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A VOICE FOR OXSHOTTAutumn 2015www.fedora.org.uk

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FEDORA MAnAgEMEnT COMMITTEEChairman David Cooke (01372) 842873Treasurer Leon Reed 843532Planning & Developments Steve Anderson 809691 Membership Rita Clarke 843655Police Henk van Roest 843880Roads Allan Bleach 842011Advertising Carmen Robinson 842128 Website David Cooke 842873Magazine David Cooke 842873

To advertise in the next FEDORA magazine, in Spring 2016, please contact [email protected]. The magazine is produced on a non-profit basis, keeping advertising rates as low as possible, and is delivered to 2750 households in the Oxshott - Cobham area. Further information is also available on our website or to contact FEDORA members you can e-mail to the appropriate position above, @fedora.org.uk; e.g. [email protected] or [email protected], etc., or for general enquiries [email protected].

Cover Photograph © David Cooke

COnTEnTSFedora ManageMent CoMMittee 2ChairMan’s CoMMents 5oxshott’s Past - aylings Corner 9stoke d’abernon - battle oF britain 75th anniversary 11oxshott village day 13oxshott village day FinanCes 17oxshott village sPorts Club 19Centre For sight 23the anCient art oF threading CoMes to oxshott 27bridge Chat 31oxshott Choral soCiety 35oxshott and CobhaM MusiC soCiety 37Fedora PoliCe biCyCles 39MeMbershiP 41stroke assoCiation 45advertisers index 47

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Disclaimer: FEDORA, its officers and committee members make every effort to publish this magazine on time, to give correct information and advice in good faith, and to accommodate advertisers by including desired copy with accurate content. No responsibility or liability, however, can be taken for any inadvertent errors or omissions.

Chairman’s Commentsby David A. D. Cooke

Prudential Ride London Surrey

In the spring there was a single flag flying in the High Street, a very tattered and dirty Union flag above Charnays / Babayan Pearce. With the prospect of the cycle race on 2 August looming, FEDORA thought that this would not portray a very good image of the village and offered to provide brackets, poles and flags to any shop along the High Street that wanted them.

A good number accepted and the result was a good show for the BBC television cameras that covered the race.

I understand that some owners objected to the cycle race, and did not want any decorations. This understandable but there are other festive occasions during the year and I would encourage them to put up the standard 2 inch bore brackets for displays at these other times.

The race itself is not universally popular with residents. Some think it is a privilege to have the race coming through our village and like it for the occasion and opportunity to chat with neighbours. Others resent it for preventing access to our through road on that day, the stream of cyclists practising on the route and the loss of business to various concerns. However there are agreements in place for the race to follow the same route for the next few years.

Oxshott Village Day

This was again blessed by a good turnout and fine weather, which is certainly not guaranteed by a date in early May. Our thanks for organizing such an enjoyable day to Carmen Robinson, Felicity Bond, Graham Tillotson and all the other helpers, without whom the event could not take place.

The cost of running this event is about £7,000 and with fine weather there is usually a good profit. However it had to be cancelled entirely one year due to a waterlogged sports field and a sizable proportion of the normal expenses still had to be paid. That year the event was rescheduled to August so if you like there was one set of revenue and two sets of costs. There could also be the situation where the weather was so awful that the full costs were incurred but no-one came.

The organising committee have therefore decided it is necessary to build up a reserve to cover these eventualities. The target is currently £12,000 of which approximately £10,000 has so far been achieved.

FEDORA again provided sponsorship of £500.

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FEDORA Magazine

In this edition of the magazine there are two articles on Oxshott History, two more of Oxshott Village Day with photographs, articles on Bridge, Musical and Choral activities in the Oxshott area, information about the Centre for Sight and Clay Spa, updates on the police bicycles and blood pressure monitor that were purchased with FEDORA donations and an invitation to a talk on Strokes from the Patients Participation Group of the Oxshott Medical Practice.

We hope you enjoy the content and find it informative, and if you would like to contribute please submit copy for a future edition.

Thanks to our advertisers for funding this free magazine and also all our deliverers without whom the production of this magazine would not be possible.










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Oxshott’s Past – Ayling’s Cornerby Bob Jones

For many years this oil painting has been just ‘hanging around’ largely un-noticed. It was painted by my father Reg Jones, an amateur artist who used to live and work at Ayling’s Farm and occasionally liked to get his brushes out. It is only now that, despite its skewed perspective, I am beginning to see a simple charm about the scene.

