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101 BB Configuração Estrutura Organizacional BR

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Configuração Estrutura Organizacional SAP
EHP4 for SAP ERP 6.0 March 2010 English Estrutura Empresarial (101) Building Block Configuration Guide

BB Installation Guide

EHP4 for SAP ERP 6.0March 2010EnglishEnglish

Estrutura Empresarial (101)

SAP AGDietmar-Hopp-Allee 1669190 WalldorfGermanyBuilding Block Configuration Guide


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Typographic Conventions

Type StyleDescription

Example textWords or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options.

Cross-references to other documentation.

Example textEmphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables.

EXAMPLE TEXTNames of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.

Example textScreen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools.

EXAMPLE TEXTKeys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key.

Example textExact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation.

Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries.

Content7Estrutura Empresarial



71.1Pr requsitos


72.1Defining Transportation Zones

82.2Creating Controlling Area

92.3Definir reas de Controle de Crditos

102.4Criar Emprsa

102.5Verificar e completar parmetros globais

112.6Checking for Duplicate Invoices

122.7Configuring Price Change in Previous Period/Year

122.8Assigning Company Code to Controlling Area

132.9Assigning Company Code to Credit Control Area

142.10Creating Personnel Area

142.11Creating Personnel Subareas

152.12Defining and Assigning Sales Organization

152.12.1Defining Sales Organization

162.12.2Assigning Sales Organization to Company Code

172.13Defining Distribution Channel

172.14Assigning Distribution Channel to Sales Organization

182.15Creating Divisions

182.16Assigning Division to Sales Organization

192.17Setting up Sales Area

202.18Defining Common Distribution Channels

202.19Defining Common Divisions

212.20Creating Purchasing Organization

222.21Assigning Purchasing Organization to Company Code

222.22Defining Valuation Area

222.23Creating Plant

222.23.1Defining Plant

232.23.2Defining Plant Parameters

242.23.3Assigning Plant to Company Code

242.23.4Assigning Standard Purchasing Organization to Plant

252.23.5Assign Organizational Units By Plant

262.24Assigning Sales Organization Distribution Channel to Plant

262.25Assigning Purchasing Organization to Plant

272.26Defining Shipping Points

282.27Assigning Shipping Point to Plant

282.28Defining Loading Groups

292.29Defining Transportation Groups

302.30Defining Shipping Conditions

302.31Shipping Point Determination

322.32Creating Storage Location

332.33Defining Storage Conditions

332.34Assigning Picking Locations

342.35Creating Sales Office

342.36Assigning Sales Office to Sales Area

352.37Maintaining Sales Group

362.38Assigning Sales Group to Sales Office

362.39Maintaining Transportation Planning Point

372.40Creating Purchasing Group

382.41Define Business Place

402.42Assign Business Places to Plant

Estrutura Empresarial


Este guia de configurao fornece as informaes que voc precisa para manualmente realizar as parametrizaes deste bulding blockSe voc no quer cofigurar manualmente e preferir usar um processo de instalao automatizada utilizando BC sets e outras ferramentas, referenciar para o guia de instao para este building block1 Preparao1.1 Pr requsitosBefore you start installing this building block, you must install prerequisite building blocks. For more information, see the Building Block Prerequisite Matrix for Baseline. The matrix (an Excel file) is linked on the solution's DVD/website in one of the following two locations:

Content Library

Site Map

2 Configuraes2.1 Defining Transportation Zones


In this activity, you define transportation zones according to country and depending on your company's needs. Transportation zones represent delivery recipient (ship-to party) regions or delivery shipper (vendor) regions.


Carry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuAlternative IMG paths:

Sales and Distribution ( Basic Functions ( Routes ( Route Determination ( Define Transportation Zones


Logistics Execution ( Shipping ( Basic Shipping Functions ( Routes ( Route Determination ( Define Transportation Zones


Logistics Execution ( Transportation ( Basic Transportation Functions ( Routes ( Route Determination ( Define Transportation Zones

Menu IMGVendas e distribuio ( Funes bsicas ( Itinerrios ( Determinao de itinerrios ( Definir zonas de transporte


Logistics Execution ( Expedio ( Bases ( Itinerrios ( Determinao de itinerrios ( Definir zonas de transporte

ouLogistics Execution ( Transporte ( Bases ( Itinerrios ( Determinao de itinerrios ( Definir zonas de transporte

Transaction CodeOVR1

2. On the Change View Customers: Transportation Zones: Overview screen, choose New Entries to enter:CtryTranspZoneDescription

BRBR00010000Regio Sul

BRBR00020000Regio Nordeste

BRBR00030000Regio Centro-Oeste

BRBR00040000Regio Sudeste

BRBR00050000Regio Norte

3. Choose Save.2.2 Creating Controlling Area


In this step, you define your controlling area. The controlling area is an organizational unit in Accounting used to subdivide the business organization from a cost accounting standpoint.Procedure

