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10-1478 GenevacOptionsAndAccessoriesBrochure … · Options and Accessory Brochure 10-1478 - Issue...

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Genevac Technology is protected by patents and patent applications in the UK and worldwide. Genevac Ltd has a continuous development programme aimed at further improving their products and all specifications are, therefore, subject to change. Coolheat ® , VacRamp TM (Dri-Pure ® ), SampleGuard TM and associated logos are trade marks of Genevac Ltd, unauthorised use is prohibited. G G e e n n e e v v a a c c E E v v a a p p o o r r a a t t o o r r s s Options & Accessories Brochure 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009 Additional Sample Holders are available, your Sales Representatives can advise on all additional items, including special order items.

Genevac Technology is protected by patents and patent applications in the UK and worldwide. Genevac Ltd has a continuous development programme aimed at further improving their products and all specifications are, therefore, subject to change. Coolheat®, VacRampTM (Dri-Pure®), SampleGuardTM and associated logos are trade marks of

Genevac Ltd, unauthorised use is prohibited.

GGeenneevvaacc EEvvaappoorraattoorrss

OOppttiioonnss && AAcccceessssoorriieess BBrroocchhuurree

1100--11447788 IIssssuuee 44--99 JJaannuuaarryy 22000099

AAddddiittiioonnaall SSaammppllee HHoollddeerrss aarree aavvaaiillaabbllee,, yyoouurr SSaalleess RReepprreesseennttaattiivveess ccaann aaddvviissee oonn aallll aaddddiittiioonnaall iitteemmss,, iinncclluuddiinngg ssppeecciiaall oorrddeerr iitteemmss..

CCoonntteennttss Introduction..................................................................................................................3

NNeeww RRaannggee......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................33 DDeeffiinniittiioonnss ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................33 Geometry.....................................................................................................................................................3 FFaaccttoorrss aaffffeeccttiinngg eevvaappoorraattiioonn ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee ....................................................................................................................................................................................44 Heat transfer ...............................................................................................................................................4 PPrrootteeccttiivvee ccooaattiinnggss ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................44 Sample holders ............................................................................................................................................4 HCl or Thionyl Chloride ..........................................................................................................................4 MMaaxxiimmuumm CCaappaacciittyy ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................44 MMiinniimmiissiinngg TTuubbee BBrreeaakkaaggee ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................55 MMaaiinntteennaannccee ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................55 CCuussttoomm DDeessiiggnn ffoorr SSppeecciiaall AApppplliiccaattiioonn ..................................................................................................................................................................................................66 RRoottoorrss ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................66

HT Series & EZ-2 Evaporators ...................................................................................7 FFaasstt--SSttaacckk BBuucckkeett OOppttiioonnss ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................88 FFllaasskk HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss --SSwwiinngg ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................99 FFllaasskk HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss --SSwwiinngg ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1100 BBoottttllee//BBeeaakkeerr HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss --SSwwiinngg ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1111 TTuubbee HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss –– SSiiddee BBrriiddggee........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1122 TTuubbee HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss –– SSiiddee BBrriiddggee........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1144 TTuubbee HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss -- SSwwiinngg.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1155 TTuubbee HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss -- SSwwiinngg.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1166 CCeennttrriiffuuggee TTuubbee HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss –– SSwwiinngg .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1177 VViiaall HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss –– SSiiddee BBrriiddggee.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1188 VViiaall HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss –– SSiiddee BBrriiddggee.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1199 VViiaall HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss –– SSiiddee BBrriiddggee.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2200 VViiaall HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss –– SSwwiinngg.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2211

Microplate Heat Transfer Plates ..............................................................................23 MMiiccrrooppllaattee HHeeaatt TTrraannssffeerr PPllaatteess .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2244

