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Carrefour Foundation Annual Report 2010 Special issue: 10 years of action
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Carrefour Foundation Annual Report 2010Special issue: 10 years of action

www.fondation-carrefour.orgCarrefour Corporate Foundation

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Photo credits:Carrefour Librairies, Agence du Don en Nature, Association Nationale de Développement des Épiceries Solidaires (A.N.D.E.S), Association Fleurbaix Laventie Ville Santé (FLVS), Red Cross Romania, French Federation of Food Banks, Fédération Nationale des Paniers de la Mer, Conin Foundation, PlaNet Finance, Réseau Cocagne, Samusocial Romania, Serpaj, Shanghai Young Bakers, Lionel Barbe, Lionel Bonnaventure, Christophe Gay/Skyzone, Christophe Goussard, Michel Labelle, Marta Nascimento/REA, Vlad Ivan, Anthony Voisin, Rob Broek/Getty Images, Hummer/Getty Images, T. Rodriguez/Fancy Images/Plain Pictures.

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Strategy 2Governance 4 Organization 6 2010 actions 8Food program 10Professional integration 16Solidarity 22Financial Report 2010 28


Breakdown of funding by geographic area

Breakdown by typeof action

Geographic breakdownof projects

Latin America• e1,174,498• 15 projects

Asia• e882,671• 11 projects

France• e1,149,611• 17 projects

Europe• e1,003,706• 9 projects

Food programs 38.7%18 projects • €1,627,800

Professional integration 34.61% 21 projects • €1,457,266

Solidarity 26.73%13 projects • €1,125,500

France 27.3%Europe 23.8%Latin America 27.9%Asia 21.0%


FRANCE TOquES & PARTAGE Opening of a restaurant helping professional integration ■ ■ �85,718(continued) ADIE MICROFRANCHISE SOLIDAIRE Aid in setting up microfranchises ■ ■ �80,000

AGENCE Du DON EN NATuRE Setting up a platform for non-food donations ■ ■ �60,000

ADIE “CRÉAJEuNES” Program for helping setting up a business ■ ■ �50,000

RÉSEAu COCAGNE Development of organic gardens helping professional integration ■ ■ �50,000

RÉSEAu A.N.D.E.S Aid for supplying social grocery stores ■ ■ �46,260

FONDATION DE LA 2e CHANCE “Coup de pouce” program to help people get back to work ■ ■ �45,000

TERROIRS & CuLTuRES Creation of a training centre on setting up a local product approach ■ ■ �43,100

RESTOS Du CœuR 44 Cofunding of a refrigerated vehicle ■ ■ �30,000

PACTE 59 Opening of a social grocery store in Hem ■ ■ �14,164

EMERGENCY AID Hurricane Xynthia in the Vendee - 1st March 2010 ■ ■ �10,424

RESTOS Du CœuR 73 Cofunding of a refrigerated vehicle ■ ■ �10,000

EMERGENCY AID Flooding in the Var - 15th June 2010 ■ ■ �5,856

GREECE PACTE GREECE Opening of a social grocery store in Thessaloniki ■ ■ �218,687

PAIDEIATROFI Awareness raising program to combat childhood obesity ■ ■ �60,000

INDONESIA YAYASAN SAHABAT CIPTA Microcredit program ■ ■ �195,513

EMERGENCY AID Earthquake, tsunami and eruption of the Merapi volcano - October 2010 ■ ■ �74,560

ISCO Program for education of disadvantaged children ■ ■ �28,000

EMERGENCY AID Eruption of Sinabung volcano - September 2010 ■ ■ �3,822

ITAlY ITALIAN FEDERATION OF FOOD BANKS Training volunteers in selective sorting of food ■ ■ �16,100

MAlAYSIA ALFORT FOuNDATION Health audit on Malaysian cattle farms ■ ■ �21,900

POlAND CARITAS Distribution of meals to disadvantaged children ■ ■ �200,000

CARITAS Flooding - May 2010 ■ ■ �160,000

ROMANIA SAMuSOCIAL ROMANIA Extra night staff to work with the homeless in Bucharest ■ ■ �50,000

ThAIlAND VOLuNTEER FOR CHILDREN’S DEVELOPMENT FOuNDATION Program for the protection and education of children ■ ■ �40,000

TURKEY EMERGENCY AID Earthquake in Elazig - 8th March 2010 ■ ■ �137,310

TOTAl IN € €4,210,566

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10 years of action of the carrefour foundation

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10 years of action,10 years of solidarity

The Carrefour Foundation started with a dream, a commitment and actions. A dream—to reduce poverty and exclusion wherever Carrefour is present. A commitment—to mobilize the resources and skills of Carrefour to pursue this dream. Actions—which, today are concentrated in three areas of intervention, offering concrete support to the local communities around Carrefour stores: food program, professional integration and solidarity.

This is how, for over 10 years, the Carrefour Foundation has been helping to improve the quality of life for all. Carrefour has become a citizen’s company with international recognition, as a few milestone dates show. Since 2001, the Carrefour Foundation has been participating in the major programs of international organizations. Because its objectives are coherent with the ideals of UNESCO, the Foundation was “authorized to maintain official relations” with that organization. May 2002 marked a decisive second step. The Foundation applied for admission to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and, in 2003, was granted Special Consultative Status.

The Carrefour Foundation also works closely with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since its first intervention following the earthquake in the Gujarat region (India) in January 2001, the Quai d’Orsay has called on the Carrefour Foundation to join it in providing humanitarian aid. In March 2004, the Carrefour Foundation was appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a member of its steering committee on French humanitarian aid.

in review 10 years of action

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Since its creation, the Foundation has coordinated more than 200 projects, implemented through the daily actions of Carrefour employees and carried out in partnership with local associations.

Being a core business for Carrefour, food is naturally one of the Foundation’s main programs. The Foundation works with a network of associations by collecting and donating food as well as by setting up social grocery stores. This collaborative action is key—this year, the food collections resulted in over 50 million meals donated in France. In terms of professional integration, the Carrefour Foundation acts as a bridge to employment for those living on the edge of society, by supporting job creation companies, vocational training workshops, and micro-companies in the food and agricultural sector. Last year, thousands of jobs were created as a result. The Carrefour Foundation is also one of the key players in international emergency aid. Carrefour’s vocation, its logistics skills and its close ties with local people are all special advantages for the Foundation. They mean that it can provide effective aid in humanitarian disasters, in coordination with local authorities and non-profit organizations.

The past decade of actions has itself become a milestone. While reviewing the results of its commitment, the Carrefour Foundation is also looking to the future. More than ever, it is determined to improve the quality of life for those in greatest need. And it will do so through the committed, caring and positive women and men who work for Carrefour.