Carry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Definition ( Controlling ( Maintain Controlling Area

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Definio ( Controlling ( Atualizar rea de contabilidade de custos

Transaction CodeOX06

2. On the Change View Basic data: Overview screen, choose New Entries to enter the following data:Controlling AreaNameCoCd->CO AreaCurrency TypeCurrencyChart of AcctsFY Variant

1000Controlling area 1000Cross-company-code cost accounting30BRL0050K4

3. Choose Save.

2.3 Definir reas de Controle de CrditosUsoDefinir nesta etapa as reas de controle de crditos do usurio. A rea de controle de crditos uma unidade organizacional da contabilidade que prope um limite de crdito para clientes e o controla.

Uma rea de controle de crditos pode conter uma ou mais empresas. No possvel atribuir uma empresa a mais de uma rea de controle de crditos. Dentro de uma rea, os limites de crdito tm que ser indicados na mesma moeda.ProcedimentoExecute os seguintes passos:1. Acesse a atividade utilizando uma das seguintes opes de navegao:

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Definio ( Contabilidade financeira ( Definir rea de controle de crditos

Cdigo de transaoOB45

2. Em Modificar viso: reas de Controles de Crdito Snteserea de Controle de CrditoDescriptionCurrencyUpdateFY Variant

1000rea de Controle de Crdito FarmaBRL000012K4

4. Escolha gravar.

2.4 Criar EmpresaUsoDeve-se criar nesta etapa de trabalho as suas empresas. A empresa uma unidade organizacional da contabilidade que estrutura o empreendimento do ponto de vista da contabilidade financeira.

Recomenda-se que o usurio copie uma empresa de uma empresa existente. Isto tem a vantagem de ser possvel para o usurio copiar muitas definies existentes especficas da empresa. Se necessrio, o usurio pode modificar certos dados na aplicao respetiva. Isto menos dispendioso do que criar uma empresa nova. Relativamente cpia de uma empresa, o usurio deve ler "Recomendao".


ProcedimentoExecute os seguintes passos:

1. Acesse a atividade utilizando uma das seguintes opes de navegao:Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Definio ( Contabilidade financeira ( Definir, copiar, eliminar, verificar empresa

Cdigo de transaoOX02

2. Na caixa de dalogo, escolha Processar dados de empresa.3. Em Modificar viso Empresa: Sntese, escolha Novas Entradas para inserir novos dados.EmpresaNome da FirmaCidadePisMoedaIdioma

1000Soluo FarmaSo PauloBRBRLPT

4. Escolha Salvar.

5. Maintain the address data for your Company Code.2.5 Verificar e completar parmetros globaisUsoNesta atividade IMG, podem ser efetuadas vrias definies globais para a empresa. Alm disso, as especificaes mais importantes para a empresa podem ser vistas na sntese, em qualquer altura.Inclui, entre outras coisas, o plano de contas e a variante de exerccio.

ProcedimentoExecute os seguintes passos:

1. Acesse a atividade utilizando uma das seguintes opes de navegao:Menu IMG Contabilidade financeira (nv.)( Configuraes globais contabilidade financeira (novo) ( Parmetros globais para a empresa ( Verificar e completar parmetros globais

Cdigo da TransaoOBY6

2. Em Modif. Viso Dados Globais da Empresa: Sntese.

3. Selecione a linha com a empresa 1000.

4. Escolha Detalhes.

5. Em Modif. Viso Dados Globais da Empresa: Detalhe:Organizao da Contabilidade

Plano de Contas0050


rea de Controle de Crdito1000

Variante ExerccioK4

Parametros do Mtodo

Variante status de campo0010

Variante perodos contbeis0010

Desvio mximo taxa de cmbio10

Variante Workflow0001

CoCd->CO Area2

Lanamento negativoX

Administrao Tesouraria ativaX

6. Escolha Salvar.

2.6 Checking for Duplicate Invoices


In this step, you specify for each company code that the system is to check for duplicate invoices when invoices are entered.

This check prevents incoming invoices being accidentally entered and paid more than once.


Carry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuMaterials Management ( Logistics Invoice Verification ( Incoming Invoice ( Set Check for Duplicate Invoices

Menu IMGAdministrao de materiais ( Reviso de faturas (Logstica) ( Fatura recebida ( Definir verificao de faturas duplas

Transaction CodeSM30 with Customizing Object V_169P_DC

2. On the Change View Duplicate Invoice Check: Overview screen, switch the screen to Change mode, if necessary.

3. Select the line with CoCd (Company Code) 1000.

4. Choose Details.

5. On the Change View Company Code Global Data: Details screen, enter the following data:CoCdNameCheck co. codeCheck referenceCheck inv. date

1000SAP Best PracticesXXX

6. Choose Save.

2.7 Configuring Price Change in Previous Period/Year


In this IMG activity, you configure price changes in the previous period or year.

