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2014 Consumer Research: Social Login and Personalization

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©2014 Blue Research ® all rights reserved. Confidential to Janrain Value of Social Login US Consumer Perceptions Prepared for by Maggie Foree and Paul Abel, PhD. for questions, contact [email protected] www.blue-research.com 1 29 14


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Value of Social LoginUS Consumer Perceptions

Prepared for

by Maggie Foree and Paul Abel, PhD.

for questions, contact [email protected]


1 29 14


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Mistargeting Is Common

and Drives Disengagement


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Relying on Online Registration

Data Can Lead to Mistargeting

Q4. If creating a new account at a website becomes tedious then people tend to not enter all of the information requested (leave some information blank) or

intentionally enter incorrect information (sometimes to avoid being targeted for marketing programs). n=594

Of consumers admit to

intentionally providing

misinformation when creating

a new account or registering

for the first time.



©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Mistargeting Consumers Is a

Common Occurrence

Q1. How often, if at all, have you experienced a situation where a company has sent you information, promotions, etc. that are not relevant to you? n=594

Q2A. Below is a list of potential scenarios in which companies mistargeted their marketing efforts and were NOT successful in personalizing the communication to

their customers. Select all, if any, of the following that you have experienced first-hand. n=594

Never Sometimes Frequently Almost all

the time





None of these

Mistakes made on basic

information about me

Mixed info across different

methods of communication

An offer that clearly shows

they do not know who I am

Over two in three report having received an offer that

clearly shows the company does not know who they are

Types of Mistargeting Encountered





How often companies send

mistargeted information/promotions


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

94% of Consumers Admit

Mistargeting Leads Them to

Disengage from a Company

Q2B. When a company mistargets their marketing efforts there are a variety of actions you might take. Please select from the following list all of the actions you

have taken, if any, for companies that consistently mistarget you in their marketing efforts. Please select ALL that apply. n=522

Actions Taken After Being Mistargeted

None of these

Automatically delete emails

Unsubscribe from emails

Categorize emails as ‘junk’/ ‘spam’

Be less likely to buy products

Visit website less frequently

Never visit website again








94% admit to taking one

or more of these actions

to avoid further

engaging with companies

that mistarget them


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Many Consumers Say It Only

Takes a Few Mistargeted Emails

for Them to Disengage

Q2D. In general, how many mistargeted emails does it take before you start to

delete a company’s emails without looking at them or perhaps categorize the

emails as ‘junk’? n=408

Q2C. In general, how many of those mistargeted emails does it take

in order for you to unsubscribe from the distribution list? n=277




6% 1



1 2 3 4 5 More

than 5

Number of Mistargeted Emails

After 2 Mistargets Many

Unsubscribe from Emails38%




5% 14%


1 2 3 4 5 More

than 5

After 2 Mistargets Nearly Half

Automatically Delete or

Categorize Emails as ‘Junk’

Number of Mistargeted Emails



©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Social Login Capabilities Are

Considered Attractive and Many Admit

It Will Influence Their Behavior


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Consumers See Value in the

Capabilities Social Login Enables




60%Suggest products/ promotions

based on profile info

Capabilities of Social Login Considered Useful

Q8. For each, please rate how useful you believe these capabilities are. (showing respondents who rated 5-10 on a 1-10 scale) n=594

Allow mobile phone apps to

offer special ‘in-store’ offers

Ability to comment/ share opinions

about a company

Offers suggestion based on profile



©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Consumers See Value in the

Capabilities Social Login Enables

Q11. Below is a list of opinions. For each, please rate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the statement: 3) I expect that by using ‘social login’ it

will improve my experience at a website (showing respondents who rated 5-10 on a 1-10 scale) n=594

Expect using Social Login

will improve their

experience with a website.



©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Social Login Is Expected to

Influence Consumer Behavior

Q11. Below is a list of opinions. For each, please rate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the statement: 2) I am more likely to return to a website if

it automatically recognizes me (without needing to remember a username or password every time) by using social login. (showing respondents who rated 5-10

on a 1-10 scale) n=594

are more likely to

return to a website that

remembers them without a

username or password



©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Companies Offering Social Login

Are Considered More Up-to-Date

and Innovative

Q11. Below is a list of opinions. For each, please rate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the statement: Companies that offer ‘social login’ are more

up-to-date, innovative and leave a positive impression compared to those which do not offer this capability (showing respondents who rated 5-10 on a 1-10

scale) n=594

believe companies that

offer Social Login are more

up to date and innovative,

and leave a positive




©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Social Login Is Expected to

