mary W. Mullins vs. John P. Morton; E. a. HGhoes Drug etc.eE11edis Joie SNIE unby for plaintiff; Fleming & Daniel for dee ymorenJMrs.ISElizansrarch ffendant. Griggs bohn S Scofttld, 's Mary United Sates vs. McQueen Saunders; . M. FRANK Sermedge Stephen My 0rpet ar un e e Tn Ke Si Mr R Call for plaintiff; Loton M. ones for defend- h S EL Herron, J C Stanley, i N Fine Gold and Silver SaTrIah..PLbas Z I S 1 tate Hudson, K S Sampson, D J el vs. Jessie Wilson g. M. Call Harisoi James Sicox. Isaac Watches, Jewelry, and solid*e MLm i a for plaintiff; Leton M. Jones for defendant. H R § SkiverMJissmria James S Watt executioner. etc., vs. J. F. Harrison, RH Sutton, John as weB A asEesY ware, FEe in TRI LaIRUER. Wei A. . Cockrell & Son for plain- d d f ulHarm is, Henry -AS, Ruli tiff; Welbrne & Yates for defendant. s it f h i prueton, now offomn c e Trymok W N top e a of th lg 00 aes choice Hardwood Ham. Ana~Hikw b Ha0u T o. n Withp lowests price and bes 0,000 acrelntsswet H oe.l u Edla-d H. Lwis vs. the Florida Printing Sa weph very latest mll and temock 1,000 to 20,000 acres, choice taken fores. andPurbst Cn J . Bisbee for plain- [ WJ Halley, Charles T ylorMGlenn mk' He Yellow Re I tracts Coares.miths.Hrdiendit eI TELFAIR ST C T N Am Xt sin ,? HW -i tRA A PR Y z h i t a f: A. W. Cockdell & Son _ 'dfean ESTABLISHED nd6S. EATE Choice selections of best Pine and Hammock lands In small tracts tn every county it J men Hamon ernandez, as administrator of Hill William ValentineWm I guarantee I including some special selections In the Lake Worth and Bicayne Bay nitry W Helen C. Racey, deceased, vs. John T. Geiger; iNKdNSdABBAd r ne really Tropical Florida. The beet possible investment prCpeoties in JacksoOvlle John T. & George U Walker for plaintiff; C. GB sel ju as or and suburbs at from $50 par lot to Roa par front foot. P. & a. C. Cooper and D.C. Dawkins for de- *aBEN Chas & 1 O fenamn Hennzs admnitrto estat is a~ro time Jhakso, JoRnfael Williams, Mao KMoney will be refunded on IN- Call on us for anything wanted in Florida, and If we cannot give you a gennmiae bargain Renamn Justdea nownsrao af estat Jhasn, Johnf Waterama, 0or cl we wifll not occupy your time. W~iM of Helen C. Racey, vs. Charles S. Pattern Lee call. t101 WH~~fMoa to? see" = s -eadn ND goM .1 Staam1a ar ndiliaTC1 1 O John T. & George U. Walker for plaintiff, C.P. ThPlease call and examine Boom 10, Hubbard's BuIldin. C al. Cooper and D. C., Dawkins for defend- W BetweenL ac Williams, Grant st-cke olr h izswk llihgcta a OYCALYWalsh,3myT e J i. Chales H. Racey vs. John T. Geiger; John oh e Lrax, WE Williams, Henry clahow ispction. tahn ame Td & George U. Walker for plaintiff; C. P. & up article in oure lin Laughaine, WC i Walker, StS resor goodft for elemnttooou GuaantCooper and D. C. Dawkins for defpndao. Likely, Peter Wilson,WP i S. ,as administrator of Moses E.Levy, 01i1h00ou - - desire . LADIES LIST. vs. William E. Bird, at al.; C. P. & J. C.Cooper _______________ UDLEY, MISS Lewis, Eliza Epcat.R l yU