It doesn’t seem that long ago when the junction of Oxdowne Close, Blundel Lane and Littleheath Lane was known as Ayling’s Corner. The Ayling’s were the family farming at Little Heath Farm, certainly to my knowledge in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. They lived in the farm house which is the building on the right. The buildings to the left are the cow sheds. Twice a day the gates to the yard opened and disgorged the herd of lumbering dairy cows. They were driven down Blundel Lane and out into the fields by Ted Jones (no relation) the cowman for many years. Ted also handled the heavy horses which were a familiar sight pulling carts and ploughs etc up and down the lanes.

Beyond the cowsheds you can see the barn and the rick yard echoing the sound of the single cylinder engine (which had dodgy bearings and missed every fifth stroke) driving the ‘elevator’, a lethal piece of kit which elevated the hay and straw bales on spikes up and over and onto the hay rick, the bales having been ‘pitch forked’ onto the elevator from the hay cart.

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At harvest time ‘the thresher’ appeared in the rick yard hauled by a steam engine which doubled up as a power unit to drive the beast with a flailing leather belt. Beyond the rick yard is a pair of cottages called surprisingly ‘Little Heath Farm Cottages’ where I was born and bombed (see Fedora Magazine Spring 2014). Beyond the cottages is Banjo Hussey’s yard.

This particular view is looking into what is now Oxdowne Close from the corner, the gas lamp illuminating the scene. As far as I remember those trees were Elm trees, sadly now no longer. Behind you is where Jack Brown lived who, along with his family, ran Brown’s Shop on Brown’s Corner providing the neighbourhood with everything from Woodbines and Weights to ham, eggs and honey, not forgetting R White’s Lemonade and Walls Ice Cream ‘in a block’ about 6 inches x 4 inches x 2 inches.

As far as I recall this scene was painted from memory in the late 60’s probably reflecting the darkness of the war years and also a more hopeful vision indicated by the blanket of snow illuminated in the gas light. If you turn your head to the left you will see, and hear, the level crossing gates clanking open. The level crossing was known as Cooke’s Crossing after the founder of the brick yard or O.B.C. (Oxshott Brick Company). The crossing gates are being operated by hand by the signal man winding furiously in his signal box opening and closing the gates. In those days there was a third railway track from the station into the brick yard to allow the coal trucks in and take the finished bricks out. The chimney, dominating the scene, was built right in the middle of what is now Somerville Road.

You will also see the electric trains (with the ‘slam doors’, leather window pulls and ladies compartments) charging back and forth carrying us school kids and commuters up to Waterloo in thirty minutes flat! Just over the crossing past the brick yard entrance, past Charlie Redding leaning on his gate you will see tucked under the trees George Ackerman in his dingy wooden shack feverishly marking up newspapers and comics ready to be delivered around Oxshott by yours truly, and others, all for two bob a week or half a crown if you delivered on Sundays. On the morning of Friday April 14th 1950 the revolutionary EAGLE comic appeared for the first time in my paper bag destined for the fortunate few but George didn’t allow us to read somebody else’s EAGLE under the gas lamp at Ayling’s Corner!

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Stoke d’Abernon - Battle of Britain 75th Anniversaryby Adam Hermitage

In September 1940 a small part of the aerial battle that raged over Southern England came to the countryside in North East Surrey. On September 27th 1940 a large force of Luftwaffe bombers with fighter escort took off from bases in Northern France to launch another attack against military targets in England. They were detected by early warning radar plotters and finally visually. Appropriate Royal Air Force squadrons were scrambled to meet them.

One of the stations at the forefront of UK defence was Northolt, to the West of London. Home to the famous 303 (Polish) Squadron where its dozen or so Hawker Hurricanes were scrambled and met the large fleet of Lufwaffe bombers over the Surrey/Sussex borders. One of the Polish pilots was Walerian Zak, 29, an experienced flyer. He was flying the aircraft coded “RF S”. Quickly, he threw himself into the battle and claimed the downing of a Henkel III bomber.

In the ensuing melee he was attacked by a Bf109 fighter who set fire to his Hurricane at a height of 22,000 feet somewhere over Horsham. He baled out and drifted northwards, coming down close to Randalls Lane, Leatherhead. He had suffered minor burns and was quickly transferred to the recently opened Leatherhead Hospital.

Prior to his landing the stricken Hurricane had arrowed into a field in Blundels Lane, on the Oxshott/Stoke d’Abernon border. Eyewitnesses at the time had seen the wings coming off in its vertical dive to the ground. The crater in the field was quickly filled in, once it was established by emergency services that the pilot had escaped death.