Influence Consumer Behavior on

Mobile Devices

Q16. Rate each of the statements below based on your level of agreement. A “1” means you completely disagree with that statement and a “10” means you

completely agree with that statement. If social login made it easier for me to login to sites using my mobile phone, iPad and/or tablet computer, I would……read

more online articles using one of these mobile devices. (showing respondents who rated 5-10 on a 1-10 scale) n=594

would read more articles

using their mobile phone

or tablet if Social Login

made it easier for them to




©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Q16. Rate each of the statements below based on your level of agreement. A “1” means you completely disagree with that statement and a “10” means you

completely agree with that statement. If social login made it easier for me to login to sites using my mobile phone, iPad and/or tablet computer, I

would……make more purchases online using one of these mobile devices. (showing respondents who rated 5-10 on a 1-10 scale) n=594

would make more

purchases online using

their mobile phone or

tablet if Social Login made

it easier for them to login


Social Login Is Expected to

Influence Consumer Behavior on

Mobile Devices


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Social Login Is Frequently

Encountered; More Than Half Use

and Few Are Unsatisfied


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Nearly 9 in 10 Have Encountered

Websites Offering Social Login

Q7B. In the past month, how often, if at all, have you come across a website that offered the ability to ‘log-in’ using one of your social network, email or online

service accounts? n=594

81% report encountering social login at least once in the last month

Social Login is Commonly Encountered

have come across a site

offering social login




©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Once Encountered, Just Over Half

Use Social Login Capability

Nearly Every Time: 5% Sometimes: 46%

use social login

when it is an option

Q7C. When you are at a website that requires you to either create an account or gives you the option to log in using one of your social network, email or online

accounts, how often do you use the social login option? n=560

How often do you use the social login option?

51% 49% never use

social login


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Majority Use Social Login Because

It Is Faster Than Registering

Q7E. Which of the following are the reason(s) why you use social login? n=286





Why do you use social login?

Faster than registering

at a site

Means one less password

to remember

Ensures websites are

more personalized

Some other



©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain









1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

Wide Majority of Users Are Very

Satisfied With Social Login

Q7F. Overall, how satisfied are you with the experiences you have had using social login? n=286

Not Satisfied Very Satisfied

Satisfaction with Social Login Experiences


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Communicating How Personal

Information Is Used Could Increase

Usage of Social Login


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Not Everyone Who Encounters

Social Login Uses the Capability

88%have come across a

site offering social

login capability

Q7B. In the past month, how often, if at all, have you come across a website that offered the ability to ‘log-in’ using one of your social network, email or online

service accounts? n=594


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Not Everyone Who Encounters

Social Login Uses the Capability

Q7C. When you are at a website that requires you to either create an account or gives you the option to log in using one of your social network, email or online

accounts, how often do you use the social login option? n=560

49%say they never use

social login


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Non-Users Are Concerned About

How Information Will Be Used

Q7D. Which of the following is the primary reason why you do not use social login? n=274

Primary Reason(s) for NOT Using Social Login Capability

Don’t trust company to use

information appropriately





Don’t want company to

post to my feed

Concerned company will

Spam me or my contacts



©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Nearly Half of Non-Users Admit

They Could Be Enticed to Share

Social Media Profile Information

Q7H. Which of the following is most likely to encourage you to share your social media profile (e.g., gender, age, interests) with a website that you trust?

Non-users n=257

Actions to Encourage Non-Users to Share Profile Information





Company provides a


Company sends a free trial

or gift card

Information is ONLY used to

personalize experience

Company will not contact

others in social network


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Social Login Users May Represent a

Very Attractive Target Market


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Over Half Are SLI Users; a Little

Less Than Half Are Non-Users

Q7C. When you are at a website that requires you to either create an account or gives you the option to log in using one of your social network, email or online

accounts, how often do you use the social login option? n=560

How often do you use the social login option?

Nearly Every Time: 5%

Sometimes: 46%

51% Users


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Over Half Are SLI Users; a Little

Less Than Half Are Non-Users

Q7C. When you are at a website that requires you to either create an account or gives you the option to log in using one of your social network, email or online

accounts, how often do you use the social login option? n=560

How often do you use the social login option?

