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London Centre for Leadership in Learning Inspiring leadership through research, professional development and partnership ucl.ac.uk/ioe/lcll Institute of Education
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London Centre for Leadership in Learning

Inspiring leadership through research, professional development and partnership


Institute of EducationInstitute of Education

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1 London Centre for Leadership in Learning


02 Welcome

03 Research in leadership

07 Overview of LCLL leadership development programmes

10 Graduate research programmes

11 Masters in leadership

14 Leadership development programmes

19 Bespoke leadership development

23 Global reach

25 Leadership networking opportunities

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The importance of leadership is widely recognised by policymakers around the world. However, significant challenges remain for researchers, policymakers and practitioners, as they seek to understand

how best to develop and equip leaders with the skills, qualities and resources they need to ensure that every child achieves his or her potential in a rapidly changing world. The London Centre for Leadership in Learning (LCLL) is proud to be contributing to these efforts, through our research, our leadership programmes and our direct work in partnership with schools, colleges and other providers.

LCLL is the UK’s largest Higher Education centre for educational leadership with a strong, and growing, international presence. We are based within the Department for Learning and Leadership at the UCL Institute of Education (IOE) and have over 50 staff offering expertise across a range of leadership fields. We have a strong commitment to partnership, public engagement and impact in all that we do and are pleased to lead IOE-wide initiatives in this area, such as the IOE Research and Development Network.

All our work aims to:• Develop criticality: Build evidence-based,

theory-informed and innovative approaches to policy and practice.

• Deepen learning: Broaden perspectives and forge connections between theory, policy and practice.

• Nurture collaboration: Encourage shared thinking within and between communities of learners.

• Activate knowledge: Develop and mobilise knowledge and understanding within organisations and systems.

• Enhance equity: Promote understanding about, and action around, equity and social justice.

I hope you will want to engage with LCLL, whether as a partner, a student or a member.

Welcome to the London Centre for Leadership in LearningThe evidence that high quality educational leadership is a key component for securing positive outcomes for children and young people is strong.

Toby Greany Professor of Leadership and Innovation Director: London Centre for Leadership in Learning

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3 London Centre for Leadership in Learning

A world-leading reputation LCLL’s Research Group includes world-recognised academics, senior professors and a significant group of visiting professors and researchers. Research Group members undertake research and evaluation projects and teach on LCLL postgraduate programmes. This means that our programmes are at the cutting-edge of current research and thinking.

Several of the team have received high profile awards. For example, Professor Louise Stoll was conferred the award of Academician by the Academy of Social Sciences in 2013, Dr Chris Brown and Dr Melanie Ehren both received prestigious awards from the American Educational Research Association and Professor Peter Earley received Belmas’s Distinguished Service Award (DSA) in 2015.

Applied research that creates an impact One of the strengths of the Centre’s research work is that it focuses on the real challenges and issues facing educational leaders today, often employing research and development-type approaches that build capacity in schools and enable the creation of practical, evidence-based tools and resources as an output.

A recent project by Professor Kathryn Riley on the Leadership of Place involved training groups of student researchers (aged 8 - 16) and teacher researchers (newly qualified teachers) in schools across London to gain an understanding of the nature and impact of place and how it is experienced both positively and negatively. This project demonstrated the importance of school leaders thinking beyond the school gates and making connections with the outside world, in order to make the school a place where all young people and adults feel they belong.

Three research themesOur research is predominantly focused on educational leadership in early years, schools and post-compulsory contexts; however the team also works on leadership in other sectors.

Our research and evaluation projects utilise quantitative and qualitative methodologies and draw on a range of disciplines and theoretical perspectives including organisational theory, economics, policy sociology and social network theory, as well as work on school improvement and effectiveness.

LCLL’s research is focused around three broad themes:

School system reformResearch in this strand aims to get inside the ‘black box’ of reform by asking ‘what works for whom under what circumstances, how and why?’, with critical perspectives which ask not only why some things don’t work and for whom, but also whether existing models of reform are appropriate in the context of societal inequalities and wider global challenges.

