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archive.org · 2015. 2. 11. · PUBLIC1LEDGER FIFTHYEAR. MAYSVILLE,KY.,WEDNESDAY,APRIL22,1896....

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PUBLIC 1 LEDGER FIFTH YEAR. MA YSVILLE, KY., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1896. ONE CENT. upon Mb daughter with a Tain nt welling pride; He was triad to see her In the social swim ; Hut he looked and swelled and swelled ar looked until he nearly died. As he counted up the cost when the bil Miss Lucy Keen of the county has returned trVtTM Personal.—Postage on drop letters, whether sealed or not. Is 'i cents. Many pot sons send their notices throush the I'ostolHae with only 1 cent stamp. These are "held fr postage." Hereafter they must contain a cent stamp. Friday Biffalo Bull will exhibit Ml bit; fronton May lit. The Johnson llahn Concert •evening, April Mth There was one addition to the First Presbyterian Church last night. Mary E. Hall sold to Margaret J. Gar- rett \\ acres on the Mt. Carmel pike for The marriage of Mr. Seymour M. Myall and Mias Addle Pearl Gooding of Mays- lick will be solemnized April 28th. Mrs. James M Woods had the misfor- tune, yesterday to fall down the stairs at her home in (be Sixth Ward and severely injure herself. Let us show you our new of Leather and Tinsel Belts, tirely new. Price* low down. My lint- of Gold Watches is tho larg- est in the city. My prices are the lowest. P. J. MWW the Jeweler. Fifty H»rmem H'nnrVri. Mr. Joe Kindig of York, Pa, will be atMose Daulton & Bro.'s Stable, Mays- Tille, Ky on Tuesday. May 5th. 1898. and will pay the highest market prices for good sound Horses or Marei from 4 to 6 years •Id. well broken and in good flesh. Bring in good ones and get the money for thsea, Post forget the date. DMLIBMMA FJB SIIVIOE, Tho Mler.Jamo* A. t'uHU'ooil End* Him I iff. I I I l>l \ I I1 MXSAXK. A few weeks ago the Kev. James A. Cay wood, a Methodist Minister, whose home was near Sardis, was tried before Judge Hutchins and a Jury for insanity. In its wisdom the Jury pronounced him of sound mind, in face of tho fact that he had declared an irresistible passion at times to take his own life, and that he had made several attempts to do so. Tuesday he was admitted to the County Infirmary, and throughout the day ap peared pleased with the Htirroundings anil talked rationally with bin fellow inmate*. Several times lie got up during the night, as stated by bis room mates, the I art time about 3 o'clock, but they thought nothing of it and dropped off to sleep. About 5 o'clock Wednesday morning be was found hanging by a stout leather •trap pending from a bracket of the portico fronting his cottage. When Superintendent Ed. Sluthry reached the body It whs still warm, though life was extinct The strap was carefully arranged with u llip knot, and the body was in a kneel ing posture, and the unfortunate man had literally choked himself to death- all going to show ilmt his self-murder was deliberate. Mr. Cay wood was about 50 years of Age. had been married several times, and It li learned that he had bis share of domestic troubles. Corsner Roe held an inquest, returning verdict of suicide. The remains were turned over to tela •lives for interment. HAVmVlLLK WKATHKH. l»MsS B/ue -HAin Off MOW) WltbBkH* ABOVE-tWlll WAKMSU f we'lUew UTThe at>o\e tOrec_„ u.Tlodofihlrty-sIx hours. ending- at B o'oloek The admission to Johnson Hah Concert only 50 cents 5 Nannie Bulger, colored, tried to com Bit suicide by tho poison route at he homo on the Lexington pike. .Services by the Be*. Donald McDonal at the First Presbyterian Church at 4 p m, and 7:30 p. m. The public cordially invited. Bicycles Rented at Gclsel & Bradley's, opposite Opera-house. Forty million tacks a day is the output of a factory i n Tal Klver. Mr. N. 8. Wood has moved Into a part of Mr. James Hendrlcksen's residence on East Froel street. Millcrsburg Female College, with ten eraduates, will hold its graduating exer cise8 Wednesday morning. June 3d. A mastodon tooth twelve inches long, nine Inches wide and three inches thick was found in Oklahoma recently by A V. Stewart, who was digging a well on his farm. In the manufacture of knives the di vision of labor has been carried to such an extent that one knife is handled by seventy different artisans, from the mo- ment the blade is forged until the instru raent is finished and ready for the market. Prof. C M. Vincent, member of the Royal Geographical Society of England, who, at the age of 70, is making a tour of the West, has made a special study of mosquitoes He says he found the in- sects most ferocious in Greenland and on Cat Island, in the Gulf of Mexico. Take stock, atop rent and purchase a home through the People's Building As- sociation. The great favor In which Ayer's Pills arc held all over tho world has been well earned. They are easy and even pleasant to take, and for all complaints of the stomach, liver and twiwela are the safest and most thorough medicine In pharmaey^ Every dose effective. Books are now open for stock in the Sixth Series of the People's Building Association, 2d, 1896. Call on Robert L. Baldwin, Secretary, John Duley, of the Directors. An Atfltlarlt. This is to certify that on May llih 1 walked to Melick's drugstore on a pair of crutches and bought a bottle of Chamber- lain's Pain Balm for inflammatory rheu- matism which had crippled me up. After using three bottles I am completely cured. I can cheerfully recommend It. ClIAHl.KR H WBT7.RL, Sunbury, Pa. Sworn and subscribed to before me on August 10th, MM. WAI.TEn SlHPMAN. J. P. Fur MIS at M BentS per bottle by J. Jas. Wood. Druggist. There have been seven additions to the First Presbyterian Church during thi series of meetings by the Rev. Donald McDonald. Mr Charles Hopper, who Iive9 near Winchester, was thrown from a buggy few weeks ago, getting a severe blow o ins head, which left him in a very feeble condition. He formerly resided in this city. Mrs Charles While, formerly of this city, died at Flemingsburg Monday night at tho home of her brother. Dr. tf. C. Waugh. The funeral took place o'clock this morning, and the interment will bo at the Maysvillo Cemetery o'clock p. m today. An ordinance prohibiting tho ringing of Church bells will he introduced in th< Council at Millersburg, on tho ground that many good people who are not snipers are greatly annoyed by the noise of the hells, and that the effect rtpon the sick anil nervous is very disastrous, DIVIDEND DECLARED. Tit* PeotHr'a Building AuHorlation' Tho following dividend per share been declared by the People's BuildiDg Association, payable May 2d, 1896: 8erit». Per Shurr. First $4 10 3 30 Second, January, 1893. issue | Second. Kebiuary. 1898, issue 2 75 March. 1893. issue 2 70 Second, April, 1893, issue 2 60 2 55 Third. June. 1803, issue 2 50 1893, issue 2 45 It, IBM, issue 2 35 Third, September. 1893. issue 2 30 Third, December, 1893. issue 2 10 Fourth 1 75 Fifth MUXAH AW Milium t'Hmtoo Throicn Out AXOTIIKH VORTIXATK i s, M l ie, was with a These was a narrow escape from dSSth on Union street about 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. Mr. William Frietoe. son of Mr. Wil- liam T. Fristoe of Forest avenue, driving along that thoroughfare wi curt The lailb.ard fell out. tho horse fright- ened and there was a fully developed runaway ou tap in about four seconds. Mr Fristoe was thrown out and the heel of the heavy cart passed over blm. It was at first thought that be was in ternally injured, as he spit up considera ble blood. The horsa kept on until he reached the neighborhood of Mr. Del more Daulton's at Second and Poplar, when the cart struck a tree and the animal "stripped" himself of cart and all other encum- brances. At last accounts Mr. Fristoe was im- out of dan- FKANK OWENS HARDWARE CO. ...... i > We Will Do You Good are offering inducements to Fl kind* of Farming Tools-Hoes, Forks, Rakes Books, (iraiu Cradles, Scythes, Snaths Ud j ; Sundries. J { you need a, Poap for your cistern? If so, we: . will sell you tiny kiud you want at a very! C low price. j * you know we lire headquarters for Table Cut- | Iery and Urst-class Plated Knives. Forks and j \ Spoons, quality guaranteed? f " can buy Bmm Brush**, Whitewash Brashes, j \ Brushes and Curry Combs, kc, ehstp, i : of Builders' Hardware, Carpenter! Tools. Blacksmith Supplies mid everything \ l that composes a first-class Hardware Store. I FRANK OWENS HARDWARE CO.- Judge Thomas R. Phister of this cin will deliver an address at the Oddfellow Anniversary at Vunceburg Monday. Henry I, Schoppmoyer and wife bavi sold to Mrs. Ed. K. Tudor a lot on Nortl side of Second street, Sixth Ward, fo M12 50 s by I iding them The output of gold from Alaska last year is estimated at $8,000,000, and of this $800,000 came from the Yukon pla cer mines A bride in Montreal appeared at the al- tar with her pet canary fastened to her shoulder by a golden chain. During the marriage ceremony the bird broke into unil saved three othe out by their halters. Amsterdam is intersected by eanals, which divide the city into about ninety islands. Conasaunicatiou with them is had by about 300 bridges. The Jewish Colony in Haverhill is in trouble because some miscreant poured kerosene oil into the biead being made in a Jewish bakery the other day. A bill has been inti Mas. Double Edition merchants arc agaii that Saturday's Double Edition af- fords an excellent opportunity for reaching those who buy supplies of all Kinds. t& * tfc Ok Ledger The box-sheet is open for the Concert. Secure your seats early. Mr Clarence Dohyns is now Collector •r the MaysviMe Water Company. Judge John K Cooper of Mt. Stciling bus withdrawn from the race for Con- gress in tho Tenth District, having he en advised \v his physician uot to under take a campaign. HHOVKIXO AVVIOKXT. A lAttlo LSMTSJ Leg Htnriblu i'runhed on TueMiluy. AMPVTATIOX HAH XKVKSNAHY. John, the seven-year old son of Mr Jacob Case, residing near Murpiiysville. et with a horrible accident l'm-d .\ He was riding on a sled used In hauling fodder. Ilia fool Was banging over the side of the drag when it caught in a root and his leg was literally torn to shreds. Drs. U. K Adamson and John O'Brien of this city this morning amputated the limb In hopes ol saving the little fellow's I life. Did you get an invitation to the wedding? You will send a present, of course, whether you go or not, and we can settle the perplexing question of what give and save you the time and worry of looking around because of the great variety of articles suitable for such occasions we always carry in stock. Call and be satisfied of truth of our statement and see the numerous beautiful things you can afford to give. J. BALLENGER, Maysville, Ky. PROFITABLE "JAG." Who Mate a Ullt- C. J. Bailey of Parkersburg drew $7,500 out of the Commercial Bank or this city yesterday as the earnings of a |800 in- vestment, made involuntarily and un- knowingly less than a month ago, says a Wheeling telegram to The Pittsbegh Dis- Bailey is a traveling salesman. A lit- tle less than a month ago be made a tr through the oil Heidi, and while at Si tersville got in with a crowd of oil me with the result that the next day he had a big head, a very poor recollection of what had happened, and was $:iQ0 short, according to his memorandum book. He wisely decided that the less publicity he gave the loss the better it would be, and kept still. On Friday he was coming to Wheeling on the Ohio River Railroad when a stranger approached him with: "You are C. J. Bailey. I believe?" ••Yes." replied Bailey. "Well, you will find I7.M0 to your credit in the Commercial Bank at Wheel ing." replied the stranger. "I a-ut it there day before yesterday, and was ubout advertise for you." Bunko was the first thought of Bailey, but as the stranger did not ask for any show of money and talked all right, Bailey asked for an enplanation. It turned out the stranger was one of the men with whom IJ:iiley had been ou 15,000 of it and sent it to his wife. Bailey's good fortune is not over yet, either, for the well is a good producer, and the company holds large leases, on i! good wells t ed. THE LATE THOMPSON DEAN. I SHOE DRESSING! : PATENT LEATHER SHOE DRE8SIN6! L J. HENRY PECOR. Cripple Creek now has a population of •0.0(H). In 1803 it bad 1.500. It is esti muted that this year's output will reach 10,000,000 tons of ore. ^ After losing over #5.000 by the venture, the skunk farm started several years ago by south Band sad Buchanaa, Mloh ceased to The earnings of tho L and N for cond week of April were MM.M0, increase of HP,410 over the correspond- ing period last year, of |P,MN over 1894, ADVERTISED LETTERS. Maitlu, W. 8. leak •on. Mrs. M. if-. Willie « Howard. A Kins. Prof. II Lemper, Louis 0. One cent due on each of above, •one calling for these letters n please say that tbey are advertised. Thus. J Cuknowbtu, F Sistersville. and that he was also the Sec- retary and Treasurer of an oil company, which bad struck a rich well in the back country pool two weeks before. Hailey, while irresponsible, had put f:IOO into the company's capital stock on the ad it $3,500 a day. one tenth of which belonged to Bailey on his |300 inve>t Bailey came to Wheeling, and yesler day morning went to the bank and fouud the monnv there awaiting him. He drew Thompson Dean, the great steamboat man formerly of Cincinnati, died in New York City last week and was buried at Cincinnati Sunday. He was an orphan and began life as a flatboatman and died worth several mil- lion dollars. He had been in the banking business in New York for some twenty years. He was the owner of the Alice Dean, which John Morgan's command burned after using her to cross the river at Bran- denburg when he made his raid into Indi- ana and Ohio. Mr. John M. Greene, well known in ost all their all the pas- Mr B R Parous of New Orleans was with Morgan and tried to save his friend him. He told the writer that when they got ready to recross the Ohio no Dean wts there to take them over, and so they were "gobbled Op." James Ware, while in a drunken condi- tion, laid down on the C. and O. track a short distance below Augusta and was struck and horribly mangled by the East- bound freight No TO. We are showing the handsomest line of Diamonds ever shown in this city, both mounted and loose, and are offering them at prices that defy competition. Remem- ber, we nevei misrepresent goods or make misstatements through newspapers. P. .1 McrmrST the Jeweler. M to Be Titled gPW? Chemi You can get the best quality <4 Ladies' Hand- turned Button Shoe, newest style, for 5 J, at F. B. RANSOM & CO. m to Be fitted gjjlb Chemi * You can get a $3 50 Flexible Sole, Needle Toe, Button Shoe for 52 50, at F. B. RANSON & CO. m to Be fitted gjft themt You can get a $2 50, Flexible Sole, Pointed Toe Button Shoe for $2, at F. B. RANSON & CO. Juat to keep the ball rolling, we offer Men'd $6 Patent Leather Bala for $3 50. We ahall co* tinue the Shoe Busineaa in May8ville, and will pi"e due notice of our Spring Opening. F. B. RANSON & 00. Are you in need of Printing? km ready to furnish Printing of i high grade at a very low figure. » «#ri-«-« j>« »!,!•• nee «f. MAYSVILLE, KY.
Page 1: archive.org · 2015. 2. 11. · PUBLIC1LEDGER FIFTHYEAR. MAYSVILLE,KY.,WEDNESDAY,APRIL22,1896. ONECENT. uponMbdaughterwithaTainnt wellingpride; HewastriadtoseeherInthesocialswim ...


