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11UR - Memorial University of...

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( VO'LUME LI. Prizes for Peat Samples. Buy T cr-Ccqtanary Celellratllq C.llllttct have been given by the Government a certain amount of money to be donated as prizes f or the best sameles of Peat put up in small bricks ready for use as fuel and exhabited at its liD PRODUCT EIIIBITIO,. · ,. The Committee of the Exhibition will supplY further in- formation later on. OUr a .-.ents -ake $60 00 a Week Bento' oew proee• wat.r oolor por&r&Jt aod aold frame. Ooe&a 00 c eot1 oomplafe for tl98. SaiD plea and lne&rucU6nl fr u . Young man lo Oblo made la ooe day. We are lb" lar, .. t picture and tram• bouM lu lba world. Ooe 1•oeral aaeot · waoted In each county. Olve u• reference and we will exteucl yoa tblrty cfay• ' credh wllb ateady, bouorahle emrtoymeat at a blalaoome. Oor till8la- IINiab- llabed tweoty·ft\•• yeera. We are oot In the pie lore and frame traiL We want hooorablo, truanrnrtbJ' reprt .. ntall•ea only. You need no 09 llallo work for 1U. We teach yoo bow 1o malt• a aucceu. Addrta al one WILLIAaltt ART COM- P.A.;;NY, Z'6 W. Taylor tUt .. l 1 Cble&SO, lll TttJIUtl'f'rffll at()ll' aaw <UfltrllUMett& tJI orl>or <1mrf' llt11rulord. . ' St. ·John's Marble Works -PERSONS REQUIBING- J4onuments, Headstones, Tablets and such like Work, can be suited by nddreBsing the Proprietor of the nbove- nllncd Works. lcUers enqnlq' promptly of prices and styh :s furr.!slled, and satisfactioo · to customers. J. MciNTYRE, Proprietor. '-' -Mr. B. H.. Archibald baa just retarDed from a aecoad •iait to St. Jolut'a. with oewe of eacoura&ioc aacceaa. The Reid Nlld. Co. haYe ciftll $2:50, a.Dd others haYe only to t.e asked to gift. -The Fowey achooner E. S. B* kn, Capt. Marlla, arrl•ed here on Wedoesday from St. John' to load wltb oil at Meaara. Murray & Crawford'• for the Clyde, Captain Martia ie well known here. ha-.lng beell to thi 1 port on aeveral occa- aioaala the achr. 4iiher Spray. -The Lah' Aid Society of the .Prab,Urian Charch will hold their \aale in the Victoria Hall on TuHCtar the 24th iast., Empire Qay, where prcbUen may barpine Ia daialJ wear for ladtca and children. RefftialuDeata a.Dd caady will be aold. H()ll'B OP TJIARD. ' Mr. ud lira. Jamea Martla be to e:xbreae their ahacere tb&llb to the kfnd frleada .eat wreattta oa the occaaloa of the death of their daughter Mary Allee aacl ln other way• teatified their1flll'pathy with them ud otber memben of thdr family in their hea-.yloea. Portraits by Pllltop'aplay. .NKOB88ARY FOR THE P.UULY. • (f la 1o be malata!Ded thero Tb f 11 · t d ---' .... , be ,, Pad lD ""7 bouMbold a . e o !>Wtag erma au uncetl -...olDe wb,l.elt- relied w1ll come u1to effect at my Studio on ¥arch 1Stb, 1910:. han pro ... a th .. r not lo 1ln& pl-ID Stttlap PJUSt be p&ld for at the thl• reructaad alf08il.7 bold uecare po- time of maldag etlme or before aldon la theAft&t m_,Orl,,. or hom... d•l' f f d. . r _, .. &very o proo a, an pru:a Q -111'. ' Predlrlclt Oorbln, whu ,.,.ad photos are 11eparate from this blt tJme Ia tbe M'Vend• and ..,. 1 ,. c= which covers only cost of elrhtaee tD \be BT.a•o..ulD . . dODI wallalnlll belen tbla IJI or negative. aad fUI'JUShldg' ffr' Yo: proofs. Aay_ 11 number 1 o,..r • quarter of a CIIDWI7 be bu beetl over two Wl be urntsbed at to ltie omce of tbe DatlJ for doseD rates. many yeara no'tl' foreman. Hll f&DIUy are nearly all 1rowo ap. OD• or hfa POS'f CAJU) PHOTOS. dao11bten a ftoe la the p · f Sitt' 11!"- FintNaUoaal Bank. Anotber,M'tdeo\- nee o tag .......... .,, .... .,..... Jy a promlllna yooq bu JaA Photo Post Carda per doz ...... fk !c':.!aated ID the 01 ... " al_-thl aal Tratolna llfJih School or'tb• SIIALL CABIBBT PHOTOS. •llcwe oily. A ptetare ol the lrflduatee Pri 'f Si":- 11!/\- maJ be ... n.ID the DallJ' Eaaf• ol May ce 0 u&ug ............... """"" 2Dd. Prederlck'• wife , .. a daua!Uer Photograph• per doa. ......... $2.00 or Mr& al.eo well k-a ... fti\E ,. .a PHOTOS a rest4eot or nrook17a. - ..I..IAAU' , A Memorial &emee. u Price of Sitt;ing ............. ; .... $1.00 neady b posaible with the o&ae- Photograpltti per doz .......... $4:00 quiee .at WUideor Culle, be held 1ft a or 10 I shall haye IL nat week bt SL Paal'e Church. At new ealargiag aj)paratus installed tbe of Queen Victoria. the and will be prepared to furnish British Societ,, tbe Loyal O"Dfe photograplu ln a.ay size up to Auociatioo ud the Son• or Eag· 24 b}'"'40 inch-- Ja.ad united to obeene the aoleJiln -r oc:c:&sioa. aud there Ia little doubt T. J. i'BBIJIAN. but that they will •pia take part In the Memorial Service. to be beld i'a Vi t 1 8 k Sl commemoratioa of our late departed c er a 00 ore and revered Moaarcb, Edward the Peacemaker. 11UR - is now on the road with a complete line of samples Fine' and Staple Foot-Wear. You will tlo well to see them before placing your orders for Spring. Fine aoots have three indis nsablc features, Value, Style and Fmiah. 1 OUrs COIJIIIpe the luZethem. . ' Pegged Boots can have STYLE as well Durability. , Q1ln have. both. Test them. as I The manufacture of Water Tight Fishing Boots is, in itself, a peculiar art, involving a 'Scientific · Process. Ours have this feature predominant, They have stood the test. PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY. .. . Bfos. TJE PIOIEERS 8f IIDERI 'HOE IN NEWFOUNDLAND WATER STREET. HAftBOR GRACE. J NUMBER 19 The Purchaser is p leased and will only think of coming back for more. He knows what he is in .. } in,.; and The Lake of the W cods Milling Co. guarantee that he ; gets what he boughL RBENA FLOUR MANITOBA PATENT. to arrift a car Kiacllblc Wood lu4e ., .. ._. .. !\liP Ia alaoob of 40 feet. at 35 ceata per ..... _ 'A.R.MiltiHI to arrbe put carp.,... .aa-. etc. (aecoad·laaad). Piae ud Spruce Board, L.arp Shop Windowa. etc., Patty, R. RUTHERFORD & CO. It's tes ted aod guaranteed by the eadtlgb ·. for every mo.n. Quality It's BUDA Th e Flour of Qu:Uit y. Try it for Loo.f Br e ad, Cake or Pastry ago.iast highe.; priced Dour. SHIRK & SNIDER, MANUFACTURERS, Bridgeport and Badea. _ Wire Sales Office, Pictou, N.S. .. . · J. Sales Manager. · ,.... - ' 1 Board, Scantling, Dry Goods. I . - Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Lumber of Good Qunlity now in Stock . -ALSOo<-- Full assortments ot Dry Goods, Provisions, Groc<'ric s, Ilnrd· ware, Mnttrosses, Crockeryware, Furuitw ·e, &c. ...... Thomas Ross, Harbor Grace. -I t- R. 'D. McRae Sons. IMPORTERS AND .. EXPORTERS. Provisions, Groceries, Cadiz Salt, Tar, Pitch, - SAD DEA. T n.-A youDJ. lad of h•e\•e. Ro1/t Ne1l, eon of Mr. Atrred Neil, di$ on Wednesday ·Jaat from the result it. Ia aaid, of a bad fall. He was working at Mr. ' Pyaa'e aaw-mjllnear the Riverhead wlaea he feJl through' the Roor to the a'f'O'Iad below, a dlatance or ll. bQet 10 feet. Be did aot seem much tbe 1I(Oree for bia fall. He of a headache on the Sunday, and oa the Monday. Dr. Panons wae aeat for. ILDd It 'tl'aa roaad that the poor lad had suetaiaed terrible In· ten.al Lajurlea. accompauied •ith crat i.Jitet'D&I bleeding. Little be done for blm ucept to make bl• last boare or lire euler. Be dJecl on WedaiiMY moraing aad WU bariecl tbia 'Taoon in the Alwaya to the front with eea- soaable gQOds for Sporta 'u well as ' .SO,. and Girls. For the speck- led beauties, you will aU the fishinJ ttckle you UtJUtre. Boys' and Gtrls'Marblf'.S Games of pJJ kinds ia stock. All the latest novels. Pott Cacd De- pot-5ceaery of NewfouDdlaad, Erin Go Braugh I W,S. Goodwin, D.D.S. CENTRAL Fishery Supplies, . &c. FIRE INSIJRANCE COMPANY Beach · Preinises, : Harbor Grace. . & c. Cemetery. ---- . -BalleJ'a Colllet oometb 1000 bat •or tmtUDr• aod J'aaey V•UDp or :irDillab maDOfaeWH an JIIN DOW dlr- .cst &ltd a 11Plea4Jdrgloa aile}" an. -ro Ml tbalD la tlaem. Better line JOUr It lD t.belateat Jfew York et,J m th- 8neclal at&eaUoa •a.. mall orden. Write tor ... are carde and .. mpiM ot oar J, "' W. -.&.DIOA,.-f The Tal on. L1J111i CUll OoN11tc. Bills set ou quarterly. JOHI C • - FOR SALE • . Four weeks from the date here- . · of application will be made to His 701 fm 4.-io. Cotton Nettin• 1 EJcel1e1lcy the ia CoUD- & cll for a new and useful " method 1 980 5-in. " U of manufacturing fish and their by-products for food aGd other 6-io u u purposes," to be granted to TIUW MARTrN of Harbor Grace, The property of the Harbor Newfoundland, Engineer. Grace r ndustrial Society: I Dated the · 26th day pf April, A.. NORMAN MuNN, ·Sec. D., 1910. H bo G M 6 I C. J. CABrU.., ar r race, ay , 1910 . Solicitor for applicant. G,.duate of Philadelphia Dental Cpllege and Boa- pita! or Oral Surrery ...... 1 ASSETS - STG. Dental OSee on Water St., out GuaruteecJ (y the London. Liver· door to Sildtlsons' Grocery. pool aad Globe Iaeurance Co. Teeth utracted abeQlately with· out paiD by u.e of rita.Used ili or perfect anaeethetic. ..... ,... __ FIRE CA.:&D! The Central ia a high clan Eog- Uah lnauraac:e Company. aad haa tho guraatee of tbat great. long- eatabliabed Company, tbe r Loodoa, LiYerpool and Globe. , _ C. E. HUNT. t SOLICITOR,: New Gazette Building, SL John's, Nfld. •ill fiad in Ute Centraf the in ;an iaaarance COm(>aDy, "9i&., II!CURIT\ ', LIDER..\Ll· TV tn dealing with louea, aad PROIIP'P SE'M'LtWENT tberdor. G. N. R_EJU, So:c. & WATSON, Agenta, St. Jobn'a. Business at Grady. J:iabrador. Has tho Otdost EstabHskod i I Musical lnstrU)Dent NOW EXISTENT IN NEWFOUNDLAND. , lit"Nothiag Shoddy kept. 1 .. Leadi11g are our Patrons. They s hould koow. P. 0. Bex 1202. : . , .. ... I WRITE US. CHESLEY WOODS, 140 Water Street, ST. M. SEARLE, Ag e nt for Rarbor Grace. S. Suuro111, Harbor Grace. 6 _ uu• ... . ..... u u ••. ••"•u u uu .......... U U U 1 , !.. -
Page 1: 11UR - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2017-05-24 · VO'LUME LI. Prizes for Peat Samples. T~t Jo~n Buy T cr-Ccqtanary



Prizes for Peat Samples.

