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1 Title: Relative diversity and community structure of ciliates in stream biofilms 1 according to molecular and microscopy methods 2 Running title: Diversity of ciliates in stream biofilms 3 Andrew Dopheide 1 , Gavin Lear 1 , Rebecca Stott 2 and Gillian Lewis 1* 4 School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, 3a Symonds Street, Auckland, New 5 Zealand 1 , and National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research, P.O. Box 11-115, 6 Hamilton, New Zealand 2 7 *Corresponding author. Mailing address: School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, 8 Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand. Phone: 64 (9) 373 7599. Fax 64 (9) 373 7416. E- 9 mail: [email protected] 10 11 ABSTRACT 12 Ciliates are an important component of aquatic ecosystems, acting as predators of bacteria and 13 protozoa and providing nutrition for organisms at higher trophic levels. Understanding of the 14 diversity and ecological role of ciliates in stream biofilms is limited, however. Ciliate diversity in 15 biofilm samples from four differently impacted streams was assessed using microscopy and T- 16 RFLP analysis of 18S rRNA sequences. Analysis of both 3' and 5' terminal fragments yielded very 17 similar estimates of ciliate diversity. The diversity detected using microscopy was consistently 18 lower than that suggested by T-RFLP analysis, indicating the existence of genetic diversity not 19 apparent to morphological examination. Both microscopy and T-RFLP analyses provided similar 20 relative trends in diversity between different streams, with the lowest level of biofilm-associated 21 ciliate diversity in samples from the least-impacted stream and the highest diversity in samples 22 from moderately to highly impacted streams. Multivariate analysis provided evidence of 23 significantly different ciliate communities in biofilm samples from different streams and seasons, 24 particularly between a highly degraded urban stream and less impacted streams. Microscopy and 25 T-RFLP data both suggested the existence of widely distributed, resilient biofilm-associated ciliates 26 as well as ciliate taxa restricted to sites with particular environmental conditions, with 27 cosmopolitan taxa being more abundant than those with restricted distributions. Differences 28 between ciliate assemblages were associated with water quality characteristics typical of urban 29 Copyright © 2009, American Society for Microbiology and/or the Listed Authors/Institutions. All Rights Reserved. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/AEM.00412-09 AEM Accepts, published online ahead of print on 26 June 2009 on June 1, 2018 by guest http://aem.asm.org/ Downloaded from


Title: Relative diversity and community structure of ciliates in stream biofilms 1

according to molecular and microscopy methods 2

Running title: Diversity of ciliates in stream biofilms 3

Andrew Dopheide1, Gavin Lear1, Rebecca Stott2 and Gillian Lewis1* 4

School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, 3a Symonds Street, Auckland, New 5

Zealand1, and National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research, P.O. Box 11-115, 6

Hamilton, New Zealand2 7

*Corresponding author. Mailing address: School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, 8

Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand. Phone: 64 (9) 373 7599. Fax 64 (9) 373 7416. E-9

mail: [email protected] 10



Ciliates are an important component of aquatic ecosystems, acting as predators of bacteria and 13

protozoa and providing nutrition for organisms at higher trophic levels. Understanding of the 14

diversity and ecological role of ciliates in stream biofilms is limited, however. Ciliate diversity in 15

biofilm samples from four differently impacted streams was assessed using microscopy and T-16

RFLP analysis of 18S rRNA sequences. Analysis of both 3' and 5' terminal fragments yielded very 17

similar estimates of ciliate diversity. The diversity detected using microscopy was consistently 18

lower than that suggested by T-RFLP analysis, indicating the existence of genetic diversity not 19

apparent to morphological examination. Both microscopy and T-RFLP analyses provided similar 20

relative trends in diversity between different streams, with the lowest level of biofilm-associated 21

ciliate diversity in samples from the least-impacted stream and the highest diversity in samples 22

from moderately to highly impacted streams. Multivariate analysis provided evidence of 23

significantly different ciliate communities in biofilm samples from different streams and seasons, 24

particularly between a highly degraded urban stream and less impacted streams. Microscopy and 25

T-RFLP data both suggested the existence of widely distributed, resilient biofilm-associated ciliates 26

as well as ciliate taxa restricted to sites with particular environmental conditions, with 27

cosmopolitan taxa being more abundant than those with restricted distributions. Differences 28

between ciliate assemblages were associated with water quality characteristics typical of urban 29

Copyright © 2009, American Society for Microbiology and/or the Listed Authors/Institutions. All Rights Reserved.Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/AEM.00412-09 AEM Accepts, published online ahead of print on 26 June 2009

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stream degradation, and may be related to factors including nutrient availability and 30

macroinvertebrate communities. Microscopic and molecular techniques were considered to be 31

useful complementary approaches for investigation of biofilm ciliate communities. 32



Heterotrophic micro-eukaryotes such as ciliates are thought to be of considerable importance in 35

aquatic ecosystems, as they are major predators of bacteria and constitute a nutritional resource 36

for other protozoa, invertebrates and probably fish larvae (9, 22, 36, 52, 62, 63, 71). In addition, 37

protozoan bacterivory contributes to enhanced decomposition of leaf detritus—a vital nutrient 38

resource in streams—by increasing turnover of bacterial populations through predation (57). It is 39

not well understood, however, how ciliate diversity and community structure in streams are 40

affected by changing environmental conditions, or how ciliate communities affect other stream 41

biota and processes. The effects of various physical, chemical and biological factors on freshwater 42

protozoan communities have been considered by a number of studies, but most of these have 43

focused upon planktonic organisms in lentic habitats (for example, 2, 11, 44). However, the 44

complex microbial communities in biofilms have been recognised as important contributors to 45

critical ecological processes such as primary production, nitrogen fixation and nutrient cycling, and 46

may underpin the function of stream food webs (31, 45, 61). The few studies which have 47

investigated benthic habitats in lotic systems have found evidence of the existence of diverse 48

communities of abundant ciliates (3, 20, 56) and shifts in community structure in response to 49

ecophysiological parameters (30, 42, 43). With one exception, however, these investigations were 50

based on aquatic sediments, and the organisms within epilithic biofilms have continued to receive 51

little attention. 52

Most studies of ciliate diversity and ecology have utilised microscopy-based methods of 53

identification (for example, 3, 56), as ciliate cells are relatively large and morphologically diverse. 54