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snapshots of 10 years of activity

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

19th July 2000Creation of the Carrefour Foundation

January 2002carrefour foundation supports a vocational training program for youth from the suburbs of Buenos aires, for five years, in partnership with adolfo perez esquivel, nobel peace prize laureate, 1980

2002Launch of a school sponsorship program entitled “schools are part of our life” by carrefour stores in colombia and support for a schools program for children from Bogotá and cali, developed by unicef

May 2003award of consultative status within the united nations economic and social council (ecosoc)

2004appointment of the carrefour foundation as private company representative on the french Ministry of foreign affairs crisis unit for the coordination of humanitarian aid

December 2004involvement of the carrefour foundation following the 26th december 2004 tsunami that hit south-east asia, especially thailand. carrefour, with the support of the foundation, was able to collect �1.7 million worth of donations for the victims of the flooding

13th October 2005decision of the Board of directors to concentrate actions supported by the carrefour foundation on countries where the Group is present, in order to increase its effectiveness

July 2001support for the omkoï schools program in thailand as part of the establishment of “official relations” with unesco

November 2004opening of the third pacte (Pour Agir Contre Toute Exclusion) social grocery store in france, created on the initiative of carrefour employees

26th January 2001first intervention by the carrefour foundation following the earthquake in the state of Gujarat (western india)

10th November 2001carrefour organizes collections in its stores and sponsors a concert at Bercy stadium (paris) in aid of the algerian red crescent following serious floods in algiers. the carrefour foundation sends 310 tents and 26 generators to Bab el oued

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2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

December 2008completion of the first program to help farmers to market pepper from sichuan (china)

17th December 2007opening of the first social grocery store in athens (Greece)

12th May 2008commitment of the carrefour foundation to provide �2.3 million for emergency aid and reconstruction projects following the sichuan earthquake in china

18th December 2009opening of the 8th pacte (Pour Agir Contre Toute Exclusion) social grocery store and support for the national a.n.d.e.s network (french association of social Grocery stores) comprising 208 social grocery stores

28th October 2010intervention in indonesia after the tsunami and the eruption of the Merapi volcano. 13 trucks dispatched carrying emergency supplies from stores around yogyakarta and Magelang to help the affected populations

December 2010provision of 50 million meals following the annual collection of groceries in france

January 2006Launch of the epode (Ensemble Prévenons l'Obésité Des Enfants) program for the prevention of childhood obesity in france, Belgium, spain and Greece

December 2006after receiving support from the carrefour foundation for three years, the “recicLar” project becomes financially independent, training youth from the favelas of são paulo in paper recycling

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Providing food aid for those in greatest need is one of the three commitments of the Carrefour Foundation. This mission arises from the core business of Carrefour, food distribution, and focuses on three areas of intervention: the collection of food products, the support for social grocery stores and the promotion of a balanced diet for the disadvantaged.

For 10 years, employees in the Carrefour stores across the world have been organizing collections of food products, which are then passed on to local charitable associations and social grocery stores where the Carrefour Foundation is the leading partner. This effort by the Carrefour stores has made it possible to provide over 150 million meals in the past 10 years. Carrefour also appeals to the generosity of its clients, through major collections, such as for the national Food Banks donations and the restos du cœur campaign in France. So as not to interrupt the cold chain when transporting food products, the Carrefour Foundation also offers to finance the purchase of refrigerated vehicles by its partner associations.

Going shopping can bring a sense of personal dignity to those in financial difficulties, which is why the Carrefour Foundation has become the leading partner for “social grocery stores” by providing them with logistical support and equipment. With the commitment of Carrefour employees, 17 PACTE grocery stores have been opened in three countries where the Group operates (Belgium, France and Greece) enabling over 4,000 families to have access to a variety of quality products, offered at 20% of the sale price in conventional stores.

Similarly, the Carrefour Foundation carries out a number of initiatives to fight malnutrition and promote healthier and more balanced eating habits. To do this, it makes use of national and international structures such as French and Italian Food Banks, the EPODE program against child obesity and local organizations like Ação Comunitária do Brasil do Rio de Janeiro to help promote responsible eating habits within poor families in the Brazilian favelas. In 10 years, over 4 million people have thus been able to receive nutritional advice through the action of the Carrefour Foundation.

Combating exclusion through nutrition has been one of Carrefour’s commitments for 10 years and remains an absolute priority for the years to come, in a global context of growing inequalities in access to healthy food.

a better nutrition for all

10 years of action of the carrefour foundation

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“Since 2006, the Carrefour Foundation has been supporting social grocery stores in France and is helping to set them up in Belgium, Greece and Turkey. Our action is one of good citizenship—combating exclusion without encouraging dependency, by offering day-to-day products to those in need, at 20% of the usual price.”Guillaume BapstFounding Director of A.N.D.E.S (French Association of Social Grocery Stores)

“The Carrefour Foundation is a long-standing partner, working alongside us to combat hunger in Europe. Together, we help thousands of families in difficulty through the donation of food products. Today, for example, the Carrefour Foundation is the leading corporate partner of the National Federation in France.”Jean-Marie DelmellePresident of the European Federation of Food Banks (FEBA)

150 millionmeals collected and distributed in 10 years

17 social grocery stores in the PACTE(1) network, created on the initiative of Carrefour employees in Belgium, France and Greece

22 tonnesof fruits and vegetables distributed every week to 208 social grocery stores


4 millionpeople received advice on nutrition in Europe

(1) PACTE (Pour Agir Contre Toute Exclusion) are social grocery stores with non-profit status created on the initiative of Carrefour employees.

“To combat obesity and encourage healthy living, the Carrefour Foundation has supported the EPODE program up until 2010 in its development in France and Europe.”Sandrine RaffinCo-founder of the EPODE program, which combats childhood obesity

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Carrefour is a responsible economic player and a major employer in the international arena. The size and activity of the company gives it unique expertise in terms of employment, diversity and equal opportunities. This commitment is extended via the Carrefour Foundation which, for 10 years, has been playing a major role in combating exclusion and in promoting access to employment.

Thanks to the voluntary efforts of employees in the Group, the Carrefour Foundation participates in several education, literacy and vocational training programs that are enabling thousands of people to change the course of their lives. Wherever it intervenes, the Carrefour Foundation relies on the expertise of local associations to train and accompany the unemployed back into the world of work.

For the past 10 years, the Carrefour Foundation has also been supporting young people in difficulty by training them or helping them set up their own business. The many programs supported by the Carrefour Foundation give them the opportunity to be trained in a range of trades, such as bakery, and, in some cases, can lead to a job in one of the Carrefour stores or warehouses.

As part of this same logic of professional and social integration, the Carrefour Foundation supports the development of farm produce and crafts industries, using Carrefour’s commercial expertise. These actions are effective, enabling the families of the producers to generate regular income while improving their living conditions. In 10 years, the Carrefour Foundation has also supported many employment schemes, helping those in difficulty to rejoin active society.

Ten years after its commitment to help the unemployed return to work, the Carrefour Foundation is more than ever convinced of the value of its actions. Giving everyone a chance is a central aim of all of its efforts.

Giving everyone a chance

10 years of action of the carrefour foundation

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nal in



59,206people worldwide have received training

Microcredit loans and support for


Support for

48associations that have developed employment programs

Creation of vocational training workshops in the retail trades in

14 countries

“Since 1999, Carrefour and its Foundation have been supporting our organic garden production as a means of getting people back into active society and employment.”Jean-Guy HenckelNational Director of “Réseau Cocagne” in France

“The program for the production and commercialization of Sichuan pepper funded by the Carrefour Foundation and WWF since 2004 has helped improve living conditions in rural communities and the development of sustainable agriculture.”Ye LiProject Manager, WWF China

“The Carrefour Foundation is dedicated to implementing concrete education and training programs to provide these communities with a sustainable future. Such commitment should be imitated by a great many other private institutions so that those who are most disadvantaged and isolated on this planet can be offered new and much-needed hope.”Boutros Boutros-GhaliFormer Secretary-General of the United Nations, November 2004

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For the Carrefour Foundation, solidarity underlies its response to all kinds of situation—such as providing assistance in human emergencies, or combating poverty and everyday social exclusion. In this endeavour, the Carrefour Foundation is able to rely on the 15,000 stores in the Carrefour group worldwide, on its logistics skills and the mobilization of its employees, always ready to intervene to help those in difficulty.