T~t Jo~n Buy T cr-Ccqtanary Celellratllq C.llllttct have been given by the Government a certain amount of money to be donated as prizes for the best sameles of Peat put up in small bricks ready for use as fuel and exhabited at its

~I,DU,TRIAL liD 'T~PLE PRODUCT EIIIBITIO,. · ,. The Committee of the Exhibition will supplY further in­

formation later on.

OUr a .-.ents -ake $60 00 a Week Bento' oew proee• wat.r oolor .;,::;..;;06~;;;,;;;;..;1D.;;;;;,;;;;;;;.;;~-.;·~..;;...;.;..;;,;;,;; por&r&Jt aod aold frame. Ooe&a 00

• ceot1 oomplafe wl~w.••U• for tl98. SaiD plea and lne&rucU6nl fru . Young man lo Oblo made la ooe day. We are lb" lar, .. t picture and tram• bouM lu lba world. Ooe 1•oeral aaeot · waoted In each county. Olve u• reference and we will exteucl yoa tblrty cfay•' credh wllb ateady, bouorahle emrtoymeat at a blalaoome. Oor till8la- IINiab­llabed tweoty·ft\•• yeera. We are oot In the pie lore and frame traiL We want hooorablo, truanrnrtbJ' reprt .. ntall•ea only. You need no 09llallo work for 1U. We teach yoo bow 1o malt• a aucceu. Addrta al one WILLIAaltt ART COM­P.A.;;NY, Z'6 W. Taylor tUt .. l1 Cble&SO, lll TttJIUtl'f'rffll at()ll' aaw <UfltrllUMett& tJI orl>or <1mrf' llt11rulord. . '

St. ·John's Marble Works -PERSONS REQUIBING­

J4onuments, Headstones, Tablets and such like Work,

can be suited by nddreBsing the Proprietor of the nbove­nllncd Works.

~utport lcUers o~ enqnlq' promptly ans~tered, cstima~ of prices and styh:s furr.!slled, and satisfactioo IL88U~

· to customers. J. MciNTYRE, Proprietor.

'-' -Mr. B. H.. Archibald baa just retarDed from a aecoad •iait to St. Jolut'a. with oewe of eacoura&ioc aacceaa. The Reid Nlld. Co. haYe ciftll $2:50, a.Dd others haYe only to t.e asked to gift.

~----The Fowey achooner E. S. B*

kn, Capt. Marlla, arrl•ed here on Wedoesday from St. John'• to load wltb ~~e&l oil at Meaara. Murray & Crawford'• for the Clyde, Captain Martia ie well known here. ha-.lng beell to thi1 port on aeveral occa­aioaala the achr. 4iiher Spray.

-The Lah' Aid Society of the .Prab,Urian Charch will hold their \aale in the Victoria Hall on TuHCtar the 24th iast., Empire Qay, where prcbUen may ex~ct barpine Ia daialJ wear for ladtca and children. RefftialuDeata a.Dd caady will be aold.

H()ll'B OP TJIARD. '

Mr. ud lira. Jamea Martla be to e:xbreae their ahacere tb&llb to the kfnd frleada ~t .eat wreattta oa the occaaloa of the death of their daughter Mary Allee aacl ln other way• teatified their1flll'pathy with them ud otber memben of thdr family in their hea-.yloea.

Portraits by Pllltop'aplay. .NKOB88ARY FOR THE P.UULY. • (f hill~ la 1o be malata!Ded thero Tb f 11 · t d ---' .... , be ,, Pad lD ""7 bouMbold a . e o !>Wtag erma au uncetl

-...olDe wb,l.elt-~Uwel7 relied w1ll come u1to effect at my Studio :,~ '~~~~·~llb~;.'ff,1ra~f1~_ on ¥arch 1Stb, 1910:. han pro ... a th .. r not lo 1ln& pl-ID Stttlap PJUSt be p&ld for at the thl• reructaad alf08il.7 bold uecare po- time of maldag etlme or before aldon la theAft&t m_,Orl,,. or hom... d•l' f f d. . r _, .. &very o proo a, an pru:a Q

-111'. ' Predlrlclt Oorbln, whu ,.,.ad photos are 11eparate from this blt tJme Ia tbe M'Vend• and ..,.1,. c= which covers only cost of elrhtaee tD \be BT.a•o..ulD om~~~~: . . dODI wallalnlll belen tbla about~ IJI or negative. aad fUI'JUShldg' ~~': ffr' r;~'k1;!~?f."..ucl~:~ Yo: proofs. Aay_


1 o~ pbo~

o,..r • quarter of a CIIDWI7 be bu beetl over two Wl be urntsbed at to ltie omce of tbe DatlJ ~le, for doseD rates. many yeara no'tl' foreman. Hll f&DIUy are nearly all 1rowo ap. OD• or hfa POS'f CAJU) PHOTOS. dao11bten hoi~ a ftoe ~dDD la the p · f Sitt' 11!"-FintNaUoaal Bank. Anotber,M'tdeo\- nee o tag .......... .,, .... .,..... Jy a promlllna yooq ~rl, bu JaA Photo Post Carda per doz ...... fk !c':.!aated ID the ~DI 01 ... " al_-thl

aal Tratolna llfJih School or'tb• SIIALL CABIBBT PHOTOS. •llcwe oily. A ptetare ol the lrflduatee Pri 'f Si":- 11!/\-maJ be ... n.ID the DallJ' Eaaf• ol May ce 0 u&ug ............... """"" 2Dd. Prederlck'• wife , .. a daua!Uer Photograph• per doa. ......... $2.00 or Mr& T1WHd.l~ al.eo well k-a Jl~e, ... • fti\E ,. .a 'D~T PHOTOS a rest4eot or nrook17a. - ..I..IAAU' ua.u~.D ,

A Memorial &emee. ~nddlng u Price of Sitt;ing ............. ; .... $1.00 neady b posaible with the o&ae- Photograpltti per doz .......... $4:00 quiee .at WUideor Culle, ~ill be held 1ft a w~k or 10 I shall haye IL nat week bt SL Paal'e Church. At new ealargiag aj)paratus installed tbe ~ of Queen Victoria. the and will be prepared to furnish British Societ,, tbe Loyal O"Dfe photograplu ln a.ay size up to Auociatioo ud the Son• or Eag· 24 b}'"'40 inch--Ja.ad united to obeene the aoleJiln -r oc:c:&sioa. aud there Ia little doubt T. J. i'BBIJIAN. but that they will •pia take part In the Memorial Service. to be beld i'a Vi t 1 8 k Sl commemoratioa of our late departed c er a 00 ore and revered Moaarcb, Edward the Peacemaker.

11UR-is now on the road with a complete line of samples

~f Fine' and Staple Foot-Wear. You will tlo well to see them before placing your orders for Spring.

Fine aoots have three indis nsablc features,

Value, Style and Fmiah. 1

OUrs COIJIIIpe the ~ee. luZethem.

. ' Pegged Boots can have STYLE as well

Durability. , Q1ln have. both.

Test them.


I The manufacture of Water Tight

Fishing Boots is, in itself, a peculiar

art, involving a 'Scientific· Process.

Ours have this feature predominant,

They have stood the test.



Archiba~ .Bfos. Ltd~, TJE PIOIEERS 8f IIDERI 'HOE llJUf~CTURI'B





The Purchaser is p leased and will only think of coming back for more.

He knows what he is in .. } in,.; and The Lake o f the W cods

~~-~11111"""'1 Milling Co. guarantee that he ; gets what he boughL


• to arrift a car Kiacllblc Wood lu4e ., ..

._. .. !\liP Ia alaoob of 40 feet. at 35 ceata per ....._ 'A.R.MiltiHI

to arrbe put carp.,... .aa-. etc.

(aecoad·laaad). Piae ud Spruce Board, L.arp Shop Windowa. etc., Patty,


It's tested aod guaranteed by the eadtlgb·. for every mo.n. Quality It's

BUDA The Flour of Qu:Uity. Try it for Loo.f Bread, Cake or Pastry

ago.iast highe.; priced Dour .

SHIRK & SNIDER, MANUFACTURERS, • Bridgeport and Badea.

_Wire Sales Office, Pictou, N.S. ..

. · J. ~.HART-Y, Sales Manager. ·

,....- '

1Board, Scantling, Dry Goods. I . -Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware.

Lumber of Good Qunlity now in Stock. -ALSOo<--

Full assortments ot Dry Goods, Provisions, Groc<'rics, Ilnrd· ware, Mnttrosses, Crockeryware, Furuitw·e, &c.

·~ ......

Thomas Ross, Harbor Grace. -I t- ~ •


Provisions, Groceries, Cadiz Salt, Tar, Pitch, - SAD DEA.Tn.-A youDJ. lad of

h•e\•e. n:~.med Ro1/t Ne1l, eon of Mr. Atrred Neil, di$ on Wednesday

·Jaat from the result it. Ia aaid, of a bad fall. He was working at Mr.

' Pyaa'e aaw-mjllnear the Riverhead wlaea he feJl through' the Roor to the a'f'O'Iad below, a dlatance or ll.bQet 10 feet. Be did aot seem much tbe 1I(Oree for bia fall. He compl:~.ined of a headache on the Sunday, and oa the Monday. Dr. Panons wae aeat for. ILDd It 'tl'aa roaad that the poor lad had suetaiaed terrible In· ten.al Lajurlea. accompauied •ith crat i.Jitet'D&I bleeding. Little eot~ld be done for blm ucept to make bl• last boare or lire euler. Be dJecl on WedaiiMY moraing aad WU bariecl tbia 'Taoon in the

Alwaya to the front with eea­soaable gQOds for Sporta 'u well as' .SO,. and Girls. For the speck­led beauties, you will ~t aU the fishinJ ttckle you UtJUtre. Boys' and Gtrls'Marblf'.S "!~'\Skip-ropes. Games of pJJ kinds ia stock. All the latest novels. Pott Cacd De­pot-5ceaery of NewfouDdlaad, Sbamroclc~d Erin Go Braugh I

W,S. Goodwin, D.D.S. CENTRAL Fishery Supplies,. &c. FIRE INSIJRANCE COMPANY Beach · Preinises, : Harbor Grace.

. & c. Cemetery. ----. -BalleJ'a Colllet oometb 1000 bat •or Sprlo~r tmtUDr• aod J'aaey V•UDp or :irDillab maDOfaeWH an JIIN DOW dlr-.cst &ltd a 11Plea4Jdrgloa aile}" an. -ro Ml tbalD la tlaem. Better line JOUr ~riDit It • lD t.belateat Jfew York et,J m th-~ 8neclal at&eaUoa •a.. mall orden. Write ~1' tor ... are carde and .. mpiM ot oar apriDI&~

J, "' W. -.&.DIOA,.-f The B~pera Tal on.

~·1 L1J111i CUll OoN11tc.

Bills set ou quarterly.

JOHI C • - itq&~tr.

FOR SALE • . Four weeks from the date here-. · of application will be made to His

701 fm • 4.-io. Cotton Nettin• 1 EJcel1e1lcy the ~veraor ia CoUD-• & cll for a new and useful " method 1 980 5-in. " U of manufacturing fish and their

by-products for food aGd other 6-io u u purposes," to be granted to AfA~ • TIUW MARTrN of Harbor Grace,

The property of the Harbor • Newfoundland, Engineer. Grace r ndustrial Society: I Dated the· 26th day pf April, A..

NORMAN MuNN,·Sec. • D., 1910.

H bo G M 6 I C. J. CABrU.., ar r race, ay , 1910. Solicitor for applicant.

G,.duate of Philadelphia Dental Cpllege and Boa­pita! or Oral Surrery ...... 1 ASSETS - ~11,000,000 STG.

Dental OSee on Water St., out GuaruteecJ (y the London. Liver· door to Sildtlsons' Grocery. pool aad Globe Iaeurance Co.

Teeth utracted abeQlately with· out paiD by u.e of rita.Used ili or perfect anaeethetic. .....,... __



The Central ia a high clan Eog­Uah lnauraac:e Company. aad haa tho guraatee of tbat great. long­eatabliabed En~iah Company, tbe

r Loodoa, LiYerpool and Globe.