Such methods demand a high level of taxonomic expertise, however, and are difficult and time-55

consuming—for example, many ciliates are fragile and fast moving, and often require difficult 56

fixing and staining protocols for reliable identification. Molecular biological tools offer the 57

possibility of more accurate and efficient methods for protozoan study, and may provide a useful 58

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complement to traditional approaches (12, 18, 28, 65), yet we know of only a few molecular studies 59

of environmental ciliate diversity (18, 20, 37). A series of recent investigations have used culture-60

independent analysis of 18S rRNA gene sequences to reveal the existence of diverse micro-61

eukaryote communities in assorted marine, anoxic and extreme environments (40, 48, 66, 69, 70, 62

72). Furthermore, a growing body of evidence suggests the existence of significant genetic diversity 63

among various ciliate taxa which has escaped detection by microscopy (14, 18, 23, 34, 60, 64, 78), 64

pointing to the potential for molecular techniques to generate new insights into ciliate diversity and 65

ecology, and suggesting a need for comparison of the effectiveness of these different techniques in 66

environmental samples. 67

Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis provides an efficient, 68

inexpensive and semi-quantitative means for comparing microbial molecular diversity between 69

different samples, and has been widely used to investigate bacterial communities, although only a 70

handful of studies have applied T-RFLP methods to the analysis of micro-eukaryote diversity (6, 16, 71

17). In this study, ciliate diversity and community structure was investigated in biofilm samples 72

from streams representing a range of levels of anthropogenic degradation, with the objective of 73

testing the null hypothesis that human impacts have no effect upon this important heterotrophic 74

component of stream ecosystems. To achieve this, ciliate-targeted PCR primers were used in 75

conjunction with T-RFLP and multivariate statistical analyses. Additionally, ciliate diversity 76

measures obtained using molecular techniques were compared with those derived from 77

microscopy-based methods in order to assess the relative effectiveness of these approaches. 78



Sampling sites. Biofilm samples were collected from each of four differently impacted streams in 81

Auckland, New Zealand. Site 1 (Cascade Stream) is a largely unimpacted stream, located in an 82

undeveloped native forest catchment (36°53'32"S, 174°31'07"E). Site 2 (Stoney Creek) is mildly 83

impacted, located in a partially developed native forest catchment with nearby houses and roads 84

(36°54'24"S, 174°34'06"E). Site 2 is a lower order tributary of Site 3 (Opanuku Stream) which is 85

proximate to rural agricultural development and is moderately impacted (36°53'42"S, 174°35'44"E). 86

Site 4 (Pakuranga Stream) is located in a highly developed urban catchment (36°53'50"S, 87

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174°54'21"E) and is highly impacted. Sites 1, 2 and 3 all have natural stony substrates whilst Site 4 88

consists of a concrete channel at the sampling location. 89

Sites 1 and 3 are respectively ranked as having the best and 5th-best water quality of 25 streams 90

throughout the Auckland region based on monthly monitoring between 1995 and 2005; three 91

locations in the Site 4 stream catchment are ranked in the worst five (4, 5). Physical and chemical 92

attributes of the streams are presented in Table 1. 93

Sample collection. Quantitative methods for sampling biofilm material and associated protozoa 94

from submerged surfaces were developed. There are no clearly established protocols for sampling 95

protozoa associated with epilithic biofilms in lotic systems, and for this reason two methods were 96

tested in this study. For both methods stream biofilm was collected from substrate surfaces while 97

submerged, to avoid the potential loss of material upon removal of stones from the water column 98

(29). The first method involved the use of sterile Speci-Sponges® (Nasco, Fort Atkinson, WI, USA) 99

to thoroughly swab submerged surfaces (rocks or concrete channel) within a 55 cm2 area defined 100

by a circular neoprene template. Dislodged biofilm material was then squeezed from the collecting 101

sponges into sterile Whirl-Pak® bags (Nasco). 102

The second biofilm collection method involved a brush/syringe sampler based on devices 103

recommended for subsurface sampling of epilithic periphyton (1, 39, 54, 67). The brush/syringe 104

sampler, illustrated in figure S1 in the supplemental material, consisted of a 60 ml syringe with its 105

end removed to create a wide opening, and a toothbrush head glued to the end of the syringe 106

plunger. A rubber ring was attached to the end of the syringe to seal the sampler against the rock 107

surface and to minimise the loss of dislodged material due to water currents. Biofilm material was 108

removed from a 4.91 cm2 area by pressing down and rotating the syringe plunger. Loosened 109

material was drawn up into a 10 ml collection syringe attached to the base of the larger syringe with 110

plastic tubing. Samples were then decanted into sterile Whirl-Pak® bags (Nasco). 111

Biofilm sampling was carried out during January (summer), May (autumn), August (winter) and 112

November (spring) of 2005. On each sampling occasion, biofilm material was collected from two 113

20 m reaches of each stream. In general, the exposed surfaces of 4-10 randomly selected rocks 114

(220-550 cm2 in total) were sampled using the sponge method, and the surfaces of 10 rocks (about 115

50 cm2 in total) were sampled using the syringe method, from within each 20 m reach of each 116

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stream. Similarly, ten samples were collected from each of two 20 m reaches along the concrete 117

channel at Site 4, using each sampling method. The ten samples obtained using each method at 118

each sample point were combined, giving a total of four composite samples per stream (one sponge 119

sample and one syringe sample from each of two sampling points in each stream). Samples were 120

chilled on ice for transport. 121

Assessment of ciliate diversity by microscopy-based analysis. Samples were stored at 4 122

°C and analysed within four to ten hours of collection. For the enumeration of ciliates, sub-samples 123

of 1 ml were transferred to a Sedgewick Rafter cell and scanned at 25 x magnification to generate 124

preliminary lists of taxa. Sub-samples were then examined at 200 x to 630 x magnification. Due to 125

low density of biofilm material and associated ciliates, concentration of samples from Site 1 prior to 126

examination was typically required, as follows: 25-100 ml samples were concentrated by filtering 127

through 25 µm nylon mesh and backwashing the retentate into a graduated 15 ml tube using 128

filtered water (typical final volume ~3 ml). Aliquots (1 ml) were then transferred to a Sedgewick 129

