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2016 PREP ENROLMENTS Principal’s Message Calendar of Events€¦ · 2016 PREP ENROLMENTS Do you...

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The PURPOSE of Plenty Parklands Primary School is to educate children as lifelong learners to shape a better Australia. Plenty Parklands Press Date: May 7, 2015 Issue 11 Principal’s Message Principal - Claire McInerney Assistant Principals - Julie Nixon and Alison Devereux Business Manager - Kristina Elvey 48 Blossom Park Drive, Mill Park, 3082 Phone: 9404 4311, Fax: 9404 4702 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.plentyparklands-ps.vic.edu.au 2016 PREP ENROLMENTS Do you have a child commencing Prep in 2016? If yes, enrolment packs are now available from the school office. Please collect packs as soon as possible. Thanks Calendar of Eventsfor your Term 2 Week 4 Thursday 7/5 Year 2 Melbourne Zoo excursion 9.15am Tour of School and Chat with Principal for 2016 Preps Week 5 NAPLAN tests years 3 and 5 Thursday 14/5 Prep Farm excursion Week 6 EDUCATION WEEK Monday 18/5 Year 5 Sovereign Hill excursion Tuesday 19/5 TLC for Kids ‘Tracky Dack Day’ J.S.C. fundraising (gold coin donation) Wednesday 20/5 6.30-7.30pm Education Week open evening 6.15pm CBD concert 6.30 Guitar recital Thursday 21/5 Year 1 Insect and Minibeasts in school activity Week 7 Tuesday 26/5 Year 3 excursion to Melbourne Acquarium Wednesday 27/5 B.D.S.S.A. X-Country—selected year 4-6 students only Thursday 28/5 PPPS Athletics carnival for years 4, 5 & 6 Week 8 Monday 1/6 Chat with Principal and Tour of School for 2016 Prep enrolments Wednesday 3/6 2-3pm Year 1 Grandparents’ Day Our curriculum day on Monday started with Chris Diacos working with us about student behavior where we were able to acknowledge the success of many of our strategies while also identifiying some opportunities for improvement (OFIs). Once again the strength of our values became obvious and reinforced the importance of the communication between home and school. We then moved into working on English with David Hornsby, an expert in all aspect of writing, reading, speaking and listening. He reminded us that independent writing is the child who scribbled on the wall at home with texta. It was good for us to laugh and remember how important it is that children learn from birth. In fact we learn more in the first three years of our lives than in any other 3 year period throughout our lives. For us it once again, reinforced the importance of the interdependent relationship between home and school. Principals message continued over page
Page 1: 2016 PREP ENROLMENTS Principal’s Message Calendar of Events€¦ · 2016 PREP ENROLMENTS Do you have a child commencing Prep in 2016? If yes, enrolment packs are now available from

The PURPOSE of Plenty Parklands Primary School is to educate children as

lifelong learners to shape a better Australia.

Plenty Parklands Press

Date: May 7, 2015 Issue 11

Principal’s Message

Principal - Claire McInerney Assistant Principals - Julie Nixon and Alison Devereux

Business Manager - Kristina Elvey 48 Blossom Park Drive, Mill Park, 3082 Phone: 9404 4311, Fax: 9404 4702

E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.plentyparklands-ps.vic.edu.au


Do you have a child commencing Prep in 2016? If yes, enrolment packs are now available from the school office. Please

collect packs as soon as possible.

Thanks Calendar of Eventsfor your

Term 2 Week 4

Thursday 7/5

Year 2 Melbourne Zoo excursion

9.15am Tour of School and Chat with Principal for 2016 Preps

Week 5 NAPLAN tests years 3 and 5

Thursday 14/5

Prep Farm excursion


Monday 18/5

Year 5 Sovereign Hill excursion

Tuesday 19/5

TLC for Kids ‘Tracky Dack Day’ J.S.C. fundraising (gold coin donation)

Wednesday 20/5

6.30-7.30pm Education Week open evening

6.15pm CBD concert

6.30 Guitar recital

Thursday 21/5

Year 1 Insect and Minibeasts in school activity

Week 7

Tuesday 26/5

Year 3 excursion to Melbourne Acquarium

Wednesday 27/5

B.D.S.S.A. X-Country—selected year 4-6 students only

Thursday 28/5

PPPS Athletics carnival for years 4, 5 & 6

Week 8

Monday 1/6

Chat with Principal and Tour of School for 2016 Prep enrolments

Wednesday 3/6

2-3pm Year 1 Grandparents’ Day

Our curriculum day on Monday started with Chris Diacos working with us about student behavior where we were able to acknowledge the success of many of our strategies while also identifiying some opportunities for improvement (OFIs). Once again the strength of our values became obvious and reinforced the importance of the communication between home and school. We then moved into working on English with David Hornsby, an expert in all aspect of writing, reading, speaking and listening. He reminded us that independent writing is the child who scribbled on the wall at home with texta. It was good for us to laugh and remember how important it is that children learn from birth. In fact we learn more in the first three years of our lives than in any other 3 year period throughout our lives. For us it once again, reinforced the importance of the interdependent relationship between home and school.

