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10.11 - Archways

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The monthly publication from Taylor Road Baptist Church in Montgomery, AL
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ARCHWAYS A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF TAYLOR ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH OCTOBER 2011 WWW.TAYLORROAD.ORG Commitment Sunday Page 2 Fields of Faith Page 5 New Bible Study Page 7 Read More Page 4 Taylor Road Treats The Town Monday, October 31, 2011 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Page 1: 10.11 - Archways

8new members

1 - Family Zoo Day

1-8 - Guatemala Mission Trip

2 - Book Fair Starts Commitment Card Sunday Parent/Student Pow-wow Business Meeting

5 - Fields of Faith (students)

6 - Senior Adult Lunch

9 - Men’s Prayer Breakfast

16 - Taylorgating

31 - Treats the Town



Sunday9:09 - Sunday Morning Bible Study for All Ages10:30 - Worship5:30 - Classes for All Ages6:30 - Worship

Tuesday9:00 - Every Sitch A Prayer6:00 - Outreach

Wednesday6:00 - Bible Drill6:30 - Classes for All Ages

Thursday10:00 - Senior Adult Bible Study

DID YOU KNOW?The Full Church Calendar is Available Online at


PeriodicalU.S. Postage

PAIDMontgomery, AL

Permit No. 000-611

Taylor Road Baptist ChurchBrian Harris - Editor1685 Taylor RoadMontgomery, AL 36117

Cut this section out to use as a bookmark for this month!

Cut this section out and add it to your member directory!

Matthew 28: 19kjv

See more pictures at www.TaylorRoad.org/media/photography

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost...”

Will & Haley CobbRobert, Lisa & Meagan Bearden Wayne, Judy & Angela Henderson

Ken & Sarah Ruth Peavy Shawn & Natalie Sherlock Mary Townes

Beth Booker Josh Driggers Joan Surles


Commitment SundayPage 2

Fields of FaithPage 5

New Bible StudyPage 7


Page 4

Taylor Road Treats The TownMonday, October 31, 20116:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Page 2: 10.11 - Archways


Dean FinchMinister of [email protected]

Senior Adults @ Taylor RoadSenior Adult Luncheon

Thursday, October 6, 11:30 a.m. $5.00 per person

Join us for a wonderful time of fellowshiparound the table and a musical program

presented by our new Praise and Worship Leader, Tim Wuester. Please make reservations by noon on Tuesday, October 4.

Senior Adult Weekday Bible StudyThursdays in C-200, 10:00 a.m.

This is a wonderful study of the Bible led by Grover Jacobs for senior adults. If you are looking for fellowship and a great study in God's Word, then you are invited and encouraged to attend this group.

You will be blessed by the Bible Study and the fellowship.


Men’s Prayer BreakfastSunday, October 9 – 8:00 a.m.

$2.00 per person

Join us for the fellowship and a wonderful time of prayer

for the people and needs of our church. Please make reservations by

noon on Thursday, October 6.

Disaster Relief TrainingOctober 14-15 at Montgomery Baptist Association

Individuals may sign up for:Cleanup and Recovery and Chainsaw Safety

Contact Dean Finch for more information.



Taylor Road Baptist Church Wild Game Dinner

Tim Smith, director on ON TARGET, outdoor ministries will be our guest speaker for this annual event. On Target ministries is

a new outdoor ministry in the Eclectic area.

Reserve a table for 7 people for $75 or purchase individual tickets for $15.00

*Men please contact Dean about helping out with meat donations of deer, wild pig, quail, turkey, !sh or anything else that tastes like chicken.

** Tickets available soon.

Thursday, November 10 at 6:00 p.m.

It Could Happen TomorrowBegins Sunday, October 9

5:30 PM

This 8 week video driven study will help you understand future events that will

shake the world.

Topics of discussion will cover: The Great Disappearing,

The Role of America in the End Times, The Islamic Invasion of Israel,

The Birth of the New World Order, The Great Deceiver and His Mark,

The Rebuilding of the Temple and The Glorious Appearing.

This video presentation will be facilitated by Chris Langley.

A $7.00 workbook accompanies the study.