Rafter cell and examined at 200 x to 630 x magnification. Ciliate species were identified to at least 130

genus level, where possible, using criteria described in taxonomic keys (25, 53). Photographs were 131

used to ensure that identifications were consistent. The relative abundance of different taxa was 132

scored on a scale of one to eight, with each value respectively corresponding to an approximate 133

abundance of 1-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, 20-50, 50-100, 100-200, and over 200 cells per ml. 134

DNA extraction and PCR amplification. Sub-samples (30 ml) of each combined biofilm 135

sample were transferred to pre-weighed sterile 35 ml centrifuge tubes and centrifuged at 6000 x g 136

for 10 min at 4 °C. Supernatants were removed and pellets resuspended in 15 % glycerol to achieve 137

final concentrations of 100 to 200 mg biofilm ml-1. Samples were then frozen at -80 °C until 138

required. 139

DNA was extracted from biofilm samples as previously described (20). Following extraction, the 140

concentration of DNA in each extract was assessed using a Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA kit 141

(Invitrogen, Auckland, New Zealand) according to manufacturer’s directions, in combination with 142

absorbance measurements at 260 nm using a Nanodrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer (Thermo 143

Fisher Scientific, MA, USA), and electrophoresis on 1 % agarose gels stained with Sybr Safe 144

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(Invitrogen). Based on combined results of these procedures, the concentration of DNA in extracts 145

was standardised to approximately 20 ng µl-1 before use as template in PCR reactions. 146

PCR primers 384F (5'-YTB GAT GGT AGT GTA TTG GA-3'; 20) and 1147R (5'-GAC GGT ATC TRA 147

TCG TCT TT-3'; 20), targeting a ~700 bp fragment of the ciliate 18S rRNA gene, were respectively 148

labelled at their 5' termini with HEX and FAM fluorophores (Invitrogen). DNA was amplified from 149

biofilm extracts using these primers in 50 µL PCR reaction mixes (25 µL GoTaq Green master mix 150

(Promega, In Vitro Technologies, Auckland, New Zealand), 0.5 µM forward and reverse primers, 151

0.4 % BSA (Invitrogen) and 2 µL of template DNA). The following PCR protocol was used: initial 152

incubation for 5 min at 94 °C, then 30 amplification cycles of 45 s at 94 °C, 60 s at 55 °C and 90 s at 153

72 °C, followed by a final extension step of 7 min at 72 °C. PCR products were purified using a 154

Purelink PCR Purification Kit (Invitrogen) according to manufacturer’s instructions. The 155

concentration of fluorescently-labelled PCR products was determined by absorbance 156

measurements at 260 nm using a Nanodrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer. 157

Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Terminal restriction 158

fragment polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis is a semi-quantitative molecular fingerprinting 159

technique which provides an efficient method of comparing populations. Fluorescently-labelled 160

PCR products are digested with one or more restriction enzymes, resulting in the production of 161

fluorescently-labelled terminal fragments, the length (bp) and abundance of which can be 162

automatically detected. This results in the generation of profiles in which the number of peaks 163

indicates the number of different terminal fragments present whilst the height and area of peaks 164

indicate their relative abundance. As terminal fragment length (bp) varies across different taxa, 165

this data can provide a profile of community structure within each sample. 166

For T-RFLP analysis in this study, the DNA concentration in each purified PCR product was 167

adjusted to 20 ng µl-1. PCR products were digested with the restriction endonucleases HaeIII and 168

RsaI (Invitrogen) in 10 µl reactions, incubated overnight at 37 ° C. Each digestion reaction 169

contained 1 U of each enzyme, 1 µl reaction buffer (Invitrogen) and approximately 175 ng of 170

purified amplicon. Digested samples were electrophoresed alongside a size standard with markers 171

at 20 bp intervals up to 1200 bp (LIZ1200; Applied Biosystems, Melbourne, Australia). Terminal 172

restriction fragments were detected using a 3130XL Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems). This 173

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resulted in generation of peak profiles representing the abundance of HEX- and FAM-labelled 174

terminal fragments, which were analysed using GeneMapper 4.0 (Applied Biosystems), which 175

automatically calculates the number, height and area of peaks and their corresponding fragment 176

lengths (bp). Profiles from two runs of each sample were compared to check for consistency, and 177

any inconsistent results were discarded. T-RFLP peaks with a height of ≤50 rfu (relative 178

fluorescence units) and of less than 10 base pairs in length were excluded from analysis to 179

eliminate background interference. Each remaining peak was presumed to represent a different 180

terminal restriction fragment and hence a different ciliate-derived 18S rRNA gene sequence. Peaks 181

representing terminal fragments in excess of about 650 base pairs in length were assumed to 182

represent PCR products which were not cut during restriction digestion. 183

The length (bp) and area of HEX- and FAM-labelled peaks in each T-RFLP profile was imported 184

into Microsoft Excel. Peak positions were rounded to the nearest whole number, and the overall 185

area of each profile was standardised to 1, to ensure comparability between samples. 186

Statistical analyses. ANOVA was used to test for significant differences among numbers of 187

ciliate taxa detected in samples from different streams in each month. Significant ANOVA results 188

were followed with post-hoc Tukey-Kramer HSD multiple comparison tests. Differences between 189

numbers of taxa in samples obtained using the two different sampling methods, and according to 190

the two different analysis methods, were investigated using t-tests. These analyses were carried out 191

in JMP 7.0 (SAS Institute Inc., USA). As each different PCR product can be expected to produce 192

both a HEX-labelled fragment (primer 384F) and a FAM-labelled fragment (primer 1147R), the 193

numbers of HEX-labelled and FAM-labelled T-RFLP peaks were averaged to provide a composite 194

diversity estimate for each sample. 195

For multivariate analysis, data from both HEX-labelled and FAM-labelled T-RFLP peaks were 196

combined into a single data set for each sample, and subjected to a square-root transformation to 197

moderate the influence of large peaks in subsequent analyses. Relative abundance data obtained by 198

microscopy were not transformed. Multivariate analyses were carried out in Primer v6.1.6 (Primer-199

