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07 10 JUL 2011 - Pentecost4-Independence

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The Rt. Rev’d Laish Z. Boyd, Bishop The Most Rev’d Drexel W. Gomez, Assistant Bishop The Rt. Rev’d Gilbert A. Thompson, Assistant Bishop The Ven. I. Ranfurly Brown, Archdeacon, West Central Bahamas Mrs. Lynette Thompson Mrs. Mary Basden Miss Roberta Hudson Mr. Wilton Gibson WELCOME & GOD BLESS! Welcome to our Parish Community. We are delighted to have you worshipping with us today. If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to join us. 356-2745 H 322-1126 W PARISH TREASURER
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Sunday, 10th July, 2011 4TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Independence Day WELCOME TO ALL VISITORS! Welcome to our Parish Community. We are delighted to have you worshipping with us today. If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to join us. WELCOME & GOD BLESS! Carmichael Road, New Providence, Bahamas 2 St. Gregory’s Anglican Church P. O. Box CR-56170, Carmichael Road, N. P., Bahamas Email: [email protected] Group site: stgregorysgroupsite.shutterfly.com Diocesan Website: bahamasanglicans.org DYD: www.anglicandydonline.org/ Tel.: 361-3800 Fax: 341-3752 The Rt. Rev’d Laish Z. Boyd, Bishop The Most Rev’d Drexel W. Gomez, Assistant Bishop The Rt. Rev’d Gilbert A. Thompson, Assistant Bishop The Ven. I. Ranfurly Brown, Archdeacon, West Central Bahamas RECTOR The Rev’d S. Sebastian Campbell P. O. Box SB-50488 Office: 361-3800 Home: 392-7303 Email: [email protected] PRIEST’S WARDEN Mr. Wilton Gibson 361-3690 H 324-2088 W VESTRY SECRETARY Mrs. Lynette Thompson 356-2745 H 322-1126 W PEOPLE’S WARDEN Mrs. Mary Basden 362-1825 H 322-2511 W PARISH TREASURER Miss Roberta Hudson 361-2712 H 328-8324 W
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Sunday, 10th July, 2011


Independence Day

WELCOME TO ALL VISITORS! Welcome to our Parish Community.

We are delighted to have you worshipping with us today. If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to join us.


Carmichael Road, New Providence, Bahamas


St. Gregory’s Anglican Church

P. O. Box CR-56170, Carmichael Road, N. P., Bahamas

Email: [email protected] Group site: stgregorysgroupsite.shutterfly.com Diocesan Website: bahamasanglicans.org DYD: www.anglicandydonline.org/

Tel.: 361-3800 Fax: 341-3752

The Rt. Rev’d Laish Z. Boyd, Bishop The Most Rev’d Drexel W. Gomez, Assistant Bishop The Rt. Rev’d Gilbert A. Thompson, Assistant Bishop

The Ven. I. Ranfurly Brown, Archdeacon, West Central Bahamas


The Rev’d S. Sebastian Campbell P. O. Box SB-50488

Office: 361-3800 Home: 392-7303 Email: [email protected]

PRIEST’S WARDEN Mr. Wilton Gibson 361-3690 H 324-2088 W


Mrs. Lynette Thompson 356-2745 H 322-1126 W


Mrs. Mary Basden 362-1825 H 322-2511 W


Miss Roberta Hudson 361-2712 H 328-8324 W

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Be thoughtful, be silent, and be reverent, for this is the House of God. Before the service, speak to the Lord; during the service,

let the Lord speak to you; after the service, speak to one another.

7:00 am – Solemn Holy Eucharist 9:30 am - Family Eucharist Corporate Communion: Anglican Church Men Year: A Colour: White


Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and kindle in us the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit and we shall be created and You shall renew the face of the earth. O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit, we may be truly wise, and ever rejoice in Your consolations, through Christ our Lord, Amen. PROCESSIONAL HYMN ………………… “ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL”

Bahamian Version All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small; All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all.

The bright and sunny weather, Our sparkling waters pure, Are gifts from God as well as, The white sand on our shore. The mangoes in the summer, The sea grapes growing wild, Guinep, and plums and guavas, Are gifts for every child. The waters ‘round our islands, Are brimming full with food, Grouper, and crab and lobster, That do our bodies good.

Hibiscus bloom in daytime, And bougainvillea bright, The crotons and the sunflowers, Jasmine that scents the night. He gave us eyes to see them, And lips that we might tell, How great is God Almighty, Who has made all things well. For homes, and church and playtime, For friends and parents too, For health and godly living, O Lord, we say, “Thank You.”