Since 26th January 2001, the date of its first intervention following the earthquake in India, the Carrefour Foundation has been coming to the aid of victims of humanitarian disasters, providing them, in particular, with emergency food supplies and hygiene kits.

The Carrefour Foundation is today recognized in the international arena as one of the most important Company Foundations to be involved in providing humanitarian aid. Besides its official status with UNESCO and the UN, the Foundation has also received recognition from governments for its deserving actions in international solidarity: in Algeria following the Bab el Oued earthquake in 2001, in Thailand for organizing a program to rebuild a village and school after the 26th December 2004 tsunami, in Indonesia for the emergency aid provided to victims of flooding in 2005 and in China after the May 2008 earthquake in Sichuan.

The Foundation also puts its efforts into reducing exclusion by supporting aid programs for the homeless, working with disadvantaged children and donating non-food products to those who have the greatest need.

Aware of its major role in offering solidarity and encouraged by the experience acquired over the past 10 years, the Carrefour Foundation is ready to become involved, whenever necessary, to provide humanitarian aid.

a recognized player in humanitarian aid

10 years of action of the carrefour foundation

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75emergency interventions in 32 countries worldwide

�10.5 millionworth of emergency supplies sent to disaster victims

Donation of

�1.7 millionafter the December 2004 tsunami in South-East Asia and of

�2.3 millionfollowing the 12th May 2008 earthquake in the Sichuan region of China

“Although Carrefour is a commercial company, it seems important to me to emphasize its discrete humanitarian action, through its Foundation, for the people of Argentina and others the world over.”Adolfo Pérez EsquivelNobel Peace Prize laureate, 1980 (letter of 30th October 2004 addressed to Néstor Kirchner, President of the Republic of Argentina)

“The Carrefour Foundation is unique (…). It displays a high degree of technical skill in its interventions and follow-up. This makes it irreplaceable, and the Carrefour group should be saluted for developing an operational arm of this degree of effectiveness and scope.”Doctor Xavier EmmanuelliFounding President of Samusocial International and Paris, March 2004

“ADN collects nearly e9 million worth of products and redistributes almost e6 million worth to 150 associations and partner charitable organizations in France. This would not have been possible without the trust and support of the Carrefour Foundation from the beginning.”Jacques-Étienne de T’SerclaesFounding President of Agence du Don en Nature (ADN)

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As the world’s second largest food retailer, Carrefour has a particular responsibility

in terms of solidarity.

The Carrefour Foundation, created 10 years ago, is the structure

that makes this responsible commitment become reality and coordinates

the initiatives of employees in the various countries where the Group is present.

The Foundation’s international expertise works seamlessly with the local knowledge

of the Carrefour teams to aid those in difficulty. Together, they strive to offer

“a better quality of life for all”.


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How do you see the role of the Carrefour Foundation and its work over the past 10 years?

Lars Olofsson: The ambition of Carrefour, with the support of its employees around the world, is to become the preferred retailer, helping its clients and consumers to enjoy better quality lives. The Carrefour Foundation is an integral part of

this approach, extending our commitment to those in difficulty. It has a concrete mission to help the communities where our stores are located, using the skills of our employees and our financial and material resources. Its actions are entirely coherent with the nature of our business and focus on three areas: food programs, professional integration and solidarity. It also gives meaning to our values—committed, caring and positive. For 10 years, the

Carrefour Foundation has, in this way, been helping to improve daily life for those in greatest need, by supporting over 220 initiatives, whether in emergency situations or in everyday projects dealing with unemployment or food aid, for example. I am proud of our company Foundation and of the women and men of Carrefour who have given their time and gener-osity for 10 years to improve the living conditions of those in greatest need.

How do you interpret the work of the Carrefour Foundation, especially its emergency humanitarian action?

Xavier Emmanuelli: It takes special talent to intervene in an emergency, right at the heart of a disaster. There is no doubt that the Carrefour Foundation has this talent, as well as the resources to put it into practice. First of all the human resources—because humanitarian aid is first and foremost about people. With over 470,000 employees, Carrefour has immense potential to help! As Lars Olofsson has said, Carrefour also has the financial and material resources. Emergency interventions are expensive and require rapid action. With the support of the Carrefour Foundation, humanitarian actions can be organized effectively and with significant resources. This is why, alongside experts like Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Guy Paillotin and Wu Jianmin,

Lars OlofssonChairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Carrefour groupPresident of the Carrefour Foundation

Xavier EmmanuelliFounding President of Samusocial International and ParisBoard Member of the Carrefour Foundation



“I am proud of our company Foundation and of the women and men

of Carrefour who have given their time and generosity for 10 years.”

Lars Olofsson

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we try, on the Board of Directors of the Carrefour Founda-tion, to target the actions and budgets of the Carrefour Foundation in the best possible way to provide aid that is genuinely effective.

What is the driving force behind the work of the Carrefour Foundation?

Lars Olofsson: The work of the Carrefour Foundation relies on the joint efforts of everyone, the company’s employees, of course, but also public authorities, partner associations like Samusocial and, naturally, the generosity of our customers. Its day-to-day role is to coordinate all these players, to provide aid that is both effective and appropri-ate. In the future, we want our resources to be even more effective. So, we are currently investigating signing interna-tional partnership agreements with recognized emergency humanitarian aid organizations.

How, in your opinion, has the Carrefour Foundation changed over the past 10 years?

Xavier Emmanuelli: The Carrefour Foundation has been operating for over 10 years in the pursuit of the same objective, that is, of offering those in greatest need a better quality of life. It is an international player that knows how to adapt to local conditions by supporting the programs that it feels are both right and effective. Dur-ing this decade, I have seen great progress in terms of professionalism, a lot of commitment and a lot of hope as well. The Carrefour Foundation has supported over 200 projects, in 40 countries. It knows how to rally the resources and energy of the company in response to emer-gencies and exclusion of all kinds. It also knows how to bring comfort in adversity. Believe me, the Foundation brings a lot of smiles to the faces of those who have received its aid.

“The Carrefour Foundation knows how to rally the resources and energy of the company in response to emergencies and exclusion of all kinds.”

Xavier Emmanuelli

In one sentence, what would you like for the Carrefour Foundation for the next 10 years?

Lars Olofsson: A better quality of life for all, as that is our mission.

Xavier Emmanuelli : That urgency is always a means to get out of an emergency.

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Actions centred on our areas of competenceTen years ago, the Carrefour Foundation was created out of a desire to provide international coordination for the soli-darity actions of the Group. In this way the Carrefour Foun-dation has unified and supported a multiplicity of projects, including cultural programs, scientific and medical research, and efforts to combat exclusion. Several years ago, we reori-ented our actions to make them coherent with the Group’s fields of competence and vocations, namely: food programs,

professional integration and solidarity. To make our work more effective, this approach has been accompanied by a geo-graphical realignment within the countries where the Group is present, with one major objective: to improve the quality of life for all. To achieve this ambitious aim, the Carrefour Foundation relies on selected partner

associations and on using the skills and knowledge of the men and women in the Group. We are convinced that the effective-ness of our work lies in the convergence of local initiatives led by the Group’s various lines of charitable action.