Mega Series Evaporators...........................................................................................25 GGiillssoonn RRaacckkss FFoorr CCeennttrriiffuuggaall AApppplliiccaattiioonnss.................................................................................................................................................................................. 2266 Designed and Manufactured by Genevac Ltd. in Agreement With Gilson Inc........................... 26 MMeeggaa FFaasstt--SSttaacckk RRaacckkss ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2277

Waters Fraction Collection Racks............................................................................29 WWaatteerrss FFrraaccttiioonn CCoolllleeccttiioonn RRaacckkss.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3300

Miscellaneous..............................................................................................................31 MMiisscceellllaanneeoouuss........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3322

SampleGuard Temperature Probe ..........................................................................32 SampleGuard Temperature Probe Locator............................................................32

MMiisscceellllaanneeoouuss........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3333 Remote Lid Switch.....................................................................................................33

IInneerrtt GGaass PPuurrggee ((SSmmaarrtt BBooxx)).................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3344 TThheerrmmaall CCuusshhiioonn .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3355 TThheerrmmaall CCuusshhiioonn .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3366 SSaammppllee HHoollddeerr PPaarrtt NNuummbbeerr IInnddeexx .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3377 SSaammppllee HHoollddeerr PPaarrtt NNuummbbeerr CCrroossss RReeffeerreennccee ................................................................................................................................................................ 3377 SSwwiinngg PPaarrtt NNuummbbeerr CCrroossss RReeffeerreennccee .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3377

NotesNotes Amendment Control Form.................................................................38 Notes Amendment Control Form ...........................................................................39 Amendment Control Form.......................................................................................40

Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 3

IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Genevac evaporators are designed to combine rapid and safe evaporation with high capacity and a wide variety of sample formats. In order to optimise the evaporation performance achieved it is important to select the correct sample holder for your particular application. Genevac samples holders are manufactured from solid aluminium to very precise specifications and are mass balanced to ensure smooth running of the evaporator. This guide will help you make the right choice. NNeeww RRaannggee This guide covers the new range of Genevac sample holders. These holders are easily identifiable as they are coloured bright blue. Any Genevac sample holder which is coloured blue can be used in both the HT series II systems and the EZ-2 series, this was not the case with the old range. Blue holders are not compatible with the old range of holders, to help you choose the correct new holder a cross referenced list can be found on page 33. Should you require an old design of holder, or a holder for a tube not listed, please contact your local Genevac representative or sales agent. Holders that are only to be used in the EZ-2, are identified in this brochure with the following; EZ-2 ONLY. Holders that are only to be used in the HT Series II, are identified in this brochure with the following; HT Series II ONLY. Some holders may not be used in EZ-2 mk1. The EZ-2 mk1 can be easily identified by the large circular window in the chamber lid, EZ-2 mk2 has a solid lid with a small ‘tear drop’ window. These holders are identified in the brochure with the following: NOT EZ-2 mk1. DDeeffiinniittiioonnss GGeeoommeettrryy 1 Tube holder indicates that the sample holder is designed to accommodate a

tube with a hemispherical end. 2 A vial or bottle holder indicates that the sample holder is designed to

accommodate a vial or bottle with a flat end. 3 Tubes with conical or tapered ends are individually identified

Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 4 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009

FFaaccttoorrss aaffffeeccttiinngg eevvaappoorraattiioonn ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee HHeeaatt ttrraannssffeerr One of the major factors determining speed of evaporation is the rate at which heat is transferred to your sample. More heat transferred means faster evaporation. These are the ways that the EZ-2, HT series II, DD-4, R-4 and Mega evaporators give you the best heat transfer: 1 High quality aluminium rotors and holders. Aluminium is recommended for

its properties of high thermal conductivity and low weight. Genevac systems use aluminium sample holders, which have particularly efficient heat transfer properties.

2 High quality engineering. Genevac samples holders are manufactured to very

precise specifications. This means your tubes fit very snugly into the tube holders. Any gaps would slow down the rate of heat transfer. For this reason it is important you send us a sample of your tube when placing orders for sample holders.

