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2013 Salary Survey South Africa

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  • 8/12/2019 2013 Salary Survey South Africa



    SURVEY 2013

    South Africa

  • 8/12/2019 2013 Salary Survey South Africa




    Zahra Cassim

    Head of South Africa

    Our annual salary survey for 2013 shows the positive impact of professionalqualifications on members earning potential, salary satisfaction and the abilityto realise ambitions such as moving to a new organisation, or working abroad.

    Respondents across the board agree that the CIMA qualification strengthens theirability to move internationally in their career at 93%, while 89% agree that thequalification creates career opportunities and 82% agree that it allows them tomove across all areas of the business and outside of the finance function.

    The effect of the CIMA qualification on boosting salary deals is strongest for newlyqualified members and part qualified students, with 75% of both categories saying ithelps to strengthen their position in salary negotiations.

    CIMA members are in demand and earn on average R906 943 pa. Meanwhile,part-qualified CIMA students in South Africa are earning on average R380 761(basic salary), plus R34 235 in bonus payments, totalling R414 996 pa.

    While 75% of members are satisfied with their current salary, the figure is loweramong students at 52%. This difference highlights the fact that the average totalannual salary for members is more than twice that for students.

    Amid a mixed backdrop of continuing concern over the fate of South Africas majortrading partners in the Eurozone, China and to a lesser extent - the USA, theeconomy is still forecast to grow by 2.8% in 2013, rising to 3.3% in 2014. In linewith this, two-fifths of CIMA members and students are positive in their expectations

    for the profitability of the organisation in which they work, and one-third expect salaryincreases across the board.

    Mobility of CIMA members and students in South Africa remains strong, with only 4%seeing themselves in the same role in three years time. Up to 71% anticipate being ina new role within the next two years and 17% plan to move abroad.

    Among members and students who plan to seek employment abroad, the UK is themost frequently named destination at 58%, followed by the USA, August and Canada.Switzerland and Singapore are also other popular planned destinations. Key reasonscited for moving would be a new career opportunity and improved quality of life.

    Among those already working as a management accountant, 42% expect to progress

    to finance manager, financial controller or finance director within the next three years.Among those currently working in assisting finance roles, 43% expect to progress tomanagement accountant.

    Managerial skills, particularly leadership and strategic planning are the skill setsstudents most wish to develop, while for qualified members there is a secondaryfocus on softer skills such as persuading and influencing, personal developmentand skills for developing others.

  • 8/12/2019 2013 Salary Survey South Africa



    Salary survey results

    South Africa average salary figuresIn 2013, qualified CIMA members in South

    Africa are earning on average R794,452 in

    basic salary plus R112,490 in bonus payments,

    totalling R906,943 per annum.1Part qualified

    students in South Africa are earning on average

    R380,761 in basic salary plus R34,235 in bonus

    payments, totalling R414,996.

    Robust salary satisfaction

    While 75% of members are satisfied with

    their current salary, the figure is lower amongstudents (52%). This difference highlights the

    fact that the average total annual salary for

    members is more than twice that for students.

    The overall level of satisfaction among

    members and students combined is 62%,

    compared with 77% in 2012 and 67% in 2011.

    Above-inflation salary increases anticipated

    Nevertheless, there is considerable optimism

    about future salaries, particularly among part

    qualified students. 97% of all members andstudents are expecting an increase in salary, at

    an average rate of 7.9%.

    Among part qualified students alone, salaries

    are expected to increase largely in line with

    CIMA level attained: from 7.8% at operational

    level to 9.1% among those at T4 professional

    competence level, who are anticipating higher

    salaries as fully qualified CIMA members. In

    real terms, these average rises will be well

    above inflation forecasts of around 5.6%.2

    Bonus payments form a significant part of

    total salary and 84% of members and students

    expect to receive one this year, at an averagerate of 11.8% on top of basic salary. The figure

    rises to 12.9% among qualified members


    Qualification boosts salary deals for CIMA


    The effect of the CIMA qualification on

    boosting salary deals is strongest for newly

    qualified members and part qualified students

    at operational level, with 75% of both

    categories saying it helps to strengthen theirposition in salary negotiations.

    Figure 1:Annual remuneration by CIMA level

    97% of membersand students areexpecting a salaryincrease, at anaverage rate of7.9%.

    75% of newlyqualified memberssay the CIMAqualificationstrengthens theirposition in salarynegotiations.

    1 Figures may not sum due to rounding.

    2 IMF World Economic Outlook, April 2013. Available at: http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2013/01/pdf/text.pdfAccessed 11 June 2013.