for plaintiff; Hantidge &Young and Fleming & Daniel for defendant. At. 83S CMlar Sht egLrgs H.oh. Al.recier n etc.v. . Greely ni YoungC I N Appian, Miss Viola Mills, Miss Babe Has been removed from Palatka to Jacksonville, and the offices are now located in the Forid LAndersn and rtga ge &mpany1vs. J. O YI Adams Miss Lizzie Mcnald, Griude - byss expres willna rcvepotaeninadllgdwraedh for plaintiff; J. M. Cheney for defendant. Ao_ us. Respectfullr, M ilr &Scri oro plani;Feng & t Dtean- EsauosAe s aBsmepR PER ESS DoYES THE FIRST- -- ONEad APPEARED- ie ndFosyliStees Mhary . T rrey at al. vs. Shelton D. Souter; espoodencsolicite fo RelEt e iel for defendant, Batcheder, Airs Kate Mathew issHae oA wr cminsAne and Fuel Company; Sumner Chase lhafS o er Bryant, Miss Eliza Lh T e bt r d Joh . arnus vs. Theid Pailak andas i f~4 W Bake, Mrlis. raey 2) n~LotDc Lor smtirpioso plcswihaemkn all for plaintiff; Calhoun & Davis for defendant. Ner sae bytW. A MLy A fas Tawt T. A. Bass, sheriff of the county of Osceola, OSBak, cone Lai t i s OM is fnat Bell* M rsar at Newman, Miss Geen State of Florida, administrator, ale., of the ._tylwhch s anewdeprtueISScorea estate of John B. Simmons, deceased, vs. The millionsNof pB TeNwho have Mutual Life Insurance Company of New CeurklvduMiss iamAiLla cr 'm an tif; Fomn Dane foso & deeynd our n Ceighbo NO. 27 East, atid 72 West L. 0. GARRETT, Commissionereof tiandland Immigration. orkand; nm & oane for pantfor On or about December i Cavderethirfaorte OSSIE MISS LIZ-authoromweekf derson ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ onn and Harrid & Youn for defendant.terestto anyisine onf inn the NotIwowamoigrwekawttllteirceofhinoei-iai APPEALS IN' ADMIRALTY. Copr Miss~a DaidonPatygMsra Selol.:rT Dickrho s RDaerby &. Cpan s Iark M. D- tomp li ssaumove to ullori da. *dr Miss Carrie Pain, Miss Adinaa Victorina John T & George U. Walker forssuE my fulldsp r, Mn atte Mrs HP H GROCERIES, ETC. plaintiff; Ii. g. Baker and L. M. Jones for de- tive price-list of and 44 Devine,iss , M ReadfileSundayNews-Herald!__ CitydIXON Hannah HobinsonMiss Della0 Steamer Manatee vs. Steamer Captain Mil- Suburban Proprty, rag Depy, Miss Maiunda Randall, Miss Annie, lar; H. M. Davis and A. H. Meek for plaintiff; A~V~J .ST, MRS Robinson, Miss Rosa Flaming & Daniel for defendant. FLTCE ELE MISS -AN- Th sS a e is R s r e Edar H ews s.Gore . iso e aGroves, Wid Lands, etc. Elege,MisLti under firm name of The Florida Printing and ~RAZIER, MISS 6eymore, Mrs. Eliza Publishing Coin any; H. Bisbee for plaintiff; Faiie NELTIE bath LOYD L PR E A- W ockrll XSon nd Flming& Da My fcilites fr selingFloa , s Carrie Sams, Mrs FanniePP 1 T 1A V for defendant, i Falkernburg,Miss Scott, Miss Mary Mary B. Calvano v. George C. Wilson a t Al, prop ert are- ii~rP1c ;n Kate Silvirus, Mrs RoseI
Page 1: 0 Warke ACRES - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/06/29/47/00041/00003.pdfO MAS SETLE NEX'T 310Ny fritiff Ta&Yor&ncefordefendant . efotfromrilspeay-ti DoHlu m 163ry

