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12th march seminar 4

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The challenge of dealing The challenge of dealing with “new” human rights with “new” human rights at school at school Prof.ssa Cinzia Zuccarini Docente di Lingua Inglese IIS “Da Vinci-De Giorgio” - Lanciano Istituto Tecnico tecnologico
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The challenge of dealing The challenge of dealing with “new” human rights with “new” human rights

at schoolat schoolProf.ssa Cinzia Zuccarini

Docente di Lingua Inglese IIS “Da Vinci-De Giorgio” - Lanciano

Istituto Tecnico tecnologico

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Cross-curricular goals:-Raising awareness among teenagers;-Improving and promoting knowledge about human rights also through scientific education.

Classi coinvolte: 3B INF, 4 ELF, 5 MEC A

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Common framework: The Eight key competences for lifelong learning (Recommendation 2006/962/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning [Official Journal L 394 of 30.12.2006]);Competenze chiave di cittadinanza (Decreto Ministeriale n.139 del 22/08/07- Allegato2) e in particolare: “Individuare collegamenti e relazioni” ed “Acquisire ed interpretare l’informazione”.

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Riferimenti epistemologici:

« The predominance of a fragmented learning divided up into disciplines often makes us unable to connect parts ad wholes; it should be replaced by learning that can grasp subjects within their context, their complex, their totality…we should develop the natural aptitude of the human mind to place all information within a context and an entity. We should teach methods of grasping mutual relations and reciprocal influences between parts and the whole in a complex world. »

Edgar Morin

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“ “ La conoscenza superiore vede La conoscenza superiore vede tutto come se fosse uno. La tutto come se fosse uno. La conoscenza inferiore la sgretola in conoscenza inferiore la sgretola in frammenti” (Zhuangzi). frammenti” (Zhuangzi).

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Esempio di percorso interdisciplinare

ICT and human rights, ICT as a human right

Classi: 3 B INF e 4 ELF (INF+EL)

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Contenuti e discipline coinvolte:English: Access to ICT as a new human right, The global and local digital divide; Tim Berners Lee. ONG e Associazioni che si battono per la diffusione di Internet e l’accessibilità alla rete. Italiano e Storia: Storia dei diritti, dalla Magna Charta alla Rivoluzione Americana, alla Déclaration des droigts de l’homme et du citoyen alla Dichiarazione Universale dei diritti umani del 1948.Informatica: tecnologie DNS. Formazione, diritto allo studio e MOOC.Telecomunicazioni: Privacy e censura in rete. Limiti e opportunità.(docenti coinvolti: C. Zuccarini, M. A. Antonelli, C. Rossi, P. Cortese, F. Di Sante)

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Brainstorming:Brainstorming:What are Human rights?What are Human rights?What is the digital divide?What is the digital divide?Should we include access to ICT among the Should we include access to ICT among the basic human rights?basic human rights?

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Is access to ICT a human right? The students’ Is access to ICT a human right? The students’ voice - alunni della 4ELF voice - alunni della 4ELF

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Without urgent action, the international community will be 22 years late in fulfilling its pledge to bring affordable internet access to the world’s poorest countries, denying hundreds of millions of people access to online education, health services and a political voice. The UN’s 193 member states agreed to “strive to provide universal and affordable access to the internet in least developed countries by 2020”. But according to a study by the Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), progress on meeting the internet access goal is so slow that, on current trends, the world’s least developed countries will not achieve it until 2042. The reports defines universal access as at least 90% internet penetration.At the moment, more than 4 billion people – 56% of the global population, mostly women – are not using the internet. A4ai.org

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“I believe that the future of the web is under threat from some governments that may abuse their powers, some businesses that may try to undermine the open market, and from criminal activity. In recent years we have seen a steady increase in censorship of the web by governments

around the world.”

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The local digital divide: a survey The local digital divide: a survey among ITIS students.among ITIS students.

Circa il 20% degli studenti non è soddisfatto della propria connessione ad internet.Il 70% accede via smartphone. Solo il 14,7% usa Internet per servizi informativi. Il 64% degli studenti ritiene di avere una buona competenza tecnologica

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Esempio di percorso interdisciplinare 2:

The right to a clean world classe V MEC A

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Contenuti e discipline coinvolte: Inglese: Pollution. Environmental issues: Global warming, the greenhouse effect, the hole in the ozone layer. The 3Rs. The (petrol or diesel) 4 stroke engine vs fuel-cell cars, hybrid cars, electric cars. Meccanica, meccatronica ed energia, Sistemi e automazione: fonti di energia. La gestione dell’energia.Disegno e progettazione: il ciclo produttivo e le norme sul rispetto ambientale. ISO 14000 e sue implicazioni.Italiano e storia: effetti storico-antropologici del capitalismo industriale. (docenti: Cinzia Zuccarini, Rosamaria Di Loreto, Giulio Verratti, Mauro Piccioni, Fioretti Francesco)

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Edgar Morin: “ Humanity is no longer a notion without roots, it is rooted in a “Homeland,” the Earth, and the Earth is an endangered Homeland. Humanity is no longer an abstract notion, it is a vital reality because now, for the first time, it is threatened with death. Humanity is no longer just an ideal notion, it has become a community of fate and only the conscience of that community can lead it to a community of life”.

Seven complex lessons for the future of education cit. ( chapter 7, ethics for the Human genre, Teaching earth citizenship).

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L’educazione ambientale, intesa come approccio sistemico e trasversale fra le discipline e non come disciplina a sé, deve avere la capacità di promuovere:

sapere ambientale, inteso come conoscenze sui sistemi ambientali e le relazioni tra le componenti;

consapevolezza ambientale, recepita come processo di sensibilizzazione;

competenza ambientale, desunta quale capacità di gestire e progettare delle soluzioni rispetto alle emergenze individuate; ed infine,

cittadinanza ambientale, definita come partecipazione attiva dei ragazzi e delle famiglie all’attuazione delle soluzioni possibili attraverso un cambiamento delle abitudini di vita.

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Environmental awareness: a Environmental awareness: a survey among ITIS students survey among ITIS students

Sei soddisfatto del livello di informazione sulle tematiche ambientali che ricevi a scuola?

Sei interessato alle tematiche relative all’ambiente e all’inquinamento?

Circa l’84%degli studenti è interessato alle tematiche relative all’ambiente.

Il 30,4% degli studenti non ritiene di ricevere abbastanza informazioni dalle attività scolastiche

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Studenti della V A Studenti della V A Mec: sondaggio Mec: sondaggio sull’inquinamentosull’inquinamento

Alunni: Fabio Salerno, Lorenzo Di Tommaso, Roberto Marcucci. Cameraman: Rossano Franceschini

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Thank you! Thank you!
