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2012 China Daily Deal Market Report

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In 2012 there are 3 leaders, Juhuasuan, Meituan and Dianping, making up tier 1. The top 3 (Services & Product deals) accounted for 55% of the total revenue. The leaders in Service deals are Meituan, Dianping, Nuomi, Lashou and 55tuan.
Dataotuan.com China Daily Deal Websites The Year 2012 Data source: Dataotuan.com 2012 Jan. 1- Dec. 31 Including the regular Q4, 2012 Report
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Dataotuan.com China Daily Deal Websites

The Year 2012

Data source: Dataotuan.com 2012 Jan. 1- Dec. 31

Including the regular Q4, 2012 Report

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© Dataotuan - blog.dataotuan.com – www.datatuan.com - Feb. 2013

Table of Contents

2012 – Key Findings 2012

2012 - The Year in a Pyramid

2012 – Competition on a local level

2012 – More deals, Higher Prices, More Sold, Higher Revenue.

2012 – Strengths & Weaknesses of the top 5 daily sites in 2 categories

2012 - Travel - Trending

Q4, 2012 Highlights

Q4, 2012 Market Shares

Q4, 2012 Local Service Deals Comparison

Q4, 2012 Product Deals Comparison

Dataotuan Data Products

About Dataotuan

Data Specifications

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2012 – Key Findings

1. It’s getting lonely at the top

Juhuasuan/Meituan/Dianping (Services & Products) accounted for 55% of

total revenue

The Top 10 websites take now more than 90% of the market.

2. Daily Deals: there’re more, higher priced, more sold and higher revenue

The average nr sold per deal is now 498

The average price has gone up to 183.4 Rmb

The average revenue per deal stands at 22464.7 Rmb

3. Local Services Daily Deal Sites

Meituan, Dianing, Nuomi, Lashou and 55tuan still make up the top 5

The best selling local deals in 2012 were Movies, Hotpot & Drinks/Desserts

4. Strength/Weakness Analysis Top 5 in Local Service Deals

Meituan is the overall leader but is far behind in the big cities concerning

popular deals, like Movies and Hotpot.

Each Deal website from the top 5 has ample space to improve

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2012 Summary – The Deal Pyramid

By the end of 2012, the Top 10 daily deal websites have > 90% market share.

Juhuasuan/Meituan/Dianping, accounted for 55% of total revenue & lead by far.




55tuan Lashou Nuomi

Manzuo 58tuan Didatuan Gaopeng

Juqi Liketuan Shuangtuan Ayatuan Pingtuan

Tier 1(Top 3)

Mon. Revenue >200 mio Rmb

Market share 50-55%

Golden Triangle

Tier 2(100 Million Club)

Mon. Revenue 100-200 mio

Market share 20-23%

Members fixed, positions change

Tier 3(Top 7-10)

Mon. Revenue 50-90 mio

Market share 10-13%

Tier 4(Others)

Market share 10%

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In 2012, the 4 daily deal indicators, the nr. of launched deals, the average

deal price, the nr. sold per deal and the average revenue per deal have all

gradually increased over the year. (This is for all deals, services & products)



Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Deal Numbers (10,000)

362421 442


Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Nr. Sold per Deal

143.5 152.2168.6


Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Avg. Price (Rmb)




Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Avg. Revenue (Rmb)

2012 – More Deals, Higher Prices, More Sold, Higher Revenue

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Local Service Deals – Evolution in 2012

Meituan, Dianping, Nuomi, Lashou and 55tuan still make up the top 5 when

it comes down to local services deals.

The main trend is that, besides 55tuan, all of them have been increasing

their market share.

The best selling deals in 2012 were Movies, Hotpot and Drinks/Desserts




Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Meituan Dianping Nuomi Lashou 55tuan

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Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Dianping Meituan Total

Revenue of travel deals was over 2 billion (9.6% of total deal revenue in 2012)

Typical local service deal sites like Dianping/Meituan, have increased their

share in travel deals.

Trend – Travel Deals

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Data help Daily Deal sites to improve

Dataotuan has data of 60 daily deal sites, in 243 Chinese cities, in more than

100 industries/subcategories

By cross-analyzing all these data we can indicate the strong and weak spots

for all of the Daily Deal sites we follow daily

Dataotuan delivers these data and analysis for all the top sites in China.

Contact us for more details.

In the next 2 slides insights in how even the top 5 Daily Deal sites

(Local service deals) have weak spots that they can improve on by using data.

