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14 Days to Create Lasting Change in Your Life

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14 DAYS TO CREATING LASTING CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE! Written by: Soul success Coach, Best Selling Author, media host & millionaire mindset mentor, Cari Murphy


    Written by:

    Soul success Coach,

    Best Selling Author,

    media host &

    millionaire mindset mentor,

    Cari Murphy


    Your life is created with or without your awareness, conscious effort or

    intentions. Wouldnt it be nice to create your life on purpose? You can! You can

    begin today! Embrace the requests of your SOUL! You have one of the most life-

    changing opportunities available to you right now! For the next 14 days you will

    be re-training your mind to let go of old beliefs and perceptions that have kept you

    in a limiting state of fear and disharmony and distress! All of these lessons are

    intended to open your heart, acknowledge your spirit, embrace forgiveness of

    yourself and others, and remind you that UNITY and HARMONY can be felt

    anywhere and with anyone when compassion and love is extended freely and peace

    is your primary goal.

    There will be 14 daily messages within this E-Course. It is suggested that

    you concentrate on each lesson for a minimum of five minutes each morning as

    you begin your day and 5 minutes each evening before going to sleep. I encourage

    you not to skip ahead. Take the time and focus on one message per day. It would

    be beneficial to write each daily lesson down on a card or a piece of paper and

    keep it with you throughout your day. Glance at it as often as possible and allow

    the message to fully and completely blend with your consciousness. Allow the

    concepts to build upon one another and fill you with a new sense of purpose and

    passion for living your life fully!

  • Be patient and gentle with yourself during this process. Remind yourself

    that it is only your own thoughts that have the power to hurt you, therefore you can

    replace the thoughts that bring you pain and distress by choosing to focus only on

    that which brings you peace and joy.

    You are so much more powerful than you realize. You contain the greatest

    treasure imaginable within you. It is a truly astonishing gift that youve been

    given. The miraculous power of your mind coupled with your commitment to

    creating your life experience on purpose, can lead you on the most thrilling,

    delightful, and enchanting ride imaginable. Be willing to listen to your intuition

    and open new doors in your life if you wish to create a supportive environment in

    which your spirit can soar!

    All of you reading this are pioneers, for you would not be attracted to this

    information if you werent ahead of your time! With this E-Course I invite you to

    lift your spirit, choose joy, release the struggles in your life, and open to your

    amazing potential for personal power and spiritual transformation. I guarantee you

    that if you commit to this process you will absolutely creating powerful, positive,

    lasting change in your life! Are you ready? Lets begin

  • Day 1:

    Inner peace comes from within, not without. It is energy that is self-created and it

    is absolutely within your control! Repeat the following statement aloud as many

    times as you feel comfortable doing so. Allow the words to resonate deep within

    your heart, mind, body, and spirit. Remind yourself of the spiritual wisdom that

    lies within the depths of your soul and remember the TRUTH of your divine,

    limitless, eternal self:

    I am NOT a victim of my surroundings and the external world

    around me. All that I perceive is created within my own mind

    and it can be RE-CREATED in PERFECT ways that will bring joy,

    peace, and fulfillment to my life.

    Remind yourself throughout your day that you are NOT the helpless result of

    others thoughts and actions. You are ONLY a victim of your own thoughts, and

    NOT of the external world. When you feel unloved or unable to be loving toward

    others, it is only because you have fed yourself the limiting, false belief that you

    are unworthy. TODAY I want you to choose to remember that it is ONLY your

    own unloving thoughts about yourself that make you feel like a victim of your

    circumstances. You can absolutely choose different thoughts today and change all

    of those negative thoughts into loving thoughts that will attract love into your

    experience. Everything that you feel is based on your beliefs about yourself and the

    world around you. You can always choose again! You have the power and the

    freedom to make loving choices, select positive thoughts, and take compassionate

    action that will bring you peace no matter what is happening around you. You are a

    spiritual being that is far more powerful than anything outside of you. You are

    NOT a victim. You are the powerful, positive creator of your life experience.

  • Day 2:

    Repeat the following statement as often as possible. Allow the words to resonate

    with your spiritual core and embrace the personal power that you have to make this

    happen for yourself!


