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2013 Nwosu Summer Lift

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2013 NWOSU Summer Lift
  Northwestern Oklahoma State Athletics - Weight Room Off-Season Strength & Conditioning Training STRENGTH PUNISHES, SPEED KILLS  AND THE RANGERS WILL RIDE! Coach R. Alex Haynes 29 April 2013 
  • Northwestern Oklahoma State Athletics - Weight Room

    Off-Season Strength & Conditioning Training STRENGTH PUNISHES, SPEED KILLS AND THE RANGERS WILL RIDE!

    Coach R. Alex Haynes 29 April 2013

  • Dear Rangers,

    The summer is here and this is a great opportunity for you to better yourself as a Northwestern Oklahoma State University Student-Athlete. You should take advantage of this time to continue to train hard for the upcoming fall season. You need to be dedicated to your strength, speed and conditioning program during the summer in order to be in top shape when you return.

    Take a week off to relax, and then get started on your program so you will be ready when you return to help do your part in helping your team win the GAC Conference Championship and a National Championship. The program includes strength training, agility, plyometric, conditioning, stretching and diet. Make sure that you are consistent with your training so that you will be in the best shape when you return. I cannot stress enough how important it is to maintain a consistent training schedule during the summer months. Have a great summer and remember to train hard and be consistent.

    If you have any questions about your program feel free to call me at 803- 397-5227 or email me at [email protected].


    R. Alex Haynes

    Running Backs Coach

    Director of Strength, Conditioning and Sports Performance

    Northwestern Oklahoma State University



    Never lift alone Always use a spotter!

    Spotters must keep the bar moving

    Use a weightlifting belt for any exercises that involves the lower back (squats, power & hang clean, dead-lifts and

    overhead lifts)

    Use proper form and technique on all lifts. You are only as strong as what you lift correctly.

    Always warm-up properly before both lifting and running, and always stretch afterwards for range of motion

    If possible, get a partner. This will be a big aid to your progress.

    Proper Rest and Diet are Critical to getting Stronger. You must Discipline yourself and commit to an athletes lifestyle.

    All running should be in a competitive situation, either against another athlete, or a stopwatch.

    Explode the bar up on both squats and the bench press. This helps develop explosiveness.

    Make pain your Allie and not your enemy. Train with Intensity. Intensity is a very important aspect of transforming

    your physique into a powerful, lean, fast machine.

  • Be Consistent! Once a training session is missed it cannot be made up. Make a Positive Gain each day.

    Set clear specific goals that you must achieve. Write them down and tell them to someone.

    Set a definite date for achieving your Goals and Commit yourself to it.

    Breakdown your larger goals into smaller goals. Write down the sub goals and the dates you intend to achieve them

    Measure your progress honestly and regularly.

    Create compelling Motivation. List all the reasons why you absolutely will and must obtain your goal. List all the

    negatives that would happen if you fail to take the necessary

    actions to reach your goal.

    Take some time each day to visualize your goals. See yourself obtaining the goal.

    Pray, Trust God, Maximize your abilities.




    H = HONOR



    P = PRIDE










    Train with a weight program that is well planned and consistent throughout the year.

    Set goals, stick with the plan, and strive to reach those goals.

    Within your plan develop core strengths to work on like the Clean, Squat, and Bench.

    Train with supplemental exercises to support those core lifts.

    Compete and train with enthusiasm and intensity to improve performance.

    You must strain to gain.

    Use variety in your training sessions, this will stimulate growth

    Develop a base using periodization.


    Consistently train for speed in the off-season and pre-season.

    Set goals, stick with the plan, and strive to reach those goals.

    Keys to developing speed are Stride Length, Stride Frequency, and Speed Mechanics.

    Work on linear speed and lateral speed.

    Incorporate plyometrics into the program.

    Do all drills at full speed; you must train fast to get fast.

    Compete and your intensity level will rise.


    Muscles grow because of a net increase in whole-body protein (the difference between protein breakdown and protein buildup).

    Protein up after heavy bouts of training, the timing is critical so keep it within that 45 minute window beyond completion.

    Intake protein at bedtime (around 8:00 to 9:00 p.m.).

    Try to consume around 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.

    Consume protein every few hours, however, do not consume excess amounts.

    A post training session meal or drink will supply your body with the nutrients it needs to recover from the damage that you have done to it with your intense training


    Northwesterns cafeterias are great places to get a well rounded healthy meal.


    Eat 6 meals spaced out every few hours.

    You must get up and eat breakfast.

    Smaller, more frequent meals will feed your body more consistently.

    Drink at least a gallon of water a day.

    You have to fuel your body for it to perform correctly.


    You must sleep if you want to grow.

    Sleep allows you to recoup and repair, and consequently you will grow.

    You need a minimum of 8 hours of sleep per night.

    Power nap 30 minutes a day.

    On your off days, enjoy relaxing activities and hobbies.





  • NUTRITION 4-Step Recovery System

    You want to get the most out of our training program. As dedicated athletes, you must

    put in several hours of strenuous strength training and conditioning. But intense exercise is only

    one aspect of an effective training program.

    This time of year is crucial for the success of our program. We will be training intensely

    to raise ourselves to the next level. If you truly want to elevate the teams performance, as well as your own, then you must be willing to make the sacrifices that will help make that happen.

    Recovery is a very important element to success. As everyone knows, you dont get stronger while in the weight room, you get stronger after youve finished your training session and youve eaten a quality meal and rested. What we would like to stress to you now are the ways to help you recover between workouts. If you dont recover well, then the next training session will not be as productive as it should be. Remember, someone out there is doing what it

    takes today to make themselves better, are you?

    Heres a simple 4 Step System to help you with your bodys recovery. Step 1: Restore: fluids and important minerals to recover from dehydration.

    Step 2: Replenish: glycogen, a primary fuel source for energy.

    Step 3: Reduce: muscle and immune-system damage resulting from the physical stress

    of exercise.