Within the framework of inflation accounting in Materials Management (MM), the system can post the replacement cost resulting from replacement cost valuation (Market Price Determination or Inflation Index Adjustment) as a price change in Financial Accounting (FI). You make the system settings in this IMG activity if you want a price change that was posted in the previous period to be carried forward to the current period.


Carry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuMaterials Management ( Valuation and Account Assignment ( Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures ( Determine Re-acquisition price adjusting for inflation ( Price Changes ( Configure Price Change in Previous Period/Previous Year

Menu IMGAdministrao de materiais ( Avaliao e classificao contbil ( Mtodo avaliao do balano ( Instalar procedimento do valor de reposio (inflao) ( Modificaes de preo ( Instalar modificao de preo no exerccio/perodo anterior

Transaction CodeOMRN

2. On the Change View Price Change in Previous Period, not in Current Period: Overview screen, switch the screen to Change mode, if necessary.

3. Select the line with CoCd (Company Code) 1000.

4. Enter the following data:CoCdPrice carr. over

1000[check box empty]

5. Choose Save. 2.8 Assigning Company Code to Controlling Area


In this step you assign the company codes for which you want to carry out common cost controlling to a controlling area.

You may carry out cross-company code cost accounting only by explicitly assigning the company codes to a controlling area.


Carry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Assignment ( Controlling ( Assign company code to controlling area

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Atribuio ( Controlling ( Atribuir empresa - rea de contabilidade de custos

Transaction CodeOX19

2. On the Change View Basic data: Overview screen, select the line with COAr (controlling area) set to 1000.3. Double-click the folder Assignment of company code(s).

4. Enter the following data:CoCdCompany name

1000SAP Best Practices

5. Choose Save.

2.9 Assigning Company Code to Credit Control Area


In this step, you assign company codes to a credit control area.


Carry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Assignment ( Financial Accounting ( Assign company code to credit control area

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Atribuio ( Contabilidade financeira ( Atribuir empresa - rea de controle de crdito

Transaction CodeOB38

2. On the Change View Assign company code -> credit control area: Overview screen, find the lines with CoCd (Company Code) set to 1000.

3. Enter the following data:CoCdCompany NameCityCCAr Overwrite CC area

1000SAP Best PracticesSo Paulo1000X

4. Choose Save.

2.10 Creating Personnel Area


In this step, you assign personnel areas. The personnel area is an organizational unit that represents a specific area of the enterprise and is organized according to aspects of personnel, time management and payroll. A personnel area is divided into several personnel subareas.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Definition ( Human Resources Management ( Personnel Areas

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Definio ( Gerenciamento de recursos humanos ( reas de recursos humanos

Transaction CodeSM30 with Customizing Object T500P

2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Human Resources definition | Personnel areas.

3. On the Change View Personnel Areas: Overview screen, choose New Entries.

4. Enter the following data:Personnel area

1000Region 1000

1100Region 1100

5. Choose Save.

2.11 Creating Personnel Subareas


In this step, you assign personnel subareas. A personnel subarea is an organizational unit that represents a specific area of the company organized according to certain aspects of personnel, time management and payroll.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Definition ( Human Resources Management ( Personnel Subareas

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Definio ( Gerenciamento de recursos humanos ( Subrea recursos humanos

Transaction CodeSM30 with Customizing Object V_T001P

2. In the IMG activities overview dialog box, choose Human Resources definition |Personnel subareas.3. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Create Personnel subareas.

4. In the Determine Work Area: Entry dialog box, enter 1000, and choose Enter.

5. On the Change View Personnel Area/Subarea: Overview screen, choose New Entries.

6. Enter the following data.Personnel subareaPers. Subarea text

1010City 1

1020City 2

7. Choose Save.

2.12 Defining and Assigning Sales Organization

2.12.1 Defining Sales Organization


In this step, you define the sales organizations in your company.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Definition ( Sales and Distribution ( Define, copy, delete, check sales organization

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Definio ( Vendas e distribuio ( Definir, copiar, eliminar, verificar organizao de vendas

Transaction CodeOVX5

2. On the Change View Sales organizations: Overview screen, choose New Entries.

3. Enter the following data:FieldValue entered

Sales Organization1000

(Description)Dom. Sales Org

Statistics currencyBRL

Address text nameADRS_SENDER

Letter header textADRS_HEADER

Footer lines textADRS_FOOTER

Greeting text nameADRS_SIGNATURE

Cust. Inter-co.bill

4. Choose Save and Back.

5. Choose New Entries.

6. Enter the following data.FieldValue entered

Sales Organization1100

(Description)Int. Sales Org

Statistics currencyBRL

Address text nameADRS_SENDER

Letter header textADRS_HEADER

Footer lines textADRS_FOOTER

Greeting text nameADRS_SIGNATURE

Cust. Inter-co.bill

7. Maintain the Address Data for each sales organization.8. Choose Save. 2.12.2 Assigning Sales Organization to Company Code