O MAS SETLE NEX'T 310Ny fritiff Ta&Yor&ncefordefendant . efotfromrilspeay-ti

DoHlu m 163ry or plaintiff; J. A. Henderson THE OCALAf heArNSNuo i, Tit Long itf r O Aaointr

, Al VBpe M pin eeryd etrre tanub at Jel Unite States eon for defendant. is the most extensively read Weekly neEvse DayEW ine the Yea, ti.o Pope Defendants one a it has been a faithful laborer in W OP p ortu I CESy!

the irs Moday n Dcemer, ant C ah LD v er t o d~een A nt.ilso paer inhoughtdaf Fotre m anhpoodnbu hasHADTGTH ELIVEANA 11.THE FULL

trbeth s Murphy vs. county of Alachua; th industrial uphuilding n the State It CASES TO BE TRIED BEFORE JUDGrt Hampton & Hampton and Fleming & Daniel has been the friend of Jacksonville in her FLORIDA S GREAT DAILY,

THOMAS SETTLE f EXit n i1nTr. for paitiff; Taylor& Sanchez for defendant, effortsefor o fmercial supremacy it is TIC Bra . t. GUalryan; . . Mac- the friend of her Sub-Tropical, and is the DEMOCRATIC IN PLTC

Donell for plaintiff. B e And the TeoBle of JacsonvidFe Seize it. Mary Ann Banrks et al. vs. Georgianna of every enterprise in every section Long List of Probable Offenders Against Clark ot al.; V. D. L. Mudge for plaintiff; J C. of the State. PBlIReD A A FEA.

United States Laws-Counsel for Plain- Marcy & Son for defendant. THE BANNER has safely passed the ills Every Day In the Year. tiffs a1 d Diefoindts-Court a oaCoven Otto Wolf, trustee, vs. F. Small Et al; James and ailments of infancy and childhoodand

thFrst Ton ndaint DCorvs.R.Hen r V Challen for plaintiffs Fleming & Daniel has reached the rigid equipos and rug- do.2 8a Sr _______ ara J. Davi et al vs. Edar C.r Wilso We Still Lead ,the Trade in LOWV PiRICES ! anil .a J. . elo r for defendant. aged thought of matured manhood, bittlers haACsVLE,*FL.

et al; Fleming & Daniel for plaintiff; A. W. lost none of the vigor and sparkle and r . Below will be found the official calendar Thrasher for defendant glow of youth. HCTEH DENIS and But wpe are nowreprsent Aatiinotah InducSansbntsu

for the United States Circuit Court which T. Brigham Bishop vs. Frances A. Gibbons; It invites the citizens of Florida's beauti- INCLUDING A SPECIAL F. M. Cheney for plaintiff; Fleming & Dan- tmeo toubcribe for ft and ac- stc cma to that frdm

sits from the first Monday in December, elfor d -fendan t. . tat LI OF L T whin g thptw dns NpEct Annie B. Babcock, executive, etc., vs. F G qeain the ost at Jacksong taBln acmen So r i with Judge Thomas Settle on the bench: fo g et a . w. Colm & Son a Dua ly newspaper is. FnOM Fored lN d

Venancho Sanchez vs. Tony Young and plaintiff; J. T. ,& G. U. Walker and C. P. & It has been beautifully said that the epsti D Newspaper,

M.eey for plaingf E& K.aFoser for dein .plif. t o eedn hiee lttrs mus slriay a rised, andkl giess

tif C. L. Pson for defendant. William Bright, vs. Elwood H. Buckman et THE BANNER aims to sustain that high ddresDs that tn eS iater H. Fisk vs. Charles Dougherty etHal . al.; C.P. & J. C. Cooper, Jobn G. Lon for compliment. ted A. V.C . Oh La I.Co

E. M. Cheney for plaintiff; E. K. Foster and plaintiff; Fleming & Daniel, M. C nlya BY WIRE AND MAIL A SPECIALTY.

JonasB.Aiken vs.Winch and Onks; Cock- Owen, Jseph E. Le e and P. L'Engle for deM r a year Ackr Paowlet dged!