~ New Gazette Building,

• SL John's, Nfld. ~.

lnau~ •ill fiad in Ute Centraf the mai~iderata in ;an iaaarance COm(>aDy, "9i&., II!CURIT\' , LIDER..\Ll· TV tn dealing with louea, aad PROIIP'P SE'M'LtWENT tberdor.

G. N. R_EJU, So:c. & WATSON, Agenta, St. Jobn'a.

~Branch Business at Grady. J:iabrador.

········ciiEsLEy··woons······~ ~ Has tho Otdost EstabHskod i


lit"Nothiag Shoddy kept. 1 ..

• ~ Pl~~2~est !~~~rcrs~~N_S ~ ~ Leadi11g ~usic:ians are our Patrons. They should koow. ~

.~ P. 0. Bex 1202. : . , .. ,...,.,...~._...,:... ... I


CHESLEY WOODS, 140 Water Street, ST. JOHN'S.~ M. SEARLE, Agent for Rarbor Grace.

S. Suuro111, Harbor Grace. 6

_ ·~ • uu• ......... u u ••. ••"•u u uu .......... U U U 1

, !.. -

Page 2: 11UR - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2017-05-24 · VO'LUME LI. Prizes for Peat Samples. T~t Jo~n Buy T cr-Ccqtanary




' #

' \

r~t, s

~' . , t

'rhe Harbor Grate Standard and the Famtl)' lieralcl and W~kly Stat o( Montreal t$:z\ iol $r.so (I picture). The Standard and Montr~!. W eekly Witness (S:z) for f •.so (• picture). The Standard and the Canadian Pictori;J, monthly, (l:z) for lt.so (• picture). The Standa:'!'J ' and World Wide (weeJdy) $1.75 (t ~icturel· The Stan~ard per half-year for 5o cents (1 picture). The Standard per year for $t.oo ( 1 piq- ' ture). The Standard and- a large pa1r of mckel plated SCJssors, $1. :z 5· The Standard and a somewhat slighter pair nickel plated Sc1sso11 : $1.1 5. The Standard and a half-dozen famed W . H . R02ers TeaS ns, lt.so. AU in advance .. .. .........• . •.•..........••..... ;

J,A. Whitman, :::~:=::~::::~~Worth lhiirl M h t T 'I number of oew bouse• ha ve been D M ' 1 d"

The Bit Labrador Timber ~al. I Gat Father U""'•""'S ,;_..0..10;, I Paraonagc. Such a crowd of peo-RIUIIIouJ ;~ : pic was never ccn in the Church

JISt It Tlal To Sill HI~ Ute. 1 !lad Parson::~ge grounds befo!c and __ 1 at must ~ave been very gratifying ere an al or built. particularly by the working a. orse s n tan

mea io the back parts of the town. Root Pills. Even Water Street has beengTeat­ly impro\•ed, and numberless

, • 1 • to our Btshop to sec such a farge llr. Aylwtrd • letter ldh IDe .toryh • number of people welcoming him.

Campbdltou, N.D. , Feb,$. '909-. Ringing cheers were again given Fathtl" )forrilcy Med. Co., 1 and man..c• guns were .fired .aft

During lbe winter of 19q7,. wll,tlt b' b h~ B' b • er


Our Fall nod Wiater Stock of Suitings, Overcontings and Trou· serings of all kinds~largest 1\ud best we C\'er imported~DOW in, amongst them the new nod fash­ionable green shades.

mioor additiops and alterations Dr. Morse•s Indian have been effected throug hout the "second city" tho~t show a grow- Root Pills. ingtaste in tltecitizcns for health- ·------------­

An article ia the Baoror Com mer- , clal givee eome dctalla of tbe Jure deal that baa latel1 been effected be­tween the Anrlo American Dnelop­meot Co,. (of wbicb Mr. Wing and Nr. Stanford of Baqror. and Ralph W. Stroor and C. W. B . Tuaier of St. Jobn'a are membera), and a ayn­dic~te of New York Capitaliata. Tbe timber area in•olved conaiata of 13.850 aquare milea. about a th ird the total area or.Newfoundlaud. ~nd la.altuated acroaa tbe Straita of Bell Jale. extending from 'Byron'• Ba1 on Ute N. aide of Hamilton Inlet, Port Mamora. Tbia •aat amount of .. Yircin •foreat land. with here and there a few acareely populated aettlementa, containing a number of ~ harbor• in eiOt.e proxlmitJ to tbe land a," baa been leased for a period of 50 yeara witb tbe priYile~e of tbeo u::teodiog the leaae. A rat I· way, it ia alated. in the article baa be.- prpjectH to run from Q~c aacl tbeNJI&Dda to (urnlab a aborter

travellfng on the Gup~ Cout }1 w IC t c IS op spoke to the contracted a ~enre- Cold wW~b ~ettk4 • people and thanked t!:sem for their upon lilY lun1.. Wl.'lcome. ·

~casure Cards and patterns supplied on application.

Custom work of all kinds exe­cuted at lowest prices aod with despatch.

ful and pleasing surroundings, and a capacity to gratify lhat taste, A great deal s till remains

Japanese Menthol is unequal" led as a pain relieving age11t.

JiJ'"Fit, Style, and Workmanship Applied in the "D. & L .11

. guar;:~.nte~. '"WI Menthol Plaster it is the most

0 lJ A R D I A N effective remedy known for Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatic Aches and Pains. Try a "D. & L.11 M~nthol Plastet: the FIRE AND LIFE

~ssnranct ~o' n. jLUIIDD.j


next time you are suffering from any one of these com­plaints and be convinced. 25c. each at druggists.

Dr. l'llorse's Indian Root Pill~.

Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pilis.

Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills.

~To Save Doctor's Bills, use Dr. Mo~se's,Jn~n Root.,..., ·HE B~ST FA~ILY PILL IN USK

f.E:RJ!O...!!tl A 8plenclld Tonlo ....... the., .....

...... thenethe



We have ali grades of Lumber in stoct. . and penons mJUiring material io tbll'line are asked to inspect them and obtaio the pric:ea.

On haod-6o,ooo feet of s·8 Spruce, siutable for Feocing. The lot is offer ed lor ooe month from date at 90 eta. per 100 feet-cheap and aood fencing.

To arrive-& large shipment of all kinds Of Lumber. Al.t. AS DRY AS IJIOU

Houso-Ymisbings for inside and out· side work. All neatly finished aud su~ at abort notice. ~

aa your t;~rd.era, ad recei.e prompt atentioa, ~ material and tbe best prices.


Sou of IB(laDd Buefit Society.

........ ~~ .... b ................. llilllltA'-0....~

to be doae of course, and as the desire and the power increase so will improvements grow. A great deal , however, c:ut be done with "f.r'!. little means. A coat of \flutewash or paint docs not cost much. A committee of citizens could do much to prevent break­aJes of glass aud other destruc­uoa of property, to see that cans aatl paper do not litter our s treets, that }"lrds are tidy, to encourage by word and example and by' prize-giv~ng, neat and tasteful houses and B"'ouods.

Mr. M~urtce H are is r~moviog the bouse he built a ye~ or two ago just north of the railway

B~ RfV. CHARlfS lfNCH. i :; .<· _ , ~~~ XXXIII .

~;.HRff DAYS AT GRAND fAllS. 7'"

fCootiou~ • I was driven to the Methodist

Panoaa&'Cl most beautifully situ­ated in tbe principal part of the town by a splendid outfit, the property of the A. N.J>. Co. The new residence of the Metboditt Incumbent is a commodious build­ing- receaUy erected at a cost of $3000. The contract was carried out by the Horwood Lumber Co., S t. J ohn'•· The Parsonage is lighted-by electricity and hu

ALL liODIUtJl CONVBNntNCil The work coSmenced on the al· ready completed concrete founda­tion · on Decem~r 6th, and by February was rea(ly for residence, and the Rev. Mr, and ){rs. Muir. married aioce Jut Contlreace aad kiiOCked about a good bit meao­,lfile, took poasessioa of their first Panoaage. We found

excellencies of the scheme it was about~ tury aad a half in ad· vance of mo.t saugaiae icleu of some. me thought reli«ioua teaching could be lt>ft with those' most competent to Impart it at the prope.r time ia the proper place. Thas eaterprlae- when launched will be walehed with a goocl deal of interest by the people of New­fouDdlaad,~d if a aucteuful ven­ture aome da) we mi&Pt see all the pants amalgamated and a publi.e school system that will be a credit to the Ancient Colony.Surely if arc are Britain's most ancient Colony, there is DO reason that "ancient" should be writ. large across our educational system.


were ln cvldenc~ everywhere of attractive arcbiteetural design. A large atore carried large letters, ' ' Grand 1i'al11 Store." Here were to be aecured all the commodities of au up-~ate abop. Pedlars are warned by poaters that tbcv are oot wanted there. It was iti­terestiog to l~arn that the sur­pi\.IS profits of this establishment ($1,1000 last year) are bandeb to the Town Committee to be u5e0 foor educational and other purposes.

• track, east of . piece of ground be lras bought from Mr. Yetman at the back, near Long Hill. He first though to remove it en blqc, but unable to obtain sufficient help, bas had to take it dowta and remove, it, which means a great ewpenJe to

THE TBIUUl PROTKSTANT CBORCBMS re(>reseated io Grand Falls-the Church of Eaglud, Presbyterian aad Methodist, were churchless, aad at the good pleasure of the Compaay. l'be Town Hall is ~cupied in turn by each denomi­nation, a Sunday for eath de­nomination, and they, many of them, are tolerant and broad· min4ed enou•b to iO ev~ry Sab­bath and ~t iood, add fto<l a g'ood dealla Prof. Blackie's creed 1 •• Creed5 and coafevslona, high

The healtb.,.of the inhabstaats is io the bands of two medical praetltioae~. and ESTABLISHED 1874.'

PreseDt Jlembenhip ao,ooo . . Ita obJeo&a IN 10 id.ance lheln&arMt.l

of Ea(fllallmao Uld the.lr d-endana. by pwo.WIDI • enre and ~rtt.Jn meanaof matnal PfO&eoUon In l.lmM or elckneN aud cUau-; and 10 atunat.ben the boG4 of onion betw .. D Eql&lid •114 t.be 1aDda laft IMIIUI ilt.'fl ,.pled.

BeneiUe are: lil - or lidln..., medlcal atliiDclance and a WHirl;, bene­ftt. JncaMOfd"lb t.IOO!deathofwUa taOi·ll .. tb of eb lid bel ween I and 16.·•16.

niUatlon 11'- are ualfordl. Thi'M ,SOUara for all 114• up 10 60.

In &be lblrtY .)'earl of l&a e:ll'l1tence, the 8. 0 . lt. B. 8. b .. paid 10 Englllhmen or lbelr tamllae.,o .. ronun.llllon aud • qUAJ'\er doUan In relief or cUJtr..., or •ba& I• no •- 10 t.bo polnt;I'J.o prenn& 4'-&n~L fte 8oclot;r b .. a low raw bot excel·

lea&~eme or Ute lnenrao~. ParUcularacan be bad from membere

LodJ•" Dtamond JabUH," No. !lS8, S.. -bor Oraoe. '/ _

Jobn w. Carlft(" Sup. Orand S.C., ToroniO

oaa». JAMES D. MUNN,

Dealer ia Real Estate, Commis­sion Ageat, Conveyancer, Com. of Sup. Court, Auctioueer, etc.

HarlxJr Grace,- NmD{oundlo.nd.

Dr. A. B. Lehr, . Dentist,· 1

-:o. 203 Water St.,

ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. . 1011'' lABILE lORIS,

Cabot Baildbur._ Water Street St. .fonn'a.



. ~ll ,llaea Gr;anite ud .rble Beadatoaea. Monument. ud~me­tery Decoratio~ · aow oa_ ha.od. ~·aDd eatimatea oa apphca-:~Cd.S.t~~or~hlp. LOweat



%m. Mr. ~Orie~ndrews of Messrs. . H. Thompson & Co.'s diug

store bas removed f'rom Mr. H. H. Parsons's house oaHarvey Street to ooe of the Misses Hutcbing's houses on the same street.

Mr. Robert S. Muaa bas taken tho house of Mrs. N. Fitzgerald on Vic~ria Street, juat aoutb.. of tb\oite he previously occupied,'lbe

ltriq Clark, Supt. Gnlc:&Hos· pita!, Toronto, writes they ha.ve Wled it with the best results.

eeo. ...... , ....... DA VlJI f< LA~ 11 , Koatn::al.