No one apart from a few locals and the farmer knew of the fields history until 1977 when a group of aviation researchers, The Air Historical Group, found information in the Public Records Office Kew that led them to the field. After the appropriate permissions were given a search of the plot with a metal detector soon found evidence of something large and metallic buried below. A digger was brought in and the tail wheel was found followed by all the fuselage, cockpit and finally at 25 feet the Rolls Royce Merlin 3 engine.

Because of the local clay soil everything was very well preserved, but mostly crushed or smashed. Over a period of about two weeks most parts were dug out and taken away for cleaning by members of the group. The hole was filled once again and returned to being a corn field as it is today.

Further research established the Hurricane V7289 to be a combat veteran with at least 7 victories. However it had only been delivered from Gloucester in July 1940, so its life was short. It had also been flown by Frantisek, who ended up being the highest scoring Allied pilot during the Battle of Britain. Sadly Frantisek died in his Hurricane at Ewell in October 1940.

Zak recovered and went on to serve throughout the war and returned to

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Poland in the late 1940s. The Air Historical Group made contact with his widow, learning that he had died in 1969. She was grateful of the news regarding his aircraft being discovered all those years later. The cleaned parts have been subsequently loaned to exhibitions at RAF Northolt, where of course the Polish War Memorial stands. There are now no living pilots from 303 Squadron from the Battle of Britain era, but due to the efforts of aviation archeaologists, amongst others, their stories are preserved for future generations to give thanks for.

Walerian Zak Frntisek Hurricane V7289

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by Felicity Bond

Oxshott Village Day held on 4th May was a huge success with thousands enjoying a great day out. Once all the costs of mounting this popular event had been accounted for, the organisers were able to present this year’s donation. Each year, OVD aims to support a local community organisation or charity, and the 2015 beneficiary is here, in the heart of the village.

So, it was with great pleasure that Carmen Robinson, Founder of Oxshott Village Day, presented Rob Butler, Chairman of the Oxshott Village Sports Club, with a cheque for £3,000 on 2nd June. The first cricket match was played on the sports field in 1896, and since then OVSC has become the focus for a range of sporting activities, including bowls, football, petanque, netball, squash and tennis. The Club also holds other activities like bridge, spinning and bootcamp. It has been a keen supporter of Village Day since its inception by hosting the event on their field. “It was thrilling to arrive at the Club on Village Day and find it packed with thousands of people enjoying themselves” enthused Mr. Butler, adding “Village Day is now by far the most important event in the Oxshott calendar and we are proud to be associated with it.”

On behalf of the Club, Rob Butler expressed his appreciation at receiving the donation. He explained that the money is being used to beautify the entrance to the Sports Club by improving the access road and installing gates.

Don’t forget to join us again on Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May 2016 for the next Oxshott Village Day. All the details will be at oxshottvillageday.com or continue to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Oxshott Village Day Founder, Carmen Robinson, hands over the £3,000 cheque to OVSC’s Chairman, Rob Butler

Left to Right : Lynn Hickman OVSC Secretary, David Young OVSC Treasurer, Felicity Bond OVD Publicity, Rob Butler OVSC Chairman, Carmen Robinson OVD Founder, Peter and Jean Wall OVD Finance.

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Oxshott Village Day is a not-for-profit organisation and has always been robustly transparent about its finances, which are easily available to the public on its website. If you are interested to learn more, visit the Finances page at www.oxshottvillageday.com. All the details are available in the 2015 summary section. You can also read about the long-term financial strategy.

Costs include things like the jazz band, climbing wall, Punch and Judy, toilets, security, insurance, printing etc, plus the capital costs of all the marquees, wheelie bins, signage and fencing that is essential to the smooth running of the event.

Revenues include entrance and stall fees and sponsorships.

Donations cover the amounts given away over the years to local charities and organisations – over £13,000 to date. Did you know that the annual Christmas tree in the High Street is also paid for by Village Day funds?

Importantly, we need to build up reserves to act as a buffer against the future possibility of cancellation or postponement. The figures show that this proved expensive when we were obliged to postpone in 2012. We have been fortunate to experience three years of sunshine, but bad weather could make a considerable dent in our revenues.

The continued success of Village Day, of which we are rightly proud, rests on the support of community and so we look forward to welcoming you again on 2nd May 2016.

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by Fiona Stephen

OVSC members enjoyed an evening of music and dancing on Bank Holiday Monday following a charity cricket lunch on behalf of the Tom Maynard Trust. Members were entertained with music from “Racket Abuse” and “Take Thatish”, a couple of bands made up from some of our more talented members!