    Step 4: Rebuild: muscle protein, which is important for the maintenance of muscle

    structure and function

    Step 1: Restore Fluids Dehydration as little as 2-4 percent, which is when you become thirsty, can cause up to

    an 8 percent decrease in strength and up to a 10 percent decrease in speed. Here are some simple

    steps to help you ensure that youre replacing your fluids; 1) water is a good source of replenishment for exercise lasting less than one hour; however, Gatorade and Glyococrush will

    not only replace the lost water, but also the electrolytes lost through sweat. 2) Avoid carbonated

    drinks when youre thirsty, because they can upset your stomach. Gas can make you feel full, which prevents you from drinking enough to fully rehydrate. 3) Weigh yourself each morning. If

    your weight is relatively the same, you are well hydrated. *In hot and humid weather, be sure to

    drink plenty of fluids between meals and in the evening, not just during and after exercise.

    Water makes up about 60 percent of a persons total body weight. Water is the most important nutrient in order for the body to function. Water is the main component of blood

    plasma. Without it, oxygen, glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids wouldnt be transported to your active muscles. Catabolic waste products couldnt be eliminated from the body. Be sure to drink plenty of water, and during heavy activity, drink even more water than you thirst indicates

    to insure proper hydration.

  • Step 2: Replenish Glycogen In addition to restoring your bodys fluid and electrolyte balance after exercise, you need to begin replenishing your glycogen stores. Glycogen supplies energy in the form of glucose to

    keep your muscles working. How fast glycogen is manufactured and stored determines how

    quickly you will be ready to train again at a high level. Insulin is a hormone released by the

    pancreas in response to carbohydrate intake. One of the main functions of insulin is to help

    transport glucose to the liver and muscle tissues, where it is stored as glycogen. Your muscle

    cells are more sensitive to insulin during the first two hours following exercise. If enough

    carbohydrates are available, elevated levels of insulin in the blood after exercise speed up the

    rate of glycogen production. If you dont consume enough carbs and the proper proportion of protein, after training you will not be able to restore your muscles glycogen stores, which means less energy for training. Studies show that protein, when combined with carbohydrates, almost

    doubles the insulin response and increases the rate of glycogen synthesis by almost 30 percent.

    After you complete your training session, your body acts as a sponge. It is ready to soak

    up the nutrients it needs to replenish itself. At this time you should consume a meal that has

    roughly a 4:1 (carbohydrate:protein) ratio. What that means is, for every 4 grams of

    carbohydrates, it should contain 1 gram of protein.

    Two hours after training you should consume another meal with the same 4:1

    ratio. The window of opportunity opens up once more for your body to absorb the nutrients it

    needs to quickly replenish what has been lost.

    Step 3: Reduce muscle soreness Although it is not possible to completely eliminate exercise-induced muscle damage, it

    can be minimized. The harder you train and the more oxygen you take in, the greater the

    generation of free radicals and the greater the potential for muscle damage. Free Radicals are

    highly unstable molecules that can muscle damage. To counter the effects of free radicals, you

    need to take in extra antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E, beta-carotene, and selenium.

    The One Step Liquid Vitamin which is provided for you contains 25,000 IUs of vitamin A, 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C, and 400 IUs of vitamin E. In addition it also contains 200 micrograms of selenium. Great natural sources of vitamins A, C, and E can be found on the 3

    Winning Steps Shopping List handout. These should be consumed with each meal.

    Another way to aid in recovery and reducing muscle soreness is to stretch after your

    training session. It has been shown that stretching after exercise can help prevent sore and stiff

    muscles and aid in recovery

  • .Step 4: Rebuild muscle protein Protein is a nutrient required for growth, maintenance, and repair of all cells and for the production of enzymes and hormones. And because protein is an essential component of muscle

    structure, sufficient amounts are required for recovery after exercise to ensure proper repair and

    development of your muscle cells.

    Research indicates that a strength and power athlete should consume up to 1.5-2.0 g/kg of

    protein daily. However, you must remember that carbohydrates need to take in as well, and you

    should consume up to 5.0-6.0 g/kg daily. Great sources of carbohydrates and protein can again

    be found on the 3 Winning Steps Shopping List handout.

    Conclusion These four steps could be the difference in the in winning and losing games this fall. By

    doing these simple steps we can become a physically dominate football team. How hard we

    prepare now pays off in the fall. How committed are you to your teammates and the Newberry

    College? Remember, somewhere out there someone is doing what it takes to make them better

    today. Are you?

    Hydration Football players, especially during summer months need to pay special attention to remaining hydrated. Dehydration negatively affects athletic performance, but worse, during hot and humid conditions, it can be life-threatening.

    Athletes need to drink water consistently throughout the day.

    Lost weight from a football game or practice should be replaced with water and sports drinks.

    Athletes should take the time during breaks in play to sip on water or a sports drink.

    The color of an athletes urine is indicative of their hydration level it should be colorless. If an athlete allows themselves to become thirsty, they are already dehydrated to the level that

    cannot be overcome during that particular practice.


    Although good eating habits cannot substitute for physical training and genetic endowment, proper daily diet, training and game diet, plus appropriate supplemental choices are crucial for top-notch performance. Performance eating together with targeted physical training will elevate athletic achievement to a new level. Just as top grade fuel is crucial to the performance of a sports car; good nutrition is the cornerstone to optimal athletic training and performance. Inadequate nutrition leads to sub-optimal results.

    THE BASICS All major nutrients (carbohydrates, protein and fats), play a significant role in the performance diet for

    base athletes. Fad diets that propose the elimination of any food group are not reliable athletic choices.

  • The combination of carbohydrates and proteins together particularly enhance an athletes performance and recovery.

    Vitamins and minerals (found in a diet rich in lean and vegetable protein, whole grain carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables) are essential in regulating an athletes energy, growth and repair processes. One multi-vitamin per day is also recommended.

    Water is the most important supplement an athlete can take. Water is a major constituent of most of the bodys cells, (muscles are 80% water). When an athlete fails to remain hydrated, energy levels, and muscle strength/size are compromised.

    Thirst is not a good indicator of adequate hydration levels. Athletes must plan to drink water frequently throughout the day.