INTROIT HYMN ……………………………………………………………………………… MEDLEY

“GIVE THANKS” Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, Give thanks because He's given, Jesus Christ His Son. And now let the weak say, “I am strong,” let the poor say, “I am rich,” Because of what the Lord has done for us. And now let the sick say, “I am whole,” let the bound say, “I am free,” Because of what the Lord has done for us. Give thanks…


“PRAISE HIM” Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, blessed Saviour, He’s worthy to be praised. From the rising of the sun, until the going down of the same; He's worthy, Jesus is worthy, He’s worthy to be praised. Glory, glory, in all things, give Him glory; Jesus, blessed Saviour, He’s worthy to be praised. God is our Rock, hope of Salvation, A strong Deliverer, in Him will I always trust.

ENTRANCE ANTIPHON …………………………………………………………………. BCP p99 PREPARATION, ETC ……………………………………………………………………. BCP p101 THE COLLECT …………………………………………………………… Proper 10 - BCP p175 COLLECT FOR INDEPENDENCE DAY: O God our Father, Whose will it is that Your people should live in ordered societies; inspire the people of this nation with the spirit of justice, truth and love; and so guide our leaders, and all who make decisions on our behalf, that they may direct our affairs in righteousness and peace; that we may live in peace and harmony and to Your honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. FIRST LESSON

Readers: 7:00 am – Sidney Curry 9:30 am – Anglican Church Men Reader: A Reading from the Word of God written in Deuteronomy 8:11-20.


Take care that you do not forget the Lord your God, by failing to keep his commandments, his ordinances, and his statutes, which I am commanding you today.

12 When you have eaten your fill and have built

fine houses and live in them, 13

and when your herds and flocks have multiplied, and your silver and gold is multiplied, and all that you have is multiplied,

14 then do not exalt yourself, forgetting the Lord your God,

who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, 15

who led you through the great and terrible wilderness, an arid waste-land with poisonous snakes and scorpions. He made water flow for you from flint rock,

16 and fed you in the wilderness with manna that your

ancestors did not know, to humble you and to test you, and in the end to do you good.

17 Do not say to yourself, “My power and the might of my

own hand have gained me this wealth.” 18

But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, so that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your ancestors, as he is doing today.

19 If you do forget the Lord your God and follow other gods to

serve and worship them, I solemnly warn you today that you shall surely

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perish. 20

Like the nations that the Lord is destroying before you, so shall you perish, because you would not obey the voice of the Lord your God.

Reader: The Word of the Lord. Response: Thanks be to God. PSALM …………………………...…………………………………………... 145:1-9 - BCP p660 SECOND LESSON

Readers: 7:00 am – Pauline Holmes 9:30 am – Anglican Church Men Reader: A Reading from the Word of God written in Hebrews 11:8-16.

8 By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to set out for a place

that he was to receive as an inheritance; and he set out, not knowing where he was going.

9 By faith he stayed for a time in the land he had

been promised, as in a foreign land, living in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise.

10 For he looked forward

to the city that has foundations, whose architect and builder is God. 11

By faith he received power of procreation, even though he was too old—and Sarah herself was barren— because he considered him faithful who had promised.

12 Therefore from one person, and this one as good as

dead, descendants were born, “as many as the stars of heaven and as the innumerable grains of sand by the seashore.”

13 All of these died in faith without having received the promises, but

from a distance they saw and greeted them. They confessed that they were strangers and foreigners on the earth,

14 for people who speak in

this way make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. 15

If they had been thinking of the land that they had left behind, they would have had opportunity to return.

16 But as it is, they desire a better country, that is,

a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; indeed, He has prepared a city for them.

Reader: The Word of the Lord. Response: Thanks be to God.

GRADUAL HYMN …………………………...……... “I VOW TO THEE MY COUNTRY” I vow to thee my country, all earthly things above, Entire and whole and perfect— the service of my love; The love that asks no question, the love that stands the test, That lays upon the Altar, the dearest and the best; That love that never falters, the love that pays the price, The love that makes undaunted— the final sacrifice. And there’s another country, I’ve heard of long ago, Most dear to them that love her, most great to them that know; We may not count her armies, we may not see her king; Her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering; And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase; And her ways are ways of gentleness, and all her paths are peace.



+ THE GOSPEL + Reader: The Lord be with you. Response: And also with you. Reader: A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark 12:13-17. Response: Glory to Christ our Saviour.


Then they sent to him some Pharisees and some Herodians to trap him in what he said.

14 And they came and said to him, “Teacher, we

know that you are sincere, and show deference to no one; for you do not regard people with partiality, but teach the way of God in accordance with truth. Is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, or not?

