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A VOICE FOR OXSHOTT Spring 2013www.fedora.org.uk

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FEDORA MAnAgEMEnT COMMITTEEChairman David Cooke (01372) 842 873Treasurer Leon Reed 843 532Planning & Developments Perry Stock 457 227Membership Rita Clarke 843 655Police / Roads Henk van Roest 843 880Advertising Carmen Robinson 842 128 Website David Cooke 842 873Magazine David Cooke 842 873

To advertise in the next FEDORA magazine, in Autumn 2013, please contact [email protected]. The magazine is produced on a non-profit basis, keeping advertising rates as low as possible, and is delivered to 2750 households in the Oxshott - Cobham area. Further information is also available on our website or to contact FEDORA members you can e-mail to the appropriate position above, @fedora.org.uk; e.g. [email protected] or [email protected], etc., or for general enquiries [email protected].

Front Cover: Magnolia tree in Bloom in Oxshott by David Cooke

COnTEnTSFedora ManageMent CoMMittee 2agM notiCe 3 ChairMan’s CoMMents 5oxshott Village day 2013 9Bridge Chat 11Planning and ProPerty Matters 15U3a oPen day in oxshott 19U3a groUPs 20news FroM the oxshott MediCal PraCtiCe gP CoMMisioning - what does it all Mean? 21 Patients rPresentatiVe groUP 27international PétanqUe to CoMe to oxshott 31ikeBana 331st oxshott sCoUts 35MeMBershiP 37health and Fitness together 39oxshott Past 43adVertisers index 47

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Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, 14th May, 20137.30 for 8.00pm


Make a note in your diary andCome along and discuss the issues

affecting our village

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Page 5

Disclaimer: FEDORA, its officers and committee members make every effort to publish this magazine on time, to give correct information and advice in good faith, and to accommodate advertisers by including desired copy with accurate content. No responsibility or liability, however, can be taken for any inadvertent errors or omissions.


PlanningFEDORA has objected to a planning application to build an additional house at 11 Holtwood Road as this would contravene the established density of the Crown Estate area of 0.3 hectares or 0.75 acres per plot. The application, which was by no means the first on this site, was again turned down by Elmbridge but again the developer has appealed, having lost an earlier appeal. There is very little difference between this application and the one that failed earlier and we hope the result of this appeal, which will be decided in the next month or two, will be the same. If the appeal was successful the precedent could have far reaching implications for the whole of the Crown Estate and Bevendean areas.

UpdatesThe updated council tip in Randalls Road reopened again at the end of November. Whilst it remains to be seen what the queuing is like at periods of maximum demand, the approach roads are very narrow, have high kerbs and sharp corners and the sleeping policemen are truly bone-shattering. However overall I think it is some improvement.

The 30mph speed limit zone on the A244 has recently been extended at the request of some residents who were kept awake at night by lorries speeding through the village, initially during the erection of gantries on the M25. The extended 30 mph zone now runs from the last house before woodland at the Leatherhead end to Heath Road at the Esher end.

All our neighbouring towns, Cobham, Leatherhead, Esher and Epsom now have fibre optic cable for superfast access to the internet. Oxshott has so far been left out and is not on the current BT list of exchanges to be enabled in 2013, which by comparison with last year are quite few in number. It is not possible to get any information, but I am hoping that the site of the increased number of Open Reach vans in the area might be a promising sign.

news from Our Councillors Jan Fuller and Mike BennisonFrom Jan Fuller:-The Sure Start childrens’ scheme, a drop in group for toddlers and their carers, was started in January 2012 and was meeting fortnightly in the small hall at the Oxshott Village Centre. Due to demand that has been experienced, this has now been increased to weekly meetings on a Wednesday morning in the large hall commencing at 10 am. There is no charge and all are welcome. As one of the organizing committee of this scheme, I am delighted to see how well it has been received in Oxshott.From Michael Bennison:-Having been involved in the new contract for the street lighting I am pleased to say that it is well ahead of schedule. It was originally supposed to take

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five years to replace the 70,000 odd streetlights, most of which have been replaced in our area already.

I was also instrumental in getting May Gurney as a replacement company for the Highways contract, and I am pleased to report that they are settling in quite well after nearly two years.