upon Mb daughter with a Tain nt

welling pride;

He was triad to see her In the social swim


Hut he looked and swelled and swelled ar

looked until he nearly died.

As he counted up the cost when the bil

Miss Lucy Keen of the county has returned

trVtTM Personal.— Postage on drop letters,

whether sealed or not. Is 'i cents. Many pot

sons send their notices throush the I'ostolHae

with only 1 cent stamp. These are "held fr

postage." Hereafter they must contain a

cent stamp.


Biffalo Bull will exhibit Ml bit;

fronton May lit.

The Johnson llahn Concert

•evening, April Mth

There was one addition to the First

Presbyterian Church last night.

Mary E. Hall sold to Margaret J. Gar-

rett \\ acres on the Mt. Carmel pike for

The marriage of Mr. Seymour M. Myall

and Mias Addle Pearl Gooding of Mays-

lick will be solemnized April 28th.

Mrs. James M Woods had the misfor-

tune, yesterday to fall down the stairs at

her home in (be Sixth Ward and severely

injure herself.

Let us show you our newof Leather and Tinsel Belts,

tirely new. Price* low down. Mylint- of Gold Watches is tho larg-

est in the city. My prices are the

lowest. P. J.MWW the Jeweler.

Fifty H»rmem H'nnrVri.

Mr. Joe Kindig of York, Pa, will beatMose Daulton & Bro.'s Stable, Mays-

Tille, Ky , on Tuesday. May 5th. 1898.

and will pay the highest market prices

for good sound Horses or Marei from 4

to 6 years •Id. well broken and in goodflesh. Bring in good ones and get the

money for thsea, Post forget the date.


Tho Mler.Jamo* A. t'uHU'ooil

End* Him I iff.

I I I l>l \ I I 1 MXSAXK.

A few weeks ago the Kev. James A.

Cay wood, a Methodist Minister, whose

home was near Sardis, was tried before

Judge Hutchins and a Jury for insanity.

In its wisdom the Jury pronounced him

of sound mind, in face of tho fact that he

had declared an irresistible passion at

times to take his own life, and that he had

made several attempts to do so.

Tuesday he was admitted to the County

Infirmary, and throughout the day ap

peared pleased with the Htirroundings anil

talked rationally with bin fellow inmate*.

Several times lie got up during the

night, as stated by bis room mates, the

I art time about 3 o'clock, but they thought

nothing of it and dropped off to sleep.

About 5 o'clock Wednesday morning

be was found hanging by a stout leather

•trap pending from a bracket of the

portico fronting his cottage.

When Superintendent Ed. Sluthry

reached the body It whs still warm,

though life was extinct

The strap was carefully arranged with

u llip knot, and the body was in a kneel

ing posture, and the unfortunate man had

literally choked himself to death-

all going to show ilmt his self-murder

was deliberate.

Mr. Caywood was about 50 years of

Age. had been married several times, and

It li learned that he had bis share of

domestic troubles.

Corsner Roe held an inquest, returning

• verdict of suicide.

The remains were turned over to tela

•lives for interment.



B/ue -HAin Off MOW)WltbBkH* ABOVE-tWlll WAKMSU

f we'lUewUTThe at>o\e tOrec_„

u.Tlodofihlrty-sIx hours. ending- at B o'oloek

The admission to Johnson HahConcert only 50 cents

5 Nannie Bulger, colored, tried to com

Bit suicide by tho poison route at he

homo on the Lexington pike.

.Services by the Be*. Donald McDonalat the First Presbyterian Church at 4 p

m, and 7:30 p. m. The public cordially


Bicycles Rented at Gclsel & Bradley's,

opposite Opera-house.

Forty million tacks a day is the output

of a factory i n Tal l Kl ver.

Mr. N. 8. Wood has moved Into a part

of Mr. James Hendrlcksen's residence on

East Froel street.

Millcrsburg Female College, with ten

eraduates, will hold its graduating exer

cise8 Wednesday morning. June 3d.

A mastodon tooth twelve inches long,

nine Inches wide and three inches thick

was found in Oklahoma recently by AV. Stewart, who was digging a well on

his farm.

In the manufacture of knives the di

vision of labor has been carried to such

an extent that one knife is handled byseventy different artisans, from the mo-

ment the blade is forged until the instru

raent is finished and ready for the market.

Prof. C M. Vincent, member of the

Royal Geographical Society of England,who, at the age of 70, is making a tour of

the West, has made a special study of

mosquitoes He says he found the in-

sects most ferocious in Greenland and on

Cat Island, in the Gulf of Mexico.

Take stock, atop rent and purchase a

home through the People's Building As-


The great favor In which Ayer's Pills arc

held all over tho world has been well earned.

They are easy and even pleasant to take, andfor all complaints of the stomach, liver andtwiwela are the safest and most thoroughmedicine In pharmaey^ Every dose effective.

Books are now open for

stock in the Sixth Series of the People's

Building Association,

2d, 1896. Call on Robert L. Baldwin,

Secretary, John Duley,

of the Directors.

An Atfltlarlt.

This is to certify that on May llih 1

walked to Melick's drugstore on a pair of

crutches and bought a bottle of Chamber-

lain's Pain Balm for inflammatory rheu-

matism which had crippled me up. After

using three bottles I am completely cured.

I can cheerfully recommend It.


Sunbury, Pa.

Sworn and subscribed to before me on

August 10th, MM.WAI.TEn SlHPMAN. J. P.

Fur MIS at M BentS per bottle by J. Jas.

Wood. Druggist.

There have been seven additions to the

First Presbyterian Church during thi

series of meetings by the Rev. Donald


Mr Charles Hopper, who Iive9 near

Winchester, was thrown from a buggyfew weeks ago, getting a severe blow o

ins head, which left him in a very feeble

condition. He formerly resided in this


Mrs Charles While, formerly of this

city, died at Flemingsburg Monday night

at tho home of her brother. Dr. tf. C.