15 Should we

pay them, or should we not?” But knowing their hypocrisy, he said to them, “Why are you putting me to the test? Bring me a denarius and let me see it.”

16 And they brought one. Then he said to them, “Whose head

is this, and whose title?” They answered, “The emperor’s.” 17

Jesus said to them, “Give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they were utterly amazed at him.

Reader: This is the Gospel of Christ. Response: Praise to Christ our Lord. POST-GOSPEL HYMN ………………..……………………………….. “ANCIENT WORDS”

Holy words long preserved, for our walk in this world, They resound with God's own heart, O let the ancient words impart Words of Life, words of Hope, give us strength, help us cope In this world, where e'er we roam, ancient words will guide us Home.

Ancient words ever true, changing me and changing you, We have come with open hearts, O let the ancient words impart

Holy words of our Faith, handed down to this age Came to us through sacrifice, O heed the faithful words of Christ. Holy words long preserved, for our walk in this world. They resound with God's own heart, O let the ancient words impart.

THE SERMON ……………………….. THE REV’D FRANKLYN COLEBROOKE POST-SERMON HYMN ………………..…... “LORD I WANT TO BE A CHRISTIAN” Lord I want to be a Christian, In my heart, in my heart! Lord I want to be a Christian In my heart.

In my heart, in my heart! Lord I want to be more loving, In my heart, in my heart! Lord I want to be more loving, In my heart.

Lord I want to be more holy, In my heart, in my heart! Lord I want to be more holy, In my heart. Lord I want to be like Jesus, In my heart, in my heart! Lord I want to be like Jesus, in my heart, in my heart.

INTERCESSIONS: FORM F ……………………………………………………….….. BCP p115

Readers: 7:00 am – Rachel Nabbie 9:30 am – Anglican Church Men THE ACT OF PENITENCE ……………………………………………………………… BCP p123

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OFFERTORY HYMN - 7:00 AM …………………….... “THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD” Bahamian Version

The right hand of God is writing in our land, Writing with power and with love, Our conflicts and our fears, our triumphs and our tears Are recorded by the right hand of God. The right hand of God is pointing in our land, Pointing the way we must go. So clouded is the way, so easily we stray; But we’re guided by the right hand of God. The right hand of God is striking in our land, Striking out at envy, hate and greed, Our selfishness and lust, our pride and deeds unjust, Are destroyed by the right hand of God. The right hand of God is lifting in our land, Lifting the fallen one by one Each one is known by name, and rescued now from shame By the lifting of the right hand of God. The right hand of God is healing in our land, Healing broken bodies, minds, and souls, So wondrous is its touch, with love that means so much, When we’re healed by the right hand of God. The right hand of God is planting in our land, Planting seeds of freedom, hope and love, In this Bahamaland, let His people all join hands, And be one with the right hand of God.



EUCHARISTIC PRAYER …………………………………………………………..…… BCP p126 PROPER PREFACE ………………….......………………….............................. BCP p128 EUCHARISTIC PRAYER: FORM B …………….......…………………............. BCP p135 THE LORD’S PRAYER, ETC. …………….......…………………...................... BCP p144 COMMUNION HYMNS ………………..………………… “COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS”

When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.


Count your blessings, name them one by one, Count your blessings, see what God hath done! Count your blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear? Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly, And you will keep singing as the days go by.

When you look at others with their lands and gold, Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold; Count your many blessings. Wealth can never buy Your reward in heaven, nor your home on high.

So, amid the conflict whether great or small, Do not be disheartened, God is over all; Count your many blessings, angels will attend, Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.


What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought Since Jesus came into my heart; I have light in my soul for which long I have sought, Since Jesus came into my heart.

Since Jesus came into my heart, Since Jesus came into my heart; Floods of joy o’er my soul like the sea billows roll, Since Jesus came into my heart.

I have ceased from my wand’ring and going astray, Since Jesus came into my heart; And my sins which were many are all washed away, Since Jesus came into my heart.

I’m possessed of a hope that is steadfast and sure, Since Jesus came into my heart; And no dark clouds of doubt now my pathway obscure, Since Jesus came into my heart.

There’s a light in the valley of death now for me, Since Jesus came into my heart; And the gates of the City beyond I can see, Since Jesus came into my heart.

I shall go there to dwell in that City I know, Since Jesus came into my heart; And I’m happy, so happy as onward I go, Since Jesus came into my heart.

A&M 558

O Jesus, Blessed Lord, to Thee My heartfelt thanks for ever be, Who hast so lovingly bestow’d On me Thy Body and Thy Blood.