E Ltd., UK). Bray-Curtis similarity between all pairs of biofilm samples was calculated. Results 200

were ordinated by non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS), which clusters samples with higher 201

levels of pairwise similarity more closely than samples with lower pairwise similarity, thereby 202

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allowing the visualisation of similarities and differences among sets of samples. ANOSIM was used 203

to test the null hypotheses of no significant differences between different streams, seasons, and 204

sampling methods. ANOSIM compares within-group similarity and between-group similarity; R 205

values of around zero indicate within-group and between-group similarity are the same, whilst R 206

values approaching 1 indicate samples within groups are more similar to each other than to 207

samples from different groups, allowing the null hypothesis to be rejected (15). 208



Sampling methods. 211

The effectiveness of sponge- and syringe-based biofilm sampling methods for detecting ciliates was 212

compared, but there was no clear evidence of greater efficacy of either method in terms of ciliate 213

diversity detected, according to either microscopy or T-RFLP. Little evidence for significant 214

differences in ciliate community structure was found between sponge-derived and syringe-derived 215

samples according to ANOSIM (Table 2), and furthermore, sponge- and syringe-derived samples 216

from the same stream and sampling date were typically grouped very closely in MDS plots, 217

suggesting very similar composition of the communities sampled by each method. Sponge and 218

syringe-derived samples from each site and date were therefore pooled for subsequent analyses. 219

Ciliate diversity in stream biofilm samples (microscopy and T-RFLP methods). Our 220

methodology targeted a standard area of substrate for all samples, and our diversity results 221

represent the number of taxa detected per area sampled. However, biofilm biomass was 222

particularly sparse at Site 1, especially in winter (G. Lewis and S. Tsai, unpublished data). Similarly, 223

density of ciliates at Site 1 was generally very low, necessitating concentration of these samples for 224

analysis. Even after concentration, the number of ciliate cells detected and identified in Site 1 225

samples was low, and this may have affected the level of diversity detected. 226

The number of ciliate taxa detected in stream biofilm samples using microscopy-based methods 227

ranged from zero for samples from Site 1 in May and August, to 17 for a Site 4 sample from May 228

(Figure 1). Site 1 typically had the fewest biofilm-associated ciliate taxa, whilst samples from Site 3 229

and Site 4 contained the highest numbers of ciliate taxa. Significant differences were detected 230

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among microscopy results from May and November (ANOVA, p < 0.05), but not from January or 231

August. 232

The number of different peaks present in a T-RFLP profile is assumed to reflect the number of 233

different ciliate 18S rRNA gene sequences—and therefore the number of ciliate taxa—present in the 234

stream biofilm sample. The number of T-RFLP peaks detected ranged from five (Site 1, November) 235

to 61 (Site 3, January) (Figure 1). Significant differences were detected in all months (ANOVA, p < 236

0.005). The pattern of ciliate diversity across different streams according to T-RFLP analysis was 237

broadly similar to that derived from microscopic investigations, with the lowest ciliate diversity 238

detected in the most pristine stream and higher diversity at the more impacted sites. 239

Overall, in each stream the average number of peaks detected in T-RFLP profiles exceeded the 240

average number of ciliate taxa detected by microscopy (t-test, p < 0.0001) (Figure 2). In total, 183 241

different HEX-labelled terminal fragments and 191 different FAM-labelled terminal fragments 242

were detected among all samples, compared with 68 different ciliate taxa identified by microscopy. 243

Differences in ciliate diversity and community structure between streams and 244

seasons according to microscopy and T-RFLP. Microscopy-based analysis of biofilm 245

samples found evidence of ciliate taxa common to multiple stream environments as well as many 246

taxa restricted to individual sites (Figure 3). Taxa common to all four streams were detected only in 247

January and November, although these taxa were always present in at least one stream throughout 248

the year. In January a greater number of unique taxa were found in Site 2 than in Site 3. In all 249

other months, taxa unique to Site 3 and Site 4 together accounted for the majority of taxa detected, 250

although these two streams also had generally higher overall levels of diversity than the other sites. 251

Taxa unique to Site 4 were particularly frequent in August. In November, taxa unique to Site 2 were 252

not detected, and taxa unique to Site 1 were evident only in May. Fewer than one in five of the taxa 253

unique to particular streams were detected on more than one sampling date. 254

Overall, only 7 % of ciliate taxa identified throughout the year using microscopy were common to 255

all four streams (Figure 3). Forty-four percent of the detected taxa were each found in only one 256

stream, most commonly Site 3 or Site 4, and no taxa were unique to the least impacted stream, Site 257

1. 258

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According to microscopy, ciliates common to all four streams were generally small-sized species 259

from Oligohymenophorea or Phyllopharyngea, such as Glaucoma sp., Trochilia sp. or Cyclidium sp. 260

These ubiquitous species were generally more abundant in the more impacted streams. Several 261

unidentified hypotrichs were typically characteristic of Site 2 biofilm samples, whilst taxa unique to 262

Site 3 included Actinobolina sp., Aspidisca lynceus and sessile peritrich species such as Epistylis sp. 263

and Vorticella sp. A large number of taxa were found only at Site 4, including Spirostomum sp., 264

Stylonychia sp., Euplotes sp., Strombilidium sp., and predatory taxa including Monodinium sp. 265

and several species of Litonotus. 266

Visual inspection of T-RFLP profiles shows that some peaks are present in profiles from multiple 267

streams (although these peaks are often markedly different in magnitude) whilst other peaks 268

appear to be unique to particular stream biofilms (Figure 4). Overall, 17 % of the different T-RFLP 269

peaks detected throughout the year were found in all four streams. Forty five percent of the T-270

RFLP peaks occurred only in one stream (Figure 3), consistent with the microscopy data. The 271

proportion unique to each stream ranged from 5 % for Site 1 to 16 % for Site 3. 272

