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13th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26,...

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1 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26, 2016 Non Territorial Parish 4435 E Paerson Road Dayton, OH 45430-1033 Phone: (937) 429-0510 web site: www.qac-ohio.org Pastor: Rev. Tom Schroer, S.M. Pastoral Associate: Deacon Greg Cecere Liturgies are Interpreted for our deaf community members NOTE: Nursery Service available each Sunday in the vestibule! Contact Maggie Atkinson at [email protected] A Member of the Marianist Family We share this bread and cup.... ....and we proclaim our willingness to build a community of love, and to be the holy people God calls us to be. (QAC Vision Statement)


13th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26, 2016

Non Territorial Parish 4435 E Patterson Road

Dayton, OH 45430-1033 Phone: (937) 429-0510

web site: www.qac-ohio.org

Pastor: Rev. Tom Schroer, S.M. Pastoral Associate: Deacon Greg Cecere

Liturgies are Interpreted for our deaf community members

NOTE: Nursery Service available each Sunday in the vestibule! Contact Maggie Atkinson at [email protected]

A Member of the Marianist Family

We share this bread and cup.... ....and we proclaim our willingness to build a community of love, and to be the holy people God calls us to be.

(QAC Vision Statement)


From a Marianist Community of student brothers open to visitors for Sunday Eucharist, Queen of Apostles Community emerged as a non-territorial parish on August 28, 1973.

Continuing in the tradition of the Marianist Charism, we come together each week as a family of Catholic, Christian believers, to worship our God in the Eucharist with song &

praise and to share in the breaking of the Bread. In so doing, we proclaim our willingness to build a community of love and to be the holy people God calls us to be.

If you are visiting and worshipping with us for the first time, we extend to you our warmest welcome. Our prayer is that your worship experience will be uplifting and Spirit filled.

We hope you will visit us often and worship with us!

(If you’d like more information about us or would like to join our Community, please fill out the form on the back cover and drop it in the collection basket!)

NOTE: If the form on the back is missing, email [email protected] with your name, phone number, address and we’ll contact you about joining us.

Marianist Doxology May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places

through the Immaculate Virgin Mary.


“THE SPIRIT” & SUNDAY HOMILIES ON LINE: Visit our QAC website at qac-ohio.org. On the main page, you’ll find ‘The Spirit of QAC’ under ‘Our Community.’ ‘Homilies’ are listed under ‘Sunday Bulletin.’


13th Sunday in Ordinary Time: “For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters. But do not use this freedom as an opportunity for the flesh; rather serve one another through love.” (Galatians 5:13). We like to celebrate the fact that we are free to “live the good life.” But Jesus calls us to a different kind of freedom. St. Paul reminds us that Jesus sets us free so that we can serve one another, share our gifts and promote God’s work here on earth to glorify His name and not honor ourselves.

QAC Operating Income Report Note: Operating Income includes regular collection, rental, and interest income.

Income Expenses Difference April 2016 $ 12,449 $ 18,051 ($ 5,701) Year to Date $175,970 $181,150 ($ 5,180)

Our fiscal year is July 1st to June 30th. Thank you for your generosity!

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (June 19th): 160


13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Presider......................................... Fr. Bill Thomas Assisting ........................................ Deacon Greg Cecere Liturgy Planner .............................. Liturgy Committee Music Director ............................... Teesie Chandler Interpreter for the Deaf.................. Brenda Brunette

1 Kings 19:16b, 19-21: The call of a prophet often involves a direct encounter between human and divine. Sometimes the encounter involves a heavenly vision; at other times the prophet may hear the voice of God. For Elisha, the call to prophetic activity involves a period of apprenticeship under the tutelage of Elijah. Elijah, guided by God, chooses Elisha to assume the prophetic mantle. Elisha’s task is to respond in trust.

Galatians 5:1, 13-18: Freedom is not simply the absence of law but the opportunity to act uprightly, to go beyond the letter of the law and truly love oneself and others. Real freedom is not freedom from responsibility but freedom for the responsibility of Christian life. The Spirit provides the Christian with the moral guidance necessary to live in a way that is truly free.