In this step, you assign a sales organization to your company code. You can use this step to define the allocation of sales organizations to company codes. This establishes a link between the SD and FI systems. A sales organization belongs to just one company code.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Assignment ( Sales and Distribution ( Assign sales organization to company code

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Atribuio ( Vendas e distribuio ( Atribuir organizao de vendas - empresa

Transaction CodeOVX3

2. On the Sales Organizations -> Company Code: Overview screen, select Sales Organization 1000 and 1100 and assign both to Company Code 1000.3. Choose Save.

2.13 Defining Distribution Channel


In this step, you define the distribution channels in your company, adapting the functional scope of a distribution channel to your organization.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Definition ( Sales and Distribution ( Define, copy, delete, check distribution channel.

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Definio ( Vendas e distribuio ( Definir, copiar, eliminar, verificar canal de distribuio

Transaction CodeOVXI

2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Define distribution channel.

3. On the Change View Distribution Channels: Overview screen, choose New Entries.

4. Enter the following data.Distr. ChannelName

10Direct Sales


30Other Sales

5. Choose Save. 2.14 Assigning Distribution Channel to Sales Organization


In this step, you allocate the distribution channels to a sales organization. In this case as many distribution channels as desired can belong to a sales organization. In addition, a distribution channel can be valid for several sales organizations.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Assignment ( Sales and Distribution ( Assign distribution channel to sales organization

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Atribuio ( Vendas e distribuio ( Atribuir canal de distribuio - organizao de vendas

Transaction CodeOVXK

2. On the Sales Organization ( Distribution Channels: Overview screen, choose New Entries and maintain the following assignments:SOrgNameDChlName

1000Dom. Sales Org10Direct Sales

1000Dom. Sales Org20Wholesale

1000Dom. Sales Org30Other Sales

1100Int. Sales Org10Direct Sales

1100Int. Sales Org20Wholesale

1100Int. Sales Org30Other Sales

3. Choose Save.

2.15 Creating Divisions


In this step, you define the divisions at your company. You use divisions to group together materials, products, or services. The system uses the division to determine the sales areas and business areas to which a material, product, or service is assigned.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuLogistics General ( Material Master ( Settings for Key Fields ( Define Divisions

MenuLogstica geral ( Mestre de materiais ( Opes para campos centrais ( Definir setores de atividade

Transaction CodeOMSP

2. On the Change View Divisions: Overview screen, choose New Entries.

3. Enter the following data:DivisionName

10Product Division 10

20Product Division 20

4. Choose Save.

2.16 Assigning Division to Sales Organization


In this step, you allocate as many divisions as desired to a sales organization. Any one division can belong to several sales organizations.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Assignment ( Sales and Distribution ( Assign division to sales organization

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Atribuio ( Vendas e distribuio ( Atribuir setor de atividade - organizao de vendas

Transaction CodeOVXA

2. On the Assignment Sales Organization - Division: Overview screen, choose New Entries and create the following entries:


1000Dom. Sales Org10Product Division 10

1000Dom. Sales Org20Product Division 20

1100Int. Sales Org10Product Division 10

1100Int. Sales Org20Product Division 20

3. Choose Save.

2.17 Setting up Sales Area


In this step, you set up the sales areas. You can create a sales area for any combination of sales organization, distribution channel and division.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Assignment ( Sales and Distribution ( Set up sales area

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Atribuio ( Vendas e distribuio ( Formar rea de vendas

Transaction CodeOVXG

2. On the Assignment Sales Org. Distribution Channel Division screen, choose New Entries and create the following entries:


1000Dom. Sales Org10Direct Sales10Product Division 10

1000Dom. Sales Org20Wholesale10Product Division 10

1000Dom. Sales Org30Other Sales10Product Division 10

1100Int. Sales Org10Direct Sales10Product Division 10

1100Int. Sales Org20Wholesale10Product Division 10

1100Int. Sales Org30Other Sales10Product Division 10

3. Choose Save.

2.18 Defining Common Distribution Channels


In this menu option, you define common distribution channels.