Waugh. The funeral took place

o'clock this morning, and the interment

will bo at the Maysvillo Cemeteryo'clock p. m today.

An ordinance prohibiting tho ringing

of Church bells will he introduced in th<

Council at Millersburg, on tho groundthat many good people who are not

snipers are greatly annoyed by the noise

of the hells, and that the effect rtpon the

sick anil nervous is very disastrous,


Tit* PeotHr'a Building AuHorlation'

Tho following dividend per share

been declared by the People's BuildiDg

Association, payable May 2d, 1896:

8erit». Per Shurr.

First $4 10

3 30

Second, January, 1893. issue |

Second. Kebiuary. 1898, issue 2 75

March. 1893. issue 2 70

Second, April, 1893, issue 2 60

2 55

Third. June. 1803, issue 2 50

1893, issue 2 45

It, IBM, issue 2 35

Third, September. 1893. issue 2 30

Third, December, 1893. issue 2 10

Fourth 1 75



Milium t'Hmtoo Throicn Out


ie, was

with a

These was a narrow escape from dSSth

on Union street about 10 o'clock Tuesday


Mr. William Frietoe. son of Mr. Wil-

liam T. Fristoe of Forest avenue,

driving along that thoroughfare wi


The lailb.ard fell out. tho horse fright-

ened and there was a fully developed

runaway ou tap in about four seconds.

Mr Fristoe was thrown out and the

heel of the heavy cart passed over blm.

It was at first thought that be was in

ternally injured, as he spit up considera

ble blood.

The horsa kept on until he reached the

neighborhood of Mr. Del more Daulton's

at Second and Poplar, when the cart

struck a tree and the animal "stripped"

himself of cart and all other encum-


At last accounts Mr. Fristoe was im-

out of dan-


...... i >WeWillDoYouGood

are offering inducements to Flkind* of Farming Tools-Hoes, Forks, Rakes

Books, (iraiu Cradles, Scythes, Snaths Ud j ;

Sundries.J {you need a, Poap for your cistern? If so, we: .

will sell you tiny kiud you want at a very!C

low price. j

*you know we lire headquarters for Table Cut-|

Iery and Urst-class Plated Knives. Forks andj \

Spoons, quality guaranteed? f"

can buy Bmm Brush**, Whitewash Brashes, j \

Brushes and Curry Combs, kc, ehstp, i :

of Builders' Hardware, Carpenter! •

Tools. Blacksmith Supplies mid everything \ l

that composes a first-class Hardware Store. I


Judge Thomas R. Phister of this cin

will deliver an address at the Oddfellow

Anniversary at Vunceburg Monday.

Henry I, Schoppmoyer and wife bavi

sold to Mrs. Ed. K. Tudor a lot on Nortl

side of Second street, Sixth Ward, fo

M12 50

s by I iding them

The output of gold from Alaska last

year is estimated at $8,000,000, and of

this $800,000 came from the Yukon pla

cer mines

A bride in Montreal appeared at the al-

tar with her pet canary fastened to her

shoulder by a golden chain. During the

marriage ceremony the bird broke into

unil saved three othe

out by their halters.

Amsterdam is intersected by eanals,

which divide the city into about ninety

islands. Conasaunicatiou with them is

had by about 300 bridges.

The Jewish Colony in Haverhill is in

trouble because some miscreant poured

kerosene oil into the biead being madein a Jewish bakery the other day.

A bill has been inti Mas.

Double Edition

merchants arc agaii

that Saturday's Double Edition af-

fords an excellent opportunity for

reaching those who buy supplies

of all Kinds.

t& * tfc Ok Ledger

The box-sheet is open for the Concert.

Secure your seats early.

Mr Clarence Dohyns is now Collector

•r the MaysviMe Water Company.

Judge John K Cooper of Mt. Stciling

bus withdrawn from the race for Con-

gress in tho Tenth District, having he en

advised \v his physician uot to under

take a campaign.


A lAttlo LSMTSJ Leg Htnriblui'runhed on TueMiluy.


John, the seven-year old son of Mr

Jacob Case, residing near Murpiiysville.

et with a horrible accident l'm-d .\

He was riding on a sled used In hauling

fodder. Ilia fool Was banging over the

side of the drag when it caught in a root

and his leg was literally torn to shreds.

Drs. U. K . Adamson and John O'Brien

of this city this morning amputated the

limb In hopes ol saving the little fellow's

I life.

Did you get an invitation

to the wedding?

You will send a present, of course, whether you go

or not, and we can settle the perplexing question of what

give and save you the time and worry of looking

around because of the great variety of articles suitable for

such occasions we always carry in stock.

Call and be satisfied of truth of our statement and

see the numerous beautiful things you can afford to give.

J.BALLENGER, Maysville, Ky.


Who Mate a Ullt-

C. J. Bailey of Parkersburg drew $7,500

out of the Commercial Bank or this city

yesterday as the earnings of a |800 in-

vestment, made involuntarily and un-

knowingly less than a month ago, says a

Wheeling telegram to The Pittsbegh Dis-

Bailey is a traveling salesman. A lit-

tle less than a month ago be made a tr

through the oil Heidi, and while at Si

tersville got in with a crowd of oil me

with the result that the next day he had

a big head, a very poor recollection of

what had happened, and was $:iQ0 short,

according to his memorandum book. He

wisely decided that the less publicity

he gave the loss the better it would be,

and kept still.

On Friday he was coming to Wheeling

on the Ohio River Railroad when a

stranger approached him with:

"You are C. J. Bailey. I believe?"

••Yes." replied Bailey.

"Well, you will find I7.M0 to your

credit in the Commercial Bank at Wheel

ing." replied the stranger. "I a-ut it there

day before yesterday, and was ubout

advertise for you."

Bunko was the first thought of Bailey,

but as the stranger did not ask for any

show of money and talked all right,

Bailey asked for an enplanation. It

turned out the stranger was one of the

men with whom IJ:iiley had been ou

15,000 of it and sent it to his wife.

Bailey's good fortune is not over yet,

either, for the well is a good producer,

and the company holds large leases, on

i! good wells t







Cripple Creek now has a population of

•0.0(H). In 1803 it bad 1.500. It is esti

muted that this year's output will reach

10,000,000 tons of ore.


After losing over #5.000 by the venture,

the skunk farm started several years ago

by south Band sad Buchanaa, Mlohceased to

The earnings of tho L and N , for

cond week of April were MM.M0,increase of HP,410 over the correspond-

ing period last year, of |P,MN over 1894,


Maitlu, W. 8.

leak•on. Mrs. M.

if-. Willie «Howard. AKins. Prof. II

Lemper, Louis 0.

One cent due on each of above,

•one calling for these letters nplease say that tbey are advertised.

Thus. J Cuknowbtu, F

Sistersville. and that he was also the Sec-

retary and Treasurer of an oil company,

which bad struck a rich well in the back

country pool two weeks before. Hailey,

while irresponsible, had put f:IOO into

the company's capital stock on the ad

it $3,500 a day. one tenth of which

belonged to Bailey on his |300 inve>t

Bailey came to Wheeling, and yesler

day morning went to the bank and fouud

the monnv there awaiting him. He drew

Thompson Dean, the great steamboat

man formerly of Cincinnati, died in NewYork City last week and was buried at

Cincinnati Sunday.

He was an orphan and began life as a

flatboatman and died worth several mil-

lion dollars.

He had been in the banking business

in New York for some twenty years.

He was the owner of the Alice Dean,

which John Morgan's command burned

after using her to cross the river at Bran-

denburg when he made his raid into Indi-

ana and Ohio.

Mr. John M. Greene, well known in

ost all their

all the pas-

Mr B R Parous of New Orleans was

with Morgan and tried to save his friend


He told the writer that when they got

ready to recross the Ohio no Dean wts

there to take them over, and so they were

"gobbled Op."

James Ware, while in a drunken condi-

tion, laid down on the C. and O. track ashort distance below Augusta and wasstruck and horribly mangled by the East-

bound freight No TO.

We are showing the handsomest line

of Diamonds ever shown in this city, bothmounted and loose, and are offering themat prices that defy competition. Remem-ber, we nevei misrepresent goods or makemisstatements through newspapers.

P. .1 McrmrST the Jeweler.

M to Be Titled gPW? ChemiYou can get the best quality <4 Ladies' Hand-turned Button Shoe, newest style, for 5


F. B. RANSOM & CO.m to Be fitted gjjlb Chemi *

You can get a $3 50 Flexible Sole, Needle Toe,

Button Shoe for 52 50, at

F. B. RANSON & CO.m to Be fitted gjft themtYou can get a $2 50, Flexible Sole, Pointed ToeButton Shoe for $2, at


Juat to keep the ball rolling, we offer Men'd$6 Patent Leather Bala for $3 50. We ahall co*tinue the Shoe Busineaa in May8ville, and will pi"edue notice of our Spring Opening.

F. B. RANSON & 00.

Areyou in need ofPrinting?

I km ready to furnish Printing of

i high grade at a very low figure.

» «#ri-«-« j>« »!,!•• nee«f.


Page 2: archive.org · 2015. 2. 11. · PUBLIC1LEDGER FIFTHYEAR. MAYSVILLE,KY.,WEDNESDAY,APRIL22,1896. ONECENT. uponMbdaughterwithaTainnt wellingpride; HewastriadtoseeherInthesocialswim ...



deli vbbsn a r carbimb.

TO ADVERTISERS.Advertising ratei uniform and reason-

*M* and made known on application at

Ifte ejlos.

taaaxirtbera who fall tc _Tae Ledger regularly will'Mttet a f»T.»r br reportingah* fact AT TB* of-FIC**



Kentucky's Own Son

for President,


"1 am oppnued to the fret and »>, imited

eoinage of miter, believing it teould destroy

alt Nation, it prosperity Th. jo ,1 dollar />

the best dollar, and 1 am in furor ,f mak-

ing every other dollar equivalent to (t it

value. I mm the friend of liloer, and l»

Hot* it can be bent prottettd bp ho ding it.,

usue in euch bound- ax will insun it* par-

ity with gold -in a

W. O Bradley


Thk flow of gold to Bnropo ha.- begun

again, ami it aeed Dot -uprise anyone

if there is another bond Inane before the

present Lnoompetent Administration la

turned out of power forever.