Leadership and leadership developmentResearch in this strand explores the nature and practice of leadership in the context of wider societal and policy change, addressing issues such as how leaders lead learning, urban leadership, the leadership of change and issues such as collaboration and partnership. Leadership development projects have explored issues such as fast-track development, succession planning and generational differences between leaders.

Knowledge mobilisation Research in this strand explores the ways in which formal and informal evidence and expertise can inform practice within and between organisations, and the role of leaders as well as wider cultural factors and formal mechanisms in enabling this. Many projects in this strand involve working closely with schools and other educational partners to design, undertake and evaluate focused improvement projects.

Research in leadershipOur research generates leading-edge evidence and theory which then informs our teaching, consultancy and partnership work with schools and colleges in London and beyond.

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5 London Centre for Leadership in Learning

Examples of recent projects

School system reform Understanding the self-improving school-led system in England

This two-year study by Professor Toby Greany and Dr Rob Higham (2014-2016) explored the responses of school leaders to reforms including academisation and the push for school-to-school networks and support via Teaching Schools and Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs). The mixed methods research included four locality case studies, a survey of almost 700 headteachers and analysis of the impact of MATs.

The research utilised a conceptual framework drawn from cross-sectoral work on meta-governance. This allowed the team to explore the parallel roles of hierarchy, markets and networks in shaping the school system, and the ways in which leaders exerted agency to address these forces.

Funders: Nuffield Foundation and Education Development Trust

Polycentric models for school accountability across four school systems

This two-year study (2014-2016) was led by Dr Melanie Ehren. It reviewed changes in inspection models in four countries (Northern Ireland, England, the Netherlands and Bulgaria) where increased decentralisation is leading schools to develop localised school-to-school partnerships and improvement models. The project explored and evaluated the ways in which inspectorates and other stakeholders in these systems were developing ‘polycentric’ inspection models that respond to these complex network developments.

Examples of such inspection models have informed workshops with members of SICI, the European Association of Inspectorates of Education as well as written evidence to education select committees. The evidence on the impact of these models on improvement of school networks was discussed in strategy meetings with Inspectorates of Education in a number of countries (including the Netherlands, Ireland, Belgium, Spain, Bulgaria, Northern Ireland).

Funder: European Union

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Leadership and leadership development Young leaders in global cities

This three-year study (2011-2015) was led by Dr Karen Edge and explored the experiences of young - GenerationX - school leaders in Toronto, New York and London. While GenXers are often described as flexible, globally engaged, technologically savvy, accepting of diversity and collaborative, there had been little previous research related to age and leadership prior to this ground-breaking study.

The research findings have been used to inform discussions of the school leader pipeline in London and discussions of well-being in Toronto. The findings have also inspired a renewed and focused debate and discussion related to gender and leadership in the UK and beyond. The study identified issues including the lack of suitable role models for young leaders seeking examples of leaders who excel both at work and in their lives beyond school. The informal nature of talent spotting in education and the potential implications for diversity and strength in future leadership pools was also highlighted and has been explored by policy and practice leaders in the UK and internationally.

Funder: Economic and Social Research Council

Effectively managing headteacher performance

This 2014 research into the effective management of headteacher performance in maintained schools and academies was undertaken by Dr David Eddy Spicer and Professor Peter Earley with colleagues from LCLL, the University of Bath (Professor Chris James) and the University of Cambridge (Professor Megan Crawford).

The research findings have been used to inform governor training in what generally was identified as a key area in need of improvement. It identified 20 challenges organised under six broad themes of logistics, pay, commitment, external advice, capacity and underperformance. Each challenge was followed by a set of recommendations. Successful headteacher performance management was underpinned by ten features, including sound relationships, characterised by openness, trust and integrity, and the setting for the head of meaningful and challenging but achievable objectives.