You use this menu item to define distribution channels which have common master data. The allocation is valid within a sales organization.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuSales and Distribution ( Master Data ( Define Common Distribution Channels

Menu IMGVendas e distribuio ( Dados mestre ( Definir canais de distribuio comuns

Transaction CodeVOR1

2. On the Change View Dist.Channel per Sales Org.- Assign Master Data: Overview screen, make the following entries.


100010Direct Sales10Direct Sales10Direct Sales


100030Other Sales30Other Sales30Other Sales

110010Direct Sales10Direct Sales10Direct Sales


110030Other Sales30Other Sales30Other Sales

3. Choose Save.

2.19 Defining Common Divisions


In this step, you define the divisions that common master data should apply to. The definition is valid within each sales organization.ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuSales and Distribution ( Master Data ( Define Common Divisions

Menu IMGVendas e distribuio ( Dados mestre ( Definir setores de atividade comuns

Transaction CodeVOR2

2. On the Change View Org.Unit: Divisions per Sales Org Assign Master Data: Overview screen, make the following entries:SOrg.DvNameDivConNameDivCusName

100010Product Division 1010Product Division 1020Product Division 10

100020Product Division 2020Product Division 2020Product Division 20

110010Product Division 1010Product Division 1020Product Division 10

110020Product Division 2020Product Division 2020Product Division 20

3. Choose Save.2.20 Creating Purchasing Organization


In this step, you create a purchasing organization in your company.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Definition ( Materials Management ( Maintain purchasing organization

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Definio ( Administrao de materiais ( Atualizar organizao de compras

Transaction CodeOX08

2. On the Change View Purchasing Organizations: Overview screen, choose New Entries.

3. Enter the following data:Purch. OrganizationPurch. org. descr.

1000Purchasing Org. 1000

4. Choose Save.

2.21 Assigning Purchasing Organization to Company Code


In this step, you assign purchasing organizations to company codes.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Assignment ( Materials Management ( Assign purchasing organization to company code

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Atribuio ( Administrao de materiais ( Atribuir organizao de compras - empresa

Transaction CodeOX01

2. On the Purchasing Organizations -> Company Code: Overview screen, select Company Code 1000 and assign it to Purchasing organization 1000.3. Choose Save.

2.22 Defining Valuation Area


In this step, you define a valuation area in your company.

A plant can only belong to one company code.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Definition ( Logistics General ( Define valuation level

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Definio ( Logstica geral ( Determinar nvel de avaliao

Transaction CodeOX14

2. On the Valuation Level screen, set the button Valuation area is a plant.3. Choose Save.

2.23 Creating Plant

2.23.1 Defining Plant


In this step you assign each plant to a company code.

A plant can only belong to one company code.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Definition ( Logistics General ( Define, copy, delete, check plant

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Definio ( Logstica geral ( Definir, copiar, eliminar, verificar centro

Transaction CodeOX10

2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Define Plant.3. On the Change View Plants: Overview screen, choose New Entries, and make the following entries.PlntName 1

1000Plant 1

1100Plant 2

4. Maintain the address data for each plant.5. Choose Save.

2.23.2 Defining Plant Parameters


In this step, you make general plant settings.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuMaterials Management ( Inventory Management and Physical inventory ( Plant Parameters

Menu IMGAdministrao de materiais ( Administrao de estoques e inventrio ( Parmetros do centro

Transaction CodeSM30 with Customizing Object V_159L

2. On the Change View General plant settings in inventory Management: Overview screen, choose New Entries.

3. Select Plant 1000, and make the following entries:


Del. Compl. DefaultX

BBD/Prod DateX

BOM Usage1

BOM ApplicationBEST

Trans./Event TypeWV

Stock type1

Alternative unitX

Batch in backgroundX

Movement allowedX

Days mvt. Allowed10

Retention period30

4. Choose Save, and Back.5. Repeat steps 2 to 4, replacing 1000 with 1100.

6. Choose Save.

2.23.3 Assigning Plant to Company CodeUse

In this step, you assign each plant to a company code. A plant can only belong to one company code.

Procedure Carry out the following steps:1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Assignment ( Logistics - General ( Assign Plant to Company Code

Menu IMG Estrutura do empreendimento ( Atribuio ( Logstica geral ( Atribuir centro - empresa

Transaction CodeOX18

2. On the Allocation of Plants -> Company Code: Overview screen, make the following assignments.


1000 SAP Best Practices1000 Plant 1

1100 Plant 2

3. Choose Save.

2.23.4 Assigning Standard Purchasing Organization to Plant


In this step, you assign a standard purchasing organization to a plant. If several purchasing organizations procure for a certain plant, you can define one of them as the standard purchasing organization for the transactions.