In Elmbridge they have repaired 3402 defects categorized as high risk within 24 hours, and 99% of 4855 low risk defects reported within 28 days, making a total of 21,170 high risk defects in Surrey as a whole, and 38,194 low risk defects in Surrey. (This must be seen as a separate category from the utility companies).

May Gurney continue their initial successes, thanks to your help, on the public phone through on 0300 200 1003, and the Surrey website.

Lastly I would like to say that May Gurney are now taking over the responsibility for insurance claims, which is not only a good deal for Surrey, but a great incentive for the company to complete the work to a high standard to avoid claims.

As Chairman of the Local Committee, I continue to monitor their work on your behalf.

DonationsThanks to members’ continuing generosity FEDORA was able to make a number of donations for the benefit of the Oxshott community during 2012, including £75 for the Oxshott Heath Conservators, £400 for the printing of flyers for the Oxshott Village Day on the August Bank Holiday Monday, £1167 for the purchase of an electric bicycle for our PCSO Stewart Winch and £4,000 to Oxshott Scouts for a low ropes course.

The electric bicycle purchased during the autumn has already clocked up more than 700 miles, and earned Stewart praise at the Police Panel Meeting for providing such a visible police presence.

Village Day / AgMThe Oxshott Village Day this year is on the first May Bank Holiday Monday 6th May 11am-5pm. Let us hope for better weather than last year when it had to be postponed due to waterlogged ground.

The FEDORA AGM as stated on the formal notice elsewhere in this magazine is on Tuesday 14th May in the Large Village Hall. All are welcome to come and discuss the issues facing our village.

ContributorsI would like to thank all those volunteers who make the production and distribution of this magazine possible, authors who provide us with a stream of varied and interesting articles, advertisers who pay for the printing, Carmen Robinson who with her contacts always seems able to get an extra story or advertisement and last but not least our distribution team. Without any of them this magazine would not appear.

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David Cooke Associates

Computer Consultancy

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Page 8

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OXSHOTT VILLAGE DAY 2013by Felicity Bond

A date for your diary! This year’s Village Day will be held on Monday 6 May and everyone is welcome!

If you want to take part there are plenty of opportunities available - via sponsorship, taking a stall or providing activities or entertainment. Also we are always looking for volunteers to assist on the day. If you would like to be involved in any way, please get in touch with Carmen Robinson on 01372 842128, or visit oxshottvillageday.com for more details.

We look forward to seeing you on 6 May.

Oxshott Village Day

Bank Holiday Monday 6th May 2013

11 am – 5 pm Oxshott Village Sports Club

Steels Lane, KT22 0RF

Adults £2, children

under 12 free


Page 10

Units 1 & 2 Brook Way, Kingston Road, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7NA

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by R. C. Sexton EBU Professional Teacher


Once you have mastered the regular ways of making extra tricks i.e.

a) Ruffing in dummy (or very occasionally in hand – the ´Dummy Reversal´)b) Finessingc) Establishing a long suit for discarding losers,

it is time to move on to more expert solutions.

The simplest of these and the one that occurs most frequently is known as an ´Elimination and End Play´. I think this can be most easily demonstrated with two easy examples.

Example 1

The Contract is a very reasonable 6S by South (They were not using transfers)Play. If the spades are 2-2 then you have 12 tricks, 5S, 3H, 2D and 2C. However, when you play a second spade West shows out. Now you are left with the diamond finesse and the decision of which way to take it. You can avoid this decision by ruffing the third club in hand, playing 3 rounds of hearts, and then ‘throwing them in’ (as we say), with the SQ. With no spade to lead East (or West if he has the SQ) has an impossible choice. He must either lead a diamond, taking the finesse for you, or if he leads a heart or a club, gives







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you a ruff in one hand, and a discard in the other. NO FINESSE NEEDED!!

Example 2

This time the contract is 4S with CJ led.Play. When you count your tricks you have 5S, 1H, 3C and the ‘obvious’ play for the extra trick is the heart finesse (which loses 50% of the time). When faced with a finesse you should look a little deeper. The combination of Jxxx opposite Qxx will always produce a trick if your opponents lead the suit for you. So, ignore the temptation of the 50% finesse and make the game 100% sure. Win the CK, draw trumps, play the CAQ discarding a heart and then play the HA followed by the HQ throwing them in!! Your opponents now have to open up the diamonds, or give you a ruff-discard by leading a club or a heart.