Church and the low, I cannot say, 'but you would great·

ly please us ; . If with some pointed scripture you

could show, To which of these belonged the • Saviour Jes"s, •

I say to all or uoue. Not curioqs creeds

Or ordered form, or churchly rules be taught, ·

But .soul of love that blossomed into deeds, '

With human good or human bles­sior. Yra,-ht . • • .

Lot pn4eM priesfs do battle about cr""•

That Church ia mine ·that 4oes most Cb,riatllke deeda."

• TBI& TOWN BALL bas a seating capacity for about five hundred. It does duty for Entert~· meats, Sales of Wor'k, Travella g Showmen, Drill Hall for bad Brigade, Dances, etc. Every -trlght the public find am~meats to their heart's con­teat.

The Roman Catholics }Jav'e pro-vided themselves ·

A Pt.AC2 O~POJISB \ and the others look gingly to

latter baviog passed into the tbe time wet will worship banda of Mr. L. T. Cbafe.. The God "un.d e owt1 vine and house has been put into g~ or- fig tree." ' he public school we der inside and outside, a nd t he found runaiog on uodenomiaa­outhouse re-shiagled. When tin- tional lines, and a movement on ished it will present a muc~ im- foot to tluild pro~ appearance. A GOOD POBUC sCuOOL

Mr. Chafe bas removed into the at a coet of sozne $10,000, with bouse 'lately purchased by him on up-to-date appointments, suffici­Victoria Street adjoining l\1r. W. eat teachers and a g()Od curricu­Ward'a, a part:E:e Es tate of lum, embracio!f all the subjects the late H. '1' • .ft r Esq. He is of a liberal education. The school contemplating m · g some s truc- board was ito be elective and 1h~ tural alterations that will add to election was to take' place. The ita healthfulness, comfort and ap- rate of fees was to be r~ulated pearaace. It is said that these accordiof to • the ,nnaocial will include a porch in fropt, of ability o ~be employees, eg., A improved style and a bay wandow workman earning $1.75 per day at the back. Tb,e.above ' 'touch- to pay tea cents per mootb for iq up'' and tliiimprovemcnts e£- each child, and so on to the bigh­fected by ' Mn Ward will add to cat wage earner. We are told of the look of this, oae of our bestl one who received $7,500 per yeu, residential streets. Mr. Makin- but unfortunately was son's fine house is also to receive A BACBBLOR I ju. the near future a fresh coat of What an asset if be bad eight or t:aiA~ , ten children I Yet with all the


was trear completJon and a tralocd nurse io charge of the sick in the temporary hospital. The towt1 bas a butcher, baker, barber, watch-make~~, bootmaker, aod other tradesmen following their avocations.

The (vorkmen's houses on a uolfol"m plaJt with electric light and water coavealeace.J,. arranged at CQMal dlstaneea, .and wifb enough land in front and at the rear, to en$"age the workmen in their spare hours, bespeak much for the future comfort of the resi­dents. The shacks erected hur­riedly arc soon to give way to better accommodations.

Tbc fll'llt evenia8' we Jootred lnto the faces of


and renewed acquaintances cover­ing a quarter of a ee.ntury. The second night addressed the hads' Brigade and their friends. They are making progTess. They have ~gymnasium. a library, the gift of Lord Nortbcliffe ; a brass band ~waiting an instructor. Thirty of tbe )'OUDJ me" ~re following the ScrantOn Coune (f. C. S.) All thiaspeaks well for the future intelligence of the Grand Falla that is to be.

, _ (To !_>e continued. )

-Asava-N....U~~~~~~ THE Nit~ "EMEOV P'O"

Nervoaa K$a1lltlaa -Wheu. c:on~thoJDMGrip­pe, Pnenmoala or Wasthsg Dt. eases, nothing~ the return to health like a short perlCM! of treatment with "AsAvA- N:ao­LU.I.." It feeds the nerves, tn­dnces restful sleep, qaJckens 'the ~ppetite, ·aids digestion, and soon buoyancy of spirits and tile ~JM"

• of restored vitality are 8\tained. Afewdoeescoavince. S•·SO• bot­tle. ObtaJD fram tbo local ap:u.L


racl to &arope.

45011•t let an unscrup\llous dealer force on yeu au imitA­tion of the "D. & L." Menthol Plaster. Look for the ' 'D. & L." trade-mark on the tin. It guarantees the genuine and the most eHecl\ve remedy for Rheumatic aches and pains, Lumbago, Sciatica, Backache, etc. 25c. each. Yard rolls equaling seven of the ftgu1ar siJe $1.00. .


D:aAR Srx,-I am a Newfoundlander and a

Bayman, so I naturally take a very warm interest in your pro­posed Celebration. I am too old and too deaf to do much active work for you, but I can give you as I do most bearlill the benefit of my advice and exJ'Ierienee. As you are probably•awarc, ~ ran the most successful of all celebrations the Cabot Quarcenteanary and the ~ueen's Dsamoad Jubilee, I col­lected all the money and did the wpole thing' $ingle-handed. Let tt1.e say at the outset that I don't believe in committee'S, they arc all talk and discussion, what you really - waot is energetic action aotl the one man Committee is Ute real practical method of iet­ting towork.AsSocretwy, tinvjted the Freqch, .r\merlcan, Spanish, PortuieiiC an<t hallan bavies to visit ~·· The English, American and French most heartily rcs~n­ded. The Yankees were spectally cordial, they not only helped us but they also bought fifty copies of Prowse's History for ibeir naval Library. If you mana'ge the invitation right you ·will be sure to get a visit fr~ one of their shipS proqably one of their trainio!f shiP.' with their Nllval Ca<teta. The Invitation of course, should be seat through the, Gov­ernor a ad the British Ambassador. You should have handsome headed note paper aad copies of the new Edition of myNcwfouadlandGuide Book. The Government shoylct help you. They cUd not beUeve that J co"lct collect any money so t~ey offel'ed to ctouble any sum I collected. I not only carried out the Celebration but alto built the Cabot T ower at Signal H ill and a telephone line round the harbor which bas been thP means of sav­iu~ twenty fishermen's lives. The Retds are m.ost generous and they will be sure to help. Good fire­works wiU be a great attraction. I ~peat iSOO on ours. \Vq"t yo" want is push, energy and cathuai­aam, the eoerj'etic action of one or two or three men whoae bear ta are devoted to the Celebration . What you want is not discussion, but action, action, plen9' of ener­gy and careful preparation. You should agree on a Programme and carry it out.

I wish you every success. D. w. PROW!lR,

St. John's May 6th, 1910. . There was one vr;rr amussng

circumstance ia our.Ca1>ot Celebra­tion. Commodolc Bourke was my bittet' enemy. I. had ~hewn up io the London Times hlS abo surd orders for our fishormen to sell their lobsters only to French packers. ~ut in ~~der to guard against bas opposatj!>n I I[Ot my 9l.d friend Admiral Erskane to. ~ve.him s trict orders to carry out our Na,,al ProF.me. Fle f,Ve1l­gcd himself by iag a 8&"Ure to Tepreseot me W1 my hiatory,aad when the submarllle-miae was ex­ploded I wu blo~ up.

After I returned home Thursday wns the day appoint-f·~~~.!f~lttcr ed for the consecration of St. Pe-pre.cription for bb tcr's Church, so all were pleased could Dot be filled •t when the morniug dawned bright After oDe wm'• delay and fair and a~ a.m. the neiab-jut In lbe n lclt of time to bo · 1 I h o .After one moolb'a u11e nng c crgy o wc:re to take a new man. part in the service began to arrive.

Those present besides the Bishop and the Incumbent were:-Tbe Revs. Canon Noel, F. Colley, G. H. Bolt, G. H. Field. E . C. Clench, C. Carpenter a.ad J. S. Adams. All the CJergy robed in the Par­eooagt', and MeaanL I. Strow-