Some new challengesNow, more than ever, the Carrefour Foundation must partic-ipate in the social and economic development of the areas where the Group is based. To do this, we need to continue to support our programs to combat unemployment, to fos-ter rural development and to provide education on healthy and balanced eating. For 10 years, the Carrefour Foundation has been intervening after large-scale natural or industrial disasters by funding material aid and appealing for voluntary help from employees. Today, the Foundation must reinforce

this approach to involve the customers, employees and shareholders of the Group. To this end, the members of the Board of Directors of the Carrefour Foundation decided to deploy humanitarian aid to all countries in the world by com-municating appeals for help to the international community. Finally, we would like our work to be recognized for its profes-sionalism. And, for this, we use rigorous methods and proce-dures, particularly in terms of the selection of projects and the management of funding.

Clearly identified criteria for actionThe Carrefour Foundation’s fields of intervention have now been clearly identified and enable us to structure our work. We have also decided to work with network leaders whenever possible. For example, we currently have a part-nership agreement with A.N.D.E.S (French Association for the Development of Social Grocery Stores) so that we can work on a broader scale and build up our actions sus-tainably in the areas of food programs and employment. We have helped to improve the supply of fruits and vegeta-bles to the stores and are currently working with the A.N.D.E.S network to offer training for those working in the social grocery stores and improve their employment prospects. We are also very concerned that the actions we support should be clearly understandable. We therefore ask our part-ners to be able to measure the social impact of their opera-tions. This approach is, for us, an absolute priority and enables us to develop and support over fifty projects every year.

“The Carrefour Foundation must participate in the

social and economic development of the areas

where the Group is present.”

Pierre-Alexandre TeuliéSecretary-General of the Carrefour groupGeneral Delegate of the Carrefour Foundation


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5 5

Chaired by Lars Olofsson, the Board of Directors of the Carrefour Foundation determines the strategic orientations of its actions and verifies the results. Its members are chosen for their skills and experience and meet at least twice a year to ensure that the actions being supported correspond to the Foundation’s missions and objectives. They serve as ambassadors, carrying the message of the Carrefour Foundation at home and abroad.


Thierry garnierExecutive Director Growth MarketsMember of the Executive Board of the Carrefour group

Noël Prioux*Executive Director EuropeMember of the Executive Board of the Carrefour group

guillaume Vicaire*Executive Director Hypermarkets, France

Martine saint-CricqStaff representative

Boutros Boutros-ghaliPresident of the Egyptian National Council for Human RightsFormer Secretary-General of the United Nations

Xavier EmmanuelliFounding President of Samusocial International and Paris

Wu JianminHonorary President of the International Exhibitions BureauFormer Ambassador of China to France

guy PaillotinHonorary President of INRAPerpetual Secretary of the French Academy of Agriculture*Candidates nominated for election at the next meeting of the Board

of Directors on 22nd June 2011 as replacements for Vicente Trius and James McCann.

Lars OlofssonChairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Carrefour groupPresident of the Carrefour Foundation

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IMPLEMENTINg A PROJECTThe work of the Foundation consists of coordinating the skills and resources of local associations with the expertise of the Carrefour teams. To do so, it relies on Carrefour staff, who monitor and develop the programs, and on local non-profit associations, who are responsible for implementing them. The Foundation then ensures that each of the actions is evaluated, while communicating on and encouraging the best examples.


In the areas in which we are involved—food program, profes-sional integration, and solidarity—perhaps more than else-where, the actions that are implemented require professional organization. For 10 years, the Carrefour Foundation has been looking for, devising and selecting projects initiated and devel-oped by partner associations. It supports programs that bring an adapted response that takes account of local conditions, with the determination to improve the quality of life sustain-ably for those in greatest need. The choice of projects is based on strict criteria, defined by the members of the Board of Directors. Guided by precise objectives, the Carrefour Foundation ensures the relevance and objectivity of its choices and the effectiveness of the funds it commits. Before commit-ting itself, the Carrefour Foundation verifies that the partner association is a non-profit organization whose mission is of general interest. It then looks at the dynamism of the team

of the association, assesses its requirements, the results obtained in past projects and evaluates the opportunities and constraints on its development. The next phase consists of working with the association to draft the program that the Carrefour Foundation will be supporting and to determine the time needed to make sure it is sustainable. Again, with the asso-ciation, the Foundation will determine the funding required, as well as the technical and material resources needed to ensure the association progressively becomes self-sufficient. In order to accompany the association’s development, the Carrefour Foundation calls on human resources within Carrefour in each of the countries. Once the program has been launched, it eval-uates the results obtained, using measureable impact criteria. The Carrefour Foundation works with professionalism, rigor-ously selecting projects, while allowing those who work hard on developing them to express their values.

SolidarityThe Carrefour Foundation provides an adapted response to those in greatest need in emergency situations.

Professional integrationThe Carrefour Foundation contributes to improve the job prospects of the socially excluded.

Food programsThe Carrefour Foundation enables those who are vulnerable to have access to a safe and varied diet.

The three fields of action of the Carrefour Foundation

sophie Fourchy-spiesserHead of the Carrefour Foundation

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Identification and analysisThe Foundation selects projects initiated and developed by local non-profit associations in the 19 countries where the group is based. These projects must respond to three missions: food programs, professional integration and solidarity, specifically in relation to the trades and vocations of the group, in order to ensure maximum legitimacy and effectiveness for the Foundation in its contribution to the projects, notably via the efforts of teams in the field.

Instruction and approvalThe requests for aid are compiled by the respective Carrefour management teams in each country. They then make a selection and request the Carrefour Foundation to fund the actions that they wish to see implemented. Each management team completes a checklist of objective criteria, previously approved by the Board of Directors. The Carrefour Foundation then informs the management team in each country of their approvals to offer support.

Contracts and fundingA project is only approved once the association has submitted to the Foundation its statutes and missions, as well as the detailed objectives and budget of the project. The Foundation will then define, along with the Carrefour management team in the given country, the financial and technical aid that is required to develop the project. The approved project is then made official with a contract between the local association and the Carrefour Foundation. This contract mentions the objectives, funding and provisional budget.

Monitoring and developmentThe management team in each country is then responsible for implementing the program and for monitoring and assessing it regularly. In addition to the signed contract, Carrefour management agrees to support the project, free of any motives for financial gain, by providing equipment, financial and human resources.

Evaluation and deploymentThe management teams in the respective countries report back to the Carrefour Foundation and regularly assess the impact of the projects being funded. Any further funding is subject to prior assessment of the action currently being implemented. The final assessment of the program involves detailed measurement of the project’s impact and determines the interest of any future collaboration.

The various steps of a project







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2010 actions

Latin America� ARgENTINAFood program 2 projectsProfessional integration 1 project

� BRAZILFood program 4 projectsProfessional integration 2 projectsSolidarity 1 project

� COLOMBIAProfessional integration 4 projectsSolidarity 1 project

Europe� FRANCEFood program 6 projectsProfessional integration 8 projectsSolidarity 3 projects

� gREECEFood program 2 projects

� ITALYFood program 1 project

� POLANDFood program 1 projectSolidarity 1 project

� ROMANIASolidarity 1 project

� sPAINFood program 1 projectProfessional integration 1 project

� TuRKEYSolidarity 1 project

Asia� ChINAProfessional integration 2 projectsSolidarity 3 projects

� INDONEsIAProfessional integration 2 projectsSolidarity 2 projects

� MALAYsIAFood program 1 project

� ThAILANDProfessional integration 1 project

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For the list of actions, please see the Financial Report on page 28

In 2010, the Carrefour Foundation financed 52 projects in 14 countries

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Notre position d’employeur de référence dans le monde nous confère une expertise unique en matière d’emploi, de diversité et d’égalité des chances. Nous prolongeons cet engagement à travers les actions de la Fondation Carrefour, par le soutien à des programmes de formation, de création d’entreprise et des chantiers d’insertion. Avec toujours un objectif : donner sa chance à chacun.