“Take Thatish... after playing in the Marquee”

The evening was a celebration of some of the successes at OVSC over the year. Not only have we continued to improve our facilities but many of our members have enjoyed successful seasons be it on the pitch, terrain, court or rink! Some have even gone beyond representing the club and have achieved County and National representation.

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Our lady bowlers representing Surrey at the National Championships this summer.

Looking to the future, we are very excited about the work starting imminently on replacing two of our tennis courts with artificial clay courts and we have also introduced a cycling section open to all members of the club as part of their membership or anyone interested may join the section.

If you are interested in joining OVSC or would like more information about the club please contact Fiona or Sarah in the office, email: [email protected] or tel: 01372 843652.

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Centre for SightInternationally renowned Eye Centre on Oxshott High Street!

by Sheraz Deya

Walk down Oxshott High Street and you will notice “Centre for Sight”. What is Centre for Sight? Not Opticians are they? Well not at all – Centre for Sight is a private eye surgery centre which enjoys an international reputation with special expertise in Laser eye surgery, lens implants, laser cataract surgery as well as corneal and stem cell transplants.

Why Oxshott? Founders of Centre for Sight are husband and wife team, Sheraz Daya and Marcela Espinosa who also happen to be Oxshott residents. Sheraz is an American-trained eye surgeon who was recruited from New York in 1993 to head the Corneoplastic Unit and Eye Bank in East Grinstead, W. Sussex. He moved to Oxshott in 1995 and commuted between to both East Grinstead and London where he practiced on Harley Street. Marcela, also an eye surgeon and a native of Mexico and Sheraz used to commute 40 minutes to 1 hour to work each day going in opposite directions and one day it occurred to them that it did not make sense and they really should think about finding a place to work in the vicinity. “We have loved living in Oxshott - we have been so fortunate and really wanted to contribute to our community and make a difference” says Sheraz Daya, An opportunity came up in 2007 with the relocation of Lloyd’s Pharmacy across the road and the building at 48 High St went on sale. The building was purchased and extensively refurbished with the design by award-winning architects Toh Shimazaki who also built Centre for Sight’s flagship hospital in East Grinstead.

The Centre is well known for its expertise in innovation and technology, pioneering techniques in laser eye surgery, lens implants, corneal transplants as well as stem cell transplants. Katie Piper the broadcaster who was the victim of a viscous acid attack is a patient and frequent visitor to the Centre in Oxshott. Prime Ministers and Presidents as well as fellow eye surgeons travel internationally to undergo treatment at the organization.

Marcela and Sheraz set up Centre for Sight in 1996 to provide exemplary eye care, look after patients extremely well with a phenomenal level of service along with amazing outcomes. Their innovative work has been recognized by the ophthalmic industry and they often travel internationally to lecture on some of their work and developments. The industry are very supportive and use the Centre as a reference site for their technology regularly bringing surgeons to observe their technology in action. The Centre is ISO 9001 and 14001 certified and only eye centre in the UK to achieve both.

New Developments

Laser eye surgery has been performed at the Oxshott centre for almost a year and in the next month cataract and lens implant surgery will be commissioned following the acquisition of almost 1 million pounds of equipment. Lasers

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to perform cataract and lens surgery along with sophisticated “satellite navigation” systems will be installed in the next few weeks and once complete, the Oxshott centre will be amongst the most advanced for this type of surgery in the UK.

Procedures to eliminate glasses have become very popular over the years and a number of techniques are now available to eliminate glasses entirely – yes including reading glasses. Laser refractive lens exchange is a technique where lasers are used to replace the natural lens with trifocal or poly-focal lenses providing good distance, intermediate and near vision. Other techniques in addition to 5th generation laser vision correction include implantable contact lenses or ICL, a technique particularly good for those in whom laser eye surgery is not possible, for instance those with high levels of correction. Other Doctors

Two other specialist eye consultants also see patients at the centre in Oxshott. Mr. Wisam Muen who is a consultant at Kingston Hospital is a Paediatric Ophthalmologist and Tom Williamson a consultant at St. Thomas’s Hospital specialises in Retina. Emergency eye care is also available at the Centre and a doctor is usually available every day.

The Centre for Sight premises are also home to a private GP service Surrey Docs who are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The practice established themselves in Oxshott just over a year ago and manned by four GPs.