-·.-~~..;.. .. ~""'~·1 bridge and S. Noaew.:>rtby ia co.­aack and surplice joined ia the proc.aeioa at the Vestr1 door and passed through the Church, wbilat the Bishop aDd bia Chaplain, the Re•. F . Colley, weat aroaadto the west door, ud were met by the Ctero aua se•eral mea o( the COJSgre,ratioa. Mr. Eraeat Jones oa behalf of the ~tioa read ~d preaeated the petition to Bia Lordalaip uldllr that the Charda be coaaec:rated. Tile form of lirYice for the CODieCratiaia of a claarch thaa proceedet aad wiU lq be remembered by tile large COJSpeptioa pnlellt. The Bish­op prudaed a IDOR iaatnctive senaoa ,1Uch wuliateaed to with cloeest atteutioa. The letrice of

~~~lli.llg',r1 Boll Corn•anioa thea followed.

~;_:~~;j;l the ~ talrill&' put bela&':-}~ the BiabO~ Ren. Caaoa N~ G. H. Field &11.4 tlae ltv11mbellt. aad oDe bu.aclrecl &lid forty penoas re­ceiYed the 111-.ed Sacrameat.

at.e111111* _..,...,., After the aerrice luacheoa ,was eened ia \be Panoaace, the vis­iting Clergy lea•illr duriDg the. afteraooa.

Itching Piles For 27 Yrs.

Oil FridaJ moraiag the Bisllop held a clencal confirmation after which a visit was made to S t. Pc­~·a School, •.hen the Priacipal, Mr. I. Strowbrsdge, presented His Lordship with an Address from the children. At 7 p.m. a con­firmation service was . held at Bishop's Cove when sixteen males and fourteen females received the sacred gift of the Holy Ghost. In his ~address the Bishop referred to the new School builJtng which be had visited during the after­

and coogratul11ted the lncum­aud people on the estction of

a fioe building. He also the candidates some excel­

couasel1 to help them fulfil vows they had just made.

ich it is to be hoped they wi!J ways remc.thber. On Saturday morning the Bish­

op went to Bryant's Cove. This little settlement was decorated with flags in honor of His Lord­ship's visit, aod there was quite a round of musketry. Mr. S. Nose­worthy met the Bishop outside, the Church gates with the school childrea- lined up on either side of . the road and pr~nted him with · an -.ddrcss of welcome- to whiCh His Lordship replied in his usu!ll gracious manner. Cbecu were: then gi\'co for the Bishop, Rev. E . E. and Mrs. Rusted and Mr. c:-. ~osewortby, the Bishop tbco go­tag to Mr. Noseworthy's house to robe for the service. At this ser­vice eight males and six females were conlirmed. The Bishop ad­dressed the candidates and the youngest child could not f:til to unden!and what is ~pected of every Christina. so beautifully and simply did His Lordship speak to them.

On Sunday morning there ..-as a celebration of tbe Holy Commun­ion at cig1•t o'clock, the Bis.&op being cclcbr::~nt assis~- • cumbcut. And at-1'he l i o'.cl~ service the Bishop was the preach-cr. The Conti{mation service was held at 6.30 \oben the Re,-. C. Carpenter acted as Chaplain to His Lordship. There was a very large coo&Tegation present at thts service and thirty males and tpirt,. twp females rccei \·ed the •• Laying," on of Hands", bein~ thereby strengthened for their future war-

OeapeiNd or •••r oetttno relief untJI fare, the Bishop :tddressing · cu,.. came 3 yeara •o• with ua• of

DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT. those who bad been cooped. Mr. John .To~10o, Cawley, Alta.,

wri101: "Tbr~ )'1'111"1 &fO I wu eared ot blind, ltebillg pUe. o{ twuty.eevu yura• ltaodill& ~ ui.DI Dr. Cbale'• Ololmc11t. I liilecl to thiolt that duth would be tlle o~J reliel I eoald cveT get from tho tern"blo mt.cry of pil~

"Dr. Ohue'e Ol11tmt!ot il 'Worth •i1-t:r dollara a boz ioatcad of el.rty Ullt.l. 1 Ul • d16ereot man Iince 'Qalu 'It, I &JD f&nniDJ all the thntl now &Del DtYer mlu a ~. Wordl tall to expria my rraU~u4o tor the euro thla OIAtmeat made for me. I unnot tdJ half .. mach about it aa it deMI'l'~ .A:Ay oce doubtl.Dg thb can write dlreet to me."

Do 11ot accept an lmltatlou or 10blt1· tuto la place of Dr. O\p6'a Olatme11t, for then ll" yot to he dlKovered a t.,.~, wbl~h 10 JnOmptly givea re· lid from ltehirag and 10 tboroaghly corea every form of pllee. 60 ~at. a t-ez, at all dealera, or Edmanaon, Bat.ea .t Co., Tqi'OIIto. Write for a tree ecpy of Dr. Oble'a BoclpM.


The people of Upper Is41and Cove thoroughly agpreciat the rreat privilege they have enjoyed I

an being .able to l~ten to their Bishop at- so mauy )ervices aod we hope much good will result from tho earnest ap~als of qJ.tr beloved Bishop. Sunday, Ma;r l'st was the 33rd anniversary o{ our Bishop's consecration and many were the' prayers offered that he may long be spared to mini stet to us..

On Moodt..I,moruiog about 11.30 His Lordship left by carriage for- • ~ Harbor Grace South, the locum· bent driving with him to act a.:. Chaplain for the Confirmation,

Messrs. Solomo~cor~ Jones sr. kindly placed their horse. and carria~c at the Bishop's dis­posal, wh1ch service, the Bishop appreciated. CoJUU&SPONDENT.

Page 3: 11UR - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2017-05-24 · VO'LUME LI. Prizes for Peat Samples. T~t Jo~n Buy T cr-Ccqtanary



JUST rnSUED. !Lt. Cldcf, D:. \7.T.£~)fcl'DIC!'U.S. Coa. cf &!::~ The \7~ Tndilloa ~~c!D;:d Ly Moden~ ScintiGcLc:dc:osr<APhr K..., tol.lt­e'abro of Sevm Centariel. Ceainl lahaaatiiD Pra:tiaJJJ ~~ 2700 P-ea. 6000 ll1astra1JDDS.

400,000 Wor4s anlt PhraseS.

GET THE BEST In Scholarohip, Conven­Ience. Authority, Udllty.

Fitewood, Oats, Hay, Feed, Harness, &c., .for

~··-··" -;wwperw~•-\ ~ ~r uu" c,, .. ,, ,_,.. ._ .. 1 !.-., .. ..; : f ....... u. ,.. ..,.. !.\ .... rd • • , , ~.,,. _,.,...,,

.;! coW ......... , ~ ..........., .. , :Z:nltN'/1 f•r- ell •

\THROAT ~ND LliNG I' DISfASt'\. i 1,~ II~ ... __.. ... ,..._ ~

...... "" J••· ~·!WI• ... --- ol~· ;. ~"),. : .... , ........ , - ., .,. ~

. ~ ............ , ... uu •• ,...,_. • ,.,.r, qt'*fUe .... ••-• .......... -.... '"' .....

Also, Provisions and •rn,.,. ... ~L•I~~u•;c • Verbena Flour always in

at bottom price THODS WA.Ui~

~ The Festival of Empire mittee ue desirous of • for exhibltioa purposes iu don-

Paiatiog• of New(oaadland eT1· .

Portrait. of Pablie. aya. Biatorlcal Picture.. Curi~ Rellca. Choice

Specimen a. All penon11 buiog tbe aame

poaeNloo, aad willing to loan ume. an: urJreotl,. requeated to tll1 the unde.-.lfned. EYer1 will be taken of exbibit11, and rebans. raa~nteeds

W. G. Gu.,...,u,~. ru24.61



Proclaimed King on Monday at the Capital Very Latge and Br1111ant Assemblage· Acclaim New Sovereign.


At noon on hlundn' em the area front _o( the Coloriial Iluildin~e the Crh, a ~re:tt croy,·d of r iti·

, c tiinatccl at tu,Ooo, .t 'SCm· to lake their pa:-t in the pro­

mat.i,th ceremonial. whcr~b1 r n~w mo~ar;:h wnlt furmally

proc:l:umrd Kt~Jrr.tor~rc the Fifth. ~quada from the dilfc rcut Lad:a' 'pdu, a detachment from the

Police Force, the members. of braacbes of the I .. cgaalaturc,

Judfl.:s, . the ~Itt uls rcpre-forcrgn <.ovcrr.mca:s in

, Hi Grace Arch­Howlcr •. Uishop Joucs aad

rcprcseotntivcs of the vari­urche , and numberless prominent in Church aud

were present in or ia froat the buildiar. Aa address and the proclama·

was first read by His Exc:el­~~n~• irt the I.egislati\'e Chamber

above. dipatories, aftu •••bic:h tho Chief Justice adWW.

tbe oatb of aJiqiaace to EzcellcaC}' tbe Qc)Yen~Gr ia Cowacil <;hambfor. His ...

llotlle:acy 'Wftat out ad haY• tile reaeral Madiaa&

fonratd ia order to Jae. bettet, read hiJ' aUdreta aa4

Proelaaaatioa to the utemblftl. •llotiiMIIda by which ia this the

aacieat Coloay of the a.. Exc:elleat'y the Right Boa. Robert BOnd, P. CouacillOl'. Jacla'ea here or the Supr:eae

His GI"'IICe tbe Arcbb1sllop. Lordahip Bishop Joaes.

Minister of Justice ucl cr m~mbcn of the Ex~uth·e, Pr .. -sidcnt of the Legislative

~OUJ2Cil, the Speaker of the House mbty, Lieutenant H. G.

:lS the senior Na,·at officer ewfoundland waters; Mar-Winter, President o£ the

•t:!~1rd of Trade, all "with one voice and consent of tongue · heart,'' published and

•p•rO\:Ial·lmE!d " that th~ High and Prince George Frederick Albert is now, by the

pl our late SOvereign. of -"~----- and Glorious mcmory,.})e.

only lawful and right· Lord, George Y., by the of George King of the Kingdom of :Great Bri·

and Ireland, and of the Brit· Dominions Beyond the Seas,

r of the Faith, Emperor India, Supreme Lord in aac r the Island of Newfoundland

its dependcncie:;, to whom do acknowledge all fnith and

at obedience with all heart.r humble affection, beseeching by whom Kiugs and Queens gn to bless the Royal Prince

V,_ with long aud happy l"e1gn over us. ••

the multitude Jed the strains of the Band, join­as one ma11 in sin~mg with

heart and ,·oice "God S:n•c the King," and in three mighty

•cl~PPr-'1. for our pew moa:trch, that the welkin of the City ring rarely has done since the

o£ history. children of the..,. different took place in this bigb

n. In the Prince of Wales the saUJe building that the

" Onrca. - 1.; KnmKRL&Y ROW

had filled on the oc­of the visit as Prince of of the new King, had as-

~..,~~:,11====::::;::=====;:===::::====-=:=c-::=~==========-=================:==== • ft--'"''·....1 Hi$ Excellency, His heads o( the other Elan.T&u".',

(Oppoelte Star of the Sea Ha.ll.) TelephODa 266. ~'1' ......... .,. IPDI

A Representative for lla,,.hrifii•'II:O• Grace.

This is tb~ time to sell stock. \Ve pay liberally and =oJ&j,=ent. Our

embrnccs a rar'e•.am" aucl choice lilt of r_1~~I &a!!!~.!,nllt':~f~~!'n ~th FBUIT and•ORN AL atock, Seed Potatoes,

Write for terms lUld catJIJQ~Pie·ll::;:cr~

STOHl a:

bishop of C:u~terburr and tbe Col. Secretary to :tttend-The end came at a quarter to.mldnirht peaceful and painless- Queen Alexandra llnd :1U members of Royal Fantily Present-~ndoa and Country learn the sad news with profound :tnd keep r(gret­The whole Empire and the \Vorld in mourning O\'Cr the death of the Peacemaker.

Chapel floor of St. Jame 'Chnpel, noting U1e age of his the Superintendents o£ Windsor CnsUe. Afterwards when The first official utterance m : .. "m''- now proceeded thither the permanent tomb has been pre- new King was marked by ...... _, ... 6.l:ul• he proclamation was for the pared it will be removed to Albert eloquence and made a time re~~lUid Chapel. King Edward s till lies pression. " My lords and that~o to be,. amongst the in the bed where he died clothed men," sail the King, " of the Throne in the only in night clothes, while his is too full for me to tnd b.)' thereupon joined hands are crossed on hi~ breast. t~ay in more than a few \inging th~~atioaalAn-Qu~a Alexandra visits the ch:I.Ul- It is my sorrowful duty to in three cheers for their bcr frcquentl.f1 appea~iog gre:ttly nounce to you the death of and his popular repre-wora and hred. Krng George dearl.f beloved father, the in the Island. and ..,Queen Mary spent most of tbe In th1s loss which has so -- -