As a retailer, food accounts for 75% of Carrefour’s turnover. The work of the Carrefour Foundation reinforces the food donations made by the stores and enables those in poverty to have access to a healthy and varied diet.




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Food donationsFaced with rising social exclusion, the staff in Carrefour stores make daily collections of food products that are then donated to charitable associations and passed onto the social grocery stores. In 2010, Carrefour stores in France donated 24,800 tonnes of food worth 3.9 million euros—the equivalent of 50 million meals. The Carrefour Foundation is helping to spread this practice throughout Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Spain, Italy, Poland and Turkey by the publication of a practical guide for donations and by supporting teams in all of the Group’s stores in the respective countries.

Collections In many countries, notably Latin America and Europe, employees organize collections of products from clients in their stores. In France, these collections from the clients have made it possible to provide nearly 24% of the supplies to the Food Banks. To help improve the logistics of the collections, Carrefour has, since 2009, been offering customers vouchers corresponding to a se-ries of products stocked by the stores and then distributed during the winter months to the Food Banks. In 2010, all the Carrefour banners in France worked together to collect 2,850 tonnes of food.

Refrigerated vehiclesTo ensure that the donated produce is kept fresh and that the cold chain is maintained, the Carrefour Foundation finances equipment for food aid associations. In 2010, it co-financed the purchase of 19 refrigerated vehicles in France and Spain. To further develop this approach, the Carrefour Foundation has also funded the creation of a CD that gives instructions on selective sorting of produce for volunteers in the Food Banks in Italy.

Since its creation, Carrefour has been making its competencies available in the interests of a healthy and balanced diet for all. Through its stores and the Carrefour Foundation, the Group offers financial support and participates in the development of initiatives to provide daily food aid for those in greatest need.

Food program


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MalnutritionIn Poland, Argentina, Brazil and Colombia in particular, the Carrefour Foundation works alongside non-profit asso-ciations to offer balanced meals to children and nutrition supplements for infants from poor families. It also supports structures that accompany and help young mothers to combat child malnutrition.

Social grocery storesThe Carrefour Foundation helps promote the development of structures like the “so-cial grocery stores” that offer those in great-est need the opportunity to purchase fresh produce at 20% of the usual price. The aim of social grocery stores is to combat exclu-sion without encouraging dependency on handouts, while respecting the freedom of the individual and promoting their return to long-term employment. The Carrefour Foundation particularly supports the es-tablishment of PACTE (Pour Agir Contre Toute Exclusion) grocery stores created on the initiative of Group employees.


50 millionmeals distributed in France

Opening of the

9th PACTE social grocery store in France and the 3rd in greece

500,000balanced meals distributed to children from poor families

A balanced dietA balanced diet often depends on cultural norms, so the Carrefour Foundation assists players in the food aid sector to distribute fruits and vegetables to those in greatest need and also offers them cookery lessons. In 2010, thanks to A.N.D.E.S (French Association of Social Grocery Stores) social groceries, this aid resulted in the delivery of 22 tonnes of fruits and vegetables to partner associations, partially thanks to job creation schemes. In parallel, Carrefour offered vouchers with a 20% reduction to encourage the regular supply of the social grocery stores.

Our partners

Argentina: Conin Foundation.Brazil: Ação comunitária, Agencia Mandalla, Cidades Sem Fome, SERTA.France: French Federation of Food Banks, PACTE (59 and 92), A.N.D.E.S. network, Restos du Cœur (44, 73).Greece: PACTE Greece, PAIDEIATROFI.Italy: Italian Federation of Food Banks.Malaysia: Alfort Foundation.Poland: Caritas.Spain: Spanish Federation of Food Banks.

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GreecePACTE social grocery store Encouraged by its successful experience in Athens and Piraeus, in 2010 the Carrefour Foundation contributed to the opening of a third social grocery store in Greece, in Thessaloniki. These groceries are supplied through donations from the stores, offering a range of basic products for free to families experiencing hardship and with little income. In this way, 600 families on average across the country are put into contact with the grocery by social services each month.

FranceFood BanksFor the eighth consecutive year, the Carrefour Foundation has supported the French Food Banks in combating food waste and social exclusion, by accompanying them in their missions of collecting and distributing food products to those in greatest need. In 2010, the dynamism and generosity of the staff and customers of the various stores enabled almost 25,000 tonnes of food to be collected nationwide, making Carrefour the Federation’s leading private sector donor, for the benefit of over 740,000 people.

BrazilCidades Sem Fome In 2010 Carrefour teams in Brazil launched an appeal for projects aimed at rewarding local education initiatives on healthy eating and sustainable production. The Cidades Sem Fome (Cities Against Hunger) association is one of four to win awards under the program. It sets up community gardens in the east of São Paulo that are tended by needy families, who can then decide whether to eat what they have grown or sell it in order to boost their income.

ItalySusanna ScarllNon Food Products Department, Carrefour Italy

Examples of projects in 2010

Food program

" In March 2010, Carrefour Italy set up a donation program in collaboration

with Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus. In 2010, 31 hypermarkets joined the project, which enabled us to collect 245 tonnes of products worth 686,000 euros. These were products with defective labels or that were nearing their sell-by date. Alongside the implementation of this program a training manual was distributed to all store employees, inspired by the Practical Guide for donations published by the Carrefour Foundation. This project enables Carrefour and its teams to really add value to their

work. The results obtained as well as the increased involvement of our stores are encouraging us to continue along these lines and to do better. In 2011, we hope to extend the project to other store formats such as mini-hypermarkets and supermarkets.”

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Project fileAwareness-raising program to prevent and reduce childhood obesityConin Foundation (Cooperadora de la Nutrición Infantil) in Argentina

Since 2008, the Carrefour Foundation has been working with the Conin Foundation to raise children’s awareness about healthy and balanced eating and the need for regular physical exercise as a way to improve their quality of life.

Project detailsFor three years, the Conin Foundation has been running a program to combat infant malnutrition and the serious consequences it can have for their physical and mental health. The Foundation has been following over 350 infants aged between 0 and 11 months and their mothers in order to assess the state of their health, to monitor them and to treat them if necessary. In particular it gives advice to young mothers and offers them health education classes. In 2010, the Conin Foundation launched a new awareness-raising project in schools, which will start in the new school year in 2011. Advice on healthy eating will be given to 33,000 families. A theoretical and practical education program will also be set up by health workers, teachers and interested members of civil society. Carrefour intends to sponsor schools that are located near to its stores in order to support the association in this project.

IssuesIn Argentina, one out of every three children has no breakfast, yet 33% of children aged between 9 and 13 years consume 3,000 calories per day, which is double the amount they need. Childhood obesity is due to genetic factors combined with an unhealthy environment. Meanwhile, 35% of children under 2 years old suffer from anaemia.