    CIMA Member


    CIMA Member


    Strategic T4 professional



  • 8/12/2019 2013 Salary Survey South Africa



    Salary patterns

    Remuneration by job roleJust over one-third (36%) of part qualified

    students work as a management accountant or

    finance manager and earn above-average total

    salaries of c . R442k and R548k respectively.

    Those in accounts assisting roles earn on

    average c. R229k, are significantly more likely

    to be female than male, and tend to have less

    than one year of relevant experience.

    Average salaries for qualified members are

    substantially higher. Associate members

    (ACMAs) earn c. R875k and Fellows (FCMAs)earn c. R1.2m on average. Management

    accountants earn an average of c. R640k, and

    finance managers earn c. R840k per annum.

    Those in very senior roles (CEO/MD and CFO)

    tend to earn over c . R1m on average, including

    significant annual bonus payments of around

    16.5% or R175kR202k.3

    Remuneration by business size

    For students, average basic salaries and

    bonuses tend to increase with business size.

    Those working in micro/small and medium

    businesses earn on average 25% and 9% less

    than the national average respectively, while

    those working in large businesses earn c.

    R550k: 8% more than the national average.

    In contrast, qualified members in micro/small

    businesses earn 5% more than the overall

    average. The most likely reason being that 21%

    of them are the business owner (CEO/MD).

    Figure 2: Annual remuneration by job role

    Associate members(ACMAs) earn c.

    R875k and Fellows(FCMAs) earn R1.2m

    on average.

    Johannesburgattracts a significantly

    larger average salaryfor qualified members

    than other cities.

    3 Figures reported for Fellows (FCMAs) and very senior roles are based on low bases of less than 30 members but representstatistically significant differences against the national average salary for qualified members.







    414,996380,761South Africa - partqualified students

    Finance manager

    Management accountant

    Finance/Business analyst

    Financial accountant


    Accounts assistant/executive/Assistant

    management accountant*






    906,943794,452South Africa -

    qualified members



    Finance manager

    Finance/Business analyst*

    Management accountant*

    *Caution: Low base, under 30Lowest base: Accounts assistant/executive/Assistant management accountant* (26)Highest base: Management accountant (93)

    *Caution: Low base, under 30Lowest base: CEO/MD* (12)Highest base: Finance manager (53)

    Basic salary Bonus Total

  • 8/12/2019 2013 Salary Survey South Africa



    Students working

    in the naturalresources, energy/fuel and utilitiessector earn one-third(32%) more thanthe national averagetotal salary for partqualified CIMAstudents (R414,996).

    Figure 3: Annual remuneration by city

    Remuneration by major city

    Average salary packages vary by major city,

    with Johannesburg attracting a significantly

    larger average salary for qualified members

    than other cities, and 10% more than

    the national figure. As the largest city,

    Johannesburg has sizeable banking, technology,

    financial and manufacturing sectors; according

    to our survey, these tend to pay among the

    highest salaries by industry sector.

    Although in 2013 part qualified students

    in Pretoria currently earn more on average

    than those in Johannesburg, the difference in

    salaries between these cities is not statistically

    significant. The Johannesburg total salary

    is 9% higher than the national figure for

    students, while that of Pretoria is 10% higher.

    Remuneration by sector

    Students working in the natural resources,

    energy/fuel and utilities sector earn one-

    third (32%) more than the national average

    total salary for part qualified CIMA students

    (R414,996). Other large sectors attract salaries

    in line with the average, while those working

    in the accountancy sector earn 45% below

    the average this may be a result of the

    greater likelihood of students working in the

    accountancy sector being in the early stages of

    their careers.

    Salaries for qualified members tend to be more

    consistent across the largest industry sectors,

    with financial services paying the highest

    average salary of R993,701; this includes

    an average annual bonus of around 15%,

    equivalent to c. R150k.

    DurbanPart qualified (38): R320,748Qualified (22*): R807,015

    JohannesburgPart qualified (255): R452,880Qualified (120): R998,785

    Cape TownPart qualified (106): R334,133Qualified (43): R767,241

    PretoriaPart qualified (36): R456,574Qualified (17*): R793,007

    Bases shown in brackets*Caution: Low base, under 30

  • 8/12/2019 2013 Salary Survey South Africa



    Figure 4: Annual remuneration by sector

    Equality of opportunity

    Our ongoing commitment to equality

    of opportunity is demonstrated by very

    positive increases in the proportion of

    African enrolees in the South African CIMA

    membership.4In 2013, our salary survey

    reports that Africans comprise 15% of

    qualified members but 38% of part qualified

    students (who are above certificate level and

    in full-time employment). There are similarly

    positive changes in the proportion of Indian

    and Coloured membership, although on a

    smaller scale: Indians comprise 11% of the

    qualified membership but 14% of the student

    population and Coloureds represent 4% of

    members and 7% of students.

