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13 Bibliography
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    Some personal data about the respondent is vital for the research analysis. This

    information will be kept confidential and solely used for academic purpose. Kindly

    provide factual information for precision of results.

    Personal Data

    Name :

    Gender : M F (Circle the appropriate one)

    Age : (Please put a at the relevant box after the option)

    Upto 20 21 30 31-40 41-50 51-60 above 60


    Back ground : SSC Inter Graduate P.G M Phil Doctorate

    Marital Status : Married Unmarried

    Profession : (Please put a at the relevant box) Govt. Home Self

    Employee Student Maker Employed Professional

    Information for the topic:

    1. How do you rate a company whose products dont make any environmental claims

    (Please put a after the option in the relevant box)

    Very Good Good Average Bad Very Bad

    2. How often do you pay for a product of a company that claims of being made as an

    eco-friendly one against the routine made products? (Please put a after the

    option in the relevant box)

    Always Very often Often Rarely Never

  • 3. How much extra money (in percentage) are you willing to pay on a product for its

    eco-friendly attributes? (Circle the appropriate option)

    A. Upto 10% B.11% - 20% C.21% - 30%

    D. 31% - 40% E. 41% - 50% F.Above 50%

    4. How often does/did a retailer influence you to buy a product on the basis of eco-

    friendly aspects (Please put a at the relevant box)

    Always Very often Often Rarely Never

    5. Among your family members which age group influences you mostly for buying


    Age groups between (Please put a at the relevant box)

    15 - 29 30 49 50 64 65 & 65+

    6. What is your priority for buying a product among the below options? (Assuming

    1st rank to your maximum priority, 2

    nd - a little less priority & ..6

    thbeing least

    priority to you) ( Pls Turn Over)

    Attributes Your Ranking

    Company Image




    Eco-friendly claims


  • 7. According to you where among the following options do you feel companies can

    make efforts to increase eco-friendly products in the market?

    (Circle the appropriate option)

    D. In Products total manufacturing process

    E. In create awareness about such products benefits.

    F. In the products ingredients and packaging alone.

    1) A & B 2) A & C 3) All three Options 4) Others (specify) ____________

    8. At what level are you aware about the below environmental issues/ activities

    (Circle the digit you feel is apt on the 4 point scale)

    a. Reusable container


    Most Aware Aware Less Aware Not Aware

    b. Biodegradable Packaging


    Most Aware Aware Less Aware Not Aware

    c. Environmental Labeling


    Most Aware Aware Less Aware Not Aware

    d. CFCs (Chloro Flouro Carbons)


    Most Aware Aware Less Aware Not Aware

    e. Energy conservation


    Most Aware Aware Less Aware Not Aware

    f. Recycled paper


    Most Aware Aware Less Aware Not Aware

  • g. Energy efficient bulbs


    Most Aware Aware Less Aware Not Aware

    h. Aerosol Containers


    Most Aware Aware Less Aware Not Aware

    i. Companies (names) using eco-friendly technology


    Most Aware Aware Less Aware Not Aware

    9. Do you feel that there is a need for a change in the Consumer attitudes about

    preferring eco-friendly products? ( Yes / No ) ____________

    10. What average percentage of change in attitude levels you think is required more

    for consumers to insist on buying eco-friendly products? ( Put a at the relevant


    a) 10 -15% b)16- 30% c) 31 45%

    d) 46 60% e) 61 75% f) 76% +

    11. What is the involvement level of government on a rating scale of 5 about taking

    responsibility of promoting the make of eco-friendly products to companies? (

    Circle the number along the line you feel appropriate )


    No Maximum

    Involvement Involvement



    Data from a retailer is vital for the analysis of research. This information will be kept

    confidential and solely used for academic purpose. Kindly provide factual information for

    precision of results.

    1. Name of the Store/ Shop ___________________

    2. Address --------------------------------


    3. Which among the following does your store/shop come under

    (Please put a at the relevant box)

    Kirana Departmental Super Hyper

    Stores Stores market market

    4. How often do you trade with a companys (supplier) that claims of making an

    eco-friendly product against the routine made products? ( Please put a at the

    relevant box )

    Always Very often Often Rarely Never

    5. How do you rate a customer who insists for an environment friendly product

    versus one who goes for normal products? (Please put a at the relevant box)

    Very Good Good Average Bad Very Bad

    6. How many customers who visit your store/shop in a day insist on eco-friendly

    products on an average. (Put a after the relevant option.)

    0-10% 10-20% 21-30% 31-40%

    41-50% 50% +

  • 7. Rank preference towards eco-friendly products between Women customers and

    Men Customers

    ( Circle the digit you feel is apt on the 5 point scale )

    Men Customers


    Always prefer Mostly prefer Not Particular Rarely Prefer Never Prefer

    Women Customers


    Always prefer Mostly prefer Not Particular Rarely Prefer Never Prefer

    8. On what basis do you rank a company (supplier) from the below criteria to

    associate with your business(in order of preference 1 being highest rank and 6

    being lowest. 1 highest priority for you, 2 next on rank , 3.., 4, 6 ranked

    as least priority for you )

    Attributes Your Ranking

    9. Inducing a consumer to buy a product because it is made in the lines of eco-

    friendly aspects. (Put a at the relevant box.)

    I Very strongly agree I strongly agree I agree a little Im not sure

    I disagree a little I strongly disagree I Very strongly disagree

    Relation ship

    Percentage of trade


    Ingredients of the


    Product can be Recycled

    Eco-friendly packaging

    Distance (in Km)

  • 10. As a responsible sales person what measures among the following do you suggest

    for companies to improve promoting products that are eco friendly

    G. Increase Credit sales on such products between channel members i.e.,


    (Manufactures wholesaler retailer)

    H. To elaborately explain the dangers of using products whose ingredients are

    harmful to the environment.

    I. To elaborately explain the dangers of using products those have

    environmentally harmful packing material.

    J. To promote about the environmental issues in general to the public

    specifically showing the advantages of using eco friendly products.

    1) Single option between (A, B, C, D) ____________

    2) Any combinations in twos and threes e.g( A,B), (A,C,D) _______________

    3) All the four_____________

    4) Others (specify) ____________

    11. What is the marketing communication that you suggest to increase the sale of

    Eco-Friendly products?

    (Circle the appropriate option)

    a. distributing pamphlets

    b. advertising in local papers

    c. Creating specific shelves to Eco-Friendly products

    d. Others ________________________

    12. Do you make specific marketing communication about promoting the sale of Eco-

    Friendly products? ( Yes / No )

    Always Very often Often Rarely Never

  • 13. How do you influence/ induce consumer to accept products at higher prices for

    Eco-friendly products when he actually comes to your store for purchase of

    products? (Circle the appropriate option)

    a. Show them the benefits of using eco-friendly products:

    b. Support wisdom in taking eco-friendly products

    c. Appraise the social responsibility of companies that are making eco-

    friendly products

    d. Others ___________________________________________________________

    14. Do you feel that there is a need for a change in the Consumer attitudes about

    preferring eco-friendly products? ( Yes / No ) ____________

    15. What is the average percentage of change in attitude levels you think is required

    more for consumers to insist on buying eco-friendly products? (Put a after the

    relevant option)

    a) 0 -15% b)16- 30% c)31 45% d)46 60%

    e) 61 75% f) 76% +

    16. What is the involvement level of government on a rating scale of 5 about taking

    responsibility of promoting the make of eco friendly products to companies?

    (Circle the number along the line you feel appropriate )


    No Maximum

    Involvement Involvement