2 pastorARCHWAYSOctober 2011, Volume 25, Issue 10

EDITORBrian Harris

[email protected]

ASSOCIATE EDITORSSaralyn [email protected]

Taylor Road Baptist Church1685 Taylor Road

Montgomery, AL 36117www.TaylorRoad.org

PASTORAndy Hepburn

[email protected]

MUSICTim Wuester

[email protected]

CHILDRENDavid Givens

[email protected]

Ruth [email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]

STUDENTSKeeton Blakeney

[email protected]

PRESCHOOLBelinda Hepburn

[email protected]


[email protected]

ASSISTANTSSaralyn [email protected]

DeAnne Brunson [email protected]

Anna [email protected]

GET SOCIAL WITH TAYLOR ROAD:www.facebook.com/taylorroad




ONLINE EDITION AVAILABLEwww.taylorroad.org/media/publications


ARCHWAYS (USPS No. 000-611) is published monthly by Taylor Road Baptist Church, 1685 Taylor Road, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117.

Brian Harris, editor. Periodical postage paid at Montgomery, Alabama. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Taylor Road Baptist Church,

1685 Taylor Road, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117.

PHOTOGRAPHERSAlisha Fresas, Brian Harris, Hope Langley,

Emile Mattison, Shana Proctor,Tom Stubble!eld

MORE PHOTOS AVAILABLEwww.taylorroad.org/media/photography

Tina [email protected]

Andy [email protected]

DeAnne [email protected]

I read a story of a missionary in Africa who received a knock on the door of his hut one afternoon. Answering, the missionary found a native boy holding a large !sh in his hands. The boy said, "Reverend, you taught us what tithing is, so here. I've brought you my tithe." As the missionary gratefully took the !sh,he questioned the boy, "If this is your tithe, where are the other nine !sh?" At this, the boy beamed and said, "Oh, they're still back in the river. I'm going back to catch them now." That is true generosity, faithful living, and a desire to give to God !rst.

God has entrusted so many blessings with His generosity, our giving back to Him should result in great joy and continued blessings. It is time to get on board with the work of God’s Kingdom at Taylor Road Baptist Church.

Commitment Sunday is the !rst Sunday of October and the last day of October is Taylor Road Treats the Town, our fall festival. As we are becoming generous followers of Christ in our tithes and o"erings may we also be generous in giving of our time. In fact, we want to be generous in every area of our lives because He has been so generous to us.

Bring your commitment cards on October 2, and on October 31 reach out with your fellow Bible Study members and minister to the precious children of Montgomery through Taylor Road Treats the Town.

You will be blessed,

Galatians 6:9nkjv

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

Page 3: 10.11 - Archways


Missions Guatemala 2011

Please remember to Pray for our mission team of Ron and Jenimae Beckham, Conrad Missildine,Mark Chandler, Katie Bowden, Toney Hood, Russell Deanand Dean Finch during the dates of October 1-8.

They are representing Taylor Road Baptist Church to people needing to hear the gospel in Guatemala. They are working with Southern Baptist missionaries there.

Women on MissionThe Women on Mission Program at Taylor Road is back at work and serving the Lord. Our September project was a tremendous success. We provided newborn clothing and diapers to the Hands of Christ Ministry Center. Teri McDonald, Director of the Center, spoke to our WOM group and explained how the Center uses these newborn kits to spread the gospel. Thank you to all the women who so generously contributed to this special ministry.

Two projects are planned for October 13. One group will prepare lunch for students at the Baptist Campus Ministry at AUM and another group of women will meet at Taylor Road and prepare casseroles for Meals on Wheels and the Cancer Center. Ladies, please join us as we share God’s love in our community.

3musicTim WuesterMinister of [email protected]


The Music Ministry of Taylor Road Baptist Church is running full speed ahead and on all cylinders for this fall semester of the graded music program.

Please remember to be lifting up these teachers in prayer:

4yrs – 5yrs: April Dozier (lead instructor), Jason Till (instructor)1st – 3rd grade: Tracy Johnson (lead instructor), Betty Gallops (instructor)4th – 6th grade: Jessica Gamble (lead instructor), Duane Kinsaul (instructor)

Each of the classes have been starting on time and the teachers have expressed their gratitude for all the parents who pick up their young musicians in a timely manner.____

The Student Praise Band has been leading the Wednesday evening worship e!ectively. They have met many of their goals and will be working toward leading a Sunday evening worship service in the near future. Please continue to pray for them.____

The Taylor Road Handbell Choir, who meet each Sunday evening at 4:15 p.m. in room B202, added some new players this semester and have already started rehearsing some seasonal tunes. The bell playing will bring a smile to your face if you "nd yourself walking through the upstairs hallway.