Dr Abel AlbinoPresident of the Conin Foundation

“The Conin Foundation was founded in 1993 and addresses the problem of malnutrition by treating or trying to change children’s eating habits through awareness-raising campaigns with families, schools and local authorities. Our collaboration with Carrefour started 15 years ago and was strengthened further in 2008 through the ‘Supplementary Food Aid’ program, which has enabled hundreds of poor families to receive food and to join our child malnutrition prevention program, where they also receive classes in literacy, vocational training and, of course, training in better childcare practices. One of the highlights of the project has been the aid provided by the

13 hypermarkets in the town of Mendoza, which all helped to carry out a massive collection of products destined for the only shelter in the province.”

“Our collaboration with Carrefour started 15 years ago.”


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Notre position d’employeur de référence dans le monde nous confère une expertise unique en matière d’emploi, de diversité et d’égalité des chances. Nous prolongeons cet engagement à travers les actions de la Fondation Carrefour, par le soutien à des programmes de formation, de création d’entreprise et des chantiers d’insertion. Avec toujours un objectif : donner sa chance à chacun.








As a major employer in France and elsewhere in the world, Carrefour is also a rich source of talent. Backed by this expertise, the Carrefour Foundation contributes to improve the employability of the socially excluded, through programs to provide training, help with microcredit, foster rural development and encourage social integration through economic activity.

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Professional integration

Social rehabilitation projectsThe workshops and projects to rehabilitate people are structures that offer contracts for the future or contracts to help the unemployed get back to work, when they are experiencing particular social and profes-sional setbacks. In order to enable these structures to play their role and create new, adapted activities, the Carrefour Foundation has joined with national networks that work with the thousands of long-term unem-ployed people.

Professional trainingIn Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, France and Spain as well as Indonesia, the Carrefour Foundation arranges training courses in collaboration with non-profit associations and volunteers from the Carrefour group. In this way, in dozens of stores, employees pass on their skills and experience to those facing social or financial difficulties in order to help them find a trade or to set up a professional activity.

Bridges to employmentThe Carrefour Foundation initiates and develops training courses that are adapted to local needs. In China, it works with Shanghai Young Bakers to train young orphans in the bak-ery trade. In Spain and France, the Carrefour Foundation works with the Exit Foundation and A.N.D.E.S (French association for the develop-ment of social groceries) to offer help with finding work and provide in-store training courses aimed at young men and women from socially deprived suburbs and the socially excluded.

As a major employer worldwide, Carrefour offers many opportunities for training, jobs and career advancement. In order to extend these opportunities to all and especially those in need, the Carrefour Foundation offers support to structures that train, prepare and accompany people back into work.


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Product Lines creationBy training local communities in how to obtain organic certification and helping cooperatives and farmers with production, sales and distribution, the Carrefour Foundation with local teams from the Group, contributes to create and develop product lines, while maintaining people in their own environment and improving living conditions for the producers.

11,248jobs created within structures supported by the Foundation

14,800beneficiaries of vocational training

8 countrieshave developed bridges to employment

Support and microcreditIn order to help with setting up businesses, while strengthening the local economy, the Carrefour Foundation works with microfi-nance organizations that support entrepre-neurs who want to grow their businesses. With Yayasan Sahabat Cipta in Indone-sia, the Sichuan Foundation for Poverty Alleviation in China, ADIE in France, PlaNet Finance in Argentina and Colombia, the Foundation was able to help over 5,000 families in 2010.

Our partners

Argentina: PlaNet Finance Argentina.Brazil: ALFASOL, Dialog Instituto.China: Chi Heng Foundation, WWF China.Colombia: Red Cross Colombia, ARGOS Foundation, PlaNet Finance Colombia, UNODC-GUARDAGOLFO.France: ADIE, ADIE Microfranchise solidaire, Toques & Partage, Fédération Nationale des Paniers de la Mer, Fondation de la deuxième chance, Groupe SOS, Réseau Cocagne, Terroirs & Cultures.Indonesia: ISCO, Yayasan Sahabat Cipta.Spain: EXIT Foundation.Thailand: Volunteers for Children’s Development Foundation.

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Professional integration

ChinaShanghai Young BakersThis program was launched two years ago by members of the Shanghai Youth Chamber of Commerce to offer part-time training in the French bakery trade for Chinese orphans aged 17 to 23 years. It helps these young disadvantaged individuals to become active members of society, while offering them job prospects in a growing sector in China. About thirty students have already been trained thanks to the support of the Carrefour Foundation, which has been the principal sponsor of the program since its creation. The Group’s various stores in China also help the project by offering placements every year to the trainees.

FranceLes Paniers de la MerThe “Fédération Nationale des Paniers de la Mer”, present in seven major ports around the coast of France, is committed to avoid wasting unsold fish, while promoting job opportunities in the fishmonger trade. It recovers unsold fish from the day’s catch, processes them in its centres, using staff on job creation schemes, and then distributes them to food aid associations. In 2010, 98 employees were hired. The Carrefour Foundation has been supporting the Federation since 2009, providing the human and structural resources for it to grow. In 2010, this support allowed the Federation to open four new job creation processing facilities.

ColombiaPlaNet FinanceThe primary objective of this project is to reinforce access to microcredit loans for poor women from Cali, and to enable them to sell their produce in the local market. To do this, Carrefour Colombia has, since 2008, been contributing to set up a sponsorship program to develop a “Quality Line”. 1,500 women have received training in microfinance, notably in management, accounting and computing. The first phase of the program has enabled 300 sustainable jobs to be created and led to a nearly 50% improvement in women’s income.

spainMaria Cid“Fundación Solidaridad” Carrefour Spain

Examples of projects in 2010

" The social commitment of Carrefour Spain aims to help those who are

most vulnerable to find employment. This is why, since 2008, we have been working closely with the EXIT Foundation on the Conecta project with young people in social exclusion. The project aims to offer them access to in-store training as a means to consolidate their future employment prospects. Our partners pre-select candidates to ensure that they will be able to see their mission through, while taking into account the availability of job openings and the Spanish economic situation. Since 2008,

this partnership has enabled 269 individuals to be trained and 74 interns to be given placements. The project is also a springboard towards work, as 22 of those who received training have been taken on by Carrefour in the past three years. In 2010, the EXIT Foundation also received an award from the Prince and Princess of Asturias for their activities, working closely with companies to help young people in difficulty to find work.”

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Jean-Guy HenckelNational Director of “Réseau Cocagne”

Project fileCreation and development of organic market gardensRéseau Cocagne in France

“Two decades after the first Cocagne garden was created, 110 of these organic market gardens are operational in France, helping to create jobs and facilitate social integration. The next steps in the development involve the creation of larger units enabling more individuals to find work and play an active role in society. It is also planned to extend the idea abroad in 2011, notably in Spain, as well as setting up a national centre on the Saclay plains in France. The Carrefour Foundation has been supporting Réseau Cocagne for over a decade. It has now decided to become even more involved and to work alongside us as we face new national

challenges. In terms of solidarity and organic farming, long-term agreements have a much greater impact, which is the reasoning behind the partnership between “Réseau Cocagne” and the Carrefour Foundation.”

The Cocagne gardens are organic market gardens aimed at fostering social and professional integration. The gardens are used to supply weekly baskets of organically grown vegetables to subscribing customers, enabling those in social or financial difficulties to find work and to (re)formulate a personal project.