You should note that this play only works if: 1) You eliminate the unwanted side suits and 2) You have a certain losing card that you can throw them in with.

As you will have guessed there are more complex examples, but the principle does occur frequently enough for it to be worthwhile for any good player to become familiar with it.

If you would like any advice, please feel free to write, tel., or send an e-mail. 01372 84 3846, [email protected]: R. C. Sexton Prof. EBUTA teacher. 8, Randolph Close, Stoke D’Abernon, Surrey. KT11 2SW ______________________________________________________________







Page 13

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There have been a number of matters arising in this area in recent months :-


Even though the national market for residential units (houses!) is poor, the demand for such property in the Surrey area is still strong and justifying new homes being built. Consequently, there is still activity in the creation of new building works.

This supply is also driven by the on-going demand for homes from the changing population profile. Analysis has shown that we (as a nation) are becoming increasingly smaller households together with a more mature nation. This is reflected in the predictions that the population of the UK will increase from 62.6 million in 2010 through to 65 Million in 2017, 70 Million in 2028 – only 15 years away.

Given that nearly 30% of the UK population live in the South-East which stretches from east Kent across to Southampton and up to beyond Oxford – we might be somewhat complacent about this. However, the impact upon our area is shown by a clear intention in the plans which Elmbridge have had to prepare, which shows a need for a further 314 households between 2011 and 2026 (the next 15 years).

Please note that due to the population profile, this doesn’t mean 5 bedroom houses but say 2 bedroom flats instead, with a far more dense footprint as can be seen from the flats which were created close to Waitrose in Cobham or the 10 new apartments being developed opposite ‘The Victoria’ in the High Street. Whilst many people will have varying views about the density of such schemes, it does have the effect that such relatively intense schemes should reduce the justification for any consumption of green fields.


The principal applications and proposals include :-

Woodlands Ridge, Warren Lane (Application number 2012/3544) – this former house has had permission granted for 2 houses which has been designed with a style which can be described as more akin with the William Morris / Edwardian vernacular. However, it did propose a large blank wall overlooking the grounds of the adjacent listed Birds Hill Farmhouse. Despite strong representations to have this impact upon the neighbouring plots tempered (which could have been simply done by lowering the garage block into the ground further), consent was granted. On the positive side, due to the concerns expressed by us and others, there were 8 conditions in the Consent requiring the submission of further details requiring further consent by Elmbridge before works can start on site. This should hopefully encourage

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a high standard of design and implementation to reduce any problems, which might have occurred. From the writer’s purely personal point of view, the design of the buildings appears to be a good change for the better, however, its elevation within the plot could be lower to enable it to blend into the area better.Danes Hill School – we have had a constructive meeting with the school along with the Wrens Hill RA and the Silverdale Avenue RA to air their (the school’s) long term plans. This has been constructive with a number of ideas about how their wishes to have a replacement swimming pool and associated sports facilities in a building sunken into the ground albeit in a sensitive location. This may need further discussion and clarification.

Holtwood Road (Application number 2012/2913) – there have been further Applications to build a new house on a plot of 0.25Ha within the grounds of a house with large plot. The principal problem with this Application is that it will create a new plot of less than the required 0.3ha (about 0.74 acre) which is the standard for the area. It will also turn the donor plot into a unit of less than the benchmark 0.3Ha. Our councillor – Elise Dunweber - put up a spirited stand at the Planning Committee meeting and despite the Officer recommendation to grant permission, the Application was refused. The Applicant has taken the matter to Appeal and at the time of writing this article we are awaiting the outcome of the Planning Inspectors decision.

Oakshade Road at the back of the village shops (Application number 2012/0063) – despite objections to this scheme for 2 houses due to the loss of car parking for the adjoining Heath Buildings, permission was obtained at Appeal and they are under construction. One of the few positive aspects will be that it will create units at the smaller end of the spectrum of housing in the village which does help with the desire for homes in the area.