    Radiant health stems from inner peace. Healing requires letting go of FEAR!

    When you approach this day with a commitment to choosing peace in every

    interaction, every decision, every situation, and at every opportunity, you WILL

    create change! Allow this goal to become a powerful, positive intention that will

    allow to release and completely let go of any fearful, judgmental, negative

    thoughts about yourself and others. Embrace each encounter as a beautiful

    challenge for your spirit. Allow your spirit to take charge and choose PEACE!

    Choose to feel your heart healing with each decision to have compassion for

    yourself and others. See the critical nature or anger that comes from others for

    what is truly is = FEAR. When you can look at others with tenderness and interpret

    their hurtful ways as stemming from a fearful heart, then it will be easier to see the

    light within them and recall the light within yourself.

  • Day 3:

    Allow the following message to inspire you to look at every individual, every

    interaction, and every situation that you encounter from a fresh, new perspective


    I can embrace every experience today as a positive lesson.

    It is absolutely possible to derive something positive and beneficial from even the

    most challenging experiences of your life. If you look deeply enough, you can and

    will find a blessing in disguise- a lesson to be gained from every experience. Some

    of the primary lessons that we are faced with again and again are lessons of

    patience, tolerance, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance. When you can

    approach every situation, without exception, believing that there is a positive

    lesson from which you can learn, grow and become wiser, your life will flow with

    much greater ease and harmony. Looking at your life from a larger vantage point

    will place you in the drivers seat. You will not allow yourself to feel victimized

    ever again. You will graciously and powerfully recognize and openly receive the

    lessons of your life experience. In doing so, you will be paving the way for more

    peaceful tomorrows

  • Day 4:

    The follow concept is absolutely transformational. When you recognize and

    remember that there is one energetic force that is more powerful than anything else

    in existence, you can and will change your life! That energetic force is called


    I will create my life experience today by consciously

    acknowledging that no matter what challenge enters my path,

    LOVE is and always will be the solution.

    Through the power of your thoughts, expectations, intentions, and perceptions, you

    create the external world that you experience. You can always choose to change

    your mind, apply love to any situation, and change what you are experiencing! You

    can choose peace over conflict and love over fear at any given moment. It is

    simply a choice that you can make again and again. When you approach every

    interaction with the intention of being a love-giver as opposed to a love-seeker,

    you will shine as a beautiful example of someone with inner peace, contentment

    and spiritual strength. When you consciously choose to be a love-finder instead of

    a fault- finder, your experiences will transform before your eyes. The power of

    love is always available to you. Apply it in your life today and revolutionize the

    quality of your existence!

  • Day 5:

    Did you realize that forgiveness really has nothing to do with the individual you

    feel betrayed or wronged you? Forgiveness is for YOU. It offers YOU peace of

    mind, empowerment, and absolute freedom. Hear the following phrase repeated in

    your mind, heart, and spirit today and notice the walls of protection, fear, anger,

    and limitation begin to fall away.

    Forgiveness offers me everything I need and want for a healthy,

    joyful life.

    When you feel hurt and betrayed by the hand life has dealt you, or when you feel

    the actions of someone else have caused you pain and suffering, or when you feel

    deprived of love and acceptance you may be tempted to hold onto your grievances

    toward others. It may seem to bring you what you want, but in fact, holding onto

    this pain only serves to create further pain, suffering and conflict in your life.

    Today I urge you to ask yourself the following questions: What do I want from my

    life? Do I want joy? Do I want peace of mind? Do I want fulfilling loving

    relationships? You can create all of this and much more by choosing forgiveness.

  • Day 6:

    You can take great comfort in knowing that everything you see in the outside

    world is a product of YOUR perception. Your experiences are simply a result of

    projecting YOUR own thoughts outward. Everything that you see is filtered by

    your own past experiences. What you perceive in the outside world is really just

    your thoughts made into images and projected outward as if looking into a mirror.

    Allow the following statement to remind you of the power that you have to

    determine the level of peace in your experiences today.

    Perception is a mirror, not a fact!