Funder: Department for Education

Knowledge mobilisationResearch learning communities in primary schools

This two-year Randomised Controlled Trial (2014-2016) was led by Dr Chris Brown, with a number of colleagues from LCLL facilitating the work with schools. It was evaluated by the University of Bristol. The project worked with over 110 primary schools to assess the impact of an innovative model for enhancing the use of evidence to inform school improvement and teacher practice, including through the use of social network analysis to identify ‘evidence champions’ in each school who could provide peer-to-peer leadership of change.

Funder: Education Endowment Foundation

Evaluation of evidence-based teaching

This two-year (2014-2016) study was undertaken by Professors Toby Greany and Louise Stoll and Dr Chris Brown, working with Durham (Professor Steve Higgins) and Sheffield Hallam (Mike Coldwell and Dr Bronwen Maxwell) Universities. It aimed to assess the extent to which schools and teachers in England are using evidence to inform their work, and the impact of policy interventions aimed at supporting this shift.

Funder: Department for Education

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7 London Centre for Leadership in Learning

For further information visit ucl.ac.uk/ioe/lcll

Leadership development for individuals and organisationsOur leadership development provision offers inspiration and challenge to leaders at every stage of their career and supports learning at all levels across your organisation.

Bespoke Independent Study Module Accreditation

Key (Available Options)

International Local Delivery



MA Leadership (Teach First)

MBA Educational Leadership

MA Evaluation, Inspection & Educational Improvement

MA Applied Educational Leadership & Management

MA Leadership

Leading Lesson Study

Foundations for Successful Coaching

Leading Research and Development in Schools

Leading Learning Communities

Leadership of Professional Development

Head of Year: Getting the Best from your Team

Leading Learning: Developing as a Lead Practitioner

Improving Performance Management: Improving Learning

MAT Executive


Exploring Headship

Widening LeadershipDeveloping LeadershipEarly

LeadershipNQT + 1








l Pr



















Educational Leaders and Policy Makers

Senior Leaders and Aspiring LeadersMiddle LeadersEarly Leaders

* National Professional Qualification for Middle leaders ** National Professional Qualification for Senior leaders ***National Professional Qualification for Headship

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9 London Centre for Leadership in Learning

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The IOE was ranked number one in the world for Education for the third year running in the World QS University Rankings 2016, so it is the perfect place to study for a PhD or EdD in educational leadership. Doctoral students based in LCLL study various aspects of leadership and gain an excellent grounding in research design and methodology, selecting from the IOE’s wide range of specialist programmes. They receive supervision from LCLL’s academic team to support their personal research.

LCLL is at the heart of educational debate and students benefit from participation in IOE wider research events and activities, for example the LCLL annual lecture, seminars and talks.

Graduate research programmes

“My doctorate has been of enormous benefit to my work as a headteacher. I understand more about leadership and I have been asked to contribute more widely to policy making and development in education at a national level. The intellectual capital which LCLL has in the field of education research is second to none. The library is extensive and the help received from tutors and professors is generous, open and willing. For all these reasons, as well as a great peer student body, I recommend LCLL.”

Dr Vanessa Ogden Headteacher, Mulberry School for Girls

“I had wonderful support through some difficult times. Without the active support of my supervisors I would not have completed the thesis. From the very first drafts of the thesis, in the upgrading process and to accompanying me to the viva, I was fully supported all the way. For any prospective student in the field of education, there is no better place to study than UCL Institute of Education. First-class lectures, seminars, library facilities and overall, the support through difficult times and critical, but speedy and greatly appreciated observations on drafts. In my case, my supervisors became my friends and will remain so.”

Dr Dan Regan, PhD

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11 London Centre for Leadership in Learning

They enable leaders and managers from education and wider sectors to reflect on leadership theory and evidence and to relate this to their own practice, helping them become effective leaders of learning and change. Participants have opportunities to network with and learn from other professionals from a variety of settings.

Masters programmes for existing and aspiring leadersThe rigorous Masters programmes are undertaken by leaders from educational, public and private sector contexts in the UK and internationally. Graduates consistently report being challenged, with their critical thinking skills sharpened and their horizons broadened.