Major Mi-Kim.ky" manager! appear

to have too much •vim." They Dot only

came near creating I breach in the party

in Kentucky, but their peraiatraea In

Indiana has amined eonsitlerable reaent-

ment ami opposition to the Ohio man in

that state. It li a grave mistake to

trench on states that have "favorite

Foreign immigration is rapidly in-

creasing again. Dorllg February and

March, ISO), the number of Immigrants

landed at New York was 21,293, In the

corresponding months of 1890 it was

22,082, and in the same months this year

31,872. It is reported that 15,000 Italian

immigrants are atmiit to N ave Naples

for Mew York. The problems connected

with immigration are likely to bin.me

pressing within a year or two. And yet

the Washington dispatcher say that Con-

gross is -fretting" because the \. P. A.

is urging the adoption of legislation for

checking this enormous iiitlux of unde-

sirable im migrant-'.

CFItTAlKLT the "most unium-l" char-

acter connected with the press of Ken-

tucky, or any other pre-s. is CRADDOCK

of Paris, lie is nmre nbiqaitoni than

the Bwsqnlto; he's iTerjwhen except

at home at the same time, and nmay

think him capable ol squeezing throngh

a keyhole if there's no other means of

breaking into a free feed or a political


Hewever, CHADDOCK is a right good

fellow, ami be this ie qualifications

that few Democratic Ed itare possess he

belisres in Reuturky and Kentncklana,

•nd he will tell the truth.

He was In at I nice on the late Re-

publican ConTeutlou at Louisville, and

this is what be sns shunt it and says he

Mid It about Its candidate:

"As we were mi the platform With the

reporters annas of th« Bourlsm Delegates

called for Cradixs k ii speak. We said:

'It Is not my Agin, hoys; but I side with

the Keutuckisu. «t"i all his faults.

<t the dm If an y DrsjMtratte

» for Governor wins Kentucky

feat* from Bkadlii I will boom him for

" * ml."

rXUXOH Demoenta, it Is claimed, a

for Ai.ti.fi.p for re-election asfioverm

rbt highest duty of the Legislature of

that state is the immediate enlargement

of the Lunatic Asylums.


It*- ion Torn l>own at A utsunta - Wan

»rk has

i the old Auuusta College Building

akc room for an ilagMl new I'ublii

ol Building,

e college was built in l^'Jo. ami Mllit) Methodist College in the world.

»us for many years the loading insti-

ll of Iearnlag In the youth

ls.VJ il, c katiding was partially da

t d by Arc.

building has been used by the An-

Mil I pa:

tioii—some of whom achieved National

fame—have gone out from the oM Col-


The lata Boas. William LI. Wadsworth

and K C Ptii>ti-r of thll city wtie kmOD|

School District Ho, W, oomprlalng the

ctiy viliiue of Bardie, lias ».'> pupil*—47

rls and 4* boys. There's one Ion* DO)

ithout a partner fur the Mayday party.

The funeral of HlM Bttdlt 0. Bill Will

take place at I o'clock this afternoon

rmin the residence of Hou Robert II

Laval, wttb acrvioai by the Bar. •' I

Sims of ike M R. L'hmi b. South

llr I! K Adams,.n bus returned from

Thornaevllle, Qa., wiicrc fea was called

to sec his daughter, Miss Elizabeth, whohad broken her arm. It was found nt-

Baaary to re break the Mabel in order 10

set it properly. Bfee is U'>w recovering


It will be nn agreeable surprise to pec

toai tubji ct td ettarki < , f billoaa notk to

learn that prompt relief may tie bed hj

Dtarrkcaa Rsmedj. la many lustancmi he attai k tuny be prevented by taking

tail renn dv ai minii as the tirst »VDiploma

of the disease appear H .and 6o cent

bottles for aale by J. .las. Wood Dnurgiat.

V/, Charge! tX',',,,.'-,,'

lie nerare. and aatto a»m< thr* Haas, enMat ir. mac lean,%sr.\„ nraalSMi^SairflaaaaawfilaieaeiB*

ur fro* entaavaa

r»tc Pf It I li ir' oy.ti , UstP*v... in K. TtltrOt



Dr. BraMau, the eteetaehs Neater WhoWas Unseated, Wee liefeate.l.

-Dr. C. J.


prompted by MaaaillT Itlueli Ion a andhis political lieutenants.

Senator A. D. .lames was also un-

seated, it will be remembered, aadMetal eleottona ware ordered in both

districts. Senator .lames district is so

strongly republican that the demuoratebad no candidate,This gain by the democrats makes it

eertatn thai no attempt will t>e mat1


s pi. i h

against Clarence lievill, who was sent

to the penitentiary for life for murder,

but got U new trial. Keetoti and sev-

eral other witnesses hoarded a train to

go toCilasgow, but were so butstaroUl

that the conductor put. them ofl here.

Two other wttneoaea have been mur-

dered, and two men ware killed as a re-

sult of Revfll'a nllege.l crime. Thereis no clew to Keeton's mm del ers.

seeure free silver men for national del-

egates. 'The tnc, ting was not largely

attended. The feeling in Louisville

now seems to bu that Carlisle will not

be Opposed for the presidency if the

toes of the free silver men arc not step-

ped on. No definite action w;is t;iheii

at Tuesday night's meeting.

time ngo l.onzo Gardner, "hen ques-

tioned by the grand jury about what bo

knew of gambling, refused to answer.

Judge Central! ordered bin scot to Jail

for contempt, aad while the sheritT

was en route to commit the prisoner he

made bis escape. Gardner was cap-

tured Tuesday morning after twoweeks In hiding. Be was sent to jail

until be will tell what be knows.


from I

-a. n.

county by M0, Morgantown, Kj

dames carried Holler county by

votes. Majority In district about I

Dr. James had no democratic oppou.

,|.t. B, t'. NaaaaUnj i><-h.i.

BTOWX, Ky., April tt,-

'. Nunnelley, a Well kno

\V Aro\.:..:r..t;,,;"!^';:^r;


v :;v:



t iJ.





o"v u'.-Inj;'- hVIfUVn.V'.

Lonaviixa, Ky., April W, Col, .lohn

li. ( astleman 'I'u. sdny night announcedhis withdrawal from the race for dis-

trict delegate to Chicago. Den. Baatl

Duke withdrew some time ago. This

leOTee the field clear to Mr. W. 0, llal-

deman and Zach Phelps.

lu.i K..r,.i.r'« right.

Un isvii.i.K, Ky.. April IS.—A special

from Adairville Rays: "Robert D(iiinn and Robert l'ierson. farmers, hadb light bare Tueeday morning, during

which Oaaa'a throat was eat and Plar-

on was shot. The injuries ..f both are

considereil serious."

wavira III Lark,

KiiA.NKFonr. Ky.. April -The resi-

iMCe Of Sh.-rifT VYheeler, of Morgancounty, was burned at West Liberty,

Loss about Sl.noo. partially Borered liy

insurance. This is the fourtli time the

aherlfTe hoase has burned within the

past 19 months.

rieSbli »>T a Llml. of a Tree.

Bofsxinarnxa, Ky.. April n.—Whileengiiged Tuesday in cutting away the

upper limbs of a tall cypress tree, Andrew Port was caught and crushed be-

tween two parts ,.f the trunk of the

tree, receiving fatal internal injuries.

^ ^v'i''''i'''*"'' u \"\ HviliX-rVui*«V aart

\\ 1 N1



im.'l.i.rt <vil.» TV:" i

roll UKNT roll., i,., f . ... . r....-n«. o . (S„t„•or** l. t-Hll .i, M r lir« KI |. „|,rl<l-,.

rll URN I Hi- • r or !,.w.-r llul ofIt.-i.lr,„ K ..I I '. t r.l v.-l „r »• II r.M.I

1 OHT Hil«»» Thtr.l ...,l Fourth urwiaI. Llmaiimi. I ., r.l In, I h t.

..-«. • «n„M , f ,

naU. l.ll.rral r-«ar,i II rrliirmsl l„ IM, ..ni, ,-

Ownoamxa, Ky., April N,—Hon,.lames A. Ilarnes. representative in the

hist legislature for Hath and RoWaUeountUM, was suddenly stricken deaf at

his home. He was in his usual goodhealth when he lost his hearing.

IVrhao. Fatally < ruahril.

tiiOKNie. Ky., April 'J'-'. Frank

ItOTOantl was p. maps fatally crushed

Taeeday fey > wngoa loaded with rail-

road cross-ties overturning ami falling

upon him on Allcorn creek

*««"! N'«r»aa; N-» V.-Mlur...

Let isvii i.k. Ky.. April M.—A special

fr an Lewtafearg, Ky.. says; Nell \r-

nold. a negress. HI years old, will wedB colored brother-in-law ,

sil years old,


Oleea as.ono Daaaaces.Lawkknckiii an, Ky., April M.—Cfeaa

Qacaey was given as.ooOilamagi's against

the akrutfeeeW railway for injuria* sua-

UlntMi last tall.


Scott Jackson's Trial for the

Pearl Bryan Murder Begun.

No Time Lost in Examining and

Securing a Competent Jury. !


A I'roap.Tt That the TrialShort llnratlon Tlio I'rlannrr Stren.

uously Ohjrets to WSUIUaj IUn,l-ruffa In the V<

Niwpoht. Kv.. April 58.—Srott Jackson Is

now on trial tor his lite, before JudRe Helm,churn-il with the murder of Tearl llryaa Atnoon Tuesday the state hail exereK d one pre-

rmptnry chaileii^e nl the permute : .Ice. aadh ut iiecnpteit eleven Juror* The defense hudchallenged three of the permitted flfteen.

Nine Jurymen had been finally ueceptod by theattorneys on both aides

Lasts longest, and we give the

n« or best dollar's worth.

MoneySaving -

TheBe times is quitean occupation.

On«' of theItent Itulen— mm* ^o

To follow is to al-ways trade with




eaatfled with felony or mlcde-nor. or in doing any other legal art. so matperson struck, subbed, thrust or shot1 die thereof within six months next thcre-r. shall bo eontlned In the penitentiary not

lection shall not be construed to elmneethe law of malice In respect to any other of-


i death la responsi

In other words If I'eurl llrvan ,tl".l In ( amp-bell county as the result of carelessness on

i Jackson's and Alouzo waiMaf's pi»rt.

they must answer for the ere.itest of all

crimes save treason against tna eommon-w. allh-murder In the ttrst degree. Tills wasthe hatal situation which Jaeksoe faced aaeaIke J . Her opened a elde door and ushered him

it hanging and at

ud he h el noleep prejudice

Hi sipruu coinea s new word He said bebad a -paper-opinion" of the caseBusiness In Newport and in the offices of the

courthouse is practically suspemle I duringthe trial or Scott Jackson.