Program detailsAs early as 1998, the Carrefour Foundation decided to support the first Cocagne garden in Chalezeule (Doubs). Encouraged by the success of the first programs, the Cocagne gardens grouped themselves into a network in 1999. By the end of 2010, “Réseau Cocagne” brought together over a hundred organic market gardens with the aim of social and professional integration in France. It has enabled 3,500 people to find jobs and nearly 20,000 customers to receive a delivery of seasonal organic vegetables every week, produced locally and supporting those in need. The Carrefour Foundation appreciates the achievements of the gardens in providing work and promoting healthy and balanced eating. so, in 2008 the Foundation decided to reinforce its aid by signing a formal partnership contract worth 50,000 euros to support 10 gardens a year. Carrefour also helped to fund a computer program called “growing Plan ” that is needed for optimization of crop rotations.

IssuesCreated in 1991, the Cocagne gardens derived their inspiration from the swiss idea of collective gardens. In exchange for their work, the gardens offer to help men and women facing social and professional difficulties to build a personal project. This work enables them to regain a certain social standing, along with self-confidence, to be part of a collective economic project and to learn new skills.

“The next steps in the development involve the creation of larger units.”


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Notre position d’employeur de référence dans le monde nous confère une expertise unique en matière d’emploi, de diversité et d’égalité des chances. Nous prolongeons cet engagement à travers les actions de la Fondation Carrefour, par le soutien à des programmes de formation, de création d’entreprise et des chantiers d’insertion. Avec toujours un objectif : donner sa chance à chacun.



As a local player with skills in logistics and distribution, Carrefour tries to raise the awareness of its customers by appealing for donations, contributing to humanitarian aid and responding by giving products to those in greatest need during emergency situations.

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Responding to need When there is a major disaster, there are almost always significant, but ill-defined local needs. At the first signs of an alert, the Carrefour Foundation team assesses the scale of the disaster and contacts local teams from the Group, who pass on the requirements as expressed by the local authorities and partners.

ReactivityLocal Carrefour teams assess their capacity to react. Some of the elements needed to determine the appropriate humanitarian action include an evaluation of the context, extent of the damage, number of victims, precise details of the sites affected by the disaster, the commu-nication resources available as well as the capacity of Carrefour teams to react, working closely with the UN Office for the Coordination of Hu-manitarian Affairs. Within 24 hours, the various elements of the analysis are compiled so that the Foundation’s Board can approve the decision to intervene.

The Carrefour Foundation offers its support to associations working locally to combat poverty and exclusion. In the event of natural or industrial disasters, the Foundation also comes to the aid of victims with food supplies, hygiene kits and other products essential for survival. To do this, the Carrefour Foundation depends on the company’s expertise in logistics, the employees’ mobilization and reliable internal organization and procedures.

CollaborationSometimes the analysis of needs reveals that the effectiveness of the response depends on the capacity of the Foundation to raise aware-ness within civil society and get them mobilized, as well as providing funding to boost the resources being deployed by recognized NGOs such as the Red Cross and Red Crescent. In these cases the Carrefour Foundation provides funding, while Carrefour staff appeal for dona-tions at store checkouts to give to these associations.


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Means of action The men and women of Carrefour work around the clock to provide a response to the most urgent requests for aid. The teams prepare emergency kits, and mobilize their warehouses and transport to deliver aid to those who urgently need it.

Help for the homelessThe Carrefour Foundation provides financial support to associations that aid the homeless or displaced people locally. The Foundation works with Samusocial International, which intervenes in particular in Romania and Colombia to help establish appropriate medico-psycho-social services for those who need these facilities. In Romania, in 2010, it concen-trated its efforts on more personalized support, and helped over 2,500 people to receive individual care and support.

Appeal for donations and mobilization of teams in

198stores worldwide

Emergency aid in response to


225,000victims aided

3,370staff volunteers mobilized

Our partners emergency aId

China: Red Cross China.Colombia: Samusocial International.France: Agence du Don en Nature.Poland: Caritas.Romania: Samusocial Romania.


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TurkeyEarthquakeOn 8th March 2010, the East of Turkey was hit by a violent earthquake (magnitude 6 on the Richter scale). The town of Elazig was devastated and 2,000 families affected. Teams from the 5 stores and the local distribution centre volunteered to help. 75 tonnes of food and non-food products (e.g. blankets and personal hygiene products) were therefore delivered to the victims. These donations, worth about 137,000 euros, were funded by the Carrefour Foundation.

ChinaRed CrossIn August 2010, the Chinese Red Cross intervened following major flooding and mudslides that forced the evacuation of 45,000 people living in the provinces of Ganzu and Sichuan. In response to this drama, the Carrefour Foundation donated 115,000 euros so that the NGO could purchase vehicles and equipment to implement the emergency relief efforts.

RomaniaSamusocialThe Carrefour Foundation has been supporting Samusocial Romania since 2007, in its fight against exclusion and homelessness. First of all, it helped to finance a health centre in Bucharest, and 5 shelters. It then funded night staff who patrolled the town, helping the homeless. In 2010, 57 jobs were created thanks to the support it received from a program of customized social reintegration.

FranceAnna JaegyExternal Relations Director, Carrefour France

Examples of projects in 2010

" On 14th and 15th June 2010, the Var department was hit by torrential rain

of up to 300 litres per sq.m. from Saint-Tropez to Draguignan. From the first day of the disaster, the Draguignan store was providing water and food as well as equipment for the emergency teams, the police and technical services on the scene. The night after the drama, 250 people were given shelter in the store. The next day, at the request of the Mayor’s office, the Trans store delivered 700 breakfasts to the town’s schools, for the children who had spent the night there.

This catastrophe claimed many victims. Nevertheless, the teams turned out in large numbers in response to the most urgent needs of the people. There was an awesome display of solidarity in the 20 stores in Côte d’Azur and Provence, with 250 extra staff joining in to lend the local teams a hand.”

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Milka CameliaHead of Corporate Social Responsibility, Carrefour Indonesia

Project fileEmergency aid following the tsunami and the eruption of the Merapi volcano in Indonesia

“The intervention of Carrefour Indonesia following natural disasters always emphasizes three priorities: providing an immediate response, mobilizing staff and providing adequate financial support. With the series of disasters that hit the country during 2010—the eruptions of Mount Sinabung and Mount Merapi, the tsunami in the island of Mentawai—we did everything possible to deliver the best aid to the population by improving our emergency aid each time. The assessments made by teams from the stores closest to the areas that were affected, combined with the permanent support of the Carrefour Foundation, enabled us to put together appropriate

and effective emergency missions. The cooperation between Carrefour, local authorities and humanitarian organizations was certainly the key factor that enabled us to ensure that the supplies reached the victims rapidly. But, once again, it was the dedication of the 240 Carrefour volunteers throughout the mission that was most valuable.”

At the beginning of September 2010, staff in the Medan Fair and Medan Citra Garden stores got together, with the help of the Carrefour Foundation, to provide emergency aid to the 20,000 villagers affected by the eruption of the Sinabung volcano. Two months later, Indonesia was hit once again by disaster when the Merapi volcano erupted, followed by a powerful tsunami.

Emergency situation and humanitarian aid Carrefour volunteers intervened to deliver food products, blankets, masks and personal hygiene projects to the affected families. In all, products worth 100,000 euros were donated, with funding from the Foundation. On 30th October, in a joint action with civilian security forces and their local partners, teams from the Palembang and Yogyakarta stores organized a relief operation to deliver 10 truckloads of emergency supplies to the affected zones, followed by three more truckloads three days later... On 8th November, the catastrophe was declared a “national disaster” by the Indonesian government. Teams from Carrefour Indonesia again informed the Foundation of the complications arising from air pollution due to ash clouds from the Merapi volcano. Immediately, logistics teams in France dispatched 120,000 masks to the regions where the air had become hazardous to health.