Participants gain insights into education systems, organisational improvement and the leadership of change and have multiple opportunities to tailor learning to their own specific contexts. The programmes explore models of leadership such as distributed, learning-centred and system leadership and include a significant research-based dissertation or report. We recognise that organisations are seeking ways to be agile, high performing and cost effective and this is reflected in both content and programme structure.

Flexible study opportunitiesWe offer different ways of working with distance learning, blended and face-to-face opportunities, both during the daytime and in the evenings. Sessions can be offered in your locality or at your workplace. We also run an intensive summer school over one to two weeks in July (check our website for up-to-date details).

Masters in LeadershipOur flexible MA and MBA programmes draw on the extensive knowledge and research base of the UCL Institute of Education and are taught by leading experts in the field.

“My studies have been personally tailored around my needs and I have felt fully supported by my module leader who has guided me to success, inspired and challenged me to think reflectively and grow into a stronger, more capable educational leader directly as a result of my learning at the UCL Institute of Education.”

Sherry Zand, MA Leadership

“I highly recommend UCL Institute of Education for various reasons such excellent facilities, teaching and learning and most importantly very supportive academic and non-academic staff who are willing to go the extra mile.”

Kenan Drugzani, MA Leadership

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We design and deliver bespoke masters degrees tailored to our clients’ context, such as the MA in Evaluation, Inspection and Educational Improvement, an online masters degree aimed at school inspectors that was originally developed in collaboration with Ofsted. Similarly, we have run a bespoke version of the Masters in Leadership for the Harris federation Multi-Academy Trust over several years.

Masters-level programmes:• MA Leadership

• MA Leadership (Teach First)

• MA Leadership (bespoke versions for academies and groups of schools)

• MBA Educational Leadership (International)

• MA Applied Educational Leadership and Management (online)

• MA Evaluation, Inspection and Educational Improvement (online)

“The opportunity to look in-depth at inspection has been invaluable in my professional development”Josephine Nowacki, Her Majesty’s Inspector of Schools, Ofsted MA (Evaluation, Inspection and Educational Improvement) participant

For full details of all our academic programmes and courses see ucl.ac.uk/ioe/courses

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Our offer includes:• National Professional Qualifications

Leadership curriculum for leaders who want to gain a National Professional Qualification for middle leadership (NPQML), senior leadership (NPQSL) and headship (NPQH). See pages 15-16.

• LCLL Leadership programmes For every stage of your career from early leadership to system leadership. Our offer includes leadership programmes that support learning at all levels across your organisation. See page 15-18.

• Bespoke leadership development

LCLL leadership programmes can also be tailored to meet the needs of schools, clusters of schools and LAs. See pages 19-22.

• Global reach

Our leadership development programmes are available internationally. See pages 23-24.

Leadership development programmesOur cutting-edge research, together with our close collaboration with schools, ensures that our programmes keep pace with current policy and practice.

Programmes are delivered at the IOE or on-site for schools, groups of schools, local authorities and multi-academy trusts.

Also available: • Leadership 360 Diagnostic

LCLL are able to offer bespoke 360 Diagnostic surveys tailored to the individual needs of your organisation. Through competencies designed by national experts, the 360 benchmarks individuals’ progress on their leadership journey by gathering feedback from line managers, peers and those who you line manage.

• Professional Development Quality Mark This framework supports leaders in educational organisations to develop and improve the strategic leadership of professional development. This audit tool enables schools to evaluate the quality of their professional development approaches and to identify ways to improve further. We offer external verification for the Quality Mark Awards.

• Masters Accreditation We offer the option for delegates on many of our programmes to opt in to the Independent Study Module (ISM) which provides an opportunity to gain Masters level accreditation for their learning and the development of their leadership skills. The ISM attracts 30 credits towards one of our Masters degrees, for example the MA Leadership or MBA (Educational Leadership).