    You will only recognize that which you are prepared to see. In other words, if your

    past perception of your experiences has continually brought you discomfort or

    distress of any kind, you change simply change your perception! If you allow

    yourself to interpret events in a new and positive way, you will naturally set the

    stage for experiencing life from a grander, more expansive perspective. When you

    perceive others as fearful, instead of attacking them and creating further conflict,

    you will approach them with love and compassion. A ripple effect will be created

    and peace will be spread in all areas of your life. When you choose positive,

    peaceful thoughts, you will encounter a peaceful, loving world. When you choose

    negative, angry thoughts, you will encounter an angry, chaotic world. Knowing

    that you can absolutely change your perception and therefore change your life, how

    will you use this knowledge to create peace in your life today?

  • Day 7:

    There is absolutely NO value in holding on to feelings of guilt and blame! Having

    guilty thoughts about the mistakes youve made, any harm that was ever done to

    you, or dwelling upon your perceived imperfections and faults only serves to keep

    you separated from the love you desire and deserve! Repeat the following

    statement with all the inner strength and passion you can muster!

    Today I choose peace by embracing feelings of self-love,

    acceptance, and forgiveness. All blame and guilt directed inward

    and outward into the world will disappear because I choose to

    let it all go.

    Make a commitment to yourself today to release the need to blame anyone,

    including yourself. Remember that you have always done the best you could with

    the understanding, knowledge, and awareness that you had at any given time. You

    can safely and beautifully let go of any guilt that is only serving as a massive

    barrier between you and the fulfilling life you deserve. This also applies to

    everyone else in your life. Your parents, your spouse/partner, your friends,

    colleagues and your perceived enemies have acted and responded to you with the

    maximum level of awareness and inner peace that they had at the time they may

    have hurt you. Wounded hearts that are fearful and scared tend to retaliate in a self

    protective mode that only serves to wound other hearts. Making mistakes is a part

    of the human process. Every time a mistake is made you are given the

    opportunity to learn, grow, and become wiser. When we can all have compassion

    for one another and release any negative attachments to the past, we can free

    ourselves from the bondage of guilt and blame. Choose peace today. You are fully

    deserving of a beautiful life, a healed heart, and an empowered spirit!

  • Day 8:

    Happiness is your natural state of mind! It is a decision and a choice. It has nothing

    to do with the events or experiences going on around you. Happiness doesnt come

    at some time in the future when everything outside of you settles down! Happiness

    can only be experienced in the present moment. You can only experience true,

    lasting happiness by choosing peace as your primary goal and love as your primary


    Today I choose to create and cultivate happiness in my life by

    engaging my personal power to make decisions that will bring

    peace and joy into my experience.

    CARPE MOMENTO! SEIZE THE MOMENT! Make an empowering choice to

    appreciate the beautiful moments throughout your day. The more you appreciate

    your blessings, the more they will flow into your life. An attitude of gratitude goes

    a long way. It opens your heart ! Choose to be the architect of your own spiritual

    expansion! How do you do this? Follow your passion. Develop your strengths.

    Write in a journal to release emotions, establish goals for yourself, think through

    your challenges and remember everything that youre grateful for! Life is filled

    with incredible opportunities and discoveries. You simply have to CHOOSE to

    enjoy and embrace them! Happiness must be consciously recaptured every day of

    your life. This isnt meant to be drudgery! It is a gift that you are capable of

    choosing this for yourself. Dont take this gift- the gift of free will- for granted.

    Remember that circumstances do NOT determine your state of mind. Your chosen

    attitude, each day, each hour, and each moment determines your experience. So,

    take the focus off of the pursuit for happiness (in some distant time in the future)

    and choose happiness NOW!

  • Day 9:

    It is possible to heal all of your relationships and finally find true peace in your

    life! Healing your relationships is ultimately your choice, since it isnt really the

    other person youre actually forgiving. It is only your attitudes and judgments

    about others that need to be forgiven! Repeat the following statement silently or

    aloud throughout your day:

    It is my own thoughts and judgments today (and not the

    actions of others) that cause me pain in the present. I am

    committed to forgiveness, to changing my mind, and releasing

    myself from all past grievances. By choosing to heal myself, I

    fully allow peace into my heart.