The Adult Choir, which rehearses regularly on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m., is looking for new recruits that may be willing to sing in the Christmas program this year. This is ideal for those singers who may be able to make a shorter commitment rather than be active for the entire church year. The music has already been selected, a leadership team has been assembled, and demonstration CD’s could be available by next week.

Tim Wuester

Now is the time to get those shoeboxes ready and "lled for children around the world. We want to make a di!erence for these children not only with small material items but more importantly with the gospel tract that they will receive in their boxes. Our goal for this year is at least 200 boxes.

So begin now getting your shoeboxes together and collecting items to "ll them. Packing guides are available now in the o#ce and in the foyer. Our collection dates are November 14 - 21.

The Book Fair will be October 2 – 9, 2011. We appreciate your support of the Media Library in purchasing books to donate to the Media Library keeping it current with the latest books. The books will be displayed in the grand foyer of the church. Remember, you can donate a book(s) in memory or in honor of someone, and your gift is tax deductible.


Page 4: 10.11 - Archways

4preschoolBelinda HepburnPreschool [email protected]


Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38 nkjv.

I am reminded of this verse each Fall as I like to ride by farms and see the cotton, tomatoes, hay, pumpkins and other crops being harvested. The smells bring pleasant memories of Falls past.

I know that during these times farmers don’t have enough hands to gather the crops. Food that could be used to feed people is rotting on the stalks. I have always thought this was a sad sight.

There are people all around who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus and yet are desperately seeking the answers to life. Who has God placed in your life that needs to know the Good news? Tell them today; it is harvest time.

Taylor Road Baptist Church will again have an alternative to Halloween, Monday, October 31. This can be a harvest time to share our bountiful crops.

Dream Field Farms & Pumpkin patch trip is October 12 (www.dream!eldfarms.com).We will leave the church at 9:15 and return at 12:15.Cost is $10.00 for children and $5.00 for chaperones. You will need to bring a sack lunch. For more information call the preschool o"ce (271-0845) or email [email protected].

We love Autumn—the crispness in the air, the smell of the falling leaves, sweater vests. Fall is a wonderful time to relax before the Holiday rush. We hope that you take some time to enjoy some cool Fall fun with your family—an after dinner walk, a family campout, or just a S’mores night around a small !re. Take a moment to use this change in weather to remind your family the truth of John 12:24 nkjv, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.”

October also means that it is time for Taylor Road Treats the Town. This one event is a special time that allows our church body to function together as we greet our neighbors and guests. We hope that you are already making plans for your class to be involved in this year’s event. We truly feel that it is a time when our church family can come together and show our community how much we love them. We have been truly blessed each year by your willingness to go above and beyond in your involvement.

This year’s event will feature many of our classic games and attractions; however, we are excited by a new vision. We want every family to go home not only with enough candy to last a fortnight but also with a plan for how to strengthen their family by adapting some of these games for fun and easy family night events at home. Parents will be given instructions on how to play these games with some household items and then how to use the events to open spiritual discussion in their family.

We are looking forward to this new twist and seeing how God can use this to bring families closer together. We thank you in advance for your commitment to making this Taylor Road Treats the Town the most in#uential one yet.

childrenDavid GivensChildren’s [email protected]

Ruth GivensChildren’s [email protected] www.TaylorRoad.org/Ministries/Children

5studentsGood day all, October holds several large events that I want you to be aware of.

First, on October 5, we will be joining other churches and FCA groups on Trinity's football !eld for Fields of Faith. Last year there was a large group of students that made Christ the Lord of their lives. We will meet at Trinity at 6:00 p.m. We are looking forward to see how God will move this year in the midst of close to a thousand students.

Second, on October 16, we will have Taylorgating. Our students will be set up in the front of the student center in their colors. We will grill out hamburgers and hotdogs. This is always a great time of food, fellowship, and football. Also, it is a great opportunity to bring friends. Let's see who all the die hard fans are. I can't wait!

Lastly, October 31 is our Taylor Road Treats the Town, and our traditional Pumpkin Bowling. Students will help in all areas of Taylor Road treats the town from 6-8 p.m. and then follow up with our "After Dark" event , Pumpkin Bowling, from 8-10 p.m. Pumpkin bowling is another great opportunity for students to invite friends. Everyone bring your own pumpkin and test your skills. It's going to be a great time.