    Among part qualified students, earnings across

    the racial categories are similar, although the

    annual earnings of Africans (R405,181) and

    Coloureds (R405,982) are slightly below the

    average total salary of R414,996 for all CIMA

    students in South Africa. Over time, these

    differences in salary are likely to lessen further,

    as more Africans, Coloureds (and Indians)

    progress through the qualification. Currently,

    around one-half of all African, Indian and

    Coloured students are at operational level,

    compared to one-quarter of Whites.

    Among qualified members, figures suggest

    that, at R933,768, Whites earn just above the

    national average total salary of R906,943,

    while Africans and Indians earn just below

    the average, at R860,689 and R852,654


    4 The abolition of apartheid in 1991 marked the end of division of South African peoples into different categories; however,many South Africans still view themselves and each other according to the different groups, and the governmentsongoing focus on fostering equality of opportunity means that the classification is still relevant for monitoring purposes.








    414,996380,761South Africa - partqualified students

    Natural resources,energy/fuel and utilities

    Retail andconsumer goods

    Manufacturingand engineering

    ICT, technologyand telecoms*


    Financial services







    906,943794,452South Africa - partqualified students

    Financial services

    Natural resources,energy/fuel and utilities

    Manufacturingand engineering


    Retail andconsumer goods

    *Caution: Low base, under 30Lowest base: ICT, technology and telecoms (26*)Highest base: Manufacturing and engineering (81)

    *Caution: Low base, under 30

    Lowest base: Natural resources,energy/fuel and utilities (19*)Highest base: Manufacturing andengineering (40)

    Basic salary Bonus Total

  • 8/12/2019 2013 Salary Survey South Africa



    Figure 5: Annual remuneration by racial category

    There are a number of interlocking factors

    affecting average salary figures by racial group

    for members; the key factors in 2013 seem

    to be job role and industry sector. African

    members are more likely than White members

    to be in a senior role such as finance manager

    or manager in a non-finance role, whereas

    Whites represent 100% of all survey responsesfrom CEO/MDs and self-employed consultants,

    who earn relatively larger salaries.

    African members are more likely than other

    racial groups to be working in the natural

    resources, energy/fuel and utilities sector and

    the oil, gas and alternative energy sector; this

    has an upward effect on average salary.

    On the other hand, they are also more likely

    to be working in the government and not-for-

    profit sectors, which has the opposite effect.

    Similarly, Indians are highly likely to be working

    in the financial services and the manufacturing

    and engineering industries, which display

    higher average total salaries, but also the retail

    and banking industries, where average total

    salaries are a little below average.

    Business and the economy

    Expectations for future pay and conditions

    Amid a mixed backdrop of continuing concern

    over the fate of South Africas major trading

    partners in the Eurozone, China and to a

    lesser extent the USA, the economy is still

    forecast to grow by 2.8% in 2013, rising to

    3.3% in 2014.5In line with this, two-fifths of

    CIMA members and students are positive in

    their expectations for the profitability of the

    organisation in which they work, and one-third

    expect salary increases across the board.

    There has been dramatic improvement in

    sentiment since 2009, particularly with regard

    to budget cuts, job cuts and profitability

    expectations. However, there is evidence of a

    slight shift towards the downside in the last

    two years.

    5 IMF World Economic Outlook, April 2013. Available at: www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2013/01/pdf/text.pdfAccessed 11 June 2013.





    414,996380,761South Africa - partqualified students





    *Caution: Low base, under 30Lowest base: Coloured (30)Highest base: White (211)




    906,943794,452South Africa -

    qualified members





    *Caution: Low base, under 30** Insufficient responces for reporting (8)Lowest base: Indian (23*)

    Highest base: White (151)

    Basic salary Bonus Total

  • 8/12/2019 2013 Salary Survey South Africa



    The percentages of CIMA members and

    students expecting changes to business

    profits have remained steady since 2011, butthe proportion anticipating budget cuts has

    increased from 25% to 30% over the same

    period. Similarly, the proportion expecting

    job cuts has increased from 12% to 17%.

    Changes to business processes and policy are

    anticipated by 41%, which is up substantially

    from the 26% reported in 2009.

    Working conditions

    Working hours

    On average, South African members and

    students work 45 hours per week, although

    29% work less than the average.

    Longer hours are linked to seniority: 61% of

    students at operational and management

    levels of the CIMA qualification are workingmore than 40 hours per week, compared to

    79% of qualified members.