Luke 9:51-62: When James and John want to call down fire from heaven, Jesus rebukes them. Jesus corrects his disciples; one cannot be a follower of Jesus and resort to violence. Jesus makes it clear that nothing is more important than following him. He tells them that ministry is an active life of proclaiming God’s reign. The call to discipleship is a demanding one.

Ministers Taking Eucharist to Those Not With Us

Presider: Let us send these ministers to those who could not be with us.

Response: Receive the Body of Christ for the nourishment of those who are not here with us. Assure our friends of our prayers and blessings throughout the week.

Music: (Service Music - Mass of Plenty (MOP))

Gathering ............................. Jerusalem, My Destiny .......................................... Gather 390 Penitential Rite .................... Spoken Gloria ................................... Sung (Manibusan) ............................................. Bulletin, Pg 4 1st Reading ......................... 1 Kings 19:16b, 19-21 ........................................ Chris Heider Responsorial ....................... Keep Me Safe, O God (Psalm 16) .......................... Gather 23 2nd Reading ........................ Galatians 5:1, 13-18 ........................................... Luisa Watts Gospel Acclamation ............ Sung (MOP) ...................................................... Bulletin, Pg 4 Gospel ................................. Luke 9:18-24 Profession of Faith .............. Spoken (Affirmation) Universal Prayer...................”Holy One, help us to live with the faith of Jesus” ............ Linda Folmar Sign of Peace ...................... Sung (MOP) ...................................................... Bulletin, Pg 4 Preparation of the Table ...... Jesus the Lord ....................................................... Gather 418 Holy, Holy ............................ Sung (MOP) ...................................................... Bulletin, Pg 4 Memorial Acclamation ......... Sung (MOP) ...................................................... Bulletin, Pg 4 Doxology/AMEN .................. Sung (MOP) ...................................................... Bulletin, Pg 4 Lord’s Prayer ....................... Sung (Mass for Life of the World) Lamb of God ........................ Sung (MOP) ...................................................... Bulletin, Pg 4 Communion ......................... The Love of the Lord ............................................. Gather 702 Meditation ............................ NONE Sending Forth ...................... We Will Drink the Cup ........................................... Gather 709


Glory to God Most High (Manibusan)

Refrain: Glory! Glory to God! Glory, in the Highest! Glory! Glory to God! Glory to God Most High!

Verse 1: O God, Holy One, almighty God and Father, we worship you, we give you thanks, we praise you for your glory!

Verse 2: O Lord Jesus Christ, Holy One. Redeemer, Lord God, Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world.

Verse 3: You alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, You alone are the most High God, with the Spirit in the glory of God!


Mass of Plenty

Gospel: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Speak Lord, your servant is listening; you have the words of everlasting life. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Holy: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts, Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest. Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest.

Memorial Acclamation: We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection Until you come again, until you come again.

Doxology/Amen: Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen. Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen.

Lamb of God: Agnus Dei, Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, mi-se-re-re nobis.

Agnus Dei, Bread of Life, you take away the sins of the world, mi-se-re-re nobis.

Agnus Dei, Cup of Joy, you take away the sins of the world, mi-se-re-re nobis.

Agnus Dei, Prince of Peace, you take away the sins of the world, mi-se-re-re nobis.

Agnus Dei, Risen Christ, you take away the sins of the world, mi-se-re-re nobis.

Agnus Dei, Lamb of God, you take away the sins, you take away the sins of the

world, dona nobis pacem.


CELL PHONES: With respect for the liturgy, please silence all cell phones before Mass begins.

EUCHARISTIC TEAM #4: Lisa Measures (Captain), Jackie Andrews, Dan Berridge, Yvonne Carranza, Michele Petrie, Toby Petrie, Marie Restivo, Anita Smith, Brad Smith, Kristina Stieger, Cathie Stokes, Roger Stallkamp.

EUCHARISTIC BREAD BAKERS: Chris Sitko (Jun 26th). If you'd like to make the Eucharistic Bread or for info, call Ruby Bauer, 426-7260. Recipes furnished.

PETER’s PENCE COLLECTION - JUNE 26th!: This is an opportunity to stand in solidarity with Catholics worldwide to support the charitable works of Pope Francis. Our donations will support the Holy Father as he reaches out to those suffering the effects of war and violence, natural disasters, and religious persecution. There is a box in the vestibule for your donations. Please make checks payable to QAC with “Peter’s Pence” on the memo line.