Have a great month,

Keeton Blakeney

Keeton BlakeneyStudent [email protected]



Page 5: 10.11 - Archways

4preschoolBelinda HepburnPreschool [email protected]


Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38 nkjv.

I am reminded of this verse each Fall as I like to ride by farms and see the cotton, tomatoes, hay, pumpkins and other crops being harvested. The smells bring pleasant memories of Falls past.

I know that during these times farmers don’t have enough hands to gather the crops. Food that could be used to feed people is rotting on the stalks. I have always thought this was a sad sight.

There are people all around who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus and yet are desperately seeking the answers to life. Who has God placed in your life that needs to know the Good news? Tell them today; it is harvest time.

Taylor Road Baptist Church will again have an alternative to Halloween, Monday, October 31. This can be a harvest time to share our bountiful crops.

Dream Field Farms & Pumpkin patch trip is October 12 (www.dream!eldfarms.com).We will leave the church at 9:15 and return at 12:15.Cost is $10.00 for children and $5.00 for chaperones. You will need to bring a sack lunch. For more information call the preschool o"ce (271-0845) or email [email protected].

We love Autumn—the crispness in the air, the smell of the falling leaves, sweater vests. Fall is a wonderful time to relax before the Holiday rush. We hope that you take some time to enjoy some cool Fall fun with your family—an after dinner walk, a family campout, or just a S’mores night around a small !re. Take a moment to use this change in weather to remind your family the truth of John 12:24 nkjv, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.”

October also means that it is time for Taylor Road Treats the Town. This one event is a special time that allows our church body to function together as we greet our neighbors and guests. We hope that you are already making plans for your class to be involved in this year’s event. We truly feel that it is a time when our church family can come together and show our community how much we love them. We have been truly blessed each year by your willingness to go above and beyond in your involvement.

This year’s event will feature many of our classic games and attractions; however, we are excited by a new vision. We want every family to go home not only with enough candy to last a fortnight but also with a plan for how to strengthen their family by adapting some of these games for fun and easy family night events at home. Parents will be given instructions on how to play these games with some household items and then how to use the events to open spiritual discussion in their family.

We are looking forward to this new twist and seeing how God can use this to bring families closer together. We thank you in advance for your commitment to making this Taylor Road Treats the Town the most in#uential one yet.

childrenDavid GivensChildren’s [email protected]

Ruth GivensChildren’s [email protected] www.TaylorRoad.org/Ministries/Children

5studentsGood day all, October holds several large events that I want you to be aware of.

First, on October 5, we will be joining other churches and FCA groups on Trinity's football !eld for Fields of Faith. Last year there was a large group of students that made Christ the Lord of their lives. We will meet at Trinity at 6:00 p.m. We are looking forward to see how God will move this year in the midst of close to a thousand students.

Second, on October 16, we will have Taylorgating. Our students will be set up in the front of the student center in their colors. We will grill out hamburgers and hotdogs. This is always a great time of food, fellowship, and football. Also, it is a great opportunity to bring friends. Let's see who all the die hard fans are. I can't wait!

Lastly, October 31 is our Taylor Road Treats the Town, and our traditional Pumpkin Bowling. Students will help in all areas of Taylor Road treats the town from 6-8 p.m. and then follow up with our "After Dark" event , Pumpkin Bowling, from 8-10 p.m. Pumpkin bowling is another great opportunity for students to invite friends. Everyone bring your own pumpkin and test your skills. It's going to be a great time.

Have a great month,

Keeton Blakeney

Keeton BlakeneyStudent [email protected]



Page 6: 10.11 - Archways


Missions Guatemala 2011

Please remember to Pray for our mission team of Ron and Jenimae Beckham, Conrad Missildine,Mark Chandler, Katie Bowden, Toney Hood, Russell Deanand Dean Finch during the dates of October 1-8.

They are representing Taylor Road Baptist Church to people needing to hear the gospel in Guatemala. They are working with Southern Baptist missionaries there.

Women on MissionThe Women on Mission Program at Taylor Road is back at work and serving the Lord. Our September project was a tremendous success. We provided newborn clothing and diapers to the Hands of Christ Ministry Center. Teri McDonald, Director of the Center, spoke to our WOM group and explained how the Center uses these newborn kits to spread the gospel. Thank you to all the women who so generously contributed to this special ministry.