The 1st example shows that the majority is underperforming, relative to their

overall market shares, in the big cities when it concerns movie deals.

The 2nd example shows that the majority is also underperforming, relative to

their overall market shares, when it comes down to hotpot-deals

Dianping is the only one that has a positive result

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Meituan’s weak spot 1 – Movie deals

A Strength & Weakness Analysis of the top 5 deal sites (Local service deals) in

Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou for the category Movies.

Meituan is, relative to its overall market share, very weak in Beijing.

Nuomi, Lashou and 55tuan all have space in Shanghai & Guangzhou to improve.

Dianping is strong in all 3 cities, and outstanding in its base Shanghai

Nuomi is doing well in Beijing.



Lashou 55tuanMeituan

Beijing Shanghai Guangzhou

* Based on data from December 2012

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Meituan’s weak spot 2 – Hotpot Deals

A Strength & Weakness Analysis of the top 5 deal sites (Local service deals) in

Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou for the category hotpot.

Meituan is, relative to its overall market share, weak in all cities.

Nuomi, Lashou and 55tuan have space in Shanghai & Guangzhou to improve.

Dianping is strong in Beijing, and outstanding in its base Shanghai

Nuomi is doing well in Beijing.


Lashou 55tuanMeituan


Beijing Shanghai Guangzhou

* Based on data from December 2012

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2012 Q4 Key Findings

1. The Top 5 sites in China consolidate their positions.

In Q4 2012, the revenue of the daily deals is about 10 billion rmb in China.

The Top 10 websites accounted for 95.3% market share.

Meituan, Dianping & Lashou make up the top 3 in the local deals’ revenue list.

Juhuasuan is not only the leader, but the king of shopping (product) deals.

The revenue of Juhuasuan shopping deals accounted for 88.1%.

2. Average discount was stable; Average price and Nr. Sold rose slowly.

Compared to Q3, the average discount changed slightly.

The average price & average nr. Sold maintains a slight upward trend.

3. Dining was the most popular category in Q4;

Movies ranked top 1 among all subcategories.

Dining accounted for 35.4% and is back as the most popular category in Q4.

Movies, Hotpot & Clothing/Footgear were the most popular subcategories in

Q4 2012.

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2012 Q4 — Market Shares (Service + Product Deals)

The top 5 deal sites have 82% of the market.

The total revenue of local service & product deals is ab. 10 billion in 2012 Q4.

Juhuasuan leads by far (47.8%), influenced by its abundance of product deals .

Juhuasuan 47.8%

Meituan 13.1%

Dianping 8.6%

Lashou 7%


5.5% Nuomi

5.3% Manzuo










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2012 Q4 — Categories (revenue)

Dining accounts for 35.4% and is the top popular category.

Shopping deals are the 2nd most popular category (26.5%).

Leisure followed as the 3rd popular category with 15.3%.

Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4

Average Nr.Sold/Deal 291 275 915 1159 589 640 105 117 89 84

Average Price/Deal 109.6 123.6 120.1 154.9 96.8 88.6 286.6 327.5 246.5 259.5

Average Discount 50 48 59 60 65 66 79 77 53 52

Dining Shopping Leisure Life Travel

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2012 Q4 — Local Service Deals Overall

Revenue of local service deals (Dining/Leisure/Life) in Q4 is about 5 billion

The Top 10 websites accounted for 93.8%.

In terms of total revenue, Meituan has the biggest market share of local

service deals (24.7%), followed by Dianping (19.0%) and Lashou (12.5%).



Meituan 24.7%

Dianping 19%

Lashou 12.5%










2.4% Didatuan




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2012 Q4 — Local Service Deals(2)

The average price of a local service deal is 169.9 Rmb

The average discount overall is 59%.













































Average Price: 169.9 Rmb Average Discount: 59%

* Excluding data from pure vertical deal websites like Jumei, Ctrip etc.

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2012 Q4 — Product Deals (physical products)

In Q4, the revenue of Juhuasuan shopping deals is more than the total revenue of

all its competitors combined & accounts for 88.1% of the Product Deals Revenue.

Shuangtuan 2.3%

Manzuo 1.3%

Nuomi 0.9%

Dianping 0.6%

Boletuan 0.4 %

Others 1.3%

55tuan 1.3%

Cobuy 0.8%

Lashou 1.25%

Meituan 1.8%



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2012 Q4 — Product Deals (top subcategories)

In Q4, Clothing/Footgear was still the most popular subcategory.