DONUT & BAGLE SUNDAY TODAY: Please join us for some fellowship after Mass today - come to Si Lounge for some donuts & bagels, coffee, tea, juice and some stimulating conversations with some old or new friends. Hope to see you there!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER: Jesus tells us in today’s gospel not to look back but to plow ahead focusing on him as he leads us. We must set “our hand to the plow” of a Christian and family life. What does this mean in our practical, everyday life? What changes would we see? Practice one change this week.

IGNATION SPIRITUALITY PROJECT: Linda Pitzer has an ongoing ministry collecting items for this project which gives retreats for the homeless and those in recovery. They are in need of personal items (shampoo, shower gel, deodorant, toothbrushes & toothpaste and other toiletries for men and women). Also need packs of tissues and art supplies (markers, crayons, pencils, etc.). There is a bin in the vestibule for donations with a list of items needed attached. Each person attending the retreat receives a "goody bag" with personal items to take home. If you just pick up a couple of things now and then, it would be great. I found a good selection at the Dollar Store. Your help is appreciated. Thank you so much for your generous response.

Birthdays (Jun 26th-July 5th)

June 26th - NONE LISTED 27th - NONE LISTED 28th - NONE LISTED 29th - NONE LISTED 30th - Robert Breining, Ashley Rose July 1st - NONE LISTED 2nd - NONE LISTED 3rd - Linda Johnson, Margo Metzmaier 4th - NONE LISTED


June 6th - Brenda & Mike Brunette 11th - Phillis & Bob Hamilton Linda & Ron Versic 16th - Marilyn & Dan Nagle 19th - Kelly & Stephen Cox 20th - Deacon Greg (29 years) Margie & Tom Hudnell 25th - Margie & Tom Cummins



ANOINTING OF THE SICK - JULY 3rd!: We will celebrate the Sacrament of the Sick during Mass, Sunday, Jul 3rd. The anointing, as we have experienced it for years, will take place after the homily for those who have a significant illness, are facing surgery or are weakened by old age.

ST. VINCENT DONATIONS: Bring any useable clothing to the chapel vestibule any Sunday or drop off in marked cabinets in the hallway near the Teen Room outside Si Lounge. July request: pillow cases and wash cloths for showers. Contact Margie/Tom Hudnell, [email protected], or 429-0320.

INDEPENDENCE DAY & STEWARDSHIP. The 4th of July is a time where we honor our history, celebrate our freedom, and yes, eat barbecue and watch fireworks explode in the sky. However, as much as we enjoy this time and this great country, have you thought about what “In God We Trust” means. The 4th verse on the Star Spangled Banner, which we never hear include the lyrics: “O thus …. Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!.....And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust.'” One of the cornerstones of good stewardship is trust in God. We are able to be good stewards and give to God first because we believe that God will take care of us. We know that God has a plan for each of us and it is better than our own plan. The thing we must understand is that, not only is God trusting us, God is entrusting us. God is entrusting something infinitely precious to us; God is giving us something to take care of, something to make the most of, and that is the Good News.

We in QAC were founded on building a community of love and to be the holy people God calls us to be. That call is living up to a sacred trust from God. So as you celebrate Independence day, take some time to thank God for trusting in you. (Kevin Skinner).

FREE AND NEARLY FREE (Chuck Bauer): Sunday, July 3rd, Dayton Riverscape, 1:00-10:00 PM, Festival & Fireworks Wednesday, July 6th, Fraze, 7:00PM, Air Force Band of Flight ‘Systems Go and

Wright Brass’ Thursday July 7th and 21st, Dayton Riverscape, 7:30PM Big Band Night. Centerville Stubbs Park and Beavercreek Lofino Park. Every Sunday, 7:00 PM. Springfield Arts Festival, Every weekend thru Jul 10th. Generally starting on

Wednesday evening. Check the board or the table for a flier. New Carlisle Smith Park, Sunday, 6:30 PM - June 26th, Corky's Old Time R&R; July

10th, Kate Hastings Band.