Break forth, my soul, for joy, and say What wealth is come to me to-day! My Saviour dwells within me now; How blest am I! how good art Thou!

CHILDREN’S HYMN ………………..……………………….………. “WHEN HE COMETH” When He cometh, when He cometh, To make up His jewels, All His jewels, precious jewels, His loved and His own.

Like the stars of the morning, His bright crown adorning, They shall shine in their beauty, Bright gems for His crown.

He will gather, He will gather The gems for His kingdom, All the pure ones, all the bright ones, His loved and His own. Little children, little children, Who love their Redeemer, Are the jewels, precious jewels, His loved and His own.

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NATIONAL ANTHEM … “MARCH ON BAHAMALAND” Music and lyrics by Timothy Gibson

Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland, March on to glory, your bright banners waving high, See how the world marks the manner of your bearing ; Pledge to excel thro' love and unity. Pressing onward, march together, to a common loftier goal ; Steady sunward tho' the weather hide the wide and treacherous shoal. Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland, 'Til the road you've trod lead unto your God, March on Bahamaland. POST COMMUNION PRAYER ………………………………………………..…... BCP p148 THE BLESSING ……………………………………………………………………………. BCP p150 THE DISMISSAL ……………………………………………………….…………………. BCP p152 RECESSIONAL HYMN ……………………..……….. “ONWARD CHRISTIAN PEOPLE”

Adaption of “Onward Christian Fathers” by Fr. Harry Ward

Onward, Christian people march against the foe; Onward into battle onward, people go! Drugs and crime and violence lurk on ev’ry hand; On then, Christian people, march and take a stand!

Onward, Christian people, march against the foe; Onward into battle, onward, people, go!

Onward, Christian people, march with unity; Live that all around you Christ in you may see! Let your light shine brightly; glorify the Lord; On then Christian people, march with one accord!

Onward, Christian people, march on with a song; Raise aloud your voices, in the triumph throng; Shout about your Saviour Whom one day you’ll see; On then, Christian people, march to victory!

Onward, Christian people, on to glory go; With Christ as your Leader, conquer ev’ry foe; He will never leave you, nor forsake His own; On then, Christian people, on to worlds unknown!

Prayer After Mass: Glory to You Lord Jesus, glory to You. Grant that as I have

served in Your presence, may we also come to serve in Your heavenly kingdom. In all things God be glorified. Amen.

Priest: The Mass is ended. Go in peace rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.

People: Thanks be to God. Amen!!!


• Introit Hymn ………………… A&M 217 • Psalm(s) ……………………….… 114, 115 • 1st Reading … 1 Samuel 17:50–18:4

Reader: Monica Stuart • Office Hymn …………….…….. A&M 38

• 2nd Reading …………… Mark 1:21-27 Reader: Sharon Clarke

• Hymn …………………………… A&M 278 • Offertory Hymn ……………. A&M 657 • Recessional Hymn ………… A&M 207


Ushers Roster SUN 10 JUL 7am: Team Maynard 9:30am: Team Williams 7pm: Rachel Nabbie, Shirley Williams

SUN 17 JUL 7am: Team Braynen 9:30am: Team Cooper 7pm: Golda Scott, Norman Sturrup SUN 24 JUL 7am: Team Theophilus 9:30am: Team Young 7pm: Jennie Huyler, Herbert Huyler SUN 31 JUL 7am: Team Theophilus 9:30am: Team Cooper 7pm: Shirley Braynen, Vernell Miller

Readers Roster SUN 24 JUL 7am: 1st: Sandra Johnson, 2nd: Wilton Gibson, Int: Basil McIntosh 9:30am: Youth Department

7pm: 1st: Rudolph Pratt, 2nd: Marjorie Stuart SUN 31 JUL 7am: 1st: Sidney Curry, 2nd: Essiemae McIntosh, Int: Enrica McIntosh 9:30am: Lay Readers & Usher Board 7pm: 1st: Sidney Curry, 2nd: Burton Phillips SUN 7 AUG 7am: 1st: Randy Conliffe, 2nd: Anja Rolle, Int: Maelyn Seymour-Major 9:30am: Anglican Church Women 7pm: 1st: Rudolph Pratt, 2nd: Monica Stuart

Daily Readings MON 11 JUL Green

Mn: Ps. 25; 1 Samuel 18:5-16, 27b-30; Acts 11:19-30 Ev: Ps. 9, 15; Joshua 2:1-14; Mark 1:29-45