The proportions of T-RFLP peaks found in different streams showed a higher degree of consistency 273

between months than the microscopy data (Figure 3). Peaks unique to each of the four streams 274

were detected in all months except August, when biofilm biomass at Site 1 was insufficient for 275

molecular analysis. Compared with the microscopy data, the proportion of T-RFLP peaks unique to 276

Site 3 and Site 4 together accounted for less of the total diversity detected, except for in January 277

samples. Peaks unique to Site 1 were more frequently detected, however, as were peaks unique to 278

Site 2 in November samples. As for the microscopy data, T-RFLP peaks unique to Site 4 were most 279

frequent in August samples, although the proportion of peaks unique to Site 3 was highest in 280

January. 281

The T-RFLP peaks found in all four streams throughout the year (17 % of all peaks) together 282

accounted for 75 % of total profile area, indicating that the corresponding terminal fragments were 283

relatively abundant (Figure 5). Conversely, the peaks that were each detected in only one stream 284

(45 % of all peaks) accounted for less than 6 % of the total T-RFLP profile area, and as for the 285

microscopy data, few of these unique T-RFLP peaks were detected on more than one sampling date. 286

These findings suggest the existence of populations of abundant and cosmopolitan ciliate taxa in 287

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stream biofilms from different environments, together with rarer taxa of low abundance and with 288

restricted spatial and temporal distributions. 289

Microscopy relative abundance data and T-RFLP peak area data were used to generate non-metric 290

multidimensional scaling (MDS) plots in which each data point represents the assemblage of ciliate 291

taxa or T-RFLP peaks detected in one sample. The proximity of the data points to each other 292

reflects the relative similarity of their ciliate assemblages. MDS plots based on microscopy data 293

show separation of samples from highly impacted Site 4 and moderately impacted Site 3 from each 294

other, and from samples from less impacted Site 2 and Site 1 (Figure 6). Similarly, MDS plots based 295

on T-RFLP data show Site 4 samples forming a clearly separated group, while Site 3 and Site 2 296

samples form overlapping clusters, and Site 1 samples are scattered widely. Temporal patterns are 297

less clear, with little discernable grouping of data points by sampling month according to 298

microscopy data. According to T-RFLP data, November samples and May samples from Site 1 are 299

more dispersed than January and August samples. 300

ANOSIM analysis of microscopy and T-RFLP data provided evidence of significant differences 301

between ciliate communities in different streams, and between samples from different seasons 302

(Table 3). For the microscopy data, significant and generally large differences were found between 303

ciliate assemblages from all streams, and moderate differences between assemblages from different 304

sampling dates. Similarly, significant differences were found between ciliate assemblages from all 305

streams according to T-RFLP analysis, with the exception of Site 1 and Site 2. The largest 306

differences according to T-RFLP were found between Site 4 and both Site 2 and Site 3, while the 307

largest differences according to microscopy were found between Site 1 and Site 3, and Site 3 and 308

Site 4. The largest difference between sampling months according to T-RFLP analysis was between 309

January and August, but these months showed relatively little difference according to microscopy. 310

Significant differences were not detected between January and May, and January and November T-311

RFLP results. 312

Links between environmental data and ciliate assemblage MDS data. Links between 313

ciliate community assemblage data and environmental trends can be visualised as bubbles overlaid 314

on MDS ordination plots, with the size of bubbles representing the magnitude of environmental 315

parameters at sites and dates corresponding to biofilm sampling occasions. The resulting figures 316

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suggest observed MDS ordination patterns are associated with a combination of environmental 317

factors (Figure 7). Separation of Site 4 samples from others appears to be associated with factors 318

typically associated with urban stream degradation, such as higher levels of nitrogenous 319

compounds and lower levels of dissolved oxygen, in addition to very low levels of forest cover. 320

Turbidity, temperature and phosphorus levels are similarly elevated at Site 4 on certain sampling 321

occasions, while water depth, water velocity and pH do not follow this trend. Conversely, Site 1 322

samples are associated with high native forest cover, low levels of nitrogenous compounds, total 323

phosphorus and turbidity, and elevated oxygen. Grouping of Site 3 samples in a cluster adjacent to 324

Site 4 samples appears to be related to intermediate levels of nitrogenous compounds and total 325

phosphorus, although pH and levels of dissolved reactive phosphorus are generally lower than for 326

Site 1 samples. 327



Ciliate diversity according to microscopy and T-RFLP analysis. Ciliates have been 330

considered very amenable to microscopic study due to their high level of morphological diversity 331

and relatively large size. However, it has been suggested that a current list of described ciliate 332

morphospecies may contain five to ten times as many biological species (13, 24, 26). Furthermore, 333

ciliate morphospecies have been shown to include organisms with clearly different ecophysiological 334

characteristics (75). This suggests that the morphospecies concept may substantially underestimate 335

ciliate species diversity and ecosystem complexity (26, 75). Morphologically identical but 336

genetically, physiologically or biochemically divergent ciliates are likely to occupy separate 337

ecological niches, and measurement of this functional ciliate diversity is relevant to ecological 338

studies. While molecular techniques have recently contributed to great insights into protistan 339

diversity in various inaccessible and extreme environments, few studies have applied these 340

techniques to specific phyla such as Ciliophora. 341

This investigation found that the number of ciliate taxa suggested by T-RFLP analysis was more 342

than double that indicated by microscopy. This suggests the existence of a significant component of 343

genetic ciliate diversity in stream biofilms which is not evident to microscopic examination of 344

morphology. A similar finding was made in a recent study of oligotrich ciliate diversity in seawater, 345

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with diversity according to molecular analysis about 10 fold higher than according to 346

morphological observations (18). In the present study, ciliates were identified using simple light 347

microscopy methods, and although most species can be detected at relatively low magnification, it 348

is possible that some organisms may have been overlooked due to small size or inconspicuousness, 349

or due to being present in encysted form. Silver staining procedures and electron microscopy can 350

improve taxonomic discrimination of ciliate taxa based on morphological and morphometrical 351

analysis. However, even when these more complex methods have been used, ciliate diversity based 352

on molecular analysis has still been found to exceed diversity according to morphology (34). A 353

growing number of studies provide evidence of cryptic molecular diversity exceeding apparent 354

morphological diversity in various ciliate taxa, including Carchesium (78), Cyclidium (23), 355