LOOKING FOR CLANING CREW FOR Si LOUNGE: We have two dates set aside to clean a number of areas in Si Lounge: Jul 2nd and Jul 23rd. July 2nd, we’ll concentrate on the Family Room and back hallway: washing windows

and doors, vacuuming furniture, Ironing and rehanging the curtains, and moping hallway floor. Two ironing boards and irons will be furnished to do the curtains but one more board and iron would be welcomed. Distilled water for the irons and cleaning supplies for washing windows will also be provided. (Hope to be done by Noon on this date).

July 23rd, we’ll focus on the Kitchen, Community Room and Restrooms. Cleaning supplies will be provided but bring your own rubber gloves. Please note, on this date, there is a special Morning Prayer service for the ‘Feast of St Mary of Magdala’ at 10:00am in the vestibule of the chapel. All are welcome to take a break and head to the chapel for this service.


We’ll provide pizza and sodas for lunch, or bring your own sack lunch if you don’t care for pizza. “Many hands make light the work” so we’re counting on your help. Please respond to [email protected] or call 937-429-9224 to sign up. Thank you!

CONSOLING CIRCLE ON THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE: The QAC Ministry of Consoling is hosting this circle, Sunday, Jul 10th, Si Lounge Family Room, 2:00-4:00 PM. Everyone, who would like to participate in their memory of a loved one who has died is welcome. You do NOT need to be a member of QAC to take advantage of this opportunity. However, we do need you to make reservations, so we know how many people for room set up and handouts. You do not need any experience in participating in circles....our trained facilitators will guide everyone through the process. Please e-mail Steve Guilfoos, [email protected] if you plan on participating.

2016 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL (CMA): The CMA offers us the opportunity to live as disciples of Christ by supporting ministries serving people throughout our archdiocese. Please join us and all the other parishes in the archdiocese as we all work together to support the CMA. As of June 21st, our community has pledged $5340.00 towards our goal of $9064.00. For more information and to pledge securely online, please visit CatholicAppeal.info. There are also donation envelopes in the vestibule.

2016 ‘BRAD MILLER BIRDIE BUSTERS’ GOLF OUTING: The Southwestern Ohio Hemophilia Foundation will host the 2016 Brad Miller Birdie Buster Golf Outing, Thursday, Aug 18th, Beavercreek Golf Club (1:00 PM shotgun start). Brad, the son of Richard & Mary Miller, members of QAC family, had hemophilia and passed away in October 2008 and this annual fundraiser was renamed in his memory. Sponsorships: individual golfer $100, team $400, tee sign $200. We would also appreciate donations of items that can be used in the silent auction or for prizes; restaurant or service gift cards, event tickets, sports memorabilia, autographed items, and any other items of value. Contact Richard, [email protected], 937-294-4289 (H) or 937-608-4142 (C) or Amy, SWOHF office, 937-298-8000 for more details or visit www.swohiohemophilia.org. Thank you!

* * * OUTSIDE THE COMMUNITY * * * CATCH THE BUILDING SPIRIT - SPRING 2016: We have completed our Annual Blitz Week and our 24th Year as a Coalition building houses for the needy is well underway. We danced around the rain and persevered the heat to build the shell, add windows and doors to secure the home. Alvin, Felicia and their four children were all there at various times during Blitz week. They are hard workers. We could see the excitement of becoming homeowners build as each stud and truss were added. There have already been several hundred hours provided by volunteers. We will now take the rest of the summer to complete the build, both inside and out. Please join us at 6860 Shadow Brook Drive, Trotwood, OH. To see photos or volunteer or donate, visit our website at www.CatchtheBuildingSpirit.org.

30TH ANNUAL BIBLE INSTITUTE: Xavier University Campus, Cincinnati, Jul 22nd–29th. “Let Us Be Instructed in God’s Word” is the theme for 2016 Presentation Ministries’ Bible Institute, Cincinnati. There are 20 daytime seminars, daily Mass, plus evening healing services and weekend general sessions of various lengths. A Teen/Youth Track will be held Friday, Jul 29th. Invite a friend! Cost is a free will donation. It is a one-of-a-kind conference that offers a variety of events to make you a powerful disciple of Christ. To register visit our


website at www.presentationministries.com and click on “Bible Institute” or call us at (513)922-0923. Deadline for registration for housing and meals must is Jul 3rd.