Procedure Carry out the following steps:1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Assignment ( Materials Management ( Assign Standard Purchasing Organization to Plant

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Atribuio ( Administrao de materiais ( Atribuir organizao de compras standard - centro

Transaction CodeOMKI

2. On the Change View Default Purchasing Organization: Overview screen set 1000 as the Standard Purchasing Organization, as follows.PlntPOrgName 1

10001000Plant 1

11001000Plant 2

3. Choose Save. 2.23.5 Assign Organizational Units By Plant


In this step, you assign organizational Units by plant. The delivering plant uses these specifications to process intercompany billing.Procedure Carry out the following steps:1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuSales and Distribution ( Billing ( Intercompany Billing ( Assign Organizational Units By Plant

Menu IMGVendas e distribuio ( Faturamento ( Faturamento interno( Atribuir unidades organizacionais a cada centro

Transaction CodeSPRO

2. On the pop up Choose Activity, choose Assign Organizational Units to the Plants3. On the Change View Organizational Units for Internal Costing Per Plant: Ove screen, make the following assignments.PlantName 1SOrgDescriptnDstChDescriptnDivDescriptn

1000Centro1000Dom. Sales Org10Direct Sales10Product Division 10

1100Centro 21000Dom. Sales Org10Direct Sales10Product Division 10

4. Choose Save. 2.24 Assigning Sales Organization Distribution Channel to Plant


In this step, you assign any number of plants to a combination of sales organization and distribution channel. A plant can be assigned more than once.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Assignment ( Sales and Distribution ( Assign sales organization distribution channel plant

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Atribuio ( Vendas e distribuio ( Atribuir organizao de vendas - canal distribuio - centro

Transaction CodeOVX6

2. On the Plants -> Sales Organization/Distribution Channel: Overview screen, make the following assignments.Sales organization/distribution channelAssign to Plants

1000 10 Dom. Sales Org Direct Sales1000 Plant 1

1100 Plant 2

1000 20 Dom. Sales Org Wholesale1000 Plant 1

1100 Plant 2

1000 30 Dom. Sales Org Other Sales1000 Plant 1

1100 Plant 2

1100 10 Int. Sales Org Direct Sales1000 Plant 1

1100 Plant 2

1100 20 Int. Sales Org Wholesale1000 Plant 1

1100 Plant 2

1100 30 Int. Sales Org Other Sales1000 Plant 1

1100 Plant 2

3. Choose Save.

2.25 Assigning Purchasing Organization to Plant


In this step, you assign purchasing organizations to the plants for which they are responsible.

You have the following options:

One purchasing organization procures for one plant.This is plant-specific purchasing.

One purchasing organization procures for several plants.

Several purchasing organizations procure for one plant.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Assignment ( Materials Management ( Assign purchasing organization to plant

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Atribuio ( Administrao de materiais ( Atribuir organizao de compras - centro

Transaction Code0X17

2. On the Plants -> Purchasing Organization: Overview screen, make the following assignments.POrgDescriptionPlntName 1

1000Purch. Org 10001000Plant 1

1000Purch. Org 10001100Plant 2

3. Choose Save.

2.26 Defining Shipping Points


In the step, you define the shipping points and adapt them to your organization.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Definition ( Logistics Execution ( Define, copy, delete, check shipping point

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Definio ( Logistics Execution ( Definir, copiar, eliminar, verificar local de expedio

Transaction CodeOVXD

2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Define Point.

3. On the Change View Shipping Points: Overview screen, choose New Entries, and make the following entries.Shipping PointDescriptionFactory Calendar

1000Shipping Point 100001

100RShipping Point 100R01

1100Shipping Point 110001

100RShipping Point 110R01

4. Choose Save.

2.27 Assigning Shipping Point to Plant


In this step you allocate as many shipping points as desired to the plants. Any one shipping point can belong to several plants.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Assignment ( Logistics Execution ( Assign shipping point to plant

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Atribuio ( Logistics Execution ( Atribuir local de expedio - centro

Transaction CodeOVXC

2. On the Shipping Points -> Plants: Overview screen, make the following assignments.PlantsAssign to Shipping Points

1000 Plant 1 Shipping Point 1000

Shipping Point 100R

1100 Plant 2Shipping Point 1100

Shipping Point 110R

3. Choose Save.

2.28 Defining Loading Groups


In this step you define the loading groups. You enter the loading groups defined here in the material master record for the sales data for each plant.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuLogistics Execution ( Shipping ( Basic Shipping Functions ( Shipping Point and Goods Receiving Point Determination ( Define Loading Groups

Menu IMGLogistics Execution ( Expedio ( Bases ( Determinao de local de expedio/dpto.entrada mercadorias ( Definir grupos de carga

Transaction CodeOVSX

2. On the Routes:Loading Groups: Overview screen, make the following entries.LGrpDescription




3. Choose Save.

2.29 Defining Transportation Groups


In this step you define the transportation groups. You specify the transportation groups defined here in sales/plant data of the material master record. The transportation group is copied into the delivery item.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuSales and Distribution ( Basic Functions ( Routes ( Route Determination ( Define Transportation Groups

Menu IMGVendas e distribuio ( Funes bsicas ( Itinerrios ( Determinao de itinerrios ( Definir grupos de transporte

Transaction CodeOVSY

2. On the Change View Deliver Scheduling: Transportation Groups: Overview screen, make the following assignments.Trans. grpDescription