Curious to find out more? You are welcome to drop by to take a look around. There is also an open day on 20th October 2015 when Sheraz Daya will give a talk entitled “Vision Correction in the 21st Century”. This is an opportunity to learn more about the work performed at the Centre, meet patients and staff and for you to find out if Visual rejuvenation is for you!

Find out what Centre for Sight has to offer on www.centreforsight.com or calling 01372 410701.

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THE ANCIENT ART OF THREADING COMES TO OXSHOTTby Sharon Harford, Operations Director, Clay Spa

Facial hair threading is a centuries old technique commonly practiced in East Asia and the Middle East, but one that has become increasingly popular here in the West.

Having stood the test of time - the skill is often being passed down through generations of women - threading removes entire hairs, even the finest ones, from their follicles; making this treatment the best alternative to facial waxing.

But how does threading work? A cotton thread is pulled along unwanted hair in a twisting motion, trapping it in a mini lasso and lifting it out from the follicle. It’s a lot more complicated than it sounds and certainly requires great skill. It’s a true art form and isn’t something you can easily learn in a couple classes.

Threading also provides quite the advantage over many other hair removal methods. For example, it is extremely sanitary. Nothing but the thread touches the skin, which is then thrown away after use. No chemicals are applied to the skin making it ideal for people who have skin sensitivities or who are taking medication which conflicts with other methods of hair removal.

It is also great for people with ‘trouble’ brows. Threading can be so precise in the hair that is removed that a defined, perfectly even eyebrow arch is always possible - people swear they cannot get their eyebrows as even, despite tweezing, waxing and sugaring.

It is also extremely fast. Although every threading technician is different it can literally only take a few minutes and despite being an ancient technique, it surpasses the speed of the most modern tweezers you will ever find.

But understandably there are some downsides. The discomfort is similar to tweezing, but the process is much, much quicker. Some people say they have very little pain from threading, but it has a lot to do with the skill of the technician. All in all, threading is the answer for those who are looking for a natural, hygienic and relatively painless technique for removal of unwanted facial hair.

Threading has recently been introduced to the treatment menu at Clay Spa in Oxshott Village and is being carried out by Neha Khanna. With a career spanning over a decade Neha is an internationally recognised eyebrow specialist and make-up artist who, before joining the Clay Spa team, worked at some of the biggest names in the beauty industry including Urban Retreat at Harrods and the Michael John salons in Knightsbridge and Mayfair. She has worked alongside celebrity clients in both the music and film industries and her portfolio has also featured in global beauty magazines. She has also consulted on various TV shows including Channel 4’s “How to Look 10 Years Younger.”

For more information or to book your threading appointment at Clay Spa you

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can call them on 01372 576772, e-mail them at [email protected] or visit their website - www.clayspa.co.uk.

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by R. Clair Sexton EBU Professional Teacher

‘OVERCALLIng’ nB. Third article of 3


This is a poorly understood part of bidding, but it is a vitally important part of the basic bidding theory of ‘overcalling’.

There are many good hands with up to 14HCP with which you cannot make a sound overcall at the 2- level. Either it does not contain enough winnable tricks, a good enough suit, or has a holding in the opponents’ suit. A sound player will pass these hands, but he can only do so happily, if his partner understands that he must make a ‘protective’ bid even with a weak hand, when third player also passes (this is called ‘balancing’ on the other side of the ‘big pond’). i.e: Ptn. p Opp. 1H o Opp. p protect

This protective overcall is made on, what seems to many, a low point count, only 9+ HCP !!

However, the arithmetic of the deal comes to your aid, because the total HCP in the four hands is limited to 40!

The situation we p with a range up to 14are considering is: 1H o p of holdings: 11-19 o 0-5 you? 9+ If your partner passes with 13-14HCP, your side has at least enough to compete for a part-score.

If you also have 12+HCP your side may even have a game, particularly when you consider that it is at least one trick easier to make your contract if you know the position of virtually all the outstanding high cards (with the opening bid!).

In the worst scenario, with your opponents having their maximum of 19+5=24, you are left with only 16. However, either your bidding will stop at a very low level, or your opponents will compete further. It will be impossible for the East hand (which passed the opening bid and therefore has nothing) to double for penalties. West will also be reluctant to double, as his partner may have no HCP at all and all his own HCP are placed.

note that if the East hand bids rather than passes, it is clearly not your deal, and you will need a lot more than 9+ HCP to compete.


What choice of ‘protective’ bids do you have?

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(1) Bid 1NT With 11-14 HCP and a balanced hand, preferably with a stop in the opponents’ suit.

(2) Bid a good 5+ card suit With 9+ HCP at the 1 - level, and around 11+ HCP at the 2 - level.