“The cooperation between Carrefour, local authorities and humanitarian organizations was certainly the key factor.”


Context On 26th October 2010, when it was alerted that a magnitude 7.7 earthquake had just hit Indonesia, followed by a powerful tsunami and the eruption of the country’s most active volcano, the Carrefour Foundation immediately contacted local Carrefour teams to assess the requirements for humanitarian aid. The waves had swept through ten villages in the Mentawai islands and the authorities had ordered the evacuation of over 40,000 villagers living on the slopes of the volcano, where many houses had been destroyed.

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FINANCIAL REPORT 2010With an annual budget of e4.5 million, which was renewed in June 2010 for a period of five years, as from 1st January 2011, the Carrefour Foundation has provided financial and technical support for 52 projects in the 14 countries where the Group is present, out of the hundreds of proposals received in 2010. This selection meets the criteria established by the Board of Directors: value for society, operational strength, legitimacy in relation to the trades and skills of the Carrefour group. Each of the selected projects is evaluated before and after implementation, thus providing a measure of the quality of the intervention as well as of the effectiveness of partner associations, and this is submitted as part of the annual audit of the Carrefour Foundation.

�4.5 M

annual budget for the Carrefour Foundation


projects supported in 2010 in 14 countries


communication budget


operating costs


ARGENTINA CONIN FOUNDATION Awareness raising program to combat obesity ■ ■ �150,000

CONIN FOUNDATION Food aid and health program for disadvantaged children ■ ■ �79,000

PLANET FINANCE - ARGENTINA Support for microentrepreneurs to develop product lines ■ ■ �53,320

BRAZIL EMERGENCY AID Flooding in Rio de Janeiro - April 2010 ■ ■ �135,558

ALFASOL Literacy Program ■ ■ �120,000

DIALOG INSTITUTO Support for microentrepreneurs to develop product lines ■ ■ �120,000

SERTA Promotion of sustainable development with farming families and youth ■ ■ �60,000

AGENCIA MANDALLA Development of urban community gardens ■ ■ �60,000

AÇAO COMUNITARIA Education programs on responsible eating ■ ■ �60,000

CIDADES SEM FOME Creation of social community market gardens ■ ■ �60,000

CHINA RED CROSS CHINA Earthquake in the Qinghai region - 14th April 2010 ■ ■ �219,957

RED CROSS CHINA Reconstruction program following the earthquake in the Sichuan region ■ ■ �110,244

RED CROSS CHINA Flooding in the Gansu region - October 2010 ■ ■ �107,769

CHI HENG FOUNDATION “Shanghai Young Bakers” training program in the bakery trade ■ ■ �56,718

WWF CHINA Development of a pepper industry in Sichuan ■ ■ �24,188

COLOMBIA UNODC - GUARDAGOLFO Development of an artisanal fishing industry ■ ■ �72,000

RED CROSS COLOMBIA Development of production industries by microentrepreneurs ■ ■ �60,000

FONDATION ARGOS Sponsorship program: “Schools are part of our life” ■ ■ �50,000

SAMUSOCIAL INTERNATIONAL Creation of an agency in Bogotá ■ ■ �50,000

PLANET FINANCE COLOMBIA Support for microentrepreneurs to develop product lines in Cali ■ ■ �44,620

SPAIN SPANISH FEDERATION OF FOOD BANkS Funding to purchase refrigerated vehicles ■ ■ �126,689

EXIT FOUNDATION “Conecta” professional training program for young people in difficulty ■ ■ �35,000

FRANCE FRENCH FEDERATION OF FOOD BANkS Cofunding of refrigerated vehicles ■ ■ �240,000

PACTE 92 Assistance in developing social grocery stores in Levallois-Perret and Asnières ■ ■ �175,000

FÉDÉRATION NATIONALE DES PANIERS DE LA MER Development of a network of fish processing facilities ■ ■ �104,089

GROUPE SOS Support to set up a job creation platform ■ ■ �100,000

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Strategy 2Governance 4 Organization 6 2010 actions 8Food program 10Professional integration 16Solidarity 22Financial Report 2010 28


Breakdown of funding by geographic area

Breakdown by typeof action

Geographic breakdownof projects

Latin America• e1,174,498• 15 projects

Asia• e882,671• 11 projects

France• e1,149,611• 17 projects

Europe• e1,003,706• 9 projects

Food programs 38.7%18 projects • €1,627,800

Professional integration 34.61% 21 projects • €1,457,266

Solidarity 26.73%13 projects • €1,125,500

France 27.3%Europe 23.8%Latin America 27.9%Asia 21.0%


FRANCE TOquES & PARTAGE Opening of a restaurant helping professional integration ■ ■ �85,718(continued) ADIE MICROFRANCHISE SOLIDAIRE Aid in setting up microfranchises ■ ■ �80,000

AGENCE Du DON EN NATuRE Setting up a platform for non-food donations ■ ■ �60,000

ADIE “CRÉAJEuNES” Program for helping setting up a business ■ ■ �50,000

RÉSEAu COCAGNE Development of organic gardens helping professional integration ■ ■ �50,000

RÉSEAu A.N.D.E.S Aid for supplying social grocery stores ■ ■ �46,260

FONDATION DE LA 2e CHANCE “Coup de pouce” program to help people get back to work ■ ■ �45,000

TERROIRS & CuLTuRES Creation of a training centre on setting up a local product approach ■ ■ �43,100

RESTOS Du CœuR 44 Cofunding of a refrigerated vehicle ■ ■ �30,000

PACTE 59 Opening of a social grocery store in Hem ■ ■ �14,164

EMERGENCY AID Hurricane Xynthia in the Vendee - 1st March 2010 ■ ■ �10,424

RESTOS Du CœuR 73 Cofunding of a refrigerated vehicle ■ ■ �10,000

EMERGENCY AID Flooding in the Var - 15th June 2010 ■ ■ �5,856

GREECE PACTE GREECE Opening of a social grocery store in Thessaloniki ■ ■ �218,687

PAIDEIATROFI Awareness raising program to combat childhood obesity ■ ■ �60,000

INDONESIA YAYASAN SAHABAT CIPTA Microcredit program ■ ■ �195,513

EMERGENCY AID Earthquake, tsunami and eruption of the Merapi volcano - October 2010 ■ ■ �74,560

ISCO Program for education of disadvantaged children ■ ■ �28,000

EMERGENCY AID Eruption of Sinabung volcano - September 2010 ■ ■ �3,822

ITAlY ITALIAN FEDERATION OF FOOD BANKS Training volunteers in selective sorting of food ■ ■ �16,100

MAlAYSIA ALFORT FOuNDATION Health audit on Malaysian cattle farms ■ ■ �21,900

POlAND CARITAS Distribution of meals to disadvantaged children ■ ■ �200,000

CARITAS Flooding - May 2010 ■ ■ �160,000

ROMANIA SAMuSOCIAL ROMANIA Extra night staff to work with the homeless in Bucharest ■ ■ �50,000

ThAIlAND VOLuNTEER FOR CHILDREN’S DEVELOPMENT FOuNDATION Program for the protection and education of children ■ ■ �40,000

TURKEY EMERGENCY AID Earthquake in Elazig - 8th March 2010 ■ ■ �137,310

TOTAl IN € €4,210,566

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Carrefour Foundation Annual Report 2010Special issue: 10 years of action

www.fondation-carrefour.orgCarrefour Corporate Foundation