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15 London Centre for Leadership in Learning

National Professional Qualifications The UCL Institute of Education, together with outstanding Teaching Schools and their partners, has formed a dynamic collaboration - Leadership CoLab – to offer the National Professional Qualifications. The curriculum is structured around three levels that reflect the different stages in a leader’s professional development and career.

• NPQML: for middle leaders

• NPQSL: for senior leaders

• NPQH: for those about to move to headship within 12-18 months

Each of these programmes has an online learning element structured around core and elective modules. All core modules are supported by one day of face-to-face learning, In addition, each programme has an in-school project focused around pupil impact. Participants have 18 months within which to complete each programme.

All programmes are externally assessed and lead to a professional qualification that will provide national recognition of leadership development and achievement.

The level of leadership growth in these programmes is excellent with many participants gaining promotion before completion of the programme.

• Exploring Headship programme, developed by LCLL, is an is an extension of the National Professional Qualifications. It is based around a series of face-to-face sessions, providing a support network, facilitated events and one-to-one coaching for newly appointed headteachers in their first year of headship.

For further details visit www.leadershipcolab.org.uk

LCLL leadership programmes for every stage of your career • Early Leadership for new or aspiring leaders.

Develops leadership skills and confidence as well as strategies to lead and manage a team and improve teaching and learning.

• Developing Middle Leaders for those with some experience as middle leaders. Enables middle leaders to deepen their understanding of leading learning. Helps to develop confidence and leadership skills and improves the ability to lead, manage change and develop people within their team.

• Widening Leadership for those aspiring to or in a senior leadership role. Enhances understanding of strategic leadership for senior leaders. Helps to advance skills in leading and influencing others within their team and beyond, understand the use of motivation as a leadership tool, clarify their communication style and strengths and deal with contentious issues and whole school initiatives.

These six-month professional programmes include three face-to-face leadership days and a final learning conversation and celebration twilight. There is an option to use the programmes to gain 30 M level credits towards an MA.

• System Leadership In late 2016 we launched an executive leadership programme for senior teams in medium-sized Multi-Academy Trusts, working with Deloitte. See our website for more details.

For further information email: [email protected]

or visit ucl.ac.uk/ioe/lcll

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“…just been appointed as headteacher. Both the NQPH course at the IOE and the coaching provided by the IOE undoubtedly helped me walk into the headship interview feeling confident.”NPQH participant

“This whole programme was extremely relevant for my leadership role. I have gained skills and knowledge which will help me enormously”Developing Middle Leaders participant

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17 London Centre for Leadership in Learning

Leading learning to maximise personal and team performance• Leadership of professional development enables

you to relate what the research says about great professional learning to your own context, so you can evaluate the difference it makes to teacher effectiveness and student outcomes.

• Leading learning: developing as a lead practitioner will enable you to apply research about great teaching and learning to your context, so you can develop practical strategies to support, stretch and challenge colleagues and evaluate the impact you have on teacher practice and pupil learning.

• Improving performance management: improving learning explores the LCLL approach to performance management which is motivating and engaging for staff and ensures that evidence of impact is robust and meaningful.

• Head of year: getting the best from your team for secondary heads of year explores how to develop and empower form tutors and year teams, so you can support students effectively and maximise achievement.

• Foundations for successful coaching helps you to develop your coaching skills to support change and improve learning and performance.

Leading evidence-informed practice for improvement• Leading R&D in schools helps you find and critique

research and evidence related to your school’s context and lead learning-focused, school-based enquiries. Membership of the IOE’s R&D schools network is included in the programme.

• Leading lesson study across schools supports you to develop the knowledge and skills to lead research-focused lesson study within and beyond your school. We provide you with tools to lead and evaluate the lesson study process, ensuring the process has maximum impact on teachers and pupils. You can also access termly lesson study network seminars.

• Research learning communities (RLCs) Building on the findings of an Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) research project, we work with you to develop an RLC in your school or across a group of schools. This powerful approach brings together senior leaders and ‘research champions’ to develop innovative, research-informed approaches to improve teaching and learning.