Oakshade Road parking – along with others we made representations to Surrey County Council as the Highways Authority about the initial (some would say blanket) proposal to ban all parking at the bottom end of this road. The somewhat overzealous concept aired has been tempered to enable parking for users of the Church and Village Club whilst still maintaining safety standards. We are not aware of when this will be implemented however, it should stabilise an intensely used area.

14 Broomfield Ride, Crown Estate (Application number 2012/4202) – an Application has been made for a large extension to an already large house which could have the effect of dominating its neighbours as well as impacting upon the existing trees on the site. At the time of writing the report, the matter is due to have a site visit by the Planning Committee prior to the East Area Planning Committee meeting on Monday the 11th March were we will be making a public statement as per the ability to make such representations to the committee. The main grounds of objection are simply the impact upon neighbours which the proposal will have and the apparent alternative solutions which would have less impact upon the neighbours and neighbourhood.

neighbourhood Plan v an SPD for Oxshott – further investigations of this

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possible solution to a wish for a stronger framework to set out the majorities view of design standards is being investigated. The use of a ‘Supplementary Planning Document’ could be swifter and simpler to produce where we would assist and work with the Planning Authority to create a more precise document setting out the desired standards reducing the impact upon others within the village.

It should not be used to impose anyone’s will on others and the reciprocal of a ‘proposer of change’ reducing the impact upon others, is sought.

Survey of the mature trees in the village – there has been expressed a desire for a comprehensive survey of the larger trees in the village which add to the character and appearance. Parts of the village have a ‘blanket’ Tree Preservation Order, however this does not cover the whole village. If we were to create such a document, it would significantly aid the assessment by the planning authority as to whether comprehensive or specific protection (for the trees) needs to be made. Any volunteers?

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V i l l a g e C e r a m i c sTiles & Bathrooms

3 Heath Buildings, High Street, Oxshott, Surrey, KT22 0JP

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Page 19


UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGERegistered Charity No 1071550

Open Day – Oxshott June 19th 2013Twice a year Elmbridge U3A organise “Open Days” in different parts of Elmbridge, to enable residents to find out more about the work of Elmbridge U3A. The next “Open Day” will be on Wednesday 19th June from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Oxshott Village Centre, Holtwood Road, Oxshott, KT22 OQJ. All are welcome and many of the Group Leaders will be there to discuss the work of their groups. Admission is free and tea and coffee will be available.

The University of the Third Age is a national organisation with over 870 individual U3As and a total membership of over 295,000 spread throughout the UK. U3As are self-help, self-managed local learning co-operatives for those no longer in full time work, providing opportunities for their members, at minimal cost, to share learning experiences in a wide range of interest groups and to pursue learning not for qualifications, but for fun.

Elmbridge U3A has over 1000 members throughout the Borough and the surrounding area with over 80 Interest and study Groups. The annual subscription is £10 per person and, as a member you can join as many groups as you wish, the majority at no extra cost, subject to there being vacancies in those that you choose.

On the first Wednesday of most months there is a talk, at the present time in Mole Hall, West Molesey. The next is on 3rd July when Colin Parrish will tell us about “Illegitimate Royals”.

More information about Elmbridge U3A can be found on our website www.u3asites.org.uk/elmbridge or to enquire about membership please phone 020 8979 2737.

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For more information visit www.u3asites.org.uk/elmbridgeTo enquire about membership phone 020 8979 2737

Registered Charity No.1071550

Current Interest Groups in Elmbridge U3A include:

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GP Commissioning – What does it all mean?by Dr Mark Jenkins

Many people will be aware of the latest Government health reform surrounding GP commissioning, and most will be wondering what it’s all about, and how it might affect them. There are implications for the practice which may affect some aspects of care, but we are broadly supportive of the intention behind the reforms.

In essence patients are at the heart of the reforms, with the strap line “no decision about me, without me”. Patient choice is the driving force, and there is an encouragement for patients to be more discerning about the care they receive from hospitals.

At the same time local GPs have formed clinical commissioning groups that will try to ensure best value for money from the already stretched NHS budget. For the first time all GPs will be expected to manage their allocated resources for the benefit of as many patients as possible, and achieve savings wherever possible.