PPrrootteeccttiivvee ccooaattiinnggss SSaammppllee hhoollddeerrss Standard aluminium sample holders are “Hard Anodised (naturally unsealed)” for protection against all normal organic solvents, including strong acids such as TFA. HHCCll oorr TThhiioonnyyll CChhlloorriiddee When evaporating HCl or Thionyl Chloride it will be necessary to purchase both a HCl/Thionyl Chloride resistant system (comprising of: evaporator, condenser and pump) and HCl/Thionyl Chloride resistant sample holders. In this case the aluminium rotor and sample holders are coated to ensure resistance to attack from HCl/Thionyl Chloride. MMaaxxiimmuumm CCaappaacciittyy Genevac uses the latest in computer aided design technology to ensure internal capacity is maximised whilst the instrument footprint is kept to an absolute minimum. This means high throughput evaporation is possible from an instrument taking up a small amount of bench top space.

Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 5

MMiinniimmiissiinngg TTuubbee BBrreeaakkaaggee Not only does precision design of Genevac sample holders contribute to excellent heat transfer and superior evaporation performance, it also ensures that tubes have maximum protection from breakage during evaporation. For additional protection against glassware breakage, some flask holders and some tube holders are provided with thermal cushions. Thermal cushions are made from a filled polymer with excellent heat transfer and cushioning properties. Only borosilicate tubes with wall thickness more than 1.2mm should be used in Genevac evaporators. Old, damaged or scratched glassware should not be used. Laboratories that reuse tubes or vials should regularly inspect each tube or vial for damage, and discard scratching or cracked items. For more information and advice on this subject, please refer to our “Safe Loading” document available to download from our web site. MMaaiinntteennaannccee Regular inspection and maintenance of sample holders should be performed at least monthly. The following inspection routine is mandatory following tube breakage or solvent spillage. Never use wet sample holders in a Genevac system. Inspection: Visually inspect and sample holders each month. Debris - should be cleaned off, especially any in the sample holder wells as this may lead to glassware breakage. The number one cause of repeat glassware breakage is glass fragments from a previously broken tube. Sometimes the sample sticks the glass to the inside of a sample holder well and it is therefore difficult to remove. Residual solvent / sample - should be cleaned off. Superficial surface damage (e.g. scratches) will not affect the performance of a sample holder. If a sample holder is structurally damaged, (any part of the sample holder bent of deformed) - do not use - contact Genevac for evaluation. Cleaning: Loose dirt / debris can be removed using a brush and / or airline. Adhered dirt / debris or sample / solvent residue should be cleaned off using methanol or acetone, soaking the sample holders if required. The sample holders should then be washed in clean water and fully dried before use.

Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 6 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009

CCuussttoomm DDeessiiggnn ffoorr SSppeecciiaall AApppplliiccaattiioonn As the market leader in centrifugal evaporation, we have already designed holders for the majority of applications. Please examine the list on the following pages, for the correct part number.

However, should you have a special application or unusual tube size then we can design a special holder for you. Please note there is a nominal charge to cover design time for this service. Our experienced sales team (or international distributors) will be pleased to advise you of the options available. RRoottoorrss For information on our rotors, please refer to the “Quick Guide to HT Series Rotors” available to download from our web site.

Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 7

HHTT SSeerriieess && EEZZ--22 EEvvaappoorraattoorrss

Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 8 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009

FFaasstt--SSttaacckk BBuucckkeett OOppttiioonnss

Holder Description Specification (Diameter x Length)

Part number

Shallow Well

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds 4 microtitre plates.

Max area for plate: 128.0 x 86.5 x 19.0 (mm)

Mass = 523g


Deep Well

HCl use

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds 2 Micro-Tube Cluster Racks.