King Edward's Obsequies. day with her. After church the fallen upon me anli the family again looked upon the body Empire 1 am comforted for a few minutes. An impres~ive feeling that I have the ~y Body w111 Lie in State in West­

miasterHali-Funeral probably on tho 20th May or the 18th­The Royal Mausoleum-King George's Firs t Official Speech.

incident this aftc.rnoon muslraled of my subjects, who will ... ,. .... " ,. H1·ghTens1•0 n Queen Alexandra's desire to show with me for th.s:ir beloved s..v,.•··• consideration for Brit1sh subjects eigu, whose happiness S light uua ..,..,.tmean• collapaa-of every class. General Booth in sharing and promoting Aoato.-.Uon obtained by ualn;DA. sent a messoge th:tt the Salvation I h:tvc lost not only a father's A.W.CHASt•s NERVE FOOD Army wished to show honor to but the :Ufectionate and iutim Tbl' .uw•f~ mrn and women are

Special to Evening Telegram Edward the Seventh by holding a relations of ;. dear friend and oliln of tbt b lutruar atrvoWI typo LoNDON, May 8. service before the Palace, and v~r. To endeavour to fol -keen aod act &-bot with too llttlo

The' tomb of Edward the VII. Queen Alexandra gave her per- hi\ footsteps and at the ruen·o foree. l will be ben'!ath the Memorial mission. Th%1i"" iron antes were to uphold the e.'Ccellcnt A little «'rt:a worry at1d xiet_y aod eo eo lllap roes tbo ntl'\'ous ·~t \Vtrlta Chapel at Wl'ndsor wher~ the body opcned~d 1 e band formed a cir- ment of the realms will be at~ll month• are otteo ,.quii"N before of his old~t son, the Duke of cle under the windows. The e:trncst object of my life. I entr;)' auJ ,·i,or ll.NI re~lacJ. Clarence, bu a sepulchre. The crowds around the Palace wPre dceplv sensible of th(' Rut bel.,., ao d~• frtth air at~d f 1 '11 "--bl ld · · · 1 · J • f 11 onrtlae. but thQ blood tr.Wil abo ~ unera w1 pro.... y be he on undtmtnlsbed to.day as wei as 1ty wh1ch has a en on m:ufll rieh Dad rro by use of Dr. A. w. May 20th. Before the funeral it at M:trlborough 1 House. • The knO"A' that I can rely u Cha~'• Ntl'l't Food. , hp.s practicall)'" been decided tbe streets to.night are filled with Parliament and upon the llr.'\\'m. Rr:tnton, Yittoria St., Strat.ll-bod)' of the J(rng will lie in ta.te people. The creping of the houses of these lsl:1nds and my roy, Oat .• wrlt!'s :-~y t~m·ous lystelll

in Westminster Bnll, under the will ~·n to.morrow. While beyond the Seas for their bel aeomrd alluo~troag. I couhlnot alerp, H f P 1. 'D-f K ' · · · llad no •Pt><'ti tt, • my di~t•·atloo wu ouse o ar 1amtot. · .uc: ore-be- rng rge was srgn1n(f the the discharge of these dubes poor and r haJ jfrlcinJt of' the limbs. iug taken to Westminster the body ' proclamation of his acccssron in their prayers that God will gran Dr. Chan'• Ne~ ~ brlrtd 10e aad will lie in state in the. Throne the presw.e of his Privy Council- ' s trength and guidance. I am en- 1 cootlnuN .¢111\blll lakl'o twenty· Room at Buckingham Palace. The lors, w-.rtame, in unt form and cour~l)ed bv the knowledge that I four boxts. Tbla ttl'otmcnt , ... mado Kin~r's casket will be' fasltiontd wenrina brill iant de(oration•, in h:1ve 1n m}' d•ar wife one a radie:tl tbaa1ro Ia my eondltlon, llolld· o ,., • ..., " laj:t up tbl' •'"•lt'lll and llro·nj:1heoin~t out of oak rro•.-n in the Royl\1 the Palace :1t St. James' Saturday will be n const:1nt hclpma t b" ol'l'l'tL" 'Dr. Cba•o'a Nl'rve "Fooc!, forest at Windsor. It wi116rst be afternoOn, a battery in the adjoin· e•ery endea\•our for our 00 ceata a box, oil Jrall'ra or EuiiWl· lowered to the vault beneat,b the · inr park was firiug 68 guns, de- good." aoa, Batoa & Co., Toronto.



Page 4: 11UR - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2017-05-24 · VO'LUME LI. Prizes for Peat Samples. T~t Jo~n Buy T cr-Ccqtanary

DQLLAR 1 1" • TO END 1910 T • ' • -v .. ...,.,.... ..,. .......... ,.. • ..., 4W ~~- -~~ ..,,...,._...,_..._...,........._,.. ...._,,_,_ I

Standard and Momtreal Farnl~y t-ler•ld ~ Weekly Wltneee $1.00 to end 1~10, with Three lar~ Colored Pictures ... p·THe two for $1.50 • year-. with T"ree larae Colored Picture&.·-<::: .. .



lmpo~en ol British, American, Canadian, FrCoch ~Geraiu

Dry,aeda, Pml,laas. 8~11. JarMn.Uithrware -IIXPORTU. OF-- .

Cadfl,_, Cod 011. CadiiYer 011, ial11aa. J•ITIIJ. Lo~,te..,. BRANCH ESTABLISHUSWI'S AT


B~ux, Webber's Harbor, Orleans and Hawk's Harbor.

FISHING OUTFITS Supplied at all the above Est.ablisbment.a HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of Produ~

... r -aaatbot @tate C:Z.tanlJatlJ ~ A Muoa would ptr•it. were also

.,., Jill( i1Iil seen b1 on~ or both or them, .um t i~cluding Arehbiahop Bowle1. ouc

-~~~~~·.B~I All.~~··- I ~o~~l ~i:~. T:~ .f!a:!:eE~~~ FRIDAY. MAY 13. 1910. aocl olbers. aad their heart1 aup-

-·--· I port o'Jt.alaed, Mr. W. A. Moon 1 had Jdm.elf Jr{ven t~ }Jaadsome

TJiB DEAD K:IRG I donation Of sroo. J. I!S. Ma ... tOO. _ • ' tbe Archbiahop and tbe reprneata-

The newa of the death of our late I tl.ee of the Clot~iag Fac~~ baYe K'~ Edward VJI came to lbe clti·l ai.IO ebowa tllear appreaabon b1 ~ ' bere aa well ae elaewbere ftae ~atrlbaatloaa. •tad what .1• en;n throagbo'lt the lalaad aad the Em· I mor' birbl' apptettlat411 ••JJ ra•e

ire -s larg~ .. a ccut abock. The I their motlll lllppolt t.o: tile .. O¥e· ~in duria au. abort relp of aioe meat. T1le be&cf'of Usc aeld Mid. .... ~ had ~adea~ Jalm.etr tQ bia Co. were ilea iatenletMCI, aad en· ,_ le aa a mao. aa w~l a• a wl .. • te~iaed tile plan with mach ea· ~t! aad the &rief over hia Jo .. bad tia•..a•m. They promlaed to do all aora'of a penonal aatare tbaa falls Ia tlleit p{))\'er to f.!uther the cele· to ttie lot Of muy crowMd beada to I bra.tion by fWII_!J~ang for reduud can forth at their layiar do,... tbelr 1 farea and 110 dOtibt bJ ~aadiOJ?le


Local Lit.irar7 LiOta of Half a CentqtJ Aa~The Keal and Mol••s Dlfpenaation - 'rhe 6Q Oelebradon.

'1'0 TIR IUJt'tOR STANDARD. D&Aa Sta.-

1 am lookiar aozioaaly for a re· port of

MR. IBORTJS'S LltC'l'UAIC (or leduree) on the Ba1. I feel aure Mr. S ia well up ia the hlatory or tb&t part of the Jalaad. beln~ a Da· tl" of Harbor Gra~ and I hue ao doubt a lo.tr of the old town. aa I am my,.tf in both inataaeea, Ia fact. my iatereet Ia tbeae lectur~• eeatrea in what be Aya of Harbor Grace. thourb Car~ett aad aome otber place ha•e a l:lrie ebare too.

Durior the lut anen year• or my ll•lnr in Harbor Gnce 'tll& t.tTUAJlY UD lfC!ta•TIJIC

COT&Rll of the towa coaaieted aaaial1 of airr, W. C. St. Joha, Mr. Arcblb&kl Maaa. Mr. Joba Irriag Roddlc:k. a ad aa oc· caaiODal mlniater or prleet wbo could epare time from p&rlah w9rk. B7

in Bay Roberta; bat 10011 we11t back to the Stata, .ettliac Ol'er a pariah ia weatera Jlew Yc.rlr. He publlab­cd a aoYel, eaUUed


wblch had a Jood raa at tbe tbilt, aad waa reptlaled forty years aftft· warda. It Ia aow oat of print, &ow· ~•er. •

Harbor Grace aDd Carbonur were GR&AT LOS&a8

in tbe early fiUiee. Su~b aabat.an· Ual familiea aa thoae of Mr. W. C. St. Joha, Mr. Edward PyDa, aod otbcra, of tbe former place: thoae of Mr. TbQmaa Neweller .• Mr. Simoa LeYI. Mr. Philip Tocque aad l4r. GeorJCC Rorke. aud other• of the lat· ler place, q!Jilting their aatl•e lud for a fomp shore, WSI a draiD OD lhoae commualtiee tbat Ia felt to thla day.

Now about tbe coasinr Guy Cele· bralion. Of course I eaaaot help belnr lotereeted ia tllat. M1 fatber waa


more than a ceatlltJ qo. aad caate to Harbor Grace,wtaea a JOllllC au



tN ...

NEWFOUNDI.:.AND. CroWD• aad their IIYCa. People hea I &()tltributio~· ~tberwlae. 'P!'-a ... aa ea.ewbere telt that nnt oaly wu torlq1 Sol:aetr of . St. Joha • ~ a their l'ooclsowerelp dead. remond I proper 1Uioll,tratandang of the aam• &om tbem, too. at a critical time la &ad objec~a of t~e ~arbor Grace tJae coaatitatloaal biatory of tbe 1 people, wall, there •• mr;oa to )(otllu Coaatr{ jD p&!licalar, bat • thlaJr, rl•• it tbell' mo~ eupport, felt also tha theJ bad loat oae j aDd there 1• lad~tioa that the thi• 1 do aot haply dletapect • w'bere be married aa4 tbat bealclu the attilcb•eat to the Capida <?ommittee wall do the ume. to the memory of the IIWIJ (ood of yeara. Be died in Calrbo:lla.r· Softnip that ia 10 dlatlaeti•• of I Tbe bulla~• aad otber l~dlnr mea and able men who:wert aapged in 1846. Britiah · poopte had drawa ford• I ol JIL lobo 1 -!11 alao~ • h~rt{ mercaatile work. aad whoae buai· II:Yea In my thue t'he rood• that dectioa aa a maD of. wansb 1 ~~ ta.o Ul" .:,'....;...,. .. !.rolhat a ... dutiea claimed moat of tbelr at· bore lbe bean aod broad eympatb1ea., o a.we ~u w.-)lf!-rH-r,- ...... teatioa. · Dlii'TOL BALL-JUJti Jcmd 1aia ~ ud wboee COGa~t ' OM of tiJe ~~,:r·r:rr: eUMK~ COII'l'RmUTED were coaaldefed the beat the market = ;t urr.: ;t:!'~:::; I ~ot:!t ~-uu.. ;:. t Hat· also to the lleleot &.. hi Mr. 'l'boa. Jifonlod ill tbelF liat- 4Dif Mr.

ll ·~ 1 with lllib bo Grace paper 011. tbe eelebratloll Newell. If., aad llr. Plslllp Tocqae. Oeorp l'onrard.'a abop In Carbo-plaeu, f ~~~~~of hia !.t&d and there ia lleU01l to bope ~t Mr. Tocqae. aa I knew blas at aear. waa the place to eet the biali· :-- 0 &Dd t 1 h _.... 0 • city will help aa to clo meet .first, waa aa oatport mactatrate ed Briatol dry pocJa. It waa part

ta.,!lreoa. d ~:::. owf aoaeymp~t.;; ~ .. ~fo: to nuy·1 achlnemeat. Tbia · am a local preacher. Be pabllabed of my ~perieace la tb~ years to ......... u , -. . ., . r- know tb11 aad ap-1-.e tt. ..U. blm Qpt.b&e of taklag a lOudly tluac •• too JJaJ' *- mat~er, aa we 'tHE FIRST NJ:WFOONDLAKD .U.liL\NAC. I wieh I could .;;~tb you to par· late,... Ia tlie dally tub iDd rec:re; ba~e of tea aa14, IPJ ~~abblea and Mr. St. John ma.kiag theaatr-.ni- ticipate and eajo . ·

Obituary-Kr. lames Foz. A natiYe or Harbor Grace a.od a

