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1. Lean Meats and Fish

Date post: 01-Oct-2021
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Page 1: 1. Lean Meats and Fish
Page 2: 1. Lean Meats and Fish

1. Lean Meats and Fish Getting enough protein will be essential to losing extra fat and keeping your satisfied throughout the day. The best source of this comes from lean meats: chicken, lean beef, turkey and all kinds of fish. Watch out: Look out for fatty meats, poor quality cuts, deli meat that is preserved with nitrates and other additives, as well as meats that are pre­seasoned with salty or sugary cures.

2. Lots of Veggies Time to go green. If it grows green in nature, you should probably eat it. Broccoli, spinach, kale, dark, leafy lettuce, the choices are endless. But don’t exclude other quality non­green varieties like cauliflower, jicama, onions, and tomatoes

(or wait­ is it a fruit? The debate rages on). Watch out: Again. fresh is best. Get your veggies right from the produce aisle or farmers market. Next best is frozen with nothing added. Last choice is canned, but really, who wants to eat canned vegetables? And by the way, fresh veggies turn into

something completely different when doused in ranch dressing. Go easy or, better yet, go natural.

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3. Fruit – Especially Berries Fruit is good for you! All of it! Apples, bananas, melon, but the top of the line choice in this category is berries. Berries contain the lowest amount of sugar and the highest amount of antioxidants. Watch out: Don’t buy pre­sweetened bags of frozen berries or pre­sweetened applesauce. Fresh is best. Again, the closer you can get it to its original form, the healthier it is going to be.

4.Whole Grains Steel cut oatmeal. Brown rice. Whole grain breads. Tortillas. When choosing grains, it’s important to go for whole grains. For instance, fiber­rich oatmeal stays in your stomach for hours so your breakfast will keep you going through the mid­morning donut break at work. Yes, it’s true: the right kind of carbs are good for you! Watch Out: Read your labels carefully. The oatmeal shelf is loaded with options, most of which contain loads of sugar and processed grains. And while a bread label might claim “wheat” or “made with whole grains,” if it isn’t the first ingredient listed, it’s not a whole grain.

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5. Nuts and Nut Butters Nuts are a good source of protein, fat, and fiber. They are definitely the best snack to have on hand for the hunger pangs that hit between meals. Nut butters can do the same. A Purdue University study showed that people who ate nuts felt full longer than those who ate rice cakes. And, according to WebMD, eating nuts may help prevent

Type 2 Diabetes! Watch Out: Again, it is about quality over quantity. They pack a lot of calories, so 20­25 nuts is plenty. To help avoid mindless eating, pre­portion your servings ahead of time into small containers so you aren’t tempted to eat the whole can! And please don’t pick them up at the gas station where they are covered in

salts and oils. Go all natural! When choosing nut butter, the same rule applies. Popular brand peanut butters contain unhealthy oils and added sugar. Natural is best. It’s not that hard to stir.

6. Good Fats You have to eat fat to burn fat. That’s a fat fact! Olive oil, coconut oil, avocados. These are all excellent choices! Make sure you have some every day. Watch out: Quality over quantity wins in this category. Go for high­quality products like fresh extra virgin olive oil. You won’t need much to satisfy you and flavor your meal. And go easy on the serving size. These are good for but highly caloric.

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7. Eggs Vilified for years, eggs have been vindicated! Long thought to be a source for raising cholesterol, people were told to stay away or limit their consumption. Research has finally proven that eggs are not the culprit. Rather, the protein in eggs is healthy and filling and the fat in the yolk helps your brain to function better. The American Heart Association guidelines now allow an egg a day for healthy adults, and the choline is thought to improve memory and brain function. So scramble away! Watch out: The better the egg, the better the results. And, the better the taste! So if you can swing it, go for organic and cage free.

8. Beans and Legumes Beans are low­cal and packed with protein and fiber which help you tone up and lose weight. Make a bean­heavy dish instead of meat once a week. You’ll cut a lot of saturated fat and replace it with fiber.

Watch out: Refried beans are high in saturated fat. Choose plain black, pinto, or other varieties instead.

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9. PROTEIN POWDER It’s not just for bodybuilders. Protein powder contains amino acids that burn fat and build muscle. A smoothie with protein powder and fresh fruit is a great snack between meals. Watch out: Read the label! Many protein powders contain fillers and sweeteners you don’t need. Also, be careful with what you add to your smoothie! Juices are high in sugar. Remember that everything you add counts; the calories add up fast.

10. Fermented Foods Saving the best for last. Fermented foods are excellent for eliminating bloating in your tummy. These foods keep the digestive system aligned and help prevent gas and diarrhea. Fermented foods most eaten include kefir, Greek yogurt, sauerkraut, and kombucha. Watch out: Especially when it comes to Greek yogurt, look for the sugar content on the label. Buy as natural as possible and mix in fresh fruit.