So how might this affect you? Well there may be no effect on you for many years, especially if you are fit and healthy. Many of our patients are privately insured and this will not affect private care in any way. However, we do have a responsibility to ensure cost effective prescribing and we may elect to change the medication you are taking or have been advised to take, according to agreed local formulas. This would not be detrimental to your health, but would try to encourage uniform prescribing, allowing bulk purchase discounts by the NHS from drug companies.

GPs are also encouraged to reduce referrals to hospital. This sounds dreadful but there are many ways in which we could achieve this without any negative impact, and may even improve the service we offer. For example we are encouraged to complete various investigations and tests before a referral to ensure that this is needed, and to make sure the referral goes to the correct specialist initially. We will also have improved access to advice from consultants who often don’t physically need to see the patient, and improved direct access to tests that have previously been withheld, such as MRI scans.

Prevention is better than cure. Another key ingredient of this reform is to encourage proactive management of conditions, with increased monitoring from the GP and development of self management plans exacerbations, so as to reduce A&E attendance and emergency admissions. For example, for some with chronic lung disease it might be advisable to have a supply of antibiotics and steroids for use in emergencies.

For elective admissions, eg hip surgery, patients will be encouraged to choose between different providers, based on outcomes, complication rates, infection rates and patient satisfaction. This should create competition between hospitals to improve their care, not according to price, but based on

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patient experience, and therefore drive up standards.

The challenge for our practice comes from the budget we are allocated. It is largely assumed that we are all doing a poor job and therefore we have savings to make, but Oxshott is consistently one of the lowest cost practices, and therefore has less scope for improvement. We already have the lowest cost for prescribing, A&E attendance, and emergency admissions within the local area. Other surgeries with a poorer track record will have greater opportunities to save money by following our example.

The current budget is partly based on our historical budget and until we move to a “fair shares” allocation, we will struggle to see any benefit returned to the practice and consequently our patients.

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Page 24


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Page 26

Destined to create the world’s most beautiful bathrooms

New showroom now open 1 High Street, Oxshott, Surrey, KT22 0JN t.01372 841730

For London showrooms please visit the website

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Page 27

New Oxshott Group Formed to Help Patients and Doctorsby Bill Wells

Chairman, Patients Representative Group

Many and varied as the changes are to our National Health Service, there is one which will be of benefit and interest to patients of the Holtwood Road Oxshott Medical Practice. During 2012 there has been established a Patients’ Representative Group. The group’s purpose is to help the practice hear what patients have to say about the services of the practice and also, where possible, to involve patients in the practice’s development. The objective is to use patient input to improve the practice for the benefit of the patients.

As a voice for patients of the Oxshott Medical Practice, examples of the activities already being undertaken by the Group include: Providing suggestions about how patient services can be improved Supporting the practice with new developments such as the new telephone and patient management systems Being advocates for patients as a link to the Doctors Providing assistance with future plans such as the need for improved premises and facilities

The only membership requirement is that a member must be a patient of the practice. The Group meets once every three months and work is taking place to enable members who cannot attend physically to take part and contribute electronically through internet based methods. At present the group is seeking new members, particularly ones who are aged forty or younger. The group also does not at present have anyone with a physical disability; a situation it wishes to change.

The group’s Chairman is Bill Wells and the Secretary is Ann Pickering. Patients of the practice who would either like to become a member, or would like the group to raise an issue with the Doctors because you have a suggestion which will help patients generally, should contact Bill Wells by email.

High hopes are held for the help which can be provided both for and to the Doctors and patients of the Oxshott Medical Practice by this latest development in health services in Oxshott.

Contact: Bill Wells – [email protected] - 01372 844084


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Page 30

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Page 31

International Pétanque to come to Oxshottby Trish and Tony Richins

Thanks to grants from Elmbridge Council of £5000 from their “Olympic Legacy” Fund and from Sport England’s “Inspired Facility” Fund of just over £47,000. Oxshott Pétanque Club (OPC) has been able to build a new playing surface (terrain) as well as extending the existing one. We were the only Pétanque Club in England to receive a grant from Sport England’s “Inspired Facility” Fund and now look forward to hosting top level pétanque tournaments over the coming years.