TUE 12 JUL Green

Mn: Ps. 26, 28; 1 Samuel 19:1-18; Acts 12:1-17 Ev: Ps. 36, 39; Joshua 2:15-24; Mark 2:1-12

WED 13 JUL Green

Mn: Ps. 38; 1 Samuel 20:1-23; Acts 12:18-25 Ev: Ps. 119:25-48; Joshua 3:1-13; Mark 2:13-22

THU 14 JUL Green

Mn: Ps. 37:1-18; 1 Samuel 20:24-42; Acts 13:1-12 Ev: Ps. 37:19-42; Joshua 3:14-4:7; Mark 2:23 - 3:6

FRI 15 JUL Green

Mn: Ps. 31; 1 Samuel 21:1-15; Acts 13:13-25 Ev: Ps. 35; Joshua 4:19-5:1, 10-15; Mark 3:7-19a

SAT 16 JUL Green

Mn: Ps. 30; 1 Samuel 22:1-23; Acts 13:26-43 Ev: Ps. 42,43; Joshua 6:1-14; Mark 3:19a-35


Euc: Wisdom 12:13, 16-19; Ps. 86:11-17; Romans 8:18-25; Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 Ev: Ps. 103, 1 Samuel 23:7-18, Mark 2:1-12


Euc: 1 Kings 3:5-12; Ps. 119:121-136; Romans 8:26-34; Matthew 13:31-33, 44-49a Ev: Ps. 8,84; 2 Samuel 1:17-27, Mark 2:23-28

St. Ambrose Guild Roster 7am: 9:30am: 7pm: SUN 10 JUL

BP: - TH: Shashake’ Nabbie CR: Hiram Victor 1AC: Kirkland Munnings 1AC: Harvey Victor 2AC: - 2AC: - 2MC: Hiram Victor 1MC: Arnaldo Basden

BP: Marcellus Johnson TH: Lamar Nottage CR: Sarah Jones 1AC: Nicolette Nottage 1AC: Cierra Deleveaux 2AC: Walton Sweeting 2AC: Moreice Forbes 2MC: Nicolette Nottage 1MC: Michael Johnson

BP: Valentino Johnson TH: Lamar Nottage CR: Nicolette Nottage 1AC: Benjamin Sweeting 1AC: Walton Sweeting 2AC: - 2AC: - 2MC: Michael Johnson 1MC: Monica Stuart


BP: - TH: Harvey Victor CR: Arnaldo Basden 1AC: Kirkland Munnings 1AC: Hiram Victor 2AC: - 2AC: - 2MC: Arnaldo Basden 1MC: Shashake’ Nabbie

BP: Valentino Johnson TH: Walton Sweeting CR: Santhangelo Capron 1AC: Cassidy Clarke 1AC: Walton Sweeting 2AC: Moreice Forbes 2AC: Benjamin Sweeting 2MC: Michael Johnson 1MC: Katie Longley

BP: Summer Jones TH: Eurydice Rolle CR: Sarah Jones 1AC: Michaella Hanna 1AC: Cierra Deleveaux 2AC: - 2AC: - 2MC: Katie Longley 1MC: Monica Stuart


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Happy Independence, Bahamas I was there, present, as a witness to the birth of this nation, on July 10th 1973. It is a privilege to witness the birth of any nation. It is the greatest singular event in a nation’s history, it cannot be trumped. To Go Alone Be The Glory!

It did not happen overnight. A number of events can be seen as stepping stones to our Independence. As such we have Emancipation on 1st August 1834, a moment when freedom of our African ancestors begun. What a dehumanizing blotch on our history! The evil of these three hundred years can never be over emphasized and must forever be condemned. The formation of political parties, beginning in the 1950’s, must be hailed as a milestone in the development of our democracy; coupled with this would be the coming into being of labour unions as vehicles to defend rights of workers. With political parties and labour unions Bahamians were truly galvanizing themselves as one cohesive force in protecting and advancing their God-given rights.

January 10th 1967, Majority Rule is finally realized. Indeed, it was late in coming. Other Caribbean countries were well into Independence at this time. Now for the first time blacks realized that they had inherent dignity and value and were equal to all other races. Blacks came out of their slumber and gave themselves the right to govern themselves.

Independence was inevitable. It had to come, in spite of the detractors and the well oiled opposition that said, “Independence, yes, but not now.” Much fear and intimidation was put into the minds of our people. Thank God the Fathers of the nation pressed forward and with a landslide victory won the people’s consent at the polls in 1972. It was clear, the overwhelming majority of Bahamians had bought the Independence message. “It’s no longer if, but when we become independent,” the prime minister boasted.