    To maintain hydration levels, athletes need to be aware that salt- and caffeine-containing foods and drinks encourage dehydration.

    Sodas and high fat/high sodium (salt) fast food are not performance enhancing foods. Most football players will benefit from eating small amounts frequently, rather than trying to obtain all

    their calories in three major meals.


    Carbohydrates Fruits Vegetables

    Lean Protein Water RANGERS FOOD CHOICES

    Carbohydrates, Fruit and Vegetables

    Every meal and snack should contain carbohydrates. Approximately one half of the food on your plate should consist of carbohydrates. Two thirds of your plate should consist of carbohydrates and vegetables. Immediately after training or playing, eat a high carbohydrate snack that is easy to digest. This will

    ensure that your energy stores are rapidly replaced. Drink an energy drink during training/playing to maintain energy levels. Remember that many fruits and vegetables are good sources of carbohydrate.

  • Beans and legumes such as black beans and split peas are excellent protein sources while providing a good source of carbohydrate.

    Carbohydrates: choices for everyday diet. These foods supply the body with a long-lasting, consistent source of energy.

    Whole Wheat- Pasta Rice Bread Pita Tortillas English muffins Bagels Unsweetened cereals

    Beans/Peas Dried beans and peas Black beans Kidney beans Garbanzo beans (chickpeas) Lentils

    Starchy Vegetables Squash and zucchini Eggplant Corn Carrots Green beans and peas Potatoes with skin

    Vegetables Cucumbers Broccoli Spinach / collard greens Mushrooms Romaine lettuce Tomatoes

    Fruit Apples Bananas Grapes Nectarines / peaches Oranges / grapefruit Peaches Plums

    Special Carbohydrates Typically, high glycemic carbohydrates (i.e. those that are absorbed into the blood very rapidly) should

    be avoided. This is because they do not provide lasting energy. They should especially be avoided right before activity / training / match since they may cause a rapid

    depletion in blood sugar levels due to the response of insulin. However, in situations where it is essential to quickly increase blood sugar levels for the purpose of re-

    stocking muscle energy stores, these carbohydrate sources can be particularly useful. As soon after training / playing as possible, and certainly within 30 minutes, consumption of

    these foods may help recovery by restoring used energy levels.

    Carbohydrates to replace used energy stores within 30 minutes

    of activity

    Animal crackers Dried fruits French bread Plain bagel Pretzels Energy bars

  • Apple sauce (sweetened) Fruit in syrup Cereal bars Cereal Mashed potatoes White rice Orange juice Juices Recovery shakes and drinks

    Infrequent Carbohydrates, Fruits and Vegetables The following foods, although part of the carbohydrate, fruit and vegetable families, are not the best

    habitual choices for football performance. Athletes concerned about body composition (i.e. wanting to reduce fat, or prevent fat gain), and

    lowering or maintaining body weight, need to eliminate these foods from their diet, or at least eat them very infrequently.

    Most of these carbohydrate choices are loaded with fat, which is essential in the diet, but can be obtained more healthfully from cooking in vegetable oils (canola and olive oil), nuts, and dairy and meat products!

    Breads etc. Biscuits Cinnamon rolls Coffee cake Croissants Danish pastries Doughnuts Pies

    Vegetables Corn chips Onion rings Fried potatoes (French fries) Vegetables canned in brine (salt) Vegetables cooked in butter Vegetables in hollandaise or other creamy sauce

    Fruits Coconut (in large quantities) Fruit fritters Fruit canned in syrup Fruit juices (check label for sugar content)

    Lean Proteins Proteins are essential for building and repair of the bodys cells. Athletes have higher protein needs than the general public because of the constant repair and building

    of tissues.

  • Athlete protein requirements are approximately 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. This is more than double the regular requirement, and is at the upper limit of the range cited by various sports studies.

    Because of the volume of food (calories) an athlete needs to consume to meet energy levels, most athletes can usually meet their protein needs through food choices if they eat a balanced diet.

    The vegetarian athlete needs to pay special attention to protein choices to ensure a balanced intake of all amino acids (the building blocks of protein).

    Although this section deals with common lean protein choices, it should be remembered that protein is actually found in many other foods (breads for example) just in smaller quantities.

    Protein intake should be spread throughout the day. Proteins: choices for everyday diet. These are lower fat high quality protein choices.

    Meat choose baked, roasted,

    grilled, broiled, poached

    Chicken (white best) Turkey (white best) Lean roast beef 85% lean meats Trimmed pork chops Fish Lean baked ham Canned tuna - in water

    Dairy choose 1-2% fat, lowfat or


    Milk Dried milk Yogurt Cheese Egg whites Egg substitute

    Vegetarian Dried beans and peas Lentils Black beans Kidney beans Chick peas Peanut butter (red. fat)

    Infrequent Protein Choices Athletes concerned about body composition (i.e. wanting to reduce fat, or prevent fat gain), and

    lowering body weight, need to eat these foods infrequently.

    Meat Dark chicken or turkey Poultry with skin Breaded meats Hot dogs Bacon Sausage Any fried meat/fish Processed meats

    Dairy Whole milk Whole eggs Regular yogurt Regular cheese Butter

  • How To Set Strength Goals based on the index below.

    Goal Setting:

    Example based off of a 300 lb. Lift.

    1. 97% Poor Effort = 291

    2. 100% Average Effort = 300

    3. 103% Good Effort = 309

    4. 105% Great Effort = 315

    5. 107% Committed Effort = 321

    6. 110% Championship Effort = 330

    To determine what level of goals you would want to set for yourself, just multiply the

    percentage times the max.