Halteria (34), Oxytricha (60), Strombidium (34), Tetrahymena (41, 49, 64) and Zoothamnium 356

(14). The consistency of these findings suggests little reason to expect any difference in the great 357

majority of ciliate taxa which have not yet been subjected to genetic analysis. Cyclidium and 358

ribosomal RNA gene sequences closely matching those of Oxytricha, Tetrahymena and 359

Zoothamnium have all previously been detected in these Auckland streams (20), and therefore may 360

have contributed to the cryptic genetic diversity detected using T-RFLP in this study. 361

Although our molecular analysis indicates a high level of genetic diversity underlying ciliate 362

morphospecies, the PCR primers used in this study, while highly ciliate-specific, are not perfectly 363

so (20). It is possible that a limited number of non-ciliate sequences and resulting terminal 364

restriction fragments may be represented in our results. However, this effect may be outweighed by 365

the tendency of T-RFLP analysis to underestimate diversity of closely related taxa, due to 366

conservation of restriction sites and consequent generation of terminal fragments of identical 367

length (16). Additionally, ciliate taxa with indistinguishable 18S rRNA gene sequences may be 368

discriminated by examination of other genes (41), suggesting that the sequences targeted in this 369

study may not provide complete resolution of different species. It thus seems likely that the 370

assessments of ciliate diversity provided by T-RFLP analyses in this study are conservative. 371

Limitations and complementarity of methods. Although T-RFLP analysis is an efficient 372

method of obtaining and comparing microbial genetic diversity data, interpretation of T-RFLP 373

information, in isolation, remains challenging. T-RFLP analysis lacks a straightforward means of 374

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reliably assigning taxonomic identities to observed peaks in complex samples, particularly for 375

groups of organisms for which availability of DNA sequence data is limited, such as ciliates. The 376

value of diversity measures derived from T-RFLP analyses has been questioned, on the bases that 377

different organisms may contribute to single T-RFLP peaks, different restriction enzymes will 378

produce different results, and the use of thresholds to eliminate background “noise” from T-RFLP 379

profiles means terminal fragments (and organisms) of low abundance will be excluded from the 380

resulting analysis (10). Multivariate statistical analysis of T-RFLP data is considered reliable 381

however, with conclusions little affected by the exclusion of minor T-RFLP peaks or the choice of 382

restriction enzyme (8, 77). T-RFLP is thus a useful method for comparing complex microbial 383

community structures. 384

Microscopy-based analysis of morphology does permit identification of ciliates, subject to sufficient 385

taxonomic expertise being available, and can allow the classification of ciliates into functional 386

categories such as feeding groups which can be used to examine the ecological role of protozoa (55). 387

The level of taxonomic resolution used can affect whether significant differences between 388

protozoan communities will be detected, with identification of protozoa to taxonomic levels higher 389

than genus being less effective in discriminating surface-associated protozoan communities (35). 390

Microscopy does have the advantage of quantitative power–cells can be counted, albeit tediously—391

which may be lacking in PCR-based assays. Clearly, morphological identification is only possible 392

within the constraints of the morphospecies concept, which has recognised limitations (26). 393

In this study, both T-RFLP and microscopy-based analyses showed broadly similar overall trends 394

of diversity in the different streams, and both methods produced evidence of significant differences 395

between ciliate communities in differently impacted stream biofilms. It seems, therefore, that T-396

RFLP and microscopic analyses may be considered as complementary methods, the former 397

providing a robust and efficient method for comparing ciliate community structure, and the latter 398

allowing attribution of differences between microbial assemblages and systems to particular ciliate 399

taxa or functional groups. Of course, group-targeted PCR primers such as those used in this study 400

can be used for cloning and sequencing which—if sequence and morphological data have been 401

reconciled—does allow reliable identification of microbes in environmental samples, thus avoiding 402

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one of the limitations of T-RFLP. FISH-based techniques offer a useful means of linking molecular 403

sequence data with microscopy-derived morphological information (68). 404

Further studies combining molecular and microscopic methods are necessary for the expansion of 405

currently limited sequence database coverage of micro-eukaryotes (21). Assuming availability of 406

micro-eukaryote DNA sequence information improves, it seems probable that in future molecular 407

identification methods may prove more straightforward and accurate than morphology-based 408

methods. It is nonetheless likely that combined approaches may prove more informative than 409

either molecular or microscopy-based techniques alone, however (68, 73). Molecular profiling 410

methods allow efficient and robust comparisons of community structure, while identification and 411

description of taxa using sequencing, microscopy, and FISH-based techniques can provide 412

additional insights and links to ecological, phenotypic and physiological information, and may 413

allow pinpointing of ecologically important organisms. 414

Differences between biofilm ciliate communities in different streams. Both microscopy 415

and T-RFLP analysis methods have provided clear evidence of differences in ciliate assemblages in 416

biofilms from differently impacted streams. These differences can be associated with 417

environmental parameters typical of urban stream degradation, suggesting that our null hypothesis, 418

that human impacts have no effect upon biofilm-associated ciliate communities, can be rejected. 419

The fewest ciliate taxa were found at Site 1, a relatively pristine stream, while the most ciliate taxa 420

were detected in samples from moderately impacted Site 3 and highly impacted Site 4. This trend 421

of greater diversity at the more impacted sites seems contrary to the generally accepted tendency 422

for ecological perturbation to lead to a simplification of community structure. A number of 423

contrasting biotic and abiotic factors suggest possible reasons for this finding. Site 1 and Site 2 are 424

characterised by little exposure to sunlight or anthropogenic pollutants. Site 3 and Site 4, in 425

contrast, are exposed to elevated nitrogen loads respectively derived from nearby areas of 426

agricultural and urban land use. Reduced density and height of riparian vegetation expose Site 2 427

and Site 3 to more sunlight than Site 1, and Site 4 receives virtually no shade whatsoever. Nutrient 428

enrichment and sunlight have been shown to promote periphyton growth in lotic systems (27, 32, 429

74), suggesting that the more impacted sites are likely to have communities of more abundant 430

phototrophic organisms compared to the less impacted streams. This is consistent with 431