July 10th 1973, our moment arrived; we became Bahamians. All before we were subjects of Great Britain; now for the first time we could stand proud among the nations of the world with our own seat and voice at the United Nations. Our very own flag replaced the Union Jack, the symbol of oppression. “Forward, Upward, Onward, Together,” was the motto to incite our advancement, replacing the old one when translated from Latin read, “Pirates Expelled, Commerce Restored.”

Because of Independence we can boast of having: The Royal Bahamas Defence Force, The Central Bank, Water and Sewage, Bahamian Permanent Secretaries and other leading government officials. We have our own Commissioner of Police, local blacks as Bishops and leading clerics in our church that was tied to the Church of England in a direct way for leadership. High Schools flourish on almost every Island, a big move away from the days when there was only one public High School. The Bahamas of today is totally different from the Bahamas of Pre-1973.

We must teach this history to our children; show them the hands of God at work among us over these thirty-eight years and more. Our crime waves and other degenerating conditions must be arrested. Plagues in the social life that is grinding down our values must be attacked. Our greatest tribute to God and country is to make every effort to undergird broken family life and advance greater peace and togetherness.

Meanwhile we thank our great God for those Bahamians who have been champions for us to date: the late Lynden O. Pindling (Father of the nation) Cecil Wallace Whitfield, Clarence Bain, Doris Johnson, Randol Fawkes, Michael Eldon, Mother Ethel, John Pugh, Fernley Palmer, William Cartwright and the list goes on… Our heroes of whom we must be proud! *

RectorRectorRectorRector’’’’s Desks Desks Desks Desk

Rev. Fr. S. Sebastian CampbellRev. Fr. S. Sebastian CampbellRev. Fr. S. Sebastian CampbellRev. Fr. S. Sebastian Campbell


ST. GREGORY’S CALENDAR DAY SERVICE / EVENT TIME _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


INDEPENDENCE DAY SOLEMN EVENSONG & BENEDICTION 7:00 pm _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

MON 11 JUL Independence Day Holiday observed _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TUE 12 JUL MASS 6:00 am STUDY HALL (Free academic aid by trained teachers for students) RECESS PRAYER GROUP 7:00 pm _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

WED 13 JUL WALK THROUGH THE BIBLE & MASS 7:00 pm (Book of Exodus). Open to all parishioners. Bring a friend. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

THU 14 JUL MASS 12:00 pm STUDY HALL (Free academic aid by trained teachers for students) RECESS ACW meeting 7:00 pm GOLDEN OLDIES COMMITTEE meeting 7:00 pm (at the residence of Livingstone Hepburn) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

FRI 15 JUL MASS 6:00 am CHRISTIAN YOUTH MOVEMENT meeting 7:00 pm SENIOR CHOIR practice 7:00 pm _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

SAT 16 JUL ACOLYTES practice RECESS THE T. A. R. A. PROJECT RECESS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


SOLEMN EVENSONG & BENEDICTION 7:00 pm _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Church Calendar 1. Thu 14 - Sun 17 Jul - Co-ed Cursillo Weekend in Jamaica Support team and candidates welcomed.

2. 18-22 July - Vacation Bible School - Soul of the City (Youth Programme)

3. Mon 25 Jul, 7pm - Family Life and Health Care Ministry meeting

4. Sun, 31 Jul - Usher Board Cake Sale & Corporate Communion

5. Thu 13 - Sun 16 Oct - Bahamas Anglican Women’s Cursillo Weekend #19 (New Providence)

Now accepting applications. Present Cursilliastas should help identify and register candidates.

6. Sun 20 Nov, 7:30pm - Pre St. Cecilia’s Day Musical Festival (location TBA)


1. FR. FRANKLYN COLEBROOKE We welcome, today, Rev. Fr. Franklyn Colebrooke as our celebrant and preacher. Indeed he is no stranger to St. Gregory. Fr. Sebastian, Rector, is away on urgent personal business.

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2. SUNDAY SCHOOL Our Sunday School is now closed for the summer. Thanks Mrs. Rosamund Stubbs for your wonderful leadership and faithfulness over the last nineteen years. Mrs. Stubbs now moves into other spheres of ministry in the church, especially pastoral care and counselling. We wish her well. A replacement superintendant will be announced soon.

3. PATRONAL FESTIVAL: IDEAS? Our Patronal Festival will be celebrated on the 4th September 2011. We intend to make this special and hopefully different from times past. So we are appealing for: • Any and all ideas from parishioners. Please communicate directly with the

rector. • There will be one service, only, that Sunday morning. Communicate your

time preference with the rector. • The afternoon event should begin at 3:30pm. What can be done to give this

a changed appearance? The rector looks forward to hearing your ideas.

