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2016 NGH Convention Newsletter 8

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FOCUS Nation al Gui ld Hypnist s NATIONAL GUILD OF HYPNOTISTS CONVENTION 2016 on The National Guild of Hypnotists 2016 Annual Convention, Exhibition and Educational Conference will be held August 12-14, 2016, at the Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center in Marlborough, Massachusetts. Follow this link to: REGISTER NOW Issue: 8 2016 MORE ON PAGE 2. “No maer how many mistakes you make or how slow your progress ... You're still way ahead everyone who isn't trying.” Tony Robbins “By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was n there before .” Edwin Elli
Page 1: 2016 NGH Convention Newsletter 8

FOCUS National Guild of Hypnotis t s




The National Guild of Hypnotists 2016 Annual Convention, Exhibition and Educational Conference will be held August 12-14, 2016, at the Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center in Marlborough, Massachusetts. Follow this link to: REGISTER NOW

Issue: 8




“No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow your progress ... You're still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying.”

Tony Robbins

“By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before .”

Edwin Elliot

Page 2: 2016 NGH Convention Newsletter 8

Page 2 The written declaration of an organization’s core

purpose is often described as its mission state-

ment. Effective mission statements:

1. Communicate intended direction to everyone

in an organization.

2. Provide a filter so that members of the

organization can stay “on course” moving toward

the initiatives that represent the group’s highest


3. Clearly communicate who is being served by

the organization and in what ways.

The mission statement of the National Guild of

Hypnotists is:

“Consulting Hypnotists help ordi-nary, everyday people with ordinary, everyday problems using individual hypnotic techniques.”

Your Personal Mission Statement

In addition to an organization’s mission statement, many professionals find they benefit

from the development of a personal mission statement. The personal mission state-

ment helps individuals define goals, ensure they are striving toward achievable

goals, create accountability and a way to track progress, and — like a corporate or

organizational mission statement — filter ideas and initiatives that might consume

valuable resources and derail you from your true purpose.

For many business people, a personal mission statement takes the place of New Year’s

Resolutions and is typically more specific, more structured, and of course, feels logical to

write and launch in any season of the year, not just on January 1. A simple ‘today’s world’

approach to the personal mission statement is to check what people see when they Google

your name. Now determine what you WANT them to see and set a plan for the actions you

will take to accomplish these goals.




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Page 3 If you are already achieving the types of goals for which you want to be recognized, and

this is not the information Google is reporting about you, then your challenge is to continue

to do what you are doing, to look for ways to achieve more recognition for these efforts,

and to market your personal brand more effectively, by sharing online more content about

yourself and your activities.

If you find however, that you still have goals you have not yet achieved, then using a

personal mission statement can be a way to help you define and accomplish these goals.

In today’s search engine driven world, your name, and the search results it yields, inevita-

bly becomes your brand.

The Elevator Speech

Many members of the NGH, use a shorter version of the NGH mission statement to

explain the role of the National Guild of Hypnotists to others. You may hear NGH

members say something like this: “We help ordinary, everyday people with problems.”

In using this shortened version, NGH members are essentially creating an elevator speech.

You know that an elevator speech has accomplished its purpose when the person hearing

it, looks at you and enthusiastically says, “So tell me, how do you do that?”

An effective elevator speech so captivates listeners, they are compelled to ask you to tell

them more about what it is you do and how you do it.

...which is exactly the open door you are always looking to find.



...So Tell Me, How Do You Do That?

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Page 4 The Pathway to Success

Education and Training

Whatever your personal mission statement may be, achieving it always involves continuing

to learn, grow, explore new ideas, and refine current skills.

As a professional consulting hypnotist, if you could participate in a three-day weekend that

offers over 300 seminars and workshops presented by more than 180 different speakers—

wouldn’t you do it for the learning opportunities alone?

Of course you would!

Now add in fellowship and networking with your peer professionals, the opportunity to earn

continuing education credits, and the chance to be part of a resume-building experience…

Clearly, the decision to attend the 2016 National Guild of Hypnotists Convention is a




Our future is now. Don’t be a fish out of water in your own profession. Register today for the 2016 NGH Convention

Page 5: 2016 NGH Convention Newsletter 8

Page 5

Connect today. Only you control your future. w w w . n g h . n e t

Home to website for the National Guild of Hypnotists.

t h e h y p n o t i s t s c o n v e n t i o n . n i n g . c o m

A place for sharing plans, ideas, and excitement about each upcom-ing NGH Convention.

w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / n g h h q

The NGH Facebook Fan page.

w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / g r o u p s /

n a t i o n a l g u i l d o f h y p n o t i s t s

The National Guild of Hypnotists group on Facebook. (Site registrations is required)

w w w . h y p n o t i s t s c o n v e n t i o n . c o m

A public-facing blog for sharing NGH news (your news!) with current members, prospective members, clients, and prospective clients.

h t t p : / / w w w . l i n k e d i n . c o m / g r o u p s /

N a t i o n a l - G u i l d - H y p n o t i s t s - I n c - N G H -

4 8 2 6 9 / a b o u t

The NGH Group on LinkedIn.

h t t p : / / n g h n e t w o r k . c o m

A social network for all NGH members, created to help members in-teract with the Guild and its global membership base.

h t t p s : / / t w i t t e r . c o m / N G H H e a d q u a r t e r s

NGH Twitter @NHGHeadquarters. Use HASHTAG #ngh16 when mentioning the 2016 NGH Convention.



NGH Google+ Group

Where should you participate and share?

All 9 sites. Each web platform serves a different function and makes it easy for you to interact, engage, and share in different ways and with different groups.

Welcome to the

2016 NGH Convention Newsletter!

Are you a subscriber? Sign up and ensure that the 2016 NGH Convention Newsletter is delivered to you by email every week.

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webpage you will see the


“Get All the NGH News…”

Fill in your name and email

address in the space provided

and you will receive each

week, the most current

NGH Convention News

along with business tips, best

practices, social media

insights, and other helpful

information for building and

growing your practice as a

consulting hypnotist.