Two projects are planned for October 13. One group will prepare lunch for students at the Baptist Campus Ministry at AUM and another group of women will meet at Taylor Road and prepare casseroles for Meals on Wheels and the Cancer Center. Ladies, please join us as we share God’s love in our community.

3musicTim WuesterMinister of [email protected]


The Music Ministry of Taylor Road Baptist Church is running full speed ahead and on all cylinders for this fall semester of the graded music program.

Please remember to be lifting up these teachers in prayer:

4yrs – 5yrs: April Dozier (lead instructor), Jason Till (instructor)1st – 3rd grade: Tracy Johnson (lead instructor), Betty Gallops (instructor)4th – 6th grade: Jessica Gamble (lead instructor), Duane Kinsaul (instructor)

Each of the classes have been starting on time and the teachers have expressed their gratitude for all the parents who pick up their young musicians in a timely manner.____

The Student Praise Band has been leading the Wednesday evening worship e!ectively. They have met many of their goals and will be working toward leading a Sunday evening worship service in the near future. Please continue to pray for them.____

The Taylor Road Handbell Choir, who meet each Sunday evening at 4:15 p.m. in room B202, added some new players this semester and have already started rehearsing some seasonal tunes. The bell playing will bring a smile to your face if you "nd yourself walking through the upstairs hallway.

The Adult Choir, which rehearses regularly on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m., is looking for new recruits that may be willing to sing in the Christmas program this year. This is ideal for those singers who may be able to make a shorter commitment rather than be active for the entire church year. The music has already been selected, a leadership team has been assembled, and demonstration CD’s could be available by next week.

Tim Wuester

Now is the time to get those shoeboxes ready and "lled for children around the world. We want to make a di!erence for these children not only with small material items but more importantly with the gospel tract that they will receive in their boxes. Our goal for this year is at least 200 boxes.

So begin now getting your shoeboxes together and collecting items to "ll them. Packing guides are available now in the o#ce and in the foyer. Our collection dates are November 14 - 21.

The Book Fair will be October 2 – 9, 2011. We appreciate your support of the Media Library in purchasing books to donate to the Media Library keeping it current with the latest books. The books will be displayed in the grand foyer of the church. Remember, you can donate a book(s) in memory or in honor of someone, and your gift is tax deductible.


Page 7: 10.11 - Archways


Dean FinchMinister of [email protected]

Senior Adults @ Taylor RoadSenior Adult Luncheon

Thursday, October 6, 11:30 a.m. $5.00 per person

Join us for a wonderful time of fellowshiparound the table and a musical program

presented by our new Praise and Worship Leader, Tim Wuester. Please make reservations by noon on Tuesday, October 4.

Senior Adult Weekday Bible StudyThursdays in C-200, 10:00 a.m.

This is a wonderful study of the Bible led by Grover Jacobs for senior adults. If you are looking for fellowship and a great study in God's Word, then you are invited and encouraged to attend this group.

You will be blessed by the Bible Study and the fellowship.


Men’s Prayer BreakfastSunday, October 9 – 8:00 a.m.

$2.00 per person

Join us for the fellowship and a wonderful time of prayer

for the people and needs of our church. Please make reservations by

noon on Thursday, October 6.

Disaster Relief TrainingOctober 14-15 at Montgomery Baptist Association

Individuals may sign up for:Cleanup and Recovery and Chainsaw Safety

Contact Dean Finch for more information.



Taylor Road Baptist Church Wild Game Dinner

Tim Smith, director on ON TARGET, outdoor ministries will be our guest speaker for this annual event. On Target ministries is

a new outdoor ministry in the Eclectic area.

Reserve a table for 7 people for $75 or purchase individual tickets for $15.00

*Men please contact Dean about helping out with meat donations of deer, wild pig, quail, turkey, !sh or anything else that tastes like chicken.

** Tickets available soon.

Thursday, November 10 at 6:00 p.m.

It Could Happen TomorrowBegins Sunday, October 9

5:30 PM

This 8 week video driven study will help you understand future events that will

shake the world.

Topics of discussion will cover: The Great Disappearing,

The Role of America in the End Times, The Islamic Invasion of Israel,

The Birth of the New World Order, The Great Deceiver and His Mark,

The Rebuilding of the Temple and The Glorious Appearing.