    Example = 1.10% x 300 = 330

    1.07% x 300 = 321

    1.05% x 300 = 315

    1.03% x 300 = 309

    1.00% x 300 = 300

    0.97% x 300 = 291












    ALWAYS USE SPOTTER Front Squat v Back Squat

















  • POWER CLEAN STANCE: Step under bar with feet hip width apart, and bar almost touching shins. Grip bar with hands

    slightly wider than shoulder width, wrist curled under the bar, elbows pointing out to the end of

    the bar, and arms straight. Keeping feet flat, bend hips and knees to a position of chest-over-

    knees-over-toes. Shoulders are slightly ahead of the bar. Bar should be over 1st shoelace. Back is

    straight, abs tight, chest inflated with air, shoulder blades pinched together, and eyes focused

    ahead. Remove all of the slack from the bar and your body before lifting weight from floor.

    FIRST PULL: The 1st. pull begins the instance the bar separates from the floor and ends above the knees.

    Squeeze the bar off floor by extending the legs keeping back straight with chest and shoulders up.

    The bar should almost touch the shins.

    SCOOP: Begins above the knees and ends at the power position or top 1/3 of thigh. As the bar moves

    above the knees, the hips move forward and up as this occurs the knees move under the bar. and

    shoulders move up and back.


    PULL EXPLOSION: Begins at the top 1/3 of thigh and consists of a violent explosion. Jump straight up fully

    extending hips, knees, and ankles; simultaneously violently shrugging the bar as shoulders move

    up and back. Over exaggerate full extension and shrug. Toes stay in contact with floor.

    RACK POSITION: Quickly shift feet sideways to shoulder width; drop into a squat with a straight back and flat

    feet on the floor. Elbows are rotated around the bar and into a racked position resembling a front squat position.

    RECOVERY: Stand upright with bar. Exhale and safely return bar to floor and reset for next rep.

  • Name: ___________________________ Sport: ___________ Body Weight: ____________

    Week 1/Day 1/Phase 1

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training 20x_____ 20x_____ 20x_____20x_____ 20x_____

    Power Clean Push Press 5x@ 52%_____ 5@55%_____ 5x@57%_____ 5x@60%_____

    Bench Press/Max: _____ 12x@40%___ 8x@50%___ 5x@60%___ 10x@65%___ [email protected]%___ 10x@70%___

    Three Way Shoulder 12_____ 12_____ 12_____

    Dips 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    St. bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____ 6_____

    Tricep Pressdown 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    St. Bar Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Hammer Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM) *static stretches*


    Week 1/Day 2/Phase 1

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Hang Clean/Max: _____ 6x@45%___ 5x@55%___ 3x@65%___ 5x@75%___ 5x@77%___ 5x@80%___

    Squat/Max: _____ 10x@40%___ 8x@55%___ 10x@65%___ 10x@70% 10x@75%___

    Lunge (Straight Bar) 15_____ 12_____ 10_____

    Leg Curl or Glute Ham 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Straight Leg Dead Lift 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Lat Pull-Ups 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Calve Raise 25_____ 25_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week1/Day 3/Phase 1

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training Weighted Abs 5x25_____

    Hang Clean Push Press 5x@ 52%_____ 5@55%_____ 5x@57%_____ 5x@60%_____

    Close Grip Bench/Max:____12x@40%___ 8x@50%___ 5x@55%___ 10x@57%___ 10x@60%___ 10x@62%___

    DB Incline Bench 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Standing Shoulder Press 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Shrugs 12_____ 12_____ 12_____

    EZ bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Tricep Pressdown 15_____ 12_____ 10____ 8_____

    Bicep Curls (your choice) 15_____ 12_____10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 1/Day 4/Phase 1

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards Run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Power Clean/Max: _____ 6x@45%___ 5x@55%___ 3x@65%___ 5x@75%___ 5x@77%___ 5x@80%___

    Front Squat 60% 0f Squat 10x@40%___ 8x@55%___ 10x@65%___ 10x@70% 10x@75%___

    Dead Lift 5_____ 5_____ 5_____

    Bent Over Rows 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Leg Curl 15_____ 12_____ 10_____

    Glute Ham Raise 15_____ 15_____

    Calve Raise 25_____ 25_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)

  • Name: ___________________________ Sport: ___________ Body Weight: ____________

    Week 2/Day 1/Phase 1

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training 25x_____ 25x_____ 25x_____25x_____ 25x_____

    PC-PP 5x@ 57%_____ 5@60%_____ 5x@62%_____ 5x@65%_____

    Bench Press/Max: _____ 12x@40%___ 8x@50%___ 5x@60%___ 8x@67%___ 8x@70%___ 8x@75%___

    Front/Back Press 12_____ 12_____ 12_____

    Dips 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    St. bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____ 6_____

    Tricep Pressdown 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    St. Bar Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Hammer Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 2/Day 2/Phase 1

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Hang Clean/Max: _____ 6x@45%___ 5x@55%___ 3x@65%___ 5x@80%___ 5x@82%___ 5x@85%___

    Squat/Max: _____ 10x@40%___ 8x@55%___ 8x@65%___ 8x@70% 8x@75%___ 8x@80%___

    Lunge (Straight Bar) 15_____ 12_____ 10_____

    Leg Curl or Glute Ham 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Straight Leg Dead Lift 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Lat Pull-Ups 12_____ 12_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Calve Raise 25_____ 25_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 2/Day 3/Phase 1

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training Weighted Abs 5x25_____

    HC-PP 5x@ 57%_____ 5@60%_____ 5x@62%_____ 5x@65%_____

    CG Bench/Max:____ 12x@40%___ 8x@50%___ 5x@60%___ 8x@60%___ 8x@62%___ 8x@67%___

    DB Incline Bench 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Standing Shoulder Press 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    3 Way Shoulder 12_____ 12_____ 12_____

    EZ bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Tricep Pressdown 15_____ 12_____ 10____ 8_____

    Bicep Curls (your choice) 15_____ 12_____10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 2/Day 4/Phase 1

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards Run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Power Clean/Max: _____ 6x@45%___ 5x@55%___ 3x@65%___ 5x@80%___ 5x@82%___ 5x@85%___

    Front Squat 60% 0f Squat 10x@40%___ 8x@55%___ 8x@65%___ 8x@70% 8x@75%___ 8x@80%___

    Dead Lift 5_____ 5_____ 5_____

    One Arm DB Row 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Leg Curl 15_____ 12_____ 10_____