The Club, formerly known as Leatherhead Pétanque Club, came to Oxshott and the Village Sports Club in 2005 when their home for some 20 years, The Rising Sun in Leatherhead, was sold for residential development. OPC has some 70 members and the new terrain has already helped to attract new members and generate a number of enquires.

Already we have been asked by the English Pétanque Association, the game’s governing body in England, to host the qualifying event for the English Ladies (Triples) International Team in July. ’We have also been invited by the Southern Pétanque Region to host the a qualifying round to determine who will represent the Southern Region in the Inter Regional team event held later in the year.

But, OPC is not just about hosting top level competitions; we meet every Tuesday and Saturday around 1.00pm, and Thursday evenings at 6.30pm (when the clocks go back), weather permitting for friendly games. Pétanque is a game that can be played by all ages and abilities. Club days are for social playing, it is one of the few sports where parents can play with or against their children and ladies can play with or against their partners on equal terms. Although not physically demanding it does require concentration and hand/eye co-ordination.

There are also a number of internal club competitions and for those who are of a more competitive nature, there are league matches against clubs in the Southern Region as well many open competitions held by other clubs.

If you would like to try pétanque then come and join us on a Tuesday or Saturday afternoon or a Thursday evening. No special clothing required and we will provide all the equipment. The terrains are in the right hand corner of OVSC and can be seen from the cricket pitch.

If you want to find out more please visit www.oxshottsports.com and click on the link to pétanque. Telephone OVSC on 01372 84362 or email [email protected]

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Ikebanaby Irene Moore

Ikebana is the Japanese Art of Flower arranging. A painting is an expression of Art drawn on a canvas with a brush. Ikebana is an Art form composed of plant materials expressed in three dimensions.

“Ike” means to place or arrange plant material.

“bana” means flowers.

Ikebana is the way a creation of an arrangement comes to life. With the help of Nature and the Techniques and Philosophy of Ikebana, the beauty of the arrangement will be appreciated.

The great importance is an awareness of the beauty of each individual flower, branch and container that are being used and combined. It is an intention from the inner self of the person who arranges.

In Ikebana, Space - the three dimensional element - plays a major part in the design, within the arrangement, as well as Space of the outer perimeter. Like Painting and Sculpture, the form, clarity of lines and colours are to be used in harmony with the certain focus for the viewer to appreciate and understand.

In Japan, Ikebana is a very seasonal Art form. Using flowers in the season is considered a sign of respect for Nature.

Ikebana has been practiced since 6th Century by the Priests of the Temples and it was not until the 19th Century that it became a popular pastime for genteel Japanese ladies. Today there are still a great many Masters who are men.

There are many schools of Ikebana. The oldest and most traditional is Ikenobo. It was Sofu Teshigahara in 1927, who broke away from Ikenobo and started his own school - Sogetsu school. Sofu’s contribution to Ikebana was to elevate a craft to a Creative Art through his use of innovative techniques and use of new material besides plant material.

I belong to the Sogetsu School and have been enjoying the Art since the 80s. and hold 8 Certificates from the Japan School.

Irene Moore email [email protected], tel 01372 729733

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Ikebana Japanese Art of flower

Classes in Epsom, Cobham and Chertsey.

Demonstration for groups of ten or more.

Arrangements for private Functions, Companies, Hotels and Homes.

Contact - Irene Moore email - [email protected]

Time: 10 am to 12 noon 2 pm to 4 pm Fee for Classes - £20.00 inclusive of plant materialDemonstration - Fee to be discussedPrivate contract - Will work on Budget Tel :- 01372 729733Mobile :- 07810221667

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1st Oxshott Scoutsby Audrey Wade

The Scout Shout announced the news, thanks to a hugely generous donation of £4,000 from FEDORA, the 1st Oxshott Scouts reached their Centennial fundraising target of £15,000. To celebrate 100 years of Scouting in Oxshott the 1st Oxshott Scouts have spent the past year raising funds for a Low Ropes Assault Course for the Scout hut site in Waverley Road. Following this great achievement the installation has been scheduled and all the boys and girls from both the Scouts and Guide groups in the village are looking forward to its opening and having their first turn across the 9 station activity course.