PROJECT RACHEL: A post-abortion Healing Ministry in the Catholic Church Project Rachel, the Catholic Church’s ministry to those who have been involved in abortion, is a diocesan-based network of specially trained priests, religious, counselors, and laypersons who provide a team response of care for those suffering in the aftermath of abortion. In addition to referring for Sacramental Reconciliation, the ministry provides an integrated network of services, including pastoral counseling, peer to peer ministry, spiritual direction, and referrals to mental health professionals. Please call us if you want to start to heal: Helpline, (513) 784-0531 or the National Helpline 1-888-456-Hope.

DEEPEN YOUR FAITH - Lay Tuition Scholarship for 2016-17 Academic Year: The Athenaeum announces a 50% lay tuition scholarship as part of our One Faith, One Hope, One Love Campaign commitment. The Lay Pastoral Ministry Program will meet in Dayton at the Pilarczyk Center in 2016-17, and move to Sacred Heart of Jesus in McCartyville in 2017-18. You may begin the program in Dayton and finish in McCartyville with significant tuition savings. Graduate programs in Theology, Pastoral Ministry and Biblical Studies are available at the main campus in Cincinnati. All programs are designed for busy adults with an outstanding faculty, supportive staff and flexible components. There will never be a better time to come and see how lay Catholic studies through the Athenaeum transform your life. For information about Dayton classes, call Deacon Hal Belcher, (419) 305-5486. For Cincinnati options, call Dr. Susan McGurgan, (513) 231-1200 or visit our web site at www.growinwisdom.org.

VIRTUAL LEARNING COMMUNITY FOR FAITH FORMATION: The VLCFF courses on Marianist Studies are great ways to meet Lay and Religious Marianists from around the continent and the world. During these 5-week courses you can interact with and learn from others about our Marianist History, Charism, and Spirituality. The next cycle is Jul 10th-Aug 13th. Registration open until Jul 6th. Courses include: Marianist Studies: Mary, Holy Possibility - Encounter Mary as our gift from God. Mary will become our teacher, a woman of challenge, and our companion on our journey as we continue to grow in holiness. Marianist Studies: Community - Enhance your ability to form community in the Marianist spirit as you learn about the roots, expression, and unique characteristics of Marianist communities. Contact Patti Gehred at NACMS, (937) 429-2521, if you have any questions or to register.

SERVE ABROAD WITH MARYKNOLL LAY MISSIONERS: Do you feel called to be present with the voiceless and vulnerable in our world? Are you ready to serve on the margins from the foundation of your faith and be transformed? Maryknoll Lay Missioners offers US Catholics the opportunity to serve in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Time is running out to apply for the 2016 Class of Maryknoll Lay Missioners! Applications for the Fall 2016 Class will be accepted through Mid-Summer 2016. Visit MKLM.ORG or call 914-236-3489 for more information.

CJ EAGLE SUMMER CAMPS: During the summer, both elementary and high school students from the greater Dayton area come to Chaminade Julienne to learn and have fun during the Eagle Summer Camps. The 2016 summer camp line-up features academic camps including two STEMM camps and new this year, performing arts camp, along with athletic camps including boys and girls soccer, football, and lacrosse. It’s a great way for


kids to stay involved in activities they love or to try something new. Camp instructors are members of the CJ community and CJ students are assistants at several of the camps. A full listing of all CJ Eagle Summer Camps and registration information can be found on cjeagles.org.

MARONITE PATRIARCH TO ADDRESS CONFERENCE ON RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION: West meets East, July 1st, “One Church of Mercy,” a half-day program to learn about the rich history and traditions of our Eastern Rite Catholic brothers and sisters, and also about the religious persecution they and other faith communities face in the Middle East and elsewhere. Program features presentations from the Patriarch of the Maronite Catholic Church, His Beatitude Mar Béechara Peter Cardinal Raï, and the Maronite Catholic Bishop of the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles, His Excellency A. Elias Zaidan. This prayer and educational event is open to the public. Educators are especially encouraged to attend. Cost of the event is $10, payable by cash, check, or credit card. Visit www.catholiccincinnati.org/event/one-church-of-mercy-2/. His Beatitude Cardinal Raï, Bishop Zaidan, and Archbishop Schnurr will also take part in a Divine Liturgy at 6:00 p.m., St. Anthony of Padua Maronite Catholic Church, Cincinnati. If you would like to attend, please RSVP at www.staparish.org.

UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON: Life of Mary in Image and Word - art from the Marian Library’s Collection...now thru Jul 23rd, Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Marian Library Gallery, 7th floor of Roesch Library. Free and open to the public. Special arrangements, 937-229-4214.

WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKENDS: Your are invited to make a Marriage Encounter weekend. It helps struggling marriages and enriches good ones. It connects you to other couples who realize the value of a strong marriage and the importance of it to have a healthy culture. Please consider blessing your marriage by setting aside time for each other. Dates for 2016: Jul 29th-31st, Eastgate Holiday Inn, Cincinnati; Sep 30th-Oct 2nd, Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, Norwood, OH; Nov 4th-6th, Spiritual Center of Maria Stein, Maria Stein. Contact: Dave & Jan Stockelman for reservations, [email protected], (513) 251-1940, or 1-800-547-1251 code 00. Tom & Ginny Segbers for questions, (513) 919-7383, [email protected].

FAVORITE QUOTE: "Each of you knows that the foundation of our faith is charity. Without it, our religion would crumble. We will never be truly Catholic unless we conform our entire lives to the two commandments that are the essence of the Catholic faith: to love the Lord, our God, with all our strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves." ~ Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

DOUBLE POSITIVES A linguistics professor was lecturing to his class one day. "In English," he said, "A double negative forms a positive. "In some languages, though, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. "However, there is no language wherein a double positive can form a negative."

A voice from the back of the room piped up, "Yeah, right."



BAPTISMS: Planning on having your baby baptized during Mass? Contact Linda Folmar (439-2630), Liturgy Planning Coordinator. If after Mass, contact Deacon Greg (429-0510). Either MUST be accomplished AT LEAST 2 MONTHS before the baptism date. You must also attend a Baptism class (call Deacon Greg)... you don’t have to wait until your child is born to attend! If no reservations made one week prior, class is canceled.

Classes for 2016: Jul 17th Aug 21st Sep 18th Oct 16th Nov 20th Dec 18th

NOTE: NO BAPTISMS during Lent or during Mass in Advent (before or after Mass in Advent is still your option)!

*** *** *** *** ***

MARIANIST L.I.F.E. (LIVING IN FAITH EXPERIENCE) NOTE: Snacks/Social 6:30-7:00 PM; Meeting/Prayer 7:00-9:15 PM, Si Lounge

(unless otherwise noted)

Jun 26th - TBD

Jul 3rd - No Meeting Happy Independence Day!

Jul 10th - TBD

Jul 17th - St. Laurence College Visiting

Jul 24th - No meeting, resting from LIFE Week

Jul 29th - Lock-In...8:00 PM, Friday to 8:00 AM, Saturday Morning Jul 31st - No Meeting Aug 7th - Welcome picnic!! 6:00-9:00 PM. Aug 14th - TBD Aug 21st - TBD Aug 28th - TBD Sep 4th - TBD

Welcome to L.I.F.E.!

Looking for a place where you can come, be yourself and feel connected with others and with God? Then look no further. Join us Sunday evenings, 6:30-7:00 PM, when we have social and snack time, and then from 7:00-9:15 PM, for our youth planned and implemented meetings. In Marianist L.I.F.E. we build a community, we share, we grow, we support one another on our faith journeys. Call Maggie Atkinson (258-3702), [email protected] for more info. Or better yet see what other L.I.F.E.rs have to say about it! Open to all 9th-12th graders!

NEXT WEEK: Presider: Fr. Tom Schroer, S.M.

YEAR C - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 66:10-14c; Galatians 6:14-18; Luke 10:1-12, 17-20

Visit: http://www.usccb.org/nab/


Choose to follow Jesus wherever he goes. To say “yes” without hesitation requires great trust. The reign of God needs servants to trust. (Luke 9:51-62)

Please pray for vocations to the lay ministries, priesthood, diaconate, dedicated religious life and dedicated single life.