    Glute Ham Raise 15_____ 15_____

    Calve Raise 25_____ 25_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)

  • Name: ___________________________ Sport: ___________ Body Weight: ____________

    Week 3/Day 1/Phase 1

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training 30x_____ 30x_____ 30x_____30x_____ 30x_____

    PC-PP 5x@ 62%_____ 5@65%_____ 5x@67%_____ 5x@70%_____

    Bench Press/Max: _____ 12x@47%___ 8x@50%___ 5x@57%___ 5x@70%___ 5x@72%___ 5x@77%__ 5x@82%__

    BH Shoulder Press 12_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Dips 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    St. bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____ 6_____

    Tricep Pressdown 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    St. Bar Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Hammer Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 3/Day 2/Phase 1

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Hang Clean/Max: _____ 6x@47%___ 5x@57%___ 3x@67%___ 3x@87%___ 3x@90%___ 3x@92%___

    Squat/Max: _____ 10x@40%___ 8x@55%___ 5x@65%___ 6x@72% 6x@77%___ 6x@85%___

    Lunge (Straight Bar) 15_____ 12_____ 10_____

    Leg Curl or Glute Ham 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Straight Leg Dead Lift 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Lat Pulldown 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Calve Raise 25_____ 25_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 3/Day 3/Phase 1

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training Weighted Abs 5x30_____

    HC-PP 5x@ 62%_____ 5@65%_____ 5x@67%_____ 5x@70%_____

    CG Bench/Max: ____ 12x@47%___ 8x@50%___ 5x@57%___ 5x@60%___ 5x@67%___ 5x@70%___


    DB Incline Bench 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Standing Shoulder Press 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    3 Way Shoulder 12_____ 12_____ 12_____

    EZ bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Tricep Pressdown 15_____ 12_____ 10____ 8_____

    Bicep Curls (your choice) 15_____ 12_____10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 3/Day 4/Phase 1

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards Run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Power Clean/Max: _____ 6x@47%___ 5x@57%___ 3x@67%___ 3x@87%___ 3x@90%___ 3x@92%___

    Front Squat 60% 0f Squat 10x@40%___ 8x@55%___ 5x@65%___ 6x@72% 6x@77%___ 6x@85%___

    Dead Lift 5_____ 5_____ 5_____

    RG Bent-Over Row 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Leg Curl 15_____ 12_____ 10_____

    Glute Ham Raise 15_____ 15_____

    Calve Raise 25_____ 25_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)

  • Name: ___________________________ Sport: ___________ Body Weight: ____________

    Week 4/Day 1/Phase 2

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training 30x_____ 30x_____ 30x_____30x_____ 30x_____

    PC-PP 3x@ 67%_____ 3@70%_____ 3x@72%_____ 3x@75%_____

    Bench Press/Max: _____ 12x@47%___ 8x@50%___ 5x@60%___ 5x@72%___ 5x@77%___ 5x@80%__ 5x@85%__

    F/B Shoulder Press 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Dips (Weighted) 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    St. bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Tricep Pressdown 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    St. Bar Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Hammer Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 4/Day 2/Phase 2

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Hang Clean/Max: _____ 6x@50%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@75%___ 3x@87%___ 3x@90%___ 3x@92%___ 3x@95%___

    Squat/Max: _____ 10x@45%___ 8x@57%___ 5x@67%___ 5x@77% 5x@85%___ 5x@90%___

    Lunge (Straight Bar) 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Leg Curl or Glute Ham 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Straight Leg Dead Lift 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Lat Pull-Ups 12_____ 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Calve Raise 20_____ 20_____ 20_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 4/Day 3/Phase 2

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training Weighted Abs 5x30_____

    HC-PP 3x@ 67%_____ 3@70%_____ 3x@72%_____ 3x@75%_____

    CG Bench/Max: ____ 12x@47%___ 8x@50%___ 5x@60%___ 5x@70%___ 5x@72%___ 5x@75%__ 5x@77%__

    DB Incline Bench 10_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Standing Shoulder Press 10_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    3 Way Shoulder 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    EZ bar Triceps Ext. 10_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Tricep Pressdown 10_____ 10_____ 8____ 8_____

    Bicep Curls (your choice) 12_____ 10_____8_____ 8_____ 6_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 4/Day 4/Phase 2

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards Run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Power Clean/Max: _____ 6x@50%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@75%___ 3x@87%___ 3x@90%___ 3x@92%___ 3x@95%___

    Front Squat 60% 0f Squat 10x@45%___ 8x@57%___ 5x@67%___ 5x@77% 5x@85%___ 5x@90%___

    Dead Lift 4_____ 4_____ 4_____ 4_____

    Bent Over Row 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Leg Curl 10_____ 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Glute Ham Raise 10_____ 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Calve Raise 20_____ 20_____ 20_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)

  • Name: ___________________________ Sport: ___________ Body Weight: ____________

    Week 5/Day 1/Phase 2

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training 30x_____ 30x_____ 30x_____30x_____ 30x_____

    PC-PP 3x@ 72%_____ 3@75%_____ 3x@77%_____ 3x@80%_____

    Bench Press/Max: _____ 12x@50%___ 8x@55%___ 5x@60%___ 3x@77%___ 3x@82%___ 3x@85%__ 3x@87%__

    BH Shoulder Press 10_____ 10____ 10_____

    Dips (Weighted) 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    St. bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6____

    Tricep Pressdown 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6____

    St. Bar Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6____

    Hammer Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 5/Day 2/Phase 2

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Hang Clean/Max: _____ 6x@50%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@75%___ 2x@82%___ 2x@85%___ 2x@90%___ 2x@92%___

    Squat/Max: _____ 10x@45%___ 8x@57%___ 5x@67%___ 3x@77% 3x@92%___ 3x@95%___

    Lunge (Straight Bar) 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Leg Curl or Glute Ham 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Straight Leg Dead Lift 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    RG Pull-Ups 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Calve Raise 20_____ 20_____ 20_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 5/Day 3/Phase 2

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training Weighted Abs 5x30_____