Jsck.on asked If this was MO**S«l v

• No.alr.lt la not neoosaary. but it la eus-

• ran t you take them off this timer" plead-ed Jackson, ' I won t run awuv."

No. I am sure you won't run away. " an-awer.-d the sheriff, laughing *ad the sheriff

and prisoner aiartod for the courthouse on a

Our China^.v/>

Queensware!tZT£Z™£«± The FURNITURE BUSINESSdollars paid for it last be-cause the goods laBt. Weare making special drives...on Chamber Sets this week. MONUMENTAL, STATUARYCall in. AND <"KM KTKH V WOKE,


Dr. W. 8. YAZELL,Physician andSnrgeon.

-«,^ 8l '"ours);jgg:S.

State National BaiuMAYSVILLE. KY.

Jas. N. Ktan, Vtce-Pre*ld*n»






t .1 ™ EXTERNAL. £A. MEASE, mi W.Ohio St.. n.icago. M

M Saye "After Biilicrinj; almost



C. D. OUTTEN HASThe Champion Iron Co.,

Kenton. 0.

Cemetery Ornam'ts,|Hltehlna Pom.



«••</ BATM noons.

NoAritls Use*.

Heed. All work enllodBel and Oold Hathe.


DL00D roisor

EBtantly for lt> yuara 1 was curotl ii



Y 194 Randolph St., Chicago, Y

One Dollar,i JAaUN wood,

UATftriLht, KY. .



A SURE and CERTAIN CUREknown for It3 yoara aa the

BEST REMEDY for PILES,mii ii DT A1.1. lilll (iGl»T».

U.A. i.UOA l T'lMI. . AB E -

Num. HkimH do not slop tioiwpon Mays!!!, and NYwport Ky.Train- I ,, is, 17. Is, IS' hihI ::n slop at the St.In, i U s Hnti'l tor imsa.-nifor*.

'^OMAk'a?" AHUl"Aaent, Hunt




KfWl JA.WII. VIA I'tKIS «M> K.. II 1,1 I ,..

. *iM l.v . Krankfort. . . . Arj *i"


P "

7 .V,i

f,:nl " (ii oru-rtown. ••,

)ii 4 , 5;4f

' '

I W lf Paris Ar 7: 47;

TkaQraaMf n^w ».,rk itm.

AUAjrr, x. Y., April w. gpeakerliali aaU Taeada* nlfhl that the U»ow Oiaalaf Kaw Vnrit UU wuui.i boL-all.'d u|> in the aswmlily W.-.l iios.lay

ami ri-pusscil i,vor tho v,'i.ms ut MayorsStroiiK aii'l Wurstur. Tliu sp.-nUiT is

el the oalalon t int tho iiiii win reeetnut lawri N iiHiriiuitive vut,'s. 7"i rotes

bcintf eeaseeary t" rt-pass it

ii.. Paellaaa !« OaU.Hiihtoji, April JJ. Uoo. L IVriu hui

writtun to tlie tru»l>e» ol jsjaafl Mialo(rc A U roll, (I

, reluotaully tlo.-linintf

tli.-ir rail t<> iae presidency o.' tlial in-

stitution i>n imm (froiimi taal he mmnot rightfully leuvo his wurs iu llua.on.

S.'W.;h.?"rsTniin"!''ii'"inati to St. Eamts.

Four daily irs.ris On.y due ruiiiilim

rsins tM-lweeu I'iiicliinsli and HI. Louis•ullman Veallbulod Sleeping Cars. ' " 1

T„ n;*Un, Kmi^-ml* -M you nr.- *\V„M. Nnrlliwealnr^iiilliw.-I. wnlr In. I no KM. ( uriliv, Trsv. I i/ Phmsciivit Aveiii II.

- w iu i»n (' \ Mississippi tiAie-WAV,' who will .|ii<

aii.l iMiuur.uil islil.-s Hi hiiv Ia '

W.-t, N.TlllW. pi ' S,,,,|||„, h| Do nul ,,„

Iihi .• wrm.-ii or I I. in lor il Will In'

viiir Inlon si »s r r vim 'hi. II and n J v«

Hailwn, an- mm i - *n >nn "Ihei r..nti-,

I'll,' II. slid O H W > i a.*- .iii.riesl iiiiu k,

.in.l nn.-l llrri i I ween the *.«a, ,„,.

. i„. West, win ., .oiri'l lisiwea uf oars n

iiiuiliiiM 'r» -i.r- '..itiiM uriivc hi and d,

nan frmn KM »d srrlv. Il «i

l,....la in advan "I "H'.'r iini'M (Ivim os moi

*•' o'arT

"r'weat. r. "...in'i-

r , ii w nlllo A MississippiAII.W'AY »>"••• " en » har- e I

• ni'arriend M is etateha " lew I

Page 3: archive.org · 2015. 2. 11. · PUBLIC1LEDGER FIFTHYEAR. MAYSVILLE,KY.,WEDNESDAY,APRIL22,1896. ONECENT. uponMbdaughterwithaTainnt wellingpride; HewastriadtoseeherInthesocialswim ...


Unusually Warm Weather for

April Reported.

Winter Wheat Has Shown Marked

Improvement Generally.

The Condition or the Crop In Kim•nil West Virginia Vary Tonr, I

1 1 n v 1 1 1 k ii flowed Up—A llvmibis Advance In All Vegetatloi

Chicao.o, April aa.—The reports an to

the condition of the crops throughoutthe country and the general effeot of

weather upon the cultivation, growthand harvest of the same, wore Tuesdaymade by the directors of the several

climate and crop section!. The reportsreceived at Chicago were:"The unusually warm weather

throughout the contral, eastern and

..-illy 1


very favorable for farming operatii

and growth of vegetation, which hasbeen remarkably rapid. Winterwheat has shown marked improvementgenerally and is reported as doing well

in Indiana, Illinois. Iowa, Kansas andin portions of Missouri, and while animprovement has been noted in Ken-tucky and West Virginia, the condi-

tion of the crop in these states is poor,

some having been plowed up.

Illinois-A hot week with showers nt

the beginning and ending has causedremarkable advance in all vegetation.

Winter wheat.rye and grasses are great-

ly improved and are doing finely. Oatsare coming up; gardens and potatoes

are planted, also some corn, but prepar-

ation of corn land is general. Fruittrees ore laden with blossoms.

Wisconsin—Warm weather and abun-dant rain have been very favorable for

the rapii"

pirn ntral

Kentucky—A week of summer hcHt

and practically no rain has caused all

vegetation to advance rapidly. Cornplanting in full progress in westerncounties. Wheat generally improved,

though some is so poor as to be plowedunder. Oats, grasses and garden stuff

looking well. Cut worms have ap-

peared in some places. Rain is needed.

Indiana—Warm weather has rapidly

Improved all growing crops; bul fewhowers fell and rain is nimh needed.

Wheat, barley, rye and clover grasshave advanced rapidly; oats nearly all

•own; tobacco plant coming on well in

Switzerland county. Fruit is in bloom.

Ohio—Excessively warm, sunshiny,

windy and dry week, except in north-

ern portion, where rainfall wus aboutnormal. Conditions were very favor-

able for plowing and planting. All

vegetation improved. Apples, apri-

cots, oherries, peara, peaches and plumsblooming.Michigan—Abnormally high temper

ature and plentiful showers have rapidly advanced all vegetation and farmwork. Winter wheat, rye and fTMlare doing finely; plowing and out andgrass seeding in progress. Early potato planting has just begun.


Washington, April 20.—The treasurygold mim a1 the eloat of bnalneaiTuesday stood at |1M,«1S,0S7. Th«withdrawals for the day were 178,000Only ••,000,000 of gold remain to In

turned in from the last bond sale oi


On February 1 of this, year the midreserve declined' to $44.1)110,000. its low-

est point. The highest reaehed after

that was .<l','s,ooo.ooo as gold from the

last bond sale was paid. Since 1-'ebru-

ary lOthere have been withdrawn fromthe treasury in the redemption of

United States and treasury notes |N,<000,000 in gold, and since .Inly 1. 1800,

the withdrawals have been #188,000,000,

or nearly $15,000,000 more than was de-

rived from the last bond sale. Thetotal withdrawals up to the presenttime for this month have been (M.T'J.V


The "KefBrats" Not SSMplSllSNew Yohk, April aa —Senor i'alma,

delegate of the republic of Cab* to the

United States, issued a lengthy mani-festo Tuesday night regarding the sup-

posed administrative reforms to be in-

troduced in Co ba by Spnin. The "re-

forms," he declares, do not OOnOBrUthose who have already established anindependent government in Cuba andhave resolved to shrink from no sacri-

fice of property or life in order to niiiui-

clpate the whole island from the Span-ish yoke.


To Increase the Naval Force.

Washington, April aa.—The senatecommittee on naval affairs Tuesday de-

cided to report favorably an amend-ment to the naval bill when it comesup in the senate, an amendment pro-

viding for the enlistment of not exceed-

ing 1,000 additional men in order to

furnish crews for the new vessels that

will go into commission this summer.

Heath of Juil*-* llayne*.

Tkoy, N. Y., April aa. - The death of~

u D. A Haynes occurred Tuesdayning at Cohoes The deceased grad-

uated from Union college in the class

of '85. Ho afterwards removed to Day-ton, O., anil for a5 years was a judge of

the superior court of the state. lie

retired from the practice of law in 1888.

A. til for Whisky.Va.. April M, W.

F. Workman and Layman Williams,

prominent citizens of Raleigh county,


Pimm the Ohio Nenate by a Vote of III to

13—Amended for Three Itevlalons ofrare* In Fitly ¥«ar*.

Coi l miu s, ()., April 82.—The Rogers'

bill passed the senate Tuesday. Thererprlses in the

Mmflinchingly opposed to it went down lie-

ncath the power that reigned supreme.

The bill passed in an amended form,

but the cardinal feature, that of the

fifty-year franchise for street railways,

is Intact.

There were seven of tho amendment;reported to the committee. The tirsl

five were not of great importance, be-

yond one which has especial reference

to the city of Cincinnati.