In March 2012 the 1st Oxshott Scouts launched their Centennial Year with an opening event at the Village Centre attended by over 70 current and past Scouting families. A special Centennial Camp was enjoyed, Centennial badges were awarded to all Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to proudly wear on their uniform and an ambitious fundraising target was set to try and fund a permanent legacy at the Scout hut to mark this impressive milestone achieved over 100 years by Oxshott families.

From supermarket bag-packing to cake sales and Christmas tree deliveries the children worked hard raising money to try and reach their target. Awards and donations were received from local businesses and Councillor Bennison and with the amazing support from Fedora the dream became reality.

A Centennial Party in May will be our opportunity to formally open the Low Ropes Course, reflect on the year and thank everyone for all their hard work and support in this Centennial year. We look forward to the celebrating!

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Page 37

2013 Membership Application / RenewalPlease send this form with your remittance (cheques payable to “FEDORA”) to:

Rita Clarke, 9 Montrose Gardens, Oxshott, Surrey, KT22 0UU

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Subscription £ 2.00

Donation £_______

Total Enclosed £_______


Address: ___________________________________________________


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MEMBERSHIP SECRETARYRenewal of your FEDORA membership will be due for the 12 months from 1st January, 2013. It would be a great help, and would also save considerable postage, if you could kindly use the coupon below and send your renewal to me as soon as possible. Your membership contribution is important - FEDORA has no other source of funding. Even if your Residents’ Association is already a member of FEDORA, why do you not consider joining so that you personally can be an active participant in FEDORA?

Please don’t forget to mention FEDORA to our advertisers when you make an enquiry or use their services. Their support is essential for the magazine to continue.

Thank you very much for your support. Rita Clarke

Page 38

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Page 39

Health and Fitness Together!by Samantha Teague




All in 2012 with 48PTC. We are at it again in 2013 – so come on down and join us.

This year starts with the Argus in Cape Town www.cycletour.co.za/ again. The biggest cycle race in the world – few of us from Oxshott will be among the 42,000 starters in 40 degrees of heat riding around the stunning Cape Peninsula passing through place names such as Simon’s Town, Scarborough and Misty Cliffs, flying past the penguins at Boulders and traversing the awesome Chapman’s Peak before finishing in the shadow of the world cup stadium at Green Point under the gaze of the Twelve Apostles.

Lawrence Dallaglio, Freddie Flintoff, myself and 12 other riders including Graeme Le Saux and Lee Dixon www.dallaglioflintoff2012.com/riders , were joined by 350 other equally passionate riders over 5 stages, riding all the way back to the Olympic Park in London. The Lonian Sea, The Apennines, The Dolomites, The Swiss Alps, and a private function at Bollinger amongst many adventures, couldn’t stop us raising £2,012,000 for prostate cancer research and the Flintoff Foundation for physiotherapy units for kids www.affoundation.co.uk

In 2013 we are a little Closer to Home with two local races starting in Oxshott, The Spring Onion on Sunday March 17th from the Oxshott Club / PTC Oxshott in Oxshott, and again on Sunday May 12th for The May Flier by South Western Road Club.

L’Etape du Tour is our chance to race a stage of the Tour de France every year and this year we find ourselves heading for Annecy. But you just can’t go and do one day can you – so we are warming up on the Col de Colombiere and cooling down on the legendary Alpe d’Huez which the Tour riders are climbing twice this year in one stage on the centenary Tour.

Join us for breakfast on the Champs Elysees on Sunday 21st July before we watch Cav win the final stage of the Tour de France 2013 for the fifth year in a row and cheer Froome Dog and Sir Wiggo on the Tour podium. Our third O2P Oxshott to Paris via the leafy lanes of Surrey and Sussex and over the North and South Downs. Overnight on the Portsmouth to Caen Ferry – over the Pegasus Bridge, lunch on the quayside at Honfleur and onto Rouen. Flirt with the meandering Seine to Versailles and ride the final stage ahead of the Tour riders.

September is probably the busiest month in the calendar as we head for

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Amsterdam from London with ibc2ibc. We spend four incredible days in the Pyrenees near Lourdes in the most amazing farm guest house with delicious home cooking, to give us the energy to conquer climbs like the Tourmalet, Aubisque, Hautacam and Aspin. Then we cap it all off in Northern Italy again to watch the UCI Road Cycling Champs but in true 48PTC style we ride there from Salzburg, Austria over the 48 hairpin, 2,760m, 24 km long climb of the Passo del Stelvio and down Lake Garda towards Lucca and Florence.