Max area for plate: 129.0 x 86.5 x 48.5 (mm)

Mass = 580g


NOT EZ-2 mk1

Side Bridge

HCl use

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Radleys GreenHouse Block

Max foot-print: 128.0 x 86.5 (mm)

Mass = 380g


Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 9

FFllaasskk HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss --SSwwiinngg

Holder Description Specification (Diameter x Length)

Part number

Round Bottom

Flask Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 6 x 25ml (19/26 – 24/29 Socket Size)

(See Note Below) 70-0538

British Design Registration No. 3008735

Round Bottom

Flask Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 4 x 50ml (29/32 Socket Size)

(See Note Below)


British Design Registration No. 3008735

Round Bottom

Flask Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 4 x 50ml (19/26 - 24/29 Socket Size)

(See Note Below)


British Design Registration No. 3008737

Round Bottom

Flask Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 3 x 100ml (19/26 - 24/29 Socket Size)

(Including Radleys Carousel)

(See Note Below)



British Design Registration No. 3008737

Round Bottom

Flask Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 3 x 100ml (29/32 Socket Size)

(See Note Below)




Note: Must be used with Genevac Thermal Cushion for prolonging glassware

lifetimes and dramatically cutting drying times.

Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 10 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009

FFllaasskk HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss --SSwwiinngg

Holder Description Specification (Diameter x Length)

Part number

British Design Registration No. 3008739

Round Bottom

Flask Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 1 x 250ml (19/26 - 24/29 – 29/32 Socket Size)

(Including Radleys Carousel)

(See Note Below)


British Design Registration No. 3008740

Round Bottom

Flask Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 1 x 500ml (19/26 - 24/29 – 29/32 Socket Size)

(See Note Below)




Round Bottom

Flask Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 1 x 500ml Max Flask height – 156mm

(See Note Below)



Series II ONLY

Note: Must be used with Genevac Thermal Cushion for prolonging glassware

lifetimes and dramatically cutting drying times.

Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 11

BBoottttllee//BBeeaakkeerr HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss --SSwwiinngg

Holder Description Specification (Diameter x Length)

Part number

Bottle Holder


Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 2 x 100ml Schott bottles 70-1025

Bottle/Beaker Holder


Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 1 x 250ml Schott bottle

or 1 x 400ml beaker

(Fisher Brand ref FB33124) 70mm x 130mm


Bottle/Beaker Holder


Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 1 x 500ml Glass bottle

82mm x 152mm

(See Note Below)


NOT EZ-2 mk1

Note: Must be used with Genevac Thermal Cushion for prolonging glassware

lifetimes and dramatically cutting drying times.

Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 12 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009

TTuubbee HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss –– SSiiddee BBrriiddggee

Holder Description Specification (Diameter x Length)

Part number

0.5ml Eppendorf


(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 50 10-5049

1.5ml Eppendorf


(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 32 10-5043

Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 40 10mm x 75mm 10-5000

Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 40 12mm x 75mm 10-5025

Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 40 12mm x 75 to 110mm 10-5001

Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 40 13mm x 75 to 110mm 10-5002

Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 24 16mm x 75 to 110mm 10-5004

Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 13

Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 24 17mm x 75 to 110mm Straight “Microwave”


Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 14 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009

TTuubbee HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss –– SSiiddee BBrriiddggee

Holder Description Specification (Diameter x Length)

Part number

Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 24 17mm x 85mm

Tapered “Microwave” 10-5042

Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 24 18mm x 75mm to 110mm 10-5006

Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 12 25mm x 75mm to 110mm 10-5009

Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 15

TTuubbee HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss -- SSwwiinngg

Holder Description Specification (Diameter x Length)

Part number

Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 20 16.5mm x 130mm


Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 12 17mm x 110mm to



Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 12 18mm x 110mm to

152mm 10-5015

Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 10 20mm x 110mm to

152mm 10-5023

Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 6 24mm x 110mm to

152mm (Including

Radleys Carousel and STEM Reaction Stations)


Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 16 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009

TTuubbee HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss -- SSwwiinngg

Holder Description Specification (Diameter x Length)