Baerin fo planiff.l mt for defendant. Jletcher foWrzJ la Arctiff;diller &:pne ola KEMA, i Lwls, W]AJ,, 1T T y llr 1

rell & Walker for plaintiff ; H J Baker and pendants. A The merchants of Jacksonville will find The NECESSuTY of having in Florida a clean, Fleming & Daniel for defendant. iHatton Turner vs. Alexander A. Brry and it a valuable and cheap advertising honest, straightforward metropolitan daily news- 60 A C

Florida Town Improvement Co. vs. Jonas B. Henrietta V. Berry; James H. Challen for WMedium. Hundredsof new settlers in all paper, devoted to Aiken; H. D. Baker and Fleming & Daniel plaintiff, J. F. Welborie for defendant, parts of Florida read it and the old settlers JACKSONVILLE, L. CLEA VELAND & SON. for plaintiff; Cockrell & Walker for defen- Richard S. Hicks vs. Harvey P. WeRman at swear by it. IEMOCRATIC UNITY AND SUCCESS dant. .; a emingt Daniel for plaintiff, ohn A. rle B sl a. . .

GeorigB Pinnef vs. the Gainesville, Ocala Hede o. fo defendantf.TR Bs E arve McCu-E DENTIST and the proper representation of the State's bs. 4e0 and ot a rbour Railroad Co., alias Eli T. Bangs and mosao L. Dolby vs. H. G. interests, caused a large number of weaetoy cnitzehs Florida Southern Railway Company; Ham Ross et al.; Smith & Lee and Fleming & Daniel to form a joint-stock Conipany to Ohf a eadn and byT c

ton. . Hampto andC.Cooe fordeeyoplan in-for plaintiff v Bisbee for defendant. ton~~~IS OF LETTERS .M.Cenyfo lai uniting the two dailies the MING Naws and the t Taylor & Sanchez and Fleming & Wil Cynhia. Badon r aI.; vs. George Atins. Nor- tLClarencenMattersonTeJ MCane LAND Etc1Etc.

lel for defendant. Br et. al.; Fieming & Daniel for plaintiff. Raniiser Charles Mle Isadc M James B. Brown vs. Edward Avery; E. M Foster & Gunby, and C . & J. L:. Cooper Remaining in the Post-office at Mackson- ral and a competent taff of profess nal jour

Cheney for plaintiff; Taylor & Sanchez and for defendant. Cvilll Duval county, Florida, for week end- nalists, they have afforded the people of Florida sa

Samuel H. Jones vs. S. T. Russell et al.; E and Sarah Atkinson, C. P. & J. C. Cooper for ing November 26, 1887. Persons calling for Representatie Daily Newspaper, M. Cheney for plaintiff; E. K. Foster for de- plaintiff, these letters must say advertised, and give

fendant. The Pasaumpaic Savings Bank vs. Henry D. t~he date of list. Letters should be addressed that is a benefit and, an onament to the Slate to ~ ~ ~ r 1

Jr.;H. M. Call and Loton M.Jones for plaintiff paintiff; Miller & Spencer for defendant. thbem promptly delivered.

Jame . obert &vs. avs.nnames M.lortin desa.aa C . C Coerfrttesre and Butlerr Stillman &oHubberdhand itlls&dJonesdC.ltsory, F Pieree, GeorgeeEH UG UeIIa" 91

Wharton Petch vs. Thomas Simm H. J Emily B. LachMayer adminiatratrix estate H. W. CLARK, P.M. Baker for plaintiff; . M. Smith for defendant, of Otto Lachemyr, deceased, vs. T. . Burrin, THE DAILY NEWS-HERALD

George n att.n vs. Alonzo Hunter; H. j. JPanette E. Burrin., his wife and . G Hill; H. GEnTLeMN'S LIST. Cecil D.r H. Valentine vs. Ci. Eiaet defendant . W.acrir itr Fill& H Dvaul Clen as the c ow hedg pubhed aerorpVaentiev. JmB.SmtCfrecta:defendant. akAfrpaitf, &i .And~erson. Littleton Y LARGEST CIRCULATION Florida ILand & Improvement Co., Randall, Walker & Foster for plaintiff; Flem- John T. Geiger vs. Ad'laide Hastings, admin- Charles Long, J H

ing & Daniel for defendant. istratrix of Helen t. facey and Charles H. DROWNFIED, Lane,. H In Florida.