    Two-fifths (40%) of members and students

    expect their working hours to increase over the

    coming 12 months, while over one-half (56%)

    expect no change. The primary reason for

    increasing working hours is related to career

    progression taking on more responsibility

    was cited by 67% of members and students.

    A secondary factor, mentioned by 46%, is

    understaffing/lack of resource.

    Figure 6: Expectations for the business environment over the coming 12 months selected



















    Increase in the overall profitability of the business*

    Business process/policy changes

    Salary increases*

    Budget cuts

    Increase in staff recruitment*

    Increase mergers/acquisitions

    Job cuts

    Fall in the overall profitability of the business

    Salary freezes

    201120122013*Indicator not featured in 2009 2009

  • 8/12/2019 2013 Salary Survey South Africa



    Motivators at work

    The key motivators at work for both members

    and students are a good working environment(47%) and financial reward (46%). Flexibility/

    work-life balance is mentioned by 43%, but is

    more important for females (53%) than males

    (37%), as they may be more likely to need

    to juggle work and non-work commitments.

    Among qualified female members alone, 75%

    are motivated by flexibility/work-life balance,

    compared to 46% of qualified males.

    A challenging workload is significantly more

    important than average to students at T4

    professional competence level (49% versus36% overall). The importance of training and

    development reduces from 28% for students

    to 14% for qualified members.

    Career plans

    Seeking new opportunitiesMobility of CIMA members and students in

    South Africa remains strong, with only 4%

    seeing themselves in the same role in three

    years time.

    While almost one-half (47%) anticipate being

    in a senior finance-related role such as finance

    manager, financial director or controller,

    CFO, head of accounting or self-employed

    practitioner, 14% anticipate being in a very

    senior non-finance role such as CEO/MD,

    head, director or manager of a non-financedivision. Among those already working as

    a management accountant, 42% expect

    to progress to finance manager, financial

    controller or finance director within the next

    three years. Among those currently working in

    assisting finance roles, two-fifths (43%) expect

    to progress to management accountant.

    Among all qualified members and part

    qualified students, 31% are planning to find

    another job over the next six months and a

    total of 71% are planning to move job withinthe next two years. Of those, 83% plan to stay

    within South Africa and 17% plan to move


    The CIMA qualification

    strengthens my ability

    to move internationally

    with my career 93%agree

    The CIMA qualification

    creates career

    opportunities for me


    The CIMA qualificationstrengthens my ability

    to move across all areas

    of the business 82%agree

    96% anticipatebeing in a new rolewithin the next threeyears and 17% planto move abroad.

  • 8/12/2019 2013 Salary Survey South Africa



    A global career

    Among members and students who plan to

    seek employment abroad, the UK is the most

    frequently named planned destination (58%),

    followed by the USA (42%), Australia (31%)

    and Canada (28%). Other popular planned

    destinations are Switzerland (17%) and

    Singapore (12%).

    In 2013, seeking a new career opportunity

    (55%) and an improved quality of life (52%)

    are the key factors to planned relocation.

    Better employment opportunities, wanting to

    experience a new culture (both at 45%) and

    improved salary (43%) are also important


    Building skill sets

    Over the coming 12 months students are

    keen to develop a broad mix of skill sets.

    Technical skills such as financial reporting are

    important, alongside personal development

    (which includes career planning and time

    management) and project management.

    However, managerial skills particularly

    leadership and strategic planning are the skill

    sets students most wish to develop.

    While leadership and strategic planning skills

    remain important at all levels of experience,

    acquiring managerial people skills becomes

    more important for qualified members: 38%

    mention persuading and influencing, 33%

    mention skills for developing others and 28%

    mention relationship management.

    71% are looking to move job withinthe next two years, of which

    83% plan to stay in South Africa

    17% plan to move abroad

    Part qualified students Qualified members

    52% Leadership

    56% Leadership

    35% Personal development42% Personal development

    29% Data analysis

    29% Operational planning

    29% Skills for developing others

    38% Persuading and influencing

    36% Financial reporting

    51% Strategic planning and implementation

    60% Strategic planning and implementation

    29% Communication

    26% Risk management

    24% Change management

    43% Decision making

    33% Skills for developing others38% Project management

    34% Risk management

    34% Communication

    28% Relationship management

    28% Decision making

    While leadershipand strategic

    planning skillsremain important

    at all levels ofexperience, acquiring

    managerial peopleskills becomes

    more important forqualified members.