llf•Joac rwdeat paued awa, at 10 o'clock oo Taellday morniat: Jut at tbe age or 75 yeata1 in the person of Yr. Jamea J:o'ox. Mr. Fox hu beea lald'aaide from actiYe work for the put 1ear or eo. The Jut few 1eara of hia life of ~ctit"ity were •pent ia carriace l'lriYiog. jn which ca~clt1 be will be remember~d by m&D1 for bi1 carefulne11 and atten­tioa. Bie early manhood da1a wtre apeat at the fiaberiea. Though in feeble bealtb ror SOml: yeara he waa able to be about the place on Har· Ye)' Street of hie son Jamea. witts w&om be H•ed durinr hie laat days. On the Tueada1 before be died. be wae all around tbe field and prdea, at H biddin(r a laet farewell to"famlliar aceaea. That eveniag be waa taken with a 1tTolce that ap­peared to be aa attack of paralytia, aad from lbat time till hia death he did aot rally mucb, l>ut l~y atHI an'cl quiet till tbe ead came. • •

Mr. Fox wal a SOD of the late Patrick POz. wbo waa a n&tiYe or Belfast. aad IC&IIIe to tbia coaatry Ud IIUide B&rbort Grace hia home. J!e married here Ml.aa Bablaa Da•le. daacbter of die late Thomas Dula. U.. fatber of tbe late Captaia Natb. DaYia of Noad Street. Beeidea hia wife be~ aar•l•ed by bia foar 10aa, Geofl'e, at preaeat atatiooed at JIIAClsamptoa. New York State. lames, R&llilf, Harbor G"'QC l MatJr.. q\", 91 ~~lfe&l ; a"d lloaea. for· llljlflf~f Uii• oli~ bat aow a fore­$Q at tbe Wilkiaa Preaa. Boatoq. To aJI of whom the Stala«Jtrd ~ 4~1l'f:OJ~I•

Jllf f~ t~k pia~ OR,.... da7 ·1ut. udet tlse aadertakenblp of Jlr: A. :Roeera. Tlac c. B. &ocletJ of wlakla he waa oue of the oldeSt me .. ber. accompaaied hla remain• to tbelr reatlag place Ia tbe C. of &. cemeler)'.

KarJ Alice llartiD. Our rea~~ ffl~w Gllilea. Mr.

!a_. Maltla..llaa beea CaDcd oa to ~lou of a aeasber

of U7la tlie bJooas of womaa· HIS 1oaacat daach·

Aljce. paued awaf on Frilla1 JUt ill tile 21at year o bc:r age. Up to New Yeu'1 lay abe bid alwa1• ~joJ41fl pod bialtb. Oa Usat ~ay tbe waa taken dowD aacldeial7 witt. peritoaitia, aad after a llar4 battle wttb t.._t ctroa•ful atalady •accambed to ita rancea. 'rile fnawal took place oa Saaday laa.t:; and a n;ry larre coaco~ or clta&en• followed her re~aiae to tbeir la1t n:aliag pltce ia the C. of E. Cemeter7. Much 11mpatby goes oat to the aftlictecl f-miiJ·

Jlr. Edward Canon.

atiouof the commoa people. Alaa · ' baar-apllttlar. Mr, !1. YIIIJIJ ~p.~~d Rl calculation! Be left Newfound· . t. E. BtPPISL&Y. ou pod Klaa' ia dead. ad we aba1l ! Dr. S~pp. the e!IUI'Ctlc col'"lolll liucl for Ct,lt~ to!J publiahed oae Weat Medford. llua. JoDI l&IDaat bla loa ud ewer re•ere I at thaa ead of the ~ao. lal~ata~ yoJume, at oa• tbo ~t tltlo of fQqr ~en will jQia wit~ u• ia Jala IIICIIIOfJ· I ttaat they woaldcoatinue thtl :if l wbl,b) canno~ DOl( teQJI. lt waa rec;lprocatlag tbla Wilh, and will We reg-ret to record the death at •-·--._ ~,_ 1n .... .,_ ___ , ~lt~Otl~ela.:t~~rh= :d ,..! something like tbla. bowe,er: ·• The rerret to bear t.lat Mr. Hl~piale1 the age o£ 58 yean, of Mr. Edward -.u.,.. _ _. ...,....1111 Wlm1Uo 10 e •

1100 more Log-hat of No•a Scotla; ~e-(?) of ba:a aot . ea~ tery pod health CaraOa. carpenter. which took place

Allolldal dea tth from Loadoa I ::l -:Je~ btat a...ia JJWre New Braaawkk; ud .th. .. thia winter, aDa atiU feel& tbe•bad ~:.~~~tb~~~c~k.ThJi~Cir:!n~~ t Bia B:ICCel.:; umoaacea tllat ia aeceuary to carry out tlla 'I'U 'l'tt.TOF ~U!fDLUID. effect of aaa~f larrtppe he bad Ia failing bealth all tbl wiater. Be tbe ollda1 motarDiDC for the Klq pfOIUeme oa the ecale 10 blcbiJ WtieUKr &cOW A~ }t &tiU exiate ia Ia February.-bt'foa.] 'wu a fiDe tradeamao, and was well will be obeened till May 6th. 19lf. aeafrable. Aoother meetiq of tbe some great Ubrar1 ia· a q~e.~ioo 1 JJ. OfE Qt.' TB.\NVS, liked b1 all that knew him. He took aad pabllc 8ldatalD&' till a date aot Geaeral eo-ltt.ea ia ~et for to- caaao£ aolwe. ~ r '' \teeu iotereet ia Seld aporta,and wu ,et bed. Bla Bzcilleaq al10 aD· ai~ht at 8 o'dock. All tla" i• DO' .,r. ~ae afterward• became a TQ TBB t:iZ:~.umuo. '"" one of our beet cricketere. Mr. aoaacn'tbatFrida1DUt. tlaadaJ of ceuary to make the tblq a~ •la'-w tiJe )1roteatant B:pieco- pear Sir,- .Canon waa a eoa or the late Mr. tbe Kiac'a faaeral wW b8 obaened aac:ceaa. iacladlag tbe J'otiadiir of pal Cia 1 ...- ~~ fQ JloeSon; Uleat~ aji01f "'~ ·~ In your !lDd ldra. George Carson. Mr. aa a day of moGrabac'lp the CoiODJ. the Gay Gaaera1 Boepital, la net'• wbere J o a met bhQ, · valuable paper to expreaa my ein· Willia:n Carson ar .. of lhla town, and

rotk ttOrk Oil the part of the tra1t1 lA 1849 50, I tbha1r, tbero waa cere thuka to Dr. J. J. Smith of Mr. George Careoo or Boa ton. are ~WBD QUDlf · Exeaatha , aad tbe General Com· great Biehop'a Faile fdt the kind aad brothere. He leuea, be1idea the.e,

OO'B """"" • • mlttee. aad ~· ~tlaaed aad e&~- · DtSTR••• •ltD SOl'l't:IUNG t . hi~ 1 three aone, Jamea. Lorenzo and tended ~t ot tU 'rleada of . - ,. moa reneroue maoaer an w .. u 1 hD d d ht J . 11 We J'oia in the deep aympathJ N___.oua at lao'---!..~ _.__.... on the NOrth Shore of Coaceftioo waa treated by htm in my recent ac- 0 • an oae aug er. euae, a e1 __ .. .... """'' ----~l o- ..• .-a th f i1 th "d t t B' h • "'""ll AI th li•inor at home. We unite with hi• that sa beiDa' f t, ._. uae pr.,er. ud we baYe e•et1 eoaldeaee all 197· ca~ b1 e ~ ue 0 e ca eo a aa op 1 "" •· 10 e many• friends in re.,.,.ot at bl1

that are belDI' offered. for gaeen wlll do thelr part. Thl• will be a c0d6alaery a a tiJ•~ ~~a aad th~ Albert E. Reed Co. for the kind ••· • · AJexasula. the 1JGatifll1,1o'flag ~Dd be war tO dO bODI)r to the oCcufOil g'tGeral apread _Of the I po~to r~t. · Dit~JI[:C lhe7 (af~ ffie jq fll7 fC:Cel\t 1!-~--IC.----------.. faithflll eoaaort of oar late K.lPf• aad to commemorate \he comiag to The governmeat faetiluted re lef acaadeat, -both tbe beloftd of tbe Natld'D. the Throoe of ooc aew Kiar. atationa ~loq the ahor~. and It Thankinr 1eu for tpace, Mr. CUPIDS ITEMS.

· waa at tbta time that cora meal wae Editor, I am dear air. youra etc. TBB OW ][IKQ, BRIGUS ·BIUBPI. lirat iatroduced ioto.tbe ielaad. • AMOS MnTIN. Yiu~Beaale Greene, accompaaied

'1'1118 coamu.u. Harbor Grace. May 11, 1910. by her ~rother Eraeat leftfor the U. Our -• KIM eater. upoa the Tbe atattlia.,. ~ewa which waa k' d h 1 s. A T __ .. -her th ·11 - d • wu or a ,_.,~rae aa • w o e- FRO ... CARBO.n:o a,, . oa u.,...ay, .. e ey w1

datiea of hia en ted atatloD. bowe made knowallere oa S&}urday mora· som~. but nof ... ••ta1tle to ._,nle w. u DAD remain for some time. doWil aa baa beell the lot of moet of Ia~ of the death ol 011r Scnereiga. a-- t ~""}?. ou raleta Ia recent tlmea. with Kfn'g Edward vn, waa. ruall'ed wbo kaew nothing oJ ta aoana 1nr Qa Sat!J.td•t IAOralqr it waa with r.{r. l 1 A. "Butt ot Harbor Grace Krlef oYet the IOaJ of OM dear to with mac:h 10rrow and rept. A• qualities, aDd wbo ha4 AJt ooly Cor great aurprite aad prolound reiret wae Ia our town on Sunday. Jiim: iaaplred by tbe enmple of .OOa aa lt becaise kao•a. tlie bell• u aecompaaimeat-butter, aaprl that tbi• commuaity beard or the Mra. Edward Butler and ber that beloftd fatheraad the example of the nrioaa chllrclaea tolled, ud aad uea molaaaea beinr unprocur- death off»ur well beloYed Soyerelp. daughter Emmie, feaYea for Van­of bf\ ~t and~ ~thother, Saga were balf -maat in all part• of -able. [a eonaeqaeace tb4re waa KiDC JWward VII .. io unupected eounr, B. C.. by Thurlda1'• U·

Vl .. toria; Sut&IAed bT the tha town, ehowia5 that the people diuffectioa among the people a.nd waa the iatelU.,...nee that oae coald ~rea1, where they will mue their .. f h ~- incipient riot. ' "~ uture home. ~ wiahea aad prayera o of Bripa ebare ia t e U&Oep KarcelY. realize that such was the

th 1111dreda of ml11loaa of bla recret. which was &Dallifeated Some writer Ia a ~t. John'a paper, cue. Profound solemni~ reigned. Min Elfrida LeDrew wflo had dnotecl faltbfulaubjecta throughout all oyer the Brltlah ~mpire, oa the taigniag himsel£ "Prudene." wrote Aa sooa aa it w;u know a here, ftap beea apeading the wipter month a in the World. aad of aamberl~other. d-·" of a de.-oted moaucb, who ecathlog articlea 00 the reYolt.of the wen: flyizlor at half maet on ev'""' St. John'• retumed home on Satl\r·

11 W - • ... northeboremea at the ratioa• of • -J that wleh him aad Britala • e was so mttci\ belo•ed b1 hia ••- 1 " .,,t. ~ Archibald ewp. aad on ~1 public buildiaga. day. i• Newfoaadlaacl jaia with theae or jecta. io all part. of hie domi~a. ~rnmea ,n .. -. ... r. Edward the Peacemaker, u be wu SoPJe of tbc achooaere leit for St. rather form a patt of theae tbat Oa'Suaday t:heCharchea weredrap- MUDD ra•etbi••ritar il food ~Dd qn.iy~,.Uy called, i• deacl. bqt llit John's Oil Wedneaday to puchaae with heart aad wice a«laim him,!_• ed io.. moarniag, aad aoltable re· KERI'r~ DRUtiBUIG dead• ab.all life. We join in •.1m~· their eummer'a 1uppliea for the ou{ moat Graclou So•er~p fereace. were made to the lire of in a uUrical poem, publlahed In U.e thy with hia Qaeea, aad the Brltieh rock bound Labrador. Pria~ hoping that be will ~- .Otlr Sowereiga, by *be reapectiwe Harbor Grace Bet<ald. On temper· Empire. Ael<laf Edward pledaad The atork vieited thia vicinity oa daed with aU lfhdom aad atrenrth Cl~ea. • ance. too, Mr. Mona made the himself to follow an the atepa o£ni1 Moadayleavlng a lillie girl to Mre. well aad loqgto reip oYer 111. Mr. w. Il!dgar o! St. John'a ar- "onter eide" wince qaile oftea. well belo'l'ed aad illaatrioue mother, Arch. Normaa and a boWldnr boy

· riud by Saturday·• traia, •nd apent M&. JtODDICK Victoria the Good, may we all hope to Mrt. Albert LeDrew. Jleetinl Genera16111 Commltt.ee. a few da1• ben aa pellt of Mr. a.a4 a reJati~f the gifted bat e«eatric ud praJ that our aew Kine. who . CoRJtUPOND&NT.

Mn. .Joho SIDiLJa. Edward ning. and a frie11d of tbe eater. apoa hie relp at a moetcrit· Cupid1, Mayl'lth, ~~~(). The Gaeral Colllalttee ftad t. llr.. Joaep~ Roberta of George famoQJ m.- Car.Jle.~~dom, if leal time will follow-In hla father'a '