M Care & ordv.. vE. Swoidley Manssruto &B. Crec et a& J. Rada. Wakers & Foste D ougas Wila SM MIHA Situate inteCuteoJsau uaClmiSwneAs a a

Co. Calhoun, Davis& Glls for plaintiff; A.B. kings for plaintiff, J. T. & G. U. Walker for de Bowman John M MikeOsnoBae, ,o Srme1; o77ie Mason for defendant. fendant. v.AeadHstnsBrooke, Noah Mitchell, Chles'I SunhscaI PrioN FR1-Ic]ns:

R ManufacturingCo. vs. P. . Coggins Charles J. Patterson s ielomy, Willipm Mattox, Cicero Wsilesboro..Manatee.and. e. l. C. W. Stehens for plaintiff, J. N. administratix of Helen C. Racey and Charles Bally, Joseph A Meilford, CsasO

Stripling for defendan H, Racay; C. P. & J. C. Cooper for plaintiff. Benson, Harvey McAually, D H Six 7oths....................... Wurtz, Biedler & Co. vs. M. L. Hoover; Passumpsic Savings Bank vs. Edwin . Brown, Friday Milton, F H Three "Ds.tIs .......................... 2 In E t n Sime W i a, Gdovle, to Aubult ake

Jones& Bt. we, Rantiali, Walker & Foster Williams as administrator of estate of Mary Brown, Graham Meil, Geo One Month ... n.East.and.South.Floridafadatanoe athe uavion foraiaTown Imptcrovmet Company Seitner at al.; . P. & J. C. Cooper for plain i1. Benedict, A B Maidolf, HABry ofOrangesOa nd o bron

frlethiascombe and eter Willias; M.Cey d fwtothl N I f anr ileL Radli, atso , AId'h

arid . 11. & J. C. Cooper for deiendana, Passumpsi Savi gs Bank, vs Edwin T. Bogtwick. Abraham More, H N SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN BY ALL tSPiNotLE NEWhDEALERS.h H. P. ~Paddison vs. t. Johns and Lake Eustis Williams. adminism'ntqr of John E. Williams Hartley, Clarence iatroJM____________________Cane, RcEtc.,Et.

Railay Company; A. B. h.ason and . B. e C. P.&J. C. Cooperfor plantif. e tnimiyter, Charles itllerIsaT wl befurished on aphtion to

anJ. ake Cfeor defendant. Bihop; t Fleng e Daiters or avin e iff ord . ne, AErt MMONSti, MrOSl 1) " ''~ ta-'.iAILJ UX lui

Parrott for plaintiff; Calhoun, Davis & Gillis, r.ancds A. Gibbns P a. vs. i. Brighaat Bley, J M ullen, John IHE PEOPLE'S rddRFla,

GnabryC rfor plantf natBso; Fleming & Daniel ior de-ntf E.g rug ore*y Goodwin John H the MrchIE ,8 .,5 P R A R A D U W R S faeU ;C('i d Stte vs. McheennerWis;oR M. Chne foS BANK or, 16eSehn1.ysomkoeimnssRHRT.WLIM.A.ELS

Jams . m'wnvs Whelr Wlsn an- Chny -o dcf. iidant. BitJame XOBLE, ROBERT Many people residing at a distance from daily rail. uFacin o litf;Hmto apoNvgto Company; John ha erg .M.Dv s .Fori, Galp & - Chalmm, WA A Nesn ClF way communication do not care to take a daily Full information and circulars forwarded in application. Address

Cale (fo plaintiff; o ton ones fporfn avai )ayJhsn alp Hu dso%_ e Ch a,W eCson, DNlleeml n ivr II L A NB 'tE L B

aid Fleming & Daniel for defendant, ry a .L. Clarke or plaintiff; Hatridge & CRCathain Thomas E iNott, A P newspaper. For thee and others is published No. 305 WALNUT STREET, PIILADELPX1, PA John DOe vs. Richard Roe, with notice to oung for fendan t. Cl ever, Joh n H hLLIPS, PaP PNE AND FORSYTH STR LETS,adCKS0&TL Es. F trA.