The seventh amendment provided

that at the end of IS years the munici-

pal legislative body, or in Cincinnati

the board of legislation, shall cause a


NO AGREEMENTAs to the Principles Has Yet

Been Reached,

And Negotiations in the Boundary

Dispute Are at a Standstill.

licei ' fee pei

etc. Thl

' returning from court here Tuesday,

drank a quantity of carbolic acid, mis-

taking it for whisky, and died from the

t l harleat.ni. W. Va.

Cuaki.k«to!«. W. Va , April aa.-Acloudburst occurred in this locality

Tuesday and was frightful in its. ef-

fects. While there were no persons in-

jured a considerable amount of prop-

' was destroyed and four'

si drowned, .


Pittsburgh, Philadelphia anil W«*hln H


Innlnc 13346678 9—R HSt. Louis 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 4 7 7

Chicago 0 0 1 I 0 0 I 0 0— 3.8lliitteries Hurt and MeKarlan.l; Drlffllh an

Kliredge. Umpire -Sheridan.

InntnR. 1 2 8 4 5 8 7 8 B~H h

Cincinnati .... 10000032 I— 10 13

Cleveland 2 2 0 2 0 1 2 0 J— 1 1 is

Hatti-ries — Dnvls. Fisher, Foreman an

Warner. Umpire—Weidmau.Innlnits 1S84S«78»-RHF

New York..... 010000000-181P)lll,.,l,-lpt,U .200000 ««•- 4 70Hatteries- ( lark and Zi iufnsi; Mrlilll and

Boyle. Un.pire-Hurst.

Innings I 2 3 4 & 6 7 8 »-R H EWsahincton.. I I I I I I I I MJ II IBrooklyn 00400800 0-10 1ft 4

Batteries—Mercer and McCauley; KennedyBndtirimm.

WEAKENING.Striking Clothing; Culler* (Joins; Hack to

Work at < hli HKo.

April 18.—Eighty of the 375


, if Hi,-

will i

, pre-

,,,„ day'i pay out

This sreaktenlng in ^no strike is at-

tributed to the murder of John Smith,Jecorator It is almost certain that

Smith was killed by union men andthe ratters believe that the act will

hurt their cause and that of labor in

TELEGRAPH CABLEB« Patted States <<> China anil

v lobaldj or wioo.noo ,\ K r.-e

ire subsidies from tharespetitire eoun-ies at WhlOO the cable will touch. No

IN ARMENIA.<•»• From .til Furls t out Inue. to he Ter-

rlMs—Many living el Hunger.I.om.o.n, April aa. The Dally Nousednes.lav publishes a dispatch from

en arrested and nobody else dan•t. In the meantime many per

•e dying of hanger.

London, April 22.—The Times Wed-nesday publishes a Long dispatch from• i. W. Suialley, its correspondent in

America, which is devoted to dispellingthe illusions that the Venezuelanboundary dispute has passed a danger-ous stage; thnt the negotiation! are

prospering, and the Itritish blue bookon the subject treated i faeorablaimpression in the United States. Mr.Smalley says that not one of the fore-

going beliefs is well founded. Noagreement as to principles has been

dent Cleveland s message will have to

be faced. .Mr. Smalley casts the onuson Lord Salisbury who rejected theproposition made by the Washingtongovernment in February and who doesnot appear to hare mads counter pro-posals. The dispatch dilates upon thereasons for prompt action fur it saysthe uncertainties are many ami theperils grave.

The Times, commenting upon this,

says that it can't fully share the gloomyanticipations oontalned in the dispatch,although the reminder is not, perhaps,untimely. It oontends elsewhere In

his dispatch Mr. Smalley shows thatLord Salisbury has taken other actionfor opening another scheme for generalarbitration to which the paper attachesimportance. It also contends that if

Theod wil

paperof the Wai

opt the


New Yomdies

, April 22.—Kniiystei Of tl

Vienna. April aa. Huron Maurice dsBirsoh, the great fluaueier and phil-

anthropist, died Monday night on his

estiite at l'resburg, Huugary, from s

stroke of apoplexy.

behalf of the poor Hebrews. He colon-

ised] them in Argentina, and subscribedmillions for their relief in Kussia. His

philanthropies were not limited to peo-

ple of his own race. His purse wasopen to relieve the distressed of anynationality.

< lo.lng I>|>« ii 1 11. ir M ork«.

.Ioim.in, Mil, April IS. The t'hero-

Icee-Lenyon Spelter Co . controllingsmelters with a capacity of !>d furnaces,

has closed down its works at Utah Hill,

Mo,, and has given orders to close the

way of being fully cleared up it masearly learned that a third arrest hadbeen made in the case. Polloe bead-quarters detectives arrested Kdia stini-

quist. She was a kitchen girl In the

house of I. Townsend Burden »t tfie

time of the robbery. She wasknown to be on verv friendly

terms with William Roberts Dun-lop. the butler, anil Win. Turner, thefootman, who were arrested in Lon-don. The girl bus been Indicted, it is

said, and the indictment charges herwith complicity In the famous robbery.

Mr. ami Mrs. L Townsend Burdenwill sail for Europe Wednesday on thesteamer Teutonic. They go abroad to

identify and claim t he jewels. Iwtrn-dition warrants were issued by UOT,Morton.


Tanas RACta, lad., April

esses of the seven coal operatorsmerchants of Linton, accused of i

tion of the federal law against th

sue of metal cheeks and paper SOUIn lieu of money were called Tu,before the United Mates eonmissbut were postponed. It is under:that the United states dlstriol I

ney has no faith in tl as,-

thai Maj Carter of the tret

department wants to make a test

The 110,000 worth of oonfieoated ol

and coupons were returned to th

cused uud their use will be coutii

The attorneys believe that the sup


QPBMMi April M, - News from ltciiue.-

county brings a pitiful story of fearful

daSMgS done there by floods. At M.Marie farmers are removing their be-

longings to the hills. At St. QeorgSfive men were drowned and there hasbeen heavy loss of property and live

stock. The loss of property in

the counties of lieauee, Megantie,Coinpton and Dorchester will reach a


da' In- ml From All Fart* of the Conakryby Telegraph.

Mr EL P. Ingerler, minister of pub-lie works in the Danish cabinet, diedat Copenhagen Tuesday.

M. .lean ltaptisto Leon Say. the eel,-

day morning, aged 70 years.The Indian appropriation bill oeeit-

pietl I lie attention of the senate duringthe greater part of Tuesday 's scs- i. ,|,


The municipal reform ti. Uet, headedby Dighton MeOlaehlln for mayor, wasvictorious at Aberdeen, S. I)

. Tuesday.The Itiilian loan of liii.iiiiii.miii li,„

has ban covered II tiun's. The liirgest

subscriptions were made in Koine andMilanAt I'ierre, S. D. , .1. B. Mallcry. the

reform Lsagne eandidau for mayor hmselected by a majority of 14 out of 409

At Denver, CoL, .lodge JobaSOB, ofthe dist rief court, Tuesday morning ac-cepted Madam Warren is juror, thisbeing the first case of a woman sitting

una jury In ColoradoThere Is much complaint among th"

vessel men about the UttS Opening ofthe VTelland oanal and the dominiigOVSrnmeni has been asked to havethe water let into it before May 1.

At New Orleans the Citizens' leagueelected their eundidatc for mayor byupward of 111,000 majoritv over CoB"grcssmnn (has. F. Buck. The alsoeleeteil their entire city and council*manic tleket

J. D. lluxton, cashier of the Minne-apolis post ofliee, has been placed underarrest for embezzlement. The shor;-

tge is about •1,100, ltuxtonwas.it ottStime assistant county treasurer ofHennepin county.Samuel Tutli

Sd 1I Fo

ttsburgh I'late

ohn Stundall.

Sd. He s the

liufus Sharpe, a boxing iustnnand John Phillips, his pupil, both

down town office building. St. L,

before 30 spectators, who psld 110 ad-mission each. Shiirpe was the victor,

knocking his pupil out. Both Brersbadly punished.

James K. P. Coggans. aged W, acharity patient at the city hospital. St.

Louis, died Tuesday of pneumonia.From a letter found in his pocket,written by Attorney \\. ft. Hunt, ofNewberry. S. ('., it is learned that 0og>gatU was formerly mayor of Newberry.He had been here three months work-ing occasianally as collector for an in-

surance company.

Thr Surrey Handlea,! K>i-f.

London, April 22.—The (treat Surreyhandicap of 5u0 sovereigns, by sub-scription of ao sovereigns each for

three-year-olds and upward, five fur-

longs, at Epsom Tuesday, was won byRoyal Lose. Ugly was second andPardalo third.

the early niurnlns"; i

fnirrally fair; fresh a


| St rye. nonbwestera. M.so®->t} : do

II vi -isles No 8 red. track. T.V.

»S IslSSI Yellow ear. track. 83c.

rs SalSSI No. I ml ted track. 22Ho do.

Ileal toler, 22^0 Ns J white, track, SSse-KVK Sales: No t truck . 4.'H0.

lb i.s -Select h-.itci.CM. 3 42S«3.44: a fewttra IliOi lalt to too,! packers'. ttSkSJ4o isir t.» sees Ugbt, taafgalli comuionml rouifhs. 111*^(3 (a

CtITU.-Fair to reed shippers. 8tlSSUJ,SS|

Itoml to choice hun-hrrv :iiSo/3Si. fair toiie-ilunu buu-hers, |3ii0.i3.S0. common. »2W>i4

iuep Asn r.AMns-Shi-on BstrSS, taKKat1. gocd to cholca. t: xs-^i T.V common tu fair.

Lambs: Kitraa. 11.7a good tonee $4iNi4.t»: coranioil to fair. 13 M i«.24llu* Umlii. »o ... '

' ....

kai, Cai.vss— fair lo no.nl llirhi ?! S'.:i :5;

ra. 4 50; common .ni l lurt'^. 12 .*;{» i >

i|iiurt»r blood eloihlng. IS^Mc miidlum>i i tin anil olotiihur. I«,ti5» roars*. IJitUr;.bum comtiiii», i.sc Washed; Kine merl-

'.i.-i.imc. tl-c e. l.v.M'V Ion* romliln*. 1 4J>: nuurter blood unci low. iSftMr

I *•*«,<

r.TlHSjrittSi lHcember.

H May. Sfl .c: July rci

lollara Map l.

,te. 27*2*.-. wentern. 26', }Msj »', -'.,.

Toatnoi April sibeat-No S red. cash. 7usc. May, Td.oi

ratr.srit* aoeeit. mhcroaa-Na 2 mixed. July. 32^0.