  • 8/12/2019 2013 Salary Survey South Africa



    Figure 7: Top skills that students and members wish to develop


    Part qualified students Qualified members

    South Africa Base Basicsalary(R per


    Bonus(R per


    Totalpackage(R per


    Base Basicsalary(R per


    Bonus(R per


    Totalpackage(R per


    Total 475 380,761 34,235 414,996 216 794,452 112,490 906,943


  • 8/12/2019 2013 Salary Survey South Africa



    *Caution: Low base, under 30. **Figures may not sum due to rounding. *** Data unavailable due to low base numbers.

    Part qualified students Qualified members

    South Africa Base Basicsalary(R per


    Bonus(R per


    Totalpackage(R per


    Base Basicsalary(R per


    Bonus(R per


    Totalpackage(R per


    Total 475 380,761 34,235 414,996 216 794,452 112,490 906,943

    Experience since qualifying

    Up to 1 year 24* 565,625 63,130 628,755

    13 years 65 659,231 78,210 737,440

    45 years 38 738,686 88,333 827,020

    69 years 26* 891,270 138,969 1,030,240

    1019 years 42 963,242 157,696 1,120,938

    20+ years 21* 1,060,267 180,725 1,240,992


    Accountancy 31 216,112 11,056 227,168 6 *** *** ***

    Banking 46 396,147 38,178 434,325 24* 763,530 125,913 889,443

    Financial services 60 362,674 41,782 404,456 26* 843,814 149,888 993,701

    ICT, technology andtelecoms

    26* 394,779 41,230 436,009 11 *** *** ***

    Manufacturing andengineering

    81 405,388 31,158 436,545 40 826,215 112,357 938,572

    Natural resources, energy/fuel and utilities

    37 495,449 53,074 548,523 19* 843,215 136,177 979,392

    Retail and consumergoods

    67 405,317 33,134 438,451 28* 731,649 119,733 851,381


    Cape Town 106 308,802 25,331 334,133 43 671,341 95,900 767,241

    Durban 38 296,897 23,852 320,748 22* 708,494 98,522 807,015

    Johannesburg 255 414,525 38,355 452,880 120 867,710 131,075 998,785

    Pretoria 36 420,842 35,732 456,574 17* 747,059 45,949 793,007


    African 170 373,706 31,476 405,181 33 758,537 102,152 860,689

    Coloured 30 358,994 46,988 405,982 8 *** *** ***

    Indian 62 380,561 39,952 420,513 23* 757,107 95,547 852,654White 211 388,944 32,815 421,759 151 815,184 118,584 933,768

    Job role

    Accountant 66 320,337 26,357 346,694 5 *** *** ***

    Accounts assistant/executive/ Assistantmanagement accountant*

    26* 209,277 19,730 229,007 2 *** *** ***

    CEO/MD 0 *** *** *** 12* 1,181,179 202,203 1,383,382

    CFO 2 *** *** *** 15* 1,023,286 174,583 1,197,870

    Finance analyst/Businessanalyst

    41 380,466 33,492 413,958 20* 706,250 84,163 790,413

    Finance manager 82 495,924 51,696 547,620 53 741,076 98,014 839,090Financial accountant 30 330,529 25,702 356,232 5 *** *** ***

    Management accountant 93 404,826 37,327 442,154 25* 566,000 73,950 639,950

    *Caution: Low base, under 30. **Figures may not sum due to rounding. *** Data unavailable due to low base numbers.

  • 8/12/2019 2013 Salary Survey South Africa



    Technical information

    Survey responses were collected by CIMA

    among active qualified members and partqualified students 25 April and 19 May 2013,

    via an online survey. The data was analysed

    and reported by an independent specialist


    Approximately 25,000 qualified members

    and just under 21,000 part qualified students

    were selected and invited to participate in the

    international study, which covers 23 markets in

    total. Within the study period 6,039 responded

    internationally, including 691 from South


    The response data presented in this report has

    been weighted to reflect the profile of CIMA

    qualified members and part qualified students

    by market and level of study. All base numbers

    quoted in figures report the lowest unweighted

    base; i.e. the number of responses.

    Further information

    For further information on technical matters

    relating to this survey, [email protected]

    For further country specific analysis and

    reports, visit CIMA MY JOBS at



    This research was conducted by CIMA

    in conjunction with Spotlight Market

    Research & Editing. The Chartered Institute

    of Management Accountants is a MarketResearch Society Company Partner. Both CIMA

    and Spotlight abide by the Market Research

    Societys Code of Conduct and the Data

    Protection Act.

  • 8/12/2019 2013 Salary Survey South Africa


    CIMA South Africa

    1st Floor,198 Oxford Road,Illovo 2196

    T: +27 11 788 8723E: [email protected]

    September 2013, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