    HC-PP 3x@ 72%_____ 3@75%_____ 3x@77%_____ 3x@80%_____

    CG Bench/Max: ____ 12x@50%___ 8x@55%___ 5x@60%___ 3x@72%___ 3x@75%___ 3x@77%__ 3x@80%__

    DB Incline Bench 10_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Standing Shoulder Press 10_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    3 Way Shoulder 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    EZ bar Triceps Ext. 10_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Tricep Pressdown 10_____ 10_____ 8____ 8_____

    Bicep Curls (your choice) 12_____ 10_____8_____ 8_____ 6_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 5/Day 4/Phase 2

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards Run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Power Clean/Max: _____ 6x@50%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@75%___ 2x@82%___ 2x@85%___ 2x@90%___ 2x@92%___

    Front Squat 60% 0f Squat 10x@45%___ 8x@57%___ 5x@67%___ 3x@77% 3x@92%___ 3x@95%___

    Dead Lift 4_____ 4_____ 4_____ 4_____

    Bent Over Row 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Leg Curl 10_____ 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Glute Ham Raise 10_____ 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Calve Raise 20_____ 20_____ 20_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)

  • Name: ___________________________ Sport: ___________ Body Weight: ____________

    Week 6/Day 1/Phase 2

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training 30x_____ 30x_____ 30x_____30x_____ 30x_____

    PP-PP 3x@ 77%_____ 3@80%_____ 3x@82%_____ 3x@85%_____

    Bench Press/Max: _____ 12x@50%___ 8x@55%___ 5x@60%___ 3x@80%___ 3x@85%___ 3x@87%__ 3x@87%__

    F/B Shoulder Press 10_____ 10____ 10_____

    Dips (Weighted) 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    St. bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6____

    Tricep Pressdown 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6____

    St. Bar Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6____

    Hammer Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 6/Day 2/Phase 2

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Hang Clean/Max: _____ 6x@50%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@75%___ 2x@85%___ 2x@87%___ 2x@95%___ 2x@97%___

    Squat/Max: _____ 10x@45%___ 8x@57%___ 5x@67%___ 2x@80% 2x@95%___ 2x@97%___

    Lunge (Straight Bar) 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Leg Curl or Glute Ham 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Straight Leg Dead Lift 10_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Lat Pulldown 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Calve Raise 20_____ 20_____ 20_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 6/Day 3/Phase 2

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training Weighted Abs 5x30_____

    HC-PP 3x@ 77%_____ 3@80%_____ 3x@82%_____ 3x@85%_____

    CG Bench/Max: ____ 12x@50%___ 8x@55%___ 5x@60%___ 3x@72%___ 3x@75%___ 3x@80%__ 3x@82%__

    DB Incline Bench 10_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Standing Shoulder Press 10_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    3 Way Shoulder 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    EZ bar Triceps Ext. 10_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Tricep Pressdown 10_____ 10_____ 8____ 8_____

    Bicep Curls (your choice) 12_____ 10_____8_____ 8_____ 6_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 6/Day 4/Phase 2

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards Run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Power Clean/Max: _____ 6x@50%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@75%___ 2x@85%___ 2x@87%___ 2x@95%___ 2x@97%___

    Front Squat 60% 0f Squat 10x@45%___ 8x@57%___ 5x@67%___ 2x@80% 2x@95%___ 2x@97%___

    Dead Lift 4_____ 4_____ 4_____ 4_____

    Bent Over Row 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Leg Curl 10_____ 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Glute Ham Raise 10_____ 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Calve Raise 20_____ 20_____ 20_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)

  • Name: ___________________________ Sport: ___________ Body Weight: ____________

    Week 7/Day 1/Phase 3

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training 30x_____ 30x_____ 30x_____30x_____ 30x_____

    PC-PP 2x@ 82%_____ 2@85%_____ 2x@87%_____ 2x@90%_____

    Bench Press/Max: _____ 12x@52%___ 8x@57%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@82%___ 3x@87%___ 2x@90%__ 2x@92%__

    BH Shoulder Press 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Dips (Weighted) 10_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    St. bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____ 6_____

    Tricep Pressdown 10_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____ 6_____

    St. Bar Curl 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Hammer Curl 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 7/Day 2/Phase 3

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Hang Clean/Max: _____ 6x@50%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@75%___ 1x@85%___ 1x@87%___ 1x@95%___ 1x@100%__

    Squat/Max: _____ 10x@45%___ 8x@57%___ 5x@67%___ 2x@80% 2x@97%___ 2x@100%___

    Lunge (Straight Bar) 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Leg Curl or Glute Ham 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Straight Leg Dead Lift 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Lat Pulldown 10_____ 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Calve Raise 15_____ 15_____ 15_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 7/Day 3/Phase 3

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training Weighted Abs 5x30_____

    HC-PP 2x@ 82%_____ 2@85%_____ 2x@87%_____ 2x@90%_____

    CG Bench/Max: ____ 12x@52%___ 8x@57%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@75%___ 3x@77%___ 2x@82%__ 2x@85%__

    DB Incline Bench 8_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Standing Shoulder Press 8_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    3 Way Shoulder 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    EZ bar Triceps Ext. 8_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Tricep Pressdown 8_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Bicep Curls (your choice) 10_____ 10_____8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 7Day 4/Phase 3

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards Run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Power Clean/Max: _____ 6x@50%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@75%___ 1x@85%___ 1x@87%___ 1x@95%___ 1x@100%__

    Front Squat 60% 0f Squat 10x@45%___ 8x@57%___ 5x@67%___ 2x@80% 2x@97%___ 2x@100%___

    Dead Lift 3_____ 3_____ 3_____ 3_____

    RG Bent Over Row 6_____ 6_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Leg Curl 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Glute Ham Raise 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Calve Raise 15_____ 15_____ 15_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)

  • Name: ___________________________ Sport: ___________ Body Weight: ____________

    Week 8/Day 1/Phase 3

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training 30x_____ 30x_____ 30x_____30x_____ 30x_____