Principal’s message continued over page

Page 2: 2016 PREP ENROLMENTS Principal’s Message Calendar of Events€¦ · 2016 PREP ENROLMENTS Do you have a child commencing Prep in 2016? If yes, enrolment packs are now available from


Plenty Parklands Press

Date: May 7, 2015 Issue 11

At PPPS we consider that the study of English is central to the learning and development of all our students. Across 7 years of schooling we aim for our students to be informed, confident communicators and imaginative thinkers. We believe it is vital for our students to develop the knowledge and skills needed for future education, training and eventually the workplace.

The Victorian AusVELS curriculum for English is aligned with the Australian Curriculum and includes the modes of Speaking and Listening, Reading and Viewing and Writing, with specific focus on grammar, spelling and vocabulary. The classroom programs also focus on developing Literacy knowledge, Language skills and Literature appreciation. The overall aims of the classroom English teaching programs across the school are for students to:

learn to listen to, read, view, speak, write, create and reflect on texts with accuracy, fluency and purpose.

appreciate, enjoy and use the English language to effectively and articulately convey information, form ideas, facilitate interaction with others, entertain and persuade.

develop interest and skills in inquiring into the aesthetic aspects of texts, and develop an informed appreciation of literature.


What better way to illustrate the strength of that relationship than by thanking all the members of our Coffee and Chat, and all the other parents they enlisted to help provide a lovely Mother’s Day stall for our kids again this year. Spoiler alert though. Don’t look too closely mums if you want a surprise gift. We wish every mother, grandmother, nanna, nonna, baba, yaya, step mother, carer a wonderful day on Sunday. Congratulations to the two year 6 students, Nicholas (6-8) and Caitlyn (6-7), who represented our school in a recent scholarship opportunity offered by the National Servicemen’s Association of Australia, Northern Districts Sub Branch. Schools were invited to enter two pieces of writing about Gallipoli, with a boy’s and a girl’s piece from each school being submitted to the sub branch, where winners of the scholarships were decided. As you can see Nicholas (6-8) was very proud to receive his winning award last Sunday at a celebratory ceremony. Congratulations to you Nicholas from PPPS. Congratulations also to Caitlyn (6-7) who was selected as the winning entry from the girls at PPPS. Thank you to the year 6 students and teachers who supported our kids’ involvement in this opportunity, which provided an authentic audience for their writing. Just before the rain set in, things were going so well as the structure at the front of the school starts to take shape; how exciting. I hope that you, like Nicholas and Caitlyn, get the opportunity to celebrate a personal achievement this week. Claire McInerney, Principal

Page 3: 2016 PREP ENROLMENTS Principal’s Message Calendar of Events€¦ · 2016 PREP ENROLMENTS Do you have a child commencing Prep in 2016? If yes, enrolment packs are now available from

Plenty Parklands Press

Date: May 7, 2015 Issue 11

To save money, name ALL your child’s/children’s clothing with both given and family names. If property is lost, first check your child’s classroom (or specialist class they may have attended) then look in the Lost Property basket outside the courtyard entrance to the Administration Block and then the Lost Property cupboard in the disabled bathroom in the Administration block. This cupboard is accessible before 9.00am and after 3.30pm. A parent volunteer sorts through the items at the end of each week and those items that are named are returned via their teacher’s pigeon hole. Any uncollected items of clothing will be donated to a charity at the end of the term.