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observations of increased biofilm biomass and more diverse bacterial and algal (especially diatom) 432

communities at sites 3 and 4 (G. Lewis and S. Tsai, unpublished data). The three less impacted 433

sites in this study also receive significant amounts of allochthonous debris from surrounding 434

vegetation whilst Site 4 does not, suggesting a difference in the relative importance of detritus-435

derived nutrients in these streams. Elevated nutrient availability can increase benthic ciliate 436

abundance in rivers and streams (19, 50, 58), and may affect ciliate abundance, biomass and 437

community composition in lentic habitats (2, 33, 51, 76). It seems possible that the abundant 438

biofilms in the more impacted streams in this study may provide more resources and a wider 439

variety of feeding niches for heterotrophic protozoan organisms. The greater variety and 440

abundance of bacterivorous, algivorous and predatory ciliates detected in samples from the two 441

more impacted sites is consistent with this suggestion. 442

Site 1 is home to diverse and abundant benthic macroinvertebrates, whilst Site 4 has a 443

macrobenthic invertebrate fauna of very low diversity, consisting almost entirely of chironomid 444

larvae (38). Biofilms at Site 1 may therefore be subjected to very different grazing pressures than 445

biofilms at Site 4, which is likely to further affect the nutrient resources available in these streams. 446

Macroinvertebrates may also negatively affect protozoa through predation (51, 71). In addition, 447

macroinvertebrates consume meiofauna such as rotifers (59), which may also predate upon 448

protozoa (47). Studies of effects of top-down predation pressures on ciliates in lakes and ponds 449

have had mixed results (2, 51, 76). There is very little information available on the nature of trophic 450

interactions between ciliates and invertebrates in stream biofilms, although one study found 451

evidence of invertebrate predation and/or competition negatively affecting biofilm-associated 452

ciliates (46). Nevertheless, it can be speculated that the homogeneity of the invertebrate 453

community at Site 4 may mean that ciliates of only certain types and sizes are subjected to 454

predation pressures, resulting in the selective proliferation of non-target taxa. In contrast, the 455

diverse invertebrates at Site 1 may represent a broad competitive and predatory factor, perhaps 456

contributing to the lower abundance and diversity of ciliates at this site. 457

Different catchment land uses may cause development of different biofilm-associated ciliate 458

assemblages by favouring tolerant taxa while eliminating sensitive organisms. Being surrounded by 459

extensive urban development, Site 4 is probably exposed to various pollutants in addition to 460

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increased levels of nitrogenous compounds, higher temperatures and lower levels of dissolved 461

oxygen. Furthermore, the artificial substrate in Site 4 may lack refugia for flow-sensitive or light-462

sensitive organisms. A previous investigation suggested Site 4 may be home to fewer sessile 463

peritrich taxa and a higher frequency of predatory ciliates such as Litonotus sp. and Loxophyllum 464

sp. than the other streams investigated in this study (20). Similarly, in this study, predatory ciliates 465

such as Monodinium sp. and Litonotus sp. were detected by microscopy-based analysis only in Site 466

4 biofilm. These, and other characteristic taxa identified in Site 4, are typically β-α mesosaprobic or 467

polysaprobic tolerant species, indicating that they can tolerate reasonably high organic loads and 468

hence more heavily polluted environments (25). This suggests that physico-chemical conditions in 469

Site 4 influence the development of a very different ciliate community compared to the less 470

impacted streams included in this study. How this different ciliate community affects the ecological 471

processes and interactions occurring in this stream awaits further investigation. 472

Conclusion. Ciliates and other protozoa are major predators of bacteria, and provide an 473

important trophic link in aquatic habitats such as stream biofilms (52). Understanding protozoan 474

community diversity and abundance is therefore important for gaining insights into the function of 475

these “hot spots” of microbial activity, which contribute substantially to ecosystem processes in 476

streams (7). Both molecular and microscopy-based analyses provided evidence of diverse biofilm-477

associated ciliate communities, with greater diversity in the more impacted streams and significant 478

differences between ciliate assemblages in streams in different states of degradation. These 479

observations may be related to a variety of differences in environmental parameters characteristic 480

of urban stream degradation, such as elevated nutrient and sunlight availability, as well as different 481

assemblages of autotrophic biofilm organisms and communities of benthic macroinvertebrates. 482

The discrepancy between numbers of taxa suggested by T-RFLP analysis compared to microscopy-483

based analysis in this study adds to evidence that ciliate diversity has been underestimated by 484

traditional microscopic approaches. Microscopic analysis allowed identification of ciliate taxa 485

characteristic of different stream environments, however. Future application of these 486

complementary techniques will improve our understanding of the causes and effects of stream 487

degradation at the microbial level, leading to development of more effective stream monitoring and 488

remediation strategies. 489

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We wish to thank anonymous reviewers for their helpful contributions to the manuscript. Funding 492

for this research was provided by the New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science and 493

Technology Public Good Science Fund UOA306. 494



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76. Wickham, S. A., S. Nagel, and H. Hillebrand. 2004. Control of epibenthic ciliate 701

communities by grazers and nutrients. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 35:153-162. 702

77. Zhang, R., V. Thiyagarajan, and P. Y. Qian. 2008. Evaluation of terminal-restriction 703

fragment length polymorphism analysis in contrasting marine environments. FEMS 704

Microbiology Ecology 65:169-178. 705

78. Zhang, W. J., J. Yang, Y. H. Yu, S. W. Shu, and Y. F. Shen. 2006. Population 706

genetic structure of Carchesium polypinum (Ciliophora: Peritrichia) in four Chinese lakes 707

inferred from ISSR fingerprinting: High diversity but low differentiation. Journal of 708

Eukaryotic Microbiology 53:358-363. 709

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Figure 1: Numbers of ciliate taxa detected by microscopy and numbers of ciliate 18S rRNA gene 710

sequences indicated by T-RFLP analysis of stream biofilm samples. Numbers 1 and 2 denote 711

samples from two different points within each stream. Each bar is the mean of counts from two 712

samples (microscopy data), or the mean of HEX-labelled and FAM-labelled terminal fragment 713

counts from two samples (T-RFLP data). Error bars are +/- one standard deviation. Significant 714

differences were found between streams during each month according to T-RFLP, and in May and 715