QAC INFORMATION PLEASE … .. Pastor/Priest Coordinator: Fr. Tom Schroer, S.M., [email protected] .. Pastoral Associate/Secretary: Deacon Greg Cecere (Office: 429-0510). Office Hours: Tues & Thurs (3:00-7:00 PM), Wed/Fri/Sat (8:00 AM-Noon) .. Adult Faith Enrichment (AFE): Kelly Bohrer, [email protected] .. Altar Server Coordinator: Sharon Herbert (256-6417) [email protected] .. Baptism Coordinator: Deacon Greg Cecere, [email protected] .. Communications Coordinator: Mary Rice (426-1941), [email protected] .. Community Coordinator: Ken Moran, [email protected] .. Community Ministry: Terri Blanken (374-0696), [email protected] .. Crossroads: Maggie Atkinson, (429-0510), [email protected] .. Fellowship: Donut & Bagel Sunday - VACANT .. Hospitality: Marti Quakenbush (429-9224), [email protected] .. Director of Music: Teesie Chandler (305-7996), [email protected] .. Eucharistic Bread Baker Coordinator: Ruby Bauer (426-7260) .. Eucharistic Minister Coordinators: Amie Herbert, [email protected] and Lisa Measures, [email protected] .. Finance Coordinator: Tom McCrate (848-7712), [email protected] .. Futures Committee: Bob Brookey, [email protected] .. Interpreter Coordinator for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing: Michelle Petrie, (409-2992), [email protected] .. L.I.F.E. Group: Maggie Atkinson, (429-0510), [email protected] .. Liturgy Coordinators: Linda Folmar, (439-2630), [email protected] ; Bob Buescher, (294-7746), [email protected] .. Membership: Marilyn Nagle, (298-8908), [email protected]; Joan Ivory (689-8259), [email protected], information/applications. .. Ministry of Consoling Coordinator: Steve Guilfoos, (429-4512), [email protected] .. QAC Office Phone & FAX: (429-0510/429-0881), Email: [email protected] .. QA Seniors: Ruby & Chuck Bauer (426-7260), [email protected] .. RE Coordinator: Maggie Atkinson, (429-0510), [email protected], Office Hours: Sun (7:30 AM-10:30 PM); Tues (8:00 AM-4:00 PM) .. RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Joan Ivory (689-8259), [email protected] .. Social Justice Coordinators: Chris Sitko (429-4173); Jack/Nimfa Simpson (372-2883) .. Spiritual Care Team: Carol Bourne (673-4144); Janie Brewer (768-6120); Bob Buescher (286-9774); Mary Hallinan (231-3107 .. SPIRIT Newsletter: Chris Penick & Steve Nordmeyer, [email protected] .. Stewardship Committee: Kevin Skinner, (427-4507) .. Youth Ministry Coordinator: Maggie Atkinson, (429-0510), [email protected] .. Web Master: Bill Perry (429-5807), [email protected] .. Weddings, Funerals, etc.: Deacon Greg Cecere (429-0510), [email protected]

SERVERS / GREETERS SCHEDULE Month Servers Greeters Jun 26th Isabella Greet & Sierra Groff Pat Hale & Tim Connair Jul 3rd Amie Herbert & Sharon Herbert Marie Restivo & Pat Weissgarber 10th Jeanne Holcomb & Claire Holcomb Gina & Glenn Greet 17th Marti & Tom Quakenbush Dan & Marilyn Nagle 24th Drew Nanda & Jonathan Bohrer Pat Hale & Tim Connair 31st Joan Ivory & Mike Herbert Carol & Bob Volk Aug



IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT QAC OR WANT TO JOIN OUR COMMUNITY, please give us your name, phone number and email address and we will contact you.

Name: Address: Phone: Email:

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

ANNOUNCEMENTS - to be placed in Bulletin for the following:



ANNOUNCEMENT: Please run in Bulletin for these dates: You may email your announcement to Deacon Greg at [email protected]

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

SI LOUNGE RESERVATION: Please reserve Si Lounge for the following:

Program/Date(s) Required:

Room(s) Needed/Times:

Contact Person/Phone Number:

Or call in your reservation to the QAC Office at 429-0510. If you have any questions, please call Deacon Greg on Tue/Thu, 3:30-7:30 PM, Wed/Fri or Sat, 8:00 AM-Noon at the QAC Office, 429-0510.