Part number

Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 6 25mm x 110mm to

152mm 10-5027

Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 3 34mm x 135mm 10-5051

Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 17

CCeennttrriiffuuggee TTuubbee HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss –– SSwwiinngg

Holder Description Specification (Diameter x Length)

Part number

15ml Tube Holder


Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 24 16.5mm x 120mm 10-5053

50ml Tube Holder


Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 10 28.5mm x 115mm

70 Degree End 10-5054

Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 18 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009

VViiaall HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss –– SSiiddee BBrriiddggee

Holder Description Specification (Diameter x Length)

Part number

Vial Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 48 10mm x 45mm 10-5029

Vial Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 48 12mm x 35mm 10-5024

Vial Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 40 13mm x 50mm

(4ml HPLC CRIMP TOP VIAL) 10-5034

Vial Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 24 14.5mm x 50mm 10-5035

Vial Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 24 15mm x 50mm 10-5037

Vial Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 24 15.5mm x 50mm



Vial Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 24 16.5mm x 75mm 10-5028

Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 19

VViiaall HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss –– SSiiddee BBrriiddggee

Holder Description Specification (Diameter x Length)

Part number

Vial Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 24 17mm x 75mm

(2 DRAM VIAL) 10-5030

Vial Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 24 17.5mm x 50mm 10-5031

Vial Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 18 20mm x 75mm 10-5036

Vial Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 18 20.5mm x 75mm


Vial Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 12 23mm x 75mm


Vial Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 12 24mm x 75mm


Vial Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 12 27.5mm x 75mm


Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 20 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009

VViiaall HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss –– SSiiddee BBrriiddggee

Holder Description Specification (Diameter x Length)

Part number

Vial Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 8 27.5mm x 75 to 110mm (40ml SCINTILLATION VIAL)


Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 21

VViiaall HHoollddeerr OOppttiioonnss –– SSwwiinngg

Holder Description Specification (Diameter x Length)

Part number

Vial Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 6 27.5mm x 95 & 142mm


Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 22 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009

Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 23

MMiiccrrooppllaattee HHeeaatt TTrraannssffeerr PPllaatteess

Not only can Genevac offer precision manufactured sample holders providing excellent evaporation results for laboratory glassware, there is a range of sample holders that improve evaporation when using deep well microtitre plates. These holders, Heat Transfer Plates, are designed to support the wells of the plate, to fit precisely to the base of the wells, and where possible, to fit to the sides of each well. Heat transfer plates confer two main benefits:

• Excellent heat transfer rates, and reduced evaporation times from micro plates by up to 50% - for more details view the study available on the Genevac website using the following link:


• Support for micro plates when used in open swings, preventing direct heating by lamps that may be harmful, and preventing plates becoming deformed by heat and G-force.

Heat transfer plates are available for use in open swings, side bridge swings, and most Fast Stack holders. Heat transfer plates MUST be used when using microtube cluster racks, e.g. Micronics or ABgene racks, in Genevac open swings. If you would like a micro plate evaluated to see if a suitable Heat Transfer Plate exists, or would like further information, please contact your Genevac representative.

Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 24 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009

MMiiccrrooppllaattee HHeeaatt TTrraannssffeerr PPllaatteess

Plate Description Specification Part number

For use in Side Bridge


(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Provides an even sample drying condition. Max foot-print:

128.0 x 86.5 (mm) Mass = 200g



Patent applied for in the UK and worldwide

For use in Side Bridge


(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Compatible with:

Falcon, Micronic Traxis and Micronic Multi-Tube

Cluster Racks

Round end tubes


Special order

Patent applied for in the UK and worldwide

For use in Side Bridge


(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Compatible with:

Beckman 1ml x 96 O Beckman 2ml x 96 Costar 1ml x 96 O Costar 2ml x 96

Whatman 2ml x 96


Special order

Patent applied for in the UK and worldwide

For use in Side Bridge


(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Compatible with:

Axygen 2ml x 96 O Greiner 1ml x 96 O Nunc 2ml x 96 O Nunc 1ml x 96 O

Whatman 1ml x 96 O


Special order

Patent applied for in the UK and worldwide

For use in Deep Well


(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Compatible with:

MultiChem 10ml x 24 O Polyfiltronics 10ml x 24 O

UniPlates 10ml x 24 O Whatman 10ml x 24 O


Special order

Patent applied for in the UK and worldwide

For use in Deep Well


(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Compatible with:

ABgene Multi-Tube Cluster Racks

Round end tubes


Special order

The items listed above are only a small example from the range of Heat Transfer Plates that Genevac can provide; please contact your Sales representative for details.

Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 25

MMeeggaa SSeerriieess EEvvaappoorraattoorrss

Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 26 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009

GGiillssoonn RRaacckkss FFoorr CCeennttrriiffuuggaall AApppplliiccaattiioonnss DDeessiiggnneedd aanndd MMaannuuffaaccttuurreedd bbyy GGeenneevvaacc LLttdd.. iinn AAggrreeeemmeenntt WWiitthh GGiillssoonn IInncc..

Holder Description & Gilson Code Specification (Diameter x Length)

Part number

Tube holder

(Code 207)

Holds Qty 75 16 x 100 mm


Special order

Tube holder

(Code 223)

Holds Qty 96 16 x 100 mm


Special order

Scintillation vials holder

(Code 204)

Holds Qty 27 28 x 57 mm


Special order

Tube holder

(Code 204)

Holds Qty 27 28 x 100 mm


Special order

Scintillation vials holder

(Code 204)

Holds Qty 27 28 x 100 mm


Special order

Centrifuge tube holder

(Code 222)

Holds Qty 27 50ml


Special order

Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 27

MMeeggaa FFaasstt--SSttaacckk RRaacckkss

Applicability Specification (Quantity and Type)

Part number

Mega 980 Max

Holds Qty 28 Shallow Well Micro Plates


Special order

Mega 980 Max

Holds Qty 16 Deep Well

Micro Plates


Special order

Mega 980 Max

Holds Qty 10 Marsh

Micro Plates


Special order

Mega 1200 Max

Holds Qty 50 Shallow Well Micro Plates


Special order

Mega 1200 Max

Holds Qty 30 Deep Well

Micro Plates


Special order

Mega 1200 Max

Holds Qty 20 Marsh

Micro Plates


Special order

Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 28 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009

Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 29

WWaatteerrss FFrraaccttiioonn CCoolllleeccttiioonn RRaacckkss Genevac offer a range of innovative options that help interface your fraction collection system directly to the Genevac HT series evaporator. Currently Gilson 215 and Waters 2767 systems are supported. To interface with the fraction collections system, Genevac provide a simple sample holder carrier which fits directly on to the fraction collection bed. Genevac sample holders fit into the carrier to make up a complete fraction collection rack. Once fractions have been collected, the sample holders can be placed directly into the Genevac evaporator with no need to label, mark or manipulate each tube. Sample holders can be marked to indicate location within the fraction collection rack. There are a range of options, some use standard sample holders, some use specially designed holders which keep the spacing between tubes uniform, and reduce fraction collector reprogramming. Waters 2767 users will require the adaptor plate when using 16mm diameter tubes. A separate range of Genevac designed holders exists for use with Genevac Mega systems (see page 22). A technical article discussing these issues in greater detail is available upon request from your Genevac representative. If you would like further information, please contact your Genevac representative.

Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 30 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009

WWaatteerrss FFrraaccttiioonn CCoolllleeccttiioonn RRaacckkss

Description Specification Part number

Adapter Plate For rack 10-1570

Converts Waters 2767 Sample Manager Rack Bed

from 4 to 3 Racks


Special order

Rack for use with

Waters Fraction


Holds Qty 4 10-5020 or 10-5027 Tube



Special order

Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 12 16mm x 110mm to



Special order

Tube Holder

(Minimum Order Qty 2)

Holds Qty 6 25mm x 110mm to



Special order

Adapter plate For

SideBridge Holders

Converts Waters 2767 Sample Manager Rack Bed

To enable 14 MAX SideBridge Holders

To be loaded


Special order

SideBridge Vial Holder

(Minimum Order

Qty 2)

Holds Qty 12 20ml Scintillation Vials


Special order

The items listed above are only a small example from the range that Genevac can provide; please contact your Sales representative for details.

Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 31


Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 32 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009


Description Specification Part number

NOT ILLUSTRATED SSaammpplleeGGuuaarrdd TTeemmppeerraattuurree


MkIV Rotor

Length 90mm – Standard

Length 90mm – HCl




SampleGuard Temperature


CH1 & CH2 Short

FastStack Swing Solid Holder

Length 160mm – Standard

Length 160mm – HCl



NOT ILLUSTRATED SampleGuard Temperature


CH2 Medium

Length 220mm – Standard

Length 220mm – HCl




SampleGuard Temperature


CH2 Long

Length 280mm – Standard

Length 280mm – HCl



SSaammpplleeGGuuaarrdd TTeemmppeerraattuurree PPrroobbee LLooccaattoorr

For use with Micro Plates On Request

Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 33


Description Specification Part number


RReemmoottee LLiidd SSwwiittcchh

For use with HT-4 when fitted in fume hood 70-0158

Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 34 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009

IInneerrtt GGaass PPuurrggee ((SSmmaarrtt BBooxx))

Description Specification Part number

Inert Gas Purge Box

For use with HT-4 Series II Evaporators


Special order

Inert Gas Purge Box

For use with HT-8 & 12 Series II



Special order

Inert Gas Purge Box

For use with EZ-2 100Volt Evaporators


Special order

Inert Gas Purge Box

For use with EZ-2 120 Volt Evaporators


Special order

Inert Gas Purge Box

For use with EZ-2 230 Volt Evaporators


Special order

Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 35

TThheerrmmaall CCuusshhiioonn

Description Specification Part number

Thermal Cushion

Use with 25ml Flask

(Pack of 96)



Thermal Cushion

Use with 50ml Flask

(Pack of 96)



Thermal Cushion

Use with 100ml Flask (Pack of 48)



Thermal Cushion

Use with 170/250ml Flask

(Pack of 48)



Thermal Cushion

Use with 250ml Flask (Pack of 12)



Thermal Cushion

Use with 500ml Flask (Pack of 12)



Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 36 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009

TThheerrmmaall CCuusshhiioonn

Description Specification Part number

Applicator For use with

Thermal Cushion 04-3822


Spatula For use with Thermal Cushion



Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 37

SSaammppllee HHoollddeerr PPaarrtt NNuummbbeerr IInnddeexx 10-1616....................... 10 10-5000....................... 16 10-5001....................... 12 10-5002....................... 12 10-5004....................... 12 10-5005....................... 12 10-5006....................... 13 10-5009....................... 13 10-5010....................... 19 10-5013....................... 18 10-5014....................... 18 10-5015....................... 14 10-5017....................... 20 10-5019....................... 18 10-5020....................... 27 10-5022....................... 14

10-5023 ...................... 14 10-5024 ...................... 21 10-5025 ...................... 12 10-5026 ...................... 14 10-5027 ...................... 15 10-5028 ...................... 21 10-5029 ...................... 21 10-5030 ...................... 18 10-5031 ...................... 18 10-5034 ...................... 21 10-5035 ...................... 21 10-5036 ...................... 18 10-5037 ...................... 21 10-5038 ...................... 21 10-5040 ...................... 18 10-5042 ...................... 13

