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2015 IGNIS Webinar Intro - My Decade of Mistakes Alyson Indrunas 020515

Date post: 15-Aug-2015
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IGNIS by Alissa Sells, CC BY NC SA . A derivative of Sparks , CC BY NC SA . SBCTC eLearning & ATL present… My Decade of Mistakes Four Things I Did Wrong as an Online Teacher Alyson Indrunas

test your audio

test your audio:

plug-in headset click on tools click on audio click on audio set up wizard follow the directions to test

your audio check that your computer

sound and/or headset is not muted

try it:

click on talk say “hello”

we’re set to 4 simultaneous speakers, so you may need to wait your turn to speak

audio / video





meeting interface

participant tools








audio video chat whiteboard application sharing web-tour




chat window

type here



moderators private moderator’s chat default tab to chat

with group

whiteboard tools

whiteboard tools:

hover mouse over a tool to read the tool description

click and hold the sun icon to select a pointer tool for our first activity

go ahead and practice on this slide


use your pointer to show us where you are

Washington 90 from Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain

use the polling tool to answer the question

Do you think you’ve made mistakes as an online teacher ?

yes no

If you answered yes, you’ll have an opportunity in a few minutes to share about your mistake(s) via a collaborative group document.


use the polling tool to answer the question

when we get to the activity, simply click the link in the chat window

the link will open the document as a new tab in your browser

from there, you can type while you listen; there will be additional instructions for this activity given during the presentation

to return to Collaborate, click on the purple collaborate icon in the task bar at the bottom of your screen

Click the link


meeting netiquette

talk chat

type your questions into the chat as we go and we’ll revisit them during the Q&A

use emoticons to indicate approval or a job well-done

click your talk button to talk and click it off again when you are finished

raise hand

raise your hand so we can call on you in a timely manner


February 5th: My Decade of Mistakes

Four Things I Did Wrong as an Online Teacher

Alyson IndrunasDirector of eLearning & Instructional Design, Everett Community College


Top 11 eLearning Mistakes That eLearning Professionals Should Avoidhttp://elearningindustry.com/top-11-elearning-mistakes-elearning-professionals-avoid

10 Common Mistakes In The Development Of An eLearning Coursehttp://elearningindustry.com/10-common-mistakes-in-the-development-of-an-elearning-course

9 Common ELearning Design Mistakeshttp://www.learndash.com/9-common-elearning-design-mistakes/

The Ultimate eLearning Design and Development Checklisthttps://flirtingwelearning.wordpress.com/2012/03/18/the-ultimate-e-learning-design-and-development-checklist/

Quality Mattershttps://www.qualitymatters.org/



Faculty Focushttp://www.facultyfocus.com/

contact the dynamic duo

Alissa SellsProgram

Administrator, eLearning

[email protected]


Follow Me on Twitter


Jennifer WhethamProgram Administrator, Faculty Development

[email protected]


My Blog

“The ATL Blog that puts Learning at the Center”

Follow Me on Twitter


share your thoughts

How did we do?


We’re not perfect! Constructive criticism is always welcome & appreciated. Please be sure to provide us with enough specific feedback so we can learn, grow and improve. We love to hear the good stuff too! Thanks!

join us next time for

February 19th:  Position StandsDynamic, Student-Centered, Dialogue-

Based SynthesisJanet HinsonMS in Health Promotion Management, CHES

Health Faculty, South Seattle Community College