Tucker & Goodale; . M. Smith, for plaintiff; Central Trust Company of New York, vs. Clark, W 8l Pose0alm T P H. . Baker for defendant. Florida Railway and Navigation CoinArny; Cutrbeht, John Parker, Limos

W B. Roberts vs. Savannah. Florida IId Butler. Stilman & Hubbard and 'akll & aones Cad- m toy, F Pierce, George =E-c Warke News, ie 0o oe ell~~~ &l Nfo-rrld plitffu.M.Mtes.W alooo ~g3 0 0 ACRES Western Railway Compay; A. W. Cockrnne & St AtHED W6 Hwalmon, B C Pope, lint

Son,for plaintiff; Flemi g & Daniel for defend- & Danies, C. U. Cooper, Dor Fett & HAuckMn, AMOA,AP EatterEo RE sl js as rVEpTRSn ,ot ant C.P.&J. C. CC.Cero N. Mn. LDhgle, J.e W& G. pr awmatee A D PlOmKer, Cecil Gy b unc s inndoue

Dora H.Walker at al, vs. C. Elizabeth Par- U. Walker, A. .Cocaill &geon and H. Bisbee euvaul, C W Fleathot Containing the cream of the matterpime. W & EIS sons et al.; Fleming & Daniel, for plaintiff; W. for defendant. Donely, Edward Pattie George the daily during the preceding seven dayor

W. Dewhurat for defendant. Daniel H. Valentine and wife vs. James Davis, H H AL liNLANt ItldnhCuck;salways willingLto Charles Lord vs. J. E. Swindle; Massey & B. C et Ridal, Walkers & Foster Doa, W E SIHEAL SOt uOdr 6te0 MonO na, Su a, ia

TW&or e for plaintifffor plaintiff: Fr ming & Daniel four defendaurg. Dayle, P J Rocky Moumtain News Printing Company * .1LMONSON, J E 1 ADDICK, IVilbr.Mnae n ore

vs. J.* F. Weihorne; Harrison & Peeler, and Renews Her Youth. E j. Ellis, George _RN Roherson, C H Address,Hilbr.X atean oo.

C. P. & J. C. Coop er for plaintiff; Wele Mr. P English E J Rhoden, W1ade R r aT* & Yates for defendant. o eesey, arson, y o., RuDs, S L Robinson, John . T. STOCKTON, Business ayagCo

Gfiser Manufacturing Company vs. D ald Iowa, tals the following remarkable story, Evins, Mr H Reed, Grant Mnoe, svalrivin erset. soi eCGr the truth of which is vouched for by the t slRoCK, MAX Riley, Edward oJacksonvilnJackdotlh, o ac

Monoe suvn g peM t sn nt. Jo n outHer- A a.0.BIntetoM Ms as Wisx e oayte HisLv1en, aod nvle Bart 'w, Aygg

person for plaintiff; John Malone for defendG residentM of the town: "I am 73 years old, MRichardson, Charley rndale, Lake' ant. have been troubled with kidney complaint J-1 RIFFIN, WILLIS Reed. Butler ________________ land, .Seffn Mango, Orient, Eagle Lake Haskell, 11athleen, Dade City, Florida Town Improvement VS. and lameness for many years; could net LwhererallncommunicationswilliOwensboro and Pemberton.

Riley Bascombe and Peter Williams; l Ml dress myself w Garner, Willie L Read, Matson Gea*O. Smith for plaintiff; H. J. Baker for defendant. frml ithdotehelp. anowd am frleet Gran, Mor'gan Ripley, James A aIniecitventsso igte oaino hs

Florida Town Improvement Company vs. oGauphi, It E Radio, James A va and descrish owin to Port King et al; . M ith for plaintiff;:H. do all my own housework. I Owe my Games, Earnest L RitchMrson. Thes

p. Baker for defendant. thanks to Electric Bitters for having Ta- Gifford, E V ZSmIMMONS E C -mm A. Cloud vs. C. 0. Livingston and wife; nawed m t, andremoved completely Goodsne, Easop Simpson Boney

Victorina~~~_ JonTG&GogeUlaleeor.I, MIS STONur,MRHGOEIST.