OATS-NotnlnalllALTtll OHX. April It

Wbsat-No tred spot and April. niVcTic;May. TO*©; July. W»**?tiv •outttcrn t.^tuc.

i ohn- Mixed spot am April. SI* S5«,c;

M.iy. »<4.|3aS© June. S»*c July. Mi>«iitM*o.

PiTTSBt RiiB. Pa. April tl.

CATTI.a--Prime »4 WH .4.1 *nod. 84I5..4 2*:

rooilbiitcher-i #3 **H IU rough fat. M.0OA1T5;(r.. .h . 111. 1 spruitiTJl 1I5.I4H

Bi 11 1 Medium and b.*t Yorkers. »37(>a

1«J 1... union 10 fair Yorker*. 43 tin .

> 3 (15.

Sick Headache

"I was troubled, n long timo, withsick headiirhe. It was usually ac-

companied with severe pains in the

temples and sickness sit the stom-

ach. I tried a good many remedies'

recommended for

this complaint ; hutit WSJ not until I 1x3-

g*n taking

AYER'Spill* that i received

any! blng like penna*


pmaiciiTAXDaxjMWNOrnos and KssiDswos-Thl rdttrseuoppeelte

the Courthouse.

Cathartic PillsKedsl and Diploma st World's Fair. JC:

********* ***** mkmmmmmM

s^nabTeDRY goods,FANCY and STAPLE


And Housekeeping Goods Generally Always on HandAND FOB NAM BY


**Now Is Your Chance!**

LIE? \jr%\/ f\r%lT is offering a line of ExtensioniiLZIVK I / Tables that are world-beaters

They are newest, latest

and cheapest Tables in the market today from $10.00 up. .

He has also reduced every piece of Furniture in his house andis ready for the Spring trade. . - When in need give us a call

and we will open your eyes in regard to style, quality and finish.

HENRY ORT, No. 11 East Second Street, MAYSVILLE, KY.




$1 50 A YEAR!

to guuil lamb*. 13 M IX

I h

To ll> g"i.in- l'rlre of Armor l'lat«>.

Wahwwioi, April M. lanatwsmith Tuesday afternoon (are notloeof an atni'iiilini'iit In tin- niivnl lull clvea lauurfiM).

wUob « iii lostrasi tin- leeretan "f tin-

navy tu luaUe n» ouiiliiu-U for tho arm- ' " *

se piete or anjr arssasaeat far the bat-"'IIm.'i'-ySSSr*

tl<-shi|>N autlinri/.fil in tlie uaral bill un- mr.n,,',,,,. ai t'*»ii i

lass svea plate u> ssawesl foraauiM .-ms-p ass u>

nut tu cxi-i i-.l S.I'Hla ton nf J.lKKI piiiiiiila. " "'(»» msdlu

Tae i»ri'sont srios «f sessor plate it s.v»o

per ton.

DidU?Did you ever thing ihat relatlTM or rrleads

who have moved to diHtant placet-gone West,

perhaps. 10 irrow up with the country—are al-

ways triad to hi'ar from their "Old Kentusae

Home?" And did II ever DSSUr lo you thst s

single copy of Thi MArSTTLUS KsprsLiCAB

the weekly edition of Tht ItU.lie /,dluer-ooa-

talnt more home news than you could em-

brace Id s hundred ordinary letters? And did

at less cost than you oan write a letter every

week? Besides, don't you think s year's sub-

scription ioThs Kii'I Blicab would bes pres-

ent highly appreciated by those at s disunoef

Suppose you try It and hear what they hav. is


WAKAKl'ftA, UtdL, April M, Two Hue

bank burns, owiitui by JottD RleaOf .nul

THoinus lluwirs, north of Util sit*,

with uoDtenta, were entiruly destroyed

by Are. Loss, sa.txw each. The baraiwere both fired by liifhtuiutf.

CaatWdsls f«.r Psssasr Kiu.-.t.

Nnw OaLBAia i,a.«*Aprii n. \ sps>

ciul, daisd Amite l ity, l.a , hays: i)r.

A. Ii. lions, popiilist-ropiililii nii iiiinli-

datS for coroner for I nn^ipalioa parish,

was shot iin.i killed, MM S. 0 Hyde,

deutooraii wus storiallji trriaaoexl barsTuewlay ev«ul:i|r in elsotsOS) ilitlU'ul-

Uea One Nsm is n-ported killed in

St. Landry. These are the only

Sbelss eeeisases SiSasnVH clipped sheep,

kood to extra. W..<Jit3.Jji

C'BICtuii. April tl.

CbiIi .11 Mat ahoat opL-ird in ate. sold st

<W\ i I . .IsstprUsrs I'uis opened al

u*i sties WHCult SS Mavcorn opene.l at ?»Hc the only

prl e Past o-ene.l lit »-,e. »old Between u-«

a »H'- »nd »S ' * .<' ">- 1 P'lee. Kt^ai p map tut, las' April ti.

CATVLI (lead in (Setts *nippln«. nsa«l4.u> lino eduai shipping tw. con

Address THOS. A. DAVIS, Maysville, Ky.


"Bread is the Staff of Life: JSTTSS

• ti

ll •hi-. »I*N 170




Page 4: archive.org · 2015. 2. 11. · PUBLIC1LEDGER FIFTHYEAR. MAYSVILLE,KY.,WEDNESDAY,APRIL22,1896. ONECENT. uponMbdaughterwithaTainnt wellingpride; HewastriadtoseeherInthesocialswim ...

Highest Of all in Leavening Tower.— Latest U. S. Gov't Report



David Sllvy. who hat teen qOlM III, M <

Mrs. W. II. Oattm It rMOVering from hrr

recent Illness.

Mrs. James En?or is slow y recovering from

Monday at this place.

Evangelist St. Clare occupied the pulpit i

our church here Sunday.

Several from this place attended .|iiartcrl

meeting at Orangeburg Sunday.

Our Sunday-school - progressing nicelj

with Dr. Outten a* Superintendent.

Mrs. A. L. Hodman and daughter vislte

relatlv.s near r. • last week.

W. D. Kay and daughter HIM Anna! of na|Helena were (rucsi s ol relatlvei mi "Orobai

Farm" Saturday and Sun lay.

Rev. Tomlln lias K far recovered from hi

late serious illness of pneuin una as to he lb!

At Monilay night 9 meetlna: of Merrick

Lodge. 1. O. 0, V., Lexington, 74 newmemtiers were Initiated. Who says that

isn't a real "boomr"

Mr. Lutl M. Mills managed to save the

roof and the cellar of the house lately

bought of Mr. QwOTM F. Brown. Other-

wise he has remodeled it until it is new

Druggist 0, W. Apel of Owensborowants $10,000 from Charles Werner to

pay for the damage dono by Werner in

charging that Apel, whs was a clerk at

poll books in order to clicat Werner out

of a scat in the Legislature.





Our 1

Monday morning.

Miss Mary Crosby betas 1 select tebool hers

Monday morning. Miss .Vary is an accom-

plished ionof lady, and wt predict a bright

future for tier.

The Methodists held t heir quarterly meeting

bate Saturday and Sunday. Rev. Robertson 8

an able speaker, and the people w i re pleased

I I'm ie Dtld Tolle, who h

A cave containing a large collection of

ancient pottery, tlioughl to have been

made by the Aztec-, wis discovered by a

prospector at Twenty nine Palms, South

era California, recently

companion. Tbs tissid bona, however,

takes no notice of a picture and the cat

will not eptiti L' ai a painted bird.

The man with a weight on his leg can't

hope to win in the rue.-. A man with a weight

on bis health can't expect to compete in lire

and busineas wlib those who are not handi-

capped. If all brain hvheavy, and his Woolsluggish, because of constipation, he will not

succeed In doing anything very well. Consti-

pation is the cause of nine tenths or all slck-

uess. Symptoms of it are sallowuesa, llstless-

ne«s, poor ap|*)tite, bad taste In the mouth,dlxzincss, biliousness, and lassitude. Consti-

pation oan heoured easily and certainly by the

use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pallet*. They are

not at all violent In their action, and yet they

are more certain than many medicines whichare so strong that they put the system all out

oforder. The great advantage of tho"Pieas-

i ths (' (.' Martin struck a snag, cut-

ting a hole in her hull and went to the

« Ths D. T. Watson went to bar

la Wu paaiengars s»sro tost, strong

competition between the boats caused the

United Suites Local Inspectors will

•di 1 e'y losaattaUa

1 small bOltsS of Shaker Digestive Cordial

you no good, don't buy a large one.

-nvp all things; hold fa -d that which is

• [t'S BOt fOOd lor every bod>-only for

thin, pale, sick, weak and weary. For

Shaker Digestive I or.lial lo-lps ) our stoma

) digest your food and cures Indigestion proaneutly. When you vo tried a small DM


feet and extending towards Third street I

feel, more or loss,

SATURDAY, May 2d, 1896,AT i O'CLOCK r. U.

on the following terms: Cwe-lhlrd cash, one-

deferred payments besrinf • per oent. Interest


The Bonanza will lie the I'omcroy

packet tonight.

The Henry M Stanley will pnsa down

toalfhl from Pomeroy


The Keystone State will pass to rincin

nati from Pittsburgh tonight With a Hue


The Virginia passed up last night with

a lurge erowd of Louisville sscoraiooists

•board. Her freight list was small.

The Las R. Brooks, formerly in an up-

ver trade, has been withdrawn and sent

i Cincinnati to receive a new battery of


The Dave Wood, sunk over a week t.go

in one of the Pittsburgh pools, has been

successfully raised She will be repaired

are scant CBSDCI s of an esrly rise The

present run will probably be the last until


A log raft OSM and a half miles long has

formed in the mouth of Hayou Courta-

bleau that has completely suspended

navigation. This is the first time in the

listory of navigation in the South that

such a thing bus occurred.

; yei irday i

lolliing mors than it Sprinkle, but there

vas a pretty good shower up along th^

Into river and ai several points off the

ivir. At Pittsburgh the fall was 1 M,•harlistoii 7:1. Portsmouth 43 and Point

e Lit

day i

I- ]< •


» p.. -ii-am smile loi ever) on.


to he healthy and have a healthy fi

POA'T YOU WANTto save money? or course you do.come right along. My house Is

.piarter* for everything good t" .

don I allow anybody to sell betterthan I do. I don't allow anybody t

goods cheaper than I do. Kreryyou go away from home to buy any

pay m ,o infer

1MB DOJT'T fohuktwhen j on want l lie tiest Flour t

• Perfection" has no superior, an

- asgood'ar, some people In towCincinnati and pay lorty cents fi

house Is also headquarters fo



R. Ii. JLO VtSJL,—

* You want the bast garden seed, then

get Landreth's at Cbennwetb's DrugStore. ______Buy a Gas ttovc and save ••;> on your I

gas bills. Investigate the colt. J. J.,


Ray's Rainbow Ready-mixed Paint la

guaranteed to give satisfaction. At Post-

office Drugstore.