(3) Bid double On all other hands with 9+ HCP

It is important to be aware of some of the disadvantages of ‘protecting’:

• If the opening bid was 1C, the fact that partner passed suggests weakness, so by ‘protecting’ you may push them into a better contract,

e.g: xx Bidding Opp. Ptn. Opp. You 10xxx 1C p p ? AKxx Pass with 9/10HCP! Kxx

• if you are very short in the spade suit you should consider passing with 9/10HCP,

e.g: x Bidding Opp. Ptn. Opp. You KJxx 1D p p ? A10x Pass! Partner didn’t bid 1S so where are the Spades? Jxxxx

The idea of ‘protection’ occurs in other sequences when there have been two passes, or when the opponents’ bidding has died away quickly. Some of these are:

Opp. You Opp. Ptn. Opp. You Opp. Ptn. p p 1D p - p 1D p p ? p ?

or even:

Opp. You Opp. Ptn. Opp. You Opp. Ptn. 1H p 2H p - - 1D p p ? 1H p 2H p p ?

All the above sequences satisfy the requirements of a ‘protective’ situation: (1) The auction has died at a low level, (2) Both opponents have limited their hands, (3) Partner has not had an opportunity to bid in the knowledge that opponents are limited.

Let us consider this example:

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Q9xxx Bidding Opp. Ptn. Opp. You xxx 1D p 1H p Ax 2H p p ? Bid 2S! K10x

Your opponents have a fit yet have stopped at 2H - so partner should have some bits and pieces. Partner is also known to be short in hearts allowing some of your losing hearts to be ruffed in dummy.



This is rather different. Because the Weak No-Trump has a defined low HCP range, and is fundamentally pre-emptive in nature, it is important that the ‘Double’ be retained as a penalty double. If this were not so, the Weak No-Trump could be used even more frequently by your opponents without fear of suffering a substantial penalty.

So, if your opponents open the bidding with a weak no-trump (12-14HCP), when should you overcall?

You should have two particular thoughts in mind:

1) “They have declared a hand with some strength - I mustn’t overstretch when the other opponent may also have strength, resulting in an expensive penalty double”,

2) “The pre-emptive nature of the 1nT opening bid must not be allowed to keep our side from our legitimate part-score or game”.

Using normal Acol you have the following choices:

With 16+ HCP (or 15 with a good suit),

a) bid - ‘Double’. This is NOT an informatory double but is for penalties, and will always (nearly) be passed by partner. (The inference from this is that if you do not double, partner will believe that you have less than 16 HCP.)

b) Make a ‘Jump overcall in a suit’. This requires a strong hand and a good suit. However, this is an unlikely choice, as with such a hand you would favour the penalty double in anticipation of a better score.

With fewer than 16 HCP,

c) Make a ‘Simple suit overcall’. Considerable caution is necessary as you are very exposed to a penalty double because opener’s partner is very well informed of his side’s combined strength. You should be constrained by the same principles as when making a 2-level overcall of an opening suit bid. i.e your hand should contain 5 tricks if N/V, or 6 tricks if V, thus limiting your maximum penalty to 500 points. Such a suit overcall would normally contain a reasonable 6 + card suit.

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Confusion often arises as to what action to take as partner of the doubler of 1nT, when you are very weak.

In general, such a penalty double is only removed with the very weakest of hands containing a 6+ card suit. Otherwise it is better to leave the double in and accept that, on occasion, the doubled contract will be made. Never forget your partner may be very strong indeed, and able to beat the contract on his own. He may well have seven tricks himself, that will defeat 1NT.

Consider - if you decide to bid you make the ridiculous statement that you don’t think your side can make seven tricks to defeat their contract, but even so, you will bid at the two level and try to make eight!!

In addition, the arithmetic is not in your favour. If 1NT* is made we have 40+40+50 = 130, whereas, if you take out the double on a weak holding and are doubled yourself, you can find that your side is facing a penalty of 300 or 500. Not a good swop!!

Conventional overcalls of 1NT

I am often asked which of the many conventional overcalls of 1NT I recommend. They generally show a weak hand, but with a 5-4 or better distribution. Is it Landy, Sharples, Aspro, Astro etc. etc? The truth is I don’t recommend any. None of the systems have a high enough frequency to be truly valuable, and all too often you reach a contract which is not makeable, and which can be expensive if doubled. All of this hassle is only for the sake of a part-score because, remember, you will double 1NT if you have a strong hand. These conventions were bred for the part-score battleground at high level duplicate bridge and should be left for use there.