So... How do we make sure we are fit and in shape for all this?

Every Sunday morning we ride from PTC Oxshott www.48ptc.com and head for the Surrey Hills or Windsor Great Park, Box Hill and Ranmore. It’s a free cycle group and many of us end up doing one or all of the events or tours above, and more. It’s not unusual for us to get the mountain bikes out from time to time and head into the woods for some exhilarating muddy fun.

Strength and conditioning programmes, and supporting nutritional information offered by the experienced Trainers in The Personal Training Centre, as well as massages from the Sports Massage Therapist help build stability and power on the bike.

When on our tours abroad our osteopaths, who treat any ailments or injuries, drive alongside us offering treatments throughout the journey... all in all making the trip ever more enjoyable!

You can join us – everyone is welcome to ride with us – whatever your level – there will be someone to ride with.

Getting in to shape before hitting the road or woods, or simply to improve you fitness, our Indoor Cycling Classes with Ride PTC www.rideptc.com at The Oxshott Village Sports Club is definitely the way to go, , especially when preparing any of the tours and races. You will also be able to join us at locations at Claygate and Teddington soon.


Hawaii, USA, Australia, Spain, Italy and France... We use actual footage from these locations in a mixture of state of the art training videos via a live stream from a leading US coaching company (the only venue in the UK currently) and other videos and music sessions. The videos are similar to those we currently use in the Personal Training Centre on the Tacx system


Many of the locations we have ridden so we can swap stories of our cycling adventures and you can see where you might end up riding one day.

Check out our website www.rideptc.com

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Adventure Boot Camp – Women’s only boot camp on a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday @ 8:45 am on the cricket pitch at The Oxshott Village Sports Club.

Our Regular 5km Run through the OXSHOTT woods (approx. Every 6 weeks) have been a great motivator for those working toward achieving a running goal. These are also free running group - all levels are welcome. Starting at The Personal Training Centre our runs are non competitive with a friendly encouragement from the other runners. Route is sign posted all the way round.

If you require any information please contact David Butler 07850 [email protected]

Page 42

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Page 43

Oxshott Pastby David Cooke

A lady living in Great Bookham recently rang to say that she was throwing out some old pictures of Oxshott and would FEDORA be interested in having them.

Over coffee in Cobham it emerged that the lady, who was from Brisbane, Australia, had married a man whose family home was in Woodside Road and came to possess the following pictures.

The postcard of Oxshott was produced by J Salmon Limited of Sevenoaks and shows the brickworks chimney so must be before this was demolished in January 1966. There is also a number 24534 to the bottom right of the picture. Is this the date 24 May 1934? There is also an intriguing large empty space beside the road with pedestrians milling about.. I wonder if any reader knows where the photograph was taken, and which year?

The other two photos are of houses related to her husbands family. One or both may be houses along the east (Princes Covert’s) side of the Leatherhead Road. Does anyone recognise them?

If anyone has any information I would be grateful if they could get in touch on Tel 01372 842873 or Email [email protected]

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Page 45


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Page 46

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Page 47

ADVERTISER InDEX1-2-1 Languages Tuition 22

Alliance Mobile Security Ltd. 36

Beejays Post Office 8

Boyce Thornton 28

Danes Hill School 30

Danny’s Building Service 23

David Cooke Associates 7

Downsend School 35

Dwight Isaacs 29

Esher Construction Company 42

Furniture Restoration 17

Green With Envy 38

Ikebana 34

Inside Out Horticultural Services 23

J. E. Decorating 14

J.W. Evans Builder 46

Just Sofas 42

Knight Frank 13

Leatherhead Motor Company 10

Louise Trinder, Chiropodist 46

N.J. Ricks Painting and Decorating 46

O’Brien’s Executive Cars 22

Planning & Design Service 7

Skilton Property Services 38

Tiptop Computers 24

Tony Gerussi 46

Trenchard Arlidge 48

Village Ceramics 18

Wentworth Gates and Doors 4

West One Bathrooms Limited 25,26


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