LCLL programmes that support individual and organisational learning

“I have never been so engaged in a PD session… so involved and so charged. It really made me think about impact evaluation and identifying my priorities.”Participant feedback from Leadership of Professional Development

“This programme really deepened my understanding of lesson study and running research projects and provided great opportunities to work with other schools. The programme leader was very knowledgeable.”Participant feedback from Leading Lesson Study

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19 London Centre for Leadership in Learning

Bespoke leadership developmentWe work with you to co-design individual projects and bespoke leadership programmes to meet the specific needs and contexts of your educational organisation, using evidence-based approaches and tools to improve learning and outcomes for pupils, practitioners and leaders.

NQT and NQT+1 Primary Partnership Programmes in NewhamIn partnership with three teaching schools in Newham, we designed an NQT and NQT+1 bespoke programme to support NQTs and teachers in their second and third year of teaching

Both programmes are based on core modules which are studied in depth over a four-week cycle. The programmes provide opportunities for teachers to improve and embed their classroom practice through a blend of interactive sessions, reading, reflection, action research, case studies and observing learning

and teaching. They are informed by national and international research and innovative local practice to enable teachers to show impact in their classrooms. All sessions are facilitated by current lead practitioners based in Newham schools alongside established experts in their field from UCL Institute of Education.

The Field Federation, Enfield

Implementing a federation-wide approach to collaborative classroom-based enquiry

We co-designed and facilitated a programme to structure and support collaborative enquiry across two schools in the federation. The enquiry foci stemmed from seven school improvement priorities. UCL Institute of Education consultants developed the skills of SLT members to serve as enquiry facilitators within and across schools.

The project aims were to: improve the effectiveness of PD; develop teachers as critically reflective practitioners and increase their professional autonomy; create a learning environment that reflects research-informed best practice in professional development.

Examples of recent projects

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Seven Kings Teaching School AllianceMaking a difference through collaborative enquiry – a programme for teachers in their third year of teaching

The primary aim of this programme was to enable teachers to work collaboratively to review, develop and extend their practice in new and innovative ways. We designed and facilitated five workshops throughout the year to: establish small research learning communities with a shared focus area; build skills in enquiry research; support teachers to access ‘what’s known’ about ‘what works’; share findings with others within and across schools so changed practice is sustained.

Topics investigated included: • Does ’Drop Everything and Read’ have an impact on

students’ enjoyment of reading?

• How can we engage disaffected learners?

• Strategies for increasing A and A* grades in science

• Does ‘talk for maths’ impact on pupil learning and attitudes at KS2?

Connecting Knowledge projectThe Rosendale Connecting Knowledge project introduced lesson study as a professional development approach to a group of schools in Lambeth, with a view to developing teacher-practitioners with the skills to lead lesson study.

The project involved lesson study projects within schools being facilitated by teacher-practitioners from neighbouring schools and a series of ‘open house’ research lessons, where lessons about effective teaching and learning were shared with a broader audience from beyond the school.

“Rosendale Primary School has worked with the LCLL to design, deliver and disseminate high quality professional development using the Lesson Study model. It has been a privilege to work with colleagues who bring a high level of expertise, backed up by a wealth of research and an awareness of the realities of life in schools.”Kate Atkins, Headteacher,

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Stepping up to Senior LeadershipLCLL in partnership with Brindishe Schools designed this innovative and challenging professional development programme.

It was aimed at colleagues who already had experience of middle leadership, either formally or informally, who were ambitious for senior leadership roles. It enabled them to understand what it means to be an effective strategic leader and to deepen and widen their understanding of how they can influence, lead and manage others in the organisation. A small-scale assignment enabled participants to apply learning from the programme to their own practical leadership of learning within the school.