49% Non-Users


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Personalization Drives More

Social Login Users to Be Engaged




Q9. If a company personalizes your experience and the information on their website by catering to your specific interests/preferences (e.g. recommending articles to

read, videos to watch, products/services to consider based on your profile, interests and/or purchases or perhaps those of your friends), how much more or less likely, if

at all, are you to do the following? (excludes percent selecting ‘no impact’ or ‘less likely’) SLI Users n=320; SLI Non-users n=274

Percent More Likely to… if a Site is Personalized

Social Login Non-Users



48%Read articles or watch

videos on the website

Spend more time on

the website

Download a mobile app from

that company

Social Login Users


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Q9. If a company personalizes your experience and the information on their website by catering to your specific interests/preferences (e.g. recommending articles to

read, videos to watch, products/services to consider based on your profile, interests and/or purchases or perhaps those of your friends), how much more or less

likely, if at all, are you to buy products/services on the website? (only showing those who select options 1-2) SLI Users n=320; SLI Non-users n=274

Personalization Drives More

Social Login Users to Purchase

Products or Services Online

of Social Login Users are

more likely to buy products

or services on a website if

the company personalizes

the experience



©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Q9. If a company personalizes your experience and the information on their website by catering to your specific interests/preferences (e.g. recommending articles to

read, videos to watch, products/services to consider based on your profile, interests and/or purchases or perhaps those of your friends), how much more or less

likely, if at all, are you to buy products/services on the website? (only showing those who select options 1-2) SLI Users n=320; SLI Non-users n=274

Personalization Drives More

Social Login Users to Purchase

Products or Services Online

of Social Login Non-Users

are more likely to buy

products or services on a

website if the company

personalizes the experience



©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Social Login Users Are More

Likely Than Non-Users to

Influence and Be Influenced

Q12. How often do you do the following? (excludes percent selecting “never”) SLI Users n=320; SLI Non-users n=274

Q9. If a company personalizes your experience and the information on their website by catering to your specific interests/preferences (e.g. recommending articles to

read, videos to watch, products/services to consider based on your profile, interests and/or purchases or perhaps those of your friends), how much more or less

likely, if at all, are you to do the following? (excludes percent selecting ‘no impact’ or ‘less likely’) SLI Users n=320; SLI Non-users n=274

Percent That Use Their Social Network to...

Social Login Non-Users










84%Share a positive comment about

a product, service or company

Share a negative comment

Recommend a company’s

website to others

Social Login Users

Ask for feedback/ suggestions

before making a purchase

Seek out/ avoid a company

based on reviews


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Key Takeaways


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Online research completed by nationally representative sample of 594

social media active consumers to assess behaviors, interests and


Results demonstrate:

Key Takeaways


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Key Takeaways

Mistargeting is Common;

Consumers are DisengagingOver 9 in 10 report being

mistargeted and a similar percent

report taking steps to is

disengage from interacting with

these organizations.

Social Login is AttractiveMany report the experience it

enables could impact their

behavior in ways organizations

will find beneficial.

Social Login

is Widely EncounteredNearly 9 in 10 have been

exposed to social login


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

Key Takeaways

Trust will Increase UseAssuring consumers that

personal information will be

used appropriately is

important in order for a

broader range of consumers

to elect to use social login.

Social Login Users are AttractiveConsumers who choose to use social

login appear to be more likely to

influence others, be influenced by others

and make purchases online, relative to

non-users of social login.

Social Login is Often UsedA little over half choose to use

it and over nine in ten social

login users report being

satisfied with their experiences


©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain

These findings suggest social login may help companies

engage with an attractive segment of the consumer

population in a way consumers consider beneficial.

Key Takeaways

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Additional Data


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Most are 35-64 Years

26% 18-34

55% 35-64

19% 65+


Most are female




Most are White Caucasian


2% African American

3% Hispanic

9% Asian

83% White Caucasian

2% Other

2% Prefer not to say



Most are College Grads


0% Less than HS

8% HS Grad

4% Tech School

22% Some College

38% College Grad

28% Advanced Degree

Household IncomeMost earn less than $100k per year


















©2014 Blue Research® all rights reserved.Confidential to Janrain


Custom designed online survey with the logic and skip patterns required to

deliver reliable insights completed by 602 respondents:

– Potential respondents recruited via email, given a one-time password

protected access to the survey.

– Respondents screened to ensure each is social media active and has:

• Purchased a product or service online in the past 30 days and/or

• Read articles or watched videos online from major media outlets in the past 30 days.

– Questionnaire composed primarily of close-ended questions; median time to

complete the survey is ~11 minutes.

– Quality controls in place to remove ‘speedsters’ and ‘flat-liners’ from data

analysis; 8 were removed for a final sample size of 594.

Design, programming, data collection, analysis and report by Blue Research.

888 780 BLUE • [email protected] • blue-research.com

NW Office:

1400 NW Irving St.

Suite 408

Portland, OR 97209

CA Office:

1625 Scott Pl.

Suite 201

Encinitas, CA 92024