& Warts for plaintiff; LM. C. Jordon ti e pitry a bottle D 50c lee ae Wk r F EB ii L fendant. and $1 Hna netto aGenovart, B Summersll, Frank eJohn H Smith, Moses I DEFY COMPETITION. and neSarubuera Prooup t Olraornga RAiSlroad, CoE da F at This SplR. Mary W. Mullins vs. John P. Morton; E. a. HGhoes Drug etc.eE11edis Joie SNIE unby for plaintiff; Fleming & Daniel for dee ymorenJMrs.ISElizansrarch

ffendant. Griggs bohn S Scofttld, 's Mary United Sates vs. McQueen Saunders; . M. FRANK Sermedge Stephen My 0rpet ar un e e Tn Ke Si Mr R

Call for plaintiff; Loton M. ones for defend- h S EL Herron, J C Stanley, i N Fine Gold and Silver SaTrIah..PLbas Z I S1 tate Hudson, K S Sampson, D J el vs. Jessie Wilson g. M. Call Harisoi James Sicox. Isaac Watches, Jewelry, and solid*e M Lm i a

for plaintiff; Leton M. Jones for defendant. H R § SkiverMJissmria James S Watt executioner. etc., vs. J. F. Harrison, RH Sutton, John as weB A asEesY ware, FEe in TRI LaIRUER.

Wei A. . Cockrell & Son for plain- d d f ulHarm is, Henry -AS, Ruli tiff; Welbrne & Yates for defendant. s it f h i prueton, now offomn c e Trymok W N top e a of th lg 00 aes choice Hardwood Ham.

Ana~Hikw b Ha0u T o. n Withp lowests price and bes 0,000 acrelntsswet H oe.l u

Edla-d H. Lwis vs. the Florida Printing Sa weph very latest mll and temock 1,000 to 20,000 acres, choice taken fores. andPurbst Cn J . Bisbee for plain- [ WJ Halley, Charles T ylorMGlenn mk' He Yellow Re I tracts

Coares.miths.Hrdiendit eI TELFAIR ST C T N Am Xt sin ,? HW -i tRA A PR Y zdsy hyca idnohn t aeitpae

f: A. W. Cockdell & Son _ 'dfean ESTABLISHED nd6S. EATE Choice selections of best Pine and Hammock lands In small tracts tn every county it J men

Hamon ernandez, as administrator of Hill William ValentineWm I guarantee I including some special selections In the Lake Worth and Bicayne Bay nitry, Whchion Helen C. Racey, deceased, vs. John T. Geiger; iNKdNSdABBAd r ne really Tropical Florida. The beet possible investment prCpeoties in JacksoOvlle

John T. & George U Walker for plaintiff; C. GB sel ju as or and suburbs at from $50 par lot to Roa par front foot. P. & a. C. Cooper and D.C. Dawkins for de- *aBEN Chas & 1U O fenamn Hennzs admnitrto estat is a~ro time Jhakso, JoRnfael Williams, Mao KMoney will be refunded on IN- Call on us for anything wanted in Florida, and If we cannot give you a gennmiae bargain Renamn Justdea nownsrao af estat Jhasn, Johnf Waterama, 0or cl we wifll not occupy your time. W~iM

of Helen C. Racey, vs. Charles S. Pattern Lee call. t101

WH~~fMoa to? see" = s -eadn ND goM .1 Staam1a ar ndiliaTC1 1 O

John T. & George U. Walker for plaintiff, C.P. ThPlease call and examine Boom 10, Hubbard's BuIldin. C al. Cooper and D. C., Dawkins for defend- W BetweenL ac Williams, Grant st-cke olr h izswk llihgcta a OYCALYWalsh,3myT e J i. Chales H. Racey vs. John T. Geiger; John oh e Lrax, WE Williams, Henry clahow ispction. tahn ame

Td & George U. Walker for plaintiff; C. P. & up article in oure lin Laughaine, WC i Walker, StS resor goodft for elemnttooou GuaantCooper and D. C. Dawkins for defpndao. Likely, Peter Wilson,WP i