Home/Furnishings & Food/Beverage were the next popular subcategories.







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About Dataotuan.com

Dataotuan, the worldwide local e-commerce data & analytics company

Collects & Supplies Daily Deal data from APAC, Europe and Africa

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Data Products - Dashboard


Dataotuan Dashboard is available for clients:

Near-live market share data – which deal sites are leading in which categories

Sales Leads – Find high performing merchants with Merchant Analytics

Competitive data – where are daily deals sourced

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A leading Group-buying company, wants to know the deal performance of their

competitors in Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia

Dataotuan delivers

Data Dashboard

Market share data

Category Performance

Active merchants info

Cleaned, deduplicated raw data

Curated for each country


Data Products - Deal Performance

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Data Products – Cut Sales Cost

Dataotuan delivers

One of the leading deal providers in Ireland, wants to cut down on their sales cost

and help in finding qualified, high performance merchant leads.

Merchant deal map

Sales force can search

& find merchants with

proven sales records

Deal Map ongoing deals

Live insights performance


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Data Product – Hedge fund/PE/M&A – ROI

Dataotuan delivers

A US Hedge fund invested in one of the Leading Deal Companies in the US

and wants the deal company to include objective 3d party data in their reporting

from their operations outside the US.

A Financial is considering investing but needs unbiased insights in the market

situation as well as potential.



Revenue Trends

Winners & Loosers


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The objective of this report is to offer insights into the Chinese Daily Deal industry.

Data are collected from the main Chinese deal websites and offer a reliable indication of the Chinese daily deal market

The daily deal websites that unfortunately are not included due to not providing correct data access (api) is groupon.cn.

QQ changed its business mode. It’s not a daily deal site anymore.So Dataotuan excludes QQ's data from 2011 Sep.

In January 2013 qqtuan was merged, together with ftuan in gaopeng.com

Please contact us if you have any questions/remarks related to this report.

Contact Dataotuan

We’re happy to help you, please contact us at:

Chinese +86 13761796676 Email: [email protected]

English +86 13801660890 Email: [email protected]

Data Products datatuan.com

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Dataotuan Tracks & Collects in China

Dataotuan Tracks

*Dataotuan adds new Daily Deal websites on a regular basis based on quality and time of existence.

Deal Title

Price (Original, Current, Abs. and % Discount)

Number of Sold Deals

Category/Sub Category

Availability in Time

City, District, Latitude/Longitude

Weather & more

Deals & Revenue per District

Number of “real’ active Cities/Provinces

Number of Deals

Gross revenue Province,

City, District, Category, Sub Cat.

243 cities in Mainland China(*)

5000 – 10000 new deals every day

Dataotuan Collects

60 of the main Daily Deal Sites

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Dataotuan Geo Coverage

DTT Web & Data available

DTT Data available

DTT will cover soon

Dataotuan aggregates and analyzes the daily deal markets in

Asia - China, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Indonesia

Europe – UK, Ireland, France

Oceania - Australia and New Zealand,

Africa, Middle East - More countries will follow soon.

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Specifications 1 – Data Definitions

All the data have been collected in the period Jan.1 – Dec.31, 2012.

Number of deal sites tracked: 60

Number of cities tracked: 243


Nr. Deals – number of deals closed with the merchants and launched

on the deal sites.

Nr. Sold – total number of times that the consumers bought deals.

Revenue: Nr.Sold * Current price (the price the consumer pays)

Top Deals – the 500 deals which generated the most revenue. Real

estate and car deals are not included in the top deals as they are more

likely to be advertisements instead of the real online shopping deals.

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Specifications 2 - Categories

Deals category/subcategory specification by Dataotuan.

Local deals – the localized service deals, including dining, leisure and life

services. Normally they are only available for consumers from a specific city.

Dining Leisure Life Travel Shopping Others

Local Cuisine Recreation/Games Photography Travel Food/Beverage Lucky draw

Buffets Film/Exhibitions Car Maintenance Skin care/Make-up Charity donation

Drinks/Dessert Drama/Shows Pet Care Household


vouchers for


gasoline station,

mobile phone

minutes, etc.

Asian Food KTV Education Clothing/Footgear

Western Food Sports/Fitness Medical Services Jewelry/Accessories

Hotpot/BBQ Leisure Others Hair/Nail Beauty Kids

Dining Others Beauty/Massage Electronic Products

Life Others Shopping Others