Till the next edition if you would like to comment on this article, or want any advice, please feel free to tel. 01372 843 846; or send an e-mail to:- [email protected]

Page 35

Oxshott Choral Societyby Helen Foster

Do you feel like Singing? Oxshott Choral Society are looking to recruit new singers in all parts but particularly Tenors and Basses to join their friendly choir.

We are about 60 singers who meet on Wednesday evenings at 8pm in St Andrew’s Church Hall, Oxshott. So why not come and join us, no auditions are required.

This autumn we will be rehearsing the Mozart Vespers and carols for our Christmas Concert on Saturday 12th December and we will also be starting on the works for the Leith Hill Music Festival Harmoniemesse by Haydn and Serenade to Music by Vaughan Williams. The Festival next April will be a special one as it is Brian Kay’s last as Festival Conductor.

For details please contact Mike Newman 01932 863082 or email [email protected] or Sue Rees email [email protected] or our website www.oxshottchoral.org.uk

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Page 37

Oxshott and Cobham Music Society 2015 / 2016by Suzanne Connor, Artist Liaison

The Oxshott and Cobham Music Society holds a winter series of six high quality professional concerts between September and March, each year. These are on Saturday evenings, at 8pm, (except in January when there is an early evening concert at 5.30pm), and are given at Holy Trinity Church, Church Road, Claygate, KT10 OJP.

This year the 2015 / 2016 season, includes a cast of international musicians of great stature and repute, commencing on September 19, with the astonishing young Russian Violinist, Alexander Sitkovetsky, described as the “star of the new century,” by the musicians’ magazine “the Strad,” and as producing a “shatteringly magnificent performance” with “rivetting playing, ...tense and compelling.” His programme includes works by Schubert and Schnittke, as well as the Prokofiev and Cesar Franck sonatas,- both pillars of the violin repertoire.

Along with two exceptional visiting Danish Chamber Music Ensembles, - (the nightingale Quartet, and Trio Con Brio, Copenhagen) -there is also the astonishingly good notus Winds Quintet Ensemble, - graduates of the Royal Academy and now awarded a one-year Fellowship at the Conservatory to promote their ensemble skills and explore further important repertoire in the field. Their programme is varied and includes a work by Danzi and the quintets of Nielsen and Francaix.

The youngest ever winner of the Leeds Piano Competition in 2008, Korean, Sunwook Kim, will give the first of the two Celebrity Recitals on February 6, 2016, at 8pm. He returns, now aged only 26, to play a recital which includes Beethoven’s monumental “Diabelli Variations.” Three days later he will perform the work in the new Parisian Concert Hall.

The second Celebrity recital will be given by Israeli Soprano, Chen Reiss on March 19, 2016 at 8pm. A graduate of the Juilliard School of Music in New York, and a protegee of conductor Zubin Mehta, she comes direct from Vienna State Opera. She has sung at Carnegie Hall, in Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, London, Israel etc., and last December, at the request of the Pope, she sang Mozart in a performance recorded during a Christmas Mass, and broadcast around the world to an estimated 7 million viewers. Wonderful to hear, and stunning to look at, Chen Reiss is sure give immense pleasure to all.

Full details on the website: (www.ocms-music.org.uk). Concert tickets £17.00 (£20 for the Celebrity concerts), Students, 8-25 years, FREE with ID. Subscription for six concerts, £72 (£70 if paid by the 1st September). A wonderful bargain and so close to home!

Page 38

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Page 39

FEDORA Police Bicyclesby PCSO Stewart Winch

PC Dan Moreton and I have make the best use of the electric bicycles donated by Fedora. I use mine most days and have travelled over 4000 miles come rain or shine. Dan uses his when possible but his duties now take him all over Elmbridge. You will not be surprised to hear that on many occasions it is quicker and more efficient to get round the Oxshott area on a bicycle and this is no better illustrated that when we police the annual Prudential Cycle Ride, pictures attached for 2015. We would like to thank you for your continued support.

Page 40


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Page 41

Blood Pressure Monitorby Christina van Roest, Chair PPG of the Oxshott Medical Practice

In July 2014 this equipment was bought with a Donation from FEDORA. The BPro®G2 is capable of capturing Blood Pressure (BP) over 24 hours via the wrist. It is convenient to use, light weight, non-disruptive, cuff less, and takes a BP reading every 15 minutes over 24 hours (96 in total). The Surgery was very pleased with this new measuring device, as the old one was very cumbersome, heavy and user unfriendly. In the last year about 50 patients had the benefit of this little machine, the size and convenience of a wrist watch. Also a great advantage is the registration of the results. It provides caregivers with remote access to patients’ readings, encourages

treatment compliance, and improves long term outcomes. Patient Reports can be easily accessed via the secure web portal. Reports can be filed for later use and comparison. Reports can also be emailed and printed if required. The Surgery and the patients are very grateful for this contribution.