4. 150TH ANNIVERSARY THANK OFFERING Archdeacon Cartwright launched this last Sunday. New envelopes are available at the ushers’ desk. Its complete with registration forms. Please register, turn the form in and do the best you can.

5. FAMILY LIFE AND HEALTH CARE MINISTRIES This ministry has been called into existence and meets again on Mon, 25 Jul at 7pm. We invite your attendance. Ideas shared thus far that awaits your feedback: 1. First Sunday in each month to be designated Family Sunday. One morning

service at either 8 or 8:30am. All uniformed organizations are to make corporate communion. (No choir in the a/m, instead in the pm). Families not in uniform organizations encouraged to sit together. The service to be followed by a social/educational function, preferably on health matters eg. Screening, in the hall.

2. Annual Health Symposium 3. May designated family month (combined to enhance youth and

intergenerational activities. 4. Mother’s Day- Mothers to be honoured by the men with gifts etc. led by

the ACM. Father’s Day- Fathers to be honoured by the women with gifts etc.; led by the ACW. A mother and father of the year to be named on their special days along with other honourees. We appreciate any and all ideas as to criteria and standards to get this up and running.

5. August: Back to School, Youth Rally etc. Please forward ideas to Sheldon Morris or Rector.

6. READERS AND INTERCESSORS We are encouraged by those attending workshops to date. The objective is to improve our quality of worship and personal self-enhancement. Soon, all our worship leaders in reading and intercessory prayers will come from this intentionally trained pool of persons. Another session will be held next Sunday evening at Evensong.

7. ADULT CONFIRMATION Adults 18years and older, desirous of confirmation should register with the office at the earliest convenience.



8. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - "GROWING IN GOD'S WILL" - 18-22 JUL Join the execution team (ages 15yrs or older). Register today!! Ages 4-12yrs. Contact: Lenora L. Brown E: [email protected] T: 361-6362 or Pamela Gibson E: [email protected].

9. PYC – PARISH YOUTH COUNCIL’S PARENTS MEETING Thanks to all parents and youth who attended the Parents Meeting. We look forward to an ongoing and dynamic partnership in youth ministry.

10. TRACK PRACTICE It's almost time again for the annual DYD Track & Field Classic. In order to improve our placement in this year's October meet, we hope to begin track practice and registration early. Track practice commences Mon, 18 July and will be each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6:00-7:30pm. All interested children and adults are asked to come out. Age categories are: Under 5, Under 7, Under 9, Under 11, Under 13, Under 15, Under 17, 17+, 17 - 29, 30 - 39, 40 - 49, 50+, and Clergy. Contacts: Ms. Hattie Moxey (Coach) 341-4439, Don Johnson (Asst. Coach) 341-2144, Juliette Dorsett (Co-ordinator) 466-3582.


11. SOCIAL OUTREACH PROGRAMME Please support our outreach to the sick, shut-in and needy members of our

church and community with regular donations of grocery items, food stamps, pennies or cash. Please place items in the basket provided by the Baptismal Font. Contact: Sis. Clara Morgan - 361-4263.

12. BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! Please secure books for worship. Bibles are always needed. You will be better served with your Book of Common Prayer for the full text of our worship—$15. Hymn Books will soon be used —$25 (lyrics & music) $15 (lyrics).

13. ST. ANNE'S MINI HEALTH FAIR – SAT 23 JUL - 6AM-5PM Fun, Run, Walk - 6am-930am. Fair -11am-5pm. Health booths, screening rooms for PSA, Pap Smears and Mammograms. ACM & ACW grilled food. Tickets: $10, available at the Parish Office.

14. MEN OF ALL SAINTS "CRAB OUT (CRAB FEST)" - SAT, 23 JUL, 12NN-6PM Crab ‘n’ dough $8, crab soup $12. Other Crab dishes and Bahamian food on sale including fried fish, chicken and conchy conch fritters. Dominoes, backgammon, card games, etc.

15. LOOKING FOR A SMALL ANGLICAN SCHOOL? TRY TRINITY CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS A ministry of the Church of the Most Holy Trinity, accepting students for the new school year. Children aged 3-12, grade K3-6. Space is limited. Application forms available from the school office or Parish Office. Please register now!

16. FULL-DAY SUMMER SCHOOL @ S & L HOMECARE Ages 2-12yrs. Also, week-by-week August Childcare $75.00 weekly or less. Evening Care, Late Evening or Night Pick Up, beginning June 2011. Contact: Lenora L. Brown. T: 361-6362 E: [email protected].