10-5043 ...................... 12 10-5049 ...................... 12 10-5050 ...................... 14 10-5051 ...................... 15 10-5053 ...................... 20 10-5054 ...................... 20 10-5060 ...................... 11 70-0538 .........................9 70-0539 .........................9 70-0579 .........................9 70-0580 ...................... 10 70-0582 ...................... 10 70-0656 .........................9 70-0657 .........................9 70-1025 ...................... 11

SSaammppllee HHoollddeerr PPaarrtt NNuummbbeerr CCrroossss RReeffeerreennccee

Old New ............... 10-1616

70-0005............... 10-5037 70-0007............... 10-5035 70-0008............... 10-5049 70-0019............... 10-5024 70-0024............... 10-5031 70-0052............... 10-5043 70-0055............... 10-5019 70-0072............... 10-5028 70-0073............... 10-5029 70-0538............... 70-0539............... 70-0550............... 10-5053 70-0551............... 10-5054 70-0579...............

Old New 70-0580................ 70-0582................ 70-0633................10-5014 70-0646................10-5051 70-0656................ 70-0657................ 70-0660................10-5025 70-0661................10-5001 70-0663................10-5002 70-0665................10-5004 70-0666................10-5006 70-0667 ...............10-5027 70-0668................10-5015 70-0669................10-5023 70-0670................10-5026 70-0671................10-5027

Old New 70-0673................10-5034 70-0674................10-5038 70-0675................10-5030 70-0676................10-5013 70-0719................10-5036 70-0720................10-5009 70-0724................10-5010 70-0759................10-5040 70-0777................10-5005 70-0778................10-5022 70-0780................10-5020 70-0794................10-5050 70-0928................10-5042 ................10-5017 70-1025................ ................10-5060

SSwwiinngg PPaarrtt NNuummbbeerr CCrroossss RReeffeerreennccee

Old New 70-0001............... 70-0959 70-0091............... 70-0578 70-0093............... 70-0578 70-0110............... 70-0578 70-0354............... 70-0959 70-0620............... 70-0959

Options and Accessory Brochure

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Options and Accessory Brochure

Page 40 10-1478 Issue 4-9 January 2009

AAmmeennddmmeenntt CCoonnttrrooll FFoorrmm

Issue Reason for Change Date Issued 1 Introduction of 500ml Flask Holder for HT Series II 30-Nov-05

2 Corrected image for 10-5042 31-Jul-06

3 Introduction of Schott Bottle & Beaker holders 13-Nov-06

4 Waters Fraction Collection Rack – Options updated 20-Aug-07

5 Addition of tube holder 10-5000 31-Jan-08

6 Addition of Maintenance of Sample Holder 17-Apr-08

4-7 Update U.S. address 24-Oct-08

4-8 Amend layout 16-Jan-09

4-9 Correct title Centrifuge Tube Holder Options – Swing 27-Jan-09

Options and Accessory Brochure

10-1478 - Issue 4-9 January 2009 Page 41

Genevac Limited The Sovereign Centre

Farthing Road Ipswich IP1 5AP

United Kingdom

Sales and Service Hotlines

Service Hotline: +44 (0) 1473 243000

Sales Hotline: +44 (0) 1473 240000

Fax: +44 (0) 1473 461176

EEmmaaiill:: mmaaiillttoo::ssaalleessiinnffoo@@ggeenneevvaacc..ccoo..uukk

Web site: http://www.genevac.com

Genevac Inc SP Industries

815 State Route208 Gardiner

NY, 12525 United States of America

Sales and Service Hotline

(1) 845 267 2212

Fax (1) 845 267 2212

EEmmaaiill:: ssaalleessiinnffoo@@ggeenneevvaaccuussaa..ccoomm

Genevac Technology is protected by patents and patent applications in the UK and worldwide. Genevac Ltd has a continuous development programme aimed at further improving their products and all specifications are, therefore, subject to change. Coolheat®, VacRampTM (Dri-Pure®), SampleGuardTM and associated logos are trade marks of

Genevac Ltd, unauthorised use is prohibited.