There is a change made in the an-

nouncement given for the Mile Society of

the M. E Church. It will meet at I


Wednesday afterno in, with Miss Pier-


There are immense quantities of coal in

British Columbia, but it cannot be winedta advanlago till the railroad facilities

are better. It is claimed that valuable

oil fields are to be found there.

Chicago's school census, now practi

cnlly taken, will show in round numbersan increase In population since the school

census of 1894 of approximately 200,000,

making the total population 1,770,000.

The largest gold brick ever cast in the

Black liills was recently deposited in a

Deadwood bank. It weighed a trifle less

than 125 pounds and was worth about

130,000. It was the result of a fifteen

days' output.

A man named Riley, in Fall River,

Mass., held another by the heels out of a

fourth-story window, in an effort tn mnkohim pay a $400 bill. The victim refused,

and the other was compelled to pull himin and release him.

$ too-Heward $ too.The reader ot this paper will he pleased to

learn that there Is at least onedreudeddisensethat science has been able to cure In all Its

stages, and that Is Catarrh. Halls Catarrh

Cure is the only positive cure known to the

medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu-

tional d sease, requires a constitutional treat-

:. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takei Internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous

ices of the system, thereby destroying the

Dandruff Is due to an enfeebled state of the

skin. Hall's HalrRenewerqutokenelhonutrt-tlve funotlons of the skin, healing and pre-

venting the formation of dandruff.

The spring ttade is getting ripe. Nio nine to plant advertisements in Tub

I Lkdobh.

Leave orders with James N. Lynch for

The Cincinnati Posi, the best afternoon

daily in the Ohio Va:iey.

Dr. J. W. Cartmoll, Dentist, will occupy

liis handsome now dental parlors overHarry Taylor's News Depot, opposite

Stale National Bank, after (be 2.ld Inst,

where he will be glad to see all his old


All ladies in Mason county as well as it

the city of Maysvillc who feel an interest

in the Daughters of the American lb-volu-

tion and have a positive knowledge of

their descent from a Revolutionary sire

are invited to meet with Mrs Blatterman,

No 18 West Fourth street, on Mondayafternoon. April 27ih, at 8 o'clock. Theobject of the meeting is to consider the

formation of a Chapter of the Daughters

of the American Revolution.

During the winter of 1808, K. M. Martin

of Long Reach. West Va., contracted a

severe cold which left him with a cough.

In speaking of how he cured it he says:

"1 used several kinds of cough syrup but

found no relief until I bought a bottle of

Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which re-

lieved me almost instantly, and in a short

time brought about a complete cure."

When troubled with a cough or cold use

this remedy and you will uot find it ne-

cessary to try several kinds before you get

"if. It has been in the market for over

Ity years and constantly grown in

ir and popularity. For sale at M and:ents per bottle by J. J as. Wood.


Tor Sale


vcr* that they oiler (die Hundred Hollars

any case that It falls to cure. Send for list

of testimonials. Address,

F. J. Cnaaar * Co., Toledo, O.rSfSold by druggists. 7.". cents.

Business HouseFOR BALE.

SATURDAY, MAY 2d, 1896,AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M.,

Merchandise, (Jrooeries, Hardware,

etc., at It (iilead, Ky.

This Is one of the best stands In Masoncount v.My good- are nil new mid fresh, and I will

sell rei.-onably.' o of < and a paying bind-




HousePMOfSHTT, OK tiik < oKSf.it

OT MONT ami BUTTONSIHKKI>. fV w Its n /././.


You EForget

w|i| pay you to see the sti les and learnf I the prices hclore iilae rig your orders*" with other parties.

ll'orfc »*>»»<> mien Promised.

Allen A. Kdmonds, Maysville, Ky.

first Thursday In

h. Glasses adjusted to nil persons uf doc vision SI popular prices.

reel,w hit- h is a splendid' U

WetlMdajr, April 2!)th, 1896.For further Information apply to the under-

it. ii. LOTBkRgaeutor Mrs K. a. Hill, dec. a

Washington Opera-House!


ixsctrciva sxA^r:

John II. Bode, .

John McCurlhy.

Reserved Seals lit Nelsou'a.

The Bemis Tobacco Setter.

TrittliJitltllltOP market, and stood I lie test dur-I I IUIIN|)ltlllll I ,„„ ,,„. ,| rv „,.„„„„ „, i*..:, «,„.,,. „s

'i that aoi larmei can use; simply. .uncled and

S &..,:.;«;" ^;z'^i;z^See what the largest grower In the state says about Ii


y firm" a'nd that' 'l nnd'the P^a'n'ts ll'v''

"" '' ''*'

Krery machine fully warranted to do satisfactory work In the Meld or no sale. To securtone or these maebtnes orders must be placed early. For sale by




$1 50 a Palr!^^**

..At the....



What the Great Steel Highways

Offer to Travelers.

On April -.11111 and -'1st anil on May 4th andlb the Q and 0. will sell round trip tickets to

lie following polntS! To certain BOIMS In

/.mm, Arkansas, Florida, (leor-

['. rritory, Iowa, Kansas, Lou-

sota. .Mississippi, Missouri. NcCarolina. North Dakota, Okla-

i Daktit

CITY k.JtU'lOkl

... William II .!,.

... A. A.WMiwortCharles t.. itro"-

hougi «V

eror " j KatlksNu

' 1Uff

Wharfinaster .'. ..('. M. V'hl .


Clt> I'roseeutor .Itiliti I. I'liiiniwrniCity Physician li t . muel Haror,.,t^ity Undertaker M. F ConghllnKeeper Almshouse Mrs. Maty hei

0ITT ootmcii..

It Pint Thurtilny L>emin; m UnciWilliam H.Oo*. President.

MASONIC LODOB8.Confldeno* Lodge No. 6S-Meets first

day nigh tin each month.Mason Lodge No. Mi'-MeeU second Moi

nl>/lii in each montl .

MaysTllle Chanter No. 9-Mcets tnlrrtday night In each month.Maysvillc Commandcry No. Ill Meet, te

'"Ringgold Lodge No. •£,

HnmemrekrrH' §Cxeur»ionH.On March Kith, April 7th and Ulst and MayM tho Missouri Paotnc ltailway and Iron I

Mountain RoUtS Will have Ofl sale tiom St.

Louis round-trip hoineaeeki'rs- excursion tick-

to poln a i;t MNsourl, Kansas, Nebraska, In-

n Territory, Arizona and Oklahoi

lands. Good county limps, land pnmpdescriptive matter and tlme-ta


n application to N K Warw.ck. Agent, 111'

Inc street, Cincinnati, O.

Meets every Vfetf

Plsgah Rucampment No. »—Meet* n-and loiirth Mondays Ir every month.Canton Maysvillc Nr 8— Meets third tp

^- No. 48, I), of K.-Mi Fridays in each month.

KMOIITS Of PVTBIA8.Limestone Lodge No.llO— Meets every Fi


night in each month.Friendship Lodge N

second and fourth Frl.

Through turn to Vnlifornia via "The

Tho iron Mountain Hotito, la

with the Texas and Pacific and Southern Paci-

fic Hallways. oBers to tou

nntemplatlngatrlptg features: From Ht. Louis dally 1'ull-

I'alace Buffet Sleeping cars to Los An-geles and other California points wl

change, anil every Wednesday and Thursdayevenings Pullman Tourist Sleeping-cars to

Los Angeles and other California points. Thetourist carB used on these weekly excursions

ire modern and built especially lor California

ravel. Tho excursions are personally con-

ducted, and theoliject Is to enable those whoi not wish to purchase tlrst-elass tickets the

Ivilegc of sleeping ear accommodations andi change of cars. No high altitudes andue from Ice and snowr way to the land of sunshine, fruit andiwers. Via this route the dangers of snow

blockades and .It lays, arc obviated. For maps,time-tables and full particulars address N. K.

no file*IN A HOU.VK

iXlire* Screens!SVEt'lALTr:


JVV-.f, /•,„ *Y.-i,)df Hrif, f.„ C,t.,U,jM./.",/-' Pu t u.lhr IP..H.I

orrtoai ia tu i..«ok citiks.


Acacia Lodge No. St. P. A. M.-Meets seconWednesday night In each month.Mt. Harmon Chapter No. 8. H. A. M.-Mee-e

Maysville Star Ixidge No. lMs.-MeeU flr-and third Friday night In each month.Household of Kuth No. 117. -Meets secon-

Thursday night in each month.OAUOnTKIlB Or TH« TABBKNAOLB.

Congo ltlver Tabernacle No. WJ.-Meels flrstThursday In each month.



CHICAGO.lOlid rssMhSjS Trains wltfe Huffet Parlor

••• -ot.g t mis. WagnerIwiproVM Private•eplng Cars nn l



•BtSy furnished wjl

'a»M tarala^etatioR


ll.l IT- t Sleeping Cars, entering Si I,oii|h

the new Merchants' Hi itlge. avolillng the i.ts.i-

gi-eeatde luiinel.

BOSTON.ly tlirougii Sleeping Car line fromtl. Klegant Wagner Sleeping Cars.

NEW YORK.tontaa ro Limited" Solid Vestl-

billed Trains, with Coiiimnation Library, lint' lug Cars, Wilgner Bleeping t ars,

lies and Dining Cars, landing

I'l.sitlv ely no lerry transfer., ,i tickets n nd via "lllg Four."

V a. Marltn.Uenaral Passenger and

McKlnncvan post No. IW.-Meols third Ssirday night In each month.Woman s Keltel Corps No. Hs.-Meets Srs


CIHCOIT UOUHT.Hon. J. P. Ilarbesou. Judge FlemingshurrJ. H.Salle... Coiiimoi, wealth An y Maysvil •

Isaac M. Wood ward. Clerk MaysvUlrJ. N. Keboe. MastcrComuilssloncr . . Maysville

-Courts Hut—Mason-At Maysville first Monday III Kebru

ary and Juue and third Monday In November.Flomlng— At Flemlngsburg first Monday In

January.Tuesday after fourth Monday In Apr!and third Monday In September.Greenup— At Greenup first Monday In April,

third Monday In July and first Monday In No-