0001On pallets

0002In liquid form



0005Bulk Product

3. Choose Save.

2.30 Defining Shipping Conditions


In this step you enter the shipping conditions defined in the customer master record in the sales data for each sales area. The SAP system copies the shipping condition into the sales document header.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuLogistics Execution ( Shipping ( Basic Shipping Functions ( Shipping Point and Goods Receiving Point Determination ( Define Shipping Conditions

Menu IMGLogistics Execution ( Expedio ( Bases ( Determinao de local de expedio/dpto.entrada mercadorias ( Definir condies de expedio

Transaction CodeOVSF

2. On the Change View Shipping Conditions: Overview screen, make the following assignments.SCDescription




04Transport Service


3. Choose Save.

2.31 Shipping Point Determination


In this step you allocate the shipping points to the desired combinations of shipping condition and loading group for each plant.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuLogistics Execution ( Shipping ( Basic Shipping Functions ( Shipping Point and Goods Receiving Point Determination ( Assign Shipping Points

Menu IMGLogistics Execution ( Expedio ( Bases ( Determinao de local de expedio/dpto.entrada mercadorias ( Atribuir locais de expedio

Transaction CodeOVL2

2. On the Change View Shipping Point Determination: Overview screen, make the following assignments.SCLGrpPlntPrShP









































3. Choose Save.

2.32 Creating Storage Location


In this step you create a storage location, which is the place where stock is physically kept within a plant.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Definition ( Materials Management ( Maintain Storage Location

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Definio ( Administrao de materiais ( Atualizar depsito

Transaction CodeOX09

2. On the Determine Work Area: Entry screen, enter 1000, and choose Enter.

3. On the Change View Storage Locations: Overview screen, enter the following:PlantSLocDescription

10001020Shop floor

1030Shipping (L WM)

1040Shipping w/o LWM

1050Stores (Lean)


11001030Shipping (L WM)

1040Shipping w/o LWM


4. Choose Save.

2.33 Defining Storage ConditionsProcedure

Carry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuLogistics Execution ( Shipping ( Picking ( Determine Picking Location ( Define storage conditions

Menu IMGLogistics Execution ( Expedio ( Picking ( Determin. depsito de picking ( Definir condies de estocagem

Transaction CodeSM30

2. On the Change View Storage conditions: Overview screen, enter the following:SCDescription

01storage condition1

02storage condition 2

3. Choose Save.2.34 Assigning Picking Locations


In this step you assign the picking locations to the combinations of shipping point and storage condition for every plant.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuLogistics Execution ( Shipping ( Picking ( Determine Picking Location ( Assign Picking Location

Menu IMGLogistics Execution ( Expedio ( Picking ( Determin.depsito de picking ( Atribuir depsitos de picking

Transaction CodeOVL3

2. On the Change View Picking Location Determination: Overview screen, enter the following:ShPtPlntSCSLoc










3. Choose Save.

2.35 Creating Sales Office


In this step you define the sales offices in your company.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Definition ( Sales and Distribution ( Maintain sales office

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Definio ( Vendas e distribuio ( Atualizar escritrio de vendas

Transaction CodeOVX1

2. On the Change View Sales offices: Overview screen, enter the following data:Sales OfficeDescription

100Sales Office 100

110Sales Office 110

3. Maintain the Address Data for each Sales Office.

4. Choose Save.

2.36 Assigning Sales Office to Sales Area


In this step you allocate as many sales offices as desired to the sales areas. Any one sales office can belong to several sales areas at the same time. The sales areas previously defined are automatically proposed as defaults for allocation.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Assignment ( Sales and Distribution ( Assign sales office to sales area

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Atribuio ( Vendas e distribuio ( Atribuir escritrio de vendas - rea de vendas

Transaction CodeSPRO

2. On the Sales Offices -> Sales Area: Overview screen, make the following assignments:SOrg.NameDChlNameDvNameSOff.Name

1000Dom. Sales10Direct Sales10Product Division 10100Sales Office 100

1000Dom. Sales20Wholesale10Product Division 10100Sales Office 100

1000Dom. Sales30Other Sales10Product Division 10100Sales Office 100

1000Dom. Sales10Direct Sales20Product Division 20100Sales Office 100

1000Dom. Sales20Wholesale20Product Division 20100Sales Office 100

1000Dom. Sales30Other Sales20Product Division 20100Sales Office 100

1100Int. Sales10Direct Sales10Product Division 10110Sales Office 110

1100Int. Sales20Wholesale10Product Division 10110Sales Office 110

1100Int. Sales30Other Sales10Product Division 10110Sales Office 110

1100Int. Sales10Direct Sales20Product Division 20110Sales Office 110

1100Int. Sales20Wholesale20Product Division 20110Sales Office 110

1100Int. Sales30Other Sales20Product Division 20110Sales Office 110

3. Choose Save.

2.37 Maintaining Sales Group


In this step you define sales groups in your company. The definition of sales groups is optional. You can use the SD system without creating sales groups.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Definition ( Sales and Distribution ( Maintain sales group