Independent Schools Qualification in Academic Management (ISQAM)ISQAM is a bespoke leadership and management programme designed by LCLL in partnership with The Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference (HMC) and The Girls’ School Association (GSA) specifically for academic heads of department/subjects in the independent school sector.

It is a national programme that has supported hundreds of Independent School middle managers to improve standards of teaching and learning in their departments and to develop their own leadership and management skills.

“Working in partnership with the IOE we designed a year-long and very bespoke programme that involved experts facilitating learning that was active, challenging, thought provoking and targeted to exactly what our leaders needed. We have been delighted with our professional relationship with the IOE and the quality and rigour of the programme in all respects. Probably the best thing is that they really listen and they work with us and are always flexible and responsive.”Dame Vicki Paterson, Executive Headteacher, Brindishe Schools

For further information email: [email protected]

or visit ucl.ac.uk/ioe/lcll

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“Participation in the bespoke leadership programme has been a very positive professional development experience for the members of our school’s leadership team. It has contributed to significant changes to our practice and improved outcomes for learners. The programme, led by high quality, experienced facilitators, combined theory with practical activities which supported senior, middle and other leaders to develop as reflective learning professionals. We were able to explore various models of leadership, expand our knowledge and understanding of what is meant by strategic leadership and further develop our coaching and mentoring skills. By engaging in a personalised leadership for change project we were able to examine our existing practice, identify and set challenging targets, apply our new learning and evaluate the impact of our work.”Donna Barratt Headteacher, Glebe Primary School

“I have found the research articles very interesting and the structure of the RLC well thought out. I thought initially it would be difficult to manage alongside teaching full-time, but it hasn’t. The support we received to shape our question for the project was wonderful. Furthermore, being able to discuss literature and ideas alongside other teachers (in different schools) has been a fantastic opportunity. I didn’t expect a few sessions in the year would have such a huge, positive impact on our school on a day-to-day basis – but it has!”Research Learning Communities participant

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ResearchLCLL engages in significant international research projects, which often combine our academic expertise in leadership with our practical understanding of how research best supports educational change and development.

TeachingLCLL enrols many individual international students onto its academic programmes, in particular our distance and blended learning programmes (such as MA Applied Educational Leadership and Management and MA Evaluation, Inspection and Educational Improvement), our MBA in Educational Leadership (International) and our postgraduate research programmes (PhD and EdD).

We offer a wide range of professional development opportunities, including short tailored programmes in middle and senior leadership and related skills such as coaching and professional development leadership. See page 7 for a summary of UK programmes, all of which can be adapted and taught in-country for international partners.

We also arrange tailored versions of our academic programmes for clients such as governments, groups of schools and university partners. These usually involve intensive study sessions led by our team in the participants’ country coupled with online distance support. For example, modules of our popular MA (Leadership) programme have been taught in Greece and the Cayman Islands.

ConsultancyLCLL draws on its research in School System Reform to support governments around the world in the development of their education systems. Our approach is always to work with clients to co-create solutions that will work for them in their context and to find ways to build capacity so that solutions are sustainable. We regularly undertake scoping and gateway consultancies, and provide critical friendship support to universities in other countries seeking to develop their own leadership centres.

Global reachAs a global centre of expertise, we provide a diverse and varied international consultancy and professional development offer.We work extensively with international schools in many locations. We also support governments of other countries in the development of education systems, working with ministries to provide professional learning and development for school leaders including Executives and Principals.

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Examples of LCLL’s international work

North-South school partnership impact assessment

Qatar, Professional Development Programme

The Roots International Schools Project

This large-scale research project, involving 1600+ schools across all four countries of the UK, five countries in Africa (Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa and Tanzania) and three countries in Asia (India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka), was funded by the Department for International Development (DFID). It explored the impact of partnerships on schools and the intended and unintended outcomes for learners, teachers, schools and communities. The research included a focus on exploring partnerships that have made student-focused learning a central feature. The research identified factors contributing to high momentum partnerships, and offered recommendations for teachers and leaders, supporting organisations and policymakers to enhance partnership influence.