Please Pray For Our Overseas Students!! Shaynora Brown Shari Clarke Ashan Dorsett Deepa Gharbaran

Crispin Greenslade Patrick Greenslade Marvell Major Ashley Minnis

Kadesha Mortimer Keithron Rolle Kyle Stubbs Kyron Stubbs

Chanel Williams

Page 8: 07 10 JUL 2011 - Pentecost4-Independence


Please remember to pray for, visit and call our Sick and Shut-in:

Sick List - Parishioners Shyann Strachan --- Bridgette Johnson 362-2392 Leanna Newbold 341-4133

Jennifer Sanchez 341-1204 Mildred Seymour 361-5254 Lula Strachan 361-4216 Rochelle Thurston 341-4618

Sick List - Wider Community Icelyn Campbell (Jamaica) 341-3647 Canon Leopold Cox

Paige Davis 341-2381 (PMH)

Roland Delancy 322-2066

Shut-ins Carnetta Bannister Ortlise Coleby 361-5936 Mabel Henderson 361-7533 Terricita Henderson 341-4570 Jefferson Hepburn

Edith Palacious Wendy Stuart Coralee Sturrup Edith Turnquest Christina Williams 341-4439

Happy Birthday!!! “Look with favour, we pray, on Your Servants as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in Your goodness all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

Happy Anniversary! “Knit together in constant affection those who, in Holy Wedlock, have been made one flesh; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”


Sun, 10 Jul ~ Jacqueline Sands Mon, 11 Jul ~ Khalil Basden Tue, 12 Jul ~ Anthony Barrow Thu, 14 Jul ~ Kayden Major ~ Yvette Strachan Sat, 16 Jul ~ Marilyn Major ~ Kerrington Moss

Mon, 11 Jul ~ Robert & Sheila Johnson ~ Philip & Roslyn Ritchie Tue, 12 Jul ~ William & June Poitier ~ Marvin & Orita Stubbs Fri, 15 Jul ~ Wilfred & Angela Rolle



Sunday, 17th July, 2011


7:00 am – Solemn Holy Eucharist 9:30 am - Family Eucharist Corporate Communion: Prayer Group Year: A Colour: Green


• Processional Hymn …………………………. 472 CPWI (tune 439 CPWI) • Entrance Antiphon …………………………. BCP p99 • Preparation, etc …………………………….. BCP p101 • The Collect(s) …………………………………. Proper 11 - BCP p176 • First Lesson ………………………………….... Wisdom 12:13, 16-19

7:00 am Randy Conliffe 9:30 am Prayer Group • Psalm …………………………...……………….. 86:11-17 - BCP p580 • Second Lesson ……………………………….. Romans 8:18-25

7:00 am Don Johnson 9:30 am Prayer Group • Gradual Hymn ………………………………… 530 CPWI • The Gospel ……………………………………… Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 • Post-Gospel Hymn ………………..………… “Ancient Word” • The Sermon ………….……………… The Rev’d S. Sebastian Campbell • Post-Sermon Hymn ………………..………. 529 CPWI (1st verse & chorus) • The Intercessions: Form F ……………… BCP p115

7:00 am Ellen Johnson 9:30 am Prayer Group • The Act Of Penitence ……………………… BCP p123 • The Peace ………………………………………. BCP p124 • The Notices • Offertory Hymn ……………………. 7:00 am 564 CPWI 9:30 am St. Gregory’s Senior Choir • The Presentation Of The Offering …… BCP p126 • Offertory Hymn 2 …………………. 9:30 am 564 CPWI


• Eucharistic Prayer: Form B - BCP p135 • Proper Preface …………………............... BCP p129 • Communion Hymns ………………..……… 1. 569 CPWI 2. 572 CPWI

3. 612 CPWI • Children’s Hymn ………………..…………… 666 CPWI • Post Communion Prayer ………………… BCP p148 • The Blessing …………………………………… BCP p150 • The Dismissal …………………………………. BCP p152 • Recessional Hymn ………………… 7:00 am 367 CPWI 9:30 am “Lift Him Up”


• Introit Hymn ………………… A&M 274 • Psalm(s) ………………………………… 103 • 1st Reading ……… 1 Samuel 23:7-18

Reader: Sidney Curry • Office Hymn …………….…..… A&M 32

• 2nd Reading …………….. Mark 2:1-12 Reader: Pam Gibson

• Hymn …………………………… A&M 272 • Offertory Hymn ……………. A&M 298 • Recessional Hymn ………… A&M 232