    PC-PP 2x@ 87%_____ 2@90%_____ 2x@92%_____ 2x@95%_____

    Bench Press/Max: _____ 12x@52%___ 8x@55%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@85%___ 3x@90%___ 2x@92%__ 2x@95%__

    BH Shoulder Press 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Dips (Weighted) 10_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    St. bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____ 6_____

    Tricep Pressdown 10_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____ 6_____

    St. Bar Curl 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Hammer Curl 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 8/Day 2/Phase 3

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Hang Clean/Max: _____ 6x@50%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@75%___ 1x@87%___ 1x@92%___ 1x@97%___1x@103%___

    Squat/Max: _____ 10x@45%___ 8x@60%___ 5x@70%___ 2x@82% 2x@97%___ 2x@103%___

    Lunge (Straight Bar) 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Leg Curl or Glute Ham 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Straight Leg Dead Lift 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Lat Pull-Ups 10_____ 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Calve Raise 15_____ 15_____ 15_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 8/Day 3/Phase 3

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training Weighted Abs 5x30_____

    HC-PP 2x@ 87%_____ 2@90%_____ 2x@92%_____ 2x@95%_____

    CG Bench/Max 12x@52%___ 8x@55%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@75%___ 3x@80%___ 2x@85%__ 2x@87%__

    DB Incline Bench 8_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Standing Shoulder Press 8_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    3 Way Shoulder 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    EZ bar Triceps Ext. 8_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Tricep Pressdown 8_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Bicep Curls (your choice) 10_____ 10_____8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 8/Day 4/Phase 3

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards Run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Power Clean/Max: _____ 6x@50%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@75%___ 1x@87%___ 1x@92%___ 1x@97%___1x@103%___

    Front Squat 60% 0f Squat 10x@45%___ 8x@60%___ 5x@70%___ 2x@82% 2x@97%___ 2x@103%___

    Dead Lift 3_____ 3_____ 3_____ 3_____

    Bent Over Row 6_____ 6_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Leg Curl 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Glute Ham Raise 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Calve Raise 15_____ 15_____ 15_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)

  • Name: ___________________________ Sport: ___________ Body Weight: ____________

    Week 9/Day 1/Phase 3

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training 30x_____ 30x_____ 30x_____30x_____ 30x_____

    PC-PP 2x@ 92%_____ 2@95%_____ 2x@97%_____ 2x@100%_____

    Bench Press/Max: _____ 12x@55%___ 8x@60%___ 5x@65%___ 3x@85%___ 3x@90%___ 2x@95%__


    F/B Shoulder Press 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Dips (Weighted) 10_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    St. bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____ 6_____

    Tricep Pressdown 10_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____ 6_____

    St. Bar Curl 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Hammer Curl 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 9/Day 2/Phase 3

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Hang Clean/Max: _____ 6x@45%___ 5x@55%___ 3x@65%___ 5x@80%___ 5x@82%___ 5x@85%___

    Squat/Max: _____ 10x@45%___ 8x@60%___ 5x@70%___ 1x@82% 1x@97%___ 1x@105%___

    Lunge (Straight Bar) 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Leg Curl or Glute Ham 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Straight Leg Dead Lift 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Lat Pulldown 10_____ 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Calve Raise 15_____ 15_____ 15_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 9/Day 3/Phase 3

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training Weighted Abs 5x30_____

    HC-PP 2x@ 92%_____ 2@95%_____ 2x@97%_____ 2x@100%_____

    CG Bench/Max: ____ 12x@55%___ 8x@60%___ 5x@65%___ 3x@77%___ 3x@82%___ 2x@87%__


    DB Incline Bench 8_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Standing Shoulder Press 8_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    3 Way Shoulder 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    EZ bar Triceps Ext. 8_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Tricep Pressdown 8_____ 8_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Bicep Curls (your choice) 10_____ 10_____8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 9/Day 4/Phase 3

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards Run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Power Clean/Max: _____ 6x@45%___ 5x@55%___ 3x@65%___ 5x@80%___ 5x@82%___ 5x@85%___

    Front Squat 60% 0f Squat 10x@45%___ 8x@60%___ 5x@70%___ 1x@82% 1x@97%___ 1x@105%___

    Dead Lift 3_____ 3_____ 3_____ 3_____

    RG Bent Over Row 6_____ 6_____ 6_____ 6_____

    Leg Curl 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Glute Ham Raise 8_____ 8_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Calve Raise 15_____ 15_____ 15____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)

  • Name: ___________________________ Sport: ___________ Body Weight: ____________

    Week 10/Day 1/Phase 4

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training 30x_____ 30x_____ 30x_____30x_____ 30x_____

    PC-PP 5x@ 62%_____ 5@65%_____ 5x@67%_____ 5x@70%_____

    Bench Press/Max: _____ 12x@55%___ 8x@60%___ 5x@65%___ 3x@85%___ 2x@92%___ 2x@97%____

    2x@100%__ 2@103%_____

    BH Shoulder Press 12_____ 12_____ 12_____

    Dips (Weighted) 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    St. bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____ 6_____

    Tricep Pressdown 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    St. Bar Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Hammer Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 10/Day 2/Phase 4

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Hang Clean/Max: _____ 6x@47%___ 5x@57%___ 3x@67%___ 3x@87%___ 3x@90%___ 3x@92%___

    Squat/Max: _____ 10x@45%___ 8x@57%___ 5x@67%___ 5x@77% 5x@85%___ 5x@90%___

    Lunge (Straight Bar) 15_____ 12_____ 10_____

    Leg Curl or Glute Ham 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Straight Leg Dead Lift 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Lat Pull-Ups 12_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Calve Raise 25_____ 25_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 10/Day 3/Phase 4

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training Weighted Abs 5x30_____

    HC-PP 5x@ 62%_____ 5@65%_____ 5x@67%_____ 5x@70%_____

    CG Bench/Max: ____ 12x@55%___ 8x@60%___ 5x@65%___ 3x@80%___ 2x@85%___ 2x@87%____

    2x@92%__ 2@95%_____

    DB Incline Bench 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Standing Shoulder Press 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    3 Way Shoulder 12_____ 12_____ 12_____