    How do you begin to make this all happen? Well, the first thing you can do is give

    up any preconceived ideas or old mental scripts that you may have attached to

    others based on past experiences. Next, you must have a sincere willingness to

    remove all previous grievances and combative thoughts from your mind. You must

    recognize that you are not victims of your relationships! You are a full participant

    in them! Taking responsibility for your own thoughts, choices, and emotions, and

    NOT blaming the other person for what has happened in the relationship is the key

    to letting the pain go. It is also very important that you learn to love yourself and

    others by forgiving rather than judging, remembering that what you perceive in

    others is only a projection of the thoughts in your mind. When you direct yourself

    to choose peace regardless of whats happening around you, you will undoubtedly

    heal your heart and your relationships.

  • Day 10:

    We all have unique ways of interpreting success. In actuality, success is simply

    your CURRENT state of mind! The essential ingredient for a winning attitude is

    the ability to learn from your experiences and then completely let go of the past.

    Changing your perception about failure and the true meaning of wealth, as well as

    learning from the challenging experiences of your life is the key to a successful

    mindset! Do you believe you can be wealthy and prosperous? Do you think you

    deserve it? Do you really FEEL that way or are you just intellectualizing it? It's

    very important that you believe you are worthy of being a prosperous, successful

    individual- someone who doesn't just make a living- but makes a beautiful life with

    the money that you earn. Once you believe with your whole heart that you

    absolutely deserve abundance, abundance will make its way to you. Repeat the

    following statement throughout the day today:

    Today I pave the way for a successful, prosperous future by

    choosing a positive state of mind that will only attract

    victorious, triumphant experiences into my life.

    True success stems from the way you view and perceive things relating to your life

    and career. Success does NOT stem from gaining material possessions or

    career/social status. It is felt when you develop a habit of feeling fulfilled, content,

    happy and genuinely satisfied with yourself on a daily basis. Those who measure

    success in wealth, fame, or possessions will never attain it. Success is an attitude

    that doesnt believe in limitations. It is an attitude that embraces limitless

    possibilities in each present moment. It involves releasing any attachments to the

    past so that the mind can be fully immersed in the active creation of everything you

    desire and deserve. Your level of abundance is determined by your thoughts and

    your overall perspective. If you wish for greater success, you must create it with

    the power, passion, and intention behind your current thoughts!

  • Day 11:

    Your future is your present thoughts all grown up! You are what you think about

    all day long! What you impress upon your subconscious mind is also expressed

    outwardly in form, events, and experiences. Allow yourself the gift of clarity and

    focus today by repeating the following statement:

    My future is created by my present habitual thinking. I carefully

    and consciously choose thoughts today that will serve as perfect

    seedlings that will manifest into the future of my dreams. Today

    I choose thoughts of prosperity, joy, and peace of mind. I am a

    spiritual magnet for abundance and unlimited success.

    Dont fall into the trap of creating exactly that which you fear by habitually

    thinking negative thoughts! A negative mind cannot possibly attract positive

    things! Your subconscious mind will reproduce those thoughts outwardly into your

    experience. That is how powerful your mind is! The incredible benefit of this

    power is that it can be used to consciously mold and create the tomorrows of your

    wildest dreams. Your subconscious mind is like soil. It will grow whatever types of

    seeds (thoughts and mental images) that you plant in the garden of your mind. You

    simply have to train your mind to focus on what you want instead of what you

    dont want! You can attain success, prosperity, inner peace, or anything you desire

    if you feed your subconscious mind with thoughts that support your specific

    wishes. Apply these truths and remain faithful to them, and take a beautiful step up

    on the ladder of life. Today you can begin to consciously begin to create anything

    and everything that your heart desires!

  • Day 12:

    Do you believe the Law of Attraction really works? Have you chosen to apply it in

    your life? If not, youve been missing out on a creative force that can bring you

    anything you desire. You can begin to apply it in your life today! I will show you

    how to make it work for you.

    The bottom line is that VISUALIZATION works! It is the creative force within

    you that can be embraced and utilized at any time. Even if you dont believe it at a

    conscious level, it works! Put the past away beginning today because visualization

    is about moving forward and aiming for your very best. It doesnt matter what

    went on in your life before today, you can successfully reprogram your

    subconscious to achieve whatever you can imagine. Repeat the following

    statement throughout your day today:

    Today I am committed to spending at least 10 minutes visualizing

    in great detail those things, people, and events that I wish to

    attract into my life. I am now attracting everything I desire into

    my life experience with the power of clear and powerful, repeated


    Begin your visualization by affirming to yourself the goal you are going to reach.