aseetlllg laat Wedae.daf· Tbe at· Tow a. baa remoted bia hoa.e and eYer wroU> for tbe Herald, tbollgll Cook tepa. Long: Jiye ~g qeorge V· .,.. One of our young 1neo. Mr. teudaace was aot aa larjt aa deair· ia erecting it up by Bea•er Pood. bia eritlaam• ma4e themaell'ea fel~. 'Ph~ 1\iJlr. ·• Qawara~" arri'td oa Amoa Marin, 10n of Mr. Francia able bat at thia eeaaon maayare Mr. and Mra. Saowdea •eat to ( :r 8unda1 morolng from Trinity Bay, Martin. met with aa accident at empiofbcl at tbelr lrfOillld aad at St. Jobn'a b1 Monday morning'• YOUNG )lit, ll'l'. JOBX c. a. with a cargo of wood for Meure. J. Biehop'a Fal)e on May 3rd. Be other work. Tbe Chief reaaoa of tnilil. Mra. Snowden i1 to atteocl did some •erae·making at thia time, & J. Maddock. had been two da1e at work and baa the eommittee being called waa to the Coavention th~. as :r. ~epre· leading man1 o£ ble first produe- The achr. •· Orioa," arrived on charge of one or the honea and '"ag· cbooae aab-commltteea. b"t,Oil mo- Matatheol fb.e.. w6mto'e AulUti;&r1 tiOGa to a St. John'e paJ?Cr, anon1· TueldaJ morning from BonaYiata go111 eagaged ia dumping clay ror tloa the eetedioa was left to the of thla plaa. moualJ. wltile coatributa other• Ba1, wtthaeargooftimbecforWm. le•elliagpQrpoaea. aehad hie right ExKati•e. aabjeet to coufirmatloa Mr. Tbomu Gn\bue le(t b1 S'!ll· to the Herald colamae. Duff & Sou Limited. bud OD the ehart wbeo the borao

On Every B~y and Coast. . f --

Pl&centia Bay- Two tr,i~ each week Trinity Bay-Four trips each week Bonavista Bay-Two trips each week Notre Dame Bay .... Two ~ps each week Bay of Islands~ ~attle Harbor- Weekly trips Placentia to Port-ttU-Baaques- Weekly trips

making ran connection ~t terminal points. .. '1 ~

S. ~. RUCE ort-au.x-BaPques and North

between N ewtoundland

MayfiPver~i1k Ia IUD~ allf. I1W&D~ by The •!rih OoD4ezP! Jib Co'y. Ltd., WhOle

)ll'Od1lata are '"e4 JW U1e Oanadtu Gov· emma's ~ to ~ the P1ll'8d in the world. !Ida al8o m&llDiacmrea

Ore am.

I N order to eacoarage th derelC!f~"eat of Agriculture and to introduce the maaufactare of 1 rfe4 ~.t fuel ia this Colony, the Newfound·

lud ~aalt1l~ Board poae bplding an Ezhibition in Sl John's dariag lbe mODtb of Octo nezt.' at which will be uhibited Ag-Tieultur-al aad Borti~ultural pr cle of •ll kinde, wool and all articlu made therefrom ud umples of -dried Peat fuel. The Bo:~.rd invitee the co-o_peration or the Agricullu I SOcictiea to be formed in the variou1 locali­tJea and the public genera ln carryjng out theee objects.

A Section or Room in the J·~Jtbibition Building will be set np.ut {or Exhibit• hom each Electortl Dialrict and at the cloee o{ the Exhibition aU artlclea e.abibited will pureba~ b1 the Board. •

DOI•aaaou•1:-a (.$3000) li.aa been set aside for .the

distributed aa nut...,h:~- breed of Poultr1, which will be

of each kiad of produce. a display of IDil·dried Put feature at the eJtbibition.­

ezhibited and the umplee at a fair nluation.

~.Y the Soard. <:niuu·.,.._- exhibita.

Full particulars of the date on which the Exbibilion wiU be held, prize liata, etc., will be publitbed at as ur11 a date aa pouible.

al.S.Si FRANK H. I..L'\'.11\-~,

Stcrelary Njld. Agricultural Soaety.

- Mr. Raymond Downing, late ot l)o"!V· nlng Streel hal remo•ed Into tbe dwell· logboUSOOYer Mr.Jobo O.~ooo'atbop.


About one alxlh or alllhe-waale ma~ ter dllcbarged from the •boman body P .. " ou~ tbrongb the poreaoftheeldu. If the alr.ln Ia to be kept beaollfol the pores m11n bt llopt in bealthtol eo::dl· Uoo by bathing and by oae or Dr. Ohue'a OLDtment whlob overcomet all cballng and lnll.atloo or tho akin and curee plm· plea, eropLiooe and the many forma o ~&ema.

-Mr. Edward Parao&a (of Jacob) hal ~n Gaselled aa au'addltlonal member of I be Bay ltobert.t. Road Board.

Ah!'fAJlD'I LlllUICllT eo., LunTCD. OllAR Sau,-Your MINARD'S t.r'l>l·

?dEiST Ia our remedy for tore throat, oolda and all ordJoary allmeolll.

n never fall1,:to rellove and "uro promptly. CBA.RLE WHOOTJ!~. Por~ MulJT&ve.

- Amcngat tho oaueu~:eu on Tu~...lay laatfrom St. John'• forJho tno&borCtlUO· tr In the l:I.S. Mon~ollan w~re:-llon. n1Mori10D Atn. .. pd M lP4 ~lorl.on,llnu. Jamet~ nw'd, 1\fra.ll. D. Cuter, ~on. W. R. Warren, A. J. Harvey, J. W. \\ lthera, Mr .. Pllol, 0. ''" C • .Uruce and llaatOT Bruce.

.\ :lclleate ()C!made Ia the beat form or ha.lrdreolng. BEARillBit lhaund more 11 malr:ea the hair grow. 60c.lljar.

- At the laat meeting-or tbe Board of Nomi.ncl:~tuce. silr places were re·nnmed, including .Moaquito. Con­ception Bay (one of ei.Jr Moaquitos in the Island) which ia henceforth • to bt known 31 Briatol'a Hope. Tbe­Chllirmau, Ria Grace the Arch· biebop, J:ommented moat severely oa the atricturea to which the Board, a body of men acting without pay in the public iatereat b3d been eub­jected {or the alteraUoua it bad made in the namea of localities. Be called for greater support on the­part of the public and aaid iC at­tacks continued be would rcli~­Aa to the attitude or the Press ,.,.lth reapect to tbe Board's ilecisiooa. we regret tp see tha t His Grace con­sider• such as cold or ant..-g-onietic. We certainly do not feel so towards the Board or its dc:cisiona. nor do we think any nternber oC the Fourth l~fltate docs. It is not of courae:to be expected th:at every cluaage of u:une shoul.d receive universal ap-proval, even though auc~. be • most commendable, )Hrf we !~ thl! Bo:~.rd both deaervea and bae tbe appronl of moat intelligent people.

-Tht! MI~NWard have taken abeCot­t.t.go oa Ylolorla Slrt'el,tooth of Mra. N­FIU:gorald'a, the properayof ~ril. l:leory Oouo.

bl.:,.e Qelleral Committee. Ia the da1'1 trala for Q11ebec. where lu: JIJ·, About thitAi e came to Bay Tbe brif.. "Beatrice" Capt. Tboe. atarted forward ca~aiog the waggon a ce Of the Secretarw, Vr/ B. H. tend• ..AiD"' on a ateamer, aad ex- Robert• &1J i pal clerum:1n Fitxtrtral , Ailed on Wedlleldayaf· tn tin ba"k, oruahing ""'rt of tli• ., ... "'"' • a1 the. eel • l ,.. .. " ,... 1 - Mr. Toblu Lahey and hlaalater1 M,... .Arcblba'ld. the Chalrmaa Pf"~. a ~ta to be away se~er . mon _.. . nam aoa•Jl'l' or • • AwE,..•· ~ruooq for Sydaer, tp load eo- fof haad prdty badl1· The litt

1 e Smith have removed Ia to the dwelling

A~AlliiiiO WOXI!:- ANO CUIL9R&:i"WliO freqamUy feel ehUiy, are pale aDd ex· balllted, will derive grea~ benelh from lbo 11.10 nf ,l,'to;RROVU11 lbe lnYIQoraUng 14nlc:, whlob eonalala of rroo In • rorm they CIJ1 .. lmllale1 fretb lean beef and pnro Sherry Wloe. Notbtog could be betl4r lhan lhlaoomblnelloneatreogth· giving ageo,. In auall eaaea. •LOO .J>Or boll! e.

ftfbal ~port of the miwoa o ... r. The roAdl are beang 1mproYcu 10 .. - w~ thiapart. · Sorer wae cruehed almost to a puP houte and abop Ju•t out of the Poel.lil Arclalbald to st. John'.. Tbla wae eeveral placea. wblcb with otbet im· Mr. Lowell was a aoa of Rt;Y. l>r. Last Wedqoaday week. bia Lord· aad hialert leg received a cut. The Telegraph omce. CODiidered blghlJ aa~ful aad pr<Ko~enta, make• the towa f<>k Charles Lowell or lhe Weat Church.· ship Blahop Joaea l&rriYed here, aad fln~T had t.o be amputated b}' Dr. •D.wl8' MC_ll_Tl!_OL-8-AL_V_C •• a bandy, elicited much apjiiOftL Baa Excel· we~ ace. \ (Unit.ariiD). Boa ton. a ad brother o£ I admialatered the Rite of Con6rma· Smath, who put him uader cloroforrn ~tcaaant and enicaclou• bon .. hold rem· leacy rec:ei•ed the deputatloa moat Mr. aad Mra. A.rch Rabbita o£ Jamee Ruuel Lowell, Beaton'• aad Lion to 36 pel'loaa. ia the preaence aad pcrformtd the operat ion. a'!d Ody for Loaoc~ and m01~ulto bltaa and l'fllcloualy aad after a pretty ex- Seart'a Content haYe been cpeadldg America'• fa moue poet, aaliriat and 1 of a IUJte congreg:r.tioa. Tbe Bieh· drened tbe h;md. The Albert Re1dd aUoga, •kla dlaeaaea, pi ea. etc. Try 11. &aaaUYe chacauioa of tbe mat~r a few days in our tow a, ~· gnuta of diplomat. op left for Heart'• Con lent the ume Co., paid hie panage hof!!e· an !!:ic:. per Uo, tbe deleptioa felt aaaured that ~a• Mr. aad Mra. Job a Rabb1~ The ~'· R. T. Lowell ailed to afterDOOD, aad from thence he pro- gaye him proviaaonl for t.be ~oume7. -Bon. R. Walaon Ia antlog ?remldr In EJKelleacy will use hill powerful ID· . New1 was rec~~bae ~eek of comt to Harbor lira~ op bia poay ceeded to Trinity. A aote of lhankl to Jbe eomp:LDy the abten041 of the Premier and the Don. ftaeaee la fuor of celebratloa. a~~d• the death of Mr. ~~· wha'b took e!erJ• tea daya or so, a~ bi~bjpg Wey. 'f. :ft. Darb~ B . .\ .• ~nt! a and tile doctor appe;tf eleewbere. D. Morlton, both of whom aro abtent that there ie arreat ground• for be· place at St. John'a ew daya •(0· baa mount to • etaple In ~ a.lle1 · Ia a tern ablbitioa ia tbe Metb~et - A Conoen waa held at Job'• eo,•o, B. ~t': :1:! gg~~~7, ~hf~.:'~~=-~:~~~~ Jimq that the aual demooalra· Mr. M .. her waa formerly dranaat eaat of Hall 00 Tburlday eveainr Jut, to a deV on tbe!!:!ndof A~rlt.ooder lbeaoa· !:!ague Trlbunil. tioa we are couat~J ot twill or ~i• plrceth I t b • 'l'R aToll& auor. larp audience. iome iateroatiag ~~f;:~.U!e ,:;lr:~~~c;!tclup~~::~: Dna ~to uro_-l'f-tT-,-.... -b-oe-v-er trltu~ to ann aa100pt other at.tra '"e ea area me 0 e P an ert ar; uby would do hi a errand• and hie •l•lt· 1 •ctnee were elurly ebown aad por· The proceed• wo~nt to tho bulicllog fond )"Oil a aubtU~olo 11 dol ott 10 for the pro.ftt of tile ~mme be carrie;son ~retting- their veasel ready or t e 1. 11.,, aad tb~ untie hie na.,. and ride tra1ed. Proceed• in a.id of the Par· of tho now hall tor tho club now buUd·1 and not for your g!XXI. " O.<tL.'' Meotliol

Y aD "lm-iYe acale. A• of Labrador 6ebery ; bat up to the • - • F d Plaalora forallao- e•A have mao• lm

tlie n:p;;.eatatite men of th lt1 pr.:aent very few or U1em have thelr bome again. I do aot think be bad sonage un · ID!r· Uatora. Beware of Ui;;1ubltltote.~ \le~ '" the •erJ 1\asi~ time at the com· cro!'Ya. . _ an1 acquaintaacea in Hr. Grace. I CouESPONO"&NT. v;.,w~•s LiD1JnBI1 Cllres IJisDIIIP, ~~~P·:.,~~e, made by Davt• & Lawrence ID&IL4 ol Mr. Archibald aac1 Mr. W. M.J] 12. 1910. Mr. Lowell dld•aot at.ay nry long Carbo,aear, Ma112~. 1910 · aullll ,.u ,

·• (

' -t~llo£ INCRKAI.IL-The Cottom• re­venue for th& Jlall ten ~nlh1 ameun~ to two hund{ed lhoo.un dollara more than lbe corresponding n mo"lhJI of 100'1. A aurplua, aaya llle C"ronlclel.llf $~ Ia upeoted for the )"Oar end n~;, June30th. C

-t~KR!illtrl:\"(1 ~'ALilADl.}l Rlti'ORT:-J . R. Bennett, Jll.H. A.;ln tho eoa,..o ota trip to tbe neighboring eonlloent at ah t~ requeet of ab\1 Premier vlahtd ~d r l'" ported opon lbe lnaano &nd Poor Aay· lum1 In Ne1111• 'ork and lllontreal.

-Coplea ot the STAI'DARD for laH er ~ lila• E. hea'uhop, Rlverhi!JICI. Order,o may~ leh there alao for aul»crlpalont.