Hello everyone, my name is Elizabeth Cokuzovski and I am a member of the ES team. This is my first year at PPPS and I am currently assisting with the delightful Year 1 team. My role in supporting students achieve their personal goals is extremely enjoyable and rewarding. I enjoy spending quality time with my three boys Ilijah, Roman and Maksim, actively supporting their soccer club and have an interest in cooking and baking. Hi my name in Nicole Dawson and I am new this year to the ES staff at PPPS. I have felt very welcome! This year I am working in the Year 6 area, which I am thoroughly enjoying. It is very satisfying to see a child flourish, achieve and most of all enjoy it at the same time. In my spare time I enjoy travelling, watching movies, keeping fit, cooking and spending as much time possible with my daughters Taya and Mikayla, husband Simon and our dog Jazz. Hi my name is Gona Sekuloska and I am a member of the Education Support Team. I spend most of my time with the wonderful Year 4 team, but can be found in the library and the uniform shop as well. This is my 16th year with PPPS and I am continuing to enjoy my different roles. When I am not at school I enjoy spending time with my family, walking and traveling. I also follow the greatest AFL team, the Magpies. Hello, my name is Donna Lockett and I am the shy and quiet member of the ES team. I have been lucky to be at PPPS for the past 10 years. I am currently working with the fabulous Year 3 team. My job is very rewarding as I love watching each child learn in their own special way. In my spare time (What is that) I enjoy watching my 2 boys Mitchell and Callum play tennis and basketball, and my husband Rob and I love to support the mighty Tigers. My name is Julie Windsor and I am part of the ES staff at PPPS. I have been in the PPPS community for 12 years. I am currently working in the year 5 area. In my spare time I love to be in the garden, read and spend time with my boxer dog Myla. I am also the proud grandmother of 3 little granddaughters and 3 little grandsons. I support and attend the mighty Magpies matches. Go Pies! Hi everyone. My name is Heike Hopf and I am one of the ES’s working in the Disabilities Program. I am currently working with the wonderful year 2 team providing support to students in the classroom. My other role includes working in First Aid during recess and lunch. This is my 10th year at PPPS and I have found it to be extremely rewarding. During my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking, gardening and reading a good book. Hi, my name is Robyn Favrin and I work with the wonderful Prep and Year 3 teams this year. I have worked mainly in the upper part of the school and this year really enjoy seeing the students as they come into school in the very early years. I have now been at Plenty Parklands for over 4 years and really enjoy the team approach to helping students adjust to their new school adventure. Hi, my name is Jacqui Coggin and I am happy to be working with the Years 4 & 6 students this year. This is my 3rd year at PPPS and I find my job extremely rewarding. I enjoy working closely with the students to support their personal development and being part of a friendly team. Hello everyone, my name is Jo Creed and I am the coordinator of the Student Support Services and the Program for Students with Disabilities. I currently work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week and can be found in the small office off the library when I’m not in classrooms teaching the You Can Do It Program. Part of my role is facilitating professionals coming into the school to provide information for us, to assist with students learning requirements and how, as a school we can best support your children. I am also responsible for the overview of the Disability Program, supporting students with identified learning needs, coordinating support in the classrooms and administering the Student Support Group meetings. Another component of this role includes writing any applications which may assist in gaining extra support for specific students and liaising with parents as part of this process. I have a trusty team of colleagues, whom you have just read about and who provide an invaluable service, not only to those students in their care but also the teachers they assist in the classrooms. If you see me

around the school say hi, I am tall, short hair with glasses and tend to love my earrings.


Page 4: 2016 PREP ENROLMENTS Principal’s Message Calendar of Events€¦ · 2016 PREP ENROLMENTS Do you have a child commencing Prep in 2016? If yes, enrolment packs are now available from

Plenty Parklands Press

Date: May 7, 2015 Issue 11


Last week’s results round 1:

Redbacks Vs Findon Mernda V Bushrangers Football– Redbacks 21 points to Findon 120 points Football– Mernda 7 points to Bushrangers 76 points Soccer– Redbacks 8 goals to Findon 0 goals Soccer– Mernda 2 goals to Bushrangers 10 goals Bat Tennis– Redbacks 45 games to Findon 9 games Bat tennis– Mernda 5 games to Bushrangers 54 games Netball A– Redbacks 11 goals to Findon 7 goals Netball A– Mernda 6 goals to Bushrangers 6 goals Netball B– Redbacks win due to forfeit Netball B– Mernda 0 goals to Bushrangers 14 goals Interschool Sport Program - Round 2 Friday May 8th All games to commence by 9.30am. First named school is the home team and PPPS home grounds are - Bat Tennis and Netball. Football is at Kelynack Reserve (across the road) and Soccer is at RMIT (synthetic pitch-McKimmies Rd). Mill Park Vs PPPS Bushrangers Redbacks Vs Jets (Mill Park Heights)