    Imagine yourself having already achieved it and summon up as much emotion as

    possible about how you feel. It is not necessary to concern yourself with the price

    or where the money will come from. See it as a film with you as the director and

    the central star really enjoying whatever it is that you wish to attract into your


    For example, if it is a new house you wish for, put in as much detail as you can.

    Building up the details is very important. Begin your visualization by unlocking

    the front door and then walking through the whole house picturing your new

    furniture, seeing the colors, the texture of the carpet etc. Go into the kitchen and

    make yourself a cup of coffee, smell the aroma, all the while observing as clearly

    as possible where everything is. You can make phone calls, hang pictures, invite

  • friends, watch television, do absolutely anything you can imagine to make it your

    home. Make it as vivid and bright as you possibly can. Have yourself a party and

    enjoy it!

    Day 13:

    Creating a life of joy involves being uplifted by own choices and creations rather

    than being trapped by them! If you have created a job, relationship, or anything

    that isnt bringing you joy, look inward today and ask why you feel you must be in

    a relationship or a job that does not bring you the joy that is rightfully yours. Often

    it is because you do not believe you deserve to have what you truly want. Repeat

    the following statement today and pave the way for living a joyful life:

    Today I will value myself fully. I will choose to honor myself

    and do those things that bring me the greatest joy. I will focus

    on cultivating inner peace in my life and I wont settle for

    anything less!

    If you feel pulled in too many directions, with an overly full schedule that isnt

    filled with the things you desire, you have the power to change what youve

    previously created and replace it with a new creation! Having compassion for

    yourself involves valuing your deepest desires and your time. You do not owe

    anyone your time. Many times we set up lives for ourselves that arent joyful

    because we believe that we are obligated to others, that we need to be needed, or

    that we are enslaved by the circumstances and situations around us. Go inward for

    a moment and ask yourself what you can do to let go of any issues or situations in

    your life that are draining your energy. What can you do today that will free up a

    little more of your time to devote to your own inner peace and fulfillment? You

    have the ability to create anything you want. The only limits are those you create

    for yourself. Affirm your higher vision for yourself and live the most joyful life

    you can imagine! When you take charge of your life and affirm that you are a

    valuable individual, the world will also affirm it to you!

  • Day 14:

    There is so much love available to you. It is as abundant as the air you breathe! Are

    you open to receiving it? Did you know that the more you recognize and value the

    love you already have in your life, the more you increase it? When you

    acknowledge how much you are already receiving, life will magically provide you

    with more of the same! There is nothing stopping you from having anything you

    desire except your ability to appreciate what you already have, ask for what you

    want, and place yourself in an open, receptive mode so that you can receive the

    blessings available to you! Repeat the following statement today and allow the

    love to begin flowing beautifully into your life:

    Today I choose to focus on and deeply appreciate all the

    blessings in my life. I choose to concentrate on whats going

    right instead of focusing on whats wrong in my experience. I

    consciously choose to acknowledge the gifts, however big or

    small, in my life and open my heart to receive even more!

    There are always ways to have more in your life. Every time you use the power of

    your imagination to visualize the things you want, challenge yourself, and imagine

    having even more! If you wish for more love, a new home, a new relationship, a

    new car fantasize about it and simply enlarge your vision! Once you create a

    vision, be willing to see the potential gifts that come your way. Be receptive and

    open. Open your eyes and open your heart. When an opportunity presents itself,

    grab it!

  • Cari is a Best Selling Inspirational and Spiritual Author dedicated to spiritual improvement and

    purposeful living through her consistently inspirational messages of individual empowerment. She

    encourages personal responsibility for our choices. This involves not only acknowledging and embracing

    the power of our thoughts and feelings, but also living courageously by making wise decisions that reflect

    our truest spiritual desires and dreams. Cari inspires her readers and clients to expand the horizons of their

    imaginations, unleash their greatest potential, and create pathways to unlimited abundance!