S. ,as administrator of Moses E.Levy, 01i1h00ou - - desire . LADIES LIST. vs. William E. Bird, at al.; C. P. & J. C.Cooper _______________ UDLEY, MISS Lewis, Eliza Epcat.R l yU for plaintiff; Hantidge &Young and Fleming & Daniel for defendant. At. 83S CMlar Sht egLrgs

H.oh. Al.recier n etc.v. . Greely ni YoungC I N Appian, Miss Viola Mills, Miss Babe Has been removed from Palatka to Jacksonville, and the offices are now located in the

Forid LAndersn and rtga ge &mpany1vs. J. O YI Adams Miss Lizzie Mcnald, Griude - byss expres willna rcvepotaeninadllgdwraedh for plaintiff; J. M. Cheney for defendant. Ao_ us. Respectfullr,

M ilr &Scri oro plani;Feng & t Dtean- EsauosAe s aBsmepR PER ESS DoYES THE FIRST- -- ONEad APPEARED- ie ndFosyliStees

Mhary . T rrey at al. vs. Shelton D. Souter; espoodencsolicite fo RelEt e iel for defendant, Batcheder, Airs Kate Mathew issHae oA wr cminsAne

and Fuel Company; Sumner Chase lhafS o er Bryant, Miss Eliza Lh T e bt r d

Joh . arnus vs. Theid Pailak andas i f~4 W Bake, Mrlis. raey 2) n~LotDc Lor smtirpioso plcswihaemkn all

for plaintiff; Calhoun & Davis for defendant. Ner sae bytW. A MLy A fas Tawt T. A. Bass, sheriff of the county of Osceola, OSBak, cone Lai t i s OM is

fnat Bell* M rsar at Newman, Miss Geen State of Florida, administrator, ale., of the ._tylwhch s anewdeprtueISScorea estate of John B. Simmons, deceased, vs. The millionsNof pB TeNwho have Mutual Life Insurance Company of New CeurklvduMiss iamAiLla cr 'm

an tif; Fomn Dane foso & deeynd our n Ceighbo NO. 27 East, atid 72 West L. 0. GARRETT, Commissionereof tiandland Immigration. orkand; nm & oane for pantfor On or about December i Cavderethirfaorte OSSIE MISS LIZ-authoromweekf

derson ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ onn and Harrid & Youn for defendant.terestto anyisine onf inn the NotIwowamoigrwekawttllteirceofhinoei-iai

APPEALS IN' ADMIRALTY. Copr Miss~a DaidonPatygMsra Selol.:rT Dickrho s RDaerby &. Cpan s Iark M. D- tomp li ssaumove to ullori da. *dr Miss Carrie Pain, Miss Adinaa

Victorina John T & George U. Walker forssuE my fulldsp r, Mn atte Mrs HP H GROCERIES, ETC. plaintiff; Ii. g. Baker and L. M. Jones for de- tive price-list of and 44 Devine,iss , M ReadfileSundayNews-Herald!__ CitydIXON Hannah HobinsonMiss Della0

Steamer Manatee vs. Steamer Captain Mil- Suburban Proprty, rag Depy, Miss Maiunda Randall, Miss Annie, lar; H. M. Davis and A. H. Meek for plaintiff; A~V~J .ST, MRS Robinson, Miss Rosa Flaming & Daniel for defendant. FLTCE ELE MISS -AN- Th sS a e is R s r e Edar H ews s.Gore . iso e aGroves, Wid Lands, etc. Elege,MisLti under firm name of The Florida Printing and ~RAZIER, MISS 6eymore, Mrs. ElizaPublishing Coin any; H. Bisbee for plaintiff; Faiie NELTIE bath LOYD L PR E

A- W ockrll XSon nd Flming& Da My fcilites fr selingFloa , s Carrie Sams, Mrs FanniePP 1 T 1A V for defendant, i Falkernburg,Miss Scott, Miss Mary

Mary B. Calvano v. George C. Wilson a t Al, prop ert are- ii~rP1c ;n Kate Silvirus, Mrs RoseI