LCLL was commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Qatar, to develop a bespoke professional development programme for Qatari school principals and education managers. The programme certified them to offer professional development programmes in the fields of leadership and pedagogy. The four-module programme included coaching, change management, advanced facilitation and school leadership. Successful participants were awarded both an IOE certificate and Ministry of Education accreditation.

We supported Roots International Schools (RIS) in Pakistan to develop leadership capabilities within its rapidly growing chain of schools. The chain is the third largest network of schools in the country and offers a wide range of international qualifications. RIS has a dedicated training department which has been delivering teacher training for 25 years and has trained over 10,000 teachers to date. The intensive, interactive five day leadership programme ‘Transforming Education – Authentic Leadership’ delivered in Islamabad, Pakistan included consultancy support, has helped to build the organisation’s leadership capacity as it expands into the Middle East.

For further details about our international work visit: ucl.ac.uk/ioe/lcll

To discuss our international work and how it can support your requirements, contact [email protected]

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Events programme LCLL’s events programme is aimed at leaders at every stage of their career. Each term we offer a series of topical seminars and workshops with inputs from leading IOE academics and external speakers. Recent examples include: maximising the effectiveness of teaching assistants by Dr Rob Webster (IOE); developing evidence-informed pedagogies and cultures by Dr Chris Brown and David Godfrey (IOE) and evidence-informed strategies for closing the gap by Visiting Professor Kevan Collins (EEF). The events include a mix of input and facilitated activities so you can share ideas and experiences with other participants.

LCLL Annual lecture LCLL’s annual lecture has become a significant event in the education calendar, providing an opportunity to debate international and national developments with world-renowned scholars and leading practitioners. Recent lectures have included inputs from Robert Hill (former adviser to Tony Blair), Professor Viviane Robinson (University of Auckland), Professor Toby Greany (LCLL), Russell Hobby (NAHT) and Sir Dan Moynihan (CEO, Harris Federation).

Leadership networking opportunitiesAs a leader, you will want to stay in touch with new developments, understand and debate the evidence, and network with researchers, policymakers and other leaders. That is why LCLL offers a rich programme of events and two membership networks designed to meet your needs.

For full details see: ucl.ac.uk/ioe/lcll

or contact [email protected]

“A lot of food for thought @lcll_ioe LCLL Annual Lecture! Scary challenges but exciting opportunities if SLTs are brave #Nxt5years.”Terri Ann Slatter (via Twitter)

“Thanks to all who made this evening’s conversation so vibrant and resonating. I’m sat here on the train home buzzing with thoughts and ideas. Really inspirational. Kind regards and thanks for making it happen.”Eileen Field, Headteacher

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LCLL membership You can join LCLL as an individual or organisation. This gives you access to our half termly newsletter and a limited number of free places at our events, including the annual lecture.

For full details see: ucl.ac.uk/ioe/lcll

or contact [email protected]

IOE R&D networkMost educational leaders recognise they could do more to help their teachers and organisations to access and use evidence to inform improvement, but the challenge can be how to go about that in ways which add value. The IOE R&D network was launched in autumn 2014 as a vehicle to connect schools, colleges, alliances and trusts that want to build their capacity for evidence-informed improvement with the IOE’s huge range of researchers, knowledge and expertise. You can join as a single organisation or existing alliance/network. Membership brings access to the IOE’s library, a facilitated annual workshop to assess your school/network’s progress and priorities for developing evidence-informed practice and access to a dedicated membership website.

For full details see: www.ioe-rdnetwork.com

or contact [email protected]

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Institute of Education

Contact us For general enquiries [email protected] For international enquiries [email protected]

+44 (0) 20 7612 6245

Visit usUCL Institute of Education University College London 20 Bedford Way London WC1H 0AL

Find us online www.ucl.ac.uk/ioe/lcll



Disclaimer: This information is correct at the time of going to press. For more information about LCLL and up-to-date details of our programmes and offerings please see our website.

Institute of Education