    Cari has authored and published four books in the self improvement field. She co-authored, with Dr.

    Marvin Stone M.D. and Diane Stafford, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: 100 Tips For Achieving The Intimacy

    You Desire in 2001. She published YOUR SOUL IS CALLING: WILL YOU ACCEPT THE CALL? in

    2002 (Robert D. Reed Publishers, San Francisco, CA.) She published FINDING PEACE: The Essential

    Guide to Creating Success In Your Life in 2006, and her latest book, CREATE CHANGE NOW:

    Reflections For Personal Transformation is now available. Find these on Amazon.com

    Cari has also penned articles on the issues of self improvement, health/fitness, family, love, relationships

    and intimacy. She was a freelance writer for greeting card companies. Certified in Reiki I and II, Cari is

    dedicated to increasing spiritual awareness and promoting personal empowerment. Her poetry has won

    several awards. She received the Editors Choice Award for outstanding achievement in poetry from the International Library of Poetry as well as the International Poet of Merit Award in 1998 and 1999.

    With over a decade of experience as a counselor, coach and author, Cari has collected a myriad of

    credentials and degrees all in the study of human psychology and the effects on human behavior. The sole

    purpose of her research and work in the different disciplines is to learn all that is possible on why we do

    what we do and what works to achieve personal fulfillment, growth, and spiritual success.

    Degrees and advanced training:

    Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology/Sociology, Masters work in counseling psychology, Certified Life

    Coach, Certified Spiritual Coach, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Certified in Reiki I and II,

    Metaphysics, Hypnotherapy, Human Physiology and Exercise Science, Certified Personal Trainer with


    Cari is a native Texan and currently resides in Houston, Texas. She is a mother and an animal rights

    advocate- working with local shelters in the Houston area. Cari funnels her commitment to serve the

    world through her presence and her gift of inspirational writing.

    She believes that many people are seeking answers to the mysteries in life, that people are hearing the

    calls of their souls and want to get in touch with the deeper aspects of themselves. She embraces the

    whole person approach and recognizes the need for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual awareness,

    balance and harmony. Her writing will inspire and motivate people to do just that: to ask the deepest

    questions about the meaning of their lives, to face the emotional confusion that inhibits growth, and to

    finally understand that happiness and personal satisfaction are available to us all.

    Your questions, comments and reviews are welcomed and appreciated.

  • Cari Murphy has offered thousands of clients worldwide a unique blend of spiritual and intuitive counseling, business and lifestyle coaching, and energetic mindset mentoring that has served to promote powerful awakening, healing, and expansion in all areas of their lives. This well rounded, holistic approach to supporting her clients is one is unparalleled, and has produced phenomenal results and lasting change. She coined the term Soul Success Coaching and describes this method of coaching as one that is divinely fueled from the soul, serving her clients from a grand perspective that allows for the unveiling and fulfillment of their souls mission.

    With over 17 years of experience in counseling psychology, combined with over 5 years of life and business coaching through her company, Empowerment Coaching Solutions, and a deeply intuitive gift heightened after her near death experience years ago, Cari is driven to support her clients in clearing their energetic blocks, heightening their intuitive abilities, shifting their perspective to allow for phenomenal new levels of success, and manifesting the physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual rewards their soul deserves. She thrives on coaching spiritual leaders who are ready to shine in front of millions and live a lifestyle deserving of their souls brilliance.

    Cari is also an Award Winning, Best Selling Author and Poet, having published 5 books in the fields of Spirituality, Personal Development and Inspiration, including her Best Belling book, CREATE CHANGE NOW: Reflections for Personal Transformation. Cari is an International Talk Radio Host leading her Create Change Now Radio Show to worldwide success and raving reviews with well over 200,000 listeners.

    As a Keynote Speaker and Coaching Mentor, Cari leads a variety of highly popular and successful group coaching programs, workshops and retreats. Cari is also a celebrated media personality, hosting and interviewing some of the worlds leading thought leaders, soul-driven trailblazers and visionaries.