November according to microscopy data (ANOVA, p < 0.05). Within each month, samples not 716

linked by the same letter (A - C) are significantly different (Tukey-Kramer HSD, p = 0.05). 717

* Samples from Site 1 were typically concentrated due to low biomass and ciliate abundance; 718

insufficient biofilm biomass in August for T-RFLP analysis. 719


Figure 2: Average numbers of ciliate taxa detected by microscopy (white), and average numbers of 721

ciliate 18S rRNA gene sequences indicated by T-RFLP analysis (grey), in stream biofilm samples 722

throughout one year. Each bar is the mean of counts from eight samples (microscopy data), or the 723

mean of HEX-labelled and FAM-labelled terminal fragment counts from eight samples (T-RFLP 724

data). Error bars are +/- one standard deviation. The average number of T-RFLP peaks detected 725

significantly exceeded the average number of taxa identified by microscopy in all cases (t-test, p < 726

0.0001). 727


Figure 3: Comparison of richness of ciliate taxa occurring in biofilms from different stream 729

environments, according to microscopy and T-RFLP analysis. 730

* No T-RFLP data for Site 1 in August due to insufficient biofilm biomass for analysis. 731


Figure 4: T-RFLP profiles derived from stream biofilm samples in November 2005, using ciliate-733

specific PCR primers. Sizes of grey and black peaks respectively indicate abundance of HEX-734

labelled and FAM-labelled terminal restriction fragments. 735


Figure 5: Abundance and diversity of ciliates in stream biofilms according to T-RFLP profiles. Bars 737

represent the combined area of T-RFLP peaks found in profiles from individual streams only, and 738

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peaks found in profiles from multiple streams, as a proportion of total profile area for each 739

sampling date. Numbers of peaks contributing to each bar are indicated. 740

* No T-RFLP data from Site 1 for August. 741


Figure 6: MDS ordination of ciliate assemblages in stream biofilm samples based on microscopy 743

data (left; 2D stress = 0.15) and T-RFLP profiles (right; 2D stress = 0.19). Data are labelled by 744

sample location (top) and date (bottom). 745


Figure 7: MDS ordination of ciliate assemblages in stream biofilm samples, based on T-RFLP 747

analysis, showing magnitude of various environmental parameters associated with samples (2D 748

stress = 0.19). Bubble sizes are scaled to reflect the ranges of values indicated in table 1. Samples 749

for which environmental data is unavailable are omitted. 750


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Table 1: Physical and chemical characteristics of streams included in this study throughout 2005 752

(mean values, ranges in parentheses). 753

Site 1


Stream; very

low impact)

Site 2 d

(Stoney Creek;

low impact)

Site 3



medium impact)

Site 4


Stream; high


Catchment area (ha) a 233 375 2652 275

Land use a

(% native, forestry, agriculture,


100, 0, 0, 0 98.9, 0, 1.1, 0 55, 2, 25.4, 17.6 1, 0.3, 0, 98.7

Stream width b

(m) 5.8 4.1 6.3 0.7

Water depth b










Water velocity b

(m s-1)









Temperature b

(° C)









pH b 7.6








Turbidity c








Dissolved oxygen c

(g m-3)







Conductivity c

(µS cm-2)







Ammoniacal nitrogen c

(g m-3)







Nitrate/nitrite c

(g m-3)







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Total Kjeldahl nitrogen c

(g m-3)







Total nitrogen c

(g m-3)







Dissolved reactive phosphorus c

(g m-3)







Total phosphorus c

(g m-3)







a Data generated using the Land Cover database 2 (Terralink International Ltd, NZ). 754

b Data recorded by authors. 755

c Data from reference 5, unavailable for site 2; NTU denotes nephelometric turbidity units. 756

d Site 2 is an upstream tributary of site 3. It is presumed that water quality at site 2 is the same or 757

better than at site 3. 758


Table 2: Comparison of ciliate diversity in sponge and syringe samples according to microscopy 760

and T-RFLP analysis (ANOSIM). 761

Differences according to microscopy Differences according to T-RFLP

Sample comparison Global R statistic p Global R statistic p

January sponge-January syringe a 0.438 0.07

May sponge-May syringe 0.031 0.48 -0.106 0.67

August sponge-August syringe 0.167 0.44 -0.086 0.59

November sponge-November syringe a -0.313 1.00

a Molecular analysis of January sponge and November syringe samples was unsuccessful. 762


Table 3: ANOSIM comparison of ciliate assemblages in samples from different streams and 764

sampling dates according to microscopy and T-RFLP data. Statistically significant results (p < 0.05) 765

are indicated *. 766

Stream comparison Sampling date comparison

R statistic p R statistic p

Microscopy dataa

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Global comparison 0.719 0.001 * Global comparison 0.383 0.001 *

Site 1-Site 2 0.414 0.001 * January-May 0.487 0.002 *

Site 1-Site 3 0.988 0.001 * January-August 0.284 0.011 *

Site 1-Site 4 0.798 0.001 * January-November 0.469 0.001 *

Site 2-Site 3 0.748 0.001 * May-August 0.257 0.011 *

Site 2-Site 4 0.621 0.001 * May-November 0.428 0.001 *

Site 3-Site 4 0.842 0.001 * August-November 0.418 0.001 *

T-RFLP datab

Global comparison 0.49 0.001 * Global comparison 0.395 0.001 *

Site 1-Site 2 0.269 0.102 January-May 0.201 0.105

Site 1-Site 3 0.497 0.01 * January-August 0.722 0.002 *

Site 1-Site 4 0.508 0.006 * January-November 0.125 0.222

Site 2-Site 3 0.332 0.037 * May-August 0.502 0.001 *

Site 2-Site 4 0.769 0.002 * May-November 0.433 0.006 *

Site 3-Site 4 0.678 0.001 * August-November 0.376 0.020 *


N (microscopy data) = 13-16 samples per stream or month. 767

bN (T-RFLP data) = 8-12 samples per stream, 8-15 samples per month. 768 on June 1, 2018 by guesthttp://aem



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