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Page 42

Page 43

2016 Membership Application / RenewalPlease send this form with your remittance (cheques payable to “FEDORA”) to:

Rita Clarke, 9 Montrose Gardens, Oxshott, Surrey, KT22 0UU

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MEMBERSHIP SECRETARyRenewal of your annual FEDORA membership is due for the 12 months from 1st January, 2016. It would be a great help, and would also save considerable postage, if you could kindly use the form below and send your renewal to me as soon as possible. Your membership contribution is important - FEDORA has no other source of funding.

Alternatively you can pay by internet banking Account Name: FEDORA, Sort Code: 20-90-56, Account Number: 80164445, but please use your surname and postcode as reference (so that we know who the payment is from) and send a confirming email (to advise payment) to [email protected] with the information from the form below.

Even if your Residents’ Association is already a member of FEDORA, why do you not consider joining so that you personally can be an active participant in FEDORA?

Please don’t forget to mention FEDORA to our advertisers when you make an enquiry or use their services. Their support is essential for the magazine to continue.

Thank you very much for your support. Rita Clarke

Page 44

Page 45

An Informative Evening: “What you need to know about STROKE and how it can affect you”

by Christina van Roest, Chair PPG

The PPG (Patient Participation Group) of the Oxshott Medical Practice would like to invite you to an informative evening about this medical condition. You probably know someone in your family, amongst your friends or in your community affected by Stroke; maybe you would like to know more about it?• Stroke kills twice as many women as breast cancer and more men than prostate and testicular cancer combined a year. • Stroke is the largest cause of complex disability – half of all stroke survivors have a disability.• Over a third of stroke survivors in the UK are dependent on others, of those 1 in 5 are cared for by family and/or friends. • For every cancer patient living in the UK, £241 is spent each year on medical research, compared with just £48 a year for every stroke patient.• Stroke occurs approximately 152,000 times a year in the UK; that is one every 3 minutes 27 seconds.• First-time incidence of stroke occurs almost 17million times a year worldwide; one every two seconds.• There are around 1.2 million stroke survivors in the UK.• Stroke is the fourth single largest cause of death in the UK and second in the world.

Stroke can be a frightening experience which can have a major impact on your quality of life. For survivors, stroke can have a sudden and devastating impact on their lives, leaving many disabled and dependent on others. A stroke happens in an instant but its effects can last a lifetime.

The PPG organises this event with great help and support of the Stroke Association to raise the awareness in all of us how Stroke changes lives. An experienced Speaker of the Charity will deliver a talk on “Stroke and Stroke prevention”.No one understands Stroke better than people who have been affected by it, therefore some survivors will be present at the event to tell their story, maybe a story like one survivor who said: “I was having a great day, nothing seemed unusual. Suddenly the lights went out. Later I woke up in hospital. I couldn’t move my right side or speak”. Or the story of a Carer: “Being a carer for a stroke survivor can be incredibly hard and distressing. I felt very isolated and afraid when he was discharged from hospital as I didn’t know what to expect.”Dr Jan Austen from our Surgery will also attend the evening to offer her help on specific medical issues in the Q & A session.We would like to invite everyone to attend this informative evening:Date: Wednesday 14th October 2015; Venue: Oxshott Village Centre (Small Hall); Time: 19.30. You are most welcome.

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Page 47


Alliance Mobile Security Ltd. 40

Aquatechiniques - Aquariums 41

Aquatechniques - Ponds 6

Beejays Post Office 4

Boyce Thornton 21

Centre for Sight 22

Danes Hill School 26

Danny’s Building Service 38

David Cooke Associates 17

Dwight Isaacs 30

Esher Construction Company 15

Garage Tek 42

Howell Roofing Services 18

ImageNStyle 44

J. E. Decorating 3

Just Sofas 38

Knight Frank 7

Leatherhead Motor Company 29

Louise Trinder Chiropodist 18

N.J. Ricks Painting and Decorating 17

Oxshott Dental Practice 8

Savills 45

Skilton Property Services 35

Tiptop Computers 36

Trenchard Arlidge 48

Village Ceramics 16