This video presentation will be facilitated by Chris Langley.

A $7.00 workbook accompanies the study.


2 pastorARCHWAYSOctober 2011, Volume 25, Issue 10

EDITORBrian Harris

[email protected]

ASSOCIATE EDITORSSaralyn [email protected]

Taylor Road Baptist Church1685 Taylor Road

Montgomery, AL 36117www.TaylorRoad.org

PASTORAndy Hepburn

[email protected]

MUSICTim Wuester

[email protected]

CHILDRENDavid Givens

[email protected]

Ruth [email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]

STUDENTSKeeton Blakeney

[email protected]

PRESCHOOLBelinda Hepburn

[email protected]


[email protected]

ASSISTANTSSaralyn [email protected]

DeAnne Brunson [email protected]

Anna [email protected]

GET SOCIAL WITH TAYLOR ROAD:www.facebook.com/taylorroad




ONLINE EDITION AVAILABLEwww.taylorroad.org/media/publications


ARCHWAYS (USPS No. 000-611) is published monthly by Taylor Road Baptist Church, 1685 Taylor Road, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117.

Brian Harris, editor. Periodical postage paid at Montgomery, Alabama. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Taylor Road Baptist Church,

1685 Taylor Road, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117.

PHOTOGRAPHERSAlisha Fresas, Brian Harris, Hope Langley,

Emile Mattison, Shana Proctor,Tom Stubble!eld

MORE PHOTOS AVAILABLEwww.taylorroad.org/media/photography

Tina [email protected]

Andy [email protected]

DeAnne [email protected]

I read a story of a missionary in Africa who received a knock on the door of his hut one afternoon. Answering, the missionary found a native boy holding a large !sh in his hands. The boy said, "Reverend, you taught us what tithing is, so here. I've brought you my tithe." As the missionary gratefully took the !sh,he questioned the boy, "If this is your tithe, where are the other nine !sh?" At this, the boy beamed and said, "Oh, they're still back in the river. I'm going back to catch them now." That is true generosity, faithful living, and a desire to give to God !rst.

God has entrusted so many blessings with His generosity, our giving back to Him should result in great joy and continued blessings. It is time to get on board with the work of God’s Kingdom at Taylor Road Baptist Church.

Commitment Sunday is the !rst Sunday of October and the last day of October is Taylor Road Treats the Town, our fall festival. As we are becoming generous followers of Christ in our tithes and o"erings may we also be generous in giving of our time. In fact, we want to be generous in every area of our lives because He has been so generous to us.

Bring your commitment cards on October 2, and on October 31 reach out with your fellow Bible Study members and minister to the precious children of Montgomery through Taylor Road Treats the Town.

You will be blessed,

Galatians 6:9nkjv

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

Page 8: 10.11 - Archways

8new members

1 - Family Zoo Day

1-8 - Guatemala Mission Trip

2 - Book Fair Starts Commitment Card Sunday Parent/Student Pow-wow Business Meeting

5 - Fields of Faith (students)

6 - Senior Adult Lunch

9 - Men’s Prayer Breakfast

16 - Taylorgating

31 - Treats the Town



Sunday9:09 - Sunday Morning Bible Study for All Ages10:30 - Worship5:30 - Classes for All Ages6:30 - Worship

Tuesday9:00 - Every Sitch A Prayer6:00 - Outreach

Wednesday6:00 - Bible Drill6:30 - Classes for All Ages

Thursday10:00 - Senior Adult Bible Study

DID YOU KNOW?The Full Church Calendar is Available Online at


PeriodicalU.S. Postage

PAIDMontgomery, AL

Permit No. 000-611

Taylor Road Baptist ChurchBrian Harris - Editor1685 Taylor RoadMontgomery, AL 36117

Cut this section out to use as a bookmark for this month!

Cut this section out and add it to your member directory!

Matthew 28: 19kjv

See more pictures at www.TaylorRoad.org/media/photography

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost...”

Will & Haley CobbRobert, Lisa & Meagan Bearden Wayne, Judy & Angela Henderson

Ken & Sarah Ruth Peavy Shawn & Natalie Sherlock Mary Townes

Beth Booker Josh Driggers Joan Surles


Commitment SundayPage 2

Fields of FaithPage 5

New Bible StudyPage 7


Page 4

Taylor Road Treats The TownMonday, October 31, 20116:00 - 8:00 p.m.