For away games this week: Bat Tennis and Netball are at Mill Park P.S. Soccer is at Sycamore Reserve and Football is at W.A. Smith Reserve Intraschool Sport Program: students to board the bus by 9.10am, to travel to Epping Leisure Centre. Games to commence by 9.30am and conclude by 11am. A reminder there is Training every Friday 8.00am-8.45am for all interschool sports teams. The dates are: Friday May 8, 15, 22 and 29. June 5 and 12 (friendly against St Francis). District Grand Finals will be held on June 19th. Teams involved in finals will ONLY train the morning of the finals. Please check the newsletter of the finals week. For the Intraschool Sports program that will commence on Friday April 24th, followed by May 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, June 5th, 12th and 19th. If there are parents who are available to travel on the bus to and from Epping Leisure City please let me know.

BDSSA CROSS-COUNTRY 2015 This year on Wednesday May 27th the annual district cross-country event will be held at Bundoora Park from 9.30am-12.30pm. There will be approximately 60 students representing PPPS. The squad has been selected and a permission note was handed out last week. If you have any questions relating to this event please ring the school and ask for Mrs Goldspink on either Wednesday, Thursday or Friday on 9404-4311. Physical Education & Sports Coordinator - Sebastian Scanu

In year 6 we are connected to each other in many different ways: class groups, friendship groups and even cabin groups when we went to Canberra. But Mr. Cobb-Clark had us connected to each other in a whole new way. For science we are studying ecosystems. Ecosystems are specific groups of plants, animals and non-living things that coexist in an area and are interdependent on each other. To show us how they are dependent on each other everyone in class took a role as a plant or animal in an ecosystem. We used jump ropes to show how we were connected to that food source. When we were done we were a complex food web. But we quickly understood how fragile an ecosystem is when Mr. C-C described how water sources or soil could be poisoned. When the water plants died so did the animals that ate

those plants, followed by the animals that ate those animals. Suddenly most of the class was sitting down because of one change in the ecosystem. It really made us realise how we need to take care of all the ecosystems.

Page 5: 2016 PREP ENROLMENTS Principal’s Message Calendar of Events€¦ · 2016 PREP ENROLMENTS Do you have a child commencing Prep in 2016? If yes, enrolment packs are now available from


Fri 8/5 Emma Curran

Fri 15/5 Jincy Roymon Joy


Fri 15/5 Tobie Cousipetcos

P-14 Charlee P-13 Faith P-12 Oliver

P-11 Ghaanavy P-10 Luka P-9 Oliver

PREP STUDENT OF THE WEEK The following students will be presented on Monday May 11

Plenty Parklands Press

Date: May 7, 2015 Issue 11


Term 2 May 11 5-3 May 18 1-16 May 25 2-24 June 1 5-6 June 8 Public Holiday June 15 P-11 June 22 1-23

Opening Hours: 7.30-8.45am and 3.30-6.00pm For bookings/cancellations call Kristine on 9404 4516 “Countries of the World

Where we come from”

Monday: mapping out our family’s countries of origin

Tuesday: indoor / outdoor active play, lego construction

Wednesday: country word finds and colouring sheets

Thursday: putting together country of origin collages for display

Friday: working together to map out countries of the world and

oceans on a felt pad

Reminder: O.S.C.H.P. is now open from 7am

Your feedback is always important to us, please share with us your opinions and suggestions so we can constantly improve our service. The OSHC Team

If a child forgets to bring their lunch, jacket, hat etc., and the parent/carer brings it to the school office after 9am, the following pro-cess has been put in place so that there is as little disruption as possible.

Make sure your child’s name and home group is clearly marked on the item.

When the item arrives at the school, an email is sent to the relevant teacher. Each teacher checks their email, if possible, at morning recess and lunchtime before going to the staffroom or doing yard duty. If this process has hiccups eg. casual relief teachers (CRTs), the office will ensure the item gets to the child.

We are unable to guarantee a child will get their play lunch in time, but we can guarantee they will get their lunch.


The uniform shop is open during assembly from 2.50pm to 3.30pm. Uniform order forms are available online or at the office. Completed order forms, together with payment, are to be sent to the office in a sealed envelope. Orders will be filled and sent home with your child.


Page 6: 2016 PREP ENROLMENTS Principal’s Message Calendar of Events€¦ · 2016 PREP ENROLMENTS Do you have a child commencing Prep in 2016? If yes, enrolment packs are now available from

Plenty Parklands Press

Date: May 7, 2015 Issue 11

Classified advertisements: The School and the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT accept no responsibility for the goods or services offered in advertisements in this newsletter.