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Definio ( Vendas e distribuio ( Atualizar grupo de vendedores

Transaction CodeOVX4

2. On the Change View Sales Groups: Overview screen, enter the following data:Sales groupDescription

100Sales Group 100

110Sales Group 110

3. Choose Save.

2.38 Assigning Sales Group to Sales Office


In this step you assign as many sales groups as desired to the sales offices. Any one sales group can belong to several sales offices.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Assignment ( Sales and Distribution ( Assign sales group to sales office

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Atribuio ( Vendas e distribuio ( Atribuir grupo de vendedores - escritrio de vendas

Transaction CodeOVXJ

2. On the Sales Groups -> Sales Office: Overview screen, make the following assignments.SOff.DescriptionSGrpDescription

100Sales Office 100100Sales Group 100

110Sales Office 110110Sales Group 110

3. Choose Save.

2.39 Maintaining Transportation Planning Point


In this step you define a transportation planning point. The transportation planning point is responsible for planning shipments with particular features. A shipment is assigned to one transportation planning point.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuEnterprise Structure ( Definition ( Sales and Distribution ( Maintain sales group

Menu IMGEstrutura do empreendimento ( Definio ( Vendas e distribuio ( Atualizar grupo de vendedores

Transaction CodeOVX4

2. On the Change View Sales Groups: Overview screen, enter the following data:TPPtDescriptionCoCd

1000Transp. 10001000

3. Choose Save.

2.40 Creating Purchasing Group


In this step you create purchasing groups. A purchasing group can be an individual or a group of individuals.

ProcedureCarry out the following steps:1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuMaterials Management ( Purchasing ( Create Purchasing Groups

Menu IMGAdministrao de materiais ( Compras ( Criar grupos de compradores

Transaction CodeOME4

2. On the Change View Purchasing Groups: Overview screen, enter the following data:Purchasing groupDesc. Pur. GrpTel. No. Pur. GrpFax numberTel. Ext.

100Group 100770 840 9421770 840 90001

101Group 101770 840 9421770 840 90002

103Group 102770 840 9421770 840 90003

103Group 103770 840 9421770 840 90004

110Group 110770 840 9421770 840 90005

111Group 111770 840 9421770 840 90006

112Group 112770 840 9421770 840 90007

113Group 113770 840 9421770 840 90008

3. Choose Save. 2.41 Define Business PlaceUse

In this step you define the Business Place.ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuCross-Application Components( General Application Functions( Nota fiscal( CNPJ Business Places(Define Business Places

Menu IMGComponentes vlidos para vrias aplicaes( Funes gerais de aplicao( Nota fiscal( Filial CNPJ(Definir locais de negcio

Transaction CodeSPRO

5. On the tab Determine Work Area: Entry screen, make the following insert the company code 1000.6. Choose Enter.7. On the Change View Branch : Overview screen select the business place 1000 and choose Copy As and make the following entries: Bus. PlaceName 1

0001Filial Produtora 1

0003Filial Produtora 3

0002Filial Produtora 2

8. Mark the line the respective Business place and chosse Adress Button9. Confirm the address of the business place.:Business Place 0001


Name Plant 1

Street/House numberAv. das Naes Unidas / 11541

Postal Code/City04561-060 / So Paulo



Time zoneBRAZIL

Jurisdict. codeSP 3550308

LanguagePT Portuguese


10. Repeat the steps for all business placesBusiness Place 0003


Name Plant 3

Street/House numberVia Anhanguera / Km 30

Postal Code/City06278-000 / Osasco



Time zoneBRAZIL

Jurisdict. codeSP 3534401

LanguagePT Portuguese


Business Place 0002


Name Plant 2

Street/House numberVia Anhanguera / Km 18

Postal Code/City06278-000 / Osasco



Time zoneBRAZIL

Jurisdict. codeSP 3534401

LanguagePT Portuguese


11. Choose Confirm.

12. Choose Save.

2.42 Assign Business Places to PlantUse

In this step you assign the business place to plant.ProcedureCarry out the following steps:

13. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG MenuCross-Application Components( General Application Functions( Nota fiscal( CNPJ Business Places( Assign Business Places to Plants

Menu IMGComponentes vlidos para vrias aplicaes( Funes gerais de aplicao( Nota fiscal( Filial CNPJ( Atribuir locais de negcio a centros

Transaction CodeSPRO

14. On the Change View Assign Business Place to Plant: Overview screen, make the following entries:15. In the line of Plant 1010, fill the field Business Place with 1000. PlantName 1CountryCompany CodeBusiness Place

1000Centro 1BR10000001

1100Centro 2BR10000002

16. Choose Save.