    Cari is dedicated to supporting spiritually driven success seekers and conscious entrepreneurs clear the pathway to limitless wealth and success, build their lives and businesses and experience spiritual expansion, soul-driven success, and purposeful living. Cari offers consistently inspirational messages of individual empowerment and personal accountability, and she inspires her clients, audience, listeners, and readers to expand the horizons of their imaginations, unleash their greatest potential, and open energetic doorways to unlimited abundance and success!

  • What is Soul Success Coaching? Soul success coaching supports you in tapping into the *grandest* soulfully inspired vision of yourself on every level. The foundation of my success coaching is based on 3 primary principles: 1. Know that you can create whatever you want. 2. Take action. 3. Maintain an attitude of gratitude. My personal coaching supports you in stripping away the old, inauthentic roles you play so that you can authentically honor your deepest truth with the confidence and inspiration that allows you to step into soul-driven magnificence in both your personal and professional life. Its time to unleash your greatest potential, step into your divine flow, create powerful, positive,lasting change, and shine in the brilliant way that your soul was intended to shine! Together, we will not only build momentum, we will sustain it.

    I thrive on coaching my clients to become the soul-driven creators, spiritual leaders and celebrated business professionals they are meant to be! I want to work with you if you are ready to shineperhaps even in front of millions and live a lifestyle deserving of your souls brilliance.

    Soul Success Coaching Signature System Includes:

    Actualizing Your Star Potential Establishing Your Soul-Driven Success Blueprint Energetic Space/Clutter Clearing (body, mind, spirit and environment) Creating Your Own Destiny Mindset Expansion Business Building /Wealth Creation Professional Branding to Reflect the Soul Authentic Marketing/Social Media Training

    I am committed to these soul coaching principles: Deep Connection Soul Visioning Full Attention/Listening Manifesting Commitment Focus/Dedication Awareness Openness/Flow Non-attachment

  • Generosity of Spirit Sharing Knowledge Compassion Unconditional Support Expansion/Growth Clear/Open Communication Spiritual Empowerment Joy-filled sessions Unleashing Passions Presence Consistent Acknowledgment Celebration of YOU

    Do you currently own a business or want to start one?

    Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit?

    Do you have a vision of making a significant impact on the world?

    Do you want to experience wealth on every level?

    How can I support YOU in rapidly achieving

    the financial success and spiritual fulfillment you desire?

    From my experience, wealth results from creating value for others. And, the more value you

    create, the more wealth you can create!


    Collectively, we are experiencing a powerful shift in consciousness in how we define and create

    wealth. The new, authentic model for creating conscious wealth is taking the soul-driven message you want to deliver and fueling the difference you wish to make into the global

    marketplace with honesty, integrity, and a pure vision of helping others. Its about embracing the concept of collaboration instead of competition. Its living with an abundance mindset that thrives on being of service and increasing the consciousness of our planet.

    So, why hire me as your Soul Success Coach?

    *First, I will help you develop and maintain a successful mindset.

    *Second, I can objectively see your habitual and often unconscious patterns and help you make

    any needed adjustments to build and sustain momentum.

    *Third, I will help you develop goals, clear intentions and strategies, and hold you accountable

    for putting them into action and achieving your best.

    And, just like top athletes, successful spiritual entrepreneurs and conscious small business

    owners utilize a coach like myself to help them develop laser-focus, acknowledge their personal

  • value and strengths, create a wealth consciousness, choose the right actions that are in alignment

    with their aspirations and goals, and celebrate their successes along the way.

    I look forward to working with you and seeing you soar to new heights of personal and

    professional success!

    Cari Murphy, "Your Soul Success Coach" Join me as I host a world class online telesummit starting on June 20th: http://www.carimurphy.com/createchangenow Actualize Your Potential & Claim the Success You Deserve Client Care Phone: (Toll-Free) 1-800-704-SOUL Email: [email protected] Get Your FREE Soul Success Report NOW at http://www.CariMurphy.com Become a Fan: http://tinyurl.com/CariLMurphyFANPAGE Tweet me! http://www.twitter.com/CariLMurphy Link up on Linked In! http://tinyurl.com/SoulSuccessCoach YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/AuthorCariLMurphy Get my Best-Selling Book! http://tinyurl.com/CreateChangeNowBestSeller Listen to my Radio Show: http://carimurphy.com/radio-show