    EZ bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Tricep Pressdown 15_____ 12_____ 10____ 8_____

    Bicep Curls (your choice) 15_____ 12_____10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 10/Day 4/Phase 4

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards Run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Power Clean/Max: _____ 6x@47%___ 5x@57%___ 3x@67%___ 3x@87%___ 3x@90%___ 3x@92%___

    Front Squat 60% 0f Squat 10x@45%___ 8x@57%___ 5x@67%___ 5x@77% 5x@85%___ 5x@90%___

    Dead Lift 5_____ 5_____ 5_____

    RG Bent Over Row 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Leg Curl 15_____ 12_____ 10_____

    Glute Ham Raise 15_____ 15_____

    Calve Raise 25_____ 25_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)

  • Name: ___________________________ Sport: ___________ Body Weight: ____________

    Week 11/Day 1/Phase 4

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training 30x_____ 30x_____ 30x_____30x_____ 30x_____

    PC-PP 3x@ 67%_____ 3@70%_____ 3x@72%_____ 3x@75%_____

    Bench Press/Max: _____ 12x@57%___ 8x@50%___ 5x@67%___ 3x@87%___ 2x@95%___ 1x@100%___

    1x@103%____ 1@105%_____

    F/B Shoulder Press 12_____ 12_____ 12_____

    Dips (Weighted) 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    St. bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____ 6_____

    Tricep Pressdown 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    St. Bar Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Hammer Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 11/Day 2/Phase 4

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Hang Clean/Max: _____ 6x@50%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@75%___ 1x@90%___ 1x@95%___


    Squat/Max: _____ 10x@47%___ 8x@60%___ 5x@70%___ 2x@82% 1x@97%___ 1x@103%___ 1x@107%___

    Lunge (Straight Bar) 15_____ 12_____ 10_____

    Leg Curl or Glute Ham 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Straight Leg Dead Lift 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Lat Pull-Ups 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Calve Raise 25_____ 25_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 11/Day 3/Phase 4

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training Weighted Abs 5x30_____

    HC-PP 3x@ 67%_____ 3@70%_____ 3x@72%_____ 3x@75%_____

    CG Bench/Max: ____ 12x@57%___ 8x@50%___ 5x@67%___ 3x@82%___ 2x@85%___ 1x@90%___

    1x@95%____ 1@97%_____

    DB Incline Bench 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Standing Shoulder Press 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    3 Way Shoulder 12_____ 12_____ 12_____

    EZ bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Tricep Pressdown 15_____ 12_____ 10____ 8_____

    Bicep Curls (your choice) 15_____ 12_____10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 11/Day 4/Phase 4

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards Run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Power Clean/Max: _____ 6x@50%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@75%___ 1x@90%___ 1x@95%___


    Front Squat 60% 0f Squat 10x@47%___ 8x@60%___ 5x@70%___ 2x@82% 1x@97%___ 1x@103%___ 1x@107%___

    Dead Lift 5_____ 5_____ 5_____

    Bent OverRow 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Leg Curl 15_____ 12_____ 10_____

    Glute Ham Raise 15_____ 15_____

    Calve Raise 25_____ 25_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)

  • Name: ___________________________ Sport: ___________ Body Weight: ____________

    Week 12/Day 1/Phase 4

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training 30x_____ 30x_____ 30x_____30x_____ 30x_____

    PC-PP 3x@ 77%_____ 3@80%_____ 3x@82%_____ 3x@85%_____

    Bench Press/Max: _____ 12x@57%___ 8x@62%___ 5x@67%___ 3x@87%___ 2x@95%___ 1x@100%_____


    BH Shoulder Press 12_____ 12_____ 12_____

    Dips (Weighted) 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    St. bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____ 6_____

    Tricep Pressdown 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    St. Bar Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Hammer Curl 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 12/Day 2/Phase 4

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Hang Clean/Max: _____ 6x@50%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@75%___ 1x@90%___ 1x@95%___ 1x@100%___1x@107%__

    Squat/Max: _____ 10x@40%___ 8x@55%___ 5x@65%___ 6x@72% 6x@77%___ 6x@85%___

    Lunge (Straight Bar) 15_____ 12_____ 10_____

    Leg Curl or Glute Ham 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Straight Leg Dead Lift 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Lat Pulldown 15_____ 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Calve Raise 25_____ 25_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 12/Day 3/Phase 4

    Dynamic Warm-up Hurdle Routine

    Abdominal Training Weighted Abs 5x30_____

    HC-PP 3x@ 77%_____ 3@80%_____ 3x@82%_____ 3x@85%_____

    CG Bench/Max: ____ 12x@57%___ 8x@62%___ 5x@67%___ 3x@87%___ 2x@90%___ 1x@95%_____


    DB Incline Bench 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    Standing Shoulder Press 12_____ 10_____ 8_____

    3 Way Shoulder 12_____ 12_____ 12_____

    EZ bar Triceps Ext. 12_____ 10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Tricep Pressdown 15_____ 12_____ 10____ 8_____

    Bicep Curls (your choice) 15_____ 12_____10_____ 8_____ 8_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)


    Week 12/Day 4/Phase 4

    Dynamic Warm-up B-skip, C-skip, Backwards Run, High Knee Carioca, A-skip

    Abdominal Training Hanging Leg Raises 4x25

    Power Clean/Max: _____ 6x@50%___ 5x@62%___ 3x@75%___ 1x@90%___ 1x@95%___ 1x@100%___1x@107%__

    Front Squat 60% 0f Squat 10x@40%___ 8x@55%___ 5x@65%___ 6x@72% 6x@77%___ 6x@85%___

    Dead Lift 5_____ 5_____ 5_____

    RG Bent Over Row 10_____ 10_____ 10_____

    Leg Curl 15_____ 12_____ 10_____

    Glute Ham Raise 15_____ 15_____

    Calve Raise 25_____ 25_____

    Range Of Motion Stretch (ROM)
